
Please Marry Me episode 3

Created by Valentine Valentine in Please marry me 27 May 2021


From the moment I lost that money mother vowed that I will be the one providing for the family, i got no other choice but to accept her decision beside all I have ever wanted is for mother to love me back like before and for us to live in peace like a happy family.

I started doing all types of jobs to make sure I bring something to the table.
I involved myself with so Manuel jobs like fetching water, washing people's clothes, clearing their farms even working in a construction site.
All the money I got from the jobs I give it to mother but yet she will still not be satisfied and find reasons to be beat me up as usual.
I decided to work in a restaurant that will earn a big money,working in a restaurant is not easy at all, it is very stressful but am used to it.
"Sir! What did you want?
I asked the man that came to satisfied his stomach.
"What did you guys have?
He asked Politely adjusting his eyeglass.
"We have nasala soup, bitter leaf soup and Egusi soup so Sir make your choice"
I said with smiles.
"I think I will like to have Egusi soup with pounded yam"
He replied.
"Okay Sir! Am at your service"
I said with that my beautiful smiles.
I took his order and within some mintues I brought his food.

Few minutes later, I went back to cleared his plates.
"How much is my bill? He asked starring at me uncontrollable.
"Sir your bill is three thousand"
I replied while his eyes were on my breasts.
He said nodding his head, he gave me the money still looking at me bringing out his tounge like snake licking his lower lips, I wonder the meaning of all he is doing.
"Did you need any other thing sir!
I asked being confused the way he was looking at me.
"No dear! He replied.
Just about to leave, he called me back.
"Yes sir!
"Have anyone told you have beautiful you are?
He asked still starring at me.
Why did him asked me that question?
I thought.
"Nwa you look so sweet, this your body dey die, you get package well well, Will you mind giving me small may I chop"
The foolish old man said trying to touch my breasts.
"Are you stupid! What sort of nonsense is this? If you are sick in the head you better go and take your drugs"
I shouted at him.
"C'mon dear! just allow me to touch this your beautiful apples"
The foolish old man said and touched my breast.
"How dare you! Are you stupid? Is something wrong with that your old head? If you try this nonsense again I will put you to your place"
I shouted and insulted him very well.
I attracted people's attention even Madam rushed out from inside.
"What is going on here Chife?
Madam shine shine asked.
"Madam shine shine where an earth did you brought this arrogant human being from?
Chife shouted.
"Chife what happen?
She asked.
"This girl here have the guts to insult me, a whole chife like me"
He shouted.
"Madam chife here touch my breasts"
I said thinking that she will take my side but she gave me the shock of my life.
"And so what! Don't you know that it is his right to do anything he likes with any servant in this restaurant?
She shouted at me.
"Warn this your girl, if this her attitude repeat next time I will stop coming here"
The stupid chife said and stood up to leave.
"No Chife! This girl will not make you to stop coming to my restaurant, if she did not submit to your demands I will rather sack her"
Madam said and chife walked out.
"Madam how can you said that, you suppose to warn him from harrssing your worker"
I sounded.
"Will you stop that your mouth! What did you know that Is harassment? Anything that Chife demands from you, you will give it to him even if it is your body and one more thing I don't want your bad attitude to stop my customers from coming"

She shouted and walked out.
"What type of nonsense is this? Am here to serve the customers but not with my body"
I said and went to welcome the customer that just entered.
"This Chife again, am not ready to serve him"
I said as soon as he entered.
"Joyce! What are you doing won't you go and get Chife's order"
Madam said to my hearing.
I was actually waiting for one of the workers to be through with the customer so that she can go and attain to chife before madam called me.
I walked to him and greeted him.
"Chife what will you care to have?
I asked looking at somewhere else.
"I want to have something special, very special that is not eatable but very enjoyable and so sweet like honey"
He said.
What is he talking about?
"Chife I don't understand what you mean?
I said still not looking at him.
"Joyce! You know you are very beautiful and so sexy and I will be so glad to have you for lunch and if you accept my offer I promise you I will change your life forever"

He sounded trying to touch me and I threw his hand.
"Chife am not shame of yourself? You want to sleep with a girl that is old enough to be your grand daughter, what type of a man are you?
I shouted louder to people's hearing.
"What is it Chife?
Madam ran out and asked.
"Look at this dirty brat am trying to help and change her life have the guts to insult me, Madam shine shine this idiot deserve to be sack from this restaurant for insulting a whole chife like me"
He shouted.
"It is better I quit then accepting his offer and this sexual harassment from him"
I shouted and walked inside.
I collected my bag, "Madam I quit!
I shouted and people were starring at us.
"Chife am sorry for her bad behavior towards you, please don't stop coming to my restaurant"
I over heard madam pleading to that old fool that got no shame at all as I walked out.

I really caused commotion that the restaurant, people we're saying all manners of things to him.
Saying that how he used to lured young people in sleeping with him.
Some even said that womanizer runs in his veins infact it is an inheritance from his father.
I know I will find another good job in a twinkle of an eye.
I got home, I met Rita outside reading novel.
"Sister you came back early today, what happen?
She asked as soon as I approached to her.
"Rita if you see what happen at the restaurant today, you will not believe it"
I said as I sat down beside her.
"Sister what happen?
She asked and very interested to know.
"There's this Chife that always like to disturb me everytime he comes to the restaurant, harassing me sexual and when I reported him to madam instead of madam to caution him, she reported him and said that I should accept his offer that she don't want to loose her good coustomer because of me"
I paused for a while.
"What type of a madam is she?
Rita shouted.
"So today he came again and I gave him the insult of his life so he ordered madam to sack me so I now quit"
I said.
"Sister you did the right thing, what type of a man is he?instead of him to go and rest his old bones he is chasing woman"
Rita shouted.
"The only problem I have now is mother, I don't know she will feel if she find out that I quit my job"
I sounded.
"What are you saying Sis? I know mother will take your side because you did the right thing"
Rita said.
Mother we just mentioned now walked in with Lucy.
"What are you doing here? Is not yet a closure time"
Mother asked as soon as she set her eyes on me.
"Mother if I tell you what happen you will not believe it"
Rita said.
"What happen, did somebody die?
Lucy asked stupidly.
"Mother can you imagine, one chife like that oooo was sexual harassing sister at work today, he even make a move by touching sister's breasts so sister have to quit her job"
Rita said.
"And so what! That should not be the reason why your stupid sister will quit her job, if the Chife was sexual harassing her, she will accept his offer beside it is not crime for her to sleep with the man because that's what others are doing to provide for the family"
Mother shouted and gave us the shocked of our lives.
We both shouted shockingly.

"Don't mother her, don't you know is the right opportunity for you to make money and because of how stupid you are you rejected the golden opportunity"
Lucy shouted.
"Lucy what are you saying? That I should have accepted Chife's proposal"
I shouted.
"Yes of course! Due to your lack of knowledge you were not able to understand Chife's offers will benefit for us"
Lucy shouted.
"Sister! Well am not that surprise because that's what you dose in this village but you know what sister Joyce is not like you and will never be like you"
Rita shouted.
"Will you shut up that your silly smelling mouth!
Lucy shouted and knocked her on the head.
"I will not sleep with anybody because of money, over my dead body will I do such thing"
I shouted.
"Sister leave me ooo! Mother you are not saying anything"
Rita shouted.
"What Lucy said is hundred percent correct instead of this stupid girl grab the opportunity she now turned it down so now you have quit how are you going to be providing for the family?
Mother shouted.
"Mother you don't have to worry, tomorrow I will go and look for job I know I will find a job"
I said.
"Better for you, stupid child"
Mother shouted and walked inside.
"Opportunity for you to grab and you turned it down, I wonder the type of human being you are?
Lucy shouted and walked out.
I don't have the strength to exchange words with a fool like her.
"Sister mother got me surprise"
Rita said shooked her head.
"Even me, I never expect mother to said that"
I said still surprised by mother's words.
"How can a mother suggest such thing to her daughter?
Rita asked with her two hands on her head.
"I wonder ooooo! I just pray I get work on time before mother will skin me alive"
I sounded.
"Don't worry sister you will find a job"
She said and we went inside.
I don't usually have joy if Joyce Is not being beaten by mother, I always love to see her suffer in the hands of mother, it makes me happy.
I vowed that I will make her a living hell for her until she will lives the house.
I need to cause commotion between Joyce and mother.
I rushed into mother's room when I noticed that mother has gone out from her room.

I went straight to her purse and collected money and rushed out immediately to Joyce's room.
I put the money inside her bag, I smiled as I walked out.
An hour later, mother started shouting.
"Somebody has taken my money"
Mother shouted and I rushed out immediately.
"Mother why are you shouting when you know fully well that we have a thife in this house"
I said at the moment Joyce came out ready to leave the house.
Mother rushed to her,
"Where is my money?
She shouted with a slap.
"Mother I did not steal your money"
Joyce said holding her left cheek.
"Mother don't mind this liar, She is the one that steal your money, you know she Is the only thife we have in this house"
I shouted.
"Sister why are you accusing sister Joyce?
Rita shouted.
"Mother I did not steal your money, am telling you the truth"
Joyce said.
"Mother no need of waiting time, let me search her and prove to you she is the one that steal the money"
I shouted.
"Joyce if I find out that you steal my money again I will pepper you today, treat you how criminals are being treated, search her"
Mother shouted.
"Mother I did not steal any money"
Joyce cried out.
"Then allow me to search you"
I shouted.
I first of all searched her pockets before searching her bag to aviod any suspicious.
"I said it!, mother see you money"
I shouted as I brought out the money from the bag.
I can see the shocked written all over Joyce and Rita's face.
"No mother! I did not steal the money, I don't know how this money got into my bag"
She cried out.
"Is true mother! Sister can't steal the money"
Rita said.
Mother hold her and beat her, flogged her mercilessly.

She cried and pleaded still saying she did not steal the money.
I really enjoyed watching her cried like a baby, it makes me happy.
I know I did not steal the money and someone put it inside my bag and I know fully well is that Lucy.
I pleaded, cried and begged for mercy but all to no avial.
Mother's heart is like a rock that bears no mercy.
"I will show how criminal like you are being treated"
Mother shouted as she dragged me, rolling on the floor.
"Mother please have mercy, she is a human being and not a common goat that will be dragging around on the floor"
Rita cried out and pleaded.
She dragged me beside a mango tree and pushed me.

I forcedly hit my head on the tree, blood started pumping out.
Still mother doesn't care if am bleeding or not.
"Lucy get me a rope! Let me teach this criminal something"
Mother shouted.
"Mother what did you want to do?
I cried out bleeding too much.
"Mother please have mercy, I know sister did not steal the money, someone plan it"
Rita cried out.
Lucy brought the rope.
"Help me to raise her up"
Mother shouted.
"Lucy instead of you to stop mother, you are helping her out, what type of a sister are you?
Rita cried out.

Lucy helped mother as they lay me on the tree, I couldn't struggle to run for my life because I became so weak.
"Please mother don't tie sister up, she is your daughter for crying out loud, why are you being this wicked mother?
Rita cried out as she tried to prevent mother from tiring the rope around me.
Mother pushed her and she landed on the floor.
"Rita allow mother to teach this steal something so that next time she will not have the guts to steal again"
Lucy shouted.
I couldn't pleaded nor cry again, my whole body was so weak.
Mother succeed in tiring the rope on me.
What type of mother will do this to her own blood?
I thought.
"One more thing, Lucy get me chain, let me chain her legs together so that this foolish girl will not loose her"
Mother shouted.
Lucy brought the chain and my two legs were chained together.
"This is how criminals are being treated"
Mother shouted and walked.
Lucy laughed uncontrollably as she followed mother.
"Mother please come and loose sister if not for anything consider her bleeding she meant bleed to death"
Rita pleaded.
"She can bleed to death for all I care, she will stay under the sun until the sun gose down"
Mother shouted.
Seeing sister condition breaks my heart into two, how mother have the courage to do this to her own blood.
Sister Lucy must surly pay for this, I know she is the one behind all this.
Why is mother so heartless like this, why did she have so much hatred on sister?
See how sister is bleeding, I need to do something before something bad will happen.
"Sister am sorry"
I cried out as I cleaned the catarrh that was rushing out from her nostrils.
"I need to something to stop the bleeding"
I said.
I looked around to see if I can see something and I sighted Awolowo leaf, I rushed and plucked it.
I squash it and used the water on the wound I know it stops bleeding.
"Sister how are you feeling now?
I asked.
"I need water"
She said weakly.
I rushed and brought water for her, she dranked to her satisfaction.
"What have I done to mother to deserve this wickedness from her? Where an earth did I offend mother?
She cried out.
"Sister please stop crying, everything will be well as I keep on telling you"
I cried as I wiped out her tears.
We were there for complete four hours till the sun gose down and mother came out and untie her.
"I know you have learnt your lesson, remember you have to go and look for work"
Mother shouted without minding sister's condition.
I wish I can abuse and curse mother and let out the pain am feeling inside for her to know how painful it is but I can't.

I took sister inside the room, brought hot water and cleaned up the wound.
I rushed down to the clinic and brought drugs for her, gave her food without mother's notice.
Through out the night mother did not care to check upon her nor ask me how sister is doing that's when I know that mother don't have atom of sympathy in her.

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