
Hospital romance episode 9

Created by Valentine Valentine in Hospital romance 15 Jun 2021


Carla’s POV.

I snatched my grip from his hands immediately.
Who does he think he is?
“Carla we need to talk”Greg said and I scoffed.
“Talk?”I said and almost laughed.

Mother and Father were looking at me with pleading eyes and I smiled mockingly despite my tears.
“Carla we know we made a mistake , we wanna make it up”Mother said and I scoffed.
“As you can see , I am doing fine , I don’t need any of you”I said sternly and grabbed Blake’s hands going to the car.

I entered and burst into tears.
After all these years. They sacked me out of thier lives.
Blake entered and glanced at me.
“Are you okay?”he asked and I shook my head.
“Can you take me home?”I asked and he nodded.

“We will continue this some other time”he said and I forced a smile.
“I am sorry for what happened”I said and he smiled.
“You wanna talk about it?”he asked.
Should I tell him? Will he think am a whore?

“Yes!”I said and he smiled.
“I will take you to somewhere quiet”he said and drove off .

We arrived at a park and I sighed.
It was quiet and children were sitting on the grass.
We alighted from the car and he led me to a bench.

When we sat down , he offered me a soda coke and I looked at him Questionly.
He smirked but I noticed the sadness in his eyes.
“Are you okay?”I asked wiping my wet eyes.

“I always get torns of soda cokes in my car when I want to drown in my sorrows”he said and I smiled a little.
I opened the can and sipped a little.
He was sipping his and his eyes were far away.

I watched him and I smiled.
Blake is handsome , cute blonde hair , piercing eyes , sharp jawline and plump lips.
They were so pink!

“You know you should stop drooling”he said and my cheeks flushed.
“I am not”I said and he smiled , I sighed and looked away.
“Let’s talk , why were you rude to your parents?”he asked and sipped from his can.

“They disowned me”I said simply and he nodded.
“You know my parents died in a fire outbreak , I wish they were here now”he said and I gasped.
“I am sorry”I said and he nodded.
“Why did they disown you?”he asked changing the topic and I stiffened immediately.

I think he noticed and he smiled softly.
“I won’t judge you Carla”he said and I nodded slowly.
“My parents owned a restaurant , the business was going down day by day , I needed money to pay my fees , my nursing school fees ,there was no money, the director told me if only I slept with him he would not allow me to pay anything till I complete”I said wiping tears.

“You allowed him?”Blake asked and I nodded sniffing.
“The worst mistake I ever did , I gave him my dignity”I said and he wrapped his arms around me.
“It’s okay”he said and I sniffed.
I placed the empty can in the bin near me and wiped my tears with my palms.

“I got pregnant , and they disowned me , called me a whore”I said and Blake handed me a tissue.
I took it and wiped my eyes.
“The baby?”Blake asked.

“I lost it , had a miscarriage”I said and he wiped my tears with his thumps.
“That doesn’t make you a whore”he said and I nodded.
“My elder brother talked to my parents but they didn’t listen , l was sent out of the house , Greg helped me a lot but now , I don’t need any of them”I said and he chuckled.

“But they felt sorry and I think they regret what they did , they want you back , you can’t shut them out forever”he said and I nodded.
“But it’s hard”I said and he smiled faintly.
“Try to forgive them”he said and I hugged him.
I still remember that day clearly.

?? Flash back………??
“Get out , you whore”mother yelled.
“Mom , it was a mistake, I am sorry”I pleaded.
“Your director for crying out loud Carla , and got pregnant”Father yelled and I bursted into tears.

“Mom , where do you want her to go?”Greg , my older brother asked.
“Stay out of it , now go”Father yelled and I shook my head.
Where should I go?

“Am sorry Mom , but I don’t have any where to go”I said crying but she shook her head.
“You are a disgrace Carla , get out , I don’t wanna see you here in the next five minutes”Dad said and I nodded slowly and went out.

“Carla wait”I turned to see Greg coming to me.
I hugged him and he kissed my hair.
“It’s okay , I have an apartment down town , go there”he said giving me the address and I nodded.

“Thanks”I said slowly.
“Go now”he said and I nodded.

??End of flashback
I will have to find Greg.
I miss him.

“Thanks , for listening”I said and he wrapped his hands around me.
We disengaged and he smirked at me.
“Our date is ruined let’s get you home”he said and got up.
He gulped the last content in the can and dumped the empty can in the bin.

“When a girl kisses a man on thier first date is she cheap?”I asked staring at his pinkish lips.
“Depends on how it lasts”he said and I nurged him.
“Doctor Blake are you flirting with me?”I asked and he smiled.

He got closer and stared at me for while before he clasped his lips on mine.
His hands went to my waist and mine went to his neck playing with the dirty blonde locks of his hair.
I moaned into his mouth when he nibbled my lower lip.

We separated when we needed air.
We were both breathless and his orbs burnt into my soul.
I blushed and left him to sit in the car , he got inside and winked at me.
“Let’s get you home , it’s late”he said smiling and I nodded.
He ignited the engine and drove off.

Nala’s POV.

Panicking wasn’t my state.
I was d*mn scared.
What was wrong with me?
I can’t loose Noah , no!
I drove recklessly ignoring all the traffic signs and instructions.

I got to his house and opened the door without knocking.
There he was about to open the reports.
“Noah!”I shrieked and he flinched.
“Jesus Nala , you scared me!”he groaned angrily and I forced a smile.

“I am sorry”I said and snatched the reports from him.
He looked at me wierdly and I gulped.
“Why did you do that?”he said and I flinched.
“You said yo…you w..wanted talk”I said trying hard not to stammer.
But God! I couldn’t.

“Aaah , yes! ,Do you know Damien is in town?”he asked and I looked at him shocked.
How did he know?
Did Damien show himself? That bastard!
Or did Noah see him somewhere or did Anna tell him?
“I… don’t know…a..are talking about , who is Damien?”I asked and he frowned.
“Our friend in highschool, really you don’t remember Damien?”he asked and I swallowed my spit.

“Oh! , the one Anna cheated on you with?”I asked and he clenched his jaw.
“Yes!”he gritted out.
“No! , I haven’t seen him in town”I said and he nodded.
“Okay , I will be back”Noah said and went upstairs.

I looked at the reports and sighed in relief.
D*mn , I nearly had an attack!
He came back wearing new clothes, a black jeans with a white shirt and a jacket.
He looked handsome.

“Okay! , Let me see the reports , I want to know how many weeks you are”he said and I blinked.
“Well am two weeks”I said shivering slightly.
“O…okay”he said and frowned.
Oh God!
Don’t let him suspect me!

“I am going to my parents house , I need to talk about somethings with them”he said and I nodded.
“I will go home to”I said and he smiled.
We both left the house and went into our separate cars.
I drove home feeling relieved.

?Anna’s POV.

I opened the door when I heard a knock to find Carla.
She came in and sat on the couch tiredly.
I smiled and she grinned widely.
Okay! , Why is she smiling widely?

“What happened?”I asked and she smiled.
“The date was ruined but we went to a park to have soda and we ended up kissing”she said and i gasped.
“Kissing?”I asked and she nodded.
“Aww , but how was the date ruined?”I said and she smiled sadly.

“I met Mother and Father”she said and I stood there in bewilderment.
“What?”I said and she nodded.
“They came to look for me here and I saw them coming out of the restaurant Blake was taking me to”I said and she nodded.

“You spoke to them?”I asked and she shook her head.
“I snubbed them and I told Blake all about what happened in the past, he didn’t judge me , he only told me to forgive them”she said and I nodded.
I wiped the tears from her eyes and hugged her.

“Go and take a shower and lets go to bed”I said and she nodded.
We went upstairs and I sighed.
She is very lucky , my parents for once never looked for me.

Noah’s POV.

I entered the house of my parents thinking about Nala.
Is there some complications she would have and doesn’t want me to know?
Why is she behaving wierdly?

Or is she hiding something?
I have to talk to Theresa.
“Hey Mom!”I said when I entered and saw Mom and dad watching a soap opera.

“Noah!”Mom said and got up to hug me.
I hugged her and she smiled.
“Noah! , you are back home”Dad said and I scoffed.
“I am just coming to visit”I said rolling my eyes.

“So how is your son?”Mom asked and I smiled.
“He is good , you wanna see him?”I asked.
“Nala’s parents were here , they want you to get married to her Next month”Mom said changing the topic .
“What?”I said angrily……
Noah’s POV.
I stared at my mother in shock!
“Look , mom , I won’t have any one of you control my life , for f*cks sake am twenty seven , why don’t you guys get it”I said and she scoffed.

“If you don’t want to marry Nala , why did you have sex with her”mom asked and I groaned angrily.
“I know I made a mistake , if you hadn’t had invited them to them over that day for dinner , she wouldn’t have been pregnant”I yelled and dad got up.

“What are you saying?”dad asked and I snorted.
“That pregnancy happened the day she slept over”I said and mom smirked.
“I am going over to their parents house tommorow”Mom said and I scoffed.

“I thought you guys will be happy to see me but it seems I was wrong”I said and took my car keys from the table.
“It’s not that Noah”mom said.
“Good bye dad”I said and left the house.

My mind drifted to Anna and I smiled.
But Damien? I have to find him!
And Nala I think something is wrong with the pregnancy!
May be complications. I will ask Theresa tommorow.

I drove outside the house and made way home.
I got home locked the door and went to my bedroom.
I think I need a maid.

I sighed and stripped entering into the shower.
I leaned my hands in the bathroom wall with the shower running down my back.

I thought of what Anna told me and I gritted my teeth.
I think we need space. For God’s sake I saw them in bed.
What if Damien slept with her without her knowing.
D*mn it! The thought always kills me inside.
I closed the shower and got to my room cleaning my body with a towel.

I need a good night rest!
I wore my pajamas and slumped on the bed tiredly.
Tommorow will be different , I thought before drifting of to a deep slumber.

************* ****************

Anna’s POV.

I yawned and got out of bed when I heard our alarm ring.
I tapped Carla and she stirred murmuring gibberish in her sleep.
I went to the bath house still in my flimsy night dress and brushed my teeth.

I rinsed mouth and sighed looking at myself in the mirror.
I placed the brush where it was and went back inside the room to see Carla awake.
“Good morning sissy”she said and I smiled.
“Morning sissy, now get your b*tts inside the bathroom , I will go prepare breakfast”I said taking my night dress’s robe.

I wore it and tied it leaving the room.

I was done cleaning the apartment and making breakfast.
I went to Diego’s room and he was still asleep.
Okay! This is weird , he hasn’t slept past six am before.

I tapped him and he squirmed.
“Baby”I said and kissed his hair.
“Momma , I want to sleep more”he said in his usual tiny voice and opened his eyes.
He looked so adorable.

“You have to go to school”I said and he shook his head.
“I feel weak”he said and I kissed his hair.
“Come and take your bath , you eat breakfast and you take your medicine” I said and he nodded.

I took him to the bathroom and bathed for him , dressed him up and took him to the dinning room.
“Sit down”I said and he sat on the small dinning stool.
“Momma , will daddy come pick me up?”he asked and I nodded.
He smiled and I fed him his pancakes and his favorite mango juice.

“Hey family”Carla said coming down the stairs.
I rolled my eyes and she chuckled.
“Good morning aunty Carla”Diego said and she smiled.
“Hey pumpkin , how are you?”Carla asked buttoning her uniform.
Gosh! , I hadn’t even taking my bath.

“Carla can you give , Diego his medicine , I will go take my bath”I said and she nodded.
I kissed his cheeks and rushed upstairs.
I quickly took a shower and and dressed up.

I was coming down down with our bags when I heard chatting outside.
I went out and saw Noah talking to Carla and Diego.
He kissed Diego’s forehead and bid Carla goodbye.
Diego came to kiss my cheeks and went to sit in Noah’s car.

He looked my way with a straight face and I smiled.
“No……” I was about saying.
He ignored me entered his car and drove off with Diego.

What’s wrong?
“What’s happening?”I asked no one in particular.
Yesterday we were fine.

“Let’s go”Carla said and I nodded.
Is he okay?
I sighed and we boarded a cab to the hospital.

?Nala’s POV.

I am going to change the reports today.
I will make a fake one!
I can’t afford to loose Noah!

I got down from my car and entered the hospital.
I signed in and met Carla and Nala talking to the new doctor.
I checked my bag and panicked.
The results? I left it in my room.
Oh d*mn! But no one is going there.

I sighed in relieve and entered Noah’s office.
He was so engrossed in work that he didn’t notice my presence.
I kissed his cheeks and he turned to see me.
I smiled and he got up.

“Nala , you are here”he said and fixed his hands into his white coat.
“Yeah! , you were expecting me”I said and he smiled.
“Yeah , did you bring the reports I want Theresa to examine you”he said and I stiffened.
“What…wha..what are you saying?”I asked and he frowned

“The reports , did you bring it?”he asked and I shook my head.
“You have to go bring it”he smiled and I nodded.
“But why do you need it?”I asked worriedly.

“Theresa asked for it”he said and I forced a smile.
That da*mned woman.
“I will go get it”I said shakily and left his office.
I have to make new reports.

I rushed outside and entered my car zoming off with a non study heart. I was Soo scared!!!

Noah’s POV.
Why is she behaving weird.
Does she have complications.
I have to know before is too late.

I walked down the hallway and met Theresa.
“Good morning”she said and I kissed her cheeks.
“Morning Theresa”I said and she smiled.
“So where is Nala?”she asked.

“Well she is going to bring them”I said and she nodded.
“Anya prepared the results , maybe she doesn’t want you to know she has complications”Theresa said and I scoffed.
“We can help her at this stage”I said and she smiled lightly.
“I will be in my office”she said and I nodded.

I went to Blake’s office to find some people there.
What? Carla’s parents , and her elder brother.
I smiled at them when they noticed me.

Carla came in shortly with Anna.
“Carla”her mother said with glistening eyes.
“Mom? , How did you know where I work?”Carla asked gob smacked.

“Greg found out”her father said.
“We are sorry”her mother said and hugged her.
Carla wanted to pull away but I saw Blake give her a stare.
She hugged her back and I smirked.
Is something going on between Carla and Blake?

She hugged her father too and her brother.
“I am sorry”her father said.
I looked inside the room and I couldn’t find Anna.

I sighed and looked at the family reunion before me.
“So you have forgiven them?”her elder brother asked still holding her and she nodded.
I went out to look for Anna and saw her huging Chris.
That bastard! Arrrgh!

Blake’s POV.

I watched as Carla chatted with her parents like nothing happened.
I smiled as I looked at them.
“This is Blake , my friend”she said to her parents and they smiled at me.

“Hello sir , ma’am”I said and shook their hands.
“Thanks for changing her mind”her mom said and I nodded.
“No need ma’am”I said.
“Okay! , Carla we will get going , the restaurant has been left unopened for a week”her dad said and she smiled.

“Dad am good here”she said and he smiled.
“I know , we will be taking the fastest flight to Manhattan now”her brother said and she nodded.

Carla left with them , probably to excort them.
The new doctor entered when they left.
“We have a surgery in twenty minutes”Chris said and I nodded smiling.
“Copy that”I said and he nodded leaving.

Carla came in minutes later all smiles.
“Thanks”she said and I got up.
“Welcome”I said and she hugged me.
“You okay”I said burying my face in her short brown hair.
We disengaged from the hug and she nodded.
I clasped my lips on hers.
We pulled apart when we heard some one clear a throat.
We turned to see Theresa and Noah starring at us.
Noah smirked and left the room.

Theresa chuckled at Carla’s flushed face and she left my office embarrassingly.

Carla’s POV.

I saw Anna going through some papers in our dressing room and she smiled at me.
Am so happy I made up with them.
Is like a huge burden has been lifted off my chest.

“Your parents are gone?”she asked and I nodded.
“Why is your face like that?”I asked and she shrugged.
“Is it that obvious?”she asked and I nodded.
“Noah is getting married to Nala”she said and i gasped.
“What?”i screamed.
“Yes!”she said bitterly. God!

“Why? , I taught you guys settled your differences and confessed a night ago?”I asked and she wiped her tears.
“Nala is pregnant”she blurted out and I shrieked.
Whaaaat? What is happening?
“Don’t tell me is for Noah”I said and she nodded.
She hugged me and she cried on my shoulder.

“I love him Carla”she said and cried on my shoulder.
“It’s okay”I said patting her hair.
Some one came inside and we disengaged from the hug.
” Please excuse us Carla , I want to talk to her”Noah said with an emotionlessly.
I looked at Anna and she nodded, I smiled and left.

?Hailey’s POV.

We were in Nala’s parents house having wine and talking.
We’ve become close families off late.
Suddenly I wanted to pee.
“Juliana , I need to use the washroom”I said and she nodded.
“Excuse us”Juliana and I said.
Roberts and Fred nodded not paying any proper attention to us.

We led me to a room down the hallway and I thanked her.
“Nala’s room , it’s the nearest here”she said and I nodded whiles she left.
I entered into the washroom and did my business.

I came out to and was about to leave when something caught my eyes.
It was a brown envelope.
I smiled when I took it and saw it was Nala’s pregnancy reports.

Just that night made Nala carry Noah’s child.
She must be two weeks and some days.
I opened it and my eyes caught something…….
Nala’s POV.
I groaned angrily as I got out of the car.
I entered the hotel and knocked on Damien’s hotel room.
After a few minutes he opened it and I entered.

“What a surprise”he said and I rolled my eyes.
I saw a red mark on his forehead and his bursted lips.
What’s with the bruises?

“Did you get into a fight?”I asked and sat down.

“No!”he said simply and I scoffed.

“How did Noah get to know you are still in town?”I asked and he snorted.

“I confronted him”he said and I scowled.

“What’s your problem , he is going to suspect me”I said angrily.

“He will not”he said and I nodded.

“He wants my pregnancy reports”I said and he glanced at me shocked.

“Why?”he asked and I frowned.

“I don’t know”I said and got up pacing the room angrily.

“Why didn’t you make a new fake report for him?”he asked and I frowned.

“You think is that easy?”I asked and he smirked.

“I know what to do”he said.

“What?”I asked and he rolled his eyes taking his jacket.

“Just wait and see , let’s go”he said and I took my car keys and bag.

Together we left the hotel room and went outside.
We entered my car and drove out.

? Hailey’s POV.

I stared at the paper in my hands with wide eyes.
How can Nala be a month pregnant?

Or has she been sleeping with Noah for long?
But Noah said the only time they had s*x was the night after the family dinner with her parents.

If it’s true she is supposed to be two weeks and some days pregnant.

What is happening?
I placed the paper back in the envelope lost in thoughts.

“Hailey are you done?”I heard Juliana’s voice outside the room.

“Am coming , am almost done”I said.

But Nala doesn’t have any man!
Or the pregnancy could be for another?

I went outside to meet Juliana and we went back to the hall.

We went home and I was still pondering on the reports I saw.
The baby is for Noah right?

But Noah said he only slept with Nala that night.
So Nala is supposed to be two weeks not a month.

“Hailey , are you okay?”Fred asked and I forced a smile.

“Am good”I said and sat down , he nodded and went upstairs.

I think is time to visit someone.
I sighed and went upstairs.

Is Nala really been truthful , with that thought I made my way upstairs.

I need a nap.

? Noah’s POV.

I pulled Anna into my office and locked the door.
“What do you want?”she asked furious.

My crazy Anna is back!
“I wanted to talk to you”I said smirking.

I pulled her to myself and kissed her neck.
“Let me go”she struggled and I smiled.

“Why is that?”I asked and placed her on my table.

“Why are you doing this , you are nice to me this minute and be cold towards me the next minute”she said and I stood in between her legs.

I ignored her and leaned closer trailing kisses down her neck.
“No..Noah”she moaned when I sucked on her sweet spot.

She tugged on my hair and I pulled down her uniform.

I took in her lacey bra and panties and gulped.
God! , She will be the death of me.

She stared at me and clasped her lips on mine.
I kissed back immediately and my hands found her breasts.

I unclasped her bra and two beautiful creamy ones stared at me with rose colored n*pples.

She removed my white coat and started unbuttoning my shirt.
I lowered my lips and captured her n*pples in my mouth.

“Oh…Noah..”she moaned and successfully removed my shirt.

Her hands tugged my hair while I squeezed and flicked her n*pples.

I released her breasts and slipped my fingers inside her wet cl*t.
So wet!

“So wet?”I asked thrusting my fingers inside her of her and she couldn’t stop moaning.
I removed her panties which was been a blockage.

And there she seated on my table n*ked.
I raised her and took her to my office’s bathroom and dropped her.

I removed my trousers and her hands moved on my chest.

“What do you want?”I asked teasingly.

“I want you”she said and I smirked.

She grabbed my shaft and stroked it.
I groaned in pleasure whiles she kept stroking.

I pushed her to the wall and wrapped one of her leafs around my waist.

I thrusted into her and we both moaned at the contact.

I started moving inside her and she couldn’t stop moaning and screaming anytime I hit a particular spot in her.

“Sh*t”I groaned increasing my pace and she held onto me.
Her nails digging into my back and she buried her face in my neck screaming.

I knew she was on the edge and with one final groan we both came.

“My…my..God”she said barely audible squirting.

I splashed inside of her and kissed her cheeks.

I wiped the beeds of sweat on her forehead and she collapsed into my hands.

“You okay?”I wishpered and she shook her head.

“I cannot stand”she said lowly and I chuckled.

“Come on , let’s take a shower”I said and led her into the bathroom carrying her bridal style.

My mind went to Nala.
Is she back?

? Anna’s POV.

After Noah and I took our shower and dressed I left his office and went to mine.

Oh Anna!
What are you doing?

I asked myself and chuckled.
I met Carla eating the breakfast she packed and my stomach rumbled.

“Where did he take you?”she asked eating and I gulped.

I was Soo hungry.
I picked up a fork and sighed.

“Let’s go to the cafeteria , this place smells blood”I said and she chuckled picking up the flask.

We went inside the cafeteria and met Chris eating.
He smiled at us and we sat by him.

“Hey!”he said and stuffed the fries he was eating in his mouth.

“Fries for breakfast?”I asked and he chuckled.

“It’s twelve pm , that means we are in the afternoon”he said and I mouthed an ‘oh’.

“So Carla , you mind telling us what is going on between you and Blake”Chris said and her cheeks flushed.

“Nothing”she said eating the cereals.
“Nothing?”I asked sipping the juice I took from the refrigerator in the cafeteria.

“You guys should stop”she said shyly and I smirked.

“Anna , is the Nala really pregnant for Noah?”Chris asked out of the blue.

I nodded sadly and sighed , the event’s in his office played my mind and I gulped.

You are been dirty Anna.

???? IN THE EVENING ????

Carla’s POV.

We were in the house watching TV.
Diego went out with Noah and they are yet to be back.

We closed work a long time ago and I talked to my parents a while ago.

Some one knocked on the door and I got up.
I opened the door to reveal Noah’s mother.

I was shocked beyond words.
How did she know our house?

“Mrs. Stewart?”I said and she grunted.
“Is Anna around?”she asked and I nodded.

Just then Noah’s Car pulled up infront of the house and he came down with Diego.

They approached us and Noah looked shocked on seeing his mother.

“Mom?”he said in bewilderment.
“I came to see someone , I didn’t know you would be here”she said smiling.

“Carla what is going of….” I turned to see Anna saying but her voice trailed off.

“Mrs. Hailey”Anna said wide eyeded.

“I came to see you Anna”she said smiling.
Okay! , What’s going on here.

This woman has despised Anna since Noah broke up with her.

What does she want now?

“Momma , who is she?”Diego asked looking at Noah’s mom.

“She is no one”Anna said assuringly.

“I am your father’s mother , it means am your grandmother”Hailey said and I gasped.

“Grandmother?”Diego asked and squealed.

“Yes!”she said and Diego smiled.

“Okay , so Diego and I will go inside and leave you two to talk”I said and went inside with Diego.

“Aunt Carla , is he really my grandmother?”Diego asked while we were climbing the stairs to his room.

“Yes! , that’s your father’s mother , now come let’s go bath you and you tell me how you spent your day with your father”I said and we entered his room.

“It was fun”he said and I smiled.

? Noah’s POV.

What is mother doing here?
I shrugged absently.

And how did she get Anna’s address.

“Anna , I think , I will come see you some other time , I have to talk to Noah”Mom told Anna and she nodded.

“Bye”she said and went to sit in my car after telling her driver to go.

“Kiss my son good night for me”I said and kissed her hair.

She nodded and I smiled.
I kissed her lips lightly and she forced a smile.

I knew she was worried about Nala and I.

“Goodnight”she mumbled.
“Everything will be alright”I said and she nodded.

I made way to the car and sat inside.
I started the car and zoomed off.

I guess I have to take her home first.

“What do you want to talk about?”I asked Mom and continued driving.

“About Nala’s pregnancy”……

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