
Hospital romance episode 8

Created by Valentine Valentine in Hospital romance 15 Jun 2021


Nala’s POV.

I panicked and put the files back in the envelope.
No he can’t know!
I can’t loose him!
I love him.

I heard footsteps coming down and I knew it was him.
I smiled at him and he smiled a little.
Oh geez! , Nala what have you done.

I just hope he doesn’t find out!
But wait did he read my reports!
I panicked again and I glanced at him.

He was in the kitchen making coffee.
“Noah”I called when I got there.
“What’s wrong?”he asked fixing his eyes on the envelope.

“No…nothing”I said trying hard not to stammer.
I took the coffee from him and sipped it but God!
I have to know if he has read it!

“So what does the report say!, Any complications?”he asked me.
Huh! , He hasn’t read it!
Thank God!

“No.. no complications” I said and he nodded.
“I am going out , you should go home it’s getting late”he said and I nodded relieved.

“You didn’t check my reports?”I asked still baffled.
“No! , I was busy! , Anya prepared it”he said and I smiled.
Thank Heavens!!


Anna’s POV.

It’s been three days , still going to work and avoiding Noah.

We act like we don’t know each other.

Noah looks concerned about Nala.
Of course they are getting married.

Well he has been coming to spend time with Diego.
Taking him to school and dropping him off home.
Thier relationship is growing and am happy for them.

Right now we are in the board room waiting for the new doctor’s arrival.
Theresa was going through some files.
Noah was just sitting down and Nala too obviously been clingy.

Carla was just glancing at Blake.
Those two? Hmmph!!

The board room door opened and he entered.
Okay blonde hair , icy blue eyes and..
Do I know him somewhere?

“Good morning”the new doctor said and I stirred a bit.
I know that voice!
I glanced at Carla and she was also shocked.

“Chris!”Carla said surprised.
He turned and smiled widely.
“Carla”he said smiling and looked at me.

I smiled and he smirked.
Chris was the doctor who helped me in giving birth to Diego.
We got along pretty well!

The board room looked shocked!
Like I care!
“Hey crush!”chris said and I hugged him.
He wrapped his hands around me and I sighed.

He helped me a lot.
We disengage from the hug when someone cleared a throat.
“Chris you are transfered?”I asked ignoring the eyes that were burning holes in my skin.

He nodded and I sighed.
“Am sorry for the inconveniences , my name is Doctor Chris Ronalds”Chris said smiling.

He is really jovial.
“Welcome doctor , your office is next to doctor Noah’s office , he is the head doctor here”Theresa said and he nodded.

“Thanks Ma’am , and doctor Noah nice meeting you”Chris said and Noah just nodded.

“Nice meeting all of you”he said again and we all nodded smiling except Noah who kept a straight face.

“Okay! , So I think we can all go to our duties”Noah said with a hard time and left the boardroom.

Theresa smiled at us and left.
The other nurses also left leaving Nala , Carla ,Chris and I.

Nala glanced at us briefly before leaving.
I sighed , what’s her problem anyway!

Chris smiled and hugged Carla.
When they separated he smiled at me.
“How is Diego”he asked.
“Do you still remember him?”I asked.

“Of course , he is all grown up now right!”he exclaimed and I nodded.
“It’s been really long”Carla said.

? Noah’s POV.

The so-called new doctor’s office was next to mine.
I watched him through my glass sideways door as he worked.

How did he know Anna and Carla.
And he hugged her infront of me?
Such nerves.

I scoffed angrily.
My mind wasn’t at rest!
Is he her boyfriend.

But Anna has Damien.
Jeez! , Is she that cheap.

I couldn’t take it anymore , I got up and made my way towards the office Anna and Carla worked.
I barged in and pulled Anna out ignoring the eyes.

“You are such a cheap whore”I yelled in her face and she looked shocked at my sudden outburst.
Before I could digest anything her hands collided with my cheeks.

Yeah! , that’s what she is good at.

“Who are you to talk to me like that?”she asked angrily and I scoffed.
“Firstly you are with Damien , and God knows how many times he f*cks you , secondly you are sleeping with this doctor too , and thirdly I had you in my bed easily , is that how they get you?”I asked angrily and she looked shocked.

No! , Probably hurt.
“You had me in your bed easily?”she asked back and I suddenly regretted what I said.

“An..Anna”I said not knowing what to say again.
She smiled and wiped her tears , looking at me one more time and left.

Oh damn it!
Noah you are screwed!
Carla came out looked at me and snorted.
It was obvious she is angry.

“Cheap whore?”she asked sacrasstically.
I couldn’t talk!
I let my anger get the best of me..

“Anna has nothing to do with Damien, and by the time you realize it , you would have lost her”she said glaring at me and left.

Anna has nothing to do with Damien.
Nonsense! All this is Stupid.
I found her in bed with him!

He even came here to look for her.
I grunted in fraustration.

I entered my office and Nala came in shortly.
“Noah , are you okay?”she asked.
“Yeah! , am fine!”I said and she nodded leaving me.

Thank God I needed peace.
I looked sideways and saw Anna crying in his arms.
Damn it!
Does she have to go to him.

I groaned angrily.

? Chris’s POV.
I was going through some files when Anna barged in and hugged me.
I got up and hugged her to myself sighing.

“What’s wrong?”I asked her.
“How do you feel when the father of your son , the man you can’t stop thinking about calls you a whore, a cheap one at that”she said and I smiled.

“You forget him and move on”I wishpered and she shook her head.
“I can’t”she said and nodded.

“So what was the meaning of father of your son?”I said as we disengaged from the hug.

“Noah is Diego’s son”she said and I looked at her taken aback.
“The head doctor?”I asked shocked and she nodded.
Now I know where Diego’s hair is from?
I smiled and shook my head.

“Yes!”she said again.
“Wow!”I mouthed and she giggled.

“It’s a coincidence we met here”she said and I nodded.
God! , How I missed her!

? Damien’s POV.
I watched as Nala entered my hotel room frowning.
What’s up with her?
“I put the drug in the new drugs Anna bought from the hospital”she said and I smirked.

Time to roll.
“Is something wrong?”I asked kissing her neck.
“I am pregnant”she said and I stiffened.

“What are you talking about?”I said clearly baffled.
” And you are the father”she said and I scoffed.

I laughed at her.
Pregnant? Am the father?

Is this some kind of joke or what?

I looked at her and she was serious.
I stopped laughing and glanced at her.

Okay! What is going on here!……
Nala’s POV.

I stared at Damien who was shocked.
He glanced at me briefly.

“How come you are pregnant , I thought you used pills”he said angrily and I scoffed.
“Yes! , I forgot maybe , I had the reports yesterday and it turns out it’s yours”I said angrily.

He smiled at me.
What’s with him?
“Get rid of it , I don’t want no kids”he said and I opened my eyes in shock.

“What are you saying?”I asked baffled.
“I don’t want kids”he said obviously pissed.

“My plans will be ruined you d*ck”I said angrily and he frowned.
“This was not part of the plan”he yelled and I flinched.

Okay! , He is getting on my nerves!
“Noah knows about this”I said angrily.
“What?”he said in bewilderment.

“I told him it’s his , until I found out yesterday that it’s yours”I said and he felt relieved.
“You made it easier for us”he said smirking.

“Like how?”I asked.
I sat down on the couch feeling dizzy.
I closed my eyes and reopened them.

“Let’s finish with the kid first”he said and I nodded.
“I already exchanged the drugs”I smirked and he smiled.
Can’t wait to see Anna’s kid dead.
It’s going to be fun!

? Hailey’s POV.

We were currently in Nala’s parents house.
We were having lunch..
Of course very soon we will become a family.

“So how is Noah?”Juliana , Nala’s mother asked.
“He is good I think”I said smiling.
“Don’t you think Noah should marry Nala before she gives birth”Fred said.

“Nala said she wants to give birth first”I said and they all nodded.
My mind drifted of to the small boy who came into the room yesterday.

“Hailey”someone snapped at me.
I turned to see three pair of eyes staring keenly at me.
“You zoned out” Roberts ,Nala’s father said.
I smiled nervously and continued eating.
“I am sorry”I said.

“What were you thinking about?”Fred asked and I shook my head.
“Nothing”I said.

“So none of you knew Noah had a child with her ex girlfriend?”Juliana asked.
“No , were also suprised the day he told us”Fred said and I nodded.

“That whore just came with a child claiming it’s Noah’s”I said angrily.
“But the child clearly looks like Noah”Roberts said and I gulped.

Dang it!
Nala’s parents are Soo stupid.

? Anna’s POV.

I was packing our bags in the dressing room when Carla entered.
“You okay?”she asked and I nodded.

“Am fine! , Just a little headache”I lied.
I was thinking about how I fell in love with a beast like Noah.
Gave him my dignity and he called me a whore.

I sighed and took our bags , our shift is over.
“Let’s go , we have to go pick Diego up”Carla said and I nodded.
We met Chris , Theresa and Blake in the hallway when leaving.

“You guys are going home?”Chris asked and I nodded.
“I was dying to ask , how did you guys know each other?”Theresa asked Chris.

“Well , she came to give birth in the hospital I once worked in”Chris simply said and she nodded.
“Okay see you guys tomorrow , and make Diego take his drugs”Theresa said and left.

“Carla can I see you in private?”Blake asked and I nurged her.
She shrugged and left with him.
“So his blood disease is still disturbing him?”Chris asked immediately Carla and Blake left.

“Yes!, but the drugs are helping a bit”I said and he nodded.
“I will come see him later”he said and smiled.
“Let me give you our address”I said and handed him a sheet.

“Woah! , You wrote it already?”he asked and I smiled.
“I knew you would not ask”I said and he chuckled.
We were still talking when Nala came in.

It looks like she is gaining weight.
I shrugged it off when she approached us.

“Hi there doctor Chris , hi Anna”Nala said and I smiled.
“Oh hi!”Chris said.
“Nala you look pale , what happened?”I asked curiously.

“Just pregnancy symptoms”she shrugged and my eyes widened.
“Pregnancy?”I asked and she chuckled.

“You are a nurse Anna , don’t tell me you don’t understand”she said smiling.
Nala is pregnant!
“Congrats Nala”Chris told her.
She nodded smiling.

“You are pregnant , wow! , I didn’t know you had someone”I muttered and she nodded.
But wait….
Why is she getting married to Noah?
Could Noah be……no!

“You are getting married to Noah right?”I asked and she nodded.
“And am pregnant for him”she said and I was shocked.
Chris also looked shocked.
Noah got Nala pregnant.

I nodded and smiled a little.
“Chris I will get going , bye Nala”I said and left.

I couldn’t take it.
How could he?
How come!

The tears were threatening to fall but I blinked them back.
Why cry?

Carla came up to meet me outside and we boarded a cab home.


The cab pulled up infront of our apartment and we got down after paying the man.

When Carla and I approached the house I saw two familiar figures standing in front of the door.

It was Noah and Diego.
He picked him up from school.

I sighed and we went there.
“Momma”Diego said and hugged me.
“Baby”I said and kissed his cheeks.

“Daddy came for me”he said and I nodded.
“Diego let’s go inside , daddy has to go rest”I said and he nodded.
“Good bye daddy”he said and Noah kissed his hair.

“Good bye Diego”he said , we made way to enter and Noah grabbed my elbow.
Carla looked at me and nodded.

“Diego let’s go momma will be back”Carla said and they entered after opening the door.

When Carla shut the door I removed my hands from his grip.

? Noah’s POV.

She removed her hands from my grip angrily and I sighed.
I knew she would be angry.
“Anna am sorry”I said calmly.
“I understand”she said and smiled a little.

“Look I mean it , I am sorry okay! , I let my anger get the best of me! , I was jealous and the day we made love in the hospital , It was the best day I had ever had”I said and she scoffed angrily.

“Noah you called me a whore!”Anna said and I nodded.
“I know! , I was jealous am sorry”I said.
“There is nothing going on between us , why will you be jealous?”she asked.

Doesn’t she know?
I still want her!

“Because I still love you , I still want you and you are the mother of my first child”I yelled and she looked at me agape.

“Noah what are you saying?”she asked with with wide eyes.
“I said I still love you Anna , I never stopped and I never will”I said and she shook her head.

“You want to lure me , you don’t love me?”she said and wiping her tears.
“No Ann I still love you”I said and hugged her.
I wrapped my hands around her securely.

How I missed this.
I buried my face into her thick black hair inhaling her strawberry scents.

She disengaged from the hug and smiled a little.
“I st…still love you Noah”she said , I kissed her and she responded quickly .

We broke from the kiss and placed our foreheads together.
“What about Nala?”she muttered and I clenched my jaw.

“Forget about her”I said and placed her head on my chest.
“You are going to marry her right?”she asked and I smiled.
“Shhhh…. , keep quite forget about everything and listen to how my heart beats for you”I said and she nodded with her head still on my chest.

We separated after a while and she looked at me.
“Nala is pregnant”she said grumpily.
“Tell me it isn’t yours please”she said again and I sighed.

“It was a mistake Anna”I said and she rolled her eyes angrily.
“She is carrying coolval stories your child”she said again and I nodded.

“But that can stop me from loving you , can it?”I asked and she scoffed.
“Who is Chris to you?”I asked, I couldn’t hold it any longer.
I was jealous!

“My friend”she said.
“Wow! , What a reunion”we turned to see Damien smirking….
“Damien?”Anna wishpered……
Damien’s POV.

Noah and Anna looked at me.
Anna was shocked! Noah looked angry as usual.
“What are you doing here?”Noah groaned angrily.

“I am supposed to be asking you that?”I said and he frowned.
“Damien what are you doing here?”Anna asked and I scoffed.
Time to play , I thought.

“Seriously? , why are you asking me that?”I grunted and she frowned.
Noah grabbed me and punched me on my jaw.

I grunted and touched my burst lips and he grabbed my collar.
I pushed him and punched him to.
“Noah , stop it!”Anna said frightened.

“Really? , Anna you are still with him whiles you have me”I said and she jerked.
“What?”she said.
“Don’t pretend Anna”I said and she slapped me.

Noah held her and she scoffed.
“With you? , Since when Damien?”she asked and I touched my burst lips.
I noticed blood and wiped it off.

“Since the day I f*cked you in your ex boyfriend’s house and on his bed”I said and smirked.
I saw Noah clench his fists and jaw!

“Nothing happened Damien , you didn’t touch me”she said angrily.
“I will ask again Damien , what are you doing here?”Noah yelled.

I smirked and chuckled.
“Noah don’t listen to him , he didn’t touch me”Anna said pleadingly.
He ignored her and looked at me with murderous eyes and I scoffed.

“Aren’t you supposed to be preparing for your marriage?”I asked and his eyes widened.
Oh sh*t!
Damn I just sold myself! F*ck!

“How did you know I was getting married you scum bag?”He asked with blazing eyes.
“I have my sources , see you later Anna”I said and made to leave only for Noah to grab me.

“How the h*ll did you know?”he said again and I chuckled.
I released my hand from his grip and smirked.
“See you again and trust me when we meet , you will be asking for my help”I said and looked at Anna one last time and at Noah was still trying to recover from what I said.

Anna’s POV.

What just happened?
Why did Damien sound like that?
And how did he know Noah was getting married!

I looked at Noah and he shrugged.
“I will get going , say good night to Diego for me”Noah said.

“Noah! , you still don’t believe me right?”I asked and he frowned.
“It’s not easy Anna , I love you and all but I found you two in bed , and my mother was drugged , it’s hard”he said and I nodded wiping my tears.

“Then you don’t love me”I said and he chuckled.
“I love you okay! , So damn much”he said and wiped my tears with his index finger.

“But you don’t trust me , love is also about trust”I said and he smiled a little.

“It’s okay! , I know , I have to go”he said and kissed me.
I responded sending my fingers into his hair and kneeeding the dark curly strands.

He groaned into my mouth in pleasure and bit my lips.
He stopped and kissed my forehead.
“Kiss Diego goodnight for me ,will you?”he asked and I nodded.

I watched him enter his car and he drove off.
I smiled inspire my tears.
He loves me! But he doesn’t believe me!
It hurts! So much!

I entered and closed the door of our apartment only to see Carla dressed.
What the h*ll!

“I bathed Diego and he has eaten dinner and taken his drugs”she said and I nodded.

“Where are you going to?”I asked baffled to how she was looking beautiful.
“I have a date with Blake”she said and I wasn’t that surprised.

“Is Noah gone?”she asked and I nodded.
Those two have a little chemistry.
I smiled and nodded.
“Where is Diego?”I asked and she while she was applying a red lip stick.

That’s with Carla!
She does not apply make up every day but does it on special occasions.

She looked at me and shrugged.
“He slept immediately after giving him his drugs”she said and I nodded.

“That’s wired”I muttered and she nodded.
“Yeah! good bye!”she said and took her purse.

“Woah! , What says the time?”I asked her and she looked at her watch.
“Six pm”she mumbled and kissed my cheeks.

I spent three hours outside with Noah.
“Good bye!”I said and she rushed out.
I didn’t tell her about Damien.

I went to Diego’s room and he was already sleeping.
I kissed his head and his cheeks before rushing out.

I need a shower and a good meal.
But how did Carla do everything within three hours and even prepared dinner because the apartment was cleaned.

Hmmph! Carla..

I sighed and undressed getting into the bathroom.

?Noah’s POV.

I was pondering about what Damien said and to top it all how did he know I was getting married?

I got home and took a shower.

After dressing up I ordered for a pack of chinese dish , I didn’t really feel like cooking.

I called Nala and she picked up almost immediately.

☎️”Nala”I said.

☎️”Noah , hey! ,You left the hospital without a word”she said grumpily.

☎️”Yeah ! ,I was busy ,where did you go , you weren’t in the hospital before I left”I said.

☎️”I..i.i didn’t go anywhere”she said stuttering a little.
Okay! , What’s happening to her.

☎️”Well I want you to come over”I said and she squealed.

☎️”Really?”she said happily.

☎️”Yeah!, You want to talk to you”I said placing the glass I was drinking water from in the sink.
I got to the hall and saw a brown envelope , I took it and glanced at it.

☎️”Okay , I will be there in a bit”sh said and I heard some ruffling.

☎️”And I think you left your reports here”I said taking it.

☎️”What?”she yelled……

Carla’s POV.

Blake came to pick me up infront of our apartment.
We got to the restaurant he was taking me to and he got down.

He opened the door for me and I got down too.
“You look beautiful Carla”he said and I blushed.

“Thanks”I said.
We made way to enter and I bumped into a woman.
I looked up to apologise only to find.

“Mother”I said and looked at father who was beside her.

She looked down at me and smiled inspire of the tears gathering in her eyes.
“Father”I muttered and he smiled.

It’s been five whole years.
“Let’s go Blake”I said.
Blake was only watching us the whole time.

He nodded and we proceeded to leave when someone grabbed me.

I looked up and frowned.
My elder brother….


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