
Hospital romance episode 5

Created by Valentine Valentine in Hospital romance 15 Jun 2021

EPISODE__________5 ???

Anna ?

Carla was standing at the door shocked.
What is happening?

“Carla are you okay?”I asked.

I walked to the door and i stood there with wide eyes.
What is he doing here?

“Damien?”I said and he smirked.

“My sugar plump”he said and smiled.

“What do you want?”Carla asked and he scoffed.

“I came to meet her in private”Damien said to Carla.

“Well too bad , say what you want and leave”Carla said.

“Why did you do it?”I asked and he snorted.
“Do what?”he asked me.

“Why did you drug Noah’s mom and lied in bed naked with me , why did you frame me?”I asked him.

“I did no such thing doll”he said and smirked.

“You did it , but you didn’t touch me”I said and he smiled.

“So smart aren’t you”he said.

“If you didn’t want me why did you frame me?”I asked and he smiled.

Anna control yourself!

“Just wanted to have some fun” he said.
So he just did that for nothing.

“You were Noah’s best friend for pete’s sake”I yelled at him.

“Too much questions doll , let me in”he said wanting to enter.
I pushed him and he stumbled.

“Get out”Carla yelled angrily.

“Mommy what’s wrong”I turned to see Diego staring at Damien.

“Go inside , go ok”I said and he nodded.
He went back inside and I saw Damien smirking.

“Anna you have a kid?”he asked and I scoffed.

“Get out I regret been friends with you”Carla yelled and banged the door in his face.

“Come on”I said and we sat down.

“Mommy , who was he?”Diego asked.

“No one”I smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Aunt Carla I want beacons for breakfast”Diego said.

“Ok , let’s go and cook”Carla said and went to the kitchen with Diego.

What did Damien mean?
Was it a planned thing or what?

But why?
Why did he do it?

I pondered about it and I was getting tired.
“Gosh!” I muttered under my breath.

?️ Noah ?️

I stared at Nala who won’t stop smiling.
God! , I felt like killing her.

Yesterday’s memories came back.
I lost control.

Damn it!!!
“Noah it was great what are you thinking?”Nala asked.

“Am going to take a shower”I said and got up putting a towel around my waist.

“Can I come with you?”she asked and I snorted.

“You have caused a lot of havoc already” I said.

“Don’t act like I forced you”she yelled and I scoffed.

” Go to the guest room and take a shower”I said and entered the bathhouse.

I stood under the shower cussing.
What in heavens name did I do?

I can’t love Nala.
But I clearly had s*x with her.

What is wrong with me.
I run my hands through my hair faustratedly.

“F*ck”I cussed loudly under the shower.
I sighed and cleaned my body with the towel.

I entered the room and Nala wasn’t there.
Her clothes were gone too.

“Thank God!”I mumbled and got dressed.
Then I remembered blake’s message.

I went downstairs and saw Nala with my parents.
God shoot me already!

“Noah!, Nala is going home”Mom said.

“I already took a shower and thanks”she said and kissed m mom’s cheeks.

She hugged my father.
I watched their drama and rolled my eyes.

She came to kiss my cheeks and left.

“She spent the night?”mom said happily.
“Look mom am not in the mood okay , I got business to handle”I said and left.

I entered my sports car and drove out of the house.
Blake’s house is not far from here.

He stays down the street in 17 avenue green street.
I checked the time and it was nine am.

A few minutes later I pulled up infront of his mansion.

Blake stays alone.
His parents died in a fire outbreak.

I parked in his compound and entered the living room.

“Where is blake?”I asked one of the maids.

“He is in his study room”she said and left.

I entered the study and he was playing games.
Games in the study room?

“Blake”I called and he turned and saw me.

“Hey never knew you will be coming today here” he said and paused it.

“Now your study is used for games”I said and he chuckled.

“Theresa was coming to see you but I told her to stop” he said and I frowned.

“Why?” I asked and he smiled.

“I told her I will tell you my self”he said.
I arched my brow Questionly.

“About what?” I asked and he scoffed.

“The son stunt Anna pulled was true”Blake said and I heard a bang in my head.

“What are you talking about?”I asked blake.
I sat down on the couch shocked.

A son?
Anna has a child?

But how?
“Anna has a son”he said and I scoffed.

“Is that a joke or what?” I asked him.

“No , the child is yours”he said and I frowned.

“What the h*ll are you talking about?”I said angrily.

“You and Anna have a son , you are a father”blake said and my eyes grew wide.

A son?
A father?

Those words kept ringing in my head loudly.
I stared at blake and he shrugged.

I have a son?

? Nala ?
When I got home mom was eating breakfast with dad.
“Good morning mom and dad” I greeted and dad smiled.

“Morning baby”Mom said.

“You spent the night at Noah’s place?”dad asked.

I nodded and went upstairs.
My phone rang and I checked the caller.

I answered tiredly.
God! ,am drained.

?”Nala can you come over”Damien said.

?”Did you find anything?” I asked him.

?”Just come to the hotel”he said and hang up.

I put my phone down.
I changed my clothes and went downstairs.

“Are you going out?”Mom asked.
“Yeah I will be back later”I said and kissed her cheeks.

“Take care Nala”Dad said and I kissed his cheeks.
“Yes dad” I said and left.

???Few minutes later???

I packed my car infront of the hotel.
I entered his hotel suite and sighed.

“Damien?”I called loudly.
He came out from the bathroom.

“Why did you call me this morning”I said to him.

He smirked and sat on his bed.

“I found Anna’s house address”he said and I smiled.

“Then go there”I said and he chuckled.
“I already went there”he said and I grinned.

“Plan A activated”I said and he opened the refrigerator taking a can of beer.

“She has a son”he said and I frowned.

“What are you talking about?”I asked frowning.

“Anna and Noah have a son”he said.

“What?”I yelled angrily…

I drove angrily out of blake’s house.
He told me to calm down but heck!

She hid my son from me.
My child?

I didn’t know she could get pregnant.
We only had s*x once.
That was the night I took her virginity.

But she also slept with Damien.
That jerk!.

What if the child is for him?
I have to come firm this my self.

I got to the hospital and parked my car.
“Sir you aren’t working today”the receptionist said she once she saw me entering the hospital.

“I know I left some important documents”I said and entered my office.

I looked at my shelf and brought out Anna and Carla’s files.

Anna didn’t write her house address!

I went through Carla’s own and I saw it.
Thank God.

I took a picture of it and placed the files b the place with their address.

I entered my car and zoomed off.
Who does she think she is?

? Damien ?

I watched as Nala paled out suddenly.
It even shocked me.

“What the h*ll are you talking about?”Nala yelled again.

“Eish!!!! , What’s with the yelling?”I asked her.

“I can’t let Noah find out!”she exclaimed angrily.
Typical desperate Nala!!

“I don’t even think it’s true , it is not true ,it’s not”she said again. I scoffed and watched her angry expressions.

“I was planning something”I said and smirked.
She looked at me Questionly.

I shrugged and opened the beer I was holding.

“Why don’t you fake pregnancy?”I asked her.

“Yes!! , besides he couldn’t get his hands of me yesterday”she said and I smirked.

“Noah is a doctor he will know”sh said and I sipped my beer.

“You are a nurse Nala”I said and she smirked.
I snorted and chuckled.

“I have got to go , I have to find out myself of it’s true”she said and took her bag.

“Not before I bang you”I said and she scoffed.
“You are a s*x freak Damien”she said and took her car keys.

“I’ve got a boner”I said.

“I will see you in the evening”she said and left.
Now I have to f*ck a whore.
Chill Damien she will come back.

?Anna ?

Carla , Diego and I had finished breakfast.
We were watching a soap opera.

I glanced at Carla she was Soo engrossed in it.
I looked at Diego and he was playing a game with my phone.

“Diego come and rest”I took the phone from him and he pouted.

“But Momma please”his tiny voice said and I chuckled.

“Come and rest”I said and he climbed on top of me.
He put his head on my chest and I sighed.

“Momma are we going to the park?”he asked and I scoffed.

“You are sick , we will go when you are recovered”I said and he nodded.

“Anna the movie was Soo emotional”Carla said and went to take some juice from the fridge.

Oh! , I didn’t even know the movie has ended.
“Diego have you taken a shower?”Carla asked.

“Yes aunt Carla , momma showered for me”Diego said still lying on top of me.
I watched as Carla drank the juice she poured.

The door bell rang and I sighed.
Who is it again?

Damien came and spoil my day , I don’t need another headache.

Carla went to open it and stood there not moving.
Okay! , What is going on?
Did she see a ghost.

I yawned and put Diego down and he curled up on the sofa.

I went to the door and I stood there wide eyed.

What is he doing here?
Oh no?

I hope Theresa or Blake hasn’t told him.

?️ Noah ?️

I watched as Carla and Anna stood there watching me like I came from another world.

They don’t know how I got their address.

Like I care?

I scoffed at them angrily.
“What are you doing here and how did you know my address?” Anna asked bewildered.

“I will just go inside”Carla said entering the apartment and closed the door.

Well I am entering inside when am done with Anna!

“Is this how to greet your baby’s father?”I asked and smirked whiles she looked at me shocked.

“Wh_wha_what ar_are yo_ you talking about?”Anna asked stuttering uncomfortably.

“What am I talking about?” I yelled angrily.
God! , She is even pretending.

“Look I don’t know what you are saying”she said angrily too.

The nerves she has!
I thought angrily.

I held her wrists angrily.
I made sure I was hurting her.

“Now tell me before I loose it , if it’s not true why did Carla say something about a son in the hospital that day?”I asked and she paled out.

“Noah you are hurting me”she cried and I scoffed.
“Tell me is it true?”I yelled angrily.

God! , All these years.
I wanted to kill someone.

“No it was an excuse”she said trying to release her grip from my hand.

“Tell me now Anna , you don’t wanna see my bad side”I said calmly this time.

“You are hurting me”she yelled in pain.

“Tell me before I lo_ “I trailed off when she yelled.

“Yes! , Yes! , So what if you have son , so what if I didn’t tell you , it’s true we have a three years old son , so what?”she yelled and snatched her wrists form me.

I paled out immediately.
A son? My son!
That night ,that night when we made love.

That night when I took her dignity.

That night we made something together.
A baby.
We made a son.

I am a father.

But what about the next day I found her in bed with my best friend.

“Am I really the father?” I asked and she looked at me shocked.
I saw anger in her eyes……….
Nala’s POV.

I drove angrily home.
That Anna she is a b*tch.

What’s wrong with her?
Get pregnant for my Noah?

Noah is mine and will always be mine.
Noah has been mine since highschool and she stole him.

Now I won’t allow her to take him.
Could Damien be telling the truth?

If I find out it it’s true ..
I will kill the bastard.

I will kill the child.

“Ahhhhhhhh”I yelled angrily as I stepped into the house.
Calm down Nala!
I thought to myself.

Breathe! Breathe! He is all mine.
I am going to pin him down.

“Nala are you okay?”Mom asked the moment I stepped in the house.

“Am fine Mom!”I said trying to contain my anger.

“Well your dad has gone to work and I felt like shopping!, will you come with me ?”mom asked and I shook my head.

“Mom am not in the mood”I said and slumped on the sofa.

“Is it because Noah’s ex girlfriend is back?”Mom asked and I nodded.

“Calm down Nala , you will get married to Noah , trust your dad”mom said and I scoffed.

“Mom what is dad going to do about this?”I asked angrily.

“Eishhh! , You look ugly when angry , just calm down your daddy is going to solve everything”Mom assured and I smirked.

My dad sure knows my pleas.
If he doesn’t agree still!

I have a perfect plan!

Noah Stewart you will be mine and mine alone.
No one else’s.

“So go and dress and let’s go shopping”Mom said and I smiled.

“Yes! Mom I will be down in a jiffy”I said and rushed upstairs.

I changed my clothes and went downstairs to meet mom taking her platinum card from the safe in the hallway.

When she was done we left to the boutique outside town.

?Anna’s POV.?
Like in a swift motion my palms connected with Noah’s cheeks.

Yes I slapped him.
He still thinks am a whore like he called me three years ago!

“What the h*ll is wrong with you?”I asked angrily.

“You are the h*ll that is wrong with me”Noah yelled at me.

“If you think he is not yours what are you doing here?”I asked him.

“I want to see him”he said and I laughed.
He watched me weirdly and I sighed.

“You don’t have anything here , so just go”I said and he smirked.

“Don’t try me Ann”he said and I gulped.
He only called me ‘Ann’ when he was angry the times when we were dating.

“Look Noah Stewart , you don’t have any business here get out”I said and he smirked.

“The same thing applies to you , you didn’t have any business doing in my life , you just came out of no where to bring back the buried memories and pains , the day you just sleep with your girlfriend and find out she is a virgin , do you know how happy I felt and the next day you drug my mom and go to bed with my best friend in my own room”he said angrily.

I couldn’t control the tears.
I let them flow.

Does he even think I can do that.
He didn’t trust me.

“You came here to meet my child right , well I won’t say you are not the father , you are! , but I will never consider you as my child’s father and I doubt even if he would too”I said and wiped my tears.

“And for our past I won’t explain anything to you , I didn’t want to become a nurse and you know that , you don’t even know why I became one, our three years son has blood circulation disease”I yelled in his face.

He looked at me with wide eyes.

“When I was pregnant I had complications , I was only twenty years and you know that , when the doctor told me the baby will have this kind of disease I went to do medicals , I wanted to be a doctor but because of the pregnancy I didn’t have time so I diverted into been a nurse ,so that when he is sick I can take care of him”I said calmly this time.

“What are you talking about?”he asked stunned.

“I bumped into your Mom the day the day I was leaving the town with Carla because my parents disowned me , I gave her a note to give you”I said and he chuckled.

“What games are you playing Anna?”he asked and I smiled.

“I know you won’t believe me , ask your mother”I said and he gasped nodded assuringly.

“So the day you were asking for permission it was about actually about our son?”he asked perplexed.

“Yes I have always treated him myself when he has that attack but Theresa didn’t let me do it , she did it with blake “I said and he nodded.

“I want to meet him”he dropped the bomb.

“Come in”I said opening the door and he entered the apartment.
He stood there looking around until his eyes fell on Diego.

He was curled up in the sofa awake playing games on my phone.

Noah watched him and Diego hasn’t noticed our presence.

I saw Carla in the kitchen.
I think she is preparing lunch.

She looked a me and smiled.
I nodded and she resumed her cooking.

?️Noah POV.

I watched the little boy in the sofa curled and so engrossed in God knows what he was doing on the phone.

He looked cute and adorable.
He really looked like me.

He had my eyes , my dark hair and my nose.

Now I know why blake was telling me in confidence.
No one will tell you who his father is.

Then Anna’s words rang in my ears.
*I will never consider you as my child’s father and I doubt if he would too*

But he was only three years right?
He wouldn’t see me as a bed man.

I am meeting my son for the first time.
He looked up and saw Anna and he smiled innocently.

“Momma”he said in a tiny voice.
My three years old son.

Will he even call me dad or father?

“I told you not to touch my phone”Anna scowled at him.
“Well I didn’t , I was just cleaning the surface”he said and I chuckled.

His eyes darted to me and I smiled at him.
He smiled too and got down from the couch.

“Diego that is your fa_fat_ , I mean your d_d_”Anna said stuttering.

“Diego the man there is your father”Carla said and he blinked in confusion.

“You got me daddy…

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