
crazy passion episode 15&16

Created by Valentine Valentine in crazy passion 19 Jan 2021



The liberating feeling I was feeling inside was enough for me to trust God
that all things shall turn out well for us.

Even when Clara was hiding my family, something just kept on telling me all
shall be well. As we drove back home I had talked less. My mind wild back
to years back when my father was still alive. They were so good together
with my mother they both inspired me to look forward to my marriage. I had
thought marriage was to be enjoyed but now I was sure my current story said

” Ben my son come over here” my mother called me one evening as she sat in
her favourite sofa.

” I want you to know and understand so that one day, you will not get lost
with the issues of life.” She sighed looking at me her tender loving face
looking at me. Her head wrapper moving to the side as the air blowing from
the fun blew in our faces.

I always wondered why my mother prefered having a fun on instead of an air
con. I recall one day she told me she wanted the cool air closer that it
was with the aircon. Her defence didn’t make sense but I let it go.

” Soon you will grow up and you will realise that it’s not every person
that smiles at you who truly loves you. Believe it or not, this world is
full of evil. It’s hard to believe if things are normal and okey. I just
want you to grow up in the way of the Lord so that no matter what evil you
are going to face in future you will have a firm standing in the word of
God and it will give you strength to carry on. There is evil yes, but the
power of God surpasses it all.

Remember evil is not just in witchcraft or Satanism, but also in the acts
of the people that choose the path of hate and jealousy. Be ware Benjamin.
This I have learnt over the years I have lived and I want you to learn from
me too” she spoke with so much calmness.

At that particular time I had wondered why my mother would preach to me
about the things that l thought I knew already. But like she said, now I
had a clear understanding.

Over the years I had experienced evil especially with Clara who was
supposed to be my wife.

I had realise how I had grown in prayer with the help of Jennifer and the
priest who kept helping us with prayer in the weeks after my recovery.

Thinking of how my house felt so heavy the time we got there, I had felt
for a moment it won’t work. But like to show me how might he was, God
revealed everything and the charm was burnt.

I was still clouded with thoughts of what was going on when Jen’s voice
spoke making me regain my attention.

” Who is that?” She asked I looked out to see the person standing by the
door but the image was blurred I couldn’t see who it was.

” I walked in front tying to protect Jen in case some one was out to hurt

” Mother?” I asked as the image of my mother came clear.

” Benjamin!” She exclaimed trying to walk towards me but I notice she was

“Mom!” I screamed running to her before she fall down as she seemed dizzy.

Jennifer who was now shocked looking at us, quickly opened the door and
turned on the outside lamp that lit the entire yard immediately displaying
the blood that was coming out from her hand.

” Mom what happened?” I asked trying to make her stand so I take her inside.

She was gasping failing to talk.

” Mom please say something I screamed scared with the sight on her face. ”
help me get her inside My love.” I called to Jennifer and she held her on
one arm I on the other as we took her in.

” Your wife came to my house yesterday. She she…..”my mother stammered
trying to tell me what happened.

She removed her blouse and I gasped at the sight of the deep cut in her

” she stabbed me and left me here a few minutes ago I have no ide..aa why.
She was keeping me for hours till today and now….” she struggled to speak.

” Oh my God!” Jen screamed as mom gasped trying to speak some more.

“Come on mother let’s take you to the hospital” I panicked trying to make
her stay awake as her eyes looked weak and pale.

” Am happy to see you again my….. my son!” She gasped trying to hold my
face and before I could say anything more. She collapsed and fall dead in
my hands. She had lost a lot of blood seeing how much was on the ground we
found her standing and the trail into the house which was made as we pulled
her in. We had no idea how long she had been left to bleed to death there.

” Mother!” I screamed in tears trying to make her wake up but she was cold.
Jen held me up and we lay her body flat on the floor as we both cried out.

30 minutes later the house was clouded with police officers and neighbours
who came to witness what was going on.

I was so damp folded I couldn’t say or do anything. I kept my eyes staring
in one place my thoughts had stopped. With blood on my clothes and hands I
watched as the police talked to Jennifer who was shaken but at least she
was managing to say something.

” Benjamin!” One of the cops called me shaking my shoulder.

We found this knife which was used to stab this woman we are told is your
mother to death, do you know who It belongs to?” He asked me and I looked
at him seeing the very knife which I always saw in Jen’s house. It was her
favourite as she always said it was sharp and was good for cutting things.

” Yes, it’s Jen’s knife we use it in the house” I responded before
realising where the cops was leading to with the question.

” Do you realise that you two people who stay in this house are the
possible suspects of this murder?” He asked me and I stood up holding his
uniform and shaking him angrily.

” Are you mad you idiot! How dare you accuse us of killing my own mother.
Haven’t you heard the story Jennifer is telling you about how we found her
wounded when we came back” I shouted and Jennifer pulled me back stopping
me from hitting an officer of the law.

” Calm down Ben, am sure someone had stagged this and wants us to take a
fall for all this. Imagine the police are saying there was no force entry
into the house. They are saying we must have killed her and then called the
police” she cried as she held on to my hand.

” That is just ridiculous! You and l know that we were just from looking
for her. She appears back here stabbed and these unprofessional people can
accuse us of killing my own mother!” I shouted angry. I couldn’t take it.
Instead of helping solve the issue, it seemed the police came to find
faults in us.

That night we were dragged to the station, the cops saying we had to give
our statements and be released later on.

I felt so furious and disapointed with the way they were handling things.
We were driven to the station leaving some police officers searching the
house and wrapping my mother’s body.

After they recorded our statements at the police, we were told to go home
but not to leave the house since everything was under investigation.

” What are we going to do now?” Jen asked as we sat in bed. It was now
morning and we had not slept one bit.

I kept thinking of how Clara would do such a thing to me. The pain of
losing my mother was too much I was failing to trust God’s intervention at
the moment.

” I don’t know my love and am scared for my sister’s and my son. God knows
where that woman is keeping them or what she’s doing to them. I swear I
feel like am going crazy with all this my mind can’t seem to process a
thing” I scoffed shaking my head as tears fall freely from my face.

We were still talking when I received a call. Noticing it was a strange
number, I quickly picked it up.

The voice of Clara laughing hysterically came through the ear piece.” Now
you will know better than mess with me. As it is you two with that Jennifer
of yours have murdered your mother and you will be jailed for life!” She
spoke happily I felt my inside come up my gullet, I wanted to throw up.

” You have gone too far Clara and soon you will pay for this ” I shouted
back and she laughed again.

” No one will believe that I killed her. I don’t even know where you stay
and later on seen your mother in years. I might not have my charm but
remember I have all the money I need to pay whoever I want and you will
surely serve your sentences” she added sounding cheerful I heard her sigh
like she was sipping on something, which I guessed was wine knowing how she
loved drinking.

” You won’t get away with this Clara” I screamed in the phone and she cut
the line.

Hours passed and we remained home waiting for the police like they told us

We saw their car drive in and we rushed to the door to hear what they had
to say.

” We have run all the necessary tests and the forensics results shows
Jennifer’s finger prints on the knife. This proves that she was the last
person to touch it and probably the murderer.

Besides we ruled you out sir, ” he looked at me.

“Because we realise you had no motive to kill your own mother. ” He

” What? you must be joking, you tell me you are suspecting Jennifer just
because she owns the knife and she has definitely used it a hundredth time
since its hers you surely aware of that. Don’t you realise that’s what the
murderer wants to make it look? ” I snapped pulling Jennifer who was
silently sobbing without saying a word.

” That’s not all sir. We realise she had some history of using Juju and
given the spread of the news of her doings on the social media, the
assumption is that your mother came to comfront her and she killed her. She
had the motive” he sighed like whatever he was saying was actually true.

” Do I look like someone who is not well to you officer like someone who is
being held against their will?” I asked now really pissed.

” Just the way you wanted to beat up an officer in the early hours of the
day shows something off” he responded and thank God for Jennifer and the
priest who pulled me back. I was almost going for his face with my fist.

” You people are joking right?” Jen asked them speaking for the first time.

” No it’s serious young lady” the police officer responded. ”
” And am sorry we are here to arrest you as the co suspect in the murder of
Mrs Margaret Kamanga. You are to remain silent as anything you say will be
held against you in the courts of law” he spoke as they hand cuffed
Jennifer’s hands she cried out to me.

” This is a mistake officer please listen to me. I was with her the whole
time she is not the murderer!” I shouted running towards the police vehicle
they were taking her in.

” Am right behind you my love!” I shouted running back to her car as the
police drove away.

” Trust in God” the priest who we called earlier patted my back as I sat in
the driver’s seat but I couldn’t seem to hear him. All I could think of was
the innocent woman they were driving hand cuffed like a criminal.




*Jennifer POV*

” Jen come on, make me understand this, you mean you went all the way to
Kabwe, kidnapped a mad man, who you have no idea who he is and where he
comes from, keeps him in your house and and later on took him for prayers”
my brother scolded me as he sat opposite me in the prison visiting room.

I was detained for 3 weeks then as I waited my final trial. life in prison
was so disheartening I felt my mind losing it. Sleeping on some itch
blanket and a thin mattress was really so hard than one would ever imagine.

I had never at any moment in my life thought of ever getting in prison.

Here I was now, paying for the crime for falling in love with a man, the
craziest of it all was, l had to pick him myself without anyone forcing me.
The circumstances I was surrounded by were so meaningless to the people out
there. I heard a lot of talk on social media even radio stations where
people discussed my life like I was some kind of a freak.

Here I was facing my eldest brother , the only family member that had shown
concern about my well-being and at least he came visiting me.

I heard others never wanted anything to do with me. With some people
claiming I was a psycho who needed to be taken to the hospital and not

” Stop crying dammit! Crying will not take you out of prison” my brother
yelled at me as I kept crying in front of him.

” What do you want me to tell you brother? I fall in love, call me crazy I
don’t care. I had no idea this will happen to me all l did was follow my
heart and Ben is a wonderful person l don’t regret falling for him. He
makes me happy and that matters to me more than the rumours people are
spreading about me” I defended myself and my brother pulled my hand
gripping it so hard I felt pain.

” Will you stop with this nonsense Jen! I lost a sister and am not ready to
lose another one soon. You can’t be saying all that when all that man has
brought in your life is trouble. Look at you, you are in prison for crying
out loud and where is he huh?” He paused scoffing

” He’s out there doing God knows what. You just had to pick a mad man with
a crazy wife who won’t stop at anything until you go down.” He added now
letting my hand go and I winced in pain.

I knew my brother was hurting and I couldn’t blame him. I just lost my
entire life because of falling in love with a man. I had less hope for the
coming day. I knew so well Ben was fighting hard to see me out of Prison.
He was suffering as much as I was and I knew God willing I wouldn’t get a
life sentence like a lot of people were anticipating. I was defenceless,
with Clara taking advantage of my situation publishing a lot of fake
stories in the social media making my life the topic of the month.

” I will try and find a good lawyer for you my sister. I know you can never
hurt anyone and you are innocent. It’s unfortunately our legal system is
too corrupt I have no idea how to but I promise to try get you out” my
brother said softly this time I could bet he felt pity with the way I was
shedding tears.

” Be strong baby sister and know that I will fight with everything I got to
get you out of here” he gently caressed my fingers.

” Thank you brother. Am sorry for putting you through this. I swear it
wasn’t what I had in mind when I went on the mission to save Benjamin” I
sniffed and he kept shaking his head.

” Now listen to me sister,when you are out of here. I don’t want to hear a
thing about that man. It is over do you get that? Forget that man, you are
still young and beautiful you derseve a good man by your side and you will
fall in love again” he said whilst standing to leave.

I just nodded my head knowing I wasn’t going to stop loving Ben. I was more
into him now I wasn’t going to let him go. But ofcourse I wouldn’t upset my
sweet brother further by telling him that, so I faked a smile as he gave me
a quick hug and left me.

I was taken back to the prison cells by a female warder, as soon as my
brother turned his back to leave.

“Crazy woman!” Some other inmates shouted as I passed along the corridors
to my cell. The shocking and hurting part was that even in prison people
talked about me like l was crazy. Every time the news on radio was about my
case, Everyone looked at me with so much hate and disgust. It was like l
was not one of them, I felt I never belonged anywhere.

The outside world was crucifying me labbeling me a psychopath , a witch, a
husband snatcher and murderer. Now the people I expected to understand me
given the fact that some of them were wrongly accused and jailed too, but
no, as it was I had the worst story of all.

I lay on my back in the bed that had now become my home. In 3 weeks I
stayed inside I had lost so much weight, all my curves were gone.

My shaggy hair which was unkept now looked more like that of a mad person
for sure. I felt my self slip away and the only comfort I had was the love
of Benjamin and my brother. They were the two people that I was so sure
would stand by me till the end.

If I had not embraced the word of God I could have committed suicide, but
every time I did think of it, I felt the spirit giving me all the reasons I
had to stay alive. For my family and for Ben, for the long life that I had
ahead of me and for letting the world know that weeping can last for a
night, but joy comes in the morning..

I recall the priest who always visited me too and brought books of the
gospel for me to be reading through everyday, told me in his encouraging

” My child, when it is the darkest hour of the day, then we know that
morning is close. Your morning sunshine is pulling up the sky and when it
arises no man nor spirit will be able to quench the brightening sun of your
life” he smiled at me.

” Thank you Father am always glad to see you here” I told him honestly.

The following day I was just from cleaning the toilets and took a bath
cladding myself in the prison uniform.

I sat outside watching some women who were doing different activities. My
eyes were set on a certain woman who l learnt killed her husband because he
was unfaithful. She was so beautiful one could see even after spending 5
years in prison her looks were intact. I wondered what went wrong with her
obviously sweet marriage before the odeal happened. I shook my head as I
watched her wash her Uniform in the little washing paste I figured she
received from the well wishers.

I went on looking at other women. A heavily pregnant prisoner sat on the
floor dozing I wondered how some men could be so heartless as to sleep with
a woman who was in prison when they had wives and other woman out there.
“Some prison warders can be cruel” I murmered in my head.

I was still taking my time analysing the women when the prisoner warder
called my name.

” Jennifer! Come out. There’s someone here to see you” she announced and I
quickly stood up following her.

” My love!” Ben exclaimed as I walked towards him.

” Hey !” I sighed as he held my hand greeting as the warder on duty that
day wouldn’t allow touching and hugging of prisoners.

” I missed you, he tried to smile but it only lasted a second.

” Yeah you have no idea how much I think about you in here. You are the
only thought that keeps me sane” I shook my head as I felt my eyes filing
up again.

” I know babe and am so sorry you are going through all this. You have no
idea how much each day and night I wish I could take your place.” He sighed
wiping his own tears.

” Am not going to rest until that woman pays for her deeds. Don’t worry I
sold the house and am putting all the money in ensuring you get out of this
place.” He smiled comforting me.

” You did what!” I asked him surprised.
” That house was the only tangible thing you had Ben, did you have to sell
it?” I asked him.

” lf l had to sell my own life to see you out of here, believe me I would.
The house means nothing more than your life and freedom does my love” he
added seriously. I knew his love for me was as priceless as mine was for

He told me how he hired some secret investigator to help find his sister’s
and son.

He told me how his friend was helping him find something to corner Clara
with and that before the trial he was optimistic something good would have
come up.

” She will make a mistake my love don’t worry. Let her get all excited and
do all the worst she wants but l can assure you her days are numbered.” He

” All I want is for you to remain strong and believe in me and in God more.
I will get you out of here.”

” I know Ben, am so proud of you and I don’t care what people are saying.
If only they knew how happy you make me” I smiled wiping a tear from the
corner of my eye.

” I love you so much always know that” he squeezed my hand.

“I sleep with a bunch of your clothes in my bed every night just to feel
you close to me” he laughed softly displaying his honest passion.

” And I love you” I smiled back squeezing his hands too.

” The lawyer said the prosecuting officers have no strong evidence against
you. If only we can get the killer before the trial, then you will be out
of here soon enough my love. Just promise you won’t be crying and will eat.
I will always bring you food I don’t want to hold a borny woman in a few
weeks time.” He teased making a lustful face at me.

” Look at you, am a woman clad in this pathetic uniform and all you can
think of is making love to me” I let a small laugh and he nodded his head.

” ln fact I think you are the hottest prisoner I have ever seen. That
uniform looks so mmmmmmmm on you” he laughed making me laugh with him too.

” Time up people!” The voice of the warder shouted cutting short our

” Mmmm it’s 30 minutes already” he looked at his watch.

” I can’t wait to have you so close to myself the whole day my love. For
now am going to work on having your realease ” he smiled now standing.

” Thank you for coming” I whispered to him.

” I love you Jennifer, stay strong okey?” He responded and walked out his
front still facing me as he walked backwards bumping into the grill door
making me smile.


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