
College romance episode 7

Created by Valentine Valentine in College romance 15 Jun 2021


By Authoress Ricky ?

It Monday and it I had always wish it came early than expected, Michelle filled everyone ears with her dates.

Things worked out for them and she really like him. I changed into my uniform. My parents are taking the night flight back to New York today and am sure Michelle would have to shut her mouth up.

I missed Tina call on Saturday evening but I didn’t bother to call back, I seriously don’t want to talk to them for now.

I pack my hair in messy buns and make sure I checked myself in the mirror before existing my room.

I didn’t get to have breakfast well and same as Michael, Michelle was in a hurry to go to school because her relationship is officially starting today.

“We are getting our personal drivers very soon” Michael said and sit beside me in the car.

“That should be better foodie” Michelle stick out her tongue playfully and I can’t help it but laugh, it been long they fought or argue and i sincerely miss it.

The driver park the car and Michelle was the first to alight and I followed but Michael use the other door.
Before I knew it Michelle already walk off to the senior section but Michelle wave at me before leaving.

I walk into the school and angry Tina was resting on the school wall looking at me. I just walk the other way but she followed me.

“Rachael” she called and I kept walking but she won’t stop calling me and I turned.”Don’t you get it I don’t want to have any thing to do with you guys again, you don’t understand me and it not what I called friendship” I raise my voice a little biy but not a yell.

“Like seriously, rachael I wasn’t even involved in the first place” she replied.”I have an important class this morning” I walk away and I could still hear her muttered some words but it was clear enough to understand.

After my first class even though I didn’t see Jessica in the class what my business, it was English and we talked about few books before the bell was rang for the next lecture.

I was still searching for my pen which was in the middle of book not quite long when someone pointed it to me.

“Omg! thank you” I said and raise my head up to see who help me saw it. “Jessica” I muttered.

“Let talk later during lunch, the guys would be there so don’t worry you can just switch seat if you aren’t going to talk to me again” she gave me a smile before walking out.

The next lecture ends and it was lunch time, I went to drop my stuffs in my locker before going to the cafeteria.

I went to order my lunch which was steak meat and cheese then carry my tray to Jeremy the others weren’t there yet.

“Hey dude” I greeted and sit opposite him since it was just the both of us but he just return my greeting with a smile and kept making sounds with his fork.

“What up with you, you aren’t eating” I asked but his head didn’t even make any movement. “Jeremy” I called.

“Nothing I don’t like the lunch” he replied coldly.”I know you like meatballs so stop lying” I replied.

“Miss Know all is back again” he said with a smirk and drop his fork to stare at me. “Why is your attention on me and am definitely not Miss Know all”I said and he laughed.

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“Why are you laughing am serious” I fake a frown face and he stopped laughing. “You really do care and you even know the kind of food I hate and like you are such a blessing to me”he replied and my cheek went red.

“I don’t know what you are saying but can you stop talking”I said and he just face his food back and I sigh.

It wasn’t up to a minute when Jabson walk in he greeted me first when he realize am never going to talk to him, he greeted Jeremy but damn it obvious Jeremy doesn’t like him too.

“Jabson can you go eat with your friends because we are certainly not on your list” Jeremy said in a more sincere tone and I like it.

“Am certainly not here for you but for my girlfriend so shut the crap”Jabson replied. Girlfriend! he not talking about me or I won’t hesitate to punch his face.

“She is certainly not yours anymore Jabson”Jeremy said and I love the way he is supporting me.

“She isn’t even talking so what your stress and just mind your business”Jabson cut him off.

“Jabson am certainly not yours so shut up”I shut him up and he just start eating and the girls join in and Tina was in Mark hands and I could see the hatred in Jessica face.

“Hi everyone”Tina greeted and sit beside me even though I didn’t even budge. When they notice things weren’t good they sit down round the table and we where eat when Jessica disturbed the silence.

“Am sorry, Rachael” she said and I didn’t even act like I heard but when I noticed everybody eye were on me , I raise my head up and face her.

“Can we stop talking because I respect Table manners” I said and smile at her. “What going on”Mark asked looking from me to Jessica then he eyed Tina who was sitting beside her but she shrugged.

“Am sorry, I over reacted and I shouldn’t have talked about you and Jabson relationship things” she said.
“Like seriously you are just ruining things more so just shut up”I half yelled and everyone was surprised at my reaction.

“Jabson didn’t tell me about anything seriously have never heard of you” she kept running her mouth and I looked at Jabson who just shrugged like he was innocent.

“Jessica do you really want to know what your stupid twin brother did” I asked and everyone went silent.
“Should I tell someone” I face Jabson and he didn’t say a word he just look away embarrassed.

“Because he was S3x and I couldn’t give him you think I would date someone like him again” I yelled out my anger and she stopped talking.

“Seriously I said that because I thought you weren’t dating anyone and could get back with my brother because I thought he still like you and he care about you” She said and I sigh.

“It okay” I replied..” You forgive me”she cut in.
“Yes but not completely, Jabson have to stop coming to lunch with us he is always wanting to pick a fight” I replied and she smiled.

“Rachael you think any guy would date a girl who want to be a Virgin for the rest of her life you are joking” He replied and carry his food tray then stood up.

I was expecting him to leave quick but he was staring at me.
“You are losing an opportunity” he continued and I just support my head with my hand and stare at him.

“Just leave” I yelled at him.
“You don’t have a boyfriend yet so why are you sending your first trail away, we could be friends Rachael”he continued again and he is gradually pissing me off.

“I have a boyfriend” I already said that before I realized i spitted out trash.
“Boyfriend” they whole team said except from Jeremy who was hitting his fork on the plate again.

“Yes I have a boyfriend and he shouldn’t be anyone business” I replied trying to be confident so i won’t crumble again.

“Seriously then what is name, is he an high school student because no college student would date without it” he mocked me.

“Me” a voice said even before I could talk.
“OMG!!, I knew it” Jessica said with surprise..
“Rachael you think any guy would date a girl who want to be a Virgin for the rest of her life you are joking”.

? Chapter Fourteen ?
“Me” a familiar voice said and before I could make a statement Jessica interrupted.

“Actually not every guy want a girl who is a sex freak like you” Jeremy added and I couldn’t help the butterflies dancing round my tummy.

“Jeremy I know you and there is no way a play boy isn’t a Sex freak” Jabson replied him again.

“Can you just get out of here now before your face is swelled by my punch”Jeremy scowled and he looked at me before walking away. “Am really sorry about him” Jessica stood up and follow him.

“Finally he is gone” I muttered and pick up my cutlery to eat but I was about to put a bite in my mouth when i notice their eye was on me again.

“What up with you guys again” I asked and drop the cutlery. “Are you both dating or is just a make up thing to send Jabson away” Tina asked and I looked at Jeremy no emotion was on his eye so I have no idea of what to say.

“It a question” Mark asked removing Tina arm from his hand, Tina is too cliche I don’t blame Mark. Poor boy!.

“What with the look” I shrugged and pick up my cutlery.
“You both aren’t answering our questions, we are friends”Tina added.

“Seriously we didn’t plan this it was just Jeremy trying to help me out” I replied and no emotion from Jeremy again.

“That great” Mark muttered and Tina raise one of her brow. “Nothing is great jerk!, I want this two together since we were kids, they fought every single day and I found out they are only hiding their feelings”Tina blabbered.

“You are misunderstanding everything” I said. “Can you both just admit your feelings already” She said and Jessica walk in just in time.

“We have five more minutes please nobody should say a word I need to eat in peace” she said and started eating I shrugged and continue eating.

Sincerely I like quiet Jeremy, thank God he didn’t say a word during Lunch, and what Mark problem if he doesn’t want me to date another guy then he should stop luring girls to himself again.

“What are you thinking” I was startled by the voice, it was Jeremy.
“Nothing just……. waiting for my elder twins” I replied even though I wasn’t sure if I was actually waiting for them because have been in the park for a while and they haven’t show up.

“The way you call elder twin anyway didn’t they tell you the final year student are doing an important practical that won’t make a memory for them being in school”he said and I nod in surprise.

“The driver should be here any minute and I could go home alone then they join me later” I replied and he scratch the back of his hair.

“Rachael what happened at the”….. before he could complete his word I sighted Mark from afar but when I wave at him he just walk away.

“That strange” I muttered.”What strange”Jeremy asked and I realize he was still with me.
“Nothing just wondering why Michael didn’t tell me this morning” I said and he nod.

“Since your driver isn’t back and it might take a while just send him a text to call you when he is back let hang out together” he suggested and I didn’t want to agree to it but on a second thought I would be hanging out with Jeremy that would be fun!!!!.

I did what he asked me to do and we are on our way to a very close ice cream shop close to the school.

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“What your favorite flavor” I asked him and he raised his brows. “Don’t tell me you don’t know that” he asked and I tried recollecting if he ever told me but that never happened.

“I can’t remember you telling me” I shrugged and wanted to order mine but he interrupted. “We would have one Vanila and a chocolate flavor” he smiled at the ice cream man.

Seriously I don’t know that Mr Know all really know alot about me. I was having my favorite flavor which is Vanila while he take a Chocolate flavor.

“How do you know my favorite flavor is Vanila” I asked and he just laughed.”What funny” because is laugh is contagious and I might find myself laughing too.

“Seriously picturing little Rachael licking that ice cream cone is funny” he said and I hit him playfully.

“I can’t believe I didn’t get the Ice cream after all my effort” I said and he laughed which I joined.

It was during elementary school, the ice cream man made a special ice cream cone it was special and big I promise I would get it myself no matter the amount but I was delayed after class and I didn’t get to have it.

“I wasn’t talking about the day you were salivating on something I knew you won’t get am talking about the day you were with Tina” he said and I didn’t really remember having that memory with Tina.

“Omg!!” I remember that particular day. “Jeremy were you spying on us that day because it was meant to be Tina and I” I said and stopped right at his front to stop him from walking.

“What are you doing” he asked with a surprise look. “Why were you spying on us” I asked and just looked at the other side then at me.

“Because I wanted to see your face” he replied and push me away from his front then keep walking but I ran up to meet up with him then obstruct his movement again.

“What again” he asked. “Why do you want to see my face” I asked and a smirk was plastered on his lips.

He hasn’t been doing that for a while since we became friends hope am not ruining our friendship again.
“Seriously Rachael, I check on people I bully and get to know what they are up to so I can use it against them” he replied and my face went down.

“But you are different from them” he said and I was shocked as he use his finger to raise my chin up. His touch are killing me seriously am going to explode.

“You are different because you”…..why is he leaning in and why is my feet stuck to the ground why aren’t I stopping him.

Jeremy want to kiss me!!!!!
My eye were close shut but after I didn’t get any kiss from him, I open my eye and saw him staring at him.
“What were you thinking” he use his finger to wipe the ice cream on my nose and poke it making me squeak.

“That hurt” I said rubbing my nose.
“You are really dirty minded” he teased and I roll my eye and step away from him angrily. “Don’t be mad at me you weren’t actually expecting me to kiss you”a smirk form on his lips and I knew he was playing me.

“Jerk!! am going home”I was so fast away from him and I could hear him laugh. “You should stop shaking those ass so fast”he shouted and I was damn embarrassed.

Is he crazy why would he say something like that, I check my phone and there was no message from the driver.

I went to the school park and everywhere was empty, obviously everyone have gone home and not even seeing any Final year student around.

“I have a confession” Jeremy voice interrupted my thought again. “Can you stop talking because I don’t understand what is happening” I half yelled.

“Am taking you home actually and that in the next fifteen minutes and you could extend it yourself “….I was almost to interrupt but he cut in again.”If you interrupt me” he added and I was about to talk but I realize it would only get me stuck with him again.

“I ask for a permission from your brother that we have extra lesson today and you would be involved so they should just go home and I will bring you myself”he said and I raise my brows in surprised.

“And they believe that trash”I yelled in surprise. “Maybe because am dreamy Jeremy and it seems they really care about you”he concluded and I sigh.

“She told you why she call you dreamy Jeremy”I asked with a little reduced tone. “Maybe but that crazy why would you……Never mind”he didn’t complete is statement.

“Does it even make any sense because am here with you no extra lesson and am just eating one fucking stupid ice cream”I smash the ice cream on the floor and he just stood there like I was acting some movie scene.

“Am not getting and ice cream for you again”he said and his eye went to the ruin Ice cream cone on the floor.

“I can get one myself and I didn’t even ask you for this” I replied and he just ignore my reply and walk away. “Where the hell are you going” I yelled and when I noticed he didn’t answer him I just ran after him and already stuck with him already.

We walk through an empty road, only him knows where we are going.”Jeremy do you realize am meant to be with my family right now and not with you” I yelled angrily.

“Can you shut up and let go” He lead me to a bungalow house, am sure it isn’t his house because Jeremy is from a very wealthy family even though his house can’t be compared to mine it was still okay.

He unlock the door and I followed him in. The house doesn’t look bad like I imagined. It was really furnished and it really beautiful.

The sofa design was really attractive. I was scanning the house. “Jeremy why are we here” I asked.

“Welcome to my house” He said and I thought I didn’t hear him well. “Are you kiddin’ me” I laughed and when I realized he wasn’t laughing I stopped.

“I know you won’t believe but I left my parent place last year, mom died, dad remarried, I couldn’t take it so he just bought this place and have been living as a lonely dude” he spit out and gulp down the glass of water coolval stories in his hand.

I was short of words for a while before I realized he mentioned his mom death. “Sorry about your mom death” I said and he stare at me.

“It okay anyway come with me I wanna show you something”he said and took my hands and took me to the back of the house.

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“Wow” I didn’t know how that escaped that mouth. There was a beautiful view from here.

The sunset is finally settling down and it was really beautiful watching it from here. I could see a beach from here, it look like the house is a storey for me to have view this but it a bungalow how the hell did he did this.

“Should we visit the water”he asked and I nodded happily and anxiously I wanted to be there. We climb some rock to the place and we arrive there.

He helped me climb the last one and he had to hold my waist that really had an effect on me sincerely.

“This is really amazing” I screamed to the water and he laughed.
“Just scream out your name and it would forever remember you” he said and I gaze at him then at the water.

“Jeremy” I screamed so loud and the water wave came to the rock making me laugh and he did so.
“It recognize it because have called my name a lot of time into this water just try yours” he said and I smile.

“It not necessary” I replied and he turn to the water and scream out my name and the wave of the water did the same and I smile.

“You should stop” I hit him playfully and he smile. “I really love it here” I said more like a whisper.
“I knew you would that why I brought you here” he whispered back and we were now facing each other.

“Will you come here often?” he asked but I don’t really understand what he meant by it.

“I mean will you come visit the water more often” he said and I nodded and we share a few silent moment with his eye locked.

He took a step further and we were damn close. He lean in and I was doing the same but I promise myself not to close my eye because I don’t trust him again.

He was so close to me and I stupidly shut my eye again but when I felt his lips on mine I smiled into the kiss and sincerely our lips were made for each other, it fit perfectly.
After a dream of kissing him finally!!.

Okay the butterflies in my tummy must be throwing a party right now.
I gave him access into my mouth and he deepened the kiss..
To be continued…
She is smiling into a kiss, what do you think would happen next??

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