When it comes to skin, the level of ignorance that has permeated most Nigerian women (and men) is very frightening.
Seeing the lengths people go in their quest to look attractive, there's need for a proper reorientation on what a good skin entails. Simply put; a good skin is one without blemish. QED.
Whether you're as dark as night or as fair as a shoprite nylon bag, so long as the tiny spots across your face are countable, no grotesque eczema trails, no unevenly distributed colour patches - then as far as beautiful skin goes you're on point. Rock it.
Stop being adventurous with a variety of synthetic-based beauty products because they all sound foolproof, enticing you with promises of revealing another layer of beauty underneath an already healthy skin.
Trying to fix what's not broken is why most sisters (and brothers) out there look like 5 days old Sheri mango.
Natural Shea butter (ori or oguma) is your best bet for a creamy, supple skin, but people deem it rustic, I've heard some claim that it darkens the skin. Well it doesn't, that's if you're light-skinned and apprehensive.
No amount of 'skin toning' alias bleaching, hides blemishes.
So if you're in hot pursuit of backyard cream vendors, looking for a miracle to tone you up to caramel, ivory white, soft chocolate, you'll still end up looking like crap. Because the lighter your skin gets, the more conspicuous those polka dots on your face become.
So you're better off treating that acne and spiky pimples that makes a sandpaper feel blunt with the right products, before tweaking your complexion.
Remember, a good skin is graded by a blemish-free surface and not by its colour tone.
Leave your walnut-black like that, husband will still come.
Yellow sisi stop slathering mixed potions on your skin in the morning and in the evening.
That's why y'all perspire like boiled corn - 24 hours.
The good olé shea butter is the answer to your desires.
No "made in Paris" mixed with "made in Italy" will suddenly transform you to half-cast.