Will I be great? The answer to
that question is…I don’t know.
And I think the right question is:
will I be happy? I do not know
either. What do I know right
now? That I am not happy right now. Obviously, or I wouldn’t
be wondering if I would be
happy. You see, truly happy
people are too busy being
happy to wonder If they will be
happy. Which brings us back to the original question; will I be
great? It seems being great is tied to
happiness or fulfillment I could
say but happiness seems more
fitting a word so for for the
sake of this discuss I will use
happiness. Its a word more pleasing to the ear and finer to
the mind. But that’s the thing.
Its a mind thing, happiness.
Happiness/fulfilment seems to
be the most important thing in
the life of a man. We spend our whole lives chasing it from
hither to thither. But the only
reason being great matters is
because we think its tied to
happiness. Being great will
make me happy, or it would be worthless. Now the only
reason being great is tied to my
happiness is because I think it
is. So the principal thing is my
mindset. But how do I reorient
my mindset? how do I make myself think the things I have
matter and are enough and are
the determinants for happiness
and fulfillment. I had a friend who once loved a
girl and he convinced himself
she was a determinant for his
happiness. So long as she was
there, no matter what
happened he was happy. But she didn’t love him. That’s a
fact….as much a fact as the
combination of the letters F, A,
C and T. And its hard to
maintain love when its not
returned. So he had to let that illusion go. How can we
programme ourselves that
way? The way we love, if we
figure how to make ourselves
develop that level of devotion
to everything else and if we can exercise it at will is the
secret to ‘tweaking’ the human
person. Its the secret to being
successful and being happy.
Christendom has it ‘God is
love’ and can create love, thus an ability to confer happiness/
success/fulfillment. Following
along that theology, we are
made in his image. Do we all
not then have the capacity to
love, be great? But is love success? Love is
happiness and I think we can
agree that success is
happiness or can a man be
successful and not happy?
And thus by extension love is involuntary success. But how
can we effect a voluntary
success, activatable by will
’cause love is not so…
activatable by will. It appears
that the answer is one we cannot have and finding
success remains a thing like
love…findable through chance,
grace, rare luck and in rare
times by effort. Will I continue
to seek them, love and happiness? Perhaps. Will I be
great? That is a question I
cannot answer. I hope I will. I
hope I do become so.