Explanation to "Qabli" and "Baadi" in Salaat.
Lets learn and share to others In Shaa Allah.
Qabli is the SUJUD you make before SALAM when you mistakenly
Omit obligatory parts of salat. WHILE Baadi is the SUJUD you
make after SALAM when you mistakenly ADD during salat.
During salaat one may make a mistake and ADD
something to his or her salaat or Omit something in salaat.
These two mistakes often confuse us on how to
compensate for them. I will try to explain the
two terms because they are very important to
complete our salaat properly.
When you add anything like rakaat, sujuud etc in
salaat which makes the salaat more than expected, we term it
BAADI. To compensate for BAADI you will add two sujuud after
final Tashahhud and Tasleem then sit down to repeat tashahhud
and Tasleem to complete your salaat.
When you noticed you've shortened or omitted something in
your salaat then compensate with QABLI. It is compensated by
two sujuud after the final Tashahhud before final Tasleem.
If you are wondering omitting something whiles reciting
Tashahhud then just do Qabli and try to increase your Sunnah
salaat or Naflat salaat to help fix any unknown mistakes to our
fard prayers.
Note:Tashahhud is the ''Attahiiyaat to end'' and
Tasleem is the final ''Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah we say
by turning our head to the right then to the left''
May Allah keep guiding us aright and may He
forgive our mistakes... Amin[/b] [img]https://scontent-amt2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s240x240/12800243_10204578025851125_7675118508266676325_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoiYiJ9&oh=102e4b7b1e80e4f1955c5f769a0165fb&oe=5853A773[/img]