!!!!! What I Never Told AnyOne!!!! {True Story}

!!!!! What I Never Told AnyOne!!!! {True Story}

By THANKMIC in 7 Jul 2015 | 04:45


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What I Never Told Anyone is a True Story about Makayla

The amazing story of miraculous recovery and healing of
Makayla continues. i’m aware that some of you never got
to reading the second page because of technical
difficulties and i apologize for that. If you are one of such
people, please scroll down and click on page 2 for the
concluding part of the story.

I want to tag this category What I Never Told
Anyone. I’m leaving it open for anyone who has a true
life experience to share. This is a forum for open and
honest conversation and I would be glad if you’re bold
enough to talk about your life as I am about to do. Of
course, if you choose not to reveal your identity, it is okay.


I struggled with the choice of whether to share my story
or not. I struggled for months. At a point when I was going
through what I was going through, I was very certain I
would share it but later down the road, I wasn’t really
sure I wanted to let this part of my life out. However,
lately, people have been asking me questions on Facebook
and I just felt it would be best if I told my story or rather
my baby’s story.

Makayla was born on the 5th of July 2011. I didn’t have a
hard labor because the doctor made things easy for me
and Owen (my husband) was there the whole time. She
came at exactly 6am that day and after excruciating
pushing, I was finally relieved to be free of her. I can
remember clearly how the doctor lifter her in the air to
pass her to the nurse when my eyes caught something
unusual on the lower part of her back. I thought maybe I
wasn’t seeing clearly but I focused my eyes again and sure
enough there was something like an extra skin or so (like a
growth) in that area. Immediately my smile drained but I
was not so cheerless because she was very beautiful.

However, I couldn’t ask the doctor what it was for fear
of what he might tell me, so Owen did and his reply
that it was nothing that couldn’t be handled.

I left the hospital less than two hours later but with a
letter from the doctor referring us to Lagos State
University Teaching Hospital (LUTH). He emphasized the
urgency and told us that the earlier they treated her, the
better. Up until that moment, none of us knew how
serious the case was going to be. Two days later, my
mother-in-law accompanied Makayla and I to Luth to
Children’s Emergency and there began my journey of
shock. It started with a boy brought in burnt from head to
toe in a domestic fire which claimed his mother and almost
his sister. The boy was just eight months old.

The attending doctor saw us and started asking me
routine questions about my pregnancy if I drank alcohol or
took hard or prescription drugs and all that, and I
answered him (still I was oblivious about what was
happening). Then he took Makayla’s blood for some tests
and told us we were going to be put on admission because
she was going to be in surgery the next day. I didn’t like
this. I hated hospitals. I really hated hospitals. We were
given space in a crowded room where I could sit and
watch her while the doctors did their rounds. I think I must
have been sleeping when the first set of doctors came. I
answered routine questions politely and then one of them,
Doctor Ojo said, “madam, do you know what is wrong
with your baby?” and I answered that I knew she had
Spina Bifida according to what my doctor had written in
the letter. Prior to this, I had not Googled it. I was too
tired. Then, the doctor began breaking it down in layman’s
terms for me, “Spina Bifida is congenital disease that
occurs in babies in the first month of conception.
Something happens and the spinal cord does not close up
properly and that is why you see that thing on your
baby’s back. We are going to do a surgical repair on that
area and you can go home in a few days.”

I was happy to hear that but if any of you know me well,
you would know that I didn’t let things just go like that. I
asked how this disease could affect her and he looked at
me (for he was kind) and thought I was too young to tell
me the truth and then he asked for my husband. Owen
was at work. I told him to tell me whatever, that I could
take it.

“Spina Bifida does damage to the spinal cord and this
affects the lower part of the baby’s body. She might not
be able to walk and may have to use a wheelchair all her
life. she won’t also be able to control her bowel and
bladder movement and it may also affect her brain.”

He finished and I was staring at him blankly. He tapped me
gently, told his other junior doctors to take notes and
walked away. I sat down dazedly and it didn’t take long
for reality to bite and I began to cry. Owen came and I told
him and my mother-in-law what the doctor said and
though they did their best to reassure me that everything
will be fine, I wasn’t seeing any light at the end of the

Surgery was slated for the next day and the dawn of
light on a bright morning filled me with hope and that was
what took me through the day. The surgery was
successful and we were led to the post surgery ward. We
walked in and were offered bed. The nurses were kind at
first until they laid down their rules.

1. The mother is not provided sleeping space. She
would sit beside the baby during her whole stay in
the hospital. Should she get tired and desire to lie
down, she can do so in the visitor’s room. Her baby
would be looked after y the nurses (big lie).

2. The mother must be up as early as 4am to bathe
herself and the baby and clean her corner (was this
secondary school?).

3. Visiting hours are from 5.30 to 6.30pm (ridiculous!).

4. Mothers are not allowed to eat around their babies
for hygienic reasons (understandable but I broke the
rules so many times).

5. And they added many more other rules that I can’t
remember now.
I hated the place instantly and I asked what it would cost
to get a private ward. I would find out later that deposit
alone cost over a hundred grand and one week’s stay
could amount up to half a million. I had no option than to
manage. What I thought was going to be a few days’ stay
turned out to almost three months. These were the
factors that prolonged our stay.

1. 1. A Nurse’s Carelessness

Four days after the surgery, the doctors were doing their
morning rounds and discovered that Makayla was healing
nicely and ordered a particular nurse to apply fresh
dressing. If I knew then what I know now, I would have
stopped her when she was disinfecting that wound. She
dipped the cotton wool in saline water and rubbed
Makayla’s skin like she was rubbing a footballer’s knee. I
cringed at what she was doing but I thought it was normal.

The next day, the doctors returned, opened the place and
what we all saw shocked us. The stitches had loosened
and there was a gaping hole so large I could even see her
spinal cord. They blamed me for allowing feaces come in
contact with the area. I said nothing to defend myself
because I was scared that if I told the truth, I would have
to face the wrath of the nurses who cared for my baby
day and night. That wound kept us in the hospital for over
two months as they applied honey and dressed it twice

1. 2. A Weird Infection

Makayla, one strange night started coughing. I thought she
was cold because the windows were constantly open
but by the next morning, she could hardly stay awake, milk
spilled from the side of her lips each time she fed
because she was too weak to swallow and her skin
turned ashen. The neurosurgeons who were in charge of
her case wrote a letter inviting the pediatrics to come
check on her but it took two full days for them to show.

At this point my chubby Makayla was now reduced to a
skinny fragile soul and she was dying. Tests were run and
nothing was found to be the problem. All I had was
prayers from home because at that point I could not go
past “Dear Lord…” Five days later, she recovered but the
strange illness that made her cry five nights without
stopping had left her with a coarse voice.

1. 3. Hydrocephalus

While Makaya was recovering from the first surgery, she
developed hydrocephalus which is common with 80%
cases of spina bifida. Hydrocephalus is simply a condition
in which fluid accumulates in the brain enlarging the head
and sometimes causes brain damage. Each day, the
doctors came with a measuring tape to measure the
circumference of her head and slowly, they discovered it
was increasing. The only solution to this was
brain surgery. I remember fighting that decision and praying
strongly against it but God wanted it that way. I gave into
his will and on the 19th of September, she went for her
second surgery. We were told she had a 50/50 chance
at success with that procedure and may have to come
back to have a shunt placed in her brain which would drain
the excess fluid and distribute it around the body as
needed. By this time, I was the second longest staying
mother of a patient in that ward and even the nurses
jokingly begged me to go home. I had watched people come
and go and seen their babies get better. I prayed each day
that God free me from the place.


Medical Procedures

Words cannot describe the turmoil people go through in
hospitals. if you have not gone through it, you will never
understand. It is a lot different for a helpless, little baby
who has to daily take drugs intravenously, drugs I was told
by the doctors that made adults cry when infused into
their veins and in addition had to probed and checked with
hardly any sleep. There were vital signs check every six
hours or so and don’t get me started on the needles. I
remember one time before her CT scan, Makayla was laid
out on the bed and the doctors were searching for just
one vein to insert a catheter and it took one whole hour
until I begged them to stop.

The Nurses

Granted, there are angels amongst them but seriously,
some of them are nurses from hell! One of them actually
told me, when trying to explain to me how to minimize the
use of diapers, that I would (in her words) ‘waste my
money on babies like this’. I was in utter shock and cried
for a long time and when I shared it with my doctor who is
also a consultant at LUTH, he urged me to report her to
SERVICOM. Like I said, you don’t report the one that takes
care of you. It is like a cabal in there. You look for their
trouble, they get diabolical. But I am not always known for
my long-suffering and so I gave a good mouth bashing to
one of them who told me my faith in God didn’t count for
anything and that the doctors were pampering me with
lies. What she was implying was that Makayla would not
get better because in her experience, cases like this turn
out for the worse. I didn’t stop at giving her my mind, I had
Owen threaten the entire nursing unit of that ward with
a report to SERVICOM and it worked like magic. The senior
CNOs came kissing my ass the next morning and right up
until I left, they handled me like royalty. They knew Nurse
‘Hellga’ as we called her had gone too far. Yes, most of
the nurses in our public hospitals in Nigeria are very mean
and uncaring. Yes, I said it! Quote me anywhere! They have
no human feelings whatsoever and they’d rather have you
die to prove their point than see you better.

My Own Health

I had just given birth. All the customary care a first time
mother was supposed to have was alas something I
couldn’t experience. For my whole duration I sat and slept
on a plastic chair in that hospital that when I finally left
the hospital, my bum was flat. I’m still trying to get it back
to shape (lol). At some point, the nurses picking on me,
exchanged my chair for a wooden chair and I went mad.
Yeah you would too if you hardly slept at night or day. I
fell ill so many times I was past caring. My face was filled
with post-birth eczema and my sister joked that I looked
like a soldier’s uniform. I was emaciated and didn’t have
the appetite for food. Peppersoups and hefty meals my
mom prepared for me where shared amongst the other
women in the ward. I hardly went on after the first two
spoons. I developed not only skin infections but vaginal
ones due to the poor state of the toilets. My mental
facilities were really messed up. Somewhere along the line.
It was understandable. Every mother there went through

Financial Stress

Government hospitals are a lot cheaper than private ones
but when you get to stay for an extended period, you
accumulate a whooping bill. Thank God for my parents
who supported us the whole time. I don’t know how we
would have been able to handle the repeated CT scans
and numerous blood tests and all.

Owen’s Own Stress

Each day, he left the office and came to see me for just
one hour and braced the traffic for about four hours or so
to Lekki. Each day, he spent money on drugs and tests
and transportation. I never saw him cry because he was
my strength but I knew he was going through hell.

Now, to the good part. This one I won’t forget at
7 Jul 2015 | 04:45
*sobs*...Mehn....U've really qone throuqh a lot my dear.....Thank God u've qot kind parentz and a understandinq Husband who stood by ya all throuqh vhiz period....The lord is ya strenqth and he's alwayz wid you...
7 Jul 2015 | 07:59
@Thankmic i can't view the concludinq part of the story lyk you said oo plz help.... ' '@T-Dak u're invited to come and call other's oo so they can read viz and inturn qive their own True life story if any.....Thanx.
7 Jul 2015 | 08:05
Infact you went through hell the LORD is ur strength
7 Jul 2015 | 15:03
I feel like crying. So help You God.
7 Jul 2015 | 16:53
@Abdulrasaq Adetunji @Purity @DaintyShewa @PhineBraim @Seadurf @Konphido @blixin @wise one @dabcy @kedike @kedike @precy @dabcy @Japhola, @Olesev @somkhid @Anitcham @kemkit @Besty @Daintyshewa @komh @Babi @victoriouschild @lawman @charlywizzy @SeniorG @Borwerleh @Mr Fabulous @Blesinlayla @barmedhele @D00zie @Mosesmichael @Felzy @Emmazzy @Simzy @kholade @petraify @Valentine @mike carter @Blessed @GeeAdore @Allan jr @Zainet @IAmDrake @Oyefestus @John walter @shola aba @Benedict @Romanus. @Starlet @Oladoja Muhammed @Fabzgrace @Blackstud @bsam @shugarlips @murshan @olaswag3 @otumala Israel @taiwo @jummybabe @nizzy @lawman @davick @davin @emmabrous @chiwendu @ebube @kemkit @victotiouschild @richiebill @treasure @soniamimi @mosesmicheal @japhola @ibrams @holaryinkhar @itzpweety ify @swissbliss @ayomi @mae-d @ivie @fherahoney @emmazzy @iog_tosinlee @kelvinmag @ibn bashir @donpaschalo @joseph @dexterity @hilary @oludear @Japhola, @Daintyshewa @komh @Babi @victoriouschild @lawman @pizzaro @charliebryn @charliewizzy @SeniorG @Borwerleh @Mr Fabulous @Blesinlayla @barmedhele @D00zie @Mosesmichael @Felzy @Emmazzy @Simzy @kholade @petraify @Valentine @mike carter @Blessed @GeeAdore @Allan jr @Zainet @IAmDrake @Oyefestus @John walter @shola aba @Benedict @Romanus @Oladoja @Tenniebenson @khola46 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @calisto @hbk @frank @davick @whistler @sirp081 @kristen @liciacutes @whistler @murshan @wind @mojhisolar @charlywizzy @scholes junior @seyifunmi @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @besty @shaxee @kemkit @jenny @leo @john @williams @softtouch @hoelhay @christopher @opeyemii @oluchi @maurice @abdulseries @olamy4fun @hameyeenat @stanny39 @harnuholuwa @jhorlade @somkhid @ruth @flames @loveth @peace @chinanza @ty @mrsolace @kingsbest @ib_dreams @frankkie @crusher @wind @maxblaze @jclash @pholaryemmie @dozzle @donvalley @donpaschalo @joseph @fridex @davin @nash @kuks @ewomazeal @nizzy @ebube @okklad @justify @funmilayo1 @loveth @donb @iksqueency @smilie @borwerleh @hollar @kolababs @ogbara @franklin @vasty @walexidey @damzitayo @chikere @anita @iamchris @wisdom @thankmic @christopher @jummy @maurice @herbyhorlarh @magdalene @esejerro @roes @pearl @chernor @priceocity @mature @swissy @omodunbi @sam @ibrams @dhemilade1 @oyindamola1 @samdee @others u are invited
7 Jul 2015 | 16:58
Oh sorry I know what u are talking about cos I once experience something like this I pray it neva happen again yoruba adage say (eniti oba ntoju alare gan lore) he wu take care of d sick is even sick himself, especially wen we are tAlking about those government hospital, tey treat people like animal, especially wen it comes to scanning and blood test stuff, I just hate it. May God help those going through things like dis Amen
7 Jul 2015 | 17:43
Thanks for the iv @t-dak
7 Jul 2015 | 17:44
Thanks @t-dak
7 Jul 2015 | 17:54
@thankmic..i cnt view d concluding part ohh..
7 Jul 2015 | 17:56
Itz not showing oooo
7 Jul 2015 | 20:43
likewise me sef.....cant view it viz stori is touching,i kip on imagining the troubles,problems u have been tru, sista joy comes in the morning the lord is ur strength
8 Jul 2015 | 06:51
!!!!What I Never Told AnyOne Continuation!!!! WHEN GOD STEPPED IN Prayers Work When I finally got past my prayerlessness and decided to hold the Lord on the helm of his garment, I never let go. I converted my sleepless nights to prayer nights. It gave me the strength I needed to face each harrowing day and with time, God gave me eyes that saw only miracles even when all was glaring us in the face was hopelessness. His Ways are Not Our Ways At birth, she couldn’t move her legs. They were stiff but gradually, she began to kick and even the doctors were astonished by the changes they saw in her. “This Dadzie Baby is a fighter oh!” one of them said, “see how she’s kicking me. madam, hold her legs while I take her blood.” These were the same people who said those legs will be forever immobile. Another thing the doctors noticed was her intelligence. Of course, they couldn’t yet conclude because she was too young to respond to their mental tests but they were very certain her level of intelligence was more than a normal baby’s. Their conclusion was that the excess fluid in the brain had put pressure and awoken some parts. My conclusion: I serve a Mighty God. When the wound on her back got infected because of that nurse’s negligence, I was distraught but God let it happen for two reasons. The first being that if it had healed at the normal pace, we would have gone home and would have returned again for the hydrocephalus treatment to start lobbying for space and surgery opportunity, increasing our stress, so he spared us that one. Secondly, the wound took its time to heal, forming a strong and solid scar which has no chances of reopening at all. Several cases were brought back for repair because the surgery site reopened. I even saw a case of a boy of two years old come back for corrective surgery. It Could Have Been Us I saw babies die around me till the point I mentally lost it. A particular baby, David who was slated for surgery two days after Kayla’s died a day after she had her own. He was his mother’s third deceased child; she was my best friend in the hospital. How many times I asked God ‘why’ in that hospital, I would never know. Eight babies in that same ward died during my stay and I watched as they would place their bodies inside a carton and cart away with them as if they were rotten goods. I also watched the mothers go through unthinkable grief and I often wondered if my own turn would come. I thought Kayla’s case was bad until I saw worst cases in her category where babies had the absence of certain vital bones in the head to cover the brain or babies who carried the head size of grown men. Each time I was faced with such scenarios that had defied medical help, I would silently thank God for making things easier for me. You don’t want to know the pain and horror that line the walls of hospitals; you don’t want to be there. Thank God that you are where you are and how you are and quit complaining about yourself and your children. You have no idea how precious it is to go into labor and come out with a healthy baby. Stop complaining and thank God! You are certainly better than so many. The Doctors Quote me again on this: The doctors in LUTH are wonderful people and that is why I am very mad at Governor Fashola for how he handled this doctor’s strike and all. Given, some of them are like the nurses from hell but generally, the doctors’ ethics in that hospital is one that should be commended. If I missed anything during my stay there, it would have to be them. I remember all of them by name because they made our stay there worth it. One of them actually told me that I should forget everything they told me would go wrong with Kayla and hold on to God because he had the final say. thank you Doctor Rotimi! THE STORY SO FAR Today, Makayla has defied all medical pronouncements. We still have the occasional heart in our mouths moment like every morning we check to see if her head size is increasing or reducing and I even take measurement but so far everything is as the doctors said it would be. Of course, for her first few her years, her head would be a bit larger than expected because the bones in the skull are slow in fusing but as she grows, she would be perfect. She is still learning how to stand as her legs are weak but her progress so far is astounding. The last checkup at the doctors’ had one of them saying ‘Madam, I don’t know why you still come here. Your baby is okay.” As for her bowel movements, no problems there. She has begun potty training because she actually pushes when she wants to fart or stool and these were the signs I was told to look out for. We are combining alternative treatments like physiotherapy for her legs and homeopathy but generally, things are looking up. Her development is astounding and she’s a normal kid. I wouldn’t want to bore you with any more details but it will take a whole book to write what we went through, how people reacted, what we had to face each day and so on. Below is a link to find out more about Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. I know some of you are as oblivious as I was about these conditions and it would not hurt to find out about them to help people who are going through it around you. Generally, a lack of folic acid in the mother causes this. Let me state it clearly that I took my antenatal vitamins judiciously when I discovered I was pregnant but since Spina Bifida occurs in the first month, and most mothers don’t know they are pregnant then, it is advisable for women planning to get pregnant to begin taking Folic Acid three or more months before conception. Let me state this clearly again for those of you who are wondering. I went for four scans that showed nothing. Why? Have you seen our scanning equipments in Nigerian hospitals, private and public alike? They buy used machines from the 1980s (if I’m not exaggerating) and these things can hardly turn on, let alone show the presence of a problem. For those of you in Lagos, do your scanning at LUTH. They have good scat scan machines there. They’re all colored and all, not sepia A WORD OF ADVICE Whenever you meet Special Children and their parents, please refrain from doing the following 1. Funny, uncomfortable faces. 2. Using words like ‘retarded’, ‘deformed’, ‘handicapped’, ‘disfigured’… They hurt like hell and it doesn’t matter if it comes from family. 3. Offering help or solutions unless you are certain the parents have no idea what to do. First, get background information about the situation and don’t start with ‘what is wrong with your baby?’ 4. Trying to figure out what caused it. Leave that for the doctors. If you want to know more about the situation, Google it. People have come to me and asked, ‘where you drinking when you were pregnant?’ ‘did you take hard drugs or herbal medicine?’ ‘were you not taking your antenatal viatamins?’ And some go further to make it all spiritual “your mother-in-law is behind it’, ‘who did you annoy?’ ‘what is your sin?’. Please, don’t do that. Believe me all these things I listed above are what mothers with special needs children complain about. If sadly, you have been one of those insensitive people, here’s how you can amend your ways. 1. Prayer and encouragement. It’s never too much. 2. Take time out to care for that child even if he/she cannot respond to you. Babies that receive love and care like cuddling and warmth always end up surviving than ones that are neglected. 3. Stay away if you cannot handle it. Bad energy or attitude can never help anybody. 4. You can always help by visiting these special kids during holidays, taking diapers, baby products and stuff to them. During my stay, I looked forward to seeing a certain Catholic priest that showed up every Sunday. In conclusion, I am glad I shared this story. Like I said, I didn’t know something like this existed until Makayla was born. Nevertheless, her birth gave me the courage I needed to start my life again and she is the reason I write. She is also the reason I have faith in God. Trusting God takes on a whole new meaning for me because I had to believe he was still who He was even when I didn’t see him at work and that was the hardest part of my whole ordeal. I literally got to the point where I was willing to lay my Isaac (Makayla) down as my own sacrifice to him. By his love, he brought her back to life and into my arms again and each day, I see his mercies. My life was going in a particular direction until she came and God took me on a road I never knew existed. Life changes for you when you enter a place like a hospital to live there. All your hopes and dreams would meet reality and they would either die there or be reborn. Mine had to die to be reborn. I can say with all certainty that I was glad I went through what I went through and I know I speak for Owen too. We still need your prayers and so do families going through similar situation We are grateful to family and friends that stood by us. But more importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ, the great healer. Finally, Owen and I have taken it upon ourselves to from time to time fund surgery for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus cases. It costs only N9,750, about $61. If you want to be part of it, please contact me through email [email protected] These children need our help as so many cases are turned down because of lack of funds from the parents. God Bless You for reading and please share.....
8 Jul 2015 | 09:43
Awwww.. God bless u too.. Glad the kid is alive.
8 Jul 2015 | 09:58
It a relief d kid survive it
8 Jul 2015 | 17:57
Thank God 4 ya......learnt a lot...
8 Jul 2015 | 18:12
Whao reli leant 4rm ur experince, all u said abt d doctors nd d nurses r reli true......will try nd use ma drugs durin ma next pregnancy cus i neva used any drug durin ma 1st nd ma baby is vry ok..........Tnxs 4 sharin ur story wit we coolvallers
8 Jul 2015 | 19:05
I hope you guys enjoy this short and heart touching true life story......? Please invite other friends to come read, learn and also share their own stories!!!!! @Pizzaro and everyone who have invited one or two friends!!!! Thanks so much.....
8 Jul 2015 | 23:28
Happy d baby is alive
9 Jul 2015 | 12:05
Noting is impossible 4 ALMIGHTY ALLAH to do ooooooooooo
15 Jul 2015 | 06:05
So happy 4 u @THANKMIC.I blesss d name of d lord 4 ur life. I pray 4 all pregnant women dat dey will never experience such in deir life,and dat God will give us all bouncing normal,gudlooking n healthy babies in JESUS name Amen
21 Jul 2015 | 09:56
His a miracle worker.... I learned a lot from your testimony. God is your strength
11 Dec 2017 | 16:58
Eya its pathetic
9 Jan 2018 | 01:09


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