You think 1 kobo is useless?
Then try buying an MTN caller
tune with #49.99k.
You think 0.01 is surely
insignificant? Then go ask the guy who
from University with a CGPA
of 3.49.
You think 1 mark isn't such a
big deal? Then go ask a final-year student
scored 39 in a
You think 1 second doesn't
count? Then try losing to Hussein Bolts by 1
second and see how
it feels.
You think 1 goal is nothing
spectacular? Then go ask Jose Mourinho
why didn't Chelsea lift the Community
You think 1 person can't make
any. difference? Then go ask the president
who narrowly escaped
impeachment by just 1 vote.
The bottom line: Learn to love
and appreciate what you have no matter how
small or insignificant it looks.
What you
consider small and
unimportant could have made
a huge difference in other people's lives.