Weekend Specials

Weekend Specials

By Saintkenz in 26 Mar 2016 | 06:50
Saintkenz Saintkenz

Saintkenz Saintkenz

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NOT ALWAYS WHAT YOU THINK story by ewomazeal

Naomi giggled like a teenager as she was tickled by Victory, her best friend. Her beauty radiated more than ever. She was very happy.
”For your mind abi,” Victory teased. ”You’re getting married. I’m happy for you. Congratulations once more.”
Naomi smiled in return. Nothing on earth could ever be compared to this. Getting what you really want in life. Emmanuel was what she wanted and she got him. The man of her dreams. She loved him so much with all her heart. He was the only reason she breathed. Thoughts of him got her grinnng. Love is indeed a beautiful thing. She freed herself from Victory’s grip, got off the couch and twirled once in a spot.
”I’m so excited, Victory. I’m going to be married soon. I just can’t wait!” Her eyes twinkled in delight.
”Don’t let it get to your head that much o,” Victory cautioned. ”Be happy, its your time to shine.” She concluded with a genuine smile.
”Thank you.” Naomi replied in gratitude. She moved back to Victory, stretching her hands, reaching for her.
Victory, knowing her friend so well, placed her hands in hers.
Naomi pulled her off the seat and embraced her. ”Thanks, big sis.”
Victory only nodded, clinging to Naomi.
Naomi smiled, patting Victory’s back as she slowly reminisced the good times they had together. Victory was indeed a blessing to her. Her life had been almost perfect ever since Victory stepped in and it wil always be that way. Victory had introduced Emmanuel to her and they had become the ’three musketeers’. Everything had just been so good. She gradually got to love Emmanuel, so did he. When she wasn’t sure of what she felt, when she was so confused, Victory was there for her. She urged her to carry on. That’s what she did. It was the best decision of her life. All thanks to Victory. She was one-in-a-million. The best friend anyone could ever wish to have. She became her sister. To guide, direct and protect her. The elder sister nature denied her of having.
Naomi suggested that she and Emmanuel wait. She desired to have Victory get married on the same day with her. She was willing to wait for Victory to find her beloved. Emmanuel and Victory would hear none of that. She did not understand why. She wished Victory the very best and happy moments for the rest of her life.
As they slowly disentangled from the hug, Naomi noticed Victory was sad. Tears welled up in her eyes. Naomi was deeply concerned.
”Are you okay?”
Victory did not respond.
Naomi’s cellphone rang, interrupting her pending conversation with Victory. She hissed angrily as she saw the caller’s I.D. What could he want? Grudgingly, she answered.
”Can I help you?” she greeted arrogantly.
”Thought you’d have deleted my contact,” came the gruff reply.
Naomi was irritated. ”Get to the point.”
”Why don’t you want to believe me? They’re both playing you.”
”What is your problem? Can’t you let me be? Its my choice to make,” she threw at him. She was furious.
”Read between the lines. Don’t be fooled.”
She took the phone off her ear and disconnected the call. Damn! Why won’t that lying bastard mind his business.
”Danny, right?” Victory said.
Naomi looked her direction. She was surprised there was no trace of the tears she once saw. Or so she thought.
”Yeah. He won’t quit disturbing me. Has he gone nuts? I really can’t stand that guy anymore.”
”Stay away from him, Naomi. He just wants to hurt you. Don’t ever listen to him. He’s badnews,” Vctory warned sternly.
Naomi shrugged. Victory was always that way when it came to Daniel. Why wouldn’t she? He was really annoying. But he was a good friend.
Naomi smiled. ”Lets not let him get to us. He won’t ruin our happiness.”
”True. Lets celebrate. Four days to go!”
Naomi cheered.
Victory laughed.
Still Naomi could see sadness in Victory’s eyes.
”I told you to end things with her!” Victory screamed, tears blurring her sight.
Emmanuel held her hand. ”Its too late for all that. I… I can’t do it. She’d die.”
She snatched her hand from his grip. ”Then let her die! I do not care. I care about us. This ridiculous plan is getting out of hand. Lets put an end to it.”
”It was your idea,” Emmanuel asserted. ”You made up this freaking plan. It doesn’t favour you anymore.”
Victory chuckled despite the tears that flowed. ”It isn’t favouring us. You love me. You’re just with her for the money!”
”We both wanted that.”
”We have it now. Don’t marry her. Its not too late. Let’s runaway. Today, lets do it now.”
”I do care about her. Have you even thought of how broken she’d be?”
”That’s left to her. If you don’t want it that way, call her. Explain the reason why you don’t want the wedding now. Make up anything. I’ll help you convince her. Then, we’ll disappear.”
”You are still naughty, just as I’ve always known you to be.”
”I’ll do anything for us.” She smiled.
He wrapped his hands around her waist. ”Are you forgetting that Naomi had wanted to wait for you? You did not use that opportunity well.”
Victory rolled her eyes. ”I got it wrong. Lets do it now.”

”I want to. Let me get a taste of her and more money.”
Victory flared up. ”Never! I won’t allow you marry her. Over my dead body.”
Emmanuel released his hold on her. He looked back. He stood transfixed as he saw a female figure staring at him confused and terrified at the same time. He gasped.
Naomi’s eyes locked to Emmanuel’s. This had to be a dream. She badly wanted to wake up from it. This was incredble. She wanted to speak, but the shock wouldn’t let her.
There was dead silence.
Victory remained unaware of Naomi’s presence.
”When…when….did…you get here’” Emmanuel stammered. He finally found the courage to speak.
His words got Victory scared. She turned around only to find Naomi gazing at them. She was greatly amazed. She did not know what to say or do.
”What… I heard. Is it true?” Naomi innocently asked, refusing to believe what she saw and heard. Her brain could not comprehend it.
Victory flared up at her silly question. ”Do you want us to repeat it all over again? What you saw is real.” She was fed up playing the elder sister to Naomi. She wasn’t going to pretend anymore. She had to come out of her shell and let Naomi know thw real her. And Naomi wasn’t stealing Emmanuel from her.
”Victory!” Emmanuel cautioned. He never wished Naomi to find out the truth in that manner. He had planned to reveal everything to her.

Its true,” his voice was unsteady. ”It’s you I love. I don’t need your money anymore. I love you.”
Victory scoffed. ”You love ths hag?”
Naomi dropped the bags she carried. She was heart broken. She forgot who she was. She lost herself in the hurt of all the pains she experienced. She felt the world had collapsed leaving onl her standing; like she’d been torn apart and by the two poeple she loved and trusted with her whole heart. It was like a flame burnt through all she believed in. It demolished all that was true. She was ripped apart. This was going to be a nightmare that would never end.
Unable to speak, Naomi turned and ran out of the room. Then the tears fell.
Daniel caught her.
”Let me go!” She demanded, strugggling with him. ”They don’t love me.” Naomi cried more. ”It hurts. Its unbearable. They made a fool out of me. They decieved me!”
”Shhh.” He took her into his arms, stroking her hair. ”You don’t have to cry over a bunch of fools. They don’t deserve it. I’ve always wanted to tell you. I did not want you getting hurt. I’m sorry for your pain.”
Naomi clung to Danny.
”I’m sorry for not listening to you. I was decieved…she was my sis..”
”You don’t have to be. I love you, Naomi. I’ve always loved you.”
He freed her and looked into her eyes.
Electricity shot through Naom’s body. She wasn’t sure her heart had ever pounded so fast in her life. She noticed a small scar a little above his eye balls. For a fleeting moment she wondered how he got it. She wanted to know everything about the man standing in front of her. And more than anything, she wanted to feel his lips on hers.
Just as the longing became unbearable, Daniel’s lips met Naomi’s. The warmth of his mouth sent a current running through her body. Noami threw her arms around Daniel’s neck as she lost herself in his peppermint breath and soft lips. She desired to be with him and nothing more. She wished it’d never end. Lost in this kiss, Naomi had forgotten about the broken heart she’d been crying over minutes ago.

26 Mar 2016 | 06:50
SOMETHING CALLED LOVE part 2 by Saintkenz • • "I‘ll be in ten minutes, you just wait at our spot!” and the line went dead. All Rashi could interpret was a blunt, discouraging piece of hostile phrase. Out of all the most romantic and fanciful evenings they had spent at the same place, this one seemed to be amiss and Rashi could just feel the rawness in the air. Even though the climate seemed completely acknowledgeable, her instincts strongly suggested there’s a cyclone showing up and not just another romantic chilly drizzle! It’s even before the expected time, Shrey had showed up. The usual confab was carried for a good two minutes and Rashi could clearly sense something was really wrong or at the least not-so-correct. Shrey was not behaving like ‘her Shrey’, who she usually called him. She gave a thumbs-up to her so called instincts and made up her mind to get him clarified. Even before she could open her already trembling lips, Shrey started to spit out. “I’m on a purpose to meet you this evening Rashi”. Rashi was stupefied to hear her name called out in such a hoarse way. It was always a darling or at least a sweetheart following her name but this sounded too gravelly than he had intended to. All she could do was putting up a frown over her discolored face and mutter a “Huh?”. The sky was equally cheesed off to drape itself with the thick dark clouds and was ready to push them off its fringe in any moment. “Rashi, this really is an important matter, and you must understand what I’m going to say”. “Just shoot out Shrey….whatever it is”, was the retorted reply from her half-lost-in-thought heart. “Rashi this THING can’t be happening anymore, we have to give up.” “We whaaat???” she said that but it was almost a whisper which she herself couldn’t hear. A million things were going in her head right then, but she was not getting on what thought she had to land on. “Yes, I can’t do this Rashi…I just don’t think it would work out for both of us”. Slowly she began to understand what he’s exactly trying to say. Everything was falling in place correctly. He, making up arguments for every minuscule discussion, always asking her to give up, he not being the same ‘he’ since the past few days. But Rashi just convinced herself every time, thinking everything could set itself right, the very next moment. But it became irreparable by the time she realized the factual truth that he was building up a barrier between them; which was stronger than the love she has developed within for him, only making the wall highly impassable. Rashi still wasn’t sure what the inner sense for his words was. She managed to say, “Shrey please be direct to me, just don’t make it difficult.” Shrey, understanding her mental position, moved a step away and slowly put out the the deadly truth. “Rashi I’m not in love with u anymore, And I don’t want to cheat myself and indirectly cheat you thinking it’s still the same Thing! So let’s end it here”. The world around was breaking itself into a million pieces and each one was piercing her heart in every hidden corner possible. The pain was so excruciating that she rather wanted her breath to give away, than undergoing it. She was trying terribly hard to get in charge of herself, trying to compose herself but the hurt was too deep that it could take a zillion lives to completely get cured. This was the cyclone she realized, was not the one to do anything with the nature but with her own disintegrating life. The expected downpour started it’s show, teasing her that it was not her evening anymore like the earlier ones. Every other thing around started to drench just like her; but the irony was, she also had turned out to be a lifeless being just like the immovable benches and the rugged road beneath, on realizing the fact. “I’m really sorry Rashi but this is the truth.” He was equally doused by the violent rain. He caught her arm and started to run for a shelter around. But Rashi just snapped it out and suddenly became vigorous outwardly, veiling the inner wound of her broken heart, which was becoming more sore. “You are breaking up with me Shrey??” was her poser, which was outputted louder than necessary. Shrey not knowing what to say next just gave out a sigh and said “Yes Rashi, that is it.” “That is it Shrey??? You are calling it a ‘THING, whatever happened with me was just a Thing to you? Doesn’t it mean anything better??” Shrey was silently building up a strong disdainful feeling inside, not liking the way Rashi has riposted. “Do I get to know why Shrey??Am I at least that respectful to know the reason behind ending this so called ‘thing’?” She was throwing out her hands in the air, the frustration reaching its peaks. “Reason? Isn’t the fact that I don’t want to be with you anymore enough to end this?” It was like he slapping her hard on the face, only the pain being felt, but no such scene was happening. Her body started to quiver and her legs were no longer supportive. The rain accelerated itself, making the contrast and was hitting her hard with all the possible force. But the pain was far less than the one sustained by his words. She just shut herself up, losing every little hint of hope that got rebuilt in the last few minutes. Rashi had left her world for Shrey…her WorlD! She compromised in every little thing she could–from her complete hateful things to her most favorite everything! Only for Shrey,only for making him love her like the way she loved him. Her only obsession was Shrey and he was the ‘redefined world’ to her. Nothing in her life was more important than him, even her mere self . She had a life which just revolved around him and she wanted the same with him too. But the fate laid a different path for her. She wanted to yell at him saying this is not just a ‘thing’ as he called it, but a truly experienced love. She wanted to ask him what the actual reason was and what wrong she had done to experience such a remorseful rejection. She just wanted to hug him tight and say she loves him more than what he thinks and to erase the past few minutes from her life. But she did none. Not after hearing those scornful words from him; not after perceiving that he had decided to go away, leaving her behind like a piece of crap! Instead the rage inside her was building like hot lava, only not knowing in which manner to burst out. “I know it could have ended in a better way but, it Has to END Rashi. So you realize the fact and just move on.” He was bleak! Each and every word he spoke was like a weapon aiming directly at her heart and thereby destroying her completely inside out. She completely got worn out and let the silence play its role in the almost won game of his. He was becoming very impatient and finally spat his final words of the play “Rashi please understand, I…..-”. “No!!” she was shouting this time, lying on her calves on the ground. He made an attempt to bring her up but she just snapped out. “Just GO away…….now! And never come back!” was her final response to his heartless words that evening. Shrey who had failed to last the love of her that night had also become hardhearted and cold-blooded. He didn’t want to utter another word in order to give her any kind of explanation. He just stood there not knowing how to react exactly. The purpose he had put himself to that evening, was fulfilled then. He just wanted to tell her he was dumping her and he did. He didn’t want to find a reason to stay there anymore. He just turned away showing his back, waited for a few seconds and began to walk; not bothering to even give a glance back at her. She watched him go away, away from her heart, away from her life. The love of her life, the life she had designed to be with was just going away. The treasure of her life’s happiness was being stolen away by the creator himself. She only had one perception of love in her life till then-”love means forever”. But the presumptions have ought to be changed that night. She, who once felt pitiful for those who lost the war of love, was even more pathetic now; putting herself in that place. The outburst, which had been competing with nature till then had given up finally and began to come out of her in the most uncontrollable form. Now she hates it. That thing called love. Finally, she cried……letting the rain wash away her pain! The End. Happy weekend to you guyz from ewomazeal & saintkenz :) :)
26 Mar 2016 | 06:53
Happy weekend to u too :) :)
26 Mar 2016 | 07:13
Nice story
26 Mar 2016 | 07:35
Wow wow wow ... Love sucks
26 Mar 2016 | 07:58
happy weekend to too @saintkenz nd @ewomazeal nice story
26 Mar 2016 | 08:15
Hapi weekend to you too
26 Mar 2016 | 08:48
Nice nd interesting stories
26 Mar 2016 | 09:01
Always...fantastic!!! Can i get d link 2 d part one???
26 Mar 2016 | 09:02
26 Mar 2016 | 09:16
Oh dear naomi
26 Mar 2016 | 09:54
Ewomazeal the story didn't END well ooo i need more of it
26 Mar 2016 | 10:23
Nice piece u go here . Happy weekend to u too
26 Mar 2016 | 10:41
Mehn.... Love suckz... Love hurtz... It hurt when u love someone and the person cant do the same rather has selfish interest.,.
26 Mar 2016 | 10:58
happy weekend
26 Mar 2016 | 13:09
Love sef hmmmm Nice story happy weekend everyone.
26 Mar 2016 | 13:34
26 Mar 2016 | 16:01
@tenniebenson i will help you get the link Ook ? :)
26 Mar 2016 | 18:44
nice stories
26 Mar 2016 | 19:32
26 Mar 2016 | 20:16
@ewomazeal and @saintkenz una 2 much
27 Mar 2016 | 06:30
nice story happy weekend to u too
27 Mar 2016 | 08:02
Wow, nice write up guys
27 Mar 2016 | 10:03
27 Mar 2016 | 10:53
Thanks... Waiting
27 Mar 2016 | 11:31
Nice one dia
27 Mar 2016 | 13:06
Nice one. When u don't attach urself to peoples and desires, never will ur heart be broken
27 Mar 2016 | 20:23
U too much
28 Mar 2016 | 04:10
hmmmm,tooo long
28 Mar 2016 | 09:15
Who say love na beta tin???
28 Mar 2016 | 14:51
love love love. a big one at that
28 Mar 2016 | 17:45


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