Weekend Special

Weekend Special

By Saintkenz in 19 Mar 2016 | 05:30
Saintkenz Saintkenz

Saintkenz Saintkenz

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Member since: 8 Apr 2015
[b]EVELYN story by @ewomazeal[/b]

Evelyn smiled to herself as the breeze gently caressed her face. It had been hot and she’d been longing for the natural air created by God to touch her, she wanted the feel of it. It made her come alive, the heat had just been too much.
”I need to eat,” she muttered to herself.
Sighing, she got off the wooden chair she had been sitting on and made to go inside her shop. She had some money left in her purse – it’d be able to help her fill her tummy for the afternoon. As she lifted her head, she caught sight of Dave walking to meet her. Their eyes met and she smiled.
”What’s up?” he greeted in his usual cheerful manner.
Her smile grew into a grin. ”Na only hunger dey jhor. How are you?”
”Just the way you want me to be na,” he replied feigning sadness.
Evelyn couldn’t stop herself from laughing. ”Go jhor, you’ve started again.” She brushed off streaks of her braided hair falling over her face.
Dave admired that. He gazed intently at her.
She was beginning to feel uncomfortable as his eyes roved all over her. The way he just stared at her, she knew something wasn’t right.
She placed her left hand on her hip. ”Wetin nau? You never see me before? I don’t like the way you are looking at me o,” she said jokingly but she was very serious.
Dave smirked. ”You know I like you na. Just be my girl. I know you’re hungry, say yes to me and you’ll never be hungry.”
Evelyn smiled and looked away. She didn’t like this. She wasn’t in the mood for whatever he wanted. She turned to him. ”You can’t even buy something for your friend, abi?”
She giggled. ”Your oga dey call you. Start to dey go.”
His eyes wandered over her a second time. ”Just say yes and things will be very good for the both of us.” He smiled in an unusual manner and touched his chin as he moved away from her.
Evelyn did not say a word after him. She just watched him leave. Dave. She’d known him the day she began learning tailoring at her aunt’s shop. She even had a crush on him the first day she set eyes on him. He was devastatingly handsome and hardworking. She never said a word about her feelings to him. Days rolled into weeks and they started getting along. Suddenly, their friendship began having setbacks. This was because Dave declared his love for her, but she wasn’t interested. She had a mild crush on him which she had gotten over. Her heart belonged to someone else.
Dave refused taking no for an answer. He always persuaded her to be in a relationship with him. Nevertheless, Evelyn was adamant. She did not love him and she did not want to decieve him. She only wanted to be friends with him. He did not want that. He began avoiding her. He seldom talks to her and whenever he does, its always brief, he never fails to mention how things will be better if they were dating.
David was strong-willed as other guys who had been asking her out. They never got tired and they grew in number as each day passed by. They were all asking in vain. She had nothing to offer them. She was never going to give any of them a chance. The only person she loved was her Temi and she was not going to cheat on him neither was she going to let him go because of money.
A sad smile touched the corners of her lips as she watched the retreating figure of Dave. She liked him. Only if he would agree to being friends.
”Fine girl!” a man passing by hailed, smiling at her.
She quickly turned her head to the direction she thought she heard the voice from. She smiled on seeing him. One of her suitors. The constant pleadings she got from him was beginning to bore her. She considered it as disturbance and troubles but she was never rude to any.
”Good afternoon, sir,” she greeted in a friendly manner.
”Afternoon, my love,” he replied. ”Let me go and buy something, I’ll be right back.”
”Okay, sir.” She was glad. No disturbance at that moment.
And at that he resumed his walk.
”Ma!” She was taken aback by the voice. She did not know her madam was back.
”You don sew that woman skirt finish?” her aunt asked in Nigerian – Pidgin language.
”Yes, ma. I’ve even fixed the zip for mama Stella’s blouse.” She responed in English language. She detested speaking to her madam in pidgin.
”Okay.” She walked into the shop and sat down, stretching her legs. ”Inside the bag of money, collect N500, go and buy me ice fish and vegetables. Don’t waste my time o. I wan cook soup.”
”Yes, ma.”
Swiftly, Evelyn took the amount of money from the money bag as directed by her madam. She also took N100 from her purse to buy lunch.
She began her journey. She searched for Dave with her eyes. She couldn’t find him. Disappointed, she shrugged and continued her journey. As she walked by, men call her from different angles making sounds with their mouths but she paid them no attention. She walked on.
On getting to the lonely road she usually took to Mama Dubem’s shop, an eerie feeling swept over her.

She paused. She turned her head to the left, right and then behind her. She saw no one and nothing frightening. ”Why am I feeling this way?” She rhetorically asked.
After muttering a quick prayer and taking a deep breath, she continued walking.
As she walked deep into the street, that strange feeling was getting intense. Noticing this, Evelyn increased her pace. Something was just not right. She was getting disturbed. On a second thought, she turned around and began retracing her steps.
Suddenly, four strong arms gripped her shoulders.
Evelyn shrieked.
”Help me!” She never had a loud voice. It would be difficult for anyone to hear her cries. The street was dead quiet.
A hand covered her mouth, preventing her from crying for help.
Evelyn struggled to free herself, but it was an impossible task. The boys holding her were stronger and powerful. She continued struggling which made her drop the money she was holding on the ground. In the twnkle on an eye, she was lifted off the ground and her weight rested on the shoulder of one of the boys.
She saw an opportunity.
”Let go!” Evelyn screamed with all her might. ”Please, let me go! Somebody, help! Anybody!” She kept hitting his back furiously.
The boys hurriedly took her into a nearby bush. The bigger of the two set her down, while the smaller one tied her hands behind her. Together, they laid her on the ground, forcing her legs open.
Evelyn immediately got the message. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Defenseless, she begged.
”Do not hurt me,” she cried. ”Please, don’t do it. I beg of you. Do not hurt me.” She equally pleaded with her eyes.
The boys paid no attention to he. They held her firmly to the ground.
”Dave!” the smaller of the two called out. ”Come and do this thing sharp sharp make we dey go.”
Evelyn never imagined that the Dave she knew would involve himself in such inhumane act especially her being the victim. She watched in utter shock as the Dave she once crushed on, bounced toward her with a silly grin on his face. Their eyes met. She was dumbfounded. Her cries ceased and she lost her voice. Only her eyes seemed to be functioning.
”This na wetin you no wan give me since,” he accused, licking his lips, he continued, ”I don get am today.”
”Fast!” the bigger boy shouted, getting angry.
Dave got to business.
Unbuckling his belt half way ans unzipping his trouser, he got on his knees. He chuckled wickedly seeing how Evelyn was staring at hm in amazement. Only if she knew how bad he wanted her. She’d refused and he had to take it by force. He touched her legs.
Evelyn immediately came back to life. She flinched at Dave’s touch, trying to put her legs together.
”NO! NO!” she screamed at the top of her voice. ”Don’t do this to me. I beg of you. Dave, please. Remember we’re friends…” Evelyn wailed as she continued pleading for him to let her go.
Dave wasn’t listening. Getting her, making love to Evelyn was the only thing on his mind. He did not have a conscience to trouble him. Nothing was going to stop him, he was not going to regret it.
Seeing his determination, Evelyn wailed more and more, begging Dave to have mercy on her.
He held her legs firmly, positioning them in a way that’ll be easier for him to accomplish his mission.
Evelyn kicked him, trying to bruise him. She only wanted him to stop. She did not want to be raped. She never wished to be a victim.
”God, please help me,” she prayed in between sobs. She did not quit fighting with her legs.
Dave escaped her kicks. He was determined to do this. He tightened his hold on her legs, while his friends pulled her to the ground. He pulled the tight she wore under her skirt. That was easy.
”Oh, God!” she cried out. ”Dave please, please,” She was confused. She had no idea what to do. She was done for.
Dave did not listen to her.
He ripped off her pant.
The main thing was about to take place.
”Dave, no!” She shouted terrfied. She was scared. Scared of losing her precious gift to a beast.
”I’m still a v…” the word got stuck in her throat as she felt something big enter her. The piercing pain was unberable. She screamed unconsciously. The pain was too much for her to bear.
The boys released her from their fierce grip. Dave came out of her immediately. He was surprised. He never knew she was still a virgin. He was told she slept around. His senses were awakened. He felt pangs of guilt as he helplessly watched the love of his life lying on the ground, crying her heart out with blood stans.
”I’m sorry,” he muttered. ”I didn’t want to.” He meant every word.
”Lets get outta here!” his friends advised.
All three of them ran away, leaving Evelyn to her fate. Dave ran with a heavy heart.
Evelyn refused to sit up from the ground. She was unable to. She’d just lost the gift she promised Temi on their wedding night to a bastard. The pain surging through her could drive her crazy. She did not understand. What had she done to deserve such awful treatment? Why would Dave do such a thing?
She rained abuses on Dave.
”It will never be well with you. God will deal with you. Oh God….” she broke off, crying intensly. She stared at her blood stained self. She held her hand to her chest, thinking over the calamity that had befallen her. She thought of how her life was going to be from that day on. She wondered how she’d get over that traumatic experience and move on with her life. She pondered deeply over many things. She wondered if she’d even remain Evelyn for the rest of her life.
Sadly, she begged her Creator to take her life.

ThE eNd
[b]proudly brought to you all by ewomazeal[/b]

19 Mar 2016 | 05:30
[b]WAR OR LOVE ? story by @saintkenz[/b] It was February 14. The land of Ijmile was in chaos. The warriors marched towards the palace. They numbered in the thousands armed with swords, shields and spears twice as tall as men. The men's facial features obscured by war paint with fearless eyes. Their seemed to be no doubt in those eyes. These were men going to battle, these were men willing to kill or die this day. And so they marched on. The sounds of their footfalls filled the vast fields around the palace. Leading the vast army was the Warrior Princess Ntombi. Her fiery red hair stood out amidst the sea of black helmets and spears. Her Armour was light and she carried a sheathed broadsword as she urged her horse on. The Horse's name was Mahiri, which meant "Skillful and Clever". Mahiri had been with her through many battles. She had proved her Skill and cleverness more times than Ntombi could count. As Ntombi watched the Palace archers position themselves, she knew this would not be an easy feat. The palace walls had never been breached. The walls were carved from the hardest elements in the earth. The Palace Archers were the finest in all the twelve kingdoms. The task ahead of her was suicide, but necessary. Ntombi gestured for the warriors to stop. Suddenly, her army came a halt as the Palace gates opened.The large solid steel gates made a heavy humming sound as they moved. Suddenly, Hundreds of Palace guards scrambled out into the field. They mostly carried their traditional small shields and curved swords. Ntombi marvelled at how fast they got into formation. An endless stream of Soldiers followed. Within seconds, a force twice as large as hers stood before them. Long pause. Mahiri made a nervous sound, Ntombi patted the side of her neck to calm. "All will be well, my friend" Ntombi whispered to the horse. "All will be well" Long pause. Ntombi watched Prince Mosi dismount his horse and slowly walk her towards her. His sword was sheathed and his hands in the air. Was this an attempt at Parley? She wondered as she hesitantly dismounted Mahiri. "I would strongly advice against that, My Princess" Jeloth called after her. "Wait for my signal, Captain" Ntombi said without looking at him. The captain reluctantly obeyed. Ntombi approached the tall handsome Prince with caution. It was out of character. By nature, the Prince wasn't one to meet an invading army with words. "What is the meaning of this Princess?" The Prince said calmly. His coolness gave her pause. She was in fact a little wary. Was this a trap? Did he know they were coming? She looked cautiously around. "Your Castle is in my way...great Prince" she forced a smile. Long Pause. "Our kingdoms have co-existed for decades" He said pacing around her. She hated when he did that. His arrogance was annoying. " why the aggression all of a sudden,...have I wronged you in anyway?" Ntombi held back the rage inside her. "As to the issue our betrothal..." "Don't you dare speak of it!" She snapped. Prince Mosi stared at her in what she could only describe as shock. "You can not hope to win a war against us" He smiled. "My warriors out number yours Four to One" "Surrender your Palace or die" Ntombi said simply. The Prince casually glanced at the men behind him. A simple hand gesture from him would lead to massive casualties on both sides. The last thing he wanted was a senseless war. "Tell me what it is that offends you Ntombi" He said softly. "I do not wish to fight....." "You shamed me, Mosi!! " she snapped. ".....You shamed me before our Kingdoms!!!" Long pause. He looked away thoughtfully and slightly confused. "You speak in riddles, Princess" Ntombi restrained herself from drawing her sword and stabbing him there and then. She turned her face away from him. She found it difficult to look into his eyes, it made her uncomfortable. "By law we were to be married a forth night ago" she said a little more softly than she'd intended. "But you broke our betrothal and walked away" "Because it was what you desired, " he said, leaning towards her. But his sudden closeness startled her, she panicked. "Don't touch me!!!" She snapped. "Archers!!!" Suddenly, there was movement behind her as the soldiers scrambled to make way for the archers. The Prince's troops drew their swords. "Wait!!" Mosi Screamed at his men. Ntombi gestured for her Archers to stand down. Their armies obeyed. But the men agitated for battle. "There's no need for bloodshed, Princess" Mosi said desperately. "We are allies,... Please order your men to stand down!!!" "I have been dishonoured,....war is the only Payment for such a crime!!!!" "You do not even love me" Mosi said in confusion. "I called off the wedding because I knew that was what you desired!!!" "What I desired???" Ntombi said staring at her warriors. " I have loved you from when I was a child, I have admired you and dreamt of a life with you. I was trained to love Only you from when I was six......HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF MY DESIRE?? YOU BROKE MY HEART!!!" Ntombi drew her sword the men behind her unleashed a thunderous war cry that seemed to tremble the earth. "Archers Ready!!!" Mosi heard the soldiers from the walls yell. He knew Ntombi's men were within range. He also knew she would most likely die in this battle. But strangely, his mind was focused on what she'd said. "....You've always loved me....???" He said softly. "Draw your..... sword, Mosi" she pointed her blade at him. He knew If she took another step towards him, his Archers would send an arrow into her. But her words filled him with so much confusion. "....but why all the pretence.....why all the games?....I really believed I repulsed you, Ntombi" "...Draw....your sword.....Mosi" Her voice was breaking. He knew this battle was inevitable. "If I was the Sea," He began "I would caress your body with my currents" The Weapon in her hand was shaking ".....If I was the wind", he continued gesturing for his men to stand down as he took a step towards her. "I would bring you the scent of a rose, from distant Eden" "Stop saying..... these words" there were tears in her eyes. She was grinding her teeth. "These are your words, Princess" he said, cautiously touching the hilt of her sword. "Words you read to me many years ago" ".....You.....remembered the....them?" The tears were streaming down her cheeks. "I have kept these words close to my heart for many years Princess" He slowly nudged the blade away. She didn't resist. " I thought when you came to the palace you had forgotten hurt me deeply, and so I broke the betrothal" "I.....Only kept my distance....(sniff) because I felt ....(sniff) words meant nothing to you" She managed. "My heart was yours before I was conceived, Princess" He put his hand on hers. Her skin was cold, and tremors ran through her. She dropped her sword. Her warriors exchanged curious looks. The two stood in silence for a long time. "....I apologise..." Ntombi sobbed. "My whole life has been .....(sniff)....about you....I have dreamt of you....(Sniff)....when you said you did not want me,......I felt...something break inside me....I never meant to harm you...or......." His lips covered hers in that moment, silencing her. Ntombi felt her legs give way, but suddenly his arms were around her waist, holding her upright. Her heart was racing, it was a kiss she'd only experienced in her dreams. The Archers on the wall watched in confusion. Lelo carefully dropped his bow and yawned. "W--What are you doing...?" Another Archer said, clearly horrified. "Do those two look like their going to kill each other??"Lelo sighed. The Archer watched the two distant figures kissing and holding each other. They seemed oblivious to all that was around them. ".....N-no...." The Archer said, hesitantly. "My point exactly" Lelo said walking away. "Lets go grab a beer" They broke their kiss for a few seconds and stared into each other's eyes. "The soldiers are going to be really p**sed" Ntombi smiled awkwardly. "Too bad" Mosi sighed. " Instead of a battle....they will have a wedding" "Are you serio....???". He silenced her with a kiss again. This one lasted longer. "Happy Valentine's day" he whispered into her ear. She threw him a flirtatious smile. "Happy Valentine's day my love. ..............THE END................. happy weekend to you guys from @ewomazeal & @saintkenz :) :) :)
19 Mar 2016 | 05:36
Nice one
19 Mar 2016 | 05:47
This Dave is really heartless
19 Mar 2016 | 05:52
@ewomazeal ... Nice one bae ... @saintkenz ... Ah wonder where ur inspiration comes from
19 Mar 2016 | 06:07
Lolz! I really love this last story of the Prince & Princess. Love truly conquers all. Instead of the supposed war, now the armies and the archers are gonna witness a wedding. That sounds better self at least there's gonna be no casualty
19 Mar 2016 | 06:44
Dave z heartless and wicked bt he thought evelyn was playing around with that z not enough reason to rape her.. Saintkenz this ur own over make sense z stronger than hate..z always good to show someone that u love hw much u love them,not by pretending not to be inlove with them
19 Mar 2016 | 06:47
Dave is such a heartless fellow. Those curses would surely follow him throughout his life unless he apologies to the girl and she wholeheartedly forgave him. The truth is that "you cannot always have what you want in life". This is what Dave failed to understand Thanks @Saintkenz & @ewomazeal for this update
19 Mar 2016 | 06:50
wow...this is beautiful @saintkenz
19 Mar 2016 | 07:09
[color =maroon]NYC ONE But today no be val nah :)[/color]
19 Mar 2016 | 07:09
thanks thanks guys :) :) @ewomazeal ..u made it look beatiful ..thanks thanks dear :) @tiffany1 sorry i just posted the story was not ready on Val day..reason i didnt post it then.. so kindly overlook d wrong timing.. na now inspiration just come. biko :) :) :)
19 Mar 2016 | 07:22
@crusher ..God is my inspiration :)
19 Mar 2016 | 07:24
nice one @saintkenz et @ewomazeal I love what I read :) nd happy weekened to too
19 Mar 2016 | 07:31
ooh poor evelyne i cant imagine d pains u feel as for dave ur life is doomed so bcos u think she's sleeping around u think it deem to rape her u ar finished . Hmmm love overcomes at last thanks for dis beautiful piece @ewomazeal et @saintkenz
19 Mar 2016 | 07:51
Hmm diz guy u bad o u giv us tragidy first u cum giv us one to cool our for david de evil dat men do live and die with dem....
19 Mar 2016 | 07:57
Nice 1 @ewomazeal u 2 @saintkenz...... Meanwhile complete d last wolf na @saintkenz.. Hapi weekend guyz
19 Mar 2016 | 08:28
People like dave should be hang to death, Prince n Princess una love sweet wella
19 Mar 2016 | 08:30
nice one@ewomazeal nd@saintkenz
19 Mar 2016 | 09:07
Nice one.
19 Mar 2016 | 10:23
nice stories
19 Mar 2016 | 10:36
@saintkenz ... I see
19 Mar 2016 | 11:19
Nyc stories
19 Mar 2016 | 16:13
9ice 1
19 Mar 2016 | 16:32
nice stories Dave will rip what he sow
19 Mar 2016 | 17:33
guy if not 4 d last story i 4 continue to cry
19 Mar 2016 | 19:10
Bravo!!!! Respect to u guyz.... The two stories are just so Muah!!!!! More inspiration
19 Mar 2016 | 19:27
miss we need children oh @tenniebenson
19 Mar 2016 | 19:38
Children 4 wah?
19 Mar 2016 | 19:41
make u and mr coolval born children coolval 4 us nah
19 Mar 2016 | 19:42
nice job @ewomazeal & @Saintkenz
19 Mar 2016 | 20:30
I no notice d first story na d second one carry me go
20 Mar 2016 | 15:22
Evil dat men do. Wow love covers all
20 Mar 2016 | 18:15
Rilly interestin buh dave is a devil
21 Mar 2016 | 13:00


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