Homo Sapiens we call ourselves, rulers of this Earth,
Intelligent and civilized, but what is all this worth?
We're working hard to conquer space—we landed
on our Moon.
We better solve our problems here, or soon we will
face doom.
New industries and factories constructed every day,
And poisoning the air we breathe—is this the price
to pay?
Energy sources are shrinking—what happens when
there’s none?
Will Man of Earth ever learn to work with Nature as
Some in this world are starving still, while others
hoard their gold.
Intelligent and civilized, at least, that's what we're
We cure disease with drugs that may cause sickness
as result—
How many dearly paid for this ‘experimental cult’?
We have become a plastic world where everything is
From the foods we eat to how we look—when will we
We're civilized we tell ourselves, but fight our fellow
If only we could solve world stresses through a
better plan.
With government corruption and morality sinking
The price of progress we may say—is this the way to
We have upset Earth’s balanced ways, destroying
Nature’s scheme—
We’re intelligent and civilized—is it all a dream?
Will we ever walk on Nature's path, take her by the
Restore the beauty meant to be on Earth, our dying
Homo Sapiens we call ourselves, rulers of this Earth,
Intelligent and civilized, but what is all this worth?