Virgin widow

Virgin widow

By BUKOLAMI in 28 Oct 2020 | 12:07


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{The fire that never quenched}


In a small town of Magnolia, a girl named Astera fell in love with a man way out of her league named Stefan.

He loves her too...or so, she thought in her young mind.

Everything went downhills the day Stefan suddenly stormed into her house and accused her of so many horrible things.

He called her a liar, a cheat, a whore and a lot of other names best left unmentioned. He didn't tell her the reason for his anger, instead he told her that he never wanted anything to do with her again.

Left with a shattered heart, Astera married Daniel....a man/friend that loved her.

On her wedding day, Stefan left town and never came back. And that was three years ago.

Astera's P.O.V.

The black gown was suffocating, although it was just a simple gown. Only the priest's voice was heard in the vicinity as he said prayers for the dead.

I tried to ignore the cynical glances of people....the mockery...accusing finger.

I can practically see the rumors in their eyes. The famous rumor around here that I killed my husband.

I stared upon his coffin but no tears came to my eyes. I've not shed a single tear since he died and even as I stand upon his dead body about to be placed in the ground, no tears came to my eyes.

Oops. I must be confirming the rumors.

But I can't bring myself to force tears just to defend myself. I can't force tears to prove to the world that my husband's death hurts me.

Because that would be a lie. I've never been more happy seeing someone in a coffin.

My back prickled. Someone is staring at me.

Hell, a lot of people are looking at me here, but I can't seem to get off the feeling that someone—

I froze.
My eyes found his and held.

I feel like someone has kicked me in the gut, seeing him again. The prodigal son finally returns...three years later.

His eyes was filled with hatred and disgust.
Like he heard the rumor.
Like he believes the rumor.
Like I am everything the gossips has called me and more.
Like I am everything he called me, three years ago.

28 Oct 2020 | 12:07
Please like and comment [hr] Links To Available Episodes. [color =purple]Scroll Down For Episodes 2-3[/color] ?????? Episode 4 Episode 5-6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9&10 Episode 11&12 Episode 13-15
28 Oct 2020 | 12:08
Admin please help me with roll call
28 Oct 2020 | 12:11
ride on
28 Oct 2020 | 19:03
THE VIRGIN WIDOW. {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 2 and. 3. Astera's P.O.V. I turned and walked to my room, ignoring the angry glare of Stefan to my back. I entered my room and locked the door. Then, my shaky legs gave out and I fell to the floor. Tears filled my eyes. For the first time since Daniel died three days ago and was buried today, tears fell from my eyes in waves. Let me tell you a little about my dead husband. Daniel was an abuser. A wife beater. A man who came as a friend....who pretended to love me....only to turn beast after we got married. The first time he slapped me, the slap blinded one eye. He cried and apologized, saying it's the devil. The second time....he slapped, kicked and beat me around. I ended up in the hospital. He came, he cried, he pleaded. He blamed it on the devil. He promised that he'll stop. He didn't. And that was how my three years of marriage was. It was hell, tartarus and the abyss all jammed together. Our marriage bed.... Oh, God. I can't think of that now! I couldn't leave, he always found me. He made sure that nobody found out what happens behind closed door. To the world, we were happily married. To the world, Mr Reeds, is a good and honourable man here in Magnolia. Only Maria, my housekeeper, knows the kind of devil my late husband is. So why will I cry for his death? Why would they expect me to force tears for him just to flush out their senseless rumors? Stefan. That dare he come into my life after three years to make such accusations. I wiped the tears but more kept coming. Why does Stefan still have the power to hurt me after all this time? ?Stefan's P.O.V? One month later. "Will you be going to the Raphels with us later in the day, sir?" I stopped typing and stared at my housekeeper. She had coffea at hand, I watched as she dropped it on the desk. "What's happening at the Raphael's?" I asked reluctantly. "There is a child dedication ceremony going on there and every household was invited. His wife gave birth to a child after years of searching for one." "Good for them." "Are you going? Everyone will be there, including that witch that killed her husband. coolval stories . It's the first public appearance she'll be making after Mr Reed's burial." Astera. It angered me greatly that my housekeeper referred to her as a witch but I didn't refute it. I've not seen her since that encounter in her house and I'm still angered that she'll dare to keep feigning ignorance after all these years. A woman I loved so much. I thought she loved me too but she didn't. Three years ago, Astera was a virgin. I never wanted to touch her until marriage. I was thinking of proposing to the woman I love....a woman I thought loved me back. I didn't know that Astera was cheating on me behind my back with Daniel! She claimed that she was just friends with him but they were sleeping together and she was even thinking of marrying him! She played me all along! Daniel felt guilty and confessed it all to me when he couldn't take it anymore. He even showed me pictures of him and Astera in bed. I closed my eyes against the familiar wave of pain. You'd think that after three years the pain would be better, but it isn't. She took me for a fool, won my heart, only to crumble it under her shoes. When I broke up our relationship, she feigned tears and ignorance. But then, she married Daniel soon after we broke up. "Sir? Are you still with me?" My housekeeper's voice brought me back to reality. "Yes?" "I'm asking if you'll be going?" I started typing again to shove off the painful memories best forgotten. "Yes, Sellia. I'll go." I replied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
29 Oct 2020 | 06:15
Hmm... Seated
29 Oct 2020 | 10:23
29 Oct 2020 | 12:29
Ride on
29 Oct 2020 | 14:17
29 Oct 2020 | 15:42
Stefan,I hope whatever u heard abt her were false.... Ride on!!!
30 Oct 2020 | 17:44
THE VIRGIN WIDOW. {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 4. GHOSTS OF THE PAST. Astera's P.O.V I glanced at myself at the full length mirror in my room. Guess, I'm ready to go. "Must you go?" Maria said beside him, worried. "I can't keep cowering inside the house because the town thinks I killed my husband." I replied tonelessly. Maria snorted. "The mister drank like a clown and staggered out of the house to his car, and drove himself to his death. He killed himself." Maria forgot to add that Daniel beat me up in the room and left me half dead before he staggered off. Or maybe she didn't forget. She just doesn't want to remind me of it. Maria thinks I'll be able to forget it all if it we don't ever talk about it. My poor housekeeper. I can never forget any of it. Not even in my dreams. "Christine Raphael is my friend and she finally gave birth. It's only normal that I go and congratulate her." I explained to my housekeeper. Maria hesitated, then the older woman nodded before she turned and left. ??_____?? I stood a few seconds at the door of the Rapheals. From outside, i can hear the clattering of people, the bickering, the laughter. Then, I opened the door and entered. People stopped talking and laughing. Everywhere became as silent as a tombhouse. All eyes at me. I kept my head high and kept walking. I refuse to be show them that their judgemental eyes affected me. "Astera!" Christine gasped, excited. Seeing my friend, I smiled and relaxed. I walked to her, "Christine." We hugged each other, "Congrats on the baby." "Thanks, my friend." She beamed happily. Conversation resumed and the atmosphere relaxed again. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I turned and my eyes landed on Stefan. My heart tightened in pain. I should have known that he'd been here, because he's a business partner to Christine's husband. He stared at me. I stared right back. I refuse to back down or bend my head low. Although I was all jittery inside, I refuse to let Stefan see how much he gets to me. I found an empty seat around the corner and lowered myself to it. I stayed during the religious sayings and offering of gifts before I decided that I've had enough. I looked around but I couldn't see my friend Christine to tell her that I'll be taking my leave. It won't be fair that I just leave without informing her. Let me just go and get some fresh air. I got up and made my way outside. The first wave of fresh air hit me and I smiled widely to it. It's not so suffocating anymore. I searched for a secluded place where no one is walking through. I smiled when I found it. The night sky seems very beautiful. I walked towards the flower and lowered myself to a pavement beside it. I took a deep breath. Finally, some peace and quietness. "You've always liked the night." Came a familiar deep voice behind me. My heart skipped several beats before I turned around to glance at Stefan. "You followed me out." I said, not really asking a question. "I can use some fresh air too. It is quite crowded in there." He groaned. The way I feel tonight, I don't think I can appreciate a close contact with him. The way people treated me in a killer that needs to be shunned, made me feel so raw inside. "Can you go another place, Stefan? Please." I asked him softly. I don't want to fight with him right now. I feel emotionally drained. But Stefan took it as a rejection. His gaze turned skeptical. "There was once a time when you couldn't bear to be away from me. What happened to all those love you claimed you had for me?" He asked mockingly. I turned away from him, lifting my face to the sky. I ignored him knowing that it will infuriate him. Stefan always hates being ignored. Perhaps it'll make him leave me alone. But he didn't. "Can you stop ignoring me, Astera!?" He thundered, angrily. The loud voice startled me and I quickly glanced at him in terror. Raised voice....loud noises....I hate them so much. Stefan didn't notice because he was still so angry. "You were the one who threw everything away! You were the one who destroyed us and you have the guts to sit down there and claim self righteous!" His voice raised and quite angry, as he took a step towards me. I bolted up, backing away from him. Filled with fear and knee-deep terror. Daniel....I can only see my late husband Daniel, angry as usual and coming to beat me up. "No! Daniel, please!" I cried out, raising my hands protectively towards my face to block the blows I was sure is to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
31 Oct 2020 | 10:27
31 Oct 2020 | 13:02
Stefan,do u still have feelings for de poor widow? If yes den I will advise u DAT ur approach is very wrong,,,try to be as loving as u can,provided my assumptions are ryt!!!
31 Oct 2020 | 13:49
31 Oct 2020 | 18:54
THE VIRGIN WIDOW. {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 5. AFTER LAST NIGHT. Stefan's P.O.V. I couldn't sleep. It's well past midnight and I still can't sleep. I remember my last encounter with Astera and I feel angry and bad, at the same time. I'm angry because she thinks that I'll raise my hand on her? When have I ever gave her that impression? But then again, she mentioned Daniel. Does it mean that her late husband laid his hands on her that way? I remember Daniel. He and Astera were really good friends, he just doesn't have it in him to beat a woman. He just doesn't. So, what was all that about? Why do I care anyway? I asked myself. She chose him over me three years ago, so why should I care? Except, I do. ????? The next morning, I went to see Astera. I really want to keep off....but I feel bad when I remember last night. I can't seem to get her reaction and the way she ran away from me afterwards out of my mind. I knocked on the door and her housekeeper answered. She gave me a little smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Mr MacFarlane." "Is Astera inside?" I asked. The woman hesitated, like she was contemplating if she should tell me the truth or not. "Follow me." She sighed out at last. She led me inside towards the long hallway that leads to a whole different part of the house. "She changed rooms after Mr Reed's death." The woman said as a way of explanation as we walked. Finally, we came to a stop at a door. I told her that I'll take it from there and watched her leave. Before she left, she turned and said to me; "Take it easy with her, Mr MacFarlane. She has been through enough already." I puzzled the words as the woman walked away. ?Astera's P.O.V? I heard a knock on the door. I dropped the book I was reading and went to answer it. Stefan stood there, the sight taking me by surprise. As usual, the sight of him took my breath away. He was dressed casually and his face more relaxed than I've seen him since he returned back to Magnolia. "Hi." He said, his voice softly and not at all like the cutting way it used to be. "Hi." I replied breathlessly, not knowing what to make of this new Stefan. Is it because of what happened last night? I had felt so ashamed afterwards. Stefan had looked so shocked...even hurt. "Can I come in?" He asked. I swallowed, taking a few steps back to allow him into the room. "I'm sorry about the way it looks." I said, indicating the lack of furnitures. "It's okay. You don't want a lot of things in the room?" He asked, looking around. I shook my head, "It's not that. I'm moving out." I revealed softly. "Why?" He asked, turning to look at me with surprise. "It's a beautiful house. All his assets are yours now." The house is the only thing of Daniel that came to me after his will was read, but the house is the one thing I don't want to keep. Too many bad memories. I want a fresh start. "I bought a house outside of town. It's a small but beautiful apartment and it suits me better." I replied instead. "Outside of town?" He asked as he lowered himself on the bed, "You don't want to stay in Magnolia, anymore?" My chest tightened but I still managed to smile. I walked to the dressed and sat down on it's chair. I shook my head, "I can't stay in a place everyone things of me as a murderer who killed her own husband." He nodded and fell silent. I drank in his appearance. This man that used to be my world three years ago. I loved him so much and I made no secret of it. "What happened last night, Astera?" He asked softly. My heart skipped three beats. "Did anything happen last night?" I asked evasively. But he wouldn't fall for it. "You know what I'm talking about. The way you behaved...the way you moved away from me like I was a devil coming to get you." He said, his usually hard voice was sad. He continued. "I know I've been very angry at you, but surely you never thought that I would lay my hand on you, did you?" "No." I answered truthfully. For all his short temperament, Stefan would never lay a hand on a woman that way. "Then, what happened?" He asked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
3 Nov 2020 | 04:33
This episode is too short na... anyway, you are doing well Ride on
3 Nov 2020 | 14:00
Nice next What happened lady Bukolami
3 Nov 2020 | 17:44
Too short oo,anyways carry on!!!
4 Nov 2020 | 17:52
THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 6. LOVERS AS FRIENDS. Astera's P.O.V. I stared at Stefan with a whole lot of sadness. He wants to know what is happening. I got up and turned away, "There's nothing to tell, Stefan. You never wanted to listen to me three years ago, so why now?" His lips thinned when I mentioned three years ago. His mouth opened and I mentally prepared myself for his usual mouth lash. None came. "Let's go out, Tera." He grunted instead, "For just one day, let's forget the past...the pains...everything. Let's just go out." "We were friends once." He continued, "We were friends before we went into a relationship. So, let's go out like friends." My heart I thought was dead...fluttered. I turned and stared at him suspiciously. Three years ago, I would have jumped on him and did a happy dance. Now....that old happiness is still there...but I'm emotionally tired. "Why? Don't you think it's better if we go our separate ways?" The words caused me pain and I don't even know why. He got up too and took my hands into his. "No. It won't be better. Let's just go out...anywhere...without the thought of yesterday." "Alright." I conceded. This house is haunting me, I want to be out of it. "Just give me a few minutes to dress up." ????? Thirty minutes later, Stefan and I were getting to our destination. He had asked me where I'll like to go, I had thought of all the places that'll be fun and finally, I reminded him of event center where children plays. "Yes, I remember when we used to go there together." He said as he drove, "Do you remember." I nodded, smiling a little. The truth is that I never forgot a single memories Stefan and I made. I was so hopelessly in love with him, I practically fed three square meals from the time we spent together. That was all in the past. "We're here." He chimed, parking the car. We got out together. Stefan walked to me and took my hands in his. I gave him a little smile which he returned and together, we walked into the theatre. Stefan's P.O.V. In the darkness of the theatre, we watched the children play violins, sing with orchestras and dance so merrily. Before the third dancing group finished dancing, Astera was beaming. She was smiling so hard, I couldn't look away from her beautiful face. I sat entranced. This is the woman I used to know. Not the Asters that wears sadness like an invincible cloak shadowing her. "They are so beautiful, Stef. Did you see that girl behind?" She asked excitedly, without looking at him. Her eyes were at the children performing ballet. "She just splitted that little legs of hers!" She said with awe. I can just stare at her. Why didn't she have children? The question bothered me as I watched her shinning eyes devour the kids on the stage. Astera has always like children. So why didn't she have any with her late husband? ???? Hours later, the show is over. We came out of the theatre with our hands tightly together. The happy Asters was swinging our arms back and forth. She seems pretty unaware of her actions so I left her to it. "Where do you want to go next?" I asked her, trying to seem reluctant about it. "Can we?" She beamed, "Let's go have lunch first. I think I'm very hungry." "Any place in mind?" It's been a long time since I came back to Magnolia. I don't really know much exciting places anymore. She cocked her head to the side, thinking about it. It didn't take long for her to look at me and smiled in realization. "I know just the place." She sighed. I nodded watching her as she led the way to the car. My eyes unconsciously darted to her slightly swaying backside and held. Asters has always been a very beautiful woman, nicely curvy and with a very attractive backside. Although she had been married for the past three years, none of these changed. The usual sadness settled over me when I remember her marriage. The circumstances that led to her marriage. That shit never hurts less. That she could give herself....her another man when we were supposed to be madly in love with each other, hurts like hell. I pushed it at the back of my mind. Today is not about the past at all. "Are you coming?" She asked with a smile, as she stood at the opened car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
6 Nov 2020 | 14:15
next pls
7 Nov 2020 | 06:57
Next pls
7 Nov 2020 | 09:10
7 Nov 2020 | 15:03
Assumptios kills like crazy. Make una sought unselves out. Had it b dat Daniel is alive he has some questions to answer. I bliv he played with ur brain.
8 Nov 2020 | 14:21
Stefan, will stop brooding over de past n focus on de future? I know u still luv her so just follow ur heart kk!!!
8 Nov 2020 | 15:18
?THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 7. THE NEXT TWO MONTHS. Astera's P.O.V. The next two months, I spent getting myself back. After Stefan and I went out on that very day he came to my house, we settled into a platonic friendship relationship. We get together sometime, anytime we can and we just hang out. We go places and we see places. This two months is the best thing that ever happened to me. I find myself falling in love with Stefan all over again. It's a feeling I fought—still fighting. It wouldn't do me any good to fall for Stefan because I know that I'll never want to go back into that prison called marriage ever again I also know that Stefan will never want to marry me anyway. The wall between us is just too thick. The past is something we never talk about, in fact, we treat outselves like there was no past. Although sometimes I look at Stefan and I think he is remembering the past. He just doesn't want to talk about it. Just like me. I do know that someday, we will talk about it. After the first day Stefan and I went out, it didn't take me up to a week to vacate the mansion and put it up for sale. My housekeeper and I parted on a very good note. She promised to call me when she gets to her daughter's house. Her daughter who just gave birth. Stefan had come to help me pack into my new house and he helped me arrange things. Now, I've finally settled in and it feels good. This freedoms feels really good. The best thing that ever happened to me was living that mansion of horror. I'm starting to find myself again and I felt myself smiling often as the days goes by. That is all thanks to Stefan. That man has always made me happy, even without much effort. Just by being there. We went on a business trip for the past one week and he'd called ahead last night to tell me that we'll be having a late lunch once he gets back. I guess that is why I find myself parading my new apartment with smile on my face. I am in the mood for some music but I can't even play some on the speaker because it will be loud. I have a really bad phobia for loud noises. It's a phobia I never had three years ago. I try to hide it from Stefan because the man has always known me as a music freak. The louder the better. The doorbell rang. I came out of the kitchen and found myself rushing to the door. I unlocked the deadbolt and threw it open. Stefan stood behind the door in immaculate black suit that looks so nice on him. "Hello, Tera." He smiled at me. I returned the smile, opening the door wider for him to enter. His eyes took in my dressing in pure male admiration. "You are not dressed up yet." He observed. "You did say it's a late lunch. I just wanted to finish doing the dishes so I'll prepare." I replied sheepishly. He nodded as he entered to take his seat on the couch. "Do you need help with the dishes?" He asked casually. And that's just one thing about Stefan. You can watsap Bennykachi on 08034426958 to get more stories from, Novela and story room,fresh stories kingdom, house of stories room, unlimited story platform. He is always ready to help, even when I'm cooking. God forbid that Daniel will ever want to get his hands dirty by doing the dishes. "What's with that face? Is it something I said?" He asked, his eyes running all over my face. I smiled at him. "No, it's nothing. I've finished the dishes. I'll just get you something to drink while I get dressed." "Alright." I got him a wine before going into my room and closing the door. I quickly scanned through my wardrobe, withdrawing one if the new clothes I bought after Daniel's burial. All dressed up, I followed him out. One of the reasons why I'm also happy about this new house is that it's far away from the mocking eyes of the town people. "I have some papers to give Mr Finn in Jeksin' street, do you mind if we eat around there?" He asked as we drove off. I hesitated. Jeksin's street is not so far from the storey building Daniel and I used to leave in. It's a long journey from here. "Alright." I answered, knowing that there's nothing much to do with my time for the rest of the day anyway. The drive back to town was quite pleasant, we made small talks between comfortable silence. He told me about his trip and how it went, and I told him in turn, what I've been doing for the past one week. "How is the job hunting going?" He asked. "It's better. I've narrowed down the search to three places." The thought of a job is one I've put my mind in, and quite determined to get one. It's not because I've run of out money but because I need to keep myself occupied. To keep the memories of my marriage at bay. The times I spent with Stefan and the move to a new house have occupied me for the past two months but not for longer. I need to retain my sanity and being occupied and too busy to think is the best way to do that. Daniel made sure that I'll be half-mad from staying married to him before he died. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
11 Nov 2020 | 06:40
Things are gonna be alright
13 Nov 2020 | 04:43
13 Nov 2020 | 05:19
Next pls...
13 Nov 2020 | 09:42
Okay. Ride on.
13 Nov 2020 | 12:52
Ok next
15 Nov 2020 | 00:54
I really like how things are going on between u guys,u people shd just take dem one step at a time!!!
15 Nov 2020 | 14:19
THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? A Night That Never Passed. EPISODE 8. DAMAGED.....AND IN THE RUTHLESS ARMS OF THE MEMORIES. Astera's P.O.V. We ate lunch inside town. As usual I ignored the judging stares of the town people. I wonder what they will be saying now? Maybe they'll think I've used voodoo or some magic portion on Stefan to make him hang out with me. I started laughing at the thought. "What is it?" Stefan asked when I suddenly started laughing in the middle of eating. "Oh, it's nothing." I assured him, "Just something that crossed my mind." He smiled too and nodded. We went back to eating in a comfortable silence. It was almost dark before we finished eating. Stefan and I headed back to the car and together, we went to his business partner's so Stefan can hand over the files to him. We were back in the car when I remembered what I've always wanted to do whenever I come back to this side of town. "Can we drive over to my matrimonial house?" I turned to ask Stefan, staring at his manly hands as he controlled the wheel of the car. " forgot something?" He asked me. "Yes but I won't be long. I won't take much time." I reassured him with a smile. He nodded as he maneuvered the steering to to route that leads to my house of horror. Stefan doesn't need to know that I want to get my box of ribbons. The ribbons he used to give me when we were dating three years ago. My hair has always been unruly and I tie those ribbons to hold them together. That's why Stefan always buy them for me and I always end up saving it. Making him buy more and more. I don't want him to know that I still have them after all these years. We drove for a little while before we finally entered the familiar driveway, and in no time we were pulling into the familiar compound. I told him that I won't take much time as I opened the door of the car and hurried to the front door of my former home. I unlocked it and entered, going straight upstairs, I blocked off the memories that threatened to overwhelmed me. I entered to the master bedroom that used to be mine and Daniel's, I walked straight to the cabinet and snatched my box of ribbons. I made the mistake of look around and memories assailed me. I staggered at my feet as it flooded through me. The beating. The screams. The roaring. The taunting. I raised trembling hands to cover my ears and my feet wobbled. Whimpers tore from my mouth...pitiful whimpers that filled the air. I don't know how much time passed as the painful memories assaulted me. It might as well be forever. My cellphone rang out. It jolted me back to reality. It's Stefan. I wiped the tears I don't even know when I shed before I fisted the box, pushing it to my heart as comfort. I turned and ran out of the Room of Nightmares. I made my way downstairs and out of the house, trying to regain my composure during the long walk that leads to the door. I managed that quite well.. But as I opened the door, a man stood out there beside Stefan, making small talks with him. It's a man I know. It's a man I never wanted to ever see again. My hard earned composure shattered again as I stared at Donovan's face. ???? Stefan's P.O.V. Astera took a lot of time inside that I became worried and called her. Night has fallen already and it's still a long drive to her house. I was still waiting for her when a man came around and introduced himself as Donovan. He said he is the friend of the family...especially Daniel, when he was alive. The man lost his friend, Daniel, apparently and I sympathized with him. He said he noticed the light in the house and hoped that it's Daniel's widow. He said he had something to talk with her about. Just then, Astera had opened the door and came out. Just one glance at the man and she looked like she has come face to face with Death. "What is he doing here!" She screamed, "Get out!" "Astera..." Donovan called to her, his voice pleading. "Out!" She screamed, "Get the hell away from me" she turned to me blindly, "Chase him out, Stef! Please!" Her cries sprang me into action, adrenaline surging through me. I held the man by the arm and practically dragged him out of the gate even though the man was shouting; "Please, I'm sorry! Just hear me out, Astera!" But Astera kept screaming. The sounds tearing me apart inside, I practically threw the man out of the gate and closed it, ramming in the deadbolt. For a moment, there was silence that naturally follows the end of such noise. Then, Astera's cries. I walked back to her and there she sat at the ground in front of the door. She was shivering massively as she whimpered like a child facing a hell lot of demons. It begged a lot of questions. What the hell just happened? Who is Donovan? Why is Astera reacting to him like that? Hell, what the fuck just happened just now? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
11 Feb 2021 | 11:34
12 Feb 2021 | 02:50
THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 9. REVEALING. Stefan's P.O.V. I held Astera and huddled her to the car. She isn't saying anything and I didn't expect her to say something either. She sat stiffly beside me, shivering like she's having a case of massive cold. I gave her all the time she needed, driving out of her former house and into the streets. It was a long drive and so many minutes later before she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry....about what just happened?" She whispered and she wasn't even looking at me. "What was all that about, Tera?" I kept my voice as soft as I can, to mask the confusion I was feeling. She didn't answer it. Instead she took me by surprise when she asked, "Can we go to your house tonight...please? I-I don't think I can stay alone—" "Hey, it's okay." I stopped her when I say that it's becoming really hard for her to speak. "Of course you can come home with me." ?Astera's P.O.V? Whenever I remember the way I acted with Stefan, I can't stop the flush of embarrassment that turns my cheeks ruby. Seeing Donovan again have left me disconcerted and so raw. I know that Stefan probably has questions to ask but he isn't asking them now and for that I'm happy. We arrived at his house. I took in the big house that used to be so familiar to me before. This house has been in their generation for years. An old house but well renovated and very beautiful. The house, even from outside, practically screams old money. He showed me to my room. His housekeeper looked at me so condescendingly, her eyes judging and calculating. But Stefan glared at her...a cold cutting glare that can cut glass and she apologized hastily and hurried out of sight "The shower is in the other side. I'll check on you when you're done." He said gently as he made his way out of 'my' room. That must be another way to say, "We'll talk later." I decided with a little humor as I nodded and watched him walk out. I didn't sit down and dwell on my encounter with Donovan. Instead, I went to the bathroom and took a nice bath. Afterwards, I put on the white long T-shirt I found on my bed when I came out of the bathroom. The housekeeper must have brought it in and it must be Stefan. The T-shirt covered me pretty well and it always came up to my knees, reminding me of my petite stature. I drew in deep breaths just to take in the lingering scents of Stefan on the T-shirt. I stood at the mirror and looked at myself. I don't recognise the woman staring back at me. My bad marriage changed everything about me except giving me a premature gray hair. Deep lines emphasized my once happy face, giving it more of a matured look. I look lost. Sad. Drained. It's high time I let it all out of my chest, I decided. It's high time I tell someone about it. Stefan might have hurt me in the past, but he's always been a good companion and a better listener. I will tell him. ♨️Stefan's P.O.V.? Astera and I ate dinner in comfortably silence. My housekeeper have retired to her small apartment at the back of the big house for the evening, leaving only Astera and I. After dinner, she got up and took the kitchen before she joined me at the living room. "Who was the man we met at your late husband's house and why did he upset you so much?" I asked her softly after she took the chair opposite the sofa. She left quite, looking down at her hands as if contemplating how to answer that question. The silence continued to lengthen and I began to get the impression that she wouldn't answer. "His name is Donovan." She replied, taking me by surprise. I kept quiet and allowed her to continue. "He was friends with Daniel." She focused her gaze on one particular finger and started picking it. "Daniel he...he is not exactly a good man." The whispered words shocked me. "He isn't?" I asked, my memory recalling a soft spoken good man. She shooked her head. "No. My marriage to him was hell. He beats me all the damn time." "What!?" My voice came out disbelievingly. "All the damn time. I was his personal punching bag. Daniel...he has...issues." She swallowed as she spoke the words, "He took out his anger and frustration on me." Her eyes found me. "You don't need to believe me. I know the image Daniel portrayed to the world but I was married to him, I know him." Then, she averted her eyes. "You can't know about Donovan though, if you don't know about my husband." Tbc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12 Feb 2021 | 02:50
Have missed this story.continue
12 Feb 2021 | 04:30
THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 10. Stefan's P.O.V. "I believe you, Tera." I said to her because it is the truth. The way she looked talking about her dead husband, its quite obvious that the memory is a very bad one for her. I saw the relief that came to her face at my words and she took deep shuddering breaths. She looked away from me to stare at the blank television screen. "Like I said, he had issues that made him lash out all the time. Every little thing is a huge situation for him." "What kind of issues did he have?" I asked quietly, still reeling from the fact that Daniel used to lay his hands on her. The thought had my muscles bunching and I suddenly wished the man never died just so I can kill him again. "At first, I thought he was impotent. He just came into my room on our wedding night and we kissed for a while but that was where it all ended. I was quite happy, you know. Because it hasn't been months you broke up with me and I still don't want another man's touch." She stated suddenly. "But after our wedding night, the next four moths were like that. Daniel didn't try to initiate sex with me and that was when I began to worry but I never asked him about it. I started suspecting that maybe he has a mistress. But why marry me when it's obvious his mistress keeps him satisfied? That was the question that probbed my mind them." I didn't interrupt her. Just allowing her to speak. Astera's P.O.V. I'm trying not to allow the memories to drag me into it's horrific depth and that is why I found myself taking interest in little little visual things. I stared at my nails and suddenly realised that the nail of my pinky finger is crooked. "Then, one particular morning, I was listening to loud music as usual while I help Maria my housekeeper to get work done. Daniel rushed to me and gave me a dirty slap." I revealed. I ignored Stefan's intake of breath and continued, And that was how it all began. He cried and he apologized but he always beats me again...the next time worse than the last. From there, he started ridiculing me." Just speaking it has goosebumps spreading all over my arms and I felt the memories dragging me in. "One night he came to my room and ordered me to get naked. Finally, he wants to do intimacy. The beating and everything made me really scared of him even when I tried to look brave. I quickly discarded my clothes and following his instrument, I laid on the bed." "But, Daniel didn't touch me or anything. Instead, he started taunting my body...mocking me. Big ugly breasts, wide unattractive hips, pale skin like death." I shivered with the memories, "He ridiculed my body and laughed at me, making mockery of it." My eyes burned and tears filled my eyes. "He said I'm the reason he hasn't taken me to bed...said he couldn't get an erection because it's me." "Motherfuckering sonofabitch." Stefan cussed. I didn't hear him well because I was well buried under the memories. "I tried to get up from bed but he beat me up within an inch of my life. It became a routine every night. He'll taunt me, ridicule my body. I used to have self-confidence but not anymore." I closed her eyes tight to block the images. "Everyday, I look at the mirror and I see every single thing Daniel did to me." Silence descended after that. Stefan's P.O.V. I'm trying to get control of myself. I can't believe everything Astera was saying to me but then again, a lot of thing was starting to become clear. Especially how she had changed so drastically from being carefree to barely smiling. I can't believe a man would look at such beautiful exquisite creature with a gorgeous body like her and still taunt her about it so repeatedly that she'll believe it to be truth. Something crossed my mind. "You said you used to think he was impotent....does that mean he's not?" I asks clearly baffled. It's just hard to believe that another man would have problem taking Astera to bed. His Astera has always been a knockout. She still is. She raised her hand to her hair as if unconsciously, then, her eyes found the window behind my back. "The week before the day he died, I finally found out the whole truth." She paused, "Daniel was gay." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
13 Feb 2021 | 11:42
What?!, Not what I was expecting! And Donovan was his gay partner I presume
13 Feb 2021 | 20:56
?THE VIRGIN WIDOW. {A Night That Never Passed} EPISODE 11. THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Stefan's P.O.V. "Daniel is gay." Astera said. "What!?" Whatever I expected, it wasn't that. She smiled sadly. "I came home unexpectedly and heard from Maria that he's with his friend in his study. I went to the kitchen and took foods from Maria to take to him so he doesn't have new reasons to beat me up. I opened the door without knocking and found his tongue deep down Donovan's throat. Donovan was rubbing my husband's erection. Turns out he isn't impotent after all." "I'm so sorry, Tera." She looked down at her hands again. "It's okay. At least, it made me realize that I wasn't his problem at all but his sexuality is. But then again, the damage had been done." "The night he died, he was drinking. That was when I finally summoned the courage to ask him about it. Why he made me feel like everything was my fault, why he made me feel less of a woman because of something that was his fault." "What did he say?" I grimaced, knowing I won't like the answer. "He pounced on me again. And that night, he almost killed me. He left me half dead on the bed and drunkily went to his car. He died in a car accident." Then, she finally turned to me, "I didn't kill my husband." No she didn't. "Honey, it won't even matter if you did. I would have just asked you why you waited so damn long." Seeing how shaky she was, I walked to her and knelt down before her. "I'm really sorry about your marriage, Tera. Daniel was a bastard." As I said it, I started putting other facts together. Like the fact that she wouldn't have been sleeping with him three years ago because of Daniel's sexuality. Hell.....that dead bastard had lied to me. He played me, I came to the sickening realisation. "Tera? Can I ask you a question?" I asked slowly. She nodded her head. "Did you sleep with Daniel before your marriage?" She looked puzzled. "No, I didn't. I've never slept with any man before, Stefan." She finished at last. The answer was staggering. I felt so many different emotion at the same time. Most of them was guilt for the way I treated this woman three years ago. And euphoria, that my woman is still untouched. Had been married but still a virgin. I should have asked questions. I should have doubted Daniel. I should have told her about Daniel's accusations. I should have known that there are more to that pictures Daniel sent to me. Feeling numb, I got up and walked to the room, telling her that I'll be back in a few minutes. Astera's P.O.V. I waited for Stefan, trying to get a handle on my emotions. Letting all these out if my chest makes me feel a little better even though I'm still feeling raw from it. Stefan can out and strode to me. Like before he knelt down in front of me and then, he handed over some pictures to me. "Take a look at this." He groaned, his face so sad you've think he was the one that just told the story of his life. Puzzled, I palmed the pictures and carefully withdrew them from it's wrap. I froze. My eyes widened to unbearable degrees as I stared at the pictures. "Where....!" I trailed off, at loss of word. "Daniel gave me these pictures three years ago. He came to me and told me about the 'illicit affairs' you too were having. He looked so guilty like he couldn't bear to keep going behind my back even though you liked to." "Oh my God! I never slept with Daniel!" The cry came from deep within me. "I know that now." I replied, pained. I surveyed the pictures, "I remember this clothes. Daniel and I went to Donovan's birthday. We had a drink and I woke up in the guest bedroom......! Oh my God, he drugged me! He drugged me to take these pictures." Stefan saw that I was looking it and he wrapped his arms around me, offering comfort. "It's alright, baby. It's okay." "No wonder I woke up feeling disoriented. This is the reason why we broke up, right?" I burst out crying. I've always wondered why Stefan broke up with me that way. Everything he said to me....all his allegations. No wonder! I was able to hold it in when I talked about my marriage, but finding out that Daniel deliberately destroyed our relationship just to marry me and make my life hell. Sobs racked my throat as I cried my heart out. Stefan was hugging me tight and consoling me. He got up and sat beside me. I placed my head on his chest and had the most agonized cry of my life. "Why me? Of all women, why me? Of all relationship, why ours?" I sobbed against his chest. "I don't know, honey. Please, stop crying. I hate seeing you cry, I've always hated it and you know it." He pleaded with me. "Why me....? Why us....?" I still cried. ~~~~~~~~ Tbc
14 Feb 2021 | 01:31
?THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {The fire that never quenched} EPISODE 12. THE BLISS THAT FOLLOWS TIME. Stefan's P.O.V. I didn't sleep well last night and I'd bet that Astera didn't too. Last night had been an eye opener. I called myself every bad name in the book for allowing anger to get the best of me three years ago. I've always had a terrible temper but it's the first time it's affecting me so horribly. I would have saved us a lot of heart ache if I had asked Astera what happened. I should have given her the benefit of the doubt. I made breakfast and Astera got up much later but just in time to eat. I feel guilty for being so happy that she is still untouched. The truth is that I've spent a good portion of nights over the years in the past wondering how she's doing. Is Daniel having sex with her now? Does she ever think of me whenever she's in her husband's arms? Is she pregnant with his child? These questions have plagued me for years. I'm getting my woman back, I vowed to myself. It might take time....a hell lot of time, but Astera has always been mine and will continue to be. I just need to convince her that not all marriages are a ticket to hell. I need to convince her that not all men are trying to overthrown Satan from his domain. ~~~~~~~~~~~ In the next months that followed, I courted my Astera again. I didn't try to be who I'm not, I didn't to be a perfect gentleman because Astera knows me so well. I just showed her a part of me I'm hidden for a long time. The part of me that loves this woman so much. I sent her flowers as much as I could, knowing how much she loves them. We went out as much as we could, everywhere we can. These past few months have been the best in my life. Astera seems to be getting over the horrors of her marriage. It's like the way she is before her marriage three years ago. Little things make her happy. Her self-confidence has taken a lot of boost. She have started to dress quite as nicely as before her marriage and I don't hide the way I look at her anymore. With blatant interest. That drives home the fact that her ex-husband was just a sick faggot and his soul would probably not be resting in peace. It's like a new relationship all over again, the only difference is that we know each other so damn much. ?Astera's P.O.V.? I wish the rest of my life will be like the past four months. I barely remember Daniel, and why would I? When Stefan haunts my every waking moment and in a good way too. The way he looks at me makes my body hot and my blood to sing. Most days we spent together and every night we spend alone. The nights are the longest. I want to feel Stefan's hands on me. I want be with him in passion and intimacy. I am twenty four years old and it's past overdue too. I wish to be intimate with him tonight, and that's one of the reason I'm happy about today. The town people stopped paying me attention a long time ago, moving on to newer gists and trending gossips. People return my greetings when I pass and even smile at me so nicely. My life couldn't be any better. Except everyday, I remember the look on Donovan's face when he came to plead that he wants to talk to me. As the anger and pain in my heart recedes, I start feeling pity for the man because he lost someone too. Someone very dear to him. Daniel and Donovan practically lived and breathed each other. Even before Daniel dragged me to hell by marrying me. I pulled myself out of thoughts and smiled widely as I made my way outside of my house to go shopping. It's weekend. I've gotten a job months ago as a secretary in a small business firm and the job suits me well. The owner of the firm is a kind sixty-something year old woman and the job has been good. Stefan and I has a date again today, but it's an indoor date and it's my house this time around. I love indoor dates because I get to cook the best food for him. There's this clothes he'd admired in the body of a cloth-dommy the last time we drove past a cloth store. If I was still married to Daniel, I wouldn't dream of wearing such casual normal dress because he'll mock my curves and make me feel ugly. But not Stefan. Never Stefan. "I'll take that dress, please." I said to the store clerk. The woman beamed at me as she handed the wrapped dress over to me. "You'll look good on it. Your boyfriend won't be able to take his eyes off you." The woman said. My cheeks heated as I thanked the woman and paid her. When I got home, I did everything I had to do around the house with smile on my face. I even turned on music at some point. Although it's not as loud as I used to like it but it's better too. I'm determined to get my life back...everything that Daniel stole from me. In the evening, my door bell rang and I rushed to open the door. I've already prepared everything and I'm all dressed up. Stefan stared at me so blatantly. "You love ravishing in that dress. Jesus, Astera, have mercy will you?" He groaned as he entered the house. I giggled like a girl as he drew me into his arms and took my lips in a kiss. My life can't get any better, I thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
15 Feb 2021 | 15:21
Hopefully, you'll get your groove back. Reminds me of the movie but 'll change name; "How Astera found her groove back" . . .lol
16 Feb 2021 | 04:30
I'm glad u guys are getting along well... It's really bad to take hasty decisions especially where one's feelings are involved
16 Feb 2021 | 17:24
18 Feb 2021 | 00:50
?THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {The fire that never quenched} ?EPISODE 13 AND 14 .? AFTER THE REGGAE COMES THE BLUES. Astera's P.O.V. Dinner was so beautiful and we ate in comfortable silence. It feels so good, sitting down with Stefan in a comfortable silence. After dinner, we played cards and watched television. The next part that follows is always the part where we say goodnight to eachother and call it a night. But not today. I know Stefan don't want to pressure me into anything and that's why I'm more determined to be with him. I just don't know how to go about it. As we watched television, I snuggled up against him and kissed his jaw. We haven't really talked about Stefan's future destination. He had lived outside of Magnolia for the past three years. What if he decides to go back? "What are you thinking about that has your face all scrunched up?" He asked, drawing my attention. I smiled at him and shook my head. He eyed my mouth lingeringly and my tongue fluttered out to lick my lips. He groaned softly and dipped his head, his mouth brushed mine, his teeth nipping at my lower lip to make it part for him before his warm mouth moved on mine with a slow, lazy pressure that knocked any thought out of my mind. His arms swallowed me gently, folding me into his powerful body while he taught me how much two people could tell each other with one long, slow kiss. It was unlike every other kiss we've ever shared. It was almost like going back in time to three years ago but the kiss he'd given me then was nothing like this. He was easy with me, gentle, coaxing my mouth to open for him, to admit the deep, expert penetration of his tongue. The silence was only broken by the sound of TV and rough whisper of our breath as we kissed more and more hungrily. I can no longer control my erratic breathing. Stefan pulled away from me. "I want you, Tera. You probably know that but I want you so damn much for the past three years." He whispered to my lips "I want you too, Stef." I admitted. "God, I don't want to rush—" "You are not rushing me." I cut him off, softly. "I've always been yours...always. Make me yours completely, Stefan. Please..." He didn't need anymore coaxing because he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bedroom. One by one, he unfastened my clothes, parting the lapels as he went. There was no urgency in his motions, just a practiced ease that I know is intentional. He bent to nuzzle my neck as he tugged the dress away. Tiny prickles danced across my skin. He removed the dress and then the bra. I stood in from of him in my panties. He looked at me so blatantly. Not with repulsion like Daniel, but with admiration. "You're beautiful, baby." He spoke reverently. I shivered and leaned back, wanting more of his heated kiss. And he gave it to me. We kissed for a while before he trailed kisses down my neck. His mouth found the turgid peak of one breast. My leg almost buckled but he held me upright as he took my nipple into his mouth. We kissed as I helped him to remove his shirt. He pushed me to the bed, following me too to break my fall. My back met the cool bed and his weight settled slightly on top of me. My mouth found his again, licking and kissing her way down to the hair-roughened hollow of his chest. His hands cupped and kneaded my buttocks before his hands released my ass to come back to my breast. I threw my head back while he thumbed both nipples forced outward by his grip. He came down over me, his body pressing against my softness. I marveled at their differences, how hard he was, and yet how careful he was not to hurt me. He moved down my body, his mouth open as it grazed along my midline. His breath was scorching against me, his tongue warm and slightly rough. His hands followed, firing my senses. My back bowed as I arched into him, seeking more of his mouth, of his touch. All my breath left me when he parted my legs and his fingers carefully found the sleek, damp flesh. He stroked and then spread my folds wider as he lowered his head. “Oh…” I closed her eyes and twisted restlessly as his tongue found me. Electric currents raced from my pelvis to my breasts, tightening them to puckered buds. I want more. I want to feel him inside me. "Please, take me...please I can't wait anymore." I gasped. "Me too." Stefan groaned, his voice tight as he raised himself to level up on top of me. "I want to be inside you so much the need has become a physical ache." I opened my eyes to see him braced over me, his expression one of intense pain. I reached out to touch the harsh lines across his face, coolval stories wanting to ease the tension etched there. “Come to me,” I whispered. “Fill me.” “I don’t want to hurt you.” “Never.” I reassured him. "Even if you do, it's a welcomed hurt." He closed his eyes and eased forward. I was still battling the fire when something hard nudged at my entrance. I opened around him, and she marveled at the delicious sensations that pulsed in my groin. My body surrounded him, inviting him further, clinging like a second skin. “Hold onto me,” he rasped. “I’ll make it quick.” I have no idea what he meant, but I gripped his shoulders, determined to please him. With one powerful surge, he thrust into my untried body. "Owww!" I sobbed as the pain overwhelmed me for a few seconds. I felt a slight tearing, but almost as quickly as I became aware of the pain, it started fading. "Sorry baby. So sorry." He grounded as he kissed all over my face. He held himself tight above me, not moving until I adjusted to him. I felt so many things. Slight discomfort as my body fought to accept his intrusion. But also the stirrings of something wonderful. I felt itchy, alive, like I could crawl right out of myself. I needed him to move. Wrapping my legs around him, I lifted my hips higher, desperate to appease the ache deep within me. Stefan's hands were tight at my hips.“Please,” I begged. He groaned. It was the sound of the sweetest agony. And then he finally began to move. He withdrew, but before I could protest, he thrust again, seating himself deeper than before. My gasp echoed across the room. “Am I hurting you, honey? I’ll stop.” “No! Please. I need you. Please, I ache so much.” I can't believe this needy voice is mine. “Ahh, Tera. You’re so sweet. I’ll take care of you, honey. Just hold onto me tight.” I would have done anything for him in that moment. I held on tight. He began to move harder and faster. More demanding. Taking but giving back with each thrust. I went slick around him, and suddenly he didn’t seem quite so unbearably large inside my passageway. I still feel so full though. The friction became unbearable, and I feared I’d burst. Higher and higher I climbed. I gripped him with a fierceness alien to me. Every muscle tensed in anticipation of something so sweet, so pleasurable. And then I tumbled out of control, my body flying in a hundred different directions. I quivered around his thick shaft as he pushed and strained against me. Then, he was coming too with a breathless groan. Our breath mingled. Our noisy gasps filled the air. Tears burnt my eyes, tears of everything I've been through. Tears of everything I will still go though. Tears of love. "Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry, baby." His breath hitched as he looked at me with concern. My hands caressed his hair-roughened chest with an ardor that came not from experience, but from longing. "You didn't hurt me. Oh Stefan, I love you so much." He smiled and kissed my tears. "I love you too, Astera. Sincerely and wholeheartedly." Tears filled my eyes again. Can someone die from too much feelings? Probably not. I laid there languidly as Stefan cleaned us up before he came to lie down beside me. We tangled together and stayed that way. Hours after Stefan had gone to sleep, I laid there in the darkness, a new heaviness settling over my heart. What will I do if Stefan asks me to marry him? That is the question that built a home inside me and refused to go. It scares me a lot because the truth is that I don't want to get married ever again. I barely made it out of my first marriage. What will I do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbc
18 Feb 2021 | 00:51
Astera tasted it, at last!
18 Feb 2021 | 06:13
nxtoo,see her mouth like i dont want to marry again.
19 Feb 2021 | 06:52
?THE VIRGIN WIDOW.? {The fire that never quenched} FINAL EPISODE. EPISODE 15. STEFAN AND ASTERA. Astera's P.O.V. After my night with Stefan, the rest of the week was just as beautiful. We were almost inseparable and we practically ate off each other's hands. I never believed such happiness is possible and although, it's only been six months since the death of Daniel, it feels like forever because of the kind of happiness Stefan brought to my life. The next two months that followed, we lived like couples. Spending most of our time in each other's company. ?????? On a very good day, I urged Stefan and we made out time to visit Donovan. "Why me? Why Stefan and I?" I asked the saddened man who looks like he has aged twice since the death of Daniel. His eyes had met mine, resigned. "Daniel loves Stefan." Those words shocked me to my shoes, and even Stefan too from his face. "He has always loved him. Always. He felt angry and jealous every single day the both of us go all lovey dovey and he knows that he doesn't stand to get Stefan, not only because of the love you two have but because of exposing our sexuality." The man shook his head sadly. "I never agree with what he was doing, even when he framed you and drove you out of town, even when he married you as revenge." Understanding it all finally brought a peace in my heart, even though it made Stefan's heart heavy. He kept saying that my hellish marriage was because of him. I made sure he understood that it's no one's fault but Daniel's. ??????? As days went by, I stopped worrying myself and dreading the day Stefan will ask me to marry him. Determined to enjoy life to the fullest, I pushed all that to the back of my mind. But then, one day my fear came to light. It was a very beautiful day that started out so well, with a nice love making from Stefan. We went to work as usual and when we got back in the evening, we were eating when Stefan went down on one knee, suddenly producing a ring. He told me how he has loved me for a long time and how he would love to spend the rest of his life with me. I couldn't answer him because I froze. Maybe it never dawned on Stefan that I'll never want marriage again because his face crumpled. "All men are not the same, Tera." He whispered sadly, still on his knees. I know that....God knows that I know that, but I still can't bring myself to do it. To accept. To marry again. Stefan saw the answer in my tears-filled eyes and he got up. He pocketed back his ring, his eyes sad. "I'm so sorry, Stefan." I whispered, my voice cracking. He nodded as he took his car keys and walked to the door, "I'm sorry too." That night, I cried myself to sleep. And in the next weeks that followed, I was really sure that I won't survive it. Not being able to see or hear from Stefan was more than I could take. Marriage really terrifies me a lot and I don't trust my heart anymore. The next two months that followed was the worst. I buried myself in work just to get over everything but it was not enough. Then, one day I was into town when I saw Stefan again. ?Stefan's P.O.V.? When I turned around and my eyes met Astera's, my heart suddenly became too heavy to breath. I've always known that Astera's marriage with Daniel would make her never to want such commitment again but still, I never gave up. Being with her all the time, I showed her how much I loved her. But, that night I proposed, I saw the hopelessness of my cause. In her eyes, I saw it. Truly, Astera doesn't want to be with a man that way ever again. It was written there in her tears-filled eyes and that was why I gave up. Seeing her again today is like a punch to the gut but still, I walked to her as she walked closer to me. We met on a middle ground. "Hey...." She whispered. Her voice hurt too. She looks so sparkling and it shows that she has really moved on with her life. "Hey...." I replied, "What are you doing here?" "I want to buy groceries. What about you?" The smile she gave me was a sad one. "I came to meet up with some friends for the last time. I'm living for New York tomorrow morning by 10am." I told her the truth. I saw the pain in her eyes, the shock. "When are you coming back?" She asked, her voice thin. "I don't know.... Maybe next year..." Astera's P.O.V. I didn't sleep well that night, my run in with Stefan filling my mind. I love that man so damn much. And now, he is going back. I won't be able to see him again. The next morning, I tried to go about my daily activities but it was real hard for me. My mind always goes back to the fact that Stefan is leaving. By 10:03am, I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of my house and entered the car. God please, let me still meet him, I prayed. I got to his house just in time to see him putting the last of his laugage to the car. "Astera?" He asked confused as I packed the car in front of his house. I ran out of the car straight to his arms. I was out of breath and filled with panic but I didn't care. "Don't leave me, please. I love you so much, Stefan." I cried against him, aware that I'm trembling in his arms. So much emotions came over Stefan's face but he looked at me so sadly. "I love you too, Tera. So damn much....." Panic slammed me when he trailed off. "I can't go on without you, Stef, please. Don't leave me, this past two months I barely made it through them." When he opened his mouth again, I don't know what he wanted to say but I didn't give him a chance. "I'll marry you! I'll marry you, please, I love you so much." I rushed out. His scrunched up face dissolved into a very wide smile. "You will?" I took a very deep breath, relief coursing through me. "I will. Oh yes, I will." He held my cheeks and kissed my lips. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "You will never regret it." He vowed. I shook my head firmly, "I know I won't. I'm with the man I love." ??? And that was how it remained. Even as years rolled by and the children came...even through the normal hardship that couples go through...even through the ups and downs... Astera never regretted getting married to the love of her life. To her, it was and will always be... The best decision she has ever made. ***Just because fire burnt you the first time doesn't mean that you'll keep getting burnt when you try to cook again. The first time is hell but don't be scared of trying again....Most successful men always have a failure tugged behind them. ****Don't be deceived by the image a person portrays to the world. The real him is the him behind closed doors. The real her is the her behind closed doors. ****Trust matters in a relationship, in fact it goes hand-in-hand with Love. Astera and Stefan had love but trust destroyed their relationship at first. Love is just but the general concept...but a lot helps nourish it. Trust✔ Care✔ Attention✔ Understanding✔ And so on... ****Don't loose something that's supposed to be yours because you're scared to take a step. Just begin with a step and take it from there.
19 Feb 2021 | 14:46
20 Feb 2021 | 15:46
7 Apr 2021 | 10:40
Hmmmm interesting
4 Feb 2022 | 15:33
Too bad
4 Feb 2022 | 15:36
4 Feb 2022 | 15:42
Tera has really suffered But it is time she moves on
4 Feb 2022 | 15:47
Too many secrets
4 Feb 2022 | 15:55
What daniel a gay nawa
4 Feb 2022 | 16:03
Stefan u did hurt astera but it is a good thing u are correcting ur mistakes
4 Feb 2022 | 16:12
Wonder write up author
4 Feb 2022 | 16:20


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