Valentine Blues

Valentine Blues

By chimmy in 21 Aug 2018 | 08:50
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Two lonely strangers on St. Valentine's day.
One suffering from a broken heart. Her engagement was just called off and her fiance was getting married that day.
The other just found out that his ex was a lesbian and was getting a surgery done to become a guy.
With no loved one to spend the day with, they decided to spend the day together. Drinking ,laughing and enjoying the night .
Nothing serious. Until things become heated.
But the morning after , reality kicks in.
What happens now? Do they go back to their boring normal life with nothing but work; more work or even more work.
Or climb on the wind and soar to where ever it leads.?
But there was one problem.
One night stand was different from a relationship with a stranger you know nothing about.
As soon as it began, it crashed.
And they both went their separate ways. A year later. .they meet again, St. Valentine's day.
Do they give in to the spur of the moment or just shut the door to things never meant to be..
Just like the people in their lives that left.
Maybe, happiness wasn't met for them. And love even further away.
But cupid got other plans as he shot the arrow...
It missed. He curses. He grabs another and targets his heart. He shoots. It hits the mark.
He crosses his legs and watches how events play out sipping on cloud-wine.

A story written by Stephanie Egberike
21 Aug 2018 | 08:50
First to be on seat, bring it on [hr] Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for episode 1 •Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Last Episode
21 Aug 2018 | 10:17
#following . Looks interesting
21 Aug 2018 | 11:46
look promising
21 Aug 2018 | 16:22
22 Aug 2018 | 00:31
CHAPTER ONE The cloud is thick, blue-white, stretched across the wide sky and reaching beyond and disappearing out of sight, it’s expansion beyond sight. You hear nothing but thunder claps, whistling and then all too suddenly the cloud breaks to reveal someone coughing. More like a child… or looks like one. When he turns you see that it is a man-child. He has a smoking pipe in his hands as he whistles. He takes a few drags. He is dressed in nothing but a white cloth covering his genitals. It has always been wondered if they do have one. They never had shown the world if they had a little peewee to dangle or maybe that’s where they hide their powers… so the stories goes. The cloud is floating like a hard surface as he walks on it, his arrow slashed over his back…he is peering down. The mist below clears to reveal a city. Little ants of people going about their business. The blaring of horns. The lights. The city…the music. Earth! He chuckles. “Too much hate in the world”, father said. ..”too much hate. Spread a little love.. give a heart a sparkling jolt” he laughs taking a drag and pumps out air. A shape of love is formed, dancing away. He pokes it and it fades into the clouds. “Now… who would be the lucky bastard” he frowns stretching to look deep into the city. His head pops out of the clouds. His frown deepens.. “Too far” He opens his cloth, frowns as he looks within. “Now… I need something …Aha, this would work” he brings out binoculars…”Inventions inventions, all Technically-advanced invention… knew it would come in handy..” he laughs to himself. He stretches and grabs the cloud, some pulls out. He folds it and then makes it into a stool. Then he changes his mind, takes some more and makes a dangling bed. He made slim ropes out of the cloud and then hangs the dangling bed. Satisfied he jumps on it, crosses his leg and then he pushes it. It dangles from side to side. He has the binoculars to his eyes, he is whistling and then the pipe in his other hand. “Now… Mini mini mani mor… who is the love-less sucker of them all..” he looks right,he looks left, he zooms in . He shakes his head. .”Nope. Nope. Hell na. Fxxk no… er… sorry Mama, too old. Oh… no dog love this year sorry bingo.” he looks around to the other side. “Mini mini mani….Ohhhhhh there there…….” He smiles as he zooms in to what he sees. “There there”… He grabs his arrow “I see the loneliest of them all”. He pulls the clouds lower,to take a closer look at her, fingering his bow absent-mindedly as he listens to her. ***** “No!!” She sniffs as she holds the phone closer ,shaking her head from side to side so hard you would think her neck would snap. “No Daniel… Please I…I love you. We have been together three years. Three good years and now this?” She is seated on her bed, her room is dark save from the light coming from the muted screen. She grabs the picture she has on her bed side table and looks at it. It is a wedding band picture of a happy man and a really really happy bride. It got delivered today to her from him. The wedding was slated in two hours. Three cities away. The woman, she has only seen in pictures. She had googled her Facebook page and saw how pretty she was. She was high class, into money. She was it. The girl any man would fight for to marry. Whether they were marrying her or her money is left to the significant other. And He? She had known him for over three years. He was the best thing that ever happened to her since he walked into her office to sign a contract. His smile was to die for, his hands made her shiver and his kisses made her feel as though she was flying. That same man, He, getting married to the love of his life. The wedding band wrote. They were High school sweethearts since grade school. He, who had been her fiance for a year was getting married today. And he only just called off their own engagement like… five seconds ago. Who does that? She blows her nose. “Daniel, you told me you were going away for a job. Be away for two weeks you said. We had the amazing vacation during Christmas. You proposed to me this day a year ago and we planned to get married this day too. We planned to go to vegas today and get married. You and I. But you postponed it. You told me you had to go on a trip and you just wanted to backdate the date. But… you were going away to get married to her..?” She sniffs “You are getting married to another woman Daniel. What happened to me? I have done nothing but given you the best three years of mine life and you were cheating on me with her?” She cries over the phone. Frowning as she listens to him talk, her eyes enlarges. “You were cheating on her with me???” She is shocked as she wails in tears. “So I was the side chick? Oh God!!” She cries into the phone “but I love you Daniel…I. .I already got a dress and picked out your suit and… the house we both looked at… I already …’ she pauses. Then she begins to wail as she hears voices in the background “Come groom, don’t keep the bride waiting. Go dress up” She is shaking her head and holding her chest… “Dan? Daniel… don’t go. Don’t leave me please. I love you” The next thing she hears causes her to freeze.. Her lips trembles, her eyes filling with water. She repeats what she hears. “You never loved me. You… were testing waters. You… you don’t want me to ever call you again. You. …” she blinks. The end tone of the call could be heard. He had cut the call. She blinks, and let’s the phone slip as she slips with it. Curling herself into a ball she cries her heart out. Loudly. Painfully. She needed to purge the pain threatening to choke her out of breaths. She pulls the ring from her finger and tosses it. She stays on the floor crying. Today was supposed to be her wedding day. She was supposed to be the most happiest person on earth today. She was supposed to be marrying the love of her life on this day of love. Very significant right? Now, she would remember this day for the rest of her life. Today, February 14th. St. Valentine’s day. Her love-day turns to nothing but shattered dreams and pain. And it would be so for a long time. ***** “Awwwn” He, pulls back from the cloud and wipes a tear from his eyes. “Oh, poor girl” he shakes his head. “See, that was a horrible horrible heartbreak” he pouts. Fingerings his bow, he moves it before him, letting go of the pipe as it floats in the air. “She is really really sad. What do I do to make her feel better? ” He taps his jaw tentatively ,.. “What is a heart of pain, where there is love? What is love where the ground is fertile to be groomed.? What is a lonely woman without her boo? What are missions without a shot from the moon?” He gets up from his dangling bed” and what is an arrow without a lonely heart too..” He turns away from the girl crying in her room and peers down to earth, pushing the cloud away from his eyes. His arrow in place, the bow ready to shoot. “Find me the one who is as lonely as she is too. And let love begin spiraling in both lonely hearts” Then he hears it, he turns grabbing his binaculars, and looks at the direction from where it is coming from. “Interesting !!” He exclaims… “Interesting !!” He repeats. He leans in closer from the clouds and tries to listen in to the scene below him.. ***** The shock vibrates through his body and leaves him speechless for a few seconds before he is able to find his voice and understand the scene before him. Oh my God!!! “What the hell! !!!” He exclaims standing just outside the door that leads into his bedroom. He had just walked in on his girlfriend having sex with another. She jumps off from the bed grabbing a cloth to cover herself. “Darren… I… I am sorry” she looks to him and back to her lover. Darren looks at her shocked to his bones… he staggers back in shock. “What the actual hell?” he looks at her and her lover who is still on the bed. Barely bothered about him walking in on his girlfriend with a lover. “Natalie? How could you do this to me and with…with…oh God I need..I need to breathe” he chokes blinking rapidly. “Babe…Babe I am sorry I…I didn’t know you were coming ” she comes to him. “Don’t, don’t you dare… touch me.!! How could you Natalie?” he holds his chest as it suddenly constricts in pain. He backs away from her. “Baby… Darren I… I didn’t want you to find out this way. I..erm” Darren looks at her in disgust. He wants to express his anger at her. But he would never hit a woman, even if she were the cheater. His eyes darts to the naked lover on the bed. No remorse. Nothing. Two pairs of eyes staring back at him, mocking him, laughing at him. Just like the cold hearted ones of his girlfriend! He looks back at her, pained, betrayed, cheated. This was his world. His love. Why? “Why Natalie?” he asks as he folds his fist. “Why?” “Because… because I have always been this person babe and ..” “No you haven’t always been this person. When did you start this… cheating on me with a..a ” he let’s the words trail off. He runs his hand over his head and then punches the wall in anger. Natalie winces, her lover didn’t move an inch. “No babe… I have always been this person but you never saw that. Because I only showed you what I wanted you to see. This is me, you were a past time, a covering for my parents so they can stop asking me about a man. But other than that… you were nothing but… a side man to me. But… look at it this way. We had fun. I mean you were great and all but… come on, now that you have seen me I don’t have to pretend about it. And besides, I was going to tell you soon” “A side man? What are you saying and… tell me when? When Natalie? We have been dating for over three years. Three!! When were you going to tell me. ?” “Soon!!” She bites her lips. He shakes his head, the disgust overwhelming him. He backs away from the room and leaves. She follows after him to his living room. “Darren, babe?” He doesn’t answer her as he goes to his bar, takes a bottle of red wine and pours it into his glass. He takes a glass, gulps it down and takes another . “Easy babe!!” She seats in front of him. “Easy? How am I supposed to react to that… that… what I just saw. How? I am angry. I want to punch someone. I want to run someone through the wall. But I can’t… because… your lover is… is” he shakes his head taking another glass of wine. She smiles “You know you can say it though. It is not an abomination ” “Are you high? It is. What the actual hell Natalie. On my bed. Our bed.. in my house. You have been cheating on me in my house with a …” he takes another glass “Aren’t I enough. Didn’t I love you enough… Am I lacking? I mean I got a good job, I treat you right, I love you right. You are my world Natalie. All the plans we made together…everything . Only to find you cheating on me with a…with a..” he points at the door. The lover is standing there staring at both of them, a sly smile played along the lover’s lips. “A girl okay, you can say it!!” Natalie smiles “It’s not such a bad thing. In fact, it is thrilling really.” She bites her lips. He takes another glass, winces as the spirit hits his head. He shakes it. “You think? Because you are twisted to leave a man whom you are supposed to only have sexual intercourse with to frolic with the same sex. What the hell did I do wrong Natalie? I want to spit fire but I can’t. Your lover is a woman. How the hell do I attack a woman for having sex with my girlfriend in my house. I can’t hence… I am trying to calm my nerves by drinking but all I want to do is slam my fist into a face” Darren exclaims bitterly. “I am sorry Darren. Really I am. But.. I am in love her” He spits out the wine choking “You love her. You are in love with her? God!!” ‘”Yes I am and I know you don’t buy into this new generations love but come on, freedom of who to fxxk right?” “God Natalie!!” He exclaims looking up “leave my house” he tells the girl who is resting by the corner. “I know this isn’t what you planned coming home to meet but… really I am sorry” Natalie gets up. “Not you. Her. I need her out of my house Natalie” He stops her pointing at her lover. They needed to talk. He and his girlfriend alone. They just needed to talk about all this because it wasn’t making any sense. “Actually, I was already leaving.” Natalie gets up going to her lover who links her hands in hers. “To?” Darren turns to, he frowns “we have to talk about this. We have to make sense of all this” “Sorry babe. This was long over due. I was going to leave next week but I might as well. ” “What… what do you mean leave. Like travel?” He leaves his bar and walks to her but stopping away from her, he eyes her lover who blows him a kiss. His anger hovers. “This has been fun and I know first hand you are a sweet guy but… we can’t do this anymore” “Are you breaking up with me?” Another jolt of pain strikes his heart. “Yes I am.” “You are throwing away the years we have had together?” He can’t believe it. “But I love you” he chokes. Yes she was cheating and with a woman but still, men found that exciting to watch girls go at each other sexually. Not him! He has always liked to have his woman by himself. He has always been the loyal and the committed one. But to find this? It was heart wretching. What is he to make of this.,? “I know you do babe but… I love her and we are going to travel the world together after my surgery” she looks loving at her girlfriend. They good hands. “What surgery? ” Darren blinks .. “I need to get a dxxk. Dildo’s and strap ons are great but.. you want to take charge when you are there.” “Excuse me?” “I want to become a man. Chest, sex organ. .you know. Got a good doctor. Got me a tone but hey? My baby is sponsoring .” The shock leaves him speechless. . “Darren?” she calls his name a few times. He blinks “You have me Natalie? You instead preferred a woman to bask in sexually. Now you want to become that thing you rather not be with?” “You won’t understand but that’s fine.. but her.. see you around” she beckons on her girlfriend. “Natalie… I love you, I have loved you for so long. What am I supposed to do. How am I supposed to go on. What do I do with my life now that you are leaving me for.. for her” he still can’t believe it. He walks closer to her and stops her. “Let’s talk about it. U can even tolerate it just so-” he trails off. “You know you Darren, and this has always been spent in your desire. Hence my hiding. But it’s okay. You would be fine. You would find someone and you would love and she would love you. Just it wouldn’t be me. I would leave in a few minutes. Take care of yourself Darren. ” Without further ado she turns and leaves. Darren watches them exit the door a few minutes later, bags and suitcases in hand. He sinks to his chair. His head in his arms.. “What am I supposed to do Natalie? How do I go on without you. How, how can I stop loving you… How?” he gets up abrupt, grabs the empty wine bottle and flings it. It shattered. “Never again. Love hurts. People always leave. They always leave. Enough. I am done !!” He exclaims. “I am done” he wipes the only tear that drops. He sniffs. He places a call “Yes, this is Darren Bloom, cancel my dinner reservation for tonight. And the flowers and then the tourist tour.” he cuts the call. Today, he had had the best day planned for her. Today, it would have been beautiful with her in it. Now… it was nothing but a sour taste in his mouth. He gets up walking to his window overlooking the city. Tonight, the city was awake. The lights, the cheeriness. The love in the air was felt as it was obvious. Today, February 14th… was going to be an amazing day for him. Now all he wants to do is shut down the street lights and tell every one that love is nothing but a mirage and that those who fell for it were mere fools. And he was done being one. “Never again” He goes back to sitting on the chair and resting his head. Never again. Love wasn’t for him. Screw it. ***** He pulls away.. “I see two hearts, broken, in need of a blended fix. I see the black and white. I see the tears within those eyes. I see the pain, and I may have just the right inside.” He fingers his bow and pulls at it fixing the arrow to it.. “Too much hate in the world… spread a little love, let two hearts blend as one.” He shoots the arrow upwards and watches it kiss the overhead cloud, makes a U-turn and goes down below, passing hard clouds and going to earth. “Find the hearts. Blend it into one, make a heart sing a merry-happy-tone” He watches it hit the surface of her roof. Then he shoots another one and watches it hit his door. He turns away happy, whistling a song he dances on his feet. “Cupid!!! Cupid!!!?” The voice is thunderous. “Yes… father?” He looks up and then back and then everywhere. “Did you spread a little love?” He smiles walking deep into the cloud that opens like a door and swallows him in. “Oh, yes I did. You just wait to see the lonely hearts I have quicken” “Ah… tell me about it” Cupid chuckles … ***** ” Are you okay? You want to come over?” The phone is lying on her ear as she laid sideways on the floor. “Yes Lucy. I would be thanks. ” “You can’t stay home… it’s going to hurt and stuff.” “Cried to my heart’s content.” “Okay, I tell you what. Go out’!” “Don’t want to” “Do it Anna. You would feel better.” “The streets is filled with love and lovers. I don’t want to” ‘”I know. Okay to the the Mac and Tees out on the 7th street. Less crowd. You can breath there. Okay?” “No” Anna tells her friend. “Do it or I am coming over and-” “Fine. ” “Good. You be good okay. Don’t cry over that bastard. Good riddance to bad rubbish. ” “Yeah! See you later .” The line dies. After contemplating it, she packs her hair in a ponytail, rushes a bath, gets dressed and leaves her apartment. Live a little right? She sighs in the cab. ***** “It’s crowded Sir, should I go in?” The cab man asks Darren. Sighing Darren turns to the window. What was he doing in fact, coming to a place like this that would remind him of her and love? He needed some place he can just gaze into nothing and not be asked anything. Home was too quiet… too her too… argh!! “Where else can I go to and not be swept away by this kind of happiness?” “You don’t like Valentine Sir?” “I used to until today” he rubs his chest mentally. The man nods “Well, Mac & Tee at the intersection is quiet. You want to go there?” Darren turns away from a happy couple kissing . “Yes, anything but here” ‘”Okay Sir” ***** “Ma’am, we are at Mac & Tees” she pays him and alights. Her bag falls from her lap causing her contents to pour and scatter. “Oh dear!!” She exclaims picking up items as the cab zooms away. Another cab stops at the entrance, the passenger alights and begin to walk towards the entrance when he saw a lady on the floor, picking up items and cursing. He walked on only to hear her exclaim in pain. . “Owww! God dammit !!” Out of curiously he turns to see her placing her index finger in her mouth, a frown on her face and all her items still scattered from the bag. Shaking his head and turning, he goes to her.. “Need help!?” Her eyes accesses the man before her. And that is how they come. “I am not interested!!!” She blurts out. He was taken a back.. “Excuse me? ***** To Be Continued.
22 Aug 2018 | 06:17
i pray it works out
22 Aug 2018 | 11:41
@ chimmy why do you stop here
22 Aug 2018 | 17:26
Next please
23 Aug 2018 | 02:30
Easy lady easy
23 Aug 2018 | 02:45
23 Aug 2018 | 11:10
TWO **** ”Erm..excuse me?” He repeats with a frown on his face, his eyebrow raised. ”I said I am not interested. Shu!! go away” She places her finger back into her mouth and then takes it out again and frowns at it. Red liquid appears over the tips of her finger ”Damnit!! ” she exclaims. She forgot to remove the office pin she had in her bag when her button popped off showing white bra that had her colleague smiling at her a little too much last Friday. She dips her finger back into her mouth again and sucks on it, looking around for what to use to stop the bleeding. It was a nasty little poke. She had always hated to see her blood. He raises an even higher eyebrow and takes her all in. ”Really?” ”What, I said shu!!! I don’t want no man to waltz into my life acting all I-can-help-you and stuff. All liars the lot of you!!!” ”Okay Lady, I don’t know what your problem is but generalizing like that is wrong” he points out. She scoffs. ”Like I care” She looks at her finger again. The bleeding had stopped. She bends down to pick up her items from the floor and flinging them into her bag. She shouldn’t have come out anyways. She should have remained home, licked a bowl of ice-cream and then eat chocolates, cry some more and then sleep. Take it one day at a time, eventually the pain would stop and she wouldn’t have to feel hurt over him anymore. But she had to listen to her friend Lucy and came out, bad choice! She gets poked by a tiny little needle. A tiny? Really today was just not her day. A broken engagement and- Where the hell was that damn ring he gave to her anyways.? She fishes for it. She remembers throwing it away from her finger out of anger. Later on she crawled around looking for it, wore it after finding it, then flunked it away again when she began to cry remembering that he wasn’t coming back to her. She found it again and tossed it into her bag. She was going to mail it to him with a stinker note and tell him what a horrible, disgusting and heartless person he was. She searches the pocket of her bag, outside and within. ”Aha!!” she sees it exclaiming, she picks it up and looks at it. ”For all I know it might be a cheap ring bought off the counter, because he was able to discard it as he did me as easily he would dirt. ” she speaks to herself. **** He, stands there looking at her, wondering what sort of crazy person she was. First she screams not interested as though … in fact what did she mean anyways? Now she is talking to herself?. Yep!! Definitely crazy. ”Okay so… I would leave you to… Whatever!!!” He turns and begins to walk away. ”Hey you… wait!!!” She gets up quickly and rushes to him, bag placed under her arm , the ring between her fingers she pushes it to his face, he leans away wondering if she was about to poke his eyes with her fingers. ”What in the world!!” He exclaims ”Look… look, how much do you think this goes for hmm? A few thousand? A few hundreds? Less maybe?” ”Look lady I-” ”Look at it!!” She dumps it in his arm as she drags his hand, peels it open and places it in it. ”Look at it!” He is speechless, he looks around and then back at her. Where did they bring her out off? The zoo? The psych ward? Did she run away? Was her stray jacket tossed somewhere and she was trying to blend in like a normal person? Should he call security or just ignore her. Maybe she would go away. “Look at it dammit!!” she exclaims. He frowns ”Okay crazy woman!!” he takes the ring closer to his eyes and then stares at it, frowning. ”Erm…I don’t know bu-” ”Be honest, I know it might be cheap and off the counter kind of ring and stuff but I need to know!!” He sighs ”Look, whatever this is, I rather not be in the center, side or anywhere in it. Take your ring lady.” He places it in her hands ”If you want to know how much it costs, there is a jewel’s shop just across the streets, go there, tell them you want to sell it. They can tell you how much it is worth. So if you would excuse me, I don’t need this drama.” He moves away from her, stepping into the lounge he dissapears. Anna looks away from the closed door and at the direction of the jewelry shop he mentioned. She crosses the road, walks into the shop and then walks up to the front desk personnel. ”Hello, good evening, I would like to sell this ring. I would like to know how much it costs.” she places it on the table. ***** ”Would you be ordering anything else Sir?” The waitress asks him with her pad open, ready to take his order. ”Just water Please. ” ”You ordered that already” ”Make it two crystal clear water then, and erm.. ice and lemon” He tells her. He had had one two many drinks when he walked in on his girlfriend..No! His ex-girlfriend with her girlfriend now. Anymore would cause a major hangover in the morning. Water would be fine. That and the lemon would act like a detoxifier. ”Okay then Sir” The waitress walks away. He is flipping through a magazine, wondering what he should do with the amount of time he has on his hands now. No girlfriend, a messed up future. No desire to ever fall in love. Can’t bear to be around happy people or those intending to be happy . Peace and quiet is all he needs. He had thought this day would have been one of the amazing days of his life. He was so spending it with her. Someone that he had already concluded was going to be his future. But now, he sees nothing but an empty bed, no panties lying about and no soft body standing naked in front of mirror. No laughter to fill up his quiet days. No craziness too. Just empty . A lot of empty space. He sighs flipping through the magazine. Suddenly, a shadow looms overhead. He frowns looking up. Dear Lord, not this crazy woman!!! He raises an eyebrow staring at her. Go away ! She doesn’t budge. Go away crazy person . She doesn’t budge. She is staring at him as he wills her mentally to go away. Okay, mind games don’t work in reality. He sighs. Maybe if he answers her she would leave him alone. “Can I help you? “ She opens her palm showing him the ring. ” It’s so cheap it can’t even afford me an off the counter shoe ” she sniffs. “He got it off some… Some…” she bursts out crying placing her hand to her face. She didn’t just cry. She was wailing. Loudly. He puts his finger into his left ear, and winces as her wails pierces his ear drum. God!!!!! His frown deepens. Then he looks around as everyone’s attention is turned to her. Not them too. He shifts in his chair. Maybe he should just get up and leave. Before he would do so, some man wearing a suit and glasses perched on his nose walks up to him. “Sir, please this is a public place and we have guests. Can you please calm your wife down or take her outside. She is disrupting the peace and serenity of the place and the guests are clearly uncomfortable as you can see'” “Wife?” He was shocked. “Wife? ” he repeats. “I don’t know this crazy woman. I haven’t even met her before in my entire life. I just saw her outside, tried to help her but she shuus-ed me away and well, I leave. It isn’t my fault she is crying over someone’s stupid cheap ring and-“ Anna wails louder as she hears him mention the ring.. “Sir?” the man taps him as he looks at the guest. “Do something. She can’t be like this and… sir. Please control your wife “ “She isn’t my wife dammit!! “” “You have to calm down Sir. Your shouting isn’t helping. “ “I am calm until you tie me to a crazy woman that is crying over that cheap ring and you think I shouldn’t be angry and-“ Annalise wails again. Now everyone is muttering. “Oh please will someone shut her up” ” Oh don’t be like that. She is clearly hurt. He got her a fake ring. Who does that. And yet he is standing there and watching her cry. So heartless. Poor woman heart broken on St. Valentine’s day” someone says Annalise wails even louder. “I didn’t.. She isn’t my… I didn’t break her heart and I didn’t give her that ring and I don’t even know her and-“ “look at him denying his woman. No wonder I stopped dating guys and went to date my girlfriend. Drama free two years running “ Lesbians!! His Ex. Her new girlfriend. His house. His room. They naked making love on his bed. His heart pulls. He snaps “You have no right to say that to me. You don’t know how much I put in that relationship and now… “ “Hey relax man I wasn’t talking to you okay. Jeez. Freak!! ” the lady who had spoken cuts him turning away. He runs a hand through his hair. “I am sorry.. I.. It just brought back memories and.. I am sorry “ “whatever!! “” “Sir, maybe if you talk to her and apologize to her she would he happier and stuff” the man touches his hand to get his attention . “Look, you know what. I would just leave and you can deal with this crazy woman whoever she is okay. This isn’t my problem I have a problem too large causing a hole in my chest to be burdened by another so… What’s my bill?” he beckons to the waiter who rushes to him. She is still crying. “Please someone escort that lady out of the premises or we are leaving too. Can’t someone have a quiet meal here again instead of being troubled by another person’s problems. Jesus!!!” another Elder man exclaims. He pays his bills. And begins to leave “Sir please take her with you and… “ “I don’t know her okay.!! “ “Sir please” “Jesus send her away if you want to just leave me alone. “ “I am calling the police.” Someone is dialing. Darren shoots the person a look. “What the hell for? What did I do? “ “Er… maybe domestic violence. Because we don’t understand how this woman who walks up to you and suddenly bursts out crying and now you are getting angry and yelling and stuff!! “ “I am yelling because you lot are making me angry trying to enforce this crazy woman on me. Dammit! “” The person ignores him. “I don’t know her I swear to God!”” “911? yes I want to report a case of domestic violence and some behavior the abuser is exhibiting that is bothersome. Yes please. We are at the Mac &Tees. Yes please. Well.. She is crying and she is covering her face so we don’t know if she has bruises but.. She has been wailing bitterly and.. Yes. He is still here shouting and causing a scene. Yes.. All the guest are a witness and-“” Darren turns away. “You have got to be kidding me!! ” he exclaims. “Sir, I would advice that you calm her down and talk to her and preferably take her elsewhere before the police shows up. I am sure whatever issues you both have you can resolve it amicably now before having to do it behind bars. You look too decent and stuff to be involved in this kind of mess and I know how wives can be and -“ “She isn’t my wife. I am. Not married. I am not married and much less to her. Jesus!! “ “They are on their way” The person who has called the police notes. Anna is still crying, her face covered with her hands. Her back slouched. Darren Bloom stares at her. What devil told him to come out? He should have just remained at home with his broken heart and allowed the pain to it squash him till it stopped. But he comes out only to meet some more trouble. Really? Was the devil trying to piss more on his parade? The love of his life was gone. With another woman. How messed up was that? God! he can’t even wrap his heads around it. His day ruined. His life too. He had so much plans for both of them. He was going to start talking future plans with her and see what she thought. He had so many places pre-booked that they were going to go for the weekend. First dinner at a really expensive restaurant. Then they spend the night at a sexy resort just off the town. Then swimming. The exotic food, the nice places she wants to go, and do. Then a new house shopping if she wants. And He was going to get her a dog. She has always wanted one. Then, they would have cruised to go see her parents out of state. It was a surprise. But now… He was spending the day alone with his broken heart. His lonely broken heart. And plans never to enjoy. He could only cancel the dinner reservations. But the hotel was non-refundable. He had planned to let that go anyways. The room was decorated to taste and all shapes of love lying about and everything couples would want in their room. It would have been pointless for him to go there. Painfully too without her. He comes here instead. Hoping for some peace and quiet. Nothing to remind him of his day. To get lost in nothingness . But he meets her . The crazy woman who is about to get him into trouble with the police . And he has no idea who she is, nor what she wants but if he doesn’t leave now. He is screwed. If he leaves without her, he is screwed . ”Dammit” he mutters. “You need to leave now Sir.” the man nudges him again out of his thoughts. “Dammit!!” Darren exclaims as he goes to the wailing woman, grabs one of her hands and begins to pull her along with him. She didn’t object. She just followed behind him still crying like a lamb to the slaughter house. She was helpless. The muttering ceases as soon as they are out of the lounge. He stops outside and then flags a taxi down. One stops, he turns to her. “Where do you leave? “ She doesn’t answer as her shoulders heaves up and down. Her nose drooling. Her eyes swollen. More tears leave them and drop to her feet. “Where do you leave? “ She sniffs trying to talk but only muffled words leave her mouth. He hears the siren. “Look lady! I don’t know you. I don’t care to know you but you need to stop crying and tell me where you leave so I can put you in this cab” Her crying increases. Then siren is closer as he sees the red and blue lights. He swears. “Fine then,” he enters the cab and gives the driver directions to his house. “What about her?” The driver asks looking at the crying woman. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Drive. Now!” The driver spares her a glance and then puts the car on drive heading away from the curb of Mac & Tees. Darren looks behind a few seconds later to see that she had slipped to the floor, her head between her legs. He can tell she is crying some more. He turns away. Not your problem Darren. Not your problem. You have a big hole in your heart. Not your problem. A few minutes into the drive he tells the driver ” Let’s go back” He kicks himself mentally. “Why? We are already turning at the intersection. “ “Well turn again. “ “Indecisive muderfxxker!” The driver wearing a baseball cap mutters. “You said what?” Darren thought he heard something. “I said I have to turn at the corner “ “oh okay” Darren leans back. What are you doing Darren. She isn’t some stray dog you take pity on. She would be fine. Someone else might help her. If she needs help that is. You are just going back to get a bag of trouble you don’t need. He sighs. He is just going to pick her up. Drop her in the nearest hospital so they check her if she is okay and then he would leave. Yes. That is it. ***** They stop across Mac & Tees, he highlights crossing to see the police is already there. One of them is bending over and speaking to her. She isn’t answering. The place is crowded. Suddenly, someone turns and points to him. “There he is. He is the one who beat her up!!! “ Darren recognizes him as the mongrel who called the police. The policemen and others turn to him, he saw their reflexes as one reaches for his gun and another their cuffs. ”Whoa, easy guys” He raises up his hands in surrender ”I am just an innocent person. Hold your horses” he says. He keeps walking to them and stops infront of them. “Do you know her? ” One of the officers throw at him. He thinks about it for a second. If he says no, it wouldn’t help the situation if the inner lounge was any indication of them saying she was his wife. Maybe another approach would work . “Yes. ” He nods. “What’s you name sir? “ “Darren Bloom, Accountant, I work for the Mark and Smith’s firm out at the the Simpsons. “ “Is what he is saying true?” the point to the mongrel. “No” “Then why is she crying and why is she out here alone?” He thinks about it for another few seconds. He closes and opens his eyes. “We had a fight. But it’s fine now. Just some lover’s quarrel and no I didn’t beat her up. No bruises as you can see. I am here to take her home. “ “Where is home? “” Okay. Now what would he say?. He can’t say his house. He doesn’t even know her house. The Hotel. Yep. He would just mention there. Once they leave he takes her to the hospital and then continues alone to his and forget this upsetting scene . “The Crosvenor Hotel and Resort. “ “Can I confirm your booking details and that you are who you say you are? “ Well . Yes . “You. You can find their number in the hotel listing online. ” Darren nod telling the officer. “Okay. gimme a minute. ” the officer turns away to make the call. He comes back a while later and then nods “You check out. Now please can you calm her down. She is hysterical. “ He sighs, going to her wondering what he should say. Then a thought comes to his head. He leans in. “Hey crazy person, I tell you what..” he leans in closer peeling her hands away from her face “If you stop crying I would find the asshole who gave you that ring and make him apologize a thousand times and give him a pack of baby dxxks to eat. That okay? “ She sniffs. She didn’t stop crying. “Okay how about I toss him into a tank of worms.? And if his crimes are severe, a cave of snakes so that they can bite his balls and fill it with their venom” he tells her. She sniffs wiping her nose “And maybe I can toss in crabs. And scorpions too. And termite ” she sniffs. “Anything you want. So… Stop crying?” “It hurts. So bad! ” she rubs her chest crying. He frowns. “I know” but he wishes he knew what was making her cry. But hell, it wasn’t his business. He had his problem too. Hell! Why did he come back? He sighs. “Stop crying. Ready to go? “ “Go where?” she raises her head to him, her eyes curious. The officers turn and look at him suspiciously hearing her last statement. “Home crazy woman!” he takes her hand and pulls her up. “I don’t wanna to… I… everything reminds me and-” she is shaking her head. “Is there a problem. Ma’am, now that you are talking. Do you know this man? “ She turns to Darren and then frowns. “No! “ The officers look back at him, one of them is walking towards him and taking out his handcuffs.. Darren swallows. Okay maybe he shouldn’t have come back to pick her . Why did the devil did this crazy woman cross his path tonight . ****
25 Aug 2018 | 07:44
25 Aug 2018 | 18:00
hahaha funny
25 Aug 2018 | 18:51
26 Aug 2018 | 02:51
This is divine connection
26 Aug 2018 | 03:17
26 Aug 2018 | 10:01
See gobe? Nawa for u oo,oga!!!
26 Aug 2018 | 10:08
Just see how someone's kindness and concern is landing him into some serious trouble. That lady is damn crazy
26 Aug 2018 | 14:29
So so funny.
26 Aug 2018 | 15:30
26 Aug 2018 | 18:20
THREE ****** “Sir, I would please ask you to step away from the lady and keep your hands where I can see them” the officer tells Darren as he makes his way towards him with the handcuffs in his hands. Darren swallows again.. “Erm I think there must be a mistake… the thing is… actually I erm really..” Darren scratches his head. “They were together in the Resort. We saw them together and she was crying painfully and I know for certain the bastard must have done something to her. I don’t care what you say. Or maybe he is her stalker… maybe that is why she was crying… who knows, but I bet you he did something to her.” the mongrel who had called the police stated. Darren spares him a glance. That wasn’t helping . Why didn’t he just continue on his way home instead of coming back? “Erm..officer I..erm” “Step away from the lady Sir, she doesn’t know you and we would have to take you in just to make sure that you are not stalking her.” “Stalking her because of? No.. Really I was just trying to help and… Hey.. Crazy person a little help here? You are getting me into this mess” he points to her as the officer nears him and takes his hands… “Oh come on.!! ” he exclaims. “First off we get a call about domestic violence from a certain customer, now we hear about stalking and even the lady says she doesn’t know you and…well.. turn around Sir” “Hey I didn’t do anything… in fact.. I-“ “Turn around” the officer turns him around, bending his arm behind him. Darren is reluctant to stay still. “Hey officer I know my right and if you can’t actually charge me for something, you are overstepping officer! “ “We take stalking and domestic violence seriously Mr Bloom” “We already ruled out the fact that there wasn’t one involved because I didn’t touch her and secondly, stalking? No way. Look… you can’t cuff me and take me away for something that makes no sense and..” he screams behind him “Hey crazy person! You are just standing there doing nothing.?” Darren tries to bend his head to look at her. It was no use. She looked dazed. He speaks to the man. “I know my right officer. I know the law and I will…hey.. Come on!!! “ Annalise frowns.. She was confused as to what was happening. The officer had asked her if she knew the guy and she said No. She really didn’t know him. She just met him and he has directed her to the shop that broke her heart the more when she found out the ring didn’t cost anything useful. She had come back, entered the resort and when she saw him she walked to him. Why ? She had no Idea. But she knew she wanted someone to talk to…to tell that even the most precious thing in her collection was bought off a counter. They say it was the the little things that matter and unaware how little it was. It mattered to her. Until he upp-ed and left her to marry someone else. It was meant to be her. It was meant to be today.. On St. Valentine’s day. Her happiness was supposed to be forever starting today but.. All that is ruined. She cried unable to stop the tears because it tore at her heart strings and pulled. Pain they say is as strong as love. Maybe that is why she felt her world crumbling to the floor. Sighing she shakes her head removing the thoughts when she realized the commotion in front of her had gotten heated. Why were they about to arrest him? “Officer? Officer?” She wipes her eyes and steps to them.. “Please Ma’am step away so we can secure the stalker.. -“ “Stalker? Him? No.. Please. Has he committed a crime? “ The second officer frowns. ” You were wailing like a banshee a while ago Ma’am and wouldn’t be calmed and they tell me some guy hurt you. He shows up and he checks out all right but… the impression we had from the person who called insinuated that you both knew each other or were together. Now he tells you to come let’s go home and you ask home? And you rightly just told me you didn’t know him so… that leaves one thing: He might just be what they said. Because we haven’t yet understood the role he is playing here and prevention they say is better than cure Ma’am. One time we overlooked this and a girl winded up dead and five others missing. That was about three years ago. A friendly hangout like this and she was feeling sorry for the dude and tried to protect him. Her eyes were plucked out and her entire insides stuffed into a Billy Jean doll. ” “Oh.. Dear lord!!” Annalise exclaims. “Yes. So.. You don’t know this dude and..well..we would just keep him for the night or the next few hours, just to make sure all is well. Police procedure, just a precaution” he tells her. “Christ! My day keeps getting better. A broken heart, a crazy person and now I get to spend some hours with the blues in an old cell?. Really God! Really pissing on my parade this night. Christ!!!” ***** “Cupid!! I don’t see how this is helping the situation. All I hear is my name “ Cupid is cross-legged, he is eating a very large pie. He wipes his mouth as the cloud swims about him. He smiles. “Eh don’t worry bro. Police procedure. Plus your name is the constant high people use this days.” “Didn’t they read “Never Call the name of the God in vain”? And besides Pops told you to spread some love. All I see is confusion and a young man about to be tossed in cell. What formula did you use by the way?” “I used “The formula” There was rumble in the clouds. “Are you mocking me bro? “ “No. Just laughing. Can I tell you a secret though? “ “Nope. I told you and Pops; I would do it my way. I made the formula and I sent love down. Don’t worry everything should be fine and those broken hearts will mend. “ “Right! You do know that I am Mr Love so if you need directions on how to go-“ “Nah! I got the formula. Shuuuuu bro. You are giving me a bad mojo. Need to distract that officer. “ The cloud rumbles again. “Yeah laugh all you want. Piece of sh-“ “Do not swear in the house of the Lord Cupid.!!!! ” the voice was thunderious. “I was going to say… Cake. Piece of cake. Relax bro. Sheeessh! Go talk to Pops or something and let me be okay? And oh ask Micheal to get me a drink” “Go get it yourself and holy water is there. You need it. No more wine. I saw the bottle of vodka under the heaven sink” Cupid chuckles “Got it off some earthling. You should have some brother. You would get high.. As high as these clouds here” “I get a lot of highs Cupid. Being me and the son of Pops.. I don’t need nothing else. Good luck with your.. “Love” But don’t say I didn’t offer to help” “Bla bla blahhh!! ” Cupid pulls a cloud to him making small tiny balls and blocks his ears. He grabs another, rolls it in his palm…standing up he takes it to his eyes as though trying to peep through it. ” Find me a spot that disrupts his thoughts. Get the officer away from their turf. “ He lets the cloud ball drop down. It sinks into the clouds, below the firmaments and down to earth. It floats. And with a speed of light it sinks lower, finding it’s target and dancing, hovering over it’s head. Once it reaches the officer’s hair and touches it’s surface. It evapourates. Cupid lays back and then slaps his hands dusting them. “Aha!! Back to it” **** “So you see why I have to take him in and make sure he isn’t one of those?. ” The officer continued. “You have got to be kidding me.!! ” Darren exclaims. Annalise is shaking her head. “No no officer that won’t do. He.. He isn’t a stalker “ She really didn’t know him but he couldn’t possibly be one right? And besides she was the one who went to his table. She was the one who busted out crying close to him . No. He isn’t a stalker. ‘You don’t know that Ma”am! And you just said you don’t know him remember? so… “ “Did I say that? Oh.. ” she laughs wiping her eyes again. ” I meant I.. Oh forget what I meant. I know him and we are going home.” Darren is looking at her “Finally the crazy person comes to the rescue. ” he shakes his head. “Really. What is his name and where is home? “ “ is Derrick and -“ “Darren! You see Ma’am you don’t -“ She screws up her face “I said Darren officer. You didnt hear me and.. Home is.. Home. We call home home” “And what is he to you then?”” ” He is..erm. look what he is to me isn’t any of your concern so.. Please uncuff him now please or I would have to call the police “ “We are the police Ma’am ” The other policeman frowns. ” I know that!. Look I was just having a bad day and was taking it out on him okay. Be a dear and un-cuff him so we can go home. Pretty please?!” The officer looks at her and at Darren. He takes his hand and runs it through his hair. He frowns thinking about what to do with the guy. Then his thoughts is replaced. He smiles happily. “Sure. My apologies Ma’am” He uncuffs Darren and steps away. His colleague is looking at him funny. “Really? One minute you are hell bent on talking the guy in and spilling mumbo-jumbo about women stalkers and now you are happily letting him go?” He shrugs “He didn’t do anything really. And besides. It’s Valentine’s today. Show a bit of love right? ” he turns to Darren “Sorry about that Sir. Ma’am. I don’t know what I was thinking. You both can go on home and have a beautiful celebration. In fact, we can escort you home if you don’t mind?” Darren raises an eyebrow. What the hell just happened? He wonders. “Oh really? Never had Police escort before.” Annalise smiles. Darren rubs his wrists. “No that is fine we can find our way home. Come Crazy person” He beckons to her. The quicker he gets her out of here. The quicker he gets her away from him. To a home where they don’t mind taking care of crazy people. She definitely have to be an escapee from such home. It would explain her attitude. Crying one minute and happy to be escorted by the police the next. For what exactly? Or he just finds a place to dump her anywhere she desires and then he goes home and forget this night. She breaks into his thoughts “No. They can escort us. In fact we can even ride in their car yes? With the sirens blaring and all. It would look as though we are criminals and.. Oh.. Yay. Come officers. I will ride with you. Come come!! ” Annalisa happily grabs the officers arm and begin to walk away with him. Leaving Darren and the other officer dumbfounded. “what the hell just happened? ” The other officer turns to ask Darren. “An answer is needed for you and me both. “ The mongrel and other customers have since dispered realising no one was getting arrested. Sighing Darren follows the officer and joins Annalise in the car with them as he gave them the address to the resort he had earlier booked for his girlfiend now Ex with another woman and him. He sighs all through the journey. He hopes when they drop them off and leave, he can bunk her into a cab to anywhere she came from. He looks sideways at her, smashed in the middle with another officer by her side, she chats with them as though it was the most normal thing in the world or they were friends since long before. Darren shakes his head. Just a while ago she was balling her eyes out and feeling shattered. Now.. She was having chatting sessions with the cops. Yep! Crazy person . He turns away. ***** “Yay! Todd, Nike and Sley. You boys are amazing. Thank you for the ride. It was..blaring in red and blue. I felt great. Bye now” she laughs alighting from the police van and waves at them. They wave back. Darren is reluctant to go in. But the officers were still there, waiting for them to go in. Argh!! He grabs her hands turning away with a fixed smile and leads her into the resort, watches the door close behind them. “Wow!! You live here though?” She looks around. “Nope. Just rented a suite. “ “Oh! It must have cost a ton ‘” “Perks of a good Job. “ He seats grabbing a magazine as they wait at the reception. Soon the officer enters. The one who cuffed him waves at them and then heads to the bar. “Really?” Darren frowns. He turns to see the other two join him. “Great! Annalise follows his eyes. “Sorry about that.” “Which part really? Almost getting me arrested or.., making people think I was some stalker? “ “Hey it wasn’t my fault they assumed that. Sorry.” She breathes. Darren shakes his head. “Whatever!! “ The receptionist walks up to him. “Good evening Mr Bloom. I recognised you as you came in and took the liberty of bringing your keys. Your reservation was cancelled .” “Yes I cancelled the dinner” “Sorry about that sir. But.. You do realize that we don’t cancel suites unless there is another payer. But up to right now no one else have paid for that suite and by the end of weekend it would be gone. But since you are here, are you changing your mind? We can have them-“ “Yes it is fine. Doesnt matter. I am not staying. “ “Oh!?” The waiter seemed disappointed. ” I would just cancel the suites then. Unfortunately we are sorry we cannot do a refund. “ “Doesn’t matter. It’s fine. The aim of the room has been defeated. “ Annalise looks at him and then the waiter “How much does a room cost here? “ “Over 7 thousand” “A suite? “ “4 Times that. “ “Wow!! And he gets to forfeit it if he doesn’t stay in it and no refund? ” she points to Darren. He raises an eyebrow. ‘”Resort polices. I am afraid so. ” The receptionist is apologetic. She whistles “Why don’t you want to stay in it. You paid for it.” she directs it to Darren. “Was for a purpose. But it isn’t useful anymore. “ She nods. “What kind of purpose. Your girlfriend.? Manfriend.? “ He frowns. “None of your business.!” She thinks for a second. Hell! She might as well. It wouldn’t hurt to ask even if he is a stranger. He didn’t want to stay there so.. ”Fine. Well.. I don’t want to go home. I can use It if you don’t mind.? ” she says. Live a little right? What where the odds of her ever lodging in an expensive place like this anyways. She had a good job and stuff but.. This was way out of her budget and beside. She is suffering from a broken heat. A little feel good wouldn’t hurt. A nice room. Good food service. Yep. Antedote to her broken heart. Darren stares at her. “No!! “” “Why the hell not? You just said you aren’t staying there. “ “So.? “ “So instead of letting it go like that.. I can make use of it. Mission accomplished!! “ “Right” “Come on.. It’s a lot of money to waste it like that because of.. I don’t know. “ He sighs. “Leave me alone crazy person. “ “Nope. Maybe I should just call one of those officers here and tell them I have amnesia and you really did beat me” The receptionist raises an eyebrow. Darren looks sideways to the officers. Even if she was lying and he knew that and she knew that. He really didn’t want to have a make believe run in with the officers again. He never did like the blues. “Tick tock! Tick tock says the clock-clock!” He sighs deeply. “Sure. Whatever! Knock yourself out.” “Wow! Really? “ Darren shrugs. It would go to waste anyways. She takes the keys from the receptionist and then allows him lead her leaving Darren behind. . Thirty minutes later, he stared to see that the police officers were still having a drink at the bar. It was getting late. He wouldn’t be able to get a cab back home. He looks at his watch again, sighing and cursing, he makes his way upstairs especially after the officers wave at him again. Just in case the officer changes his mind about arresting him and begin to ask him questions like why was he still at the lobby with them and not in my room. He decides to leave there, hoping that they leave soon so he can get to his life. He gets to the suite. He knocks, no answer. He does so a few more times. Still no answer. He touches the knob to realize that it was open. He walks in to find her on the bed. Her shoulders heaving up and down, her voice muffled by the pillow she placed her face on. He could feel the intensity of her silent wails from the door. His brows furrows together. She was crying. Dear Lord, not again!! ****
27 Aug 2018 | 07:54
Just speechless
27 Aug 2018 | 15:53
dey send her nee
27 Aug 2018 | 17:27
lol crying again
27 Aug 2018 | 18:38
FOUR. ***** Annalise had come into the room and was blown away by its beauty. Then suddenly she had felt sad. Seeing the love shapes on the bed. The suites decorated to taste and everything screaming “I love you” hung on the walls. it’s meaning deep, the essence obvious and everything mushy filling the room suddenly causes an overwhelming sadness to fill her. She suddenly remembers that she was supposed to be married today and in her honeymoon suite. Maybe in a suite just as beautiful as this. But right now, a few cities away he was with her, smiling into her eyes, laughing and sharing his all with her and maybe they were already making love too. This very moment. Making love to his wife the way he used to make love to her. It was supposed to be her, in his arms, loving him as he was loving her. Both of them against the world. But she was here… left alone. It hurts. Her eyes pools. She sinks to the bed and busted out crying. How can love hurt so much. How can it rip out your soul and squash it with its bare hands? How? One minute she was the happiest girl. Even her best friend Lucy knew that this was it, that her relationship was going to lead to marriage and when he finally proposed she was ecstatic. Lucy often teased her about her fiance and how he made her glow and how she couldn’t wait to be her chief bridesmaid even if they were going to go to Vegas to get married. Lucy had already planned to get a ticket all the way from out of state so she could go with them and be a witness on her beautiful day. But all that was gone too. All the plans and happy moments. All the years spent… Albeit three. Everything tossed away. She cries. He… married someone else. Now Her love. Her life. Her all. Gone. All she felt was pain and more pain. She was trying to put up a brave face and even chatting with the officers and stuff. Trying not to think and hurt anymore but.. It hurts. She cries painfully hugging the pillow and screaming into it. She didn’t hear the knocks on the door or see him come in. When he spoke, she couldn’t even bring herself to stop. “Are you going to tell me why you have been crying nonstop since we met? I mean. Doesn’t your eyes hurt?” She shakes her head in her tears, her face still buried in the pillow. “Leave me alone. You all are the same. “ Darren sighs. He told the receptionist to let him know whenever the officers leave. So he can go home. This drama he didn’t need it. Like at all. In the meantime. He needed to close his eyes even if for a few minutes. His head was pounding nonstop. But he comes to meet more drama. He should let her be. As soon as he opened the door to realize what she was doing he should have just left. But no.. He is as curious like a cat. He shakes his head. She was trouble alright. Only one night.. She definitely was trouble and he didn’t need any of that. He had so much going on in his head and heart he doesn’t need a stray dog he had no business with spoiling his day further. And yet, despite that, he also didn’t like that she was crying. Not that he cared though but.. He never liked to see girls cry. Even if it wasn’t his business he needed to ask and maybe.. A problem. Shared is one solved. He steps closer to her, “Yes. So the saying goes. But… I should tell you that… you women are not any different. So… you gonna tell me why you keep crying? I know it must be over a guy but. what exactly is the problem. Is it about the ring? You know you could use your energy for something better” he is standing close to her now. If he reached out he could touch her. She sniffs and cleans her eyes. She raises her head and seats up. He noticed her eyes were red and swollen. He frowns. “I am crying from a broken heart. It hurts! And it isn’t some ring. It was the ring. Supposed to be the ring. My engagement ring. A ring that is as useless as the person right now but.. It was mine and it meant something to me. He meant something wonderful to me but he broke my heart and it hurts. My heart is broken and.. I can’t stop the pain. That’s why I am crying. I am crying from a broken heart. ” She sniffs again. “Story of my life” “You are crying from a broken heart?” her big eyes searches his face. “Metaphorically speaking.” He nods. “Oh!” she wipes her eyes again. He dips his hands into his pocket and then hands her his handkerchief. “You should stop crying. It makes your already big eyes look twice as big. “ “I can’t. Everything reminds me of him. Even this room. And the love and all those… Couples things. See… I see this and I want to cry.” she sniffs touching the love shapes and chocolates and bear. She pushes it away from her. Blowing her nose. He frowns looking at her and then looking at the room again. “Erm well.. you wanted to stay in the room. “ “You didn’t tell me it was filled with love and mushy stuff! “ “Well, it was my suites and I wanted to make it look like this because it was supposed to be a special someone and.. Well I didn’t have to tell you anything and also, I didn’t know you would start crying again. “ “Well it did make me cry. A lot. How do I un-see this or stop feeling this pain?” she rubs her chest. He shrugs saying nothing. He had a hole in his chest already. He had no idea how to stop the pain. He had had his own share of pain. Yes.. Matters of the heart was a bitch. Her sniffs causes him to look at her. He frowns. “I mean.. We had all this planned too. I made the arrangements and stuff and ermmmmmm” she begins to sniff again. Darren could fill another bout of tears coming as she continues to talk. “it was supposed to look like this and.. and now.. He is with her and.. He. And her.. My.. Oh God! ” she wails unable to finish talking. Darren’s frown deepens. Have the officers left yet? Maybe he should just go downstairs and leave her. He made to get up. She raises her head. “Am I a horrible person? And I not pretty? Am I ugly? I mean. I have a good job and was happy. For three years. We loved each other. I loved him. But.. He goes off to marry someone else today. The day we planned. It was supposed to be a Valentine wedding. Our Valentine wedding like the movie “My Greek Wedding ” in Vegas. And now… right now only God knows what they are up to and.. Oh God” she cries again. Okay. He understood it all. He sighs. “So you boyfriend leaves you for another woman? “ “My fiance. And he didn’t break up with me until today. That ring.. That cheap ring is all I have to remember him by. “ “I am Sorry. Must have hurt to find out the way you did. Explains your state” “I thought he loved. Because I loved him. I love him. “ “Sadly, I have come to realize that for some people. Love isn’t enough” He says more to himself than to her. She is staring at him. Her tears soon begins again. “It was enough for me. It was. I wanted nothing but him. Was that too much to ask? “ He shakes his head and sits down on the bed. Sympathetic towards her. Understanding her pain. He stares at her. “what if I told you that we are not so different?” “How do you mean?” Maybe.. If he told her how shitty his was, she would feel better and at least stop crying. He already did shed a few but he was a man. Big boys don’t cry. But hey, women were wired differently. While they wallow in tears and chocolate and other sweets, men drowned their sorrows by drinking. And worse.. Do something stupid. He already took the booze. That was enough. The ache he was having to his head was twice as worse with the one in his heart. Maybe talking would help and like they say.. “Misery finds company.” He looks at her. Her big eyes are still on him, questioning. He blows out hot air. “Well my girlfriend broke up with me to today. Isn’t that ironic? The morning of love. The day of love. So let’s just say I do understand the pain you are going through “ “I am sorry. This room was for her. You both? “ He nods “Yes! I had it all planned out. The dinner and the cruise and all of that. but as she left me, I couldn’t bring myself to come stay here alone so that is why I was willing to forfeit the suite despite the money spent.” “It is a beautiful room and a loving gesture. “ “Yeah! But right now being in it, everything in the room reminds me of what I don’t want to be reminded off. Because I had it decorated with her favorite things and what she loves you know” he frowns at the declaration of love at every given opportunity in the room. Yes he went all out. Annalise follows his eyes and then stares back at him “You know, the person he is marrying is a long time sweetheart. It would shock you to know as it did knock me off my hat that after three years I got told that I was the side chick and he didn’t love me and that he was just passing time with me. He even had the nerve to say I shouldn’t call him again. After three years? See how that is so shocking? I mean who does that? Break up with someone the day you are getting married to another? What happened to doing it before we start going deep and serious? Three years and me his side chick? No! I haven’t heard a news as breaking as mine. I cried all day” “And night. You are still crying” Darren points out. She wipes her eyes. “I told you it hurts. And I can’t actually stop the tears” He nods “Well. Yours isn’t the most shocking though” “How so? “ “What if I told you that the person she left me for was -“ “Your best friend? Boss? Brother? ” She is aghast. He shakes his head. “A woman” Annalise drops her mouth open. “A woman. Like literally? “ He nods. “Yes. Caught them in a steaming hot sex session. And in the same breath of calling me baby.. She breaks off with me. And can I shock you even more? She is going to get surgery done to become a shemale. 6-inch long Male sex organ and all the good stuff. I have never felt so used and inferior in my life. I mean dumped for a girl? And still, she says she is a lesbian and have always loved it and loved her girlfriend and yet she is still going to be that thing she dumped. A man. So she goes to become a woman-man. A Shemale, like I still could not get it and why. I mean shemale? I mean I love her.. Insanely but.. I don’t know. I even told her let’s talk about it because she was my life. My everything but she choose her without blinking. I feel… worthless you know. She.. Was everything but like I said. Love isn’t enough” he turns away. He rubs his chest. The pain was resurfacing but he wouldn’t dare break in front of a woman. He sniffs and clears his throat. “So you see.. We aren’t so much different. The ones we loved didn’t love us back and let with another. We just have to breathe. Let the pain simmer but it would go. One day at a time. ” he tries to smile. “You win. Yours is more shocking.” Annalise shakes her head. He shrugs. She continues with a half-smile. “I guess it is safe to say we are two broken-hearted girls?” He smiles sadly.. “I guess so. It looks like I would have still had a girlfriend if I had boob’s and a vjayjay “ She laughs ” Yeah! Me too.. I mean a fiance If I were a drop dead gorgeous person with 4x what I earn with a large estate in my name. I would be getting married and in my honeymoon suite much like this and getting the most amazing rump of my life. . “ He laughs. This time it reaches his eyes. She smiles. They are quiet for a brief moment. “You know what we should do? “ “What?” he stares at her “What do you want to do crazy person? “ “Hey I am not crazy” she points at him. “Are to. I swear you looked and sounded like it. Crying about some cheap ring and balling everyone’s ear out. And almost getting me arrested. Yep. Crazy. I had a thought of dumping you in a home for crazy people “ She laughs “Hey. That was my ring and two I was in pain and three.. You what? “ He laughs “Yes I did thinking that. Good thing I didn’t go through with it and it was because of those blue devils seated in the bar downstairs! “ “Good thing else I would have looked for you and haunted you” They smile. “So.. how about we forget them? Those who left us and just do whatever the hell we want? I mean I am tried of crying and hurting I feel wasted. You paid for the room so you should enjoy it. And me? I can eat up all the chocolates and drink the wine and we can trash the room some and tear those love shapes decorations. What say you partner in broken hearts?” “Eh? Only crazy people think like that. Sure you didn’t escape from your cage? “ She laughs standing on the bed.. “I did. And guess what? This crazy person is going to have fun doing crazy. So we are going to show them that we are happy and cool without them.” she grabs the first love shaped decor and tore it. She grabs another decorated teddy-bear and pulls out its head. She looks around and grabs a box of chocolates. She pokes it and begins to eat from it. Then she grabs the bottle of wine, cocks it and the takes a long sip. She looks at him.. ” Are you going to wallow in self pity or join me? “ He shakes his head “You are a crazy person. The answer is no. Enjoy. Knock yourself out.” “Come on, live a little. What is the world without a little crazy and besides, we are the only one missing them and they don’t care. So we are going to go out there and have fun. Do whatever we want. Enjoy St. Valentine’s like we don’t care too. And by tomorrow we won’t even remember they exist. What say you partner ? Game or Game? ” she pushes the bottle of wine to him and winks. He shakes his head again. “Don’t be a pussy. Only girls are allowed to have those. Grow some extra pairs son. Live a little. Forget the pain. So you said right.? So… Come drink with me and let’s scream our lungs out and join the party upstairs. I saw the program. It’s a live band going on. Game? “ He eyes it and the climbs the bed standing on it with her.. “I am going to regret this aren’t I? “ She smiles… “Maybe. Maybe not but Live a little.” He takes the bottle to his lips and drinks a large amount of it. “YASSS!” She smiles taking it from him and sips some more and hands him one of the play-stick she found close to the bed to hit the dangling baby unicorn dancing overhead that had a stick-on which read “Hit me Hard” “Ready?” She points at it. He looks up, a sad smile on his face. His Ex loved hitting the unicorns with sweets and chocolates inside. That was why he made sure to get one. He nods “Ready!” Soon they have the room trashed. Empty cartoons of chocolate and four bottles down. Leaving the suites they get access into the VIP club upstairs and enjoy a wild crazy band, dancing and screaming with the crowd. Went cruising in a limo with two strange couples who were more interested in making out with strangers than themselves. When they realized why they were invited to tag along which was supposed to be a four some, they jumped out of the limo during traffic and laughed all the way till they got back to the Resort. They ate dinner in the kitchen and talked with the waitress who kept eyeing Darren. Then Darren walked up to an elderly lady after being dared by Annalise and told her he wanted to fart in her cup. They ran away when her husband showed up with two hefty bodyguards after the woman tried to shoo him away to no avail. They were drunk. It was obvious. But.. It was better to be drunk and happy than sober and sad. By almost 3 am, back in the suites and more tipsy than ever they are laughing and laughing as they told silly jokes sprawled on the bed close to each other. Their bodies a few spaces apart. She turns to her side after wiping the tears due to laughter from her eyes and then stares at him. “You know, you are not so bad Darren. So how much fun we had making a mess.” She looks at the room. His eyes followed hers. He nods. She continues “She was wrong to have left you” She is back to staring at him. He turns to face her “And you aren’t such a crazy person. And you are not ugly. It’s his loss not yours” They smile at each other. Their eyes lingers. The current in the room pulled. Chemistry sparks. Desires awaken. You should go Darren. His tells himself. You should sleep Annalisa. She tells herself. But they don’t break their gaze away from each other, neither did they take their advise. Without thinking he reaches out to brush the hair away from her eyes. She stares at him. He tucks the strand of hair behind her ear. But he doesn’t drop his hands down. Instead he touches her cheeks. She doesn’t pull away. They are both staring intensely at each other now. And when she notice him move, she still didn’t pull away nor did she take her eyes off him. Darren leans in with his eyes closing and hers closing on their own accord, he kisses her lightly on her lips. He pulls away and stares at her. Her eyes opens up slowly. It lingers. She bites her lips, he follows her eyes, he caresses her lips with his thump. She closes her eyes as she touches his thump over her lips. Then she opens her eyes and looks at him. That only meant one thing.. ” Consent “ He leans in and kisses her again. This time she kisses him back. **** To Be Continued.
28 Aug 2018 | 06:28
hmm finally
28 Aug 2018 | 11:09
Wow! And Cupid was far above laughing out loud that his plans are finally falling into pleasant places.. Those two surely would make wonderful pairs being that both are crazy in a way
28 Aug 2018 | 11:19
now dey are liking eachoda
28 Aug 2018 | 11:21
Destiny in motion.
28 Aug 2018 | 11:56
Hmm nice 1
28 Aug 2018 | 12:49
Sorry dear
28 Aug 2018 | 15:18
I am loving it
28 Aug 2018 | 16:09
28 Aug 2018 | 21:26
Eiii u guys r making out after all de heartbreak??? Dis one na heartbreak banging,, lol!!!
28 Aug 2018 | 21:34
Wow nice
28 Aug 2018 | 21:48
FIVE ***** Her lips were soft and sweet. It must have been due to the sweet grape wine they drank, or the chocolates she couldn’t stop filling her mouth with? Or maybe it was the strawberry sweets she rubbed over her lips pretending it to be a lipstick as it made her nude lips turn pink. Or maybe she was just generally sweet. Too sweet maybe or was it the alcohol in his system? He was drunk. Tipsy-over-the-top-drunk. Yes! And she was too. Going by the silly things they did tonight. It was crazy. It was fun. It made them forget about their pain and broken heart. Well… He forgot about the hole in his chest though. And he drank to his heart’s content and laughed up to that measure too. At the end of the day. His day turned from an unbearable pain to this… crazy fun filled night all because of this… crazy person he had no pre-planned motive of meeting. Yes! Annalise was crazy. Her laughter was contagious especially when she roars holding onto her tummy and pointing at the cause of it. Or is it when she saw a cockroach flying overhead as they walked through an alley trying to get away from some funny looking thugs and she screamed jumping on his body not knowing if he was going to catch her or not. Well.. He almost didn’t. The laughter that ensured almost made his hands a jelly. He ran with her when they heard them coming looking for them and disappearing into the next bend and almost laughing out their hideout. Or when she thought he wasn’t looking and she dipped her hand into his plate of cheerios and napped a few into her mouth. He smiled pushing the plate to her and tapping her to go ahead and eat it all. And she did without being shy. A twinkle in her eyes. He shook his head and pulled her cheeks. He realized she was a sweet tooth person. Everything sweet… into her mouth it goes. He should warn her about getting diabetics. His father wasn’t so lucky. Or was it the time she nearly dozed off standing on the line to get ice-cream? That was when he realized she was stoned drunk. And yet she refused to budge when he pulled her with him almost making a scene until they had to let her through after citing that she was suffering from a sickness of God knows what… He guess pity won. Because in no time she had her way and got her ice-cream and danced like a little happy child as though she won a trophy. Or was it when she wanted to go to the ladies? And there were like two people in there already. They had been in there a long time already. She danced on her toes, crossed her legs while standing and had to run circles round him so she doesn’t get to stand at a place and the pee drops from her bladder. It was a funny scene especially when he was trying to make her laugh by telling her a joke. She literally had to clam his mouth shut with both her hands and scream… “yadiyadiya… I can’t hear you. Stop it Darren I would pee in my pants. Argh! ” He didn’t stop talking until she ran out of the building. He followed her and then she cuts round the corner, dancing and then she screams at him..”Turn around and watch the road. If I stay another second I would go on myself. “ “Are you going to pee between those cars Annalise? “ “Erm… there is a toilet and yet two girls have been in there for over thirty minutes. So you want me to tell you what I think they a re doing or you want to guess it?. Three may not be a crowd in their world but I like solid ea rth.. Firm hands.. and a harder rod between my legs not some… girly fingers, and right now I need to pee so you can either watch the road for me and tell me if anyone is coming or you go there and break down that door” He turns around and folds his arms. “You have a few seconds because some dude with a white mustache is heading your way” He had said picking the option of watching the road. He already walked in on his Ex with her girlfrirnd. He didn’t want to repeat that scene. He was a traditional man. Anything sexual should be between a man and a woman. Anything else was just wrong. She is silent as he didn’t hear anything. Then suddenly.. “Aaaaah dear Lord. That felt so good. Whoof!” He chuckles rubbing his temple. “One minute away Annalise and I bet the dude coming would see your.. ” he trails off. “Nah! He can’t see what gave birth to him” he is startled to find her beside him. Next thing she is heading away, he runs to catch up with her looking behind her. “You do realize you just peed on the middle of road right? “ “Blah. Bite me. Have you not read holding your pee could kill you and besides no one saw me. And it was not in the middle but side. “ “I did. I mean. I knew you were peeing. So I am aware.” he tells her. “What are you, some-road-pee-keeping-tabs man? Darren.” He laughs as they entered the club again. “Gimme a second” She disappears and then comes back. Her hands wet. “Mama says always wash your hands after using the toilet.” she smiles at him. “Isn’t that ironic though. You didn’t actually use the toilet but the streets. I wander what your mama would say. “ “She would say…you talk a lot” Then she grabs ice from the ice bucket seated on the table and stuffs two into his mouth and made a run for it. He chased her, catching her and flinging her over his shoulders. He twirled her round till she begged him to stop. And after then the joke on the elderly lady and her husband who would have crushed him if they got to him on time and a whole lot of other crazy things. Now back here.. In the suite ..the laughter had died down. The jokes. The this. Yes! He was drunk alright. But he wasn’t so drunk he didn’t know what he was doing right now. He was kissing her. Because he felt the urge to. The need to. Why? He had no idea but.. He knew he wanted to kiss her. And he went for it. That spur of the moment mood. But does she know what she was doing. Does she want to be kissed.? He was never one to take advantage of a situation… especially in their present state of mind. He would never want to be looked at like that… Like someone who takes advantage of another in their low. He pulls away from her. She opens her eyes and stares at him. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” he leans away and rests his head back on the bed facing the ceiling. He should leave. He checks his time. There was no way he can get a cab home by this time. And he didn’t want to drive today that’s why he left his car home. “Why are you apologizing?” she asks him. “Because I wasn’t supposed to do that.. Not without asking though. “ She smiles. “Who asks before they kiss a girl? It kinda spoils the moment” “Still. Besides.. You just got dumped. I just got dumped. We are drunk and it… It’s the alcohol acting. Well.. I am quite aware but are you? “ “You are asking if I know I am being kissed? I am not two years old Darren. And I know I am drunk. But I am not two. Plus. I didn’t pull away and I kissed you too. So.. ” she trails off. He stares at her. He gets up from the bed. “Still. Anyhow.. I am sorry. This isn’t the moment for a rebound anyways. I would hate to do that to you. My emotions is all over the place. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing though” “Maybe that is what we need” She sits up. “That’s alcohol talking. How many fingers am I holding up? ” He shows her his full palm spread out. “Five” “How many now? ” He holds up his index finger. “1” “What’s your name? “ “Michelle Obama” she smiles. He laughs. “Okay. It still doesn’t mean you aren’t drunk and by tomorrow you will slap me after remembering I kinda kissed you” “Well… You would take it in good faith. You are a man. Take one for the team” He laughs. Looking around. “I would sleep on the couch. You take the bed” “Okay “ He nods. He makes his way to the bathroom and takes a quick shower. He comes out to find that she had managed to clean up the suite a bit. “You work fast! “ “Hmm. I can use the bathroom right? “ “Sure. Knock yourself out. You should try the second shower. You would love it. “ “Hmm” she is pensive. ” I wonder would they have spare PJ’s for sale or something. Since being here was impromptu I don’t have a sleeping wear. Unlike you guys you can sleep in your boxers. ” She points at him. “Perks of being a man. Erm… Place a call to them then. “ She does so. “Okay thanks ” she turns to him. “They just sent the last one up to a customer.” He goes to the wardrobe and opens it. He grabs the white robe and then gives it to her. “If you don’t wanna sleep in your cloths you can use this. There are clean towels in the bathroom. And you can wash your cloths, it would dry up in a few hours. The washing machine is wash spin and dry so.. “ She takes it ” Thanks “ She disappears into the bathroom and then comes back in twenty minutes to find him asleep. Well he looked like he was asleep with his eyes closed. Or she just figured his eyes were closed because of his hand dropped over his face. Pulling the covers away from the bed she sinks in, covers herself and tries to go to sleep. ***** “You keep doing that for the past twenty minutes. It’s distracting” His voice breaks into her thoughts. She was grinding her teeth loudly. “Sorry! Can’t sleep” She replies. Now that it is quiet. Her mind is going back to her pain. She needs a distraction. A movie. Music. Anything. “Me neither. Thinking about the significant other? “ “Yeah. You? “ ‘”Yeah! Wanna not think about them?” “Yes! “ “Move over” He says getting up and coming to the bed. She sits up moving to the other side. “I have a boring documentary about cats and dogs on my phone. Wanna watch? It might bore us to sleep” She chuckles “Okay”. He lays on his back and she lays on hers. He turns on his phone, finds the video and presses play. Ten minutes into it she grabs the video and turns it off. “Not working ” She exclaims. “Yeah. Figured as much. what do we do? “ “Force sleep? Just close our eyes and will it to come.” He smiles. “Aye captain” Their backs are on the bed, hands on their tummy clasped together. “Not working! ” She repeats. “I know right.” He replies with his eyes closed. “Oh well. ” he made to get up. She pulls him back. “What? “ “Maybe we can cuddle?” she bites her lips. “He always cuddles me to sleep when I can’t sleep.” “You can’t keep dwelling on someone who left Annalise. How would you want to move on with your life and let go of the pain?” “I know. But… I am tired and I want to sleep but I can’t. Just hold me and I would go to sleep “ He is staring at her. “Please and maybe you would sleep too.” He sinks back into the bed and then lays on his back. This is a bad idea Daren. Very bad idea . He opens his arms and she she lays on his chest. He places his hands round her and then tries to relax, closing his eyes. A few minutes pass and soon he felt her relax and could feel her drifting into sleep. He closes his eyes and suddenly sleeps. ***** It was when she moved he woke up. She was leaving the bed to the bathroom. He wipes his eyes yawning. He closes his eyes to feel her climb out of the bed back to him again, raising his hands she slips back to lay on his chest. He hugs her to him. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Like something they have been for years… being together like this. Felt nice. Her hair smelt nice. And the way she felt close to his body was.. nice.. She still had the robe on but as his hands laid on her shoulders. It felt bare. Unconsciously, force of habit to what he used to do with his ex. He trails a line up and down her arm absentmindedly. She loved his movements on her body. It always tends to cause her to squirm. He smiles. “I can feel you smiling. “ He frowns. His hands stops immediatly. “Sorry.. Having a wrong thought about someone I shouldn’t be thin king off.” She nods understanding “Why did you stop? “ “What? “ “Trailing your finger over my shoulders. I kinda liked it” “Force of habit. I should continue? “ “Yes. “ “Okay” He continues. They laid there quietly. He trails his fingers, making circles over her shoulder blades. Then he runs his hand up and down her arm. Suddenly he felt her doing the same to his arm.. And then she moves it to his bare chest. He smiles. “What are you doing? “Same thing you are doing. Does it bother you? “ He shakes his head smiling as he felt a tickle. “It tickles. “ She smiles. “Nice. “ She finger-trots to his chest and then made circles over his hard chest.. With no specific direction she trails her fingers over his chest until they are making their way back to his chest and then to his nipple. She brushes a finger over it absentmindedly. He quickly reaches for her hand and then holds it tight. “Don’t.. Do that! ” He says. She frowns looking at him but seeing his jaw instead as she laid on his chest. “Just.. Don’t. “ “What? Is that one of your turn-ons”? She sounded mischievous. “Nope!” “Liar!” She laughs “Shy are we? “ “No we aren’t. No Anna. I am not shy” She laughs again. She uses her spare hand and grabs his other nipple. Now he seats up pushing her gently away and grabbing her hands. “Don’t.!” “Or else what?” a mischievous glint to her eyes. He is saying to her. “Or else this” He pulls her to him and flicks her nose. She laughs. “I thought you were going punish me. “ “No. Those are meant for naughty girls. “ He laughs back down and pulls her to him. “Sleep Annalisa. “ “Aye Captain “ They lay on each other and wait for sleep come. ***** “Darren. Are you asleep? “ “Yes.!” She laughs. “I really can’t sleep.” She continues. He sighs pulling her closer. “I can squash you to death. That can work “ She hits him away. “You wish!. “ Silence. “Kiss me.” She blurts out. Silence . “Darren? “ “Yes.! “ “Did you hear me?” “Yes” “So kiss me. “ “I did already.” She chuckles. “That was on you. This is on me” “You know that would technically cause an awakening.?” She shrugs. “It releases some sort of chemical that causes one to relax. I am not relaxed. I want to be.” “Okay” Five minutes pass . “Darrennnnn! “ He chuckles.. “Annalise!!! “ “Kiss me” “I am actually avoiding to do so” “Why?” “Because we may end up doing what we shouldn’t” “No we wouldn’t. Just a kiss. “ “Nope. “ “please “ “Hell to the No” She smiles. “Fine I would just take it myself. “ “Wait.. What.. Annalise what in the devil’s name are you doing Hahaahha” he laughs. She rises up and climbs over him. Grabbing his face she leans in and is trying to kiss him. Yes, she was definitely drunk. She wouldn’t be doing this in her right senses. ”You are drunk Annalise!!!” ”No Darren. I am not. I..want to sleep and..I need distractions.” He is laughing still as he held both of her hands away “I swear! you are one crazy girl. “ She is leaning towards him and pouting her mouth for a kiss. “kiss kiss kiss.!” She chants. “Would you sleep if I do that? “ “Yes.” “promise? “ “Yes!! I think. ” she nods. “Annalise? “ “I promise!!”she exclaims. “Okay.” he let’s go of her hand and seats up with her still over him to a sitting position. “Just one kiss” he repeats. She nods her head. Holding her in a sitting position! He places his finger below her jaw and pulls her face to his. He kisses her briefly. Yes. Her lips was sweet. Those kind of lips too don’t want to stop kissing. Even if you wanted to. He pulls away. “One kiss'” he repeats. She nods. But what he sees next in her eyes were desire. Undiluted and raw desire. . Much like he has in his own right now. They are staring at each other more now. she licks her lips, his eyes follows the moment. She wraps her hands around his neck and this time she leans in to kiss him. They kiss for a long time. Savoring each other’s lips until they come up for air breathing hard. He turns with her and places her on the bed. “We should stop.” he whispers staring down at her. “Yes we should. ” she nods. She raises her hand and touches his face. His neck. Trailing her hands to his hard chest. She touches his nipple with one hand and then the other she grabs the second one. She is saying into his eyes. What are you doing Anna? She asked herself. Don’t think! Just let it flow Anna. She caresses his nipple again with her thumb, he moans touching his hand to her hand… He moans again and closes the distance as she pulls him down towards her. They continue to kiss passionately and soon they are all over each other. A kiss there. A caress there. By the time her robe drops to the floor and his brief lying beside it, her legs were wrapped around him while he sinks into her core, taking her slowly up to ecstasy. Her nails digs into his back as they drink from each others lips. Putting her hands over her head he touches her body lovingly with his free hands, caressing and massaging her bosom. Watching her burn in desire. Meeting her halfway as he rolled his waist in and out. Causing her to quake in helpless wants and desire. Feeling her walls tighten around his member. He goes at a steady rhythm as he felt her hold on to him tight. Listening to the way she sounds in his ears. Knowing just when she is nearing her point to push her over the clip and waiting to catch her before she falls. Just before he takes her overboard he goes deeper, causing her to bite her lower lips and cry out in pleasure. He kisses her lips, drinking and filling her up with all of him. She holds on tighter to him, pushing him into her until she felt her legs quaking. Together they go to the top and come crashing down. Breathing hard as their breathing suddenly fall back to nomalcy. They laid there. Quiet. Satiated. He rolled off her and pulls her to him. Kissing her gently. She lays on his chest. She smiles. “And that is how just a kiss turns into this… Amazing thing. “ He chuckled. “Never turn a man on” “I wasn’t complaining” He smiles. He kisses her again and again. Soon he hears her snoozing peacefully on his chest. Before long, he joins her. ***** Annalise woke up the next morning with a smile on her face. She had the most amazing night. She turns to stare at the man on the bed with her. Her husband. Then her smile disappears. She looks down at herself and realized that she is naked beside an equally naked man. Who isn’t her husband. Okay, wait! She didn’t get married yesterday to her fiance. He broke up with her. She met this guy.. Darren and they went crazy spree and it was fun and..they slept off and..woke up and she..asked for a kissed after he kissed her first and… She jumps up. “Holy Shit!! Shit shit shit shit!” she runs into the toilet as he stirs awake. She comes back out. Grabs her bag and dashes into the toilet cursing a thousand times more banging the door shut. Darren opens his eyes. His head hurts. He shouldn’t have taken so much alcohol. Why did he take that much though? He yawns. Trying to remember. Yesterday was Valentine. Okay. Crap. His girlfiend broke up with him. He goes out. He met this crazy woman who.. Then he made love and.. Oh dammit!! Annalise? He seats up opening his eyes and looks around the room and then back at himself. “ Christ!! He really did sleep with her. Dammit dammit damnit!!” It started as a spur of the moment kind of thing and..then it turned into the actually thing that was.. amazing and.. Whoa!! What now? Does he go. Does he pay her. Or… What what? He had never had a one night stand before. What is he supposed to do or say to her.? What happens now?. He could hear her inside the bathroom. He grabs his brief and wears it quickly. Then he begins to pace the lenght of the room. He should just talk with her right? “Annalise? “ No answer. He goes closer to the toilet “Erm… Are you okay Annalise? “ “Yes?” “What are you doing? “ “Erm..using the lu” she lied. She dails the number again. After so many tries someone picks. “Hi Lucy.” she whispers. “Where have you been? I gave you like a hundred missed calls. “ ” I know I am sorry my phone was on vibration” she whispers. “why are you whispering? “Because I am in the bathroom of a resort suites and I think I had sex with a total stranger on Valentine’s day” “What! You think or you did? “ “Did. “ “Consent or… Spur of the moment. Or rape? “First two. I mean it went from just a kiss to.. a mind blowing sex and now the morning after. What do I do? “ “! You sure moved on quickly. “ “Did not! It just…come on he is out there waiting on me… what do I do?” Lucy laughs “You slut. Go out there and act like it is the most natural thing in the world and it was one of those moments. “ “Really? “ “Yes. And then come by. I need all the juicy details of this person that got you forgetting your fiance for a few hours” “Ex fiance! “ “Same thing darlyne” “Okay. Straight face. Act good and cool. Just sex right? “ “That’s the spirit. See you soon.?” “okay”?” ***** Darren was about to knock again when the door opens up. “Look about last night -“She began “About last night.. ” he began. ***** To Be Continued .
29 Aug 2018 | 08:32
About last night What happened to last night
29 Aug 2018 | 15:43
You've done the deal nah so what else
29 Aug 2018 | 18:10
Spare yourselves d explanations jo
29 Aug 2018 | 20:03
What is it about last night? Why did somebody die? Abeg make u guys spare us with de explanations jhoor cos u guys did it alone!!!
29 Aug 2018 | 21:49
What happened last night?
30 Aug 2018 | 06:51
u pple beta start a relationship now abi wat else
30 Aug 2018 | 12:59
SIX ***** Earlier….Clouds and clouds and clouds away… ”Cupid!!!” The thunder rumbles. Cupid is basking in the dew of the cloud, dancing while his little tush is visible as he rubs his armpit with cloud latter, a make-shift shower cap made of cloud on his head while he whistles to an unknown song… ”Oh, holly..holy-hollyyyyyy Yay!! holly, holly holly..honeyyyyyyy!!” He bellows loudly and continues to whistles. ”Cupid!!!” ”Yes Pops!!” he wipes his eyes, ”I am having a heavenly bath Pops, wadup!” ”What have you done?” ”What do you mean what have I done Pops?” he is shaking his butt and dancing ”Holllyy… holly duck cow honeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” bellows whistling. ”How dare you question me Cupid!!!” Thunder and lightening follows. Cupid screams. ”Jesus Mother of God!!!” ”Do not call the Holy mother into this Cupid and my son did nothing. What have you done?” Cupid grabs his white cloth, and wraps it around his waist covering his genitals, if there is any… who knows, he jumps down from the cloud tub and turns around, looking right, left , up and then down. ”Where are you father?” ”Answer the question” ”But I have done nothing. Well… okay, I must have messed with Angel Micheal, he was being a douche, I mean it was just a tiny bit of Alcohol. It isn’t my fault he went around screaming like a mad man. ” ”You did what?” Cupid bites his lips ”Er… you weren’t talking about Micheal were you father?” ”No!! But you got him drunk? Have you not being told not to drink nothing in my house other than holy water?” ”Father, holy water is boring. It is like salt and water. Spirit, is… heavenly. I mean you gave Jesus the power to turn water into wine, why can’t we have some in heaven? I mean… it is just red liquid. See it as red water Pops.” ”Don’t be smart with me. ” ”Argh!! You are no fun. Micheal is fine, he is just having a nasty hang over… I hope he didn’t go to earth though, it would be bad to have a drunk angel of battle on the loose” ”Angel Gabriel?” He roars, the cloud vibrates. ”Yes Father!!!” Cupid sees him hovering above. ”Find your brother, and make sure he is soaked with holy communion to purge him from the thirst of the earth” ”Okay Father” Angel Gabriel hovers away, his shadow leaving the clouds. Cupid watches him sink back into the cloud, he looks around him, chuckling nervously knowing he was in trouble ”Sooooo Pops… I kinda have somewhere to be and-” ”What did you do to those arrows?” ”Nothing!” ”Cupid?” ”Dude!!” ”I AM GOD. DO NOT DUDE ME!!!” The thunder claps so loudly that Cupid screams again running to hide ”Okay okay… God! You can be so terrifying when you need to be. My goodness… I am nothing but a tiny wee Cupid… have mercy” ”Oh really! Now you are little, no more ‘I am Cupid, but you can call me Love ?” ”A man can feel himself can’t he?” ”Who told you, you are a man?” Cupid gasps ”That hurts Father… being average and small doesn’t make me less of a man?” ”Average doesn’t cut it. You are just an over-sized baby running around with arrows and a while cloth barely covering your essentials… a man you are not!!!” ”I am heart broken Pops. You are the king of savage.” Cupid touches his heart. ”Oh come off it!! I gave you one simple assignment, to spread love and-” ”Which I did… you can see that it is working” He nods his head. ”Hmm… you mean Lust?” Cupid felt him tap his jaw loudly. ”Lus-” Cupid pauses ”Erm… about that!!” ”You added a formula of lust to your arrow Cupid?” Cupid sinks into the clouds, he thins his lips as he furrows his brow in mock innocence.. ”Noooooooo! Of course not. I mean… come on Pops!!! why would I do that?” ”Look!!” He is shaking his head ”Hmm hmm. I do not need to look at any-” ”Look!!!” The voice is thunderous. ”Whoooaaaa!!” suddenly Cupid is dangling from an invisible hand over the earth..”Fine fine… I see… oh Damn!! Guy got moves… oh sweet Jesus… that is some…ohhhhhhhh okay… did he just go deeper than…oh that is a loud…” then he is suddenly lifted higher and twirled around and around and around and around till he felt dazed ”Okay okay okay… I get it okayyyyyyyyyy Pops put me down!!!” He screams. He lands with a thud on his butt, He groans. He stands up rubbing it, He looks around ”I will tell Mother” He pouts. ”Go right ahead, maybe you can explain to your mother what you did to those pure innocent arrows.” ”I just dipped it in some spices Pops, I mean… the heart of man is filled with desires… they are human after all.” ”I said spread love… not lust” ”I spread love… how am I supposed to know it would be lust-love?” ”Cupid!!” ”Pops!!” ”My eyes will not behold iniquity!!” ”True, that is why I will look at it for you” The cloud rumbles again and he ends up falling hard on his butt, again, He groans ”Okay okay. Sheesh!! I was kidding ” ”Do I send you Jesus?” ‘No, no… I can handle it. ” ”There is a reason I want to send him to you to show you what we mean by spreading love” ”I can handle it father, I just have to… go back to the lab and do a rewind -” ”This is not about doing a rewind. You were asked to spread love that is pure and undiluted, yet you spiced it up. How do you want to rewind?” ”Well.. not me, I am nothing, but you are God, you can do anything” ”Doesn’t mean I would.” Cupid sighs…”I kinda suspected you would say that.” He folds his arms and chews his lower lip, pensive. ”Do you see the confusion below Cupid?” Cupid lays down, takes his binoculars and zooms into the room below ”Well, they are adults, they can talk it out.” ”Cupid!!?” ”Okay, what do you want me to do? Tie them up? They have already tasted the forbidden fruits, not like they can un-taste it unless you snap your fingers and cause them to forget which you wouldn’t do because you do not want to do… so what do I do?” ”It is your mess, you clean it up. Then maybe after this lesson I would show you what it means to spread love… not one soiled by thoughts of the flesh” ”So what do I do? I is just Se-” ”That should be done in the confines of a home, married man and wife, that is the aim not among two strangers” Cupid scoffs ”Well it has happened already.” ”Indeed it has” ”What do I do?” ”You can do nothing. Now… how do you know when there is love between this two?” ”Well… I shot the arrow of love and they came together, that is love.. is it not?” ”Wrong! Love is not borne out of physical needs Cupid, it is much more than that. Now, they have soiled their thoughts… and minds and body…do you think it would be easy to think clearly to know if there is love? No. Now…you cannot really tell if there is love ..” ”Now what?” ”Now… you can only let it play out to the end” ”So… I let them?” ”They are your problem now… does this scar or make them? it would be all on you. What happens to them individually from here on out is left to them… how they treat this is left to them. You opened the door… now you watch them swim through it, whether they drown or reach shore… is left to them ” ”What do you mean is left to them?” Silence… ”Father? Father?” Silence. Cupid pouts ”I just put a little spice” He drew cloud circles a small frown on his face. ”Psst! Cupid…now is the time you need my help?” ”Oh Bugger off Jesus..” The cloud rumbles… Cupid frowns at Jesus’s rumbling laughter, he turns away and looks below, back into the room ”You both better fall in love or else, Pops is gonna have my tush and feed it to heavenly rats” ***** ”You go first” Darren tells her ”No, you go first!!” Annalise says. They are staring at each other. The silence stretches into minutes. ”Okay this is awkward!” Annalise states ”Yes, very!!” Darren runs a hand over his face. ”I am sorry, about last night. I mean… I was drunk, you were drunk and… well… we were kinda aware of what we did and… I am sure we weren’t in our sane mind, well… I was quite aware and-” ”I … was aware too and stuff and well, it’s just sex right. Big deal?” ”Yes, No… I mean it’s not a big deal and it’s just sex and… Pfft!!” He scoffs. They stare at each other . ”I should get dressed and-” Annalise began. ”Yeah, me know that thing one does on a daily and stuff and..–” ”Yeah!!” They get dressed. ”So..erm..nice meeting you Darren?” She stretches her hand to his, he eyes it briefly and then takes it in his. ”Darren Bloom.” Darren says ”And you too..Annalise?” ”Penelope Bruce” ”Annalise Penelope Bruce” She states. ”Do we hug or something?” ”I guess!!” They slowly go into each other’s arms and then they hug, pulling away they stare at each other. Lingering looks… they go back into each other’s arm again as they kiss, kicking off cloths and sinking back into the bed and moaning into each other’s mouth. They make love again. ***** ”Cupid!!!!!!” Cupid grabs his arrows and runs ”Tell Pops you saw me Angel Gab and I will puke into your holy tea and fart in your holy grail.” He is seen tush showing as he runs through the clouds passing Angel Gabriel who is holding unto a very drunk Angel Micheal and hiding. ”You forget that I am the all seeing God, you cannot hide from the I AM! Cupid!!!” The thunder claps. Cupid sinks deeper into the clouds. ”Maybe I should take a long vacation on earth” He muses. ***** ”Why are you whispering?’ Lucy speaks into the phone. ”Because I think I had sex with the stranger again. I am officially a sluttttttt !!” she wails silently into the phone, Lucy bursts out laughing ”Oh I should meet this dude, twice in less than twenty-four hours? That sex must have been amazing. ”Shut up!!!” Annalise sniffs. Lucy laughs ”Well, I will give you an advice, if you don’t want there to be a third, leave there and besides, you need to get here before the boss shows up, you are officially an hour later and your vacation ended three hours earlier.” Annalise sobs biting her lips ”Are you crying?” ”No, no tears are coming out but I am trying to?” Lucy laughs ”Tell me something.Is he hot?” Annalise blushes ”Well..yes! ”Fine?” ”Beautiful man if I am being completely honest!” ”So… you had a great valentine after all and get your butt here, another round of sex would make you a slut, officially with the capital ”H”. ” ”Okay okay” ”And, just in case you got an inch, take his number” ”I wouldn’t. In fact, this is the first and last time I am ever letting a total stranger sleep with me. You think I want to see him again?” ”Well….” ”Well nothing!” ”Okay. You never know, it might be the start of something new… and years from now it would be you giving an inspirational talk on ” How I found my one true love on valentine’s day after my fiance left to go marry his sweetheart!!” ”Bleh!!!” ”See you soon” ”Yeah!!” **** Darren watches her come out of the bathroom dressed. ”I think it is less awkward” He says with a half smile. ”Yeah, I suppose. I have to get home and get to work” ”Me too.” He opens the door for her and they walk quietly down, taking the elevator, saying nothing to each other. Outside, he flags a taxi. ”Can I buy you dinner sometime?” She shakes her head ”I don’t think so?” ”Why not?” ”Well, because I don’t think we would ever see each other again and I do not think there is need to. It was fun, this was… but… I don’t think there is need for anything else” ”Sure” He nods ”You are right. I just felt, it would kinda feel awkward to path like that” She smiles as a taxi pulls to a stop, she goes to it ”Bye Darren.” ”Bye Annalise” He watches her fade away, he stops a taxi and heads home. ***** ”So that is how my day went” Darren says shutting down his system and grabbing his briefcase. ”Why are we still talking about this?” ”Lack of anything else to talk about aside work. So you didn’t get a number?” ”No” ”Why not?” ”She refused dinner, and I think that was for the best. I mean, it was a frigging one night stand” ”An amazing two-times-sex-stand you mean?” ”Yes, amazing but reality sets in bro, and besides to what end anyways. I was suffering from a broken heart and so was she. We were two miserable people who found company in our arms. That is it. She left, I did too. That is it. No hard feelings, no grudges just two strangers who needed that release and spur of the moment to forget about our pain, and we did. It’s been two months man, and I don’t feel that pain from my Ex anymore. In fact, she made me forget her briefly and … it was good. Now I am great. Work is perfect. I have no time for girls and sinking into thighs. That was a one time thing, not planned but it happened, but that is it.” ”I see, well, you are one lucky dude, wish I had me some valentine stand” His friend Tom laughs ”I would tell your wife” ”Heh!! She wouldn’t believe you. Hey, remember, the Grill’s place this Saturday for her birthday. It’s a date night stroke birthday bash and a present for the wife, else she would be mad. Come with a plus one too, not same sex” Tom is heading out of his office. ”I am my own plus one Tom. And I am not coming with a same sex, just another creature.” Darren calls back. ”No dogs allowed” Darren laughs. ”I have a cat?” ”We have cat eaters” Tom throws over his shoulders. They laugh. In another minute, Darren is heading home. He stops by to get groceries for his house. ”Hi!!’ he smiles at the attendant at the cashier stand while he pays for his item. ***** ”I thought you said you had food at home, why are you stopping?” ”I lied, I have nothing at home other than bread and cold drinks.” ”Argh!! I should have just gone home. You know I have food at home right?” ”Hey… I need a friend okay, it is not every day one gets to have a bad day and a friend is just a arm stretch away?”Lucy sniffs. Annalise laughs. ”You make it hard to hate you, you know right?” ”I know. Let me go in real quick and get some things, you can make that your amazing pasta and bolangse sauce.” ”You just want me to come cook for you right?” ”What are friend’s for if not inconveniences, bad advice and slaves?” She laughs wickedly Annalise shakes her head ”One day, it won’t work anymore” ”You love me.” She gets down from the car ”You wanna come with?” ”No, I would just wait in the car” ”I would buy you chocolates and cookies, and that coconut juice you love?” ”I do not accept bribes” Lucy shrugs walking away into the supermarket ”If you change your mind” She says over her shoulders. ”I won’t!!!” She bellows back ***** ”Would that be all Sir?” Darren looks at her, was he forgetting anything? He looks into his packed bag. ”Ah shit!” He raises a finger, leaving the cashier stand and walking back to the food section, he grabs lettuce and cabbage and then some springs onions, adding corn beef to it. He would just stay in and make dinner instead of eating out today. ”Is that fresh?” He turns to the lady who spoke, he frowns ”What?” ”The lettuce and cabbage, is that fresh?” He looks at his hand, he nods ”Yes it is” ”Oh great! Please can you help me with two of those” She points to the cabbage. He reaches for it, seeing that his cart was blocking her from moving closer, he hands it to her. ”Thank you.” She tells him, ”You are welcome” He turns walking back to the cashier. Lucy continues shopping for her food stops. Done, she wheels her cart to the cashier stand. The man who helped her with the cabbage was still there in line. ”What is causing the delay?” Darren frowns at the commotion before him ”Apparently, someone tried to steal, they are trying to get him to stay till the cops come” ”Oh!” ”Yeah!!” Soon, the customers are getting impatient with waiting ”Can you attend to us and then you can deal with him?” ”We are tired and want to go home, we can’t be here all day” ”Call the cops and let them handle it” They each begin to mutter. Lucy shakes her head and checks her time, hoping her friend isn’t tired of waiting for her in the car. Annalise frowns looking up from scrolling her phone. Lucy had spent so much time in there. It was way more than thirty minutes already. Sighing, she drops her phone and then alights from the car entering the supermarket. ”So sorry for the hold up. Next please, next please, yes next please” The cashier calls out as people go to pay, take their items and leave. It gets to Darren’s turn, he pays ”Your change would be 8 bucks sight, have you got 2 bucks so I give you a ten?” ”No!!” ”Erm, hold on a minute while I look for change please. Next, Ma’am please” The cashier beckons to Lucy. Lucy steps forward ”Your items is worth a 15 bucks are you paying with cash or using a credit card?” ”Cash!” ”Great, let me have it” ***** Annalise searches for her inside the supermarket, she stops an attendant ”Sorry, I don’t know if you saw a lady; grey eyes, short hair and wearing a Nike shirt with a monkey pictured on it. She has a white sneakers on?” ”She is at the cashier stand, by your left to the exit door” ”Oh, thank you.” Annalise makes her way there. ***** ”Sir, maybe you can wait awhile so I get the 2 bucks?” Darren checks his time as the cashier takes the money from the lady who asked him to help her with cabbage and hand it to him. He takes it. ”Don’t worry about it. Maybe I can pay for her extra cabbage” He smiles at Lucy. ”Oh, wow, that is mighty nice of you” ”You are welcome.” He grabs his bags and turns away. ”There you are! I have gone round the supermarket to look for you, someone had to point you out to me. I thought the zombie apocalypse happened and you got whisked away to the land of the un-dead. This is not ” I will be back quickly Annalise !!” Annalise states to her friend. ”Oh sorry love, there was a bit of an hold up but we are good to go and-” ”Annalise?” Darren turns sharply to the owner of the voice. Lucy and Annalise both turn. ”Darren!!” Annalise chokes. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
30 Aug 2018 | 19:14
Lol next please
30 Aug 2018 | 19:33
What a small world,u guys have met again... I guess cuspid is really doing a gud job,always bringing u guys together!!!
31 Aug 2018 | 00:44
You're destined together
31 Aug 2018 | 06:50
You're met for eachother cos this more than a mere coincidence
31 Aug 2018 | 11:49
I can imagine
31 Aug 2018 | 16:28
SEVEN ***** ”You both know each other?” Lucy frowns looking at her friend and then the really cute stranger who helped her get the cabbage from the shelve which she was far away from because his shopping cart had blocked her, and who had also paid for two of her item. ”Well… yeah, we do” Darren chuckles. ”Sort off… wow Darren!” Annalise chuckles ”Small world huh?” ”Yeah, small world. You -you look great” He points to her . She smiles tugging a stray hair behind her ear ”Thanks. You… look good and well” ”Yeah… time heals huh?” ”Yeah, time heals” She replies ”Er… hello, Lucy here… you both know each” Annalise looks at her friend ”Er..Pffft!!” She scoffs ”We just know each other” She tries to give her an eye. Lucy is frowning ”Just know each other how?” ”You know… know each other..” ”How?” Annalise is giving her the eye, and pointing at a random red object, Lucy’s frown deepens not understanding. ”Why are you showing me red … how do you guys know each other Anna?” Darren hides a smile, ”We ran into each other… you know, broken hearts… stuff” She grabs a V-shaped T-shirt and places it on her chest and is picking out a red stuffed teddy bear too, holding them together and then, she absentmindedly and obviously hit the condom rack. A condom drops. ”Oh silly me” she bends and picks it up, stylishly shows her friend all three items and then drops them back.. ”We met… you know” Lucy cocks her head to the side ”Noooo i don’t know” Annalise rolls her eyes, she turns to Darren who is still standing there, his smile secretly obviously… she smiles at him and then backs her friend, she pumps air into her mouth to the side, and used her tongue to hit the walls of the popped cheek with air, in and out as the cheeks inflates and then deflates. Lucy’s eyes grows small as she is staring at her friend ”Are you okay Annalise, what are you doing with your mouth?” Annalisa face-palms. ”Why can’t you just tell me how you both met… I am curious” Now Darren laughs, they turn to him ”We met on Valentine’s day, one of those really awkward messed up situations and … erm..” he clears his throat throwing a look at Annalisa ”that’s it” Lucy stares at him ”Okay, oh that’s nice, you both met in the day of lov— oh shit!!! You are the dude whose’s girlfriend is a lesbian and wants to get all sex organs and…ohhhhh shit you are the sexy cute stranger who got my girl to forget about that jerk for a night who left her to go marry his bimbo and you both…” She laughs continuing ”…got -it-on” she spanked an invisible ass and gesticulated.. ”Oh..Ahh..yes yes… love me, love me, love me some harder!!!!” Annalisa quickly clams her friend’s mouth with her hands ”Damnit girl, you didn’t have to be so graphic” Darren laughs. Annalisa throws him an embarrassed look ”Sorry!” ”No… no problem” He replies her. A few customers turn chuckling and then turns away. Lucy is laughing and trying to talk ”Hmmddggshfuwhfegfjdgdfsdjjfhjffhfhh” ”What, I can’t hear nor understand what you are saying” Annalisa tells her friend as she frowns at her. Lucy rolls her eyes and taps at Annalisa’s hand over her mouth, ”Oh… sorry” Annalisa drops her hand. Lucy smiles, ”I said…you should have just told me you know, stylishly.” ”What in the heavens have I been saying or doing?” ”What… you are poor at giving signs girl” then she sidesteps Annalisa and goes to Darren, folding her arms and placing her fingers to her jaw as she taps them tentatively ”Damn, you are fine. Oh I am Lucy Baggins, Annalisa Penelope Bruce’s best of friend.” she gives him her hand, he takes it. ”Darren Bloom” ”Like Orlando Bloom, that man is a sexy fine man, I watched lord of the rings because of that clean elf man” Darren laughs ”Nah. Just a different bloom” he stares at Annalisa. Lucy turns to look at Anna. ”Oh come over, maybe you both can continue where you left off the valentine vibe” she winks. ”Don’t be silly Luce” Annalisa shakes her head. ” Don’t be silly Luce’ ‘ Lucy mimics, then she pulls Darren by the hand ”Look, she my girl, you break her heart, I would cut off your balls and feed them to my cat” Darren smiles ”Ohkay…we are not… you mean by that. Just ran into an old friend not ..thinking towards that” ”Oh!!!” ”Hmm” She smiles ”That’s fine” ”Don’t embarrass the man Lucy” Annalisa tells her ”Oh by God, not my intention” She smiles at Darren ”Any friend of Annalisa is my friend” ”Erm..I don’t want to be a bother but you lot are holding up the line with your valentine and sex talk” They turn to see that they were actually stopping people from passing and heading to the cashier point . ”Oh, our bad!!” Lucy says grabbing her items, Annalisa follows, Darren grabs his as they exit the supermarket. ”Can I drop you off somewhere?” He walks in step with Annalisa. ”Er, we came in a ride” She points at their car as they walk towards it. ”But you can drop her off, my car is so full at the moment ” Lucy calls over her shoulders. ”Stop it Luce” Lucy laughs opening her car and placing the items in it and then goes to the driver seat enters and smiles Darren stops as Annalisa does and turns to him . ”Nice to see you Darren” ”You too Anna” Maybe I should take her number , Darren thinks to himself. Maybe I should give him my number , Annalisa thinks to herself. They are staring at each other. A minute passes. Two. Three. It was stretching. Lucy clears her throat. The look breaks. ”See you Darren” ”See you Annalisa” She turns and enters the car, Lucy waves to him, he smiles at her as their car pulls away. He stands there for a few seconds, turns enters his car and goes home. ”Maybe I should have just collected her number” he frowns slightly. ***** ”Dude is fine” Lucy turns into her street and then slows to a stop. ”You have said that like a hundred times already Luce” ”So he didn’t take your number?” ”He didn’t ask” They are walking into her house. ”You didn’t offer either” ”Er..was I supposed to?” Lucy drops the items on her table top ”Well, if I wanted a guy to see me again or vice versa, and dude isn’t budging, I would offer” ”That’s you. He didn’t ask, I didn’t give him.” ”If he did would you have?” ”Er… dunno!”‘ Lucy grabs an apple, and then begins to eat it eyeing her friend ”You know, you should get back on that wagon. Two months almost three is a long time” ”Er, who is counting?” ”Me!” ”Right!” ”Come on, you literally shut guys down when they approach you, you don’t go out, nothing. Now we run into this fine ass dude who… well, guys have already ‘done the do’… you don’t think there is something there?” ”Nope!! It was a one night stand girl… unplanned, happened. There is nothing there” ”He seems taken with you” Annalisa laughs grabbing a knife and then takes the cabbage ”And you saw that in what, five minutes?” Lucy shrugs as she watches her friend going about to make dinner .”I have eyes, I see” ”Right, He was just surprised to see me as I him. Big deal” ”Okay, if you say so.” ”I say so.” Phone rings, Lucy grabs it ”Oh hi Tonia..” she listens and then she face-palms ”oh crap, I forgot. Yes yes I would speak to the vendor and it would be delivered. In fact I will pick it up myself and bring it. Sure thing, yes. Oh of course. Can I bring a friend along though?” She eyes Annalisa who frowns. ”Sure, of course. Are there going to be single ones running about?” she smiles. ”Ahh, excellent. See you Saturday Tonia, Bye!!” ”What was that about?” Annalisa had put on the gas and set pot on it, she throws him some vegetables and spices it up. ”Got some birthday gig to attend, plus I am bringing the cake from the Hailey’s over.” ”Whose?” ”Friend of a friend.” ”Ah… I am not going” ”I didn’t say anything” ”You are already planning something ”Annalisa places another pot with water, pours salt and oil and then covers it. ”Come’on. I wasn’t planning anything” ”Right. Where is your estranged boyfriend Lucy” Lucy rolls her eyes ”Somewhere in a pub. who cares, we are done” ”You don’t seem bothered?” ”Nah, he has been loafing , and I need a better man. Besides, uncle rick is good for me” ”You mean daddy rick?’ ”Same thing, but…he is too old” ”Yes, his grey extensions screams 56” ”He is 55” ”Dude come on” Lucy laughs ”Heh!” she shrugs ”So you coming?” ‘No!!” ”What would you be doing at home anyways, you would be bothered stiff. A lonely girl all alone at home watching Netflix and eating flakes. You need to get back out there” ”A birthday party to get back out there, really?” She breaks the pasta sticks into the boiling pot of water and watches it soften, She grabs a spatula and steer the veg after throwing in some chicken flakes and corn-beef. Lucy watches her ”Well…you meet people you mingle and stuff. Or unless you still hung on Daniel?” ”Eww, no never !” Annalisa’s face was a mask of horror. ”Haven’t thought about him in like ages” ”Good! Saturday by 3pm” ”Nooo Lucy I am not going” Lucy is smiling. Right , she muses. ***** Tom opens the door and then smiles ” Ahhh Darren my man, that for the wife?” He shakes his friend and points at the large box of gift and wine Darren was carrying. ”Obviously” Darren enters, hands them to Tom and looks around ”The front entrance is full, I didn’t think you lot would be having a concert-like party, had to go through the back to gain entrance in here. ”You know her, if it’s not popping it isn’t popping. Come, let me go ice this and then drop this together with the others ” He nods to the gift items Darren gave him as they go the the kitchen greeting, passing guests who were more of females than males, having a drink in hand, food in another and dancing to the music as they walk away sinking back into the crowded living room as the opened the door and disappeared. Tom hands his friend a beer once they get to the kitchen. Darren opens it and begins to drink. Tom turns to him, ”So… a lot of chicks are in this place and my wife goes ” Don’t be looking at some asses and boobs Tom, and I tell her ”Babe, I only got eyes for you ” ”Don’t you?” Tom laughs ”Of course but I am a man and you invite all your friends and half of them are single and searching dressing up scandalously and you think my eyes won’t roam?” Darren shakes his head ”You’ll be alright” “I am, well I was until one bimbo almost rapped me a few minutes ago” ”What?” ”Shhhh!!” Tom says as three girls walk into the kitchen laughing and talking , they turn to see them . ”Hi Tom, we came to get the pastries” ”On the table, where you can clearly see them,.” he says pointing. ”Thanks Tom,” one of them grabs it, the other opens the fridge, bends to take out some drinks showing a nice curve to her bottom and the third is eyeing Darren, she touches her backside slightly. After awhile they leave when none of the men make a move or a comment. Darren laughs once they do, Tom shakes his head. ”See, see!!” Darren tips some more beer into his mouth ”Yea I see, but, don’t be that guy dude, never works out well. You have a good thing going here with Tonia, don’t ruin it for a few minutes of pleasure.” ”Of course I have an amazing thing with my wife. I am not that guy, that is why I am in control but that chick grabs me from behind as I went to take a leak and I do not even know how she got into our bedroom, next thing she is reaching for my boy and squeezing and I am like .. whoa! It was an intense struggle because she fine, like fine and stuff you know… I literally had to run out of there screaming like a girl.” Darren is laughing ”Did you tell the wife?” ”Tell the wife what?” They both turn .. ”Tell me what?’ she repeats ”Hey Tonia” Darren opens his arms and then she sinks into it, he kisses her head ”Happy birthday beautiful, sorry your husband kept me away to gist about nonsensical’s when all I wanted to do was give you your gift” He says changing the topic, Tom mouths a thank you, Darren nods a welcome. ”My gift? Where is it?” ”Oh the most beautifully wrapped one on the table” he nods, she turns following his eyes, she squeals leaving him to look at it ”What’s in it?” ”Oh, a girl’s favorite things I suppose” ”Don’t tell me it’s that… that thing I told you I wanted one time” She has a wide smile on her face. ”Who knows, who knows” Darren smiles innocently. She comes back to hug Darren ”See why I love you so” ”I know right, divorce him and marry me, I promise I would give you the world” ”I know boo” ”Ha ha ha very funny, let go off my wife man, go get yours.” Tom pulls his wife away from his friend and hugs her tight, she laughs kissing him. ”Sadly, there are no wives in the market” ”There are a lot of single girls here to pick from”Tonia says to him poking him with her well manicured finger. ”Yes, indeed Darren, pick one” Tom joins in, Darren is shaking his head. ”Nope, thank you Tom and Tonia but I am good. Not interested.” ”Natalia wouldn’t be so picky. I am sure she is into her hundredth cheek by one, or guy. Who knows if her preference has changed these days.” ”Argh don’t remind me of her” Darren squeezes his face rubbing his temple with the beer bottle. ”Eh… sorry” Tonia laughs ”But hey, you need to get out there you know. I would give you my sister but she… is kinky in a sort of way” ”Come on Tonia, Viva isn’t my type” ”What is your type?” ”Are we having this conversation” ”Yes we are..” She smiles, Tom nods . ”Er… I can’t explain it per say okay, when I see her I would know and right now I am not even looking, just concentrating on my job, my career and then other things, not on any woman or women” ”So you are saying that no one you have seen since you walked in here interests you?” Tonia inquired. ”Yes!!” Ten girls walk suddenly burst into the kitchen screaming and hugging Tonia and wishing her a happy birthday, dropping gifts and heading back into the life of the party as she told them she would be right out. ”Not even those sweet looking ladies who just walked in, I saw a few checking you out?” She smiles. ”Nope!!” ”Man, he’s gone celibate. Maybe he wants to become a Priest or a monk” Tom laughs, Darren shakes his head. ”Just not interested like at all” ”No woman can make you change your mind, stutter and stuff right now?” ”No one. I am not interested and I wouldn’t blink even if the most beautiful girl walk in here right now. That’s how uninterested I am. For now… it’s me and me alone. Not interested. Yes those girls are fine but… heh!! I am done with love and commitments and stuff for now. No use man” Her phone rings ”Hold that thought Darren” She raises up her index finger as she answers the phone ”Oh hi, you are here? My cake is here? Yay! Come in , tell someone to direct you to the kitchen. Yes, thank you so much” ”Your cake?” Tom inquires as she drops the call. ”Yes” she nods ”So Darren there is no how you can say you are off girls” ”I didn’t say I was off girls. I just said I wasn’t interested for one at the moment,” ”I need to see my grand kids son” Tom throws in ”Sorry GrandPa. You may have to outlive me on that one” They laugh. ***** Lucy cuts the call and turns to her friend ”She is in the Kitchen she said, said someone would direct me when I get into the house.” ”I hate you Lucy making me follow you.” ”I love you Anna. Come on, it’s just a party, it won’t kill you. Help me with the cake let’s go inside carefully. I don’t want us ruining it. Grab the bag of Melody’s sweets and chocolates” ”Arghhhhhhh!!” Lucy laughs at Annalisa’s expression. ***** ”Oh don’t worry Tom, we are going to tie him up with a thousand girls in a room, let’s see how he can not be interested” Tonia was saying, they laughed. ”Hello, anyone here?” A voice distracts them. Tonia pulls away from her husband and goes to the door ”Sure… hi. Hey awww… I love it already!!” she laps her hands as she covers her mouth with it and jumps slightly ”Come come, put it here. Oh babe, see how beautiful my cake looks” she moves away beckoning to her husband as Lucy enters and drops the cake on the table with the help of another woman and the other bag with sweets and chocolates. ”Happy Birthday Tonia” Lucy smiles ”Oh thank you so much” Tonia hugs her. Darren didn’t move from where he stood, he continues drinking his beer, watching them. He wasn’t seeing the two ladies that entered clearly because Tom was blocking his view. ”Thank you, at least you just made her day complete” Tom tells the lady his wife hugged. ”My pleasure.” ”Oh my, silly me, this is Tom , my husband” Tonia introduced her husband. They shake, she continues ”I know you haven’t met him before because he is never around, always at work and our girl’s book club has never made room for spouse’s get-together” ”It’s fine. I came with a friend if you don’t mind” The lady points to her friend. ”No of course not. A friend of you is a friend of mine, Hi, I am Tonia Blake, my husband Tom Blake, and there is a cute stranger behind him who prefers to not come introduce himself because he is scared of girls..” they laugh ”that’s our long time friend” Darren who still wasn’t seeing the ladies face she was talking to smiles ”Typical Tonia, the drama queen” he mutters. ”I heard that” Tonia raises her voice over her shoulders. They laugh. ”So what’s your name?” Tonia inquires. ”I am Annalisa Penelope Bruce” The second lady speaks. Darren who had been drinking the last contents of his beer suddenly chokes coughing hard as they all turn to him, with Tom rushing forward and Tonia grabbing a bottle of water and giving it to him. ”Darren, are you okay?” Tom inquires, Tonia pushes the water to his mouth. ”Drink sweety. Are you okay?” He coughs hard, his eyes become a watery red… he coughs for a few times before he settles. Lucy and Annalisa had also come closer, to see what they could do to help. But Tom and his wife were covering the man who had been coughing so profusely as though he was dying … he was slouched over, one hand to his chest and the other on his bent knee. ”Is there anything we can do to help?” Annalisa asks.. ”Should we call the hospital?” Lucy is worried. Tom shakes his head as he bends closer to Darren, ”No, he is fine, beer just went down the wrong path, You okay bro?” Darren is shaking his head and then nodding his head and then trying to straighten up, Tonia’s face is creased with worry as well. ”I am fine..I am- fine” he coughs straightening up fully.. ”I just got surprised that’s all” ”With what?” Tom frowns. Lucy and Annalisa gasps as soon as they say the stranger’s face. ”Hi Annalisa” Darren says clearing his lungs with water he drinks briefly and dropping the bottle. ”I”ll be damned. Small world it is” Lucy smiles folding her arms. Tonia and Tom looks at the one called Annalisa and then back at Darren. ”You both know each other?” Came in unison from Tom and his wife. ”Oh, they more than know each other, On Valentine’s day where they met for the first time; before it was dawn, they did a couple of numbers on-” Annalisa and Darren quickly reach for her to keep her mouth shut with both their hands. ”God your friend talks too much” Darren breaths ”I know, trust me I do” Annalisa says shaking her head. They are both close together, as they covered Lucy’s mouth with their hands touching and being placed over each other and they are staring at each other. ”Did you guys fxxk?” This was Tonia after a second passes and she analysed the scene. This awkwardness would only mean one thing, they did it and now it’s all awkward. Darren turns around dropping his hand ”You don’t have to be so graphic Tonia, you are a married woman. I want my babies to have a pure mind for a mother.” She laughs. Tom chuckles. Annalisa drops her hands from Lucy’s mouth. A slight blush rises on her cheeks. ”Twice. if she told me the truth, I bet they went like four times that night and-” Annalisa clams Lucy’s mouth again ”I swear to God Iwould stuff your mouth with melons Lucy” Everyone laughs as Lucy tries to talk ”fdhadhkshdkdsjkjsdksjd” Tom steps froward ”So you are the Valentine Blues” ”What?” Darren chukles ”The hell does that mean Tom?” ”Yea, your Valentine was chaos, and she was a breathe of fresh air, your valentine blues. Like a soothing balm that calmed your broken heart.” Tom smiles at Darren and then stares back at Annalisa . ”She is your Valentine blues and you were hers” Darren looks at Annalisa again. So did Annalisa. He probably made sense , Darren thought to himself. Hmm, Valentine blues, Annalisa thinks. ”So Darren, about that thing we were talking about, change your mind?” Tonia eyes him, Tom smiles. ”I erm…” He stares at Annalisa ”I erm…” he stutters. Lucy leans towards Tonia ”What thing?” ”Dating again” she whispers ”Oh.. !” Lucy nods , then she smiles ” You think they would be good together ?” ”Look at the way he is stuttering, since Natalia, he hasn’t gotten close to a girl he likes like this” ”Ahh, King T’challa, don’t freeze when you see her ” Lucy mimics with a smile. ” What you talking about, I never freeze” Tonia Mimics back using the African accent. They both laugh ”Wakanda forever!!” Tom joins in whispering in raised fist as they do the Wakanda sign. Three of them laugh as they stare at Annalisa staring at Darren staring at her. ***** Cupid is whistling as he is crossed-legged lying down danging over a cloud rope.. ”Ahh… see that wasn’t so hard. So both keep running away from each other. Took awhile to get you both here again, now no more running.” he grabs an arrow and then dangles it overhead ”Make them fall in love, cause them not to be apart anymore. Make their hearts sink as one, I am the master of love… so stay in love young ones” He lets the arrow drop. It sinks down the clouds, all the way down to earth. It sinks through the roof and dangles over their heads as they continue to stare at each other… then it dissipates into invisible rain showers and sprinkles over their heads, Annalisa and Darren. Then it was gone. He smiles ”Lets see how this love won’t stick. Then Pops would be happy I made them happy forever” Then he frowns ” Why lust spice Cupid? ” He mimics his father, he sighs ” They aren’t complaining father, as long as they love each other, heh!!” He stares down at them again ”Speak fool, don’t you know how to scope a beautiful woman Darren?” He smiles. **** TO BE CONTINUED..
31 Aug 2018 | 17:01
If na Yoruba movie you will hear something like gben gben Lol
31 Aug 2018 | 21:05
It's really getting more interesting... Continue!!!
31 Aug 2018 | 21:10
Wow! Nice one Cupid..... Dem two truly love each other and now, I guess there'll be no more running away
1 Sep 2018 | 08:55
I love this epi
1 Sep 2018 | 18:09
This is so funny. Thank God fate brought them together again
1 Sep 2018 | 19:55
This Lucy is funny. Ride on plss
2 Sep 2018 | 08:30
3 Sep 2018 | 06:24
EIGHT ***** ”You know we can give you guys space right? Just incase you need an alone time with her to find your tongue” Tonia teases grabbing Melody’s sweets, unwrapping one and throws it into her mouth, enjoying Darren’s expression on his face. Darren runs a hand through his hair and lets his hand rest on his neck and smiles, shaking his head while the other hand goes to his pocket. ”Tom, isn’t your wife supposed to be celebrating her birthday outside with the rest of everyone?” ”Oh, it can wait. I just want to sit here and watch you stutter, and to think he went all ” I am not interested in any gir-” Tom clams his wife’s mouth shut with his hands. Her words are muffled against his palm over her mouth as she continues to speak ”gfugygfdygfdugfdusgfudgffgfh” Lucy laughs, ”I like you Tonia more already” she also picks up sweet and puts it in her mouth, watching the duo staring at themselves, she winks at her friend, Annalisa, who smiles shaking her head. ”Let the man be, don’t cram on his mojo Tonia, in fact, I hear them calling for ” Come cut your cake Tonia ” he says pulling his wife away with him as she struggles playfully to speak ”No I want to watch him..gggglfggfgg… hey let me talk hahahaha.. Darren went..” No! I am not interested in… dfgfhsgfdhf ”… Girl! Now see him stu-ghgfglhfhgggggg” He takes her out the door laughing at her silliness and covering her mouth again. ”I swear, what kind of wife did I marry?” His voice fades ”The crazy sexy one you so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” Her voice was a pitch higher than his as it follows with loud sloppy kisses. Darren shakes his head again chuckling ”My friends, they are a different kind of crazy, don’t pay them any mind” ”Trust me, I have my share of crazy.” She smiles tugging another stray hair behind her ear. He stares at her for a few seconds. ”So, hi?” ”Hi!” she replies. ”Hi?” he smiles ”Hi..” she chuckles smiling. ***** CLOUDS AWAY… WHERE TIME STANDS STILL. ”Hi? Just hi? Who in the heavens trained this man in speaking to a girl? I mean they already had intimate moments with each other, so why aren’t they just nsync already? I mean isn’t that supposed to seal up everything? Isn’t the love supposed to blossom immediately instead of awkward moments of ‘‘Hi’s “? The arrow was dipped in the spell of falling -in love I made myself… so fall in love.” he says frowning as he watches them using his binoculars from the cloud tapping his finger on a cloud-made table as it made sounds of Tapiditap- tapiditap! Tapiditap-Tapiditap! ”One more Hi and I swear to God-” ”You forget that you will not swear with my name Cupid!” The voice says behind him. Cupid jumps ”Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!” He screams like a girl as he drops his Binoculars. He holds his chest turning around. ”Dear Pops… don’t scare me like that” He calms himself down tying his loosened white cloth over his right shoulders and below his abdomen covering his… if he has any in fact. ”I wasn’t trying to. You think hiding under a cloud of rock for days unending keeps you away from me?” Cupid shakes his head ”I wasn’t hiding away from you Pops” ”You know all liars have a spot in some very steamy place that can’t be quenched down… I mean down, like all the way so down below?” ”I know. Trust me, I can only imagine the heat that comes up from down – down like way down below. And I wasn’t lying Pops” he picks up his binoculars and shoves it into his white cloth that doubles like a deep pocket. Silence as thunder roars silently.. ”I was just not saying the truth… sometimes” Cupid jumps back staring in everywhere in random. ”What’s that called?” Cupid taps his jaw ”White lie?” ”White lie, black lie, thick lie and transparent lie, even African lie or Jesus lie is still a lie” ”Did you call me father?” Jesus’s voice was heard. ”No son, just using your name as a reference ” ”Oh of course you would love to be here would’t you- you” Cupid stutters. ”About to insult my son Cupid?” ”What am I Pops… your cat?” He throws back. ”My midget!!” came the reply. The thunder rumbles loudly…”Oh that is a good one Pops” more thunder claps and rumbling. Cupid frowns ”Hahahaha, laugh all you want Jesus and you too Pops” he points everywhere the voice came from. God chuckles ”Oh, don’t be a kill joy, that was a good joke” ”Wasn’t funny!!” Cupid folds his arms. ”Come here Cupid, come give us a hug!” ”Leave me alone Jesus! You too Pops! ” Cupid waves his hands away, turning and sinking into the clouds. Jesus is seen standing and smiling… ”You are the king of savage Pops!” ”I know” They are standing side by side. ”You know, you should insist on teaching him what I mean about spreading love” He says to Jesus who smiles, ”Believe me, I tried, but the little man is-” ”I hear you both talking about me!!” his voice breaks through the clouds. They chuckle sinking away as the thunder roars in their laughter. ***** Cupid is seated dangling on a cloud branch, frowning and muttering inaudible words. ”Psst!” ”Go away Jesus!!” The person lowers himself and seats beside him ”It’s me! You know, I can help you!” Cupid turns to see Gabriel, he glowed, Cupid squints his eyes. ”You should not bring the sun to a sit-out, what do you want to do, burn me up before my time?” Gabriel chuckles pushing the sun away ”Sorry, was cold, needed some heat. So, I see your lovebirds have met again” Cupid smiles ”Yeah, those two scalawags were avoiding each other like plagues, had to ensure that this time when they meet, no running away. This love will happen. i ensured it, I even dipped another arrow in my love spell and sent it down. Soon, wedding bells and all that Jazz” ”I see” Gabriel touches his jaw rubbing it. ”I see it, what’s I see ? You act like you don’t see the big picture here” ”I do, but you do not” Gabriel cocks his head to the side looking at Cupid who has an incredulous look on his face. ”Hey, I found these two heart broken and lonely strangers and brought back a little sunshine into their lives; I gave them love and they will love each other and live happily ever after. What else is the big picture? This is the love Pops asked that I share and you lot could not come up with a simple formula to achieve it, I did, me Cupid, the master of love… did it all on my own, the least I can get is a little credit but no… Pops doesn’t seem impressed but complained about me adding some spice… I mean they are humans, their love is equated with intimacy yes?” Gabriel smiles ”If you say so, go on tell me how smart you are. ”’ ”I know so. See, it’s simple for these humans, you want them to love and fall in love with another? You need to give them some push… I mean creating the atmosphere for some loving which they had, they did and … love happens. See, they obviously like each other, they just need to stay more than a minute to realize this. Now, I went all out to ensure they get to meet after fruitless attempts to make the meeting coincidental, now they have. Now I have dropped a spell to bound them together you see” ”So what happens here on out?” Gabriel hides a smile. Cupid smiles openly ”Love love and more love. Cupid’s love is the ish man. I mean what happens when a man falls in love with a woman? Peace, happiness, joy, no quarrels, fights… just love and all things love. I just can’t wait till those two walk down the isle and bear some cuties. Pops and Jesus would have to give me a standing ovation then” ”And I am sure you added some ”Lust-spice” to it again?” Gabriel inquired. Cupid shakes his head, Gabriel raises an eyebrow… ”Just a spoon” he says innocently raising his index finger in the air and looking at it, Gabriel raises the other eyebrow ”Two spoons I meant” He adds another finger and shows it to Gabriel. Gabriel folds his hands now and turns to him. ”Okay okay stop staring at him like that. Fine, I added 100 spoons. There, happy?” ”CUPIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ”Holy Sshhhhhiiiiiiiiii POPS !” he grabs his bow and arrow ”Tell him I went to earth.” He is running through the clouds and jumping through it, with one hand holding unto his bag and the other his cloth which is loosening and his tush showing as he ran. Gabriel lauhs ”Oh, you never learn Cupid!” Gabriel stands up ”Should I go after him Pops?” ”No! let him, he would come when he sees it.” ”Why don’t you just tell him?” ”A child who feels he knows it all should be allowed to do it all, only then would he realize the folly of his ways” ”And Darren, Annalise?” ”Let the humans be, they would come to understand and may even teach him something too. In the main-time, close the windows, I will not behold iniquity… neither would my children” ”Yes father” Gabriel nods as he drags the clouded-window and then closes it. ***** Few Seconds Later… ”Hi?” Darren repeats Annalisa laughs ”Hi Darren!” Lucy plops another chocolate into her mouth she chuckles ”Hi Annalisa and Darren, another syllables please other than the ”H” and ”I”. They turn to look at her, the door opens and Tom walks in. ”Sorry, came back for the cake while I tied her to a chair” he winks at his friend, smiles at Annalisa and heads for the cake and chocolate bag and sweets. Then he pauses when he sees Lucy still standing there. He goes to her and hands her the bag.. ”You need to come sing a birthday song for the wife” ”But, here is more fun watching them say nothing other than Hi Annalisa, Hi Darren like this people have slept with each other and have done things their mothers would blush about and have probably tasted all the taste-ables and poked and ahhhed and yes yes God yes and more and harder and …” Tom pushes sweet into her mouth ”I won’t be surprised if you are a distant cousin of my wife, arrghhhh, you both talk too much” he chuckles, taking her hand, lifting the cake with the other and pulls the laughing Lucy away. They watch them leave, then they turn to each other. ”Finally alone” ”Yes, finally alone” Annalisa nods. ”You want something to drink?” He goes to the fridge, turning to her as he opens it. ”Water!” He chuckles and brings out Juice ”No one drinks water during a party, and I know you are a heavy alcohol drinker so I won’t be giving you one because I don’t want you drinking too much and let your other wild side show. I do remember the crazy stunts you pulled at the club, in front of the ice-scream shop and stuff.” He chuckles ”No repeat Anna” ”Why? Because I can see you already finished two bottles. Scared we might end up having sex again?” He smiles turning to her, he grabs a glass and pours juice for her ”Not necessarily but… who knows” He hands it to her ”So, quick question” She watches him as she sips, she nods. ”I don’t mean to pry but, how have you been since.. I mean not since the sex I mean, since your ex. ?” ”I have been awesome” ”Healed?” ”I am made of steel Darren,” she taps her chest ”Glad” she eyes him ”You?” ”Well,” he pulls out a chair for her , placing his hands on her shoulders, he lowers her to it. ”It took a bit but, I glued right back up, focused on my career and ventured into other things that made me happy. ” ”You still think about her?” ”Nooooo. Not at all. You know what we should do?” ”No?” ”Not dwell on the past. Let’s just assume that today is a brand new day and we too grown ass adults ran into each other, struck a conversation and all, yes?” Annalisa nods liking the idea. ”So, I will go first. Hi, my name is Darren Bloom, Accountant. I work for the Mark and Smith’s firm out at the Simpsons.” He smiles as he continues bringing the glass of juice he had given her earlier to his lips and sipping ”..and I would like to take you out on a date sometime, to see a movie or go skydiving or mountain climbing or just seat around and listen to our crazy friends make jest of us. What do you say?” ”Yes!!!” They turn to see Lucy and Tonia by the door giving them a thumbs up ”We give our blessing children, go on and… wait Darren, Darren” they chorused as they see him walking towards them telling them goodbye nudging them backwards and out the kitchen. ”What are you girls do-?” Annalisa face-palms laughing. Darren shuts the door. He turns to her resting on it. ”We could sell them you know, to the lowest bidder” She suggests. He nods laughing, ”We could, hopefully they don’t cause their buyers to run mad” ”Didn’t think about that” Annalisa taps her jaw chewing her lips sideways. ”Yeah, so… where we we?” He goes back to seat. He grabs her glass of juice again, she reaches and takes it out of his hands, taking it to her own mouth, she sips. ”We were at the point where I say…I am Annalisa Bruce, not a fan of my middle name. I work for an online Magazine firm, Madivas. We are into anything fashion, news worthy, entertainment and ahh, my all time favourite… stories. I don’t mind a date, maybe we can pick a movie or something. ” He nods his head ”Perfect” ”Eh guys, I cannot hold this ladies any longer so…” They hear Tom’s voice and laughter. ”I think we should join the party” Annalisa says ”I bet Tonia cannot wait to have a scoop of juicy details” ”Yeah, Tonia too” ”They would make best friends?” ”They may even be sisters, how do you cope with Lucy?” ”Oh dear Lord she is a…” Annalisa trails off as Darren opens the kitchen door to find Tom under attack as his wife straddles him and then delve multiple kisses to his face and licking it while smearing his face with cake with her other hand. Friends and guests are laughing at his discomfort. Lucy was giving her more cake and laughing wickedly. Annalisa breaths completing her sentence ”—–a nutcase” ”Help!!! Darren!!” Tom chokes ”Save me from this karashika!” Tom pleads chuckling, He was tied to the chair with ropes. The room were filled with five ladies to one one man. Who had come to celebrate with her. ”Bestfriend calls.” He nudges Annalisa’s shoulders. ”Yeah, I also need to un-plug bestie from her madness, look at her giving small cakes to Tonia to smear his face with joy…and that evil grin!” They both look at Lucy. ”Bhuahahahahah!!” she chuckles clapping and handing more chopped cake to Lucy. ”Okay” He laughs going to his friend, ”Hey Tonia, why don’t you find someone your own size” He winks at her, pulling his jacket and then folding the sleeves off his white shirt. She climbs down from her hsuband, she turns to him.. ”Someone like you?” ”Yeah, if you have the balls to!!” Darren winks at Tom, ”Give her hell bro.” Tom says licking his lips from the sweetness of the cake. ”Oh, really now.” Tonia looks back at her husband and then at Darren. ”Huhun” Darren reaches for the cake, puts a piece in his mouth ”Hmmm damn, this is nice” Darren says picking another piece, and another, he stares at Tonia ”You want to hit first or I go first” He makes a stance as though he was about to fight, showing her a piece of cake in his hands. Annalisa is behind Lucy now, she also picks a piece of cake and eats, ”Oh they are really good” ”I know right!” Lucy laughs putting two in her mouth, she gives the tied Tom one by placing it into his mouth, he chews it. ”Psst! Untie me!” Lucy laughs wickedly ”No !” Annalisa and the guests laugh. ”Come on, scared?’ Darren beckons to Tonia who takes a step closer to him… ”No, but you should be” ”Why?” He stares at her curiously. ”Because I just set you up. Ladies?” She says over her shoulders. Darren straightens up ”Is that a code word for something or it just means ladies?” he eyes the ladies behind her smiling at him mischievously. Tonia snickers, then she snaps her finger. ”Show him what that means” ”Er Tonia, what does that mean?” She folds her hands and shrugs. Suddenly, five girls stand up from the crowd and are coming towards him, Darren moves backwards. ”Er Tonia, what are these, your stooges? ” ”Oh, I told you I was going to pay you back for doing it to my husband, hahahahahah” Darren understanding now made to run ”Tom! Tom…..” Tom is laughing ”Tied up buddy. Maybe your Valentine blues can help you” They are are infront of him now, pushing him to the chair, while they pull at his cloths him with him struggling, he bellows”Annalisa!!!” ”Er….”She looks at him and then at everyone ”Do I help him?” ”You want to join him? Trust me… I have two hot guys here who wouldn’t mind to help you too.” Annalisa raises her hands above her head, then she picks up cake and plops it into her mouth ”I didn’t see anything” ”Atta girl” Tonia turns away from her and then back to Darren who is squirming and laughing and begging. She smiles ”Careful ladies, don’t break anything, I need to see my grand kids.” they all laugh ”He goes into the freezing pool with nothing but briefs on okay.. and lots of red kisses on his body, tickle him till he begs and take a picture for the gram. It’s payback time, hahahaha” she claps leaving them and going back to her husband as she mounts him. ”Hey baby” ”Hey baby” Tom smiles at her before they kiss passionately. ”This is some weird party” Annalisa says eyeing the girls almost through with stripping Darren. ”Yes it is, by the way, I like Darren.” Lucy tells her friend. Annalisa stares at him as he is being pulled up and taken outside while the crowd follows behind them. Tom has been untied by his wife, they join them outside as the guys lifts Darren off the ground and danging him close to the pool. Annalisa and Lucy is beside them as well. ”I hate you Tonia, it’s going to be freaking cold!” Darren bellows holding on to the group of men who has him on their shoulders about to fling him. ”I love you too” She blows him kisses. ”That is the idea bro, my nuts frozed my last birthday when you did this to me. And like me, you will survive..” Tom laughs as he kisses his wife. ”Brace yourself son, it’s cold. Santa cold” he laughs . ”Lets go..” Tonia screams clapping her hand and whistling. ”One, two…three..- eight…nine” they all chorused. ”Oh shiiiitttt!” was the last thing they heard Darren exclaim before he was flung into the pool and everyone went into a happy cheer, clapping and whistling. Darren is screaming inside the freezing pool. They are laughing, everyone counts one to twenty as Darren tries to control his shaking from the cold. When everyone chants ”Twenty”, Tom runs into the house and comes back with a huge white towel he throws to Darren who is then allowed to come out of the freezing pool with everyone clapping, cheering and slapping his back. Now they all file back into the house to continue the party. Annalisa doesn’t go back out, she stands watching as he wipes his body, draping the large towel around him. He walks to her smiling but still shivering. ”It feels like I am caught back in time and ended up in a fraternity college party” She hands him his cloths, Tom had stylishly dropped it over her shoulders before he gave Darren the towel. He nods… ”Those two never did grow up” he notes. They smile. ***** Two hours later … ”Bye, thank you all for coming!!!” Tonia hugs her friends at the door as the last person leaves. She turns to the four people behind her ”Thank you Lucy, you had fun?” she goes to hug her. ”Mad fun, you should celebrate every month” They hug ”Hell no!” Tom states pulling his wife ”This crazy is enough to last for months, thank you” ”Oh poor husband. Too bad you are stuck with me” she squashes him in a hug ”And Annalisa, thank you for… making my dear old friend want to come back to the life of the chase” she winks at her. Annalisa smiles picking her bag, ”Er… well, thanks I guess. And it was a great party, thank you for having me” ”You are welcome ” ”So, we gatto go, Tonia, see you next week. Tom, great to see the husband and Darren my mannnnnnn!” she hails him, Annalisa face-palms again. ”Guess I would be seeing you around.” ”I guess so. Bye Luce” he waves , ”Bye Anna” he smiles. ”Bye!” she smiles back. Silence as everyone watches them. ”No hugs, no goodnight kiss? I have a spare bedroom just incase you both wanna…you know?” Tonia trails off winking. Annalisa and Darren shake their head saying ”No!” together, Lucy chuckles loudly. ”Father… forgive my wife. Amen!” Tom prays to the heavens. Tonia chuckles ”Hehehehehe!” Don’t mind me, I forgot to take my drugs, my craziness starts randomly. You both are ” good peoples, good peoples !!” She gives them a thumbs up. ”Yes they are. Okay, bye!” Lucy is out the door and so is Annalisa as they wave. The door closes . They both turn to him ”Soooo Annalisa, I like her” Tonia says. ”Of course you do. You just want me back to dating and… oh shit!!!” he runs to the door, dashes out as soon as he opens it and runs outside. ”What happened? Darren?” Tom and Tonia rushes after him. They catch up with him as he stands watching their car fade away. ”What Darren?” ”I forgot to take her number!!!” He exclaims breathing hard as he tries to catch his breath. Tonia is shaking her head, so is Tom. ”Dude, you embarrass all men. How can you tell a girl you want to take her for a date and you don’t take her number. How many times now bruh?” ”Three!!” Darren bites his lips. ”Tsk Tsk Tsk! ” Darren blows out hot air. ***** ”So when are we going on our date?” Lucy pulls to a stop in front of Annalisa’s house. ”Me, not we and-” she frowns ”We haven’t quite decided on that yet.” ”Oh? Call and ask him then” Lucy hands her her bag as she shuts the car door. ”Well… I don’t have his number” ”Okay, since you gave him yours he might just call and-” ”I didn’t give him either” ”Wait, within the whole hi and hello and you look good and those smiling and blushing and wanna go out on a date, you fools didn’t take you both’s numbers?” Annalisa shakes her head slowly.. ”Oh, I am ashamed of you Anna!” She shakes her head ”He fine, too fine to pass up like that. Other girls be eyeing him in that party and you went and forgot to give him your number. oh..sad. sad. !” Anna shakes her head and laughs ”Don’t be dramatic!” ”Its been months you… since your ex, and you have been withdrawn and walking around like a loner . Of course I would be dramatic. Can I cry for effect?” she pouts, Anna laughs. ***** Cupid who has been watching exclaims his frustration ” ARRGHHHHHHH THE HELLLL! WHAT KIND OF SLOW HUMANS ARE THESE… WHYYYYY!!’ ‘ He covers his face with both hands as he sobs. ”After going through the process of bringing them together and hoping forever happens from today, they go and… how the hell are they going to go on a date when they can’t communicate and..”.. he pauses as he thinks of something. ”Silly me Cupid” He hits his head as He brings out an arrow, sprinkles something on it and then shoots it after saying ”Be creative Tonia, you aren’t crazy for nothing” he snickers as he watches it sink down, landing on their roof, sinking below and hovering over her head before it evaporates. ***** Darren hits Tom’s hand away the third time, Tom places his hands on Darren’s nose again and pulls it. Darren hits it away again. Tom reaches for his ears and pats his cheeks, Darren pulls Tom’s ears too. ”Can’t even get a number” Tom says every time he touches Darren and pokes him. ”I forgot!” Darren hits his hands away. ”Only kids forget!” He slaps Darren’s face playfully, Darren hits his hands away again. ”Dude, humans forget and I am one” ”You are slow human, we should deport you” ”To where?” ”The land of forgetting to ask for the most important detail to take someone on a date” Now he pokes Darren’s side. ”Hey… you won’t let this go will you?” Darren blocks his hands again from his face. ”Not until you think of how to rectify it. I won’t have you mopping at an empty house and act like you aren’t lonely” ”How, I can’t rectify it because I don’t have her number” ”Exactly, Mr -Forgot -to -take -her-number !” he pokes him again. ”Arrgh Tom I will plug out your eyes” Darren threatens. ”It will hunt you at night” Tom chuckles poking him again. She whistles to get their attention. ”Oh don’t worry, I will just call her and ask her for her number” Tonia who has been watching the men bicker about why he forgot to take the number of his date said. They stop bickering and hitting each other and turns to her ”See, my wife has sense, creative sense. ” Tom points to his wife and touches his temple nodding his head right before he slaps Darren playing across his face, Darren heads for him but Tom wraps his hands around Darren’s neck and holds him, he then proceeds to scatter his hair. Darren is laughing because he knows as he is held this way, he can’t move. Tom was bigger and stronger. ”Hey you win you win!” ”Yas!!”‘ Tom lets him go and then raises two hands in the air in victory ”I always win, Tom Tom Tom!!” he chants his name. ”Vain!” Darren says arranging his hair. ”Sssshh!” Tonia says as she reaches for her phone and dials, then she smiles as it was picked. ”Hi Lucy, I don’t mean to be a bother, my friend is such a klutz, i wonder, is your friend still with you or you separated already?” ***** Lucy smiles broadly, eyeing Annalisa who is staring at her funny ”What do you know, she is standing right here. Oh, you guys just figured out they didn’t take their numbers right?” Lucy laughs ”I know right? Who asks a girl out and doesn’t take a number, Klutzi tell you. Yes, she is staring at me with those big blue eyes. She is at fault too, I mean if the guy forgot she could offer right? I know. Silly girl. Yes, I should send her back to dating school. hmm hmm, sure, I should give you her number or… yes I think that’s better, let’s have them give it to themselves” she hands her the phone ”better do the needful or i will hunt you for ever” Lucy threatens with a smile. Annalisa takes the phone ”You wish” she tells her friend as she places it to her ears ”Hello?” ***** ”Here” Tonia stretches her hand to him, he steps forward as Tom nudges him. He takes it to his ears. ”Hello. So..erm…” ***** Cupid has a large smile on his face as he begins to dance ”Who is the man, who is the man!” he chants. ”You mean who is the midget!” came the voice behind him. ”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”‘ He screams. *****
3 Sep 2018 | 06:42
Two dumb head
3 Sep 2018 | 11:16
This Tonia is something else. Interesting, ride on pls
4 Sep 2018 | 10:08
Tonia and Lucy are one hell of crazy folks but I love their craziness shaa.....
4 Sep 2018 | 14:00
I like their click
4 Sep 2018 | 18:43
I guess their friends are now trying to hook dem up but we all know DAT cuspid is de mastermind behind it all.
4 Sep 2018 | 21:52
is like you guys don't like this story
5 Sep 2018 | 09:07
should I stop
5 Sep 2018 | 09:07
NINE ***** Darren stares at the mirror as he buttons his shirt, he pauses and wonders if he was too dressed for a causal evening? He pulls the shirt and then picks another. He tucks it into his jeans and then shakes his head after staring at the mirror. He looked gay with a tucked in shirt in his jean. His shirt was made of flower multicolored strips and said ” Kiss me Anthony ”. He sighs after picking up the 9th shirt and changed his jeans as well. His phone rings, he reaches for it. ”Hey Tom?” He answers placing the phone to his ear and using his right shoulders to wedge it as he tries on another shirt. ”Hey dude, have you left already?” ”Well, not yet.” He chuckles” I gatto ask, wearing a suit is too formal for a date right?” ”It depends, where you taking her to?” ”Well” Darren says as he puts his phone on loud speakers and placing it on the table next to him. He is turning from one side to the other, staring at himself. He places a finger to his jaw ”I was thinking of taking her to the Charlies-”. ”No, don’t dude, don’t do that bro!” ”Do what?” Darren pulls the green shirt he had put on and eventually settles for wearing a white shirt, blue pants trouser and blue loafers. He combs his hair, dabs cologne and then carries his watch. He places his wallet in his pocket and then grabs his keys. ”Do not take her to places you have been with Natalia” ”But I love the Charlies!” He chuckles leaving his house and locking it, waving to a neighbor who waves back. ”No, she loved the Charlies, you just loved everything she loved, there is a difference” ”She might like the charlies too!” ”Well, maybe when you take her to a different place today you can then get to talking about your favorite things. Just don’t take her to places you have been with the ex, it may bring memories you wouldn’t want” ”But I am over Natalia” ”Yeah I know but, still! Or just imagine you walk in and the attendants goes… oh how is Natalia or the girlfriend and bla bla bla, that would be awkward.” ”You have got a point!” ”Reason why I am smart bro” ”Fine! I won’t take her to Charlies, would think of another on the way” he is inside his car. ”What are you wearing?” Darren laughs ”You do know that I am a grown ass man and I have gone on dates before and stuff. You sound like a parent whose son is going out on his first date” ”Well you is my boy, plus you have been off the market for a bit. You dated Natalia for a while so maybe you have gotten rusty on how to dress and maybe to talk during a date, I am willing to help you in anyway. Why? One because she is hot, two because I refuse to let you embarrass the boys and three because… the first date has got to be awesome enough to lead to seconds and thirds and even tenth dates. What are you wearing ?” ”White shirt, blue pants and then loafers” ”Causal, nice. ” ”Ask him if he got some clean boxers on, or preferable a new one.?” Tonia’s voice is heard at the background. Darren laughs so did Tom. ”You heard her Darren, you need to be perfect inside and out, just incase it leads to erm… you know” Tom laughs. Darren shakes his head ”Yes mother, is there anything else?” ”When you come back, I want juicy report of what went down” She bellows. ”Aye capt!” Darren laughs ”I always wonder how you cope with her Tom, she is a handful” ”I am not!” Tonia bellows again snickering. ”I do not have a choice in the matter. And you are too wife, but I love you” ”Me too.” Darren adds raising his voice so she hears. ”Aww look at you boys making me feel beautiful. Mwahhh nwahhhh.” He could envision her blowing kisses dramatically,” Have a good time darlyne and my regards to Anna” ”Sure thing, thanks babe. And Tom, you don’t think I am way over my head and stuff-” he trails off lowering his voice. ”Why would you think so?” ”Well, because, we slept together and we ran into each other, there might be nothing there or maybe, this is just the aftermath of… lingering needs?” ”You like her?” ”I don’t know!” He answers truthfully. ”You stuttered when you saw her and couldn’t exactly keep your eyes off her during the party” ”That obvious?” ”Dude, you have been that obvious since your first girlfriend. Everyone knows immediately when you are taken with a girl and it’s not because you guys went on a roller coaster on V’s day. Look, before the wife, I know how many girls I have.. you know.. but, I see them and then I don’t feel the need to want to take it further. It happened, we had fun and that’s it. We see and we catch up and that’s it. if it happens again it doesn’t translate into anything. It’s just sex right. But then again, I met Tonia, the sex was great and stuff and–” ”Aahhh too much information” Daren cuts him as he rubs his temple, Tom laughs. ”Hey, work with me, I am getting somewhere with this. It was great and all, but you see, every time I saw her, my heart did a double take, I literally went weak. I always wanted her with me, by my side and all. I mean, I spoke to her everyday, wanted to love her up every day and days we didn’t do the do , I loved her in my arms just cuddling. I think when you finally find the girl you like or love, sex isn’t the priority. Even if you guys have done, it wouldn’t be the basis of what your relationship would be on, it would be that you both are in sync and that you find pleasures with each other without it being intimate and shit. So, yes you guys screwed … yet, ever since then, you always find a way to chip in ” I wonder where she is, what she is doing…and stuff” ”I was curious” ”Exactly! So maybe, you guys clicked, but it’s not all about the intimacy. But what do I know? It might be your boy messing up with your mind because you want some loving and shit” Darren laughs ”No! She seemed nice for real and before it happened, we had mad fun, talking, laughing. It was nice ” ”So, there might be something there, you may find out today.” ”And if there is?” ”You take it one step at a time, you do not want to lose yourself to someone who would end up leaving you again just like the capital N for some chick” Darren sighs putting his car on drive after checking his time, ”Yeah, I do not want to hurt like that anymore.” ”Yeah, I feel you bro. Hey call me just in case you freeze” Tom teases laughing. ”Get out of here man, talk later” Darren chuckles. He cuts the call. He checks the address she had texted to him. if he cuts at the intersection, he would get there in fifteen minutes. Should he call her and let her know he was on his way? He told her he would be there by 6: 00pm, this was 4: 00 pm. He shakes his head laughing, Oh Darren, you are one messed up nigga! Who gets ready for a date two hours early? **** Annalisa removes the rollers from her hair and then uses her fingers to run it through her hair to comb it out. She smacks her lips to make sure her red lipstick is spread evenly over her full lips. Grabbing the mascara she added an extra lifter to her lashes then she stands up. She turns to look at herself. The cream knee length dress is fitted as it accentuates her curve, allowing spaces for her bosom to breath. It was cut as a v-neck at her chest, and a short sleeve hugging her shoulders.. picking up dangling earrings she fits it into her ear-lope and then stands away. She was biting her lips.. ”Stop that!” She turns to look at Lucy who isn’t even looking at her but flipping through a magazine. ”Hey, you did not even see me, how do you know what [email protected] was doing?” ”How long have we been friends for?” ”Over 20 years” ”And you think [email protected] do not know your habits?” She raises up her head. ”Well..” Annalisa shrugs looking back at the mirror. ”Exactly. Come, let me see you” Annalisa turns to her ”You look beautiful” ”I think I look like a stuffed doll in a tight dress” ”You mean to say you look too hot for a first date?” Lucy corrects standing up and looking at her. Annalisa nods her head. ”You are just silly, wouldn’t you want to blow him the hell away?” ”Not the hell away but… I should go for the jeans and a top. That’s more causal” ”Nope. This is fine. You look great . Hey, relax. You acting like you haven’t been around this guy for a whole day.” ”We aren’t still talking about the Valentine day are we again?” ”No… well yes but I just like making reference to it. Point is, he isn’t someone who you haven’t bore it all to before. But, right now you are going to be like this beautiful present all packaged up and trust me, it would be like he is seeing you for the first time and hey, you look beautiful and nothing wrong in looking this amazing for a first official date.” Annalisa turns away ”Okay” she checks her time. 5: 59 pm. You think I should call him?” ”No. He would and should call. And he gets a bonus of he gets here by 6 sharp. Most guys fail that. They think because they asked you out and fixed a date the girl should be calling and stuff. No. He should arrive on time as the guy or call to say I am here. Guys should be punctual. Girls love that. ” ”Oh. right, and what should we girls do? ” ”Get ready on time, look pretty and know how to make him enjoy himself with you. Come, let me help you adjust your dress” Annalisa goes to her. ***** Darren who had been parked outside her house since 4:20 pm alights from his car, walks to the door and then knocks. His watch says 6:00 pm. ***** They stare at each other.. ”Wow, he gets 10 points up for me. You wait here while I go get the door and you my dear would make a grand entrance coming down the staircase. You know how it’s been done in the movies yeah? I want to see his mouth drop to the floor.” she giggles rushing out the room, down the stairs, putting up a straight face before she wings the open. She frowning. ”Yes, who are you?” Darren is taken aback ”Hi..” ”Who are you?’ ”Erm… Darren Bloom, remember me?” Lucy shakes her head frowning deeply ” Am I supposed to know a Darren Bloom? Please step away from my porch before I call the police?” ”Wait… Lucy its Darren, Annalisa’s date and-?” ”Back away from the door before I scream my lungs out and have…–” then she bursts out laughing ”Oh you need to see your face. ” she laughs pulling him in. ”I am crazy. You should get used to me, She would be right down any second now” Darren shakes his head smiling “You are definitely a nut case and whooaaaa!” he looks up to see her coming down the stairs slowly, she tucks a hair behind her ear as she walks down. ”I told you so Anna!!” she mouths to Anna who smiles coming to stand in front of them. ”Wow, you look amazing and I look like a duck going to causal PTA meeting” He smiles at her staring down at himself. ”Good thing, I came with a Jacket so, you don’t win me on this one” he winks. ”You look good too.” she laughs ” and I think I do look over-dressed” ”Nonsense. You look perfect !” ”Nonsense!!” Lucy repeats after Darren ”You kids have fun. ” Darren gives her his hand as she links hers in his. They walk out, he opens his car door for her and then closes it as she slips in. Waving to Lucy they away. ***** He eventually takes her to the Le Meridain. A high class restaurant where they had dinner. An hour later they are driving down back into town when she sighted the coldstone shop. ”You want ice-scream?” He asks as he sees her eyes glow She smiles ”Bad habit! ” She confessed. ”It’s fine!” He rolls the car to a stop and they make their way to it, ”Three scoops for the lady, that is Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate” He tells the man who asked them what their order was. Annalisa smiles ”I thought you were drunk that night, how come you remember my favorite flavors?” She asks him as they both turn away leaving the ice-scream stand. ”Nah. I just remembered there was something that looked like white, pink and then dark brown in your cup so I figured that was it. Do you want cherries or cookies?” ”Both!” He went back to get it and then places it on her scoop for her. ”You didn’t get for you?” ”Not really a fan of it..” ”Why, it’s amazing!!” She scoops a spoon into her mouth ”Heavenly amazing” He shakes his head ”Just not a fan” ”Maybe you haven’t tasted it as you should that’s why.” They are walking down the park and they take a seat floating from two iron edges. ”Here, try this with this?” she places the cherries on the scoop and takes it to his lips. He shakes his head. ”Come on! I won’t kill you. Place it in your mouth, close your eyes and savour the taste.”’ He opens his mouth and he takes it, doing as told, he smiles nodding ”Not bad.” ”It never was.” She feds him some more with it. ”You know, when I was little, mama used to tell me that in order to stop me from whining, she used this to do the trick” She began ”Oh, how so?” He turns to her. They talked about a lot of things, about work, family and then all things randoms, Four hours later, they had gone to three other places, and then finally walked into the cinema to watch a Blockbuster movie just premiered. Its about 11 pm he parks in front of her house and they alight. Walking her to her door, he waits while she opens it, turning to him ”Thank you Darren, I had an amazing time” ”That makes two of us” They stare at each other. He really did have an amazing time. she was warm, funny, a streak of crazy. He smiles . She was beautiful. And she was… content being herself. He didn’t know much girls like her. But he knew he would want to take her out again. ”Can we do this again sometime in the nearest future?” She laughs ”I didn’t bore you yet?” He shakes his head ‘Not yet. I hope not at all.” ”Sure why not” ”I get off work say four, maybe I can pick you up from work, if you do not mind” ”Er….” she hesitates He stares at her ”I am sorry, I did not ask the most important question… are you seeing someone? is that why the hesitating?” he crosses his fingers behind his back. Please say no please say no . ”No!”‘ Yes!! He jumps mentally and does the moonwalk dance. ”Then why the hesitation?” ”I kinda have a thing tomorrow.” ”What kinda thing?” ”Need to volunteer at the motherless baby homes tomorrow. It’s kind like a thing I have to do after work so..” ”If it’s not a problem I can come with?” She looks at him and then cocks her head to the side ”It’s not something a guy would want to jump at. Like crying babies poop, lots of singing and then story telling and tantrums.” He shrugs ”If you can do it I can do it. I just want to see you, so..if i have to go through that torture, fine” ”You might regret that decision” ”Nope” ”Okay, tomorrow then, 4:30 at the st martins cathedral. I would leave immediately from work so you can meet me there” ”Got it.” ”Goodnight Darren” ”Goodnight Annalisa!” He watches her go in and waits till he hears a lock to her door before he leaves, driving home. ”Dude, how did your day go?” He saw the text from Tom. ”It was an amazing day” he replies the text from Tom. ***** ”He really is a sweet guy. he offered to volunteer with me tomorrow” Annalisa sends a text to Lucy. Lucy picks up her phone and then reads the text which she laughs to ”He gonna regret that decision. LOL” she sends back to Anna. ”I told him so. LOL. Goodnight Luce” Annalsa replies as she slips into her bed after taking a shower. She thinks about the events of the day and then smiles. He really was a sweet guy. ***** The Next day, in the Cathedral…. ”AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !” The little boy of about 5 years old has been crying his lungs out. There were a lot of them, about a dozen. Darren stood tall amongst them. His shirt already ruined with food and he had pen colors with drawings of snake on his jeans. Annalisa had left him for 30 minutes to go attend to a child who had fallen and broken a teeth. she took him to the clinic center across the hall and has been trying to calm the child down, the last thing she told him was.. ”Just be calm and relax, talk to them sweetly and they would behave” then she was off after he told her that he got it. Oh, he wished he didn’t offer. Less than five minutes and each child either wanted something, food, crayons, books, or even climbed the chairs or shelve, fallen and balled their lungs out, fighting and then roaring like animals. Soon, they are all on him when they realized that his white shirt was cleaner than the board and used different colours of crayons to design it. He telling them to stop and moving them carefully away didn’t stop when they were like a dozen. He puts them one after the other on their chair far away from him and then below he blinks, they are already back to climbing him and then painting his face. Once he manages to place them back in their chair, they come for him with renewed energy or soiling themselves. He had fallen stepping on banana peel. He had been spat on while a child was coughing and the slime shoot out of their throat and to his face. He had wiped catarrh from one’s nose only to have the child sneeze and .. yuckiness all over his shirt. Yes… this was hell. it was! He stood watching them, wondering what other thing they intend to do to him when Annalisa walks in and then after seeing the mess and he, she bursts out laughing, she quickly grabs her phone and to take a picture. ”Don’t you dare Annalisa” he frowns ”Too late, aww look at what they did to you” she laughs taking two more shots and then hiding her phone. She goes to him and plucks the child away from his arms. ”Dear lord Darren, they did a number on you” she laughs. ”Sadly so” He looks down at himself, the kids giggle. He makes a face at them and they make one back ”Oh you little rascals” he sneers shaking his head . ”Okay Kids, now, we are going to do some exercise okay. There is the wash basin, each and everyone of you is going to go wash your hands, empty the bowl to put water for the next persosn, wipe them and go back to your seat. yes?” They nod ”Yes, and after then what do we do?” ”Stories!” ”Okay, now go go go, ” They nod rushing to the wash basin ”No, one line please one line ” He watches her frowning ”See how do they listen to you, me? I felt they were intimating me as I spoke and they kept screaming and attacking me” She laughs coming to him ”Kids! You should know how to handle them if not they would handle you. You need to speak to them with understanding, be tolerant and patient. I didn’t learn this in a day, trust me. My first day was hell. I nearly threw in the towel but when I realized that kids are special beings, in a world of their own and all, I had to speak their language and viola, it worked like magic” She says picking up toys , books and other littered items on the floor. He helps her with it.” Soon the room is neat and every child is seated on their chair. Waiting, She turns to him ”There is a convenience down the hall. You can use it. But you shirt cannot be saved ” she stares at him apologetically. ”I would just take it off, and wear my jacket in the car.” ”Okay. sorry” she smiles. ”Yeah!”. He leaves her. He comes back a few minutes later and watches her from the door. She was reading them a story, and demonstrates while they follow her. She turns at that moment and sees him standing there outside the door, she smiles, He waves, she nods and then turns away. There was something calm and soothing about this picture. He muses. **** ”Thank you for today” she tells him at the door of her house, he had walked her to it again. ”It’s no problem.’ ”I guess you won’t be offering to volunteer in the nearest future?” she teased. ”Absolutely not!” Darren exclaims which causes them they laugh. ”Goodnight Darren” ”Goodnight Annalisa” He watches her lock up then he leaves. * Several dates later… Lucy looks up from her desk when someone knocks on her table ”Hi dories, whats up?” ”Hi Luce, there is this cute looking man waiting at the reception, he said he is looking for Annalisa, but she isn’t on seat. He came bearing gifts” ”Who?” ”We didn’t get a name but he got all the ladies swooning and peeking stylishly form their work” ”Okay, thanks. Annalisa would be back, she went to drop some docs with the boss.” ”Okay, just in case she don’t fancy the fellow or tire of him, we are happy to take him off her hands. He is way hotter than the Ex. ” ”Get out of here Doris” Lucy stands walking to the reception area, she sights him and then smiles, turning she went back. Annalisa comes down dropping into her seat ”So, good news, my story ”My Girl” is up and running. But she said to tell you to come up wit some fashion tips for Saturday flow by COB today” Lucy nods, ”Gotcha!!” she is smiling. ”Why a are you smiling?” Annalisa frowns at her, then she suddenly realized everyone is looking at her and muttering ”Why is everyone looking at me funny?’ ”Well because some sexy hunk from Asgard is waiting in the reception, with flowers and a box of chocolates. It’s for you, obviously” ”Me? Someone came looking for me with flowers and chocolates?” Lucy nods . ”Who?” She exclaims. ”Oh I think we know a certain dude who is obviously taken with you, with so many dates, who can blame the guy …” she winks. ”Darren? Darren is here?” She seats up. ”Yep, and the ladies about to claw him with their eyes, you go get your man, It’s break time now so, get out of here” Annalisa blushes ”he isn’t my man Luce” ”Yet! you never know.” Annalisa picks her bag and then dashes out. When she gets to the reception she slows down and then walks to him. All eyes were on them as he stands up. ”I really don’t want to be a bother but I was around the corner and you told me you worked here so I figured I take a limb out on this one, and I didn’t know if it was appropriate to just drop by and see you so I brought a little bribe, if you don’t mind” he pushes them to her, she takes it smiling. ”You didn’t have to, but, these are nice. Thank you” ”When is your break, I can take you out for lunch?” ”Now!!” His smile broaden ”Perfect. ” he gives her his hands, she links hers to his ”You go girl!” a few colleagues chants, Annalisa blushes, Darren hides a smile. ***** ”So, I want to ask you a question” He leans closer to her. They are seated opposite each other while the waitress clears their plates. ”Sure, go ahead ” ”You know, we’v hunged out for a while now and I must confess, I do enjoy your company and your craziness” She laughs ”That’s a sad thing” ”No, it’s a great thing. I like you Annalisa Penelope Bruce. You are like a breathe of fresh air. I look forward to every day I want to see you and I do not have to pretend about anything being with you” ”You are great company too.” She admits. ”And I think. No I know that, I do not want to stop seeing you and stuff.” ”I do enjoy seeing you too” He nods reaching for her hand and then drawing circles on her palm with his finger. ”Annalisa, will you be my girlfriend?” He says looking into her eyes. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
5 Sep 2018 | 09:08
Yessss Yesss
5 Sep 2018 | 15:18
He's dropped de bombshell... Anna,just say yes n let's see how it goes sha,go gal!!!
6 Sep 2018 | 09:18
At last
6 Sep 2018 | 12:09
Trust her, she'll never say no
6 Sep 2018 | 13:27
You both have got something great going on between you both for long now, It's the right time to actually define it aright.
6 Sep 2018 | 14:47
D long awaited question came at last
6 Sep 2018 | 19:20
I need comments ooo
7 Sep 2018 | 08:26
TEN ***** She blushes. “Is that a yes?” he asks. “Well, I don’t know ” She smiles. “Come on, what is there not to know? I like you. You like me. We have had fun dates. We both enjoy each others company and… we have good laughs. What is there not to know?” He inquires still looking into her eyes. “Well, what if it doesn’t work out. I mean. This has been great and all but what if it gets ruined if we actually date? “ “It wouldn’t” “And you know that how? “ He shrugs “Why do I have a feeling you don’t like me as much?” He leans away. She pouts “Of course I like you and we both got out of a bad relationship and stuff and… I am just skeptical” “Okay, that’s like a few months ago already. We can’t continue to dwell in the past. Unless you still got something for, your “ Daniel ? “ “Eww!!” She screws up her face. “What’s Eww? You were balling your eyes out and almost having a nervous breakdown when we met” He left me… He left me wha wha whaaa” He pretend-cries teasing her. She punches him playfully. “Oww!” He rubs his arm and laughs. “You were not much different. Sulking up and hating on the word love “ “Well, it is a trickish four lettered word. Not to be taken lightly or used inappropriately” he points and then drops his hands. “And yet you want to dive right back in?” she made the diving gesture with her free hand. He still held her other hand. She liked the feel of his hands and the way he stared at her intently so. “Yes. Because I like you. I want to spend more time with you. Know you more. Really more” His eyes sparkles “and besides, I let you be you around me. Even allow and indulge your crazy. You should date me!” he winks at her. She laughs. “Hmm because you are charming? “ “Oh, I am more than Charming princess. I see your eyes lit up when you see me. Hey don’t blush!” he touches her cheeks as she hides her face away. “I am mostly shocked at the huge Adam apple protruding out of your neck so forgive me if my eyes pop out!” She sticks out her tongue. “Oh really? What about the way I make you laugh, with careless abandon hmm? ” he pokes her cheeks. She throws her hands in the air looking around “It’s simply because I don’t want you to feel inadequate when you tell me boring jokes. So I laugh so you can feel good with yourself.” she smiles He laughs. “I see, how about when I hug you and you linger?” “Well erm..” She bites her lower lips “It’s because well… you never had enough hugs when you were little and I am trying to fill in the gap. See.. I am a good person. “ Now he is laughing hard as she tries to keep a straight face “You are trying too hard to be woke ainnit? “ She is blinking her lashes “Just trying to shy away from the obvious” she pouts taking her glass of juice and drinking. “Is that a yes? Or I should do more convincing and wooing? “ “Oh is that what you have been doing?” she taps her jaw tentatively and gave a serious look. It wasn’t working. Her lips were threatening to break out from the curve of her lips. “As a matter of speaking. Yes. But.. I can do more if it isn’t up to a “Yes” level from you. Tell me how to blow you away and get that yes in an instant ” he winks. “Well…if I tell you it would be easy wouldn’t it? “Oh come on, you are going to make this hard for me aren’t you? “ She shrugs picking her bag “Dunno” He sighs “Say yes? “ She smiles “I will think about it” “One hour? I can call you to find out” he gets up after paying the bill. “Oh patience Sire… the seed is yet to germinate. “ “Ah, we are doing accent now. “ “Aye Sire!” They smile at each other. They exit the restaurant and he opens the door to his car for her and waits for her to slip in. He goes around, enters and then stares at her. “You are not going to keep me waiting are you? “ “Maybe.. You might change your mind and realise how crazy of a person I am and you can deal with my silly and you would be glad you dodged the bullet. “ “I won’t!! “ She smiles.. “I”ll tell you tomorrow “ “Tomorrow it is, then I would tell you tomorrow too” “Tell me what? Tell me now” “Patience Princess, you like to dish out but don’t want to take. Naughty naughty” he flicks her nose, puts the car on drive and takes her back to the office. He walks her to the entrance of the building and holds the door open for her. “See you soon?” “See you soon” She replies. He leans in and brushes her cheeks with a light kiss. “Just needed one for the road.” She stares at him with a smile. “There it is, that light in your eyes.” he points at her eyes. She shakes her head nudging him away and disappears into the building. He laughs turning and then leaving. ***** “Oww!! ” Annalisa rubs her head and stares at her attacker. Lucy is standing with one hand on akimbo, her brows furrowed and a folded newspaper in her hand which she had used to hit Annalisa on her head with. “What did you do that for? ” Annalisa sobs. “You telling me he asked you to date him, be his girlfriend and you walked out of there going “I will give you an answer tomorrow ” in fact! Wham!!! “Owww Jesus Luce?!”” Annalisa exclaims again as she places both hands on her head. “You are the devil Luce!! “ There were downstairs in the lobby. “No baby, I am the hands of reasoning. Let me get this straight.. Do you like this dude? I mean I am your girl so you got to be straight with me. “ “I do. I mean he is great, sweet and charming and he is really really cute and being around him makes me feel comfortable and stuff “ “So what the hell then? “ “I don’t know. Didn’t want to seem cheap blowing a yes immediately like that!” she pouts. Lucy makes a face and then rolls her eyes. “Baby you have been cheap and slutty since you let him boinke your ass on V’s day.” then she smiles with Annalisa ‘s aghast face as she stares around to see if anyone was coming. “And to think your punani starts with a letter V. How is she doing these days since she last got some from Darreeeennnn!!”” she gestulates slapping the air and pretend riding. “Lucy.. You mouth runs like a tap. And you are crazy” she points at her friend who roars in laughter. ” You love me like that.” She plucks out Annalisa’s phone from her pocket and then scrolls. “What are you doing?” Annalisa eyes her friend who had a serious face all of a sudden. ‘”Helping you. Here… It is ringing.. Say yes or I would scream you are a slut to the whole team of colleagues “ “You wouldn’t dare! “” “Annalisa you are a Slurrrrrrrr” “Give it here!!” She clams Lucy’s mouth shut and gives her her hand open wide. She felt Lucy’s smile behind her hand as she hands it to her. “Hello? “ They bought hear Darren pick. “Hi, it’s me. ” Annalise began “Good girl ” Lucy removes her hand from her mouth and says with a large smile. ***** “So? ” Tom comes behind him . Darren removes the phone from his ears and then smiles. “She said she wants to see me later “ “Oh. You think she gonna say a yes? “ “I hope so! ” he says getting up. “Nice. So I guess you are taking her to that gig.? “ “Most definitely. But. It’s a weekend getaway. You coming with Tonia and others with their plus ones. I would love to go with her but I have to find out if she is available “ “Ask her then. Dude.. Where the hell did you keep your remote. Need to kick your ass in some PS. “ “Open the table drawer below the TV. It’s there. “ His phone rings. He picks it up, then he frowns. “What the hell? ” he mutters. He puts the phone on silence choosing to ignore it and then sinks into a chair beside Tom. Tom throws him a side eyes. “What’s up? “ Darren shakes his head. “Nothing. Let’s play ball! “” he nods. Reaching out he turns his phone facing down. It would stop it from ringing out just in case the caller decides to call again. “Not today Satan!! ” he mutters under his breath. “Not today” **** “You know I love you right? ” Lucy says from her car. “Sadly I do.” Alexa nods. “So don’t mind me being crazy and all pushy for anything. I just want you to get out there and be happy but.. Really if you don’t fancy the guy you shouldn’t date him just because your friend believes in happy endings doesn’t mean it would be the kind of one I envision. So.. You can bust it out and tell him to go fxxk himself literally. “ “You are spontaneously funny. One minute you are biting my head up about not giving him an answer and the next you are going all.. Don’t go if you don’t fancy the dude. Pick a struggle sister” “Your happiness. I pick that over my craziness anyway “ They smile. “For what is worth. I do fancy him and with or without your “Silly stunts” I would have told him a yes.. Was just going to wait till tomorrow “ “Okay. Cancel it. Do it tomorrow” Annalisa looks up when a car pulls up at her driveway. “Too late for that” she says leaning away from Lucy’s car. “Better now then..” She blows her a kiss. “Hi Darren?!” Lucy says as he walks up to them. “Hey Lucy, leaving? “ “Yep. Three is a crowd last I checked. Be good kids.” she reaches out and pats Darren on his cheeks and then pulls away waving them. They stare at each other. “Wanna come in? “ “Am I allowed to come in? “ “You want to stay out here.. Here is fine too? “ “kidding “ They walk into her house, take a seat while she turns on her TV, surfing through channels and eventually ended up on Netflix. “You want to drink something? “ “No. Okay Maybe water. “ “Ah.. Water is good” She gets him water and then sinks into a chair beside him. They watch TV or basically are just staring at the moving pictures. A full twenty minutes pass. * “Really.. Seriously now? ” Cupid frowns as he seats crossed legged on his bed dangling from the roped clouds. * Another thirty minutes pass and their eyes are glued to the TV as they each pretend to enjoy the programs. Okay she called me here, why isn’t she saying anything? Or should I ask her why she called me? Darren is wondering. Should I start the conversation or should I wait for him to ask me again? Or maybe I should just blurt out the answer like that. Thoughts ran through her head. She bites her lips. Another ten minutes pass. * “No way, not happening on my watch. You both have go to click. Another day wasted is not part of the manual book. No way. I am definitely doing something about it” he fishes inside his white cloth. He brings out a hammer. “Nope.” he tosses it away. He brings out a teddy bear. “Nope” he flings it away. “A-ha! Found it! “” he says bringing it out and then frowns. “Nope not you ” He was about to toss it away when he pauses after a thought. He places it back inside his clothes that doubles as a bag. It was a book that had a title inscribed “KamaSutra! “” “Pops wouldn’t like you having that Cupid! “ Cupid is startled as he looks around and frowns. “Stop doing that Jesus! You can easily give me a heads up you know. Did pops send you after me? “ “Nope. Just took a stroll and saw that serious look you have on your face. You are planning something. Is it with that book you are holding? Pops wouldn’t be pleased. “ “I won’t tell him if you won’t” Cupid has a sly smile as he goes back to searching. “A-ha! Got it” “What’s that? One of your little toys Cupid?” “Just a tiny little ball that causes ripple effects.” “I would like to advise you but.. You would keep rejecting it. “ “You are smart J. Very Smart.” Cupid taps his temple. A deep sigh “Okay. Enjoy!” Alone now Cupid stares at his little tiny ball large enough the size of a cube. “A little dissary is all I need to get them … oh whatever just get them talking. “ He releases the ball and watch it sink below the clouds. ***** She heard the thunder clap before she saw it. The rain began at first like a tiny drizzle when she looked outside. Now it was heavy droplest of water hitting against her window pain. “That is a nasty weather out there. ” Darren says from where he sat. Their eyes are staring out of the window. “It is. “ Silence. The lights suddenly goes off. It’s pitch black. “Dammit!!” Annalisa excliams. “Don’t move let me get a temp light from the.. Whooaaa Whooa!! “ She hits the side of the table not reaalizing it was on her way and down to the ground she falls. She lands on strong arms and chest preventing her from falling. “Easy Anna! ” Darren calls out in the dark. He had felt her falling and then reached out to grab her. “Phew! Thank you” annalisa breaths. “Welcome.. So I am going to let go off you now. Can you find your way or you need help? “ “It’s fine. Yes I can manage “ “Okay hold on let me step back slowly and make sure I won’t hit anything in the dark. “ “Sure why not” Darren began to move back slowly. * Cupid grabs a long stick and then pushes the stool besides him out and then places it behind him. He seats back and the watched smiling.. “Humpty-Dumpty has a great fall! ” he mused. * “Okay now I think you can.. Whoa.. Whoa! “ Still holding on to her, Darren hits a stool behind him, loosing his balance and both of them went thumbling down. “Oow!!” he exclaims. “Ow! ” Annalisa echos groaning. “Did you get hurt?. I can’t see. So dark. Are you okay? “ He could feel her nodding her head. “Just landed on my side. But I don’t think I broke anything. “ He smiles in the dark “That is good. “ “Did you? ” she inquires. “Did I what? “ “Break anything? “ He smiles in the dark. “I wouldn’t know. I kinda have to check “ She smiles. They laid there. On the floor, in the dark with her in his arms. “Annalisa? “ “Hmm? “ “Date me, please.. Put a man out of his misery” She Stiffen a chuckle. “It is hardly Misery. “ She turns in his embrace and then stares at him, or what she figured was his face in the dark. He moves, following her movement and now they are laying side by side, staring at each other in the dark. He still held a part of her in his arms. “I can be annoying “ “I can handle annoying. “ “I can also be extremely sensitive and emotional? “ “I have enough padding for us both” “I have a nasty craving for coldsstone ice-cream at odd hours and throw a tantrum when I am on PMS and can get crazy when I got lady red” “Thankfully that isn’t a problem. I would make a duty to get you a paint drum of it twice a day if you want. Just don’t complain with the daibetics kicks in. PMS. Cranky? Pfft! ” he scoffs ” Walk in the park. Massages helps. Listening to you whine helps. Netflix and a good snuggling helps. “ “So you got it all covered huh?” “Yes. Other than your Yes of course. “ She nods. “Yes! “ “Yes.. Other than your yes to my answer” “I said it. Yes I would date you “ “A-ha! Can you hear that? ” he whispers. “Hear what? ” she leans in whispering. “ The dance of victory. She said yes. She said yes. Awhooof!! ” he sang. She laughs. He reaches out in the dark, trying to make out her face and curve it with his mind’s eyes. “Hey girlfriend!” She blushes when she felt his hand caressing her cheeks. “Hey boyfriend” “I do like the sound of that. So.. I was going to ask you tomorrow but hell I might as well.. Hey! Look at that.. Isn’t it just perfect timing. “ The light was restored. “That has never happened. But have been a glitch” Anna observed. “Tell me what?” she nudges him. “Would you love to be my plus one, my date etc for a getaway gig. It’s some gig happening during the weekday. Friday to Sunday. Wanna come with? “ “Would it be fun? “ “If you are coming it would be more than fun. “ “This weekend? “ He nods. “okay! “ “Perfect!” He turns to stare out the window. “I think the rain has stopped.” he gets up and then pulls her up along side with him. “See you soon? “ “See you soon! “ He leans in, kisses her cheeks and then leaves under the drizzling rain. His phone rang again two more times. He ignores the calls and continues on his way home. It want until he got home and alighted from his car that he notice! standing there . He got closer then he realized who the stranger was. “You have got to be kidding me!” Darren exclaims. ***** TO BE CONTINUED
7 Sep 2018 | 08:30
Yes!!!!! Jubilating with Cupid on this great achievement. Who could be that calling Darren all along and appearing at his door step? Hope it's not the ex that left him for a fellow lady?
8 Sep 2018 | 07:20
I think its his ex. Happy for u both.
8 Sep 2018 | 13:38
we already read this episode
8 Sep 2018 | 15:31
I hope de stranger isn't DAT crazy ex girlfriend of urs!!!
9 Sep 2018 | 08:59
why are you people not commenting on this naa
9 Sep 2018 | 16:19
or should I stop
9 Sep 2018 | 16:19
una no like am
9 Sep 2018 | 16:22
ELEVEN ***** ”Hi babe?” ”Erm… are you lost?” Darren frowns walking towards her, sidesteps her and then climbs the staircase and going to his door, she follows behind him. ”No hi, how have you been, you look great, then hug and kiss me and tell me you miss me?” she touches him tentatively as he backs her. ”Dude, don’t touch me!!” He jumps away, she laughs. ”Ouch! I should feel offended but I am not. I am still a girl, didn’t go through with the surgery, all boobs and Vajajay… just the way you remember it” ”One, I don’t care. Two… still don’t care and three…. still don’t care. It’s your life Natalia, you can do with it as you please. I really have no grudges against you. I was hurt, but all that is gone. I really have wished you happiness in your journey of transformation and… I don’t just get why you are standing at my door step this time of the night with a bag in your hands and calling me babe. I do not see your girlfriend here Natalia. So again, are you lost?” ”I am here because I miss you. She isn’t here because we broke up and… I came back to you” He opens the door and then enters, he stops her when she made to follow him. ”Whoa, what do you think you are doing?” ”Babe, come on” ”Natalia, really it’s good to see you, and you look great considering but you do not actually really think I would let you in? Dude you just showed up out of the blue” ”Stop with the dude, I am all girl!” She drops her bag. She was wearing a dress with a rope tied at the edge. In one quick move she unties it and opens it up baring all. ”Jesus Natalia are crazy!!!!You are not even wearing any underwear” He exclaims. ”Who does that these days. See, no 12 or 18 inches dick with large balls dangling between my thighs and my pussy is all neatly trimmed and my boobs is still perky, like I said, just the way you like it. I miss you!” ”Cover yourself Natalia!” he turns away. ”I miss you!”she pouts and flutters her lashes. ”Sorry Natalia, that ship sailed a long time ago” ”So, you are going to let me stand out here, this late? Alone. Naked?” ”Don’t do that Natalia” ”Don’t do what? I miss you” She pouts, smiling at him ”I know you miss me, come on babe, I can do some pretty crazy things to make you forgive me” she smiles biting her lips. He squints his eyes. She smiles coming closer to him ”I know you wouldn’t shut the door to my face” He opens the door wide. She smiles closing the distance ”I knew you still love-” She trails off as he stretches his hand to her and then stops her. She frowns. He brings out his wallet, pulls out a few bills, opens her hand and then places them on her flat palm. ”This can get you a decent place for a few nights, food to eat and etc. Good night Natalia, and I hope goodbye. I swear to God, I don’t hate you. We are just done, and I would not want to revisit a past that broke me. Have a good life, I intend to do that too. ” He steps back and then shuts the door. ”Dick!!” she spat and then turns away, she flags a taxi and then enters ”Get me the cheapest motel please” she says. She counts the money ”At least it was better than nothing”. The taxi disappears into the night. ***** He found it hard to sleep, but eventually he closes his eyes and then sleeps. The next morning, he puts Natalia showing up thoughts behind his mind and then gets to work. ”Hey Handsome” Bella, the secretary smiles at him . ”Hey Beautiful, how are you?” He replies walking into his office, she follows him. ”Perfect” ”Got anything for me?” ”Yup, Boss wants you in his office, a meeting by 12 with some affiliates accountants. A Tender also came in from the business development department, he needs you to have a pre-tender meeting to fix a correlation date and find out from the user departments if they can work it, also, you need to work out the modalities for the price quotation with them and how we can profit from these” She hands him some documents. ”Is everyone on ground?” ”Yes” He flips through the documents ”It’s commercial, not a technical bid?” ”Yes it is.” ”Okay, I will attend to this, get me Richard on the phone, he needs to be here also. Basically I am just going to set my area and make sure other user departments are covered?” ”That’s what he said” ”NO worries then, handled” He smiles closing the file. ”You do it effortlessly anyways” ”It’s my job Bella, we have to.” He seats down and turns on his laptop. She leans on the table, running her hand over the edge of the laptop”So, about this gig I hear everyone talking about..” She trails off. He smiles ”Yeah, I thought it was just in house friends but it looks as though the entire city is geared up for this boat cruise” ”Yeah, it would be mad fun. So, who you going with? Because, you know… I am not with someone and you are not with someone so… we both can go. I can be your plus one, I mean not like we are dating or anything but… we can keep each other company so we don’t be the only lonely persons there.” He keeps smiling ”I have a plus one” ”Oh?” she was taken aback, ”Okay, a guy? You know we are supposed to come with your girlfriend or boyfriend or spouse and stuff, not same sex and not strangers and stuff, I mean if you just asked someone to go with you just because you can cancel, I mean we have known each other for years and well, I can pass for a friend but, closer friend and..” Now he laughs ”Of course not a guy. A girl, my girl. My girlfriend” She frowns ”But I thought you guys broke up a while ago or you guys are back together?” He shakes his head ”Not my Ex Bella. That’s ages ago. My girlfriend! she is different. Cool. beautiful, sexy…” he smiles ”I asked her to date me and she said yes. We going together, it would be fun” ”Oh!” she sounded disappointed, she knew ”Well. congrats!” ”Thanks.” ”In fact I forgot I have a date already, silly me forgetting things. So… guess we would see there?” ”Sure.” ”Boss wants it all closed out before COB today” She points to the files on his desk. ”Most definitely. Thanks Bella!” ”Hmm” She leaves him, frowning. ***** ”Hey girlfriend?” He speaks into the phone several hours later as soon as she picks. She smiles hearing that ” I must admit, that did sound nice. ”She places the phone on her table, puts it on loud speaker and begins to undress. ”I could get used to hearing that you know right?” **** He is standing and staring out of the window. He got home an hour ago, his bag is on his bed, he is over looking the city from his view from his room. One hand is holding the phone to his ears and the other is in his pocket. ”You should. How was your day?” ”Great! We had so much articles to put up and I was glad that I got mine covered, Luce was running against time but she got in right before sign out today. So, all is right in the world today.” She smiles ”Was your day good, had dinner, what are you up to? Anything fun?” She packs her hair in a bun, standing naked in front of the mirror, she grabs a towel, picks up the phone and heads into the toilet. ”Whoa slow down crazy person, how can you have so many questions in one sentence?” He asks as he unbuttons his shirt. She snorts while she sat on the toilet seat, her toes curled up as she went hard ”Ahh, that feels good” ”What, wait was that sound? Are you… are you taking a shit Annalisa Penelope Bruce?” He asks in surprise. He is on his bed now, removing his shoes and tucking his socks into it and pushing it towards his shoes rack. ”Oops!!” she laughs ”Sorry, I had to go. I didn’t realize the dump was so loud” She chuckles. Thombolumb!!!! A large chunk drops from her ass hole into the toilet seat with a loud sound. ”Annalisa?” Came his exclamation. ”Sorry” she laughs again. He is laughing as he covers his eyes with his free hand ”Oh dear Lord, I have signed up to date a crazy person!!” He hears her giggling . ”Complaining already sire?” ”Not yet and by the way, you should drink a lot of water, that shit can injure your hole you know that right?” He hears a flush sound. ”Yeah, I know. I am lousy at drinking water” ”You better get to drinking, water is good for you” ”I know!” He hears the shower come on ”You want to shower? I would call when you are done” She snorts ”Hmm, but it’s fine, I would just keep the phone where it is safe and we can continue talking. I just turned on the hands-free. ”You do realize that…” He began ”What?” ”Nothing!” He thins his lips. ”Hey Darren, tell me” He smiles rubbing his temple ”Its nothing. I need to finish packaging anyways, I pick you up by 12 noon tomorrow?” ”Okay. Tomorrow then.” ”Yes. By the way, Luce promises to kidnap me and toss me into her booth and hide me away from you if you don’t get her a ticket into that cruise” He laughs ”Her ticket is her plus one, she gets a plus one, she is in. I don’t make the rules and besides… why doesn’t she have a plus one. I thought she was seeing -” ”Well, about that, Luce is an epileptic lover, one minute she is this and another she is that. They are off and on and right now they are off and she has no intention of being on right now. She threatened to get a random stranger to pretend to date her for the cruise.” He laughs ”She wouldn’t do that’ ”Sorry, have you met my friend? She is crazy and that would be the least crazy thing she can do and trust me she would. So, we would know by 12 wouldn’t we?”’ ”Yes, we would. Okay, you take care of you beautiful, sleep well.” ”You too Darren” she says ”Night” ”Goodnight!” ”Goodnight!” He lays on his bed ”Goodnight Darren” ”Goodnight Anna” He could hear her smile through the phone ”Goodnight D” ”Almost sounded like Dxxk but that’s fine too” he chuckles, she laughs. ”Silly naughty person” He laughs ”Okay, final goodnight” ”Bye” Silence, he till held on the phone, listening to her breathing as she hadn’t dropped either. ”Goodnight Darren, need to shower” ”You cut the call then” he chuckles again. ”Okay, I will, doing it now, bye” ”Bye Anna” Line dies. He lays on the bed with a smile ”Annalisa..” he mutters. She has a smile on her face as she cuts the phone. ”Darren..” she bites her lips and then smiles shaking her head before she goes on to shower and eventually turns in for the night. ***** Her door bell goes off a few times the next day. ”Be right there, Ummph! Be right there!!!”‘ She screams pulling her bag down her stairs and then pulls it to the door. It was 11: 40. It should be Darren. She takes a minute to take a deep breathe, run her hands through her hair, took a quick peek at the mirror to make sure there wasn’t anything in her teeth. She had had a quick breakfast. Nothing in her teeth. Good. Her makeup was simple but good and she was wearing a blue shorts, and a flowery peplum blouse with sneakers. A hand bag was slashed over her shoulders. Yes, she was good to go. The bell rings again. She reaches for the door and then opens it ”I am ready… I, whoaaaa” she steps back ”Who are you?” A dashing man with the cutest smile is staring at her ”I am Adam” he says. ”Er… okay Adam, why are you ringing my bell, are you lost or I can help you with something?” ”Yes, my date!” She raises an eyebrow ”Okay… your date?” ”Yes, my date, I have one, can you help me with that?” ”Sorry Adam, i do not understand. You want me to help you with your date?” ”Yes, for the boat cruise the entire city seems to be fighting to go to and only limited spaces available. So my date. I got us a free pass and tickets and all that!” he dips his hands into his pocket to show evidence of that, he looks at her with a smile ”It was tough getting these but I was lucky to get the last dish out. So, I came to pick up my date!” ”Okay” Annalisa touches her temple ”There must be a mistake, I do not know you Adam and I” she points at herself ”I already have a date, my boyfriend actually is my date and he would be here any second and he wouldn’t be too happy to see a stranger about to whisk his girlfriend away from him to a boat cruise he already planned for us both so… I thank you but no.” He has confusion on his face as he shakes his head ”No, no… you are getting it wrong, my date, I came to pick up my date here and this is the house and you get me my date” ”Look, I just told you that-” she trails off as she heard it turning at the direction it was coming from. ”WHATTTT’S UPPPPPPPPPP BITCHESSSSSSSSS!!!!!” She screams from the window of the taxi that just pulled up and roars out with laughter with her hands doing the rock sign and her tongue sticking out ”WHAT’SSSSSSSSSSSSS UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!” she screams again. ”Oh goodness!! The crazy just arrived” Annalisa exclaimed. ”Sorry, er..Adam I think you should leave. Maybe you got the wrong address and stuff and- ” she trails off as her friend struggles with a larger bag than hers, and then rolls it on the ground and then makes her way to them running. ”What in the world, are you going to leave there Luce?” She points at the bag. ”A girl’s bag has the world in it; Shoes, cloths, glasses, condoms, vibrators, gum, underwear, pepper-spray, jeans, tops, magazines for boredom, cigarettes and-” ”But you don’t smoke, Vibrator, really?” ”Well, someone might need it, I am caring like that and yes Vibrator, I mean you see lovebirds left and right and center, you wouldn’t want to feel left out in the fun. Always go prepared in case the Mr doesn’t perform right. I got two just in case you need one” ”Lucy!!!”‘ ”What, I think of my friends too” she chuckles. ”And oh, I was saying… I got a body bag in there too just in case we need to kill someone and toss him into the water, gangster style” ”That part is a joke right?” ”Of course silly. But look whose is talking, ” she peeks behind Annalisa ”Your bag is two inches less of mine. what do you have in there, a house?” She bursts out laughing. ”Not..quite, just girly stuff” ”Aha!!” Lucy points at her ”It’s a girl’s state of mine. Even when she is going to work, her bag has all kinds of things in it.” The man named Adam is laughing, they both turn to him. ”Oh, Adam is it, you need to leave please..i don’t get why you are still standing here!” Anna says with a frown. ”Me, I came for my date, i can’t leave without her” ”But I am not your date!!!” ”I never said you were my date” ”But you said you came for your date and you are at my door and-” ”I never said you were my date” he repeats with a smile ”Yes he never said you were his date ” Lucy repeats ”You don’t know what he was saying when he got here and that he came for his date and all-” Annalisa turns to her friend. ”But I never said you were my date” Adam is laughing. ”Yes he didn’t!” ”So who is his date then?” Annalisa folds her hands and then cocks her head to the side as she pouts staring at Lucy ”Who is your date then?” she directs at Adam. ”She is” He points to Lucy. ”I am!!” Lucy smiles broadly. Annalisa looks at both of them, they are nodding. She cocks her head to the side , they are nodding still. ”But why didn’t you say anything instead of allowing me rant?” she exclaims at Adam/ ”I was enjoying the confusion on your face and it was her idea” he points to Luce who is snickering. ”Of course, the crazy person would do this.” Lucy grabs Annalisa into a squashy hug ”Yes and she loves you so.” ”But where did you pick up this Adam from?” ”If I tell you I would have to kill you but he is a sexy beast isn’t he? I may not need that vibrator. Hehe!!” she releases her. ”But the great thing is that you got your side kick in this trip with you and it’s going to be mad fun. Speaking of fun, where is boy wonder. Don’t tell me he isn’t here yet?” ”It’s just-” She checks her time ”A minute past 12 and… oh there he is!” her eyes lits! up as a car pulls up. ”Hey Bitchessssssssssss!!!!” Tonia stands and then yells, Tom and Darren face-palms. ”Hey bitchessssssssss!!!!!!” Lucy hails back and runs off to the car as Tonia jumps down and they hug jumping around . ”Oh Good, we got two of them now” Annalisa places both hands to her cheeks. Adam smiles ”Nice, two is great, the more the merrier, I like crazy people” ”Both of them would definitely be the death of us all. They are like kids, literally.” ”Stay young at heart, you won’t grow old” Adam offers. Darren is working towards her, the smile reaching his eyes as he gets to her ”Hey babe” he gives her his hands, they connect and then he pulls her into a warm embrace. ”Hey, you look good” ”You look beautiful” he places a kiss to her temple and then stares at the man. ”Hi, I am Darren Bloom, and you are?” ”My date!!” Lucy appears behind him and pushes her head under his arm and then hugs him. ”Oh, of course.” Darren smiles ”You found an escapee for you huh?” ”Yes, and he is really too, and a hunk, see” She leaves Darren and goes to Adam and touches his chest and runs her hands through his chest and to his tummy. ”Hmm, I see” ”I am Adam!”‘ Adam gives him his hands and they shake, Tom is walking towards them with his wife dangling from his shoulders. ”Six is a perfect pair, so are we going to have fun or what huh? I am Tom by the way and this bag of rice on my shoulders is Tonia, my wife, come near her and I’ll kill you. But I am a nice man” He shakes Adam, Adam returns it. ”No intention of dying on a boat trip Tom, it’s Adam” ”Good man” ”Yay!! boat trip hear we come” Tonia squeals. ”Lets go!!” Tom turns around and heads back to the car. Tonia is dancing on his shoulders and cheering, Lucy joins her while Adam is enjoying their silliness. Darren places his hands over her shoulders and they walk together to the car as he pulls her bag for her and puts it in the booth. ”What the hell do you have in here?” ”A body, in a bag, and a few heads of the forgotten children” she smiles ”I wouldn’t doubt that, It’s just two days, three days max, you girls sure pack a lot. Tonia’s bag is massive you would think she is relocating and … I see Lucy’s bag isn’t much different. Is it a girl’s thing?” ”AFriad so Sir” She smiles ”That’s my bag” he points to a small rucksack ”and that’s Tom’s” He points to another one beside it ”.. same size. And I bet Adam’s bag isn’t much different” ”That’s why we are girls and you are guys” she sticks out her tongue. ”True that!” Everyone gets into the car large enough to seat eight people. It was an open roof that Tonia and Lucy was happy to enjoy. Anna slips in beside Darren preferring his side to the breeze in her face and her hair she had managed to pack rather nicely. ”Good to go?” Tom asks ”Yay!! Good to go..” They chorused. ”Boat cruise, here we come” Tonia chants as everyone laughs. **** A few hours away, three other couples are preparing to make their way to the boat. ”Baby, it is going to be fun yes?” the man with big tummy several inches below her asks. ”hmm, yes” He comes to her to kiss her, she turns away and hands him a shirt ”we are getting late Chris” ”Duke, ” ”I said Duke” she smiles and blows him a kiss ”Do not forget your watch and cash” ”Oh yes yes, let me tell them to -” She rolls her eyes and grabbing her bag in disgust ”Things you do to get what you need” She smiles ”Boat cruise, here we come baby” ***** ”We are late” A different lady who is already seated in the taxi notes checking her time. ”I do not want to miss the boat, rolling out is in thirty minutes!!” ”Coming coming” The man rushes outside, enters the car and kisses her cheeks ”Here now, lets go” The taxi zooms off. **** ”Babe, you always always like to be late” He checks his time ”I am sure the gates to the boat would be closed soon, you know the crowd that would be there, we need to get a good spot on time too” ”I am coming, Christ!!” She rushes down the stairs. ”Are you going to be working on this trip, you have all your phones and gadgets packed?” She observes as she enters the car. ”It wouldn’t be a bother, I promise. Ready to go have the fun of your life?” ”Yes” she smiles ”Great!” he kisses her lips and beckons to the driver to head out. *****
9 Sep 2018 | 16:27
comments ooo
9 Sep 2018 | 16:28
Hope you all enjoyed yourselves
10 Sep 2018 | 04:37
enjoy urself
10 Sep 2018 | 05:09
We've got some damn sweet crazy ladies here oooo... Tonia and Luce are damn crazy 4 sure but one can't help but fall in love with both.. My hrt almost missed a beat fearing dat Darren wld av fall 4 dat crazy Natalia with dat swift act of baring her nudity in his face. This boat cruise dat d entire city is agog abt, let's see wotz all abt. Guess Bella's d lady tagging along with d potbellied man
10 Sep 2018 | 18:03
11 Sep 2018 | 06:05
no comment
11 Sep 2018 | 06:05
how many people are even reading this story
11 Sep 2018 | 06:06
TWELVE ***** ”Welcome to the city’s 10 anniversary on the boat festivals, come one, come all. It promises to be exciting, full of amazing things this year and we got the likes of the top bands playing, best chefs in the country making wonderful delicacies, good music, and all thing fun to keep you happy and intoxicated for the weekend. It is only for the lovebirds, intending lovebirds and the intended or about to be intended, come while we help you slip right into the hearts of the loved one with an alone time to tread the land of love. Come on in, come on in and let us blow you away… come one, come all, only in twos please” the man ushering them into the boat speaks from the deck… dressed in a Caribbean shirt and then grey shorts as he chants happily.’ It was crowed as people troupe to the entrance of the gate ushering them up the boat. They get to the entrance gate and show their passes and their tickets and are then ushered in once they are cleared and checked by the security, then their bags are loaded on a cart and wheeled away to the reception area where they speak to the receptionist to get their rooms. ”Can we all stay on one deck floor? Like, our rooms can be opposite each other or some sort?” Tonia asks ”I have nightmares and my friends are the ones that helps me calm down” Tonia tells the receptionist. The receptionist frowns ”Would that be a problem?” ”No, no of course it wouldn’t be if my friends are close to me to help put out the fire if you know what I mean unless the entire guests would feel like a banshee is on the lose. it wouldn’t be good for business” She sobs. The receptionist looks at them one after the other. Everyone nods affirming to what Tonia says. she sighs ”Fine, I would give you all deck 5, second floor” ”Thank you, you are a good person, God bless you” Tonia says taking the keys and walking away as everyone tries to hold a laugh as they turn and quickly follow her away with the boys following them with their bags. ”Here we are, Lucy, you take room 5, me..4, because I want to be in the middle, and you my favorite man after my husband gets room.” She hands Darren his and then Lucy. ”Does everyone have the program? We need to be down deck by 4 pm say 5 pm, party gets lit up at about that time and of course dinner and other amazing things to do” ”So what happens between now and 4?” Annalisa asks ”It’s just 1: 35” ”Mingle, meet new people go out and take pictures of the thronging crowd and other boat cruise filling up, run abound it or… I don’t know. Anything you want.” Tonia says with a smile ” But me, i know what i would be doing for two hours before show down” she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. ”What?” Anna asks innocently She stares at them, ”Humping my husband!” She blurts out laughing as she nudges him through the open door ”Always wanted to do it on water in a boat, I finally get the chance, maybe we can have that twins we always wanted. Later bitches!!” she laughs closing the door. Lucy and Adam are laughing while Darren tries to hide a smile, Annalisa blushes. ”I shouldn’t have asked” ”Yes, Tonia’s mouth is unfiltered” Darren says ”Lucy, you want to go see everything there is to this boat, take pictures and all?” ”No Darlene, I would just follow Tonia and get some good humping!” she winks as she kicks her door open and they disappear into it. ”You should too” she opens her door to say and laughing wickedly and then disappears behind the door. They hear the door lock immediately. ”Guess it’s just us left?” Darren says at the two closed doors, he turns to theirs ”We can go check it out if you want?” ”Sure, lets just arrange our bags first and we go” They thanked the boys, Darren tips them and then shuts the door. He turns to her resting on the closed door. ”You know, we can have separate rooms if you feel uncomfortable?” She rolls her eyes laughing ”I do not, I just felt they would all want to be all excited about exploring the boat not themselves immediately” ”Exploring themselves is good thing” he leaves the door and grabs his bag, taking out a few shirts and hanging. He seats on the bed as he watches her take out her things after he was done. ”’Shall we?” she straightens up once done. He shakes his head ”No” ”Why?” He taps the bed, ”Come here” ”Why?” ”Scared?” ”No” ”Come here then” She goes to him, he pulls her down beside him. He drapes his hands over her shoulders. ”Oh-kay” she laughs ”I am here” He pulls them backwards and holds her tight as they fall on their backs on the bed, he wraps his arms around her ”Stay here, I want you to stay here..” She smiles, resting halfway on his chest ”Okay” ”Can I ask you a question?” ”Go ahead..” She turns her face to look at him ”This, us, you want this too right? It’s not all in my head?” ”I am here because I do, it’s not in your head, it’s in ours” ”Just clarifying” ”So, you know, usually, when a boy asks a girl out, and she says yes, there is always something that usually follows” ”What’s that?” ”A kiss, you never quite gave me one” She laughs shaking her head ”’You never quite asked for one” ”I have to ask for one?” He makes a face. ”No, but you do not need to ask for a kiss if you wanted one” She blushes ”Hmm, noted” he smiles over her head ”Come, lets go do that tour you wanted” he gets up and pulls her up with him and they go out the door. The sounds coining out from the rooms beside them had them laughing out loud and scurrying down the the hall. ***** ”Hi, my pass, registration and tickers” she hands them to the security at the entrance. ”Natalia Davidson?” ”Yes!” ”Your plus one?” ”Davidson, my husband” She gives him the ticket of a short man with bearded face who was smiling too much. He clears them ”Okay, go right ahead, the receptionist would give you your rooms and other packages you need for the trip. ”Thank you, come on husband” she says linking her hands with the man who kept on smiling. ***** ”Yes, Bella Richards my plus one, ” The man who had handed the security his tickets and registration says as he drapes his hands over a lady who is scanning the crowd. The security clears them ”Okay, go right ahead Sir, the receptionist will attend to you. Next please” ***** ”Oh, this is going to be fun” they lady whose harm is hugging him squeals excitedly. ”I know right, I didn’t want to miss this year’s. Last year, it was a blast and you cannot get off the feeling even after a week. Here, give him our tickets babe, let me answer a call” he hands her the tickets which she hands to the man waiting for them. ”Mr and Mrs Daniel Peters?” ”Yes, I am still getting used to being married to this amazing man. He kept telling me of this boat cruise and we have been planning to come for it and i am excited to be here. Would it be fun?”’ ”Yes, it would be Ma’am, why don’t you both go through this way to the reception and she would attend to you there” ”Sure, thank you. Baby, come let’s go” She links her hands with his and then walk through the gate leading up to the boat , into it and turning to the receptionist area. They meet two couples there. ”Okay, welcome to the festive boat cruise, your registration passes and tickets please so I can hand you your room keys and direct you to your floors.” she says to the three couples before her. She takes their tickets and then grabs keys. ”Okay, the Daniels gets room two, deck 5, second floor. ” She hands key to the married couple. ”You get room 1, deck five second floor Miss Natalia and your plus one.” ”And Miss Bella, you get room 6, deck five, floor 2 ” ”Yes, thank you” ”Enjoy an amazing weekend” They each make their ways to their rooms, which is all on the same deck floor. **** Darren and Annalisa must have thought they had seen the entire boat after going through everywhere but they realized that they haven’t gone half of touring, so many things to see, eat and do. ”Wow, I think this is the largest boat I have been on” She admits ”I Know right, it got so many floors, by the time we are done, it might take the whole day and half of tomorrow. And besides, its almost 4 pm, you don’t want to freshen up for the evening?” ”Yes I would, plus my feet hurts, might want to rest them a bit” They walk back to their room ”You go ahead,” he tells her at the door and watch her close it. He turns and then knocks on room 4. It swings open. Tom is wearing boxers with a stupid smile on his face ”Boat sex is hella amazing. As soon as the boat began moving, it got all vibrating and she was going all..” ”Dude come on, too much graphic images. Stop. ” Darren closes his ears. Tom laughs ushering him in” How is Anna?” ”Great, gone to freshen up” ”You guys got it on?” Darren laughs ”Is that the point of dating her?’ ”No, it comes with the package though, want a beer?” he asks opening the fridge ”They have tons of everything you need man , tons chocolates, biscuits, booze! boy’s favorite” ”No, juice? I intend to be clear-eyed through out this trip, don’t need no intoxication” ”Aye, you want you head in the game not your dick?” ”Yup! If I want this to work and stuff, I need to rule out the possibility that I am just mere infatuated with her and that I am into her for real, and so far so good. She is great, so I want that to go on without being distraction with getting high and doing things I shouldn’t do know” ”Smart move bro, you mature these days.” ”Na, being with Natalia has thought me a lot of things, things I do not want repeated. And one of them is going too fast” ”Dude, you go fast with Natalia, like fast?” He demonstrates moving his waist, Darren stones him a pillow. Tom catches it laughing. ”You know what I mean. Rushing into things. I want to take it slow with Annalisa. I like her, a lot today than I did yesterday and other days and, it’s going great. I am taking my time, getting to know her, loving the little moments we share and stuff. i do not want nothing that would hamper that and if sex is going to disrupt that process, not happening” ”How is that not going to work? You both are going to be stuck up in a room for two days, all night, while she is bathing you are in the room and you really think you would survive?” Darren smiles ”I have to. Hey, dating a girl shouldn’t be about sex. There should be more to a relationship. I want this to be more, I want this to work so, taking it slow, one day at a time, loving it” ”Good for you. You not freshening up for tonight? i hear some celeb artists are going to be singing tonight”‘ ”hmm, I will, in a few, once Anna is done. Where is the wife anyways?” ”She drains my energy and goes to find food to refuel. The things we do for love” The door kicks open and she comes in with a plate of muffins, cakes and all sweet things ”Hey handsome” She winks at Darren ”Hey handsome handsome” She leans and kisses her husband Darren laughs. ”You glow” ”Yes, sex can do that to you” she takes a muffin and pushes it to Daren ”Eat!” and then to her husband she pushes him the entire plate ”Eat all of it, you will need the strength for tonight” ”Help!!!” Tom pouts to his friend making a face. Darren chews the muffin ”Your problem man. Enjoy” They laugh. ”Eat eat eat, lets go party” Tonia claps. ***** By the time he got back to the room, there was a note on the bed, it says she is with Lucy below where the party is about to begin, in booth 8. He quickly showers, changes and then he, Tom, Adam and Tonia makes their way down. A few minutes later, the place was lit up and the cheers began. ***** Two hours later, they make their way to dinner below. Picking a setting close to the deck area so they can overlook the sea, they seat down while being served. Laughing and talking about random things. ”So, whats the silliest thing you have ever done Anna?” Tonia throws the question while she takes a spoon of sea-soup and then breaks bread to eat. ”Well, I don’t know…” Annalisa laughs biting a piece of chicken. ”Come on, pray tell us” Tom urges, ”I too want to hear” Darren says touching her chin, removing the stain of stew, she smiles. ”Well, ” she puts down her glass of wine after taking a sip ” I don’t know if this is silly but-” ”Darren, oh my God, I knew that was you!!!” A lady comes towards them as she flings herself on him. ‘Natalia?” Darren breathes in shock. ”Natalia?” Tom and Tonia exclaims in shock. Annalisa cocks her head to the side, frowning at the way the lady pressed her body to Darren. Darren quickly moves Natalia away from his body. ”Yes baby, Natalia” She says sinking backing into his arms and placing a loud kiss quickly on his lips before he could stop her. Lucy and Annalisa exchanges look. ”Like the Ex Natalia?” Lucy offers ”Girl get off his body before i smash this wine bottle on your head” Lucy pushes Natalia away from Darren’s body. ”He is my best-friend’s man now” During the commotion, as a few people turn, someone who was just seated next to them turns as well, then the shock appears on his face as he sees someone he recognizes. ”Anna, is that you Anna?” he exclaims in surprise. They turn, Annalisa grows suddenly weak and speechless. She manages to breath out his name. ”Dan?” ”Daniel?” Lucy exclaims. He comes to Annalisa, laughing he pulls the shocked Annalisa into a hug ”Wow Annalisa, you look amazing, breathtaking. Oh my world!!” he hugs her again in a tight hug, squashing her to him and then peeks her. ”Okay, you need to stop touching her, that’s my best friend’s girl!!” This was Tom now as he steps towards them. ”Darren, is that you, I knew I would find you here” a voice purrs. They all turn to the sound of the voice ”Who the hell are you now? ” Lucy spat ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
11 Sep 2018 | 06:13
or should I stop
Stop for de where??? Ma lady,don't even think of doing DAT oo,abeg continue sha!!!
11 Sep 2018 | 10:13
What de hell is happening out der, is it some kind of reunion or what? I hope dey dont spoil de fun for u guys!!!
11 Sep 2018 | 10:47
And the city boat cruise which promised to be fun and thrilling is now presenting an awkward meeting for Darren and Annalise with the same people who shattered and battered their hearts. Though I know nothing's gonna spoil with both Lucy and Tonia present to salvage the situation.
11 Sep 2018 | 15:28
I guess that voice is for darren's ex
11 Sep 2018 | 20:47
Keep enjoying yourselves lovebirds
11 Sep 2018 | 20:49
Next Episod Please
13 Sep 2018 | 08:04
13 Sep 2018 | 18:31
Thirteen ***** Bella steps forward with a large smile on her face, having eyes only for Darren, she steps even closer, bends and wonders how she would hug him because a lady was already pressed towards him. She thus leans in, to the surprise of everyone and pecks his cheeks, smiling. Natalia pushes her face away ”Get off you bitch!!” Bella staggers back, almost tripping but lands on a passing waiter who helps her to stand up. She smiles adjusting herself ”Wow!! You are rude” she says to Natalia ”Me?” Natalia gets up ”No, I just like to protect my territory” ”Your Territory? And you are?” ”Natalia, his girlfriend” Tonia and Tom scoffs ”Yeah right you are” ”Oh, Natalia the Ex-” Bella realized who she was now ”I heard about you” ”No, I am not his Ex, we took some time apart and now i am back and we are bugger off” she says shuuing her away. ”Erm..No, last I checked, Darren isn’t dating anyone named Natalia” ”Oh, so who is he dating now?” ”Her” Tom, Tonia and Lucy points to Annalise, which causes Bella and Natalie to give her a hard stare down, Darren is quiet, wondering why this was happening, ”She is my girlfriend and I would appreciate if you both leave-” Darren gets up, saying and adjusting his cloths ”You, dating again?’ Daniel who still held on to Annalise asks her, staring into her eyes ”I… erm..well er” ”Speak, cat don’t cut your tongue Anna” Lucy frowns, Anna was still stuttering, Darren cocks his head to the side as surprise appears on his face ”Yes, yes she is dating again Daniel, why, you didn’t expect her to be?” Lucy says walking to them, ”Let her go though, you don’t have to hold on to her to ask stupid questions” Daniel laughs as Lucy pulls Annmalise from his arms ”You never did like me much did you Luce?” ”It’s Lucy to you Daniel, only my friends call me Luce and no, I actually didn’t like the aura, sadly I didn’t know it would stink that bad and if I had known, I would have made sure I cut off your balls before you hurt my friend and went off to marry some bimbo who still got daddy to buy her things” ”Me a Bimbo? Daddy buy ,me things?” A lady who has been standing shocked as well wondering why her man was hugging another woman steps forward ”Is that what you told them, that I was some bimbo, a rich kid spoilt girl huh?” ”No… babe, come on. she is just bitter, we didn’t get along well when I was know ” ”Dating my best friend you mean, you left her finger caged in that off the counter ring remember before you ran off to your Bimbo” Lucy repeats staring down at Daniel’s wife. ”Oh, you have no idea what who you are messing with, I can make sure you-” she began pushing her husband away and wanting to fight with Lucy. ”Hey bitch, bring it on, here, someone hold my earrings while i beat her up” Lucy says pushing Annalisa away and trying to take off her rings which she gave to Annalisa ”Here hold this let me show her that I can be mad too on a boat trip” ”Hey hey… come on babe,” Daniel holds on to his wife ”Lucy,” Annalisa pulls her friend ”’Can you all stop it?” Darren steps forward ”Christ!!!” ”Babe, lets leave here, this people are bunch of animals who wants to tear off their skin” Natalia tries pulling Darren away. Lucy turns to her ”Who are you calling an animal?” She faces her and nudges her backwards with both hands ”Don’t me touch, I will break off your hands” Natalie nudges her back Lucy pushes her head ”Oh really, that would be after I break your head with my well manicured nails, who are you calling an animal, because from where we stand, we all are complete humans but i cannot say the same for you, wasn’t you the chick who broke up with my friend’s man which was yours there and ran off with some chick saying you want to get surgery done to become a man, and you call us animals? No dear, you is the one who is an animal with no concrete brains in your head and not be content with what God gave you, you went flying to get yours. I hope it functions as good as the real thing and i know Darren isn’t gay so i don’t know what you are even doing here other than to catch trips you have no business catching so do all of us a favour, take your gay eyes and artificial dxxk and get your paws” she polls at Natalie ”Away from my best friends’s man and off our dinner table” she pushes Natalia away ”And take your side chick with you” she pulls Bella with the other hand and nudges them away. ”Hey. I am not her side chick, let go of me you…” Bella hits her hands away and Natalia knocks it off ”’I ain’t going no where without my man and you keep going friend’s man, I don’t see her claiming” She eyes Lucy and then refers to Annalise who is looking at Daniel instead. ”Well, she is claiming, I am claiming on her behalf while she is being distracted with another fool who don’t know his place and realize his wife is clearly uncomfortable with the way he ogling his ex” Then she turns back to them ”That fool I will deal with same as you beyonce wanna-bes, so get lost” she nudges them away again, but they were not intending to go away. ”I said I ain’t going no where without my man” Natalia says ”Not your man Natalia, Darren is fair game ” Bella tells her. Darren has his head in his hands ”Daniel, did we come on this boat trip because you knew your ex would be here?” His wife nudges him to face her, he doesn’t as he couldn’t take his eye off Annalise. ”No… babe, of course not I…I mean everyone from around the city and far are here, why must you think that? ” ”Oh I don’t know, it looks too good to be a coincidence, do you still like her, is that it and trying to get back with her, was this all some stupid joke on me huh?” she hits his chest. ”No babe, come on on…” She is walking away in anger, he doesn’t follow her. ”You should follow your wife,” Annalise says ”She would be fine, you on the other hand wouldn’t be…how have you been? ”She has been great, thanks ” Lucy says pulling her friend even further away and pushing her to a corner ”Are you crazy or you need me to give you a reset slap, that is Daniel, Daniel who broke your heart, ripped it into a thousand pieces, with a stupid cheap ass ring and swollen eyes for days, come on, why are you stuttering as though you can’t speak…that is Daniel come on..and Darren is standing right there and you become jelly for your ex?” ”I erm… I erm” She stutters. ”oh God Annalise, don’t tell me you still love this guy?” ”No.. I don’t.. I don’t” she says ”It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself. it’s being months, you either know or you don’t, stop stuttering, you said you were over him” ”I am, I thought I am but… Luce, I couldn’t even construct words as he stared at me the way he did and … yes I went jelly okay, I did” ”Daniel is your past, Darren is your present and maybe your future but come on..shuu him away, he looking at you that way because you fine ass fxxk and literally blossomed after he left, ofcourse as a fxxkboy central, he senses that you are the real deal now but you can’t go back to your vomit” ”Who said anything like going back” ”I am just stating it in case you are being stupid, you saw his wife, the one he left you for, tell that guy to go kiss a curve if he much as open his stupid mouth to say stupid things to you and … come one Annalisa, two girls are here for your man and you ain’t even blinking to get territorial?” She looks at them , ”You see what I see, a man trapped in the middle , and you stuttering to the scent of your ex..come on Annalisa, you need to get your man and forget about the one who left” ”I am not bothered about Daniel. He just took me by surprise, I was shocked and..” ”okay, now un-shock yourself and act like a woman who got a fine ass boo right now..don’t be silly” she turns her and pushes her back to the them, Bella and Natalia are bickering still. ”Oh Natalia, stop it, you left Darren so don’t come here and get all entitlement mentality, you left him” Tonia says angrily. ”Tonia, we had a break , no big deal. Didn’t you and Tom go on breaks all the time?” ”No, we didn’t and one just don’t do what you did and call that a break” Natalia rolls her eyes and leans towards Darren ”Darren , babe. you know you love me, you know that and I loved you too, okay you want me to apologize I would, I am sorry for that thing that happened okay?” ”You call having sex in his house with some other person a minor thing?” Tonia asks in shock ”Having sex with a girl isn’t a big deal, its not even called cheating ” Natalia says in her defence ”She doesn’t even have a dxxk to stick into me so it doesn’t count” she states. ”Oh but you were going to fix that part up right? that’s why you left” She laughs ”I can show you right here right now that I am all flower and not mushroom” she smiles mischievously making to remove her wrapped dress ” I ain’t shy to flaunt my sexy assets you know Tonia” ”Natalia stop it!!!” This was Darren now stopping her, disgusted with her behavior. She laughs ”Oh he knows I am telling the truth, I came back into town and my baby was the first to know how much I miss him” ”You slept with her Darren” Tom nudges him,anger in his eyes. ”No… God no!” She just showed up at my doorstep but I turned her away, ” ”Then what did she mean that you saw, you knew” Annalisa asks now. ”Oh he more than saw ” Natalia laughs ”Stop it Natalia, we did nothing, you showed up and I gave you money to go get a place to sleep, that is all” ”But you saw me, you wanted me all naked infront of you” ”What?” Lucy, Tonia Annalisa and Bella exclaims. ”Darren?” ”Well, looks like your man is a ladies man” Daniel says laughing, ”So much for a better man, i felt you would date someone better Anna, he worse” Tonia’s date is eating and enjoying the scene as Daniel laughs. ”Shut up Daniel, Darren is 100% the man you can never be” Lucy tell him, he rolls his eyes. ”Nothing happened. She stripped to supposedly prove that she didn’t get the surgery done and I didn’t care okay, I sent her away, you have got to believe me that I wouldn’t lie about that” He looks at his friends and then at Annalise ”Nothing happened, I swear it, she is just trying to cause a scene, and you all know Natalia, wanting to get her way anyhow she wants it” he stares back at his friends ”But you didn’t tell me she was back in town” Tom says to him ”Because I didn’t think it would be an issue” ”You didn’t tell me your ex was back in town, I thought this was supposed to be an honest relationship, so you lied to me?” Annalisa says ”No no-” he tries to explain ”If he keeps it from you is because he got something to hide and your boy-no my man loves me still, he knows that and I know that and maybe his friends knows that but they don’t want to tell you.”Natalia says ”You were nothing but toxic to him Natalia, that fact I can attest to it because all the while he supposedly had you for a girlfriend, I am sure he wasn’t happy ”Bella chips in. ”And who is you to tell me how happy my man was, I made him hella happy” ”Right, I was the shoulder he had when all things went soar on most days” Bella smiles. ”Oh! Well I am sure your shoulders were pillow made because I can swear my man didn’t touch you” Natalia smiles ”He is a traditional guy my Darren, faithful to the core, he isn’t going to be sinking his dxxk into no pussy when he got the girl he likes, that bit I know about him… that’s why I love him” ”No, that’s why you left because he didn’t and couldn’t stand your cheating ass which you were trying to justify” Tonia spat ”Whatever!!” Natalia rolls her eyes ”I am back, back for my man and whoever doesn’t like it can kiss my ass’ ”’I wouldn’t!!’ Lucy says, Tonia seconds ”Well, Natalia… lets just say that… we do not like Bimbos, Gutter Ex’s and pillowcases in our midst so I would advice you all to bounce, Bimbo just did, and you too Daniel, this was supposed to be a fun boat trip and I do not know the devil that dragged you all here. Darren is no longer your man, he is my friend’s man now. Any other thing is null and void…so, before you all came in we were having a good time and we hope you enjoy your trip, on the other side of the boat, far far towards the edge away from us, thank you” she pushes all three of them away from their table as they protest, Tom joins in to nudge Daniel away and then they came back. ”Phew!!! Now, shall we be happy, thank you!!!” Tonia exclaims ”Yeah yeah!!” Lucy drums on the table. ***** Ten minutes later and the table is quiet, too quiet. Annalisa is quietly eating her food and Darren is staring at her, Every time she feels a presence behind her she turns to quickly look, he follows her eyes, saying nothing. ”I think this was a bad idea, coming here ”Tonia leans into her husband to say ”How was we supposed to know that Natalia would show?” ”Not forgetting the other woman ” ”And the Ex, Daniel ”Lucy leans to them ”Look at them, quiet, saying nothing” Tonia frowns watching at Annalisa and Darren. ”This isn’t good though” Tom drinks water and then clears his throat ” Guys, this isn’t a mourning ceremony …..oh come on!” He sees her appear again. Natalia comes back and slides in beside Darren, plucking the meat he had in the fork and puts it into her mouth, and laughs ”You remember Darren, that time we went on a trip out of states, and you wouldn’t eat anything unless you have me taste it first?” She munches ”You had running stomach for days when you ate their meat at that Chinese restaurant and you were scared to try anything else unless i did…” ”Natalia, please” He sighs closing his eyes ”Why won’t you just leave?” ”No no wait, I got more. That was the trip you told me you wonder what our kids would look like you know, and where we are going to stay and how you would like to give up your life for mine, you remember? And oh, that time i showed up in your office wearing nothing but a rope, much like this, you had me all night remember, and loved me some more in the morning when you got home” she snickers Annalisa rolls her eyes, she drops her cutleries loudly ”Okay, I get it, but can you stop being graphic please” Now it was staring to piss her off. ”Sorry if talking about Sex with my man puts you off. we talk about sex alot that’s why we got so many of it, I can literally remember how big he gets inside of me or when i put him in my mouth, licking off that mushroom head of his,ohhhh” she bites her lips ”And that his G-spot can get him moaning and groaning, music to my ears and when he gets down on me, his tongue is magic, my man is literally a sex god” ”Ex” Tonia, Lucy and Tom joins in. ”Whatever, he is a sex god… and I only know what to do to turn him on so… if you want I can give you pointers but you and I know who got his heart” she smiles Darren gets up ”Its eh..apparent that are here to frustrate me and to cause a dent to my relationship but I refuse to let that happen okay” He takes Annalisa’s hands ”Come babe, lets go somewhere else or maybe back to the room.” She pulls her hands away ”You know what, i rather be alone Darren” she leaves the table and him staring after her retreating back. ”Wow, I did not expect that!” he sighs running a hand through his hair. Lucy’s mouth drops open, Tonia and the others are surprised as well. ”Don’t worry Darren, I would talk to her” Lucy gets up and follows after her. Darren stares at Natalia ”’You happy right?” ”Babe I want you back so who cares if she goes” she tries to touch him, he moves her hands away and leaves the table. Tonia shakes her head ”You are a bitch you know that Natalia, a real bitch” ”One who knows how she gets her man, go do something with yourself like make some babies you barren woman” ”How dare you!!” Tonia made for her, Tom stops her ”She ain’t worth it babe, leave her to her bitter self, we both know Darren is over her ..come on, lets go,” he pulls his wife away, Natalia is laughing. ”So, who are you?” she stares at the only person left at the table ”Lucy’s date, Adam” The cute guy says ”You ain’t so bad, so..ahh, want to make him jealous? All you have to do is kiss me and feel me up in his presence and I am sure he gonna want to–” ”Nope, I like crazy girls but you are a wild cat i rather not get jiggy with, sorry” he grabs his glass of wine , cutting her off and follows after Tom and Tonia. ”Dxxk!!” she rolls her eyes staring away and then she sees him. ”Oh God!!” ”Babay, I have been looking all over for you, Damn!!” the short chubby man sights her and comes to her, placing a wet kiss to her face, she squeezes her face in disgust ”Hmmph, please do not soil my makeup, took hours getting this perfect look, are you done playing with whatever you were playing with huh?” ”Yeah I am, they always winning me, lost a few bills just now, got tired and came looking for you because I miss you my wonder wo-” She stuffs meat into his mouth ”Here eat, you know what, come lets go back to the room so I can give you nice massage” she pulls the smiling man up to his feet and pulls him after her. ***** ”What was that Anna?” Tonia stops her ”Look I don’t know okay, I just wanted to be alone” ”I don’t get it really. I mean, he is wading that crazy chick away from him and flaunting you in her face but you are balling” ”You didn’t hear her ? You didn’t see how she was going on and on about their sex life and what not trying to make me feel like what? I don’t get!” ”So she fxxked the guy a couple of times, so what? They were a couple for a few years, it happened. So what? You and Daniel had a lot of those two, I do not see the table you are standing on shaking and pfft! you screwed him too, Darren…so what?” ”But we weren’t dating!” She offfered. ”You are now. what is your problem if his ex talked about their sex life, it’s in the past not like they had sex now did they?” ”We don’t know that, she said they did” ”And you believe her when he just said they didn’t and she showed up trying to throw herself at him?” Tonia is shaking her head ”And you believe him really? He could be lying” ”Or she could be lying” ”He didn’t even tell me that she showed up, his Ex!!” ”Come on girl, really, he said he didn’t think it was an issue and I get him, he is trying to build his new relationship and don’t want to soil it with his toxic ex, how about you give a guy the benefit of the doubt instead of throwing him under the bus..or is this about a supposed lie which was an omission or this is about Daniel the frog?” Tonia cocks her head to the side and crosses her hands. ”Look i just think we rushed into this and-” She avoids Tonia’s eyes. Tonia rubs her temple ”Oh Annalisa, I would put this to you even if you are trying to avoid this like a plague but i know you girl, known you for years and I can see right through this facade’ you hiding in. This is not about Darren but Daniel, you see him and you go jelly and you having second thoughts .. for real girl, need I remind you that Daniel is married and the only reason he is ogling you is because you fresh like hot sweet bread out of the stove… you wen’t looking so damn good when he had you eating out of his palm, use your head girl..that nigga wasn’t good for you before and he sure as hell isn’t worthy of your attention now… I think Darren more than earned it. And I ain’t saying it because I hate Daniel, we may have our differences but I do not roll with assholes who hurt my friend and Darren has been nothing but sweet, you said so yourself and up before now… you liked the guy for come on, give him the benefit of the doubt and girl go fight for your man and get that scarecrow away from him by imprinting your paws on him… girl, he your territory and he ain’t ashamed to call you his girl..because he wants you for about you do the same.” ”I want to be alone Lucy, can you afford me that?” ”Have you been listening to a word I just said Anna?” ”Please.” ”Fine whatever!!!” Tonia rolls her eyes and walks away. ***** ”You okay buddy?” Tom comes behind him as he rests on the rail, looking out at the sea. ”I don’t know man, I mean one minute we are great and the next this… I mean how did she just show up here and then Bella and then her Ex… like someone must have opened the can of crazies on this trip. ”But if you had told me she was in town I probably would have give you a heads up because Natalia is spontaneous like that and I would have made sure to find out if she had interests on going and then made sure she didn’t come, you know how Natalia is always up to something. It’s her signature..” He sighs Tonia wraps her hands around him hugging him , she tiptoes and kisses his cheeks ”Hey, we are here for you okay, and besides… forget Natalai, she is an ass, you came here to bond with your girl so do that. We are rooting for that ‘ship baby” ”Well she seemed pissed at me at the moment” he stares at his hands. ”Because she felt you lied” ”I just omitted” ”We girls see things as white and black , not grey baby” Tonia says looking at him ”Well I want to apologize even though it wasn’t on purpose or to make her feel somehow or to be dishonest with our relationship. I just didn’t want talk of my ex to ruin our weekend, our first official weekend as a couple together and I didn’t think Natalia would show up, I just figured she just wanted some money and I gave her and hoped I never see her again but this happened” ”And Bella, your office secretary, didn’t know she had the hots for you, what’s up with that?” ”Didn’t think it was this serious” ”Ah!” Tom nods ”She just flirts with me every once in a while at work but… I didn’t read meaning into it, I mean she does that with some other guys too so …” he trails off ”Well now you know she didn’t come to play telly-tubbies with you, she is pitching her tenth and loudly too.” Darren runs a hand over his face and sighs again. ”But you see how she just..I mean Annalisa, that guy..she just went all….” He trails off. ”Yeah we did, he is her ex..its understandable” Tonia says ”No it isn’t’ Tom tells his wife ”Darren didn’t go jelly over Natalia instead he was repulsed by her presence” ”Well..,you got a point there husband” ”I do” Darren sighs again for the third time ”It did hurt when she couldn’t even say I was her boyfriend, I mean–” ”Hey Darren, come on..” Tonia hugs him even tighter. He bows his head ”Look I just want my girl, and those toxic people away from me that’s all ” ”Don’t worry man, she would come around, maybe she just need a little air and we would actively remove them from your path” ”Yeah maybe, I would be happy about that” ”You my boy son, I gat you” He taps his shoulders ”Come, lets stroll down to the deck and shot some games, poker night baby” They all go down the last deck” ***** Lost in thoughts, she didn’t hear him come behind her until he spoke. ”I swear I would have never left you Ana, you look like someone who just walked out of a vogue magazine, damn, my heart did that flip thing it does seeing you walk into the room. ” He says coming behind her. She turns ”Don’t do that Daniel” ”Do what, appreciate the beautiful woman you are” ”Yes, exactly that, you don’t go off to marry someone else and come here to play compliment to your ex… you don’t get to do that not anymore okay” ”Annalisa, come on baby” ”Don’t call me baby either” ”Baby, my pretty flower. my” ”I said stop” He is close to her now, touching her face, caressing it ”You know you could never pretend with me, hide your feelings from me…you still weaken to my touch, and when I speak to you you still have that look on your face. Annalisa, I know I hurt you and I am sorry, but it was as complicated”’ ”It wasn’t okay, you left me to get married so there, -don’t touch me Dan!!” She hits his hands away but he manages to catch her hand and pulls her to him, moving both of them to the corner, where no one could see them. ”What are you doing, Daniel?” ”I just want to talk Anna please. Listen to me, I never stopped loving you, I never did. Look, I was in a tight dilemma and she helped me out with her money and all and her father was willing to help me out of a bad situation and then he gave me an ultimatum to marry his daughter or he pulls his money out of my business and you know, that project I was working on was so important because baby I worked my ass out and nothing was working because of finances and they came , like a miracle and I had no other choice than to do the most painful thing to my heart, break up with you but baby, there has been no day that didn’t pass that I didn’t regret my horrible decision, a day never goes by when I didn’t think of you.” ”I call bullshit” ”That is my truth and you know I never lied to you when it comes to matters of the heart my love, I miss you baby, like hell, my heart is wrenching in pain… since I got married I have been unhappy my love” ”What are you saying to me Dan?” ”I am saying that I love you, still in love with you and I tried to many times to reach out to you but I had to stop myself because I didn’t know if you would want to listen to me…” ”You are lying” He is shaking his head ”No Anna, never. I loved you then, I love you now and seeing you tonight just proved it… because I have been praying to God to make our paths cross again so I can try to undo the mess I caused and he has and I swear that I would make it up to you”. ”Daniel, what we had, it’s over. You are a married man, I am with someone else now” He scoffs ”That dude? The ladies man who lied abut his ex turning up for a butty call and the other woman who is probably his office lay everyday except Sundays of course, come on Ann, you should be bale to spot a fxxkboy from a distance…” ”I couldn’t, I probably suck at that department going by our relationship” ”Hey that hurts” ”It’s the truth” ”I juts bared my heart to you and you compare me to that dude who lied through his teeth, give me credit babe!” ”Darren is a great guy, sweet, charming and-” ”Sounds like a recital! I know you, I can tell you your deepest desire, what makes you come alive and what your dreams and aspirations are…he..cannot even tell you what excites you” ”That’s not fair” ”Its the truth,” He chuckles. ”We dated for a few years Daniel, you have an advantage, we just started me and Darren” ”Which is why you should dump him now and him go now. Even his name got a funny ring to it, Darren? What sort of name is that and look here baby” He grabs her face with both his hands and stares into her eyes, using his thumb to caress her cheeks on both side, she tries to move away but he doesn’t let her, ”Look at me baby, this is me Daniel, the one who loves you insanely, the one who you were head over hills in love with from day one, the one who knows how to make you turn jelly just by a look or a touch, you used to love that about I love you. I lost you once, I ain’t losing you again” ”Daniel, stop, let me go you can’t touch me like that, not anymore or stare at me like that or say stuffs like that to me, we are done, we are over and this is stupid, you got a wife and come on she must have loved you enough to marry her and you probably love her too and I am with someone now and …” He is shaking his head ”God, my Anna, you are so beautiful. God I miss you so much my heat is beating so fast and I can’t control it… I miss kissing you, watching you squirm in my touch, listen to your moans and taking you to places you only allow me take you..oh baby…let me show you just how I miss you, here and know and prove to you my love for you is as strong as a trunk of a tree my little angel baby” he leans in to kiss her. ”Daniel no…” She turns her face away, pushing her hand between both of them to pull away, he brings her back into his fold. ”Yes Anna, I feel you squirming and melting, you miss me like crazy too, let’s ignite this fire withing us my love, God i miss you” He covers the distance between them and pulls her into a sensual kiss. ”Oh you have got to be fxxking kidding me~~~~”‘ Lucy exclaims ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
13 Sep 2018 | 18:34
Shit!! Just boiling in anger and shame over Anna's disappointing behaviour. First, she became all jelley and cldn't make any meaningful statement all cos of an ex who hurt her greatly & is now married. And now, she cldn't even stop Daniel from playing & messing with her to av ended in dat sensual kiss whic Lucy found both of them.
14 Sep 2018 | 03:05
I can see you're out of your senses
14 Sep 2018 | 05:56
Had to read this episode again and i feel like smacking Annalise very hard. Her stupidity here is getting on my nerves
14 Sep 2018 | 19:12
Annalisa or whatever u call yourself, u r so disgusting n very cheap as well,in fact u don't deserve Darren!!!
14 Sep 2018 | 21:38
oh oo
15 Sep 2018 | 11:52
am not happy oo
15 Sep 2018 | 11:53
you people are not commenting on this
15 Sep 2018 | 11:53
FOURTEEN ****** Anna pushes Daniel away and then cleans her lips, Daniel smiles rubbing his as Lucy’s eyes burns in anger, she held two glasses of wine, one for her and the other for Lucy. ”Lucy, i- it wasn’t what you think” Anna stutters ”He kissed me, he kissed me and-” she trails off ”Oh it is exactly what she thinks, it was a beautiful kiss and we enjoyed it so if you do not mind Luce, we were having a moment before you interrupted” He states, Lucy isn’t smiling, she is staring at Anna. She had wanted to give her space had she asked for, hoping to return with peace offering and apologize to her if she was hard on her earlier. But for the life of her, she didn’t expect to come back and find her doing something as stupid as this, kissing the ex, not just the ex, the snake, the playboy who left her in pieces, who didn’t care that it broke her, who used her for three years and then dumps her, on the day they were supposed to get married and marries another bimbo…and the fact that Annalisa went jelly on him was bad enough, but this was stupid, not just stupid but disappointing..and to think a fine ass man like Darren was out there sulking that her mood was bad and he was practically not enjoying the games with his friend all because he thought he did something wrong and wants to apologize to her for her state even from omitting that his ex was in town and even came to see him…yet she was here, locking tongues with Daniel, no hell nah!! She takes steps towards them, ”Anna, i expected better from you, if you have no respect for you that is fine, but if you value relationships..i expected that you would have respected the fact that you have a man now who would have felt not just disappointed but pained to see this very bad behavior from you” She shakes her head ”Lets go” she thins her lips ”Who, she respect her..that dude? Come on, Anna has no feelings for him else she wouldn’t be here savoring the sweetness of my lips, she isn’t going anywhere, we aren’t done talking and last i checked, three is a crowd” he stops Annalisa ”Daniel, stop it, leave me alone” ”You didn’t seem to bother with my tongue down your throat a second ago when you were clinging to me…come baby” he tries to hold her Lucy drops the glasses of wine on a tray as a waitress passes, then she drags Anna behind her and then stands between them ”You are a rotten disgusting person who have no value for the sacred word called marriage, you have a wife, and she is here and you have no regard for her and you are here frolicking with your ex who should have had the good sense to slap you two ways to sunday if you had much as touched her. I didn’t like you before but i tolerated you because my friend loved you” ”She loves me, don’t put me in the past” ”Loved you Daniel, that thing she is feeling right now is stupidity for an asshole who should remained buried in her heart. You are a snake, a rotten disgusting animal and i won;t allow you come between my friend, her peace of mind and a man who obviously cares for her not one who wants to sink between her legs” ”Lucy!!” Anna gasps ”You shut up, ” she points to her ”I am coming for you ” she turns back to Daniel ”Do not come near her on this trip or any where you see her, if she doesn’t have the good sense to shu you away, i would gladly do that for her, that is what friends are for, to stand up for one who they love and ensure they do not make the same mistakes in their life again and you Daniel is a big mistake and you do not deserve a spot in her life, God forbid i allow it. Go be with your wife you left her for, leave her alone to enjoy her new relationship and even if she weren’t dating Darren, i rather she dates a monk than go back to your sorry ass” she turns away, ”You are just bitter, i told you she was always jealous of our relationship Anna, she hated us together and ensured that we broke up and was probably dancing on ice with happiness when i left. she isn’t your friend Anna, you know i wouldn’t lie to you. What does your heart tell you Anna, i know it misses me and if going by that kiss i know you are burning for us to be together and i want that too, don’t allow your friend ruin your chances of second chance, i am here, i am ready and i will get a divorce to prove to you i want us together, Anna, com, don’t let her control you..Anna” he nudges Lucy away and then grabs Anna’s hands Lucy grabs her hands and then hits Daniel’s away from her and the slaps him hard across his face , Anna gasps ”Lucy!!!”‘ ”Oh my God i am so sorry” she blurts out to Darren who held his face in shock ”You are a real bitch you know that right” He says taking a step closer to Lucy ”No, i can be a hell of one, you do not touch her, you get it?” she points to him, then she grabs Anna and then takes her away, Anna turns back to look at Daniel who didn’t take his hand away from his face * Lucy didn’t stop until they are in her room, she swings to face her. ”Oh my goodness i want to so slap you right now but i am trying to restrain myself..are you crazy, what the hell Anna” ”You do not get to scream at me, and why did you slap him, my God Lucy, you are losing it!” she yells at her friend ”Look, forget that he is your ex, he is a fxxking married man Anna, where the hell are your morals hmm, you were trained better than that, is the sex so good you miss it a lot that you are willing to open your legs to that cockroach again eh? Do you have no shame?” Anna lets her hand go, it cuts across Lucy’s face hard. Then she gasps as Lucy blinks in shock, holding her face.. She covers her mouth, her hand shock , tears fills her eyes ” Luce, i am sorry” Lucy touches her face, the first tear drops , it takes a minute before she could find her voice ”I was the one who watched you break over and over and over again for him. I was the one who gave you a shoulder to cry on when he did the unthinkable, i was the one who was there for you when a year ago you found him in bed with some bimbo and he claimed he was drunk and he didn’t have sex with her. I was the one who stayed by the hospital when you had a nervous breakdown because of him. yes you both had some good times, but you forget that there was a lot of bad times too..those times i saw your eyes swollen with overnight tears, those nights i saw you try to pretend all was rosy, those times you lied to my face just so i do not take it up with him of how he was a lying and cheating asshole. Daniel is right, i never liked him because i saw right through him and i knew you deserved better, but you were my best friend, and you happiness came first even though it was killing me the pain you went through when he hurt you, but i stood by you even till the day he left you for good…i stood by you. So forgive me if i want the best for you, forgive me if i have gone about it wrongly. forgive me..but i would not stand idle by and watch you ruin your life, that’s what best friends do..and maybe i was rooting for Darren because he came just when you needed peace, happiness and for a few weeks i saw the light return back into yours, i saw you glow, i saw you happy and ready to sail to the sea..maybe i am wrong, maybe, maybe Darren is not so awesome, maybe…but i would take a Darren, a hundred bad Darren over a pig like Daniel” she says, another tear falls ”You hit your best friend from trying to protect you? yet you let a man who causes you so much pain to cling to you like that, forgetting that he is also causing another woman pain right now..his wife, who may love him. I get it Anna, first cut is the deepest, i get it, but this..this is way out of line, this is morally wrong, you can date any other guy, maybe not even Darren if you do not like him that much, but i beg not let Daniel confuse are glittering baby, you are beautiful and you deserve more than he can ever offer, but the fact that you choose to lash out at me instead of at him sows that there is something seriously flawed with you…you want me to leave you alone, you want me to let you do you? Fine, but don’t come crying to me when he becomes a bastard that he is, i only pity Darren, who seems genuinely taken with you” She says blinking away tears. The door bursts up, Adam walks in ”Girls, we have been looking all over for you, guys, they are in here” he says over his shoulders as he comes to hug Lucy from behind, Tonia, Tom and the Darren walks in. Anna turns away and then wipes her eyes, Lucy quicken flicks the tears away as Adam hugs her. ”What’s going on here?”Tonia says walking into the room and going to them ”Nothing, just talking” Lucy turns around with a smile ”Hey baby, what’s wrong with your eyes and..are you okay?” Adam, Lucy’s date says peering into her face ”Is my date having a bad day?” She smiles ”Nah, something got into my eyes that’s all” ”Ann, can we talk, please” Darren says from the door ”I can’t!!” she says walking away, leaving them staring after her as she exits the room, Lucy shakes her head ”What was that about?” Tom turns to Lucy ”I- i..” she shakes her head ”It’s nothing, she just needs a bit of space” ”You know what, i am not having it” Darren blurts out and then tries to follows her. ”Darren, dude let her!” Tom stops him ”No Tom, i mean, why is she avoiding me, and being upset with me? I didn’t do anything, really lets analysis it. I really didn’t do anything. Is it my fault my ex is here and then Bella? Did i invite them, and even at that, am i confused as to what i want? No! I want her, i want to date her and i am very honest about it but all she is doing is getting angry and then avoiding me, i mean she wouldn’t even give me a chance to explain things to her and even to apologize for something i had no control over..i didn’t sleep with my ex and neither did i have any romantic activities with Bella. Hell, the only woman i have been with since my ex has been with her,…so what if i omitted that my ex was around, wasn’t i supposed to prioritize who matters to me over who doesn’t!!?” ”Baby, came down” Tonia comes to him, trying to hug him, he stops her. ”No, now i am upset, it doesn’t make sense, i am here am i not, i am worried about her am i not..but she being like that wouldn’t help us at all. Damnit!!” ”Dude, relax, she would come around” Tom touches his shoulders ”Look, i know my friend isn’t being herself right now but…give her a little time okay Darren?” He sighs seating down ”It’s just that this was supposed to be our first trip together as a couple and i was looking forward to spend time with her and this happens and i expect that ..since we both want this, we fight to ensure it but..she is letting two girls get to her, girls i have no feelings for..and i stated it, you are my girl Anna, what else does she want?” ”Look man, lets go grab a drink okay, later, i am sure she would be alright and you both can talk okay, come” Tom turns him around and then leaves with Adam. Tonia turns to Lucy ”You want to tell me what happened to your face?” she points at her inflamed chicks after she observed her rubbing it. ”Nothing Tonia, i think i would take a drink too” she says leaving the room. Tonia sighs following her. * Anna wipes her tears and then seats on the bed. She didn’t mean to hit her, but she had no right to talk to her like that. She was sorry. She wipes her nose. She lays on the bed, closing her eyes. This was a disaster, why did he show up and ruin her weekend like this, why did he show up and cause her to feel weak, why did he kiss her, the way he used to kiss her. why? Din’t she push him away, why did she savour his lips back. She turns to her side. Oh God, she can’t still have feelings for Daniel right? It can’t be the reason. But Lucy was right, she cannot have anything to do with Daniel, he was a married man. But, she can’t stop her body from going weak being close to him. He knew how much she love him, and how he affected her so, and she thought all that was gone. It wasn’t. She still has feelings for Daniel. But what about Darren?. She turns to the other side of the bed. He has been nothing but sweet, and caring, charming and really really nice to her. Yes, she likes Darren, alot infact but..with both of them standing there..there was no doubt she still had feelings for her ex. But he was married, and Darren was her boyfriend and yet she could not publicly claim in infront of those girls . Then she seats up. But he lied to her about his ex, he didn’t tell her, what if he was some player, and then the girl..the other girl was all over him. He was probably some ladies man about to toil with her emotions and then leave her. At least with Daniel, she knows his flaws and was used to his shortcomings. but how much does she know about Darren..really? She drops her face into her hands. ”Oh God!” she mutters This was supposed to be an amazing trip, between she and her boyfriend Darren, but she lets her ex, kiss her and now she hits her best-friend and now she is thinking of her ex instead of Darren. She cannot even bear to look at him in the eyes or even have a conversation with him . ”What to do?” she asks herself. “This is a mess” She gets up and then stares at the mirror. “Okay Anna, you want happiness. You want love. You want all the butterflies and you want a man who feels the same way you do for him. Who do you love presently.? ” she bites her lips. “Daniel. Wrong! You loved Daniel. All that you feel now is just lingering feelings of a man you used to love. I man who knew your every weak spot. A man you have your all for. It’s understandable. But that was then. Now.. It’s okay to be shook by his sudden return to the scene in your life. It doesn’t mean none. Daniel wants you now because he sees you are great and beautiful and with another man. If he cared.. He should have reached out earlier. ” she speaks to herself. “Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let him kiss you ever again. It’s not fair to you. It’s not fair to Darren. I like Darren. He is great and sweet and he is a good kisser too. Argh! The sec was great too. ” she bites her lips. “Girl.. Daniel is the past. He is bad for you and let him be with his Bimbo. Darren cares.. See he tells all the other girls you is girl. You should do the same. He likes you Anna.. You know that. ” She points to the mirror “And you said so yourself. You like him too. So.. Take it back to before Daniel and those ladies walked in.. It was going to be an amazing weekend with him. So there.. ” She runs her hands through her hair. “Anna, you are going to go out there, apologise to your best friend for being a bitch. Get your mind and tell those ladies to go kiss a curve. Daniel doesn’t exist. He isn’t going to ruin this for me. I made a decision to date Darren because I do infact like him. I was just caught unawares by Daniel. It won’t happen again. He comes close.. Like Lucy said.. Slap him..slap him” she stares at her hands and then nods dropping it. “Okay. Okay” she nods. Cleans her eyes. Powders her face, puts on lipstick and then made to leave her room. * Sure that he had dozed off. She climbs down from his back. She had been massaging him and giving him a glass of juice to drink. She empties the remaining juice down the wash basin and flushes it. She grabs the pills on the table and hides them inside her bag. It was a sleeping bill. She puts on her dress having stripped to give him a massage. She frowns when she realised that her earring wasn’t there. “Stupid prxxk, now where did he throw my earrings to? ” she searches for it. Finding it she wears it. Powders her face and then adjusts her dress to expose more cleavage. She turns to look at the man snorting loading. “Disgusting. “ If not that she was stranded when she got into town, she wouldn’t have ended up with this short fatso. If not that Darren hadn’t turned her away. She would have been back in his arms.. Enjoying the feel of those wrong hands and of course the benefits that came with dating him. Mehn..its been a few months but that man looks as breathtaking as ever. Of course she lied that she broke up with her girlfriend. They had a fight yes.. She had found her sexing some sixteen year old in their apartment. She had been mad so she flew into a blind rage and attacked the girl. Giving her some injuries. Her girlfriend kicked her out. Unfortunately she had been living off her girl, ever since she broke up with Darren.. She had been crashing in with her girl who had promised to pay for her surgery to get a male organ. They were great. Going on strong until that day. Apparently.. The sixteen year old wasn’t the only girl she was poking. Natalie sighs. She wished she had listened to Darren and found a job. All she knew how do was party. Club. Dance. Fxxk. Yes.. She smiles. She was good at that. But other than that. She hated to work. Never able to hold than a job for more than a month. She loved to be free. She loved to spend money. Money that wasn’t hers. Darren never complained. He had a good job. He treated her nice. She liked him. Loved him. No. She like men. She liked women. And whenever he was not around. She had threesomes. Foursomes. As much as she could take. The only reason she broke up with him was because well, He was too good a guy.. Too decent. Too traditional. She was bad girl. Bad girl liked bad things and Darren wouldn’t even dream to kiss another girl when they were dating. She knew him. One time she had him drunk. And hooked up a chick to get into their apartment to seduce him. Hoping that when he took the bait she comes in, instead of making an issue she joins them. Instead the fool fell asleep after pushing the girl out of their apartment. It was boring. He was boring. She couldn’t just date one person. Screw one person for the rest of her life She needed adventure. She liked the drive and she loved to explore other sexual tendencies. Not Darren. She sighs. But now she was out of a house. No girlfriend. No money.No dxxk. No job and she had just one option left. Come back to the man who loved her completely. But what surprise meets her. Not only did he turn her away, he had a girl. She laughs “Well, that don’t mean none. A man who had loved me as deeply as he did would not be able to get over me that easily. Not if I have a say in it” The man on the bed snorts again. All because Darren turned her away. She ends up in a motel. Coming out to look for what to eat she finds the fool with loads of money to spend and no owner. What were her options? She needed the money. She needed a better hotel and then she needed to come to this cruise. The whole city was going to it and then she knew he would too. So she approaches the fool, pitched bet tenth and he was drooling like a child licking lollipop. Jaime had told her before they broke up he would like to take her to the bait trip . So.. Bingo. She seduces the receptionist at the counter and then got names of those who had registered. When she saw Tom’s name and he was buying tickets for four. She knew he was coming. She had gone back, and allowed the fat short ugly man play with her a little while she made him register for the trip. Now she was here, she had every intention of getting back Darren. Dump this old-fat-fool someone in the bin if there was one large enough to fit the fool. Then she goes back to being Darren’s girl. Maybe until her ex-girl comes back around or she found another. For now.. It was better than being a lonely chick without cash. She turns away and then opens the door, closing it she turns to find Anna leaving hers. “Well well well… Look who we have here. The boyfriend snatcher! And we stay beside each other, we should grab a bite and talk about our favorite man darling what do you say? “” Annalisa shocked that she was coming out form the next room frowns deeply. “I have nothing to say to you.. ” Anna is walking away “Oh you have plenty to say to me Missy. Stay away from my man” she follows her behind “Darren didn’t have your price tag on him when we met so..leave me alone” “But his dxxk obviously got marked by him “ Anna stopped and turns to her ” It’s everything that comes out of your mouth sex related.? Can’t you say anything like.. Darren has beautiful eyes. Darren has great smiles. Darren had a wonderful personality or better still.. He got his job because I encouraged him to be a better person.. Or that I encouraged him to be a go-getter and he became a better man for it. Why must it be about sex?” “Because that’s the only thing that speaks volumes. Atleast it got you to feel jealous” Natalia smirks “I am not jealous but disgusted ” She turns away Natalia stops her “Do you even like Darren. Because you obviously do not.. You walked away. You didn’t claim him “ “Well I am claiming my man now so back off” Anna hits her hands away. She leaves her laughing behind her. “Baby no one tells Natalia to back off and she does. ‘” She follows behind her. Bella is walking towards them with her date. “Look I don’t get it, you agreed to go on a date with me and on this cruise but all you have done is to avoid me totally and disappeared as soon as we arrived. I am talking to you” the man tries to stop Bella “Look I only agreed because you didn’t stop begging me okay. Look there are a thousand girls to chase here. Do that and leave me alone. “ “Who was that guy I see you all over hmm?” Anna is walking past her, she didn’t spare him a glance. Natalia laughs hearing his question as she got to them. She pushes and leans towards them. “He is a man she been praying to fxxk with but the dude don’t like her. So she gets you on the trip to get close to him obviously but she don’t know his original baby is back in town. Later bitches!” She flicks Bella’s forehead with her finger and then laughs walking away. “You bitch! ” Bella roars Anna continues walking away with Natalia following behind her. “Is that true? ” the man turns to her and restrains her from going after Natalia “So I was just a game to bring me here to get closer to your love interest? You used me?” “Look Greg? “ “Wow.. You do not even remember my name” The man shakes his head. “Whatever. I don’t care. Yes. Yes I like the man and I have every intention of dating him so if you can’t take the piss.. You can throw yourself off the the boat or you can make use of this opportunity and find yourself a girl who gives a shit about your feelings. Now if you would excuse me.. I have a man to fight for'” She nudges him aside and walks way “Oh by the way. You better find another room. I may have company tonight if all goes well” she disappears leaving him shocked to his bones. * “Cheer up man, I hate to see you worried ” Tom hands him another bottle of drink. He declines “I just need to talk to her that’s all” “So ..let me help you because I am a gentleman.. You do not need to talk to her because I know where her heart is” Daniel says stepping forward with a drink in his hand and the other in his pocket. Tom and Darren turns to look at him. Tonia who was playing snooker with Tonia straightens up. “Daniel… Get lost. You aren’t needed here ” Lucy says to him “Why. You don’t want me to say something? ” he smirks “Oh wait, you scared he going to realize he is barking up the wrong tree and he should count his losses and moving on Luce? “ Darren frowns “What the hell does that mean? “ “Don’t listen to him Darren-” She steps forward. “Why Luce, you do not want me tell him? “ “Tell him what?” Tom inquires looking from Lucy to Daniel. “what are you keeping from him. Is that not right Anna?” he raises his head to look behind their heads. Anna walks in with Natalia and Bella on their tail. She pauses in her tracks. “What is he talking about Anna? ” Darren looks her her shocked face “It’s.. Nothing Darren. Can we talk? “ “Nothing baby? You call that sensual breathtaking kisses we shared just a few minutes ago nothing? Babe.. I am sure Lucy felt the intensity she couldn’t stand it and -“ Gasp!! “You kissed him? “” Darren turns to Anna shocked. “I.. Darren.. I” Anna stutters. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
15 Sep 2018 | 11:57
Anna you are annoying
15 Sep 2018 | 12:12
Gosh Anna! You disgusts me!!! Cos of a stupid Daniel, (a cheat that hurts you big time and married as at now) you are about loosing a God sent like Darren. You even got to slap your best friend cos of him. You are nuts
15 Sep 2018 | 14:48
u no really well
15 Sep 2018 | 17:07
Annalisa,have u seen what ur foolishness has caused? Now,how do u explain yourself especially to Darren? You r so disgusting, gosh!!!
15 Sep 2018 | 21:03
Anna, u are just a big fool...
16 Sep 2018 | 07:09
how many days now
17 Sep 2018 | 07:29
yet few comments
17 Sep 2018 | 07:29
FIFTEEN ***** ”Wow!” Tonia exclaims, Tom shakes his head as he folds his hands. ”That’s messed up!” he exclaims. ”I –am, he kissed me Darren, he kissed me” She states coming closer to clarify pointing at herself, and then back at him. ”Daniel you are just a fxxking asshole, you know that right!’ Lucy spat ”Look, i am only giving the guy a heads up, that is all. We love each other so i am being the good guy here, instead i would have allowed him continue deluding himself that she digs him, she loves me , she kissed me and i kissed her back. We are getting back together” ”Now that’s enough Daniel, you kissed me!” she points at him ”But you didn’t stop me did you, not until Lucy walks in on us you seemed to be enjoying the kiss, all tongue and spittle, just the way you used to so correct me if i am wrong in stating that you do love me as you have always done” ”Wow!” Natalia laughs ”And here i thought she was the goody-two shoes girl . You sure know how to pick them Darren, me the gay cheat and she the man cheat, you got magnet for the bad ones” Natalia shakes her head, she sidesteps her and came closer to Darren, ready to give him a shoulder to cry on if he needs. ”You shut up!!” Lucy cautions Natalia ”She is not like that okay, the snake Daniel must have taken her unawares but she is not like that” Lucy defends her friend. ”Look Lucy, you my girl and stuff and you know i am rooting for this Darren and Anna ship from day one but this is a low blow” Tonia says shaking her head , she stands close to Tom who is staring at the expression on Darren’s face. He was hurt. He could see that. ”I can’t believe you kissed your ex Anna, i mean..whatever we have, albeit new..didn’t it mean anything to you to respect that atleast. I mean these girls be throwing themselves at me, and my ex Natalia whom i loved badly at some point in my life, i turn her away without a second’s thought and your ex comes and you lock lips with him, wow!!!” ”He kissed me Darren!” she raises her voice ”No Anna, you let him, you didn’t push him away and maybe if Lucy didn’t walk in to interrupt you both, maybe the kissing wouldn’t have stopped!!” He says angrily ”Who the hell do you think you are to judge me?” she takes two steps towards him and jabs him in the chest ”I am your boyfriend, atleast i thought i was until this moment” ”It was just a stupid kiss!!” ”No, if i kiss a girl, it means something to me, something as little as that hurts me and you did it without thinking of me, why?” ”You have no right to judge me Darren,you do not, who the hell do you think you are” He stares down at her finger poking him in anger ”The guy who cares enough to take this to the end, but i wouldn’t be fighting for someone who don’t give a shit but rather disrespect me and make out with an ex” ”Screw you Darren , because it is not what you think” ”Really, so explain it to me then,because i am ready to see it the way you see it.” She is quiet ”Nothing, okay lets try this angle then, do you still love your ex? That is only the answer i need” ”Don’t do that!!” She blinks back tears ”Be honest, do you still love him” ”Darren?’ Tom touches his shoulders, he pushes his hands away ”Don’t Tom, i need clarity here so i know what the hell i am doing okay” He turns back to her ”Let me make this easy for you Anna, i like you, a whole lot, hell, having this weekend getaway with you was a thing of joy, i looked forward to with with you. Hell, since we ran into each other, i looked forward to spending every day with you because i love being around you, talking to you and being with you…you think there were no other guys int he picture who may have wanted my attention? Here, there is Bella, ask her if i had much had kissed her hands, and oh there is Natalia no matter how much she may want to lie, i didn’t blink when she stood infront of me naked. Why? Because my eyes were set on someone else, you and babe, when it’s you, it’s you. i stick 100%. Which means, no matter the temptation, i would always put you first, i don’t care if i loved the Ex..because trust me, ask my friends, it broke me when Natalia left, but i would not, under no circumstances be locking lips with her knowing someone else is in the picture. Respect Anna, Value and what i want is most important to me and right here, with all the commotion i still put your first, Okay, let me not be hard on you okay. People are different, yes, we react differently and their controls are on different levels. He kissed you, fine. You were taken unawares, maybe, how about you stopped him immediately. i mean that is what someone does when you don’t want something even if it happens anyways right? Did you atleast show in action you didn’t want the kiss? Did you push him away, just so we are clear?” ”Darren, it’s not like that , if you just calm down and-” Lucy steps in, he shakes his head stopping her ”Did you stop him, slap him, hit him, scream at him. Okay say it was too short a time, after Lucy interrupted, did you do any of these things above or atleast warned him?” Anna blinks, tears fills her eyes. Darren thins his lips ”Its not the fact that you kissed that hurts me, it’s the fact that you are lying to yourself which invariably means you are lying to me about your feelings , which is what i cannot take. Do you love him still?” The tear drops ”Answer me damnit!!’ ”Yes, yes i do, i thought i stopped but-” A tear drops , he sniffs. Lucy closes her eyes, Tom and Tonia shake their head in disappointment. Daniel on the other hand is smiling broadly. He nods, smiling sadly, raising up his hand to stop her. ”Okay, it’s fine. The heart wants what it wants and who it wants. Just own it. I won’t force you to go against what you feel. I thought we were on thesame path but sadly, we aren’t” ”Darren-” She tries to touch him, he steps back. ”Look Anna, it’s fine. I don’t blame you really, i just should have made sure before going down this road again, follow your heart Anna, it’s obvious me being here would lead me no where and i would hate to be the third wheel here” he turns and walks away. Tonia and Tom follows him. ”I want to be alone guys, thanks” He takes a turn and then disappears into the crowd as his friends watch him leave. ”Don’t worry Tonia, i would find him later and talk to him, lets go back to the room” ”Darren?” Bella chases after him but missing him as he enters a room which leads up the bar at the third deck of the boat. ”Oh poor baby, i forgot to mention that Darren hates to share” Natalia smiles and then turns away, chasing after Bella who chased after Darren. Both of them not finding him, they go theor separate ways. Anna covers her hands to her face and then cries. ”Baby, you are not going to cry over that misplaced fellow, come, i would-” ”Stay away from her Daniel, you have done nothing but made her cry, leave her alone” Lucy puts her hands over her shoulders and takes her away. ”I guess you are happy now” * Lucy lets her cry for a while. After her sobbing subsides, she hands her a bottle of water. ”I think you should talk to him and then-” She is shaking her head ”You know, he is right, my heart can’t be somewhere else and i am pursuing another person, it won’t work” ”He was hurt and angry. He doesn’t mean he wants to give up on you” ”I kissed my ex, he called it disrespectful” she cleans her eyes Silence Anna continues to talk ”Honestly Luce, i have to be honest with myself, ever since Daniel walked to me, i saw no one but him, not even Darren, and i know what you said, believe me i heard you but…look at this okay, it’s already a mess, he wouldn’t trust me again and he would never believe a word i say ” ”He is just hurt baby girl, once he calms he would come look for you” ”Luce” she holds her hands ”I am sorry for hitting you, really i am, i shouldn’t have and i wont again. But the heart wants what it wants. If you have a second chance to make things right wouldn’t you take it?” ”I would, but if we are talking about Daniel., babe run for the hills” ”He says he loves me” ”He just broke up your relationship, says he wants to divorce his wife for you, don’t mean shit girl, please stop talking about Daniel, he is a cheat, a liar , a home wrecker, he is no good for you” ”But given every indication, right now, thinking about it, i still love him, that’s the truth, i can’t deny it. i like Darren but i don’t love him” ” Yet!!” Lucy states ”You haven’t yet given the relationship time to blossom dear, so you say you don’t love him yet” ”He broke it off, you saw it, he did” ”He was hurt, and i think that majorly because you didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt when he said he didn’t do anything with his Ex and then you turn around and kiss yours” ”He kissed me Luce” ”And you kissed him right back, same thing baby girl” Annalisa hides her face and then looks up.. ”Whatever it was, it has been done. Me and Darren, the breakup, its for the best. Besides maybe we may not be compartable i mean look, one misunderstanding and we already headed for the hills and he is jumping ships.” ”He is reacting, you did, and badly too. How did you think he felt when you ignored him only to end up doing something he even didn’t do. So there” ”Look i am sorry” ”You shouldn’t be apologizing to me but to him” ”He wouldn’t listen to me” she stares at her hand ”Maybe you really do not know your Darren, you haven’t given him a chance to know you neither have you tried to know him beyond the physical, that is where you are wrong. i think it’s too early to shun -ships, let it be, later on you guys can find each other and talk” ”There is nothing to talk about” Anna says getting up from the bed and then perching on the chair, i think it’s for the best, honestly. My heart is with someone else and i thought i was over him but it is clear i am not, which means i would be doing more harm to him if i stay with him..i cant be kissing Darren and wishing it was Daniel okay, i cant and i won’t” ”But you didn’t have a problem kissing him before ” ”When we met that first night, yes! Since we re-ran into each other, gone out on dates and getting to this moment, he has been a gentleman” ”So what is wrong with that?” Lucy comes to her ”We love gentlemen” Annalisa smiles ”Darren is a sweet man, but, i love Daniel, until i figure this out, i cannot date him. Lucy sighs ‘So you are going to go back to Daniel?” Silence ”Whatever little thing i and Darren had is lost okay, and i cannot do anything about it, so…let it be. Can you help me take out my things from the room, can i sleep here?” ”Fine, whatever!!” Annalisa hands her their room keys ”Thank you” ”And i would like to see Daniel, so i know where to go from here, if you can, let him know i would like to see him.” ”Annalisa, please don’t.” ”I have to” Lucy shakes her head and leaves her alone. * ”There you are, being looking all over for you, Tonia is worried sick, she blames herself” Tom slides into the chair beside him, Darren stares into the empty bottle of beer, he orders for another one. ”She shouldn’t, it would pass, i would be fine” He takes the beer, nods to the bartender, uncorks it and takes it to is lips. ”You cannot just give up on her like that” he looks at the empty bottles on the table ”How many bottles have you had?” ”Fourth now” Darren closes his eyes and then opens it ”Well, i cannot hide in another person’s shadow so its fine. She loves him still, it’s fine. i can’t hate her for loving her ex..” he adds. ”But you are now in the picture” ”No, if she saw me as being in the picture, the kiss wouldn’t have happened the way it did. I mean you see me practically running away from Natalia and Bella, if she respected me or cared about me, she would have atleast tried to avoid it or ensured he knew what he did was wrong. And then see how angry she got when Natalia lied we had something when she came to my house and she didn’t even give me a chance to clarify myself, then she ignores me all through and then she does this…look, the kiss happened, it hurts yes but..she didn’t try to stop it Tom, which means she wanted it atleast or yearned for it. That hurts, to have your girl fan over someone, ex or not. It hurts.” ”Maybe she did, you weren’t there!” ”Maybe, like i said, my anger isn’t just that they kissed, but she lying about her feelings and trying to downplay it. Which means i would be putting my heart and mind and my all into this but she would be give me 5 percent maybe while i give her a 100, hook line and sinker. That would be unfair. Look, i have been in a very bad place Tom, you know, Natalia was the last straw because i didn’t see hers from a mile away, and i promised myself i wouldn’t allow my heart to be broken like that again. And now with Annalisa, atleast now i know where her feelings are, so i rather pull out now before i go in too deep and then be broken again, i really can’t let it happen , not again, i am done so. Whatever!!” ”You do not want to give her the benefit of the doubt then?” Tom shakes his head drinking ”She may be sorry ” ”She may be” ”So talk to her” Darren sighs ”I don’t want to get hurt Tom, really do not” ”You like her don’t you?” ”Alot” Darren admits, he is frowning ”But then again, she may not feel thesame way towards me, with the Ex, the kiss, how do i want to compete with that huh?” ”You do not have to compete wit anything man, do you , be you as you have always been. Look, see this as a one of those obstacles on the way, couples do have that every once in a while, this may very well be your test. Trust me, couples got problems, i and Tonia do too.” ”Yeah, whatever problems is there isn’t about you finding her locking lips with an ex” ”You didn’t find her though” Darren looks at him ”that’s not even remotely funny Tom, so please” ”Sorry, stupid joke, stupid me!” He nudges Darren slightly ”Look, get angry, it’s okay, think over it, it’s okay, but when you are done mulling over the issue, what does your heart wants?” ”Honestly, her” ”Then that is all that matters, you forgive, your forget, you build your relationship and let this go like a bad dream, years to come you can dish it out like a joke and it won’t even hurt, you dig?” Darren takes the bottle to his lips ”Yeah i dig” ”So am i the best advice giver or not?” He nudges Darren again who laughs now ”Fxxk you” ”Fxxk you too, now there is a smile, go get your girl man, that dude ain’t shit..he is her ex, her you need to own the present and the future..that’s how you mark your territory” Darren laughs ”Now, there is the dude, laughing while having drinks with the buddy, i guess you really don’t care about her, one minute you are pretending to be hurt and the next you are joking about it with your bud, good thing i am around now, i would show Anna what a real man is, not some kid who don’t know how to keep his girl” Daniel says leaning towards the bar, ”Let me have what they are having, give them an extra two bottles, on my tab please” he nods to the bartender who hands him a bottle of beer, he uncorks it and takes a long drag, they ignore him. ”Don’t even pay attention to him Darren, he is trying to get on your nerves” ”His nerves you say? No man, i am only pricking his conscious, let me ask though ”He belches loudly ”You fxxked her yet, sex was good right? i mean i would understand why letting her go was somewhat hard because she is a goddess in the sack, whoaf!!” he exclaims biting his lips and shaking his head. Darren turns away and then finishes his drink, ”Yeah, lets go man, he is becoming an annoying pest ” Tom takes his bottle, they are leaving ”Let me tell you what i am going to do …Annalisa had always been gullible, listening to every fool who told her he loved her, believing him. I was cheating on her for three years and every time i lied she believed me. I married my wife because well, she was dope rich and i would take that over some chick who is crying blue tears i broke her heart, did it matter to me? hell nah. it did not. I must admit seeing her her today had me shook, like damn girl you fine, glowing and radiant and to tell you the truth, man to man..i just want to fxxk her brains out during this weekend and once the boat trip ends, i am out with the five, who is presently beefing me but hey, a good dxxk in a day or two would have her all over me again, then we go back on the plane and going to her father’s ranch where he is going to make me some CEO of one of his affiliates company. Man i am made, so, this is just me and you,you know, guys talk” Darren pauses, Tom is standing infront of him ”Walk away Darren, you know what he is trying to do, get you angry and jealous, he isn’t worth it truth me” ”Yeah, you should listen to your friend, he may look stupid with that wife of his but he ain’t entirely stupid, but she looks like a half-cast babboon only with boobs and lopsided hips” He roars in laughter Tom turns waking to him, Darren stops him ”He isn’t worth it Tom” Daniel stands up ”What, what!!!” he says towards them, making a hand gesture ”You lucky i am a changed man Daniel, your face would have been kissing the floor if i was the same dude three years ago so be careful what you say” Tom points at him, Darren pulls him away, ”Not worth it bro” They both turn away again, Daniel raises his voice. ”Hey Darren, You want to know what is going to happen tonight, i would fxxk her so hard that when i call your name, she would be glad she got rid of you… and because she is so stupid and gullible believing i love her, she would give me her all and by the morning of the day we are leaving, i would buy her a small ring, off the counter like before, propose to her and then leave her again….maybe then you can have that bitch back” ”I have had enough” was the last thing Darren says before taking a full turn, meets him in three slides and punches him hard across the face. Daniel drops to the floor, his mouth was already bleeding, the Bartender and others comes to them. Darren pulls him halfway by his caller and speaks into his face ”One more insulting word about Anna and i swear to God would be your last because i would make you eat your words” ”Darren, let him go” Tom pushes his away from Daniel. ”No fighting in the bar, i would have to ask you guys to leave this room, thank you” A man dressed in suit comes to them, a few others follow . Daniel tries to struggle, Darren shakes him ”Understand?” Tom restrains Darren ”Let him, lets bounce dude, come one” and then pulls him away, someone helps Darren up ”Dxxk!! He punched me!” he exclaims as someone hands him a towel with ice ”Fxxk!! Asshole!!” he mutters ”I would sue him” ”When you started it” someone screamed from the other side of the bar ”Dude get yourself off and bounce, we know men like you. Maggot! that’s what you are” A lady says who had been listening to him. Daniel gathers himself and then staggers out of the bar room. * Tom pulls him out till they are going up the stairs of the boat and to their room.. He opens the door and then pushes him inside. ”What..what is wrong Tom?” Tonia jumps up from the bed, seeing their expression with Darren fuming in anger. ”He punched Daniel” Tom rests on the door. ”Dear lord, are you okay?” She touches Darren’s face coming to him, checking him. ”You not going to ask what the other guy’s face looks like and if he is fine?” Tom asks puzzled watching his wife. ”Who gives a shit, hope he is bleeding in some sense?” She stares at Darren Darren couldn’t help but laugh ” i hope so, he lacks it majorly.” ”Kai-pow!! Fatality!!!!” Tom makes a boxing face and then throws a punch in the air ”Dude goes down like a falling tree, my boy knows how to throw a mean punch, i introduce to you, Darren, the knockout dude” Tom laughs Tonia takes his hands and then looks at them ”Oh my poor baby, hold on let me get some ice, you need to cool down that swell, hope you broke some thing delicate?” She smiles ”He was bleeding so, maybe” Tom offers going to open his fridge to get beer. ”Want one bro?” He shakes his head ”I need to see Anna” ”I though you ended it? ” she raises an eyebrow ”I was upset and besides, that dude is a male slut, he intends to only screw her and then leave her okay, so i have to tell her” ”Relax, she needs to be able to use her head to deduce who cares for her and who doesn’t, if she can’t, it’s not your problem okay, she was wrong, she should apologize to you but if she doesn’t want you, what she wants can handle her the way he likes. my opinion” ‘You don’t mean that wife” Tom comes behind her and nipples her ear ”I do, i like Anna but she is dumb and stupid that is it. I am upset, i was rooting for you both, making sure you made this work and she go on and be stupid? i am upset” ”Sorry on her behalf” Darren blinks his eyes, she goes to the fridge, gets ice, pours some into a face towel, wraps it and then tells him to place it on his fist, Darren does so. ”She owes me no apology” Tonia continues. ”But still..” ”Hey , dude likes her woman, and she is only human, we need to support our guy okay” ”Okay, fine whatever. But if she messes up again i would take it up with her. There are two men no one messes with, my husband and then you Darren. That fact is clear, i would go basukka up their asses” ”Basukka up their asses, what does that even mean’?’ Darren laughs ”Shut up and ice your hands asshole’ Tonia hits his shoulders. They all laugh. * Daniel is climbing up the stairs, heading to his room when the door he passes swings open with Annalisa and Lucy standing in the room. ”Oh my God Daniel, what happened to your mouth, you are bleeding and you have blood all over our shit!?” She steps forward, almost touching him in worry. Lucy frowns deeply, not bothered by his look. ”Your Darren attacked me” he says wiping his lip ”He is crazy God look at me, he attacked me, i think he broke my nose and my lip, just look at it” He pushes his face close to hers. ”Well, i am glad he broke something, i am disappointed you still standing” ”Wouldn’t you love to have heard i was thrown into the sea?” He replies Lucy who smiles. ”Oh you got that right, you are smart Daniel , today i give you that” ”Lucy” Annalisa touches her hand , Lucy sighs and looks at her ”I hope to God you wouldn’t be stupid, i do, but whatever rocks your both, If you are looking for me, i may be downstairs , i have to look for Adam anyways. All your things are in here, have to find a room for him to sleep in anyways” Lucy says stepping out of the room, eyeing Daniel and then walking away, disappearing down the hall, going below deck. ”Can i come in, i really feel messed up” ”Sure, i wanted to talk to you anyways so, glad you are here” She opens the door and then lets him in. * Done wiping his wound clean, she dumps the used wool into the bin, washes her hands and then she comes to seat infront of him. ”So..i want to talk about us” She says ”Yes baby, anything,” He touches her hands ”This time, i want it all baby, all” She looks at his hands ”That is what we have to talk about Daniel” she removes her hand from his and then stares at him . ”I love you..” she began. * Darren opens their room and then closes the door, ”Annalisa?” No answer, ”Anna, are you here?” ”No Answer!!” He goes and knocks on the toilet door, no answer. He takes off his jacket , intending to hang it when he notices some changes. He goes to the wardrobe and realized that her side was empty. ”Are you kidding me, she moved her things already? No come on Anna, where are you?” He turns around ”Lucy!!” He leaves his room and then goes to theirs , he notices it was slightly open. He heard him say ”I love you too Annalisa” He pushes the door open and then he sees Daniel leaning int to hug her, they hug, they linger abit. Daniel then notices him standing by the door, he quickly pulls back, grabs Annalisa’s face and then crushes his lips to her again. Darren’s fist tightens again, his eyes bloodshot red, he closes the door and walks away. Annalisa pushes him and then slaps him hard across his face ”Damnit Anna!!” Darren exclaims. ”I should have done that the first time, ” she wipes her lips. ”Ow!” he rubs his mouth, ”You bitch!! ”Get out!! ”Anna-” ”No Daniel, No. I spoke to you from my heart i did. I may love you yes, i cannot deny that but loving you have wrecked me, i thought you were listening to all i have to say” ”it’s bulshit Anna, it is, i want us, i love you you know that, you cannot tell me you love me and yet tell me we can’t be together, it doesn’t make sense” ”It does, tonight i hurt a an amazing man, my chances with him may have been ruined but i asked to speak to you because i wanted closure. This is my closure Daniel. I am going to forget you and make sure i purge myself from the love i have for you, it may take weeks or months or i don’t know how long were not the best thing that ever happened to me Daniel, you were the worst and …honestly, right now. i am glad we didn’t end up together” ”Anna, what are you saying, you want to go back to him? is that it?” ”I am going to work on myself, i am going to make sure that when i do say yes to another, it’s him a hundred percent. So, goodbye Daniel, and i pray you do have a happy home. And i plead that you do not come near me till the end of this trip, you do not have fights with Darren or anyone else, i just want you out of my life okay..please” ”But you love me, you said so” ”Yes, but just because i love you , it doesn’t make it right. Goodbye, you can leave now” ”He doesn’t deserve you, he won’t take you back” ”You do not deserve me Daniel, goodbye” He gets up ”Oh by the way, Darren was standing by the door a minute ago, maybe he came to see you, but i think right now..whatever feelings he got for you just went sour when he saw us kissing… again” Then he laughs walking to the door ”Hope you enjoy your single life Anna” he leaves. ”You were not worth it anyways!!’ ”Oh my God!!!” she rushes out of the the room to look for Darren ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
17 Sep 2018 | 07:34
I swear, Annalise is too dumb and very stupid. God wnt allow me 2 meet such a disaster of a lady
17 Sep 2018 | 12:49
Tonia is a bae! Tom is so fortunate 2 have such an amazing personality as a wife and Darren too is damn blessed having both her & Tom as friends.
17 Sep 2018 | 12:53
What kind of a dumb person are u Anna
17 Sep 2018 | 14:33
I feel like strangling this Anna
17 Sep 2018 | 18:20
18 Sep 2018 | 08:37
I must finish this story
18 Sep 2018 | 08:37
is not Anna's fault
18 Sep 2018 | 08:38
let's go there
18 Sep 2018 | 08:38
SIXTEEN ***** An hour later, she finds him sitting by himself, a glass of wine in his arm and oblivious of the crowd on the deck. ”Hey Handsome, being looking all over for you” Natalia slides in beside him, smiling into his face, ”You okay, need a hug, a kiss, some major TLC?” You know i gat you babe” she tries to touch his face ”Don’t, just don’t!” He moves her hands away and then sips from his glass. ”Why you being so grouchy, she is a slut and sluts aren’t worth it” she spat He laughs ”She isn’t a slut Natalia, if you can get your head out of your ass you would see that she is nothing like you Nat, really she isn’t” ”If she isn’t why are you here sitting by yourself, drowning yourself in alcohol and not rolling in sheets and getting all lovey-dovey hmm?” ”Because Natalia, people like you strolled back into the scene and messed that up for me” he stares at her ”I didn’t bring the Ex” she raises her hands up in defense ”Don’t give me credit for that” He shakes his head ”No you didn’t, but you started it, spewing things that aren’t true which caused her to start acting up at first” ”Oh baby, i didn’t need to do shit. Her Ex comes dazzling her and then soaks her in his magic lips and your girl goes jellyfish like Cinderella who hasn’t being kissed..not my fault she can’t separate the wolf from the sheep, that man stinks of fxxkery, he is the ”F” in fxxkboy-ism, i see them eyes baby, i knew he gat no real love for her if he can shun his wife to flirt with an Ex knowing by seeing obviously that another man was in the picture then he a fxxkboy. But she is stupid if she can’t see how an amazing chap you are, i see it, i am here..” she says matter-of-factly. ”I gat you babe, always, and i know i haven’t said this ever, since, you know, you and i parted ways but baby i am sorry for that thing i did. I am back now, i love you D, my D, my world D…the only D in the Dxxk that got my Pxxxsy all wet and — ” she leans towards him about to nibble his earlope. He uses his hands to wedge her away carefully, ”Natalia, let me make this clear and if you need water to drain out the alcohol in your system, you let me know and i can order a tank of it to wash your ears with. Girl, i loved much-” ”I know baby, and i love you too” She smiles hugging him, he unwraps her hands away. He shakes his head ”I loved you Natalia, in passed tense, but that is months ago, i healed and i moved on” ”You can’t move on from the love you have for someone” she says with a half laugh ”I can, and i did, and you know how?” ”Please, enlighten me” she says folding her hands ”I met a girl, and she was a mess, a broken mess” ”Oh you gonna tell me how she was your healing?” she scoffs ”Please, get real baby” He smiles taking another sip from his glass ”Honestly Natalia, having gone through three years with you and then get hit with the heart with a hammer which smashed it all to pieces, pieces i couldn’t exactly fix up, yes she was my healing” ”Oh come off it baby!” ”That’s the truth, look, i was telling you a story so flow with me okay? So after what you did..i was in a bad place, really bad and dark place, given up on every thing surrounding in the four lettered word ”Love”, i was sad, i even cried..” ”You cried, fxxk out of here” she laughed ”I slept with a girl Darren, not a guy” ”Same thing to me and it’s called cheating!”‘ She rolls her eyes ”You are just too dramatic, you love me so you can’t give it up” He smiles sadly ”When a man loves, i mean truly loves, it’s deep Natalia and what i had for you was real” ”Don’t speak in the past tense baby, we are getting back on that train” She pokes his chest, he wipes it away and then continues to speak, ignoring her. ”So i was telling you about my healing right? So, i left the house and i went out, anywhere but the festive of love jamborees, i couldn’t handle it, i needed a solemn place, a place i could think, i couldn’t stay home when everything reminded me of you, you know, it hurt too much. So i got to this place, can’t remember the name right now and as i make my way there was this girl, on the floor picking up her things and..i don’t even know why i even bothered to stop, to care when i heard a small yelp from her. But you see i went to her and asked her if she needed help. And one minute i am trying to help her, the next she is tagging me to be one of those guys and saying she isn’t interested and that i should fxxk off literally,” he laughs remembering, ”I mean i don’t know you, who are you to tell me who i am you know? ‘ he shakes his head ”So, next thing she shows me a ring, and then asks me to see if it has value, i mean i saw she was broken and a mess and i didn’t want that kinda mess messing with my own mess because i was deep in my own mess right? So she shoves it in my face and i had no choice than to look at it and the minute i held it and stared at it, i knew it was a cheap ass ring, too cheap it must have been picked off the bin cheap, washed and sprayed to look like the real thing, I didn’t know how to tell her because, she looked crazy too, i didn’t want no crazy person on my tail so i direct her to go across the street to check it out so i can be on my way to mend my own broken heart” ”Why are you telling me this, its boring and stupid, so you met her on Valentine’s day, so?” ”I can getting somewhere, work with me; ” He sniffs ”So i am back in the building, messed up and then she comes back and heads straight for me and then wails, like her lungs out crying and everyone thought i was her lover who broke her heart. To cut the story short, i was one shy away from being tossed into cell, having to ride in a police car and then had to pretend i was her actual boyfriend and she..she was crazy, my God. One minute she is a wreck, crying nonstop about the ring, about some guy and the next she is like a happy kid between the two cops and stuff. Mehn, it was a crazy night. And..the room i got for us for getaway weekend, well..she wanted it and because i couldn’t exactly go home because the cops where downstairs, to make sure that what i supposedly said about us was true, they stayed back in the lobby so i was stuck. She had gone up the room, i wanted to go rest my head and then i find her crying, again . I mean how could a girl cry so much and still have more to fill a bucket. Anyhow, so…that moment, i had to seat with her, talk to her, try to lesson her pain, and made her to talk to me , how? I told her about my messed up life and how we may not be so different. Misery finds company right?” he smiles staring into the drink ”But, that moment i felt free, sharing my pain, understanding hers. I mentioned she was crazy right?” his eyes sparkles as he smiles remembering how she stood on the bed, with a stick ready to beat the unicorn danging from the roof with chocolates and sweet things ”We went from flogging the unicorn, to drinking and eating everything in the room, to laughing our hearts out, to getting chased by men on the street because she dared me to flirt with a married woman, to having to watch out for her to pee on the streets, to seeing how excited she was about ice -scream, to have her laugh like a mad woman, to carrying her on my back knowing she had had one too many, to listen to her speak about her aspirations and then watching her smile, genuinely. In one night Natalia, i forgot my pain, my hurt, my deep scattered self, and i thought about someone else other than you. In one night i went from a shattered man to a man who had more to live for, all because i met a crazy wrecked girl on the streets on St. Valentine’s day, the day i felt was going to be the worst in my life, in a few hours, it became the best i had had in a long time. Two strangers, in pain, hurt, shattered, but was able to give peace to each other..” he sighs rubbing his temple.. ”Tom was right, she is my Valentine blues in my world of chaos, and i didn’t understand what he meant until today because, i mean, ofcourse i didn’t have any interior motive when i met her, thing led to another and being with her was beautiful and after that night Natalia, i swear, i didn’t ever think of you again. She was my healing.” ”Oh right, i was waiting for the part you tell me how you fxxked her. You had a rebound make-out session, so what? big deal! Your healing my ass!!” she scoffs. ”It wasn’t a rebound Natalia, that’s what i am trying to say, when i kissed her, i wasn’t thinking of kissing you. When i held her, i wasn’t thinking of holding you, and when we made love, by God i wasn’t thinking about you and for a moment it was scary because i loved you madly; but…you broke me into pieces that was unable to fix itself back and yes i needed an escape from thoughts of you, from us and from the world and then the crazy shows up and here i was loving the moment and i didn’t even know her.” he shakes his head ”The next day, i wanted to get to know her but she didn’t want to, and i got her, we were strangers and maybe just maybe we may not have been in our right senses, i was n mine, she said she was in hers but…it was don’t come out from our messed up relationships and dive into another with a random stranger, so she left, did i forgot her? No, but what to do right?” He turns to Natalia and then stares at her ”Weeks later, miraculously, she shows up at Tonia’s birthday party, and i knew it was my chance and boy did i take it.i knew what i wanted and i was getting to it, we were getting to it. She is an amazing girl Natalia, she is beautiful and intelligent, she is crazy but she is my crazy, and everyday since i ran into her again, i wanted more, yearned for more but i had to be careful, baby steps, being the perfect gentleman. Most days i was tempted to take her into my arms and love her up more but i had to ask myself some salient questions; do i like her because we had sex on the first day, do i like her because i think she was and is a perfect rebound girlfriend, do i like her because the sex was great, why do i like her? I needed to find out for my self and finding out meant to take any all distractions that would cloud one’s judgement away and that meant getting all physical was out of the way, that means comparing her to you was out of the question, that meant that i had to see beyond her beautiful get to see her scars and flaws and if i still like the view then ..i know this is for real. And trust me, i like what i see, i can handle what i see” ”Even this, with the Ex?” He smiles ”Even this with the ex, the first kiss i was willing to forgive, but not the second, hurts too much” She laughs ”For real, girl caught kissing again, boy Darren, you are daft, she got you pussy-whooped. Well good thing you are done” ”I didn’t say i was done, i just said it hurts too much. You do not understand Natalie, she is a kind of girl i would go all the way in for, even with this, we all makes mistakes, yes..but..there is a limit. And i cannot force a girl to like me Natalia, and if she loves her Ex it’s fine, i won’t push..i would back away..but she is the kind of girl i would go all the way in for if she is willing to go all the way in with me too” ”I am willing to” ”We are over Nat, we are.” ”But you are alone here, while she is smooching the Ex maybe giving him a blow-job ” she smirks ”That’s fine, the heart wants who and what it wants and if that’s her happiness i would let her go, i only hope she sees him for who he is, i do” ”Look, talking about her makes me boil, lets do something else babe, please” she hugs him, he takes her hands off ”Even if i and Annalisa are no longer together i will never get back to you; you were not listening to me Natalia; she came and i forgot you, and that’s all i need, her, and if not her, maybe someone else would come along and maybe i can find love again, for now…i want to be alone” he gets up and then walks away. ”Like hell am i letting you get away from me, like hell, a little space i would give you to clear your head, you are mind Darren, you are mine.” she turns and walks to wards the other direction. * Tonia swings the door open and then frowns seeing her at the door ”What?” she snaps, Tom raises up his head, sees who is at the door and the gets up coming towards his wife. ”Darren, is he here?” Annalisa tries to look in. ”Who is asking?” Tonia raises an eyebrow, she was not hiding her displeasure. ”Please Tonia, i need to see him, please” She blinks back tears ”What happened Anna” Tom frowns , his voice worried. ”I think he saw..” she sniffs covering her mouth ”I think he saw Daniel kissing me and-” ”Again?” The couple exclaim in shock ”I mean his time it isn’t my fault, i..i was talking to Daniel in my room and he just grabs my face and-” ‘Why the hell do you have your Ex in your room and…oh Anna, you gone did it again? Being stupid?” ”No it’s not like that, this time it wasn’t like that and i even slapped him and-” ”Too late for that Anna, you messed up the first time, and he came back wanting to mend things up and said he was going to you, now you say he saw you kissing your Ex, wow Anna, you got all the wrong vibes for my boy, really wrong” ”Look i am sorry and-” ”Shove it up your ass!” Tonia snaps ”Tonia, ” Tom touches her arm, she shakes her head smiling sadly. ”Look Anna, i like you, really and i think you are a nice girl, but you don’t go around injuring a guy who had suddenly found peace and happiness just because the devil’s wind blew your cockroach of your ex your way, you need to know who would mean alot to you and who you need to discard with at face value, forget i know Darren, a man who ignores his wife for you is already an ass. ” ”She is right Anna,” Tom joins with his wife. ”The damage has already been done and ..i just need to talk to Darren, please and mend this i mean even if we won’t be together anymore atleast he deserves to know what i told Daniel and-” ”Well he isn’t here, and given the circumstances, i do not think i would want to advise him to change his mind on whatever he has made up his mind to do so…goodluck Anna” she slowly closes the door. Anna blinks back tears. ”Annalisa?” she turns to find Lucy and Adam coming behind her. ”I don’t know where Darren is and..” she covers her mouth and then sobs. ”Oh Anna, what happened again?” ”I think he saw us and…” she bursts into tears ”I don’t want him to hate me, this time ,i hit him, i…i know its messed up now but, if i can see him and then talk to him and then-” ”Oh Anna” Lucy hugs her friend. * ”You were hard on her Tonia,” Tom says staring down at his wife ”I know but she needs to understand how certain actions causes ripple effect. She first judged him without allowing him clear himself with Natalia issue, then she goes to kiss her ex -‘ ”He kissed her” Tom clarified ”Atleast that;s what she said” ”Well she didn’t stop him” ”True” ”Now, Darren is hurt, then he goes to apologize for a wrong he wasn’t guilty off only to see them lipp-ing again, come on, i wonder what is going through his mind right now, now she is crying, i mean i know Darren, he is one of the sweetest souls and when he digs you, he digs you for real” Tom raises an eyebrow ”You know that how? You fxxking my best friend?” She smiles ”I told you, you mess up, he is going to be my next man, the next best thing!” She winks. Tom laughs ”I’ll kill you both.” he leans in and then kisses her ”Gatto go find my boy, and talk some sense into him” She rubs his lips ”Let him, sometimes, you need to step back and let him deal with things on his own, matters of the heart are delicate and if he really likes this girl, the way we think or hoped at some point he does..-” ”Hey! i haven’t given up on them yet, don’t be too hasty to jump ships on them, you like Anna, you kept talking about Anna,give her a chance. Come on babe” ”I do like her, just upset with her, but listen babe, if he still does like her a whole lot, he needs to be able to figure this out all on his own without influences on our part. If she wants him, babe she would go after him and make it right and if she doesn’t, maybe just want to apologize and move on, then…it’s fine too. Atleast he got out before he got worse off like the way he was with Natalia” ”I see your point, but she seemed sad” ”If she were this sad the first time, i would be the one combing the ship looking to pull Darren’s ears to his knees to forgive her, right now…she is going to walk this journey on her own , and Darren needs to do it on his own too. So if and when we see him, we are not going to advice him shit, he has to decide what’s in his heart and what he wants to do….you can’t mess with that babe, because at the end of the day, you and i would go home, everyone else would go home, he gonna be alone, in a cold room, with his thoughts ..and its all that he wants that matters and we are going to support him either-ways because we love the hell out of that man, and if its Anna, hell i would love her like a sister ” ”Natalia?” ”I would kill her and put her body in a body bag and bury her in our garage” Tom laughs ”You are savage” ”I take no prisoners” she smiles as they kiss again. ”I love you Tonia, you know that right?” ”I love you too whatever man” they smile at each other as they hug. * ”Seen him anywhere?” Lucy says coming to Adam who shakes his head, uncorking a beer and taking a large gulp before answering. ‘Nope, there are tons of people on this ship, different deck floors and God knows how many rooms, how we gonna find one man when we don’ know where he is?” Adam says looking over heads of people and then faces. ”I really really need to see him Lucy, i really do and he isn’t in his room and isn’t with Tom and Tonia, and..i don’t know where he is and i have asked around and they haven’t seen him too” ”H is here alright , he can’t have just disappeared from the ship, we are in the middle of nowhere, on water” Lucy tells her. ”So he is here, just somewhere we can’t see” Anna sinks into a seat and then buries her face in her hands. ”It’s late Anna, we should go back up, tomorrow we can sort this out and i promise you first thing we come look for him okay?” ”Okay” Lucy pulls her up and then they walk up to her room. ”Sorry babes, ” She turns to Adam as they get to their door. ”Nah, it’s fine, one of the guys didn’t mind me shacking up with him for the night, for a few box, see you in the morning and Anna, would let Darren know you looking for him incase i run into him okay?”’ ”Thank you Adam” ”No sweat” he leans in and then kisses Lucy full on the mouth, smiles at Anna and walks away. ” He seems nice, Adam” Anna watches his retreating back. ”He is, now lets get you into bed after you shower ofcourse, don’t want you smelling my sheets” ”Asshole” ”Bitch!!” Lucy laughs. * ”Enjoying your Cruise trip? How is the Missus, i saw you with this sweet chick earlier…i bet she glad you brought her right? Amazing stuff huh, want a cigarette?” Darren shakes his head ”I don’t smoke” he says stuffing both hands into his pocket and staring at the stranger who came to stand beside him as he watches the quiet sea unperturbed by the ship’s weight. ”Too bad, its helps to calm nerves” ”Smokers are liable to die young” The man laughs ”So they say, yet they keep making them and supplying to countries” ”You can be among the few who says no” ”Well” the man takes a long drag and breaths it out ”Man would one day die; accident, natural and man-made, sickness, sex, drugs…so this won’t be any different. So i fear no death, what i fear however is to be alone when the time comes, having to not have anyone to love before the big guy up there goes…time up Big Castin” ”What’s the point in having someone to love or be there with you when they won’t stay, won’t love you as much as you love them, what’s the point in feelings when you would only get hurt?” The man stares at him, ”Let me tell you something my father told me once ” A man can be happy on his own without having a woman, and with wealth and luxuries he can probably live a long life,’ but when a man has someone to share that , all that he has with, he is bringing a spark to another’s eyes, and yes there would be struggles and fight, some are necessary and others are not’,it’s the ability to know what you want, the willingness to fight for it and pursue it that would tell you just how much the person means to you and it doesn’t matter even if they disturb your peace of mind, you would take it any day other than having the quietness that comes from being lonely, unloved and dying alone. And even if it doesn’t work out, it’s fine, it hurts but it’s fine, you should be happy that you loved, because it’s the most beautiful feeling ever and the only universal commandment that supersedes all others. ” ”Its messed up when you are the only one feeling it alone or wanting to feel it alone, it’s just stupid” Darren stares at his feet, he look up when another man joins them. ”Hey Castin! Boss wants you to go pick up some supplies in the morning, our man bailed on us, supplies are left on shore and no one to get it across” the man says to him ”I told you that fool got eyes like a thief, how much he stole?” ”A few thousands, client’s money but Boss says the cops are being alerted. but he needs you get those supplies first thing, a boat would be prepared for you in the morning. We have so many mouths to feed and if the supplies don’t get here on time, we fxxked, literally.” ”No sweat champ!. Bright and early ” ”Good man” the man taps Castins’s back and leaves, sharing a brief nod with Darren. ”So, what were we talking about before we got interrupted?” Castin asks breathing out more smoke through his nose Darren looks at him ”How early are you leaving with the boat to shore for the supplies?” ”Six or Five, why?” ”Can i ask you a favour, unrelated to what our discussion was about” ”Sure” Castine nods. Darren smiles. ”Good man!” * Anna turns on her bed, facing the side Lucy is on , her hands her over her eyes, breathing softly. ”Lucy, are you asleep” ”Yes!” Annalisa smiles ”Then why did you answer” ”Sleep talking, i am not answering” Anna bites her lips ”Can you please check if he is back?” ”Anna, i have been literally doing that for the past five hours, he isn’t there and i do not think he has any intention of sleeping in there” ”Can you please check again, please, i really can’t sleep and if i do go to Tom or Tonia, i think she would pour water on my face” ”She wouldn’t” ”She hates me now” ”She doesn’t, just upset, i am upset with you too” ”But you are still here!” ”Because despite i think you are a pain in my ass and that you do not listen to voice of reasoning, you are my best friend and i love you and i would always be there for you, so..guess we are stuck like glue” ”Thank you Luce, really, despite all this and the things i said to you and hit you, thank you” ”Nah, no sweat, that’s what you get for having a douchbag for a bestfriend” ”What?” Anna nudges her shoulders, Lucy laughs ”Please, go check, i really need to talk to him” ”Tell me this Anna, what do you want to say to him exactly?” ”That i am sorry, that i hurt him, knowingly and unknownly and that, i do love Daniel but-” ”i am not getting up from this bed if that’s what you intend to say” Lucy turns to her ”No, i mean i do love him but..i know what is right and wrong and i rather choose to be happy and-” ”Good, i think i like where this is going, let me go check on him and you better make this right, Darren is such a cutie” Lucy gets up , grabs a shirt and is walking towards the door. * Bella tries to catch up with him ”Are you going to keep ignoring me all night Darren?” He gets to his door , she blocks him ”I am tired and i need to sleep okay, all this drama..i am done, it’s been a long and crazy night, Natalia coming at me, you coming at me.. i just need you all to leave me alone” ”But i never did anything wrong to you, for real and..look i am really sorry about your girlfriend and how this all turned out but i want to be here for you, i do like you alot Darren. I have fallen for you, working with you as been amazing and all i prayed for was for you to look at me, like really do look at me but all you saw me as was just a friend, and i had hoped that when i came here and met you and showed you how much i really do love you you would-” ”What? I would what? suddenly fall for you? Come on Bella, look i do appreciate your kind gestures but…this isn’t going to happen. Did you not come with a date?” ”He was a Tag’along-date, i don’t even like the guy” ”Right, you all just like using people to get what you want don’t you, very classy” ”Atleast i do it openly, i do not lie about shits like that” Natalia opens her door and then folds her hands staring at Darren and Bella. Bella scoffs shaking her head ”You just don’t give up don’t you?” ”Nope, been waiting on him since so if you don’t mind, you should get back to your man while i get mine” ”Don’t you have your man, i mean it’s a two plus cruise, i think i remember seeing a short fat fellow with you at the registration table.” ”The fool is asleep, be knocked out till the next day, he no trouble” ”Ha, right, you call me a user and you think she isn’t a badass at it?” Bella points to Natalia staring at Darren. Darren shakes his head in frustration. ”I just said i ain’t gonna lie about that unlike you, i know what i want and i came to get what i want, and i will get it” ”Look, Darren is over you” Bella throws at her ”No he isn’t but i know for certain he ain’t gonna be screwing you anytime in the nearest generations to come” she laughs ”Oh please don’t kid yourself okay, me and Darren bonded at work and i am the closest thing to peace with him” Bella jabs at Natalia ”Get off your ass bitch, i am the girl in his life that knows how he ticks, if you think you can sway him, you have got no idea the kind of man Darren is-” ”No you have got no idea the kind of man Darren is that’s why you took him for granted and left him for a girl” ”That was a stupid mistake and i already apologized and he does not love me less” ”That’s what you think, you are disgusting, !” ”You bitch don’t call me that you slut trying to steal my man!” Natalie says into her face ”Get off my face!” Bella pushes her face away. Darren is by the door, his head in his arms, they are blocking him from entering his room. The door next to him flings open and Lucy steps out, ”Oh Darren, Anna has been…what in the world is going on here?” She stares at him and then the girls. ”You better get back inside because no one is talking to you” Natalia throws at Lucy ”And tell that slut to stay away from Darren because all she has done is to cause him hurt in a day that i was only able to do in three fxxking years” ”Who you calling a Slut?” Lucy raises her voice ”Your friend is, and this Delilah here trying to steal my Samson, both of them should go and suck on some packs of baby dxxks., they aren’t needed, so shuuu” She says turning and pulling Darren who removes her hand. ”You stop cussing and calling Anna namea, and you Bella stop, Lucy please don’t indulge them, Can you all just step away so i can get into my room and have a night’s rest?” ”No baby, you come stay in mine where no one would dare bug us” Bella says pulling him instead Natalia grabs her and shovels her to the wall ”I said stay away from my man you bitch!” ”Get off me” they are struggling, Daren removes himself from their grip . ”Damnit, what the hell is wrong with all of you” Natalia and Bella are struggling with themselves pulling hairs and then slapping each other. The door opposite swings open, Tom rushes out with boxers and Tonia wearing her nightie ”The hell, what’s the commotion about …whoa!!! girls fight!!” he steps away from them. Tonia comes closer and then tries to separate them ”You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves fighting over a man who don’t give shit about you lot, my goodness!!” Instead they shove her to the side and continue slapping themselves, Lucy laughs unbothered. ”Wife, don’t get between them crazies to destroy your beautiful face, let them fight, we don’t care right. Dude are you okay?” he pulls her away and then turns to Darren who is shaking his head. Darren is staring at them, ”Like hell i am, this is madness” he goes to them and then pulls Natalie away and stands in their middle, putting both hands up on each side of him pointing at them on each side. ”Enough! Damnit! Lucy’s door opens up to reveal Annalisa with a confused face ”Darren..” then she sees everyone ”Whats going on?” ”I’ll tell you what is going on goody-too-shoes, because of your stupid stunt, i can’t get my man and this bitch here thinks she can take him, so why don’t you go back inside and continue kissing your Daniel again, since that’s what you are good at” ”Oh shut up shemale” Lucy throws at her ”All pussy baby, you want to lick’em? Bitch!!” Natalia spat Anna folds her hands ”Darren, can we talk?” ignoring Natalia, but Natalia could see it hit a nerve, she smiles. ”No, you can’t! Because honestly, i agree with the shemale for once” Bella points to her. ”Fxxk you Bella!” ”You is a shemale Natalie, you are a whore ,a slut and a very very disgusting human who don’t deserve love in your life for hurting a good man, but i agree with you that Anna caused all this; if She hadn’t come into his life, i may have had a chance with him, and if you had stayed out…shemale” she points to Natalia, ” I would have had a chance with him, so how about you both leave me to get a shoot at love” Natalia laughs ”Oh baby girl, you can’t get love by shoving your desires down a man’s throat, who ever groomed you to thinking like that did you wrong” Tonia says shaking her head. ”Look, you don’t know me” ”I do not, but all i see is bad vibes, and Natalia is the worse of it. how about you guys go back to your dates and leave Darren to his” ”Darren don’t want her no more, he told me that a while earlier when he spewed his regrets to ever meeting her on st. valentines day and maybe the sex was good but he says he regrets and that he didn’t even like her as much but was trying to see just where it would lead. She is his rebound girl, ” Anna blinks suprised ”Did you say that Darren?” ”Yes he did” Natalia affirms nodding her head ”We talked, how else did i know that’s when you meet.” ”No he didn’t say that trash, he wouldn’t say such, Darren likes her a whole lot and that day was perfect for him”Tom clarifies ”That’s not what he told me, he said she was messed up, and broken and she was crazy and that they had sex and it was a rebound and the only reason he is hanging out with her right now is because he just wants to fxxk and get it out of his system” she smirks ”Shut up Natalia, i see through your lies” Tonia points at him, Lucy is shocked. ”Is that what you said Darren?” Anna looks at him ”Would that sound like what i would say?” He stares at her straight in her eyes, tired of everything happening. ”I wouldn’t know, because i know you called me crazy, and messed up and broken then when we met, so…sorry if i am a little hurt by her saying all those things, did you say them, is what she saying true, i am your rebound girl?” He smiles ”It’s fine, you can believe what you want okay, i am tired of trying to defend myself with you always, ” he says walking to his door ”Darren?” She calls out, regretting believing Natalia for a second. She was doing it again, not giving him the benefit of the doubt. He swings around ”Look Anna, you are an amazing girl, you are, but i can’t keep up with you, i can’t, so whatever!” She blinks back tears ”Darren, look i am sorry and i want to talk to you and–” ”Honestly Anna , right now, i do not want to hear it, i do not at all, i want to be left alone, like seriously. All this is making me feel irritated, mad and really angry so i am just going to go to bed” ”Darren?” Natalia comes to him ”No stop it Natalia, for God’s sake stop it, and leave me the hell alone, we are done, it’s over and the sooner you realize that the better, get a life, get a job and get out of my life!!!” He shakes her. Then he turns to Bella ”I expected more from you Bella, you were among the few friends i felt had no flaws, but this, this is disgraceful, and i have been nothing but a friend to you and it has always being platonic, okay maybe it’s my fault i allowed you to flirt with me sometimes and maybe i indulged you but there had never been anything to suggest that i like you more than a friend, so please i beg you, try to salvage the little friendship we have and back off, just leave me alone..” He opens his door and then slams it shut. ”Look Darren” Bella reaches for the door, Natalia slaps her hands away ”Get off, he don’t want you” ”He don’t want you either” Bella pushes her away ”You girls don’t get it do you?” Tonia is shaking her head ”He don’t want any of you and if i were you, i would pack my tails in my butt and save face and walk out of here with some certain level of dignity even if it’s 0.1%. You both are disgraceful, i swear to God. Throwing yourselves at a man, i wonder what you gonna be teaching your daughters, my God!” ”Whatever!!” Bella turns and walks away. ”Yeah walk bitch, keep walking” Natalie laughs, then she turns to his door and took steps towards it, Tom, Tonia and Lucy steps to block her. ”I think her ears are blocked, maybe i should slap her with my slippers so it sticks to her head that he said i want to be alone ” Lucy says to Tonia and then faces Natalie. ”Oh , i get it, i see what is going on here, the witches of east-end coming against me so their girl can go lick his balls?” She says nodding towards Anna who wipes a tear from her face. Tonia smiles ”Who knows, walk away Natalia, i think you have done alot of damage here and i swear to God if not that i am trying to be a good wife, i would ram my fist into your face so hard you won’t know what pretty looks like ever walk away” ”And if i do not?” ”I can triple the fist punch? I knocked a girl in school once, she without front teeth to this day, you want to do a test run?” Lucy shows her her folded fist. Natalia laughs ”And Tom,you gonna stand there and watch them insult and then threaten to harm me?” ”Me? Pretty much” she laughs shaking her head ”Darren love ME, i know how to handle him and make him feel better, they haven’t been together for a week and see the damage she did to him and you think it would last?” ”That’s for them to find out not you, now fxxk off” Tonia says ”Before i lose my temper and go hulk smash on your head” ”Whatever Tonia, fxxk you” she points at her ” and fxxk you too Luke” ”It’s Lucy!!” ”Whatever, you look like a Luke with your tiny boobs and no ass and fxxk you too Tom, all of you and you too Darren, i hope you hear me, asshole!!” she raises her voice and then catwalks away, then she pauses and turns to Anna ”Don’t get your hopes up honey, you wound a wounded man, ain’t no healing for that one , atleasts not for now so yeah, i am happy, i don’t get him, none of you all get him, kiss my ass, its real” then she walks way ”God i hate her” Tonia sighs ”Me too” Lucy says Anna cleans her eyes and the walks to them ”Can i pass please?” Lucy nods and steps away, Tom and Tonia do not ”Tonia?” Lucy says in surprise ”No Luce, now is not the time, you are hurt, he is hurt, this is a bloody mess of words that should have been avoided, let the sun go down on this one, tomorrow you talk” ”I can’t, okay, i can’t!” Tom steps aside ”Let her through Tonia, matters of the heart remember?” She stares at her husband and then at Lucy, ”Fine, but if you are going to go in there, do not get defensive. if you want to be all in, be all in. if not, end it and you both go your separate ways and maybe be able to laugh about it in the nearest future, let his not end in hate” She says and then steps away, Anna opens the door and then closes it behind her. ”Should we wait?” Tom asks ”No, whatever happens here on out, they need to decide on their own ” Tonia says walking away and opening her door, ”Tom?” He nods crossing to her ”I am really sorry for my friend Tonia, really, she is a lovely girl and this, all of it isn’t entirely her fault” ”You and her owe me no apologies, i just want my friend to be happy, he is like a brother to me, and i would fight anyone who hurts him” she says , ”Goodnight Lucy, you should go back in too” ”Yeah, goodnight” The door closes, Lucy waits abit, and then turns into her room and then closes the door. * Anna walks to the bed and then seats as it goes in, Darren’s hand is over his eyes. ”I said i wanted to be alone” She heard him say. ”I am sorry Darren, please..” she says ”Look at me” ”I don’t want to” ”Please, look at me?” He drips his hands and then seats up, looking at her, her eyes glistens with tears ”I never meant to hurt you in anyways, i swear it, i do like you a awful lot and i am really sorry for all that happened here today..” ”What do you want Anna, i know you love him, why are you here?” ”Because…” she began. * Cupid wipes the sweat from is brow.. ”Finally, after finding a way to clear those distractions with tons of spells and arrows, i have just one left, now where the hell is my love formula?.” He scraches his butt cheeks. He heard a noise behind him, he is startled ”Damnit Jesus, stop doing that” ”It’s Gabriel!” the person comes to stand behind him ”Father sent you?” he didn’t bother looking at him. ”Yes, he says you are making a mess of things” ”Me, has he been watching what is going on down there? Look , i worked so hard to bring these two together, they were broken , a mess and i healed their hearts” ”By making a sex love portion and shooting it to them, yes i see what you mean” ”Don’t be an ass” Cupid says moving away, he drops a bowl as it dances in the air, he has a book spread out and he is reading from it, pushing his hands into a bag he had slashed over his shoulders and throwing it into the bowl, he grabs a pinch of cloud, runs it together and then makes spatula out of it, he stairs the bowl. ”You lot won’t understand, Father said spread love, and i did, so what, sex is equated with love” ”And yet see how they turned out” ”Its that Natalia and that Bella and that Daniel” ”Right, i thought your love is supposed to keep them together?” ”It would, it would, look i am trying to work here okay? Ever since they got on that ship, i have been shooting arrows to cause them all of them of leave her and him alone, after missing tons of spells, i finally dispel them, dropping each on their heads, they gone okay, now i have them in the room, alone and i would fix this i will, this is their happy ending, it is…i just have to get this formula right this time, my all time love portion ingredient, and it would be perfect, no fights, just love ” ”And sex, i see the dosage you putting in Cupid” ”Yes, it’s more than the last one, look humans are predictable. They are together, you turn up the heat, they get in the mood, all sexy, know and the next thing all sins are forgive, they fall back in love and happy ever after, no more Bella and the rest…this would work and then i would go to father and then Jesus and go…in your face, look..this would work” ”I think you should speak to Jesus, he would be able to help.” ”No!” ”Father then?” ”I said no, i know what i am doing and i am doing it right, i am , so if you could stop talking and allow me concentrate i would do it okay, you lot make me feel as though i do not know how to do anything, i do, i am cupid, cupid, the god of love, so let me let them love each other, is that too much to ask?” he shouts Gabriel smiles and shakes his head ”No, it is not” ”Good, now watch me make this two happy again” Gabriel seats down and the watches him ”carry on, don’t let me interrupt you” Cupid continues to read, throw in spices, steer, steer some more, adds a few more items he brings out of his bag and then lastly he pulls out a container which had a shape of love” ”Where did you get that from?” ”From Jesus’s stash” ”You know what that is?” ”LOVE,’that is what?” ”Love isn’t something you can just-” ”Save it Gab, save it. i am near perfection here, so save it” ”Fine!!” He continues to work, and then tosses the love shaped object into the bowl, with a smile he watches it melt. Then he grabs the last arrow behind him, and then places it inside bowl, watching it smear it entirely. He turns takes it out, puts it to his bow bow string and says to it ”Bring them love, like never before, feel their hearts till it over flows with joy, bring the two broken hearts and mend them as one, show them just how to love in one accord” he lets it go and watches it rise up into the heavenly clouds and then sinks below it. Gabriel gets up and then bends to watch how it descends below them, hovering over the roof of the ship and then sinking beneath it. ”Watch this love transform into something never been seen, watch my mastery at work, watch them fall madly inlove..” he smiles kneeling . The arrows sinks below, finding their room and passing through the walls, hovering behind Darren, and with a sharp thrust, it pierces Darren’s heart from the back and the comes out entering into Anna’s dissolving into nothingness as soon as it exits her body and drops like invincible shimmers over their heads that dissolves. ”Hey Gaby, here we go, you might want to close your eyes for whats to happen next, i don’t want father saying i soil his sons by defiling them with things of the human flesh” Gabriel chuckles ..and then says nothing, but he turns away. Cupid smiles …”Get her Darren, let love lead” **** ”Can we start all over again?” Anna says in a whisper. Darren smiles as he pulls her closer to him and then brings his head closer to hers ”Anna-” he breaths, she closes her eyes and breaths him in.. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
18 Sep 2018 | 08:45
Cupid! You try well well.... Natalie and Bella are two senseless, shameless and stupid bitches
18 Sep 2018 | 12:27
Great job done cuspid,u ve brought dem back together once again,I pray Dis time round it works!!!
18 Sep 2018 | 22:11
why why why
19 Sep 2018 | 06:28
what KS happening in this story self
19 Sep 2018 | 06:29
I mean what is happening in this story
19 Sep 2018 | 06:30
new episode ooo
19 Sep 2018 | 07:36
and please do comment after reading
19 Sep 2018 | 07:37
SEVENTEEN EARLIER ***** ”What do you want Anna, i know you love him, why are you here?” he stares at her. ”Because, i want to make things right’ ”How? I mean it’s all messed up, this was not the plan i had in mind for both of us, it wasn’t at all” She nods ”I know, i messed up, ..Daniel stuff” ”Yeah Daniel, whom you love” ”I cannot deny that fact, i do love him and most people aren’t are strong as you are, look you are obviously over your ex i can see that but people love differently, and i am probably part of the weird ones who loves deeper and although he hurt me, i love him” ”Then why are you here, you should be telling him that Anna, not me” he says turning away, she touches his face and then turns him to her ”I am sorry Darren, really i am and if i could go back in time to change this all i would” He shakes his head removing her hand ”No, i wouldn’t, because unlike that Natalia was saying, i have no regrets meeting you Anna, my only regret is that i should have met you when you were all healed from your pain, maybe we would have had a chance” She sighs ”I wanted this, that’s why i said yes and …Daniel kissing me-” ”Twice!” He thins his lips. ”Twice, ” she says sadly ”Was not planned and be realizing that i still loved him was never in the books and-”’ ”Its enough Anna, lets not dwell on that, his name makes my blood boil. I am exhausted and all Anna, really i need to rest” ”But we are still talking and i want to tell you all that i told Daniel in the room and-” ”I don’t want to hear it though, it doesn’t change anything” ”Darren, i am trying to make things right here” ”By telling me you love your ex, how does that work actually? It doesn’t.” ”But if you would just please hear me out and-” ”No Anna, i really do not-” he pauses for a brief second, holding his chest, then he shakes his head ”What’s wrong?” ”Nothing” ”Okay Darren, if you would not listen to what i have to- oh dear Lord” she breaths touching her chest too. ”You okay?” He has a worried look on his face as he watches her. ”Wow, must be the ship, did it turn or climbed the tide? Or i just suddenly felt seasick” Darren looks towards the window, ”Maybe, you and me both” he says and then turns back to her. ”Look all i want to do is make things right, i am so sorry for hurting you, albeit unintentionally” ”Look it’s fine Anna, really, i think all the anger and all that is gone.” ”I know we can’t be the way we are anymore, but atleast we can i don’t know…” He stares at her, waiting for her to continue. *PRESENTLY* ”Can we start all over, please” she whispers ”Do you want to start all over to date me or start all over to be friends Anna?” ”I..friends..and we go on from there and see how it goes and…i…we were getting somewhere and …i..we can..erm..lets just start all over Darren” She stutters. Darren smiles as he pulls her closer to him and then brings his head closer to hers ”Anna-” he breaths, she closes her eyes and breaths him in.. ”Do you even know what you want Anna?” ”Yes!” ”What do you want right now?” ”I want..-” ”Think carefully Anna, because everything you say right now depends on this moment, think carefully and honestly..what do you want, what would make you so happy right now..what, who and why?” Daniel, to love me as insanely as i love him, to have him marry me and me to be the mother of his kids as i have always dreamed. To be happy.. That had been my thoughts for over three years . For now…my thoughts are all jumbled up. ”I have always been inlove with him as long as i can remember, and i won’t lie Darren..i wont. I want happiness, but i want happiness free of pain, stress and of confusion. I just want to be happy, that is what i have craved for so long.” ”So in order words; you do not know what you want , because if you really did want happiness, you would go for it..but what do you define as happiness, is it Daniel? A man whom you love, or is it me, a man whom you are just getting to know?” ”I ..Darren, we are wired differently..and..i know you loved Natalia strongly , do you not really feel anything seeing her again?” She searches his eyes ”Maybe we are wired differently Anna, and maybe i had reached my breaking point and i had to ask myself, do i let a girl hurt me as she did, do i linger in the pain of unhappiness, do i still let them in, or do i chase the light before my eyes and see where it leads?” ”And?” He stares at her tucking a hair behind her ear and caressing her soft cheeks ”I choose the light before my eyes, but i guess it still prefers the darkness that shields it” he looks at her sadly ”And i do not blame you, nor am i angry with you Anna, i should have..i don’t know” he drops his hands ”Tread carefully before..” he trails off , Falling inlove with a broken bird who isn’t ready to let me mend her to health but choosing to go by the glass who broke her in the first place. He says to himself. ”Before what?” She inquires ”I want this, i want us, i want you, but..i have to see beyond my feelings and put you first” ”What does that mean?” She asks ”It means that until you completely sort yourself out i would not go on. I know what you want and who you want, you would be lying to yourself, to me and then to people around you if you choose to ignore it. You know something else, it’s fine, everyone had loved one so deeply before, so if you need time to heal, you take it, but do not drag someone else into your won’t be fair, not to me, not to you..not to anyone.” ”But i never knew i had a chaos, he walked in today and poof!!”‘ ”Yes, so you need to sort you out Anna, as much as i like you a whole damn much, i would put my feelings aside for your happiness and if your happiness is Daniel and you think you both can work, married man or’s okay, i won’t judge, it’s your choice. If its me, i am right here, if your happiness is somewhere else too..then it’s great, go find it. You deserve to be happy, and i also deserve to be happy and my happiness lies in the fact that if i am 100% all in, it means she brings same value to the table because i do not share, i don’t know how to pretend and do all that, maybe i am weird too and wired differently. That’s just me and if i am not it for you, its okay, preferences for everyone but God knows i would not shove my feelings for you down your throat and force you to to have me just because i want this..i want us, you have to want it too, wholeheartedly without influences, without bias and of your own free will. And if you have doubts, walk away. ” She closes her eyes, he was right. Her mind was messed up right now, it was in a chaotic mess. He smiles sadly seeing that if he fights, he would only hurt himself, she has to un-love the one she loved or stop loving him before he can ever mean anything as important to her, and he is willing to give her all that and more…yes, he had fallen for her, all those times they spent together, all the laughter, the dates, her smile, slowly he had fallen inlove with her, he didn’t realize it until this very moment. His chest hurts, realizing that for the second time this year, he was going to lost the women he loved , Natalia, he loved her yes and it shattered him, he loved her a long time so it was understandable but Annalisa, nothing made sense and yet..she brings him peace, falling inlove with her had come naturally without the influences, maybe that’s why this hurts so much, having to let her go… ”I hope you do find your peace and happiness Anna, i do. God i am so gonna miss you, i will” ”I am so sorry Darren” She blinks back tears He held her face and then caresses her cheeks again, wiping her tears ”I am sorry i didn’t get to give you butterflies, that was my aim, to make you soar” he smiled ”I would have liked that, i would have liked that alot” ”Yes, you would have…” she smiles at him. They stare at each other, his hands still touched her cheeks. Staring into her eyes, he says ”I never was able to get my first kiss as your boyfriend, maybe..i could get the last?” She nods, another tear breaks out from her eyes ”I am so sorry” She sniffs as pain shoots through her. He cleans it ”Don’t be, you loved, there is no wrong in that…i will miss you Anna..” he says before he closes in and brushes his lips with hers, lingering as she kisses him back, drinking from her lips, and caressing her cheeks.. I LOVE YOU ANNA, I HAVE FALLEN MADLY INLOVE WITH YOU BUT I CANNOT TELL YOU! His heart screamed, he shuts it out of his head and then kisses her deeply for a long time they kissed, and he held himself back from wanting more, pushing her backwards and making sweet love to her. He wanted to so bad, but he refused to let the feeling in. He was and is in love with her, but love is not about is never about sex. Love is so much more, so much more that his heart was full of it..and it had nothing to do with wanting her soft lush body beneath him. Love is never about Sex. Love was love, raw, un-diluted, without selfishness, void of is a gift..a gift he was willingly and happy to share. But love hurts like a mudafxxker stung with bee. He slowly pulls away and then placing a kiss to her temple and then standing up and lifting her with him, he pulls her into a hug, she cries in his arms ”I am so sorry Darren, i…i am so sorry!!” ”It’s okay, it’s okay!! I would be here for you, when you need me, look we still have two more days on this ship so we are going to forget everything and then enjoy ourselves okay..that’s all that matters” he pulls her away and then places a kiss to her forehead again, then he walks her to the door ”Sleep well Anna, i will see you in the morning” ”Promise?” ”Promise” he touches her jaw. She wipes her eyes and then leaves. He shuts his door, goes to the bed and then sinks in, turning to his side he lets the tear drop. He wipes it immediately and turns away. ”Big boys don’t cry!” he sniffs ”Breathe Darren, one day at a time, it would pass” * Anna closes her door behind her and stares at the bed. Lucy was snoring peacefully. She goes to the bed, climbs in, covers herself and tries to sleep. She doesn’t for a long time, then she finally closes her eyes and goes to sleep. * Darren gets up and stares at the window, he opens his bag, grabs a jotter and a pen and begins to scribble on it. He folds it under his pillow and then takes his phone after looking at his time. It takes a while before the call was picked.. ”Hello Sir, i am so sorry to be calling this late and..yes i am so sorry. I wanted to tell you that, i have taught about that offer, and..i would take it. Yes Sir” He smile ”First thing, thank you Sir, thank you” He cuts the call and then rests backwards on his bed. He finally goes to sleep. * ”No!! No ! No, get back in there, get back in there you..argh no!! you saw it Gabriel, i used all of it, all of it and it should have worked, it should work. it went straight to her heart and then his and they felt it, the power of lover surging through their veins…so why aren’t they smooching and making love and getting back to it and…see come on,. go back Anna!! Darren go out and chase her, get up, get up!!” Cupid screams as he flings things away ”Where is my spell, i need to make more love portion spells, i need to make sure this is stronger and…”Damnit!!!” he grabs a bowl, and begins to mix anything and everything he could touch in his bag. Gabriel comes to him ”Stop Cupid” ”Go away, go away and leave me alone” He empties its entire content and continues to fish out for spices and ingredients ”’Ha, lust, love, more of it” he tosses it into the bowl and then stares. ”Cupid?” ”I said leave me the hell alone, can’t you see i am trying to make them come back into the room and talk and love and…” he trails off turning away from Gabriel. He continues to mix and when he was done, he searches for his arrows. It was finished. ”Make me an Arrow Gabriel” ”I cannot!” He turns to him, the bowl in his hands, ”Make me a Goddamned arrow!!!”‘ he sneers Thunder rumbles and claps. Cupid closes his eyes ”I need an Arrow Father” He says opening looking to the heavens It was silent ”You want me to fail, you have always wanted me to fail, that’s it. No one is special to you except your beloved son Jesus! no one is as important as he is to you. He asks and you give, he calls and you answer, he is in danger and you send your other angel sons to go rescue him. What am i even yabbing about, he seats at the right side of your throne, even the earth you make his footstool…no one else has your ears and your treat …like a piece of shit!!” Thunder claps loudly, the cloud rolls and lightening strikes. Cupid screams as he his lifted and drops to the hard cloud with a thud as the clouds rolls back to place. Gabriel shivers.. ”Be quiet Cupid!!” Cupid wipes his mouth as spittle drops, he gets up groaning and rubbing his small butt. He sighs in relief realizing that the bowl he held was hovering and didn’t hit the ground. He grabs it to him and frowns.. ”You are only mad at me for saying the truth, saying the truth that everyone is afraid to say just because they are scared of you” He sniffs ”And you do not want to give me arrows because you know that i am on the right track and that if i make them fall madly inlove and do my bidding i would be more powerful than you..maybe that is why you let Lucy go, because he was going to be bigger and greater and more loved than you” Now Gabriel gasps, ”Cupid, no!” he shakes his head ”You no nothing about what Lucifer did” ”I know plenty, he was the light” ”No he was the light who chose darkness..and you are veering into that same hole and don’t call him Lucy” Cupid scoffs ”What, Father gonna toss me and kick me out too? Why? Because all i wanted to do is to live up to my potential and he not giving me the chance to? At every point in time, he keeps whispering in my ears that i ain’t doing it right, if i need help if he should send poster boy Jesus to help me..Why won’ he allow me do my spells in peace instead of ruining it for me? See i got them together, i got them this far, i must have made a mistake in the formula and when the arrow pierced their hearts it didn’t work, i just need to increase the dosage and it would work..and all would be fine. Is that bloody too much to ask?” Is that?’ He looks to the heavens Silence ”If only you listen when he speaks and-” Gabriel began. ”I am tired of listening, i want to do me, i want to let love happen, i want love to happen..i just bloody want LOVE TO HAPPEN TO THESE TWO AND SEX AND LOTS OF SEX AND BLOODY LOTS OF SMELLING ASS SEX!!!!” Gabriel closes his ears. Everywhere is silent ”I want love to happen, that is all. And i would achieve it if i have my arrows and all would be well. You would see Father, i can do this, I am Cupid, cupid is love..let me do me” He looks around. He sighs turning and backing Gabriel as he stares at the bowl and then stares down below.. Darren is asleep, his back turned to the heavens and the Annalisa is sideways turned to the wall of her room. ” I just need one, just one” He seats down sulking, tears leaving his eyes. Suddenly he saw a movement inside his bag, he reaches for his bag and then fits his hand in, pulling it out he pulls out two arrows. He smiles and then looks up ”Thank you Father” He quickly stands up and soaks his arrows to the bowl, letting it soak it up. Placing both of them to his string, he speaks to it. ”Let love lead, let it happen, bring them lovebirds back to their feet and curse them to chase the love that was created by me” He lets it go and watches it sink below with glee.. ”This time, this time it would work..just you see Father, this time, they would be jerked up by the force of those arrows , they would find themselves, they would love, they would be happy and i would win. i promise you i would win, watch father, just watch” he laughs happily.. * The arrow sinks, hovering over Annalisa and drops, piercing her back with a quick thrust and then dissolving into nothingness.. He looks at the other side, sighting the other arrow making its way to Darren. Going through the door, sinking through the sheets over his body, it taps his back and slides through his body coming out through his heart.. then dissolves into nothingness. Cupid is smiling widely.. ”Wait for it, they would jump up looking for each other, losing cloths, saying i love you, saying all manner of things and..oh…this would work, just wait. One, two..three…;” he rubs his hands together ”Oh, this would be an explosion of love ever been seen under the heavens ..can’t wait. He lays on the bed of the clouds, crosses his legs and places his face in his hand” Wake up Darren! Wake up Anna, lets watch you both love….” he chuckles. He looks again into Annalisa’s room. She stretches and then turns, grabbing the cloth , covers herself and continues to sleep. He stares at Darren.. He didn’t move. ”Wake up,the arrows have pierced you wit unmeasured love, wake up, don’t be shy beauties” Cupid says. He looks back with light in his eyes as Annalisa moves. Anna tugs at the duvet until Lucy yawns seating up ”What Anna?” She rubs her eyes. ”I want the Duvet!!” Annalisa says sleepily Lucy rolls off and then pushes it to her, Anna grabs it ,then covers herself turning to the side, Lucy smiles shaking her head ”You never grow out of this..” ”No!” Silence ”Did you speak to Darren?” Lucy says with her eyes closed. ”Hmm” ”And?’ She opens one eye and directs it to Annalisa Anna sighs ”Tomorrow, so sleepy, hurts..can’;t talk” she turns to the other side and continues to sleep. Lucy yawns and then lays back on the bed ”Tomorrow then, you would tell me in the morning” ”Yes!” Anna covers her face with the duvet and goes back to bed. Cupid gets up and then seats down ”Get up Anna” he calls out. Anna lays still, breathing peacefully. ”GET UP DARREN!” He turns to Darren Darren yawns and the stretches out of the bed, he sleepily seats down, stands up and then makes his way to the door on his left, he opens it and then shuts it. The sound of water dripping is heard, then the sound of the WC flushing, then Darren comes back, and goes through to this bed, hits it and then continues to sleep. ”No no no no!! Go out of your room to her room or call her back to yours Darren” Darren is sleeping soundlessly. Cupid is confused as he looks at the bowl and then back at the sleeping people ”Why aren’t they waking up Gabriel, why aren’t they waking up?” He turns to Gabriel who is staring at him ”I ..i..why aren’t they waking up?” He stares at them again. Silence, sleeping and unperturbed about the little-man baby bothered about them and their love story and his failed formula. He scratches his head, waiting for them to get up and magic to happen. After about thirty minutes, he finally realized that they were not getting up. He goes to Gabriel ”I don’t get it, i…i … i gave them all my portions, the doses of lust, the sparkle of love, even Jesus’s heart shaped love i gave them…why…why are they not rolling in sheets and screaming in ecstasy?Why aren’t they doing all what men do in love,…why..” He stutters confused ” i did the spells right, or did i not get the formula right? Did i put it to the arrows wrongly…did i over do it ..or….i ..i do not understand why…why…this should have worked” He speaks to himself ” It should have worked , it ought to work. It has to work but…it..did not work and i.. i am…i do not understand it” He is pacing up and down, staring inside his bag, looking at the bowl, staring at the sleeping couple below and then back at Gabriel shaking his head in wonderment …” I do not get it, do i do it again and pour it directly into their ,mouths or…what? ” He kept pacing and then grabs the bowl, fishing into his bag ”I do not have any more spices and portions to create another formula, ..but i can go down there and ask them to love themselves yes, yes i would. I am Cupid..i will command them to love and it would work…you know what they say about me, how men define me? ..they say i am the god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. And when they want to be dramatic they say ” He is often portrayed as the son of the love goddess Venus and the war god Mars. He is also known in Latin as Amor (“Love”). His Greek counterpart is Eros” He laughed ”So you see Gabriel, i have not been using my full potential, I just have to see what i did wrong here first and..and– go down there and command them and they would love..yes, yes that is what i would do” He was ranting. ”Cupid!!” Gabriel grabs his shoulders and stares down at him ” Do you not see?” ”See what? That it didn’t work because i did a wrong formula? Or that i should just got down and give them some Cupid whooping and-!!” Gabriel shakes his head ”Do you not see anything else?” ”No, it does not make sense that is all i see, they are asleep, they should be loving…it didn’t work…i don’t understand why..that’s what i see-” Cupid is yabbing away. ”He does not see Gabriel!”’ A voice says behind them. Gabriel drops his hands and steps away , facing Cupid whose eyes stares behind him to see who had spoken. ”What don’t i see?” Cupid asks in confusion ”That you cannot play God in people’s lives” the voice says coming closer ”Says the man who is God!” Cupid says lowering his eyes as the voice comes even closer ”Yes, and then see what happen? Take a walk with me as i show you what you have refused to see all along” ”You want to show me while he is standing there, beside you?” Cupid says sarcastically pointing at the Man behind Gabriel. He could fill him smiling ”He was with me before the beginning of time Cupid, your thought and reservations won’t change that but..he would speak only when necessary, come Cupid, Jesus..all” Cupid grumbling turns to take a look at Anna and Darren , still asleep. He stares at his bowl, empty, and then back at him..sighing, he follows him as they walk into another cloud. * ”I would tell you what i have been trying to tell you, what we have been trying to tell you about this four letter words called ‘Love ”…. The words i have inspired men to write reads in 1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” ”I know that passage like the back of my hands father” Cupid rolls his eyes. ”Yes, and yet you do not understand that it is much more than a word.” ”I do” ”Okay, do you love me Cupid?” ”You know i do Father, despite that i do not see eye to eye with you, i do lobe you” ”Yet, you do not listen to me when i speak and do what i tell you to do” ”I do listen to you but i also have my own opinions and my head to think” He says as they walk into a garden, Cupid frowns ”Why are we back in time and in the garden of Eden?” ”Because i am teaching Cupid, and what better way to learn if not be visually taught. And to your answer, you are love me and even when i do give an instruction, you do what you think is right because you have your own thoughts and wills, yes?” ”Yes” Jesus smiles and then says nothing, He and Gabriel exchange a knowing look. ”You remember Adam and then Eve, you remember how it all happened and even their end?” He says pointing to the tree of good and evil standing in the middle of the garden, a certain glow to it. The birds hovers above it, a certain brightness to the garden. ”Yes, you told them to eat anything but of the tree of good and evil” ”Why did you think they disobeyed me?” Cupid frowns ”Because of the serpent, but men on earth would say Eve..” ”You, why do you think they disobey me?” He could feel his eyes on him, he knots his brows together. Cupid is confused ”The serpent. I said so already.” ”Gabriel, Jesus, you want to say something?” ”They disobeyed you because they could” Jesus said coming to stand behind Cupid Cupid turns to him shaking his head ”I do not understand that statement J. It was because the serpent made them, enticed them, deceived them and because Eve was lured and then she lured Adam to eat the apple that opened their eyes and thus disobedience.” ”Aha right..but you do not see that because they could, they did it. When you said where they lured?” ”They were coaxed into it” ”I see. Was it a matter of life or death if they didn’t eat it? Was it a matter of killing them if they didn’t eat it?” ”No. But they were enticed with it’s sweet words and -” ”How does a robot function Cupid, any ideas?” Jesus cuts him. Cupid rubs his temple, ”What is this, twenty-one questions session? Robots are computers, no matter how well they are made and how human-like, they are computers and they function as such.” ”No free will yes?” ”Well yes!” he nods ”That is correct.” Gabriel smiles knowingly. ”Why is he smiling?” Cupid frowns at Gabriel as he asks Jesus ”Is it just me or that i am the only one not getting the joke that is making everyone smile except me.” Jesus says nothing ”Do not mind them Cupid, answer me this , to the best of your best of your knowledge, is man a computer Cupid? ” ”No, man is man and a computer is basically inputs and output, you put in words and a computer acts reacts to instructions typed to it. So inputs and then outputs. ”No free will then?” Gabriel states for clarity ”No ofcourse not, it’s an object..a thing, man made..made to do as bidded without choice” ”Good” God says walking further into the garden as they stand beside the tree…”Back to the first man and woman. Was man threatened to eat the apple by eve, where they forced..were they threatened?” ”They were enticed! What is this father, we have gone through that already” he was bored. ”How?” ”By the serpent” he says shaking his head ”You are the all knowing and yet you do not see” Cupid shakes his head. He smiles ”I am the all knowing that is why i need you to see. Why did the serpent not say ”I command you to eat this now” Cupid laughs ”I doubt it could, and even if he did, serpents are cunning, everyone knows that and thus he played it’s character well, cunningly asking them, enticing them to do what he wanted” ”Rightly so..thus, serpent albeit cunning are wise and it knows it cannot dare command a man, force a man to do as it bids. ”He continues ” Man was not forced nor was he threatened, he was appealed to..why? Because he has a mind of his own, to choose ..if he was a computer and i the creator had inputted..”DO NOT EAT” ..Adam would not eat had eaten that apple no matter what if it was forced down his throat. But because he has emotions, a mind, a will ..he has the ability to decide and because i did not want robots and computers for children i made them men and women and tasked them to populate the earth…but i also allowed them something essential…free will, the ability to choose…why?” ”Yes why?” ”So that i know for certain what is within their hearts and who they would follow without influences…and that is why when the serpent came, Eve and Adam chose to disobey entirely on their own terms because despite the serpent’s cunning ways..they too were also curious and wanted to know, wanted the good and then the bad and they decided in their hearts on their one, not the serpent forcing them, they..decided, had choose to..they had the free will to say no and walk away, but they choose to stay, listen, disobey…and bared the consequences.” ”I do not understand how it has anything to do with Love and then Anna and Darren. Adam and Eve are history, i am trying to make love happen here, what has it got to do with my love for those two?” ”Alot, walk with me” They walk again …”Love is universal, it is a gift, it is pure and needs no influences…and man is not a lab rat neither is he one who is confined in a place to do a bidding of another much less of you . You cannot force a man to love by mixing portions and creating an atmosphere for it. Man is a special being, with the ability to do him… ”What are you saying? Ability …to what, refuse my portions, my spell?” ”Free will, that is what father is trying to say” ”Does not make any sense..” Cupid throws ”I mix a portion after completing my formula, its very different from the serpent who just talks ..i make things happen. It does not make any sense what you are saying.” ‘It does! If you think it were easy to make man fall inlove by causing them to do you think they would have done this to my son?” He opens the curtain cloud to view Jesus, nailed to the cross and the two robbers beside him…” Cupid is quiet. ”Why you have to show me how they nailed my brother to the cross?” ”Teaching you Cupid, Teaching” He closes the cloud curtain and continues to talk. ”I would have sent down thousands of spells ,no i do not do spells. All i had to say was” M en, i command you to love him and i want you to love him now” and all of them would fall down, worship him and then love him as I have commanded them to love him, and of course my son may would have been loved at first sight. And maybe the scriptures would not have been fulfilled and then again.. .. what use would it be to have stooges who asnwer your beck and call only because they are being forced to, or because they are spelled to…or because they are created to and never have to think for themselves, to reason for themselves..but do every single thing as you tell them to do, bark and they bark, tell them to jump and they ask how high ” ”That line is from a movie Father” Cupid smiles, Gabriel nudges him. “What? ” he laughs “Just saying ” ”Does it matter, i am trying to make a point” ”Go ahead Father.. Don’t let me interrupt your class”Cupid chuckles ”My point is this, you cannot make up spells and command men to love” ”I did and it worked until a point” He stated-matter-of-factly. “Did it? ” Jesus asks Cupid frowns. “It did, you saw it. From the first day they met and up until now it did. ” “Did it really work Cupid. Or you thought it did? ” Now Cupid stares at all of them and then back at him. He didn’t like their faces. It looked as if every one knew something and he didn’t. “What are you saying Father” ”I have been saying what I have been saying right from the beginning of this conversation but you have NOT been listening. Love is not a thing you can make happen, you cannot make it happen” ”What are you saying, that if i cannot make love happen what the hell have i been doing since? How is it I was able to bring two souls, broken souls together and cause them to like themselves and do this with themselves with my arrows and spells and all hmm.. Give me a damn explanation then!!” ‘Language!” Jesus cautions ”Fxxk Language ” Cupid swears Thunder claps and lightening strikes. He is back to the ground with a hard thud. He groans in pain. “One more Cupid.. One more ” “Was just messing around with you Father.. Why so serious ” he says rubbing his bottom as he tries to get up. He falls to the ground again. All legs and tush showing. “Oh goodness Cupid.. Close your legs! ” Jesus says turning away. Gabriel laughs. Cupid frowns covering himself and then standing up. He ignores him and says.. “Explain what you mean Father? What do you mean did it work. I saw it. You say it. Everyone saw it. ” “No. What you saw was what you wanted to believe. With or without your supposed formulas and arrows and spells.. They would have met. They would have ended up together in that hotel room. They would have met again at the party.. They would have ended up going to the ship and everything that happened would have happened.. Even till what is happening now. ” “How do you know that.? ” Now Jesus laughs “You forget that he is God. The real MVP!! He sees all. He knows all . He basically can tell Tomorrow from today. And when i say Tomorrow, you know it isn’t just hours from today, i am talking long time zap into years and years you cannot even begin to dream in times past. ” ”Now you are just famzing” Cupid shakes his head ”Ofcourse i am famzing, he is my Father, i mean God, the God..the creator of heaven and earth and every living and non-living thing within, i have got to famz. My God!!” he and the others laugh. Cupid stares below at the sleeping forms ” I made this happen. I brought them thus far” he says, trying to believe that all they say is not true. “No. You merely played with your toys. You merely played out your role as Cupid. Supposedly. But the Irony of being the supposed god of love is that you cannot.. CANNOT force and make men to love. Even I.. Who is the creator of men cannot do that not because I can’t but because I understand the principles of love and the fact that in order to know true love that comes from the heart.. You must allow them choose to love you and love you wholeheartedly. And that is just platonic love. For the love that men share between themselves between a man and a woman. It is dicey.. Much more confusing because it is way in-depth. You cannot mess with that. You cannot even begin to phantom it’s purity and rawness. You let it be. You cannot have possibly caused them to love one another because it is impossible. I command men to love one another in my in-spired words.. But look around you.. They kill themselves. They plan evil for each other. They do what they please. Why? Because they choose to and because they can. Dear Cupid.. Sweet little Cupid. Your spells and arrows were mere feather light kisses to their hearts. A tickle. A nudge. It was nothing but a tap or a caress to the cheeks that does absolutely nothing to them. Love cannot be made. Cannot be produced. Cannot be forced. Love comes from within and only those who feels it wields the ability to show it and when the other feels it. They share in its beauty. Love is not normal thing. Love cannot be a thing. It is not magic. Love is Love and that’s just it. So you cannot make them fall in love or love themselves. They can only do it on their own. That is why.. Nothing is working. It never worked before. ” Cupid is confused. “But the arrows.. The way they act immediately it touches them” “The mind is a powerful instrument. One of my most special creations. I tell you ..what you believe would happen. Have faith and it would come to pass and it would. You believed at some point it was working and your mind acted it out and you thought they reacted to your spell. Your spelled formula? No.. They never did” “The spell of Lust. What about that big guy? ” “Men are humans.. Their will to feel.. To touch and be physical is part of their makeup. I put that their. And my instruction had been for married couples. Yet.. You see how they disobey me still. You do see what I have been saying Cupid.. I who is God laid out all these rules for them to follow.. I do all great and mighty things for them.. And yet.. They choose to live their life the way they want.. Why? Free will. Why? Because they cannot be forced to do what they don’t want to do and they only do what they want and right now.. Right now.. Your will is that they come together. Their will, both of theirs is different. Tug of war if you will. And there is nothing you can do about it. Love is something grown and nurtured from the inside and only if they share it will they find themselves and you cannot do anything to force it.. Hurry it or make it happen. ” Cupid sinks to his bottom “So you are saying.. That.. I have been doing absolutely nothing ever since? Making a fool of myself while all of you laughed at me? ” A hand was placed on his shoulders ” No Brother.. You were learning a valuable lesson. A lesson you needed to learn to see and to understand. ” Jesus smiles down at him. “So I am not the god of love.. My name is a scam? ” he wipes his already reddened nose. “You are Cupid. Our little baby-man” Jesus smiles widely, his eyes full of love and the others laughed. “Oh leave me alone Jesus! Go on and laugh. Guess you are happy now. ” ”No, i am happy i got to show you what i always wanted to show you..the truth.” “Don’t be hard on yourself. You are lucky you get to learn now. Lucy is still learning.. And he is stubborn. He does not realize that the battle had already been won and he is playing chess on earth thinking he is recruiting an army. Only time would tell. Come.. ” Gabriel helps him to his feet. “How about we give you some heavenly ale to calm you down?” He takes him and they begin to walk away. “Who in the heavens is Lucy?” God asks walking behind them “The son who got away. Cupid came up with Lucy. I think it’s cute. ” Jesus says laughing. His father joins him. “But what would happen to Anna and Darren.. I really thought it would work” Cupid is asking. “They would be fine.. However they choose to be. Together. Apart. Whatever ” Jesus states to him. “Father, you have seen it all. What happens at the end? ” Cupid pauses and turns to him. God smiles… “I do not set my eyes on iniquity son. You will see” ”So that means, there is hope for them yet..i would love a happy ending” He turns away ”Man would is up to them now Cupid..not you, not me, them.” They walk away and the cloud closes… * The Next Morning.. “He is gone” Tonia says to Tom who takes the letter and reads. “I don’t get it. When? We are still on water. How can he just up and leave? ” “He is gone Tom, he boarded a boat and he left. 5:am.” Tonia says going to seat on his bed. ”As soon as i saw his letter on the bed, i went around asking. I met a man, he said the person i was looking for went with a Castine, who took a boat to shore to get supply.The man joined him in the wee hours of this morning. He left” ”Wow, the whole situation must have done a number on him, what happened last night with Anna?” ”I wish i knew” The knock on the door causes them to raise their heads. Lucy and Annalise walks in. ”Good morning guys” Anna says stepping into the room with Lucy and Adam behind her. ”Where is Darren?” Tom hands her the letter . She reads it and sinks to the bed ”He left!” she gasps ”What happened last night, did you guys make up or break up?” Lucy takes the letter and reads it. ”We talked and then..we decided that we gonna be friends and..we said goodnight and we would have fun during the trip and..i didn’t realize that..” she trails off. ”He didn’t just leave you Anna, he left us, his friends, the only thing as close to a family he ever had. I hope your decision was worth it” Tonia says getting up . ”He took the over Tom, ” she says with tears in her eyes ”He took the offer out of states, and he left us, he left me” She tears up, Tom hugs her. Anna covers her mouth as the tears fall ”I am so sorry” she says getting up and running out of the room. ”It’s her fault he is so broken that staying in thesame city with her, with them and even us is toxic for him. I don’t blame him though, he lost Natalia to her cheating, he lost her ..maybe because he realized that he had fallen too hard and he doesn’t want to be so broken..i don’t know, we were his family, his he is gone, far away..and because he choose to chase that girl he met on st. valentine’s day. ” she sobbed. Tom holds her tighter. Lucy stares at her ”He would be back, he loves you guys, he would be back” ”I hope when he does she is gone, she , Natalia, Bella, all of them who made him leave. Infact, i hope he finds happiness where he goes…” Tonia says pulling away from her husband ”Darren left?” Natalia was at the door as she gasps. ”And he quit his Job in the city” Bella says behind her ”Guess you are happy. i hope to never see you again, none of you, ever” She says turning and leaving Natalia ignores her ”Do you know where he went?” ”A place you would never have to hurt him again. Do something, get a life” Tonia nudges her away, Tom follows her. Lucy stares at her, without a word, she leaves her standing by herself. ”Crap!! Guess it’s really over then” she says sadly. ”Baby, wow, nice ass” A voice says behind her Natalia turns and is dazzled by a 6ft lady, athletic build, blond hair and nice dentition ”Thanks” Natalia replies. ”Your room?” the girl cocks her head to the side ‘Yeah, you want to come check it out?” she leans to the side of the door and then pushes her hips out. The Girl’s eyes roams all over the body. ”I wonder if your boyfriend would mind?” Natalia scoffs ” It depends if yours wouldn’t look for you” The girl laughs ”Single, just have a tag along for the boat cruise” ”Same here” ”Guess i can come in then, if he don’t mind” ”Next room, busy wanking to a playboy magazine i gave him, tired of giving this ass to people who don’t know how to manage it” The girl looks at her butt, licks her lips ”I can manage it for you” Natalia steps back, ”I guess you can” The girl walks in and closes the door,locking it. She pulls Natalia to her, hugging her close and nuzzling her neck. Natalia rubs her body to her and and begins to caress her whole body, all the way down to her butt which she squeezes and then finding her way to the front, she freezes ”Is it..?” She trails off as her eyes grows big. ”Yes” The girl smiles ”Surgery?” ”Baby that is all real” She kisses Natalia’s lips Natalia smiles broadly ”I was going to go get one done , here you are having all of it, all endowed; Beautiful, curvaceous, boobs, ass, junk!” she squeezes her ”’I am in love” She turns her and pushes her to the bed, capturing her lips with hers. TWO YEARS LATER… ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
19 Sep 2018 | 07:40
Darren finally left, let's see what happened after de two years!!!
19 Sep 2018 | 12:56
Ah! Ah! Darren! Were you that hurt to have left the city and even yr friends and I thought you really gonna wait for Anna until she comes 2 her senses.. Wow! That's a huge suprise you threw out there ooo. Now, Tonia is damn broken. Tom must be a great man to understand her wife 2 dat extent cos an ordinary Man wld get mad that her wife is wailing & cursing bcos his friend (male 4 dat mater) left without notice
19 Sep 2018 | 17:22
Darren left wow Tonia is a drama queen
19 Sep 2018 | 17:35
Hmm. Nat u ll never change, I pity u
20 Sep 2018 | 03:18
I don come again oo
20 Sep 2018 | 09:32
una try ooo
20 Sep 2018 | 09:33
but e remain small
20 Sep 2018 | 09:36
EIGHTEEN ***** The air hostess smiles at him as she passed him rolling her cart on the plane, he returns the smile and sips his cup of tea. ”Oh Darren, I swear this is exactly the dress I wanted to get, there are like only two of this in that boutique and it was so expensive I didn’t mind selling my car for it, the details were out of this world my God, see the gold shimmering… look at the glow on her face” she says beside him causing him to face her. He stares at the picture ”You would have looked ravishing with that dress” ”I know right?” She smiles, she leans in and then kisses him lightly on his cheeks. Then she looks at him ”Do you think they would love me?” ”They would love you” He says reassuring her ”You don’t know that” ”They are family, my best friends..they would love you” ”When last did you see them? Their tastes and preferences would have changed” He takes her face in his hands ”They would love you” She smiles, leaning in to kiss his cheeks again ”How much longer?” ”An hour, christening don’t start before 11.” He stares at hos watch ”Hopefully if I make it there on time, I won’t be leaving in a body bag” She laughs at his comment ”She gonna kill you if you don’t show up right?” ”She would bury me, I kept promising I would come see them but it’s been two years, I never did, partly for selfish reasons but now… I know if I do not, it would be over between us and I can’t risk that… she is like a smothering mother that one and he is a grumpy father” He laughs, she smiles at him ”You miss them don’t you?” ”Alot, can’t wait to see them” ”Okay, phew. Hungry? I am hungry” She turns away. ”Let me get a hostess to give you a snack, don’t worry Dee..stop fidgeting as though you are going to see the parents” She laughs ”I would have liked to see the parents” ”Yes…they would have liked to see you too” he rubs her arms and leans backward staring out the plane. His mind zoning into his thoughts . Two years ago today..he left this city running away from the pain in his chest.. Two years ago today, he boarded that boat of the ship and didn’t look back, got to his office, took the offer to head the finance firm out of state. Left same day, second flight and didn’t bother to wait for their cruise ship to end to say a proper good bye to his friends. Two years ago today…the ache in his heart remains. Two years ago today, he wonders if he would ever see her again and if she would blow him away now that he had moved on. Two years ago today… he walks back to face his demons… the pain in his chest. He hopes he never sees her again. ”Darren?” ”Yes?” ”Thank you for sharing your life with me” ”Thank you for agreeing to be part of my mess” He kisses her knuckles. ***** ”I will kill him I swear I will kill him, I swear it” Tonia says staring at the clock above the priest’s head. ”Relax Tonia, don’t be dramatic. Two years and you still act like a smothering mother” ”I am a smothering mother damnit!” Tom smiles ”Oh dear Lord, I feel like a grandpa” She smiles under her chin.. ”You are a grandpa, father to Darren and this little bundle of joy” Tom laughs silently ”And you love this grandpa” ”Madly, crazily and insanely!!” she flutters her lashes ”He is my world” ”As you are to hims” he kisses her forehead. ”And would be Father and Mother please step forward as we Christine their son..?” Tom gets up, carries his son while his wife walks behind him to the pulpit while friends and family members remained seated in the congregation.. Tonia turns to look behind her and catches a another familiar face in the crowd. Lucy waves at her and blows her a kiss. Tonia smiles back turning away. ”And the God-father?” The priest raises his head to look at them. ”He is being held up, he is on his way from the airport and you know how that can be and if we can please wait just a little while longer–” Tonia pleads joining her thumb and her index finger together slightly touching. ”We have three other families here in present , we cannot wait any minute longer, come forward and let me have the child so we ca begin the ceremony” The Priest beckons to them. Tom hands their son to him. Tonia is muttering under her breathe as she looks behind her, willing him to show up. she turns back to the Priest as he takes her son closer to him. ”I will kill him, I swear I will kill him..” Tonia kept muttering. ”Rise everyone as we Christine this son and give him into the hand of the father…” * Annalisa is seated in her car. She had been seated outside the church for the past one and half hour, deciding whether she should go in or not. Lucy had invited her for Tonia’s son christening three weeks ago, knowing that she would be in town. Tonia too had extended an invite but ever since that day two years ago.. things had never been thesame. Tonia had tried to be civil but, she felt that she blamed her for making her friend Darren to leave the city, far away from them. Well, it was her fault; if they hadn’t met, she wouldn’t have turned his life upside down in a sense and maybe he wouldn’t have made her turn hers too. Maybe they were both a mess. The remaining two days on the ship passed like she never existed. Tonia preferred to be anywhere but close to her, Tom was still nice, Lucy was mad at her, Daniel didn’t stop trying to get with her, His wife harassed her and Bella snubbed her all through. The surprising turn out was Natalia who clinged to a girl all through till the cruise ended. She seemed to had forgotten about Darren, but she didn’t relent in trying to make her feel like shit for making Darren leave. In all, it was hell. There was no sweet face Darren so reassure her that it wasn’t because of here. There was no more fun, just..sadness. He had said they would talk in the morning, how was she to know he was telling her goodbye, and by morning he was gone. Literally gone. No forwarding address, no number, nothing. She had gone by his office to ask; Bella had had a field day telling her to fxxk off. She felt bad, she felt horrible…she wished she could tell him how really sorry she was and didn’t realize how it all affected him that he had to move away from the city. Sighing, she rubs her temple. He had asked her what she wanted..Happiness she thought. Happiness to her before Darren was Daniel. But …if only he had allowed her tell him what she told Daniel, a man she loved at some point in time, he would have seen that..there was no way she was going to date a married man even if she loved him insanely. Yes! she wanted happiness, and she wanted it so badly she yearned for it. Maybe, maybe she should have picked him, maybe he would have been here still. Maybe he would have been her happiness..maybe not. And there was the possibility that he may bot be her happiness too. But then again, she didn’t know what she really wanted.. he was right. When he said she needed to sort herself out. He was right too. She needed to find herself, still the storms and the current without and be at peace with herself, without influences and distraction. And she did. It took a while to really forget the man she loved. It took time, it took healing and it took purging. Six months down the line, they met again and this time, she felt nothing, not a blink, not a shiver and most definitely not jelly. It was the most beautiful feeling to be free. She even congratulated his wife on being heavily pregnant and walked away. She was genuinely happy for them and wished them well. What did she do after then? She made something out of herself. She became head at Madivas magazine firm in two years, big promotion and a fat check. Yes! she was doing better than good for herself for a twenty-nine year old woman. A twenty-nine year old single woman, with a great job, good prospects, a bestfriend and a few friends and no love interests. Life was great. it was. Until she got the text message from Lucy and another from Tonia. Yes, two years ago today…she had laughed with these people, enjoyed their company and wished they had remained. They were nothing more than ”hello” ”hi ” ”friends” ” And how is work and all that.?” It had never been thesame since the cruise. Lucy and Tonia kept being great friends, and maybe if she too didn’t pull a way out of guilt, they would have remained better friends.. But she too needed to heal, find herself and not drag anyone into her chaos. Yes! she listened to Darren, she healed…and she was great. She stares at the church.. She had been out of town for three months, got in yesterday and then Lucy had texted her ” Yay! My girl is coming to town. I miss you Anna, welcome back, girls night out to celebrate another milestone in your career, meet me at the christening forTonia’s son..she asked about you and said she was going to send you an invite..did she?” Anna looks at her phone and then reads the message Tonia had sent ”Hi Anna, been awhile. I hope you are great. Lucy told me you are out of town, sorry I haven’t checked on you, hope you are great. You must have heard… I got a boy!! Yay!!”‘ she smiles reading the message ”Christening is in two weeks from now… I know you are not in town so… say a prayer for my boy since you won’t be attending. Bye. Tom sends his hugs” She drops her phone in her bag and then opens the door . She sighs ‘Maybe she shouldn’t go in. Tonia was probably tying to be nice.. and didn’t exactly want her there. they had hardly had a long conversation since the day she ran out of Darren’s room with tears in her eyes, They didn’t talk for five months after then till Tom and her ran into each other, and then invited her and Lucy for thanksgiving and then after then, a month later when she ran into Tonia in the gym, four months later when they saw at a friend’s party and then two weeks ago when she got this message. She wondered if she would be happy to see her, if they would be? . She knew Lucy would be thrilled she had moved back to town. And besides, It was Tonia’s baby Christening…she has to come right?. She alights from the car and then straightens her dress, carrying a bag with baby items in it.. ”Here goes” she mutters bracing herself as she walks into the church and finds her way to Lucy who hugs her .. ”Oh Anna, look at you..oh my God!”‘ she hugs her ”Three months and you look like someone who just walked out of a Forbes magazine, one word ”Wow!” She stares at Annalisa who smiles ”That good huh?” ”That good, look at you, I am almost jealous of my best friend, damn, even your ass got bigger and you glow… tell me, who is hitting that up these days?” Lucy whispers Annalisa rolls her eyes ”Every woman’s glow has nothing to do with a man Luce” ”Well, whatever is giving you that glow…more of it baby” ”Good job, peace of mind, great check..and an amazing view out of my crib and a new fab car…’s a ford” ”Oh dammit girl!! I hate you” Lucy says, Anna smiles ”I love you and I miss you” she leans into her ”I miss you more, glad you are back. We are going to have so much fun today, after the christening and all…girls only, I no boys” ”I second that” then she stares at Tonia and Tom with their son ”Hmmph!! he is so handsome” Anna says viewing the child from her seat ”I know right, such a cute baby.. I wish I can kidnap him. You know, I should get me a baby” Lucy says ”I would go now I get me a baby” ”Like Adopt one?” Lucy scoffs ”No, get laid without condoms and get me a baby…so envious of those locs of hair, see how he smiles…so adorable..” she gushs, Anna laughs ”I want all that cuteness and more, damn..babies are fxxking angels” ”Oh I missed your crazy too…” She hugs her friend who laughs returning it ”Yes, what would the world be without my crazies right? Hey! That for me?” Lucy eyes Annalisa’s bag. ”No, for Baby Tonia” Anna moves the gift bag away ”Hey..” Lucy laughs ”I am a baby too!” ”No you aren’t. Whats the commotion about?” Anna cocks her head to the side ”I think they are waiting for someone” Lucy says with a slight frown. ”Well, they have to hurry, I hear the other mothers muttering that the first mother is taking forever to Christine her son” she looks behind her and then back at them.. ”Who are they waiting for anyways” ”No idea”.. ”Okay, but I am happy to be here to share in their joy, I hope she doesn’t toss baby milk on me though” she thins her lips. Lucy laughs ”Water under the bridge, tons of years ago… she likes you still” ”Oh well if you say so.. I came with baby proof just in case” she smiles ” it’s okay…so tell me…how have you been? Tell me you gonna say yes to him soon?” Lucy smiles ”Oh Adam is just divine i can’t wait to say Yes, but I wan him to beg” she laughs ”You are wicked” ”I know, he loves me even more” They laugh. **** ”Father, if you can wait just a second more before you go on I would appreciate it” Tonia stops the priest, a few people mutter behind them, she ignores them. The priest who was about to take water from the fountain shakes his head ”The ceremony goes on or would you rather go back and wait..and with the time now, we would have to shift it to next week” ”Tonia, he is not coming okay, so let’s go on” Tom leans to whsiper She bites her lips”But he promised” ”He has made alot of promises and he has broken them since he moved away, He probably could not get off work or the flight cancelled or something, we can’t keep waiting Tonia, common” ”Fine, carry on” She says with a sigh. ”I baptize this boy in the name of the father-” The church door bursts open and a lady dressed elegantly rushes in, followed by a man dressed in a black suit rushing to the pulpit. They held hands. ”Oh my God Anna!!” Lucy exclaims Annalisa who was fiddling with her bag looks at her friend ”What Tonia, why do you have that face?” ”See who just walked into church” Annalisa followed her eyes and then her heart catches in her chest ”Darren!” she breaths. ”Yeah, Darren!!” Tonia bursts into large smiles as she claps in excitement ”I told you he was going to come” Tonia says to her husband. He turns smiling ”Yeah you did, handsome mudafxxker!!” ”Language please, this is the house of the Lord” ”Sorry Father, sorry God” Tom looks to the priest and then to the heavens. ”Well hurry up!!” Tonia beckons to him. Darren leans in and places a kiss to his lady friend’s cheeks and then lets her go, he rushes to the Pulpit. ”Here here, take him…”Tonia grabs her baby from the Priest and shoves it into Darren’s hands like a proud mother ”You can go on Priest..” she laughs Tom shakes his head ”The family is complete” he nods. ”Shall we then, step froward with your God son..Mr?” ”Darren Bloom” ”Darren Bloom…” He takes water from the fountain and then begins to pour on the child’s head… “…I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” ”Amen”. The congregation replies. He continues with the christening which lasts for an hour. When he was done, he says to them having returned the child back to Darren after taking him briefly.. “…People of God will you welcome this child and uphold them in their new life in Christ?” “…With the help of God, we will.” they replied ”And you, the god-father, would you care for this child as your own, love him, nurture him and bring him up in the name of the Lord?” ”I will” Darren says ”Would you seize from doing anything that is not of God around him, ensure that he stays on the right part and step in when needs be to be a guardian is needed?” ”I will” The priest takes anointing oil and then anoints the boy by placing a drop of it to his forehead and doing the sign of the cross. “…Christ claims you as his own. Receive the sign of the cross.” The priest offers prayers for the child, his family and that of his friends and loved ones. A candle was brought forward, this the priest hands to Darren as he places his hand on the boy’s head. “…Shine as a light in the world to the glory of God.” ”Amen” everyone mutters. ”May the Lord go with you all, may you never neglect the gathering of the brethren and may you always show love and kindness towards each other. Go in peace” The Priest finishes ”Thank you Father” Tom shakes him, Tonia appreciates him and Darrem thanks him. They leave the pulpit as their friends gather them to gush about the baby, they exit the church and stand outside and soon they leave for the reception. Annalisa is already on her way to her car, pulling Lucy with her in a hurry. ”Anna, psst wait!” Lucy stops her ”Wait girl, heels aren’t meant to be running in, wait damnit” Anna stops ”I gat to leave” ”No you don’t gat to do nothing, why are you running?” ”Because I can’t be here.. I mean he left because of me and he is back i don’t want him to be reminded of the girl who didn’t want him or was too messed up and bla bla bla” ‘That’s just stupid, it’s being two years girl.. he won’t hate you” ”Well, you don’t know that and besides you did saw him with a hot cheek right? He won’t even remember your face girl, we came for the christening and we are going for it” ”Ir’s finished, you go on to the reception and I go home and we meet up later” she opens her car door. ”Hell nah coming with even if I have yo drag you. Come one is going to want to go back down memory lane okay..besides you were invited” ”That invite was shortsighted, I swear I believe Tonia didn’t think I would show..and she wouldn’t miss me girl…” ”Are you running away because you scared he gonna hate or you are running away because there is a tendency you going to get jealous seeing him with another woman?” ”Please Luc, not even close… I just don’t want bad blood okay” ”How about you do this. You drop me off at Tonia’s and you can go ..good?” ”Phew..fine” ”Yay!” ***** ”Come here let me plaster your handsome face with Kisses” Tonia pulls Darren to her and kisses him all over, he was laughing as he places a kiss to her forehead ”That how much you missed me mama ?” ”So much so so much!” she pulls his cheeks ”Two fxxking ears and you haven’t aged abit, you look even way handsome, what are you a vampire?” ”I think so, see my fangs?” he shows her his teeth ”Yeah, faintly…damn boy, two years, don’t ever do that again” She nudges him ”I won’t I am sorry, needed to clear my head ” ”Did you?” ”Yeah, I did. ”When you moving back here then?’ she smiles, he laughs ”Well, still not sure” ”You got a son now, so you better be making move back here else ama come drag you myself” She pinches him ”I don’t doubt that.” He stares at the baby with his father ”Darren Griffin Jnr, i love him already” ”So cute right?” ”The cutest” Tom is walking towards them ”Try not to teach my son how to break the ladies hearts though, he is going to be the best and perfect gentleman” ”Scout’s honour!!” Darren salutes. Tom and him hug as Tom places his head to him ”I missed you bro, too fxxking damn much, I almost took a plane out once but the storm cancelled it..I hate you for leaving but i don;t blame you, glad you came..really and if you didn’t i would not be getting some for atleast a year, she is mean like that” ”What?” Tonia hits his shoulders as the boy’s laugh.. ”Just saying” Tom turns and perches on the table with Darren, they watch the crowd coming in and greeted a few. She walks past, smiling at Darren who smiles back. ”So, what’s her name?” ”Tammy” ”Tammy, manly name. But she beautiful” Tonia says Darren smiles ”Yeah she is” ”You happy?” Tom nudges him ”So so..” ”She is nice?’ Tonia says ”Yes she is” ”Are you settling?” Tonia stares at him ”Come on Tonia, I am not..she is great” ”How great is she…I mean..?” she pokes her jaw with her tongue ”Oh gross!!” Darren shakes his head, Tonia laughs ”I swear I did not pollute her mind with naughty things, Tonia was rotten even before I married her” Tom says in his defense ”Come on, if it were Tom you would tell him if you screwed her already” ”Because he is a guy and guys talk about such things but..I don’t kiss and tell” ”Aha, I see” ”But…if you must know, we haven’t” Darren says ”Oh really?” Tom asks ”Yes really” He takes the boy from Tom and then plays with him ”Why? How long is this ship?” ”Three months” Darren says smiling at little Darren ”And you haven’t tasted the cherry?” ”Giving it time and …being busy” ”You have been dating fro three months, you havn’t boinked her and you bring her all the way to see your family…and you say you have been busy, what the fxxk is the matter with you, you like this girl or what?” ”I do, she is nice..just taking my time” ”And what does she think about it?” Tonia turns around and seats with them ”Well, she understands that..I was in a bad place, i was in a good place and then it didn’t last and that I need time” She stares at him ”You talked to her about the Exs?” ”Yup!” ”Wow!” Tom exclaims ”And she don’t mind waiting?” ”I was open and honest, she is great yes and she still wanted the relationship and so we are taking it one day at a time, no rush, no fuzz..its great.” ”Glad then..” ”Welcome home son!” Tom grabs his head and then hits it, Darren laughs ”Yeah, good to see you too.” * ”Anna, come inside” ”No!” She remained in the car ”Give me my keys” She gives her hand to Lucy who shakes her head ”Come out now!” ”No!” ”Fine, enjoy your car” Lucy turns and walks into the house. ”Damnit Lucy!!” * Lucy greets familiar people and then walks to them. ”Hi!!!” Tonia turns and breaks out in smile ”Hi Lucy, you came, thank you so much. See Aunt Tonia Darren. See your aunt who is going to buy you nice things and teach you how to look all dapper checking out chicks” ”Haha , very funny!” she leans in and kisses Darren jnr’s forehead and hugs Tonia. The she higs Tom who thanks her for coming, ”Where is Adam?” ”Trip, he sends his love” ”Okay, he owes me the next games, he told you i won right?” ”Yes he did, smooth Tom, really smooth” She turns to Darren ”Darren Bloom!” ”Lucy, i never got your last name” ”It’s Micheals” She smiles ”You look great” ”I do infact look great. ” he smiles ”Come here” he pulls her to him and then hugs her ”Mehn, my world was boring without this crazy person in it, how have you been and Adam? same Adam?” ”Yes same Adam, girl got him hooked on her punani line and sinker he is singing the blues and then the white song” Tonia says to Darren ”Wow, he proposed?” he has surprise on his face ”He did, but I am making him sweat it, for a week or two before i say yes” she laughs ”You mean” ”That’s what she said” she said ”Who said?” Darren asks Annalisa ”…” she stutters ”You moved back or you just passing through?” ”Passing through, but be here for a little while, on vacation”’ ”Ah, I see” ”Babe?” They turn to see her coming towards them ”You should try this cake, it’s amazing” she comes with a a fork and saucer with cheeried cake on it , spoon feeding Darren ”Hmm” he groans ”Nice right?” ”Amazing” She smiles to Tonia and Tom ”Thank you both for having me and I am sorry I am such a glutton” Tonia laughs ”Don’t worry about it, eat, enough to go around and feed a community” They laugh She is staring at Lucy who is still being hugged by Darren and who is staring at her , then she clears her throat, Darren swallows another cake ”Oh sorry, Lucy meet my girlfriend Tammy, Tammy meet…Lucy” he releases her and brings Tammy closer to him. ”Hi Tammy, nice to meet you” Lucy gives her her hand ”Nice to meet you too Lucy, you the Ex?” Darren chokes on his drink, om and Tonia laughs ”Nooooooooooooo, at all” she laughs nervously ”That would be my best friend..who is outside right now” ”Annalisa is here?” Tonia looks at the door, Tom too, everyone does. ”Yeah.” Darren looks away, Tonia doesn’t miss that ”I thought she was out of town?” ”She was, came in last night and you sent an invite so…” ”I didn’t think she would show..” ”Oh so it was a formality?” Lucy clarifies ”She was right” ”Don’t be like that, it was an invite and..oh never mind, why isn’t she coming in?” ”You know… big elephant in the room” she cocks her head to Darren He shakes his head ”It’s fine really, that was tons of years ago… it’s fine, she should not lock herself away because I am in town, it’s fine” ”Se, its fine” Tonia smiled relieved ”All is right in the world. Unless the new girl don;t want her here?” ”Me?” Tammy asks ”Nonsense! I would love to see the girl who got away, it’s the way he describes her” They laugh, Darren doesn’t let it reach his eyes. ”Well, don;t worry, she isn’t coming in, I have her car keys so she isn’t leaving either” ”Baddass!!” Tonia exclaims ”You know it!” They smile ”Hell, she can’t be there all alone because of a misunderstanding, let me go get her..” Tom excuses himself. Darren takes his wine to his lips, Tammy leans in whispering into his ears, his eyes didn’t leave the door. * ”I am not going in, I am not going in and I am not going in, I am not… ”Boo!!!!” ”Aahhh!!” she screamed covering her face and then dropping her hands ”Damnit Tom!!” He laughs opening the door, and then pulling her out and into a hug ”Damn girl, you went on and got sexier, what kind of job they got you doing” She laughs as she pulls away ”I missed you guys” she hugs him again ”So you say and you disappeared too, showing up like the star every once in a while. Not nice” ”I am sorry, I thought you guys hated me” He scoffs ”No one does, Tonia can be touchy and sentimental but she doesn’t hate you, just camouflage, come” ”No no no, I can’t” she pulls away ”Darren and-” ”Girl, he already knows you are here” ”He does?” Her eyes grows big ” And?” ”And nothing. girl don’t seclude yourself, water under the bridge, come..” ”’Argh!! I really shouldn’t” she says grabbing the gift bag. ”You really should, come come say hello to my cute son, just don’t steal him away” They laugh walking back into his house. * He felt it racing as soon as she appeared at the door with Tom, their eyes meet. He couldn’t breathe, he quickly turns away. * Oh my God! Oh my God oh my God! Breathe Annalisa, Breathe. Annalisa says within herself as she walks to them, holding onto Tom. ”Hey Tonia!!” She says raising the gift bag ”Peace offering” Tonia smiles taking it and giving her a hug ”Accepted! How are you?” ”Thank you, I am awesome. and you…baby looks good on you, a mother, wow!!” ”I know right, still sexy hot too” she winks ”No doubt there..thank you for inviting me” ”Thank you for the gift, see Darren got so much love” she rubs her baby cheeks and smiles. They stare at each other, so does everyone stare at them. A stretch of one minute passes. ”Awkward!!” Lucy mutters under her breath. ”Hi, I am Tammy , Darren’s girlfriend and you must be ..the girl who got away” Annalisa frowns slightly taking her hand ”That what they call me now? It’s Annalisa” They shake ”You are a beauty!” Tammy says ”Wow!” ”You are beautiful as well” ”Nonsense! I pale in comparison to you. I am just a lucky gal to have this hunk of a man” she says leaning in and kissing Darren full on the mouth. Annalisa smiles ”Nice to see you Darren!” ”You too Annalisa” ”You want a drink? I do?” Lucy asks ”I do” ”Let’s go!” she pulls Annalisa away. ”Oh babe, I would be back” Tammy kisses him again, taking her phone to her ears to answer a call. Darren’s eyes follows her. ”You have that look in your eyes” Tom says as Tonia goes to feed their son ”What look?’ ”That.. I am still not over you look ” Darren breaks his staring and looks at Tom ”I am over her Tom” ”Was that before you came back into the city or now that you see her do you say so?” ”Over year a year ago” ”Then why do your eyes follow her like that, and your hands her shaking slightly” Tom looks at them, Darren folds them ”I am over her” ”Yeah. That’s the lie you tell yourself to believe it” ”It’s been two years” Darren says closing his eyes ”And I could literally hear your heart racing, God, she got you bad. Did you ever tell her?” ”What?” ”That you fell in love with her?” He shakes his head ”I left Tom. I couldn’t bear not being with her, seeing her with another or being happy without me being the source of it Tom. I had fallen madly in love with a girl I met on St. Valentine’s day, had sex with and wanted to date her all in three months… it was crazy, a new feeling for me… hurt, that cruise it did and I had to be selfless knowing that she needed to find herself and I am glad I let her go and allowed her to let herself go… it was painful but it was the right thing. I do hope she did find her happiness and the love that give her butterflies, i do” ”And you, did you find yours?” ”Tammy is a great girl” ”You did not answer the question” Darren is quiet ”It’s been two years, let the past remain the past” he sips his wine ”A littel advice, follow your heart and it it’s Tammy. great! But if you want to sail down that road again with Annalisa, iI give my blessing. I am a sucker for a good love story Darren and if I remember correctly, you helped me find my love gave Tonia, she was your best friend…and when it was about to hit the rocks you told me something which I am going to repeat to you ..”Never let a good thing die if you can make it work a second time. Take the chance that presents it self and baby make it go fireworks, never settle… if you find that love that causes your heart to beat fast ad slow at the same time even after so many years, it may just mean you have found the one who is your soul mate” ”Two years Tom. She has a life, I moved on” ”If this is what is called moving on, you are definitely dumber than i thought. Two years she walks into the room you can’t tell you have been drinking water instead of wine” ”What?” Tom cocks his head to the side, Darren follows his eyes and sees that he indeed was drinking water from a cup instead of his wine ”The hell, whose cup and water is this?” He drops it ”My thoughts exactly bro!” Tonia comes back to them ”What are you guys talking about?” ”Nothing!” They say in unison, Tonia eyes them both ”You have got to be kidding me!” She exclaims The boys play innocent. * ”Wow!!” Anna exclaims ”You okay?” Lucy nudges her ”I know it was kinda unexpected okay?” ”Hmmhum, I am awesome, why you think I wouldn’t be?’ ”Darren? Seeing him again and then…the new girl” She scoffs ”What about it, he has a girlfriend now, big deal. It’s great, he looks happy and she is beautiful” ”Yeah, so all is good?” ”All is perfect. Tonia seems genuinely happy to see me, Tom is everly great, they have a cute baby boy named Darren, my best friend would be getting married soon..and Darren is hooked..yes, all is perfect,everyone is happy” She smiles ”Glad. What about you?” ”Baby, with the kind of job I got and the money flowing in, who won’t be happy, I am. I was a bit nervous about seeing them again but all that is gone, we cool.” ”Okay, so drink, cake, anything?” ”Er sure..” Lucy smiles. They grab what they could and head out. * For the rest of the reception for Baby Darren, they hardly looked at each other much less said anything to each other because they were in different places at different time and talking to different people at different times. Soon the crowd was thinning out and it was getting late, Anna looks at her time, she was yawning. ”Lucy, I have to head home” ”Already?” Tonia stares up at her from breastfeeding her soon” ”Yes, I would come by during the week to visit if you don’t mind” ”Ofcourse, I like gifts, lots of baby girls” she smiles broadly ”I would not forget, see you Tonia” she hugs her sideways and then plays with the cheeks of Darren jnr. ”Bye Tom!!” They hug Darren is watching her while drinking from his glass, Tammy is whispering things into his ears he was trying hard to grasp. But he couldn’t. He swears and turns away from Anna and faces Tammy. Concentrate fool. He says to himself. ”Bye Darren, nice to meet you Tammy” ”It’s my pleasure” ”Bye” He manages trying to spare not more than a few seconds glance her way. ”Goodnight guys, need to go pick up my car anyways, byyeee” Lucy waves and they are out of the door. ”It’s getting late though, wanna go?” Tammy pouts ”I wish I could stay” ”Yeah, you would be around for a bit yes?” ”Just for tonight, I have a meeting in the morning so i have to fly out ” ”Oh, but I would be back by weekend though” ”Great, well save trip then” Tonia smiles at her. They walk them to the door, and waving. Tonia watches them leave, with Darren pulling away, she bites her lips and thinking hard. ”Spill it wife, you don’t do well keeping things in” ”Is it just me or Darren seems he would rather be with someone else than Tammy” ”It’s just you” Tom says walking away, she frowns turning to him while trying to make Darren Jnr burp ”Tom, I know you and we see things eye to eye, what were you both talking about?” ”Nothing okay, some things are just guys stuff” ”Well … I am your wife” ”He is my best friend” ”Mine first..” ”You are just a manipulative litte sexy mama” ”I know, spill” ”I think” he says pulling her to seat on him ”Our boy fell inlove with Anna before he bailed ” ”Aha!! Makes alot of sense, while hide yourself if it was just a thing, he probably didn’t want us to see him break down again and stuff” ”Maybe.” ”Okay so… is that what you guys were talking about?” He places his index finger in his son’s hand and watches him squeeze it, he smiles as love fills him for his little boy ”With the way his eyes followed her today seeing her after two years, my boy is stuck on glue with this one, he forgot Natalia within a month, he dated her for three years Tonia, he loved her ..but this girl he didn’t get a proper date till the cruise and dated her, this girl he barely knew, two years later, his heart is racing and he couldn’t tell he was drinking water instead of wine” he smiles ”Oh boy!!” She frowns ”You don’t sound pleased” ”I don’t want him to go down a road he lost. Tammy is nice, i like Tammy” ”I like Anna” ”Yeah, she is great but, let sleeping dog lie and Darren is sweet soul, i think it’s just nostalgia. Its just a ..oh my God surprise feeling of running into someone you had a thing for, in a day or two it would be gone” ‘You think so?” He stares at her , ”I am a man, and we guys knew when we have been hit hard in the heart, I knew when it was you, you think he doesn’t know that?” She bites her lips ”For all we know she is seeing someone, or maybe with that Daniel guy..” Tom shrugs ”I told him to follow his heart” ”No Tom,. tell him to build whatever love interests he has with Tammy and forget the past. I don’t want him going away again if it doesn’t work out” ”Don’t be selfish” he says looking at her ”If he decides to go after her again, we are not going to advice him otherwise, he deserves to have a beautiful love story, just because it didn’t work out the first time doesn’t mean it won’t work out again” ”And if it doesn’t, it breaks him even more” ”He would heal and he would move on. That is life, we win some and we lose son, but it is better than trying and failing than not trying at all and wonder what could have been. He is inlove with her Tonia, his eyes says it all, his body movement but he is being the perfect man, respecting his girlfriend and stuff…he won’t disrespect her, you know Darren, but i told him..he should follow his heart and he would do the right thing, for his happiness… I would pick you over and over again Tonia, even if we go sour at some point, girl I would fight for you because I love you, that is what I want for him, to fight for what he wants, at least try… if it’s Anna… then he should be encouraged to do so..if he says Tammy, then he should work it to the fullest, my two cents” ”Sometimes you are so deep Tom” ‘That’s why you married me, now… how about I bath my two favorite people yes?” He lifts her up with the baby ”Oh my man so big and strong” she chuckles ”So big and strong, speaking off…how about we play a little game while Darren sleeps.” he winks at her ”You naughty man” she laughs ”We can name baby 2… Anna” ‘They laugh. * Darren is by the window, staring out of the city, lost in thoughts when he felt hands slipping through his and wrapping him. ”Hey!” he whispers ”hey!” ”Coming to bed?” ”In a bit” he says. She holds him still, hugging him tighter . She walks infront of him, wearing nothing but a thin see-through nightie. She caresses his face. Going on tip-toe, she kisses him softly on the lips. He kisses her back. She wraps her hands around his neck and pushes herself closer to him, deepening the kiss. He savours her lips, drinking from her as she pushes him back to the bed. They sink in, she climbs ontop of him and begins to grind..kissing him still,he rolls her over and places her on the bed, sitting up and placing his head in his hand ”I can’t Tammy, i am sorry” She groans ”I want you so bad, it’s been three months, you have not even touched me. Do you know like me, for real Darren, because I am burning for you” He stares at her , ” I do like you and I do want to make love to you but I can’t force it, I can’t rush it and ..I simply can’t make myself do it… I need time” ”Three months is alot of time not to touch your girlfriend Darren, I mean you are a great guy, you take care of me and stuff, must i need to be cared for body and soul too..I want you, want to know how you feel inside of me, touch you, kiss you, suck you…and have you do all that to me, come on, relax and I would take care of you” she kisses his shoulders again and pulls him backwards, climbing him again, kissing his chest and trailing her tongue down to his novel and going before , he stops her.. She doesn’t understand, no one does. He closes his eyes and he sees her face, he kisses her and he sees her face. It’s been two freaking years.. Why can’t he get her out of his head. ”I can’t Tammy, and I have always been open and honest with you.. it has to pass” She sits up ”I think it’s even worse today, seeing her?” He gets up ”It would pass okay.” he pulls her to him and lays on his back with her on his chest ”It would, and you can have all of me” he kisses her lightly, and then closes his eyes. He slept off, he couldn’t. His thoughts were plagued with Annalisa. The one who got away. * ”I hope you get the contract signed” he tells her at the airport, just when she is about to board” ”Yeah, I will. You know I am a bad-ass lawyer” she smiles at him ”I am good at being persuasive. I always have a strong argument to swing things my way” ”I know, that’s how you got me to date you, cornering me and using your tactics on me… I had no choice than to surrender” He smiles pulling her to him , they hug, they kiss..”Take care of you Darren, I would see you by the weekend, right?” ”Yes!” ”Bye” ”Bye” * ***Two weeks Later** ”Who you bringing ?” Tom hands him a bottle of bear and turns the Tv station to ESPN. They had been out all day. ”Tammy can’t make it, had to go see her parents..” ”I see, so you would be a lone ranger?” ”Yep! Flying Solo had always been my thing” ”Great, see you at the church?” ”Yes..Gatto run though, need to take care of some things before tomorrow” ”Alright man” He gets up leaving, stopping by the nursery to see Tonia and his godson..”Bye son, don’t believe anything they say, I am your real daddy” he smiles, Tonia nudges him. He kisses her forehead, his forehead and waves..”See you tomorrow” Tom enters the nursery , ”Did I not tell you” ‘Tell me what?” ”That it was just a thing, he looks better, does he not?” ”yeah, maybe you are right, he has not brought her up since he came back two weeks ago.” ”yeah, take D..need to go make dinner” she leaves him with his son, ”Hey handsome, hey my little superhero..daddy is here, daddy is here” he pecks his cheeks. * He drives into the supermarket and then alights, entering the store going to the back to pick out some house supplies.. Going back to the counter, he drops his items and waits for the cashier to bag them ”How much?” ”A two hundred and fifty” she told him, a wide smile on her face, he returns it.. ”Here you go” he hands her his card and waits for her to swipe it. He steps away a second , looking through a pack of movies stacked at the shelve, going through them he picks two and heads back, someone was already in his place.. ”Oh sorry, Ma’am , give me a second while i finish bagging up his supplies and I would attend to you” The lady at the counter tells the customer who is standing before her ”No, it’s fine, I would wait” Darren tells her, ”Finish with her, not in a hurry” The lady turns , their eyes meet. ”Darren?” ”Anna” He breathes ***** TO BE CONTINUED
20 Sep 2018 | 09:39
It's crystal clear that Darren still loves Annalisa.. But I dnt like the fact that he brought Tammy along; if he knew he hadn't healed, he shouldn't have lead Tammy on. Now, he's gonna hurt her just the way Anna hurt him
20 Sep 2018 | 11:38
Darren still love Anna but Tammy is going to be the problem
20 Sep 2018 | 15:47
let love lead Darren .....keep it decent
20 Sep 2018 | 17:58
Oops!old luv about to be rekindled again.... Anyways what about Tammy,I guess her heart will be broken den!!!
20 Sep 2018 | 18:18
Love still exist between them
21 Sep 2018 | 03:11
una try
21 Sep 2018 | 11:01
happy reading
21 Sep 2018 | 11:02
we are almost true
21 Sep 2018 | 11:02
NINETEEN ***** ”Ma’am, your card please” The lady at the counter calls her again, ”Oh, i am sorry, i am sorry” she turns away ”Er..don’t worry about it, put it on mine” he says to the lady and then smiles.. ”No, it’s fine, i can handle it.” ”I insist” ”Thank you” Their items bagged, he reaches for his and then grabs one of hers ”Let me help you with that. Looks like you are about to feed a battalion” She smiles ”Want to make some pies and cake, and finger-chewing things for tomorrow” They are exiting the supermarket. ”Okay, playing the role efficiently” She smiles ”What to do, she i my best friend, i am supposed to make her day memorable” She suddenly frowns, looking at her phone ”What?” ”My Car, the mechanic was supposed to be done with it since morning, till now no word..and his number isn’t connecting and i so need it for tomorrow” ”Where is the address?” ”Out on 6th streets, broke-dale” ”That’s forty-five minutes drive from here, how did it get there?” ”Some dude swerved into my lane , i ended up hitting a tree” ”Wow, you look fine, no bruises, you got to be careful” ”Yeah, seat belt safe lives, just a tiny damage. I was heading back into town after driving a friend to go see her mum. Anyhow, i couldn’t possibly drive the car back int that state o i opted for the nearest mechanic shop, cost a tone but it would be fixed. I just figured it would be done by now. ” Darren is thinking , ”What you wanna do, how you gonna get home and these things there tomorrow before it begins” ”Uber!! Fantastic little creation by man” ”Aha! ” he nods ”Calling now” He waits and listens as she makes the call. ”Okay, i would be here ,waiting, thank you” She smiles ”My ride be here in five. Thank you” She takes her bags in one hand and reaches out to him for the others, he stares at her, reluctant. He nods ”Okay then, goodnight” He hands it to her and walks away, entering his car and driving away ”Goodnight ” She mutters, turning away and waiting. * Ten minutes later the Uber was still yet to come. ”Damnit!’ she calls again ”still waiting for my Uber and it’s about to rain” ”So sorry Ma’am, we have a bit of a problem and there is no way an Uber can reach you in the next thirty minutes, there is a road blockage out from the east and heading to you would take atleast 45 minutes and our other drivers are already on the road and if you can wait a bit and we would send someone across to you” ”Argh!! 45 minutes?” ”Yes Ma’am, so sorry for the inconvenience” ”Fine” She cuts the call. She bites her lips wondering if she should call Tonia, but she thinks against it. She might as well try to hitch a ride, there are no serial killers right, what’s the worst that could happen. She grabs all six bags and begins to pull them towards the road, standing there, she sticks out her hand, with her thumb shooting up and begins to shake it. A car pulls up beside her , the window winds down ”You were horrible” She bends ”Darren, i thought you left” ”Did, came back. Your Uber?” ”Can’t get her till after 45 minutes. ” ”Sorry” ”Why are you back?” ”Does it matter, come, i’ll take you home” ”I really don’t want to be a bother” ”Annalisa, really it’s fine, besides, it’s late, it’s not safe, get in” Sighing she throws her bag into the backseat of the car and then slides in. ”Same address?”’ ”No, i’ll direct you” * He pulls up at her house and then grabs her bags for her, walking up the stairs and waits for her to open. She does, dropping her things on the floor she turns and smiles at him ”Thank you Darren, you are a life saver” He hands them to her ”Yeah, you welcome, anything for a friend right?” A certain pain shoots through her. ”Yeah, anything for a friend” He turns away, steps down the stairs. Suddenly the cloud opens and heavy downfall. ”Oh dear” she exclaims ”Where did that come from?” He rushes back up the stares and stares up to the heavens ”I had no idea” * ”Cupid!!!!!!!!!”‘ ”What Jesus? Just because i can’t make them fall inlove does not mean i can’t play with them, i just left the tap running in Gabriel’ toilet, sheeesh..” Cupid chuckles.. ”Play nice, stop the rain” ”Oh you are no fun” He rolls his eyes. ”In a minute”. * ”You can come while it’s raining, you don’t want to stand there do you?” she opens the door and steps back, he turns and walks into her house. While he settles in, she gets a piece of cake and a bottle of beer and hands it to him ”You can enjoy that. I need to begin with this beauties” ”What exactly do you want to make?” ”The biggest cake ever!” she smiles ”Kidding, just something the guest can also mulch on, my contribution. ” She disappears to the kitchen. He finishes the cake and the beer, standing up he realised the rain had stopped. He should leave. He takes the plate and then the empty beer bottle and heads to the door she disappeared behind.He opens to find her smeared with flour, pans on her kitchen table, dough in a bowl and lots of brownies. ”Wow, you really got your hands full. Need help?” ”If you can make cookies, maybe” she smiles ”No!” ”Thought so” She continues to work. He stands there watching her. Then he goes to the sink, washes his hands with soap, wipes then with a papar towel and came to her ..”Tell me what to do” ”It’s stopped raining Darren, you should go” ”Chasing me?” ”No, just..your girlfriend would be worried” ”She won’t be, tell me what to do and besides, i was going to go home and watch a movie, make dinner and pass out. This is much more fun, learning new things. Tell me what to do” ”Okay! Grab that spatula and whisk the contents of that bowl anti-clockwise” ”whisk?” ”Yes, let me show you” She takes the bow and the spatula and shows him what she mean, then she hand it back to him. ”Oh, i see it, this is simple” ”Yeah, say that again when your hands begin to ache. Sure you don’t want to leave, i can manage” ”Do i eat to this?” ”Well, sure” ”I’ll take my chances” She smiles, he does too. she suddenly turns away as her legs goes weak. She clears her throat and continues kneading the dough and adding more flour. Darren watches her all through while he followed her instructed. * A few minutes to midnight, They have stacks of cookies, five cakes, pastries and samosas ready. ”Oh my goodness my body hurts” she says groaning as she dried up her pans and trays having cleaned her kitchen, she comes to find Darren finishing another set of pie. ”You are going to get fat on that Darren” He laughs ”Its so amazing i cannot get enough, when did you learn to bake?” ”A year ago, enrolled in fashion school, hated the smell of fabrics and pin injuring me. Walked into a bakery and i was blown. Did three months and i was hooked. Now i do it for fun, while i work and stuff. How it’s past midnight already” He looks at the time ”Wow! i should go, didn’t realize” ”You can’t” ‘Why?” ”You were not listening to the news? Curfew..” ”By 11pm” ”It’s past midnight, ” ”Crap!!” he looks around ”I am sorry” she smiles ”Not your fault, i have a spare bedroom, you can use that.” ”Your boyfriend wouldn’t mind?” He was fishing, he hopes she didn’t catch it ”You can stay there, let me get you some clean towel, i kinda have you messed up, flour and all..” she points to him. He stares down at himself ”Indeed you did” She disappears and comes back with a towel ”Room by your far left, i think you have everything you need there” she says Just not you. He says within himself. She yawns ”Big day tomorrow, goodnight Darren” she says getting up and leaving. ”Goodnight!” He watches her leave, he finds the room, takes a shower and lays on the bed, closing his eyes. * ”Oh my God!!” Anna breaths under the shower, trying to calm her racing heart. This does not make any sense, why was her heart beating fast. Infront of him she was trying to be all cool and putting a straight face, but damn.. Her heart was racing and why?. Two years girl, two bloody years. She liked the guy then, didn’t love him. Just liked him. He left after what happened in the cruise.She went on with her life, she healed and she moved on from Daniel. Her life was great. Her job too. few friends, no hassle. No man. No worries. Two weeks ago, Darren showed up, with a girl and he took her breathe away, literally. But ofcourse she didn’t tell anyone that. She grabs the towel and dries herself. Okay maybe he was more handsome, more coordinated, or maybe because another woman was looking at him with interest in her eyes and she realized how desirable he was . Or maybe because she missed him..missed the way they talked, how he made her laugh, how he hugged her and lingers…and that last kissed they shared. It plagued her for two frigging years, and the fact that she may have broken him too. she sighs. Two weeks. Her life was okay for two years and now two weeks, Darren and she is back in thesame town…and he was in her house, right now…and her heart was racing fast. Why? It was not all that then, why should she be feeling weak in the knees, why? She lays on her bed, her silk lingerie clinging to her body. She is staring at the ceiling. Why is she thinking of their last kiss..why does it plague her so? Why was she remembering their night together, why is her heart racing so fast. She turns on the bed and closes her eyes, willing sleep. * Darren gets up. He couldn’t sleep, he should eat something to distract himself. He leaves the room, goes to the kitchen, grabs a saucer and places a pie on it, he stands and begins to fork it with a fork and takes it to his mouth. * Sighing from lack of sleep, she grabs her rope, wraps it around her shoulders and makes her way out of the room. Maybe she should eat something to distract herself. Cookies, samosa or cake, it would help to put her to sleep and if that does not work, maybe a boring novel would do the trick. She makes her way to the kitchen and was startled when she enters to find him backing her. ”oh my goodness” she places her hand to her chest as she steps all the way in He turns to her ”I am sorry, did i scare you?” ”A little, forgot there was someone with me in the house. I thought you were asleep?” ”I couldn’t sleep, besides, your amazing pie was calling me” She smiles, reaching for a saucer ”Couldn’t sleep either. ” She places samosa and a pie, she grabs a glass and pours juice inside. She didn’t have a chair in her kitchen and she didn’t feel like going back to her room. Besides he was here in the kitchen, they might as well talk. She has so many things to ask him, but she didn’t know how to begin. Maybe watching him eat would suffice. Yes, looking at him now, she did miss him. But she wouldn’t tell him that. She missed her chance with her two years ago, he had moved on, she can’t blame him. She wasn’t ready, she didn’t even know what she wanted. Now, her head was clear..Looking at him now, she wished she had not left that night from his room. Maybe today, she would have been Tammy, his girlfriend..and they would have been happy. But wishes aren’t horses. she sighs lifting herself on her table and seating on it. He was watching her, she shifts away from his gaze and eats her samosa. They are staring at each other, she clears her throat. ”So we have not had time to catch up” ”Yeah” ”How have you been?” ”Being awesome” ”Work?” ”Manager, financing firm, head of two branches actually” ”Wow! The broker in accounting firm now becomes a manager, you rise man” He laughs ”Good things happen to good people, you?” ”Head of creatives at Madivas, sent to the head office…it’s mad love out there” ”You did good for yourself” he smiles forking another pie into his mouth, he watches her as he sips a glass of wine, she places cookies in her mouth ”How is Tammy?” He smiles, she didn’t miss that. A pang of jealously pulls at her . Stop it Annalisa, he wasn’t your man, you never claimed him then, you never wanted him then, you let your emotions for Daniel ruin it. he is someone’s man now. Deal with it. ”She is great” ”What does she do?” ”She is a Lawyer, great at it too” She nods ”She is beautiful” You are beautiful , he says within ”Yes, she is” he answers. He wanted to know. ”Are you seeing anyone?” NO. ”Yes” She answers ”he is great, really amazing guy, my God!” Nice try Anna. Disappointed ”Oh, that’s nice” he says ”what’s his name , what does he do?” His hope shatters. Damn! what does she say ? ”Er, Oil and Gas, right now in the field, Walter” she says staring into her glass ”Walter Philips” Walter Philips, really Anna, That’s your mechanic name..She face-palms mentally. ”Are you happy? Did you find peace?” He asks ”Yes, i did. I am happy.” He nods ” I am glad.” ”Are you?” He nods . Being here with you gives me a certain peace i am still yet to understand . Two years..damn, i am still inlove with you Anna, but i can’t tell you..not ever . ”Yes, i am” he answers . She finishes her cooks, she takes out ice-cream and begins to lick ”Too much sugar, have you not heard what they say about it?” ”Makes kids hyperactive?” ”Yep. !” She shrugs ”Not a kid” ”True.” He watches her mouth as she spoons it and places it into her mouth, he follows the movement. Curses silently he turns away. He should go to bed. ”Oh shoot, my manners you want some?” He turns to face her, hands folded ”No, not really a fan of it. Give me brain freeze…” She laughs ”Liar!” ”Hmm” He shrugs ”Come on, try it. You did before” ”When?” ”Two years ago when i made you taste it..” He smiles remembering ”True that. But i haven’t had it since then” ”I teach you bad things, come, taste. I have a another cup in the fridge if you want” He shakes his head . ”One spoon, i promise you would love this flavour” ”If i say no?” ”I smear you with it, hyperactive remember? And i can’t sleep. Unless you want ants licking you up some and playing with your nipples, you would be a good little boy and come have taste with mys specially made ice-scream” ”You made it?” ”Jack of all trades, my own special recipe, why you think i am asking you to taste it, grade me..” He nods unfolding his arms and coming to her. He is between her legs but not coming any closer. ”Close your eyes, let your senses speak okay?” ”okay” He does so. ”Open your mouth” He does so, soon he felt the spoon in his mouth, he closes it and the and then felt her pulling it away as the ice-scream remained on his tongue. He groans . It was really divine ”Strawberry, a heightened taste of sweetness, vanilla cream..and something else” ”Nice..” she smiles as he opens his eyes ”Not bad , i give you a 3” ”What!!” she nudges him as he laughs ”I deserve an 11 over ten” ”Okay maybe 1 and half” he bends his head as she flicks his nose. He laughs. ”Want another?” He stares at her now , his heart is racing. No . ”Yes!’ There was something in his eyes as he answered, she swallowed looking away. She scoops it and then gives to him. And then another scoop into his mouth, and then another scoop into his mouth. Their eyes not leaving each other, soon her hands her shaking. ”Another?” it comes more like a whisper, barely leaving her throat. God her heart was racing so fast she wonders if he can hear it. What in the world was happening to her. Her eyes goes to his lip, watch him lick the scream off the spoon. She felt hot. she should stop. Hell, if she could steady her hands. ”Another?” she asks again. ”Yes” He should say no, walk away, back away..go to bed. But he couldn’t move, it felt perfect being there, here, with her. His eyes goes to her lips. Don’t Darren, she is seeing someone. He looks at her eyes. It was was. All sultry pulling him in. He stares at her neck, he could see her pulsating. He looks at her face… He wants to kiss her so bad. She scoops another into his mouth, the next one she places in hers. He notices her hand shaking, he stares at her scooping the last one from the cup, he opens his mouth, she takes it there but it tips and falls to her neck. Damnit Anna!!! Your bloody shaking hands. ”Oh so sorry, clumsy me” She says turning to look for what to clean herself with. ”Paper tower, behind you Darren” He doesn’t move. He couldn’t. ”Darren?” He stares at her, he reaches for the paper towel, takes out some and the shakes his head when she opens her hand to him ”Let me.” ”You don’t have to” she breathes He says nothing, ”Let me, i am the cause anyways.” he says leaning closer to her, taking the towel paper to her neck. He places it there and was able to move his hands. She felt him pause, her heart racing. ”Darren?” He closes his eyes ..”I can’t” he whispers ”You can’t what?” He stares at her ”I can’t control it” ”What?” she is staring at him, watching him ”This” He leans in and then kisses her, slowly at first. Then he quickly pulls away ”I am sorry” ”Oh God Darren!” she takes her hands to her lips, her whole body burning, she closes her eyes ”Don’t you ever!” ”I am sorry” he repeats, his heart crushing in pain ”Don’t be sorry, don’t you ever be sorry!” she breaths, i heart bursting with a feeling she could not comprehend. she pulls him to her and captures his lips into a kiss. He hugs her tight, kissing her back, kneading her lips with his. He lets go of her lips and finds his way to her neck, licking out the scream smeared there. She moans bending her neck to give him access. Stop Darren, stop! He wills himself. But he couldn’t. He didn’t want to. He grabs her face and kisses her away, pulling her to him, hugging her tight. he takes his hand and caresses her neck, finding his way to her bosom as he squeezes her. He groans. Two years, this need to touch her, kiss her, want her, make love to her was as real as it was the first day they met. She kisses him back, opening her legs and pulling him between her, crushing her body to him. He lifts her up, taking her out of the kitchen, finding the door, not knowing which one , he enters and shuts it, laying her on the bed, his body burning in desire. For two years, he had not been able to bring himself to feel this way for another woman, he couldn’t. He could hardly go five minutes kissing Tammy and he wants to stop because he is unable to go further, he always stops. But right here, right now, the need to go all the way as as strong as anything he had never felt. And he had no desire to stop. Why was it different now? He had always been able to control himself with other women, even her, he knew that much. But now, he couldn’t. Was it because he was inlove with her, was it because everything felt right with her..that holding back felt pointless.. He didn’t want to stop. God, he missed her so bad his heart wants to explode. He kept kissing her, caressing her . * Her legs began to quake, in desire, shaking endlessly. He was untop of her, her senses flying out the door and her warmth burning with desire between her legs.. She holds him tight, she takes off his shirt, letting him untie the rope from her body. Soon his hands her own her thighs, and then his lips, kissing, trailing tongue. He pushes her lingerie up, and then her legs, then in another second her buries his head between them, letting wet tongue flick at her core. She groans aching her back, closing her eyes and biting her lower lip. He pins her down, letting his tongue play strings and cause her to sing. And she did. And when she could not take it anymore, the torture, she raises his his head, back to her lips and kisses his lips, tasting her core on his lip, savoring its sweetness. He rolls her lingerie over her head and rolls her ontop of him, kissing her deeply. His hands placed on both her perky bosom, he massages them, rising a bit, he takes one after the other, suckling on them, watching her roll her eyes to the back. He wanted more of her he couldn’t understand. She aches, throwing her head backwards as she grinds him. He brings her down to him, kissing her, kissing her some more, passionately, like he had never kissed anyone. Turning her away he places her underneath him, then he stares down at her. His breathing hard, his member harder..his desire burning. His heart about to explode..and he knows if he doesn’t do it now, he wouldn’t be able to again. ”I am inlove you Annalisa, i fell inlove with you..even before i left..and i thought i could forget you, i wanted to and seeing you again, i realize that can’t just forget someone you love like that..and i am sorry i judged you harshly and i couldn’t understand how it was with Daniel, now i do. Love is crazy..this love is and i am trying to not want all this but i do, i do want all this with you and more..though it’s killing me right now to have you, because i want to..but i won’t go any further if you don’t want me too” She is staring at him.. ”So..i know we both have our lives ahead of us, and…people and all. But this is me laying my heart on the table..this time all in. I am inlove with you, insanely so, and i want to date you, whatever it is, i want this and all with you…right now, today” ”Tammy?” ”I don’t love Tammy, i love you, i love you” ”Darren” she seats up ”I won’t be the cause of your break -up” ”You aren’t.. i cannot force what’s not there either” She breaths.. ”Can i tell you something?” ”Go head ” ”I really don’t know what i feel…” ”Do you still like me?” She laughs ”Let me explain what i mean, i saw you again two weeks ago and a beautiful girl on your arm and i felt jealous. I saw you in the supermarket and i almost lost my tongue, i couldn’t sleep because i was thinking about our kiss and our night together. Feeding you that ice-scream, i wished i could kiss it off your lips” she sniffs ”My heart is racing, i feel weak…and i cannot understand what is going on.. You kiss me and i want to explode, you touch me and i quake. So you want to repeat that question? Because i do not have an answer for you” she says as tears runs down her eyes ”I just know i want you right now..and ..i can’t stop the pain i feel in my chest, knowing i let you go the first time..i don’t know why i am crying” he pulls her to him, She sobs in his arms, he rests himself and lets her cry on his chest , he smiles ”I just asked a simple question and you are crying” ”Shut up!” He smiles ”Now you ruined the moment” ”Shut up!!” He laughs raising her head ”I love you, no i am inlove with you…and it’s okay, you not understanding this sudden emotion …” he laughs ”It’s a good thing” ”Why?” ”Because i am the cause of it, so it’s a great thing, you feeling the brother…its a great thing”he laughs He wipes her hand ”We are going to figure it out together ” ”So what if it’s not love, what if i am just horny AF” He smiles ”I am at your service” he leans in and then kisses her. ”Darren, i am not seeing anyone” she says lowering her lashes , he smiles ”Thank God, i felt like shit already” ”But we have not even had sex…yet” ”That can be arranged” he winks at her, she hits his tummy as he laughs again. The he suddenly went quiet.. ”I need to speak to Tammy..” She is quiet ”I don’t want to ruin your relationship” ”I don’t to spend my life knowing i let the love of my life slip away , twice. I don’t want to settle.” They are quiet. He reaches for the covers and the takes it over their body, he pulls her to him and then kisses her deeply. ”I love you, and i would spend the rest of my life waiting to hear those words back from you, when you mean it..when you know it” he kisses her again..”As much as i would love to make mad love to you right now…, i won’t. I already disrespected Tammy by even kissing you, and ..i have to make it right.” She is silent ”Are you gonna tell her?” ”Yes!” ”She would hate you” ”I have to, i won’t lie, i won’t be defensive..i would say the truth. Sleep Anna” It takes a while before she sleeps. He doesn’t. * She wakes up to find that she was alone..and a note on the bed.. ”See you later, love ..Darren. I left my keys, pick you up later” She checks her time. ”Oh shit!” she jumps from the bed and dashes into the bathroom. * ”Oh my God Lucy , you look beautiful.” Lucy turns around and stares at her best friend..”I know right, i am getting married ” she smiles excitedly. ”We are ready for you Lucy!” A lady pokes her head through the door and says. Tonia’s face replaces hers. ”Wow!! Adam would be blown away.” Tonia steps into the room wearing a blue dress flowing to the floor. They hugs. ”Hey no crying and ruing your make up” Anna cleans her eyes and daps it with an handkerchief ”I am not crying, just happy” ”We are ready for you” The knock came to the door again ”Be right there, it’s my bloody wedding, let them wait” ”I am talking my son” Anna mimics Akeem’s father from coming to America, they all laugh. ”Ready?” ”How is my Adam looking?” ”As happy as a groom would look” Tonia smiles at her ”Ohh!” she sobs ”Alright bitches, i am getting married” ”Yes you are, let’s go!” As soon as they step out of the door, the wedding song comes on.. ”Here comes the bride, all dressed in white-” * ”I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride” The priests says, Adam turns to Lucy, pulls her to him and crushes his lips with hers, a loud cheer and clapping went up. Soon he is carrying her bridal style and rushing out of the church with cheers and whistling. Tonia comes to stand beside her, ”Wow, it was a lovely wedding” ”Indeed it is. Where is Tom?” ”With my boy, daddy duties while i flex the freedom” she says as she throws her hands in the air. Anna is looking around, staring into faces , wondering why she didn’t see him. ”He isn’t here” ”Who?” Anna asks innocently ”Darren , he came earlier, saw Lucy, got her a really nice present and he left. He got a call and had to leave with the available flight. Tammy was in an accident this morning, she drove into a pole.” ”Oh my God!” she covers her mouth. ”Yes, really sad. He had to go!” ”Oh my God!” she repeats. Tom comes to them, ”Are you alright Anna?” ”I just told her about Tammy” ”Yes, Darren had to rush back to the city, her family is out of state. He is the closet to one right now. I hope she comes out okay. Come, lets head to the reception.” Tom and Tonia leave, Anna is shocked to her bones. It’s her fault, its all her fault. He must have told her and she had an accident. She stood there as stairs streamed down her eyes.. ”Aye you okay?” Someone hands her an handkerchief. She smiles taking it and dapping her eyes..”Yes, just happy for the bride” She enters his car, and drives to the reception. She stared at her phone all through, waiting for his call. It never came. ”Anna, thank you so much, they loved it” Lucy comes to hug her after the crowd at thinned out . She sniffs ”You are welcome.” She sniffs again ”Aww, i will miss you too. I would be gone for two weeks. I am married not dying” she laughs hugging her friend Annalisa sniffs again ”i know” ”Annalisa?” More tears leaves her eyes, soon she can’t control it , Lucy looks behind her, ”Anna whats wrong?” ”It’s my fault, it’s my fault!!” she covers her face and sobs. Lucy holds her and then takes her away. Tonia frowns, dropping Darren Jnr with Tom and follows them. ”Something is wrong with Anna” ”What?” Tom gets up following them. Lucy takes her to a room and the gives her water ” Whats wrong, it can’t be about me leaving for two weeks, what’s your fault?” Tom and Tonia enters the room, ”Is she okay?” Tonia goes to her, kneeling down and touching her face ”Are you okay Anna, what’s wrong, since this morning you had a look” Lucy shakes her head ” She is not, and i don’t know what’s wrong” ”Tammy!” ”Are you sad about Darren’s girlfriend who got into an accident?” ”Tammy got into an accident?” Lucy is in shock, ”She is okay?” ”Yes, right after he came to see you, he got the call, he left immediately” ”No wonder i didn’t see him. Oh dear, has anyone called him?” ”Lines not connecting” Tom offers Anna continues to cry ”But she would be fine, i don’t get..why you so broken Anna” ”Because he was going to break up with her today and ..” ”What?” All three of them exclaim, she burst out crying ”What happened Anna?” ”It’s my fault, we were together last night and..he told me he was inlove with me and wanted us back together and it was a beautiful moment and …he said he was going to tell her about us and end it because he didn’t want to leave a life by settling and..asked me if i wanted him and all…and..oh God! i think he told her and she had an accident and now he is gone and it’s all my fault. What if she dies, what if she dies Lucy , i killed a girl, i ruined his life and i cannot ever forgive myself” ”Oh God Anna” Tonia covers her mouth and then hugs Anna ”And now it hurts so bad because, i want him, i don’t know why i feel the way i do i just want him and i am so messed up right now and i feel horrible for everything and her accident and …he is gone, he is gone!!” ”Damn!’ If you feel devastated, how do you think Darren would feel, he placed the call. Fxxk! I need to reach out to him.” He leaves the room ”it’s going to be okay, Anna, she is going to be fine, ” ”You don’t know that, what if she dies, i won’t forgive myself, he won’t forgive himself…this love, this whatever this is is wrong….it’s all pain. i…i think i love him, i don;t know how and why and when…i love him..i want him…but ….he is gone, because i ruined something beautiful now a woman is fighting for her life because we dared to take another chance” Tonia hugs her tight ”Ssssshhhh! its okay” Tom enters back into the room ”She is in surgery, she would make it. ” he says ”Thank God! ” Lucy and Tonia exclaim. He wants to talk to you Anna. Anna shakes her head..”I can’t, i don’t want to, i can’t!! Tom goes to her, ”Talk to him, he wants to talk to you” ”i am afraid of what he would say” she cries ”Take the phone Anna” Lucy pulls her close, ”whatever it is, we are here for you” She takes the phone, ”Hello” ”Oh God Anna…i am so sorry!” She closes her eyes and lets the tears drop ”I love you insanely…so much, and its killing me right now..what i have to do. I can’t leave her right now…but once her therapy is over, once she is out of danger. i would come back to you, i promise..” ”Please don’t say it.” She pleads ”Wait for me Anna..wait for me” the line cuts. Anna sinks to her knees and cries.. Lucy gathers her in her arms and rocks her, Tom hugs Tonia as she tears up. ”Oh Tom, i am helpless , how do i help her, she is in pains.” He holds her ”He is in worst pains, having to stay with a woman he may never love and nurse her to health, and sacrificing the love he has for another being separating from her after finally being able to profess his love for her and she ..she being on thesame page. Its a broken love story..fcck!” he wipes his eyes as they watch Anna break down. * Darren cleans his eyes and then turns to the Doctor.. ”How long?” ”Six months to twelve” ”Okay, okay! ”Will she be okay?” ”Therapy, counselling and all..she would be great, you just have to support her” ”I didn’t know she had suicidal tendencies” ”Well, we never know everything” he taps his shoulders and leaves him alone. Darren held her hands.. ”Hey you, i am here for you. ” She squeezes his hands. **** **FEBRUARY 14TH.. ONE YEAR LATER** **** TO BE CONTINUED
21 Sep 2018 | 11:05
Hmmmmm! Guess this is one of the best episodes so far. The second is that episode where they first met after that heartbreak by their exes (ie Natalie and Daniel). I respect Darren ooooo...... He's one guy that takes very difficult decisions and goes about it religiously.
21 Sep 2018 | 15:13
Hmmmmmm it's getting very interesting, let's see how it goes sha!!!
21 Sep 2018 | 15:26
Hmmm... Tammy suicidal.
21 Sep 2018 | 17:34
So touching. Anna pls be strong, everything ll be alright.
21 Sep 2018 | 17:55
Anna be strong
22 Sep 2018 | 18:55
wow wow wow
23 Sep 2018 | 07:53
TWENTY -FINALE ***** ”You sure you don’t want to spend the weekend with us?” Lucy asks over the phone ”No, three is a crowd, have you not realized that even now?” Anna asks, she picks her bag and locks her door. She enters her car and puts it on reverse. Darren’s car was still parked in her garage. It’s been over a year they spoke, partly because she had stopped picking his calls, listening to him tell her he loves her, knowing that he may never come back to her.. It hurt too much. Realizing that she had indeed falling madly inlove with him, and she may not be able to tell him, knowing that he had a sense of duty, being the kind of man he was to do the right thing, and that meant being with a woman who almost lost her life when she was told he was leaving her to his love of his life. Knowing that she couldn’t blame him nor her, knowing that Darren was too good a man, and knowing that she could not be selfish and demand him come to her just because she realized that she loved him too. This was life, and everything didn’t have to work out the way we wanted. If it did, maybe she would have given him a chance to love him since day one he asked her out, maybe she should have not allowed Daniel to cloud her thoughts, maybe..maybe she should have made an effort to look for him when he left instead of giving up..just maybe. Now one year later, a ache in her chest, her heart and her bed empty and the man she loved was cities away mending a woman that may end up being his wife. Yes, love sucks, it was better not felt. Irony of it all, every St. Valentine’s day, everyone just wants to love and she rather be in a gloomy place away from it. Maybe love wasn’t meant for her, maybe she was never meant to be happy or have her happy ending. She had accepted her faith, accepted that she lost Darren and that at 30th, she was going to be single, free and lonely. Sighing she takes a turn. ”Are you okay Anna?” ”Lucy, i am fine” ”Come please” ”No darlyn, you and Adam needs some alone time and Tonia and Tom wouldn’t stop smothering me,. Its a year i am fine, i am awesome and all is well okay? I can take care of myself and just because today is St. valentine doesn’t mean i should lock myself up in my room. And right now, i just want to be in a place that is quiet and peaceful and absent of love jamborees. So, It’s fine. I love you, take care of that baby bump okay, kisses. Bye” She cuts the call and drives into town. She pulls to a stop and alights , entering a building named Mac &Tee. * ” He is staring out of the window, watching the sun kiss the earth. He felt her hands wrap him, he smiles turning. She learns in and kisses him lightly on his lips. ”Thank you Darren” ”For what?” He inquired ”For taking care of me, for loving me, for being you even if your heart is somewhere else” She touches his face He smiles ”I will always do for you” ”I know, and if i let you, you would do it always, if not forever. Because you are one of those people, who put others first, who let go of their wants and desires just so that others are happy” ”Not so” He shakes his head, she laughs ”I am not sure you believe that. It is very so..see how you have cared for me, even when i didn’t deserve it” ”Why are you saying that?” He frowns slightly ”It’s the truth. I put my self in the hospital” ”You had an accident” ”An accident i let happen, all because i couldn’t bear the thought of letting you go after the one that makes your heart beat” ”Tammy..we don’t need to talk about that” ”We do..i was selfish, love is not selfish. I wanted you knowing that you were struggling with a love that..i could not phantom how and why you could love someone for so long even despite being apart. I thought i could have your heart…but it was not yours to give, never mine to bared someone’s name right from the start. I knew it, yet i wanted you..That was selfish of me” ”It was selfish of me to think i could move on and still continued the relationship, So if you are blaming, you blame me not you” ”Oh Darren, what would i do with you?” She touches his cheeks ”You relax and let this man care for you okay. Ready to go home?” She shakes her head ”Yes, yes i am ready finally to go home, to peace, to love and to happiness..home to a beginning of new things” ”Great, and i would be your chauffeur ” ”No!” She steps away from him. ”Why?” He frowns ”I am going home, back to the country to be with my parents, i got a job there, a judge of small community” ”Wow, that’s awesome” He was genuinely happy for her. ”I know right. ” ”But i don’t understand, your job here, your work that foundation you started, you have a life here…i am here” he is confused. She leans in ”I am going home Darren, i am well…and i hate to be a stumbling block..i tried to pretend i don’t see you staring at the stars, i don’t hear when you call her name in your sleep, follow her on social media, drop voice mails which you never sent and the thousands ”I love you” you text to her and it bounces..i am tired of being the second woman when i can be the first. And i have been selfish”- ”No Tammy” ”yes i have been…and i need to let you go. You have done enough for me , put your life on hold, sacrificed your love for me…i was selfish because i wanted you all to myself i rammed my car into a tree knowing that you would come running. That was wrong…i know better now. I knew you loved someone when i wanted told told me and i refused to listen and i guess i just thought i could be Anna for you, i was wrong and i am sorry” ”Tammy?” She shakes her head ”I love you, but it only takes a love as strong as yours to be buried within for years to stand the test of time. Find your love, this time, put you first Darren. Put you first!” ”It’s too late, she ..she stopped talking to me, replying my messages and just stopped. ” he stares down at his hands ”There is nothing to go back to when i have already lost her” ”Then find her. ” she leans in and kisses him on the cheek ”No one who is lost wouldn’t want to be found Darren. Find her. It is lover’s day afteral, how symbolic” ”i should go today..Tammy? Lets go home, stop being dramatic” he held her hand and pulls her towards the exit, she stops him. ”I already booked a car to take me home, my parents are picking me up. While you slept i made all the arrangement, even for this” she hands him an envelope, he frowns opening it ”You booked me a ticket?” surprise fills his face. ”And it leaves in thirty minutes, you should hit ground before 8pm…time enough to comb the city..” she kisses him again ”Chase your heart..find it, mend it and never let it go, and do not..i mean it Darren, do not put another first before you, you should take priority, you want something, go for want this love, baby fight for it. Forget the times lost, remove the thought of she may not be…” with that she walks away . ”Thank you Darren, now it’s time to get your happiness” She enters into a car and it drives away. He checks his time, he begins to run with his heart pounding in his chest. * Two hours later, he is knocking on their door. Tom opens the door ”Who the hell..Darren!!” he pulls him into a hug ”Wow, you are here..breathing like a man chased by his demons..where is your bag?” He ushers him into the house looking behind him for bag. ”Came like this” he enters and sees her. Tonia screams as she rushes to him ”Darren, oh my God!!!!” She hugs him dropping the baby in his arms, he smiles down at him ”hey little man, see how big you grown” ”He is the sweetest, welcome home ” Tonia wets his forehead with kisses, he smiles at her. ”I thought you guys would be out celebrating the festivities, didn’t think i would meet you both at home but took my chances.” Tom scoffs ”one son and another kid in the burner, you want us to celebrate more, we have all we need about love baby, right here in this house. Dude you look like shit, how have you been?” ”Been okay relatively” he stares at Darren Jnr who laughs, he smiles at him ”So…Do you guys have any idea where i can find Anna?” ”I knew it had to be a chick to draw you out of your shell” Tom slaps his head ”Ouch Man, be nice” Darren uses his free hand to rub his head, Darren Jnr found it funny, he pulls his cheeks. ”I am always nice. How is Tammy?” He smiles ”Better, okay, Home..” he laughs in relief ”And all in one breath!” ”Oh well, had to ask man..the last zooming out again..not pretty.” ”I can imagine…” he says sadly. ”Oh my poor baby” Tonia looks at him, then she places a hand on his shoulder as she seats partially on his leg free of Darren Jnr ”You really need to take care of you, you look so withdrawn and all, are you okay baby?” He nods ”I will be. Anna?” Tonia pouts ”My God Darren, you still love her that much?” ”My waking moments and sleeping moments are off her, i don’t love her, she is love…she is mine and i would go to the ends of the earth to tell her that and more” Tonia smiles ”See how he gonna make me cry” She daps her already glistened eye ”My Darren is all grown up and falling inlove, again and this time going all the way with all..she is love. Aww” she wipes her eyes, Darren shakes his head with a smile ”Oh you are so dramatic woman,” Tom pinches his wife ”Is she not home?” ”Locked, i checked” Darren sighs trying to think of where else to check. ”Lucy?” ”She said she had gone out. I called her, she said Anna had refused to come around and wanted to spend the weekend alone.” ”Maybe she is seeing someone”Tonia says sadly ”No, Lucy said no. That she just wanted to go and and not be anywhere where the love jamborees is and-” he trails off laughing as something occurs to him. He runs a hand over his face as he shakes his head ”I’ll be damned!!” ”What?” ”Wow!” he exclaims ”What Darren?” Tonia frowns ”I know where she is?” ”Where?” ”The first place we met” he gets up, kissing Tonia, the baby and then shakes Tom ”Wish me luck” He was out the door before Tom could reply.. ”Hey, slow your heart down man, it’s racing fire all the way from here ”Tom laughs closing the door and turning to face his wife who has a relaxed expression on her face, yet thoughtful. ”I think it is safe to say i am rest assured that this time, it would work out fine” Tonia cocks her head to the side. ”Me too, ain’t that right super man” he steps forward and grabs his son ” Uncle Darren may get you a little brother soon or sister if all well” He laughs ”Oh…that would be nice , that would be real nice” she smiles at her boys. * A shadow fell on her . ”I am sorry, i am not making any other order” she says without looking up from the book she was reading. She had earlier placed a second order for cherry juice and a burger. Realizing that she was already full, it was best to cancel it. ”Oh, how about i make you an irresistible offer you cannot possibly refuse?” That voice. She freezes and then looks up, her heart catching in her chest ”Oh my God!! Darren, you are here, how, did you find me?” She breaths. He slips into the seat opposite her ”I got in today, got in barely over three hours ago..well, i know the first time we met, we were both running from our pain and we ended up here..a sort of safe haven” She smiles ”Right..How is Tammy?” She leans back closing her book. ”She is great, well, home” ”Shouldn’t you be home with her?” He shakes his head ”My home is where you are” he plays drum with his fingers to the table. ”Home is where the woman you love is” She clarifies. ”Home is where you are..the woman i love, always loved and would probably continue to love for a long long time” He stares at her. She touches her book, caresses the leafs ”Look Darren, you and i have been through alot, going back and forth, missing each other at certain points, not able to be together because of one thing or someone you know…my home is here, and yours is with her. I learnt selflessness from you. I learnt sacrifice. I learnt how to put others above myself..and i found peace” ”No Anna, you learnt how to love.. love is kind, not is selfless, love is forgives all things, holds no grudges.. you learnt how to love Anna, and that is the most beautiful thing ever” She smiles ”You have a way with words” ”only when i am with you” He reaches for her hands ”I miss you..i miss you a damn lot it drove me crazy for months. I wonder how i am still sane after the torture” She stares at his hand over hers ”It’s so long…things have changed” She tries to pull her hands away, his touch burned her and not in a bad way. She closes and opens her eyes. She was not going to want him now and then something happens and he leaves again. No, she had moved on. ”You don’t like me anymore, am i that bad?” he pouts, she laughs staring at his handsome face ”Stop! You make it hard for me to not care” ”No. I love you, i am inlove with you i love you i love you, hell i love you today , tomorrow and till i am old and grey and all my teeth fall out and i can only talk with muffled words ..” She is laughing , tears filling her eyes ”bad things happen when we are together” ”Good things are bound to happen when a man findeth the one he loves, have you not read..” he that findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord” ..hmm?” She shakes her head ”See the only thing wrong in what you said is that.. we aren’t married’ ‘ She points to him and then herself. ”Yet, but i can arrange that” He suddenly goes to his knees ”What the hell are you doing Darren?” She seats up straight, ”Darren, get up, you are making a scene, get up” He shakes his head, bringing out a red velvet box from his jacket pocket , he opens it to reveal a diamond ring ”This was the first thing i stopped to get as soon as i touched the city..i told myself that no matter what happen,no matter the storm, i would find you and i would make you mine..i would fight off the bears, the monkeys and even the flies to get to you even if i have to” he smiles, she chokes back tears. ”Get up Darren” she could hardly speak ”Don’t be stupid! ”Let me be stupid for love, is that not what it is all about? Being Stupid inlove?” He cocks his head to the side, she shakes her head, she grabs her bag and made to get up, he grabs her hand and and gentle pulls her back down, etching closer to her, staring into her eyes , willing her to look away from him.. She couldn’t, she blinks back tears ”No Darren” she closes her eyes He began to speak again touching her face ”I told myself , the first time i met you, you were crying out of pain, but when i meet you today , i’ll make sure you cry tears of joy and i would give you that thing you have always wanted..a love that is unmeasured, happiness that knows no bounds and a ring..not bought off the counter, not bought on second’s thought, a ring that has your name on it..see.. Annalisa Penelope Bloom” he points showing her the ring with her name initialed on it ”This has your name on it, customized especially for you, had to wait thirty long minutes for them to get that done and spent a few fortune on it..” He shines his entire teeth and winks goofily at her, she chokes in more tears laughing. He continues ; ”Yeah, i gave you my name already.I know, i can be sneaky” She cries ”This is not happening” she wipes her tears, he kept talking still. ”You see Annalisa, i have toiled the earth, i have meddled and i have strayed. The only thing i never imagined was falling inlove with someone who was going to take my heart away the day she held it and i think i feel inlove with you right here, outside that door, when you were a mess, crying and were my mess and all i wanted to do was mend you back to beauty..and you were beautiful..even in your drool” he makes a face ”Got it all over your face that day, you were a dreadful goodness!” he mocks jokingly ”Darren?” She punches his shoulders, ”Just were the most beautiful sight..after you stopped crying that is” he smiles. She laughs again ”Why are you doing this?” ”Because i love you and God forbid i spend my life , a single day without you. i lost two years because of it, i lost another year because i had to give you up to save another. Those days and weeks and months were torture for me, having to go on knowing that the love of my life was miles and miles apart from me. I am doing this because i want to make you mine, today, tomorrow and always, well basically because i intend to mark my territory and give you a big sign to wear saying” KEEP OFF, THE BITCH IS TAKEN’ ‘ ”Darren!”‘ she nudges him hard again. ”Oww!” He rubs his hand ”Okay, ” THIS BEAUTIFUL AMAZING WOMAN IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND SHE IS TAKEN..TOUCH HER AT YOUR PERIL’ ‘ he adds, she laughs in her tears ”Oh Anna, there are so many things i want to say to you, so many…but the most important is that..I love you, and i want to marry you and make you the mother of my kids…so if you can do me the honour of saying would make me happy” ”I can’t” ”Why?” His heart drops ”Because you do not know me, i hardly even know you..i mean lumping all the times we have been together in three years is like…” she thinks and tries to count with her fingers” probably not more than 20 times we have actually been together..” He stares at her with a puzzled expression ”I could swear i have known you for ages..sure we didn’t meet , fall inlove in our former lives..?” He taps his jaw ”Don’t tell me you were Juliet and i was Romeo and we died for love and we reincarnated into this beings and i fall back inlove with you…ahhh” he closes his mouth in mock horror ”Or are we Edward and Bella from the Twilight or is it Stefan and Elena from Vampire Dairies?” She is laughing ”See, i didn’t know how funny you are..” ”I am willing to show you what you don’t know about me, and i want to explore that which i don’t know. Look, Annalisa..i have literally spent every day with you in the past three years..i see you in every face, hear you in every voice and when i plague my thoughts. What more do i need Anna. Marry Me? And we can find each other together, …imagine what would have happened with us in three years? Probably knocked you up with twins?’ he winks She is shaking her head ”You are making light of it all” ”Because life doesn’t have to be too serious..because i want to spend my days making you laugh, wiping your tears and telling you sweet nothingness. Marry me?” He kisses the inside of her palm and then her wrists ”Marry Me!” ”What if something separates us again?” ”Nothing will!” ”What if?” ”This time i won’t give you up. Marry Me” he kisses her hands again ”Marry Me! Marry Me, babe..Marry Me. !” ”I can’t!!” she sniffs ”Why not?” ”because i have not told horrible it has been without you, how devastating it was to hear the news and how much i prayed for her recovery. Because i have not told you that following your absence..i realized the reason why my heart raced, why i couldn’t make sense of anything…is it because i too had fallen for you without knowing and it scared me, it broke me and it kept me sad for months…because i couldn’t tell you that i love you Darren. And i am afraid that if i give in to this might ruin me forever this time. Do you know how it was, realizing that after you have gone..that i was inlove with you? Waking up in the middle of the night and crying my heart out for being stupid. Not knowing who and how to explain just how i feel about you, and you not being there to truly express myself to you? Darren, it’s been a horrible one year, painfully so and i cannot let me fragile heart love you knowing that you cannot be mine. Knowing that i have fallen back inlove with you but i couldn’t tell you.” ”But I was a phone call away” He stares at her, She shakes her head ”I would have never have been thesame.” ”I am here now” ”What if it doesn’t work out between us?” ”What if you say yes and then we figure it out together, after all..i love you, you love me, wait…you love me? Did you just say you love in in present tense not you love me?” She laughs , nodding ”Like Love-love me or just giving me pat to the shoulders love-me?” ”I love love you Darren Bloom” ”Oh my heart, i think Cupid just shot me an arrow” he places both hands to his chest and pretends as though he was staggering. ”Quite playing” she brings him closer. He stares at her ”Marry me, and i promise to love you, love you so much and i won’t spend another second without you. Will you Marry me? Say yes already because my knees are killing me” ”You make it hard to say no” ”I don’t intend to let you say nothing other than yes, i would pester you till you say yes. Say Yes…say yes” He pleads ”Say yes!” His eyes suddenly glistens ”i cannot go another day without you Anna, my life would be a mess..i want you, us…marry me and don’t worry about the what ifs. We would be together to brace it all” ”Good times and bad?” ”Worse times and even better” ”I have made so many mistakes , done things, without a second’s count…i do not want to mess this up Darren” ”You won’t!” ”I am scared of being happy..because it never last” She lowers her hands ”Maybe because you have not tried being happy with me” He peers under her face ”Marry me..” ”You would get bored of me” She looks at him ”Maybe..but the beauty of boredom is that we both would get bored together” He winks at her ”I do not even know your favorite food or color or Sunday outfit or if you like to take a shit before breakfast or if you leave the toilet sit open or maybe if you like informal clothing always or even if you like PDA or that you hate rice or don’t even eat pasta or chocolates and-” “Anna!! Anna.. Anna” he touches her.. Shaking his head ” I love you, nothing else matters. Don’t you see.. Who cares if I like biscuit flakes and whatnot. I like you. I love you. And whatever my habits are don’t matter. ” “It does. ” She pouts “I don’t like the toothpaste be pressed in from the middle” She bites her lips He smiles ” Well.. I can work on that. ” he blinks. “I kinda do that. And leave the seat open after I pee. And I love to eat late snacks and snuggle when it’s cold. ” She blushes, her heart suddenly races. She felt warm. Good warmth. “Say yes babe” “I am crazy. I am a mess. I am broken and whatnot. ” she opens her palm.. ” I am a horrible person. I am sentimental. Emotional. I am indept and I am alot of bad things. I am not good for you D” He touches her hand ” I know. And I don’t mind your crazy as long as you are with me. I can handle you. I can. Even in your worst I want to be the face you see that brings you out of it. I want to be the reason for the glow in your face. I want to be.. Hell I want to be the reason your heart beats slow and fast at the same time. ” Her hands suddenly goes into her chest “Just like this? ” she gasps He places his hand over hers.. She removes hers and lets his remain. He smiles, nodding. “Just like that. Exactly like that ” She breaths. “Oh Darren, still.. ” she drops her hands and looks down. He takes his hand to her face again and raises it with his index finger…. ” Emotional? Sentimental? Babe.. I want to see beneath your beautiful. No one is perfect and I know you are not. Neither am I close to it. I have my flaws. I have my bad moments and the lows. Babe, I wish you were all the bad things and even if you are.. I don’t mind a little bad in my life. I want you bad” he touches her knuckles. ” I know you are saying all things hoping that I would leave. Don’t bother.. I ain’t going anyway. You are scared and worried that it won’t work.. I am.. I was.. Not anymore. I intend to go all the way with you Anna. Like all the way.. No space infact. ” he etches closer to her. She laughs Then he smiles “And you called me D” She chuckles “So? ” “It’s sweet, coming from you. D! ” “D! ” “It kinda sounds like Dxxk though” he smiles mischievously She punched him. “Oww! ” he rubs his chest and then moves even closer to her “Give me a reason why I should not love you?” “Because once the euphoria goes.. You would tire of me” “Three years? I still burn for a woman I hardly know. Can we try this after forever and see if I won’t still love you? ” She smiles shaking her head ” I should give it to you. You are not only persistent. You know just how to spin a yarn and make a girl loose herself. ” His eyes sparkles “Are you lost in my yarns pretty lady? ” “Bleh! ” she sticks out her tongue He laughs.. Showing her the ring “No matter how much I would love to continue to spin a yarn and stuff.. You still have a beautiful ring that is just waiting to fit that delicate finger of yours.. Marry me? Plus my knee hurts so you can help a brother up… ” he blinks his eyes. ” I swear to the the most loving and caring boyfriend and husband and father.. Ever. ” She bites her lips “You know if I say yes.. There is no going back” “Just forward. That’s the idea babe. So.. Is this brother getting a tux or what?” She touches the ring..”As long as I get to pick a colour. ” “Not white. Not pink or blue or not green please” he says ”I do not want to look like a Christmas elf on my wedding day.” She pulls him closer to her, wrapping her hands around his neck ”But you would be my elf” She winks ”I like Elfs, just like the Elf in Lord of the rings…stainless, smooth, handsome, glowing…Elfs are handsomely amazing, …and what do you know, my favorite elf character was Orlando Bloom…hmmp! What do you know…and i am set to marry a bloom, we can have little Elf babies with the ears and bright skin, their fighting skills have got to be amazing too” she shines her teeth, and then she nods ” But No. Black suits you just fine. Just perfect ” “Is that a subtle yes? ” He places his hand to her waist and caresses it. “Sssshhh don’t ruin the moment ” she closes her eyes.. And captures his lips in a sensual kiss. “Damn! ” he breaths against her lips kissing her back. “Ask me again” she flicks her tongue over his lips “Will you marry me? ” “I would be honoured to share my life with you Darren Bloom. I would be lucky to be the woman who gets to keep the man who truly loves her” “Oh.. He madly and insanely loves her. ” “And she loves him right back” They kiss again. He pulls her slightly away and slips the ring through her finger “Wow.. It fits” He says in happy suprise “I know right.. ” She stares at it as her eyes sparkles ”My first ever true engagement ring..” She turns and kiss him again for a long time. * Walking outside, hand in hand as he held her bag in the other hand. He smiles in thoughts. “What? ” she nudges him “I bet we would have a great story to tell our kids” he turns to her “How I met their mother on Valentine’s Day..” “Ohhh yeah” she bites her lips “We can just leave out the sex part though” He laughs ” Yeah.. Not good role models right?” he flags down a taxi and they slip in. “Nah” she leans into him as the car curves round and makes its way to town. “But no one can take away the fact that.. in that moment when i felt my world crumbing down, lost all hope in love and whatnot, didn’t have any desire to be happy, was a crazy pile of mess and my heart in disarray ..there you were, standing there..soaked in your heart dripping red and i did not realise you were going to be the most important person in my life…the one who calmed the storm within, the world who turned my frowns into a smile..” ”The one who hurt you” she chips in ”Sssshhh” He kisses her lips ”The one who made me realise that love is much more than a four lettered word, that love is encompassing, that love sometimes is sacrifice and that Love also can go all out…i learnt all that just because i dared to fall in love with a girl who was standing on the streets and balling her lungs out….despite my chaos…ironically in the day of love, you became my valentine peace, my calmness, my bliss and i bless the day God allowed me to set my eyes on you. ” He stares down at her as she looks up to him resting on his chest ”I do swear you have a way with words” she stares at him with love ”You bring out the yarnings in me, a brother should know how to spoil his lady with words, girls love those things” He takes her knuckles to his lips and brushes it ”We do, we do alot. ” They kiss, coming up only for air.. ”So….you want to tell them or i do?” He turns away as the cab comes to a stop, she turns and realizes where they are. ”We tell them together” They walk hand in hand as they make their way to the door. ”Ready?” ”Never been ready” Annalisa says to Darren. He nods and knocks on the door. It swings open with Tom carrying his son. ”It’s Darren” he screams behind him, he opens the door wider and smiles , he saw their hands linked, Darren brings it higher and shows him the dazzle on her finger…, his smile became wider as he screams back to Tonia ”And he got the girl” ”Yay!!!!!!!!!!!” Tonia’s scream was loud as she came running out. ”Congrats brother” Tom hugs Darren and then places a kiss to Anna’s cheeks ”Welcome wife. You do realize that once a brother go gets his wife, she is my wife to right, that means you automatically become godmother to little Darren here hmm..ain’t that little man” he stares at his son and then back at them ”You got yourself an extra mummy and daddy…but we are the originals, they are clones” he laughs as they laugh. Tonia screams through and flings herself on Darren , smothering his face with kisses ”Look at you went out and got a wife” she kisses him again ”I love Tonia, you are a case” Darren laughs brushing her cheeks with a light kiss, they laugh She turns to Anna ”Congrats girl…come here” She pulls her in a hug, Anna is laughing as she pulls he cheeks. ”Come, we need to celebrate, and oh have you told Lucy yet?” She pulls Annalisa into the house with her leaving the men to come behind them. ”No, i want to call her now and–” ”Nah, lets call her and out her on speakers, she would flip” She brings out her phone and dials, Lucy picks the call, she sounded sleepy. ”Hey Tonia, i love you but…i am dead sleepy. Is this how being pregnant feels?” They could hear her yawning ”I am tired half of the day and sleeping like a log of word. Good thing Adam is rich, if i went to work today and my boss fires me for lagging behind, he can care for me” she chuckles and yawns again ”How are you Tonia, how is Tom, and my little D?” ”Fine, great infact, Anna is here with me” ”Anna? Are you girls having a night out without me?” She fake cries ”I want to come..but wait, Anna said she wanted to be alone today and…wait Tonia” she lowers her voice ”Have you seen Darren, he called me earlier looking for Anna and i told him she had gone out and didn’t know where. He sounded so worried and all and-” Anna clears her throat rubbing her temple ”You do realize that i am standing right here and i can hear you?” Lucy chuckles ”Oops, hi baby. i thought i was gossiping about you and Darren. Hehehe” ”Oh, you were never good at being sneaky” ”I know what are you girls up to. Did you see Darren though…?” ”Yeah, that is why we are calling” Tonia had laughter in her voice ”Bitch we got a wedding to plan” Silence Annalisa held her breath, so did Tonia.. ”AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Annalisa and Tonia bursted out laughing ”AAAAHHHHHH! Oh my God oh my God…yes baby yes!! My girl is getting married, i got a wedding to plan” ”Bitch we got a wedding to plan” Tonia laughs hugging Annalisa who is smiling at her silliness ”That’s what i said. Look, i ain’t sleepy no more. Adam…Adam, grab your shit, we heading to Toms, Anna said yes to Darren” they heard her call out ”Damn, congrats Anna..we coming” Lucy speaks into the phone ”I have the most amazing bridal styles…oh i can’t wait. i am happy for you Annalisa, finally…you get the man” ”I get the man” she blushes ”Open a wine, play music, we coming” ”Water for you Lucy” Tonia says before the cuts.. * Tom had wine glasses filled and passes it around after the screams and congratulations died down once Lucy and Adam got them. ”So, here is to love, friendship and all nice things” ”’To love” Everyone says clinking their glasses together. Annalise turns to Darren and they share a kiss. * A month Later…. ”I do” Darren Bloom nods ”I do!” Lucy says to looking at Darren. The Priest nods and turns to them again ”With the powers vested in me, i do pronounce you, man and wife, you may kiss the bride” ”Come here wife” Darren pulls her close and crushes her lips with his. ”I love you” ”I love you” ”Yayyyy!!’ cheers and claps went up in the church auditorium. ”Pressent yourselves to your family and friends” The Priest says to them with a smile as he folds his hands inside his rope. They turn and more claps and cheers went up. ”Ready to go wife?” ”Most definitely his husband” Holding hands they walk out the church with more cheers and Tonia and Lucy throwing flowers on them. * Their reception was beautiful, held in a five star hotel. Lucy is seen coming to them as they dance. ”Sorry Darren, can i borrow your wife for a second?” ”One..” he kisses Annalisa and moves away to Tom who was dancing with Tonia Lucy pulls her away , then she hands her a parcel ”Here” ”What’s in it?” ”Don’t be a curious cat, open it” Annalisa tears it open and then laughs ”Really, you got me thongs and lingerie?” ”Yep, every woman gets that on her wedding night, you need to blow him away with that. I know it’s been over three years you had some , and your last some was…with him and you have been celibate since then. I wonder if you do remember how to..ahem” she clears her throat, Annalisa blushes ”I do…” Lucy laughs ”Hey, i hope you got your legs shaved and that area trimmed, guys don’t like to be chewing hairs down there” Anna’s cheeks burns , ”Lucy!” Lucy is laughing ” Happy married life baby, ” she hugs her and kisses her cheeks ”Now go show that made how bad he gonna get it from you this night, hehehe” ”You are crazy” Annalisa laughs at her friend ”That’s why you love me” She pulls her hand ”Dance with me, come on” ”With your large protruding tummy…you gonna pop soon” Lucy is shaking her butt and running her tummy and then bending, she repeats the dance moves ”I know…gimme me them moves girl, you used to be a bad ass then…yeah that’s it, shake it, roll it, rub it…dip it in” she dances Annalisa is laughing hard ”I swear it sounds more sexual when you say it” ”Oh girl it is, shake it, roll it, rub it and dip it in” she does the dance slower ”It’s actually like having sex on the dance floor, imagine you doing that with Darren, dude is going to come faster than Usain should try it, don’t tell me i never taught you anything” She winks Annalisa is shaking with laughter as they dance. From across the room, the others are smiling at them, Darren’s eyes glowed. ”I always want to see that glow in your eyes Darren, that is the beauty of this thing we call love, being able to see the one who matters the most int he world to you and love them with your eyes” Tonia comes to stand with them, they are staring at them. Tom hands Darren a glass of wine. ”Thank you guys” ”For what?” ”For being my friends, my family, and for accepting means alot” Tonia shakes her head ”There was no choice in that matter, we love you, we love her, forget what happened then, we loved her still, even more. Any girl who can bring out the good in you with this glowing happiness deserves all” ”’She deserves the world and i would give her the world, all 100 percent and two cents of it” he drinks his wife. ”We girls love that” Tonia smiles. ”So, where you guys going for the honey moon?” Tom enquires ”Well, there is this really great place out of the got the beach, it got the perfect pent house view and it has a lovely cosy feel to it” Tom smiles ”Sounds like a perfect place to make babies” The guys luagh ”Men, so typical ” Tonia is shaking her head ”If not that you already have another in the bummer, we would have a second honey moon Tonia, ” he pulls his wife to him and gives her a last kiss. ”You can just make twins, one would come after other in another three months” they laugh kissing Darren straightens up and then hands Tom the glance ”See you guys later?” He hugs them ”Need to go steal my bride away..i love you guys” he points at them and makes his way back , he slips between the ladies and begin dancing with them. Soon Adam comes and wraps his wife in a hug and continues to dance with them. ”Is that a tear” Tom stares down at his wife, ”No, i have something in my eyes” she laughs turning to him ”You should be his mother, you act like one” ”I am, can’t you see my grey hair?” She shows him her very black hair which he laughs at ”Yeah, two strands …very grey” they smile and kiss dancing deep into the evening. Sometime later, Darren and Annalisa slips away, went to the airport and boarded a plane to their honeymoon get away. * Honeymoon Suite… ”So,” she says sticking her leg out the toilet ”One leg or two?” He is resting on the bed, his hands behind his head ”Two…one is teasing enough” he smiles as she sticks out her head . ”Close your eyes then,” ”Okay” He does. She steps out of the toilet wearing the lingerie Lucy had gifted her. she stands at the foot of the bed ”Open your eyes” He does so slowly, taking the look from her legs all the way to her face, his heart squeezes and then something else, he folds his arms and rubs a hand over his lips ”Damn!” ”You like?” she bites her lips ”I love” he pushes himself off the bed and then comes to her, towering over her a little ”You know” he runs a hand down her arm ”You could give a man a heart attack looking like heart is racing, my blood is boiling hot and all i want to do is help you off this sexy looking lingerie ” he pulls her closer ”I think that’s the idea. Lucy got these for me by the way, she was convinced it would blow you away” ”Lucy got nice taste, but the person wearing it has the greatest body, damn” he lifts her up and wraps her legs around him . Climbing the bed and laying her on it. ”So , where do you want me to start from because i have different options;…Your kissable lips, your really smooth neck, your bosom with perking nipples, your thighs that’s wrapped around my midriff, your warmth calling to me, or i should kiss your toes and walk my way up” She smiles running her hand through his hair ”How about we just go with the flow…anything that tickles our fancy…” ”That i can work with” He says kissing her, running his hands underneath her, picking her from her bottom and squeezing. Taking both her hands he places them over her head, running a hand over her bosom , caressing the lingerie and replacing his hands with kisses. She moans as electricity shoots through her body. Slowly, he begins to undress her, using his fingers to un-click her bra, runs his hand over her bare chest, flicking his tongue over her nipples and sucking them. He traces his tongue down her tummy, removing her panties and the hose along with it. watching her as he does so, kissing her thighs and blowing air between her thighs. She moans again. She lay naked before him, he towers over her in a kneeling position, staring at her ”God you are so beautiful” She smiles at him ”And maybe if you stop staring down at me with desire in your eyes you can make me feel even more beautiful…come here” he reaches for him and pulls him down, helping him with his shirt and his jeans. Laying on her, skin to skin, desire matched with desire, he kisses her until she clings to him for air. He plays with her core, fingers and then tongue, he took her to heights she had never been and brought her down shattering her over and over again until she begged him to take her. Hard as rock, and throbbing, he stares down at her …”I love you, i will always love you Annalisa Penelope Bloom” ”I love you too, but i want him more right now…i can’t think straight” she rises up, pushes him to the bed and straddles him. She takes her hand beneath her and touches him, then she smiles ”Why are you smiling?” He breaths, enjoying the feel of her hands as she encircles him ”Don’t stop doing that” he closes his eyes ”Roll it, rub it and -” she rises up a bit, placing him at her core ”slip it in” she closes her eyes as she slips him in. Biting her lips as excitement shoots through her again, she begins to move, up and down, up and down, moaning as her desire builds. ”Ohhhh ohhh oohhh” he moans as he held her waist , tight. Meeting her rhythm for rhythm, desire for desire, moaning for groaning. He skillfully turns her beneath him and plunges deeper into her watching her cry out in pleasure. Loving the sounds of her desire. Making love to her then was amazing, this was different. It was electrifying , it was was fulfilling. It was everything ..wanting every itch of her, drinking from her and saving all her sensual moments in his head. There was no moment as beautiful as this, being so bare, raw and her. Loving her in her everything. In moments when she had to give herself entirely. He was definitely going to love her , for a long long time..and that’s beauty of love. Not knowing why he loves her, just knowing that he loves her, and being happy that he does. And loving her meant that; through the good times, the bad times , the highs and the lows, he would be her number one support system, love her selflessly and unconditionally. And when it came to her body; he would love her passionately..alone, forever. He held her tight, sinking into her even deeper, kissing her . ”I’ll love you always” ”I would love you always and forever, and a day more” She moans into his mouth. ”And a day more” he goes out and then in again, kissing her shoulders ”More” she held him tigher, reaching her peak ”More?” he closes his eyes, feeling the desire about to burst through. ”More…” she bites her lips and digs her finger into his skin ”More..?” He was losing it slowly.. ”Oh my God…oh my God” she cries out in pleasure ”Anna!” he breaths, just before he holds her tight, feeling her shatter, meeting him at his peak ”Oh..fxxxk!” He mutters as Annalisa begins to quake, muttering inaudible words. They fall, toppling over, reaching the top and then crashing down together , satiated, fulfilled, blissfully happy. * Hours later they lay on the bed. ”Happy?” ”More than Happy” she touches her tummy He laughs ”You do realize that you can’t get pregnant in one night ” ”Says who..” she climbs him again ”Maybe..we can change it” she smiles as she kisses him again. Soon, skin to skin, desire to desire and she screaming out in pleasure again.. * ”Owww!” Cupid rubs his head as he turns around in a frown ”Why you gonna hit me like that” Jesus rolls the curtain viewing Darren and Anna locked in a sensual embrace close and places a book infront of him ”Read” ”What the bible? come on i know all the stories in there. i have the words by heart” ”I think you missed one” ”Thou shall not behold iniquity” Cupid chuckles ”Wait, you said that sex is wrong between a man and a woman who are not married right?” ”Right” ”Okay..i get it. Now that they are it wrong?” ”No!” ”Then, why can’t i watch?” he frowns ”Because it is sinful to look at men copulating…your eyes should be pure. ” Jesus says walking away. ”Read the bible, we have another assignment for you” ”What does father want me to do this time?” ”Show men how to forgive themselves. The bible would help you. And do not touch that curtain” he disappears through the clouds. ”Yes J” He waits and counts to five, then he quickly runs to the curtain and pulls it open. ”CUPIDDDDDDDDD!!!!” The thunder rumbles. ”Oh shit!!! It wasn’t me, it was Gabriel” he snickers running with his tush showing and his white cloth loosely tied. * THE END Love is a funny unexpected thing; it happens in the most unexpected of places and the most unlikely of people. If you do find that love that shakes your core and ruffles your feathers. That love that makes your heart beat fast and slow at thesame time, never let it go. Some people may be lucky to find it again, others wouldn’t be too lucky. Don’t be amongst the few who wished they had fought for their love, be amongst the very ones who never had to let it go. And remember, love isn’t just a word, it is not about is more than that. Love is everything and everything is love, and it is also commitment, it is also about being selfless, and it gives all and accepts all. When you find that one who loves you true, give him or her a 100% of you. Let love lead… Here’s to all the lovers… We love you… xoxo Stephanie Egberike
23 Sep 2018 | 07:54
Wow, Wow, Wow! What can I say........ wonderful story, wonderful character, nice events..... oh I so much wish it never ends..... Thumbs up to writer and poster
23 Sep 2018 | 16:30
23 Sep 2018 | 19:12
Wao! So beautiful, awesome, great and interesting. Kudos writer. More ink to ur pen.
23 Sep 2018 | 20:51
That was epic!!! Nice story,keep it up!!!
23 Sep 2018 | 21:21
Waoh..... So interesting and wonderful
2 Nov 2018 | 05:08
9 Sep 2021 | 18:32
very nice story
9 Sep 2021 | 18:32
9 Sep 2021 | 18:33
very interesting story i love it
9 Sep 2021 | 18:33


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