TO LOVE A STRANGER (Weekend Special)

TO LOVE A STRANGER (Weekend Special)

By Saintkenz in 23 Jan 2016 | 05:00
Saintkenz Saintkenz

Saintkenz Saintkenz

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Jas opened her eyes and stared at the pot bellied man who had been yapping for 30 mins non stop. "why couldn't some people understand that a flight is not a place for loud talking?". Then she looked at the young man beside him whose only crime was being unfortunate enough to get the seat next to mr. yapper.
Luckily for her, the woman next to her was very elderly and very asleep. then she turned in alarm, to make sure grandma was indeed very asleep and not very "dead'' because she had not stirred all through the flight. she was reassured by the slow but steady rise and fall of her chest.

Mr yapper laughed very loudly and followed that with a resounding belch. Jas was disgusted, but apparently not as disgusted as mr. yapper's partner, if the look on his face was anything to go by. He had this look that said he would rather be anywhere else but where he was at the moment. Jas smiled knowingly at him and he smiled back. She couldnt help but notice how handsome he was. Then she turned her attention to her tab.

" anything but mr. yapper " she thought to herself.

The sun was scorching and Jas could feel sweat drip down her already soaked back. she had landed in Lagos about 20 mins ago, but there were no taxis anywhere. "its fuel scarcity" one person had mentioned. "them don go strike" a woman hawking tangerines had told her, in the middle of advertising her wares.

" which area are you heading to? " she turned and saw mr. yapper's partner standing beside her.
" i beg your pardon?" she replied.
" i asked where you are headed. a friend is coming to pick me up, just incase u need a ride that is." he responded.

"That would be great. i'm heading for the island. I can alight wherever i would get a cab thank you. i'm Jasmine" she said offering her hand.

" i'm Richard. Richard Black" he shook her hand. "And i am also heading to the island" he smiled and she noticed a twinkle in his eyes. she didnt want to stare, but he is such a " fine man" she thought to herself. bulgy eyes, she has always been a sucker for bulgy eyes. then her eyes went towards his lips and he smiled. she turned away embarrased.

"so do you reside in lagos?" he asked

"not really, work makes me shuttle between lagos and port harcourt but i am based in port harcourt. you?" she answered still looking away.
"I'm here on vacation" he told her
"vacation?" she queried
" yes, i am based in port harcourt for now, but i love lagos and i have missed being here, so i'm here to spend some time with friends here" he replied.

"okay" she replied, short of words.
"what was wrong with your seat partner "she asked with a smile.

" severe halitosis" he replied with a straight face

"you are kidding!" she said facing him
"i wish i was. i really wish i was." he said grimly.

"and he was all up in your face" she said shaking her head
"terrible experience" he responded with a smile. " my friend is here come on"

Its been two days since she met Richard and she couldnt get her mind off him. She twirled the contents of her glass absent mindedly as she looked out the terrace towards the pool. she could see Adaora and Zeb making out in the pool. she couldnt help but wonder how Ada did it. " you say you like him, so whats stopping you from going for him" Ada had asked her just that morning. "I am married Ada" she replied. "So i'm I Jas" Ada had retorted.

Ada cheats on her husband like its going out ot fashion. Jas had never cheated on Peter in all their six years of marriage. But she was really tempted, considering how tough it had been in the last couple of years. The marriage had lost its spark and they argued all the time.
"look woman i dont have the time for this your nonsense this morning" Peter had said the morning she left port harcourt.

"You call it nonsense abi? I am tired of your nonchalance towards our love life. Is it that you no longer find me attractive? Or there is something you are not telling me Peter. Its been four months. Four whole months since you touched me" she screamed at him.

"O you have been counting"

"Yes I've been counting. What is going on?" she burst into tears
"You can cry all you want. that is what you know how to do best. when you are ready, take out three hundred thousand from the safe. Pay the house staff and keep the rest. i am late for my meeting." with that, he walked out of the room.

"Madam your drink" Jas looked up at the waitress and smiled at her as she dropped the glass and left. She looked again at the pool where Adaora was laughing to something Zeb had whispered to her. She wondered what Timi would do if he found out his wife was cheating on him.

Later that evening, Adaora took Jas to an adult store, to get her a rabbit. Jas knew Peter would freak out if he found out, but she didn't really care. At least it is better than cheating on him she thought. She chose a pink rabbit that wasn't too large. She was leaving Lagos the next day, and she was really proud of herself for not heeding temptation.

Three months later, she took her kids to the cinema. They were on vacation and had insisted on seeing Shrek and she had obliged. She went downstairs to get them more popcorn, while they saw their movie. while waiting for the popcorn, she heard her name. Turning around, she saw Richard with a smile and the twinkle in his eyes. She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"Its been a while Jas. You have been avoiding me haven't you?" he asked faking a stern face.

" of course not. i have been really busy" she replied smiling.
"well lucky me then. i want to take you out to lunch sometime this week and i wont take NO for an answer" he said to her.

As she left the cinema that evening, she found herself looking forward to her date with Richard. She was determined to have some fun. She looked at her children sleeping in the back seat through the rear view mirror, and hoped she doesn't regret her actions.

Richard dropped her off at her office and zoomed off. They had just had their first fight. She had been seeing him for two months now and she had never been happier. She felt more alive than she had in years and her work was thriving. Heck even her marriage was thriving because of Richard.

The sex was off the hook. He hit the right spot all the time and she could care less if Peter wanted her or not. All her sexual and emotional needs were being met. Just one problem. He didn't know she was married.

Ada had advised her that it was safer that way, but thinking about it now, she wondered what made her take that stupid advice. It was supposed to be a one off, at least so she thought at the beginning, but she was hooked.

She couldn't let go of him after that first time and now she didn't know how to tell him the truth without hurting and losing him. He was insisting on knowing where she lived, and also spending the night at his place at least once. She was running out of excuses.

She set the table, still thinking about Richard and her dilemma. Peter was having some business associates over for dinner and she had been cooking for over three hours. She was fagged out.

"They are here" Peter announced, going towards the front door. She went into the kitchen to bring out the last of the food.

"come over here hun. let me introduce my darling wife to you all" Peter beckoned on her.
"Baby meet Ugo, Caleb and Richard my business associates. Richard has been my friend from high school" Peter said proudly.

Jas looked up in shock at a face all too familiar. His face mirrored her shocked disbelief. Richard Black......[/b]
23 Jan 2016 | 05:00
[b]Continuation .... Richard starred at Jasmine as the face lost all it's colour. He was as shocked as she was, but was better at disguising it. "Ehm... welcome" Jasmine said, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Finally I get to meet Peter's stunning wife" Richard said looking her over. "Mehn... I cannot wait to meet the damsel you have to talking about for these past weeks" Peter responded. Richard smiled and patted Peter's back as Jasmine led them towards the dinning table. During their meal, Richard's eyes never left Jas' face. He wondered how he could have been so fooled by her. He couldn't believe that she was the mother of Peter's children. There was no way to tell from her body.... the body he had made love to countless times, ravished in different ways. Heck he had even thought of going to meet her parents. It all made sense now. Too late though... He took his leave about an hour later, plotting his next line of action. Too bad somebody would have to get hurt. But it was too late. He avoided her calls, and read her text messages without replying them. He needed his head clear and knew he had only one chance, a chance he was going to take. Two weeks later, he walked out of his office complex on his way out for lunch and Jas was standing by his car. "Richard" she gasped when she saw him and took an indecisive step forward then backwards. Richard removed his glasses, looked at her for a while then got into his car. He revved his engine, and Jas got the message getting out of his path and he sped off. From his rear view mirror, he saw her look of despair and it gladdened his heart. Richard sat at the bar, listening to Peter complain about his wife. "I don't know what has gotten into her..... Do you think she knows something about my girl friends? These women can be unpredictable. It has been a long time since she asked me for sex... and she usually goes on and on about it.... She doesn't even kiss me good bye or wait up for me at night.... " Peter droned. Richard shut out his voice, and concentrated on enjoying his drink. He wondered when would be the right time to put his plans into action. Richard sat in his living room, checking his phone intermittently. He was restless. He checked the time, it was past midnight. He stood up and walked towards his bedroom, when his phone rang breaking into the silence. He dashed towards it, and picked it up and listened for a few seconds, he smiled broadly obviously pleased at the news he had received. Two weeks later, there was a knock on his door. He stood by the door for a few minutes, he didn't want to seem too eager to open the door. When he did, he kept his face straight and withdrawn. He moved aside and Jasmine walked in. "Richard" she said and burst into tears. Richard stood there for a while, then he took her in his arms and she sobbed into his chest. Jasmine was garbed in black, had a black scarf over her head. "It's okay" Richard patted her head consoling her. "I cannot believe I am now a widow.... What I'm I going to do?" "Shhh. don't worry.... I would take care of you" Richard responded. They stood there for a long time, before he led her into his bedroom. While she slept, Richard picked up some news papers and pored over them. Peter's murder had made headlines. He looked over at Jasmine, she was worth all the trouble.. [color =blue](Well, thiS story may or may not continue..but for now; I drop my pen!..) Happy weekend classiq peepz[/color][/b] :)
23 Jan 2016 | 05:08
[b][color =red]wow! I can't believe this. so captivating.[/color][/b] [b][color =blue]happy weekend![/color][/b]
23 Jan 2016 | 05:14
CLASSIQ PEEPZ.. Y'ALL NEED TO SEE THIS.. TO LOVE A STRANGER.. (Weekend special) @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T- Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm-vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @fortunate1 @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail- com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Coolbaby @Jokqees @Victoriouschild
23 Jan 2016 | 05:15
Geez!!! @invincible u feel dz one? I dy wit Alamo no forgt d viju milk for dialution.
23 Jan 2016 | 05:37
@ewomazeal ..thnx thnx bro :)
23 Jan 2016 | 05:37
Waaoooowwwww............interesting. so richard killed peter because of jasmine
23 Jan 2016 | 05:40
chai bt woman strong oooo I cnt reason anoda man using ma galfrnd tok more of wife... Bt 4 a frnd 2 waste hz follow frnd coz of a woman dat z absolute unreasonable.
23 Jan 2016 | 05:43
Odi ok
23 Jan 2016 | 05:45
Richard planned peters death,nice one @Saintkenz,maybe i will try loving a stranger..*winks*
23 Jan 2016 | 05:48
So interesting story @saintkenz u must continue it o
23 Jan 2016 | 05:49
well done dohling *kisses*
23 Jan 2016 | 06:03
am afraid to get married , i really am
23 Jan 2016 | 06:06
Wow! Its really interesing.....more ink to ur pen...
23 Jan 2016 | 06:31
I can't believe Richard killed his own friend Peter just because of a woman
23 Jan 2016 | 06:32
wait oh , are u kidding mhe? that vhiz captivating story may not kuntinu? e be lyk say na RICHARD KILL PETER? Oboyyy , some guys dey vex o, abeg i carry GOD PEKIN NAME dey beg u oh ,more pls,
23 Jan 2016 | 08:42
Chai!! Richard u reali went 2 far. @Saintkenz nice work, bt u hav 2 cont. d story o #Yawnin
23 Jan 2016 | 09:08
Richard killed his friend bcos of a woman? Incredible
23 Jan 2016 | 09:32
@saintkenz... Continue dx story that touch.
23 Jan 2016 | 11:54
nice one bro @saintkenz but pls u have to continue it pls we are pleading.....
23 Jan 2016 | 12:01
Happy weekend 2 u too
23 Jan 2016 | 12:20
Man!... *With an angry face* Why won't the story continue... Or do you want me to arrest you with the gods in uniform??? Better start doing something about the continuation of the story now!! now!!. . . . This why i'm so afraid of relationship. Cos thinking about my GF sleeping with another man alone got my heart racing... I wonder what is gonna happen to me if it truly happens.
23 Jan 2016 | 12:58
4 peter its jst a pity.. N to d writer abeg u av to continue ni o
23 Jan 2016 | 13:36
Well. I always like ur story cox it's interesting. Thanks for tho post @saintkenz
23 Jan 2016 | 14:42
Ouch too bad,u killed ur frnd cos of his wife..have a lovely weekend dear
23 Jan 2016 | 14:43
you're welcome @saintkenz
23 Jan 2016 | 15:50
@emmyrexx ..biko make you no arrest me with your gods ooh ..& by d way sev why you dey fear for relatnship.. remember all girls are not the same oOh.. You no go won stay celibacy for life oohh unless you won turn father
23 Jan 2016 | 16:49
@softie thanks thanks :)
23 Jan 2016 | 16:54
@promzy love i see you ..*kisses* to you too
23 Jan 2016 | 16:56
so interesting nd touching bt pls u nid to contiunue d story,have a wonderful weekend nd thank for d post@saintkenz.
23 Jan 2016 | 19:26
@Saintkenz The thing is... I have a fragile heart, easily broken. First time i experienced heart broken, i nearly die. Ad at this stage... I don't believe in the saying "all girls are not thesame" anymore... But you are right...they are not thesame cos them worst pass each other... (Sorry offense please). Bro... I rather remain a celibacy Have to all, have been that all this while. Don't be surprise about my out burst bro. Please continue the story, to appease the gods...
24 Jan 2016 | 02:48
24 Jan 2016 | 03:44
hmmmm sooo intresting.... Pls pls nd pls try to continue it pls....
24 Jan 2016 | 05:52
U av to continue dis pls
24 Jan 2016 | 06:10
When you flock with wrong company
24 Jan 2016 | 16:03
25 Jan 2016 | 03:49
i deh feel dis tori
26 Jan 2016 | 08:31
God! Peter's refusal to perform her conjugal duties on his wife coupled with bad influence from Adaora has pushed Jasmine to tow the evil path of infidelity. Richard, a friend of Peter's couldn't bare to loose sweet jasmine and schemed the death of Peter so he could have her all to himself. what a world!
3 Feb 2016 | 11:20
Hmmm interesting
20 Feb 2016 | 10:50
2 Jul 2016 | 11:10
Weird world
8 Jul 2016 | 12:34
22 Jul 2016 | 09:07


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