[b]There has been a long debate on why Jesus or the word of God forbade women from wearing trousers. It is justifiable to say God wants some sexual distinction apparent in men and women’s garments but that reasoning is weak. There are a number of obvious differences in the make-up of both sexes. Why then did Jesus forbid women from wearing trousers?
Two principles should be borne in mind. First, the Christian should dress appropriately to his gender. Second, the godly man or woman should dress modestly; in a manner that does not solicit illicit sexual interest. Anything outside of this inferences is a misinterpretation of the lesson the bible is intended to teach. “A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the Lord your God.”
This statement from the bible, over the course of many generations, has been debated among religious leaders and even scholars. The modern fashion permits for a woman to wear trousers and some do even to church and other religious gatherings but the stance of the bible, which is the foundation of Christianity permits otherwise – that is if you think trousers are for men and skirts for women.The truth is, fashion evolves.That said, women are way more comfortable and “decent-looking” in loose trousers than skirts. Trousers make it easier to hike, get on a bike and even sit down. You don’t have to hike up your skirt a thousand times therefore exposing that which ought to be covered like your fresh thighs.
Those that would have you think that you are a sinner should think about this. Even maxi skirts are a trap. If the bible emphasizes modesty, then trousers are more modest than skirts.This is not to debunk a specific meaning to the words of the bible but to clarify that times have changed and certain things can’t be considered right or wrong, just necessary. CULLED From NaiJ.com