He has removed his cloth
and waiting for you to remove ur
panties.. But before u remove ur
panties, tink about these (7) things.
1. Are u taking off your panties cos
u love him? He makes u smile,he has a big penis, but do u really love
this man? 2. How much do u know
about him? U know he's good
looking, u know he's funny, u know
he smells good but what do u really
knw about his personality? His character? 3. After d sex, what
happen next? Will it be another sex
& another sex & another sex,
nothing serious? Will u stay with
him or jump into another
boyfriends for more sex? 4. If u get pregnant, are u ready to be a
mother,can u be proud of him?
Can he be the man u want him to
be? Hope the babe will be well
trained by both of you? What does
he normally do as at now? How would he behave by the time u
guys got married? Compare his
attitude now to the time u met him
and how the character would be
later..,. Hmmmmm... Lovedoctor
with love abi?. 5. Are u sure of his love or is it just about this sex?
Beyond sex,what other way do
you connect together? 6. If he so
much want to have sex with u then
why can't he commit to you and
make u his wife? 7. Think of the future. Will you be proud of
yourself after today???