

By Duru in 6 Aug 2020 | 09:18
Duru Jessica

Duru Jessica

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Posts: 333
Member since: 28 May 2020
??‍♀Where the dark mistress dwells,a son of Adam and a daughter of Eve,come matching in?.Will they ever make it out alive?Or dead?!?
Well,we'll see about that.Welcome To Houston Street,My Lovelies???
6 Aug 2020 | 09:18
♠1890♠ "Mommy where are you?I'm scared."little Thomas cried out as he got up from his warm bed at the sound of the noise,coming right from outside his bedroom."Who's there?he shuddered,staring at the silhouette figure in the dark."Aunt Kiki?". "Thomas....Oh child."She breathed,embracing him."I'm so glad you're okay.Come,we must hurry." "But Aunt Kiki where is my mommy?I want my mommy."he panicked. "Mommy's not coming with us Tommy," "Leave me alone.I'm not going anywhere with you"he said stubbornly,racing downstairs. "Mommy!Mommy please wake up...Wake up mommy!"he cried,shaking his Ms Claire's lifeless body as she laid firm,moving not a single muscle. "She won't wake up darling.Your precious mommy is long gone now"came his aunt's sinister chuckled from behind. "Aunt Kiki why isn't she moving?What did you do to my mommy?"he asked with his tiny voice ringing bitterly in the air. "You were always such a brilliant child Thomas.Awe!Too bad you have to die too munchkin."she chuckled,bringing out the blood stained sickle from under her skirt. ....Gasps... "Aunt Kiki!"he shuddered,running as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. "Run all you want little boy.You're no match for me"she chuckled,running alongside as the little boy made towards the kitchen table.If only he knew what was waiting for him. "Thomas...Thomas!Come out,come out wherever you are..."she chuckled devilishly as she circled around the kitchen table that stood in the middle."Ah-hah!Found you!"she chuckled,hitting the table with the sickle as the sharp tip cut across the middle."You were always too bad at hide and seek!Send my regards to your parents in hell"she chuckled louder,raising her hands in the air."Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! G-O-O-D-B-Y-E T-H-O-M-A-S M-I-L-K-I-S-I-N!!!!! ?GHOSTED?  My first time,writing a story not based on romance or anything.It's gonna be really hard getting ideas though I'm one big horror fan.But I'll hell as try...For my fans sake,and for those that'll be reading alongside.And also I'm gonna make it intense.Well,will try.So at least no one will get bored along the way?...Oh,I'm talking too much.Ha!Sorry.I'll leave you guys,now.Have fun reading...??? ~Ciara~
6 Aug 2020 | 09:19
"Dad,are we there yet?We've been going on for hours."Jade,a young slender girl of about sixteen,yay high and with shiny blonde hair,grumbled endlessly from behind. "Yeah dad.Is Houston that far?I thought we would have reached by now.My butt's starting to ache,"Danny,the youngest of all cut in,itching his butt."Ohh quit pushing Jade.I can hardly feel my backside." "Oh,you mean your backside that's clearly occupying the whole seat?" "Uh-uh!At least it isn't as flat as yours manny!"he mocked. "Oh,no you didn't,"she snarled,making to spank him. "Haha!You don't scare me."he chuckled,sticking his tongue out on her. "Oh,you will crabby face...." "Daniel!"came Mr Hardley's hoarse scold from the front. "Oh,stop you guys.We're tryna sleep here"the twins cut in,rubbing their wearied eyes. "Baby go back to sleep,okay?" "Now look what you've done.You've woken Brie and Blair up" "Me?!Who's the one complaining about his stupid cracked butt?I won't be surprised if you can't wiggle it anymore."she teased. "Alright you two.No fighting in the car" "Well,he started it" "What?!No daddy.She did!"he growled,pointing at a bully Jade. "Oh,yes you did grandma"Jaden laughed,running her fingers in his red hair. "Dad!Jade's bullying me again." "Jade!!!" "Nothing daddy.We were only playing"she grinned. "Good!Cause you don't want me grounding you for another week" "Yeah right.Let me guess,you'll send me off to juvey,am I right?" "Well,worse" "Ha!That'll keep you down pig face!" "You too Danny." "But dad,I'm not even a teen yet.I'm just seven,you know?" "Then act like one!"Mr Hardley added. "Heh!In your face!" "Bleh" "Oh,you two"Blair scoffed,getting up."Daddy are we almost there?It's starting to get hot in here."she complained ,hanging her little arms around him. "Me too daddy.I can hardly breathe."Brie cut in,getting up from the back seat. "Calm down babies.We're almost there." "Ha-ha!I can't imagine the look on Ms Chang's face when she finds out we're gone..." "Yeah!Me too.That wrinkled neck was starting to get on my nerves.Humph!" "Danny!" "Nothing father"he chuckled slightly. "Is that...Dad watch out!"Jade screamed with terror as Mr Hardley applied the brakes,making them jerk forward with full force. "Whoa!Baby what's that?" "Daddy,what's happening?"the twins asked with fright. "Y-you guys didn't see that?"she shook,pointing towards the window screen. "See what J?Gosh!You scared the hell out of me"Danny panted. "Hmm,I thought I saw something.Guess it's just my mind playing tricks on me."she sighed,winding the windows up swiftly. "Then get it under control,will you?!Imagine if dad didn't have control of the wheel.We'd have ended up in a ditch or something,"Danny snapped. "Great!It's my fault now?" "Guys!That's enough...Baby just take it easy,okay?We're almost there now."Mr Hardley assured,getting the car in motion all again. "Jade..."Brie whispered lowly,clasping her hands. "Yeah!What's that?" "D-did you really see something?I--I'm scared"she shook vigorously. "No baby.Don't be,all right?We'll soon be home."she smiled,placing the little girl's head on her laps gently. "I really wish mum was here,"Blair chipped in."Daddy will mum be coming to see us in our new house?I miss her already."she said,looking all sober. "Sure baby.Mommy will,all right" "Yeah right.I bet she's busy with that Yankee boyfriend of hers." "Jade not in front of the kids." "Yeah,whatever."she shrugged,averting her eyes on the tall rusty buildings that laid side by side on the street "Whoo!And...Here we are"came their dad's ecstatic voice as he drove the hatch-back car up the drive way."Welcome to Houston ladies"he chuckled,halting to a stop as he pushed the car door open. "Yay!Daddy come carry us out" "Sure,my queens"he smiled,getting out as he made towards the back."Here you go,ladies."he laughed out loud,carrying them out."And oh,beware of the mud guys.It's pretty slippy." "Sure dad." "Hey!Not cool!I'm still here,you know?"Danny cut in jealously. "What now?" "Seriously dad,I ain't a lady."he scoffed,holding his arms in one fold. "Oof!Sorry."came Mr Hardley's laconic voice as he gave him a pat. "Ohh!" "Hah!Grandma!"Jade smirked,punching him playfully. "Shut up,spit face!" "Danny is a granny..Danny is a...."she sang rhythmically as they followed behind. "Kids!" "Coming dad!"they giggled,poking on each other's ribs as they heard a creaking sound as Mr Hardley pushed the door open,revealing an old,dusty living room. "Whoo!Guess we've got tons of work cut out for us" "Hmm,creepy don't you think?I wonder who lived here?"Jade shrugged,rolling her eyes around the room which had several portraits and weird-looking drawings hovering on all corners. "Oh,don't be such a scaredy kitty J.I bet the cobwebs got plenty of room for ya..." "Ewwwww,"she said."Why will I be?" "Oh,look who's talking.If you aren't so scared then,why don't we go take a look around.I bet dad won't mind,right daddy?" "Hmm,I don't know.We just got here" "Please daddy,"the twins voice ran as they beckoned to him with pup-pitying eyes. "Yes,please!A little adventure won't hurt,will it?"Danny added,making towards the stairs. "Guys,c'mon,we don't even know this place.What if..." "Oh,don't be such a twerp.Dad don't listen to her!" "Hmm,your sister's right,you know"he said,giving it a thought."But uhm,I guess,I'll let you guys off...Only for five minutes.Just five minutes and nothing more." "Dad!"Jade snapped."Since when did you start listening to Daniel?" "Well,since now,jelly ass"he grinned,throwing an annoying smirk at her as he scurried off fast. "And no fighting,you hear me.Run along now,so we can finish up with this."Mr Hardley said."And oh,Jaden,make sure you keep your eyes on Brie and Blair.I don't want anything happening to them while I'm gone." "Dad,"Danny spoke again."What about me?" "Ha-oh!Danny's not excluded.Have fun,you guys."he smiled,turning the dusty handle "Got it!" I'm really sorry I took long bringing back this one?.I had to make some editing,and even add some stuffs to it.Hope you'll like it?
6 Aug 2020 | 09:20
"Jade,over here,"Daniel whispers came. He motioned to Jaden but still,she stood firm,staring blankly into the empty dark room as her eyes snapped open with cold chills moving up her spine,getting her horrified.For a minute there,she would have sworn she'd heard strange noises come from inside but it was gone.She blinked for a second,snapping out of her thoughts as she heard Daniel's floppy footwear rubbing against the carpet covered hallway. That noise....She thought,averting her eyes from the mysterious room. "Jade?You okay?"Daniel asked,watching her closely. "Y--yes,"she stammered. "Yes?But-Oh,well.Just hurry,"he said to her,tugging at her sleeves."We have something to show you."he stopped,watching her expression. Jaden's countenance fell and she got scared all again.She had no idea what brought about that but all she knew was that her legs trembled unendingly and she couldn't carry them along-she was stuck! "Jade,calm down.It's just your mind playing tricks on you."she muttered breathlessly,letting out a deep sigh. "Hmm.Well,is something really big,Jaden,"Daniel continued,describing with his hands. "Are you serious?"Jade asked. "Oh,you're certainly not going to believe until you see for yourself."he grinned,pulling her with him. ........  "Shaluga....Shaluga!"a woman dressed in a gray sack cloth with a serpent staff and a large python curled around her wrinkled neck called. Her name was Naziya.The mistress of the dark.Leader of all darkness and the mother of all evil.She had the twelve councils at her feet and to each one,was given a bowl...No ordinary bowl but one to see the outside world and monitor every inhabitants in it.And on their forehead,laid embedded,a crystal to keep them alerted at always. They were Nazzis.Naziya's minions and she had each of them do her biddings while she laid in wait for the blood of innocent souls to be shed at her feet,where she would drink and quench her never ending taste. To them,pure blood was a symbol of strength and fierceness and so it did to them,making them immune to any form of harm.They were the strongest and deadliest creatures the world had ever known. "Shaluga!"Naziya thundered aloud. "Yes,Mistress,"Shaluga replied,bowing her head. "Shaluga!!!"she thundered the third time,striking her staff against the hard ground. "Yes,Queen Mother"Shaluga responded,kissing the ground before her. Shaluga was Naziya's trusted agent and the youngest of all.But nonetheless,her power was greater,compared to the other messengers in the world of the occult.She could compel any man into doing things they'd never imagined and in he end,slaughter every one of them.No wonder why they referred to her as the 'Mistress' favourite pet'.For as long as she was in power,she'd do anything for her mistress...Anything at all! "Shaluga,what am I hearing?"the dark mistress asked."Is it true what they say?The son of Adam has finally come to dwell in our abode?"Naziya face beamed with eagerness. "I'm afraid so,my queen."Shaluga affirmed. "Then,you must stop him!"came Naziya's voice like thunder. "B--but my queen,he's too strong."Kadrin broke in. Naziya averted her red eyes on him,and boiled with fury flaring inside of her"Too strong?!Too strong,you say?!"she chuckled loudly as her minions followed. "Silence!"she ordered,restoring stillness once more Naziya eyed him thoroughly and with her staff moving against the ground,made towards him as she ran a thunderous slap across his face,making him tremble. "Get up!"she commanded."Get up,I say!" "But my queen..."Shaluga stopped at the sight of the deadly look on her mistress face. "Shaluga...." "Forgive me,Mistress."came her apology as she maintained thereafter. "Good!Now,listen,"Naziya continued."I heard the son of Adam has a young maiden with him.He's daughter,per say.A daughter of Eve,if I'm not mistaken."she grinned,rubbing her chin with thoughts."She goes by the name Jaden.And she's got such a kind loving heart"she gave a loud chuckle. "A daughter of Eve born of the son of Adam?"murmurs enveloped in their midst. "Silence,my kitties."Naziya muted them,returning order once again. "What do you want me to do,my queen?"Karin asked eagerly as a mischievous smile broke across his lips. "My!So eager,are we?"Naziya chuckled,walking gracefully."Well,it's quite simple.Would you be able to do it?" "Yes,Queen Mother,"he affirmed joyfully."I'll do anything for you." "Good!"she smiled."Now,I shall have you lure the foolish girl into sleeping with you,"she added."And when she does,you shall take out her heart,and shall serve it to me on a fine silver platter....!!!" "Hey,what are you two up to?"Jaden asked,drawing closer with hands akimbo. "Jade,come see."Brie beckoned to her. Jade walked slowly towards them,trying not to trip on the sickles and other farm tools that laid in their way. What's with the tools piled up on all corners?She wondered,taking her sisters hands gently. "This' gonna blow your mind,Jaden."Daniel smirked,rubbing his palms as the foursome made towards the wall. They urged Jaden to squat as they followed put,with their hands motioning to the red markings that stood boldly engraved on it.None of them could interpret the writing,and this goes the flustered more. "Sweet,am I right?"Daniel spoke up. "Or creepy?"Jade shuddered,moving her hands on it."I wonder who wrote this,"she thought out loud. "Heh!Such a scary kitty,you are."Daniel joked. "Cut it out,D!"Blair rebuked with her tiny voice. "Yeah,Danny.Cut it out!Now's not the time to go about that"Jaden chipped in,shrugging her shoulders. "What do you think,Jaden?Is it Arabic?"Brie asked inquisitively,looking up at her. "I...I don't know Brie." "Maybe dad will.He knows everything."Daniel opined. "Kids!"Mr Hardley's voice came,startling them."Guys,where are you?"his voice drew nearer. ....Gasps... "Dad isn't so far off now."Daniel alerted."What are we going to do?"he panicked. "Here.Quick!"Jaden beckoned to them,and they swiftly moved the dusty wobbly table against the wall,covering it perfectly. "Think we should tell him?"Daniel whispered,rolling his eyes. "No...No,not yet,"Jaden replied. "Oh,thank goodness!"Mr Hardley exclaimed,walking in."Kids,what are you doing at this wing?I've been looking everywhere for you."he sighed,eyeing them suspiciously. "Uh,we were just looking around,dad,"Jaden spoke up."We promise,we didn't touch anything."she faked a smile. "Yeah,right,dad.We didn't this time."the threesome added,playing along. "Hmm," "Uhm,come on kids.Let's go play downstairs."Jaden said to them,motioning with her head. Daniel and the twins quickly scurried out the door and Jaden made to follow. "Jade,hold on for a sec,"Mr Hardley said."Baby,are you really sure you're all right?"he asked concerned,staring at her. "Yeah,dad,"Jade replied."Don't worry about me."she smiled,wriggling her hand out. "Well,if you say so."he breathed a sigh."Come on now.Let's go eat..." Please guys,don't forget to like and comment,and also share.Alongside add to your reading list,if you wish to.I'll need all the support I can get.Love y'all?? 
6 Aug 2020 | 09:24
The sky turned gray,and the earth roared with thunder,erupting the grounds,and thus leaving a crack on the surface of the earth.Green fumes oozed out from the ground beneath and a masked figure seen,silhouetted in the dark,followed by another.They turned,facing each other,and with their claws,ripped their masks off and their robes alongside. "And this is where we part ways...Sister."One of the creatures said. "You can not say that,brother.You know I cannot leave you be."his companion responded "But you must,sister.Queen mother needs you here."he said. "You are right.I will miss you,brother."came her throaty voice as she locked her forehead on his. "As will I,my Shalu," .... It was morning and the sky looked crystal clear and bright.Jaden yawned,and with a weary,stress-beaten body,got out of bed.The church bell chimed at a distance,and it persisted for a minute before the sound died down,bringing back silence all again. The markings of the previous day,came crowding Jaden's young mind as she thought about what message it was trying to pass.She thought about telling her dad what they'd had seen,but she couldn't bring herself to.Not like he's going to listen.She thought,running her fingers in her brunette. "Can't believe he's having me start all over."she scoffed,letting out a faint sigh as she headed for the bathroom. Half of the west wing were yet to be cleaned,and the whole day cleaning and scrubbing were starting to wear her out. "Ohh."Jaden muttered.If only dad would just listen,she wished. She continued sluggishly,feeling nostalgic on how she was going to start anew."New house!"she shrugged."New school!"she gulped.New friends,she thought. New! New! New! All their lives,they've been moving.When will it stop?When?!She questioned herself,remembering her perfect little life back at SlickVille. Now I'm forced to let go of every memories oncemore.I mean,how will Lori be fairing now?And Gloria...And gosh,even Hance...And of course,everyone!She wallowed in her thoughts. ...It's just like pre-school all again... "Ohh!"she let a low moan out,turning the handle of the bathroom door as it came loose."Great!Even the door hates me."she hissed,tossing the handle aside. She swung the door open,and with a creaking sound,came Jaden's frustrated moans.The not-so big shower room(as she called it),that had a tiny window carved out on one side,came in sight,making her groan even more."Ugh,dad!"she grumbled irritably. A thought crossed her mind,and she couldn't help but match right in,whilst still clothed.She fixed her eyes on the shower head that stood above the side-scraped tub,and a crooked smile broke across her partly drooled lips. ...Ooh,it's got a shower.Me,like it... Jaden smiled,hopping into the bathtub,and with her hands,slipped out of her kitten shorts and matching sleep top,throwing them out the door.She got the shower running,moving under it as the warm water trickled down,soaking her hair,with the rest of her slender body.It felt really good having the water trickle down her skin,and she let it do it's work on every part of her body as soft moans eluded her lips. Jaden hummed and scrubbed for about fifteen minutes,and then a tap came upon the wooden door- TWICE! Accompanied by sharp footsteps upon the carpet outside."Dany?"she shrieked. For a minute,she'd have sworn it wasn't real,but then it came again."D?"she whispered lowly."D-Dany,is that you?"she shuddered with a sense of deja vu,pushing the cotton nylon aside."Daniel!"she called louder,but no answer came. Okay.That's weird,she thought inwardly,turning the shower off. Her heart skipped a bit,and she  twitched her ears in the direction of the sound,wanting to know who it was."Uh,who is there?"she gathered up the courage to ask."Anyone?" ...Relax,Jaden.It's just your mind playing tricks on you.There's nothing out there.N-nothing!She breathed,turning the shower on again. She repositioned herself,and with her head lifted in an upward direction,let the water brush against her face sweetly,inhaling the lovely fragrance of her White rosé soap as the lather came off her skin,onto the slippery ground.She slowly opened her eyes,and to her amazement,her legs were covered up in- BLOOD! "Bloody hell!"Jaden gasped,gaping at the red fluid,horrified. ""she spoke breathlessly,making to climb out but felt- STUCK! "Oh,no,no,no,"she panicked."D-Dad....Daddy,where are you?"she cried."Daddy...Daddy where are you?!"she screamed louder,struggling to free herself."Daddy...." "Baby..."Mr Hardley rushed in. "Daddy,I can't move.I can't move,daddy.I can't move."Jaden alerted. Mr Hardley stood transfixed,staring at her."What do you mean you can't move,Jade?"he asked. "Daddy,I swear.I...can't...move!"she stammered,shivering intensely."The water's r--red." "Red?No,baby.The water's perfectly normal.Here,take my hand."he offered. Jaden quickly grabbed his hand,and followed at his command as a mischievous smile broke across his lips."You seriously thought I was going to help you,Jaden Hardleyson?!" ...Gasps... "Hardleyson?!F-father?" "Ha-ha-ha!Silly girl!" He chuckled louder,letting go as a loud crash came,and so darkness did... ...Jaden...  Okay!I really do suck at writing horror stories...Haha!I'm sorry it's not as intense as you guys assumed it to be...I'm still getting a hang of the not-so romance writing...??? And oh,I do apologize for not updating earlier like I planned.My schedules have been way too tight,but I promise to try my best,all right?Have a wonderful night.And a fantastic new morn,too.Love ya...???
6 Aug 2020 | 09:25
Links To Available Episodes ?????? Episode 4
6 Aug 2020 | 10:23
@thecomely, thanks for the call
6 Aug 2020 | 14:53
6 Aug 2020 | 15:16
@thecomely thanks for the call
6 Aug 2020 | 15:18
Please o,who else is having problem commenting on this post,and also on other posts I made earlier?Please signify?
6 Aug 2020 | 15:22
@thecomeky Thanks dearest.I really appreciate.
6 Aug 2020 | 15:25
@thecomely Thanks dearest.I really appreciate.
6 Aug 2020 | 15:26
@timson You like? Or it's terrible?Please tell me the truth...??
6 Aug 2020 | 15:29
“Dad,are we there yet?We’ve been going on for hours.”Jade,a young slender girl of about sixteen,yay high and with shiny blonde hair,grumbled endlessly from behind. “Yeah dad.Is Houston that far?I thought we would have reached by now.My butt’s starting to ache,”Danny,the youngest of all cut in,itching his butt.”Ohh quit pushing Jade.I can hardly feel my backside.” “Oh,you mean your backside that’s clearly occupying the whole seat?” “Uh-uh!At least it isn’t as flat as yours manny!”he mocked. “Oh,no you didn’t,”she snarled,making to spank him. “Haha!You don’t scare me.”he chuckled,sticking his tongue out on her. “Oh,you will crabby face….” “Daniel!”came Mr Hardley’s hoarse scold from the front. “Oh,stop you guys.We’re tryna sleep here”the twins cut in,rubbing their wearied eyes. “Baby go back to sleep,okay?” “Now look what you’ve done.You’ve woken Brie and Blair up” “Me?!Who’s the one complaining about his stupid cracked butt?I won’t be surprised if you can’t wiggle it anymore.”she teased. “Alright you two.No fighting in the car” “Well,he started it” “What?!No daddy.She did!”he growled,pointing at a bully Jade. “Oh,yes you did grandma”Jaden laughed,running her fingers in his red hair. “Dad!Jade’s bullying me again.” “Jade!!!” “Nothing daddy.We were only playing”she grinned. “Good!Cause you don’t want me grounding you for another week” “Yeah right.Let me guess,you’ll send me off to juvey,am I right?” “Well,worse” “Ha!That’ll keep you down pig face!” “You too Danny.” “But dad,I’m not even a teen yet.I’m just seven,you know?” “Then act like one!”Mr Hardley added. “Heh!In your face!” “Bleh” “Oh,you two”Blair scoffed,getting up.”Daddy are we almost there?It’s starting to get hot in here.”she complained ,hanging her little arms around him. “Me too daddy.I can hardly breathe.”Brie cut in,getting up from the back seat. “Calm down babies.We’re almost there.” “Ha-ha!I can’t imagine the look on Ms Chang’s face when she finds out we’re gone…” “Yeah!Me too.That wrinkled neck was starting to get on my nerves.Humph!” “Danny!” “Nothing father”he chuckled slightly. “Is that…Dad watch out!”Jade screamed with terror as Mr Hardley applied the brakes,making them jerk forward with full force. “Whoa!Baby what’s that?” “Daddy,what’s happening?”the twins asked with fright. “Y-you guys didn’t see that?”she shook,pointing towards the window screen. “See what J?Gosh!You scared the hell out of me”Danny panted. “Hmm,I thought I saw something.Guess it’s just my mind playing tricks on me.”she sighed,winding the windows up swiftly. “Then get it under control,will you?!Imagine if dad didn’t have control of the wheel.We’d have ended up in a ditch or something,”Danny snapped. “Great!It’s my fault now?” “Guys!That’s enough…Baby just take it easy,okay?We’re almost there now.”Mr Hardley assured,getting the car in motion all again. “Jade…”Brie whispered lowly,clasping her hands. “Yeah!What’s that?” “D-did you really see something?I–I’m scared”she shook vigorously. “No baby.Don’t be,all right?We’ll soon be home.”she smiled,placing the little girl’s head on her laps gently. “I really wish mum was here,”Blair chipped in.”Daddy will mum be coming to see us in our new house?I miss her already.”she said,looking all sober. “Sure baby.Mommy will,all right” “Yeah right.I bet she’s busy with that Yankee boyfriend of hers.” “Jade not in front of the kids.” “Yeah,whatever.”she shrugged,averting her eyes on the tall rusty buildings that laid side by side on the street “Whoo!And…Here we are”came their dad’s ecstatic voice as he drove the hatch-back car up the drive way.”Welcome to Houston ladies”he chuckled,halting to a stop as he pushed the car door open. “Yay!Daddy come carry us out” “Sure,my queens”he smiled,getting out as he made towards the back.”Here you go,ladies.”he laughed out loud,carrying them out.”And oh,beware of the mud guys.It’s pretty slippy.” “Sure dad.” “Hey!Not cool!I’m still here,you know?”Danny cut in jealously. “What now?” “Seriously dad,I ain’t a lady.”he scoffed,holding his arms in one fold. “Oof!Sorry.”came Mr Hardley’s laconic voice as he gave him a pat. “Ohh!” “Hah!Grandma!”Jade smirked,punching him playfully. “Shut up,spit face!” “Danny is a granny..Danny is a….”she sang rhythmically as they followed behind. “Kids!” “Coming dad!”they giggled,poking on each other’s ribs as they heard a creaking sound as Mr Hardley pushed the door open,revealing an old,dusty living room. “Whoo!Guess we’ve got tons of work cut out for us” “Hmm,creepy don’t you think?I wonder who lived here?”Jade shrugged,rolling her eyes around the room which had several portraits and weird-looking drawings hovering on all corners. “Oh,don’t be such a scaredy kitty J.I bet the cobwebs got plenty of room for ya…” “Ewwwww,”she said.”Why will I be?” “Oh,look who’s talking.If you aren’t so scared then,why don’t we go take a look around.I bet dad won’t mind,right daddy?” “Hmm,I don’t know.We just got here” “Please daddy,”the twins voice ran as they beckoned to him with pup-pitying eyes. “Yes,please!A little adventure won’t hurt,will it?”Danny added,making towards the stairs. “Guys,c’mon,we don’t even know this place.What if…” “Oh,don’t be such a twerp.Dad don’t listen to her!” “Hmm,your sister’s right,you know”he said,giving it a thought.”But uhm,I guess,I’ll let you guys off…Only for five minutes.Just five minutes and nothing more.” “Dad!”Jade snapped.”Since when did you start listening to Daniel?” “Well,since now,jelly ass”he grinned,throwing an annoying smirk at her as he scurried off fast. “And no fighting,you hear me.Run along now,so we can finish up with this.”Mr Hardley said.”And oh,Jaden,make sure you keep your eyes on Brie and Blair.I don’t want anything happening to them while I’m gone.” “Dad,”Danny spoke again.”What about me?” “Ha-oh!Danny’s not excluded.Have fun,you guys.”he smiled,turning the dusty handle “Got it!” I’m really sorry I took long bringing back this one?.I had to make some editing,and even add some stuffs to it.Hope you’ll like it?
Guys this is ?HAUNTED ONE?.I totakky forgot to make that a subheading.So sorry.
6 Aug 2020 | 16:48
6 Aug 2020 | 17:35
It's going to be an interesting story. Thanks for the invite @thecomely
6 Aug 2020 | 18:07
Who really came to assist her?
7 Aug 2020 | 01:31
Who really came to assist her?
7 Aug 2020 | 01:31
Who really came to assist her?
7 Aug 2020 | 01:31
Who really came to assist her?
7 Aug 2020 | 01:31
JADEN'S P.O.V I awoke in the middle of nowhere,with a dense thicket of bamboo and bladed grasses crowding all around me. I rose up,looking down on my bosom as they stood in sight.I had nothing on,I realized. I stood dazed,trying to fathom out where I was as I heard soft whispers come from amidst the bushes."Holy crap!"I gasped. "Jaden,over here"the soft whispers came again as the wind blew it in my direction. I shuddered,rolling my eyes around,anxious to know who it was."Who's there?!"I asked frantically,and I saw a little girl who seemed not bigger than seven,emerge from the thickets in front of me,barefooted and clothed in white. Her blue eyes shone in the dark,and she drew closer,beckoning to me to take her hand."Do not be afraid,Seed of Eve,"the little girl said."I won't hurt you."she assured as though she read my thoughts. There was something cold about her that I knew not,and the thought of it got chills up my spine and gave me goosebumps all over.I peered into her eyes,and I saw something- SOMETHING DARK! The strange girl looked up at me,with her eyes peering deeply into mine as she clasped my hands."Y-y-you're cold,"I shivered,holding my breath. "You must come with me,daughter of Eve,"she demanded. "D-daughter of Eve?"my voice cracked."Why do you call me that?"I asked curiously. "The less you know,the better."she answered,urging me to come with her. "Wait!"I made to resist. "Hurry!"she yelled,ignoring me."Hurry,Jaden.They're coming for you."she said,pulling me with her. I felt scared and I had no option but to follow the creepy blue eyes girl as she led me deeper into the woods,though I knew not what made me follow her- STRANGE! We went on,running and panting for breath as the trees blinded me,and made me stumble on every logs and roots that stood in our way.On every fall,she stopped,helping me up again as we continued,running for about half an hour until we came upon an open field,totally isolated from the outside world,and as we drew nearer,the grounds opened up and up came a little cottage, right before my eyes,leaving me agape. "How did it...?" "You're scared,"the girl spoke again."Don't be."she whispered. I averted my eyes on her,and with a faint smile eluding my lips,gave a slight nod."I won't."I managed to say. "Good.Cause what you have seen here,woman,is just the beginning."she chuckled aloud, and thence came rumbling of distant thunder as it came crashing in the sky. My lips quivered and I gaped at her,terrified."I shouldn't be h-here."I swallowed hard,snatching my hand from her. She paused,and with a dangerous scowl on her face,grasped my hands as I watched claws emerge from her fingers. I screamed in terror as she clutched on tighter,digging deep into my skin as my groans filled the air."Let me go,"I cried."I said,let me go...."I continued,trying to free myself but her strength was way beyond me. I stood motionless,watching her face turn pale,and her eyeballs rolling upwards on their own as her body dripped with water,wetting the ground. "Please,let me go..."I begged,half scared and half determined to be free of her demon grip. I shut my eyes,feeling the sweat roll down my face as I struggled intensely with every ounce of strength I had left in me."Raaah!"I groaned louder as black birds encircled us.  "I'm way stronger than you,little girl."she chuckled louder,and then I saw no one. I felt relieved,breathing and panting heavily as I slumped to the hard cold ground,my heart thumping wildly as the blood in my veins boiled."It's over,I uttered a sigh,catching my breath as I laid flat. I shut my eyes slowly,wanting to relieve myself of the horror I had witnessed as I felt a hand move up my body,freaking me out."Oh,my God!"I exclaimed,jerking up. The strange hand moved all over me,and onto my neck it came,gripping it so hard as I gagged at the spot,gasping for breath as I felt life drift out of me. I muttered my final prayer,finally giving in as tears rolled down my face.Jaden,so this really is your last,I thought inwardly as a thin smile embraced my lips. The air around me grew thinner,and so inside of me.I struggled for breath as I felt my body rise above the ground. "Jaden....Jaden,no!"the sound of a voice echoing in the distance,came ringing in my ears and I sprang up from where I laid,sweating profusely. My old room,I thought,rolling my eyes around. "Dreaming,are you?"I heard someone say. I swiftly turned my head in the direction of the sound as I watched the rocking chair turn,revealing the least person I expected to see "Mother?!"I gasped,and with a disdainful look imprinted on my face,stared at her."How are you here,mother?"I asked. "Haha!My dear,Jaden."she laughed,getting up to her feet. I sat transfixed,eyeing her."M-mum?"I said. The weird lady I'd thought to be my mother,let out a loud guffaw,and with a smile so crooked and cold,walked towards me as I felt cool breeze blow across my face,making me shiver. "Oh,you really are delusional,Jaden Hardleyson."she guffawed again,making weird movements with her eyes. "You!" I growled,jumping to my feet. She smiled,cat walking towards me."That's right."she said."It is me."she chuckled louder. ",don't touch me."I screamed,stepping backwards as she followed. I watched the feminine figure take the shape of a hideous beast right before my eyes,and I stood shaking like a leaf about to fall off its branch.I made to run but I couldn't- I WAS TRAPPED! With every step I took,came the deadly creature's snort.I screamed louder than ever,banging on the lock-jammed door,hoping someone would hear my voice and come to my aid- BUT NONE DID! I stood like a hopeless lamb,about to be slain as I watched the horrifying beast,grip me so hard,and with his gigantic leg,rammed against the floor as the ground beneath us gave way- AND WE FELL! Deeper and deeper we went,and I remembered nothing else... NOTHING AT ALL! How do you see this one guys?Hope it's scary enough???
7 Aug 2020 | 17:32
JADEN'S P.O.V I awoke in the middle of nowhere,with a dense thicket of bamboo and bladed grasses crowding all around me. I rose up,looking down on my bosom as they stood in sight.I had nothing on,I realized. I stood dazed,trying to fathom out where I was as I heard soft whispers come from amidst the bushes."Holy crap!"I gasped. "Jaden,over here"the soft whispers came again as the wind blew it in my direction. I shuddered,rolling my eyes around,anxious to know who it was."Who's there?!"I asked frantically,and I saw a little girl who seemed not bigger than seven,emerge from the thickets in front of me,barefooted and clothed in white. Her blue eyes shone in the dark,and she drew closer,beckoning to me to take her hand."Do not be afraid,seed of Eve,"the little girl said."I won't hurt you."she assured as though she read my thoughts. There was something cold about her that I knew not,and the thought of it got chills up my spine and gave me goosebumps all over.I peered into her eyes,and I saw something- SOMETHING DARK! The strange girl looked up at me,with her eyes peering deeply into mine as she clasped my hands."Y-y-you're cold,"I shivered,holding my breath. "You must come with me,daughter of Eve,"she demanded. "D-daughter of Eve?"my voice cracked."Why do you call me that?"I asked curiously. "The less you know,the better."she answered,urging me to come with her. "Wait!"I made to resist. "Hurry!"she yelled,ignoring me."Hurry,Jaden.They're coming for you."she said,pulling me with her. I felt scared and I had no option but to follow the creepy blue eyes girl as she led me deeper into the woods,though I knew not what made me follow her- STRANGE! We went on,running and panting for breath as the trees blinded me,and made me stumble on every logs and roots that stood in our way.On every fall,she stopped,helping me up again as we continued,running for about half an hour until we came upon an open field,totally isolated from the outside world,and as we drew nearer,the grounds opened up and out came a little cottage, right before my eyes,leaving me agape. "How did it...?" "You're scared,"the girl spoke again."Don't be."she whispered. I averted my eyes on her,and with a faint smile eluding my lips,gave a slight nod."I won't."I managed to say. "Good.Cause what you have seen here,woman,is only but the beginning."she chuckled aloud, and thence came rumbling of distant thunder as it came crashing in the sky. My lips quivered and I gaped at her,terrified."I-I shouldn't be here."I swallowed hard,snatching my hand from her. She paused,and with a dangerous scowl on her face,grasped my hands as I watched claws emerge from her fingers. I screamed in terror as she clutched on tighter,digging deep into my skin as my groans filled the air."Let me go!"I cried."I said,let me go...."I continued,trying to free myself but her strength was way beyond me. I stood motionless,watching her face turn pale,and her eyeballs rolling upwards on their own as her body dripped with water,wetting the ground. "Please,let me go..."I begged,half scared and half determined to be free of her demon grip. I shut my eyes,feeling the sweat roll down my face as I struggled intensely with every ounce of strength I had left in me."Raaah!"I groaned louder as black birds encircled us.  "I'm way stronger than you,little girl."she chuckled louder,and then I saw no one and the flight of birds were gone too. I felt relieved,breathing and panting heavily as I slumped to the hard cold ground,my heart thumping wildly as the blood in my veins boiled."It's over,I uttered a sigh,catching my breath as I laid flat. I shut my eyes slowly,wanting to relieve myself of the horror I had just witnessed as I felt a hand move up my body,freaking me out."Oh,my God!"I exclaimed,jerking up. The strange hand moved all over me,and onto my neck it came,gripping it so hard as I gagged at the spot,gasping for breath as I felt life drift out of me. I muttered my final prayer,finally giving in as tears rolled down my face.Jaden,so this really is your last,I thought inwardly as a thin smile embraced my lips. The air around me grew thinner,and so inside of me.I struggled for breath as I felt my body rise above the ground. "Jaden....Jaden,no!"the sound of a voice echoing in the distance,came ringing in my ears and I sprang up from where I laid,sweating profusely. My old room,I thought,rolling my eyes around. "Dreaming,are you?"I heard someone say. I swiftly turned my head in the direction of the sound as I watched the rocking chair turn,revealing the least person I expected to see "Mother?!"I gasped,and with a disdainful look imprinted on my face,stared at her."How are you here,mother?"I asked. "Haha!My dear,Jaden."she laughed,getting up to her feet. I sat transfixed,eyeing her."M-mum?"I called oncemore. The weird lady I'd thought to be my mother,let out a loud guffaw,and with a smile so crooked and cold,walked towards me as I felt cool breeze blow across my face,making me shiver. "Oh,you really are delusional,Jaden Hardleyson."she guffawed again,making weird movements with her eyes. "You!" I growled,jumping to my feet. She smiled,catwalking towards me."That's right."she said."It is I."she chuckled louder. "No!No,don't touch me!"I screamed,stepping backwards as she followed. I watched the feminine figure take the shape of a hideous beast right before my eyes,and I stood shaking like a leaf about to fall off its branch.I made to run but I couldn't- I WAS TRAPPED! With every step I took,came the deadly creature's snort.I screamed louder than ever,banging on the lock-jammed door,hoping someone would hear my voice and come to my aid- BUT NONE DID! I stood like a helpless lamb,about to be slain as I watched the horrifying beast,grip me so hard,and with one foot,rammed against the floor as the ground beneath us gave way- AND DOWN WE WENT! Deeper and deeper we fell,and I remembered nothing else... NOTHING AT ALL! Oh,I'm sorry.I added a little touch up to it,and uhm,made some corrections too.Hope it's scary enough????
7 Aug 2020 | 19:48
@Hormortiyor It's a mystery to solve???
7 Aug 2020 | 19:55
@Doncentman Aww,I bet you do.I'm on horror fan too.
7 Aug 2020 | 19:58
@Grace Aww,of course Grace.Good to have u here.I hope u love what u see??
7 Aug 2020 | 19:59
Next please
8 Aug 2020 | 01:50
Geez Next EP
8 Aug 2020 | 08:59
Continue please...
8 Aug 2020 | 11:42
It's been a while i visit here.. Keep it coming, daughter of eve.
8 Aug 2020 | 12:20
It's really scary... next pls
10 Aug 2020 | 05:10
@ciarajessy mystery indeed. ???
10 Aug 2020 | 11:21
Jaden shut her eyes,her eyelids glued on each other as she came toppling over;her screams filling the air. She clasped her hands,her lips quivering nonstop,O' creator,please save my soul,she prayed. Jaden slid her eyes open,feeling the warm ground underneath her feet,It's gone,she realized."It's actually gone."she spoke breathlessly. She rolled her eyes around as they came upon a human skull."Ah!"she gasped with mouth agape. Jaden turned pale, throwing her face away,"Oh,"she rasped. She looked back again as she saw an old musty book appear right under the skeleton face. Okay,now I'm freaking out,she trembled convulsively. Jaden crouched,making to lift the skull. "It's stuck!"she cried. "Now what am I going to do?"she sighed,getting up. She stared blankly in the air,a low moan escaping her dry lips. Oh,I'm really stuck,she concluded as tears rolled down her face. Jaden slumped to the ground,feeling jaded and miserable as she began sobbing,praying the creator would hear her and come for her. She raised her head again as a bright light shone upon her face,her eyes glimpsing a figure silhouetted in it."Who's there?!"she called out,jerking up. No answer came."Is anyone there?Please,help me. Please!"she cried,squinting in the light. "J,"a familiar voice came. Jaden gasped, "Dany?!Dany,how are you here?" "Hang in there,Jaden. I'm coming for you."he said to her,tossing a rope downward"Here,J"he offered. Grab this." "Oh,D. I'm so happy I'm seeing you right now. "Me too,sis. Just hold on real tight. I'll pull you up." Jaden tugged at it,clinging on to it."Oh...oh...okay. Here we go."she uttered with a sigh,her eyes shut against the light. "Jaden,let go. Let go,Jaden."a soft whisper came. "What?!"Jaden gasped,releasing the ropes. "What' you doing,J?" "Do not trust him,Jaden,"the whisperer went on."Do not trust him!"it repeated. Jaden gasped again,"How do I know you're really who you say you are?"she questioned doubtfully. "Come on,Jaden. It's me Dany." "If you really are Daniel,then tell me what dad got Brie and Blair last Christmas?" "Two rainbow unicorns,of course."he replied. Jaden's lips loosened into a smile,her hands clasping the rope once again, It really is Danny,she thought as she came moving upwards."Dany?"she called,placing her hand right above her head."Dany..." "Jaden!"a voice hollered. Jaden looked down,terrified as two flesh eaten hands crawled out."You belong to me,Jaden Hardleyson!" "No,no,no,no....No,no..Dany!!!!" "Jaden...Oh,baby. Baby,you're awake."Mr Hardley yelled overjoyed. The terrified brunette panted heavily,narrowing her eyes,"Wh-wh-where am I?"she asked weakly. "Oh,thank the creator."came Mr Hardley's voice,followed by an embrace."I thought I'd lost you,sweetheart."he breathed a sigh. "D-dad, wh-where am I?"she spoke haltingly. "You're in the hospital,baby. You've been unconscious for days..." "D-days...?"she stopped. "Help me,Jaden!"a little boy stood,his body covered up in blood,and his face soaked with tears. Jaden screamed,pulling away from him."No!No,don't touch me!Don't touch me!"she cried,her forehead glistening with sweat. "Jaden?Baby,what's wrong?"Mr Hardley leaned closer. "No,no!Leave me alone...Leave me alone!!"she fought back madly. "Jaden!Jaden,calm down...Nurse!Nurse!"Mr Hardley panicked,rushing out. "Help me...Help me....Help me!!!" Nooooooooooo!!! To Be Contd! HAPPY SUNDAY Y'ALL???
16 Aug 2020 | 07:31
@Paddy2x @fb-DanielEdem @Ele1 @Henrymary @Fweshex heritage Mob @Ayotunde Ayodabo @Grace @Machiavelli @Hormotiyor
16 Aug 2020 | 07:36
@Hormotiyor ???
16 Aug 2020 | 07:36
@Hormortiyor ??? @Machaivelli Welcome dear??
16 Aug 2020 | 07:38
Jaden shut her eyes,her eyelids glued on each other as she came toppling over;her screams filling the air. She clasped her hands,her lips quivering nonstop,O' creator,please save my soul,she prayed. Jaden slid her eyes open,feeling the warm ground underneath her feet,It's gone,she realized."It's actually gone."she spoke breathlessly. She rolled her eyes around as they came upon a human skull."Ah!"she gasped,horrified,her face turning pale. She threw her face away,a rasp escaping her lips,"Oh,God." She looked back again as she saw an old musty book appear right under the skeleton face. Okay,now I'm freaking out,she trembled convulsively. Jaden crouched,making to lift the skull. "It's stuck!"she cried. "Now what am I going to do?"she sighed,getting up. She stared blankly in the air,a low moan escaping her dry lips. Oh,I'm really stuck,she concluded as tears rolled down her face. Jaden slumped to the ground,feeling jaded and miserable as she began sobbing,praying the creator would hear her and come for her. She raised her head again as a bright light shone upon her face,her eyes glimpsing a figure silhouetted in it."Who's there?!"she called out,jerking up. No answer came."Is anyone there?Please,help me. Please!"she cried,squinting in the light. "J,"a familiar voice came. Jaden gasped, "Dany?!Dany,how are you here?" "Hang in there,Jaden. I'm coming for you."he said to her,tossing a rope downward"Here,J"he offered. Grab this." "Oh,D. I'm so happy I'm seeing you right now. "Me too,sis. Just hold on real tight. I'll pull you up." Jaden tugged at it,clinging on to it."Oh...oh...okay. Here we go."she uttered with a sigh,her eyes shut against the light. "Jaden,let go. Let go,Jaden."a soft whisper came. "What?!"Jaden gasped,releasing the ropes. "What' you doing,J?" "Do not trust him,Jaden,"the whisperer went on."Do not trust him!"it repeated. Jaden gasped again,"How do I know you're really who you say you are?"she questioned doubtfully. "Come on,Jaden. It's me Dany." "If you really are Daniel,then tell me what dad got Brie and Blair last Christmas?" "Two rainbow unicorns,of course."he replied. Jaden's lips loosened into a smile,her hands clasping the rope once again, It really is Danny,she thought as she came moving upwards."Dany?"she called,placing her hand right above her head."Dany..." "Jaden!"a voice hollered. Jaden looked down,terrified as two flesh eaten hands crawled out."You belong to me,Jaden Hardleyson!" "No,no,no,no....No,no..Dany!!!!" "Jaden...Oh,baby. Baby,you're awake."Mr Hardley yelled overjoyed. The terrified brunette panted heavily,narrowing her eyes,"Wh-wh-where am I?"she asked weakly. "Oh,thank the creator."came Mr Hardley's voice,followed by an embrace."I thought I'd lost you,sweetheart."he breathed a sigh. "D-dad, wh-where am I?"she spoke haltingly. "You're in the hospital,baby. You've been unconscious for days..." "D-days...?"she stopped. "Help me,Jaden!"a little boy stood,his body covered up in blood,and his face soaked with tears. Jaden screamed,pulling away from him."No!No,don't touch me!Don't touch me!"she cried,her forehead glistening with sweat. "Jaden?Baby,what's wrong?"Mr Hardley leaned closer. "No,no!Leave me alone...Leave me alone!!"she fought back madly. "Jaden!Jaden,calm down...Nurse!Nurse!"Mr Hardley panicked,rushing out. "Help me...Help me....Help me!!!" Nooooooooooo!!! To Be Contd!
16 Aug 2020 | 08:48
Finally caught up with the story... Jayden daughter of Eve is being tormented too muci too much but she would still get use to it since it's her destiny and i dont think they can kill her, maybe want to frustrate her to the point of death.. Still waiting to see Hardley role in this, something is telling me man is aware of it because there's something off about the way they keep changing environment.. Nayiza, Queen of Darkness and Shaluga, her loyal dog, you both are doing well.. Danny, the grandpa, pleased to meet you too
16 Aug 2020 | 10:26
Duru Jessica, coolval sexiest girl, you're not only pretty but also witty, an embodiment of creativity.. You re currently one of 2 female writers at the moment on the site which makes your story more exciting.. Do not be too modest, you re doing an amazing job i must confess.. You write so well like you lived a long time in foreign land.. Keep it up.. DM ASAP lets discuss money.. ILYSM beloved
16 Aug 2020 | 10:33
Hmm... So scary
17 Aug 2020 | 03:21
Hmmm why is Mr hardley not sensing where this is coming from and what the girl have been seeing since they have move to that particular place.
18 Aug 2020 | 13:41
What has happened to this story?
2 Sep 2020 | 16:51
@ciarajessy, trust you are good. What has kept this story with no update?
6 Oct 2020 | 02:04
I wanna start from here. To be frank I never had plans of rewriting my stories, till I found out about a whole lot of things. Things I needed to make perfect for my readers. And one morning, I woke up to a whole new idea, envisioning a new story line; same characters, but quite different. Like you'd notice, I removed a whole lot of things, which I did for some reasons. So I hope you'll enjoy it better now. Love you
10 Oct 2020 | 15:24
?‍♂️?The ? Terrors ? On H?uston Street ?‍♂️? ⚜By Jessica Duru ⚜ ?When the biting north wind blows, ?The earth trembles; ??Swaying trees at its command ?The smell of chaos ruling the night; ??Innocent blood flowing like a river ?Birthing agony at death's rampaging feast -Ciara?? Where the dark mistress dwells, a son of Adam and a daughter of Eve come matching in ?. Will they ever make it out alive? Or dead?! ?? -Houston ???? ?1890? "Mommy, where are you? I'm scared." Little Tommy cried, getting from his warm bed. The sound of clattering pans came jolting him. "Who's there?!" He shrieked. "Aunt Kiki?". "Thomas? Darling, you there?Oh child." A female's voice rang. "Aunt Kiki...." "Oh, Thomas. I'm so glad you're all right." The sack clothed lady said, her figure silhouetted in the dark. "Where is my mommy, aunt? I want to see her." He panicked, jerking out of bed. "Your Mom won't be coming with us, Thomas," "What do you mean she won't be coming with us? We can't leave, Mommy." "Oh dear. Come on, now. We must hurry." The woman urged, grabbing his arm. "I'm not going anywhere with you! You're not my Mommy." He cried, running out the door, downstairs. "Thomas! Thomas!!" "Mommy? Mommy! Wake up, Mommy!!" He cried in terror, shaking the lifeless body of his mother. He rolled his eyes around, seeing the bloody carpet. "What did you do to my Mommy? Why isn't she moving?!" He gaped, horrified, as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Oh, she won't wake up. Your precious Mommy is long gone, now!" A sinister smile broke across her lips. "Awe. Such a sweet boy. Too bad you're one of them."She chuckled louder, taking out a bloodstained sickle from under her sack. "Aunt Kiki?!" Gasped the little lad, his tiny legs rooted to the ground. "There's no escape now, Thomas Huffington!!!" ??A Ciara's Horror ?? I'll be posting this story here along with my other one. So I'll need all the support I can get from you guys. And your remarks. And if you love the new story line, you can help me share and invite anyone you wish to read alongside. I'll really appreciate that...??? ?HAUNTED ONE ? "Are we there yet?" Jade Hadley asked. "It's taking really long, now." She grumbled testily. Jade was a rebellious, almond eyes teenager: A tenth grader with such shiny blonde hair. Yay high and pretty slender at age sixteen, making her really gorgeous. "Yeah, Dad." Daniel cut in. "My butt's starting to ache real bad." He said. Daniel, the exact replica of his father had shady gray eyes, with a Harry Potter glasses fitted around it. He was smallish, no doubt, and pretty smart, despite the fact he was only eight. "Won't be long now," Mr Hadley said to them. "Oh, Jade, quit pushing!" Daniel shouted. "Me?!" She gasped. "You're the one occupying everywhere with your smelly backside. I wonder if it ever stops growing," She mocked. "At least it's way better than yours....FLAT ASS!" Daniel stressed, sticking out his tongue. "You scum.....!" "Jade!" "Nothing, Father." Jade laughed. "Oh, it better be or else...." "I'm gonna be double grounded. So last season." Jade scoffed. "Or worse." Mr Hadley replied. "Yeah, yeah. Tell me about it." Jade shrugged. "You doing okay there, boy?" "Doing okay?! Dad it's fucking hot in here." "Words, son. Words!" Mr Hadley cautioned. "Oops. Sorry." Daniel giggled. "Will deal with ya later," Jade whispered to him, acting normal again. "Dad, do you think Mum's gonna be coming home for Christmas?" asked Daniel. "No, son. Don't really think so." Mr Hadley replied. "Like she's ever free?" Jade scoffed. "Jade, you know your mum's always busy at work, but don't worry, I know she'll come around." He said, taking a peek at the mirror. Reading the expression on their faces, a faint smile broke across his lips. "You two okay there?" He added, "I know you guys miss your mum so much, and I know she does, but you gotta...." "Dad, look out!" Jade cried, seeing an haggard old lady appear suddenly. "Whoa!" Mr Hadley exclaimed, jerking the car to a stop. "Baby, why'd you scream so loud? "Yes, J! Are you crazy?! You almost got us killed" Daniel scolded. "I...I thought I saw something," She shivered. "I...Gosh! I'm so sorry, Dad. I-I shouldn't have screamed like that. I just...." "Well, you keep your silly thoughts to yourself!" Daniel broke in, eyeing her. "Imagine if dad had no control of the brake?" "Be quiet, Danny." Mr Hadley hushed. "But dad...." "I said be quiet!" He glared, as Daniel huffed, averting his gaze. "Good. Now baby, why don't you just listen to some music and take your mind off whatever thing you said you saw? It's just your mind playing tricks on you. So there's nothing to be worried about. " He assured. "Yeah. Sure." She said, a reluctant smile eluding her dry lips. She searched for her headphone in one of the bags that laid by the corner, quickly getting it out, as she made to listen to one of her favorite songs; sitting out the rest of the journey in silence, as they drove past swaying trees and fogged houses in the cold, lonely street - Houston ⚜. ?JADE'S P.O.V ? Our new house was nothing like the old one. Even our rez was a lot more different from Sully, and I hated the fact we had to move from such scenery to one creepy, old house having nothing but weird picture frames and drawings, alongside hovering cobwebs standing on every corner. I'd have sworn no one had lived here for a century if not the previous owner came telling Dad about it. "Psst, over here," Daniel beckoned to me as I averted my gaze from the dark room. I'd thought I heard whispering voices come from inside, but it couldn't have been real, could it now? I made towards him, shoulders partly shrugged and arms crossed. "What's that?" "Man, you gotta see this." He grinned, pulling me with him. "See what!? Danny, I swear, if you play your silly pranks on me one more time, I will -" I stopped, mouth agape. "What the hell!?" I exclaimed, staring at the scattered tools lined up on the musty rug. "You ain't seen nothing, dude." He chuckled, motioning to his left. There, on the faded, dirty-beaten wall, stood a red marking; the writing, nothing I've ever seen. "My God!" "What does it say?" Daniel asked. "I don't know, maybe -" I stopped, hearing footsteps on the hard, bare ground right out the door. "Ah, jeez! We're so in," Daniel panicked. "Dad can't know we went this far. He'll kill us!" He vibrated. "Shush. Come with me." I tugged at his sleeves, biting my lower lip. I groaned slightly, rolling my eyes around, as I scanned for the perfect hiding spot. Almost giving up, I prayed silently, scanning the room one more time, as I caught a glimpse of a door that I'm sure wasn't there before. That door, I wondered, not so sure. "I see it! I see a door up ahead." Danny's voice came snapping me out of thought, as I felt his hand slip out of mine. "Danny! Danny, come here," I whispered lowly, following him across the room. "Hurry, Jade! Dad will be here any minute." He said to me, turning the handle, as the door jerked open, revealing an eye-opening secret. ????
10 Oct 2020 | 15:30
Sirens wailed and men dressed in uniforms went about securing the perimeter of the Hadley's residence. "Mr Harley, may I ask who found the bodies sprawled on the floor?" The man in uniform asked. "It's Hadley, actually." Mr Hadley corrected. "Charlie Hadley." He added. "And yeah, my kids were the ones who found 'em. We just moved in, not quite long though." His eyes twitched. "Uh. I see." The Inspector said, eyes locked on him. "Well, that'll do...for now." He said, getting up. "But I'll have to warn you, Mr. This rez is quite an ugly one for townies like you, so I reckon you best be careful. Don't want them kids getting hurt or anything." He warned, stepping out. "Thank you, Inspector. Have a nice day." He said. Daniel crawled out from under the stairs. "Father, are we moving again?" He asked innocently. "Son?" Mr Hadley turned. "Have you been eavesdropping all this while?" He gaped at him. "Ouch!" A groan came from behind the sofa by the window, as Mr Hadley's eyes popped in the direction. "Jade!!!" "Sorry, Daddy. Didn't mean for that." She spoke, crawling out. "Oh, you two got a lot of explanation to do." He frowned, eyeing them both. "Don't look at us." Jade shrugged, slumping onto the sofa. "But Dad, are we really moving?" "Ugh! Please tell me this isn't happening again," Jade chimed in, getting up. "Well...." "Seriously, Dad? All our lives we've been moving, and just because we saw two bloody bodies upstairs, would make us want to move...again!" She ranted. "I mean, don't you ever get it!? We're always moving and it upsets me so much. I don't even get a chance to decide or even say how I feel about it, or even Danny. And besides, it's not like Mum's always with us." She complained. "You know what, I've had quite a long day, so I'll be going upstairs now, away from you two!" She sighed, making for the stairs. "Jade! Oh, don't you dare walk out on me, Miss, or you'll be grounded!!" Her father threatened. "Like I haven't experienced worse!?" She scoffed, walking out on him. Mr Hadley stood speechless, watching as she went out of sight. He looked back at Daniel, who gave a pity stare and scurried upstairs. He knew his daughter hated the fact that they had to move, but he was left with no option. Oh, Selena. How I wish you were here, he hoped, a sigh eluding his lips. "Say, Jade. Why'd you talk that way to Dad? It wasn't really his fault..." "Oh, everything that's happening right now is his!" Jade blurted out. "You gotta take it easy on him, sis. Dad's going through a lot, you know and we're the only people he's got, with Mum away." Daniel spoke. "Oh, you mean Mum who's in Ireland having the best time of her life?" She asked rhetorically. "Look, Danny, I just wanna be left alone and I certainly do not want you getting into my biz." "You mean our business!?" She scowled, raising a brow at him. "You better get out. Get out, I say! Get out!!" She barked, grabbing his arm. "Ow, ow, ow!! Jaden...." "Just get out of my room. And don't look back!" She yelled, slamming the door. Oh, God! She breathed, tossing herself on the bed, taking up her headphone, carefully placing them on the sides of her head, as she slowly drifted off to sleep. JADEN'S P.O.V I awoke in the middle of nowhere, brush wood and bladed grasses crowding all around me. I rose up, looking down as my bosom stood in sight, surprising me. How am I bare? I asked, stunned. I tried to fathom out where I was, as I heard soft whispers in the wind. "Holy crap!"I shivered, goosebumps flushing over me. "Do not be afraid, Seed of Eve," A pale blue eyes girl emerged from the bushes, her body clothed in white. I felt cold instantly, moving backwards. "Come. I won't hurt you." She said to me, stretching forth her hand. I swallowed hard, watching her move towards me, her hand clasping mine, as cold chills went up my spine. "Y-y-you're bloody cold," I shook. "You must come with me, Daughter of Eve," She demanded. "Wh-why do you call me that?" I asked. "You'll see," She smiled. "We must hurry. Hurry," Her voice rang in my ears. I had no choice, but to follow her, as she led me deeper into the woods until we came upon an open field: A cottage emerging out of nowhere as we approached. I gasped, staring agape. "Where are we?" "Your worst nightmare!!" A loud laughter broke out I screamed so loud, the roaring wind enclosing my piercing cry, as sharp claws dug into my skin, erupting more screams. I stood helplessly, watching fiery eyeballs roll by themselves, my legs covered in blood, as water dripped from her skin onto the bloody ground. I cried, but to no avail, feeling hot, salty sweat roll down my face, as I struggled to be free from her grasp; my lids giving up and lips quivering without pause. I breathed in, still wrestling with the demon, as sounds of forest birds hovered as though they were making mockery of me. "You belong to me, Daughter of Evelyn!" She laughed once more, vanishing into thin air. I breathed a sigh of relief, slumping to the ground, a word escaping my lips. "Help...." I muttered twice, panting for breath, as a hand gripped my neck so hard, eyes turning upwards as I gagged, finally accepting my fate...???
10 Oct 2020 | 15:32
@Hormortiyor I'm so sorry I took so long. But you should read this
10 Oct 2020 | 15:36
@ciarajessy should the old episodes be removed?
11 Oct 2020 | 01:37
@Valentine Yes, Ma/ Sir
11 Oct 2020 | 13:21
@Valentine Or it can just be there...I've already noted d chapters are quite different.
11 Oct 2020 | 13:25
SELENA'S P.O.V   I paced up and down the room, a worried expression clouding my face as I looked across where my daughter laid, totally helpless and pale.   I felt really sorry for her...sorry that I wasn't there to protect her; to be that mother she always wanted me to be. Oh, Jaden. Stay with us...stay with us, please.   It's being three days and yet nothing. Not a muscle moved or even a finger. She shouldn't be going through this...she shouldn't be going through any of it, I winced, making towards her. I caressed her face, a tear rolling down my cheeks, as I graced her forehead with a kiss I hoped will yank her up.   "I'm so sorry, my little girl. I'm really sorry," I said to her, taking her hand in mine.   I knew the apologies weren't going to do anything, but my heart couldn't bear the thought of losing my only little princess.   "You should eat something, you know." My husband spoke. "You haven't eaten anything yet and you being like this won't make the situation any better." He said, taking his hand off the door.   The longest he's ever talked since I arrived. Seems I'm not the only one blaming myself. "You're finally talking," I gave a faint smile.   "Didn't have a choice," He shrugged. "You know, I've been thinking," He moved closer. "Isn't it time we told Jaden the truth?" He asked.   I felt a burning sensation in my heart, "Charlie, no -" I made to talk.   "I'm serious. It's being sixteen years, Selene. Sixteen years, and I feel she's ready for the truth, or do you prefer we keep it from her...until when?" He questioned.   "She's only a child. We just can't. I...I still see my little girl and I just don't know..."   "Even I, but Selena we can't keep up with this anymore. Sooner or later, she'll find out -" He sighed, getting up. "You're right. I really hope she wakes up soon."   "You're worried about her, aren't you?"   "Of course. Something this great isn't just some ordinary thing she can handle alone. You and I know that."   She drew her breath,"I know, and I know our little girl will handle whatever thing it is. I know she will..."   JADEN I flung my eyes open, feeling the darkness around me. I'm trapped, I realized, trying to wriggle my body as it rubbed against a hard surface.   A coffin, I breathed, my breath getting air. I made to shout but was totally unable to as I laid motionless, panting real hard and sweating profusely, being enclosed.   It felt as if my inside was on the brink of giving up, I just couldn't...couldn't breathe. I prayed silently, as I felt myself slip slowly into death's grasp as the words "don't give up" echoed in my ears.   You're're strong, Jaden. I know you can do this...I know you can. Get up...get up. Get up!!   The voice urged me on, though I had no idea where it came from, but I still heeded to, trying not to give up as the coffin flung open to my surprise, a hand reaching for me...   "Jaden? Jaden....oh my God. Oh my God. You're're alive!" Mrs Hadley's voice echoed in the background.   "M-mum? Mum, where am I?" She winced. "My head hurts so bad,"   "Oh, don't worry, baby. You'll be fine. You'll be fine, my love." She said, embracing her, face soaked with tears. "My little baby. Oh, I thought I'd lost you so. God."   "How am I here, mother? I thought I was dead?" She muttered weakly. "And...and where's Dad? Oh no, Dad! I should apologize to him right away. I should apologize to him. I'm really sorry...I'm really sorry." She went on, trembling in her arms.   "Oh, baby. Your Dad went to get some of your things at home. He'll be back soon."   "Why is she after me? What did I ever do to her?" She asked, scared.   "Who baby? Who's after you?" Her Mum asked, cupping her cheeks.   "The girl in white. She...she -" She went mute, averting her gaze, her eyes focused on the window. "Mum," She called. "She's here, mother. She's going to kill me...she's going to kill me!" She cried in terror, clinging to her mother's arm.   Mrs Hadley swerved, her eyes burning with fury."You!"   "You can see her?"   "You slaver of the underworld," She continued, ignoring her. "You demon of the night! I command you to depart...depart and leave us be!!" She scowled, her cross lifted in the air.   "She's mine. She's mine!!!" . . . TBC ~~~~~~~~   I'm sorry this chapter is a bit short but I promise to make the next one lengthy. Have a good night...?
14 Oct 2020 | 18:57
@Lifeof Shy Guy Thank you ?
14 Oct 2020 | 18:58
The girl in white growled, transforming into a monstrous beast...ten feet bigger.   She gaped, horrified, watching her Mum race towards it as it tore her limbs by limbs.   She screamed in terror, watching the horrifying scene as she jumped out of bed, legs weakened as she managed to grab hold of the door knob.   It's jammed, Jaden panicked as she felt light, her body suspended in the air. "Please...please don't kill me!" She breathed.   "I'm not here to kill you," It spoke. "You have something I need!" It snorted, tightening it's hairy fist as she choked. "That's right, little Eve." He bellowed, swinging her out the window.   I saw myself underneath millions of corpses, a loud scream eluding my lips; the strong malodor of death surrounding me as it blinded me, almost making me give up.   Then came the voice, this time louder than ever as I felt strength gather up inside of me...strength I've never felt before.   I pushed through...harder than ever. a hurricane. a phoenix as I rose, finally gaining stand, climbing to the top, thousands of gravestones encircling me like hovering heads.   It's all a nightmare, Jaden. All of these isn't real, I tried to comfort, taking a deep breath as I inched closer.   Closer....closer.   I stopped, seeing a red light glow not so far from where I stood; five hooded figures circling around it. I didn't like it here. I didn't want to stay. All I wished for was to be back home...where my mother and father was, and my brother, too.   I inched closer once more, aiming to take a closer view as I went behind one of the gravestones, it's body marked in blood, having the same writing I saw at our house. I shivered, trying not to make a noise as I took my eyes off it, paying attention to what laid in front; chants of victory coming from each, a bowl held in their like I've never seen before burning like an inferno as it consumed them, the air reeking of their screams.   "Jaden?" A voice called.   I quickly turned around, "N-nana?"   "You shouldn't be here, Jaden. You shouldn't be here!!" She shouted, a huge hurricane from nowhere sweeping me off.   "Come on, Jaden. You can do this." I heard, though unconscious as I felt life return back to me.   I weakly opened my eyes, three eager faces looking down at me. "Mother? Father?" I muttered, giving a weak smile, my lips feeling chapped.   "Yes, baby. It's us."   "And Danny," My little brother said excitedly as a tear rolled down my face.   "Oh you guys. I thought I'd never see you again."    "Oh. Don't talk like that, baby. Nothing will happen to you." My Mum said to me, embracing me; Dad and Danny following alongside.   We were caught up in a wonderful moment and I certainly didn't want to let go of any of them.   I couldn't exactly recall the last time we did that, but it made me feel safe, happy, relieved...only my memories never came back. ?Jaden ?
15 Oct 2020 | 04:20


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