The secret prince

The secret prince

By chimmy in 9 Nov 2017 | 04:39
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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What would you do if you were just a normal twenty one year old girl, who worked at one of the several radio stations in New York City who has also been waiting on her Prince Charming to show up and sweep her off of her feet? What if you found that guy but what if that guy turned out to be a prince from a foreign country looking for someone to love them for them not their title or wealth? Seriously, what would you do?
Melissa Ray was just a normal girl working at the Top 40 radio station in New York City, she had been in a few relationships here and there but they never went the right way. After watching her parents go through a nasty divorce, she decides that love is a stupid emotion..
What happens when she meets a man known as Harry Walters, a bartender at a restaurant close to where Melissa lives, and he sweeps her off of her feet and makes her believe in love again? How will Melissa cope once she learns Harry Walters' true identity? Will she stay or leave?
9 Nov 2017 | 04:39
your comments will determine when we will finish it enjoy
9 Nov 2017 | 04:44
Let it flow like water
9 Nov 2017 | 05:19
Finish Mr. Billionaire first so that we can concentrate. Thanks you are doing a great job.
9 Nov 2017 | 05:37
9 Nov 2017 | 06:23
9 Nov 2017 | 06:38
Go on
9 Nov 2017 | 07:12
Go on with the story (waiting)
9 Nov 2017 | 07:13
Waiting....its gonna b nice
9 Nov 2017 | 07:35
Seated okomi @fridex where art thou? New story don land
9 Nov 2017 | 07:50
9 Nov 2017 | 08:31
@[email protected] dont come here and threat us dat z our comment determines whn to finish.. u ve not even posted any episode nd u re talking of comments if u re not ready to post story just hold it to urself nd keep quite...
9 Nov 2017 | 08:44
Oh sweetheart @qeenvick u are here already, oya shift let me sit close to u
9 Nov 2017 | 09:51
Right here... Bring it on
9 Nov 2017 | 09:51
@henry are quarreling
9 Nov 2017 | 09:57
@henry are we quarreling
9 Nov 2017 | 09:58
Chapter One: “True love is not something that comes every day, follow your heart, it knows the right answer.” ~ Anonymous I walked into the restaurant thirty minutes late to see Jessica waiting at our normal table all by herself. When I got to the table I immediately started to apologize to her. “Jess, I am so sorry! I had a ton of paperwork to do and did not realize the time!” Jessica started to laugh and shook her hand, “You’re totally fine Mel. I’ve been watching women try to fling themselves onto the new bartender. He’s pretty cute, you should go for him!” She told me. I shook my head, “Jessie, no. You know how I feel about relationships. I just cannot go through what my parents went through. It was such a nasty divorce, and also with my father cheating on her. I just don’t want to do that.” Jessica sighed, “Melissa, you are going to fall in love with a man one day. That man is going to break down all of these walls you have built around yourself. And you know what? He’s going to love you. The way you talk, the way you sneeze, how you always cry at those stupid sappy romance movies; he’s going to love all of that. He’s going to know everything about you, all of your dreams, ambitions, and flaws. And he will still love you. I promise.” I smiled at her, “Thank you. I think I really needed that.” Jessica pulled out some cash from her purse and put it on the table, “I could only stay for thirty minutes today, I have to go and get some special makeup for Marty that is only in Brooklyn. So I’ll see you next week, alright?” I nodded and stood up to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Before she left she whispered in my ear, “Just go and talk to him. Don’t flirt if you don’t want to. Just try to make friends with him.” When we pulled apart I nodded to her, showing I would go up to him. After she left the restaurant I walked up to the bar, “Hi, can I get a Long Island Iced Tea?” The new bartender nodded at my request and immediately started working on making my drink. As he was making my drink I decided to make small talk, “I heard you’re new here, where are you from?” He looked up quickly, “The UK, miss.” then he promptly looked back down at what he was doing. I nodded, “That’s pretty cool, I have always wanted to visit the UK, actually I am moving there next year in October, I got offered a better job. Maybe you’ll be there and you can show me around?” I asked him He looked up again, but this time stayed looking at me in the eyes. Slowly he started to grin, “It would be my pleasure to show such a beautiful woman around London.” I smiled back at him, “That sounds wonderful. Maybe we should exchange numbers for when I do move?” I questioned him He was still looking me in the eyes, “I think that would be nice. Let me see your phone, I’ll put my number in it and call myself so you can have mine.” I handed him my phone and watched as he created himself a contact, “You know, I don’t know your name, miss.” I smiled, “Hi, I’m Melissa Ray, I work for New York City's radio station 92.3; I’m a part of the morning show called ‘Charlie and Mel’, and I am from Hutto, Texas.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake, which he immediately shook, “Hello, love. I’m Harry Walters. Bartender here at this fine eating establishment. And I am from London, England.” I laughed, he was so proper; I was used to the rude New York City language; not this. He asked me what was so funny, and I told him exactly what I was thinking of to which he started laughing, “Well, maybe you can get used to it over dinner; tonight?” He asked me.
9 Nov 2017 | 09:59
I smiled and nodded, “I would love to.” I then told him my address and ran off to my apartment to prepare for my date tonight. Jessica would be proud of me; I have not been on a date since high school. That was one of the worst nights of my life. Jeremy Michaels was probably the nastiest human being I could ever go out with. On our date all he did was pick his nose, fart the entire time (which he kept blaming other people, including me), and then he bluntly asked me if I wanted to have sex. It is safe to say that I never went out with him again. Hopefully this date wouldn’t turn out like that one. I’m guessing that because he’s British, he has the manners of a gentleman. As I started to wonder what I was supposed to wear, my phone started to ring with my ringtone for text messages. From: Harry Walters: Just wear whatever you American girls wear for a casual date. I have a surprise I think you’d like. I’ll pick you up at eight tonight. Well, that solves my issue. I decided to just wear a pair of light wash jeans, a green sweater with a black heart on it along with a black tank top underneath. For my shoes I choose my white crochet TOMS and I French braided my hair. By the time I finished with putting on eyeliner and mascara, it was six o’clock, I had two hours to kill. To pass the time, I decided to learn a new song on my guitar. My guitar is my passion, I think I care about my guitar more than anything else in the world; if my apartment were to ever catch on fire, I would run back into my apartment just to get my guitar. I learned to play the guitar six years ago when my parents were going through their nasty divorce. It was the only thing I could turn to. My mom was devastated because my father cheated on her with his secretary, this is what happens when your father is a politician and always happens to be away from home. I couldn’t talk to my mother when the divorce was in the process of being finalized because she was depressed and majorly stressed out from the process of finalizing the divorce. I never wanted to speak to my father again, so he was definitely out of the question; so I turned to music. Along with music, I started to focus more at my school work. I was a sophomore in high school when my parents got their divorce, so I pushed myself. I put myself in all AP classes, and started to take dual credit courses at the junior college in my hometown. When I graduated, I graduated with over two hundred volunteer hours, and two years of college done. I graduated with honors from all of the AP classes I took, and also I was a member of almost every club in my high school, except math club, chess club, and the computer club. Those just weren’t me. Also, I graduated early because of all of the classes I took; I graduated high school as a junior. By the time I finished learning the newest song, Sad Beautiful Tragic by Taylor Swift, there was a knock on my front door. When I opened the door Harry was standing there with a bouquet of roses and calla lilies. I smiled and took the flowers from him, while I was walking to my kitchen to get a vase I invited him inside. “This is a very lovely place. Do you live here by yourself?” He asked me while I was rummaging around in my cabinets. “Thank you, and yes, I do. I used to live here with my best friend, but she needed to be closer to her job.” I told him as I was putting water into the vase I had found under the sink. “How long have you lived here?” He asked me. “I moved to New York for school when I was seventeen, so four years?” I told him. I looked back to see him nodding, “So you are twenty one? That’s nice, I’m twenty three. Do you have any siblings?” I sighed; I don’t like talking about Mitchell because everyone always just looks at me funny and asks how I lived with a retard for fifteen years. But I felt like I wouldn’t get that reaction from Harry, “Yes, I have one brother; Mitchell. He’s deaf.” Harry nodded, “How old is he? I’d like to meet him, you know what? What is his favorite sport? If I ever meet him, I’d like to take him to a game one day.” I smiled, he was so kind. He didn’t say anything offensive about Mitchell being deaf. I told him that his favorite sport to watch and play was baseball and his face lit up, “I don’t know much about baseball, but once I learn enough, I will take him to a match. What’s his favorite team?” “He loves the New York Yankees; it’s based in the Bronx, I’ve wanted to take him there one day for a game but he lives in Texas with my mom and stepdad. But, I’m trying to work something out with my mother about me flying to Texas, and coming back here to New York City and having him stay here for a few weeks this summer. If it works out, I’d fly there and back in about two weeks in the beginning of June. Maybe you can fly with me?” I asked him Harry smiled, “Sure that is if you’d have me on more dates after tonight.” I smiled, “Well, then tonight better be amazing if you want more dates.” With that I grabbed my knitted cross body purse that had my wallet, keys, and cellphone and walked out the door with the man named Harry Walters.
9 Nov 2017 | 10:02
chapter two coming up in the evening
9 Nov 2017 | 10:03
Bring it on
9 Nov 2017 | 10:23
chaiiii dis ur story go rocks
9 Nov 2017 | 11:01
9 Nov 2017 | 11:57
we dey waiting.....
9 Nov 2017 | 12:52
9 Nov 2017 | 13:10
Come on! Ride on
9 Nov 2017 | 13:11
Chapter Two: “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead”~ Marilyn Monroe For our date, Harry decided for us to just go out to a small cafe and then to Washington Square Park for a movie. In the spring and summer time the parks and recreation staff play movies at some of the parks here in New York. At some parks a few bands come out and play too. It’s always fun. At some parks they play the new movies like Avengers and Pitch Perfect, while at others they play old movies like State Fair, Oklahoma, and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. While we were at the cafe we just talked about our childhood. He learned about my guitar playing and my relationship with my brother. I learned about his family, and how he’s here in America to try to get away from them. He has his parents who always want him to be as polite and proper as possible and to never lose his temper. He told me about how he had to learn how to do everything classically; Ballroom dance, no tango, learn to play the piano, not the guitar like he wanted to, and that he could never cuss. He may be a twenty three year old man, but really he is just a boy who wants to rebel against his parents. This is definitely something that I may be able to help. I don’t do drugs, and I don’t excessively drink but with the things he wants to do, I can help. He wants to learn to do dances other than ballroom dancing; I can help by taking him to some dance classes. He wants to learn the guitar; I can help by teaching him the guitar. He wants to cuss and not be proper; I can definitely help with that. I can be polite and proper when I want to be, but I can also be rude and talk like a sailor. He really planned out our date; he had four blankets and four pillows in the trunk of his rental car along with a few snacks for throughout the movie. We picked the perfect place on a hill and set up our blankets and pillows. We laid two blankets on the ground in front of a tree to protect our bodies and clothing, and put the pillows against the tree to protect our heads and so we could see. I could tell that Harry's plan was for both of us to have one blanket around, but I was in a cuddly mood. This was not odd for me. Jessica has had to cuddle with me many, many nights. It’s just how I am; I like to be around people. But yet I refuse to fall in love, weird I know. So we ended up with both of the blankets wrapped around the two of us instead. Somewhere in the middle of watching Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell, I fell asleep. When I woke up to the applause from the movie-watchers, Harry was stretched out on his back and I was resting on his chest with an arm around his waist. I saw the position I was in and instantly jumped up, “Oh my god, I am so sorry. I must have moved a lot in my sleep. If it was uncomfortable you could have moved me to my own side.” I rambled on to him. Harry chuckled, “You’re fine, love. I moved you into that position. Your head was on my shoulder and I felt that you would be more comfortable lying down instead of sitting up the way you were. I hope you don’t mine me moving you. You’re really cute when you sleep, by the way.” He complimented me which made me blush instantly. “Stop lying, I look like some deranged animal when I sleep. I drool and talk in my sleep all the time.” I told him. Harry chuckled again, “Well you didn’t drool or talk in your sleep. And you did not look like a deranged animal. You looked like a furry woodland creature. Like a chipmunk.” I felt my cheeks turn fire truck red again, “A woodland creature? Like a chipmunk? So I’m fat?” I teased him. It was easy to tell that he thought I was being serious, looks like drama junior year really paid off. Not only can I make people think I’m mad at them, but I can also do many different accents. It’s really funny; when I first got here for a whole month I talked in a Brooklyn accent and then I started to talk in my normal country accent and everyone was confused for months. They didn’t know which one was my real accent.
9 Nov 2017 | 13:42
Immediately Harry started to stutter and apologize for what he said, he looked like a deer in the headlights. It was hilarious. After laughing nonstop for five minutes I looked to see Harry staring at me with a confused facial expression. “Why are you laughing? Aren’t you offended?” He asked me still confused. I laughed again, “I was really into drama my junior year of high school, I’m really good at acting. Your reaction was freaking hilarious.” Harry’s eyes opened wide, “So you can act? What else can you do, love?” I laughed and told him about my accents and how I fooled everyone my first month of college. He thought that was the funniest thing anyone could do. It was good to know I could make someone laugh as much as I made him laugh tonight; I wasn’t even telling him jokes, I was just simply telling him stories about me. If he thought that was funny, I have so much more stories that I can tell him. I had an idea, “Hey, do you work tomorrow?” I watched as he went deep into thought, eventually he shook his head no, I smiled, “Would you like to come with me to work? You’d have to stay in the office when I’m on air but I think it would be nice, maybe you can come in and play a few games with me too.” Harry went into thought again, it was easy to tell that he did because he got a glazed over look in his eyes and he went completely still as this happened. Finally after five minutes he looked at me and smiled wide, “I’ll go to work with you tomorrow, if I get another date tomorrow night.” I laughed and agreed to going out with him again. We sat in silence; it wasn’t awkward it was a comfortable silence. We were simply enjoying each others company. I turned around and laid back down with my head on his chest, when Harry started to rub circles on my back I spoke up, “You do realize that this is my first date in a long time, right?” I asked him. I looked up to see him shaking his head at my question. He then proceeded to ask me when my first date was. When I told him about my date with Jeremy Michaels he looked so shocked at what I had said to him. “You poor thing! You had to go through that on your very first day? That is just horrible! My first date was honestly a tad bit like yours.” Harry told me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, “Oh really?” Harry nodded, “I was sixteen, and all she did was talk about was everything about her and her life constantly. It was an amazing thing I didn’t sit there and try to run while I could’ve. My mother absolutely loved her, but I despised her. I couldn’t be around her at all. I made sure to never go on another date with her again.” I laughed, “Yeah that does sound a bit like mine!” Harry looked at me with a questioning look on his face; finally he asked his question, “how come you haven’t been on a date since you were fifteen? That’s six years without any romance! I would not be able to do that.” I looked at him and just smiled sadly, “Um, well, my parents got divorced when I was fifteen and just seeing my mother go through it just really made me turn away from falling in love and going out with someone, “ I told him while sighing. “What made them get a divorce? If you don’t mind me asking,” Harry asked me while reaching forward to grab my hand. I looked at my lap, ignoring the instant warmth I felt in my stomach when he grabbed my hand, “My dad cheated with his secretary. So from seeing how my mom was, I just told myself I would never fall in love with anyone ever. I never wanted to feel the heartbreak she was going through. Even though I swore I would never fall in love, she did again. So now I have my stepfather, Edward, who is more of a father to me and my brother Mitchell than our own father. Which is pretty sad, but it’s whatever.” I told him. I heard Harry sigh, “Have you spoken to your father since the divorce?” I shook my head, “I haven’t even spoken to him since I found out why they were getting a divorce. I ignore him everytime he tries to contact me.” Harry pulled my chin up to where I was looking at him instead of my lap, “So because you’ve never had a boyfriend and you have only been on technically two dates now, you’ve never been kissed?” I shook my head again, “I’ve never even had a guy kiss me on my cheek or forehead.” I watched as Harry smiled at me but instead dropped the subject of me never being kissed before. Instead Harry started to talk about his childhood in England. He told me about his friends and his school. He told me about how his parents wanted him to be multicultural, so he knows a total of six languages; English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Russian. I made him promise me that he would do his best to teach me every single one but English and Spanish since I already know those two languages. On the ride back to my house from the park Harry and I just talked about ourselves. He was really intrigued about Mitchell; he told me that he had never been around a deaf person ever in his life. He is really in for a shock if he goes with me to Texas in two weeks. Mitchell isn’t really different than normal children his age that can hear. He can tell if you’re around him by feeling movement in the ground, and he can speak; by sign language of course. But other than that he isn’t very different from others. Once we pulled up to my house, Harry instantly shot out of his seat to come to my side of the car and open my door. How sweet; A gentleman! He walked me to my door and stared at me. He has the most amazing pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. They have specks of various blues, greens, and browns in them. Absolutely beautiful. I don’t think I have ever seen eyes like his, they are so hypnotizing. I watched as Harry started to lean in, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize what he wanted to do. Right before his lips touched mine, Harry whispered to me, “Since you haven’t had your first kiss, may I have the honor of being your first kiss?” I instantly nodded. I closed my eyes in anticipation as I felt him close the small distance between us. Finally he pressed his warm lips against mine. Almost instantaneously it felt like there was an explosion in my stomach. Is this what all those romance novels talk about when they know that they are meant to be with someone? If so, this feels pretty damn good. Harry pulled away after a couple of seconds of our lips being connected and rested his forehead on mine. I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me. I grinned back and said, “Do you always kiss on the first date?” Harry smiled and winked, “I only kiss the most special and beautiful girls in the world.” I laughed, “What makes me so special?” “I’m not exactly sure yet, when I figure out what makes you special; you will be the first to know. I promise,” he told me while grabbing my left hand and bringing it up to his lips where he planted a soft kiss on the back of my hand. After he released my hand, I watched as he turned around and walked back to his car. Once he was in his car he waved, and then he was gone. I wore a large smile on my face as I got myself ready for bed. I just had my first kiss.
9 Nov 2017 | 13:48
9 Nov 2017 | 13:52
Fresh start, following
9 Nov 2017 | 13:53
9 Nov 2017 | 14:21
9 Nov 2017 | 14:53
Ride on..
9 Nov 2017 | 14:59
my love @[email protected], we re not quarrelling tell me hw can I quarrel with my sunshine... nyc story ride on dear.. am with pizza nd chilled hollandia yoghurt.. cares to join me... smiles.. just kip d story going don't wait for comments before u post.. love u kisses.. for u @[email protected]
9 Nov 2017 | 15:13
9 Nov 2017 | 15:24
I love this
9 Nov 2017 | 15:50
bring it on
9 Nov 2017 | 15:52
9 Nov 2017 | 16:13
Nice start
9 Nov 2017 | 17:07
Ride on dear
9 Nov 2017 | 17:26
I love this story
9 Nov 2017 | 17:36
9 Nov 2017 | 20:44
interesting. next pls
10 Nov 2017 | 01:47
Next plz
10 Nov 2017 | 04:36
10 Nov 2017 | 05:58
~Three:~ “It is never too late to fall in love” - Anonymous I was woken up by someone knocking on my front door. Once I realized what the obnoxious sound was, a string of profanities came out of my mouth as I realized I was in just a sweatshirt and my underwear. Judging from the knocks, whoever it is, is getting rather impatient. I stumbled out of bed, quickly threw on a pair of sweatpants that were lying by my bed, and walked to my door, ready to chew someone out for waking me up at an ungodly hour; six in the morning. I don’t have to wake up until eight since my show isn’t until nine. Goodness gracious, someone wants to be killed today apparently. I opened my door to see my neighbor, Claudia, standing there with her two children, Abby and Jaden, in tow behind her. I gave her the best smile I could manage while being woken up at six o’clock in the morning, “Hello, Claudia. What can I do for you?” Claudia sighed, “I got called into work, again. It was supposed to be my day off, so I canceled the babysitter for today. Can you please watch Abby and Jaden today? I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I swear I will try to hurry whatever emergency there is waiting for me.” Claudia is a single mother in her mid-thirties who works as a doctor at the Harlem Hospital Center which is a five block walk to the subway station where she then takes the subway to the hospital. Whenever this happens, which is frequently, I’ll watch her five year old twins while she works. They’ve been to work with me so many times, they know everyone in the station by their first and last names. So about twice a week the twins and I make the almost fifteen minute walk down twelve blocks to the radio station. Every once in awhile they’ll be on with me and Charlie and we’ll do a couple of games with them; they really enjoy it. I smile and nod, telling her I’d take them in for the day. before she leaves I tell her about Harry coming over in about an hour and a half to accompany me to work. To which she immediately exclaimed in joy and put her arms around my neck in excitement, “It’s about time you had some romance in your life! I was beginning to think you were gay!” I laughed along with her, I’m definitely not gay, not at all. After she left, I looked at the two children staring at me. “Auntie Mel? Do you have a boyfriend?” Abby asked me in her cute small voice. I smiled, “I’m not sure sweetheart. But guess what!” I exclaimed while looking at Jaden and Abby, when they asked me what I was talking about I told them, “Remember the princess in that story I told you about? She found a really sweet guy and she finally got her first kiss!” I watched as Abby and Jaden’s eyes widened, “Really?” They both exclaimed. I nodded my head, “She really likes him, he makes her want to believe in love. Can you believe that?” I asked them. Abby spoke up, “Yeah, I can, Auntie Mel! He’s able to make her forget all of the pain she went through growing up. He makes her feel all weird inside and she’s going to love him forever.” What does Claudia have these two watching and reading; Romance? Goodness that was the wisest thing I think I have ever heard come out of a five year olds mouth. I heard someone clear their throat from the front door, which I had accidentally left open. I looked up to see Harry standing there, smiling a smile that lit up the whole room in my eyes. “I bet she makes him feel all weird inside too. I bet he can see himself having a future with her as well.” He says while smiling at me. It’s only been a day but I swear there is a high possibility of me liking him more than I intended.
10 Nov 2017 | 06:00
Jaden looks from Harry to me, then back to Harry, then back to me again. before saying, “Auntie Mel! Come on, you told someone our story? That was supposed to be only for us!” I laughed, “Aw, Jay, I had to, he couldn’t sleep one night so I called him and told him the story! He found it really cute, right Harry?” After I saw Harry nod, Jaden looked down in defeat. Abby asked who Harry was and he looked down at her smiling, “I’m Aunt Mel's, friend; Harry. It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name? You’re so beautiful. Are you a princess?” I watched as Abby’s’ smile widened, she loved to be showered in compliments, “I’m Abby, and that’s Jaden. Yes, I am a princess. Now, give me a piggyback ride, my royal servant!” Harry shrugged his shoulders and slowly knelt down on his knees so Abby could jump on his back. Once she was secured, Harry was running around my apartment making horse noises with Jaden chasing after them yelling how he was next on the ‘horsie’. I was pretty sure they were going to wake up and piss off my neighbors. So to make sure the noise quieted soon, I started to make breakfast for the four of us. Funny, I actually felt like we were an actual family. After I finished eating my breakfast I made sure that Harry was fine with watching them for forty five minutes so I could take a shower and get ready for work. After doing my whole morning routine in the shower, I began to blow dry my hair; letting my hair form its natural waves. I had already decided that I would just wear a cute little sundress and flats today, so I just put a line of eyeliner on my top lid, mascara and lip gloss for my makeup today. Cute and casual; just the way I like it. When I got out of my bedroom, I grabbed my purse and made sure everyone was ready to travel to work with me. Finally after doing a mad search for Abby’s little fake dog, we were on the sidewalk of New York. Throughout the walk to my work, Jaden and Abby were asking Harry different questions about England. They loved his accent, they said on a cute scale his accent was at level with my southern one that they adore so much. Once we arrived to the radio station, the twins and I led Harry up to my area of the radio station. I had to explain that I had the twins with me again to Tom, my producer, and go over my notes to see what I would be talking about today. It turns out that today is just an easy day where all I will be doing is talking to Charlie about some recent news, and hosting a contest throughout the show. I told Harry that the twins know their way around the station and that he can either follow them around or stay in the control room and watch me. I was alerted by the station manager that we have less than a minute before we’re on air, so I gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and rushed to my seat inside the radio room. As soon as I got my headphones on we were on air. “Good Morning! It is nine o’clock on this beautiful Wednesday morning here in the lovely New York City. I hope everyone is having an amazing morning! You’re listening to Mel and Charlie!” I said into my microphone. Charlie came and sat down next to me. “Later on during our show we are going to be throwing a contest for someone to win concert tickets to see Ed Sheeran! The wonderful ‘Ginger-Jesus’ as some girls from Tumblr call him,” Charlie said next to me, “Speaking of beautiful; Mel, you look absolutely stunning this morning. I noticed you have three guests with you today!” I nodded, “Well, thank you very much, Charlie! And yes, I have three very special guests today. I have the twins in with me, and a special friend; Harry.” “How special of a friend is Harry to you? If he’s really that special, I don’t know what I’d do without flirting with you at every show.” Charlie told me while winking at me. I rolled my eyes, he’s always so flirtatious. I looked over into the control room to see Harry shaking his head with his arms crossed, he was glaring daggers into the side of Charlie’s head while Charlie talked into his microphone. I caught Harry’s attention and shrugged my shoulders at him while rolling my eyes; I decided to make a silly face to see if he would laugh. I did the classic duck face while giving him a peace sign and closing my eyes. I looked at him to see him laughing his butt at me from the control room. I turned back to Charlie and introduced the next song, “And here’s Icona Pop’s single I Love It. We hope you love it, because we sure do!” And with that we turned off our microphones and just sat there in silence. I’m used to Charlie being open about flirting with me, he has always flirted with me ever since I started working here six months ago. Actually, he will flirt with anything that he finds mutually attractive that has boobs and a vagina. Sad really, he’s what we call a player. He’s always bragging about how he has another notch in his bedpost. But my problem is: If you’re trying to get with me, then why brag about how you had sex with some blond bimbo over the weekend? My theory is he’s just a sad, lonely twenty-five year old who just needs to find that one woman that he is attracted to that will put him in his place. Personally, I think he will be good with Claudia; she’s got two children and a steady job that pays a ton; she’d be able to handle him. The show went on without a hitch, it was just as normal as a day can get in broadcast radio. Charlie flirted with me the whole time and Harry looked like he was going to walk in at any minute and punch him in the face. But other than that, it was normal. We talked about Kim Kardashian's pregnancy, who’s dating who, and some upcoming albums and tours. Our contest for Ed Sheeran tickets were a big hit, we had over three hundred people call in just to be number seven, twenty four, and fifty six. We can easily say we made the day of the people who won. After doing some minor paperwork, Harry and I decided to take the twins out to Central Park to feed the ducks at the lake; so we stopped at a grocery store and picked up some bread and made our way to the park. On our way there Harry’s hand coincidentally found mine. When I felt him grab my hand I looked up to see a smug smile creeping on his face with also a tint of red along his cheeks signaling he was embarrassed that he had gotten caught. I smiled and looked forward at the twins who were holding each other’s hands two steps in front of Harry and I. We held hands the whole walk to Central Park and once we got there we let the twins each have two pieces of bread to break off and throw to the ducks. Harry pulled me by my hand to sit on a bench where we both could keep an eye on the twins. We positioned ourselves to where his left arm was draped across my shoulders while I leaned into his side. We sat in silence for a while just enjoying each other’s company. “I know that I have only known you for two days now, but I swear it feels like I have known you for far longer than just two days,” Harry said, scaring me because we were both so silent before. I looked at him and smiled, “Honestly, it’s the same for me. I know I should feel afraid because I have always been terrified of the concept of love. But oh my goodness, in just two days you are teaching me so much about love.” And everything I said was absolutely one hundred percent true. I always thought I’d be the old lady with 27 cats, but honestly I can see myself having a future with Harry. That fact alone should freak me out enough to where I’m like an ostrich; sticking my head in the ground in fear. But I’m not, it feels so normal. Like I’m supposed to be like this. Yet again, this should scare me, but it doesn’t. And surprisingly, I like it. I wonder what can happen between the two of us; I’m excited to find out.
10 Nov 2017 | 06:02
Wow! another story don land. seated fire on @chinny
10 Nov 2017 | 06:20
Hmm Yh that is it u are in love
10 Nov 2017 | 08:36
Nice story following
10 Nov 2017 | 10:58
Love tinz on point
10 Nov 2017 | 11:13
Four: “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever” ~ Nicholas Sparks- It’s been two weeks since Harry and I met at the restaurant and had our first date. Since then we’ve been out every night, since Harry requested to work during the daytime. Our relationship has progressed tremendously. Yesterday, Harry called into the radio station while I was on air and asked me out in the sweetest way someone can ask out a person. He had called in and started talking with us about American gas prices and how different they were in the United Kingdom. At first he had given us a generic name for us to call him, but I knew it was him. We had many midnight phone calls over the past two weeks; I could recognize his voice from anywhere at this point. After five minutes of him talking about gas prices here in New York City, he said, “You know, I don’t really want to talk about gas prices right now. I actually want advice on how to ask out this woman that I have been talking to for quite a while who listens to this radio show every morning. You know, Charlie, your cohost sounds a lot like her. Maybe you two know her? Melissa Ray?” It had taken me awhile to comprehend what he was saying to me once I heard him mention my name. I was expecting him to ask me out soon but not like this; over the phone while I’m on air. Charlie had to nudge me so I’d reply, “Yeah, actually, that name does sound familiar.” I had said while grinning like a fool. “Well, do you think, if I asked her to be my girlfriend right now, she’d say yes?” He had asked me. I had nodded but soon realized that he couldn’t see me, “I think she might.” I heard him laugh, “Well, then, Melissa Ray, would you go out with me?” I laughed and said, “Well, you know, this thing came up… Oh of course, I’ll go out with you, Harry!” It was extremely sweet of him to ask me out that way, now I can say that I have my very first boyfriend; and I’m twenty one. Currently I’m packing my suitcase so I can make my flight to Austin, Texas on time. Thankfully, I am only taking one suitcase that will act as my carry on this time instead of my last trip down to Texas where I had four bags and my carry on. Harry stayed true to his word and has actually bought three tickets to see the New York Yankees at the next home game which is on the only Saturday that I’m going to have Mitchell here with me, since I’m going to be having Mitch in New York with me starting Monday (it’s Saturday right now FYI), right before I fly back to Texas to get Mitchell home two days later next Monday. Over the past two weeks I’ve taught Harry the basics of American Sign Language. He’s really excited to meet Mitchell. I’m nervous about how Mitch will act around Harry, since Harry is a “hearie”, someone who can hear. We were being driven by Jessica to the JFK airport so we wouldn’t have to take my car or pay for cab fare. Speaking of Jessica, she was so happy when I told her about Harry. I’m still half deaf in my right ear because she screamed so loud the night I called her after our third date to tell her about him. She swears she’s a matchmaker because she convinced me to talk to him. She’s met Harry; they’ve talked a few times. She’s given him the best friend lecture saying if he hurts me she will be after his ass. She likes him a lot; she says he’s just what I need in a guy. Harry seemed almost aggravated when I wouldn’t let him pay for Mitchell and mines plane tickets. I know he wants to buy me those kinds of things because he knows about my school debt, but I still cannot accept it; even though we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.
10 Nov 2017 | 11:18
We’re staying with my mom and stepdad over the night and flying back to New York City with Mitchell tomorrow night, hence the reason why I am only packing one bag. Harry’s excited to meet my mother and stepfather. Harry has been trying to convince me to see my father, since I haven’t seen him in seven years, I’m contemplating it, but if I do go, I’d want Harry to go with me. Finally after waiting forty five minutes after I finished packing, Harry and Jessica arrived at my apartment. Jessica had insisted on picking up Harry first, probably to tell him not to try anything, and then me. After getting my bag in the car, I sat in the backseat, too lazy to ask Harry to move so I can sit in the front, not that I care. Once we arrived at the JFK airport, Jessica walked us to our terminal and sat around with us making small talk while we waited for our flight to be called. When our flight was called Jessica gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, surprisingly one to Harry too, and Harry and I boarded our plane. We found our seats and sat down next to each other after putting away our luggage that we carried onto the plane. I never liked flying on planes; mostly it’s just the takeoff. Harry saw my anxiety and grabbed my hand, pulled it into his lap, and began to rub soothing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. This is going to be an amazing almost four hours; thank God I do not have a window seat, I think I might go crazy if I did. I would have made Harry switch with me immediately. Harry and I passed the time by taking pictures on my iPad together. We did the classic kisses on each other’s cheeks and of course many silly faces, we even had the classic one of him taking me by surprise and kissing me on the lips. Eventually it was time for our flight to land and for us to buckle our seatbelts. We went through the whole process from four hours earlier, again; me freaking out because I hate the landing part too and Harry taking my hand into his lap yet again and rubbing soothing circles into the back of my hand again. Only this time Harry was whispering calming words into my ear while I hid my face in the space between his arm and his chest. Once we got off the plane with our carryon luggage, Harry copied me with only one bag since it’s such a hassle to check in luggage, we stood in the lobby of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport looking for my mother and stepfather. I had called them the previous night to tell them that my boyfriend was coming, and they were excited to meet him. They, just like Claudia, were starting to assume I was a lesbian; which is just plain crazy to me. After looking around for six minutes, I heard a woman yell out my name followed by the sound of heels running against the tile floor. I instantly knew who it was; I could point her voice out from a crowd if I had to. I turned around and saw my mother running towards me at full speed, I handed Harry my bag and ran to her; meeting her halfway. I melted into her arms as soon as we met each other; we had been apart for months and using electronic forms of communication were not helping at all. That’s the only thing that sucks about living in a different state from your parents; you don’t get to see them that often, which hurts a lot if you are closer with a parent. I buried my head into the crook of her neck while she did the same to me. At the same time we both whispered how much we missed each other. I let go of my mom and saw that Harry had reached my side with our two bags. I grinned and introduced my mother to my boyfriend, “Mom, this is Harry, my boyfriend. Harry this is Elizabeth Samuels, my mother.” I watched as Harry stuck out his hand for my mother to shake, “It is a grand pleasure to meet you Mrs. Samuels. Thank you for allowing me to stay with you.” Knowing my mother, I knew she was going to immediately move his arm and give him a hug. It’s how she is, she says that she doesn’t feel the need to use a handshake unless you are a client of hers, a boss of hers, the president, or the pope. So what does she do? Quickly moves to give him her traditional bear hug.
10 Nov 2017 | 11:23
As I was watching this I felt someone tap on my shoulder, when I turned around I was surprised to see my brother, Mitchell, standing before me. I was shocked because Harry and I were going to surprise him at school, instead of him surprising me. I screamed and grabbed him; putting him in my arms so fast I’m sure he had whiplash. When we pulled away from each other I noticed that Mitch had tears in his eyes. I smiled and wiped them away before they fell on his cheeks. I signaled to him “I missed you. Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” I put my arms on my hips when I was done for emphasis to make him think I was mad at him. Mitch laughed silently, “Yeah, but mom wanted to surprise you.” I sighed and looked at my mother, throwing her a fake glare. I grabbed Harry’s hands and dragged him to where Mitch and I were standing so I could introduce them to each other. “Mitch, this is Harry, my boyfriend. Harry, this is Mitch.” I signed to Mitch and said to Harry. Mitch did the same thing that my mother did to Harry and gave him a hug; we are a very touchy feely family in case you haven’t come to that conclusion yet. Harry has probably realized why I’m always up for a good cuddle. I looked at my mother and asked her where Edward was, “Oh, you know how much of a workaholic he is. He got called into a meeting. He’ll be back around four, he’s really happy that you’re doing this for Mitch. He’s seventeen now and he has trouble going to some places which makes him nervous as hell.” I nodded, “I’m really happy to have him; you know I’ve wanted to fly him out ever since I moved to New York City. But I could never find the time to fly myself so I could accompany him and be his translator during his flight. Harry’s going to stay with me while Mitch is with me; he really wants to get to know him. He said he loves Mitch already and feels like he knows Mitch. I watched as Harry signed something to Mitch and they began to communicate with each other using sign language. From what I could tell, Harry was telling Mitch about England and his home life. Mitchell always loved to learn about how it was like in different countries. He was fascinated by it all. I walked on to look at my mother to see her looking at the boys, she met my eyes and smiled, “I missed you so much, baby.” She wrapped me in her arms again for another hug, After our reunion and introductions, we walked to my mother’s car, ready to make our journey to my mom and stepfathers house. My mother maneuvered her car out of the parking lot and we began our journey to her house. On our way to the house I pointed out certain places from my childhood to Harry. He seemed so amused to know where some of my embarrassing stories occurred. I also pointed out where a few things happened in town, like where I would go to church, where I broke my arm junior year, and where Mitch goes to school. He just soaked up everything my mother and I told him. Halfway to my home town we all went into our own conversations; I spoke with my mother and Harry spoke with Mitch. I turned around a couple of times to see Mitchell telling Harry things about me and my friends. My relationship with Mitchell isn’t like most brother-sister relationships; we actually get along, we never fight which everyone always thought was odd when I lived here. Once we finally arrived at my parents’ house, I grabbed Harry’s hand and pulled him into my old room. I smiled when we walked into my old room, it hadn’t changed at all; my walls were still the bright neon green that Jessica and I painted them freshman year of high school, my high school diploma and my college diploma from the University of Texas at Austin were still sitting on my wall over my desk, my full sized bed was still against my wall opposite my desk. It looked like no one had been in here at all, only to vacuum and dust throughout the room occasionally. After talking with my parents the night before they said that they would allow Harry and I to both sleep in my old bedroom, but Harry has to sleep on the floor; sucks to be Harry, doesn’t it? I get the nice and cushioned mattress, while he gets the hardwood floor. I watched from my doorframe while Harry walked around my room, analyzing everything that I hadn’t taken with me to New York City when I moved four years ago. He was sniffing my perfume when I decided to go to my bed and lay down to try and catch a nap. I wish I could take my mattress from here and bring it to my apartment in New York; it is so much more comfortable. I closed my eyes and felt my bed dip. I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and pull my body towards them to where my back was against their chest. I felt them rest their head on my shoulder; I turned and saw it was Harry lying down with me. I smiled and kissed his head to which he kissed my shoulder; we both slowly drifted off to sleep. When I woke up two hours later I noticed that Harry and I were lying in the same position we had fallen asleep in. I looked up and was startled to see Mitch sitting on the floor next to my side of the bed staring at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and asked him what was up. “Mom told me to stay in here until one of you woke up. She wanted to wait for the two of you to wake up to eat dinner. I’ve been in here for the past forty minutes, I was about to shake you awake,” Mitch signed to me. I rolled my eyes; typical Mitch, always impatient. When I lived here mom would always make him wait for me to wake up to eat no matter what. It’s just how she is; she doesn’t like us eating separate meals unless someone is sick, even then everyone that is not sick eats together. I sent Mitch off to tell our mother that we would be down in five minutes. I expected Mitch to start crying tears of joy; he looked so excited to finally eat. I rolled over to expecting to see Harry’s angelic face asleep next to me; but was surprised to see his bright blue eyes already staring at me. “Mel, you are going to be such a wonderful mother when the time comes, love.” He told me with nothing but affection in his eyes. I blushed at his compliment, “What makes you say that?” Harry chuckled at my response, “It’s so easy to tell, love. You are just so gentle with the twins back in New York, and you taught yourself sign language just so you can communicate with your seventeen year old brother. That’s pretty bloody amazing in my book, if you ask me.” I blushed yet again, “You’re too good for me, I swear." Harry smiled and pulled me to where our chests were touching, after looking into my eyes for a couple of minutes he said three words that I never thought I would hear someone, other than friends and family, say to me: “I love you.”
10 Nov 2017 | 11:29
That's the power of love
10 Nov 2017 | 13:58
This is getting more Interesting
10 Nov 2017 | 14:18
Really enjoying this.
10 Nov 2017 | 17:22
Five: "If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, and I'll stay there forever. " ~ Winnie the Pooh Harry and I have now been in Texas for a day, our flight leaves at ten thirty central time. Harry got to meet my stepfather, who gave him the classic “you see this shot gun? This barrel will be up your ass if you hurt my daughter,” speech. To which Harry replied by saying he would never dare to hurt me; that he loves me too much. Which was totally sweet, I thought only boys in movies said that to the girlfriends’ father but never mind. It’s crazy to know that we’ve been going out for only three days now, and we’ve already said those three important words; “I love you”; it feels like we have been going out for months, even years. Looking back, my reasons for not wanting to fall in love seem almost childish; I mean, because of something my father did doesn’t mean that every man is going to do that. I practically let my fear of what happened to my mom happening to me control me and make me not want to believe in love. I was more afraid of finding love than my own mother was; and she remarried such an amazing man who helped my mother with Mitchell a lot. This is why I have decided to go and see my biological father; I think that almost seven years of not speaking to him is enough and it’s time to make amends. Harry was so proud of me when I told him earlier this morning that I wanted him to come with me to see my father. And here we are now; Harry and I sitting in my mother’s car, which we borrowed, in front of my childhood home where my father still lives; which is a very peculiar feeling for me. Right as soon as we pulled in front of the small one story house everything rushed back to me. The day I learned about my father’s affair, my parents nonstop fighting, having to lock myself in my room and put myself in my closet just so I could study in peace. I do not want to go in at all, but I need to get my closure that I have been missing out on for almost seven years. I sighed and pushed open my car door, it’s now or never and if I wait any longer I know I will chicken out immediately and never do what needs to be done. I waited for Harry to get out of the car before grabbing his hand and slowly walking to the front door. Harry reached forward and rang the doorbell, and then we waited. Finally after a couple of minutes of waiting the door opened to reveal an older version of the man I grew up with for fifteen years. “Melissa?” He managed to say after a few times of stuttering. I smiled sadly, “Hi, dad, long time no see.” He stood there for a couple of seconds before reaching forward to pull me into the biggest bone crushing hug I have ever received. After five minutes of us just hugging each other tightly without saying anything and with Harry awkwardly standing to the side we let go of each other. I never knew how much I missed my father. I noticed my father staring at Harry trying to figure out who this creature of the male sex was to me; I am going to just assume that my mother had been talking to my father over the past seven years, so he must know that I have never had a boyfriend before. I can just see the wheels in his head turning as he came to this realization; it really did not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. I looked at my father to see him still staring at Harry and finally said, “Daddy, this is my boyfriend; Harry.” My dad continued to stare at Harry for a couple of seconds before leaving my side to envelope Harry into a hug while whispering something into his ear. I watched as Harry nodded to whatever it was my father had said to him. My father invited Harry and I inside the house; nothing had changed. All of the old picture frames were still sitting on the wall. There was so many from my childhood still on the walls which surprised me because I expected my father to throw them all away because of everything that happened. All the nasty comments shared between my mother and father while I was growing up. They always made sure to never fight when Mitch or I was in the room with them, but when we weren’t around them and in another room it was like World War Three had begun and Mitch and I were Switzerland. I lead Harry to the den and we sat down on one of the loveseats my grandmother had given to my father a year or two before our divorce. I saw Harry give me a questioning look as we had passed the living room on our way to the den but I just shook my head in response to Harry; the living room was where I had caught my father and his secretary doing the deed. “So what brought you two here?” My father asked cutting to the chase. I sighed in response, “I think seven years of me not speaking to you is enough. I’m sorry for ignoring you, daddy. I was just so hurt. I didn’t understand why you would cheat on my mom, or why I was the one to walk in on you and your secretary.” I told him while looking at my lap trying to not release the floodgates. I heard my father sigh to what I had said, “I was always away, because of my job, and I guess I just missed your mother too much that I wasn’t thinking with my head, I was thinking with my penis. I’m sorry you had to witness that, you were just a small child; you shouldn’t have seen me doing that. I honestly only had her over just to work, but she had other things in mind and I was too foolish to stop her. But when you walked in I didn’t try to defend myself because I knew that it was time for my other affairs to come out.” I nodded in response while still looking at my lap, I felt Harry’s hand rub my thigh, “Okay, I shouldn’t have ignored you and waited seven years for your explanation. I’m so sorry I ignored you daddy. Edward is a great father figure for Mitch and all but I still needed my daddy. Why didn’t you try hard to get me back?” I saw my father shake as he too became overwhelmed with everything that was being said, “You’re like me; very hard headed. That’s why I always said you’d make a wonderful lawyer or Politician. I knew you’d never listen or let me explain then; I knew you’d eventually come to me and allow me to talk to you. I just had to wait, and here you are; seven years later. I love you, baby girl.” That was all it took for my eyes to overflow with the tears I was holding in, I shot up from my seat next to Harry and into my father’s arms where we both began to cry. All of these different emotions were so hard for me to handle, I felt extremely overwhelmed. I heard Harry get up from his seat to roam around the house; giving my father and I some time alone, which I was thankful for. “I need to thank your man for helping you believe in love, I never knew my actions would affect you so much. I’m so sorry, baby.” He told me while his mouth was muffled by my hair, but I heard every word he said to me I sighed, I really needed this. I never realized how badly I needed him. “it’s okay daddy, I forgive you.” I really did, I think I have always forgiven him; I just needed to see him to realize git. After our reunion we called Harry back into the den where I explained to my father how New York is and how I have liked living there for the past four years. He told me that he always knew I would go off and live in a large city and that no matter how much he wished he knew I wouldn’t move to Austin. He knew I wanted a city much large than Austin, Texas. After a quick dinner of pizza with my father, Harry and I returned back to my mother and stepfather's house to get Mitch and then we were on our way back to New York City where Mitch would be spending two weeks with Harry and me in my apartment.
10 Nov 2017 | 17:28
10 Nov 2017 | 18:33
This story is really interesting
10 Nov 2017 | 18:54
It's a good thing u forgave forgiven ur dad of his wrong deeds and am happy u and Harry
10 Nov 2017 | 18:56
this is true love thanks
10 Nov 2017 | 19:01
nice one
11 Nov 2017 | 01:39
11 Nov 2017 | 02:56
11 Nov 2017 | 03:39
11 Nov 2017 | 03:41
continue pls
11 Nov 2017 | 04:31
11 Nov 2017 | 04:45
Love this story mhen
11 Nov 2017 | 04:58
Six: "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. " ~ Marilyn Monroe Once Harry and I landed at the John F. Kennedy airport in New York we decided that it would be best to just head to my apartment and crash for the night seeing that it was nine o’clock at night. We had decided that today we would just sit in at home and watch movies all day. So with that being decided, I got myself up this morning and made breakfast for my two boys. It was definitely going to be an adjustment having both Harry and Mitch in the house with me, but it is not something I cannot get used to. Once the breakfast I made was finished being cooked, I set the table in my dining room, fixed the plates and went to wake up the boys. I decided to wake up Harry first since he seemed to be the easiest to wake; turns out I was wrong. I walked into my bedroom to see that Harry had somehow shifted into a very uncomfortable looking star formation on my bed; the sheets were wrapped around his waist while he had one leg sticking out from beneath them. His left arm was hanging off the side of my bed while his right arm looked to be in a very odd angle. After maybe five minutes of me pushing, shoving, and saying his name, I was unable to wake up the sleeping beauty from his slumber. Eventually I just decided I was going to push him off of my bed. Due to the way he was positioned on my bed, I had to grab his legs and pull him off of my bed. Once his body hit my carpeted bedroom floor, his body made a very satisfying thump. I watched in amusement as Harry began to groan and moan from the impact his body faced from hitting the floor. Harry opened one of his eyes and shot me the most scary glare I have received in a long while. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what the look on his face meant: ‘Run now.’ In a matter of seconds I was out my bedroom door and running around my apartment with a very mad and scary Harry on my tail. I ran past my dining room to see Mitchell already sitting there and eating his breakfast; he must have felt Harry's body hitting my floor, he was always sensitive like that. After our third time around the kitchen, I felt Harry’s long slender arms wrap themselves around my waist. He pulled my body close to his and cuddled my back against his chest. It felt amazing to have this type of relationship with a person. I cannot tell you how stupid I feel right now because I am realizing that I missed so much by refusing to fall in love; I always felt like something was missing from me, but I never knew it was a relationship like this of all things. ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ Mitch has now been here in New York City with Harry and me for quite a few days, six days to be exact. Since Monday when we stayed in and just watched movies all day, we have done so much. The next day, Tuesday, we went to The Guggenheim museum in Manhattan, Central Park, we went and saw his favorite movie, The Lion King, on Broadway, and we even went to Coney Island which he was really happy about. Mitch just adores Harry. A couple of nights ago when Harry fell asleep on the couch early, Mitch told me just how much he really loved Harry. He said that he hopes that we get married because he already sees Harry as that older brother figure who would take him out to baseball games and the movies whenever he could. Mitch’s really excited to go to the baseball game this afternoon, he’s really excited to see his idols perform in person instead of relying on the crappy television my mother has in his room; it’s the only place where he gets the sports channel to watch the games because our mother hates to watch and listen to the baseball games, she would rather listen to music instead. Today’s home game is the New York Yankees versus the Texas Rangers; Mitch’s favorite team versus our home team. As we were getting ready to leave for the game, Harry dropped a huge bomb on Mitch and I; he got special tickets. We were sitting close to the home pit and he ran into a few of the New York Yankees players at the restaurant where he works and was able to talk the players into meeting Mitch, the best part is he got the players from the Texas Rangers to agree to meet Mitch too. Can he get any more amazing? Mitch almost started to cry when Harry signed everything to him, he gets to meet his idols which must feel truly amazing to him. His favorite player is Phil Hughes; he’s a pitcher for the New York Yankees. Mitch has followed Phil Hughes’ Major League Baseball career since he debuted in 2007 with the New York Yankees. Phil is pretty cute if I don’t say so myself, he has a nice butt too! Mitch can recite Phil Hughes’s stats verbatim, it is quite cute actually. Personally my favorite player from the Texas Rangers is Justin Grimm, he’s a pitcher for the Texas Rangers and I cannot recite his stats like Mitch can with Phil Hughes but I can stare at his butt all day long if I must. The whole ride to the Bronx I kept telling that to Harry; it was funny to watch him get aggravated with me. When Harry parked the car at the stadium before we got out I pulled him towards me and kissed him with all my might before pulling away and looking into his eyes, “But your butt, I can stare at forever.” With that I winked and walked out and waited for him to get out of the car; he looked so cute all flustered. We sat through the whole game while Mitch tried to get Phil’s attention; one downside to being deaf, you have to use really big hand movements to get someone’s attention and being in a large stadium with thousands of others trying to do the same makes you not seen. Finally after me getting frustrated I got up from my seat, grabbed Mitch, and shoved my way through the crowd of people to get to where Phil was standing. I waited patiently for the man who Phil was talking to finish before I moved Mitch and myself in front of everyone else. “Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, I’m with 92.3 now, and I was wondering if you would sign my booklet? You are my manager’s favorite player,” I said while handing Phil my booklet I was handed when I entered the stadium. He nodded and took my booklet to sing. Once he was finished he asked if I had anything else for him to sign, I nodded and looked at Mitch signaling him to hand Phil his baseball he brought with him. “What’s your name, kid?” Phil asked Mitch. Mitch signed his name to Phil by using the American Sign Language alphabet, and to both of our surprise, Phil knew what he was saying to him. When we got the ball back from him the ball said, “To Mitchell, thank you for being a fan!! ps, don’t act so surprised, my sister is deaf just like you are!” Well, you learn something new every day don’t you? The game ended at eight with the Texas Rangers winning while the New York Yankees lost. Mitch didn’t even seem to care that his team lost, he was happy he was able to speak to Phil Hughes. Harry looked at me and I realized it was time for us to meet the players for both teams. We walked with both Harry and Mitch holding one of my hands, so they wouldn’t get lost, towards the locker rooms that Harry had received the “secret codeword” to get past the security guards; the so called secret codeword was “baseball”. Really? You guys cannot get any more original? Once we got into the locker room, Mitch looked like he was in Heaven and did not want to come back whatsoever. He looked so happy to meet his heroes and to talk to Phil Hughes once more. When we left the baseball stadium several hours later after a hundred or so laughs were shared, Mitch looked so cute in his Texas Rangers and New York Yankees gear that they had given him. He had a couple of shirts draped on his right arm from both teams, a Texas Rangers blanket on his left arm. He signed to me how Harry is one of his favorite people for sure. He said that we better get married and go through any obstacle that comes into our way.
11 Nov 2017 | 07:01
Still following
11 Nov 2017 | 07:39
Hmm next plz
11 Nov 2017 | 07:57
Loving this
11 Nov 2017 | 07:57
Seven “Love is, above all, the greatest gift of oneself ”~ Jean Anouilh Because Harry had to work the following weekend suddenly when we were supposed to take Mitch back, it ended up being just me and Mitch . Which was totally fine by me. Not that I’m getting tired of Harry, its just I love the silence of being alone on the plane ride back sometimes. That was back in the beginning of June, when Harry and I had been going out for four weeks. Now, it is four months later in October, and Harry and I are still going strong. Yeah, there have been a couple of times where we have fought, but nothing too drastic. We’ve gone on so many dates to so many different places. We’ve gone jogging together around Central Park, we’ve gone to the Guggenheim Museum, we’ve been to the movies a lot too. I am always learning something new about Harry. Whether it be that he loves the feeling of cashmere, or that when he’s hiding something from me his right eye twitches; it is always something new to me. Mitch loves him, the other day when we were having a Skype call, Mitch signed to me saying that if we don’t get married he will magically turn gay and make Harry turn gay too and marry him himself. I promised him that if I didn’t marry Harry, then he could instead. Speaking of Harry, he has honestly been acting weird. His right eye twitches whenever I bring it up; he’s either hiding something or maybe his right eye twitches with some other emotion or something. I actually am really scared that he is cheating on me, I don’t know what I would do if he was and has been hiding it for who knows how long. Oh my goodness, what if he actually is cheating on me? Then I would know first hand how my mother felt about my father cheating on her with his secretary. If this is the case, I’m not sure if I would trust him ever again; or any guy actually. As I ponder if Harry has been cheating on me, or any reason as to why he has been acting odd, I don’t notice the Devil himself walk into my house with the spare key I gave him after Mitch left. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and when I don’t react to him doing so I feel Harry sigh. “I guess you’re wondering why I’ve been acting strange right, love?” Harry asks me. I nodded and before I could think about it I blurt out, “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” When I realize what I said, I sigh in defeat and look down. I don’t hear Harry answer me for a couple of minutes and when I look up he has the most shocked expression I have ever seen on someone face. But it wasn’t a “shit-I’ve-been-caught” shock, it was a “you-think-I-would-do-that” shocked expression. “Sweetheart. The only thing I would cheat on with you is in Monopoly by stealing money from the bank. I would never cheat on you with a person, that is downright degrading to both me, and you. I would never put you through that torture. I promise you.” I smile at him but stop as I think some more, “If you’re not cheating on me, then why have you been acting strange for a couple of weeks now?” Harry sighs and thinks about what he’s about to say to me. I really wonder what it is, is it that he doesn’t love me anymore? That he just lied to me, he really has cheated? That he wants to break up? That his real name is Julio Ricardo De la Rosa Ramirez Martinez Guadalupe the third? Oh my god, what if he’s married? I am finally pulled out of my thoughts by Harry grabbing my hands and saying a sentence that changed my life. “My name is Harry Alexander Walters. Prince of England.”
11 Nov 2017 | 09:11
Waoh!!! So Harry is prince
11 Nov 2017 | 09:29
wow secret of a prince hmm mmm so Melissa u will be a princess d secret is about to be review
11 Nov 2017 | 10:17
thanks alot writer give us more bullets it's so interesting
11 Nov 2017 | 10:18
So finally the he tells her the truth
11 Nov 2017 | 11:35
I knew it
11 Nov 2017 | 12:35
I like Mitch
11 Nov 2017 | 12:53
The secret is out
11 Nov 2017 | 12:56
i see it coming.
11 Nov 2017 | 12:59
A prince working as a bar attendant? I guess he disguised himself to look for true luv!!!!
11 Nov 2017 | 15:12
Eight “The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain ” ~Jennifer Aniston I stared at Harry while my brain processed what he just told me. He’s a prince? Yeah, right, and I’m the Queen of Sheba. And my father isn’t really a retired politician, he’s the Duke of Kent. And my mother is the Princess of Monaco too. It didn’t take long for me to burst out laughing from the “news” Harry told me. “And I’m the Queen of Sheba , Harry. Nice to meet you. Now really, what’s the real reason as to why you have been acting strange?” I told him. I didn’t believe him one bit. Harry sighed again, he seems to be doing that a lot today. “I knew you wouldn’t believe me. Where is your computer?” I pointed to my room and Harry grabbed my hand and together we walked to my room. We both sat on my bed while Harry logged in and went to Google. He put his name into the search bar and almost instantly almost 150,000,000 items came up. Among the first three websites that came up first all said something like “It’s been four months now, where’s Prince Harry?!”. Then there was the pictures that came up on the right side of my computer screen. All pictures were of Harry. My Harry. Is what he said true? Is my Harry really a prince? Harry then proceeded to type into Google “Who is Prince Harry?” and this video documentary came up. This video was about twenty minutes long and obviously a part of some longer documentary; maybe one about his family? “I’m going to let you watch this, love. I’ll be in the kitchen making us dinner.” And with that he pressed play, kissed my forehead and walked out of my bedroom. I turned to my computer screen and saw the words “We know who our beloved Queen Helena and King George are. But what about their only son; Prince Harry?” After those white words appeared on the black screen, Harry was shown. They must have caught him when he was in the kitchen, obviously, because he was cooking. Someone spoke up, probably a cameraman, “Prince Harry, what are you doing in here? We have been looking for you all over the castle.” Harry sighed, that must be his favorite thing to do; sighing. “I’m sorry Paul. I was just really hungry.” Harry explained while looking up once from cutting the tomato to give the camera that the man, Paul, was holding. Breathtaking as always. You could hear Paul sigh from behind the camera, “Prince, you have servants and maids for that. Doesn’t your mother dislike when you don’t use the servants?” Harry looked up into the camera, “Well, yes, mother does dislike it when I do things on my own. But how will I learn to do things if I don’t learn hands on? What if I decide to not take my rightful throne and live as a commoner? I won’t know what to do; Doing things on my own helps me stay grounded. "And I intend on staying like this. I don’t want to be like my cousin Rupert, Duke of Nottingham. He’s up to his head in the fame of being Royal. But what happens if suddenly we get overthrown? He wouldn’t know what to do, would he? Not at all.” The cameraman followed Harry around the castle more throughout the day and finally they were able to get him to sit down for a Questions and Answer thing. The cameramen would ask him different things, ranging from his favorite color, green, and his favorite food, banoffee pie. Finally they asked him on what he wants in a wife. He stopped and thought for a little while, “I want someone who doesn’t want me for my titles or my money. Someone who loves me for me. Sure there are a lot of beautiful women here in the United Kingdom, but I am afraid that because everyone knows who I am, they will not love me for who I am. I don’t want to get used that way. I think I might actually go on a trip somewhere, who knows? Maybe I’ll fall in love with a girl from the country I am going to.” “And what country is that? What are you going to do there?” A cameraman asked him. To which Harry smiled and answered with his breathtaking smile, “Now that’s classified Paul, but I want to go to this classified country to learn the trade of bartending. I think that would be fun.” With that answer, the screen showed a man and a woman who I assume are his parents before it cut out. I sat there on my bed staring at my reflection in the computer screen thinking about what I spent the past twenty minutes watching. Holy shit, Harry is really a prince. I walked out of my room and into my livingroom/kitchen area where Harry was making dinner for the two of us. I walked up to him and just looked at him, watching him cook dinner. He had already made a salad and two drinks for us. It looks like he was working on something with ground chuck. It smelled delicious. He must have felt my presence after a while because he turned around and stared at me with curious eyes. I smiled at him, “So, you didn’t come here to find love? Just for bartending?” Harry nodded, “Yes, I was supposed to only come here for a month. Finding you was a plus, and falling for you was even better.” I smiled at his answer, “Well, then I guess I understand why you didn’t tell me who you are until now. You wanted to make sure I loved you for you, right? Well, I do. I don’t care about your titles or your money. At all.” Harry smiled and pulled me in for a huge wonderful kiss. This kiss was different than the others, which are all similar in many different ways, but this one was completely different. It was rough, yet passionate and soft. Filled with lust, yet filled with love. Just from this kiss, I could tell that this is the boy that I am going to marry. No matter what, I know I will. “Melissa, would you go back home with me? I want you to meet my mother and father. I know they will love you.” Harry told me. I thought about it for a minute or two before finally saying, “I will love to come home with you and meet your parents.” London, here I come.
11 Nov 2017 | 15:13
wow princess Melissa good luck to u guys
11 Nov 2017 | 15:35
Hmmmm so lovely
11 Nov 2017 | 15:40
Wow... At last
11 Nov 2017 | 16:23
You guys should wait for me jhare....London here we come
11 Nov 2017 | 16:43
11 Nov 2017 | 16:51
Glad she accept him
11 Nov 2017 | 18:22
u guys should wait for me let me pack my bag, London here we come.
11 Nov 2017 | 18:24
11 Nov 2017 | 18:41
Wow going to meet the king and queen hmm it's gonna be fun
11 Nov 2017 | 19:51
Loving it next
11 Nov 2017 | 20:03
Interesting i hope d wunt b any barrier
12 Nov 2017 | 02:12
12 Nov 2017 | 02:49
Queen Sheba hmmm loving this like kolo sele
12 Nov 2017 | 03:48
Loving this story. Next please.
12 Nov 2017 | 05:18
Wow!! Princess to be
12 Nov 2017 | 05:44
woah London here u go I'm happy for u
12 Nov 2017 | 06:23
Prince..issokay ride on
12 Nov 2017 | 07:49
12 Nov 2017 | 08:00
12 Nov 2017 | 10:45
princess melisa next
12 Nov 2017 | 10:52
Nine "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. " ~ Aristotle If I can barely stand the plane ride from New York to Austin, I don’t know how I am going to last the plane ride from New York to London. I think I might go insane. Even though we’re in first class, some kid behind me keep throwing cheerios at me. I have come so close to turning around and telling him to stop, and once I finally did I came to realize that it was not some kid, but a twenty something year old man for crying out loud. Immature much? It has been a week since Harry told me about his real identity. I could tell that he was worried that I would change or something and ask for all of these different things, but after I explained to him that I didn’t care about his money he was back to normal. I was interrupted from my thoughts by Harry talking to me, “Love, since we are on a plane with me and several other passengers for the next four hours, I would like to ask you something very important. In front of witnesses so you can’t kill me for asking you.” He paused to see if I was listening and when I nodded he went on, “Since you know about me, will you let me pay off your debt from school?” I immediately shook my head, “No, no way. It’s my debt, I will pay it off on my own; a little at a time. I am not letting you pay my debt.” Harry moved my head to where I was forced to look at him, “Please, baby? I don’t like to see you struggling to have things. You said it yourself last month that you could barely pay your rent because of your school debt. I can help you pay that off.” I shook my head again, “Baby, no. It’s my debt, I don’t want you wasting your money on something like that. I owe almost thirty thousand dollars to NYU. You don’t need to spend that amount of money on me, babe. I’m not that special.” I reassure him. Harry took a second to think about something, “Well, if I marry you, will you let me pay off your debt?” I sat next to him in shock, marriage? Excuse me? “Babe, if we were to get married, then yes, I would let you pay some of it off, because it would be yours too. But I need to earn the money to pay it off myself.” Harry nodded at what I said then he said something that I swear made my heart stop for a minute or two, “Good thing I plan on marrying you then, right?” I feel my breath stop, almost instantly a cocoon of butterflies break loose in my stomach. He wants to marry me? Me, Melissa Ray, twenty one year old radio host in New York City from a small town in Texas. The girl who didn’t believe in love until four months ago? The girl who has a deaf brother that she would do anything for? Well you know what? If he wants to marry me, then I want to marry him. Harry is truly my best friend; he taught me how to love, he was there for me when I went and saw my father. So much more; I love the nights where he would stay the night and we would just stay up late dancing in my kitchen. He’s played the piano for me, and I’ve played my guitar for him. He is amazing to me. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with him. And with that thought I fell asleep with a gigantic smile on my face. When I woke up we had a little over twenty minutes of the plane ride left and I was insanely hungry. I’m guessing it’s around lunch time because everyone on the plane was eating a meal. I looked forward and saw that Harry had ordered for me because there was a super yummy looking plate of steak sitting in front of me with my name on it. I sat up and began eating my steak, and looked at Harry who was watching a movie on the screen on the chair in front of us. Once my eyes focused on the screen, I realized he was watching Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John; what a dweeb. I looked at Harry to see that he was now watching me, “What?” I asked Harry while looking at him in confusion. “Just wondering how lucky I am to have you in my life, love,” Harry said to me while winking. Instantly I felt my cheeks turn red. He has always had this effect on me. Harry laughed at my reaction, “We will be landing soon in London, my dear. My mum will love you, as will my father. You’re going to love your visit here. I promise.” I smiled, “Well, in a little while it won’t be just a visit. Remember,my lease goes up soon? Instead of renewing it, I decided to move here. It would actually be cheaper to live here than in New York. I already have a job offer with BBC.” I explained to Harry. Harry nodded and began to tell me more about his family; like that his father likes to take the dogs out hunting every Saturday morning whenever something is in season, and that his mother is really into photography. I have never been so nervous in my life.
12 Nov 2017 | 11:49
Finally finally about to touch down but I think the big question will pop out soon
12 Nov 2017 | 12:02
And Mellisa found love with a bartender who turns out to be a Prince
12 Nov 2017 | 14:11
Finally, it's time to meet the royal family
12 Nov 2017 | 14:17
12 Nov 2017 | 14:27
following keenly
12 Nov 2017 | 15:44
You are lucky
12 Nov 2017 | 15:53
12 Nov 2017 | 16:58
10 “You don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without. When our plane landed in London, the nerves were still dancing around in my stomach; I felt like I might throw up. I just knew that something was going to happen. Someone wasn’t going to like me. We walked out of our plane and Harry led us to an old man in a butlers uniform. Surprisingly we had taken a regular plane to London, not a private jet like you would think; so we were instead in a public terminal instead of a private terminal. I’m guessing that not that many people know who Harry is or he lets them come up to him freely and not care. There has to be a bodyguard or two somewhere around here. “Good evening, Prince Harry. I hope you had an amazing trip,” the butler-man said. Harry nodded, “It was amazing, I found my dream girl while on my trip!” He said while swinging our attached hands to show the butler-man. Which made his attention turn to me, “Hello, Miss. What shall I call you?” I smiled, “Hello, I’m Melissa Ray.” The butler-man smiled back,”It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Melissa. My name is Clancy Smith. I’m the butler.” So I had been right! He was a butler! We followed Clancy to the car that was parked close to the terminal, and began our journey to Buckingham Palace; where Harry lives with his parents. Oh great. Here are the nerves once again. We pulled into the long driveway for Buckingham Palace and I saw all of the workers at the palace standing outside in two lines that would meet with the door to the town car we are in. Once Clancy opened the door for us, I noticed Harry’s parents were standing at the end of the lines of workers, waiting for us. Honestly, it looked like that scene from Shrek 2, where Fiona and Shrek pull up to the palace and all of the people were shouting and screaming for them to get out of the carriage and once they walked out and the people saw they were ogers, everything stopped. It felt like that to me, only no one was screaming or shouting. Instead there was a huge cloud of tension in the air that made it very awkward. I stood to the side with Clancy while I watched Harry greet all of the workers; he had actually taken the time to get to know each and every single worker at the palace. He was asking how the kids and grandchildren were, if they finally fixed that lamp at their houses. If they finally lost the ten pounds, and that they looked good nonetheless. It was amazing. Clancy nudged me with his arm, “You really love, Harry. Don’t you?” I smiled and nodded, “With all my heart. I really hope we stay together for a while.” Clancy smiled, “I can see you two people together for a while. Just by what he has told me about you over the course of the past four months, he really loves you too. I’d rather have you as my future ruler than one of the bimbos here.” I couldn’t help it but laugh at what he had said to me. I’m guessing the girls here are... something else? Eventually Harry turned around and realized I wasn’t by his side anymore, so he came down to me and grabbed my hair. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Melissa.” He said to all of the workers and his parents. Harry’s dad walked forward to me and when I raised my hand for a handshake, he shook it off and pulled me into a hug, “You are so beautiful my dear.” I smiled and said thank you. When I turned to see Harry’s mother, she was still standing at the end, giving me the most deadliest glare I have ever seen someone give a person. I was right. Someone doesn’t like me at all; and that someone is the Queen of England.
12 Nov 2017 | 17:12
It shall she well
12 Nov 2017 | 17:35
Hmmm what's her problem
12 Nov 2017 | 18:09
12 Nov 2017 | 20:19
she better shake dat off
13 Nov 2017 | 02:37
What is her problem nw?
13 Nov 2017 | 02:51
It's shall be well.
13 Nov 2017 | 03:13
Ha, wetin be her own now Next pls
13 Nov 2017 | 03:22
Queen you have noting to do so axpect what he like
13 Nov 2017 | 03:26
11 “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. ” - Joshua J. Marine During the awkward moment with Helena, Clancy noticed and decided to rescue me from the situation, he grabbed my bags from the boot of the car and decided to take me to my room; which thankfully was right across from Harry’s which were on the opposite side of the castle from Helena and George’s room. Thank God. I decided to put away my clothes and take a quick shower to wash away the airplane feel. When I came back down stairs, I was led to the dining room by Clancy. When I got there, Harry, Helena, and George were already seated at the table and eating Harry’s favorite meal; Shepherd's Pie. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! I didn’t realize I was taking so long!” I exclaimed while apologizing to everyone. George looked at me and smiled, “That is perfectly alright, sweetheart.” I let Clancy push in my chair as I sat down. Once I was sitting down Helena looked at me, “Tell me about your family.” I nodded, “Well, there’s my mother; Elizabeth, my stepfather; Edward, my father; Charles, and my brother; Mitchell. My parents’ are-“I started to say before Helena interceded, “divorced? Do you believe in wasting a marriage even if you fall out of love with the other? Would you ever get a divorce?” She questioned me with her piercing blue eyes. I shook my head, “No ma’am. I do not believe in getting a divorce unless necessary. A divorce was completely necessary for my parents. “I told her while looking into her piercing blue eyes. It’s like I could feel her judging me from across the table. “Why? Did he cheat on your mother? Anything is fixable within a relationship.” She half asked, half told me. “Yes, actually he did; several times in fact. My father was a politician and he had multiple affairs that we found out about after the divorce. I grew up extremely catholic and my father sinned many times: most of the time it was adultery. My parents fought constantly, never around my brother and I but that doesn’t mean that we couldn’t hear them fighting every night. So, in order to protect my brother and me because she wasn’t sure if he’d go get drunk and become violent, my mother divorced my father. I didn’t speak to my father for almost seven years because I was the one that caught him and his secretary. It wasn’t until Harry came with me to Texas to get my brother to have him stay with me for two weeks that I finally spoke to my father. No, I don’t believe in divorce, but not every relationship is fixable as you say, ma’am.” I told Helena while keeping my eye contact with her. After I had finished my short little story, Helena began to glare daggers at me again. George looked at me as I felt Harry put his hand on my thigh, “I am terribly sorry God chose you to witness that, sweetheart. But this shows us that you are an incredibly strong soul and a fighter, which is an amazing quality to have, love.” I turned to him and smiled, thanking him. After, I looked at my food; too upset to eat, too upset to speak. Harry and George talked small talk throughout the meal, while Helena continued to glare daggers into the side of my head; all the while she slowly analyzed everything about me. I had the feeling that she was judging me by the way I breathed; trying to find a reason for me to be any less perfect. As if I didn’t already know that. There definitely was a gigantic elephant in the room; the tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. She made it extremely obvious that she did not like me at all, even though the only thing I said to her was a greeting the minute we stepped foot outside the limo when we got here earlier this afternoon. And even with that she put her nose in the air as if to say, “I’m better than you, why are you here?” This made me feel as if I’m not worthy enough of Harry; which I’m not. I’m just a radio host in New York City, from a small town in Texas, with at least one hundred thousand dollars in school debt that will take me about fifty years to pay off completely.
13 Nov 2017 | 03:48
And Harry, Harry is a prince for crying out loud. He has girls chasing after him twenty four seven, he has a ton of money that he can choose to spend as he pleases, and he is going to one day be king of the United Kingdom. We’re exact opposites, but I love him and I know he loves me. We love each other despite our faults and we would never willingly leave each other. And Helena is just going to have to need to accept that. It may be now or eventually, but she will sooner or later. George looked at Harry and me before saying, “Do you love each other?” I smiled and looked at Harry to see him looking at me with so much affection in his eyes before we both turned to George and nodded. “With all my heart,” We both said while looking at each other again After dinner, I decided to go to bed so the jetlag wouldn’t be too horrible in the morning. I gave Harry a kiss on the lips and a hug before walking to George and kissing his cheek. Instead of being rude, I walked up to Helena and bid her goodnight before allowing Clancy to walk me to my room. ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ I walked down the stairs and began to try and navigate myself to the dining room without the lovely help from Clancy. If I didn’t have Clancy with me yesterday, I would have for sure gotten lost; just like I am now. This castle is just so huge; I don’t think my high school was even this big. When I passed by one of the many doors in the third hallway I went down, I noticed that the door was partially opened. I paid no attention though; I kept walking until I heard the sound of someone slamming a hard object against a desk. I calmly walked passed and stood where I could see inside the room but they couldn’t see me. Inside the room was Harry and Helena, Harry was casually sitting in a chair across the desk, while Helena was sitting at the desk. Helena looked so mad; her face was beet red, her eyes looked like they could fall out if she opened them any wider, and there was a vein sticking out of her neck. I looked towards Harry and he looked so calm while his mother looked pissed off. '“Since when did you cuss? Since when did you start listening to all this trash, Harry? Is it because of Melissa? I told you the minute that you sent me a picture of the two of you that she was white trash. I mean did she even go to university, or even graduate from high school for that matter? She has got to be stupid the stupidest thing you have ever brought home, I swear.” Helena screamed at him while he just stood there looking out the window not even glancing in the direction of his mother. It was almost like he wasn’t even listening to her. I watched as Harry took in one huge breath before looking at his mother and calmly stating, “I have wanted to do all of those things since I was a teenager, mother. I wanted to cuss; you put me through proper English school and washed my mouth out with soap when I did cuss. I wanted to listen to pop; you had me listen to nothing but Mozart and Beethoven. I have always wanted to rebel from you and father; but you never let me, father was always completely fine with it as long as I had your approval. “It was only a matter of time before I did all of this, mum. And don’t you dare call her white trash; she is so far from it. You heard her at dinner last night, mum, when her parents got divorced she put herself through high school with the highest of courses and got all A’s. She graduated top of her class, and had two jobs to help her mother and brother. Then she went to the most prestigious of schools in America, and got a communications degree and she’s getting ready to start a master’s degree program. She doesn’t dance like some slag on the street; she dances quite wonderfully actually, her mother put her through dance class when she was a child. She is far from stupid, mum. She has made me feel stupid at times and I had the best tutors and I went to Oxford. Doesn’t that mean something to you?” He asked her. I watched as she shook her head, “She has got to be lying to you. She has to be using you for our money.” Harry shook his head, “Mum, I have seen her degree. I helped her with her application for the master degree program. I went with her to Texas so she could get her brother, and she refused to let me pay for her and her brothers’ tickets. I met her mother and her step-father and I met her father; they are so far from white trash. Did you know her brother’s deaf?” He paused so he could see Helena’s response which was a head shake signaling ‘no’ before he began again, “She also has a minors in American Sign Language. She learned it just so she could communicate with Mitchell. She already knew it since her brother became deaf when she was twelve, but she wanted to perfect her knowledge of the language. She would never use me for the money. She has a horrible beaten up old car, she wouldn’t let me buy her a new one, and I offered to many times; she’s so stubborn. “She has over one hundred thousand American dollars in debt because of the university she went to, and she would never let me pay a penny of it off for her. She taught me many things during my stay in America, and I taught her how to genuinely love someone, and she is so grateful. She doesn’t not deserve me; it is the other way around, mum. I do not deserve Melissa at all. I love her to death, and I plan on saying ‘till death do us part’ with her. You can choose to be there or you can choose not to be there. I don’t really care anymore, mother. Just because you don’t like her, doesn’t mean I’m going to give up the love of my life.” And with that he pushed his chair back and got up. I took that as a meaning to get up and run away so he wouldn’t realize that I was there listening in to their conversation. I eventually found my way to the dining room and ate my breakfast. Throughout the rest of the day, I couldn’t concentrate on anything. All I could think about was that Harry defended me. He didn’t do what most guys would do when their mothers say that they don’t like their girlfriends and that they think their white trash, instead he defended me and told her that he wants to marry me. Marry me, Melissa Ray. Who would’ve thought that a girl afraid to love would love someone with such a passion it should be illegal? Not me certainly. I thought I was going to be an old maid. When we were in our separate rooms getting ready for bed, I tip toed to Harry’s room down the hall. I slipped inside to see him getting changed into pajamas. He stopped unbuttoning his shirt when he noticed I was in the room with him, without saying a word I walked up to him and gave him such a huge hug. After a minute or two I mumbled a quiet thank you. To which he questioned what I had said, “Thank you.” He kissed the top of my head, “You’re welcome princess. I knew you were there; I will always defend you, princess.” I pulled away to look at him, I raised my eyebrows, “How did you know I was listening?” Harry laughed, “We live together in New York. I know how you walk, princess; I knew it was you. My mom probably thought it was a maid.” I blushed, “I’m sorry for eavesdropping; I know I shouldn’t have but I know she doesn’t like me and I walked past and heard her…” I said while looking at my feet. Harry pulled my chin up towards him so he could look me in the eyes, “You needed to hear that. If you ever have any doubt that I’d leave you; that should be more than enough to prove that I will never leave you. “ I smiled and leaned in to kiss him, “Goodnight, my prince.” I said after kissed him. I walked into my room and for the first time in this house I slept like a baby.
13 Nov 2017 | 03:49
love in d air Helena whether u like it or not Harry love Melissa ND d king approved them being together
13 Nov 2017 | 04:09
Good job Harry but ur mom I think she is jealous
13 Nov 2017 | 04:27
I knew it mothers r alwys d problem
13 Nov 2017 | 04:29
Thats her own cup of garri
13 Nov 2017 | 05:03
Whats her problem
13 Nov 2017 | 05:14
12 “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it. ” ~ Nicholas Sparks The next day, Harry and I were on the grounds having a picnic when Clancy walked towards us and said that the Queen needed to speak with Harry about something that was deemed urgent. So instead of me spending my day with Harry in London, Clancy decided to give me a history lesson about Harry’s ancestors. “This is is Harry’s grandmother, Queen Rebecca; she passed away two years ago when Harry was twenty-one, she died a day after he graduated from university,” Clancy said while pointing at a picture of an elegant woman, “George and Helena took place as king and queen when Rebecca’s husband, Philip, passed away when Harry was two.” I learned so many interesting facts about the royal family, one fact that surprised me being that Queen Helena opened up several children hospitals in the UK after she discovered that she could not have anymore children after Harry. I didn’t realize that people actually liked her; rude I know. But I was shocked to learn that she is not so filled with hatred to others like she is to me. Turns out, she is only like this when she feels threatened and under attack. I don’t understand why she feels threatened and under attack with me around; but Clancy explained that because Harry likes me so much, Helena is worried that I will take him away from her. Which made Helena have a lot of respect in my eyes. After learning everything I could possibly know about Harry’s family, Harry still wasn’t back from speaking with his mother. So Clancy decided to take me into the kitchen and teach me how to make Banoffee pie. Which turned into a huge mess. Clancy may be the main butler (there are at least three others here), but he’s very young. He’s in his mid thirties, he’s been the main butler here since he was twenty, when Harry was eight. Even though they are twelve years apart, Harry and Clancy have a bond you cannot miss; they are definitely like brothers. Harry chose the time to come in and find me while Clancy and I were covered in flour; like covered head to toe in the stuff. I am definitely going to need to take another shower as soon as possible. I had just poured a huge cup of flour on Clancy’s head when I heard someone clear their throat; when I turned around to see Harry standing behind us with amusement written clearly on his face. "Mother wishes to speak with you, dear." Harry said to me. Instantly my posture straightend; why would Helena want to speak with me? She hates me. Harry took my arm and took us to our wing of the palace and waited while I showered and changed into flour-free clothing. After I was changed, Harry walked with me to Helena's study where she was waiting for me. "Hello, dear. Harry will you please give us a moment alone? I would like to have a word with Melissa." Helena said to Harry the moment we walked into her study doors. I saw Harry nod and then felt him kiss my hair before leaving me with his mother. The same woman who hates my guts. No big deal, right?
13 Nov 2017 | 05:57
It will end well
13 Nov 2017 | 06:17
13 Nov 2017 | 06:24
That's a very big problem............. Women has a way of having their way
13 Nov 2017 | 07:02
Wat did she want to say
13 Nov 2017 | 07:12
it is well
13 Nov 2017 | 07:19
Don't look @ her side @ all
13 Nov 2017 | 07:29
So what is her problem ?
13 Nov 2017 | 08:59
no big deal it OK just listen to wat she has to say
13 Nov 2017 | 09:27
It will be well
13 Nov 2017 | 09:49
My dear that's her problem.. You have the Prince by your side, you have approval of the king and the butler prefer you to the girls around, what else do you need? She'll come around soon
13 Nov 2017 | 09:55
13 Nov 2017 | 12:05
Whats her problem
13 Nov 2017 | 12:47
She I'll learn to love u soon
13 Nov 2017 | 14:18
don't worry she will be the one to love you more than the king himself
13 Nov 2017 | 14:21
nice one Helen loves you just scared of loss her son to you coz his her only son.... next please
13 Nov 2017 | 14:36
Hmm continue
13 Nov 2017 | 14:59
Wetin wrong with the Queen gan self
13 Nov 2017 | 15:02
I wonder what she wants to say to you now
13 Nov 2017 | 15:20
what now
13 Nov 2017 | 15:20
Following closely
13 Nov 2017 | 15:37
No probs
13 Nov 2017 | 16:07
Don't worry dear She will soon learn to love u
13 Nov 2017 | 16:25
13 “Where there is love, there is life ” ~ Mahatma Gandhi “Let’s go for a walk,” Helena said to me before walking out the door near her desk. This door led outside to this extravagant garden. I slowly walked behind her while she looked at the roses that looked like they needed some water. “This flower garden was made by Queen Amelia, my mother. She loved anything that bloomed. Including people. I know it’s weird to be comparing people to flowers, but people really do bloom.” I walked alongside Helena, I knew she had a reason for asking me to go on a walk with her. I knew she wanted to talk with me about something that was not about the garden. After walking around the garden for ten minutes, Helena stopped and had us sit down on one of the benches. After a few minutes Helena grabbed my hand and held it in a tight grasp. It was then that I realized she was crying. “Your majesty, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked her, I tried to be as formal as I could be to her, the woman still doesn’t like me. “I’m sick.” Was all Helena said to me. I stared at her, “Well if you’re sick you shouldn’t be walking around here, you should be in bed recovering.” I told her after a minute or two of silence. Helena shook her head, “I’m not going to recover from this illness. I’m going to die soon. I have cancer.” Why was she telling me this? Shouldn’t she be telling Harry about her illness? She seemed to have read my mind, because what she said next shocked me, “I’m telling you because I want you to take over as queen. I know it may seem like I don’t like you but I wanted to make sure my country was in great hands. So when you first came here, I put my best poker face on and watched you. Now I know, my country is going to be in fantastic hands.” All I could do was sit there on the bench in silence. I was shocked by what she said. Me being the future queen of England? What a huge three sixty my life would take. My debt for school would be paid for, I wouldn’t have my old beat up piece of shit car, I would have the best clothes possible. It sounds like too much; this is crazy. I looked up and saw that Helena was watching me as I processed all she had said to me. “Do you really think I could be the next queen of England? This is all so crazy. I’m going to go from being radio host, to a queen. What if they don’t like me?” Helena shook her head at me, “Sweetheart, they will love you. As much as Harry and George do. And, as much as I do. I may not be here for much longer, however I hope that I will be around to see you walk in the Abbey to get married to my son. I hope you two have the most beautiful babies in the world.” I couldn’t help but shed a tear as she said this; there is a huge possibility that she won’t be here to meet her first grandchild. I cannot imagine that feeling. Helena continued to stare at me as I processed all she had told me before she said, “So, will you do it? Will you become the next Queen of England alongside the King, Harry?” I thought about it some more before saying, “I’ll try it, ma’am. I’m worried I won’t be able to do it, but I will try.” That was all I had to say for Helena to look relieved in knowing she had a set heir to her throne, “Good, starting tomorrow you shall begin your Queen lessons.” These ‘Queen lessons’ did not sound very fun to be honest, but if it meant staying with my true love then I would do anything.
13 Nov 2017 | 16:47
Hmm so u are going to be the next queen soon hmm how ones life can change by people we meet
13 Nov 2017 | 17:59
Eyah...she was just looking out for her son nd her kingdom
13 Nov 2017 | 18:07
From grass to grass wow i envy u oo. Queen lessons? I bet it wunt be fun
13 Nov 2017 | 18:18
wooow dats a very gud news to behold!!!
13 Nov 2017 | 20:02
love has elevated you from grass to grass...
14 Nov 2017 | 01:55
I love this woman CU's she love her country
14 Nov 2017 | 02:11
Wow! Thats nice
14 Nov 2017 | 02:11
14 Nov 2017 | 02:36
in fact from grass to grace
14 Nov 2017 | 03:48
dat good
14 Nov 2017 | 04:30
from grass to grace..
14 Nov 2017 | 09:38
wow nice one... I knew she is doing DAT for purpose
14 Nov 2017 | 10:56
Hmmm be a good queen
14 Nov 2017 | 11:46
I feel sorry for Helene The feelings you get when you know the number of days you have b4 you die that is the worst feelings ever
14 Nov 2017 | 12:05
I like the way she handled ur case, ur lucky to have dem luv u
14 Nov 2017 | 13:37
14 Nov 2017 | 15:45
Wow! I'm shocked. So all that hatred was just a show? Appearance indeed can be deceiving. OK....let queen lessons begin.
14 Nov 2017 | 17:18
hnmmm. just watching
14 Nov 2017 | 19:38
the woman is amazing, she was actually protecting her country.
15 Nov 2017 | 01:18
Wao luvin diz one
15 Nov 2017 | 05:20
WATS happening since 3days now no update yet
16 Nov 2017 | 09:56
Hmm,from grass to grace
18 Nov 2017 | 05:06
21 Nov 2017 | 07:14
@chimmy what's up
21 Nov 2017 | 11:15
Wow nice
5 Jan 2018 | 02:05
Please complete this story the secret prince
7 Jan 2018 | 14:09
I love this woman CU’s she love her country
20 Feb 2018 | 05:15


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