The photographer

The photographer

By chimmy in 7 Oct 2017 | 17:51
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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The photographer-1
“Hurry we’re late,” she yelled at her bestie. The wedding
preparations had just begun and the date was very close,
gosh! What was she thinking. Nadina Patrick Essien was a
typical sanguine; loud and friendly, extremely emotional
and this endeared many people towards her. Since
childhood, Nadina was treated specially from other kids due
to her charisma, this attracted envy even from her own
friends. She was extremely pretty and intelligent, with a
bubbling social life, one could hardly imagine how a Law
student combined clubbing and school. “You see what I
warned you about? We should have started earlier.” Udeme
complained as she struggled with the tight fitting pencil
jeans trouser. Her friend Nadina was almost the opposite of
her; while Nadina was carefree, Udeme was very careful and
planned everything she wanted doing. She shook her head
as she stared at the mirror; she was going to be the maid of
honor. Nadina had fallen deeply in love with her friend
Duncan Ette. She remembered introducing them on one
birthday party, which was her mistake. She didn’t expect
their friendship to bloom the way it did. Nadina always took
everything; her friends, her attention and the way people
flocked around her, calling her Nadie lovingly. She finally
took Duncan’s heart. Duncan was every girls dream, he was
rich and hardworking, even while in the University He had
his own business, although it was on the small scale, it got
bigger after being merged with his father’s company. This
made his progress explosive. He was average in height, dark
with features so lovely; his eyes were shaped like almonds,
giving him a seductive look, in addition to his well chiseled
nose and attractive lips and a muscled frame. Duncan was
for the kills! But he used to be her best friend. Unlike before,
he no longer spent time with her, neither did he take her on
dates nor call her daily as he used to. She had fallen in love
with him and he used to call her “baby” before he started
dating Nadina. Maybe she should have opened up to him
about her feelings. “And what is going on through your
mind?” Nadina asked an absent minded Udeme. Her friend
had been acting strange since this wedding thing; she had
become withdrawn and sad. Well she had to be, as she
would miss her bestie once the wedding was over, Nadia
thought. Duncan was the love of her life, she was extremely
lucky to have him, thanks to UD who introduced them!
Duncan had changed her life; from holiday trips to Dubai to
expensive gifts, even paying her fees. He worshipped her,
she was his Angel; that was what he called her. The trip to
the boutique was slow and quiet, each lady to her thought.
They had three place to visit; first the boutique, the caterers
shop and the photographer’s. Visiting the boutique was quite
thrilling. Bee’s House was the biggest wedding boutique in
the country. “Let’s do this,” Nadina yelled excitedly as she
stepped out of the car, “You no go calm down? No fall o.” UD
exclaimed, and shook her head. “Yeye girl,” she added
jokingly. They spent over one hour in the boutique as
Nadina kept having problems making up her mind. “I want
this one, no, wait! That’s better!" She kept on. UD had
actually gotten tired of waiting for the Queen of England to
choose a dress for the royal ball. She strolled to a nearby
fast food joint, picked the menu, well well, She was in the
mood for something chill due to the sunny weather. She
beckoned on the waitress, “I need ice cream,” she
requested. “What flavor do you want? We have strawberry,
blueberry, ginger horse, vanilla...” “Oh just bring whatever,”
she interrupted the waitress with a wave. She was tired and
needed to save her strength for the rest of the shopping.
That sadness returned, she was filled with envy but she
pushed it aside. She had heard of besties betraying themselv
es, she could never bring herself to hurt Nadina, no. If
Duncan was ever hers, then it would have happened. For
now, she was going to enjoy her ice cream with all serenity.
Her phone rang and pushed her out of her thoughts. “Give
me twenty minutes, yes...OK.” As she looked up, there was a
male stranger before her, looking at her with a smile. My
my! Her mind exclaimed. If Duncan was considered
handsome then this man in front of her was the god of
handsomeness himself. “Hello UD, are you there?” Nadina
was still on the other end of the phone. “Hello Princess,” the
Adonis greeted. “Can I help you?” She asked curiously. Yes
you can, he thought; I could kiss your pretty lips. He was
drawn by her beauty, that angelic aura that surrounded her,
he knew a beauty when he saw one, after all he was an
artist. “It appears your ice cream is running out. Can I get
you another?” He replied cordially. “Hmmm, I don’t talk to
strangers,” she replied and made her way to leave but she
was too late. He cornered her and they stood looking deeply
into each other’s eyes. They must have roused attention in
the restaurant. Too late! Jeez was he gonna kiss me? Udeme
thought. Duncan and Nadina walked in looking shocked as
th ey saw the fearful look in her eyes. “Excuse me? Is he
disturbing you?” Duncan asked looking the stranger up and
down. Who was he, hovering over Udeme? Duncan thought.
He studied him some more, the man was way too fly, he felt
threatened. “I’m sorry, nothing’s wrong. He’s just a new
friend I met. See?” She hugged the stranger lovingly, “Oh,
you mean it? Alright.” Duncan backed out. “I’m in love with
your friend,” the stranger smiled as he shook Duncan’s
hand, Udeme blushed shyly. The stranger winked at her. All
this while, Nadina felt lost, she just stood there staring at the
most sexy man ever! She felt weird. He somehow looked
familiar. She felt jealous this once for her friend UD. She,
Nadina always got the attention, after all she was light
skinned and prettier with a sexier figure. She smiled as the
stranger took her hand in his and kissed it. “You’re such an
angel,” the stranger remarked and found UD staring
jealously. He winked again. Duncan actually felt jealous of
this man, complimenting his friends like that. "Have my
card, my love. Please make sure you call me,” he stretched
out his card to Udeme, kissed her fore head and left. For the
first time in her life, a man wanted her for her, and not as a
means to get her friend.
7 Oct 2017 | 17:51
2 The photographer-2 **"""" "Lemme see that," Nadina grabbed the card from her friend "Girls, your seat belts," Duncan ignited the engine, wandering why his wife to be was so interested in the stranger. "Darling don't you think it’s wrong to take that from Udy?" Well, by all means it was wrong, thought Udy. Her friend was really getting on her nerves like, what was it really? Back in school Nadina had always gotten hit by the sexiest guys, she felt jealous yea but it wasn't this obvious, "Ok, love, have it back." Nadina was a little bit thrilled by what she saw on the card, the stranger was obviously rich, I mean who would keep an office in such an expensive part of town? Well, Udy was quite lucky. The drive back home was quiet, it was a long day and the girls had only achieved one thing; buying the wedding gown and other accessories. Duncan was a bit too quiet; he noticed how Udy stared at the stranger's complimentary card. He was a bit bothered, maybe jealous. Well she always gave him full attention even as friends, but today she barely noticed him, "So are you gonna call him?" He asked, she didn't reply. She kept on staring at the card. "Hello Udy?" He brought the car to a sudden stop and she screamed, they all burst out laughing, "What was that for?" Udy looked surprised, she had been so much engrossed in her thoughts, also imagining when she was gonna get married. It’s been long she even dated any man, and now this man came from nowhere and he looked like he was the one. "Well, definitely amma call him. He's hot." She laughed, Okay, now what? She saw the worried look on his face, and added "I will be careful," at least he cared for her which was her only consolation with Duncan, he cared not loved, his heart belonged to Nadina, and it still hurt her but that was life anyway. She stepped down from the car and waved goodbye to the lovebirds, phew she sighed, it was gonna be a hell of a night for her. First of all she would take a cold shower, eat some fruits and sleep. So his name was Bode Thomas, Yoruba guy, she mused. Well, they were usually hot, this one too. That name rang a bell. There was only one popular Nigerian with that name. Oh my god! Could it be him? The famous photographer with numerous awards for his works? Well she would find out later. But tonight, "I’m gonna love you, tonight." she sang as she undressed. Her phone began to vibrate loudly, "choi this kind china phone, disgrace o." She saw the caller. She was in no mood to argue so she ignored the caller—her mother, a pain in her ass literally. The woman never ceased to amaze her, always comparing her with Nadina, now she was getting married it got worse, how could her own mother be like that? "You are no good, why can't you be like Nadie," her mother would always tell her. How could her daughter not be smart, have a rich guy, get married? Well she was done with that for now. The shower was one of the places she enjoyed most; trickles of water poured on her already damp skin while she stood there silently, allowing the water to wash away her heartache. Tonight she was gonna let everything go, everything! Maybe she was not good enough. From time being, people always preferred Nadina to her; she was an angel! So pretty and intelligent, she was the opposite. She let the water take it away; thank god she was getting married at least that would sever their friendship. She heard her phone ring again. Damn! She swore, who calls at midnight? She quickly dried herself and checked her doors and windows, they were all locked. Back to the phone then, she saw the text, "Naughty girl, remember we are going to the photographer tomorrow. Bye!" She shook her head slowly, crazy world, goodnight! "Wake up darling, rise and shine!" Nadina screamed at the sleeping Udeme. "You forgot I have the spare key," Nadina said looking at her startled face. "I’m not going out today, I don't feel too well," she tried to tap out. "Yes you are and we are leaving. Hurry!" She knew all of her friend's tricks. She left for the kitchen to help herself with some fruits, damn! The fridge was well stocked, uhmm! "Apples, or carrots?" Apples it is, she picked red apples. She heard her friend sing in the shower, a love song indeed. That reminded her about the stranger, she was curious since she had laid eyes on that man, she was never the same. That was a bad thing! Her wedding was in a months time. Well, a little flirting wouldn't hurt, but what if her friend found out? Well, she saw how important this man was to Udy, but who cared? He may have gotten close to Udy just to get closer to her. Yea, she knew guys, many guys if not all got closer to her through Udy. Poor girl, she was no match for her. Nadie beauty queen, she praised. No man had ever resisted her and she was sure this Bode guy wouldn't either. So she had to find that card get the number and call the dude! "Uhmm what’re you looking for?" Udy asked puzzled. "I kept my ATM card somewhere near this drawer, can't find it." Her friend said while searching. She wasn't surprised, Nadie was a very careless person. "Search well o, madam cash, Give me twenty minutes to dress up, and twenty for makeup." "What the hell?" Nadie screamed as she threw a pillow at Udy. Now she was gone, she had to find that card. "Where are you, cardie cardie," she remembered the bag! Yea, she searched it over but it wasn't there. She looked around carefully and saw something placed over a novel, "hello baby!" She held out her phone and copied the number, why would she keep this card again? She didn't want Udy to see this guy and probably get to be in a relationship with him, well "Bode is mine for now," she said as she tore the card into pieces.
7 Oct 2017 | 17:52
This story wasn't completed then,hope it won't be left half way again
8 Oct 2017 | 04:11
ride on
8 Oct 2017 | 06:16
trust me it will be complete now
8 Oct 2017 | 09:46
The photographer-3 The Club was almost filled to its capacity. Seduction was a club mainly for the high class; the least amount one could pay as gate fee was usually about 100,000 naira. It was a hideout for many celebrities and politicians. Bode was giving his order to the bartender for himself and his guys. In no time, the bottles of Ciroc and a bottle of Moet was placed before him. The boys had not hung out for a long time so tonight was their night out and they came with girls except Bode. Before leaving with the drinks, he spotted an actress by his right guarded by a bodyguard and he quickly made eye contact. She had taken pictures with him once. She smiled in recognition and walked closer. "The Artmaster himself! Ba wo ni?" She settled for Yoruba as they exchanged pleasantries. She quickly fixed an appointment with him for her next shoot. It took him a couple of minutes before he remembered what was tugging his mind; the girl he met at the restaurant. He had forgotten her name, thanks to the busy life! She hadn't still called him. That was weird, girls liked him and he expected her to call immediately. Well, maybe she wasn't cut out for a man like him. There was just something different about the girl; that peace around her, pure serenity and she was beautiful in a certain way. He was a photographer who had seen half of the world, he had seen beautiful women in their different shades but this one was a rare kind of beauty, it wasn't forced nor faked, and unlike him he actually fantasized her being his wife! Crazy! He thought. He liked women and women loved him. He was a renowned player back then in school. He didn't just like the idea of one woman. As for this one, there was something different in her, he had to find her. He was ready for the chase. "Artmaster!" his friends cheered as he appeared with the drinks. He took a seat at the table with his guys, it had been a while they gathered. "Tony, howfa your wife?" Bode asked and the other two burst out laughing. "You dey fyn trouble abi. At least me I don marry. Wetin una dey wait for?" Tony teased back. Bode shook his head. Tony had been in such a rush to get married to a virgin but he discovered that his wife lied and was far from one. "I love my babies bad and real no fakin," Odion, the other guy added. The rest agreed, though they knew Tolu, his girlfriend was a bona fide hypocrite. "So Artmaster what's with you, any new chick?" Tony asked. "No, that question is wrong," Odion pointed out. "You should have asked, is she black, Asian, Hispanic, busty, short...?" Damn! That was some diss. Bode smiled at his mischievous friends. They were all the same; a bunch of players. "Well, e get one babe I meet o, buh she no wan gree. I for wan marry am." His friends laughed so hard he almost felt embarrassed, though he expected it. Bode was the worst player any girl could have the misfortune of marrying. Back in the days, Bode had obtained the courage to woo a female lecturer and lay her. He understood why they laughed. "Guys calm down, I serious." His friends were far from calming. "Bode is in love," Odion mocked in a female voice. Some minutes into their conversation, Bode ’s phone rang. "I gotta take this, guys," he excused himself. "Hello ....darling" a seductive feminine voice spoke from the other end. "Hello, I ’m speaking with?" Bode replied, trying to place the caller. "Don't you remember me? Uhmmm Nadine, the girl you met at the eatery?" Geez! It was her, he thought. "Oh baby I have been waiting for this call, baby where are you?" "Don't get me wrong, I ’m not Udeme, I ’ m her friend. She asked me to deliver her message. She has a fianc é and they are getting married in two weeks so don't bother looking for her." He swallowed hard, "but she didn't tell me anything about that." Nadine took her time to explain that the guy, Duncan who was also present was in fact Udy's man. Bode expressed his disappointment and got off the line. Maybe God was punishing him for all the hearts he broke, how could fate be so cruel? He had just tripped for an engaged woman and it was gonna be difficult for him to force her out of his mind. He remembered her large eyeballs, big and light brown, and her smooth and brown skin that shone through the flimsy shirt she wore that day. He was so stupid, he almost kissed her and her man was standing there and she didn't say anything. It all came back to him slowly; he remembered how possessive the man had acted. He had no clue and he made himself vulnerable by expressing his feelings, something he had never told a woman sincerely except to warm her bed, but that day, "I love you" was from his heart. Maybe it was love at first sight or infatuation but for once in his life, he felt hurt and vulnerable. She was getting married in two weeks! Well, he needed something to distract him. Her friend Nadie was very sexy as hell, as he could recall and he could run things with her but tonight, he was getting wasted and with a pretty celebrity.
8 Oct 2017 | 09:59
I I tink de story is here but not completed
8 Oct 2017 | 12:03
I think I will start this story were it was stopped before. so let's leave this thread and continue it in the other thread
8 Oct 2017 | 13:20
8 Oct 2017 | 14:00


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