The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple

By BUKOLAMI in 20 May 2019 | 04:00


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Perfect couple
Episode 1
Nick stood in his balcony and
continued to watch his new
neigbours as they gently
their belongings into their new
home. They
were an interesting pair to
watch and so Nick
had continued to observe them
for more than
thirty minutes.
From his observation, Nike
could tell they were
newly wedded, a least not
older than six
months, and he could also note
that they were
gentle and generally carful
about life. He also
felt they were a born-again
The last thought amused him
as he reflected
into his own kind of person.
Nick was nowhere
near being Godly. He had
broken every law in
the bible and was sure his
name had been long
erased from the book of life.
He couldn’t tell if the couple
was in love with
each other; all he could detect
was that they
had mutual respect for each
What is my business, he
thought. He’d better
get inside and prepare for
Boma, the new girl in
his life.
He quickly took his eyes off the
busy couple and
looked towards the street.
Green Rich estate
was quiet as usual and the
atmosphere this
evening was cool and airy.
Boma would be
visiting his home for the first
time and he
looked forward to having her
around. Somehow,
Nick felt that his newly found
relationship with
Boma would be an experience
he would never
forget. There was something
different about her
that made him feel this way.
The first time he had met her
was in a public
bus and she had dared him to
kiss her just
minutes after he opened
conversation with her.
She was pretty and neat. And
the way she had
said it had set his heart beat
racing. She was
mischievous; something he had
seen right after
he had kissed her. She had
smiled in a devilish
way and he instantly became
crazy about her.
Then she had done something
during their first
date that had made him never
forget her for
the past five days. She had
worn a black short
gown for the date looking as
hot as temptation.
She had the shape that could
make a male dog
get a hard on. Her firm middle
sized bosom was
working real hard to shoot out
of their cage and
her butt shot out her back like
it was artificial.
The short dress allowed her
light complexioned
fleshy thighs to be well
revealed and again, her
presence got his heart beat
racing. She was a
bad girl and he wasn’t sure he
would be able to
keep up with her. Yet, just the
thought of her
brought all the demon in him
During the date, which was in a
restaurant that
had about 11 customers at the
time, she had
systematically taken off her
black pant right
there on her seat with
everyone around and
handed it to him, “I will come
to your house to
take it whenever I come
visiting. I will not wear
any when I am coming, so
don’t misplace it.”
This act had gotten his head
spinning and right
now, he couldn’t wait to see
Nick looked at his time piece
for the ninth time
and decided to stop starring at
the couples and
go and have his evening
It was a Saturday evening and
he had spent
the better part of the morning
doing some
office work; now was time for
Nick was a twenty nine years
old graduate of
Economics who worked in a
since he started working two
years ago, he had met and
slept with different types of
girl; short, tall, rich
poor, but had never met
anyone as crazy as Boma.
Nick was just a little above
average in height
with a broad shoulder and an
athletic figure. He
was a jovial fellow with
enough swag that had
attracted him to so many
females. He was also
good at his work and got along
with many of his
colleagues. Despite his obvious
love for women,
he avoided flirting or dating
any of his female
colleagues. He also didn’t allow
his social life
affect his job and so he knew
when not to step
beyond his set boundaries.
Also, he never dated married
women. They
were a ‘no go area’ for him and
that was why
he didn’t even notice if his new
neighbor’s wife
was pretty or not.
He left the balcony and quickly
entered into the
house; it was a well furnished
two bedroom flat
that was decorated to suite the
life style of a
Nick wasn’t even thinking of
marriage in the
nearest future.
He got into the bathroom,
quickly had his
shower and had barely came
out of the
bathroom when his mobile
phone rang. He
quickly rushed to answer it,
almost very certain
that the caller was Boma. His
heart beat began
to race again just as he saw the
caller ID, “hello
Boma,” he answered the call,
trying to hide his
“I am in your estate; please can
you remind me
how to locate your house
again?” the soft
female voice asked. It was
totally unlike the
female personality that had it.
“Just tell the cab to bring you
to number
fourteen B close.”
“Alright,” she said and cut the
Ten minutes later, she was
knocking on his
Nick opened the door to face
pretty Boma,
dressed in a dark blue blouse
with a black mini
skirt underneath.
This time around, his heart
stopped racing.
“Come in,” he instructed and
the angel gently
walked in, looking all over her
surrounding in
obvious admiration.
“Mmm, you have got a
beautiful home,” she
“Thank you,” he replied. “You
are welcome.”
She looked at him. “You have
new neigbours
and the wife is pretty.”
“Is she? I didn’t notice.” Now
he didn’t know
what she was up to with such
topic, “Feel at
home. What will you like to
take?” he asked,
trying to sound all friendly.
“I am okay.” She sat down on
one of the yellow
and blue seats. There was a
mischievous smile
on her face. She didn’t make
any effort to cover
up her legs as she sat down.
He could see everything from
where he stood
and he began to perspirate.
She knew what she was doing,
“I don’t have
my panties underneath, I hope
you have it?” It
was a seductive voice. She
obviously didn’t
come here to play around. She
came for action.
“Ye… yes, I have it,” he
responded. Sounding
more like a teenager.
She smiled confidently, “or will
you like to find
out if I really got anything
Perhaps this girl was crazy,
Nick thought. She
had barely stayed up to five
minutes and was
already trying to seduce him.
Yet he still felt
excited and the bulge in his
trouser began to
increase. It was a different kind
of feeling,
something out of this world
and he just couldn’t
wait to devour her.
“Come closer, come and check.”
She gently
He didn’t know what to say,
but his legs began
to carry him towards her like a
She remained sitting and he
knelt down in front
of her once he got to her.
She raised her hand up,
signifying that he was
free to check her up.
Nick loved everything that was
happening; he
slid his right hand into her
black skirt and felt
her bare butt skin. It was soft.
She raised
herself up a little and allowed
him to have
access to her whole
underneath and he could
also feel her wetness. This
energized the animal
in him and he quickly pulled off
all her cloths
and she hurriedly did the same
for him. Within
seconds they were caressing
and kissing each
other all over right there in the
sitting room.
Her moans were exhilarating,
and he wished
she could continue forever. He
liked the feel of
her firm mango shaped bosom
and he didn’t
hesitate to hungrily lick them
with his tongue
as well as caress them with his
hands. While
she moaned, she grabbed his
right hand and
led it to her dripping wet
private part as she
grabbed his joystick and
caressed it too.
Suddenly she squat down and
bean to lick the
stick like flesh.
His head began to swirl in
response to her
touch and he quickly pulled her
up, turned her
round, made her kneel on the
sofa and entered
into her from behind.
Boma’s moan was different as
the whole of him
buried itself into her. Nick
actually thought that
the new neigbours could hear
her, but he
didn’t care and he also didn’t
want her to lower
her voice. The sound actually
made the
moment more pleasurable.
Boma’s wild response to his
constant pounding
made every moment special, it
made every
minute memorable and Nick
knew instantly
that his S£x life had risen to a
new level.
He continued humping her
until his body
couldn’t take it anymore; he
reach climax and
the height, he knew he was
way higher than any
climax he had reached in his
A minute later he fell on the
sofa, breathing like
he had ran round the estate.
Boma sat close to him and
leaned on his chest
with a satisfactory smile on her
face. “That was
great,” She said and quietness
followed while
they both tried to catch their
A minute later, she stood up
and walked Unclad
towards his kitchen, “I need to
take some
water,” she said.
While his eyes were fixed on
her lovely behind,
he said, “The fridge is right
there in kitchen,
help yourself.” He couldn’t take
his eyes off her
until she disappeared into the
kitchen. He
instantly looked forward to
having another
piece of her.
In the kitchen, Boma got
herself a glass of
water and relaxed on the
kitchen sink to drink it
while she continued to admire
the cleanliness of
the cooking room. Then she
looked out of the
window noticed that the
neighbour’s backyard
was very visible. She could
clearly see the
neighbour’s kitchen window
and it was obvious
that anyone in the neighbour’s
kitchen would
also clearly see her if she
comes out of the back
balcony from the kitchen. It
was the closest
house from that side of the
building and both
flats shared a common
backyard with just a
short fence dividing it.
Then she heard sounds from
the other kitchen
and wondered who was there.
perhaps it was
the pretty gentle woman’s
husband, she
thought. She didn’t think the
gentle man had
ever seen a body as perfect as
With the cup in her hands, she
slowly opened
the kitchen exit door and
stepped outside,
stack Unclad. She could feel
two eyes staring at
her from the neighbor’s
kitchen. She was sure
of this because the sound had
stopped and she
could see a human form
standing by the
Then she heard the sound
continue again; she
gently walked back into the
kitchen and
straight to the sitting room
where Nick sat. He
looked up expectedly at her
and she thought
he looked ready to take on her
the second time.
Gently she walked up to him,
sat on his laps
while facing him. Nick could
see her wide open
womanliness staring at him.
She drew herself
closer and began to kiss him
while he instantly
began to lustfully caress her
smooth body,
It was going to be a long
evening and Nick was
Episode 2 loading...
20 May 2019 | 04:00
huh...this boma is a fucking damn crazy bitch...what a show she just display at the backyard...
20 May 2019 | 05:58
well let's see what u have in store for epi 2 ... bring it on...!
20 May 2019 | 06:00
What is dis Boma lady up to? We shall soon find out...
20 May 2019 | 11:53
This is gonna be fun
20 May 2019 | 14:55
let's ride dear
20 May 2019 | 14:59
this girl is crazy while we she go to backyard naked, seated
20 May 2019 | 18:16
This Boma of a girl is definitely up to no good.
21 May 2019 | 02:49
Perfect couple Episode 2 “…father Lord in heaven; please bless this food we ask through Christ our Lord.” “Amen,” Ruth murmured in response to her husband’s prayer. They were about to have their breakfast that Sunday morning but there was an obvious, embarrassing tension in the air. Mr. Paul easily noticed something wrongs in the way his wife had responded to his prayer. She was still unhappy about what happened yesterday, barely a few hours into parking into this new neighborhood. She had been excited about living in this house and had insisted they use this weekend to ensure they started their new life here. Paul had married Ruth five months ago and they had since been living in a one room apartment where he had been living before they tied the holy knot. Her Christian upbringing had taught her that the most important virtue of a Godly woman was patience and content. And both had always believed that in no time God would get them a better apartment. Paul had always planned and wished to make his wife comfortable and so had secretly been saving for a bigger house. She was a good woman, one he had met a virgin and felt she deserved the best life could offer. Paul believed that Ruth was a special gift to him from God whom he had been very faithful to in worship and holiness. Ruth was not just respectful, homely and Godly; she was also a very beautiful woman. And meeting her a virgin was the height of his excitement. Paul, even though a strong Christian for the past twelve years, had never considered male virginity to be of any importance in a relationship. He had been sexually active in his late teens before he repented and had a few flings in his baby Christian days. But for the past seven years he had sacrificed his body to Christ and kept his body holy, keeping away from Sexual immorality. It was not easy especially as a bachelor, a handsome thirty years old bachelor for that matter. S£x was wrong in the sight of God and the bible instructed that one should flee from it. The immoral act was a gateway for demons to find their way into one’s body; it also causes one to lose his spiritual identity. So Paul had trained himself to let go of immoral thoughts and with the help of the Holy Spirit, living a perfect holy life became very easy. Then when he was spiritually and psychologically ready to marry, he asked God for a good wife and the Lord once again was faithful to him. Paul worked with an insurance firm and his salary was not huge, but he always had faith that God would always see him through difficult times. His life style made it easy for him to save and this was why he was able to afford their new apartment. Ruth was a HND holder and was at the moment looking for job. The man of God in their church had prophesied that their marriage will be blessed with money and children. This was three months ago and they were still waiting on the Lord to have his way in their lives, Ruth was yet to get pregnant, but the couple were not perturbed about this state of affair. At the Lord’s time he would make her pregnant. He had disvirgined her on the eve of their wedding, a night she would never forget. It was the first night she ever saw a man standing Unclad in front of her and also had felt great shame being Unclad in front of him too. It was not as easy as she had thought it would be and this had made her wonder why all those bad girls in her school and neigbourhood had lived through having S£x with different men like it meant nothing. Only having her husband get a glimpse of her bare bosom had been tug of war. Ruth could say she had been a born again Christian all her life. Of course there were few moments of anger, gossip, selfishness and sinful thoughts but her weakness had never gone beyond that. She had always seen her body as a holy vessel for the lord and had never given Sexual immorality a second thought in her life. Her body was of Christ and she was determined to give it only to her husband. She knew she was pretty. Her slim straight feminine body with full sized bosom, smooth face and cute Buttocks had always attracted the male folks. But she had made herself unapproachable; they dared not walk up to her to tell her sweet nonsense. Didn’t they know her body was the temple of Christ? And so when she found her husband staring at her bosom, it was strange and uncomfortable. But she had loved the touch. The feeling had been heavenly. He had sent electric waves all over her body and her brain had almost shattered with pleasure. She had loved the way he touched her and kissed her deeply. He had used his tongue all over her body and concentrated more on her bosom, it was a wonderful feeling. The feel of his hand all over her bare buttock was simply sweet and when he had caressed the lips of her virgina, cause her female core to swell, she had come to a conclusion that S£x was a bit of heaven on earth. The wetness all over her virgina had contributed in making his touch more pleasurable. Then he disvirgined her and despite the initial pain, she loved it. She loved having S£x with her husband. This was her private feeling, the thought that only her could know of. This thought was accompanied by fear. She was afraid that she was loving S£x more than God. But her actions or desires were justified by the fact that S£x in her matrimonial home was good. This was why she wanted to have more of Paul every day. Unfortunately, Paul’s Sexual life was modest. He really was working hard not to make it a habit. To him, S£x, despite how pleasurable the act was, was a secondary issue when compared with ensuring one lived a holy life. Besides, at times of fasting and praying, which were part of his everyday life, one needed not think about S£x, even with the wife. He was right as far as she was concerned and so she always prayed to the lord to help her suppress her desire and love for S£x. She was doing well so far. Yes, sometimes the desire could be so strong but she would just pick up her bible and study the word of God and only enjoyed the act when her husband wanted to. She had never had any other kind of Sekual experience apart from what she had had with her husband; just the normal caressing, kissing, ensuring she got wet while he joystick charges and then a normal pleasurable missionary style. She didn’t think she was missing anything, even though she was not sure. Okay, perhaps she always wished he could last longer, but she came to believe that that was how S£x was experienced even with all men. But she was very surprised to find her husband staring at the Unclad girl yesterday evening. In fact, she had been disappointed in him. He wasn’t supposed to stare, he was supposed to flee; take his eyes of the Unclad devil. What kind of human was she anyway? Ruth has seen her when she came visiting the male bachelor who had nothing to do but to stare at them all day. Why was her husband staring? What he did was as good at committing Sexual immorality in the eyes of God. She didn’t know how to handle the situation. It was embarrassing as well as hurtful. How could her husband be staring at the unclothedness of another woman. She had thought about this all through the night and it had weighed her emotions down this morning. He had quickly continued with what he was doing once she had come in and caught him staring at the unclad lady. He had seemed so carried away and that was why she had looked towards his direction of interest. Now she couldn’t even look him in the face. How could a child of God be lost in the lust of another woman? She felt pained, yet she knew, as a Christian, that she should forgive him and give him the opportunity to repent from his sins. The tension throughout breakfast was awkward. This wasn’t the way the almost perfect couple wanted to spend their first night and morning in their new home. Paul, on the other hand, knew that what he did was wrong and he had spent a better part of the night asking the Lord for forgiveness. Yet the image of the Unclad girl couldn’t just get out of his mind. The weight of guilt made him really depressed. She was simply hot, like something from out of this world. Did he think she had a better body than his wife? No! He shouldn’t be thinking this way. He should ask the Lord for help; he must take her off his mind at all cost. The firm bosoms were worth watching; there was a way she had walked across the balcony that had made him imagine what she was like in bed. Wow! It’s been long he saw a different kind of Buttocks apart from his wife’s. He was already used to seeing Ruth’s beautiful Buttocks. Had she lost the attraction it had when she was a virgin? He had thought she would always remain as new as he had met her. Why did he even think that that LovePeddler’s body was fresher than Ruth’s? Why did he even stare at it? He couldn’t just tell what it was he saw in that shameless girl that tingled something in him. She had a different style in the way she walked and held her shoulders. Ruth didn’t have style. Ruth was just Ruth and nothing more. Their love making was just modest. Both were ashamed to dwell on the pleasure in it for too long. Ruth hardly moans out loud because she probably thought it was sinful. He also thought it should be so. What is pleasurable in this world anyway? What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? He loved his wife and that was all that mattered and he was going to use that whole day in church to ask the Lord forgiveness. Episode 3 loading...
21 May 2019 | 02:52
Continue Hope this girl will not destroy your family
21 May 2019 | 10:59
Boma decided she was not going to tell Nick what transpired between her and his new neighbor that afternoon before coming to his office. It was going to be her secret game and she was sure she's going to have fun doing what she had in mind. This idea to play games with the neighbor didn’t occur to her until she spoke with him and discovered he saw her standing Unclad at the backyard balcony on Saturday evening. He didn’t have to say it, his reaction said it all. She had recognized him once he walked into the office hall. She had also noticed that he had walked up to her because she was female and he was somehow attracted to her. There were other customer care agents who weren’t engaged at the moment but he chose to walk up to her. He could be calm and gentle; perhaps a born-again Christian, but he still had the male instinct in him. It’s funny how God created men with this uncontrollable instinct and still expect them to be perfect and monogamous, she thought. “Good day sir,” she had quickly saluted with a broad professional smile on her lips. She was aware of the effect this smile had on men. “How may I help you?” “Thank you, I want to inquire about your internet package for offices.” “Alright sir, I will definitely be able to help you.” quickly, she told him all he needed to know about their internet services.” He had concentrated on her face as she spoke to him but she couldn’t tell what was going on in his mind. The face had remained straight forward and it enabled him conceal all internal emotions perfectly. Perhaps he was just interested in the business that brought him here and wouldn’t have time to flirt with her. But she wasn’t going to give up. There was something about this man that had aroused Boma’s curiosity. He was good looking but that was not her cause of interest. It was the righteous aura he exhumed as he walked and talked. He looked and acted like a good, if not perfect, man. He looked like he would be a hard knot to untie and it felt like a challenge to her. It was like a difficult Sexual adventure; something new that she had not tried before. She was going to untie him and find out if he was really perfect. “Thank you very much for that detailed information. I will get back to you once we make a decision on which package to go for.” Paul replied. “I will be looking forward to seeing you sir. Meanwhile you can have this flier with you, it has in it all the information I gave you.” “Aright.” He replied and took the paper from her. “Why do I feel I have met you before sir?” she asked, just as he was about to leave. He stopped and concentrated on her once again. “Are you sure? Which church do you attend?” “I am very sure I didn’t meet you in the church sir. Oh get it… you are my friend’s new neighbor. I recall seeing you pack your belongings into your new home at Rich Green Estate last weekend.” She was right, he thought, “You must be very observant. Yes I just packed into the estate.” “I hope you like your new environment. I don’t stay there though; I just came to see a friend.” “You don’t stay there?” he asked and Boma saw a trace of disappointment on his face. But Paul was wondering how she was able to see and take note of him so easily. He wondered which house among the ones in his new neighborhood she had seen and noted him from. This was her chance to go for the kill, she thought. “Yes, I came to visit the single male bachelor who shared the same view with your back yard. That was the day you were packing in. I remember standing at the back yard balcony, and watching your building.” And she instantly noticed and intense look on his face. He was remembering something. That was when she knew he saw her. He suddenly looked guilty and uncomfortable. “I was Unclad…” she said and let the words sink. “I hope nobody saw me from your house,” she apologetically added. This gave him the courage to speak out. “You were the Unclad girl from the neighbor’s balcony? How could such a pretty and responsible looking girl like you act like that? Do you not have respect for God?” “Excuse me sir,” she politely said, looking all innocent and ignorant, “I am sorry if my unclothedness offended you. It’s not my fault that I don’t meet your expectation all because you have a pretty wife. I didn’t even know that someone was watching me from your house.” Paul didn’t understand why she was lying. Wasn’t she the one who had brought it up? Was she expecting him to smile at her and tell her well done for coming out of her house Unclad? Yet her last statement had made him remember watching and almost admiring the body. “Of course you should know that you will be seen.” “And I looked so ugly that it offended you?” she tried to look hurt. Paul actually thought she was serious, “I didn’t say you were ugly,” he defended and almost took back his words. “Oh… Thank you.” she smiled. It was her best smile and it was appealing. “Thank you Mr. Paul, I will be looking forward to seeing you again,” she quickly said, once again looking all professional. “Please I will be here in case you want anything… and I mean anything.” He understood what she meant but didn’t know what to say. He just picked up the flier and walked away. He already swore within himself that he would never come back to the office again. But even as he walked away, Boma knew he would be back. She was yet to start with him, this was only the beginning.
22 May 2019 | 05:12
This boma girl is evil
22 May 2019 | 07:46
Ride on
22 May 2019 | 07:49
hmmm that woman shouldn't get into u Mr Man
22 May 2019 | 10:10
Gabi is have another mission to do here
22 May 2019 | 10:12
Boma surely know how to play the game of luring Men to become her prey.....
22 May 2019 | 13:41
Boma is evil
22 May 2019 | 17:41
Why does did gal want to ruin a happy marriage....
22 May 2019 | 21:36
Paul couldn’t tell if his wife had forgotten about what happened last weekend or not. She was acting all normal only that she had been taciturn for the past five days since he was caught watching the Unclad lady. Apart from that she had remained the God fearing and loving wife he had married. He could see that what happened was more of an embarrassment than offensive. He loved her and wouldn’t want to hurt her. He also wouldn’t want to hurt God whom he had vowed to serve with his whole heart. But something had been happening in his mind since he last spoke with the devilish girl at her work place. He had found himself replying their conversation over and over again in his mind, despite efforts to let go of the memory of the meeting. The cunning girl had forced him to confess he didn’t think she had an ugly body. Those were filthy words and a Christian like him was not supposed to express whatever he felt about her body. In fact he wasn’t even supposed to think of it. Why did he have to see her again? He was sure that the devil was at war with him. He decided that he was going to fast throughout the week. Today was his third day into the fasting. He was going to ensure no Sexual thought came into his head. He wasn’t even going to do anything with his wife. Another guilty thought was that he was unconsciously comparing his wife’s body with the devil lady’s. His wife was beautiful with an equally beautiful body but she didn’t carry herself the way that lady carried hers; Ruth didn’t have style she was just herself. Paul was sure she was sent by the devil because she was making him have these evil sinful thoughts in his head. These thoughts were the reason why he had been praying all evening since he came back from work. Ruth had been coming close to him like she wanted him to have her but he had promised God that he wouldn’t involve in any Sexual act until the fast was over. He was definitely going to rid every sinful thought from his mind and not even S£x from his wife was going to stop him. Ruth had almost forgotten about what happened last weekend. After much thought, she didn’t think it what her husband did was a strong reason enough to be angry with him. she had been able to see it as the work of the devil and so had decided that she wouldn’t allow the devil get between she and her husband. What she didn’t understand however, was why her husband was acting all guilty since the event. Why can’t he see that she was ready to let go and make up with him? Why can’t he just let it go and make love to her? Now she had gotten even more restless with the fact that he’d just started fasting. Why was he fasting again? Didn’t he just finish one the previous week just before they packed into this neighbourhood? He hadn’t even made love to her since then. And now, only God knows when she would feel his touch again. This thought also made her felt guilty and sinful. She knew she wasn’t supposed to complain within her about the fasting her husband was doing. She was supposed to appreciate it and thank God he was equipping himself spiritually. What was S £x compared to what her husband was doing for the Lord. Yet, he body desired to be touched despite all prayers and reading of the word of God. He had just finished praying when she walked into the room. She knew she had been taciturn since she caught him staring at the Unclad lady; she felt it was time she opened up a discussion with him, hopefully he would stop acting guilty and relax around her. Deep down in her mind she was not sure of why she wanted him to relax around her. She wasn’t also sure of why she entered the room to meet him. Oh! How she wished he could just make love to her. “So how was work today?” she asked as she sat on the bed. Paul had just picked up the bible to read one or two chapters, she looked up at her, “Work was nice. I thank God for everything.” “Yes… this new neighbourhood is quiet but I prefer it to our former place.” She said. “With time, you will get used to it.” He said, recalling again how the so called neighbourhood had welcomed them the first day they had parked in. but that didn’t stop him from noticing how pretty Ruth looked the previous evening. She smelt nice too and he almost felt like reaching out his hands to grab her to him. He really loved her. “Yes, I will get used to it.” “I trust that the good Lord will soon provide you a job and you will be busy.” He said. “Why don’t we study the bible together and pray?” he suggested. “Oh.” She felt it was a good idea even though prayer wasn’t the reason why she had entered the room. Yet, she knew that as a Christian, she must pray without ceasing. She sat beside him and together, the two love birds began to study the word.
23 May 2019 | 02:49
Boma did u come from the water ,what kind of evil are u trying to plan on this new couple?
23 May 2019 | 06:01
hmmm next
23 May 2019 | 11:18
Talking about the incident and assuring him that you ain't angry at his actions would have been a better option than prayers at this moment
23 May 2019 | 15:15
Nick couldn’t understand why Boma had insisted that he take sick Leave this Monday morning. It just didn’t make sense despite the fact that she had insisted that she needed to be with him. Why hadn’t she just come around during the weekend to hang out with him? Not that she had any reasonable thing doing all through the weekend. She had also explained to him that she had taken a sick leave too. Once Nick had called his office and told them he wouldn’t be at work because he had fever, he was expressly granted permission to take a break. Nick had felt guilty because his co-workers had expressed concern, knowing that Nick seldom stayed away from office. But despite the guilt he felt, Nick looked forward to seeing Boma in his home. He was sure she had some tricks up her sleeve and couldn’t help but wonder what package she had for him. He was beginning to like her crazy ways of doing things and he was also thinking that she was making him change from his conventional way of doing things. Yes, he was sure he was fast becoming a different person because of Boms’s influence. He could recall how Chioma had been staring at him suspiciously since she caught him leaving the female toilet last week. She had even told him that Boma had revealed to her that they had just made love in there and had also added that he was good at it. Why would she do such a thing? Now Chioma was seeing him like a crazy guy too. She didn’t think he was just the modest fun loving guy everyone had always thought he was. Nick was sure Chioma had told other ladies because he had been observing the way everyone had been staring at him like he was a weird person. Now Boma had got him taking in sick leave. What other crazy thing would she make him do? He wondered. Time went slowly just because he was idle at home waiting for Boma to show up. She had promised that she would come around in the early hours of the morning; it was a few minutes past nine a.m, she was yet to show up. He felt silly, sitting all at home on a Monday morning waiting for a woman. The only consolatory thought was the pleasure of having the wild girl around. Boma came visiting twenty minutes later looking very stunning in a black skin tight female pant and blue female shirt. She was a real beauty with a lively expression that made Nick thought of nothing but happiness. His spirit lit up and he instantly knew today was going to be a great day. Boma had deliberately decided to come around on a Monday morning. It was all part of her plan for the Christian couple. Everything was like an adventure to her and she meant to go all the way to see how what she had in mind would materialize. She needed Paul’s wife to be alone at home for her plan to work out. Nick couldn’t help but stare as she restlessly walked in and out of the kitchen, the glow still on her face. “You also told them you were sick at work?” he asked. “Nah, I just said I had to take the day off so that I could see a sick aunt.” She replied almost carelessly. He knew something was in her mind, but couldn’t really make a guess. He watched her finally sit down, with a glass of water in her hand. He walked closer and sat beside her. “Everybody in my office now thinks I am crazy.” He said. She laughed, “Of course you are crazy. We all are crazy. We all have that animalistic tendency to want to have S£x in the open even if we fail to notice this desire in us. Trust me, given a reason not to fear, we would act worst than wild animals.” “But why did you have to tell her that we made love in the bathroom?” he asked. Nick didn’t discuss this with her on the phone all these while because he wanted to really understand the motive behind what she did. “I don’t know,” she replied, “I didn’t want her to go making wide wrong guesses. Sometimes people need to know the facts even when they gossip. Don’t you get tired of being just an ordinary co-worker sometimes?” “No, I have no problem with that.” He replied. She laughed once again, “An ordinary guy is in no way a special guy. I know every human likes feeling special.” She stood up. “Stop all these side talks and come and make love to me.” she was walking towards the kitchen as she spoke. He didn’t stand up. He knew he was going to make love to her, but she could have made the invitation sound sexier. She stopped at the kitchen door. “Are you not coming?” Now he became suspicious, “Where are we going?” She stood in a thoughtful position, “You know what? Give me two minutes, then you can join me at the kitchen balcony.” She slipped into the kitchen just as she finished speaking. Exactly two munities later, he stood up and walked through the kitchen, into the balcony. Boma was standing stark Unclad with a glass of cup still in her hands. Her cloths where hung on the iron bar that guarded the small space. She was leaning on a small reading table in the balcony while her eyes focused on the new neighbor’s kitchen. “What are you doing,” he quickly asked, alarmingly looking towards his neighbour’s building. “Why are you standing here Unclad, don’t you know someone could see you from that building?” She looked at him and her eyes were just dreamy and inviting. “Make love to me here.” “I… why… I can’t do it here. I…” She stopped him by dragging him closer and giving him a deep French kiss. His body easily responded. Even seeing her Unclad had already aroused him. She looked like a goddess, a mad goddess. He began to handle her bare bosom and Buttocks. It felt good and she moaned loudly to his touch. As he touched her, he noticed her moans were getting louder and her response was wild. He liked it, but he wished she could keep it low so as not to stir up the neighbour’s wife whom he was sure was at home. Quickly, she began to work on his belt and soon his pant was down. She bent down and began to suck his Joystick like a real professional in the game. He couldn’t help but moan too. It was a heavenly feeling and he wished she could never stop. “I need you to suck me!” she commanded and sat on the table, quickly spreading her legs apart. Without hesitation, Nick bent towards the opened legs and used his tongue to lick her virgina. Boma wasn’t moaning any longer, she was now almost screaming causing Nick to never want to stop. She caressed his head and back while he maintained his action. Ten minutes later, he drove his hardened Joystick into her wetness as Boma gave out a pleasurable moan. His thrust was rough and steady, yet she enjoyed it all asking him not to ever stop. Then she pushed him away and jumped out of the table. She quickly turned her back and bent down, giving him access to enter her from the rear. He quickly did. She loved it and he was enjoying himself too. He continued to slam until she turned around again and made him carry her while he bleeped her. Soon they were standing face to face and having wild S£x while she kissed and caressed him. Boma didn’t tone down on her wild pleasure screams until he ejaculated into her. From her kitchen, Ruth couldn’t help but watched the wildest S£x she had ever seen in her life. Now she knew what evil really meant.
24 May 2019 | 03:11
I can beat my chest and proclaim that Boma is one of the queen of the coast. ? ? ? ?
24 May 2019 | 14:06
This is crazy
24 May 2019 | 15:56
It doesn't really matter right now whether boma like sex or hot sexy. What matters right now is her mission, she's on a mission that can currupt the born again newly wedded, newly tenant couple.
24 May 2019 | 16:43
His sex life now has got that respect for boma, talking about nick who never knew that a day will come when he will meet boma's v@gina conqueror. Things happening so fast from the public bus.
24 May 2019 | 16:55
The new tenant, few months wedded couple that has Biblical names must know more about sex. Fasting, Praying, reading the Bible and more Godly activities shouldn't be their reason for ignoring matrimonial sexting, there's time for everything. And now someone else is coming into their marriage that can cause cheating.
24 May 2019 | 17:08
Ruth couldn’t really say how she managed to breathe normally after the insane act she had seen earlier that day. What in the world were those two crazy people thinking by having s*x out there in the open like animals? What she saw was simply unbelievable, it was pure evil. She was sure this was the same girl that had walked around Unclad for her husband to see some days ago. Wasn’t the whole house enough for them to have their abominable act? What kind of demon was in possession of these two? She didn’t know what to think neither was she able to get the memory of the grotesque sight out of her head. She tried to get herself busy by doing some house chores but everything she thought in her mind couldn’t allow her do anything meaningful. The thought kept screaming in her head. Why was the lady even screaming like that? Why did she allow him to use his mouth to… oh! Ruth felt like going insane. Never had she seen two people have s*x before, not to think of having it in such a bizarre way. Was that the way every other couple had s*x? Everything was insanely different from what she always had with Paul. Yet Ruth had always known that there was more to the act than she always got from her husband. Yes, why was she even screaming like that? Was she just acting crazy? Why did she allow him to make love to her in different positions? How was s*x even possible in all those position? Ruth couldn’t imagine herself being made love to that way. It was barbaric and animalist. It was wayward and worldly. Her screams… somehow, Ruth could relate with those screams. It was pleasure, but why was she so loud? Was the feeling different? She had always wanted more when having s*x with Paul. But she didn’t know all those positions and all those oral stuffs were possible… and enjoyable too, given the way the lady had reacted. She could remember her pastor condemning MouthAction once and could also remember wondering what in the world he was talking about. Well, she had seen it… it was nauseating. Yet the lady screamed. She must be an animal, Ruth thought. She was full of energy and allowed herself to enjoy every bit of the moment. The lady didn’t even care if what she was doing was a sin to her creator. Ruth was even sure that the young man was not her husband!! Ruth felt sinful for even having seen the act. She wished she could plug her eyes out. She couldn’t delete the thought of the young man’s tight Buttocks slamming in and out of the lady with so much energy. He was good. And he lasted for too long too. The scream… it made Ruth imagine the pleasure she must have been going through. The worst part was that she had somehow been turned on by what she saw that morning. She had gotten wet and had desired instant s*x. She hated the guilt she felt. She hated herself for wishing her husband could make love to her in such and energetic way. She found herself wondering, for the first time in her life, if she was missing something. Wasn’t it God that created s*x? Wasn’t it meant to be enjoyed? Why then wouldn’t she have it and enjoy it with her husband just the way the girl had enjoyed it with her neighbor. Why must she feel she needed more each time she had s*x with Paul? Ruth didn’t like all the questions her mind was throwing at her. She regretted going into the kitchen when she heard strange sound coming from the background and she was sure it was all the devil’s plan. She wished Paul could just come around and keep her company and perhaps make love to her. The urge to have s*x became uncontrollably strong even though she knew she would never have it like that girl. Later in the evening, Ruth thought she might go crazy if she continued staying alone at home and thinking about s*x. She had tried meditating in the word of God and praying but she knew she was just deceiving herself. So she decided to take a stroll out of the house, perhaps go to the estate supermarket and but detergent. Ruth quickly dressed up and left the house. Had the girl gone home? Ruth wondered even as she constantly looked towards the quiet building while making her way to the supermarket. She was simply dressed in a black long skirt and a female blouse with a white head tie to cover her hair. The supermarket was half a kilometer away from her new house; it was the more reliable retail outlet one was sure to get anything she wanted in this estate. She got to the shop and quickly went to the detergent shelf. She also decided to look around before leaving the shop. She got to the provision section and behold she could see her neighbor trying to select from the pack of beverages. He was carried away while doing his shopping. Ruth stopped and stared at him. At first, she had believed he was a devil, but she found herself remembering how his tight Buttocks had been so visible to her while he made love to that lady earlier today. He was like an enigma and she couldn’t do anything but stare. Nick had thought he’d better do some shopping right after Boma had left his home earlier that evening. It had been a crazy and fun filled day and it was worth not going to work. Boma was showing him the other side of life and s*x. Making love to her in the office toilet and right there in his balcony had given him a whole new S#xual sensation. After she had left, she decided he needed to take milk so as to regain his lost energy but didn’t have any at home. So he decided to go to the estate supermarket to get some. Somehow, as he made a choice on what to buy, he felt someone was watching him. He reflexively looked towards his left and saw his pretty married neighbor looking at him like he was an alien. Their eyes locked for about ten seconds and Ruth quickly took hers off and hurriedly left the supermarket. The sight of him had stirred up something in her, but she didn’t know what it was. She wanted to hate it but she seemed to like it.
25 May 2019 | 03:44
It's looking like Nona's act might lead the couple into discovering more ways to sexual satisfaction although they need to be more open and talk it out else it may lead them to infidelity with Paul falling for Bona and Ruth falling for Nick
25 May 2019 | 04:06
madness of the highest order
25 May 2019 | 12:05
25 May 2019 | 18:43
When Paul came home later that evening, he easily noticed that there was something different about his wife. She was acting like she was hiding something. The way her eyes glowed was strange and she was not her normal dull self who took her time in everything she did. She also couldn’t stare at him straight in the eyes, yet she kept on stealing a glance at him, but would quickly look away whenever they had eye contact. “So how was your day?” He asked her while having his dinner. “My day?” she quickly asked. She didn’t know when she became alarmed. “My day was okay, just the same usual boring thing.” He noticed this alarmed reaction too, but didn’t know what to do about this observation. Ruth wanted S£x and wanted it any moment from now. Today was the last day of his fasting but she wasn’t sure if he would want to touch her. She needed him even though she wasn’t sure she would have the same pleasure as the lady in the neighbor’s balcony had had. She just needed to be touched. Paul couldn’t just understand what was wrong with his wife. She was touching him here and there, something she had never done before. She watched him eat, saying little. Was she still angry at him for what happened last week? Paul thought. But she didn’t actually look angry. He also observed as she quickly parked the empty plate right after he was done, dropped the plates in the kitchen and came out. “Let’s go into the room dear.” Ruth said. There was also something different about the way she talked, he noted. Did she want S£x? He didn’t want S£x. He was tired and needed to just pray and sleep. But how could she be acting like she wanted S£x? That’s a worldly behavior. “I want to read the bible a little before coming into the room.” he replied her “Alright, I will be inside.” She stood up and entered the bedroom. Paul could see that she was disappointed. His wife wanted to make love to him and it was his duty as a man to do that with her. Even the word of God said so. He should be with her even though he was tired. He read a few verses in the bible and quickly stood up to join her in the bedroom. He put on his night gown and joined her on the bed. Ruth turned around once he lay on the bed and began to caress him. This was a strange act as far as Paul was concerned. His wife never initiated S£x. There was an unfamiliar hunger in the way she touched him. It quickly turned him on and soon man and wife were Unclad. Ruth wanted him to be wilder in his touch. She wanted him to make her scream like the lady had screamed today. But Paul wasn’t cut out for this new style of love making. What had gotten into his wife’s head? Why is she just rushing him, he just wanted to take his time; it seemed like he was about to make love to another person and not his wife. Ruth wasn’t feeling him; she felt frustrated but kept on trying. His fingers toughed her virgina, caressed it a little and went up to her bosoms. No! She was not going to have a few minutes of caress and then S£x without energy. She wanted him to finger her harder and suck her bosoms harder too. She wanted him to make her scream. Couldn’t he see that she was all wet? She wondered how the lady felt with the young man’s tongue in her virgina. She was sure the feeling the tongue would have on her femalecore would be heavenly. “Please don’t take off your hand,” she pleaded. “Touch me more,” she couldn’t believe she was the one saying this. She wanted him to rub harder on her femalecore. She just wanted to feel all the pleasure she could. Paul was surprised at the way she had talked. What in devil had gotten into his wife? Was she demanding a worldly kind of S £x from him? Somehow, he wanted to give it to her as she demanded but couldn’t bring himself up to do such dirty things. Why does she want him to over caress her virgina? He wasn’t just expecting this. He just touched her a little and quickly caressed her bosom before driving his joystick into her. Ruth almost cried out in frustration but loved the feel of him inside her. She wanted to tell him to suck her bosom hard but knew she would sound as worldly as the lady in her neighborhood. She was lying in a missionary style but hoped that she would also have him drive into her from the rear, just like the dog- like style she saw her neighbor did to his girl yesterday. But he was getting over excited and needed to have S£x with her before he ejaculated in the process of romance. She was all wet and he liked the feel of her virginal walls. This got him even more excited as the walls of the warm environment contracted and gave him a warm welcome. He ejaculated before he got to his thirteenth thrust. Ruth noticed he was pounding her faster, he was coming!! “No, no don’t, please don’t come, don’t stop pleaaase.” She please, surprised at herself once again for saying it out loud. But it was too late. Paul’s joystick was already shrinking. He rolled off her and lay face up on the bed, breathing heavily. Ruth couldn’t understand what was wrong with her. She was plain angry. The emptiness she felt inside was so deep that she felt like crying. Was this all she could get after all the anticipation all day? She wanted to despise her husband for leaving her this empty, but she knew she shouldn’t. She was acting sinful even with her thoughts and she knew she should stop. She felt sad. Then a realization downed on her. She was never going to have as much joy during S£x as that lady. She was never going to be satisfied. She was stuck and would never find the happiness she desired. She became scared. The possibility of living the rest of her life in this emptiness was scarier.
26 May 2019 | 02:54
Ruth what s wrong with you
26 May 2019 | 12:16
Hmmm, still observing
26 May 2019 | 17:23
I can't stop laughing
26 May 2019 | 17:50
Ruth,don't do anything silly to jeopardize ur marriage oo,don't say I didn't warn u sha....
26 May 2019 | 19:36
That night, Nick lay on his bed and wondered why the pretty gentle lady had stopped to stare at him at the supermarket. Could it be that she had seen him make love to Boma? Then why should that make her look at him like he was a strange being? It was funny, the way she had acted. He wanted to called her back and ask her what the problem was, but she had walked away so fast like she regretted being caught staring. Why was she staring? Nick couldn’t tell if she was giving him a disgusting look or a look of approval. Perhaps she liked how he had bleeped Boma. If she hated what she saw, she wouldn’t have taken her time to look at him like that. Could it be that she was fantasizing about him making love to her instead? This thought got Nick excited for a moment. Boma had made him study the gentle women in the past few days. The naughty girl had exposed him to the fact that the woman was good looking. He had since then studied her and realized that Boma had been right. The lady was quite pretty but that didn’t give Nick any reason to lust after her. She was married and therefore was not an option. But he had thought that the husband was a lucky man. Despite the fact that she always dressed tastelessly, Nick had noted that she had firm sizable bosoms and cute Buttocks. He had wondered how she would handle the man in bed. You never can tell with such gentle looking ladies, they could be as wild as Boma in bed or even crazier. Yet Nick had never lusted after her. He just allows his imagination to run wild and would quickly forget about her. She was someone’s wife. But why had she stared at him this evening? He was lonely in his house and decided he should talk to Boma before retiring for the night. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed her number. She answered the call as soon as it rang. “Hi lover boy, missing me?” “Of course I am missing you. What are you doing awake by this time, It’s past 10pm.” He asked. “Nothing, just preparing myself up for work tomorrow. You?” “I am just reminiscing on the wonderful time I had with you today. You were great.” She laughed, “I had fun too.” “You didn’t tell me when next you will come around.” He asked. “I don’t even know that. I am a spontaneous person. I might decide to come at anytime. When the time comes you will know.” “Okay… I am already looking forward to another meeting with you… that reminds me, I caught my new neighbors’ wife staring at me in a weird way this evening.” “You did? Perhaps she saw you make love to me at the balcony. Perhaps she wants a piece of you.” she said, excitedly. Nick laughed at her joke, “Unfortunately for her, she is married. She can’t have a piece of me.” “I doubt the gentle husband is capable of giving it to her like she saw you gave it to me today.” “How are you sure she saw us?” he asked. “Why would she be staring? She must have seen us. She might want it… you can be of help.” “Are you suggesting I go for her?” he said, really amazed, “I said I don’t do married women. Besides, you are my girl; you are not supposed to be giving me this kind of advice.” “I heard you the first time you said you don’t do married women. What has me being your girl got to do with this? Are you now a saint? So you can commit any other sin but wouldn’t do a married woman? What if I came around this weekend with a friend of mine, would you not do a party?” Nick always loved the idea of a party, “party would be fun but…” “If the lady wants you to have her, I don’t think there is anything wrong in helping her out.” “But that would be too bad and the husband would get hurt.” Nick said. He thought she was sounding like she was sure the lady wanted to have him. The possibility of that was in itself exciting. “You are not going to scream it to his face that you slept with his wife would you? All I know is if she wants it and makes the move, there would be no harm in trying her out.” The idea wasn’t a bad one, Nick thought. The lady was good looking, and it would be nice knowing what the very gentle, innocent looking lady would be like in bed. But he thought they were both getting way ahead of themselves. The lady just stared at him; that does not mean they should start getting ideas into their head. But Boma never ceased to amaze him. How could she be making him break all his rules? How could she advice him to sleep with a married lady? “We don’t even know what she wants.” “Trust me; she must be imagining you making love to her at the moment.” Boma said “And how did you know that?” he asked. “She would soon come begging you to do it to her; I just hope you would be man enough to give her want she wants.” “Of course I am man enough,” Nick immediately replied. He felt challenged. “That means I might consider coming around with a friend, she is hot and Sexy and having both of us will be the best experience you will ever have.” Nick instantly became excited. He loved the idea of a party with two Sexy chicks. He had never had one before and would sure love to do it someday. “When will you come with her,” he asked. “Take it easy lover boy; I will bring her once I confirm that you are capable to Handle the married lady like a man when she comes asking for it, then you will have me and my friend.” “What if she does not come? What if she really does not want it?” “I told you she will come, trust me. Meanwhile, I am beginning to feel sleepy. Let’s talk some other time. Boma almost screamed for joy when she cut the call. Her plan was working. She would give it some days and ensure the neighbor’s wife was really lusting after Nick before going for plan B. Who said life wasn’t fun.
27 May 2019 | 03:07
Bad girl
27 May 2019 | 03:19
Nawow for Boma! That girl has an evil commission to destroy perfect couples
27 May 2019 | 06:16
For real this boma is a witch
27 May 2019 | 10:54
27 May 2019 | 12:51
oh mine , tell ur hubby how u want it now
27 May 2019 | 18:22
this boma is a she devil
27 May 2019 | 18:39
so she is bent on destroying this relationship
27 May 2019 | 18:59
In the days that followed, Ruth became a different person. She was unhappy and didn’t try to hide this fact. Her prayer life reduced too and all she could think was that she was stuck in this marriage. She wasn’t sure she even loved her husband again. She spent her days wondering what she was really missing in her love life even as it related with S£x. She didn’t think she deserved what she was getting, not after remaining a virgin all her life until she met her husband. Seeing those two make love a few days ago had exposed her to the fact that she was not getting the best in S£x. How long would she continue to live like this? Paul’s presence was simply annoying and she was finding it difficult to stand him. Why couldn’t he just give her the best in S£x? Why couldn’t he make her scream? She stopped talking freely with him and spoke to him only when it was necessary. Paul was worried too. Something was eating his wife up. She was acting like someone who had been possessed with evil spirit. He couldn’t forget how she had acted the last time he made love to her. She was acting like a LovePeddler or like a worldly woman. She had shamelessly asked him to rub her female core like a worldly lady would do. Christians don’t act that way. Now she had refused him touching her. What had he done wrong? Why had she decided to starve him of S£x? He had somehow liked the energy she had brought in during their last S£x even though it had sounded worldly and he would love to have her again. Why was she starving him of S£x? What had he done to deserve such treatment from her? Ruth had always been such a gentle lady and had always been homely and well mannered. S£x had never been an issue between them. Paul had also noticed a decline in her Christian life. What was wrong with his wife? He was sure she was angry with him for something he didn’t know he had done. Ruth on the other hand didn’t know why she was suddenly acting this way. This was not the first time she had wanted more after S£x with Paul. Why was she allowing it to get at her this way? Why was she suddenly letting the devil have his way with her? Why was she forgetting her Christian virtues? She was afraid of the future. Afraid that the emptiness she felt could make here run mad soonest. The worst part was that she knew prayers wouldn’t solve this. The only thing that could solve this problem was for Paul to step up his game. She was angry at Paul for not knowing her problem. How could he not know that he was not satisfying her sexually? Why couldn’t he be like their neighbor? Does Christianity teach that one shouldn’t be much active and energetic during S£x? Now she can’t help but stare at her neighbor whenever she saw him. The memory of his tight Buttocks and strong legs would come flashing into her head. She would clearly remember him giving it to that lady like she had never imagined. She would run into the kitchen to have a peep at him whenever she hears a sound from his kitchen. She would spend minutes watching him and wishing he would just make love to her. Her Christian virtues entailed that she would never have a taste of another man all her life. She would never know what it felt like to have another man inside her. the young neighbor’s manhood was a little bigger than Paul’s. She just wondered how it would feel like. He had caught her staring at him several times recently but she didn’t care anymore. The more she saw him, the more she wanted to have him. But she knew that she would never do it. She had always frowned at fornication, how could she think of committing adultery? The act was simply abominable and she had seen women who do it as devils themselves. How could a married woman sleep with another man? God forbid. But why was she suddenly in the situation where she was lusting after another man? Again she couldn’t bring herself to talk to Paul about this. All her life she had never been opened about her sexuality. She had never discussed her Sexual life with anyone. How can she look into Paul’s eyes and tell him she wanted him to give her more in bed. That would definitely sound ridiculous. Paul had already decided he would talk to her that evening and find out what was wrong with her. She went into the room once she had served him his dinner. Usually she would hang around and discuss about how the day went with him. After eating, Paul joined her in the room. “Can you please talk to me and tell me what is bothering you?” Ruth hadn’t expected him to talk to her this evening. She had not prepared an answer for him. So she remained silent. She was lying on the bed. “Ruth, please talk to me. What wrong have I done to you?” Paul tried again. Silence. “Silence can never solve any problem dear. We can’t live as man and wife like this forever. What wrong have I done that cannot be spoken out?” he came closer and sat on the bed. Why have you refused to allow me touch you as your husband?” Ruth suddenly faced him and looked into his eyes. “I am not happy. You have never satisfied me sexually. You married me a virgin and the least you can do for me is make me happy when it comes to love making.” Paul was very surprised at this revelation. What in the world is wrong with this woman? “But you have never complained about this before. Why is this suddenly an issue now?” “I am bringing it up now Paul. You have to do something about it now because I can no longer bear it. Do something before it is too late. I just need to know I married a man and not a woman like me. Make me feel like a woman for once in my life.” Paul was short of words. His loving gentle God fearing wife had just debased him by telling him the most embarrassing words any woman had ever told him. He was so embarrassed that he felt like crying. Ruth had just stripped him off his manhood.
28 May 2019 | 03:29
This Paul self! Who told you that yr wife craving for more fun and intimacy during sex is evil or unchristian? Pls satisfy your wife to avoid stories that touch
28 May 2019 | 06:56
No be small embarrassment
28 May 2019 | 14:18
Atleast u spoke ur mind Ruth..thats good
28 May 2019 | 16:03
than make ur wife happy hubby Paul
28 May 2019 | 20:45
In the days that follows Paul found himself sinking deep into his misery. He felt turned apart with his self esteem reduced to the lowest level. He lost every sense of pride and felt shame whenever he beheld his wife or even thought of her. He couldn’t bring himself to hate her for what she had said about his S£x life; instead, he hated himself more than ever. He didn’t pray about his situation because he didn’t know what to ask God in prayer. Was he going to be like, ‘dear God please give me the strength and wisdom to make better love to my wife’? That would be the most senseless and useless prayer any human had ever made. He didn’t fell like a man any longer around Ruth. And to think that she had been bearing his ‘unsatisfactory’ love making all these while even made him wonder how she had been managing him. Ruth was the woman he loved. She was an innocent woman he had brought into his home and she had made him happy all these while. He had lived for her and had tried to be the best man he could ever be just for her. How could he have known that he had been making her suffer and live a life of regret for marrying him? Why had he even taken their love life for granted? Yes, he had never given his S£x life a second thought. He had thought it was a secondary issue that didn’t really require much attention given the fact that they were more involved in heavenly race. Paul had also never seen Ruth as someone who would bother much about how he made love to her. She had always been this reserved girl he had married as a virgin. He thought she didn’t really care. She didn’t know anything about S£x before he married her, how could he have known that he was not giving it to her the way she liked it. He had never even known that there was actually a way she liked it. She had never been open about her sexuality. If such an innocent, loving and gentle woman could complain about his style of love making, then he must be really bad at it. And that was why he felt very bad. Wasn’t he really a man? Coming home every evening became a torn in his flesh. Seeing her and eating her food, knowing that he hadn’t been able to satisfy her as a man all these while made him felt useless. At the moment, he just sat alone in his office and pondered on his situation. For the first time in a very long while, Paul took a mental journey back to his worldly days. He had, in his late teens, craved for women and had slept with a couple of them but that was a long time ago. He hardly even remembered what sleeping with a different woman, apart from Ruth, was like. He had always been a moral person and had avoided fornication right from when he repented at the age of twenty two. As a young Christian, he had practically avoided Sexual intercourse by outrigthly pushing the thought out of his mind. It was an abomination to his God and the thought of it was a sin. Thinking about his past life brought him to the realization that he knew absolutely nothing about S£x. He had in the course of trying to live an absolute Christian life, neglected a very important part of living. S£x must be very important to a man’s ego, if not, why had he felt really bad at the realization that he hadn’t been able to satisfy his wife? He was suffering alone and didn’t know who to talk to about this issue. How was he going to tell his pastor or friends that his wife was angry with him because he wasn’t able to satisfy her in bed? They would laugh behind his back and even blame his childless state on him. How was he even going to know how to satisfy her sexually? If what he had been doing to her had not been good enough, what was he supposed to do to make her happy? Worst still, there was nowhere in the bible that gave S£x lessons. Perhaps he should try once again with her and see if he could improve over time. No, he wasn’t supposed to touch her again until he was sure he would satisfy her. Suddenly a flash image of the Unclad girl he had seen in his neighbor’s balcony some days ago came into his mind. Paul was sure it was the devil trying to make him lust for the girl once again. But the thought of the Unclad girl lingered. Who wouldn’t lust for such perfect body? Then Paul felt bad that someone like him would never be able to satisfy such a girl. He couldn’t even satisfy a novice like Ruth. But couldn’t it be possible that his Sexual life was unsatisfactory because he was only having S£x with a novice like Ruth? Come to think of it, how could he perfect in the act of love making when he only slept with just his innocent and inexperienced wife? She was the one who had made him this way! He had come to accept she was okay with their lovemaking because she never said otherwise; neither does she bring in her own energy into the game. Yes, the onus was on him to satisfy her, but he was also somehow a novice too as regard to S£x. The lady, Boma, had giving him the green light the last time he saw her at her office. Did she want him to sleep with her? Paul couldn’t believe he was thinking this way. But he really didn’t care. He didn’t want to think of the consequences of such thought. For now he would do anything to make his wife happy. He would do anything to make himself feel like a man too. He allowed himself to reminisce on Boma’s beautiful body. Then he remembered how she had acted towards him at her office and all he could see was enough reason to believe she must want to sleep with him too. He usually closed early on Thursday’s for weekly fellowship, but today, he was going to go to Boma’s office and if she continues to give him the light, he would hang out with her today and attend fellowship next week.
29 May 2019 | 03:12
Oh has she?
29 May 2019 | 03:52
29 May 2019 | 03:53
Hmmmmm Mr. Paul! Is that the right way to go? Instead of trying to seek proper ways of satisfying your wife, you are here contemplating and fantasising about another woman's body
29 May 2019 | 15:58
Two pathetic couple
29 May 2019 | 16:04
Now you want to skip fellowship
30 May 2019 | 00:36
I looked beside me but couldn’t find her anymore. “Jenny!”I called her name but the sound coming from me was different. “Am I possessing her body right now?”I said touching my face. The temperature felt warm just as a human body. I placed my hand on my chest to feel the heartbeat. To my surprise, it was beating. I quickly ran to a car packed by the side. I looked at myself in the mirror, I could see Jenny’s face in the mirror. “Wow. It works. It really works.”I said smiling. A man was passing by, I moved to his side smiling”can you see me?”I asked him. He looked at me In confusion “what’s this crazy girl talking about?”he said and went his way. I was so happy I could be seen by people but I was sad all was fake. Am possessing another person body. I felt something vibrating inside her pocket. I dipped my hand inside and brought out her phone. “Sweet mum”it was written on the screen. I was staring at it not knowing what to do. I was thinking if I could pick it or not. But when I thought of how she talked her mum, I think she was worried about her. I answered it and placed it to my ear. “Jenny. Why are you not home yet?”she asked sounding worried. I don’t know how to reply her. What, should I say to her? “A…am…on my… W..way home”I said in a stammer voice. “OK dear. Don’t be late OK?”she said and ended the call. I brought down the phone and put it back into her pocket. “How should I get out of her?”I thought to myself. I tried going out but it doesn’t seem easy to do like the first first time. I tried and tried but to no avail. “What should I do now? I think your mum is worried”I said feeling bad. I unlocked her phone to check if I could find her address. Luckily for me, I was able to find it on her Facebook timeline. I followed the address there until I was able to get to her street. I don’t know which way to go again so I started walking slowly. I accidentally bumped into someone. “Am sorry”I said looking at the girl. “Oh Jenny. Where are you heading to this late?”she asked looking at me. I had no idea of who she is. I think she might be one of her friend. I was staring at her for a while like a deaf and dumb. “Oh am heading home”I replied smiling. “Really? So you mean that’s the way home?”she asked looking at me. “Oh it’s not this way”I said looking at her. She was staring at me awkwardly. “That’s your building over there. Why are you acting wield?”she asked looking at me. I started laughing on hearing that. “Am I really acting wield? I think I drank too much that’s why”I said laughing. “Oh it seems so”she said looking at me. I quickly walked towards the gate she pointed to and opened it. I walked towards the building looking around the compound. It looks like an average class home. Not too rich and not poor. I walked to the door and pressed the bell on it. “Welcome home dear”a woman’s voice said. She opened the door smiling. She’s so pretty just like Jenny. She has a short blond hair and was putting on a red fitted gown. I entered and she closed the door behind us. I walked down the passage while she followed behind, few seconds later, I was in the living room. “How was practice today?”she asked smiling. “It was good ma”I replied looking at her. “Ma?”she repeated looking at me. “I mean mum”I corrected myself. “OK that’s good. Go and take a warm shower before having your dinner. Since you prefer doing that”she said. I stood up not knowing which way to go. “Where could her room be?”I thought to myself looking around. “Let me check something” She left the living room heading somewhere. I quickly went to one of the room and opened the door. I looked inside and saw how it was set. One could tell it’s her room. Because it was decorated in pink and purple and some celebrity poster on the wall. I entered and walked around in her room. I think she might caught on later. How should I keep this on? : John’s POV I sat in the living room expecting the ghost girl, but she was no where to be found. After waiting for some minutes, I went to my room to sleep. The following day.. Till I arrived at work, I couldn’t found her anywhere near my house. When I got to the company, I became more worried about her. “Could something bad had happen to her?”I thought to myself. As I was still thinking about her, a girl came to me smiling. She was putting on a black T- shirt which has blue stripes on it and a Jean pant trouser. She braided her hair into two tying the end with colorful bonds. She got to me and was smiling. “Good morning Mr handsome”she said smiling. “Mr handsome?”I said looking at her. That sounds familiar. “Sorry I didn’t show up yesterday. Something funny came up”she said. “Wait. Don’t tell me you….”I stopped looking at her. She moved closer to my ear. “It’s me Stella. I possessed this pretty girl’s body”she said in a whisper. My eyes went wild on hearing that. “How could you? Why?”I asked in surprise. She looked around and looked back at me. “I’ll tell you about it later. I need to go for practice at the sixth floor.”she said and left. “Wow I can’t believe she did that. This is driving me crazy”I said looking at her. : Stephen’s POV I was staring at john and the girl as they talk. The first time I saw her, I was so shocked and surprised. She’s so bold as always. She could even possess a human body? Impressive. “I can’t believe we could meet again. Long time no see Suzy Mick”i thought to myself looking at her as she left. : TBC
30 May 2019 | 03:52
I think this is a wrong update @bukolami
30 May 2019 | 12:07
u see ur life instead of u to go an meet ur wife,u want to go an meet someone else
30 May 2019 | 12:57
pls I don't understand where this story is going again
30 May 2019 | 18:51
I thought the correct episode would've been updated?
30 May 2019 | 21:16
Boma didn’t have to plan on how to execute plan because her object of interest walked into her office that Thursday evening. Despite having predicted earlier on that Mr. Paul would definitely come back, her heart had skipped in response to a slight shock at his sudden appearance. He had gently walked into her office and had hardly looked towards her direction as he sat down on one of the customer seats. Other customer care agents were free and had signaled to him to come up to them but he had politely rejected their offer and pointed towards her direction. She smiled; he had come to see her. He had come to screw her. She wondered what must have transpired between him and his wife that had made him got the courage to come back. Perhaps his wife had indicated obvious interest to Fuck Nick. Perhaps he is on a revenge mission. Boma was certain that he must be lacking in some aspects of Sexual touch and this could easily make his wife want to consider fucking Nick after seeing the way the young man had banged her in the balcony. The cute man looked funny as he sat down in the lobby waiting for her, yet making great effort to avoid eye contact with her. From the way he was acting, Boma thought he might change his mind at any moment, so she hurried to finish up with the client that she was attending to. The client would be her last for the day. Somehow, she almost pitied the man, but she also couldn’t wait to handle him; she intended to screw the hell out of him. Well, he’d better hold on there and not change his mind; she was definitely going to guide him through this process of adultery. She finished up with the client and signaled to him to come over. She planned to make this easy for him. “Good evening Mr. Paul, I am really glad to see you. Can you just hang on a few minutes; I will be with you in a short while.” She said once he had gotten to her desk. There was a professional attractive smile on her face and it made his heart melt. The girl was a real beauty and he felt honored that she found him attractive. He just nodded his head like a baby and walked back to his seat. It was so funny that Boma almost laughed out. Soon she was through for the day and quickly led the obviously nervous man out of the office. Once they got outside, she turned to him, “I would have loved us to take some snacks in a nice eatery, but fortunately, I have some drinks at home and I can prepare us something better to eat in my house. Don’t you think its better we hang out and talk in my house?” “Yes… that would be fine,” he nervously replied. Paul was feeling so weird. His conscience was prickling him and he was sure the Holy Ghost was battling with evil spirits to convince him not to do what he was about to do. He couldn’t believe he had come here on his own to meet this lady. What was wrong with him? Was he going to go against all he had preached and believed just because his wife told him he was not great in bed? Was that enough reason to sin against God? He wondered how God would be feeling at the moment, watching his beloved son walk straight into the devil’s arms. Paul wished God could do something. He needed every strength to overcome this temptation. He had made short silent prayers for the strength to walk away but every time he beheld the pretty angel, he would just feel his knees go weak. He shouldn’t have come. Why had he come here to face this lady? That was his first mistake. He wanted to just walk away but Boma was making him a bit comfortable in what he was about to do. Then he started to rationalize and justify his action. His wife hated him because he was not good in bed, a little adultery would make him a better husband. He was doing this for the good of his marriage. He needn’t feel guilty. All he needed was the experience so as to make better love to his wife. She stopped a taxi and they hopped in. “Take us to No. 3 Power Street.” She said to the driver. Then she tuned to Paul. “So how was your day sir?” “Fi…fine, my day was okay.” Paul knew he had to be confident. “Yes, mine was stressful. The clients kept coming and harassing us like we were practically robbing them. A little network failure and they would start acting like old ladies. People are just so difficult, you can never do anything to please them…” on and on and on, she kept on talking, until the driver pulled up in front of her home. “We are here,” she announced and paid of the cab man. By now Paul had forgotten almost everything about Christian virtues. He was already on a mission and the mission must be complete. He would deal with the consequences later. He felt very welcomed once he got into her home. It was a one bedroom flat and the sitting room had an appealing feminine look. “Please have a seat and do feel free. Emm… what would you like to take?” “Let me have water for now.” He replied as he sat down. He liked the fact that her home was neat and organized. Boma dropped her bag and rushed into the kitchen to serve herself a plate of rice. She took a bottle of water from the fridge and walked into the sitting room to give it to him. With the plate in her hand, she walked into her room. She must set the room for the show. She had a naughty plan in mind. Then she walked back to the sitting room, dropped something on the TV and sat on an empty seat close by. “I really like you Mr. Paul. And I want you to know that I don’t intend to make you stop loving your wife. You are really a cute man and this is just a once in a life time opportunity to be with a man I really admire. No strings attached really.” She just wanted him to relax. He just nodded and tried to hold onto a stare at her. She stood up and sat by his side and then she touched his back and rubbed it gently. Then she dropped her plate and dragged his head to face hers. She kissed him and he yielded and responded to her kiss. Paul found Boma extremely attractive and so the lust he had for her had overwhelmed his sense of reasoning. Boma reached for his trouser and unzipped it, bringing out his already hardened Dick. He moaned with pleasure as she rubbed it. Then she quickly took of her cloths and helped him take his off too. She liked that he seemed to be enjoying every bit of her touch; he was actually acting like a man who hadn’t had S£x in a long while. Once they were both Unclad, she grabbed his Joystick once again and stroked them fiercely while she kissed and rubbed him all over, encouraging him to touch her too. He enjoyed every bit of the moment and loved the feel of her beautiful body. The energy she brought in was exhilarating and he wanted this to last forever. He touched her Kitty-Cat and the wetness was killing. “Fuck me!” she commanded and sat on the seat spreading her legs wide apart. He positioned himself and slotted his Joystick into her. The excitement he felt was too much for him to handle and after ten thrusts, he ejaculated into her. “Please don’t tell me you are through.” She said, a bit surprised. She reached out her hand and touched his Joystick, it had already gone flaccid. He was breathing heavily like someone who had ran a hundred meter race. She pushed him out off her and stood up, her body wanting more of the action. She couldn’t remember the last time she slept with such a weak man. “What was that? Is this the injustice you do to your wife?” He just sat there looking at her and feeling all embarrassed. “I want to guess this is because it’s the first round and you will soon be up and ready to give me a satisfying second round.” He remained silent and she asked, “Are we soon going to go for second round?” He shook his head weakly, “I am tired. Some other time.” he already regretted his action. Everything had downed on him after the S£x and he felt shame and sinful. He just wanted to stand up and leave the house. “Who is going to have another time with you?” she said. “Don’t tell me this is what you do to your with every night… wait, do you just do a two seconds first round and sleep off?” He didn’t reply and she instantly knew that this was the situation in his S£x life. It made her angry but she saw it as an opportunity to help him. “I am surprised your wife has not yet killed you. No woman deserves a man like you.” He felt more embarrassed than regret. Now she was making him feel even worse than his wife had made him felt a few days ago. He just wanted to leave. “Please, I want to go home.” he pleaded, and made to stand up. He was Unclad and really wanted to cover his shame. “Sit down! You are going nowhere.” Paul sat down like he had been commanded by a soldier. “You think you can come over here, get me in that mood and leave me empty just like that? You must be joking. I will never let you leave this house except you satisfy me, get it?” she picked up her skirt and blouse and wore them while he stared at her like she was planning to kill him. Then she walked to the exit door and locked it. She turned to face him with a mischievous grin on her face. “Try to relax a bit while I get you something to eat.” With that, she walked into the kitchen. Minutes later, she served him a plate of well prepered rice and a glass of vanilla yoghurt. He was now wearing just his trouser. “Eat and refresh yourself.” Like a confused baby, Paul picked up the spoon and began to eat. It was a nice meal and he enjoyed every bit of it. After eating, she gently sat beside him, “I just want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you and you can actually do better sexually. I just want you to relax and have your partner in mind. Remember she is a woman and needs to be satisfied during S£x too. That should be your aim too.” He nodded. He had actually thought women didn’t really like S£x. He had thought only promiscuous women enjoyed S £x. “Most time the first round could be short but you have to make it up with a good second round.” “But I get fagged out and undesirous of S£x after the first round.” He said. “That is how it is with every man but that weird feeling fades away with time. Besides, you mustn’t allow it to linger for long, you must bring in your energy. Again, do not allow yourself to be over excited during S£x. Always try to calm yourself down and be in control of your emotions when they are trying to over blow… now breathe in and out. I want you to take your time this time around. Determine to satisfy me and also have fun while it lasts.” She pulled him up and they began to kiss once again. Soon he got excited and was in the mood. This time around he took his time, allowing himself enjoy her touch and also the feel of her body. He paid attention to her reaction to his touch and sought to make her enjoy him more. He loved the way she moaned and responded to his touch even as she caressed him too. She bent down and began to suck his Joystick. Paul felt excited but was determined to control his emotion. So he kept on reminding himself that he was yet to satisfy her. He liked the way her tongue caressed his Joystick. She stood up and pushed him to the chair and sat on him, her legs spread apart. Paul saw her wide Kitty-Cat staring at him and used his finger to caress it. She moaned and begged him to Fuck her. While on him, she guided his Joystick into her wetness and began to ride him. He enjoyed every feel of her virginal wall and touched her all over, loving every moment. She continued to ride him until her thighs began to pain her. Yet she was enjoying the fact that he was yet to Erupt. She stood up from him and lay on the chair, legs spread apart. “Just Bleep me,” she said He drew himself closer and guided his Joystick into her and began to fuck her following every rhythm she asked of him; faster when she wanted it and slower when she demanded. She was at her peak when he ejaculated so they both shared the delicate moment together. He fell to the chair, two of them breathing heavily. Paul couldn’t believe he had done that. He had never enjoyed S£x this way in his life. He suddenly felt like a real man. Boma looked at him and smiled. The man actually had it in him and she was sure that he could be better with time. “So why did you decide to come around to fuck me?” He looked at her; there was no shame on his face, just a little guilt. “What did your wife do to you that made you take the hard decision?” she wanted to know if his lovely wife had fucked Nick. He might have enjoyed the moment, but Paul regretted cheating on his lovely innocent wife. Then he realized that he had wanted to talk to someone about what he was going through at home. “It all started the day we parked into Rich Green Estate, the day I saw you Unclad in my neighbor’s balcony…” As he talked Boma could see that Paul really loved his wife. He talked with so much emotion and regret. And by the time he was through with his narration, emotional tears were flowing from his eyes. On the television, the camera continued to record everything that took place in the living room.
31 May 2019 | 02:41
I think u have updated wrong story
31 May 2019 | 05:30
the Same thin
31 May 2019 | 10:17
Enjoying Every bit of this Paul the righteous man don commit sin
31 May 2019 | 10:29
so u want to use the record again him or what? ,u Paul instead of u to seek advice in a God main u decided to come an visit professional sex abi?
31 May 2019 | 17:01
So Boma,u recorded everything DAT took place??? What at all does dis lady want to achieve na....
31 May 2019 | 18:34
Friday morning, Ruth was once again alone. Her husband had just left for work and she, once again, had all the time in the world to ponder about her life. The thought of her misery was drowning her and she was getting more uncomfortable with the kind of person she had been all her life. She regretted not exploring life when she was single. She didn’t have to be wayward to know much about herself and her sexuality. She felt like a living dead, life was making no meaning and nothing in the bible seemed to help. She didn’t want to read more of it because it would make her become the person she didn’t want to be any longer. She had misunderstood life by shying away from all that made it worth living. She suddenly wanted to explore into that wild side of herself. This was why she had been acting crazy around Nick. The young man had become her object of interest lately, perhaps because he seemed to make her want to do crazy things. If he could make love to a girl out there in his balcony, then she could feel free to flirt and act wild around him. It had been fun, acting all slutty and crazy. Promiscuity was really interesting, she had found out. She liked it. She liked the way she had allowed him see part of her unclothedness. Ruth felt like she was gradually coming out of her closet. She was becoming open about life. She had recalled her action over and over again. It excited her to see that she could flirt with Nick. Yet, she didn’t think she could involve in extra marital affairs with him. She didn’t think she could forgive herself if she did that. Ruth still loved her husband. He was the man who had married her, disvirgined her and promised to love her all her life. He was a caring man and had not intentionally hurt her. She just didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t make real love to her like a real man. It was annoying and that was why she had chosen to stay away from him for sex for a while. She really didn’t know what she would do with the man she loved. She just didn’t want him to touch her only to leave her empty. He had acted strange yesterday when he came home. He had come home late and kept to himself, acting all guilty. In fact, she had noticed that he made great effort to avoid her last night. This was unlike Paul, but she really hadn’t cared. She was more interesting in flirting with Nick. Around three pm, Ruth thought she heard a motorcycle pull over in front of her building. It was followed by a knock on the door. She quickly peeped through the window and saw that the motorcycle had a DHL emblem on it. She opened the door and was faced with a mail man. He had a white envelop in his hand. “Good afternoon madam, does Mrs. Ruth stay here?” the man politely asked. “Yes, I am the one.” He stretched his hand to give her the letter, “I have a letter for you.” She curiously collected it, wondering who would send her a letter. “Please sign here.” He gave her a pen and a note and indicated to her where she would sign. Ruth signed and closed the door behind her as he quickly left. She opened the letter that had a solid content. The solid disc like content was wrapped in a white paper and on the paper was written, ‘for your viewing pleasure.’ Now she became more curious. She brought out the disc and quickly slotted it into the DVD in the sitting room. As Ruth tried to watch the CD, she wondered who had sent it to her. Perhaps it was Paul. Perhaps he was trying to tell her something through this medium because of the way she had been acting recently. She couldn’t just wait to see what was inside. The CD started playing and Ruth relaxed to watch. At first she thought Paul was in a brothel with a woman. Then she thought the lady was familiar. Ruth watched her walk up to Paul who was sitting nervously on a seat in a neat sitting room. Ruth couldn’t believe what she was watching. The lady sat beside Paul, pulled his head towards hers and began to kiss him. It was crazy as Ruth watched her husband kiss and smooched the lady. The lady reached for her husband’s trouser and pulled out his Joystick. It was the same lady that had made love to her neighbor in his balcony! She watched Paul get heated up and moaned in pleasure and soon he was having live S£x with her. Paul ejaculated as soon as it started, just the way he does with her, and the lady begged him not to stop. The scene CD stopped playing just as Paul stood up. Ruth couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t tell how she felt about what she just saw. She felt no anger, just surprise and a deep desire for S£x.
1 Jun 2019 | 02:15
Boma! What are you planning on achieving?
1 Jun 2019 | 02:56
Boma is planning something bad
1 Jun 2019 | 09:03
hmmm this is serious, she's not angry na wow
1 Jun 2019 | 18:13
Nick came home quite early that Friday afternoon, hoping he could see the neighbor’s wife play some Sexual stunts. He was actually enjoying watching the born again woman flirt with him; he hoped he would soon get the chance to Fuck her. He had gotten a hint at the office that he would soon be promoted and transferred to another city. His salary would be raised too. It was good news and Nick intended to have all the fun he could get before he will be transferred. He didn’t have any idea when he would be transferred but, most times, such rumors always came to pass. He announced his presence as usual and waited in the kitchen for the born again woman to come out. He had not come home early yesterday and had missed her. She opened her kitchen door, looking straight at his kitchen. She knew he was there and Nick decided to come out and say hi to her. He opened his door and came out. She was just staring at him and he waved at her. She made a sign with her right hand, signifying that he should come. Nick felt excited and curiously walked towards her. Ruth didn’t want to consider the consequence of her action. His girl friend had slept with her husband; she was going to sleep with him too. She felt she was justified to do this because her husband had cheated on her first. She was glad for the video because she was finally going to have a feel of real S£x without feeling guilty. As Nick approached her, she couldn’t wait to have him make love to her. She didn’t care about anything, neither did she allow her Christian conscience to make her stop what she was about to do. She was more like a robot being controlled by what she saw in the video. Nick got to her, their eyes locked together. She was wearing a long flowing gown and her eyes were serious. She was pretty, Nick thought, and in the few seconds, he wondered why she was acting this way. Was seeing him make love to Boma enough reason to want to fuck him? “I want you to make love to me just the way you did to that girl days ago.” She said. Nick didn’t want to do it any longer. She was married for God’s sake. He didn’t have the courage to do what he had longed for any longer. “I don’t think we should do it madam.” He said to her. Ruth couldn’t believe her ears, “You can’t do this to me. Why did you make love to your girlfriend for me to see? Why have you been staring at me like you want to have me? Why have you been making me want you all these while?” “Yes, but… you are married and…” “You didn’t know I was married when you were doing all that?” now she needed him more than ever. This was her only opportunity to feel what it was like to be made love to by another man apart from Paul. “Please… I need you; I have never known what real love making feels like. My husband does not do it rightly, not like the way I saw you do it to that lady.” Nick felt pity for her, yet he didn’t know if he would do it. She was good looking though. Suddenly she pushed down the handle of her gown from her shoulders and the gown dropped from her body leaving her standing stark Unclad. She was beautiful. Nick stared at the Unclad beauty with his Joystick pushing out of his pants. “Just come closer to me,” she pleaded. “Please just teach me how to make love.” The plea was soft and different. She obviously was not used to standing Unclad in front of anyone other than her husband and Nick felt like he was about to make love to a virgin. He walked closer to her. “Tell me what to do to make this fun.” she said Nick took off his shirt and began to caress her bosom even as he kissed her. Her kiss was not wild and passionate, but the wild way he kissed her made her respond the same way. He used her hand to touch his Joystick after losing his belt and allowing his trouser to drop. They caressed each other while standing and she moaned like a hungry kid. Then he reached for her Kitty-Cat and slid his finger into the wet opening. She moaned as he rubbed on the femalecore. Her knees grew weak and she couldn’t stand any longer. She fell to the chair behind her and he bent down, opened up her legs and used his tongue on her. Her moan was more like a scream. “Please do not stop!” she begged as she rubbed his head fiercely and pushed his face deep into her virgina. Nick didn’t stop as he used both his fingers and tongue to continue to stimulate her Kitty- Cat while his free hand rubbed her bosoms. She was wet all over. She reached for his Joystick and rubbed it intensely. He stood up, pulled her up, turned her around and positioned her in a doggy positioned with her knees on the chair. His Joystick entered her wetness and he began to Fuck her hard. She screamed and begged him not to stop. Nick fucked her continuously for the next fifteen minutes. Ruth thought she was in heaven. She had never enjoyed S£x this way in her life. She loved it as tears of joy rushed from her eyes. She began to cry. She was happy for the first time in her life. She reached climax for the first time in her life too and thought she would faint because of over gratification. Yet he continued to screw her. He turned her around made her stand and faced him. Then he kissed her passionately of which she responded like a mad woman. While standing and facing him, he slid his Joystick into her and bleeped her while standing. He bleeped her until she reached climax again and then he turned her around and bleeped her from behind while standing. She wanted him to continue forever. She was enjoying every bit of the moment. When he reached climax, he brought out his Joystick and ejaculated on her beautiful Buttocks. When he was done, she turned around and faced him. “Thank you very much.” She said and quickly entered the house to clean herself.
2 Jun 2019 | 02:22
na wow ooo,so u guys should switch couples now, nothing one can not hear ,see,or read in this world
2 Jun 2019 | 09:04
2 Jun 2019 | 12:12
And Boma has successfully completed her mission number 1. With the tape recordings, I know she still had other mission which she will unfold soonest. Nick! Thank you for making that woman have that Heavenly feeling. I know she'll remain eternally grateful to you ? ?
2 Jun 2019 | 13:06
2 Jun 2019 | 13:11
hmmmmmm,,,, this serious,,, I really don't know if one could really bcos of sex put her marriage on risk like dis ooo.. and am very sure dat boma will take Paul away from Ruth, dat has been her mission from d start,,, she alws want a man of her own dat she can explore...
3 Jun 2019 | 02:08
He bleeped her until she reached climax again and then he turned her around and bleeped her from behind while standing. She wanted him to continue forever. She was enjoying every bit of the moment. When he reached climax, he brought out his Joystick and ejaculated on her beautiful Buttocks. When he was done, she turned around and faced him. “Thank you very much.” She said and quickly entered the house to clean herself. Paul was surprised when he got home that Friday evening and Ruth failed to surface. Recently, she would at least make an appearance and serve him dinner. He wondered if she was in the house. Yes she was. He found her lying on the bed in the bedroom like she had not noticed his presence. He observed her for some time, dropped his work materials, removed his jacket and left the room. Something was wrong with her, he was sure. She was avoiding him and acting like he didn’t exist. But there was also something different in the way she lay on the bed and played with her mobile phone. It wasn’t her old Christian like self. Paul actually didn’t care about how she felt anymore. Perhaps it was guilt or something, but ever since he had affair with Boma, he didn’t seem to want to dwell on S£x with Ruth anymore. She could keep to herself for all he cared. He wasn’t interested in her boring kind of S£x anyway. Paul knew what he did was wrong. He had cheated on his wife but somehow he felt it was worth it. Ruth wasn’t the only one who was missing out in this whole S£x escapades. Now he felt like a ‘bad’ guy. He felt like the man in charge and men in charge didn’t go about crawling after their women when they start acting out. The only problem he had now was the fact that his conscience wouldn’t let him be. He had sinned against the God he had faithfully served for years now and he didn’t feel worthy enougfor years now and he didn’t feel worthy enough to ask for forgiveness. He couldn’t ask God to forgive him for an act he undeniably enjoyed. The best thing he should do was to stop worrying about it and forget about feeling bad that he had hurt the woman he loved. Ruth on the other hand was not sure she was the same person in the same skin. Had she actually committed the abominable act called adultery? What was wrong with her? How had she gotten to this situation? If she could do it and even enjoyed it, why had she spent years condemning the act and people who had been found guilty? She felt like a hypocrite. But the feeling of guilt wasn’t really that depressing. The feeling was just strange instead; she felt like an animal that had just shredded its skin. She had suddenly been wishing that her neigbour was the man she loved. She had enjoyed every bit of touch from him and it pained her that it was all illegal and wrong. Why was Paul her husband, not capable of making her reach climax just as her neigbour had done to her this evening? Now replaying that abominable moment in her head was the only Sexual pleasure she knew. It was plain sad. She felt like her life had just begun? Why had she remained a virgin all her life? What was the gain? Now look at all she had lost? Ruth couldn’t believe she had once hated S£x and thought it was sacred and meant for her matrimonial home. What was that? How could God make such a rule and at the end give her a man who wasn’t capable of giving her the best. And this got her asking; was the sacrifice worth it? What had Paul really done with her virginity? Of what use had it been to him? But it was adultery. She had done something God hated. Didn’t her husband cheat on her first? She tried to rationalize, yet she felt dirty. She wondered what the future had in stock for her. How was she going to face her husband and how was she going to face her God? Was her marriage about to end? What would be her fate now? When Paul came home, she saw him as the reason for her dilemma. It was all his fault that she had found herself in this situation. Still she felt dirty. He had always loved her just the way the bible had instructed. But he had gone to have S£x with that lady. Had he enjoyed the lady more than her? No! What she had watched in the short video had shown that he was nothing but the one minute man he had always been with her. She was sure the lady must have gotten so mad and driven him out of the house. Then she remembered that a second tape had arrived her home right after she had had S£x with her neigbour. She had been so carried away in the awe of what she had done that she had not bothered about watching it. What else would be there if not a video of her husband making love to that petty LovePeddler? Was her husband in love with her? Did her husband think the lady was prettier than her? Well, she was going to watch the other CD the next day. For now, she could do with totally avoiding him and dwell on the wonderful S£x the young man had given her this evening. She really didn’t care… tomorrow will take care of itself.
3 Jun 2019 | 05:04
This is very serious o
3 Jun 2019 | 06:29
Being a virgin for so long wasn't the problem that made ruth to commit with another man. It was over born again that wasn't really necessary between paul and ruth. They knew nothing about matrimonial sexting.
3 Jun 2019 | 07:27
Boma took it from there and made every sex between the couple to succeed. Not just sexting but do what they don't believe in. Doing what they have for themselves, sharing it with others without thinking of enjoying it right now.
3 Jun 2019 | 07:34
What has been done has been made by boma. Nick had to follow the footsteps he saw. Ruth and paul has to be too different right now with their minds giving reasons to ignore their matrimonial sexting which is so funny for these two over born before.
3 Jun 2019 | 07:40
Still observing
3 Jun 2019 | 10:12
Nawow! And the happy couple are now keeping malice and giving each other silent a d cold treatment all cos our sex
3 Jun 2019 | 12:08
if u guys know is sin against God why did u do it ?
3 Jun 2019 | 19:57
Episode 17 Nick would give anything to have another taste of his neigbour’s wife. It was a whole new experience just like he had felt with Boma. Both ladies had given him something new and mind blowing but in different ways. Who wouldn’t want to have a taste of the tender inexperienced woman? How could a married woman be this tender and soft skinned? He had found himself asking. He didn’t care that he had broken one of his rules; neither did he allow himself to feel guilty for sleeping with another man’s wife. All he could reminisce on was how she had moaned and enjoyed every bit of the moment. She had yielded to his touches like he was a magician and she had made the sinful act worth his while. All through the night, he had wondered how her husband would react if he found out he had fucked his wife. What if he had caught them? Nick was sure that the man would have shot them to death. Would she want to do it again? Of course she would. Hadn’t she enjoyed every bit of the moment? Nick was sure that the woman had never had it like he gave it to her yesterday. Today was Saturday and Nick was sure that her husband was around. Yet he was ready to take the risk and flirt with her and if possible give her a quickly anywhere of her choice even with the husband in the bed room. Nick almost pinched himself at the this thought. He was acting like a wild dog, Boma was having much more influence on him than he thought. The thought of having the lady again today was a risky one and he must be careful not to get himself into trouble with the husband. He must get himself busy instead of sitting here all day thinking about sex with a married woman. He decided to give Boma a shout out, perhaps she could come around and spend the weekend with him. he picked up his mobile phone and dialed her number. It rang three times before she answered the call. “Whats up boyfriend,” she said. her voice was cheerful. “Hey… whats exciting you this morning?” he asked. “Its weekend and I am always excited during weekends because of the endless possiblity of things I could do with the free time that comes with it.” She effortlessly replied. “Mnn, I am sure sex will be one of the things you could do.” “Of course. Whats fun in life without sex?” She said.s “And who would you have it with this weekend, me?” he asked. “Now that is a tough question.” Nick felt jelouse that she didn’t just accept he would be the one she would hang out with this weekend. He hadn’t even taken some time to wonder if she had other men in her life. “Don’t tell me you have other men in your life.” Boma laughed in a way that made his statement sound foolish and childish. “Whats your plan for the weekend? How is it going with your neighbour’s wife?” Nick noticed how she evaded the question, “guess what?” “Did you fuck her?” it was an anticipatory question. “What do you expect? Of course you should know I am equal to the task.” He proudly said. “That’s my boy!” he voice became more excited, “In fact you just earned the best weeked of your life. I will be there before sun down with my hot friend. Trust we will give you the best time of your life.” “Wow. Thanks” Nick surprisingly replied. He once again wondered why such news would excite her to the extent of wanting to reward him. “I have to go now, let me quickly go get my girl.” She cut the call before he could say another word. Nick dropped the phone. The evening would be fun after all. A threesome was something he definitely looked up to. He decided to go to the backyard to see what the gentle lady was up to. Perhaps she would want to flirt with him while her husband was in the house. He needed to know what she thought about him and what she thought about the sex they had yesterday. He knew she loved it but he would love to hear it. He walked through the kitchen into the balcony. He was still on his boxers and the thought of the wild moment they had yesterday gave him in uncontrollable hard on causing his dick to shoot out of his boxer. Nick wanted her to see it. Somebody was in the kitchen. He was sure she was the one. The door opened and she came out. Had she been waiting for him? had she been impatiently looking forward to another wild moment just the way he had been thinking all through the night? She looked even prettier this morning in a white see through night gown. Why had she come out? he asked himself even as he whole body desired her once again. It was like his body had been set on fire by her presence. Though she still looked gentle and harmless, she was still capable of stirring up his whole system even more than a hotter girl would. She was tender, yet capable of making a dead man horny. He could see that she was gazing directly at his erect dick. She wanted him, he thought. Perhaps he should come closer. Ruth was already wet underneath. She was enjoying every bit of the moment as she imagined the long firm dick inside her at the moment. Her husband was still lying on the bed and she was sure he wouldn’t come out so soon. This was wrong. This wasn’t her. how could she be this worldly and promiscuous? She was married for God’s sake! All these thought rang in her head but the wetness in her legs and the sensation that ran through her body was more in control and she was willing to take the risk and get sinful once again. Ruth had not thought that she would be here doing this this morning. In fact she had decided she would avoid the neigbour, a young man she didn’t even know his name, from now on. yes she had enjoyed the sex with him but it was making her lose focus of who she was and she knew more involvement with him would jeopardize her future even more. She didn’t know how she would sort things out with Paul but first thing was to stop making things worst by sleeping with a nameless neigbour. But coming to the kitchen this morning and seeing the shirtless young man with his dick shooting out of his boxer made her forget all her resolutions. She just wanted him at the moment. She didn’t even consider the fact that Paul was home. She liked him because he knew what to do at such moment. She didn’t need him to come closer before he did. The heat became fiercer and he came closer. His dick had already pushed the boxer way out that she felt she could see its form. He was walking slowly; she wanted him to run. She untied the night gown and it opened up leaving her firm breast visible to him. she had only her white pant underneath the gown. He was almost close by when Paul opened the door from behind. She quickly turned around to face his wide opened eyes. Paul could see his lovely wife half naked in from of the randy looking young man. He didn’t know what to say, but time just stood still for everyone.
4 Jun 2019 | 02:24
gbege it don happened
4 Jun 2019 | 03:22
See gobe
4 Jun 2019 | 03:38
Hahahahahaha! Caught in the act!!!!!! Well, you guys are now even. Maybe you can come together and straighten things out
4 Jun 2019 | 05:26
maybe dis is d time dat u both need to straight things out
4 Jun 2019 | 06:59
Hmmm, gobe
4 Jun 2019 | 07:49
oh my,u are caught,it hard time u guys sit an talk to each other
4 Jun 2019 | 13:27
The only thing Nick could wish for at that moment was for the earth to open up and swallow him. His randy hardened Joystick instantly became flaccid and his heart began to beat so fast like it hard gone out of control. Never in his life had he found himself in such situation. He regretted everything he had done to this woman and every sexual desire he had had for her. His legs remained glued to the ground and he didn’t even have the slightest strength to life them up. He just helplessly stared at the couple in embarrassment, shame and fear. Ruth quickly tied up her night gown and walked past her husband, into the house. Paul stared after her and then looked at Nick. The man was more confused and embarrassed than angry. He just didn’t know what to say to Nick. He quickly entered the house and banged the door. Nick instantly unfroze and crawled back into his house. For the first time in his life, he hated s*x. Worst still, he felt like packing his whole belongings and leaving his neighborhood. Why had he gone to see that woman this morning? Hadn’t Boma promised him she was going to come around today? She was even going to come with another girl to have a party with him! what in the world did he want from that married woman again. He couldn’t control his heart beat as he pounced around restlessly from one room to another. He felt like cutting his Joystick off. He wondered what was going on in the next door. Was the man going to send his wife packing? Nick’s head wanted to burst at this thought. What would happen to the poor lovely woman? He was going to be the cause for the break up of this lovely couple’s marriage. Would he ever forgive himself if this happens? He couldn’t wait for Monday to reach so that he would go to work and process his transfer. He now needed it urgently. He listened to hear if the couple’s were quarreling. Yes, he thought he could hear something. In the other house, Paul had followed his wife into the bedroom. He couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. He had to look intensely at Ruth to ensure an alien was not impersonating her. she avoided eye contact with him as she acted restlessly in the house sitting and standing and adjusting her cloth. Paul thought she was different. She looked wild and slutty. What in the world had happened to his once God fearing virtuous wife? He was so embarrassed to speak up. He was short of words. “What was that?” he asked in a mixed tone. His voice was both angry, confused and inquisitive. “What?” she asked,trying to sound confident and making great effort not to look at him. “Ruth! Are you alright?” Now his voice was raised. It was also angrier. “wait… Are you trying to sleep with him? Is this what you do at home when I am out for work?” Paul was almost certain that demons had possessed his once innocent and God fearing wife. What happened to the woman he married? Paul had never raised his voice at Ruth before. They had never had any cause to exchange words. Ruth hated this moment. She hated the fact that her husband had caught her in a disgraceful mood. She hated the fact that she had stooped so low to behave like a lady with no home training just because she wanted extra sexual satisfaction. She felt embarrassed and wondered what would be of her. What if Paul decided he would end the marriage? What would people say? She would become like women she had looked at with disdain in the past. She even felt worst because she was actually guilty of pre-marital s*x and had enjoyed every bit of it. But hadn’t Paul acted disgraceful too? Hadn’t she watched a video of him sleeping with another woman? Yet she felt much embarrassed. Paul was simply short of words as different possibilities if what his wife could have been doing all these while ran through his mind. He couldn’t believe this was his once lovely wife. He could only stare at the stranger, anger boiling up within him. He wanted to hurt her; he even wanted to kill her. But he was restrained because of what he had done two days ago. How could he be justifiably angry when he had also disgracefully made love to a strange woman recently? But he was still mad at Ruth. It was hard for him to come to term with what he saw her did. Could that young man be sleeping with his wife? He was mad. “Ruth! Is this how low you have stooped because you feel I don’t satisfy you in bed?” he was angrier at the fact that she couldn’t look at him. “Have you forgotten who you are Ruth"? *Ruth kept silence for 6seconds then later speak* “What? You are no better than me… you have no…” (paul cut her short) “You think I can act in such a disgraceful manner? You show off your body shamelessly and you have the guts to accuse me?” how dare his wife compare him with what she had done? She was backing him, pretending to be busy with the items on the dressing table. Her body language didn’t tell him that she was remorseful. She was acting like she didn’t do anything wrong, he thought. And this got him really mad. He walked up to her. He wanted to hit her but didn’t have enough drive to do that. But he wasn’t thinking straight anymore. He forcefully dragged her shoulder in an attempt to make her face him. “Ruth!” he wanted to be in charge, he just needed her to be remorseful so that he could restrain himself from hurting her. She swirled and was facing him. Her bosoms bare and staring at him. The light material that covered her had easily torn as a result of the pressure from his hand. She was surprised and somehow scared at his behavior. His eyes beheld her bosom. He knew he had always seen and caressed these twins but this moment, he saw them differently. They weren’t looking like holy bosoms any longer; they stared at him like a slutty duo. They looked much more attractive and inviting. “You want to be treated like a LovePeddler? Is that what you want?” he reached for the already torn gown and tore the rest off her body. “Paul!” she found herself crying out helplessly. He pushed her to the dressing table and forced her to back him. She was obviously not willing to fight him. But she was scared, “Paul, what is wrong…” He bent her down and began to handle her bosoms carelessly from behind with his left hand while his right hand pulled down her pants. “What are you doing Paul… you are hurting me,” she cried, “Stop!” she made to release herself from his grip but he held her down. Before she could try again, her pant was down to her legs. He used his right foot to force it down. She had to raise one of her legs to let it off because it had reached its elastic limit and was hurting her legs. Paul kicked her legs apart, his own pants already down and his Joystick as hard as a rock. Ruth was now Unclad and her Kitty-Cat was widely visible from behind. Paul was being rough on her; his fingers caressed her private part carelessly and sent involuntary signal to her brain. Paul was acting different; he was acting like an animal. She was afraid because she thought he was going to hurt her, yet she didn’t want to fight back. Somehow she felt she deserved to be punished. Paul felt her wetness and instantly slid his Joystick into her. He didn’t know why he was acting this way. He knew he was angry and out of control. He began to hump her from behind. “P… Paul… ahh, Paul, aahhhh…” she moaned as his actions sent pleasurable signals to her brains. Paul continued to go in and out of her. He wanted her to cry out in pain; he wanted her to beg him to stop but she didn’t so he applied more energy and force. He caressed her body all over, fondled her bosoms and spanked her Buttocks. He continued like that for twenty minutes. Ruth was loving every moment of what he was doing to her; she had to look back just to ensure the man humping her was Paul. Twenty minutes gone and he was still this energetic? This got into her brains and made her became instantly wild even as she saw herself in heaven. Somehow she found her own energy too. She stood up, releasing herself from his grip and turned around. The couples were now acting like animals, each trying to outdo the other. She caressed him all over rubbing his Joystick fiercely. Paul didn’t know how he felt. But seeing Ruth behave this wild only increased his sexual pleasure. They were like two familiar strangers discovering themselves for the first time. Ruth felt like she had just broken free from an invisible wall. She wanted to get the highest point of gratification any sexual action could take her. She bent down and sucked his Joystick just the way she had seen Boma did to Nick. She liked the feel of his firmness in her mouth. It was hard yet soft in her mouth and all she wanted was to lick it like a lollipop. He moaned and rubbed her head even as his knees grew weak and he staggered to the bed. Ruth didn’t let go, neither did she stop. Once he fell to the bed, Ruth made him lie down and got on top. She had remembered seeing Boma ride her neighbor while he sat on the chair. She sat on her husband, faced him and used her right hand to slide his Joystick into her. Then she began to ride him. She wanted to feel the whole of him; she wanted it both fast and slow. She loved this style because it allowed her detect the pace. The couple moaned in sexual pleasure while they pleased themselves. Soon her legs began to pain her and when Paul noticed this, he dragged her down and made her lie down on her back. He drove his Joystick into her and began to pound again. By now, Ruth couldn’t count how many times she had climaxed. Paul humped her on and on, taking her to a higher level of gratification with each thrust. Soon he started to hump much faster, indicating he was about to Erupt. She was also on her way to another climax and both got there together rubbing each other and moaning out of control. He fell on her, both sweating furiously. But almost instantly, Paul stood up and sat on the bed, looking at her with a poker face. Ruth returned the gaze, she was amazed. She couldn’t believe Paul had such energy, neither did she understand how she got out of control. It was the best s*x she had ever had. It was better than what she had with her neighbor, perhaps because she loved Paul. It was also better than anything she had hoped for. Then tears began to come down her eyes and she lost control of her emotions. She began to cry. She cried because she knew she had hurt the only man she had ever loved by indulging in extra marital affair. She didn’t want him to forgive her because she didn’t even know how to forgive herself. Paul stood up and walked out of the room without saying a word while she continued to cry.
5 Jun 2019 | 03:39
After the emotional display and beating up yourselves, forgiveness should set in and you both should continue to savour this new found sexual satisfaction
5 Jun 2019 | 05:05
Paul settle with your wife
5 Jun 2019 | 18:32
now u guys know how to do it and satisfied yourself, hahahaha, so u should better stop Involving these two crazy human beings
5 Jun 2019 | 18:38
The perfect Couple Episode 19 Nick was still wondering what must be happening between the couple next door when Boma knocked on his door. He opened the door and beheld two of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen in his life. While Boma was light skinned, her friend was ebony black, average in height and with a body that could make the world spin faster. She wore a very short pink sleeveless gown and had an overall neatness that instantly appealed to Nick. For a second, Nick thought they were both water goddesses. He wondered where Boma had gotten her from. “Hi boyfriend,” she said and gave him a slight hug. Then she motioned unto her friend to come in. “Hope we didn’t keep you waiting for long. This is Princess, Princess; this is my boyfriend, Nick. The one I told you about.” When Nick shook hands with her, they were so soft and Nick wanted to hold them forever. “You are welcome to my home Princess. Please feel comfortable.” “Thank you.” Princess said and sat down. “Princess works with a travel agency; I met her on one of my trips out of the country.” Nick wondered what country Boma traveled to and what she went there to do. “We are compatible and have had the best times of our lives since we met. Nick just nodded. “What is the matter with you? You look worried.” Boma pointed out. Nick, again, wondered what other abilities she had, now she was a psychic. “It’s the couple next door, the husband caught me flirting with the wife this morning, he might have suspected or even found out I fucked his wife.” Nick quickly said. He needed a second opinion on what he should do. The presence of the girls would have made him forget his dilemma, but he thought he should sort himself out before having fun. “So?” Boma asked Nick was perplexed. “Why are you allowing that to bother you? Is that why you are going to make my stay here a frustrating one this evening?” “The man might be suspecting I slept with his for God’s sake!” Nick wanted her to see exactly why he was worried. She obviously was not getting the jerk. “They might break up because of me. Hell, I wonder what he is doing to her right now.” “They might be fucking right now for all I know.” She carelessly said. “Fucking? I think they must have killed each other. The house has been quiet all day.” Boma chuckled, “Don’t bother yourself. The man is as guilty as his wife.” “How?” Nick asked in confusion. “Because I fucked him too?” “What?” “Common Nick, I fucked that man and I am sure the wife knows. Probably that was why she decided to fuck you too,” Boma said. “You slept that man? How, where, when?” Nick was more confused than jealous. Princess just stood and watched, obviously enjoying the show. “Nick, you don’t have to bother yourself about all that. The couple will take care of themselves. We are here to give you the best we can. So just relax and let us do our thing.” Boma’s voice and words were soothing. Nick liked it. He looked at the lady sitting in the sitting room and allowed his mind to wonder what it would feel like to caress that beautiful body of hers. Yet he wondered how Boma could have possibly laid that innocent God fearing looking man. Was she lying? Probably that was why the man’s wife decided to fuck him. What had Boma been up to? Did that lady come onto him because of something Boma must have done? If this was the case, then he must have been bothering himself for nothing. If the man had slept with Boma, his girl, then he would definitely not react the way he had thought he would. Nick almost laughed; the man slept with his girl, he slept with his wife, that’s equal score. No winner or loser. This thought helped in adjusting his conscience not to feel bad any longer. “So what do I offer you two pretty ladies?” he asked after thinking it all through. Both ladies noticed he was now more relaxed than before. Boma looked at Princess and a signal transpired. “We just want to have you.” she said and walked up to him and gave him a kiss where he stood. He allowed himself to be kissed. He was going to have a threesome! This thought electrified his whole system. Boma stepped back to pull off her cloth, Nick saw Princess stand up behind her. The dark lady slowly took off everything she had along with Boma. In a couple of minutes Nick was staring at two pairs of boobs, one pair was huge and dark, the other was fair and firm. He instantly forgot his dilemma as electric wave fired all through his body. He was glad he didn’t consider cutting off his dick this morning. Now he was going to make good use of the tool. Besides, it was already firm and ready. “Now will you relax and allow us to take good care of you?” Princess said in an angelic voice. Nick instantly thought he was in heaven as both naked, wingless angels gently walked up to him. Princess got to him and gave him a deep French kiss, allowing her tongue to roll around his tongue and strongly rubbing her full lips on his. “Mnnn he tastes good,” she said. “I told you,” Boma said and began to pull of his cloths. Soon Nick was standing naked. Boma grabbed his strong dick and began to suck it. Nick’s hand found Princess’ large boobs and rubbed it while they kissed. He caressed her all over as both of them moaned with pleasure. He was enjoying what Boma was doing to him, while Princess was feeling his touch. His hand touched Princess’ pussy and it was already flowing with pussy juice. She exhaled deeply at his touch so he added more pleasure while his other hand caressed her all over. His touches dazed her and she almost fell to the floor. “I think she is ready for you,” Boma said. Nick instantly turned her around and positioned her ass. She screamed as his dick drove into her. She wiggled her head and whole body and positioned herself in a way he would gain full entrance into her. Boma kissed and caressed him while he fucked her friend so hard that she screamed in delight. This time around Nick reached climax earlier than normal. The excitement he felt as a result of the two lady’s reaction was much and beyond his control. “Alright,” Boma said, “we are all going to have a cool shower together before having another round.” “That’s a nice idea,” Princess agreed. She couldn’t wait to have another round with Nick. She was really enjoying the fun. They both dragged Nick into the bathroom and washed him all up while he stood in the bath tub like a baby. He loved every moment and soon he was getting excited again. Boma and her friend noticed he was getting hard and hurried to get him laid. In the bedroom, they made him lie down while the girls took turn in riding him. It felt like heaven to Nick. It was fun having to play with two pairs of breasts, smack two tights asses, have the feel of two different pussies and listen to two different moaning sounds at the same time. What more could a guy ask for, he just relaxed and continued to have his fun.
6 Jun 2019 | 02:54
I sorry for ur life o Nick
6 Jun 2019 | 03:53
I've never heard the part where nick wore a condom..... I forsee you being blessed with a deadly STD. Meanwhile, enjoy yourself with the bitches while it lasts
6 Jun 2019 | 06:33
Ride on
6 Jun 2019 | 10:09
u guys should forgive and forget ooo and set Ur marriage straight
6 Jun 2019 | 14:33
and as for Nick, I pity his future...
6 Jun 2019 | 15:00
Chaii life is gud,see enjoyment!!!
6 Jun 2019 | 20:09
The perfect Couple Episode 20 Ruth was wary of staying in the room and shedding regretful tears. It was more than five hours since her husband left her in the room; she wondered where he had gone to. But somehow, she liked the fact that he didn’t return because she didn’t think she would be able to face him again. She was ashamed for what she had done with her neighbor and even thought she didn’t deserve to be forgiven. She was so depressed that she couldn’t get up from the bed. Ruth was still lying naked since after the wonderful sex with Paul. She was thinking of what would be of her within the next twenty four hours, would Paul still stand her if he discovered she made love to the neighbor? But Paul also had some explaining to do. Hadn’t he slept with the neighbor’s girl too? Then Ruth remembered the second disc that was sent to her. She had intended to watch it this morning. By now Ruth was sure that the parcel was being sent by the lady in the video. Whatever she wanted to achieve with all these still remained a mystery to Ruth. The house was quiet. Ruth stood up from the bed and walked naked to the wardrobe. She took a wrapper from there and tied around herself. Then she picked up the disc from her box and left the bedroom. She walked into the sitting room, hoping Paul wouldn’t be there. It was empty. She wondered once again where he was. She turned on the television and DVD, and inserted the disc into the later. She sat down to watch, not knowing what she was expecting to see. It was her husband and the neighbor’s girl once again. The video seemed like a continuation of the first disc she had watched two days ago. The lady was angry at Paul’s brief session and Paul was feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable. He was still sitting naked and shamefully in the sitting room. He demanded to go home but the lady insisted he stayed and went ahead to lock the door. Somehow, Ruth felt pity for her husband. Paul was obviously uncomfortable with what he was doing. The lady gave him food and began to talk to him like he was a child. Ruth was surprised to hear that she was even angry that Paul’s wife was not being satisfied. This made her kind of liked the lady. She was putting herself in her shoes. It also made Ruth felt like someone out there was sympathizing with her. She felt good, knowing that someone understood her plight. “I am surprised your wife has not yet killed you. No woman deserves a man like you.” she had heard the lady say to Paul. Ruth almost smiled despite watching her husband cheat on her. She didn’t hate him. But what the lady did made Ruth feel guilty. She seemed to bear with Paul and discussed his situation with him like a therapist. Instead of talking with her husband about their sexual problems, she had taken it out on him and gotten angry with him. She had been a bad wife despite all her religious perfection. She had thought that because she was a Christian and a born again, everything was under control. She thought all she needed was read the bible and everything would be okay just as long as she applied the bible principles. But here was a worldly lady, acting patient with her husband despite his short falls. In the past, Ruth would condemn this lady to hell because she was a sinner. Didn’t the bible say ‘be ye not on equally yolk with unbelievers’? Now an interaction with an unbeliever was helping her husband instead. Ruth watched as her husband took note of every instruction from the lady. Soon they started off another round of sex. She watched in amazement as Paul instantly became a horse. All Paul needed was someone who would understand and talk to him. She couldn’t believe her husband was capable of what she saw. No wonder Paul had just given her the best sex she had ever had. Ruth found herself wishing she was the lady Paul banged in the video. Then after sex, Paul began to narrate to her his situation at home. He talked about how he loved his wife and felt bad he couldn’t satisfy her in bed. Paul didn’t hate her for hating him, he had felt bad instead. Ruth began to shed tears as she listened to her husband. Never had she felt Paul’s love like this before. His words were deep and she could feel that he really meant everything he said. She instantly regretted her actions since they parked into this new neighborhood. She had been mean and unkind to the man who loved her. She had been selfish too and foolish. Yet, despite regretting her sexual adventure with the neighbor, she knew curiosity of what another man tasted like would always get the best of her. Now that she had tasted another man, that desire would quench forever. So, despite hating her action because it was unfair to her loving husband, she knew what she did was inevitable. While she watched in tears, Paul’s hand touched her shoulders. He had been in his study all these while and wondering why he had screwed his wife instead of letting out his anger in another way. Was his wife sleeping with that man? Did that lady and her boyfriend plan this all these while? The thought of having the young man make love to his wife was really hurting. Perhaps she had not done it with him. Perhaps it was better that he shouldn’t know the truth. Then he remembered how she had responded to his love making. He was even surprised at himself for handling her with such manly strength. It was heavenly seeing Ruth respond to him in such a manner. His wife was actually more enjoyable that every woman out there. How had he missed this part of her all these while? He just wanted to love her more and not think of what she might have done with the neighbor. He also needed to forgive himself for committing adultery and put all that behind him. Then he heard Ruth come out of the bedroom. She seemed to be watching a movie. Was this how insensitive she could be? Despite everything that had happened this morning, all she could think of was watching a movie at this moment. He got angry once again and came out to see her for real. He would also switch of the TV and talk with her about the situation in their home. But he was surprised to see that Ruth was carried away with watching him and Boma make love and talk. He stopped. He had no idea that the lady had recorded both of them during the sinful act. She had even sent it to his wife! Now Ruth knew he had cheated on her. Was this what had led his wife to flirt with his neighbor? He wondered when she had gotten the video. Did that lady really mean to wreck his marriage? She didn’t know he was in the sitting room and was watching his infidelity live with her. Then he noticed that she was shedding tears as she listened to him talk to Boma about how he felt for her and about their problems. He was touched, and so he walked up to her and touched her on her shoulder. She startled and looked up. “Paul,” his name slipped out of her lips. She stood up and gave him a hug. “I am sorry for everything I have done to you. I am…” “No, I am the one who should be apologizing. I have hurt you and gone to sleep with another woman.” He quickly said, while he held unto her. “It was all my fault. I have been a bad wife and insensitive to your needs too.” She said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “It’s okay, we are both at fault.” Then he held her on the shoulder and looked at her face. “I want everything that had happened these past few days become past tense in our lives. Let’s start afresh and love each other like we should.” He said. “Paul,” she cried, “I have hurt you… I am sorry for acting that way with the neighbor. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I have done…” “I said it’s all right Ruth. Just let everything you might have done or thought of doing go behind you. Let it go and forget it.” Paul liked the new Ruth. She seemed more open with him. Yet he didn’t want to hear anything about the neighbor from her. They hugged each other again and then Paul looked at her and kissed her wet cheeks. He loved her more even as the wrapper around her fell to the floor. She was beautiful. They made passionate love right there in the living room, on the sofa and the couple enjoyed every bit of the moment. It was a new found love and it was!!!!
7 Jun 2019 | 01:37
Enjoying this
7 Jun 2019 | 06:24
This is wow
7 Jun 2019 | 07:47
Guess everything is now settled. This little adventure even helped you guys to rediscover yourselves which brought healing to your sexual life
7 Jun 2019 | 15:19
Wow u guys just act matured
7 Jun 2019 | 17:19
Perfect Couple Episode 21 “Let’s go pay our neighbor visit.” Paul said to his wife. At first Ruth was not sure she heard him well. “What?” she politely asked. Hoping what she thought she heard was not actually what he said. It was Sunday afternoon and the couple had just come back from church. It was the most tormenting two hours of their lives. The pastor talked about fornication, adultery, unforgiveness and selfishness, making the couple wonder if the pastor had seen them in a vision before mounting the pulpit that morning. Ruth couldn’t let go of the adulterous act she had enjoyed with her neighbor. This thought made her feel very bad and guilty, yet it had a way of making her feel sexually excited even right there in the church. Her life, these past two weeks had been all about s*x, s*x and s*x. It had been two weeks of her life without prayer and fasting and studying the bible. It had been a time of self- reflection, self-discovery and learning. It had been adventurous and eventful. She had learnt, in two weeks, what she had not been able to learn her whole life. She had done things she never thought she was capable of doing. Worst still, she didn’t know how to blend her new person with her spiritual life. She felt she didn’t belong in the church any longer. She felt the people here didn’t know about themselves or perhaps everyone had his or her own personal dilemma and adventure that they were holding tight in their heart. Perhaps everyone was going through different phases like her and her husband; perhaps even the pastor was not as perfect as he seemed. Paul couldn’t bring himself to look into the preacher’s eyes. The word that really sank into him was when the preacher talked about forgiveness. Paul knew he had to forgive his wife, not just because the bible said so, but because this was the only action he knew would give him peace of mind. He was certain that she must have had s*x with the their neighbor, but had come to realize that such action was good for her. Surprisingly, he now found her more attractive and interesting to be with. He now looked forward to being with her, not just because of the s*x, but also because she was more opened and easy to be with. Now they talk about almost everything without feeling the like worst sinners in the world. Yes, it was just a day after the revelations about their secrets, the look in her eyes even when they prepared for church this morning told him that they could talk about just everything in their lives. As the preacher preached, Paul began to wonder what was really expected of him in this life. Why did he need to involve in adultery, an act condemned by God, to find another level of happiness in marriage? Why had he failed to see what was missing in his marriage despite taking his faith personal? Was God angry with him now or was his maker glad he is happier with his wife? Well, he was still the good man he used to be. He was happier too. From now on, he was not going to condemn others as sinners and was not going to overlook the emotional feelings of loved ones around him. He was done trying to be perfect. That was why he resolved he was going to see his neighbor after church and he was going there with Ruth. He also wished Boma would be there too. Ruth didn’t like the suggesting. Why did her husband want to go visit the neighbor? Nick, Boma and Princess didn’t go to church; they never even thought of it or felt guilty about it. They had woken up very late that morning on the same bed because of the s*x marathon they had all through the night. The three of them loved every moment they had shared together and each of them had contributed to make it much enjoyable. Even though both girls were very different in physical appearance, Nick could not tell which of them was the sweetest. The feel of their virginal walls were different, but both were loveable. He would give everything to have both of them for keep. They had woken up almost at the same time around eleven am. Nick looked around him to observe the two Unclad girls lying carelessly on both sides of the beds. His eyes rested on Princess’s huge Bosom and it went down to her back and rested once again on her Buttocks. He looked towards his left and observed Boma. She was lying faced up with her two legs folded towards heaven. Nick was not sure she was still asleep. He could see the faint pubic hairs that covered the V shape between her legs. He smiled and stretched his right hand to feel it. She just opened her legs and allowed his finger to slip into her and then she covered her legs to lock it in there. She looked up and smiled at him too. He caressed her wetness and decided he shouldn’t arouse himself; he needed to eat something before thinking of s*x this morning. He sat up and gently forced his hand out of Boma’s Kitty-Cat. He stood up from the bed and made to take his boxers. “Ah ah,” Boma warned, “No one wears anything in this house for today. We are all going to walk around Unclad, cook Unclad, eat Unclad and Fuck whenever we want to.” Nick just smiled at her and dropped his boxer, and then he walked into the bathroom. “Princess, we need to prepare something to eat.” Boma said to her friend. Princess just moaned and stirred on the bed. Soon they were busy in the kitchen preparing food for the house. It was fun doing it Unclad. Nick also felt as free as a flying bird. He just sat in the sitting room and watched the girls walk around Unclad. Concentrating on the program on the TV was almost impossible. He couldn’t wait to have something in his stomach; fucking the girls afterwards would serve as an appetizer. By 1.30pm they were already done eating. Boma cleared the table and as she did, Nick couldn’t help staring at her smooth protruding Buttocks. He tapped it before she left the dining table. Boma just laughed and wiggled before she left. “You girls are beautiful. I have never had such a wonderful time with two angels in my life before.” “Mnnn, sure?” Princess asked. “Ya, last night felt like nothing but heaven.” “Ha ha,” The black goddess laughed, “Will you like to feel that way again? Can you handle it?” “Now that I have eaten some food, I think I can handle you girls perfectly.” Nick boasted. She stood up and slowly walked up to him on the chair. She took his right hand and directed it to her Kitty-Cat, “caress me hard.” Her voice was soft. Nick’s finger found its way deep into her virgina. In a couple of seconds the warm hole was filled with Kitty-Cat juice. “Ahh,” she moaned, “just continue doing it,” she wiggled her waist and rubbed his head. Her knees became weak and she was trying hard to remain standing. Then she moved back and rose up her right leg to the chair he sat and pulled his head towards her waist and said, “Suck me.” He held unto her laps and spread open her virgina. He observed the red and wet flesh before using his tongue to massage her femalecore. She moaned in delight and pressed his head towards her while her waist twisted. Boma came out of the kitchen and watched them. She was just about to walk up to them and joined them when she heard someone knocking on the door. Everybody stopped and looked towards the entrance door. “Are you expecting anybody?” Princess regretfully asked. *** The End***
8 Jun 2019 | 00:57
Nick will be stucked forever with these erotic adventures. Paul and. Ruth should just forgive each other, get rid of their feelings of guilt and continue to enjoy their lives especially now that they've found a sexual balance
8 Jun 2019 | 04:26
It all turns out to be all for good for better marriage sexual responsibility for the couple. Ruth and paul couldn't have learnt anything about sexting if not for boma sexual actions which she can be proud of right now.
8 Jun 2019 | 06:46
The sexual experience for nick was like paradise on earth for him with the hottest gorgeous babes he had ever met. Boma and princess made that possible for him while boma also made it possible for the couple to reconcile. Now, to open the door and see paul and ruth, the boma i know will invite the couple to join the sex adventure. The couple bleeping themselves while the trio will be bleeping themselves.
8 Jun 2019 | 06:55
8 Jun 2019 | 07:00
Is that the end?
8 Jun 2019 | 07:57
if they no kill u
8 Jun 2019 | 16:39
enjoyment couple
8 Jun 2019 | 16:39
hmmm na wow for this story,well it help the couple, nice one
8 Jun 2019 | 16:41
Paul and Ruth wanted to enter into anoda Sodom and Gomorrah
8 Jun 2019 | 16:46
Just like that?
8 Jun 2019 | 18:38
Is that how Nick will be doing the life, there ought to be redemption for him & his slutty girlfriends
22 Jun 2019 | 02:49


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