The Mortuary Man season 1, season 2 , season 3 & season 4

The Mortuary Man season 1, season 2 , season 3 & season 4

By jummybabe in 25 Jul 2017 | 10:59
jummybabe jummybabe

jummybabe jummybabe

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[b]This is a pure fictional work. All incident and people in the story have being imagined. Any resemblance to any persons or situation is simply coincidental.
From the camp of the writer of INNOCENT VIRGIN's TEARS, JUDGEMENT ON EARTH, YOU & I, OPANA,AMETEPEY IS MY NAME, HELL IS MY HOME, STATE OF EMERGENCY, MARRIED CHEATERS........ etc comes another Captivating, Intriguing, Breath taking & Mind blowing story

Episode 1

My name is Nii Dromo Steven, a graduate but unemployed in my late 20's. Since my national service to the nation every reputable company and organisation has received either one or two application letters from me, I have undergone hundreds of job interviews that my face was a known face to many interviewers. In most of my interviews it was either I was over qualified or the job description was below my standard for me to be employed. Some of the people I helped in the university are gainfully employed whiles others married and raising their family to a better standard, for me my story has always different. I had searched myself thoroughly to see if there was something about me that has rendered me jobless for this long period but I have never gotten any concrete answer to that. Day in day out my life was becoming unbearable and a hell, I had also vowed never to use foul means to get money as my fellow youths were engaging themselves in now even though sometimes the edge comes to me so strong that on several occasions I had left the house to some shrines and mallams but half way through I back out of that move or idea. I stopped attending church because I realised even the church was not having compassion for the poor and the needy, you might ask why am saying this but come to think of this, why should I pay a "Consultation fee" before I see the man of God for spiritual direction? Some of this so called men of God having been robbing people with the quotation "thou shall not come to the house of God empty handed", so I ask myself what happens to those who truly don't have money in their pockets? Does it mean such people don't have to come to the house of the Lord because we don't have such requirements?
Meanwhile the current economy of the country is so bad that most of the private companies are even laying off some of their current workers and the government sector is also choked that the "WHO YOU KNOW SYSTEM" has taken over. I weep a lot anytime this thought comes to mind, at my age I sleep in a kiosk in the zongo slum. The only thing I can boast of is a second hand mattress, a box iron, a small wireless and a 14inches colour tv. This was all I could afford for now till I get a better job to move out of this hell I call my home, I have already sold the valuable things I owned and for the above listed items people who bought my things saw it as garbage hence leaving it behind.
The elders say when you don't have money your case is always small, I believed this old saying when I left the university to face the real world, in fact when you are born a man then you have been born to face troubles from all angles.
As I mentioned my name earlier on I am Nii Dromo Steven and in my late 20's, am the elders amongst the 4 children my parents brought to the world. Am half a Ga from my paternal side and half Kwahu maternal side, currently my mother and my little siblings are in Kwahu. My late father who was once a great business man died through food poison without leaving behind any document or will to protect my mother and her kids, my uncles and aunties together with my father's younger wife took possession of all my dad had. The reason why they did this was because my mother once told me my father's family were never in support of the marriage between my father and mother, she further told me my father was from a royal family and that he was eligible to be crowned a chief the moment the current chief occupying that stool dies, so therefore his family members forced him to marry again and this time from the Ga tribe. Things changed the moment he took that advice from his kinsmen, his attention drifted from us totally but in a way his actions were understandable until his untimely death. We were told after his death that he died of food poisoning but up to now we never got any document or medical note as to what exactly he took that ended his life, shortly after we buried my father his kinsmen together with his younger wife evaded the house and threw us out without any prior notice, my mother tried contacting some lawyers to help us but the money they were charging was t much for us, later one female lawyer adviced my mother to stop pursuing that case because my mother was never legally married to my father, it was just a traditional marriage which was not properly recognised in our society now.

Story by Akoto Alexander Mindest
All rights reserved®[/b]
25 Jul 2017 | 10:59
hmmmmm interesting I hope to follow this
25 Jul 2017 | 13:07
Am with you
25 Jul 2017 | 13:22
25 Jul 2017 | 13:29
Seated.. Ride on
25 Jul 2017 | 13:45
good keep it on
25 Jul 2017 | 13:59
am in :g
25 Jul 2017 | 14:22
Nice start. Seated and waiting for my partner. @jerrie come with that popcorn that i gave u
25 Jul 2017 | 14:29
Nice start... Waiting for more
25 Jul 2017 | 14:59
ride on
25 Jul 2017 | 15:07
Is our work o.. Lets roll
25 Jul 2017 | 15:54
Following I'm here honi pie @freshgirl i even came wit hollandia yogurt...wic size..big, small or medium?
25 Jul 2017 | 16:18
Keep de ball rolling
25 Jul 2017 | 16:29
Interesting... Seated With My Usual Drinks
25 Jul 2017 | 16:34
seems have read diz story....continue abeeg
25 Jul 2017 | 17:40
Sure gonna follow this
25 Jul 2017 | 18:02
25 Jul 2017 | 19:11
welcome on board
25 Jul 2017 | 21:16
Ride on.
25 Jul 2017 | 21:22
Next please!
26 Jul 2017 | 02:09
26 Jul 2017 | 06:05
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 2 My mum after listening to the advice from the female lawyer hid to the advice and made us relocate to her hometown, her family didn't receive us well because they were also kicking against my parents marriage from the start, but for the intervention of my mother's uncle we would have been shown the way to the exist. We got a small room in the family house and a small land to start farming on it, my mum tried her hands on petty trading in addition to the farming she was doing. As the elderly child I had to set a good track for my younger siblings to follow, my mum invested everything she had so I will get the very best in education. I passed my junior high school exams with distinction, luckily for me I got a scholarship from an NGO to sponsor my education all the way through the senior high school and university respectfully but my only problem was that the scholarship only took care of my school fees. Along the line my younger brother got bitten by a poisonous snake which led to his sad death, I got admission to study Business at Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School - Abetifi Kwahu where I excelled brilliantly all through my stay in the institution. The Presbyterian discipline that was bestowed in me really shaped my well being, I learnt to be tolerant, self motivated and to be a team player by all standards accepted by the society I will serve or live in, during my final year in the senior high school I got elected as the overall general prefect among my peers and academically I also helped my colleagues in the absences of tutors in the areas where they fell short. In no doubt during the final exams I was adjudged the overall best student not only in my school but the whole eastern region where my school was located. I did some small jobs as I completed senior high school so I could save a little before I gained admission into the university hopefully. God being so good, He smiled at me and my admission request was accepted and approved by the university authorities, I was given the dream course of my choice and that was Accounting. I sent my admission letter to my sponsors so they could prepare for me fully when my time to report to school creeps in. Eventually the day came for all the fresh students to make payment of their fees at various banks and report to the school, we the freshers had to go through the registration process and it was in the queue to the registration office where I saw the most prettiest lady I have ever set sight on, in fact I watched this lady foolishly that when it got to my turn to be served at the registration the person behind me had to tap on my shoulder before I came back to myself, everyone around busted into laughter as I had made a fool out of myself. The lady in question even felt embarrassed and ashamed for my insolent behaviour that morning, I went through my registration successfully and as I walked through the hall to take leave I was again received with this loud laughter from my fellow freshers. I overlooked their actions and walked out of the place, I went to stand in a shade to take a last glance at this pretty angel who has captivated my heart that morning just for me to a fool out of myself in broad daylight in front of people. I believe I would been the talk of the week when school resumed fully but who cares, I was only appreciating the good handy work of the almighty God because this to me is the very first time I had taken a closer and vivid look at someone from the opposite sex. I stood at that place close to an hour and this very lady was not coming out, my patience was also running out because I had to go and do a new registration at the hostel I will be staying during my time in the school and also go back to my home town. As I was about giving up to take leave of the place I saw the young angel coming out of the registration hall accompanied by 3 other ladies, they were happily gesturing about God knows what and when they were getting to the place I was standing, one of the ladies drew the attention of the others to take a look at me. The other 3 ladies who were not as beautiful as my angel stared at me as if I was a clown and later busted into laughter but all this while my angel was calm and never partake in the childish attitude her "friends" were displaying The story is about to hit the asphalt road. To be continued......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
26 Jul 2017 | 06:11
I'm following
26 Jul 2017 | 07:23
26 Jul 2017 | 07:51
26 Jul 2017 | 10:18
This lady that is making you behave like this is really an angel and is worth dying for, am sure of that. But take am easy
26 Jul 2017 | 11:36
26 Jul 2017 | 11:52
No shaking, i dey carry feul follow u.
26 Jul 2017 | 12:24
babe u no calling me na it is not a gooddy ooo
26 Jul 2017 | 12:58
continue pls
26 Jul 2017 | 13:23
This is gonna be interesting
26 Jul 2017 | 13:50
I no blame you my guy, no be everyday man dey see fine babe o! No mind dem, feed your eyes wella! Next please!
26 Jul 2017 | 14:56
Ride On...
26 Jul 2017 | 16:19
26 Jul 2017 | 17:33
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 3. The ladies passed by gesturing and giggling about me and my flaws that morning, I later saw my angel bring a remote control out of her pocket to unlock a very nice white SUV car parked under a tree close to where I was standing, she took her seat behind the steering whiles her friends joined her in the various seat, she carefully revised the car and drove off in a grand style. I watched the car move from my sight till it got out of sight, I walked to the hostel I was given to do my registration, I got there after seeking for assistance from some continuing students till I eventually got to the hostel, it was one of the ultra modern hostels in the school since all the hostels i passed by were not a match to where I stood, to my judgement the hostel had not been into existence for long. I went over to the hostel reception to do my enquiries first before doing my registration, I got to know that my hostel of residence was one of the most expensive hostels on campus but to me I was covered by sponsorship insurance so that was at least my back case. After the registration I left the school campus back to Kwahu to go and prepare adequately for my stay in the school, by the time I got to my village my mum had something in stock for me, she had gone to sell her valuable Kente and Beads just to raise money to support my feeding and stay on campus. I was supposed to be happy but rather I felt bad and cursed the day my dad died because I knew I was from a sound background during my early age in life, death had not treated me fairly at all and to who ever who had a hand in my father's death, I leave that person in the hands of karma to allocate his punishment to the person/persons behind his untimely death. I had no option than to accept the money my mother had in her hands for me, she cried and told me to make her proud as I go to the university, she stressed on the issue of me doing my best, pass my exams, get a good paying job so I could come and support my younger siblings. I was a beckon of hope to them now, I had turned into an oasis in the dessert, I promised my mum that I will leave no stone unturned why because I knew my background and where I was coming from. The day for me to return to school eventually came and as I was about to leave the house my mother gave me a Bible, she said that the Bible was given to her on her engagement ceremony between my late father and her, she had great respect and value for that very Bible since it was the only thing she had in her possession that always reminded her of my late father. She prayed a very lengthy prayer for me before I left the house, my younger siblings helped me to carry my Ghana must go bags and school bag to the main station, as we got to the station I immediately told my younger siblings to rush home because the sky was looking friendly. As I bought my ticket and sat in the car the rain started raining heavily, as if magic some other people trooped in from nowhere filling the bus up, the bus moved straight to Accra and half way through the journey some places hadn't even received a drizzle at all in their land. God been so good we got to Accra safely with the rain heavily raining, I went to seek refuge in a small corner where some guys were already standing, in about 35 to 40minutes the rain stopped and I decided to make way to the Madina-Adenta station to pick a car that will pass in front of the Legon university, I got myself in a car that was almost full with passengers, as I took my seat it was left with just one person to join so that the car could move and in less than a minute a guy joined, little did I know the guys standing at the corner I went to take refuge were thieves. My bag that contained the little money my mother gave me had been cut opened by one of them, the person didn't even leave a pesewa behind for me to use for pure water even, the word "welcome to Accra, the land of all manner of people" came into mind. The conductor(mate) started taking his money and with this action I was dumbfounded, as it got to my turn I pleaded with the conductor to have mercy on me because my money had been stolwe by some thieves, I even showed him the place the thief cut open but this conductor wasn't having the time and patience to listen to the nonsense coming out of my mouth. He really abused me with harsh words, everyone in the car's attention was drawn to me as at that time, for the second time in my life I felt stupid, I felt useless just because I couldn't afford to pay my own transport fare which I knew it was not deliberate but who was going to believe me now that fraudsters were all over the place? We are now leaving in a crazy world where tricksters and fraudsters were in abundance, words had escaped me that I couldn't even stand to defend myself, the guy who sat by my side volunteered to pay my fare for me, even as he did that the conductor was still not done dry cleaning me with his insults. An elderly woman intervened on my behalf by telling the conductor to shut up since my bill had been taken care of, I thanked the guy and asked for God's blessings upon his life, we got to the Legon bus stop and I got down but before I did the elderly woman who intervened on my behalf gave me her call card to call her when I was less busy. To be continued............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Minset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
27 Jul 2017 | 05:53
Following jejely
27 Jul 2017 | 07:49
ride on .
27 Jul 2017 | 14:26
27 Jul 2017 | 15:53
27 Jul 2017 | 16:24
Heya!.... I thought that only happen in Lagos o!
27 Jul 2017 | 17:09
Conductors can be crazy at times, they talk from the both sides of their mouth.. Thank God for the good samaritan
27 Jul 2017 | 18:35
am enjoying the ride keep going dear
28 Jul 2017 | 05:18
[b]??Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 4 The guy who helped me by paying me fare also alighted at the same bus stop with me, I went close to thank him again for his timely intervention on my behalf inside the bus earlier on, he smiled at me and told me not to worry about that and that he believed I would have probably done same if I were in his shoes. He further asked me where I was heading to and of which I told him exactly where I was going and my mission to Accra, he laughed out loud with the way I explained myself and told me he was also heading towards my direction but first he had to pick something from his younger sister at a different hostel and since I was a fresh student on campus we might bump into each other again. He advised me to be more careful with my movement and the people I mingle with so that what happened to me today won't repeat itself again, I thanked him and we parted ways. I walked to my hostel carrying my Ghana must go bags, feeling sad and cursing those guys in my head, half way through my journey to the hostel I remembered my mother's favourite quotation which goes like "IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS TO GOD", I smiled and said to myself how do I thank God when He watched me and never prompted me when those thieves were robbing me of the little money I was going to feed on till I receive some little money transfer from my mother again. I heard a voice in my head telling me not to be ungrateful to my maker because at least I got an angel in the form of a man to help savage the ordeal that befell me when I was robbed, the voice told me again to cast my mind on Moses and the Israelites on the dessert. Eventually I got to my hostel of residence and I went straight to the hostel reception to get the keys to my new room, the man at the reception told me that the room was going to be occupied by 2people and that my roommate might join me any time soon so I shouldn't go far with the keys he had handed over to me, I thanked him and went in search of the room number on the key holder of the keys in my hands. I located my room on the third floor of the huge six storey building, I unlocked the door and entered my room to make myself comfortable and feel at home since that was going to be my place of residence for the next 4years should everything go well for me, honestly I loved what I saw in my new room, the place was spacious with a flat screen tv, an inner kitchen, toilet and bath plus an outer balcony where you could take fresh air or hang your clothes after washing, no wonder I heard this hostel was one of the most expensive hostels on campus, thanks to my benevolent sponsors I was going to enjoy the privilege of staying at such a place. After I packed my belongings to the wardrobe, bookshelf and cupboard I decided to take a little nap, I woke up with a lot of noise in my ears to see some other people in my room chatting and laughing out loud. The guy who helped pay my fare earlier on was the same guy in my room now, I was surprised with his presence in the room so I asked him if he was the roommate I was told about earlier on by the man at the reception and of which he nodded his head in an amazed way. He introduced himself to me since we didn't do that earlier on as we spoke, his name was Kennedy Koranteng a Medicine student in his second year and the other persons in the room were 3females, he said one of them was her younger sister and the other 2ladies were friends of her sister. I also introduced myself as Steven Nii Dromo and that am an Accounting student, apparently one of them had gone out to receive a phone call, I turned to greet the other ladies, their faces looked very familiar to me but I couldn't recollect where exactly I knew their faces from, the door opened and I received a shocker of my life. The person who entered the room was no one but that angel I stole a glance of that rendered me as a clown the other day at the registration hall as she entered she quickly told her friends to come out and meet someone downstairs, she didn't grant me the opportunity to even say Hi or a word to her or any of her friends. Immediately I remembered the other 2ladies as the uncivilised and uncultured ladies who laughed at me as if I was a comedian, I ignored the 2other ladies and my attention once again drifted to the beautiful damsel, in fact I had a vivid picture of her stored in my in my mind, I said to myself that I will draw a portrait of her and donate it to her as a token of appreciation to the handy work of God,before I forget I was also a very good painter who could draw and paint perfectly but all my life it was the passion of Accounting that was my dream job, for the drawing I think it was an extra talent God gifted me with, I painted as a hobby at my leisure time To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
28 Jul 2017 | 06:32
Mmmmm army nd arm rubbers everywhere, anyway thank God 4 usin dat guy 2 help u bt hey boi focus on ur studies nd nt on d fine fine tins blko.
28 Jul 2017 | 08:09
am in @oo ride on we re here
28 Jul 2017 | 12:20
Wow! This world is a small place o, who could have believed that you'll meet like this....
28 Jul 2017 | 13:01
Observing jejely
28 Jul 2017 | 14:16
Still following....
28 Jul 2017 | 14:38
28 Jul 2017 | 17:40
hmmmm the story begins next pls
28 Jul 2017 | 19:36
Following bumber to bumber
28 Jul 2017 | 23:41
See as God bring your angel come your room!
29 Jul 2017 | 06:31
[b]?? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 5 That evening Ken fed me with the food he brought from his sister's end, in fact that food had every delicious taste present in it, from the ginger spicing to the pepper level straight to the salt content and back to the finishing chemistry of the food, honestly the cook was a pro and I didn't mind eating that same food for the rest of my life. Ken saw that I really was into the meal that he teasingly asked me if I was okay, I couldn't hide my utmost delight in the food he had given to me. He laughed and told me that this was a tip of the iceberg, he told me to look forward for more mouth watering delicacy from the kitchen of his sister and numerous girlfriends, from the look of things I could deduce that Ken was from a very rich background but he was very friendly and humble, he was easy going, affable, soft spoken, kind hearted, jovial and also a very handsome person. After the evening meal he pleaded with me to take a walk with him to campus and of which I complied, I also wanted to know the corners of the school and all the hostels so that my movement on campus could be swift and easy. It seemed Ken was already a popular person because almost every guy and lady we came across at our hostel shouted his name, we first passed by the hostel cafeteria to get some drinks first before we went to campus, as we took our drinks Ken took the opportunity to ask for more details about me and I openly told he everything about me without hiding any secret away from him, he felt pity for me and promised to assist me in every little way he could. He also told me about himself and that of his younger sister and how her friends have been pestering with his life all in the name of love, he said he saw almost all of them as gold diggers who were after his family wealth and his fine boy looks. He told me that he also didn't spare them at all when they made sexual advances towards him because to him the biggest insult a woman could give to a man was " WHAT WERE YOU ABLE TO DO TO ME WHEN I CAME TO YOUR ROOM or SLEPT ON YOUR BED FOR A WHOLE NIGHT". Since all the female friends were rushing to have a piece of him, he also gave it to them in a very hard way, there had been countless times where he even had a crush when he was busily banging some of the ladies, it always resulted in a fight or brawl but for him he cared less. He pleaded with me to be a spy and cover up anything I was with him and for that he would always reward me for my services, I told him not to worry because since he had my back, I also had his solidly like a body lotion on the body. He paid for the drinks and we left the cafeteria, as we got to the basket ball court he told me to wait behind as he wanted to get his small phone from his car, he walked to a black Toyota Venza and pressed on a remote which unlocked the door of the car. He came back and asked us to continue with our evening stroll, on the way I pleaded with him to borrow me his phone so I called my mum and inform her of my safe trip to my new school, Ken was surprised with my request and asked where my phone was? I told him that the only phone I ever owned had to be sold to foot my bills back at the senior high school when I went in for my results slip and testimony. Ken felt sad for me, he brought a phone out from his breast pocket, took his sim card and memory card out and handed over to me a Samsung galaxy S3 phone which he told me to keep as my personal phone, I was astonished and I stared at him sheepishly for the mind blowing and wonderful things this young man had been doing for me in just a few hours of coming across him. He made us branch to a nearby credit vendor and purchased a sim card and recharge card for me and encouraged me to call my mum, I tried my mum's line for some time but the network wasn't connecting. We got to the main campus where he also made a call to someone I guess was a lady, the person directed us to his or her current location, as we got to the exact location I realised it was a female that Ken called because it was an overall female hostel. He called the lady again and she came out to meet us, honestly Ken had good preference for women because this lady was gorgeously beautiful with her curvy body and heavy artilleries in front and behind her. She gave me a friendly hug whiles she gave Ken a kiss right in front of me, she asked as to follow her and the things I saw inside the hostel were unbelievable, some of the ladies were half naked and I couldn't take my eyes off what I was seeing. I for the very first time yearned for a lover so I could also enjoy what Ken was already enjoying, the lady ushered us into her room and as we entered we got a surprise we least expected. To be continued.......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
29 Jul 2017 | 10:31
Abeg tell me what the surprise is... But wait o, you guys just entered female hostel just like that?
29 Jul 2017 | 13:42
next abeg.... can't wait
29 Jul 2017 | 13:45
attack mortuary man
29 Jul 2017 | 13:46
I think dat drawing would b ur breaking point
29 Jul 2017 | 14:52
Waiting for the next episode
29 Jul 2017 | 14:54
tank ur stars u met ken
29 Jul 2017 | 15:16
This suspens hee
29 Jul 2017 | 15:19
Which surprise?
29 Jul 2017 | 15:32
So dem dey allow una enter female hostel??
29 Jul 2017 | 15:39
D same angel
29 Jul 2017 | 15:41
Surprise!!... I got to wait and find out what it is
29 Jul 2017 | 16:04
waiting you see
29 Jul 2017 | 18:45
What was that?
29 Jul 2017 | 19:56
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 6 As we entered the room were met her roommate naked, I don't know if it was deliberate or not, we were caught by surprise as we stared at Ken's girlfriend roommate without even blinking our eyes, Ken's girlfriend screamed at her to find something to put on before she got anger with her, I believe she did that because she knew what her boyfriend was capable of doing, her roommate was a light skin person with little round pointed breast, very curvy even than Ken's girlfriend and what got me crazy was how she had design the hair on her private part. I couldn't stand the heat again so I told Ken I would like to wait for him outside, on my way I met this nice looking girl who stared at me and gave me a faint smile, I passed by her and turned my back only to see her standing and looking at me, I ignored her and went out of the hostel smiling to myself for one stupid reason. I believe you want to know the reason so I will tell you without hiding it away from you, back at Kwahu I taught I had seen the most beautiful girls ever on this planet but my stay on this campus for less than 12hours has taught me that those girls were no where compared to the beautiful damsels on this campus, I don't know if the school authorities did a facial and body check on the ladies before the were admitted into the school. I remembered to call my mum again and as I tried her line this time around it went through, I called her for continous 4times before she answered, I think she was fast asleep but as she heard my voice her tone changed to a happy one, she was a bit worried and through worrying, sleep stole her to dreamland, "who said the eyes knew sorrow............. if you aren't feeling sleepy you claim you don't have anywhere to sleep", I narrated my sad encounter with the thieves I met earlier on and the timely intervention from the new guardian angel I came across, I further told her about my new roommate and the sophisticated phone this guy gave to me for free, my mum asked where Ken got all the things he was sharing with me and I told her Ken was from a rich background so everything he was sharing with me is purely genuine. She felt touched and wished to speak with Ken so she could show her heartfelt appreciation for everything this young man had done and will be doing for me, I told her Ken was not available at the moment and in due course she will get the opportunity to speak to him and tell him everything she wishes to say to him, she agreed and said a prayer for me again before the line went off. Ken came out from the hostel with a polythene bag in his hand, I offered to help him hold it but he declined and told me not to worry, he asked of my general view on his girlfriend and of which I gave a broad smile. I told him even at night I could see the lady's beauty was one in a million, she was very endowed with the physique of a real Ghanaian woman and best of all very soft spoken and sexy, lastly I told him I envied the kind of reception his woman received us with especially the romantic kiss that was given to him. Ken laughed out loud and told me that what I saw was just a tip of the iceberg and from the way I spoke and carried myself about he could decode that I was not having a girlfriend, I shyly nodded my head and Ken told me not to worry at all, he promised to hook me up with one of the pretty ladies on campus. Before I forget Ken was in his second year reading medicine, he was the chief member of the school parliament and aside the difficult nature of his course he always had time to catch fun with the ladies and some hostel mates when necessary. We got back to our hostel and Ken brought out what was in the polythene bag, as suspected it was home made vegetable stew and in less than 5seconds the aroma of the stew had taken over the room. Ken placed the stew in the fridge and told me to feel free to use anything of his in our room and that we are now brothers and not friends or roommate anymore, we had a long hearty chat throughout the night before we retired to bed. Fast forward................. We the freshers went through matriculation and serious academic business took full swing on we the students, buying of pamphlets and doing project works was the order of the day. Since they say a golden fish has no hiding place in the fishpond I got recognised by every member of my class and the different lecturers who came in and out of my class. I helped a lot of my mates with things the had less idea about anytime we closed from lecture, some of the lazy guys paid me to do their assignments and quizzes for them and the monies I received from them helped stimulate my dependence on Ken and I was very happy for that because I was not happy always bothering him with my basic needs. It rained very heavily one Sunday night till 3am the following day, that weekend Ken went home and when coming back he did some clothing shopping for me, I had my look for the next day planned in my head and on the following day on my way to class something happened. If you want to know please make a date with me tomorrow in the next episode that hits the screens of your mobile phone and computer for more light on what happened to me To be continued.......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
30 Jul 2017 | 11:20
30 Jul 2017 | 13:14
Hmmm,, can't wait to know what happened ooo
30 Jul 2017 | 13:14
Ja mi si my friend ...what happen
30 Jul 2017 | 13:38
Did you meet your angel crush? Abeg i can't wait o
30 Jul 2017 | 15:23
Always with you!
30 Jul 2017 | 15:29
OK... Will be waiting
30 Jul 2017 | 15:42
until u explain urself den we will know what u see
30 Jul 2017 | 15:53
her room mate did it deliberately bcos I knew she would hv told her her guy visitation
30 Jul 2017 | 16:38
some families are very heartless nd I think dey planned on killing ur dad wit his new wife
30 Jul 2017 | 16:39
@jummybabe,der is no episode link to dis story,pls try to do something abt it
30 Jul 2017 | 16:41
30 Jul 2017 | 16:43
U met ur crush ba?
30 Jul 2017 | 16:55
Waiting patiently for the next episode..
30 Jul 2017 | 17:18
i can't wait o.i want 2 no details jeje
30 Jul 2017 | 18:18
I will b der lif nd direct
30 Jul 2017 | 19:09
30 Jul 2017 | 20:13
Wetin happen
31 Jul 2017 | 09:34
31 Jul 2017 | 12:42
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 7 As I said earlier on, my dressing appearance was planned the day before Monday, because it rained heavily the previous night I decided to wear one of the lovely long sleeve shirts Ken bought for me. I chose a blue black khaki trouser and a plain white DEW Collection shirt which made me look so lovely and radiant as I watched myself in a mirror, I said a prayer for Ken before leaving the room as he was very fast asleep. Everyone who came across me gave me a second look which gave me the affirmation that I was looking extra handsome that morning, out on the streets leading to campus a speeding car passing by fell in a pothole and as a result splashed the dirty water in the pothole all over me, I was drenched with muddy water and the annoying part of it all was that, the occupant of the car didn't stop to even apologise to me for the dirty water he or she has splashed on me. I wanted to go back to my hostel and change but my instincts told me to chase after the car and deal rigidly with the occupants, as if by miracle the car seized to work some few meters away from where I stood drenched in the muddy water. I took to my heals and in no time I was a stone throw away from the car, I wanted to pounce on the driver and give him a beating of his life the moment I got to where he was, I said he because I knew a female person will not have that kind of evil intention where she would splash water on you and not stop to apologise or make amends, I got to the car angrily opened the door to bring the driver out and to my utmost surprise it was a lady, not just any lady but that very angel who kept appearing in my dreams. It was Ken's little sister, my anger vanished at that very moment and she in return had to come down from the car bend on her knees and started apologising to me in a very remorseful way that I even felt bad myself, can I bear her any grudges? Hell no I helped her unto her feet and asked her not to worry since her brother was like a brother to me also. Inside me head I was the happiest person on this planet with such an angelic personality kneeling and standing before me apologising to me, she told me she went to her friends party the previous night and because of the rain she couldn't return and she overslept but when she woke up she realised she slept outside campus and had a quiz to write this morning, her mindset was to beat time by rushing to her hostel to freshen up before going to class but she couldn't so she was rushing to her lecture hall to finish with the quiz before she goes back to her hostel to freshen up but her current car wouldn't permit her. I asked what the problem was as if I was a mechanic or expert in car repairing but she said she didn't know the problem, she said she was finding it difficult to start the car after it hit the pothole, I asked her to press the button which releases the bonnet of the car, I opened the bonnet and realised that one of the terminals holding the car battery had removed, I smiled and said to myself that today I will make myself a hero in your life before leaving here. I went back to her in her driver's seat and told her I will fix her car for her in some few minutes, I asked if she had any tools in the car and she told me there were a few in the trunk of the car, I signalled her to open the trunk but she should stay in her seat since she will be doing something for me behind the steering. I brought out the wheel spinal and some screwdrivers and went back to the bonnet, I hit some part of the engine with the wheel spinal before putting back the terminal to the battery, I picked a stone from the ground and hit the terminal of the battery with it so it will be fixed tightly on the battery. I told her to start the car and like magic the car started wonderfully, I closed the bonnet and took the wheel spinal and the screwdrivers back to the trunk, as I shut the trunk of the car, this lady moved the car without even saying a word or even thank you to me for your assistance. I felt bad and cheated upon but what could I say, elders say "when the trap catches the animal it cries different and when it escapes also it cries differently", judging from the time it was no use going to class again that morning because the lecturer in class will definitely walk me out of the class so I decided to go back to my hostel and nurture my pains and sorrows for that morning peacefully. To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso[/b]
2 Aug 2017 | 07:21
[b]???Nii Dromo the mortuary man??? Episode 8 As I got back to the hostel Ken was awake and he busted into a loud laughter with the way I was looking so dirty, he asked if I got myself involved in a fight which had rendered me so dirty early in a Monday morning? I lied to him without telling him the real cause behind me been so dirty because I knew if I told him his sister was the reason why I was so dirty hell was going to break loss with the 2 siblings so I forged a story for Ken. Ken made fun of me before he left the room for his lecture, I soaked my white shirt in a detergent and went to sleep, in my sleep I had a dream about Ken's sister apologising to me with some new clothes and after that asked me to join her out on a date, we were really having so much fun that people around the venue we were couldn't take their eyes off us, I was about to kiss her when I heard my mobile phone ringing. I opened my eyes only to see it was Ken calling my phone, oooooooh Ken why did you choose to call me around this time that i was about to receive my biggest reward in my dream was what I said before answering the car, he asked if I was still at the hostel because his sister said she wanted to come and relax at our room because her friends were making so much noise in her room, I told him I was still in the room so she can pass by and when I checked the clock on the wall I saw it was already 1pm, gosh I had really slept for long. In about 15minutes time I heard a knock on my door and I went to open the door, as expected it was Ken's sister, the same lady I was about kissing in my dreams some short while ago but the strange thing was that she was wearing the same dress I saw her wear in my dream and honestly she was looking radiantly beautiful, I don't know if she was taking in some sort of beautification pills because her beauty always kept rising in my sight anytime I set sight on her. I ushered her in by helping her with the designer bag she was holding in her hands, I gave her a seat and offered her water as she made herself comfortable in the plastic chair I gave her, after taking the water in a hybrid way she started to apologise to me for what happened in the morning, she told me the reason why she didn't even say thank you was because she was afraid the car would stop working again and also because she was also getting late for the quiz ahead of her, I was somehow disappointed with her actions but I kept it away from her because I knew if I exhibited any form of anger towards her she would never come close to me again. She again knelt before me and again I helped her onto her feet, her body was as soft as a fresh bread that was just taken out from the oven, as she got up and stood in front of me I wished she was my girlfriend so I could go an extra mile by planting a romantic kiss on her lips, the fragrance of her perfume alone was so sweet and passionate, I would never I my entire life forget the smell of her perfume as I was now dumbfounded, I wanted to say something to her but words were to expensive for me to buy and use. She saw how hard I was finding it to release words for her hearing, she introduced herself to me for the very first time as Tilly Koranteng and afterwards spoke a MYSELF about her for me, later she brought out a bowl from her bag which contained a home made food she had prepared to share with me, i think her coming was a well planned one. As she opened the bowl I realised it was my favourite Yam and vegetable sauce mixed with canned beef and eggs. The aroma alone was enough to get me satisfied and I wished the taste will be as nice as the one who prepared it, as the first scoop went into my mouth my aggression and intensity for the meal heightened, the food was as sweet as whatever you think is the sweetest thing in the world. Tilly herself saw that my mouth was really showing appreciation to the meal she brought and she told me she would be secretly preparing meals for me to come and eat as time went on, they say sweet things doesn't last long because in no time we had finished doing a closing ceremony for Tilly's food. After eating Tilly requested to know me better even though she had a lot of information about me she preferred to hear it from my own lips and of which I did her the honor by telling her everything she needs to know about me, she listened to me with an undivided attention as I told her about my family history, when my story came to an end she asked me if I was dating? So what happens when the fufu you want to swallow falls in the soup in front of you? Do you throw it away or you cover it with a lot of soup before swallowing it? This was a question for a logical thinker!!! To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
2 Aug 2017 | 09:17
Hehehehe cover the fufu wth a lot of soup b4 swallowing lol
2 Aug 2017 | 14:41
Second Ghanaian story I have seen on this platform
2 Aug 2017 | 14:47
Waiting to hear your answer.. .
2 Aug 2017 | 16:03
u go swallow it
2 Aug 2017 | 17:19
2 Aug 2017 | 17:36
2 Aug 2017 | 18:20
It has already been covered by soup so just pick it up and swallow it
2 Aug 2017 | 18:32
this is your chance bra don't be a dumb dude
2 Aug 2017 | 19:14
greenish lyts
3 Aug 2017 | 05:32
3 Aug 2017 | 05:34
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 9 I was blown away with the question Tilly asked me as to whether I was dating or not, I told her all my life I had never ever been in a relationship before because they say monkeys always played by sizes but unfortunately for me I always fell in love with the wrong person. Tilly stared at me with utmost surprise and told me to break my statement down to a layman's understanding, I told her that I had eyes for beautiful things but in this modern world beautiful things were expensive to own, she still didn't get my explanation so I told her that the very first lady I felt in love with was from a very influential family and that I even feared to approach her to voice out my very feelings towards her. Tilly felt pity for me when she heard my statement because she saw some sort of sincerity in my voice, she asked if this lady in question was on in my neighbourhood, campus, my class, any of the hostels around or even anyone she knew of? With my shyness I stood up and went to the washroom, when I came back from the washroom Tilly was seated on my bed going through my phone, she saw some pictures of her that I had stolen from her brother's phone and edited with photogrid with some love words to match, she was so much into the picture editing that she didn't notice my presence when I came out from the washroom and for me I also got scared Tilly would be mad at me because I knew I hadn't taken any permission from her before designing her pictures with love words, my greatest worry was how I was going to defend myself when Ken gets to know of my unforgivable blunder. I cleared my throat to make her feel my presence and when she did, her earlier question she asked me was repeated to me once again, I fumbled with words as my courage had reduced to a negative percentage in my system. Tilly asked me if I had a crush on her or whether I was stalking her? The voice from which the question came from didn't look friendly to me so I had to immediately go on my feet and apologise to her before explaining myself to her, I started by asking for her forgiveness and that she should please keep her findings a secret away from her brother because if he got to know I have been stealing pictures of his younger sister on his phone he might be very angry with me and would never forgive me or share anything he has with me. As I was going about asking for forgiveness from Tilly she joined me on the floor and gave me a kiss on my forehead, she requested for me to to look her in the eyes and tell her the truth as to whether I was in love with her or not? I mastered courage to answer her in the affirmative way and after my answer came out to her I was privileged for the very first time in my miserable life to receive an angelic but romantic kiss from Tilly, the kiss was so tender and passionate that I felt all my cells in my system melting down for it to be remoulded again later by my maker. Her lips was so soft like a new baby's lips and sweet like a fresh Kwahu palm wine tapped by Agya Ofori Atta in my village where I come from, to add icing to the cake she took her dress off and right in front of me stood a guitar like shape all alone with her in the room, she held the nob at the back of her bra a released her twin towers to my view, my God, Tilly was a perfect description of a mermaid goddess, her breast were heavy but very firm on her chest with very beautiful pointers posing as her nipples. I had said about 15 different thanksgiving prayers to God within a matter of 3minutes, what I again was saying in my head is that if what am witnessing was a dream then I wish I never ever woke up from my sleep, she asked me if I liked what I was seeing and foolishly I nodded my head like an agama lizard who was about to attack some ants in a rotten firewood. She signalled me to come closer and by this time the man in between my legs was so angry and wild that he wanted to tear my boxer and khaki trouser just to come out and devour Tilly, in my head I was asking God as to how wonderful he could be sometimes and that if he was going to grant permission for me to change my oil He didn't give me any of those monkey like girls in my village but rather this heaven sent angel. I grabbed her twin towers and started squeezing it gently, thanks to Ken he had given me series of lectures as to how to handle a woman or lady in foreplay section To be continued............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
3 Aug 2017 | 10:03
And you should be conscious of the environment somebody might just barge in on you guys... If Ken meets you like that, i wonder how he would feel
3 Aug 2017 | 10:20
First to comment
3 Aug 2017 | 10:21
Bad guy...ken taught u and u dey use am on his sister
3 Aug 2017 | 12:58
nawao for this guy o so Ken gave lecture about how to handle boob's ND u are experementing on his sister #isokay your obituary will be announced soon
3 Aug 2017 | 13:19
3 Aug 2017 | 13:22
Continue enjoying boi...
3 Aug 2017 | 13:34
3 Aug 2017 | 13:59
Make ken no catch u oh
3 Aug 2017 | 14:02
I dnt tink ken wil support u in dis
3 Aug 2017 | 15:11
If Ken catch you you are dead
3 Aug 2017 | 16:08
She loves you! Next please!
3 Aug 2017 | 16:55
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Episode 10 I gave the twin towers of Tilly an arousing treat the I could feel the vibration in her system as she gave me some romantic moans and sounds. I handled her like a professional porn star even though that was my very first experience with a female all my life, as I kissed one of her twin towers(breast) and gave the nipple a gentle bite Tilly had already started speaking in swahili dialect as she held me tight to her body, I could read from her body movement and language that her G spot was around her breast in fact her nipples so I concentrated much on that side more than an part of her body, I remembered some lines in Joey B's song TONGA as I had my own way of singing it and that was "I MEAN YOU CHER, IT'S PATIENCE SO I NOR BORE; TODAY ABI I CATCH YOU FOR MY ROOM INNERS; SEE YOUR BODY I WILL PLAY YOU LIKE CONKER; SWINE I GO ROMANCE YOU LIKE 6HOURS and WHEN I AM DONE I WILL CRUSH YOUR TWIN TOWERS MY LIPS and HANDS ARE STRONGER THAN HALLMARK MACHINES; SEEK OF YOU THAT BE WHY I MADE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF ON THE DAY OF REGISTRATION ALL BECAUSE OF TONGA". As the romance got intense she whispered to my ears to draw the curtains down by taking her pant down her legs which I glady did with the strength Sampson used to pull down the building in the Bible, as I unzipped to pull my khaki down and start the world cup match Tilly's phone rang and with the ring tone that came she knew it was her brother calling, she told me to hold on and quickly answered the phone, after she cut the call she told me to get dressed quickly as Ken was just at the car park of the hostel and in just a matter of some few minutes he will walk into the room, you can imagine the speed we used to dress up and put the room in order before he walked in, because we were both in a hurry Tilly forgot to put her pant on and as my eyes went round the room to see if everything was in order and that if we hadn't left any clue leading to suspicion, I saw her pant lying close to my bed and as I made a move to get it the door knob turned so I dived to the very place the pant was lying openly, Ken entered and in a jovial manner asked what I had been doing with his kid sister and after that question he bust into a loud laughter saying to me that I was mouth lazy and couldn't even engage his sister in a conversation. How I insulted Ken in my head only God knew, meanwhile Tilly was faking sleep on the bed of his brother so Ken came to sit on my bed and asked me what I was doing on the floor, I was quick to chip in a lie by telling him my memory card had fallen down so I was searching for it, he opted to assist me search for it under the bed but I told him not to worry because I could find it all by myself. I managed to smuggle the pant of Tilly into my pocket when I saw Ken had shifted his attention from me, for the very first time asI came to know Ken I hated him for been a stumbling block between my emotional happiness and my graduation to manhood, I could for once have a feel of penetrating a lady and break the virginity bondage hovering around my life. Tilly pretended as if she had woken up from sleep and joined us to have a football discussion, surprisingly she was also a stench Man United fan like me unlike her brother who supported the women fellowship team Chelsea, after all the noise was over Ken opted for us to go to campus as one of the halls was launching their week celebration. I went to freshen up and as I came out of the washroom Ken also went in to do so and as he left his sister and I, I quickly brought out her pant for her to put it on before we left the hostel, Tilly pleaded for us to pass by her hostel first so she could also freshen up and change so we could go together and catch fun even though the week had just started, indeed we really had fun the very night in a way I had never felt before. Tilly took her brother's phone to make a phone call out of our sight and that was how she also stole my number from her brother's phone and started exchanging text, whatsapp & imo messages with me. She pleaded with me to keep our relationship affairs secret from everyone one campus including her brother and that there was a secret she had and in due course reveal that secret to me if only I proved loyal and committed to the relationship we have just started, further she promised to help sponsor my stay on campus been it what I will wear, eat and drink plus my pocket. What secret could Tilly be keeping away from me that only my loyalty and commitment could unveil it, well am puzzled as you, so stay with me to find out what her secret was. End of Season 1. Watch out of for Season 2 that starts on Sunday afternoon To be continued.............................. #Yeb3toaso[/b] Continue on the same thread
4 Aug 2017 | 16:34
ken go poison u if him find awt
4 Aug 2017 | 16:36
Hmm, enjoyment boy!
4 Aug 2017 | 19:46
what could that be well time will tell waiting patiently for the season 2
5 Aug 2017 | 05:53
Patiently waiting
5 Aug 2017 | 07:17
Waiting patiently
5 Aug 2017 | 08:37
I pray this relatnship wit tilly wont soil ur frndship wit ken
5 Aug 2017 | 11:19
Can't wait
5 Aug 2017 | 12:01
Will be waiting
5 Aug 2017 | 12:16
5 Aug 2017 | 12:39
Oboy make the god of soccer shower you with thunder for insulting my club
5 Aug 2017 | 15:52
5 Aug 2017 | 17:39
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 1 I kept to my side of the promise by staying faithful and committed to Tilly, in return she changed my life on campus to the admiration of everybody who knew me when I started school, I wore the best fashion designer clothes, shoes and watches not forgetting the expensive perfumes that I put on to class, Ken got a bit suspicious of her sister's sudden likeness towards me but again I jabbed him with another expensive lie that he believed me, I told him I have been assisting his sister with her project work in Business Law, since I was good academically Ken had no single doubt about what I said and moreover he knew his sister had eyes for big boys and not a broke ass guy like me. I further told him that yes his sister had been sponsoring me with my clothing because she claimed some of her friends teased her anytime they saw me around her so she decided to rebrand my appearance, Ken upon hearing this nodded his head and told me how lucky I was because to be honest his sister didn't like me in the first place so if now she sees me as a "friend" or "brother" then its all in the right direction and moreover it will take a little financial assistance burden from his shoulders. Fast approaching was Tilly's birthday and for me I had been thinking of what to get for her which will be well accepted by her, I know I wasn't rich enough to buy her any expensive gift so I had to think outside the box just to come out with a brilliant idea, I was lying on my bed one hot Sunday afternoon when an idea popped up and for once I think I got it right, indeed the pillow is the best advisor and companion when it comes to idea giving. The plan was to draw a very nice portrait picture of Tilly and frame it so I present it to her as a birthday present, now what was left of me was to get her best picture I had in my possession and start work on it immediately, I wanted to express myself well through my artwork that I will submit on her birthday. All this while some of Tilly's friends had started making advances towards me and were saying all manner of things about themselves to me, everyone who came to me had something nasty to say to me about her friend, I was shocked and surprise because I taught it was only guys who did this backbiting things to their friends but surprisingly it was coming from this ladies and not just any ladies but this very beautiful and sophisticated once. I now understood the jargon "fine boy nor dey pay" very well, because everyone was promising me heaven and earth if only I was ready to start an intimate affair with them, "hmmmmmmm those who were shouting praise the Lord were the same people who screamed crucify him". This same people who teased Tilly anytime they saw us together are now passing behind her to ask me for an affair or were they playing pranks on me? Was Tilly part of this setup or her friends had their own private agenda personally? Well I wasn't the materialistic person who would fall for the cheap offers the friends of Tilly were boasting about, also I wasn't the player type of guy. My policy was simply "One man, One woman" and I was very content with my Tilly because she fitted in my kind of woman and I never had an eye or desire for any other girl on campus. I took my time and drew one of Tilly's all time favourite pictures and framed it without even hinting on it to Ken, I wanted to take everyone by surprise. Gradually the day we all looked forward to came and no stone was left unturned, the party was a strictly by invitation event with a lot of this beautiful maidens from my school and other tertiary school students joining us at the party grounds, Ken had alerted me already that he will not becoming back to the hostel with me till the week ends because he is sure he's going to land for himself a new bae so I should also make wild and grab one of the ladies for the weekend. I presented my gift to the birthday girl and she asked for me to have a private chat with her in one corner of the party venue, as we got to a place where we were the only people there, Tilly went down on her knees to ask for the forgiveness for what she was about to disclose to me but first she requested for me to promise not to turn my back on her or even take hatred against her when she opens up to me. At this time I was very confused and afraid also at the same time What at all does Tilly want to tell Nii Dromo that she can't find appropriate words to spill it out to him easily, besides are they not in a secret relationship already? Find that secret in the episode that will drop Tomorrow!!!!! To be continued.............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
6 Aug 2017 | 11:16
6 Aug 2017 | 15:17
Am sure that the secret is that she was the one that sent her friends to make advances on him.... Lets see if am right
6 Aug 2017 | 15:58
6 Aug 2017 | 18:31
maybe she want to tell him.dat she hv a guy her parent want her to marry
6 Aug 2017 | 19:29
am back on time
6 Aug 2017 | 19:29
he was a lucky dude to hv a rich girl falling on him
6 Aug 2017 | 19:32
Hehehe...Nigga adey feel your *TONGA* remix! Joey B saf go envy. #Toaso...
7 Aug 2017 | 02:57
Dnt tink so
7 Aug 2017 | 05:22
hmmmm I guess she is ingaged next pls
7 Aug 2017 | 06:51
Will be waiting to find out
7 Aug 2017 | 11:08
what could dat be?
7 Aug 2017 | 12:13
What did she wanna tell him?
7 Aug 2017 | 14:43
she sent her friends to test him
7 Aug 2017 | 14:49
7 Aug 2017 | 14:56
Waiting patiently for the next episode
7 Aug 2017 | 15:27
8 Aug 2017 | 04:21
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 2 Tilly confessed to me that she had a boyfriend aside being with me, I was heart broken and disappointed with her but I kept calm to listen to everything she had to tell me. She told me that the reason why she requested for the secret relationship was simply because she had been betrothed to a guy who happens to be the son of her father's business partner and friend, to her she had never loved the guy not even for a minute, I asked why and she told me it was because of his rude and bossy attitude towards others, he spoke to people anyhow and that alone was the reason why she didn't want to settle down with him. Tilly poured her heart out to me and cried like a child who had misplaced money that she has been sent with for it to get missing, I asked her why then did she come into my life if she was already having a man in her life? All she could tell me was that, I was the reason why she could come out of her bed everyday, she saw in me the spirit of peace and joy, she claimed the way I even spoke to her alone always brought to her life a rejuvenating hope every single minute of her life. She pleaded with me not to turn my back on her at this difficult moment of her life and that she needed time to sort things out with her father and that guy, she told me I was the only person in this world who she would like to disvirgin her even if we could never settle down as man and wife in the near future and that she will continue to sponsor me with the gifts and money she has been giving me. She kissed me and honestly I couldn't resist her kiss, the touch of her lips alone was enough to bring an impotent man back to potency, the smell of her skin was a fragrance so pleasing to the nose that I had never smelt that perfume from any other person before, her lips was so tender and sweet that I didn't want to let go not even for a second, we kissed like there was no tomorrow for us and in the process Tilly whispered to me for us to have a quickie in the dark, she pulled her pant down from her short straight white dress she was wearing and turned her back for me to attack from behind, I also dropped my trouser and boxer and was about to drill her goldmine when I heard voices and footsteps coming towards our direction. We quickly dressed up so we will not be caught by the people approaching us, as soon as we dressed up the people bumped into us, it was Ken again, this time with another young guy who came to our direction, by that very moment my manhood was so erected that if we were at a place with a brighter light I would have been embarrassed and disgraced big time. The guy spoke first and in a very rude manner, he asked Tilly what she was doing in the dark all alone with a low life person like me, Tilly wanted to reply him but Ken quickly responded before his sister spoke because he knew if she did, everyone present will hear from us, he informed the guy that I was his best friend and Tilly was like a younger sister to me so the was no cause for alarm, the guy requested to leave our presence with Tilly because he had something to surprise her with, Tilly was adamant to leave with him because she said we were in the middle of a serious discussion and that we came to this dark and quite place because the was too much noise at the party grounds, I pleaded with Tilly for long to go with him and that we will continue the discussion later. As they left our presence Ken told me that, the guy was betrothed to his sister and that he was in the same school with us reading law and was a year ahead of Tilly in the school's faculty of law department, Ken told me he didn't like him either but I believe he had no option than to pretend to be cool with the guy since his father was the orchestral behind all this nonsense. I was shocked because I knew in the 21st century things were done differently and that the views and feelings for people had to be respected and not trampled upon, Ken nodded his head but how many people could reject an offer from a multi billionaire like the guy's father. The guy I was told was called Samuel Ewusi Acheampong and he was the only child of Chief Acheampong one of the bank rollers of this country who had his businesses scattered across the globe. Interesting times ahead my dear readers. To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
8 Aug 2017 | 04:36
@delexy01 you are only person that got the answer right
8 Aug 2017 | 04:37
following keenly @delexzy01 u are giving the right to make a pick of any gal u like in this forum ND she will be yours :g #nice guess
8 Aug 2017 | 05:06
following .....
8 Aug 2017 | 06:49
Nii Dromo! I sense danger ahead o. Anyway #Toaso....
8 Aug 2017 | 08:07
8 Aug 2017 | 08:46
following jejely..
8 Aug 2017 | 09:43
8 Aug 2017 | 09:51
Hmmmm such a rude guy doesn't worth any ladies love
8 Aug 2017 | 10:07
Loving this
8 Aug 2017 | 10:19
8 Aug 2017 | 15:22
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 3 Ken and I walked to the party grounds to join the others and also soon as we got there, Ken's blood pressure went up because he saw 2 of his side chick ladies approaching him, he knew if he didn't play smart all hell will descend heavily on him and he didn't want to wreck his kid sister's birthday party so he told me to help cover up for him. Luckily for Ken his father called him on his cell phone as the first lady got to where we stood, Ken told the lady to wait for him by myside and not to move an inch away from me and that when am leaving the party grounds the lady can even go with me and wait for him at the hostel because his father wanted his presence now back at home. He escaped with the second lady to God knows where, now I had to keep the girl left in my care company, I signalled to her if she wanted some drinks and she nodded her head in response, I excused her and went in for a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. We left the party crowd and went to sit under a quite tree to enjoy our wine and have a little chit-chat since we couldn't keep mute all night long, I took time to take a close look at the lady seated next to me and that was when I realised this very lady was also as hot as the Sunday afternoon sunshine in Tamale, as you already know the type of women Ken liked I need not explain to you how endowed the lady was but by far this lady had the biggest assets so far with all the ladies I have seen Ken with, funny enough she had a masculine voice which didn't match with her appearance at all but she was a cool and lovely person. She introduced herself to me as Maabena Boaduwaa popularly known on campus as Jay Dee and was in her third year also reading Accounting like me, this revelation made our conversation very pleasant since she was having a lot of difficulty tackling a lot of the topics she was treating in her level, I threw light on most of the topics that made her to understand the topics in the simplest form. Maabena excused herself to visit the washroom and the moment she left Ken called me to inform me that he won't be coming back to the party again and also will be out of campus for the whole weekend so if I want company I should try my luck on the lady he left in my care, he stressed on the lady's weakness and wished me well but before the line went off he promised to send me money via mobile money so I could take care of the lady and myself till he joined me on campus later Monday morning. After the call Maabena came back and teasingly asked me if that was my girlfriend calling to checkup on me and know where I was and who I was with, I shyly told her I wasn't having any relationship going on in my life and that as a matter of fact I had never been in a relationship before, I told her the lady I felt in love with for the first time was betrothed to some rich guy so I was now very single and willing to mingle if the need arises, she looked at me in an awkward manner to trace some contour of lies on my face but she ended up seeing sincerity and honesty in my voice and face. She felt sad for me and told me she was also a betrothed lady to one rich alhaji who is in Dubai now and that the moment she completed her education she will be married to him and will join him there as the fifth wife of the man, I watched her in a surprised manner as this lady spoke without any regrets or pains in her voice or face. I asked her the reason why she accepted such marriage offer and she told me that if not with the help of the alhaji her father would have been in jail by now and her mother would have also been dead with a womb cancer, her elder brother is doing his masters degree in Canada courtesy this same alhaji, my younger brother is also reading petroleum engineering in a Russia university, whiles the last 2 girls have been sent to international boarding schools in this country. The only thing the alhaji requested for in return for all this expensive favours was to marry me, even though I kicked against this request I sat myself down to analyse the matter and later gave in to the request of the alhaji, I took the decision to satisfy myself sexually now before I finally get married to this alhaji, moreover I was staying outside campus in a 3bedroom house with 3 luxurious cars at my disposal all provided by the alhaji, ever since I met him I have never lacked anything materially and even during the long vacation I usually travel to France or Italy for my shopping but you we are human and that we also have our emotional demands, "BODY nor be FIREWOOD oooo" *Is it good for parents to fix marriage for we their children in this 21st century? *Do you see the actions of Maabena justifiable enough? *What is the reason behind Tilly's action as to why she wants to give out her virginity to someone freely and not to the betrothed guy she might be marrying? Let's get interacting with the questions above as we wait for the next episode to hit our screens Tomorrow To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
9 Aug 2017 | 06:41
no wonder tilly want to make d relationship be secretive & I don't think Ken will be happy if he later knew u r dating his sis
9 Aug 2017 | 08:03
hmmmm u r very lucky dat u weren't could hv been anoda story entirely
9 Aug 2017 | 08:14
only a miracle can make tilly to marry him
9 Aug 2017 | 08:15
betrothed or not depends on d situation our parents find demselves into
9 Aug 2017 | 08:16
@frankkay,,,which girl u want me to pick? how is kwara state?
9 Aug 2017 | 08:18
Kwara is peaceful as always @delexzy
9 Aug 2017 | 13:18
it helps sometimes
9 Aug 2017 | 15:30
Its not good to choose for your children because you're not the one venturing into the marriage.... Marriage is manage, if you can't manage your spouse that means you'll have problems, thats why its good to allow the children to choose whom they'll be able to manage
9 Aug 2017 | 16:44
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 4 After we drunk the entire content of the wine in the bottle Maabena requested for another bottle, since I wanted to be a good companion to her that evening I didn't decline her request even though I was curious as to why this young beautiful lady was so much into taking alcoholic beverages but I kept my question in my head so I don't trigger any anger in her, I believe the task ahead of her was the reason behind her high demand for alcohol. I came back with the same drink and we share almost half of the bottle before I looked at time on my phone it was already midnight so I asked Maabena to let us take leave of venue to our respective places of abode, she adhere to my request and offered to drop me at my hostel before she left to her place. She came to the party with a white Nissan Pilot car which made my respect for the alhaji increase anywhere he was and also I now understood Maabena properly, the speed she moved the car with scared the hell out of me because if there was any car in front of us her car would have run into it causing a serious accident and moreover she was under the influence of alcohol, what could be her excuse to the police if we bumped into any checkpoint on our way home. I pleaded with her to slow down since we were not in a rush to get back home, she gave a crazy laugh and told me she enjoyed driving at tough speed always and also I should bear in mind that she was a rough rider, I fastened my seat belt to keep me safe should in case we had an accident on the way back to my hostel and if I knew how to drive I would have offered to drive us to my hostel that early morning instead of been the passenger rather, I now saw the importance of knowing how to do some petty but important things like driving, riding, swimming and cooking. In less than 5minutes I had said 12 different prayers to God to keep us safe from harm till we go home safely, my prayers were answered by God as Maabena managed to dropped me in front of my hostel, I was scared of what might happen to her as she was going to drive all alone to her house so I asked her to come over to my room so I could prepare coffee for her before she proceeded to her house, she didn't give me any challenge as she came down from her car, locked the doors and followed me to my room, walking in her high hill shoe was now a problem so I pleaded with her to take her shoe off before she twisted her legs. She again took my advice to take her shoe off but I didn't find it easy helping her climb the stairs since she was now feeling tipsy, we finally walked to my room and she jumped to my bed immediately, I excused her to prepare a hot coffee for her just to stabilise her system from the alcohol content in her system. As I came back to the room my eyes might the shocker it least expected, Maabena was half naked in fact her blouse and bra were off exposing her huge boobs to my eyes, I swallowed hard the saliva in my mouth and didn't know if to go back to the kitchen or go closer to her, she didn't look bothered at all with my presence so I went close to her and handed over the mug of coffee to her, I went back to the kitchen to prepare a milo drink for myself and when I joined her again this time around she was only left in her pant. Maabena claimed she was now feeling hot after taking the coffee even though the fan was on and on a very tough speed, she asked if she could take a cold shower from my washroom before she left for her house, as if I had been hypnotised I watched her as she made way to the washroom before I nodded in response to the question she asked. As she was in the washroom her phone rang and immediately she dashed out from the washroom naked this time around, she came for the phone close to me and stood in front of me to speak to the caller close to 5minutes before telling the person to call back in the morning. Hmmmmmm for all the time she stood in front of me naked I think I blinked my eyes once or twice only, she put the phone down and made way back to the bathroom, when she got to the entrance of the bathroom she turned and asked me if I liked what I saw earlier on and if I liked it and I wanted a piece of it I could join her in the washroom for my share of it. As she entered the washroom I quickly undressed myself so I could join her in the washroom, I smiled to myself and whispered to myself that today be today, "I will change my dirty oil today", all thanks to this beautiful and compassionate lady, the moment I stood up to move to the washroom my phone also rang I checked and it was Tilly calling. You just guess what I did by yourself anywhere you are now at the moment but for me I will tell you when you meet up with me in my next episode tomorrow. If you were in my shoes would you decline such an offer that you never chased after but was going to be given to you on a silver platter free of charge. To be continued.......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ It still remains An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
10 Aug 2017 | 04:29
We al knw tilly doesnt lyk d guy betrothed to her so am nt surprised she wants to giv her virginity to you
10 Aug 2017 | 05:45
nawao see opportunity inshort if i were in your shoes I won't even listen to the phone
10 Aug 2017 | 10:49
Hmmmmm hard decision
10 Aug 2017 | 10:51
I would listen oh
10 Aug 2017 | 12:13
Hmm...Tough Decision
10 Aug 2017 | 12:50
If na me i will use one stone to kill two birds.... Thats a proverb
10 Aug 2017 | 13:25
Tough decision indeed
10 Aug 2017 | 15:55
10 Aug 2017 | 16:22
10 Aug 2017 | 19:16
10 Aug 2017 | 19:16
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 5 As I saw it was Tilly calling I place the phone on silent and placed the phone under Ken's pillow because I didn't want any disturbance when men started working on the labour field, for her reason of calling I didn't know and was not interested in it for now, I might never get the opportunity Maabena had just offered me again because they say "some opportunities comes but once, so I just had to take the bull by the horn", I joined Maabena in the washroom and when I entered she had burnt down in the doggy style manner washing her pant, the young man in between my legs was very stiff as my eyes sent a quick signal to my mind which descended to my waist, in fact I could crack a hard nut with it, I went closer to her and held her waist and as if she was already poised to receive me she held my erected manhood and inserted it into her wet p***y. I started banging her hard from behind and believe me the noise and cacophonous sound that Maabena was releasing was enough to keep everyone at the hostel awake all night long, during this period my strength kept increasing as Maabena was demanding for extra strength from me as I banged her, she pleaded for me to hold her heavy boobs as I banged her. All this while the shower was running over us and believe me I now understood why Ken wanted to draw down every pant he came across, I think after water that I have tasted on earth the next sweetest thing in the world happens to be in between the legs of human beings. My dear brothers and sisters am I lying with what I said above there? Oh don't give me that look because I know you are not a Saint, I know you like it even more than myself telling you the story!!! ????? Well lets continue with my narration. In about 10-15minutes of vigorous and merciless banging I felt something coming out from me, first it started from my legs then to my waist and now I felt it coming through my manhood, I started screaming and told Maabena about what I was feeling and she told me not to stop and that I should continue doing what am doing, she stressed that I should deposit anything that comes out from my manhood into her p***y and as I felt something coming out of my manhood I heard Maabena screaming and mentioning the name of God as she breath heavily. I took the young man out from Maabena's golden palace and I felt weak, my legs were not having the stamina it had before I entered the washroom so I leaned against the wall as Maabena washed and cleaned me before we came back to the room together and laid on my bed. I had a lot of questions in stock for her as she was by chance having much experience and exposure in sex than me, Me: Why were you moaning and crying as we started having sex? Her: I was not crying you silly boy, I was only moaning to show appreciation to the good work you were doing. Me: So was it the reason why you had become a terrorist by asking me to destroy it and beggar by pleading for me to give it to you more and more? Her: Hahahahahahahaha you this guy you blast ooo so were you recording the sounds I was making in your head just to play it for me when we finish enjoying ourselves? Me: Why did you ask me to deposit everything into you when I could have dropped it on the floor? Her: (looks at me in a sexy way as she holds and robs my manhood as if she wants to peel of the skin on it) Well am in my free period and that I needed ur sperms to help nourish my body and skin. Next time I will ask you to pour it in my mouth so I swallow it even. Me:(turning to watch her face as she made that awful statement) You don't mean it, isn't it disgusting to you? Her: (smiles at me) Let that be my headache okay, don't try swallowing panadol for me as I am the person having the headache. Me: But why were you screaming the name of God when I released into you, was it that my sperms was hot when it entered into you or did I hurt you with my small manhood? Her: (looks at me and tells me am a very wicked person, do you call this very big thing small? If you care to know this is the biggest and strongest stick that has passed through my life ever since I started tasting that thing) For the screaming and my religiousness, I was getting my orgasm that why I screamed. You really rocked me hard and mercilessly and in fact I enjoyed every part of the job you did in there and they say when its sweet we call for a replay. Can you please give it to me again but please give it to me extra hard this time around I don't mind paying you for this service, its been long since I got such a treat from a man. In fact you are a REAL AFRICAN MAN. Me: Why not my dear, its a pleasure servicing you. With this comments I jumped on her again Hmmmmmm one word for Nii Dromo!!! Would you turn such an offer down? Sweet things are scares of late so when some comes your way don't take it but rather grab it To be continued.......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
11 Aug 2017 | 13:21
it's gud as u ask her d questions so dat it won't be strange to u whenever it happens again
11 Aug 2017 | 20:25
der is no way u can deny d offer bcos it's an opportunity bt I hope she won't be disturbing u abt it
11 Aug 2017 | 20:27
even if she asks u to do it hundred times u won't reject d offer
11 Aug 2017 | 20:29
Heheeehehhe. Even a pastor wont reject the offer
12 Aug 2017 | 03:48
Bt u know say nobody holy
12 Aug 2017 | 04:09
Hmmm e dy sweet nw small time e go better
12 Aug 2017 | 05:28
[b]??? Nii Dromo thw Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 6 I jumped on Maabena with a renewed spirit and strength like that of a stallion horse and banged her as if my life depended on the sex I was having that very moment, the kind of moans and chants that came from Maabena was crazy and the more she pleaded for mercy the more merciless I became. She gave me countless and mind blowing styles that even at that moment when you ask me of my name I could be wrong with the answer that I will give you, in fact she took me to cloud 9 brought me back to earth and later sent me to the moon, even though the fan was running at the tough speed I was sweating like a roman father who has been caught having sex with a nun in the parish, Maabena all of a sudden started breathing heavily and held me tight and closed her eyes tightly as if she was about to die. I wanted to stop but my senses had left me and all I could do was to swing my waist up and down in a rythemical way that I was the only one who knew which beat I was playing in my head, first as Maabena held me tightly I felt her p***y very wet but as time went on I felt that place being dry and as selfish as I was I didn't stop only to start feeling some pains on my manhood, that was the only time I released I had to go on a break. As I withdrew my manhood I saw some bruises on it and I asked Maabena if all was well, she frown and told me I had scattered things down her royal palace, as fresh as I was in the game I asked for further explanation and she told me that as she got very wet down there it meant that she had gotten to the climax of her orgasm, after feeling that way there was nothing at that moment I could do to make her extra wet so I needed to stop or added a lubricant to make the penetration easier and smoother, I asked her why she didn't stop me but she told me she was enjoying the extra benefits even though she was feeling the pain. We went to shower and came to sleep not on my bed but Ken's bed because my bed was soaked with sweat due to the drilling business we just did on the bed, in less than 10minutes that we came back from the washroom I heard Maabena snoring heavily, hahahahahahaha she was tired due to the overspeed I took her, abi she said she was a rough rider with cars, me too I was a rough rider in bed next time again try me and I will cripple you. I started reflecting on what I did and I was proud of myself, I knew now anybody who sent me to a mallam for rituals will not succeed because I was no longer a virgin, my worse nightmare had come to pass as now I could also hit my chest and call myself a man, no more wet dreams and imaging how it feels like to be inside a woman, all of a sudden the name of Tilly came to mind and I started feeling guilty because I had cheated on her for the very first time. I heard 2people fighting in my head, one saying I had not done anything wrong and the other person judging me for cheating on the lady I loved, I later brought my phone out only to see 76 missed calls, 4messages and countless WhatsApp messages from Tilly my love. One of her messages stated clearly that she had escaped from her boyfriend just to come back to the party grounds to meet my absence, she wanted to know my whereabout so she could join me, the guilt at this time heightened in me but there was nothing I could do at that time to savage the problem after all Maabena had done equally what Tilly could do to me that night and probably done better than even what my love Tilly could have done, secondly I knew what Maabena and I did was a one night stand which I might never get the opportunity to lure her to bed ever again in my life, for Tilly I knew there were thousands of opportunities to pin her down any moment from now, I decided calling Tilly back but I released it was not relevant to do so since Maabena was already in my camp, I switched the phone off to avoid any inconvenience and went to sleep. I woke up very late the following morning with some sweet aroma of food smelling in the room, I nearly mentioned Tilly's name when I woke up and saw a lady in the kitchen, I joined her inside the kitchen only to receive accolades from her. Good morning my Beast of no Nation was how she greeted me, my romantic lion and p***y champion how was your night? I gave a wicked smile and told her I had the best night ever in my life. I smell a loom danger ahead for Nii Dromo join me tomorrow when I release next episode to know what exactly am talking about. To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
12 Aug 2017 | 06:08
enjoy your self
12 Aug 2017 | 07:15
Wat would happen too Tilly
12 Aug 2017 | 07:28
I hope it nothing bad
12 Aug 2017 | 12:00
It won't be DAT bad
12 Aug 2017 | 12:24
Just a one night stand? I dnt think so
12 Aug 2017 | 13:06
hmmmm guy enjoy while it last
12 Aug 2017 | 13:39
Hmmm.. Waiting for the next episode
12 Aug 2017 | 16:09
Hm...keep enjoying boy
12 Aug 2017 | 16:15
no be ya fault
12 Aug 2017 | 16:50
Enjoy the offer while it lasts
12 Aug 2017 | 17:00
I don't like the way u cheated on Tilly, I guys would have done it together, would have be more romantic
12 Aug 2017 | 17:01
12 Aug 2017 | 17:48
Nice one next
12 Aug 2017 | 18:52
Oboy if you loose Tily i no go happy for you o
12 Aug 2017 | 19:44
Hmm let see wat happens ohh
12 Aug 2017 | 20:04
if I were in ur shoe,I will do d same
12 Aug 2017 | 22:06
I smell danger too ni dromo becareful
12 Aug 2017 | 22:58
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Motuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 7 As I was in the kitchen I was having the premonition that something bad might happen to me anytime soon, something was telling me Tilly might come to my hostel any moment from now and by now she might be aware that Ken is out of campus doing his thing at God knows where, Maabena's phone rang and as she checked the number she froze with shock, I tried asking what the problem was but she signalled me to keep mute. She answered the call and immediately I knew the caller, it was no one but alhaji her future husband, I excused myself from her since I was not bothered with the conversation that was going to transpire between the two of them. From the way Maabena spoke I deduced that alhaji was in town and that he was searching for his future wife, as the call ended between the two of them Maabena joined me in the room with my breakfast, it was Tom brown with toasted bread and pouched eggs, she served me and rushed to the bathhouse to freshen up and leave for her place. By the time she was done bathing I was also done with my breakfast and the moment I set sight on her in my towel my manliness started showing in my boxer and Maabena saw it, she request for a quickie or better still for the road before leaving and I obliged, without even any foreplay I pounced on her and devoured her because I knew I might not get her ever again in my life, about 15minutes later I released heavily into her and she went back to the bathroom to clean herself again before dressing up to leave. I took the opportunity to switch my phone on only to receive a new text message from Tilly that she was on her way coming over to my place, I quickly started putting things in the right place so that Tilly won't suspect me of any infidelity on my path, Maabena asked me why I was hurriedly cleaning the room even though she hadn't left yet and I lied to her that Ken sent me a message that his mum is coming to see him for a discussion so I should try and put the room in a welcome order for him since the mother will not take long in getting to the hostel. She chucked as she started doing her makeup, when she was done doing her makeup she went through her bag and brought out a 10cedis note bundle of money, she threw it at me as my pay for the good work I did the previous night and early this morning and that I should go and see her off at the car park, I hid the money in my wardrobe before following her out of the room to the car park. As we were descending the stairs to the car park, my mum called so I slowed down my walking pace as Maabena took the lead to her car, I saw some unusual faces at the car park that got me suspicious of something, as Maabena got to the car to open it some macho men closed in on her and started harassing her, a white 4matic Benz drove to their direction and a slim but elderly man in his late fifth's got down from the car and landed Maabena some dirty slaps before ordering his men to push her into his Benz, immediately I knew that was the very alhaji that she spoke to me about, as foolish as I was I tried approaching the macho men but I received a handsome reward of a blow on my chest that I had to run for my dear life, in the effort of escaping I fell in a small gutter in front of the hostel and twisted my left leg. They drove away in a tough speed almost knocking some students down, everyone around attention was shifted to me but no one was ready to come to my aid to assist me, I managed to help myself up and make way to my room to check on the extent of my injury, climbing the staircase to my room was the toughest thing I had even done because I was in serious pain as to my twisted leg. I got to my room eventually and got an sms alert, I checked and it was a mobile money notification of 500cedis from Ken and in a few minutes time another alert came which was 150cedis but this time around I didn't know who the sender was, my mum called to ask if I had gotten any message and of which I confirmed I had received the money in my mobile money wallet. The moment the call ended I saw Tilly's call coming through to my phone, I waited for the call to end and I switched the phone off to avoid any inconvenience since I had cooked up a nice lie for Tilly, I placed the phone under my mattress and as I sat down I heard an aggressive knock on my door which got me alarmed and scared because I feared the alhaji had sent his men after me......... Just one night stand and my world is about to cave in on me, who might be at my door knocking so unfriendly at it? Am I going to be executed any moment from now? The next episode will determine what followed next To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
13 Aug 2017 | 06:52
Nii you do all! Now the floodgates has been opened for more f--k sessions! #toaso kraaa...
13 Aug 2017 | 08:18
Boy wai nim sena y3 di tw3
13 Aug 2017 | 08:33
It can't be from Alhaji... Maybe ken or his sister
13 Aug 2017 | 08:44
@dannymhorgan. Obedi tw3 no saa
13 Aug 2017 | 08:47
its Tilly. no need of being afraid
13 Aug 2017 | 12:34
how come dey located ur hostel
13 Aug 2017 | 12:49
u r in poo
13 Aug 2017 | 12:50
open the door for Tilly
13 Aug 2017 | 13:38
That's Tilly knocking i guess
13 Aug 2017 | 13:44
13 Aug 2017 | 15:16
13 Aug 2017 | 15:57
Tilly i guess
13 Aug 2017 | 18:45
na u take ur hand look for troubles na
13 Aug 2017 | 19:20
haha u don't enter am
13 Aug 2017 | 19:24
[‬b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 8 I was scared to open the door but all of a sudden the door knob turned and the person behind the door came in believe me I was sweating so badly that the person who opened the door got alarmed and rushed to where I was seated, it was no one but my sweetheart Tilly, she asked me a million questions in a matter of seconds that I didn't know which one to answer. Later she saw my leg which had started to swell and that is when she realised that everything was not okay with me, I lied to her that when she left the party last night with her to be husband, Ken also left immediately and when it got late I also decided to leave to the hostel, some hoodlums chased me and in my bid to escape I fell and twisted my left leg, I further told her that I lost my phone in the that same attempt, I saw the disappointment and pain in the eyes of Tilly, I believe she was battling with her emotions for the trauma she had put me through even though I was lying to her, in my head I was enjoying what was happening but who cared what Tilly felt after all she also played with my feelings and even made me jealous when she left with that uncultured guy to God knows where. She offered to take me to the hospital so my leg could be examined by an expert whether my injury was serious or not, she took me to the university hospital where I was attended to by a doctor and some x-ray shots were taken during my session with the doctor, Tilly asked permission to get some stuffs at home and by the time she comes back the doctor might be done with me, she made all the necessary payments of my bills before taking leave and in about 45minutes time she was back to pick me up at the hospital. I was given a walking stick to help me walk and was advised not to engage myself in anything vigorous and also abstain from sex if I wanted my leg to heal fast, as we got to Tilly's car she handed over a brand new BlackBerry Bold 5 to me to replace my missing phone, you can't imagine my joy at that time because that phone was launched just 5days ago in the country, poor man turned into biggie man all of a sudden, she brought me back to the hostel and went to her car to get the stuffs she went in for back to the room, she sent it to the kitchen and came back to the room to change herself, my God if not for this twisted leg and "stupid advice" from the doctor I would have pounce on her to devour her into piece, Tilly wore a hot pant with a spaghetti top to match and in fact I couldn't take my eyes off her body, the taught of Maabena came to mind and immediately I flashed that idea out of my head because if I didn't do so then I had to go and make deposit with the money she gave me at the coffin seller's shop so that when eventually the alhaji's macho boys killed me, I will save my mother the burden of buwy a coffin for my corpse. Tilly cooked for me and stayed with me till Monday morning before she left for class, all this while nothing happened between us, eeeeeeiiiiii the cat has managed to stay with the mouse in the same room without any conflict. Before she left she left 500cedis for me to use in her absence and pleaded with me to keep everything secret away from her brother once again and planted a kiss on my lips, wow I was over 2000cedis rich in less than 24hours plus a latest smartphone owner, I placed my sim card in the phone the moment I was left alone in the room and guess who called me immediately as phone registered my sim card? Yes you are right it was Maabena my time bomb, I warned her in a polite way never for her to call my linr again and that even when she see me dying by the roadside she should just pass me by because I loved my life the way it was before I met her "TO EAT CASSAVA AND HOT PEPPER WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM IS BETTER THAN EATING PIZZA AND GETTING SERIOUS PROBLEM" was the proverb I said to her before cutting the phone on her. Fast forward: My leg has gotten better and I had even started attending classes and one calm Wednesday mid morning Ken came back from campus very excited and singing loudly, I was eager to know the reason behind his joy and he sat me down to inform me that he and his sister are bound to leave the country that very evening to continue the studies in the UK. To him it was good news but to me it was the worse news I had ever heard from him, if am permitted to use this word I will say it is the badest news ever in my life and the annoying part of the news was that, Samuel Acheampong was going along with them to the UK, I believe his father was the brain behind this sudden change all of a sudden. I got a message from an unknown number to come to the hostel basket ball court and I was wondering who the sender of the message was because I didn't know who the sender was and the scary part of the message was that I shouldn't let my roommate know that am meeting someone outside the hostel Who could the sender be? Was it Maabena or the alhaji and his boys or maybe one of Ken's numerous girlfriends? Should I take the risk of meeting the anonymous person? You will know the person very soon when you join me in the next episode tomorrow To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
13 Aug 2017 | 20:44
lol next o
14 Aug 2017 | 07:48
time will tell who that person is
14 Aug 2017 | 09:03
it might be Tilly
14 Aug 2017 | 12:23
14 Aug 2017 | 14:07
O boy! yawa apae o! Anyway #toaso....
14 Aug 2017 | 14:20
It's can be Tilly, who want to tell you something before she leaves
14 Aug 2017 | 14:36
Its alryt
14 Aug 2017 | 15:16
it really a bad news for u
14 Aug 2017 | 15:24
That could b Tilly wanting too say her goodbye 2 u
14 Aug 2017 | 15:40
14 Aug 2017 | 18:06
Waiting patiently for the next episode.
14 Aug 2017 | 18:32
Getting more intrestin,i luv d story
14 Aug 2017 | 18:49
it is either Tilly or Mabeena
14 Aug 2017 | 18:55
Things about to change!
15 Aug 2017 | 03:49
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 9 I took the risk and chance to meet the person who sent me the message at the spot in the message without letting Ken know where I was going, honestly I was scared but also optimistic to face my fears if the sender of the message happened to be alhaji, his macho boys, Maabena or any of Ken's numerous girlfriend. I got to the basketball court and there was no one there, I tried calling the number which sent me the message but I was getting "you have dialed the wrong number" feedback, my patience was running out as I wasn't seeing anyone there or approaching the basketball court so I decided to go back to my room but another message came through and the content was: "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU RUSHING TO, STAND THERE BEFORE I CEASE YOUR BREATH", I turned myself about 720degree but still couldn't spot anyone's present close to the basketball court, my conscience had by now started fighting with me as to the reason why I came down to this place, I was having a rumbling stomach all of a sudden and thunder lighting was striking inside my stomach as at that time, I tried sending a message to the person who invited me to the basketball court but another message came through to my phone with this content: "WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU TRYING TO TYPE TO ME WITH THE PHONE IN YOUR HANDS", matters were by now getting out of hands so I took to my heels only to hear someone laughing loudly behind me, I turned and saw someone in fact a lady like person standing behind a tree, from that spot I realised it was no one but Tilly who was making fun of me. I got pissed of but I kept my cool since I didn't want her to see the other side of me, I walked to her direction with a pale face and she kept on laughing at me till she realised that I wasn't relating to her the way I use to, she aksed for me to pardon her if what she did nearly caused my pressure to rise to the negative percentage. She went straight to the point by telling me point blank that she will be travelling to the UK with her brother and betrothed husband this evening to continue their education there, what she said hit me like a thunder strike which got me speechless for a very long time, I thought Ken was playing pranks on me earlier on, I asked her why she was now telling me this and she told me that she and her brother never knew anything about this sudden departure to the UK but the information just came in this morning to them so I should try and understand her because she had nothing to do to avert or delay the journey. My phone rang and it was Ken calling, he pleaded with me to stay a bit long at the place I was because he was doing a closing ceremony for his latest catch before he departs from Ghana that evening, after the call Tilly asked me to follow her to an undisclosed place where she had something for me so I left with her immediately, she drove to the nearest guest house and booked for a short time room for the 2 of us. We entered the room and before I said anything Tilly pushed me to the bed and started undressing herself which I also started undressing myself to face her too, after all she was leaving me alone to the UK till God knows when she will return to Ghana and probably by that time she might be married to that spoilt brat so I wouldn't let this opportunity pass me by not even my final exams can distract my attention this time around. We started playing serious romance on the bed for like 20minutes just to psyche ourselves up for the final world cup match, we both were now very ready to quench the emotional thirst in us so Tilly jumped on me and held "Nii Dromo" in her palms just to insert it into her golden palace when all of a sudden her phone started ringing, all she could say was "shit not this time around", the caller was her father and he was the type who hated it when he calls you and you don't answer your phone when it rings so she decided to answer the call first and listen to whatever her father had for her, moreover she has been booked on a flight this evening and there could be changes popping up so she had no choice but to answer the call. I declined her from answering the phone but Tilly had her reason not to hid to what I was saying because she knew who she was dealing with, she tossed herself to the direction of the phone and answered the call, for the content of the call I always regret it when it comes to mind and I curse the inventor of cell phone always, if I knew this would happen I would have turned Tilly's phone off when she gave it to me to hold it for her. You might be wondering what the content of the call was? Tilly's dad wanted her home ASAP to sign some documents for him at home so she was to stop anything she was doing and rush back home, she told me this as she looked for her pant to wear, you can imagine the disappointment that I had on my face that very moment, I pleaded with her to just give herself to me for just 2minutes but she refused, I even asked for her to permit me to insert my manhood into her for just 5seconds but her answer remained NO, she dressed up leaving me still in the bed with my manhood so so stiff like the neck of a Giraffe, she fished through her hand bag brought out a cheque book wrote and signed some amount for me to go an cash this very afternoon, in addition she gave me a bundle of 20cedis notes and add it to the cheque she had handed over to me, the cheque had an amount of 3000cedis written on it plus the 2000cedis she gave me summing up to 5000cedis. I didn't even say thank you to her as she made way to the door because all I needed that time was to "enter the net" of hers as Shatta Wale said in one of his songs So why can't Nii for once get Tilly pinned down, is it that her golden palace is a sacred place for Nii to enter or is Nii been saved from something? Well only time can tell, every long journey has its final destination To be continued......................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
15 Aug 2017 | 04:27
Hmmm to bad 4 u
15 Aug 2017 | 06:31
See Baba
15 Aug 2017 | 06:55
maybe dat was is luck...d opportunity will come next time
15 Aug 2017 | 07:50
lol next
15 Aug 2017 | 09:30
Maybe God doesn't want u to enter her
15 Aug 2017 | 12:01
Lol...Bad Boy
15 Aug 2017 | 12:22
Enjoying this..
15 Aug 2017 | 14:07
Probably you are both related by blood... maybe your mother had once been her father's mistress or his Galfrd
15 Aug 2017 | 17:45
Real bad timing! Next!
15 Aug 2017 | 18:01
15 Aug 2017 | 18:29
15 Aug 2017 | 18:34
maybe he is been protected from something lol but that nil funny o. even if it is just to put it inside :whistle so hilarious
15 Aug 2017 | 19:05
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 2 Episode 10 Tilly left me in the room unattended to and by now I was feeling this serious and severe pains in my scrotum (balls), I cursed Tilly's dad in my head for being my devil that very day, he had stood in between my happiness and satisfaction for the day. As I was lying down and nursing my pains, Tilly sent me a message to quickly go to the bank and withdraw the cheque she gave since she might be turning her phone off soon she didn't want me to get problem at the banking hall and also she promised that I will be the very first person on this earth to sleep with her before any man does. Nonsense you think am been controlled by a remote or what, you call for my libido and leave me half way through the journey waa the question I asked myself after reading her text message? I managed to get myself on the road and straight to the bank I went, the transaction went on smoothly and I left to the hostel to meet the absence of Ken but in the room was a very beautiful slim fair sophisticated lady seated on my bed, I asked her the whereabouts of Ken but she told me he received a call from his father and had to rush to house ASAP. I called Ken and he told me their travelling agent called his father to alert him that one tickets they booked and was reserved for them had been sold by his customer care manager so Ken had to go in search for a new travelling agent who had the same airline ticket for this evening flight to buy so he might be away for close to 2hours before he returns so I should take good care of the lady in the room, funny enough I placed the phone on loudspeaker during the call so the lady heard everything Ken told me and as soon as I dropped the call I saw the lady licking her lips in a sexy way but I ignored her as if she never existed in the room, I asked her if there was anything I could offer her to drink since she was not having anything in front of her, she requested for Hollandaise yoghurt drink but we weren't having some in the fridge so I rushed to the hostel cafeteria to get some for her but as I got there, I was told the last one there was sold just 3minutes ago to someone. I had no option than to run to the nearest provision shop around the hostel to get one for her, I checked on 6 different shops before I got the exact product to buy for the lady, I run back to the hostel to deliver the drink to her soaked in my own sweat, as I got back to the room she was playing my favourite romantic song SEXUAL HEALING by Marvin Gaye and later changed the song to "I NEED YOU by Marc Anthony", this songs were songs that melted me easily but hey she was not my girlfriend so I had to be in my lane. I went for a nice glass from the kitchen and I served her to her admiration and it was then that she started to engage me me in a hearty conversation, she introduced herself as Juliana Kotey and that she was in her final year reading Psychology, I also introduced myself and the conversation started following like we have known ourselves for long, I asked if she was dating my roommate and she smiled and said they only met 2days ago at the school library and that they were now getting to know each other properly, she asked me to join her with the drink I bought but as I declined she took offence to it and made a crazy comment that if I didn't join her with the drink then it means I have put something into the drink so I take advantage of her later. I looked at her in the eyes puzzled with her statement and to make sleeping dogs lie, I went in for a glass to join her but as I came back she had rubbed the drink on her upper lip like a kid and she was licking it in a very tempting and romantic way with her tongue that Nii Dromo started nodded his head in my boxer shorts, I filled my glass and drank the whole content before putting the glass down, I told her I want to excuse her so I take a quick shower because of the way I was drenched in my sweat, as I was heading to the washroom, Juliana made an awkward statement which made me turn back to take a second look at her because I wasn't expecting such utterance from her at that very time Surprises! Surprises!! Surprises!!! It keeps popping up every second. End of Season 2 Season 3 starts on Saturday evening @ 8pm Nigeria time ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
16 Aug 2017 | 08:22
Season 3 ...chai did story go reach season 10 oo...well I dey always follow
16 Aug 2017 | 12:48
Will be waiting ooo... But let me see if I can guess the statement she made... Hmmm 'Can I join You' ... I will be waiting to see if I get it right.
16 Aug 2017 | 14:38
nice story waiting 4 season 3
16 Aug 2017 | 14:49
lol Nigeria time awaiting Moderation
16 Aug 2017 | 15:01
Hahaha season 10 indeed,nice dear jst keep it coming
16 Aug 2017 | 15:29
Waiting patiently...
16 Aug 2017 | 17:53
hmmmm.u will miss tily nd ken
16 Aug 2017 | 18:08
waiting for season 3
16 Aug 2017 | 18:10
waiting for season 3
16 Aug 2017 | 18:37
@tolani i wonder o well is interesting waiting patiently
16 Aug 2017 | 19:15
Ok, waiting patiently!
16 Aug 2017 | 23:18
Good Story,well Done
17 Aug 2017 | 01:27
roll in
17 Aug 2017 | 08:09
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 1 As I made way to the washroom Juliana made an awkward statement which made me take a second look at her, she asked if she could come over and scrub my back for me? I swallowed hard the saliva in my mouth because I wasn't in that terms with her and moreover I just met her just some few minutes ago, she told me not to give her such look because she knew I wasn't a Saint or a virgin and moreover I heard very well what my roommate said on the phone, he asked me to take good care of her and that he will be coming back in 2hours time. Was this Juliana lady pulling my legs or was it a psychological trick she and Ken were trying to pull on me this sunny Wednesday afternoon, I smiled and told her am grateful for her offer but I was okay and I walked on into the washroom. I opened the shower for the water to run over my body before applying my shower gel on me, as I rubbed some of the gel on me I felt someone grabbing me from behind which made me screen the name of Jesus loudly, I knew it was Juliana because I felt her twin tower solidly behind me and we were the only people in the room at that time, foolishly I asked what she was doing there because by now I could decode exactly what she wanted from me that very moment. I thank God in my head because I now knew when one door closes another door opens, Nii Dromo was very charged and erected to drill any goldmine that came across him, Juliana pleaded with me to make love to her simply because Ken was having some foreplay session with her before his dad called to interrupt the afternoon teaser and because Ken had already released the beast inside her, her libido had risen very high and she couldn't control herself any longer. Who will spit out honey that is been poured in his mouth free of charge, I turned and held Juliana in my arms and started kissing her like she owed me kisses and during this time I took time to search for her G spot and in no time I located it and dealt with that part judiciously well, because of her stature it was very easy to carry her and make love to her. She held Nii Dromo in her palms and rubbed her hand on it whispering to me how heavy I was before guiding him to her royal palace, honestly am not a fan of slim ladies but this very lady left an indelible mark in my memory because she rocked me like never before, we enjoyed ourselves across the length and breath of the room for close to 2hours before we both got satisfied with ourselves, we were laying down planning of another round when someone knocked at the front door. We both turned and faced each other before rushing to get our dresses on but as I went to the door after dressing up and opened it, there was no one by the door and surprisingly the was also nobody in the corridor and everywhere also seemed quite because almost everyone had left for lectures that afternoon, I locked the door and Juliana asked me who was at the door and as I told her there was no one over there she was surprised because the person didn't knock once or twice only and moreover we all heard the sound of the knock so it wasn't like I or her alone were hearing things differently but rather the same thing, I wanted more of her but I released Ken might join us soon so I had to forget about that idea, we don't steal someone's property like that. All of a sudden something hit me to put the room in good order before Ken returns so I did that and in less than 45seconds after I was done with the decoration and putting the room in order Ken entered the room without even a knock, he called me in a harsh tone and requested for me to follow him, I had a sharp fear taking me hostage at once, I nearly started confessing to Ken because I taught maybe he has been informed by some hostel mates that I have been sleeping with the lady he entrusted into my care hence he calling me in that harsh manner. I followed him like a hypnotized person to the hostel car park where his car was parked, when we got there he told me to sit in the car, whatever the case or reason why he summoned me to the car he was the only person who knew and was yet to unveil it to me, as at that moment if I made any mistake to pass gas from my ass am very sure I would have soiled myself with my own faeces because I was worried and scared at the same time, all this while Juliana was in the room alone and Ken didn't bother to say a word to her as he entered the room earlier on.................. What do you think is the problem my good people? When you temper with something that isn't yours and the owner approaches you what goes on in your mind? We will know the very reason by tomorrow morning God willing. Stay tuned To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
20 Aug 2017 | 07:20
@fii-fi you didn't get it right @Frankkay and @Tolani that is how the writer wrote it and there is nothing I can do about it It is just 4 season
20 Aug 2017 | 07:23
O no I get it wrong . . What is the problem, Ken? . @jummybabe but I almost get it
20 Aug 2017 | 09:35
ken will dash him the car since he will be leaving for abroad
20 Aug 2017 | 14:04
Maybe he learnt bouh relationship wit his sis
20 Aug 2017 | 15:00
may b he found out abt u and his sister
20 Aug 2017 | 16:27
Waiting for the next episode to find out
20 Aug 2017 | 17:06
what are you doing when I knock
20 Aug 2017 | 17:44
hmmmmm...maybe Ken was d one who knock den
20 Aug 2017 | 20:56
well until Ken tell u y d harsh attitude
20 Aug 2017 | 20:58
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 2 I sat in the car waiting for the first missile to be launched towards me because they say "its a man that swallows a bitter pill", Ken was quite for close to 5minutes without uttering a word to me and I was also not courageous enough to put a question before him because I knew I was not with a clear conscience. At long last Ken spoke in a very calm and brotherly manner to me, he had tears in his eyes and I could calculate how painful what he was about to say to me was, he told me that he had gotten some of the plane ticket and that he came to the hostel purposely to bid me farewell before they left the shores of this country in the evening, unfortunately for me there was going to be a close door family meeting and discussion so I couldn't join them or see them off at the airport. He stressed on how privileged he was knowing me not just as a roommate or a friend but as a brother from another mother, the good and quality times we shared together were all the things he valued and held it in high esteem and that it had been a pleasure and honour knowing me, he for the first time told me how proud he was of me because there was something about me that always motivated him to surge on in his academic and social life, all I could do was also to look at him quietly because even though I hadn't been fair to him as a friend I also owed him my life, his friendliness and brotherly support has been the reason why I have been able to survive this hard conditions on campus. Ken is someone I can write a whole book about in just an hour if am given the opportunity to do so, if there is someone I can describe on earth as an "ANGEL", then Ken is the very best person who I can choose for that role without thinking twice because his kind of persona was a gem, very scares to come by, after Ken spoke at length he opened the arm rest in his car and brought out a brown envelope, he handed it over to me to manage the content in it till he settles down well in the UK where he would start sending me money for my upkeep. He told me he didn't want the lady in the room to know that he was travelling outside the country so that was why he brought me out of the room to the car, both of us walked back to the room without uttering a word to each other, as we got to the room Ken packed all his books in the room into a bag and gave his car keys to Juliana to wait for him in the car, Ken's left behind his laptop, clothes, shoes, jewellery, expensive perfumes, watches and everything of his in my care. We hugged as friends and brothers for the very last time with tears flowing down my cheeks as if someone close to me was dead, Ken couldn't hold himself up when he saw me in tears that he also started shedding tears but all de same we had no choice, he was only travelling outside to better his education and career, moreover technology had made the world a very small global village so there was no cause for alarm, he wiped my tears whiles I did same for him and he promised he will always be there to assist me through my education, I helped him with his bag as we made way to his car, he gave me a handshake and sat in the car, without a word he moved his car and Juliana gave me a devilish look as they left my presence, for where the went or parted company it was my back case. I went back to my room and checked the envelope Ken gave to me only to discover that it contained 5000cedis in it, wooooow in less than 24hours I was over 10000cedis rich, I had to use my head now and use the money in my possession wisely because if I misused it and it finishes then I will be as broke as the church mouse. How Ken, Tilly and the spoilt brat left Ghana I have no idea about and for the next 3weeks I didn't hear from my Tilly or Ken, I was disturbed because all their lines were not going through and I had sent them numerous messages on Facebook but there was no reply coming back from them and also no updates on their timelines, life had to still go on without them around, since I was in the room alone I decided to deal with the ladies on campus but halfway through my decision taking Juliana popped up only to break bad news to me. What news could Juliana be carrying to my doorstep unexpected. Where God cooks his food is exactly where the devil also comes to smoke his dry fish ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
21 Aug 2017 | 07:41
What if Ken wants to give you a parting gift....
21 Aug 2017 | 08:45
hmmmm...ride on
21 Aug 2017 | 12:06
Hmm.... What news be that?
21 Aug 2017 | 12:31
hmmmm it will be so sad but life still continue
21 Aug 2017 | 12:34
maybe she is pregnant for u
21 Aug 2017 | 13:38
Maybe pregnancy.
21 Aug 2017 | 14:20
What news can be a bad news if not pregnancy
21 Aug 2017 | 14:55
I hope they are not dead
21 Aug 2017 | 18:11
na to pushu d devil na
21 Aug 2017 | 18:19
Hmmmm what could be the bad news?
21 Aug 2017 | 19:28
hope nothing bad happened to Ken n Tilly o
21 Aug 2017 | 19:31
What news?
21 Aug 2017 | 19:52
Ur baby
21 Aug 2017 | 21:30
22 Aug 2017 | 01:39
I hope nothing bad happen to Ken or tilly
22 Aug 2017 | 06:26
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 3 Juliana Kotey from no where popped up one evening when I had dished out my supper to eat, she was glowing in her hot pink dress when she came into my room, I was very happy to see her because I knew I was going to satisfy my stomach and that young man in between my legs. I invited her to join me with my food but she rejected the offer with a straight face, to me I felt she did so because she was thinking after having my way with her the other time I have not bothered to search for her and maybe finish the business we started the other time. She didn't waist much time on the mission that brought her to my room that evening at all and neither did she beat about the bush, in fact she hit directly on the head of the nail, according to her she expected her monthly flow last 3weeks ago but it never showed up after waiting for it for days which led to weeks and not coming she went for a checkup at the hospital and it was confirmed that she was 3weeks pregnant and brought out the doctor's report for me to see. I looked at paper critically and read everything written on it before I congratulated her for proving that she was a very fertile woman without even asking her who the man behind the pregnancy was and continued enjoying my palatable meal, she waited for sometime and asked me if I wasn't concerned about who she was pregnant with, I raised my head, looked at her and said in my head "WHAT HAS MONEY GOT TO DO WITH MR COCKROACH", whoever the man is how could that be my worry after all we weren't related anyway and I wasn't your guy so what nonsense was she saying by what she said, for the sake of harmony and peace I decided to just ask her who the man was so she could feel I was having pity or concern about her on the issue she had brought before me. I had placed in my mouth a piece of meat which I was enjoying it when she dropped the boom shell to my face that I was the guy responsible for her pregnancy. WHAAAAAAAAAT? The meat in my mouth had all of a sudden turned into gravels and my hormones responsible for taste had all died immediately, I wanted to speak but I was stammering and fumbling with words, I asked for her to repeat herself by turning the volume of the tv down for me to be sure of myself because I didn't trust my ears with what it heard before sending a signal to my brain, without mixing and missing words she repeated herself one more time to my hearing and this time around it was crystal clear in my head, in fact the hunger and the enjoyment for the food in front of me lost its network coverage in my system at once. I pushed the food aside and watched her closely as if I had seen the ghost of my late father, the only thing that came out of my mouth was "so what are you going to do about it? ", she rewarded me with a very nice slap with the question I asked her as to what she was going to do about the pregnancy, I was supposed to get anger on an ordinary day with the slap she gave me but I believe my anger cells were on strike that day, she told me not to ask her that stupid question that what was she going to do about the pregnancy but rather what were "WE" going to do about it since we were in it together, after sometime of silence in the room Juliana spoke and told me that in her family conceiving was a very big problem for them so she has decided to keep the baby so I should get ready to father a child or probably twins if that is what was in her womb. She told me that she hadn't informed her mum yet but will do so after leaving my place, I wish the earth will open and swallow me up to avert the nonsense I was been fed with at that very moment, the annoying part was that Juliana was not my type of woman as with her stature and appearance, the most intimidating part of all was that she was 5years older than me, hah what a day it was for me and how bad things could get for me, how was I going to take care of the baby and the mother when finally he or she was brought to the world, sometimes you wish you are an adult or a full grown man but there are some responsibilities that you have to perform that you wish you remain a little boy always. Asem k3sei paaa na aba yei!!!! What is the fate of Nii Dromo now? Even your education and existence of living depends on some benevolent people and organisation so what if they hear this is the blunder you have committed? We will know the next line of action God willing tomorrow morning so make a date with me. To be continued............................. # Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
22 Aug 2017 | 06:44
So when you were doing it you didn't remember that she wasn't your type of woman.. Ode carry your responsibility
22 Aug 2017 | 11:08
Hmmmm, double wahala
22 Aug 2017 | 12:16
Just let her knw hw things are for you. Moreover she is the one dat seduced u @ first. U never planned of sleeping wth her, i guess its a trap
22 Aug 2017 | 12:18
Juliana myt be pregnant
22 Aug 2017 | 12:19
Wahala and yawa
22 Aug 2017 | 12:37
u chop am alone abeg face am alone
22 Aug 2017 | 20:53
I knew she was pregnant
22 Aug 2017 | 20:56
he is not responsible that's ken baby
22 Aug 2017 | 21:31
As3m k3sei paaa.. .. Chai
22 Aug 2017 | 21:32
You are deep shit
22 Aug 2017 | 21:56
take responsibility
22 Aug 2017 | 23:03
u av entarit fully
23 Aug 2017 | 01:01
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 4 Trouble never goes in search for his victims but rather the victims chase after trouble, how was I going to survive this news now that Juliana had made it very clear to me that she wasn't going to abort this pregnancy, what was I going to do? Hehehehehehe married couples wanted to hear this kind of news and they were not hearing it and we those who didn't need search news were the people hearing it, isn't the world a crazy place to live? I sent the plate and bowl I was eating from back to the kitchen, washed my hand and came back to the room, the moment I sat down my phone rang, I taught it was Ken or my sweet Tilly but unfortunately it wasn't any of them but rather my mother, I was disappointed but hey it was my sweet mother calling, she quarrelled with me for not calling to check up on them but I only called when I needed money and of which I apologised and she forgave me at once, one thing about my mother was that when you were at fault and you accepted you mistake and apologised no matter your fault or mistake she would forgive you and caution you never to repeat that mistake again. She asked if everything was okay with me because she had been having series of nightmares about me recently and she didn't like the contents of the nightmares she was seeing, she warned me that I should becareful with the female friends I mingle with, further she cautioned me not to attend any evening party organised in the school for that very semester, I didn't want to ask why because I knew who my mother was when it came to dreams interpretation and I can say that her immutable prayers has gotten me this far, she further prayed with me and ended the call. Juliana was seated on my bed looking at me like a predator about to attack its prey, I was very confused because I haven't been faced with such a problem before in my life, hmmmmmm how was I going to come out of this mess was what I was thinking about that evening, I undressed myself to go and shower and the next thing I saw Juliana doing was also undressing herself, I wanted to ask her what she was trying to do but I kept mute and went to the washroom, she followed me and tried to repeat what she did to me the other time. If not for the fact that my hand was in her mouth I would have also slapped her for the nonsense she just tried on me, I haven't gotten solution to the already found problem and you want to add more problems to it, the annoying thing that came from her mouth nearly made me strangle her neck but my instincts shut my actions down not to implicate myself any further, could you imagine Juliana asking for sex in the washroom and to add insult to injury she told me that she was ready to settle down with me as my wife and that she didn't mind what people will say and the age difference between us because age was just a number to her and moreover the way I handled her emotionally was very matured. I looked at her with disguise all over my face for her but still kept mute so I don't hurt her with any verbal utterance, I quickly showered and left her in the washroom to do whatever she wanted to do over there, she came back with a very pale face still naked even though I left my towel in there for her to cover herself up with it, I looked at from head to toe and nothing stroke me to even go near her or touch her. In fact the young man in between my legs was so fast asleep that I don't know what on earth could wake him up in his current slumber, I told her if she was hungry there was food in the kitchen and I tried to sleep on the bed of Ken but sleep was nowhere to be located that evening in eyes, I tossed from left to right all night long without even sleeping for a minute, I realised that she was sitting on my bed observing me but couldn't utter a word and the room also felt so hot for me even though the fan was working perfectly. To the young guys who have faced this problem before I salute and wish no other guy finds himself in my shoes now, if you abstain from women trouble and if you don't abstain too trouble again, which kind wahala sef be this, this is temptation with a little confusion indeed A minute of pleasure can bring your bright future to a demise. Could Juliana be speaking the truth by telling Nii that he's responsible for her pregnancy or she is trying to be a gold digger thinking that Nii might also becoming from a sound background? Is it true that every woman or lady knows who exactly impregnated her and that its deliberate when they go to the wrong person to accuse him falsely? Well keep the discussion going on at your end after reading this episode!!! We will meet again tomorrow to continue with the story To be continued.............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
23 Aug 2017 | 14:49
It could be a lie
23 Aug 2017 | 16:50
she can be lie to you
23 Aug 2017 | 17:27
she de lie
23 Aug 2017 | 19:02
it's really complicated now bt with time everytin will be reveal to u if u r d owner of it or not
23 Aug 2017 | 19:08
See what you've bring upon yourself
23 Aug 2017 | 19:11
@coolval22,,,,pls,try to be updating ongoing stories to us on time hv notice dat since yesterday....thanks
23 Aug 2017 | 19:15
She could be lying so as to settle down with him
23 Aug 2017 | 19:53
it could be a trap man
23 Aug 2017 | 20:03
Guy use ur head
24 Aug 2017 | 03:06
ι тнιик ʝυℓιαиα ιѕ ℓιєιиg ι вєℓιєνє кєи тσ вє яєѕρσиѕιвℓє
24 Aug 2017 | 06:01
I guess Juliana is just trying to be a gold digger guy use your brain
24 Aug 2017 | 06:56
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 5 Gradually the morning sun rose and day light filled the room again, I stood up and went to the washroom to freshen up, I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and I knew Juliana was trying to put things together, was she trying to lure me into her life with food since they say "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach", mtcheeeeeeeew who was thinking about food at this crucial part of life. I was supposed to go to class that morning but hey what at all could I learn or conceive when I get there because my mind had gone on an expedition to find solution to the mess I saw myself in, in the washroom an idea popped up in my head and I felt it was necessary I followed that idea, I came out of the washroom freshened and rejuvenated and as I applied lotion on my body, Juliana came to serve me with my breakfast and all of a sudden I felt hunger and the edge to eat the food before me, honestly I ate the food as if I just finished a 31days fasting and truth be told the food was superb. I finished the food in less than 5minutes as it was put before me, Juliana came to clear the table and went to the kitchen and later moved to the washroom to shower, she came back again naked and this time around I felt Nii Dromo tapping my thighs in my boxer, I heard myself murmuring saying "what can come can come, what can happen can happen, what can do can do - right now for here", I jumped from the bed and held Juliana in my arms and started banging her white and black as if my life depended on that round of sex that very moment, in fact I banged her like a whore who was trying to escape from me after I had paid for her services that she pleaded for mercy but my gentlemanly spirit was out of me. It took me almost an hour and half before I ejaculated heavily into her because after all its advised medically that you have to be having sex with your partner frequently so that she can deliver without stress or any complications. None of us could stand on our feets as that round of sex I had with her was my longest and wildest ever I have had, all of a sudden I started speaking and the words that came out of my mouth were surprising to Juliana and even to my ears, I told her I wanted to meet her parents that very morning so she should prepare so we leave to her family house that very moment, she looked surprised and a bit scared with my statement but was she having any excuse to give me that very moment, she was a bit reluctant to get herself ready but my mind was also made up, at least I had over 10000cedis in my accounts that could take care of the mother and child before I secured a job for myself, I didn't love her but she was allegedly carrying my child so I dressed up and she also did same, I opened my drawer close to my bed and brought out 500cedis so we could use as transportation to Juliana's family house. I gave her 150cedis out of the 500cedis I took out of the drawer to hold and we left the room, as we descended the staircase and got to the car park of the hostel some thugs attacked me from behind and started beating me like a thief for no just reason, as I was been beaten I saw one guy talking with Juliana in a harsh way and giving her some slaps, per my calculations I realised the guy was Juliana's boyfriend and he asked where she slept the previous night because they followed her to this hostel last night as she made way to this place and that if she was seen anywhere close to this hostel again her life will be a miserable one, the guy whistled to the guys and the beatings stopped, he came to where I was lying helplessly and bleeding from my mouth and nose, he ordered them to raise me up from the ground and brought out a jack knife to threatening me that the next time am spotted around Juliana or even walking 10meters close to her I will be assassinated and my miserable body will not be seen to be buried and after saying that he slapped me that made me fall flat on the ground, they sat in a taxi parked close to us and drove off. One thing I had realised from the people in my hostel was that no one was ever willing to risk his or her life for you when you are been attacked by people so I helped myself up and made way to my room feeling very weak and tired. I was supposed to be crying or mourning for the way I had been dealt with but rather I was smiling to myself for no just course as I made way to my room, I conveyed myself to the washroom and cleaned myself before rushing to the university hospital for a checkup to be conducted all over my body, fortunately for me I was told my injury wasn't a serious one and I didn't get any injury that will cause me any future problem so I was given tetanus injection and some pain killers and anti biotics to be taken home........ I believe you know why I was smiling to myself as at now? My biggest problem has been solved by receiving beatings from some thugs. Tomorrow is another day we shall meet God willing To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
24 Aug 2017 | 07:41
24 Aug 2017 | 11:09
Hmmmm good riddance to bad rubbish,
24 Aug 2017 | 11:13
I tink u shuld learn frm ur encounter wit juliana and mak no such mistake again...abi na this z d second tym u ar beaten cos of a gal
24 Aug 2017 | 14:21
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 5 Gradually the morning sun rose and day light filled the room again, I stood up and went to the washroom to freshen up, I heard sounds coming from the kitchen and I knew Juliana was trying to put things together, was she trying to lure me into her life with food since they say "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach", mtcheeeeeeeew who was thinking about food at this crucial part of life. I was supposed to go to class that morning but hey what at all could I learn or conceive when I get there because my mind had gone on an expedition to find solution to the mess I saw myself in, in the washroom an idea popped up in my head and I felt it was necessary I followed that idea, I came out of the washroom freshened and rejuvenated and as I applied lotion on my body, Juliana came to serve me with my breakfast and all of a sudden I felt hunger and the edge to eat the food before me, honestly I ate the food as if I just finished a 31days fasting and truth be told the food was superb. I finished the food in less than 5minutes as it was put before me, Juliana came to clear the table and went to the kitchen and later moved to the washroom to shower, she came back again naked and this time around I felt Nii Dromo tapping my thighs in my boxer, I heard myself murmuring saying "what can come can come, what can happen can happen, what can do can do - right now for here", I jumped from the bed and held Juliana in my arms and started banging her white and black as if my life depended on that round of sex that very moment, in fact I banged her like a whore who was trying to escape from me after I had paid for her services that she pleaded for mercy but my gentlemanly spirit was out of me. It took me almost an hour and half before I ejaculated heavily into her because after all its advised medically that you have to be having sex with your partner frequently so that she can deliver without stress or any complications. None of us could stand on our feets as that round of sex I had with her was my longest and wildest ever I have had, all of a sudden I started speaking and the words that came out of my mouth were surprising to Juliana and even to my ears, I told her I wanted to meet her parents that very morning so she should prepare so we leave to her family house that very moment, she looked surprised and a bit scared with my statement but was she having any excuse to give me that very moment, she was a bit reluctant to get herself ready but my mind was also made up, at least I had over 10000cedis in my accounts that could take care of the mother and child before I secured a job for myself, I didn't love her but she was allegedly carrying my child so I dressed up and she also did same, I opened my drawer close to my bed and brought out 500cedis so we could use as transportation to Juliana's family house. I gave her 150cedis out of the 500cedis I took out of the drawer to hold and we left the room, as we descended the staircase and got to the car park of the hostel some thugs attacked me from behind and started beating me like a thief for no just reason, as I was been beaten I saw one guy talking with Juliana in a harsh way and giving her some slaps, per my calculations I realised the guy was Juliana's boyfriend and he asked where she slept the previous night because they followed her to this hostel last night as she made way to this place and that if she was seen anywhere close to this hostel again her life will be a miserable one, the guy whistled to the guys and the beatings stopped, he came to where I was lying helplessly and bleeding from my mouth and nose, he ordered them to raise me up from the ground and brought out a jack knife to threatening me that the next time am spotted around Juliana or even walking 10meters close to her I will be assassinated and my miserable body will not be seen to be buried and after saying that he slapped me that made me fall flat on the ground, they sat in a taxi parked close to us and drove off. One thing I had realised from the people in my hostel was that no one was ever willing to risk his or her life for you when you are been attacked by people so I helped myself up and made way to my room feeling very weak and tired. I was supposed to be crying or mourning for the way I had been dealt with but rather I was smiling to myself for no just course as I made way to my room, I conveyed myself to the washroom and cleaned myself before rushing to the university hospital for a checkup to be conducted all over my body, fortunately for me I was told my injury wasn't a serious one and I didn't get any injury that will cause me any future problem so I was given tetanus injection and some pain killers and anti biotics to be taken home........ I believe you know why I was smiling to myself as at now? My biggest problem has been solved by receiving beatings from some thugs. Tomorrow is another day we shall meet God willing To be continued........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
24 Aug 2017 | 14:38
hmmmmm next
24 Aug 2017 | 14:54
24 Aug 2017 | 15:23
Use this as a lesson
24 Aug 2017 | 15:52
I am happy for u too but be careful next time
24 Aug 2017 | 15:56
thank God for u
24 Aug 2017 | 16:15
Pray that it will remain that way
24 Aug 2017 | 17:01
Na woman go kill u
24 Aug 2017 | 17:31
i knew it dat Juliana is hiding something from u see d person dat was claiming u r responsible for her pregnancy whereas she as a bf at d hostel so she want to use dat pregnancy to lure u thank ur star dat her bf caught both of u nd even threaten u
24 Aug 2017 | 19:25
thank God they truth came out earlier
25 Aug 2017 | 05:46
Dromo you are a fool ooi Wont you collect ya 150 cedis back from her Abeg money is very valuable in this recession hour
25 Aug 2017 | 13:12
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 6 I came back to my room to nurture my pains and injury but deep inside me I was filled with joy, I was the happiest person at that very moment that you could think I had won a visa lottery to heaven why because those thugs that assaulted me brought me out from "reproach to glorification", I now knew I was out of the bondage of Juliana and that she will never come to me or call me any further to disturb my life with any pregnancy story again, aaaah baba God you do everything and it was now that I knew oluwa was very much involved. Through my happy moments a strange vodafone number called me and when I answered the call I realised it was none but Juliana, I took a deep breath before uttering words to her and as I started speaking I chose my words carefully because that was the only opportunity I had to tell her my peace of mind, I told her I loved my life and that I had a very bright future ahead of me and that I didn't want her to try and pour sand in my gari, I stressed on the fact that she should never in her life call me on phone or meet me anywhere on campus and mention my name ever, if she met me dying by the road she should do me the honour of passing by and in fact she should treat me as a virus and format me from her system for good, I told her she should deal with her alleged pregnancy with her mafia boyfriend and that the 150cedis I gave her should be used as compensation for the services she rendered to me, she tried explaining herself to me but my patience had ran out so I cut the line on her. Shortly after the call another strange vodafone number called me and out of anger and frustration I answered the call with a very harsh tone and started speaking rudely to the caller who had called me not knowing whoever had called and the person was very calm to the extent that the he or she waited for me to say the nonsense I had to say and when I finished talking the caller mentioned my name to see if it wasn't a wrong number that he or she had called, when I heard the voice I knew I had guff big time, the voice was very familiar that I wouldn't forget it even in my sleep, yeah your guess is right it was my one and only sweetheart Tilly who was at the end of the receiver speaking with me. I was shockprise yeah I was shocked and surprised at the same time that was the reason why I said I was shockprise, she asked if everything was okay with me and I lied to her that a lady had been pestering with my life after she left Ghana shortly, she laughed at me and made fun of me with a lot of comedy coming from her, I asked her why she kept herself from me after weeks of them leaving me behind,she told me they were involved in an immigration problem because Samuel's documents had some mistakes on it and shortly after they had solved that crisis, Samuel again faulted with a traffic regulation when they were coming back from class to the house, when the police conducted their investigation it came out that Samuel and Ken were drank and according to the British law it was a big offence which had a big penalty to face, we were arrested and detained for weeks in police custody and even as she was talking to me at the moment they were under house arrest, the telephone lines in the house has been disconnected as punishment and they couldn't go out for now also to get UK sim cards or units to buy to make calls to love once and that even the phone she was using belonged to one of the officials assigned to them. As the conversation was getting interesting the line went off and I tried everything I could to get in touch with her again but the line never connected me through to her, I tried for several hours but to no avail so I gave up for the day hoping to hear from my sweetheart once again later but that never happened. Eventually I advised myself after my ugly encounter with Juliana never to mingle or affiliate myself with an lady on campus till I complete my course in the school because my mission and aim to the school was only one that is to learn and pass my exams with flying colours so I secure a better job and help my family and little siblings back home, the decision I took really helped me because it boasted my academic performance and thanks to the monies Tilly and Ken left for me, I never lacked anything during my stay on campus. Fast forward: I got to the final year and I was one of the best if not the overall best student not only in my department but the entire school because I represented the school on many academic platforms and always came back victorious but all this while I had not heard from Tilly or Ken and none of them replied my numerous messages on Facebook since I wasn't having any of their contacts. Is it true that out of sight, out of mind as they say or had the foreign exposure changed the attitude and personalities of my 2 close buddies? To be continued...............................#Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Story by Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
25 Aug 2017 | 14:44
Thanks @jummybabe I thought wouldn't post saf. Nii Dromo toaso ma y3 (continue for us)
25 Aug 2017 | 15:07
there must be a Reason for them not calling
25 Aug 2017 | 19:56
Fake pregnancy!
26 Aug 2017 | 00:21
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 7 All too soon the day for the final exams dawned in and I took the papers, paper after paper and finally when the results was released I was no doubt the overall best student in the school. For the accolades I received chunk of them and one lecturer helped me secure a place in one of the reputable accounting fames in the country to do my national service there, I worked so hard and had new modules to tackle major problems in my department of work that in no time I was liked by most of the senior staffers expect the deputy director of the fame who never appreciated anything I did at the place. He always raised false alarm about me to the senior staffers but anytime they probed into the matter they never saw me at fault, one day a file was mistakenly dropped on my desk and since I taught it was for me to do some balancing and checks in the file I realised there had been a huge embezzlement going on from the desk of the deputy director, I raised an alarm and a serious meeting was organised in respect to my findings, the meeting went on for close to 7hours before it came to an end and by the time the meeting ended the deputy director together with some senior staffers were found as the culprits behind the embezzlement that they had to be apprehended and prosecuted, before the culprits were sent out of the building by the security personnels the deputy director who happened to be a number 9 told me in plain language that a reputation he had used 27years to build I have taken just a day to bring it to an end and that if I were the might oak tree he was also the small axe and that I will never find happiness in the fame and that my life will soon turn upside down. Hmmmmmm never underestimate the furry of an angry number 9 man because most of them never issue empty treats, my boss that I worked under in my department called me to her office the following day, she was astonished as to how I was able to track and nail the deputy director down because she said for the past 15years a lot of the workers had tried auditing the reports and financial expenditures of the deputy director but have never been successful and about 3 of them who almost got him caught died mysteriously so nobody in the company bothered ever again to try that with the man, she advised me like a mother to be very careful with how I go about things in the establishment because she knew there were still some of the culprits left in the fame, I thanked her and left to my desk. As I got to my desk I saw something unusual on my chair, a very big "GRASSHOPPER" was lying on my chair, I brushed it away with some papers I was holding in my hands and sat down to do the work I had been assigned with for the day, what marvelled me was that my office was on the 3rd floor of the 8storey building the fame was suited at and moreover the building has not having any open place or window for that parasite to find its was to my chair, I ignored my taught and started my work but for that day I closed very early because I was feeling very feverish all of a sudden at work so I took permission and left to the house but on my way home a "BAT" came to hit my chest which got me very alarmed and very alert because I knew "bats" hardly flew during broad daylight, I got home and things became worse for me that I was later rushed to the hospital by my co tenant in the house I had rented after leaving the hostel. I was admitted for close to 2weeks but the doctors in the hospital were not seeing anything wrong with me medically, several test had been conducted on me but the results they got were still the same, one of the doctors by name Dr Aphreh advised me to seek for spiritual assistance because the way things were going she could tell that my situation was above medical treatment because my condition was becoming worse by the day. I took her advised and called my mum and informed her about my predicament so she immediately told me not to waste time in coming back to the village so she can send me to a very powerful man of God who had been transferred to the Kwahu Presbytery and she knew redemption will be my portion when we went to him. I called my boss to inform her of my current situation and she passed by to visit me after work, she told me that this to her was a spiritual attack after I narrated my story to her from the "grasshopper to the bat and the other strange things I encountered", she gave me an envelope before leaving and told me to manage whatever amount I saw in it and that she would fill and endorse my end of service forms when my national service tenure ends even if I don't get the strength to complete the time left ahead of me. The world is a place we don't have to take for granted. Don't take some treats about your life so lightly because when the blind man threatens to stone you, it means he has gotten possession of a stone already. What might be the fate of Nii Dromo in the coming days ahead? There is more to be told God willing tomorrow morning. Stay safe from trouble and learn to be in your lane. To be continued............................ #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ It still remains an Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
26 Aug 2017 | 06:04
Ewe people and juju, hope you recover on time
26 Aug 2017 | 12:18
Hmm... This is serious
26 Aug 2017 | 15:30
Ehya. Sawie ohh
26 Aug 2017 | 18:13
it wasn't ur fault dat u a file was mistakenly drop to ur desk bcos u r not after d deputy b4
26 Aug 2017 | 18:25
26 Aug 2017 | 19:24
next o
26 Aug 2017 | 19:51
Such threats should not be taken for granted.. You really need spiritual backup
27 Aug 2017 | 01:24
[b♧??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 8 I went to the bank and withdrew almost everything left in my account and added it to what my boss gave to me and made way to my village to see the man of God my mum spoke about, God being so good granted me a safe trip to my hometown and as I got home my mother broke down with tears because in fact the sickness had really dealt with me rigidly that I had become a shadow of myself, probably if a strong wind blew and I don't find something to support me the air might blow me away, that evening of my arrival my mother didn't waste anytime by sending me to the house of the prophet so that the necessary steps will be taken. Upon our arrival at the man of God's house he engaged us in series of prayers and immediately he got a revelation as to who was behind my sickness and what exactly my problem was, to him if drastic measures were not taken to savage the problem I had less than a week to live on this earth but because were had made a bold step to come to the presence of God, that decision of the untimely dead God had stamped his feet in the matter and had declared the case nonsense. The man of God by name Prophet Owusu Peprah directed us to buy some items and gave us directions to follow and also warned me not to take in some foods and fruits since those things could clamp my spirit down, he further gave me some Bible quotations to pray with and gave me some days to fast and after that come back and see him, he told us he will also do the rest of the prayers at his end, before we left his house he stressed on the fact that I should becareful on any sugar mummy who might come my way with any monetary assistance because in return she would demand for something that will not end well for both of us. We came back home with a renewed spirit that redemption was very close to us, that night I had series of nightmares about my life with people chasing me and sometimes weird creatures following me in the bush, whiles for some I saw myself fighting with the very man who threatened my life earlier on and in the fight I really discipline the man, honestly I beat the living hell out of him that he pleaded and asked for mercy and later told me that he will release my health and liberty into my hands once again. I woke up sweating like as if I had taken part in the milo marathon race from Nungua barrier to Dansoman keep fit club house, I later heard some cats fighting on the roof of the room all through out the night but surprisingly I was the only one awake with the whole noise that was coming from above, it was after 4am before I managed to sleep again. I woke up very late in the day eventually and I was surprised at the time because it was almost 4pm, I asked my mum why she didn't wake me up all this while, she smiled and told me that she tried several times but I replied her over and over that I was tired and even the prophet came around to checkup on me but as he saw my style of sleeping she told my mum that I had gone to the spiritual realm fighting for my redemption and that I will come back victorious so no one should interrupt my lengthy sleep, upon hearing this I started jubilating because I knew the battle I fought in the early hours of the day was a victorious one and that the bondage that had held me captive will be broken soon, I narrated everything I saw in my dream and even told my mum about the cat fight I heard on the roof of our room and surprisingly my mum said she didn't hear any such thing but come to think of this my mum was not the deep sleeper type of person but she said she heard nothing, well I guess it was a spiritual encounter that came my way. I followed the direction the prophet laid down for me and in some few days time I saw positive improvement taking place in my system and life, thanks to the special home made foods and soups my mother prepared for me I started gaining back my weight that lost, I stayed in the village for 3 good months before I decided to come back to Accra to chase after my dreams, the prophet stressed on the fact that if I truly love my life I shouldn't venture to go back to the accounting fame to work or even visit them and that if they called me to come and work there as a permanent worker and even offer to pay me more than the president of the country even I should turn their offer down and that God will locate me to my helper in due course, he told me never to rush in life or take any shortcuts to climb the ladder of success and quoted one of my all time favourite Bible verse which says "THE BLESSING OF THE LORD THAT BRINGS WEALTH TO MAN, AND HE ADDS NO TROUBLE TO (Proverbs 10:22)" and further warned me on the sugar mummy issue once again. I left the village to Accra and the first person I called when i arrived was my boss at the accounting fame to inform her of my arrival, indeed she was very happy of my return and recovery from the hands of the evil one, she told me the board of directors had met a week ago and that they want to give me a permanent job in the company plus a duplex and an SUV car for my official use, for my salary she said it will blow my mind if she told me so I should think about the offer and get back to her at my own convenient time. After the call my landlord invited me over to his room and told me my rent had expired and that he is increasing the price of the rent by 50% and he needs at least 2 more years rent, if I couldn't afford the new rent he has given me 3months to vacate my room so that someone with enough money will move in............. When you need something desperately that is when offers from the wrong side comes your way. Once beaten twice shy and to be warned is to armed. If you were Nii Dromo what action will you take next? Let the discussion flow in here. Till I come your way tomorrow morning with the continuation part of the story. Stay safe & be good!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆☆ *An Akoto Alexander Mindset©* *All rights reserved worldwide®* ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
27 Aug 2017 | 03:13
Hmm... W)y3 as3m ooo
27 Aug 2017 | 12:34
Don't forget what d pastor said
27 Aug 2017 | 13:12
heed to what God says
27 Aug 2017 | 14:56
Hmmmm tempting offer
27 Aug 2017 | 14:57
Remember the prophet's advice. Do not rush or follow shortcut
27 Aug 2017 | 15:32
were episodes skipped?
27 Aug 2017 | 15:53
he will take the warning seriously
27 Aug 2017 | 16:08
life first . follow d prophet prediction
27 Aug 2017 | 17:23
I won't accept it cuz to before warn uis to before harm
27 Aug 2017 | 18:58
@foly4 not at all check page 41 episode 6&7 are there
27 Aug 2017 | 21:34
[b]???Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 9 The 3months that my landlord gave to me came to pass as if someone was chasing after it, again I was summoned by my landlord to be given an extra 3months and for this one the moment it expired my things were going to be thrown out of the room because that was the laws the rent control board had stipulated to the citizens of this country, calls kept coming from the accounting fame and I always gave the callers stories. One evening my lady boss paid me a courtesy visit to interrogate me as to why I was delaying to accept the job offer the fame was giving to me on a silver platter, that evening I took time to explain into details the reason why I hadn't accepted the offer that was being thrown to me, I even called the man of God and placed it on a loud speaker for my boss to hear from the prophet's own mouth, she asked if there was nothing that could be done but the man of God told her that ~provision is better than kiosk~ oh story prevention is better than cure and that obedience is better than sacrifice so if there was another help she could help me with she could do so, after the call she felt pity for me and promised to see what she could do to help me along the line. Some days later she called me to prepare my CV and meet her at the mall, as I got there she went through my file and was satisfied for my presentation in the CV, she directed me to a company which needed a young accountant with a first class degree minimum but as I got there and pass through the interview I was disqualified because I wasn't having any working experience with an known company after I did my national service and secondly I was not married also, hmmmmmm you can imagine the pressure that was on me at that very moment, I left the house very early and came back very late because I was avoiding to come in contact with my landlord since the extra 3months that was given to me had also expired. One day I heard a commercial advert on the radio that a very known bank was in search of a young and dynamic fresh graduate with first or second class upper degree to employ so I took the details down and on the scheduled date I made my way to the interview premises, I waited and eventually my time came and I was called to meet the interviewers, the panel was chaired by one fair, saucy and beautiful woman in her late 40's or early 50's per my calculations, I gave a great presentation about myself and how I will change the fortunes and modules of the bank if I got the job finally, I was so on point and confident on myself that after my presentation I received applause from all the interview panel members, as usual or expected I was given the favourite quotation after an interview *"you will hear from us soon"*, I left for the house hoping to hear from them positively. I went home to wait for their response, around 1am my phone rang and when I checked it was an unknown number I answered the call and it was a female voice, the caller asked if this was Nii Dromo Mensah Steven she was talking with and I replied yes, she introduced herself to me as Madam Hellena Gah and that she was the head for the panel of interviewers at the bank, my face beamed with joy and hope because I taught the call was to inform me of my appointment at the bank but hell no Madam Hellena had her own agenda for calling me, she told me that although I had an impressive CV and presentation done early on there were equally persons who even did much more than I did and even some had masters degree and the other panel members were looking at those people but for her she preferred me to any other person but if I wanted to get the job then there were some terms and conditions attached to it, first I taught probably she would ask for a percentage from my salary but no her conditions were far from what I was anticipating. She told me that she was the MD of the bank and her husband was the overall chairman of the bank but for the past 7years he has been down with a spinal cord sickness which has kept him in bed all this years. She stressed that for all this 7years she has been left unattended to as a woman and that as she saw me at the interview room her passion to get closer to me increased, she said for the past 25years as she met her husband she has never felt that way for any man like that until she set sight on me, she asked if I will warm her bed for her and in return she would provide for me anything I ever taught of having on earth even if I chose not to work so far as I gave her quality satisfaction on bed she will provide my needs for me. As the conversation was going on I heard a very heavy knock on my door, I kept quiet for the first time and the knock came again this time with a voice accompanying it, guess who that was? My landlord was out there with some macho men to throw me out of the room because he claimed I was doing hide and seek with him but for tonight there was no escape for me............. What would you do if you were Nii Dromo at this crucial time of his life. Will you stay in the sinking boat or U will jump out of the boat for safety? Lets meet tomorrow morning for the continuation of the story!!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
27 Aug 2017 | 21:37
"Perseverance" thats the only word i have for Nii Dromo
28 Aug 2017 | 05:28
hmmmm this is serious well if I where him I won't to give in my life comes first
28 Aug 2017 | 09:14
hmmm next oo
28 Aug 2017 | 09:40
Hmmm.. This is serious,, next please
28 Aug 2017 | 10:58
I just pity dis guy I guess Tilly would b d helper
28 Aug 2017 | 11:14
very disy situation
28 Aug 2017 | 11:40
@Jummybabe pls dont mind me jaare. i didnt scroll to d bottom of d page then. u're doing a grt job by d way
28 Aug 2017 | 11:42
This is Serious
28 Aug 2017 | 13:04
I pity u... God will make a way
28 Aug 2017 | 13:10
sadly I wud accept
28 Aug 2017 | 13:38
prevention is better.........
28 Aug 2017 | 14:21
So touching
28 Aug 2017 | 14:50
hmmmmm...and u had been warned abt dating sugar mummy...devil really want to tempt u
28 Aug 2017 | 17:07
dis really a serious case dat needs spiritual strength & now dat ur landlord want to chase u out from his house,how will u survive
28 Aug 2017 | 17:15
ride on
28 Aug 2017 | 17:17
God will make a better ways
28 Aug 2017 | 18:51
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 3 Episode 10 After i knew who was at the door I told Madam Helena that I will please call her back the following day because there was an emergency in my house that needed my attention urgently so I ended the call. My landlord was not compassionate that early morning that he ordered his macho boys to throw me out together with my belongings in the room, he didn't have ears to listen to any pleas or any word I uttered that morning because he only came to throw me out from my room and even he claimed if I had money in my hand that very moment he wouldn't accept it because he was fed up with me and my broke face leaving in his house and for my information my room had already been rented to someone and that the person will be moving in to the room very early in the morning. My belongings were sent out of the compound and in a twinkle of an eye as my belongings were thrown out it started raining heavily, I managed to collect some of my valuable belongings and sent them to a shade close by, in fact that night happened to be my very worse night since my entire world caved on me like some folding his mat, who was I going to turn to for help, the very place I knew I could get solicits from was also a no go area, I came to understand the world that it was like a game of chess and that any wrong move you make comes with a great results being it good or bad, I was at the cross roads now, my predicaments reminded me of the picture which had a man stuck in a tree with a poisonous snake ready to bite him, on the ground was a hungry lion waiting to devour him and the river next to the tree also had a crocodile spying on the man just to make a move into the river, every action the man took had a great danger waiting for him. I had to make a bold decision at all costs, as the day break I decided to sell most of my valuable belongings to raise money for me to rent a smaller place and go out in such of a job, after selling most of my belongings at a very cheap price I got a kiosk to rent in the slum and now I taught about the offers on the table critical, well should I suffer on earth and also miss heaven at the end of the day? After all everyone will one day surely die, I decided to take the sugar mummy's offer because she had given me a choice which to me was okay, I was going to have the opportunity to satisfy Nii Dromo down there since after my ugly encounter with Juliana I had never dropped any female panties and also fill my bank account again, I dressed and made way to the office of Madam Helena Gah with the *all die be die* notion in my head, on the way going I couldn't get a car to board so I decided to walk to the next junction where I could get a car to board to my destination. I saw an old man who could hardly walk and was asking for help from anyone who passed by him, at first the question that came to mind was, is this man not having relatives or family relations close to him that has made him come to stand by the roadside to beg for money for food? I walked pass him and after taking some steps away from him something inside me asked me to come back to the old man and give him something small from the money I had on me, I obeyed and came back to the old man, the 5cedis I had on me for transportation to Madam Helena's office I handed it over to the old man, the man was amazed with the amount I handed over to him and he thanked me for sharing the little I had wit him and that with this kind gesture he prayed to God for him to open bigger and better doors for me because he saw a bright future ahead of me, I smiled and continued my adventure to meet madam Helena at her office. As I took some steps forward I heard the old man screaming "Gentleman! Gentleman!! Gentleman!!!", I turned and he signalled me to come, I did and when I got to him he told me to please go back home because the mission I was embarking on was a diabolically one which would bring my life to a miserable end, as the man made this comments I started shivering inside me because this man in question I have never met before and neither had I discussed my mission to Madam Helena's office with him, moreover the man of God who prayed for me to get redemption from the hands of the number 9 man had warned me strongly about any sugar mummy who came my way, immediately I felt like throwing up so I turned to vomit but when I turned again to face the old man he was nowhere to be seen, the place we stood was a plain ground without any curves where you could see for a long distances if anyone was coming or going but this old man who could hardly walk had vanished into thin air, the speed I used to run back to my kiosk can't be measured even when the police comes in to use their speed detector to measure it. We are always given signals when we turn the wrong path or page but most at times we are so stubborn and we refuse to listen and obey simple instructions. Can you imagine the goosebumps Nii felt on his body when the mysterious old man started saying things that were above the understanding of the human? The last season of this lesson learning story will kick start tomorrow evening God willing. Stay safe & Good afternoon To be continued............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
29 Aug 2017 | 08:25
29 Aug 2017 | 11:16
Hm...will be waiting
29 Aug 2017 | 12:44
29 Aug 2017 | 12:51
Nii, God really loves you o... Why not wait for God's time?
29 Aug 2017 | 13:09
God's time is the best
29 Aug 2017 | 13:23
obedience is d key
29 Aug 2017 | 13:26
Hmmm thank God u heeded to the oldman advice
29 Aug 2017 | 13:39
Nice one
29 Aug 2017 | 14:07
Things fall apart!
29 Aug 2017 | 17:15
29 Aug 2017 | 18:08
u really lucky
29 Aug 2017 | 18:48
it really a strong decision for u bcos it wasn't easy to turn back when der was a way though it may lead to death
29 Aug 2017 | 22:48
u are so lucky nii dromo I hope u take they right path till they end
30 Aug 2017 | 05:36
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 1 I ran to my kiosk and locked myself up and wept bitterly, was that how I wanted to end my life just like that even when caution had been thrown into the air for me? I believe with such death, God would have ordered for a mass beating seminar for me with the angels being my lovely host, I prayed to God for forgiveness and pleaded with him to bring my helper to me soon because the hardship I was facing was too much for me to bear. Close to my room(kiosk) was a woman who operated a chop bar with the name NYAMEKYE Chop Bar, I went there to buy food one day and realised that the guy who pounds her fufu for her that day didn't show up, I asked one of the helping hands at the chop bar if I could apply for the job to pound the fufu for them so they pay me at the end of the day, she directed me to her madam and I was asked to start work that very moment, the job wasn't a child's play at all and it made me duff out my respect to our northern brothers who did that job in various eateries. When the day ended the woman paid me 15cedis and added food to it for me, it wasn't a good pay looking at the size of the pot the cassava I pounded came from but hey this was the only opportunity that had presented itself to me for now, I knew I will get what to eat when I woke up from bed and what I would eat before going to bed and I can also save part of my daily salary so that I can send little money home to support my younger siblings, I rendered my services to Maame Adjoa Nyamekye dutifully that she even increased my salary within some few weeks of been employed that when the person who use to pound the fufu came back he was asked to go home. One day after I had done my job for the day and was waiting for me to be served with my food before going home Maame Nyamekye summoned me to her presence, she had a very lengthy hearty chat with me and asked of my educational background since she saw how disciplined and cultured that I was, I also didn't hide anything from her that I told her everything about me from A-Z about myself, after my narration she sat down for quite a long time before talking again. She told me her husband was a labour officer at the biggest hospital in town and would speak with him if there was vacancy in any department where he could recommend me for employment, joy took possession of my spirit as I thank Maame Nyamekye for her assistance towards my well being, for 3 whole weeks I didn't hear any news from Maame Nyamekye or her husband that I eventually took the hospital job out of my mind because if I expected much and I was given little by the end of the day the disappointment which could hold me hostage will never be friendly towards me. Some days later Maame Nyamekye gave me the number of her husband to call him and have a one on one discussion with him and of which I complied and gave him a call, the discussion we had was very fruitful that he invited me over to his office the following day. I was very early to show up at his work place for him to know that I was very serious and time conscious, he came to meet me at the entrance to his office and after he settled down in his office he invited me in so we could finalise the conversation we had the previous day, he went straight to the point without beating about the bush. He told me that the only department where there was vacancy for now was the *MORTUARY* and if I was interested in the job I could start work that very moment, for my salary for the first 3months I would be paid 1200cedis and I will get increment if am seen to be performing my duty diligently, I said to myself that what nonsense was this man talking about, a whole graduate with a first class upper degree to reduce myself that low to go and bath dead people? Something within me told me to walk out of the man's office and block his line from calling me ever again but also another voice told me to kill the pride in me because fufu sef I had pounded it for the mass not to talk about a job which will fetch me a cool 1200cedis for the start, moreover how many graduates are paid such amount at their work places but hey was I having the liver to toll the path? A graduate now turned into mortuary man. What future awaits Nii Dromo? We shall know as time goes on. See you guys tomorrow morning To be continued............................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© ?0249446151 All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
30 Aug 2017 | 06:41
still waiting
30 Aug 2017 | 08:10
30 Aug 2017 | 13:07
I now understand the title woah @jummybabe I am feeling you just keep the update steady please ooo wetin happen to ken and Tilly or will dromo see them dead in the mortuary just saying thou!!
30 Aug 2017 | 13:43
Ride On .... Loving This
30 Aug 2017 | 13:47
eh yah sorry man
30 Aug 2017 | 14:09
hmm, that's how he end up as the mortuary man
30 Aug 2017 | 14:11
Mortuary man atlas
30 Aug 2017 | 14:18
Hmmmm, maybe something strange happen when he accepted the job. Next
30 Aug 2017 | 16:07
this is where the journey begins
30 Aug 2017 | 16:13
what a pity
30 Aug 2017 | 16:53
let see what will happen
30 Aug 2017 | 17:06
lets see how it goes
30 Aug 2017 | 17:54
Hmmm mortuary man, looks somehow but, hey, you have no choice
30 Aug 2017 | 18:27
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 2 My first day at work was a hell of a time, I was shown in and out of the mortuary by an elderly man who I was told was going to be my partner and senior colleague, I saw bodies of different colours, shapes and sizes, the well to do people had a place they were kept whiles the poverty deprived once also had their small corner of the room. Honestly I learnt a big lesson that day because every dead body was lying there naked, I meant to say both the beautiful and the ugly looking people,those who showed pride and arrogance when they were alive, those who were humble, those who will never expose any part of their bodies to you except you were they partners, those who lived as if they will never die, those who held big big positions and certificate, those who spoke and it became laws, bank rollers, mafias, men of God, bankers, big time business tycoons, thieves and some that were involved in a fatal accident were all lying down unclad. Man shouldn't be boastful for anything in the world because we all never know our end, the pictures I saw in there kept repeating itself in my head every now and then and the rate at which people were been brought there was alarming, it seems between every 10 - 15minutes fresh dead bodies were brought to the mortuary, some from the hospital itself whiles others came from the outside, my new partner showed me the basic things I needed to know as a worker at the mortuary and before we closed for the night shift people to take charge I had made about 700cedis, yes you read right the amount I wrote!!!. You might be wondering how I made that money right? Well as you deposit the dead body of your relative or friend you must grease our palms so that we put or place the body at a better place or fridge so that by the time you come back to pick your corpse to bury it, it will still be in good shape or the person might not change, also when you deposit the body you must come and check or visit your corpse at least once in a week to see that where we kept the body remains same, before you leave you must also find something for us as the mortuary custom demands. For that very day I loved my job and vowed never to look else where for any job again because looking at the nature of the job and monies that were going to pass through my hands I had to be a landlord by a year time, honestly for my first night in my room I couldn't close my eyes to sleep because I was scared with the flashbacks I was getting from some of the accident bodies, you can't imagine some of the bodies were without arms and legs, with others they had broken or mashed head with the brains popping out just to mention a few. I came out of my room and went to a nearby drinking spot and drank me head off, how I managed to get back to my room its only God that knows and I woke up very early with the first cock croak, when I got to my new work place I narrated my nightmare to my senior colleague and he told me it was normal but with time I will get use to it so I shouldn't worry my head over it and also advised me that if I decided to the refuge in alcohol when the dead pictures flashed in my head I will end up being a drunkard so I should rather be a man and face the scary pictures when the flashed through my head. I took the advice and it really helped me Fast Forward: Within a twinkle of an eye I had worked for 5months and my account had started overflowing with money that when I went to the bank to do some transactions I always got the female tellers smiling at me broader, hmmmmmn women and money, even if you are as ugly as a baboon they will always get something nice and sweet to say about you, I relocated from the kiosk to a chamber and hall self contain and gave my kiosk to some shoeshine boy who slept in the open space to occupy it, levels don change for good and everything was beginning to turn around for my good, with my family at the village I did well in sending them between 800-500cedis every month depending on the monies that came my way, for my salary I had better plans for it so I never touched it, my mother was very excited because now I was making life a bit comfortable for them and she always asked me where I was working now and I always lied to her that I was working with some NGO because I knew if I didn't lie to my mum about my job she will never give her mind to me aside the money, provisions and groceries that I sent them, I bought 2taxis and 1bus later which I was going to use the sales they made to me to build my planned house, in less than a month after buying the cars I bought 3plots in a very decent location and started my building project immediately, who said mortuary man nor be job, I dressed like a cooperate person when leaving the house to my work place because they say "the way you dress is the way you are addressed" Everything happens for a very good reason. There is no shortcuts to heaven so lets learn to work and enjoy from our own labour. Will Nii Dromo get this far if he chose to go in for the sugar mummy or would he be still alive or fit if he went back to the accounting firm? Listen to the counsel of the wise and adults when you are privileged to have that opportunity. Hopefully we shall meet tomorrow to continue the story. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
30 Aug 2017 | 19:01
Its good that the money is coming genuinely, but honestly i hate mortuary job, but someone has to work there...... Good luck Nii
31 Aug 2017 | 02:34
31 Aug 2017 | 04:12
thank God that you Listen to the counsel of the adults when
31 Aug 2017 | 04:48
hmmmmm.... we are nothing but pencils in the hands of the creator
31 Aug 2017 | 05:39
well,it wasn't easy bt it's payable
31 Aug 2017 | 05:47
nice one there
31 Aug 2017 | 07:58
next oo
31 Aug 2017 | 10:46
y not
31 Aug 2017 | 11:28
Loving this more...
31 Aug 2017 | 13:17
To be a man is not a day job
31 Aug 2017 | 14:51
wow,at last
31 Aug 2017 | 17:27
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 3 One morning as I made way to my work place I saw someone who made my heart skip a beat, this person I was talking about was a replica of no one but my one and only sweetheart Tilly Koranteng. Her car came to park next to the taxi I was seated in, in a traffic, I doubted if it was her though but as I tried calling her I noticed she had rolled her class glasses up and was playing and enjoying music in her car so no matter the amount of noise I made she wouldn't hear my voice. I wanted to make the driver follow her car but I realised there were some other passengers seated in the car, as disappointed that I was I saw her blue black Sonata drive away from my sight helplessly, my joyful mood for the morning diminished as I made way to my office, my senior colleague saw how moody I was and confronted me about what was eating me up, I couldn't hide away anything from him since he was like a father to me who helped me out with advise anytime I saw myself in a dilemma, he laughed at me after I told him everything before he started advising me, the first question he asked me was; What if the lady I saw only resembled Tilly and that she might be just a look alike of her? Secondly what if it was her and that she had moved on in life and was by now married to someone? After this questions he again gave me the hope that if truly she was my Tilly and that she was back in town I would definitely set sight on her again since Accra was big but yet small so I should cheer up. I looked at Mr Obed Narh my senior colleague cheerful and told him that am grateful for his help from the very first day I met him, he had a way of solving any puzzle I brought before him maturely and my respect for him increased every rising day. The day was slow with just little to do so I went to sit under a shade and started dosing off and in no time I had a dream, indeed its true that "what is in your mind and sight that accompanies you to dreamland", I dreamt of meeting Tilly at the beach with that rich brat but when she set sight on me she ignored the guy and jumped in my arm, we were making out when I heard a tap on my shoulder, I faintly opened my eyes and realised Mr Obed Narh standing in front of me, I was angry inside me but I couldn't display my anger simply because he called me when I and Tilly were just about to have sex, but come to think of it why do I always get people coming in to destroy my happiness with Tilly, I couldn't get her physically when she was around before she travelled outside and now that I had cornered her in my dreams also see the mess that has just been created. Mr Narh told me a dead body had been brought in from another hospital and because of the current electric elapses almost all the mortuaries in town were having problems with their fridges so a body had been transferred to our mortuary so I should come and take records of the body before we take charge of it, I saw a familiar face amongst the people who brought the corpse but hey when am wearing my mortuary uniform and on duty I don't know friends or family members I just deliver my services diligently. I came to check the body and when I saw the name on the forms I called Mr Narh aside and told him we can't accept that body, he asked why we couldn't accept the body because he knew we had some empty spaces left in the cold room and some of the fridges, I told him that the dead man lying down was the reason why am working here at the mortuary, he was that man I spoke to him about that he wanted to end my life simply because I exposed him of embezzlement in the accounting firm, Mr Narh screamed out that so is this the pig who made your life miserable, he left me and went back to the people who brought the body and told them that the place was full and that we can't accept anymore bodies again, one person from the people who brought the corpse made a silly comment which triggered the beast in Mr Narh and for the first time I saw the other side of my senior colleague, he told the guy that they always walk about flexing muscles and pretending as if tomorrow belonged to them and if he cared to know this is the final place every dead body will be brought before he or she is sent to the cemetery except you are from the other religion but for the pride and silly comment the man just made they should carry their corpse back home and if they like they should deposit him in their big freezer in their home. An elderly woman who came with them went on her knees to plead for mercy and told us that they were ready to pay anything we charged them because they had combed every mortuary in the city and everywhere they went this place was the last option that was given to them so if we don't help them out they don't know where else they could get help from, Mr Narh took a deep breath as he saw the elderly woman kneeling before him, he helped her on her feet and told them to wait whiles he contact his boss inside and that was me he was referring to, he smiled and told me that its my time to also retrieve the money I spent to get myself cured when that man tried ending my life so I should name the price tag for the people for a day if they afford. I smiled back at Mr Narh as I made way to the people who stood outside waiting for me, I immediately recognised the face I told you about as my former lady boss, she also recognised me but kept her composure, I told them that if we were going to accept the corpse they brought we will charge them 200cedis per day and that is the only thing I could do to help them and if they couldn't afford the bill they know the way to the exit, were they having a choice as at that moment? What goes around surely comes around. Today it might be your turn and tomorrow it might be mine, becareful how you treat your fellow brother. To be continued............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
31 Aug 2017 | 17:31
Yes o.. I agree with you@
31 Aug 2017 | 19:08
Naso next
1 Sep 2017 | 03:33
Thats true. Always treat everybody nicely
1 Sep 2017 | 04:25
n e x t
1 Sep 2017 | 04:35
@jummybabe come again I mean next
1 Sep 2017 | 05:30
well,dey don't hv choice dan to pay u
1 Sep 2017 | 08:05
1 Sep 2017 | 08:05
What goes around surely comes around. Today it might be your turn and tomorrow it might be mine, becareful how you treat your fellow brother exactly
1 Sep 2017 | 08:08
Time to take what u used in treating urself in another way
1 Sep 2017 | 10:21
1 Sep 2017 | 11:37
Time for pay back
1 Sep 2017 | 12:09
that's life
1 Sep 2017 | 13:49
True Talk... 'what goes around surely comes around'
1 Sep 2017 | 14:00
mtn true talk
1 Sep 2017 | 16:33
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 4 The family people of the man pleaded with me if I could beat the price down but I had no listening ear for them, they did a quick caucus meeting before they accepted to comply with the amount I gave out. I said to myself ")twea", everyday for the thief one day for the master, today you see say am the one laughing last. I filled their report and demanded for their police report before the corpse was conveyed into the cold room, per my calculation the body was going to be kept in the fridge for 74days because back in their hometown they were observing purification and ancestral homage so therefore no dead body was brought to their hometown for 90 good days, I smiled to myself and murmured that I wish the 90days of the purification exercise even started today so that the money I will take from them will increase, they gave part payment of the total cost and promised to come and top up the next day to see if we had placed the body at a very good place for them, I gave them my word and promised to keep a very close eye on their corpse, when they we about to leave I called my former boss to wait behind for me to ask her some vital questions about the corpse they brought whiles the others made way to the car park. I pleaded with her not to get mad at me as to the way I received them but before I went any further she told me not to worry my head because if she was in my shoes she would have than worse but the surprising thing to her was why and how such a brilliant accountant like me will end up at such a place, I told her how things became hard for me after I tried many companies for job but never got any, well a man got to do something to put food on the table at the end of the day so she had to just understand me even though she didn't like my job, before she left my presence she asked if I was still interested in the offer her company gave to me sometime ago now that my worse enemy was no more alive, I gave her a broad smile and said a capital "NO" to her offer, hw3 why on earth will I leave such a lucrative venture and go and sit somewhere and do calculations on monies that had been spent already or been spent in the process, I love my mortuary man job and I wouldn't trade it for any other job not even the presidency. After my former boss left I went to see Mr Narh and told him everything that happened, the truth of the matter is the mortuary charges 20cedis per day if you bring your dead body to the normal fridge mortuary but if you want your corpse to be kept in the cold room its 40cedis so you choose your choice when you bring yours here, I had gotten 900% interest on the corpse thay was just brought, I brought my profit out to share with Mr Narh but he bluntly refused to take a pesewa out of the money I gave him, to him he said I had earned the money and moreover I should use it to settle my medical bills during my sick moment, wow in this 21st century did we still have people who were not greedy and looking forward to share anything you get out of a deal? Well Mr Obed Narh had just given me an answer to that question, as I sat down the name of the person who helped me secure this job at the mortuary came to mind Maame Adwoa Nyamekye, gosh since I got the job and moved from the slum I had never gone to visit her and neither had I gone to show appreciation to her and the husband for granting me the opportunity to get this lucrative job. I decided to pay them a courtesy visit during the weekend so I planned towards that course, a day before I went to visit them I went to the bank to withdraw enough money because I had plans to do a little provision and grocery shopping for their family and add a little envelope to it to show much appreciation for what they had done for me in the past which has brought me this far, as the saying goes "who much is given, much is expected". From the bank I passed by the mall to do my shopping and the moment I got to the mall car park and stepped out of the taxi I hired that same blue black Sonata which I saw some days ago with Tilly driving passed by me leaving the mall to God knows where, I sat in the taxi again and asked the driver to chase after the car to everywhere the car was going, the moment we got to the highway the taxi started to dance "shoki" the car wouldn't just move any further, oh God how was I going to get a car or stop a car in the middle of the highway because the least mistake you do the better your chances of been knocked down by an approaching vehicle, another chance of getting close to see my Tilly had been shattered thanks to this one gallon taxi driver, I regretted not having my personal car for that moment so my next target was to get my private car came top on the list of my to do list. Did Nii Dromo treat the families of the number 9 man well by taking more than the actual price been charged per day at the mortuary? Small small the tortoise will come out of its shell. Accra is big but small and the golden fish also has got no hiding place in the fish pond. To be continued.............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
1 Sep 2017 | 16:50
hmmmmmmm such is life
1 Sep 2017 | 18:52
Hmm next
1 Sep 2017 | 19:57
That's vengeance and Nii should have left it for God.. To me its not Good
2 Sep 2017 | 01:58
Such is life. Next
2 Sep 2017 | 03:05
What he did was actually not good, he should have leave revenge for God. Next
2 Sep 2017 | 03:54
not too bad, remember this same man messed him up (I mean almost kill him)
2 Sep 2017 | 04:45
hmmmm next
2 Sep 2017 | 04:55
well to me collecting that money is not a big deal
2 Sep 2017 | 05:48
one good turn deserves another its the same way one bad turn deserves another bad he should have considered the family small
2 Sep 2017 | 06:17
Nice one
2 Sep 2017 | 07:17
2 Sep 2017 | 08:39
i like d way he treated d family atleast it's d dead money dey r spending nt der he was collecting his own share
2 Sep 2017 | 09:20
Interesting... Next
2 Sep 2017 | 13:36
2 Sep 2017 | 15:36
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 5 With disappointment I picked a new taxi back to the mall to do my shopping, I went home feeling said and empty that I didn't even eat anything and went to sleep. I woke up at dawn feeling very ravishing hungry so I went to the kitchen to prepare a milo drink and took in before I managed to sleep again, the following morning I called Maame Nyamekye to ask if her family were doing well and that if she was at her chop bar, she teased me and told me that see what money has done to me because she knew I was aware she doesn't work on that particular day, I gave a loud laughter out to shift her mind off because I wanted to just use a strategy to get her current location and truthfully too I had gotten the answer I wanted, before I hanged up I told her I will pass by her house one of this days so she should expect me soon. I dressed in one of my best outfit and made way to the residence of the Nyamekye's with my provisions and grocery well stuffed with me, I picked a taxi that dropped me in front of their house and the moment I got down from the car Mr Nyamekye was also coming to the house from work, I presume he went for the night shift, he met me with a broad smile and handshake before ushering me into his house, Maame Nyamekye was very surprise to see me because I spoke to her some few minutes ago and never alerted her that I will be coming to visit her family that morning. I told her I just wanted to surprise her which she confirmed to me that indeed I had really surprised her, I didn't waste time by telling them my purpose for coming to their house that very moment and honestly the couples were really astonished with my reason for coming to their house, to them that was the first time they had helped someone only for the person to come back to them and thank them or show appreciation like how I have just done, although they weren't expecting such thing from me they accepted my gifts and envelope and prayed for me to excel in all my endeavours. After chatting with them a little I obtained permission to take leave because I wanted to visit my building site, as I left their house and was standing by the roadside to pick a taxi, a black BMW X6 came to pass by with a tough speed but as it went forward like 4meters it turned on reverse and came to the place I was standing, the driver blew the horn several times but my attention was not with him or her because I didn't know anyone who used that car, the person came down of the car screaming my name, I turned and it was my old time pal Ken, we hugged like we were gays that were just connected to each other and people passing by looked at us like some aliens who has visited earth. He asked me to sit in the car so we find somewhere to seat and catch up on things, inside me I was bored with him but I had to just pretend and play along with him just to listen to the junk he had to tell me, he drove to a nice pub where he ordered some expensive drinks so we could start catching up on matters, he explained the reason why he or his sister couldn't stay in touch with me again and told me that yes his sister was back and now a full time practising lawyer in one of the big legal firms in the country together with Sammy her betrothed husband, as the conversation got interesting a call came through to Ken's phone that he had to rush and leave me but before he left he settled our bill and handed to me a complimentary card, when I checked the card my mouth opened wide that it was only a forklift that could help me close my mouth. Could you imagine Ken was a doctor at the same hospital that I work? Yes you saw what I typed, Ken was working with me at the same hospital as a full time medical doctor, indeed it was a small world, I placed the card in my breast pocket and went to my building site to check up on the progress of my building, that day when coming back to the house it rained heavily that the card Ken gave to me got spoilt but my consolation was that I knew where to find Ken when the need arises. Fast forward: Because of time and pressure at my work place I didn't get the opportunity to go and check on Ken but I was there one sunny Wednesday afternoon when an ambulance rushed into the mortuary yard with Ken's car following closely, I was shocked when I saw Ken and I asked myself what this guy was doing here at my work place, the ambulance team brought out someone on their stretcher and from the distance I could see the person was a female who had been involved in a fatal car accident and drenched in a pool of blood but what baffled me was what Ken was doing there with the accident victim, out of curiosity I came out to meet him and ask for his purpose of coming to the mortuary but as I got close to the person on the stretcher I froze with shock. My one and only sweetheart Tilly Koranteng was the person on the stretcher motionless, Ken broke down with tears as he saw me that I had to go close to him and console him, herh is that how cruel the world is? Does death also have eyes for sweet and beautiful things like that? If this was a dream I pleaded with God to wake me up and if it was a movie scene also I request the director to take this part out of the script because it was too much for me and Ken Have you ever lost something or soneone you so cherished in the world before? Was it something you could replace easily or it was something you can never get replacement for in this world? The interesting part of the story is yet to be revealed to you so stay glued to your screens To be continued. ........................... #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆☆ Still remains an Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
2 Sep 2017 | 15:40
Hmmm it's hard but take heart oo
2 Sep 2017 | 17:12
d world is indeed a small village
2 Sep 2017 | 17:22
small world
2 Sep 2017 | 18:20
You don't mean it!! I mean have you checked very well to confirm that she's dead?
3 Sep 2017 | 04:17
3 Sep 2017 | 05:07
Hope she didnt die. Well even if she died dromo's love will wake her up in the mortuary
3 Sep 2017 | 05:10
small world indeed
3 Sep 2017 | 05:18
too bad
3 Sep 2017 | 05:40
Tilly isn't dead yet. she will later have a pulse
3 Sep 2017 | 05:58
I don't believe Tilly is dead impossible :g
3 Sep 2017 | 08:18
are you sure that Tilly is dead
3 Sep 2017 | 11:51
0 Likes watching
3 Sep 2017 | 12:37
I know she won't die
3 Sep 2017 | 14:59
Hm...Small World
3 Sep 2017 | 15:35
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 6 From the look of things I couldn't ask Ken any questions because I knew he couldn't answer my question or even utter a word so I approached the ambulance stewards and asked them what happened and where the accident scene was, one of them told me the accident happened on the Tema motorway and that the lady was with a guy who was driving so I asked where he is and I was told he had been taken to the emergency unit of the hospital and that he was not dead but he had some bruises on his body and a broken arm. At that very moment I knew it was that spoilt brat Sammy who was responsible for the death of my sweetheart Tilly, a police report was needed to back the documents for us to receive the body so Mr Narh offered to drive Ken to the police station for the police report whiles I also cleaned the body of the deceased before we could put it in the fridge or cold room, I pushed the body of Tilly into the washroom of the mortuary with a heavy heart and tears rolling down nu cheeks, I tore her dress apart and my God Tilly still had her flat tummy and breast very firm on her chest, her hips had become more wider and the way she had shaved her pubic part made me want to jump on her and devoured her, I washed the blood away from her body and cleaned the water on her with a new towel. What was going through my head were many and the question I asked myself was so was earth going to consume this beautiful and sophisticated body just like that? Hell no I had to take my share before it was too late, looking at left and right I was the only person left in the mortuary as my partner had gone to the police station together with Ken to get the police report, the little science I knew was that when a person dies fresh it takes about 12hours before his or her system seized so I knew Tilly still had something fresh to offer my system so I quickly undressed myself and pulled Nii Dromo out of my boxers and made way to Tilly's golden palace, it wasn't easy to penetrate through her but with force and strength I got inside her at long last, as I started banging her I said to myself "if I didn't get you whiles you were alive, I have gotten you now that you live no more", the walls of her golden palace were very firm and tight like a commercial worker's jeans and it tasted so good than any female I have ever entered before, dead body mpo nie then i wonder how it tasted as you were alive, I banged her like about 20minutes before I felt the edge to release so I ejaculated heavily into her and as I drew my manhood back I saw bloodstains all over it, as I was appreciating the sweet body lying motionless in front of me I heard a very loud sneeze coming from Tilly, she repeated it again in some few seconds time and with this I took to my heels forgetting that I was naked, I was screaming out loudly GHOST! GHOST!! GHOST!!! GHOST!!!! GHOST!!!!! The security men outside had to run to my aid to see what was pursuing me and it was when they got close to me when I realised I had slacked big time. They tried asking me what the problem was but the only thing I could do was to point to the entrance of the mortuary, the next thing I saw was Mr Narh and Ken driving in with presumably the police report, as Ken saw me naked he became alarmed and rushed to me to find what was wrong with me and that if maybe the news of Tilly's death had caused me to run mad but as he took a closer look at me he saw from my manhood that Nii Dromo had entered the warehouse of someone and the next thing that came was noise from the security men because they saw someone coming out with a little towel covering her private part, Ken turned and saw his sister limping and trying to get to where we stood so he quickly dashed out to meet his sister to see if truly she was not dead, with the look of things everyone around saw clearly that I had raped the lady who was trying to make way to where were standing, the chief security officer around ordered his boys to apprehend me and send me to the nearest police station for taking advantage on an unconscious person or sleeping with someone without permission. I saw Ken making several calls before I was pushed into Mr Narh's car, all this while I was still naked so I pleaded with them to at least allow me to wear my boxer short even but none of the security officers were willing to hid to my request, hmmmmmm this were the same people most at times I gave them money small small anytime I came to pass by their end but today see how they are molesting me like a common criminal all because I was at fault, later Mr Narh asked them to get my dress for me so I wear before I was sent to the police station, they were still adamant to listen to what Mr Narh said so he got down from the car and went in for my dress for me to put on, the way he looked at me gave me the impression that he was really mad at me with the behaviour I had displayed but he never uttered any word to me and after I dressed up he drove straight to the nearest police station for my statement to be taken first and later some CID personnels were deployed to go to the crime scene and get some clues and evidence taken. God with this kind of trouble how was I going to defend myself and who was going to help defend me in such a case? How many lawyers could I get to follow the case on my behalf knowing very well that I was going to contend with a bench of credible lawyers? What was I going to tell my mother when she eventually get the news of me behind bars? Even if am granted pardon and not sentenced to jail which job was I going to do because I knew the media houses were going to feed on this story for a very long time. You can imagine the mess Nii Dromo has landed himself in, do you for see any escape route for him? Well its only a matter of time that we will all get to know the end of Nii Dromo's plight. We shall meet tomorrow to continue the story. Have a blissful week and stay safe. ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights remains reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
3 Sep 2017 | 18:32
Yawa oo
3 Sep 2017 | 19:03
Too bad she is dead, next please!
4 Sep 2017 | 02:35
So she came back
4 Sep 2017 | 03:55
Am speechless
4 Sep 2017 | 04:03
Nii Dromo you messop waaaa, hehehe
4 Sep 2017 | 04:05
But its the sex that woke tilly up from death na. Abi wasnt it confirmed that she was dead b4? So dromo woke tilly with the sex lol. So no need to panick dromo, tilly will come to ur aid
4 Sep 2017 | 04:24
well you will be pardon
4 Sep 2017 | 04:30
Since the dead Tilly has risen, there's still hope for Nii
4 Sep 2017 | 06:12
u allowed ur emotions get hold on u now c were it as landed u hope u get out of it soon
4 Sep 2017 | 07:05
4 Sep 2017 | 07:09
This similar to the nolloywood movie "Naked sin" especially from the scene that he raped t he corpse
4 Sep 2017 | 07:20
he will be pardoned
4 Sep 2017 | 08:50
hmmmml this guy sef u get liver o how could u rape a death being
4 Sep 2017 | 11:45
Wow nicest story so far
4 Sep 2017 | 14:23
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 7 After my statement was taking Mr Narh pleaded with the crime officer to have a word with me and he was given 5minutes to talk with me before I was locked in the cell, honestly I was very ashamed of myself and I didn't know how to start explaining myself. Mr Narh after expressing how disappointed he was at me made, he asked if I never the implications I have brought upon the mortuary because the moment this news came out into the public domain people will no longer like to patronise our mortuary knowing very well how bad news spread fast like the harmattan fire,he really stressed on a lot of negative things I have positioned the mortuary into and later asked who I would like him to contact first for me before he went out in search of a very competent lawyer to come and defend me or see if I could be granted bail after all when you beat the child with the right hand you draw him closer to you with the left hand, I gave my mother's phone number to him so that he will call and inform her of my current plight because I wasn't having any girlfriend who I could rely on to bring me food or anything I might be needing whiles I was in police custody, I gave him the keys to my room and showed him where my cheque book was so that he will bring it along when next he came to visit me for me to sign some amount for him to go and withdraw because before a lawyer will move with you as a new client you must pay him at least 70% first. He told me he will call her the moment he left the police station and also inform Mr Nyamekye the labour officer in the hospital on the case and see how best he could resolve the issue and later go out in search of a lawyer for me, in less than a minute some media people rushed to the police station and started taking pictures of me without even obtaining permission for the station officer or commander of the police station, I tried hiding my face but some of them had already gotten a clearer shot of me already, the police officer behind the counter quickly opened the cell gate and pushed me inside to avoid a stampede at the police station, some other officers were called in to calm the situation down at the station and ward the media people off from creating an scene at the police station. Honestly I received a huge welcome party from the cell inmates who were already in the cell, I received slaps and punches from them as if I had been caught stealing from the market square, after receiving a dose of the slaps and punches the cell leader ordered them to stop and asked me to come and sit next to him so I tell him what exactly brought me to their five star hotel. As I started my story the officer who locked me up called me to come because the commander of the station wanted to see me, he marched me to the commander's office with this media people still taking shots of me, all this while I was in handcuffs, we got to the commander's office and I saw 2 elderly men and Ken seated in front of the commander, one of the elderly men tried attacking me but with the timely intervention of Ken's swift movement he stopped the man from hitting me, I for that moment noticed that the man was Ken's father because there was the resemblance between them and the other person was Sammy's father per my calculations. I was threatened by Ken's father that I was going to spend the rest of my entire miserable life in jail for raping a whole lawyer and the would be daughter-in-law of the riches man in town, the other man who I believe to be Sammy's father was by then writing and signing on something I suspected to be a cheque, he later tore a leaflet and handed it over to the commander to see to it that I was not granted bail at all cost, he turned and gave me a wicked look and said to me in a very unfriendly tone that "meat meant for the lion had nothing to do with the hyena" and what pained him most was that the virginity Tilly was preserving to give it to his son on their wedding night I had come to destroy everything just like that, the commander cut in and told the men not to worry their heads and that he will see to it that their request is adhered to. All this while Ken was looking at me quietly without uttering a word to me or anyone in the office, the commander ordered the officer who brought me to send me back to the cell and it was that time when Ken followed and requested to have a word with me privately, he also registered his great disappointment towards the action I took and told me that even as at what I had done he had forgiven me but will never forget it, he further told me that he was not in support of any legal action towards me so I should bear that in mind, I asked him how Tilly was fairing and coping with the unpardonable thing I did towards her, he told me she was still in shock due to the accident she was involved in and that she finds it difficult to speak now so the only thing she does to interact with them now is through exchange of writing. I felt bad and devastated as the officer took me away from Ken's presence, I turned and saw a white Range Rover car coming close to where Ken stood, the door opened and Sammy got down from the car with one of his arms in a P.O.P and bandage raped around his head, he pointed at me whiles talking to Ken and tried coming over to where I was been taken to but Ken stopped him A minute of unauthorized pleasure can lead you to where you wish never to find yourself. Guide your movement and actions very well so it doesn't land you into a serious mess. We shall continue the story tomorrow ☆☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
4 Sep 2017 | 14:38
Hm... Chai.... Speechless
4 Sep 2017 | 15:11
4 Sep 2017 | 16:58
Hmmmm.... May God save you from this mesh
4 Sep 2017 | 18:01
too bad but thank God she's still alive
4 Sep 2017 | 18:06
hmmmmm mom next
5 Sep 2017 | 04:07
It seems that is d guy dat save tilly
5 Sep 2017 | 04:15
Ken sud help out na
5 Sep 2017 | 05:11
5 Sep 2017 | 05:41
Ken's father must be a very wicked man from the look of things.... Nii you're in for a long thing and I feel for you?
5 Sep 2017 | 06:33
next ooo loving it
5 Sep 2017 | 06:54
Too bad for you
5 Sep 2017 | 07:16
@kenneth are you following the story at all?
5 Sep 2017 | 07:19
Tilly will be your saviour
5 Sep 2017 | 07:20
5 Sep 2017 | 12:41
hmm this is bad
5 Sep 2017 | 13:52
i Hope tilly recover quickly bcos she is d only one dat can bail u out
5 Sep 2017 | 15:30
Hm... Too bad for You
5 Sep 2017 | 15:41
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 8 I was sent back to the cell and the cell leader still was waiting for me to listen to my story that brought me to my current destination, I told him everything from day one that I set sight on Tilly to now that I had guffed big time towards her, I told him that I don't even know if Tilly will find a place in her heart to forgive me for taking advantage of her when she got to know eventually but the cell leader told me not to feel bad because even though what I did was wrong and in some customs it will be termed as an abomination I managed to bring Tilly back to life again, he said what I did even the best doctors or surgeons in the whole world couldn't revive a dead person back to life again but for me I had been able to achieve the unthinkable results ever, he gave me the assurance that everything will be okay and that I shouldn't loss hope in God. I looked at him in a very surprised way as he made those comments and even quoted from the holy Bible, he smiled and told me that the fact that he was behind bars didn't mean he was a bad person, if you don't know the police station is like the hospital anybody can be brought there anytime because some issues were unforseen that attacked you when you least expected it to happen to you, he also narrated his story that brought him to the police station and immediately I felt sad for him, indeed "if your house is far someone's house is behind yours". Mr Narh came back to the police station with my cheque book but the officer at the counter didn't want to buy the idea of me signing the cheque whiles I was behind bars, but after Mr Narh greased his palms he gave his consent, I signed a cheque of 8000cedis for him to go out and find a very good and competent lawyer for me, I didn't hear from him again for that day until the next day that he showed up with a female lawyer with the name Barrister Doris Dede Tetteh, she was a very beautiful lady who was very confident that even though I was at fault she could try everything possible to get me out of police custody so she had a one on one conversation with me where she asked me to tell her everything that happened from the moment the lady I slept with was brought to the mortuary, I even went an extra mile by telling her the secret relationship I had with her back at the university even before she travelled to the UK and the promise Tilly gave me concerning her virginity. All this while my new lawyer was recording my narrations and also taking note of some vital informations, it was only when I was done with my narration before I got to know that she had recorded everything I had said and that she will get me out of police custody in no time, she told me she wanted to see the commander so she will be right back, before she left to see the commander I gave her the hint on the cheque Sammy's father gave to him the previous day, my lawyer smiled as she left me to see the commander with the revelation I brought out, as she went to the commander's office to fight for a bail on my behalf she was told that the only place I could be granted bail was at the law court and as at now the CID officers in charge of the case were still conducting their preliminary investigations and until they were done I couldn't be arranged for court. Barrister Dede Tetteh banged her hand on the commander's desk and told him that isn't possible, she asked him if it took the CID officers a whole year to get enough evidence to nail me down that was when they were going to arrange me before court? She quoted some portions of the constitution that spoke about our human rights and further told the commander that she was aware of the cheque he took as a form of bribe from Sammy's father and she had pictures of the commander coming out of the bank after withdrawing the money from the bank. She threatened the commander that if by 48hours I am not arranged before the law court for the court to decide whether I should be granted bail or still kept in police custody she will expose the commander to the IGP and the whole nation for taking bribe just to punish a suspect, she stood up leaving the commander's mouth wide open and came back to the charge office to see me before leaving to her chambers to prepare herself well for me when the court date was fixed, she told me everything will just be fine so I should put my trust in God and not her although she will try her best on the case because the case was very big, she said with God by our side she knew luck will be on our side when we get to court. That day every media house both print and electronic had something to say about my case and the heat that was at the police station was enough to boil an egg, people who heard the news on radio and television wanted to see the man who banged a lady and brought her back to life, some saw me as a hero whiles others saw me as a villain and a criminal, the cell leader really motivated not to get depressed with the case and that even if I was pronounced guilty and convicted to jail I should walk with my head up because I brought a dead person back to life again and with the miracle I did its only Jesus that could rock shoulders with me because we were the only people who had brought a dead person to live again. Mr Narh came back to the police station together with my mother and you can't imagine the tears my mother shed seeing me behind bars, Mr Narh had briefed her to detail what exactly happened and to my mum her only problem she had with me was the lie I told her about my job, she said she would have talked me off from doing that job but I pleaded with her whiles consoling her that we will talk about this matter when am released and I come back home. Do you think Nii Dromo has a chance the of escaping from the law? Can Barrister Dede Tetteh get Nii Dromo released with the way she sounds confident at been in the helms of affairs? Well the end will justify the means so lets keep our fingers crossed. To be continued.............................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
5 Sep 2017 | 15:52
destiny as willed d both of dem but nii wat u did was wrong
5 Sep 2017 | 17:26
Wow, your dick is a magic stick working wonders!
5 Sep 2017 | 18:20
6 Sep 2017 | 02:38
From the Lawyers first approach, it shows that she is competent enough to get you out of police custody... Nii Dromo will certainly get bail
6 Sep 2017 | 05:13
He is the hero in the story so one way or the other he will be out of custody
6 Sep 2017 | 05:23
she will get u out
6 Sep 2017 | 05:28
6 Sep 2017 | 05:29
I pray she will get him out
6 Sep 2017 | 09:07
he might b set free
6 Sep 2017 | 09:27
guess d lawyer wud save ur ass
6 Sep 2017 | 10:54
I believe he will be released ND plead not guilty
6 Sep 2017 | 12:04
I can see the lawyer is very confidence and I believe he can help you out... All the Nii
6 Sep 2017 | 12:25
Hmmm De End Wil Rely Justify De Means I Love Dat Quaote
6 Sep 2017 | 13:13
his bail is sure wit d stunt d lawyer approach to d d.p.o
6 Sep 2017 | 16:11
Dromo your freedom is guarantee
6 Sep 2017 | 18:13
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Episode 9 The tears my mum shed at the police station made my spirit very weak, the way things were going Mr Narh had to intervene by sending my mother out of the police station because my fellow inmates and the police officers didn't like visitors who would come and shed tears at the station. For good 12days I was still behind bars without been taken to court, all this while I kept asking Mr Narh what was going on because no one was saying anything to me and also I had not seen or heard from Barrister Dede Tetteh since the last time she came to interrogate me at this very place, Mr Narh told me that my lawyer was involved in a car accident and that she was now recuperating from a slight injury she sustained and that she is not leaving any stone unturned so I should just be patient with her for now, Mr Narh didn't even leave the station before some men and a lady came to the station, I overhead them mentioning my name to the officer at the counter that they wanted to see me, they were given the opportunity to do so and when they came closer to me their leader told me that they were from the Human Rights and Administrative Justice and that one Barrister Dede Tetteh called them in to look into my case, my face beamed and I saw the light of hope shining over me but what nearly turned my happiness down was when the leader said they weren't hear to grant me bail but rather they were here to see to it that I was arranged before court immediately without any delay so I should pray hard for the judge who would preside on the issue to have mercy on me and grant me bail. They told me that they wanted to go and see the commander and the crime officer in charge of the case and that they will be back to see me before they final left the police station, about 5minutes later Ken, Sammy and Tilly also came to the police station as the got there Sammy started insulting and pointing at me to Tilly that this is the pig who raped you, I promise you that he will stay behind bars all the rest of his life. As he was throwing threats into the air I heard a female voice behind them ordering him to shut up since he was not the judge to accuse me of being guilty or not, they all turned and it was no one but my lawyer, she further told Sammy that if he didn't drive carelessly under the influence of alcohol, Tilly won't pass away for her to be brought to the mortuary and that I won't also take the advantage to sleep or rape her. She for the first time revealed the big secret to the 3 of them that if they cared to know I was in a relationship with Tilly even before she travelled to the UK, with this revelation Ken dropped his phone that he was holding very shocked because what he heard was very shocking that the current that passed through him could generate power for a hospital to use for a whole month, he looked at his sister and then turned to look at me, I believe Sammy would have wished that what he heard was just a hear say but hey it was the only truth that had been hiden under the sun for a very long time. Sammy quickly walked pass my lawyer and Ken followed him leaving Tilly motionless, Barrister Dede Tetteh went to her and told her in plain language that if she is still alive and strong, she should be very grateful and thankful to me because am the reason why she is still counted among the living, she kept looking at Barrister Dede Tetteh as if she had been hypnotised without even uttering a word to anyone, the next thing we all saw was, Tilly throwing up and running to the exit of the police station, my lawyer smiled whiles she shake her head as she came close to me, I asked if she was now feeling better because I was just informed that she was involved in an accident and she told me that she will only feel or get better when I was granted bail or I was acquitted and discharged as a free man on the case she had been paid to handle but before she left my presence she said "CONGRATULATIONS" to me and I still don't understand why she made that comment towards me I have not said anything yet so please don't think for me oooooooo To be continued tomorrow morning................................. #Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Alexander Mindset© All rights reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
7 Sep 2017 | 04:04
Last and final episode coming tomorrow morning don't miss out
7 Sep 2017 | 04:05
7 Sep 2017 | 04:31
lolz, I am also congratulating you
7 Sep 2017 | 05:10
Tilly is pregnant this is good ni dromo u are about to become a father waiting patiently for the final episode
7 Sep 2017 | 05:54
You're going to be a father
7 Sep 2017 | 06:24
congrats in advance waiting for final episode
7 Sep 2017 | 08:46
Patiently waiting
7 Sep 2017 | 08:50
Tilly should b happy co's she wanted to u deflower her b4 she traveled
7 Sep 2017 | 13:45
Tilly is Pregnant . Will be waiting for the last episode
7 Sep 2017 | 14:41
she don't get belle for you
7 Sep 2017 | 17:23
Tilly is pregnant
7 Sep 2017 | 17:36
Congratulation, you're going to be a father
7 Sep 2017 | 18:36
Nii must be released and congrats u will soon become a father
7 Sep 2017 | 19:08
Wow... Tilly is pregnant
7 Sep 2017 | 19:44
Tilly is preg
7 Sep 2017 | 20:05
She will be ur baby mama
8 Sep 2017 | 02:06
tilly is pregnant...yipeeeee!
8 Sep 2017 | 02:21
Congratulation Bro
8 Sep 2017 | 05:57
[b]??? Nii Dromo the Mortuary Man ??? Season 4 Grand Finale The case immediately commenced as soon as the judge sat down because it was the first case for the day, the court room was filled to the brim because everyone wanted to know which lawyer was going to win the case and they didn't want someone to come and do narration on the case to them, Barrister Dede Tetteh was looking very smart and beautiful that morning that I couldn't take me eyes of her but when my sweet Tilly entered the court room every activity paused and eye turned to direction of her, I overhead one woman in the room asking another woman if she was the bone of contention and the other woman replied yes, the next thing I heard her say was "no wonder the young man couldn't hold himself back", this lady is absolutely beautiful and if I were that young man standing in the witness box I will repeat myself a thousand time if opportunity avails itself. Sammy who was supposed to be a helping lawyer to the lead counsel of the plaintiff today stood as the leader who was going to throw the questions to me, he taught he was going to complicate issues for me or patronise me with some silly questions of his but any question he threw at me was answer beautifully to the admiration of everyone present, what he didn't know was that my lawyer had taught me how to go about things at the court anytime a tough question was thrown at me, he tried his best to make a fool out of me but rather he embarrassed himself to the court, after he was done with his cross examination it was time for my lawyer to also do her cross examination. The kind of questions she asked me was very straightforward but really carried weight, her first question was: Barrister: Did you ever know the victim you slept with? Me: Yes Barrister: How did you know her and what type of relationship were you having with her? Me: I met her at the university before she travelled outside the country and she was my girlfriend as in we were lovers. (This answer of mine hit Ken that made him stare at me very surprised, it brought some murmuring and heckling inside the courtroom that it took the court clerk a hell of a time to bring the people back to order) Barrister: So you mean you once dated the victim, then why did you take advantage of her when she had not granted you permission to enter her or penetrate through her moreover you might have had your way with her on countless times? Me: Yes we dated, My Lord the victim had given me the chance on countless times to sleep and break her virginity but almost every time we planned doing it someone or something popped up so it never happened. She gave me her word that I was going to be the very first person to pass through her legs even before the man she will settle down with do so, when she was brought to the mortuary that faithful I couldn't bear the pain and just look at her go waste without her virginity since her cells were not dead yet, something told me that if I breaked her virginity she can come back to life so I respected my instincts and after I did that she came back to life. Barrister: So what if she had not fulfilled her promise and went about sleeping around as she travelled outside? Me: I knew very well who Tilly is and how she stands by her words so I knew very well that she was still a virgin. Barrister: So was she still a virgin when you slept with her per your calculation at the mortuary? Me: Yes my Lord Barrister: So are you aware Tilly Koranteng is 2weeks pregnant and that Sammy here is trying his best together with some medical team to terminate or abort the pregnancy without her knowledge? (This question was a very big surpise to everyone in the courtroom and a heavy blow to Sammy and his colleagues that he stood up to counter my question) Sammy: Objection my Lord, my learned friend is trying to mislead the court with an allegation. Judge: Objection overruled. Counsel can you give the court hard proof of the question you just asked your client? Barrister: Yes my Lord I have in my possession the medical test results of Tilly Koranteng and am tendering it in as an evidence to back my case(she hands over the report to the court clerk and it was given to the judge to take a look of it. The judge goes through the report and writes something down on a file before her, Sammy was surprised and dumbfounded with the revelation Barrister Dede Tetteh brought out) Judge: Looked at me and asked me to answer the question I had been asked by my lawyer. Me: My Lord I..........I am not aware (Tilly cuts in rudely, this was the first time she had spoken a word since her accident) Tilly: My Lord its very true I had a relationship with Nii Dromo the accused, yes I told him I will let him be the person to break my virginity, I never broke up with him before leaving the country although I have been betrothed to Sammy who I never truly loved but because I wanted to please my dad I accepted to roll with him and life with him has been a hell. My wish always has been that even on my dying bed if I still remain a virgin I would love Nii Dromo to have sex with me before I die so please I pray this honourable court will "Acquit and Discharge" the accuse with immediate effect and also charge Sammy with an attempted murder charge because he was very drunk the day we were involved in the accident, he was planning to abort my unborn child without my knowledge and as we were in the UK he tried on countless times to drug and seduce me just so he could have sex with me. (The court was thrown into a frenzy mood whiles the judge wrote something on the paper in front of her, as she was done writing she started hitting her desk with the judicial hammer on her desk and shouting Order! Order in court!! Order) When everyone was calm she started speaking and in short she said, with the evidence at hand and the testimony the victim had given about the accused there was nothing to hold me guilty so she hereby acquits and discharge me from all charges against me and to put icing on the cake, Sammy was asked to relinquish his licence from practising as a lawyer to the bar association and also pay a fine of 50000cedis to the victim and if he was not able to do that by the end of the day he will face 5years imprisonment with hard labour without pardon, after that she again hit the judicial hammer to her desk and stood up. Tilly rushed to the witness box and landed a very romantic kiss on my lips and told me how she had missed me and the love she had for me will never die, she jokingly said "I will marry you and give you a "MORTUARY BABY", Ken came to me to congratulate me for my victory although he didn't look happy. I approached Barrister Dede Tetteh to thank her for everything she had done for me from day one but she had something new for me and that thing surprised me and my mum, she gave me a file and told me that in the file was the documents of my late father's properties and that her father was my late father's lawyer and she was told to monitor and look after me for her to hand it over to me at the right time. As we were still in the jubilation mood, Sammy pulled a pistol from a police officer standing near him and as he pulled the trigger to shot me he mistakenly shot his own father, the man fell and die instantly, Sammy was apprehended by the police and since Tilly's dad was a business partner to Sammy's father he automatically became the boss to everything the man owned. He gave his blessing a told us he will sponsor our wedding anytime we were ready to walk down the aisle, for my job I knew it was already secured because now all my late father's companies had been entrusted into my care, I hugged my mum and made Barrister Doris Dede Tetteh the lawyer to all the family businesses. I and Tilly got married some few weeks later and she gave me a set of Twins as a product of the mortuary sex, later I built the biggest mortuary and made Mr Narh the manager of the place, for madam Adwoa Nyamekye I converted her chop bar to a morden restaurant, I asked my mum to bring my siblings back to Accra and happiness took over my family again "THE END" Story written and composed by AKOTO ADJEI ALEXANDER. A very big thank you to God almighty for bringing us this far, indeed in Him is life and nothing can be done without him by our side. To my family am grateful for your support and to my Never Say Die readers and followers you guys rock, your unflinching support and pressure keeps me awake during the night just to think deeply and come out with something unique. I am just getting heated and started, till I come your way again please remember me in your prayers and remember to do good and stay safe. ☆☆☆☆☆ An Akoto Adjei Alexander Mindset© ?0249446151 All rights remains reserved worldwide® ☆☆☆☆☆[/b]
8 Sep 2017 | 16:56
@frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x And others Nii Dromo final episode is here
8 Sep 2017 | 16:59
Wow! At las Nii got justice.... Thanks @jummybabe for posting this wonderful story
8 Sep 2017 | 17:39
This is ineed wonderful, see love in action, nice ending, babe thanks nd remain blessed.
8 Sep 2017 | 18:33
Wow nice ending I love every bite of this JUMMY thanks for posting this Wonderful story
8 Sep 2017 | 19:38
Wow wow wow. Tilly and dromo lived happily ever after. What a nice story i think i will just save my remaining popcorn for another time. @jerrie et @fridex @qeenvick et @itzpince. Come and read last epi
8 Sep 2017 | 19:43
What a lovely story..... I really enjoyed it... Thumbs up
8 Sep 2017 | 20:05
You do hammer be that!
9 Sep 2017 | 00:19
9 Sep 2017 | 04:28
lovely story
9 Sep 2017 | 05:25
nice ebdiending
9 Sep 2017 | 05:28
Wow! What an interesting story. Keep it up
9 Sep 2017 | 05:33
Infact it's an interesting and exciting story, kudos to d writer and d poster @jummybabe
9 Sep 2017 | 05:54
Nice Story More Wisdom Bro
9 Sep 2017 | 06:11
nice ending
9 Sep 2017 | 07:08
[b]owowow.. this story is a good one I must happy for nii dromo and Tilly... Kudos to the writer and more inks to your pen.•[/b]
9 Sep 2017 | 08:05
Wow wot a happy ending
9 Sep 2017 | 10:09
that's what we call ,"Victory at last"
9 Sep 2017 | 10:27
9 Sep 2017 | 12:35
O wow interesting story . Nice one
9 Sep 2017 | 13:30
Nice one
9 Sep 2017 | 13:36
9 Sep 2017 | 15:44
This world ehee
9 Sep 2017 | 15:50
Wow!!! What a great ending
9 Sep 2017 | 17:08
wow at last
9 Sep 2017 | 17:46
holala!!!! what a wonderful jubilation for u assuming u don't listen to ur pastor and went ahead to accept ur i.t bank boss den u could hv mislead ur fortune now dat's y it's better to be patience.....
9 Sep 2017 | 19:46
atlast u married tilly in grand style nd sammy dat was suppose nt to be jail later put himself to be jailed....
9 Sep 2017 | 19:49
nice ending.... waiting for anoda interesting story
9 Sep 2017 | 19:50
Nice ending!
10 Sep 2017 | 17:20
I Love this. nice 1
10 Sep 2017 | 18:00
If its me. I will also tell her the truth
11 Sep 2017 | 05:03
12 Sep 2017 | 18:01
Nawa o o
12 Sep 2017 | 18:59
When you were riding on top. U didn't remember that you will be in trouble
12 Sep 2017 | 20:32
Its your angel
12 Sep 2017 | 20:38
Its not yet time
12 Sep 2017 | 20:45
God has everyway to bless somebody. All that is required is just patience
13 Sep 2017 | 06:23
Yes that's what life is all about
13 Sep 2017 | 06:31
Indeed what goes around comes around
13 Sep 2017 | 07:45
Wow nice story
13 Sep 2017 | 08:42
wonderful ending
13 Sep 2017 | 10:19
13 Sep 2017 | 10:21
nyc story;welldone
15 Sep 2017 | 11:33
Village people fear them
18 Sep 2017 | 19:14
I dey with you. let's roll out the Asphalt
18 Sep 2017 | 19:20
#Yeb3toaso ☆☆☆☆☆
18 Sep 2017 | 19:29
Nice story @jummybabe. You gotta do the posting while I gotta do the reading haha that's fair oh it's called Division of Labour
18 Sep 2017 | 19:39
Oh am not seeing this
21 Sep 2017 | 08:25
Wow! What a nice and happy ending. More ink to ur pen
22 Sep 2017 | 16:00
23 Sep 2017 | 07:53
Maabena action is justified. In fact the Alhaji is a kind man.just asking for her hand in marriage only.
23 Sep 2017 | 08:08
Well honestly I will jab the food in a silver platter
23 Sep 2017 | 08:17
I would accept the offer a million times. Who wouldn't?
26 Sep 2017 | 16:09
Maybe he's infected now. or got Her pregnant
26 Sep 2017 | 16:16
Am with you. leggo
26 Sep 2017 | 16:29
nyc endind thumbs up
29 Sep 2017 | 17:50
Nice story
2 Oct 2017 | 01:40
2 Oct 2017 | 01:41
Na we dey here....
3 Oct 2017 | 04:35
Thumbs up..!
3 Oct 2017 | 05:30
Move it..
3 Oct 2017 | 06:00
Am loving this..
3 Oct 2017 | 06:03
so sad....I wish tilly won't die
5 Oct 2017 | 13:56
hmmmmm...I can't believe this,anyways dts d power of love. ..ride on bro
5 Oct 2017 | 13:57
Come I thought your mother sent you there to study and make her proud. hmmmmm Satan is in you
8 Oct 2017 | 19:14
Congrats Nna Nwa.
8 Oct 2017 | 19:20
Sins are like credit card, enjoy now, pay later
8 Oct 2017 | 19:26
More grease.... I love this
16 Oct 2017 | 01:42
Wow what a nice story
4 Nov 2017 | 21:58
23 Nov 2017 | 20:45
wow i really love dis story kudos to d writer AKOTO ADJEI ALEXANDER nd poster @jummybabe
19 Dec 2017 | 07:54
Wonderful piece of story
2 Jan 2018 | 12:45
This story is Amazing
21 Jan 2018 | 10:47
Wow! Very touching and interesting story
8 Mar 2018 | 22:06
Ride on, am right behind u
4 May 2018 | 03:28
Gan gan watchout
4 May 2018 | 04:20
Ehyaaaah lucky you
18 Jun 2018 | 09:59
18 Jun 2018 | 10:13
Guy use your head before you break your friendship with ken
18 Jun 2018 | 12:26
That's risky bro
18 Jun 2018 | 12:34
18 Jun 2018 | 13:38
My enjoy while the offer last
18 Jun 2018 | 13:47
You are now licensed to for
18 Jun 2018 | 14:05
That is ken's little sis
18 Jun 2018 | 14:13
To me what he did is wrong but if we are to view it the other way round he shouldn't be jailed rather be dismissed because if not for what he did, she wouldn't have been alive. So lets temper justice with mercy
19 Jun 2018 | 09:41
She is pregnant for you and with the way things are going, i don't think you will be jailed because Tilly will intervene for you
19 Jun 2018 | 10:18
Wow nice work, thanks and God bless you all till we see again
19 Jun 2018 | 10:37
Hmmmmm!!! @jummybabe u really got me glued my screen big tym... thanks for dah bomb!! 5thumbs for the mindsettee...
19 Jun 2018 | 13:57
Wow.. What a lovely story
8 Oct 2018 | 10:33
Nice story so far??
21 Feb 2019 | 03:57
Love the story. Learnt a lot from it.
18 Jul 2020 | 21:36
i think they might be somehow related
21 Sep 2020 | 15:30
23 Sep 2020 | 06:30
23 Sep 2020 | 06:40
Good story, i learned enough*wink*
23 Sep 2020 | 09:25
I wish you people friendship last long
9 Oct 2020 | 10:12
Ken will never allow you to date is Lil 6ta
9 Oct 2020 | 10:39
I hope is not what am thinking "incest"
9 Oct 2020 | 11:40
Sweet ending thanks for this
26 Jan 2021 | 06:57
i'll be starting this story in a few minutes from now..........!
19 Feb 2021 | 06:02
31 Jan 2022 | 02:11
31 Jan 2022 | 02:36
Oga steve becareful
31 Jan 2022 | 03:16
Dis story is heading somewhere
31 Jan 2022 | 03:22
Ken is a good man in respective of the kind of life he is living (i mean girls)
31 Jan 2022 | 03:28
31 Jan 2022 | 03:32
Time will tell
31 Jan 2022 | 03:38
N e x t
31 Jan 2022 | 03:43
31 Jan 2022 | 03:46
Hmmmm but it is wrong to be having a secret relationship when one is engaged
31 Jan 2022 | 03:53
Hard and difficult decision
31 Jan 2022 | 03:57
31 Jan 2022 | 04:03
Wow steve see a minute of pleasure causes pains and regrets
31 Jan 2022 | 04:08
Time to move on mr steve
31 Jan 2022 | 04:18
Wait for season 3
31 Jan 2022 | 04:28
Oga steve learn to control your little man
31 Jan 2022 | 04:33
What a life
31 Jan 2022 | 04:39
I hope it is no a kind of trick
31 Jan 2022 | 04:43
Chai some people no get joy for face
31 Jan 2022 | 04:49
Eyah i pity steve
31 Jan 2022 | 04:53
Doing something or making decision in a hurray bring doom one's life
31 Jan 2022 | 05:05
Life is unpredictable
31 Jan 2022 | 05:09
Obey is better than sacrifice
31 Jan 2022 | 05:13
I dnt know what to say
31 Jan 2022 | 05:18
Good dat is what life chosed to offer u mr nii steve
31 Jan 2022 | 05:23
True talk writer
31 Jan 2022 | 05:28
Turn by turn
31 Jan 2022 | 05:34
Too bad
31 Jan 2022 | 05:37
I dnt think so but time will tell
31 Jan 2022 | 05:42
31 Jan 2022 | 05:46
What will be, Will be
31 Jan 2022 | 05:52
Mr nii steve u are going to be a father
31 Jan 2022 | 05:56
Nice work author
31 Jan 2022 | 06:03


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