

By Mr in 9 May 2016 | 08:39
Mr kruzz

Mr kruzz

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Member since: 23 Oct 2015
episode 1
My eyes widened. Darrel? "Darrel
fucking Jones." I murmured. I felt a
smirk spread across my lips, "No
I slung my arm over Violet's
shoulders and led her into the
throne room. 6 men with their backs
to us were standing there,
examining a portrait of a nude
woman breast feeding a man. I
heard a small array of 'I like this'. I
winked at my girlfriend and lightly
set her to the side, she looked at me
strangely but I was to busy making
fireballs in my hand. With my
powers, I pushed ice cold wind
towards the men. They flew forward
and smashed into the wall
dramatically. I heard a growl and
instantly realized this was the
reaction I was waiting for. Darrel
turned towards me, his eyes now
glowing red, his blonde hair now
tussled from the wind.
I crouched low, waiting for Darrel to
attack, but he never did, though, I
did hear light footsteps. They
underestimate the best fighter in
this realm. The silent footsteps
quickened, and just as a body was
going to collide with my back, I
ducked, grabbed the attacker by the
waist, and slammed his body into
the ground. I smirked down at Mike,
who was rubbing his head. I looked
to the side, but Darrel wasn't there.
Turning on my heel, I greeted by a
punch to my face. A groan of pain
escaped my lips and this time, it
was my turn. My wings pushed out,
leaving black and red feathers flying
in the air. Damien charged towards
me with full werewolf speed but I
wrapped my arm tightly around his
neck, stuck my foot out and made
him eat shit. Once Damien and Mike
were down, I caught an array of fist
coming at my face, sure, some hit
me in my gut, but it would hurt more
if it was my face. I slid forward on
my knee and jutted my elbow into
David's stomach. He 'uffed' but still
sent his knee up, though I didn't let
it hit my face because I flipped my
elbow and slammed it into his knee.
Tingles of pain rushed through my
arm, but they were ignored when I
gracefully leaped onto Zane's back.
The back of my leg hit the back of
Zane's knee's. Zane got onto his
two feet and grinned at me
menacingly. The fireballs I made
earlier unfroze and I chucked them
at Zane's shoes.
"Dude! These were my new
converse!" Zane glared at me,
"You're paying for this."
Zane charged at me but I wrapped
my arms around his waist and
flipped him over, into the wall. The
portrait that all of them were
admiring earlier fell onto his head
and as if from some lame, low
budget drama, the portrait ripped
through the head, and it looked as if
Zane was breast-feeding a man. I
heard a clicker and when I turned
my head, Flo was taking a picture. I
winked at him. I moved Flo aside
and snuck up behind Patrick. He
was too quick though, and he got
me in a headlock and slammed my
back into the floor. The floor shook
and it left my body outline and
excess cracks in the tile. I jutted my
hands out and wrapped them
around Patrick's legs, pulling him
forward. Just in time, I summer
saulted out of the way and kicked
him in the lower back with my Doc
Martens. But when I looked to the
side, I didn't see Darrel attacking fact...he was flirting with
Violet who seemed like she would
shaving the fur off of sheep then talk
to Darrel.
Even if Darrel was my best friend, I
couldn't help but feel jealous. I
chuckled though, and walked over to
Darrel. Winding my hand back, a
loud 'smack!' was heard through-
out the throne room and Darrel
cupped his head and turned around.
"What the fuck , man?!"
I smiled innocently and snaked my
arm around Violet's waist, "Violet,
this is Darrel. Darrel, this is Violet,
my girlfriend. "
Darrel smirked, "Hey, more of a
I looked at Violet, she knew exactly
what I was doing, her nose crinkled
up, "Do you smell that? It smells
like...burning clothes.."
Darrel's eyes rested upon me
irratatingly, "Did you really just light
my drawers on fire?"
"Fortunetly so, my friend."
"That is so not cool!" he said,
swatting at his butt.
I looked past Darrel and all the guys
were getting up, while groaning, but
they quickly shaped up after
spotting Violet, "Who is that? "
"Violet, this is Mike, Zane, Patrick,
Flo, Damien. Everyone, this is
"And does this beautiful Violet have
a last name?" Mike said, grabbing
Violet's hand and kissing it lightly.
She smiled and bent forward,
cupping his face in her hands,
"Yeah.." she breathed into his face,
then her free fist collided with Mike's
face, "It's Fuck-Off." Mike cupped
his eye,
"What a beautiful last name." he
murmured. I was holding my sides
so hard that I was on the floor
laughing. Darrel was banging his
fist against the ground, laughing
hysterically. Zane was using his
knee's as a stand as he bent
forward, laughing silently. Patrick
was using the wall as a support,
Damien was using Patrick as a
support, while Flo was using
Damien as a support.
Violet looked up innocently,
"What..what's so funny?"
"Mike...never...gets the girl.." I
managed to get out. Violet looked at
us as if we were crazy then
shrugged and was about to walk
towards me again when Anita
walked in.
"ANITA!" They all yelled and tackled
Anita into hugs. Violet smirked and
placed her hands on my chest, my
arms wrapped around her waist.
"I apologize for my friends. They are
a handful."
Violet stood on her tippy-toes and
kissed me, "Wait till you meet
mine." she murmured. Her lips
tasted so sweet, like honey and
strawberries. Her breath tasty so
minty against my tongue. I couldn't
resist any longer, my tongue
enveloped hers and they danced for
control. Violet's leg wrapped around
my calf, until we heard a whistle.
Flo was standing there with his
"Do you have to record everything? "
I growled at him. He smiled
"Alexander, hunny, when
something's as hot as this, it's a
I covered his camera with my hand,
"Take one picture, or record one
more video of us, I swear man, I
won't hesitate to shatter that
camera in a million pieces."
Flo gulped, "But this girl is my
prized possession."
"Then I suggest you don't record
I turned back to Violet, "Now, where
were we."
Just as our lips touched, Violet
backed away. I looked at her,
confused, "We have to learn
"Control isn't something I'm good at
it, for example, my drinking problem,
my fighting addiction, my
uncontrolable beast."
"Are you going stand there having
sex with your girlfriend or are you
going to accompany your wonderful
guest, I mean me, to the living
"I don't like him.." Violet muttered,
"He's a cocky ass."
I smiled at Violet, "You warm up to
"Well?!" Darrel yelled.
"I pick option one!"
"Not an option!" Anita shrieked, she
cleared her throat, "Well. Violet,
sweetie, I actually have something
to show you, so if you can come
with me-"
9 May 2016 | 08:39
EPISODE 2 . . "But..Anita!" "No buts, this is a once-in-a- lifetime oppurtunity. You don't come now and everything gets burned?" Everything? What in the world is that woman trying to show Violet. Knowing Violet, she pranced away after giving me a kiss. I felt a pat on my back, "You have been officially ditched." Zane said sadly. "Oh shut up." I said, rolling my eyes at him and walked to the living room, "So, what brought you all here?" "Well. We heard about...the outburst, so we came to check up on you!" Damien said. "Wait wait wait. We are your guests, don't we get a beverage? I'm parched!" "Get up and get something yourself. I don't consider you guests, considering you've lived here for half my life." Just as everyone was about to get up, Kyle and his 'possy' of butlers and maids stepped in front of us. "Allow us." "You really don't nee-" "Prin- Alexander," Kyle started but was cut off by gasps, "This is our job. We get payed to do this." "You can get payed to do nothing.." "No can do, si-bro...?" I chuckled, "Ok ok..give me a bottle of beer." "Beer." "A sour apple martini, dirty." Flo said, eyeing Kyle carefully. Poor boy. Everyone ordered a bottle of beer too. "So, how long are you guys staying?!" I asked excitedely. I mean seeing your best friends after 2 years is actually quite exciting. "Kid, we're staying for awhile. Besides the fact we came to check on you, we're helping with the battle. I have yet to meet my partner!" Darrel said excitdely, "Oh! I can't wait. If she's a girl, I hope she's hott. Maybe...a vampire..or fairy.." "One, I have like 13 years on you, kid . And two, what happened to Raosane?" "Oh. Her? I dumped her before coming here." I threw my bottle cap at Darrel, and if that bottle cap, at that speed, were to hit a human. That human would most likely be dead. Damien bent over, "So tell us Alex-and-er! How did you get someone like Violet?" "How did you get someone like Anny?" I retorted, "The nerd in highschool, gets the cheerleader. Kind of cliche right?" "Point taken. Go on." "Well, Leo assigned her as my bodyguard-" "The best fighter in Vampira, Angeria, Faera, Pixaeri, Wereal, The Town Of Ogres and all mythical realms, the best fighter, needs a guard?! Since when?!" "Everybody has a partner, so Violet was mine. She hated me because clearly, I just love pissing her off. But, yes so anyway that happened and we got to know eachother." Flo clicked his tongue, "That is so romantic!" "Which part? The one where Alexander loves pissing her off, or where she hated his guts?" Zane snorted. I let wind travel through his nostrils, and for a quick second, let no air go through. He coughed and while we all laughed. If you haven't noticed, we love torturing eachother every chance we get. I stood up, "Who's up for a little race?" I said with a smirk. Zane being a half demon half angel mix, struck his dark blue wings out. "I'm up." Flo being a fairy, Damien being an angel, Darrel being a werewolf/ angel hybrid, stuck their multi- colored wings out. Mike was a vampire, Patrick was a full werewolf, so they couldn't fly. "Awh! That's not fair! We want to race!" Just as I was about to open my mouth, I felt two hands circle my waist and a strong voice say, "I'll race you." I grinned at Violet and swiftly cradled her into bridal style. With that, we left using the throne room door and ended up outside. So the rest of the day, we raced for an hour. I ended up going on a winning streak till they claimed I was cheating, then I lost about four rounds. Violet lost two rounds, but overpowered the rest. Her main challenge was Mike, since he was another vampire, they had to prove who was superior. It was a tie. Then we moved on to a human game called 'football' that Damien picked up, since he just got back from the human realm, and we played that. Apparently, you throw a oval ball back and forth and get tackled. As strange as that sounds, it was quite entertaining. Then we went swimming in the castle pool and ate. Just as Violet was going to dig into her chicken piece, Anita rushed in. "I found it! I found the tape, hurry! Come watch Violet!" We all were about to get up but Anita gave us the eye , "Only Violet." "I bet you they're having an orgy." Darrel snorted. We all nodded in agreement. "Are you jealous?" "Insanely." I replied sarcastically. And I won't surrender quietly. Step up and watch me go... A young boy's voice sang. I froze, no way... the group laughed and cackled completely ignoring the singing, Break down, ya really want it? Wanna make a scene? "SH!" I said urgently. Everyone froze, and the voice carried into the room, and we all froze. Show me what ya mean. Let's get it started. Let me see whatcha got. Can ya take it up a knotch? Don't think you got it, can't handle the pressure? Get off, stop talkin' about it. Gotta make this count, let's go! When we move, we camouflage ourselves. We stand in the shadows waiting, we live for this and nothing more, we are what you created! As if on command, all of us men slid out of our chairs, and followed the sound to the abandoned room. The room with all my past items in it, baby pictures, teen pictures. Baby video's... I can feel the storm, the winds have changed. Ooh... 'Cause we're worlds a part But just the same, but we won't leave the way that we came, and I know there's so much more ahead I can barely believe that we're here, we won't surrender quietly. Step up and watch it go! Anita and Violet sat in the front of a flat screen T.V. Inside of the T.V, a boy, about the age of 15 sang in front of a large audience. He had pure white hair with green/blue eyes. His body was well-built and he had his long pure white wings out. His black shirt and black chained pants, made the white in the wings show. Break down, ya really want it? Wanna make a scene? Show me what ya mean, let's get it started, let me see whatcha got. Can ya take it up a knotch? Don't think you got it, can't handle the pressure? Get off, stop talkin' about it, gotta make this count, let's go. When we move, we camouflage ourselves, we stand in the shadows waiting, we live for this and nothing more, we are what you created. Are you ready? Are ya ready? Are ya ready for me? Are you ready? Are ya ready? Are ya ready to see? The boy's voice mesmerized the audience and they continued to cheer loudly. A red head in the background was playing the guitar, his fingers strumming the strings aggresively. A blonde haired boy slamming the drumsticks against the drums, the other guitarist played and the singers in the background sang. "Hey! There I am!" Darrel said happily, pointing at the young drummer. Zane pointed at one of the guitarists, "That's me! Woah!" Mike motioned towards the red- haired guitarist, "We were so little!" Flo pointed at the back-up singer, "This was.. ages ago!" Damien pointed at the guitarist, "No way!" "Holy shit! I remember this! I was the band manager!" Patrick said while laughing. "Oh hey Alexander! Look there's you!" Patrick said, pointing that boy with pure white wings, and pure white hair. The one who was singing his heart out. When we move. We camouflage ourselves. We stand in the shadows waiting. We live for this and nothing more. We are what you created. When we move. We camouflage ourselves. We stand in the shadows waiting. We live for this and nothing more. We are what you created. When we move. We camouflage ourselves. We stand in the shadows waiting. We live for this and nothing more. We are what you created... Ok.. This is embarrasing...
9 May 2016 | 08:42
NEW STORY FORBIDDEN 3 @victoriouschild @kemkit @donyas . ....
9 May 2016 | 08:44
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@babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @ @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E- cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking 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9 May 2016 | 08:59
zwpwpmg mnt to long
9 May 2016 | 09:04
pleaseeeeee continue
9 May 2016 | 11:38
@holykruzz guy u don fuckup u no fit call me that season 3 is out abi
9 May 2016 | 12:23
@holykruzz thanks before u called me i was already here
9 May 2016 | 13:27
Wont miss this for anything
9 May 2016 | 13:28
@holykruzz tenx joo av been busy since morning jux getting here nw ,,,,,,,,hw has been ur day?
9 May 2016 | 15:07
K ride on
9 May 2016 | 17:47
Alex pov episode 3 . . I can't believe that I just..saw that. That was from years ago, when I was still finding out who I was. It was when my wings weren't dainted with the angels blood. I still stood in the doorway, my face and ears burning. "You're a dork." I heard from the wonderful voice I loved. My eyebrows furrowed, "I was only fifteen! And I was going through this faze and-" I started but Anita and Violet looked at each other and then started laughing. Did I miss something? "What?" I snapped. "Babe, you were amazing. Even at age fifteen." she told me, getting off the couch. Violet walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck. "But I already knew that. The real thing that threw me off, was how your wings were white." I wrapped my arms around her waist and sighed, "You like them better." does everyone else. Violet shook her head, "No, they're weird. Too boring." Oh really now? "You know Anita has white wings." "Sorry Anita, it's true. Your wings...are boring." Violet informed her. She chuckled. "You're just obssessed with Alexander's, so you think mine are boring. Mine are very nice and work well." "No, I know they're boring. I've always thought angel wings are boring. Until I saw Alexander's." Violet said, smiling up at me. "They're truly beautiful." I bent my head down and kissed her with so much passion it was almost unbearable. "Hey, my wings are beautiful! They are way more sexy than his!" Darrel exclaimed, completely killing the moment. God dammit. Violet sighed angrily and turned to him. "Do you have an off button?" I muttered, "I wish." No, I really do. If I had a genie, I would use my wish on getting him to just shut up sometimes, that I could make him mute. Oh, but thats when I start loving demons. Which is..never. Darrel was just happy as can be that the attention was on him. "Oh my goodness, Alex, you were such an adorable child!" Flo gushed. I felt my cheeks grow red again. Violet smiled. "He really was." "Psht, so was I." Darrel added. "Yet no one cares." Zane sighed. And this is why Zane is one of my closest. "Awh that's not true... I'm sure some desperate, pathetic, hideous chick cares." Damien snickered. "No, not even then." I laughed. I draped my arm over her shoulder and we faced my best friends. "So, Violet. Since you're Alexander's current girlfriend, we want to know all about you. Start talking!" Mike ordered. "Uhh what do you want to know?" "Are you always all uptight and bitchy? Or do you give guys a chance every once in awhile?" Darrel asked. My fist twitched. Violet decided to ignore him. "Questions, anyone?" she asked, smirking. "Hello! I just asked you something!" He exclaimed, irritated. "Do you always dress in dark colors? 'Cause sweetie, it looks great on you." Flo said, smiling. It does, doesn't it? Violetsmiled. "Yeah, I do actually." "Is your lingerie dark colors too?" Zane asked. Oh, that's where I come in! "No, it ranges." Alexander answered. Yes, I'm well aware of what I just implied. "Well if that's all you guys wanted to know-" "NO!" They all shouted at once, except Anita and I. I just chuckled at my friends enthusiasm to get to know Violet more. Anita was just smiling and shaking her head at the whole scene. "Where did you grow up?" "What kind of schools did you go to?" "How did you become a guardian person?" "Did you really hate Alexander when you first met him?" "How long have you two been dating?" "Do you drink or smoke?" The order of people asking was Mike, Damien, Patrick, Zane, Flo and then Darrel. "Guys, one question at a time." I chuckled. Violet smiled at me. "Its okay, I got this." she said, before turning back to the boys. "I grew up in Vampiria. I went to a vampire kid school, although you guys wouldn't have recognized me if you saw me." Violet told them. I knew this, but I have yet to see some pictures. Shall I give Kiara a call? "Anyways, with one year left to graduate I became a bit agressive and decided to put it to good use. I worked my ass off these past two years to become as good as I am. Best fighter in Vampiria, second best in all the kingdoms. So yes, I can kick all of your asses." she said, proudly. Everyone laughed. "Yes, I did hate Alexander when I first met him. He knew how to push my buttons and that bothered me. We've been dating for almost a month now, though. And I don't drink too much, but I do smoke." Violet concluded. Wait. What did I just hear? She..smokes. I felt my lip raise in a snarl but I kept it controlled. Humans smoke ciggarretes and marijuana, but we mythicals smoke pulverized demon blood, the ultimate high. I froze, "Ahh so you can be fun!" Darrel laughed. "What do you smoke?" Zane asked, curiously. "Everything. Pure demon blood is my favorite though." Violet answered. Does she not understand that it kills me to hear that from her? Does she not understand that I'm a part of her life now? My grip on her tightened. "I didn't know you smoked." Anita said, disapproval clear in her voice. Heh, I can see why. "There's a lot you don't know about me." Violet said, darkly. Care to amuse me? I remained quiet, not trusting my voice, "Alexander, can I talk to you?" Violet asked. The guys leaned in. "Alone?" she added. "Awh you're no fun." "Gay." "Hey!" Flo exclaimed, offended. "I didn't mean it that way. Sorry." She got out of my arms and we both walked into the hallway. "What's your problem?" she asked. Did she really just ask that? My eyes darkened. "My problem? Violet..." I got closer, right in Violet's face. "You never told me you did drugs." "Sorry, you never asked. And there hasn't really been a good time for telling you about it. Does that bother you?" Beyond words can explain. "Actually, yes, it does." "I'm sorry." "It's okay, you aren't doing it anymore." I shrugged. My decision is made. "No, I'll do what I want. If I want to smoke, I'm going to. Currently, I don't want to. But if we keep talking about it, I just might." she told me, that's really it. Does she think I'm going to let her? "So if you have a problem with it, I suggest you drop this topic right now because you aren't going to win." We'll see about this Charest. I sighed. "Fine, I'll let it go for now. We're not done discussing this." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever." Violet was about to go back into the room when I grabbed her wrist, pulled her close and kissed her passionately. That wasn't for Violet, it was for me. "What was that for?" I smiled. "No reason." My smile is actually the happier reflection of my deathly glare. Violet smiled back, "In that case, feel free to do it again." I pulled Violet closer. "I just might take you up on that offer..." I leaned in to kiss her when Esmeralda came yelling, "Prince!" Violet jumped. After all these years, she can't call me by my name? "Really, it's Alexander." Esmeralda smiled at me. "I'm sorry. Alexander, your father wishes to speak to you." Oh great. I groaned. Violet just kissed me again, not caring that Esmeralda was there. "It's alright, you have fun. I'll be chilling with your friends." And that's what I'm scared of... I sighed and with that, walked towards the throne room. Esmeralda handed me my crown as I walked in and I set it on my head. As soon as I walked in, my father dismissed the man in front of him with a flick of his wrist. "Esmeralda, I have to talk to my son. Leave." he ordered. Ok, so the old man's mad. I tried to hide my smirk. "Yes father?" I asked while tilting my head to the side. "A little birdie told me about and that girl's relationship." Irritation spiked strongly in my gut, "Her name isn't girl. It's Violet, and I'm glad you know now." My dad roared, "How can you be with such TRASH!? HAVE YOU NO DIGNITY! THE PRINCE WITH A PEASANT! What in the world will the media think about this?!" I had my hand wrapped around my fathers throat in a second, and his back pressed against the wall in the next, "You listen here, father , Violet is no trash. She is far from trash, she is in fact, higher then a crown, higher then this castle, higher then you . And my dignity? Oh it's much higher then yours, third, Violet wasn't and isn't a peasant, she is the number one fighter in Vampiria, and if she wanted, I could have her discard you within a second, if of course I didn't want to do it myself." I dropped my father to the ground, "You're the trash."
10 May 2016 | 13:22
episode 4 . . "You cannot be with Violet Charest, Alexander." my father said after regaining composer, "I will have to sentence her to death. Your love with her is forbidden ." I froze, forbidden? I hate that word. I turned on my heel, my hair now taking it's black color, my eyes now taking the red shade, "How can you tell me I can't be with the girl I love?" I came closer, "You already killed one of them off, remember? What will the media think when they hear about that ?" I laughed without any humor, "You have no right to tell me that I can't be with Violet because I will break every single law in that little book of yours just to be with her." "Are you insane!?" "Yes. I am, father. And that's because of all that hateful years I've spent with you, Violet is merely taking me out of my insanity. So don't you dare lay a hand on her, because I am deffinetly not the same Alexander I was when you killed Lydia, I am not ruthless and cold when it comes to anyone but Violet. I wouldn't hesitate snapping every bone in your body, father. So don't try to take her away from me." I threw my crown onto my throne and strode out of the room, into the kitchen on the second floor. Somewhere Violet or any of the guys won't see me. In the kitchen, I rampaged through the cabinets, finally. I took out a long blood with thick black liquid, I stared at it, demon blood. Can I drink this? No, not with Violet around. I settled for just a beer from the fridge and I drank it all. I was now more calm then I was. Violet doesn't need to know about this conversation, I decided. Or she does, but not now. I went up to the living room on my floor and entered with Damon saying his famous, 'I only have three months to live' pick-up line. I chuckled. "The three months to live pick up line?" I shook my head. "Has that ever worked for you?" "It worked with Danielle, Tina, Maxie...and that's about it." Violet rolled her eyes. "That's a long list." she said, sarcastically. "Hey what crawled up your ass and died? Your daddy didn't love you when you were a kid?" Darrel asked. I felt Violet flinch beside me. Darrel sometimes just needs to keep his mouth shut, I itched to tell him to shut up, but my vampire took over. "Actually, I was loved very much. Unlike you. Obviously you didn't get enough attention as a child, considering it always has to be about you now." I stared at Violet, how can she act like this? Violet knew I was gazing at her but she avoided my gaze. The boys laughed. "He really didn't!" "Nice one, Violet." Zane said, giving me a knuckle touch. "Actually, I made my mom and dad very proud. Can you say the same? Hmmm?" "I'm the second best fighter in all the kingdoms. What do you think?" "He doesn't think." Mike snorted. Zane gave him a high five. "Well just because she's strong doesn't mean her parents care. Look at our good friend, Alexander, here. He's an amazing guy, but his dad is a real jerk." Flo reminded us. Oh if only you knew. "No, his dad isn't a jerk...he's an asshole." Patrick explained. Anita giggled. "He's actually an idoitic, pompus dickface." Violet added. "Is your dad any better?" Darrel teased. God dammit Darrel. "I have to go bring my sister home." I said before basically running out of the room. "What's her problem?" Darrel asked. My arm recoiled and it flung out, hitting Darrel in the eye. "SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" he yelled. I clenched my jaw, breathing from my nose, "I'll explain later. But I'm not apologizing for what I just did because you really need to shut the hell up sometimes, Darrel." I walked down the hall, finally seeing Violet, "Violet-" I started, before she shushed me. Violet pointed to Kyle and Kiara in the kitchen and put her index finger over ger lips. Kiara smiled at Kyle, looking a bit shy. "I'd like that. A lot." Did I miss something? He brightened up and they were both the happiest I've ever seen them. What just happened? Before he could kiss her, Violet walked in and plastering on a fake smile. "Hi guys! Kiara, I'm here to take you home." She couldn't stop smiling. "Okay...well I'll see you later." She said to Kyle, before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking towards Violet. He stood there, in a daze. "He's all yours." Violet said to me, as she took her sister out. "Kiara, go wait outside." I ordered. "Uh huh." She said, still in her little daze. She walked away. Violet faced my boyfriend, expressionless. "Yes?" Why is she hiding this from me? I looked at her, concerned. "Are you alright?" Violet deflected the question, "Why wouldn't I be?" I sighed. "I'm not going to repeat what was said." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Violet-" "I have to take my sister home. I'll go get my paycheck, grab a bite to eat and then I'll be back." she said, before giving me a quick kiss. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Go have fun with your friends." I wanted to follow, my mind screaming at me to follow, but I just couldn't, I knew what it was like to just want to be alone. But what if something happened to her? Something I can't protect her from? I sighed then walked back to my friends who were now on the topic of the human realm. "What's up with Violet?" Mike asked. I glanced at him and sat down, "She went to go drop her sister off and eat, then she'll be back." "Did I do something wrong?" Darrel asked guiltily. "Darrel, sometimes just shut up, please. You don't know Violet, she...her life hasn't been all wonderful. Her dad died, got killed by a demon." "Just like-" "Yeah, just like Lydia. But the difference is, I watched Lydia die." I said softly. I felt the demon in body poking around the corners. My head started aching, Hey friend. the voice in my head sneered. you haven't had your daily dose of demon blood today, meaning, it's nearly my turn. Get out of my head. I ordered. The voice laughed manically, I can't friend. I'm you. You're me. I'm not a monster. Oh, but you are. the voice said, slowly fading away. "You ok, bro?" Zane asked, patting my back. Flo came up to me with the glass of red liquid, "Drink, hun." I grabbed the cup downed the drink, just like any other drink. But this made me have black and purple spots pop up in my vision. Before I knew it, I was laughing, why? I don't know. Then I was out, into a deep sleep. When I woke up, it was getting dark. How long have I been asleep? 7 hours, something said in my head. Violet..she wasn't back yet. I jumped up to my feet, and ran into my room. The window was open, and with a graceful leap, I was in the air with my wings out. The air of this realm easily showed me Violet's scent. I followed it all the way too the woods, where I saw Violet's back turned, her hand reaching out to a tombstone. Her father... I landed gracefully and tucked my wings it while walking. Violet had snatched her hand back but I paid no attention. When I touched Violet's shoulder, she turned, and punched me square in the face. "Don't touch me!" she hissed, bearing her fangs and crouching in a defensive position. "Violet! Calm down, it's just me!" I said to Violet. I raised my hands, but when Violet looked closely, her face changed. Violet slowly got up. "That's's okay..." Violet ran to him and hugged me tightly. My arms instantly wrapped around her and she buried her face in my chest. "What happened, my love?" I mumbled into her hair. She shook her head, I held Violet tightly, rubbing soothing circles in her back, "It's okay, honey, whatever happened...I'm here for you." With that, I lifted Violet into my arms and extended out my black wings. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes as I flew us back to the castle. Only Anita was awake and in my room. "Oh there you are, Violet! I was all worried about you! Put her down, boy!" I put Violet down on her feet and Anita inspected her. "You look fine, except a bit dirty. What were you doing, rolling around in the dirt?" she asked. "Something like that." Violet mumbled. Anita stepped closed and examined Violet, she touched her neck and Violet winced,"Sensitive. What happened?" "I was rubbing my neck, heard a sound and gripped too tight." Violet told her, lying. I said nothing, just stared at her. She avoided my gaze again and looked at Anita. "I'm sorry." She gave her a weary look. "Yes... Get some rest. I'll see you both in the morning." Then she left. "Violet..." "Can we talk after I shower?" Violet asked, softly. It was quiet for a moment. "Of course." I answered. I walked to the window and stared out into the night sky. Violet...why is she lying to me? Why does she always lie to me? Is it that I'm not worthy of being told something too? After some thought about my beloved Violet, she touched my arm. Though I continued to stare out the window, not turning to look at Violet, "I don't want to hear a lie about what really happened tonight, if that's what you're going to tell me. I'm not Anita, I know you better. So if you aren't going to tell me the truth," I said, turning my gaze on her, "Don't tell me anything at all." Violet slightly smiled. "I actually plan on telling the truth...that is, if you want to hear it." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I'm all ears." Violet bit her lip, unsure where to start. "Confession: I'm not the best at sharing. So...where do you want me to start?" I hesitated. "How about right after you left me. You said you were going to drop off Kiara, get your paycheck and get something to eat, then come back. What changed that?" "Well, I brought Kiara home and went to get my paycheck...but after that, some stupid memory came up and changed my course. So, I went to visit my father's grave." Violet said softly. "That's where I was...when he came." Who's he? "He who?" I asked, protectively. "Zagan." Violet whispered. Danger rang in my head. Zagan, the lord of all demons. The one who pulls all the strings. One of the dangerous men alive. Well besides me. I let Violet go, shocked. "Zagan?" Violet merely nodded. Did he hurt her?! I looked over her body, frantically. My eyes rested on the spot on her neck. "That's all he did to you?" I asked, still surprised. Was Zagan showing sympathy? No..he's toying with Violet. Like playing with his food. That bastard. Violet nodded. "And...I don't know why. Alexander, I should be dead." Violet said, tears threatening to spill. "He was saying weird things and told me he'd explain it all soon enough, because he'd be back." Within seconds Violet was in my arms, crying. If only..if only I could do something.. "Zagan won't touch you, Violet, not if I have anything to do about it. Why didn't you say something when Anita was there?" "Because...for some reason he has a fascination with me. I think it has something to do with my eyes." she confessed. "What makes you think that?" "He calls me gold eyes." Violet admitted. " it has something to do with your eyes. But what?" she's not like any other vampires, I know that much. Violet shrugged. "I have no idea." I got out of his arms and plopped down on my side of his bed. I sighed frustrated. "That doesn't help." I said before sitting down next to her. Violet faced me. "I know." I caressed her cheek. "Well...we'll figure it out eventually." She nodded and kissed me. "Thanks for understanding." "Why wouldn't I understand?" Violet shrugged. "Most guys would say I was cursed or something then run off." "I'm not like most guys." What normal guy has a beast inside of them, is a fallen angel prince, and is the strongest and most respected man in all of the supernatural world? Violet smiled. "I know." she said, before kissing mepassionately. I pulled Violet closer and my hands tangled in her hair, as Violet's explored my bare chest. When I went to deepen the kiss, Violet pulled back. Oh. Not nice. Violet rested her forehead on mine. "Goodnight." "You're cruel." "You'll get over it." she said, turning around away from me. My arm draped over Violet's waist, and I pulled her closer. With that, we both got lost in the world of dreams.
10 May 2016 | 13:24
@kemkit , @victoriouschild , @donyas ... r.c plz new episode here
10 May 2016 | 13:26
new episode is here guys @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @T- Dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @ @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica 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10 May 2016 | 14:31
enjoyin every bit of it
10 May 2016 | 14:50
eheheh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, enjoying dis welone @holykruzz
10 May 2016 | 16:57
10 May 2016 | 17:51
Enjoying like yoi know
10 May 2016 | 18:12
Maybe violets family has a secret
10 May 2016 | 18:13
10 May 2016 | 20:04
11 May 2016 | 10:55
violet pov . . episode 5 . The boys started going through Alexander's other childhood memories like I had earlier, right when the movie finished. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were looking for pictures of themselves. I looked back at Alexander, who was in the doorway, red as ever. Awh he's embarrassed! Well let's make it worse... hehehehe... I smirked. "You're such a dork." He blushed more, but got defensive, "I was only fifteen! And I was going through this faze and-" Anita and I looked at each other and then we started laughing. "What?" Alexander asked, sounding irritated. "Babe, you were amazing. Even at age fifteen." I told him, getting off the couch. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck. "But I already knew that. The real thing that threw me off, was how your wings were white." He wrapped his arms around my waist and sighed. "You like them better." I shook my head. "No, they're weird. Too boring." Amusement flickered in his eyes. "You know Anita has white wings." "Sorry Anita, it's true. Your wings...are boring." I informed her. She chuckled. "You're just obsessed with Alexander's, so you think mine are boring. Mine are very nice and work well." "No, I know they're boring. I've always thought angel wings are boring. Until I saw Alexander's." I said, smiling up at him. "They're truly beautiful." He kissed me and I never felt more alive. "Hey, my wings are beautiful! They are way more sexy than his!" Darrel exclaimed, completely killing the moment. I sighed angrily and turned to him. "Do you have an off button?" Alexander muttered, "I wish." Darrel was just happy as can be that the attention was on him. "Oh my goodness, Alex, you were such an adorable child!" Flo gushed. Yup, he's officially gay. I smiled. "He really was." "Psht, so was I." Darrel added. Can't stand it when it's not all about you, can you? "Yet no one cares." Zane sighed. Touche! "Awh that's not true... I'm sure some desperate, pathetic, hideous chick cares." Damien snickered. "No, not even then." Alexander laughed. He draped his arm over my shoulder and we face the guys. "So, Violet. Since you're Alexander's current girlfriend, we want to know all about you. Start talking!" Mike ordered. I didn't like people knowing about me, so I wasn't about to explain myself. I wouldn't know where to start even if I did like people knowing me. "Uhh what do you want to know?" "Are you always all uptight and bitchy? Or do you give guys a chance every once in awhile?" Darrel asked. I decided to ignore him. "Questions, anyone?" I asked, smirking. "Hello! I just asked you something!" He exclaimed, irritated. Hehe, I'm not giving you what you want, dickface. "Do you always dress in dark colors? 'Cause sweetie, it looks great on you." Flo said, smiling. Awh, Flo is sweet! I smiled. "Yeah, I do actually." "Is your lingerie dark colors too?" Zane asked. Really? "No, it ranges." Alexander answered. Thaannks baby. The boys all made 'ooohhh' sounds because my boyfriend just implied we had sex and I wore lingerie. Yupp, who's the dumbass this time around? Not me, not me. "Well if that's all you guys wanted to know-" "NO!" They all shouted at once, except Alexander and Anita. Alexander just chuckled at his friends enthusiasm to get to know me more while Anita was just smiling and shaking her head at the whole scene. "Where did you grow up?" "What kind of schools did you go to?" "How did you become a guardian person?" "Did you really hate Alexander when you first met him?" "How long have you two been dating?" "Do you drink or smoke?" The order of people asking was Mike, Damien, Patrick, Zane, Flo and then Darrel. Geez so much to remember... "Guys, one question at a time." Alexander chuckled. I smiled at him. "Its okay, I got this." I said, before turning back to the boys. "I grew up in Vampiria. I went to a vampire kid school, although you guys wouldn't have recognized me if you saw me." I told them. It's true. Believe it or not...but I was a prep in school. Oh yeah, it was horrible. I wanted to be someone my father would be proud of. But it wasn't enough... "Anyways, with one year left to graduate I became a bit aggressive and decided to put it to good use. I worked my ass off these past two years to become as good as I am. Best fighter in Vampiria, second best in all the kingdoms. So yes, I can kick all of your asses." I said, proudly. Everyone laughed. "Yes, I did hate Alexander when I first met him. He knew how to push my buttons and that bothered me. We've been dating for almost a month now, though. And I don't drink too much, but I do smoke." I concluded. Alexander froze. Did I say something wrong? "Ahh so you can be fun!" Darrel laughed. "What do you smoke?" Zane asked, curiously. "Everything. Pure demon blood is my favorite though." I answered. Pure demon blood is the strongest shit there is. It's dried up and when inhaled, possibly deadly if you take too much. But I love the stuff. The best stuff at helping you forget, makes everything go away... Alexander's grip on me tightened. What's his problem? "I didn't know you smoked." Anita said, disapproval clear in her voice. "There's a lot you don't know about me." I said, darkly. Alexander remained quiet, brooding. "Alexander, can I talk to you?" I asked. The guys leaned in. "Alone?" I added. "Awh you're no fun." "Gay." "Hey!" Flo exclaimed, offended. "I didn't mean it that way. Sorry." I got out of Alexander's arms and we both walked into the hallway. "What's your problem?" I asked. Alexander's eyes darkened. "My problem? Violet..." He got closer, right in my face. "You never told me you did drugs." Oh that's what this is about? "Sorry, you never asked. And there hasn't really been a good time for telling you about it. Does that bother you?" I asked. "Actually, yes, it does." "I'm sorry." "It's okay, you aren't doing it anymore." He shrugged. "No, I'll do what I want. If I want to smoke, I'm going to. Currently, I don't want to. But if we keep talking about it, I just might." I told him. "So if you have a problem with it, I suggest you drop this topic right now because you aren't going to win." He drinks, I smoke. We make one hell of a couple don't we? He sighed. "Fine, I'll let it go for now. We're not done discussing this." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, whatever." I was about to go back into the room when he grabbed my wrist, pulled me close and kissed me passionately. I gave in for a moment before pulling away. "What was that for?" My angel smiled. "No reason." I couldn't help but smile back. "In that case, feel free to do it again." He pulled me closer. "I just might take you up on that offer..." He leaned in to kiss me when Esmeralda came, "Prince!" I jumped and Alexander looked annoyed. "Really, it's Alexander." Esmeralda smiled at him. "I'm sorry. Alexander, your father wishes to speak to you." I'm not going with him... Alexander groaned. I just kissed him again, not caring that Esmeralda was there. "It's alright, you have fun. I'll be chilling with your friends." I said, before going back into the room where the guys are. "So tell me about yourselves." I said, the minute I walked in. Flo brightened up. "Well, my full name is Flo Leondolf. At age five, yes five, I was nobility so I got treated very, very well. As I grew older, I started getting homeschooled and once I met Alexander, we were both homeschooled together. Then we both attended human school and became great friends! Then Alexander started drinking greatly and that worried me so dearly, but by that time I knew the whole gang. Alexander tore himself away because the beast was uncontrolable at the time and Violet, nothing hurt so I turned sixteen I finally 'came out of the closet' and told my parents I was gay." He told me, going extremely sad. "My parents flipped one and kicked me out. Alexander took me in for awhile and then got SO angry that he stormed to their house and yelled at them saying how they could give up their son just like that because he's gay and terrified them so much, they took me back." "Wow, that's one hell of a life, dude." I said, sincerely. He nodded. "I have a boyfriend, Dante." I smiled. "Details!" Flo looked happier than an alcoholic on New Year's Eve. "Well he has long blonde hair that reaches his mid-back that he ties into a bun. His eyes are grey and he has the longest eyelashes. His facial structure resembles a womans but he's gorgeous! Here, I have a picture!" He gushed, pulling a picture of the two of them out of his wallet to show me. I took it carefully and looked at the two, their love so clear in their expressions. "Awh you two look great together!" I said, giving him back the picture. "I know!" He exclaimed. "He has such a great personality too! He's very macho, but so sweet. He absolutely loves nature, and paints." "He paints and you do photography. It fits." I said, smiling. "It does, doesn't it?!" I laughed. " you mind if I take pictures of you? I know Alexander said not to take any of the two of you, but you two are so damn cute!" Flo said, on full gush mode. Oh what did I start... "How about this. You can take as many pictures as you want, but I get to decide if you keep them or not. I don't want any bad pictures." "Fine, agreed!" I smiled, "So what about the rest of you? What's your-" "Hey, your tag is sticking out." Darrel said, coming up behind me. "It says, 'Made in Heaven'." Oh no not again! I smacked him across the head. "Shut up, asshole." "Hey! You know..." He said, sniffling. "I only have three months to live..." "I'll make it three minutes if you don't leave me the fuck alone!" I snapped as my boyfriend came back in. Alexander chuckled. "The three months to live pick up line?" He shook his head. "Has that ever worked for you?"
11 May 2016 | 16:55
episode 6 . . Alexander chuckled. "The three months to live pick up line?" He shook his head. "Has that ever worked for you?" "It worked with Danielle, Tina, Maxie...and that's about it." I rolled my eyes. "That's a long list." I said, sarcastically. "Hey what crawled up your ass and died? Your daddy didn't love you when you were a kid?" Darrel asked. He didn't mean to, but he hit a nerve, his words stung. My father did love was my mother who didn't. I didn't want him to know, so I tried to push it back down. "Actually, I was loved very much. Unlike you. Obviously you didn't get enough attention as a child, considering it always has to be about you now." I retorted. Alexander was staring at me, and I knew it, but I avoided his gaze. The boys laughed. "He really didn't!" "Nice one, Violet." Zane said, giving me a knuckle touch. Finally, my sense of humor is appreciated. "Actually, I made my mom and dad very proud. Can you say the same? Hmmm?" Uh let's see, I made my mom leave my father and I, then I let him die. Oh they were so proud... "I'm the second best fighter in all the kingdoms. What do you think?" "He doesn't think." Mike snorted. Zane gave him a high five. "Well just because she's strong doesn't mean her parents care. Look at our good friend, Alexander, here. He's an amazing guy, but his dad is a real jerk." Flo reminded us. Touche! "No, his dad isn't a jerk...he's an asshole." Patrick explained. Anita giggled. "He's actually an idiotic, pompous dickface." I added. "Is your dad any better?" Darrel teased, only to me, it was an insult. I froze and my fists clenched. It took all my self control, not to rip him to shreds. I need to get out of "I have to go bring my sister home." I said before basically running out of the room. "What's her problem?" I heard Darrel ask. My anger turned into pain, and I pushed myself further. I tracked down Kiara, who was in the kitchen with Kyle. I was about to walk in there, but I hesitated when I saw Kyle take her hand. "Kiara... I really like you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked. "Violet-" Alexander started, before I shushed him. I pointed to Kyle and Kiara in the kitchen and put my index finger over my lips. This gave me time to lock these horrible feelings away. I don't want him to see my as weak and pathetic... Kiara smiled at Kyle, looking a bit shy. "I'd like that. A lot." He brightened up and they were both the happiest I've ever seen them. Funny how people can be so happy in the present, while I'm miserable and stuck in the past. Before he could kiss her, because really I didn't have time to wait I needed to leave right away, I walked in and plastered on a fake smile. "Hi guys! Kiara, I'm here to take you home." She couldn't stop smiling. "Okay...well I'll see you later." She said to Kyle, before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking towards me. He stood there, in a daze. "He's all yours." I said to Alexander, as I took my sister out. "Kiara, go wait outside." Alexander ordered. "Uh huh." She said, still in her little daze. She walked away. I faced my boyfriend, expressionless. "Yes?" He looked at me, concerned. "Are you alright?" I deflected the question, "Why wouldn't I be?" He sighed. "I'm not going to repeat what was said." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Violet-" "I have to take my sister home. I'll go get my paycheck, grab a bite to eat and then I'll be back." I said, before giving him a quick kiss. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Go have fun with your friends." Without waiting for a response, I turned and left. With some luck, he didn't follow. "Oh my god, Violet! I'm so happy! Kyle and I-" Kiara started the minute I got out. I basically blocked out everything she said after that, murmering an occasional 'uh huh' or 'ahhh' the whole walk to the house. I stood outside and watched her go in. Once she was safe inside, I ran at vampire speed to see King Vladimir. "Violet! How are you? I haven't seen you for awhile." He greeted, warmly. "This isn't a social visit. I'm just here for my paychecks. Max pointed out I'm working three shifts, that's triple the normal. And I should get a bonus because I don't like angels. And not only am I dealing with the prince, but his airhead friends." I ranted. I don't mind my boyfriend, it's his friends...well friend... grrrr I fucking hate that kid... The king sighed. "Haven't changed much, have we?" He asked, while writing out the big check. He handed it over to me. "You're being on your best behavior, correct?" I nodded. "Yes. And as for the Prince's friends, they haven't gotten their guards yet." I said, a little idea formulating in my head. "Well that's a shame. We have some left over men, if they're needed." I smiled. "For his friend, Darrel, I believe Travis is a perfect fit." I suggested. Ahh Travis. Travis is my acquaintance, I met him on my first day. He's huge . Like steroid huge! It's all muscle, and even though he's big, he can move very fast. This huge guy and I get along very well. If he was assigned to Darrel...oh the fun to be had. "Alright, I'll put my word in. Anything else?" I shook my head. "Thanks, Sir." "Good night, Violet." "You too." The minute I left the castle, and I was alone, the little prick's words came back, 'Is your dad any better?' I grabbed my head and leaned against the castle wall. No...please...stop... It was too late though. A little girl ran down a hallways, her long dark, hair swinging behind her. "Can't catch me, can't catch me!" She shouted, laughing. The young child ran and hid under the sink, her favorite hiding spot of all time. She waited for a minute, but heard nothing. She peaked out, her gold eyes sparkling. "Daddy?" After getting no response, she crawled out, slowly and quietly. "Daddy?" She called out again. A man scooped her up in his arms. "Gotcha, Violet." Young Violet giggled. "Daddy!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him. The man chuckled. "I'm right here, baby girl. I'll always be here for you." "Promise?" She asked, with wide eyes. He kissed her forehead. "Promise." I stopped it there. I can't do this now...not here... I skipped hunting and walked into the forest, down the old trail I grew to be so familiar with over the past two years. On my way, I picked a couple flowers here and there, making a small bouquet. Second row, grave on the far end. I walked over and read the tomb I've memorized. Douglas Charest. Great vampire warrior, guardian, protector. Caring father. 1800 - 2008 I placed the flowers on his grave, and sat down beside it. "Hi, Daddy." I whispered. A fifteen year old girl stood against the framework by the kitchen door. Her dark hair, now with light blue highlights, draped over her shoulders. "Dad, hurry up and measure me. Robbie is suppose to be here any minute." She said, growing irritated. A man came in with a ruler, a marker and a big grin. "Robbie can wait. You're still my little girl, Violet." Violet rolled her eyes. "Maybe in your head, dad." Her father put the ruler on the top of her head, drew a line and marked her age, height and date. "There, kiddo. Now get there camera." The girl groaned. "Dad, come on, this is just ridiculous. You don't need to photograph everything. There's enough pictures of me around here. We even have videos!" The man smiled at his daughter. "I need them, Violet. What am I going to do when you're all grown up and out of the house?" Violet felt bad now and gave her dad a hug. "You'll get yourself a girlfriend and I'll visit all the time." He hugged her back. "It's not going to be the same, sweetie. You're growing up. My little girl is growing up." "It's okay, Dad. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." She said, soothingly. "I love you, Violet." He said, patting her back. He pulled away as a young boy opened the door. "Now go get the camera. It's your fifteenth birthday,the memories you make now, will last you a lifetime." Silent tears made their way down my cheeks. I touched the ice cold grave and closed my eyes. I miss you...why did you leave me dad? You promised you would always be here... "Oh gold eyes, why so sad?" A sinister voice asked. I froze, and slowly looked up. A demon with long, pitch black hair stood there. His dark eyes showed no feeling, no emotion. He was smiling down at me, like I amused him. "Who are you?" I whispered, unable to make it any louder. "Ah, the golden question." He chuckled. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Golden question, you have gold eyes. Get it?" I stared at him, my tears drying up. "Right, you're mourning, nothing is funny. Well to answer your question, gold eyes, I'm Zagan." Zagan... where have I heard that? I gasped. Zagan is the Demon leader, the main man in control. And I'm here having a basic conversation with nice... I slowly got up and glared at him. "What're you doing here?" I asked, my voice ice cold. He smirked. "I could ask you the same thing." I bared my fangs at him. "No, you can't." I said, getting in an attack position. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, gold eyes." Zagan warned. I lunged at him and manged to scratch his cheek, but he grabbed me by the waist and threw me on the ground. From the ground I tripped him over on the ground, but he landed on top of me, pinning me down. I struggled, but that made him laugh. He lifted me up with one hand by my throat. "I told you not to." He said, condescendingly. I clawed at his hands, but his grip just tightened. I started kicking and wiggling, with no prevail. Finally I went limp, and he dropped me to the ground. I rubbed my neck as I tried to get my breathe back to normal. "So gold eyes..." He said, getting down to my level. "Start talking. What're you doing here?" I glared up at him. Don't answer, I'm screwed. I'm a good fighter, but he has years of experience on me. "Visiting." I answered, dismissively. He smiled. "How nice of you to visit your father. Although I don't think he deserves it." I said nothing. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing he was getting to me. "You aren't even going to ask why?" He asked, pulling me to my feet. I don't want to play these games with him... "Why?" I asked, emotionless. "Because of what he did to you." Zagan said, brushing my hair off my shoulder to reveal my neck. I wanted nothing more than to move away, scream, but I couldn't. I was paralyzed. "All he did was love me and give me everything I wanted." He laughed menacingly. "Really? Is that what you truly believe?" He asked, receiving no answer. "You know, I've been looking into you for awhile now, gold eyes-" "Stop calling me that. It's not my name." "Ah, but it's what you're known for." What's that suppose to mean? "I have no idea what you're talking about." I informed him. "I know, Violet, but you will soon enough." He told me, brushing his lips against my bear skin. "I'll be back. Until then, goodbye." The feeling came back to my body and I turned to hit him, but I only hit air. He's gone. I scanned the forest around the cementary, but I saw nothing. I slowly walked back to my father's grave, on full alert. He won't get me by surprise a second time. I gently touched my father's grave again, when I heard faint footsteps. I pulled my hand back, acting like I didn't notice. The minute he approaches- I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned, getting out of his grasp, and punched him in the face. "Don't touch me!" I hissed, bearing my fangs and getting in a defensive position. "Violet! Calm down, it's just me!" A familiar voice told me. I looked closer, focused, and saw Alexander standing there, his hands raised. I slowly got up. "That's's okay..." I ran to him and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around me and I buried my face in his chest. "What happened, my love?" I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. I was so weak, scared, was pathetic. If I talked, I knew my voice would crack and show all this even more than it already does. He must see how pathetic I am... He held me tightly, rubbing soothing circles in my back. "It's okay, honey, whatever happened...I'm here for you." With that, he lifted me into his strong arms and extended his beautiful wings. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes as he flew us back to his house. Only Anita was awake and in Alexander's room. How long had I been gone? "Oh there you are, Violet! I was all worried about you! Put her down, boy!" Alexander put me down on my feet and Anita inspected me. "You look fine, except a bit dirty. What were you doing, rolling around in the dirt?" She asked. "Something like that." I mumbled. Anita took a step closer and looked at my neck. She gently touched the spot Zagan had gripped me by and I winced. "Sensitive. What happened?" It was such a simple question. And really, I had no reason to lie. They would understand if I was assaulted by a demon. But no one's every come into contact with Zagan before...well, and came back completely unharmed. A little bit of a sore neck is nothing compared to what could have happened. "I was rubbing my neck, heard a sound and gripped too tight." I told her, lying anyways. Alexander said nothing, just stared at me. I avoided his gaze again and looked at Anita. "I'm sorry." She gave me a weary look. "Yes... Get some rest. I'll see you both in the morning." Then she left. "Violet..." "Can we talk after I shower?" I asked, softly. It was quiet for a moment. "Of course." I got a pair of sweat pants and black tank top and went into the bathroom. I showered, getting rid of every trace of dirt and Zagon from my body. Once I got out I changed into my clothes, brushed my hair and threw it up in a bun. I took a deep breathe, preparing myself to talk to Alexander. Now...should I lie or tell the truth? I walked out, unsure of what shit was going to come out of my mouth. One look at Alexander, who was staring out the window, with a worried expression, and I had a feeling I was going to tell him the truth. I silently walked over and gently touched his arm. Alexander continued to stare out the window. "I don't want to hear a lie about what really happened tonight, if that's what you're going to tell me. I'm not Anita, I know you better. So if you aren't going to tell me the truth," He said, turning his gaze on me. "Don't tell me anything at all." I slightly smiled. "I actually plan on telling the truth...that is, if you want to hear it." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me forehead. "I'm all ears." I bit my lip, unsure where to start. "Confession: I'm not the best at sharing. So...where do you want me to start?" Alexander hesitated. "How about right after you left me. You said you were going to drop off Kiara, get your paycheck and get something to eat, then come back. What changed that?" "Well, I brought Kiara home and went to get my paycheck...but after that, some stupid memory came up and changed my course. So, I went to visit my father's grave." I said softly. Flashes of memories from my fifteenth birthday came up, then ones of Zagan. I shook my head. "That's where I was...when he came." "He who?" Alexander asked, protectively. "Zagan." I whispered. He let me go, shocked. "Zagan?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. He looked over my body, frantically. His eyes rested on the spot on my neck. "That's all he did to you?" He asked, still surprised. Sounds offending, but it's really not. Like I said, it could have been way worse. I nodded. "And...I don't know why. Alexander, I should be dead." I said, tears threatening to spill. "He was saying weird things and told me he'd explain it all soon enough, because he'd be back." Within seconds I was in Alexander's arms once again, crying. "Zagan won't touch you, Violet, not if I have anything to do about it. Why didn't you say something when Anita was there?" "Because...for some reason he has a fascination with me. I think it has something to do with my eyes." I confessed. "What makes you think that?" "He calls me gold eyes." I admitted. " it has something to do with your eyes. But what?" Ah, now that's the question. Or as Zagan would put it, the 'golden question'. I shrugged. "I have no idea." I got out of his arms and plopped down on my side of his bed. My boyfriend sighed frustrated. "That doesn't help." He said, before plopping down next to me. I faced him. "I know." He caressed my cheek. "Well...we'll figure it out eventually." I nodded and kissed him. "Thanks for understanding." "Why wouldn't I understand?" I shrugged. "Most guys would say I was cursed or something then run off." "I'm not like most guys." I smiled. "I know." I said, before kissing him passionately. He pulled me closer and his hands tangled in my hair, as mine explored his broad chest. When he went to deepen the kiss, I pulled back to tease him. I rested my forehead on his. "Goodnight." "You're cruel." "You'll get over it." I said, turning around away from him. I felt his arm around my waist and I went to sleep with a smile on my face, not knowing what awaited tomorrow... But being perfectly okay with that, as long as I had my boyfriend by my side.
11 May 2016 | 16:57
r.c plz @victoriouschild et @kemkit new ep here
11 May 2016 | 16:58
oluwa ni
12 May 2016 | 04:13
wow!,,,,,,,,,,,,am sorry for comiing late *PHCN's fault* @holykruzz ........weldone
13 May 2016 | 19:57
@victoriouschild RC plss nw
13 May 2016 | 19:57
@donyas,,,,,,,,,,,,@luzzy,,,,,,,,,,@mubarak............come oh!
13 May 2016 | 20:00
@Luzzy,,,,,,,,,,,@Mbarak,,,,,,,,,,,,come here
13 May 2016 | 20:01
what secret did violet's father keep frm her *confuse*
13 May 2016 | 20:03
let find out
14 May 2016 | 05:46
@emperorsndyheartless come here
14 May 2016 | 07:38
alex pov . episode 7 . I can't believe that I just..saw that. That was from years ago, when I was still finding out who I was. It was when my wings weren't dainted with the angels blood. I still stood in the doorway, my face and ears burning. "You're a dork." I heard from the wonderful voice I loved. My eyebrows furrowed, "I was only fifteen! And I was going through this faze and-" I started but Anita and Violet looked at each other and then started laughing. Did I miss something? "What?" I snapped. "Babe, you were amazing. Even at age fifteen." she told me, getting off the couch. Violet walked over and wrapped her arms around my neck. "But I already knew that. The real thing that threw me off, was how your wings were white." I wrapped my arms around her waist and sighed, "You like them better." does everyone else. Violet shook her head, "No, they're weird. Too boring." Oh really now? "You know Anita has white wings." "Sorry Anita, it's true. Your wings...are boring." Violet informed her. She chuckled. "You're just obssessed with Alexander's, so you think mine are boring. Mine are very nice and work well." "No, I know they're boring. I've always thought angel wings are boring. Until I saw Alexander's." Violet said, smiling up at me. "They're truly beautiful." I bent my head down and kissed her with so much passion it was almost unbearable. "Hey, my wings are beautiful! They are way more sexy than his!" Darrel exclaimed, completely killing the moment. God dammit. Violet sighed angrily and turned to him. "Do you have an off button?" I muttered, "I wish." No, I really do. If I had a genie, I would use my wish on getting him to just shut up sometimes, that I could make him mute. Oh, but thats when I start loving demons. Which is..never. Darrel was just happy as can be that the attention was on him. "Oh my goodness, Alex, you were such an adorable child!" Flo gushed. I felt my cheeks grow red again. Violet smiled. "He really was." "Psht, so was I." Darrel added. "Yet no one cares." Zane sighed. And this is why Zane is one of my closest. "Awh that's not true... I'm sure some desperate, pathetic, hideous chick cares." Damien snickered. "No, not even then." I laughed. I draped my arm over her shoulder and we faced my best friends. "So, Violet. Since you're Alexander's current girlfriend, we want to know all about you. Start talking!" Mike ordered. "Uhh what do you want to know?" "Are you always all uptight and bitchy? Or do you give guys a chance every once in awhile?" Darrel asked. My fist twitched. Violet decided to ignore him. "Questions, anyone?" she asked, smirking. "Hello! I just asked you something!" He exclaimed, irritated. "Do you always dress in dark colors? 'Cause sweetie, it looks great on you." Flo said, smiling. It does, doesn't it? Violetsmiled. "Yeah, I do actually." "Is your lingerie dark colors too?" Zane asked. Oh, that's where I come in! "No, it ranges." Alexander answered. Yes, I'm well aware of what I just implied. "Well if that's all you guys wanted to know-" "NO!" They all shouted at once, except Anita and I. I just chuckled at my friends enthusiasm to get to know Violet more. Anita was just smiling and shaking her head at the whole scene. "Where did you grow up?" "What kind of schools did you go to?" "How did you become a guardian person?" "Did you really hate Alexander when you first met him?" "How long have you two been dating?" "Do you drink or smoke?" The order of people asking was Mike, Damien, Patrick, Zane, Flo and then Darrel. "Guys, one question at a time." I chuckled. Violet smiled at me. "Its okay, I got this." she said, before turning back to the boys. "I grew up in Vampiria. I went to a vampire kid school, although you guys wouldn't have recognized me if you saw me." Violet told them. I knew this, but I have yet to see some pictures. Shall I give Kiara a call? "Anyways, with one year left to graduate I became a bit agressive and decided to put it to good use. I worked my ass off these past two years to become as good as I am. Best fighter in Vampiria, second best in all the kingdoms. So yes, I can kick all of your asses." she said, proudly. Everyone laughed. "Yes, I did hate Alexander when I first met him. He knew how to push my buttons and that bothered me. We've been dating for almost a month now, though. And I don't drink too much, but I do smoke." Violet concluded. Wait. What did I just hear? She..smokes. I felt my lip raise in a snarl but I kept it controlled. Humans smoke ciggarretes and marijuana, but we mythicals smoke pulverized demon blood, the ultimate high. I froze, "Ahh so you can be fun!" Darrel laughed. "What do you smoke?" Zane asked, curiously. "Everything. Pure demon blood is my favorite though." Violet answered. Does she not understand that it kills me to hear that from her? Does she not understand that I'm a part of her life now? My grip on her tightened. "I didn't know you smoked." Anita said, disapproval clear in her voice. Heh, I can see why. "There's a lot you don't know about me." Violet said, darkly. Care to amuse me? I remained quiet, not trusting my voice, "Alexander, can I talk to you?" Violet asked. The guys leaned in. "Alone?" she added. "Awh you're no fun." "Gay." "Hey!" Flo exclaimed, offended. "I didn't mean it that way. Sorry." She got out of my arms and we both walked into the hallway. "What's your problem?" she asked. Did she really just ask that? My eyes darkened. "My problem? Violet..." I got closer, right in Violet's face. "You never told me you did drugs." "Sorry, you never asked. And there hasn't really been a good time for telling you about it. Does that bother you?" Beyond words can explain. "Actually, yes, it does." "I'm sorry." "It's okay, you aren't doing it anymore." I shrugged. My decision is made. "No, I'll do what I want. If I want to smoke, I'm going to. Currently, I don't want to. But if we keep talking about it, I just might." she told me, that's really it. Does she think I'm going to let her? "So if you have a problem with it, I suggest you drop this topic right now because you aren't going to win." We'll see about this Charest. I sighed. "Fine, I'll let it go for now. We're not done discussing this." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever." Violet was about to go back into the room when I grabbed her wrist, pulled her close and kissed her passionately. That wasn't for Violet, it was for me. "What was that for?" I smiled. "No reason." My smile is actually the happier reflection of my deathly glare. Violet smiled back, "In that case, feel free to do it again." I pulled Violet closer. "I just might take you up on that offer..." I leaned in to kiss her when Esmeralda came yelling, "Prince!" Violet jumped. After all these years, she can't call me by my name? "Really, it's Alexander." Esmeralda smiled at me. "I'm sorry. Alexander, your father wishes to speak to you." Oh great. I groaned. Violet just kissed me again, not caring that Esmeralda was there. "It's alright, you have fun. I'll be chilling with your friends." And that's what I'm scared of... I sighed and with that, walked towards the throne room. Esmeralda handed me my crown as I walked in and I set it on my head. As soon as I walked in, my father dismissed the man in front of him with a flick of his wrist. "Esmeralda, I have to talk to my son. Leave." he ordered. Ok, so the old man's mad. I tried to hide my smirk. "Yes father?" I asked while tilting my head to the side. "A little birdie told me about and that girl's relationship." Irritation spiked strongly in my gut, "Her name isn't girl. It's Violet, and I'm glad you know now." My dad roared, "How can you be with such TRASH!? HAVE YOU NO DIGNITY! THE PRINCE WITH A PEASANT! What in the world will the media think about this?!"
14 May 2016 | 07:41
episode 8 . . My dad roared, "How can you be with such TRASH!? HAVE YOU NO DIGNITY! THE PRINCE WITH A PEASANT! What in the world will the media think about this?!" I had my hand wrapped around my fathers throat in a second, and his back pressed against the wall in the next, "You listen here, father, Violet is no trash. She is far from trash, she is in fact, higher then a crown, higher then this castle, higher then you. And my dignity? Oh it's much higher then yours, third, Violet wasn't and isn't a peasant, she is the number one fighter in Vampiria, and if she wanted, I could have her discard you within a second, if of course I didn't want to do it myself." I dropped my father to the ground, "You're the trash." "You cannot be with Violet Charest, Alexander." my father said after regaining composer, "I will have to sentence her to death. Your love with her is forbidden ." I froze, forbidden? I hate that word. I turned on my heel, my hair now taking it's black color, my eyes now taking the red shade, "How can you tell me I can't be with the girl I love?" I came closer, "You already killed one of them off, remember? What will the media think when they hear about that?" I laughed without any humor, "You have no right to tell me that I can't be with Violet because I will break every single law in that little book of yours just to be with her." "Are you insane!?" "Yes. I am, father. And that's because of all that hateful years I've spent with you, Violet is merely taking me out of my insanity. So don't you dare lay a hand on her, because I am deffinetly not the same Alexander I was when you killed Lydia, I am not ruthless and cold when it comes to anyone but Violet. I wouldn't hesitate snapping every bone in your body, father. So don't try to take her away from me." I threw my crown onto my throne and strode out of the room, into the kitchen on the second floor. Somewhere Violet or any of the guys won't see me. In the kitchen, I rampaged through the cabinets, finally. I took out a long blood with thick black liquid, I stared at it, demon blood. Can I drink this? No, not with Violet around. I settled for just a beer from the fridge and I drank it all. I was now more calm then I was. Violet doesn't need to know about this conversation, I decided. Or she does, but not now. I went up to the living room on my floor and entered with Damon saying his famous, 'I only have three months to live' pick-up line. I chuckled. "The three months to live pick up line?" I shook my head. "Has that ever worked for you?" "It worked with Danielle, Tina, Maxie...and that's about it." Violet rolled her eyes. "That's a long list." she said, sarcastically. "Hey what crawled up your ass and died? Your daddy didn't love you when you were a kid?" Darrel asked. I felt Violet flinch beside me. Darrel sometimes just needs to keep his mouth shut, I itched to tell him to shut up, but my vampire took over. "Actually, I was loved very much. Unlike you. Obviously you didn't get enough attention as a child, considering it always has to be about you now." I stared at Violet, how can she act like this? Violet knew I was gazing at her but she avoided my gaze. The boys laughed. "He really didn't!" "Nice one, Violet." Zane said, giving me a knuckle touch. "Actually, I made my mom and dad very proud. Can you say the same? Hmmm?" "I'm the second best fighter in all the kingdoms. What do you think?" "He doesn't think." Mike snorted. Zane gave him a high five. "Well just because she's strong doesn't mean her parents care. Look at our good friend, Alexander, here. He's an amazing guy, but his dad is a real jerk." Flo reminded us. Oh if only you knew. "No, his dad isn't a jerk...he's an asshole." Patrick explained. Anita giggled. "He's actually an idoitic, pompus dickface." Violet added. "Is your dad any better?" Darrel teased. God dammit Darrel. "I have to go bring my sister home." I said before basically running out of the room. "What's her problem?" Darrel asked. My arm recoiled and it flung out, hitting Darrel in the eye. "SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" he yelled. I clenched my jaw, breathing from my nose, "I'll explain later. But I'm not apologizing for what I just did because you really need to shut the hell up sometimes, Darrel." I walked down the hall, finally seeing Violet, "Violet-" I started, before she shushed me. Violet pointed to Kyle and Kiara in the kitchen and put her index finger over ger lips. Kiara smiled at Kyle, looking a bit shy. "I'd like that. A lot." Did I miss something? He brightened up and they were both the happiest I've ever seen them. What just happened? Before he could kiss her, Violet walked in and plastering on a fake smile. "Hi guys! Kiara, I'm here to take you home." She couldn't stop smiling. "Okay...well I'll see you later." She said to Kyle, before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking towards Violet. He stood there, in a daze. "He's all yours." Violet said to me, as she took her sister out. "Kiara, go wait outside." I ordered. "Uh huh." She said, still in her little daze. She walked away. Violet faced my boyfriend, expressionless. "Yes?" Why is she hiding this from me? I looked at her, concerned. "Are you alright?" Violet deflected the question, "Why wouldn't I be?" I sighed. "I'm not going to repeat what was said." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Violet-" "I have to take my sister home. I'll go get my paycheck, grab a bite to eat and then I'll be back." she said, before giving me a quick kiss. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Go have fun with your friends." I wanted to follow, my mind screaming at me to follow, but I just couldn't, I knew what it was like to just want to be alone. But what if something happened to her? Something I can't protect her from? I sighed then walked back to my friends who were now on the topic of the human realm. "What's up with Violet?" Mike asked. I glanced at him and sat down, "She went to go drop her sister off and eat, then she'll be back." "Did I do something wrong?" Darrel asked guiltily. "Darrel, sometimes just shut up, please. You don't know Violet, she...her life hasn't been all wonderful. Her dad died, got killed by a demon." "Just like-" "Yeah, just like Lydia. But the difference is, I watched Lydia die." I said softly. I felt the demon in body poking around the corners. My head started aching, Hey friend. the voice in my head sneered. you haven't had your daily dose of demon blood today, meaning, it's nearly my turn. Get out of my head. I ordered. The voice laughed manically, I can't friend. I'm you. You're me. I'm not a monster. Oh, but you are. the voice said, slowly fading away. "You ok, bro?" Zane asked, patting my back. Flo came up to me with the glass of red liquid, "Drink, hun." I grabbed the cup downed the drink, just like any other drink. But this made me have black and purple spots pop up in my vision. Before I knew it, I was laughing, why? I don't know. Then I was out, into a deep sleep. When I woke up, it was getting dark. How long have I been asleep? 7 hours, something said in my head. Violet..she wasn't back yet. I jumped up to my feet, and ran into my room. The window was open, and with a graceful leap, I was in the air with my wings out. The air of this realm easily showed me Violet's scent. I followed it all the way too the woods, where I saw Violet's back turned, her hand reaching out to a tombstone. Her father... I landed gracefully and tucked my wings it while walking. Violet had snatched her hand back but I paid no attention. When I touched Violet's shoulder, she turned, and punched me square in the face. "Don't touch me!" she hissed, bearing her fangs and crouching in a defensive position. "Violet! Calm down, it's just me!" I said to Violet. I raised my hands, but when Violet looked closely, her face changed. Violet slowly got up. "That's's okay..." Violet ran to him and hugged me tightly. My arms instantly wrapped around her and she buried her face in my chest. "What happened, my love?" I mumbled into her hair. She shook her head, I held Violet tightly, rubbing soothing circles in her back, "It's okay, honey, whatever happened...I'm here for you." With that, I lifted Violet into my arms and extended out my black wings. She rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes as I flew us back to the castle. Only Anita was awake and in my room. "Oh there you are, Violet! I was all worried about you! Put her down, boy!" I put Violet down on her feet and Anita inspected her. "You look fine, except a bit dirty. What were you doing, rolling around in the dirt?" she asked. "Something like that." Violet mumbled. Anita stepped closed and examined Violet, she touched her neck and Violet winced,"Sensitive. What happened?" "I was rubbing my neck, heard a sound and gripped too tight." Violet told her, lying. I said nothing, just stared at her. She avoided my gaze again and looked at Anita. "I'm sorry." She gave her a weary look. "Yes... Get some rest. I'll see you both in the morning." Then she left. "Violet..." "Can we talk after I shower?" Violet asked, softly. It was quiet for a moment. "Of course." I answered. I walked to the window and stared out into the night sky. Violet...why is she lying to me? Why does she always lie to me? Is it that I'm not worthy of being told something too? After some thought about my beloved Violet, she touched my arm. Though I continued to stare out the window, not turning to look at Violet, "I don't want to hear a lie about what really happened tonight, if that's what you're going to tell me. I'm not Anita, I know you better. So if you aren't going to tell me the truth," I said, turning my gaze on her, "Don't tell me anything at all." Violet slightly smiled. "I actually plan on telling the truth...that is, if you want to hear it." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I'm all ears." Violet bit her lip, unsure where to start. "Confession: I'm not the best at sharing. So...where do you want me to start?" I hesitated. "How about right after you left me. You said you were going to drop off Kiara, get your paycheck and get something to eat, then come back. What changed that?" "Well, I brought Kiara home and went to get my paycheck...but after that, some stupid memory came up and changed my course. So, I went to visit my father's grave." Violet said softly. "That's where I was...when he came." Who's he? "He who?" I asked, protectively. "Zagan." Violet whispered. Danger rang in my head. Zagan, the lord of all demons. The one who pulls all the strings. One of the dangerous men alive. Well besides me. I let Violet go, shocked. "Zagan?" Violet merely nodded. Did he hurt her?! I looked over her body, frantically. My eyes rested on the spot on her neck. "That's all he did to you?" I asked, still surprised. Was Zagan showing sympathy? No..he's toying with Violet. Like playing with his food. That bastard. Violet nodded. "And...I don't know why. Alexander, I should be dead." Violet said, tears threatening to spill. "He was saying weird things and told me he'd explain it all soon enough, because he'd be back." Within seconds Violet was in my arms, crying. If only..if only I could do something.. "Zagan won't touch you, Violet, not if I have anything to do about it. Why didn't you say something when Anita was there?" "Because...for some reason he has a fascination with me. I think it has something to do with my eyes." she confessed. "What makes you think that?" "He calls me gold eyes." Violet admitted. " it has something to do with your eyes. But what?" she's not like any other vampires, I know that much. Violet shrugged. "I have no idea." I got out of his arms and plopped down on my side of his bed. I sighed frustrated. "That doesn't help." I said before sitting down next to her. Violet faced me. "I know." I caressed her cheek. "Well...we'll figure it out eventually." She nodded and kissed me. "Thanks for understanding." "Why wouldn't I understand?" Violet shrugged. "Most guys would say I was cursed or something then run off." "I'm not like most guys." What normal guy has a beast inside of them, is a fallen angel prince, and is the strongest and most respected man in all of the supernatural world? Violet smiled. "I know." she said, before kissing mepassionately. I pulled Violet closer and my hands tangled in her hair, as Violet's explored my bare chest. When I went to deepen the kiss, Violet pulled back. Oh. Not nice. Violet rested her forehead on mine. "Goodnight." "You're cruel." "You'll get over it." she said, turning around away from me. My arm draped over Violet's waist, and I pulled her closer. With that, we both got lost in the world of dreams.
14 May 2016 | 07:44
roll call plz @victoriouschild et @kemkit
14 May 2016 | 07:45
New Episode Is Here @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica 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@peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @ @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homstrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @ @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @emmablink23
14 May 2016 | 08:13
continue eh
14 May 2016 | 08:21
14 May 2016 | 08:48
hmmnn,,,,,,,,,,,,,, interesting ........buh@holykruzz u'v once update dis episode so dis is repetition ,,,,,,,,,,anyways weldone will be expecting next episode
14 May 2016 | 09:54
Tnkx @profeze1 4 d mention...
14 May 2016 | 12:48
14 May 2016 | 14:17
sorry for recapin
14 May 2016 | 14:19
ep. 7. . . I turned in bed, but instead of finding my girlfriends petite waist, I found empty space. When I looked at my clock, it was 3:56...A.M. Immediately, the blanket was off of me and I was looking around my room anxiously. Her smell lingered here, but it was faint. I ran downstairs into the third floor, yet, she wasn't there. I looked in the kitchen, in the second, first and throne room. She wasn't there. My fear spiked. Where is Violet? I ran back upstairs, still shirtless. "What are you doing?" I heard a soft, cracked voice say. The voice was in pain, it was grieving. I turned on my heel and had my arms around Violet in an instant. "What's wrong, Violet?" I asked, holding her at shoulder length. She shook her head, but looked down. "What is wrong?" I asked softly. Violet looked at me and smiled slightly, "Just a nightmare." she whispered. I picked Violet up in bridal style and walked over to the bed, laying her down. I layed on my side, with my elbow propped up. "Do you want to talk about it?" She looked at me again, this time...I saw all her pain. "My dad. It was about my dad. was like I saw him die, but it was me that felt his pain as he died." Tears brimmed in her eyes and slowly ran down her cheeks. I wiped them away and kissed her forehead. "He won't want to see you cry..." I whispered in her ear. Violet laughed humorlessly, "I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm pathetic." I touched her chin and turned her chin towards me, "You aren't pathetic, Violet. You're upset, and it's only natural to cry. You're not made of stone." "Then why don't you cry when you think of Lydia?" "Because I hate myself more then I cry. I was laying, pathetically helpless, while my fiancee was raped and tortured in front of my eyes, then killed. It's hard to cry when you know you're the one that caused her pain." "But you had your head ripped off! What could you possibly do?" "It was my fault she was involved with me." Violet opened her mouth to speak, but I 'sh'ed her. I kissed Violet lightly, then held her close to me. "Will you play the piano for me?" Violet mumbled, I could tell she was falling asleep. "Your wish is my command." I whispered, but Violet was already fast asleep, with her arm around my waist and her head resting on my bare chest. I smiled down and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight my love." I closed my eyes, and soon my dreams of Lydia rushed back. "I'm so proud of you." she said with a smile. I smiled back at Lydia, "You're not angry?" Lydia's eyebrows furrowed, "Why would I be angry? I've been telling you for all these years to move on." "I couldn't find someone like you." Lydia smiled sadly, "But now you have. Violet. How is she?" I grinned, "She's amazing. Just as bit as you were. She's funny, she's beautiful, she's cares about me, and she may seem like she doesn't care..but if she saw a man dying on the side walk, Violet would be the first person to help him." "...Just promise me one thing.." I looked at Lydia, tear drops rolling down her cheeks, my arms automatically wrapped themselves around Lydia and I felt an empty pang in my heart, "What's that?" I whispered into her strawberry blonde hair. "Please...don't ever forget me." "Even if I tried, I couldn't." Lydia sighed and pushed away, "I wish I could have met Violet." "I wish you could too." My heart ached, my throat burned. "Mr. Alexander! Mr. Alexander!" A voice far away said. The voice repeated, "Mr. Alexander! Mr. Alexander!" I looked at Lydia, she was smiling sadly. I could barely hear her voice, Goodbye Alexander ... she said...then her body dropped to the white floors of my dream in gray ashes. "Mr. Alexander!" Esmeralda said again. "What do you want?" I snapped but after seeing Esmeralda's shocked face, I felt bad. "Sorry." "Ms. Violet is gone!" I looked to my right and she was correct. "Is she anywhere in the house?" I asked urgently, jumping up. "No we have checked. Her scent isn't here either!" I couldn't even smell a faint trace. Was she taken? Did she leave on purpose? Did Zagan kidnap her? "Call me if you see her." I said, then opened my balcony door and jumped up, extending my large black wings, I flew high up in the sky, my mind reeling over Violet. Where could she have gone? Like this..without telling me! Or was she kidnapped? Is she ok? ...I'm going to kill this son of a bitch if he takes my Violet, and I'm going to play with my prey, torturing and laughing at his shrieks. I flew over a small figure, with her pale legs dipped into a lake from a waterfall. The girl stared at the sky, the whites of her eyes tinted with red. Violet. I flew down behind Violet, she didn't notice my presence till a little after I had sat down on the right of her, allowing her be lost in her thoughts. "Alexander!" she said, surprised. I didn't look at her, just stared at the rushing waterfall, "It hurts me to see you so upset." Violet didn't say anything but stared ahead, also. "I think it's Zagan." she whispered. My head snapped towards Violet, "What about him?" "I think he's giving me these...these nightmares. To warn me." "Warn you about what?" Violet stayed quiet, then just shrugged, "I don't know. But I have a feeling...something really bad is coming." Violet's voice cracked at the end. I draped my arm over her shoulders and pulled her closer, kissing the side of her head. "I'll be here when that happens. I'm not going to let anything get to you." Violet snorted, "That sounds way to familiar, my dad said the same thing. And what happened to him? He's dead." I pulled Violet back, "But the difference between your father and I? I'm alive. And I'm stronger." I stayed quiet, "And I am not you're father." Violet forced a smile, and placed a hand on my cheek, "Because if you were my dad, then that would be creepy." she said before kissing my lightly. "Come on. Let's head back." I picked Violet up in bridal style, "and don't you dare to everjust leave like that again. You scared me shitless." Violet's cheeks reddened, "Sorry." she mumbled. I fluttered my wings out, stray black feathers falling out, Violet caught one and held it to her chest. I smiled and chuckled lightly. My lips lightly kissed Violet's forehead and I started pumping my wings till we got in the air. I twirled us around, getting a smile out of Violet. She laughed as we flew back to the castle, the sun barely coming up. When I landed gracefully on my balcony, my friends rushed towards me. "Where the fuck were you too?" Darrel asked, "Running off with my woman like that." I raised and eyebrow at Darrel and narrowed my eyes, "Excuse me?" I asked in a low voice. Darrel grinned, "Just kidding!" "You better be..." I mumbled, with a hand on Violet's lower back, I led her into our room. "So you two share a bed?" Mike asked, cautiously. Violet looked at them, "Yupp." she said, popping the 'p'. "Flo, I suggest you get off that bed." Mike said nonchalantly. Flo tilted his head sideways, "Wait..why?" So dull. "Who knows what these two have done on this bed." Damien said while laughing. Flo's eyebrows shot up and he leaped off the bed. By this time, I was holding Violet as support and she was using the chest in front of my bed as support. "Yeah..." I breathed, " Who knows what we have done." "Oh no. The last time was in the bathroom, remember lovie?" "How can I forget!" My friends grimaced, "God! I remember when I walked in on you and Dara..." I saw Violet glaring at me but I merely smiled, just to piss her off...and see her jealous side, and I saw it. Her eyebrows were furrowed. I bent down, "Don't need to worry, love." I whispered and took her earlobe my mouth and tugged gently. Violet's body shivered lightly in pleasure. I chuckled but my phones ring was quickly taken over by my laugh. Violet was already walking over to get it but I knew who it was and I was quicker. I flew over Violet in an instant, grabbed my phone, and leaped out of my window.
14 May 2016 | 16:23
ep. 8 . . . . . . I heard Violet say, "What...the..fuck?" "Hello?" I answered. "Alexander! The kids are dying of boredom here without you! Do you think you can come b-YESH PRINCE ALEXWANDER PWEASE!" Rayne said on the phone, but Hayley had taken the phone and yelled at me. I chuckled, "Of course. I'll be there in less then 20 minutes." I hung up the phone and landed on the balcony. Violet stood there, her hands on her hips, "What was that about?" Well, I didn't want to lie to her, yet I didn't want to hurt her feelings, "Some old friends called." That's not a lie because Rayne is an old friend! "If it was an old friend, then why did you over-react?" "Oh was it the orpha-" Zane started but I tackled him to the ground. "The Orphanelia? was..that?" Why was I freaking out so much? Why can't I tell Violet about the orphanage? Am I ashamed of volunteering at the orphanage? No, deffinetly not. I love those kids. "Whats The Orphanelia, hm?" Violet pressed. "My..old...bowling team..." I said, grabbing a shirt. "What's bowling?" Violet asked. Oh..right. "It's a human sport. You have a bowl and pins and you aim to hit them out! Pretty neat! Anyways! I have to get going now! Bye!" I said, kissing Violet softly before leaping out the window and flying towards the orphanage. I sighed in relief, I'm so glad that nobody mentioned I was never on a bowling team. Was there even a bowling team at school? As soon as I landed, I pulled a shirt over my head before I was tackled to the ground my little supernaturals children. I was truly happy here. I laughed before turning all the kids under me, and tickling each of there sides. Everyone started laughing like crazy and that sent a fatherly warmth in my heart. "Pwince Alexwander!" here, "Pwince Alexwander!" there. I didn't mind them calling me 'prince'...well..'pwince' because they didn't see me as "Prince Alexander" the celebrity, but "Prince Alexander" they're role model. The man they look up too. I gathered Kale, Michael, and Mary in my arms, Luis, Jeane, and Sam on my back, Nile and Zeina on my legs, Stela, Daer, and Harold were wrapped in my wings, Hayle on my head, and Hayley on my shoulders. I walked stiffly..or attempted at walking, into the orphanage. There, Rayne stood with a sisterly smile on her face. "Come on, kids! Let Alexander breathe!" The kids obediantly jumped off and beamed at me. "Awexander! Pway the piano for us!" Kale exclaimed. "Yeah! Pwease?" The kids asked and how in the universe can I say no to that? I sighed and allowed them to guide me to the grand piano. Hayley sat next to me on the bench and the rest of the kids crowded around us, I decided to play a song, Viva La Vida, from a human band, Coldplay. Eye closed my eyes, and let my fingers do the talking. My hands flew fluently over the keys, hitting the flats, the highnotes. The song came to me easily since I used to play it for.. Lydia's younger sister, whom also died long ago, Denise. When I was done, the kids mouths were hanging open. "That was AMAZING!" Nile exclaimed, "Totally cool!" "I wanna learn piano!" Luis yelled, "RAYNE! TEACH ME PIANO!" "Teach me piano...what...?" "PLEASE!" Rayne laughed, coming into vision, "I will once our prince here leaves. I'm sure he has a lot of work to do." Rayne pulled me aside, "I'm doing this 'cause you're keeping your girlfriend waiting. Trust me, I've heard. My order is that you bring her here. Soon. I need to meet her." Rayne said strictly. "Yes ma'am...isn't this strange? I'm older then you yet you still order me around." "You respect me! That's why!" "And I wonder why..." I mumbled. "What did you say?" "Nothing! I said nothing!" "That's what I thought." Rayne laughed, lightly punching me on my arm. "Ok! Bye kids!" I yelled, eager to see my girlfriend. They each gave me a hug and I left. Well...that went quickly. I eagerly jumped up, ripping my shirt to shreds as my black wings elongated. I started flying towards the castle, taking my time. Enjoying the feeling that I had been deprived of for so long. I did circles in the air, letting the wind whip my snow- white hair, a small smile made it's way on to my lips. This is bliss, a wonderful girlfriend, my wings, and amazing friends. Well..minus the fact I have a psychotic maniac for a father and a dead fiance whom I still love. As I got closer to the castle, the smell of...burning demon blood stung strongly. Damn teenagers. But the strange thing is..even as I got closer..the smell became stronger. I landed on my feet on the long grass of our castle. I followed the disgusting scent till...I heard laughter. And not just, "oh-I-just- told-you-a-joke" laughter, but the laughter of being high. And I knew that laughter all too well. I followed the demon blood more..till I saw two people, inhaling a rolled piece of paper with red, flaked pieces of demon blood burning. I felt my body shake in anger, I felt my eyes turn red, I felt my hair turn black. My nostrils flared as I saw the familiar long black hair with violet streaks in it sway in the wind. "Violet.." I snarled through clenched teeth. "What the fuck are you doing." "Smokin' a bleezy!" she exclaimed. The whites of her eyes were a navy blue, her perfect lips now tinted with a light purple. This is was demon blood does to you. "Ya' want some, boyfriend?" "The fuckin' prince is yo' boyfriend?" the man next to her asked. I smelt werewolf all over him. He had long brown hair that reached his lower back, he was tall, wearing black shorts and a white tanktop shirt. I strode over to him, grabbing him by the collar and punched him. "How dare you?" I snarled, "Supplying a bodyguard demon blood." I punched him again, keeping his body in place, "I can get you arrested, you delinquent." I punched him again, "Demon blood is illegal." I spat, and as he fell to the floor, I got on ear-level with him, "And yes. The prince is her boyfriend. Now don't come around here again, or you'll get worse then jail." Violet just laughed in the background, repeating, "Vex just got his ass kicked! Vex just got his ass kicked! Ha-ha! Stupid Vex!" like it was a damned song. I turned towards Violet, my eyes blazing. "I told you not too." I snarled, "I fucking told you not too, Violet and you go and do it!" Violet yet again, laughed, "An angry Alexander is so sexy!" she said, talking to herself. I snarled at Violet, and stood up, turning around to walk towards my bedroom, I heard Violet get up, walking towards me. She ran towards me but nearly fell if I hadn't caught her. I grabbed her by the wrist and brought her up to our room, throwing her on to the bed. Violet giggled, "Don't do anything too naughty!" she said, throwing her head back too laugh. I snarled. "Why did you do it? Violet!" she brought her head up to look at me, her eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Because I needed too! I don't need to explain myself to you!" Violet got up and started walking towards the door but I trapped my body with hers and the wall. My body still shook from anger, I caught myself in the mirror...and I truly looked like the beast inside of me. I slammed my hands harshly on the walls around her head. Violet gasped as I took my hands out of the walls. "You don't fucking NEED to do anything! I specifically told you not too! Why? BECAUSE DEMON BLOOD CAN KILL YOU!" "I've done it so many times and it hasn't done anything to me!" I growled, and moved away from Violet. I felt the beast inside me...talking to me... Why don't you hurt her? Get rid of that anger? She disobeyed you, Alexander. Shut up. Come on. One slap won't do anything. Shut up. Oh how about a punch? Hurt her. Let her screams fulfil your demonic needs. SHUT UP! And with that, the beast quieted. My body had acted on it's own and I pushed my closet over, I threw the glasses against the wall, I flipped my bed, I punched and kicked the walls. I tore off my door and threw it into the glass of my balcony. "W-W-W-W-What a-a-are you d-d- doing?" Violet asked, terrified. "Good! Be scared! Finally! I can get a normal reaction out of you!" I screamed at her. "Alexander! You're scaring me!" The normal Violet would never act like this. "Don't talk to me." "What?" she asked, on her knee's crying. "Don't talk to me till you fucking get your head straight. I can't stand to listen to high Violet." I growled then walked out of my room. I walked straight into the kitchen and took out as many alcoholic beverages we had. Any beer, vodka, tequila, rum, everything. The demon inside of me cackled and I knew if I had been any more angry, I would have lost control. I grabbed the rum, and shattered the lid in my hand, without a second thought, I raised the rigged, sharp, top to my mouth and started drinking. Like I always do. After that I drank the vodka, then the tequila, then the demon blood, then the beer. Soon...I still wasn't drunk enough. I didn't even have a buzz. I went downstairs to get all the beer's and brought them back to our media room. The one which I play my wonderful piano at. I sat down, with my third bottle of beer, and started playing. Letting my emotions run through my fingers. For hours, I played and drank. Nothing more. I didn't think. Finally, I stopped and closed my eyes. The sound coming from the piano had turned from dark to angry. My head snapped towards the door as I heard someone approaching. Violet came into view, her eyes red from the demon blood and her own faitgue. "That was beautiful.." she whispered, "I heard everything." I glared at Violet, still angry at the fact that the one thing...the one thing that I had wished for her not to do, she does. Everytime single time I ask her not to do something she does. She does stupid things that get her killed. She can't even realize that her life does not only belong to her now, I'm part of it. I got up, leaving all the empty bottles of beer in the corner, and pushed past Violet. I heard Violet gasp but I ignored it and kept walking towards the front of the castle. My wings extended along the way and before I knew it, I was up gliding in the air. I finished the bottle of beer and tossed it, waiting a couple of hours till I was sober, I headed towards the orphanage again. "You're back!" Hayley exclaimed, jumping into my arms. "Of course I'm back." "Why is pwincey so sad?" I stayed quiet, "Because someone I care for did something verydangerous." I changed the topic quickly, "Why aren't you sleeping like the others? It's nap time, you know. Is Rayne letting you do this, missy?" "Actually, no. I'm not. Go to bed, Hayles. Before I send The Boogeyman after you." "A huwan boogeybaby can't kill a fairy!" "You're not a fairy yet!" Hayley stiffened, "Uh-oh! Please don't! I'll go to bed! I really will! See!" she said, running towards her sleeping bag and closing her eyes, occasionally peeping out. "Good girl." Rayne said, leading me towards her office, once we got in, she closed the door, "What's wrong? I see black in your hair still." I put my elbows on my knees and rubbed my face, "Violet. She has some...really bad history and she used to smoke demon blood." Rayne gasped, her eyes widening, "Lately, it seems as though she's been having nightmares about her dead father and after me telling her she couldn't do it, she went and did it anyways." Rayne gasped, "She could have died." "I know." "And you drank it all out again?" I nodded, "The demon... it was telling me to hurt her.." "Then it's a good thing you drank when you did!" There was a knock on the office door and I saw those beautiful gold eyes peering through. "Geez, those eyes are beautiful." Rayne mumbled and motioned for Violet to come in. "Hi, I'm Violet." she greeted Rayne, shaking her hand. Rayne gasped and stared at me. I was glaring ahead, "I didn't know you volunteered at the orphanage. Is this the 'bowling team' you were talking about earlier." I didn't respond, just pushed my chair back. "I'll see you later, Rayne." I said...well growled. With that, I got up and walked out the door. I felt Violet following me, she caught my wrist and turned me around. "You're such a drama queen, Alexander! Are you fucking serious? I just smoked a little. You drink all the time! That isn't fair!" she screamed. She's using my drinking habits against me? Really? I wanted to yell at her back, saying that I have no choice. But, I couldn't. I couldn't trust myself to talk calmly. So I stared at her, with a blank face. I turned on my heel, and walked away. Ignoring Violet and her calling my name. I descended into the air and flew for what seemed liked hours. I let the air come into my body and take the anger slowly out of me. I checked my phone, 16 missed calls, 37 new text messages. Yet I ignored those and looked at the time. I had been flying for 5 hours, my muscles barely ached, but still I flew back home. My room was perfect this time, not messy one bit. And my window was fixed. I went straight to the shower, noticing that Violet wasn't here. I washed my body from all the sweat. When I was completed with my shower, I put on my black pajama bottoms. Violet was just walking through the door. She opened her mouth but closed it, then opened it again, "Please talk to me." "Why should I?" I growled, " disobeyed me. Broke my trust." "I didn't promise you anything! I don't see whats wrong with smoking anyways!" "Is this not going through your thick skull, Violet? Demon blood can kill you!" "Who cares if I die!" "I do! I don't know if you fucking realize this but your life is also a part of mine! If you don't like that, right here, dump me. Because if something happens to you, like it did to Lydia, then surely the beast will consume me and I will be executed. Though nobody cares if I die, right?" Violet stayed silent, "RIGHT? Dump me! If you don't want me to be apart of your life, leave me right now." I let my body calm down, "Oh. And one more thing. I don't drink becauseI choose too, I started because it's the only way that calms the beast. It numbs it and disconnects itself from me. So yes, I do drink, and I admit I am an alcoholic, but the only reason I do it is to try to get the demon away from me as possible." Violet's eyes widened, her arms quickly wrapped around me, her body melted into mine. "I'm sorry." she whispered into my shoulder, "I am so sorry." I stayed as still as a statue, though I yearned to put my arms around her and hold Violet, "Please forgive me." "Just promise me, you will never smoke again." "I won't. I promise. It's not worth losing you." she whispered, my arms wrapped around her and I held her tight. I smiled and kissed Violet on the lips lightly at first, but soon it turned intense. I didn't want Violet to run from me, so for now, I'll just think this, hoping she can hear it, I love you, Violet Charest.
14 May 2016 | 16:25
@kemkit d correct episode is here.... @victoriouschild help wit r.c plz ..... thanks for d good work so far
14 May 2016 | 16:29
wow!,,,,,,,,,,,,tenx joo*am eager to knw who violet really is*
14 May 2016 | 20:15
9ix... continue
15 May 2016 | 02:56
15 May 2016 | 04:23
Next oo
15 May 2016 | 08:00
15 May 2016 | 09:15
Love in Tokyo
15 May 2016 | 09:39
violet pov . . ep. 9 . A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner, but I don't get to go on the computer as much as I'd like. However, it's here now, so enjoy! - Sam Nightmares and Drugs A man I hadn't seen for so long was standing in front of me, walking from the library. "Dad?" I whispered. He stopped, and for a moment I thought he had heard me, but he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey sweetie." He greeted. All the color drained from my face as I realized what night this was. Sure enough, I saw demon's crawl out of the shadows, in their true, nasty form. "Dad! Turn around!" I screamed at him, but of course, he couldn't hear me. Before I knew it, I was watching his attack before my very own eyes. I could feel every bite through his flesh, each tear from a claw or whip from a tail like it was happening to me. I screamed out in pain, a pain that could never be heard, just like his. Then it all faded to black and I was alone. "Do you really think he didn't deserve what he got?" A voice said from behind me. I turned around to punch whoever it was, but there was no one. "Take a closer look, maybe you'll understand." The darkness faded and it was the spot where my father had died, only his body had been removed, his blood still there. A woman I vaguely recognized went and picked up a folder next to the spot. She sighed, "Oh I told you not to do this..." My mother said. I'm not sure who she was talking to because I was too focused on the folder she was holding that read, "Operation: Gold Eyes. Subject 104: Violet Charest." "Still think your father was a great man?" The voice whispered in my ear. My eyes snapped open and a small gasp escaped my lips. Alexander stirred beside me and I didn't move, couldn't move. That dream...that nightmare... I got up out of bed, put on a sweatshirt and jumped out of the window. I wasn't sure where I was headed, until I was right in front of my house. This is stupid, what am I going to do, just walk up and demand to know about something I had a nightmare about? The more I thought about it, the more stupid it seemed. No matter how much it scared me, I couldn't let it get to me. However, I found myself staring at my mother's house, about why she left, how it was my fault. Could that have pushed my father into making me some experiment? Are the 'subjects' like me? Why haven't I heard about this? Was I really just some experiment that he died because of? I shook away those kind of thoughts. My father loved me. He died because of the war, not because of some experiment. I should get home... Funny how I thought of the castle as my home. Well home is where the heart is... Even at that thought, I still couldn't smile, I still felt weak. I ran the whole way home, trying to erase my nightmare from my mind, but it only seemed to make it worse. By the time I was in Alexander's room, I felt as though my father had just died all over again. Only this time, I could have stopped it, but didn't. Alexander was running around frantically, shirtless. "What are you doing?" I asked softly, my voice cracking at the end. He turned on his heel and was by me in a second. "What's wrong, Violet?" Alexander asked, holding her at shoulder length. I shook my head and looked down. Maybe if I Just stare at my feet, he'll stop asking. "What is wrong?" He asked softly. Or not. I looked at him and smiled slightly, "Just a nightmare." I whispered, so my voice couldn't crack. He picked me up in bridal style and walked over to the bed, laying me down. He layed on his side, with his elbow propped up. "Do you want to talk about it?" There was no point in lying and no way to get around it. So for the first time in my life, I let my guard down. I looked at him again, this time allowing all my pain to show. "My dad. It was about my dad. was like I saw him die, but it was me that felt his pain as he died." Tears brimmed in my eyes and slowly ran down my cheeks. Alexander wiped them away and kissed my forehead, being the perfect boyfriend. "He won't want to see you cry..." He whispered in my ear. I laughed humorlessly, "I don't even know why I'm crying. I'm pathetic." Seriously, who cries over a nightmare? I need to toughen up. He touched my chin and turned my chin towards him, "You aren't pathetic, Violet. You're upset, and it's only natural to cry. You're not made of stone." "Then why don't you cry when you think of Lydia?" I pointed out. "Because I hate myself more then I cry. I was laying, pathetically helpless, while my fiancee was raped and tortured in front of my eyes, then killed. It's hard to cry when you know you're the one that caused her pain." It broke my heart to hear him talk like that, like her death was his fault, when everyone can see that there's nothing he could do. "But you had your head ripped off! What could you possibly do?" I asked, defending him even when he wouldn't. "It was my fault she was involved with me." I opened my mouth to say how it was her choice and that I would bet my life she never regretted it, to remind him that I'm involved with him and I'm not dead, how he in his own way saved me but he shushed me. Alexander kissed me lightly, then held me close to him, creating a sanction of safety. "Will you play the piano for me?" I mumbled, even though I could feel the drowsiness coming over me. Zagan stood in front of me, a serious look on his face. "You're in danger." He informed me. I laughed. "Oh my god, are you really sitting here, telling me this? Is this some new kind of playing with your prey?" He didn't answer, just stared at me. "This is no laughing matter, gold eyes." I glared at him. "What did I say about calling me that?" "Follow me." Then he was lost in the darkness. I stood there, not trusting anything he said, when I felt someone grab my arm and pull me further into the darkness. "Look." Zagan ordered, pointing a few feet ahead. He was pointing at a girl who had about fifteen demons on her and she was alone. I looked closer and gasped, "That's me." "Look closer." He urged. My eyes were glued to the scene that unfolded before my eyes. There was too many demons on me, Alexander was no where in sight...actually, no one was anywhere in sight. These demons weren't you're average ones either, they were the stronger kind and I was already hurt. It didn't take a genius to figure out... I was going to lose. "I'm dying." I whispered. Zagan groaned. "That's not what I was referring to! Keep looking! Do you see any other movements besides the ones from you and your battle?" I scanned the forest, and sure enough, there was. "Someone's watching it." "Yes! But who?" I tried to get a closer look, but all I could see was long brown hair from behind a tree and that her skin was slightly tan on her hand. "I...I don't know." He sighed, frustrated, and the scene disappeared. "You're so stupid, Violet! First your father, now her? You clearly aren't great at judging one's character." My eyes narrowed. "Says my enemy." "Violet...Violet... Don't you see? Me being your enemy gives you the best reason to trust me on this." "How is that?" I asked. "Why would I want someone to kill you?" "You tell me." He turned around. "I wouldn't want someone else to kill you...I want to do it myself. But first I want to see you suffer, maybe even carry my child. How would you feel about carrying a demon baby?" I snorted. "I can't have a demon kid, dumbass. I'm a vampire. If I carried your baby, which I never will, it would be half vampire half demon." Zagan glanced over his shoulder, smirking. "That's what you think." This confused me, but it coming from Zagan, I decided not to think about it at all. "Yeah, whatever. But I'm pretty sure all you've told me is bullshit so...I should go." Although that could be a little difficult, considering how I have no clue where I am. Zagan was in my face in a flash. "Violet, you are seriously in danger. Keep yourself out of it until I can get there." Then in the blink of an eye, he was gone, and the scene of my death played over and over and over... I sat upright and held my breath, once again unsure of where I was. My heart was beating erratically, my breathing was fast and my eye sight was a bit blurry. Slowly but surely, everything returned to normal. I looked around and I was still with Alexander, his arm lightly on my waist. I looked at my sleeping prince, and he was still fast asleep, a smile on his face. I'll leave him be... Esmeralda's brown eyes peeked around the door. "Oh, hi Violet." She said, politely. I nodded, not sure if I could trust my voice. "I was just checking on Prince Alexander, I'm sorry if I disturbed you." I shook my head. "No I woke up on my own." I said, my voice surprisingly calm. "Come in." She came in, beautiful as always, but something about her gave me a weird feeling. Probably because she was the one who put that damn IV in me... "I have a question." "For me?" Esmeralda asked, confused. Well it is weird for me to ask about stuff when normally I just act. But I'm trying to be good. "Yes, for you. Do you think it's a good idea for me to go on a run?" With the whole being struck my insane dark magic in the heart thing, I'm not suppose to get my heart pumping too much. Which is why I haven't been allowed to fight or anything. But really, I need to go for a run, because that's what helps clear my mind. Then I can go somewhere peaceful and think. "If it makes you feel good, it's always a good idea in my opinion." She said, with such innocence it was truly adorable. If only she knows that could be translated to support drug use. "Why do you ask?" "No reason." I said, getting out of Alexander's arms. "Thanks, that's all I wanted to ask. Anything you wanna know?" I desperately wanted to leave. That last nightmare... it was freaky. And for once... I was scared of the unknown, of my own future. "Yeah...what's it like?" She asked. "What is what like?" "To be dating the strongest man alive." I couldn't help but smile. "It's the greatest feeling that has ever existed." I shared. She smiled. "You're one lucky girl." It's funny, in all my years, I've been called a lot. Bitchy, annoying, small, young, beautiful, scary, tough, emotionless, robotic...but never once, have I been called lucky. But she's right, I am lucky. Let's just pray that luck lasts. "I know." I told her, before going in the bathroom to change into some boy shorts and a tank top. I let my hair down, then took out this mist I had to help cover your scent. It was in a bottle disguised as hairspray, but it was just this water that my witch friend, Rich, had enchanted so it disguises your smell. I sprayed my hair with this, knowing it would cover up any trace I leave as it blew behind me when I ran. Instead of going out and risking waking up Alexander, I went out of the bathroom window. I ran for miles, going all around the Vampiria and Angeria kingdoms. Eventually, I settled down by a lake that had a small waterfall. I sat down by the water, knees pulled to my chest...and I cried. I cried for the loss of my father, not being wanted by my mother, for Alexander losing Lydia and having me as a really bad replacement that isn't worth his time. But mostly, I cried for the fact that something bad was ahead. That nightmare, as inaccurate as it may be, gave me this knot in my stomach and it won't go away. Zagan is right, I am in danger. But from what? What is going to happen? What can be so bad- My thoughts stopped there. I wiped away my tears, dipped my legs in the water and looked up at the sky. It was overcast today, and I couldn't help but think on how it matched my mood. We're both unsure. The sky was unsure on if the sun should come out this morning, like I was unsure if my life could become brighter. I feel like something bad is going to happen, and the only thing that I could ever consider bad is losing my Alexander. If something happened to my love... Well, nothing would be bright again, now would it? I looked to my right, and to my surprise, Alexander was sitting there. "Alexander!" I said, surprised. He didn't look at me, just stared at the waterfall.
15 May 2016 | 17:20
Still following...........
15 May 2016 | 17:20
Go on
15 May 2016 | 17:22
ep. 10 . . I looked to my right, and to my surprise, Alexander was sitting there. "Alexander!" I said, surprised. He didn't look at me, just stared at the waterfall. "It hurts me to see you so upset." It was my turn to not say anything and stare ahead. After a bit, I whispered, "I think it's Zagan." His head snapped towards me, "What about him?" "I think he's giving me these...these nightmares. To warn me." I confessed. "Warn you about what?" Oh just you know... upcoming danger for me and possibly my death. If I told him that, he'd worry way more than he already is. So I just shrugged, "I don't know. But I have a feeling... something really bad is coming." My voice cracking at the end, being scared of losing him. He draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer, kissing the side of my head. I immediately felt comforted. "I'll be here when that happens. I'm not going to let anything get to you." He told me. I snorted, "That sounds way to familiar, my dad said the same thing. And what happened to him? He's dead." Alexander pulled me back, "But the difference between your father and I? I'm alive. And I'm stronger." He stayed quiet, "And I am not you're father." I forced a smile, and placed a hand on his cheek, "Because if you were my dad, then that would be creepy." I said, before kissing him lightly. "Come on. Let's head back." He picked me up in bridal style, "and don't you dare to everjust leave like that again. You scared me shitless." My cheeks reddened, because I wasn't use to having someone worry about me. Even when my dad was alive, he trusted me, always believed I was safe. This...this was new. "Sorry." I mumbled. Alexander fluttered his wings out, stray black feathers falling out. I caught one and held it to my chest, feeling its warmth and even more close to Alexander. Odd, maybe, but I enjoyed it. And apparently so did Alexander because he smiled and chuckled lightly. His lips lightly kissed my forehead before he started pumping his wings till we got in the air. Then he twired us around, making me smile. I laughed as we flew back to the castle, the sun barely coming up. It's amazing how great he can make me feel... When he landed gracefully on my balcony, Alexander's friends rushed towards us. "Where the fuck were you too?" Darrel asked, "Running off with my woman like that." Alexander raised an eyebrow at Darrel and narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me?" He asked in a low voice. Oh my god, he's so sexy. Darrel grinned, "Just kidding!" "You better be..." Alexander mumbled, with a hand on my lower back, as he led me into his room. "So you two share a bed?" Mike asked, cautiously. I looked at all his friends, "Yupp." I said, popping the 'p'. "Flo, I suggest you get off that bed." Mike said nonchalantly. Flo tilted his head sideways, "Wait..why?" Of course it would never occur to the gay boy that girls and boys have sex with each other. "Who knows what these two have done on this bed." Damien said while laughing. Flo's eyebrows shot up and he leaped off the bed. By this time, Alexander was holding me as support and I was using the chest in front of his bed as support, because we were laughing so hard. I think it's hilarious how his friends assume we've had sex, when really, no clothes (other than Alexander's shirt, which really doesn't count, since luckily he never really has one on) have been removed in our passionate moments. Well...yet. "Yeah..." Alexander breathed, " Who knows what we have done." "Oh no. The last time was in the bathroom, remember lovie?" I asked, using his pet name for me. "How can I forget!" His friends grimaced, "God! I remember when I walked in on you and Dara..." All the joking went away there. I glared at Alexander and he just smiled back, pissing me off further. I'm going to tear that little bitch limb by limb... My eyebrows furrowed as I thought about the best way to cover up that kind of murder, without lying too much. Alexander bent down, "Don't need to worry, love." He whispered and took my earlobe in his mouth and tugged gently. My body shivered lightly in pleasure. He chuckled at my body's natural response but his phones ring was quickly taken over by his laugh. Now here's where it gets weird. I was walking over to get his phone but he flew over me in an instant, grabbed his phone, and leaped out of his window. "What...the..fuck?" Was my response. "Are any of you going to tell me who he's on the phone with?" I asked. They all shrugged, clueless. "Maybe it's an ex." Darrel suggested. Oh wow, he's just great at making me feel better. "-I'll be there in less then 20 minutes." I heard Alexander say from above, before hanging up and landing on the balcony. I stood in front of him, hands on my hips. "What was that about?" I asked, Darrel's previous comment fresh in my mind. "Some old friends called." "If it was an old friend, then why did you over-react?" I asked. "Oh was it the orpha-" Zane started before Alexander tackled him to the ground. "The Orphanelia? was..that?" My boyfriend said, sounding nervous. "Whats The Orphanelia, hm?" I pressed. Seriously, what the hell? "My..old...bowling team..." He said, grabbing a shirt. "What's bowling?" I asked, confused. "It's a human sport. You have a bowl and pins and you aim to hit them out! Pretty neat! Anyways! I have to get going now! Bye!" Alexander said, kissing me softly before leaping out the window and flying away. "Wait!" I exclaimed, one second too late. "Don't...go." I finished, lamely. Darrel wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry Violet, we're here. We won't go anywhere." I kicked up, hitting his groin, and he released me. "What the hell!" "That's what you get for touching me! Do it again, and you won't have a dick for me to kick!" "I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, still on the floor. "GOOD!" I shouted at him, before looking around at the other boys. "Anyone else wanna comment?" They all raised their hands in surrender. "No, ma'am!" I relaxed at this. "Very good. Now leave." "Fine with me!" Damien exclaimed before making a run for it. Mike, Patrick and Zane followed. "You were just kidding about chopping off my dick, right? Because I'll have you know it's very-" Darrel started. " Leave." I ordered, giving him my death glare. "Leaving!" He said, before rushing out. I sat on Alexander's bed, completely forgetting about Flo still being in the room, and put my head in my hands, tired. "Sweetie, you're not looking so good, you sleeping well?" Flo asked, sitting next to me. My first reaction was to bitch at him, but he was really sweet and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I sighed, "Not really." "You should take a nice sleeping pill and take a long nap." He said, before gently touching the skin below my eye. "Mhm, make it two. I can feel bags starting to form beneath your eyes. And let me tell you, with that beautiful face of yours, you do not want bags because it'll ruin-" "Alright, I will, thank you." I said, cutting him off before he could get into his speach about taking care of myself and blah. Flo gave me a hug and gently pat my back. "I'll get Anita for you." He said, on his way out the door. "Actually, could you get Essie instead?" I asked, because I knew Essie wouldn't tell Alexander for what I'm about to ask her. Anita on the otherhand, would tell Alexander everything, because that's just how she is. He nodded, happy to help, and left. Moments later, Esmeralada came in, smiling. "Flo brought me, said you needed help." I nodded. "I've been having nightmares and I need something that'll make them go away." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "I don't think we have anything like that. But I could ask Anita-" "No!" I exclaimed. "I uh don't think that's such a great idea. I mean, don't you know of anything that could help?" "Well...there is this experimental drug. It's just a pill, but it hasn't been used yet." She smiled. "Want to try it out?" I love her so much right now! "Yes please!" "Alright, I'll be right back. But I hope you know...I'm not suppose to do this. King-" "I'm not going to tell anyone, anything about this. Just cover up for the missing drug, and you'll be set. I won't throw you under the bus." I promised. With that, Essie let in a hurry. Then she was back, with the drug in her hand. "You aren't going to tell anyone?" She verified. I shook my head. "No reason to." She smiled, handing me the little blue pill. "Thanks, Violet." "No, thank you." I said, before popping the pill in my mouth. Esmeralda left to let me get some sleep, and within moments sleep did consume me...but it wasn't good dreams. I had a series of nightmares. One after another. It was like all my fears had come to life. I lost Alexander, I lost it all...over and over. When I finally woke up, cold and alone, I couldn't take it. It was too much. I took out my phone and dialed up one of my druggie friends, Vex, and invited him over. The thing I liked about Vex was that he always brought everything needed, never any questions asked. When Vex got here, I brought him to one of the rooms in the back of the castle that no one used. I contemplated inviting some of Alexander's friends to join, but decided that if they didn't, that'd leave more for me. I burnt the blood, Vex rolled the paper, and we had ourselves a nice little set didn't take too much to get high off demon blood. It was strong stuff, just the burning of it is enough to kill humans easily. A vampire and a werewolf smoking it? A couple whiffs and then you're off. Soon enough, Vex and I were laughing about absolutely nothing and smoking some more. "Violet.." I heard Alexander snarl through clenched teeth. "What the fuck are you doing." "Smokin' a bleezy!" I exclaimed. "Ya' want some, boyfriend?" "The fuckin' prince is yo' boyfriend?" Vex asked. Alexander strode over to him, grabbing him by the collar and punched him. "How dare you?" He snarled, "Supplying a bodyguard demon blood." He punched him again, keeping his body in place, "I can get you arrested, you delinquent." He punched him again, "Demon blood is illegal." He spat, and as Vex fell to the floor, he got on ear-level with him, "And yes. The prince is her boyfriend. Now don't come around here again, or you'll get worse then jail." I laughed in the background singing, "Vex just got his ass kicked! Vex just got his ass kicked! Ha-ha! Stupid Vex!" Then Alexander turned towards me all meh. "I told you not too." He snarled, "I fucking told you not too, Violet and you go and do it!" I laughed again, "And angry Alexander is so sexy!" I said to me. He got up to go I wanted to follow! I ran towards him but nearly fell if he hadn't caught me. He grabbed me by the wrist and brought me up to my room, throwing me on to the bed. I giggled, "Don't do anything too naughty!" I said, throwing my head back to laugh. He snarled. "Why did you do it? Violet!" Awh that's not how this is suppose to goooo! We're suppose to start taking our clothes off, duhhh! I brought my head up to look at him, my eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Because I needed too! I don't need to explain myself to you!" I got up and started walking towards the door but he trapped his body with mine and the wall. His body was shaking, that beast inside of him making itself known. Alexander slammed his hands harshly on the walls around my head. I gasped as he took his hands out of the walls. "You don't fucking NEED to do anything! I specifically told you not too! Why? BECAUSE DEMON BLOOD CAN KILL YOU!" "I've done it so many times and it hasn't done anything to me!" He growled before moving away. Then he started attacking the room, pushing his closet over, throwing glasses against the wall, flipped the bed, punched and kicked holes in the walls, tore the door off and threw it out onto the balcony, smashing the glass and creating a lot of noise. "W-W-W-W-What a-a-are you d-d- doing?" I asked, terrified. "Good! Be scared! Finally! I can get a normal reaction out of you!" He screamed at me. "Alexander! You're scaring me!" "Don't talk to me." "What?" I asked, on my knee's crying. "Don't talk to me till you fucking get your head straight. I can't stand to listen to high Violet." He growled then walked out of the room. I sat there, sobbed, and eventually passed out. When I woke up, I felt more tired than I originally had. But that wasn't important to me, I couldn't even focus on it. All I could focus on was the piano. He's playing... I followed the music, listening as it went from dark to angry, and it stopped abruptly when I approached. Alexander snapped his head in my direction. "That was beautiful..." I whispered. "I heard everything." He glared at me, clearly pissed off, got up, left his beer bottles in the corner and pushed past me. I couldn't help but gasp, surprised. I know I've pissed him off before...but not like this. I didn't like this, it didn't amuse me, it didn't make me happy. It made me feel like I did something wrong. And I didn't...did I? I decided before I could go find Alexander, wherever he went off to, I would have to fix myself up a bit. I went to the kitchen, heated some blood, and drank until I was full. Then I brushed my hair and brushed myself off. First I checked the house, but Alexander wasn't hereI went to find Darrel. Once I did, I pinned him against the wall, my hand on his throat. "Where is he?" I growled. "At the orphanage!" He exclaimed. "The orphanage?" I asked, confused. "Yeah, he volunteers there! That was the call he got earlier! He volunteers and helps with the kids, he really loves it." He explained, quickly. Why did he never tell me that? "Please don't chop off my balls!" "Give me directions to the orphanage and I won't have to." So of course, I got directions, which I managed to follow. I got there, luckily during nap time, and knocked on the office door before peering in. Sure enough, he was there. The lady at the desk mumbled something and motioned for me to come in. "Hi, I'm Violet." I greeted the girl, shaking her hand. She gasped and stared at Alexander, who was glaring ahead, "I didn't know you volunteered at the orphanage. Is this the 'bowling team' you were talking about earlier." Alexander didn't respond, just pushed his chair back. "I'll see you later, Rayne." He growled. With that, he got up and walked out the door. I followed, caught his wrist and turned him around. "You're such a drama queen, Alexander! Are you fucking serious? I just smoked a little. You drink all the time! That isn't fair!" I screamed, rage being my natural response. He didn't scream back, didn't yell, or even mutter one word. He just stared at me, completely blank. Then he turned on his heel, and walked away. I called after him, followed him for a bit before giving up. I went where I always go whenever I have something I can't figure father's grave. The whole way I tried calling or texting him, but I never got a response. Once I got to my father's grave, I sat by his tombstone and sighed. "Hi dad." I said, softly. Of course I didn't get a response, so I just rested my head on his tombstone and closed my eyes, welcoming the darkness. A familiar man sat in front of me, just as I remembered him. "Dad?" I whispered. He smiled at me. "Hi, hunny." I choked back my tears. " that really you?" A small chuckle escaped his lips. "Yes, baby girl, it's me." He said, holding his arms open for me. Without hesitation, I ran into his arms, feeling his warmth and comfort. "I miss you." I mumbled against his shoulder. He rubbed soothing circles in my back. "I know, sweetie, I miss you too. But you're doing so well. Well...for the most part." I pulled back and looked into my father's eyes. "You aren't upset that I'm dating Alexander, are you?" I asked, worried. "No, no! I'm happy for you, darling. I'm proud of you for letting someone in. You just need to work on it more." I tilted my head to the side. "How so?" "Baby girl, instead of doing drugs...try talking to Alexander about it. He's your boyfriend, he cares about you, let him help you, because hunny...he's a part of you now." My dad informed me. "But dad, Alexander isn't always there when I have a nightmare or problem. I need to cope with it on my own. Demon blood...well it's my way of coping with things." My dad sighed and shook his head. "As I said, a lot to learn." "Daaaad!" I whined. "That's not helping!" He smiled slightly. "Figure it out. And if I were you... I'd start by talking with Alexander." Everything started to slowly disappear and fade away. "Dad, no please don't go!" I pleaded. He pat my head, gently. "I have to. But don't worry, Violet, I'll always be here for you. Just not physically." Before I could respond, he disappeared completely, and I was left alone in the darkness. Once I woke up, I immediately ran home, taking my father's advice to talk to Alexander. I wasn't really sure what I was going to say, especially since he was clearly happy with giving me the silent treatment, but I had to try something. I walked up to his room just as he had finished putting on his pajama bottoms. I opened my mouth to make a comment, maybe break the ice, but decided against it and closed my mouth. I opened it again to say, "Please talk to me." "Why should I?" He growled, "You disobeyed me. Broke my trust." "I didn't promise you anything! I don't see whats wrong with smoking anyways!" "Is this not going through your thick skull, Violet? Demon blood can kill you!" "Who cares if I die!" I shouted, without thinking. "I do! I don't know if you fucking realize this but your life is also a part of mine! If you don't like that, right here, dump me. Because if something happens to you, like it did to Lydia, then surely the beast will consume me and I will be executed. Though nobody cares if I die, right?" I stayed silent, remembering my fears from before about him dying. He can't die... "RIGHT? Dump me! If you don't want me to be apart of your life, leave me right now." He paused to let his body calm down, "Oh. And one more thing. I don't drink because I choose too, I started because it's the only way that calms the beast. It numbs it and disconnects itself from me. So yes, I do drink, and I admit I am an alcoholic, but the only reason I do it is to try to get the demon away from me as possible." All the pieces clicked into place and man did I feel like a bitch afterwards. Alexander was looking out for me, protect me, even though he can't do that for himself. He can't stop or...or he wouldn't be him anymore. And I just keep fucking things up... My eyes widened as I realized how much I was pushing him away, hurting him and I quickly wrapped my arms around him, my melted into his. "I'm sorry." I whispered into his shoulder, "I am so sorry." He stayed quiet, so I continued, "Please forgive me." "Just promise me, you will never smoke again." "I won't. I promise. It's not worth losing you." I whispered. Finally his arms wrapped around me and he held me tight. He smiled and kissed me on the lips lightly at first, but soon it turned intense. Maybe I was deluding myself into thinking I felt love from Alexander in this kiss, or that he could ever love me at all. But I knew one thing for sure... I love him. And one day...I'll tell him so.
15 May 2016 | 17:23
r.c plz @victoriouschild et @kemkit @donyas
15 May 2016 | 17:24
Hmmnn........... Following ,'''''''' weldone@Holykruzz
15 May 2016 | 19:45
@holykruzz,,,,,,,,,,,,, lng tym ooo hope all is well?
17 May 2016 | 19:33
abi ooo..... how u dey @kemkit
18 May 2016 | 04:30
alex pov . ep. 11 . I have been so exhausted. Planning your girlfriends surprise birthday party is way more tiring then it seems. Even though I should be sleeping like a baby, I've been waking up instead, with no one in my arms. Each night I think to myself, 'she's just getting a late night snack.' or, 'she's grown, she can take care of herself.' I know she can, she's the second best fighter...but it still worries me. With Zagan haunting her dreams, I worry if he's going to steal her from me. But I guess, all the nights I was wrong. I woke up without Violet in my arms again, "Lovie?" I called out. I heard a small gasp then a click. Violet appeared in front of me, wearing nothing but my oversized black shirt, "Hey, Princey." she smiled. I rolled my eyes, "You really need to stop doing that." She kept smiling, but shook her head. "I can't. It just works. But if you really want me to stop calling you by pet names, I suggest you stop calling me by pet names." "Well what would I call you?" "Violet. That is my name, after all." "Fine, but you're going to miss them." I said, getting out of bed. She really is! Violet glanced at the clock, "Why are you up?" "Why are you up?" I countered, while walking towards Violet. It's true, she should be resting. "I couldn't fall asleep." Violet answered. I wrapped my arms around Violet, "Why is that, Violet?" I asked, replacing 'lovie' with her name. Violet hrugged. "I just can't." And she's hiding stuff from me, again. I kissed the top of her head. "Did you have a nightmare or something?" Violet shook her head. "No, I haven't had a nightmare for awhile." I looked down at her, staring straight into her eyes, searching for the truth. I could tell she was being honest. "Alright," I said, gently squeezing her. "If you do, just know you can talk to me, Violet." Violet smiled. "I know." she said and gave me a kiss. It started off as sweet, gentle, but quickly turned heated and passionate. It's like I couldn't get enough of Violet. I wanted each and every part of her. I wanted to claim it as mine. As soon as one of us was ready to take our clothes off, or say both of us were ready, someone would become an interruption. As if Anita was reading my mind, she bursted in just as my hand was inside of Violet's shirt. "Oh, good, you two are up!" She exclaimed, easily pleased. I sighed, well...growled, in frustration, as we pulled apart and it seemed like Violet agreed with me. "We actually have to do something today?" Violet asked. Anita smiled sympathetically. "Actually, just Alexander." Ohhh Violet was not going to like this.. Violets eyes narrowed. "What?" she growled. I gently rubbed her arms and kissed the top of her head. "What's on my schedule for today?" I asked. "Well around noon you have a visit to the human realm, but for now you get to go hunting because you haven't done that in-" "Hunting! Yay!" Violet exclaimed. Anita and I both stared at Violet. Did she honestly think she would be able to come with me? After nearly being killed? I don't think so, "You've got to be kidding me." Violet scoffed, with disbelief. I kissed Violet gently. "We're not." I said, speaking for the both of us. She glared at me, "Easy for you to say, you get to enjoy the thrill of the hunt." I smiled. "You will too. Just not today." I gave her another kiss, knowing she'll think twice about it then..., "No it's not fair that you get to go out while I don't. I'm perfectly capable of kicking ass today ." say that. "Anita says-" I started, quickly becoming serious. "I don't care what she says!" Anita sighed. "Here we go..." she murmured. "Well you should care, she's just looking out for you." I reminded her, as I got dangerously close to her, "Right, Anita?" I said without looking at her. "I-" "Yeah, I get that, but enough is enough. I followed her stupid rules long enough. I'm healthy, I should be allowed to fight." Violet retorted. "Right, Anita?" "Well-" "You almost died three times in one week! A couple weeks later isn't a complete recovery. You need more rest. Isn't that right, Anita?" "Can I-" "I'm a vampire! I heal fast! If I was human, yeah that could be a problem, but I'm not! So put that in your juice box and suck it!" "Why don't you suck it?" I shouted. "Because we keep getting interrupted!" Violet yelled. "Plus I obviously can't right now because you get to go hunting while you expect me to fucking stay here!" "I haven't left yet, have I?" "UGH! You're impossible!" "Me? You're the one who's all-" "SHUT UP!" Anita screamed, silencing the both of us. We were both breathing heavily from all the yelling at each other. I was angry, really angry that she would think about risking her life again just for the thrill of some hunt! Violet glared at me and I returned it. From my reflection in the mirror, the roots of my hair were carrying out the black color while my eyes were blazing red. "Back away from each other." she ordered. "Gladly." Violet said, bitterly and took a step back. "Fine, if that's what you want, Violet." I said, using her name to piss her off. "Now both of you...relax. Just breath. Don't say one word, or you'll get smacked." she warned. I was too angry to look at Violet. So I looked away knowing she was staring completely at me. Either to piss me off or just look at me. I took large, deep breaths which barely released my anger. I was finally able to look at Violet, and when I did, all anger was forgotten and I wanted her body pressed to mine. Violet tried to stay strong while I gazed at her. I could tell by the way she eagerly bit her lip and avoided looking at me. Or the way she fiddled with her fingers. "Can you two talk like civilized people now?" Anita asked, sensing the mood change. "That depends, can I go hunting with him?" she asked. "No." Anita and I answered at the same time. "Then no. I just won't talk at all. You guys have fun preventing me from living my life." I sighed and relaxed, "You know that's not what we're trying to do." I said, cautiously, as I walked towards her. Violet stayed silent and in a little part of my mind, I missed her voice, but I knew I could get it back with a little persuasion. I wrapped my arms around Violet and placed my chin on her shoulder,"Stay here today while I go out. I'll be back before you know it." I whispered in her ear. Violet shuttered but twisted out of my arms and faced me, "No. You would do the same thing if you were in my position. We love killing. It's a part of me. I need it like I need to drink blood. You need it like you need to fly. It's needed. I've been denied it for too long, are you honestly going to ask me to just not go?" I knew she was right, but she was still healing and I couldn't bear losing her once and for all. It's been to close each time, "How about I put it this way-" I started but was cut off my Violet's groan, "Just hear me out, okay?" I asked. She crossed her arms. "Fine." "I always say you don't listen's your chance to prove me wrong. Listen to Anita, listen to me, and don't follow me when I go to fight." I proposed. And I knew she did love proving me wrong... "I don't-" "Just today." I added, quickly. She sighed, "Alright. Just today." I grinned and kissed Violet tenderly. "And you can't come with me to the human realm either." She groaned again, "Oh come on! I want to go there!" I pictured taking Violet there, buying her everything. "Someday, I'll take you there, Violet." I promised. "If it makes you feel better, you wouldn't like what he's doing there anyways, it's official Prince business." Anita told Violet. And it was true, minus the fact that I have to face the supernatural official for the human realm, go through Prince business. Violet smiled. "That does make me feel better." "And I hate to take that away, but I should go now. I want to be able to see you before I go the human realm." I told her. Violet nodded. "Go before I change my mind about the proving you wrong thing." I kissed her passionately and Violet eagerly returned it. "Stay safe, Violet." I said as I started to leave. I grabbed a shirt and walked over to the window. I positioned myself on the balcony rail, and extended my large black, aching wings that just begged to be pushed against the wind. As I started to jump off, Violet screamed, "Wait!" she exclaimed, running over to me. I gave her a puzzled look. She took off her tag that identified who she was and put it on me, grinning from ear to ear. God, this girl is so cute. "I have to be with you in some form. I wouldn't want to miss a good fight completely." I chuckled. "Whatever you say, Violet." "Oh and another thing..." she said, pausing for a moment, "Don't call me Violet." I grinned. "Knew you'd miss it, lovie." She smiled. "Nah, I only missed being able to call you princey." I rolled my eyes. "I bet." Violet stood on her tip toes and kissed me, "Seriously though, leave, 'cause I'm about to change my mind." "Going!" I said, then pushed off the rail with my heel and I was falling. My wonderful wings swaying like a leaf. Before I was a couple feet from the leafy floor, I pumped my wings strongly. From above, I looked over the green tops and flew right over this...horrid stench. Demons. A dangerous grin stretched on my lips as I flew right in the middle of the 10 demons. "Good morning, boys." I laughed. "Oh if isn't the Princess!" one said, it's single horn reminding me of a unicorn. "Hello you're highness..." they growled, "What blesses us with your precense?" "Oh nothing big..." I trailed, then turned to face the ugliest and biggest demon of them all, "Just your deaths." I said with a shrug. "It's ten against one, pretty boy. I think we'll be celebrating your death tonight." they all cackled. I sighed, "Well lets make a bet, shall we?" I asked. They raised their heads, "And what would that be?" "If I die today, which I highly doubt, I'll allow you too have the castle. If you all die, I get all of your powers, transferred into me." "Is that possible?" one of the youngest members mumbled. "Only by blood children." the other whispered. "Let's start then..." I said, letting fire ablaze around me. The demons jumped back, then grinned, saliva dripping from their lips. I checked my watch, I had to get this over with because I wanted to see Violet and take a shower before I head to the humans realm. I sped towards one of the demons and ripped his single horn from his head. He screamed and writhed in pain while I held it by the throat. I twirled it's body and flung it into the body of a demon that was running at me. The demon in my hand was dead so I flung his body a side and dug the horn through the other demon's heart. With fire, I sliced its claws off and dragged it across the other's chest, blood splurting- everywhere. I stabbed the horn through the other's throat and put enough wind into his head that it erupted. The other demons were backing away, terrified.
18 May 2016 | 04:35
ep. 12 . . "Ohhh no you don't." I smiled. Jumping behind them. With fire and a wave of my hand, I tied their bodies together. Each of the demons shrieked and squirmed as my blue fire singed their rough skin. "Ok, cough up the powers." I said. I closed my eyes and reached out to the demons in front of me. I was able to penetrate their thoughts and watch as they planned to kill me. And now, I was listening to their terrified thoughts...and enjoyed it. I dug deeper and found each of their demonic power sources. Being a blood child, I was able to control these demonic powers since I was a 'fallen angel'. I sucked their powers and drained their life. Finally, I just let each of their bodies burn away until it was nothing but ash. I flew home quickly, with the new power surging inside of me, I was a bit more excited and lusty. I was eager to get home and feel her body against mine. I walked through the doors and heard Violet's laughter on the first floor. I walked through the doors of the living room and saw her sitting alone, reading a book. Once she got to me, Violet jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms went around my neck. "I did it! I stayed here! Ha, I can lis-!" she started, but I didn't want to talk. Not with the demon power inside of me, I just wanted lather Violet. My lips pressed against hers and moved urgently, tracing every line in her lips. My tongue enveloped Violet's and I moaned when her hands tugged at hair. My hands rested on Violet's hips and pushed her closer to me, not wanting to let go. I pinned Violet against the closest wall, urgent to get her shirt off. I trailed kisses down her neck, my tongue occasionally swiping her neck. I kissed a spot on Violet's neck and she let out a body-shaking moan. I wanted to hear that again. Sucking and tugging at the spot which earned me another moan. My action left a big, red hickey on her neck. My hands were exploring her body, feeling every bit of it. I was about to completely take Violet's shirt off, along with her bra, when Violet spoke up. "Ahemm, babe, your friend is videotaping us." she informed me just as our lips were about to reconnect. I smirked. "Guess we better put on a show then." Violet giggled then started to kiss me, picking up just where we left off. I gave Violet a couple more hickey's, and she returned them, marking my neck and chest. Finally, I had to pull away because my second alarm for the human realm started beeping. I groaned, and eventually, gave Violet a last kiss before running up to our room and pulling on a long sleeve shirt with a leather jacket(which, by the way, had wing slits for me). I put on my boots and jolted downstairs where Anita was waiting, hands on her hips and her foot tapping. "Go!" she said, nearly pushing me through, "WAIT!" Geez! What is up with these girls telling me to leave then pulling me back? "Yes, Anita?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "Your crown!" she exclaimed. I ducked my head so she could set it on. I walked through the portal, with extra body guards around me. Although they knew I didn't need them. I took my crown off and gazed at it. In the past centuries, how many crowns have I gone through? "Sire, we're here." I glanced at the guards and nodded, walking through the ending door. As soon as I walked in, and smelt the polution in the air everyone breathed I almost vomited. "Ah! Welcome, Prince Alexander of the Angels and Supernaturals! You are looking as healthy as ever!" the human welcomed me. I laughed, "I haven't changed over the century." I looked around at the shocked expressions of the new humans. "W-What are you doing, you idiots! Bow in front of the Prince!" he shrieked. The humans scrambled to their knee's. "Jesus.." I muttered, "No, it's ok." I sighed, "Anyway Sir-" "Aric! Aric Dawns, the head of the Supernaturals Department." he said proudly. "Well Aric, let's get on with the meeting." We walked through the halls of the department and into the large meeting room. Just as we walked in, Aric screamed, "The Prince is here!" he announced. Oh my God. I was already picturing ways I could kill him. Everyone shuffled to their knee's. "No, you don't have to bow." I said, irritated. I was sitting next to the Fairy Representative, Sling Hyun. I leaned back, ignoring everything they were talking about, until a note was passed to me. A hickey? Really? he passed. I chuckled under my breath, Yes. And I'm proud of it. I scribbled back. I heard Fairy chuckle, he poked me then brought unraveled his scarf a little to show that he had a hickey himself. A little good bye present? I wrote. He snickered, Exactly! "So, Prince Alexander, what do you think of that?" I looked up, "I think that's a brilliant idea." I said. Wait..what? "Ah, I agree with the Prince!" Aric said, bouncing out of his seat, "Werewolf representative, Laya Hachanu and Pixie representative, Darrel Bounty, will advertise the grouping for supernaturals!" "Grouping of supernaturals?" Sling asked. "It's nothing big. It's for those supernaturals who need trouble, who are going to snap anytime." "So in short, those who are unstable?" I asked. "Precisly." I nodded my head, waiting for this meeting to go by. I rested my head on my hands, feeling the fatigue kick in. A good nap is what I need. I closed my eyes, and Violet's face appeared behind my eyelids. Her kisses teasing. I suddenly felt every spot Violet kissed or touched tingle. This must be the demon powers. Suddenly the doors opened, "Is Prince Alexander in here?" a girl said in a very high pitched voice. I looked up tiredly, "Yes?" I answered. A girl with wavy blonde hair and blazing red eyes batted her eyelashes at me, "Can you wait till after the meeting?" I asked, politely. "I'll wait as long as you want." she purred seductively. I shook my head as she closed the doors. Aric laughed, "Well our meeting here is done, though I would like you to meet some people, Prince Alexander." I sighed and plastered a fake smile, "Of course, Aric." As soon as we walked outside, he bent forward, "Did you enjoy yourself before coming here? Is the girl hot?" I glared at the pathetic human, "One, that is none of your business. And two, your a bit too old to worry about that." He laughed, "Oh, your funny, Prince. You're hundreds of years older!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking, thinking how I need a drink right now. "Is there anyway I can get a drink?" I asked. "But of course." he said, guiding me to the bar. I ordered two scotchs and drank those almost immediatly. I smiled at the human, "Let's proceed." He laughed and led me over to a group of people, half of them consisting of young girls who eyed my lustfully. "Hello Prince." the one from earlier purred, "My name is Sarah. Miranda has told me plenty about you." she purred. Miranda? Ah! I remember her! The "spritzer", as Violet liked to call her. "Can I buy you a drink?" she said huskily, rubbing my wings. I bent in close, our face centimeters apart, "Sorry, hun. I'm taken." I whispered, then turned on my heel and walked back towards the door to the supernatural realm. My bodyguards instantly surrounded me as I walked through the portal. I took my crown off and clutched it tightly. This is why humans bug me. Though "Sarah" was a pixie/demon hybrid, if I recall from her scent. I entered into our realm, breathing in the fresh, un- polluted air. My wings ached to be stretched but I actually liked this jacket. Anita was on the other side, grabbing my crown. "How was it? Are they nice? Did you settle it?" I laughed and blinked my heavy eyelids. "One at a time, Anita. It was fine. No, humans are annoying. How many times do I have to tell you that, gorgeous? And there wasn't anything to settle. Just a boring meeting." I grinned at her. Oh! Right, I have to go to the Orphange. I sighed, Violet will have to wait. I shrugged off my jacket and held it in my eyes. Extending my large wings, which earned me gasps from the bodyguards, I pushed off my legs and flapped my wings till I was soaring in the sky. I finally reached in front of the Orphange when the smell of...human animals hit my nose. I walked into the Orphange, hearing the laughter of the kids and the animals squels. Hayley ran up to me, clutching my leg, "Pwince Alexwander!" she grinned, "Your here! Yay!" she squeled. I picked her up and held her in my arms. "Who got you guys all" I asked, looking around the place. The children crowded around me, "The weally nice lady with sparkly gold eyes!" they all squeled then ran off to go play with their brand new pets. I set Hayley on her feet and crouched down, "Why didn't the nice lady with sparkly gold eyes stay?" I asked. "She said she wasn't good wiff kids..." Hayley said then twirled and danced off towards her pet hamster. When did Violet have the time to do this? Though I love her so much for doing this. These kids deserved something new. I walked into Rayne's office and saw her with her head plopped on the desk. "Hey you..." I said cautiously. I got a groan in reply, "Ok...I'll leave then.." I mumbled. I just got a "uh- uh" in return. I laughed as I made my way towards the castle. I really need some sleep right now and a nice cup of demon blood. My mouth was almost watering. I hurridly flew home and walked into my room and slumped on the bed. Violet? Where's Violet? I thought to myself. The smell of chlorine came strongly to me. The boys are probably swimming... I reluctantly pulled myself up and walked towards the pool. As I walked in, ready to go back in my room after greeting them, but what I saw left my speechless, frozen, and nearly drooling. Violet lay in a black bikini, on a chair, dripping wet, with her pale stomach, legs, arms, chest exposed. I had felt her belly button ring before as I ran my hand over it, and I knew she had a tattoo. But right now they gleamed and stood out. She got up and strode over to me, a menacing smile on her face, "Good evening, my prince. Is there anything I can do for you tonight?" she asked seductively. My eyes were raking her body, once my eyes met Violet's, a grin spread across my face, "As a matter of fact, there is." I was about to kiss her, but Violet put her finger on my lips, I almost groaned, "First, tell me something." "Anything." "You're not planning anything for tomorrow, are you?" she asked, completely serious. I didn't want to lie! is a surprise party..I sighed, knowing we weren't going to get anywhere if I didn't answer this. "Okay...I was thinking of a nice, romantic evening just the two of us." Before the party... She eyed me suspiciously. "Nothing else? Like no party? Promise me you aren't throwing me a party. I'm not like Dara, I don't find them fun." I smiled. "I promise that I am not throwing you a birthday party." Dara is, and it's a surprise birthday party, I paused, "However, I am getting you a gift." And I have been working my ass off to get this. "Alexander." she whined. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get you something?" Violet wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her wet, dripping, body against mine, smiling seductively, "A good one." I put my hands on her waist and my hands itched to do more, "That almost worked." I said, "But I'm still getting you something." I didn't give Violet a chance to respond because right after that my lips were hungrily moving against her's passionately. Violet's hands ran down my chest and we broke apart only for her to take my shirt off, before reconnecting once again. Her bare skin pressed against mine was almost more than I could take. My hands ran over her curves and I felt Violet shiver in sheer pleasure. We both wanted more. No, I needed more. My hand moved up her back and I pulled that slim string that untied her bikini top. It slowly started to come off till a voice called out to us. I took a deep, aggravated breath. "Violet! Alexander! Where are you guys?" Kiara's voice boomed. We both pulled away, thinking the same thing, or what would have happened if this went on for a second longer. "Your sister's almost here." I murmered. She sighed before fixing her bikini top. "Yeah." Violet said, sadly. Before I had a chance to say anything else, Kiara burst in, Kyle trailing behind her. "There you guys are!" she exclaimed, happily. "Woah. Who are you and what did you do with my sister?" Even Kyle was staring, surprised. I was ready to push Violet behind me but realized this is a fourteen year old boy. "Shut up, I'm still your sister. Just your sister in a bikini. Is that really such a crime?" I wrapped my arms around her from the back and whispered in Violet's ear, "Not at all." Though I prefer nothing. "I never knew you had a belly ring." Kiara stated. "If I remember correctly, you didn't want me to get one." "I don't want you to be like me. And I especially don't want you to be how I was in high school." "How were you in high school?" I asked. "Yeah, what were you like? I mean I know you were different, like really different and wore pink, but that's about it." Kiara said, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. Kyle dutifully sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her. "I was actually really girly. I wanted to be the daughter that my parents would be proud of. So I wore pink, got perfect grades, was on the cheer leading squad... I was the captain of the team, actually. I dated guys who did sports and were 'popular'. Most of my friends were like that too, only they were truly like that. I had a couple friends who were shy, but they all wanted to be girly and everything. I followed rules and never broke any, because I thought they were there to help and protect. Basically, the complete opposite of who I really am, who you know now." she explained. The only thing that occured to me was the fact she dated... "You were a cheerleader?" Kiara asked, shocked. "You followed rules?" Kyle asked, also shocked. "You dated?" I asked, hoping the jealousy wasn't audible in my voice. Violet giggled. "Yes and yes. And of course I dated, Alexander. You dated too." "I'm way older." "Yeah and I'm almost twenty. I started dating at thirteen. I'm sure you started dating when you were young too." Violet pointed out. "Yes." I grumbled. Violet kissed my arm. "Plus, it's not like I'll let you meet my ex's. So you'll have no worries." "Why not? I'm sure we'd get along great." I said, already plotting ways to make them suffer. Violet rolled her eyes. "Just remember, harm my ex's and you can expect the same for yours." she said, before getting out of my grip and getting her towel. "Kiara, you sleeping over?" "Can I?" Violet looked at me. I looked at Kiara and smiled, "Of course. You're always welcome." She brightened up. "Yay! Where can I sleep?" "Not with Kyle. Sorry, but I'm not going to be responsible for you losing your virginity." Violet told Kiara. She blushed. "I want to wait until after marriage anyways. But I understand where you're coming from." I chuckled at her innocence, "Well it's late and you should be getting to bed soon. You two can say goodnight." Kiara smiled at Kyle. If only she can just go to bed so the sexual tension between us would be over! Kyle kissed Kiara goodnight, leaving them both with these goofy smiles on their faces. Once Kyle left, Kiara turned to Violet. "Can I sleep with you tonight? It's a big castle and I don't really know anyone else and I don't wanna be alone." she said, with perfect innocence. Violet sighed. "Sure. Let's go." Not tonight. She skipped off, leading the way to Alexander's room. I took Violet's hand and she intertwined our fingers, and we followed. "It's okay, love, another time." I murmered. Preferably tomorrow... Violet smiled slightly. "Yeah that's true. Plus, Kiara probably got me some new...outfits we could use." I grinned. "Sounds good to me." I announced I was going for a quick flight, and too allow Violet and Kiara to bond a little. I snapped out my wings and went very high in the sky. I let the moon shine on my back, and it was full. Beautiful. I flew around, all the way till Vampiria, then back, just enjoying the night air. As I came through the window, Violet was tucking Kiara in. "Looks like your good with kids to me." I said. "She's not a kid, she's a teenager and she's also my sister." Violet answered, automatically, "So I'm guessing you went to the orphanage." "Yeah, Rayne had a hard time getting the kids to sleep because they were all still excited about the new animals. It took a lot to convince them that the animals would still be there in the morning when they woke up." I said, walking towards her. I wrapped my arms around her, enjoying the feel of Violet in my arms, "But do you know what they remembered the most?" Violet shook her head. "They remembered the nice lady with the gold, sparkly eyes." I informed her. "Oh." "Why didn't you tell me you were going to donate all that to them?" Violet shrugged. "Something I wanted to do on my own, I guess." I smiled. "You could have done that on your own while telling me, you know." Violet smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Yeah, I know." "Is it because you didn't want me to know how you spent all your hard earned money on it?" I guessed. "Or because you knew I'd question where you got all the time to do this without my knowledge?" Violet glanced down, guilty. "What exactly are you asking?" I gently grabbed her chin and made Violet look at me. "Where did you get the time to do all this? It's a great thing and I think you're truly amazing for doing it. But how did you get the time to do so, without me knowing?" She stared into my eyes, "Usually I go online when you're sleeping." Though it angered me, I was worried. "Really? How often?" "Every night..." she trailed. I was angry, irritated, a bit sad, disappointed...worried, scared.., "You haven't been sleeping because of those nightmares. They never went away, did they?" "Actually they went away. Well, once I stopped sleeping." I shook my head, "Violet, you need sleep." She sighed. "I know. But whenever I try, I don't get sleep anyways if I'm always woken up. So I figured I'd just do something useful instead." I pulled her to my chest and held her tightly, "If you don't get any sleep, you're going to get run down." I said, concerned. "I know." she mumbled against my chest. "How about I have Anita get you one sleeping pill? Just for tonight. It'll knock you right out, you won't have any dreams or nightmares." I offered...just this once... Violet thought about then nodded, "Deal." I sighed in relief. Immediately, I called Anita, who came up and gave Violet a sleeping pill after asking why. And of course, I told her the truth and she looked concerned too. Violet reassured us that she would be just fine. But we both were still beyond worried. She took the sleeping pill and said goodnight to us both. Violet crawled in next to her sister as Anita and I walked outside the bedroom. "Is this house ready?" I whispered. "Yes, you're just going to have to sign these papers and I'll turn them in tomorrow." she whispered back, handing me a paper and pen. I signed my signature and handed them back to Anita. I gave Anita a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Goodnight, sexy." I said and walked back into the room. I walked over to my closet and got down a blanket and pillow. I walked back to my couch and layed the blanket and pillow down before walking over to Violet. I kissed her forehead, "Happy birthday, lovie. I'm so glad your with me..." I said and gave her a last kiss before walking back to the couch. I pulled the shirt off and stretched my wings out before cuddling them back and falling into a deep sleep. Ready for Violet tomorrow.
18 May 2016 | 04:41
ep. 13 . "Alexander!" an urgent whisper said, "Alexander, wake up!" I decided to ignore it till it nearly pushed me off of the couch. I woke up, anger spiking inside of me till I saw it Anita. "You're lucky you're like my mother..." I trailed, immediately feeling sad after I said that. I stood up, stretching my wings out. I glanced at a sleeping Kiara and sleeping Violet. Violet was cuddled with Kiara who was turned opposite from her sister. We walked out of the room and into the hallway. "Did you turn in the papers?" Anita nodded and smiled, "Here are the keys for the house." she said, handing them over. "What about the preparations for the party?" "It will be held in the grand hall, there are atleast 170 people attending. Your father thought it would be great for his image if he 'threw a party' for his son's bodyguard." I clenched my fist, "I hate that man." I walked towards the grand hall to see the decorations already being set up. I sighed, Violet was going to be so angry. "Alexander!" I heard the familiar voice squeal. Turning around, I gave Dara a huge hug. "I haven't seen you for ages!" "Well I'm setting this party up!" she said then whispered in my ear, "Plus I met someone!" I laughed, "What's his name?" "Max! He was Violet's old friend that she went to my birthday party with!" My jaw dropped, "You're dating fuckface? You could do better!" "Oh don't be a jealous fun sucker!" "I'm not being a "fun sucker" but he's...hmm, how should I put it...? Annoying! Thats the word." "Hey, be nice! I am organizing you're girlfriend's party!" I laughed and gave her another hug before walking over to my room to see Violet sitting up in bed next to her still sleeping sister. I grinned and walked over to Violet, "Happy birthday, lovie." I said, kissing her lightly. Violet groaned, "Don't remind me." I pulled away, "Come on, get ready. I have a day planned for us!" Violet gave me a strange look before crawling out of bed. I walked over to my closet and changed my jeans, then pulled out a gray shirt with a leather jacket. I sprayed on some cologne and ran a comb through my hair. I turned around to see Violet in a tight black tanktop and jeans with high boots. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I asked, slowly making my way toward her. My eyes scanned her body, wanting to take every bit of right now. I didn't care if Kiara was in the room anymore. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her closer, pressing my lips against hers, "And sexy?" I mumbled. She shook her head and continued kissing me. My hand tugged at the thin fabric that was separating our bodies. My lips traveled to her neck, my teeth lightly grazing over her skin. I was just about to take the shirt off when Kiara shuffled in bed, "Violet?" she asked groggily, "Alexander?" I groaned and moved to the side so Violet can see her sister. Violet hung her head low, mumbling some colorful words as she proceeded towards her sister. "I'm here." she mumbled angrily. "Happy birthday, sissy." she said lightly. My annoyance and anger was forgotten when I felt the love between the two. It felt like I was intruding... "Good morning, angel." I said, smiling towards Kiara, "I'll be waiting in the kitchen, Violet." I said. I walked quickly towards the kitchen and looked in the fridge, taking out a beer bottle. I twisted the cap off and put it to my lips, eager to taste the drink. I could almost see Lydia scowling in front of me, saying, "This habit of yours will one day kill you." But instead of Lydia, I saw my beautiful Violet standing there, shaking her head with a small smile on her face. I finished off my bottle and put it the sink, "Satisfied?" she asked. I nodded, "For now." I laughed then grabbed her hand and made our way towards the elevator. "There's an elevator in this place?" she asked in shock. I laughed, "It only leads to the underground training room and garage." Violet, who was still in shock, became more mesmerized when she saw the elevator was glass. I pressed the button G, and waited. We passed the training room which was filled with people sparring or training with dummies. "Who are all these people?" "They're the other partners for demon raids." We arrived at the garage which was filled with over a hundred cars. "A-Are these all of yours?" "No, they're other peoples." I said then led her towards the separate garage, "These are all mine." I said. Her jaw nearly dropped as she rushed to every car and looked inside. "Let's take this one!" she exclaimed, pointing towards the black BMW which had green flames coming from the side. I froze and shook my head. "Please," I said in a strained voice, "Not that one." Violet looked confused, "Why not?" I shook my head, walking towards the black Ferrari with red lines. I picked the keys up from the rack next to it and climbed in, turning the car. Violet soon got in after, and asked again, "Why not that car?" I sighed, "It was Lydia's. I haven't gone in it after her death and I don't plan too anytime soon." I said, turning on the music. "Well, where are we going?" she asked, changing the topic. I slung my arm over her shoulder as I drove out of the garage, "It's a surprise." "I don't like surprises!" "So if you walked into the room and I had a can of whipped cream and some cherries, you wouldn't like it?" "Well...when you put it that way.." I chuckled and lightly kissed her forehead while taking my arm off her shoulders. Cut it out, cut it out I know it's what you're wanting to say Burning up, burning up I know why you're feeling this way There's an ache you can't erase A yearning that you can't replace And you want Him, and you need Him But you act like He's not there Yeah, you know that you're hollow And something's missing here So you push and you pull the hole in your soul But you can't make the hunger disappear The song said. I glanced at Violet, who was listening intently to the song. You got a rusted out lock on your door Getting ready to break You've held back love long enough I think it's time to cave "Geez, this song reminds me a lot about when I first tasted your blood." Violet sighed. I laughed, "I know you still crave for my blood." You're waiting for a sign The fact is faith is blind Do you want to spend your whole life jaded? Stuck in a rut that you created Why don't you break the cycle? Let love win. "What makes you say that?" she said, looking over at me. "Because my blood is amazing." "You don't know that." "Yes I do." "Oh really? Did you become a wannabe vampire and tried sucking your own blood?" "No. I just know because I'm awesome, so that just makes my blood amazing!" Violet laughed, "Well your blood is pretty awesome..." "Feel free, lovie." I joked. Finally, we arrived at the destination, "We're in the middle of the woods!" Violet said, climbing out of the car. I got out of the car and walked over to Violet's side, "This is where rapists take their victims!" she laughed. I narrowed my eyes, "How do you know I'm not planning on raping you?" I grinned, trapping Violet with my body. "It's not rape if I like it..." she purred, pulling my lips to hers. I picked her up and ascended into the air, my wings stretching out, our lips still connected. I knew the spot perfectly so I didn't need to open my eyes to know where to land. It was a large clearing which was surrounded by a river of water, making it an island. Fruit tree's sprouted on this little island, along with endangered flowers. I layed Violet on the comfy grass and rolled us over, so she was laying on top of me. Violet's shirt came off a second later, with my following it. My hand was instantly to her zipper, tugging it down while my thumbs were unbuttoning the button. Just as I was going to slide it down, I heard children's laughter as it neared us. "Even in the middle of nowhere, we have something fucking interrupting us!"
18 May 2016 | 04:43
ep. 14 . I pulled away from Violet, handing her shirt. My fists were clenched in anger and I could feel the black slowly taking over the white. Soon enough, Alexander. Be patient. I reminded myself. Three little, familiar kids appeared from behind the woods. "Pwince Alexwander!" Michael squealed. "Why are you here with the pretty sparkly eyed lady?" Jeane asked eagerly, running up to cling to my leg. I picked Michael and Jeane up when the third one ran up to me, "Don't forget me, Pwince!" Stela said, jumping on my back, bending my wing slightly backwards. "Oh, my wing, my wing." I said, readjusting her, "Ah, that's better." "I'm here with the pretty, sparkly- eyed lady because it's her birthday." I said, emphasizing pretty. Violet glanced at the kids and blushed at my remark. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PWETTY SPARKLY-EYED LADY!" they squealed and erupted into laughter. "Lovie, can you hold Stela?" I asked, trying to prove to her that she is good with kids. Violet grabbed Stela and held her as Stela wrapped her small legs around Violet's waist and her tiny arms around her neck. "You're pwetty!" she said, staring at Violet in awe. "Isn't she?" I asked which earned me an fierce nod from each of the,. "Hey, stranger!" Rayne said, flying out of the woods with a tiny puppy in her arms which was fast asleep, "Hi, Violet!" "Come on! We gotta head back. I got Billy here." she said, gesturing towards the dog. "Billy?" Violet chuckled, "That's a cute name." "He's my puppy!" Stela laughed, "Thank you!" she said and gave Violet a kiss on the cheek. Violet's cheek slightly reddened and she looked at the girl, "Can I get another one?" Violet asked, touching Stela's nose. Stela nodded and kissed Violet on the eye. "You are so good with kids!" Rayne said then pointed at Violet, "Liar!" she accused with a goofy grin on her face. Violet laughed and set the girl down. I set Michael and Jeane down and let them run over to Rayne. "Oh, happy birthday Violet." she said before walking into the forest with the kids jumping over the small stream. Violet and I stayed at the spot for awhile, just talking about her father, my father, my prince business, Lydia, how she hates her mother, how she felt when Kiara was born, her first birthday, how she used to be. "You know, I came to your highschool a lot to give speeches that my dad forced me to do. It was to "up" his status as King." "You did?" Violet asked, "I don't think you'd recognize me though...I had short hair in the back which got longer. I used to wear a lot of colorful make up and wore literally, bright pink clothing..." Violet snapped her fingers, "I remember my old friends drooling over you!" I thought for a moment, until I looked back into my memories and saw the very girly girl who was standing in the middle of a big crowd of girls, my eyes widened as I looked at Violet now, "That was you?" Violet nodded. "You used to piss me off!" Violet's head snapped up and she glared at me, "Can I know why?" "Well for one, you were way to girly. Two, you always used to fake laugh. Three, you were too nice. Four, you used to pretend you were interested in me." I kissed Violets forehead, "You're perfect the way you are now." Violet was quiet for awhile before speaking up, "I only fake laughed and pretended I was interested to make my mom proud." she shook her head, "I guess I was annoying..." My phone vibrated and as I took it out, I saw it was a text from Dara, Party starts in five hours. she reminded. I pulled Violet up, "Come on, I got something to give you, birthday girl." "Ugh, don't call me that!" "There's nothing wrong with turning 20!" "But there is with it being my birthday." I laughed and headed towards the car. As soon as we sat in the car, I reached into my jacket and took out a blindfold that even vampires couldn't see through. "Bear with me, love." I said, ignoring Violet's protests. I wrapped it around her eyes and started driving towards the house. I took the right turns and soon, we were in front of Violet's old home. I got out, then helped Violet out. "Ok.." I whispered and unfolded the blind fold. Violet stared shock at her old home, tears springing to her eyes. "Why'd you bring me here?" she demanded, angrily, "Someone else lives here." I shook my head, "Not anymore." I handed her the small box. Violet opened it and gasped. Inside was a key. The key to the house. I handed the papers for the house also. "Alexander..." she whispered, "Is...this my present...?" she asked and shook her head. "I'm sorry! I can't take it." she said, turning towards the car. I pulled her hand back, "I bought this home for you, Violet. Just for you. I can't just return it." I whispered, kissing her lightly on the neck. So for the next two hours, Violet showed me her home, she explained to me every little memory and even showed me her room. Everything was apparently how it was like when they lived there with her father. I had the previous owners restore it. Finally, we headed back to the car. Our ride home was silent, we just listened to music and enjoyed eachother's company. We started nearing home when I listened to the lyrics of a song, She opens up my bedroom door She's waking me up soon "I'm turning on the light" she warns It's the little things that you do She's the one that start's my day.. My dear mom... my comforter My friend forever When life's right or wrong She is also my laughter Yet my shoulder to cry on My mom is my super hero My mom is my world... I growled and shut the radio off, nearly breaking it. Violet jumped in response then gave me a strange look. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. "Where is your mom?" Violet asked. I heard a snap in the steering wheel as I kept squeezing it. As soon as we got into the garage, I parked the car and slammed it hard enough that it dented the door. "Alexander? Where's your mom?" Violet pressed. I breathed through my nose as I remembered my fathers words, "Answer my question!" she said, tugging at my elbow. I froze, "Violet, not now." I said through clenched teeth, I heard someone walking towards us. "Yes now! I don't know about your mom and you know about mi-" "Violet!" I snarled, "There are some things that you don't need to know!" I growled, ripping my arm out of her grip and storming past Anita. "Please Leo! He's my only son!" she begged, her long white hair trailing behind her as she was on her knee's, nearly begging. "Not anymore! He is the Prince now! He can't have some...some filth as his mother." Leo spat. "You married me!" "I only wanted a son to follow in my footsteps! I never wanted a pathetic woman like you as a wife!" "You can't take my away from my own child!" she said, her voice breaking. "I can and will. He's not your son anymore. Forget about him, woman. If you near him, or even think about telling him any of this, I will have your head hanging on my wall." "We made love!" she cried, "Did that mean nothing to you?" "No, it doesn't. I feel disgusting being around you! Get out of my sight, creature." he growled, "If you do not leave this instant, I will have the guards bring him out here and make him watch as I kill you. Now leave." he ordered. Through all of this, I was hiding behind the wall, doing nothing as he banished the woman who loved me more then anything. I stormed into my room, digging my music player out of the top shelf and changed into long shorts. I walked quickly into the kitchen, pulling out as much alcohol I could carry. Then bringing it into the training room. I had a secluded room that was made for my powers. Chugging down the alcohol, I stood there and threw the bottle against the wall. With a yell, I felt my powers shoot out of me, surrounding me and destroying everything in the room. Around me was a black/purple color. Are you giving me permission to come out, master? It sneered. Go away. Let me come out, I can help get all that anger out of you . It cooed. Shut up. Finally, the power drained out of me, leaving me weakened. After a half an hour of just thinking in the room, I felt extremely guilty. I shouldn't have said that to Violet... She didn't deserve it. So I did what I do best, I ran into my room too see Violet laying on my bed with a book. She looked up at me with soft eyes that immediately hardened. "Violet-" I started. "Don't." she said, "I don't want to hear it." "You're going to have too." I said shutting the door and walking towards Violet. As soon as I got in front of her, Violet's hand had slapped my cheek so hard that my head jolted to the side, "What you did, was totally expected, but it hurt. Don't ever do that seemed like you really hated me.." she mumbled sadly. I'm a monster. Making a this, the girl I loved, sad. I felt my arms automatically wrap around her, I pressed her body closely. "My dad had-" "You don't have too. Anita told me the whole story." "I'm so sorry, Violet. I shouldn't have taken it out on you.." I sighed, "Especially doing that to on your birthday, I truly am terrible. You shouldn't have to deal with me.." I said, pulling away, I stared Violet straight in her eyes, "I'll always be here for you, but I'm giving you the chance to back out. To never come back to me.." Violet narrowed her eyes and touched my cheek, "I will never, ever, back out on you." she said and brought her lips to mine. "Violet! I have some stuff for you to do!" Dara said, barging in, "Sorry, lovebirds. Violet's going with me." she said. I laughed and nodded. Kissing her forehead. "Let go-let-don't touch m-I don't want t-Fine..." she said, sighing in response. I reached into my pocket and put the headphones in my ear. I blasted the metal music which helped my relax as I walked into the gym. I turned the music up to full so all sound around me was blocked out as I worked out. I worked out for an hour or two at least. My body was sweaty and I was in need of a shower. Making my way to the bedroom, I still couldn't hear anything because the guitar and drums drowned out the sound. I rubbed my hands over my eyes as I opened the door to the bathroom. I closed the door and when I removed the headphones and opened my eyes, what I saw was breath-taking. Violet, standing nude under the shower as water spilled down on her. My eyes opened and jaw dropped, "I'll...just..leave..." I said, turning to walk away. "Wait!" Violet said with a devilish grin, "Join me..." she purred. "I can't.. I mean, we have to get out soon and-hell. I'm staying." I muttered and took off my shorts as I climbed in with my girlfriend. Violet and I climbed out of the shower, both of us wrapped in the towel. "Finally." she muttered, then looked at me, "That was amazing." I nodded in agreement, speechless. We heard a knock on the door immediately after, I opened it, realizing I was just in a towel that was wrapped around my waist while Violet's were wrapped just above her breasts. Dara glanced at us and smiled, "I need to get you ready for...your date with Alexander..?" she said, slyly. Violet knew something was up, but without saying anything, walked with Dara towards her room. I shook my head to get rid of the excess water. Then I slipped on some boxers and pulled on some black jeans. I put on a black shirt with a white tie, then put on some nice shoes. I looked myself up and down before realizing I looked fine. Walking out the door and into the crowded grand hall, I thought to myself, Let the party begin.
18 May 2016 | 04:45
r.c plz @victoriouschild @frankkay @kemkit @donyas new ep. here
18 May 2016 | 04:47
@holykruzz ,,,,,,,,,,,i knw dey fn ooo since i knw see ur hand for d past 4days,,,,,,,,tenk God i don see am nw i can smile small
18 May 2016 | 05:02
New Episode Is Here @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 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@peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @ @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homstrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @ @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @gsoul @somisom divathemmy @mavbirth
18 May 2016 | 05:04
lol no veጀ i go try dey post regular @kemkit ur nite
18 May 2016 | 05:36
i slept like a baiby,,,,,,,,,,tenx @holykruzz ..........i want more of you .....oh! Sowie i mean dis stowie *lolzz* abeg nw keep us waiting again ooo
18 May 2016 | 06:14
i hear yu ma... no p i will try to update twic a day @kemkit
18 May 2016 | 12:03
18 May 2016 | 13:33
okay na*waiting* @holykruzz
18 May 2016 | 13:40
SMH no woጨys .. just little more time @kemkit
18 May 2016 | 15:39
episode 15 ♥ Violet's pov ♥ Online Shopping Weeks passed and my sleeping habits never improved. I tried numerous pills to make them go away, but they just seemed to make everything worse. I didn't mention this to Alexander though, he'd just get worried and really it wasn't a big deal, I wasn't even attempting sleep anymore. It was easy to hide too, all I had to do was wear cover up for the circles under my eyes. Every night I went to bed with him and just laid in his arms, watched him sleep then left his arms to do some online shopping. Before he woke up, I made sure I was safe and snug in his arms. Simple as that! Oh and online shopping is really addictive! I've been shopping for things in the human realm to donate to the orphanage. Why? Well, for starters I've got a lot of time on my hands. I also have a large amount of money to spend that I was going to use on buying my dad's house, but now have nothing to spend on. So I decide to do something good. Another big thing: My birthday is tomorrow and Alexander wants to meet my friends. Yikes. "Lovie?" Alexander called out. Dammit! He woke up early! I quickly shut off my laptop then walked into view. I smiled, "Hey, Princey." He rolled his eyes. "You really need to stop doing that." I kept smiling, but shook my head. "I can't. It just works. But if you really want me to stop calling you by pet names, I suggest you stop calling me by pet names." "Well what would I call you?" "Violet. That is my name, after all." "Fine, but you're going to miss them." He said, getting out of bed. I looked at the clock, it was only six in the morning. "Why are you up?" "Why are you up?" He countered, while making his way towards me. "I couldn't fall asleep." I answered, honestly. And it's true, I couldn't fall asleep. Not when I kept having nightmares. Alexander wrapped his arms around me. "Why is that, Violet?" He asked. is weird him calling me Violet. I shrugged. "I just can't." Oh, don't you just love how truthful I can be while not telling him stuff? He kissed the top of my head. "Did you have a nightmare or something?" Okay, so maybe he can tell I'm not telling him everything. Too bad, I'm not ready to make him worry. I shook my head. "No, I haven't had a nightmare for awhile." I answered, once again with complete honesty. He stared deep into my eyes and I knew he could see that I was being honest with him. "Alright," He said, gently squeezing me tighter. "If you do, just know you can talk to me, Violet." I smiled. "I know." I said, before giving him a kiss. What started off as sweet, gentle, soon turned heated and passionate. I don't know why, but these days, it's been happening a lot. We were all over each other, and honestly, I just can't get enough of him. But every single time clothes are ready to come off, there's an interruption. As if to prove this, just as his hand moved under my shirt, Anita burst through the door. "Oh, good, you two are up!" She exclaimed, easily pleased. Alexander sighed frustrated as we pulled apart and I understood his frustration. It's not fair! I want him inside me now! Alright, I've never thought that before. "We actually have to do something today?" I asked, distracting myself so I wouldn't think dirty thoughts. See ever since Alexander's friends got here, daddy dearest gave him some time to reconnect with friends. Which also left my angel and I some stolen moments (which only ended when Darrel decided to be an asshole and bring our attention back to him), but I still wanted more. Another new thing... Anita smiled sympathetically. "Actually, just Alexander." My eyes narrowed. "What?" I asked, dangerously low. My Alexander gently rubbed my arms and kissed the top of my head. "What's on my schedule for today?" He asked. I crossed my arms as I listened, and I had a good feeling I wouldn't like what I'm about to hear. "Well around noon you have a visit to the human realm, but for now you get to go hunting because you haven't done that in-" "Hunting! Yay!" I exclaimed. It wasn't until I got a look from both of them that I realized... I wasn't going with him. "You've got to be kidding me." I said, with disbelief. It's been so long! My boyfriend kissed me gently. "We're not." He said, speaking for himself and Anita. I glared at him. "Easy for you to say, you get to enjoy the thrill of the hunt." He smiled. "You will too. Just not today." He gave me another kiss, but the effect from before was gone the minute Anita came in and said flat out he gets to go hunt but I don't. "No it's not fair that you get to go out while I don't. I'm perfectly capable of kicking ass today ." I argued, pulling out of his grasp. "Anita says-" He started, all serious now. "I don't care what she says!" Anita sighed. "Here we go..." She murmured. "Well you should care, she's just looking out for you." Alexander reminded me, as he got all up in my face. "Right, Anita?" "I-" "Yeah, I get that, but enough is enough. I followed her stupid rules long enough. I'm healthy, I should be allowed to fight." I retorted. "Right, Anita?" "Well-" "You almost died three times in one week! A couple weeks later isn't a complete recovery. You need more rest. Isn't that right, Anita?" "Can I-" "I'm a vampire! I heal fast! If I was human, yeah that could be a problem, but I'm not! So put that in your juice box and suck it!" "Why don't you suck it?" He shouted. "Because we keep getting interrupted!" I yelled. "Plus I obviously can't right now because you get to go hunting while you expect me to fucking stay here!" "I haven't left yet, have I?" "UGH! You're impossible!" "Me? You're the one who's all-" "SHUT UP!" Anita screamed, silencing the both of us. We were both breathing heavily from all the yelling at each other and his face was only a couple centimeters away from my own. I glared at him ad he returned it, both of us obviously still heated from everything, just silent because Anita kinda yelled at us. "Back away from each other." She ordered. "Gladly." I said, bitterly, as I took a step back. "Fine, if that's what you want, Violet." Alexander said, and I swear he only used my name to piss me off more. "Now both of you...relax. Just breath. Don't say one word, or you'll get smacked." She warned. Psht, I can do that. Now while Anita said we couldn't talk to each other, she never said we couldn't look at each other. So I couldn't help but stare at Alexander, studying him. His eyes were still blazing red, but the black in his hair was slowly starting to go away. His chest moved slowly as he took deep breaths, like Anita had instructed. He was shirtless, like always, and you could see his muscles move as he breathed. It was actually...really hot. My eyes met his and the want for him started all over. Of course, I didn't want to give in (well, I sorta did) because I was still mad, so I just bit my lip to prevent myself from smiling like an idiot at him, that would clue him in on how I'm all so very attracted to him right now, therebye giving him the chance to use that damn persuasion of his to make all my anger fade. Stay angry, stay angry! "Can you two talk like civilized people now?" Anita asked, sensing the mood change. "That depends, can I go hunting with him?" I asked. "No." Both Anita and Alexander said. "Then no. I just won't talk at all. You guys have fun preventing me from living my life." It's the truth, too. Hunting demons is my life, aside from being a body guard. If Alexander goes hunting without me, I'm not doing either. I love what I do. How many people can say that about their job? Seriously, not many. And taking that away from me, is cruel. Alexander relaxed, the remaining black was no longer there and his eyes were back to their original color. "You know that's not what we're trying to do." He said, cautiously, as he walked towards me. I kept to my word and stayed silent, knowing it would bother him. Everyone hates the silent treatment. I felt his arms wrap around me, but I willed myself to stay strong and not melt. Well...completely. "Stay here today while I go out. I'll be back before you know it." He whispered in my ear. I knew if I stayed much longer, I'd cave, so I got out of his arms and faced him. "No. You would do the same thing if you were in my position. We love killing. It's a part of me. I need it like I need to drink blood. You need it like you need to fly. It's needed. I've been denied it for too long, are you honestly going to ask me to just not go?" Alexander was thoughtful. "How about I put it this way-" I groaned. "Just hear me out, okay?" He asked. I crossed my arms. "Fine." "I always say you don't listen's your chance to prove me wrong. Listen to Anita, listen to me, and don't follow me when I go to fight." He proposed. I have to admit... I did like the idea of proving him wrong. But I need to hunt so bad... "I don't-" "Just today." He added, quickly. Just today...just one day... I can amuse myself for one day, can't I? I sighed, "Alright. Just today." Alexander smiled brilliantly and kissed me tenderly. "And you can't come with me to the human realm either." I groaned. "Oh come on! I want to go there!" Yeah, it'd be nice to see where I got all that stuff I bought online! "Someday, I'll take you there, Violet." He promised. Ugh...that sounds so odd... "If it makes you feel better, you wouldn't like what he's doing there anyways, it's official Prince business." Anita told me. I smiled. "That does make me feel better." "And I hate to take that away, but I should go now. I want to be able to see you before I go the human realm." He told me. It was about seven now and he'd be gone for four hours. Then he had to be in the human realm for twelve, which worked for me because I had to pick up a rather large delivery and wouldn't want to explain that to him anyways. Still that leaves little time for just him and I... I nodded. "Go before I change my mind about the proving you wrong thing." He kissed me passionately and I returned it. "Stay safe, Violet." My angel said as he broke away. He headed towards the window and expanded his beautiful wings. "Wait!" I exclaimed, before running over to him. He gave me a puzzled look. I took off my tag that identified who I was and put it on him, smiling. "I have to be with you in some form. I wouldn't want to miss a good fight completely." Alexander chuckled. "Whatever you say, Violet." "Oh and another thing..." I said, pausing for a moment to make sure I really wanted to do this. "Don't call me Violet." He grinned. "Knew you'd miss it, lovie." I smiled. "Nah, I only missed being able to call you princey." He rolled his eyes. "I bet." I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. "Seriously though, leave, 'cause I'm about to change my mind." "Going!" Then, he was gone. And I was left behind. Again. "Come on, Violet, there's no point in pouting." "I'm not pouting." I mumbled, even though we both knew I was so pouting. So to try and bring me out of my foul mood, Anita tried showing me her daily deeds. Which are just as boring as meetings for the Prince. Only they require actual work. Which was also boring. To make it more fun, I complained. Okay, so it wasn't really fun for Anita. She probably didn't need all my whining on top of her work. But she could've prevented it all by just letting me go... Eventually she passed me over to Alexander's friends. "Awh babe, you came just in time. You know, I was getting so lonely..." Darrel started. "Go shove a tree up your ass and leave me alone." "That's not very nice." Darrel stated, but from the glare he received shortly after, I believe he got the message that I'm not playing nice today. "Where's Alexander?" Flo asked, with more than just curiosity. "Oh he got to go hunting. While I'm stuck here with you guys." I said, without thinking. "No offense." I added. They all murmured stuff. But one person, I heard clearly. "Why can't you go with him? You are his body guard." ...He never told them? I sighed. "Because the hidden demon kinda used dark magic and struck my heart." I said, acting like it was no big deal. And to me, it wasn't. Alexander never hurt me, I completely recovered, "So I have to wait a certain amount of time before I'm allowed to work my heart up like I would in a battle." It was dead silent. Everyone was staring at me and honestly, it was making me self conscious. "What?" I asked, innocently. "Are you crazy?" Zane asked, one hundred percent serious. "...No..." "Well the how did you get yourself in that position? I'd bet my life that Alexander locked you up before the hidden demon came out!" He stated. I rolled my eyes. "I'm attracted to danger." "Obviously." Damien muttered. "Well at least you won't make the same mistake twice, right? Now you know." Flo said, trying to make it all brighter. "After all, you know it wasn't Alexander and-" "Oh I know. I'm okay with it. He's the one who wouldn't let it go." I told them. They nodded in understanding. Of course they figured that out, they've known him forever. "But yeah, that's why I can't go, he won't let me. I mean I could follow him, but I don't wanna make him feel bad and if something were to actually happen-" I started. "It would kill him." Darrel said, for once in his life, serious. I looked at him, a bit fearful. "I wouldn't go that far." I said, softly. "It's the truth, Violet." Patrick informed me. "That's why he made you stay here. He can't lose you." "Yeah, especially not after losing Lydia." Zane added. Mike smacked him and muttered something about not mentioning the ex. Stupid Zane... I sighed. "I know, that was so hard on him. And you know what pisses me off the most? That his dumbass dad didn't do anything." "I know!" Flo exclaimed. "He just allowed it to happen!" "When I found that out, I wanted to kill him." I stated. Zane tilted his head to the side. "So, you weren't happy that Lydia was dead?" My jaw dropped, completely shocked. "Dude!" Damien shouted, before shoving him. But even then, the tension was incredibly thick. I recovered. "Why the hell would I be happy about someone amazing dying? And someone who meant everything to Alexander on top of that? I wouldn't ever be happy about that." "Well if she was alive, you wouldn't be with Alexander." Zane stated. Damien put his head in his hands, obviously frustrated. I nodded. "Yeah, but he'd be happy. And he wouldn't have had so much pain. He'd be more...carefree." Darrel smirked. "Yeah, and you'd get to be with me." I rolled my eyes. "Darrel, I wouldn't be with you if you were the last male on the planet. I'd go lesbian." Everyone laughed and the previous tension evaporated. I sat around with his friends, getting to know them more. My heart ached for Alexader, but hanging around with his friends made me feel a little better. It seemed like forever, but eventually, my angel prince came through the double doors into the living room. I could smell his delicious cologne before he walked in, so I was already running towards him before he even walked in. Once I got to him, I jumped on him and wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms went around his neck. "I did it! I stayed here! Ha, I can lis-!" I started, before being cut off by his lips moving urgently against mine. His tongue enveloped my own and I ran my fingers through his hair, caught up in the moment. His hands rested on my waist and he pulled me closer, holding me tightly against his body. He pinned me against the closest wall and his lips made their way down my neck, his tongue occasionally poking out. I let out a moan once he kissed my sweet spot, that he just officially discovered. Liking my response, he decided to leave a hickey there, right on my sweet spot, like it was a way to remember just where it was. And I, too caught up in the pleasure his very touch gave me, allowed it. Hell, I fucking loved it. That was...until I realized Flo was video taping us. Again. "Ahemm, babe, your friend is videotaping us." I informed Alexander just as our lips were about to reconnect. He smirked. "Guess we better put on a show then." I giggled then started to kiss him, picking up just where we left off. maybe I just completely loved every single moment. A thousand more kisses, a bit of fooling around and a hickey later, then Alexander was off again. Which I felt better about, now that I had left my mark on him. It was twelve and I was waiting outside for my delivery, when Flo came out to join me. Dammit! He's such a gossiper! He'll tell Alexander what I'm doing! "So your birthday is tomorrow, right?" I froze. This is even worse than him telling Alexander what I'm up to. "Why do you want to know?" I asked, guarded. "Well I already have your gift, I just wanted to make sure it was ready in time." He said all too innocently. My eyes narrowed. "Really? Because I never mentioned my birthday coming up." I said, taking a step towards him. "So who did?" His eyes widened once he realized I was onto him. "Oh shit." "Flo." I said, through gritted teeth, "Who told you?" He laughed nervously. "Oh haha, no one. I umm... BYE!" He ran off and I was going to chase him, pin him down and demand answers but my shipment came. Damn him! I went up to the guy driving the huge truck full of imported goods and handed him a nice wad of cash. "I'll be back in a couple hours after I unload this." I told him. "You sure? I could help unload if you want." I shook my head. "No thanks, I've got it. Go take a nice break, you deserve it." He smiled and tipped his hat. "Thank you, ma'am." Then he was gone. I got in the truck and drove towards the orphanage. The kids were out playing in the yard, but they quickly ran inside once they saw the truck approaching. I slowed down so I wouldn't scare them and the girl who runs the place came out, prepared to defend her orphanage. I parked the truck and hopped out. Immediately, she relaxed and smiled warmly at me. "Violet. Good to see you, I didn't know you were coming." I smiled. "I'm just full of surprises." She chuckled. "So I see. Do you always drive a truck?" I shook my head. "Nope! I actually have something for you. It's a donation." I said, taking her to the back of the truck. "What could you possibly-" She started until I opened the back and she saw the massive amount of animals and supplies to care for them. "Oh my god." Rayne whispered. There were hamsters, fish, lizards, turtles, frogs, cats, dogs and two ponies. Then there was all the food that they needed, cages, etc. They were really cool! "Alright, so I was going some online shopping and I was looking at all these animals from the human realm! And after reading their descriptions I thought that they'd make good pets and be good at teaching kids how to take care of other living things and compassion. And well...these kids are the only ones I know and I thought they might enjoy them." I said, looking at all of them. Rayne was still staring at it in amazement and I saw the kids peeking around the corner with curiousity. "I can't accept this, you probably paid a fortune on this! Where did you get the money anyways?" "I was saving up to buy my father's house." I said, smiling sadly. "But my mom sold it to someone else before I had enough money so I had all this cash to spend along with my new addiction to online shopping." "You didn't spend all your money on this did you? My goodness, I really can't take all this." "I didn't spend all my money!" I protested. "And yes you are! If it makes you feel better, I wasn't even thinking of you when I bought it. I was thinking of the kids. It's for them, are you going to deny them this awesome gift?" She laughed. "You really know how to twist things around, don't you?" I smiled proudly. "It's a gift." Rayne laughed again. "Do you have a gift for unloading huge orders from other realms?" I laughed too. "As a matter of fact, I do." Two hours later, all the animals were unloaded and set up. All the supplies for them were stored in a shed. Immediately after the work was done, I was ready to split. "Don't you want to say hello to the kids? I'm sure they want to thank you." Rayne told me. I smiled and shook my head. "I'm not very good with kids." Her eyebrows furrowed. "Really? You seem like you would be." She's joking, right? I look cold, distant and not very friendly. Hell, I am all those things! Plus I don't know what to do... "Trust me, I'm not." I said, backing out. "However, I would like to know if they like the pets. It'll help with next time." I winked. "Next time?" She shook her head. "You're too kind." Me? Kind? That's a first... "Like I said, I was happy to do it. Bye, Rayne." I said, cheerfully. "Bye Violet!" As I walked out. The kids stared at me and one of them went to approach me, but another held her back. I offered a small smile, but made no attempt to talk to the children or anything. I'll probably scare them away anyways. I drove the truck back to the house and gave it to the delivery guy. It had been a couple hours, but my boyfriend still wasn't home. So I decided to busy myself with a workout that Anita agreed was fine for me to do: Swimming. "Who wants to come swimming with me?" I asked, deciding to be nice and offer Alexander's friends something to do. "Depends. We skinny dipping?" Darrel asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. "You aren't invited. Everyone but you is invited." Damien sighed. "I can't. If I went swimming with you, I'd feel like I was cheating on my girlfriend...well she'd see it as that anyways." I laughed. "Wouldn't want that." Flo sighs. "Sorry, chica, I have to call my boyfriend." "Clubbing." Zane said, automatically. "Anita needs me for something." Patrick said, dismissively. I turned to Mike. "Up for a swim?" He looked torn, and I could feel all the other guys behind me making gestures at him. Before mike could answer, Patrick said, "He's coming with me. Sorry." I looked at all the other guys, insanely suspicious. Maybe it was not getting sleep, the nightmares or my birthday tomorrow. Either way, I was wicked paranoid and had a feeling they were up to something. "Okay, suit yourselves." I said, lightly, while really I was insanely suspicious. Regardless I went up to Alexander's room and dug deep into my bag then pulled out my black string bikini that I hadn't worn for awhile. What can I say? I don't have much time for swimming. Once I was dressed I contemplated taking out my diamond stud belly button ring, but decided against it considering no one was going to see me anyways so it really didn't matter. I followed the smell of chlorine to the indoor swimming pool. Once I got there I did laps for an hour and a half. Afterwards, I decided to see if I still had that girl side of me, and tried doing some of my dives and cheerleading gymnastics into the pool. Turns out, I've still got it. Not that I would ever use it, it's completely useless...Although being flexible does have it's advantages... I had just gotten out of the pool and laid down on the chair, when Alexander walked in. He came in rather sluggish but when he saw me something changed. He actually stopped in his spot and stared at me. I looked down and realized that I probably looked a lot different. I was more relaxed, had more skin exposed than I ever had in front of him, he can now see my tattoo and my belly button ring, and to top it all off, I'm still wet from the pool. His reaction is a good one, right? I got up and walked over to him, a smile on my face. There's only one way to find out... "Good evening, my prince. Is there anything I can do for you tonight?" I asked seductively. Alexander's eyes, which were still on my body at the time, moved up and met mine and a grin spread across his face. "As a matter of fact, there is." He was about to kiss me, but I put my finger on his lips. "First, tell me something." "Anything." "You're not planning anything for tomorrow, are you?" I asked, completely serious. He sighed, realizing before he got any kisses he'd better answer. Seriously. "Okay...I was thinking of a nice, romantic evening just the two of us." I eyed him suspiciously. "Nothing else? Like no party? Promise me you aren't throwing me a party. I'm not like Dara, I don't find them fun." He smiled. "I promise that I am not throwing you a birthday party." He paused. "However, I am getting you a gift." "Alexander." I whined. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't get you something?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body against his, smiling seductively, "A good one." He put his hands on my waist and I felt a craving for him to touch me more. "That almost worked." He said, referring to my attempt at using seduction to make him agree with me. "But I'm still getting you something." He added. I didn't have a chance to respond because right after that his lips were moving against mine passionately. My hands ran down his chest and we broke apart only for me to take his shirt off, before reconnecting once again. My bare skin pressed against his was almost more than I could take. His hands ran over my curves and I shivered in pleasure, wanting more. Luckily, my boyfriend was happy to do just that. His hand moved up my back and he untied my bikini top. It slowly came- "Violet! Alexander! Where are you guys?" My sister's voice boomed. Damn her! We pulled away, staring at each other with that same hunger that never had a chance to be quenched. "Your sister's almost here." He murmered. I sighed before fixing my bikini top. "Yeah." I said, sadly. Before he could say anything else, Kiara burst in, Kyle trailing behind her. "There you guys are!" She exclaimed, happily. Then she actually took a look at me and her eyes widened. "Woah. Who are you and what did you do with my sister?" Even Kyle was staring, surprised. Honestly, it made me feel really self consious. I wasn't use to this kind of attention. Well not anymore... "Shut up, I'm still your sister. Just your sister in a bikini. Is that really such a crime?" Alexander wrapped his arms around me from the back and whispered in my ear, "Not at all." I couldn't help but smile. "I never knew you had a belly ring." Kiara stated. "If I remember correctly, you didn't want me to get one." "I don't want you to be like me. And I especially don't want you to be how I was in high school." I told her. "How were you in high school?" Alexander asked. It then occurred to me that I knew how he was in high school, that he went to human and mythical high schools, I've seen his baby pictures and one of his videos when he was actually in high school. But I had never told him what I was like in high school, never showed him any pictures of me from when I was younger, never showed him any of the videos that my dad recorded. Of course, I had them all locked up, but still. "Yeah, what were you like? I mean I know you were different, like really different and wore pink, but that's about it." Kiara said, taking a seat on one of the pool chairs. Kyle dutifully sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her. How cute! "I was actually really girly. I wanted to be the daughter that my parents would be proud of. So I wore pink, got perfect grades, was on the cheer leading squad... I was the captain of the team, actually. I dated guys who did sports and were 'popular'. Most of my friends were like that too, only they were truly like that. I had a couple friends who were shy, but they all wanted to be girly and everything. I followed rules and never broke any, because I thought they were there to help and protect. Basically, the complete opposite of who I really am, who you know now." I explained. "You were a cheerleader?" Kiara asked, shocked. "You followed rules?" Kyle asked, also shocked. "You dated?" Alexander asked, with a tinge of jealousy. I giggled. "Yes and yes. And of course I dated, Alexander. You dated too." "I'm way older." "Yeah and I'm almost twenty. I started dating at thirteen. I'm sure you started dating when you were young too." I pointed out. "Yes." He grumbled. I kissed his arm. "Plus, it's not like I'll let you meet my ex's. So you'll have no worries." Well, unless I want to make him jealous. I might let him meet them in that case. "Why not? I'm sure we'd get along great." He said, smiling in a way that made me think otherwise. I rolled my eyes. "Just remember, harm my ex's and you can expect the same for yours." I said, before getting out of his grip and getting my towel. "Kiara, you sleeping over?" "Can I?" I looked at Alexander, who smiled at Kiara and said, "Of course. You're always welcome." She brightened up. "Yay! Where can I sleep?" "Not with Kyle. Sorry, but I'm not going to be responsible for you losing your virginity." I told Kiara. She blushed. "I want to wait until after marriage anyways. But I understand where you're coming from." I was actually surprised that she wanted to wait until after marriage, but at the same time I was happy. I don't want my little sister growing up too quick... Alexander chuckled at her innocence. "Well it's late and you should be getting to bed soon. You two can say goodnight." I smiled at him. He just wants her to go to bed so we can continue what we were doing before the interruption. Smart guy. Very smart, indeed. Kyle kissed Kiara goodnight, leaving them both with these goofy smiles on their faces. Once Kyle left, Kiara turned to me. "Can I sleep with you tonight? It's a big castle and I don't really know anyone else and I don't wanna be alone." She said, with perfect innocence. If I said no, made her go sleep on her own, I'd be a cruel big sister but I'd get to finally have sex with my boyfriend. If I said yes, she'd sleep in Alexander's room with me and I'd have to wait...but at least I would be a good sister. I sighed. "Sure. Let's go." She skipped off, leading the way to Alexander's room. He took my hand and I intertwined our fingers, and we followed. "It's okay, love, another time." He murmered. I smiled slightly. "Yeah that's true. Plus, Kiara probably got me some new...outfits we could use." He grinned. "Sounds good to me." We got back to the room, Alexander said he was going for a late night flight and I showered, then changed into what I normally wear. Kiara was passed out on the middle of the bed when I got out and Alexander still wasn't back. I pulled the blankets out from underneath my sister then pulled them over her, and tucked her in. "Looks like your good with kids to me." Alexander said, coming in through the window. "She's not a kid, she's a teenager and she's also my sister." I answered, automatically, before realizing what he just said. Oh. "So I'm guessing you went to the orphanage." "Yeah, Rayne had a hard time getting the kids to sleep because they were all still excited about the new animals. It took a lot to convince them that the animals would still be there in the morning when they woke up." He said, walking towards me. Once he got to me he wrapped his arms around me. "But do you know what they remembered the most?" I shook my head. "They remembered the nice lady with the gold, sparkly eyes." He informed me. Of course I should've known that he'd figure out I was the one to donate those animals. Stupid eyes... "Oh." "Why didn't you tell me you were going to donate all that to them?" I shrugged. "Something I wanted to do on my own, I guess." He smiled. "You could have done that on your own while telling me, you know." I smiled, but it didn't reach my eyes. "Yeah, I know." "Is it because you didn't want me to know how you spent all your hard earned money on it?" He guessed. Oh no, now he's going to guess. It's okay maybe he won't find out about- "Or because you knew I'd question where you got all the time to do this without my knowledge?" Busted. I looked down. "What exactly are you asking?" He gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him. "Where did you get the time to do all this? It's a great thing and I think you're truly amazing for doing it. But how did you get the time to do so, without me knowing?" I stared into his eyes, ready to watch his reaction. "Usually I go online when you're sleeping." His eyebrows furrowed. "Really? How often?" "Every night..." I trailed. That's when I saw it. Realization came over his eyes and he had a mixture of emotions all seen in his eyes. "You haven't been sleeping because of those nightmares. They never went away, did they?" "Actually they went away. Well, once I stopped sleeping." He shook his head, not happy with this. "Violet, you need sleep." Awh man, he only uses my name when it's serious. I sighed. "I know. But whenever I try, I don't get sleep anyways if I'm always woken up. So I figured I'd just do something useful instead." Alexander pulled me to his chest and held me tightly. "If you don't get any sleep, you're going to get run down." He said, concerned. So he's not mad that I didn't tell him? He's just worried about me? Concerned? Wow. "I know." I mumbled against his chest. "How about I have Anita get you one sleeping pill? Just for tonight. It'll knock you right out, you won't have any dreams or nightmares." He offered. I contemplated telling him about how Esmeralda already tried giving me stuff, but then I realized it would be different. Sleeping pills are different than experimental pills to get rid of nightmares. I nodded. "Deal." Immediately he called Anita, who came up and gave me a sleeping pill after asking why. And of course, Alexander told her the truth and she looked concerned too. I reassured them that I would be just fine, took the sleeping pill and said goodnight to them both. I crawled into bed beside my little sister and I heard Alexander and Anita talking in whispers. I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, because I was already starting to feel drowsy, but I heard "ready", "house", and "tomorrow". I have no idea what that meant, and as sleep started to welcome me, I didn't care. I felt someone kiss my forehead and murmur kind words that filled my heart with joy, just before I fell asleep. A/N: Hope you like it! Please review
18 May 2016 | 17:50
@kemkit @victoriouschild @donyas new episode here et @frankkay r.c plz
18 May 2016 | 17:51
episode 16 ★ Alexander's pov ★ The party . . I saw my beautiful girlfriend looking as sexy as always. Her eyes were pitch black which almost sent me over the edge. Violet's eyes were scanning the crowd for me. I grinned to myself once her eyes landed upon me. Violet started towards me, ignoring an annoyed Dara but was stopped by a young blonde vampire. "If you'll excuse me, sir. I have to go greet my date." I said with a proud smile and walked away. I heard her friend say, "You know, I like this look for you better. Don't get me wrong, you were pretty before, but wow. You're just...gorgeous, but in a natural way. Like you were always meant to look like this." I saw Violet shift as I walked behind her. I held my finger to the girl, Stacey, and winked at her. "That's because she was. This is the real Violet." I said, coming up from behind me. Violet turned around suddenly and her hand raised to slap me but I caught it, "Now, now. You may be an amazing fighter, second best there is," I said, leaning in closely. "But I'm the first." "That may be true, but I'm angry, asshole." she said, glaring at me, "And it's your fault. I told you not to throw me a fucking party, you promised you wouldn't, but you did anyways!" "Oh shit, this is your doing? You're in big trouble." Stacey added. Oh, we'll see about that. I leaned away and smiled my winning smile at her, "What makes you say that? Don't you know?" I asked, before pulling Violet towards my chest. I caressed her cheek and looked at her, adoringly. "I'm her boyfriend, it's allowed to play a couple tricks here or there on her. She'll forgive me." "He's right." she told her friend, and Stacey looked shocked. Violet's body stiffened, thinking she made a mistake. I grinned, and turned her around suddenly. "I-" Violet started, but was cut off by my lips crashing down on her. Violet's body melted into mine, she pressed herself to me, and wrapped her arms around my neck. My arms snaked around Violet's waist, as my tongue ran over her teeth. I forgot about the other 500 people in the hall until they shouted, "The Prince is having a relationship with his body guard!" "Who would have known?" "When did it start?" "This is fucking hot!" Violet pulled back, her eyebrows furrowed from being the center of attention. God, I'm su used to it. I leaned in and whispered, "It's okay, love, they'll turn their attention elsewhere soon enough." "You... You're dating... Prince Alexander?" Stacey asked, shocked. Irritation spiked inside of me till I remembered this is Violet's few friends. "I prefer Alexander." I said politely, taking her hand and lightly kissed it, "And you are...?" "S-S-S-Stacey!" Violet sighed. "You still have a thing for him, don't you?" Oh what's this? She blushed bright red at this. "Violet!" She hissed. Violet smirked. "That's for fourth grade." I raised an eyebrow. "What happened in fourth grade?" Stacey rolled her eyes. "I blurted out in front of everyone that she liked Owen Rodgers accidentally." "How was that an accident? I was lying so no one would know, and all you had to do was keep quiet, but noooo you just said really loud, 'But yesterday you told me you liked Owen Rodgers!'" Violet exclaimed. "Accidentally!" I laughed. "So you're one of Violet's old friends?" Stacey nodded, her eyes mushy as she stared at me. Teenagers. "Yeah, well I'll be taking her because I don't want to talk to you right now, you jerk. You promised you wouldn't, but you did. So you can have fun by yourself and I'm going to introduce Stacey to some of your idiotic friends." Violet said, smiling. I laughed, as much as I wanted her in my arms, I can wait till later, or tonight. "Go for it, lovie, enjoy the party. Come find me once you're done." "Maybe I will, maybe I won't." I almost laughed, "Oh you will. You know you can't resist me." Violet raised an eyebrow, "Watch me." she grabbed Stacey's arm and walked off. I laughed, my beautiful girl. How did I get someone like that? Dara pranced next to me, "Enjoying the party, prince?" "I am, indeed. Thank you, Dara." "It was your idea, Alexander." I opened my mouth but was cut off by my angry father, "Can I speak to you outside, Prince Alexander?" Leo said, trying to act calm and collected. I nodded and walked on to the balcony. "How could you?" Leo boomed, his red eyes glaring at me, "Dating some trash? I have taught you better!" Without control, my hand wrapped around his throat and I pushed him into the wall, "Don't you dare call her trash. You are the trash, father. " I said every word with hatred, "And you have taught me better? Is that what I heard," I pressed him farther into the wall and got to him, "Banishing my mother, isn't what I call a lesson." I dropped my pathetic excuse of a father and walked inside to enjoy my girlfriends party. For the next hour, I talked with some photographers and fans. I started getting together the amps and picking out the song I wanted to sing. But as I walked around and got everything together, I heard something...interesting. Violet and the vampire prince. I almost felt a growl raise in my throat but I willed it down and focused on my task. Finally Violet found me again, as I watched Violet's friend and Darrel talking, each wearing silly grins. My girlfriend walked up next to me, "What're they up to?" she asked. "Exchanging pick up lines." I laughed. Violet laughed as well, "Wow, they would." I smiled brilliantly. "You enjoying yourself?" Violet nodded. "But you still aren't forgiven for lying." "I didn't lie." I objected. "You promised-" "I did not throw you a party. Dana threw you a surprise party. I just knew about it." I said, smug. She rolled her eyes. "Same thing." "Nope! It means I didn't break my promise!" "Oh whatever." Violet said, smiling. I knew it, she couldn't resist it. "Oh and you use to like the vampire prince? Really?" I asked, trying not to let the jealousy leak through my voice. Violet smiled, "Mhm, had posters and everything." I felt my eyes darken but she kissed me softly, "Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you're the jealous one?" I caressed her cheek. "You bring it out." I whispered in her ear. Violet shivered with desire. "Mmm... you need to stop this." she informed me. "Stop what?" "Making me want you. We're not going to have sex right here in front of all these people. It's already bad that we're being seen together, your dad will kill me." My eyes darkened. "He'll do no such thing. I don't agree with those stupid rules he made, especially those saying I can't have you. No one will take you away from me, especially not that bastard." She cupped my face in her hands and kissed me, "You're right. You have me, I'm yours and that's the way it'll stay." she said softly. Speaking of the devil, Leo came over and took her arm. I narrowed my eyes, "Violet! I haven't seen you yet today." He said, pulling her away from me and in front of a large crowd of people. "Happy Birthday to the best body guard I've ever seen in my life!" He exclaimed before hugging her. I felt my hair go black, they were talking and he was being his...irritating self. Leo laughed a big, booming fake laugh. "You've always been quite the charmer, Violet." He said, loudly. Violet looked away and stared my straight in the eye. She jumped off the stage, and brushed by me, heading out the doors to my room. I immediately got the hint and couldn't help but want it more. I followed her silently as she went into the bathroom and the minute Violet turned around, I grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. My lips moved fluently against Violet's. Things carried on and damn the first time was amazing, but the second time was better. Centuries of practice helps...a lot. We were putting our clothes back on while I couldn't avert my eyes from Violet's body till Darrel walked in. My moron of a friend stared at Violet's breasts till I growled and he looked away. "Just came in because you guys suddenly went quiet. Wanted to make sure you weren't dead or something." He said, smiling. Violet finished putting her shirt back on then patted Darrel's back, "Even?" ...what was she talking about? "Oh yeah. You're definitely forgiven." He said. I looked at Darrel, wanting to punch him, and then at Violet. What the hell? Violet smacked the back of Darrel's head. "Why don't you go flirt with Stacey?" He smirked. "I'll do that on our date tomorrow." I smiled. "Nice." "Please don't fuck and chuck my friend." "I would never." Darrel swore. What was happening? Violet and I exchanged a look, then narrowed our eyes at Darrel. "Mmhhmm..." "No I'm serious, she's different." He said, this was getting way to weird. Violet sighed. "Fine. Break her heart, I'll break your face. Clear?" "Clear." Just then, a tall man with broad shoulders entered the already cramped bathroom, an empty bottle of vodka in his hand. Dimitri! I haven't seen him for so long! He had long black hair, and eyes such a light, ice blue that they were almost white. He gave Violet a lazy smile. "Hello, pretty lady. Can you tell me why it smells like sex in here? Was there a threesome?" I laughed. "No, Dimitri, there was not." Darrel sighed. "Yeah, I wasn't allowed." Violet stood silently, waiting to be introduced, "Dimitri, this is my girlfriend, Violet. Love, this is my cousin, Dimitri. He's a blood child like me. His hair was originally white, but for some reason it changed to black." Dimitri smiled proudly. "Only one in the world, baby!" Yeah, he loved that part about him. Violet smiled. "Nice to meet you, Dimitri." Violet said, noting the empty vodka bottle in his hand. "Seriously, is everyone in your family an alcoholic?" We both laughed. "Helps with the side effects of being one of the dammed." Dimitri explained. "Plus, our grandfather was a diagnosed alcoholic so it runs in the blood." So true. "Speaking of which, why are you bringing an empty bottle into the bathroom?" I asked. "Because I hid a bit in here." He said, opening the shower curtain to reveal boxes and boxes full of bottles and bottles of alcohol. Smart cousin! "So you did." I confirmed. Not as much as I would expect though, I could finish those by myself. Dara opened the door. "Present time!" She exclaimed. "...Woah, party in the bathroom?" "Yes, and you weren't invited." Violet told her. We all laughed and exited, well all but Dimitri who needed what he came in for in the first place. "Not everyone brought a present though, right?" Violet verified. "I really don't like presents." "No, not everyone did." I said, my arm around his waist. Violet sighed in relief. "So there shouldn't be a lot, right?" Violet asked, as we approached the party. If only she knew. People moved out of the way, until we reached the table. There was a gigantic stack of gifts all for my girl. I smiled to myself. "Can you believe that all these, and still not everyone brought a gift?" I said, smiling. "Come on, Violet, open them." "Open mine last!" Flo exclaimed. "No! I'm her sister, she can open mine last!" Kiara argued. I loved seeing the shocked expression on my cute girlfriend. Violet went through the people she didn't know first. It was all sorts of gift cards, weapons, action movies and video games. Violet tossed the present from her mom in the garbage. I sighed and shook my head, then slowly moved out and grabbed the present. She can open this later. After all that, there were nine presents left. From Kiara, Flo, Darrel, Mike, Patrick, Damien, Anita, Zane and Dimitri. Violet opened Dimitri's, and found a beautiful vintage dress, "What did you get me this for?" she asked, admiring it. "I want you to wear it for Alexander's birthday party." "Wow, you think far ahead." Violet commented, closing the box before I could actually look at the dress. "I'll take that as a compliment." Dimitri said, before taking a nice gulp from his bottle. My throat ached for some so I slowly moved next to Dimitri and he handed me a bottle. "Thanks for the gift." she said, putting it aside. Violet picked up the one from Zane. She opened it and it was just a shitload of condoms. "... Thanks for the protection, Zane." Everyone laughed at the protector needing protection. Something rang inside my head, we haven't used all... Shit. Violet put his aside and opened Anita's, which was a blender like the one I had used to make my smoothies. Violet smiled, "Guess who's getting a smoothie for this?" Anita chuckled. "He told me you enjoyed those." I did, didn't I? Violet put that with the others and opened Damien's, Patrick's and Mike's which were all sexy outfits. Violet can now be a naughty french maid, sailor girl, nurse, bunny, cow girl and a school girl. Oh dear lord. I had to clear my throat and sit down to cover a sort-of bulge in my pants as I imagined her in all those. Dimitri burst into laughter and patted me on the back, "After, however many centuries, you would think you could control that." I smirked, "Like you're one to talk." "Hey, Violet, didn't you use to have a school girl outfit like that?" Stacey asked. I heard this and raised an eyebrow. "Remember... you were going to sing that song about Mr. Watson for the talent show and then your dad found out and told you that there was no way in hell you would go on stage dressed like that?" Mr. Watson? Sexy school girl outfit? What. "That's right, I did." Violet said, as she reminisced about something. "And then I dyed my hair black, wore fishnets, a black mini-skirt, and a tight black shirt that only covered my breats while singing a song about being seventeen and him not being able to control me." "Right! It ended with 'You cannot control me, father. Daddy's girl's a fucking monster.' It was great! What did you ever do with that song?" She asked. "Sold it to humans." " you still have that stuff on video?" Darrel asked. "Alexander, you never told us she had a belly ring. That's hot." Zane added. Oh that belly ring, I shivered. I smirked. "I know she is. And I wanted to keep her to myself." "Which is why I don't think it's a good idea to show you boys that video. I was way more revealing than I should've been." Violet told everyone. "I wasn't a good kid." Darrel smirked. " were a very bad girl." He always brought things over board. "Enough." I said with authority, defending Violet, "Go ahead, Violet, open your next gift." She opened Darrel's and got a whole bunch of toys and not just trucks or barbies, I mean toys. Lots of them were for self pleasure, along with a whip and handcuffs for I'm guessing, me, and the cop and criminal outfits to go with. "You know, I'm starting to think your friends went shopping for you for my birthday." They laughed, but I was guessing she was serious. The next gift was from Flo. It was a scrapbook. Violet opened it and people started crowding around to look, it started off when she was a baby. The toddler and child pictures were next. My favorite of those was of her in her princess dress, looking up at the camera. Violet wasn't smiling or anything, just looking with curiosity. The next two pages were of Violet as a teenager, some with my dad. So this was her dad... Violet smiled to herself as she looked at the pictures, some were of Violet bored at my meetings, training, glaring at the camera and just being around the house. The last pages were full of Violet and I. Talking in the kitchen, sleeping in each others arms, kissing, and training together. Violet picked out three favorites, one of us just laying out in the sun, holding hands, and having a great time. The second is us kissing in his kitchen. The last is us fighting. I don't know why, I'm all sweaty and shirtless. I take it back. After that page though... it was empty. Violet pouted. "Hey, why isn't there anymore? Does my life end here?" Flo laughed. "No, you just need to finish it." "My life or the book?" "Both." "That's pretty... now open my gift!" Kiara exclaimed. Instead of questioning her, Violet opened it. There was a shitload of Disney movies and home videos I was guessing. "Kiara! You found these!" Violet exclaimed, happily. "Yup! I figured you would want them." Violet hugged her. "Thank you. Everyone, really, thanks. It's all appreciated. Now who wants cake?" Everyone cheered. This was my que to start me little performance. After everyone had cake and I knew Violet was looking for me, I strapped on my guitar, got my old band out of the crowd and tapped the mike. "This one... is for the birthday girl." I said, into the mike. The band started and my voice sang, "On the ground I lay Motionless in pain I can see my life flashing before my eyes Did I fall asleep Is this all a dream Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare I will not die (I will not die) I will survive I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying." As much as I tried not thinking of it, Lydia's death played in my head over and over again. "On this bed I lay Losing everything I can see my life passing me by Was it all too much Or just not enough Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare I will not die (I will not die) I will survive I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying , I shook out the thought of those horrid times and remembered I was singing this for my girl, and it was true. I will always wait for Violet. I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying I will not die, I'll wait here for you I will not die, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying." At the end, I reached my hand out towards he awestruck Violet and she took it, going onstage with him. "You're amazing." Violet said, still in awe. I smiled. "Thank you, now it's your turn." "That's not a good idea, I haven't sang in years." Violet said, trying to back away, but then realizing she was already on the stage. "Well lets not wait another. Who here wants to hear Violet sing?" The guests roared, outnumbering Violet and allowing me to win, yet again. I smirked. "Sing." "Just for that it's going to be about drugs." Violet said. What? I felt my smile fall and glared at Violet as she pushed me off the stage. "This one is for Prince Alexander." Violet announced. Great. "Maybe I need some rehab Or maybe just need some sleep I got a sick obsession I'm seeing it in my dreams I'm lookin down every alley I'm making those desperate calls I'm staying up all night hoping hitting my head against the wall What you got boy, is hard to find I think about it all the time I'm all strung out my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind! Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love." Her voice was mezmiring... "Won't listen to any advice Momma's telling me I should think twice But look into my own devices, I'm addicted it's a crisis My friends think I've gone crazy My judgments gettin' kinda hazy My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crack head What you got boy, is hard to find I think about it all the time I'm all strung out my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind! Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love." Violet pulled me back onto the stage and started dancing with me as I sang. "I don't care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you're with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey, so I got a question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum Is my love your drug? Your drug? Huh, your drug? Huh, your drug? Is my love your drug? Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Hey, hey, so You love, your love your love, is my drug." Violet kissed me sweetly, "Thank you." she whispered in my ear. "For what?" I whispered back. "The party, my present, dealing with me and just for everything. Thank you." I smiled. "You are very welcome." "Violet!" Anita called from the side of the stage. I took her hand and we walked over to Anita together. "This wasn't printed out earlier, but this is also my gift to you." She said, handing me a piece of paper. Confused, Violet looked down, ahh the one most important thing..."Okay... I'm really not in a thinking mood. What is this?" "A clean bill of health." She explained. "You are officially healthy enough to fight again." Violet grinned. "Really?" she exclaimed, the excitement clear in her voice. I laughed. "Yes, love, really." "Awesome! Let's go right now!" Violet said, trying to go for the door, but I still had her hand and held Violet back. "Oh what now? Come on, please?" "This is your party, birthday girl." I reminded her. "We can go tomorrow morning, but we aren't leaving our guests now." Violet pouted, sticking out her lower lip and looking up at me with her gold eyes. "But I wanna go now..." I stared at her, about to cave, but Anita pulled my sleeve. I looked at her. "What?" "Don't give in, boy. What she's pulling is the oldest trick in the book. She can wait." She said, all knowingly, before leaving. "Thanks a lot!" Violet shouted. "You did that on purpose?" I asked, amused and pulling her in. "Yeah, it's a girl thing. Works every time...well unless someone else ruins it." she said, wrapping her arms around me. "Huh. I'll have to look out for that." Violet smiled. "I won't pull it often, I promise." "Sure you will. Now would you care to dance?" Violet nodded and we danced the night away. After the guests left, I was exhausted. I helped Anita and the crew clean up, much to the dismay of my father. Violet's gifts were brought to her father's house, well the ones she didn't need. I wanted to hurry up to my room, get into the hot shower with Violet standing next to me...her nude body dripping with water, her dark hair drenched and her long eyelashes speckled with water. I shook my head, let's wait till later to think about that. I immediately left the hall and took the human-machine called the elevator up to my room. I heard light snores from the other side so I opened the door to see my cute and sexy girlfriend laying on the bed with a provocative cop outfit...yet she was sleeping. Of course she was tired, she had a long day. I called a maid to change her clothes because I would feel kind of creepy changing her, then I cuddled next to her and quickly fell asleep. Only to have the worst dream play in my head.
18 May 2016 | 17:56
19 May 2016 | 02:42
New Episode Is Here @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy@rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @ @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homstrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @ @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @gsoul @somisom @divathemmy @mavbirth
19 May 2016 | 02:55
19 May 2016 | 03:00
how do I get season 1&2 @ holykruzz
19 May 2016 | 08:39
@holykruzz some one is asking for the first and second season
19 May 2016 | 12:22
@holykruzz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my batt is off since morning ni jooo jux getting here
19 May 2016 | 18:25
eyah @kemkit, @donyas I will paste d link to season 1 &2 here
19 May 2016 | 19:43
0 Likes @azizatyetty
19 May 2016 | 19:45
0 Likes this is for season 1 while d first link is for season 2 "Grazias, @azizatyetty
19 May 2016 | 19:46
19 May 2016 | 20:03
Violet's pove ♥ episode 17 ♥ Happy Birthday I had a dreamless sleep, which was a nice change really. I woke up to find my sister still asleep, and my boyfriend no where in sight. Where is he? As soon as I thought that, in Alexander came. He grinned and walked over. "Happy birthday, lovie." He said, kissing me lightly. I groaned, "Don't remind me." Alexander pulled away all too soon, "Come on, get ready. I have a day planned for us!" A day planned? Why? Since when? Instead of asking these questions, I just gave him a 'What-the-hell-has-gotten-into-you?' look, then crawled out of bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into my basic attire, a tight black tanktop, jeans and a pair of high boots. I walked out and Alexander turned around, dressed in jeans, a gray shirt and a nice leather jacket. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Hw asked, slowly making his way towards me in a way that made my heartbeat faster. His eyes scanned my body and I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move away, even if I wanted to. And I so don't want to... Alexander grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer, pressing his lips against my own, "And sexy?" He mumbled. I shook my head and continued kissing him. His hand gently tugged at the thin fabric that was seperating our bodies, preventing me from feeling the complete warmth of his touch. His lips traveled to my neck, his teeth lightly grazing over her skin creating a pleasure that I've felt with no one else. But before things could go any further, my sister decided to wake up. "Violet?" she asked groggily, "Alexander?" My boyfriend groaned and moved to the side. I hung her head low, both angry and sad at her interrupting, and mumbled some curses on my way to see the little twirp. "I'm here." I mumbled angrily. "Happy birthday, sissy." Kiara said lightly, complete with innocence. I couldn't be angry anymore. She's my sister, she just found out about me a few years ago, yet she loved me anyways. And really, I'm not easy to love. I smiled at her, and gently moved a strand of her hair behind her ear in a loving way. "Good morning, angel." Alexander said, smiling towards Kiara, "I'll be waiting in the kitchen, Violet." He added. Then he walked out. "So it's your birthday, you get to decide to do whatever you want. I'm your slave for the day." I laughed. "Well slave, I'm ordering you to have fun and treat it like any other day. I'm not like you, I won't make my sister do a million chores just to prove my authority." She giggled. "That was one time." "Uh huh." I said, hugging her tightly and kissing the top of her head. "I'm going to see my boyfriend." "And I'll go see mine. Since you gave me the day to treat it like any other day." "Alright, just check in with your mom." I said, getting up and heading towards the door. "She's your mom too." She said, softly. I just pretended like I didn't hear her and walked to the kitchen to see my alcoholic boyfriend drinking. I shook my head, a small smile on my lips. Men... He finished the bottle and put it the sink. "Satisfied?" I asked. Alexander nodded, "For now." He laughed then grabbed my hand and took me towards... the elevator? What the hell? I don't remember that in the tour! "There's an elevator in this place?" I asked in shock. He laughed, "It only leads to the underground training room and garage." Well that would have been helpful! What was even cooler, was that it was made of glass. I looked at it, eyes wide, taking it all in. Rich people... He pressed the button G, and waited. We passed the training room which was filled with people sparring or training with dummies. "Who are all these people?" I asked. "They're the other partners for demon raids." Ohh. We arrived at the garage which was filled with over a hundred cars. "A-Are these all of yours?" I asked, stuttering a bit, still surprised. "No, they're other peoples." He said, simply. Oh well now I don't feel like a complete charty case... Then he led me towards a seperate garage, "These are all mine." He informed me. My jaw nearly dropped as I rushed to every car and looked inside. "Let's take this one!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the black BMW which had green flames coming from the side. He froze and shook his head. "Please," He said in a strained voice, "Not that one." It's just a car... Confused, I asked, "Why not?" Alexander just shook his head, walking towards the black ferrari with red lines. He picked the keys up from the rack next to it and climbed in, turning the car. I got in after, and asked again, "Why not that car?" He sighed, "It was Lydia's. I haven't gone in it after her death and I don't plan too anytime soon." He said, turning on the music. He could've said that early and I wouldn't have pressed it... "Well, where are we going?" I asked, changing the topic. Alexander slung his arm over my shoulder as he drove out of the garage, "It's a surprise." Really? "I don't like surprises!" "So if you walked into the room and I had a can of whipped cream and some cherries, you wouldn't like it?" My imagination took control as I pictured walking into his room and seeing him completely naked, whip cream and a cherry covering the only area that really needs covering... "Well...when you put it that way.." I trailed. He chuckled and lightly kissed my forehead while taking his arm off my shoulders. "Cut it out, cut it out I know it's what you're wanting to say Burning up, burning up I know why you're feeling this way There's an ache you can't erase A yearning that you can't replace And you want Him, and you need Him But you act like He's not there Yeah, you know that you're hollow And something's missing here So you push and you pull the hole in your soul But you can't make the hunger disappear" The song said, as I listened intently. It kind of described what it's like being a vampire, the thirst you'll never quench because you'll always need blood. But it also describes Alexander. "You got a rusted out lock on your door Getting ready to break You've held back love long enough I think it's time to cave" "Geez, this song reminds me a lot about when I first tasted your blood." I sighed, coming to the conclusion that it's a mixture of both. Although I only tasted his blood once...and I kinda had to have it... He laughed, "I know you still crave for my blood." "You're waiting for a sign The fact is faith is blind Do you want to spend your whole life jaded? Stuck in a rut that you created Why don't you break the cycle? Let love win." This part reminded me more of just myself. I'm a messed up person, I know it. I don't want to be like my mother, or my father who's six feet under, so I'm scared to do a lot. Especially drinking from my boyfriend, what if I took too much? "What makes you say that?" I said, looking over at Alexander. "Because my blood is amazing." Cocky much? "You don't know that." I stated. "Yes I do." "Oh really? Did you become a wannabe vampire and tried sucking your own blood?" "No. I just know because I'm awesome, so that just makes my blood amazing!" I laughed, "Well your blood is pretty awesome..." "Feel free, lovie." He joked. Well I hope he's joking because I'm not drinking from him again. "We're in the middle of the woods!" I said, climbing out of the car. He got out too and came to my side, "This is where rapists take their victims!" I laughed. He narrowed his eyes, "How do you know I'm not planning on raping you?" He grinned, trapping me with his super sexy and muscular body. "It's not rape if I like it..." I purred, pulling his lips to mine. He picked me up and started flying, our lips still connected. I didn't pay attention to where, because I didn't care as long as he was there. As soon as we landed, he layed me down and rolled us over, so I was on top. Which was fine with me, I liked being in control. My shirt was off a second later, his followed. His hand was instantly at my zipper, gently tugging it down while his thumbs were unbuttoning the button. My body was on fire, this was what I've been wanting for the past weeks of torture and teasing. Yet just as things were about to go further, children's laughter was heard, getting closer. "Even in the middle of nowhere, we have something fucking interrupting us!" I exclaimed, insanely pissed off. Alexander sadly pulled away from me, handing me my stupid shirt so I could put it on. Apparently, I wasn't the only angry one, because his fists were clenched and his hair was starting to go black. Oh drea god...he looks even more hot... Seriously, someone just shoot me... Three little, familiar kids appeared from behind the woods. "Pwince Alexwander!" One squeled. "Why are you here with the pretty sparkly eyed lady?" Another asked eagerly, running up to cling to his leg. He picked them both up as the third came over, "Don't forget me, Pwince!" The little girl said, jumping on his back, bending his wing slightly backwards. "Oh, my wing, my wing." He said, readjusting her, "Ah, that's better." "I'm here with the pretty, sparkly-eyed lady because it's her birthday." Alexander said, emphazing pretty. I don't know if it was because he wanted them to say it right, or because he was trying to emphasize that I'm pretty. Either way, I was blushing big time as I glanced over at the three, adorable kids. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PWETTY SPARKLY-EYED LADY!" They squeled and erupted into laughter. "Lovie, can you hold Stela?" He asked, for some reason. I grabbed Stela and held her as Stela wrapped her small legs around my waist and her tiny arms around my neck. "You're pwetty!" She said, staring at me in awe. I wasn't use to people calling me that. Bitchy is usually what I'm called. Not that little kids learn that this young...well most of the time... "Isn't she?" He asked, getting a fierce nod from each kid. "Hey, stranger!" Rayne said, flying out of the woods with a tiny puppy in her arms which was fast asleep, "Hi, Violet!" "Come on! We gotta head back. I got Billy here." She said, gesturing towards the dog. "Billy?" I chuckled, "That's a cute name." "He's my puppy!" The little girl laughed, "Thank you!" She said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed again, not use to this kind of effection, "Can I get another one?" I asked, touching Stela's nose. Stela nodded and kissed me on the eye. "You are so good with kids!" Rayne said then pointed at me, "Liar!" She accused with a goofy grin on her face. AM NOT! I laughed and set the girl down. Alexander set the other two down, and the three of them ran over to Rayne. "Oh, happy birthday Violet." She said before walking into the forest with the kids jumping over the small stream. Alexander and I stayed at the spot for awhile, just talking about his father, my father, his prince business, Lydia, how I hate her mother, how I felt when Kiara I heard about Kiara being born, my first birthday, how I used to be. "You know, I came to your highschool a lot to give speeches that my dad forced me to do. It was to "up" his status as King." Alexander informed me. "You did?" I asked, "I don't think you'd recognize me though...I had short hair in the back which got longer. I used to wear a lot of colorful make up and wore literally, bright pink clothing..." I snapped her fingers, "I remember my old friends drooling over you!" Too bad I was never interested... He thought about it for a moment, scanning the millions of girly girls he's seen in his life, but his eyes widened as he looked at the real me, compared to who I pretended to be, "That was you?" I nodded. "You used to piss me off!" My head snapped up and I glared at him, "Can I know why?" "Well for one, you were way to girly. Two, you always used to fake laugh. Three, you were too nice. Four, you used to pretend you were interested in me." He kissed my forehead, "You're perfect the way you are now." Perfect? No I'm far from that. But he's right about everything else. I pretended to be this girly girl, I was nice and polite to everyone and I even feigned interest in this almighty angel (when really, I kinda had a thing for the vampire prince). "I only fake laughed and pretended I was interested to make my mom proud." I shook my head, remembering all the things I did just to get that woman's attention, "I guess I was annoying..." Okay I know I was annoying. After looking at a text, Alexander was ready to go. "Come on, I got something to give you, birthday girl." "Ugh, don't call me that!" "There's nothing wrong with turning 20!" "But there is with it being my birthday." Birthday's are just bad. Full of memories with someone who isn't there anymore, of the woman who left on the same day because she couldn't take living with me anymore. It's just...bad. He laughed and headed towards the car. As soon as we sat in the car, he reached into his jacket and took out a blindfold that even vampires couldn't see through. "NO! You can't make me do this! I don't want to! This is a dumb idea! I don't even want a present! Why should I wear that? JERK!" I protested. "Bear with me, love." Alexander said, ignoring my protests. He wrapped it around my eyes and started driving whereve. He took all these turns, and eventually we got to out destination then he helped me out of the car. This is so a thing of trust... "Ok.." Ge whispered and unfolded the blind fold. In front of me, was the house I was raised in. I stared at it in shock, tears springing to my eyes. How could he...why would he... "Why'd you bring me here?" I demanded, angrily, "Someone else lives here." Alexander shook his head, "Not anymore." He handed me the small box. I opened it and gasped. Inside was a key. The same key I once brought to school everyday, so I could let myself in afterwards because my dad wouldn't be home. He handed the papers for the house also. "Alexander..." I whispered, "Is...this my present...?" I asked before I shook my head. "I'm sorry! I can't take it." I said, turning towards the car. He pulled my hand back,"I bought this home for you, Violet. Just for you. I can't just return it." He whispered, kissing me lightly on the neck. I don't know if it was because I wanted the house so bad, or because of how persuasive he can be, either way, I accepted. And fo the next two hours, I showed him everything. Where I sprained my ankle after attempting my first cheerleading move, the wall where my dad recorded my height as the years went by and I even showed him my room that still, to my embarassment, had hot guy posters on it. Everything was just how I left it. Just like it was when my father was here. Finally, we headed back to the car. Our ride home was silent, we just listened to music and enjoyed eachother's company. We started nearing home when we listened to the lyrics of a song, "She opens up my bedroom door She's waking me up soon "I'm turning on the light" she warns It's the little things that you do She's the one that start's my day.. My dear mom... my comforter My friend forever When life's right or wrong She is also my laughter Yet my sholuder to cry on My mom is my super hero My mom is my world ..." Alexander growled and shut the radio off, nearly breaking it. I jumped in response then gave him a strange look as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "Where is your mom?" I asked, making him snap the steering wheel. As soon as we got into the garage, he parked the car and slammed it hard enough that it dented the door. "Alexander? Where's your mom?" I pressed, getting out of the car. He was silent, breathing angrily, "Answer my question!" I said, tugging at his elbow. Alexander froze, "Violet, not now." He said through clenched teeth as someone walked towards us. His voice, was so cold, so full of hate. Why? "Yes now! I don't know about your mom and you know about mi-" "Violet!" He snarled, "There are some things that you don't need to know!" He growled, ripping his arm out of my grip and storming past Anita. I watched him go, feeling a mixture of emotions. How many times have I heard that in my life? 'Violet, there are some things that you don't need to know.' My mother told me that all the time when she was part of my life, then she was gone. Will he be gone too? "UGH!" I yelled, letting out my frustration. Instead of taking out on objects like I usually do, I decided to be good and curl up, wanting to pull my hair out. "Violet." Anita said, softly. "Go away." I murmered, not wanting to hear anything. "He doesn't want to fucking tell me things, fine. I just won't tell him anything anymore. Relationships work both ways. You don't need to fill in for him. Again." She sat beside me. "Yes I do. Some things are just difficult for him." "And they aren't difficult for me? Or anyone else? Life is difficult, Anita, I don't need to deal with this bullshit." I vented. "You're right, you don't have to. If you wish, you may end your relationship with him at anytime." At that, I immediately softened. "I don't want that." "I know. So just listen." She ordered and I nodded, allowing her to continue. "Leo banished his mother. She begged, pleaded with him, but he wouldn't have it. If she didn't agree to leave on her own free will, he was going to have her killed right in front of Alexander. So she left. And Alexander just watched the whole thing." I felt like a bitch for the way I acted, well part of me did, while the other part was still angry and hurt. We both got mommy problems...but at least his still cares. "Is she still alive?" "I believe so. I'm not sure where she is though..." "I'll find out." I said, with cofidence. She gave me a questioning look. "How? And why?" "Think about it, Anita. Leo isn't going to be King forever, Alexander will be soon. Then Leo will have no say. And if I happen to find his mother just in time for that and reunite them, well it'll be better. Of course, they'll need to catch up and everything but-" "It's a sweet idea, Violet, but you won't be able to find her. I've already tried." "Anita...darling... I'm a vampire. And I'm really good tracking. I can do it." She laughed. "Good luck with that." We both got up and went to go our separate ways, when she added, "Oh and Violet? Don't be too hard on him." "I won't." Meaning, I won't try to be too hard on him. I went up to his room and he wasn't there. I didn't really expect him to be. I layed on his bed and picked up a book. I wasn't even reading it, I was just hearing his voice over and over in that angry tone saying, "Violet, there are some things you don't need to know." At some point in this, his voice changed into my mother's. Her harsh, angry tone saying that whenever I asked why my father left every Christmas Eve, or why she cried at night. Eventually I heard someone come in, and I looked up to see Alexander. I immediately hardened, refusing to be weak in front of him anymore. "Violet-" He started. "Don't." I said, "I don't want to hear it." "You're going to have too." He said shutting the door and walking towards me. As soon as Alexander got in front of me, I slapped him so hard his head jolted to the side, "What you did, was totally expected, but it hurt. Don't ever do that seemed like you really hated me.." I mumbled sadly. Like my mother. Only, it was worse, because I love him so strongly that if I lose him, I lose everything. I could move on after losing my mother, I can't if I lose him. I'm a monster. His arms automatically wrap around me, he pressed my body closely. "My dad had-" "You don't have too. Anita told me the whole story." I said, not wanting to make him relive anything. "I'm so sorry, Violet. I shouldn't have taken it out on you.." Alexander sighed, "Especially doing that to on your birthday, I truly am terrible. You shouldn't have to deal with me.." He said, pulling away. He stared me straight in my eyes, "I'll always be here for you, but I'm giving you the chance to back out. To never come back to me.." Like you'll get away that easy. I narrowed my eyes and touched his cheek, "I will never, ever, back out on you." I said and brought my lips to his. "Violet! I have some stuff for you to do!" Dara said, barging in, "Sorry, lovebirds. Violet's going with me." She said. He laughed and nodded, then he kissed my forehead. "Let go-let-don't touch m-I don't want t-Fine..." I said, sighing in response. I went with the stupid fairie and we ended up at the mall. She insisted on buying me a new wardrobe for my birthday. Since I didn't care how much money she spent on me, because I didn't really care for her, I allowed it. We had a horrible time though agreeing on outfits we both aproved on. Afterwards though, we had to shop for the 'perfect' outfit. Because apparently I had a fancy date with Alexander tonight, and I needed to look special. I tried telling her that it wouldn't matter and with any luck, the clothes would just be on the floor anyways, but no she insisted. After the shopping hell, I went to take a shower. My date wasn't for hours, but I wanted to take a nice, long, relaxing shower. I was in for merely ten minutes, when the door opened and in walked Alexander. Shit, I forgot to lock the door! He took out his headphones, meaning he hadn't heard me in here, and opened his eyes. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he stared at me. "I'll...just..leave..." He said, turning to walk away. Okay, he's way too polite. "Wait!" I said with a devilish grin, "Join me..." I purred. "I can't.. I mean, we have to get out soon and-hell. I'm staying." He muttered before taking off his shorts as he joined me. Alexander and I climbed out of the shower, both of us wrapped in a towel. "Finally." I muttered, then looked at him, "That was amazing." Alright, so it was better than that, it was the best sex ever. Now that's a great birthday present. He nodded in agreement, speechless. We heard a knock on the door immediatly after, he opened it before realizing he was just in a towel that was wrapped around his waist while mine was wrapped just above ny breasts. Dara glanced at us and smiled, "I need to get you ready for...your date with Alexander..?" She said, slyly. I had a strong feeling that it wasn't just some date, but I didn't really care at this point. I had definitely gotten what I wanted today. Plus, I can't help but feel smug that his ex is the first to find out about it. So without saying anything, I walked with Dara towards her guest room. I got into my black top with a ruching and bow then a tiered ruffle leopard skirt (A/N: Picture of outfit on the bottom of my profile). I got on some black heels, then let Dara curl my hair. She applied shadowy eyeshadow and some black eyeliner, making my gold eyes pop. I applied some light pink lip gloss. Once I was done, I was ready to go. Too bad, it wasn't on a date.
19 May 2016 | 22:26
episode 18 ♥ ◆ Surprise! "Why are we going to the grand hall? Can't he just pick me up in his room?" I asked, really suspicious of Dara. I don't like where this is going... "I told him to meet you here." She said, with a knowing smile. Mhmm... We got to the grandhall, she opened the double doors and, "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VIOLET!" My fists clenched and I knew my eyes were almost pitch black. But I put on a fake smile, scanning the crowds to find the asshole I call my boyfriend. I asked him not to, he promised he wouldn't, but he did. I'm going to murder him. Dara nudged me. "Surprised?" I took a deep breath, and smiled up at her. "You bet." I said, my voice sickly sweet. There will be hell to pay. "Yeah, I could tell by your clenched fists." With a lot of effort, I unclenched them. "Yes. Well... it was definitely a surprise." I said, scanning for Alexander as the music began. I found him, he was smiling like he was innocent, and he was so not. I glared at him, then started to make my way through the crowd, ignoring Dara's protests. I was almost there when someone from the crowed, pulled me over. I stumbled into the girl because I wasn't expecting it. Everyone else had moved out of the way, not grabbed me and pulled me towards them. "Hi, Violet!" She exclaimed. "Do you remember me?" I looked at the girl. She had bleach blond hair, up in a high pony tail. She was wearing this light pink, sporty sort of dress and reeked girly. Yet, she seemed familiar. Like someone I had gone to school with.'s her name? I snapped my fingers as I remembered, "Stacey!" Stacey smiled wide. "You remember!" She said, surprised, as she hugged me tightly. "Gosh, it's been years." I smiled and hugged her back. See, Stacey was my best friend in high school. I trusted her more than the other girls, because she was more down to earth. She was kind of poor and while she wanted to be popular, couldn't afford all the clothes to be it. Which stinks, because she's really nice. She's probably the only person in that whole school who knew anything about my home life. "It's been so long." I said, pulling back to see her, still smiling. "You look great." She slightly blushed. She always was a blusher. "Thanks. You know, a lot has changed in the past couple of years." "Don't I know it." I murmured. Stacey put a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. "Oh, right, I'm sorry for mentioning..." She trailed. I gave her a small smile and shook my head. "I'm getting better about it." I said, lightly. It's true, I don't want to cry every time I think of him now. I just feel sad. Which is improvement. "You didn't have to leave and without contacting us. Even a goodbye would have been nice." She said, softly. I felt bad about that, I really did. I mean, she has a point. I could have just said bye. I just didn't want to face it... "I did have to leave though. After that day, I changed. My wants changed, the path I was on wasn't the right one and I had to start over." I explained. "So, you became a protector. Because you couldn't protect him." I silently thanked her for just saying him, instead of my father and nodded. "To be honest, I think you would have become one either way. He was one himself, it's in your blood. Probably why you're so good." She said jokingly, playfully punching my arm. I smiled. "Indeed it is." "You know, I like this look for you better. Don't get me wrong, you were pretty before, but wow. You're just...gorgeous, but in a natural way. Like you were always meant to look like this." She gushed. Okay, I don't think I'm ugly or anything, I really don't, but I think she's exaggerating just a bit. I shifted, uncomfortably, but before I could say anything, someone else spoke instead. "That's because she was. This is the real Violet." Alexander said, coming up from behind me. Stacey's eyes widened, but I just remembered how Stacey had pulled my aside on my quest to find the jerk. I turned around and went to slap my idiotic boyfriend, but he grabbed my arm. "Now, now. You may be an amazing fighter, second best there is," He said, leaning in closely. "But I'm the first." "That may be true, but I'm angry, asshole." I said, glaring at him, trying to ignore my attraction to him. "And it's your fault. I told you not to throw me a fucking party, you promised you wouldn't, but you did anyways!" "Oh shit, this is your doing? You're in big trouble." Stacey added. Ha! She's on my side! He leaned away and smiled his pearly whites at her. Oh no, he's going to try something. "What makes you say that? Don't you know?" Alexander asked, before pulling me towards his chest. He caressed my cheek and looked at me, adoringly. "I'm her boyfriend, it's allowed to play a couple tricks here or there on her. She'll forgive me." I hate him. I hate him so much right now. Because he's right. I will forgive him, but you know what, he's not the only one who can play tricks here. It's on, it's sooooo on. "He's right." I told her, and she looked shocked. Then I just realized what I agreed to. I admitted he's my boyfriend...and no one is suppose to know outside of this castle...or I could die... "I-" I started, but was cut off by Alexander's lips crashing down on mine. I was a bit surprised, but it didn't last long, and my body automatically reacted to his touch. I pressed myself to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms snaked around my waist, as his tongue entered my mouth. I had completely forgot about Stacey, the party or the hundreds of people, who just so happened to be watching us. Until they made themselves known, that is. "The Prince is having a relationship with his body guard!" "Who would have known?" "When did it start?" "This is fucking hot!" I pulled back, surprised at the reaction. Actually, I was just surprised at the attention. I hate attention... "Uhh..." I trailed, not really knowing what to say or do. I just want it to go away. Alexander stared into my eyes and saw this. He leaned in and whispered, "It's okay, love, they'll turn their attention elsewhere soon enough." "You... You're dating... Prince Alexander?" Stacey asked, shocked. I looked around, and sure enough, people started losing interest once we were done with our little make-out session. "I prefer Alexander." My boyfriend said, before taking her hand and kissing it. "And you are...?" "S-S-S-Stacey!" I sighed. "You still have a thing for him, don't you?" She blushed bright red at this. "Violet!" She hissed. I smirked. "That's for fourth grade." Alexander raised an eyebrow. "What happened in fourth grade?" Stacey rolled her eyes. "I blurted out in front of everyone that she liked Owen Rodgers accidentally." "How was that an accident? I was lying so no one would know, and all you had to do was keep quiet, but noooo you just said really loud, 'But yesterday you told me you liked Owen Rodgers!'" I exclaimed. "Accidentally!" Alexander laughed. "So you're one of Violet's old friends?" Stacey nodded, still all googly eyed over him. Some things never change. "Yeah, well I'll be taking her because I don't want to talk to you right now, you jerk. You promised you wouldn't, but you did. So you can have fun by yourself and I'm going to introduce Stacey to some of your idiotic friends." I said, smiling. He laughed. "Go for it, lovie, enjoy the party. Come find me once you're done." "Maybe I will, maybe I won't." His eyes sparkled with amusement. "Oh you will. You know you can't resist me." I raised an eyebrow, "Watch me." I grabbed Stacey's arm and walked off. Once we were a good distance away, she kept on repeating, "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I waited for fifteen minutes solid, "You finished?" She nodded. "I still can't believe it though. You use to hate him!" "What can I say? He's...different than I thought he would be." I said, leading her around. I pointed out Zane, "That's his friend Zane. He's a manwhore though, so stay clear of him, he'll probably end up knocking some girl up at some point and you don't want to get involved with that shit." She laughed. "And there's Mike...and Patrick...Damien... oh and Flo! I love Flo!" I exclaimed. "Why do you love Flo?" "He's gay." "Happy?" "No, actually gay. And he's totally awesome. Although I think he has a thing for my boyfriend." I giggled. Stacey laughed again. "Who doesn't?" She makes a valid point. "True. And there's one more friend of his that I want you to meet..." I trailed, looking for Darrel, but coming up short. Probably trying his dumbass pick-up lines on some other chick. "Is it that girl you walked in with?" "God no! That was just Dana." I said, disgusted. "What's wrong with Dana?" She asked, curiously. "She's Alexander's ex." I explained, as if that answered everything. And actually, it was my most honest answer ever. Normally I would just say how annoying she is or that she's a fairy, but I'm pretty sure I hate her just because she's my boyfriend's ex. Oh well. Stacey got it though and asked no questions about Dara. She just started telling me about what's been up with her. Apparently she's been dating all these guys and each one ends with a fail. So she's currently not dating and just living life. While she talked about our other friends, I realized just how much I missed her. My dad's death had effected me so much, took away more than just him. It took away my life, some of my good friends, and parts of me. I excused myself before I felt the urge to cry about it though. I walked into the bathroom without knocking though and walked in on Darrel going to the bathroom. He looked at me, I looked at him, then I looked down, he looked down, before I looked back up at him again. He smirked. "Pretty big, huh?" Only this time, it was my turn to smirk. "Alexander is bigger." I said, before walking out of the bathroom, completely forgetting why I had gone there in the first place. "You okay?" Stacey asked, sounding concerned. I smiled. "I'm great." I said, while laughing on the inside. I so got Darrel! Ha ha! Although what I said was true... I still didn't have to say it. But did! Teheheh! "You were just kidding about-" Darrel started, while emerging from the bathroom, but stopped midsentence. He stared at Stacey and she just smiled, staring back. "Hi. Violet, who's this?" Stacey asked, checking him out. Oh gross. I rolled my eyes. "Just Darrel." "Hi Darrel." She said, shyly. "H-Hi." He said, stuttering just a bit. Okay? "Yeah, well this was fun. Come on, Stace, let's go." I said, pulling her away from the creep. I wasn't sure what just went down, but I was sure that I didn't want to stick around and find out. For the next hour, we caught up completely and she asked how I went from liking the vampire prince to dating the angel one that I had claimed to hate, while I asked her how not dating was working out. Eventually I lost sight of her though, so I went to go find Alexander. I found him alright, watching as Stacey and Darrel talked, with goofy grins on their faces. I walked up next to him, "What're they up to?" "Exchanging pick up lines." Alexander laughed. I laughed as well. "Wow, they would." He smiled brilliantly. "You enjoying yourself?" I nodded. "But you still aren't forgiven for lying." "I didn't lie." He objected. "You promised-" "I did not throw you a party. Dana threw you a surprise party. I just knew about it." He said, smug. I rolled my eyes. "Same thing." "Nope! It means I didn't break my promise!" Ugh damn him! "Oh whatever." I said, smiling, because I couldn't stay mad at him. "Oh and you use to like the vampire prince? Really?" Alexander asked, jealousy in every word. I smiled, extremely turned on by this side of him. "Mhm, had posters and everything." His eyes darkened and I kissed him softly. "Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you're the jealous one?" Alexander caressed my cheek. "You bring it out." He whispered in my ear. I shivered with desire. "Mmm... you need to stop this." I informed him. "Stop what?" "Making me want you. We're not going to have sex right here in front of all these people. It's already bad that we're being seen together, your dad will kill me." His eyes darkened. "He'll do no such thing. I don't agree with those stupid rules he made, especially those saying I can't have you. No one will take you away from me, especially not that bastard." I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. "You're right. You have me, I'm yours and that's the way it'll stay." I said, softly, trying to calm his anger. His dad was taken away so much from him, but he's still the ruler. Until Alexander can pin him down for treason, Leo will live, or Alexander will be in trouble for murdering his father. Speaking of the devil, Leo came over and took my arm. "Violet! I haven't seen you yet today." He said, pulling me away from Alexander and in front of a large crowd of people. No, no, no! "Happy Birthday to the best body guard I've ever seen in my life!" He exclaimed before hugging me. I stood still, hating every minute. "You're touching me." I stated, my voice void of emotion. "Smile and play nice, or I'll have your pretty little head chopped off and on my mantel." He said so low, I was sure no one else but me could hear it over the music. I smiled at the audience, still hating every minute of being here. "Stop touching me, or tomorrow morning I'll have your penis on my mantel." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. That's right, two can play the threatening game. Although I would never keep that there, I would just... I don't know, that's gross. Leo laughed a big, booming fake laugh. "You've always been quite the charmer, Violet." He said, loudly. I looked away, not caring and my eyes met with Alexander's angry, red ones. His hair was turning black quickly, and all the girls were drooling over him. I yearned for him, for his touch, to calm him. And that's just what I'm going to do...just not with these people around. I jumped off the stage, therefore pissing off Leo, and brushed by Alexander, heading out the doors to his room. If he was smart, he would follow. Did I mention I have a very clever boyfriend? He followed me as I went into the bathroom and the minute I turned around, he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall. His lips moved fluently against mine. Things carried on and damn the first time was amazing, but the second time was better. I didn't even think that was possible. But it sooo was... We were just doing the worst part, putting our clothes back on, when Darrel walked in. He only saw my breasts, but still, it was awkward. Alexander growled at him and Darrel looked away. "Just came in because you guys suddenly went quiet. Wanted to make sure you weren't dead or something." He said, smiling. Oh you're funny. Not. I finished putting on my shirt and pat Darrel's back. "Even?" "Oh yeah. You're definitely forgiven." He said, being a perv. Alexander was looking between the two of us strangely. I smacked the back of Darrel's head. "Why don't you go flirt with Stacey?" He smirked. "I'll do that on our date tomorrow." So much for her not dating for awhile. Alexander smiled. "Nice." "Please don't fuck and chuck my friend." "I would never." Darrel swore. Alexander and I exchanged a look, then narrowed our eyes at Darrel. "Mmhhmm..." "No I'm serious, she's different." He said, and I swear on my life, I heard the honesty in his voice. I sighed. "Fine. Break her heart, I'll break your face. Clear?" "Clear." Just then, a tall man with broad shoulders entered the already cramped bathroom, an empty bottle of vodka in his hand. He had long black hair, and eyes such a light, ice blue that they were almost white. He gave me a lazy smile. "Hello, pretty lady. Can you tell me why it smells like sex in here? Was there a threesome?" Alexander laughed. "No, Dimitri, there was not." Darrel sighed. "Yeah, I wasn't allowed." I didn't know this man, so I just stared, waiting for someone to bring me in the loop. "Dimitri, this is my girlfriend, Violet. Love, this is my cousin, Dimitri. He's a blood child like me. His hair was originally white, but for some reason it changed to black." Dimitri smiled proudly. "Only one in the world, baby!" Someone is proud to be special. I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Dimitri." I said, noting the empty vodka bottle in his hand. "Seriously, is everyone in your family an alcoholic?" The two cousins laughed. "Helps with the side effects of being one of the dammed." Dimitri explained. "Plus, our grandfather was a diagnosed alcoholic so it runs in the blood." "Speaking of which, why are you bringing an empty bottle into the bathroom?" Alexander asked. "Because I hid a bit in here." He said, opening the shower curtain to reveal boxes and boxes full of bottles and bottles of alcohol. My jaw dropped. "So you did." My boyfriend confirmed. Of course, it would seem like just a little to the both of them. Dara opened the door. "Present time!" She exclaimed. "...Woah, party in the bathroom?" "Yes, and you weren't invited." I told her. We all laughed and exited, well all but Dimitri who needed what he came in for in the first place. "Not everyone brought a present though, right?" I verified. "I really don't like presents." "No, not everyone did." Alexander said, his arm around my waist. I sighed in relief. "So there shouldn't be a lot, right?" I asked, as we approached the party. People moved out of the way, until we reached the table. Wrong. Very, very wrong. There was a gigantic stack of gifts. And by gigantic, I mean shitload. Why? Just why? "Can you believe that all these, and still not everyone brought a gift?" Alexander said, smiling. Yeah, soak it up me being spoiled, even though I really don't deserve all this shit. "Come on, Violet, open them." "Open mine last!" Flo exclaimed, apparently wanting the best for laugh. "No! I'm her sister, she can open mine last!" Kiara argued. She knew about this too? Oh wait, why am I even surprised at this point? I went through the people I didn't know first. It was all sorts of gift cards, weapons, action movies and video games. Really, I don't play video games, but it was nice of them anyways. The one from my mom, first gift she's given me in forever, I didn't even open, I just discretely tossed it into the garbage pile. After all that, there were nine presents left. From Kiara, Flo, Darrel, Mike, Patrick, Damien, Anita, Zane and Dimitri. I opened Dimitri's, a guy who didn't know me at all, to find a beautiful vintage dress that was actually my size. "What did you get me this for?" I asked, admiring it. "I want you to wear it for Alexander's birthday party." "Wow, you think far ahead." I commented, closing the box before my angel dearest could see the dress. "I'll take that as a compliment." Dimitri said, before taking a nice gulp from his bottle. "Thanks for the gift." I said, putting it aside. I picked up the one from Zane. I opened it and it was just a shitload of condoms. "... Thanks for the protection, Zane." Everyone laughed at the protector needing protection, but I really was thankful. We haven't used protection at all yet, and I don't want to get pregnant. I put his aside and opened Anita's, which was a blender like the one Alexander had used to make those delicious smoothies. I smiled. "Guess who's getting a smoothie for this?" Anita chuckled. "He told me you enjoyed those." I put that with the others and opened Damien's, Patrick's and Mike's which were all sexy outfits. I can now be a naughty french maid, sailor girl, nurse, bunny, cow girl and a school girl. "Hey, Violet, didn't you use to have a school girl outfit like that?" Stacey asked. Alexander raised an eyebrow. I tried to remember, but came up blank. "Remember... you were going to sing that song about Mr. Watson for the talent show and then your dad found out and told you that there was no way in hell you would go on stage dressed like that?" Mr. Watson was my sexy history teacher who I wanted to sleep with. Yes, sleep with. Every girl has fantasies about sleeping with a teacher, well a hot one, and I just wanted to sing mine. It was senior year anyways. And she's right, I was going to wear that. I had already gotten my belly button pierced, and well I felt hot like that. Plus if I had to sing something, since I was voted within my group of friends to be the singer, I was going to sing what I wanted and dress how I wanted. But my dad had messed that up. He saw us doing a practice recording, and once I finished, we got into a fight. Probably the last fight I ever had with him, since the talent show was before Christmas break. He said if I played that song, he'd take away my cell phone, computer, Ipod and I wouldn't be allowed to see friends all week. He didn't have a problem with me dating or having safe sex, but a public performance about hooking up with my teacher was a disgrace. At the time, like any other teenage girl, I thought he was ruining my life. So I rebelled. "That's right, I did." I said, thoughtfully as I remembered the talent show. "And then I dyed my hair black, wore fishnets, a black mini-skirt, and a tight black shirt that only covered my breats while singing a song about being seventeen and him not being able to control me." "Right! It ended with 'You cannot control me, father. Daddy's girl's a fucking monster.' It was great! What did you ever do with that song?" She asked. "Sold it to humans." " you still have that stuff on video?" Darrel asked. "Alexander, you never told us she had a belly ring. That's hot." Zane added. My boyfriend smirked. "I know she is. And I wanted to keep her to myself." "Which is why I don't think it's a good idea to show you boys that video. I was way more revealing than I should've been." I told everyone. "I wasn't a good kid." Darrel smirked. " were a very bad girl." "Enough." Alexander said with authority, defending me. "Go ahead, Violet, open your next gift." I opened Darrels and got a whole bunch of toys. Or should I say 'toys'. Lots of them were for self pleasure, along with a whip and handcuffs for Alexander and the cop and criminal outfits to go with. "You know, I'm starting to think your friends went shopping for you for my birthday." They laughed, but I was serious. Not that I minded, this stuff will most likely be used, but still. Well minus the toys just for me. If I was horny, I would have Alexander fix it. The next gift was from Flo. It was a scrapbook. I couldn't help but open it and the people closer to me huddled around to look. It started off when I was a baby. The toddler and child pictures were next. My favorite of those was of me in my princess dress, looking up at the camera. I wasn't smiling or anything, just looking with curiosity. The next two pages were of me as a teenager, some with my dad. The whole time I looked at these, I couldn't help but smile. The colors from the paper background were beautiful and I just loved it. But it didn't end there. Luckily, Flo left out the funeral pictures and skipped to the present. There was some of me bored at Alexander's meetings, training, glaring at the camera and just being around the house. I like the glaring one, but that's just me. The last pages were full of Alexander and I. Talking in the kitchen, sleeping in each others arms, kissing, and training together. I had three favorites. One of us just laying out in the sun, holding hands, and having a great time. The second is us kissing in his kitchen. Why is this a favorite? Well it's somewhere we are everyday, so photo proof of us being there together, its like we belong I guess. The last is us fighting. It's the only one, but I love it. Just the fury and passion I can see in his eyes... I don't know, I love it. After that page though... it was empty. I pouted. "Hey, why isn't there anymore? Does my life end here?" Flo laughed. "No, you just need to finish it." "My life or the book?" "Both." "That's pretty... now open my gift!" Kiara exclaimed. Instead of questioning her, I opened it. Inside was all my princess movies and the home videos my dad made. "Kiara! You found these!" I exclaimed, happily. Yes, princess movies. I'm excited about princess movies. Because when I was little, that's what I was going to grow up to be. A princess. And I was going to sing to animals, fall in love with my prince and live happily ever after. I had each and every movie memorized and I bet I would remember them. "Yup! I figured you would want them." I hugged her. "Thank you. Everyone, really, thanks. It's all appreciated. Now who wants cake?" Everyone cheered. The cake was almost as big as the present pile, and after everyone sang to me, I had a difficult time blowing out all the damn candles. There was way more than twenty one there! And once everyone was fed and happy again, and I had lost Alexander in the crowd, there was a tapping on the mike. "This one... is for the birthday girl." Alexander said, into the mike. The band started and his voice sang, "On the ground I lay Motionless in pain I can see my life flashing before my eyes Did I fall asleep Is this all a dream Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare I will not die (I will not die) I will survive I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying." My body swayed to the music, entranced by his amazing voice. It was like he put all he had, heart and soul in his music. "On this bed I lay Losing everything I can see my life passing me by Was it all too much Or just not enough Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare I will not die (I will not die) I will survive I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying I will not die, I'll wait here for you I feel alive, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying I will not die, I'll wait here for you I will not die, when you're beside me I will not die, I'll wait here for you In my time of dying." At the end, he reached his hand out for me and I took it, going onstage with him. "You're amazing." I said, still in awe. He smiled. "Thank you, now it's your turn." "That's not a good idea, I haven't sang in years." I said, trying to back away, but then I realized I was already on the stage. Fuck. "Well lets not wait another. Who here wants to hear Violet sing?" The guests roared, outnumbering me and making Alexander win yet again. He smirked. "Sing." "Just for that it's going to be about drugs." I said, wiping that smirk right off his face. I pushed my unhappy boyfriend off the stage and tried to think of what I could sing. I wanted to do something upbeat, but also something about Alexander. I smiled, coming up with the perfect where I didn't just lie to him. I whispered to the band what to play, and went up to the mike. "This one is for Prince Alexander." I announced. "Maybe I need some rehab Or maybe just need some sleep I got a sick obsession I'm seeing it in my dreams I'm lookin down every alley I'm making those desperate calls I'm staying up all night hoping hitting my head against the wall What you got boy, is hard to find I think about it all the time I'm all strung out my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind! Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love." The more I sang, the more into the song I got. I also realized that while ironic, the lyrics were pretty accurate on how it was. "Won't listen to any advice Momma's telling me I should think twice But look into my own devices, I'm addicted it's a crisis My friends think I've gone crazy My judgments gettin' kinda hazy My steeze is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crack head What you got boy, is hard to find I think about it all the time I'm all strung out my heart is fried I just cant get you off my mind! Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love." I pulled Alexander, who was smiling instead of frowning, back onto the stage and started dancing with him as I sang. "I don't care what people say The rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you're with me But crash and crave you when you leave Hey, so I got a question Do you wanna have a slumber party in my basement? Do I make your heart beat like an 808 drum Is my love your drug? Your drug? Huh, your drug? Huh, your drug? Is my love your drug? Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Because your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love (I said) Your love your love your love is my drug Your love your love your love Hey, hey, so You love, your love your love, is my drug." I kissed him in front of tons of people. "Thank you." I whispered in his ear. "For what?" He whispered back. "The party, my present, dealing with me and just for everything. Thank you." Alexander smiled. "You are very welcome." "Violet!" Anita called from the side of the stage. Alexander took my hand and we walked over to her together. "This wasn't printed out earlier, but this is also my gift to you." She said, handing me a piece of paper. Confused, I looked down and saw it was a bunch of words about my health. "Okay... I'm really not in a thinking mood. What is this?" "A clean bill of health." She explained. "You are officially healthy enough to fight again." I grinned. "Really?" I exclaimed, excited. Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Alexander laughed. "Yes, love, really." "Awesome! Let's go right now!" I said, trying to go for the door, but Alexander still had my hand and held me back. "Oh what now? Come on, please?" "This is your party, birthday girl." Alexander reminded me. "We can go tomorrow morning, but we aren't leaving our guests now." Ew, being reasonable. I pouted, jutting out my lower lip just to torture him. I looked up at him with big eyes. "But I wanna go now..." He stared at me, about to cave, but Anita pulled his sleeve. He looked at her. "What?" "Don't give in, boy. What she's pulling is the oldest trick in the book. She can wait." She said, all knowingly, before leaving. I glared at her as she left. "Thanks a lot!" "You did that on purpose?" He asked, amused and pulling me in. "Yeah, it's a girl thing. Works everytime...well unless someone else ruins it." I said, wrapping my arms around him. "Huh. I'll have to look out for that." I smiled. "I won't pull it often, I promise." Still can't believe that worked. Wow, I really need to get more in touch with my girl side just for these kind of tricks. "Sure you will. Now would you care to dance?" I nodded and we danced the night away. After everyone left, Alexander stayed to help Anita and the crew clean up the mess from the party. Most of my gifts were being brought to my father's house, except the stuff that could be used here. I was cleaning up, because Alexander and I both want to test those things Darrel got me and I wanted to be ready by the time he got up here. I got on the police girl outfit, just because I really wanted to use that whip. I put my bathrobe on over it and that's when I saw it. On the burro, there was a large dark violet bag with light violet tissue paper sticking out. The creepy part, is that it wasn't there before I got ready. I slowly walked over and noticed a mini card. I hesitantly opened it and it read, ' Don't think I forgot about your birthday, darling. I'm still watching. - Z.' I looked out the window automatically, but saw nothing. Half of me wanted to just chuck his gift out the window, but the other part was curious. My curiosity won over and I removed the tissue paper. Inside was a folder that read 'Operation: Gold Eyes. Subject 104: Violet Charest.' I stared at it, trying to remember where I've seen this folder before. The darkness faded and it was the spot where my father had died, only his body had been removed, his blood still there. A woman I vaguely recognized went and picked up a folder next to the spot. She sighed, "Oh I told you not to do this..." My mother said. I'm not sure who she was talking to because I was too focused on the folder she was holding that read, "Operation: Gold Eyes. Subject 104: Violet Charest." "Still think your father was a great man?" The voice whispered in my ear. I gasped, remembering that nightmare. It's real? I'm an... experiment? I shook my head. No, I don't want to know, not now. It's my birthday, I want to have a good ending to it. I put it at the bottom of my bag, to look at tomorrow, because tonight I was going to have fun with my sexy boyfriend. Tomorrow, I was going to read about myself and get some answers.
19 May 2016 | 22:27
new ep. here @kemkit @victoriouschild @donyas @frankkay r.c plz
19 May 2016 | 22:28
New Episode Is Here @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @ @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homstrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @ @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @gsoul @somisom @divathemmy @mavbirth @everybody
20 May 2016 | 03:15
20 May 2016 | 06:59
ep. 19 . alex pov . Red eyes, black hair, long black wings with red streaks, was me. But whyt was I angry..? What was I doing? Standing over a Violet's body with someone very familiar beside me. Someone I missed greatly. Someone who was banished. My mother. I looked at her, "Mother..." I whispered. She smiled meekly, "Alexander..." her eyes teared, "My dear child, Alexander..." her soft hands brushed my cheek and my face automatically rubbed itself against them. "Alexander.." another whimper said. I looked down at Violet and dropped down to my knee's as the blood poured out of her mouth. Her golden eyes looked at me, "Please, save me..." "Violet?" I said, "Violet? Wake up! Please! Wake up!" I picked up Violet's limp body, "Mother? Who did this? Tell me. Tell me now ." I said in a growl. "Alexander," she shook her head in disgust, "You are just like your father." Then she turned and walked away. Please...don't go...please..stay, mother. I looked at Violet's shaking and tortured body...for the first time in my life, I felt...hopeless. "Alexander! Wake up!" I heard someone's voice say, "Wake up! " the manly voice said, then with a growl pushed me off the bed. I jumped up, still a bit groggy then stared angrily at my cousin. "What are you doing in my bedroom, Dimitri." I said, not asking rather..ordering. I was not in the mood for fun and games. And most of all...I was worried, where's Violet, my precious Violet? Why was she not here in my arms. Dimitri grinned the held up two full bottles of some human vodka called Grey Goose. I snagged one at out Dimitri's hand then with a plump , sat on my bed and began consuming the alcohol. "Ah, the great taste of alcohol." I grunted in agreement, then as all the rational thoughts came back into my head, I stood on my feet quickly, "Where's Violet?" I asked before the liquid was even halfway down my throat, causing it to land on Dimitri in little droplets. He growled, his eyes turning red and hair...well, that was already black. "Don't. Do. That. Again." he said, each word broken off into a growl, "Or else I will slowly dismember each part of your body and feed them to your own guard dogs." "Forget about that, you moron, where is my girlfriend? Tell me no -" But I stopped myself in mid sentence... You're just like your father. I gulped, only a dream. I'm nothing like him. Dimitri got up and took a long sip from his Grey Goose, then with a pat on my back from him, pointed downstairs, "Training. She's been at it and can't stop rambling about how much fun you and her are going to have hunting those, and I quote 'those fucking demons'. Oh these teenager's these days and their mouths." he said with a shake of his head and began walking away. I took the book that was on my bed side stand and threw it, in a perfect spiral, at the back of his head. " Fuck! " he raged and whirled on me, "You just signed your death sentence." he warned then ran at me. Dimitri may be old, and very strong and verypowerful, but he is not as old as me. Not as strong as me. And definitely not as powerful as me. I have at least 100 years on Dimitri. Now that I think on it...he may be as strong as Violet, maybe even stronger. We'd have to test that theory out. With his Blood Child powers, he had the advantage, and with his age and centuries of training, had his strength. Dimitri was close enough to where he was about to hit me, head-on. Stupid. Surprising me, he side- stepped my quickly then flipped behind me and shot me with illusions. You see, each Blood Child has a different power, or maybe a couple. I had fire and water, minus the crazy beast inside me. He has control overs ones mine in each way possible. A great skill to have, he can put me in an illusion, he can control my feelings, in other words being an empath. He can read my thoughts but only if I allowed him, with ordinary vampires he could get into their minds after having a taste of their blood, hence being some sort of telepath. And much more but it is left undiscovered. Like I said, he put an illusion in front of my eyes, I was walking down a street now. With Dimitri there but I couldn't fight back as he pummeled me into the ground. "Not so high and might now, eh cousin?" Dimitri mocked but was stupid enough to let his power waver which gave me a chance to freeze his ankles to the ground and swipe out from his mind trick. I used my speed and made my way behind Dimitri, holding my hand to his neck and letting him have a taste of my own power. I conjured fire and lit it on the back of his neck, causing his skin to redden and sizzle. Dimitri yelped but was frozen in place. "What were you saying, Dimitri?" "Ok ok, you win! Geez!" he said twirling away from my grasp as my powers melted away. He rubbed the back of his neck then flinched, "Was the burn necessary?" I grinned, "Sorry but I had to put you back in your spot." Dimitri laughed then patted me on the back as he walked out, pulling out another bottle from his coat, throwing one at me. How he stored 4 bottles in his jacket, I had no clue. I only had one thing on my mind as I drank my alcohol. Violet. My meant something. I don't know what, and the fact that I didn't even know if my mother existed anymore, set a rage inside my head as I recalled her saying 'You're just like your father.' I'm not. I- my thought stopped as I saw a very sexy Violet walk through the door with only a sports bra and my basket-ball shorts on. She had a towel around her neck with sweat beading her forehead. Her hair was pulled in a tight 'pony-tail'. She grinned as she saw me, clearly noticing I was only in my briefs. "Like what you see?" I said with a grin mirroring hers. Violet turned and locked the door, then with her speed, she had pushed me on the bed and straddled my waist, "Extremely." she said her hands pressed against my bare chest, and her lips at my neck. I felt her tongue lick a streak up my neck. This girl..I swear, she was such a tease. In a quick moment, I flipped us over with my holding my body up with one arm, the other was working it's way with her sports bra, then not finding a clip to unlatch, I grew frustrated and tore it off. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You're beautiful." I whispered then lightly kissed under her ear. Her head lay on my bare chest, resting on her hands. Violet peered up at me behind her dark lashes, "Well if I said you're beautiful then, it would one, sound like an insult. And two, be a complete understatement." I went smile, I could feel my laugh building in my chest...when a sudden sharp pain struck me in the middle of my chest. I felt my body tense, and I thew myself on to the floor, landing on my hands and knee's. "Alexander?" Violet said frantically but I held a hand up to stop her. I'm back. that demonic voice said in my head. I'm back, and this time when I come out, it won't be so pretty. the demon inside me cackled. I groaned as the pain grew me. I felt myself yell out loud, still holding the hand up to stop Violet. She chose to ignore it, "Stop!" I snarled as I fought with my inner pain. I looked up in the mirror and saw my hair go black, and my eyes filling into red demonic eyes, not even the whites of my eyes remained. My wings shook while the pain in me grew, they started to extend until they were sticking out straightly. Violet saw my eyes and gasped, I shut them closed and the pain finally subsided. A noise that sounded like a mix between a growl and a whimper came from my throat. Finally, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground, not having the strength to hold myself up any longer. Violet tried dragging me on to the bed, but I was too heavy. I tried conjuring strength but it wasn't helping. I had none left, finally Violet got me on to the bed, "Are you ok?" She asked. I gulped and nodded, "Don't. Tell...An-ita." I said in a broken whispers, "Ge-t...Dimi-tri and tell him w-hat happ-ened." Violet nodded, "Don't talk anymore. Go to sleep, love." she said with a sad smile and lightly pecked me on the lips. I did exactly that. I had a dream-less nap. It was But I knew what was happening, why I had a sudden pain and why the demon chooses now to talk to me. 4 days until the full moon where it's the demon's turn to come out. Again. isn't going to be so pretty this time? Is that what it said...? I felt my lip raise in a snarl, bastard. "He's awake." I heard my cousins voice state then I heard him gulp. "Why is that everytime I see you, you're drinking?" "I told you already, I'm an alcoholic. That's what we do." "Well Alexander doesn't." "Which Alexander are you dating? He drinks more then me." Dimitri snorted, "Not as much anymore, I guess. Since he met you." I opened my eyes, "Can you guys get any louder?" I said, flinching as I stood up. "No si-" Violet started but I was already on my feet, realizing I had boxer's on now. I started to stretch and felt nothing. My wings ached to be stretched and in the air. Only one word came to my mind... flying. I hurriedly got on my pants, then threw open the window that led to my balcony. "Alexander! Where are you goi-" "Flying! I'll be back soon!" I said, winking at her and leaving until Violet's reprimanding voice called me back again, "Alexander Kellen Laire, get back in here." I started flying in place as I stared at Violet through the window, I grinned, "Love you!" I called out before turning around and flying off. I felt the wind under my wing, the soft droplets of water sprinkle on my body, in complete happiness and bliss, I spun in a circle. But was quickly joined by Dimitri. "It feels nice to fly!" he said, laughing. "You sure you're not drunk flying?" I said with a wink. "Look who's talking." he snorted then flew ahead of me, "Race you to where the Fairies live!" Dimitri said then sped off. After an hour of nonstop flying/ racing. We sat on the edge of a cliff, resting and drinking. Yes, Dimitri brought along some more alcohol. "So why haven't you found a mate yet?" I asked after taking a sip. Dimitri shrugged, "I tried finding one but you know how it is, man. These angel girls are annoying as hell. And I don't know nor take an interest in the vampires, or fairies, or pixies for that matter." I laughed, "Then let's find you a human." Dimitri glared at me, "Not even funny. They would freak out." "I guess we'll have to go the human realm and find you one." I thought about it for a moment, "What if she was changed...into a vampire? Or Angel?" Dimitri laughed, "In her dreams. This handsomeness can't be tied down to one girl, especially if she was human! Well what about you and Violet?" I laughed, "We're absolutely great." "How's the sex?" "Fantastic." I sighed and turned to my cousin, "I...think I might love her. I thought it would be impossible for me to love again...but it's happening." Dimitri smiled, "I like her, she's good for you. I mean a bit crazy and young but she's head over heels for you." "Everybody's young for me. After 200 something years..." Dimitri's eyes widened, "It's been 200 years already?" I laughed, "Yeah," I said shaking my head, "250 long years. How old are you now?" Dimitri stopped and counted, "159..." he paused, "I think..." I put an arm around my cousin's shoulders and took a long sip, "We're old men!" "No..." he said, pulling my arm off of him, "You are. And you're a...what do they call them now...ahh, pedophile. " "What? I'm not a pedophile!" "Dear cousin, you are 250 years old dating a 20 year old girl. Technically 19 since she turned 20 yesterday." "Well we're both immortal so age is merely a number, cousin." I said then flinched as I felt the pang of the demon. Dimitri was silent for a moment, both of us drinking, "It's coming, isn't it?" he said, his voice low. I sighed and nodded, "I'm guessing in the next two or three days." "I'll be there to stop it." he said in a strong voice. " NO." I said almost in a growl, "I can't have you around me." Dimitri turned, "I'm not Violet and I sure as hell am not Lydia, I'm a blood child like you, I know how to control it. " "You may be a blood child, Dimitri, but a young one at that. Also, you don't have the demon. It skipped my father, and you father and came to me." "I don't care what you say, Alexander." he said, his voice cold as ice. Matching mine. I scoffed, "We'll see. If I have too, I'll lock you in the bedroom with Violet." He laughed a laughed without humor, "Then I'll break the door down and put Violet in danger, also." I felt my eyes redden, "You will not do such a thing." Dimitri whispered, "Cousin, you've known me for far to long. You should know that I don't care for someone I just met like that, I care for my family, hence you and my mother only. Now while I've been gone for the past 20 years since you've seen me, I've been on missions, killing innocent humans, innocent vampire, innocent angels. " He said all that with every ounce of truth and yet no remorse. He's turning into a monster, even worse, he's turning into how I used to be. "Did my father send you on those missions?" Dimitri didn't say anything but looked away, into the distant sun. I growled, and crushed my fist into the rock under neath me, putting to much pressure, Dimitri and I ended up having to quickly extend our wings as the rock gave away under me. My fist throbbed since I hit it full on with my knuckles. I think I might've broken my knuckle. Damn. Without saying anything, we both flew back to the castle, this time each going at our own pace. Finally arriving in my bedroom window, I saw my beautiful Violet sleeping...but the odd thing was the spot around her eyes were red along with her nose. I smelt the traces of her salty tears...was she...crying? Papers were spread around her body. I picked up the papers, reading what they said, " Experiment: ZK1009 -Mixed bloods -Gold Eyes -Name: Violet Charest. As I looked through the papers, I grew angry...not angry is an understatement, I was beyond the point of being furious. Violet...Violet was an experiment, of her own father's. I thought he loved her. She was a little bit of everything, literally, all the blood was mixed together hence her gold eyes. My Violet... I growled out loud and pounded my already broken knuckle's in the wall above Violet's head, my fist going straight through the brick. Violet woke up with jolt, then stared at me, her golden eyes contrasting against her gold irisies. She registered the fact my hair was black, my eyes red, my body trembling with greatly restrained anger, and the crushed paper that was in the file in my hand. Violet's eyes widened, "Y-You weren't supposed to read that!" I narrowed my eyes, "So were you just going to hide this from me?" I snarled. I clenched my jaw, no, this is the demon's anger heightening mine. Breathe. Relax. "Of course I was. I-I'm a freak, Alexander! Do you not get that? I'm a threat against nature! I'm a mix of a fucking demon, angel, vampire, pixie, fairy, and wolf! More vampire then any of that but don't you get it?" Violet's voice dropped and her shoulder's shook with sobs, "Did he even love me?" Guilt panged in my chest as I wrapped my arms around Violet, she sobbed into my cold chest and I stroked her hair, murmuring soothing sounds. "Don't say that love, you aren't a freak...but a miracle. What else magical being could survive that? You're a one of a kind, and you're all mine. Don't say that you're a freak, ok? Your father did love you, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of creating your outstanding features of being so many different things." Violet sniffled and opened her mouth to protest but I shook my head and put a finger to her lips. In a swift motion, I picked her up in bridal style and brought her to my studio, laying Violet on the couch/ bed that was up against the wall, I sat on the piano stool and smiled at my beautiful girlfriend, "Just close your eyes, and listen. Relax ok, and only think about the words I sing to you." I realized I had never actually sang to her, if you ignore the birthday party. My fingers started going over the keys, the beat starting out slow then quickening, this song was originally meant to be played with a bass and drums but the piano worked. I had heard this song while on a trip too the human realm, " I never promised you a ray of light, I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday, I gave you everything I have, the good, the bad. Why do you put me on a pedestal, I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below, so help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there..." my fingers quickened with the pace of the song, " One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you I always said that I would make mistakes, I'm only an angel ," I sang with a smile because it was originally supposed to be 'human', " And that's my saving grace, I fall as hard as I try. So don't be blinded, see me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin, so pull me from that pedestal, I don't belong there. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you. Oh oh I, I just wanna love you ..." the words came from my mouth fluently, Violet made her way to my stool beside me, her head rocking with the song. I smiled at her as I sang these words for her especially, "Why you think that you know me, but in your eyes I am something above you, it's only in your mind, only in your mind. I wear a, I wear a-I wear a Halo. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me, but standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you. Haaaa ha-ha halo..." originally a woman by the name of Bethany Joy Galeotti sang this song but...I think I made it work. "That...was beautiful." Violet said, her voice cracking. "It was all for you, my little vampire." I said kissing her forehead, "You want to know a secret?" "Hmm?" she said, while melting to my hand stroking her spine. "I know how to play a lot more instruments then the piano." "You're going to have to teach me." I looked Violet in the eye and tilted her chin up to look at me, "I want you to remember one important thing, I love you, Violet Charest. It's been a couple months I know but I have fallen for your black hair, violet highlights, your charming personality, your savageness to kill, your love for my wings, your laugh, the way you run your hands through your hair, and last but most definitely not least, your gold eyes." DONE! NOW FOR THE 10 REVIEWS:)
21 May 2016 | 08:45
new ep. here @kemkit @donyas @frankkay et @victoriouschild r.c plx
21 May 2016 | 08:48
hmmnn.................... So violet is just an experiment
21 May 2016 | 12:14
Then she is suppose to be the strongest
21 May 2016 | 12:38
She may even have some hidden power waaooh this is really cool
21 May 2016 | 12:40
maybe there ismore to her abilities bit lets just hold up a bit
22 May 2016 | 15:09
ooohh y cant my post uodate show nh
23 May 2016 | 06:44
violet pov ep. 20 The Truth Comes Out I woke up long before Alexander was due to wake up. For awhile, I just lay in his arms, watching him breath. He his angelic face looked so peaceful, his beautiful neck with delicious blood looked... appetizing. I detached myself from him at once. I could not allow myself to be tempted. He makes me lose control in so many ways, I can't lose control in this department to. It takes so much to make myself more of a person than a vampire, but you can only deny what you are for so long. I'm a vampire, one that's been apparently experimented on, but a vampire nonetheless. I shook the thought away, it wasn't the time to think of that. I needed blood and no bagged shit was going to do the job. I've been denying that I'm a vampire. Yes, blood from a bag will quench the thirst for a little while, but from the source is ten times better. You can feel the life in the blood, where as when it's from a bag the life is already gone from it, it's just the nutrition. Vampires require both and it's about time I show I'm one.
23 May 2016 | 06:45
I slipped on jeans and boots then made my way over to Vampiria. I walked down the street with my hands in my pocket, trying to decide which of the human occupants would be the most delicious. None of them smelt as good as Alexander did, but I wasn't going to make my boyfriend my breakfast, so one of these poor souls would have to do. A human man ran into me. If I were human too, I may have stumbled, but I didn't, I simply stood there as he fell to the ground. "Ugh, watch it you stupid bitch." He shouted at me, before picking up a tan purse and running down the block. I looked in the direction where he came from to find an older woman, who probably only came out at five in the morning to do her grocery shopping, and was robbed. Found dinner. I ran after the man, easily catching up to him, and stopped a bit ahead. When he reached me, I grabbed him by the throat and shoved him against a brick building, making him drop the purse. "I don't think your mother taught you proper manners. When meeting someone, you don't steal their purse or call them a 'stupid bitch'. You give them a name." I informed him. I smiled, my beautifully white fangs fully extended. "I'm Violet."
23 May 2016 | 06:46
The human's eyes widened and he started scratching at my hand with no prevail. My smile widened as his heartbeat quickened in fear, "Are you afraid?" I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Because you should be." I bit the little thief's neck hard, deciding that he should get the bite full of pain rather than pleasure. His screams were loud as I drank the dark, delicious red blood from his veins. I could feel his life slowly leaving him and giving me what he doesn't deserve. Thus the art of being a vampire. I didn't feel like stopping, but a high pitched scream that didn't belong to the human thief stopped me. I pulled away and licked my lips, before looking over to see where it was coming from. The old lady had finally caught up and was staring at me in horror, the scream coming from within her. I dropped the boy who landed with a thud and passed out. I picked up the purse and held it out for the lady. The old woman had dark skin and black hair. " Raro ." She said, fear in her voice, as she ripped her purse out of my hands and ran off. I translated the word as I watched her retreat: Freak. I didn't like it one bit. Of course, she just said it because she saw me almost take the life of a man, not because she knows I'm some experiment. I shivered. Am I just some experiment? Or am I worth something more? I'll never know unless I read that file...
23 May 2016 | 06:47
One person clapped loudly. I looked over by the doorway and saw Dimitri leaning against it, his black hair in his eyes. "Very nice, love, you aren't halfbad." "Hey, only Alexander is allowed to call me that." I said, automatically. "I mean, no one can call me that. Just call me Violet." He chuckled. "Sorry, I picked that up while visiting in a place England, it's somewhere in the human realm. I also can use the accent at any given time." He told me, using a perfect British accent. "You got it just to pick up girls, didn't you?" He smiled charmingly. "Of course! What other reason is there?"
23 May 2016 | 06:51
rolled my eyes. "I wish you could get herpes, because that's what you deserve, man ho. When did you have time to learn that anyways?" Dimitri thought back. "Well... while you were being potty trained, I was learning how to say 'loo' instead of bathroom." "That's creepy. You knew exactly when I was being potty trained and learned to say bathroom in some British way? Someone's a creeper." "Shut up you were asking for a-" "No, no! Don't try to explain your creepyness to me! You can explain it to your future girlfriend!"
23 May 2016 | 06:51
He gave up trying to defend himself and just rolled his eyes. "So why are you here instead of with my dearest cousin?" "Oh! That's easy! See, we're going to go hunting later, and if he doesn't think we are well that's too damn bad because I just got a clean bill of health and am going with or without him." I told him, going on a slight ramble. "It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait! Which is why I'm training and getting pumped for it!" "Ah, yes, well I don't believe you need to get more 'pumped' for it than you already are." "I do so I can kill those fucking demons!" I exclaimed, with pure excitement. Dimitri eyed me. "Yes, you are freakishly similar to Alexander. You're both odd and enjoy killing demons."
23 May 2016 | 06:52
"Oh and you don't?" I countered. He smiled, and a dark secret sparkled in his eyes. "I just love killing in general, young Violet." He said, darkly. There was a lot more to this Dimitri than meets the eye, and while I was curious as to what it was, it didn't particularly matter. Especially since we aren't even friends. "Anyways, I came in here to ask if you'd like to have a drink with me." He asked, pulling a bottle out of no where. I shook my head. "I don't drink that much." "What a shame." I don't know if that was a compliment or not, but I took it as one. "Oh well, I'll just go get Alexander." "No don't do that. He's slee-" I started but he was already gone. I sighed and continued my practice for a bit, before getting sick of the fake stuff, I want some real action. I got a towel and wrapped it around my neck. I walked into the hallway then down to his room and just so happened to find my sexy angel only in briefs. I grinned.
23 May 2016 | 06:53
"Like what you see?" Alexander said with a grin mirroring my own. I turned and locked the door, then with my incredible speed, I had him pushed on the bed and was straddling him, "Extremely." I said, my hands pressed against his bare chest, and my lips at his neck. His delicious scent welcomed me to bite him, but I resisted. I licked a streak up his neck teasingly. In a quick moment, he flipped us over with him holding his body up with one arm, the other was working it's way with my sports bra, then not finding a clip to unlatch, he grew frustrated and tore it off. Alexander tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "You're beautiful." He whispered then lightly kissed under my ear. It's not the first time I've heard those words, but it's the first time they've been said like that, the first time it meant something. My head lay on his bare chest, resting on my hands.
23 May 2016 | 06:54
I peered up at him behind my dark lashes, "Well if I said you're beautiful then, it would one, sound like an insult. And two, be a complete understatement." He statrted to smile...but then he got tense. Suddenly, he wasn't with me anymore, he was on the floor on his hands and knees. "Alexander?" I said frantically, going to help him but he held up his hand to stop me.
23 May 2016 | 06:55
He groaned in pain and I felt my heart lurch. He yelled out in pain and I just couldn't take it anymore, regardless of what he wished. I threw on his shirt and went to him. "Stop!" He snarled. His hair turned pitch black, and his beautiful eyes turned so red and demonic, no white was left. His sexy wings extended in an odd angle, sticking out at an odd angle. But those eyes... they looked just like a demons... I gasped, making him close and them. A noise that sounded like a mix between a growl and a whimper came from his throat. Then he fell to the ground. I tried dragging him onto his bed, but I couldn't lift his dead body weight. Eventually though, I managed to get him on it, "Are you ok?" I asked, slightly freaking out. What a stupid question. Of course he's not okay. What the well just happened though? And how can I fix it? He gulped and nodded, "Don't. Tell...An-ita." He said in a broken whispers, "Ge-t...Dimi-tri and tell him w-hat happ-ened." I nodded, "Don't talk anymore. Go to sleep, love." I said with a sad smile and lightly pecked him on the lips. His body relaxed and I knew he was sound asleep. I put his boxers on him and covered him in his blankets, tucking him in. Then I did what he needed and ran to find Dimitri. I found him, drinking in the kitchen. "Dimitri!" I exclaimed. "Ah, the lovely sound of a woman practically screaming my name. Almost as good as the alcohol."
23 May 2016 | 06:56
Ugh, I don't have time for this. "No, Dimitri, I'm serious." I said, letting a bit of my anxiety about all this show in my voice. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's wrong?" "We were laying down together and then Alexander got extremely tense. Then he was on the floor and in so much pain. He was groaning and then that turned to yelling. His hair changed colors like it does when he's angry and his wings went out all weird and his eyes... those eyes..." I shivered. "They weren't his. Then he made a weird sound that was something between a growl and a whimper and he fell. I managed to get him to the bed but he said, no more like stuttered, to get you and tell you." Any previous joking or carefree left, and I've never seen Dimitri so serious. Then again I didn't know him that well but still. He nodded. "Thank you for informing me. Take me to him." I complied. "I'm not really sure what went on, I mean I think I know, was it the..." I trailed. "His demon? Yes." My heart tingled in memory of the pain that thing caused, that thing that is a part of him. He must be coming back soon...
23 May 2016 | 06:57
"A full moon is coming up soon." I whispered. "Yes, it is." Dimitri said, thoughtfully, glancing at me. "Have you seen that side of him?" I nodded. "Remember me mentioning that clean bill of health?" He nodded and I continued. "Well, that demon within him is the one that changed that. Used some dark magic that pierced straight through my heart." "And you're still with him?" I frowned. "Why wouldn't I be? It wasn't really him that did it, you of all people should know that." Since he is a blood child and all... He slightly smiled. "I do. Mine comes out every six months...want to meet him too?" "One is enough, thank you. Seriously I'll consider taking a little vacation when yours comes out." I said, opening Alexander's door. "That's a good choice. You should probably take a vacation soon too, you know so the past doesn't repeat itself." I shook my head. "I won't leave Alexander. And even when the demon is in control, I know he's still in there, and I can't just abandon him." I left out the part about not being able to watch him destroy so much either. Because honestly I don't know what to do with myself during these times. It's stupid to challenge him. Maybe seduce it? Uh yeah I don't know about that one either. That's insanely creepy. But if it got Alexander back in control? Well I would.
23 May 2016 | 07:06
"He's awake." Dimitri said, breaking me away from my thoughts and taking a sip from a bottle he pulled out of no where. "Why is that everytime I see you, you're drinking?" I asked. Honestly, I never see him without a bottle. "I told you already, I'm an alcoholic. That's what we do." "Well Alexander doesn't." "Which Alexander are you dating? He drinks more then me." Dimitri snorted, "Not as much anymore, I guess. Since he met you." He does drink a lot, just not as much as Dimitri. He use to drink more? And I...I changed him? Huh. Alexander's eyes opened "Can you guys get any louder?" He said, flinching as he stood up. "No si-" I started but stopped because he was already on his feet so it was pointless. In the midst of stretching, he hurridely got on pants, then threw open the window that led to his balcony. "Alexander! Where are you goi-" "Flying! I'll be back soon!" He said, winking at me like it would just fix everything. He started to leave. I called him back in a reprimanding voice, "Alexander Kellen Laire, get back in here."
23 May 2016 | 07:06
He cannot just be in pain, sleep then leave with no explanation. He started flying in place, looking more God-like than ever, and grinned at me. "Love you!" He said, before flying off. I was too dumbstruck to really pay attention to Dimitri leaving. He you. Wait, that is kind of casual. Like something you say when your friend is mad at you and you're trying to be all cute to get out of it. Then again, he could really mean it. Ugh this is way too much thinking... I looked down and realized I was still just in Alexander's shirt. I showered then got out some clothes. As I dug through my bag for something comfortable, a file fell out. 'Operation: Gold Eyes. Subject 104: Violet Charest.' I stared at the folder long and hard, reality crashing down on me. I quickly got dressed and sat in the middle of Alexander's bed, the folder in front of me. Hesitantly and completely urged by curiousity, I opened the file. What I saw...shocked me.
23 May 2016 | 07:07
'Expiriment: ZK1009 was originally thought up as to create a strong army with the best abilities of all the creatures and therefore create the best soldiers. It's developed to creating a new species altogether, the strongest, indestructable. The ones created will be the first line of this generation and their behaviors will be studied...' It continued on, saying how it was suppose to be the solution to the wars breaking out. Every kingdom leader signed it and it was sealed with a seal that I've never seen before. Even King Vladmir and Leo's name were on it. Supposedly, if this was succesful, this race would be the right hand man to the angels, in theory. There was plenty of room for change. The thing that really caught my eye... was the signitures of the researchers, and my dad's name was signed. I put the page aside and with a shakey hand grabbed the next one, which was completely written in my father's handwriting. ' By mixing all the bloods together, along with drug A4TI and T1R, it creates a gold vacine. All previous patients, from various ages, had entrancing gold eyes...but unfortunately didn't make it. I believe it's because they've already grown too much for the mixture to work properly, both mentally, physically and emotionally. There needs to be no attachment before the vacine is administrated. Which is why the next one will be on an infant. The first child born within the faculty of this underground operation will be the child given the vacine, and hopefully the best will happen.'
23 May 2016 | 07:26
My eyes started watering as I continued to read about why it needs to happen and the hopes and potential hazards of this. Mostly the hazards, which included being disabled or death. All these risks that were going to be taken, regardless of who the child was. I got to the one labeled Name: Violet Charest and before I read further, I already knew what it was going to be about. Me, I was the first infant born of the kids of this faculty. I read further anyways, now needing to know what I was, because I obviously am not what I thought. 'Violet Charest was taken right out of her mother's womb and away, there was no contact between the two after the embalica cord was cut. She was crying, the sign of a perfectly healthy vampire baby, when she was given the vacine. Oddly, she stopped crying immediately, and calmed down. We gave her to the mother who immediately felt there was something different about this baby and claimed it wasn't hers, she gave it back to the father, who had administrated the vacine and the mother just watched...' So my mother...she knew? It continued through the years of my infancy, where I learned more quickly than others my age. The writing got fewer and fewer as I got older, there was just a yearly check up every, you guessed it, Christmas Eve. I was bawling as I read it, but I almost couldn't read the last entry. It was on the night he died. 'Violet, aka Gold Eyes, has grown tremendously. She never ceases to amaze me. All the different bloods that make up her because of this experiment can clearly be seen if you're looking for them. If not, she just seems like the most weird and entrancing vampire you've ever met. Once you look, you can see it. She's as experimental as those out of control werewolves, the grace and seriousness of an angel, the charm of a sorceress, a flirty personality of a fairie and the wrath of a demon. The positive aspects make her great but there is a darker, negative side underneath. It flashes in her eyes when something is said that she doesn't like, but it doesn't come out. I've only truly seen this more...demonic side I suppose you could call it, when she was extremely angry. I had accidentally thrown out a stuffed animal her mother had given her the day before she left. Fits are normal but this was anything but. The gold in her eyes were practically glowing with anger, her little fists were held tightly against her sides and the glare I recieved cut right through me and there was this force around her that was undeniable. I had actually forgotten about it up to this point, but I cannot fathom how. I was terrified of my own daughter, my own expiriment that I thought was controlled. She isn't though. She made that perfectly clear at the talent show a few weeks back. While she somewhat obeyed me by not doing the song I told her to, she did one and admitted she was a monster. If only she knew, that she was so much more. She's the first of her own race. What to name it, I do not know, but it is official. She has developed into something, that while mostly has vampire traits, is not a vampire. Her attitude vaires a bit depending on her company because her blood matches the race she's with. In conclusion, she likes dating a variety of differnet species and most likely can carry any race's baby. She picks up things quickly and would aid perfectly in...'
23 May 2016 | 07:27
I stopped there, it was all too much. Not only was I a freak, but I meant absolutely nothing to the man I loved so dearly. I hate him, I hate him so damn much. I'm glad he's dead. Even as I thought that, I knew it wasn't true. I couldn't stop crying, that's all I did until eventually I fell asleep. I was woken up with a jolt and stared up at my boyfriend. His hair was pitch black, red eyes, his body shaking with anger and my file crushed in his hand. My eyes widened, "Y-You weren't supposed to read that!" I don't know how he's with me as it is, but this is just beyond embarassing. He narrowed his eyes, "So were you just going to hide this from me?" He snarled before clenching his jaw. "Of course I was. I-I'm a freak, Alexander! Do you not get that? I'm a threat against nature! I'm a mix of a fucking demon, angel, vampire, pixie, fairy, and wolf! More vampire then any of that but don't you get it?" My voice dropped and I started sobbing again, "Did he even love me?"
23 May 2016 | 07:28
Neither of my parents cared. My mom couldn't stand to stick around because I'm a messed up, unnatural being and she knew that right from the start. I actually admire her staying as long as she did now but I still hate that she didn't care. But my dad.. he pretended to care while taking notes on me my entire life? Alexander wrapped his arms around me, I sobbed into his cold chest and he stroked my hair, murmuring soothing sounds. "Don't say that love, you aren't a freak...but a miracle. What else magical being could survive that? You're a one of a kind, and you're all mine. Don't say that you're a freak, ok? Your father did love you, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of creating your outstanding features of being so many different things." I sniffled and opened her my to say that he didn't read the details, but he shook his head and put a finger to my lips, silencing me. In a swift motion, he picked me up in bridal style and brought me to his studio, laying me on the couch/bed that was up against the wall, he sat on the piano stool and smiled beautifully at me, "Just close your eyes, and listen. Relax ok, and only think about the words I sing to you." His fingers started going over the keys, the beat starting out slow then quickening. " I never promised you a ray of light, I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday, I gave you everything I have, the good, the bad. Why do you put me on a pedestal, I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below, so help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there..." his fingers quickened with the pace of the song, " One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you I always said that I would make mistakes, I'm only an angel," He sang with a smile, " And that's my saving grace, I fall as hard as I try. So don't be blinded, see me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin, so pull me from that pedestal, I don't belong there. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you. Oh oh I, I just wanna love you ..." the words came from his mouth fluently, I made my way to his stool beside him, my head rocking with the song. It was beautiful, especially with his amazing voice. And it was incredibly sweet and really made me feel better.
23 May 2016 | 07:29
He smiled at me as he sang,"Why you think that you know me, but in your eyes I am something above you, it's only in your mind, only in your mind. I wear a, I wear a-I wear a Halo. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me, but standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you. Haaaa ha-ha halo..." I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. But he had it all wrong. I didn't make him seem greater than he really is, he just doesn't see how incredible he is. Everyone else knows it, guys and girls, but how can he not? "That...was beautiful." I said, my voice cracking. I was so full of emotions today, more than usual, I couldn't even control my voice. "It was all for you, my little vampire." My gorgeous boyfriend said kissing my forehead, "You want to know a secret?" "Hmm?" I said, while melting to his skilled hand stroking my spine. "I know how to play a lot more instruments then the piano." It took a lot of self control to not jump him right there, he is too damn sexy. "You're going to have to teach me." Alexander looked me in the eye and tilted my chin up to look at him "I want you to remember one important thing, I love you, Violet Charest. It's been a couple months I know but I have fallen for your black hair, violet highlights, your charming personality, your savagness to kill, your love for my wings, your laugh, the way you run your hands through your hair, and last but most definitely not least, your gold eyes." He told me, making my heart soar.
23 May 2016 | 07:29
new ep. here @kemkit @frankkay @victoriouschild r.c plz
23 May 2016 | 07:31
wow! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,seems violent is even powerful dan Alex *jux guessing thou* weldone @holykruzz
23 May 2016 | 08:59
yeah, she is only 19yrs old and Alex is 259yrs old and she is already d second best fighter @kemkit
23 May 2016 | 13:06
NEW EPISODE HERE GUYS @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica 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@somisom @divathemmy @mavbirth
23 May 2016 | 13:49
9ix.... nxt
23 May 2016 | 17:38
ep.21 . alex pov . Red eyes, black hair, long black wings with red streaks, was me. But whyt was I angry..? What was I doing? Standing over a Violet's body with someone very familiar beside me. Someone I missed greatly. Someone who was banished. My mother. I looked at her, "Mother..." I whispered. She smiled meekly, "Alexander..." her eyes teared, "My dear child, Alexander..." her soft hands brushed my cheek and my face automatically rubbed itself against them. "Alexander.." another whimper said. I looked down at Violet and dropped down to my knee's as the blood poured out of her mouth. Her golden eyes looked at me, "Please, save me..." "Violet?" I said, "Violet? Wake up! Please! Wake up!" I picked up Violet's limp body, "Mother? Who did this? Tell me. Tell me now ." I said in a growl. "Alexander," she shook her head in disgust, "You are just like your father." Then she turned and walked away. Please...don't go...please..stay, mother. I looked at Violet's shaking and tortured body...for the first time in my life, I felt...hopeless. "Alexander! Wake up!" I heard someone's voice say, "Wake up! " the manly voice said, then with a growl pushed me off the bed. I jumped up, still a bit groggy then stared angrily at my cousin. "What are you doing in my bedroom, Dimitri." I said, not asking rather..ordering. I was not in the mood for fun and games. And most of all...I was worried, where's Violet, my precious Violet? Why was she not here in my arms. Dimitri grinned the held up two full bottles of some human vodka called Grey Goose. I snagged one at out Dimitri's hand then with a plump , sat on my bed and began consuming the alcohol. "Ah, the great taste of alcohol." I grunted in agreement, then as all the rational thoughts came back into my head, I stood on my feet quickly, "Where's Violet?" I asked before the liquid was even halfway down my throat, causing it to land on Dimitri in little droplets. He growled, his eyes turning red and hair...well, that was already black. "Don't. Do. That. Again." he said, each word broken off into a growl, "Or else I will slowly dismember each part of your body and feed them to your own guard dogs." "Forget about that, you moron, where is my girlfriend? Tell me no -" But I stopped myself in mid sentence... You're just like your father. I gulped, only a dream. I'm nothing like him. Dimitri got up and took a long sip from his Grey Goose, then with a pat on my back from him, pointed downstairs, "Training. She's been at it and can't stop rambling about how much fun you and her are going to have hunting those, and I quote 'those fucking demons'. Oh these teenager's these days and their mouths." he said with a shake of his head and began walking away. I took the book that was on my bed side stand and threw it, in a perfect spiral, at the back of his head. " Fuck! " he raged and whirled on me, "You just signed your death sentence." he warned then ran at me. Dimitri may be old, and very strong and verypowerful, but he is not as old as me. Not as strong as me. And definitely not as powerful as me. I have at least 100 years on Dimitri. Now that I think on it...he may be as strong as Violet, maybe even stronger. We'd have to test that theory out. With his Blood Child powers, he had the advantage, and with his age and centuries of training, had his strength. Dimitri was close enough to where he was about to hit me, head-on. Stupid. Surprising me, he side- stepped my quickly then flipped behind me and shot me with illusions. You see, each Blood Child has a different power, or maybe a couple. I had fire and water, minus the crazy beast inside me. He has control overs ones mine in each way possible. A great skill to have, he can put me in an illusion, he can control my feelings, in other words being an empath. He can read my thoughts but only if I allowed him, with ordinary vampires he could get into their minds after having a taste of their blood, hence being some sort of telepath. And much more but it is left undiscovered. Like I said, he put an illusion in front of my eyes, I was walking down a street now. With Dimitri there but I couldn't fight back as he pummeled me into the ground. "Not so high and might now, eh cousin?" Dimitri mocked but was stupid enough to let his power waver which gave me a chance to freeze his ankles to the ground and swipe out from his mind trick. I used my speed and made my way behind Dimitri, holding my hand to his neck and letting him have a taste of my own power. I conjured fire and lit it on the back of his neck, causing his skin to redden and sizzle. Dimitri yelped but was frozen in place. "What were you saying, Dimitri?" "Ok ok, you win! Geez!" he said twirling away from my grasp as my powers melted away. He rubbed the back of his neck then flinched, "Was the burn necessary?" I grinned, "Sorry but I had to put you back in your spot." Dimitri laughed then patted me on the back as he walked out, pulling out another bottle from his coat, throwing one at me. How he stored 4 bottles in his jacket, I had no clue. I only had one thing on my mind as I drank my alcohol. Violet. My meant something. I don't know what, and the fact that I didn't even know if my mother existed anymore, set a rage inside my head as I recalled her saying 'You're just like your father.' I'm not. I- my thought stopped as I saw a very sexy Violet walk through the door with only a sports bra and my basket-ball shorts on. She had a towel around her neck with sweat beading her forehead. Her hair was pulled in a tight 'pony-tail'. She grinned as she saw me, clearly noticing I was only in my briefs. "Like what you see?" I said with a grin mirroring hers. Violet turned and locked the door, then with her speed, she had pushed me on the bed and straddled my waist, "Extremely." she said her hands pressed against my bare chest, and her lips at my neck. I felt her tongue lick a streak up my neck. This girl..I swear, she was such a tease. In a quick moment, I flipped us over with my holding my body up with one arm, the other was working it's way with her sports bra, then not finding a clip to unlatch, I grew frustrated and tore it off. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "You're beautiful." I whispered then lightly kissed under her ear. Her head lay on my bare chest, resting on her hands. Violet peered up at me behind her dark lashes, "Well if I said you're beautiful then, it would one, sound like an insult. And two, be a complete understatement." I went smile, I could feel my laugh building in my chest...when a sudden sharp pain struck me in the middle of my chest. I felt my body tense, and I thew myself on to the floor, landing on my hands and knee's. "Alexander?" Violet said frantically but I held a hand up to stop her. I'm back. that demonic voice said in my head. I'm back, and this time when I come out, it won't be so pretty. the demon inside me cackled. I groaned as the pain grew me. I felt myself yell out loud, still holding the hand up to stop Violet. She chose to ignore it, "Stop!" I snarled as I fought with my inner pain. I looked up in the mirror and saw my hair go black, and my eyes filling into red demonic eyes, not even the whites of my eyes remained. My wings shook while the pain in me grew, they started to extend until they were sticking out straightly. Violet saw my eyes and gasped, I shut them closed and the pain finally subsided. A noise that sounded like a mix between a growl and a whimper came from my throat. Finally, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground, not having the strength to hold myself up any longer. Violet tried dragging me on to the bed, but I was too heavy. I tried conjuring strength but it wasn't helping. I had none left, finally Violet got me on to the bed, "Are you ok?" She asked. I gulped and nodded, "Don't. Tell...An-ita." I said in a broken whispers, "Ge-t...Dimi-tri and tell him w-hat happ-ened." Violet nodded, "Don't talk anymore. Go to sleep, love." she said with a sad smile and lightly pecked me on the lips. I did exactly that. I had a dream-less nap. It was But I knew what was happening, why I had a sudden pain and why the demon chooses now to talk to me. 4 days until the full moon where it's the demon's turn to come out. Again. isn't going to be so pretty this time? Is that what it said...? I felt my lip raise in a snarl, bastard.
24 May 2016 | 12:29
"He's awake." I heard my cousins voice state then I heard him gulp. "Why is that everytime I see you, you're drinking?" "I told you already, I'm an alcoholic. That's what we do." "Well Alexander doesn't." "Which Alexander are you dating? He drinks more then me." Dimitri snorted, "Not as much anymore, I guess. Since he met you." I opened my eyes, "Can you guys get any louder?" I said, flinching as I stood up. "No si-" Violet started but I was already on my feet, realizing I had boxer's on now. I started to stretch and felt nothing. My wings ached to be stretched and in the air. Only one word came to my mind... flying. I hurriedly got on my pants, then threw open the window that led to my balcony. "Alexander! Where are you goi-" "Flying! I'll be back soon!" I said, winking at her and leaving until Violet's reprimanding voice called me back again, "Alexander Kellen Laire, get back in here." I started flying in place as I stared at Violet through the window, I grinned, "Love you!" I called out before turning around and flying off. I felt the wind under my wing, the soft droplets of water sprinkle on my body, in complete happiness and bliss, I spun in a circle. But was quickly joined by Dimitri. "It feels nice to fly!" he said, laughing. "You sure you're not drunk flying?" I said with a wink. "Look who's talking." he snorted then flew ahead of me, "Race you to where the Fairies live!" Dimitri said then sped off. After an hour of nonstop flying/ racing. We sat on the edge of a cliff, resting and drinking. Yes, Dimitri brought along some more alcohol. "So why haven't you found a mate yet?" I asked after taking a sip. Dimitri shrugged, "I tried finding one but you know how it is, man. These angel girls are annoying as hell. And I don't know nor take an interest in the vampires, or fairies, or pixies for that matter." I laughed, "Then let's find you a human." Dimitri glared at me, "Not even funny. They would freak out." "I guess we'll have to go the human realm and find you one." I thought about it for a moment, "What if she was changed...into a vampire? Or Angel?" Dimitri laughed, "In her dreams. This handsomeness can't be tied down to one girl, especially if she was human! Well what about you and Violet?" I laughed, "We're absolutely great." "How's the sex?" "Fantastic." I sighed and turned to my cousin, "I...think I might love her. I thought it would be impossible for me to love again...but it's happening." Dimitri smiled, "I like her, she's good for you. I mean a bit crazy and young but she's head over heels for you." "Everybody's young for me. After 200 something years..." Dimitri's eyes widened, "It's been 200 years already?" I laughed, "Yeah," I said shaking my head, "250 long years. How old are you now?" Dimitri stopped and counted, "159..." he paused, "I think..." I put an arm around my cousin's shoulders and took a long sip, "We're old men!" "No..." he said, pulling my arm off of him, "You are. And you're a...what do they call them now...ahh, pedophile. " "What? I'm not a pedophile!" "Dear cousin, you are 250 years old dating a 20 year old girl. Technically 19 since she turned 20 yesterday." "Well we're both immortal so age is merely a number, cousin." I said then flinched as I felt the pang of the demon. Dimitri was silent for a moment, both of us drinking, "It's coming, isn't it?" he said, his voice low. I sighed and nodded, "I'm guessing in the next two or three days." "I'll be there to stop it." he said in a strong voice. " NO." I said almost in a growl, "I can't have you around me." Dimitri turned, "I'm not Violet and I sure as hell am not Lydia, I'm a blood child like you, I know how to control it. " "You may be a blood child, Dimitri, but a young one at that. Also, you don't have the demon. It skipped my father, and you father and came to me." "I don't care what you say, Alexander." he said, his voice cold as ice. Matching mine. I scoffed, "We'll see. If I have too, I'll lock you in the bedroom with Violet." He laughed a laughed without humor, "Then I'll break the door down and put Violet in danger, also." I felt my eyes redden, "You will not do such a thing." Dimitri whispered, "Cousin, you've known me for far to long. You should know that I don't care for someone I just met like that, I care for my family, hence you and my mother only. Now while I've been gone for the past 20 years since you've seen me, I've been on missions, killing innocent humans, innocent vampire, innocent angels. " He said all that with every ounce of truth and yet no remorse. He's turning into a monster, even worse, he's turning into how I used to be. "Did my father send you on those missions?" Dimitri didn't say anything but looked away, into the distant sun. I growled, and crushed my fist into the rock under neath me, putting to much pressure, Dimitri and I ended up having to quickly extend our wings as the rock gave away under me. My fist throbbed since I hit it full on with my knuckles. I think I might've broken my knuckle. Damn. Without saying anything, we both flew back to the castle, this time each going at our own pace. Finally arriving in my bedroom window, I saw my beautiful Violet sleeping...but the odd thing was the spot around her eyes were red along with her nose. I smelt the traces of her salty tears...was she...crying? Papers were spread around her body. I picked up the papers, reading what they said, " Experiment: ZK1009 -Mixed bloods -Gold Eyes -Name: Violet Charest. As I looked through the papers, I grew angry...not angry is an understatement, I was beyond the point of being furious. Violet...Violet was an experiment, of her own father's. I thought he loved her. She was a little bit of everything, literally, all the blood was mixed together hence her gold eyes. My Violet... I growled out loud and pounded my already broken knuckle's in the wall above Violet's head, my fist going straight through the brick. Violet woke up with jolt, then stared at me, her golden eyes contrasting against her gold irisies. She registered the fact my hair was black, my eyes red, my body trembling with greatly restrained anger, and the crushed paper that was in the file in my hand. Violet's eyes widened, "Y-You weren't supposed to read that!" I narrowed my eyes, "So were you just going to hide this from me?" I snarled. I clenched my jaw, no, this is the demon's anger heightening mine. Breathe. Relax. "Of course I was. I-I'm a freak, Alexander! Do you not get that? I'm a threat against nature! I'm a mix of a fucking demon, angel, vampire, pixie, fairy, and wolf! More vampire then any of that but don't you get it?" Violet's voice dropped and her shoulder's shook with sobs, "Did he even love me?" Guilt panged in my chest as I wrapped my arms around Violet, she sobbed into my cold chest and I stroked her hair, murmuring soothing sounds. "Don't say that love, you aren't a freak...but a miracle. What else magical being could survive that? You're a one of a kind, and you're all mine. Don't say that you're a freak, ok? Your father did love you, he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of creating your outstanding features of being so many different things." Violet sniffled and opened her mouth to protest but I shook my head and put a finger to her lips. In a swift motion, I picked her up in bridal style and brought her to my studio, laying Violet on the couch/ bed that was up against the wall, I sat on the piano stool and smiled at my beautiful girlfriend, "Just close your eyes, and listen. Relax ok, and only think about the words I sing to you." I realized I had never actually sang to her, if you ignore the birthday party. My fingers started going over the keys, the beat starting out slow then quickening, this song was originally meant to be played with a bass and drums but the piano worked. I had heard this song while on a trip too the human realm, " I never promised you a ray of light, I never promised there'd be sunshine everyday, I gave you everything I have, the good, the bad. Why do you put me on a pedestal, I'm so up high that I can't see the ground below, so help me down you've got it wrong, I don't belong there..." my fingers quickened with the pace of the song, " One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you I always said that I would make mistakes, I'm only an angel ," I sang with a smile because it was originally supposed to be 'human', " And that's my saving grace, I fall as hard as I try. So don't be blinded, see me as I really am, I have flaws and sometimes I even sin, so pull me from that pedestal, I don't belong there. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me. But standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you. Oh oh I, I just wanna love you ..." the words came from my mouth fluently, Violet made her way to my stool beside me, her head rocking with the song. I smiled at her as I sang these words for her especially, "Why you think that you know me, but in your eyes I am something above you, it's only in your mind, only in your mind. I wear a, I wear a-I wear a Halo. One thing is clear, I wear a halo, I wear a halo when you look at me, but standing from here, you wouldn't say so you wouldn't say so, if you were me and I, I just wanna love you, oh oh I, I just wanna love you. Haaaa ha-ha halo..." originally a woman by the name of Bethany Joy Galeotti sang this song but...I think I made it work. "That...was beautiful." Violet said, her voice cracking. "It was all for you, my little vampire." I said kissing her forehead, "You want to know a secret?" "Hmm?" she said, while melting to my hand stroking her spine. "I know how to play a lot more instruments then the piano." "You're going to have to teach me." I looked Violet in the eye and tilted her chin up to look at me, "I want you to remember one important thing, I love you, Violet Charest. It's been a couple months I know but I have fallen for your black hair, violet highlights, your charming personality, your savageness to kill, your love for my wings, your laugh, the way you run your hands through your hair, and last but most definitely not least, your gold eyes."
24 May 2016 | 12:33
ep. 22 . Violet brought my lips to hers and kissed me passionately. She got on my lap, straddling on my piano bench, not once breaking the kiss. I caressed her curves and began kissing her neck, exposing my neck to her. I trusted her but if she bit me, I wouldn't mind, I'd even enjoy it. Then she had her hand on my groin, ...Just as asshole walked in. "What is going on here?" My father roared. We both stopped and looked up in annoyance. My anger flared and I gently took Violet off me and placed her on the bench. I faced my pitiful excuse of a father, "None of your business, father. Leave." "You will not tell me what to do, boy, I am your father." Leo went on, clearly pissed. "It's bad enough that you are dating a vampire, but disrespecting me in this house and sleeping with the filth as well? I raised you better than this." It's one thing to mess with me, it's a completely different matter to mess with Violet. Just as I was about to put him back in his place, Violet stood next to me with her arms crossed. "Really, Leo." She said, putting venom in his name. "It was okay when he was dating a God damn fairie, who can't reproduce an angel either, but not me? Why is that? Because she bowed and kissed ass the entire time?" I love it when she's jealous. Leo straightened up. "Alexander was younger and it wasn't serious. Plus, she came from a wealthy family." He said, like that explains it all. To him, it did. He was a heartless bastard, things could be so black and white for him all the time. "Leo... if Dara had been serious, would you have let her stay with Alexander?" "He wouldn't." I said, my eyes still red and my hair still black from anger. It'd be a bit before I could calm down, definitely not with this prick in the room. Violet rubbed my arm soothingly and I slightly relaxed, but not enough to be calm. I wasn't sure where she was going with this, but I trust her. "And it's because the law says you can only be with someone who can give you an angel child, correct?" "Yes..." He trailed, just as unsure as me. She narrowed her eyes at him. "How can you forget that I am capable of doing just that, Leo? You did sign the paper so the expirament could begin." My love said, her voice ice cold. I tensed. "You...what?" My voice was low. Images of tearing him apart flooded my mind as my anger steadily increased. How can I call this man my father? Leo's eyes widened, in fear. He said nothing though, so Violet continued, "What? You don't remember expirament ZK1009? It's the one you signed so that once it was mastered, you could have a super army because the creatures created would have the best abilities of everyone so they would make the best soldiers." "The strongest and indestructable." He whispered, in awe and looking at her in a way that made me think he'd start drooling soon. I wanted to kill him just for looking at her like that."Amazing..." He reached out to touch my Violet and I inctinctively hit him. "Never try to touch her." I growled. "You made a man make his own daughter into an experiment! You are one sick bastard!" Leo stared at her a moment longer before looking at me. "I never said that they would have to involve their own family. And I'm not the only one who signed, every leader did. So do not make me to look like the bad guy." He said, quickly, before turning back to Violet. "As for you... you should be proud. You're the first and only of basically your own kind." She rolled her gold eyes. "Yay me." My little vampire said, sarcastically. "Regardless, my point is, that you signed it you should also know. Since I am everything... I will have the baby of whatever my lover is. If I got pregnant with a werewolve's baby, the baby would be a werewolf. If I got pregnant with your sons baby, it would be an angel baby. Therefore, I am legally allowed to date him." She concluded. In a perfect world, this would be enough for my father. Realization was evident in Leo's facial expression. "Oh... I suppose you are. This changes things." He said, more to himself than to us. At that, I actually began to relax. My hair and eye color started going back to their original colors. "Yes, so you will leave my Violet alone now?" Leo looked at us and without having a legitamit reason to keep us apart, he couldn't really say no. But I knew him and he wasn't done just yet. As the saying goes, the battle was won, but the war has just begun. "Of course. I apologize, Violet, for my behavior." He said, before taking a step back. "I have somewhere to be." And as quickly as he was there, he was gone. I glared at the doorway he used to leave. "Why do I have a feeling he won't leave you alone?" She met my eyes. "Because he won't." We both had a moment of silence with our thoughts, leaving me a bit to think of ways to protect her from my own kin. "We still haven't killed any demons! I have a clean bill of health, and you've been distracting me with sex." Violet accused. I chuckled. "You weren't complaining." No, she wasn't complaining. There was a lot of moaning though... "Yeah, well, we're going now." She said, going on her tip toes to give me a quick kiss. "That's final." "Yes, ma'am." I picked Violet up and took flight. The air fit under my wings and sent us up in the air. I immediately felt calm but excited. Excited for battle, that is. As I flew, Violet scanned the area. A large group of twenty four demons split into two groups of twelve, both going in opposite directions. "Drop me in front of the one headed south, then go get the one headed north." Violet instructed. "Got it." I kissed her neck. "See you afterwards." Then I soared low, not low enough to be seen but low enough for me to drop Violet without feeling guilty, then I let go. I easily sniffed out the demons and followed them. Landing in the middle of the ritual, I smiled, dangerously. "Hello ladies. A pleasure to see you all again." "Ah, it's the Prince." one of them spit, "It seems that my day just got better." "Oh?" I said, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the tree, "And why is that, child." If...they were even considered that. "So I get to kill you." he cackled. "If all you disgusting kids think you can kill me, than by all means...try!" I roared, lifting my arm up and sending dangerous icicles towards them. Each one of them were pierced and died, but one. I slowly walked up to the last one and twisted his arm back till he screamed in terror. The sound filled my chest with pleasure, "I'll let you live. I want you to go back and show them what I did to your friends. And tell them, especially Zagan, that I will be coming for all you, and I will annihilate all of you." I said into his ear, I twisted his arm back more, hearing the cracks and rips of his skin, "I need a 'sir yes, sir.'" "Sir, yes, sir!" it mumbled. "LOUDER!" I roared, "S-S-SIR YES S-SIR!" "Much better, one more thing. Don't even think about not delivering my message, I'll know if you don't, and I will track you down, and personally torture you so badly that you'll wish you were never born. I'll be watching." His pupils dilated and he nodded. Of course, I wasn't really going to watch him...but he's not even going to dare to call my bluff. I let him go and watched him scramble off. I had enough time to hurry back to Violet. I watched behind the tree, of her fighting. She was beautiful, unleashing her wrath upon the demons. Ironic. Her actions were lagging though. Finally Violet finished her fight, so I unrevealed myself from my hiding place. "You know, I've never actually watched you fight before." I said, coming out from the darkness. I noticed that she looked shocked, so I added, "Don't worry, I haven't been watching the entire time. I only caught the ending. I was fighting too, you know." She smiled. "I believe you. Now, can you do me a favor?" "Anything." I smiled. "Can you get this out of my back and bring me home?" Violet turned around and I noticed the horn that was stuck in the middle of her back. I smelt poison. "Violet." I said, disapprovingly. I gently tried taking it out, but I knew it still hurt her. Her body twitched as I slowly dragged it out from behind her. "Wasn't that bad. That's the worst injury, and it's barely a scrape." "It's not closing, completely, but it stopped bleeding. You must have poison inside." I said, lifting her up. "How long has it been in?" "Awhile." she admitted, not even bothering with lying. I resisited my smile. She's going to have to drink my blood to heal. Ah, perfect.
24 May 2016 | 12:34
ep. 23. "Awhile." she admitted, not even bothering with lying. I resisited my smile. She's going to have to drink my blood to heal. Ah, perfect. "Anita will take care of it, love, don't worry." I knew she didn't care about the "law". She nodded, eyeing me skeptically. I got her back to the castle as soon as possible and in front of Anita. She looked at Violet then me, "Simpler solution than me working with herbs and such." "And that is...?" "You need to drink from Alexander." Anita said, I couldn't control my smile any longer. "That's illegal." Violet stated, but I heard the desire in her voice. "Pish Posh! If you drink an angels blood, its properties will disolved the poison and quench that thirst for you. And Alexander isn't opposing the idea..." Anita trailed, before leaving us be. I smirked, knowing it was the last straw.. "Curious to see if your bite is as good as you brag it is." Violet looked at me with sultry eyes and a seductive smile to match. She teasingly walked slow, the excitement was getting to me. As soon as she was close enough, I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. Her fangs extended and slightly grazed my skin. I moaned. "Love, you're killing me." I groaned. She traced my vein with her finger, "I'll fix that, princey." Her fangs quickly punctured my skin and a rush of pleasure hit me. Every cell in my body began to tingle and every sense was heightened, more then it already was. Although Violet had to stop, it was safe to say that the fun didn't end there. We both were pretty turned on after so we couldn't control ourselves. I had quickly fallen asleep after our rendez-vous. For some reason, I kept having this same dream... I was flying in the sky, feeling completely weightless and that I had nothing around me. I was in complete bliss. I would fly with the birds, I would fly with the sky creatures. I would admire their beauty and try to mimick their flying techniques, after all these years, I still haven't been able to bank as well as a hawk. But I guess that's what their known for. Attackers of the sky. King of the Clouds, no those were eagles. Anyway, I would fly carelessly in circles and circles. Once I started to feel that nothing bad could ever happen again, a sharp...breath taking pain would shock me through my spine. I would instantly fall from the sky, dropping as fast as a weight from a 5 story building. My body would jerk around in the air as I would fight with the pain. The pain of someone ripping my wings out. A scream would escape from my throat and I would feel like I was truly in pain. It felt as though someone very powerful was pulling my wings out from behind my back, very crucially slow. My vision was becoming blurred and I couldn't control the constant screams of agony. Finally I would crumple to the ground, not being able to breathe or speak. All I could do was slowly die away and stare at my pair of discarded wings that would lie in front of me. I woke up with a gasp. My heart racing and my back aching from clutching my wings to my back. Cold sweat covered me from head to toe. I jumped over the bed frame, to the mirror, and felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest when I saw my wings still perfectly and beautifully connected to my back. I sat on the side of my bed and held my head in my hands. What's happening to me? A nightmare after another... I shook my head, no need to think about it right now. I'm just happy that Violet didn't see me like this. She's already witnessed so many things at such an early age, no need to bother her with my petty problems. I began walking towards the bathroom, a nice shower will relax me. I climbed into the shower and sat under the water for awhile before washing my head and exiting the shower. I shook my head, trying to stop from replaying but it threatened to over and over. I pulled on a shirt and pants before going out to the kitchen to look for Violet. The demon approaching me is giving me nightmares. I walked out of the bed room, heading towards the scent of pure alcohol, the kitchen. When I reached the kitchen, I took in the scene. Bottles everywhere, spilled alcohol in some places. And then I saw my precious vampire laying on the floor with a bottle next to her. Zane sleeping on the counter and Dimitri sitting in the doorway with a half-filled bottle in his hand. "'Ello cousin!" he greeted in a British accent. Which, just so happens to come out when he's drunk. "Wan' a sip from me bo'le?" I eyed him and shook my head, Violet began groaning and stretching. She was about to get up when she saw me in front of her, she looked up and saw me, I couldn't help but wear an amused expression. "Did you have fun?" I asked, holding out my hand. She said, taking my hand. "From what I remember." I laughed. "You do realize if it was with anyone but my two best friends, I would be angry?" She smiled. "Yes. But I figured if I'm involved with a family of alcoholics, I should learn." Very true. Dimitri chuckled from the doorway, clearly sober again. "You didn't do bad." he said, stretchig. "She's really good at being question master or replying to it. Her rhyming could use some work..." He trailed, finishing that bottle then leaving. Violet and I laughed. "Anyways, love, I have a favor to ask." I said, remembering the orphans. Violet straightened out her clothes. "Oh?" "Yes. I need you to go to the orphanage for me. It's getting too close to... that day. And I haven't visited for awhile, I don't want them to think I've forgotten about them." I explained and she almost immediately understood. "Do I have to?" she asked, biting her lip. Was she just trying to get me turned on? "I'm really not great with-" "Don't give me that bullshit. You are great with kids. Please, just do this. If not for me, for those adorable little orphans." Oh now that's just not playing fair. "Fine." she grumbled. "Zane." I said, pushing him off the island. Zane landed with an 'oof' and started cursing at me. "You're going with her." "I love how you ask her, then order me." Zane mumbled, before leaving to change. She raised an eyebrow. "Do you not trust me, Alexander?" It's not her I don't trust. I chuckled. "Of course I trust you. I just want to make sure you make it there and back. I had an odd dream about a certain demon, it's making me a bit paranoid." I can't tell her about my other dream. But, this one does scare me. "Zagan? Why did you have a dream about him?" "It's not like I can control it." She took my hand. "Right. What was it about?" I sighed, rubbing circles on the back of her hands with my thumbs. "You." I said, softly. "I have something to tell-" "Okay, if we're going, let's go now." Zane said, walking back in. "Aren't you going to change?" She sighed. "No, but thank for the interruption." I guess it'll have to wait. I felt my chest aching and my eyes throbbing. "We'll talk later. Alright?" I asked. Trying to get her gone so she doesn't witness this. She nodded, I knew she was frustrated. "Fine." I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. "I love you." I whispered. I wasn't expecting her to say it back, that would be unfair. But I did want her to know that I did. She smiled and kissed me again, loving that reminder. "See you soon." she said, leaving quickly. As soon as Violet left, I went straight to the cabinet full of my alcohol and took out Demon Blood. I took a shot glass and went out to the garden. Watching the setting sun, I slowly drank. I needed to push this pain away, to make it leave. I'm not leaving that easily... it said, cackling. Suddenly, my chest felt as if it was on fire. A yell escaped my lips and my body flew out of the chair, knocking the table and demon's blood over. Dimitri jumped down from the terrace. His eyes settled on my body on all fours. From the pond's reflection, I saw that my wings had become pointy at the edge, like a bat's. One of my eyes was full red, non of the white showing, my teeth were sharp like a demons. My hair had turned black...I truly looked like a demon. I couldn't look a myself any longer, I turned my head away. "Get up." Dimitri said, his voice becoming hoarse as my demon attracted his. I swatted his hand away and attempted at getting up but the pain increased and tumbled to my knee's, like a weak child. I growled at myself, "Go, Dimitri. It's attracting yours." my voice sounded nothing like mine, it sounded like a demons. "No." he said, his voice resembling mine, "We're in this together." My chest spiked with pain again and my hand clutched it. I let out another yell and grabbed the dirt, mumbling curses under my breath. My eye sight became hazy and everything had a red tint. You like this, huh. The way I view the realm. As a place to be...annihilated. Just think about, shut up, think about stroking Violet's hair then slowly yanking it out as she screamed in p-"SHUT UP, I SAID, SHUT UP!" I screamed. The demon laughed, yes, screaming Prince, scream. It only pleasures me more. "I will kill you." I said outloud, talking to him, "When I see you, I will kill you and tear you limb from limb. I will make your death much more painful then it should be." Right now, I have the power, it said, running his claws down my insides, I gritted my teeth to keep from groaning in pain, and I will make you suffer. Till tonight, prince. Then it vanished. I looked up to see Dimitri holding his head in his hands, muttering to himself. I stood up, my body returning to normal. "Why do you do this to yourself, Dimitri." He looked up, his red eyes slowly subsiding to his natural blue. "Because we are in this together, cousin." he said, then unfolded his wings and flew off. I picked up my phone and 'texted' Zane, Get back immediately, the demon is coming sooner then expected. Zane replied quickly with a simple, Ok. I went back inside and got everything prepared. He said till tonight. He's here. I was heading for the door, I smell Violet, hear her heartbeat. My Violet. I turned the corner as Violet was turning the corner, she ran right into me that caused me to stumble back and Violet fell on the floor. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, do not do anything stupid. How dare she push me back? I almost growled till I saw Violet laughing. It's Violet, Alexander. Why are you angry? I chuckled and helped Violet up. "In a rush?" I asked. Violet nodded. "I was going to find you." she said, giving me a quick kiss. I draped an arm around her shoulder and I started leading her towards the room. "Well you found me, love. With inpecible timing too." "Timing for what?" she asked. I couldn't look at her, the demon's words were replaying through my head. "It's coming sooner than expected." I finally got to the room where Violet would be, with everyone else. I noticed her put a hand on her heart, where I had hurt her. I looked away, taking a deep breath. I don't deserve to be with her. Or anyone. I'll just hurt them. Violet asked, "So you're going to lock me up?" I nodded. "You won't get out this time." She wouldn't be able too, in her mind.. she'll be scared. No doubt. It's only natural. But I'll also have my strongest guards and Dimitri out this time. She may be very strong, but not strong enough to be all them. She took my free hand and rubbed it. "What about everyone else?" "They'll be with you, the people I care about will be with you. And some guards." I turned her towards me, staring into her eyes. "No matter what happens... please remember what I told you, remember who I really am." She smiled. "I couldn't forget if I tried. You're amazing, whether you see it or not." she told me. "Plus, you love me." I smiled and kissed her, as if it would be my last time. And who knows, maybe it will. I pulled away, gently touched her face and then took a step back as a number of guards came in. The guards were escorting Darrel, Zane, Anita, everyone really except Dimitri in. Where was he...? I restricted a growl. Two guards tugged my arm, breaking my gaze from Violets. I turned as two guards grabbed Violet to drag her from the doorway. My heart was breaking. "Wait!" Violet exclaimed, breaking free of them and running towards me. What is this girl thinking? "Violet you have to-" "I know, I know. And I will, I just wanted you to know," she said, taking a breath, "I love you too. Always." Now I knew I would be better. I'll last this. Just with those three words, I'll last. I smiled wildly and kiss her once again, I pulled away, still smiling. "I'll see you soon, love." I just hope the next time you see me, your feelings will be the same.
24 May 2016 | 12:36
new ep here @kemkit @frankkay @victoriouschild r.c plz
24 May 2016 | 12:38
Enjoying This!.
24 May 2016 | 16:25
It sure wont
25 May 2016 | 10:06
Intresting..enjoying it..
26 May 2016 | 09:38
Pls where is d link to season 1&2
27 May 2016 | 08:50
@holykruzz ............hope all is well?
27 May 2016 | 16:23
episode 24 . I Love You Too He loves me... I brought his lips to mine and kissed him passionately. I got on his lap, straddling him on his little bench, not once breaking the kiss. His hands caressed my curves and his lips made their way to my neck, leaving his in perfect view. I ignored the thought of biting him, which was easy to do as his lips and tongue worked together to torture me, and put my hand on his groin. I started to massage him... ...Just as daddy dearest walked in. "What is going on here?" Leo roared. We both stopped and looked up in annoyance. Alexander gently took me off him and placed me on the bench. He stood up to face his father, "None of your business, father. Leave." "You will not tell me what to do, boy, I am your father." Leo went on, clearly pissed. "It's bad enough that you are dating a vampire, but disrespecting me in this house and sleeping with the filth as well? I raised you better than this." Before Alexander could explode, I did. Maybe it was the long day, maybe it was discovering I was an experiment, I don't know but I wasn't in the mood to deal with this shit. I stood by Alexander arms crossed. "Really, Leo ." I said, putting venom in his horrible name. "It was okay when he was dating a God damn fairie, who can't reproduce an angel either, but not me? Why is that? Because she bowed and kissed ass the entire time?" Leo straightened up. "Alexander was younger and it wasn't serious. Plus, she came from a wealthy family." He said, like that explains it all. Well at least he recognizes that his son cares about me... Something suddenly clicked right then and there. "Leo... if Dara had been serious, would you have let her stay with Alexander?" "He wouldn't." My boyfriend said, his eyes still red and his hair still black from anger. I rubbed his arm soothingly. "And it's because the law says you can only be with someone who can give you an angel child, correct?" "Yes..." He trailed, not really sure where I was going with this. I turned to Leo and my eyes narrowed. "How can you forget that I am capable of doing just that, Leo? You did sign the paper so the expirament could begin." I said, my voice ice cold. Alexander tensed. "You...what?" His voice was so low, so deadly, it gave me chills. Leo's eyes widened, in fear. He said nothing though, so I continued, "What? You don't remember expirament ZK1009? It's the one you signed so that once it was mastered, you could have a super army because the creatures created would have the best abilities of everyone so they would make the best soldiers." "The strongest and indestructable." He whispered, in awe and looking at me like it's the first time he saw me. "Amazing..." He reached out to touch me and Alexander hit him. Hard. "Never try to touch her." He growled. "You made a man make his own daughter into an experiment! You are one sick bastard!" Leo stared at me a moment longer before looking at his son. "I never said that they would have to involve their own family. And I'm not the only one who signed, every leader did. So do not make me to look like the bad guy." He said, quickly, before turning back to me. "As for you... you should be proud. You're the first and only of basically your own kind." I rolled my eyes. "Yay me." I said, sarcastically. "Regardless, my point is, that you signed it you should also know. Since I am everything... I will have the baby of whatever my lover is. If I got pregnant with a werewolve's baby, the baby would be a werewolf. If I got pregnant with your sons baby, it would be an angel baby. Therefore, I am legally allowed to date him." I finished. No, I am not happy about this, but I will work it to my advantage. Realization was evident in Leo's facial expression. "Oh... I suppose you are. This changes things." He said, more to himself than to us. Alexander's hair and eye color started going back to their original color, now that the worst was over. "Yes, so you will leave my Violet alone now?" Leo looked at us and without having a legitamit reason to keep us apart, he couldn't really say no. The worlds two strongest fighters have combined to make a super couple, I think that he's a little more intimidated. "Of course. I apologize, Violet, for my behavior." He said, before taking a step back. "I have somewhere to be." And as quickly as he was there, he was gone. Alexander glared after his father. "Why do I have a feeling he won't leave you alone?" I glanced up at him. "Because he won't." I don't know why I said it, or even thought it, but I just had a strong feeling this wouldn't be the last time. But why? We both had a moment of silence with our thoughts, when I suddenly remembered something. "We still haven't killed any demons! I have a clean bill of health, and you've been distracting me with sex." I accused. He chuckled. "You weren't complaining." Touche, my sexy angel boyfriend, touche. "Yeah, well, we're going now." I said, going on my tip toes to give him a quick kiss. "That's final." "Yes, ma'am." Alexander picked me up and took flight. As he flew, I scanned the area. A large group of twenty four demons split into two groups of twelve, both going in opposite directions. "Drop me in front of the one headed south, then go get the one headed north." I instructed. "Got it." He kissed my neck. "See you afterwards." Then he soared low, not low enough to be seen but low enough for him to drop me without feeling guilty, then he let go. I landed gracefully on my feet and looked up just in time to see him head north. I couldn't stare long because the footsteps of my enemy were headed my way. Work now, play later. The demons surrounded me, remaining hidden though, apparently thinking I wouldn't notice. I decided to amuse them and pretended like I was just going on a stroll. One stepped out, taking the form of an innocent, little girl. She had pitch black hair that went all the way down her back and was wearing a cute, little pink dress. The only giveaway, aside from the faint scent, was the little red specks near her pupils. "Have you seen my mommy?" She asked, in a picture perfect innocent voice. I stopped, not going closer because I knew what she was. But at the same time, it was difficult to not fall for this little facade. Keep your head, Violet, she'll kill you the minute she has a chance. "No, but I can hear her. She and ten friends are around here." I said, nonchalantely. The little girls eyes narrowed. "Now!" She roared, in a demonic voice, giving up the facade just like that. Her eyes blazed and the pale skin peeled off to reveal red, prickly skin. Her black hair grew longer and started moving, like a whip, and the pink dress tore as horns grew from all different angles. A sharp, fifteen shard tale grew out in the back. She became so distorted, it was hard to tell she was even a 'she' at all. I didn't have much time to focus on the creature before me, because the others were listening. Two came from the sides and I ducked, causing them to collide into each other. One came from behind and I flipped him off my back so he was in front of me, then stomped on his skull, all in a matter of seconds. The hair from the little girl grabbed one of my wrists as a male demon with large horn on his chest charged at me. With my free hand, I grabbed his horn before he could stab me with it and ripped it off, making him shriek. I cut the hair with it then stabbed the demon that had charged at me through the heart. Three girl demons then circled me, snickering and talking to one another. "Look at this one, looks almost as innocent as the last." Her friends raspy laughter pierced my ears. "Oh, but she's not. Look at the eyes, it's Gold Eyes." Being known by my eyes suddenly disturbed me more than it ever did before. I grabbed two of them and broke their arms to tie them together. I grabbed the third that was just laughing and tied her to the others. Unable to fight against me, I ran around them with vampire speed and stabbed them with my nail in all the major arteries, so they could slowly bleed out. Another demon grabbed me from behind, clawing my ribcages, but I refused to scream. I just ripped his hands out of me then tore him limb from limb. The adrenaline started to pump through me with every rip and tear. I killed the next two the same way, not wanting to lose the feeling, but the one after that caught me by surprise and managed to get a good grip on me. His thorn dug into my back and a burning sensation began. Shit...poison... I let out a small scream, unable to stop myself, but refused to give in. I dropped down, my dead body wait snapping it off of him but making it stuck in my back. I reached up and pierced a spot near his groin, where he would bleed out regardless of what he did. As he died, I stood up, truly feeling indestructable. That is until the pain in my back made itself known. I ignored it as I gathered the pieces and dead bodies and threw them into a pile. I had most of the bodies, except that of the demon that once again took form of a little girl. I almost felt bad as I dragged the body to the pile. I would've, had it not moved and tried to stab me with its tail. I stepped on the tail and held the little girl creature by its throat. "Mommy..?." She called out, in that picture perfect innocent voice. "Dead." I said, without any emotion, before digging my nails into her neck. Her eyes buldged out of her head as I squeezed her neck into bits and pieces. The head fell to the ground. "Dead like you." I said, more to myself than to her. "You know, I've never actually watched you fight before." Alexander said, coming out from the darkness. A look of shock must have been on my face, because he added, "Don't worry, I haven't been watching the entire time. I only caught the ending. I was fighting too, you know." I smiled. "I believe you. Now, can you do me a favor?" I asked, starting to feel slightly dizzy. It's the poison effect... "Anything." "Can you get this out of my back and bring me home?" Home. Anywhere Alexander was, was my home. "Violet." Alexander said, disapprovingly. Psht, like I wanted to get stabbed. I felt him try to rip it out as gentle as possible, but it still hurt. I pursed my lips and said nothing until I could speak without revealing how much that one stupid injury hurt. I don't want him to think I can't handle it... "Wasn't that bad. That's the worst injury, and it's barely a scrape." Okay, so I shouldn't speak when I can't see it, but if there wasn't poison it would heal in a matter of minutes anyways and wouldn't matter. "It's not closing, completely, but it stopped bleeding. You must have poison inside." He said, lifting me up. "How long has it been in?" "Awhile." I admitted, not even bothering with lying. There's really no point, he can read me like a book and honesty is best, since he's my boyfriend and everything. He wasn't mad, not even a little. Surprisingly, he was calm. "Anita will take care of it, love, don't worry." I nodded, pondering what was up with him. That's when I realized the calm wasn't really calm, it was more calculating. Before I could question it, we were back at the castle and Anita was looking me over. She didn't do anything, just looked. Then she glanced over Alexander. "Simpler solution than me working with herbs and such." I apparently was the only one confused. "And that is...?" "You need to drink from Alexander." Anita said, making Alexander grin. He knew the entire time, stupid sexy angel! "That's illegal." I stated. I'm no goody two shoes, but that's one rule I planned to follow. "Pish Posh! If you drink an angels blood, its properties will disolved the poison and quench that thirst for you. And Alexander isn't opposing the idea..." Anita trailed, before leaving us be. He smirked. "Curious to see if your bite is as good as you brag it is." Oh, that's it. Fuck the rules! I looked at him with sultry eyes and a seductive smile to match. I walked slowly, taking my time to make him want it more. And he did want it just as much as I did. My incisors ached the closer I got. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. My fangs extended and all I could focus on was his pulsing vein, I brushed them against his skin, giving him a chill. Still, just to add to suspense, I hesitated. "Love, you're killing me." Alexander groaned. I smiled and traced the vein I was about to bite with my finger. "I'll fix that, princey." Two seconds later, my fangs pierced his skin. Unlike the time in the forest where my venom was spiked because of a bad dose of meds, I was in control and could feel and taste it all. Damn, was his blood delicious. It was the sweetest blood I've had in my life, with this little twang of sour. It's indescribable. I wasn't the only one enjoying it either, because after a short while, my angel let out a moan that only encouraged me more. All good things come to an end though, so the story goes, so I did have to stop eventually. I finished drinking from him and licked the spot I had bit. The fun didn't stop there, though, because afterwards we were both very turned on. It's safe to say we continued the fun for hours before completely satisfied with one another. I layed in his arms for an hour, listening to his steady heartbeat. I tried to fall asleep, but I've had a lot recently and I was restless. I've always felt different, but having it confirmed and all that I've discovered...well it was a bit frightening. I have so many questions, and no one can really give me any answers. Maybe King Vladmir can... I got up and changed into jeans, a black tank top and my favorite black boots. I brushed through my sex hair to hide that anything has happened and left it down once it looked good. I kissed Alexander's forehead and headed out as he slept, planning to be back before he woke up. As I walked by the kitchen, I glanced in and saw Dimitri still up and drinking. I backtracked and went in the kitchen. "You're still up?" It was one in the morning and I was pretty sure he needed sleep. He held up a bottle. "The night is still young!" And he's drinking, shocking! I rolled my eyes. "Care to join?" He offered. I figured after today, a drink or two wouldn't hurt. I sat beside him on the counter. "Hand me something.." I ordered. I meant to pour me a glass, but Dimitri just handed me an entire bottle. I read it, 'Captain Morgan.' "This is such an odd name..." I said, tasting it. "Hm, not bad." Dimitri took a look at it. "Ah, good ole Captain Morgan. It's imported from the human realm." He explained. Ohhh that makes sense. "So you know why I'm up. Why are you?" "Vampires don't need as much sleep." I reminded him. "Plus, I'm restless." "Why?" Dimitri asked curiously. "Long day." I answered casually. "You don't show fatigue. You actually seem a bit perky." He said, taking a swig from his bottle. "Well that's because there was a lot of good things in my day. I got to enjoy the thrill of a kill, have sex and drink the best blood I've ever tasted. I never said it was a bad day." I said, smiling. Of course, the best part was Alexander telling me he loves me. But I wanted to keep that to myself. It was the best memory I've...well that I've ever had. I've never felt so happy, actually. Dimitri laughed "With a list like that, it's hard to believe a bad day is possible." "Well I guess it would depend on if you think negatively or possitively. I prefer to think about the good things, like Alexander." I confessed, tracing the rim of the bottle. "Well I think of the bad too, but I'm trying not too." "Well what bad thing happened today?" "I discovered I'm an experiment. Of my father's." Dimitri looked at me in surprise. "And you've proved me wrong. Drink, woman." I gave him a small smile and took his advice, downing the entire bottle in a couple gulps. "Damn, I knew there was a reason my cousin was attracted to you!" He exclaimed, making me laugh. "Just shut up and give me another bottle." I replied and he complied. Zane walked in, his hair a complete mess. "Why wasn't I invited?" He asked. Because you were busy getting laid? "And where's Alexander?" "You weren't invited because we don't like you." Dimitri informed him, handing him his own bottle. "And he's sleeping." I said, answering the second question. "Right." "So, Dimitri, tell me about yourself." I suggested, wanting to get to know him more. "I love alcohol!" He answered, making Zane snicker. I rolled my eyes. "Aside from the obvious." "Hmm... why should I answer you?" I shrugged. "I shared. And I don't do that." I really don't, so I have no idea why I told him that. Dimitri looked just as confused. "Then why me?" I thought about it before answering, "Well you're family of Alexander's. And any family of his is family to me. So I guess I'm learning to trust you too." Not completely. Only with certain things. Like an alcohol supplier... "You can trust me just much as you can trust that father of yours." He retorted, in an off voice. I looked at him, in complete shock. And that hurt way more than I ever expected. Maybe it was the way he said it or rather just the words themself, I have no idea, but I was speechless. Zane, who was confused and watching our little talk the entire time, spoke up, "Dimitri, what's wrong with you? What you said hurt her, can you not see the look on her face? Alexander would kill you for doing that, especially since she was being nice..." I finally found my voice. "No, it's alright." I said, quietly, "There's no need to mention any of this to Alexander. Guess I'm just a bit sensitive." "I'm sorry, Violet." Dimitri apologized, looking really guilty. "It's Alexander's demon coming soon, it attracts mine too. Why do you think I've been drinking all day? Aside from loving alcohol, that is." I nodded, not wanting him to feel bad. He just lashed out. Why, I have no idea. Maybe asking him personal questions make him defensive... "Doesn't exactly make me feel better, but I understand." He chugged down two more bottles. "Just don't hate me. Family, right?" "Your only family is your mom and Alexander. That's common knowledge." Zane said, ruining the nice moment. Dimitri hit him, while smiling his pearly whites at me. I couldn't help but laugh. A for effort, right? "Alright, I think we've done enough talking. How about a drinking game?" Dimitri suggested. "No better way to bond than a drinking game." "I'm in." Zane said, getting down tons of bottles. "Only instead of glasses, we do bottles, just so you know Violet." "I never said I was playing." I stated. "Oh, come on! King of the Cup is fun!" Zane exclaimed. "Yeah, you're already here and drinking so you might as well play." Dimitri added. "Well since I'm outnumberd..." I trailed, giving in. At some point, I passed out. That game get people drunk fast, but it was quite fun. Well the parts I remember. I woke up, not on the counter, on the floor by the stove, surrounded by bottles. Actually, there were bottles everywhere. Zane was on the island in the middle of the kitchen and Dimitri was in the doorway, with a bottle in his hand, half empty. Was he the winner? I don't recall, but he probably was. I groaned and stretched. I was about to get up when I saw feet in front of me, I looked up and saw Alexander towering over me, with an amused expression on his face. "Did you have fun?" He asked, holding out his hand. I took it and let him help me up. "From what I remember." He laughed. "You do realize if it was with anyone but my two best friends, I would be angry?" I smiled. "Yes. But I figured if I'm involved with a family of alcoholics, I should learn." There was a chuckle from a doorway. "You didn't do bad." Dimitri said, stretchig. "She's really good at being question master or replying to it. Her rhyming could use some work..." He trailed, finishing that bottle then leaving. Alexander and I laughed. "Anyways, love, I have a favor to ask." My gorgeous angel said. I straightened out my clothes. "Oh?" "Yes. I need you to go to the orphanage for me. It's getting too close to... that day. And I haven't visited for awhile, I don't want them to think I've forgotten about them." He explained and I immediately understood. The day his demon would be out was too close for comfort. He could snap at one of them, or worse, that thing that happened yesterday. But if he didn't go, the kids feelings would be hurt. "Do I have to?" I asked, biting my lip. "I'm really not great with-" "Don't give me that bullshit. You are great with kids. Please, just do this. If not for me, for those adorable little orphans." Oh now that's just not playing fair. "Fine." I grumbled. "Zane." Alexander said, pushing him off the island. Zane landed with an 'oof' and started cursing at him. "You're going with her." "I love how you ask her, then order me." Zane mumbled, before leaving to change. I raised an eyebrow. "Do you not trust me, Alexander?" He chuckled. "Of course I trust you. I just want to make sure you make it there and back. I had an odd dream about a certain demon, it's making me a bit paranoid." I had completely forgotten about Zagan until now. And he's the one who gave me that file...for my birthday... I gulped. "Zagan? Why did you have a dream about him?" "It's not like I can control it." He reminded me. I took his hand. "Right. What was it about?" He sighed, rubbing circles on the back of my hands with his thumbs. "You." He said, softly. I felt guilty for not telling him about where I got the file. I mean I wasn't going to tell him at all, but I might as well now since he knows what it consists of. Maybe having him know Zagan gave me it would help somehow. Would it? There's only one way to find out... "I have something to tell-" "Okay, if we're going, let's go now." Zane said, walking back in. "Aren't you going to change?" I sighed. "No, but thank for the interruption." "We'll talk later. Alright?" Alexander asked. I nodded, frustrated I couldn't tell him now. "Fine." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a kiss. "I love you." He whispered. I smiled and kissed him again, loving that reminder. I wanted to say it back... but I didn't. It didn't help that Zane was impatiently tapping his foot, waiting for me. "See you soon." I said, leaving quickly. Zane flew while I ran. On my way there, I tried to think of how Zagan could benefit from me knowing what I was. He couldn't possibly be looking out for me. Well he did warn me about someone being after me, Leo definitely seems to be that person, but still, there has to be a reason. What's in it for him? What could possibly be in it for him? I got there before Zane, but didn't have time to think because the children ran out to greet me, all saying a thousand things at once. I laughed, forgetting about the problems since I was among the innocent. "One at a time." Rayne came out, a relieved look on her face. "Oh thank God, they were getting hyper and I didn't know what to do with them. You and Prince Alexander can tire them out I bet." "The pwince?" "Yaaay! Where is he?" "I dunno, I dont see him!" I hated to take away their excitement, but I really had no other choice. "No, sorry kids, he got stuck in boring prince stuff. I'm here to send his love for all you though and play for a bit." I explained. I expected them to be depressed about it, and even though there was slight disappointment, they were still happy... because I was staying. Weird... I started a game of tag just as Zane came. After he introduced himself, I got the kids to vote him it. He wasn't too happy, but he went along with it. We must have been running around outside playing that game for hours. Eventually, though, it was lunchtime. Zane and I were invited to stay so we did. "So... you and Alexander have made it completely official, huh?" Rayne said, slightly probing for answers. I smiled. "You mean public?" "Same thing." "Wait!" A little girl with pin straight light brown hair and light green eyes. "Your datin' da pwince?" I nodded. "Mhm." "Then you're a princess!" She exclaimed, making me look away uncomfortably. After all, I'm a commoner. Sure, being a princess was what I wanted to be when I grew up at the age five, but still. Just because I was dating a prince, that didn't make me a princess... did it? "You know who else is a princess?" Zane asked, animated. She shook her head, looking up at him with wide eyes. I was scared for a moment that he would say something that would scare her, but from the gentle look on his face, I relaxed. He could handle it. "You are." He told her, tapping her nose lightly. Then he looked around at all the other children. "All of you are princes and princesses. Prince Alexander himself will tell you that." I smiled, knowing he was right. The kids shrieked with excitement and started making up things they would change. Mostly it was thing like everyone had a home and everyone had love. One mentioned something about a never ending pile of toys, but other than that, it was about love and a home. Which is understandable, since that's what they all wanted most of all. It was sad, really, that their only family was each other and Rayne. Well Alexander too, but he's like that uncle that visits occasionally who you look up to your whole life because he's your favorite. Not that I would know...I've never met any of my uncles or aunts or cousins... "Naptime!" Rayne announced, in a sing song voice. In response she got a chorus of 'Awhhh's. "Zane and I will lay down with you until you fall asleep. And we'll come again soon, next time with Prince Alexander." I told them, making them all happy again. It took a half hour before nearly all of them fell asleep. The only one still awake, was the little girl at the table who had asked me if I was dating the prince. "Sweetie, what's your name?" I asked softly so I wouldn't wake up the other children. "Brooklyn." She answered in a hushed whisper. "How old are you?" "Fouwr." I smiled fondly at the little girl. This was the kind of little girl I loved, these were the real innocent ones, unlike that demon one in the forest yesterday afternoon. "Well, Princess Brooklyn, what can I do to help you fall asleep?" She shrugged. "I gots questuns." "Okay," I said, kindly, "Ask my anything you'd like." "You said the pwince lubs us. Do you lub us too?" And by 'lub' she meant love. I hugged her, holding her close to my heart. My heart really did go out to these kids. They had no one and I wanted to be there for them. "Yes, I do." She relaxed in my arms. "You're nice. I can see why he lubs you." "Who lub... I mean who loves me?" I asked, curiously. "The pwince!" Really, if she was any age older than four, I would have expected a duh at the end of that by the little attitude she had. So cute! "Oh." Was my brilliant, mature response. "Do you lub him too?" Brooklyn asked. I noticed Zane perk up a little bit, looking over at us casually, but I knew he was listening. I ignored him, not really caring what he heard. After all, I did love Alexander, didn't I? On the other hand, if I truly did, wouldn't I have told him when I originally found out? Or when he told me, not once, but twice? Hm, no, because I wasn't completely sure what love is. He has, he's been in love before, as much as it pains me to think that I know it's true. He knows what love is, true love is, and...well what do I know? That what I thought was love was all a lie, thanks to my father? Or maybe the real love was from my mother, in leaving me, her sick experimental child behind for the better cause? Once again, over thinking this. My god, I always overthink things when it comes to Alexander... And that's when it hit me; I need to stop thinking. Not completely, just not so much either. It really wasn't healthy, plus love is an emotion, it's in my heart not in my head. With that in mind, I answered, "More than anything." This pleased Brooklyn, and apparently Zane too, since he was smiling at us now. "Yay! Dont hurt him!" I kissed the top of her head. "I won't. I promise." Zane walked over. "We should go now. Princess Brooklyn needs to get some sleep." He said, giving me a 'lets go now' look. Either Alexander wants us back pronto, which I can't really see any explanation as of why that would be, or he wants to go out and sleep with some girl, which is most likely the case. Brooklyn gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek, then laid down and closed her eyes. We said a quick goodbye to Rayne, who was on the phone at the time, then headed back to the castle. "So why was it so urgent to leave right then and there?" "Aside from my fear of you taking Brooklyn?" He asked, teasingly. I smiled wide. "She was adorable! I don't see any harm in me taking her!" Of course, I wasn't actually going to take her. Not without permission of course. Adoption might be a good idea... No, I need to stop right there. I can't be a mom, I don't have the time or money for it. Zane chuckled. "So what was the real reason?" He then went a little bit serious. "I got a text from Dimitri. Alexander's been flipping his mood a lot and no matter the alcohol he consumes, he still has outbursts. He believes the demon will come sooner than expected." Sooner? "How soon?" I asked, any previous joking around disappearing into thin air. "Soon enough that you should be spending time with him. You make him feel better, you know." My eyes narrowed. Even if it was true, that's not why I would need to go back. "He wants me locked up again, doesn't he?" Zane gave me a small smile. "It wasn't said, but I wouldn't doubt that." He admitted. I didn't know how to feel about this, I didn't have time to process it really, because in that moment I felt a demon nearby. And not just any demon. "Zagan." I hissed, scanning the trees. Zane tensed beside me, ready to spring into action. I wouldn't need it, I am the second best fighter after all, but it was sweet anyways, even though it was only because Alexander asked him to. There was a rustling behind me. I turned and bolted towards it at vampire speed in a matter of seconds. I got to the spot, and leaves fell down. I looked up and saw his figure running through the trees. Zane started to follow it but I grabbed his arm. "No, let him go." I ordered. Whatever Zagan had wanted, for some reason, it didn't involve hurting anyone, myself included. Plus, I highly doubted Alexander would approve of me and his best friend taking on Zagan without him. Zane seemed to understand this too, because he didn't argue with me. We started walking to the castle again, only this time, it was in silence. We were both on high alert, listening to all around us. It wasn't until we were almost to the doors that he said something, "Did you mean what you told Brooklyn at the orphanage?" I stopped, remembering the conversation. He's talking about the admission of love... I smirked. "Don't you think I should tell Alexander before I tell you?" He laughed and went inside. I ran, headed for Alexander's room, when I literally ran into him. I was running so fast that he stumbled back and I fell back on the floor. He looked like he was about to snap, probably because the demon, but I just laughed. After all, I don't run into people often and it's particularly funny that I ran into him because he was the one I was looking for. Laughter is contagious too, because he was soon laughing too as he helped me up. "In a rush?" I nodded. "I was going to find you." I said, giving him a quick kiss. He draped an arm around my shoulder and we started walking, no doubt off to where I'll be trapped for awhile. "Well you found me, love. With inpecible timing too." "Timing for what?" I asked, completely innocent and sweet. Let's see if he tells me on his own. My angel didn't look at me, he was looking straight ahead. "It's coming sooner than expected." We had reached our destination, which was actually where I was locked last time. I looked around, remembering how I broke out through the window... And the demon and what it did to me... I absentmindedly had put my hand over the spot, directly over my heart. I looked down, saw it and put my hand by my side again, not wanting Alexander to remember. From the expression on his face, though, I highly doubt he forgot. Not wanting to leave him with his thoughts for too long, I asked, "So you're going to lock me up?" He nodded. "You won't get out this time." He had a certain confidence in that, but I didn't want to press it. I took his free hand in both of mine, rubbing it comfortingly. "What about everyone else?" "They'll be with you, the people I care about will be with you. And some guards." Something told me the others wouldn't be fighting these guards. Like last time, it would be me. Will I really do that again? Even after what happened... well, then again, I wasn't killed. This time you could be... A little voice in my head reminded me. Alexander turned me towards him, staring deep into my eyes. "No matter what happens... please remember what I told you, remember who I really am." I smiled. "I couldn't forget if I tried. You're amazing, whether you see it or not." I told him. "Plus, you love me." That earned me a small smile and a passionate kiss that felt too much like a goodbye. He pulled away, gently touched my face and then took a step back as a number of guards came in. The guards were escorting Darrel, Zane, Anita, everyone really except Dimitri in. Two tugged Alexander's arm, breaking his gaze from me. He turned as two guards grabbed me to drag me from the doorway. "Wait!" I exclaimed, breaking free of them and running towards him. "Violet you have to-" "I know, I know. And I will, I just wanted you to know," I said, taking a breath to get the nerve to say how I truly felt. "I love you too. Always." He smiled wide and kissed me once again. This time, it wasn't like a goodbye, it was more like a promise, a promise to see me again soon and pick up where we're leaving off. He pulled away, still smiling. "I'll see you soon, love." We both know that soon wouldn't really be soon. That soon was more like a day or two sort of soon, which isn't soon at all for me. Yet, I let the body guards drag me to that room that I was starting to loath. Once I was in the room, I saw on the floor by the window, unsure if I would be able to watch what was about to unfold in front of me.
27 May 2016 | 20:44
new ep. here @kemkit @victoriouschild @donyas @pemamezi @frankkay r.c plz
27 May 2016 | 20:47
is already in updated story for dey day so no need to call reg
28 May 2016 | 06:24
hmmnn ,,,,,,,,,loving dis!
28 May 2016 | 18:02
episode 25 . alex pov It was screaming. The demon was litereally screaming with excitement inside of me. I felt every poke, jab, or scratch from inside. A vicious snarl echoed from around me, but I realized it was mine. No, not mine...the demon's. The guards dragged my body to the field, soon the pain was unbearable, Alexander, you must fight! Fight him! I snarled again, without meaning too. Before I could gain control, the demon had already taken over... Alexander's eyes turned red, blood red. No iris, no pupil, even the whites of his eyes were red. Long, deadly fangs grew from his teeth and protruded out of his mouth. The demon didn't let the guards get away. He jumped in front of them, smiling dangerously at them. "Where do you think you're going, little puppetsss?" he hissed, drawing out the 's'. The guards took on their battle positions, they had been trained for this. But they still stood no chance against Alexander or the demon. In a second, Alexander stuck his hand into the guards stomach, his hand going through it. The demon laughed, he took out his hand then licked a clean streak up it. "Yummy." he growled. Alexander bit into his neck, tasting the blood. Then picking the guard up by his foot, he rammed his head into the ground, instantly cracking it. The demon cackled and started jumping on his head, smashing it into pieces. Alexander turned to the other guards. The guards were backing away, frightened. Alexander was up to them in a second, he grabbed the woman guard and stroked her hair. The guard whimpered. He held her up by the hair, then slowly stuck his fingers into her eyes and began laughing. The guard screamed loudly but that only filled him with pleasure. Then the sound came to his ears, the whimper of a small child. Alexander grinned and let go of the female guard. "Come out, come out, where ever you are." he purred. No! Let him go! Alexander screamed from inside, but it was in vain. He found the little boy, around the age of only 6. The boy was crying but frozen in shock. He wrapped his hand around the boys throat and picked him up. Then without another second, he pulled the boys leg from his body. The boy screamed and cried. He shrieked in pain. The blood gushed from his wound which only aroused the demon more. "ALEXANDER!" Dimitri said, flying from above the castle. The demon smirked, "No. It's me." he purred and cackled wildly. "Let. Him. Go." Dimitri said through clenched teeth, his powers flaring around him. The demon also let his pure black powers flare around him. Dimitri clutched his chest, his own demon threatening to come out. Dimitri pushed the urge down. Dimitri's eyes turned blood red, but his iris still remained. His wings trembled with excitement and fear. Not of the demon, but of hurting Alexander. "Now isn't this a sight," the demon purred, "a cousin about to devour his younger cousin. Wonderful!" it exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Dimitri narrowed his eyes, his upper lip curling over his teeth in disgust. "Alexander! Cousin, I know you can hear me!" Of course I can hear you! Alexander yelled. The demon smiled a big, broad smile. Pieces of flesh were stuck in his shark-like teeth. Blood slid down his cheek. The demon began circling Dimtri, his grin becoming wider. "I'm so excited!" he chirped using Alexanders voice. "For what?" Dimitri spat, keeping his gaze planted on Alexander. "To kill you, to drink your blood. And you know what the funny part is?" it hissed. Dimitri narrowed his eyes, his insides churning, "You can't even touch me. Why? Because of your precious cousin's body. You touch me, he's dead." the demon cackled and ran at Dimitri, his wings extending. Dimtri dodged Alexander but not without getting scraped. From the tips of Alexander's hands, the dark energy began circling. Of course, in the years Dimitri went on missions under Leo's orders, he could also do that but only by tapping into the demon, drawing it closer. Dimitri's hands began swarming with power. Alexander's hand went up, no! Leave him alone, dammit! Alexander fought mentally against the demon, but he wouldn't listen. The demon was losing strength and then in a second, he collapsed. When I woke up, it was the same thing over again. Laying in the infirmary, trying not to kill the beeping from the monitor. My mind replayed everything that I had done. That...that little boy. Why? I ripped the tubes from my arms and got up, I was laying shirtless in nothing but briefs. I quickly found a pair of pants and slid them on. I was radiating with anger, it was bubbling inside of me. How could Leo, that man , put a helpless child in an area where I couldn't do anything to stop the demon. Where he could do anything he likes. My hair began turning black and my eyes red. I roared, knocking over the IV, flipping the bed, leaving my fist mark in the wall. This wasn't enough. I slammed open the door but heard a sudden gasp. Violet was standing there, a pool of red around her feet and shattered glass surrounding her, "Alexander! Thank god you're awa-" but I didn't stand by to hear the rest of what she was saying. I was too angry, "I'm going to need help cleaning this up..." I heard Violet say. I growled again, my anger growing. "LEO!" I yelled, venom dripping from my voice, "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I snarled, my voice echoing off the castle walls. I was nearly running to his bedroom. I threw open the door to see him laying in his bed with a filthy whore underneath him. "Oh my! Prince Alexand-" he started but I grabbed him from his neck and threw him into the wall. I pointed at the girl, "Out." I growled. She scrambled on a robe and bowed before running out. My dad rose, wearing nothing but his pants. "You have the audacity to treat your father like that?" Leo roared, his hair also turning black. I took a step forward, "If I respected you maybe I would treat you differently. No, you lost that when you kicked my mother out. You lost that when you disrespected Violet. And you definietly lost that when you put that child in the field last night. You know what I did to him? I ripped off his fucking legs. That's what I did. He won't be able to walk, won't be able to run. Because of me!" I screamed, "You fucking bastard!" "We already accomadated him with new synthetic legs and plenty of money for his family." I slammed his neck into the wall, "You think that takes away his pain? You are sick!" Leo ripped my hand away from his neck and punched me in the face. I snarled, my hand swinging back, coming in contact with his cheek. My leg flew up to kick him but Leo counter-attacked me with a punch to the gut. I caught his fist before it hit me and threw it back. When my hand swung back around, again, I felt a hand close on it. I was about to push that person away when I saw it was Violet. Her touch was gentle and soothing but in her eyes held pain. Not for her, but for me. I yanked my hand away and glared at my father, "Don't do that, ever again. Put criminals in front of me that are already on death-row. Not the minor ones either, ones that deserve to die. But actual demons in front of me. Do not put innocent children or people in front of me." "Do not forget I have more authority over you. And definietly do not forget where you get your fighting skills from. Just because you are the worlds best fighter does not mean you can touch me because I will not hesitate to hurt you back, child. You're dismissed." I took a step towards him, my hatred boiling but Violet pulled me away, "Let's just go, Alexander." she said softly. I let her tug me all the way to roof where she stood beside me, staring at the sky. I couldn't bring myself to look at her, I know she's disgusted. I am too. "Say it." I could tell she's looking at me now, "I admit it. I was scared of you when I saw you do that to him. But then I realized that it wasn't my Alexander doing that. My Alexander would never do that, it was the filthy demon. The only scary part was seeing that happen to you. Why it has to be you, I don't know. But we'll find away to get rid of it. For the both of you." I fell to my knee's, holding my head in my hands, "How could I do that?" I whispered, my voice breaking. Violet sat in front of me, taking my hands gently in hers. "Stop beating yourself up over that, it wasn't you. It was him . There's nothing you can do, Alexander. It kills me to see you do that to yourself." Violet sat down and layed my head on her lap. I sprawled out, allowing her voice to soothe me. She ran her hands through my hair over and over again as I stared at the star-less sky. "Thank you." I whispered. "That was the worst I've seen you. That was the most angriest I've ever seen you." I nodded, "I know. I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier." Violet laughed, "Hell, I would've done the same thing." She poked my stomach, "Hey guess what?" I looked at her, my eyebrows furrowed, "What?" "It's your birthday in 3 days!" I chuckled, "I stopped counting birthdays after I was 100." "Why?" "I lost count. Do you remember how old I'll be turning?" She shook her head, "I can honestly say 'no'. How old?" I grinned, "200 and something." Violet rolled her eyes, "'Cause that's so informative." Violet sighed, "I guess we're going to have to make up an age." I laughed, "250?" She shook her head, "269." "269? Why that?" Violet laughed, "Take away the '2' in 269." "69? What's that?" Violet's eyes widened, "You don't know what 69 is?" I shook my head slowly, my brain churning for an answer, "No..." "Geez, you are old!" With a rock, Violet drew the two numbes '6' and '9' in the sand and then began to go into a thorough explanation which ended up with my holding my stomach and laughing until tears sprung at the tips of my eyes. "You kids these days are so..." I said thinking about after I calmed from my laugh-attack, "horny." Violet winked, "You bet we are." After a moment of silence, "I want to see him." "Who?" "The boy who I hurt." Violet coughed, "That might not be a very good idea." "I need too," I said, sitting up, "It's killing me. I seriously hurt him, Violet. Badly. I ripped off his legs for Christ's sake." "The demon did." "He doesn't know that." Violet sighed, "Give him time, two weeks. Then we'll go." I simply nodded then fell back on to her lap, "Thank you." "For?" "For being here with me." Violet smiled and leaned down to kiss me.
30 May 2016 | 05:29
Seems dimitri can control his owns
30 May 2016 | 08:44
ohk... nxt
30 May 2016 | 08:44
I would have loved it if Alex had killed His father. Dat Leo is such an arrogant bastard
30 May 2016 | 09:16
hmmnn.........hw i wish dis demon tin stop
30 May 2016 | 17:50
ep. 26. He's Back "Violet, dear, why don't you sit next to me?" Anita asked in a gentle, quiet voice. I shook my head and walked over to the glass window, putting my hand on it. Alexander was in the middle of the opening, a vicious snarl echoed around him. He looked so different. His eyes were just blood red with no iris or pupil. Long, deadly fangs were now grown from his teeth and protruded out of his mouth, ready for prey. His first pray was his own guards. The room was soundproof, but that snarl was loud enough to get through. The words he hissed at his guards, I couldn't make out, but I saw his lips moving right before I saw him attack them. It was gruesome and disturbing to see Alexander like this, tearing apart his own men who only wanted to help. My stomach lurched with every hit to the guards, like I was being hit myself but I somehow managed to watch. I could not just watch, though, when a small boy was put in there. "No…" I trailed, horrified. "That boy is only six!" I looked back at the others in the room for help, but their expressions were just grim as they stood or sat in their place. I started pounding on the glace, but it wouldn't break. So I started ramming my shoulders into it, in a desperate attempt to stop the inevitable doom for that poor boy. That's when the guards in the room got to me just as Alexander got to the boy. They pulled my arms to take me away from the glass, which I had managed to make a small crack in, as Alexander ripped his legs from his body. The piercing screams from the boy, which would have been heard regardless of the crack in the glass, echoed over and over in my ears. I started crying. For the situation, the boy and all the pain here. Until this point, I've been saying it was Alexander doing the damage, him harming the guards but Alexander, my Alexander, would never hurt a child like that. The only ones he'd purposely hurt would be demons, maybe criminals. Never an innocent child. With that thought, I let the guards drag me back away from the glass window as Dimitri called Alexander from above. Zane stared with a straight face, but murmured under his breath. "Idiot." I wiped my now dry eyes. "Why is he an idiot?" He didn't look at me. He was watching the moves of the demon in Alexander and Dimitri as they powered up and exchanged words that I didn't quite make out. It was almost a calculating look, like he was predicting what would happen next. I've never seen him so serious. "With Alexander's demon out, chances are his will come out unscheduled." "And that's bad." It was a statement, not really a question. One is bad but two is obviously worse. "Very." As Dimitri swam with power, so did Alexander, but before anything occurred Alexander's body collapsed. I automatically went forward to go to him, but those stupid guards grabbed a hold of me. I started fighting them, ignoring any protests, which got me sedated. I was walked to Alexander's room and fell on the bed the moment I got in there. Sleep came over my quickly and next time I opened my eyes, it was six in the morning. I got up quickly and went to the infirmary, looking for Alexander. He was asleep, attached to all sorts of things, Esmeralda taking good care of him. She didn't even notice me there as she checked the monitors and whispered things to him like he was awake. A small smile made its way on my face, that was really sweet of her. "How is he?" I asked softly. She jumped a little, startled. "He'll recover just as well as he always does." I sat by his side, her words still not taking care of the anxiety deep within me. Why did it have to be like this? Why should a wonderful man like him be so cursed? He's the most compassionate man there ever has been, so why? I took his hand with one of my own and put the other over it, gently rubbing it. I stared at his beautiful sleeping figure, wishing there was something I could do to help. Right now, his face may look peaceful, but when he wakes up, that perfect face of his will be contorted with guilt for what he didn't do. "When will he wake up?" I asked quietly, not wanting to disturb him. "Each time is different. So I cannot be sure exactly when." I nodded. "Is Dimitri alright?" "I believe so. I'm not one hundred percent sure, though. Anita is taking care of him." I got up. Alexander has many people who will look after him, many people who care, but who does Dimitri have? He doesn't let anyone in, only cares for his cousin and mother according to Zane, so I should go see him. Even though he doesn't care for me, well I care. I did tell him we're family, did I not? "I'm going to go check on him myself then. If he wakes while I'm gone, and you're still here, you'll tell me, right?" She smiled brightly. "But of course." I nodded to say thank you, then walked down the hall. Dimitri was in his guest room, arguing with Anita-and losing. "I'm not the one who-" He tried. "Do you think I give a damn? You pulled a stupid stunt there, boy. Did you even think of how this would affect Alexander if the demon hurt you? Or if yours came out because of his?" There was silence. "I didn't think so. Stay in bed and rest for the day and hopefully it'll help prolong the demon within you from visiting any sooner than it has to. That's an order." Anita huffed out, right past me. She really gets worked up when it comes to the demons…not that I can really blame her… I walked in his room as he tried to get up. "You listen as well as I do." He stopped for a moment and looked up at me. "What're you doing in my room?" I went over and pushed him back on the bed. I grabbed a chair and sat next to him. "Just checking on you. Apparently now I'm babysitting you too." Dimitri snorted. "You cannot be babysitting me, I am way older than you, girl." I laughed. "Yes, but right now I am being more mature. Which is really weird since I'm queen of immature, just ask Alexander if you don't believe me." "I don't need to ask him, I can tell. I would go ask him now, but he's probably still out. Is that why you're here instead of with him?" I shook my head. "I was just with him and he is out. He's in good hands, though, but I wasn't sure about you." He leaned back, his heads behind his head, relaxing. "Careful tiger, it almost seems like you care." "I do care, idiot. Family of Alexander is family to me." "Even Leo?" I paused, choosing my words carefully. "Yes, in the way that I wouldn't let Alexander do something to him that he'd regret later, and I would protect against demons. That's about the extent." "So you wouldn't go check up on Leo, but you are with me?" "Yes." He looked at me curiously. "Even though we're both considered part of your 'family' now?" I grinned. "I like you better than him, you taught me some drinking games." Dimitri laughed. "Yes because that creates a bond for life." He said sarcastically. I laughed too. "Maybe." I said, becoming more serious. "But don't you want to have a bond with someone for life?" He gave me a skeptical look. "No, I'm not talking about me, moron. I meant in general." I explained. Dimitri rolled his eyes. "Why would I want that? I have the ability to do whoever I want whenever I want. I can go as I please, having to answer to no one. I'm free." "Alexander is free." He snorted. "No he's not. Not from you or-" He stopped himself, but he didn't need to finish. Lydia. "I'm sorry, I-" I tightly smiled. "Don't apologize, you're probably right." I said, standing up. "But the saying goes, 'It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all'. Maybe you should be more open minded to the idea." I gave him a peck on the cheek, a family kiss. "Rest. It's one less thing for Alexander and I to worry about." Without another look back, I went downstairs to the kitchen. I gulped my first glass down. My second I had just finished heating and was about to drink, when a door slammed loudly, scaring the shit out of me. I dropped the glass, creating a pool of red and shards of glass around myself. Standing there, was my Alexander, not sad but angry. Well this can't be good… "Alexander! Thank God you're awa-" I started but he was already leaving. Okay, that's cool. I thought as I stepped onto broken glass. Oops, forgot shoes. "I'm going to need help cleaning this up…" I stated and sure enough, Kyle was there in a flash. Do they have like a radar or something to know these things? "Here, let me help you. Anita!" He called, as he started cleaning up the mess. Anita came in just as quickly and assessed the situation. "Sit on the island, I'll get the glass out and you'll heal quickly." She ordered. I sighed and sat up on the island, letting her take the little bits of glass out. Once they were out, I could feel my skin healing perfectly. "Thanks Anita." I said, barely audible over the shouting from upstairs. "I gotta go, though, so talk to you later." I said, jumping on the now clean floor. I ran upstairs and got in the room as Alexander slammed his father's neck into a wall. "You think that takes away his pain? You are sick!" Leo ripped Alexander's hand away from his neck and punched him in the face. Anger boiled inside of me, but I pushed it down. Doing something stupid right now will just make matters worse. Alexander snarled and punched him in the face. His leg flew up to kick him but Leo counter-attacked him with a punch to the gut. Alexander caught his fist before it hit him and threw it back. Alexander was close enough to touch now, so when he swung for another punch, I grabbed it. Alexander turned to me and stared into my eyes. It killed me to see him like this, angry for what he can't control. Dimitri is right, he's not free, but it's not because of Lydia or I, it's because of what is hidden within him that he has no say over. He yanked his hand away from me and glared at his father, "Don't do that, ever again. Put criminals in front of me that are already on death-row. Not the minor ones either, ones that deserve to die. But actual demons in front of me. Do not put innocent children or people in front of me." "Do not forget I have more authority over you. And definitely do not forget where you get your fighting skills from. Just because you are the worlds best fighter does not mean you can touch me because I will not hesitate to hurt you back, child. You're dismissed." Alexander took a step towards him but I pulled him away, "Let's just go, Alexander." I said softly. As nice as it may feel to beat the crap out of Leo, it won't change anything. Leo will be Leo, innocent people will always hurt and while he and I will both try to stop it, beating up Leo now won't help this. So I tugged him away, all the way up to the roof, where I stood beside him, staring at the sky. "Say it." I looked at him, understanding what he wanted. "I admit it. I was scared of you when I saw you do that to him. But then I realize it wasn't my Alexander doing that. My Alexander would never do that, it was the filthy demon. The only scary part was seeing that happen to you. Why it has to be you, I don't know. But we'll find a way to get rid of it. For both of you." By both of them, I meant him and Dimitri. There has to be a way to help them, they too are innocent to some level. He fell to his knees, holding his head in his hands. "How could I do that?" He whispered, his voice breaking. I sat in front of him, taking his hands gently in mine. "Stop beating yourself up over that, it wasn't you. It was him . There's nothing you can do, Alexander. It kills me to see you do that to yourself." I sat down and layed his head on my lap. He sprawled out, allowing me to take care of him. I ran my hands through his hair over and over again as he stared at the star-less sky. "Thank you." Alexander whispered. A simple your welcome probably wouldn't do anything. "That was the worst I've seen you. That was the most angriest I've ever seen you." He nodded, "I know. I'm sorry for ignoring you earlier." I laughed, "Hell, I would've done the same thing." I poked his stomach, "Hey guess what?" He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed, "What?" "It's your birthday in 3 days!" My angel chuckled, "I stopped counting birthdays after I was 100." Well that's no fun. "Why?" "I lost count. Do you remember how old I'll be turning?" I shook my head, "I can honestly say 'no'. How old?" Wasn't it around 300 or something? He grinned, "200 and something." I rolled my eyes, "'Cause that's so informative." I sighed, "I guess we're going to have to make up an age." He laughed, "250?" I shook my head, "269." Tehe, perfect age. "269? Why that?" I laughed, "Take away the '2' in 269." "69? What's that?" My eyes widened and I resisted gaping, "You don't know what 69 is?" Does he live in a cave? Wait, no he doesn't, he lives in an extremely elaborate castle. He shook his head slowly, "No..." "Geez, you are old!" With a rock, I drew the two numbers '6' and '9' in the sand and then began to go into a thorough explanation which ended up making him laugh and momentarily forget. "You kids these days are so..." Alexander said thinking about after he calmed from the laugh-attack, "horny." I winked, "You bet we are." After a moment of silence, "I want to see him." "Who?" "The boy who I hurt." I coughed, being able to picture all too perfectly the look of horror on that boy's face just at the sight of Alexander. The kid definitely won't be able to understand and I highly doubt he'll wait around this time around to figure it out, "That might not be a very good idea." "I need too," He said, sitting up, "It's killing me. I seriously hurt him, Violet. Badly. I ripped off his legs for Christ's sake." "The demon did." "He doesn't know that." I sighed, "Give him time, two weeks. Then we'll go." I don't think he'd be ready in two weeks, but I figure Alexander won't be able to wait much longer than that. He simply nodded then fell back on to my lap, "Thank you." "For?" "For being here with me." I smiled and leaned down to kiss him.
31 May 2016 | 06:19
31 May 2016 | 09:15
Following Every Bits
31 May 2016 | 16:57
episode 27 . When I woke up, Violet was nowhere in sight. Her scent was faint meaning she was here a while ago. I glanced at my clock which read '1:30'. I sighed and let my head fall back on the pillow. The Royal Meetings are tiring me out. I climbed out of bed and dragged myself to the shower. My wings were aching from not being allowed to stretch. They yearned for the air and wind. I finished my shower and pulled on briefs and jeans. Without a moment's hesitation, I sprinted towards the window and threw myself off the balcony. I allowed myself to free-fall then before I hit the ground, my wings flashed out. Loose, dark feathers fluttered in the wind. I beat my wings and flied into the foggy sky. I twirled in circles and laughed aloud. The familiar feeling made my heart beat in excitement. I swooped down again and shot back up. A flock of hawks came to me, watching me to make sure I wasn't a predator. After deciding I was ok, they flew in circles with me. I banked with them, not beating my wings unless I was losing momentum. A hawk and I began to race. I would get ahead, then he would get ahead, then I gave a huge shove and I flew forward. The hawk paused and stared at me, incredulously. I laughed loudly. Finally, the hawks flew away with a loud screech, leaving me to enjoy the wind on my own. "You ever going to come down?" Violet shouted. I glanced down at the balcony and there she was. Violet's beautiful hair was down. She was wearing her usual tank top, jeans, and boots. My laughter filled the sky. I flew down so I was right in front of the balcony, eye level with her but with a huge gap between us. "I don't want to." I said, holding my arms out. "But you can join me, just stand on the rail of the balcony and jump." Violet smiled. "You're crazy." "Yes I am, love, but you're in love with a crazy man so that makes you twice as insane." Violet rolled her eyes, the smile never leaving her flawless face. "Oh so logical, princey." she said, getting on the railing. "But this looks a little suicidal." I chuckled. "Maybe it's a trust test." I teased. "Do you not trust me?" Violet jumped and my arms wrapped around her small frame. "Of course I trust you, my love." she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, "Now take me somewhere beautiful." "Your wish is my command." I held her tightly and flew high. I knew exactly where to go. I ended up taking her to the place I brought her on one of the first days we were together. When we landed we went for a little walk, talking about little things here and there, holding hands. Eventually we sat down by the lake, Violet kicking off her boots because unlike me she wasn't barefoot. We dipped our feet in the water. Violet rested her head on my shoulder while I rested my hand on her waist and we were comfortable. "Can you believe how far we've come?" I asked, the thought coming into my head. I remember she used to hate me, despise me. But now...we were so madly in love that it hurt. "What do you mean?" I chuckled. "You loathed me for years, were assigned as my body guard and hated me more, now here we are, in a beautifully romantic setting, happy as can be." She smiled. "Oh, that's what you meant!" Violet exclaimed. I kissed her forehead. "Yes, that's what I meant. Any thoughts, lovie?" Violet stared at our reflection in the water and smiled, "I'm glad things have changed. You've helped me more than I think you realize." "How have I helped you at all?" I asked, resting my head on top of hers. Violet answered, "You helped me get through my mourning, taught me how to love and reminded me why life is worth living. On top of that, you've saved my life a couple times, have been more than generous and kind, and you've been there with me through discovering what I truly am." I was shocked, "I did all that?" Violet giggled. "Yes, babe, all you." Violet's laughter suddenly stopped and she looked sad. I lifted my head off hers. "What's wrong, love?" She looked up at me, acting innocent. "What do you mean?" "You suddenly went from being happy to being sad. Something's wrong, tell me." Violet sighed. "Nothing's wrong, I just heard some things..." she trailed. "That bother you." I finished. Nobody better have said rude things. "So what 'things' did you hear?" Violet looked back towards the lake, her lips pressed together lightly. I resisted a growl. "Violet..." She started playing with her fingernails. "People...reporters...are beginning to compare me to Lydia." she whispered, not meeting my eyes. A pang shot through my heart like an arrow. For Lydia. For Violet. To hear Violet say Lydia's name with such...jealousy. Doesn't she know that I love her now. To think that the thought of my Lydia was hurting my Violet. After moments of total silence, I asked softly, "Why?" When she shrugged and said nothing I asked, "What're you thinking?" I couldn't bare this. "That it's hard being in love with a man whose still in love with another." she said, softly, taking my hand and gently squeezing it. She looked back into my eyes with nothing but love. "But that it's worth every second." My body barely relaxed, the thought of Lydia still getting to me. I kissed Violet tenderly, "I really do love you, Violet." She nodded. "I know." I wrapped my arms around her and hugged tightly. She buried her head in my chest. When I closed my eyes, I saw Lydia smiling at me. When I opened them I see a hurting Violet. What if I didn't love anymore? I cleared my throat. "I never got to ask you about your visit with Zane to the orphanage. How was it?" I said, changing the subject. "Good. They really miss you though...I think you should visit them tonight." "There's a strategy meeting tonight before dinner, though. Zane has some new defense plan to share." Violet raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Since when is he the genius in the group?" I chuckled. "He is the most balanced person in the group. He's reasonable with all things except common sense. In that case, he's a big dope." He explained. I laughed. "Okay, well after that meeting, go visit the kids before they go to bed." "Alright. Will you come with me?" Violet shook her head. "I need to visit King Vladimir. I have questions for him." she said, trying not to sound bitter but I heard it anyway. There was nothing I could do for the betrayal that she felt. "How long will it take?" "I have absolutely no idea." Violet replied. I sighed. "Okay, I will miss you while you're threatening royalty." I told her, seeing the spark in her eyes once again. "Well what would you like to do in the meantime? We have a couple hours..." Violet thought for a moment then grinned. "I know two things I want to do." "And what would those two things be?" "First, I want you to teach me something on piano. Anything, probably something simple but just something. I've always wanted to play." she said, wistfully. "And then I want to revisit the room full of pictures and look at those again." Lydia played the piano. I taught her so much and she excelled in it. I nodded, "What?" she asked. "Nothing...just piano..." "Lydia played." she stated, bitterness filled her voice. It took me all I had to not look away. I nodded. "Not as well as me..." "No one plays as well as you." A small smile played on my lips. "Dimitri is getting there." "Yes, well, so much for piano." I frowned. "You don't want to play anymore?" "It lost it's appeal." she said dryly, and even this it hurt my heart. "I'll never be as good as you and since I'm competetive that would bother me." I didn't push it. "The picture room?" My body stiffened when I saw him. Zagan. He was leaning against the tree, a michevious grin was playing on his face. Zagan winked then waved. And just like that, he disappeared. My body tensed.I scanned the forest around us and jumped on my feet. "A demon." I whispered, "Stay here." I raced out of the clearing and jumped into flight. I saw his white hair and I flew yards in front of him, but not enough to be in his way, just path. My hands began flaming and I formed two balls of fire on my hands. A branch broke and whirled around, throwing the fireball quickly. Anger and worry filled my insides when I saw it was Violet. She ducked in time to dodge the fireball. "Violet!" I yelled, "What're you doing here?" "Helping. Thanks for the fire, by the way, I really like it when fire balls are thrown at me." She said sarcastically. I gave Violet a glare. I knew women well enough that she was going to slip into a PMS state. "Wasn't meant for you, it was meant for Zagan who I thought was coming up behind me." "Zagan?" Violet asked quietly, looking around. I listened, trying hear footsteps but I heard nothing. "Yes. He was here. I saw him. Never for more than a second though, that's why I threw that fireball without a moment's hesitation. Which wouldn't have almost hit you if you had stayed where I told you to." She rolled her eyes. "Yes, it's all my fault that he got away." I resisted the urge to snap at her. She was hurt, it's ok. "I didn't say that." Violet started walking, thinking that she was walking towards home. "You didn't have to. It was implied." she retorted. I clenched my jaw. I kept pace with her. "Why are you being like this?" "Being like what? Enlighten me." "That! That right there!" I exclaimed. "You were happy and okay until you came into the field then-" "My boyfriend threw fire at my face?" she supplied. "You know I didn't intend that for you, but I apologize." I bit down my pride. "Whatever." "You're doing it again." "Doing what?" she snapped. "Making angry comments with no apparent reason." She's mad, Alexander and she's hurt. It's ok. "Yup, that's the best part of being a girl, I can be as fucking bipolar as I'd like." she paused. "Which I think you should slightly understand since you're bipolar nine times out of ten." "Jesus Christ, what has gotten into you?" "Nothing! Okay? Just stop talking." "Not until-" "Alexander Kellan Laire, shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you." she threatend. I almost snorted. But I knew why she was hurting. Does she not realize how much I'm hurting? How much it hurts to think that my love hates the one who cared for me? When I spoke it was a quiet, "You're going the wrong way to get back to the castle." "Which. Way?" "It'd be easier to just fly you there than for me to give you directions." I said softly, thinking back to the time Lydia would pull this. I picked Violet up in bridal style and flew back. The moment we got back, she hopped out of my arm. I walked into the kitchen and looked behind the fridge. I found a 30 pack of some human, Budweiser. Taking it into the piano room, I opened a can and began to drink from it. My fingers ran over the piano keys. I finished my first can in three big gulps and moved on to the next. Zane stopped by the Piano room when I was on to my fourth can. He sat beside me on the stool while my heart played into the music. "What's up man?" I finished the song with a small note and took a long gulp from the alcohol, "Violet's mad at me." I said, finishing off the can. "Why?" I shrugged, "That's the thing. I don't know what I did to tick her off. She just kind of...blew up. At first I thought maybe she was on her period but that only happens with humans. But... I know part of the reason." I opened a new can. "Why?" he asked again. "Lydia." Zane nodded and got up. "I'll talk to her." I smiled and shook my head, "No need. Let her cool off." but Zane had already left. After 10 minutes, when I was on my 15th can and began feeling a buzz, Dimitri entered the room. This time, without alcohol in his hand. "What's wrong, cousin?" he asked, his hands running over the keys. "Violet's angry at me." "And why is that?" I shrugged, "I really don't know. She just kind of became angry. I accidently threw a fireball at her but I thought she was Zagan. I mean, did I do anything wrong? No, I didn't!" I opened a new can and chugged it down, "I don't know what I did, Dimitri. Maybe I hurt her..." "Just forget it, man. I'll set you up with some booz then I'll take care of Violet and get to the bottom of this bullshit." Dimitri said, sounding angry. I knew Violet was listening at the door, but nger spiked deep within me at what Dimitri said. "You will do no such thing." I said fiercly. "Lay a hand on Violet and I'll kill you myself." Violet decided to walk in right then and recieved a glare from Dimitri. "Look what the cat dragged in." He said bitterly. "Shut up, dickhead, I didn't come here for you. I came for your cousin. You can go now." Thats not ok for her to talk to him like that. Dimitri is 5 times as old as Violet and almost as strong as me. He didn't deserve her anger. I stood up from the piano bench as Dimitri said, "He doesn't want to talk to you." Violet crossed my arms. "I believe he can speak for himself, thanks. So instead of playing big brother, why don't you go drink until you black out, I know how much you enjoy doing that." Dimitri's eyes darkened and he moved forward. I felt his demon's radiation begin to come out. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back. "Relax. Starting a fight with my girlfriend is a lose, lose situation no matter the outcome. Walk away, Dimitri." Dimitri clenched his fists and walked away. When Dimitri left, I glared at Violet. "What the hell has gotten into you? How you spoke to Dimitri just now, your entire behavior within the past hour, has been completely uncalled for." I ranted, coming closer to me. "What's going on? Where is my Violet. Because my Violet doesn't do this." Violet said. "I don't know." I walked closer to Violet. "Don't touch me." she warned but I hugged her instead. "I'm sorry." she whispered. I pulled back and stared into her golden eyes. "What did I do? How did I set you off?" She shook her head. "You didn't. It was built up anger. A lot's been going on and at the time I couldn't be mad, I had to be strong and keep my cool. So it just built up til I snapped, which just so happened to be you. I am really sorry." The expirement. Worry filled me and I stared at Violet. "Does this happen to you a lot?" She shrugged. "Every once in awhile. It's been happening ever since I was little, just a way of dealing with things, and I'm not done. Right now I'm controlled, I'm probably going to snap at my king." Violet paused. "Not that he doesn't deserve it since he's been hiding the fact that I'm an expirement." "Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I just know Dimitri didn't. Not that time." "I know. Neither did you or Zane. Although I was worse on you and Dimitri, Zane was calm so it pissed me off more." "I don't know whether to laugh or feel special that I didn't piss you off more." Her lip slightly curved. "Maybe a little of both." she said before becoming serious. "I am sorry though. I'll apologize to Dimitri later tonight when I'm officially calm, Zane too, but I just need you to know now. You're the most important one to me." I kissed her passionately, then rested my forehead on her's. "I will forgive long as tonight we have make-up sex." Violt laughed. "Deal, make-up sex sounds great." "Walk me to my meeting before you go unleash tons of anger on poor King Vladimir?" Violet nodded and I laced our fingers.. "Remember, orphanage after this. Don't disappoint the children." she reminded me. Not like I could forget. I smiled. "Okay, love, I'll see you afterwards." After one more kiss, I went inside the room. Anita rushed towards me, "You're late! Here put your crown on! Go! Go!" she said pushing me. I walked through the doors and nodded to all the people around. "Good evening, ladies and gentleman." Everybody stood up and kneeled to their knee's, "Prince Alexander." they said in a unison. I bit my tongue and raised my hands, "Please rise." I said as I walked to my seat. "So, Prince Alexander, what do you think we can do for strategies in the war." I motioned towards the door, where Zane came bursting in. "He is the brains of our team. This is Zane, everyone. Please, allow him to explain to you." I acted to take notes as Zane went into a deep explanation of how we could kill them. "The demons are not stupid. They will set their weakest in the front lines then the strongest as the last. We need to set our strongest in the back lines while our weak are in the front lines. We have to train our army to become almost as strong as Alexander and Violet." After 20 minutes of this, I excused myself and gave my crown to Anita. Then taking my shirt off, I tucked it in my pants and spread my wings. I flew towards the orphanage. When I arrived, I nearly ran in. I truly missed them. The animals that Violet got the kids began making noise. The dogs started barking and the cats began meowing. "PWINCE! PWINCE ALEXANDER IS HERE GUYS! IT'S THE PWINCE!" I wrapped my arms around as many kids as I could hold and swung them around. They all giggled and laughed. I sat them down and pulled Haley and Tyson on to my lap. "Where have you been? Why haven't you come to see us? Did you miss us? Did you bring us presents?" "One at a time, kids." Rayne said. I smiled at her and set the kids down. I walked over to Rayne and gave her a hug, "Rayne. It's been so long." She punched my lightly on the arm, "Whose fault is that?" "Guilty as charged!" After spending hours with the kids, I finally left to fly back to the castle. When I got home, Zane and Esmeralda ran up to me. "Violet's not here!" Zane said. I glared at him, ice running through my veins. "What?" I turned towards Esmeralda. My hair turning black and my eyes turning red, "Where is she, Esmeralda?" I growled. "Sire, you cannot be angry at me! It is all for a good cause, Lady Violet said!" "Where. Is. She." I said in a snarl. "The Forbidden City." "WHAT?" I growled, ramming my hand into the wall, "HOW DOES SHE KNOW WHERE IT IS?" I yelled. "I-I told her." Esmeralda said, fear clear in her eyes. I pinned her to the wall, "WHY, IN YOUR RIGHT MIND, WOULD YOU DO THAT?" "Get off her, man." Dimitri said, pulling me back. I snatched my arm out of his grip and glared at him, "Did you know about this?" "About Violet going to The Forbidden City?" he shook his head, "No." I saw anger in his eyes but he kept calm. "Esmeralda." I said. When I looked around, Dimitri was gone. "Yes, Sire?" "Take me to The Forbidden City." "No need, Drama Queen. Your precious girlfriend is back. She's in your fathers room." Leos? What in the world is she doing there? I stormed into the third hall and into my fathers room. I was relieved to see Violet there. I hugged her quickly then held her at arm's length. My anger quickly reappearing. "Violet Charest, how dare you lie to me like that? And drag Zane and Esmeralda into it? What the fuck could have been so damn important for you to go to the Forbidden City? Huh?" I yelled in her face. Violet merely smiled, "Well? What do you have to say for your insane, stupid, immat-" "Oh, sweetheart, don't be so hard on the girl. Her heart was in the right place." a new voice said. I froze, my arms dropping to my side. I slowly looked towards the doorway only to see her. I stared in shock. Her beautiful white hair had stayed the same. Her blue/green eyes twinkled as tears filled them. My mother. "Surprise." Violet whispered, still smiling.
1 Jun 2016 | 17:32
new ep. here @kemkit @donyas @pemamezi @frankkay @victoriouschild r.c plz
1 Jun 2016 | 17:36
Ya mama is back
1 Jun 2016 | 18:46
wow! .............bravo
2 Jun 2016 | 19:18
episode 28 . Violet pov . An Early Gift The next day, I awoke before Alexander. He truly looked like an angel, sleeping so peacefully with his arms around me. I felt so much love and happiness just being blessed enough to be near him nevermind be his girlfriend. Oh God, I've become one of those girls overly obssessed with him! But he loves me...and he's actually mine... I thought, comforting myself. Still, as happy as we make each other and as much as we've helped each other, there's pain that runs too deep in him for me to fix. The only person in the world who could fix it was his mother. Or Leo giving him back his mother. I highly doubt Leo would be so generous. Of course... I could try to track her on my own. I mean, I bet Alexander has many times attempted to but I think I could get a hint. Or at least a good starting place. All I need is a picture of her, to piss of Leo (easy) and her scent would be nice. I sat up quickly. I am absolutely brilliant! This would be the best birthday ever for him to have his mother back! I got out of bed quietly and covered him, kissing his forehead before I quickly changed into my typical jeans, tank top and boots outfit. I ran downstairs into the kitchen and literally ran into Zane on my way. "Holy shit, you need to relax." He said, steadying me. "Where are you in such a rush to go?" Hm. I probably shouldn't tell anyone because they'll just tell me it's a dumb idea, that there's no way I can do it and to give up. I don't need the crappy pep talk. "Just to see Leo. Cover for me if Alexander wakes up? I know he really wouldn't be happy to find out about it." Zane nodded. "I understand. I won't lie to him though..." He paused. "However half truths are very nice and come in handy often, if need be." I grinned. "I think you're my favorite of Alexander's friends." He laughed. "Well hurry before he wakes. Leo is in the courtyard." "Thanks again!" I exclaimed before looking for Leo. He wasn't hard to find with Zane's directions and the sound of his loud, obnoxious voice. He was talking to a reporter who was asking general questions about ruling and Alexander. I approached hesitantly. It's one thing to instigate problems with Leo in privacy but it's a completely different thing to do it publicly. So I hid behind a couple of bushes, listening intently. "-feel about Violet?" Me? Who feels what about me? "Everyone in the castle loves her. Especially my son." You have a funny way of showing you believe that you fat fuck. "As much as he loved Lady Lydia?" My blood froze. How many times had I wondered if I was her replacement? I know I wasn't his first love, I knew that before I knew I had feelings for him, but was she stilla factor now? Does he love me like he loved her? Am I actually a replacement? Overthinking it again... "I don't know. But I think that's enough questions for today. Come again next week." He said with finality. Apparently Leo didn't like this topic either. Of course the reasons are completely different; I compare myself to a dead woman and he is the reason she's dead. Once the reporter was gone, I followed him til we were both out of sight. Then I jumped out and kicked him in the back. Leo stumbled but turned, enraged. "How dare you?" I smiled innocently. "It was an accident." He towered over me, trying to intimidate me. "That was no accident, young lady, and we both know it." My eyes narrowed and I glared at him. "What're you going to do about it?" I shoved him roughly. Now I know what you're thinking; this girl has gone insane. Yesterday she was calming down Alexander to not kill him and today she's egging him on. Yes, well there's a reason for that. See, if I get him angry enough, he'll threaten me. If he threatens me, it might be to banish me. And who else do we know that is banished? Alexander's mother! "I'll have you killed!" I grabbed his dick and not in a pleasant way, in a painful way actually. So painful, his eyes began to water. "I'm not scared of death." I hissed. "Is that the best you got?" Instead of answering, he grabbed my hair which I had stupidly left down and yanked it back. In reaction, I let him go and grabbed his hand instead, easily snapping it. He closed his eyes to hide the pain, surprising me with his endurance. Well Alexander had to get it somewhere... Once I got him to release my hair, he quickly shoved me into the wall. I could've easily moved but from his stance, the fury in his eyes and just how his entire body was glowering with anger, I knew he was about to make the threat I needed. "How about if I banish you all the way to The Forbidden City ? Huh? Is that better?" I've never heard of the Forbidden City, but I'll do some research. I head butt him hard, making him fall to the ground. "Hm, no, I actually think you cleaning up your act and either learning to rule or stepping aside for your son to take charge would be great. Thanks, lovely chat!' I said, happily. Mission accomplished! Okay, well the first part is. I have a lead! Now I just need to find out more about this lead without being completely obvious. I walked into the kitchen to warm up some blood when I saw Esmeralda there, eating some breakfast. "Good morning, Lady Violet." She greeted when I walked in. Everyone in the castle, well the 'help', calls me that. No matter how many fucking times I correct them. The only people who don't are Alexander, his friends, Leo and Anita. That's it. Out of the entire castle. Absolutely ridiculous. "It's just Violet. And good morning." I said, waiting for the blood to heat up. "Esmeralda? Can I ask you something that's meant to be kept, you know, just between us girls?" Something sparkled in her eyes. "Sure. I'd like that, uh, Violet." I sat next to her, looked around, then leaned in and whispered, "What do you know about The Forbidden City?" "Aside from it being one of the most dangerous, terrifying places in all existance? The place that destroys any innocence found?" That bad? Really? How come I've never heard of it before? "Well, yes. Do you know where it is?" "No, I've never been. I know some... well not decent people for a lady of your position who could escort you if you must go. But why is it you wish to visit?" She asked, curiously. I sighed. I couldn't really afford to explain it to anybody really. "I just need to." "Well if you do, do not tell Alexander." She whispered, looking around a bit paranoid. The girl had a really good point. Telling my over protective boyfriend that I'm going into to the most terrible and dangerous place out there just for the hell of it is most likely a dumb idea. I nodded. "Could you get me someone to bring me? Or at least give me directions?" Esmeralda nodded her head quickly. "I can. I am warning you though, he may not be the best-" "I don't care. I just need to go." She sighed. "If you insist. What time do you wish to leave?" "Tonight. Before dinner." That way I can spend the day with my love, stop by King Vladimir's quickly just so I can use it as a place to say I'm going (which would not be a lie), then meet the guy just before dinner and pray I'm back before it's late and Alexander begins to worry. I can probably convince him to go to the orphanage for dinner and spend time with them til bedtime, which leaves plenty of time. "You've got it. I'll get it set up for you." I pat her back, which is a lot for me since I don't show affection, then got up. "You're the best." Esmeralda just smiled. I got my blood and drank it quickly, then went upstairs to see Alexander. His bed was empty, but the window was open. I went out on the balcany and put my hands on the railing, the wind blowing my hair in front of me. I scanned the skies and sure enough, there my angel was, flapping his gorgeous dark wings in the beautiful blue sky. I smiled at the sight and shouted, "You ever going to come down?" when he was close enough to hear. Alexander's laugh boomed above me. He flew down so he was right in front of the balcany, eye level with me but with a huge gap between us. "I don't want to." He said, holding his arms out. "But you can join me, just stand on the rail of the balcany and jump." I smiled. "You're crazy." "Yes I am, love, but you're in love with a crazy man so that makes you twice as insane." I rolled my eyes, the smile never leaving my face. "Oh so logical, princey." I said, getting on the railing. "But this looks a little suicidal." He chuckled. "Maybe it's a trust test." The sexy angel teased. "Do you not trust me?" I jumped and his big, strong arms caught me like we both knew they would. "Of course I trust you, my love." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck so I could hold on. "Now take me somewhere beautiful." "Your wish is my command." He held me tightly and flew high. The wind felt amazing, his arms made me feel safe and the view was beautiful as always. And to think I use to hate I was in denial... Alexander ended up taking me to the place he brought me on one of the first days we were together, which looked just as amazing as it always has. When we landed we went for a little walk, talking about little things here and there, holding hands. Eventually we sat down by the lake, me kicking off my boots because unlike him I wasn't barefoot, then dipped our feet in the water. I rested my head on his should while he rested his hand on my waist and we were comfortable. "Can you believe how far we've come?" Alexander asked, out of the blue. "What do you mean?" He chuckled. "You loathed me for years, were assigned as my body guard and hated me more, now here we are, in a beautifully romantic setting, happy as can be." I smiled. "Oh, that's what you meant!" I exclaimed, not denying how I use to hate him. Because I did hate him, well the person I thought he was, and he irked me when I first met him as well. Not to say he doesn't irk me still, I just see the loving side too. My sexy angel kissed my forehead. "Yes, that's what I meant. Any thoughts, lovie?" I looked at the reflection of us on the pond and saw the happy couple we were right here and now. Away from worries and troubles, happy just to be near one another and focused on just being together instead of all the other problems we faced. I smiled at the picture and kind of wished I had Flo's camera. "I'm glad things have changed. You've helped me more than I think you realize." "How have I helped you at all?" He asked, resting his head ontop of mine. I answered, "You helped me get through my mourning, taught me how to love and reminded me why life is worth living. On top of that, you've saved my life a couple times, have been more than generous and kind, and you've been there with me through discovering what I truly am." "I did all that?" I giggled. "Yes, babe, all you." After the laughter died, I thought over what I had said and my thoughts automatically went to Lydia. He helped me through my mourning, but did I ever really help him through his? I don't believe I have. He lifted his head off mine. "What's wrong, love?" I looked up at him. "What do you mean?" "You suddenly went from being happy to being sad. Something's wrong, tell me." I sighed. "Nothing's wrong, I just heard some things..." I trailed. "That bother you." He finished. "So what 'things' did you hear?" I really didn't want to talk about it. I looked back towards the pond, my lips shut. "Violet..." Oh no, he used the full name, he's serious. I started playing with my fingernails. "People...reporters...are beginning to compare me to Lydia." I whispered, not daring to meet his eyes. I didn't want to see his pain, I didn't want to see his love for her that I know existed still and I certainly didn't want to be more upset over both those things than I already am. His body went rigid next to mine and I could almost visualize how his face look like. I closed my eyes to wish it away. After moments of total silence, he asked softly, "Why?" When I shrugged and said nothing he asked, "What're you thinking?" That a part of me hates that you'll never be one hundred percent mine. That I hate how I fell in love with someone still in love with someone else, even if he loves me to. That no matter what people say, no matter how he truly feels, I'll still do anything for him. "That it's hard being in love with a man who's still in love with another." I said, softly, taking his hand and gently squeezing it. I looked back into his eyes with nothing but love. "But that it's worth every second." Alexander's body relaxed slightly and he kissed me tenderly. "I really do love you, Violet." I nodded. "I know." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged tightly. I buried my head in his chest, trying to get my mind off this topic. God, how I hated this topic. It makes me feel so...vulnerable. He cleared his throat. "I never got to ask you about your visit with Zane to the orphanage. How was it?" Topic change. Magnificent. "Good. They really miss you though...I think you should visit them tonight." "There's a strategy meeting tonight before dinner, though. Zane has some new defense plan to share." Zane? Stupid, random Zane? I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Since when is he the genius in the group?" Alexander chuckled. "He is the most balanced person in the group. He's reasonable with all things except common sense. In that case, he's a big dope." He explained. I laughed. Somehow I just couldn't picture Zane being anything but a goofball. Well he was pretty cool this morning... "Okay, well after that meeting, go visit the kids before they go to bed." "Alright. Will you come with me?" I shook my head. "I need to visit King Vladimir. I have questions for him." I said, trying not to sound bitter. He knew all along why I excelled so well in my training, but he said nothing. He might as well have lied right to my face...perhaps he has, I don't know. I don't know much anymore. "How long will it take?" "I have absolutely no idea." I replied, being completely honest. I don't know how long it will last. Hopefully not too long or I won't be able to go to the Forbidden City without raising suspicion. He sighed. "Okay, I will miss you while you're threatening royalty." He told me, making me happy. "Well what would you like to do in the meantime? We have a couple hours..." I thought for a moment then grinned. "I know two things I want to do." "And what would those two things be?" "First, I want you to teach me something on piano. Anything, probably something simple but just something. I've always wanted to play." I said, wistfully. "And then I want to revisit the room full of pictures and look at those again." He nodded, agreeing to it, but there was something else. "What?" I asked. "Nothing...just piano..." I thought of the topic that always makes him go quiet and it wasn't hard to put two and two together. "Lydia played." I stated. Of course she did. She's perfect and amazing, why wouldn't she? Again, he nodded. "Not as well as me..." "No one plays as well as you." A small smile played on his lips. "Dimitri is getting there." I wasn't as humored. Screw playing piano now. I'm not Lydia and I don't want to be. I just want to be Violet. "Yes, well, so much for piano." I'll have to pick up another instrument then. My love frowned. "You don't want to play anymore?" "It lost it's appeal." I said dryly. "I'll never be as good as you and since I'm competetive that would bother me." As good and partially true as my excuse is, it's not the real reason. I don't want to be associated with his dead fiance is the actual reason. Alexander didn't look so convinced but he was smart enough not to push it. "The picture room?" I leaned back in the grass, my dark hair spread around my head. I stared up at the sky. "In a bit, if you don't mind." I wanted some time to think but at the same time I feared it. I've had too much to think about recently as is. My boyfriend didn't respond though. Alexander was suddenly alert. His eyes scanned the forest around us and soon he was up on his feet. I came to my feet not as quickly, since I was laying down. "A demon." He whispered, but it was the way he whispered it, that made me think it wasn't just any demon. "Stay here." In the blink of an eye, he was gone. I don't know what made him think I would listen, but I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. I quickly got on my boots, which I had learned not only to run in but to fight in, then followed his scent. I found him in a small clearing, looking all around and completely on edge. I slowly began to walk over to him when I stepped on a branch. He turned quickly and threw a fireball before even checking to see that it was me. Luckily, I ducked in time. "Violet!" He exclaimed, a mixture between anger and worry. "What're you doing here?" "Helping. Thanks for the fire, by the way, I really like it when fire balls are thrown at me." I said sarcastically. Isn't he just so romantic? He gave me a 'cut-the-crap' look. "Wasn't meant for you, it was meant for Zagan who I thought was coming up behind me." Zagan. Haven't thought about him since that thing at the orphanage I never told Alexander. "Zagan?" I asked quietly, looking around. I listened but heard nothing. He disappeared, just like last time. Alexander was quiet as he listened too, but apparently he came to the same conclusion. "Yes. He was here. I saw him. Never for more than a second though, that's why I threw that fireball without a moment's hesitation. Which wouldn't have almost hit you if you had stayed where I told you to." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it's all my fault that he got away." Again, I mentally added. "I didn't say that." I started walking, not really sure where I was going since I've never actually had directions to get here. "You didn't have to. It was implied." I retorted. I felt anger burning deep within me. From what, I don't know. Was it the actions of my fathers? Was it the frustration with the Lydia situation? Or dealing with all sorts of demons? I think it was the anger from all of it, all that I had been pushing down, but I didn't care to push it back down again. My stupid angel kept pace with me. "Why are you being like this?" "Being like what? Enlighten me." "That! That right there!" He exclaimed. "You were happy and okay until you came into the field then-" "My boyfriend threw fire at my face?" I supplied. "You know I didn't intend that for you, but I apologize." "Whatever." "You're doing it again." "Doing what?" I snapped at him. "Making angry comments with no apparent reason." He was right. There was some sort of reason but it's not apparent. I don't care though, because I'm just in that kind of mood. "Yup, that's the best part of being a girl, I can be as fucking bipolar as I'd like." I paused. "Which I think you should slightly understand since you're bipolar nine times out of ten." "Jesus Christ, what has gotten into you?" "Nothing! Okay? Just stop talking." "Not until-" "Alexander Kellan Laire, shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you." I threatend. He listened and remained silent for all of five minutes. When he spoke it was a quiet, "You're going the wrong way to get back to the castle." I stopped and turned to face him. Glowering, I asked, "Which. Way?" "It'd be easier to just fly you there than for me to give you directions." He said softly. I almost felt bad for being a bitch, but then I thought of all the things bothering me and it suddenly seemed insignificant again. Without saying anything, I crossed my arms and walked over. He picked me up bridal style, but I didn't snuggle into him like I normally do. The minute we got back, I got out of his arms and walked up to the picture room. All I needed from there was a picture of his mom. And yes, as angry as I was, I wasn't angry enough to forget my very important goal; finding Alexander's mother. I found the picture I needed and I put it in my pocket. I was going to return it once I found her, but I doubt the picture would be such a big deal when his mother was back and with him. I looked at the door and time, only an hour had passed since Alexander said we had two hours, so there was an hour before the meeting. I should've left the picture room, but I didn't. A scrapbook that Flo had made, not for me, but for Alexander, was there. Curiousity got the bets of me, as it always does, and I picked it up. I opened it and flipped through, looking at pictures of Alexander and his friends, Dimitri included, as kids. They were so adorable! As I turned the pages, they got older and older, and then Lydia showed up in them. They all looked so close and so...happy. True, honest to God happiness just in all their faces. Envy was in every fiber of my body. They were all best friends, Lydia meant something to them all, more than I ever would. She had the life I use to dream about. And even though she's dead, she's still here, in this house and all their hearts. "What're you doing?" Zane asked casually from the doorway. I shut the scrapbook and put it down. "Looking at pictures." I said, standing up to face him. "What're you doing?" "Just checking on you." Zane didn't deserve my anger. Alexander hadn't either. "That's sweet." I said sarcastically. "Too bad it doesn't matter." Zane wasn't fazed though. He was relatively calm, leaning against the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "If that's what you really think, then I guess it doesn't. Can I ask you a question though?" I said nothing. He took that as a yes. "Does how Alexander's doing matter?" How dare he be reasonable and ask considerate questions. "Yes." I mumbled. "Well do you want to know?" "I have a feeling you're going to tell me regardless of what I say." "You're right, I am, because he feels like shit. He has no idea what set you off. From what he's told me, I can't fathom a reason either. Although I doubt it's a good enough reason to hurt him." I never would have pegged Zane as being the type to make me feel like shit. I ran my hand through my hair, still angry for no reason, but guilty enough to feel bad for taking it out on Alexander. "Don't you love him?" He asked. I glared at him. "Of course I do. And you're right, I don't have any particular reason to be mad, but I am, it's just not at him." I spat. "He seems to think it is. I'm not asking much, just to talk to him, clarify that it's not his fault. It's the only tact here that works and is healthy." Zane had valid points, but that just made me more angry. Reasonable people always piss of angry people more. "Fine." I said, stopping to break something first. Zane raised an eyebrow. "I'll pay for that." I said, "Now where is he?" "With Dimitri in the music room." Leaving Zane behind, I ran to the music room. I stopped at the door, listening. "-forget it, man. I'll set you up with some booz then I'll take care of Violet and get to the bottom of this bullshit." Dimitri said, sounding angry. "You will do no such thing." Alexander said fiercly. "Lay a hand on Violet and I'll kill you myself." That kind of 'take care of' eh? If he wants a fight, fine. I walked in and received a nice glare from Dimitri. "Look what the cat dragged in." He said bitterly. "Shut up, dickhead, I didn't come here for you. I came for your cousin. You can go now." I wanted to be friends with Dimitri, well I thought I did, but I wasn't going to deal with his shit. Alexander stood up from the piano bench as Dimitri said, "He doesn't want to talk to you." I crossed my arms. "I believe he can speak for himself, thanks. So instead of playing big brother, why don't you go drink until you black out, I know how much you enjoy doing that." His eyes darkened and he moved forward, probably to smack me instead of leaving the room, when Alexander grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Relax. Starting a fight with my girlfriend is a lose, lose situation no matter the outcome. Walk away, Dimitri." With all the self control he possessed, Dimitri actually walked away. When he was gone, Alexander looked at me and he was not pleased. "What the hell has gotten into you? How you spoke to Dimitri just now, your entire behavior within the past hour, has been completely uncalled for." He ranted, coming closer to me. "What's going on? Where is my Violet. Because my Violet doesn't do this." I looked down, trying to contain my anger once again and gain some control. "I don't know." I heard his steps as he walked closer. "Don't touch me." I warned, but he ignored it. Alexander hugged me tightly for awhile and eventually, my anger decreased to a tolerable amount. I reigned in my control, saving what's left of it special for King Vladimir and hugged back. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He pulled back and stared into my golden eyes. "What did I do? How did I set you off?" I shook my head. "You didn't. It was built up anger. A lot's been going on and at the time I couldn't be mad, I had to be strong and keep my cool. So it just built up til I snapped, which just so happened to be you. I am really sorry." He just looked at me, worry in his eyes. "Does this happen to you a lot?" I shrugged. "Every once in awhile. It's been happening ever since I was little, just a way of dealing with things, and I'm not done. Right now I'm controlled, I'm probably going to snap at my king." I paused. "Not that he doesn't deserve it since he's been hiding the fact that I'm an expirament." "Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I just know Dimitri didn't. Not that time." I had to agree with him there. "I know. Neither did you or Zane. Although I was worse on you and Dimitri, Zane was calm so it pissed me off more." "I don't know whether to laugh or feel special that I didn't piss you off more." My lip slightly curved. "Maybe a little of both." I said before going serious. "I am sorry though. I'll apologize Dimitri later tonight when I'm officially calm, Zane too, but I just need you to know now. You're the most important one to me." He kissed me passionately, then rested his forehead on mine. "I will forgive long as tonight we have make-up sex." I laughed. "Deal, make-up sex sounds great." Although I doubt he'll still want that when he has hundreds of years to make up on lost time with his mother. Oh well, it'll happen eventually. "Walk me to my meeting before you go unleash tons of anger on poor King Vladimir?" I nodded, took his hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked downstairs to the meeting room. Zane wasn't there yet, but everyone else was. "Remember, orphanage after this. Don't disappoint the children." I reminded him. He smiled. "Okay, love, I'll see you afterwards." After one more kiss, he went inside the room. I walked no more than five feet before walking into Esmeralda. She pulled me aside and handed me an address. Conveniently, it was right outside King Vladimir's castle. Perfect... "Thank you so much, you're the best." She smiled. "I'm glad you think that. Be outside there in a half hour. And be careful." "I will." I said, pocketing the address even though I already knew where it was. "If for some reason, which I highly doubt, I don't come back from this place...take care of Alexander for me, okay?" Her smile widened, obviously thrilled at being the one privlidged with this job. "Of course, my lady." She said, curtsying. "Good luck at whatever you're looking for there." "Where?" Asked Zane, coming up from behind me. Esmeralda's eyes widened. "Go." I ordered her, something she happily obliged to. I turned to Zane, "She's talking about my visit with my king. Why do you ask?" Disbelief was clear in his eyes. "Then why did you ask her to take care of your boyfriend if you didn't make it back?" Shit. I eyed him accusingly. "Eavesdropper." "Guilty as charged. Now I suggest we settle this before Alexander comes out..." I sighed. "I have to go somewhere somewhat dangerous to find something important. She was just helping me out." "What do you need and where is it?" "Can't tell you what, you'll see later. As for where, I can only tell you if you promise not to tell Alexander until hm about nine thirty. You can tell him then because if I'm not back by then, chances are, I'm in trouble." I explained quickly. It was his turn to sigh. "Fine, I promise. Now tell me so I can tell him at nine thirty." I bit my lip, deciding to just go with the truth since he promised and Zane didn't seem like the type to break a promise. "The Forbidden City." His jaw dropped. "You can't go there! You won't even be able to find it! The only person who knows where it is is Leo and any inhabitants, who are all highly dangerous criminals, who managed to find their way out. I, hell Alexander doesn't even know where it is!" "Shhh!" I whisper hushed. "Don't worry about it, I have this. Trust me." "You're insane." He stated. I rolled my eyes. "And I'm leaving. I'll be back and when I am you'll know why and my 'insane' behavior will be justified." "We'll see. Even if you do come back before nine thirty, I'm informing him of the lying, Violet." "I'd prefer to tell him myself, Zane. I really do have a good reason, so even if he's mad at me, it'll be worth it." "I hope you make it back to be able to, I really do." He said, walking into the meeting. Once he left, I got a good sized knife and hid it in my boot. I put on a black sweatshirt and put two pocket knives, one in each pocket. I got shades and put those in a pocket too. Last but not least, my file. Then I stormed down to see good old King Vladimir. Surprisingly, he was talking to my mother. I stopped to listen before barging in and crashing the party. "You come in here every month and ask the same thing, I'm still going to give you my answer; no. It's not my place to tell her, she has to figure it out on her own, unless we somehow find that folder." "She's my daughter-" "You left her." He roared, getting annoyed with my mother's antics. She didn't flinch. "For reasons I can't even explain to her because you won't let me!" So it has become clear to me that they are discussing me. Too bad I know more than they think. I flung open the doors. "Explain what? That you left because you didn't want the expirament that you gave birth too?" It was dead silent and they both looked over at me, in shock. "Oh that's right, I wasn't an expirament right then. No, it was the minute I got that shot. You know, the one you signed for, King Vladimir?" He cleared his throat. "How did you find out?" "A demon gave me the folder for my birthday." I said, ommitting what demon. "And that is just sad that's it come a time where demons are less deceitful than my own kind. Well, the kind I mostly am and was raised to be." "Violet." My mother said, tears running down her face. "I am so sor-" "Save it." I said, venom in my words. "I don't want to hear how this all effected you. I don't want to hear how you couldn't take looking at me every God damn day. I'm here to give my so-called father's final report." She was silent. "I may be an expirament of my father's...but I'm not a controlled one. I made that clear many times over. I am expiramental, serious, graceful, charming, flirty and full of wrath all thanks to that nice little injection. Those traits belong to other creatures which are now a part of me. " I said, throwing the folder at King Vladimir. "Check if you don't believe me. It worked. I recover at a faster pace, I learn at a faster pace and I'm way stronger than a twenty year old vampire should be. Almost invincible. But knowing what I am, even though I am at peace with it, doesn't make me condone condeming someone else to this." "But if it worked-" "No!" I shouted, all my anger coming out. The air picked up around me, my body felt like it was on fire. "You will not be doing this to anyone else!" They both looked at me in awe, just angering me more. I curled my fists, the energy surrounding me strengthening. Something in me knew what to do and lead me threw the motions. I thrust my hand forward and a mixture of blue/green energy came out struck King Vladimir in the shoulder, pushing him back. When my mother moved, my other hand did the same to her. Both were paralyzed, only able to move their heads. I stood in the middle of them, eyes blazing, and faced King Vladimir "You try to make any innocent baby like me...I will kill you. Write an order to discontinue this entire thing. Are we clear?" I said in an almost demonic voice. "Y-Yes, Violet." I turned to my so called mother and knelt beside her. "Never use my father's, or should I say creator's, choices as a petty excuse for your own." Fear radiated from her eyes as she agreed. I felt at peace with this and the anger left my body. My body relaxed, my hands went limp at my side and the energy wind died down. I felt surprisingly better afterwards. That's when the guilt set in. What the hell was I thinking? "H-How did you do that?" My mother asked, trying to lift her head to look at me, but unable to move the rest of her body. "That was something between a witch's hex and the worst a fairie can do." King Vladimir answered, his fingers twitching. Their eyes moved to me. "Her eyes are back to normal." My mother said, relieved. Um, what? "My eyes?" I inquired. "They were literally glowing." Oh. That's creepy. I cleared my throat. "Well...I'm not sorry for anything, as far as I'm concerned you've both had that coming. So I say we start fresh from here and never mention this again." "Fine. But you should mention it to Alexander, he copes with something unknown and you need to-" Vladimir is not comparing me to an actual demon living inside my boyfriend. "This is completely different! I was pissed! I don't have a demon inside me!" "I know that. But the strength...the glowing eyes... it was different. And needs investigation." "Leave her be." My mother reponded before I did, catching me by surprise. "I need this new start with my grown up daughter. I will not let you make her leave." I wasn't sure what I felt about this, so I ignored it. "Yeah...we can try a relationship or whatever some other time. I have somewhere to be. Like I said, never mention this again." The last thing I was going to burden Alexander with was my freaky power surge that came with my anger burst. I locked the door and left them there, knowing they'd be unparalyzed eventually. I put my sunglasses on and my hood up then met the man outside. Surprisingly he was a demon. He had greasy black hair and black, soulless eyes. I felt uneasy, but knowing he was the only thing to be able to help me, I shook his hand. Of course, he's a criminal, that's how he knows the way. What did I expect? "Lets go." He lead me down an odd route, then veered off of it. I followed, all the while hiding my scent so we couldn't be followed. I kept my eye on him, not trusting the demon for a minute. We walked through what looked like a tree, but was actually a portal to somewhere else. After more walking, another secret route and one last portal, we appeared at The Forbidden City. The smell was rancid. The sign indicating we were there was missing pieces and vandelized, the rest of the place matching it. The few people out on the streets all kept to themselves, except the two beating the shit out of one another in the middle of a field. My escort said, "Here's the beautiful city. I was told I just had to show you it." He grabbed my arm tightly. "Now that you've seen it, I think you should come with me." I jerked him towards me and kneed him in the stomach. I took his head in my hands and easily snapped his neck. "Not feeling it." I replied to his corpse before entering the city. Something lurked in every shadow, but I walked by quickly, daring for an attack. I decided the best place to look for someone, or someone who might recognize her, would be at a bar. If I had my child taken away and was banned, I'd be at the bar every night. Only one person tried to attack me on my way, I just kicked him in the balls and left him. When I walked in the bar, people looked up, their eyes planning nothing of good intent. I ignored it and sat on a bar stool, ordering a sex on the beach. Alexander loves those... "Hey, baby, what brought you here? What harm could a pretty little girl like you do?" A local slimeball asked. I grabbed his shirt and some of his skin with it and pulled him close. "Tell me where to find this woman," I said, pulling a picture out, "Or you'll see just what I'm capable of." "I don't know her. But-" I slammed the picture on the table, got the blade from my boot and stabbed him straight through the heart. I took it back out and his dead body fell to the ground. "Not the answer I was looking for." I said, licking the blood off the knife. It didn't taste great, but at least I set an example for anyone else in the joint so they know not to fuck with me. When the bartender woman came back, I decided to ask her. "Do you know this lady? Has she been here often?" "The woman with white hair and looks twenty six? Yeah, I've seen her. Those blue-green eyes are always so sad when I do, I wonder what she did to get in here." The lady sighed. "Real nice, she comes in here only a couple times a year, but she always leaves a nice tip." I nodded. "Do you know where I can find her?" Her eyes narrowed. "Look, that lady goes through enough. She's been on the brink of death I don't know how many times, and probably will be for the rest of her existence. She doesn't need any problems from you." I know she couldn't see my eyes because of the sunglasses, but I know she could feel my stare. "Good thing I'm not 'causing problems, I'm just here for a visit." After a moment of understanding, the bartender took a napkin and wrote down an address. "If I find out you did anything-" "You won't." I said, taking the address and pocketing it with the picture. I downed the drink, paid with a nice tip. "Thank you very much." I stepped over the dead body and headed out. I reread the address and started walking there. On the way, a guy whistled and a girl stood in my way, wanting money. She had a knife pointed at my chest, but I knocked it out of her hand with ease. I kicked her in the neck, then stomped on her head with my heal when she was on the ground. I continued my walk, without a trace of guilt for the criminals here. I got to the run down house and knocked on the door. An insanely beautiful woman that fit the description of the picture, cracked open the door and peered at me. "Who are you and what do you want?" "I'm a friend, my name is Violet. I just want to talk." Okay, when people say they just want to talk, they probably don't. They usually want to beat you up or something. Why did I say that? now she won't open the- Alexander's mother opened the door wide open. "Oh, then come in, dear." Or she will. I walked in and she shut the door. "What did you say your name was, honey?" I could be here to kill her, and she'd be calling me honey. Interesting. "Violet." I answered, taking off the sunglasses. "I'm-" Her eyes watered a little. "You're my son's girlfriend." She whispered, in awe. I nodded, confused. "How do you know?" "I have my people, darling. Did you think I would survive here not knowing he's alright?" That is a valid point. I smiled. "Of course not, I apologize." I said, getting straight to business. "But now, you get to talk to him yourself. I'm breaking you out of here." Veronica's, whose name was written on the back of the picture, eyes widened. "You won't be able to do that, they'll kill you! Then my son will be hurt again! No." She shook her head stubbornly. "No you must leave and be free. I'll be alright, dear, don't you worry." How sweet. Too bad I already went through all this work and will not leave without her. I crossed my arms, "I don't care. I will take on an army if I have to, you will be out of this place though." I glanced at the clock, it was six at night. It took two hours just to get here and then more time to get through the city and find her. "I would deciding to cooperate quickly, then hurrying and packing. Alexander will be informed of where I am at precisely nine thirty and there will be hell to pay for everyone when he does find out." Any shyness that was there before, suddenly disappeared. "He doesn't know you're here?" She shouted. "He's going to set the world on fire looking for you! Oh no, this is not good, not good at all!" I stifled a laugh at her reaction. "I know, that's what I was saying. So hurry and pack." She nodded her head really fast and started running around, gathering random things. I helped Veronica the best that I could. Before we left, I gave her my sweatshirt and sunglasses. It wouldn't help much but it's the best I could do. "Take your bags, stay close by my side, and I'll get you out of here safely." I told her. She smiled. "If you're as good as my friends say you are, that's true." We walked out the door. "Yes, your people who would tell you stuff, but wouldn't help get you out of here." "Well they can't do that, it's their job to keep me in, silly!" I gave her an incredulous look. Really? "Right..." I trailed. She was oblivious to my skeptical attitude, she just smiled and nodded. We got to the edge, and people who looked like ordinary criminals, started making their way towards me. "Are those some of them?" I asked, pushing her behind me. "No, those are the ones who usually beat me to a pulp whenever I get to this point!" Anger boiled inside of me, what had she done to deserve that? Nothing. I moved with vampire speed, tearing ligaments off some and stabbing others. With only three left, I left the two pocket knives imbedded in the skulls of two of them and saw the third with Veronica. In a matter of seconds, I appeared in front of them. I pointed the knife I still had at his chest. "Step...away." He listened, letting go of her wrist and backing up. "No! Violet, he's one of my friends!" "Really? Because it looks like he was just going to take you back in after all my hard work." I said, glaring at him. He shrank back more. Veronica put her hand on my arm gently. "No, he really is, he's never hurt me. He was just gonna bring me back because it's his job." Does she have any idea how dumb that sounds? "Ask him, he'll tell you he's my friend!" The man nodded quickly. I sighed. "Of course he will, I have a knife pointed at him and I just killed all those people. He'll do anything to save his life." She pouted. "Don't kill him!" "Fine!" I exclaimed, hitting him on the back of the head, only to knock him out. "Happy now?" "Yes!" I grabbed her arm and started dragging her along. "Then lets go!" It took a bit longer to get back then it did to get there, because it was hard to concentrate and remember the way with Veronica's happy blabbering. It was almost like watching a child, watching her. So amusing I got myself a bit lost. When we did find the way, when we were so close to the castle, not only was it 9:40, but it was also time for Veronica to remember Alexander's birthday. "Oh my goodness, it's my sons birthday tomorrow and I didn't even get him a gift!" She exclaimed. "I have to go get something! What did you get him? I wouldn't want to get the same thing, that's embarrassing." I giggled. Really? A present? "I haven't gotten him anything yet. We can go shopping tomorrow. How about we get through you finally seeing him again first, while I go take care of Leo? Sound good?" "You're right, you're right." She said, hurrying by my side. I got in the door to see yet another obstacle. "Dimitri, get out of my way, please." "No. I'm actually kinda pissed off at you. Not only for your attitude earlier today, but going off to the Forbidden City? For what? Alexander is livid and betrayed and-" Veronica took off my sunglasses, her hair falling out of my hood a little. "Dimitri? Oh my, look how big you are!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He hugged back, staring at me with shock. I smirked. "Are you still mad at me? Didn't think so." I said, pulling Veronica off. "Now, we have to go get her changed into some decent clothing. Would you be a dear and get Leo in a confined are, preferably a cell in his own dungeon, and send Alexander up without ruining the surprise?" He grinned. "With pleasure." I dragged Veronica upstairs as she pointed out how all the things are exactly how she remembered. I went into Leo's room and sent her into the bathroom with one of her old dresses that he just so happened to have kept. Luck, really, since I was thinking they'd be someone elses who had left them behind. In a matter of moments, Alexander stormed in. And man, was he pissed. He hugged me tightly first, then held me at arms length. "Violet Charest, how dare you lie to me like that? And drag Zane and Esmeralda into it? What the fuck could have been so damn important for you to go to the Forbidden City? Huh?" He yelled. I couldn't help but smile, as bad as it is. I mean, I did it! I found his mom! But he didn't know that so it didn't help. "Well? What do you have to say for your insane, stupid, immat-" "Oh, sweetheart, don't be so hard on the girl. Her heart was in the right place." Veronica said, standing in the bathroom doorway. The anger drained from Alexander's face more quick than I've ever seen as he looked to the doorway. Seeing his mother, for the first time in how many years, at last. "Surprise." I whispered, still smiling.
5 Jun 2016 | 04:06
new ep. here @kemkit @donyas @pemamezi @frankkay @victoriouschild r.c plz
5 Jun 2016 | 04:07
wow .......... Suprise indeed! @holykruzz happy sunday and tenx for the update
5 Jun 2016 | 13:41
waoo.... Nice... following
5 Jun 2016 | 15:02
same here @kemkit
5 Jun 2016 | 17:52
Loving every bit of this story pls ride on
6 Jun 2016 | 05:04
ep.28 . alex pov . I stared at my mother, taking in her appearance, inhaling her sweet scent that I had been deprived of. My arms itched to take her into them and crush her into a hug but I couldn't. It's like we're strangers, I mean...I haven't seen her for over 2 centuries. Pain began in my heart again as I remember how my father casted her out and anger began forming inside of me. My eyes turned to Violet, she stared at me smiling but I couldn't smile back, this was just all too much. I didn't want to feel again the pain of her being exiled. Maybe she'll just disappear and this is all just a dream? But, I knew it wasn't. "Happy birthday, princey." I was silent for moment, "You call this a birthday present?" I spat. I could feel my body trembling in anger. "W-What?" Violet said, shocked. "Who told you to go to the Forbidden City and bring her back?" I yelled, "Who are you to decide whether my mother can be back or not?" I slammed my fist into the wall; I could feel the blood rushing to my head which means my hair was beginning to change colors. "I did this for you! I thought you would appreciate this!" "Did I ask you to do this for me? NO! I didn't even want to celebrate my birthday so what is this?" "I thought that you would like having your mother back." "AND WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT, VIOLET?" "Don't yell at me." She said in a calm voice. "Dammit." I swore then turned and stormed off. Anger was radiating off of me. I went out on the balcony and dove off, my wings unleashing themselves. Black feathers flew around me as I speeded in the air. I couldn't even enjoy the air because of my anger. After flying for nearly three hours, I floated at least 500 feet above ground.. I just need to know that this isn't a dream or a silly prank. I did the only thing that came to my mind. I folded my wings in. My body fell rapidly through the air. The cold air hit my bare back, it rushed through my hair. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the impact. But it hit before I could. My body fell on the ground with a loud crack ! The ground under me gave away, the dirt pushed back and cracks around me appeared on the ground. I closed my eyes but a grunt of pain escaped my lips. I clenched my teeth and hunched over, holding my head. My wing had been crushed on the weight of my body and it's probably broken. The pain wasn't dying away, just increasing. It's obviously not a dream; this is real...all real. I laid there for what felt like hours, just lying in my pain. It hurt, it hurt so badly. And not only my back, but my heart. Especially my heart. She was back and yet why was I angry? I wanted to hold her in my arms but why couldn't I? It was just all too much to handle. I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket, my father's voice in my head, calling out to me. Eventually, I felt Dimitri's presence around me. He landed in front of me and looked down at my pathetic body lying on the ground. "You're a dumbass." Dimitri said, sitting down. I looked at him and attempted to sit up. Extreme pain shot through my spinal cord to my skull. I yelled out in pain and immediately Dimitri rushed towards me. "How the hell did you break your fucking wing?" He said, examining it. Dimitri sighed and handed me a bottle that he pulled out of his jacket, "Let's go." He put my arm over his shoulder and lifted me off the ground, with my one working wing and his powerful wings; we arrived at the castle later than usual but fairly quick. As soon as we landed at the front of castle, I felt like I was literally going to faint. My head began to become fuzzy with the pain from my wing and quickly knew that it was a very dumb and impulsive decision. I limped through the castle doors and almost fell to my knees if it hadn't been for Dimitri holding me up. "ANITA!" Dimitri yelled and almost instantly, not only Anita but Violet, my mother, my father, and a bunch of other maids came running up. "Oh lord, what happened?" My mother said, running up to me. Dimitri looked at me, "Well, I don't know either." Violet stared at me as I stared her in the eye back, she seemed shocked, angry and even a little hurt. I knew she felt that way yet it didn't faze me this time. I limped by her as Anita led me into the infirmary. Knowing I was angry, Violet still came along, staring at my gruesome wing. Anita tied my hands to the bedside (as if that would do anything) then warningly said, "This is going to hurt very badly. You know the drill." Anita's hands clasped around the first half of my wing painfully, a gasp escaped my lips, and then the real pain began. Anita snapped my wing back into place, which in reality causes it to break again. I screamed at the top of my lungs as the pain esclated. Violet ran up to Anita but Anita swiftly told her to relax. My yells continued. Sweat dripped down my forehead. My hands ripped out of the ropes. Anita left as my yells quieted down. But before she left, she rubbed some fae medicine on it which allowed me to numb my wing completely. Violet was sitting on the couch parallel from my bed, her knees tucked under her chin. I walked towards the window and sat down, staring out. I heard Violet's boot clicking against the floor as she approached me. She placed her hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. Violet grunted in frustration and sat in front of me. "What are you doing?" I said, glaring at her. "How long are you going to stay mad, Alexander?" I shrugged and looked away, "I just...she's going to be cast away again and I'm going to be stuck in the same position I was as a child." Violet shook her head, "No. You're not. You have power now, you can have her stay." "Her life will be hell here." "Again, it won't. She just wants to get to know you now. Catch up on the years she's missed out on." I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I guess. I looked up at Violet, instantly feeling guilty for being a dick too her when all she wanted to do was care for me. I wrapped my arms around Violet, who was frozen but melted in my arms, "I'm so sorry for the way I was acting. I guess anger just replaced shock. I'm honestly happy that you did this for me and I'm beyond grateful." Violet silenced me with a passionate kiss that was able to clear my mind of any doubts. I tightened my arms around her and picked her up, gently laying her on the bed. With my powers, I flipped the lock on the door to make sure nobody came in.
7 Jun 2016 | 07:05
ep. 29 . . "Don't get too excited." Violet said, motioning to my wing, "You'll hurt it again." I shrugged, "It can always get fixed." "I'm not going to cause you anymore pain." "Enough with the talk," I said peeling off Violet's shirt, "Let's get to business." I said with a wink and began ravishing her lips once again. I layed on my stomach as Violet massaged my aching wing. It seemed that she had magic hands. "Have I told you that I love you?" I said to Violet. "Yes, but it's always nice to hear it again." Violet laughed. "Alexander! Violet!" Anita said through the door, "Whatever shanningans you two are up to is going to have to be put on hold because Alexander needs some more medicine!" I glanced at Violet and laughed. I carried her into the bathroom then pulled on my clothing as well and opened the door. Anita raised her eyebrow at Violet's discarded clothing that was lying around. I grinned devilishly and kicked it underneath the bed. I laid back on my stomach and allowed Anita too put the medicine on my wing. Violet walked out with her "sex-hair" up in a pony-tail and wearing a giant t- shirt with jeans. Suddenly, Leo came into the room with my...mother trailing closely behind him but keeping a distance. "How is your wing?" Leo said, folding his arms and staring at me. "None of your concern." My eyes stared at my mother, yet spoke to my father. "I am your father." "And?" Before he could say anything, "Leave." "Excuse me?" Leo said. "I would like time to catch up with my mother, so leave." "This is not over!" Leo said but found his heart and walked out. Anita followed behind him. I glanced at Violet, not really caring if she stayed but with a smile, she mouthed 'later' then walked out closing the door. "Alexander." she whispered, taking a step towards me, "You've grown so much." I chuckled, "That's what happens when you're gone for over a 100 years." Pain shot in her eyes, "I'm so sorry for leaving you, Xander." That nickname...only her and Lydia would call me that. I couldn't hold it in any longer and it seemed that neither could my mother because we quickly embraced one another. I hugged her so tight to my body, and surprisingly, she returned it with the same strength. I felt her warmth as my mother. She sat me down on the bed and wrapped her arm around me, "So tell me what I have missed." "Not much. You've met Violet, she was originally my body guard." I said beginning to laugh at the thought of me having a bodyguard, "and initially we despised eachother, but I guess opposites attract." "She is a sweet girl, Xander. Hold on to her." I smiled, "I will. Tell me about your the Forbidden City." My mother laughed, "It's not so bad. Dangerous place, but as long as you have power, it's easy to get by." "No punks picking fights with you right? Tell me their names and they're dead." I wasn't joking. She laughed, "I don't need my son fighting my battles, don't think you got all your strength from that father of yours." I shook my head, "That bastard has no pride. I apologize on his behalf." "Xander, that was centuries ago. You've become an old man." "And you an old woman." My mother fake-gasped, "Don't you know not to call a woman old?" I smiled, "It must have slipped my mind." "Now," my mother said, "Why did you do this too yourself?" she motioned to my wing. "I needed to know this wasn't a dream." My mother grunted in disapproval, "So you break your wing?" I shrugged, "Not the worst thing that's happened to me." She immediately understood I was talking about Lydia's death. She walked up to me, "I heard, Xander. Don't ever think that I had forgotten about you, I always knew what was happening to you." "I wish I could say the same." She rubbed my back, in a motherly way, "It's ok, sweetheart." "Oh yeah, if Leo is giving you any problems, just let me know. I will gladly beat him up." "Oh honey, I've lived in the Forbidden City for over a century now, I can very well take care of myself." I grinned devilishly, "Willing to make a bet?" "Against the best fighter of this realm?" she said innocently, "Bring it on, son." I laughed, "I can see where I got my spirit from now." "We'll talk about this duel once your wing is healed. For now rest, my child." I watched as she left the room. My mother…I had a mother now, one I can bond with, watch movies with, and eat food that she cooked. Anita came in right after her, with another dose of my medicine. "Where's Violet?" "She left, went on a run I think." I nodded, "Alright. Do me a favor and call Dimitri in here." 2 minutes later, Dimitri walked in with a pack of fairy alcohol, grinning from ear to ear. "I knew you'd call, cousin." He said, taking his alcohol and shot glasses out from his jacket. He put the fairy alcohol on the bed and threw me the bottle. "Let's get wasted, cousin." I laughed, "You read my mind." Dimitri's POV You see, I do this all the time. 'Drink' with Alexander, but instead of getting shitfaced…like he does, I sit back and watch him make a fool of himself. Because drunk Alexander and sober Alexander are two different people. Oh, especially with Violet's in the picture. Alexander was in the midst of taking his 200th shot when Violet walked in. Sweat lined her forehead as she took out her headphone. Alexander whistled, "Why, heeeellllloooo thereeeeee sexyyy." "Uh…hello?" she said, staring skeptically at Alexander. Alexander stood up with the bottle in his hand, he stumbled a little but regained his balance. "You are just soo daaamned beautiful." He said, slamming his hand into the wall next to Violet's head. Alexander raised his eyebrows, "Oopsie!" he said than began laughing. "Violet," he whispered in her ear. Even when he was drunk, he still had a clear effect on Violet. "What?" she whispered back. "I want you." He said, putting his hand somewhere naughty. "Now's not a good time, hun." She gasped. "Then when is?" he asked, running his hands up her curves. As much as normal people would find this the intrusion of privacy, I couldn't help but laugh at Violet's reaction and the horny Alexander. He ran his lips up her neck, "Come on, please." Violet began nodded but shook her head, within a second she was on the otherside of the room, "No! That'd be rape!" "Technically, it would be rape if he resisted." I pitched in. "And I know I wouldn't resist." He purred, walking around the bed. "But you're drunk! You don't know what you're thinking right now!" "I know that I want you…in my pants…in my bed…" he winked, "Sounds inviting, eh?" I began laughing like crazy, "Ye-NO. I MEAN NO! I refuse." He walked towards Violet, this time trapping her against the wall with his body. To be honest, even while being drunk he was smooth. "How," he whispered, kissing her neck, "Can," he said, trailing up, "You," he nibbled on her ear which caused her to shiver, "Resist this?" "God dammit." She whispered, leaning her head back against the wall and slightly panting. It seemed that it took a lot of energy to resist him. Violet glanced at me with pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes, "Alexander! Have a drink with me, cousin! The lady doesn't want it." Alexander grinned, "Ok!" he yelped, jumping over the bed and stealing the bottle. After taking a large swig, he grinned then looked at the bottle, "I've missed you, friend." He said, than hugged the bottle to his chest. I took that as a chance to leave. "Good luck, princess." I said to Violet before leaving. Outside the door I heard Alexander' sing-song drunken voice sing, "Ohhh Viollletttt.." then locked the door.
7 Jun 2016 | 07:07
Ah nice episodes Really love it
7 Jun 2016 | 08:04
Violet can't resist Alexandre Vice versa
7 Jun 2016 | 08:05
new ep here @kemkit @hoelhay @victoriouschild
7 Jun 2016 | 14:54
lolzzz .......... Funny episode
7 Jun 2016 | 18:48
ep. 30 . An Early Gift The next day, I awoke before Alexander. He truly looked like an angel, sleeping so peacefully with his arms around me. I felt so much love and happiness just being blessed enough to be near him nevermind be his girlfriend. Oh God, I've become one of those girls overly obssessed with him! But he loves me...and he's actually mine... I thought, comforting myself. Still, as happy as we make each other and as much as we've helped each other, there's pain that runs too deep in him for me to fix. The only person in the world who could fix it was his mother. Or Leo giving him back his mother. I highly doubt Leo would be so generous. Of course... I could try to track her on my own. I mean, I bet Alexander has many times attempted to but I think I could get a hint. Or at least a good starting place. All I need is a picture of her, to piss of Leo (easy) and her scent would be nice. I sat up quickly. I am absolutely brilliant! This would be the best birthday ever for him to have his mother back! I got out of bed quietly and covered him, kissing his forehead before I quickly changed into my typical jeans, tank top and boots outfit. I ran downstairs into the kitchen and literally ran into Zane on my way. "Holy shit, you need to relax." He said, steadying me. "Where are you in such a rush to go?" Hm. I probably shouldn't tell anyone because they'll just tell me it's a dumb idea, that there's no way I can do it and to give up. I don't need the crappy pep talk. "Just to see Leo. Cover for me if Alexander wakes up? I know he really wouldn't be happy to find out about it." Zane nodded. "I understand. I won't lie to him though..." He paused. "However half truths are very nice and come in handy often, if need be." I grinned. "I think you're my favorite of Alexander's friends." He laughed. "Well hurry before he wakes. Leo is in the courtyard." "Thanks again!" I exclaimed before looking for Leo. He wasn't hard to find with Zane's directions and the sound of his loud, obnoxious voice. He was talking to a reporter who was asking general questions about ruling and Alexander. I approached hesitantly. It's one thing to instigate problems with Leo in privacy but it's a completely different thing to do it publicly. So I hid behind a couple of bushes, listening intently. "-feel about Violet?" Me? Who feels what about me? "Everyone in the castle loves her. Especially my son." You have a funny way of showing you believe that you fat fuck. "As much as he loved Lady Lydia?" My blood froze. How many times had I wondered if I was her replacement? I know I wasn't his first love, I knew that before I knew I had feelings for him, but was she stilla factor now? Does he love me like he loved her? Am I actually a replacement? Overthinking it again... "I don't know. But I think that's enough questions for today. Come again next week." He said with finality. Apparently Leo didn't like this topic either. Of course the reasons are completely different; I compare myself to a dead woman and he is the reason she's dead. Once the reporter was gone, I followed him til we were both out of sight. Then I jumped out and kicked him in the back. Leo stumbled but turned, enraged. "How dare you?" I smiled innocently. "It was an accident." He towered over me, trying to intimidate me. "That was no accident, young lady, and we both know it." My eyes narrowed and I glared at him. "What're you going to do about it?" I shoved him roughly. Now I know what you're thinking; this girl has gone insane. Yesterday she was calming down Alexander to not kill him and today she's egging him on. Yes, well there's a reason for that. See, if I get him angry enough, he'll threaten me. If he threatens me, it might be to banish me. And who else do we know that is banished? Alexander's mother! "I'll have you killed!" I grabbed his dick and not in a pleasant way, in a painful way actually. So painful, his eyes began to water. "I'm not scared of death." I hissed. "Is that the best you got?" Instead of answering, he grabbed my hair which I had stupidly left down and yanked it back. In reaction, I let him go and grabbed his hand instead, easily snapping it. He closed his eyes to hide the pain, surprising me with his endurance. Well Alexander had to get it somewhere... Once I got him to release my hair, he quickly shoved me into the wall. I could've easily moved but from his stance, the fury in his eyes and just how his entire body was glowering with anger, I knew he was about to make the threat I needed. "How about if I banish you all the way to The Forbidden City ? Huh? Is that better?" I've never heard of the Forbidden City, but I'll do some research. I head butt him hard, making him fall to the ground. "Hm, no, I actually think you cleaning up your act and either learning to rule or stepping aside for your son to take charge would be great. Thanks, lovely chat!' I said, happily. Mission accomplished! Okay, well the first part is. I have a lead! Now I just need to find out more about this lead without being completely obvious. I walked into the kitchen to warm up some blood when I saw Esmeralda there, eating some breakfast. "Good morning, Lady Violet." She greeted when I walked in. Everyone in the castle, well the 'help', calls me that. No matter how many fucking times I correct them. The only people who don't are Alexander, his friends, Leo and Anita. That's it. Out of the entire castle. Absolutely ridiculous. "It's just Violet. And good morning." I said, waiting for the blood to heat up. "Esmeralda? Can I ask you something that's meant to be kept, you know, just between us girls?" Something sparkled in her eyes. "Sure. I'd like that, uh, Violet." I sat next to her, looked around, then leaned in and whispered, "What do you know about The Forbidden City?" "Aside from it being one of the most dangerous, terrifying places in all existance? The place that destroys any innocence found?" That bad? Really? How come I've never heard of it before? "Well, yes. Do you know where it is?" "No, I've never been. I know some... well not decent people for a lady of your position who could escort you if you must go. But why is it you wish to visit?" She asked, curiously. I sighed. I couldn't really afford to explain it to anybody really. "I just need to." "Well if you do, do not tell Alexander." She whispered, looking around a bit paranoid. The girl had a really good point. Telling my over protective boyfriend that I'm going into to the most terrible and dangerous place out there just for the hell of it is most likely a dumb idea. I nodded. "Could you get me someone to bring me? Or at least give me directions?" Esmeralda nodded her head quickly. "I can. I am warning you though, he may not be the best-" "I don't care. I just need to go." She sighed. "If you insist. What time do you wish to leave?" "Tonight. Before dinner." That way I can spend the day with my love, stop by King Vladimir's quickly just so I can use it as a place to say I'm going (which would not be a lie), then meet the guy just before dinner and pray I'm back before it's late and Alexander begins to worry. I can probably convince him to go to the orphanage for dinner and spend time with them til bedtime, which leaves plenty of time. "You've got it. I'll get it set up for you." I pat her back, which is a lot for me since I don't show affection, then got up. "You're the best." Esmeralda just smiled. I got my blood and drank it quickly, then went upstairs to see Alexander. His bed was empty, but the window was open. I went out on the balcany and put my hands on the railing, the wind blowing my hair in front of me. I scanned the skies and sure enough, there my angel was, flapping his gorgeous dark wings in the beautiful blue sky. I smiled at the sight and shouted, "You ever going to come down?" when he was close enough to hear. Alexander's laugh boomed above me. He flew down so he was right in front of the balcany, eye level with me but with a huge gap between us. "I don't want to." He said, holding his arms out. "But you can join me, just stand on the rail of the balcany and jump." I smiled. "You're crazy." "Yes I am, love, but you're in love with a crazy man so that makes you twice as insane." I rolled my eyes, the smile never leaving my face. "Oh so logical, princey." I said, getting on the railing. "But this looks a little suicidal." He chuckled. "Maybe it's a trust test." The sexy angel teased. "Do you not trust me?" I jumped and his big, strong arms caught me like we both knew they would. "Of course I trust you, my love." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck so I could hold on. "Now take me somewhere beautiful." "Your wish is my command." He held me tightly and flew high. The wind felt amazing, his arms made me feel safe and the view was beautiful as always. And to think I use to hate I was in denial... Alexander ended up taking me to the place he brought me on one of the first days we were together, which looked just as amazing as it always has. When we landed we went for a little walk, talking about little things here and there, holding hands. Eventually we sat down by the lake, me kicking off my boots because unlike him I wasn't barefoot, then dipped our feet in the water. I rested my head on his should while he rested his hand on my waist and we were comfortable. "Can you believe how far we've come?" Alexander asked, out of the blue. "What do you mean?" He chuckled. "You loathed me for years, were assigned as my body guard and hated me more, now here we are, in a beautifully romantic setting, happy as can be." I smiled. "Oh, that's what you meant!" I exclaimed, not denying how I use to hate him. Because I did hate him, well the person I thought he was, and he irked me when I first met him as well. Not to say he doesn't irk me still, I just see the loving side too. My sexy angel kissed my forehead. "Yes, that's what I meant. Any thoughts, lovie?" I looked at the reflection of us on the pond and saw the happy couple we were right here and now. Away from worries and troubles, happy just to be near one another and focused on just being together instead of all the other problems we faced. I smiled at the picture and kind of wished I had Flo's camera. "I'm glad things have changed. You've helped me more than I think you realize." "How have I helped you at all?" He asked, resting his head ontop of mine. I answered, "You helped me get through my mourning, taught me how to love and reminded me why life is worth living. On top of that, you've saved my life a couple times, have been more than generous and kind, and you've been there with me through discovering what I truly am." "I did all that?" I giggled. "Yes, babe, all you." After the laughter died, I thought over what I had said and my thoughts automatically went to Lydia. He helped me through my mourning, but did I ever really help him through his? I don't believe I have. He lifted his head off mine. "What's wrong, love?" I looked up at him. "What do you mean?" "You suddenly went from being happy to being sad. Something's wrong, tell me." I sighed. "Nothing's wrong, I just heard some things..." I trailed. "That bother you." He finished. "So what 'things' did you hear?" I really didn't want to talk about it. I looked back towards the pond, my lips shut. "Violet..." Oh no, he used the full name, he's serious. I started playing with my fingernails. "People...reporters...are beginning to compare me to Lydia." I whispered, not daring to meet his eyes. I didn't want to see his pain, I didn't want to see his love for her that I know existed still and I certainly didn't want to be more upset over both those things than I already am. His body went rigid next to mine and I could almost visualize how his face look like. I closed my eyes to wish it away. After moments of total silence, he asked softly, "Why?" When I shrugged and said nothing he asked, "What're you thinking?" That a part of me hates that you'll never be one hundred percent mine. That I hate how I fell in love with someone still in love with someone else, even if he loves me to. That no matter what people say, no matter how he truly feels, I'll still do anything for him. "That it's hard being in love with a man who's still in love with another." I said, softly, taking his hand and gently squeezing it. I looked back into his eyes with nothing but love. "But that it's worth every second." Alexander's body relaxed slightly and he kissed me tenderly. "I really do love you, Violet." I nodded. "I know." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged tightly. I buried my head in his chest, trying to get my mind off this topic. God, how I hated this topic. It makes me feel so...vulnerable. He cleared his throat. "I never got to ask you about your visit with Zane to the orphanage. How was it?" Topic change. Magnificent. "Good. They really miss you though...I think you should visit them tonight." "There's a strategy meeting tonight before dinner, though. Zane has some new defense plan to share." Zane? Stupid, random Zane? I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Since when is he the genius in the group?" Alexander chuckled. "He is the most balanced person in the group. He's reasonable with all things except common sense. In that case, he's a big dope." He explained. I laughed. Somehow I just couldn't picture Zane being anything but a goofball. Well he was pretty cool this morning... "Okay, well after that meeting, go visit the kids before they go to bed." "Alright. Will you come with me?" I shook my head. "I need to visit King Vladimir. I have questions for him." I said, trying not to sound bitter. He knew all along why I excelled so well in my training, but he said nothing. He might as well have lied right to my face...perhaps he has, I don't know. I don't know much anymore. "How long will it take?" "I have absolutely no idea." I replied, being completely honest. I don't know how long it will last. Hopefully not too long or I won't be able to go to the Forbidden City without raising suspicion. He sighed. "Okay, I will miss you while you're threatening royalty." He told me, making me happy. "Well what would you like to do in the meantime? We have a couple hours..." I thought for a moment then grinned. "I know two things I want to do." "And what would those two things be?" "First, I want you to teach me something on piano. Anything, probably something simple but just something. I've always wanted to play." I said, wistfully. "And then I want to revisit the room full of pictures and look at those again." He nodded, agreeing to it, but there was something else. "What?" I asked. "Nothing...just piano..." I thought of the topic that always makes him go quiet and it wasn't hard to put two and two together. "Lydia played." I stated. Of course she did. She's perfect and amazing, why wouldn't she? Again, he nodded. "Not as well as me..." "No one plays as well as you." A small smile played on his lips. "Dimitri is getting there." I wasn't as humored. Screw playing piano now. I'm not Lydia and I don't want to be. I just want to be Violet. "Yes, well, so much for piano." I'll have to pick up another instrument then. My love frowned. "You don't want to play anymore?" "It lost it's appeal." I said dryly. "I'll never be as good as you and since I'm competetive that would bother me." As good and partially true as my excuse is, it's not the real reason. I don't want to be associated with his dead fiance is the actual reason. Alexander didn't look so convinced but he was smart enough not to push it. "The picture room?" I leaned back in the grass, my dark hair spread around my head. I stared up at the sky. "In a bit, if you don't mind." I wanted some time to think but at the same time I feared it. I've had too much to think about recently as is. My boyfriend didn't respond though. Alexander was suddenly alert. His eyes scanned the forest around us and soon he was up on his feet. I came to my feet not as quickly, since I was laying down. "A demon." He whispered, but it was the way he whispered it, that made me think it wasn't just any demon. "Stay here." In the blink of an eye, he was gone. I don't know what made him think I would listen, but I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent. I quickly got on my boots, which I had learned not only to run in but to fight in, then followed his scent. I found him in a small clearing, looking all around and completely on edge.
8 Jun 2016 | 13:34
ep 31 . . I slowly began to walk over to him when I stepped on a branch. He turned quickly and threw a fireball before even checking to see that it was me. Luckily, I ducked in time. "Violet!" He exclaimed, a mixture between anger and worry. "What're you doing here?" "Helping. Thanks for the fire, by the way, I really like it when fire balls are thrown at me." I said sarcastically. Isn't he just so romantic? He gave me a 'cut-the-crap' look. "Wasn't meant for you, it was meant for Zagan who I thought was coming up behind me." Zagan. Haven't thought about him since that thing at the orphanage I never told Alexander. "Zagan?" I asked quietly, looking around. I listened but heard nothing. He disappeared, just like last time. Alexander was quiet as he listened too, but apparently he came to the same conclusion. "Yes. He was here. I saw him. Never for more than a second though, that's why I threw that fireball without a moment's hesitation. Which wouldn't have almost hit you if you had stayed where I told you to." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, it's all my fault that he got away." Again, I mentally added. "I didn't say that." I started walking, not really sure where I was going since I've never actually had directions to get here. "You didn't have to. It was implied." I retorted. I felt anger burning deep within me. From what, I don't know. Was it the actions of my fathers? Was it the frustration with the Lydia situation? Or dealing with all sorts of demons? I think it was the anger from all of it, all that I had been pushing down, but I didn't care to push it back down again. My stupid angel kept pace with me. "Why are you being like this?" "Being like what? Enlighten me." "That! That right there!" He exclaimed. "You were happy and okay until you came into the field then-" "My boyfriend threw fire at my face?" I supplied. "You know I didn't intend that for you, but I apologize." "Whatever." "You're doing it again." "Doing what?" I snapped at him. "Making angry comments with no apparent reason." He was right. There was some sort of reason but it's not apparent. I don't care though, because I'm just in that kind of mood. "Yup, that's the best part of being a girl, I can be as fucking bipolar as I'd like." I paused. "Which I think you should slightly understand since you're bipolar nine times out of ten." "Jesus Christ, what has gotten into you?" "Nothing! Okay? Just stop talking." "Not until-" "Alexander Kellan Laire, shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you." I threatend. He listened and remained silent for all of five minutes. When he spoke it was a quiet, "You're going the wrong way to get back to the castle." I stopped and turned to face him. Glowering, I asked, "Which. Way?" "It'd be easier to just fly you there than for me to give you directions." He said softly. I almost felt bad for being a bitch, but then I thought of all the things bothering me and it suddenly seemed insignificant again. Without saying anything, I crossed my arms and walked over. He picked me up bridal style, but I didn't snuggle into him like I normally do. The minute we got back, I got out of his arms and walked up to the picture room. All I needed from there was a picture of his mom. And yes, as angry as I was, I wasn't angry enough to forget my very important goal; finding Alexander's mother. I found the picture I needed and I put it in my pocket. I was going to return it once I found her, but I doubt the picture would be such a big deal when his mother was back and with him. I looked at the door and time, only an hour had passed since Alexander said we had two hours, so there was an hour before the meeting. I should've left the picture room, but I didn't. A scrapbook that Flo had made, not for me, but for Alexander, was there. Curiousity got the bets of me, as it always does, and I picked it up. I opened it and flipped through, looking at pictures of Alexander and his friends, Dimitri included, as kids. They were so adorable! As I turned the pages, they got older and older, and then Lydia showed up in them. They all looked so close and so...happy. True, honest to God happiness just in all their faces. Envy was in every fiber of my body. They were all best friends, Lydia meant something to them all, more than I ever would. She had the life I use to dream about. And even though she's dead, she's still here, in this house and all their hearts. "What're you doing?" Zane asked casually from the doorway. I shut the scrapbook and put it down. "Looking at pictures." I said, standing up to face him. "What're you doing?" "Just checking on you." Zane didn't deserve my anger. Alexander hadn't either. "That's sweet." I said sarcastically. "Too bad it doesn't matter." Zane wasn't fazed though. He was relatively calm, leaning against the doorway with his hands in his pockets. "If that's what you really think, then I guess it doesn't. Can I ask you a question though?" I said nothing. He took that as a yes. "Does how Alexander's doing matter?" How dare he be reasonable and ask considerate questions. "Yes." I mumbled. "Well do you want to know?" "I have a feeling you're going to tell me regardless of what I say." "You're right, I am, because he feels like shit. He has no idea what set you off. From what he's told me, I can't fathom a reason either. Although I doubt it's a good enough reason to hurt him." I never would have pegged Zane as being the type to make me feel like shit. I ran my hand through my hair, still angry for no reason, but guilty enough to feel bad for taking it out on Alexander. "Don't you love him?" He asked. I glared at him. "Of course I do. And you're right, I don't have any particular reason to be mad, but I am, it's just not at him." I spat. "He seems to think it is. I'm not asking much, just to talk to him, clarify that it's not his fault. It's the only tact here that works and is healthy." Zane had valid points, but that just made me more angry. Reasonable people always piss of angry people more. "Fine." I said, stopping to break something first. Zane raised an eyebrow. "I'll pay for that." I said, "Now where is he?" "With Dimitri in the music room." Leaving Zane behind, I ran to the music room. I stopped at the door, listening. "-forget it, man. I'll set you up with some booz then I'll take care of Violet and get to the bottom of this bullshit." Dimitri said, sounding angry. "You will do no such thing." Alexander said fiercly. "Lay a hand on Violet and I'll kill you myself." That kind of 'take care of' eh? If he wants a fight, fine. I walked in and received a nice glare from Dimitri. "Look what the cat dragged in." He said bitterly. "Shut up, dickhead, I didn't come here for you. I came for your cousin. You can go now." I wanted to be friends with Dimitri, well I thought I did, but I wasn't going to deal with his shit. Alexander stood up from the piano bench as Dimitri said, "He doesn't want to talk to you." I crossed my arms. "I believe he can speak for himself, thanks. So instead of playing big brother, why don't you go drink until you black out, I know how much you enjoy doing that." His eyes darkened and he moved forward, probably to smack me instead of leaving the room, when Alexander grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Relax. Starting a fight with my girlfriend is a lose, lose situation no matter the outcome. Walk away, Dimitri." With all the self control he possessed, Dimitri actually walked away. When he was gone, Alexander looked at me and he was not pleased. "What the hell has gotten into you? How you spoke to Dimitri just now, your entire behavior within the past hour, has been completely uncalled for." He ranted, coming closer to me. "What's going on? Where is my Violet. Because my Violet doesn't do this." I looked down, trying to contain my anger once again and gain some control. "I don't know." I heard his steps as he walked closer. "Don't touch me." I warned, but he ignored it. Alexander hugged me tightly for awhile and eventually, my anger decreased to a tolerable amount. I reigned in my control, saving what's left of it special for King Vladimir and hugged back. "I'm sorry." I whispered. He pulled back and stared into my golden eyes. "What did I do? How did I set you off?" I shook my head. "You didn't. It was built up anger. A lot's been going on and at the time I couldn't be mad, I had to be strong and keep my cool. So it just built up til I snapped, which just so happened to be you. I am really sorry." He just looked at me, worry in his eyes. "Does this happen to you a lot?" I shrugged. "Every once in awhile. It's been happening ever since I was little, just a way of dealing with things, and I'm not done. Right now I'm controlled, I'm probably going to snap at my king." I paused. "Not that he doesn't deserve it since he's been hiding the fact that I'm an expirament." "Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. I just know Dimitri didn't. Not that time." I had to agree with him there. "I know. Neither did you or Zane. Although I was worse on you and Dimitri, Zane was calm so it pissed me off more." "I don't know whether to laugh or feel special that I didn't piss you off more." My lip slightly curved. "Maybe a little of both." I said before going serious. "I am sorry though. I'll apologize Dimitri later tonight when I'm officially calm, Zane too, but I just need you to know now. You're the most important one to me." He kissed me passionately, then rested his forehead on mine. "I will forgive long as tonight we have make-up sex." I laughed. "Deal, make-up sex sounds great." Although I doubt he'll still want that when he has hundreds of years to make up on lost time with his mother. Oh well, it'll happen eventually. "Walk me to my meeting before you go unleash tons of anger on poor King Vladimir?" I nodded, took his hand and intertwined our fingers. We walked downstairs to the meeting room. Zane wasn't there yet, but everyone else was. "Remember, orphanage after this. Don't disappoint the children." I reminded him. He smiled. "Okay, love, I'll see you afterwards." After one more kiss, he went inside the room. I walked no more than five feet before walking into Esmeralda. She pulled me aside and handed me an address. Conveniently, it was right outside King Vladimir's castle. Perfect... "Thank you so much, you're the best." She smiled. "I'm glad you think that. Be outside there in a half hour. And be careful." "I will." I said, pocketing the address even though I already knew where it was. "If for some reason, which I highly doubt, I don't come back from this place...take care of Alexander for me, okay?" Her smile widened, obviously thrilled at being the one privlidged with this job. "Of course, my lady." She said, curtsying. "Good luck at whatever you're looking for there." "Where?" Asked Zane, coming up from behind me. Esmeralda's eyes widened. "Go." I ordered her, something she happily obliged to. I turned to Zane, "She's talking about my visit with my king. Why do you ask?" Disbelief was clear in his eyes. "Then why did you ask her to take care of your boyfriend if you didn't make it back?" Shit. I eyed him accusingly. "Eavesdropper." "Guilty as charged. Now I suggest we settle this before Alexander comes out..." I sighed. "I have to go somewhere somewhat dangerous to find something important. She was just helping me out." "What do you need and where is it?" "Can't tell you what, you'll see later. As for where, I can only tell you if you promise not to tell Alexander until hm about nine thirty. You can tell him then because if I'm not back by then, chances are, I'm in trouble." I explained quickly. It was his turn to sigh. "Fine, I promise. Now tell me so I can tell him at nine thirty." I bit my lip, deciding to just go with the truth since he promised and Zane didn't seem like the type to break a promise. "The Forbidden City." His jaw dropped. "You can't go there! You won't even be able to find it! The only person who knows where it is is Leo and any inhabitants, who are all highly dangerous criminals, who managed to find their way out. I, hell Alexander doesn't even know where it is!" "Shhh!" I whisper hushed. "Don't worry about it, I have this. Trust me." "You're insane." He stated. I rolled my eyes. "And I'm leaving. I'll be back and when I am you'll know why and my 'insane' behavior will be justified." "We'll see. Even if you do come back before nine thirty, I'm informing him of the lying, Violet." "I'd prefer to tell him myself, Zane. I really do have a good reason, so even if he's mad at me, it'll be worth it." "I hope you make it back to be able to, I really do." He said, walking into the meeting. Once he left, I got a good sized knife and hid it in my boot. I put on a black sweatshirt and put two pocket knives, one in each pocket. I got shades and put those in a pocket too. Last but not least, my file. Then I stormed down to see good old King Vladimir. Surprisingly, he was talking to my mother. I stopped to listen before barging in and crashing the party. "You come in here every month and ask the same thing, I'm still going to give you my answer; no. It's not my place to tell her, she has to figure it out on her own, unless we somehow find that folder." "She's my daughter-" "You left her." He roared, getting annoyed with my mother's antics. She didn't flinch. "For reasons I can't even explain to her because you won't let me!" So it has become clear to me that they are discussing me. Too bad I know more than they think. I flung open the doors. "Explain what? That you left because you didn't want the expirament that you gave birth too?" It was dead silent and they both looked over at me, in shock. "Oh that's right, I wasn't an expirament right then. No, it was the minute I got that shot. You know, the one you signed for, King Vladimir?" He cleared his throat. "How did you find out?" "A demon gave me the folder for my birthday." I said, ommitting what demon. "And that is just sad that's it come a time where demons are less deceitful than my own kind. Well, the kind I mostly am and was raised to be." "Violet." My mother said, tears running down her face. "I am so sor-" "Save it." I said, venom in my words. "I don't want to hear how this all effected you. I don't want to hear how you couldn't take looking at me every God damn day. I'm here to give my so-called father's final report." She was silent. "I may be an expirament of my father's...but I'm not a controlled one. I made that clear many times over. I am expiramental, serious, graceful, charming, flirty and full of wrath all thanks to that nice little injection. Those traits belong to other creatures which are now a part of me. " I said, throwing the folder at King Vladimir. "Check if you don't believe me. It worked. I recover at a faster pace, I learn at a faster pace and I'm way stronger than a twenty year old vampire should be. Almost invincible. But knowing what I am, even though I am at peace with it, doesn't make me condone condeming someone else to this." "But if it worked-" "No!" I shouted, all my anger coming out. The air picked up around me, my body felt like it was on fire. "You will not be doing this to anyone else!" They both looked at me in awe, just angering me more. I curled my fists, the energy surrounding me strengthening. Something in me knew what to do and lead me threw the motions. I thrust my hand forward and a mixture of blue/green energy came out struck King Vladimir in the shoulder, pushing him back. When my mother moved, my other hand did the same to her. Both were paralyzed, only able to move their heads. I stood in the middle of them, eyes blazing, and faced King Vladimir "You try to make any innocent baby like me...I will kill you. Write an order to discontinue this entire thing. Are we clear?" I said in an almost demonic voice. "Y-Yes, Violet." I turned to my so called mother and knelt beside her. "Never use my father's, or should I say creator's, choices as a petty excuse for your own." Fear radiated from her eyes as she agreed. I felt at peace with this and the anger left my body. My body relaxed, my hands went limp at my side and the energy wind died down. I felt surprisingly better afterwards. That's when the guilt set in. What the hell was I thinking? "H-How did you do that?" My mother asked, trying to lift her head to look at me, but unable to move the rest of her body. "That was something between a witch's hex and the worst a fairie can do." King Vladimir answered, his fingers twitching. Their eyes moved to me. "Her eyes are back to normal." My mother said, relieved. Um, what? "My eyes?" I inquired. "They were literally glowing." Oh. That's creepy. I cleared my throat. "Well...I'm not sorry for anything, as far as I'm concerned you've both had that coming. So I say we start fresh from here and never mention this again." "Fine. But you should mention it to Alexander, he copes with something unknown and you need to-" Vladimir is not comparing me to an actual demon living inside my boyfriend. "This is completely different! I was pissed! I don't have a demon inside me!" "I know that. But the strength...the glowing eyes... it was different. And needs investigation." "Leave her be." My mother reponded before I did, catching me by surprise. "I need this new start with my grown up daughter. I will not let you make her leave." I wasn't sure what I felt about this, so I ignored it. "Yeah...we can try a relationship or whatever some other time. I have somewhere to be. Like I said, never mention this again." The last thing I was going to burden Alexander with was my freaky power surge that came with my anger burst. I locked the door and left them there, knowing they'd be unparalyzed eventually. I put my sunglasses on and my hood up then met the man outside. Surprisingly he was a demon. He had greasy black hair and black, soulless eyes. I felt uneasy, but knowing he was the only thing to be able to help me, I shook his hand. Of course, he's a criminal, that's how he knows the way. What did I expect? "Lets go." He lead me down an odd route, then veered off of it. I followed, all the while hiding my scent so we couldn't be followed. I kept my eye on him, not trusting the demon for a minute. We walked through what looked like a tree, but was actually a portal to somewhere else. After more walking, another secret route and one last portal, we appeared at The Forbidden City. The smell was rancid. The sign indicating we were there was missing pieces and vandelized, the rest of the place matching it. The few people out on the streets all kept to themselves, except the two beating the shit out of one another in the middle of a field. My escort said, "Here's the beautiful city. I was told I just had to show you it." He grabbed my arm tightly. "Now that you've seen it, I think you should come with me." I jerked him towards me and kneed him in the stomach. I took his head in my hands and easily snapped his neck. "Not feeling it." I replied to his corpse before entering the city. Something lurked in every shadow, but I walked by quickly, daring for an attack. I decided the best place to look for someone, or someone who might recognize her, would be at a bar. If I had my child taken away and was banned, I'd be at the bar every night. Only one person tried to attack me on my way, I just kicked him in the balls and left him. When I walked in the bar, people looked up, their eyes planning nothing of good intent. I ignored it and sat on a bar stool, ordering a sex on the beach. Alexander loves those... "Hey, baby, what brought you here? What harm could a pretty little girl like you do?" A local slimeball asked. I grabbed his shirt and some of his skin with it and pulled him close. "Tell me where to find this woman," I said, pulling a picture out, "Or you'll see just what I'm capable of." "I don't know her. But-" I slammed the picture on the table, got the blade from my boot and stabbed him straight through the heart. I took it back out and his dead body fell to the ground. "Not the answer I was looking for." I said, licking the blood off the knife. It didn't taste great, but at least I set an example for anyone else in the joint so they know not to fuck with me. When the bartender woman came back, I decided to ask her. "Do you know this lady? Has she been here often?" "The woman with white hair and looks twenty six? Yeah, I've seen her. Those blue-green eyes are always so sad when I do, I wonder what she did to get in here." The lady sighed. "Real nice, she comes in here only a couple times a year, but she always leaves a nice tip." I nodded. "Do you know where I can find her?" Her eyes narrowed. "Look, that lady goes through enough. She's been on the brink of death I don't know how many times, and probably will be for the rest of her existence. She doesn't need any problems from you." I know she couldn't see my eyes because of the sunglasses, but I know she could feel my stare. "Good thing I'm not 'causing problems, I'm just here for a visit." After a moment of understanding, the bartender took a napkin and wrote down an address. "If I find out you did anything-" "You won't." I said, taking the address and pocketing it with the picture. I downed the drink, paid with a nice tip. "Thank you very much." I stepped over the dead body and headed out. I reread the address and started walking there. On the way, a guy whistled and a girl stood in my way, wanting money. She had a knife pointed at my chest, but I knocked it out of her hand with ease. I kicked her in the neck, then stomped on her head with my heal when she was on the ground. I continued my walk, without a trace of guilt for the criminals here. I got to the run down house and knocked on the door. An insanely beautiful woman that fit the description of the picture, cracked open the door and peered at me. "Who are you and what do you want?" "I'm a friend, my name is Violet. I just want to talk." Okay, when people say they just want to talk, they probably don't. They usually want to beat you up or something. Why did I say that? now she won't open the- Alexander's mother opened the door wide open. "Oh, then come in, dear." Or she will. I walked in and she shut the door. "What did you say your name was, honey?" I could be here to kill her, and she'd be calling me honey. Interesting. "Violet." I answered, taking off the sunglasses. "I'm-" Her eyes watered a little. "You're my son's girlfriend." She whispered, in awe. I nodded, confused. "How do you know?" "I have my people, darling. Did you think I would survive here not knowing he's alright?" That is a valid point. I smiled. "Of course not, I apologize." I said, getting straight to business. "But now, you get to talk to him yourself. I'm breaking you out of here." Veronica's, whose name was written on the back of the picture, eyes widened. "You won't be able to do that, they'll kill you! Then my son will be hurt again! No." She shook her head stubbornly. "No you must leave and be free. I'll be alright, dear, don't you worry." How sweet. Too bad I already went through all this work and will not leave without her. I crossed my arms, "I don't care. I will take on an army if I have to, you will be out of this place though." I glanced at the clock, it was six at night. It took two hours just to get here and then more time to get through the city and find her. "I would deciding to cooperate quickly, then hurrying and packing. Alexander will be informed of where I am at precisely nine thirty and there will be hell to pay for everyone when he does find out." Any shyness that was there before, suddenly disappeared. "He doesn't know you're here?" She shouted. "He's going to set the world on fire looking for you! Oh no, this is not good, not good at all!" I stifled a laugh at her reaction. "I know, that's what I was saying. So hurry and pack." She nodded her head really fast and started running around, gathering random things. I helped Veronica the best that I could. Before we left, I gave her my sweatshirt and sunglasses. It wouldn't help much but it's the best I could do. "Take your bags, stay close by my side, and I'll get you out of here safely." I told her. She smiled. "If you're as good as my friends say you are, that's true." We walked out the door. "Yes, your people who would tell you stuff, but wouldn't help get you out of here." "Well they can't do that, it's their job to keep me in, silly!" I gave her an incredulous look. Really? "Right..." I trailed. She was oblivious to my skeptical attitude, she just smiled and nodded. We got to the edge, and people who looked like ordinary criminals, started making their way towards me. "Are those some of them?" I asked, pushing her behind me. "No, those are the ones who usually beat me to a pulp whenever I get to this point!" Anger boiled inside of me, what had she done to deserve that? Nothing. I moved with vampire speed, tearing ligaments off some and stabbing others. With only three left, I left the two pocket knives imbedded in the skulls of two of them and saw the third with Veronica. In a matter of seconds, I appeared in front of them. I pointed the knife I still had at his chest. "Step...away." He listened, letting go of her wrist and backing up. "No! Violet, he's one of my friends!" "Really? Because it looks like he was just going to take you back in after all my hard work." I said, glaring at him. He shrank back more. Veronica put her hand on my arm gently. "No, he really is, he's never hurt me. He was just gonna bring me back because it's his job." Does she have any idea how dumb that sounds? "Ask him, he'll tell you he's my friend!" The man nodded quickly. I sighed. "Of course he will, I have a knife pointed at him and I just killed all those people. He'll do anything to save his life." She pouted. "Don't kill him!" "Fine!" I exclaimed, hitting him on the back of the head, only to knock him out. "Happy now?" "Yes!" I grabbed her arm and started dragging her along. "Then lets go!" It took a bit longer to get back then it did to get there, because it was hard to concentrate and remember the way with Veronica's happy blabbering. It was almost like watching a child, watching her. So amusing I got myself a bit lost. When we did find the way, when we were so close to the castle, not only was it 9:40, but it was also time for Veronica to remember Alexander's birthday. "Oh my goodness, it's my sons birthday tomorrow and I didn't even get him a gift!" She exclaimed. "I have to go get something! What did you get him? I wouldn't want to get the same thing, that's embarrassing." I giggled. Really? A present? "I haven't gotten him anything yet. We can go shopping tomorrow. How about we get through you finally seeing him again first, while I go take care of Leo? Sound good?" "You're right, you're right." She said, hurrying by my side. I got in the door to see yet another obstacle. "Dimitri, get out of my way, please." "No. I'm actually kinda pissed off at you. Not only for your attitude earlier today, but going off to the Forbidden City? For what? Alexander is livid and betrayed and-" Veronica took off my sunglasses, her hair falling out of my hood a little. "Dimitri? Oh my, look how big you are!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. He hugged back, staring at me with shock. I smirked. "Are you still mad at me? Didn't think so." I said, pulling Veronica off. "Now, we have to go get her changed into some decent clothing. Would you be a dear and get Leo in a confined are, preferably a cell in his own dungeon, and send Alexander up without ruining the surprise?" He grinned. "With pleasure." I dragged Veronica upstairs as she pointed out how all the things are exactly how she remembered. I went into Leo's room and sent her into the bathroom with one of her old dresses that he just so happened to have kept. Luck, really, since I was thinking they'd be someone elses who had left them behind. In a matter of moments, Alexander stormed in. And man, was he pissed. He hugged me tightly first, then held me at arms length. "Violet Charest, how dare you lie to me like that? And drag Zane and Esmeralda into it? What the fuck could have been so damn important for you to go to the Forbidden City? Huh?" He yelled. I couldn't help but smile, as bad as it is. I mean, I did it! I found his mom! But he didn't know that so it didn't help. "Well? What do you have to say for your insane, stupid, immat-" "Oh, sweetheart, don't be so hard on the girl. Her heart was in the right place." Veronica said, standing in the bathroom doorway. The anger drained from Alexander's face more quick than I've ever seen as he looked to the doorway. Seeing his mother, for the first time in how many years, at last. "Surprise." I whispered, still smiling.
8 Jun 2016 | 13:39
episode finale . . This Is Real I'm not completely sure what I expected when Alexander and his mother were reunited. Tears? Hugs? Kisses? All complete with warmth and smiles I've seen both Alexander and his mother capable of. Of course, shock was the only emotion I could read off Alexander's face at the moment. I was smiling happily at him when his eyes turned to me. "Happy birthday, princey." My love had been dealt a difficult hand in the cards of life indeed. Not only had he lost his mother, unrightly so, at a young age but has lived so long without thinking to ever see her again. This should be a relief almost, that those terrible years are over now. But the silence that followed my words showed anything but relief. "You call this a birthday present?" He spat at me, his body shaken with anger. I was surprised at the outburst, anger being the furthest thing on my mind about this. "W-What?" I asked, shocked to the core. "Who told you to go to the Forbidden City and bring her back?" Alexander yelled at me. "Who are you to decide whether my mother can be back or not?" He slammed his fist into the wall, his hair turning pitch black and his eyes going to the red I am growing accustomed to seeing.
9 Jun 2016 | 12:19
But the silence that followed my words showed anything but relief. "You call this a birthday present?" He spat at me, his body shaken with anger. I was surprised at the outburst, anger being the furthest thing on my mind about this. "W-What?" I asked, shocked to the core. "Who told you to go to the Forbidden City and bring her back?" Alexander yelled at me. "Who are you to decide whether my mother can be back or not?" He slammed his fist into the wall, his hair turning pitch black and his eyes going to the red I am growing accustomed to seeing. As always, I felt the need to defend myself. "I did this for you! I thought you would appreciate this!" "Did I ask you to do this for me? NO! I didn't even want to celebrate my birthday so what is this?" "I thought you would like having your mother back." Heaven knows I would. I allowed myself to admit, even if only in thought. "AND WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT, VIOLET?" I knew that when he was this angry, there was no point in arguing. He was an emotional wreak and saying mean things, getting worked up and fighting fire with fire...well it'd make a bigger fire that would make it more difficult to make amends for. So I responded calmly with, "Don't yell at me." "Dammit." He swore before turning and storming off, in flight of course.
9 Jun 2016 | 12:21
My heart ached from every last bit. For the fighting, for the heartbreak in the matter pertaining to why we were fighting, and I questioned if I had done the right thing. "Well staring where he went isn't going to make him come back all happy again." Alexander's mother said, gently. "And I'm sure he will forgive you." She paused. "Well I think...I don't really know, I mean he could be a grudge holder...he was a bit of one as a boy but he always forgave the ones he loves...he does love you, does he not?..." If that was suppose to be comforting, which I think it was, it didn't really do it's job. But I gave her a weak smile for trying. "I think it would be best if we got you reaquianted with everyone and informed Dimitri of Alexander's run off. He'll be able to recover him better than the rest of us." "Splendid idea!" For someone who had been welcomed home kinda harshly, she didn't seem to notice or really mind. When we got downstairs, however, it appeared as if Dimitri had already known. He waited, bottled of liquor in hand as always, for us to come down. "Is that alcohol, Dimitri?" Veronica tsked. He smiled at her. "Why yes it is. Would you care for a drink, my dearest Aunt?" "No thank you." She chirped happily. "I don't drink often. Maybe Violet would like some, offer her." Dimitri's eyes met mine and he regarded me cooly. Naturally, he had not forgotten the ill words we had exchanged in what seemed like forever ago. It amazed me that I had, even if only for mere hours. If Alexander's possy wasn't here, I wouldn't have asked, "Would you mind if I stole Dimitri for a bit and left you?" Whether she understood we had to talk or she was just oblivious and happy-go-luck in general, she nodded merrily. "Go right ahead! Don't worry your pretty little head over me, dear." Yup, I'm going with the latter. "Would you mind if I had a word with you, Dimitri?" I asked, politely. Zane looked between the two of us, as if offering back up. From what Alexander had said and my own observation, he very well might be a good mediator. "Alone?" I added, because Dimitri and I both had pride and were big enough to handle this on our own. Dimitri nodded and we walked out and down the hall. "Am I right in assuming that this is about earlier today?" "Yes." I said, stopping once we had reached a far enough distance. "I was really not myself and lashed out against you, Zane but particularly Alexander. Unrightfully so, I must add." "Ah, yes, I can agree to that." He said, taking a swig from that damn bottle.
9 Jun 2016 | 12:22
I didn't comment though, for I knew why he drank. The demon. "I think you deserve to know why before I apologize. I'll make it quick. I have an interesting temper. While Alexander is definitely capable of infuriating me like no other, and I am easily annoyed, I don't really get that angry. Not often. It happens every now and then, leftover anger just builds and builds and explodes. You think you had it bad? You should've seen King Vladimir and my mom." Dimitri, despite all, smiled. "As interesting as witness a bloodchild in action?" Memories of the uncontrollable rage and power filled my head, of the blue-green magic, being told of my glowing eyes and my almost demonic like voice... "Uhh...not was as close as one could get with not being a bloodchild..." He raised an eyebrow. "Maybe I should offer you a drink." I shook my head and the memories away at once. "I'm all set. I just want to say I'm sorry, Dimitri." I said sincerely. Dimitri was silent but he met my eyes and the forgiveness was there, even though he didn't say the words, "you're forgiven." With that said and done, I acted on impulse and gave him a quick hug. "Now lets get back in there." Wisely, he didn't comment on the hug, just rolled his eyes with a lazy smile and we walked in...right to Veronica being face to face with good old Leo. For some reason, everyone was standing outside the two, not desperately trying to get her away from him. Look on the brighter side, Violet, if she's banished again you at least know where to find the city. I comforted myself. "Is there a problem here?" I asked, Dimitri at my side looking more serious. "Not at all, dear." Veronica said gently. "Leonardo is not very happy with me being here but I was just explaining how now isn't the proper time for that when his son is angry and about." I raised an eyebrow at the whole notion. Since when is Leo father of the year?
9 Jun 2016 | 12:23
"Is there a problem here?" I asked, Dimitri at my side looking more serious. "Not at all, dear." Veronica said gently. "Leonardo is not very happy with me being here but I was just explaining how now isn't the proper time for that when his son is angry and about." I raised an eyebrow at the whole notion. Since when is Leo father of the year? "Well you reach out for him and I'll go out looking for him in a bit. I believe he still needs some time to cool off but locating him is probably in everyone's best interest." Dimitri suggested. "Very well." I left them to that, taking only Zane and Veronica with me. "So...telling Leo about Alexander's situation is a good idea because...?" Surely being banished she knew what an awful tyrant the man was. "Leo?... Ah Leonardo!" She frowned, clearly not knowing it. "Well because he is Alexander's father of course!" Zane gave an indifferent shrug, which would explain why neither he nor anyone else interrupted when she spoke with him. I, on the other hand, wasn't like them. "But that doesn't excuse him to behave as he has. He is...well not nice." For some reason, the string of names I usually called him didn't seem appropriate to say in front of Veronica. She seemed too...innocent. "Well I could tell you that! But everyone deserves a second chance, right?" She asked me, eyes lighting up. "I mean, you are my Alexander's second chance at love and a happy ever after." With all the comparisons to Lydia, she hit a nerve. But I smiled anyways, it's not like she meant harm. It was truly hard to believe she ever could, yet having survived in the Forbidden City, I know she must be able to. "I suppose you're right." I said softly. When we got to the room, I suggested she napped after the travel and how tiring it had been emotionally. She also had a lot more in store. Luckily, she agreed and went to sleep in Alexander's room. "You know, I'm still awaiting my apology." Zane said, smirking. "I mean Alexander got one...Dimitri got one... I must be next right?" I chuckled. "I don't know you did royally piss me off." "But I gave you the reality of the situation." "True." I sighed. "Zane, I am sorry for my attitude towards you. And for asking you to keep secrets from Alexander for me. It was wrong on both accounts." "It was. And you're forgiven." He patted me on the back. "Because a good part of friendship is forgiveness." I smiled. So he wasn't just Alexander's friend, he was mine now too? "I don't know I've always had...different sort of friendships so to speak." Preppy high school girl friends, drug friends, work friends, sex friends...all which are said to be friends but not usually so at the end of the day. Not like Alexander's friends that is. He smiled genuinely. "You'll learn then, Vi." And he came up with a new nickname to add to the list that always seemed to grow since I started to 'work' for Alexander. I smiled back. "Alright now get out of here. I've completely neglected working this entire time so now I'll focus soley on guarding Alexander's mom. Friends are distracting so leave." "Bossy, but I'll go. See you later." I watched Veronica sleep, forcing myself to focus on her breathing, the sounds and creaks of the castle and the workers inside it, utterly aware of every movement. It wasn't until she awoke that I broke out of that mode, with actual thoughts other than listening and observing. "Morning, sunshine." I greeted warmly. "Want a new change of clothes or are you comfortable in those?" "I'm comfortable, thank you." "Would you like something to eat? Drink?" "No, I'm all set, Violet, dear. But perhaps a walk would be nice. It's been too long since I've been here, I'd just like to walk while we wait for news of my son." Fair enough. I took her for that walk and we happened to run into Anita. It was a bit awkward for me, since I knew how Anita had become and surely felt like a mother to Alexander. Yet now, low and behold, was his actual mother. Yes, very awkward. "This is Anita, the head nurse and basically runner of the household." I introduced. "And Anita, this is Veronica, Alexander's biological mother." Putting biological in there was last minute and perhaps offending, but if Veronica noticed, it didn't affect her.
9 Jun 2016 | 12:23
Veronica smiled brightly at Anita. "How delightful to meet you! I do not recall meeting you prior to my banishment!" Anita cleared her throat, still feeling awkward, as would I if I were in her position. "I was hired afterwards, my Queen." Afterwards, eh? Did the whores not make good mother figures? "Of course." She murmured, understanding now just who Anita was. "Are you dear to my son, Anita?" Before Anita could be bashful, I answered, "Very much so. Anita has looked after him dearly, tended all his wounds, listened to any sorrow he would share, dealt with every temper tantrum and showed him as much warmth and tenderness as she would her own child." Half of me felt the need to defend Anita, the other to protect Veronica from the pain that being away for so long as caused. Alas, it was pointless to be so torn and much easier for all to just go with the facts. Anita had been the one there throughout all these years, the motherly figure who had raised and taken care of Alexander for so long, not his mother. Not that it was her fault, but let it not be forgotten. The strangest thing happened. Veronica's eyes swelled with tears and she pulled Anita into a tight embrace. "Thank you." She whispered. "He has turned into a dashing young man. While it is my genes and blood that run through him, it is your upbringing that has helped shape him just as much. Thank you for taking care of him while I've been gone." She stepped back, releasing her. "I hope you do not plan on backing out completely now that I have returned." Anita smiled, her eyes a bit watery as well. "I don't think I would be able to do that after looking out for him for so long." The two women smiled at each other, on verge of tears, with an understanding only a mother could have. While it was beautiful, I felt a bit like I was intruding. Luckily, before I had to say or do anything, Dimitri's scream, "ANITA!" was heard loud and clear, only meaning one thing; he found Alexander and it was not pretty. We all ran out, Leo somehow joining us to see Dimitri supporting Alexander. "Oh lord, what happened?" His mother said, running up to him. It wasn't hard to see how weak he was, or to smell his blood which was mixed from debreis you would find on the ground, or feel horrible like all of it was your fault since you angered him. "Well, I don't know either." Dimitri said while looking at Alexander. It was difficult to hide though. I stared at Alexander as he stared me back in the eye. How could he do this to himself? It hurt to see him in so much pain, unable to support himself. I had never before seen him so...weak. He really it was limped, right by me as Anita led him into the infirmary. He was still angry, that much was obvious. But he was hurt. I couldn't take my eyes off that damaged wing as Anita prepared him for setting it. "This is going to hurt very badly. You know the drill." I watched as Anita grasped around the first half of his wing, making him gasp. Then with a quick motion, she snapped his wing back into place. He screamed at the top of his lungs and automatically I ran up to help him. Anita told me swift and firmly to relax though. And I didn't. However, I didn't interrupt her like I was about to. I sat through as the yells continued, eyes closed, on the couch parallel from his bed, knees tucked under my chin. Is this what it was like for him when I was hurt? Is this what he felt? The secondhand pain from my own? When I opened my eyes, Anita was long gone and Alexander was by the window, staring out. I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder which he promptly shrugged off. Really? I grunted in frustration and sat in front of him. If he thought I would just go away easily, he is so wrong. "What are you doing?" Alexander asked, glaring at me. "How long are you going to stay mad, Alexander?" He shrugged and looked away, "I just...she's going to be cast away again and I'm going to be stuck in the same position I was as a child." Ah, so that's what it's all about. He is scared of history repeating itself. Does he forget he is not a child anymore? I shook my head, "No. You're not. You have power now, you can have her stay." "Her life will be hell here." From what I saw with her and Leo earlier today, it was difficult to believe so. "Again, it won't. She just wants to get to know you now. Catch up on the years she's missed out on." Alexander sighed and put his head in his hands. How was I to reassure him that it would all be okay? That he wouldn't lose his mom again? My thoughts were interrupted by Alexander's arms being wrapped around me. Immediately, my frosty exterior melted as I did into his arms. "I'm so sorry for the way I was acting. I guess anger just replaced shock. I'm honestly happy that you did this for me and I'm beyond grateful." Love is often forgiving one another, like friendship I suppose. Perhaps it's just any relationship. Either way, I kissed him passionately to silence him and show him all was forgiven. He tightned his arms around me and picked me up, gently laying me on the bed. With his powers, he flipped the lock on the door to ensure that no one came in. "Don't get too excited." I said, motioning to his wing. "You'll hurt it again." My angel shrugged. "It can always get fixed." "I'm not going to cause you anymore pain."
9 Jun 2016 | 12:24
"Enough with the talk," He said, peeling off my shirt, "Let's get to business." He said with a wink and began ravishing my lips once again. Finally, my make-up sex. Alexander was laying on his stomach as I massaged his poor wing. You know, in my high school days, I had seriously considered being a massuse. "Have I told you that I love you?" He asked me. "Yes, but it's always nice to hear it again." I laughed. "Alexander! Violet!" anita said through the door, not daring to enter, "Whatever shanningans you two are up to is going to have to be put on hold because Alexander needs more medicine!" He glanced at me and laughed. My prince carried me into the bathroom and pulled on his clothes, then walked out. I looked around the bathroom for something decent to wear. Unfortunately, nothing flattering was in here. So I settled for a giant t-shirt and some jeans. I checked the mirror and could tell I had a good time by the horrible mess my hair was. I tried combing it with my hands to calm it down a bit, but in the end, the basic pony-tail was the way to go. Once I was finished, I walked out. And just in time too because Leo came in, Veronica in tow with a small distance. "How is your wing?" He asked, folding his arms and staring at my boyfriend. Again, father of the year since when? "None of your concern." Alexander answered while staring at his mother. Awhh he can finally look at her without shock or anger towards me! "I am your father." Hehe I feel like just going demonically, 'Luke...I am your father.' "And?" But before Leo could respond, he said, "Leave." "Excuse me?" Leo asked. You heard him, douchebag! "I would like time to catch up with my mother, so leave." "This is not over!" Leo said...but for once, listened and walked away. Anita followed. And of course, that's my cue. Alexander glanced at me but I just smiled and mouthed 'later' before walking out and closing the door. I, most likely out of boredom, decided to try something new. I caught up to Leo and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey...thank you for being good for once and letting them catch up." I said, meaning every word. See, rewarding people when they do good things makes them want to do good things more often. Eventually, they may stop looking for the rewards. Leo looked at me with interest, but made no further comment on his actions. "The assult outside yesterday...that was to learn where the Forbidden City was, right? You're the one who brought Veronica back?" Not as dumb as he looks. I met his stare with a cold one. "Yes. And if you try to banish her back there, or anywhere else, you won't just have your son angry with you. You'll have me too." I threatened, some of the power I stirred up from the argument with King Vladimir coming back. "Actually, if you so much as even disrespect Veronica in front of me or if I hear about it, I will make you pay. Do we have an understanding?" He nodded, unable to look away. I remember him once describing my 'own species' as strong and indescructable. The look he gave me then is similar to the one he is giving me now. I closed my eyes, calmed myself. "Then we're done here. Good day." I walked by him and past Anita, murmuring something about going for a run. I ran to my house, the one Alexander had bought me for my birthday that I had grown up in. I knew that there would be nothing in there about what I am, but I looked anyways. Maybe the furniture had hidden notes about what my anger and powers were all about. Maybe I had answers. After a half hour, I gave up searching. I layed down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, wondering if there was a heaven. If there is a my dad up there, or is he in hell for making his own daughter an expirament. Honestly, I hoped he made it to heaven. He still raised me, showed me some sort of love... Oh father...not God like my actual father...why did you do this to me then leave me? Sadly, I'd never know. When I got sick of my little pity party, I decided to burn some energy. I got my Ipod, put in my headphones, and ran while listening to Icon For Hire. I ran probably for a solid two hours before I returned to the castle. I walked in on Alexander taking a shot, Dimitri with him obviously. I took out my headphones and put them away. Alexander whistled, "Why, heeeellllloooo thereeeeee sexyyy." "Uh...hello?" I said, staring skeptically at him. He stood with the bottle in his hand, he stumbled a little but regained his balance. I've only dealt with drunk Alexander once, and it was before we were dating.'s been awhile. "You are just soo daaamned beautiful." He said, slamming his hand into the wall next to my head. Alexander raised his eyebrows, "Oopsies!" he said before laughing. "Violet." he whispered in my ear, 'causing a chill up my spine. Drunk or sober, it doesn't matter, his voice still calls to me. "What?" I whispered back, trying not to show any sign of want or need in my voice. "I want you." My boyfriend said putting his hand where it really shouldn't be. "Now's not a good time, hun." I gasped. Oh dear God, control yourself woman! I mean I even have a one man audience. "Then when is?" He asked, running his hands up my curves. This hardly seemed fair. If he was sober, I would be able to participate in the foreplay or better yet just skip right to the sex. But no, he was drunk and apparently horny. I faintly heard Dimitri laugh. Alexander's lips ran up my neck, "Come on, please." I began to nod but once I realized I was nodding, I shook my head. And I got to the otherside of the room as fast as I could! "No! That'd be rape!" I am not allowed to be horny now~ "Technically, it would be rape if he resisted." The oh-so-helpful Dimitri put in. "And I know I wouldn't resist." Alexander purred, walking around the bed. Great, come closer, just what I need. "But you're drunk! You don't know what you're thinking right now!" I pointed out. "I know that I want my my bed..." He winked. "Sounds inviting, eh?" Mmm oh yes it does. Dimitri started cracking up as I said, "Ye-NO. I MEAN NO! I refuse." He walked towards me, this time trapping me against the wall with his body. Part of it was my fault for not seeing the trap coming and doing nothing about it. The other part was his for being too attractive. "How," he whispered, kissing my neck, "Can," he said, trailing up, "You," he nibbled on my ear, causing me to shiver, "Resist this?" I can't. I am weak. I cannot. "God dammit." I whispered, leaning my head back against the wall slightly panting. I want him so bad, my whole body was just screaming at me to kiss him, touch him, feel him... I glanced at Dimitri with pleading eyes. Dimitri rolled his eyes. "Alexander! Have a drink with me, cousin! The lady doesn't want it." What a lie. Alexander grinned. "Okay!" He yelled, jumping over the bed and stealing the bottle. After taking a large swig, he grinned then looked at the bottle, "I've missed you, friend." He said, then hugged the bottle to his chest. Dimitri decided to leave then. "Good luck, princess." He said, leaving me with the sexy monster he made by supplying liquor. Alexander looked at me, an alluring grin on his face. "Ohhh Viollletttt..." He said before locking the door. I feel like I've been trapped in some sort of fucked up porn video. Drunk man convinces horny teenage girl to let him fuck her... While I amused myself with that thought, I missed Alexander finish the bottle and looked up just in time for him to grab me. "Now that we're aaaaloooone..." He said, resuming where he left off and kissing my neck. His hands roamed over me and I arched my back, pushing myself against him while creating more surface for him to kiss. In the back of my head, there was a little voice screaming stop. I ignored it and let Alexander's lips touch mine...and then the voice reminded me how drunk off his ass my boyfriend was and I pulled back. "Uh," I cleared my throat, "Baby...I'm tired..." "Not as much as you will be when you're done with meeee..." Oh man, do I love being that tired. Focus, Violet, focus! "But it's more than that. I'm not in the mood tonight." Lies. Venemous lies. Even drunk Alexander could tell. "You lie!" He laughed, before pushing me down on the bed, "You know what I do too liars..?" He whispered in my ear. I shook my head, but I anticipated a highly sexual response. "I punish them." Ahh, yes. Alexander took my shirt off as I pictured longingly how punishment would go, planning on never getting there...well tonight. His body was warm and inviting as he pressed against me, his manhood pressed against me, igniting a fiery desire. "Do you need punishment, Violet?" Yes. Oh god, yes. All night, all day, I don't give a damn just do it! I nodded let him kiss me. His tongue parted my lips and explored my mouth hungrily. It felt good...but tasting the vodka I realized my mistake. I shoved him off me and ran straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My breathing was irregular and I searched with urgency for something, anything to tie Alexander up for the night. Or at least until he fell asleep. "Ohhh Viooollleeettt..." He called from outside the door. Ignore him! I got the shower curtains, which were stronger than they looked, and held it behind my back. "Alexander, honey, get on the bed and be ready for me." I purred. Sure enough, when I got out, he was on the bed, smiling and with yet another bottle. Oh for heavens sake! I smiled and sauntered on over, going ontop of him and taking the bottle as I did so. I dropped it to the ground, never taking my eyes off his. "Oops." I then sat up, straddling Alexander as I did so. "It's my turn for play, Alexander." The desire burned in his eyes even though he was smiling a drunk, goofy smile. I tied him to the bed with the shower curtain, thanking whoever was listening that alcohol his literally his weakness. It meant he wouldn't be able to break out. When I was done and had him all tied up, being very careful about his injured wing, by putting extra pillows for comfort there, I kissed his forehead. "You miiiisssed..." He taunted. I smiled. "No I diiidn't." I said, getting off him. I cleaned up the bottles as Alexander attempted to get out of it. "Violet." One word, my name, but he said it so beautifully... No, be strong. "Night Alexander. I love you." I said, turning off the lights and putting my shirt and headphones on again. Next time, I'm gonna be the drunk one! Ahh, yes. Alexander took my shirt off as I pictured longingly how punishment would go, planning on never getting there...well tonight. His body was warm and inviting as he pressed against me, his manhood pressed against me, igniting a fiery desire. Ahh, yes. Alexander took my shirt off as I pictured longingly how punishment would go, planning on never getting there...well tonight. His body was warm and inviting as he pressed against me, his manhood pressed against me, igniting a fiery desire.
9 Jun 2016 | 12:25
final episode is here @kemkit @donyas @victoriouschild
9 Jun 2016 | 12:25
"Enough with the talk," He said, peeling off my shirt, "Let's get to business." He said with a wink and began ravishing my lips once again. Finally, my make-up sex. Alexander was laying on his stomach as I massaged his poor wing. You know, in my high school days, I had seriously considered being a massuse. "Have I told you that I love you?" He asked me. "Yes, but it's always nice to hear it again." I laughed. "Alexander! Violet!" anita said through the door, not daring to enter, "Whatever shanningans you two are up to is going to have to be put on hold because Alexander needs more medicine!" He glanced at me and laughed. My prince carried me into the bathroom and pulled on his clothes, then walked out. I looked around the bathroom for something decent to wear. Unfortunately, nothing flattering was in here. So I settled for a giant t-shirt and some jeans. I checked the mirror and could tell I had a good time by the horrible mess my hair was. I tried combing it with my hands to calm it down a bit, but in the end, the basic pony-tail was the way to go. Once I was finished, I walked out. And just in time too because Leo came in, Veronica in tow with a small distance. "How is your wing?" He asked, folding his arms and staring at my boyfriend. Again, father of the year since when? "None of your concern." Alexander answered while staring at his mother. Awhh he can finally look at her without shock or anger towards me! "I am your father." Hehe I feel like just going demonically, 'Luke...I am your father.' "And?" But before Leo could respond, he said, "Leave." "Excuse me?" Leo asked. You heard him, douchebag! "I would like time to catch up with my mother, so leave." "This is not over!" Leo said...but for once, listened and walked away. Anita followed. And of course, that's my cue. Alexander glanced at me but I just smiled and mouthed 'later' before walking out and closing the door. I, most likely out of boredom, decided to try something new. I caught up to Leo and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey...thank you for being good for once and letting them catch up." I said, meaning every word. See, rewarding people when they do good things makes them want to do good things more often. Eventually, they may stop looking for the rewards. Leo looked at me with interest, but made no further comment on his actions. "The assult outside yesterday...that was to learn where the Forbidden City was, right? You're the one who brought Veronica back?" Not as dumb as he looks. I met his stare with a cold one. "Yes. And if you try to banish her back there, or anywhere else, you won't just have your son angry with you. You'll have me too." I threatened, some of the power I stirred up from the argument with King Vladimir coming back. "Actually, if you so much as even disrespect Veronica in front of me or if I hear about it, I will make you pay. Do we have an understanding?" He nodded, unable to look away. I remember him once describing my 'own species' as strong and indescructable. The look he gave me then is similar to the one he is giving me now. I closed my eyes, calmed myself. "Then we're done here. Good day." I walked by him and past Anita, murmuring something about going for a run. I ran to my house, the one Alexander had bought me for my birthday that I had grown up in. I knew that there would be nothing in there about what I am, but I looked anyways. Maybe the furniture had hidden notes about what my anger and powers were all about. Maybe I had answers. After a half hour, I gave up searching. I layed down on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, wondering if there was a heaven. If there is a my dad up there, or is he in hell for making his own daughter an expirament. Honestly, I hoped he made it to heaven. He still raised me, showed me some sort of love... Oh father...not God like my actual father...why did you do this to me then leave me? Sadly, I'd never know. When I got sick of my little pity party, I decided to burn some energy. I got my Ipod, put in my headphones, and ran while listening to Icon For Hire. I ran probably for a solid two hours before I returned to the castle. I walked in on Alexander taking a shot, Dimitri with him obviously. I took out my headphones and put them away. Alexander whistled, "Why, heeeellllloooo thereeeeee sexyyy." "Uh...hello?" I said, staring skeptically at him. He stood with the bottle in his hand, he stumbled a little but regained his balance. I've only dealt with drunk Alexander once, and it was before we were dating.'s been awhile. "You are just soo daaamned beautiful." He said, slamming his hand into the wall next to my head. Alexander raised his eyebrows, "Oopsies!" he said before laughing. "Violet." he whispered in my ear, 'causing a chill up my spine. Drunk or sober, it doesn't matter, his voice still calls to me. "What?" I whispered back, trying not to show any sign of want or need in my voice. "I want you." My boyfriend said putting his hand where it really shouldn't be. "Now's not a good time, hun." I gasped. Oh dear God, control yourself woman! I mean I even have a one man audience. "Then when is?" He asked, running his hands up my curves. This hardly seemed fair. If he was sober, I would be able to participate in the foreplay or better yet just skip right to the sex. But no, he was drunk and apparently horny. I faintly heard Dimitri laugh. Alexander's lips ran up my neck, "Come on, please." I began to nod but once I realized I was nodding, I shook my head. And I got to the otherside of the room as fast as I could! "No! That'd be rape!" I am not allowed to be horny now~ "Technically, it would be rape if he resisted." The oh-so-helpful Dimitri put in. "And I know I wouldn't resist." Alexander purred, walking around the bed. Great, come closer, just what I need. "But you're drunk! You don't know what you're thinking right now!" I pointed out. "I know that I want my my bed..." He winked. "Sounds inviting, eh?" Mmm oh yes it does. Dimitri started cracking up as I said, "Ye-NO. I MEAN NO! I refuse." He walked towards me, this time trapping me against the wall with his body. Part of it was my fault for not seeing the trap coming and doing nothing about it. The other part was his for being too attractive. "How," he whispered, kissing my neck, "Can," he said, trailing up, "You," he nibbled on my ear, causing me to shiver, "Resist this?" I can't. I am weak. I cannot. "God dammit." I whispered, leaning my head back against the wall slightly panting. I want him so bad, my whole body was just screaming at me to kiss him, touch him, feel him... I glanced at Dimitri with pleading eyes. Dimitri rolled his eyes. "Alexander! Have a drink with me, cousin! The lady doesn't want it." What a lie. Alexander grinned. "Okay!" He yelled, jumping over the bed and stealing the bottle. After taking a large swig, he grinned then looked at the bottle, "I've missed you, friend." He said, then hugged the bottle to his chest. Dimitri decided to leave then. "Good luck, princess." He said, leaving me with the sexy monster he made by supplying liquor. Alexander looked at me, an alluring grin on his face. "Ohhh Viollletttt..." He said before locking the door. I feel like I've been trapped in some sort of fucked up porn video. Drunk man convinces horny teenage girl to let him fuck her... While I amused myself with that thought, I missed Alexander finish the bottle and looked up just in time for him to grab me. "Now that we're aaaaloooone..." He said, resuming where he left off and kissing my neck. His hands roamed over me and I arched my back, pushing myself against him while creating more surface for him to kiss. In the back of my head, there was a little voice screaming stop. I ignored it and let Alexander's lips touch mine...and then the voice reminded me how drunk off his ass my boyfriend was and I pulled back. "Uh," I cleared my throat, "Baby...I'm tired..." "Not as much as you will be when you're done with meeee..." Oh man, do I love being that tired. Focus, Violet, focus! "But it's more than that. I'm not in the mood tonight." Lies. Venemous lies. Even drunk Alexander could tell. "You lie!" He laughed, before pushing me down on the bed, "You know what I do too liars..?" He whispered in my ear. I shook my head, but I anticipated a highly sexual response. "I punish them." Ahh, yes. Alexander took my shirt off as I pictured longingly how punishment would go, planning on never getting there...well tonight. His body was warm and inviting as he pressed against me, his manhood pressed against me, igniting a fiery desire. "Do you need punishment, Violet?" Yes. Oh god, yes. All night, all day, I don't give a damn just do it! I nodded let him kiss me. His tongue parted my lips and explored my mouth hungrily. It felt good...but tasting the vodka I realized my mistake. I shoved him off me and ran straight to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My breathing was irregular and I searched with urgency for something, anything to tie Alexander up for the night. Or at least until he fell asleep. "Ohhh Viooollleeettt..." He called from outside the door. Ignore him! I got the shower curtains, which were stronger than they looked, and held it behind my back. "Alexander, honey, get on the bed and be ready for me." I purred. Sure enough, when I got out, he was on the bed, smiling and with yet another bottle. Oh for heavens sake! I smiled and sauntered on over, going ontop of him and taking the bottle as I did so. I dropped it to the ground, never taking my eyes off his. "Oops." I then sat up, straddling Alexander as I did so. "It's my turn for play, Alexander." The desire burned in his eyes even though he was smiling a drunk, goofy smile. I tied him to the bed with the shower curtain, thanking whoever was listening that alcohol his literally his weakness. It meant he wouldn't be able to break out. When I was done and had him all tied up, being very careful about his injured wing, by putting extra pillows for comfort there, I kissed his forehead. "You miiiisssed..." He taunted. I smiled. "No I diiidn't." I said, getting off him. I cleaned up the bottles as Alexander attempted to get out of it. "Violet." One word, my name, but he said it so beautifully... No, be strong. "Night Alexander. I love you." I said, turning off the lights and putting my shirt and headphones on again. Next time, I'm gonna be the drunk one! Ahh, yes. Alexander took my shirt off as I pictured longingly how punishment would go, planning on never getting there...well tonight. His body was warm and inviting as he pressed against me, his manhood pressed against me, igniting a fiery desire. ★★♡★★★The £nd★★♡★★★
9 Jun 2016 | 12:27
The end? How come
9 Jun 2016 | 16:29
Yep its nice
9 Jun 2016 | 17:58
@Wizehkruzz don't tell me thats the end of this story
12 Jun 2016 | 13:24
what!! .......the end? @holykruzz
12 Jun 2016 | 14:29
they dnt even get married and start making babies? @hoplykruzz
12 Jun 2016 | 14:30
lol...... @kemkit next story "angel of life" will end better dan dis okey...
13 Jun 2016 | 11:32
haaa ,,,,,,, this one is strong ooo @holykruzz have been praying that the story never ends .....*sad face*
13 Jun 2016 | 15:03
eYAh ....... @kemkit
14 Jun 2016 | 13:16
So finally end....
20 Jun 2016 | 06:25
I love dat angel of life dan diz one...keep d gud wrk bro'
20 Jun 2016 | 06:26
love it but u no suppose end am dier
1 Jul 2016 | 08:37
Pls, I need d link to season 1 and 2 of this story @wisehkruzz.....
5 Jul 2016 | 07:56


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