

By chimmy in 2 Sep 2019 | 21:32
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Member since: 29 Sep 2016

Chapter 1

Jackie. +

I was seated silently in the office all alone, thinking about nothing in particular. It was on a Friday morning and My boss hadn't arrived yet and he had a very important appointment and I couldn't stand in for him as the client had made it clear that he needed to meet the boss, not his assistant.
"Jackline kindly leave my husband alone. You have no idea how much I have spend on him to be where we are. If you really value your life, stay away from James!"
Two days in a row, Joyce had texted me. I had no intention of snatching my boss away from her but she had started putting ideas into my mind.
James was a nice person. He valued me as his PA. I did almost all his job in his absence. He would leave most of the appointments for me to handle. I was so engrossed in my thoughts such that I didn't hear him come.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
He startled me. That made me to wake up from my reverie.
"I'm sorry sir, I got carried away by my thoughts."
I said as I adjusted my desktop and concentrated on it.
"No problem Jackie, just do your job."
He said as he opened the door to his office.
James had been kind to me. Since I landed a job in his office as his personal assistant, two years ago, he has been nothing but nice to me. Never once did it cross my mind that he will ever see me in another perspective, maybe as a wife or something close to that.
I had been fighting between telling him about the messages his wife had been sending or not. I knew he would probably be furious and confront his wife and I didn't want to be the reason for a broken home.
As far as I was concerned, I was working hard for the money because I needed it to support my mum and my younger bro who was in high school. I was their only source of income and I wasn't ready to lose my job.
My boss was finally through with the day's appointments and he was on his way out. He passed by my desk and I pretended to be busy on my computer. I could feel his piercing gaze but I presented to be busy on the desktop.
I heard footsteps and he was standing a few steps near me.
"Jackie, I have been observing you these past days and I can tell something is really bothering you. I am your boss and your friend as well and anything that hinders you from doing your job perfectly also bothers me. Kindly open up."
I looked up at him and saw a friend in his eyes. But I couldn't bring myself to tell him about his wife's texts.
"Just tidy up your desk, I am taking out for lunch. You have an off for The rest of the day so don't leave your handbag. "
He was serious. That wasn't the first time he was taking me out for lunch. We had gone out for lunch severally but we always kept the lunch dates as they were. No strings attached.
I kept my stuff aside and picked my handbag and followed him out. We got into his car and he reversed out of the parking, then as he exited through the gate, I asked him where we were going for lunch because I was used to just going in the nearby cafe for lunch.
He just smiled and signalled me to belt up.
I knew better than ask my boss any more questions therefore I belted up and waited for his next instructions. After all he was my boss. Wasn't he??
He drove towards Thika road, past Ngara, pangani, muthaiga then towards roasters. He took the u-turn just past roasters and drove inside garden city mall.
He parked and led me towards one of the luxurious cafés.
We took our seats and he told me to order whatever I wanted to take.
I ordered chicken and fries and a glass of juice. He ordered the same food as mine and we ate in silence. All through, I was battling with the thought of telling him about his wife's texts but I didn't have the courage.
"Now that you have the whole afternoon out of work, why can't we go to the club upstairs and have two drinks before we go home?"
I was shocked to hear him say that to me. I never imagined that my boss will take me out for drinks.
I accepted because I had nothing to do the whole of that afternoon. We went to the club and secured a place in the VIP. I wasn't a club girl but I had to do that to please my boss.
He ordered for a Martini and I ordered a glass of red wine.
James let out a sarcastic laughter and told the waiter to bring a full bottle of fourth street.
Our orders came and we started drinking. At first I was shy and as time went by, I became free with him and started dancing to the tune.
My boss was a talkative man. He was outgoing as well and he loved good life. By the look of things, he was a gentleman. Never once did it cross my mind that we will ever drink on the same table. Funny enough, it was already happening.
He would occasional cheer me up after dancing and encouraged me to dance even more.
Alcohol was taking the better part of me already. He signaled me to sit down next to him and I staggered towards the couch.
"Jackie, when are you planning to tell me that Joyce has been texting you?"
That question made me choke on my drink.
I was shocked beyond words. I wondered where he had learnt that from.
I hadn't told anyone about it and I was sure it was a secret deep inside my heart.
"Who told you so sir?"
I hadn't lost my manners after all the drinking I had done.
"Let's just say I have my own ways of finding out things!"
He told me.
"Sir, I don't want to break your family that's why I kept quiet. I hope that won't bring problems between you and your wife. By the way, what makes her think we are dating?"
I asked him.
"I don't know but she is pushing me too far already. I value my employees and I will do anything to protect them, both at work and outside."
His eyes had suddenly became red.
He folded his fist in anger and I could see he was really worked up.....
He gulped down a glass of Martini and he seemed to calm down.
I didn't say anything.
I just looked at him, waiting for his next move.
He told me not to reply to her texts and just stay calm.
We finished with our drinks and he ordered for more food for me to take home then he dropped me home. I was petrified when he hugged me and smooched me.
I got rooted to the spot.
It's like I needed something more. I watched his as he retreated to his car and he drove off.
I staggered up to my house, thinking so much about the hug and smooch.
I ate my take away and took a shower then slept because I was supposed to travel the following day to go to the village and see my mum.
2 Sep 2019 | 21:32
Seated here go on [hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] •Episode 2-3 Episode 4-5 Episode 6-7
2 Sep 2019 | 21:41
Hmmm oga boss don dey smooch.. Nxt pls
3 Sep 2019 | 06:00
I'm in...ride on pls.
3 Sep 2019 | 12:12
Here with you Next!
3 Sep 2019 | 17:19
Av secured my seat
3 Sep 2019 | 19:43
Front seat taking. Nice one
4 Sep 2019 | 01:11
THE CO - WIFE Chapter 2. Jackie. + Away from the city, I enjoy a cool breeze at the backyard of my mum's house. It is on a Saturday evening and I enjoy watching the sun set. I have my earphones in my ears listening to some cool jazz while mum is busy in the kitchen cooking for her favourite child. My bro is in a boarding school in the neighbouring village therefore mum lives all alone. "Jackline!" Mum calls from the kitchen "Yes mum!" I respond. "Food is ready. Join me in the main house." "Okay mum." I take my plastic chair with me and join mum in the main house. Ours is a simple house and I promised mum that I was gonna build a bigger house for her. The aroma coming from the table is to die for. I trust my mum when it comes to cooking. She can prepare every kind of food you ask her to prepare. We munch on the sweet delicacy like our lives depends on it. I help mum clear the table and I serve the juice I had brought from the city. We share a lot with my mum and she can't stop advising me to be careful while in the big city. Finally, sleep comes knocking and we prepare ourselves for the bed. ************ I was woken up by the ringing of the phone. I opened one eye and looked at the screen. It was a private number. I didn't pick. I put the phone on silent mode and went back to speed. It was long since I slept at my mum's place and I wouldn't let anyone spoil that for me. I turned and faced the other side and within no time, I was snoring. Upon waking up, mum had already prepared breakfast. I washed my face and joined her in the kitchen where she was doing final touches on the breakfast. We took our breakfast and we went to the shamba to get some farm products to carry back to the city. I had refused carrying anything but mum insisted that I very at least some arrow roots and other stuff. Back in the house, I got my phone to check the time and I found several calls from the private number, and a long text from Joyce. This woman never gets tired. So she was the one calling !e the previous night? I sat on the bed and clicked on the text. "I told you to leave James alone but you didn't listen to me. On Friday night he came home drunk and yesterday he didn't come home at all. I called you severally but you didn't pick. I know you were together. I am asking you for the last time, kindly leave my husband alone!" This woman was a nutcase. Now she had already concluded that I was with her hubby? How now? I felt like telling her to do her investigations well but I remembered James had warned me never to reply to her texts. She had spoiled my mood completely but I tried my level best to stay calm because mum is so sensitive and might notice something is amiss. I prepared myself and mum saw me off to the bus stop. We bade each other goodbye as the bus took off to the city. All through the journey, I was thinking about the woman Joyce. Why was she so much on my case? She knew very well I was her Hubby's PA but she kept on insisting that I was having an affair with him. I couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed his company. For Christ's sake he was in his late thirties and he was fun to be with. But it never crossed my mind that I can have an affair with him. I wasn't dating back then and I wasn't ready to try a married man. His wife Joyce was a stay at home mum with two kids, a boy and a girl both under five years. I arrived in the house late in the evening and prepared supper, took it then settled on the couch to watch a movie. I woke up in the middle of the night with the remote on my hand. I switched off the lights and dragged my lazy self to the bedroom. Mine was just a one bed roomed house there fore I had no issue accessing the only bedroom in the house?. The alarm went off at exactly 5:30 am and I lazily got out of the bed, prepared myself and took off to the bus stop. I boarded the available bus to town because I wanted to beat traffic and arrive at the office in time. After alighting, I walked majestically towards the office. I could spot someone at the parking leaning on her car but I couldn't make out who it was because most of us in the office didn't own any car, except the Boss and the HR. I walked past the parking and I saw the lady move from the car side. I looked sideways and she was charging towards me. It was Joyce! Shiet wouldn't have gotten any worse! I stood rooted to the spot and waited for her probably to do her worst. She stopped tight in front of me and sized me, from up at the head to the legs, then up again. By the look of things, she hated at the same time mocked me. I didn't care about that though. "Look who we have here!" She said while clapping her hands. "What do you want from me madam?" I asked her, staying as calm as I could. "I Have told you several times to leave my hubby alone but you have refused to listen to my cries. By the way, where is he? Haven't you come together or are you so smelly such that he can't stand you in his car?" She asked me, eyeing me menacingly. "What are you talking about Joyce? I haven't seen your husband since Friday in the office. Kindly go and look for him somewhere else." I told her and made a step forward, towards the office. She blocked my way and looked at me straight in the eyes. "Don't you dare walk out on me bitch! You ugly husband snatcher. I know you left with him that Friday afternoon and he came back late in the night, drunk as a skunk! You better stay away from him before I strike and I am sure you won't contain my wrath. I have my eyes on you slut. Watch your moves!" She said, then spat on the ground and walked towards her cars, swaying her little behind. I turned back to look at her for the last time before she disappeared and all I could see was a misinformed woman who was working so hard to ruin her own home. I wondered who could have been feeding her with all that nonsense. I then remembered the head of the department who had been on my case so much. He had been intending to take me out but I had refused. We had a beef and I was sure he was the one feeding Joyce with all that shit. I walked furiously to the office, cursing loudly at no one in particular! tbc
4 Sep 2019 | 21:27
THE CO -WIFE Chapter 3 Jackie. + I budged into his office without a simple hallo. "What the hell is wrong with you nigga? What will you get after I get a termination letter? Are you some kind of stupid?" I asked him, evidently breathless. Jeff stood up from his desk then came to where I was standing, hands in his pocket and ogled at me. "Have you lost your mind lady? Seems you've not been laid in a loooong long time! Just name it. What do you want? A kiss? Maybe a good shag? Let me have you and I'll give you everything you ever think of." "Stupid idiot!" I muffled amid clenched teeth. He got closer, too close for my liking and I wasn't bulging where I stood. I am not a weakling and he should know that. He grabbed me, holding me tight by my waist and I tried pushing him away. Unfortunately James our boss came and stopped by the door. Mouth agape and in a thunderous voice he bellowed, "Get your fetish selves out of my building. You're fucking fired! Jackline, to my office now!!" Just then the bastard released me and told me it ain't over. He will do everything possible to get me even if it means murdering somebody. I on the other hand walked head down to my boss's office. His eyes were bloodshot and was seething with anger. His breathing so hoarse. He looked at me and asked, "Is there anything I should know?" I wondered what he was driving at. "Would you believe me if I told you nothing is happening between us?" I asked shivering. "For how long have you been seeing him?" "Seeing who? Sir, I don't even have a boyfriend and never had one if that is what you are asking. On the other hand you have no right to get into my personal space." He cooled down a bit after that. Sitting down, he motioned me to come closer which I obliged. "Sit down, we need to talk." I made myself comfortable as I waited to hear what he had to say. I really hoped and prayed that it wasn't about Joyce, because I was not ready to hear about her. That shameless bitch! "Would you promise not to quit if I told you what is on my mind?" he asked holding his chin and narrowing his eyes. "What could my handsome boss say to make me quit my job?" I wondered inwardly. "Depends on what it is. If it involves your wife, well, I can't promise much. But if not, well I don't have a problem." I answered trying to make myself comfortable. I was not ready for what he said next, and neither was I ready for what he did. James stood up and came to where I was seated. He held my chin up and within no time, his sumptuous lips were on mine. I was startled by his sudden reaction. I tried to entangle myself from him but he was too strong for me. His lips refused to leave mine and soon enough, we were engrossed in a breath taking kiss. I can't deny the fact that I enjoyed the kiss but at the same time I was curious. "What is he up to?" I asked myself severally. I entangled from his embrace and kiss and calmly requested him to have his seat. He obliged and pulled the seat near mine. He looked at me straight in the eye and searched my eyes. They were emotionless. Atleast I wasn't ready to allow them to give me away. "Jackie, there is something I have been intending to tell you for the longest time. I have been battling with my heart to tell you but I always lack the words." He paused a little bit, still searching my eyes. "What is it boss? Have I not been performing my duties as your PA well? Just tell me please." I asked him, curiously. "No Jackie, you are the best PA I have had in a long time and I am not ready to lose you in any way. Far from that. It's about us.... I mean, I have been err... Mmmm......eeeer.... How do I say it?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his helplessness. "Just say it sir, I'm all ears." I was getting impatient. Earlier that day, I met his furious wife, now he is here, holding me captive, not willing to tell me what was on his mind!! "Sir, if Therese is nothing to tell me, let me go back to my desk." "You are going nowhere Jackie, not until I tell you I LOVE YOU!" "Whaaaaat? Are you serious sir?" "Yes, and I am willing to take you as my wife!" "You gotta be kidding me sir. I am sure you are under some influence but you will get over it. If there is nothing else to say sir, lemmie go back to my desk." I stood up as of to leave. I was torn between hugging him for his confession and running away, as far as my legs could carry me for fear of his crazy wife, Joyce. I sprung up and made for the door. Before I could turn the knob, he swept me off my feet and carried me back and placed me carefully on his table. He pinned my hands downwards and he dared me to leave before listening to him. "You are hurting me sir. Let go of my hands!" I bellowed. He could hear none of it. His eyes had turned red and he looked like a possessed man. He was obviously furious. "How dare you walk out on me? At least you could have listened to my reasons as to why I want you in my life!" For the first time since I started working for him, I saw a man in love. He released his grip on my hands and sat on his seat, seemingly defeated. He cupped his face on his hands and bowed downwards, letting out muffled sobs. At first, I didn't know what to do but I found myself at his side, holding him by the shoulders and rubbing his neck lovingly. He lifted his head and looked at me, his eyes red from sobbing. "Please listen to me Jackie, will you?" "Yes sir. I will listen to you, but not in your office. Let's find somewhere else and we can talk from there. Today is on Monday and you have no appointments." "Nice idea Jackie. Just speak to the receptionist to handle everything. I am in no mood to give orders right now. After you are through, find me in the car." He rose up, took his car keys and left. I followed him, organised my desk and carried my handbag and passed by the reception area to give instructions to Carol the receptionist after lying to her that we had an important meeting with a client. I then walked out of the door and boarded my boss's waiting car. He took to the wheel and exited the parking and drove towards God knows where...... tbc
4 Sep 2019 | 21:28
Jackie be careful
5 Sep 2019 | 05:17
Tread carefully lover girl
5 Sep 2019 | 09:21
better watch ur back
5 Sep 2019 | 10:53
ride on meh
5 Sep 2019 | 15:54
6 Sep 2019 | 02:08
THE CO- WIFE Chapter 4 James. + My wife Joyce had started being distant. The sweet loving wife had suddenly changed. I had shared this with her driver, Jeff who also happened to be my confidant. He had suggested I do investigations. I had therefore decided to put up secret cameras. What I saw broke my heart. My very own wife had been seeing Jeff behind my back. I did not relay this message to Jeff. That weekend I had received a long message from Jeff, blackmailing me into employing him as the head of Financial Department. He had told me that he had a copy of their love making video. He threatened to send the video to my business associates to show them how loose my wife was! As much as I loathed her, I also wanted yo protect her image as the mother of my kids. I was disgusted.... I had started taking booze. It had become my friend. My Personal Assistant, a pretty girl, down to earth, a girl I had fallen in love with right from the first time I laid my eyes on. She was so efficient, unlike others I had previously. She was a little stubborn when it came to me doing any favors for her. She never realized that I had fallen in love with her. Jeff had been swindling my money. A company I had worked so hard to get where it was, was being brought down by Jeff and my wife was so blind she couldn’t realize that Jeff was just using her. I had decided to confront her about the affair but thought against it. I had to wait for the right time. On Saturday I never went home. I couldn’t stand seeing that bitch. I had known for a while that she had been threatening Jacky. But why didn’t Jacky tell me? I wish she would just trust me, enough to tell me everything that happens in their life. I was falling, falling so hard for this girl. A personality I had never met. I had drunk myself silly. Never went home, but to my secret mansion. I was rich, I had it all! On this day I decided to tell her how I felt. She looked shocked, or scared, I don’t know. She hid her emotions so well. I decided to cancel anything that might come up, take her to a nice place where we would talk about what I felt. We got to Karen, my mood a little better because I had her, the love of my life. Stedmark gardens it was. A nice place for a nice lady. We settled at a secluded area and I demanded that nobody should come here other that the waiters. I needed our time first alone and away from work, away from everything. After settling down I ordered a bottle of wine for us before food would be brought. “Jacky, I wish I met you long time ago. You are a beautiful lady and a person I’m willing to spend the rest of my life with. Will you be my girlfriend? I could have asked you to be my wife right away but I want to give you time to process this and get to know me. It may not be much but I don’t want to rush you and please don’t say no to me. I am ready to lose everything just to get you. Please?" “Sir I ….." “No please, call me James. Drop the formalities please. It feels good to be called James by you babe.” I could see she was struggling to come into terms with whatever I had told her. "Sir... Sorry, James.... What about madam Joyce, she will skin me alive if she really confirms that we are having an affair." I could feel the concern in her voice. "Ours won't be an affair Jackie.... Hell no! Joyce has put me through a lot and am ready to take you to the altar as my legal wife if you allow me. Tell me hun, what will it take to have you?" She couldn't look me straight in the eye. It was evident that she was a shy girl and I was taking her faster than I could have. But what could I have done? I was helpless. I needed a companion. A woman who would stick with me and be mine alone! And that woman was Jackline. Our food came and we ate silently. I could read through her mind. She was deeply troubled. She was fighting between telling me what was inside her heart or just keeping quiet. On the other hand, I was battling between telling her about Jeff and Joyce or just shutting up. Talking of Jeff... That bastard! What was he trying to do earlier today??? Who did he by think he was? I let Joyce find comfort in his hands but I wasn't gonna let my Jacky land on his filthy hands. Hell no! Damn. I had a plan and I was going to teach him a lesson of his life. He wasn't in a position of eating his cake and having it at the same time. NEVER! We finished our food and more wine was brought. Jackie had relaxed a little bit and she seemed more comfortable with Me than before. "Jackie, there is one more thing I have to tell you before you give me your answer concerning my proposal." "What is it James, just tell me, I am all ears." I moved near her on the couch and eyed her, without blinking. I had to be sure I was dealing with someone o could trust. I took her hands into mine and looked at her beseechingly. "Jackie, I want you to send your resignation letter to the HR via mail today....." I paused, to read her reactions. "But si... James, I don't have any other job. How will I survive in this city?" She looked shocked. I couldn't help but smile. Nobody likes losing their job at all! "Don't worry about that darling, I have that all figured out...." Before I could tell her my plans, my lawyer called and told me that he has finalised preparing my divorce papers. I was happy to hear that. I wasn't ready to live with a woman full of infidelity. I Gave him instructions to deliver them to Joyce for her to sign. I knew it wasn't gonna be easy but I had strong evidence to win the case over her in court. I was Also ready to fight for the custody of my kids. I was never going to allow her take them to teach them bad morals. "Where were we darling?" I asked Jackie as I hung up the call. Before she could answer me, I remembered that I was supposed to take her to the mansion which I had built purposely to marry her and make it her home. "Before I tell you the plans I have for you, I need to take you somewhere. There is something I need to show you." "It's okay James, you are full of surprises... You know?" She told me playfully, while teasing my chin. We finished up our drinks, chatting like sweethearts. I paid the bills and we left to our destination. I had intended it to be a surprise and I couldn't give her any details when she insisted to know where we were going. tbc
6 Sep 2019 | 17:42
It's going to be tough
7 Sep 2019 | 11:54
THE CO- WIFE Chapter 5 Jackie. + I just relaxed on the car seat as James drove towards ngong road. He branched at Karen and entered a vast garden which looked extinguish and expensive. We occupied a private place, something like a VIP lounge and settled down. We ordered for a drink as we waited for our food to be served. I was still shocked by his previous confession about loving me, now he was asking me to be his girlfriend. I was concerned about my safety. You know when it comes to Joyce, one can't tell. She had already confronted me after sending me several texts. But I wondered why James wanted me so much and he had a wife and kids. Our food came and we ate to our satisfaction. James was really determined to have me. I was shocked when he told me to resign from my job. What was his intention? Maybe he had a better job for me. As he had told me, he had better plans for me. I longed to hear what he had in store for me. I was out of words when he told me he had a surprise for me. Never once did I imagine being so close to him but I had no choice. I was falling head over heels in love with him. Joyce was partly to blame for planting such ideas into my brittle mind. As he drove out of stedmark gardens, my questions fell into deaf ears. Atleast I wanted to have an hint of where he was taking me to. He drove towards town then past town towards wagige. I wondered where he was headed to. He would occasionally steal glances via the mirror and it's like he sensed my nervousness. "Relax gal, I am not a serial killer. Just trust me, will you? You are safe with me." I relaxed a little bit and I assured myself that if he tried anything stupid, I was gonna apply my karate skills and save myself from his snare. I had eaten and drunk a lot therefore I had started dozing off. It's like he saw it and told me to sleep and he was gonna wake me up when we arrived at our destination. "Wake up sleeping beauty, we are finally there!" His ever sweet voice started me from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and surveyed my surroundings. He had parked the car in front of a vast compound and I could see a big house in front of me. I unbuckled the seat belt and got our of the car. My eyes were fixed on the one storeyed building in front of me. My thought were elsewhere, at the glamorous brand new Audi infont of me such that I didn't see a stone infont of me. I tripped and almost fell. Was it not for James, I would have hurt myself..... I found myself in his arms, entangled into an embrace. I laughed at my lack of concentration. He held me by the waist and led me inside. The gate man handed him the key and he opened the main door. Loh and behold! I was petrified by what I saw. A mammoth sitting room was infront of me, with nice furniture. The whole neighbourhood reeked of affluence! I threw myself at the leather couch and made myself comfortable. "So, what can I offer you my Queen?" He asked me. "Wait James, who owns this mansion?" I asked curiously. "This is one of my houses Jackie. Funny enough, you are the only one who knows I own it. The construction just ended the other day and I furnished it." He replied. "Where are we by the way? I need to know just in case you plan to lock me in here forever." I said, while giggling. "Guess my dear, just guess!" "Come one James, I slept through out the journey. How am I supposed to know where we are?" He laughed heartily and came towards me. He lifted me to my feet and I looked into his eyes. I saw the same man I saw while at Karen. A man in love! Our lips met. He took my lips into his and explored every bit of my mouth like his life depended on it. He was such a good kisser. He then entangled himself from the kiss and smiled.... "This is what you get for failing to answer my question. Anyway, welcome to Kitusuru my queen! And you know what? This is your house..... Your new home Jackie..!" "What? If this is one of your jokes James, just stop it, I am in no mood for jokes please!" "Who is joking here? These are your keys... Tomorrow I am going to change the ownership of the house and before you continue doubting me, lemmie give you a tour inside the house." To say I was shocked will be an understatement. I was surprised, shocked, petrifies... Name them! He took my hand and led me inside, introducing me to every room, as the new owner of the mansion. He then took me upstairs to the master bedroom and other three bedrooms. I was yet to come into terms with the fact that the house belonged to me when he startled me from my reverie. "Before you get carried away and plan to slumber into this bed, let's go downstairs for a moment. I have forgotten to show you something." I followed him and he led me outside into the vast compound. He walked towards the shinning Audi as I lagged closely behind him. He stood in front of it and waved the car keys and my face. "This is yours beauty!" "What is mine?" I asked curiously. The car plus the keys. They are all yours. "You gotta be kidding me James, this is too much for me to accept. Kindly take me back to my place please." I said with finality. I was yet to come into terms with the reality that everything he wanted me to have was mine. Why was he so nice and kind to me. I didn't deserve all that. Atleast not when he had a wife and kids to take care of. Atleast he would have given the mansion and car to his wife. I definitely doubted his generosity and kindness in general. "Why do you want to leave Jackie? Ain't what I am giving you enough? Don't you like this mansion, this car? Ain't it your favourite? I overheard you talking to your girlfriend on phone telling her you wished you could save enough to build your mum a house and buy an Audi, your dream car? Tell me Jackie... Tell me!" It was obvious he was pissed off. I was sure he had ill intentions towards me an I wasn't gonna spend one more minute with him. I rushed back to the house and picked my handbag, stormed out of the house and requested him to take me home. He threw his arm up in submission. "Alright. Let's go." He instructed the gateman to close the house and he drove out of the mansion silently. All through the whole journey, he didn't say anything. He dropped me infont of my house and unlocked the car. He gave me a signal to alight from the car. Once outside, he didn't spare me even a glance. He reversed and drove off in a supersonic speed..... I knew he was angry but I wasn't ready to risk my life. Joyce was a crazy bitch and I wasn't ready to face her wrath.... I fumbled with the house lock but the padlock gave way. I wondered whether I left the house unlocked. I pushed the door and switched on the lights. Before I could move a step forward, I felt a blow, someone hit me from behind and I fell down unconscious before I could even scream for help..... tbc
8 Sep 2019 | 03:31
8 Sep 2019 | 08:33
Joyce at work
8 Sep 2019 | 19:13
THE CO - WIFE THE CO - WIVES CHAPTER 6 JAMES'S Point Of View + I got home to my mansion and enjoyed her cologne that still lingered in the air. I was angry because she seemed to get cold feet all over a sudden, I wished she would just trust me. I had ways to make her happy. I had done everything to win her trust. I knew I was rushing things but I was helplessly in love with her. Why can’t she just trust me? Then I thought, Why not just call her and wish her goodnight? First ring. She didn’t answer. “She always answers her phone. I wonder what's up.” Second time, she still doesn’t answer. Third time….I kept calling for so many times until I heard, ‘the person you are calling is not available. We shall notify them that you tried to call. If you wish to leave a message, please do so after the tone….’ “Sweetheart, I’m sorry if I did anything wrong, please forgive me. I just wanted to wish you a good night. Please call me once you get this message. And please don’t quit. I will be expecting you tomorrow at work. We have a lot of talking to do.” She never switches off her phone. I kept wondering what had made her so angry not to pick my calls. I went to bed, thinking about her. Then I got a call from my whore wife. I refused to pick it knowing too well she will call again and again. She did as expected then she wrote an sms. “Your kids are asking where you are James. Please come home”. I hated her passionately. I loathed her. The thought of her whoring behaviour made me insides churn. I always felt like throwing up whenever I saw her disgusting frame! I loved my children. And the message just crushed me. I had to go home. I called and told her I would be home in the next hour. When I got home, she and the kids were there waiting for me. “Hey kidos!” “Hi dad!” they chorused running towards me for a hug. We Chit chatted with the kids here and there about everything and nothing in particular. Never once did I look at my….no… Joyce. I couldn’t even bring myself to call her my wife. She just sat there looking keenly at me saying nothing. I got up from the dining table and went towards my bedroom. I couldn’t sleep with her on the same bed, so I moved a few suits to one of the spare bedrooms. She came up to me and forced a hug. “I missed you babe. Please come back to me. I am really sorry if I have wrong….” “Get your filthy hands off me woman before I break them!” I snarled at her gritting my teeth, angered. “Ok, ok, no hugs, but please come to bed with me. I'll be cold, plus I missed you Jim.” She said as she flatted her eye lashes. That had always turned me on, but not anymore. I just shook my head and left her there shocked. I had sworn never to lay my hands on her, ever again. After all she had Jeff to practice her acrobatics in bed with. Shameless slut! That night I dreamt about Jackie, about us. But it wasn’t a good dream. We were walking along the shores of some river, we were happy, laughing, suddenly someone came and hit me on the head as they took….no…dragged her away holding her hair. She was screaming my name, but I couldn’t do anything to help her. I watched her helplessly as they took her away. I woke up with a start. Sweating profusely and wondered if the dream meant anything at all. Looking at my watch I realized it was already morning and I had to hurry and get to the office to see her and make sure she’s okay. Sweet aroma was coming from the kitchen but I didn't spare the cook, Joyce even a glance! "Honey, breakfast is ready!" She called over her shoulder. I ignored her and rushed out towards my car. I wasn't ready for her squirms that morning. + *************** I got to my office but she wasn’t there yet. I waited. One hour, two hours, three hours and I decided that’s enough. I tried calling her and the phone was still off. I would feel the hairs at the back on my head standing and I knew something was wrong somewhere. She never missed work no matter the circumstances and if she did she would at least let me know a day before. I therefore grabbed my coat and headed out, calling out to my secretary to cancel all meeting. I rushed out with one thing on my mind. Finding my girl. I drove carelessly and furiously towards her house. I didn't Eve n lock my car when I arrived. I took the stairs, three at a time and within no time, I was standing at the door of her one bedroomed house. I knocked at the door bit there was no response. I pushed the door and I found myself inside her sitting room. I looked around, calling loudly but there was no response. I rushed to her bedroom but she wasn't there. I went back to the living room and found the handbag she had the precious day. Her phone lay in pieces across the floor. I wondered what was really happening. I knew for sure she was in danger. I had to involve the police. If Joyce was involved in her disappearance, she was gonna hear from me! tbc
9 Sep 2019 | 03:10
Hmmm nxt
9 Sep 2019 | 12:20
THE CO - WIVES THE CO - WIVES CHAPTER 7 Jackie's Point of view. + I woke up in a cage. Locked up and pain all over my body. Where was I? I asked myself as I tried to get up from the cold floor. I tried shouting but my mouth was so dry. My eyes hurt because of the light and my wrists swollen because of the ropes that tied me. Then I heard some noise and I tried calling out hoarsely. It came out as a whisper. Then the door bust open and who I saw left my mouth open. “Jeff?” I croaked. “Hey pretty face! Here you are now. By the time am through with you, no man will ever lay his eyes on you. That is if you don’t do what I tell you to. Alternatively I can have your little boyfriend’s head chopped. Your choice.” He said grinning as if he was saying the most important thing in my life. "Why are you doing this to me Jeff? Why are you so mean and callous? What did I ever do to you in to deserve all these?" I asked him without blinking nor pausing. He squatted right infont of me and lifted my face with his index finger. "I want you Jackline. I want to marry you and make you the happiest woman in the whole world!" He said as he face got closer to mine. His breathe reeked of alcohol. The smell itself made my insides churn. I almost threw up on his face! I used the energy remaining and pushed him with my hands which were still tied together. He almost fell but he supported himself with his hands. "I hope your little boyfriend will come looking for you. I have dropped a text for him! He will deliver himself to the slaughter house and I will gave the satisfaction of chopping off his big head." He was grinning from ear to ear, as if he was saying anything of importance. "James is not my boyfriend, he is my boss. He has a wife and kids. Just deal with me and leave him out of this mess!" He let out a sarcastic laughter! "Look who is scared uh! You don't want to lose your boss cum lover?" "He is not my lover damn! He is my boss and he is faithful yo his wife!" I was already furious. "Shut up already! You shameless bitch! Don't think I don't notice how he looks at you whole in the office. He likes you slut! So don't you dare give me that shiet you slut!" He was obviously infuriated. "So, tell me Jeff, why have you tied me up like a common criminal? Do you think I will escape? I am just an helpless woman and I can't overpower you. Just untie me so that we may talk, please?" I told him. Meanwhile. I was thinking of how to trick him and get off his snare. I felt helpless. I had to use my charm as a woman to overpower him. He didn't even spare me a glance. It's like he wasn't willing to take chances. I knew if James had gotten the sms, he was gonna look for me at every nook and corner of the world. "I am also hungry, do you want me to die of hunger before you marry me uh?" I asked Jeff, sarcastically. He rose from where he was seated and headed to another room. He came out with a loaf of bread and water. "There you go stupid! Eat this!" "Feed me Jeff! How am I supposed to feed myself while my hands are tied up?" I could see him fighting in his mind. He wasn't sure whether to untie me or not. So far I had watched him Keenly and apart from the knife, he had a block of wood. He had no gun or any other weapon. He bend down and carefully untied my hands. "You can eat now, and if you try anything stupid, I am gonna split your head into two!" "I thought you wanted me alive so that we can get married and I beat you kids?" I asked him. He could feel the irony in my words but he chose to ignore me. I told him to taste the loaf and water first. I couldn't take my chances. He did and I ate the rest and gulped down the water as if my whole life depended on it. All that time, Jeff was standing infront of me, his hands across his chest. His phone rang and he excused himself after he looked at the screen. I hoped and prayed that Joyce wasn't part of the plan to kidnap me because I was sure gonna deal with her. He came back smiling and took the rope, and tied me once again. "I thought we agreed you untie me? You are so mean to your future wife!" "You have no right making demands bitch! You are better tied than free. I am rushing somewhere and I can't trust you at all!" With that, he Locked the door and left to God know where. I was left wondering what to do. I tried every means to untie myself but I couldn't. I finally got tired and due to the exhaustion, I fell deeply asleep. + tbc
10 Sep 2019 | 04:01
Hmmm dis is serious
10 Sep 2019 | 15:44
THE CO - WIVES THE CO - WIVES + CHAPTER 8 JOYCE'S POINT OF VIEW. All my life, I had been a submissive wife to my husband. I respected him as the father of my kids. When he insisted that I stay at home to take care of the kids, I was cool with that because he was a good provider. I had lived a luxurious life ever since we got married. Everything was falling into place until he brought Jeff, his long time friend to be driving the kids and I around whenever James was busy. Jeff was a charming guy. I liked him when I saw him and before we could even know what was happening, we were deeply entangled into each other. I never thought my hubby will ever know because he was ever busy to notice. I had severally promised him a position In my husband's company but its like he was growing impatient. That's when he decided to take things into his own hand. That weekend, James had flown to the coast for a very important meeting. The kids were at their auntie's house. I was all alone in the house. Jeff came by the house and he was happy when he found me all alone. He suggested we take some booze and I was more than willing to. He took two glasses from the cabinet and brought out a bottle of Scotch whisky. Jeff couldn't stop telling how many times he has seen my husband getting cosy with his PA. He even gave Me her number. I swore that I was gonna deal with her one day. We drunk ourselves silly, then he led me to my matrimonial bed..... That night we shagged like crazy. Little did I know that he was recording the whole scenario. Jeff left to his place and promised to come that Monday to drive the kids to school. My husband landed on Monday morning, came straight to the house to change. His knocking at the bedroom door startled me. It was some minutes to eight in the morning and I hadn't prepared the kids yet. I opened the bedroom door and I waited for the usual hug, I got a push aside! I wondered why he was acting like that. He looked furious and it was obvious my presence made it even worse. He changed and without sparing me even a glance, he drove off! I tried to call Jeff to come and drop the kids to school but the answer I got got him was heartbreaking. He told me that he no longer worked as my driver, but as the head of financial department in our company! That took Me by surprise. How did he pull that stunt? I was yet to know. I drove the kids to school and came back into the house. I had a lot of thinking to do. Did James know about our affair with Jeff? If so, how did he get to know that? I had lot running through my mind. I needed answers and I needed them ASAP. I texted Jeff and he never replied. I was disturbed and restless the whole day. ********* Fast forward, Jeff disappeared after getting the job in our company. Oh yeah, I was a co-owner and I had shares in there. James on the other hand never said anything to me. He seemed distant and he stopped talking to me completely. Each time I tried initiating a conversation, he would put me off completely. He never laid a hand on me in bed. We slept on the same bed but we were like strangers. He even stopped eating my food. I was somehow sure that he knew about our affair with Jeff and I came up with a plan to nail him before he. I wasn't ready to admit that I was cheating on him. There by then, I came up with a plan to text his PA and threaten her to leave my hubby alone. That way, I would be way ahead of him. Our love life deteriorated. He became distance. Sometimes he would sleep outside and I would ever blame it on infidelity. I would blame his PA for all that, not knowing that I was delivering him to her in a silver platter. I remember one weekend Jeff had texted and told me that they had left together. I waited for him that night and he came home drunk. When I confronted him, he left that Saturday and never came back the whole weekend. I drowned myself in booze. As usual, I blamed his absence on the PA who I came to learn her name as Jackline. That Monday morning, I dropped the kids at school and drove to the company. My hubby hadn't arrived yet and as I was waiting for him, I saw Jackie getting into the company, all alone. I confronted her but she denied ever having any affair with my hubby. This confused me even more. She was so arrogant. She didn't even accord me any respect as the boss's wife. I drove off after giving her a piece of my mind! I was going to show her pepper for her arrogance.... tbc
12 Sep 2019 | 03:11
JOYCE, it is "game over" for u and Jeff already. Hands down, submit and surrender, nothing more else... U will just be adding salts to ur injuries.
13 Sep 2019 | 12:41
THE CO - WIVES THE CO -WIVES CHAPTER 9 JEFF'S POINT OF VIEW + All my life, I had admired nice things. I always envied the live others had. One person in particular whom I envied with all my heart was James who had been my friend since our primary days. James was a bright guy and he performed well in his exams. I on the other hand, I wasn't so bright so after our secondary education, James joined the university while I did menial jobs for upkeep. We lost touch and I was astonished to meet him seven years later, swimming in wealth, living large and driving the latest cars in town. He was happy to see me and he promised to get me a job as his wife's driver. Back then I was working as a delivery boy in one of the industries in the country. The deal was sealed and I started job immediately. But I had a mission! One thing for sure..... James trusted me and he still valued our friendship. It didn't take time before his wife came running into my arms for comfort. She claimed that James was too busy for her and there was no splice in their marriage. She had swallowed the bait as well as the hook. We would make crazy love everywhere and we made sure we left no trace because we didn't the husband to catch us.... O rather, that's what I made her believe... On the centrally, I was a dreamer, a go getter and I wanted his wife for myself, as well as this company. I frequently dropped some stuff to James's office and there, I met a beautiful damsel. My heart ached for her immediately. All my thoughts were on her. I temporarily forgot about Joyce. But there was a problem! The boss seemed overprotective towards her. It's like he had an eye for her. Joyce had promised to secure a big position in their company, but I needed more than just being an employee. I wanted the whole company to be under my name! I was willing to do whatever it takes to swindle as much money as I could so as to establish myself in life. When I succeeded in fooling Joyce, She seemed to be so much into me. I user to update her about the pretty girl in the office. I would sometimes lie to her that they usually go out on lunch dates with James. I never wanted to see a happy family. Finally, I had secured myself a position as the head of finance department despite the fact that I didn't go past form four. I had threatened the boss with the video I made, Joyce and I making crazy love. He guarded his reputation with utmost care and he couldn't allow the video to leak. I knew I had lost a friend but what had to be to make money, had to be done! I started making advances towards Jackline but she always snubbed me. I had a strong feeling that she was seeing the boss but I had no means to prove that. I kept on updating Joyce via text on their every move. I was determined to destroy that family completely. Within a period of three months, I had swindled a lot of money and I was ready to quit the damn job. I was determined to render them penniless.... But I wasn't gonna quit without a fight. I had to take Jackline with me even if it meant abducting her. I hated my current life but man had to do whatever it takes to survive. I laid down my strategies and the more I thought about her, the more I wanted her for myself before the boss took her away. She worsened the situation when she confronted me about telling Joyce lies. I had eaves dropped on their conversation with the boss and I overheard him telling her how much he loves her. Then they left to God knows where together. It was time to act.... I had to act fast. Faster than she would have imagined..... tbc
13 Sep 2019 | 19:37
Hmmm ? ? ?
15 Sep 2019 | 11:02
Your doom is near Jeff, just get yourself ready to face it. You're finished already.
15 Sep 2019 | 15:55
THE CO - WIVES THE CO - WIVES + CHAPTER 10 JAMES'S Point of View. I left her place furiously. I had to confront Joyce first before I involved the police. Immediately the gate man opened the gate, I drove in and parked in the compound. I didn't even mind locking my car. I ran into the house, fuming and breathing fire. "Where is this whore that calls herself my wife?" I growled! Joyce ran downstairs and met a furious me, gritting my teeth angrily. Before she could say anything, I held her by the collar and breathed furiously onto her face. "Where is she? Where did you take her? Answer me slut!" "Who? What are you talking about James? You are chocking me. Lemmie me go!" "You can pretend uh? Wait until I call the police on you, you will understand what I am talking about!" Joyce looked confused! I saw the confusion in her eyes and I let go off her collar. My phone vibrated and I took it from my trousers' pocket. It was a message from a strange number. "I have your sweet girl with me. Meet me at TRM in the next 1hour, failure to do so, I will kill her. And if you dare involve the police, you will have yourself to blame." Immediately, I concluded that the SMS was from Jeff. I remembered that I had not seen him earlier in the office. He thought he was clever uh? He was in for a great surprise. I looked at Joyce who was seated at the far end of the couch. She knew better than talking when I was angry. I gave her a long warning look and got out of the house. While in the car, I called the OCS of the nearby police station and he agreed to send three of his boys to the meeting point. I insisted that they should go in civilian. He was okay with that. I called the strange number and it was answered immediately. The voice was Jeff's though he tried as much as possible to suppress it. I told him I was gonna be in TRM in the next thirty minutes. He insisted that I should go alone if I wanted to see Jackline alive and I assured him I was all alone. I wasn't stupid anyway! "Which kidnapper sends a text and keeps the phone on? Doesn't he fear to be tracked?" I asked myself..... Jeff was just stupid! Plain stupid! I swore I was gonna deal with him... First for sleeping with Joyce, secondly for threatening and blackmailing me to get a job, for swindling my money (he thought I didn't know) And lastly, for kidnapping my girl. Jeff, here I come. I drove out of the house and drove towards Thika road. The traffic wasn't heavy therefore the drive there was smooth. One of the officers texted me and told me that they were already in the mall. I gave them my description and I secured a place st the far end of the café. I spotted Jeff as hr got in and I ignored him. I didn't want him to know that I knew he was behind all these. I buried my head on my cup of cappuccino. He spotted me and came straight to my table. He made himself comfortable opposite me and slightly banged on the table. "Jeff, what a pleasant surprise!" I acted surprised. "I am not here to exchange pleasantries James. I am Here for business!" He growled. "Jeff, I am waiting for someone, if you don't mind, kindly leave my table!" I told him furiously. "And that someone is me James! And you better calm down if you want to see your sugar alive!" He told me, as he showed me a pistol inside his jacket. "Jeff!" I called him. "Why did you kidnap her? What did she do to you?" "This is not time for explanations." He brought out a form and commanded me to sign it. I studied it but he threatened to blow my brains if I wasted his time! "How can I sign something I don't know Jeff?" "This is a transfer of your company from your name to mine. Sign it! Now!" I picked the pen with trembling hands. I had to act fast. The police men were taking long to act. I had to use delay tactics because I couldn't text them in his presence. "Hurry up, we don't have all day!" He commanded. Before I could put down my signature, the police men came and greeted me, as well as Jeff. I focused all my attention on them and I introduced Jeff as my employee. Jeff looked restless. He didn't notice that the three guys were policemen. "Let's get done with the business James! I have a lot of work to do! Gentlemen. Kindly excuse us, we were on the middle of something before you interrupted us." Jeff was definitely pissed off. The guys had made themselves comfortable on our table. I had to do something to piss him off so that he may get furious. I pushed the pen and the form towards him and told him that I couldn't sign something I didn't understand. The café had a few customers and Jeff hadn't realised that the guys on our table were police men. They were on one side of the table and Jeff moved to my side. He drew his weapon and pressed it on my left thigh. I squirmed! "Hurry up dude! We don't have all the time." He whispered. The guys had noticed something had they were ready to act. They drew their pistols all at once and commanded him to drop his weapon or else they were gonna splash his brains all over the place. Jeff knew he was cornered. He couldn't go down without a fight. He pressed the already cocked pistol and released one bullet on my thigh then let go off the weapon. I screamed in pain! The customers and the café attendants were shocked. Their attention was focussed on us. I lay down, writhing in pain as one guy cuffed Jeff and the other two attended to my leg, applying the first aid skills they learned at Kiganjo. An ambulance was called as Jeff was bundled into the police car. Darkness was engulfing my whole self.... I lost consciousness due to too much loss of blood...... tbc
16 Sep 2019 | 03:29
I already knew that it's a dead end for Jeff and tjhat witch call Joyce.
16 Sep 2019 | 10:15
I just pray Jackline is safe wherever she is right now
16 Sep 2019 | 10:21
hmm I hope the wife we not come after u
16 Sep 2019 | 13:36
Rot in jail, Jeff
16 Sep 2019 | 17:56
hmmmmmm trouble
16 Sep 2019 | 19:25
this is bad
16 Sep 2019 | 20:07
16 Sep 2019 | 20:13
17 Sep 2019 | 08:32
hmmm pray that Jackline should be fine, Jeff u think u are smart enn
17 Sep 2019 | 08:45
THE CO - WIVES THE CO - WIVES CHAPTER 11 Jacky's Point Of View + I had stayed for two days without eating or seeing anyone. I was becoming weak and pale as the time flew by. Then I heard shuffling above me. "Help!!! Please help!" I shouted and I rambled the bars that hindered me from freedom. The door bust open and revealed none other than Diana, James's secretary. "Diana please help me, Jeff brought me here and locked me up. Give me some water or better some food to eat. Get me out of here dear. Thank God you found...." "Shut up bitch! Who do you think I am? Kenya red cross? You took what was mine. made Jeff die!" She exclaimed cutting me short and hitting me across my face. I was shocked beyond word. Diana? Really? I can't believe this. I found my voice and asked her crying, "what do you mean Jeff is dead? What happened to him?" At this she drew up a revolver from her handbag and pointed it at me shooting near my left ear. "You either shut the fuck up or next time I'll not miss." She shouted as she hit me with the gun. She then threw some breadcrumbs at me as well as half a bottle full of water. "Eat that!" She belowed. When I tried to complain, she ascended on me with her everything. Beating me up, hitting my stomach repeatedly and left me sprawled on the floor. "What did I do to deserve this? How is my mum? I wish someone just help's me. How is James? I wish I just quit my job before all this. What becomes of me" I wondered as I whimpered. I had cried a lot, so much so that I couldn't cry anymore. I only had to wait on the Lord. Goodness, where did humanity go to? I kept wondering. After that bad encounter with Diana I resolved to be humming slowly just to keep myself busy. In the evening the following day she came back. Dressed to kill and told me that she was now together with James and there was nothing I could do about it. She then threw a few chips my way and told me to eat. I ate hungrily as she watched me. Then she turned around and left. I knew James couldn't stoop too low to her level therefore I doubted her. I hoped against hopes that some help was coming my way! + Jacky's mom's Point of view Hours turned to days without hearing from my daughter. What is happening? I can't get her through the phone and Jacky never goes mteja. I decided to go to her workplace and enquire. I found the Secretary who introduced herself as Diana and upon enquiry about Jacky, she said that she had left the country abruptly, work related. My heart was at peace then, but I wondered how my daughter couldn't at least call me and tell me, or let me know about it. My instincts told me my daughter was not well, but there was nothing I could do. I went back home a devastated woman. I then called my friend the OCS and told him my predicament. He told me to hold on when he investigates he would get back to me. The following days were filled with sorrow, I couldn't get hold of my daughter and something didn't feel right. I received the call that almost cost my life. It was from Jacky's boss asking me whether I had any idea where Jacky could be. He sounded distant, like a person who had been crying or who had had sleepless nights. "What do you mean? I was told that she went outside the country, work related. What are you telling me now?" He went quiet. Then hung up without any explanation whatsoever. I called the OCS and told him of the call. He assured me that someone had gone to him with a lost girl named Jacky who surprisingly had the same name as my daughter. I almost had a heart attack as he assured me that he is doing everything he can to find my daughter. tbc
18 Sep 2019 | 19:36
He should have asked who told her that Jackie has went on a bussines trip. cos that will give them a q clue of Jackie's whereabout.
19 Sep 2019 | 13:13
THE CO - WIVES THE CO - WIVES + CHAPTER 12 JAMES'S Point Of View I woke up in a hospital bed. Joyce and the kids were besides me. I was happy to see my kids. That were also happy to see that I had woken up from the coma. I couldn't even engage in a conversation with her because I didn't like her anymore. She tried all her best to win back my trust but I simply loathed her. Joyce told me that my company was doing better an I casually thanked her for that. We co - owned it anyway so it was her duty to run it in my absence. Word had gotten to me that Jeff had snatched an officer's gun and shot himself severally at the chest. He deserved more than just a shot in this chest. Maybe a knife stab would have hurt most! Days later, I was confirmed fit to go home. I was discharged and went home to recuperate there. ************* It has been weeks since I saw her. Since I heard from her. I searched for her mum's number but she was equally surprised that her daughter was missing. Poor woman! She had travelled to the city to look for her. What do I do? I have become an alcoholic. I rarely go home. Why should I go to a cheating wife? Would you? I have gotten to numerous fights only to be saved by my bodyguard. I wasn't myself especially when I heard that they had not located my love. Alcohol became my companion. I would drink then go home, in my mansion where I would find comfort on my master bed. Atleast Jacky's cologne still lingered in the air. I would always sniff at the leather couch where she last sat before she walked out on me. I was helplessly in love. The only person who would have led us to her had shot himself! Oh My God! I was helpless! My wife on the other hand did something that shocked, no worried me. She sent me an SMS indicating that I should go home and that she wanted to speak to me urgently. When I parked my car at the parking, all that went through my mind was wondering whether my children were okey. Whether there was a problem. I was welcomed by a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. I went and leaned on the kitchen isle facing Joyce who never seemed to notice me. "Hey. What's up?" I asked politely She whirled around and almost fell because of shock. I never meant to scare her but well, I did scare her. Holding her heart, she said, "you frightened me there. How have you been?" "I'm good. I came here as soon as I could and I am not here for pleasantries. What is happening or rather what is up? Are the kids okay? " "Sit down first. You must be tired. Can I get you anything? Some wine or a glass of water maybe?" However much efforts she put into winning me back, I was determined to push her away. "No I am fine. Just get to the point. Where are my kids by the way? Shouldn't they be home from school?" "They went to play with Serah's kids. In fact I just wanted to be with you when we talk about this." "Well, I'm listening." I said as I walked towards the laid table for two. "I'm willing to help look for Jacky. I know I wronged you and I'm pretty sure you will never forgive me. I have already started looking for her although it's a bit hard but I think I'll get somewhere by the end of the week. I love you so much that I'm willing to share you with her James. Plus the kids also need you. Whatever you're doing right now is affecting us negatively and this is not just about us. You have a company and hundreds of people under you and an image to protect. Please let me help you." She said as she played with the end of her blouse, something she did when she was anxious. "Well, I don't have anything to say. I'm just grateful that you realized your mistakes. But do not think that I will easily forgive you. You have to work really hard for my trust Joyce. But for the sake of my children and everyone that needs me, I'm ready to give you the last chance. So what have you found out? I need to know." "Jeff is not dead. You of all the people should know that." She said. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.... I was beyond words with shock! How now? I thought the officer told me that he shot himself and he died? "Where is he now?" I asked curiously. "He is still in the ICU, heavily guarded by cops. If he recovers, he will be arraigned in court." She told me. "And how did you get know all about these? Why didn't they tell me personally?" "Relax James, all this time I have been holding in for your in the office. You have been nowhere to be found. You haven't been reachable on phone. You left the company under my care. Well, am not complaining because it is our company. Everything have been reported to me directly." I must say I was impressed by her aggressiveness If it were not for her, the company would have been declared bankrupt but she stood in for me whenever I was indulging in alcohol. But that doesn't mean I still love her. Hell no! As we were chit chatting, I received a call from Jacky's mom. She told me that the cops had arrested one of my workers who is connected to Jacky's disappearance and I was needed at the station. Joyce wanted to accompany me but I toldso her to stay at home and promised to update her. I couldn't trust her do easily therefore when she promised to help me find Jacky, I wasn't convinced that she had a good motive..... I drove to the station and I was ushered into the OCS's office. We exchanged pleasantries and we got down to business. tbc
24 Sep 2019 | 15:39
Update is taking too much time, pls increase the pace. Weldon ma'am. I'm really enj0ying the story anyway.
26 Sep 2019 | 10:27
pls now update for usss...
27 Oct 2019 | 15:34
And you suddenly stopped when it's getting more interesting
19 Jan 2020 | 21:39


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

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