The boss's Son

The boss's Son

By Shaxee in 16 Aug 2016 | 18:52
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Member since: 19 Oct 2014
Delaney is officially the worst waitress ever. When she is nearly fired, she she will do anything to keep her job, so her boss Tim makes her a deal...
I practically flew down Wayward road on my skateboard, trying to dodge in and out of busy people on their way home from work. Whereas I was going the opposite way, to Louisiana Restaurant. And I was late. Again.
"Excuse me, sorry, thank you." I repeated as I sped past all the shopping bags and briefcases and dog leads. I knew I needed a car desperately, but I needed to save up, and if I didn't get to work on time, I wouldn't have a job, which meant I couldn't save up any money.
I slowed down when I came to the alley down at side of the restaurant, and decided to walk so I wouldn't fall off my skateboard with all the bumps and stone down the alley.
My boss, Tim, said that I should not skateboard to work, as it is 'inappropriate' with the uniform we have to wear. It's more like a school at Louisiana's, with Tim being like a headteacher and the uniform (we have to wear a white blouse, tucked into a knee-length skirt with black tights and high-heeled shoes).
I carefully and quietly opened the side door, which lead straight into the kitchen, so Tim hopefully wouldn't notice I was late. The head chef Linda came running up to me.
"D, you're late again. Make sure Tim doesn't catch you this time!" She panted, looking flustered as usual and throwing a tray into my hand like a circus freak.
"Table 5, go!" She pushed me towards the door so I nearly tripped up in my 70 inch heels, and made some of the lemonade on the tray spill.
"Dang," I gasped, as some of it spilled on me, but I pushed the door open into the restaurant with my back anyway, not bothering to clean up the drink. I conked into somebody on the other side.
"Delaney!" Shrieked a voice. Tim's mom Sylvia was rubbing her head in pain. "Watch where you are going!"
"Ooopsies..." I smiled, trying not to laugh.
"Sorry Mrs. Carney." Sylvia cursed under her breath and walked away, muttering to herself.
Table 5 was full of, let's say idiots. I rolled my eyes and decided to get on with it. There were about 6 boys, about 16, trying to fit into a 4-seater booth. One of them raised his eyebrow at me, and smiled as I came up to the table.
"Well hello.." He said. I gave him a disgusted look, but ignored him and passed him his drink, hoping that would be the end of it. It wasn't.
"I don't recall ordering a piece of hotness like you." He said. The boy next to him sighed.
"Shut it, Derek. Just leave her alone." He mumbled.
"So, babe." He said, ignoring his friend. "I think you're worth a big tip, being such a hot waitress and all, so I have an idea in mind."
"And what would that be...?" I sighed, passing the rest of the drinks around.
"You and me, outside in the alley, what do you say?" I sat on the edge of table, ruffled my hair and cleared my throat. Then I leaned closer, as his friends watched us.
"I say... in your dreams, sucker." I whispered. "I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you."
"Oh, you just looked like one of those girls that... you know, takes advantage." He said taking the piss now.
I stood up, picked up his drink, and threw it in his face, as he gasped.
"My eyes!" He screamed like a little girl.
"Ooopsie!" I said, walking away from him as his friends were bent in half, they were laughing that much. He did not look impressed.
"Delaney Jones!" Boomed a voice, making the whole restaurant go silent. "Office now!"
16 Aug 2016 | 18:52
Continue na
16 Aug 2016 | 18:58
Nice start
16 Aug 2016 | 19:00
Feed us more…
16 Aug 2016 | 19:01
Nyc start Next pls
16 Aug 2016 | 19:05
Lol dis girl 4ny o
16 Aug 2016 | 19:42
16 Aug 2016 | 19:43
Just in time fr de ride
16 Aug 2016 | 20:03
Seated... Ride on.
17 Aug 2016 | 09:01
"Shocking, diabolical behavior, Delaney." Tim rambled, pacing up and down his office. He has these fluorescent lights which really showed the lines in his forehead and around his eyes. I really wanted to say something about that, but I decided not to as I would be digging myself further into my grave. "You were late - don't think I didn't realize - for the third time, you've smashed about seventeen plates in the past month, and now this!" He groaned. "I'm sorry, but I am going to have to fire you!" My jaw nearly hit the floor, it was so wide open with shock. "WHAT?" I roared, standing up from the uncomfortable wooden chair he had practically thrown me into with rage. "No, Mr. Carney, please don't fire me!" "Look, Delaney." He said, sighing and sitting down in his comfy chair. "I mean this in the nicest way possible. But you are a pathetic excuse for a waitress. Why don't you get a job as... I don't know, a model!" "No, sir you don't understand! If I lose this job, I lose everything! My roommate Alisha will murder me, not to mention my mother, since I would have to move back in with her and eat her overcooked chicken EVERY night! I can't buy a car so I will have to work as a bin man so I can get a ride on the back of one of the trucks, and no boy will even look at me in one of the neon orange jackets so-" "Enough, Delaney!" Snapped Tim. "I will make a deal with you." "Anything, sir." I begged. "I have a son who is coming to run this place while I am out of town for a couple of months. To save him a lot of money, paying for hotels, why don't you let him stay with you. For free." __________________________________________________________________________ 3 hours later "What?" Alisha and my other friend Harry chorused, as I threw myself head first onto the sofa. "So you are telling me, that you have invited a complete stranger into our apartment?" Alisha quizzed, as Harry shook his head. "It was either that, or get fired." I mumbled into a cushion. "D, think about this. This guy could be a serial ax murderer, or he could be a terrorist or drug dealer or" "Ok, Harry, I get it." I moaned, pushing my head further into the cushion, half hoping I would suffocate myself and go into a coma right there. "What did you even do to get into this mess??" Lisha exclaimed. "Some idiot at table six was trying to get himself some loving in the alley. What was I meant to do? Bow down to him and say yes?" "No, but you should have walked away." Harry said. I cursed at him under my breath. "Same to you!" He growled. "Yes, I heard you." "Ooopsies." Growing up with my mother was kind of hard. That's why I was so desperate to get out. Everything was so strict, if you sat at the dinner table and spilled a tiny crumb on the table-cloth, she would be there with her duster, cleaning around you. If you went to a party that she arranged, she would have a list of things to do and exactly what time to do it. "Cake is at 4 pm sharp!" She would shriek above the guests. "Champagne is at 4.02 pm!"
17 Aug 2016 | 15:06
Shaxee, I rilli av missed ua stories
18 Aug 2016 | 06:48
@Precy cheer up dear, am back for awhile, just wanna drop something and stand off...... for awhile also.!!!!!
18 Aug 2016 | 08:58
We left for the hospital right away. We left Harry a note, as I knew he would be back any minute. Harry, Gone to hospital, need stitches. Will be back soon, let Tim in. Delaney "Seriously Chris, I don't think I need stitches. It's just a bit of glass. I do it at the restaurant all the time!" I said, then bit my lip. Chris gave me a weird look, then smiled. "Really that bad huh?" He grinned. I laughed and blushed, before guiltily nodding my head. We walked down the street, as Chris said his car was parked down there somewhere. He stopped at a bright blue convertible, and pressed the keys as the doors clicked open. "This is your CAR?" I said, freaking out. "Yeah!" He replied, his face lighting up. "Oh my god!" I flapped. I jumped up and down on the spot and then I realized I was making a scene, so shut my eyes and pretended to act cool. "Oh... yeah... sweet ride." I said smoothly. He laughed, a real deep laugh, then said, "Well are you gonna get in? It's not just to look at you know." He opened the door and I casually got in. Wait until Alisha heard about this. "There you go, it's all over." Said the doctor, as I opened my eyes. I looked at my hand- four stitches. I was still holding Chris's hand, which I had nearly squashed when I grabbed hold of it (well, it was better than screaming). "Well, it's a good job your boyfriend brought you here!" Said the doctor, nodding to Chris." "Oh, no we're not... together... no..." We both said, before standing up and leaving the awkward atmosphere. When we went out through the main doors, my phone buzzed in my pocket. "S'up?" I said casually when I tapped 'answer'. "Please, Delaney, don't use inappropriate words when speaking to your mother." "Oh, hi mum." I said unenthusiastically, rolling my eyes to Chris, who smiled. How smooth was this- the first time I could really impress Chris, and I smash a vase, freak out over a car, and get a phone call from my mother. God. Help. Me. "So, Delaney, I was just wondering if I could pop around to see you in the morning for brunch." "Well, actually mum, I-" "Please do not tell me you are busy, I haven't seen you since you moved in with this Anna girl." "It's Alisha mum." I groaned. "So, I will arrive at precisely 10 o'clock." she said, before hanging up. I pushed my mobile back into my pocket and angrily moved my hair out of my face. "Your dad dropped off your stuff." Harry said to Chris coldly. I gave Harry a dirty look, and he just shrugged his shoulders in innocence. "And where did you put it all?" I said, giving the biggest sarcastic smile I think I have ever made. "In his room." He replied, narrowing his eyes and pointing to the door. "I'll go unpack." Chris said awkwardly, walking over to where Harry was pointing. "I'll come and help you if you want!" I smiled, batting my eyelashes. "OK, that would be great." He smiled back. I turned around and shot Harry the devil looks. "What the hell is your problem Harry?" I snapped, my voice lowered. "I don't know what you are talking about." Harry said, one hand on his chest. "Why are you being so cold? If he says something to his dad, I will get fired. Do you want that?" I growled. "...No..." He said hesitantly. "This guy seems likes trouble." "You don't even know him! None of us do!" I defended. "Just go, Harry." "What?!" "Get out. I can't believe that just because this guy is staying here FOR MY JOB, you are jealous. Get over yourself." He stomped out, his face like thunder and slammed the door behind him. He was being so selfish, just because he was intimidated having another guy around- he was willing to put my job on the line! ******************************************* Chris heated up the chicken for us both, which Harry had left on the side. I don't feel bad for making him stomp out of here, he had it coming to him, but I feel bad that he had cooked dinner for us and didn't get any. "My mum's coming tomorrow- can I give you a tour in the afternoon?" I asked. "Sure- do you want me to go out or something when your mum's here?" Chris said. "No!" I said quickly, cutting through the air with my arms. "Alisha normally helps me to keep cool- my mother does my heading! You have to help too!" "Well, I'm sure we could slip a bit of vodka in your coffee or something." He laughed. I laughed too. "Talking of drinking," I said, clicking my fingers and reaching into the cabinet behind me. I grabbed a bottle of Sangria, and conked it on the table. "Let's drink!" "Oh great!" Chris grinned, rubbing his hands together. He unscrewed the bottle and tipped it into the wine glasses I put on the table. He held up his glass. "To new things." He toasted. I clinked my glass with his and we drunk. I woke up a 6 o'clock the next morning, and started to clean the apartment before the house inspector arrived- I'm not even joking. If she sees one speck of dust I will get a half an hour lecture. If I vacuumed, I would wake Alisha and Chris up, so I dusted all the surfaces, and plumped up the cushions, before using the glass cleaner to wipe down the mirrors. I cleared up the wine glasses and empty bottles, and emptied the dishwasher. That was then I dropped a plate on the floor. I heard movement from Chris's room, then I heard the door open. I bent down and picked up the chipped plate and shoved it back into the cupboard. "Delaney..." He groaned. "What are you doing? It's 6:15." "Sorry... I was cleaning for when my mother arrives." I whispered. "Let me help." He said. "No, you're the guest here." I said. "Again, you're letting me live here. I'll do anything." He grinned. "This was the deal. I let you live with me, or I get fired." I laughed. "If anything, you've saved my life. If I didn't live here I would be living with my step-mum." "Do you live with your mum?" "Erm... no... she passed away a couple of years ago..." He mumbled, helping me finish the dishwasher. I froze. "Oh... Jeez... Chris I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "It's fine, Laney." He smiled faintly. Laney- I like that. "Louisiana Carney was a great person!" "Louisiana?" I repeated. "Is that who Tim- I mean Mr. Carney names the restaurant after?" "... Um... yeah." He replied, nodding his head. Just then, the shower started running- Alisha was up. "OK, we can vacuum now." He said determinedly. "Where is the vacuum?" "In that cupboard." I pointed. "I'll vacuum, you finish dusting." He smiled. I nodded my head- that seemed ok - that way I wouldn't knock anything off with the vacuum. "Chris?" I said. "Yeah?" "Thanks." __________________________________________________________________________________ "Hello darling!" Mother said, kissing me on each side of my cheek. "Hey mum." I said. "Hello Mrs. Jones." Said Alisha, taking off my mum's coat "Oh, hello Andrea." "It's Alisha, mum." I said through gritted teeth. Mum turned to Chris, who smiled politely. "And who is this fine young man?" She said in a criticizing way. "Hi, I'm Christopher M. Carney." He said, in a posh accent. Me and Alisha had our heads down, laughing. "Yeah." I said through fits of giggling. "Chris is my Boss's son." "He's staying with us for a while, while his father is out of town." "Splendid." Said mum, before walking around the room. She spotted a picture of me and Harry on the wall, which she straightened up. "If this your partner?" She asked. "Um... no mum. That's Harry- I've known him since I was five. He's been to every single birthday party I've ever had. You know, he's been to our house about 50 million times!" "Oh. I'm slightly disappointed, I have to say, Delaney." Mum huffed, her nose so far up her backside you couldn't see her face. "And why would that be?" I sighed. "You've never had a boyfriend that has lasted more than two weeks. When I saw this picture, I hoped you were in a real relationship with him." "Remember Oliver? I went out with him for a year..." I defended. Ignoring me, she carried on. "Well, you're so clumsy and careless, who would want a relationship with you anyway?" I grabbed a fork from the table and gripped it tightly by my side. I really wanted to shove it through her brain, but I wouldn't. "Actually, Mrs. Jones, I would." Chris broke in. Me and Alisha turned our heads to him, mouths open. "That's why I am in a relationship with her." He shot me a look, and I nodded in return. I walked over to Chris and he put his arm around me. "Yeah, mum, we're happy together!" I joined in. "We've been together for two months!" "Oh really...?" Mother said, looking very offended. "Well, you've certainly surprised me!" We sat at the table in silence, my mother glaring at Chris, who was looking very uncomfortable and shuffling in his seat. He took a large gulp of his water. Alisha just sat there tapping her foot. "So... Christopher. Tell me this. Have you and my daughter had intercourse yet?" Said mother. I dropped my glass. Chris spat his drink out in shock, before mumbling "Umm..." He looked to me for support. "No, mother, we are taking things slow." I said quickly. "Very good to know." Mother nodded. Mother left sharply after our brunch, kissing me goodbye, nodding to Chris and ignoring 'Andrea'. "Well, I'm going shopping." Alisha announced, as all three of us sat in shocking silence on the sofa. "I need to get some apples." "I'm going to my room." I said shakily. I ran to my room, tears springing in my eyes. My mother was such a b**ch and had officially embarrassed me for life. Chris was sure to think I was an idiot now. And to make my day even better, I had to do a late shift at Louisiana's. I curled up on my bed and silently cried. I heard a knock at the bedroom door about 5 minutes later, and I pushed back my tears, took a deep breath and opened my door. "Hey." Said Chris, resting on the door frame like he was when he first arrived. "Hey. I'm sorry about... my mother." I said, and the tears came springing back down my face. "Hey, hey!" He whispered softly. "Laney, don't cry, don't let her get to you." He pulled back a strand of my hair and wiped my tears with his thumb. "I've only known you not even two days, and it feels like I've known you forever. Your mum's right. You are clumsy and careless, but that's not a bad thing! You've smashed two things in the space of 24 hours, and it's adorable." "Thanks." I sniffled. "But I don't think it's adorable." I whimpered, and so he pulled me into a hug, and it felt so right, so safe. Then, he kissed me on my cheek. "You're beautiful." He said, before kissing me again, on my forehead." You're funny." He kissed me again, on my other cheek. Then silence. He edged in and slowly kissed me again, this time on my lips. Next thing I knew, we were full on kissing, while I was pulling him into my bedroom. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me on my neck, my arms, then back onto my lips. I had my arms around his neck, while his hands were in my hair. The air was heavy, while we were fast breathing. He stroked his hand across my arms and twiddled his fingers in mine. A moan escaped me as he moved his hands up the back of my shirt and I felt his skin against mine. "WHAT'S GOING ON?" Shouted a voice. We froze, and turned to look towards the door. Harry was stood there, a shocked, angry, look on his face.
18 Aug 2016 | 09:03
18 Aug 2016 | 14:25
Kip it flowing shaxee
18 Aug 2016 | 15:39
Following NEXT
18 Aug 2016 | 16:56
shaxee it been a lng time have read ur story,nice starting nxt plz
19 Aug 2016 | 03:22
""><That was too quick, don't u think>
19 Aug 2016 | 05:05
19 Aug 2016 | 08:11
19 Aug 2016 | 14:32
19 Aug 2016 | 16:18
19 Aug 2016 | 16:19
You are busted
19 Aug 2016 | 17:08
_______ I bit my lip, a pained look on my face, as I stared at Harry. "Delaney, what is wrong with you?" He said, looking at me as if he was ashamed of me. "What do you mean?" I asked, taking my arms off Chris. "I wouldn't expect somebody like you to do something like this." "Like what?" I asked. "What exactly am I doing wrong?" I sat on the edge of my bed, legs crossed. "You don't even know this guy!" He snapped, pointing at Chris. "And why would you care?" I cried, tears streaming from my eyes. Chris awkwardly left the room, and I heard his bedroom door close quietly. "Harry, you had your chance with me and you blew it! Why are you so jealous of every single thing I do? Anyway why do you care so much about what I do with my personal life?" "Because I have a bad feeling about him! He's bad news Delaney." "How would you know? You haven't even got to know him!" I screamed. "Neither have you!" He bellowed back. "You aren't like this! If I hadn't come in, god knows what would have happened!" "Nothing was going to happen! Do you really think that little of me?" I whimpered, full on crying now. "Recently, yes..." He mumbled, playing with the door handle, and shrugging his shoulders. I got up and walked away, out of the apartment, slamming the door so loudly behind me, it knocked the picture off the wall in the hallway. I literally then just ran. I didn't take the lift, I just ran down the stairs, all seven flights, in my high-heeled boots. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I had to get out of there. I wouldn't normally get mad at Harry, but he had been acting cold with me for ages. Two Days Later... As I slowly went under the water, I thought about not seeing Harry or Alisha for two days. I slowly let myself sink under the water, and thought about Chris, who had been left so clueless, wondering what was happening between us. Of all places, I never expected myself to find myself at my mother's door. People kept ringing me, but I didn't feel like talking. Alisha was wondering where I was. Tim kept ringing me, so did Chris, and Harry. I couldn't hold my breath any longer, but couldn't make myself go to the surface of the pool either. My arms were floating above me and my legs were on the bottom of the pool, and I just stayed there: Then suddenly, I heard a splash and two strong arms underneath me pulling me to the surface. I spluttered as the arms held me there, and I slowly opened my eyes. "Harry?" I coughed. "Laney are you crazy? What are you doing?" He said, his deep voice echoing. "I don't know." I replied. "Thinking." "Well don't think underwater! Do you want to die?" "No way! I have so much more of my life to live!" I explained. He lifted me up so that I was pulled closer to him, and wrapped his arms around me into a giant hug. I'm so sorry for what I said. I don't think little of you at all." "I'm sorry too." I replied. "I know you didn't mean it, you were right. I don't normally do stuff like this!" Chris's Point of View I sneaked around the corner, down the alley of Louisianna's where I was supposed to be working, and spoke to a man whose face was shaded. "Have you done it yet?" He whispered. "No, but I got her wrapped round my little finger." I explained, checking to see if anyone else was around. "Well you have to do it soon, I'm sick of waiting. Delaney Jones has to pay for what she did...." Right now, I only know how Delaney Jones had broken this guy's heart. She broke up with him for constantly drinking or something like that, so my job was to break her heart back. I don't really care what I do, as long as it pays....
20 Aug 2016 | 19:28
u wil soon regret dat wen u fall in love wit her
21 Aug 2016 | 03:56
pls episode it. @itzshaxee
21 Aug 2016 | 04:18
pls episode it. @itzshaxee
21 Aug 2016 | 04:19
Let's see how it goes.
21 Aug 2016 | 11:09
Let see aw it goes
21 Aug 2016 | 16:22
Delaney's Point of View Harry said he would take me home. Two days with my mother was enough- I nearly went crazy. We pulled to the traffic lights, and down the road, I could see the bright sign saying 'Louisianna's'. "Chris has been looking after this place. I better check how it's all going." I said. "I haven't been working for four days now. I got out of the car really quickly, after Harry said he would park. I went down the alley and crept through the kitchen, up to the office, where Chris was. I burst in, and he was sat casually, building his stationary on top of each other. "Hey." I said. "Where have you been for two days?" He said, standing up from the desk. "My mum's." "That's the last place me and Harry would have looked for you! I would have helped him more, but I had to stay at this place." He sighed. "You and Harry... helped... each other?" I stammered. "Well, yeah, and Alisha." He shrugged. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. FYI, I don't normally kiss girls after only knowing them for a day. When I'm sober." I laughed, and sat down on the table, knocking off all the files. "Oh man!" I snapped, picking them up. "Again, I'm sorry. I don't want to break up a friendship." "Look, Christopher." I said. "I don't know what was happening. Everything happened so fast, but you don't have to apologize. Yeah, you kissed me, but don't forget I kissed you back!" "So, we're good, right?" He asked caringly. "Of course." Chris's Point of View Phew - at least Delaney wasn't angry at me. I just couldn't mess things up, I couldn't. If you look at me, what do you think? You see a rich man's son with cool clothes and a brand new car. But really, I'm not. I stole a car, I live in a squat up North and I have zilch money. When dad told me I had to look after the restaurant, I was pleased because I would have everything I wanted-for free. But I still needed money. Then I met Derek. He said this girl, this waitress had rejected him in the restaurant. She had humiliated him in front of his friends and ripped up his money, all because he had asked if she wanted to have a drink sometime. I told him I would probably be working with her, then dad said I would be moving in with her, so when I next met up with him, he said he would pay me £800 (apparently his mother is an actress so he has the money) and then he would let me work for his dad. And all I had to do was break this girls heart. But the problem was, I had become quite fond of Delaney Jones. Harry's Point of View Delaney has been my friend for so long, but ever since she started working at that restaurant, she had slipped away. When Chris arrived, I knew something was up, so when we split up to look for D, I followed him. I heard him on the phone, and he was talking about revenge on Delaney. I knew I couldn't talk to her about him when I eventually realized where she had gone. She wouldn't trust me, ever. So I am going to find out what this is, and when I have proof, that's when I will tell Delaney. But in the time being, I am going to look after her and not let her out of my sight. Delaney's Point of View "OMG!" Alisha screamed when she ran into the office. "D, I have been so worried about you!" I hugged Alisha, tightly. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I thought you weren't gonna come back. Have you not seen my show over these past two days? I was saying how I missed you and you'd only been gone a few days!" "Of course I was gonna come back! Don't jump to conclusions, Lisha." I said, cheekily telling her off, pretending to be my mother." "Yes mother." Giggled Alisha. Then she turned to Harry. "Thanks for ringing me." "No probs." Replied Harry casually, who had appeared from nowhere. "Hey!" I said, a lightbulb above my head. "Alisha, I watched your tea-time show at my mum's. You won the best presenter award!" "Oh, yeah I did." Alisha said modestly. "Well done! Do you want to all go into town tomorrow night to celebrate?" "YEAH!" Everyone chorused. *************** To all Readers: I purposely rushed Delaney into this situation, because it will come back to bite her later on in the story. I made her character careless and ditzy, so she never expects her actions to come back and haunt her! (E.g with this character Derek, she doesn't realize how dangerous he is - she probably doesn't even remember him.)
22 Aug 2016 | 05:36
22 Aug 2016 | 07:45
The guy is really bad news
22 Aug 2016 | 07:51
22 Aug 2016 | 08:39
22 Aug 2016 | 09:51
22 Aug 2016 | 12:24
Hmmm, next
22 Aug 2016 | 13:27
hmmm nxt plz
23 Aug 2016 | 02:34
Delaney's Point of View I'm so stupid! I can't help but feel a slut for what happened that night! It's so unlike me, and also, Chris is my boss's son so I should maybe stop things - make it clear to Chris that nothing can ever happen. He's so sweet though, and kind, not to mention hot. Talking of Chris, he said he was going to work today. "S'up Caleb." I said casually as I came to a halt on my skateboard. "DJ!" He enthused, clapping my hand. Caleb is Alisha's brother, she sometimes meets up with him at 'The Fox and Moon' pub, in which Caleb was stood outside smoking a cigarette. "On your way to work?" "Yeah, skived off this couple of days." I replied guiltily. "I'm meant to be at work right now." He laughed. "Can't be arsed!" "You seen any of the gang recently?" I asked. "Nah... last time I've seen them was at the comp." He replied shaking his head and taking a swig of his beer. "Same." I said. We were talking about the skater dudes. Me and Caleb used to hang with them at the skate park, and hold competitions and stuff - this was back when me and Caleb were dating. "You knows, we should, like, go back there sometime. I feel a bit guilty, you know. Ever since we split, on that night of the comp we haven't been back to see them all." "Yeah, we should. How about Saturday night? I heard there are gonna be a head to head against Bancroft and Moltgrove." "Mint, I'll try to find you there." He smiled. "It was good to see ya." "You too." I smiled. We were talking about the two skate parks. The skaters from Moltgrove were against the dude's from Bancroft (the park where I used to hang). Ever since I started working at Louisianna's, I haven't been able to go back because of the dodgy shifts. "Hiya, Linda, sorry I'm late." I said hanging up my coat and walking into the kitchen. "Seriously, where have you been?" She said quietly, a sad look on her face. "I've had some problems..." I muttered. "Delaney, Mrs. Carney's already replaced you." She whispered. My face dropped. "And a bloody good job I did!" Mrs Carney squawked from behind. "Lillian is a great waitress, who actually turns up to work!" "Mrs. Carney, it's only been a couple of days, you can't just fire me! Your grandson is living with me for Gods sake, if you fire me, I can throw him out." "Oh sweetheart. You're already fired!" "But you're not in charge!" I defended. "I am now, Tim isn't coming back and Chris isn't even here!" Chris's Point of View "I can't do it. I can't do it anymore Derek. She's not even a bad person." I said with a lowered voice down the phone. "You have to. I have the money for you right here." Derek growled. "I don't care about the money." I said, before hanging up on him. There. Now I could be with Delaney for a reason. I like her a lot. I'm gonna take things slow at first, and this time get to know her - no strings attached. Delaney's Point of View Later that night, there was a knock at the door. It wasn't Alisha because she was at work. Chris left me a message saying he was going somewhere to 'sort things out', so I was hoping it was Harry. I put down the large tub of ice-cream and slowly went to open the door. Everything went black. When I woke up, I was in what looked like some kind of cellar. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I was tied up to a chair. I couldn't speak either, so I was screaming but no voice was coming out. It was cold and dark and I was panicking, breathing short breaths. "Awake are we?" Said a dark voice, echoing. I turned my head, but couldn't see anything. "I bet you don't like it here, do you?" The voice was familiar, like I'd heard it before. "I bet you regret humiliating me now." Said the voice, as a dark figure came out of the shadows. The boy from the restaurant.
23 Aug 2016 | 05:51
23 Aug 2016 | 13:31
23 Aug 2016 | 14:14
Reaping the fruits
23 Aug 2016 | 16:18
24 Aug 2016 | 03:08
24 Aug 2016 | 04:48
Hmm, okay
24 Aug 2016 | 08:21
Delaney's Point of View He walked closer towards me. I struggled in the chair, and started breathing faster. "Don't struggle." He whispered in my ear, as he revealed a gun from his pocket. "Or pay the price." I nodded my head, especially when he held a gun towards it. Good times! Not. He took off the tape, so I could talk again. I didn't dare to scream, but tears were streaming down my face. "Why are you doing this?" I whimpered. "This is so stupid!" Still holding the gun to me, he untied all the ropes. "You humiliated me in front of my friends, made me the laughingstock of the school, you rejected me, ripped up my money. You have to pay for what you did." He said through gritted teeth. "Somehow I don't think that's stupid." "How did you even find me?" I cried, not even bothering to struggle. "Chris Carney." He replied. "Know him? He's been working with me to get back at you since he got here." "Chris." I whispered. I was in despair, why would he do that! And to think, I actually kissed him, I actually liked him! "And you just didn't believe Harry, did you? He told you something was wrong." "Wait, what have you done to Harry?" I shouted as he dragged me to the edge of the room. "You'll see...Delaney'll see." Alisha's Point of View I ran down the dark road. Why wasn't she answering her phone? "Hey, this is D, DJ, Laney or Delaney depending on how you know me. I'll call you when I have time, or you know whatever." "D, ring me when you get this message, I'm worried about you!" I panicked, leaving a message. She wasn't home, where was she? I checked Louisiana's, but she's been fired. When I got to the apartment, the door was wide open and she'd left a tub of ice cream on the side. Something was up. Caleb was walking up and I was running down. "Oh my god, Caleb have you seen Del?" I screamed. "I saw her earlier on, she was on her way to work." "She's been fired!" I shrieked. "Now she's gone!" "I'll have a drive and search and see if you can find her, you keep looking!" He said quickly, running off the opposite way. I rang Chris, while checking around. "Chris, it's Alisha. Is D with you?" I panicked. "No...I thought she was working." "She's been fired!" I said, bursting into tears. "When I got back, the door was open and she'd gone!" "Alisha, calm down. Go and get Harry from work, I'll meet you outside Louisiana's in 15 minutes. I think I know where she is." Chris's Point of View I ran. That's all I did. Derek had got Delaney, I just knew it, and I knew where. I sped down to Louisiana's, I had left my car in the parking lot across the road. But when I got there, my car was surrounded by flashing blue lights and about 5 police officers - sh*t. "Christopher Carney, I am arresting you on suspicion of theft." Said a police officer from behind, handcuffing me. "Don't say a -" "No! Not now! She's in trouble!" I shouted. "Get off!" The police officer grabbed tight hold of me and threw forward on the police car. "What's going on?!" Harry shouted as he ran up to me with Alisha. "Not now, Delaney's in trouble." I struggled. "Go down the alley, down the side of Louisiana's and when you get to the bottom, turn right and follow the next passage. There's an old garage. Behind the garage there's some steps leading to a cellar. Go!" "Why there?" Alisha screamed. "I've been meeting up with a guy there, just go!" I shouted. Alisha and Harry started running. "And Harry?" Harry turned around. "What?" "Be careful. The guys got a gun."
24 Aug 2016 | 11:32
Chris will save u
24 Aug 2016 | 11:40
Delaney's point of view How did things end up like this? This guy turns up out of nowhere - I thought he had fallen from heaven or something. After two days, he kisses me - then I find out he's been plotting against me. Now, if I scream, I die. It's like some kind of movie, I never expected it to ever happen to me. Caleb once had a gun held to him, by some skater guy. It was so weird, at that moment. All I could think about was Harry. How he's always been there for me, how he'd never let me down. Even though he was the most annoying person I had ever met in my life, there was a reason he'd always been in my life. He was my life. Without Harry, I didn't really have a life. Even through the bad times, he had stuck by me. Like the time my mum was getting on my nerves when I was 9 - I ran away to Harry. I lived in his tree house, until tea time when his dad saw me playing video games on his playstation. I was full on crying now, knowing that the perfect guy had been straight in front of me all this time - my best friend, the guy next door (or upstairs in this case). "Please, just let me go." I blurted. "You're a bit pathetic, don't you think?" Derek scowled at me. "Look, I know how you feel. But I didn't humiliate you, you humiliated yourself. Believe me, I do it all the time. I act dumb, and don't see things that are straight in front of me." He lowered down the gun. As he had the gun by his sides, I remembered something Caleb had told me. "Yo, Del, if anyone points a gun at you, I know what to do." He said. "Only if it's a guy though." "And what's that?" I laughed, rolling my eyes. "If it's at the guys sides, pretend to choke, ya know, lean forwards. The guy with automatically look down your top, yeah. That's when you grab it and point it at the guy." I thought it was ridiculous at the time, and I knew he had completely made it up. But now, his stupid advice was coming in handy. It was obvious this guy had some issues and he wasn't going to give up. I began choking, and it really hurt my throat because I was totally faking it. This made me actually choke, and actually bend in half. I could feel him looking down my top, so I grabbed the gun, stepped away from him and held it at him. He held up his arms. "Woah... there. What are you doing with my gun?" He mumbled. "Getting myself out!" I replied, beginning to laugh. Harry's point of view "Stay here." I said to Alisha. "No!" Snapped Alisha. "I can't let you go in there on your own." "I need to call me the police. I know they're only across the road, but they're dealing with Chris." "Ok." Alisha said, waiting at the top of the steps while I went down. Chris had seemed to keep this place quiet... "Harry?" Alisha whispered. "Yeah?" "Be careful." She trembled. Delaney's Point of View My hand was shaking like mad, as I held up the gun to him. I had absolutely no intention of shooting him, but he was sure to chase me if I ran. Suddenly, the door of the cellar place creaked open. The room was very long, so it took me a while to see who it was. "Harry!" I shouted, absent-mindedly dropping the gun and running. He ran too, towards me and I jumped into his arms. He held me tightly as I cried onto his shoulder. "Oh, Delaney." He gasped. "I'm so glad, you're ok!" "Harry, Harry I love you." I rambled. "You've been right there all this time and I didn't even notice -" He put his finger on my lip to shut me up, held me closer to him and kissed me. That was when we realized that Derek was still standing there, gun in hand again. Harry pushed me behind him to save me. Derek had anger on his face, he looked so annoyed. It wasn't that bigger deal. So what? He had been humiliated - that's what this is all about. I heard the trigger being pulled. I gasped and covered my eyes. "No!" I screamed
30 Aug 2016 | 18:39
FINAL CHAPTER! Chris laid on the floor, gasping in pain. I dropped myself to the ground in emotional agony, as Derek looked open-mouthed, before running off. "Chris!" I screamed, holding him. Harry sat down next to me. "Stay with me Chris!" How Chris had got there, in front of me and Harry, I had no idea, but all I knew is that he was dying. "Delaney..." he muttered. " I'm sorry. I' so sorry....I needed some money." He was taking short sharp breaths. "Why did you do that?" I said, my tears dripping all over. "Because... I regretted making the deal... to hurt you... I plotted against you... then ended up liking you..." "Shhh, shhh, breath." I whispered. "Delaney..." He said slowly. I looked at him. "" I looked at Harry, who nodded his head, but his eyes were sad. "Delaney..." gasped Chris. " and strong...and -" He closed his eyes right there. I started crying, long whimpers, as Harry came and comforted me, as I held Chris. Six months later Me and Harry walked happily down Wayward Road hand in hand, straight past Louisianna's restaurant. He twirled me around so I curled into him, while we were laughing. He kissed me, making me feel dizzy. "Well done, D. I'm so proud of you!" He whispered in my ear as we stepped to the side of the pavement to let past Mrs Carney, who scowled. I'd just won a skateboard competition at the national skateboard championships. Now Harry was taking me to work, to the skate shop that Caleb now owns down the road from Louisianna's. I've never gone back there, I never even notice it anymore when I walked past it. Derek Parker was arrested and ended up with a life sentence for drug dealing and murder, Alisha quit her nighttime shows and became an actress on a soap instead, which she loves. I have moved in to Harry's apartment after three months of dating, as I was fed up of living with Alisha and her new boyfriend Todd, for certain loss of sleep while listening to them at 1 o clock in the morning in their room, if you get my drift, (it was even worse when I came in from work and they on the sofa. Oopsie!) So things are going great now. We're all closer than ever. But I will never forget how my boss's son saved mine and Harry's life by sacrificing his own. ******************************* WELL THATS IT GUYS. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO LOVED READING THIS AND MADE IT OVER 100 READS. IT WAS A PLEASURE
30 Aug 2016 | 18:40
Wow..Nice story so far...and nice ending too..
31 Aug 2016 | 02:36
Thumbs Up @shaxee
31 Aug 2016 | 02:37
Good job.
31 Aug 2016 | 02:46
Nice story
31 Aug 2016 | 03:17
Nice story and happy ending
31 Aug 2016 | 05:01
great job!
31 Aug 2016 | 07:39
Nice story @shaxee
31 Aug 2016 | 08:08
31 Aug 2016 | 11:52
nice one
31 Aug 2016 | 13:48
Nice story, I really enjoyed it while it last!
31 Aug 2016 | 14:01
31 Aug 2016 | 19:39
Awesome ending Thumbs up
1 Sep 2016 | 01:11
Nice Story
1 Sep 2016 | 09:19
nice one @shaxee
1 Sep 2016 | 17:12
nice one thumb up
1 Sep 2016 | 18:18
Wow, nice story nice ending
1 Sep 2016 | 18:57
nice won
9 Dec 2016 | 12:01
nice one
3 Jan 2017 | 10:34
Wow nyc 1
31 May 2017 | 18:56


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