

By kreepyink in 25 Nov 2015 | 05:49
25 Nov 2015 | 05:53
EPISODE 1 “What are you doing?” A voice behind her made her jump. Lia spun around, facing her mom. “I was just dusting the banister- ow!” Lia was cut off from her thought due to her mom’s tight grip on her arm. Lia’s mom looked down into the dining room the balcony overlooked. “You’re spying on mister Kieran again, aren’t you?” “No,” Lia said, though her eyes dropped to the floor. Lia’s mother, a sturdy woman even at the age of sixty, pulled her into the nearest bathroom. “Amelia! You are going to get us fired! Why can’t you be like normal girls your age?” “Normal girls?” “Yes. Normal twenty years old girls that move out of their parents’ house and get married?” Lia rolled her eyes at her mother’s lecture. “I am attending school, mom. I want to be a teacher. Don’t act like I have no direction in my life,” Lia retorted. “If you don’t stop watching mister Kieran all the time, you are going to get us both fired, and you will never be able to pay off your tuition!” Lia blushed. She always tried to be stealthy, but she couldn’t seem to stop staring at him. Her mother saw her daughter blush. She rolled her eyes, threw up her hands in typical fashion and left Lia standing alone in the bathroom. She wasn’t alone for long though, before a middle aged woman, Bernice, came into the bathroom. “ Lia,” Bernice scolded. “You have kitchen duty tonight! You know the deal when mister Kieran has guests. Get your butt down stairs and start clearing their dishes!” Lia panicked for a second, grabbing the sides of her face. “I totally forgot!” she cried, running out of the bathroom. Bernice was close behind. Lia heard her mutter something about her head being “in the clouds.” Kieran always had important-looking people over for dinner. As Lia watched him from a corner of the room, she thought about how serious and bleak he had become since she first began working for his family. He wore black now mostly, either black or dark colors. It suited his personality- or the person he wasnow,at least. His hair was black too, and always meticulously groomed. He was extremely handsome. isHisHis Irish descent did not allow him to get very tan in the summer. And his bright blue eyes he had inherited from his mother. They were piercing, and now almost always devoid of laughter. Tonight he was wearing black dress pants, black dress shoes, and a deep purple dress shirt, the sleeves unbuttoned and folded at his elbows. He also was wearing gloves, with the fingers cut out to help with his mobility. Lia guessed his outfit probably cost more money than she would ever make in her life. Kieran was listening to conversation around the table of men probably twice his age, yet he seemed to hold more power and more danger than any of them. Lia didn’t know much about business or their affairs, but she could sense his demeanor and his influence from the way the other men treated him. He was dangerous. They could see it in his eyes. His work staff always wondered how he could love and yet be so dangerous. And he couldn’t even walk. Lia pondered this man more than anyone. She began to work for him when she was twelve, along with her mother and her older sister. Her mom had begun working for him when they moved out west, before she was old enough to work too. He wasn’t much older than she was either. When Lia was twelve, he was eighteen. She felt like she knew him better than anyone. He was a god in her eyes at the time- an eighteen year old boy. Lia used to spy on him with girls, the way he would smile at them, and sometimes push their hair behind their ear. He was such a charmer. He could even charm his own parents. Rumors around the mansion were that their family was involved with the Irish Mafia, but nothing could ever be confirmed, of course. Despite that, their family was a loving unit, and it was obvious to Lia that Kieran loved his parents very much. So Lia got to watch Kieran live out two years of his perfect, charmed life, until the accident.
25 Nov 2015 | 05:57
Episode 2 The men had been talking for an hour now, still picking at the food in front of them. Lia was leaning against the wall lazily, half-watching and waiting to clear any dishes. It was the lack of focus that made her kick herself. A very young girl, only five years old, ran into the room through the legs of other workers. Lia was supposed to be the last line of defense, but the little girl was halfway across the room before Lia sprang into action and ran after her. “What do you think Kieran?” A man with a salt and pepper beard asked, turning to Kieran. The young man he was addressing, however; was not paying any attention. He was now looking at the little blond girl running to him. When she reached him, she climbed up his wheelchair and sat on his lap, throwing her arms around his abdomen. Lia was mortified. She was about to pick up the girl when Kieran raised his hand at her. She stopped. The young man smiled down at the girl. His smile was so brilliant, and so rare, the whole room got utterly quiet. “What are you doing, Lilly?” His voice was deep and rich. “I missed you, Kieran,” she responded, her little voice quavering. “I told you to stay with Miss Ginger.” “I know,” Lilly pouted. “Don’t worry, I’ll come play with you soon.” He pinched her cheek playfully. He never ceased to amaze. Lia almost forgot she was standing in front of him, until those eyes, those brilliant eyes, fell on her. The playfulness evaporated, and he nodded to Lia. It was her cue. Lia lifted the child from his lap. “Apologies, sir,” she said softly, and nodded to the guests before walking briskly from the room. Lia got a good scolding for that little display. But not from Kieran- never from Kieran. She got an earful from almost everyone elsebutKieran. She cleared the dishes as she was bid. Then she waited for her shift to end. At this point, Lia just wanted to go home… but since she had classes during the day, her shift started later, and ended later than most of the other workers. So she waited in the dining room until the guests went into the cozy sitting room attached to the dining room. Lia remembered Kieran’s parents doing this as well after their dinner parties. Kieran followed his parent’s example very well. They all got up and went into the sitting room. Kieran was now used to pushing himself around in his chair, which the gloves helped; although, he sometimes still accepted help. Lia followed them and offered coffee or tea. The chef who ran the kitchen, a happy man named Tom, filled her orders and finished shutting down the kitchen. The staff was now trickling out and Lia noticed her mom and sister were already gone. After the coffee and tea, the men wrapped up their conversation for the night. Lia was standing against a wall, once again, daydreaming. She was forced back into reality by the unison exit of the dinner guests. Lia sprang into action, showing them the door and retrieving their coats for them. She also watched jealously as they drove away in their sports cars and Porsches. She imagined being the daughter of a wealthy business owner as she walked back to the sitting room to clear the coffee and tea cups. Lia tried to mask her surprise when she saw Kieran still there, leaning to one side of the chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose wearily. She quickly put the dishes in the sink and went back to the room. “Sir?” she asked. He looked up at her. Lia’s interaction with Kieran was always limited, and she found herself getting nervous whenever they were alone or whenever he addressed her personally. So his direct gaze increased her heartbeat instantaneously. “Would you like some assistance?” she finished her thought. Episode 3 loading......
25 Nov 2015 | 06:07
Thanks @kreepyink. Nice story.
25 Nov 2015 | 06:13
Thanks @Kreepyink nice start...
25 Nov 2015 | 06:26
Landed!!! Thanks for the Alert @Kreepyink *I'm Followinq*
25 Nov 2015 | 06:30
tnks man..m followinq..may b she qat crush on kieran..jst thinkinq ni oo..*observinq thinqs*
25 Nov 2015 | 06:45
Tnx 4 d mention @kreepyink ride on i dey @pizzaro back
25 Nov 2015 | 06:49
Episode 3 He was silent for a few moments. Finally, he leaned his head on his hand and nodded very slightly. Lia noticed how tired he looked. Her own fatigue was infinitesimal in comparison. This man was running a whole business by himself and taking care of a child. He never asked for any of it. Kieran inherited Lilly when his cousin passed away in a “house fire.” His relatives had a curse of a short lifespan, and the more Lia pondered it, the more she was convinced his family was a part of the mafia. “Going to sleep then, sir?” she asked. He was silent again in response. She waited. “Is Miss Ginger gone?” “I believe so, yes, sir.” “So Lilly is asleep?” “I hope so. It’s one in the morning,” Lia said softly. Kieran looked at his Rolex watch. “Yeah,” he sighed. “You are correct.” Silence filled the room again like water in a cup. “Would you like me to wake her?” Lia asked. “No. I should go to sleep anyways.” “Yes sir.” Lia pushed his chair out of the sitting room. Most of the lights in the house had been turned off. After the accident, Kieran took his parent’s room on the ground floor. Lia thought it had been symbolic, but one of the other workers had also pointed out to her that he now had mobility issues too. They traveled down the long hallway in silence. His room had been adjusted to be handicap friendly, so Lia had no idea how to turn on the lights. Kieran did it himself. Once in his room, Kieran pulled up one of his legs to take off his shoes. “Allow me,” Lia said, bending down. “You look tired.” He didn’t respond, but he did let her help him. She stripped off his shoes, and put them away. On nights like this, when he was too tired to get himself ready for bed, he had Alice. Alice was one of the oldest employees of the O’Meara family. Lia didn’t ask about Alice though. When she came back out of his closet he was getting ready on his own. Kieran looked at her and nodded. “Thank you Lia, I’ll be okay from here. You can go on home,” he said. She nodded and smiled at him, leaving his room. * * * Will looked up from his brandy. Will and Kieran were the only two men younger than thirty five years old in the room. Furthermore, Will was the only one that wasn’t in the O’Meara family. Will rubbed the bridge of his nose. He was getting so tired of listening to the family squabbling. They were all moochers anyway. Kieran’s parents were the only successful pieces of the family puzzle. Will swirled the brandy in his glass. At least he was Irish, at least they couldn’t holdthatagainst him. Kieran’s uncle Kenneth nodded at Will. “What do you have to say about thefamilyassets, you blond-haired interloper?” Kenneth said to Will. Will slammed down his glass and stood. “Will,” Kieran said calmly. It was said as more of a command than a name. Will glared at Kenneth and slowly sat back in the chair. “Now you’re justtryingto pick a fight, old man,” Will said contemptuously. Kieran sighed. It had been a long morning.
25 Nov 2015 | 07:17
Tankz @Kreepyink.I'm wit u
25 Nov 2015 | 08:30
@Kreepyink tnx 4 d I.v, am here already
25 Nov 2015 | 08:31
@Kreepyink you bam
25 Nov 2015 | 11:19
December is here.tanx @treepyink.
25 Nov 2015 | 11:36
Episode 4 “Will’s right, uncle. Don’t go picking fights. Especially fights you can’t win,” Kieran said to his uncle. Kenneth responded with a bunch of stuttering while his face turned red. Some of the others in the room laughed. Will smiled. “How about a break?” Will suggested. “My stomach is telling me it’s almost time for lunch.” “That’s because you’ve been slurping down that brandy all morning!” One of Kieran’s relatives poked at him. “Never too early to start drinking when the family is involved!” Will retorted. To his relief, they all laughed. “Be back here in two hours,” Kieran ordered. The relatives trickled out. Kieran and Will were left. Will downed the rest of his brandy. He looked up to see Kieran staring at the O’Meara family crest. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, you know,” Kieran said finally, turning his chair to face his friend. “Hey,” Will threw up his hands in defense. “You talked to me first.” “That was elementary school. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn’t know you wouldn’t leave me alone after that.” Kieran had a tiny smile on his face. “Leaveyoualone? There were like five boys in the entire third grade class. St. Rose’s is a tiny school.” Kieran turned again to face the family crest on the wall behind him. “Did I ever tell you my great-great-grandfather was in the Irish mob?” Kieran asked. “No.” “My father told me when I was young. My family was defeated by another mob for a long while though. My da’ was obsessed with getting our name back.” “…which he did,” Will said, walking up next to Kieran and resting a hand on his shoulder. Will and Kieran went to the dining room. The chair at the head of the huge table had been permanently removed for Kieran. Will sat to his right, where he always sat. They had just been served salads when Will heard a squeal. He looked up to see a little girl running into the room. “Will!” she cried. Will smiled and stood up, opening his arms. She jumped into them. He hugged her tightly. “Lilly! My, my, what a pretty dress,” Will said, putting her down. Lilly looked down and blushed. She headed over to Kieran, and motioned with her finger for him to lean down to her. He did and she kissed him on the cheek. Kieran smiled and ruffled her hair. Satisfied, Lilly went over to the other chair next to Kieran and clambered up. She sat on her little legs and smoothed out her dress. Ginger came running in after Lilly. She turned white when she saw the two men. “Oh! Mista Kieran, I’m so sorry,” she said, rolling her Rs due to her accent. Ginger’s real name was not Ginger, Will knew this much. He didn’t think anyone knew her real name, or where she was from. But Kieran trusted her with Lilly, who was the tiny amount of sunshine in his life, and Will knew better than to question his judgment. “It’s okay Ginger, Lilly would like to eat with us,” Kieran said to the woman. She nodded and walked into the kitchen, holding her hand over her heart. Kieran looked softly at Lilly. “You are going to make poor Miss Ginger go crazy, chasing after you,” Kieran said to the little girl. Lilly giggled. Will loved to watch Kieran and Lilly together. The boys had done some bad things as life required, but Will saw the weight of life release Kieran whenever Lilly was around. TBC....
25 Nov 2015 | 11:42
Intresting bro
25 Nov 2015 | 13:53
Interesting piece
25 Nov 2015 | 14:28
Interesting story
25 Nov 2015 | 14:56
Following nd tanx for d call
25 Nov 2015 | 15:12
ayam hia@kreepyink tanx for d i.v
25 Nov 2015 | 15:33
interesting story,ride on
25 Nov 2015 | 15:33
Tanks 4 D I.V Keep D Ball Rolling
25 Nov 2015 | 16:18
ride on paapa..*folowinq*
25 Nov 2015 | 16:59
Am here
25 Nov 2015 | 17:28
am here now following
25 Nov 2015 | 17:33
Just following
26 Nov 2015 | 03:28
nice start
26 Nov 2015 | 04:45
Episode 5 Monica put on deep red lipstick, rubbing her lips together. She looked in the mirror at the man lounging on the bed behind her. He was handsome. But she was also beautiful. She spun around to face him. He was picking one of his finger nails. Monica rolled her eyes. He wasn’t as charming as his brother. “Dan,” she addressed him. He looked up at her. She sat in a purple velvet chair near her vanity. Dan began to feel uncomfortable. He knew that tone meant business. “Yes dear?” he responded with a smile, trying to avoid the impending situation. Monica rolled her eyes again. She obviously wasn’t sleeping with him for his wit either. “Don’t ever tell anyonewhat we talk about. If any of the other mobs found out about this, they would take the opportunity and obliterate the O’Meara family. I don’t want themcompletelydestroyed.” “Then…what exactly do you want?” Dan asked sheepishly. Monica sighed. He was a hopeless idiot. “Enough unrest and turmoil within the family to overthrow Kieran, and take his place,” Monica recited. “Iam the O’Meara’s godchild after all. I should have more standing than your brother at least!” “He went down that road himself,” Dan said, more to himself than to her. He had always loved his little brother. They were so close in age. But when Will became more successful faster than Dan through the O’Meara family, Dan’s jealousy began to blossom and grow. His envy was now out of control. “Are you sure they won’t be able to trace the tip about the warehouse?” Monica asked. “Yeah, I’m sure. I was told there were no witnesses. This guy is good. Trust me.” Monica doubted she would trust him with a ham sandwich. But she didn’t want any chance of anything being traced back to her. So she let Dan take the reins on this one. At least if they found out it was Dan, she could deny any involvement with him. “You know what I got in their will? The horses and the stable,” Monica started in, not listening or paying attention to Dan. He put his head down. This was going to take a while. Whenever Monica began her pity party, she would keep steaming about it for hours, sometimes days. “Horses and stable! That’s it. That is all! And they knew what happened tomyparents after working for them. My mom is in the mental hospital after watching my father get murdered. They ruined me!” she screamed. Dan wondered why he was still sleeping with this lunatic. Her every thought was of getting revenge. Dan considered telling her to leave Kieran alone. The poor guy lost both parents,andhis ability to walk when he was only twenty. Dan had nothing against Kieran. He just wanted to see Will struggle for a little while. He wanted to be the one to help his little brother for once. His parents always looked at him like he was a burden to Will. Dan’s hand started shaking from withdraw. It had been a few years, though the drug use never seemed to leave him alone, especially the withdraw symptoms. He stopped thinking about Will and his hand stopped shaking. Dan looked up at Monica, who was still ranting about the O’Meara family. When she looked over at him though, she stopped talking. “Dan…” she said, and pointed to her own nose. Dan lifted his hand to his nose and felt wetness. When he looked at his hand, his fingers were coated with blood.
26 Nov 2015 | 04:59
Episode 6 Lia was scrubbing the floor of the large foyer. She thought about her home situation, and dreamed of how to get away. Not that home wasthatterrible. Her parents just seemed… incapable ofnotreproducing. They were sixty. That meant Lia’s mother gave birth to her when she was forty years of age. She had seven older siblings, and three younger siblings. Their house was a damn circus. Half her older siblings still lived at home. She already had a few nieces and nephews for God’s sake. Her poor father worked in management of a construction company. He was always at home, a drink in hand, eyes glued to the television by the time she got home. Most of the time small children would be running around her legs, the noise would be unbearable. But her father managed to keep his cool. He was a soft man, who had never yelled at Lia. Her mother was the obnoxious one- always criticizing Lia, ordering her around, yelling at her. Lia was fonder of her father than her mother. But at least she got to work here. When Lia was younger, she didn’t work that much, but she was here a lot. Sometimes she would just go into deep corridors of the house and pretend she was a princess. It was a silly game, she now reflected. But she still did dream. Lia noticed she had been scrubbing the same spot for the last minute, and crawled to a different section. The foyer always got soiled the easiest. It had beautiful granite flooring, but was an area of high traffic. The doorbell rang. She moved aside to let someone else answer it. A man named Henry walked by. Henry was a little younger than she was, and very handsome. He was an immigrant from South America, but was very intelligent. Henry led three men into the foyer, and told them to wait while he got Mr. Kieran. Lia surveyed them. They were not the typical- well dressed, middle-aged, dangerous looking men that frequented the house. They looked like hillbillies to her. They were all wearing dirty jeans and plaid shirts. One of them had oil stains all up his arms. Another was chewing a piece of straw. Lia had a special talent for blending in with the house. However, these men were immune to her invisibility. “Well, well, you’re beauty, ain’t ya?” one of the men asked her. She looked down, at a loss for words. “She ain’t gonna answer you, Carl. You ugly as sin,” another said. Lia smiled politely. “I bet a pretty thang like that would like to be taken out to dinner,” Carl said. Lia didn’t make eye contact. She was rapidly growing uncomfortable. “Wouldn’t ya, sweetheart?” Carl prodded, getting closer. Lia tried to shrink away, but her grabbed her arm. Lia was now afraid, her heartbeat pounding like a metronome in her chest. “ Touchmy employees again, Mr. Swindler, and I can guarantee you won’t like the consequences.” The voice was harsh and slightly raised. Carl immediately dropped her arm. They all looked over at Kieran and Will. Carl said nothing. Will lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke. After a few moments of silence, Kieran spoke again. “Shall we, then?” The men followed Kieran and Will down the hall. Lia sank to her knees, and began scrubbing the scuff marks off the floor. * * * Will wondered how long they would have to listen to these insufferable hillbillies. They requested that a neighbor’s dog was to be shot, to send him a warning. Carl Swindler and his cronies helped supply the blue collar folks with the drugs the O’Meara family received. Most people feel more comfortable buying goods from friends. Swindler was a good rep. So, Swindler was no stranger to Kieran. “I’m pretty darn sure he rigged that dog race,” Swindler said, spitting brown colored saliva into a bottle, the result of chewing tobacco.
26 Nov 2015 | 05:02
Episode 7 Will looked up as Kieran’s cousin Murphy, one of thebetterrelatives, came in to the sitting room. He resembled Kieran with dark hair, but had a different facial structure. The look on Murphy’s face concerned Will. He smothered his cigarette. Kieran put a hand up to silence Swindler. Murphy whispered something to Kieran. Kieran pulled back and looked at Murphy for a minute. “You’re sure?” he said to his cousin. Murphy nodded. “Okay, take a seat.” Kieran turned to the three guests. “It seems as if Warehouse seven has been commandeered by the cops.” At first, Will was confused. This was not new information to them. They had found out early this morning. And then it dawned on him. It was staged. Kieran wanted to get information out of Swindler. The guests shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. “Is… is that so?” Swindler said, maintaining eye contact with Kieran. Kieran nodded grimly. “Who do you think it was that ratted?” Swindler’s minion, Gordon Macy, said. “I was hoping you guys could inform me.” The three looked at each other, with fake surprise on their faces. “Why us?” Swindler asked. “Don’t play stupid,” Will snarled at them. “I don’t have the time or patience for your dumbass games.” “We don’ know nothin,” the third one, Liam Bryant said innocently. Will rolled his eyes. Kieran nodded at two soldiers for the family, who stepped in front of the door to block the exit, and entrance. Will looked over at Kieran, who was staring at Swindler. “I think you do… especially you, Carl,” Kieran said. Carl looked around wildly to try and assert his innocence. “I know nothin’, fellas.” Kieran was silent for a moment, and then looked at Will. “Break his fingers,” Kieran ordered. At the command, the three men flew into a panic. They looked around the room for any escape. Murphy got up and stood behind Carl to hold him down. The other two eyed the men guarding the door. Will had relieved the three men of their weapons before entering the room. As Will got closer, Carl grew paler. “I don’ know nothin’! Promise!” Carl cried hysterically. Will wrestled with Carl for his right hand. Carl tried to pull away and kick and shove. But Will was stronger, and overpowered him. Will grabbed his index finger and broke it sideways with a snap. Carl screamed loudly. All kinds of obscenities flew out of his mouth. Will grabbed his middle finger, and broke that one too. Once again, Carl screamed in pain. Will stopped and looked back at Kieran. Kieran had his hands folded in his lap, and was watching the event with a calm, objective interest. Kieran made eye contact with Will, and nodded. When Will reached for his ring finger, Carl cracked. “Wait! Wait!” he yelled desperately. “I might have heard something. I might have overheard something about an informant…” “Might have?” Will asked. “Not good enough.” Will reached for Carl’s finger again. “Wait! Hold on!” Carl exhaled slowly. “I heard Martha Flannery talking about a rat in the dealer department.” Will frowned and stepped backwards. A woman with information would complicate things. Will went back to Kieran. “Think he’s telling the truth?” Will asked quietly. Kieran was a notorious lie detector. Carl was whimpering and cradling his hurt hand. Kieran said nothing, but cracked his knuckles and pushed his chair forward until he was knee to knee with Swindler. “If you’re lying to me Carl, I will destroy everything you have- everything I have given you. Especially if you’re unnecessarily involving a woman. If you try to run, I’ll kill you, personally,” Kieran paused for a moment. “That’s a promise.” He half smiled at Carl. “Now… are you lying?” . . TBC.....
26 Nov 2015 | 05:05
Hmmmm ¤still observing tinx @kreepyink nice one ride on......
26 Nov 2015 | 06:10
Episode 8 Carl gathered up all the resolve he had left and looked Kieran in the eye. “No.” “Fine. Jackie will reset your fingers. Then get out.” * * * After the man named Carl was escorted out of the building, cradling a bandaged hand, Lia was told to bring the men coffee. Since there were only three of them, she brought coffee, tea and a small plate of biscotti. She poured coffee for the other two, and tea for Kieran. Lia sighed. It was going to be another late night. She had heard about the warehouse fiasco, so she knew more late nights were to be expected. She also knew Carl’s screams weren’t going to be the only ones echoing around the house. Lia turned to go. “Lia.” It was Kieran’s voice that beckoned her. She spun around. “Sir?” “Could you stretch my legs for me? They’re probably cramped.” “That’s because you skipped physical therapy today, you rascal.” Lia jumped at the scruffy voice behind her. It was Alice. She was old and plump, and had been serving the family since Kieran’s father Bill O’Meara was a young mobster. She shuffled in the room and handed Kieran medication. “Oh be quiet you old hag,” he joked. Alice winked at Lia and shuffled out again. Lia was always shocked at the fondness Kieran had for Alice. Lia had seen other employees help Kieran stretch, but had never done it herself. Kieran looked back at her again. She nodded. “I think so, Sir.” She knelt in front of Kieran. His wheelchair was custom. It was all black, made for people with permanent handicaps, made to fit him personally, with bigger cushions and a strap around his waist. He usually had physical therapy every day, except for busy days like this one. Lia took one of his legs and stretched it in front of him. “I’m not going to hurt Martha Flannery,” Will said to Kieran. Kieran shook his head in agreement. “I wouldn’t want you to.” “We don’t know that she’ll refuse to talk though,” Murphy said, considering the best outcome. “And what happens if she does?” Will looked at Kieran. “We’ve done this before,” Kieran said slowly. They looked at each other. Lia took Kieran’s other leg. She knew why they hesitated. Martha Flannery was a big gossip, but also a big sweetheart. Most people they dealt with were not as nice. Even most of the women had it coming. Martha just happened to know the wrong piece of information. “We’ll have to threaten the people she loves,” Will finished Kieran’s thought. Lia always thought Will was absolutely, unfairly handsome. To her, Will looked like he belonged in some fairytale, as the noble prince who rescues his true love from peril. Lia stared at the way the firelight reflected in his sand-colored hair and his dark blue eyes. He had scruff on his jaw line, and red tints in his hair that only accented his Irish descent. He had been with Kieran ever since Lia could remember, and only grew handsomer with age. Lia put Kieran’s other leg back on the footrest and stood, bowing her head slightly to Kieran. She then began to clean the dishes they had finished. “Lia, would you send Alice in? Then you should go home,” Kieran said. Lia nodded again at him. “Sir,” she answered, and excused herself from the room. * * * Carol drank her coffee in two huge gulps. She had never imagined her life would turn out likethis.She tapped a pen on her desk, and stared at the clock. Nine to five. Regular job. Nine to five. She let her head slowly drop to the desk. She was, after all, not a regular person. Carol was a thrill seeker, an adrenaline junkie. She spent most her time at work searching for places to bungee jump, or new features for her four-wheeler. And here she was, drinking coffee at two in the afternoon, waiting for the regular work day to end so she and the rest of the worker bees could drone out of the office and onto the highway for rush hour. She had to stop herself from grabbing a pen and plunging it into her eye. At least kick boxing practice was tonight.
26 Nov 2015 | 06:40
Wanna round it up as fast as i can.... Stay tuned for more! Four more episode 2day
26 Nov 2015 | 06:46
Episode 9 Carol looked at the legs of a coworker that was wearing a skirt. She had always thought that girl in particular was hot. The girl was talking to some office “stud muffin” that almost all the females swooned over. He smiled and winked at the girl. Carol made a face and rolled her eyes. Her last girlfriend, Ashley, had left Carol because Carol “complained too much.” Carol snorted. Ashley would complain too, if she had a job like this. Carol dragged her practically lifeless body from the building at five o’ two. Overtime would be the end of her. She walked a few hundred yards to the bus stop. Her apartment was only a few miles away, so she never found a reason to buy a car. Carol would rather invest her money in recreational vehicles. She boarded the bus and sank into a chair next to an older man. He smiled and winked at her. She ignored him. Kickboxing was at seven tonight, and then re-runs of ER would be playing until ten. Kickboxing was the one tiny gem of light in her day. Carol’s cell phone buzzed. It was her mother. She rolled her eyes and ignored the call. The woman was always trying to set her up with prominent and wealthy women. It was pretty obvious from a young age that Carol was homosexual. She always dressed and acted like a boy, she would copy her older brother on everything. Her dad and brother didn’t care that she was gay, they were so laid back. Her mom, on the other hand, was a little too overzealous about it. She was still thinking about her family when the bus stopped at her station. Deep in thought, Carol almost didn’t get off the bus. At the last second, she jumped up and hurried off the vehicle. It was still quarter of a mile or so to get back to her apartment. She didn’t see him coming. So when he tackled her to the ground, it took a few seconds to register what was happening. The sun was low in the sky, and she had taken the shortcut through the small alley. This wasn’t the first time she had been jumped, only the first time she had been attacked from behind. She was being held down. There were two of them. Her attacker fought hard to try and keep all her limbs in check, but at one point, one of her arms got free. That was his fatal error. She grabbed a nearby rock and smashed it into his head. He yelled in surprise and pain, and rolled off her. The other attacker was grabbing her bag. It was a woman. She put up her fists. The woman turned to run. Carol rolled her eyes. This woman had made so many mistakes, it was laughable. Mistake number 1: her hair was loose. Carol grabbed the woman’s blond hair, and felt no obligation to be gentle. She ripped the woman’s hair back, jerking her head up and back. The blond fell to the ground. The man jumped up to attack, but she gave him a hard uppercut to the jaw and he dropped like a sack of meat. Carol blocked the woman’s feeble kicks, straddled her, and punched her in the face multiple times. The woman spat out blood, her eyes rolling back. The blond had fainted. Carol regained her feet and kicked the man a few times in the ribs. He sputtered and coughed. And then, for her own fun, and for good measure, she alternated between the man and the woman, kicking them in the ribs and the back. She wanted them to feel the effects of their pathetic little attempt for weeks to come. Her male attacker barely conscious, and the woman completely passed out, Carol rolled her eyes and went to pick up her bag. If someone was going to attack her, she at least wanted a good fight. Carol looked for her bag, then found it being offered out to her by the outstretched hands of a movie-star looking man. He was smiling at her. “Hello, miss,” he said. “My name’s Will. What’s yours?” * * * It was evening. Will and Murphy and many of the other non-permanent members of the household had left for the night. Lia only had minimal interaction with Kieran all day, and she was feeling upset. She always liked Kieran’s company. She saw him and Alice on their way to his room. Alice was talking in her gruffy voice, and coughing. Lia smiled to herself and left. She came in the next afternoon to a silent house. Lia hung her coat in the employee closet. She saw her mother come shuffling up to her. “Lia! We’re short- staffed tonight, so be diligent,” her mom said. “Mom, what’s going on?” “Oh… I forgot to tell you. Alice passed away early this morning.”
26 Nov 2015 | 06:47
Episode 10 Lia felt her insides drop. Kieran! Poor Kieran. “Where’s mister Kieran?” “Oh dear, don’t go near him. He ain’t right in the head right now.” Lia wondered what the hell her mom was talking about, but she had already shuffled off to go home for the night. Usually her mom and sister left a few hours after she arrived. Her mom always wanted to get home at around seven to make dinner for her disgustingly large family. But today was one of her older brother’s birthday. So it was Lia and only a few people in a large, silent house. It was the first time since the accident that she was uncomfortable in the mansion. Lia began her duties as usual until a voice was behind her. “Miss?” Lia jumped, and turned. It was Murphy. “Sir?” “Can you please bring some coffee and water to the sitting room?” “Surely, sir.” Murphy disappeared as mysteriously as he had appeared. It wasn’t the first time Murphy had scared her either. He was like some sort of weird phantom. As soon as Lia entered the room, she knew something was wrong. The room was silent. Will and Murphy were staring at their hands, and Kieran was staring at something in the distance. But he was rocking back and forth slightly. Lia poured coffee. “More brandy,” Kieran said to no one in particular. “That’s enough, Kieran,” Will said. Kieran looked at his friend darkly. “We all know this must be hard for you,” Will began. “You don’t know shit,” Kieran cut him off. He was slurring his words. In her whole life, Lia had rarely seen Kieran drink alcohol. And she had never seen himthisdrunk. “Kieran, drink this,” Murphy said, handing Kieran the coffee. Kieran seemed to consider it. He looked at the cup, then threw it at Murphy’s head. But due to his level of intoxication, the cup went far off target, and smashed into the wall. “Kieran!” Will yelled. “Stop it!” Both Will and Murphy had red rings around their eyes. Their faces were drawn, and their bodies slumped over. They looked like zombies. Kieran though, looked the worst. His eyes were dry, but bloodshot, with dark circles underneath. His hair was ruffled, and he was leaning back in his chair, his legs not even on the footrest. “More brandy,” Kieran said once again. “No!” Will responded loudly. “Get the fuck out! All of you!” Kieran yelled. He rubbed his eyes, and then pushed his hand through his hair. Will stood up and kicked a chair over. Murphy seemed to shrink into himself. And then Lia stepped in. She found herself in front of Will before she realized her legs had moved. “It’s okay, sir,” she said. “I can take care of him.” “No way. We couldn’t leave you with him.” “You two look terrible.” Lia realized her mistake. “I mean you two look really exhausted.” Will laughed. “I know we must look pretty bad. But I still couldn’t. Kieran is too much to handle right now.” “This is my job, sir. You stayed with him all day. I’ve done this before.” Will hesitated. Lia pressed. “Please let me do my job.” Will glanced back at Kieran, and finally nodded. “Okay. If you have any trouble, call me. My number is in Kieran’s phone, which is on the coffee table over there.” Will pointed to the coffee table in the middle of the room. Will and Murphy gathered their things. On the way out, Will stopped and turned around. “Thank you Lia,” he said. She was surprised he used her name. She didn’t think he knew it. She definitely underestimated him. Lia nodded to Will and Murphy- who returned the nod. Lia set to work. She put all the brandy up high, where Kieran couldn’t reach it. She then got a bucket with a trash bag. Reentering the room, she found Kieran looking in the coffee pot. “You won’t find any alcohol in there, sir.” “Lia, if you don’t give me brandy, you’re fired.” “Then I’m fired. But first, I’m going to get you to bed.” “Don’t, touch me,” he managed to spit out. The words were slurred. Lia went over to him, and released the brake on his chair. She pushed him down the hallway to his room. She felt like it would be a good idea to put him in the bathtub. At least in there, she wouldn’t have to do any bedclothes laundry. Kieran sat in the bathtub and glared at her for a few moments. After he closed his eyes, she knew what would come next. He quickly opened his eyes and reached for the bucket she held to him. He immediately threw up and continued to do so every few minutes for a span of twenty minutes. After he was done, his eyes closed, and his head rolled to the side. He was passed out. . . . More episode later....
26 Nov 2015 | 06:50
Nice one @Kreepyink
26 Nov 2015 | 07:27
Ride on
26 Nov 2015 | 08:03
@kreepyink interesting start,this is gonna be a scintillating ride ... awon goons me daa? @ebube @eminem @jummybabe @pizzaro @natasha9976 @fortunate1 @sonshine @hardeywummy2 @tinagabe @victoriouschild @bestie @sharpzender @desire @originalannchilexdel @tiffany1 @mecuze (whats wrong with all your stories naa?) @emmyrexx @rufus @cookey @aarti @mecuze @kuks @wiseman @wyse-one @richardson @hameyeenat @krizzy @jenifa @kophindo @pharm-vickymears @pheranmmie041 @frank @frankkay @cherryserah @delight @pweety @softie @sofia my pp @promzy (d one i havent met but felt as if ive met) @vict-vames @invincible @pweetylizzyqueen @crusherdaneils @napster @chyamaka @khadijah @treasure @bishop10 @iksqueency @paje @chomyline @ferdinard @jenny123 @kingsbest @taiwo @ saintkeiz @fynboy @uncleba426 @mhzzrblayse @mhizdaofot @kuks (prettiest) @mhizzthessy @ritagold @besty @bestie @ariketemmy @adura @blaisebrayne @semilore @isabella1 @donyas @johnoscar @jayturney @youngfellow (ur kinda story) @simzy @yungprince @mray @timmy
26 Nov 2015 | 08:10
Nyc one
26 Nov 2015 | 09:29
@ele1 tnx 4 d iv
26 Nov 2015 | 09:46
nyc one@kreepyink
26 Nov 2015 | 09:54
Tanx 4 the invite@Ele1
26 Nov 2015 | 10:08
Nice ride
26 Nov 2015 | 10:11
@Ele1 tankz so much
26 Nov 2015 | 10:14
Episode 11 Lia disposed of his vomit, tying the bag tightly. She re-entered the bathroom about half an hour later with a cold washcloth. When she put it on his forehead, he opened those brilliantly blue eyes. Lia’s stomach twisted itself into all kinds of shapes. He looked at her, but was silent. She could tell he had sobered up a little. “I want go to bed,” he said after a few minutes. Lia nodded and used the handicap helping machine to get him out of the tub and back in his chair. She pushed him into his room. He changed himself, but she helped him slide into bed. He looked at her. “You knew Alice?” he asked. “Yes.” “She knew my parents.” “Alice and your parents were all good people.” Kieran used his elbows to push himself up a little. He frowned a little at Lia. “You knew my parents?” “Yes. For two years.” “Wow. And all this time, I thought she was the last one to know them. People come and go so often…” He trailed off. “Do you remember them?” “Oh yes.” Lia smiled, and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked intrigued, like a small child hearing about Santa Claus for the first time. “Your father, was one of the nicest people I knew. No one has ever been so kind to me. Sometimes, when I was younger, I would explore your gardens, even though the gardeners would give me specific instructions against it. You father caught me once. I thought I was going to be chastised. Instead he looked at me and winked. He said it would be our little secret. Oh! And your mom would always give me one of the first cookies out of the oven when she would make them for your birthday or special occasions. She told me I was her cookie taster.” Lia felt a lump growing in her throat. She had been very fond of the O’Meara couple. When she looked down at Kieran, he had an expression on his face she had never seen before. His eyebrows were wrinkled in sadness, but his eyes showed happiness. The way he looked at her made her panic. She wanted to hide, to blend in with the walls. Lia began to stand, but he grabbed her wrist. “Please…” he begged. “Tell me more of what you remember about my parents.” Even though every molecule in her body wanted to run and hide, Lia forced herself to sit again. Kieran smiled at her, which made her stomach turn to ice. Lia told him more about his parents. Eventually, when she looked down, he was asleep.
26 Nov 2015 | 10:28
I see smtin in d air
26 Nov 2015 | 11:56
@ele1 u 2 much c me 4 ya front @kreepyink am clapping 4 u, just pouring episodes 4 ur fans as if u pouring fuel inside motor u 2 much just like wat @desire is giving us
26 Nov 2015 | 12:46
Episode 12 * * * When Will had walked down the sidewalk and heard the scuffle in the alley, he thought it was going to be another rescue mission of some poor broad. But this girl… was no poor broad. He wandered in the alley, and came upon the scene of a fighting machine. This chick kicked ass. And then he saw her punch the other girl in the face without reservations. And he suddenly had a solution to their Martha Flannery problem. Not that hewantedto hurt Martha. She was a nice woman. But they had to have the option, just in case it was necessary. So he introduced himself. She looked at him like he was some weird infectious mold. “Not interested,” she said, walking away. “How are you not interested when you don’t know what I’m selling?” “I think I can guess.” “I bet not.” At this point, she turned and frowned at him. “You’re not interested in me sexually?” He laughed, which only received a blank stare from the woman. “I want to pitch you a business proposition,” he explained. He did think she was attractive though… a few inches shorter than he was, with shoulder length brown hair and a toned, tan body. He could dig it, even if she did seem a bit, masculine. “I’m not buying or investing in anything, sorry.” “Tell that to someone who wants your money.” “If you don’t want money, and you don’t want sex, what the helldoyou want?” Will smiled. “I want to offer you a job.” Will knew it was probably a bad idea to offer this woman a job before consulting Kieran. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. In the end, he decided to leave out the job offer when he recanted the story for Kieran. If Kieran rejected the idea, he would make up some story to Carol. She had given him her contact information at least. But a speed bump presented itself. Will went to the house the next morning, ready to spill the story. He walked in on Kieran having eggs and orange juice. “You know our little Martha Flannery problem?” Will said. Kieran put down his fork and looked at his friend. It was a classic sign to continue. “I think I have a solution.” Kieran crossed his arms and leaned back. But right when Will began the story, one of Kieran’s employees rushed in with the phone. “Can it wait?” Kieran snapped. The man with the phone shook his head. As Kieran listened to the person on the other end of the line, Will’s stomach filled with lead. He waited until Kieran had hung up the phone, and put his face in his hands. “What is it?” Will asked. “Alice. She’s… dead.” So the brandy drinking began. Not even five minutes after he hung up the phone, Kieran pushed himself into the adjacent sitting room, and poured himself a glass of liquor. Will indulged in a few glasses as well, but Kieran out drank his friend. When Murphy joined them mid-afternoon, Kieran was drunk. When Lia came in early evening, Kieran was completely wasted. Will began to worry that his friend would start injecting alcohol into his veins. It was probably an indirect attempt on his own life. Kieran was usually straightedge, so drinkingthatmuch was like going from 0 to 60mph in less than sixty seconds. Will made attempts all day to stop Kieran from self-destructing. He offered to make Kieran a drink, and filled it halfway with water. He made food overly available, and almost made himself sick eating too much bread in an effort to tempt Kieran to eat. Will even went as far as playing smooth jazz and soothing music to try and coax Kieran into a nap. Nothing worked. Kieran was completely set on drinking himself into oblivion. Next episode 2morrow
26 Nov 2015 | 14:00
Welldone @creepyink...... Nxt plssss
26 Nov 2015 | 14:25
Patiently waiting for tomorrow to see what will happen next.
26 Nov 2015 | 15:19
still observinq.....*yaaaaaawN*
26 Nov 2015 | 17:27
26 Nov 2015 | 18:12
Episode 13 Long story short, by the time Lia came in Will was utterly exhausted of ideas. And now this. Will understood that Kieran was sensitive to Alice’s death. He had every right to be. She was one of the last people he considered to be linked with his parents. But while Kieran does nothing, his empire falls deeper into peril. Will rubbed his forehead and sighed. He was standing outside the door to Kieran’s room, which was now being guarded by some foot soldiers. “Listen. I needto get in the room. “It’s imperative,” Will said, growing very impatient with these teenagers. “Sorry, sir. We received strict instructions to let no one in, except a few staff members,” one of the boys answered. Will closed his eyes for a minute before pulling out his gun. Both boys threw their hands in the air to surrender. “Move aside!” Will yelled and the pointed the gun at them both while they moved out of the doorway. Will barged through the doors like a wild boar. Kieran was sitting up in bed. He rolled his eyes. “You’re insufferable.” “Kieran, we have to take care of some business, or things will start to fall apart,” Will pleaded. “Close the doors,” Kieran ordered. Will obeyed. “Listen, I really don’t feel well today. Can’t business wait one more damn day?” “You don’t feel well because you drowned yourself in brandy yesterday.” “So?” “So, we really have to take care of these things.” “Give me one day to recover. You’re like a damn slave driver.” “I’m just trying to look out for you.” There was silence in the room. Will could feel Kieran getting annoyed. It was the last thing he wanted. “Can we just discuss like…three things?” Will asked. Kieran was silent. He looked Will up and down, and finally nodded. “Okay! Item number one, I found a solution to our Martha Flannery problem.” “What is it?” “We hire a girl.” “What?” “A chick. She could use force if necessary. It’s a level playing field.” “No.” Will shut his mouth. He hated when Kieran rejected his ideas so hastily. Will rolled his eyes. “Maybe I should come back later,” Will said, turning to go. “Maybe you shouldn’t. I gave you my answer.” “I can’t help but think you did it to spite me.” “What?” “I’m making you attend to business, so you’retryingto make this miserable.” “I’m not a child.” “Could have fooled me.” As soon as the words were out of Will’s mouth, he regretted it. Kieran got silent. A chill ran up Will’s back. “Maybe you’ve forgotten who’s in charge.” “Kieran…I…” “Get the fuck out of my room.” It was a calm command. Will obeyed immediately. However, once he was a good distance away from Kieran’s room, he punched the wall, leaving a dent. The skin on his knuckles broke, but Will just let the blood run down his hand and drip on the floor. * * * Monica weighed her options. She was already two minutes late, and this particular man was not fond of waiting. She tucked the pistol in the holding strap around her upper thigh. If things got ugly, she would have to use it. Doing this would reveal her intentions. Her hands began to sweat as she headed toward the door in the alleyway. A man was guarding it. “Monica D’alton,” she told him. “He’s been waiting,” was the response. Monica nodded. She noticed the bouncer staring at her cleavage. It was nice cleavage, so who could blame him? He knocked on the door twice, which swung open immediately. She nodded at the bouncer and stepped inside, greeted by two other thugs. They frisked her, as she knew they would. One of the men patted her down. But her pistol was too close to her crotch for him to feel. When she felt his hand slide up the inside of her thigh, she stopped him a look, and he pulled his hand away. If he was accused of molesting a client, the boss would be very unhappy. “This way,” the other man said, leading her down a hallway and through a maze of rooms. She found herself standing outside a door with a large brass crest on it. There were words in Cuban Spanish on the door. “Stay here until they let you in. He knows you’re here.”
27 Nov 2015 | 05:02
Episode 14 Monica looked at the door, and back to the man, who had already gone. She opened a small gold pocket mirror and fixed her lipstick. It was a deep shade of purple today. Monica snapped the mirror closed and tucked it in her pocket. She eyed the crest again, and reached up to touch it when the door opened. Her hand dropped. There were five men in the room. Four were on one side of the huge dark-stained cherry desk. One was behind it. He had black hair and tan skin. He wore a ring on each finger. Monica smiled at him. “Andre…” she said. “Monica,” he addressed her. “Get out,” he said to the four men in his office. They all left obediently. “What can I do you for?” Monica licked her dark lips and strode around the room, brushing her fingers along the shelves and lamps. “I want to discuss the certain…expirationof a powerful man.” Andre raised his eyebrows. “Who is the object of your intentions?” Monica felt the air in the room get thicker. She knew what would happen if she said his name. She still had a choice. Maybe she could make someone up, or tell him that she would come back later. But she had already come this far. If she didn’t take risks, she would never get revenge on the cruel couple that crippled her life. So she braced herself. “Kieran O’Meara.” The shock openly registered on Andre’s face. His mouth fell slightly ajar and his face fell. After a few moments of stunned silence, Monica felt the repercussions register in Andre’s mind. “Monica! You must never, never say that again. Do you have any idea-“ Andre stopped talking and pushed himself to his feet, hurrying over to close the blinds in the room and lock the door. “But…” “Do you have any idea how much risk you are putting yourself at right now?” “Yes.” “You’re insane.” “No. I’m looking for someone to help me get revenge. Someone to rocket me straight to the top. I would bring thatsomeonewith me.” She winked at Andre. He pushed his thin, purple tinted sunglasses up his nose. “Do you know who Ripper is?” Andre asked her. Monica rolled her eyes. “Here we go…” “Even if you were to succeed in killing Kier- your target, you would have to try and evade him. You would have to be on the run until he finally gets you. And he always gets his target.” “You’re useless.” “I’m sane.” “Fine. But don’t think you will gain my good graces once I take Kieran’s place,” she said, turning to leave. “Monica. I like you. And because I like you, I am not going to tell anyone about this lapse in your judgment. I am going to hope that you will come to your senses soon.” Monica started towards the door. “But don’t think others will give you the same courtesy.” Andre warned. Monica pulled sunglasses out of her pocket and put them on. “Every man dies eventually. Change your mind, you know where to find me.” * * * Lia didn’t know if her chat with Kieran had changed anything. She assumed that her life would continue in the same fashion as always. So, she was genuinely surprised when she got a call on her home phone around seven in the morning. Her little siblings were already awake and running around to get ready for school. Her mom barged into the small room she shared with the dog. “Phone,” her mom said, throwing it on her bed. “Hello?” Lia said, rubbing the effects of sleep from her eyes. “Lia, it’s Tyler. Your presence is requested here. Immediately.” A click sounded on the line. That was brief. She could barely register his words. Tyler was one of the daytime employees for Kieran O’Meara.What?She frowned to herself. But…she had to attend class. Lia crawled to her feet. She couldn’t lose her job. Perhaps one day of missed classes wouldn’t be too bad. She arrived at the house half an hour later, and went directly to Kieran’s room. She arrived in time to see Will storm out through the doors and down the hallway. There were men guarding the door. She approached timidly. “I was requested to come here immediately. My name’s Lia,” she said. They nodded at her and stepped aside. One of them opened the door for her. She nodded thanks at him and entered. Kieran was in his bed, looking slightly pale. When he saw her, he gave her one of his rare smiles. It ignited fireworks in her stomach. “Lia,” he addressed her.
27 Nov 2015 | 05:04
Episode 15 “Sir.” She nodded at him. “I’m sorry to ask you here so early.” “It is not a problem, other than my classes, sir.” Kieran’s smile faded. “Your classes… I apologize. I did not realize you were in school.” “No need to apologize sir.” It room became silent. Lia looked up bashfully into Kieran’s beautiful, clear eyes. “Is there something, I can do for you?” she asked. “I just wanted to start your shifts earlier, but you should attend class.” He nodded at her. “That’s all. I’ll see you tonight.” Something inside Lia stirred. She was paid almost twenty dollars an hour to work for him. It was very good work. She would hate to lose this job. And she also wouldn’t mind working full time for him like he wanted. But her desire to teach kids was strong. Lia turned to go, but stopped. She had already accepted missing a day of classes. A weird desire to stay with him gnawed at her. She turned again. “I already told my professors I wouldn’t be attending class today.” She paused, almost afraid to ask him to grant her yearning. “Would it be alright if I stayed the day?” Kieran’s eyes met hers. “Yes.” He paused. “I’m not feeling well today. Can you stay with me?” “Yes sir!” Lia smiled happily, then felt like a fool and wiped the smile off her face. “What can I get for you?” “Water. And some toast.” “Sir,” she said with a nod, and left the room. Her feet felt light as she entered the kitchen. A whole day with Kieran made her heart flutter like a butterfly’s wings. The reason for her joy; however, evaded her. It was probably due to her desire to spend more time with him. He was an interesting person, and she had always wanted to know more about him. Her excitement was probably due to an opportunity to learn about him. When she returned to the room, another man was there. He was sitting in a chair a few feet from Kieran’s bed. He was dressed plainly, but he was fairly handsome. Lia noticed a shiny silver ring on his ring finger. The man glanced at Lia briefly, but kept talking. “…come on Kieran. You know this town better than the men that made it. Give mesomething.Anything.” “The men that made this town were fools. There are others who know it better as well. Why not go to them?” Kieran asked as he accepted the water and toast from Lia. “You know the answer to that.” “Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink or eat?” “I’m positive, thank you. I just want a name.” “Any name?” Kieran said with a tiny smile. “Any name that can lead me somewhere.” “Alright. But I will demand reciprocation. You willing to comply?” “I was expecting as much.” “Is that a yes then?” The man nodded his head. It took Lia a few moments, but she realized this man was a cop. The half-hidden badge clipped to his belt told her as much. She had given no thought to the idea, but it made some sort of weird sense. “Okay,” Kieran said. “Tell me again.” “Serial rapist. North side. Chokes his victims until they pass out. Then he ties them up and goes to town.” “Not a killer?” “No.” Kieran was silent for a few minutes, resting his head on the headboard of his giant bed. “Talk to Jimmy Walters. Don’t tell him who sent you. Make something up. He knows what happens up there. Threaten him to lock him away for conspiracy to murder if he doesn’t talk. Mention nothing else.” Kieran looked at Lia now. “Lia, go ask Joe to bring me my medication.” “Sir,” Lia responded, leaving the room again. Joe was the only one trusted with Kieran’s medication. He was a large black man that worked for Kieran since the accident.
27 Nov 2015 | 05:07
Episode 16 She came back with Joe behind her, Kieran’s pills in hand. Joe gave Kieran the meds, and Kieran dismissed Joe with a wave of his hand. Lia stood in the corner again. “…A note?” Kieran asked. “The words were cut from a magazine. No handwriting. No leads.” “You know that warehouse is mine, Pete. Why did you investigate?” “Captain saw the note. We can’t just blatantly ignore the law Kieran.” Kieran laughed in response. “I’ve seen you do it before.” Pete rolled his eyes. ”We can’t investigate a source of information that thoroughly. Whoever wrote it, wants to remain anonymous. We have to spend more time investigating the source of the drugs. If we don’t, it looks suspicious.” “It issuspicious.” Kieran smiled with half of his mouth. “Makes it look like you’re consorting with drug lords and bad men that engage in illegal activity.” “Thanks for the warning there, chief,” Pete sighed. “I’m already up to my neck in this shit.” “Look at the bright side. You’re going to catch a serial rapist if you play your cards right. You’ll be a hero.” “No I won’t. This just evens out all the bad activity I do.” “Yeah. But theydon’t know about all that.” “Well,” Pete said, standing up. “It’s been a joy as always. But I have to get back to fighting crime.” “And engaging in it.” “Shut up you bastard,” Pete said with a laugh. Kieran winked at him. “Remember my instructions.” “I will.” Pete stopped at the door and turned back. “Oh, and, sorry about your warehouse.” Kieran shrugged in response, and then replied, “you win some, you lose some.” Lia pretended that she heard none of it. Kieran ate his toast and swallowed his medication. He watched the muted television mounted on the wall in front of his bed. Eventually, he leaned his head back again, and looked over at Lia. “If I even see brandy again, I’m going to throw up. I have the worst fucking headache,” Kieran said, pressing his hand to his forehead. “Can I get you something to make it better?” Lia asked softly. “Yeah. Advil, Ibuprofen… something. I have some in the mirror cabinet in my bathroom.” Lia went into his bathroom. The last time she was in that particular room was last night, when she was helping Kieran sober up. But she hadn’t had time to notice the grandeur. It was completely made of marble with skylights overhead. The tub was huge, and everything had been remodeled so that it was handicap friendly. Everything was lower to accommodate Kieran. The sink was as high as Lia’s waist. There were mirrored cabinets over the sink. She began to open them. A gun was attached to the inside of one. She shut it immediately, trying to calm her racing heart. Lia had never seen a gun so close. She finally found the painkillers, and brought the bottle out to Kieran. He took two pills as soon as she handed the bottle to him. Lia grabbed his empty plate and butter knife to take to the kitchen. Kieran grabbed her arm, and nodded towards the nightstand beside his bed. “Leave them for now,” he commanded. She did. “Sit down.” She sat in the seat Pete had been formerly sitting in. Kieran watched the T.V. for a bit longer, than looked to Lia again. “Press play on the stereo,” he said. Lia got up and obeyed. A woman’s voice filled the room. It was soothing. “This was my mother when she was in college.” Kieran and Lia made eye contact for a moment. Then Kieran leaned back into the headboard, and his eyes closed. A few minutes later, his head fell to one side. He was napping. Watch out for the next episode!
27 Nov 2015 | 05:09
27 Nov 2015 | 07:22
27 Nov 2015 | 07:41
nice story...enjoying it
27 Nov 2015 | 08:15
lovely am realy enjoyin it
27 Nov 2015 | 08:46
Ohhhh real intresting
27 Nov 2015 | 10:49
f o l l o w i n g
27 Nov 2015 | 18:50
Episode 17 Will needed to think. He needed to gather the thoughts flying around in his mind. Will was second in command. The only authority that beat his was Kieran’s. That’s why the damn family hated him so much. Will sat down at one of the tables in the garden. After his authority came the four men that he and Kieran lovingly dubbed the “Four Commanders.” The affairs were split into four groups: money, personnel, P.R., and goods. The house had something similar to an Executive Board. What happened under the Commanders watch was up to them. They had their own ranking system under their own category. Of the four men, three were related to Kieran. Brennan and Fynn were Kieran’s cousins. Nolan was Kieran’s uncle. But Riley, who was in charge of personnel, had worked his way up. Kieran was fond of Riley the most. They were all supposed to have a meeting soon to discuss the state of affairs. Will wanted them to take the warehouse into account. After a few minutes of thinking in the garden, Will felt like bashing his head in. He had never tried to run things without Kieran. And where the hell was Murphy? Murphy had taken to following Will around a few years back, so Will began to assign Murphy things to do. Murphy became Will’s unofficial assistant. Where the hell was he now? Will was royally screwed. His cell phone rang out some random techno beat. The Commanders would frequently call Will for help and instruction. He was surprised how dull they could be. Kieran had told Will once that he had a knack for this. That’s why he was so high in command. Half the time it seemed like common sense to Will though. His phone said Brennan was calling. “What?” Will answered. He was aggravated and didn’t feel like trying to do everyone else’s job for them. Brennan sensed his foul mood. “Hey Will, I was just wondering if you could assist me at the docks. New cargo is coming in.” Will closed his eyes and let his head fall onto the rod-iron table in front of him. “What is the problem?” “It’s the Russian cargo.” Will understood now. The Russians could be tricky little bastards. “Yeah. I’ll meet you there soon. The usual dock?” “Yeah.” “Okay.” Will hung up the phone. He walked quickly around the house to the spot he had parked his Yamaha bike. The more he thought about it though, the more he convinced himself Brennan should be able to take care of this. The Russians could be tricky; but then again, Brennan was a devious little bastard too- which is why he got to oversee the goods in the first place. Will put on his helmet and his jacket and got on his bike. The roads in the area were pretty open, since Kieran lived on the outskirts of the city. Once in the city, it was a different story, but Will was headed to the docks. It took him around the city. So the roads weren’t usually blocked up with traffic or aggressive drivers, which could promote speeding. Will had his mind on other matters too, which caused a deadly situation. Hindsight is 20/20. Since it was pretty close to the city, wildlife was usually limited. It just had to be a damn cat. When the cat ran straight into Will’s path, he jerked the handle bars to the right from pure reflex. He squeezed his eyes closed and cursed very loudly. Will’s bike headed to the right while Will’s body kept traveling forward. He flew a few hundred feet, hit the ground rolling, and when his speed decreased, his body slid another few feet on the pavement. When Will opened his eyes, things were fuzzy, like he had a thin layer of cotton taped over his eyes. He blinked a few times and things came into focus. There was a voice that slowly came into focus as well. “Don’t try to move!” Will completely ignored the advice. He reached up and touched his face. He should have worn his face mask today. The right side of his face was fine. He reached over to the other side. It burned when he touched it. He winced and pulled his hand away. There was a dull throbbing in his left wrist and pain in his chest when he breathed. Will was on his side. He rolled over to his back. “Sir, sir…don’t move.” Will looked into the worried face of a middle-aged woman. “I’m fine,” he said, trying to sit up. A shooting pain exploded in his chest, sending him right back down to the ground. He gasped in pain. When the paramedics came, they gave him some gas, which made him blackout during the ride to the hospital. He came to again in a hospital bed. It was similar to before, when everything had been fuzzy. He blinked. His left wrist was wrapped in bandages, and he found that his chest was wrapped too when he looked down his hospital gown. Will also had a pounding headache. Dumbass cat.
28 Nov 2015 | 05:53
Episode 18 A nurse came into the room and checked his I.V. “Can I go now?” he asked her. She laughed. “Wow. You area tough one. But…no, you can’t leave. The doctor is concerned that you might have internal bleeding. He wants to keep you here overnight for observation. “What’s wrong with me?” “You have a sprained wrist and a few broken ribs, other than that, we don’t know. If you need me for anything, just push that red button.” She smiled at him and left. At least she was nicer than the last nurse he encountered. He couldn’t blame them for bad moods though; nurses had a right to be pissed off. Crappy hours, whiny patients, not enough pay. Will’s mouth dropped open in surprise when Kieran, Murphy, and Kieran’s great uncle Gilroy entered the room. “What are you doing here?” Will asked. “The hospital called,” Kieran said. “How did they know who to call?” At this, Kieran laughed. “Apparently, friend, you kept asking them to call me.” “I don’t remember.” “I told you to be careful on that death-trap bike,” Gilroy grumbled from the corner. “It was a damn cat.” Murphy and Kieran both laughed. Kieran pushed his chair over next to Will’s bed. “How do you feel?” “Like I got thrown off a motorcycle.” “Where were you going anyway?” Murphy injected. “To help Brennan with some cargo. He must still be waiting!” Will said, trying to sit up. His ribs sent searing pain up and down his abdomen. He winced and fell back again. “Will,” Kieran said. “It’s eight o clock at night. Brennan had his cargo in at noon.” “Shit,” Will said softly. “Did it go smoothly?” “Well, Brennan called me half an hour after he talked to you,” Kieran explained. “He told me he talked to you, but you never showed up. The exchange went smoothly, but Brennan said it would’ve helped if you were there. The hospital didn’t call until around five. So we ate dinner then got over here.” “I’m sorry,” Will said. He was apologizing for worrying Kieran. He could see the effects of worry on Kieran’s face. Neither of them could address it directly though. So Kieran just waved the apology away. “The nurse told us you should stay overnight,” Kieran continued. “Yeah. Sucks.” Will paused for a moment. “Could you do me a favor?” Kieran nodded in response, so Will continued. “Could you bring me a change of clothes tomorrow? Apparently my other clothes got torn up in the accident.” * * * Riley was surprised when Kieran called a meeting after Will’s accident. He thought the boss would need a day or two to re-coop from the shock. But Kieran called the meeting for the very next day. Riley blamed Brennan for the accident. If that dumbass was competent enough to do his own job, Will never would have been involved. Brennan and Fynn probably just played grab-ass all day. At least Nolan had connections. But that was to be expected, since he was older than all of them, probably older than all of them put together. Riley was always surprised to see how ancient some of the O’Meara relatives could be. He was also surprised because Kieran didn’t talk much, and Will usually ran the meetings. Perhaps Murphy was finally going to grow a pair and be a temp. for Will. Riley liked Will. Will was genuine, and also had to fight for his place in the family. Riley, like Will, always got shit for being an outsider.
28 Nov 2015 | 05:55
Episode 19 Riley was a good judge of character. He had to be. He wouldn’t have made it this far if he was a bad judge of character. He understood that he was a little rough around the edges, but it was also a characteristic that made him good at his job. He rarely got attached to the men he recruited. Riley had to stay objective in order to make the right decisions. But perhaps his roughness also had its downsides. Maybe that’s why he had trouble getting a girl. And if his mom didn’t stop complaining about his lifeless love life, he was going to snap and throw himself on a bridge yelling his mom’s name and sticking out his middle fingers. He was going to bring one of the two men he was actually fond of in his work to the meeting; his assistant, Winchester. Riley doubted his name was actually Winchester, but he always felt weirdly uncomfortable whenever the subject was broached. So he just accepted Winchester. The meetings were always held in the O’Meara family mansion. He pulled his car into the driveway with Win in the front seat. “For some reason, coming to this house always makes me uncomfortable,” Riley said, trying to navigate the driveway. “I know what you mean. There are always workers around the house.” “It’s like a damn plantation.” Win laughed. Riley parked the car next to rose bushes. “Is this an acceptable parking spot?” Winchester asked. “I’ve decided to make it one.” The two men walked up to the door, which opened before they even reached it. Riley was slightly creeped out. A small, sturdy older woman led them to the meeting room. Riley had been in the room countless times for countless hours, but he still could spend hours wandering around the house and never find it. The woman led them to the door, and nodded to them. Riley entered, noting how it never changed. It had a conference sized table in the middle, with huge comfortable chairs all around it. Neither ends of the table had chairs, and only one end was ever occupied by Kieran. They all had their own spots to sit at too. Brennan and Fynn were already present, and Fynn had brought along his right hand man. Riley said hello to the three men, shaking their hands firmly. Riley always felt like everything had to be a pissing contest with these guys. Pretty soon, Nolan and his assistant, a blond haired woman joined them as well. Riley could tell the blond was a hard-hitting P.R. rep. Her handshake was even harder than Nolan’s. Murphy joined them. And finally Kieran joined them with a woman in tow. Riley’s mouth fell open, as did everyone else’s mouth at the table. It was Madden. Madden was Kieran’s ex-girlfriend. She had dark red hair, green eyes, beautiful skin, and a full mouth. But the woman was a battle-ax. Riley shuddered. “ Oh shit,” Riley groaned to Win. He thought back to about a year ago, when they almost got into a war with one of their suppliers. During an emergency meeting, Madden was brought in. She got to business with hard negotiations and tempting offers. She played every card correctly in order to avoid the war and ease bad relations. And even after she was done, Madden ripped every person in the room to shreds with her sharp tongue. Every man in the room except Kieran left without his manhood intact. “Does everyone remember Madden?” Kieran asked them, taking his place at the head of the table. Their groans made her laugh. Riley guessed Madden would be Will’s temp. TBC....
28 Nov 2015 | 05:58
Nice story @kreepyink keep it rolling
28 Nov 2015 | 08:01
Another episode..... @Coolval222-2 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnysky @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele1 @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C-Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @christiana @Aarti @ebube @eminem @gracedkyenny @abednego-precious-7 @chyamaka @desire @pweetyfizzy @PEmamezi @hohluwaseyi @kreepyink @elibabanoni-2
28 Nov 2015 | 08:06
@invincible tankz,u b sure nigga
28 Nov 2015 | 08:34
tankz @invincible I no cum dy c U for sum tym nw... hope say tinz balance
28 Nov 2015 | 08:52
@PEmamezi yeah, jst that i dey read some old (completed) tori
28 Nov 2015 | 08:58
Tanx@invincible.....@kreepyink keep it rolling
28 Nov 2015 | 09:15
This story is getting more interesting in each episode
28 Nov 2015 | 10:32
still following
28 Nov 2015 | 11:09
Tanx @invincible 4 d list... And d rest following it
28 Nov 2015 | 11:27
Episode 20 Riley was a good judge of character. He had to be. He wouldn’t have made it this far if he was a bad judge of character. He understood that he was a little rough around the edges, but it was also a characteristic that made him good at his job. He rarely got attached to the men he recruited. Riley had to stay objective in order to make the right decisions. But perhaps his roughness also had its downsides. Maybe that’s why he had trouble getting a girl. And if his mom didn’t stop complaining about his lifeless love life, he was going to snap and throw himself on a bridge yelling his mom’s name and sticking out his middle fingers. He was going to bring one of the two men he was actually fond of in his work to the meeting; his assistant, Winchester. Riley doubted his name was actually Winchester, but he always felt weirdly uncomfortable whenever the subject was broached. So he just accepted Winchester. The meetings were always held in the O’Meara family mansion. He pulled his car into the driveway with Win in the front seat. “For some reason, coming to this house always makes me uncomfortable,” Riley said, trying to navigate the driveway. “I know what you mean. There are always workers around the house.” “It’s like a damn plantation.” Win laughed. Riley parked the car next to rose bushes. “Is this an acceptable parking spot?” Winchester asked. “I’ve decided to make it one.” The two men walked up to the door, which opened before they even reached it. Riley was slightly creeped out. A small, sturdy older woman led them to the meeting room. Riley had been in the room countless times for countless hours, but he still could spend hours wandering around the house and never find it. The woman led them to the door, and nodded to them. Riley entered, noting how it never changed. It had a conference sized table in the middle, with huge comfortable chairs all around it. Neither ends of the table had chairs, and only one end was ever occupied by Kieran. They all had their own spots to sit at too. Brennan and Fynn were already present, and Fynn had brought along his right hand man. Riley said hello to the three men, shaking their hands firmly. Riley always felt like everything had to be a pissing contest with these guys. Pretty soon, Nolan and his assistant, a blond haired woman joined them as well. Riley could tell the blond was a hard-hitting P.R. rep. Her handshake was even harder than Nolan’s. Murphy joined them. And finally Kieran joined them with a woman in tow. Riley’s mouth fell open, as did everyone else’s mouth at the table. It was Madden. Madden was Kieran’s ex-girlfriend. She had dark red hair, green eyes, beautiful skin, and a full mouth. But the woman was a battle-ax. Riley shuddered. “ Oh shit,” Riley groaned to Win. He thought back to about a year ago, when they almost got into a war with one of their suppliers. During an emergency meeting, Madden was brought in. She got to business with hard negotiations and tempting offers. She played every card correctly in order to avoid the war and ease bad relations. And even after she was done, Madden ripped every person in the room to shreds with her sharp tongue. Every man in the room except Kieran left without his manhood intact. “Does everyone remember Madden?” Kieran asked them, taking his place at the head of the table. Their groans made her laugh. Riley guessed Madden would be Will’s temp.
28 Nov 2015 | 11:27
Episode 21 Kieran looked at Nolan’s assistant. “Who is joining you today Nolan?” “My new assistant Debbie.” “Hello,” Kieran said with a smile. “Okay then, getting down to business.” Kieran nodded at Madden. Riley shuddered again. “I hope everyone is doing better at their jobs,” Madden said. Riley felt like slapping her. And he never felt like hitting women. Other than his mother. But he supposed she counted as more of a terrible, happiness-eating demon than a woman. Maybe this Madden chick was taking private lessons from his mom. “Okay then. This meeting is about state-of-affairs. As you all know, and as I have been briefed, Warehouse 7 had been confiscated by the police. Will and Mr. O’Meara here have obtained information from Carl Swindler concerning Mrs. Martha Flannery. A contact informed Mr. O’Meara that the tip about the warehouse was received in the form of a note.” “Penmanship?” Riley asked. “Magazine cutout.” Madden answered, her eyes focusing on Riley. “That’s the all the information known right now about the warehouse.” Riley noticed Winchester was taking notes. When Riley gave Win a look, he just shrugged in response. “So, now you are all updated about those activities. Now it’s everyone else’s turn to reciprocate.” Madden said. “Let’s start with Brennan.” Riley smiled. He knew how this would go. They would all stick to the facts. Leave opinions out of it. Purely business… but had to be truthful business. Lying was out of the question. Riley witnessed someone lie to Kieran once. He got a chill thinking about it. It was a man who had lied to Kieran about how he had spent money Kieran had loaned him. Kieran had only sighed and then gave Will a hand signal. The man was happy he got away with his life, even if he did have to reside at the hospital for a week. “We got a new shipment in yesterday from the Russians,” Brennan said. Sticking to the facts. Staying objective. “It was a successful transaction- so a good day.” “…Other than the fact Will was in an accident,” Kieran commented. Brennan opened his mouth, than closed it. Awkward silence filled the room. Andthatis what happens when you speculate, you dumbass,Riley thought, rolling his eyes. Stick to the facts! “Proceed,” Madden snapped at Brennan. So Brennan proceeded. He told them all the figures for the goods they had in stock. Riley wasn’t listening. He had no care or knowledge with the goods the family brought in. Riley only worried about all the personnel and contacts he had to recruit. If someone that Riley recruited was unsatisfactory in Kieran’s eyes, it also reflected poorly back on Riley. So he was very selective. Carl Swindler received more punishment after his little talk with Kieran. Trying to withhold information was cowardly, so in response, Riley and his trusted few (including Win) paid Swindler a little visit. At least Brennan was speaking objectively now. He offered no more speculation. And neither did Fynn, when Fynn was asked to update the group about the monetary state of affairs. Once again, Riley didn’t pay attention to Fynn’s presentation. Riley was already trying to gather his thoughts about the personnel in the mob. He had to make an effort not to use words like “gangsters” or mob, or even the different rank names for that matter. Kieran liked to view them like employees. Riley looked at Win and used his head to gesture towards Win’s briefcase. Win understood the command and pulled out all the numerical facts and figures, and though they were all Win’s notes, none of the assistants were granted any authority during the meetings. So Riley looked over Win’s notes for a few minutes. When he got bored of reviewing, he looked up and glanced around the room. Brennan was looking at his right hand intensely. Fynn’s assistant was looking over notes while Fynn spoke. Madden was scowling at Fynn, which Riley guessed was probably just her normal facial expression. Nolan was watching Fynn with a stare that told Riley the older man probably wasn’t listening at all. Although, Nolan’s blond assistant was taking notes. Murphy was taking notes as well, probably for Kieran. Murphy would always compile facts and figures at the end of the meeting for Kieran. And Kieran was listening to Fynn politely. Things seemed to be going normally until after Fynn was done, when Madden told them it was time for a break. And Kieran looked over at Riley.
28 Nov 2015 | 11:31
Episode 22 “Everyone head over to the dining room for lunch. Except you, Riley. If it’s okay, I would like a word in private,” Kieran said. * * * Lia was surprised and slightly concerned when Kieran asked to speak with her after his meeting. It had been a long day for him. She had arrived at the house in the afternoon, and the men had been in their meeting. She had been told they arrived in the morning. So, when they left at eleven pm, they naturally looked exhausted. Lia had no idea what they talked about, but the redhead intimidated her. All the men left with dark circles under their eyes, dragging their feet; while the redhead left, walking at a brisk pace, her eyes gleaming. Lia knocked on Kieran’s door lightly. “Come in,” was the response. She entered timidly. “Sir? You wanted to see me?” Lia asked. “Oh yes. Lia.” Kieran was sitting in his chair over in front of a couch he had in his room. Will was sitting on the couch across from Kieran, smoking a cigarette slowly. Lia was shocked at Will’s appearance. The left side of Will’s face was cut and bruised badly, and on the same side, his arm was in a sling. He also had a black eye, and when he looked at Lia, he winked. She tried to hide her concern by redirecting her attention to the floor. “Give us a minute Will,” Kieran said to his friend. Lia looked up again. Will smothered his cigarette and pushed himself off the couch. He limped across the room and smiled at Lia before closing the door behind him. The man always smelled like liquor and cologne. “I was wondering if you could look after Lilly on the weekends. Ginger has to cut back her hours, and you’re the one I trust most around here,” Kieran said. Lia was taken aback. “Yes, sure, I’m available,” she said with a smile. “I was also wondering…” Was that bashfulness Lia was sensing? “…if you could help me get to bed some nights. Alice used to do it. But I figured you’re here later than a lot of the others, and you could help. But if not that’s okay.” “I can do that too, Sir,” Lia nodded. Kieran smiled. “Okay, thank you. You can go home. I have Will to help me tonight.” “Yes, sir.” “See you tomorrow Lia.” “Yes sir.” Lia wondered why her heart was beating so fast after she left the room. Will was in the hallway, leaning against the wall when she exited Kieran’s room. She made shy eye contact with Will, who smiled warmly at her as she passed. Lia heard the door close behind her. * * * Will had spent the night looking over the notes from the meeting he obtained from Murphy after helping Kieran go to bed. After he had been discharged from the hospital around three pm, Will had gone back to the O’Meara mansion to rest for a while. He woke up a little after eight that night, and spent the rest of the evening talking to Kieran about the meeting. Kieran wasn’t very specific about the details, but Kieran was always ambiguous. Will knew he would get all the little details from Murphy. Will was also ecstatic that Kieran was now willing to meet his potential recruit, the woman from the alley. Kieran had requested an audience with Riley, Winchester, Murphy and Will in order to assess this woman. If she was recruited, she would be an important part of their plans. Will knew this would be tricky though. He was sure they would have a very long conversation about gender. The gender topic always was a tricky one. He had fallen asleep at around two in the morning. And now he woke up, thankful that it was Friday. At least they never had heavy workloads during the weekend unless it was a necessity. Will sat up in bed. It was nine thirty am. At least he had an extra room in Kieran’s house. It was the same room he had been staying in (off and on) for almost fourteen years. Their meeting was at ten. At least Will had a car sent over to pick Carol up so she wouldn’t be late. He had signed up for it, so he got out of bed convincing himself nothing could go wrong. He was consistently nervous when introducing people he recommended to Kieran. Will took twenty minutes to get himself as ready and presentable as possible. He always kept extra clothing in the room he would frequently inhabit. So he showered, and got changed. Will didn’t look at himself too much in the mirror though, since his wounds would always feel worse whenever he looked at them for longer than a few minutes. He had to un-wrap his wrist bandages to take a shower, but it didn’t take much time. Will didn’t want to wear the sling either, but every time he let his wrist hang normally, it would begin to throb and hurt. So he caved, put on the sling and went out into the foyer ten minutes early to wait with Kieran for their guests. Next episode 2morrow... Stay tuned!
28 Nov 2015 | 11:34
28 Nov 2015 | 15:25
28 Nov 2015 | 16:45
dis riley guy funny ooo...interesting...keep it coming
28 Nov 2015 | 18:47
Episode 23 Riley arrived first- only a few minutes after Will arrived in the foyer. Will and Riley shook hands amicably. They got along well. Then they all waited. Carol arrived five minutes early, and greeted all of the men with a hardy handshake and a nice smile. Carol didn’t even seem to notice Kieran was handicapped. This would earn her bonus points with the boss. Once in the room, Carol seemed to understand what she needed to do. She answered all their questions carefully, and politely. “Are you a good fighter?” Kieran asked. “I have kickboxing lessons three times a week, sir,” Carol answered politely. Will was pleased since the interview seemed to be going well. Kieran mostly listened while Will asked questions to which he already knew the answer. Questions such as; “Are you currently employed?” and “What activities do you partake in for hobby?” When Will and Riley ran out of questions, they turned to Kieran. He was silent for a few moments. “I only have one more question,” Kieran began. “Are you willing to use force on others for reasons other than self-defense?” The room became very silent. Will almost broke out in a sweat. He had no idea what the answer to this question would be. Carol was silent for a few moments, thinking the question through. She finally looked up and made eye contact with Kieran. She spoke one word. “Yes.” Kieran looked over at Will and nodded. The interview was complete. “Thank you Carol,” Will said to her, standing to escort her to the door. “I will be contacting you within the next three days.” Will opened the door for her. “Henry will show you out.” And then the real debate began. As soon as Will sat down, Kieran looked over at him. “Explain your plan, Will,” Kieran said softly. Will was a little shocked, but he had expected to be tested as well. “I want to hire Carol as a soldier, in order to obtain information or even just use her for force against other females. Though, damn, she could also fight males as well,” Will explained. “We have females in the ranks,” Riley said. “Yes, but none that use their physical force. We have no female thugs,” Will responded. “A female thug is a revolutionary idea to the organization,” Murphy said. “Which is exactly why we should embrace it,” Will offered. “Opposing organizations won’t like it, Will,” Riley chimed in again. “They will view it as playing dirty. No thug wants to hurt a female opponent. They might go easy on her, or hesitate.” “I’ve seen this chick fight. If they try to use those excuses to explain why she kicked their asses, it will be because they got beaten by a girl, not because they held back on her.” “They willtell us it is playing dirty, and they will resist.” “Then we challenge them to hurt her,if they can.” Will said. This was followed by a short period of silence. “What is her sexual orientation?” Kieran asked. They all looked at him. “I don’t know,” Will answered. “Why does it matter?” Murphy asked. The other three looked at each other, understanding the implications of Kieran’s question. “It matters because a lesbian is assumed to be more butch than straight chicks,” Will explained.
29 Nov 2015 | 09:00
Episode 24 “Who would you rather fight, a straight girl, or a gay one?” Riley asked Murphy. “Oh,” Murphy said, now enlightened. “So we could use it to our advantage?” “Damn straight,” Will said with a smile. “Pun intended.” Riley rolled his eyes. “Find out her sexual preference,” Kieran said. “I like her.” Will nodded at his friend, and excused himself to follow Kieran’s orders, leaving the room with a big smile on his face. * * * Monica put on fire-truck red lipstick. She glanced in the mirror, looking at Dan, who was lounging in the bed naked. He was looking at his hand, a habit that drove her insane. She walked over to the bed, her robe beginning to become untied. Dan looked up at her. He looked scary similar to his little brother sometimes. She shuddered in response to the thought. “Tell me more about what your brother has been doing,” she said nonchalantly, while sitting down on the bed next to him. “I already told you everything I know. He has recruited this new chick to find out information about the warehouse.” “And they know about the note?” “Yeah.” “Anything else?” “No.” He wasn’t going to tell her about Martha. If she found out Martha had information, he was sure Monica would kill the poor woman. And Dan couldn’t have Martha Flannery’s blood on his hands. “So whywould they recruit a woman to find out information about the warehouse?” “Will said she’s a wicked fighter.” “But still… a woman.” Monica paused, and tapped her fingers on Dan’s naked back. “It’s so un—conventional.” “Perhaps a woman seems more endearing. Maybe they think a woman would be more likely to find out information than a man.” “Maybe you’re right,” Monica said, her face pinched in concentration. She was consdering his suggestion. Dan was relieved. Perhaps she would leave it at that. “I don’t know though…” Monica said, still frowning. Dan put his head down. Of course not. She wouldn’t leave it at that. That would make his life just too easy. “Who knows Monica?” Dan said. “Maybe you could just ask your cousin.” “Like he would tell me anything,” she snorted. “When’s the last time you even spoke to him?” he asked. “I can’t remember. Probably when we were kids.” “Maybe if you expressed more of an interest in the business, he would take you in. You could find out anything you wanted.” Dan was tired of doing her dirty work. “No! It would put me on his radar. I would become a suspect for all the things I’m about to do.” She began to lightly scratch his back. “And besides, why would I need to do that when I have you?” Dan became disgusted by her touch. He knew she was using him. In a way, he was using her too. Dan imagined Will’s reaction if he ever found out his own brother was betraying him like this. Dan was hit with a pang of guilt deep in his abdomen. Will told him everything so freely, so trustingly. And Dan sat there, and listened, knowing very well he would pass the information on to this she-devil, the very woman who planned the demise of the O’Meara family. He was using his own little brother- who had taken him in and helped him. Will. The pride and joy of the Reedus family, the perfect little angel. Dan bit his lip and looked down at his hand again, which began to shake. “What exactly do you want, Monica?” Dan asked, breaking the silence. “What are you going to do to Kieran?” “I want him dead, one way or another.” The way she said it sent chills up Dan’s back. “And you think you can take over the O’Meara family dynasty after that?” “Yes.” “What if they trace it back to you? What if… Ripper found out it was you?” Dan said the name Ripper softly, as if Ripper himself might appear. Monica’s hand stopped scratching his back. She stood up and went over to the window. “Why does everyone bring him up all the time? What’s so scary about Ripper anyway?” Monica asked, her voice dripping with contempt. “You heard what he did to that teenager.” “They’re just stories! Rumors!” Monica cried. “Either way, you better be careful Monica. You’re obsession with getting revenge might end up hurting only you.” “I’m not obsessed!” Monica spat at Dan. However, she didn’t even believe herself. Deep inside, she knew it was just denial. “I just hope they don’t get any leads about the warehouse,” Dan said, getting nervous. “They can’t! There are too many false trails and rumors.” Monica was actually getting nervous herself. “Either way, it’s pissed them off,” Dan said, thinking back to his brother’s complaints. “Good. Remember Dan, the idea is to weaken the empire- not destroy it.”…And to have fun while we’re doing it,Monica thought with a smile. * * *
29 Nov 2015 | 09:04
hahaha .. just like "beautiful things" .. d updates are as fast as lightening with no break .. @kreepyink wonderful job
29 Nov 2015 | 10:59
Hmmm go on am follow
29 Nov 2015 | 14:08
Welldone @kreepyink
29 Nov 2015 | 14:08
@pizzaro @tenniebeson @khola46 @swtharyomi @jummybabe @Babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @mecuze @skookum @kingson @donmike @kingbest @ebube @invincible @timmy @nextangel @lollybabe1 @kpumpy @december @natasha @ele @vict-vames @vizkid @somkhid @prince @jummy @anita @valking @promise @sylvia @promise @rose @jencute @T-dak @jenifa @itzshaxee @temmyjoy @evans @mray @besty @ewomazeal @gracy @dabcy make una come oooo
29 Nov 2015 | 14:43
Episode 25 * * * Lia went to Kieran’s house early, since it was Saturday. She and Lilly knew each other, but Lia was looking forward to getting better acquainted with the young girl. When Lia arrived, she peeked in Lilly’s room to see it the girl was awake. Lilly opened her eyes and looked at Lia when the door opened. “Oh, I’m sorry Miss Lilly,” Lia said. “Lia!” Lilly sat up and smiled at her, rubbing her eyes. Lia smiled back at her. “Would you like to get some breakfast with me?” “Yeah!” Lilly said, jumping out of bed. She ran over to Lia and grabbed her hand. Lia smiled at the young girl. They ran down the hallway giggling. The large kitchen was still empty. It was too early on a Saturday for employees to be there yet. Lia lifted Lilly up and sat her on a counter. The young girl beamed at Lia. “What shall we eat?” Lia asked innocently. “Ice cream!” Lilly answered with a yell. Lia put her finger to her lips. “We can’t be too loud Lilly, ortheywill catch us!” “They?” “Yes. The mean mansion guards. They won’t let us have yummy things for breakfast. They’ll make us eat broccoli!” “Yuck! Then we have to be quiet,” Lilly agreed, putting her finger to her lips, mimicking Lia. “Yes,” Lia whispered. “Shhh…” Lia shushed Lilly. They both listened. Footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the kitchen. “Run Lilly! Hide under the dining room table! I’ll come and find you! Run!” Lia whispered. Lilly ran into the dining room. Joe came into the kitchen. “You’ll never take me alive!” Lia yelled at him. He stood in the doorway and rolled his eyes. “What are you doing in here?” Joe asked. “Lilly and I are getting breakfast.” “Then allow me. I’ll make eggs.” “Fine.” Lia squinted at him. “Party pooper.” She went out into the dining room and looked under the table. Lilly was curled into a ball underneath. “I got caught,” Lia said. “We have to resign ourselves to eggs.” “What does resign mean?” Lilly asked while crawling out from under the table. Lia explained it the best she could. They sat next to each other. Lilly sat to the right of where Kieran usually sat, in Will’s spot. Lia sat across from her. Joe brought them out eggs and orange juice. “What are we going to do today?” Lilly asked, while shoveling a forkful of eggs into her mouth. “I was thinking we could go to the park,” Lia suggested. Lilly’s eyes lit up, but then she immediately looked sad again. “What’s wrong Lilly?” “I want Kieran to come with us, but he never can.” Lilly poked at her food now, looking downcast. “Wait here Lilly. Don’t move.” Lia got up from the table and went to Kieran’s room. It was still early and she was sure he was asleep. It was also a well-known fact in the house that Kieran didn’t like being woken up before his alarm clock went off. But Lia was determined. For Lilly’s sakeandKieran’s. No one should work all the time and have no fun. That would be a sad existence. Lia peeked in the door. Kieran was asleep. Lia was about to leave and wait for him to wake up, when Kieran began to move in his sleep. He also began to moan. It sounded like he was in agony. Then he started to yell the word “no” over and over again. He was having a nightmare. Lia ran across the room impulsively, and sat next to him, shaking him lightly. She had no second thought about it, until he clenched his fist and raised it to Lia. In response she shook him harder.
29 Nov 2015 | 15:10
Episode 26 “Kieran!” Lia cried. He opened his eyes, and dropped his fist immediately. Kieran was breathing hard. He frowned at Lia, clearly upset. But something in Lia wasn’t afraid of Kieran. Something inside of her felt an immense sadness and destitution for him. He had lost so much in that one night, of course he was going to have nightmares. Lia’s heart felt like it was made of lead. And without thinking, she threw her arms around him. At first, he froze at her touch. But after a few moments, she felt his arms around her back. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought he would feel it for sure. The sound of the alarm clock made Lia pull away. “What are you doing in here?” Kieran asked. “Lilly and I wanted to know if you would accompany us to the park,” Lia said timidly. Kieran was silent for a few moments. Lia saw his bright eyes gleaming, lost in his thoughts. “When?” he asked. “Soon. But we won’t be there for long,” Lia prodded. Kieran made eye contact with Lia. “Okay,” he answered. “Okay.” “Good! I can help you get ready!” Lia jumped up and beamed at him. Kieran laughed. “That won’t be necessary. But I will have some breakfast. I’ll be right out.” Lia nodded at him and hurried out of the room. When she got back, Lilly was still picking at her breakfast. Lia concealed her excitement. “Where were you?” Lilly asked quietly. “I had to go to the bathroom, I’m sorry. What were we talking about? Did you say yes to the park today?” Lia asked innocently. Lilly looked down at her food again and shrugged. “I guess so.” A minute later Kieran was at the door to the dining room. Lilly hadn’t noticed. “I hope you don’t mind if we bring along a guest Lilly,” Lia said. Lilly looked up at her, and Lia nodded towards Kieran. When Lilly’s eyes found Kieran, her entire face lit up. A huge smile spread across the little girl’s face, and she jumped out of her chair to run over to Kieran, throwing herself in his lap. When Lia looked at Kieran’s face, her heart almost melted out of her body. Kieran had the most beautiful, serene smile on his face that she had ever seen on anyone. It was that moment that Lia realized that Kieran needed Lilly just as much as Lilly needed Kieran. She had assumed that raising another person’s child would be scary and unwelcomed by a twenty six year old man. But, when Lia looked at Kieran’s face, she saw neither fear, nor burden in his eyes. Kieran loved the girl. It was enough to make Lia’s eyes water. She wiped away the tears before they were noticeable. * * * Riley was just about to call it a day when he received a phone call from Brennan. “You son-of-a-bitch, you have a fucking Benedict Arnold in your ranks!” Brennan was yelling into the phone. “Yo! Calm down, what the hell?” Riley responded. “Get your dumbass over here!” “Where, the docks?” “My place. Now.” Riley listened to the line disconnect. He was still confused. By “his place,” Riley knew Brennan meant for him to go to Brennan’s usual headquarters. It was down by the docks, but in a heavily guarded warehouse. It only took Riley fifteen minutes to arrive. When he walked in the door, he was met with a gruesome sight. There was blood on the floor, and many of Brennan’s men trying to either bandage their own wounds or the wounds of another. Riley found Brennan in his office behind his desk, with one of his men trying to put a bandage on his bleeding arm. “What the hell?” Riley asked. “What the hell is right, you asshole,” Brennan spat at him. “What happened?”
29 Nov 2015 | 15:12
Episode 27 “Well, Riley, you should remember from the meeting that I found a big client.” “Yeah…” “And we went today, to sell to that client.” “Okay,” “But we were ambushed on the way to the POE by the damn Westside assholes.” “What?” He knew POE meant point of exchange, but Riley was still confused. “Shut up and listen. We were ambushed, robbed of the goods, and sent home on our asses because someone YOU let in is a fucking snitch, double-sided ass-wipe, and when I get my hands on him he will wish you never hired him!” “Wait, they took the goods?” “Yes. And sold to the client. He called to give his damn regards! We look like a bunch of jackasses!” Riley ruffled his own hair in frustration. “Shit.” “That’s right dear friend. Great judgment, asshole.” “Hey! Shut the hell up. How do you even know it was one of my guys?” “Who else would it be?” Brennan yelled. Riley actually considered the question, aside from the fact he wanted to punch Brennan’s whiny bitch-ass in the face. “I think we have to consider the fact this could be orchestrated by the same person who sold out warehouse 7,” Riley said with a concentrated frown. “Right, and my grandmother helps Santa Claus deliver presents every year.” “Shut up Brennan!” Riley yelled. Brennan was pissing him off. “Have you called Will and Kieran?” “Of course.” “Good. They’re coming?” “Yeah.” “At least I’ll be able to talk to a rational, intelligent person then,” Riley said, walking out the door to Brennan’s office. He heard Brennan cursing him out through the walls. * * * Will was fascinated. He had awoken to the sound of laughter, and found Kieran getting ready to go out. Since Will’s bike was in the shop, and he was still injured, he had planned on staying with Kieran for at least a week. Kieran had insisted. And Will had stayed with Kieran for extended periods of time before. But never had Will woken up on the weekend to find Kieran ready to go to the park. So now Will was sitting on a bench next to the park’s playground. Murphy and the chauffeur were back in the car still. It was a brisk day, since it was November after all. And Will felt dumb wearing the sling under his coat, but his wrist was still giving him hell. His ribs weren’t being much better. Will had to take pills to help him sleep for the past three days. But he was fascinated watching Kieran, Lia and Lilly. Lilly was running around the playground laughing, while Lia chased her. Kieran was sitting nearby, looking relaxed and… happy even. Will hadn’t seen Kieran enjoying himself like this in a long while. And Kieran was watching the two girls very fondly. Will realized that hehadwitnessed Kieran growing a particular tenderness in regards to Lia. And here they all were, enjoying a day in the park- despite the fact the skies were overcast and gray. Will shifted position on the park bench, as dead leaves swirled around his feet in the wind. He glanced over his shoulder when he heard someone approaching. It was Murphy. Will noticed Murphy’s face was slightly pale and his expression was drawn. He sighed as Murphy came hurrying up to him with a phone. There was a reason he had left his phone in the car, however; Murphy’s expression told Will that something seriously wrong had occurred and that he wouldhaveto take this call. Murphy held out the phone to Will, and Will took it with his available hand. “Yes?” Will said. “It’s Brennan.” It had to be Brennan to ruin the day.“We have a problem,” Brennan continued, jumping right into the issue. Will hated the fact he never had a transition period to deal with these damn crises. He would be relaxed or enjoying himself one rare moment, and the next he would be running down the hall in his pajama pants trying to avoid a gang war or trying to get Kieran out of harm’s way. Tbc....
29 Nov 2015 | 15:15
29 Nov 2015 | 17:02
Will will b so disappointed in u wen e finds out wat u re doin dan
29 Nov 2015 | 17:06
I am following
29 Nov 2015 | 19:08
30 Nov 2015 | 02:32
30 Nov 2015 | 05:57
30 Nov 2015 | 07:01
30 Nov 2015 | 12:34
Interesting story....
30 Nov 2015 | 14:24
Episode 28 “Speak,” Will said, accepting his momentary hatred for life. “There was an ambush.” “What the hell? What’s your status?” Will had to keep himself from just yelling “I hate you,” into the phone. “Fairly stable. We’re at my place. Multiple injuries.” “We’ll be there soon.” Will hung up. He watched Kieran for a few more seconds before pushing himself off the bench. His feet felt heavy as he walked over to Kieran. They arrived near the docks an hour later, after dropping off Lia and Lilly at the house. Will went first, to make sure everything was okay. Kieran and Murphy waited in the car. When Will walked up to the door, the guards stepped aside wordlessly to let him enter. One of them opened the door. Will noticed the blood immediately, and heard the yells of pain from the men. He was greeted by Riley first, with Brennan in close pursuit. “What the hell happened?” Will asked. “Rileyhired a rat, sir,” Brennan responded, squinting at Riley. “What were the events that took place Brennan? Don’t waste my time,” Will said, thoroughly annoyed. “We were on our way to meet a big buyer in town, when we were blocked off on 34th. Fire fight ensued, but we were beaten. They took the goods and met the buyer. I have no idea how they knew about anything,” Riley explained. Will thought about it. 34thstreet was a small block on the outskirts of town, so it made sense to block them off there. This heist was well planned. Someone was leaking information. Will rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Hold on,” he told them. Will poked his head back outside and gave the signal. “Kieran’s here?” Riley asked, recognizing the signal. Will nodded in response, lost in thought. This was going to take a while. He took off his coat. “Let me get that,” one of the men said to Will, taking his coat for him. Will looked up at Riley and Brennan again. He noticed Brennan was looking him over, staring at Will’s injuries from the crash. But Brennan said nothing about it. The noise level in the room dropped. Will didn’t notice it at first, but then the sudden change grabbed his attention. More than half the men in the room were staring at something behind Will. He turned around. Kieran had entered with Murphy. It was understandable to Will why many of the men were staring. Most of them had never seen Kieran before. Most of them probably didn’t know Kieran was handicapped. But most of all, Kieran’s presence seemed to demand attention anywhere he went… so Will wasn’t surprised. Riley and Brennan shook hands with Kieran, and then Will quickly told Kieran what had happened. “Let’s go to my office,” Brennan suggested, noticing his men were distracted by the boss. They nodded and followed Brennan into his room. Brennan closed the door while the other men sat down. Brennan sat behind his desk, sifting through some papers. “I was telling Brennan how maybe we should consider the possibility that this was devised by the same person who sold out warehouse 7,” Riley told them. “Seems a little far-fetched,” Brennan interjected. “I agree with Riley,” Kieran spoke. Silence followed. “Then we have to get to Martha Flannery immediately,” Will said. “The people who carried this out, and the person who gave them the information are probably two different affiliations as well,” Riley said. “A double agent wouldn’t expose his identity to us and participate in this. You would’ve recognized him,” Riley said to Brennan. “Maybe… There was a lot going on.” “Can you tell us anything? Any details about the guys who did this?” Will asked. “Let’s see…” Brennan said, frowning in concentration. “Some of them were masked. But there was one guy who had a tattoo on his face!” Brennan said loudly, the memory hitting him.
30 Nov 2015 | 14:33
Episode 29 “What did it look like?” “It was kind of swirly-looking. Looked like some weird symbol on his left cheek.” Will’s stomach turned. He dropped his head onto Brennan’s desk in front of him. Murphy, Brennan and Riley looked at each other, confused. Kieran leaned over to one side of his chair and rested his head on his hand. Will was afraid of something like this. “What is it?” Murphy asked softly. “It’s Ad Hoc,” Will said. “One of the top men in Ad Hoc is named Trevor Dodson. He has the tattoo you describe.” “Someone tipped off another gang?” Brennan asked. “Yes. Someone wants us to engage,” Will said wearily. “They must’ve known we would have to engage! They’re asking for it,” Brennan said. Will and Riley shot each other a look. Brennan was an idiot. “It’s not them we’re worried about,” Will explained. “Think about it.Whywould someone want to start a gang war?” “But what happens if we don’t retaliate?” Murphy asked. They were all silent. “We can’t be broken that easily!” Will said, feeling the mood in the room shift towards violence. “We’ll just be giving them what they want.” “But they should know better than to engage us. They must think we’re weak,” Riley said, thinking out loud. “We’re not children! We can’t give them the reaction they want.” “But we can’t ignore this, or we’ll be walked on.” “You’re all correct,” Kieran said. “We have to send them a sign. We have to send them a warning.” * * * Monica was on the phone. Dan was nearby. They were both standing on the roof of Dan’s apartment building, and Monica was standing up against a wall to avoid the wind, while talking to Trevor Dodson. She was surveying her nails as she was speaking to him. Dan was standing near the edge of the building, overlooking the lights of the city. His hands were in his pockets, and he was trying not to listen to the ongoing conversation behind him. Dan didn’t want to give any more information about his brother’s whereabouts, since he didn’t want his brother to be physically hurt. Dan also didn’t know exactly where Will was, but he did know where Brennan’s hideout was, which was where Monica guessed he was, along with Kieran and some of the other high-standing men.
30 Nov 2015 | 14:41
Episode 30 Monica was beginning to get angry at Trevor. “You idiot! Do you have any idea how rare this opportunity is?” Monica yelled into the phone. “I think one act of violence is enough for one day,” Trevor responded. “No. It won’t be enough!” “The man leading the operation looked pretty pissed, lady. The war will probably start tonight.” “You are a weakling, you dumbass. If you want to win this war, which you expressed to me as an objective, than you must listen to me. It’s no wonder you aren’t higher in the ranks,” Monica said disdainfully. “Shut up you bitch!” Trevor responded. “No you shut up, you ball-less bastard. They won’t begin a war that easily. I know them better than that. You have to do this as well. Because right now it sounds to me like you want to start this war, but not win it… Have to be ruthless to win.” “You wouldn’t understand. There’s a code to these things, chick.” “Fuck the code!” Monica yelled. “Do it. Or I’ll sell you out to your men and your boss. What will they think about this?” She heard him sigh on the other end of the phone line. Monica could sense he was beginning to break. “It’s wrong, even for this business. But I have no choice I guess,” Trevor said. Monica smiled. “Good. Do it. I already forwarded you the address. Call me when it’s over.” Monica hung up the phone. Dan was now smoking a cigarette, the smoke being blown around by the wind. After he was done, they went down into his apartment. “What’s going to happen, Monica?” Dan asked. “They’re going to do it.” “Do what?” “The shooting. It’ll start the war for sure.” “You better watch out, girl. You’re walking a thin line. You might end up completely destroying the empire you want to take over.” “It won’t be much, Dan. Just a little sign to the leaders.” “And Will? He’s there?” Dan asked with a frown. Monica had been looking at herself in the mirror. She turned to face her lover. “He won’t be harmed,” she said aggressively, trying to reassure Dan. It didn’t work. “You can’t guarantee that! You have no control over them. I can’t let this happen to him, he’s still my brother!” Dan said, grabbing his coat and heading for the door. “Dan, stop!” Monica yelled, running over to grab his arm. He shrugged her off. “If you do this, I’ll have to take measures you won’t like,” Monica said sinisterly. “Like what?” Dan said, finally stopping. Her tone had hooked his interest. “You might give away my position by warning them. I’ll have to take measures accordingly. I might have to do something to your brother.” “Don’t you dare!” Dan snarled, turning around and grabbing her shoulders. She was taken by surprise as he pushed her against a wall. “Get off of me!” Monica yelled. “Don’t hurt him.” “Then don’t do anything stupid.” There was silence in the room for a long while. Dan was thinking things over. “Fine,” he said eventually. “But I’m going to watch. I have to make sure he’s okay.” “And if he’s injured?” “If he lives, I’ll stay in the shadows. No one will ever know.” “It’s risky, Dan.” Monica still didn’t like his plan. “But I have to go. I just have to make sure.” The resolve in his eyes told Monica she was unable to stop him. “If you do anything to jeopardize my mission…” She didn’t even have to finish her sentence. Dan pushed his lips against hers, still pinning her to the wall. Then he was gone. Monica still had hers eyes closed from the kiss. It had made her hot. She walked over and reapplied her lipstick, realizing it would really suck if she had to punish Will. Monica had actually grown fond of Dan Reedus. * * * tbc.....
30 Nov 2015 | 14:44
Am here silently following
30 Nov 2015 | 16:29
YEA go on
1 Dec 2015 | 05:30
wow loving dis story nxt pls
1 Dec 2015 | 06:07
1 Dec 2015 | 07:44
1 Dec 2015 | 08:25
Episode 31 Riley was growing restless. They had been discussing their course of action for nearly three hours now. Deciding which kind of warning to send to Ad Hoc proved to be harder than they thought. Every little thing had an implication. Riley knew Will was trying to avoid war as much as possible. Who could blame the guy though? If it did come to war, Will would be the one who would have to deal with everything. Kieran usually just made executive decisions, while Will had to manage so many other things. Riley rubbed his forehead. It was now nearing evening. Their stomachs were beginning to rumble, which is perhaps why tensions were mounting. “No. No violence toward their living assets,” Will said to Brennan. Riley noticed Brennan couldn’t empathize with Will’s situation. He just kept pushing violence. “What else then? They seem to be content just taking our drugs and kicking our asses. Who knows if they even have any of their own? Maybe they’re going to slowly drain us of our income.” Brennan responded. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “Is it easy having your job and being a pacifist, Will?” Brennan smirked at Will. Will slammed his good fist on the arm rest and stood, both fists clenched. “You’ll be kissing my ass before this is through,” Will spat back. “Will!” Kieran scolded. Will looked over at his friend. Kieran shook his head, so Will backed down and slowly sat again. Riley personally wouldn’t want to fight Will- even if he was injured. “…Like his injured-ass could hurt me,” Brennan said to himself. “Brennan, don’t tempt me to let him, because, I assure you, he could,” Kieran responded. The rest of the men in the room snickered. Brennan pouted. And then, high pitched very loud noises filled the air. The sounds were followed by other sounds, like, windows breaking and men screaming. Will and the others instinctively hit the ground. But Kieran couldn’t. He was still in his chair. Riley watched as Will crawled over to his friend, while Kieran unbuckled the belt keeping him in the chair. Will was about to pull his friend down, when Kieran’s head was thrown to the side, and he went tumbling from the chair. He was hit. Will screamed, and hurried to Kieran’s side. Riley crawled over as well, following Will’s lead. “Shit! Kieran!” Will screamed, grabbing his friend. Kieran moved, pushed himself up on his elbows to look at Will. Riley could’ve cried he was so happy. The right side of Kieran’s face had been grazed by the bullet. It had run along his cheek and taken off a part of his ear, but he was okay. Blood ran down his face. Kieran was okay, but nonetheless, Will looked extremely pissed off. Riley watched as Will pulled out a gun from his ankle holster with his good hand. Will looked at Riley and Murphy and nodded towards the front room. Riley nodded back, but Murphy seemed frozen solid. So Riley followed Will out into the front room. The shooting had stopped. All the windows had been broken in. All the men were on the floor, either wounded or covering their head defensively. Will signaled to Riley to head towards the front door. Riley did as he was ordered. Will was his superior. Riley got into position next to the front door. He pulled out a pistol from his shoulder holster and looked back to Will. Will was peeking out the window cautiously. Nothing happened as he surveyed the outside surroundings. Finally, he gave Riley the signal to move out. Riley’s arms were shaking, but he opened the door slowly. Unfortunately, the guards outside were dead. Riley was crouched down, and swung out into the doorway, holding his pistol out in front of him. It was completely silent on the street other than a dog barking. Riley stood, and pushed the door open the rest of the way to look over at Will. When Will made eye contact, Riley nodded.
1 Dec 2015 | 11:19
Episode 32 “Okay,” Will spoke. “Seems to be all clear.” A gunshot rang through the air. The men all covered their heads again, and Will dropped to the floor. Riley, though, felt a searing pain ripping through the flesh on his right leg, sending him spinning. He crashed into the doorframe and leaned over to grab his leg. Sticky wetness crept through his fingers. He had been hit. Upon further investigation, Riley noticed it was shallow. “Get down!” Will yelled to Riley. “Not necessary,” Riley responded. “The shot came from in here.” Riley looked around the room and spotted a man close to his right whose hands were shaking and gun was smoking. The rest of the men looked at him. “I- I’m so sorry…” the man stuttered, he was pale, and staring at the rip in Riley’s jeans which was staining his calf red. “Go home,” Riley said to the man, sighing. The man ran out the door and disappeared into the night. The idiot had basically pissed himself. Riley’s men were starting to make him look bad. Will walked over to Riley. “You okay?” Will asked. “Just a scratch,” Riley replied. Will nodded and headed back into Brennan’s office. Riley limped after him. The men were beginning to stand up and come to their senses. Brennan and Murphy were helping Kieran back into his chair. He was holding a cloth to the side of his face, trying to slow the bleeding. The cloth was stained red. Riley could see that Will was concerned. He was so busy noticing Will’s concern that he almost didn’t realize Kieran was staring at his leg. “What happened?” Kieran asked Riley. “It was-“ “A hit in the line of duty,” Will cut Riley off. Kieran nodded to Riley. “Good job,” Kieran said to them both. “We have to get you to the hospital to get stitches,” Will said to Kieran. “The bleeding will stop,” Kieran shrugged it off. Will crouched down so he was eye level with his friend. “Kieran, the bleeding hasn’t even slowed.” Kieran was silent for a long moment. “Alright. Riley, come with us. You need medical attention as well.” They left the warehouse heavily guarded. The chauffeur had been killed in the shooting. Will sighed wearily. There was much to be done. Brennan had followed them out to the car. Riley left Will to give instructions while he and Murphy helped Kieran into the backseat of the car. Brennan’s men took the chauffeur out and put him with the dead guards. Riley climbed in back with Kieran, while Murphy got in the driver’s seat and Will sat in the passenger seat. On the way to the hospital, Riley was so tired he almost fell asleep despite his bleeding wound. * * * Lia was worried. She had been worried all day ever since Kieran had left. She tried to hide it from Lilly, tried to hide the sinking feeling in the depths of her gut. But at times, Lia had inkling that Lilly felt it too. They played in the garden after being dropped off at the mansion again. Lia and Lilly played hide and seek for a while; until Lilly was tired. Then Lia put Lilly to sleep for a nap and had dinner made for when she woke up. After dinner it got dark, and they watched a Disney movie in Lilly’s play room. Even at a young age, Lilly had a plasma screen television in her play room. And afterwards, Lilly was tired again. So Lia carried Lilly to her room on her hip, with Lilly’s head on her shoulder. She read Lilly a few chapters of a new story. And right before falling asleep, Lilly looked at Lia. “I miss Kieran,” she said in a small voice. “He loves me even though mommy and daddy are gone.” And then Lilly closed her eyes and was instantly asleep. Lia pulled the cream colored wool cardigan she was wearing tighter around her body. For some reason, what Lilly had said gave her chills. Lia turned out the light, and looked back in the room. The unicorn nightlight in her room made everything a dim pink color. Lia closed the door and went into Kieran’s room to make his bed. After she made his bed and tidied up, she wandered around restlessly. Finally, Lia went into the kitchen to get Kieran’s medication from Joe. She put the meds in her pocket, but put a glass of ice water on his nightstand. And then she wandered around again.
1 Dec 2015 | 11:22
Episode 33 Finally, she saw headlights in the driveway. Lia rushed to the foyer. She was half angry, and half relieved with her boss.Half angry?She scolded herself. Who was she to have to right to be mad at him? He was her employer. Still, though, she couldn’t shake off the emotion that quickly. Murphy, Kieran and Will came in the front door. They all looked exhausted. Murphy was pushing Kieran, who had a square gauze bandage on his face. “Lia,” Kieran greeted her with a nod. “Sir,” Lia responded. “I’ll take it from here, you boys look like you need rest,” she said to Murphy and Will. They nodded gratefully and stalked off to their rooms in the mansion. Lia pushed Kieran’s chair down to his room. “Lia?” Kieran asked. “Yes, sir?” she responded. “Please call me Kieran.” “But, sir…” “Please?” “Okay sir, I mean- er, Kieran,” Lia said. It felt uncomfortable to her, and slightly unprofessional. But she did as she was asked. “I’m sorry I had to leave today,” Kieran continued. Lia was silent. “It was pretty… imperative.” Lia didn’t ask anything. She pushed him into his room, and put his pajamas on his lap. “I’m sorry, Lia, but can you help me change tonight? I don’t have any energy left. I didn’t eat any dinner.” “Sure. Would you like me to get you some food?” “I’m too tired now. I just want to sleep.” “I understand.” Lia didn’t understand, though, why she had to turn away to keep him from seeing her deep blush. Why was this, a problem? He was unfairly handsome. But it was just work.Just work, she kept repeating to herself. She helped him change, and tried very hard not to stare. Then she pushed him to the bathroom to pee, and eventually helped him into his bed. He leaned back on the headboard, sitting up. Lia knew he was perfectly capable of sitting up and down in bed himself. “Here is your medication,” she handed it to him, and pointed to the water next to him. “You’re excellent,” he responded. She blushed again.Whywas she so bashful around him right now? “Goodnight, sir,” she said, turning to leave. “Wait, Lia. I’ve had a rough day. Can you tell me what you did with Lilly?” Lia smiled at his request. She recounted the day to him, minus the end part when Lilly had whined for him. She knew it would make him feel worse. He listened with a smile. Lia sat on the bed next to him, her curiosity finally grabbing a hold on any sense she had left. “What happened?” she asked timidly, looking at his face. Kieran looked her up and down for a moment, before reaching up, and pulling the gauze off. There was a line of stitches on his face, and small bandage over a section of his ear. Lia suddenly felt sad and overwhelmingly concerned at the same time. “Kieran!” she said, raising her hand to her mouth. Without any control, her eyes began to water. Kieran watched her for a minute, before his expression softened. “Gunshot. It just grazed me,” he said gently. “I’m okay. I promise.” Kieran smiled for her. Lia laughed and wiped the tears away, feeling dumb. She made eye contact with those beautiful, sparkling eyes. Kieran reached up and tucked one side of her hair behind her ear. At first Lia was afraid, but his touch was gentle. She was convinced since her heart was racing so fast that it was going to jump out of her body and run the border to Mexico. His touch gave her skin goose-bumps in response. It was like a soft electric shock. He dropped his hand, and they were silent. Finally she stood. “You need some rest,” Lia said. Kieran nodded in agreement. “Thank you Lia. Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” Lia left his room, her knees shaking. * * * Carol was getting tired of waiting. So it was a relief when Will called. “We need you down here as soon as possible,” he said, skipping old formalities like “hello.” “Okay. I can come down now if you want,” Carol responded, thinking it would be a bad idea to be a smartass. Tbc.....
1 Dec 2015 | 11:23
Hez beginin 2 fall n luv wif u lia......... Nd Dan, everidai z 4 d theif bt 1 day z 4 d owner ov d hauz........ I wonda hw ua broda will look @ u wen he findz out ua d snitching ass bitch n deir company....... Nxt
1 Dec 2015 | 13:12
this dan is becoming something else o
2 Dec 2015 | 09:18
Episode 34 “Perfect, the car will be there in ten minutes.” Carol heard a click on the other end of the line. This is why she never dealt with men. They were so confusing and ambiguous. She had begun to re-think her interview, worried that she screwed something up. They had taken a few days to call. Something about Kieran made her nervous. And she was usually so sure of herself too. Carol wasn’t expecting him to be handicapped, and by the looks of it, his handicap was permanent. But she thought she had hid her surprise well, until the delay in correspondence had her second-guessing her reaction. She went into her bedroom to change her clothes into an outfit that was more bad-ass. She wanted to fit in with the others. As Carol put on her clothes, she noticed her hands shaking. It was from the adrenaline. Her heart rate was also abnormally fast, and she felt herself growing more excited. And the woman drank this up like water. She thrived on this shit. Sheneededthis. Even her kickboxing practice was getting more intense from the effects of her career change. This is how Carol saw her life in ten years. She had already made a promise to be completely loyal to Kieran O’Meara if she was employed by him. When the car arrived, Carol was ready to pee herself. She jumped in the car and arrived at the mansion before another thought could fully pass through her head. Her hands began to sweat. Will met her outside the front of the house. She noticed he was no longer wearing a sling, but his wrist was still wrapped, and the bruises on his face were very noticeable, obviously still healing. However, she would still consider him to be handsome- if she were into men. “Carol,” Will greeted her, shaking her hand. “Hello Will,” she responded. He led her into the house. “We ran a personal check on you, I hope you don’t mind. But everything checks out to our liking.” “Good. I don’t mind,” Carol said. Her heart was soaring. “I also hope you don’t mind, but, we’ll have to start your work right away… as in, right now.” “I don’t mind at all!” Carol almost pinched herself. This had to be a dream. A lucid, beautiful dream. “Good.” Will nodded at her. “I don’t have the time to let you in on all the details of this job right now. You’re going to have to trust us. I need your force, but I’ll be asking the questions.” “Questions?” “We have to question someone we think has information. Like I said, I can’t fill in details right now. But you don’t have to speak. You just have to come with me and use force if necessary. This witness is a nice woman, so don’t do anything unless I command you to.” “Yes, sir,” Carol said, her excitement growing. “Okay, let’s get going,” Will said. “Where?” “We have a place near here we use to interrogate people. When you prove loyal, you will know the location, but as for now, we have to blindfold you. Sorry,” Will said. Carol nodded. She was getting very eager to prove herself to him. They went for a short ride. When Carol got out, Will took off the blindfold. Murphy had gone with them. They were standing in front of a small house in the woods. Actually, it was more like a shack, Carol concluded.
2 Dec 2015 | 10:25
Episode 35 When she pulled out gloves with reinforced knuckles, Will smiled. Silently, they entered the house, following Will’s lead. Once in the house, they went immediately down the stairs to an underground lair. There were multiple steel doors, locked by an electrical system that required codes. Will punched the codes into the key pads next to the door. There was also a fingerprint scanner. Access was granted. They walked down a hallway full of doors with no windows. The whole underground system seemed to be steel or concrete. Will stopped at one door and opened it with the code. Immediately after Will stepped inside, he was hit over the head by a chair. Carol couldn’t see the attacker, but she grabbed the chair from the person’s hands and ripped it away. Then she tackled the person, and realized it was a woman. However, it changed nothing for Carol. She flipped the attacker over onto her stomach, and pulled both arms behind her back. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” Will said to Carol. Murphy was helping Will to his feet. Carol pushed off the woman to stand up. The woman’s breath was pushed from her body and she groaned. “Mrs. Flannery,” Will said. “We’re not going to hurt you. We just need your cooperation.” Will picked up the chair and set it down. There was one table with two chairs on either side in the room, and one light, no windows. Will then offered his hand to Mrs. Flannery, who took it. Carol watched cautiously. The woman was slightly plump and slightly graying in her hair. She looked nice enough, but Carol still didn’t trust her. Mrs. Flannery and Will sat on either side of the table. Murphy came in the room and closed the door. Both Murphy and Carol stood behind Will, watching carefully. “I’ve been told that you might have some information about Warehouse 7,” Will said to her. “I don’ know who tol’ you that,” Mrs. Flannery said with an Irish accent. “But I can assure you, I donno nothin’.” “Well, I can’t be sure you’re telling the truth Mrs. Flannery.” “I have nothin’ for ya.” “I think you do,” Will said. Martha was silent. Finally Will turned to Carol. “Pull out her fingernails.” He handed Carol a pair of pliers. Carol was surprised at the command, and looked back up at Will. But he patiently continued to hold out the tool. Carol took it and went over to Martha. “What? What? No! Please, no!” Mrs. Flannery said, standing up and flipping the chair over. She backed into a wall. Murphy came at her from the other side. Her eyes went wide with fear and her face turned completely white. Murphy grabbed her roughly, though she fought him, kicking and screaming and scratching. Carol grabbed her too, and they easily overpowered her. She went wild with one last effort, screeching like a person does when desperation takes over. Carol was sure her ear drum was going to pop any moment.
2 Dec 2015 | 10:26
Episode 36 “The walls are soundproof Mrs. Flannery,” Will said calmly. She looked wildly at him and screamed again. They wrestled with her for another moment, before Carol roughly grabbed her finger. Martha was making things difficult though, kicking and pulling her hand away as hard as she could. Carol was stronger, so she maintained her grip, but the finger was still moving jerkily around. Finally, Carol managed to put the pliers on her nail. That’s when Martha stopped struggling and completely surrendered. “Wait, wait!” Martha screamed. Carol hovered with the pliers on her fingernail. “I jus’ overheard something at the docks a week ago or so.” She looked around as if someone else was listening. “I heard someone speakin’ about the warehouse, and the name Mackey O’Conner.” “What did they say about it?” “Jus’ that Mackey was in over his head wit some kind o’ deal he had made.” “With who?” “They didn’t say.” “Who was saying this?” “Some o’ the dock workers. Mackey works at the docks from time to time wit my husband.” “Their names?” Will said, now leaning forward. “I don’ know their names, since I couldn’ see their faces. It was around eight at night. I had been trying to find my husband since he was late comin’ home. He gets caught in gamblin’ issues. When I was lookin’ for him, I overheard that. But before I could hear any more, Sean saw me and we went home. His boss had only asked him to work late.” Martha was still eyeing the pliers on her fingernail. Will waved Carol and Murphy away, so they let Martha go. She visibly exhaled. “Sit down,” Will said, gesturing towards the chair on the other side of the table. Martha picked up the chair and did as she was told. “I’m going to use this information. If it is faulty, we’re not going to come after you again. We’re going to go after your son.” Martha put her hand over her mouth. “No! Please don’t!” “Is the information true?” “Yes, yes I swear that’s what I heard!” Carol was excited and impressed. “Okay. But remember what I said. Don’t go to the police, it’ll be useless. Don’t try to run, that will just piss us off. Your husband knows our reach.” Will leaned over the table. “It’s a very, very wide reach.” Carol knew she was going to love this job. * * * tbc......
2 Dec 2015 | 10:28
2 Dec 2015 | 17:05
making sense
3 Dec 2015 | 06:24
3 Dec 2015 | 09:17
Patiently waiting for the next update
3 Dec 2015 | 11:12
Next ooooooo
3 Dec 2015 | 13:54
Episode 37 Will was sitting on a couch in Kieran’s room. This was how he loved to spend his Sundays… interrogating witnesses, calling together meetings, oh right, and trying to avoid an all out gang war. Carol was waiting outside with some of Kieran’s other soldiers. Like the four Commanders, Kieran had his own system of rank as well, and his own personal soldiers, even though Kieran’s section was more important than the other branches of their establishment. “Mackey O’Conner?” Kieran asked, looking in the mirror as he groomed himself. They were getting prepared for the meeting. “That’s what she said,” Will answered, also getting ready. Will looked over at his friend, noticing that dark colors suited Kieran best. He was wearing his black dress pants and a dark blue button up. Will, on the other hand, was wearing a red button up shirt with a black vest. Will’s wrist was still being a bugger. “Never heard of him,” Kieran said. “Me neither.” Will was having difficulty rolling up his sleeves. His wrist was still swollen, and he had un-wrapped it to get dressed. “Let me,” Kieran offered. “Thanks,” Will said, holding out his arms for his friend. Kieran rolled up Will’s sleeves for him. They weren’t too prideful about accepting each other’s help. “Let’s try to play nice today Will,” Kieran suggested, turning back to the mirror. Will smiled into the mirror over Kieran’s head. “I always try,” Will said, re-wrapping his own wrist. “…I just don’t always succeed.” Kieran laughed in response. “Who are we having here again?” Kieran asked. “The four Commanders, Madden, Murph, and the big guns… Gilroy and Diesel.” “Gilroy and Diesel? So, it’s come to this point already huh?” Kieran asked. Will nodded in response. “I always hated having to use Gilroy, but it seems to be a necessity. Just can’t find any like him anyone.” Will said, thinking back to the last time they had to use Gilroy. Gilroy was a loving, scruffy old man, with a very dark side. He was a genuine bad-ass, like a kick-ass bad-ass. No one would ever guess it though. And when the situation got tricky or tense, Gilroy was the man to call. The last time Will had called him in was right before the mayoral election. The mayoral candidate Kieran wasn’t backing was getting more popular in the city, and he wanted to go after crime syndicates hard-core. They were on the brink of destruction. Needless to say, after Gilroy was called in, that mayor didn’t win. Good thing Gilroy was reliable and usually delivered, because if Gilroy couldn’t get a job done, their very last ditch attempt would be to call in Ripper. And absolutely no one wanted that. “And I assume Diesel is going to bring some men?” Kieran asked, breaking through Will’s thoughts. “I assume so.” Diesel Grissom was the head of his own syndicate east of the city. The Grissom and the O’Meara families had a long-standing alliance. Will was surprisingly fond of Diesel, and Diesel’s right hand man, Arty Cohen. The doorbell sounded. “Let’s go get ‘em,” Kieran said, winking at Will. “We always do.” Will and Kieran didn’t enter the room until last. It was customary. Silence fell when Will went in the “high importance” conference room. Kieran pushed himself in right after. Will surveyed the room. Murphy was sitting to the left of Kieran. The Commanders had each brought their trusty assistants. Madden was present, sitting next to Gilroy. Then there was Diesel and five of his men. There were more waiting outside, Carol and some of the other soldiers were outside with Diesel’s men. Will rubbed his face. “I hope you’re all comfortable,” Will began. “This is going to be a long night.” They began discussing the warehouse and the information they had obtained about it. “…Mackey O’Conner?” Fynn asked. “Yes, do you know him?” Will shot back at Fynn. “Actually, yes. I gave him a job in my ranks when he first moved here. But then he quit, to work at the docks. He was quite exemplary with monetary issues and accounting,” Fynn said. “You didn’t go through Riley?” “I believe Riley approved my request,” Fynn said, looking over at Riley. “Either way,” Will scolded. “Leave the personnel issues to Riley.” Will knew Fynn and Brennan hired some of their workers off record, which was forbidden. All workers had to be processed through Riley. But Will knew that was their own little way of metaphorically saying “screw you” to the non-family member Riley.
4 Dec 2015 | 04:44
Episode 38 “Sir,” Fynn said, nodding in compliance. “Well, apparently this Mackey knows something about who is responsible for the warehouse sellout. Maybe we can trace the information leak back to one culprit,” Will said. “Wait, you think one person leaked information to the police, then to a rival gang?” Diesel asked. “Yes, sir,” Will responded. “It seems that maybe someone is trying to weaken us.” The room was silent. They were all considering what Will just said. “But,” Diesel spoke again. “We can’t ignore the attacks just because someone is leaking information. Who knows, Dodson might attackusnext, if your rat has any info on our organization.” “Think about it,” Will said, pointing to a map of the city. “If we jump head first into a war, Dodson could gain more power and more allies.” “Well…” Diesel responded. Will thought this was turning into a two person conversation. Maybe he should dismiss the rest of them. Compared to Diesel and Gilroy, they all were useless. “If a war starts, you have us as an alliance. So the South and the East together, against the West. Dodson has Central as an ally. That leaves North and Downtown. I have connections with the North, and Central has connections with Downtown. But you also have connections with Downtown.” Diesel stopped talking, his eyes lost in concentration. “Do you think Marco would engage?” Marco Javal was the leader of the Downtown El Toro syndicate. Kieran and Marco were friendly, but no alliance had ever been formed. “I honestly don’t know. Marco tries his hardest to stay neutral, but he has been forced to engage before.” Gilroy was scratching his head. “What I’m wondering,” Madden cut in. “Is why Dodson wants this war. I know relations have been tense in the past, but why now? What prompted this?” “And he didn’t follow usual code. He hit hard and fast,” Riley said. “Perhaps,” Kieran finally spoke. They all listened eagerly. Even Will was curious what his friend had to say. “Perhaps we can answer these questions,andsend them a warning all in one gesture.” “What?” Diesel asked. His direct response to Kieran made Will uncomfortable. “We hit close to home with Dodson. We capture one of his own for interrogation, and return him, without any harm done.” “What if Dodson uses that as grounds to start a war?” “We state very loudly somehow, that the capture was only meant to be a warning. No harm.” They were all silent. “Gilroy, what do you think about this?” Will asked. He was curious as to why Gilroy had barely spoken his thoughts on the matter. When Gilroy spoke, his voice was gruff and low, but he spoke slowly, both with respect and wisdom. “This must be carefully planned and executed.” Gilroy looked at Kieran. “But watch out, nephew. This is now a thin rope we’re walking on.” Kieran’s head was tilted down towards the floor, but when his uncle spoke to him, the young man made eye contact with Gilroy without moving his head up. This posture gave Will the chills, and reminded him of how dangerous his friend was. Will often forgot that Kieran had a dark side, but was reminded of Kieran’s capabilities every few weeks. It was mostly the little things that brought Will back to the reality of his friends’ true power and hidden dynamics. “We’re now walking on a thin rope regardless, uncle,” Kieran said, unmoving. The air in the room turned lethal, and the only movement came from the uncomfortable shifting of the guests. Will didn’t move though, nor did his eyes leave his friend. Finally, Kieran moved his head up, and tilted it side to side, cracking his neck as a result. Gilroy was unafraid by his nephew’s display. He was probably the only person in the room unaffected by it. “I agree with you, Kieran. But we should also prepare for the worst case scenario,” Gilroy said. “Agreed,” Kieran shot back happily, and his dark demeanor evaporated in less time than it takes to move a finger. Oxygen rushed into Will’s lungs again. “And remember Kieran,” Gilroy continued. “We have a farther political reach than does Dodson and the west. This could be useful.”
4 Dec 2015 | 04:49
Episode 39 Kieran nodded in agreement, leaning on his elbow, deeply considering the last statement Gilroy had made. “Yes, I could pull a lot of strings,” Nolan said. “I could light a lot of fires under a lot of asses.” This statement pulled a few laughs out of the men. Nolan was good at his job, Will had to hand it to him. Gilroy was very useful as well, especially when asking for hefty favors from important people. “Our reach together could potentially be much bigger than Dodson’s,” Will chimed in, looking at Diesel. Diesel and his men nodded gently, agreeing with Will. Kieran began tapping his fingers on the large oak table. “…And I have a wildcard,” Kieran said, still deep in thought. The room became unnervingly quiet again. Will was praying he wasn’t talking about Ripper. “Let’s take a break, shall we? Perhaps dinner?” They all got up and began talking to each other. Will was concerned though, and he grabbed his friend’s arm before Kieran could leave. Will bent down in front of Kieran. He was still a little scared of Kieran from the early display of darkness, but he was going to approach Kieran carefully. “Please tell me that you aren’t thinking about using you-know-who, my friend,” Will said softly. Kieran looked confused for a moment, and then laughed. “No, no, not him. I have someone different in mind.” And still laughing to himself, Kieran pushed his chair out of the room, leaving Will to take care of the guests. * * * “I have something to tell you,” Monica said to her lover. Once again he was lounging on the bed. “How stealthy and wonderful I am? No one has said anything yet about my perfectly timed visit to Will,” Dan replied. Monica rolled her eyes. “No! There is still a chance someone saw you and has just kept his mouth shut.” She was still rolling her eyes. “Yes, but it’s not likely, so come over here…” Dan winked at her. Monica thought her eyes were just going to roll themselves out of her head. He was really dumb. “Dan,” she began. “I’m hungry as hell!” he commented about his growling stomach. “Dan,” “Maybe Chinese food,” “Dan! We’re going to have a baby.” Dan looked up at her with eyes she would expect from a puppy dog. “What?” he said it so softly she almost didn’t hear. “I’m serious.” “How? I thought… how is that possible?” “I guess something just happened… Birth control isn’t one hundred percent effective,” Monica said, glancing sheepishly at Dan. Dan was in his boxers on the bed. He rolled over onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “Wow.” That was all he said. Monica went to the bed and sat next to Dan. “I think we should have it, I mean, why not?” Monica said, smiling at Dan. He rolled over onto his side. Monica guessed he wasn’t ready to accept it. “Then does this mean you’re done with your revenge obsession?” Dan asked softly. “No. I’ll never be done until I have what is mine.” “What the hell?” “I can do it! I have other people doing my dirty work anyway,” Monica said with a smile. “I wouldn’t be in any danger.” “And what if they trace it back to you? They won’t hesitate to kill you, even if you are pregnant.” “Don’t be silly,” Monica started to say. “No! Don’t be stupid! You have to start thinking about another life now too! Give up your stupid need for revenge!” “But won’t the baby’s life be better if you and I were rulers of the O’Meara clan? Money, power, everything at our disposal. You can’t tell me Lilly has a terrible life with Kieran as her father.” “He isn’t her father.” “He practically is!” Monica retorted. This wasn’t going how she had planned. “Maybe if you’re so concerned, you should protect me.” “Maybe you should protect yourself,” Dan got up out of the bed and began getting dressed. He walked towards the bathroom. Monica ran to cut him off. “Don’t go in there!” she cried. “It’s not properly cleaned yet… I threw up earlier.” Dan looked her up and down, and walked towards the door. “Where are you going?” Monica asked. “Out,” he responded, walking quickly out of the apartment. Monica waited a few minutes until she was sure he was gone. She had to begin planning her next maneuver. Dan would be very pissed at her for this one. But he would get over it- he wouldhaveto get over it now. Monica smiled to herself. She was going to make this happen, she was going to make that stupid little cripple pay for what he did to her.
4 Dec 2015 | 04:52
Episode 40 Monica went into the bathroom and stood in front of the sink. She pulled out lipstick and dabbed it on her lips. It was dark violet, and made her lips look almost black. Hopefully the child would get its smarts fromhergenes. Lord knows Dan could never cut it in Monica’s world. She would do anything to win. Monica locked the bathroom door quickly, just in case Dan decided to come back. She opened the drawer and pulled out her birth control. Who knows what Dan could look into? He might decide to investigate her claim about the conception. So, Monica went over to the toilet and pushed out the pills she had skipped for the past few weeks. And as she watched them swirl down the toilet bowl, Monica thought of how beautiful this situation was. * * * Opening her eyes, Lia had almost forgotten where she was. The credits for the Disney movie were rolling up the screen. Lilly was asleep, cuddled up next to Lia’s body, the light from the television reflecting off the young girl’s face. Lia felt a strong warmness for the girl when she looked at her, which spread through the bottom of her stomach. She brushed the hair out of Lilly’s face, and smiled at the girl. Lia quickly stopped smiling though, when she realized how incredibly stupid she would look right now if someone were to walk in and find her grinning like a dumbass at this sleeping child. Lia was tired from playing with Lilly all day. They had a lot of fun together and their time spent only reinforced the desire for Lia to teach young children. It also reinforced the desire for Lia to have children of her own one day. She tenderly moved Lilly, so the girl could continue sleeping undisturbed for now. Lia was hungry. She walked out of the playroom and glanced at her watch. 9 pm. She had lost track of time. The lights in the dining room were on when she passed it, so she peeked inside. The guests were seated at the table, eating dinner. Lia sighed. It was going to be a long night for the men. She recognized one of the men as Diesel, a man publically known as the leader of a crime syndicate, but never put behind bars due to an overwhelming lack of evidence on anything the police tried to pin on him. But Kieran was absent from the table. She knew where he would be though, and her feet led her to his office before she could resist. Trying to stay out of his business was futile. Lia pressed her ear against the door and listened. Kieran was carrying on a conversation, but it was one-sided. He must be on the phone. A few moments after she heard the phone reconnect with it’s cradle, Lia knocked lightly. “Come in,” Kieran said. Lia noted that he sounded tired. She entered, and noted he looked tired as well. “Hello Kieran,” Lia said, pushing the heavy door closed again. “Lia.” Kieran didn’t hide the surprise in his voice. “Is something wrong?” “Oh no,” Lia said softly. “It seems like it’s going to be a late night. Do you want me to stay to help you tonight?” “No, no. I don’t expect that. You can go home whenever, Will is probably going to stay the night anyway.” Lia nodded in response and turned to leave. She couldn’t walk away though, since she knew it would bother her all night if she did nothing for him. Her feet wouldn’t move. So she turned around again. Where was this overwhelming concern originating? “You look tired. Would you like to help me put Lilly to bed? It might help make your night a little less boring and long.” Lia watched Kieran carefully as he studied her right back. “I would like that,” Kieran said finally. He followed her out of his study. Once in the hallway, Lia stopped. “Allow me,” she said, circling behind Kieran to push his chair for him. Kieran didn’t object. When they got to the playroom, Lilly was still sound asleep. Lia picked up the girl carefully, and place her in Kieran’s lap. Unconsciously, she put her arms, around Kieran’s neck. He looked down at her lovingly, and held her close to his body. Lia pushed Kieran down to Lilly’s room. He tucked Lilly into bed, kissed her on the cheek, and watched her sleep for a few minutes. Lia watched silently. After Kieran turned, and pushed his chair out of the room, Lia tucked in Lilly again and followed Kieran out. He was sitting in the hallway. “Thank you, Lia. I appreciated that,” Kieran said softly. “Sometimes I worry you aren’t getting enough rest, sir,” Lia said. “Lia, stop calling me sir.” “Sorry.” Lia tried again. “You’re going to make yourself ill.” “I appreciate the concern, but I have no choice.” “But you do!” she cried. “At least take a day to rest before you start something big.” Lia had heard rumors about the family being on the brink of a gang war. Tbc......
4 Dec 2015 | 04:58
Next Plz
4 Dec 2015 | 07:46
observing keenly
4 Dec 2015 | 10:56
Ride on
4 Dec 2015 | 16:19
4 Dec 2015 | 18:53
5 Dec 2015 | 06:53
Episode 41 “Thank you for your concern,” Kieran dismissed it, and began to push his chair down the hallway. Lia blocked him though, planting her feet firmly in front of his chair. Kieran rolled his eyes and sighed. He was treating her like she was a child. Lia felt her eyes water from embarrassment and frustration. Kieran’s face softened. She turned to run away, when Lia felt a hand on her wrist. “I’m sorry,” Kieran’s voice was barely audible. “You’re right.” Lia turned back to him, as he released her wrist. She quickly wiped the tears away, but still pouted. She felt stupid for her concern. He tilted his head. “Come on, smile for me?” he asked. She averted her eyes. “Hug?” he asked, holding out his arms. Lia was so surprised at this side of Kieran, she didn’t move. So she was even more surprised when he pulled her down onto his lap and hugged her. Lia closed her eyes and took time to feel his arms around her. When he let go, they pulled back, making eye contact. Again, warmth spread in Lia’s stomach. She stood back up immediately. “I should go,” Kieran said, trying to make her move out of his way. “Can I stay?” Lia asked bashfully. Kieran looked at her, confused. “What?” “Can I stay? For the night? I want to give Will a break. He will be just as exhausted as you, and it’s not fair that I get to leave. I’ll just take a nap in your room on the couch, and you can wake me up when you come in. That way, I’ll be rested and ready to help!” This was insane. She had class the next morning! But something made her not care. Her interests were slowly, but steadily, shifting. “It will be early morning when I’m done. You shouldn’t.” “I’ll be okay.” “You’ll leave after I go to bed?” “I guess so.” “No. You can stay the night and then go to class right from here if you insist on waiting for me.” “Thanks Kieran,” Lia said, beaming at him. She thought she saw a tiny smile infect his lips too. Once in Kieran’s room, Lia wandered around a little. She went into his closet and ran her hand along his expensive clothes. Normally, Lia would be too shy to sneak around someone else’s room, but she was beginning to feel an odd kinship with Kieran. Everything in his room, closet, and bathroom had been lowered for his convenience. Taped up behind his closet door, was a picture of his parents on either side of his at his high school graduation, smiling beautifully. His parents were truly Hollywood beauties. Lia’s family was basically the complete opposite. In her high school graduation picture, she wasn’t even looking or smiling at the camera. In the picture, she was reaching out to grab one of her nephews, while all her damn siblings were trying to fit in around her. Some of them had been fighting. It’s not that she didn’t love her family- she just wondered what life would be like if it was less chaotic all the damn time. Lia occupied herself for a little while cleaning up various things in her boss’s room. It was already very clean, since he had one of the workers come in each day just to keep things tidy. But she cleaned some things that were already clean. And then, she crawled onto the couch when she felt tired, and fell asleep. Lia’s eyes opened. There were voices outside, and car engines revving to life. Where was she? She pushed the hair out of her face, and sat up. Out the window, Lia saw car headlights fading down the driveway. She was in Kieran’s house! The clock on the wall read that it was three thirty in the morning. Lia stood up and went over to the door. Kieran and Will were talking outside. She couldn’t hear words, but recognized their voices. The talking stopped, and Lia backed away from the door. It swung open, and Kieran made eye contact with Lia. The feeling in her stomach from his eye contact was indescribable. His eyes seem to liquefy all her internal organs, though her stomach turned to a heavy bag of lead. She forced a small smile. He smiled back, even though he looked like he was about to pass out. Looking over Kieran’s face, Lia’s concern quickly skyrocketed. The bags under his eyes were dark, and he looked too pale, and too weak. Her smile dropped off her lips.
6 Dec 2015 | 01:52
Episode 42 “Kieran!” she said harshly. “What have you done to yourself?” “I haven’t been able to walk for a while now. You just noticed?” Kieran joked. He laughed, and though Lia was concerned for him, she couldn’t suppress her laugh either. “Kieran,” she scolded again. He leaned back in the chair, folding his hands over his lap. Lia shook her head at him, and walked around to push his chair for him. Kieran had no objection to her help. He exhaled, and she pushed him over to his pajamas, which were flannel pants and a normal grey shirt. He dressed himself slowly, his limbs plagued with fatigue. He had been awake for a long time. Lia knew he had trouble sleeping sometimes, and that had been the case last night. She thought about how many things he probably had on his mind.Damn,she thought.He has to run a whole empire. “Busy night then?” Lia asked. “Have you ever tried listening to politicians for almost ten hours?” “No.” “Well… this is worse,” he said with a chuckle. Lia smiled, and pushed him into the bathroom. “Did you always plan on taking your father’s place?” Lia asked. Kieran was silent for a moment. “… I don’t know. I always planned to finish college first at least.” “You have a natural talent for this.” “How do you know?” Kieran asked, brushing his teeth. “If you didn’t, this whole operation wouldn’t be running anymore,” Lia said, sitting on the edge of the tub, and smiling into the mirror at him. Kieran made a face at her while he brushed his teeth, and she laughed in response. While he was occupied with brushing his teeth, Lia stuck her finger in her mouth and put it in his ear. “Wet willy!” she said with a laugh. Kieran spat into the sink, and batted her hand away. “That’s disgusting.” He shot her a look of contempt. She laughed again, and he eventually smiled. “Perhaps you’re spending too much time with Lilly.” “Does this mean I’m fired?” “Only if you pick your nose.” “Oops, guess I’m fired.” Lia said with a giggle. Kieran laughed loudly. “Very funny,” Kieran said as Lia pushed him back into his room. She pushed him near his bed, then grabbed his clothes off the floor. “Are these dirty?” Lia asked, folding them over her arm. “Smell them. Then you tell me,” he joked. “That’s gross!” “No, they’re fine,” Kieran answered honestly, with a laugh. Lia smiled at him and folded his clothes carefully, then proceeded to put them away. While she was busy, she could feel Kieran’s eyes on her. She silently scolded herself. Why were they being so playful? He was her boss. This was totally unprofessional of her. Lia stopped for a moment. Were they… were theyflirting?As she pondered this, a tiny smile fought its way onto her lips. Lia pushed Kieran next to his bed, and helped him slide on. To her surprise, he patted the bed next to him. He wanted her to sit next to him? She crawled on the bed, and sat facing him. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to joke around like this.” A sad look came over Kieran’s face. “I used to joke around with my parents a lot.” Lia watched him. He put his head on the headboard and looked over at her. Finally, he scooted down so he was lying flat. “Tell me aboutyourfamily.” And she did. Lia started with her parents, and told him all about her own family. When she got down to all her nieces and nephews, Kieran was sound asleep.
6 Dec 2015 | 01:57
Episode 43 Sometimes Riley was amazed at how much idiocy could run in Kieran’s relatives. “They won’t be expecting a surprise attack,” Brennan pushed. Riley almost spit out his drink in laughter. This guy could not be for real. Since Riley’s mouth was full, he looked over to Will to handle the idiot. The head of the table was still empty. “Think for a minute here, Brennan,” Will began. But he was cut off before he could reach his point. “It would be unusual for Kieran to attack. It isn’t like him,” Brennan said over the attempts of the other men to stifle their laughter. “Think!” Will yelled, slamming his fist on the table and standing up. The room immediately fell silent. “If they had information about our big buyer, a full scale attack would surely leak out.” Will sank back into his chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Riley thought Will looked like he was about to pass out onto the floor. “Then how do we know the traitor isn’t in this room right now?” Brennan asked. Riley rubbed his face vigorously. This guy literally could not get, any stupider. “Maybe we should have a loyalty test,” Riley finally cut in, glaring at Brennan. “…Maybe we should,” Brennan shot back at Riley, returning the dark look. “Outside?” Riley pressed, standing up. “Right now.” Brennan stood too. “Enough,” Kieran’s voice sounded behind Riley. Kieran was pushing his chair into the room. Riley sat back down like a little kid who was caught trying to escape time-out. Brennan sat too. Riley caught Diesel shooting looks to his men of unknown meaning. “We’re not launching an attack,” Kieran said, looking purposefully at Brennan. “We’re going to give them a proverbial middle finger.” “You’re an idiot Kieran!” Brennan blurted out. The room went eerily silent. Brennan clapped his hands over his big, dim-witted mouth. But it was too late. Riley looked over at Kieran, to try and gauge the degree of punishment. Kieran and Will made eye contact. Wordlessly, Kieran held up two fingers to Will. “Maybe three,” Kieran said out loud to Will, talking in a weird language only they knew. Will understood exactly what Kieran wanted, nodding and standing up. Riley never ceased to be amazed at how well Will and Kieran worked. They were perfect friends, and even perfect work partners. Everyone strived to have friendships like theirs. They almost always had the same thoughts and the same strategies. Riley was jealous of their relationship. “No…” Brennan said, backing away from the table. Will nodded at two men behind Brennan, who grabbed the scared man from behind. “No!” Brennan yelled, trying to pull away. “Let’s go Brennan. Keep your dignity intact,” Will said tiredly, leading the way out of the room. Brennan was led, resisting like a baby, out of the room by the men who grabbed him. Will nodded at Carol, who followed them out of the room as well. A man came out of the kitchen and gave Kieran his food, which the boss ate, as if nothing had ever happened. The room was silent as Kieran ate. When he finished, he looked up at everyone again. “I apologize for making you all wait, I was just really famished. Anyways, as I was saying, we’re going to hit them where it hurts. I have a distant relative I called who is going to help us with this task. We’re going to capture and question Greg Dodson.” Riley’s mouth dropped open. Trevor was very protective of his little brother. The shocked reaction echoed around all the members of the table. “Your relative… he can do this?” Diesel asked. It was the question they all were thinking. Kieran turned to him. “She can do this flawlessly.” After Kieran was done with the food, they all went back to the conference room. Will slipped in a few minutes, later, wiping blood off his hands with a handkerchief. This gesture did not go unnoticed. Riley saw Diesel shoot his men a look that said, “…and you thoughtIwas strict.”
6 Dec 2015 | 02:01
Episode 44 “We need to answer one question gentlemen,” Kieran said. “How are we going to avoid this act of retaliation from becoming grounds for declaring war?” Kieran looked around the room. “And then,” he continued, “we need to begin making preparations for a war that might eventually befall us.” The arguments lasted well over an hour to answer one simple question. Riley thought it would be at least atinybit easier to answer how they were going to avoid a war from their kidnapping. Diesel was trying his hardest to give input, since his gang would be drawn to war as well. “…Maybe we should just announce it on the six o’clock news,” Fynn said harshly to Gilroy. The family members were the ones fighting the most. Riley looked over at Kieran and Will, who had all but given up on the situation. All they could do now was listen to the debate raging around them. Kieran listened with his chin resting the arm he had leaning on an armrest of his chair. Will looked as if he was half-listening, jotting down something every few minutes on the legal pad sitting in front of him. Riley had engaged in debate with Nolan for at least half of an hour. Now Fynn and Gilroy had taken over as the main debaters. It was very tiring. But Riley felt the most grief for Kieran. The poor guy had almost no executive power in this situation, since now another gang was involved. He had to try and please everyone. And the more Riley thought about it, the more he realized that Kieran usually tried to appease everyone regardless. They always had a mutiny to worry about. So Kieran picked the option that was best suited to his organization, even when sometimes that option was his personal least-favorite. It was times like these that Riley tended to zone out of his surroundings. He began to think about meeting the perfect woman when something from the room tugged at his attention. The tension had doubled in the last thirty seconds. And now, Fynn and Gilroy were glaring at each other. “At least I’m not a limp-dick-“ Gilroy was cut off from his sentence by Fynn forcefully pushing the table into Gilroy’s gut, made possible by their seating on opposite sides. Riley was sitting on the same side as Gilroy, and processed everything too slow, due to his former state of daydreaming. Riley felt his breath forced from his diaphragm by the sharp edge of the table, which lodged itself into his body just below the ribs. Nolan sprang into action, throwing his arms around Fynn, and using them to constrain Fynn from inflicting any further damage. Nolan pulled the man backwards, pulling Fynn right over his own chair, and back against the opposite wall. Riley was too slow to force any action on Gilroy, who had stood up and allowed his chair to tumble backwards. Gilroy’s face was red and angry, the face of a man trying to restrain himself from inflicting physical damage on another. Riley gathered himself enough to put his hand on Gilroy’s shoulder, as an attempt to offer support. Gilroy shrugged it off in a manly way, sending Riley the message he was under control. And then Riley noticed a tiny, miniscule look pass between Will and Kieran. And suddenly Riley understood the intent of the look. This is what they had been waiting for. This was their opportunity. “That’s enough,” Kieran said. His voice seemingly put a spell on Fynn, who stopped struggling against Nolan’s grip. It had the same effect on Gilroy, whose face returned to normal color, and picked up his chair to sit back down. The tension between the two vanished. It was as if nothing had ever happened. Riley was always astounded at his boss’s ability to elicit these sorts of reactions from people. “Since there seems to be no consensus on the issue,” Will said, “Kieran will have to implement an executive decision.” Riley smiled. There would be no more discussion on the issue. Game, set, match
6 Dec 2015 | 02:02
Episode 45 * * * “This is going to have to be an in-and-out job,” Kieran said. Carol was still yawning and rubbing her eyes. It wasn’t that early, but they had all gone to bed late. Carol had stood outside the door to their meeting, and listened to the arguments of her superiors for hours. The other guards outside had joked around at first with each other, making fun of the quarreling men in the room. But pretty soon, their fighting got very tiresome to hear. So Carol zoned out. She went to bed when they finished their meeting early that morning, but had been instructed to return in only a few short hours. So here she was. “We have required the help of one of my distant relatives,” Kieran said, glancing at his watch. I called her last night, and she should be here any minute. As if on cue, the door opened. And Carol’s mouth dropped open. The most beautiful woman she had ever seen stepped into the room. The overwhelming silence in the room told Carol that every other guard had dropped mouths as well. The woman looked like Kieran, but with a killer curvy body. Her hair was black, and her eyes were bright blue. Carol’s gaze fell on the woman’s dangerously red, full lips, and a mole in the same place as Marilyn Monroe. Her pale skin contrasted with her black, tight outfit. Her eyes swept over the room and fell on Carol for a moment. Carol’s realized she had stopped breathing, so she forced air into her lungs once again. She realized that everyone else in the room was speechless as well. This woman was a bombshell beauty. “Shea, how are you?” Kieran addressed the woman. “Nice to see you again, Kieran,” Shea responded. Kieran nodded in agreement. “Everyone, this is Shea.” Kieran presented her with a sweeping of his hand. She slowly bowed her head to everyone in the room in acknowledgement. Carol was still staring with her mouth half open.This woman is intoxicating,she thought. Kieran continued speaking. “Her specialty lies in the silent and fast acquisition of, humans.” “The non-lethal kind,” Shea added, sharing a look with Kieran that only they understood. The rest of the people in the room were too busy goggling at Shea to notice the exchange. Everyone else but Carol. Carol managed to wrestle her attraction for Shea back into submission, allowing her senses to take control once again. Will came bustling into the room, with Murphy close at his heels. They were both scrambling through documents and folders, fumbling with paper. “Apologies, Kieran,” Will said, still preoccupied with leafing through papers. “Go ahead Will,” Kieran responded, backing his chair away from the front of the room. Will took Kieran’s spot, still searching through papers, but talking to the group as well. Carol was impressed with Will’s multitasking skills, though she realized he probably needed to master multitasking in order to be good at his job- which he was. “Sorry guys. Okay, I have assembled a team of five highly skilled and trusted fighters to escort Shea in order to assure the smooth operation of this mission. The rest of you have other assignments that are also very crucial to the success of this organization. I will assign those after Shea and her team leaves. Shea’s team will be Doug, Aiden, James, Carol and Oran. You five are to follow Shea’s instruction until on this property again,” Will said, looking up at them for the first time. “Understood?” “Yes sir,” they chanted. Carol barely said yes sir, since she was still overcoming the shock of her name being called. She was so honored to be a part of the mission, she vowed to herself that she would put all of her effort into making this assignment a victory for the O’Meara mob family. Carol would not disappoint Will. Her resolve was so strong she surprised herself for a few seconds on her own eagerness to please her superiors. “Okay,” Will continued. “Once the target has been apprehended, report to the west-side docks immediately. I will be waiting. You will receive further instruction presently. Beginning when the subject is detained, we have approximately half an hour to get him back in order to guarantee the overall success of this mission. This is not a job to get even men, this mission is about sending a warning. Give them no reason to start a war. Understood?” “Yes sir,” Carol shouted with the rest of her team. Will nodded at them, his face expressionless. “Okay, obtain your next orders from Shea McSweeny,” Will said, and turned to Murphy to ask for another document. Tbc.....
6 Dec 2015 | 02:04
I think Kieran have a soft spot for Lia
6 Dec 2015 | 02:07
New episode @laurasteve299 @Coolval222-2 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnysky @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas@C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Olami @Beryl @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @sophia una no dey read ds story?
6 Dec 2015 | 02:09
6 Dec 2015 | 02:12
Monica and Dan your days are numbered....
6 Dec 2015 | 06:19
Nyc one,i hope dey win sha..welldone @Kreepyink
6 Dec 2015 | 07:36
make sense story .. let d war begin
6 Dec 2015 | 08:44
Cooooool!!!! Following
6 Dec 2015 | 08:57
hmmm..following..nice 1
6 Dec 2015 | 15:16
6 Dec 2015 | 16:35
Following...... Nxt
7 Dec 2015 | 08:12
Episode 46 Carol looked over at Shea. “Let’s go out into the hall,” Shea said. They followed her out. Carol looked over the random assortment of people Will had chosen for the job. Each person had a fine-tuned skill in which they excelled. Carol knew James was a master at picking locks. Doug could dismantle a gun in less than thirty seconds. They were a highly skilled team, and Carol realized with a sudden light of acknowledgement that Will had chosen each person carefully. Nothing Will did was half-assed or an accident. “Okay,” Shea said with a deep breath. Before she could say anything else, Murphy popped his head into the hallway and handed Shea a folder wordlessly. Shea had barely even grabbed the folder before Murphy disappeared back into the room. She looked at the door in surprise. Carol didn’t know Murphy could even move that fast. “Let’s see,” Shea said, opening the folder. She read for a few seconds and looked back up at them. “They’re our instructions for the mission.” Shea read more. “It says that Greg Dodson will be entering “The Sip” bar at around one pm. Geeze, this guy starts early.” “The Sip?” Aiden asked. Shea looked up at him. “Yes, is there a problem?” “No. I just suppose I’m your driver then,” Aiden said factually. Shea looked down at the sheet, and back up at Aiden. “Actually you are. How did you know?” “A few weeks ago, Will and I mapped out short-cuts around the city, and drove them together. I’m the chief heist driver. Used to be professional,” Aiden said this casually, as if he was ordering coffee or tea. “Wow. Okay. Will is really on top of his shit,” Shea observed. Carol snorted and nodded in agreement. They all looked at her. “Sorry,” Carol said with an apologetic smile on her face. “Anyway,” Shea said, turning back to Aiden. “How fast can you get us to the docks?” “Approximately seven minutes.” “Push for five.” “Yes ma’am.” “Okay, our instructions say that I will obtain Greg at around one thirty. There’s a back alley behind The Sip. I’ll go into the bar at one twenty, and be in back at exactly one thirty. I’m going to slip something into his drink, so he should be passed out at one thirty. Doug, you have to dismantle his weapon and leave it in the alley,” Shea read. “But they’ll find it.” “That’s the point,” Carol said with a smile. She was learning fast. Shea looked at Carol with a nod of approval. “She’s right. Our superiors want them to find it. It’s a sign. After you dismantle the weapon, we all get in the car, and Aiden will take us to the docks. Oren will interrogate Greg with Will. I hear Oren is quite the information-extractor.” Shea looked up at Oren, who only replied with silent eye contact. “But we can’t return him to the bar,” Doug said with a frown. “They’ll be waiting.” “Be patient,” Shea said, turning her gaze to Doug. “Here is where James and Carol come into play. We are going to drop off Greg at their own headquarters by the west docks.” It was genius. While most of the men will be dispatched to the bar to wait for Greg’s return, they would return him right under their own noses. It was a gamble. The gang headquarter locations were no secret to other gangs, considering there was so much traffic of drugs and people around the areas. But gang members never dared to enter in another gang’s headquarter area. They would be spotted within seconds. Unless there was a distraction.
7 Dec 2015 | 09:03
It was perfect. This was sending a message that they did not desire violence, but that the O’Meara family had the power to walk into their headquarters and deliver the missing boy right under their own faces. “Carol, you knock out the remaining members at the headquarters, while James picks the lock. We deliver the boy, and then get the hell out of there before other men return. That’s why we have a time limit. If we take too long, the men will get restless and tired of investigating the scene, and return to their headquarters.” Shea flipped the folder closed, and looked up at her group. “You guys ready to get down and dirty?” she asked. Carol had never been so excited in her life. This was better than Christmas morning. * * * Sometimes Riley was amazed at how much idiocy could run in Kieran’s relatives. “They won’t be expecting a surprise attack,” Brennan pushed. Riley almost spit out his drink in laughter. This guy could not be for real. Since Riley’s mouth was full, he looked over to Will to handle the idiot. The head of the table was still empty. “Think for a minute here, Brennan,” Will began. But he was cut off before he could reach his point. “It would be unusual for Kieran to attack. It isn’t like him,” Brennan said over the attempts of the other men to stifle their laughter. “Think!” Will yelled, slamming his fist on the table and standing up. The room immediately fell silent. “If they had information about our big buyer, a full scale attack would surely leak out.” Will sank back into his chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Riley thought Will looked like he was about to pass out onto the floor. “Then how do we know the traitor isn’t in this room right now?” Brennan asked. Riley rubbed his face vigorously. This guy literally could not get, any stupider. “Maybe we should have a loyalty test,” Riley finally cut in, glaring at Brennan. “…Maybe we should,” Brennan shot back at Riley, returning the dark look. “Outside?” Riley pressed, standing up. “Right now.” Brennan stood too. “Enough,” Kieran’s voice sounded behind Riley. Kieran was pushing his chair into the room. Riley sat back down like a little kid who was caught trying to escape time-out. Brennan sat too. Riley caught Diesel shooting looks to his men of unknown meaning. “We’re not launching an attack,” Kieran said, looking purposefully at Brennan. “We’re going to give them a proverbial middle finger.” “You’re an idiot Kieran!” Brennan blurted out. The room went eerily silent. Brennan clapped his hands over his big, dim-witted mouth. But it was too late. Riley looked over at Kieran, to try and gauge the degree of punishment. Kieran and Will made eye contact. Wordlessly, Kieran held up two fingers to Will. “Maybe three,” Kieran said out loud to Will, talking in a weird language only they knew. Will understood exactly what Kieran wanted, nodding and standing up. Riley never ceased to be amazed at how well Will and Kieran worked. They were perfect friends, and even perfect work partners. Everyone strived to have friendships like theirs. They almost always had the same thoughts and the same strategies. Riley was jealous of their relationship.
7 Dec 2015 | 09:07
Episode 48 “No…” Brennan said, backing away from the table. Will nodded at two men behind Brennan, who grabbed the scared man from behind. “No!” Brennan yelled, trying to pull away. “Let’s go Brennan. Keep your dignity intact,” Will said tiredly, leading the way out of the room. Brennan was led, resisting like a baby, out of the room by the men who grabbed him. Will nodded at Carol, who followed them out of the room as well. A man came out of the kitchen and gave Kieran his food, which the boss ate, as if nothing had ever happened. The room was silent as Kieran ate. When he finished, he looked up at everyone again. “I apologize for making you all wait, I was just really famished. Anyways, as I was saying, we’re going to hit them where it hurts. I have a distant relative I called who is going to help us with this task. We’re going to capture and question Greg Dodson.” Riley’s mouth dropped open. Trevor was very protective of his little brother. The shocked reaction echoed around all the members of the table. “Your relative… he can do this?” Diesel asked. It was the question they all were thinking. Kieran turned to him. “She can do this flawlessly.” After Kieran was done with the food, they all went back to the conference room. Will slipped in a few minutes, later, wiping blood off his hands with a handkerchief. This gesture did not go unnoticed. Riley saw Diesel shoot his men a look that said, “…and you thoughtIwas strict.” “We need to answer one question gentlemen,” Kieran said. “How are we going to avoid this act of retaliation from becoming grounds for declaring war?” Kieran looked around the room. “And then,” he continued, “we need to begin making preparations for a war that might eventually befall us.” The arguments lasted well over an hour to answer one simple question. Riley thought it would be at least atinybit easier to answer how they were going to avoid a war from their kidnapping. Diesel was trying his hardest to give input, since his gang would be drawn to war as well. “…Maybe we should just announce it on the six o’clock news,” Fynn said harshly to Gilroy. The family members were the ones fighting the most. Riley looked over at Kieran and Will, who had all but given up on the situation. All they could do now was listen to the debate raging around them. Kieran listened with his chin resting the arm he had leaning on an armrest of his chair. Will looked as if he was half-listening, jotting down something every few minutes on the legal pad sitting in front of him. Riley had engaged in debate with Nolan for at least half of an hour. Now Fynn and Gilroy had taken over as the main debaters. It was very tiring. But Riley felt the most grief for Kieran. The poor guy had almost no executive power in this situation, since now another gang was involved. He had to try and please everyone. And the more Riley thought about it, the more he realized that Kieran usually tried to appease everyone regardless. They always had a mutiny to worry about. So Kieran picked the option that was best suited to his organization, even when sometimes that option was his personal least-favorite. It was times like these that Riley tended to zone out of his surroundings. He began to think about meeting the perfect woman when something from the room tugged at his attention. The tension had doubled in the last thirty seconds. And now, Fynn and Gilroy were glaring at each other. “At least I’m not a limp-dick-“ Gilroy was cut off from his sentence by Fynn forcefully pushing the table into Gilroy’s gut, made possible by their seating on opposite sides. Riley was sitting on the same side as Gilroy, and processed everything too slow, due to his former state of daydreaming. Riley felt his breath forced from his diaphragm by the sharp edge of the table, which lodged itself into his body just below the ribs. Tbc......
7 Dec 2015 | 09:13
@kreepyink looks like u've already post dis
7 Dec 2015 | 12:44
u r stil reapeating d one u hv posted bf...
7 Dec 2015 | 13:34
My man av read dis nah
7 Dec 2015 | 14:20
Dis episode have been posted before
7 Dec 2015 | 14:38
following keenly
7 Dec 2015 | 15:02
Dis is repeated plsss
7 Dec 2015 | 15:44
Sorry guys gonna make ammendment....
7 Dec 2015 | 18:02
Episode 46 Carol looked over at Shea. “Let’s go out into the hall,” Shea said. They followed her out. Carol looked over the random assortment of people Will had chosen for the job. Each person had a fine-tuned skill in which they excelled. Carol knew James was a master at picking locks. Doug could dismantle a gun in less than thirty seconds. They were a highly skilled team, and Carol realized with a sudden light of acknowledgement that Will had chosen each person carefully. Nothing Will did was half-assed or an accident. “Okay,” Shea said with a deep breath. Before she could say anything else, Murphy popped his head into the hallway and handed Shea a folder wordlessly. Shea had barely even grabbed the folder before Murphy disappeared back into the room. She looked at the door in surprise. Carol didn’t know Murphy could even move that fast. “Let’s see,” Shea said, opening the folder. She read for a few seconds and looked back up at them. “They’re our instructions for the mission.” Shea read more. “It says that Greg Dodson will be entering “The Sip” bar at around one pm. Geeze, this guy starts early.” “The Sip?” Aiden asked. Shea looked up at him. “Yes, is there a problem?” “No. I just suppose I’m your driver then,” Aiden said factually. Shea looked down at the sheet, and back up at Aiden. “Actually you are. How did you know?” “A few weeks ago, Will and I mapped out short-cuts around the city, and drove them together. I’m the chief heist driver. Used to be professional,” Aiden said this casually, as if he was ordering coffee or tea. “Wow. Okay. Will is really on top of his shit,” Shea observed. Carol snorted and nodded in agreement. They all looked at her. “Sorry,” Carol said with an apologetic smile on her face. “Anyway,” Shea said, turning back to Aiden. “How fast can you get us to the docks?” “Approximately seven minutes.” “Push for five.” “Yes ma’am.” “Okay, our instructions say that I will obtain Greg at around one thirty. There’s a back alley behind The Sip. I’ll go into the bar at one twenty, and be in back at exactly one thirty. I’m going to slip something into his drink, so he should be passed out at one thirty. Doug, you have to dismantle his weapon and leave it in the alley,” Shea read. “But they’ll find it.” “That’s the point,” Carol said with a smile. She was learning fast. Shea looked at Carol with a nod of approval. “She’s right. Our superiors want them to find it. It’s a sign. After you dismantle the weapon, we all get in the car, and Aiden will take us to the docks. Oren will interrogate Greg with Will. I hear Oren is quite the information-extractor.” Shea looked up at Oren, who only replied with silent eye contact. “But we can’t return him to the bar,” Doug said with a frown. “They’ll be waiting.” “Be patient,” Shea said, turning her gaze to Doug. “Here is where James and Carol come into play. We are going to drop off Greg at their own headquarters by the west docks.” It was genius. While most of the men will be dispatched to the bar to wait for Greg’s return, they would return him right under their own noses. It was a gamble. The gang headquarter locations were no secret to other gangs, considering there was so much traffic of drugs and people around the areas. But gang members never dared to enter in another gang’s headquarter area. They would be spotted within seconds. Unless there was a distraction. It was perfect. This was sending a message that they did not desire violence, but that the O’Meara family had the power to walk into their headquarters and deliver the missing boy right under their own faces. “Carol, you knock out the remaining members at the headquarters, while James picks the lock. We deliver the boy, and then get the hell out of there before other men return. That’s why we have a time limit. If we take too long, the men will get restless and tired of investigating the scene, and return to their headquarters.” Shea flipped the folder closed, and looked up at her group. “You guys ready to get down and dirty?” she asked. Carol had never been so excited in her life. This was better than Christmas morning. * * *
7 Dec 2015 | 18:20
Episode 47 Will had never met Shea. But he was impressed when she showed up exactly on time. He heard the van before he saw it. The vehicle came squealing around the corner and stopped roughly in front of the warehouse at one thirty-five. Shea jumped out of the van first, and Will let his eyes run over her tight body, clothed in all black. Will almost allowed himself to be completely distracted by her beauty. But when she threw open the door to the back and the unconscious Greg Dodson tumbled out of the van, Will sprung into action. Along with Oren, Will carried the young man into the warehouse. Greg was already starting to gain consciousness again. Will didn’t know whether to be completely amazed by Oren, or more confused by the information he was receiving. “…an anonymous tip source?” Will asked Greg. Greg was now fiddling with his hands, and looking around the room every five seconds. Oren had Greg backed into a corner, eating out of the palm of his hand. As a response, Greg looked at Oren. Oren looked impatient. “Go ahead, answer him,” Oren said with an irritated nod. Greg glanced back at Will, as if Will would provide Greg with a way out. However, Will just stared expectantly back at Greg. They only had five minutes left. Oren managed to reduce the initial threats and bargaining attempts down to five minutes. They had been talking for ten. This left five minutes until Greg was to be delivered to the van again. Will needed this mission to be successful. Heneededa win. “Well yes, via phone. The tip givers are a man and a woman, maybe multiple people even. They take turns intermittently. But no names have ever been supplied. They go collectively by the alias ‘Iconoclast’.”Greg was now fiddling with his thumbs, refusing to make eye contact with either Will or Oren. Greg knew the information he was giving would ultimately hurt his brother’s gang. But little Dodson believed his very life was on the line here. There was no withholding information. Will leaned back against the wall, to try and process this. Oren, who was sitting across the table from Greg, turned in his seat to seek further instruction from Will. Will trained his eyes on Greg, who eventually looked up from his thumbs. “And you just believe this person- these people?” Will finally asked. “Whoever they are, they’re very convincing. I’m afraid Trevor is getting too bold with this new information source- he isobviouslygetting too bold.” Greg was referring to the situation he was currently in. “Obviously.” Will agreed. “Your brother is an idiot for putting so much faith in someone. They could easily screw him over, get him caught in a trap- maybe even killed,” Will said nonchalantly. He knew exactly what he was doing. And it wasn’t fair. But Will didn’t have trouble falling asleep most nights. He wasn’t exactly considered a saint. They were all criminals after all.
7 Dec 2015 | 18:22
Episode 48 Greg opened his mouth to respond, then shut it again. It was exactly the reaction Will was looking for. Oren made eye contact with Will, and Will understood that Oren knew the game. Will thought he even saw a hint of admiration in Oren’s eyes. It was a cheap, dirty trick. Will was planting concern in Greg for his brother’s life. Greg wasn’t experienced enough to catch the trick. Will was making Greg doubt both the source and his own brother. Greg now thought their source could be a set-up from the O’Meara family. Perhaps even this whole kidnapping was a set-up to make it seem like they wanted information, but Will let a tiny piece of information slide. Will could see the doubt and anxiousness in Greg’s eyes, though the poor kid tried to hide it. He had no chance. Will had set everything up beautifully in that one line. And Oren was smart enough to run with it. So Will and Oren made eye contact nervously, which was picked up by Greg. “Time to go,” Will said quickly, striding over to Greg and putting a bag over his head. Greg thought they had blown their cover, so it was time for them to return him. Greg made no indication that he thought it was a set up, so they had no choice but to return the kid. Greg smiled to himself. They were probably praying he hadn’t picked up on that little mistake Will had made. Will shoved Greg into the back of the car and smiled too. It was beautiful. But Will’s work was never done. He went back toward the bar where Greg had been originally abducted. Will had a room rented in a building across the street to give him visual access to who was in the bar. Will pulled his hood up as he walked toward the bar. He knew this was dangerous considering someone could easily recognize him. But Will had to make sure that their plan wouldn’t be completely spoiled. He had to be assured that most of the men in the headquarters closest to the bar hadn’t returned. Shea’s team could only handle so many men, and Will wasn’t ready to let his highly specialized team be slaughtered in an ambush. Once in the room, Will was pleased to see a large group of Dodson’s men were still lingering in the bar. His binoculars helped him to even identify some of them. Will pulled his hood up again to leave. His work was still unfinished. He walked down the hallway consumed in his thoughts. A strange sensation filled the air in the hallway, and Will responded by looking up and around. He immediately identified three figures only about twenty feet away. They were Dodson’s men. He had terrible timing. The three men were on their way out of a room while Will was walking down the hall. Following pure instinct, Will sized up the men, and decided he couldn’t win against all three. There was a period of about five seconds of complete stillness in the hallway. And then motion erupted. Will pivoted to turn around and haul ass away as the men made quick eye contact and threw themselves down the hall after Will. They caught him in the stairwell, and had to knock him unconscious in order to control his flailing limbs and flying fists. Will was woken by water thrown in his face. Trevor Dodson was standing in front of Will, looking extremely pissed off. Will knew what this was though. This was perfect for Trevor. This was Dodson getting everything he wanted. Will knew he was going to get a beating. But not for little Dodson’s kidnapping. This was Trevor’s way of getting the war he was so badly trying to instigate. Crafty bastard. And Will’s timing only helped Dodson. He had justification for the beating. Will knew exactly what was going to happen. Dodson would defend himself in front of other gangs in the city by claiming he thought Will still had possession of Greg. But Dodson knew better. And he knew how Kieran would respond. Will spat at Trevor as he got closer. “Got something to say Will?” Trevor sneered. “Yeah,” Will spat back. “Fuck you.” Will fought off his need to scream in pain for the first few minutes of the beating, but when Dodson twisted his injured wrist, Will broke down, and screamed in agony through gritted teeth. From there on, Will lost all control of his willpower and reacted as his body demanded. The gruesome sound of flesh and bone on flesh and bone made some guys in the room feel queasy. It became half noticeable to Will that he was in a fog-like state, everything being hazy and distant, considering the sickening sound of his body being pummeled seemed miles away.
7 Dec 2015 | 18:23
Episode 49 So it wasn’t long before silence and darkness crept up over Will like warm covers being draped over his eyes. * * * There was a good thirty seconds of indecision and shock for Lia until she screamed once, and began to yell for help. The man on the front steps was something that once resembled Will, only beaten into a bloody mess. The puddle of blood under Will was slowly getting bigger. Lia got woozy for a moment, and thought she might faint, but she denied herself that luxury. Will needed help… Kieran would need help. And that was her job after all.Oh no, Kieran,Lia thought as she continued to yell for help. She knew this would tear him apart. And though she didn’t understand the politics of what was happening, she understood that this was not good. The first men to come rushing over were people Lia recognized. They worked with Kieran often. She knew one was named Riley. At first they stood there in shock. Then one of the older men shook himself loose of the paralyzing shock and began to bark out orders. “Don’t touch him!” he yelled at one guy who rushed to kneel next to Will. “No one move him!” He turned to someone inside the house. “Get Kieran,” he ordered. Someone Lia couldn’t see rushed away to follow orders. Lia realized she was standing behind the men with her hands over her mouth. It wasn’t long before Kieran came out of the door, going as fast as possible in a wheelchair. His pained facial expression when he saw Will almost made Lia cry. He looked as if someone had stolen his favorite object right from under his arms. Lia was the only one that watched him struggle to keep control. All the other men looked away in respect. They also knew how hard it must be for him. There was about a minute of complete silence while Kieran watched his friend bleeding onto his front patio as he struggled to pull himself together. Then he spoke. “Who found him?” Kieran asked, looking at the people gathered around Will. They all looked over at Lia, who slowly raised her hand. They made eye contact. Lia looked at Kieran sadly, and she saw Kieran’s face harden again. “How did you find him?” Kieran asked her, no longer on the brink of a mental and emotional breakdown. “I came out to get something from my car,” Lia admitted. “And I saw a car speed down the driveway. I was so distracted by the car I almost tripped over Will.” Lia kept her eyes trained on the ground. She couldn’t look at Kieran- or anyone else for that matter while she spoke. She especially couldn’t look at Will again. She was just glad he wasn’t conscious for the pain. After momentary silence, Lia looked back up at Kieran- who seemed to be thinking since he was staring into space. The men crowded around Will on the ground were looking to Kieran for further instruction. After a few more seconds of utter silence, Kieran snapped back to attention. “Riley,” Kieran addressed. “Sir?” Riley stood. “Call Gilroy. Get him over here now.” Riley rushed into the house. “Nolan, call St. Helen’s hospital downtown, ask for Dr. McNamara. If anyone asks who’s called tell them it’s me. When you speak to the doctor, tell him I’m calling in that favor, and ask him to come out here. Tell him this is off record.” Nolan nodded and dutifully went into the house again. “Murphy-“ Kieran continued, “call Diesel, ask him to come out here. Tell him it’s urgent.” Murphy went into the house before Kieran was barely done speaking. Now Kieran turned his attention to Lia. “Lia,” Kieran said. Lia looked up to Kieran and made eye contact with him again. Lia went over to her boss, and knelt in front of him. “Are you okay?” she asked gently. “I’m fine,” Kieran lied. “Can you go get Will a blanket? He’s shivering.” Lia stood, knowing he had shrugged her concern off. “Of course,” Lia responded, and headed into the house. Once in the house, she noticed things were very stressed. The tension in the house was at an all time high. Everyone knew what was going on. Even new employees seemed uncomfortable. Lia supposed it didn’t take long to figure out what was really happening in the O’Meara family. She didn’t remember the first time she figured it out; she had been so young when she first started working here. Lia just silently prayed Kieran wouldn’t make any rash decisions as a result of this terrible crime.
7 Dec 2015 | 18:25
Episode 50 He had woken up at one point, looking around in a confused manner. Dr. McNamara and Kieran assured him things would be okay, and that he should go back to sleep. Lia watched as Will’s eyes closed again and noticed Kieran’s thankful sigh. Will was in his room in the O’Meara mansion, his stable condition confirmed by the doctor. His injuries required rest, no offensive medical treatment needed to be taken. After a few hours of watching over Will himself, Kieran slowly pushed his chair out of his room. Lia followed. Kieran sat in the hallway for a few moments, blankly staring at a portrait of some dead relative. Lia stood silently by him. Dr. McNamara left, with the promise he would return to check on the patient in the morning. Only Murphy remained at Will’s side. “Go home Lia,” Kieran said, finally making eye contact with his employee. Lia turned to go, but felt something push at her from the back of her mind.If you don’t stay with him and help him now, you’ll be kicking yourself,Lia thought. After an internal battle waged between fear of her boss and her need to do what she felt was right, Lia turned around to face Kieran again. He looked up at her as if realizing for the first time she had never left. “No- I can’t, sir,” Lia said resolutely. Kieran’s eyebrows knitted together in a look of confusion. “What?” he asked, tilting his head. “I can’t go. I’m going to stay with you. You need help.” Lia thought she sounded pretty stanch, so she was surprised when he started laughing. His face went from confused to amused in 0.5 seconds. Lia couldn’t help but smile along with him, since she strangely got the sense he wasn’t laughingather. “Well then,” he said, leaning on an arm of his wheelchair, “what would you like to help with?” “Anything I can, I mean, I thought I would just help you when you need assistance, but I can do more,” she offered, nodding for emphasis. Kieran was silent for a few seconds, seemingly studying her. “Okay,” he said finally. And that was all he said as he turned his chair. Lia pondered Kieran’s unique ability to make every one of his words matter. His single ‘okay’ made Liafeelhis sincerity, and not just hear it. Somehow, with that one word, Kieran managed to convey the fact he honestly believed Lia was capable of helping him where he needed help, and he wasn’t just saying ‘okay’ to shut her up. She was always amazed by him when he did things like that. So she followed him down the hallway, still in awe. They entered the sitting room. Lia surveyed the people present. The commanders, Gilroy, Madden, and the team led by Shea were there. They had been arguing, but ceased speaking immediately upon Kieran’s entry. “Diesel’s on his way,” Riley spoke before Kieran could even ask. Kieran nodded. “We have to attack,” Nolan said, “there’s no way to avoid war.” “Yes there is, shut up Nolan,” Riley countered. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nolan snapped at Riley. Kieran rubbed his forehead. The sight of Kieran distressed sent Lia into action, and before she knew what she was doing, she had interjected. “Actually, there is way,” Lia cut in. Nolan’s attention instantly focused on Lia. “Who the hell are you and why are you speaking?” Nolan spat at Lia. “She’s with me,” Kieran said darkly. The room got silent. “…and if you insult her again, I promise youwon’tlike the consequences. So, let’s all shut the fuck up and listen to what the girl has to say.” Kieran’s dark mood set a cloud of silence over the room. But Lia was star-struck. His protectiveness made her heart race and her stomach fill with sand. When he looked over at her and gave her a small, reassuring smile, she almost completely lost the ability to speak. But the thought of his distress sent her into action again. “There is a way to avoid any full-scale violence. Two years ago, March 2010, we were on the brink of a turf war with the Italians. After a few run-ins, Kieran and Will thought up a brilliant plan to be mediated by a neutral… uh, organization. Central was called in to mediate and provide a verdict. The verdict was sent to a neutral in New York City in order to assure there was no bribing or bias. After the verdict was found to be legitimate, both sides paid their dues and the war was avoided.” Lia fell silent. She looked sheepishly at everyone around the room after a few moments of silence. Almost every person’s mouth was slightly ajar. Lia looked to Kieran, who wore the same shocked expression. Nolan had one eyebrow raised. More episode 2morrow...
7 Dec 2015 | 18:28
Av rectified d episode.. U can now read from episode 46 to 50... Sorry 4 d mix up @Coolval222-2 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Johnysky @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks@Originalannchilex del @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay@Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C-Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Olami @Beryl @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad@Ele1@Fedinard @Abednego-precious-7 @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @natasha @sophia
7 Dec 2015 | 18:31
Chaaiii don lost big tym 4 diz towi
7 Dec 2015 | 18:33
@donyas @Jazzypeter u can now continue
7 Dec 2015 | 18:37
Gud job @kreepyink who could have thought lia had such a brian
7 Dec 2015 | 19:09
I never knew lia is this smart
7 Dec 2015 | 21:27
@kreepyink ...Tanx bro for ur tym u re gud
8 Dec 2015 | 01:32
Thaks for d correction @kreepypink Ride on rilli enjoying d stowie
8 Dec 2015 | 03:59
nobody will knw dat lia has such sense m sure that will increase d likeness kieren have for her
8 Dec 2015 | 06:58
u ve posted dis 1 b4 bt still dey follow sah
8 Dec 2015 | 11:20
Episode 51 “…While that is a good suggestion,” Fynn finally broke the silence in a tone that suggested disbelief, speaking slowly. “It seems Dodson and his gangwantsa war.” “I can’t imagine why,” Gilroy said, shaking his head. “Yeah, and where is their information source?” Madden said in her thick Boston accent which made source sound like ‘sauce’. “Its gotta be comin’ from somewheres.” “So, there’s only two options is what I’m hearing. Either keep playing the game or act on the offensive?” Riley said doubtfully. “Theremustbe a better way, a better option…” “There isn’t,” Kieran spoke softly. The room became silent. “They made this perfectly clear tonight. He’s trying to push me. He wants a war… and we’re going to give it to him. Only, we have to make it seem like our offense is justified.” Silence prevailed in the room. “We’re going to burn down one of our warehouses.” “What?” Nolan sputtered, almost spitting out the coffee he was drinking. Everyone in the room looked at each other. “Did I stutter?” Kieran asked darkly. “We’re going to burn down our warehouse. It will be all over the news. We’ll have to get support from our allies. They would never believe we would burn down our own property. That little bitch Dodson won’t know what the fuck hit him.” They all stared at Kieran like he had two heads. Kieran rolled his eyes impatiently. “Madden,” Kieran said. “Sir?” Madden responded. “You take the lead on this one. Select a team, consult with the people in this room. Get started.” “Affirmative,” Madden said without hesitation. “I need to go. If you need me, you know where I am,” Kieran said, suddenly pushing himself out the door and down the hall towards his room. Lia hurried after him. “Kieran!” she cried, rushing to catch up. Lia didn’t know what he was doing until she saw him roll his chair into the bathroom, over to the toilet, and immediately throw up into the basin. Lia’s eyes widened. “Kieran!” she cried again, kneeling next to him and rubbing his back while he continued to vomit into the toilet bowl. Finally, he sat back, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I apologize,” Kieran said, looking at Lia. “I was holding that in for quite some time.” “Don’t apologize! Are you okay?” Lia questioned, concern in her eyes. Kieran smiled reassuringly at her as he nodded. “Here,” Lia said, standing up and grabbing mouthwash for Kieran. “Thanks,” Kieran said, swirling the mouthwash around in his mouth. He spat the mouthwash into the sink. “I’ve been feeling sick ever since I saw Will,” Kieran admitted. Lia nodded and sat on the side of the tub, so she was level with Kieran. “Me too,” Lia said, looking at Kieran. They held each other’s eye contact. And then Kieran reached up slowly and brushed some of Lia’s hair out of her face. His hand drifted down and lingered over her cheek. She kept looking into his beautiful blue eyes as she reached up and covered his hand with hers. And then somehow Lia was in Kieran’s lap, and they were kissing ravenously, as if they had been waiting to kiss for their entire lives. They explored each other’s mouths with their own, smashing their lips together, their mouths moving rhythmically in time with the other. When they pulled back, both were out of breath, and both were surprised at their intensity; surprised, but glad. They smiled simultaneously. A knock on the bedroom door interrupted their moment. Kieran looked towards the knock, then back at Lia. She stood from Kieran’s lap with a coy smile, and winked at him before heading towards the door. She opened it and saw Madden, whose eyebrow raised immediately after seeing Lia’s smeared lipstick. It was then that Lia realized everyone knew what was going on between herself and her boss. Lia quickly excused herself while allowing Madden into the room. Before the door closed completely, Lia looked back and made eye contact with Kieran, who calmly watched Lia leave.
8 Dec 2015 | 12:11
Episode 52 The timing had to be perfect. Monica fluffed her hair again, and tried to exaggerate her tiny baby bump. She sat down on the sofa and began folding baby clothes. She did it slowly, so the timing was perfect. And it was. Dan came charging through the front door of her apartment, his face enraged. When his eyes focused on her, and what she was doing, he paused for the briefest of moments. Bingo. Monica smiled. He came storming over to her. “You bitch!” he yelled, taking her arm and pulling her to her feet. Monica glared at him and yanked her arm away from his grip, knowing that if she hadn’t been folding baby clothes, this would have been much worse. “What the hell?” she asked, still glaring. “You’re an evil bitch, you know that? Don’t think I’m so stupid. I know exactly what you’re doing,” Dan yelled. “What are you talking about?” Monica yelled back. “You’re trying to distract me from your evildoings by using our child,” he explained with disdain, gesturing to the tiny clothes. “What?” she squinted at him. “You did it. Youdid it! You had Will beaten into a bloody fucking mess!” Dan yelled, ripping a lamp from the wall and throwing it across the room. It smashed into pieces on the wall. Monica glared at her lover. “ Ihad nothing to do with that!” Monica cried, hiding the lie well. “You’re right,” Dan said softly. Monica felt like she had been stunned by a taser gun. Dan covered his face with his hands and sunk to the couch. “It was my fault.Itold you about Will’s plans. I should’ve never trusted a conniving little whore like you,” Dan said, taking his hands away to look at Monica. Out of pure reflex, Monica slapped Dan across the face so hard the sound reverberated around the apartment. She knew she wasn’t helping her case right now. Dan stood up and walked towards Monica menacingly. Monica retreated, but he kept coming towards her until she was backed into a wall. Dan looked into her eyes, clenched his fist, and punched right through the wall a few inches away from Monica’s head. She flinched and closed her eyes. “Daniel!” Monica cried, opening her eyes again. Dan pulled his hand out of the wall, and grabbed his wrist, flinching with pain. Monica saw the support beam Dan’s hand had hit, located a few inches behind the dry wall. “Damnit!” Dan yelled, shaking out his hand. His hand and wrist were beginning to swell. “Dan,” Monica’s voice became softer, as she reached out to help him. He pulled away from her like she had electrocuted him. “Don’t…” Dan’s voice was soft now, like he was tired. Then Monica realized Dan was shaking, as he leaned against the wall for support. Monica’s eyes widened for moment as she rushed over to her lover. “Dan, sit down.” Monica grabbed his arm. Dan was pale, and accepted her assistance. Monica could feel him still shaking. She helped him walk over to the couch, and eased him into a seat. He covered his face with his good hand, and put his hurt one on the arm rest. Monica went into the tiny kitchen and brought him back some ice and a beer. He drank the beer slowly, while Monica wrapped a towel around the ice and put it on Dan’s swollen hand. “You did it, didn’t you?” Dan finally said softly. “No!” Monica said, “I didn’t orchestrate that Dan, I only provided information,” she finally admitted. She knew about the room Will had rented, Dan let it slip a few days prior when he was intoxicated with cheap whiskey. Dan looked over at her. “I didn’t plan it though.” “You knew what would happen.” “I didn’t think he would be hurt badly, I have nothing against your brother. It’s Kieran I’m after,” Monica explained. “You’re after him through Will,” Dan said. “It’ll take more than Will to get to that son-of-a-bitch,” Monica replied truthfully. Dan looked over at her. He was silent. “I’ll have to use other means to get Kieran to declare an unjustified war. That man is very stubborn.” Dan looked at Monica calmly. “If my brother gets hurt again in your schemes Monica, I’ll kill you myself,” he said. Monica looked at Dan and knew he would do it. And it turned her on. Next thing she knew, they were making out on the couch, Monica straddling Dan’s lap. Dan pushed Monica back. “I mean that, you know,” Dan said, referring to his threat. Monica smiled slowly at him. “I know,” she replied, ecstatic and turned on at the fact Dan finally grew a spine.
8 Dec 2015 | 12:13
Episode 53 Monica untangled herself from the sheets of the bed, and got up to get a cigarette, still completely naked. She sat down in front of her vanity, crossing her legs and lighting the cigarette, inhaling the sweet burn. Dan watched her for a few moments, before inspecting his injured hand. It was still swollen and bruised, despite the ice. Monica looked at Dan’s hand as well, feeling bad for her lover. She was surprised to realize that she had these feelings of concern for him. Monica surprised herself further by getting ice for him again, and icing his hand while giving him a back rub. Dan exhaled slowly, closing his eyes. He was lying on his stomach, the sheets covering everything from the waist down. His injured hand lay motionless on the bed under an ice pack, while his other hand ruffled his hair aimlessly. Monica used one hand to smoke a cigarette, and the other to rub Dan’s back. He massaged the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, a sign that told Monica he was distressed. “What is it?” she asked. “I’ve really screwed him over,” Dan replied, referring to Will. “I love him, he’s younger than me, and I’m supposed to protect him… not lead trouble right to him.” “Dan, you haven’t done anything wrong. It would’ve happened anyway. He walked right out into them in the hallway.” “They were there because the information they had about him. It came from us.” “They didn’t catch him going in, so they could’ve easily not seen him leave,” Monica said soothingly. Dan still said nothing. “I hope you’re happy if you get your war. If it happens, I’m going to leave you,” he finally broke the silence. Monica sat back, taking her hand away from him quickly. “What?” she sounded astonished. This had not been anticipated. “And you would leave our child?” “I would sue for custody, and I have plenty of evidence I would need in order to gain full custody,” he said simply. “I have tapes, pictures, evidence of you engaging in illegal activity. You aren’t employed. I would easily get custody.” Monica was speechless. She hadn’t anticipated this at all. She had underestimated her mate. And as enraged as she was, she was also impressed. To her, Dan had always been some brainless, spineless excuse for a man. Tonight he had taken her completely by surprise and totally upset her important plans. Monica was calculating this new factor into her plans when Dan interrupted her thoughts. “Don’t be stupid Monica. If you do start the war, and you lose, you’ve losteverything.You should come away with me now. We can start a life together elsewhere, get our child out of this God forsaken city,” he pleaded, twisting his body to make eye contact with her. That wasifshe lost. If she won, she could take out Dan, so her child would stay with her. Defeat was not an option. But if the war began, he would leave… her inside information source would be gone. Perhaps it was already gone anyway. Monica’s head was racing. She realized with a sickening feeling that Dan had more guts than she thought, so what if he told Kieran about her plans? Dan had to be removed from the equation. But Will and Kieran wouldn’t let this go. They would investigate. They would question her. She would have too much attention directed her way. And then Monica smiled. Her mind ceased activity. It was perfect. It was the perfect plan. Tbc.....
8 Dec 2015 | 12:15
Next plz.
8 Dec 2015 | 13:57
This monica is wicked o
8 Dec 2015 | 15:01
you want to eliminate Dan????
8 Dec 2015 | 15:03
u r a fool @Dan u r giving out ur brother to a lady./....
8 Dec 2015 | 15:20
[b][Color=pink]Dis Monica is too wicked nd i dnt lyk Dan at all cos he didn't cre for his younger brother buh it's gud dat he has noticed his mistake. Nice stowie u've got here @kreepypink[/color][/b]
8 Dec 2015 | 15:25
monica u are a devil
8 Dec 2015 | 15:32
8 Dec 2015 | 17:07
like say i don no say monica go plan smetin lke dis
8 Dec 2015 | 17:19
following d story jaweerrr.....*sips kunu*
8 Dec 2015 | 20:52
@kreepyink ... Wow bro u re the bomb
9 Dec 2015 | 05:05
Pls we're waiting for d updates oo @kreepyink
10 Dec 2015 | 02:43
No updates yet......? Whr re u @kreepyink.......?
10 Dec 2015 | 09:21
Episode 54 Riley tried his best to act somber in the situation . But he was secretly ecstatic that he had been chosen for the team with which Madden was charged . He figured this meant he was good at his job, that they needed him . Riley smiled to himself as he walked down the hall to go check on Will . Madden had gone to plan more details with Kieran , she had said before taking off . Riley knew he would be able to cooperate easily with the other team members . He was acquainted with all of them , and friendly with most of them . When Riley arrived at Will ’ s door however , his tiny smile quickly vanished . He knew full well that seeing Will was going to piss him off . He reached for the door handle , and noticed his hand was shaking . Riley quickly drew his hand back , and shook it out . Before he lost all courage , Riley burst through the door , and closed it quietly upon seeing Murphy sitting next to Will. For some strange reason , it seemed to Riley that Will ’ s condition was hardest on Murphy , not Kieran . Murphy had always looked up to Will as a role model . When Riley entered , Murphy stood up and left to give him privacy . Riley walked up and sat next to Will ’ s bed . Will had a huge , fresh scab on his lip , a black eye , various bruises , and his already hurt wrist was bandaged and lying on top of a pillow. Riley ’ s blood boiled . “I swear , ” Riley said out loud . “I ’ m going to get revenge on whoever did this to you . You just say the name , and I ’ ll do it .” Riley needed Will to say who it was for sure. And then Riley heard a muffled , sharp pop . And he was also distinctly aware that the ringing “ pop ” sounded like a gunshot. After he was silent for a minute while the wheels in his brain turned, Riley ran . He took off out the door and down the hallway . Riley ran toward the direction he guessed the shot came from . He eventually bumped into a few people heading in the same direction , but they had been closer when it happened. So Riley followed the others , (to his dismay ) right towards Kieran ’ s room . They ran through the already opened door. Riley saw a few people crowded around Kieran ’ s chair , frantically trying to help while Madden put pressure on a wound in Kieran ’ s arm, which was staining the white rag red . Riley heard Kieran weakly whisper , his face getting pale as he swooned . “Lia , ” he said . “Get Lia .” As he repeated it , Riley realized someone was probably already getting Lia . His thoughts were confirmed when Lia rushed in a minute later . Her face was white , and the look of pure terror on her face told Riley that she was completely in love with Kieran . She ran over and bumped Madden aside like she didn ’ t even exist . Riley saw the rejected look on Madden’ s, followed by pure jealousy when Kieran looked at Lia and smiled . Lia was now holding the cloth to Kieran ’ s arm, kneeling in front of him . “My arm, ” Kieran said looking down at his arm. He was referring to the fact he was going to be needy in the next few weeks . Losing an arm for him was losing his only means of transportation , self - sufficient freedom . Riley watched fondly as Lia didn ’ t hesitate. “I ’ ll take care of you , ” Lia whispered . He smiled . “Lia , ” Kieran whispered , and Riley watched Kieran ’ s eyes roll back into the deep sockets in his pale face . He had passed out just as the ambulance sirens could be heard .
11 Dec 2015 | 07:29
Episode 55 And take care of him , Lia did . Riley watched Lia take care of Kieran every moment of her Spring Break . She eventually moved into the small pool house in the back yard . While Kieran was being carted to the hospital , Dan Reedus came rushing into the house , looking concerned , and asking about his brother . Riley and Dan retreated to Will ’ s room , and Riley left a few minutes later to follow Kieran to the hospital with Lia in his car . Riley assisted Lia often, when Kieran was first stable enough to go home . And after he regained his strength a few days later , he was ready to talk business . Some of the employees at the mansion gossiped about what was happening behind closed doors with Lia and Kieran . Kieran ’ s men patiently waited for instruction . They didn ’ t know if this new wound was priority now . Perhaps payback for this would be the biggest priority . Riley attended a meeting in which Kieran called, on the fourth day after the attack. Will was still slowly recovering , waking up more often for longer periods of time. But talk of Kieran ’ s injury was forbidden in Will ’ s chambers , on Kieran ’ s order himself. By now , Lia was undisputedly Kieran ’ s caretaker . She pushed his wheelchair into the room . Riley noticed how Kieran still managed to look badass . He was wearing a red dress shirt - sleeves rolled up , unbuttoned at the top , black dress pants , dress shoes , and a black arm sling . His arm bandages came out from under his shirt sleeve, which was rolled up to the elbow . The white bandages continued halfway down his arm and stopped . The shot had gone straight through his arm, without hitting the bone . Riley felt bad that Kieran had now lost his only means of transportation, but he knew Lia and Kieran were becoming closer . And now there was a growing concern about the shooter who had shot Kieran . They were all sitting in the conference room , and Riley had Winchester with him as well . His personnel operation was doing well , so Riley was thankful he could focus on his duties as a commander to his boss . Brennan, on the other hand , was having issues getting anyone to sell to him , considering the fact that his last delivery ended in an ambush and returned absolutely no gains to the supplier. Riley looked at Brennan, who had seemed to age considerably over the last few weeks . Nolan looked bad too , his PR skills pushed to the limit with the imminent gang war . Madden sat, stone faced , and Murphy sat , looking like a zombie . Will ’ s condition had taken its toll on them - but especially Murphy .
11 Dec 2015 | 07:31
Episode 56 Riley felt bad for Kieran , as Kieran looked over his sad excuse for friends and employees . They must ’ ve looked like a haggard bunch. “Hello everyone , ” Kieran began. “As you know , I was shot , ” “It was an assassination attempt!” Brennan cried . Riley smacked his hands to his face , and rubbed vigorously. “No , it was the Chinese!” Murphy said , suddenly animated . The room became like a living organism , and now everyone was yelling and pointing and shouting out their own thoughts or the popular rumors . And then the door swung open . Dan Reedus was in the doorway. He had been with his brother all night . “I would like to be Will ’ s temporary, ” he said quietly . Riley watched Dan carefully . Dan had never been as outspoken or outgoing as his charming little brother . But Dan and Kieran had known each other for as long as Will and Kieran ’ s infamous friendship . Kieran nodded , and Dan was accepted into the meeting . As Dan was going to sit down , Riley spoke up , directing his comments completely to Kieran . “The shooter wasn ’ t trying to kill you , sir , ” Riley said . And when the others began to protest , Kieran held up a hand , which silenced them . “Go on Riley , ” Kieran assured him . “I saw the hole in the window , the trajectory from the bullet lands the shooter some 200 yards away in a tree. ” The group looked impressed . “ I spoke with the forensic scientists , ” Riley admitted . “ Anyways, the shooter was 200 yards away , in a tree, with bullets specifically designed for a single- shot pistol . He managed to shoot Kieran in the arm. That wasn’ t a mistake . ” “It could have been coincidence , ” Dan suggested. “No , ” Kieran said , suddenly tilting his head . “Riley ’ s right. If the shooter wanted me dead , I would be dead right now .” Riley saw Lia flinch . “Your orders, sir ?” Dan asked , while the rest of them listened carefully . Kieran was silent for a few moments. Riley glanced at Lia , who sat against the wall , watching Kieran intently as well . Concern was written all over her face . “We ’ ll increase security, but our priority remains with the tension that Ad Hoc and Trevor Dodson have created .” Kieran said resolutely . “Let ’ s break for lunch , and return with focus on external affairs . We ’ ll adjourn for an hour.” Riley looked at Winchester as he handed his assistant the yellow legal pad used for note- taking . “Murphy , Madden, Nolan and Riley , ” Kieran commanded . When they looked, he was motioning for them to approach. Riley followed the order , dismissing Winchester by telling the assistant to save him a seat in the dining room . Kieran jumped into business quickly . “Nolan, call Diesel , tell him that his presence is requested for this afternoon ’ s meeting . ” Kieran turned to Madden. “Our plans for the warehouse will no longer be in purgatory , take Riley after you ’ re done eating and make a draft . ” Riley nodded with Madden, and Kieran turned to Murphy, asking about Will . Riley looked at Madden, who had finished nodding vigorously and was stalking off to the dining room .
11 Dec 2015 | 07:34
Episode 57 Riley was about to leave when he heard Kieran ’ s voice. “Riley ! I ’ m not done with you yet .” “Sir ?” Riley asked , turning around to face his boss . Murphy brushed by Riley while Lia grabbed the handles on the back of Kieran ’ s chair , pushing him over to Riley . Riley walked alongside Kieran as they travelled out the door and down the hallway . “I want to burn our goods in the warehouse to make it seem more realistic … or at least some of our products . Talk to Fynn, and tell me if it can be done .” Kieran suddenly grabbed Riley ’ s arm, making him jump a little . “I trust you , ” Kieran said with a tiny smile for reassurance . Riley nodded , glowing in the confidence of one of the most powerful men in the country . “Thank you , sir , ” Riley said sincerely . “ I will try my hardest to not disappoint you .” * * * Carol sat next to Will . She was extremely fond of the man , and she was angry beyond belief that she had allowed herself to become distracted by one of the most beautiful women in the world , therefore making them vulnerable to mistakes like this . Carol berated herself for blindly following orders, and not making certain that her beloved boss would be okay. Shea was standing in the doorway, watching Carol and Will . Will opened his eyes slowly. When he saw Carol , he smiled at her weakly . “Hey , ” he said nonchalantly. “Hello boss , how are you feeling ? Can I get you anything?” she asked softly but eagerly . Will chuckled , then winced . “Water maybe, ” he answered . Carol reached for the water pitcher next to his bed . She poured him some water in a glass , and put the straw to his lips . He drank carefully , only taking a few sips . He exhaled as he put his head back down . “Thank you .” “The doctor said your injuries are looking better sir , ” Carol said encouragingly. Will nodded . “I think a war is about to begin , ” Shea interjected softly . “ We tried to stop it sir , but …” she trailed off . “Dodson really wants this war , ” Will said . “ That much is clear . And despite the fact that Dodson is pushing for it like hell , Kieran will still probably do everything he can to prevent all the negative consequences we would incur from starting the war Dodson is practically begging us to start .” “Yes sir , ” Carol responded . She was amazed at how coherent and eloquent Will was , even in his condition . She smiled as she thought that her allegiance could not be better spent than on him . “ Kieran wants us to burn one of our properties to frame Dodson . Then our offensive in this war would be justified. ”
11 Dec 2015 | 07:37
Episode 58 “Classic . Beautiful , ” Will said with a smile . Carol saw admiration in Will ’ s eyes . He was so faithful to Kieran . Carol promised herself she would rival his faithfulness to Kieran with her faithfulness to him . “Orders , sir ?” Carol asked . Will looked at Carol . “I would like to speak with Kieran .” Will began to shift , and then he attempted to sit up a little . He cringed in pain . Carol lunged toward him , and grabbed his arm to assist him immediately. “Will …” Shea began to voice her concern , when a look from Carol silenced her . “We ’ ll get him , ” Carol said faithfully to Will , dragging Shea out of the doorway to follow her . “ We are going to get Kieran . ” Carol looked resolutely at Shea , who met Carol ’ s eyes , and blushed. Carol had already turned her head away from Shea , but she was still surprised . Either I ’ m delusional, or it was a mistake. She would never blush at me , Carol thought . Yet there was something about her expression that stuck in Carol ’ s mind. Seemed almost like she was flirting . Passing by the dining room , Carol spotted Lia , who was never far from Kieran . “Lia !” Carol whispered loudly . Lia looked over at Carol , and got up from her seat next to Kieran at the large dining table . There were members of the ranks (higher - importance members ) situated around the table as well . “Hi Carol , ” Lia said with a smile when she got within a few feet. “Hi , ” Carol said with a smile . “ Will wants to speak with Mr . O ’ Meara , do you think it will be possible ?” Lia seemed to consider this for a moment. She tilted her head as she glanced at her watch. “I believe he could for a few minutes now , before the meeting . ” Lia looked back up at Carol . “ I ’ m actually glad I caught you now , because Kieran has requested that you be on duty at the meeting . We need to increase security measures, and Kieran trusts you .” “Of … of course , ” Carol stuttered . Her eyes almost filled with tears at the trust these two men showed her . Lia smiled at Carol and Shea courteously . “I ’ ll tell Kieran , he will be there in a minute .” “Thank you , ” Carol said , turning away . Shea followed next to Carol as she walked back to Will ’ s room at a slower pace . “Did you hear that?” “Hear what ?” Shea asked . “They trust me … they trust me .” “You seem fairly trustworthy .” Carol looked over and locked eyes with Shea . Carol began to avert her eyes to the floor , when Shea pushed Carol up against the wall of the hallway . Carol was so surprised she didn ’ t resist . The two women stood there , their bodies touching , breathing heavily . And then Carol surprised herself by reaching her head up to Shea , and locking lips. Carol rolled so that Shea was trapped by the wall , and now Carol asserted herself, and pushed Shea against the wall , holding her arms down by her side , and then sliding them above her head . Carol and Shea stood there for a few minutes, arms pressed against the wall above their heads, making out. Carol had never made out with such a beautiful woman before, and she felt herself quickly get turned on. And then there were voices .
11 Dec 2015 | 07:41
Episode 59 Carol retreated , and wiped her mouth. Shea laughed , and used spit and her index finger to wipe lipstick from the sides of Carol ’ s lips. They both stood , attentive. Kieran was being pushed by Lia down the hallway . Carol went over to Will ’ s room , and opened the door. “Sir , Mr . O ’ Meara is here , ” Carol said softly inside . Will was still sitting up , and he nodded at her , a smile creeping onto his lips . Carol waited patiently for the business between the two men to finish . The others had certainly begun to arrive for the important meeting . But Carol reasoned that it was better to wait for Kieran . This way, she got to hang around Shea for a little longer . She was going to be posted with Will for most of her time . Carol and Shea wasted no time either . The door was barely closed behind Kieran and Lia before Shea pushed Carol into a wall and their lips were surging together again . The sexual chemistry flooded the air. They kissed as a long and as passionately as possible . This kissing , Carol decided later , was one of the only things keeping her sane and alive as she guarded the room . The increased security made people paranoid, on edge . One of the Commander ’ s assistants left the room and re- entered about fifteen times to “use the bathroom .” He would smile at them nervously before he sprinted to wherever he was going . Carol was fairly convinced that he just kept leaving the room to make certain he could leave . This man had serious anxiety problems . But not only was she monitoring the movement of these people in and out of the room , she was also being asked to do heightened security details . And a large number of the people currently positioned at the house were highly uncomfortable , so Carol was getting security requests - it seemed, from each one of them . She did three different security sweeps of the room before Diesel and Kieran were even allowed to enter . Carol was working with two other men , and by ten pm , all three of them were completely exhausted . So , Carol began to daydream about Shea and their make - out session whenever she had a spare moment. Carol and one other man were stationed at the door of the room , while the other member on security detail was positioned inside the room . They all rotated . When Carol was in the room , she wanted to jump out a window . It was so damn boring. The politics of it all was so excruciating . Carol concluded that Will , Kieran and Nolan existed for this specific reason . They were all too good at the politics . They had always had Carol ’ s respect for that at least . “We need to make preparations for the war , and our suppliers are too sketched out right now to give us a larger stock , ” Brennan said miserably . Carol was always up to speed about the Commanders , and their personal dramas . She was one of Will ’ s favorite after all. And Will loved to bitch about the Commanders .
11 Dec 2015 | 07:44
Final Episode “Why are sellers too scared now ?” Diesel asked with a slight frown . Carol wanted to laugh . She picked at the dirt under her fingernails, losing all interest . “Because Riley can ’ t do his job , ” Brennan said quickly . “You know that isn ’ t true!” Madden protested . Carol chuckled to herself as she watched Riley roll his eyes and pick at a crack in the table . Similarly , Kieran rubbed his face in defeat . The room exploded into arguments all at once . While the arguments continued, Carol got switched out by one of her partners, Denny . “Kill me now , ” Denny whined to Carol . She flashed him a huge smile , finally getting to leave the room . “Sorry dearest , ” Carol responded happily . Denny flipped her off . Carol continued smiling though as she left the room . So here she was . At around eleven thirty , Lia came out into the hall . She folded her arms unhappily , and looked into the room through the small window in the door . She sighed very loudly . “Something wrong miss ?” Carol asked innocently . “Yeah , it’ s eleven thirty and they ’ re still going at it , ” Lia responded . “ There are so many idiots in that room . It ’ s hard not to get irritated with the ignorance . ” Silence filled the hallways for a minute or two before she added , “And Kieran is getting really tired . I can tell .” Even though Carol had never cared for a man , she could even tell that Lia cared deeply for Kieran . He was very important to her . And Carol could also tell she meant a lot to Kieran , by the way he looked at her . Carol was better at telling these things since she was always objectively viewing straight peoples’ interactions . Kieran had a particular softness to his gaze when he looked at her . “What should we do ?” Carol asked Lia , willing to take orders from her to protect their boss . Lia was silent , gazing in at the activities in the room . Carol waited patiently . She couldn ’ t even pretend to know Kieran as well as Lia did . Lia finally turned to Carol . “Here ’ s what we do , ” Lia said . Carol suddenly knew why Kieran liked Lia so much . When she looked into Carol ’ s eyes , talking about her plan , she had a mischievous look in her eye , an almost playful look. And when she looked at Carol , it was as a friend , not just a fellow employee . Carol became instantly fonder of Lia . “ Okay , I ’ m going to threaten Kieran . When I go talk to Kieran , we will both look at you at one point , and you ’ ll wave at us. It has to work. ” Though Lia didn ’ t tell Carol her plan exactly , she looked so intent and so deep in thought that Carol didn ’ t bother to ask . Lia looked at Carol for confirmation . Carol nodded in response . “Okay , ” Lia said , and entered the room with new resolve . But before she could reach Kieran , the world shifted . Carol felt herself flying through the air , rubble and debris flying with her . She protected her head , and when she hit the ground , she miraculously stayed conscious . She always did prove to be tough . The ringing in her head though , was terrible . Her ears rang loudly , and she could hear nothing else. Crawling to her feet, she saw that one wall of the room inside had been blasted through , and the people in the room were thrown against the other wall . Everything in the room and the hallway was blackened and singed. The door to the room had been destroyed, and now a gaping hole was left in its place . It was another hit attempt! Carol ’ s mind snapped into focus , and she pushed her aching body upwards to retrieve her boss . Carol picked her was through the rubble quickly , to find Kieran . She saw a wheelchair , empty , broken almost in half , with one wheel dented and twisted . Frantically , Carol searched the room with her eyes , now concerned by the blood stains on the carpet . When she saw him , she was able to inhale again . She didn ’ t even know she had been holding her breath . Carol fought her way over to Kieran , who was moving slowly, lying on his side . Carol raced over to him , just as others were finding him too . Carol knelt down in front of him , grabbing his good arm and helping him to a sitting position. He looked straight into Carol ’ s eyes and she saw something in them she had never ever seen before: fear. “ Please , ” he begged . “ Please find Lia . Tell me she ’ s okay. ” Carol stayed still for a few moments, mouth agape, looking like a statue. “Please ! Find her !” As Kieran stressed this , he grabbed Carol ’ s arm, and squeezed it . Carol nodded , and forced herself to snap out of it . As she stood , looking around for Lia , she couldn ’ t get the image of Kieran ’ s desperation out of her head . And then she knew. He loved her . THE END . . . . . . I HOPE U LIKE IT???!
11 Dec 2015 | 07:47
Nice ending
11 Dec 2015 | 13:21
Nice story. So when will u start the next season?
11 Dec 2015 | 13:45
wow....wat a lovely story....@kreepyink,welldone
11 Dec 2015 | 13:50
wow..first to comment
11 Dec 2015 | 13:51
@kreepyink .... Bro don't do me like dis nah dias stil more plssss abeg .... Do u mean dat d traitors went scott free???? ... No oooo ...
11 Dec 2015 | 14:09
hmmm...nice 1..kudos
11 Dec 2015 | 14:58
Nice one
11 Dec 2015 | 16:31
next season is when?
11 Dec 2015 | 17:13
Y does it hv 2 end lyk dis,u dnt let us kw wat happen 2 all d evil plan outcome,bt all d same we say tnk u @kreepyink
11 Dec 2015 | 17:16
nice one wen d season two is out pls notify me
11 Dec 2015 | 18:50
11 Dec 2015 | 18:55
Nice story, i totally love it and am waitin fr d next season o pls notify me wen u start it.
11 Dec 2015 | 21:15
Nice stowie
12 Dec 2015 | 03:58
Very nice, I hope der is another season
13 Dec 2015 | 01:25
nice story
13 Dec 2015 | 06:04
Nice story bt we are waitin for season two
16 Dec 2015 | 13:45
watching out
26 Mar 2016 | 04:31
pls drop d link to the next season
11 Apr 2016 | 07:09
l love this so far
10 May 2016 | 02:24
I love this story.....but it can't end here, there must be another part.
25 May 2016 | 02:55
how can we get d next season. it cnt jst end here na
7 Jun 2016 | 19:39
what a story ... Love this ... Pls notify me of season two o
22 Jun 2016 | 16:27
Nice story following
18 Jul 2016 | 08:56
Nice story..
13 Aug 2016 | 07:44
Awesome story
4 Sep 2016 | 01:18
nice story.... waiting
9 Nov 2016 | 11:05


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