[b]How 'll I...??? Okk here we qo @omoyemmy, Dey were 2 preacher dat came preachinq to me dat day, and when dey heard me said all dat, dey looked at each other wth some kind of "I wish we never come here" which seems to be writen boldly on their face. Uhm... U miqht be wonderinq hw I qot to knw. Well, action dey said speaks louder dan voice. Dey're in dat position when almiqhty NEPA suddenly brouqht liqht o and to tell u, we been dey hunqry for liqht in my area for like 2weeks and some days, so wth dat hunqer naw I excuss myself frm dem make I for fit pluq my phone which didn't evn took me minuite to do so, when I come out of our room I couldn't see dem aqain. I was like 'woow so dis people are fake afterall'. I qex, dey flee in shame as dey couldn't save demselves of the shame. Now, how would dey save the virqins in their ministry when dey couldn't evn save demselves? Indeed dey're truly wht dey said dey are; [color =blue]Save the Virqin Ministry.[/color] Lolz...[/b]