These days people ain't hustling for a
better life. Most of us are just hustling
for likes and better pictures for FB and
IG. Hope it won't be too late before we
realise that this is just an App.. why on
earth wud u buy stuffs you really don't
need just because you want likes and
comments? We've traded our goals/
dreams for FB and IG likes.. these days
people can't wear same shirt/shoes in
two different pictures just because we
want to "appear" rich! I know some
people are gon be like "wetin dey do dis
one? U better join the queue or end up
being the foolish one" But hey listen!
y'all gotta take a chill pill ya dig? Your
sneakers is worth 50k and your MUM be
looking like "damn I need a fucking new
hair" like wtf! Build your career first my
nigga! Impress your home before the
streets cos last last na family over