

By chimmy in 18 May 2019 | 02:30
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Scar looked at his watch , it was slightly past midnight . "This job is a hit " he thought to himself.
He looked at the boys in the back of the truck and they all seemed prepared and ready for the job.
He loved his job and being in control.
"Hey Jo" he called the man Next to him ,
"make sure you control your group I don't want any faults on this job you hear ? " He commanded..
"Sure Scar..don't worry this will be pulled as planned"
5 minutes later, the gate in front of them opened as a brand new Jeep pulled through.
"Now ! " Scar charged and the driver to the truck stepped on the ignition and the truck zooomed
forward. Before the gate could close and the driver to the Jeep notice what was going on, Scar
and the group jumped off the truck , Jo and five other guys ran as fast as they could to the front of
the mansion . They came back after 5 minutes with two big gen sets big enough to support the
whole industry .
Scar had them rush to the truck and he let go of the driver of the jeep who was shaking
uncontrollably . Scar pointed a gun at him to keep him quite.
" If you make a sound even as low as a wimp, I will blow your head off " he had warned him .
The man who was the owner of the mansion , a big business man obeyed the order .
"Let's go boys!" scar shouted as the boys finished loading the gen sets . He started the Jeep
engine and they speed off disappearing in the dark road.
Back at the mansion, the man still shaking struggled to find his phone and by the time he could
dial 991, Scar and his group were long gone .
The security guard emerged from where he was hiding and ran to his boss.
"Are you okey sir ?" he asked him .
The man looked at him ,
" you are fired! stupid guard. How could you be sleeping there instead of being alert and informing
the police about the armed robbers? Didn't you hear when the gate opened you idiot ? " he
snapped furious .
"Get out of my sight lazy! " he added.
The security guard shrugged and smilled when he turned to go and stood a distant from his boss ,
he had played his part of informing Scar about details of the mansion and his boss , he knew later
in the day he would receive his cut which was 20 times his stupid boss paid him .
Later, the police arrived and interviewed the guard before the mansion owner who was still in
shock , he narrated his odeal .
"Can you identify any of the robbers?" The police officer asked him .
"No , it was too dark l couldn't see clearly , besides that idiot had a gun pointed at my head , l
couldn't look up. "Don't worry sir , we will do all we can to find them."
"Please do so and when you catch them let me know immediately."
Being a well known Lusaka business man and politician he had confidence the police will do all
they can to find the robbers .
"Of course.." the police officers answered as they drove out .
Meanwhile scar and the group had arrived at their hide out 1 hour 30 mins later where they put
their stollen items and prepared them for sale . He parked the Jeep inside the big warehouse and
started inspecting it, smilled to himself proudly . He knew he will reap millions from that night's job
, the Jeep and gen sets would sell at a big price.
"Well done boys , " he told his crew , you were exceptional tonight , let's go home , he said . Lock
the building , he indicated to Jo his right hand man .
The ware house was built under ground about 100 kilometers away from Kabwe town . No one
not even the police could ever track that place , it was in the middle of a thick forest . The only
people close by where for about 30 kilometers away.
Scar got in the drivers seat .
"I will drive " he told the guy who drove the track before.
Scar stared at his watch again , it was almost 04 am . He pulled once more on his cigarette before
driving off . He held the steering on one hand as he drove .
Scar was a very successful robber , the police had hunted him for years without yielding any
results , unknown to them he was always before their eyes , he sometimes even bought rounds for
them in the drinking places .
Scar is his nick name , he got it from the second job he had pulled out about 10 years before, by
then he was just one of the boys under his master Chile.
His real names are Aaron Mulenga but he preffered Scar . The name always reminded him of his
past , not only the mark on his face but also his bitter past , his mother was a poor widow whose
husband died while Scar was 12 years old . Scar had witnessed his father's relatives grab all their
properties including the house which they lived in .
Being the only child , his mother worked extra as a house keeper and ensured he completed
secondary school . Since he was very intelligent, Scar passed his grade 12 with 6 points ,
unfortinately poor Scar could not go further in his education . He tried applying for bursaries but
nothing worked for him , it seemed the issue of bursary in the universities wasn't meant for the
poor after all .
Scar was desperately looking for a job to do to help his mother out but it was hard for him to find
something in kabwe , it was during this time that he met his friend Jo who he knew from grade 9 ,
Jo was not as intelligent as Aron, so for him he dropped out of grade 9 and joined Chile's group of
thieves . He' he was the one who connected Aron ,now Scar to the business .
Chile realised how sharp and clever Aron was and decided to use him , he was the one to plan most of the robberies and whatever he planned mostly turned out successful . At the beginning it
was just simple collecting information about some people and companies but later on Aron
become fully involved especially after money started flowing .
After 5 years of working with Chile , Scar decided to form his own group and do his own thing , at
first Chile objected but Scar made him a promise to be giving him 10% of the money from his jobs
as a complement and also to respect him as the leader Mafia of Kabwe town .
So now here he was 8 years later , he has been working with his own crew , even Jo decided to
join him after he saw how Scar was pulling out better Jobs than Chile. Scar had expanded his
territory , he did most of his jobs from Lusaka and copperbelt . He had left the small kabwe town
to Chile who now lagged behind in terms of wealth , Scar had earned himself loyalty and respect
from those in his circle . Just mention his name and everyone would literally bow down , he built
himself a big house at Nkrumah extension .
Scar didn't want to risk his mother's life so instead of staying with her he bought her a 2
bedroomed house in Lukanga , she wasn't so sure of her son's job but Scar assured her he was
working as an agent for the company which paid them well ,deep down she questioned his son's
honesty but her new life was better than her living in poverty .
"Hey man !" Jo called out bringing Scar back to the present ,
" lets drop the boys first before we head home"
"Oh yeah sure!" he answered driving to the side , the boys jumped out at banker's nest , they had
their quaters at some flats in pollen.
That was the goodness with their boss . He always made sure every one was comfortable .
Scar and Jo drove to Scar's house and the guard ran to open the gate as he heard the car engine
"Morning boss," he greeted as Scar lowered the window to greet him .
" Morning Daka" Scar greeted back and handed him some notes ,
"buy your kids food. "
"Thank you boss," he responded running to the gate .
In the house Scar and Jo discussed how they would discard the items .
"we will wait for 3 months till these officers are tired of doing their job then we find some
customers , meanwhile am meeting the buyer for the other cars we just finished painting and
registering , the guy is promising a good cut."
well .." Jo sighes and stood .
"Let's rest then you have about 5 hours until you meet that guy ."
Scar took a quick bath and instead of going to bed he got in his BMW and headed out he had
someone to see .
Sila's shift ended at 7 hours but she decided to cover for her friend Martha who was delayed with
some issues at home . She called Sila to stand in for her till 10 hours .
She was tired and wanted to get home as soon she could and rest before her next shift started.
Martha came at 10 as promised and immediately Sila headed to her car , she got the keys from
the hand bag and opened the door to her Runex .
Unknown to her Scar watched her moves at a distance , she joined the road from Chowa clinic as
she played Don Moen's collection , humming to the song . She noticed a BMW in the side mirrows
but ignored it and drove on .
She had bought a house in railways however, instead if going straight home, she decided get
her son something from shoprite before going home. After quickly picking what she wanted she
saw the same BMW she had seen earlier in the side mirrow parked on the oppsite road .
She looked closely in the hope of seeing the driver, something told her the person could be
following her but the Windows to the BMW were tinted and shut . Shrugging , she decided to drive
off rubbing off the thought of being stalked. She drove home .
Scar watched her as she went in her house , he noticed the woman might suspect being followed
so he decided to keep a distance as followed her .
He saw a boy hug the woman at the door and he smilled to himself , he loved kids especially boys
but he would not risk having kids. His work was too risky , whatever happens his family could be a
target for his enemies as well as the police . He watched Sila's house a few more minutes and
sped off .
"See you later woman" he whispered to himself.
18 May 2019 | 02:30
this story is my best story for the year stalk by mefia. I, have read the story on facebook king homeher [hr] LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES Episode 2&3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6&7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11&12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15-16 Episode 17-18 Episode 19 Episode 20-21 Episode 22(the end)
18 May 2019 | 05:20
I love jo he did a great work. And play a goood movie
18 May 2019 | 05:22
NYC start
18 May 2019 | 13:30
18 May 2019 | 15:51
Nice start and I'm sitted already
19 May 2019 | 05:59
Getting interesting already
19 May 2019 | 10:33
okay here it come
19 May 2019 | 23:17
Stalked_by_a_Mafia_2 "Hey sonny !" Sila hugged her son Isaac but they all called him Zac. "Where is my ice cream mommy ?" Zac asked searching his mother's plastics. "Take it easy" Sila smilled . " l always keep my promise don't l ?" " Give me already." Zac shouted impatiently. His mother looked at him shaking her head.. "hey sonny, is that how you ask for things ? Say it properly now will you ? " The boy smilled at his mother and "please mommy can l have my ice cream." he pleaded with his head bent one side. Making Sila smile. She kissed her 10 years son and handed him the icecream , " here now go sit in your room and watch Cartoons." "Watch him and let me rest am so exausted." she told maria, Zac's nanny who stayed with them. " Yes aunty." Maria responded . In her bedroom Sila removed her uniform and threw It in the washing basket , she went to the bathroom and took a quick bath before going to bed. she had a few hours before going back for work . Her shift was starting at 6 pm , she planned to sleep for at least 4 hours and watch her favourite serie before going for work . Sila was a 26 year old single mother , her parents lived in the copperbelt , her father worked as a miner at KCM and her mom was a business woman. Sila was the second born in the family of 3. Her elder sister was well married to a wealthy business man in Lusaka. Though Sila desired to get married one day, she never desired a man like her sister's husband despite being wealthy. He had lots of issues with girls , later on he was involved in dirty politics and he had earned himself a name and so Sila's parents always considered him a god . " Find yourself a man like your sister's husband" her mother would tell Sila . "Unfortunately mom that son in-law of yours isn't what you think he is and I would never marry a man like him" she would tell her back . Sila's younger brother was also doing well , he did engineering at UNZA and was now employed at Lumwana Mines in Solwezi. Well, everyone else except Sila had done something worthy talking about unlike her who just did a nursing course and found herself employed by the government and was now working as a nurse at Chowa clinic in Kabwe. Even though her family made funny of her job , she loved it . Helping people was always her passion . Growing up, she wanted to become a doctor but years ago when she was rapped by some thief who had broke in her auntie' s home there in kabwe , her life had changed drastically . She had just completed her grade 12 and so her aunt the young sister to her mother invited her to go to kabwe for a visit before the grade 12 results were out . 5 days after her arrival some thieves broke into the house and stole all the big items , the fridge , 40 inch flat TV , the air con and other items. Sila was in the bathroom when the robbers broke in , her uncle and aunty hid under the bed with the little ones but Sila had stayed in the toilet listening on the activities the other side . She was stattled when the door banged open and a man with a very handsome figure and his face covered in a mask walked in with a gun, she tried to scream but he held her mouth with his strong hands "sshhhhssshhh" he whispered he looked down at her night gown and swolled hard . Sila didn't dare to look at him for the second time , her eyes kept down as she shivered in fear. The thug had torn her gown and raped her before going back to join his boss after someone who sounded like a boss ordered everyone out . Sila stood up and her hands landed on the piece from the mirrow which had broke a day before , she slashed it in his face before he could leave. He held his face in pain and Sila saw blood oozing out . She covered her head thinking the thug would kill her but surprisingly he left her without saying a word . Sila remembered how everyone didn't buy her story of being raped and accused her of wasting her future by getting pregnant . Her aunt even said if she was raped she could have screamed out that night or said something the following morning but she didn't say anything because she was so embarrassed and ashamed . Sila had lost her virginty to a stranger and 3 months later when she discovered she was pregnant she had no choice but narrate the truth unfortunately her family didn't listen . lt was after a lot of pleading and crying when her father agreed to take her to a nursing school thus, all her dreams of becoming a doctor died . "Who would take care of your bastard son if you went to the University for 7 years" her parents told her . Though the circumstances behind her son's birth hurt her, Sila had loved her son since the first day she lay her eyes on him , she worked hard and hoped for her Son to have a better life than hers. since no one bothered her for anything, She spent all her money on her son and herself. Sila started dozing as her mind was lost in the past memories. She sighed deeply and allowed herself to sleep. ****** At Scar's house. Scar looked at his image in the mirrow. "lf not for that stupid wild girl I would look handsome" he thought to himself. he recalled how he had charged on the girl in the toilet on one of the jobs with Chile . That day he was a bit tipsy and was hard the moment he looked at a beautiful girl standing behind the door scared. He succeeded on helping himself on her and before he could walk out after Chile called everyone out. The girl slashed his face with a broken mirrow. He almost shot her dead but then changed his mind heading out. when Chile asked what the blood in his face was for. Scar had lied he cut himself from the convenient room.. "the handle is broken Chile so l hit myself when rushing back here ." He had looked back one more time before joining his friends in the car parked outside . "Damn!" he cursed , "why the hell did I spare that girl's life ? If l had told Chile am sure she could have been eaten by moth by now." he thought to himself. Scar smilled to himself when he thought of Sila trying to bury his past. She was a beautiful woman and for some reason he was madly in love with her . Scar had women follow him and had no problem finding himself a beautiful girl but he only eyed Sila . Surprising , even for him he never approached her directly , for the past 5 months he had been stalking her . He knew where she worked and almost all her activities . He had sent one of his boys to plant some cameras in her bedroom and bath room , everyday he would watch her bath , sleep and dress in her bedroom . Everytime he would play the videos especially when Sila took her bath . He loved every bit of her, she drove him crazy. He's obsession with her was immerse. Scar was stattled by a knock on his bedroom door so he quickly clossed the laptop. "am coming..!" he answered picking his car keys and heading out to meet Jo. They had to go see the buyer for the prado and Hilux from their last job 4 months past . He had his boys Change the paint and as usual bribed some officers for new registration id's for the vehicles . "It's time Scar, we have to meet our buyer in 20 minutes." "he will wait" Scar grinned . "I control people not the other way round . He knows better than walking out on me" he shouted reluctant. "Let's go boy." he told Jo as they went out to the car . "I came looking for you in your bedroom boss. you weren't there , where did you go ?" Jo asked as they started driving off the yard. "Oh so now you question my moves uh? " Scar answered rudely . "am sorry boss." Jo apologised looking ahead , he knew better that challenging Scar. It was a bad idea even though they were friends . Jo always knew his boundaries , he knew when his boss wanted things kept to himself , he was not to meddle . ******** Sila woke up at 15 hours and watched Tv with her son , she later on prepared some food for them . "Mommy schools are opening on Monday " Zac told her. "Mmmmh" the mother answered knowing were the topic was heading to ." So I need things for school mommy." Zac added softly. Sila looked at her son , "sure boss tomorrow when I knock off we will both go get your things . " she giggled. "Thank you mommy." he kissed her forehead and ran out . Sila prepared herself for work , at exactly 17:40 hrs she took off in her car heading to the clinic . "l hate night shifts." she murmured to herself as she drove , she was taken by the songs and didn't take note of the car following her . Just before she could turn she saw it again in the side mirrows , the BMW she had seen that morning . "What the hell is that person doing ?" she asked herself . She suddenly stopped and Scar's car almost hit hers from behind. realising she was coming out of the car, Scar quickly drove passed her and sped off . "What is your problem you idiot!" Sila shouted but he didn't stop to respond to her. She drove to work irritated and told Martha about what had happened . "Who could it be ? " Martha asked. "I have no idea my dear but am almost certain that man is following me. It cannot be a coincidence." "Maybe he's a secret admirer " Martha added . "Well why can't he come out of hidding and face me like a man instead of him stalking me , I don't like it at all." Sila shook her head. "By the way" Martha changed the subject "How is Jack ?" "Mmmn please don't bring that jerk up" Sila responded , "imagine he hasn't called me in two weeks. after all I don't love him and he's cruel with kids . I don't want him near my son , let him be. " she frowned. The ladies chatted a bit more before Sila started working , her shift was on . She wondered who the stalker was as she worked. Her phone rang an hour later , she looked at it , it was her sister . " Hallo!" she answered wondering why she was calling her at that hour . "Hello Sila! l have bad news ." "Tell me what happened ?" Sila answered as she prepared medicine for a patient . " We were robbed in the early hours today , some robbbers stole the gen sets for our company and my husband's new Jeep which he just bought a few weeks ago." Her sister complained. Sila almost laughed , "that proud fool deserves it." she thought, but then she compossed herself sighing sadly. "Oh no..thats sad sis, so any news on the robbers ?" She asked. "Not yet" her sister responded, "but the police are fetching for them every where." "I hope they catch them" Sila added sounding concerned . "They will , you know my husband he is connected and the cops will surely work hard to find the thugs" her sister added proudly. "Yeah sure they will. Am sorry for your loss sis" Sila agreed . She shook her heard as she hang up , "proud fools" she spoke to herself getting back to work
19 May 2019 | 23:22
Hmm! Interesting
20 May 2019 | 08:22
ride on
20 May 2019 | 11:13
Stalked_by_a_Mafia_3 After the incidence in the evening with Sila, Scar drove to a bar and decided to stay away from Sila for that night. As soon as he sat down in the corner. some guys approached him. "Boss we have news on the Lusaka Job." they informed him. "spit it out already." Scar asnswered. "Well" one of the guys started... "we heard that the police are seriously looking into the issue, that business man has so many connections." "Let them work their buts off for all I care." Scar snapped. "they will find nothing on me. do I look like thief to you? " he asked the guys, pointing at himself. "no way Boss" the guys answered grinning. "you can leave me alone now" he dimissed them. "but I need you close by just order the drinks you want the bill is on me." He looked at them as they grinned happily. "yeah!" They all cheered excited. "you are the boss Scar !" they said going to the other side of the bar. Scar sat quitely sipping on his wine. unlike other gang leaders Scar drunk moderately, he always prefered to have a sober mind. That's one of the reasons he managed to put everyone under control and gained his respect. Jo joined him a few minutes later. "hey Scar! am glad you got a successful deal with our buyer." Jo smiled the moment he settled down. "well" Scar answered.. "that was good for sure. just make sure you find a way of putting off the cops from my boy's tails and control the boys I don't want anyone going out to behave like idiots and jeopardise us, you understand?" "Yeah boss" Jo responded standing to leave. Before Jo could leave Scar called him back. "I trust you Jo. You know that?" " Sure Boss. what's up now? you look rather worried tonight Scar tell me what's eating you up?. He sat back down. Scar opened up to his right hand man. "there's a woman Jo and I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her. she's beyond my reach man, I want to but I can't have her." "Tell me where she is Scar and I will bring her to you tonight. You know you can have any woman of your choice" Jo suggested calmly. "no.. you will not do such a thing Jo that woman is not to be touched. I will find a way to deal with this but I don't want anyone near her am I clear?" "Yes Boss" Jo nodded he knew the woman in question was important to his boss. He had noticed his boss disappear without a word for the past months and he knew now it was definitely that woman. Following morning... Scar woke early and looked at the package on his bed. He had bought a beautiful Gold chain paired with a nice Gold watch. it had cost him a fortune but he gladly spent the money. He had always thought of giving it to Sila but didn't know how. Lifting the package he walked out of his house and drove out a flew minutes later. ****** Sila's shift had ended at 7 am. she wipped her hands after washing them. she had just finished attending to a patient. lifting her bag, she went straight to her car and her eyes widened when she noticed a small package on her driver seat before she could open the car. "what is this?" she asked loudly. she tried her door it was closed. "How on earth did that thing get in my car?" Sila wondered. she opened the car door and lifting the packet, it had a small note attached on top. sighing, Sila looked at the note and thought for a while. "who is?" she opened the small wrapped gift and the Gold chain and wrist watch glitter her hands. "oh my !" she whispered to herself, "this is so beautiful, but who could have sent such an expensive gift to me.?" She wondered. She went back in the clinic and called her friend Martha. " come and see what I found in my car" she told her as she pulled her to the parking lot. "Wow! Sila this is so beautiful. this your secret admirer must be rich. just look at this." she shouted lifting and admiring the gift. Sila was quite for some time. " you know what Martha? Now am officially worried. why won't this man just approach me instead of stalking me and leaving gifts in my car. ? How did he even place it inside when the car doors were locked?" She asked worried. "I don't know my friend and to be honesty this man is so much into you. I don't understand why he won't come direct though." "That's my point exactly Martha" Sila pointed out. " am not going to rest now till I find out who this man is and what he wants from me. This is totally freaking me out. Who does this? " She scoffed sitting in the car. Meanwhile, Scar was smilling as he listened to the conversation in his car parked a few meters from the clinic. He had decided to drop the gift at 04 and planted a recorder in Sila's Runex. "You will never find out my dear woman" he smilled to himself. Scar drove back home after seeing Sila's vehicle driving out. He had to prepare to watch her bath. he knew the oppession with Sila was driving him crazy but he couldn't let go, "I will have her one day" he thought to himself. ***** Sila went straight to her room. unknown to to her, Scar was watching her from his house. she removed her uniform and her undies, leaving her self in just an inner pant. Just then her phone rang, she picked her phone and looked at the caller. " Jack" she sighed loudly. on the other side Scar's heart skipped. "That idiot won't leave her alone" he thought to himself. He had inspected him for some time and he knew that Jack was a banker. He was quite a womanizer too. Scar had noticed that the relationship between Jack and Sila wasn't that serious. It was dragging. so he didn't pay much attention to him. "but he better not mess with my plans" he thought to himself. "or else I will just send him to hell where he belongs." "Hey Jack what's up ?" Sila answered. "Hey babe I missed you. how are you? " Jack responded. "Don't lie to me Jack we both know you don't ever miss me. so drop the act." She responded. "Sila don't talk like that i was just busy for the past days." " By that you mean weeks?" she added sarcastically. "just admit it Sila, am the man for you" Jack boasted from the other side. "you are wrong Jack you are not the man for me and I really don't care what you do so leave me alone already I have to take a bath and take my son out for shopping." she said cutting the line. "Good girl" scar nodded as he watched Sila. "you are mine alone Sila" he whispered as he touched the screen drawing the lines of sila'snaked body. He swallowed hard as he admired the contours of her body. she looked so attractive with water running down her body. He watched her until she was done bathing and dressed up. "For shopping!" Scar whispered to himself. He had to go see her into town. He opened his drawer and got the keys to the Prado. He couldnt risk following her with the BMW that she had already noticed. Sila had breakfast with her son who was telling her all the stories about school. "I can't wait to get back to school mommy" he said excited, "I miss playing soccer." "you have Saturday and Sunday Zac just take it easy" Sila told her son as they both laughed. she looked at him as he ate and wondered what the father to Zac would look like. "that thief" she thought to herself.. "he's a rapist and I hate him. Am glad he is no where near my son" she thought. "I would never let him near my son." She frowned. Sila was brought back from his thought when Zac announced he was done eating. "shall we go now,?" Sila told her son and they walked out to her car outside the house. They had gone round buying things in shops for over 2 hours. "lets have lunch in Steers" she told Zac when all was bought. Upon seeing them head to Steers, Scar quickly put on his dark glasses and locked the car before heading their way. Sila accidentally dropped the purse as she stepped in the shop and when she stood up to walk on, someone bumped into her. she turned to look at the person who bumped her and found a handsome gentleman apologising. "am so sorry lady" he said his face down. Sila looked at him. He was so handsome she gasped. "well, it's okey sir" she sighed smilling. "it's my fault i bent to pick my purse." "well thank you then" Scar smilled heading to the counter. Sila joined Zac who was already standing next to Scar at the counter. "Is this your son?" Scar asked looking at Zac.. "of course" Sila answered proudly. "he's name is Isaac." she added... "Well he looks like a good kid " Scar chuckled. " yeah" Sila nodded.. They ordered their meals and Scar offered to settle the bill. "Thank you Sir" Sila told him extending her hand to shake his. "ummmm Aron. You can call me Aaron. "yeah sure" Sila smiled... "am Sila" "Nice name" he said shaking her soft hands.. "well. I must be leaving now" Scar excused himself. "see you around." He went out, his heart filled with joy. "shes amazing" he thought to himself as he started his car engine. He had to go to the underground warehouse to check on some items. Just before he turned to join Lusaka road someone hooted behind him, he looked at th side mirrow and saw a black Jeep following him. "damn you Chile" he thought to himself. "not now." He parked at th hospital junction and waited for the Jeep which parked right in front of him. Standing outside Chile, his former boss came near him. " hey man !" Scar greeted him. "Hey boy!" he answered grinning. "I heard about the Lusaka Blow. was that you?" Chile asked. "Mmmmmm rumors travell fast uh ?" Scar shrugged. "But anyone can pull that man, who knows who it could be for sure " "Are you sure?" Chile eyes him with suspicion. Chile had developed jealousy as to how the Boy he trained had turned out to be more wealthy and successful than him. even though Scar had paid off his debt. Chile had planned to get more from the Boy but Scar knew that for a fact. he wasn't going to let chile scare him. After talking for a while. Chile aded. "I saw that chick you followed around town. I must say you have good tastes" he smilled before heading to his car. Scar looked at him with rage. "Damn! " he spat hitting the steering as he got into his vehicle. "That Bastard !" he cursed as he drove on.
21 May 2019 | 02:38
Which one be Chile problem
21 May 2019 | 10:25
Chile, what do you want again?
21 May 2019 | 13:21
That means that Chile is also stalking Scar
21 May 2019 | 13:27
if u are man enough face her stop hiding
21 May 2019 | 14:54
I hope Chile we not bring u problem
21 May 2019 | 14:55
Stalked_by_a_Mafia_4 Scar shook his head, he knew that if Chile was to know how much he felt for Sila he would use her against him and he vowed to himself not to let that happen. He dialled some numbers and held the phone to his ears as he waited for the other person to pick up. "Scar" some guy responded on the other end of the phone. "hey meet me at the site with the boys. we have to go through the plans of our next job." "sure Boss" Jo acknowledged.. Before Scar could put down the phone. The other phone with a private number rung. He knew that could only be his mom, they were only few trusted people he had given that line to. "Mother!" He answered "yes are you my son? " "Am fine mom. what is it? any problem.? " "When are you paying me a visit it's been weeks ? " His mother asked. "I will see you soon mom am quite busy this week." "That's what you always say Aaron. what kind of job is that which keeps you away from me your mother? " "Mom.please not now." he told her. " well when then Son.? I always tell you am getting older. I need grand children" she continued. "when are you planning on marrying?" "Mom please drop it already we have gone through this a thousand times am not marrying anyone anytime soon, later on have kids. I don't have time for them.." "oh so all people who have married and had kids are useless uh?" the mother shouted sounding upset. she had always wanted her son to settle down and have a family of his own but her efforts to make him make a decision failed. " okay mom I have to go am driving " he cut her off. He shook his head after hanging up. "oh mom you won't ever understand " he muttered to himself as he accelerated the car engine. 1 hour later he joined the small road leading to the forest. he found all the boys had already arrived. "hey guys!" he raised his hand to greet them and signalled everyone to follow him. Two guys remained outside to keep watch. Before he could start his meeting. one of the guards came in and whispered something to Scar, he nodded and went outside. "Well, Well, look who is here!" he announced looking at a man being held by the guards. "he followed you here." one guy told Scar.. He looked at him for a couple of minutes. "too bad you won't say a thing to your Boss Chile. You are heading to hell right this minute " Scar said to him seriously. "please Scar don't kill me " the man begged. "I was just following orders. remember you and I were on the same team before." "Yeah precisely why I should kill you. you and your Boss wants to stab me in the back." Scar asked him some questions to find out what he knew. when he was satisfied there was no serous threat, he cocked his pistol, "well, see you in hell !" he shouted before shooting him in his head. The man fell to the ground lifeless.. "Burry him! " he ordered the guys as he headed back inside. Scar never enjoyed killing unless he had to. He knew letting that man live will mean his down fall he couldnt risk anyone apart from his trusted crew know about the where abouts of his under ground warehouse. The guys knew that any betrayal meant death. That's why he made sure he paid them well to avoid room for lack. he knew if they had enough the chances of betraying him were slim. He explained the plan about some new job when they settled back inside. They were to intercept two trucks carrying brand new cars to Congo. he went through the whole plan and gave every one around some roles to perform. "we will reap well if we work according to plan" he explained as the crew nodded on every step. *********** Sila and her son had headed back home after lunch. "Mommy?" Zac asked her "where is my father? " "And why would you ask that?" Sila answered him. "well all my friends have fathers but me i have none . Why won't you just tell me where he is already. ? " "Stop it already Isaac !" Sila shouted annoyed " you have no father and that's it " she said angrily. " but mommy" Zac almost spoke, his mother stopped him before he could go on . "stop asking any further questions about your father. enough!" she screamed the car almost swaying away from the road. she stopped and breathed heavily. "Am sorry mom" Zac said touching his mother's shoulders. " It's okey sonny" Sila forged a smile. "it's not your fault, don't worry I will take care of you. we don't need your father trust me." Sila was always hiding the truth from her son. how would she explain to him that his father was a rapist and a thug. she however knew that she some how had to tell her son the truth one day. he was growing up and would need to know the truth one day, "but today is not that day" she told herself as she drove home in silence.. In the house she found Jack seated waiting for her. "what are you doing here Jack," she asked him upset he had gone to her place without informing her. " I just came to see you guys" he giggled following her to the bed room. Sila stopped in her steps looking at him. "Jack I told you we are done. I know you have another girl and am not interested in this relationship any more." "well I still care about you Sila" he insisted getting closer to her. "well I don't" she told him leaving his side. he grabbed her hand and kissed her instead. "i love you Sila" he pleaded. It was all an act to have sex with her. Sila pushed him back. " stay away from me Jack I have told you it's over. Am not your toy. " she gnarled. Jack pushed her to the Bed and started kissing her passionately. "you enjoy being with me just admit it." He smiled in her face. "yeah I do, but we both know this relationship has no future." She tried to push him aside. "well then, let's have one day at a time. who knows maybe in future things might change." He mumbled making her face him as he played with her face contours. Sila relaxed and allowed herself to enjoy the moment, they caressed and made love. "mmmn I enjoyed that to the max" Jack smilled putting on his clothes later on. " will see you later" he added "already? " she asked surprised "you just came for sex you fool, you are so predictable" she snapped throwing a pilow at him. Jack laughed as he buttoned his shirt. " see you babe" he kissed her before heading out. Sila went to the bathroom and bathed. "Am so stupid" she thought to herself. she had always known their relationship was just for sex. no love, no commitment. she had always tolerated that, maybe because deep down she needed a man close to her and Jack was the one playing that role at the moment. . she closed her eyes and thought of Aaron as she poured water on her body. "God he is so handsome" she thought yo herself. " I wonder why he hid his eyes wearing dark shades, am sure he's more sexy without them" she murmured and smilled at the thought of being with him. ****** Back at Scar's residence, he had finished his meeting with the boys and all was set for the coming week, they were set on intercepting the tracks and getting away with the cars. later that day he had looked at the Gen sets in the warehouse. " we will deal with these and the Jeep in 3 months" he Had told every one. "Meantime, dismantle the parts for those two vehicles and sell them. we can't risk selling the whole car with the police officers roaming around. " He now sat on his bed after taking a long shower feeling relaxed and imagined Sila's smile. "she's so beautiful" he thought to himself, looking at his laptop he pulled and played back the video recording from minutes past. He had to see what was going on in her house. His heart raced when he saw Jack. He saw her resist him a bit and then give in. watching them having sex got Scar so mad he threw the laptop down, it fell with a crash and he kicked it hard several times. "I will kill you Bastard!" he spat furious, his fist shook. Jo came in rushing at the noise coming from Scar's room . "Hey Scar anything the matter? " He asked looking at the broken laptop. "Yes!" Scar screamed... "someone just signed their death sentence! Get me Harry !" "Harry?" Jo asked suprised. "are you deaf you fool?" he screamed at him. "yes I will" Jo responded looking at Scar's boiling face. He knew Harry was only called on when there was a job to eliminate someone permanently and Scar was not willing to take up the job personally. "who is the unlucky guy?" he thought to himself as he searched for Harry's contact from his phone. "The boss calls for you immediately " he told Harry when he picked the phone. "I will be there in 20 minutes" Harry responded. "You better be." Jo added. He went back and reported to Scar " Harry will be here in 20." "Good" Scar frowned. "that idiot will know better than to mess with me." He spat looking 9ut the window.
22 May 2019 | 02:39
RIP in advance to Jack
22 May 2019 | 06:13
You've bite more than you can chew. Jack
22 May 2019 | 07:27
Jack u don bring problem to urself now
22 May 2019 | 17:06
Stalked_by_a_Mafia_5 20 minutes later, Harry got to Scar's house. Harry was a huge guy with a strange character. He talked less, he was a guy who was rarely seen but had great skill of making people disappear without a trace. Scar knew him through Chile and when ever there was a rogue in the gang or anybody who possed as a threat, Harry was contacted to eliminate such persons. He never asked questions, his was to do the job and get his money. His theory was simple. " if someone hired him to eliminate the other they had their reasons." Harry sat down on the couch waiting for Scar who was Stil in his room. Jo had gone to let him know he had come. "am coming" Scar told him as he looked through some papers. He looked at Jack's picture and shook his head. " you have messed up this time Jack" he spoke to the photo. " I was willing to tolerate you but it seems you want to use my woman to satisfy your stupid desires. this world is too small for both of us." He shook his head standing up. He handed the photo to Harry. "that's the guy, the address is on the back of the photo." Harry looked at the photo and nodded. Scar handed him a stash of money. "come for the balance when the job is done." " I will get in touch" Harry sighed and headed out. Scar looked at the bar, he took a bottle of wine and drunk without using a glass. "damn woman" he whispered to himself. "you make me drink this early." Jo who stood watching his boss came closer. "Scar was it necessary to kill him?" Scar looked at his wine swallowed hard before responding " the idiot dared sleep with my woman Jo." Jo shook his head. "is he the boyfriend then?" He asked. " Well I don't care" Scar told him.. "all i know is that he's a jerk and is only using her. maybe if he was a good person I would spare him . But he is a damn womaniser who uses women for his d*ck satisfaction. How dare he plays with Sila!" Jo nodded in agreement. "it's okey boss am sure he won't do that again." Scar asked Jo to follow him " in case I send you I want you to keep an eye on her" he told Jo showing him the house where Sila lived . "I need to see her. " Jo responded of course you will today." Sila's night shift had ended that morning. so she had some days off before the next shifts would start. After resting a bit she decided to join the maid outside who was washing clothes. she sat on a stool talking to her maid, unknown to her, Scar and Jo were watching her.. "That's her" Scar pointed at Sila. Jo smilled lustly, " she's gorgeous" he complimented.. "well she's not to be touched" Scar warned.. "sure boss" Jo chuckled. Just as they were talking Zac who was out playing noticed the car parked closer to his yard . He looked at the man in the car and recognised Scar. since he had his shades on, the boy easily remembered him. "hey uncle!" he shouted. Scar turned and saw the boy waving at him. "oh no he has seen me, let me handle this" he told Jo. " stay back." "Hey boy !" Scar answered walking to where Zac stood. "what are you doing here?" Asked Isaac. "Oh well I came to see a friend down the street. I didn't know you guys stay here.." He lied... "yes" Zac answered happily "thats my house" he pointed. "Good to know you stay here" Scar smiled at the boy Zac. " mom is outside there" zac pointed at his yard. "well let me say hi then. " Sila saw her son walk in with Scar. "hey !" she called out standing up. "what are you doing at my house? " she smilled. "I was visiting a friend and saw Zac outside. I just came to say hi, the boy told me you are out here." Scar shrugged.. "You are welcome" "mind to come in?" She asked him indicting for him to go in the house. "I can spare some minutes" Scar agreed following Sila in the sitting room. He looked around and he loved the serenity that surrounded the house. The colours and neatness of the room felt so comfortable, he relaxed as he sat on the small couch. "you have a beautiful house" he told Sila. " I like the colour and display in your sitting room" he complimented honestly. "thank you" Sila smilled. "welcome to my humble home. can I offer you anything?" She asked with a wide smile. "Water Scar" told her.. As she disappeared to the other room Scar stood and looked at a picture of Sila and Isaac hanging on the wall, they looked great. The other pic had Sila alone in a uniform, he looked at the third pic. It was a photo of Jesus. His mind wild back. he remembered how growing up he was a regular church boy. He even served as an alter boy in the Catholic church and participated in most of the youth activities as a teenager. He smilled to himself, those days where gone. now he had no time for God nor prayer. According to him, God had abandoned him, he even doubted his existence "if he was there and cared so much he wouldn't allow all the bad things to happen especially to children" he thought. Sila came back with a glass of water, Scar turned sharply. " I was admiring your pictures." He cleared his throat. "Thank you" she answered handing him the water. "So where is the father to Zac?" he asked. Sila was quite... "mmmn ... oh sorry " Scar quickly apologised " I didn't mean to meddle in your private life, am so sorry." "it's ok" Sila shrugged. "you are the second person to ask about him today and honestly I would rather not talk about him." "My bad.." Scar apologised again. "well I see you're a nurse ?" he pointed at the photo. "yes" Sila smilled "i work at Chowa clinic." She added. " I will surely run to you when sick Scar" jocked and they both smiled . "Anytime" Sila said with a chuckle. Sila's phone rang interrupting them. she looked at it and ignored, it was Jack . "won't you pick that?" Scar asked her. " it's nobody " she said putting down the phone. just then a text came in and she opened it. "Sila pick up, am coming to your place some one broke into my house, am scared of going in. I have a bad feeling about all this." Immediately Sila called him back. "what do you mean someone broke into your house Jack? Stop playing games already." She shouted . "It's true Sila" Jack answered "I think I saw some guy over the bedroom window, there's someone in my house and I just fled am heading there now." " okay then" Sila responded cutting the line.. "Any problem .?" Scar who was listening on all this time asked. "ummm it's just my friend thinks someone broke into his house so he's coming here." She told him. "oh that's bad" Scar responded. " I must leave you to attend to your friend then." he told her leaving the house. "see you around" Sila saw him out. "yeah " he answered rushing out and waving at the maid outside. upon getting to the car Scar dialled Harry's number. " where are you?' " Pursuing the target now, he just fled from his house." "you idiot how could you let him ran..? Drop the mission." Scar ordered. "what ? " Harry asked shocked. "I said drop the mission you fool. wait for my call." "yes boss" Harry answered furious that he had to let the guy live another day, he's thirsty to kill was intense. "Damn idiot why is he coming to Sila!" he shouted. "maybe we can wait for him here and sort him out this night." Jo suggested... "no.... change of plans. I need him alive for now. just give him a good beating. Mark the territory for him and let him not mess with my woman again, he's a lucky bastard." ***** Jack knocked at Sila' house some minutes later. "but who could it be?" she asked him. " I have no idea" Jack told her. "I just noticed the door handle was a bit broken and I think I saw a shadow in my bedroom." "mmmn that's strange" Sila agreed. "since when do you have enemies? Or was it thieves? " she asked. "I dont think the guy wanted to Steal anthing Sila. if that were the case he could have gotten things before I went back, besides when I peeped through the window, everything seemed to be in place and I could swear someone followed me as I drove here " Jack panted. " Are you crazy!" Sila snapped. "you mean someone was following you and you decided to risk my son and my life to save yourself?" She yelled at him. "But I had not thought of anyone close by." Jack looked up at her. " oh how typical of you Jack. you only think of me when you are horny or in trouble. well am not ready to risk my life for you Jack leave my house and find another hiding place." She pointed at the door. "but Sila." He spoke up. "no way, just leave already it's getting dark outside." Jack reluctantly left, as soon as he joined the main road a car stopped in front of him and some guys Came to his car and grabbed him out. They beat him up leaving him laying in blood. "Stay away from Sila you idiot" one of the guys warned him. "or you are dead meat" he added before speeding off.. Jack tried to stand but he couldn't. he was so weak from the beating . it was around 19 hours. People parked their cars aside and some went to help Jack. "you need to go to the hospital sir " some elderly man told him. "who did this to you?" They asked. "I have no idea" Jack whispered painfully his entire body sore and in pain. At the hospital he was told to get a police report. Unfortunately he couldn't identify the people who beat him, he had no idea. He hid the warning of staying away from Sila from the police. After being treated, Jack was discharged the following morning. he had insisted he continued treatment from home. looking at his phone he found a lot of missed calls from Sila and a text.. "Tell me you are safe..." it read. Jack dialled her line and when she picked he sighed weakly. "well Sila I got the message from your boyfriend it was quite clear. " he informed her "what do you mean ?" Sila asked suprised. "which boyfriend ?" "Don't play dumb Sila some guys beat me up on my way from your place last night. am sure it's the same people I saw at my place. guess what they told me after leaving me half dead.? stay away from Sila, care to explain that?" He asked her. Sila was shocked. she had no boyfriend as far as she was concerned. "but who could have beaten Jack? " She wondered.. ******** Scar looked at Sila as she hang up the call. he had his laptop replaced and he reconnected the feed from Sila's room. "good" he smilled. "That idiot got his potion. I hope you stay away" he spoke to himself. " next time i won't be so lenient. " He stoped talking when Sila started mattering something. "It's that stalker" she talked to herself. "yes it should be him. what the hell is that man up to?" she wondered as she paced around her bedroom. Scar shook his head. "stay calm..woman." Sila walked out of her room and Scar watched her bedroom. He wished he had planted cameras the whole house. Sila sat in front of the TV her mind busy. "I have to put an end to this" she thought to herself. "next time i see that BMW I will have to play that man's game and stop this nonsense before it's too late, how dare he" she frowned.
23 May 2019 | 02:32
Thats if you see the BMW na
23 May 2019 | 04:33
Scar, u ve got to b careful cos Sila is gradually becoming ur weakness sha....
23 May 2019 | 09:10
that if u see the same car following u again
23 May 2019 | 19:09
Hope this isn't too much, Scar
24 May 2019 | 08:58
let's go there
25 May 2019 | 02:37
new episode loading
25 May 2019 | 02:37
stalked_by_a_Mafia_6 A week had passed, Scar was busy preparing for the truck deal. It was the day for the job and Scar gathered 8 of his boys plus him and Jo making a crew of 10.. "listen up!" he called everyone's attention. "we all know what is required out there. You two " he pointed at two guys. " ensure that the traps to punch the truck tires are ready. you will throw it over the road one after the other at my signal." "yes boss" they nodded.. He pointed at the other guys. "the 6 of you will drive the cars from the trucks. Jo and I will use our own truck back here we all meet up at the spot within 30 minutes after the job is done . Any questions?" he asked them looking at his watch, it was going to be 7pm, in an hour's time the trucks will pass kabwe.. "only one question" a guy asked raising his hand. "what do we do with the drivers? " "Well" Scar told him. " we are not killing anyone. I will take care of them. Those guys have families and I don't want any of their blood on my hands." "sure boss" the guy acknowledged.. "we all wear masks as we go for the job, as always.." he emphasized After about 30 minutes they had driven past kapiri town where they planned to ambush the trucks with cars. Scar sat in the front seat of the truck, it was a Toyota hilux with an open van. the rest of the guys were in the van.. Scar pulled on his cigarrate, inhalling the smoke he felt relaxed as its warmed his inner organs. he loved the April Jobs, the weather was cool and perfect. The night was getting darker. He got out of the vehicle and stood 3 steps away, feeling the fresh bleeze of the night on his face and he smilled. It was a good night, be just loved the tension and mood before a job is done. He observed his boys on the truck their faces were clear, everyone seemed prepared for the action. Most of the boys were from the streets, they had similar back grounds. Scar loved the one thing about each one of them, loyalty. he knew all the boys would take a bullet for him. Especially Jo who was more like a brother to him.. He cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. " I trust we will do a good job tonight as always." "yea ! Boss!" they all answered in unison. Scar looked at his watch. " it is time boys!" he told them when his phone beeped, it was the guy in kabwe. "the load is heading your way ready in 30" the text read. Scar and his crew silently walked to the road side. The two guys with traps lay down 500 meters apart. The rest of the guys where still hidden in the long grass. Minutes later, Scar who was standing along the road indicated the trucks where on the way Everyone was set, a couple of minutes later Scar shouted, "now!"
25 May 2019 | 02:43
High way robbery or what?
25 May 2019 | 08:10
Scar you need to repent
25 May 2019 | 12:33
25 May 2019 | 15:16
stalked_by_a_mafia_7 "Now!" Scar shouted as the first truck emerged from a corner. he had chosen a spot just after a corner. The first guy with a trap threw the trap over the road, without noticing the truck driver who was enjoying the night drive drove right through the trap. "pooooooff....!" Went the front tires as the truck swayed slightly from the way. The second truck which was 200 meters away approached and as the driver tried to figure out what went wrong with the friends truck, he drove on the second trap and he almost lost control, immediately he managed to control the truck, Scars crew emmerged from the bushes. Scar and Jo went for the drivers. "To the cars drivers, now!" He ordered the other guys. As they stood at their positions ready to drive Scar was trying to get the keys. "where are the keys to the cars?" He asked The drivers. The drivers acted tough for a minute. "give me the keys or I will kill you." Scar threatened them with a gun pointed at them. one of the drivers he was holding shivered with fear as the grip on his shoulders sent pricking pains to his whole body. He pointed at the small box with all the keys. "good." scar smilled in his mask. "get the keys" he told Jo. In an instant all the car engines went on. " let's go boys !" He ordered as the 6 New Mercedes Benz car landed on the road and speed off in two directions three on each. "Listen you two? don't dare to move from here or even attempt to call the police or one of my boys in the bushes will blow your heads off you hear...? " he warned the drivers The drivers nodded in fear as they watched Scar disappear in the thick bush. In 5 minutes the night was quite as though nothing had happened. When the drivers gained momentum and called the cops., Scar and his men were long gone. .. Scar was the first to arrive at the agreed spot with Jo. They had used the truck they came with. He looked at his watch, "well that went well" he told Jo.. we pulled the ambush in exactly 5 minutes. The boys should get here any second." He added. As he was finishing his sentence, the cars emmerged one by one skidding as they halted in front of them "yea !" They all shouted with excitement getting out of the cars and raising their hands. "Well done boys!" Scar told them as he gave the drivers shoulder hugs. "Great job, okay so now step 2. we are to use our planned farm routes to get to the ware house." He looked ag each one if them "Hey Jo and Ken you two use the truck and go by the main road. I want an update on the police activities. " okay then" Scar added ", the rest as per plan.. go!. I will drive one of these babies" he pointed at the Benz with a smile. "lets Go !" They all disappear in the night and all was quite again. ********* At home Sila was tucking in her Son in bed. she wondered to her self how a precious gift would come out of a thief. she wished things were different. maybe a normal guy getting her pregnant could be better. she knew she had to do all she had to do to raise her son but couldnt help wish her son came to know his father. In her bed Sila lay down and thought about Jack, even with the fact that their relationship was not so serious. she had a man at least but now since Jack called to tell her about how he was threatened she had not seen him again. she missed his company. "it's all the fault of that stalker" Sila thought. she looked at the dressing table getting the gift and looking at the chain and the watch. "how is it that a man with the kind of money to buy such gifts has no confidence to approach awoman? " she asked herself. Sila felt so lonely. She even wished the stranger Aaron had shown more interest in her but she never saw him again after the day he entered her home. Deep down her lonely heart she admired him he looked so calm and composed and handsome too. The short sleeved Gray shirt and Dark blue Jeans he had on outlined his perfect body. Sila recalled his nice scent. "wow!" she thought, "he's a true definition of a gentle man." she smilled to herself as she decided to rub off the thoughts of a man she barely knew. ******* Scar and the crew had arrived at the warehouse and all cars were parked inside. It was a great and successful job. Scar dismissed his boys. "Now go and get yourselves some drinks, make sure you go to public places and be seen around, we cannot afford any suspicions." He handed a stash of cash to the boys. " share that. lets meet here tommorow morning" he added ad they all walked away. In his bedroom Scar opened the laptop. He watched Sila as she slept. he kissed the screen. " I missed you my woman" he spoke to himself, "see you tommorow." He mumbled. Early in the morning Scar had already bathed and sat on his stool. He was a light sleeper, of course one of the reasons was the night mares of the people he had murdered and those he had killed using people like Harry which was a bigger number. He was not a strong believer in God but his conscience always haunted him. Scar believed in survival of the fittest. According to him everyone had their own battles to fight in life. he decided to be on the stronger side, he knew his life was not for a long time, with his job he could die or be jailed any day. The main reason he never wanted any wife or children. "Why have children who will have to suffer living without a father." Were his thoughts. His own life was an example. he had decided to live one day at a time. he had never anticipated falling in love with anyone till the day he met Sila. He never understood why he felt so much attached to a woman and a kid he barely knew. Scar was brought back to the present when Jo knocked on his door. "Come in Jo" he answered. "Morning Scar."Jo greeted.. "Hey Jo!. rested enough?" "Yea" he told him.. " good then" said Scar. ."I need you to get to town and buy some food for everyone and drinks. we are spending most of the day at the warehouse." "Okey man. but let me use you BMW my car is dirty." Jo responded "sure" Scar threw the keys at him.. "see you. I will start off in 10 let me just bite something my stomac feels empty." "sure" Jo nodded, as he left the room. ********* Sila prepared herself she and Martha had agreed to go shopping in town since she was still on nights off. she prepared breakfast for her son. kissing him good bye, she drove out of her yard. Martha called that they meet at shoprite. "you will find me" Sila told her as she hang up. Sila parked her Runex in the shoprite parking lot and waited for her friend. Just then she saw the BMW parked two cars from her. she got out and looked at it, it was the stalker's car. "now you show up you stalker" she spoke to herself. She saw a man carrying plastics heading to the car, put the plastics in the trunk. Her thought told her to go to him and confront him. but she Changed her mind and decide to follow him. Jo who was busy listening and shaking his head to the music as he drove didn't notice a Runex following him. As he turned to head to the farms Sila's heart skipped. she however talked herself into it. " I have come this far and am not backing out." she increased the speed and left a gap of 500 meters before Jo's car. "Today you will face me you stalker " she whispered to herself. After driving for about 30 more minutes Sila who had ignored Martha's calls noticed they had drove through some thick bush. she decided to park the car and walk to the man as she saw him park in front of what seemed like a small shade. As she approached the spot, she saw two other cars parked outside. fear gripped her. "who is this man?" she asked herself reliving all the stories she had heard about ritual killers and Satanists. "my God am dead." as she turned to go back to her car. "Boom!" she bumped into a man. raising her head, there standing before him was a tall dark man with a very scarely look. she tried to dogde and ran for her life but he was faster. He held her hand and pushed her down with so much force she fell down on her back on the ground. Sila shook with fear as the man charged towards her. " please let me go" she tried to plead. "I didn't mean to be here."
25 May 2019 | 22:32
Pray that Scar comes in before they harm you
26 May 2019 | 04:13
now she'll be scar's downfall
26 May 2019 | 13:39
You don't fear for your life before you followed him
26 May 2019 | 15:24
stalked_by_a_Mafia_8 "Please" Sila pleaded her face drowned in fear as the giant gave her another slap. she felt pain ran down her body, every strength in her was gone. "Tell me who sent you here" the Guy asked still charging on her as she crawled in an effort to flee. "I wasn't sent by anyone please. I just followed that car." She shook pointing at the BMW. "oh well you followed a car for no reason at all?" Ken asked her raising his big hand to hit her again. "please please! I have no idea what you people are doing here. let me go I won't say anything." she cried. Ken moved his hand to hit her. "stop! " Scar ordered as he came out of the underground, " thats no way to treat ladies man " he said as he walked closer to Sila. He turned her around to face him. "what the hell!" He shouted as he realised who the woman was. "what on earth are you doing here?" He asked his face furious. Sila looked at him and grasped. "you?" She pointed at him. " it has been you all along. oh my God." Sila shivered as she saw The scar on the top of Scar's face. Up until that moment she had not been able to realise it was the rapist from her past. now that Scar had no shades on, she clearly identified him. she recalled him pushing himself into her as she tried to scream. his hands on her mouth. she recalled the stench of alcohol which almost made her throw up and it pained reliving the moment from the past. What in God's name had she put herself into. "You thief!" she snapped "leave me alone already you are a damn Rapist. God will punish you." She screamed loudly. Scar watched her in silence as she shouted not understanding clearly what she meant by rapist. "Boss let's get rid of her" one of the boys spoke up. "she probably was sent by that Mafia Chile." He suggested. " I dont think so" Scar told him while inspecting Sila. Another guy moved forward and slapped Sila hard, "tell me who sent you, you bitch!" he yelled... Sila fell to the ground again and collapsed. "How dare you!" Scar scolded him grabbing his shirt and shaking him angrily, "don't ever hit a woman like that again you idiot." he shoved him back. "now everyone get back to work" he called out.. Ken put her in the car. I will take care of this myself." "but boss." Ken almost spoke up.. "I said put her in the car dammit! has everyone gone deaf today?" he yelled. Sila was put in the trunk. Scar whispered something to Jo and drove off. He wondered how Sila had figured out his hideout. Scar had always wanted a life free of complications. everything had to be staright forward. he hated the complication Sila was putting on his life. "damn woman" he cursed as he accelerated the car furious. had it been anyone else, the person could have been buried already. He hooted continously as he reached his gate. Daka the gate man came running to open the gate. "welcome back boss!" he greeted him. Scar didn't bother to look at him and Daka knew it was a bad day. He lifted the now shaking Sila. she was almost coming to. He lay her down on the couch. Sila screamed as she opened her eyes just to look at the face of her rapist close to her. " Leave me alone already!" she screamed. " please I beg you I have a son to take care of don't kill me." " well." Scar grinned, " you brought this on yourself woman and no one goes free after seeing our faces and knowing our hideout." "I won't say anything to the police please I beg you in the name of God." She cried "Mmmmmmm take it easy Sila and tell me one thing, what the hell was that about me being a rapist..?" He asked trying to stay calm. " Aaron or whatever your real name is, stop pretending. I now know you have been following me around and even threatened my boyfriend. you are the thug that raped me 10 years ago. please stop tormenting my life already I owe you nothing. I beg you let me go back home to my son." She pleaded crying. Scar was shocked and he sat down. "what? You are the girl in the toilet?" He held his head in confusion now that she had said it. Scar recalled the night he had raped her. how could he forget her face.? No wonder she looked familiar the day he saw her first. "dammit !" he spat, how was he going to handle the situation now. The woman he had follen in love with was the same innocent girl he had raped. He remembrred less about the rape cause he was drunk. Looking at Sila he felt pity for her but letting her go was risk not for him but his whole gang. he was not going to risk his life's work for a woman. " Well then... Sila. it's good to see you again." he fodged a smile, "to start with the reason you are even alive now is because I like you a lot. I stalked you without remembering you were the girl I accidentally raped." He mumbled standing up. "So apart from being a thief and a rapist you are a liar too" Sila snapped. she felt hate for the man before her. she wondered how posible a gentleman who looked calm and so responsible could turn out to be the mafia she was looking at that moment. "you will pay for this you thug" she added sacastically. "Don't bite more than you can chew woman. don't take my leniency for granted. I don't honestly care what you think of me. you have no idea who I am, so judge me all you can I dont give a damn." Scar scolded. Sila stood and ran to the door. Scar took quick steps and caught her by the door. He gave her a slap on her face. " behave yourself now you hear? " He shouted, pushing her back to the couch. Sila hugged her knees as she cried visibly. Scar felt bad he had slapped her. he felt like reaching out to her but hesitated, he loved her but as it was she made every thing even more complicated. He was not one to be so attached to a woman. he always got a woman he wanted did whatever he wanted and got rid of her but for some reason he felt so attched to Sila it scared him. He moved to her and gently touched her face, "stop crying now" he whispered.. Sila spat in his face. "you devil leave me alone!" she shouted. Scar withdrew as he wiped his face with a hank . "do that again and you will never see your son again" he warned her. "Infact let me go see how his doing " Scar announced after locking Sila in the spare bedroom. Sila screamed and hit the door in anger "stay away from my son you idiot Stay away!" She cried hopelessly. "Give her something to eat" Scar ordered the man who worked in the house. " make sure she doesn't leave that room." He added. "Yes boss" the worker responded ... He got in the car. he felt sadiness in his heart. " why is my life so fucked up?" he said to himself. "what the hell is wrong with me.. ?" He sighed angry Scar decided to go see his mother. he hadnt visited her in a month, she was the only person he wanted to be with whenever things didn't make sense in his life.. His mother was seated outside on the corridor as Scar parked the car. "wow my son, you are welcome Aaron" his mother smilled tying her wrapper. "Thank you mom" he said hugging her. His mother looked at him. " now what made my Aaron have a sad face this afternoon?" She asked with concern. "Let's sit inside mom" Scar told her instead leading her in the house.. "Tell me what's bothering you Aron. am your mother I can see something isn't right with you." She started the moment they sat down Scar swallowed hard, tears formed in his eyes. Everyone else had never seen him that weak and desparate. People around him thought he was the tough Mafia who had no time to cry., his was action, he was fearless, the master planner, little did they know their Mafia had a tender heart. He had his weak moments too and felt desparate. He too ran out of plans. His mother held him as he sobbed in silence. she felt her son's pain but had no idea what was going on in his life. "Tell me what is eating you up my son?" His mother rubbed his back. "I can't mom" Scar told her. "I feel so sad and lonely my life is meaningless mom I seem not to do anything worthwhile. " he sniffed in sadly. "Don't say that Aaron. your life is worth more than anything in this world. God has blessed you with a good Job and rescued us from poverty. You have all the reasons to thank him..know that he protects your life... for u have a great purpose to fufil in this life. "There's no such thing as God mom, forget it. otherwise he could have put my life in a better position my life is So ruined mother." He responded looking away. "Please my son" his mother stopped him. ".there's a God, don't ever doubt that. no wonder you are breathing and alive today. He loves you and gives you life" she added. After talking with his mother, Scar felt better. He got to his car and took off. He still was not convinced about the issue of God but he was glad his mother had talked to him he felt some relief.. He went to the shops and got some toys and other items. He was to see Zac. He knew the boy would miss his mom, he had to come up with something to calm him and the maid down.
27 May 2019 | 00:16
Hmm Scar am wondering how you would tame her now she knows everything
27 May 2019 | 05:47
Hmm Isaac your son is as sharp as you his father
27 May 2019 | 05:48
Hmm just hope Jo does not betray u one day
27 May 2019 | 05:50
Repent, you refuse, now your past is haunting you
27 May 2019 | 09:25
better find a way to change ur life style
27 May 2019 | 13:56
27 May 2019 | 18:51
Scar,it looks like u r complicating issues oo...
27 May 2019 | 19:50
stalked_by_a_Mafia_9 He stood by his car as he watched the boy play soccer. He felt a grip in his throat, tried to swallow it and felt pain. Scar's mind went back to when he was Zac's age. His friends always made him a leader. He was bad at playing the game but his confidence led other kids put him first. Scars mother always told him God had a great purpose for his life, " no wonder he gave you brains" she would add, "continue trusting him Aaron and your future will blossom like flowers. Decide to trust in God's wisdom" she would say. Zac noticed Scar watching him, he waved his hands at him. Scar smilled waving him back and the boy ran to him. "hey Zac!" Scar greeted. "hey." the boy answered. "came to see your friend again? " he asked panting.. "Yeah" Scar lied "was just admiring your skill back there." He smiled widely "Thank you" Zac smilled as he played with the ball in his hands. "did you want to greet mom too?" Zac asked... "No kid, i was just passing. but if she's around then maybe I can say hi to her." "oh .. but she's not yet back. she went to town this morning and has not come back yet." "Is that so? Scar asked.. "yes" replied Zac... "I have something for you." Scar got the video game and other toys he had bought and handed them to Zac .. "here enjoy the games." " Thank you but my mom won't agree with me getting things from a stranger" the boy hesitated. "well Zac don't worry I talked to your mother on phone before coming here. she told me i can get you the games. So here I am." He shrugged with a smile. " Really?" Zac jumped with excitment. "yes kid, come ask her yourself when she comes." "Thank you" Zac smiled running back to the house. " am going to show aunty Maria." Scar watched the boy entered the house. He sat in his car and called Jo. "hey boss!" he answered at the first ring. "how is it going with the lady?" Jo asked. " I need to see you" Scar told him without answering his question. "meet me home after the work is done. by the way how did the boys react? " he asked before handing up "You know how it is boss. no one goes against your orders. the general feeling is that we are not safe with the lady. she knows most of our faces and our most important territory." Jo explained. "I understand Jo, but am working on it. tell every one to calm down." "okay Boss" he acknowledged. ********* Chile shook his head as he watched the news of robbers getting away with 6 brand new Mercedes Benz. " damn you Scar. how in hell do you manage to pull off big jobs without a trace? I trained the boy " he spoke to his friend. " now he's acting all invisible like a god. I can't just sit and watch him expand his territory under my nose." "Hmmmn the problem is he's grown already and has too many people on his side. so it won't be easy to take him down and remain standing yourself, you have to be careful." Chile's friend advised . "well I don't know what I hate the most, the fact that the boy is better than me or that I can't find anyone like him on my team. All i have are a bunch of idiots who follow orders without any single sense of reason. Just look at the idiot i planted to work at Scar's house, it's been 3 months now he doesn't have any concret thing for me. he's so dull, " Chile frowned angrily. "I got to find a way to bring that boy down sooner than later" he added pouring some wine in a wine glass. ******** At Scar's house... Sila tried all she could do get out of the room but there was no way of escaping.. " that thug! He's so evil." she thought. she missed her son and was getting worried with each passing moment how her son was going to take it if she was killed. She looked at the food in front of her. she hadn't touched it since some man who looked at her strangely dropped it before locking the door immediately. She wondered what Scar had planned for her. "why has he haunted my life..?" She asked herself, " it's like he had a mission to make my life a living hell" Sila cried silently. Her greatest fear was dying and leaving her son alone. She knew how her family looked at him, a bastard son. No one would take good care of him. "Oh my God" Sila prayed, "please save my life and let me out of this place, please." She cried. *********** Scar had been talking to Jo in the next room. From the other room. "so that's the story Jo." Scar concluded as he finished narrating the whole story of him and Sila. " Oh man, that's deep" Jo sighed. " it's complicated the fact that she hates you. I don't know, but it's hard to convince her otherwise especially that you raped her man. She sees you as a monster." Scar looked at the floor really hard, he walked around his bedroom and stood by the window. It was getting dark and he had to do something or Zac and the Nanny would start worrying. "Give me the Phone" he told Jo. " I have to see this woman now." "what are you going to say to her man?" Jo asked. "it's evident you are not going to kill her. You could have done that already." "I don't know yet. but I have to do something. I don't want the nanny or her friends to report to the police. I had a guy watch her house. He will keep me informed on the activities at the house." He responded walking out. He walked to the room where Sila was. " hey Boyd!" he called the house worker, " open that door for me now." "Of course boss" Boyd he answered nervously. Scar had always noticed how nervous Boyd got around him but he had thought he was just being an idiot. Boyd opened the door and Sila stood up as she saw him walk in. " Sit down" he ordered her. " I would rather stand " Sila answered rudely. "Very well then, you got to talk to someone, here is the phone. I want you to call your maid and tell her you have been called to work tonight, do anything stupid and your son is dead." He threatened. Sila looked at Scar with a hateful look. she couldnt take chances with her son, grabbing the phone hestly she called Maria and told her she was working. upon hearing it was his mother on the phone. Zac shouted, "I want to talk to mom!" " put him on." Sila told Maria "Halo mom!. when are you coming back?" Zac asked. Sila shed a tear at the sound of her son's excited voice "Tomorrow my son, be a good boy okay ? " she sighed sadly. "mom." Zac added, " that uncle, your friend with dark shades bought me a video game and other toys" he announced cheerfully. Sila glanced at Scar with a knowing look. "okay baby I have to go now. good night." "Good night mom" the boy answered. "What the hell were you doing at my house you fool? you are so pathetic." She screamed loudly. "well someone had to keep an eye on him don't you agree?" Scar responded calmly. Sila looked at him. "don't you dare touch my son, he has nothing to do with all this." Scar sat on the bed quietly for a while. " you know my boys think you are a threat to us all. You messed everything up Sila by going to the forest. Now things are complicated. You know, all the guys you saw look up to me and I can't fail them. So tell me what I can do...? I have never been in such a dilemma before my entire life. I like things straight out. But now with You, I don't know" he frowned looking up her face. Sila looked down at him, for a moment she saw the honesty in his eyes. she took advantage of the situation and knelt before him. "please let me go, I promise I won't say anything. My son's life is worth more than anything and he's still young. He needs me. Let me go and forget you ever existed. you already know everything about me so you can ask someone watch me and see if i will betray you, please " she begged touching Scar's hands. Scar felt like hugging her and telling her it was alright, but he had to remain focused.. He stood up and walked away from her. "Rest easy, am going to bed now" he told her instead. "You better eat something" he pointed at the tray on the small table . "the worker will show you the toilets. Dont bother trying to escape, it's not possible" he said closing the door behind his back. After giving Sila a fresh set of food. Boyd sat in his room and dialled a number. "Yes Chile, I have something." He started. "what happened? tell me now!" Chile responded. "There's a woman Scar is keeping hostage. I overhead them talk with Jo and i think hes in love with her. she has a kid too." He went on giving Chile the details he had about Sila. "Welldone Boyd." Chile told him, "Scar in love wow! that's something I can use. keep me updated okey?" "Yes Boss" Boyd answered happily. "call you later" he said before cutting the call.
28 May 2019 | 02:46
now This is about to get interesting
28 May 2019 | 04:01
hmm scar trouble await u
28 May 2019 | 13:11
28 May 2019 | 17:51
new episode on the way
29 May 2019 | 02:51
stalked_by_a_mafia_10 Chile smilled to himself. Now he had something to help him get money from Scar. All he wanted was, according to him a share of what he helped build. "That boy couldn't have gone this far if it weren't for me" he would say. He chuckled as he slid his hand in his bald head. Chile was a professional thief, who begun his carreer years back when he was still 12. he grew up in the streets of Lusaka. He had a good family, his mother and father were teachers but after his parents divorced, The 10 years old Chile was forced to live with his aunty after the mother was transferred to Choma town. As a young boy, Chile lived under the bad treatment of his aunty and he decided to run away from home and live in the streets. His mother never bothered look for him and for years he struggled in the streets like an orphan. It was in the streets where Chile developed hatred for his parents. So much that when he turned 18 he was fully embedded in the gangs full of drug dealers and robbers and on his 18th birthday, Chile, searched for his parents and murdered them in cold blood. That's when he fled Lusaka and went to the copperbelt. Years later he settled in kabwe at the age of 32. where he started his own gang and was leader of about 20 boys all aged between 15 and 25. He meet Scar a smart 19 years old boy with big brains. he instantly loved Scar and made him head of planning and organising robberies. "Well" Chile thought to himself. "now my own trained boy is bigger than him." He wanted to avenge for the betrayal of leaving his gang. he thought he would purnish him by making him pay up for years, but Scar turned to be smarter than him and wouldn't allow him to extort him further. So now it was pay back time. "There's no greater weakness than a love for a woman." Chile smilled as he poured wine in a glass with ice. He clossed his eyes as the wine went down his gullet, leaving it hot . "Am gonna enjoy" this he chuckled proudly lifting the wine glass in the air toasting to himself. ******* Scar tried to sleep but he couldn't. his eyes were dry, he couldn't help thinking about what Sila had told him. He understood her pain, she was still young when he raped her. It was obvious the memory hurt her so much. He wished things were different for both of them. He wished he wasnt a thief and murderer and met Sila as a normal guy. but that was just some wish the reality was worse. He decided as he lay on his bed to let her go. somehow he couldn't let the boy Zac grow up without his parents. Though Scar had no idea who Zac's father was . He was almost certain the guy wasn't in the Boy's life or he could have seen him around even once. That Jack was definately not the father he thought. Scar could tell the guy practically ignored Zac .. He called the guy he left watching Silas house. "hey any activities their?" "No Boss" the guy told him. " the lights are even off. I gues they are sleeping now." "Good" Scar said "you can leave now." ******* Early in the morning Sila who too had barely slept stood by the window as she watched some guy sweep around the yard and clean the cars. she gasped as she saw her car packed next to a Prado. she shook her head, "this guy is really good at what he does. how on earth did a man who was smart and good looking turn out to be a thief and a master mind for that matter.?" She questioned herself. She hoped Scar would let her go that day. staying another day away from her normal life and son would kill her. she vowed to file for a transfer and go far away from the town. she knew that as long as she lived within kabwe, Scar and his gang would not leave her alone. she hated that she will have to leave the peaceful town she had come to love just because of a mafia who started ruining her life since she was 18 but her choices were limited. Reporting to the police was the last thing on her options. she wasn't going to risk her son's life just to see that Mafia in prison. "Karma will catch up with him" she thought to herself... "Good morning" Boyd who served her food greeted her with a tray of breakfast. "the boss will join you soon." he said before leaving the tray on the small table. Sila just looked at him. she wasn't in the mood to eat but she had to see Scar. "excuse me" she called but Boyd didn't answer. she walked out of the room and saw Jo coming out of a room adjacent. " As you say Boss." he said as he turned heading out the back door. Sila waited until he was gone and no one was around. He didn't see her so she quickly went to the room Jo came from. "He must be there" she thought to herself without knocking, Sila opened Scars bedroom door and entered. There was no one in the room. "how ?" she thought to herself. "I think I heard two voices from here." she heard water running in a room opposit were she stood. something caught her eye, a picture of her sleeping in her bed on a laptop. "what's this?" she asked herself as she went closer to the laptop. Scar cleared his throat just before Sila could get any closer. she turned quickly and her mouth gasped and opened when she looked at a totally nude Scar standing in front of her. " um am. I was just looking for you." she murmered moving backwards as Scar slowly moved to her. " why is that?" Scar asked in a low voice. " I wanted to tell you that... um... i" she stammered his dominance making it hard for him to concentrate. "Am listening" Scar interrupted his face expressionless. He moved closer until the only thing separating them was Silas thin dress. "please dress up" Sila managed to say suprising even to her, she wasn't trying to escape or scream, her heart beat became rapid as she inhaled the sweet scent of Scar bathing soap. Her hands held to the wall. she tried to avoid his face. "let go" she whispered almost inaudible. "Am not holding you" Scar told her without looking away. "but you are in my way" she gasped as he bent his head close to her face. Scar pushed further closer to her, bending his head to her neck. she closed her eyes and gasped again. He held her waist as he looked into her eyes. " what's wrong Sila? Am I making you feel uncomfortable?" He smilled as she turned her face down still in the same point. He lifted her head face up and kissed her lips slightly. Sila neither kissed back nor resisted. Scar slid his hands up her thighs, his other hand held her waist. He smilled when he saw her closing her eyes shut. she definately couldnt resist him. "Remember you are my hostage" he whispered in her ears " and am the murderer and a rapist too." he whispered and moved backwards leaving Sila desparate. She realised where she was and slapped him hard. "don't ever do that again!" she scoffed and fled back to the room she was being kept forgetting her mission to Scar's room. She covered her face in shame and disappointment with herself. how could she let the man she hated so much, her rapist get to her and make her feel so damn good touching her and kissing her. "you are an idiot Sila!" she told herself. she felt she had to leave that place for sure, even when she was somehow conviced he wasn't going to kill her. Scar looked tough but Sila could tell he had a weakness for her. She was still scolding herself inside when Scar walked in, he wore a denim black jeans and black golf T-shirt. He looked hot and Sila couldn't help admire him. If it weren't that Sila knew for a fact that he was a mafia, she would quickly fall for him. she hated the uneasiness he was causing her to feel. Scar looked at her, he smilled in his head. He couldn't stop imagining how Sila couldn't resist his touch. knowing she had feelings for him made him glad but it was time to let her go. He showed her the keys. "here, your car is outside. but I can't risk you identifying this place too so one of my boys will drive you back to your home with your head covered." "Thank you" Sila told him. " I promise i wont...." "Yeah" he cut her short... "you will not dare say a thing not even to your maid. I don't need to explain the rest do I?" He asked her seriously. "No" Sila nodded.. " it's clear. Please stay away from our lives for good." she added. Scar called Jo... " take her home" he instructed, "make sure she behaves" Sila was covered with a cloth as they went out the house. After about what seemed like an hour the car came to a halt and Jo uncovered her face, giving her the keys "you can now drive yourself " he smiled at her.... She silently got the keys and went to the drivers seat. "You know whats at stake" Jo told her. "I can say you are a luck woman. my Boss never shows such lenience to anyone, never! Sila nodded as she started the car engine. she was left two streets away from her house and she had no idea where Scar's house was. it seemed Jo drove her in circles before taking her near her house. After talking with her son for a while, Sila called Martha, she explained the lie about why she hadn't shown up the previous morning. "It's okey Marth responded " we will make another day." " yeah sure" she said trying to make the conversation as short as posible. Hanging up Sila prepared super for her family she loved seeing her son happy and would never risk his life by telling him who the father was. "He doesn't deserve it " she thought to herself Since she had barely slept the previous night Sila fell asleep almost immediately she got to bed. She woke up in the morning and like always she went to check on her son, her heart beat fast when she found the maid fast asleep and Zac's bed was empty. " Isaac!" She called out as she looked around the whole house for him. "Oh my God! he's gone." she screamed as she called her son from outside, tears running down her face.
29 May 2019 | 02:53
There's fire on the mountain
29 May 2019 | 04:01
Chile you are playing with fire
29 May 2019 | 04:28
29 May 2019 | 10:24
Chile i hope this is not ur handwork
29 May 2019 | 12:21
this Chile is a stupid fool what is stopping him to look for people who we do clear job for him
29 May 2019 | 15:55
stalked_by_a_mafia_11 Scar watched as Sila cried for her son. "that bastard got him" she shouted. " how could he after i did all he told me? Oh my God not my son, he's evil " she cursed "how dare he torments my life " she cried loudly and desperately. He stood up fury emmerging from his heart, "there's only one person who can do this" he spoke to himself. "now Sila thinks I did it." It hurt him that Sila thought so ill of him but who could blame her.. "am not a good person" he thought to himself. "I swear I will get that good for nothing thief!" he shouted. "But boss" Jo responded. "we need to be careful, don't you think we have done more than enough for this woman ? Am afraid we might loose a lot of things because of her." "well, have you ever fallen in love Jo ?" Scar asked him... "No, maybe I did... but I can't.. " "well then stop talking nonsense " Scar cut him short. "Besides Chile got to her because he wants me. Dont you see. you won't understand" he spat pushing Jo as he headed out. As soon as he drove out the gate, he sped off. In less than 5 minutes he was at Silas house. He went in after the maid opened the door heading straight to Sila's bedroom. She sat holding her son's photograph. " please let him be okey" she cried. "he's the only one for me please God." As she lifted her head she saw Scar enter and she lashed at him. " you bastard ! you take my son and you even have the guts to show your scar face here!" she accused slapping him. Scar stood quite for a moment watching her hit him with rage. "give me back my son, You thug! " she screamed.. Scar held her before she could hit him again. "calm down now" he said trying to stop her as she fought to get out of his hands. "Let me go you are so pathetic" she shouted... " Not until you stop slapping me and calm down." "calm down ?" she frowned " do you have any idea what am feeling you jerk? my son was taken and all you say is calm down, give him back please " she cried... "Well unfortunately I don't have him. am not the one who took Zac You have to believe me. I have no reason to. I let you go to be with him remember ?" He tried to reason with her. "Oh well, you threatened me ..." .she paused not knowing what name to call him. " Aaron" he told her. "my real name is Aron.." "whatever!" she snapped... "just tell me where my son is already I beg you. do whatever you want with me and leave him out of this. he's just a boy for Christ's sake please..." "Maybe the father took him" Scar looked at her dismissively. " what are you saying?" Sila looked at him. "oh well i mean, maybe his father decided to kidnapp Zac or something" he shrugged trying to get her.. "You are the father you idiot and.... " she stopped realising what she had just said. " what was that?" Scar asked puzzled... "nothing " Sila shouted regretting her big mouth..l "I heard what you said don't say nothing. what do you mean Zac is my son?" "I told you it's nothing, I just wanted to..... " Scar grabbed her hand "dont give me that bulshit and tell me the truth am I zac's father? " he bellowed. "Let go of my hand you are hurting me" Sila lamented... "Tell me now or..." "Or what?" Sila raised her face.l at him. "Don't try my patience" Scar said furious. "believe me this is nothing as compared to what I will do if you wont tell me the truth now." He said tightening the grip on her hand. " okey" Sila gave up..l "yes he's your son he's a product of your rape." She murmured sadly. "what? I have a son? " Scar withdrew his hand sitting on the bed. He looked at Zac's photo, for sure the boy had some of his physical features. As images of Zac flipped his mind. he wondered how he would handle the situation. he understood now why he felt so attached to the boy, that fact of Zac was going to change everything. He was planning on letting Sila be. he wanted to concetrate on his life and try forgetting his feelings for her but now the situation had become more complicated. "Why didnt you tell me this yersterday?" he asked Sila in a low voice. He felt so vulnerable and weak. "I didn't mean for you to know, all thanks to that kidnapper you now know the truth. But don't be mistaken, Isaac and I wants nothing to do with you or your cursed life. my son can never find out his father is a mafia and a rapist." She clearly pointed out. "I understand you Sila and I will help you find him. believe me i have nothing to do with his disappearance." He frowned feeling emotions cloud his mind. "oh so how did you know he was missing?" she asked him accusingly. "it doesn't matter but I want you to trust me. I know you hate me but am going to bring Zac back. Just dont tell the police yet or you might loose him for good." he added as he left her house. He sat at the couch back at his house waiting for Jo who he had called on his way to go find him home. "he's my son Jo" he said when Jo joined him. "He's my son and that Chile got to him before I even knew him." "what do you mean?" Jo asked suprised. " well, Sila told me accidentally that he's my son. I got her pregnant after that rape." Jo shook his head... "now it's..., I don't know man" he sighed.. "we have to find him before that idiot does anything stupid" Scar told him. " and he can never find out the boy is mine. "Come to think of it" Jo muttered... "if Chile knows about Sila it means he's been following you" " or someone is betraying me" Scar added. "am going to find out who, call me the boys I need to find out who the hell is back stabbing me." He stood up realising what was going on. "But Scar the boys didn't know about her until yersterday. I don't think it's any of them." Jo argued "It's only you and i who knows about her and her son." "Can it be that you are the one betraying me?" Scar looked at Jo sternly. "oh come on man, we are like brothers. You know I can never do that, besides what for? Come on Scar you know me better than that.." Scar thought for a moment.. "the house workers" he whispered to himself. " of course !" he shouted. " get me the house workers now! " he screamed making Jo jump in his seat. Jo called all the workers, two of them worked inside the house including Boyd and Daka the gate man. Scar ordered them to kneel down, he walked in front of them slowly looking at them with anger. Boyd shook, his hands getting wet. He wiped the sweet falling from his forehead. "So," Scar spoke up after minutes of silence. " is any of you going to tell me something I have to know?" Everyone looked at Him except Boyd whose face was still down. "what do you mean boss ? " Daka answered . "well," Scar sat down. " someone amongst the three of you has been giving out information about me and I want to know why and who." He started and went on questioning them.. One worker and Daka showed ignorance and when it was Boyd 's turn he shivered. "I don't know anything about Chile " he said with fear in his voice. He replayed the moments when Chile was hiring him and promising him 5 thousand if he was able to give him information about where scar hid his cars and other stollen things or any valuable information about his life. up until that time he watched Sila's video in scars room but he had nothing else. "well am waiting" Scar gazed at him after dismissing the other workers. "How did you know about Chile? I don't remmeber mentioning his name here." He frowned angrily. Boyd resisted a bit but after Jo gave him a beating he told Scar every thing. "I just told him about the woman and sent him a picture, nothing more. Please dont kill me" Boyd begged . "where is he keeping the boy?" Jo asked as he hit him again " I have no idea" he cried blood coming out of his mouth . Scar looked at him furious. " you are a piece of shit you fool. now you will pay for making a fool out of me.?" He folded his sleeves as he punched him hard on his head, continuously until Boyds body fall to the floor. "get him out of my sight!" he shouted breathing heavily. "Make sure you add a bullet to his head so he doesn't resurrect." He added sipping on his wine angrily. "Am coming for you Chile." he screamed loudly. "how dare you mess with me!"
30 May 2019 | 02:33
I dey your back
30 May 2019 | 04:46
You should have used Boyd to get to Chile before killing him
30 May 2019 | 19:12
Stalked_by_a_mafia_12 Sila sat in front of a TV not really watching. she had no option but to trust Scar. she shook her head in thoughts, telling him Zac was his son was the last thing she ever thought of doing. she really didn't intend to put her son's life in danger. something however, told her to trust Scar. "I have no other enemies in my life. what ever happened to my son must be Aron's fault. what kind of person is he? that he makes whoever comes across him have a mesirable life." She breathed out. Her friend Martha knocked on the door and she called her in. "Any news dear?" she asked as she hugged her in greeting. "nothing Martha am really getting worried now. its almost evening and the guy I told you on phone hasn't called me back yet." She explained. "But Sila don't you think it's dangerous to trust that guy? You barely know him. You saw him like... twice ? If I remember what you told me this morning." She shook her head.. " you won't understand" Sila sighed... "he's not just any guy he's the father to Isaac. Am sorry, Martha I cannot tell you everything... it's better you stay in the dark over this but believe me whatever happened to my son is somehow connected to him and am afraid of ruining everything if I report to the police." "Well, Sila" Martha responded... "I hate that you don't trust me much as your friend. It's just awkward that you have never talked about Zac's father all this time we have known each other. now you tell he just appeared out of no where and apparently has issues and your son is involved. come on girlfriend, this is not making sense at all. I really think you should report to the police this is more serious than you are taking it. Your son's life is in danger" "What can i tell you Martha my life is a mess right now. I don't know what I should really think.. " "the best thing is to report to the police Sila." Martha emphasized... "just think of it. what if that guy doesn't show up..? What are you going to do then? who knows maybe you could have saved your son's life, don't wait until it's too late please my friend." Sila looked at her, she really had a point. Indeed she knew deep down her heart Scar was not a person she could relly on. He was a thief and who knew maybe he was the one with Zac. "you are right Martha. Let's go to the police now I need to report my son has been missing for hours." She agreed. she went to her bedroom and got a small Jersey throwing it on top of her body top. " please let's go.." ******* The guy Scar had placed to watch Sila saw as the two ladies entered the Runex . He quickly got his fon and called Scar. " Boss another lady came to see her and they are just getting in the car . I think they are going out..." "Okey.. just follow them and keep me updated am on my way." Scar responded.. "What are you doing woman?" Scar spat. He was just going through the plan with Jo and the other guys. Earlier Chile had called him.... "where is the boy?" Scar had answered when Chile announced who he was. Chile chuckled... "mmmn he's safe but I need you to pay attention." "what do you want Chile.? You are a coward. " he told him angrily " by the way" Scar went on... "that fool you planted here is long gone, try a sharper guy next time." "Oh that's too bad. But I don't need him anymore. I have what I wanted " Chile mocked... Scar clenched his fist in anger. " tell me what you want already you fool." he snapped... "All in due time." Chile laughed on the phone. "meet me at the old garrage. Am sure you know the place, that's where I hired you from. 18 hours sharp or you take a dead kid to your lover." Chile chuckled making Scar angry. Scar hit the table as he hang up. "Huuuuuuh! he screamed with rage. "get me the boys" he had ordered Jo." I won't let that idiot play me any longer" "yeah sure." Jo nodded as he took his phone to call the boys. As 8 guys sat in the room. scar briefed them on the issue at hand leaving out the fact of Zac being his son. " the lady you saw last time at the warehouse is important to me and Chile has her son. I want us to get the boy unharmed.," Everyone nodded as Scar went through the plan. "clear? " he asked when he was done giving the details. "Yes" they all answered at once. He was just about to prepare going to the spot Chile told him when the guy watching Sila called him. " I have to sort something first" he had told the guys. " everyone stick to the plan. I will meet you up later." As he drove to go sort Sila. The guy called him again.. " Boss this is getting serious, they just headed to the police post." "what? Which one?" Scar asked accelerating the car engine. "Central police" the guy told him. "Am on it" he said as he hang up. "damn Sila. you just have to make things difficult now." He frowned ******* Sila and Martha entered the police post. "how may we help you?" an officer asked them. "we want to report a missing child " Martha responded. "Okey sit there, give me a minute " he said as he went to the other room. when he came back Sila was about to start giving her statement and at the moment Scar walked in. " hey I have been looking for you." He smiled looking at Sila. Sila turned to look at him. "Aaron what are you doing here? " He forced a smile "I have something to tell you, come with me. will you? " he indicated for her to walk out. Sila looked at Martha whose face disapproved. "let me just. .." she almost spoke. " just a minute" he insisted, "hear me out." he looked at the officer who held his pen ready to take the statement. "hey officer give us a moment." He looked at the cop. "Take your time Aaron" the officer smiled . Sila looked at both of them.. "you know the officer? " she asked Scar. "Please" Scar pleaded instead, "let's do this outside." "Martha wait for me in the car" Sila told her friend as she followed Scar outside. Martha shook her head and said nothing.she got her bag and headed to the parking lot. Outside Scar took Sila to his car. "what is it ? " She asked upset. "you told me you will bring back my son but it's almost evening. I have to report to the police before it's too late." "Oh Sila" Scar sighed shaking his head. "you don't understand this. let me tell you, those cops are good for nothing trust me i know how they work. So you think any of these corrupt cops care about your son? No , They don't give a damn. All they are intrested in is getting their pockets full. Even if they work on it, it will take them weeks or probably months to find Zac and he would be probably dead then. is that what you want? " He asked her. Sila shook her head.. "Am just confused " she said tears in her eyes. "I can't loose my son Aaron am scared." She told him honestly. "I understand" Scar said. " just let me help you please. he's my son and I will do everything I can to get him back. But I need you to believe in me Sila. The police will ask a lot of questions and if am linked to any of this we both will loose in the end. I know who might have taken him." "Who? " She asked suprised.. "He's a thief and murderer too. he's a dangerous guy. But I know how to take him down. He wants me but unfortunately he knows I have a weakness for you so he's using Zac as a bait." He shrugged. "oh my God! Aaron, you tell me this now? How am I going to calm down knowing some lunatic murderer has my son? And what weakness are you talking about...? " she panicked. Scar touched the steering wheel and breathed heavily,before looking at her . " I love you Sila.. " Sila looked at him.. " what? you love me? Stop being paranoid claim you love me after making my life miserable, please spare me that nonsense and get back my son. I dont care what you do just give me back my son." She raised her voice. "You put us in this danger so please sort this issue fast and if anything happens to my son. I swear you will pay for everything you have done to me" she said slamming the door as she left his car. Sila looked at him as he drove away, he was right, the police would take forever to find Zac. "I hate doing this Martha but I think its best I let him do it." She sighed telling her friend "whatever you decide " Martha told her. "just take me home now" she sighed shaking her head.
31 May 2019 | 02:47
Ride on
31 May 2019 | 06:44
Chile we are coming for u
31 May 2019 | 09:46
Fire on
31 May 2019 | 10:27
Sila, your problem is that you have seen Aaron as a bad guy that can't love or something. But do you know that you can change him?
31 May 2019 | 11:29
I hope u we succeed in bringing back ur son
31 May 2019 | 15:59
Stalked_by_a_mafia_13 Scar looked at his watch, it was 15 minutes to 18 hours. He would make it to the spot Chile told him in 10 minutes tops. his phone vibrated, he looked at it Jo sent him a text, "all is set" "Good" Scar said to himself. He rembered the first time he met Chile. Jo had assured him the boss would like him. " come on Aaron give it a short or else you die with hunger in this town. am sure you will make money and help your poor mother out of her poverty." Jo insisted. Scar had taken days to think over it, his mother even asked him what was bothering him. "Nothing mom" he had told her, "am just thinking about how everything am trying isn't working. look at us, we barely have a meal in a day. what's the point of having 6 points if you can't even further your studies..? " he complained. "Only God knows my son" his mother would say. "you don't have to rush in this life or you will end up in bad things and when you do that you may end up loosing your life." "Well mom" Scar talked to himself looking at the side mirrow as he sped his car. "I guess it's too late now, am deep in this life I never wished for and there's no way out. I have to save my son and somehow make sure he doesn't end up like me being so lost." He mumbled. He reduced speed as he approached the building ahead, checked his watch again. It was exactly 5 minutes to 18 hours. He parked the car outside the building taking quick glances aroud, he could tell someone was watching him. He knew that would be the case especially that Chile had told him to go alone. pressing a button on his phone, he cleared his throat as he walked inside the building. Jo who was meters away looked at his cell, he opened the text from Scar. 'green ' it read. "well guys we have a go ahead. Let's go take out the snipers." They moved forwad silently, all together they were 6 men including Jo. They moved closer to the garage and Jo who had binoculars spotted 4 men pointing guns at the old building. he gave signs for them to spilt and take out the watchers all at once. Jo moved towards the guy in front of him as the other guys targeted three other snippers. He walked slowly his back bend, the guy holding his guy didn't notice someone behind him and before he could do anything, Jo slit his throat with a knife, he fall to the ground without making a sound. Jo held his binoculars high and saw the other guys take out the other snippers and took their places. He relaxed as he lay back down next to the dead guy taking his post. He then beeped Scar once indicating all was set. Scar felt his phone vibrate and he smilled. "Good" he thought to himself as he approached Chile. "Right on time" Chile held out his hands as Scar walked towards him. "I trained you Well Aaron or would you rather I call you Scar..?" He chuckled teasingly. "Spare me the jokes Chile am in no mood for your laments" Scar responded seriously. "Good then" Chile laughed. "I like getting to the point, by the way don't try anything stupid. I have this whole thing well plotted " he said as he indicated two guys to search Scar. one of the guys took out his gun from the back and put it on the table. "You know what Chile. I can't help but feel pity for you are so dumb. I mean come on. kidnapping kids? I knew you better" Scar mocked... " I didn't know you wanted me that badly." he teased him some more. Chile's expression changed, " don't you dare me Scar. I have my boys watching this entire building. so stop acting so smart with me" he shouted pointing a gun at him. "well then tell me where the boy is already" Scar responded firmly. "Hmmmmmm not yet my boy" Chile grinned. "I need you to give me 50% of the kapiri job and I give you back the boy." He smiled. "What? !" Scar shouted, "50%? have you lost your mind? " he scoffed " No! Chile" responded. "50% and you will continue paying me 10% of every job you pull out after wards. I got you in this game remember? I need you to appreciate me for that" Scar shook his head. " you must be kidding me" He let out a laugh.. "what is it now Chile ? Are you so old you can't pull out your own deals or what ? Am not giving you a dime you fool !" he scolded, "you can rot in hell for all i care." "Well, then" Chile said. "forget the boy then. go prepare for his funeral with that beautiful girl you found for yourself." He pointed out dismissively. Scar looked at him for a moment his anger emmerging. He wasn't going to let Zac die but wouldn't give him what he was asking for either "Okay let me see the boy and we will discus the deal" "First the deal Scar" Chile pointed out... "No way, I want to see the boy." He insisted "Well seeing him wont be possible but you can talk to him." he dialed some number and gave the phone to Scar. "Helo" Zac answered the Phone... "mom is that you?" he said sounding scared. "no it's me your mom's friend? ,Aaron, I bought you some games remember? " he tried to cheer him up. "Yeah, but these men are holding me here. where is mom? I want to go home please tell them to take me home, I hate it here." Chile snatched back the phone before Scar could say anything more and before he knew it. Scar hit him on his head and the four guys around them all pointed guns at Scar. He quickly grabbed Chile and held him tight by his neck putting a flicker knife which he had in his shoes across his neck. "put them down or I will slit his throat" he ordered coldly. Chile gasped as Scars grip tightened around his neck. The guys still pointed their guns at Scar. "you won't get away from this Scar." Chile spoke his voice cutting, "there are snippers outside and you won't run any where before they shoot you down." Chile shouted Scar chuckled. "you are so predictable Chile, those idiots are visiting their ancestors as we speak. So take me to the boy before I kill you too" he added "Damn you! What have you done? " Chile gasped again. As Jo and the other guys came to the door. Chiles guys started shooting them. Quickly, Scar let go of Chile to get out of the bullet way and ran to hide behind some old machine. Seeing how difficult the situation was, Chile fled behind the building and ran As fast as he could to his car parked outside. After all Chiles guys fell down, Scar stood from his hiding. "good work boys. it all went as planned so far that idiot will lead us right back to the boy." He shouted . Scar got his gun and pushed it back in his belt. "Jo let's go, the rest take care of the bodies and join us later, the battle has just begun...." he added walking out.
1 Jun 2019 | 03:12
Good job
1 Jun 2019 | 07:35
war front
1 Jun 2019 | 11:14
Good job
1 Jun 2019 | 17:33
stalked_by_a_mafia_14 Chile drove away to the main town. He had placed Zac in makululu shanty compound a place he knew Scar would never guess or dare to look for th boy. He dilalled one of his boys as he held on to the steeering " i want you to watch the boy closely the deal didnt go as planned, the idiot outsmart me. am now going for the big fish. Lets see if he wont bend for that bitch of his, let me just get Fred." He added. "okey boss" the guy on the other end of line responded. unbeknownst to Chile, Scar and Jo were listening in on his conversation. Jo had placed a tracker and recorder on his car before the firing started. "That fool is going for Sila! " Scar yelled. "we have to get to her before he does, step on it now...!" Jo accelerated as they went to Sila`s place, swaying around other cars on the road with great sped. They were stopped by the police at the road block. "I have no time for these cops Jo. lets go!" he shouted at Jo. Screeching, as the car started, Jo sped off leaving the police with their jaws open. "get the number plate for that car" one of them said, "we must get that man." He shouted to the friend. Scar and Jo were moving at a great speed then. They drove in Sila`s yard raising dust as they halted, Scar who come out of the car as soon as the car stopped, went direct to Sila`s bedroom. she was laying on her bed wearing her night gown. "what are you doing here?" she sat up with a start. "where is my son..?" "we have to go now! Sila" he ordered " i will explain later." "what?" she asked. "am not going anywhere till you tell me whats going on here where is Isaac?" She asked panicking. "please Sila i dont have enough time. we have to leave now Chile is coming for you. You have to trust me okey..? " he rushed her and she could see he was serious . Sila called Maria who was still watching TV and they went to Scar`s car trotting. she was still wearing her night gown as they drove away. "How far is he from here?" Scar asked Jo.. "They will appear any second they just joined in this street on the other side." Jo indicated. "Step on it then!" Scar commanded. Chiles vehicle entered Sila`s yard immediately they had left. "Get her! " he orderd his men. the two guys went into the house searching, they found it empty. They ran back to the car.. " It's empty Boss shes gone" they informed their boss. "Dammit! that idiot got to her first lets go!" he shouted agitated. Scar looked at Sila as they listened to the speakers. "see i told you. luckily we got there on time." He looked at Sila. Sila stayed quite as they drove to Scar`s house. she prayed in her Heart." God keep my son safe please and let this night mare end" she didnt realise the house they drove in was the same one she was held the previous day until they were taken inside. "Make sure you listen in and check where he is going and call the other guys. Plan B is in action." Scar told Jo before leaving the car. He told the worker to take maria to the room he had kept Sila the other day. He then led Sila to his own room. Sila sat down on the couch besides the bed. "Am scared Aaron, is my son okey?' she cried. "where is my son? is he even alive?" She asked Scar knelt before her. "dont cry" he whispered. "i will do all i can to bring him back even if it costs my life and yes he's alive i talked to him earlier. Chile is still keeping him alive for now" He touched Sila`s cheek and wiped the tears. "stay calm and trust me okey ?" he asked standing up and before walking away.. "Aaron! ." Sila called him before he opened the door. "Yes?" he stopped.. "Thank you" she said. "Thank you for saving my life and for trying to find my son." Scar smilled. " sure" he nodded as he left the room. Sila walked around the room and tried to open the laptop on the table. It requested a password so she closed it back. she stood by the window as she watched outside. Scar`s room was direct to the gate. she saw Scar talk on his phone and later on indicated something to the guard before entering the car as it drove out. "where is he now? " Scar asked Jo as they moved "hes headed to the shanty." he informed him looking at the tracker. "Okey lets get to him. And the boys ?" he asked. "they are coming" Jo nodded.. Scar looked back and saw two vehicles behind them. "good." he said as he watched the tracker. "step on it we cant loose him in the shanty. " They drove deep in the compound. It was passed 22 hours but the compound was noisy with loud music from the tarvens and shouting and singing by drunk guys walking around. others stood in groups smoking dagga. They noticed Chile`s car stopping. After seeing the car few meters away from them he ordered Jo to stop. Scar indicated to the other guys... "we move on feet from here" he told them. As they reached the where Chile had parked his car. He whispered something to one of the boys. They walked in silence to the small house ahead of them. He and other guys went to the front. Scar walked silently to the small window and peeped in. Chile was talking to 6 guys as they all sat. He looked around the room and saw Zac crumbled in the corner on a small mattress. He was shivering Scar could see the boy was afraid. Scar stepped back and told his guys , "There are six men armed. the boy is inside." He indicated some men to surround the house and he went to the front with 3 others. Chiles men were startled as the door banged. One of Scars men had thrown a stone on the door. They all rushed out firing their guns as Scar`s crew fired back. he quickly ran inside holding out his gun and came face to face with Chile who was holding a gun pointed at Zac`s head. "drop it or i will shoot him!" Chile scolded as Scar pointed a gun at him. "let him go you coward! " Scar shouted. " you are not getting out of this you idiot just give me the boy and we call it a night." Chile let out a laugh. "i should have killed you when i had a chance you stupid boy " he shouted back "Well too late for that Chile" Scar responded firmly holding the gun. "I said drop the gun boy before i blow his head off!" Chile screamed as he fired a shoot in the roof. Scar quickly threw the gun down and raised his hands. He knew Chile was cornered at he would not kill the boy as he was his cover yo walk out safely. Someone from outside fired a shoot at the door and Chile turned to look in the direction. Quickly, Scar lashed at him and bamped away the gun away. The two men rolled down as they fought hand to hand. Zac who was pushed to the wall sat down and shook even more in fear. Scar hit Chile hard on his groins and as he bent down holding himself in pain, Scar grabbed the boy and ran out. He had to save the boy and take him away from harm's way, he could not get himself to let the boy watch him kill a person. The fight was tense outside as other boys from Chiles group had emmerged outnumbering Scars men. He dodged as his guys covered him with more gun shoots. He joined his his crew members still holding Zac. " lets go now! " he ordered as they ran back to their cars. They all ran got in an instant speeding away. "follow them! " Chile shouted getting in his car too. As the car engine started and the driver pressed the accelerator, the tires screeched and then the car body landed back down, pushing them all backwards in their seats. Chile and his men came out to check what happened. The back tires were pulled out behind, there was a chain tied to the car and the tree near by. "dammit! that son of the devil!." Chile screamed in rage. "get me another car ! you morons!" he shouted spitting some blood from his mouth. Scar and his men had gone kilometers away. He was still holding the shaky Zac. " its gonna be okey boy you are safe now" he held him close. " Is everyone okey ?" he asked the guys with him. "we are all fine here we dont know about the other boys." They responded. "well stop i check on them" he told the driver. "Chile wont catch up any time soon" He put down Zac and went out. As the other car stopped besides them. "everyone ok ?" he shouted. "Ken was hit on the shoulder" they told him. "Put him in my car I will go with him and Jo, he must be checked at home, the rest go lodge at the warehouse. I need all of you safe tonight. Good work boys!" he shouted as he went back in the car. "I will check on you tomorrow morning" he added as they started their car and drove past him.
1 Jun 2019 | 19:42
good work.
2 Jun 2019 | 06:27
my only concern is that boy,let know harm come to him
2 Jun 2019 | 06:45
Good work but I hope the police did not copy the plate number
2 Jun 2019 | 07:21
hmmmmm this episode get me tense up,God I want that little boy to go meet his mother abeg
2 Jun 2019 | 09:05
Good work done guys,Zac is safe... Am I de only who thinks Sila will later fall in luv with Scar???
2 Jun 2019 | 10:30
u tried
2 Jun 2019 | 12:15
stalked_by_a_mafia_15 Sila could not sleep. she lay on Scar`s bed, hoping all turned out well. she had no idea what was going on. But one thing was clear, Scar was fighting to get her son back. she heard a knock on the door. "come in" she answered. Daka, the gate man came in with a cup of coffee. "The Boss told me to bring you this " he said handing Sila the cup. "Thank you" she said honestly. "i cant sleep" she murmered as she sipped on the coffee. "You must be special to my Boss." Daka told her instead. "i have never seen any woman in this house before, but you have come here a second time." Sila smilled.. "what can i say. i barely know your boss." "Hes a tough guy yes" Daka mentioned, "but he has a big heart too. Am just a gate man mam but he doesnt treat me like shit. He gives me more than am supposed to get and always helps me when in need. You must see how he takes care of his men. No wonder they all are loyal and committed to him." The man let a laugh. Sila smilled, "well thats good of him for sure." "Yeah" Daka nodded before leaving the room. " your maid is safe" he said before closing the door. "Thank you" Sila raised her hand at him watching him as he closed back the door. she sat quitely as she sipped on her coffee. wondering how Scar had got himself in the gang of thieves and murderers. "Does he even have family?" She asked herself. She remembered hours past the time he told her he loved her and shook her head. deep down her heart felt safe and good around him but how was she going to fall in love with a man who had a very dark past? The man who destroyed her future and her good relationship with her family...? she was deep in thoughts when she heard the front door bang. Putting her cup down she went out to see what was going on. she saw Jo hold another guy who had blood all over his shirt. "My God! what happened to him? " she asked running to help Jo put him down. "He was shot" Jo told her. Sila looked at his shoulder, "this is serious you need to get him to the doctor." She suggested. "No ..." Scar answered as he entered the house. Sila looked at his direction and ran to her son who followed behind him. "Isaac!" she screamed hugging her boy tightly. "Oh my God you are alive" she smiled tears in her eyes "I was so scared I would lose you. Are you Okey?" She checked him turning him around. The boy cried, "mommy i was so scared there were guns and sounds and blood. " "Its okey baby" she rubbed him on the back. "its ok. You are safe now. Am here and nothing is gonna happen to you." She assured him as she embraced him close. "Thank you so much Aaron" she looked at Scar. "thank you for bringing him back." "Its fine Sila just help my guy there if you can he`s bleeding badly.." Scar responded. "Ok" Sila stood, "call maria to take care of Zac" "Yeah sure" Scar agreed as she went back to Ken. she tried all she had learnt from her nursing school and what she saw from the doctors. " I need to get the bullet out. Thankfully it hasn't gone so deep. Get me some sharp knife or something i can use and a bottle of wine." She instructed. "hurry !" Scar added as Jo and the other guy went to search for what she requested. After minutes of working on him she manged to pull out the bullet and stopped the bleeding. she sterilized the wound and bandaged it. "He needs some antibiotics and pain killers." She looked at Scar. "we have something in the house." he responded. " good" she looked him, " give him and get him to rest. I insist he sees a doctor though." Ken smilled at her "i will be fine mam, thank you. " Sila looked at him, he was the same guy who hit her back at the forest. she felt for him and kept what she wanted to tell him to herself. "well thank God you didnt kill me the other day" she smiled back at him as she stood up. she washed her hands and went to see Zac. "hey son!" she called out as she sat next to him, Maria had bathed him and he lay down in the bed. " how are you feeling now my strong man ?" she asked patting his hair. "Better mom, uncle Aaron came to rescue me. He is so strong mom like superman, the other guy was so terrible and the room they put me in had a very bad smell. the men where smoking and talking like killers from that scary movie." Then boy ranted holding his mothers hand. Sila smilled.. "well thank God he got you back safely. you are safe now." Zac looked in the direction of the door, Scar stood there looking at them, "Thank you Uncle!" he shouted raising his hand at Scar. Sila turned to look back and saw Scar smilling. "You are a strong boy" he told Zac, "you did great. you will grow up to be stronger than me belive that" he said patting Zac`s legs on top of the sheets and left the room. Sila kissed her son before standing up too " am coming Zac " she told her son, "get some rest now okey. we will go back home tomorrow." She followed Scar to his room. He stood by the window looking out as she entered. she cleared her throat. "can i come in? " "yeah" Scar told her. "it was tough out there" he starte "I was so scared, i thought i might loose Zac or any of my boys. I almost lost it. I couldn't kill that lunatic in front of my boy. I had to let him go. I have never been so scared in my life before. I had to save him and am glad it went quite well. I couldn't have survived the pain of losing my only son." he added sadly still looking out the window. " You did well" Sila told him. " look, i dont know what went down back there but i really appreciate what you have done for me and my son. You saved his life who knows what could have happened out there. " Scar kept looking out the window, "my life is a mess Sila. everyone thinks am the invisible guy. like am so strong and the master mind, the boys look up to me and wants me to direct them, the only thing they dont understand is that i too have my fears. I hardly sleep at night, i cant even see my mother openly for fear someone might kill her. I live in shadows and it hurts and is so lonely sometimes. " Sila looked at him, he wasn`t the mafia she had hated a few hours ago. He was just a vulnerable man who looked powerless and in pain. The pain inside his heart, she felt for him. Truly she couldn't understand his pain or what made him what he was but that moment she felt he needed her. He was opening up to her and she could not help notice how sad and lonely he was. His eyes longed for her comfort. "I cant understand you Aaron" she stood behind his back, he was still facing outside the window. "but somehow i know you are a strong person with a big heart too. Those people you work with put their lives on the line for you, you know why?" She asked He turned to look at her. "because of what you have in here, " she held his chest. "Your heart is good Aaron though they wont tell you, it is what leads them to you and its what has kept you alive till now, not your strength or your brains. God uses hearts not the outside appearance to change people Aaron. It's the heart that defines who you truly are. " He looked at her innocent face, smilling, he held her face. "Those are the most beautiful words someone has ever told me, thank you Sila. you are so precious and innocent and am just a common thief." he said sadly. "Well we all have our dark side, no man is perfect. " she shrugged. " I never thought i would say this. but am sorry, am so sorry for ruining your life Sila, i was drunk that day and i now regret ever raping you and getting you pregnant at a tender age. Am sure it hasn`t been easy raising Isaac alone. Am truly sorry for everything, will you ever forgive me? " he asked raising her chin. Sila nodded. "its all in the past now, am just happy my son is safe and you had a major role in keeping him safe. No matter the circumstances surrounding his birth, I love my son he's the best thing that has happened to me" she smiled honestly and stepped back. Before she could turn back and leave, Scar moved closer to her, "and thank you for keeping the pregnance. Zac is the only good thing i feel i have brought to this world too." He smiled. He reached out and kissed her without warning, she hesitated for seconds and responded back, holding his neck as she kissed him back. Scar tightened his hold on her getting his tongue deeper into her mouth. she mourned with pleasure as he caressed her lifting her gown up her thighs. Sila was taken by passion as he gently rubbed his hand in her thighs. He paused and looked at her calm face as she eyed him with passion and desire. " are you sure?" he asked breathing heavily. "Sure of what? " she smiled.. "making love to a Mafia? " she teased gently rubbing his groins. "uuuuhh!" he let a scream of pleasure, took off his clothes as he led her to the bed taking his time caressing her and kissing her. Every part of her driving him crazy. He couldnt believe a delicate and gentle body was in his hands. She smiled as she opened her eyes to look at him. " What is wrong? " She asked breathing softly as she rubbed her hands on his back and kept her face to his. "You are perfect" he smiled, "its almost like a dream you are right here so close to me. If it is a dream i never want to wake up" he said chuckling and getting back to her getting himself in her as he felt the strong passions and intense pleasures rushing through every joint of his body. Minutes later, he sat up panting and looking at her perfect form in his arms "My whole life i have never felt so much pleasure and happiness" he told her honestly. She smilled her eyes half closed. "and i never anticipated making love to a thief would be so mind blowing" she teased him with a laugh. Scar smilled widely, "well, thieves are human beings too you know." he added as he slid his hand on her naked back. " I wish i met you under different circumstances Sila, honestly" he said. "I wish i was a good man with an honest life and all this past was not there. " She sat up and looked at him. "you have so much sadiness Aaron, i can feel it. why dont you leave this life of yours..? It's not too late you know." "I dont know woman, this is who i am and you dont just walk away from this life its not that simple. Its either you die with a bullet in your head or you are jailed for life. That`s the reward of what i do. Imade some dangerous decisions and now I feel caged." She scoffed sadly. she looked at his eyes and could see through his pain. "Come here" she told him opening her arms. He moved to her and she held him tight in her arms "you can do it if you choose to." she whispered kissing his neck. He mourned in passionately as he scooped her getting her on top of himself. " show me the way then." he giggled and held her tight.
3 Jun 2019 | 02:09
Thank God it all went down well and Scar is willing to change
3 Jun 2019 | 03:35
stalked_by_a_mafia_16 Scar woke up early for a long time he had never felt so rested and he had slept without night mares. He looked at Sila`s face, her head lay peacefully on his chest. he watched as her chest moved up and down slowly as she breathed. "she's so tender and delicate" he thought to himself. "maybe there`s a God somewhere for sure. he just sent this perfect thing in my hands. i dont even deserve her" he thought to himself. He remembered the day after he had raped her, he regretted and felt bad, the only thing he could remember at that time was her cry as he forced himself through her tightness. He never even told anyone about the rape but his conscious always reminded him of what he had done. He later on decided never to drink and get drunk. He could only take 2 glasses of wine per day. His only way of releasing his stress was through smoking. At some point Jo decided to get him a woman. she was quite decent a bank Teller. she was a beautiful woman but all Scar was attracted to her was her body, in fact hated her guts and love for money. He always satisfied her in that area anyway so he had no issues even though Jo insisted he let her around he decided to dumped her and paid her off for her services especially when he suspected her having another man. It was actually a relief that she was out of his life and he had never bothered himself with another woman till he spotted Sila in town and fall for her instantly. Here he was with her, He gently stroke her hair. "what do i do now? my life is all fucked up with my enemies probably hunting me down right now? i need to keep this woman and my son safe." he was deep in thoughts when his phone vibrated. He checked the caller and it was one of the boys. "boss switch on the TV there`s something you have to see." The voice came through sharply. He slowly put Sila`s head on the pillow without waking her, walked to the living room in his robe, turning on the TV he was stattled by what he saw on the News the reporter was reporting a house burning down in flames. "This came in in the early hours of today. we do not know the cause of the fire and the police have established that there were no any human remains from the house fortunately." the reporter explained.. Sila who had followed Scar in the room saw the news. "on my God !" she screamed raising everyone in the house. " Aaron thats my house. Someone burnt down my home and i have no where else to go." she cried loudly as Aaron hugged her. Maria and Zac came to the room and Zac cried upon seeing his home burn on the TV. "mom!" he shouted, "they burnt our house and all our things." Sila walked to him and hugged him. "am so sorry sonny... sorry" she held the boy and cried with him. Maria who stood watching cried too as she watched the fire men trying to put out the fire. Scar lifted Sila up. "You need to be strong for Zac stop crying now and look after him" he whispered to her. "Come with me for a minute" he held her hand. Sila wipped Zac`s tears, "go with aunty sonny okey." She told him. "am coming." "Am so sorry Sila this is happening to you.Its all my fault. you need to stay far away from me, am a cursed man" Sca cried. "See i destroy everything i touch." He shook his head really feeling bad about the way things had turned out. Sila cried in Silence. "don`t you see Aaron? my life is over, that house is the only thing i had worked for my whole life. i paid for it with everything i had and it took me years to finish paying that brother in-law of mine for the house. That proud fool almost took advantage of me over that house. It was my only pride the only thing i had to leave for my son in case i died today and now its all burnt to ashes." She sobbed. " My family hates me because of Isaac, they think of me as a disgrace cause i got pregnant at 18 and threw away my future. where will i go now tell me? Where?" Scar shed tears too "its all my fault am sorry, i should have stayed away from you had i known this will happen. stay here for a while. i know Chile did this and he wont stop till he gets to me and now he knows you. he will try destroy me through you. please i know its hard but i have to find that fool and kill him myself." He mumbled. "Kill him?" Sila asked suprised. "how can you even talk of killing somebody proudly like that? " she made a face. "You have to understand Sila, that`s the only way to get rid of people like me. its either him or me. I promise if i had to die it will be until you and Zac are safe. Look at me Sila" he shook her. "i have made a lot of mistakes and wrong choices in my life but knowing you in this short period is the best choice i have ever made, believe me nd if i died today just know that i love you and our Son more than anything. You, Zac and my mother are the most important people in my life, let me see my guys" he told her before walking out. "someone will bring you clothes and please feel free to prepare and eat anything you want. If you need anything the workers can help you. you are safe here chile knows better than come to this house. There are guards everywhere and I doubt he even knows this place." Je added. "Take care" Sila managed to say when He had finished talking. he smilled.. "and come back alive" she added.. "I will " he smilled "especially if i have to come back to see your face again." Sila sat down and cried. she had lost her home and now was hiding from a murderer. Funny how life can turn over night, just yesterday she recalled being happy and at peace with her small family. watching her favorite serie and laughing. Now all was in the past. she sighed as her phone rang, it was her Mother. "Helo" she answered.. "Sila" her mom spoke up " i just saw the news. are you and your son aIright? " she asked... "yeah mom we are okey. thank God we slept at a friends house so we werent inside.." "oh thats a relief Sila we were worried about you." Her mother responded. Sila sighed, her mom was the one who always showed a bit of concern in her life. "so tell me what are you going to do now? " her mom continued. "i dont know yet mom i am still confused." she answered. "oh poor child" her mother said. , "you always have to face the most difficult things of all your friend. we have no money to help you now but you can call your brother in-law am sure he can help out. He has lots of flats there maybe he can lend you one as you try to settle down again." She proposed to her. "oh mom thank you but no. i would rather stay on the streets than call that proud fool for help. He almost raped me before i paid him for that house remember...? " "Sila you are so stubborn, when you change your mind call him and ask for his help. I even heard he`s in Kabwe right now." Her mother insisted. "forget it mom am not doing it." Sila shook her head as she hang up. "that proud brother in-law, he always wants to get glory. but i wont be used for his foolish pride and ego" she murmured to herself.
4 Jun 2019 | 00:18
Scar you really need to do something about Chile
4 Jun 2019 | 02:53
hmmm thank God,u guys are back safe, Sila u have a great role to play here,I believe he wants to change too with the kind of money he had ,he can establish a company
4 Jun 2019 | 06:01
Thank God Zac is save
4 Jun 2019 | 12:22
stalked_by_a_mafia_17 Scar looked at his boys. He glanced at them for some time without saying a word. "Boss " one of them spoke up. "We have never seen you like this, this is really getting to you. Just say the word and we will do whatever you want to avenge your woman`s loss" " yeah" the other guy added. " lets go and destroy Chile already. we have the guys and we can hire others if need be." Jo who was seated opposite Scar spoke up too. "we all saw what happened this morning on the news and am sorry to tell you guys that we have some more bad news for all of us." He started. "That business man we robbed the gen sets and Jeep has teamed up with Chile. we don`t know how but hes in kabwe and right as we speak hes funding Chile. he wants us all dead." " what? " all the guys in the room asked as everyone shook their heads and all this time Scar was quite. "what now? Are we going to sit f wait for them to come got us" They all looked at Scar. He cleared his throat.. "you know l what guys? i have never asked anything rather than loyalty and none of you has ever disappointed me. Now listen to me. we all knew that our lives were not so much assured in this job, we all signed in knowing the danger involved. I know some of you have families and people to take care of, that`s why i will not ask any of you to put your lives on the line for me anymore. You all have a choice, either to be with me on this or not. I will not force anyone to be on this war. what is coming is big and very personal, its probably going to change all our lives. so decide now. Before we start anything" he sighed closely staring at them all. It was quite for a while and then Ken spoke first.. "boss" he said. ". you are right we have always done what you said and all of us are loyal to you and i for one is not leaving you alone to face this war. we worked and fought hard to be were we now and i will fight with you till the end. Thanks to you my family has a better life and they will inherit a good fortune too if anything happens to me, am with you Boss all the way." He raised his hand. one by one all the guys decided to stay with Scar. Jo was the last to speak. "Scar, you are more than a friend to me boss. You have been with me and taught me more than stealing cars and machines man, am not going to let you in this alone. we are brothers man. I have known you when you were still Aaron and i was the one who pushed you to this years back. So am not going to abandon you brother to the death we fight together!" He shouted looking at Scar who nodded gently. "Thank you all guys for all this and your words, nothing will give me so much courage than knowing you my brothers are besides me as i fight my enemy. I am not a believer in God, but if any of you is, pray that this battle favours us. we have to hit before Chile does and as we finish planning here this evening i want you to promise me one thing, anyone who will make it out alive. Make sure you keep an eye on my son and my woman. " they all nodded in agreement before they went in plotting and sketching their plans to attack Chile. Scar drove home to his mother after taking and planning with his boys. They would attack Chile`s hideout the following night. He parked outside his mother`s house and stood by his car for a while. He had no idea why he was even there. After almost 10 minutes of standing outside, he knocked on the door and his mother opened for him.. "Aaron" she called him. " what are you doing here this time? i mean you never visit me in the night." She asked concerned. He went and sat down on a sofa. " mom," he started. "I want you to know i love you very much and if anything was to happen to me. i want you to live on and continue in happiness. I want you to know its not your fault i lived my life the way people will say. It was all my doing and you never failed me. Life had its turns on me and all my decisions were mine alone." His mother looked at him surprised "My son, i don`t understand you. you are a hard working person and you have made it in life with your hard work. what will people say about you? " he smilled at her.. "you always say the sweetest words mom" he smiled. " yes." she told him.. " you deserve that my son and more. " he laughed. "you are the best mom in the world mother " he said kissing his mother on her forehead. "I got to go mother" he said standing up to leave. "wait a moment" his mother stopped him. she went to the kitchen and brought a plate of food. " I prepared your favorite meal this evening like i knew you would come." She handed him a plate. He smiled "oh mother! sweet potatoes with groundnuts? this is good thank you." He ate as his mother watched him. she could feel it in her heart something was wrong with him but Scar had always kept to himself. He never expressed his feelings since he was a child and his mother always had a hard time getting him to open up. He hugged her good bye as he went out. "I put something in the account mom did you see it?" he asked as they walked to his car. "No" she smilled " i will check my phone later. Maybe the message came i didnt see it." " okey good night mom" he said as he started the car engine. "Good night Aaron and God bless you." She smiled as she waved at him. ******** He reached home and found Sila and Zac in the sitting room. Zac was watching cartoons as Sila looked at nothing in particular. "Hey guys! " he called out. "Hey!" Sila said looking at him. Zac greeted him as well his eyes still glued to the TV. Scar sat quitely looking at Zac and later stood. "am going to bed now." he said patting Zac on his shoulders, " good night big boy" he told him. "Good night" Zac answered without looking away from the TV. Sila followed him the moment he closed shut the bedroom door. " anything new?" she asked him. :you don`t look good at all. would you mind to tell me what happened? " "Sit here" he patted the bed besides him. Sila sat next to him. "I dont have good news unfortunately. Chile has teamed up with a big business man from Lusaka and their mission is to hunt me down and kill me. He doesn`t only want what i stole from him. He wants my head on the platter as well." He sighed "Oh Aron that sounds bad i dont know what to tell you. what are you going to do now?" she asked concerned.. "I dont know yet Sila. but i have planned to attack before they do, then i might stand a chance to beat them.," Sila shook her head. "does it ever end Aaron? this your fighting and killing each other like animals is this what you people live for? " " life is a battle Sila" he responded his eyes on her. "i really wish i met you way back. You know what?" he smilled. " you are the light that has shined in my dark life and with you besides me right now is more than what i would ask for. promise me you will be a strong woman and fight hard and protect our Son. He doesnt know me and i think he should never know his father was a common thief if anything happened to me." Sila looked up at him. "dont speak like you are saying good bye Aaron dont you dare. no one is dying tomorrow or anytime soon." He smilled as he held her waist, " this my dear woman is what i choose years back and the price of what i have done. I can not promise you more than today because my tomorrow is not certain." "but..." Sila almost talked.. "shshshshsh" he whispered to her. "i dont want you to be sad, on the contrary you deserve a better man and a good life. I am not certain about my life tomorrow but, but i am certain of one thing. I love you with all my Mafia being" he smiled as he kissed her. " Allow me to enjoy being with you tonight. Let me have some piece of happiness again" she smiled and held him close relaxing in his arms feeling his steady pulse from his chest as he stroke her back gently. "whatever you say Boss" she whispered. He smiled and closed his eyes burying his head in her chest.
4 Jun 2019 | 22:41
be safe and come back home,I pray God will help you change ur ways
5 Jun 2019 | 06:30
I pray scar survives dis
5 Jun 2019 | 07:17
Truly, your tomorrow is not assured. If you come out of this war successfully, please change
5 Jun 2019 | 16:25
stalked_by_a_mafia_18 She wore her white uniform, walking down the beach with her bare feet. she was smilling looking at the water flowing softly. "life is like a tide, it flows in the direction of the wind. sometimes we just find ourselves in circumstances we never hoped for , but the beauty of it is that we can chose to rise again when the wind blows harder on us. Just like the tides, they fade and rise again continually." He held her from behind, " you are right my woman." he spoke in her neck, "life is indeed a tide" he smiled. She turned to look at him and there was blood all over her uniform. he heard gun shots, "dammit!, they shot her" he screamed. " No ! no Sila ! Please wake up please" he cried shaking her as she lay lifeless in his arms. someone held his shoulders from behind. "she's gone man we have to let her go." " Noooooooooo!" He screamed loudly. "Aaron ! Aaron!" Sila shook him from his sleep. He woke up with a start. "Sila!" he jumped from the bed panting heavily. "It's ok," Sila looked at him "You were dreaming." His face was covered with fear. He had never felt so afraid in his entire life. "Are you okey?" He asked her checking the window as he looked outside everything was quite.. "Am fine" Sila nodded, "come back to sleep" she added putting her head down. " I will join you later. " he sighed getting his robe. . He went to the bar and poured some brandy in a glass with ice. He got two of his favourite cigarrate and the ash tray with a lighter on top, heading outside. he sat on a step after the door, lit his ciggarrate and pulled in the smoke. He relaxed feeling it's warm effect as the smoke entered him. Staring in the sky, it was a bit dark, the air was cold but he didn't mind the coldness the floor tiles was giving his bare feet. He drunk his wine in a gulp, closing his eyes as he felt the scorch from the wine in his gullet. Scar went deep in thoughts. he was a strong man and all but the feeling he had especially after the dream was giving him a bad vibe. He had always known a day like this would come, only he didn't anticipate hurting others in the process. He had millions in his bank account and some other money in the hidden safe in his room but at that particular moment it was all useless. He smilled at the thought of the woman inside, she truly was an amazing person. she had given him all her passion. He would normally expect hatred and strife from her but instead she made him happy in the last two days they had been together. " I can die a happy man" he said loudly, "provided she and my son are safe" he looked at butt of the cigarette in his hand, it was almost burning his finger, he put it off and lit the second one and went on smoking it slowly. "If you came out here to fill your lungs with that Poisson, then you were better off having night mares " she said from the door way. he turned to look at her. she had on one of his robes and put his socks on her feet. He smilled at her.. "I thought you are sleeping." He responded. "well I can't just be comfortable in someone's nice bed when the owner is frezzing out here" she teased.. "Am keeping warm" he said showing her the cigarrate.. "see.. " Shaking her head, she went and sat on the step were Scar had put his feet, putting her back between his legs, she held her kneels as the robe covered her feet. He held her from behind as she leaned her head on his chest and they both stayed quite for minutes. "It is good sometimes to just be there for someone, one needed not to say a word. Just their presence made all the difference." Scar thought as he held her, her being there was all he wanted. She thought. "wow, Sila you are truly crazy. how can you fall for this guy." She knew her life would never be the same but how could she deny what the heart wanted, call it destiny or pure coincidence she felt for Scar what she had never felt for another man . She smilled as the thoughts of making love to him came to her mind. He was so gentle, he touched her like she was so delicate she would break. she recalled him holding her as he sat on the bed his back on the wall. He had slowly pulled her closer to him without breaking off from the kiss. she felt his hardness as he drew her closer. He paused for a while and gave her a smile. "this" he had said. "I would die for" With all tendernes he had made love to her and she had been lost in his arms for what seemed like forever. She smilled again her body relaxing as she frowned coming to the present. "what are you thinking about ?" Scar who as still as quite whispered to her. " everything." She said with a chuckle. "Aaron I want you alive" she said after some silence again. "Okay?" He said more like a question . "yeah I don't know what else to say I just need you alive. I don't care if you are a murderer or a thief. I want you to live on." She shrugged. He turned her to look at him, "well I don't believe in God as much as you do. but if luck be on my side just maybe I might live " he smiled. "I believe in God Aaron and I know my God loves you. he will give you a second Chance at life." She rubbed her hands on his. he sighed. "if you say so." "yeah, i believe he will" she nodded. ***** Hours later Scar and his men a crew of about 30 guys gathered as they planned their final moves. Scar inspected everyone before they jumped in the two trucks and Scar, Jo and 3 other guys got in his BMW. Chile had his hide out somewhere between kabwe and kapiri town. Luck for Scar there was someone from Chile's circle leaking him the information.. Chile's plan was to capture Scar alive and hand him over to the Lusaka business man who wanted to witness him die.. In the silent night they crawled to the spot like soldiers fighting in the US army. Scar leading one group and Jo the second group of 15.. With succession, they put out the men on guard. One of them tried fighting back causing some noise which led Chile and his other guys lash out and fire gun shots in all directions. The darkness did Scar and his group a favour, they managed to push forward attacking their enemy with full force. Scar wanted Chile so he charged foward and followed him as he saw him head inside the building. It was difficult to pull forward with bullets flying everywhere. He finally manged to push through after one of his guys covered his back. He turned into a room with little lighting and was caught with a sharp pain in his leg as he looked around. "uuhhh!" He screamed in pain holding his leg as he fell down to the floor. The hysterically laughing Chile emmerged from the place he was hiding. "well, well." he clapped his hands. "the might Scar has fallen. who could have known." He teased kicking him hard in the back as Scar rolled and screamed out in pain. "I will kill you idiot!" scar snapped. "You are a coward! instead of fighting like a man you run to use a gun whilst hiding." Chile smiled widely.. " it doesn't matter how I take you down you stupid boy. I trained you and I will be the one to finish you !" he shouted. Scar used his other leg and kicked Chile in the stomach as he tried to get close to him. Chile staggered back. Scar tried to move to get to him but the wound on his leg was so painful, he lay back down. "This is for stealing people's things" Chile kicked him hard "and this is for betraying me" he kicked him again. Scar crawled trying to reach his gun which Chile had pushed away and Chile quickly stepped on his wounded leg causing him to scream in pain. "I see your balls are empty my boy from f**king that bi*ch! " Chile shouted.. "I warned you Scar, women destroy people like you and me. see now how much of a piece of shit you turned out to be because of her. Not to worry though" Chile added " I will make sure I dig her grave next to yours and put a poster. "love kills the mighty" hahahahahah!" he laughed out aloud. Scar with all that remained in him pulled out a flicker knife from his shoe and before Chile would stop laughing he landed it with force on his foot pricking through his sandals direct into his skin. As Chile staggered back screaming, Scar pulled himself and got to his gun. He raised it and shot Chile in his stomach. Before he could fall, Chile also pulled his gun and shot scar in his side chest. Scar shot the second bullet and it landed direct in Chile's forehead, he fell with a thag. Letting go of his gun, Scar head sirens outside, it seemed someone had alerted the police. His eyes were half closing when he saw Jo run to him. "Scar !" He called him. "stay with me man. Am going to get you out of here." ********** At home Sila paced around her room praying and crying. " God please let him live, give him a second chance. You can Change him Lord like you changed Saul." she knelt down and prayed her face wet with tears. she felt a deep sadines and cloud cover her. It was like someone just put a blanket on top of her and she was under the dark. she shed more tears as the heaviness increased making her pray the more. "I love him." She said aloud. "really love him Lord and we him alive.
6 Jun 2019 | 02:19
I know u are doing the wrong thin scar , but I pray God should keep u alive so that u can change ur ways
6 Jun 2019 | 04:19
Scar, God has answered the prayer of your woman and given you a second chance. Please do change whenever you wake up
6 Jun 2019 | 08:13
it is well with you Scar
6 Jun 2019 | 13:37
stalked_by_a_mafia_19 Jo lifted Scar on his shoulders rushed through the back running to the bush. The police had come and most guys scattered around the whole place some still shooting about. He had no time to check on other guys, his mission was to get his friend and boss out of that place. 4 other guys came his way.. "someone get to the car and start the engine now! " he shouted as he drew near to the place the vehicles were packed. "Scar has been hit. I can still feel his heart beat but he's not doing so good" he informed them. As soon as he lay him in the back seat he put some pressure in his chest wound. "wait for others" Jo told the other guys " and be careful. " The driver drove at full speed as they went through the dark. Jo's forehead had drops of sweat, one would think it was hot but the air was cold. ******** Sila calm down when she had cried and prayed enough. she looked around the house. It felt so empty without Scar around. Her phone vibrated and she answered immediately without looking at the Id, hoping it was Scar. "Helo sister in-law" she heard her sister's husband greet her in high spirits. "Hello" Sila answered rather disappointed. " I heard what happened to your house, am just curious. how on earth did you get involved with mafia's ." He asked. "what?" Sila thought to herself. she wondered how her in-law had known about Mafia's. They didn't mention anything of such sought on the news. "What do you mean..?" She managed to say at last. "well Sila my dear I was born way before you and I can tell you are not behaving right. Now listen to me. I know you are hiding at that thug's house and I wanted to tell you that if he will live after tonight I will personally hunt him down like a dog he is and I don't care whether you are sleeping with him or not I will finish him." Sila was shocked. "So my brother inlaw is the man Scar had told me was after his life? " She thought to herself after he hang up. "My God" she held her face, "this is so bad." She had some idea her inlaw was not a good man. Infact, he obtained most of his wealth involved in dirty politics and corrupt businesses. she shook her head as she sat on the couch after checking on her son who was deep in sleep. It was 02 am and she had not heard anything from Scar. She remembered him saying bye to her before heading out. He looked at her and kissed her gently. " take care " he had said. " I promise if I make it out alive, I will live to make you happy. I love you" he whispered to her. He then asked her a question she didn't answer. "Sila" he called her, as she looked up at him he asked, " do you love me?" She looked at him and just said, "make sure you come back here " without answering his question. Sila sighed. "I wish i told him what I feel" she thought to herself..she got up from the couch with a start when the door to the sitting room opened widely Jo and two other guys rushed in holding Scar who was motionless blood stains all over his clothes. Sila stood up, her hands to her mouth "oh my God! what happened to him ?" she asked crying. "He got shot" Jo told her, "And he's not doing good at all." She followed them as they took him to some room and lay his body on the bed. "he needs a Doctor" Sila said her hands shaking as she touched his shirt blood in her hands, "my God" she cried "save his life" "The doctor is on his way" Jo explained. "we cannot risk going to the hospital or he will end up in prison." Sila nodded... "well get me some items I need to stabilise his bleeding and prepare him before the doctor arrives." she told him panicking.. she struggled tearing his shirt off as she gasped, the bullet had missed his heart. It really had gone deeper and he was bleeding badily. Luckily, the doctor Jo mentioned walked in a few minutes later and went to him. "she's a nurse" Jo told him as he checked Scar.. "Good, help me with the tools in that bag" he indicated to Sila. she did all the doctor asked and after an hour they managed to pull out the bullets both in his chest and leg. He needs blood as soon as possible the Doctor announced.. "he's lost lots of blood, without blood we will lose him" Jo stepped forward without hesitation "get from me." " well it's not that direct, we need a match with his blood type" the Doctor frowned. Sila spoke looking up at him, "get mine doctor, I have group 0 it will match any other group." She stood "Are you sure?" the Doctor asked her. "please Doctor just save his life already. We cannot waste any time" The doctor went back to his vehicle and brought in some more machines and equipments. Thankfully Scar had met him up the previous day and hired him. " I want you to be available and prepare for emergencies tomorrow" he had told him. " I want all my men's lives taken care of in case they do get hurt." After cautioning him and offering him a lot of money the doctor had agreed. He gave Scar his number which he in turn gave to Jo and two other guys. " If any of us walks out unharmed or alive," he told them, "call the doctor to help those who might be in need of him." ***** After setting everything the doctor drew some blood from Sila and put a drip on Scar, who was still motionless. Sila felt a bit dizzy, the effect of drawing two drips of blood from her. she drunk some milk and took the vitamins from the doctor taking a few minutes of rest. Afterwards, she slowly walked to Scar who's wounds had now stopped bleeding and clean sheets were placed under him. His head placed on a pillow. She sat besides him and held his hand. The Doctor and Jo left the room. "we will be next room" they said as they left. She touched his face marking the scar between his eyes with her fingers. " you have to live Aaron" she said aloud " please your son and I needs you alive. togther we can live through these dark times." she shed a tear. "I know you have been through a lot but please you need to fight harder than before, be the superman that my Son thinks you are." she kissed his lips as tears rolled down her face. "I am so scared Aaron, you need to come back, you promised to make me happy remember ? I didnt answer your question earlier. yes I.... I love you! " She sniffed. " I love you with the same passion I hated you when you raped me. please say something. I love you Aaron." She shouted louder. He moved his head slightly, turning painfully he let a weak smile. " Now that I can die for" he whispered. Sila smilled tearly " you are alive!" she laughed happily. "oh thank you Lord" she looked up. "well I couldn't cross over with all that crying" he teased weakly trying to touch her face and wipe her tears. "Don't move" she told him. "let me call the doctor." The doctor came in and checked him. " well young man" he said, "you have a hundred lives," he chuckled. " the bullets almost led you to the other side. Thank this woman who just saved your life. Without her blood we could be saying something else now." "Thank you Doctor" he whispered as he rubbed Sila' s hand. "I owe you my woman, and I will live the rest of my life to make you happy. Thank you" he smiled slightly at her. "yes you have to !" She smilled with tears in her eyes, "you owe me big time." She teased sighing with relief.
6 Jun 2019 | 22:49
It's gud to have u back Scar but it isn't yet over don't forget!!!
7 Jun 2019 | 17:00
hmmm maybe ur prayers we save him
7 Jun 2019 | 17:39
is good u are back I pray u should leave this job an do something else
7 Jun 2019 | 17:40
stalked_by_a_mafia_20 Scar was still alive but still in a delicate condition. The bullets had gone too deep, cutting through an important vein. The doctor told Sila that Scar would take some time to heal and needed proper care. She went down the bath tab, feeling the warm water on her body. It had been 4 days since scar was shot. Even if the news of Chile's death was a bit comforting, the danger was stil there. Though the police had no face to identify Scar by. It was quite a challenge for them to locate him. Most of Chile's guys died in the attack as reported by the police and about 6 were arrested. Unfortunately 2 guys from Scar's group were also killed and the rest managed to escape with minor injuries. Sila had taken some leave from work and unfortunately Zac stayed out of school. Sila's brother in
8 Jun 2019 | 02:30
Too short
8 Jun 2019 | 13:51
Thank God that Scar is still alive but this episode is as short as what I can think of
8 Jun 2019 | 18:49
Episode that is short like this, is that one episode
8 Jun 2019 | 19:06
sorry guys
8 Jun 2019 | 20:09
here is the full episode
8 Jun 2019 | 20:16
8 Jun 2019 | 20:19
Sila's brother in
8 Jun 2019 | 20:22
stalked_by_a_mafia_20 Scar was still alive but still in a delicate condition. The bullets had gone too deep, cutting through an important vein. The doctor told Sila that Scar would take some time to heal and needed proper care. She went down the bath tab, feeling the warm water on her body. It had been 4 days since scar was shot. Even if the news of Chile's death was a bit comforting, the danger was still there. Though the police had no face to identify Scar by. It was quite a challenge for them to locate him. Most of Chile's guys died in the attack as reported by the police and about 6 were arrested. Unfortunately 2 guys from Scar's group were also killed and the rest managed to escape with minor injuries. Sila had taken some leave from work and unfortunately Zac stayed out of school. Sila's brother inlaw had called Sila a day after Scar was hurt. "What do you want now?" Sila had answered him.. "i know your boyfriend might still be alive. I can offer you a deal" he told her, " tell me where he is now and I will give you one of my flats, fully furnished." Sila let out a laugh. "you can go to hell brother inlaw. I know exactly who you are and if you continue following and calling me around. I will not only tell my sister and everyone in the family but also the police, let's see what they will say when I tell them you were partners with a mafia." She giggled. "Don't you even dare!" he had threathened her " or I wil kill you together with that thug who is hosting you. " Since then he hadn't called her, she took almost 30 minutes in the water until it started getting cold. She walked out to the bedroom, which had now practically become hers. Scar who was now awake looked at her as she walked in. "Hey!" he called out. " you look good in that attire." she laughed shaking her head. "really? I will surely wear it more often" she teased. "yeah" Scar added " just remove the towel completely though. I like you better without it." He smiled widely. she walked to him. "how are you feeling ?" She asked feeling his temperature, he smilled weakly " don't worry I will live, am just bored here. Been in bed for 4 days now. If not for the pain in my leg I could have been out of here already." He complained. "The doctor said you don't have to move until your leg is healed remember.. ?" She sighed He shook his head " am not spending years in this bed " Zac walked in as they spoke. "hey uncle how are you?" He greeted Scar. " am better Big boy" he smiled looking up at him. " tell me is mom taking care of you?" " Yes" the boy smilled looking at his mother. "but I can't go to school. she stopped me from going to school that my uniforms and books were burnt in our house. I miss my friends" he complained. "Come near here" he called him.. "now listen Zac. now that am sick you are the man of the house okey? and I promise I will personally take you to school when I stand from this bed, you hear?" Zac nodded ... "good boy, now go and play the game I bought. " he looked at him as the boy walked out. "am glad to be part of his life, maybe being in this bed is not so bad at all" he teased. Sila dressed up and lay besides him. she had not told him about her brother inlaw. "what is bothering you woman" he asked her? "I feel something has been bothering you." "yes, it's just that the business man you told me about is my brother inlaw. he's the husband to my elder sister in Lusaka." "What's that?" Scar asked shocked. "yes Aaron" she sat up.. "and he knows am here with you, he has been calling me to disclose your where abouts promising to give me a flat and threatening to kill me together with you" she explained. Scar almost moved to sit and crushed right back moaning with pain. " damn it that man is crazy, how can he say that to you? you are like family." Sila sighed. " he's always had a dark side" she even told him about how he had sold a house to her and told her to pay in installments. she mentioned how he almost raped her offering her not to pay the balance. "I thought this thing is over with the death of Chile but it's like this man wants to make our lives difficult." Scar shook his head. "why can't you offer to take back his things or money if you have sold them.?" She asked him. " I know the kind of person he's potrayed to be. He won't accept those things back, his own is to ensure am burried dead." Sila insisted they try calling him and ask him to get his things back. Sila called her brother inlaw and told him about the offer and he laughed. "Oh my Sila you are so naive. I don't just want money and my things back. I also want that thugs head and if he is caught by the police I will ensure he doesn't last a day in prison alive." He responded to her. Sila hang up and shook her head. " I told you" Scar held her hand. "but I will die first before I let him touch you." ********** A week later Scar had improved generally and Sila helped him walk around the yard. His shoulder wound had improved too. she had just helped him sit on the couch one afternoon and asked him about his mother. He had told her all about his mother and were she lived. " when I get better I promise to let her see you." Sila smilled. "unfortunately I can't do the same for you to my family for now." "I understand" he answered. They had fallen asleep that night and Scar was awakened by a loud sound from outside. He quickly limped to the window and pulled the curtain back a bit. The cops had surrounded them. "Shit !" he shouted, He shook sila up "Sila get the boy and maid we have to go the police are surrounding us someone must have led them here. " She quickly pulled on a track bottom and rushed to get Zac and Maria. Jo who was in the other room quickly ran to Scar's room "we are bashed boss, what do we do... ?" " Come on now Jo get everyone inside the house to the secret passage, now !" he ordered. Jo went to Sila. "let's go there's a way out of this place." he led them to the pantry and opened the metal covered with tiles, he gave a flash light to Sila. " go with them" he said pushing Zac and Maria ahead as he indicated to one of their guys. "we are behind you." "no way, what about Aaron?" she asked looking back. " am not leaving without him, plus he needs medication too. " "Here" Sila gave the touch to another guy with them. "make sure they are safe." She quickly kissed her son. " go on sonny" she told him "am right behind you." She ran back to the room, Scar held his gun ready. " I thought I told Jo to lead you out of here, they will blow up the door any time soon." " well" Sila answered as she went to pack his medication in the small bag. "you can't walk properly alone you need someone to help you." She hurried. " But Sila come on Jo is here we can hold off the cops and make sure you escape safely. " " stop playing hero Aaron!" she scolded him "you are not well and need to be out of this place or you are going to die in jail. We all need to leave this place" she shouted holding his hand and leading him out. He limped as she led him to the passage, Jo behind them as soon as they closed the entrance to the passage, the door was blown away creating a loud sound. As voices of the police shouted. "search everywhere and bring them out" their commander ordered. Scar and the rest walked in silence in the passage. The only light was what the flash lights produced. His wounds started bleeding again with the pressure he had put on them they had to stop. Sila lifted his t-shirt, "we can't go on i need to look at his wound. " " Jo" Scar called him. " take the boy and maid to a safe place. we can't risk being caught, this woman won't leave. " he shook his head looking at Sila. She took time dressing the wound as one of Scar's boys held the flash light. "You need to be still for a while" she suggested. "we cannot be here for a long time. We need to get out of this passage and go to a safe place out there." He argued standing up. They walked slowly taking almost an hour to reach the small shed on the end of the tunnel meeting up Jo and the others. "Find a Car boys" he ordered his boys "we need to get to the warehouse." Sila helped him sit up and placed his head on herself as Jo disappeared in the thick night. He was seemingly weak he panted as he put his head on her laps and passed out..
8 Jun 2019 | 20:30
stalked_by_mafia_21 She touched his neck, "he has developed a fever" she sighed. "we need to get him to a safe place as soon as possible." "how long until Jo gets back?" Sila asked the guy with them. "It's been 5 minutes already he must be here any time. he had to go by the road side one of our guys must bring a vehicle from somewhere." the guy explained. She had removed his shirt completely and allow some cool air touch him after dressing his wounds. Scar groaned coming to " hey hey !" Sila called him.. "Aaron stay still moving will make your wounds bleed more. The vehicle will be here soon." She told him making him lay back down "where is everyone?" he managed to ask.. "we are all here" she pointed out. Scar let a small smile exposing his white teeth as the moon light lit his face. He raised his hand and touched her face. "If i never met you days ago. I would have been dead by now, thank you" he said honestly. Sila tried to push back the tears in her eyes. " you will be fine" she manged to say. A couple of minutes later they heard the sound of a vehicle driving their direction. " he's here" the guy with them announced, immediately it halted Sila asked Jo and the guy to help put Scar in the car. It was a big car with 7 seats. The nanny, Zac and the guy sat at the back and Sila put Scar's head on her laps sitting on the middle seats. Jo sat with the driver. "Hurry" Jo told the driver "to the warehouse." "no " Scar stopped him.. "it's quite risky now. we dont know how much the police know abiut us. Take us to Lukanga, we are going stay at mom's house. Then you guys will disperse to your homes too at least we all will be safe there. " " That's ok" Jo agreed as he indicated for the driver to start moving. "And the other thing" Scar added "have you heard anything from our police informat..?" "not yet boss" Jo answered.. "what are you waiting for? Do it now, call him." Jo dialled the number.. After talking for 2 minutes he hang up. "Boss" he told Scar, " he says the police had tracked some number given by some politician." "Oh no!" Scar frowned.. " it's your brother in law Sila" he looked at her. " he must have given them your line to trace our whereabouts. " "Oh my God that idiot." Sila spat. "what do we do now?" She asked... "get rid of the phone now before they track us again." Jo spoke up.. "That's right" Scar agreed looking at Sila. she handed Jo her phone, he opened it and destroyed the sim card. They arrived at Scar's mother's house at 01 am. Scar motioned for Sila to get his phone from his pocket. "call mom" he said, "let me talk to her." "Helo mom" he spoke after his mother answered. " Aaron" she called in a sleepy voice. "what happened ? Why are you calling this time sonny.?" "Open the door mom, am outside." A couple of minutes later, his sleepy mom unlocked the door. she stopped when she saw the prado parked outside and no one came out. Jo opened and went out to her 'how are you mom" he greeted at least she knew him Scar had gone with him to see her on two occasions he was the only one who knew where she lived. "Am fine Jo.. where is Aaron?" She responded.. " He's hurt mom it's a long story lets get him in the house he will explain everything." Jo responded "of course" she nodded opening the door as the other guy and Sila helped him to the house. Scar's mother looked at Sila and the kid but kept the question to herself wondering what was going on with her son as she followed them inside. She went to him.. " Aaron you look pale what happened to you ? " she panicked.. "were are you hurt?" she cried... "oh Jesus ! " she screamed when he showed her the wound in his leg and chest. "what is this my son?" She whispered Scar looked at Jo sitting next to him. "you can go with the boys we will stay here. I will give you a call, take care of everyone else and be careful out there." He mumbled 'Sure" Jo nodded, he patted Scars hand.. " get well soon man." he said honestly with sadiness in his heart. As he went to the car Jo, held his waist looking at the moon. He wished his friend was well. '"this life is indeed a battle " he thought. "others get it the hardest and others just enjoy the hervest of those that had victory, like the people who grow up with everything provided for them. They just go through every phase of life with things placed in their hands. theirs is to chew and swallow. unfortunately people like him were in the middle of the war. fighting either to live or die. He shook his head. "what for anyway, at the end of it all everything was useless. You would end up either dying or living fighting each day." He opened the door and hopped in the car, "let's go" he told the driver.. Scar lay down on the sofa as he narrated the story from the beginning. All through his narration his mother shook her head tears rolling in her face... "oh Aron my son. you didn't have to go through all that, it is better to live poor than deep your hands in the cup of evil. God could have found another way for us my son" she cried. " Your father was a hard working and honesty man." " I know mom," Scar responded " but he died and everything changed. I mean, I don't have any good justification for what I did but someone had to do something for us mom." His mother shook her head.. "my son God always does things for us you didn't need to rush him." she cried.. "stop it already mom," he snapped. "where was your God when dad was dying? , where was he when they took everything we had? Where was he when I cried for him to help us. oh mom where was he when we slept with hunger...? " he shook his head. "Stop blaming God Aaron Mulenga." his mother screamed.. "what have you turned into? I taught you about the goodness of God. How dare you say that nonsense now. Don't you believe anymore? " He looked at his mother, she was really hurt. she would only call him his full names when she was really upset and disapointed. "Am sorry mother" he said in a low voice.. "I stopped believing a long time ago and you can't blame me. " he murmered. She slapped him on his face " stop!" she cried. Holding her mouth realising she just hit her injured son. All this while Sila watched the two in silence, thankfully Zac had fallen asleep on the way so he was taken to sleep in the bedroom when they arrived, Maria was with him. Sila finally spoke up seeing the way the talk was turning up. "Please we all need to calm down.." Scar's mother apologised, "am so sorry my daughter. I have not even had time to welcome you properly" "it's ok" Sila smilled, " I understand..." "you are a good woman Sila" she told her. "For you to endure the suffering my son put you through and raise his son and now you are the one to save the life of the man who made your life a living hell. God will surely be the one to reward you and give you a long and blessed life" she said with tears in her face.. Sila hugged her crying too "thank you" she told her. " I know you are a good mother too. it's not your fault Aaron did what he did. Do not blame yourself" She nodded as she wiped her tears. "Mom forgive me, am sorry I didn't want you involved in all this but I had no other choice." she went to him and carefully gave him a hug, " You are my son and will always be no matter what. I still love you." "Thank you mom" he whispered to her. Sila wiped a tear and smilled joyfully. The bond between Scar and his mother making her smile widely.
8 Jun 2019 | 20:31
So what next for Aaron and sila
9 Jun 2019 | 04:14
I suspect sila brother in-law is the one that chance Aaron's father wealth
9 Jun 2019 | 04:19
I think all will be well
9 Jun 2019 | 07:37
Ride on
9 Jun 2019 | 08:24
Dis brother in law is beginning to be a torn in scar's flesh!!!
9 Jun 2019 | 12:25
I pray all should be well with u guys
9 Jun 2019 | 18:21
And now the police is on his tail
9 Jun 2019 | 20:09
stalked_by_a_mafia_22 Scar's mother looked at Sila as she attended to Scar. She carefully washed his wounds with salt water, cleaning them and putting fresh bandages. she stood by the door and watched in silence. Sila and Scar didn't see her they had stayed with her for the past 2 weeks. she came to love Sila, she was the exact woman she had always wished for her son and the Boy Zac just stole her heart. She loved him so much he reminded her of Scar as a boy . she smilled as she continued watching. Sila had finished taking care of Scar and he tried to stand up and she helped him up. "hey Sila" he held her waist.. "you need to stop worrying so much about me am better now.." "Not until I see you running" she responded, he bent to kiss her. Scar's mom smilled before slowly closing back the door and as she turned Just to find Zac behind her. "shshshsh" she told Zac, " let's go to the market now Isaac. we should buy vegetables." "let's go!" Zac said excited.. Sila withdrew from the kiss. "stop that Aaron, you are still hurt." "Am stronger than before" he chuckled as he rubbed his nose on hers. "You know what Sila" he smiled pulling her to sit on the bed. He took a pillow and placed it on his back as he leaned on the wall. " I am not good at expressing my feelings. I don't know all that staff of buying flowers or cards, I don't even know how to use those sweet words people in love use like my love,babe, honey, sweety or whatever. I don't know, but one thing I know for sure deep here" he held her palm to his heart. "Is that I love you with every breath in my heart. I can never repay you for what you have done and doing for me. because no amount of cash can match the price of what you deserve. The only thing I have to give you is my sincere love from every heart beat I have." She looked at him and smilled. "thats more than enough just add one more thing" she said... "what's that?" Scar asked... "God" She said seriously.. " I want you to accept Jesus again and rededicate your life to him, he has given you a million chances in life and he deserves your commitment." He smilled... "you are no different from my mom. I will do that only if you promise to stay by me and show me how." He shrugged "done !" Sila exclaimed.. She leaned forward and kissed him. "am glad you are getting better mafia boy." "oh yeah" he giggled holding her neck and and Kissing her deeper. Slowly the tension between them grew as they kissed.. He pulled her to himself and slowly removed her blouse his eyes fixed on hers, he looked at her exposed bra. "I like the colour red on you" he smilled as he unpinned the bra from her back pulling it out and leaving her still pointed breasts exposed. "but I like it best if this was out of my way" he teased throwing it down. Sila gasped as he reached her mouth and gently licked her nipples. working his other hand into her chitenge, he touched the top of her undies rubbing her slowly as she closed her eyes, shoots of sweet pleasure rushing in her parts of the body. "There's is another obstruction down here" he murmered his mouth still on her nipples. She tried to resist for fear of hurting him on the healing wounds, but with his every touch he made it hard for her. "Come on Aaron, Please you are hurt." she moaned. "Stop this now.." He smilled as he kissed her mouth. "stop nagging already woman and let me do my work." "you are unbelievable Mr. " she gasped. He went on working on her and succesfully made her sit on him. Minutes later they both exploded in pleasure and lay down sighing tired. He kissed her forehead and smilled. "I escaped death just to enjoy being with you my woman." She stared at him silently. Then she spoke up. "how are things out there? Any news from the guys and police? " "Yeah" he sat up.. "Jo came to brief me again. he said the police have at least taken off a bit and that they have no more evidence against me in fact they are saying I probably am dead. "You know" he paused, "They can't admit they failed to catch us publicly so the best is for them to say something that paints them a good picture." Sila nodded in understanding.. "Yeah" he continued .. "I managed to contact my buyers and Jo managed to sell all the cars including your Brother inlaw's jeep and gen sets . For now we are clean " he added. " we don't have any physical things to expose us and luckily the cops found nothing at my house to implicate me. I don't even have a photo of myself in the house" he chuckled. "Okay then, Aaron" Sila told him... "whatever you have gotten rid off is the last you will ever do, because as of yersterday, you stopped stealing anything." "Anything ?" he teased, kissing her lip. "even kisses from you.?" "Am serious Aaron" she snapped. "promise me this life of yours is all in the past and that you will change for the better, for your son. your mother's and my sake this is all over" she added seriously. "I will try woman" he said to her "it's not going to be easy though. that life is all i know how to do and the guys look up to me I cannot just abandon them." "yes you will! " she raised her voice " if they want let them find another leader, that is if they are still in this life. just look at how others have lost their lives and even freedom. And you will find something else to do am serious Aaron." she said upset.. "or you can forget about me and your son.." "Oh, oh easy Sila" he held her. "I didn't say I won't change, come on woman you can't leave me now. I can't go on without you, please I said I will work on it come on stop being upset with me now. I can't stand you being mad at me. You aren't leaving me alone are you?" he asked looking into her eyes. "You know I will if you won't change Aaron. we cannot live this kind of life for good. Running and fighting, no ways. " she shook her head. "I get you" he said.. " I promise to do whatever you say, fortunately you have made me a slave of your heart. I can't stand it without you. Now come on, give me some love" he said pulling her to him "another round will put me back on my feet." she shook her head moving closer to him "you are lots to handle you know that." she giggled. ****** After 2 months.... Scar had healed and getting strong again. He called a meeting with his guys and advised them to stop their robbing business. he told them he was done and had a family to look up to. "do the same boys" he told them. "go live, find hapiness and do something you all will be proud of." He sold his house and managed to get his secret vult which had all his important documents, about K150 000 cash and 2000 dollars plus what he had stocked in his account, he had millions to help him start over. Sila managed to get an early retirement, she applied for a job in the USA and when she was accepted to go and work there she asked Scar to go live with her. "It's a good place to go start over " Scar agreed. " I will find some business to invest in and fortunate enough I have contacts from some of my old buyers am sure it won't be difficult to settle in" he had added. Sila had somehow managed to convince her family about Scar. She told them he was a changed person and she was going to marry him and give him a second chance. She received mixed feelings from her relatives but that didnt stop her from going ahead with their plans.. ********* Her brother in law was jailed months after. when he was charged with multiple counts of corruption and even murder. ******** Jo opened some business in Livingstone dealing in car selling his business was growing and he had even decided to marry. ***** Maria and Sila were still friends and Maria had come to understand her friend. Sila, Aaron, Isaac and Scar's mother are now relocated to the USA. Aaron is a well established business man owning a company. His master mind had earned him a lot of money in 10 years. ********** "Hey my woman" he called her. she turned to look at him coming from the stairs, she smilled widely... "you grow more handsome everyday my mafia." she teased, "that taxido fits you perfectly." Scar kissed her, "and you woman never stops making me fall in love with you everyday you are so beautiful and amazing this bump," he said rubbing her 7 months pregnancy, "fits you perfectly." "Mom! Daddy! Their second born a 5 years old girl , Hope called them.. "Take it easy baby" Scar held his daughter " you might hurt your baby sister here" he said extending his hands to guard Sila's pregancy. "what is it Hope?" Sila asked her. "Zac is here!" she screams excited. "well let's go see him then and let the party begin " Scar indicated holding his wife. They walked outside to welcome him. Zac had just graduated with a first degree in mechanical engineering from one of the top universities in the USA. "Well done big boy" Scar hugged his son. " your mom and i are so proud of you." Sila hugged him too, "we are all proud of you sonny lets go to the back yard your grand ma is welcoming our guests." They walked to the back, the 4 of them holding hands and smilling as everyone shouted... "congratulations! !" .........The end.........
10 Jun 2019 | 02:26
finally oooo
10 Jun 2019 | 02:27
And it ended with a happily ever after
10 Jun 2019 | 04:12
Thumbs up for the writer :g
10 Jun 2019 | 04:17
Wow, what an awesome story
10 Jun 2019 | 08:36
Kudos to the writer
10 Jun 2019 | 08:38
I read the story in another site but came here to steal the final episode !!!!!!!!mafia mood ???
10 Jun 2019 | 13:39
Nice story... Well done!!!
12 Jun 2019 | 20:35


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