Springs of fire- Season 1 & 2.

Springs of fire- Season 1 & 2.

By marcus in 27 Nov 2018 | 07:09
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Posts: 758
Member since: 30 Mar 2016
Episode 1

The Island Country of Carida…

The waves of the sea bellowed and tumbled on each other; cool air wafted over the beach; the sand made imprints on the back of the two lovers as they lay in each other’s arms watching the beauty of the deep blue sea.
They had just finished a session of passionate lovemaking. They were fatigued but satiated. They enjoyed their afterglow by gazing at the raging sea.
Julia’s brown eyes clouded as her phone beeped.
‘Who’s this?’ She placed the phone against her ear.
‘The Phoenix.’ A cold tenor voice replied.
Her blood pumped; her heart danced as she realized who she was speaking with.
‘Master.’ She replied nervously. It was cool but small beads of sweat began to appear on her forehead.
‘Your next job will take you to the Republic of Dania, find Gavin Adediran and kill him. Leave no traces. Make it a neat job.’
Julia nodded to the instructions given, ‘Yes sir.’
Her lover, Delilah had been watching her face this whole time. She noticed how Julia’s face had travelled from cheerful to dark and unreadable.
‘What’s the problem honey?’ She sat up.
‘Nothing. I’m fine.’ Julia gritted her teeth. A sudden headache appeared from no where.
‘No you’re not!’ Delilah sensed something was terribly wrong.
‘Suit yourself.’ Julia rose to her feet and walked far away from the spot where they had laid.
‘Julia!’ Delilah called her, but she shut her ears to the calls.
She didn’t want to carry out the assignment but she knew she was bound to. The Phoenix had taken her up as a child with no family and catered for her all her life.
They had cleaned her and trained her in ways one could only dream of and now it was time to put to work all she had been taught.
She had gone to the best schools and toured different countries. Julia was equally multilingual; this made her blend in almost everywhere.
She had to do this job neatly; Gavin Adediran would be reported dead in no time. She would to travel to the Republic of Dania, a neighbouring country to the Island of Carida. When she arrived there she would mingle with the people there and strike when the time was right.

Dania Republic…

‘Anything else?’ The obese bartender asked as he drummed his fingers on the table.
‘Another scotch please.’ Ore replied with a drunken grin.
‘Okay.’ He shrugged, a minute later, he returned with a bottle scotch.
Tears stung her eyes as the memories of Paul flashed through her mind. He was getting married in two weeks time; still she had not gotten over him.
‘Where are you Lord? Where are you now? She muttered and then laughed.
Ore’s parents had died early, leaving her with her younger sister, Oye who mysteriously got missing many years back. They had been taken to the orphanage by their relatives who were not willing to take up the responsibility of catering for two kids.
Her lips quivered as she remembered the horrors she had gone through in the orphanage. From the regular rape by the male staff, the starvation and to the verbal abuse; she had succeeded in leaving the orphanage at eighteen; she had given her life to Christ and everything seemed to work out well…
‘I hate him.’ she cried.
Paul had been one of the Christian brothers in her local church and they had fallen in love with each other. Everyone knew about their relationship, everyone had expected them to get married, but he had dumped her when she least expected it.
“You are too broken for me, and I don’t think I can get over the stories you told me. I can’t be with a woman who has been raped before; I can’t be with a non-virgin.”
Those were the words he had spoken to her.
All the pain from her sexual abuse she thought she had buried resurrected again; her heart bled as the painful memories returned.
She had prayed and fasted, begging God to take away those memories; praying to him to heal her, but it seemed God had abandoned her at her time of greatest need.
‘You’re just like the others…’ she whispered to God, people always walked out of her life and he had just become part of that group.
She froze as she heard a man’s voice.
Her tipsiness paved a little way and she was able to see the man clearly.
‘You look unhappy, drinking won’t solve the problem; it will make the pain bigger. It will make the memories more vivid.’ He said to her.
Ore’s brows furrowed as she looked into the handsome stranger’s beautiful eyes; they were bold and obsidian; broody and neutral. She couldn’t tell what his true intentions were.
His face really did seem familiar; she had seen this man somewhere but she just couldn’t place it.
She opened her mouth to speak but words failed her.
‘Gavin Adediran.’ The stranger stretched his hand and offered her his sweetest smile.
‘Ugh?’ Her eyes grew wide as she recognized one of the youngest millionaires in Dania Republic.
‘Um…Ore.’ she stuttered and pushed the bottle of scotch away.
‘Nice name.’ He looked straight into her eyes.
Ore had heard many things about the man, she heard he was a womanizer and at the same time a Pastor, she didn’t know what to believe.
‘Can I ask you a question?’ She stuttered, the liquor was still working on her.
‘Go ahead…Ore.’ He encouraged her.
‘Are you a womanizer or a Pastor?’ she blurted out.
He chuckled for a few seconds, this lady had a sense of humour but the problems of life tried to steal that joy away.
‘I know you’re wondering why I am in a bar, but I didn’t come on my own. I was sent by someone.’ Gavin replied and he was being truthful.
‘Who?’ She arched a brow.
‘The Holy Spirit. He told me to come here. He said I will meet my destiny.’
To be continued.....
27 Nov 2018 | 07:09
Nice start. [hr] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES SEASON 1. SCROLL DOWN FOR EPISODE 2&3 •Episode 4-5 Episode 6-7 Episode 8-10 Episode 11-12 Episode 13-14 Episode 15 Episode 16-17 Episode 18 Final Episode [hr] SEASON 2. •Episode 1 Episode 2-3 Episode 4-5 Episode 6-7 Episode 8-9 Episode 10-11 Episode 12-13 Episode 14-15 Last Episode
27 Nov 2018 | 09:28
korrect stat
27 Nov 2018 | 09:49
nice start
27 Nov 2018 | 22:30
Episode 2 Republic of Dania… TWO days later… It was a beautiful Tuesday morning, the sun was mild and friendly, the azure clouds displayed their loveliness, even Ore couldn’t deny how relaxed she was feeling. She kept thinking about him. The man she had met at the bar who’d come on time, else she would’ve drunk herself to stupor! Her eyes were on his complimentary card. He had left her abruptly after receiving a phone call from one of his church members. ‘What was I thinking?’ She rolled her eyes and returned the card in her purse. He had not said much to her, but from the little, she felt remorse for her actions. Yes, Paul had ended things with her and was about to wed another woman in a fortnight. Yes, he had called her broken and made her feel shamed for the past she had no control over. “I don’t know what you’re passing through Ore, but God wants you to be happy. He wants you to open up yourself, so your healing may be complete.” Those were his words to her. She found herself smiling sheepishly as she thought about the handsome Pastor Billionaire, Gavin Adediran, the C.E.O of Spice, a multibillion phone producing empire. He seemed so different from what she had heard about him. Maybe he was a true man of God after all. ‘Excuse me Madam…’ Ore snapped out of her thoughts and turned her attention to one of her students. She was a teacher in one of the best secondary schools on Dania Republic, Little Springs High. She took off her medicated glasses that shielded her large chestnut eyes from the student who was the most notorious in her class. ‘How may I help you young woman?’ She smiled at the rude girl. Bella Sebastian acted more mature than most of her classmates. She was a very difficult child always rude to both students and teachers. Most teachers had reported her to the school authority but no solid action had been taken as she was from a very wealthy home.Ore had resolved within her to stay away from Bella’s troubles. She decided to ignore her totally. ‘I was not able to submit my home work, here it is.’ She tossed a note on Ore’s desk. Ore shook her head not believing what had just taken place, ‘Are you okay? I gave this assignment two weeks ago. Why are you just submitting it now?’ Bella rolled her eyes, ‘You better keep your voice down before I get you fired.’ Indignation welled up in Ore as she ran her eyes over the silly girl, her fingers curled into a fist, ready for punching but she held herself as she remembered that Anger was one of the fruits of the flesh. ‘You will not lead me to temptation.’ Ore waved a finger across her face. ‘Whatever, we both know you are the devil.’ Bella hissed loudly before walking away. The rest of her mates stared open mouthed, with great shock while some giggled mischievously. Tears welled up in Ore’s eyes as she stared at the faces of her students who were giggling. It brought back memories of her painful childhood. She had no friends in school except Oye her sister, most girls avoided her like plague simply because she came from the orphanage and orphanage kids were considered a bad omen. ‘Bella…’ she yelled, her chestnut eyes darkening as rage sizzled in her. Bella continued walking, like she heard nothing. Ore drew in a deep breath like it was her last, about to call her name the second time when she heard a gentle whisper: “Be calm.” ‘What?’ She swallowed. “For the fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, PATIENCE…” the gentle voice whispered. Ore closed her eyes, she bit her lips as she realized who was talking to her. She shut her mind to everything else, just to hear more from him. “Bella needs your love. It is your love that would bring her joy and peace. It is your patience that would draw her to me.” ‘Lord why? She is rude and annoying! She just insulted me in front of the whole class!’ Ore’s mind whispered back to the third person in the trinity. But there was no answer, silence clouded her mind. A freezing quietness filled her. Only then, did her anger flee. The beep of her phone unsettled her, then her eyes cracked open. ‘Gavin…’ she smiled and rushed to fetch her phone. Gavin Adediran was many things. A pastor. A millionaire. An obedient son. He loved his family with everything in him and could sacrifice his life just to keep them happy. Theirs was a close knitted family. He had just one sibling, Lily, his young and pretty sister. They lost their father at a very young age, but with the help and supervision of their mother, they were able to come out achievers. The Adedirans always had breakfast together. The dining hall was large; chandeliers dripped from the ceiling, even the walls too. They showered off their majesty in the splash of silver lights that fell on the marble floor. ‘Where is your sister honey?’ Mrs. Adediran asked Gavin. The servants had served them a delicious Caribbean meal as breakfast; Poudin and Souce; a marriage of mashed sweet potatoes and pork chops. ‘Painting her face as usual.’ Gavin laughed. ‘That girl will not be the end of me.’ The woman chuckled. She was so proud to have them as kids, the joy of every mother was to have successful children and her darlings were successful. ‘I am sorry, a bit late!’ Lily trotted into the dining hall. ‘Whatever, say Grace Gavin.’ Mrs. Adediran turned to her son who sat directly opposite her. In a few seconds the prayer was over and they were all busy with their forks and knives. ‘Someone wants to work in my department.’ Lily announced as she chewed on her food. She chaired the advertising department of the family business empire. ‘Nice, you’ve been looking for assistant for so long.’ Gabriel nodded. ‘Yes, she actually wants to be my Personal Assistant.’ Lily replied. ‘Okay, cool.’ Gavin returned. They ate in silence for a few more minutes. Mrs. Adediran would stare at Gavin for some moments then smile, unknown to her he had been watching her out of the corner of his eyes. ‘What is it mum? Spit it.’ He knew she was up to something. ‘Um…there is this special girl I want you to meet. She comes from a prominent family in the Island of Carida…her parents are serious minded Christians and I am sure she would make a good wife for you.’ She smiled, knowing that her son would buy the idea. Gavin laughed it off; he felt his mother was joking. ‘Her name is Delilah Badkins. She is super cute and you will love her.’ Gabriel could see she was determined to match make him with some strange woman; he didn’t want to argue with her, he simply let her wallow in her early morning reverie of finding him a wife. ‘Mum, I don’t think Gavin is interested in this Delilah, look at his face, it’s grim and lacklustre. Maybe he has found himself a wife.’ Lily winked. Mrs. Adediran impatiently cut in, ‘Tell me Gavin, have you found a wife? Have you?’ To be continued…….
28 Nov 2018 | 03:27
Episode 3 The Island of Carida… ‘Where are you off to baby?’ Delilah wrapped her slender arms round her lover, Julia. Julia had been acting really strange since their fight at the beach. She was reserved and dull. She was always on her computer doing god knows what. ‘Somewhere,’ Julia’s reply was flat and unwelcoming. ‘Look, I am tired of you shutting me out. What’s your problem? Since that weird phone call at the beach, you have been acting weird. Are you cheating on me?’ Delilah released her immediately and watched her. Julia kissed her teeth. Why couldn’t Delilah give her some space? She needed all the focus to succeed in this operation which was the easiest she would do and yet seemed the toughest. ‘I have to travel Delilah, it’s really important. I am not cheating on you. If I were, I’d let you know.’ Julia closed the box and moved towards the bed. She had done some research on her target. He was a simple man, good looking too, it was a shame that he would die in her arms. She had been given two weeks ultimatum for the job, which was time enough. The longest she had been given by The Phoenix. ‘You’re leaving me for someone else?’ Delilah’s voice was broken. ‘Hell no, can you just stop?’ Julia took out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it. Her heart was beating fast, like that of a drum on a bonfire night. She couldn’t believe she would set foot on Dania republic after all these years. She thought of the beautiful water birds; the bright face of the sun whenever it was summer; the scent of nutmeg bread which was her favourite in the mornings. ‘Sister…’ she murmured, was she still alive? ‘Take me with you.’ Delilah cried. Julia’s mind was made up; she would slaughter Gavin Adediran just like the rest of her victims. She drew out the cigarette from her tiny lips, rings of smoke danced out of her mouth. ‘Take…’ she offered Delilah the cigarette. ‘What for?’ Delilah asked. ‘Whenever you think of me, light one. As the smoke flows out, think of me. I am always there with you Dee. I love you.’ She dropped a light kiss on her lover’s forehead. Those were her last words to Delilah, before she stormed out of their little house, determined to bring justice to the Phoenix. REPUBLIC of Dania… ‘How are you today Ore?’ Gavin asked. ‘I am fine sir.’ She replied with a beating heart. She couldn’t believe he’d actually call. Gavin Adediran had called her! He chuckled, ‘Can you just stop with the formality, call me Gavin and I’ll call you Ore.’ She rolled her eyes, ‘And if I don’t?’ ‘I’ll call you darling.’ His voice was low and incredibly deep. Blood tweaked her cheeks, she felt shy, ‘So how are you doing today?’ ‘Oh I’m great, just in the office.’ Gavin replied. They’d been speaking to each other for some days. Discussing random topics, but nothing personal. She wished they could go deeper, she really enjoyed his company but she was scared to go there, what if he just wanted to keep her at arm’s length. She didn’t want to seem clingy or desperate. ‘Are you free tonight?’ Gavin asked, he’d missed her so much and he couldn’t wait to set eyes on her again. ‘Yes. Yes. Why?’ She stuttered. ‘Let’s have dinner tonight, I’ll text you details.’ ‘Alright, that would be cool.’ ‘Have a nice day Ore, and remember that Jesus is with you no matter what you’re going through.’ ‘Thanks Si…Gavin.’ She peeled the phone from the side of her face and dropped it on the desk before her. ‘Wow.’ She closed her eyes, talking to Gavin always made her feel better. She was so excited about dinner later that night. It meant so much that a man of his standing would want to go out with her, a teacher! ‘Breathe Ore, breathe, you can handle this.’ She inhaled deeply. ‘It’s time for your class Madam.’ Immediately her eyes cracked open, she had lost herself in an early morning reverie of Gavin and herself being something more than friends. That was very silly of you, she thought. She realized that she had a crush on Gavin. Well who wouldn’t? He was very handsome and God fearing. Now, that was the kind of man most ladies wanted. ‘Thank you Tigris.’ She smiled at the class representative. She carried her textbook and a marker then marched towards the blackboard. Ore enjoyed teaching her students; she loved sharing the little knowledge that God had given to her. ‘Good morning class.’ She smiled as she scanned their little faces. “Good morning Madam.” They chorused. ‘Today, we’ll be considering Hormones.’ She scribbled swiftly on the board. Her ears fluttered as the students began to giggle. She ignored them at first, reminding herself that they were teenagers and needed to be treated with patience and a high level of tolerance. But when the giggle protruded into full blown laughter, she swirled round. ‘Ego, are you alright?’ She was surprised to see the girl looking so dirty and unkempt. Her dress was torn in many places and her hair was obviously not combed for some days. ‘Talk to me, what’s wrong?’ She walked towards her. Ego’s eyes were bloodshot, her lips were cracked and she was shivering all over. ‘Stay away from me ! I hate all of you!’ she yelled angrily, before Ore could react, the girl scurried out of the class like a scared rabbit. The pupils laughed loudly and jeered as she ran. ‘Silence! Silence all of you.’ Ore cautioned them. There was something wrong with Ego, something off about her behaviour today. She closed her eyes, hoping to gain focus but she found herself trapped in a trance. She was in another world, one of eeriness and darkness; a path that was murky, one that led nowhere. Wild shrubs grew by the side, the cries of crows made the atmosphere thick. ‘Where am I?’ She wondered. But there was no answer, for she was alone. She tried to move fast, but it seemed her foot was being dragged by something. Suddenly she felt a cold hand by her shoulder, when she opened her eyes, she found her ex standing right before her with a crooked smile. ‘Hello darling, how are you?’ ‘Jesus!’ Ore gasped and opened her eyes. What did this mean? To be continued………………..
28 Nov 2018 | 03:32
bring it on
28 Nov 2018 | 04:32
Am loving this
28 Nov 2018 | 07:18
this Ore will like day dreaming alot oo
28 Nov 2018 | 07:27
Nice start
28 Nov 2018 | 11:41
28 Nov 2018 | 11:52
ride on
29 Nov 2018 | 02:03
Episode 4 It seems somebody is in love.’ Lily winked at her brother. She’d watched his whole face the entire time he made the call. She had never seen her brother being so excited about a woman. ‘Don’t put a label on it yet. I don’t even know if she is the one.’ Gavin replied. He had gone to that bar to find someone, but he had left ten minutes after because of the urgent call he received from a member. The Holy Spirit had not yet revealed who his destiny was. But one thing was for sure, he liked Ore. He loved her meek and kind spirit. She was very beautiful too. He loved how radiant her dark skin was. It was smooth and flawless. Her hair flowed to her back and it was natural. Her brown eyes were pools of serenity, welcoming and trusting. Ore was not just a dove, she was a beautiful one. ‘Tell me a little about her.’ Lily was curious. ‘Well, her name is Ore Martins. She teaches in a High School. She is born again. Humble and caring. She is a black beauty.’ He replied. Gavin noticed a slight change in his sister, her smile faded, her brows wrinkled and deep frown settled over her features. ‘Are you alright?’ He watched her closely. ‘Not really, there was this girl in my Secondary school, her name was Ore Martins.’ Lily returned. ‘And?’ Gavin raised a brow. ‘She had a mental problem. From the stories I heard, she was into prostitution and drug addiction. Most of the girls didn’t mix with her.’ Lily said. Gavin felt bad for the person his sister had just told him about, but he was quite sure that was not his Ore. ‘Too bad, this Ore is different.’ He shook his head. ‘I hope so.’ She replied. ‘There’s someone I’d love for you to meet. The applicant that I told you about. I like her already; she is quiet and knows her place. I just want you to take a look, maybe ask her a few questions.’ Lily needed her brother’s approval before employing the lady. ‘Nice, send her in.’ Gavin affirmed with a nod. ‘You may go in.’ The receptionist motioned her to the door just as she dropped her phone. ‘Thanks.’ Julia smiled at the young woman. She couldn’t believe it would be this easy to gain access to such a huge empire. Her heart raced as she grabbed the door knob, she always felt this blood lust, this excitement whenever she was about to meet her prey for the first time. She pushed open the door and stepped inside. ‘Good morning Sir.’ She bowed her head politely as she spotted the man she was to eliminate in fourteen days. One word, “hot.” Julia felt pity that such a handsome man would go to waste. He was tall. Caramel skinned. Jet black eyes, and curly hair. He welcomed her with a smile that would’ve melted her heart if she were into men. Too bad she wasn’t. ‘Welcome Irene, I hope you don’t mind me using your first name?’ Gabriel rose to his feet to receive her. ‘No problem sir. Thank you.’ She took his hands. ‘My sister Lily has told me much about you. She thinks you are very good and suitable for the job.’ His hands were still bound to hers in a handshake. ‘Yes.’ Irene smiled, trying her best to win his attention. She knew deep down, that it wouldn’t be easy assassinating a man like Gavin Adediran and this was the reason she had been given two weeks. Irene was a fair complexioned lady. She had light brown eyes and full red lips. But there was something about her; Gavin couldn’t place a finger on it. Her eyes reminded him of Ore, but he quickly pushed the thoughts aside. Julia could feel Gavin’s eyes boring into her, did he like her? Was she attracted to her? She hoped he was, that would be the fastest way to eliminate him. He was still looking into her eyes when a vision flashed right before him. Gavin was immediately transported to another realm. He found a man on a hill, dressed in black clothes. ‘I know you are Gavin Adediran.’ The man bellowed at him from the top of the hill. ‘Who are you and why are you there?’ Gavin asked. ‘My name is Paul.’ The strange man replied. Then he began to laugh, a wicked gleam filled his eyes, before Gavin could respond the vision faded. ‘So do you have any experience at this kind of work?’ He asked Irene. Though he looked composed, the strange vision troubled his mind. Was Paul a demon? Was he human? Who was Paul and what did he want with him? The Island of Carida… Delilah was not happy with the way Julia left her, she suspected that her partner was cheating on her, but she was not too sure. She decided to pay her parents a visit for the few days Julia was out of town. She came from one of the wealthiest families in the Island. Her family had a goldmine, so they would never be poor. They were very religious people, this was the reason she had not opened up about her sexual orientation. Delilah was bisexual. She was attracted to both men and women, though she had fallen for Julia. If her family ever got to know about her dark side, they would be so disappointed. ‘Welcome home mistress.’ One of the maids greeted as she brought her convertible to a halt. ‘Harra, how are you?’ She winked at the girl. ‘Fine thank you madam.’ Harra replied. ‘Where’s everyone? The compound seems empty.’ Delilah noticed how quiet the place was. ‘Um, a visitor came, an important one.’ Harra informed Delilah of an unfamiliar person who’d been openly welcomed by her parents. ‘Okay, get my stuff from the boot, see you later.’ Delilah walked briskly towards the mansion, wondering what her parents were up to. She found them laughing and dining with a middle aged woman who was very beautiful. She had never seen this woman before. Delilah took a deep breath and stepped out of the shadows, into the fluorescent. ‘Good evening everyone.’ She announced her presence. ‘Darling! I was about to call you, how have you been?’ Her mother rose to welcome her. ‘Jesus has been faithful mother. He has been with me this whole time.’ Delilah did a little acting, if her parents knew she was no longer religious they’d really be unhappy with her and she didn’t want that. ‘Praise God!’ her father waved his hands. ‘Meet our guest, Mrs. Adediran, all the way from Dania Republic.’ Her mother pushed her gently towards the woman. ‘Hello Delilah’ Mrs. Adediran was very sure she had found the perfect wife for Gavin, her son.
29 Nov 2018 | 03:04
Episode 5 The Island of Carida Delilah was a very attractive young woman. Her most striking feature was her sleepy brown eyes; they reminded Mrs. Adediran of walnuts. She had a beautiful figure, her firm hips rested on a pair of slender legs. She had a smooth skin and flawless complexion, as if she had never stepped into the face of the sun. ‘You have a very pretty daughter.’ She turned to her friend, Mrs. Badkins, whom she hoped would become her in-law soon enough. A well bred one too. My daughter is among the few young women who are ardent followers of Christ on this Island.’ Mrs. Badkins confessed, praising her child in the process as well. ‘I am very pleased to meet with you Delilah.’ Mrs. Adediran offered her a chair next to her. Delilah was all smiles as she took a seat next to the woman. She was yet to know who the woman really was but she knew she would find out soon enough. She sensed her parents were up to something. Whenever her mother served her best dishes and added an extra polish to her behaviour just to impress someone, something fishy always happened after. Her mother poured a bottle of grape wine into her glass and served her some honey cakes and raisins. Delilah was not really hungry, all she could think of was Julia and the reason she had not returned any of her calls. Julia was hiding something from her, she could feel it strongly. Why couldn’t she give her detailed information about her trip to Dania republic? What was so special about her trip that needed to be confidential? ‘So tell me a little about yourself.’ Mrs. Adediran inquired. ‘Um…’ Delilah began nervously.She didn’t know how to begin and she wondered why the woman was so eager to know about her. ‘I don’t have much to tell.’ She started. ‘Come off it darling, don’t be modest or do you want me to help out?’ Her mother cut in. ‘Honey, I think we should leave them both, they need this time together so they can bond.’ Her father took her mother’s hands, and led them both away from the table. Things were happening quite fast, and confusing. Why would they leave her on the table to dine with a total stranger? ‘I was born and bred here. I studied accounting in the Federal University of Carida. I work with my father’s company but I am on a four month leave now.’ Delilah said. Mrs. Adediran was pleased with her profile. She was not only from a wealthy background, but she was ambitious and serious minded, just like her son, Gavin. ‘So you have lived all your life in Carida Island?’ Mrs. Adediran was curious. Delilah laughed, ‘Not at all, I go on vacations when I am free. I have travelled to five different countries in Africa- South Africa being the first, Zambia, Senegal, Mauritania and Angola. These places have a rich cultural heritage. Then internationally, I’ve been to the United States a couple of times, I’ve been to London thrice and I have set foot in Asia once.’ ‘What took you to Asia?’ Mrs. Adediran was already satisfied with her choice for Gavin. ‘Dubai. I went shopping for someone.’ Delilah blushed as she remembered that particular trip. She had gone to Dubai on a Christmas Holiday with her lover Julia and they had spent all their nights making out and drinking wine. Mrs. Adediran spotted the glitter in her eyes as she spoke of Dubai. ‘Can I ask you a rather personal question?’ ‘Yes Madam, go ahead.’ ‘Are you in a relationship with someone currently?’ The woman inquired. Delilah dropped the fork she held, her heart was beating fast. She knew she was a terrible liar and she didn’t want to mess things up with her parents who knew she was not seeing anyone at the moment. ‘We just broke up.’ She lied. ‘Perfect.’ A smile warmed Mrs. Adediran’s face. ‘Huh?’ Delilah was confused. Mrs. Adediran warmed her shoulder with a touch, ‘You see Delilah, I have been on a little search for a suitable wife for my son, Gavin Adediran. You come from a powerful home, a Christian family, a perfect match for my own family. I have already discussed with your parents and they like the idea of you and Gavin being together.’ she released Delilah’s shoulder and pulled out Gavin’s picture from her hand bag. ‘Here…that is Gavin.’ Delilah’s heart dropped at the sight of his dark eyes. ‘Your parents have agreed. Everything rests on you now.’ Mrs. Adediran smiled, she could see a flame of admiration glowing in Delilah’s eyes. The man was very attractive. He looked tame yet powerful. He looked kind yet commanding and autocratic. There were many things about this man, many sides to him. He was different from the other men she had seen, his looks were rather too wild to be tamed with a word as ‘Handsome’. Gavin Adediran was not handsome, he surpassed it. She thought of Julia and how much she loved her. But what if Julia had gone to Carida to see another woman? Or man? What if she was cheating? Delilah closed her eyes, she was confused! She knew very well that she could never come out as a bi, her parents would disown her, and she would become an outcast in her family and community. She planned to get married one day, but not this soon, everything depended on Julia. ‘I’ll think about it Madam.’ Delilah smiled. ‘Perfect, please call me when you have made a decision. I cannot wait to see you in Dania republic.’ Madam Adediran bustled with joy, Delilah was smitten with Gavin’s look it was that obvious. Her phone buzzed five minutes later, it was Julia. ‘Excuse me Ma; I need to take this call.’ Delilah left the dining room immediately. ‘Julia, where the hell have you been and why have you been ignoring my calls?’ She fired at her lover. ‘Can you just stop raising your voice bitch?’ Julia snapped at her. ‘What? What did you just call me?’ Delilah fumed. ‘I called to tell you something important, but your bitchy attitude won’t let me. Goodbye.’ Julia ended the call abruptly. Delilah took the phone from her ears and stared at it. ‘Okay, that didn’t just happen.’ Tears stung her eyes as she went back on their conversation. Julia was with someone else, she felt it. ‘There’s no need of wasting my time on you.’ She wiped her face with the back of her hands, straightened her skirt and walked back to the dining. ‘I think I am ready.’ She announced. ‘For what dear?’ Mrs. Adediran asked. ‘To meet with your son, Gavin.’ To continued……………….
29 Nov 2018 | 03:07
29 Nov 2018 | 05:36
29 Nov 2018 | 11:46
29 Nov 2018 | 11:46
Episode 6 Dania Republic… ‘Shit.’ Julia cursed as she dropped the phone in her purse. She was in a terrible mood today. She felt choked by the images of her life in Dania that kept flashing through her mind. This was not good for the job. She wished she could’ve told the Phoenix about her inability to carry out the job, but that would have meant her death. With the Phoenix, there was no refusal; all you had to do was obey. She had never experienced any fear whenever she came close to her victims. But something strange happened to her earlier, while she’d shaken hands with her new boss, Gavin Adediran, she had felt a cold sensation all over her body. That was nothing but fear, raw fear. There was something strange about the man. She was scared of Gavin Adediran. ‘I need to get my shit right.’ She murmured as she stared at the bathroom mirror. She needed to get her act together and study her new environment. First, she would forget everything that would get her distracted, first on that list was Delilah, and her sister… She took out the picture she had always kept close to her heart, that of her and her sister hugging each other. She walked straight to the nearest open cistern and tossed it in. ‘I am sorry sister, but I have to let you go. I have to get this job done.’ She flushed the toilet hurriedly and returned to her bag. She took out a vial containing some wraps of cocaine, the drug was her favourite, it calmed her nerves always, made her feel relaxed and on top of the world. She hummed Kendrick’s Bitch don’t kill my vibe before sniffing the white powder into her nostrils. The powder tickled her a bit, then dissolved into her nostrils, melting away into the river of her blood. A fire started in her brain, an ecstatic feeling waved over her. As she lifted her eyes to her reflection on the mirror, she met a woman with hollow eyes and a confident smile. This was all she needed to get rid of Gavin Adediran. She repeated this sniffing process till she was satiated. Her body stilled as her phone rang, it was The Phoenix. ‘Shit.’ She exhaled sharply and gathered the other paper wraps back into the vial. ‘Master.’ She whispered. ‘How far have you gone?’ ‘I’ve gotten a job. I shook hands with him today.’ She replied. ‘Good.’ A portentous silence hung over the phone. Then the master said, ‘Very good. Check your mail, I’ve sent you more details about Gavin. His church, his family and…the dinner.’ ‘What dinner master?’ Julia asked. ‘Weeks back, one of your sisters was sent to trail Gavin Adediran. He walked into a bar and spoke with a drunk lady whose phone we tapped. We have been watching these two closely and they would be having dinner tonight.’ ‘That’s wonderful.’ Julia smiled, this would make her job easier. ‘Why can’t I just kill him at once?’ She was getting impatient. ‘Be careful, Gavin is a dangerous man. You are the tenth assassin to go after him. The others either ran away or died mysteriously.’ The master warned. ‘You must meet a certain man tomorrow by the Central Dania Park. His name is Paul and he is a master too.’ ‘As you wish master,’ Julia held her breath, releasing it immediately the call was over. She quickly took out her jotter, and scribbled down all the points. Why did The Phoenix want Gavin Adediran dead? From the little she knew about him, his money was clean, so were his records. The man was not a shady person, so why did the Phoenix want him dead? She was never told the reason why the organisation wanted a particular person, but she was curious about Gavin, the man seemed really different from the other people she had been assigned to kill. She couldn’t wait to see him dine with his woman. Maybe she could trail his girlfriend or whoever she was, maybe she could find out more. Gavin had called Ore ten minutes earlier, asking for her address as he meant to pick her up for their dinner. His mind was troubled still, he had prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to help him understand the vision about the strange man. But there had been no other revelation or answer from him. ‘Be with me tonight Jesus.’ Gavin kissed his mini bible and dropped it in his pocket; he never left home without it. He was dressed simply in deep blue denim and a black jacket. He couldn’t wait to see Ore again; he was very excited about this dinner. ‘Someone is going on a date.’ Lily who’d been watching a soap opera turned her attention towards him. ‘Seriously?’ He laughed. ‘I can’t wait to tell mum about this, so she could stop fishing for a wife’ Lily winked. ‘By the way, where is mother? I have not set eyes on her the whole of today.’ Gavin asked. Lily was about to respond when the door flew wide open and their mother walked in with a blazingly attractive light skinned woman. ‘Gavin, please meet Delilah.’ His mother led the lady towards him. Dania Republic… Gavin couldn’t take his eyes off the pretty lady. She had a beautiful face and an inviting smile, but the moment he looked into her eyes, he found a well of emptiness and loneliness settling there. ‘Nice to meet you Delilah,’ He tore his eyes away from hers and moved towards her. Mrs. Adediran was all smiles, she read Gavin’s warm reception of Delilah as progress. She just couldn’t wait to make this girl her daughter- in-law, she was the perfect woman for Gavin. ‘I’ve heard so many things about you too Gavin. You’re such an amazing person.’ Delilah’s voice was excited and full of expectation. She realized the picture of him that his mother had shown him back in the Island of Carida was a lie. Gavin was more handsome in reality. She took in his leather jacket and his denim, he had a good dress sense too. His sexy black eyes were all consuming, he exuded a kind of energy, an authority that she didn’t understand, yet she yearned to be a part of it. ‘Really? Am I that popular?’ He winked and offered her his hand which she took without hesitation. Delilah laughed, ‘That would be a story for another day.’ ‘I see you two are getting along perfectly, why don’t I make some tea or cabbage soup?’ Mrs. Adediran walked up to them. Gavin sighed as his eyes fell on the clock; he was already thirty minutes late. Ore would feel bad or think he wouldn’t show up again, but he was determined to see her…to look into her angelic eyes once more. ‘I am sorry mum, I think you should take good care of Delilah, I have an important meeting to get to.’ Gavin apologized, but he was smart not to tell his mother about the nature of this meeting. ‘Oh…’ Delilah arched a brow; she ran her eyes over his clothes once more. Whatever meeting he had was not a business meeting, else he would’ve been dressed formally. Her heart missed a beat as she imagined him being with another woman. She pushed the thoughts aside as he placed a warm hand on her shoulder, ‘I’ll be back for you Delilah, mum and Lily can take good care of you.’ Gavin said to her. His words made her feel special. It made her feel like a horse with wings and she would soar in these new skies like the victor that she was. Already, her heart was fastened to Gavin Adediran and nothing was going to tear them apart. ‘Don’t be sad Delilah, Gavin is also a pastor. He is a very busy person, but he keeps to his promise. He would be back soon.’ His mother cut in, feeling confident that her son had accepted her choice for him. ‘Very well then, see you people later.’ Gavin waved at the women before strolling out. Delilah couldn’t take her eyes off him, she liked him already! She had put Julia behind her and she would move on like nothing ever happened between them.
30 Nov 2018 | 04:04
Episode 7 She threw her phone on the bed and sat dejectedly, why had Gavin abandoned her? She had not asked him for a date, he had been the one to suggest it, why had he forgotten her now? Ore felt slightly foolish as she stared at the clothes sprawled at the foot of her wardrobe. She had tried on different clothes, tossing each aside after staring at her mirror. She had wanted to look her best for him, after trying out ten dresses she had settled for something simple She paired her black skirt with a peach chiffon blouse. She packed her long black hair in a bun and wore a pair of gold earrings. She wore nude lipstick a touch of eyeshadow and mascara. She hummed a song as she stared at her ceiling; it was happening all over again. Tears splashed in her eyes as she remembered the evening that her ex had dumped her. She thought of the vision of him she had earlier in school…she straightened up immediately as she heard a knock on the door, the thought of Paul vanishing from her mind immediately. ‘Who’s there?’ She waited for an answer before pulling open her door. ‘It’s me…Gavin.’ She couldn’t hide the excitement that coursed through her the moment she set her eyes on him. He had not abandoned her after all! ‘Um, come on in…’ her palms suddenly felt wet, as they did whenever she was nervous or anxious about something. Her breathing became fast as he walked closer to her, no man had ever made her feel this way. ‘I am sorry Ore…’ Gavin stood just a stone throw away from her. Her heart fluttered as he apologized, no man had ever apologized to her, not even her ex Paul. She swallowed and took a deep breath, not knowing how to respond, so she simply smiled. ‘Thank you.’ ‘You have a beautiful place.’ Gavin’s eyes roamed the cosy and warm apartment, it was small but neat and well arranged. A picture caught his eyes, it was on her centre table. ‘Looks familiar…’ he pointed at the photo. ‘Really? Those are my classmates; we took a group picture once.’ Ore replied, the smile she wore fading slowly from her face as she remembered how she had been treated as an outcast back in school. Some of the girls knew she came from the orphanage and they knew how girls from the orphanage always got raped and sexually abused, she had confided in one of the girls, sharing the pain she experienced on daily basis, only for the girl to share her secrets with others. From her secret grew lies and rumours, one that spread through the whole school. ‘Cute picture,’ Gavin remarked, the uniform of the pupils seemed quite familiar but he soon lost interest. All he wanted was to get to a fancy place, drink some wine and eat good food with Ore close to him. ‘Are you ready to go now?’ He asked. ‘Yes. Yes.’ She nodded, her excitement returning soon after. Julia was highly prudent in her job. She decided to meet up with the other master as directed by The Phoenix, there was no point of waiting. Time was a luxury, that she could not afford. Gavin Adediran intrigued her, how could a man withstand ten assassins before her? What was so special about this man? She couldn’t wait to place her finger on that mirage. She had waited at the Dania Central Park as directed, hoping to see the new master that would give her instructions. She took in the clean smell of the air, loving the way the breeze danced with her hair. It was night, so the sun had divorced the clouds, sending the moon to do battle with the stars that multiplied each minute. A smile curled her beautiful lips as he basked in the gloriousness of nature… ‘Dania with the beautiful sky,’ She murmured and closed her eyes. Dania Republic was just as beautiful as she remembered. It was less industrialized than Carida, the people were much more friendly and it’s cities were not as heavily populated as Carida’s. Julia missed her home. She missed the sister, whose reflection she had flushed down the toilet earlier. She felt sorry for her actions, for shutting her lover Delilah out, but it was important for her to make those sacrifices, all she wanted was a special place at the Phoenix and she knew how she could gain that spot. Killing Gavin would make her a hero, it would make her the most successful assassin that ever lived and she wanted that more than anything. It was not like she enjoyed killing people, but she had been trained to do so from an early age. Blood was the language she understood. Death was her culture. Taking lives was her pleasure. Guns were her gods and she worshipped them with her heart. Her skin tingled, the hairs on her nape arose as she felt a presence. Julia reached out for her pistol immediately, knowing that she was no longer alone. ‘You can put your gun now Julia…relax.’ an unfamiliar baritone announced. She rose to her feet immediately and swirled round to face him. He was a tall and dark man. He was handsome too but his eyes were cold and held no humour, not that she needed it, but she felt uncomfortable with him. She didn’t like him one bit. ‘Master…’ she bowed her head immediately as she recognized the tattoo of a phoenix on his neck. ‘Rise…’ The master said to her. ‘I know that I am supposed to tell you more about Gavin Adediran, that would be another day. There is a project I am working on…’ he paused and looked towards his car. ‘What project master?’ Julia bowed her head. ‘Come with me.’ Julia fell behind his shadow as he led them towards his convertible. The master pulled open his car immediately, Julia felt shocked as he spotted a teenage girl whose hands and feet were tied up. She wore nothing but her panties and her bra… ‘Is this the project?’ Julia swallowed, feeling sympathy for the girl, she was even surprised at her own project. ‘Yes, her name is Bella and I want to train her to be like you’ The master grinned wickedly. ‘Oh…’ Julia arched her brow. ‘It is called Operation wild the dove. Ten girls are selected, raped and tortured. The strongest that survive are trained into assassins, but they would be more ruthless and dangerous than your type.’ The master winked. His description of what was done to these girls already weakened her, but she tried so much not to show this. ‘They will be better assassins because their tongue would be cut off; they will live underground for the rest of their lives; stepping out of the establishment of the Phoenix only when they have to assassinate someone.’ The master explained. Julia felt sick as she stared at the innocent eyes of the girl. Her body was covered with wounds and scratches and her lips were swollen. Julia dragged her eyes away from the girl and settled it on the ground. ‘The reason we want Gavin Adediran dead is because of a prophecy he made some months back.’ The master replied. Gavin had stood in his altar prophesying about an evil organisation that would make use of young girls to wreck havoc to the whole world. ‘So killing him would also kill this prophecy?’ Julia pondered. ‘Yes…you must go now Julia…the lovers must have reached the restaurant now.’ The master said. Julia bowed, she had a spying job to do. ‘Make sure you get as close as possible. I want to hear about everything being discussed.’ The master gave her further instructions. ‘Yes master.’ Julia nodded. ‘You may call me Paul, I have not yet reached the level of master. I am aiming towards it.’
30 Nov 2018 | 04:07
guy u wicked oohhh...
30 Nov 2018 | 04:17
Ore's broken heart was 4 her own good, she doesn't need such a fool in her life. Meeting gavin that mended her heart makes it better
30 Nov 2018 | 05:34
Her past life in the ophanage has nothing to do in her present, only an ignoramus will continue making noise, trying to use her past against her.
30 Nov 2018 | 05:43
Oye her lost sister who is an assassin is town to assassinate gavin the strong guy which is not possible 4 any to do, oye's most popular name is julia.
30 Nov 2018 | 05:55
Gavin's spiritual backup makes him stronger...Delilah who is a bisexual and doing lesby with julia is now among the opponents of this growing love between gavin and ore
30 Nov 2018 | 06:03
Gavin's prophecy as a man of God is coming to past...Bella is now among the tools of the phoenix in a dangerous way...paul the fool is part of this shit.
30 Nov 2018 | 06:14
i dnt even get dz story so julia is a lesbian?(she nd delilah) nd dat master called paul is ore's ex?
30 Nov 2018 | 07:43
now i get it well julia is ore's lost sister called oye julia is delilah's partner paul is ore's ex paul is julia's master gavin is kinda havin eye for ore ore is crushin on gavin delilah is already interested in gavin paul & julia wants gavin down hmmmm all in a circle
30 Nov 2018 | 10:46
Ride on
30 Nov 2018 | 13:22
egbami,,, so dey wanna kill him bcos of prophecy????
30 Nov 2018 | 15:11
Ore is Julia sister
1 Dec 2018 | 00:28
Episode 8 Dania Republic… Ore and Gavin had talked about a lot of things on their way to the restaurant. She got to know his favourite colours and the food that he liked most. Gavin was such an interesting person and it baffled her that the media would leave this part of him and focus on spreading rumours and fictitious details about his lifestyle. ‘Look, I’m sorry I have been talking about myself Ore, tell me a little about.’ Gavin apologized. He had been carried away and had ended up talking about himself for more than five minutes. He was not eccentric or an egomaniac, he was simply thrilled that she would show interest in him. Ore bit her lips and fiddled her fingers not knowing where to begin. Her heart broke into a wild dance as she remembered her past. No way! She couldn’t tell him about her past life, she couldn’t let him in, she was ashamed of her past and it had to stay buried in her mind. ‘I…I have nothing much to say.’ She blinked away the tears that had gathered in her eyes. ‘Hmm’ Gavin felt a barrier, like something was preventing her from speaking up about herself. He had noticed that same barrier the first time he had set eyes on her. Ore seemed to be carrying a burden that was too heavy for her delicate shoulders. He understood from her body chemistry, that he was not comfortable talking about herself, he’d met a lot of people like that, so he let it slide. ‘There’s nothing much to tell, I’m just a teacher.’ She laughed, but her voice sounded strange to her ears. It was a nervous crackle. They were silent for the first time since they left the house. Gavin pondered on the vision he had after shaking hands with his newest staff Irene. He thought of the beautiful lady his mother had come home with from the Island of Carida. Ore knew her behaviour had forced him into silence, he was probably regretting hanging out with her in the first place. She had to say something; she had to win his attention one more time. ‘I had a vision! A bad one.’ She shifted uncomfortably. She was not just sharing it to get his attention, but because it troubled her. ‘Really?’ Gavin drove towards the Car Park of the restaurant. ‘Yes…I saw a man. His eyes were dark and gloomy. He had a puckish smile and the face of a murderer. It was really gruesome.’ She pressed her hands against her laps, hoping she would never see a vision like that again. Gavin brought the car to a halt and pulled out the key from the ignition. From the tone of her voice, this vision was quite serious. He could sense her fear; he wanted to be a part of it. He wanted to help her through it. He’d wanted to tell her about his own vision about the strange man that had introduced himself as “Paul,” but he had decided to keep it to himself till the Holy Spirit made things really clear. He was not the sort of man to interpret dreams and visions through the witnessing of the flesh. ‘Have you seen this man before?’ He inquired. Ore bit her lip, if she told Gavin his name and the relationship she shared with the man, it would make their date awkward. ‘Um…’ she stuttered, not knowing what to say next. ‘Why don’t we talk about it when we are more relaxed?’ Gavin asked. ‘Yes. Yes, that would be nice.’ She nodded. He stepped out of the car first, then turned to her side and helped her out. She felt loved, she felt like a queen and she imagined briefly what being this man’s wife would look like. ‘You’re so beautiful tonight, God took his time while creating you.’ Gavin adulated her. ‘Thanks.’ Ore smiled, she knew she was beautiful on the outside, but would he still be this nice to her? This caring? When she finally opened up to him about her past? **** Julia was still weak from Paul’s revelation. It was quite clear that she was working for an insane organization. The swollen eyes and split lip of the teenage girl she had seen in his car haunted her mind. She fought desperately to overcome the stagnant image, but it wouldn’t leave her. ‘Not now, not now.’ She whispered as she got out of a cab. If she were home, she would have taken some drugs to lift her spirits, but she wasn’t. Besides, she never took drugs or alcohol whenever she was on a spying mission, she liked to get accurate facts and details which she would pursue later. ‘There you are…’ A smile curled on her lips as she stared at the car she had seen earlier at the office. It was Gavin’s car. She grabbed her phone and snapped the number plate for evidence. He was here, this would make her job easier. She marched into the fancy restaurant with confident strides, Gavin Adediran was her greatest challenge. How he escaped other assassins intrigued her, but she reminded herself that she was different. She had never messed up a job before and she wouldn’t now. She slid on her shades before reaching the door, she still needed to protect her identity. ‘Welcome to La Sleligar’ A woman smiled and pulled open the door. Julia strolled in without a second glance at the woman, she raised her head and scanned the faces of the people in restaurant, in a sharp moment, her eyes found him sitting close to a blazingly attractive young woman, her blood began to boil. ‘I will feed your head to the birds.’ She mumbled and marched towards a table that was just after theirs. What would you like to have?’ A waiter came up with two menus and handed it over to the customers. Ore’s eyes were on the menu, but her heart was somewhere else, her thoughts were on the vision. She liked Gavin’s company, but she didn’t want to ruin their date by bringing up Paul. Oh lord, please help me. What am I to do? ‘I would have what she is having.’ Gavin offered the waiter a polite smile. ‘Nutmeg bread.’ Ore blurted out. ‘And?’ The waiter asked. ‘You could serve us fish sauce and a bottle of red wine with very low alcoholic content.’ Gavin took over. ‘It shall be done.’ The waiter bowed and walked away. Gavin noticed she was absent minded. He didn’t like the energy that she exuded, wasn’t she happy to be around him? Had he said anything to offend her? ‘Ore…’ he leaned closer and grabbed her arms. ‘I am sorry I ordered for Nutmeg bread, I’ve never eaten it. I just ordered!’ ‘Hey, Nutmeg bread and cakes is a special food of the Caridans, I’ve tasted it once and I enjoyed it. It’s cool.’ He grabbed her hands and gave them a squeeze. His touch started a fire that she never knew existed. She was forced to look into his dark eyes, which were warm and welcoming. ‘You’ve been jittery all evening, can you tell me what the problem is? The thing about problems is this, it does not go away. You need to share with someone and I am here for you. Or have I said or done something that has upset you in any way at all?’ This was her only chance to talk about the vision, the only chance to tell him of the man who had dumped her after two years of courting. She was going to take it. Julia could hear their conversation very clearly from where she sat, she had been trained in eavesdropping on the faintest of conversations, so she had no problem listening to Gavin and his lover. ‘Ore…’ she muttered, but pushed the thoughts aside. This was work and she needed to keep feelings out of it. ‘The vision I had was about a man I once dated. His name is Paul…he looked really dangerous and different from the man I knew. I don’t know what this means. I’m really scared.’ Ore said to Gavin. ‘Did you say Paul?’ Gavin asked. ‘Yes, you know him?’ Ore was watching his face now. Gavin felt the Holy Spirit stir his insides, his feet and arms tingled as God’s spirit welled up in him. He closed his eyes and waited for the spirit to speak. ‘I am listening.’ Gavin whispered in his mind. ‘Leave the restaurant immediately. You are being followed.’ His eyes snapped open and he grabbed Ore’s hand, ‘I am sorry, but we must leave now.’
1 Dec 2018 | 02:56
Episode 9 Delilah spent the night in Gavin’s sister’s room. She liked Lily immediately, who wouldn’t? She was friendly and nice and she was a very open minded person. Lily enjoyed Delilah’s company, she seemed like the type of woman her brother would welcome. Delilah was well versed in the bible, she had exposure and she came from a wealthy home. ‘You and Gabriel would make a power couple.’ Lily teased. ‘You think?’ Delilah liked the sound of that. Who is this girl?’ Delilah had been watching Lily’s old photos. She noticed an ebony skinned beauty whose eyes reminded her of Julia, her ex lover. ‘Ore, she was the school whore’ Lily remarked dryly. ‘Oh…too bad.’ Delilah opened another page in the album and continued feeding her eyes with the pictures. Dania Republic…. Ore was hesitant at first, wanting an explanation for their sudden leaving, but one look at his stern face shut down that part of her that had wanted to argue. Gavin dropped some money on the table and called the waiter’s attention to it, then rushed out of the restaurant with Ore close to his side. He was not the type of pastor that argued with the Holy Spirit or took his warning lightly, before the lord had spoken to him, his spirit must have sensed something dangerous lurking around. ‘I am sorry for this, but I have a good reason.’ He pulled open the car door and helped her in. Ore had waited for his explanation, was he ill or something? Or didn’t he enjoy her company? Her insides squirmed as she remembered she had mentioned her ex. Paul! She had ruined this date with her own hands, if she had known she would not have mentioned him, but what about the dreadful vision she had about the man? ‘I am sorry I upset you Gavin…I didn’t mean to bring up my ex.’ She licked her lips nervously, ready to say more. She just couldn’t let Gavin dump her, Paul had already broken her heart, somehow she had come to accept his absence, but Gavin? Gavin was a good man and she knew deep down that she did not deserve him. ‘Upset me?’ His brows came together in confusion, what was she talking about? ‘I was not upset about your trance, we left because the Holy Spirit asked me to. Something was not right in that restaurant and I had to leave. It is not good to disobey his voice, disobedience comes with consequences.’ Gavin explained patiently. Respite washed over her as she realized their leaving was in no way connected to Paul. But what about the revelation she had about him? Didn’t that mean anything? As if reading her thoughts, ‘You know it’s quite strange that I had a vision today at the office, A man came to me and introduced his name as Paul.’ Gavin had prayed about this vision but he was yet to receive answers. Her heart was pounding fast now, her breath was ragged. Was Paul trying to jeopardize her friendship with Gavin? What was he up to? ‘Don’t worry Ore, on our knees, we’ll get to the bottom of this.’ He noticed she was worried. ‘Okay.’ She mumbled. He didn’t mean to pry, but he had to ask her questions about her ex, he guessed the lord was trying to lead him somewhere. ‘How did you guys break up?’ He blurted out. Ore sighed not knowing how to begin. Before Paul, other men had come and gone, but they never loved her else they would have been patient with her. She was mostly depressed and suffered mood swings, all these were after effects of her constant abuse at the hands of the men that lived with them in the orphanage. Her eyes watered as she remembered her first sex. She had only been ten years old when it happened. She had gone out to urinate since they had no toilets within the hostels, one of the gatemen covered her mouth with his rough hands and pulled down her clothes. “No!” Her screams were muffled by the width and thickness of his palms. Tears poured down her cheeks like a river, but the death of night swallowed her shouts for help. It didn’t take long before he plunged his penis into her…this singular incident signalled the cycle of sexual abuse in her life. ‘Are you okay?’ Gavin noticed she was crying. He felt bad for asking her about her ex, from her reaction, it was obvious that the break up had been messy. ‘Look Ore, you don’t need to talk about him. I’m sorry I asked, I just wanted to be sure we’re both safe.’ He hated seeing people cry, this one was an angel and it hurt him that he’d made her cry. She was living a lie if she thought a man like Gavin would accept her and love her. She was damaged goods, a tough bundle to be with. ‘Stop the car.’ She wiped her face. ‘What?’ Gavin was astonished by the tone of her voice which had receded to a biting cold. ‘Stop the car!’ She snapped at him, irritation embraced her as images of the past hurts and rejection flooded her mind. Gavin obeyed and pulled over at once, she grabbed her purse and jumped out of the car at once, running into the emptiness, loneliness and eerie silence of the unknown street. ‘Wait! Ore!’ Gavin got out of the car, he had wanted to follow her, but stopped as she began running, what was wrong with her. He returned to the car, set to chase after her. He had made the mistake by letting her go, something was not right with Ore and he felt she needed him more than ever. He was about to start the car when a white envelope caught his eye, he was sure he had not brought that along with him. ‘Definitely not mine…’ he lowered himself and raised it closer to his orbs, so he could have a better view. When he opened it, he found a black and white picture of two little girls, one of them he recognized instantly as Ore, while the other one had piercing eyes which were pregnant with familiarity. He had a strong feeling he had seen the other girl somewhere…. “Go Home.” The Spirit of God whispered to him. ‘I can’t just go home Lord, I can’t leave her there. She is hurting because of me, I shouldn’t have asked her any question. Please don’t tell me to go home.’ Gavin had to argue with the Spirit for the first time. There was silence for two full minutes… “She is not hurting because of you…” ‘Then why is she hurting? Tell me…please.’ He spoke to the spirit through his mind. “Can you handle it?” The Holy Spirit asked. Gavin was about to ask another question when he felt the urge to look up, he took in a deep breath and stared into the streets…he saw a team of twelve angels holding placards that read: “Go home, you cannot handle it!” The sight of their fiery blue eyes and their pristine wings scared him at first, their swords were sheath but the scabbards were still fiery. He knew he had no option but to obey. But he was eager to know what Ore was keeping from him, he wanted her to trust him with her secret, her life. To be continued……..
1 Dec 2018 | 02:59
nice one
1 Dec 2018 | 03:20
am still pressing on & waiting when am gonna be hearing d holyspirit speaks to me matter what sutuation u're.always allowed d holyspirit to lead u
2 Dec 2018 | 07:52
this faith is awesome,,, how can one be having close rltnship wit God like dis!!!,,,, wonderful
2 Dec 2018 | 08:45
Episode 10 Julia had noticed their sudden movement from the restaurant, she was no fool. Somehow she had a feeling that Gavin knew he was being monitored, this was the reason he had left with his girlfriend, but his sudden exit did not deter Julia from following him. ‘Shit.’ She clenched her fist as she saw his car move away the minute she arrived the strange street. She had planned to shoot him there and then as Gavin seemed evasive, this could be the closest she would ever get to him. ‘Fuck, he’s gone…’ she felt her pocket for her revolver which was still intact. She closed her eyes and took in the stale air of the dirty street, how could she fail on her first mission? No, she had to do something, she had to chase after him. If her new master Paul called for some info, what would she tell him? The Phoenix accepted no excuses, it was either you delivered or you failed to deliver. Julia drew out a pack of Marlboro sticks and pulled one out, her heart sank as she realized she had not come with a lighter. ‘Everything is shit down here!’ She tossed the cigarette on the floor and watched the stars that stalked her with. ‘I miss this…’ a small smile played on her lips as she remembered the times she used to spend with her older sister before she was taken by the Phoenix. Immediately the memory flashed, she forced it out of her mind, this was not the time to focus on past meetings with the people that she loved. This was the time to find Gavin Adediran and kill him for good. She had managed to get some pieces of their small talk, her heart skipped as she remembered they had made mention of her new master, Paul, but she had not been able to get more as more people had flocked into the restaurant. ‘I have to find my way through this…’ Julia licked her lips anxiously thinking of a plan. What if she tried to seduce Gavin at the office? Maybe he would slip and tell her all what she needed to know. That sounded nice to her, but what if it failed? She could lose her job, and that would push her farther away from him and the mission. ‘Fuck.’ She cursed. Suddenly, the hairs on her neck trembled as a gentle wind of a human presence rocked them. She felt for her gun and held it tightly as she realized someone was behind her. She waited for a voice or a message but when there was none, she pulled out her gun and swirled round. ‘Please don’t kill me!’ Ore screamed. She was done crying and feeling sorry for herself, she regretted running out of Gavin’s car like that, she needed to call him and apologize for her behaviour. Julia recognized her at once as the lady that had been with Gavin, this was it! She was the key to everything! ‘Please…don’t…I’ll give you my phone, my money, anything you want.’ Ore fell on her knees. Her attacker was strikingly beautiful, she had the perfect physique and soft facial features, she reminded her of Oye, her younger sister who was fondly called, “Oyibo pepper.” But this was not Oye, her sister if she were still alive would not be a criminal. Ore was terrified of this lady as her eyes were unusually calm and unreadable. She couldn’t tell if she were happy or sad, if she would show her pity or if she would pull the trigger. Julia was drawn to the woman’s eyes, she was natural yet very attractive, and she found it difficult to utter any word as she was lost in her eyes. She wanted to ask her about Gavin, then shoot her afterwards. She wanted to ask how they knew Paul too, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out. Was this some kind of magic? She was Julia! She killed without thinking, blood and bullets were the only language she understood. ‘Please …’ Ore begged, she was so terrified of the gun. But Julia wouldn’t listen to her pleas, since she couldn’t ask the questions, she had no other option but to kill her as she had already seen her face. She pulled the trigger and released it. A loud scream broke the silence of the night. Gavin had not slept much at night, he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Ore, so he was the first to wake. After saying some prayers, he moved straight to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee, he had a lot of business meetings to attend and he needed all the energy he could get. ‘You look more handsome without your shirt on.’ Gavin froze as he realized there was a visitor in the house, he had totally forgotten about Delilah because of the events of the night. ‘Delilah…’ he turned round and faced her, he swallowed as he saw through her transparent and lacy night gown, he quickly pulled his eyes away and focused on the ceiling. ‘What kept you out so late?’ She asked. ‘I…I had some engagement.’ He stuttered. ‘Gavin! I may not come to work today, Irene our newest worker would fill in my space, what do you think?’ Lily called to her brother, but stopped the moment she found him and Delilah alone in the kitchen. ‘Oops.’ Lily rolled her eyes and retreated. ‘Can I come to the office with you?’ Delilah asked. ***** ‘Um… if you want to.’ Gavin stuttered, trying hard not to stare at her body. He hadn’t expected her to approach him this way. He had not known her for long, but he had expected her to carry herself like a virtuous woman. His mother had introduced her as a lady from one of the most serious Christian families in the Island of Carida. Right before him stood a seductress, one that had desperation smeared all over her features, he resented her at once. ‘I want to Gavin…but I need to know if you really want me there.’ She sauntered towards him, knowing the power that her well carved body wielded. Right from the moment she saw his picture, she was attracted to him. Gavin was the only man that she had truly admired, the one that she desired more strongly than her former lover Julia, who was yet to call her. ‘It’s going to be a busy day for me Delilah, I don’t want it to look like I am ignoring you. I have a lot of meetings to attend, you heard what my sister Lily said.’ He was not lying about the meeting, he was only trying to get himself far away from her. One thing was certain, his mother had chosen the wrong bride for him, Delilah was not suitable to be his wife, the Holy Spirit didn’t have need to tell him this, he had already made up his mind that his mother would not choose a bride for him. ‘Okay then…I will just do something else. ’She was not happy about his busy schedule but she wouldn’t give up on him just yet, she had come to Dania republic for Gavin and she was not going to leave without him. ‘Very well then, have this for a successful day.’ She leaned forward, her chest almost meeting his’ Gavin held his breath, he felt trapped and cornered and there was no way of escape. Delilah considered his well of dark eyes, then dropped her lips lightly on the side of his face. Her breath was hot against his skin, she smelt of lust, perversion and wanton desire and he didn’t want to have anything to do with such a woman. ‘I have to go back to bed, sleep calls.’ She patted his chin and moved out of the kitchen. ‘Have a beautiful day too, Delilah’. He called after her.
3 Dec 2018 | 02:17
3 Dec 2018 | 05:20
Hmmmm,,,, hope Ore did not die sha
3 Dec 2018 | 12:15
Ore....ore she must live o. No dying for this part
3 Dec 2018 | 17:24
3 Dec 2018 | 19:02
old episode
4 Dec 2018 | 06:19
Ore had a terrible past which has affected her in the present with guys who came and begun out of her life. The way she was treated in the past hurts her.
4 Dec 2018 | 13:42
It was a terrific past, it was a horrible past. No matter how tough it is, she has to say it out to give her heart the most wanted freedom.
4 Dec 2018 | 14:36
She has a beautiful present right now but trying to run away from it makes her to run into trouble with the same dangerous oye her blood.
4 Dec 2018 | 14:42
Gavin is in the most powerful spiritual back up. Spirit filled with loaded communication to obey the voice of the lord to him with evidence.
4 Dec 2018 | 14:48
Delilah still in town to be with her dream man who doesn't like her. She has found lily like her limo to her dream. Julia is into some worst mistakes.
4 Dec 2018 | 14:52
Episode 11 He was greatly relieved that she was gone; he could now focus on other things. His mind rested on Ore, he wondered where she was and how she was faring. He was eager to learn about her pain and what had driven her into the night. Can you handle it?” He remembered the question the Holy Spirit had posed. He was a pastor, he had heard a lot of confessions; stories of regret; the darkest and dirtiest of secrets, he was sure he could handle anything. He would not let the Spirit be, he needed to know Ore’s pain; he wanted to be a part of it. However, concerning the strange vision of the unfamiliar man whose name was Paul, he felt he had his answers. Since he had been Ore’s ex, he may still have interest in her. ‘You don’t like her do you?’ Lily strolled into the kitchen. ‘Like who?’ Gavin lifted his eyes from the mug he held and glared at his younger sister. ‘Come on bro, don’t play dumb with me. We both know the person in question.’ She crossed her arms against her chest and leaned on the tall gas cylinder. She liked Delilah for her elder brother, she felt he mother had made the right choice but it seemed her brother’s mind was somewhere else. Gavin and herself were close, the only secrets he kept from her were the secrets revealed to him by the Holy Spirit or the secrets of his church members, aside these, they were one in blood and in flesh. ‘It’s too early to assume, I think Delilah is a beautiful soul.’ He knew his sister and his mother were taken by her false charms, but he was not swayed by it. Lily moved away from the cylinder and moved to where he stood. ‘Tell me Gavin, are you seeing someone? Who did you hang out with last night?’ She winked and rubbed her palms together, eager for some news. ‘I already told you baby sis, it was a business dinner, what more do you want to hear from me?’ He gulped what remained of the brown liquid then dropped the mug into the sink. ‘Okay then…’she seemed to believe him, ‘I just came to tell you that mum is really excited about you two, she cannot wait for the big day!’ Gavin laughed inside of him, but appeared cool on the outside. ‘Well, in the end, God’s will, must prevail.’ He winked and strode out of the kitchen so he could prepare for work. He decided to give Ore some space, whenever she was ready to talk to him, she had his phone number. Now, he had to focus on the meeting he had the next day. To kill Gavin Adediran would be the hardest job she would ever do, but she was not scared. Julia feared no one, no child of the phoenix threaded the path of fear. She had seen death face-to-face, she had been caged by darkness, she had swum in the river of blood, but she had come out victorious. There were many ways to kill man, the first way was to poison him. ‘And if this does not work…’ she stared at the poisonous substance in the little emerald vials he held in one hand… ‘This will…’ she raised the bright red lipstick and drew an arc on her lips. If he escaped her seduction, he would not escape the poison. Every man had a price, everyman had a weakness. To pull down the stronghold, one needed an entrance to the inside. She wore a short skirt that revealed her sleek and creamy laps, a lacy top that showed just lovely boobs. ‘How long do you intend to keep me here? I have done nothing to you, you should release me.’ Ore struggled to break free from the metallic cords that bound her to a wooden chair. Julia ignored her and focused on her make –up. ‘The Police would find the guy that you killed, they will trace him to you. If I were you, I’d flee town never to return.’ Ore was angry at the stranger who held her against her will. Julia bit her lip and glared at the woman whose mouth ran like a damaged tap. She cursed herself for not ending her life the night before. She had pointed the gun at Ore, but someone else had showed up in the street, a drunken man who had also seen her face, she had no option but to end his life and flee the scene with Ore. Anger burned her cheeks bright red, she dropped her lipstick and walked towards her captive. Before Ore could utter any other word, Julia released her hand and struck her across the face. ‘Don’t you ever threaten me…don’t you ever threaten a child of the phoenix. You know nothing about me, you know nothing about my journey in life. I am the shadow, I am death. I choose who lives and who dies, so you should be thankful that I spared your life.’ The sting of her slap silenced Ore for just a minute. ‘You lie! You didn’t spare my life, the lord Jesus whom I serve, spared my life. Death has no power over me because I serve the resurrection and the life.’ Ore would not let her situation weigh her down. She had faith in the lord, she had faith that he would deliver her from the hands of this mad woman. Her only ache was the way she had treated Gavin…Julia had seized her phone and other properties that belonged to her, no one would know her whereabouts. She was in a fix! Julia hated the words that she spewed, those words tormented her. She realized there was something odd about this lady, whenever the urge to kill her crossed her mind, something else would come up. ‘I’ll be back for you; I’ll send you to heaven to see that your Jesus.’ Julia hissed angrily, then fetched some pieces of cloth on her bed and stuffed it into Ore’s mouth. She returned to the dresser to apply another coat of powder on her face when the Phoenix called. She froze, took a deep breath, ‘Master Paul.’ ‘There’s been a murder in Walstreet Odoja, the style is like yours, do you have anything to do with it?’ The master asked. Julia turned around and stared at her captive, who was gasping for breath with tears streaming down her face. ‘I had to kill him, he saw my face when I was about to shoot Gavin Adediran.’ She lied, she could not tell the master about Ore, or else he would call for her instant assassination, which she was not ready to carry out.’ ‘You followed him…’ The master said. ‘Yes, I almost had him but he slipped through my fingers.’ She returned. ‘Good. You should make another attempt.’ The master suggested. ‘Yes, today. I plan to give him the swift death.’ Julia was confident that this would work. ‘I will be expecting the result. Play safe Julia.’ ‘Thank you Master.’
5 Dec 2018 | 02:24
Episode 12 The conference hall was already occupied with people, who waited for the arrival of their boss. Just in time, Gavin swaggered into the hall in a maroon suit and milky white shoes, all murmuring ceased and everyone rose to acknowledge the entrance of the boss. ‘Good morning everyone, sorry I had a rough night.’ He took his seat. “Good morning sir.” The board members chorused. He took out some files from his briefcase and skimmed through them. ‘Where is Mr Arongwa?’ Gavin asked after the head of the board. Silence stepped into the room. He noticed a sad look on the faces of most of the board members. ‘Sir…his only son was murdered last night, as we speak, Wal street Odoja is under lock by the Police,’ Another board member dropped the morning’s paper, “Davina’s Daily,” In front of Gavin. His heart missed a bit, he recognized the street at once, Ore had jumped out of the car into these streets. ‘No.’ He muttered, then rose to his feet. He needed to find Ore. She didn’t like the coldness in Gavin’s eyes when he’d walked out of the house, without waving at her or saying anything sweet. She hated being put in that position, she hated being ignored. This made her quiet throughout breakfast. ‘What’s wrong honey? Aren’t you enjoying the nutmeg bread? Your mother made me understand that these were your favourite foods.’ Mrs Adediran pointed at the ceramic plates on the glass table, which contained assorted pastries and nuts. ‘I am sorry Ma, I just don’t feel hungry.’ Delilah replied. Lily who’d been fiddling with her phone, dropped it and focused on the other two women. She had not joined her brother Gavin at the office, in fact, she didn’t plan to work today since her new worker, Irene was available. She didn’t like the look on Delilah’s face, she had a feeling Gavin was not attracted to her, which was insane, considering, how beautiful and homely Delilah was. ‘Are you ill? I am sorry Delilah, the weather over here in Dania is different from that chilly Island feel. You just need to adapt…soon, you’ll officially become a Danian, what would you do then?’ Mrs Adediran leaned forward and rubbed her temple. She closed her eyes as the older woman stroked her forehead. ‘Um, I just don’t feel wanted here.’ Delilah confessed. She liked Gavin, from the moment she set eyes on him, a fire had started in her bones and she was not going to deny what she felt for him. When she had approached him in the kitchen, she had done so with purpose. She’d wanted to feel his lips, she had wanted to feel his hands all over her body, but she had met a resistance. A strong one. A powerful one that would not be broken easily… But she had to break it, she needed to shatter it into pieces. She had given up on her ex-woman lover Julia, she couldn’t give up on Gavin too. Gavin was meant to feel the void that Julia’s exit had left in her life and she would not return to the Island of Carida without her man by her side. ‘Good gracious! Why would you utter such words?’ Mrs Adediran pulled her hands away from Delilah’s face and rose to her feet, she glared at her daughter Lily, her eyes burning with accusation. She was sure her daughter had done something to hurt Delilah. Lily felt her mother’s heated gaze directed at her. ‘I am not the one who is making her feel unwanted and unloved. Don’t look at me that way mother.’ She came to her defence. ‘Then who? I can’t believe you guys will jeopardize my efforts. I know the pains I went through to get Delilah here. It took a lot of convincing, not just from her, but her parents. Nobody can destroy my plans.’ The woman was enraged. ‘It’s okay mother, have a seat, I shouldn’t have told you if I had known it will upset you this much.’ Delilah tried to calm her down, but Gavin’s mother wouldn’t have any of it. ‘Mum…I think you should talk to Gavin. He is the one playing ignorant. He knows what to do; he is the pilot of this plane. If he does not start it, then we are not going anywhere.’ Lily was still convinced that her brother was keeping secrets from her. ‘What’s that supposed to mean? Gavin knows that I want the best for him, I love him as my son and I have the right to choose whom he wants to be with.’ The woman was starting to see things clearer than before. ‘Does he? He’s acting like he is being forced to be with Delilah. But we all know that she is the perfect woman for him.’ Lily returned. Delilah felt pleased to hear those praises, pouring out from their lips. She felt glorified. She loved that his mother and his sister were already on her side, but that was not enough to make her relaxed. She still needed to stand up for what she cherished, she needed to fight for this love. ‘I think he has a woman.’ She blurted out. Well, that had to explain the resistance she felt in the morning. Most men had orgasm by just staring into her eyes, but Gavin? He made no move to touch her; there was no longing in his eyes. Lily scoffed and avoided her mother’s eyes, she had thought the same thing too but since she had no evidence, she didn’t pursue the matter. ‘Is this true Lily? Is Gavin seeing another woman?’ Mrs Adediran directed the question to her daughter. ‘I think so mum, I have harboured that thought for a long time.’ Lily replied. ‘Do you know of this woman? Do you know her personally?’ The woman inquired. ‘No’ Lily shook her head. ‘I know you want what’s best for your brother, I know you love him as much as you do. Please, Lily, do whatever you can to help us. Gavin needs to be with the woman that I have chosen for him. I want you to find this other woman and bring me every detail, don’t leave anything out.’ Lily was as determined as her mother, she liked Delilah for her brother and she would do anything and everything to see that dream blossom into reality. ‘I will do as you have said mother.’ ‘Good, I must go for my run now, have a lovely day you two.’ She waved at the girls. ‘Bye mother!’ They both waved back. Once she was out, Lily moved out of her chair, she pulled one closest to Delilah and settled in. ‘My brother once mentioned a certain Ore…’ ‘Ore? Can I see her picture?’ Delilah’s heart wrenched as she imagined Gavin being with another woman. ‘No, I do not have her picture, but I promise you, Delilah, I will find everything I can. I am on your side.’ ‘Thank you, Lily.’ Delilah replied. Keep the change.’ She murmured to the taxi driver before strolling into the massive structure that belonged to Gavin Adediran. Julia had never felt this confident, she stroked the bag that contained the poison that was meant for him. ‘Today is the day.’ The sun flashed in her eyes, the wind came to play with her hair, a call of a strange bird distracted her before reaching the entrance, when she looked up, she found a dove on a Bentley, close to where she stood. Its eyes were dark and haunting. An ominous bird it was. For some reason, staring into the eyes of the delicate yet strange looking bird stirred a well of anxiety and restlessness in her. It took her great courage to tear her eyes away from the dove, ‘It’s just a fucking bird.’ She cursed under her breath and marched into the building. She felt her phone buzz as she reached her office, her boss was calling, Lily. ‘Good morning Madam.’ Julia said. ‘Irene…morning, how do you do today?’ ‘I am fine Madam.’ Julia replied. ‘Good. I will not be working today and you know there’s a lot of work to be done. You’ll be briefed by Mr Ette. I want you to stick closely to Gavin today, and help him out with all that he needs. Can you do that?’ Lily asked. ‘Yes, yes I can.’ Julia’s joy was boundless, it was indescribable. Lily was delivering Gavin directly into her hands and she couldn’t miss out on this opportunity. Now, she had to make a choice. How would she kill him? ‘Nah…’ she shook her head, she never liked the idea of seducing him, what if he rejected her advances? That would mean her losing her job, which would take her farther away from him and that was not a good thing. ‘There’s always a plan B.’ she unzipped her bag and fetched the emerald vial that contained the deadliest of poisons, just one drop was enough...
5 Dec 2018 | 02:29
the tension is high
5 Dec 2018 | 07:36
Mmmm......will not work on him backoff
5 Dec 2018 | 08:52
u gonna fail julia nd how come u dnt recognize ur sister?
5 Dec 2018 | 09:23
am still wondering
5 Dec 2018 | 10:47
I wish Delilah and Julia meet,,, and I pray Julia will know dat ore is her sister
5 Dec 2018 | 11:56
Why is Gavin's mom choosing a wife for him Can't he just do that himself
5 Dec 2018 | 14:19
Episode 13 Julia laughed hysterically, her eyes danced as she envisioned him bleeding through all orifices on his body. She would be the first woman to break that record in the Phoenix. She would be the first to kill Gavin Adediran, a man that had been escaped the Phoenix for years. She stopped laughing the moment she heard a knock on her door, ‘Um, come in.’ The door was pushed open and Gavin’s secretary walked in, ‘Good morning Ms. Irene, the boss would love to see you in his office.’ The girl announced with a polite smile. Julia returned her smile, ‘Thank you Amara. I will be there in a few minutes.’ The secretary flashed a bright smile once more before leaving. She quickly pulled out a mirror from her bag, focused on her reflection. ‘You can do this Julia, all of your life, you have wanted honour and glory from the phoenix. This is the time to get that which you have desperately sought after for many years.’ She knew what this would mean for her if the job was smooth. She would get a promotion from the Phoenix, more money, more trips and this in turn, would facilitate other plans she had for herself and her lover Delilah. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about her lover, she missed Delilah but she couldn’t be with her right now at Carida, the Phoenix came before other things. She dropped the mirror and held on to the vial, just a few drops and Gavin would be gone. As she walked past other offices, she heard hushed voices and sobbing, something was going on, something she was not aware of. ‘Hey, Amara, is there something going on?’ She marched to the secretary’s desk. ‘Yes Ma. Mr. Arongwa lost his only son.’ Amara replied. ‘Geez, that’s bad.’ Julia rolled her eyes, not she cared. ‘Yes, he was shot the night before by an unknown person at Walstreet Odoja, the police are investigating as we speak. The news is everywhere, I am surprised you didn’t hear.’ Julia grinned, ‘I am sorry dear, not all of us are current. I must see the boss.’ She was about leaving when she noticed a tray of steaming coffee on Amara’s desk. ‘Um, do you mind if I take that in? I guess it’s meant for the boss.’ Julia’s heart was pounding fast against her chest, she hoped the coffee was meant for Gavin, else the girl would be suspicious. ‘Um, he returned it. The death of Mr Arongwa’s son has affected him badly.’ Amara explained that Gavin had refused to take his morning coffee and the snacks it accompanied. No, this couldn’t stop her. This was the only chance she had to take Gavin down and she was not going to miss it. ‘Well, some people are more persuasive than others. The boss needs to eat something, so he could have the energy to run about the day’s activities, don’t you think?’ Julia grinned and scooped the tray into her hands without permission. ‘True, the boss is an emotional person,’ Amara supplied extra information. ‘That’s nice to know, I will see him now.’ Julia winked before moving to the door. ‘Thanks Ms. Irene.’ His eyes were on the lord. He yearned for the presence of the spirit, he sought to inquire of the lord on Ore’s whereabouts. He was so broken on the inside, he wept for Mr. Arongwa’s son who was murdered, he was hurt that Ore would turn off her phone so he wouldn’t be able to contact him. ‘Lord please speak to me.’ He prayed. He missed Ore, he wanted to be a part of the pain that she was going through. He felt worse that she had built a wall around her heart, a wall that had prevented him from reaching out. “Gavin…” A still small voice called out to him. His eyes opened sharply, they fell to the wall where he saw a bright light glittering. Bright sparks danced upon each other, there was a strong angelic presence in the office. Gavin wiped his face, so he could see clearly. He stared at the angel who appeared on the glittering wall. He wore a long and golden garment that dropped on his knees. His hair was raven black reaching to his back, neatly packed and bound together by a milky band. He carried a sword in a hand and a goblet in the other. His eyes were a wild raging sea. “Gavin…” The angel called again. ‘Yes…’ Gavin moved closer to the wall. “I am Daran, the Angel of Preservation, a servant of Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews; A servant of his son, Jesus and a servant of the comforter, the Holy Spirit take, drink.” He offered the goblet to Gavin. Gavin was hesitant at first, ‘I am sorry Angel of the Most High God, what’s in it?’ The being was silent, he said nothing but held out the goblet closer to Gavin. ‘Okay.’ Gavin nodded, took the goblet and emptied the contents into his mouth. His tongue cringed at the bitter taste, he immediately rushed towards his refrigerator for some water, but stopped as he remembered the Angel whose wild eyes were still on him. “Father says you should be careful. There’s a conspiracy in the country against you. Watch and pray lest you fall into temptation.” ‘What sort of temptation?’ Gavin was eager to know this answer. “The type that walks in with a black dress and an emerald vial. Goodbye Gavin.” With these, the being faded into the glitter, when he was completely swallowed by it, everything became normal. ‘Thank you, Jesus.’ Gavin whispered, but he was still unsatisfied with the Angel’s visit, why wasn’t Angel Daran more specific? Gavin understood that he had to be patient, all will be revealed when the lord was ready to tell him everything that he needed to know. ‘I will wait for you Lord.’ He repeated this prayer in his heart till he was satisfied in his Spirit. Gavin strolled to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water, he was ready to drink when he noticed that the bitter taste was gone. ‘Knock, Knock.’ ‘Come in.’ He returned the bottle and waited to see the visitor. Surprisingly, his newest employee who had come highly recommended by Lily strolled into his office with a very revealing dress and a tray that contained the coffee he had rejected. ‘I brought your coffee sir. You must take it to regain your lost strength.’ She fetched the cup and offered it to Gavin. He wanted to reject it the second time, but he decided to take it, ‘Thanks Ms. Irene.’ He grabbed the cup and emptied the dark brown liquid into his mouth. To be continued………….
9 Dec 2018 | 02:17
Episode 14 Dania Republic His tummy rumbled as he had not had anything for breakfast, once he finished, he replaced the mug on the saucer and smiled at her, ‘Thank you Ms. Irene, I feel better now.’ Gavin caressed his chest lightly as a sharp pain pierced into him. Irene returned his smile, while closely scrutinizing him, she had faith in the potency of the poison she had slipped into his drink. She knew it would work in a short while, within two days, Gavin Adediran would be dead and that would earn her a promotion in the Phoenix. ‘Are you alright sir?’ She asked in a concerned voice as he winced. The pain seemed to spread to his belly, then his legs, what was happening to him? ‘Um, I am fine Irene, no need to bother.’ He clenched his teeth and wobbled back to his seat. Gavin knew something was wrong somewhere, he had never had this experience. He tried to think of the meal he had eaten the night before, he realized he had not really taken anything. ‘But you don’t look fine…’ she rejoiced inwardly, she had not expected this sort of reaction, the poison was legit! Julia couldn’t wait to return home, she couldn’t wait to sniff in some coke to celebrate her victory. It was only a matter of time, before Gavin would drop dead and she would return to Carida Island where she would resume her affair with Delilah whom she had not called for some time now. Gavin shut his eyes to the present, the pain fed on his strength and an unusual weakness came upon me. His heart spiraled in a wave of anxiety and fear, what if the angel that had visited him was a demon? The angel had given him something to drink, what if that had been a poisonous substance? ‘Lord, help me…I hope I have not made any mistake.’ Gavin wheezed, then started to cough as his chest tightened. He had tested the Angel, he had called on the name of the lord Jesus, and the Angel had acknowledged the authority of that name. What then was the problem? ‘I am fine Irene, there’s something you must do for me.’ He fought with this pain, he was determined to find a solution. He wouldn’t let whatever he was feeling to interfere in his work at the office or the other meetings he had. He still had to find Ore somehow and talk to her, he missed her. ‘What could that be sir?’ Julia asked sweetly, she just couldn’t wait to return home. ‘Um, my sister wouldn’t be coming to the office today, she is swamped. So she asked you to stand if for her and she believes you are capable…’ he paused, he groaned, it seemed his fingers were being hit by something really heavy. ‘Sir?’ She raised a brow, seeing him in pain could almost turn her on. ‘Yes…um, just take these files and work on them, thanks.’ Gavin grunted, he struggled to breathe, he felt very uncomfortable in the office. She collected the files gingerly and polished her demeanor better, the fire in her eyes dimmed as she let in some moisture, she needed him to believe that she really cared. ‘Sir, I am sorry about the way you’re feeling, what if I call someone? Or a doctor?’ He saw the tears that had welled up in her eyes, but he wouldn’t have an employee weeping on his behalf, ‘I am fine Ms. Irene, just get on with your work, thanks.’ He nodded. She watched as he struggled to breathe, she saw the perspiration that had blossomed on his forehead and dribbled down the side of his face. ‘If you insist, have a nice day sir.’ She flashed him a smile before turning her back towards the door. ‘You too…’ he murmured. He knew his condition was not ordinary, he had been fine before drinking that potion from the Angel, but, that was an Angel of the Most High God. ‘I am sure my work is not yet finished on earth, you cannot just take me home, not now.’ He reached into his mind and cried out to the Spirit of God, which seemed to have abandoned him at this critical moment. “You’ll be fine. I knew this was coming and that was the reason I sent Angel Daran to save you. Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord, the lord is mighty to save, he is mighty to deliver. He turns the wisdom of they that plot in darkness into foolishness. Arise and walk…you are healed son.” The Holy Spirit whispered in a still small voice which was followed by the entrance of a gentle breeze, that cooled Gavin’s skin which had begun to feel somehow warm. His eyes were still closed when the wind danced in, it took just a minute and his system was returned to normal. Gavin snapped out of his mind and parted his lips as he sucked in fresh air. He felt his feet. The pain was gone. He was alright. ‘The pain is gone! Thank you lord,’ He fell on his knees and began to adore the Spirit in the tongue not known to men, in the tongue not known to Angels. He had been on the floor for close to thirty minutes when his phone buzzed and he had to cut his thanksgiving short. Now he was alright, he needed to find Ore, so they could go over the events of the night before. He had begged the Spirit to reveal what the problem was, but, he had not received any revelation. This meant that, he had to use his discretion. But one thing was for sure, whatever secret Ore was keeping from him, he could handle it. ‘Hello,’ he pressed the landline against his ears, this was a business call, he guessed it was the one he had been expecting. Some foreign investors had shown interest in partnering with him, to create a branch of his company in the Island of Carida. He had planned to discuss it with the board of executives, but walking into a hall decked with petals of sorrow, faces adorned with gloominess, he had no option but to give Mr. Arongwa the respect he deserved. But he was willing to listen to what these foreigners had to say as they had first contacted his sister, Lily. ‘Hello, I believe I am speaking with Mr. Gavin Adediran…’ ‘Yes, Good Morning to you, who am I speaking with please?’ ‘My name is Amusat Paul, I represent the Phoenix, the multimillion baby care company that wants to partner with you. I contacted your sister months ago, she said you will call.’ From the tone of his voice, Gavin realized this man was really interested in partnering with his company. ‘Um, can I send one of my people over to get a glimpse of your company? It’s not that I do not trust you, I just want us to take time and know each other well before the first meeting.’ Gavin drummed the table with his thumb, now that Lily was busy with Delilah, he needed someone to handle this. ‘I will agree to this, if you will let me send someone from our company over to yours. Deal?’ ‘Yes, deal. I’ll start the process tomorrow.’ Gavin had already made up his mind on who to delegate. ‘Good.’ ‘Have a nice day Mr. Amusat, I hope we will be able to work together and bring something new to the people of Carida.’ ‘We will, I have faith in you, in us.’ The man beamed. ‘Thank you.’ Gavin’s lips curled into a smile as he dropped the phone on the receiver. Things were happening too fast, he couldn’t focus on work. He decided he would leave a message with his secretary, while leaving to check on Ore, as she had refused to take his calls. ‘Amara!’ ‘Sir.’ She scurried into the office. ‘I need you to do something for me, do a little research on “The Phoenix.” It’s a Caridan brand, they produce and distribute baby products and are interested in partnering with us, because they want us to help them produce baby monitors and toys for kids with special needs. We have the technology, they have the brand name, so you see why this is important for me?’ He needed her to understand just how delicate and important this job was. She affirmed with a nod, ‘Yes sir.’ ‘Find all that you can and when you are done, contact my sister. I need someone to go over to the Island of Carida tomorrow, if she is not free, let her suggest one of her staff. Is that clear? ‘Yes sir.’ ‘Good.’ He grabbed his briefcase and stormed out of the office. He couldn’t wait to set eyes on his Ore again, he had missed her.
9 Dec 2018 | 02:20
9 Dec 2018 | 07:34
Am sure your sister will send that witch she recommended to you...
9 Dec 2018 | 13:27
You need to be more consistent in prayers now
9 Dec 2018 | 13:34
There's was a killing deadliest poison to destroy gavin. There's a forever healing power to kick the deadlies killing poison out of the way 4 gavin.
9 Dec 2018 | 14:22
Ore can survive in this moments of abduction from her only sister who has a different mischievous attitude that disguise whom she knew.
9 Dec 2018 | 14:33
Julia has got two options to finish her mission. Trying to seduce this anointed spirit filled servant of Jesus is more risky. Gave him a poison and there was a miracle.
9 Dec 2018 | 14:40
Delilah has got mother and daughter support in this her dream marriage. But, that's not enough to win gavin's heart whose heart is with ore.
9 Dec 2018 | 14:46
The phoenix coming with a fake business to hurt gavin. Julia close to him, loosing every step to hurt him. Gavin can chat with God, angels coming to him and deliver a message from God, gives him more strength.
9 Dec 2018 | 14:53
Thank God you are safe
9 Dec 2018 | 14:55
Episode 15 Hours had passed since her attacker had left the house, she had succeeded in pushing out the piece of cloth that her kidnapper had gagged her with. Her mouth felt bitter, her throat was parched and her tongue burned as she had not anything She had cried enough, she had wept till her shoulders sagged and head throbbed, obviously, tears were not enough to get her freedom. She had seen the anger that burned in the kidnaper’s eyes. She looked crazy, and she had wild eyes like she was possessed by a demon. Ore was grossly terrified of what would happen next, what would the lady do to her on her return? ‘I caused all of this, I shouldn’t have left him.’ She murmured, if she had not run out of the car, she would have been safely home now, tucked in her bed with her teddy bear next to her. She had no friends, no family, no one except Gavin, that is, if he cared enough to check on her after the way she had treated him. ‘The school…’ her voice was faint, yes, the school where she worked could notice something odd about her disappearance as she was not like some of the teachers who had joy in staying back from work. She had enjoyed teaching those kids. It was her passion, it was her job and she took it seriously. Her wrists and ankles had been bound by the finest or ropes, she couldn’t run, she had tried, but she couldn’t… ‘Please save me, Lord Please…’ she began to cry afresh. Yes, she had always wanted to end her life in the past. She had contemplated suicide on three occasions, but since the day she met Gavin at the bar, after Paul had broken up with her, her life began to have a meaning…a purpose and she was not about letting that go. ‘I need you now more than ever…’ her voice croaked, her heart was broken. If only she would be given a second chance at life, she would work on the hurt, the hatred and rancor she had harbored inside of her all these years. She was about to say another prayer, when the door flew wide open and she staggered in. ‘How is my darling prisoner doing?’ Julia grinned, then shut the door of her hotel room very quickly. Ore felt like raining curses on her, she felt like telling how cruel she was to tie an innocent woman up and to kill an innocent man. ‘Oh don’t look at me like that, I am not your enemy…’ Ore threw her bag on the bed, unzipped it and fetched a bag of Potato chips accompanied by a chilled bottle of yoghurt. ‘I got this for you, I know you are hungry, sorry I didn’t feed you before leaving, my bad.’ She pressed a hand against her chest and bowed her head. Ore couldn’t believe this, ‘Feed me? I am not your pet you psycho. You need to get me out of these ropes else I will scream until people come down here…’ Julia ignored her and kept digging things from her bag, ‘I got Marlboro Cigs, a bottle of Squadron, um…I got a new sex toy, I haven’t had sex for a long time and I miss my girlfriend…’ she tossed the items aside and crashed on her back into the bed cushion. ‘Jesus…’ Ore was horrified as she stared at the items, her eyes narrowed as she saw a plastic envelop full of white powder. That had to be drugs, there was no argument, she was dealing with a crazy woman. She licked her lips nervously as she stared at the sex toy, was she going to rape her or something? ‘Lord Please…’ her lips shivered, she couldn’t take any more pain. Julia’s head spun from too much drinking, but who could blame her? She was celebrating her victory over Gavin Adediran whom she gave a two days’ ultimatum to die. ‘I am not going to rape you…’ she had heard Ore praying. ‘I don’t do ugly people, I will show you my girlfriend’s picture was I take a bath, her name is Delilah and she is really pretty.’ Julia dragged herself lazily from the bed. It had been a tough day at the office, but she needed to get cleaned up and prepare herself, because once Gavin was dead, she was going back to Carida. ‘I don’t want to see her, you freak of nature! I don’t want to see anyone! Just let me go, I have done nothing to you…’ Ore cried, then begged, ‘Please…whoever you are, I know deep down that you are a good person, just help me.’ Julia was stunned by Ore’s use of words, no one had ever told her that she was a good person. She was a born killer. She created widows, orphaned children, she was the definition of unrest. ‘Hey, stop talking, it’s either you eat your Potato or you shut the fuck up.’ Ore’s words made her feel different, she imagined herself as a good person but when she remembered the consequences of betraying the Phoenix, she had to let her guards up. She worked her face into a frown, then marched straight into the bathroom with the Squadron and the plastic envelop that contained her coke. It was time to get high. Ore was deeply confused and distraught. It seemed her kidnapper had no plans for her. She didn’t want to let her go and she didn’t want to kill her. What did this lady want from her? “Love…she needs Love.” The Holy Spirit knocked on the door of her mind. Ore almost sneered at him, but she held herself, ‘But I don’t have any love to give. I am just a broken woman who is trying to find her path in life.’ Ore’s mind whispered to the faceless spirit. “I know, but some are broken while others are more broken. She is in darkness, you are the only one that can lead her out. She is the answer to the only thing you have always looked for.” The Spirit whispered in her ears. ‘No, you don’t understand her. She is a woman lover! A drug addict! A drunk! A killer! How am I supposed to love that? Surely Lord, light has no relationship with darkness.’ “I know Ore, but I am light and the world is darkness. I gave my light to darkness, the light of my son. This is the reason some are saved and some are not. You have to show her love because I first loved you…’ Ore rolled her eyes, the Spirit never understood the ways of men. He always asked her to do difficult things. She was about to tell him that she would disobey for the first time, she was ready to bear the consequence of her disobedience but she stopped when the bathroom door opened and Julia strolled out. ‘Who were you talking to?’ She asked Ore, her face was white as sheet and her eyes were terribly swollen and reddish. Ore was afraid to speak, for her captor held a gun. To be continued…
10 Dec 2018 | 06:08
10 Dec 2018 | 07:41
but doesn't dat name Paul ring a bell in Gavin's ear? and d angel told him to beware of d one dat wil come in wit black dress and emerald vial,,, did Julia not come in wit black provocative dress?
11 Dec 2018 | 09:12
God is really great
14 Dec 2018 | 18:34
Episode 16 He had gone to her house but had not found her or any of her neighbors, so he had turned back dejectedly. He guessed she was still not ready to see him, he decided to give her space till she was ready to talk. The Police had described the death of Mr Arongwa’s son as a revenge attack by a rival cult, so that had calmed his fears. He guessed Ore was okay wherever she was, she was not just ready to speak to him. Gavin was reading an inspiration book.. ‘Hello bro.’ she smiled. ‘Lily…’ his eyes left the pages of his book and settled on her face, she seemed excited about something. ‘Did Amara deliver my message?’ His eyes returned to the book. ‘Yes, but I didn’t come here to talk about work, I need your phone to do something…’ Lily asked. ‘What exactly?’ He raised a brow, she had this prankish look on her face. He knew Lily could be naughty at times, but he didn’t know what to expect. ‘Um, there is a Gospel song I’d like to get.’ She replied. ‘Okay, you can have it. It’s on that table…’ She could swear that she had heard Gavin’s girlfriend talking to someone, but there was no one else in the room except herself. ‘I…I wasn’t talking to anyone.’ Ore held her breath as she stared at her captor’s hazy features. She was high on coke; her face had paled and her eyes had changed from the light brown shade she knew to a dim cinnabar. ‘Okay, you’ve not eaten…’ Julia dropped the gun on the bed and stared at the potato chips she had gotten for her. Ore’s mouth felt dry, she didn’t know what to say in return. Why was this lady so nice to her? What did she want? ‘Not hungry.’ Her reply was curt and swift, as if the words flowing from her lips would bite her. She tore her eyes away from her captor’s face and stared at her toes, trying to figure out the best way out of this situation, because she was not ready to show this woman any form of love. She was prepared to go against the wishes of the Spirit this time around. ‘I guess you’re afraid I’d kill you…’ Julia chuckled, she was in good spirits as she never conversed with her captives. ‘I am not afraid to die.’ Ore fired bitterly, she had enough of being kept in one position. Her heart yearned for freedom, her heart yearned for Gavin Adediran. Julia sauntered towards her and grabbed her chin fiercely, prodding it upwards so she could stare at Ore’s face properly. ‘Tell me your name…’ Julia asked, she was suddenly curious about this lady. ‘Don’t you already know that?’ Ore wouldn’t give her another chance. ‘I hate repeating myself.’ Julia smiled and lowered her face, so that her captive’s face was just an inch apart from hers. Ore felt uneasy as Julia’s alcoholic tinted breath waded past her nostrils, it was obvious she was drunk. ‘Well…since you wouldn’t tell me your name, let me tell you mine…’ she released Ore’s face and jumped on the bed, giggling and clapping her hands. She seemed greatly excited about something, but Ore couldn’t tell. ‘My name is Ore, satisfied now?’ Ore snapped. Julia quieted at once, the drug resurrected the memories she had buried inside of her the moment she became a daughter of the Phoenix. Ore watched as Julia’s eyes softened, she had not seen this side of Julia before…this was yet another proof that she had a soft side. Julia remembered the name, “Oreoluwa…,” that was her sister’s name, the sister she had been torn away from… ‘Are you okay?’ Ore sensed she was not totally steel and rocks, a part of her was broken, a part of her needed healing. Julia quickly shut the door of her mind, she buried all memories and focused in the present. ‘You have a beautiful name…’ She sighed and rubbed her temple. Her head was throbbing and her feet were tired from working all day at the office. Ore loved that they were conversing; maybe the Spirit wasn’t wrong to ask her t show love to her captor. After all, the Bible encouraged people to love and forgive their enemies. ‘Um…can I know your name?’ Ore asked. She knew she was taking a risk by asking that question. This woman was a criminal and wouldn’t dare to reveal her real name. She walked in the shadows and whenever she stepped into the sunlight, she wore a mask. Ore regretted asking the question in the first place, because she knew the lady wouldn’t tell her the truth. Julia was quiet for some minutes as she pondered on Ore’s question. She battled with flashbacks at the massive structure where all assassins were trained. They had kept her in a dark room for seventy-one days, till they were able to break her mind and her will. They had crushed her stubborn spirit and made her one of them. On one of those days, a master had walked in with a thick red scarf that was meant to serve as a blindfold. He had covered her eyes with it and had begun to poke her mind to see how far she had accepted the Phoenix into her life. “Who are you? What is your Identity?” The Master asked. “Oye…” She replied stubbornly, each wrong answer earning her a thunderous slap. However, like the others who had been more unwilling just like she was at the start, she later gave up and got broken. She had a lot of names, and each name was for a new mission. When she killed a Governor in Carida, she was Elenora. When she had killed a C.E.O that competed with one of the masters in the Phoenix, she was Adaku. Now, she had come to Dania Republic for Gavin, she was Irene… When she was with Delilah, she was known as Julia… ‘I am sorry I asked, I don’t know what came over me.’ Ore quickly apologized, in order not to get her peeved. The effect of the drug was starting to wear off, ‘No, it’s fine. I love people that ask questions.’ Ore felt better, she really wanted to know more about her captor. ‘So tell me, what is your name?’ Ore asked a second time. Julia wondered why her captive was so eager to know more about her, she decided to tell her the truth. ‘I have no name.’ Her phone rang immediately and she left to take it from the bathroom where she’d been before Ore’s muttering with an unseen person pulled her out. ‘Sorry Ore, I have to get that call…’ ‘She has no name’ Ore rolled her eyes, what was that supposed to mean?
17 Dec 2018 | 01:27
I wish she can release herself from dat bondage,,,, and allow love of God to take over,,, and as lily and her mother,,,, won't dey allow dat young man to choose for himself?
17 Dec 2018 | 02:18
I don't know what is wrong with Lily and her mom
17 Dec 2018 | 15:47
Episode 17 Master Paul was calling her and she needed to put herself together before taking the call. Julia placed the buzzing phone in the trouser of her jean and rushed towards the tub, where she turned on the tap and splashed some cold water on her face. ‘I hope that works.’ She murmured, before taking the call. ‘Master…Good evening.’ ‘Julia, how do you do? ‘ ‘Fine sir.’ ‘If you had heard the news concerning last night’s murder, you’d see that we were able to handle everything. With our connections at the top, the Police now have a new story concerning the boy’s murder. So the air is clear, focus on your job with Gavin.’ Julia’s heart pumped with pride; little did her Master know what she had planned for him. ‘Not to worry, I already poisoned his drink; he will be dead in two days.’ She bragged. The Master was quiet as no one had ever tried this fit, ‘Is this some kind of joke?’ ‘No. I swear it, I poisoned him today.’ ‘That’s strange, when I called him earlier, he sounded fine.’ Master Paul observed. Her heart skipped, why had the Master contacted Gavin without telling her? Was there something he was hiding from her? ‘Sir…you called Gavin?’ ‘That’s none of your business, now get back to work and pray that poison works because that bastard deserves to die.’ ‘Okay sir…thank you.’ When the call ended, she had a lot to think about. First, why had Master Paul contacted Gavin Adediran? ‘What are you looking at?’ Delilah had walked into Lily’s room without knocking. She noticed the way Lily’s eyes were glued to her laptop screen; Delilah guessed that she was working on something very important. ‘Is it work related?’ She asked Lily. Lily closed her eyes and opened them again; she didn’t know the best answer to Delilah’s question. She had gotten Gavin’s phone for just one purpose: to go through his cal history and his messages. She knew that her brother was seeing someone, and she had just gotten a name. ‘No,’ Lily lied, not wanting to hurt Delilah’s feelings. In these few weeks they had spent with each other, she had grown fond of Delilah, and she saw her as the sister she never had. Delilah was fun to be with. She was well informed about other countries, celebrities, foods, and fashion, she met Lily’s taste and this was the reason they were able to get along. Delilah’s beauty was rare, she could beat a thousand girls hands down in a contest. This was the perfect woman for her brother and no one else, not even this Ore girl, whose name was all over his phone. ‘That’s a lie.’ Delilah observed Lily had avoided her eyes while answering her question. She rose to her feet and moved to the table where the computer was being placed, ‘What is it Lily? What is bothering you?’ Delilah placed a hand on her shoulder. Lily was confused, she was torn between the truth and lies. It was a good thing to tell the truth, but could Delilah handle it? What if she told Delilah that her brother was in love with another woman, wouldn’t that push her away? ‘Is something wrong with Gavin? Is this why I haven’t set eyes on him today?’ Delilah’s heart raced, blood pumped in her ears. She had lost a lover once, one who cared less about her, she couldn’t lose Gavin. Lily jumped to her feet and grabbed Delilah by the hand, ‘It’s okay, my brother is fine. But there is something you should know.’ Lily swallowed the heavy lump that clogged her throat. Once she let Delilah into this path, there was no going back. Delilah could change her mind about being with Gavin, and her mother would blame her for this. On the other hand, they could come together and fight their common enemy, which was Ore. ‘Go on.’ Delilah relaxed, knowing that Gavin was alright. ‘I think Gavin has someone in his life. I just went through his phone and I saw a lot of things. But please, don’t let him go, love doesn’t come easy. My mother and I are on your side, we want you for Gavin, please…’ Delilah had seen this coming; she now knew for sure why Gavin had rejected her advances. Delilah was perfect, her beauty was mythical, yet he had turned her down. Gavin had been the first man that had resisted her charms. ‘I saw this coming…’ Delilah pulled her hands away from Lily and rushed to the bed, her eyes brimming with burning tears. She loved Gavin. Yes, she didn’t know him well, but she knew he was hers right from the first day she set eyes on his picture in Carida. ‘Delilah please don’t change your mind about my brother. I could never forgive myself should you walk away…’ Lily joined her on the bed. She knew what loving a man who didn’t feel the same way was. ‘Who is she?’ Delilah held the tears in their place, this was no time to cry. This was the time to show strength, to prepare herself for the worst. ‘I don’t know her, but I know her name is Ore.’ Lily answered swiftly. Delilah was determined to win Gavin’s love, they were destined for each other and nothing could tear them apart. ‘Please don’t leave Gavin, he is the perfect man for you, he just doesn’t see that.’ Lily begged. Delilah’s mind was made up, she would be in Dania republic, until her wedding with Gavin was fixed, and there was no turning back now. ‘I wasn’t planning on leaving.’ She wiped her face with her palms. She had to come up with something; she had to think fast before it was too late. She rose to her feet and moved towards the table where Gavin’s phone was placed. It wasn’t difficult to find the Phone number that belonged to the wretch who wanted to take her man away. ‘That wouldn’t work, I have been calling her repeatedly, but she isn’t taking her calls.’ Lily watched as Delilah fetched her own phone, and tried dialling Ore from her android. That was tough, Delilah thought. She dropped Gavin’s phone and thought of a plan. ‘People you may know.’ She muttered. Lily heard her, ‘What’s that?’ Delilah briefly explained: ‘Um, if someone is on Facebook and you have that person’s contact, there is a 90% chance that his or her profile would pop on the “People you may know” column.’ ‘Sounds nice, so…’ Lily was still lost. ‘I will add Ore’s number to my contact list, then find her on Facebook. It’s as simple as that. Once we get her, we’ll know what next to do.’ Delilah’s fingers worked on her device, she couldn’t wait to see the face of the woman that had taken Gavin’s heart away from her. To be continued……………
18 Dec 2018 | 01:23
lily and her mother want someone dey don't even know well for dia son/brother,,,,, Na wa oooo
18 Dec 2018 | 02:44
Delilah Just Fuck Off With Ur LesB Body Jor Gavin Gat Nothing For U
18 Dec 2018 | 04:16
Delilah she is with you ex lover Oye
18 Dec 2018 | 10:40
18 Dec 2018 | 17:05
Episode 18 Done.’ She logged into her Facebook account and waited for ten minutes. She thought of all the nasty things she would tell this woman once she saw her face. She would warn her sternly to stay away from Gavin, but if she refused, she would make her life miserable. ‘I think Gavin is coming here.’ Lily rushed and grabbed his phone, as she heard some footsteps towards her room. All of a sudden, the door to her room was pushed open, and an angry looking Gavin strolled in. He was surprised to meet Delilah in his sister’s room; he had come to discuss work related matters with her. ‘Um, I am sorry, bad timing.’ He made to leave, but Delilah welcomed him with a seductive smile. He found it difficult to take his eyes of her clean set of white teeth and her dimples. She was dressed simply, in a green palazzo pants and a pink cashmere top. Her hair was let loose; the curls tumbled upon each other. ‘Hello Delilah, how are you today?’ He quelled the thoughts of her beauty once he remembered that his Ore was still missing. ‘I am fine darling, how about you?’ She sauntered towards him. ‘Fine, can I speak to you for ten minutes outside?’ He avoided her eyes and turned towards his sister who was busy admiring the prospective couple. ‘Sure, anything for you bro.’ Lily moved briskly to the door. ‘I am sorry that I hardly have time for you in Dania, I will take you to my office one of these days and show you round.’ He smiled at Delilah. Gavin had encountered women like her before; women that were possessed by the spirit of seduction. By the special Grace of the Holy Spirit, he had overcome a lot of them who knew they had this evil nature and were ready to use it, to bring down ministers of the Gospel. He sensed strongly that she had seductive powers, though she was unaware. He would tread carefully with her. ‘Wow…’ Delilah was all smiles when she heard this. Being with Gavin in his office meant a lot of things. First, it meant that he was ready to be with her, why else would he take her to his office? ‘What if I come tomorrow?’ She asked sweetly. He did a mental check on his activities on the next day, ‘I am having a meeting with a baby care company from your country, and it’s going to be hectic.’ ‘I don’t mind, I can always tag along. I can offer you some ideas on how to run your business.’ She wanted him to see that she was intelligent and smart. She equally ran her family’s business; she had the experience to work with him. ‘Cool, tomorrow then, let me steal my sister for a while. She’ll be back in a jiffy.’ He winked and spun on his heel, leaving her ogling at his behind. ‘Sexy man.’ She licked her lips; she couldn’t wait to make Gavin her man. She shut the lusty imaginations that welled up in her mind, and focused on her Facebook app which displayed a list of people that she knew. ‘There you are…’ Delilah’s eyes grew wide as she clicked on the profile of “Ore Martins.” There was something familiar about her smile, and the way her eyes glittered under the sunlight. ‘I’ve seen her before…’ Delilah looked puzzled. Ore noticed a sad look in Julia’s eyes after the phone call. The once arrogant and hardened criminal looked very sober and afraid. ‘Are you alright?’ Ore asked. She couldn’t disobey the Spirit now. The Holy Spirit had given her a great responsibility, and she had to handle it well. ‘Yes.’ Julia tossed the phone on the bed and walked towards the bathroom for another dose of cocaine. The powder always made her to forget her problems; it made her feel in total control of her life. She was a hundred percent sure that her poison would work on Gavin, this was the reason she decided to stay at home the next day, so she wouldn’t be there when the announcement of his death would be made. ‘That’s not going to help you.’ Ore stuttered. She felt a prickly sensation cover her whole body; she knew the Holy Spirit had come to her. “Call her by her name…” The Spirit pealed in a name into her ears. He always came to her in a still small voice, but he was loud today. She was afraid of getting Julia upset, but she had no choice, she had to do the bidding of the father. Julia ignored her captive and continued strolling towards the bathroom. She was bothered by Master Paul’s last statement. What relationship did Master Paul have with Gavin? Why had he not told her that he would call Gavin? She realized something about the organization that she worked for; they knew everything about her, but she didn’t know much about them. ‘Just mind your business.’ Julia hissed. ‘You are my business Julia!’ Ore’ yelled. She froze when Julia paused, swirled and marched towards her with an angry face. ‘I told you, I told you I didn’t want to be a part of this…’ Ore whispered in her mind to the Holy Spirit, who had been the one to start the conversation. “You did the right thing, calling her by one of her names, would draw her closer to you…” The Spirit whispered. ‘What if “Julia” is not her name, she would rip my head off!’ Ore squirmed in the chair where she was being tied. Ore tried to get the Spirit to say something. She searched deep within her soul, but she couldn’t find him. He had gone silent on her again. ‘What did you call me?’ Julia was terrified of this woman. She had never told anyone in Dania republic her name, how then had Ore come by it? Ore ran her tongue over lips. She was in a fix! And the Spirit was not there with her. ‘Julia. Your name is Julia. I know you are in much pain, I can help you.’ Ore couldn’t believe her ears, she had not planned to say those words, but they just flew out of her mouth. Julia froze, was this some kind of magic? ‘Who the hell are you?’ She pulled out a gun from her pocket, nobody knew her name, and this was a mystery. Usually, the sight of a gun would terrify Ore, but she felt more confident than ever before. ‘You are free to shoot. Yahweh is the resurrection and the life.’ Ore flashed her smile but her smile faded when she noticed Julia’s hands were shaking. The Holy Spirit had been right; Julia was running away from something. She had to help her out of it. ***** ‘This is good news brother; partnership with the baby product company is a good thing to do. What’s their name again?’ Lily asked. ‘The Phoenix, they produce pampers, napkins, baby wipes and other stuff. I have a meeting with their boss tomorrow, I’d like for you to be there with me.’ Gavin replied. This made Lily very excited, ‘I love being part of new things.’ ‘Delilah would be coming too; I guess she is tired of staying at home.’ He quickly added. ‘That is wonderful news; you too would make a wonderful couple.’ Lily winked. ‘One more thing Lily, you must be very careful when you come to the office tomorrow. Someone tried to poison me, but the Spirit is yet to reveal who it was.’ He warned.
22 Dec 2018 | 04:24
delilah and julia will probably meet at the office and delilah will call her by the name julia and not irene
22 Dec 2018 | 05:30
I am loving this story
23 Dec 2018 | 02:51
wat if Ore has called Julia her name Oye
23 Dec 2018 | 11:28
Last episode The Island Of Carida… The sons of the Phoenix had all gathered in the great Temple of Blood for a symposium on the best way to take down the man, Gavin Adediran, who had rained curses upon them last year after the massacre of some Government officials in Dania Republic. ‘One house!’ Master Paul, who represented the Grand Patron of the Phoenix, yelled at the top of his voice, as he tried to get the attention of his brothers. ‘We cannot fold our hands and watch Gavin Adediran tear down everything that we have built all these years. You are all taking this lightly because you were not in his church when he made negative declarations about us.’ Gregory complained bitterly, he was appalled by the gentility his brothers applied in treating this matter. ‘What would you have us do Greg? This organization has tried to take that fool down, but to no avail. We have sent different assassins to take the life out of him, but they always ended up dead or came back as failures. I think there is more to this man that meets the eye.’ Another brother, Richard, replied. Master Paul knew why the men were agitated. Though Gavin had not mentioned the name of their organization, he was raining curses on the assassins and their sponsors who had killed some people in Dania, who else were the assassins and sponsors than the members of the Phoenix? Paul had confidence in Julia. She sounded so confident that her poison would work on the man of God. He trusted her and knew she could take anyone down, but again, he had to remind himself that Gavin had escaped the deadliest of traps. ‘Brothers…I sent Julia to Dania so she could work closely with him. She informed me that she had successfully poisoned Gavin yesterday, so in a few days, he will be a dead man.’ He paused, a little bit confused by the strange silence that engulfed the atmosphere. This was supposed to be good news, but why were his brothers not excited? ‘This is not the first time an assassin has gotten this close to Gavin, how sure are you that this would work?’ Brother Gregory sneered. Paul understood their doubts, he held them too, but he wouldn’t let his doubts get the better of him. ‘Julia is not just any assassin. She is the best that we’ve got. She slipped the most deadly poison in the world into his coffee. A man may escape many things, but like Samson, his weakness would be found one day.’ Paul replied. Brother Richard scoffed, ‘And you think that day is today?’ Paul was irritated by their lack of faith, ‘Well, I have a plan B, this is the reason I came up with a business idea that would bring Gavin closer to us.’ The Phoenix was a well known baby product brand, but only a few knew about the darkness that hid underneath the stainless brand. Only few understood the true meaning of the phoenix symbol on the baby products. Behind that ageless bird and the pictures of babies, was an ancient organization that derived power in assassinating those who were against her interests. He explained his business idea to his brothers who thought him very wise and smart. ‘That way, Gavin will not be able to escape us. If he fails to die by Julia’s hands, he shall fall by mine.’ Paul was sure of this. When he was done speaking, the members of the Phoenix rose to their feet and clapped him. The meeting of their hands rumbled like an angry strike of thunder. They all couldn’t wait for the downfall of Gavin Adediran. ‘Before we dismiss, I have a little gift for you all!’ Paul snapped his fingers, and the latest addition to the Phoenix ring of assassins was brought forward so his brothers could see her and have a taste of her. Ego’s body and feet trembled as she was led into the hall. Her body was weak and suffered dehydration, from days of being tortured and starved, in the name of training. She felt so sick and lone. Nobody loved her, nobody cared about her. She knew she was an adopted child, so her parents wouldn’t bother looking for her. She knew the men would take turns in raping her, before cutting out her tongue which marked the end of her training. ‘Welcome Bella.’ Paul licked his lips as he stared at her naked form. Her eyes burned with hatred for this man and all the men who ogled her from their seats. She felt trapped here, she wanted freedom but there was no way out. ‘Come on now darling, don’t be scared. To become strong, you must first taste of pain…’ Paul grinned as the naked girl was pushed towards him. He couldn’t wait to have a taste of her young body. ‘Jesus save me.’ Her lips quivered. But it seems her pleas had fallen on deaf ears when she was propelled to her knees by Master Paul and her bottom was spread apart. Her screams filled the air. He saw the men in suits, though their faces weren’t clear. They were in a maze like structure, with masks on their faces. They were clapping and cheering, but suddenly stopped as a huge black bird appeared in their midst. Without warning, the men fell on their faces and began to worship this bird. Blessing it for protecting them and offering them immense wealth and blessings. The vision faded from his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Gavin dropped the mug that contained coffee and moved his head backwards; his sister Lily had been the one that had tapped him. END OF SEASON ONE SEASON TWO COMING SOON More ACTONS
24 Dec 2018 | 01:48
You can drop your options on how you want s2 to look like
24 Dec 2018 | 01:50
Pls when is season 2 coming
24 Dec 2018 | 17:06
I still believe that the God of Gavin will save him from the Phoenix
24 Dec 2018 | 18:39
waiting for season 2
24 Dec 2018 | 18:41
we are waiting for season two dear
25 Dec 2018 | 05:47
Wow Cant Wait For It
25 Dec 2018 | 15:59
Many war in the midst of the war, the phoenix with their desperate determination to destroy gavin the strong super man.
26 Dec 2018 | 17:41
Their desperation and determination makes them to be in trouble because the man they are dealing with is not just like that man, but a supernatural man.
26 Dec 2018 | 17:49
It was hard 4 ore to obey the voice of the lord that is saying something about oye's way of life. She's obeying right now
26 Dec 2018 | 17:55
It has gotten to a place were only the toughest will survive. Gavin must overcome with the kind of backup he has got. Julia may be having few options whether to follow God or not.
26 Dec 2018 | 18:06
Julia maybe having the options of whether to quit the phoenix, quit lesby and more. Delilah will meet julia one day. Lily will one day know more about what's happening.
26 Dec 2018 | 18:14
26 Dec 2018 | 18:23
Continue pls
1 Jan 2019 | 08:36
wonderful!!! maybe Gavin will link d vision he is seeing with d Phoenix
1 Jan 2019 | 13:40
Episode 2 Make sure you don’t try anything funny.’ Julia scowled at her, then grabbed the phone that lay on the bed. It was Master Paul. ‘Good morning Master.’ She greeted. ‘Julia…congratulations.’ Master Paul sounded happy; she wondered what his reasons were. ‘I don’t understand Master.’ ‘I am in Gavin’s company now, but he told his secretary to cancel our meeting because he cannot show up for personal reasons.’ Julia pressed a shaky hand against her belly, ‘Are you serious?’ She hoped this was true. ‘Yes, so your poison has worked on that fool. He is a dead man.’ Julia couldn’t hold back her laughter, ‘I can’t believe I conquered the great Gavin Adediran.’ Ore’s stomach rumbled at the mention of his name. What relationship did this assassin have with Gavin? ‘Why are you staring at me like that?’ Julia could see a glint of fear in Ore’s eyes, after she had dropped the phone. Ore knew better than to tell Julia what she was actually thinking. She had mentioned Gavin’s name, and this meant something. There was a connection between the assassin and Gavin. She felt a tremor in her tummy as her eyes met with Julia’s. She imagined Gavin being tied to a chair like she was. What if she had meant to take Gavin in her place? ‘Oh…’ Julia chuckled. She knew exactly why Ore was staring at her in wonder. ‘You must have heard your boyfriend’s name.’ Julia sighed, feeling happy that she had accomplished a great feat. The Phoenix would etch her name in gold. They would remember her in years to come. And she could even buy her freedom from them. ‘What business do you have with Gavin?’ Ore’s voice was shaky, unsure of what to expect. Julia felt proud of herself, she had not imagined that her mission in Dania would be this easy and Gavin, a cheap hunt. She ignored Ore and moved towards the bathroom, she changed her mind. She had to go to work today and see what his stupid company would be like without him bossing everyone around. ‘Answer me Julia!’ Tears dribbled down her face. Julia bit her lip, to prevent her anger from taking its full course. Her hands tingled from the burning rage that started within her, accompanied by the urge to smash something into Ore’s head. ‘You have had enough. I told you, your God is dead. He does not deliver. He does not save.’ She settled for words instead. ‘You lie! You know deep down that he exists, the Bible records it.’ Ore cried, she hated herself for pushing Gavin away like that. She wondered what he would be up to now: Did he think about her? Was he worried about her? Had he forgotten her? ‘Well, last I checked, the Europeans cooked up a bunch of lies and gave it to weak minded individuals like you and your stupid boyfriend. In return, you sold your brothers and offered them your mineral sources.’ Julia scoffed, ‘Such a mind bending magic, I never knew it still worked.’ Ore felt discouraged in her spirit, for how long would she put up with Julia’s crap. ‘Blasphemy, Jesus lives,’ She spat at Julia. Julia was even more amused by her action, ‘Jesus lives, and yet you are tired to a chair.’ ‘I can prove it to you!’ Ore yelled. ‘Okay…’ Julia folded her arms across her chest; she decided to listen as she had all the time in the world today. ‘When I was young, a lot of bad things happened to me.’ Ore closed her eyes, fighting with herself, knowing that once she let herself through the door of her past, there was no going back. All along, she had been able to suppress the pain from the cycle of sexual abuse. She had carried the ashes of those bitter memories along with her. She had hidden them in safe place, the back of her mind, where no one could find. “You are doing the right thing…” the Holy Spirit caressed her ears with his soothing voice. Immediately, courage conquered fear, and comfort overwhelmed pain and she found herself travelling back in time, to where it all started. ‘I and my younger sister lost our parents. We didn’t have nice relatives, so we were shipped to an orphanage…’ Julia was not a lover of stories, she hated them. ‘You know what? You can save your sob story for later. I would remember to get a beer for both of us, so I can drown myself in liquor when you bore me to death.’ Julia breezed to the bathroom. Truthfully, she was not bored by Ore’s story, she was troubled by it. Before now, she hardly felt things this deeply. She had buried her emotions the day her initiation into the Phoenix took place at the Temple of Blood. But here she was, staring at her hollow eyes, welling up with tears for the first time. ‘Oye.’ She murmured a name that had once belonged to her. Gavin moved back into the house, at the sight of the angelic beings that had surrounded his car. He would be a fool to disobey the Spirit, after receiving clear instructions. ‘I thought you were ready?’ Lily and Delilah approached the door, fully dressed for work. ‘Um, I feel a little blue, maybe you should preside over the meeting with Mr. Paul.’ Gavin instructed his sister. This was not the right time to tell her about his vision about the Angels and the warning from the Spirit. Lily thought it was a little strange for her brother to stay back from work, and this important meeting. ‘Gavin, is something wrong? This deal with Phoenix is very important, why can’t you manage? I could call the doctor.’ Lily proposed. Delilah who had been watching quietly could tell that Gavin was not being honest. She had a feeling he was staying back from work so he could have time to visit his other woman. ‘I am not feeling well Lily, I expect you to stand for me in the meeting.’ He replied calmly. ‘But this would give Mr. Paul a bad impression of you. Your absence could imply your disinterest in a partnership with the Phoenix. Have you thought about how great an expansion would be?’ Delilah chipped in; she couldn’t let another woman take her man away from her. He felt irked that his sister and Delilah couldn’t respect his wishes. ‘Lily, I am not having this conversation again. I place everything in your hands, if you fail, there will be consequences.’ His voice was terse and unfriendly; his sister had never seen him that way. Delilah spun on her heel, and made to follow him, but Lilly quickly pulled her back by the arm. ‘Let him go, I have never seen him like that.’ Lily sighed. She had a strong feeling, that her brother’s behaviour was linked to his revelation about being poisoned. She had to be careful, whoever wanted him dead, could also want her dead. ‘What if I stay back? I could take care of him?’ Delilah offered. ‘No dear, Gavin wants to be alone. Don’t worry, I’ll show you around the company, I promise, you’ll have a lot of fun.’ Lily smiled. ‘Okay.’ Delilah shrugged. Again, Gavin was rejecting her, but she wouldn’t give up on him already. She still needed to get more information on the lady she had found on Facebook, Ore Martin. The ladies strolled towards the deep blue Bentayga, there was a driver, so they simply hopped into the back of the vehicle ad relaxed. ‘I love your brother Lily. I never planned for it to happen, but I feel strongly within, that we are meant to be together.’ Delilah confessed her feelings. Lily watched Delilah’s face glow as she talked about her brother, this was love in its purest form and it was the best of him. Not many highly achieved women like Delilah would offer themselves the way she was, to any man. She was a gift to her family; Gavin was left with no choice but to accept. ‘There’s no need to fear, I am on your side. How many times do I have to tell you this?’ Delilah pulled her phone out of her designer bag and offered it to Lily, ‘You think this is easy for me? Your brother is seeing someone else; I think I may have found her.’
2 Jan 2019 | 01:59
This God that Gavin worship is truly a living God
3 Jan 2019 | 03:56
Episode 3 Gingerly, Lily snatched the phone from Delilah’s fingers and stared at the screen. At first, the name made no meaning to her, but a closer look at the lady’s profile picture made her heart skip. ‘No, maybe I am dreaming.’ She turned the phone off and stared outside the window. Delilah had expected her to be upset about her brother’s philandering ways, but the expression she saw on Lily’s face, was one of disgust and fear. ‘Do you know this Ore Martins?’ Delilah was forced to ask. Lily bit her lower lip with her tongue in a swift manner, ‘No.’ The face was familiar, the eyes held the same sadness as always and her face was still the same, though more mature. ‘Don’t lie to me, did you know about this woman? Does she have a child for your brother? Is that the reason you are protecting her?’ Delilah felt hurt and betrayed. It was obvious that Lily was not being truthful. ‘Delilah, sometimes the truth is meant to be protected. My brother would never date this kind of woman, I swear it. Gavin has got class and taste. He knows that neither I nor my mother would support him being with this whore!’ Lily buried her face in her hands, she remembered Ore Martins quite well. She was a low level tramp that no one wanted to associate with. She had been abused and used by many men, how could her brother be with someone like that? ‘Can you just tell me about her? When I first saw that picture, it felt like I had known her from somewhere, but…I just couldn’t tell where.’ Delilah took the phone gently from Lily and starred at the picture once again. Lily was so upset with this new discovery, ‘She was just very loose. I heard she did a lot of abortions too. Look, I don’t even want to talk about that sort of person. Gavin would never make the mistake of bringing her into our lives.’ Hearing those words made her heart spiral into an orgasmic wave of expectations. She felt loved and accepted; she was reassured of Gavin’s preference of her. ‘Why would he even flirt with her in the first place?’ Delilah laughed. Men, he was probably using her to satiate the wants of his loins. ‘You know, I tried seducing your brother the other day in the kitchen…’ she giggled. ‘Did he fall for it?’ Lily raised a brow. ‘No.’ Delilah shook her head, and they both laughed. Lily told Delilah a little about her love life, which was not very interesting. ‘Tell me about your sex life, I want to hear about that.’ Delilah teased. Lily sniggered, ‘Well, I am straight. I have never been with a man before though, I plan on waiting.’ Blood tweaked Delilah’s cheeks at the mention of “straight,” she was nothing near straight. She realized that she also had a secret to protect. Now that she had fallen in love with Gavin, she could never let him know about her past with Julia, whom she had not set eyes on for some months now. ‘That is nice.’ Delilah kept a straight face, silently praying that her past wouldn’t show up to ruin God’s plan for her life. Ten minutes later, Lily was in Gavin’s office where she waited to receive the man that had come all the way from Carida to see her brother. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind my presence here?’ Delilah asked. She had wanted to take Lily’s office, where she could relax and play some cool games on her phone, but Lily had insisted they both stay together. ‘If you ask me, it is highly unprofessional. Mr. Paul may even feel uncomfortable.’ She added. Lily had never done this before, she was not confident to face this man. Delilah’s presence in the room would make her feel bolder, but she didn’t tell Delilah about her fears. ‘I’ll handle everything Dee, just sit in that corner and wear your best smile.’ Lily winked. She clamped her fingers together and placed them on the glass table, while waiting for the man to present himself. As expected, the door flew wide open and a tall dark man strolled in with a bright smile on his face, which seemed to fade as his eyes met with Lily’s. ‘Good morning Sir, my name is Lily Adediran, I would be representing my brother in this meeting.’ She rose to her feet, acknowledging his presence. Paul had expected gloomy faces and a melancholic atmosphere; he had a feeling that something had gone wrong. ‘Why is Gavin not here?’ He asked. She was about to offer her response when the door flew in and Gavin’s secretary bellowed, ‘Madam, Ms. Irene is here to see you.’ ‘Okay, let her in.’ Lily replied. Gavin carefully took off the clothes from his body before settling on the bed. He still pondered on the reason why the Spirit had asked him to stay back from work. He thought about the scary dream of the big bird that he had seen earlier. What was happening to him? Why was he having revelations without clear interpretations? ‘Lord, you helped Daniel and Joseph; please hide nothing from your servant.’ He murmured and grabbed his phone. Ore consumed other thoughts that had troubled him. She was primary, she was a treasure and he couldn’t lose her. He had searched her house and called her many times, but she had refused to take her call. Though he had never told her explicitly, he was deeply in love with her. What man in his sane mind wouldn’t? He did a mental check on all the conversations he had with Ore, before she blocked him out of her life. A smile danced at the corner of his lips as he thought about their first meeting. ‘She was heavily drunk.’ He whispered. She looked pale, broken and lost, but there was something about her eyes, the innocence and the pain they carried called to him; he had found it hard to resist such a noble calling. Then as they got closer, she had opened up to him about her ex, Paul, a man that had dumped her without a concrete reason. Gavin missed her, more than she could ever imagine. All of a sudden, he felt a powerful stir in his Spirit. He felt a prickly sensation, starting from the crown of his hair to his feet. The Spirit had come again… Gavin secretly hoped that He had come to explain all the visions and dreams he had. “Gavin,” The Spirit whispered. ‘Father…’He straightened on his bed. “Get dressed, go to your office. I want to show them that I am God.” Gavin had not expected this, why had God asked him to stay back in the first place? “I will anoint your head, in the presence of your enemies.” Ore was still tied to a chair, and she was starting to get uncomfortable. Why would the Holy Spirit want her to help someone who was deliberately punishing her for no reason? She closed her eyes and did a mental rundown on all the conversations she had with Julia, her captor. Julia seemed like someone who was broken on the inside, but was desperate to paint a new image of her to others. She presented a false definition of herself to outsiders. Ore had noticed the way her hands had shook when she had held the gun towards her. ‘If she’d wanted to kill me, she would have done it by now.’ Ore murmured. She sighed and looked at the ruffled bed, with packs of cigarettes and little vials of which she was certain contained hard drugs. ‘What a life.’ Ore rolled her eyes. She also remembered that Julia had mentioned Gavin during one of her phone calls to an unknown person. This made her more curious about her captor. If only she could get closer to Julia, she would get to know her better and when she got to know her better, she could save her from the path that led to destruction. To be continued…
3 Jan 2019 | 05:14
following keenly!!!!
3 Jan 2019 | 06:44
Enjoying it
3 Jan 2019 | 18:57
Hmm next scene is exposure and surprise
3 Jan 2019 | 19:54
Something Is About To Happen
4 Jan 2019 | 06:20
Episode 4 Her ankles were starting to throb. Her wrists were reddish and swollen from the ropes that bound them. Her tummy rumbled, as Julia had not offered her anything for breakfast. ‘How long is this supposed to continue?’ Ore felt deeply hurt and frustrated. She had a life outside this hotel room. She had students who loved her lessons and her warm personality. She had Gavin! ‘This is my fault, I should never have left him that night.’ Her voice was broken and cracked. She wished she could go back in time, and make everything right. “Are you telling me that you regret meeting with Julia?” A still voice whispered in her mind. Her careless thoughts fled at once, as she realized the Spirit had come to her. She licked her flaky lips swiftly, and pondered on his question. Did she regret meeting with Julia? Ore sighed, ‘No, I don’t. I am beginning to like her, but it is not reason enough for her to keep me like a common thief.’ She replied. “So, if you had a chance to leave this place, would you leave her behind?” The Spirit asked. This was a very difficult question. She admitted that there was something about Julia that attracted her, but what if she had the chance to run away from this place? Wouldn’t she take it without deliberation? She pulled in a deep breath, and held her hands in position as they had began to tremble. This always happened whenever she was hungry. ‘Lord, truly, I don’t know what I would do should I regain my freedom.’ It was better to tell the Spirit the truth, than to lie just to please him. After all, he was the reader of all mortal thoughts. Nothing could be hidden from him, and nothing should be hidden from him. “Very well then, you will have your freedom but remember that your destiny is entwined with Julia’s.” Those were his last words, before he went quiet. ‘I don’t understand what destiny? What are you talking about?’ Ore’s mind whispered to the Spirit, but she felt a wall of coldness within. As usual, he had gone quiet on her. She sighed and rested on the chair, still trying to figure out, what his words truly meant. Did she have a destiny? If then, what possibly could it be? Tired of speculations and cooking up theories, she pushed the thoughts in her mind away and began to hum some Christian Hymns. ‘What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear…’ she hummed slowly, leaving her burdens and worries at his feet. Ten minutes, she felt a knock on the door. At first, she thought she had imagined it, but when the tap came a second time, her eyes cracked open to reality. It was flagrant, that someone other than Julia had come to see her as it wasn’t Julia’s style to knock on the door. Freedom had come. ‘Can you open the door from outside? I am not really strong.’ Ore called to the knocker. ‘Good morning Madam, it is Room Service.’ A female voice bellowed. ‘Oh, you can come in.’ Ore repeated, she knew they had their own keys. ‘Okay…’ the attendant sounded hesitant, but she opened the door anyway. When she walked in, her feet were glued to the spot as she noticed Ore had been tied to a chair. ‘Please don’t run, just close the door.’ Ore begged. ‘What is happening in this room?’ The sturdy female asked, eyes wild in bewilderment. ‘Can you not ask me any question just yet? Close the door and I will tell you everything.’ Ore replied in a cool voice, she didn’t want to startle the attendant. The attendant shook her head and moved back, ‘something very criminal is going on in this room, and I don’t want to be a part of it. I am calling the Police.’ She returned. Ore couldn’t let her do that. Yes, she wanted freedom, but not at Julia’s expense. Julia had not killed her, she had done nothing wrong to her. The least she could do, was to protect her from the law. ‘I can explain what you’re seeing here, but it is quite disgusting…’ Ore licked her lips. She closed her eyes and considered telling the attendant that Julia was her lover, and they were just doing one of their sex things. But she couldn’t, that would be lying and the Spirit didn’t like that. The attendant raised a brow, and allowed a crooked smile take full control of her oval face. ‘Are you a lesbian?’ She scoffed. Ore laughed, she didn’t offer a rebuttal or an admission. She just shrugged and relaxed against the chair. ‘Can you get me out of the chains? She wouldn’t come back any time soon and I forgot to tell her that I would need some fruits.’ Ore winked. The attendant chuckled and quickly shut the door behind her. She moved straight to Ore’s position and quickly helped with loosening her. ‘I came to check if you guys needed anything. It is part of our duty to be sure our customers have maximum satisfaction.’ The lady explained while working on the chains. ‘That is really nice; my name is Ore, what’s yours?’ ‘You can call me Fatimah.’ She flashed a smile. ‘Beautiful name, can you get me something to eat? I am really famished.’ Ore rubbed her wrists the moment the chains fell freely off them. ‘Sure, what would you like?’ Fatimah returned. ‘Something light, like yoghurt then you can give me French fries.’ The Spirit had kept to his words and had offered her the freedom she sought. What would she do with it? Delilah had been surfing the web, trying to figure out more about this Ore woman that was bent on stealing Gavin away from her. She was not listening to the conversation between Lily and Mr. Paul, the man who managed Phoenix Baby Care. She wanted to find dirt and substance on Ore. She had to find a way to bring her down before Gavin, and this was the only chance she had. ‘Would you come back another day or would you like to come to our home?’ Lily smiled. She knew this man was a big deal for their company and she couldn’t let him go easily. Paul was not pleased with the turnout of things. He had expected an atmosphere of gloom and sorrow, but the look in Lily’s eyes made him certain that there was nothing wrong with Gavin. But he had to be sure, in his experience, he had met people who could handle grief very well. Lily could be one of such people. ‘I think going to your house to see him is the best.’ He smiled. Lily averted the man’s eyes, when the door flew open and Ms. Irene strolled in. ‘Irene! Good morning, I haven’t set my eyes on your for a long time. You look very beautiful this morning. Tell me, are we celebrating anything?’ Lily had observed that their latest recruit loved to wear dark colors, but she appeared differently this morning. Julia had taken time to dress impeccably. She wore a flowery mini dress and purple pumps which matched the milky white ribbon she used on her black hair. She had come to celebrate her victory over Gavin. Her eyes ran swiftly over the people in the room. She recognized Master Paul instantly, and that was a shocker as she had not expected to see him in Dania republic. To be Continued…
5 Jan 2019 | 03:04
Episode 5 Julia hesitated briefly as she noticed a pretty light skinned woman, whose face she couldn’t see fully as she was looking downwards. For some reason, the woman reminded her of her lover back in Carida, Delilah. ‘Good morning Ms. Adediran and thank you.’ Julia smiled. She was careful not to let her feature betray her. It was a part of their intensive training at the temple of Blood, not to allow certain emotions find expression on their faces. Hence, she couldn’t act like she had known Master Paul before. She just had to pretend like this was her first meeting with him, even though, she was deadly curious as to his presence there. Paul was not surprised to see her. He had a feeling he would see Julia around, but they couldn’t speak to each other here. ‘Can you sit over there for a while? I would speak with you shortly.’ She pointed at an empty chair next to Delilah. ‘Thanks.’ Julia walked briskly towards the attractive woman whom she couldn’t wait to have a chat with. Lily shrugged and turned her attention to Mr. Paul, ‘So where were we sir?’ ‘At the point we were heading to your home to meet with Gavin.’ Paul replied sweetly. ‘Okay, that can be arranged. I will call the company driver, give me ten minutes.’ Lily straightened her dress and rose to her feet. ‘Why don’t I come along with you?’ Mr. Paul smiled; he wasn’t really comfortable with Julia in the room. ‘Sure, why not?’ Lily strolled towards the door in a casual gait, why he fell behind. At first, she had dismissed the possibility of Julia walking into the room as the woman whom Lily addressed as Ms. Irene sounded so much like Julia. No, Julia was dead to her and buried. She had fallen in love with someone whose life was a mirage and full of secrets. They had been at their happiest place, when Julia had suddenly announced her departure to Dania for undisclosed purposes. Delilah kept searching for the name “Ore Martins,” but she couldn’t find any dirt on her, it was disheartening to know that Gavin’s heart was for another woman. ‘You have beautiful hair.’ Julia tried to start a conversation. ‘Thank you.’ The woman murmured without looking up. Julia felt the woman was not in the mood to talk to a random person, so she let it drop. She had a lot of things to figure out. First, why was Master Paul here? They had spoken the night before and he had failed to mention he would be coming over to Gavin’s office? ‘Um, hey do you know that man, Mr. Paul?’ Julia asked, hoping the lady could fetch her something. Frankly, Delilah was not in the mood to talk, but it seemed the woman next to her, with her fake accent wouldn’t let her be. She dropped her phone in her bag and tilted her head upwards, her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she realized that Julia had been the one sitting next to her this whole time. ‘Delilah?’ Julia’s heart skipped as she realized Delilah had been the woman next to her. ‘Julia, what are you doing here?’ Delilah rose to her feet. She couldn’t believe what was happening. ‘I should be asking you that, are you stalking me?’ Julia asked. ‘And why would I stalk you? You think I care about you like I used to? Come on, get over yourself, I don’t like you anymore. You are a big mistake; a part of my life that I would never share with anyone.’ Delilah released a torrent of curse words which hurt Julia very much, though she was careful not to let her know. Julia clamped the anger that built up within her. ‘You still love me, Dee. You are only mad that I left you high and dry. I had my reasons, you should trust me. Once, everything plays out, we’ll both return to Carida and live our normal lives. Don’t you want that?’ She moved closer to Delilah and cupped her beautiful face between her palms. Tears splashed Delilah’s cheeks as she remembered how Julia had humiliated her. ‘I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your sweet words. What we have is like a labyrinth. It would never lead anywhere. We would keep walking in circles.’ She had Gavin now, she had a man to love and to protect and Julia couldn’t ruin her chances at true love. ‘You are still lying. Look at me.’ Julia began to caress the sides of her face, then whispered, ‘You still love me, don’t deny it. I know you are mad and you have every reason to be. But I love you Delilah and I will always be here for you.’ Delilah had wanted to push Julia away, but she wasn’t fast enough. Julia pulled her closer and planted a soft kiss on her lips. The minute their lips met, the door was pushed open from the outside and Gavin walked in looking shocked. ‘It is not what you think Gavin, please…’ Delilah quickly pushed herself away from Julia and rushed to Gavin’s side. Gavin was stunned out of his ears, he couldn’t believe what he had seen. Two women, whom he knew, had been passionately engaged in a kiss. Was this the reason the Spirit had asked him to come to the office? Well, this part of Delilah surprised him, but he wasn’t overly surprised because she had tried seducing him some weeks back but he had resisted. He was now certain that she was not of God. She was never meant to be his wife and his family had to come to that realization. ‘Please…Gavin…’ Delilah fell on her knees sobbing. She cursed the day she set her eyes on Julia. She prayed and hoped that Gavin would listen to her, else she was doomed. Julia was confused as she watched Delilah’s emotional display. She couldn’t understand her connection with the man she thought she had killed. She gritted her teeth and walked closer to have a better look at Gavin Adediran. How had he survived the poison she had slipped into his coffee? ‘Good morning Sir.’ She muttered. ‘Morning, Ms. Irene, can you tell your friend to get up?’ Gavin had tried relentlessly to help Delilah up her feet but she wouldn’t listen to him. He wasn’t pissed that she was lip locking with another woman, he only felt sorry for her and that was all there was to it. Gavin was also surprised at Ms. Irene’s behavior, she wasn’t bothered that he had found her kissing Delilah in his office. She even seemed a little angry about something, but he wasn’t sure what. Julia said nothing in return, she continued to stare at Gavin. No strand of his hair was out of place. He seemed very normal and that got her wondering if what she had slipped into his drink was actually poison. It had to be, she had killed a statesman in Gambia with two droplets of the vial and he had died within twenty four hours. Julia swallowed a bitter lump that clogged her throat as she admitted that there was more to this man. She had made an attempt on his life and had failed woefully. Maybe Master Paul knew she would fail, maybe this was the reason he had come all the way from Carida to see her. ‘Excuse me sir, I have to go. I am really sorry about everything that happened.’ Julia grabbed her bag from the chair and rushed towards the door. To be continued…
5 Jan 2019 | 03:08
This is getting interesting
5 Jan 2019 | 05:00
Hmmm Julia, U will meet anoda surprise at ur hotel room
5 Jan 2019 | 09:28
5 Jan 2019 | 17:20
Julia ur plans don fail oh
5 Jan 2019 | 19:07
Am Loving This
6 Jan 2019 | 02:45
failed plan,,,
7 Jan 2019 | 01:27
failed plan,,, and Julia will know dat the Lord lives
7 Jan 2019 | 01:28
Episode 6 Gavin was not comfortable with the way she had raked his body with her eyes. It wasn’t an arduous look or anything related, she just looked really surprised to see him in the office and that scared him a bit. ‘Okay.’ He nodded and watched her leave. Delilah was still on her knees begging and crying, even after Julia had left. ‘Hey, I don’t care about what you did. It doesn’t matter to me but to God what you do with your body. You should be more mindful of what the Holy Spirit would think than what people would say about you.’ Gavin caressed her shoulders. ‘Are you sure? Does that mean you have forgiven me and we would still get married?’ Delilah searched his eyes, looking for the answers that she needed. Gavin scoffed, he didn’t remember promising Delilah marriage. He just nodded to end this scene, before someone walked in on her crying. ‘Just get up, everything will be alright,’ he replied. She couldn’t describe the rush of relief that flowed through her veins. Gavin had forgiven her! He believed her every word and would still be with her. ‘Thank you.’ She rose up quickly and grabbed her purse. ‘Where are you going?’ He raised a brow. ‘Somewhere, tell Lily I would be back.’ She drew in a deep breath and hurried out of the office. She needed to find Julia or whatever she was called around here and give her a stern warning. Whatever she had with Julia in Carida was ended. She had a new life in Dania with her man, and no one would come in between. He chuckled as Delilah’s words replayed in his mind; he never made her any promises. It was his mother and Lily that were feeding her with lies and vain imaginations, which he would address once the dust was settled. Gavin dropped his briefcase on his desk and settled in his swivel chair. He grabbed his phone and tried dialing Lily’s number. He had not set eyes on his sister since his arrival. ‘Pick up, pick up.’ He drummed his fingers on the table slab. Tired of ringing her, he tossed the phone aside and pulled out a file from his drawer and ran his eyes over it. Gavin had not heard a word from the Spirit since he came to the office. He was even tempted to ask about the enemies that had poisoned him, but he was careful not to intrude. In time, the Spirit would reveal all things. Tired of running through the documents, he decided to call on his secretary to get him some help. When she had come in, he quickly handed the files to her and also asked after his sister. ‘I haven’t seen her around here, where is she?’ He grabbed his phone, ready to call her again. ‘Sir…I don’t know…’ the girl stuttered. ‘What do you mean by that?’ Gavin’s eyes furrowed together. ‘Um, a man came to see her and they both walked out together.’ She answered. ‘A man, who is he?’ Gavin asked. ‘Mr. Paul. That was the name he gave to me.’ His secretary answered. ‘Oh, it makes sense now.’ Gavin waved her away. He felt a powerful stir in his Spirit the moment he was alone. His skin prickled and tingled like beams of electricity were passing through his system. His hands and feet trembled; he could feel the Spirit right there with him. “Gavin…” The Spirit whispered. ‘Yes…’ He waited. “Prepare yourself for what is to come next. Don’t panic. I will lead you to the Den of the Phoenix. With my power, you’ll destroy them all.” Gavin was still not sure what the “phoenix,” represented, but he wasn’t about to argue with the Spirit of God. ‘You mentioned enemies; I don’t think I have seen anyone that would have wanted me dead.’ Gavin quickly reminded him. “You have, you just didn’t look closely. Now pick up your phone and call your sister. Do not panic. I am with you, wherever you go and whatever you pass through.” With that, the Spirit retreated into His vacuum of Holy silence. ‘Thank you lord,’ Gavin murmured, and quickly grabbed his phone. He could tell that something unpleasant was about to happen, but he didn’t know what exactly. The Spirit had prepared his mind to absorb it. ‘Hello?’ He was glad that Lily had finally taken her call. ‘Gavin!’ She cried in a loud voice. ‘Lily? Are you okay?’ His blood thumped, he could tell that his sister was crying. ‘No! Please don’t let them hurt me.’ She begged. ‘Who, what are you talking about?’ He swallowed, trying to make meaning out of her disjointed words. ‘Them…’ she sobbed. ‘Lily, talk to me, where are you?’ He wished she could just give him a name. ‘The Phoenix, they got to me, they…’ she was about to say more, when the phone was snatched from her and the line went dead. Phillip sank into his chair screaming, ‘Jesus!’ He wished he was having a bad dream, but he wasn’t. This was real, his sister had been kidnapped. ‘Thank you for everything, you are a nice cook Fatimah.’ Ore had just finished taking breakfast, and she planned to hit the bathroom next. ‘You are welcome, I must go now. I would return later for the bill.’ She smiled. ‘Wait Fatimah…’ Ore blurted out, she had not planned to say anything to the lady at all. She just had the urge to talk to her. ‘Yes, Ms. Ore?’ Fatimah stopped. ‘You are deeply worried about something. In fact, you have been battling with depression and bottle addiction. It’s over today. Jesus has seen your suffering and he wants you to know that it is over. The struggle is ended.’ Ore said. At first, the attendant grinned and wanted to offer a sarcastic response. But she realized that Ore’s words had touched her in a very deep place and that made her broken and excited, that someone up there cared about her. ‘How did you…?’ She bit her lip. No one knew her secret. No one knew what she had been passing through in her closet. She went to church every Sunday, praying and believing that everything will be alright but nothing ever changed, so she stopped going. ‘The Holy Spirit told me, now go on. You are free Fatimah, Jesus loves you dearly.’ Ore was surprised that the Spirit could use her this mightily. Fatimah resisted the urge to ask Ore questions. Wasn’t she a lesbian again? ‘I am not. I only said that so you could release me. Don’t tell anyone about what you saw. God wants to use us to set someone free.’ It seemed Ore could see through her thoughts. ‘You’re really awesome.’ Fatimah rushed towards her and hugged her without permission. ‘No I am not, God is.’ Ore smiled. Fatimah pulled away from her, she couldn’t contain her joy. ‘I must go now Ms. Ore, but I will be back later. I am amazed that Jesus cares this deeply for me.’ She rushed towards the door. ‘You are always welcome.’ Ore smiled and waved at her. ‘Now what?’ Ore jumped into the scattered bed, and decided to get some rest before taking a bath. While on the bed, she noticed an envelope on the dressing table. A strong desire to open the envelope and read its contents consumed her. Without hesitation, Ore jumped to her feet and marched to the dressing table. Unknown to her, the envelope contained a childhood picture of herself and Oye, her sister whom she had not seen for many years. As she was about to open the envelope, Julia stormed in with an angry look on her face. ‘What are you doing there bitch?’ Julia screamed. To be continued…
7 Jan 2019 | 04:29
Episode 7 Um…I was just checking it.’ Ore decided to check what was in the envelope so Julia wouldn’t suspect she had any ulterior motives. Julia’s heart cringed at the sight of Ore going through her stuff. She was petrified and immensely shocked from her experience at the office; she was prepared to let it all out on Ore. ‘Give me that, fool.’ She moved closer and dragged the envelope from Ore. She had pulled the envelope with so much force that it made the old photograph to be torn into half. The first half was her older sister’s picture, the one who was dead by now. ‘You don’t have to be that rude, look at what you have done now.’ Ore moved backwards with the other half of the picture which she was yet to see. At once, all the anger she felt towards Gavin and Paul’s secret moves fled as she stared into the gentle eyes of her sister. She realized something about the photograph, but she couldn’t admit the strangeness that she felt while staring at it. ‘What is it Julia? You have not been yourself.’ Ore noticed that the fire in Julia’s eyes had grown dim, she seemed a bit sad now. Julia was not concerned with who freed her victim; she guessed one of the attendants had done so, but what bothered her was just one thing. ‘Why are you still here? You are free, you were supposed to run.’ She took her eyes off the photograph for a minute. Ore shrugged, she had wanted to leave, but she felt it in her heart, that her purpose in Julia’s life had not been completed. ‘I couldn’t leave without seeing your face one last time.’ Ore smiled. ‘Whatever, just get the hell out of here.’ Julia was tired of having one more person related to Gavin Adediran around her. Ore was not scared or discouraged by Julia’s rudeness. She felt it stronger than before that she was meant to play a role in Julia’s conversion to Christianity. And she wouldn’t leave without that mission being accomplished. Angrily, Julia tossed the photograph on the dressing table and moved towards the bed. Ore wanted to do same, but her curiosity got the better of her. She decided to take a look at the picture once, before joining Julia on the bed. A feeling of déjà vu washed over her as she stared at the slender little girl underneath a mango tree. A memory of this mango tree flashed through her mind, it seemed she had been in this picture before. This was strange, it seemed so real Ore quickly reached the dressing table for the other half of the photograph, maybe she was hallucinating or going crazy. Maybe she had missed her younger sister Oye so much, that her mind had began to play tricks on her. ‘Stop going through my things! I have already told you to get out and find you way back.’ Julia hopped out of the bed angrily, determined to get rid of Ore. But she wasn’t fast enough, as Ore had already taken the other half of the picture. And the moment she glared at the innocent brown eyes of the younger girl, she couldn’t deny the image of her younger self. This picture had been taken many years ago in their grandfather’s compound before he died. She had stood beside her younger sister Oye, underneath the mango tree. Her heart thumped against her chest, her breathing grew ragged, but there was nothing she could do to control it. ‘Give them to me!’ Julia snatched both photos from Ore. ‘You’re such a bitch! I hate you! I hate you all! Get the hell out of my sight.’ Julia released a string of curse words into the atmosphere, hoping to make Ore more uncomfortable. To her dismay, Ore said nothing in return. She watched her quietly, and with discerning eyes like she had discovered a grave secret about her. ‘Look, I don’t have time for this. You need to leave my hotel room.’ Julia rushed to her purse and pulled out a gun. Still, Ore didn’t move. She had known it from day one, that there was something strangely familiar about Julia, but she couldn’t place it. ‘I will blow your fuckin’ brains off!’ She pointed the gun at Ore. ‘Oye…’ Tears welled up in Ore’s eyes. She hoped she wasn’t dreaming, she wished this was her lost sister. The gun fell from Julia’s hands at the mention of the name she dreaded most. ‘What did you call me?’ She swallowed and stepped away from Ore. ‘Oye, your name is Oye. You are my sister and the Holy Spirit had led me to you, but I was too blind to know the great plans he had for me.’ Ore fell on her knees, not believing any of these were real. Julia had noticed that the girl in the other half of the picture that she held, shared the same eyes with her Ore. She had wondered briefly if Ore was her sister, but as she was trained to have no family, she quickly pushed the thought away. ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’ Julia licked her lips nervously. Deep down, she was greatly shaken by this revelation. Why were strange things taking place today? She had failed to kill Gavin, and now this? The woman standing before her was an older version of Ore, her only sister whom she had not seen for many years. ‘Yes, you do. I see why the Holy Spirit didn’t allow you to kill me. You would have lived in regret for the rest of your life, should you have discovered the truth.’ A tear dribbled down Ore’s cheeks. Truly, the Lord had good plans for her, but she had let herself wander in the valley for her past for too long. ‘I spared your life because I didn’t want to kill you. I don’t know what you are talking about.’ Julia moved away, as Ore had begun crawling towards her. Ore sighed with relief. She felt it deeply that the assassin that had taken her was her sister. This was the reason the Spirit had made their paths to cross. ‘I don’t know why it is hard for you to accept me as your sister. I have been looking everywhere for you. My life has been a mess without you Oye, I love you so much. If you really want me to leave, then say it one more time.’ Ore slowly rose to her knees. Why would Oye deny this? Her skin was still very light and flawless. Her eyes were clear pools of brown, but with a drop of wildness in them. Why hadn’t she seen this resemblance before now? Or had Julia known they were sisters? Was this the reason she had kidnapped her from Walstreet Odoja? Julia’s mouth felt dry. Ore had confirmed her fears from the beginning. Ore had presented her with the greatest truth that she sought. Where was the courage that she had always mustered up before strangling her victims? Where was her boldness? She felt subdued by sentiments, something she was not supposed to feel. ‘Just say it! If you want me out of your life, say it Oye.’ Ore wiped her face with the back of her palm. More than twenty years had passed between them. She missed Oye every day, but it seemed the feeling was not mutual. ‘Get out of my Hotel Room, I don’t know who you are. You are dead to me.’ Julia gritted her teeth. She accepted in her heart that Ore was her sister, but she couldn’t admit this openly. She remembered the first cold nights in the Temple of Blood where her initiation had taken place at a tender age of six. She had been kidnapped by some unknown men and turned into this vile creature. She had been starved for days and tortured, all to make her forget the only sibling she had left, as their parents had both died. Fresh pool of tears gushed down from Ore’s eyes. From the way Julia sounded, she believed that they were sisters, but she was no longer interested in that bond. ‘Is this what you really want for us Oye? I love you…I miss you, please,’ Ore cried, she wasn’t ready to let go of what she had discovered. For the first time in her life, Julia allowed the pain she felt within her to take control. She let the tears fall freely. ‘It is not what I want. It is necessary that you must stay away from me.’ Julia’s lips trembled as she spoke. She couldn’t tell her sister her reason for saying this, but she was doing this out of love. ‘Why? Did I say something to hurt you? I am sorry.’ Ore wasn’t ready to turn herr back on her sister. Julia sighed and buried her face in her slender hands. She knew deep down that they were coming for her. She had failed to killed Gavin, and for that, her life was to be taken in his place. ‘Please go, you would never understand.’ Julia licked her lips and sobbed hard. Just when things were starting to take rights turn in her life. Just when she had the chance to make things straight with Delilah, and her sister, the Phoenix would be coming for her. Like the others that had failed, they would take her down. Ore knew Julia was an assassin, she had killed that boy they found late in the night. Ore also guessed that Julia had killed a lot of people, she had even confessed it once. ‘Look Oye, I don’t know who you are working for and what they make you to do. I can help you, I can help you conquer your fears.’ Ore moved back and grabbed her by the shoulders. Julia felt safe and loved as she felt Ore’s arms on her. ‘You don’t understand, it is bigger than what you think.’ Julia replied. ‘It is not bigger than Jesus, I can pray for you, we can leave to my house.’ Ore suggested. Julia was about to decline her offer when the shrill cry of her phone interrupted her conversation with her sister. ‘I have to take this, it could be important.’ She moved over to the bed where she kept her phone and received the call. She placed the phone against her left ear and whispered, ‘Hello.’ ‘Open the door, I have come.’ Julia didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her whose voice it was. Master Paul had found her, she had a feeling he had come for revenge. She had no choice but to obey the Phoenix in all things, so she moved straight to the door and opened it.
7 Jan 2019 | 04:32
Hmmmm,,,, this is so intertwined,,,, noe Paul will see Ore,,,, his ex
7 Jan 2019 | 13:22
This is so interesting
7 Jan 2019 | 16:31
The holy spirit would use Ore to help you don't worry
7 Jan 2019 | 19:27
Gavin go and rescue your sister proof to the phoenix that u are serving a true God
7 Jan 2019 | 19:28
Next update
7 Jan 2019 | 19:29
the phoenix gat no power on you guys coz God gat ur back on this
8 Jan 2019 | 00:28
Episode 8 The shock of Lily’s kidnap pinned him to his seat. For a moment, Gavin’s mind went black. Even though the Spirit had assured him that everything will be alright, he couldn’t help but feel worried about his sister. ‘Lord, Please…’ He adjusted his tie and jumped out of the chair. He didn’t know what to think anymore. He didn’t know the next step to take. He couldn’t lose two people that he loved at the same time. Fear gripped him as he thought about his Ore, who was still declared a missing person. ‘What do I do? Where should I go from here?’ Gavin murmured, he yearned desperately for the direction of the Spirit. God had assured him, that he would be there whenever he passed through the fire. He needed his presence right now. He heard his phone ring, so he took it at once. ‘Hello, Gavin Adediran on the line.’ A chilling and eerie silence responded at the other end, propelling Gavin into another wilderness of unending wonder. ‘Hello?’ He scratched his chin, not knowing what to do next. ‘You think you are smart Gavin, can you really go up against the Phoenix?’ A strangely familiar voice croaked in the background. Gavin bit his lip and pondered on the question, “The phoenix!” suddenly, the dream about the large bird and the Temple of Blood where a young girl was being defiled by a group of men flashed through his mind. It seemed the Holy Spirit had been trying to warn him about something, but he wasn’t listening and had gotten his sister into this mess. ‘Look, speak in clear terms. Who are you?’ Gavin ignored the threat. ‘The Phoenix, the keepers of the great bird; the worshippers of the blood Temple; the people you despised with your words.’ The voice replied. Everything sounded very strange to Gavin, ‘Bird, Temple…’ but a careful thought helped him link the man’s words with his dream. ‘What do you want?’ Gavin snapped. This was a confirmation of the revelation her had earlier. The Phoenix was a cult of some sort, but he knew nothing about them. ‘You.’ The voice replied coldly. ‘Why?’ Gavin scoffed. ‘I don’t know how you escaped Gavin, but don’t think you will live forever.’ Gavin’s wrists began to shake as he heard cries of a female nature in the background. He held his breath, hoping these strange men hadn’t gotten to his sister. ‘Hello?’ Gavin’s lips quivered. ‘Smart man, you must have heard your sister crying and you are a bit worried. ‘The macabre laughter that followed felt like pins against Gavin’s ears. His fears were confirmed, they had Lily. ‘What do you want? Don’t you dare hurt my sister; I will make sure you all rot in jail.’ He was so upset and he felt totally helpless against these faceless men. ‘I know you can do all that, but we have someone else here with us, would you like to speak to her?’ ‘Oh no,’ Gavin whispered in his mind, praying his mother had not been taken along. Gavin felt like there was a little scuffle in the background, but everything was settled when a female voiced said, ‘Gavin, it is I, Ore, please…don’t come it is a trap!’ but before he could make meaning out of her message, the phone was snatched away from her. Tears welled up in Gavin’s eyes as he realized who owned the voice. ‘Ore…Ore!!!’ he called her name several times, but there wasn’t any response, the line went dead. Quickly, Gavin grabbed his phone and searched his contacts for the Director of the Dania Police force. He had a lot of connections, and hoped to use their services to save both Ore and Lily. Everything that was happening in that moment was unexpected. So Ore had also been kidnapped by this same people? ‘Pick up, pick up.’ He swallowed hard, while praying in his Spirit for the safety of the two women. He had ringed the man six times, all to no avail. Gavin tossed the phone on the table and rushed towards the door, not knowing what to do next. ‘Lord! Please don’t turn your face away from me. I need you now, I need you desperately.’ He fell on his knees and cried. But there was no answer. There was no presence of the Spirit, as he didn’t feel it. He opened his eyes and scanned the room once more, but there was nothing. He felt lost and alone. He was immersed in a sea of confusion. Where would he go next? Julia had been the one to open the door for Master Paul, but she had quickly sneaked into the wardrobe and hidden herself there, so he wouldn’t find her. Before opening the door, she had peeped through the keyhole and realized Master Paul had come with someone else, Gavin’s younger sister. She guessed he had brought her here, so they could have something to use against Gavin. The Phoenix was aware of Gavin’s love for these two women, even greater love for Ore, but they were unwilling to use her as bait. She held her breath while thinking of the next step to take. Julia was surprised that Ore had not given her up, or called her name. It seemed her sister knew she would be in trouble, and this was the reason she was covering for her. ‘Help me.’ Julia whispered, this was the first time she was praying since her initiation to the Phoenix. She had been watching Ore closely before they started talking and she had noticed one thing: her strong faith in her God. Tears sprang up in her eyes as she listened to the conversation between Ore and Master Paul, who obviously knew each other before now. So her sister had been raped multiple times and by different men? And these sexual abuse cases had spanned from her childhood to early adulthood? ‘No.’ she cried silently, wishing she could find all those men that hurt her sister and put a bullet or more in their stupid brains. ‘Fuck them.’ She swore underneath her breath, and continued to listen. Her heart fluttered as she heard Ore telling Paul that she had faith that her God would rescue her from his hands. Julia was stunned by Ore’s devotion to this creature that didn’t care about anyone but himself. Yes, she never believed in God because he was a selfish creature. Julia lost interest in religion after her forceful initiation to the Phoenix. She always carried this thought around, “If God really existed, why was I kidnapped and initiated?” But right there in that wardrobe, she was starting to believe that there was a force outside of man, one that was stronger than human desire and technology. Gavin was a living Testimony. **** Ore’s eyeballs had almost popped out of her eye sockets when Paul had walked into the room with a slender pretty girl who had a striking resemblance to someone she once knew. At first, she had expressed her surprise at seeing him here. She was about calling Julia when he pulled out a gun and dragged Lily violently into the Hotel room. ‘What is the meaning of this? Have you come to kill me?’ Ore scoffed and quickly moved away from the man that had dumped her after revealing to him that she was not a virgin. Paul was not surprised to see her; in fact, he had looked forward to this moment. At first, he had wanted to pay Gavin a visit, but he had received a call from one of his superiors in the Temple of Blood to kill Gavin within twenty four hours before it was too late for them. And the only way to accomplish that was to kidnap Lily and meet up with Julia in her Hotel room, so they could all leave for the Temple in Carida. However, there was a little hitch in his plans. ‘If you are done talking, I would love to see Julia. Where is she?’ Paul gritted his teeth and scanned the room angrily. To be continued…
9 Jan 2019 | 01:48
Episode 9 Paul had been in a relationship with Ore for two years, but he had broken up with her because of her past. The nature of his job didn’t allow him to show emotions, and that was what her story made him feel. He had loved Ore genuinely, but he was not cut out for the kind of life that she had expected, so he had to move on. ‘I don’t know where she is.’ Ore replied coolly. She was still mad that Paul had bundled her into a chair and tied her back in. At first, she felt angry and frustrated that the Spirit had not revealed this occurrence to her, but she let go of all the negative emotions when she thought about her sister Oye, whom she had just reconciled with. Ore had a feeling that Oye knew Paul and the men who wanted Gavin dead would come for her, this was the reason Julia had asked her to leave, but she hadn’t listen. She didn’t regret living either. She loved her sister with all of her heart, and she was prepared to lay down her life for Julia. ‘I am not fucking with you Ore, where the hell is Julia? I need her now!’ Paul yelled angrily and walked towards the bathroom, screaming the name of the assassin that had failed to clip Gavin Adediran. The moment Paul walked away, Lily who had been watching Ore closely as she had also been tied to another chair wondered if this lady sitting a stone throw from her was the same Ore Martins she had gone to school with. Ore’s eyes were on the metallic wardrobe, that was the only place her sister would have hidden herself. Ore prayed and hoped that Paul wouldn’t find her there. She didn’t want to lose her sister, the same day she had found her. ‘Excuse me…’ Lily licked her lips in confusion. At once, Ore’s attention fled the wardrobe and focused on Lily’s gloomy face. Ore’s heart fluttered as she thought of Gavin, he sounded so scared and concerned about her wellbeing, before Paul snatched the phone away from her. Being so far away from Gavin, had made her realize how much she truly cared about him. The sound of his voice alone, had sent shivers running down her spine. And looking into Lily’s eyes made her feel better, because she had the same dark and broody eyes like her brother. ‘Did you ever attend Mayflower College?’ Lily swallowed. It seemed she was asking a stupid question, but she still needed to be sure. The man that had kidnapped her had made this woman talk to her brother. She had to be special to him, for the kidnapper to do that. Lily also remembered Delilah’s complaints some days back about Gavin’s love interest in another woman, Ore Martins. ‘Yes.’ Ore replied calmly, surprised at her painless reaction to this innocent question. It showed that the lord had started working on her. Usually, she fell into depression whenever the memories of her childhood came up. She always remembered the abuse and the rapes she had experienced at the hands of the men in the orphanage where she grew up. The harsh voices and unfriendly faces of both the students and the teachers always played back, but this time, she was absolutely calm and composed. ‘Are you Ore Martins…’ Lily’s mouth itched for words. Ore could tell that Lily was up to something, but she didn’t have the courage to voice out what bothered her. ‘Well, my name is Lillian Adediran, I was your classmate, I don’t know if you remember me.’ Lily had wanted to ask Ore if she were still the girl that the dirty history, but she refrained from doing so as she remembered their current position. Ore bit her lip the moment Lily introduced herself, ‘You were friends with Carissa right?’ ‘Yes, you do remember…’ Lily grinned, but Ore wasn’t smiling. ‘So, you are related to Gavin?’ Ore’s heart began to race as she considered how Gavin would react should he know about her past. ‘Yes, he is my elder brother. I am surprised you know him too.’ Lily affirmed with a nod. Ore didn’t know what to say in return, so she forced a smile. Now that she remembered, Lillian Adediran had been one of the richest kids in her class. She wasn’t mean to Ore like the other kids, but she believed the lies that people spread about her. Ore felt a little bit sad as she remembered how she was shunned by the other girls in her class. ‘He is my friend.’ She nodded. ‘Friend?’ Lily raised a brow, from the looks of it, Delilah had been telling the truth. Her brother was with the school tramp, but she was determined to sabotage that relationship once they had regained their freedom. “Tell her the truth, she is lost like the others.” A loud voice rang in Ore’s voice which made her wince in pain. Ore felt the Spirit’s presence within her. Although she couldn’t see him, she could feel him. ‘Thank God, I have a lot of questions to ask you. But first, how do we get out of this place alive?’ She asked the Spirit. “Don’t worry about that. I have made proper arrangements.” The Holy Spirit returned. Lily noticed how calm Ore had become. She held this “lost,” expression in her eyes. Though her body was confined to this room, her mind was elsewhere. A rueful smile curled Lily’s lips as she thought of Gavin. Many times, she had found her brother in this trance like state, but he had always explained it away with, “You wouldn’t understand,” but he had been forced to tell her the truth one day. Lily scoffed as she continued staring at Ore, there was no way the Holy Spirit would make use of someone so trashy. ‘I can’t wait to get out of here.’ Lily rolled her eyes. ‘Proper arrangements? You kept a lot of things hidden from me. You never told me Paul was evil. You never told me he was after Gavin’s life. You never told me that the woman that kidnapped me was my sister? Why?’ Ore wasn’t upset or anything, she just felt hurt that the Spirit would abandon her at the time of her greatest need. “There is a time in the heavens and in the earth for everything. This is your time of surprises, both positive and negative. No more questions now, I have a little assignment for you.” The Spirit was no longer loud, He was calm and gentle. ‘Great! Why can’t we do this assignment later? Paul wants to kill Gavin, are you thinking of that Lord?’ Ore was not comfortable with the Spirit’s decision. “Do you love me?” He asked. Ore licked her lips nervously, ‘Of course. I love you lord and you know it.’ “If I asked you to surrender your life, wouldn’t you?” ‘I will.’ She sighed, and quickly added, ‘I am sorry Jesus. Please forgive me. I was just worried…’ “Forgiven, I am with you wherever you go, always remember that.” Ore’s heart glowed with joy and satisfaction. She had never felt this safe and loved by anyone since the day Oye was kidnapped and since the last time she was Gavin. ‘Thank you.’ She smiled. “Now tell her…” Ore was perplexed, ‘Tell her what? I can’t talk to her. She is just like everyone else. They all assume the worst of him, and have written my story before hearing me out.’ How could the Spirit even ask that of her? “I know. I will make her believe you. Tell her now.” To be continued…
9 Jan 2019 | 01:52
Ore Start Talking Before Its Too Late.You Need Lily By Your Side To Be With Gavin
9 Jan 2019 | 08:04
Wow talk my dear
9 Jan 2019 | 11:04
Just start talking and stop the questioning, there's no time
9 Jan 2019 | 11:23
You need Lily if you want Gavin
9 Jan 2019 | 13:03
Ore, start talking asap
9 Jan 2019 | 13:37
You have to let her know that you are not the kind of person she thinks you are
9 Jan 2019 | 14:01
Gavin put your fears behind cause the Holy spirit got ur back
9 Jan 2019 | 14:06
Lily don't underestimate Ore because of what you heard about her. Get the full and main story from the horses mouth
9 Jan 2019 | 14:15
Ore tell her now,,,, she needs to understand u b4 u guys leave dat place
10 Jan 2019 | 01:26
Episode 10 Gavin strolled out of his office dejectedly, the Spirit had abandoned him, he was sure of it now. ‘Good day Sir.’ His secretary noticed the gloomy expression on his face. ‘Amaka, where did you say my sister went to again?’ He didn’t know if this was important, but he asked anyway. He just had the urge to ask that particular question. Amaka repeated what she had told him earlier, ‘She left with the man from Phoenix Baby Care, Mr. Paul. It seems they’d wanted to check something out.’ ‘Phoenix Baby Care,’ Gavin scratched his chin, his skin tingled and his heart was swallowed up in a racy thump of realization, that the baby care company may have a connection to the cult group that he had dreamt about. ‘Is something wrong sir? Are you alright?’ Amaka had never seen her boss this way. Gavin closed his eyes briefly and opened them. It seems the Lord wanted him to fight this battle on his own. Finding his sister was not his job, but he had no choice but to try something first as the Director of the Police Force had failed to take his calls. ‘Can you find me information on Phoenix Baby Care?’ He moved closer to his secretary’s table. Amaka turned on her laptop immediately, ‘I will need specifics sir.’ She asked, because he looked like he needed that information immediately. Gavin didn’t know what details to supply her with, ‘Try, the owners of the company and perhaps their logo.’ He sighed. This was too much for him to bear. These strange men had taken two people that he loved, but there weren’t asking for money or gold. They wanted him, and he didn’t understand why. ‘It is headed by Waldo Ade Elarian and Ken Lafia. They have been partners in this business for a long time.’ Amaka supplied. The names were not familiar with Gavin, these men had lived all of their lives in Carida. ‘Um, their logo is a phoenix.’ Amaka continued. ‘What?’ Gavin’s heart jolted. ‘It’s a bird, come and see it.’ She asked politely, and he obeyed. A cold chill ran down his spine as he came face to face with the creature he had seen in his dream. The Phoenix existed, but from the look of things, the cult group were using the baby care agenda to cover up their tracks and their crimes. Gavin remembered that the Holy Spirit had told him about the enemies in his office. This meant only one thing; the Phoenix had a spy in his office and this spy had slipped something into his drink. Only two people had been around his coffee that morning, Angel Daran had appeared to him. Either Amaka or Ms. Irene had slipped the poison. ‘Anything else Sir?’ Amaka peered up. Gavin clenched his teeth, pondering of the possibility of Amaka being a secret member of the Phoenix. ‘Have you ever heard about the Phoenix?’ Gavin watched her face closely to see if she was the Spy or not. ‘Nope, I’ve never heard about it.’ She replied curtly. Gavin was lost in a cavern of confusion and uncertainty. ‘Please, speak to me now. I don’t know what else to do.’ He prayed within. The Spirit had been waiting for an appointed time to speak, he had everything in place of the deliverance of the captives. “‘Temple Blood’. Search that. When you find your answers, go to Rosydew Hotel, room 88.” ‘I know what you are thinking about me, Lily.’ Ore started. ‘And what am I thinking?’ Ore scoffed. ‘I am not who you think I am. A lot of people get their reputation tarnished by others. I was never a whore or a tramp as people assumed, I was merely a victim of circumstance.’ Ore licked her lips nervously, occasionally listening to Paul’s yelling, he had been on a very long call since he set foot in the bathroom. Lily sighed and decided to listen to Ore. It wasn’t like she was interested. She just didn’t want to die of boredom while waiting for the Police to come and rescue her. ‘So who are you?’ She cast Ore a condescending look. ‘My parents died when I was young, leaving I and my sister Oye to fend for ourselves because our relatives had rejected us. We were later taken to the motherless children home, and then to the orphanage. My sister was later kidnapped by some men, and I never saw her again…’ Ore bit her lip; she couldn’t reveal anything about Julia now. She told Lily about the men who had taken advantage of her as a child, and that pattern had repeated until she was old enough to run away from that environment. ‘But someone saw you with our Math teacher, how do you explain that?’ Lily was deeply touched by this story, though she still found it difficult to believe Ore was innocent. Ore smiled and blinked the tears that had gathered in her eyes, ‘He was raping me in the staff room. I screamed for help, but no one came. Why do you think he spread those lies about me? I threatened to report him to the principal, but he was smarter.’ She shuddered as memories from all the rape scenes invaded her brain with full force. There was pain. There was anger. There was helplessness. ‘No…no!’ A loud scream emanated from Ore’s lips, before she blacked out. ‘Ore?’ Lily swallowed, as she had never seen anything like what had just taken place. All of a sudden, she heard a clicking sound which was followed by the opening of the door and Delilah standing at the entrance. ‘Lily?’ Delilah arched a brow, surprised to see Gavin’s sister in Julia’s hotel room. She had traced Julia all the way to this room. Even though she had to bribe the receptionist and the other workers, she didn’t regret a thing. She had come to give Julia a stern warning, to keep away from her sister. ‘What are you doing here?’ She stepped into the room. Lily was more concerned about Ore’s state than anything else. Just in time, Paul, who had heard Ore’s loud screaming, returned to the scene with his gun. ‘You! What is she doing here?’ he pulled out his gun angrily and pointed it at Delilah who died a thousand times at the sight of the weapon. Lily was lost on what to do. Here, Ore had passed out, and there, Delilah had a gun pointed at her face. ‘Please, don’t kill me…’ Delilah fell on her knees, pleading for her life. But Paul was a bloodsucker, just like the rest of his brothers. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger. A loud fire burst through her skull, leaving a hole in her forehead. Delilah dropped dead and a loud cry followed from Lily. Julia who had been hiding away in the wardrobe couldn’t bear the pain anymore as she was well aware of everything that was taking place. Her eyes were already blurred with tears when she heard Lily screaming about her sister Ore. She had been so touched by her sister’s sorrowful journey in life. ‘It is time I take care of her, I must take care of everyone.’ Julia set her teeth in a snarl and tightened her grip on her gun. Paul walked towards Ore and pinched her cheeks, trying to resuscitate her. ‘What happened?’ He glanced at Lily briefly. ‘I don’t know, we were just talking…’ Lily wanted to say more, but she felt tongue tied as she noticed Ms. Irene walking gingerly out of the huge wardrobe behind Mr. Paul.
12 Jan 2019 | 02:55
Episode 11 She stepped out of the wardrobe without making a sound. Lily could swear that she did it for a living. ‘What were you talking about?’ Paul’s focus was on Ore. He had just received information from his superiors to get the ‘prisoners,’ and bring them over to the Temple of Blood in Carida. ‘I…I can’t remember.’ Lily stuttered as Julia came closer. From the fearful look in Lily’s eyes, Paul had a feeling she had seen something he hadn’t, but before he could realize what was happening, a sharp pain pierced his skull and had him sprawling on the floor. ‘You!’ He stuttered as he realized who had attacked him, ‘Betray…er.’ Julia had cracked his skull in full force. She had no pity for men like him. He was just like the men who molested her sister, and she was going to take revenge on him. Julia couldn’t fight the pain she had carried all these years. She couldn’t stop her tears from flowing as she remembered a certain teenage girl that Paul had introduced to her. Her name was Ego, and she had been recruited by the Phoenix for training. ‘You dirty bastard. I will kill you.’ Julia lifted the gun, and prepared it for firing. Paul was confused by her decision, she was a sworn daughter of the Phoenix and she would abide to the rules. ‘You know the consequences of killing me.’ He bragged, he was sure his life was now safe. Julia wiped her face with the back of her palm and replied, ‘Consequences be damned.’ She’d rather die, than watch Master Paul or any member of the Phoenix touch her sister. ‘Goodbye Master Paul,’ she fingered the trigger. She was about releasing it, when Gavin arrived with a dozen of Police Men. With the help of his secretary, he had found a site, ‘TempleBlood’, on the internet. A closer look at the site revealed it was a fraternity, posing as a game site, but the logo of the phoenix had betrayed them. With a little research, he and Amaka had discovered that this Fraternity had something in common with the Phoenix Baby Care Products company. The names of the managers were first on the list, of members that belonged to this Fraternity. Gavin had not been quite sure of the next action to take, but on the orders of the Holy Spirit, he left to the nearest Police Station and told them about his sister’s kidnapping. They were hesitant at first, but they agreed to follow him to Rosydew hotel and here they were. ‘I told you…’ Gavin turned to the Police men that had agreed to follow him. Again, the Spirit had led him straight to the lion’s den where his loved ones where being held captive. ‘No! Don’t shoot him.’ Gavin rushed to take the gun away from Julia, but it was too late. The bullet she released ran through Paul’s heart, and she didn’t have any regrets. Lily was heavily shocked to see her brother in the room. He was the last person she had expected to see. However, the joy of seeing Gavin was extinguished by the sorrowful display of two dead bodies, one of which was Delilah’s. ‘Ms. Irene? What are you doing here?’ Gavin swallowed, as he stared into the face of his employee. Julia ignored Gavin and rushed towards her sister, Ore had passed out and she had to find a way to bring her back to life. ‘We should arrest this woman pastor! She is a murderer.’ One of the officers spoke up, as the rest were tired of waiting for his orders. Gavin had seen it all for himself. It was obvious that Ms. Irene was the enemy here, she had killed two people and taken his sister and Ore captive. It was all starting to make sense. ‘Get away from her, murderer.’ Gavin was bitter as he realized she must have been the one that had slipped poison into his coffee. A brief scene of his first meeting with Ms. Irene flashed through his mind. He had known there was something off about her, but he couldn’t place it. Now, all had been revealed. ‘Don’t you ever call me that.’ Julia clenched her teeth, and focused on freeing her sister from the cords that bound her wrists. How could Gavin walk in here and hurl insults at her? He knew nothing about her past and present, not even Ore’s. ‘Please, you have to take her away. I think she also made attempt on my life.’ Gavin snapped his fingers, inviting the officers into the Hotel room. Julia’s heart jolted at his command, she wouldn’t let anyone take her away from her sister. ‘I didn’t kill Delilah! I only defended her.’ Julia screamed. Lily was too shocked to say anything in Ms. Irene’s defense, even though she had witnessed the killing. ‘You’ll tell us that when we get to the station.’ One of the officers grabbed her wrists and dragged her roughly towards the entrance. Julia bit her lip angrily, she had the strength to kill all of these men with her gun, but she wouldn’t. The more people she killed, the more her sister’s life was endangered. She had a feeling that this was the end of the road for her, everything that lay ahead was uncertain. ‘Wait…’ she bit her lip. She knew the Phoenix would still come after Gavin, knowing he was still alive. She had to protect her sister first, and the only way she could do that was to tell Gavin the truth. ‘Shut up and move!’ The officer screamed. ‘Gavin,’ she hollered his name. Gavin sensed the urgency in her voice, he was equally surprised by the manner she had addressed him. ‘Yes, Ms. Irene?’ His brows furrowed together. ‘The Phoenix will come after you, be careful, they are everywhere.’ Gavin’s heart galloped at the mention of that name, ‘How do you know them? What do you know?’ He rushed towards her. ‘Just take care of my sister Ore. Tell her that I love her.’ Those were Julia’s last words before the officers bundled her out of the Hotel room towards the black Maria they’d come with. ‘We’ll torture you until you confess!’ One of the officers scowled at her, but she ignored him and gently climbed into the van with her hands cuffed. She ran her tongue over her lips nervously as she stared at the bird soaring with unbent wings in the clouds. A cold chill ran down her spine as she recognized the Phoenix. They were coming for her. ‘Talk to me Lily, what really happened?’ Gavin tried his best to stop his sister from crying. He had rushed Ore to the hospital, and they were now waiting for the doctor’s report. The hotel room had been bounded by yellow tapes, as some officers had stayed behind to carry out a proper investigation into the death of Mr. Paul and Delilah. ‘Delilah didn’t deserve to die, I don’t know why she came there. I was so shocked to see her.’ Lily sobbed against her brother’s shoulders. Gavin felt her cold tears soaking deep into his shirt, but he didn’t mind. His mind was focus on Ms. Irene and the last words she had whispered to him. ‘Paul bound my hands the moment he followed me out of the office. He bundled me into his boot and drove straight away to Rosydew Hotel, where I found Ore…’ Lily swallowed, she couldn’t tell her brother what she had been discussing with Ore before she passed out. ‘Paul?’ Gavin lifted a brow, that was unexpected. ‘I don’t know his purpose for doing that, but he seemed really after you. And the only way to get you to come, was to take me.’ She waited, as he cut in. ‘Invariably, Ms. Irene had been paid to kidnap Ore, but Ore’s absence was not enough to lure me into their trap.’ Gavin rubbed his chin thoughtfully. His sister shrugged, maybe they were right or wrong. But she wasn’t interested, she was only concerned with Ore’s life. ‘Ms. Irene didn’t kill Delilah, she only shot Paul as revenge.’ Lily explained vividly, everything that had taken place. Gavin sighed as he quickly remembered Ms. Irene and Delilah kissing in his office. He couldn’t tell his sister that, he only felt pity that Delilah had not given her life to Christ before death had come. ‘I am just happy you are okay. I am trusting God that Ore will be fine.’ He whispered to his sister. Lily began to sob afresh as she thought of Ore’s condition. She felt very guilty for the way she had treated Ore in the past, because she seemed like someone that had been wrongly accused.
12 Jan 2019 | 02:58
i wish oye/julia will make it alive after every thing coz she is also a victim
12 Jan 2019 | 04:17
i hope oye/julia come out alive coz she's also a victim
12 Jan 2019 | 04:18
Julia deserve forgiveness
12 Jan 2019 | 10:51
Ore must not die oo
12 Jan 2019 | 11:18
Hmm Julia would you survive and come out and tell the story as a victim of circumstance
12 Jan 2019 | 19:15
Gavin just heed to Julia's advice
12 Jan 2019 | 19:19
hmmm its so painful for delilah's death she wasn't given chance to give her life to christ....what a life
13 Jan 2019 | 01:33
I wish for Julia safety bcos she didn't wish for her life to turn to dis too
13 Jan 2019 | 11:36
Thank God that Paul had died,d remaining Phoenix are in serious trouble
13 Jan 2019 | 15:34
I pray Ore get our of this sha
13 Jan 2019 | 16:43
Episode 12 ‘There is something you need to know about Ore.’ Lily lifted her head from Gavin’s shoulders. Her head was throbbing from too much crying, she couldn’t keep all of her pain to herself. She knew her brother wouldn’t be too happy with this revelation, but she had to tell him. ‘It is about Ore,’ Lily mustered up courage. ‘What about Ore?’ Gavin listened carefully. He was deeply affected by the events of the day, but this pain never clouded his reaction whenever Ore’s name was mentioned. Gavin had been afraid seeing her numb on that chair, but a closer examination revealed that she had been alive and that was enough for him. The Spirit had already told him that Ore had a secret she was keeping from him, but he was not interested. He wanted her to come to him whenever she was ready. All he desired was for her quick recovery and the chance to tell her how he truly felt. ‘She was my classmate in secondary school and I was not nice to her…’ Lily started. She told her brother about how the other girls and the teachers treated Ore like an outcast and how rumors of her promiscuity flew around the school. ‘She doesn’t look promiscuous to me, she is a virtuous woman.’ Gavin was slightly confused. ‘Of course she is, rumors are never true. She told me the truth about her childhood today…’ she sniffled and wiped her eyes. Gavin was growing impatient, ‘Talk to me Lily, tell me everything.’ ‘She was a victim of sexual abuse and rape. And this continued for a very long time till she was old enough to run away from the orphanage and start a new life on her own. Her parents both died when she was young, and her relatives dumped them at the nearest orphanage. She also told me about how she lost her sister one evening and never found her…’ ‘What really happened to her?’ Gavin asked. ‘I don’t know, while she was talking to me, she just gave a loud scream and fainted. I couldn’t understand why. And…’ Lily paused. ‘What?’ Gavin searched her eyes for more. ‘I think Mr. Paul and Ore were once an item.’ Gavin’s heart broke into a thousand pieces on hearing this. Slowly, the pieces of Ore’s enigmatic life came together and he came to understand why she had been so impulsive and difficult to be with. He remembered the first night they had met in the bar, where he had found her drunk and sobbing over a man, which she later named as Paul. God, he had been shown all of these things, but he had not taken them seriously. ‘I wish I knew this on time,’ He bit his lip, he should’ve treaded more carefully with her. ‘I am truly sorry Gavin. Delilah went through your phone one night and found Ore’s contact. I had a feeling she was the woman you loved and I was prepared to fight her. Little did I know, that everything people had said about her were lies. Would you ever forgive me?’ Lily cried. Truly, this was a day of deeper revelations. Gavin had not seen this one coming. ‘Delilah was never meant to be my wife, that was mum’s idea, now look at what happened to her. There’s nothing to forgive Lily, I am happy you learned the truth.’ Gavin exhaled slowly. So this was the secret Ore had been keeping from him? Well, even if she had been promiscuous, he didn’t care about her past. He loved her so much, just like Jesus loved him and gave him a second chance whenever he failed. ‘I can’t wait to be this over, I can’t believe anything that is happening. I don’t even understand why someone would want you dead.’ Lily complained. Gavin suddenly remembered Ms. Irene’s last words before she was being bundled out of the room. “Be careful, the phoenix is coming after you. Take care of my sister and tell her that I love her.” ‘Gavin?’ Lily tapped his arm lightly as a familiar police officer marched towards the waiting section in the hospital. He pushed his thoughts out and rose to his feet to receive the man. ‘Mr. Adediran, we have a very big problem here.’ The officer had no patience for pleasantries.’ ‘What could that be Sir?’ Gavin swallowed. ‘It turns out that your employee, Ms. Irene is not who you think she is.’ The man replied. Still, Gavin wasn’t following the drift of this conversation. He exchanged questioning gazes with his sister, while waiting for the man to explain himself. ‘Do you remember the prevailing kidnappings of famous people and school girls two years back in Dania?’ The officer asked. ‘The reign of terror,’ Gavin nodded. One of his members had been kidnapped during that period, and this had propelled him into organizing a prayer night for his members. It was on that night, that he had made a declaration under the influence of the Holy Ghost. He had declared that the sponsors of the famous kidnappings would be found and disgraced. Unknown to him, he had launched a fierce and direct attack on the Phoenix. ‘I remember quite well, but what has that got to do with this?’ He wondered. ‘Everything, as the assassin that was behind those killings turns out to be the same woman that worked in your company whom we have been chasing for years. She is faceless, and ghost like. Only a few people have been opportune to see her face and stay alive.’ The man dug a hand into his pocket and pulled out a stack of five international passports. ‘Here, have a look.’ Ore was well aware that she was no longer in the Hotel room. Her eyes fluttered as she parted them, to see the new place where she was being kept. A yawn escaped her lips, and her tummy rumbled. She was hungry and needed something to eat. The bed which she lay upon was lush and very soft. It reminded her of the expensive hotels she had seen on Television. She smiled and touched the flowery bed sheet lightly. However, the smile was short lived as she quickly remembered everything that had taken place in Rosydew. ‘No.’ Ore straightened on the bed. Her sister had been hiding in the wardrobe, and Paul had been threatening her and Gavin’s younger sister with a gun. She ran through her memories and found a great barrier; she couldn’t remember what had taken place beyond that, it seemed she was lost. Ore felt like she was in a world of her own. Her eyes ran over the empty room, and the strange smell of the place. ‘A hospital.’ She quickly ran her hands over her body, to make certain that she was alright. Satisfied, she jumped out of bed and rushed towards the door. She had to find Oye. She had to find Lily. She had to find Gavin and tell him everything about her before it was too late. Her heart spiraled as she thought of his handsome face; she missed him greatly and was very glad to be given this second chance. To be continued…
16 Jan 2019 | 14:24
Episode 13 Ore had never felt this at peace and at ease with herself. Most times, she woke up wearing a scowl on her face; other times, she woke up heavily discouraged and depressed. But right now? She felt lighter, and different. ‘The joy of the lord is my strength.’ She smiled and held the door handle, ready to go out and face the world. But the door failed to open, even as she exerted more pressure on the handle. She sighed and glared at the saffron curtains that covered the window, preventing the yellow rays of sunshine to burst in. With fear, she watched as the curtains danced to the rhythm of the wind, as she felt a strange presence within her. Ore could swear someone was with her in the room, but she couldn’t see anyone. ‘Lord help me,’ she shrugged and turned to the door handle, she had to find a way out of this place before it was too late. She froze as she felt a light tap on her shoulder. “Ore,” a deep baritone called her name, but she was too afraid to turn. Again, she felt she was hallucinating or going crazy. “I have a message…” the baritone rumbled. She had heard stories of people seeing strange creatures, but she had never believed in them. With deep courage, she swirled round and came face to face with a man in white. A man whose eyes were burning coals, and whose feet were trapped in sandals forged out of pure gold. His hair was pristine, and he had a friendly and welcoming smile. ‘You…you can’t be…’ she struggled to breath as his gentle eyes bored into her. “Yes, I came to see you.” The man in white smiled, but her fears wouldn’t let her return it. ‘Please go away, I am not Holy.’ Her lips trembled and she fell to her feet. The man in white simply chuckled and helped her up her feet, “I didn’t come for the holy. I came for the broken, wayward, lost, controversial and deviants.” He replied calmly. Tears splashed her cheeks. Joy welled up in her. Her heart bubbled with untold testimonies of the divine visitation that she had. “Have you noticed anything about yourself today?” The man in white asked. ‘Yes. I woke up feeling happy.’ Ore replied quickly. “Good. It will always be this way…” He moved closer to her and touched her shoulders, “You have cried enough. You have carried your burdens enough; I took them away from you. But I had to make you fall into a deep sleep.” Ore lifted a brow, ‘You did?’ “Yes, and I am here to complete your healing process, if you will let me.” He asked. ‘Please Lord, heal me.’ She nodded. “Should I take the memories away completely?” The man in white asked. Her heart skipped as she remembered the pain attached to her childhood memories. She saw the faces of the men that had raped and defiled her; she heard the laughter of the mockers all over again. But what would she be without these memories? What would her life be like without the past? Ore had an option, to either carry her memories with her for the rest of her life, or to have them erased totally. Silence hung in the atmosphere as she deliberated on the right option for her. ‘If I let you take my memories away, I will not be able to encourage others who have passed through this situation. Can you take the pain that comes with remembering without touching the memories?’ She asked, feeling more relaxed with Him. The man in white smiled and pulled her closer to him, “I came to heal the brokenhearted. I came to men broken minds. I came for you Ore. I love you.” He whispered. She surrendered herself in his arms and allowed his words to sink deeply into her. ‘But why did you let those people hurt me? Why do you let humans hurt each other?’ She asked. When she finally opened her eyes, she realized he was gone! Ore staggered, but she quickly found a balance by the door frame. The man in white had come to her! He had taken away her pain, and now she felt brand new. ‘I saw him! I saw him! I saw the lamb of God.’ Tears watered down her eyes, as she began to celebrate her victory over depression, anxiety and worry. For in that moment, she realized that he loved her first, and he knew what was best for her life. “Find Gavin, he is your destiny.” The Spirit whispered in her mind. ‘What about my sister? Why are you not saying anything about her?’ She waited for him to speak. “Blessed are those who suffer in my name, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Gavin confirmed the pictures on the International Passports as Oye’s. ‘I don’t understand, how could one woman bear five different names?’ He was stunned. ‘She works for a secret group. An echelon of men obsessed with power and greed. They love to control the affairs of the society and clip anyone who stands against that. This is the reason they own assassins.’ The officer explained. ‘Assassins?’ Gavin kept staring at Ms. Irene’s passports, he didn’t even know what to call her. ‘Yes, a lot of deadly men and women work with this group, but your employee stood out amongst them. She kills her victims very quickly and in an unnoticeable manner. We picked her trail when the President of Gambia was assassinated. We had a feeling she will be coming for you next and we prepared ourselves, though she escaped us once.’ The man bragged. ‘What does she want with me?’ Gavin was now sure Ms. Irene had poisoned his drink, he just needed more details. The officer explained that Gavin’s declaration in his Church had angered the men in the group, and they hated people who stood up to them like that. ‘So, she was sent to kill you.’ The man shrugged. Gavin still had a lot of questions, ‘Do you have a name for this group?’ The officer was hesitant at first, ‘Templeblood. It is a popular fraternity in the Island of Carida. We are very sure these men are behind the kidnappings and assassination of prestigious men who stand against them. We just didn’t have enough proof to go directly after them, but we do now…’ ‘What is your proof?’ Gavin swallowed, the Spirit had already revealed all these to him. ‘Your employee has a tattoo of the phoenix bird on her nape. She is the assassin we have been looking for. She will tell us everything we need to know about that organization.’ For a moment, Gavin was tempted to tell the Senior Officer about the Phoenix Baby Care company and how the fraternity used that as a cover up, but he decided to leave them to their jobs. He felt satisfied with everything that had taken place. There had been numerous revelations and victory. ‘I must take my leave now, I just wanted to tell you about her before we proceed. The man we found was her master, he was in charge of this particular assassin.’ The officer continued. ‘Paul?’ Gavin inquired. ‘Yes. Paul. He works with Phoenix Baby Care Company and he thought coming close to you would be wise. We are still investigating this Fraternity, I have a feeling, and we would find a lot of interesting things. For now, I have to take my leave. I will send some men to your house to keep watch. These men don’t back down, till their victim is taken off the surface of the earth.’ The office shook hands with Gavin, and walked briskly out of the hospital.
16 Jan 2019 | 14:27
Hmm so Oye would have to face the music
17 Jan 2019 | 18:01
But Oye was a victim of circumstance... She did everything she did in order to remain alive.... So she should be considered
17 Jan 2019 | 18:04
Ore is a good thing that you choosed to keep the memory for testimony and also helping others to know that no situation is permanent
17 Jan 2019 | 18:06
Gavin is time to meet and propose to your God chosen partner(Ore)
17 Jan 2019 | 18:08
Is a good thing that your sister told you everything she knew about Ore and even the bad part she tried playing in order for you to loose her
17 Jan 2019 | 18:11
its like oye/julia is gonna die but saved in Christ
18 Jan 2019 | 01:58
Episode 14 Gavin stood there glued, Lily was well couldn’t utter word. ‘I can’t believe we had an assassin so close to us.’ Lily had been listening to the man’s conversation with her brother. ‘She had been the one to poison me, but she failed.’ Gavin sighed with relief, but felt sad immediately, as he remembered the pain in Ms. Irene’s eyes as the police dragged her out of the room. He wondered briefly if she were truly Ore’s sister, or had just said those words to buy his pity? ‘Ore!!!’ He heard his sister scream. At once, Gavin turned around, and found Ore running towards him. ‘Gavin,’ she smiled and rushed into his arms, which had given way for her proper welcome. She buried her head in his chest, she had found her destiny. She had come home. ‘I missed you darling.’ He held her closely in his arms and began to drop light kisses on her long black hair, with tears rolling down his face. Lily watched with delight, the display of affection at its peak Two Weeks Later… Fourteen days had passed since the death of Delilah and Paul; a brief interment was arranged for Delilah in her parents’ home at Carida. The atmosphere had been terribly suffocated with gloom and wailing, but the Adedirans had made sure they had stayed to the end. At first, she thought it would be easy to return to her old life- wake up, take a bath, eat and go to school, but she found it difficult to do this. Even as she stared at the mirror now, she felt different. She felt like a misfit, who had just crawled out of a cave after many years. Ore sighed and decided she would change her environment. She had not visited Oye since her arrest by the Police, but she was ready to do so this morning. Ore had felt really sad after Gavin had told her the truth about her sister’s life, and relationship with the Phoenix. He had given her a detailed explanation about Oye’s attack on his life. This made her feel a little bit guilty, and that had affected their relationship slightly. Ore moved away from the mirror and hurried towards the bed where she had dropped the clothes she would wear to the station. She couldn’t believe that her sister was a wanted assassin, not just in two countries but in the entire continent. Tears dribbled across her cheeks as she realized that Oye may never be free, except of course she took the offer of the Police. Knowing how strong willed and stubborn her sister had been while they were kids, she was afraid. What if Oye rejected the offer of five years in jail, by exposing the men who sponsored her? ‘No,’ Ore battled with her thoughts, while burrowing into her jean trouser. She couldn’t wait to look Oye in the eyes once again. Before now, she always felt rootless and empty, but God had brought her life to perfection, by providing her with a sister, whom she loved greatly, and who loved her greatly. Ore’s phone vibrated against the bed. She grabbed the android from the bed and stared at the screen. It was Gavin that was calling. A wave of nervousness washed over her as her heart began to dance to the song that only lovers understood. ‘Ore…’ he drawled her name. ‘Good morning.’ She replied curtly. She had been very uncomfortable with Gavin, after he had told her everything about her sister. At first, she had wanted to disbelieve him, but he had presented her with evidence, and she had no choice but to believe the worst of her sister. She still had feelings for him. She had loved him from the first night they met and she loved him even more after the Spirit had revealed that Gavin was her destiny. Ore was not happy about the complicated nature of their relationship. Surely, Gavin wouldn’t want to be a woman whose sister was an assassin. Even if he did, she was quite sure his family wouldn’t accept her, so why pursue something that would never exist? ‘How was your night?’ Gavin asked. ‘Fine,’ she replied. ‘You don’t sound too happy with me Ore. Is this because of what I told you about your sister?’ Gavin could read her like a book. Ore gritted her teeth, she didn’t know how best to answer that question. ‘I don’t know Gavin. How would you feel if someone told you that Lily is a criminal?’ She wanted him to understand why she was uncomfortable with him. He was quiet for two minutes. ‘But your sister tried to kill me. Shouldn’t have I given you that information?’ Gavin scoffed, he didn’t like the way she was reacting to this. Ore didn’t like the tone in his voice, it was mocking and she hated it when people teased her. ‘You know what Gavin, just stay away from me. I understand that my sister tried to kill you. I understand that you’re trying to use that as an excuse to love someone else, but I don’t care. Just stay away from me. Whatever we had is over.’ She turned off the phone and slammed it against her mattress. A loud scream escaped her lips. ‘I hate him. I hate him. I hate everyone.’ She stamped her feet angrily. Why were things always going in the opposite direction whenever she was about to find happiness? Ore cried as she remembered the moment she had surrendered herself in Gavin’s arms. She had felt so complete with and in him; she had thought that that feeling would last forever. But everything ended, a week after he had told her the truth about Oye. Ore wept because her sister was never meant to be an assassin. She was born for greater things, but the evil ones had gotten to her. ‘Lord, please save Oye.’ She wept bitterly. She wasn’t sure of what to expect when she arrived the station. So, she had prepared herself for the worst. She ignored the ringing of her phone, knowing very well that Gavin was the person trying to call her. She couldn’t talk to him now. She couldn’t think clearly and could say more things to drive them further apart. Ore wiped her face gently as she remembered the secret she was yet to share with Gavin about her past. Well, that wasn’t going to be necessary anymore. She didn’t want anything to do with Gavin or his family. She was done. Ore slipped on a top, went on her knees and whispered a word of prayer before leaving to go see her sister for the first time, since their last encounter at the hotel room. ‘I guess she is mad at you.’ Julia rolled her eyes lazily as she stared at the man she was supposed to kill weeks back. Gavin shrugged, ‘She gets very touchy at the mention of your name.’ He agreed. Julia missed her sister. She also missed her love Delilah. She had been in detention for fourteen days, and had been completely shut out of the outside world. She was not used to this sort of life, but she knew it would be in here for a very long time. Julia had been resting in her cell, and thinking of the many ways the Phoenix would kill her should they catch up with her, when a female warden announced that someone had come to visit her. At first, she had thought that her sister Ore had come, but to her uttermost shock, she found Gavin Adediran waiting for her in the Visiting room. At first, Julia was hesitant, but she decided to hear him out. To be continued…
18 Jan 2019 | 11:29
Episode 15 ‘I know you probably know I slipped poison into your coffee and tried to kill you. If you are looking for an apology, you won’t get it. So many people judge me and see me like this hard hearted devil, but they know nothing about me.’ Julia knew Gavin had come for a reason, she was eager to know it. He smiled and leaned closer to the table, ‘Have you ever wondered why your poison didn’t work on me?’ Julia scoffed, ‘I don’t know and I don’t care.’ Gavin shrugged and relaxed against his chair. He had been told by the Spirit to tell Julia about his love for her. The Spirit had revealed that it wouldn’t be easy, but he shouldn’t give up. He had decided to do this without Ore’s presence and permission; this was the reason he had called to know where exactly she was. ‘I know what you are trying to do.’ Julia scoffed. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe in God, she guessed he existed but not for someone like her. ‘I know you found I and Delilah kissing in your office and you are still mad about that. You have come to preach to me about my sins, hoping I will buy into your gospel of lies and deceit. I am sorry Gavin, I don’t believe in God, maybe he exists.’ She rested her arms against the table. If God were truly alive, why had her sister been raped and brutalized so many times? What about her? Why had the Phoenix gotten to her and a hundred of innocent little girls whom they turned into monsters? ‘Delilah was my lover of many years, just so you know.’ She hissed. ‘Oye,’ Gavin’s tone was stern, but she was not moved by it. ‘You will be in here for a long time because of the crimes you committed. I got you a very good lawyer who would defend you and help reduce your time, if you comply with the Police to reveal the secrets of the Phoenix and their actual location.’ ‘What is your point?’ Julia cut in rudely. ‘You need his love to overcome all things. Believe me, this place is not easy. But if your time could be lowered to five, you’ll be alright.’ He ran his eyes over the place. Julia already knew she would be made an offer. ‘I am comfortable spending my days here. I have seen the world enough. I am satisfied.’ She grinned and rose to her feet before he could say more. ‘Why are you so afraid of surrendering your life to Christ?’ Gavin joined her on his feet. ‘I fear no one. I make the rules for my life.’ Julia replied defiantly. ‘No, the way I see it, you are afraid of surrendering to Jesus because you are still mad at him. You are blaming him for what happened to your sister and yourself.’ Gavin could see the pain truly flashing through her eyes. He hit a nerve; she cringed when he was done speaking. ‘I am beyond saving, just go and be with my sister. Tell her that I love her and I miss her. She should stop by sometime.’ With this, Julia pulled back her chair and strolled away. Gavin sighed as he watched her leave. He had not expected her to receive Christ instantly. He had met many people like Oye, but he was not deterred. He would keep her in his heart like a prayer. Now that his visit was over, he needed to speak to Ore before it was too late. He was yet to confess his love for her, but he was ready now, even though she was still mad at him. As he walked out of the station, Gavin remembered the parable of the sower- some seeds fell to the earth, some to the rocks and some to replenished ground. He was determined to win Julia for Christ. Though he knew it would be a long walk, he was prepared to fight for her soul. She found it difficult to start the car. Even after twisting the key in the ignition three times, the car just wouldn’t start. Ore sighed and grabbed her handbag, she had made up her mind to see her sister today, and nothing was going to stop her. She had not gone to see Julia earlier because the Police men that worked with Gavin had advised against it. ‘Nothing would stop me today.’ She got down from the car and began walking towards the road, hoping she could see a taxi. She felt bad for speaking to Gavin that way; she knew deep down that it was wrong, but she couldn’t help it. A lot of things had taken place in her life within a short span, and she felt overwhelmed, by discoveries and revelations and even witnessing the death of two people. Ore sighed as she thought about Paul, the man she had once loved. She never could believe he was a member of the Phoenix, the organization that Julia was forced to work for. Now, all the visions concerning Paul she had was starting to make sense. She remembered the night she went out for dinner with Gavin, he had shared a similar vision, and had mentioned her ex. ‘Lord, just help with my sister. Help her get out.’ Ore prayed silently. God had done everything she desired. Gavin was safe. She had reconciled with her sister. The pain she carried for a lot of years was gone. In its place, was a beautiful feeling of being loved and cherished. Her scars were now beauty marks, and this was made only possible through the love of Jesus. ‘Wey you dey go?’ A rickety blue taxi stopped by. ‘Um, Central Station,’ She replied, not quite comfortable with the overall appearance of the car. Just in time, she sighted a black Honda Civic, which looked like Gavin’s. ‘No,’ she licked her lips, and decided to get into the taxi to avoid speaking to him, but she was too late as he had read her mind. He quickly pulled over, and hopped out of the car, towards her. ‘Ore!’ Gavin knew she was trying to avoid him, but she had already gotten into the car. He needed to think fast, he needed to find a way to stop her from running away from him and what she truly felt. ‘Oye sends her greeting! She says I should tell you that she loves you and you should take care of yourself!’ He yelled at the top of his voice. Ore was about shutting the door of the rickety taxi when she heard this; at first, she didn’t want to believe him. He could say anything just to spend time with her. But she knew deep down Gavin would never lie to her, so she got down and rushed towards him, leaving the old taxi driver in confusion. ‘You for kukukma tell me say you no get money.’ The man hissed and drove away angrily. To be continued…
18 Jan 2019 | 11:31
The battle is in there but the challenge is terrible. Their beginning wasn't that bad but what happened immediately after their beginning is terrible.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:21
Ore and oye has met again after a very long time of what happened immediately after their beginning. The bond between them has began again even though it was tough to begin.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:27
Oye is getting better everyday with the mindset of her real family. She was into bad things that she was forced to be part of, trying to forget her blood, right now not anymore.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:35
In the midst of these battles is love found with more truth to know about ore and oye and delilah and lily to know that more truth and to also know more about others.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:40
Ore is free from the pain that chases her often. That unpleasant difficulty was too tough to go. Right now all these has gone out of her life. She's free in the lord.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:48
Gavin has taken it to the top with spirit filled always having a special moments with God. His kind hearted attitude and more goodies about him made it easy.
18 Jan 2019 | 21:55
These their battles has got no bond but their love has got a bond. The phoenix is a furnace with wickedness but God is taking them down with spirit filled gavin and ore and more.
18 Jan 2019 | 22:05
Eiyah,,,,, oye is also a victim of circumstance ooo,,, she should not be killed oooo
19 Jan 2019 | 01:39
19 Jan 2019 | 15:04
Every relationship always has misunderstanding but it depends on how the parties involved handle the situation
19 Jan 2019 | 17:03
Hmm Oye you putting the blame on God would not change anything..... Everything in life happens for a reason.....
19 Jan 2019 | 17:06
Hmm Ore you are being pessimistic when you said Gavin and his family would never say good about you because of your past and sister's deeds.. Don't get it wrong you and your sister are victims of circumstance so Gavin and his family would understand if you explain that to them
19 Jan 2019 | 17:12
Gavin give her(Ore) the impression that you know about her past and her sister's past and that you are ready to make her pain your pain..... And do the right thing(wink).....
19 Jan 2019 | 17:20
Next update.....
19 Jan 2019 | 17:20
Episode 16 ‘What did you say?’ Her eyes glittered with unshed tears as she marched towards him. Gavin drew in a deep breath, ‘I stopped by at the station. The Holy Spirit instructed me to forgive Oye for trying to kill me, because it wasn’t her fault. She was a helpless little girl who was brainwashed and manipulated to carry out the wishes of a group of selfish old men. The Spirit wants us to draw her near to him. He said she will be an invaluable vessel to his course. I am sorry I sounded upset while telling you the truth about your sister, Ore. I never meant to hurt you, I am being honest…’ he advanced towards her, and held her slender hands in his’. They fit perfectly. Ore’s eyes gleamed with tears, how could he even apologize for her sister’s wrongdoings? She had been the one to apologize for reacting wrongly after he had showed her five passports as evidence that her sister was a child of the Phoenix. It wasn’t that she disbelieved him. She was just upset that her sister had been forced to live that sort of life. And she had channeled this anger towards Gavin. ‘No, stop apologizing. I am wrong here. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. Oye tried to kill you, and she would have succeeded if God had not sent his angel to warn you. I am sorry for what she put you through…but she is still my sister and even though she also tortured me, I forgive her.’ Ore let the tears glide down her face. Gavin felt relieved that they had found a common ground. ‘I forgive her too, everything she did was on instructions. I spoke to her today…’ Gavin squeezed Ore’s hands. Her face brightened at the mention of her sister, ‘How is she? I miss her so much.’ ‘I know you do. Oye really loves you. She wants you to stop by and see her sometime.’ Gavin said. Ore’s heart fluttered at the knowledge of being loved by someone who had held her in captivity for some days. ‘Did you tell my sister about Christ? How did she take it?’ Ore knew about Julia’s lifestyle of drugs and women. She had began to pray to the Spirit about her. Gavin nodded, ‘I did, but she remains adamant. It is going to be a long walk, considering what she passed through in the hands of those men. But we musnt give up. We must help her climb the ladder of righteousness with love and faith.’ He reassured her that everything would be fine. A crooked smile twitched at the corner of her lips. ‘Oye has always been very stubborn. I am just happy she is alive and safe, and I feel worried too.’ Gavin knew what disturbed her, ‘I have gotten a good lawyer for your sister. Her time can be reduced to five years, if she complies with the Danian and Caridan Government to expose the members of the Phoenix. Do not worry about Oye, God is interested in her.’ Still Ore was not satisfied, she knew how stubborn her sister could be. ‘What if she refuses to take the offer, what would happen then?’ Ore swallowed. ‘She could get twenty years imprisonment or even a lifetime there, considering the number of people they made her assassinate.’ He replied. He searched her brown eyes, and discovered she was very worried and he didn’t like that. ‘When you were taken from me, I was lost and empty. I was so afraid of what would befall you there. I was very worried, but Jesus assured me that you will be fine.’ Gavin sensed she was afraid for Oye. Ore shrugged, her eyes radiated happiness as she listened to Gavin. ‘Enough about my sister then, Jesus got her back.’ Yay! His insides screamed, he couldn’t wait to tell her about the way that he felt. ‘Can we go inside my house?’ Ore’s tummy rumbled. She suddenly became shy and nervous around Gavin. ‘Sure, if you invite me in.’ Gavin loved this. ‘And why wouldn’t I invite you in?’ She pulled her hands from his’ and trudged towards her apartment. ‘I don’t know, you are always running from me.’ This time, he was speaking about the night she had been kidnapped. Ore had just snapped at him, and before he could tell what was happening, she had jumped out of his car into the dark and eerie street. It was a night he would never forget. Ore didn’t respond. She knew exactly what he was thinking, and this was the reason she had invited him in. Now she was totally healed, she didn’t want any barriers between them. She was ready to love again, to open her heart to new things. She had to tell him everything about her past. She had to let him into the cavern of her secrets, as she had found freedom and wings to soar in the atmosphere of long living joy, and nothing would stop her. Gavin smiled as he scanned the interior décor of her two bedroom apartment. It was warm and cozy, and the pictures on the wall looked very appealing. ‘I don’t have much, I just have orange juice. I hope you will manage this.’ Ore sauntered into the dining with a tray containing two glasses. ‘You have a beautiful house.’ He turned around and faced her. ‘Thank you.’ A shy smile curled her lips as she dropped the tray on the table, waiting for him to take a glass first. Ore couldn’t help but noticed how good he looked in his jean trousers and deep blue shirt. For the first time, she realized just how much attractive Gavin was; his arm muscles were taut, and were highlighted from the way the shirt clung to his slender body. She quickly pulled her eyes away from his body to avoid any impure thoughts. ‘Are you alright?’ Gavin caught her eyes on his chest, but she quickly averted her eyes and pinned it on the marble floor instead. Her heart was pounding fast as he came closer, the scent of cologne flirted with her nostrils but she ignored it. It was a very masculine scent. Gavin felt she was uncomfortable with his visit as she had grown very quiet since he stepped into her house. ‘Ore, I am talking you.’ He stopped, just a breath apart from her. She licked her lips nervously, knowing she had no other option but to stare into his eyes. ‘Yes?’ She looked him in the eye. A spark of electricity consumed his being as he stood face to face to the woman he loved. ‘You are so beautiful.’ He touched the little locks of her dark hair, that were falling to the side of her face. Ore shuddered at the feel of his strong fingers on her face, ‘Thank you,’ which was immediately followed by a dry and throaty laughter from Gavin, who knew she was tensed because they were alone. ‘You are not comfortable with us being alone, are you?’ He asked. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ Her demeanor remained neutral. To buttress her point, that he was a poor observer, she quickly rushed to the table and grabbed a glass of orange juice for herself. ‘See? I am comfortable.’ She lied smoothly. If only, he knew what she was thinking. She rolled her eyes and focused on the sour taste of the drink. Gavin wasn’t the type of man who ran in circles. He favored straightforwardness and that, he would apply in this case. ‘I love you Ore Martins.’ Gavin blurted out. At once, the glass she’d held fell from her hands and shattered into tiny pieces. ‘What did you say?’ Ore’s eyes dilated in surprise. Gavin didn’t offer a response, he began to stroll steadily towards her as she had deliberately moved away from him. ‘You heard me.’ He replied coolly.
20 Jan 2019 | 03:17
Last episode Different emotions swirled within her. Surprise. Relief. The joy of reciprocated love. And fear. ‘Do you remember the words I’d spoken to you the first night I found you in the bar?’ Gavin asked. She swallowed and nodded, she had just been dumped by Paul after telling him about her past. He wasn’t interested in her tale of woe, and informed her without waste of time, that he was more interested in getting married to an untainted woman. Now she thought of it, Ore realized she had been crying for a different reason. It wasn’t because Paul had chosen to leave her; it was the term of description used by him- to describe his ideal woman: “untainted woman.” His words had made her feel incomplete and defiled. ‘What did I say?’ He asked. Without permission, he grabbed her hands and raised them to his lips. Blood rushed in her veins by this innocent display of affection. ‘You told me that the Holy Spirit had led you to find your destiny.’ Ore hadn’t forgotten any of her conversations with Gavin. In fact, the memories of the times she had spent with Gavin were all that had kept her alive when her sister had kidnapped her. ‘Good. I fought with this feeling for a long time, because I wanted to be sure of you. But, I have come to the truth that you are the woman for me and there is no one else.’ He loved Ore right from the moment he had set his eyes on her, but she had always been the one to block him out. ‘I love you Ore. The worst time of my life was during your absence. I had sleepless nights. I was confused and lost, until the Spirit assured me that you were fine wherever you were. And he also told me to give you space, because you were struggling with something.’ Ore’s heart skipped on hearing this. She had not shared her secrets with Gavin yet, neither had she shared her experience at the hospital. ‘Did the Spirit really tell you this?’ She was surprised. ‘Yes. Remember the night you rushed out of the car into Walstreet Odoja?’ Ore quickly nodded, while waiting for a response. ‘I wanted to pursue after you, but the Spirit told me to leave you alone. He even sent some Angels to block me.’ He added. His confession made Ore realize that they were both destined to be together from the beginning, but she was still afraid… ‘I love you Ore, even when my mother brought Delilah into our home, my heart was still with yours.’ Ore knew about the woman that Gavin’s family almost forced upon him, she was still the woman whom her sister had been dating. And she had died right there in the Hotel room, before Ore’s eyes. ‘Gavin…’ she dared to look him in the eye. A feeling of warmth spread over her, as she saw naked concern in his eyes. ‘Yes?’ He smiled and held unto her eyes. ‘I saw Jesus in the Hospital and he fixed me.’ She licked her lips nervously. This came as a shock to Gavin. His brows furrowed together and his lips parted into a wider smile. ‘I was a very broken woman…I have a past and I don’t know if you could handle that.’ She bit her lip, not knowing how to begin. Gavin sensed her inability to break this news to her, so he decided to help her, to make it less awkward. ‘You don’t have to talk about it Ore. I know everything. I know what those repugnant men did to you. I understand why you were always pushing me out and avoiding me at first, but I don’t care about your past. I don’t care about the lies people spread about you…’ he wanted to say more but she chipped in. Ore laughed, ‘Did Lily tell you what we discussed?’ Only his sister could have told him this. Gavin nodded, ‘Are you mad about that?’ Ore shook her head, she wasn’t angry at anyone, she was in a good place. ‘My sister is also sorry for everything that happened, I hope you two becomes friends one day.’ Ore sniggered, ‘Let’s see how things go. Are you really sure she told you everything?’ She needed to be sure Gavin was prepared to accept her as she was. He gave her hands a light squeeze, ‘Let me be honest with you Ore. Your past was never in question. Even if you were a call girl or a murderer, I would forgive you and still be with you. I love you more than anything else, and when there is love, the shadows of the past have no power. What matters is the present. You cannot change what happened in the past, but right now, you can determine what you want in future.’ She was so excited that he had accepted her like she was. His love for her, confirmed what Jesus had said to her. ‘Jesus told me that we are destined to be together.’ She relayed this excitedly. Gavin was equally thrilled with the message, ‘So what are we waiting for?’ He pulled her closer to him. Ore’s heart spiraled on a high wave of happiness and satisfaction, ‘I love you Gavin. You make me complete.’ She released herself into his arms and buried her face in the valley of his chest. She felt home. She felt secure. She was done fighting the world on her own. ‘You don’t know how happy I am to hear that.’ He raised her head up, and cupped her face between his large hands. ‘Say it again,’ he licked his lips. ‘I love you Gavin Adediran.’ She was not done with her amorous confession when he evaded her plump lips with a sweet and innocent kiss which felt like heaven. Ore felt fulfilled, her journey to true happiness and everlasting love had just begun and nothing would destroy this second chance that life and Jesus had offered her. Now they were bonded, they would help Oye find her own path to freedom and righteousness. End of season 2
20 Jan 2019 | 03:21
Is dere season 3?
20 Jan 2019 | 07:03
Bring on the season 3
20 Jan 2019 | 11:31
so there's season 3?
20 Jan 2019 | 12:03
Hmm finally the two lovers have proposed their love for each other
20 Jan 2019 | 17:08
Hmm now after the marriage proper their next target would be to get Oye to Christ
20 Jan 2019 | 17:10
There us going to be another season right
20 Jan 2019 | 17:20
There is going to be another season right
20 Jan 2019 | 17:20
Hmm waiting for season three the repentance of Oye
20 Jan 2019 | 17:23
Nice ending for season two...... kudos to you the writer keep it up.....
20 Jan 2019 | 17:28
At last they found their destiny
20 Jan 2019 | 19:59
There will be a season 3 Stay tuned Go check out my other stories The billionaire's secret heartthrob Indigo Her Christmas desire
21 Jan 2019 | 00:49
She was looking for a better moment to tell him about her past. It was a past of worry and shame, but it wasn't her fault, it was their fault.
21 Jan 2019 | 15:28
The spirit was giving him details about her past. His sister gave him the story to correct her own errors. He wasn't interested about her past but her fabulous future.
21 Jan 2019 | 15:36
The ministry of the holy spirit upon their lives has been coming to one point and purpose 4 their lives. It was the spirit bringing them together 4 love.
21 Jan 2019 | 15:45
Oye and ore has got a lot of chat, especially that special chat of the truth. It wasn't her fault that she's a tool 4 the phoenix, she has a chance to make amend.
21 Jan 2019 | 16:05
Gavin has gotten an opportunity to tell ore what is inside him. This love is Divine, it's not just a romantic love. It's Divine and was design 4 2 of them.
21 Jan 2019 | 16:12
Gavin has gotten an opportunity to tell ore what is inside him. This love is Divine, it's not just a romantic love. It's Divine and was designed 4 2 of them.
21 Jan 2019 | 16:13
21 Jan 2019 | 16:16
With God, everything is possible. Nice story it is
16 Feb 2019 | 14:31


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