Well, there was this girl l was dying for back then, l think 2004. l
was in jss1. We weren't in the same school. Whenever l see her
pass by our house on her way to church, my heart almost jumps
out of my chest. I tried to toast her but she wasn't even listening
to me.
Then valentine came and l decided to write a love letter and put it
in a card. l come mumu put #200 inside (money l got from doing
l gave it to a female friend of hers to help me deliver it. The next
day, she returned the letter to me through the same friend,
including the money, saying that she wasn't interested.
I couldn't eat through out that day...even to the next day.
But right now, anytime l visit my hometown and l see her, l start
to wonder what it was about her back then that made me go
gaga whenever l saw her...cos looking at her now, l'm like
de fu*k''!