excluding girls that was rape against
their wish, any girl who willingly open
her legs for a man before marriage is
a fool... the most annoying part is
that, this hopeless idiats ve make it a
point of duty to bash the virgin gals. their lame excuse is that: "virginity is
nt a factor to determine a good wife"
see gobe! hw can u be a good wife
wen u dnt ve any atom of decency
and self control in you?? and the
wack broke guys supporting them, i knw u are jst after ur own share!! to
the few intelligent guys here... listen
to me carefully, if u are fourtunate to
get a virgin as a gal, pls endeavour to
take her to the altar. there are
thousands virgin gals out there, that are more behave than this slu.ts that
flow around. a woman been a virgin
does nt mean that she has bad
character. "bad character is a
personal thing, and shld nt be
associated with virginity. and to the virgin girls, please keep it up! virginity
is something that only sensible men
value.and l knw that is the type of
men u want?