[b]1: On no account should any member write a post that tends to cause dispute among members.
2: Don’t comment with symbols or un meaningful words on threads in order to increase your post counts, it is strictly not allowed.
3: No member is allowed to insult or harass or criticize anybody over anything.
4: Don’t Abuse, bully, deliberately insult/provoke, fight, or wish harm to any Member of this forum.
5: Don’t advocate or encourage violent actions against any person, race, or group.
6: Promoting of affiliate links or any external links aiming at Pornography or Money making is Prohibited
7: Don’t say or do anything that’s detrimental to the success of This forum.
8: Illegal activities such as plagiarism, Frauding, Hacking, Piracy, Scamming and Spamming is not allowed.
9: Creating a thread title in CAPITAL letters for attraction is not allowed.
10: Don’t post anything that could be considered offensive to any member’s religion or belief.
11: Don’t use too long base name,your base name should not contain more than 15 characters
12: Don’t create a new account when banned for breaking a rule. If you do, make sure we don’t find out.
13: Cooperate with the moderators, and administrator. Treat them with respect.
If any member of this forum breach any of the above rules please contact any of the Admin below and inform them of any suspected member before taking laws into your hands.[/b]