WARNING:- This Thread is for those above 18+ of Age. This has been a question waiting
for an answer for so long.. Many
believe a good s*x must last for
nothing less than 3hours.. No! Sometimes, the time frame can be
so short but the S*x is good and
quality.. Sometimes it can be so
long and ends up been a thrash..
No wonder some young and
educated people don’t go for all this S*x energy booster, they believe
their 1mins is quality and then some
guys on the other hand believes
you must take Alomo, Jedi, Mokole,
Ogidiga and the likes to stay longer
and impress the woman, my brother.. You’re a joker, major jokes
on you. From your Own point of view,
How long should a good S*x
last? * 5 mins * 10 mins * 20 mins * 1hr * 1hr 30mins * 2hrs Drop your comments.