Often times we hold on to the past and allow the negative experience
of it affect and define our present and future. the success we desire to
attain is predicated on how we move from our present state into the
future we desire irrespective of your past.
Life is full of challenges. the road is never smooth for anyone, this has
led many into trying to be who they are not- they walk, talk and even
dress like someone else.
You must have a vision; a comprehensive sense of who you are and
where you’re going. For one without a vision does not have a future.
Your vision might seems gigantic and the challenges insurmountable ,
however envisage the future you want and forget the past.
It’s time to step out and bold, bearing in mind the laws of cause and effect; action determines the reaction and input determines the output.
Get out of the ”Good Old Days” mentality. To live in the future you
dream of, consider the words of Isaac Newton ”everything [object or
life] remains in a state of constant rest until an external force is
applied” and do what you need to do right away!
Written by @idrowest.