She said I've refused to buy her
anything. I said she didnt ask, then
she quickly added that it was not too
late, that would she would go and get
them & left immediately. By now, it
was my turn to display what I'm paying for, the guy was busy
calculating what I bought, already a
lady had earlier asked me jokingly if I
was doing an occassion based on the
large goods I bought & I smiled and
said no. My ex rushed back with two perfumes when I was paying & I told
her I was sorry I wasnt having enough
to cover that. She was embarrassed &
went to keep it back. When she came
back, I asked her if she could her me
with some of the goods I bought to my car. She was flustered but obliged
me all the same. when we got to my
car, I packed the goods on the back
seat and told her I would have giving
them a lift but unfortunately, I need to
get to somewhere first before heading home & she said ok. As I
drove off, I observed she was looking
at me & when I looked in her
direction, she started pressing her