Pizza Girl

Pizza Girl

By celestine1 in 23 Sep 2021 | 03:24
celestine1 celestine1

celestine1 celestine1

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Pizza Girl Prologue

(She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him)

©️Authoress Ti Fe

She is hot!

She is funny!

She is sassy!

She is actually sweet !

Meet Diana Williams, a 23 year old lady who lives in the outskirt of a street in Las Vegas called Butterhills. She is known by virtually everyone on the streets of Las Vegas because of her little source of income.

She is a very famous pizza girl, who helped her aunt deliver ordered pizzas anywhere through to the help of her only long lasting gift, which is her 3 years old scooter.

Her Aunt is a very nice woman who also strive to earn a living by selling pizzas. She took in Diana at a very young age when her parents had a divorce.

None of them were willing to keep her to themselves, so Aunt Luna helped by keeping her to herself since she was barren.

Her parents went separate ways and married differently leaving poor Diana to herself. She got over it soon and all she wanted was to serve her Aunt Luna well.
To show she is grateful for all she has done for her.
That aside

Diana is known as a trouble maker all over the town. Her scooter is the source of her troubles. She makes troubles and the next thing you see is her scooter riding with full speed down the street.

She kept this going even after the talks from Luna, who kept telling her she wasn't growing any younger.

Everyone was beginning to lose hope of any change in Diana when something fantabulous happened.

She met with a poor but handsome looking guy who lived on the streets and survived on the garage.

Her attention was fast drawn to this guy and they ended up been close friends.

Find out how this journey keeps on moving and how it ends in this thrilling story .


Hope you loved it

You can't miss this[/b]
23 Sep 2021 | 03:24
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 1 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "... Enjoy your Pizza." I said to him smiling widely. "Thanks." He replied shutting the door. I walked up to where I parked my scooter, I wore my helmet and sat on it ready to move. I ignited the engine and rode down the street in great speed. "Diana!" The children on the street called and I wanted at them as I zoomed off. INTRODUCTION I am Diana Williams, and I am 23 years old. I live with my Aunt Rita because my parents abandoned me because of their own misunderstandings. It is as simple as that, I hate them so much. I behave any way I want and feel, and people say it to my face that I behaved that way because I didn't live with my parents. I don't want to ever see them again, but they keep visiting making me feel sad. Why couldn't they norture me Even though they had misunderstandings? For crying out loud, I am their child. I wasn't adopted and I shouldn't be treated like I was. I will be forever grateful to Aunt Rita, she took me in and saw me as her child. She is barren and doesn't have any husband. I wish I could do something to get her pregnant. She never treated me bad, even till this present time. She never saw me as an adopted child, she showed me the love my parents didn't show me. If it means working for her till I die to make her happy, I would do so. Coming to the relationship part, I have dated many guys because I smiled very beautiful, but I never actually had true feelings for them. I just used them to while away time. Presently, i have no one to share my feelings with, because I am yet to see the right person. That will be all for now. You will get to know more about me later. END OF INTRODUCTION I got to the shop and packed my scooter under the shed where I have always packed it. I walked in and I saw Aunt busy making more pizzas. I guess I would still be going on a ride. "Mom." I called smiling as I walked to her. "You are back early." She replied as I kissed her head. "Yes. I wanted to come help back here at the shop." I replied and she smiled. "Impressive, so we won't be causing any troubles today?" She asked and I laughed. "We can't be so sure. You know people will always step on my toes, they derive pleasure in doing it." I said. "You don't need to react always." She said and I sighed. "Mom, they can't just talk or act to us anyhow because we sell pizza for a living. I will never allow that slide." I said and she smiled. "Okay I give up. You just won't listen." She said and I laughed kissing her head again. I was about washing my hands when I saw her contenance change to that of a sad one. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked in great worry and she looked at me before speaking up. "Your mother called." She said and I rolled my eyes. "I don't want to hear it, and she isn't my mother. She is Eunice." I said washing my hand. "She is still your mother, whatever you like it or not." She said and I koet a cold face. "To me, she is just a family relative, what does she want anyway? She abandoned me." I said in anger. "Diana believe me, she regrets it and truly sorry." She said and I scoffed. "I don't need her apologies because I don't know her and I don't need her nor Donald. I know only you and need only you." I said in a final tone. "You shouldn't call your father but name, no matter what." She said and I breathed out loud dropping the ketchup. "Mom are we going to stop this conversation, or I just go home." I said looking at her and she looked away sadly. "Okay." She said and I nodded. "That's better. You spoilt my mood already." I said feeling hurt. "I am sorry, I just feel bad for them." She said and I smiled. "It's fine mom. I said and she managed to smile. "We need to finish thses pizzas before 6pm. We have to deliver them at the motel two streets away." She said and I nodded. "That isn't a problem mom. I know the motel." I said smiling. ISAAC ... AT EVENING.. I roamed around the streets in search of a job to feed myself. I have exhausted the garbage since last night and I need to eat badly. I am Isaac Bill, an orphan that lives on the streets. I have always survived on the street since I was young. I am nineteen now and I need a job badly. I can't keep picking up junks from dustbins for the rest of my life. I can't keep sleeping on the streets. I am done doing that. I just wish the government remembers the poor ones soon. I have only two shirts and a trouser. No relatives, no friends. I got to the front of a motel and stood in front staring at the huge and beautiful building. If only I could be a worker here, that would serve a lot. I was walking away when a scooter passed in full speed splashing dirty water on me. I was used to it already since I sleep close to the road. I swept the water away from my body with my hand. "I am so sorry." I heard the sweetest voice ever in my ears. I looked up and I saw a very beautiful lady in front of me. "It's okay." I said smiling as I began to walk away. I felt her stare at me as I walked. This is the first time someone would tell me sorry after offending me. It feels great to know one person in the world actually cares. TBC....[/b]
23 Sep 2021 | 03:27
Ride on
23 Sep 2021 | 06:14
interesting ride on
23 Sep 2021 | 08:57
interesting ride on.
23 Sep 2021 | 09:00
Next please
23 Sep 2021 | 10:29
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 2 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA I watched him walk away smiling. He looked unkept but very handsome. This is the first time I am seeing him around here. Where does he stay? I walked back to where I packed my scooter with my helmet in my hand. I carried the cartons of pizza that are tied at the back of it. I carried them carefully and moved to the hotel. "Hi." I said to the guards at the door. "Hi." One of them replied in a very thick voice. "Pizza delivery." I said raising up the carton. They opened the door for me to walk in. "Thanks." I said as I walked into the main building. I wasn't surprised at the hugeness of it, this isn't the first time of me delivering pizza here. "Hey." A lady called me and I turned to face her. "Here." I said handing the pizza over to her. She wore the motel's polo shirt, so i knew she was a worker. Probably a new one. She collected it from me and smiled. "Thanks." She said walking away. I also walked out of the building heading back to my scooter. I got outside and I saw some guys close to my scooter. They were smocking and drinking. Why must it be close to my scooter? Can't they move into the motel? "Excuse me please." I said trying not to freek out. " Hey pizza girl." One drunk one said asking close to me. "Don't dare." I mumbled. I didn't want to cause any scene here cos it won't be good at all. "You are so pretty." He said tracing his fingers on my face making me boil in anger. The rest stared at us laughing making me very angry. "Move away." I said within gritted teeth. " She wants to beat me." He said to the others and they laughed in mockery. "What will you do honey?" He asked moving his head to mine and in anger I smashed my head on his forehead making his scream. I grabbed the bottle that was with him and began to move to the others. Their eyes widened and they took to their heels. I dropped the bottle and wore my helmet, I ignited the engine and rode off. I was moving on a normal pace when I noticed I was been followed by some people. I needed no one to tell me it was the guy I smached. Maybe he want to look for support and he wants to revenge. I looked back and I saw they were on power bikes moving very close. "Sh*t!" I mumbled increasing the pace on which I rode. I didn't have any strength to fight the guys coming behind me. They were up to seven. I need a place to hide as soon as possible. I gave them a reasonable gap and then I saw a narrow path by my left. It was dark. I rode into it path switching off my scooter. I pushed it down the path putting off the lights. I looked for the darkest place where I could hide my scooter and myself. I went behind a tree and bent down behind it. I saw the power bikes zoom off going straight down. I sighed and sat on the ground panting. That was damn close. I need to wait so I can give them more gap. They passed the same route I was to pass home. And it's sure that if they don't see me they will surely trace me back. I need to sty put. I reached for my phone in my pocket and brought it out. I needed to send a message to mum before she starts getting worried. It's dark already. Mom I will be home late, I am caught in some sh*ts here. I sent the message and I began to here some sounds close to me. I kept mute and hid my phone to avoid drawing attention by the lights. My breathing pace increased and I began to sweat profusely. After some while the sound stopped and I began to hear sounds of nylon opening. "Was I running from a rat or what?" I thought sighing. I switched on my phone Torchlight and pointed it to where the sound was coming from. And to my surprise I saw the boy I splashed water on eating something from the garbage. I was shocked that my phone fell off my hand. He didn't seem to care about me, he looked so hungry and happy at the same time. I stared at him in the dark not knowing what to think. "Hey." I whispered and he looked at me. "Who is that?" He asked without fear. I guess he didn't notice me when I pointed the lights at him. "I am the one." I said putting the lights close to my face and immediately he caught a glimpse of my face his eyes widened and he wanted to run off. "Don't go." I said making him stop. "This place is dangerous, what are you doing here?" He asked avoiding my face. " I got into some big sh*t, and I needed to hide." I said looking at him. " Leave as soon as possible, there are rapist here." He said walking away. " Please wait. Can you please direct me to another path that can lead to the next street? They passed the route I should take home, and passing that place is very risky." I said and he looked at me. " Follow me." He said walking away. I quickly reached for my scooter and began to push it with me as I walked. I trailed behind him staring at him. Why would a very handsome boy eat from the garbage? What of his parents? Why would they abandon him on the streets to suffer? TBC.....[/b]
23 Sep 2021 | 15:34
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 3 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC We got to the next street after approximately seven minutes of us trekking in silence. "We are here. Start walking home and don't look back. It's very dangerous." I said looking at her. " Please can't you just follow me home? I mean, if you aren't busy." She said and I sighed. " Where actually is your house?" I asked and she smiled. " Two streets from here." She replied and I sighed again. " It's quite far." I said and she nodded sadly. " And your scooter?" I asked. "I will push it home. I don't know where those men are presently." She said and we began to walk. " What happened?" I asked. "I went to deliver pizza, remember when I mistakenly splashed mud on you? So sorry about that." She said and I shook my head. " It's nothing." I replied smiling faintly. " I was done delivering and when I came out, I saw some drunk a*sholes by my scooter, drinking and smoking cigar." " I asked them to excuse me, but it seemed one of them wanted more than just sitting on my scooter. In anger, I hit with my head and then drove off." " And when I thought we were done, I saw them after me on power bikes and that's why I ran into the dark woods so as to dodge from them. And that was when you came." She narrated and I sighed. " You need to be really careful with these guys on the streets. They are quite dangerous than you think." I said and she smiled. " But you are different from them." She and I smriked. " You can't be so sure....." I said wanting her to say her name. " Diana." She replied and I nodded. "You can't judge a book by the cover. There are many guys like me out there who mean harm too." I said and she looked at me. " And do you mean harm? To me?...." She said and paused. " Isaac." I replied and she nodded. "Yes Isaac, do you wish to hurt me too?" She asked and I sighed. " I won't gain anything from that. I have been on the streets for more than a decade now. I know how to well mind my business. So harming you won't give me what I have ever wanted to have." I said and she smiled. " You are actually amazing." She said smiling. " Thanks Diana." I replied. "You wish to share your past?" She asked and I shook my head. " Nevermind, Its a very ugly one. You shouldn't get yourself bothered with that. What is important now is to get you home safely." I said and she nodded smiling. " Thank you for not being like the others." She said and I nodded as we moved into the next street. "Where do you stay?" She asked and I sighed. " Nowhere in particular. I am where I am at that very moment." I said and she looked at me. " So I may not see you again?" She asked sadly. " That's very possible Diana. Don't be sad, not everyone met are meant to stay. Some come for a purpose and once fufiled they move on." I said. " So your purposes was to save me right?" She asked. " Who knows?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. " If we meet again, that means this isn't the only purpose of us meeting. But if we don't then,I am done here." I said and she nodded. " My house is over there." She said pointing to.the house that was featured metres away from us. "I guess I can go back now. Take care of yourself." I said and she nodded looking at me. " Try to visit at least once more." She said and I sighed. " I ain't needed by anyone, let's just bade ourselves goodbye here." I said and she sighed. " Bye Isaac. Wish to see you soon." She said and I smiled. " Bye Diana." I said and turned my back as I began to walk back to the woods. My stomach was grumbling badly and I needed to eat. She interrupted my feeding. DIANA I walked into the house and I saw mom pacing in the living room. "Mom." I called and she ran to me hugging me. "Diana, how are you? Are you okay?" She asked in great concern. " I am okay Mom." I replied smiling. "What happened?" She asked pulling me to the couch as we both sat "Some men tried attacking me after I gave one of them what he deserved. I ran into the woods to hide and then I saw a guy who helped me home." I summarize removing my boots. " Wow, I was so scared after reading your message. You need to be very careful Diana, we don't know what these people can do." She said and I nodded. " I greatly understand mom. Thank you." I said smiling. " You must be hungry. Come to the dinning table,made dinner already." She said walking to the dinning table, and my mind flashed back to Isaac that I met eating garbage. If only he waited,he would have eaten good food. "Next time we meet, (if at all we would), I would give him a very nice meal to keep him going. He doesn't deserve a life like that." I thought sitting at the dinning table. TBC....[/b]
24 Sep 2021 | 04:16
24 Sep 2021 | 05:22
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 4 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA .... THE NEXT MORNING.... I woke up as early as 6am, I got off bed and walked to the mirror to look at myself. I stared at my face remembering what happened yesterday with Isaac. "I wish I can see you soon." I mumbled before reaching for my night gown and tossing it off. "Are you up Diana?!" I heard Mom ask from the living room. " I am up." I replied heading to the bathroom. " Am off to the shop, don't stay late before coming." She said and I heard the door open and close. I signed and picked up my sponge and soap. I opened the shower and the water began to flow on my body. I scrubbed my body with my eyes shut. "Why do I feel lonely all of a sudden? I have been single for more than a month now, and I haven't felt this lonely until now." I thought sighing. I dropped the sponge and rinsed my body before grabbing my towel and walking out. I wrapped my body with the towel and then picked up my hair dryer to dry off the water that kept dripping from it. I stood in front of the mirror as I dried my hair, and his words flashed back into my head. That's very possible Diana. Don't be sad, not everyone met are meant to stay. Some come for a purpose and once fufiled they move on. "I should take my mind off him. He just helped me, no big deal. I thanked him already. If we meet we meet." I thought and walked away from the mirror. I picked up my hair bond and parked it in a pony tail. I reached for my pizza shirt and wore it before wearing my Jean Trousers. I wore my stickers and picked up my face cap. I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading out. I picked the key to my scooter on my way out, I locked the door and threw the key in my pocket. I sat on my scooter and kicked it to start with the key. I kept the face cap on the handle and wore the helmet. I zoomed off with great speed. Wasn't in the mood to great anyone so I just kept my face to the road. I moved to the street where isaac took me through last night. I wanted to pass the normal route to the shop but one thing kept telling me I could see him on that route. Though it's not the route to the shop, if I see him I would just face the route back to shop. I sighed and I diverted and moved into the path carefully looking around to see if I would catch any glimpse of him. I moved slowly but the woods was just quite, I didn't see anyone there. I looked at the garbage and I looked at it closely to see if he would be there. But he wasn't anywhere to be found. Sadly, I moved out of the woods and headed back to the shop in full speed. I got to the front of the shop and I parked my scooter under the shed I do keep it. I stopped the running engine and walked into the shop wearing my face cap. I saw mom serving the customers pizza. She looked at me and I waved smiling. "You are late." She said walking to the kitchen. " Sorry about that." I said and she nodded. " There are some pizza's for you to deliver. At a restaurant down town "Down town? That's quite far." I said sighing. " And that's why you have a scooter right?" She asked and I smiled. " Of course. How many cartons?" I asked tracing my hand on the today's to do list that she hung on the wall. "Seven. They paid already." She said and I nodded. " I will load now." I said and she nodded carrying another piece of pizza to a customer. I carried three cartons at the same time and moved to my scooter. I placed on it and used the rope to hold it down. I walked in to carry the rest and when I came out I saw mother's car park in front of the shop. "What is she doing here?" I said looking at my scooter as I kept arranging the cartons well. "Diana." She called and my eyes heated up. " Am busy, what do you want?" I asked in a rude manner looking at her. "Am here to see your Aunt, and I said I should greet you." She said and I sighed. " I don't need it. I am at work. Good luck to your meeting." I said and sat on the scooter. " Diana." She called but I ignited my engine and zoomed off muttering totally nothing. "She just f**king ruined my day." I Mumbled moving on the high speed I can. TBC....[/b]
24 Sep 2021 | 15:58
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 5 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I walked to the outskirts of streets dragging my feet tiredly. I have been working under the scorching sun your many hours now in search of a job. But they keep chasing me away because of the way I look. To be honest, I looked unkept and smelt awful. I need to take my bath. I haven't taken my bath for almost four days now. My hair is getting black already. I need to look for a river around here. I looked around and I ran down to a path. And like I guessed there was a river right there. "Yes!" I said happily running closer to it. I removed my shirt, and then my trouser before jumping into the river. I swam a little before I began to scrub my body with my palm. The dirt that came out of my body was nothing to write home about. I dipped my head into the water and began to scrub my hair with my fingers. I scrubbed it really hard that I began to feel pains on my scalp. I rose up my head smiling. It's been long i felt the coldness of water on my body. I scrubbed the remaining part of my body before coming out of the river. I reached for my trousers and then picked up my second shirt which was at the back pocket of my trousers. I wore the shirt and smiled. It smelt nice, the day I washed it, I saw some left over detergent in the garbage so I used it to wash off the dirts. I looked at my trousers and they were also dirty but I had no alternative, and if I wash it now I won't be able to wear it. I wore it like that, and then picked up the shirt I removed, moved it to the river to wash it. I began to scrub it when I heard a familiar noise approach the river. I looked up and I saw a scooter coming closer. "Diana?" I thought and then she came to view. She had her helmet on. She stopped the engine and got off it removing her helmet. She placed it on the scooter and looked at the river in sadness. I guess she didn't see me. I stood up and then she saw me. She flinched in fear, I know she wasn't expecting to see anyone. "Isaac." She called. "Hi." I said dropping the shirt I washed. " What are you doing here?" She asked approaching me. "I should be the one asking you that. I can be found anywhere. But you? Your house and shop is far from here." I said and she smiled faintly. "Came to deliver pizza at a restaurant close to this place. So I said I should stay here for a while. Now what are you doing here?" She asked. " I came to have my bath and wash my shirt. I was stinking badly." I said and she sighed staring at me. " You don't look happy. Wish to share?" I asked and she sat on the rock close to me. "I don't want to talk about it." She said and I nodded. "I will just stay there and get my shirt washed off. Hope you don't mind?" I asked and she shook her head smiling. "Sure go ahead. I will be here." She said and I smiled. I walked back to the river and took up the shirt. I bent down and kept scrubbing it with the ordinary water. "Will it wash it clean? There is no soap." She said and I smiled. " I don't really have a choice here. I didn't see any soap." I said. " I think I have some." She said running to her scooter. " Why would you have soap in your scooter?" I asked. " Sometimes I do use it to wash my scooter on my way home. I see a wash place and all I need is water and I will do the rest myself." She said and I nodded. "That's thoughtful of you." I said as she came to me with the soap in her hand. "Here. Have some." She said smiling. "Thanks." I said take little and using it on the shirt. She returned to the scooter and put the remaining in an opening there. After few minutes, I was done with washing. I squeezed out the water and spread it on another rock for it to dry. I looked at Diana and I saw her with a carton of pizza. "You forgot to deliver that?" I asked as I walked back to where she sat. "No. I miscounted, and took more than ordered." She said and I smiled. "Thank God you noticed on time." I said and she nodded. "Have some." She said giving me the carton. " What? No no. You should get this back to the shop." I said shaking my head. " There is no big deal okay? My mom owns the shop, and she isn't as wicked as you think. Consuming one of her cartons won't kill. Whereas it's the medium size." She said placing it on my thighs. I looked at it with great hunger in my eyes. I have never eaten one in my life before. "Thank you so much." I said and she smiled nodding. I opened up the carton and picked one to eat. I chewed it and shut my eyes due to the sweetness. "Wow. This is so lovely." I said smiling. " I bet it is." She replied and I nodded taking another bite. TBC.....[/b]
24 Sep 2021 | 16:01
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 6 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress. Ti Fe DIANA I watched him devour the pizza and I was so pushed to ask him somethings. "Can I ask you something?" I asked making him look at me. " Sure. Go ahead." He replied staring at me. " How do you try to survive? I mean it is so hard." I said and he smiled looking over the river. "I have always survived and I will keep surviving till I found a good job and change how my life is." He said facing the pizza again. " While you were very young, who took care of you till you were conscious of what you were doing?" I asked again. " Some children on the streets. After my parents died, I was dumped on the streets by my family. They said I was bad luck. So some children found me and began to take care of me. They were also abandoned children. So they took me as their own." He narrated and I saw his contenance change. "I can stop if you want me to." I said and he sighed shaking his head. "Continue. I have been looking for someone to share my story to for a very long time. Someone who would be really interested and won't look down on me no matter the looks." He said and I nodded. " So how did they feed you?" I asked again staring at him. "Trash, leftovers from the garbage. That's how I survive till date." He replied and tears rolled down my eyes. "I am so sorry." I said and he nodded sadly. " They all died by one thing or the other, some accidents, some malnutrition, some the bad guys, some raped to death." He added. " You had ladies among you?" I asked in shock and he nodded. " Ladies and guys were both raped and this killed some of them. That's the street for you Diana. I may not last till tomorrow. I seeing a new day is one of the greatest gift I have ever received." He said and tears kept dropping none stop. "That wasn't easy at all." I said and he nodded. " I got my clothes from the ones that have been disposed and I washed them making them look presentable." He said and more tears dropped down my eyes. "How do you sleep?" I asked in tears. "I sleep anywhere. Under the trees, at the road side, on benches around the corner, close to garbage. Anywhere the night meets me." He said and I saw tears drop down his eyes. "I am so sorry." I said with constant water dropping. " I tried securing a job. But no one, I mean no one wants a street child in his working place. No one trusts us. And that's why I keep wondering when I would stop eating garbage. Because I have been to several shops, companies,factory to just give me the work of a cleaner. But just my appearance. They chase me off, saying Street children can never be trusted." He narrated and I reached for his face cleaning the tears. "It will be fine." I said and he smiled. " I have that hope. I am Alive, and no one knows tomorrow." He said and I smiled. " How old are you? If you don't mind." I asked. " Will be twenty in few days time." He said and my mouth curved into a *wow*. "That's beautiful. You look 27." I said and he laughed. " People say that. Suffering makes you older than expected." He said and I sighed. " When is your birthday?" I asked nervously. " Thursday." He replied. "Where would you be?" I asked. "At the temple very early in the morning. And after that, i will be back on the streets begging for what for to eat." He said and I sighed. " I am so sorry about all these. I made all the memories fresh." I said and he shook his head. " It's fine. Now can I ask you mine?" He asked and I looked at my wrist watch. "Time is fast spent and I am sure mother has other orders for me to deliver. I am sorry and I promise the next time we see I will answer all your questions." I said standing up. " Sure. Thanks for the pizza and soap. I really appreciate the fact you say with me for more than an hour. No one has ever done that." He said and I smiled looking at him. " It's fun being with you. People just don't know what they are missing if you aren't close to them. You made me forget all my saddening thoughts in less than two minutes." I said and he smiled. " Because of my pathetic story?" He asked. " Of course not. You are the only one I can also talk to. I am the extra troublesome type, so people don't relate to me that much. I gat no friends." I said and he smiled. " I can understand that quite well. You should get going, you can't keep your mom waiting." He said and i nodded putting on my helmet and sitting on the scooter. "I hope to seeing you soon." I said igniting the engine. " Me too." He replied waving at me. I waved back and then hit the road riding back to the shop. TBC....[/b]
25 Sep 2021 | 04:43
Interesting, but life gives us different options
25 Sep 2021 | 05:16
This is a synthetic story biko, what a life ? Diana God bless u for putting a smile ? on that face.
25 Sep 2021 | 08:53
I'm hoping for you guys to see each other
25 Sep 2021 | 12:52
What a life Next
25 Sep 2021 | 17:04
next pls
25 Sep 2021 | 18:49
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 7 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I sat for some minutes with the shirt I washed waiting patiently for it to dry so I could get moving like I have always done. I felt filled after eating the Pizza Diana offered me. Now I know why some families can't do without pizza. I keep seeing the cartons in the bins all around the streets. I took some water from the river and drank it over it. I sat next to the rock where I spread my clothes feeling extra bored. And for the first time I wanted someone around badly. No one has ever talked to me like Diana did so I have never felt lonely not until now. And she looks quite old. I wonder how old she is. I will ask her if at all we meet again. I checked my shirt again and I noticed it was dry. The sun was quite scorching, it was for my own good. I packed the shirt neatly and stucked it into the back pocket of my trousers. I rinsed my legs and the slippers I have always had on. It was almost worn out, so I had to carry my feets gradually to avoid it cutting. I walked away from the river happily. This is the second time in 19 years that I have eaten good food. The first time was when I still had the streets children cater for me. They brought me fresh pasta from only Heaven knows. They never told me where they got it from till we are scattered abroad for one reason or the other. I was so happy and ate with great joy. I will never forget them, not even in the after life. They were my family. It's so painful we had to split up. I was still walking when my leg hit a stone and I fell to the ground. "Argh." I groaned as I felt sore pains at my ankle. I rose up head to look at the stone. How come did I not see that? I stood up dusting my shirt, I then noticed two things were wrong. I couldn't stand on my two legs. My left leg was hurting badly. And two, my slippers got worn out. "Sh*t. What do I do now? I can't walk barefooted." I thought holding the slipper in my hand. I placed my leg on the floor and I felt the heat from the sun burn my feet. "Ah." I gasped raising my leg quickly. The ground was so hot due to the scorching sun. "What do I do." I thought trying to fix the slippers. But unfortunately, it was damaged beyond repairs. "What do you expect Isaac. You have been wearing this for three years." I said to myself in pains. Sometimes I just keep questioning my dead parents why they gave birth to me at the very first place. I looked around for anything that could be of help. Then I sighted a nylon close to me. It looked thick in texture. "This should help till I find a new pair of slippers." I thought reaching for the nylon. I rested my back on the tree and began to wear the nylon on my leg. I tied it at my ankle and then placed it on the ground. "This seems better." I thought smiling. The leg that was hurting was the one without a slipper, so I won't do much touching of the ground since I can't walk well and will have to leap. I began to move with just a slipper until I got to the main road of the street. Some children were passing and when they saw me they bursted into laughter. They looked rich and I knew they can never understand what life is yet. I ignored them and kept moving. I saw a bin at the corner and I smiled. Who knows? I can find a useless slipper in there. That would serve the purpose for now. I rushed to where it was and began to offload the trash, in search for a pair of slippers. I almsot offloaded everything and was at the edge of giving up when my hand hit something. I brought it out and I saw it was a Shoe. A male's pair. "Wow." I said happily examining it. It didn't look torn or anything. It was close to new, maybe a rich person dropped it. I tried it on and I saw it was a little bigger than my leg. But it was still very manageable. "Yes! At least finding a nice shoe few days to your birthday is the best. I haven't see or worn something that has this kind of quality since I have been living. Diana is good luck. I met her today and I find something expensive. I can't wait to tell her if at all we see. I walked away from the bin majestically. I am sure going to surprise Diana the next time i see her. TBC...[/b]
26 Sep 2021 | 01:08
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 8 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA I got to the restaurant and walked in to still meet mother and Aunt chatting. "I am back." I said planning to walk out when Aunt stopped me. "Greet your mother Diana." She said and I sighed. " We saw already." I said and was about walking out when I remembered the extra pizza I gave to Issac. "And mom, I miscounted the pizza this morning, so I had one extra left which I gave to a friend who needed it." I said and she nodded. " It's fine. Since he/she needed it." She replied and I smiled. " He is the correct word. You are the best mom. I need to get to the house now. I will be back in few hours." I said walking out. " Please make it few. We have more orders." She said and I rose up my hands giving her a signal that I heard her. I picked up my helmet and sat on the scooter igniting the engine. I headed home with just one person on my mind. "Isaac. His birthday comes up in two days. I need to surprise him." I thought smiling. I rode the scooter home and parked it in front of the house. I opened the door with the spare key that was with me and rushed inside the house. I headed straight to my room. I sat on my bed and brought out the box that was under it. I opened it and there was my money which I have been saving for some while now. I collected cash severally from Aunt, and many customers so I didn't want to go to the bank to deposit anything. I just kept it in this box. I didn't bother counting the money, I just packed all out of the box and kept it in my pocket. This should be able to get more than enough stuffs for Isaac. I want this his birthday the best of the bests. I walked out of the house again and sat on the scooter heading to the mall. I was on my way riding my scooter when a car passed in high speed and splashed mud water on me making me come to an halt. "What the f**k!!!" I yelled in anger and I saw the car stop. He or she should better Apologize because it won't be funny at all." I thought staring at the car. I kept staring and then I saw a young guy come out of the car, he looked very expensive. No one needed to tell me he is a rich dude, but that's none of my business. He should better Apologize. "You should have just slowed down, you saw the pothole." I said look at him and all he did was smrik. "Bastard." I thought staring at him. "Sorry about that." He said but he didn't look remorseful. "Are you saying that from your heart? Cos it looks like I am forcing you to." I said in anger. " Well I didn't want to say that. But I could see you wanted it badly. So I decided to give it to you." He said and I furrowed my brows folding my hands. "Seriously? You think I need it? Or you are supposed to say it." I said standing up from the scooter. " I ain't supposed to say it. Because this happens every day, and I came down because your beauty attracted me." He said. This is why I hate going around on this scooter without my helmet. "I can see that you are a very arrogant brat." I said walking close to him and he laughed sarcastically. "What do...." He said and before he could complete it, I hit him right on his balls with my legs. "Arrgh." He groaned Loudly. "Next time you don't act stupid." I said walking back to my scooter and climbing it. This time I didn't forget to put on my helmet. "This isn't the end. I will find you." He said in pains. " And will you do again, I hope I don't chop off those balls and place it as part of my pizza." I said before riding off. " Useless. He just wasted my time." I thought checking my wrist watch. I got to the mall after few minutes and I packed my scooter in a designated area. I walked in and headed to the cloth section first. First things first, he needs to change his outfit. "Good day Ma'am. How can I help you?" The attendant asked. " I need clothes. Male clothings." I said and she smiled. "Right here." She said walking off and I followed behind her looking around. "Here are our best wears." She said pointing to the hanger right in front of me. "These are quiet expensive. I have many more things to buy." I said and she smiled. " Behind it are the cheapest ones. You can choose which ever one you want." She said and I smiled. " Thanks." I said moving to the hanger behind. I ran my hands in between the clothes and began to select. I took five tops. They looked dope and by the looks I felt they would suit him well. I wanted to move away when I sighted a leather jacket. "I must have this too. He would wear this on this blue shirt on his birthday." I thought happily. I held them in my hand and then moved from there to where the shoes (footwears) we're displayed. "I looked at the prices and I breathed out sadly. They were damn expensive. I picked up one and I saw written on it $50. Wow, that's much for me. I want more than one. I picked another and I saw $25, on it. "Good." I thought picking another which had the same amount. Now this is preferable. TBC....[/b]
26 Sep 2021 | 01:19
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 9 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I walked down the street, feeling so happy about the new foot wear I just got. It suit well with the trouser I wore. My stomach began to grumble again and I needed to eat. I sighed remembering Diana. If she was here she would have gotten me something to eat. But I need to get used to the fact that we see when we see and nothing more. I saw some couples coming, they had snacks in their hands and my attention was fast drawn to them. If only they could give me part of the snacks, then I will be totally fine. They got close and I approached them trying to catch their attention. "Good afternoon." I said and to my surprise, the wife smiled at me. "Hi son. How are you?" She asked in a caring way. " Fine but hungry." I said and she smiled stretching the snacks To me. "Here have this. Eat and be happy." She said and I smiled. " You act like my friend." I said smiling. " What's his or her name?" She asked while the man just stared at us. "Diana." I said and she furrowed her brows. " Diana?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes. The pizza girl. Do you know her?" I asked and she smiled. "She is my neice. I am the owner of the pizza shop." She said and my eyes widened. " Really? I am seeing you for the very first time. Now I know Diana took after your kindness." I said and she smiled. " I am happy to help." She said. "Thank you. And greet her for me. Tell her Isaac is sending his greetings." I said and she nodded. " I will do just that." She said looking at the man with her who just smiled back. "Bye." They bade walking away. I stood right there and I began to consume the snacks. I was still eating and enjoying myself when I felt a car speed up to where I was. I quickly moved away so i won't be hit. The car came to halt abruptly splashing mud on me. I shut my eyes in anger but right now I can do nothing. I looked down and I saw my shoe was stained with mud already. Now if Diana sees it she won't like it. The door opened and I saw a young guy come out. He looks young, I mean very young. Maybe we are age mates or he should be older with just a year or two. And he owns a car already? Wow that is amazing. "What the hell is a street child doing in front of my gate?" He asked smriking as he looked at me from head to toe. I looked back to confirm what he was saying and then I saw it was true. There was a very huge mansion behind me and I was right in front of it's gates. "Oh am sorry about that." I said and wanted to move away when he stopped me. "You think sorry would solve the problem you just caused?" He asked and I furrowed my eyes in confusion "What problem?" I asked. "You standing with your filthy body in front of my gate is the biggest problem. I hate streets children." He said and I got pissed. " Why not try calming down. You having all these today doesn't mean I won't have. The children on the streets are just like you. You should be thankful your life isn't like one of us. None of us wanted to be this way. Fate did this, so stop blabbing okay?" I barked in anger catching him unaware. "Wow. So you are raising your voice at me?" He asked and I scoffed. " I don't care who the hell you are, or who you think you are. The least you can do is to splash mud water on me which you already did. And the highest you can do is kill me which I am always prepared for every passing day." I said before walking away from his presence. Enough of them looking down on us. We didn't wish for this life, we didn't want to be on the streets. So we should be taken care of and loved. I actually can't blame people, I blame fate for taking us to this cruel part of life. I kept walking with tears rolling down my eyes constantly. I want all this to change. I am tired of been trashed by every one. I got to a part of the street which has a public tap. I took a look at my messed clothes and shoes and signed. I turned the tap and I saw it had water in it. I removed my shoe and then picked up my already stained shirt and poured some water on it so I began to clean the shoe. I also used the shirt to clean off the mud on my trousers. After everything, I picked the shirt I just washed and wore it. Thank God I washed it. I would have been stranded now. The painful part is that I planned to wear that shirt for three days. Now it's ruined because he is an a*shole. TBC....[/b]
26 Sep 2021 | 10:13
[b]New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo[/b]
26 Sep 2021 | 10:20
Don't worry dude, I know things will get better. Next please
26 Sep 2021 | 13:33
It will be well
26 Sep 2021 | 14:01
Oh I really pity Isaac, I pray for divine help for as many that are one Street like Isaac
26 Sep 2021 | 15:52
It is hard to find a good heart who is rich
26 Sep 2021 | 17:26
No one wishes to be poor, but the rich barely appreciate God by helping the needy. @celestine1 thanks for the update, next pls
27 Sep 2021 | 09:40
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 10 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "Mission accomplished." I said to myself happily after packing Isaac's stuffs into a bag. I felt happy more than I ever have. I felt so fufiled. I kept the bag in my closet making sure nothing would go wrong with it before Thursday. I headed out of the house again to the shop. I promised mom to come back as soon as possible. I sat on my scooter and rode off to the shop,having a very wide smile on my face. After approximately 7 minutes, I got to the shop and I packed my scooter where it has always been. I walked inside the shop to find out mother was gone. Now that's preferable. I don't want anyone changing my mood. "Diana." Mom called happily. "Mom. I am so sorry I arrived late." I said and she smiled. " It's very fine. I didn't really stay in shop too." She said and I narrowed my gaze. " Where were you?" I asked and she laughed. " John dropped by." She said blushing slightly. " Omg. I knew you would get along well. I don't mind having him as my father." I said and she scoffed walking back to the kitchen. "Don't be decieved Diana. He is yet to know I an barren, and once he does know, he would leave just like the others." She said in a very sad tone. " No. I feel John is different. And how sure are you that he doesn't know about that." I said and she sighed. "We can't be so sure. And I am not putting my mind on it okay?" She said and I smiled. "I understand you Mom. So how was it? Tell me about it. You look damn happy." I said making her giggle. "Can we talk about that at home? You still have three more places to deliver pizza." She said and I rolled my eyes. "That's true. I almost forgot. Make sure you don't change your mind after we have gotten home okay? I want every detail." I said and she smiled. "Check the list." She said and I walked to the wall to check the today's delivery list. "I am done with the first, now the second, third and fourth." I mumbled and she nodded "Twenty boxes each?" I asked and she nodded. "Right. 20 boxes each." She replied while I checked the address. "Woah. This fourth shop is kinda far, and I can't take sixty at once. And time has gone and...." I said and she cut me off. "Go straight to the point." She said making me smile. "Mom could you help me with the ones close by? Please?" I asked and she laughed. "There is no problem about that okay? I have been doing that before I got you." She said brushing my hair with her hand. "Thanks Mom. I would quickly go the one five streets away. Wow that's very far. But thank God for my scooter. It's really going a long way." I said as I began to pack the pizzas out to arrange them on the scooter. I did all in haste because I knew it was running late and going to a place that far at night, where you know nobody is kinda dangerous. I walked in to carry the last piece when Mom passed a sweater to me. "Here. It's cold." She said and I nodded. "Yes that's true." I thought wearing it before packing the rest to the scooter. I tied it, and when I was satisfied. I hit the road. With full speed I ran past many shops, houses, motel, clubhouses, without even stopping. I passed the first and second streets in great speed. And I was about entering the third when I saw a cat run carelessly across the road, making me move my direction abruptly. I was so caught unaware, that before I could calculate, I met myself on the floor with my scooter on top of me. "Sh*t." I mumbled in pains. I managed to raise it up and then I saw pizzas were very fine. That's relieving. I felt some sore pain on my hand and I saw it peeled already. And it was kinda hurting real bad. I ignored the blood at dropped from it and sat on scooter ready to move again. I didn't even think of slowing down because it was dark already. I just don't want any troubles this night. Luckily, I got to the restaurant without any more accidents. I saw they were already packing off, ready to go home. "By this time?" I thought looking at the wristwatch around my wrist. It's just 8:48. "Ma'am. Pizza delivery." I said and the woman nodded opening up the shop for me. I packed all into the restaurant and brought out a book for her to sign. "Thank you." She said and I smiled. "You are welcome. Enjoy our overwhelming pizzas." I said making her laugh. I sat on my scooter and headed straight home. I got to where the streets lights were brighter and then I saw someone laying on the chair close to the road. I slowed down and looking at the person well to see it was Isaac. He was so shivering as he slept and I could see could in his breathing under the lights. I parked my scooter silently so as not to wake him up. I walked up to him where he sat and squatted before him. He looked damn handsome under the lights. Tears gathered in my eyes as I saw how cold he was. I held his hand and gosh he was damn cold. He opened his eyes and when he saw me he smiled making me smile too. "Diana what are you doing here?" He asked and I sighed. "Came to deliver pizza here." I said and he nodded. "Am sorry you are meeting me this way. I am so tired." He said and I nodded trying not to burst into tears in his presence. "Here, have this." I said removing my jacket and giving it to him. "No I can't take that. You would be cold and the breeze when you are on that scooter would be more than you imagine." He said pushing back to jacket. "Isaac take this from me." I mumbled in tears. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asked raising up my head to meet his. "Let's leave here. Follow me home. I will make hot water." I said holding him by the hand and standing up. TBC....[/b]
27 Sep 2021 | 13:08
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
27 Sep 2021 | 13:08
be posting two episodes nah
27 Sep 2021 | 14:36
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 11 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "Are you sure? Have you told your mom?" I asked and she sighed. "She would be fine with it. Come on. You are freezing." She said standing up and pulling me up with her. She placed the sweater on me and led me to the scooter. She sat on it and then allowed me sit too. "Hold onto me tight. This will be a fast ride." She said and I nodded wrapping my hands around her pretty tight. She ignited the engine and my heart skipped a little. I have never been on this before. "Don't worry. I will be careful." She said and I nodded. She began to move slowly at first and I was enjoying it. But all of a sudden she increased it speed going in a very fast rate. "Woah." I said a little frightened. "You won't fall trust me. Just hold on tight." She said in a loud tone and I nodded tightening my grip on her tummy. After some minutes of the smooth but deadly ride we got to her house and she came to an halt. I got down still shivering. The breeze on the scooter was overwhelming. I needed to warm myself as soon as possible before my blood turns into Ice. "Come on in." She said heading for the door and opening it. She moved aside letting me come in first. "Diana is that you?" I heard probably her aunt ask. "Yeah. I am home, but not alone." She replied holding my hand. "You are not?" She asked before coming into sight. "Wow." She said as soon as she saw me. "Good day Ma'am." I said feeling kinda nervous. "Have you met before?" Diana asked and she nodded. "We met this afternoon. On the streets, when I was with John." She said and I nodded. "How come didn't you tell me mom." She said. "Honey I told you I would be telling you everything when you come back home right? He is one of the things I wanted to talk about." She said and I looked up in fear. "Talk about me?" I asked in fear. "It's okay. It's nothing bad." Her aunt said and she nodded too. "Mom Isaac is freezing. I need to prepare an hot bath for him." Diana said and she nodded. "Sure. I will prepare dinner." She said and I smiled. "Thank you for not chasing me away." I said and she sighed. "You are young enough to be my son. I would equally do this to anyone." She said and I nodded smiling. Diana held me as we walked deep into the house. "You will be using the bathroom in my room, and equally the bed in it." She said and I shook my head. "Not the bed." I said and she looked at me. "Why?" She asked. "I haven't slept on one since I was born." I said trying not to cry. "They don't bite okay? You need to get used to it soon. Because you will be using more of it now." She said and I looked at her. "Go take an hot bath first, then we will talk better. You are still freezing." She said reaching for her sweater and removing it. She held me to the bathroom and opened the door. I opened my mouth in awe seeing how beautiful the bathroom was. She walked to the shower turning the control and she was putting her hand under it as she turned it. "This should be best for your body now." She said holding my hand and putting it under the running water. "Wow it's warm." I said and she nodded. "That's right. And you would be warm in no minute." She said and I nodded as I began to get rid of my clothes. "I would get you some new clothes for tonight." She said and I faced her. "Where would you get that. Don't worry I will be fine." I said and she shook her head. "My Mom's husband left some of his clothings behind before leaving her. Those should do for the night." She said trying not to look at my chest. "Irritating hun?" I asked looking at my very hairy chest and hand. "You would need to shave too. The hair on your head and your chest." She said and I nodded. "Okay. But I don't know how to." I said and she sighed. "I will help you with that." She said and I nodded. "Thanks." I replied and she smiled. "Take your bath. I will be in the room, when you need me, call on me " she said and I nodded. "Okay." I said and she walked out. I got rid of my trousers too and moved under the over comforting water. It was so amazing. I sighted a sponge and soap where I was and I took it. Well I have a little idea about it. I used to bath with it once in my life that time, when I wasn't alone on the streets. I scrubbed my body hard, since it's been long I had a nice bath. After few minutes I was done scrubbing my hair and I walked out of the bathroom to see Diana sitting on the bed. "I am done. I don't know how to stop the water." I said and she looked at me and I saw her mouth drop open. "Isaac why did you come out that way?" She asked looking away. "I am sorry. I didn't want to wear my trousers and I wanted to stop the running water fast so it wouldn't keep wasting." I said and I heard her sigh. "Pick up the towel on thef door and then cover yourself." She said and I reached for it quickly and wrapped it around my body. "Am done." I said and she faced me standing up. This time she wouldn't look into my eyes anymore. "You also need to shave that off. You would learn how to do that. Can't do it for you." She said and i got what she said immediately. "Okay. Thanks." I said as she stopped the running water. TBC....[/b]
28 Sep 2021 | 01:56
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 12 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "Okay so here is the scissors, and then the shaving cream and stick. We will do it in the bathroom." I said and he nodded staring at me. "Come on." I said holding his hand and leading him into the bathroom again. "So where do I stay? Can't stand. Am taller than you are." He said and I nodded. "Yeah right. Come on, I got an idea." I said pulling him out of the bathroom heading to the visitors bathroom. "Here we have a bath tub. That should solve the problem." I said and all he did was nod. I opened the door and walked in to prepare water in the bath tub "Would I sit on that?" He asked looking amazed. "You sit in it, not on it." I corrected and he nodded like he was forced too. "Now I need you to do something for me." I said and he looked at me. "Anything for you Diana." He said and I smiled at his speech. "You are going to get rid of the towel, and then sit in the water. It's ready for you." I said and he looked at me. "Where are you doing?" He asked looking at me. "I will wait outside for you. When you done, you call me." I said and he nodded looking at me. "Thank you." He said and I smiled walking outside the bathroom. I sat in the room waiting for his call smiling widely. The door opened and mom came in. "Diana what are you doing here?" She asked. "Ahh Isaac is in the bathroom." I replied. "I though you were to use your bathroom." She said and I nodded. "Yeah,he already took his bath, but I want to help him with the hairs on his body and his head. He needs a shave, so I could only think of the bath tub." I answered and she nodded. "Ohh okay. But shave...." She said and paused narrowing her gaze. "C'mon mom. I ain't helping him to shave that, he will do that himself." I said giggling. "That's quite reasonable. I will leave you two now." She said and I nodded. "Diana am ready." He said from the bathroom making mom stop. She looked at me and smiled widely. "Go on mom. It's not happening." I said standing up. She left the room and I headed for the bathroom. I got in and I saw he was in the tub, the water covered the necessary and important places. His eyes were shut. I could guess he was enjoying the warmth of the water. "You love it?" I asked walking to him with the shaving equipments. "It's amazing. I love it." He said and I smiled. "I will start with your hair." I said and he nodded. "They are too long right?" I asked and he nodded. "Kinda. You know, I will just take anything you want. You can do it anyway you think it's good." He said and I smiled. "I kinda like that." I replied bending over to reach his hair. "Are you comfortable that way? I mean your hand will hurt." He said and I sighed. "I will just sit here at the edge, you will do me the favor of sitting up." I said and he nodded sitting up. I made your my eyes didn't move from his face downwards, cos I will be forced to look at his, you know. I picked up the soap and poured it on his hair. I dropped the container and began to scrub his hair softly. "When was the last time you washed your hair thoroughly?" I asked and he smiled. "I have never had my hair thoroughly washed." He replied and I sighed. "Sorry about that." I said and he shook his head. "It's the past now. Am happy you are in my future to make this stories history." He said and my bit my lip blushing a little. "Am happy you are here too." I said and he smiled looking at me. "Ouch." He said and then I saw the soap had dropped inside his eyes. "Oh God. Am sorry,I didn't mean to. You distracted me." I said helping him rinse his face off. "Sorry for the distraction. I will stay mute for now." He said and I nodded grinning. I reached for the scissors and took his hair by the tip cutting it off. As I did this he kept staring at me making my cheeks flush. "Why are you starting at me?" I asked smiling as I kept shaving his hair off "You are so beautiful." He said and I looked at him with my mouth slightly open. "You are like the goddess of Love." He added and I laughed. "Now that is exaggeration." I said and he shook his head. "I have been this serious in my entire life. You are beautiful Diana." He said and I smiled. "Thank you. But can you let me concentrate? Can't let this hurt you too." I said waving the scissors at his face. "Okay my lady." He said and I smiled. After some minutes, I was done with his hair, so I moved to his chest. "I will be using the shaving cream and the stick now." I said and he looked a bit scared. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." I said and he nodded. "I trust you." He said as I applied the cream on his chest. I moved the stick to his chest and began to shave his hair off. "Ouch that's tickling." He said and I smiled licking my lips. "Can you stay still? You won't like the cut of this blade on your chest." I said and he nodded trying not to laugh as I kept doing it. TBC...[/b]
28 Sep 2021 | 02:14
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
28 Sep 2021 | 02:16
Kind people
28 Sep 2021 | 05:36
Love that neighbor as you love thy self, this is Diana's version of kindness
28 Sep 2021 | 05:47
28 Sep 2021 | 07:02
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 13 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "Here. You use these the way I used it for your chest on your lower part." She instructed and I nodded in full understanding. "Try not to cut yourself. It's going to be a disaster if you do." She added and I smiled. "I will be extra careful. Thanks Diana." I said and she smiled. "I will leave you now." She said and walked out of the bathroom. I took another look at the stuffs that were in my hand before sitting on the edge of the bath so as to get access to my very hairy pubic region. I looked at it and I nodded. "Truly this needs shaving. It was like a Savana forest." I thought laughing at my own stupidity. I squeezed out some of the shaving cream into my palm from it's container. I applied it on the hairy parts, and it tickled me a little. I grabbed the shaving stick and began to run it on it just like Diana did earlier. I was damn careful so I wouldn't cut myself. Because having a cut on this part of my body is a disaster. A real disaster. I kept doing it and the hairs kept falling off. I had this happiness in me because I was doing what I haven't done in my entire life. And all these miracles were happening all because I met with Diana. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wished I was rich, so I could get her things to show her my appreciation. Not forgetting her mom too. Both of them, are the first person to accommodate me. They rest has always seen me as trash. I took a last look at what I was shaving and I saw all the hair were gone. I did it!! "I am done Diana." I called. "Tie the towel." She said and I nodded. I got out of the tub and reached for the towel tieing it around my waist. "Done." I said and the door opened as she walked in. "Hope you didn't hurt yourself?" She asked and I shook my head. "Not at all. It went smoothly. Should I show you?" I aksed jokingly. "Of course not. Why would you show me." She said heading for the tub. "Because you are the only one that cares and that I can show things to." I replied and she smiled. "You can show me other things apart from that. That's supposed to be private." She said and I nodded. "Noted." I said and she laughed shaking her head. "I will flush this out now." She said and I nodded washing her. She pressed something on the body of the tub and I saw the water move into an hole. "Wow that's cool." I said and she smiled. "Don't say that outside. They will think you are a psychopath." She said and I furrowed my brows. "Psychopath?" I asked in confusion. "Ignore. It's nothing." She said walking out and i followed behind her. "So you can take this room to yourself. The bed is all yours." She said passing me the cloth from her aunt's husband I guess. "Why? Aren't you staying here too? We can go to your room instead." I said and she smiled. "Don't you want to have a bed of your own? At least for tonight?" She asked and I shook my head. "I don't want anything without you in it. It's going to be useless." I said and she smiled. "Come on Isaac. I am just some steps away from here. You can call me if you need anything." She said but I insisted. "Can't you just stay here so I won't need to call at the middle of the night?" I asked. "Middle of the night? You would have been asleep." She said and I shook my head. "I don't think so. Because I haven't slept in a room all by myself before, on a bed, alone. I haven't done that before. I feel I am going to have a creepy night." I said and she sighed. "Fine. I will be here till you fall asleep. Then I can go to bed too." She said and I smiled. "That's fair. Stay right here. I will wear this in the bathroom. Cos I know well that you would leave because I want to wear it." I said and she laughed. "You are getting to know me more." She said admist laughter. "That's more precious to me. Getting to know all about you." I said walking close to her while she just stood still staring at me. Her breathing got intense immediately I got right in front of her. "Wow, you smell great." I said sniffing her hair. "You should wear that now." She said sighing. "I will be right back." I said walking into the bathroom with a grin on my face. I was really enjoying myself. I removed the towel and got myself into the clothes she brought to me. It was bigger but it was perfect for the weather. It made me warm against the freezing weather. I walked out of the bathroom and when she saw me she smiled. "That's kinda big." She said. "Thank you so much. I love it. It's very wonderful." I said feeling so happy. "You love it?" She asked and I nodded. "Of course. It's keeping me warm." I said and she smiled. "Come on. Time for dinner. Mom served it already." She said and I smiled. "Sounds yummy." I said making her laugh. "Of course it's yummy. Mom's meals are always yummy." She said walking out of the room and I followed behind her. We got to the living room and I saw the dinning table was set already. "Wow look at you Isaac. You look so handsome." Her mom said making me laugh. "You think am teasing right? Diana have you showed him the mirror?" She asked. "Oh that's true. It skipped my mind." She said walking away. "Where is she going?" I asked looking at her mom. "To get you a mirror. You will be so shocked. She did a great job styling your hair." She said and I waited eagerly for the mirror. Can't wait to see what they call handsome in a street boy like me. "Here it comes." Diana said before raising up the mirror from behind her back. "OMG" I looked so handsome. My bushy hair was gone, my irritating beards were no where to be found. I looked perfect. "Do you like it?" She asked Looking at me. I guess she is doubting because I was silent for too long. I walked up to her and took the mirror from her dropping it on the chair. "I love it. Thank you Diana." I said pulling her into a hug. It caught her unaware at first but after some seconds she hugged me back. "You are always welcome Isaac." She replied and I smiled keeping my hands tight around her. "Okay, that's enough. The meal is getting cold." Mom said and I disengaged. TBC.....[/b]
28 Sep 2021 | 16:13
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 14 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe "Mom this meal was amazing. Thank you." I said and she smiled. "Pleasure is mine." She replied making me smile. I looked at Isaac and all I saw was happiness on his face. This is the life he should live. The ever happy one. "You guys should go to bed now. Tomorrow is another day." Mom said standing up. "Mom wait. Before you go, Isaac's birthday is on Thursday." I said and her eyes widened. "Thursday? You mean the day after tomorrow?" She asked and I nodded. "Ma'am it's just a normal day. Diana is just making it look special." He said and mom shook her head. "Isaac don't think like that. That is the best day ever for you. You are a blessing, you are yet to discover who you really are. You should never regret your coming to this world." She said and he smiled. "Thank you ma'am." He replied and she nodded. "So...." I said looking at her. "We will talk about that later." She said walking away. I looked at Isaac and he smiled at me. "Come on. Time to sleep." I said standing up and he did the same. We walked back to the visitor's room without saying a word to each other. "I am happy that you are happy." I said as soon as we got to the room. "And I am happy that something about me can make you happy." He replied and I smiled. "Playing with words hun." I said and he Chuckled. "I want to ask you something. Can I?" He asked as we both sat on the bed. "Go ahead, be free." I replied. "How old are you?" He asked and I sighed. "You really want to know?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. "23." I replied and I looked at him to see the shock on his face. "23? You look damn young." He said and I smiled. "If we both walk down the street, they will call you my big brother." I said and he laughed. "Whereas you are three years older than me." He said and I looked at him. "I don't care." I replied and he smiled faintly. "I still have more questions to ask you, if you don't mind." He said and I smiled. "I am ever comfortable with anything you ask." I replied and he nodded. "The other day. The day you came to the river. You were looking very sad and I wanted to ask why but you didn't want to talk About it. Can you tell me about it now?" He asked and I sighed. "So you didn't forget." I said looking at him. "I have never forgotten anything about you." He said and I smiled. "You are really good." I said and he smiled. "Good?" He asked. "You know how to flatter me." I answered and he smiled. "Actually it was my mother. She came visiting. I hate her." I said fondling with my fingers. "You hate your mother? Why?" He asked. "She abandoned me because of any issue that occurred between her husband and her." I said sighing. "Wow am so sorry bout that." He said and I nodded. "You shouldn't be. She should be the one sorry. She dragged me into an issue I knew nothing about. The naive three year old me." I said and I felt tears heat my face. "I am sorry I made you remember. Stop talking about it." He said and I nodded cleaning my tears. "Things happen for a reason. Life with Mom has been so wonderful. I wish she was my mother." I said and he smiled. "I know that feeling. I wasn't actually abandoned, but fate did it's job. They died. You are one lucky girl to see someone that took you in. Not just someone but someone with a golden precious heart." He said and I smiled faintly. "I don't think I can ever forgive them." I said resting my head on his shoulders. "You just have to. If I am in your shoes it won't take me two seconds to forgive then because I have never felt loved by ant parents or family before. You should be grateful you still here from them. Mine are gone, and I can't even hate them." He said and more tears rolled down my eyes. "Am sorry." I said and he smiled placing his head on mine. "Your hair smells really good." He said inhaling the fragrance. "Don't start Isaac." I said laughing. "Am damn serious. Everything about you is so amazing. Caring for a stinking street boy, shaving his hair, giving him a wonderful bed, giving him you dad's clothes and most importantly your time and love. That is the act of an angel Diana." He said raising my head up with his hand. "You will be a good music writer." I said and he laughed. He stared at me in the eye and I did the same too. "I have been wanting to do just one thing, I just don't know how you would feel about it." He said and I kept staring at him. "What?" I asked and he moved his face close to mine slowly. I could hear my heart beat very loud and clear. "I want to kiss you." He whispered against my lips and I felt shivers run down my spine. "Do it." I said and his lips crushed on mine. It didn't take me seconds to open up. It wasn't bad at all. It felt so perfect. All of a sudden he disengaged and looked away. "Isaac what's wrong?" I asked looking at him. "Go." He said and I felt like a spear was thrust inside my heart. "What?" I asked in a shaky voice. "Please go." He said without looking at my face. I stood up feeling hurt and walked out of the room. Why did he act that way? TBC...[/b] Hmmm who can answer that question??? Why did he act that way????
28 Sep 2021 | 16:34
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
28 Sep 2021 | 16:48
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 15 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I signed as soon as she was out of the room. "Isaac you can't lose control with her. She is your helper and you shouldn't do anything stupid okay?" I said to myself sighing heavily. "You know that wasn't necessary." She said walking into the room again with tears in her eyes. "Diana am sorry." I said looking at her. "I was enjoying myself and you just chased me away like that?" She asked staring at me with tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry Diana. Please stop crying it's hurting me." I said walking up to her. "Why did you ask me to leave?" She asked. "I shouldn't have kissed you. I am just a street boy, I have nothing to offer you. I shouldn't try to make this happen because that will be selfish of me." I said and she scoffed folding her hands. "Did I complain Isaac? Right from the beginning did I ever see you as a street boy?" She asked in a shaky voice. "No you didn't. But you deserve someone better." I said and she sighed. "Shut up." She said in anger. "Diana." I called and before I knew it another kiss landed on my lips. This time it was more intense. I opened up and kissed her back holding her by the waist. Our tongue touched making her shiver. She wrapped her hands around my neck and then broke the kiss. "Isaac I love you. It may sound stupid, but I really do. I love you so much and please don't even send me away. Again. It's painful. " She said looking into my eyes. I nodded and she hugged me tightly. "I love you too Diana. And I will try all my best to make you happy." I said and she smiled. "Am staying here tonight." She said and I smiled happily. "Finally. Let's sleep now." I said walking to the bed and pulling her with me. I laid down and she did the same very close to me. She pulled up the cloth to cover the both of us. She moved my right hand to her waist and my left hand under her head. "Diana what if your mom comes in? Won't she be angry seeing you with me like this?" I asked and she sighed looking at me. "You need to start seeing yourself as someone worth being with. And why would she get angry. Have you forgotten I am 23? Am f**king old enough." She said and I smiled. "And I am 20." I replied. "She would never think that until you told her. You look 27." She said and I laughed. "That's suffering for you. Makes you look older than expected." I said and she placed her palm on my cheek. "That's over now Isaac. You will never sleep on the streets again, you will never beg for food again. I promise you." She said and I sighed. "Diana don't promise that. You are still under your mom, and you aren't that bouyant. And as for me, I don't know when I would obtain a job." I said and she placed her finger on my lips. "I will take care of that Isaac. I have made the promise. We will get you a job together and we will be happy together. You will stay here till we get your apartment." She said. "What? That is inconvenienting your mom, and you know that." I said and she smiled. "She isn't complaining. You know what, let's go to bed. Am sleepy, and we are to resume at the shop very early." She said. "We?" I asked. "I talked to Mom. You will start working at the Pizza shop till you get a nice job." She said smiling. "What? Are you serious right now?" I asked in shock. "Oh yes I am." She said and I kissed her on the lips. "Thank you so much Diana." I said happily. "Stop thanking me. The only favor I need from you is for you to stop talking and go to bed." She said and I nodded. "Yes Ma'am." I said holding her very close before shutting my eyes, trying to catch a sleep on this ever comfortable bed. I was at the edge of sleeping when I felt her lips on mine again. I smiled taking her lower lips between my teeth, pulling it carefully and slowly. "Did I interrupt your sleep?" She asked and I smiled nodding. "Sorry about that. You look so handsome when sleeping and I was tempted to kiss you." She said shyly and I smiled. "So what do we do?" I asked. "We should sleep at the same time. So there won't be anyone one watching anyone." She said and I nodded. "Deal." I said making her laugh. "Goodnight Isaac." She said. "Goodnight sweet Diana." I replied and she smiled as she shut her eyes to sleep and I did the same thing. THE NEXT MORNING I felt someone kiss my lips and I opened my eyes to see Diana sitting on me and staring into my face. "Good morning." She said laughing faintly. "Morning." I said making her kiss me again. "Did you sleep well?" She asked. "With you beside me, I slept like I was in heaven." I said making her laugh. "Planning to flatter me today." She replied. "And you? Did you sleep well?" I asked. "I slept like a baby. Your arms around me made me feel safe." She said and I smiled. "I love you." I said and she giggled. "I love you. Now come on, we need to prepare. The shop will be opened soon." She said climbing down from my body and pulling me up. "You use this bathroom and I will use the one in my room." She said and I nodded. "Okay. Let's not rush things." I said and he furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I want us to bath together. But no. You should use the bathroom in your room." I said and she laughed. "Okay. I will be back soon." She said rushing out of the room and I smiled getting rid of the clothes I wore. TBC.....[/b]
29 Sep 2021 | 01:39
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
29 Sep 2021 | 01:51
Make this guy no make the mama ves o
29 Sep 2021 | 04:38
@celestine1 your stories are sure interesting. Ride on bro
29 Sep 2021 | 04:40
This is not a good move by Diana
29 Sep 2021 | 09:55
29 Sep 2021 | 13:22
29 Sep 2021 | 14:09
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 16 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "Diana I am off! And make sure you are at the shop as soon as possible. We have lots of pizza deliver today." Mom said as I ran to her in the living room. "Mom can I take the pizza Shirt? Need to give one to Isaac. Please." I said pouting my mouth. "Fine, take it." She said and I hugged her tightly. "Thanks Mom." I said happily. "You look so happy when you are next to him." She said looking at me. "He is my happiness." I said shyly. "Woah. Am getting jealous. Just know what you are doing okay?" She asked and I nodded. "Thank you Mom." I replied and she nodded, then I saw her contenance change. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked. "Your mother's birthday... Is on Thursday." She said. "She shares the same date with Isaac?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes she does." She replied and I sighed. "Well good luck to her." I said and turned to leave. "She is throwing a party and she wants you to be there." She added and I shook my head. "That won't happen. I ain't going." I said opening the door to see Isaac walking out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around him. "Don't tell you are just done with bathing. Gosh, I am fully prepared already." I said and he smiled. "Don't blame me Diana. The water feels good, warm and accommodating." He said and I smiled. "I understand. Here." I said dropping the shirt on the bed. "The Pizza Shirt for me!" He called happily and I nodded. "You are a bonafide worker now you have this Shirt on you." I said and he hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much Diana. I can't thank you enough." He said and I laughed. "Do you realize your body is wet and my clothes are wet now?" I asked and he quickly moved away. He looked at my shirt and he saw it was slightly by the water on his body. "Sh*t, am so sorry. You can wear mine and I take this." He said but I shook my head negatively. "It's fine." I said smiling. "I am damn serious. I want my scent around me anyways." He said and I sighed. "If that's it then you have it." I said getting rid of the shirt right there and I saw him look back. "Why are you looking back?" I asked dropping my shirt and picking his. "You are changing, that's what gentlemen do." He said making me laugh. "I didn't ask you to be a gentle man with me okay? Look here." I said and he turned slowly before his eyes finally landed on me. He kept his face right on my face making me want to burst into laughter. I know why he is acting weird. I had only my b*a on me. No singlets or inner top. And it's obvious my b**bs are evident. I smiled as I wore his own shirt, it was the same size. It wasn't slimfit so mine would fit him perfectly. Though he has this killer body, but it can't be that bad. "Wear it already." I said then I remembered he doesn't have new trousers apart from the very old ones he wore to the house. "I will be back. Hold on." I said running out of the room and headed to my room. I got to my closet and picked up the bag I kept his birthday present. I picked up one of the trousers I got for him and also a boxer out of the ones I got for him. I picked up one of the two shoes I got for him and ran out of the room again. I shouldn't wait till his birthday before he starts looking nice. A change has come and it starts from now. I got back into the room and he was on the shirt already but had his towel wrapped around his waist. I hide the stuffs behind my back as I approached him. "Diana do you know where the Trousers i wore to the house is?" He asked looking at me. "I got rid of it." I said and his eyes widened. "What? Why? I have no other one." He said in shock. "Not anymore." I said bringing out the wears that was behind me and dropped it on the bed. "You have new wears. Try them on, I hope they are your size." I said and I saw tears heat his eyes. "Diana." He called weakly sitting on the bed. "Isaac what's wrong?" I asked approaching him and hugging him tightly. His head was on my b**bs. "This is too much Diana. I should be the one doing this for you not the other way round." He mumbled in tears. "You would do it for me too okay? It's nothing. So get up and wear them. I am still worried about the Snickers. The day I measured your leg with my eyes, I wasn't sure I guessed right." I said and he smiled. "I should wear the trouser first." He said happily. Though he had a teary face on the outside, inwardly he was the happiest man on Earth. I could feel it. I gave him the boxers before he wore the trousers. "You should wear this before that." I said as he took it from him. "You bought me boxers? Diana you are unbelievable." He said as we both laughed. "I thought it was necessary too." I said and he kissed my forehead. "Thanks." He said and I stood up heading for the door. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Out. So you can change." I replied and he shook his head. "Now you want to leave? You remember what you did when you were changing too. So sit on the bed and I will be done in no time." He said and I laughed. "Seriously?" I asked laughing. "Yes seriously." He said sweeping off my feet and leading me to the bed. He placed me on the bed while I kept laughing. "Stay there." He said as he let the towel fall off. "Ahh." I gasped as I caught a glimpse and I quickly shut my eyes in shock. TBC....[/b]
30 Sep 2021 | 02:14
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 17 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "You can open now. You are acting childish." I said chuckling. "What do you expect. You are f**king huge." She said looking at me. "What do you mean by f**king huge?" I asked and she sighed. "Never mind. You should try the Snickers on. Still very scared it won't size you." She said and I nodded. "If it doesn't I will wear it like that. Nothing you get for me Diana will ever be a waste." I said and she smiled. I took the Snickers. It was white in color. I craved so much for these kind of shoes. I love white Snickers so much. I slid my feet into it and it entered freely. But I couldn't cover up the back of my feet. "It's too small?" She asked and I shook my head. "I don't care. I will wear it." I said forcing all my feet in. My nails were folded in it but I didn't mind. "Isaac your feet will hurt." She said and I sighed. "I know, but it can't just waste right? I will endure it. It's not that bad as it looks." I said putting on the second one. I stood up and stamped my feet on the ground. "Now it feels better." I said grinning. "Isaac are you sure? Tomorrow is your birthday, your feets can't be hurting." She said and I sighed. "My birthdays are nothing to me. It's just like a regular day for me. So stop acting like it's one big day." I said sadly. "Isaac stop talking like this. Tomorrow is a special day for me okay? I am happy you will be with me tomorrow." She said holding my hands and I managed to smile. "Diana I am not worth you." I said and she shook her head. "Shhhhhh." She hissed placing her lips on mine. "You worth each other. We are meant to be together. Like this." She whispered pulling me into an hug. "Okay." I said trying to cheer up. "We need to get to the shop now." She said and I nodded. "How do I look?" I teased. "Amazing. Hot. Charming." She said making me laugh. "Thanks. And your scent right in my nostrils are doing a great job making me damn Happy." I said making her blush. "C'mon." She said holding my hands as we walked out of the room. We headed out of the house and she locked the door with her key. "Are we taking that?" I asked happily pointing to the scooter. "Yes we are. I believe you enjoyed the last ride." She said and I grinned. "I got a chance to hold you tight for the first time, it was amazing." I said and she smiled. She walked up to the scooter and sat on it. She took the helmet and wore it on her head. "Am sorry I have only one helment, and it's meant for the rider." She said as I approached her. "I don't mind." I said sitting at the back. "Your arms around me." She said igniting the engine. "Arms on dock." I said making her laugh. "Enjoy your ride sir." She said as we zoomed off with great speed. "Woah. Wasn't expecting that." I said tighten my grip around her. "Don't worry. You can't fall." She replied loudly. I stared at her from behind and I saw her neck was exposed. "Concentrate." I said to her. "I am concentrating." She replied as I placed my tongue on her neck. "Sh*t Isaac. You are f**king distracting me." She said laughing. "Sorry." I said giving her neck one last kiss before stopping. "Thanks." She replied making me laugh. We got to a turning which led to the pizza shop, when a familiar car rushed out of this turning from nowhere,without any signals. Thank God Daina was very sensitive. She quickly pulled over and we almost fell. "Sh*t!" She yelled removing her helment. "I know him." I said as I recalled the car from the other day. The young guy that was trying to mess up with me. "I know him too. And the last time I didn't get the chance to punch him on the face. This time I will f"*king remove his teeth." She said running to the car which was almost leaving. To my shock and amusement, she hit the window with the helmet in her hand and the glass broke making me gasped. "Diana just stared a war." I thought. She moved back a little and that same arrogant bastard climbed down looking very angry. "How dare you!" He yelled in anger. "Next time you f**king drive safely." She replied in anger too. "Diana, we should get out of here." I said walking to her. "You." He said pointing at me. "Put that useless finger down, and don't you ever think of raising it to his face. Ever again." She said taking his finger and breaking it. "Arrrgh. You are so dead!" He groaned. "Diana." I called in shock. "Let's go Isaac." She said pulling me back to the scooter and we sat on it again. I looked back at the guy and I felt pity for him again. "B_stard." She mumbled as we zoomed off again. "I never knew you were that tough Diana. But that got us into trouble. We are hunted by him already." I said sighing. "Let him bring it on. I ain't scared." She replied and I swallowed hard. My girl is a wrestler. TbC....[/b]
30 Sep 2021 | 02:19
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
30 Sep 2021 | 02:23
Brave girl, I like you u're not a coward
30 Sep 2021 | 05:58
You claim not to be afraid but will go into hiding when the guy comes with trouble knocking at your door
30 Sep 2021 | 08:15
I love this Diana. Next please
30 Sep 2021 | 08:56
30 Sep 2021 | 14:08
30 Sep 2021 | 19:27
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 18 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA We got to the shop and parked the scooter under the shed where I always park it. I walked into the shop holding Isaac's hand in mine. "We are here mom." I said happily. "Awwwn you guys look sweet together." She said and we looked at each other smiling. "Ma'am thank you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it so much. No one has ever done this great thing for me before." Isaac said emotionally and I rubbed his hand smiling. "It's okay Isaac. You deserve the best. I need a boy child too." She said and I laughed. "You are tired of me now?" I asked pouting my mouth. "You know that's not true Diana." She said opening her arms and I ran into it hugging her tightly. "I love you Mom." I said and she brushed down my hair with her hand. "I love you too." She replied and I nodded disengaging. "So where are we going today? We need to coach our new worker how to do these things." I said looking at Isaac who was just looking like a novice. "I really need one." He said and I chuckled. "Okay so this is today's deal. We are delivering to five restaurant. Just got the deals this morning. And I have started making the pizzas." She said and I nodded. "That's great. We will start parking." I said and she nodded. "I want to see you Issac." She said and I narrowed my gaze. I looked at Isaac and I saw fear in his eyes. "It's fine. Nothing much." She said and I nodded looking at him. He breathed out nodding and I excused them. "I am so eager to know what she wants to talk about." ISAAC "Ma'am hope no problems? Am kinda scared." I said nervously. "I want to discuss something with you. And I need you to help me." She said and I nodded anxiously. "Diana's real mom is having her birthday tomorrow and she is throwing a party." She said and I smiled. "That's great news." I said smiling. "Of course it is. She wants Diana present, and Diana doesn't want to go. Can you help me talk to her?" She asked and I looked at her from inside the shop. "I will try. I hope she listens to me." I said and she nodded. "She will. She loves you. And if she wants you there too, you can go with her." She said and I smiled. "I don't think that is a good idea. I have never gone to one before. It's going to be very strange." I said and she shook her head. "You won't feel that way since she will be there. I just need her to see her mother again. She doesn't really like her." She said and I nodded. "I understand you well Ma'am. I will talk to her." I said and she nodded smiling. "Thank you." She replied and I nodded heading for the door. "Diana let's start loading." I said calling her in. "Okay." She said looking at both of us as she came in. We began to pack the cartons to the scooter and tieing it down with a rope to the back. "This can carry just a person." I said after seeing the space the cartons had occupied. "We will manage it. It can still carry two people." She said smiling. "Are you sure? You can deliver this on your own and then I will go with you for the other ones, where we won't to be needing the scooter." I said but she shook her head. "We are going together. Anywhere I go today I want you next to me." She said kissing my cheeks. "If you insist. Then so be it." I said and she nodded smiling. "Sit behind me, be careful not to hit the cartons with your leg." She said and I nodded. As she sat, I sat behind her, holding her very tight as I have always done. She ignited the engine and we began to move, but this time it wasn't a fast pace. "What's wrong? Too much weight?" I asked and she shook her head. "Not that. I want us to talk as we move that's why." She said and I nodded against her shoulder. "What did Mom tell you? Am so eager to hear it. Please tell me." She said and I sighed smiling. "Your mother shares the same day with me. It's very amazing you know." I said and I heard her scoff. "If it's about her, i don't want to talk about it. And if it's about going to the party I ain't agreeing to that." She said and I kissed her neck. "Diana, please change your mind. I really want you there, do that for me. If that's my birthday gift i will be forever grateful. I want you to talk to her." I said. "I don't want to see her." She said sadly. "I will be there too, is that okay? Seeing you both talk is what will make my day tomorrow." I said and she pulled over. "Isaac." She said and I held her tight. "Please Diana. She won't hurt you and she would have her reasons. Take it like it's my birthday party. Please my love." I pleaded kissing her neck. "Fine. I will go with you. And I will talk to only you. Since it's your day, I will do what you want." She said igniting the engine again.~ "Thank you. I love you. Thank you for honoring me." I said and she placed her hand on mine. "I love you too." She replied and I kissed her cheek. TBC....[/b]
1 Oct 2021 | 02:40
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 19 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "Ma'am thank you for contacting us." Isaac said while she smiled. "Thank you. You really know how to treat customers." She commended him and I was so happy. "Thanks for the compliment ma'am. We look forward to seeing more of your orders." He added and she nodded. "Surly. Bye." She said and Isaac walked back to me. "Baby that was amazing." I said happily. "You think so?" He asked looking scared. "Of course. That was your very own first customer and you treated her well." I said and he smiled. "You taught me well boss." He replied sitting on the scooter and holding me. "We are done got today. What should we do before going back to the shop?" I asked igniting the engine. "Let's go swim. I have missed swimming." He said and I smiled. "So be it." I said speeding off on a very fast pace. "I feel so alive Diana." He said smiling against my shoulders. "I feel more alive." I replied smiling. "You are my life Diana. I won't be anywhere without you." He said and I sighed. "Stop saying this lsaac. It's fine okay?" I said and he nodded resting his head on my shoulder again. "I want to sleep." He said and I smiled. "You can't sleep Isaac. We are going to swin remember?" I asked and he nodded. "I do remember but this life is so so lovely. And now I am sleepy." He said and I laughed. "Should I make it uncomfortable for you? So you won't sleep." I said giggling. "What would you do?" He asked. "Hold on very tight." I said and he looked at me through the mirror with his eye widened. "Don't tell me you...." He said but I cut him off by going on my ever highest speed. "I knew it!! I knew you would!!!" He shouted making me laugh. "I love you!" He yelled as we moved in the twinkle of an eye. "I love you more!!" I yelled. "Louder!" He yelled and I laughed. "I love you too!!!!!" I yelled and he laughed hard. I was so happy seeing him that way. I wanted to take all the pains of those twenty years away. Though I know it won't be easy. But I will try all my possible best that he doesn't remember any of those bad years. "We are here." I said stopping the scooter at the side of a river. "Can't wait to jump in." He said jumping off the scooter. He walked closer to the river and began to get rid of his clothes. I stood behind him smiling widely as he did. "Come on Diana." He said calling me happily. I nodded and began to get rid of my clothes. He jumped into the water with just his boxers and he raised his head from the water to look at me. I was now in just my pa**ie and B*a. His mouth dropped open as he stared at me. "Come." He said smiling. I nodded and jumped into the water. I quickly rose up my head so as to catch my first breath. "Woah. It's so cold." I said as I grew Goosebumps all over my body. "Yeah. Really cold." He replied and I smiled. "Let's do some competition. The first person to get to that rock." I said and he laughed. "I will surely win. I have been swimming since I was a little boy." He said and I laughed. "Don't be do sure Mr." I said and he nodded. "My price?" He asked. "A kiss. If you get there before me, I will give you a kiss. And if I get there before you, what will you give me?" I asked looking at him. "A kiss too. Let's be even." He said and I laughed. "Okay. I will count." I said and he nodded. "One! Two! Three! Go!." I called and we began to swim to the rock. To be honest, Isaac was leading me so so bad. I knew I couldn't win against him. I just wanted our stay here to be fun. "I did it!" He yelled raising up his head at the rock side. I got to him after few seconds smiling widely. "Weldone." I said making him laugh. "My kiss." He said and I stretched out my hand to him. He took it and I pulled him into the water again. I moved closer to him and made him wrap his hands around my waist. We stared at each other and it became more intense than I thought. He grabbed me closer, and stared at my lips with his lips parting a little. "You are beautiful Diana." He whispered and I moved my hand to his neck to kiss him. Our lips touched, and we opened up immediately. I took his tongue in between my teeth carefully. He took my lips in between his own and pulled it carefully too making me moan. I was beginning to want him badly. I disengaged breathing very hard. Our heads against each other. "One more competition." I said smiling. "You still want to lose to me?" He said boastfully and I chuckled. "Am having fun." I said moving back to the starting point. "Okay. You count again." He said and I nodded. "One! Two! Three!" I called and we began to swim. This time I swam faster and we got to the rock the same time. "Yipi! We got here the same time. " I said happily. "I slowed down for you " he said. "No you didn't. I increased my pace." I said and he sighed. "If you say so. So we are giving ourselves prices now right?" He asked and I nodded. I moved out of the water and laid on the sand. He also moved out and then he moved ontop of me staring at my lips again. TBC...[/b]
1 Oct 2021 | 02:48
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
1 Oct 2021 | 02:49
This your love no go die o
1 Oct 2021 | 06:38
1 Oct 2021 | 14:58
no come get pregnant with kiss ooo
1 Oct 2021 | 15:30
Too much for mere play Diana
1 Oct 2021 | 17:47
Love is sweet most especially with the right partner.
1 Oct 2021 | 23:00
Enjoyment people
2 Oct 2021 | 02:31
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 20 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I placed my lips on her slowly kissing her with so much love and passion. She reciprocated kissing me back. She moved her hands to my head fondling with my hair as we kissed. My hands remained on the ground so as to prevent my weight on her. I stopped kissing her lips and moved down to her neck and she allowed a light moan escape from her mouth. I kissed her on her neck leaving Hickeys on it. "Hey." We heard someone say stopping us. We looked at the direction of the voice and we saw some children staring at us. They looked unkept and I guess they are street children. "Hey." Diana replied smiling widely. I guess she really have interest in street children. The less privileges to be precise. "What are you doing?" One of the three children said. She was a girl. "Nothing children should know." Diana replied reaching for her clothes and putting them on. I also reached for mine and began to put them on. "We are hungry." The girl said and I looked at the remaining boys that were with her. Diana knelt in front of the lady holding her hand I saw tears in her eyes. "What's your name?" She asked in a teary voice. "Beauty." She replied and Diana bursted into tears. "You are truly beautiful." She said hugging her and I felt tears heat up my eyes. I was in their shoes some years ago. "How old are you Beauty?" She asked. "I am seven." She replied and Diana held her face in hers. "Where do you stay?" She asked and she pointed to an already abandoned car. "There." She said and tears dropped from my eyes. I could imagine the pain the little girl was passing through. "Come." Diana said walking to her scooter. The three children followed and I also did. "Here. Have this." She said giving the children pizza. The pizza must be the one she kept for us when we were packing the cartons. "Thank you Sis. I love you." The girl said kissing Diana's cheeks, and the boys did the same. "I love you too." She said and the children ran away. She stood up weakly and I hugged her tightly as she wept on me. "These is too much. The Government needs to do something." She said and I nodded. "No one has the guts to stand up amongst us Diana. We are too helpless." I said and she shook her head. "This isn't right. Something must be done." She said and I nodded. "Let's head back to the shop. It's possible there are new orders." I said and she nodded. I raised her head back cleaned her tears with my hand. She sat on the scooter and I also did too. I held her tight and she ignited the engine. She began to ride but this time it wasn't fast. I guess those children she saw changed her mood. "It will be fine Diana. We will do something to create awareness to the government." I said and she nodded. "We need to. Enough of these children on the streets." She said and I nodded against her shoulders. "I am lucky to have you." I said kissing her head from behind and I saw her smile at me from the side mirrors. "It's high time you learnt how to ride the scooter." She said and I laughed. "Me? I don't think so. Am too scared to handle it." I said and she smiled. "I was at first. But after few trainings, I got addicted to it. You would do just great, I will teach you well." She said and I laughed. "Is there really a need for that? I mean it's not like I have my own scooter, and you will always be with me when we are delivering." I said and she shook her head. "You can't be so sure about not having one later. And about the delivery, you will still be sent to deliver alone with the scooter. Maybe when I am busy or sick." She said and I sighed. "You won't fall sick okay? But I will learn it." I said and she smiled. "That's what I want." She said and I nodded rasing my head to look around. I saw a car coming opposite us. It wasn't rushing so I knew it wasn't the arrogant brat. It got closer and the window opened to show a woman. It seemed like she was staring at me. As I stared into her eyes I shivered as Goosebumps filled my body, and I guess Diana noticed it. "Isaac are you okay?" She asked and I nodded still staring at the woman as she left sight. "I am okay." I replied. "Do you know her?" She asked and I shook my head. "I don't, but I feel we have a connection. She stared at me for so long. Maybe she knows me from the streets." I said and she nodded. "Probably." She replied as we got to the shop. We got off the scooter and packed it. We walked into the shop and I saw the man I saw with Diana's mom the first day we met. "John." Diana called happily running to him. "Diana." He called hugging her and smiling widely. "Meet Isaac John." She said happily pulling me to meet him. "Hi Isaac. I have heard many good things about you." He said and I smiled. "Am happy to know that." I replied smiling. "Diana thank heavens you are here now. I want to take your Aunt out but she said she is busy around her. Can you help me?" He whispered to Diana and she smiled. "Mom you aren't busy anymore. Isaac and I will take perfect care of the shop. Go on with John." She said and her mom sighed. "Diana." She called and she laughed. "Trust me Mom. I cross my heart, we will do just fine. Take a break, you are still very young and sexy." She said and we all bursted into laughter. "Fine. I will just round off." She said and John smiled. "Yes!" He whispered and I knew he really liked her by the way he acted. And of course Diana liked him too and that's why she is happy to have them together. TBC....[/b]
2 Oct 2021 | 02:57
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 21 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA I began to teach Isaac how to make Pizza in the absence of mom in the shop. He looked very happy as he kept enjoying it. "I so love the preparation." He said and I laughed. "I bet you do. You look like you just won a lottery." I said and he laughed. "You are behind my Happiness." He said and the door of the shop opened. We both looked up and then we saw my Mother walk in. She was holding a bag in her hand. Immediately I saw her I grew so angry and I knew Isaac noticed it, because he held my have rubbing it slowly. "Mom isn't here. You should go." I said looking away. "I am not here to see her Diana. I am here to see you." She said and I scoffed. "Well I don't want to see you." I replied and Isaac looked at me. "Diana." Isaac called. "I should excuse you." He added but I stopped him. "Don't go anywhere she is leaving." I said and he sighed. "Are you not the street boy?" Mother asked and I became so so angry. "Don't you dare call him that. Because if Mom didn't safe me from your cruelty I would be in the same shoes he was now." I said in anger. "Diana please. She is still your mother." Isaac said and I breathed out trying to calm down. "Diana I am sorry." She said and I sighed as tears filled my eyes. "Diana." Isaac called. "Isaac please don't try to persuade me." I said and he nodded holding my hand. "Isaac please talk to her. I can see she really loves you just like my sister said. Please, I want her at my party tomorrow." She said and he nodded. "She will come Ma'am." He replied and I looked at him. I was so pained that I already promised him to go If not I wouldn't. "I got you an outfit." She said dropping the bag on the table. "I don't need it. I will wear what mom got me. Or are you scared I will disgrace you in your fancy party with your new children?" I asked within gritted teeth. "Diana please. Don't make this hard for me. I love you, just like them." She said and I scoffed. "And that's why you abandoned me to be with them. I never prayed for that Kind of love. Just leave." I said as tears rolled down my eyes. "Isaac please let her wear this." She mumbled in tears and he nodded sadly. "I will Ma'am. I think you should leave now. We will be at the party." He said and I nodded walking away. "Thank You Isaac." She said walking out of the shop. "Diana." He called and I bursted into more tears. "Isaac." I called hugging him. "I am so sorry My Love." He said kissing my hair and I nodded. "It's so painful. I feel rejected." I said and he nodded. "I understand you Diana." He said rubbing my back as I kept weeping silently. "You should wear this. You will be so beautiful in it." He said and I looked at the bag she left. "I don't want to." I replied looking away. "Please Diana. For me." He said and I got vexed. "Isaac stop it. Stop acting like you can ask me to do anything! Stop forcing me to do things because I love you. Stop!" I yelled and he moved back in shock. "Diana." He called in a whisper as tears rolled down his eyes. "Go away." I said in tears. I didn't understand how I was feeling anymore. He nodded looking so hurt and he walked out of the shop. I fell to the ground as I wept greatly. "Isaac am sorry." I mumbled in tears. TBC...[/b]
2 Oct 2021 | 03:04
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
2 Oct 2021 | 03:11
Patience is a virtue, Diana try understanding your mom
2 Oct 2021 | 16:03
This your love must not die o
2 Oct 2021 | 22:13
Guys no episode is morning maybe later in the day
3 Oct 2021 | 01:27
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 22 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I walked out of the shop feeling so so hurt. I didn't mean to get her angry. I just didn't want her to keep pushing her mother away. She should try forgiving her. She is lucky she has a mother coming to ask for forgiveness. My mother died, I don't even have anyone to call a guardian. Its painful seeing them like that. She is still her mother, no matter what happened. I kept walking down the street. She didn't really understand what I was trying to do, I was trying to bring the love of a mother and child together since I never felt that. She shouldn't miss that too since she has a choice. I don't have a choice cos I don't have my mother in the land of the living. It's so painful. I think I should just stay far from her for now. She isn't In a really good state and I understand that. I will be here whenever she is ready to talk to me. I will keep loving her no matter what happens. I kept thinking and thinking as I walked until I heard a familiar sound behind me. I looked back and I saw the scooter coming behind me. "Diana." I called as she stopped the scooter and removed her helmet running to me. The scooter fell to the ground as she didn't let it rest on the ground well. "Isaac." She called running to me. She ran into my eyes hugging me tight. "I am sorry baby." She said in tears. I hugged her back placing my hand on her head. "I understand you well Diana. But please don't think I'm forcing you to do things." I said as her tears wet my clothes. "I misunderstood you. Am sorry my love." She said looking into my eyes. "I am not angry with you Diana. Believe me I am not." I said kissing her forehead. She nodded and I raised my head to look at the scooter that was on the ground. "You didn't park it well. It's laying on the ground." I said and she looked at it. "I don't care. I was so sad and I was so happy to catch up with you." She said and I smiled cleaning her face with my thumb. "It's fine okay? Should we head back to the shop?" I asked and she nodded. We walked to the scooter and I raised it up. She wore the helmet and sat on it. I sat behind her holding her. "You look hot using this helmet." I said and she Chuckled. "I am burning for you." She said and I laughed. "I missed you." I said kissing her back. "I missed you too. We are addicted to each other. So please don't leave again. No matter how I force you to. Always hold me tight in your hand and kiss me. I can be stupid sometimes." She said and I sighed. "You aren't stupid Diana. I understood you very well. But I left because it seemed you needed to be alone, so as to rethink things." I said and she nodded. She ignited the engine and we began to move in the pace she loved best. The fast pace. We got to the shop in no time. I didn't walk for so long before she caught up with me. We walked in and smiled at each other. After few seconds of settling. Her mom came in with Mr John. " You are back." Diana said happily running to them. "Yes we are." They replied looking at each other. "Welcome Ma'am and Sir." I said and they smiled at me. "It looks like you enjoyed your stay together at the shop." Mr John said and Diana and I looked at each other breathing out. "Mother dropped by." She said and her mom rushed to her. "Are you okay?" She asked and Diana nodded. "Thanks to Isaac. She wanted to invite me to her birthday party, and she brought me a dress." She said. "I think I should take my leave now. See you tomorrow." Mr John said and her Mom nodded. "Good night John." She said. "Mom won't you kiss him?" Diana asked grinning while I nodded in agreement. "Diana." She called and I looked at Mr John. He really wanted to have that kiss. "It doesn't hurt ma'am." I said holding Diana by the hand. "We will excuse you. Take your time." Diana said and we left where they were laughing. "I have somewhere we can peep on them. Mom can be really unromantic sometimes." She said pulling me while I followed happily. We got to a window and we looked in to meet them kissing. "I love the sight." Diana said happily. I moved my gaze from the couples to Diana and I guessed she noticed. She looked at me and I stared at her lips which parted as she stared at mine. I reached for her neck and planted a kiss on her lips. She reciprocated holding my hand. "Good night." We heard them say to each other and we broke the kiss smiling at each other. "Let's go back. They are done." She said and I nodded. We moved into the shop again and I saw her mom grinning. Immediately she saw us, she changed her face to a normal one making us laugh. "Mom don't decieve us. We saw how happy you were." Diana said and she laughed. "What will I do without you two." She said walking to us and scattering our hair while I chuckled. "Let's head home now. No shop tomorrow. We are going out." She said and we nodded as we began to pack our stuffs. We were done and I saw Diana staring at the bag her mother brought. And to my surprise she picked it up and walked to me holding my hand. "You are wearing it?" I asked looking at her. "Can't lose you to the pretty ladies we will be meeting there. Need to look hot too." She said and I laughed. "Have you forgotten I have nothing to wear. They will never look at me." I said and I laughed. "Don't worry my love. You will be looking so hot tomorrow." She said and I nodded. "If you say so." I replied giggling. TBC...[/b]
4 Oct 2021 | 02:46
Wow. Lovebirds!
4 Oct 2021 | 03:58
Two love birds
4 Oct 2021 | 05:10
that girl is john cenner!
4 Oct 2021 | 06:27
4 Oct 2021 | 06:41
Love is sweet. Next please
4 Oct 2021 | 08:22
4 Oct 2021 | 10:07
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 22 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I walked out of the shop feeling so so hurt. I didn't mean to get her angry. I just didn't want her to keep pushing her mother away. She should try forgiving her. She is lucky she has a mother coming to ask for forgiveness. My mother died, I don't even have anyone to call a guardian. Its painful seeing them like that. She is still her mother, no matter what happened. I kept walking down the street. She didn't really understand what I was trying to do, I was trying to bring the love of a mother and child together since I never felt that. She shouldn't miss that too since she has a choice. I don't have a choice cos I don't have my mother in the land of the living. It's so painful. I think I should just stay far from her for now. She isn't In a really good state and I understand that. I will be here whenever she is ready to talk to me. I will keep loving her no matter what happens. I kept thinking and thinking as I walked until I heard a familiar sound behind me. I looked back and I saw the scooter coming behind me. "Diana." I called as she stopped the scooter and removed her helmet running to me. The scooter fell to the ground as she didn't let it rest on the ground well. "Isaac." She called running to me. She ran into my eyes hugging me tight. "I am sorry baby." She said in tears. I hugged her back placing my hand on her head. "I understand you well Diana. But please don't think I'm forcing you to do things." I said as her tears wet my clothes. "I misunderstood you. Am sorry my love." She said looking into my eyes. "I am not angry with you Diana. Believe me I am not." I said kissing her forehead. She nodded and I raised my head to look at the scooter that was on the ground. "You didn't park it well. It's laying on the ground." I said and she looked at it. "I don't care. I was so sad and I was so happy to catch up with you." She said and I smiled cleaning her face with my thumb. "It's fine okay? Should we head back to the shop?" I asked and she nodded. We walked to the scooter and I raised it up. She wore the helmet and sat on it. I sat behind her holding her. "You look hot using this helmet." I said and she Chuckled. "I am burning for you." She said and I laughed. "I missed you." I said kissing her back. "I missed you too. We are addicted to each other. So please don't leave again. No matter how I force you to. Always hold me tight in your hand and kiss me. I can be stupid sometimes." She said and I sighed. "You aren't stupid Diana. I understood you very well. But I left because it seemed you needed to be alone, so as to rethink things." I said and she nodded. She ignited the engine and we began to move in the pace she loved best. The fast pace. We got to the shop in no time. I didn't walk for so long before she caught up with me. We walked in and smiled at each other. After few seconds of settling. Her mom came in with Mr John. " You are back." Diana said happily running to them. "Yes we are." They replied looking at each other. "Welcome Ma'am and Sir." I said and they smiled at me. "It looks like you enjoyed your stay together at the shop." Mr John said and Diana and I looked at each other breathing out. "Mother dropped by." She said and her mom rushed to her. "Are you okay?" She asked and Diana nodded. "Thanks to Isaac. She wanted to invite me to her birthday party, and she brought me a dress." She said. "I think I should take my leave now. See you tomorrow." Mr John said and her Mom nodded. "Good night John." She said. "Mom won't you kiss him?" Diana asked grinning while I nodded in agreement. "Diana." She called and I looked at Mr John. He really wanted to have that kiss. "It doesn't hurt ma'am." I said holding Diana by the hand. "We will excuse you. Take your time." Diana said and we left where they were laughing. "I have somewhere we can peep on them. Mom can be really unromantic sometimes." She said pulling me while I followed happily. We got to a window and we looked in to meet them kissing. "I love the sight." Diana said happily. I moved my gaze from the couples to Diana and I guessed she noticed. She looked at me and I stared at her lips which parted as she stared at mine. I reached for her neck and planted a kiss on her lips. She reciprocated holding my hand. "Good night." We heard them say to each other and we broke the kiss smiling at each other. "Let's go back. They are done." She said and I nodded. We moved into the shop again and I saw her mom grinning. Immediately she saw us, she changed her face to a normal one making us laugh. "Mom don't decieve us. We saw how happy you were." Diana said and she laughed. "What will I do without you two." She said walking to us and scattering our hair while I chuckled. "Let's head home now. No shop tomorrow. We are going out." She said and we nodded as we began to pack our stuffs. We were done and I saw Diana staring at the bag her mother brought. And to my surprise she picked it up and walked to me holding my hand. "You are wearing it?" I asked looking at her. "Can't lose you to the pretty ladies we will be meeting there. Need to look hot too." She said and I laughed. "Have you forgotten I have nothing to wear. They will never look at me." I said and I laughed. "Don't worry my love. You will be looking so hot tomorrow." She said and I nodded. "If you say so." I replied giggling. TBC...[/b]
4 Oct 2021 | 16:57
[b]ANNOUNCEMENT ! !! !!! !!!! Please you guys should RATE the story from 1 to 10 And i want to say a very big thank you to the people that have be commenting so far and the ghosts readers too a very big thank you and i love you all[/b] New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo [b]ANNOUNCEMENT ! !! !!! !!!! Please you guys should RATE the story from 1 to 10 And i want to say a very big thank you to the people that have be commenting so far and the ghosts readers too a very big thank you and i love you all[/b]
4 Oct 2021 | 17:00
So pathetic............
4 Oct 2021 | 19:54
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 23 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA THURSDAY I sat on Isaac's abs bending my head to kiss his lips as he woke up from sleep due to my actions. "Happy Birthday Love." I said letting our tongues touch. "Good morning." He said smiling widely. "You look so happy,I expect you to be. It's your day." I said and he shook his head. "Not because it's my birthday, but because you are here with me today and you woke me go with a kiss, and you are the first person to wish me, and..." He said and I kissed him again. "No long talks okay? Today is an happy day." I said and he smiled. "I need to get to the temple first." He said and I nodded. "I know. You told me before time. So get up and start preparing. We have a long day today." I said happily. "A long day? We are going to your mother's party." He said and I nodded. "The party is starting 7pm, we need to celebrate your day before we move down to mother's." I said and he giggled. "I have nothing to celebrate with." He said and I sighed standing up from his body. "Stop drawing us back okay? Get dressed." I said pulling him up and he stood up smiling. "I feel too weak to bath." He said and I laughed. "What are you trying to say? That I bath for you?" I asked and he laughed. "Can't you?" He asked and I laughed. "I don't know." I replied shyly. "Don't you think you should give me a new haircut for my birthday?" He asked and the idea seemed great to me. "That will be superb. I will give you a her haircut." I said and he smiled. "That's it. You will have to follow me into that bathroom." He said reaching for his trousers and pulling it down. I quickly turned my back against him shutting my eyes tight. "Diana you should get used to this you know. It's yours, you shouldn't be scared of it." He said and I nodded. "I ain't scared." I said proudly. "Then look at me." He said and I sighed thinking about it before looking back. My eyes were fixed to his and he laughed. "Come give me a bath." He said holding my hand as we walked into the bathroom. "You will have to use the bath tub, because of your hair." I said and her nodded. "You are coming in with me." He said facing me as he reached for my night gown from the strap and pulled it down my hand. He moved the fabric down slowly staring at my b**bs as it became visible to him. He left the gown and it slid to the ground itself. And there I was naked in front of him. He moved his hand to my hair moving it to the back of my ear sticking it there. "You look so beautiful." He said tracing his finger on my face down to my neck, and then down to my b**bs. I gasped as his hand made in contact with my ni**Les. "Am sorry." He said moving his hand away. "Why did you stop?" I asked looking at him. "I just clocked twenty. I shouldn't be a bad boy yet. Maybe tomorrow or this night, i can be a bad boy fully." He said and I bursted into laughter. "Seriously?" I asked and he nodded sitting in the bath tub. "I should act cool this morning. We are going to the temple remember?" He asked and I nodded stretching my hand to him. He took it and then made me enter the tub carefully. I sat opposite him staring into his face. "The scissors." I said pointing to the one that hung on the wall above his head. He reached for it and passed it to me. "Thanks." I replied sitting up so as to reach his hair. "You would wash it first right?" He asked and I nodded. "Of course I would." I said reaching for the soap. "Sit on my legs. To make it easier." He said and I smiled. I nodded and sat on his thighs as I felt his d**k touch me making my eyes widen. "Pardon it." He said and I laughed. "Stop being a joker." I said reaching for the shop that was behind his head. I picked it and I saw his head was right in front of my b**bs. "Don't be a bad boy Isaac." He said shutting his eyes. I laughed and remained in that posture bending his head slightly. "Shut you eyes. This shouldn't enter your eyes." I said and he nodded tightening his shut eyes. I poured the soup on his head and began to wash his hair. After some minutes, I was done with washing it and I grabbed the scissors and began to trim his hair. "Am done." I said after feeling satisfied with the hair cut. "Time to bath." He said and I began to scrub his body and he also did the same to me. We were done bathing and we walked out of the tub. I then summoned courage to look at his d**k and I saw it was erect and big. I looked at his face with a large grin on my face. "Don't look at me like that. If wasn't easy having you sit on me naked." He said and I shook my head smiling. We took the two towels and wrapped it around our body before walking out of the bathroom. "You should dress up now. My clothes are in my room." I said pointing to the cloth I bought for him on the couch. "Wait. How did that get there?" He asked in shock. "Your birthday present. A token from me." I said and his mouth dropped open. "Diana." He called in a shaky voice. "Don't even think of crying cos you are going to get me real pissed." I said and he hugged me tightly. "Thank you Diana. I love you." He said as tears eventually touched my shoulders. TBc...[/b]
5 Oct 2021 | 01:37
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
5 Oct 2021 | 01:38
5 Oct 2021 | 04:21
5 Oct 2021 | 05:09
5 Oct 2021 | 05:54
hmmmm so lovely
5 Oct 2021 | 06:11
This is the type of gf I want, cos this girl is sure kind and caring
5 Oct 2021 | 08:24
Bad boy and girl, soon you guys will start chopping big people thing. This one that your body is standing attention, no injure person daughter. Next please
5 Oct 2021 | 08:41
Lovely and interesting. Love in Tokyo!
5 Oct 2021 | 23:50
Lovemaking process is updating...
5 Oct 2021 | 23:52
PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 24 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "Let me go and get dressed. Stop crying." She said in a shaky voice and I nodded. "I will wear my present too." I said smiling and she laughed walking out of the room. I grabbed my new clothes and began to put them on. The shirt looked so beautiful and fitted on me. The trousers had this shinning black leather. "Wow." I said putting it on. It wasn't too big, not too small. It was perfect. I then reached for the shoes and put it on. It fits in too well very, it wasn't like the other one which was a little tight. I walked out of the room and headed to the living room to see a big cake on the dinning table. Happy Birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Diana and her mom sang for me and tears of joy filled my eyes. "Thank you so much. I wasn't expecting this." I said trying to push in the tears. "You deserve more Isaac. You are like a son to me, and I will do exactly the same for my son too." She said and I nodded walking close to her. I hugged her and she hugged me back patting my back. "Thank you Mom." I said in tears. For the very first time in twenty years of my existence, I felt the love of a mother. "The temple should be open by now. we need to move." Diana said and we disengaged smiling. "Go to God in prayers." Mom said kissing my forehead and I nodded. Diana and I headed out of the house, she wore a blue beautiful gown and black shoes. "You look so beautiful." I said and she smiled. "It's my partner's day. I should look beautiful as my boyfriend looks handsome." She said and I laughed. "Of course you should." I said and then I remembered I am yet to tell Mom my age. She will be so disappointed to hear it. "What's wrong?" She asked as she saw my contenance change. "Have you told Mom my age?" I asked looking worried and she smiled. "She knows already. It's written on the cake." She said and my eyes widened. "And she didn't say anything about us?" I asked and she shook her head. "She said the most important thing is to love each other and have understanding." She said and I sighed in relieve. "That was very reliving. I thought she won't agree to her younger child getting married to her elder child." I said and she shook her head. "Mom is very understanding, and sometimes I really wish she was the one that gave birth to me. It would have been perfect." She said sadly. "It's well. Things happen for a reason." I said as we walked into the temple. "We are the only ones here." Diana said looking around. "Yes. It's empty and I love it that way." I said walking to the alter. I knelt behind in front of the alter putting my hands together and shutting my eyes. And I felt Diana do the same beside me. I opened my eyes and began to pray. "Dear God, I thank you for making me see another year in peace. For not letting the streets see my end. For making Diana have a soft heart for me. For making her mom love me and turn me to her child. For always keeping your faithfulness over my life. Lord I pray that we will never know sadness again. Diana would never leave me because if she does I don't think I can survive it. Make our family happy forever, bless our Union. Amen"? I prayed and opened my eyes to see Diana looking at me and smiling. "I love your faith." She said and we stood up. "I prayed at this same spot last year on my birthday, that my 20th birthday should be different from the rest. Full of happiness. And God did it, that's why i didn't want to miss this temple so I could give thanks to God. And then ask from him my heart desires." I said and she smiled. "Thats very amazing. Now it's time to make a wish." She said and I smiled. "Here? In the temple?" I asked and she nodded. "Three wishes." She said and I looked up thinking of what I really want. "Okay. One, I want you and your parents back in love." I said looking at her and her eyes were filled with tears. "Go on." She said and I nodded. "Two, I want us to be together forever." I said and she smiled. "And the third. I want to be able to take care of You and mom." I said and she smiled. "So shall it be. God has heard your request." She said and I nodded. "Let's go home. Your cake is waiting for you." She said and I held her hand as we walked out of the temple. TBC...... Isaac isn't selfish due to his requests He is the perfect one for Diana
6 Oct 2021 | 12:11
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
6 Oct 2021 | 12:18
@fb-opemipoidowu please send me a private massage
6 Oct 2021 | 13:09
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 25 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA We got home and we met Mom in the living room. It looked like she was waiting for us to arrive so she could go to the shop. "You are back." She said and we nodded smiling. "Yes we are!" We chorused happily. "Erhnn. Am going out." She said and I narrowed my eyes looking at her. "Not to the shop?" I asked and she shook her head looking away. "I know where she is going." Isaac said and I nodded. "I think I know too." I replied laughing. "Since you know. I would be off now. We will meet at your mother's place at 7pm." She said and I nodded grinning. "Greet Uncle John for me mom." I said and she nodded stepping out of the house. I shut the door and looked at Isaac who was staring at his cake. "You can't wait to eat it right." I said and he nodded. "Yes. Come cut out some for me." He said happily pulling me to where the cake was. I picked up the knife that was next to it and cut out a big piece for him. "Happy birthday Isaac " I said passing the cake to his mouth and he opened up his mouth to eat it. "Wow, it's delicious." He said as he chew it. "Feed me too." I said happily and he took the cake from me and moved it to my mouth. I bite on it and the icing sugar stained my mouth. "You have something close to your lips." He said and I nodded giggling. "I felt it too." I said and raised my hand to clean it but he stopped me. "I will do it." He said moving closer to me and I stared into his eyes. He reached for the sugar with his mouth and licked it off slowly. I smiled as he did it. He wanted to raise up his head but I pulled him back and planted a kiss on his lips. He reciprocated immediately opening up for me. I felt his wrap his arms around my waist and I wrapped my hands around his neck deepening the kiss. Our tongues touched as we began to breath pretty hard. He moved me away from the dinning table moving me back slowly until my back hit the wall. He raised me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He disengaged and looked into my eyes. "Why did you stop?" I asked looking at him. "I want to be that bad boy now." He said and I smiled. "I want that too." I said closing up the gap among us with a kiss. This time more intense and pretty fast. He carried me and moved me away from the wall, walking to only where God knows. My eyes were closed and I guess his were too. "It's risky walking without knowing where to go." I said opening my eyes and he did. "I was heading to the room." He sad breathing hard. "You weren't looking. We could have fallen." I said laughing. I climbed down and pulled him by the hand into the room. He stood in front of the bed and I pushed him to lay on the bed. I climbed the bed and sat on his abs lowing my head to kiss him again. And for the very first time,I felt his hand grab my a*s making a slight moan escape my mouth. He has been really controlling himself all these days. He rolled over me and stood on top of me. He reached for my hand and pulled me up making me hug him. He reached for my zipper and pulled it down to the starting of my a*s. He reached for the strips and pulled them down letting them fall down my arm. He pulled the gown down my upper body and my b**bs jumped out and he looked at me. "You weren't wearing bra?" He asked and I shook my head. "I shouldn't wear one under this." I replied and he smiled making me lay on the bed again. He moved down and then pulled the gown down my hips. The gown was off soon and I was left in only panties. He looked at my body and I shut my eyes shyly, and before I knew it I felt his lips on my tummy making me gasp. "I have never done this before. But I have a feeling that I should do this." He said and I smiled looking at him as he pulled my pants down. He placed a kiss in between my thighs and this time a loud moan escaped my mouth. "Wait, why are you wet here? Did you pee?" He asked and I laughed. "Don't tell me you don't know what that means." I said and he smriked. "I know it. Who wouldn't know this in this century. Was just teasing." He said and I felt his tongue on my cl*ts and I screamed very loud. TBC....[/b]
7 Oct 2021 | 02:41
Make una enjoy
7 Oct 2021 | 06:04
7 Oct 2021 | 13:51
We get blood too oh, take it easy o. Next please
7 Oct 2021 | 17:10
7 Oct 2021 | 17:20
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 26 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I kept fondling with her va**na and she kept moaning. Her moans were driving me crazy and I felt like I should screw the hell out of her but I had to be calm. Her V produced some liquid in my mouth which I took in with all delightfulness. It tasted amazing, like it was some vanilla, so some cheese, or some butter. I rose up my head and moved up to kiss her again. She opened her eyes and looked at me before I placed the kiss on her lips. "Do you taste it yourself?" I asked and she nodded shyly. "My turn." She said turning me over. "To do what?" I asked as she trailed her fingers down my chest through my cloth. "Shhhh." She said placing her finger on my lips and I furrowed my brows looking at her. She reached for my top and pulled it up to my upper chest. "Yours hands my love." She said and I rose up my hands so she could move the cloth up. She moved it up and I helped her remove it quick by raising up my head. The cloth was off and when I opened my eyes, my mouth was right in front of her ni**les. I looked at her and she smiled before I placed my hot tongue on her ni**ples. She shivered and ran her fingers into my hair, moving it up and forth as I teased her. Her ni**Les were long enough for me to hold onto them with my upper and lower jaw. I moved from left to right, with my hand right on her a**. "That's enough Love. My time." She said within gritted teeth pushing me and making me lay on the bed once again. "You shouldn't deprive me of that you know. I wasn't weaned when I was young." I said staring at her b**bs. "We will get you fed later." She said moving down to my trousers. She stared at the bugle that was surfacing in my trousers and she moved her hand to it. "I thought you are scared of it." I said and she smriked. "Not anymore." She said in a whisper and reached for the waist of my trousers. I rose up my hips and she pulled it down to my thighs were it got stuck. My boxers were still on. "Let me help." I said and she moved away letting me pull off the trousers myself. When I was done I wanted to pull off the boxers but she stopped me. "That's mine to remove." She said and I moved my hand away laying on the bed. She moved on top of me and stared at me again. Just the stare on the bulge made it twitch. "Wow." She said laughing. She reached for it and placed her hand on it making sure not to look at me. She suddenly reached for my boxers and pulled it down, and my d**k sprang out like a wild lion, ready to devour. "Be ready." She said holding my naked d**k in her hand, and to my shock she placed her mouth on it. "What the f**k!" I groaned as it felt like something I have never felt before. Like a very sweet place where I don't want to ever leave. Her tongue kept striking my cap and I kept groaning as she did. I felt my balls tighten every passing second. "I have never felt this in my life." I said with my jaw clenched. "I know you haven't, and that's why am doing it." She said rubbing my d**k as she looked at me. I was even too shy to look at her in the eye. How is she able to look at me after doing that. She wanted to take it in her mouth again but I stopped her. "That's enough. I feel like am going to expload real bad." I said turning over and letting her lay on the bed again. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I lower myself. "Can you do this?" She asked and I sighed. "To be honest, I haven't done this before. But I know, it enters some hole here. My friends and I do spy on people doing this." I said laughing. "Okay then. Let's see what you got." She said smriking and I positioned myself using my hand for support. "Be careful with me. Am a virgin." She said and my eyes widened. "What? You haven't done this before? How come can you do that so good?" I bomberded her with questions. "It's nothing new okay." She said and I sighed. "Are you sure about this?" I asked and she nodded shutting her eyes. "Do it." She said and I nodded lowering myself again. I moved my d**k into the hole I supposed to be the hole. And it felt too tight. "Wait, is this the hole?" I asked looking at her and she giggled. "It is, it's just that am tight. Push in slowly." She said and I nodded. I pushed in and I saw her flinch shutting her eyes. I looked down and I saw blood. My eyes widened and I wanted to move away but she held me back. "I guess you didn't spy when a virgin was getting laid. It's nothing. Go on." She said and I nodded reluctantly. I kept moving in and out slowly and gradually, in a definite rythm. After some seconds of this very sweet exercise. Her face wasn't like she was in pain and I could hear her moan. Something in me kept telling me to go faster! Go faster and I obeyed that voice and began to go faster. After some minutes I felt my balls tighten and I felt climax was close by. "Am c*ming." She said as she began to shake. "I think am going to do that to." I said and we both reached climax at the same time. Exploding massively. TBC.....[/b]
8 Oct 2021 | 01:21
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
8 Oct 2021 | 02:33
Wow... You guys just got tasted, I mean you just ate the fruit together for the very first time in your lives.
8 Oct 2021 | 04:32
What a first time experience like a pro. ?
8 Oct 2021 | 04:33
Make una no do wetin person go release for pant oh. Next please
8 Oct 2021 | 06:02
Next please
8 Oct 2021 | 08:09
Both got laid
8 Oct 2021 | 08:22
8 Oct 2021 | 13:13
I'm not a Ghost Reader but i wonder why you never tag me on every new posts.!??
8 Oct 2021 | 14:07
I LOVE THIS STORY!..........RATED 10% out of 10%!!
8 Oct 2021 | 14:15
i like Isaac's prayer and his three wishes.!
8 Oct 2021 | 14:23
That love making part i often skip because i always know how it ends!
8 Oct 2021 | 14:31
Next episode please!
8 Oct 2021 | 15:00
The bleeping make sense die, ride on bros.
8 Oct 2021 | 18:54
U wan born pizza child abi
9 Oct 2021 | 01:44
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 27 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA We laid on the bed breathing very hard. My leg was on his thighs and my head on his chest. His hand was under my head and his other hand on my shoulders. "That was amazing. But I feel some pains between my legs." I said and he sat up making me sit too. "Can I see it?" He asked and I shook my head laughing. "No you can't." I said walking out of bed heading to the bathroom. "Can I join you? I can help you take your bath." He said and I laughed. "Don't come. I will do just fine. We can't have another round of s*x in the bathroom, my p**sy hurts." I said from the bathroom. "And how sure are you that we will have s*x? He asked. "Once I see that your d**k, I will have no choice than to want it." I said opening the shower. "Are you sure?" I heard him behind me. "Jesus! When did you get here?" I asked shutting my eyes. "Why are you shutting your eyes?" He asked laughing. "Get your d**k out of here!" I said with my eyes still shut. "Am not." He said wrapping his hands around my unclad body. "Isaac am still hurting." I said and he nodded. "I know. And trust me, I mean no harm. I Just want to bath you." He said reaching for the sponge. "Fine. We just need to make haste. We need to prepare for mother's birthday party." I said and he nodded. "Face me." He said and I turned to face him. "You deprived me of these back there." He said looking at my b**bs. "Sorry about that. It's in front of you now." I said and he shook his head. "I will be a good boy now. I will just bath you and that's it. I said it already." He said rubbing the sponge on my chest. "Okay." I said grinning. I knew he was trying to hard not to take that Ni**le in his mouth. "Hands up." He said and I rose up my hands. He moved the sponge to my armpit and began to scrub it paying rapt attention. "You look more handsome when serious." I said and he laughed. "Everything about you should be taken seriously. That's how much I love you Diana." He said staring into my face and I did the same too. "Kiss me." I said staring at his lips. "What?" He asked furrowing my brows. "I said kiss me." I said and he smiled wide before reaching for my lips. He planted the kiss on my lips and I kissed him back wrapping my hands around him. I felt his d**k on my lower tummy but I really didn't mind. It's just a kiss anyways. "Am getting hard again. We should stop." He said disengaging. I looked at him and smiled. "Okay. Sorry about that." I said and he nodded. He bent down and used the sponge to scrub my belly down to my V. "I think you should wash this off yourself. Can't hurt you again." He said passing me the sponge after he got between my legs. "I won't be needing the sponge. Just the soap and water will do." I said parting my legs alittle and cleaning it up with my hand which was filled with soap. "Now continue." I said and he nodded as he kept bathing me. . . After some minutes, I was done bathing him too and we walked out of the bathroom. "We should get ready." I said and he sighed. He walked up to his clothes which were on the floor and rose it up. "I need to make sure this is very clean." He said and I hugged him from behind. "You won't wear those to the party okay?" I said and he looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked looking at me. "I have new clothes for the party." I said and his mouth dropped open. "You need to stop doing this." He said moving away. "Stop doing what?" I asked looking at him. "Buying me things. I should be the one doing that." He said and I sighed. "You will Isaac. But not now, when the time comes, you will buy me things too." I said walking up to him. "Where did you get the money from?" He asked. "Isaac is that really necessary?" I asked looking away. "Yes it is. Tell me." He said. "Fine. From my savings, my savings wasn't much anyways. No big deal." I said. "Diana your savings are supposed to be yours. You suffered to put that together. It's big deal, cos I know you lied about it not much. These clothes cost a lot." He said and I held his hand. "I love you Isaac. What is yours is mine too. Seeing you happy is my happiness. You will pay me back okay? I know you will be very rich. " I said kissing his forehead. "Thank you Diana." He said in a shaky voice. "Don't even think of crying. I will bring you the clothes and then i will wear mine." I said Happily and he nodded smiling. "I will be waiting." He said and I ran out of the room to get us clothing. He will so much love it! TBC....[/b]
9 Oct 2021 | 03:26
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 28 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I wore my outfit and I looked extra hot in it. It was an Armani Blazer and a very shinning leather shoe. "Wow." I said as I checked out myself in the mirror. I picked up a comb and combed my hair in a very sweet style. "Perfect." I said happily. I headed out of the room to the living room and I saw Diana was yet to come out. "Diana I am done." I said from the living room. "Inna bit Issac." She answered and I nodded smiling. I couldn't wait to see her in the dress her mother bought for her. I am sure she would look very beautiful. I sat on the couch and then I sighted the cake again. I stood up and walked up to it to cut some of the cake. "Hey." I heard Diana say behind me. I looked back and my mouth dropped opened. "How do I look?" She asked smiling. "I...I....I don't know.. you look... Gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, perfect." I said and she laughed. "That's enough." She said and I smiled widely. The gown was very long, it was armless and her b**bs were slightly exposed. It was very tiny at her waist and then very large to the sole of her feet. "Your mother know what suits you well. It's very beautiful." I said and she laughed. "Thanks. You want more cake?" She asked and I nodded facing the cake. "I was about cutting another piece before you appeared in your Royal apparel." I said and she giggled. "Let me have some too." She said and I cut out a large part of the cake. I passed it to her mouth, and as she bit it, the sugar fell right in between her b**bs. "Oops." I said and she laughed chewing the cake. "Take it off." She said and I reached for the sugar between her br**ts, swiping it off with my tongue. "Must you use your tongue?" She asked giggling. "It's a must. Is there any problem with that?" I asked and she shook her head. "No, but what if am sweaty or something?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't really care about that Diana." I replied and she giggled. "We should get going." She said and I devoured the rest of the cake that was with me. I looked at her and I saw she was staring at my body. "You are yet to tell me how I look." I said spreading out my hands. "You always look breath taking my love." She said kissing me on my cheeks. I placed my hand on my cheeks and I felt some sticky on it. "Lipstick." She replied and I smiled cleaning it off. "The scooter?" I asked and she shook her head. "Of course not. Can't take the scooter to that kind of party, with this dress? C'mon Isaac." She said laughing and I pouted my mouth. "Taxi?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes. Taxi." She said and I raised my elbow. She took it in her hand as we walked out of the house. We shut the door and immediately we got outside, we saw a car waiting in front of our compound. There was a man standing by the car. "Miss Diana. Your mother asked me to pick you up." He said and Diana looked at me. "You did well." She said as we headed into the car. He opened the door for us and we sat at the back. "I feel like a king." I said and she smiled. "I hope everything will be fine at the party." She said and I looked at her. "Of course, why?" I asked. "My Dad may be there, and I will be so angry to see him, and I may flare up so bad." She said sighing. "No you won't. Not when I will be right beside you." I said and she smiled faintly. "I hope so." She replied and I kissed her head smiling. TBC....[/b]
9 Oct 2021 | 03:29
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
9 Oct 2021 | 03:33
This girl is sure kind hearted but her parents are not serious at all
9 Oct 2021 | 16:58
I’m really sorry guys
10 Oct 2021 | 01:26
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 29 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA We got to mother's mansion and I got off the taxi staring at the house lost in thoughts. "It's been 15years I saw this house." I said and Isaac looked at me holding my hand. "It's fine Diana." He said and I sighted the red carpet in front of us. "She does such big events, without her first child. Which mother does that?" I asked as we held hands stepping on the red carpet. "Diana, that's why she invited you here." Isaac said trying to soothe me. "Invited me? I am supposed to be part! I ain't some stranger or neighbor to invite." I said in anger and he sighed making me face him. "Diana, if you keep thinking about this, this night, we won't enjoy the party okay? Put all those aside please. Try not to create a scene, cos I know my warrior is boiling already." He said and I smiled. "Just because you are with me." I said and he smiled planting a rapid but soft kiss on my lips. "We are on the road." I said looking back to see we were blocking the people coming from behind. "Your hand." He said raising his arm and I smiled hooking my arm with his. We walked to the main entrance looking at the beauty of the house. I guess her new huband is as rich as she is. Nonsense! We got to the entrance and walked into the main mansion. "Woah. It's f**king large." Isaac said and I smiled. "Don't let them see you are too surprise okay?" I said and he nodded trying to stop drooling. I looked around for mother but I didn't see her. That's quite reliving. Seeing her now cos be a disaster. "Isaac let's look for somewhere to sit." I said and he nodded. We walked down the hall and we saw some servers carrying trays of wine. I stopped one and picked one glass, while Isaac picked another. "You are a fast learner." I said and he laughed like a gentle man. "You warned me not to act to surprise, am trying so hard to flow along." He said and I smiled. "You are doing a great job trust me." I said as we sighted a couch around a corner. We walked up to it and sat looking around. "Wow this tastes nice. You should try it." Isaac said drinking his wine. "Take it slow." I said and he stopped grinning. "Sorry. It's just too sweet." He said and I giggled. "I understand." I replied sipping a little from my cup, while doing this I kept looking around and my eyes caught with mother's son. "Who is he?" Isaac asked when he noticed I was staring at him. "Mother's first son. Her second husband. That was the first child she gave him." I said looking away and staring into the wine. "Am so sorry Diana." He said holding my hand. "It's fine. It's just that, they look so happy and I am just here." I said as tears threatened to fall off my eyes. "Don't say that Diana." He said and I rose up my head trying to push in the tears. "Diana." I heard Mom call. "Mom." I called happily running to her as we hugged. "You just arrived?" She asked looking at Isaac who also approached us. "Yes mom. Hi Uncle John." I said and he smiled. "You look beautiful." He said and mom nodded. "Thanks Uncle John." I replied happily. I was so happy they were around already. "Why aren't they playing any music yet?" Uncle John asked looking around. "We are quite early. It's 7 remember." Mom said and I sighed. "Am getting worked up already." I said sighing. "C'mon Diana. Don't be, be happy okay? Isaac is here with you" mom said and I smiled. "Thanks." I said pretending to smile. I looked at my side and I saw mother's son approach us with a large smile on his face. "Torx." Mom called Happily. "Aunt." He said hugging her,while I looked away. "Wow you look so handsome." Mom said and he smiled. I felt his eyes on me but I didn't really care. "Hi Diana." He called and I was forced to look at him. "Hi Torx." I said putting on a fake smile. "You look so beautiful." He said. "Thanks." I replied and I saw him staring at Isaac who was smiling broadly. "Torx this is my boyfriend Isaac, Isaac, Torx." I said not knowing how to introduce him. "Hi Torx." Isaac said stretching his hand to him. "Hi." He replied not taking his hand. I looked at Isaac and he smiled withdrawing his hand. "I have seen you before." Torx said and I held Issac's hand. "He is human,you can see him anywhere. Let's go Isaac." I said pulling him away in anger. Why would he leave his hand hanging. Bastard. . TBC.....[/b]
10 Oct 2021 | 07:24
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
10 Oct 2021 | 07:27
@celestine1 you didn't give me a shout-out
10 Oct 2021 | 15:53
@Ife-olu-wa yo didn't also
10 Oct 2021 | 15:55
Hmmmm lovely.
10 Oct 2021 | 18:04
Guy new episode o.
10 Oct 2021 | 18:51
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 30 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "That was kinda rude of him." I said smiling and she sighed. "This is why I didn't want to come at the first place. They are all proud b**ches." Diana said and I held her hand sighing. "Don't be so hurt. It is possible he has seen me on the streets before and he can't hold those filthy hands. I can't blame him." I said and she shook her head. "No matter where he has met you before, he should be a d**k." She said and I laughed. "A d**k?" I asked and she looked at me laughing. "Yes a d**k." She replied and I laughed. "Never had something like that before. It sounded weird." I said and she smiled. "It's possible you haven't heard it." She said and we heard the music begin to play. "I am yet to see your mother, her husband and her other children." I said and she looked around. "They should be here any moment from now. The party is about to beginning." She said rolling her eyes. "It's fine." I said looking at her and I saw her lost, staring at something. I traced her gaze and I saw it landed on a middle aged Man. "Diana." He called smiling widely. "Father." She whispered. The man ran to her and hugged her tightly. "I missed you so much." He said shutting his eyes, and then I noticed she wasn't hugging him back. "No you didn't miss me. You abandoned me." She said and her father held her hand. "It wasn't my fault. I know I can't justify myself for not coming to see you, but trust me it wasn't my fault." He said. "So whose fault was it? Mother's?" She asked and he looked at me. "We should go somewhere private to talk." He said and Diana shook her head. "Anywhere we are going, he follows. At least he didn't abandon me. He is the reason I am here today." She said and I sighed. "Hi Sir. I am Isaac." I said and he smiled. "How are you Isaac? I am happy you made Diana come here. She must really love you." He said and I smiled faintly. "Let's move to the back of the house. Lesser noise." He said and Diana held my hand. "Come with us." She said and I whispered into her ear. "Are you sure? This is a family issue, I shouldn't be intruding." I said and she looked at me. "You aren't a stranger Isaac." She said as we all walked out of the house heading to the back. "So she invited you here?" Diana asked and he shook his head. "No she didn't. I came on my own will." He replied and Diana looked at me. "Why?" She asked. "I wanted to see you badly. I called your aunt to ask if you would be attending and she said yes. So I had to come." He said. "Why show up now? You didn't show up when I needed you the most." She said and he sighed. "Your mother is at fault Diana. I know I shouldn't say this to you but believe me I don't want you to hate me." He said. "Go on. I want to know everything." She replied staring at him. "Your mother had another lover while we were still together. I got to know this when you were seven. I was so pained and I left her. I couldn't take you with me because she didn't let me." He said and I saw tears gather in her eyes. "What? She told me you had a minor misunderstanding and you didn't want to stay back anymore. So you left." She said and he sighed. "I knew she would come up with a story. She married her lover and he is with her right now. He is her husband now." He said and she began to weep. "Why would she do that? Why would she cheat?" She asked and he shook his head. "I don't know Diana. I didn't want to know. I was pained to know she actually didn't love me. I know this is the direct opposite of what you have heard. Ask her, she will be dumbfounded. She would never think I would show up because of the hatred I grew for her." He said and Diana left my hand walking to him. "I missed you Dad." She said in tears hugging him tightly. "I had always loved you Diana. But I couldn't just show up that way. I knew you saw me as a monster." He said and she nodded. "I hated you for abandoning me. But not anymore. I love you." She said and he smiled trying not to cry too. He kissed her hair shutting his eyes tight. "I should leave now." I said Smiling and she nodded. "I will be right here with father. Stick around." She said and I nodded walking away. I walked back to the living room and the first person I saw was the sane woman I saw in a car when taking a ride with Diana. She stared at me, and I did the same. I didn't know why but I kept staring at her. Soon she began to approach me and I stood still looking at her. "Hey." She said Smiling and i smiled back. "Hi Ma'am. Do you know me?" I asked and she shook her head. "I don't. But I don't know why,I feel drawn to you." She said. "Me too. What's going on?" I asked and she shook her head. "I don't know. But I will find out. Let's go for a walk." She said and I looked back remembering Diana and her father. "We shouldn't go far. My girlfriend is back there." I said and she smiled. "We won't." She said and I nodded smiling faintly. "Mom." I heard someone call and we both looked at the direction. Immediately I saw the caller, I recognized him. "The rude boy? He is her son?" I thought looking at him. "Hey Son." She replied smiling. "What are you doing with this street Bastard." He said and I grew so angry. "Shut up Enoch. Act with some courtesy in you. I am taking him for a walk." She said holding my hand and I looked at her. "A walk? With this garbage? Mom he is a beger." He said and I tried so hard not to burst out. "Get out of my face Enoch." She said pulling me away. . tbc[/b]
11 Oct 2021 | 01:04
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
11 Oct 2021 | 01:07
can she be his mother... ? I guess so
11 Oct 2021 | 01:29
A bad son of a good mother. Ride on.
11 Oct 2021 | 06:53
some ajebutter pikin with their bad attittude sha
11 Oct 2021 | 09:27
hmmmm maybe she's ur mother
11 Oct 2021 | 11:01
Why the humiliation na Ride on
11 Oct 2021 | 11:20
Enoch is a pain in the ass...!
11 Oct 2021 | 13:19
Diana's mom was the cause of the split up
11 Oct 2021 | 17:52
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 31 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC The woman and I headed out of the noisy place to somewhere more silent. Her hand was still on mine and we began to walk. "So tell me, what's your name?" She asked and I looked at her. "Isaac." I replied and she smiled. "That's a really nice name. Your mother was have a very good taste for names. You went down to the Bible." She said smiling. "She didn't name me." I said smiling faintly. "She didn't? Your father did?" She asked looking at me. "They died. None of them named me." I said trying to keep smiling. "Wow. I am so sorry about that Isaac." She said sadly and I shook my head. "It's been 20 years. It's a very long time." I said laughing. "So who named you?" She asked. "The kids on the streets. The ones that took care of me from a very tender age." I said and she stared at me. "So you have been on the streets for how many years?" She asked and I grinned. "All my life. 20 years." I said looking at her and I saw tears gather in her eyes. "Am so sorry about that Isaac." She said and I smiled. "It's fine. I have gotten used to not having a parental love." I said smiling. "So how did you survive for 20 years?" She asked. "On the streets. Eating garbage from the bins. And that's where your son knew me from." I said and she bowed her head. "Am so sorry about Enoch. He is just a childish person." She said and I laughed. "It's quite obvious." I replied. "So no one helped at all?" She asked and I shook my head. "Not until I met Diana. The Pizza girl, she took me off the streets and made me this. She is a blessing to me. Having someone to show you love on your birthday after so many years, it's a blessing." I said grinning. "It's your birthday today?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes it is. Though we just came visiting Diana's mother for her birthday." I said. "Wow. Happy birthday Isaac." She said and I smiled. "Thank you Ma'am." I replied looking up as we kept walking. "Can I keep asking you questions?" She asked and I nodded. "Sure." I replied, it was kinda relieving sharing things with her. "So when you grew up,you didn't go to any of your family members, relatives?" She asked and I laughed. "I don't even know them. It was like when my parents died, they just told the Neighbors they died and left me in the streets." I said and I heard her sniff. "Wow." She said in tears. "Are you okay Ma'am?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes. I am just too emotional right now. Sorry about that." She said and I nodded. "I understand." I replied. "Ma'am can I ask you some questions too?" I asked and she smiled. "Go on." She replied and I nodded smiling. "You are a friend to the celebrant Hun?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes I am. We were pretty close." She said and I furrowed my brows. "Were?" I asked and she nodded. "We were best friends before, but when somethings she did didn't seem right to me,I had to distinct myself." She said and my mouth curved into a circle. "Ohh that's always kinda painful." I said and she nodded. "Yeah. It's always painful." She replied and I sighed. "So Enoch is your only son?" I asked and she shook her head. "Yes. I had him 18 years ago." She said and I laughed. "I am even older than him. I should spank his a*s." I said and we both laughed. "He always acts funny because he is rich, he doesn't know life isn't that way." She said and I smiled. "I understand. He doesn't know what is out there yet. He should be happy." I said and she smiled. "He is just a spoilt brat." She said and I smiled. "So no other child after him? Sisters? Brothers?" I asked and she shook his head. "No." She replied and I furrowed my brows. "Why?" I asked and she sighed. She was about talking when I heard someone call my name. It was Diana. "Isaac!" She called and I waved to her smiling. She looked very happy and I was happy too. At least she got a chance to talk to her father. "Hey babes." I said as she ran into my arms kissing me on the lips. "I was looking all over for you." She said before looking at the woman next to me. "Hi Diana." She said and Diana smiled. "Hi Ma'am. You took Isaac away from me." She said smiling hugging me tight. "Sorry about that Diana. We were just discussing." She replied and Diana laughed. "It's fine Ma'am. Was just joking." She said and I giggled. "You are very beautiful and nice." The woman said to her. "Thank you Ma'am. And you look so pretty too,I love your hair. I have always wished for a wine hair." Diana said and the woman laughed. "Thanks Child. I will leave both of you now." She said. "Okay Ma'am. It was nice talking to you." I said and she nodded before walking away. TBC.....[/b]
12 Oct 2021 | 00:22
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 32 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "I always felt mother was up to no good and that's why I found it so hard to forgive her." I said to Isaac as we walked back into the mansion. This time lot of guest had arrived and I could even sight that arrogant bastard in the congregation. "I understand how you feel Diana. But always know she is still your mother, you can't change that." He said and I sighed. "Why do this night have to be awful? What is that Bastard doing here?" I asked staring at the guy. "That's Enoch." He said and I looked at him in surprise. "How did you get to know his name? Did you talk already?" I asked and he shook his head. "Not really. The woman that was with me, is his mother." He said and I looked at him. "What does she want from you?" I asked and he smiled. "Nothing. She just wanted to talk, and I also needed someone to talk you. You know very well I know no one here." He said and I nodded. "Hope she didn't say awful things like her son?" I asked and she shook her head. "Not at all. She is nothing like her son. I wonder where he got such disgusting character from." He said and I looked up to see Mother approach us. "Hey Diana." She said smiling widely. To be truthful, she looked very beautiful. "Hi." I replied coldly recalling all father had told me. "Hi Ma'am." Isaac greeted and she smiled at him before facing me. "I have been looking for you, where were you?" She asked and I smriked. "You don't have to look for me. Your family is here." I said and she sighed. "I should excuse you." Isaac said and before I could stop him he left. He knew I would say no. So he left very fast. "Diana.." she called and I cut her short. "Can we talk outside?" I asked and she sighed looking around. "Oh, you don't have five minutes to spare for your abandoned daughter, or you are embarrassed they will see me with you." I said and she shook her head. "Come." She said holding my hand and pulling me out of the house. "We can talk here." She said and I nodded. "I will ask you few questions and I will be so happy if you replied honestly." I said and she nodded smiling. "Go on Diana." She said. "Why did you cheat on Father?" I asked and her eyes widened. She looked around moving closer to me. "Where did you hear that from?" She asked staring into my eyes. "That wasn't the reply of my question. Did you cheat on Father?" I asked and she swallowed hard looking away. "I guess that's true." I said as tears heat my eyes. "Diana." She called but I shook my head. "My next question." I said and she bowed her head. "So you actually left me with Mom because you wanted to move in with your lover, and then you kept telling me you had a misunderstanding which father didn't want to settle. Is that right?" I asked in a shaky voice and she looked at me. "Jacob is here." She said looking around. "I don't care. So you were actually telling me lies right? You made me believe it was Father's fault. You wanted me to develop hatred for him. Why?" "Why would you do that? Why did you leave him? When you knew you didn't love him, why did you give him a child knowing you won't keep her with you when the time comes?" I asked in tears and she began to cry too. "Diana I'm sorry." She mumbled. "No you aren't. You have want you wanted. A beautiful mansion, lovely beautiful and handsome kids. You don't need me." I said and she shook her head moving her hand to my face. "Diana." I heard father call. He stood afar staring at his and mother turned to look at the caller. Then she saw it was father and she became dumbfounded. I looked at both of them and wondered how beautiful it would be if they were together. If mother didn't go for someone else. "Hi Peace." Father said walking to us. "Jacob what are you doing here?" She asked angrily. "He came to see me. Is there anything wrong about that? At least he didn't cause all this. You did." I said angrily and father held my hand. "It's fine Diana. Things happen for a reason." He said and I tried calming down. "Diana please can you listen to my side too? I know I am at fault, but please hear me out." She said. "We need the celebrant on stage. Mother where are you?" We heard Trox say from inside. "Go In, your children needs you." I said walking away with Dad. "I should leave now." He said as we walked in. "Why?" I asked. "She doesn't want me here. But trust me,I will come visiting often now. Now I know you don't hate me." He said and I smiled. "I love you father." I said hugging him and he kissed my head. . TBC.....[/b]
12 Oct 2021 | 00:25
New episodes is here oooo @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor And other, you guys should come ooo
12 Oct 2021 | 00:27
Hmmmm lovely. Ride on.
12 Oct 2021 | 04:16
thank God you accept your Dad now,but find a way to forgive you Mon too
12 Oct 2021 | 11:15
You need to hear your mom's side too Next
12 Oct 2021 | 13:09
@celestine1.....kindly tag me whenever a new episode is posted!....i love this story!
12 Oct 2021 | 13:22
Yes Diana, it's time to punish your mother!
12 Oct 2021 | 13:29
Hmn.........., following..... next pls.......... @celestine1 bro.....
12 Oct 2021 | 15:23
Nice one, next please
12 Oct 2021 | 15:50
I will patiently wait and let d truth rolls out itself... Nice 1
12 Oct 2021 | 16:58
some mothers are disgrace to womanhood
12 Oct 2021 | 23:00
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 33 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "What do you think you are trying to do? Turn my mother's back on me?" I heard Enoch ask behind me as I sat at the bar. I turned my back breathing out loud. "I won't gain anything by doing that." I replied sipping my drink. "Of course you would. At least, you would try acting like the good guy so as to extract money from her." He said and I grew vexed. "Enoch your personality stinks a lot. And trust me, you wouldn't want to try shit with me." I said and he grinned walking close to me. "Or else what" he asked and I smriked. "It's quite obvious you haven't eaten any spoiled thing, or probably garbage, which would make your bones strong. So don't get yourself killed." I said standing up and walking away. "You feel big right? Because Diana took you from the street and made you look like an human. I wonder what she sees in a douchebag like you." He said and I stopped facing him. "You shouldn't have brought up her matter, what Diana does is none of your business. What will finally kill you is if you try shit with her. Gosh, I will so kill you." "And I don't even think I would need to kill you myself because before I show up, she has killed you already. So I would advice you stayed away from her. For your own good." I said turning my back to walking away and then I stopped. "And one more thing. Don't ever come to my face acting like you are one strong rich guy. You wouldn't want to lose your balls." I said turning my back to leave and I stopped again. "And your mother, she is a great woman. And she deserves someone better, so try acting sensible, at least if not for yourself, but for her." I said finally walking away. I really felt great talking to him like that. He needed it, cos he was trying to act like a bully which I wouldn't certainly accept. "Bravo." Diana said approaching me with a very beautiful smile. "You saw that?" I asked and she nodded. "He looked quite shocked when you talked to him, I am sure you really hit him on the spot." She said looking at him and I turned my back to see he was staring at us. "Let's forget about him, he isn't worth the time okay?" I asked and she nodded. "So what have you taken?" She asked and we began to walk. "Few cups of wine, you?" I asked and she sighed. "All I have taken this night is the truth. The fact that I have been lied to all my life." She said and I felt sad "I am sorry Diana. I forced you here and then this happens. Am so sorry." I said sadly and she smiled holding his hand. "No Isaac. If I didn't come, I wouldn't have met with Dad, heard the truth. All these wouldn't have happened. And I should thank you for that." She said smiling and I kissed the back of her hand. "So nothing to take yet?" I asked and she shook her head. "I think am fine. I just can't wait to get home." She said and I smiled. "The party is just starting." I said and she smiled. "The party has started and ended for me." She said and I nodded. "So we leaving?" I asked and she looked at me. "If you don't want to, it's fine. I will just sit around the corner." She said and I held her back. "This party and Birthday thing is meaningless to me if you aren't happy or there to rejoice with me. Let's go home." I said smiling. "No Isaac, it's still your birthday. You should enjoy yourself." She said and we heard feets approach us. "Hey Children. Don't you want to dance?" Mom asked. "No Mom. I have had enough tonight." Diana said to mom and Uncle John. "Mom we were just leaving. Diana isn't really in a good mood, and for me, this isn't really my thing you know." I said shaking my head and she smiled. "It's very cool, you can go, and I will be in the house soon too." She said and we nodded. "Or maybe not. Can't I take her for the night?" Uncle John asked us. "Deal. She goes with you. Mom see you tomorrow." Diana and I chorused making all of us laugh. "So you are going to give me up just like that?" She asked and Diana went closer to her. "I know you really want to go." She said loud enough for us to hear. "Diana." She called widening her eyes and we laughed again. Uncle John looks really happy. I looked up and I saw Enoch's mother staring at us and smiling widely. "Excuse me." I said leaving the family to meet her. "Hey Ma'am, you aren't joining the rest of them?" I asked and she smiled. "Not really. Didn't want to come, but Enoch kept persuading me to show up." She said smiling. "Oh. Actually I am leaving, so I thought it would be polite to say Goodnight before I go." I said and she smiled. "That's so sweet of you Isaac." She said and I nodded turning back but she stopped me holding my hand. "Do you want to come to the house? Just for some chats, remember I owe you a story about myself. I got interrupted." She said and I smiled faintly. "That may not be a good idea. Enoch will be so mad." I said and she shook her head. "I will take care of him. I just really want to share my story with you. You opened up to a total stranger, I know I can trust you." She said and I stared at her smiling. "Okay fine. Day?" I asked. "Tomorrow at 4pm. Please come alone, I don't want to get interrupted again." She said looking at Diana and I smiled. "It's fine. I will come alone, but I am sure she will surely bombard me with questions when I want to leave." I said. "You can tell her you are coming to see me. Just don't tell her what we are or what we will be discussing." She said and I furrowed my brows. "Okay." I said nodding and I saw her point her head. I looked back and I saw Diana waiting at the main door. "Goodnight Ma'am." I Said. "Danielle." She said and I smiled. "That's a wonderful name Ma'am Danielle." I said and she nodded as I walked up to where Diana was standing. "Shall we?" I asked bowing my head and she smiled holiday my hand as we left the party. TBC.... . Who else is eager to hear Danielle's story??[/b]
13 Oct 2021 | 02:03
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 34 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe DIANA "What does that woman want from you?" I asked as we walked home. I held my long gown up, and he held my hand. "Nothing. She is just being nice." He replied smiling. "Well I think there is more to just being nice. The way she looks at you, talk to you, why would she do that to someone she just met today?" I asked and he smiled. "C'mon Diana. She is old enough to give birth to me okay? Don't even think about that." He said and I rolled my eyes. "There are many women who derive pleasure in sleeping with young boys okay? You can't trust them easily." I said and he stood in front of me holding my face up. "Look at me Diana. If she wanted me to sleep with her, I would have perceived that. This isn't the first time old women are coming to me. They do come to me on the streets but I turned them down always." "This woman is different trust me." He said and I sighed nodding. "If you say so then." I said and wanted to keep walking but he stopped me again. "One more thing." He said and I looked at him. "Sure. What is it?" I asked eagerly. "I am going to see her tomorrow evening." He said and my eyes widened. "I knew it!! I knew she was up to no good." I said turning back in anger and get quickly pulled me to himself. "Diana please calm down okay? She doesn't want s*x. She was about telling me her story when you interrupted earlier. So she just wants to tell me about herself that's all. She trusts me." He said and I looked at him. "Did she use something one you?" I asked and he laughed. "Stop it Diana. She didn't do anything, after all I agreed to go to her. To be honest, I want to know more about her. I feel like we are connected." He said and I sighed. "I will be going with you then." I said and he shook his head. "No please don't. I will go alone." He said. "Isaac what's going on? Why don't you want me there? Are you hiding something from me?" I asked and he shook his head holding my face in his two Palms. "I would never hide anything from you Diana, because I have nothing to hide okay? But trust me on this one. Trust me Diana, I don't like her the war you think and we aren't going to do what you are thinking. Moreover Enoch will be around, so nothing is happening." He said and I sighed. "Trust me Diana." He added and I nodded. "Okay. But if Enoch or his mother tries shit with you. I swear I am going to break their limbs." I said and he giggled kissing my lips. "I trust you on that. But I trust I can take care of myself." He said and I smiled. I looked at our side and saw the beach, then an idea popped into my mind. "It's still your birthday. Are you thinking what am thinking?" I asked as he also sighted the beach. "Oh yes I am." He said pulling me to the beach. We laughed as we walked down there. "Woah, this place is so cold." I said rubbing my arm with my palm. "Are you sure you want to swim? You look very cold. That water would be extra cold." He said and I shook my head. "It's cool. I really want us to enjoy the rest of the day before we finally got eat the remaining cake." I said and he laughed. "Okay let's get this started." He said reaching for his suit as he began to remove it. "Can you help me with this?" I asked him turning my back to he would help me zip the down down. "Done." He said and I smiled. "Thanks." I said dragging the gown to my feet leaving me in only panties. "I forgot you didn't wear bra from home. I wanted to ask how you got it off." He said and I laughed. "Stop being ridiculous. Get here now." I said helping him get rid of his shirt. And he reached for his belt and pulled his trousers down leaving him in boxers. "Competition?" He asked and I shook my head. "Just swimming. We should stay long." I said as I felt my lips were beginning to shiver due to the cold. "Diana you aren't looking too well. Are you sure you are okay?" He asked approaching me and I nodded. But I wasn't actually that okay. "Yes I...." I said and I staggered and almost fell. Isaac grabbed me before I could fall and my eyes became very heavy. "Diana." He called and I couldn't reply. My eyes went shut and that was the last thing I could Remember. I fell unconscious. TBC..... Ah Diana . What's wrong with her ????[/b]
13 Oct 2021 | 02:13
@delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-adewaleadenikeomolara @fb-hsdanieljago @fb-elijahadeyemo @stonez @hormortiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladebayo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemicheal @papacee @rhemychrix @danfavourer @istianplus-2 @olamibobo @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor @Andy come and comment o .
13 Oct 2021 | 02:24
13 Oct 2021 | 02:48
She is pregnant
13 Oct 2021 | 02:55
Aaaah Diana don't tell me you are prg... If not yawa go gas o.
13 Oct 2021 | 05:31
Hmmmm Next
13 Oct 2021 | 15:57
Are you falling sick or what?
13 Oct 2021 | 17:13
Pregnancy Symptoms.......Congrats Isaac..!
13 Oct 2021 | 22:15
@kajairowaadam......Pitia huku!
13 Oct 2021 | 22:17
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Episode 35 (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC I wore her gown for her in haste, and I also wore my shirt. I cover her with my suit and carried her in a bridal style out of the vicinity. I was in tears and I felt so so scared. If anything happens to Diana, I am going to die. I can't live without her. She is my life now. I knew taking her to the party this way is a bad idea, I was going to destroy the wonderful party. So I decided to take her to the hospital myself. I ran as fast as I could, though her weight wasn't helping issues, I really didn't care. I just had to keep running. Seeing her like that, in my arm was so so heartbreaking and I felt I was going to go unconscious too. I got to the hospital after minutes of nonstop run. Immediately the nurses sighted me, they rushed to us with a stretcher where I laid Diana. "Please will she be okay?" I asked in tears and fear. "She will be Mister. But you can't go in with us. Stat out here, call whosoever is her guardian." The nurse said shutting the door and drawing the curtain together. I rushed to the other nurses that sat at the door, and asked for their cellphone. "Please can you lend me your cell phone? I need to call someone badly." I said to them breathing very hard. "Sure." They said passing me a cellphone. I grabbed it and began to dial mom's number. "Please pick up." I prayed silently as the phone rang. And thank God she picked up. Mom Hey, Isaac? Mom please come to the nearest hospital to the party. Diana is in danger. What!! I will be right there. She hung up and sadly I handed the phone back to the nurse. "Thank you." I said and she nodded. "She will be fine." She said and I nodded walking away from them. I sighted a chair close to Diana's ward and i sat on it. I wasn't myself, I Have never been this way before. I have never been so scared. I have never seen her that way before. I waited impatiently for mom and Uncle John. I needed someone to stay around me or I may just pass our due to the constant thudding of my heart. The hospital door opened and mom rushed in with Uncle John. "Isaac." She called and I stood up running to her. I hugged her pretty tight and I began to shed tears. "Where is she? Is she okay?" She asked in a shaky voice. "I don't know Mom. We were just at the beach side, ready to swin when she collapsed. I am so scared mom." I said in tears and she hugged me again. "She will be fine." She said in tears too. I looked up and I saw Mrs Danielle walking up to us. "How did she....." I asked. "She was with us when your call came in. She heard everything and wanted to follow us." Mom said and she had tears in her eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked in a shaky voice and I shook my head. "No I'm not." I said and she ran to me hugging me tightly. "She will be fine Isaac. It's not your fault, don't feel guilty." She said and I shook my head. "It's my fault. I allowed her come to the party, she had too much to take in and now she is unconscious." I said and she placed her finger on my lips. "Everything happens for a reason. Diana is fine." She said and I nodded reluctantly. I looked at mom and I saw her in the hands of Uncle John weeping silently. "I am sorry Mom." I said looking at her and she shook her head. "You don't have to be. It's not your fault okay?" She said and I nodded. But deep down, I felt I was at fault for everything. "Ma'am am sorry for dragging you into this. You should get back to the party. Enoch would be looking for you now." I said and she shook her head. "I would rather stay here, and for Enoch he would be happy I disappeared from the party." She said and I nodded sadly. We all sat, waiting for the doctor to come out of the ward. Mom in Uncle John's hand, and I in the hands of Danielle. Finally the door of the ward opened and the doctor came out removing his gloves. "Doctor how is she?" We all chorused in fear. "I need her parents in my office." He said walking away. "Tell me what the hell is going on!!!!!" I yelled but Danielle calmed me down. "It's fine ok? She is fine, he just needs some private time with her parents, we are too many here don't panic." She said and I hugged her again. "I swear I can't live without her. She is my life Danielle." I said and she tapped my back slowly. "I know Isaac, and you will be together forever." She said and I nodded against her shoulders, trying to be okay. . TBC.....[/b]
14 Oct 2021 | 01:48
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Semi Final (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe AUNT RITA "Doctor please you are scaring me." I said as soon as we got into how office. "Don't be scared Ma'am. I just didn't want to break the disturbing need out there because of the boy." He said and I got more scared. "Disturbing news? What do you mean?" John asked. "Please sit." He said and I sat down quickly, so did John. He looked so scared too. "Doctor please tell us what's going on." I said trying not to freak out. "When your daughter was brought in, we ran some tests and these are the results." He said passing some papers to us. "Please don't do this. I can't read anything now. Please just tell me. " I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. "When we ran the tests, we saw poison in her system. It was beginning to eat her up, thank God he brought her here early." He said. "What?" I whispered trying to take all of it in. "The poison in her stomach has stayed an hour before she was brought here. I am happy they arrived on time. She is out of danger now, but her intestine is kinda damaged and needs time to heal." He said and more tears rolled down my eyes. "God how is this possible?" I whispered In tears and John held me by the hand pretty tight. "She will be here for some days, so you need to tell them the truth." He said and I nodded slowly. I was dumbfounded, I couldn't believe what my ears and brain was telling me. John helped me up and we both walked out of the office. "Who the hell Poisoned her? I am sure someone at the party did this." I said and John nodded. "And we are yet to know that person, and we need to know that, whosoever poisoned her wants her dead. We need to protect her. " He said and I nodded cleaning my tears. "I just can't phantom who did this to my daughter. She just wanted to see her father, why would they do that to her?" I asked as we were in sight. "Mom." Isaac called running to me. "Isaac." I called as we embraced each other. "What's wrong with Diana. What's wrong?" He asked staring into my eyes. "Isaac, Diana was poisoned. At the party." I said and he staggered backwards with his eyes widened. "What?" He asked in a whisper. He was even more surprise than I was when I heard. "Isaac." I wanted to touch him but he moved back. "Tell me she is okay." He said breathing really hard. "She is okay. She just needs some days at the hospital. Her intestine were pretty damaged." John said and he looked down staggering slowly. "No! No that's not possible. I was with her." He said and I rushed to him holding him. "Isaac you weren't with her all the time. Someone did this, and we don't know the person, but one thing I know is that he or she wants her dead." I said and he bursted into tears as he rested his head in my arms. "Why would they do that to Diana? Why!! Diana is innocent, she knows nothing." He mumbled and tears rolled down my eyes as I tapped him. "She will be fine Isaac. She just needs to be protected. The person that did that is out there somewhere." I said and he stood up straight. "I will find the person and kill whosever did this to my Diana." He said and I shook my head. "Don't take the matters into your hands Isaac, we will report it to the police. They will just have to do some research on the house." John said. "Her mother can't know about this." I said and they looked at me. "Oh yes she can. Cos if they don't find what happened at her party yesterday in the next 24 hours, then I will be forced to take things into my hands." Isaac said walking to the ward where Diana was. "God, this is so hard." I said sighing heavily. "You don't suspect anyone at that party?" John asked and I sighed sitting on the chair. "There were many people at the party yesterday. The good ones,the bad ones, those we don't know, does that know us and those we can never suspect." I said and he sighed. "I can't still figure out why they want to hurt Diana. She was with her father right?" He asked and I nodded. "But not like one hour after they left. Her father left long before they left the party." I said still thinking about what the doctor told me. "She can't die John. I'm not going to survive it." Isaac said with his lips shivering. "She won't. We would protect her." He said and I nodded looking at him. He looked messed up. . TBC......[/b]
14 Oct 2021 | 01:51
[b]PIZZA GIRL Pizza Girl Final (She Was Trouble, Until She Met Him) ©️Authoress Ti Fe ISAAC "Please let me in." I said to the nurse as she walked out of ward. "Sir she is out of danger, but she needs adequate rest." She said but I insisted. "No! If I don't see her now, I will barging in, and if you stop me, you will have another patient close to death." I rapped in tears and she looked at mom. "Please let him in. For few minutes." She said and she nodded making way for me to walk in. I walked into the ward and ran to where Diana laid. Her eyes were closed and her skin looked white and pale. More tears rolled down my eyes looking at her in that kind of situation and can do absolutely nothing about it. "Diana." I called holding her hands in mine. I knew she wouldn't answer me because she was still fast asleep. "Who did this to you?" I asked as tears couldn't stop flowing. "I will find him or her and I promise that I will kill that person. Cos whosever tried killing you has a purpose for doing it, and I don't care who it is. I will kill anyone, even if it's my own my birth Mother." I said kissing her hand with my eyes shut in tears. "Isaac." I heard her very tiny and stresses out voice call. "Diana." I called happily as she opened her eyes and I saw tears roll down her eyes. "I am sorry Isaac." She said and I shook my head cleaning my face. "It's fine Diana. I am right here. How are you?" I asked kissing her hand constantly. "I feel so weak, and my vision are a little blurry. I could guess it was you due to your voice and scent." She said and I tried not to burst out. "This person will pay for this, I swear." I mumbled. "What person? What are you talking about? What did the doctor say?" She asked looking at me. "Diana you should rest now. You shouldn't talk too much." I said and she shook her head. "No Isaac, what happened to me? Why can't I see you clearly?" She asked in tears. "Diana do you trust me?" I asked and she nodded. "Go to rest now okay? I will explain everything later. But now I need to go somewhere, and you have to answer some questions when I am back." I said kissing her forehead. "Where are you going?" She asked. "To your house. I need to make sure this nonsense doesn't happen again." I said walking away but she held me back. "I need father." She said in tears. "Diana he left the party before we did. I don't know where he is now." I said sadly. "He gave his cell number. It's in a paper, in my bag." She said and I nodded walking out of the ward. "Isaac how was it?" Mom and Uncle John asked approaching us. "Good. But not so good,her visions are blurry. She could recognize me due to my voice and scent." I said reaching for my bag as I began to look for the paper. "What are you doing?" Mom asked. "I need to call her father. She wants to see him." I said and finally I saw the paper. "I will call him." Mom said taking the paper from me and began to dial his number. "Ma'am Danielle, you should go home now. It's very late, Enoch would be out there looking for you." I said and she shook her head. "No,I am staying." She said and I got vexed. "Why? Why do you want to stay? I don't trust you! You have been so friendly for no reason. Maybe you actually had a reason." I said angrily. "Isaac I would never do that to Diana. I am also a mother." She said and I scoffed. "A mother of a monster." I replied. "That's enough Isaac. I am sorry Danielle, he is just paranoid." Uncle John said. "It's fine I understand. I will leave now. Take care Isaac." She said and walked out of the hospital sadly. "Isaac that was too much. She cares and that's why she was here." Uncle John and I sighed sadly. "I don't know what to think John. I don't trust anyone now, not when Diana is laying on that bed. I don't trust anyone that knows about us in that party." I said and he sighed nodding. "I understand, and I guess she understood too." He said and Mom walked back to where we were. "Her father is on his way." She said and I nodded. "Well I need to be somewhere." I said and they narrowed their brows staring at me. "What are you up to?" Mom asked. "Mom I can't just sit back here and do nothing. I am going back to that party, to find out anything i can find out." I said heading to the door. "Isaac." Mom called but I ignored her. "I will go with you." Uncle John said walking me out of the hospital. "So what's your plan?" He asked as we walked down the street. "To find out who poisoned her drink." I said and he sighed. "How do you want to do that?" He asked. "I let her mother know what happened. I need to see her facial expression." I said. "Don't tell me you suspect her mother." He said and I looked at him. "I suspect everyone because one thing that keeps ringing in my head now is that Diana is on that bed with her belly full of some poison." "Diana heard everything about how her mother cheated on her father and how she left him for her lover who is her husband now." "So she is my number one suspect." I rapped. "And why would a mother kill her child? What would she gain?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know but I can't trust her, she has been lying to Diana for almost 20 years. She can do something nasty." I said and I think I finally shut him up. We got to the party and I ran inside looking for her mother. Then I sighted her greeting some of her guests. Only if she knew what happened to her daughter. "Ma'am can i talk to you? I mean Immediately." I said ignoring the murmurings of her guests. "What's going on?" She asked and I ignored her question pulling her with me out of the party. "What's going on Isaac?" She asked fearfully. "Diana was poisoned and she laying on that hospital bed because of your party." I said and her mouth opened. I saw her eyes glitter as tears filled her eyes. "Klaus." She said weakly. "Who is klaus?" THE END...... . watch out for season two[/b]
14 Oct 2021 | 01:56
i want to say a very big thank you to everyone that commented on the story
14 Oct 2021 | 01:57
And season 2 will be coming very soon
14 Oct 2021 | 01:58
@delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-adewaleadenikeomolara @fb-hsdanieljago @fb- elijahadeyemo @stonez @hormortiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladebayo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemicheal @papacee @rhemychrix @danfavourer @istianplus-2 @olamibobo @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor @Andy come and comment o
14 Oct 2021 | 01:59
Hmm.... Disgusting
14 Oct 2021 | 03:03
With her (Diana's) mother mentioning a name as this means to me that, she knows about the intent of the suspect or that she must have a hand it the scenario.
14 Oct 2021 | 03:14
Who is Kalus ? And why the END ?
14 Oct 2021 | 05:41
what? who's klaus?
14 Oct 2021 | 09:31
Anticipating the next season Thanks
14 Oct 2021 | 13:46
Enoch is the one who is behind it All.....!
14 Oct 2021 | 15:04
Who is Klaus
14 Oct 2021 | 16:06
Bring it on, next please
14 Oct 2021 | 17:21


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