Its hard 4 a kid 2 rememba all he
did in their childhood days xcept
4 sum realy memorable event
which sticks to their memory...i
am no xception.Bt i seem 2
rememba a lot more..At age
7yrs,hw i came 2 be in the vilage
nd found myself wit my grandma
in Avu,owerri-west LGA,i neva
knew...I was told dat whn i was
born,dat my grandpa's death
made my grandma lonely nd so
she askd 2 tak me wit her 2 kip
her company in the vilage at my
2nd was
granted....dats how i came 2 be
in the villa..i rememba dose times
whn my grandma carried me at
her back 2 various
i became 4yrs old,i was enrolled
in2 nursery1...nd this is hw my
journey began