One Wrong  Turn......true Story by "Famous Pen" (Completed)

One Wrong Turn......true Story by "Famous Pen" (Completed)

By Shaxee in 25 Oct 2014 | 08:41
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Member since: 19 Oct 2014
This story was written & produced by "FAMOUS PEN"

My name is Ella. My story is not a strange one, many girls like me have lived the same life. And many more will, but I ll share this and hope someone will learn.
I'm from a deeply religious family, my parents have been very strict in raising us. Growing up in the house of Mr and Mrs Imasuen was hard enough. My dad is a typical Benin man, strong, commanding and intelligent. He hardly tolerates any nuisance. He handled us with an iron fist. We had strict rules, and whoever disobeyed was severely punished. My parents are also very religious people. We are devout Catholics, no one in my house was permitted to miss a mass, even if you were sick, it better be ebola, else you must be in church. I was quite active too, i was an alter girl, I also joined the legion of marry.
My life revolved around 3 places, school, home and church. I dare not step out of the house for a minute. I attended a girls school, so boys were off limits. Mom and dad took every little opportunity to remind me that as the last born and only girl, i was so precious to them. They wanted me to grow into a decent woman, who would make them proud. I was everyone's pet. My elder brothers Osas and Ighalo were always there for me. Though 4 and 2 years older than me respectively, we were best friends.
At 16, i was a shy, easy going princess.
I had developed quite well for my age. I had a slim figure, at 5ft7, I had a fairly good height for a lady with gently curved hips. I had a fairly big and well rounded butt, which I always get teased about. My bosoms weren't bad looking either, I had started using bra 3 years ago. My gentle dark eyeballs reflected my light African skin. I was a beauty to behold, and mum always reminded me of that. She had warmed me repeatedly never to go near boys, whom according to her were "wolves" waiting to plunder and destroy my future.
Dad kept a tight leash on me. Every Friday he would drive me to church practice, and pick me up when I'm done. Other kids made fun of me for being a "daddy's girl". I protested and declared that i was old enough to find my way to the church. Hence dad agreed that Osas should take me instead. He gave us a stern warning " you must never divert on your way to church!" Little did daddy know that Friday practice in church would be the beginning of my wrong turn.
To be continued.:.....
25 Oct 2014 | 08:41
One Wrong Turn......true Story...... Continues chapter 1 Friday came as usual, i got dressed for church practice. Osas and I strolled along to the church. This was the first time I'd be going to church practice without my father looking over my shoulder. Osas, although being a man servant who attends practice always, never went with my dad. He always came up with one excuse to leave earlier or later than us, or to drag behind long after dad picks me up. At 20 dad trusted him a little more than me. He was a student in uniben, so there was little dad could do to monitor him. We got to church about 20 minutes before practice time, and we parted ways. Osas went with his fellow man servants, while I eft with my friends Ruth and Hannah. Ruth and Hannah were the only close friends i have, we attend the same secondary school, and attend practice together. They were about my age too. Mum knows them very well, and had banned me from associating with them. Both of them were very popular in church and school, for entirely negative reasons. Ruth in particular always filled my ear with stories of her rich boyfriends, most of whom had either just returned from Malaysia or Italy. She had a lot of expensive stuff to showcase every week. She spends her weekends in highbrow hotels in Benin city. She once showed me pictures of herself in kada plaza, somewere in Benin city, with one of her Malaysian friends. I do not even know were kada plaza is in benin. Ruth knew how to have fun, she had an exciting life going for her. I'm often left to bemoan my own lonely little life, in the cell my parents had created. Hannah did not have the same freedom as Ruth, her parents were just like mine. But unlike me, Ruth knew how to get around her parents. I knew she had a boyfriend, a man servant. I guess i was the one always left out. I kept thinking about her boring my life was all through the practice. The day's practice went by pretty fast, we were done and ready to leave. It was about 4:30 pm, so i was heading towards the gate hoping to meet Osas somewhere along the way. I was quite confused when I discovered that only a handfull of us were heading home. Others, including my friends were hanging around. Even Osas was nowhere in sight. So I turned around, and went back to the church compound, to search for him. I know dad would be furious if i returned late. On my way back, i sighted Ruth from afar, deeply involved in a conversation with a guy. His name is Ehis, he is alittle older than us. He was a tall, dark skinned handsome guy. I have seen him around a lot of times, he was a popular face. I stood far from them for a while, hoping that the conversation will end soon, and Ehis will leave. I don't like being around him. There's a certain way he makes me feel, i get nervous whenever he came around. He had this soft gentle and sweet nature, whenever i spoke to him. He doesn't fail to remind me of how beautiful i was. He had his way with words. Most times, after practice i spend my entire night thinking about him. I was so deep in my thoughts that i did not notice Ehis walking towards me. "Hey" his sweet baritone voice jerked me back to reality. " wow you are still around, how come? I immediately looked down, trying to gather words to reply. I knew what to say in my head, but the problem is that my head had been disconnected from my mouth. I only stuttered a few words, only God knew if he understood me. I had barely finished a sentence when I heard my name from nowhere. Osas and Ruth ran towards me, exchanged greetings with Ehis and informed me that we would be leaving much later. He said he had other things to attend to. I was almost furious, i knew dad would so mad at me. Ruth noticed my indignation, and quickly intercepted, "cant you see everyone is still around?Come on let's have fun". Before Ruth finished her sentence, Osas was already on his way out of sight. I resigned to wait. Ruth, Ehis and i walked towards the church hall. Ehis tried to grab hold of my hand, i quickly moved my hand away. He didn't say anything. To be continued [hr] LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES episode 2-4 ( scroll dawn) episode 5-8 episode 9-12 episode 13-16 episode 17-21 episode 22-25 episode 26-29 episode 30-32 episode 33&34 episode 35&36 episode 37 episode 38-43 episode 44&45 episode 46 episode 47 episode 48 episode 49 final episode
25 Oct 2014 | 08:53
One Wrong Turn......true Story...... Continues chapter 2 The three of us eventually walked to a secluded part of the church. It was a building under construction. It would serve as accomodation for the parish priest once it is completed. I have never been inside the building before, i only see it from a distance. It was quite neat inside, not as littered with nails and plank as i would have thought. The planks were neatly arranged on pieces of blocks to form a kind of bench, it was as if it was a regular meeting point. I sat down comfortably, on one of the make shift benches, Ehis sat beside me. And Ruth sat on a different bench, st the other end of the room. She immediately brought out her phone and started playing temple run. Ehis focused all his attention on me, he communicated in a way that made me feel more comfortable with him. That was the day i got to know that he too was a student at uniben. He told me a lot about himself, and was genuinely interested in me. He asked about my family, and why he has never seen me around after practice. I managed to find words to explain my parents attitude to him, and how much i missed going out. He understood how boring my life was. After much talking and encouraging me, Ehis told me i wasn't the only one with strict parents. He assured me that his parents were once like that, but he found a way to cope. He told me he could help me handle my parents. There was a long pause in our conversation, all the while i was looking at the floor. Ehis moved alittle closer, held my hand with one hand, and began to speak in a gentle and captivating voice. "Ella, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever known, i think about you everyday, but i have never had the chance to tell you how i really feel about you" he pulled my chin, looked straight into my eyes, and whispered softly " Ella, i love you" i felt as if my heart was going to burst, it was beating so fast. No one has ever told me that before. The whole world stoped before my very eyes. I couldn't say anything, i didn't even know what to say. I just know that i spend my night thinking about him too, he didn't seem like the "wolf" my mum described. I was so lost in my own thoughts, i barely noticed when he brought his phone out, typed in something, and put it back in his pocket. I was still lost in my thoughts and fantasies when Ruth's phone buzzed from the other side of the building. She sprang up from her sit, and told me she was going to ease herself. When she left, it suddenly don on me that Ehis and i where all alone in that uncompleted building. I became a little scared inside. Today would be a day that changed my whole world. To be continued......
25 Oct 2014 | 08:55
Episode 3 We Just kept looking at each other's eyes, for the first time, i looked at him without turning my face away. He had really innocent eyes, his gaze was pure and directed, he barely blinked. For once, i noticed his pink thin lips, they looked so lovely. A part of me wanted to suck on them. He wasnt staring at my eyes anymore, his gaze was directed towards my lips, and sometimes he would stare down my cleavage. His eyes made me flutter inside. I felt weak and vulnerable. He moved his hands to my cheeks, gently brushing them. Cold shivers ran down my spine. I felt sweet and guilty inside. He pulled me closer and brought his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes as our lips touched. I felt my heart going numb. His kiss was passionate and slow, tasting every inch of my lips. I was scared to death, but i knew I did not want this to end. . It was my first kiss, something I dream of every night. Suddenly, he pulled his lips away from mine, got up and started apologising profusely " I'm sorry Ella, i didn't mean to do that, i was just carried away, i didn't mean it please. Don't be offended". i stood up, feeling a little disappointed. I didn't want the kiss to end. I grabbed his shirt, pulled him closer to him and burried my lips inside his. I could tell he was a little startled, even my own boldness surprised me. He held my by the waist as I ate away at his lips. I felt his hand going down towards my butt, my anxiety increased, so did my desire. My heart began to race. He grabbed my butt and squeezed. I have never felt anything like this before. I began to moan lightly as I pressed my bosoms against his chest. Suddenly, someone shouted from the window, " children of Satan! I have caught you today". To be continued
25 Oct 2014 | 09:00
Haaaaaaaa yeparipa ooooooo
25 Oct 2014 | 10:39
Yeeeeeeeee pls continue o this is interesting o
25 Oct 2014 | 10:44
Continues Episode 4 We both turned around, and behold it was the catechist. He started walking menacingly towards us. I hid behind Ehis, and buried my head in his back. I was deeply ashamed. Reality had struck me. The catechist is a friend of our family, he and my dad were in the harvest commitee. He has always praised my dad for having well behaved children. I knew i was in big trouble, there was no way i was going to get out of this, at least not without some lashes from my father. The catechist tryed to snatch me away from Ehis's back, but we kept turning him in circles. He grew angry, and slapped Ehis. Ehis stood motionless, holding his face in his palm, as the catechist snatched me from behind him. " you prostitute, ashawo, so this is your mission in church abi?" He lifted his hands, and aimed a slap at my face. I shut my eyes tightly, anticipating the sting from the slap. It never came. After a few seconds, i slowly opened my eyes, and looked up. Ehis had intercepted the slap, he held the catechist's hand in the air as they struggled. Ruth hurriedly walked into the building, she was shell shocked when she saw Ehis and the catechist. I could see the disbelief in her eyes as she held her mouth in her palm. She beckoned on me to follow her, and bolted away. As i took the first step towards my escape, the catechist shouted "will you stop there" i froze. He let go of Ehis, and grabbed hold of my hand. "I ll take you to your father personally, he must know that you are now a prostitute" he taunted. At this point, tears began to roll down my cheeks, i fell on my knees pleading and sobbing, promising never to repeat this mistake. Ehis joined the begging but all to no avail. He dragged me out of the building, all the way to his motocycle, order me to climb on, and zoomed off, to my father's house. I was shedding tears all the way, i know my father will be at home at this time. How bad can this get? I kept wondering as tears flowed freely. to be continued
25 Oct 2014 | 12:11
Oh sorry... Such is life
26 Oct 2014 | 03:54
Continues Episode 5 My house was a 5 minute drive from the church, We arrived in no time. The catechist jumped off the bike, with like a professional high jumper. The look on his face was one of excitement rather than anger, i couldn't understand why. He banged repeatedly on the gate with so much vigor, as if he was trying to drive a nail through it with his bare palm. "Yes? Coming" , an obviously irritated voice replied from the compound. The gate flew open, and i was surprise to see Osas. How did he get home before me? I wondered. He too was bewildered to see me soaked in tears, with the catechist maintaining a firm grip on my hand, as if I was a criminal. "Goodevening sir" he muttered. "is your father at home?" The catechist queried..... yes but...... He interupted before Osas could finish the statement. He pushed him out of the way, and dragged me along, i was already sobbing uncontrollably. Osas locked the gate quickly, and ran after us. The sitting room door flew open, there was my father. He was lying on the sofa with a copy of the "awake" magazine covering his face. His glasses Hung on his nose. He was so engrossed to notice who just entered the sitting room. " Epa dormon" the catechist greeted in Benin language. My father recognized the voice, and quickly sat up on the sofa. He turned around, and immediately saw me cringing behind the catechist, sobbing loudly. He sprang up from his seat, and rushed towards me. "Ella, are you ok? Where have you been, what happened to you?. The catechist jumped in. "Epa, you won't believe were i saw your daughter just now. This small girl is now a prostitute" my father was startled, a look of confusion enveloped his face. " what is he talking about?" He quized, directing a stern gaze at me. The catechist continued. " you know that house we are building for reverend father, the one at the other end of our compound. I have been going there to inspect the place for more than one month now, each time i go there every Saturday morning, i always pick up condom sachets, and even used condoms. So today i said i must go and see what is hapening there every Friday. Epa as i got there, behold! i saw your daughter, with that useless boy, eh eh Ehiagwina's son. He was enjoying himself ontop of your daughter. Chai, see the way your daughter was shouting like a female dog. Even when i wanted to correct them, the boy started fighting me"......... "Enough!" Thundered my father. He turned towards me with blood shut eyes, "Ella, so you have decided to disgrace me? After all my discipline?"...... No daddy i did not.... A slap landed on my cheeks before i could finish. I had barely recovered from the shock of the slap, before my father took off his slippers and began to give me the beating of my life. I tryed to run away, but daddy grabbed hold of me, threw me to the floor and kicked me. " you want to bring shame to my name? You want to make me a laughing stock? So this is why you wanted to go to practice alone eh? So that you can sleep with that . You refused to come home with your brother. I will kill you before you disgrace me. Foolish ". I was on the floor, writhing and screaming in pain. My immediate elder brother Ighalo rushed out from his room. My agonizing screams must have alerted him. He rushed straight at me on the floor, and shielded me from my father's wrath and slippers. "Ighalo get out of my sight, let me kill this prostitute" dad roared. "No, daddy, It's enough, she is the only sister i have, maybe you should kill two of us." Ighalo fired back. Dad struck him in the head with the slippers, before putting it back on. "your mother will continue from where i stoped when she returns from work" he said, As he made his way towards his room. Ighalo helped me up to my feet, the catechist and Osas were nowhere in sight. as he carried me off to my bedroom. I laid motionless on my bed, staring at the ceiling with tears falling freely from my eyes. my whole body ached. A lot of thoughts rushed through my mind. I was guilty, but the catechist exaggerated the story. Daddy did not even listen to me. He now thinks i am a LovePeddler. Well maybe mummy will listen to me, she will understand that i am not a bad I thought, but little did I know that another surprise awaited me! To be continued.
26 Oct 2014 | 08:51
Common, don't be a ghost reader! Drop your comment!
26 Oct 2014 | 08:54
Continues Episode 5 I must have been in the room for close to two hours, lost in my own thoughts. I wasn't crying anymore. A blank stare registered on my face. My door flew open suddenly, the sound of the door knob slapping the opposite wall jolted me back to reality. I must have been so carried away, I didn't notice she had returned from work. She hasn't undressed at all, she was still wearing her white three piece suit and trousers. It was her uniform She is a nurse, who runs her own maternity somewhere in the heart of Benin city. Her presence brought about another round of tears. I actually thought she was going to pet me, or at least listen to anything i had to say. But the look on her face told a different story. It was a look of indignation and outright disappointment. She stood there looking at me for a few seconds before she finally spoke "so you have started sleeping with those small small boys in church abi?" "Mummy i did not....." "shut up" "it wasn't....... " "Keep quite, i said! Now tell me, how long have you been sleeping with him?" "Mummy, it's a lie, i didn't sleep with anyone, i have not done it before I'm a virgin, i swear....i replied, crying, hoping my tears would convince her. "hmmm, we will see about that, I'm coming" she said, as she walked away from my room. I stayed on my bed, confused, and wondering what my mum was up to. I couldn't tell if she believed me or not. At least she hasn't added to my father's torture,......yet. Twenty minutes passed, i must have been falling asleep when my door flew open again. My mum was back. She had taken off her uniform. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She was clutching on to a pair of surgical gloves. Gently, she locked the door, and began to wear the gloves. A lot ran through my mind. Why did she lock my door? What does she need surgical gloves for? Today was the day all my affection for my mum died! . To be continued!
26 Oct 2014 | 08:57
Continues Episode 6 Take off your pant and spread your legs", my mum ordered. "But why?" i inquired "you said you are a virgin abi? Oya let me check weather your hymen is still intact" Those words hit me like a bolt of lightening. The very thought of my mum inspecting my virgin hole infuriated me. My countenance changed, i started to cry again. "No mum, you can't do that, It's degrading. I won't let you touch me" "Osas! Ighalo! Come here" my mum shouted from my room. " if you won't co-operate with me, i ll tell them to hold you down for me, It's either me and you, or you allow all the men in this house to see your unclothedness today" Osas and Ighalo were already outside my door, inquiring why my mum wanted them. My crying intensified, a feeling of frustration enveloped me. "Oya I'm waiting, or should i open the door for them?" My mum said impatiently. Slowly, i took off my panties from underneath my skirt, with tears gushing out of my eyes in torrents. I laid still, and moved my legs apart. My mum burried her head between my legs, i could feel her seperating my labia with her fingers. What she was looking for, or hoping to find I had no idea. By the time she was through, i wasn't crying anymore. My countenance changed. It wasnt just sadness anymore. I was bitter. A feeling of anger and hatred overwhelmed me. My mum, proped herself up, and walked away, without saying a word to me. She probably discovered i had told the truth, but pride and shame won't let her apologize. I turned around and looked at the wall clock, it was almost 1am, i have been deep in thought for hours. My mind went over the day's activities. My parents have locked me in a cage, my mum humiliated me. My father wants to kill me. I felt alone and depressed. There was only one ray of sunshine for me today. Somebody loves me. He told me himself. I had never felt so loved before. Despite all that happened today, i ll do anything to get that kiss again, to fall helplessly into his caring arms. He ll be my shoulder to cry on. I must see Ehis again, no matter what it takes. He alone can help me find happiness in this little world of mine. But how do i escape from the watchful eyes of my parents? I know after today, dad will never allow me attend practice again. But i must find a way, i know just the right people who can help me. Ruth and Hannah. I can't wait to see them. *** To be continued***
26 Oct 2014 | 15:25
Continues Episode 8 I spent my Saturday in isolation, i barely came out of my room or talked to anybody. The only person who bordered to find out how i was doing was Ighalo. My mum only came to remind me to eat. Sunday came along with a lot of promise for me. The thought of seeing Ehis again put a smile on my face. I felt that usual flutter inside me again. I kept wondering how i would see him without my parents finding out. I got up slowly from my bed, and walked lazily to the sitting room. My family had already started morning devotion. I found some space beside Ighalo, and knelt down in front of the statue of virgin Mary. All through the prayer, i merely mumbled some incoherent words. My mind and heart were far removed from the prayer. All i could think about was meeting Ehis again. The devotion ended. I got up quickly, hoping to dash out of sight before anyone noticed my presence. "Ella come back here, we are not finished with you" my father's voice halted me in my strides. I turned around with a frown on my face, and hands folded across my chest. My parents had already taken up seats side by side. "sit down," my mum ordered. " I'm ok like this" i replied, looking upwards with disgust. I have never replied my parents like this before. I guess times have changed. My father cleared his throat and continued. "You have now decided to bring shame upon me. To the extent that you now sleep with small boys in the house of God....." "daddy i did not......." "shut up!" My dad shouted, getting up from his seat, " if you interrupt me again i ll break your head" he thundered. As menacing as he sounded, i was largely unflustered. The anger that had built up in my heart far exceeded the fear I had for my father. "hence forth", he continued, in a harsh and authoritative tone. " you will not go to that practice again. Infact go and tell them you are no longer an alter girl" "Apart from church and school, do not leave this house to any place. If I see you with that useless boy, or any boy for that matter, i ll kill both you with my bare hands.........silly child" " okay, is that all?" I asked, in a mocking tone. "My friend get out of here" my mum replied, obviously irritated by my demeanor. I turned around, and walked lazily towards my bathroom. I wasn't ready to do any house chores. Whoever wanted me to work, will have to kill me first, i resolved in my heart. Thankfully, nobody disturbed me. I returned from the bathroom, with a towel tied around my body, covering from my chest to the ridge above my knees. Revealing my long shapely legs. I stood in front of my mirror, admiring all the contours of my body. For once i appreciated how pretty i was. I turned round and looked at my butt. A little shy smile flashed across my face, as i remembered the feeling i got when Ehis squeezed it. I opened my drawer, and brought out all my make up accessories, which in total included a comb, face powder and body cream. My mum wouldn't allow anything else. I applied everything meticulously, making sure it was all perfect. I looked through my wardrobe, searching for my favourite gown. It was a blue dinner gown, tailor made to my body. It brought out my exact shape, and had a way of making my bossoms look big. I stared at the mirror, turning from side to side, making sure I looked perfect. I wanted Ehis to admire me today, if i get the chance to meet him. It was all perfect, as i stepped outside to meet my parents in the car outside. My mum had her eyes fixed on me, as i took every step towards the car. I could guess exactly what was going on in her mind. We zoomed off. Today, i ll find a way to out smart my parents. I had an ally. To be continued
26 Oct 2014 | 15:44
.....dis parents re gonna ruin dia daughter's life..... Dere is no need 4 over protection... It makes one feel so unloved nd dere will be desire 2 explore tinz which shldnt be explored... Freedom nd advice is d best way 2 nuture children.... I thnk God 4 my kind of parents anyway...
26 Oct 2014 | 16:22
Writer keep it up it a nice story but over protection will make the gurl become promiscuous
27 Oct 2014 | 07:05
i agree with u tennie and i thankGod for my parent too
27 Oct 2014 | 08:06
Continues Episode 9 We got to church quite early, as it is our usual tradition. The compound was already bubbling with life. Different brands of cars packed around, reflecting the social status of the parishioners. The entire compound was saturated with human activities, hawkers and petty traders displayed their wares anywere it would be visible. People walking to and fro the walk ways, dressed in different attires. Some were simple and elegant like me, others were extravagant and flashy. Some modest and decent, others wild and provocative. This was a typical Sunday service, the good, the bad and the ugly all meet here, some to worship the lord, some for entirely different reasons. Which group do I belong to? I wasn't sure anymore. I used to be a good girl, but the thoughts that have preoccupied my mind for the past two days, makes me doubt my own self. Normally, everyone will go his seperate way as soon as we arrived. My mum and dad would find a seat, Osas will meet up with the man servants, while i join the alter girls. Ighalo was always a freelancer. As i alighted from the car, i made towards the entrance to the church hall. "did you not hear what i said this morning"? My dad said rather loudly. "you are sitting next to me hence forth" I did not want to cause a scene, so i stoped and waited for them. My parents had a knack for picking seats at the front. This means i had to walk almost the entire length of the hall. The different eyes staring at me made me shy. I notice men, old and young staring at my butt, or looking up at my cleavage. I scanned through the audience hoping to catch sight of Ehis. Mid way through the hall, i spotted Ruth among the crowd. I fixed my eyes firmly on her, hoping she would turn towards my direction. She sighted me from her position. I'm very sure she would have come towards me, if my parents weren't in front of me. My mum hated Ruth and Hannah. They weren't the most decent of girls anyway. She made a sign with her hand, to notify me that she will get in touch. I marched along with my parents, with my head up high, trying not to notice the eyes starring at me. We got a seat at the front row and settled in, waiting for service to start. Friends and wellwishers stoped by to greet my parents. I was really uncomfortable sitting beside them. My eyes kept roving about the hall, hoping to see Ehis. He was nowhere to be found. I turned round, to look directly behind me, i scanned face after face discreetly. A little tap on my shoulder brought me back to my senses. I turned round to see who it was. It was Osato, my little friend. Though just 10 years old, he was a little too smart for his age. His mother is a friend of our family. He greeted my mum and dad, and sat quietly beside me. Osato has always been fond of me. We had developed quite a bond. His sitting close to me did not raise any suspicions. I could feel him nudging me with his arm several times, so thought the space between us was too tight for him. I tried to move away a little. Just then, i noticed his palm outstretched, between our tights. There was a neatly folded sheet of paper on it. This has to be a message, i was sure of it. I looked side ways towards my parents, they were deeply involved in a discussion with the catechist. I snatched the note from Osato's palm, and hurriedly tucked it inside my bible. Osato got up, and hopped away. His mission had been completed. I opened my bible slowly, looking for the page were i had hidden the note. I spotted the white paper, and pretended to be reading my bible. The message was short, but It's very content excited me. To be continued
27 Oct 2014 | 11:00
Continues Episode 10 "Behind the house of Mary, please wait till service starts" I became impatient after reading those words. I couldn't wait for the damn service to start. I kept adjusting myself on my seat. Although there was no name on the note, it was Ruth's handwriting. The "house of Mary" refers to a small building at one corner of the church compound. It had a statue of Mary built inside. People usually go there to pray. The sight of the reverend father walking up to the alter made my heart beat faster. The time to leave is gradually coming. The reverend welcomed everyone to the day's service. People scrambled to find their seats around. The entire hall was rowdy for a while. Slowly, normalcy was starting to return. Everyone sat down, and the day's service was opened with a hymn. My heart and soul were completely detached from the church. All i could focus on was how to leave the hall without arousing my parent's suspicion. I got up from my seat, and moved closer to my mum. I bent down and whispered into her ear. "i want to buy sanitary pad, my period has suddenly started" "didn't you know it would start today? Are you a small child, she answered in a rather irritated tone. "it happens unexpectedly sometimes", which was a lie. My mum put her hands in her purse, and brought out a #500naira note "hurry before you stain yourself" I get to accomplish my mission, and also get paid for it, I thought to myself as I made my way out of the hall. A feeling of eagerness, and excitement coupled with a little guilt dominated my heart. I wondered if Ehis was waiting for me there. The church compound was much quieter now. The walk way was nearly devoid of people, save for a few people who were probably on a mission too. I headed straight for the house of Mary. I could see a car parked almost behind the house, a black, Toyota camry, it had tinted Windows making it impossible to see who was inside. Ruth was standing right next to the car as I approached. She opened the door to the back seat, and waved at me to go in. My heartbeat raced as i saw Ehis inside the car. A smile enveloped my face. I could barely hide my excitement. He smiled back at me, and hugged me really tight. He held my chin, and drew me closer to himself for a kiss. I closed my eyes, anticipating the taste of his lips. A hard knock on the car window sharply interrupted our kiss. It was Ruth, she was trying to warn us of something. I looked around, and saw my mother walking towards the house of Mary, with fury and haste, clutching on to my bible. It suddenly hit me, i left the note in my bible. My mum must have found it. God, I'm in trouble again I said to myself. Ehis saw the troubled look on my face. He smiled, and told me to calm down. Ruth will take care of this. I doubted him, my mum was quite a detective. *** to be continued***
27 Oct 2014 | 11:02
Yeeeeee see me see shaky legs and body ooooo... Naughty gurls and guy
27 Oct 2014 | 15:41
Continues Episode 11 My heart almost came to a stop as my mum approached the car. I was quite uneasy. Ehis put his index finger across my lips, telling me to be quiet. My mum walked up to the house of Mary, and began to look around. She went inside the building and came out. She came around the back, towards the car. She headed straight for Ruth, who was leaning on the car. I bent down quickly, to avoid her eagle eyes. Ehis assured me again that my mum couldn't see us from outside. "where is Ella", she asked, looking around suspiciously. " I don't know ma, i haven't seen her today" Ruth replied. "young lady, don't tell me lies, are you not the one she is planning to meet here?" " me? No ma , i don't know were she is o" " who wrote her this note?" My mum asked as she handed the note over to Ruth. "Oh, ma its me, but i gave it to her last week. We were suppose to have a rehearsal here during service. You know she is in the legion of Mary," "so what are you doing here now"? My mum probed further. " we just finished another rehearsal here just now, i'm about to leave now." "so were are the others then?" "they have all gone, i was just checking myself in the mirror, that's why you met me ma" she said, pointing at the car's side mirror. My mum looked at Ruth, with an expression of disgust on her face. Frisking her from head to toe with her eyes. Ruth was heavily made up, she owned every single make up accessory a woman can have, and she had no restraint about using them. My mum hated make up. "oya, get inside the church, mass has started" my mum ordered. My mum stood, as Ruth began to walk away slowly. Ruth was a talented liar. Weather her lies were premeditated, or spontaneous, it was hard to tell the difference. When Ruth was out of sight, my mum took a walk around the car, perhaps admiring It's beauty. I could see her through the tinted windows. My heart sank when she bent down, and adjusted her headtie, using the side mirror. Perhaps she would have seen me if she turned. As my mum walked towards the church hall, i knew it was time for me to leave. I have been gone for nearly 15minutes. The longer i stay here, the closer I am to getting caught. As soon as my mum was out of sight, i told Ehis I had to go. "But common, she is gone now, we can spend a little time together, i really miss you Ella." Ehis said, in his usual gentle and pleasing voice. As tempting as those words sounded, i knew i really had to go. If i take long, i don't know which excuse to give my mum. I have never been good at lying. "Ehis, I'm sorry, i have to go, my mum will come looking for me again." "but when can i see you again? I ll like to hang out with you" He asked, with a sad look on his face. To be continued
28 Oct 2014 | 06:01
Continues Episode 12 i don't know, I'm only allowed to go to church and school, i can't leave the house" There was a look of disappointment on Ehis's face, he seemed a little frustrated. Deep down in my own heart, I'd love to hang out with him. But there was nothing i could do about it. My parents were everywhere. "what if i pick you up from school?" I greeted the question with a look of confusion on my face, "how? " i asked. Still very confused. "i ll come and pick you with my friend's car during break, i ll bring you back quickly. No one will notice you were gone. Ruth will tell you how to leave the school. My mind went blank for sometime. i know Ruth and Hannah usually sneaked out of the school during breaks, but i had never followed them. I had no reason to. I still wondered how they were able to leave and return unnoticed. I have always participated in the goodies they bring back from where ever they go. I was really scared, but i had to accept. It was worth the risk, so i thought. I unlocked the door, and attempted to leave, Ehis held me back, and pulled me closer to himself. There was that look on his face again, and the pink lips. My heartbeat raced again. My head wanted to go, but my heart had a different plan. I was still consumed in my thoughts when I felt his lips on mine. It was wet, slow and passionate like the first. I felt the flutter in my stomach again. He began to move his hands towards my bosoms. I was scared and uncomfortable. It took every muscle in my body to hold his hand, and break the kiss. "Not today please, when I see you on Monday" i said as I tried to leave. "We ll continue from here, Promise?" "yes" "okay" he said, licking his lips in a seductive manner. I never knew what that meant. I had no idea what i had just promised. As i walked towards the hall, me eye ball kept dancing from side to side, incase someone had spotted me coming out of the car. As i approached my parents seat, my heart began to beat faster. I felt like a thief, i just hoped the guilt i felt in my heart hasn't registered on my gave. I stole a quick glance at my mum's face. She was still holding on to the note. "when did Ruth give you this?" She asked as soon as I sat. "last week." My mum gave me a long suspicious look, and turned her attention to the alter. I was really nervous, but all i could think about was meeting Ehis on Monday. I had made him a promise, even if i barely understood the nature of the promise. To be continued
28 Oct 2014 | 06:03
Continues Episode 13 The 6'o clock alarmed buzzed with It's usual disrespect and insolence. I hated that alarm. It seems to go off during the sweetest part of my sleep. Unlike most people though, i loved Monday mornings. It meant going back to school. It way my getaway, my only chance of leaving this cell. Today was a special Monday, i was going to do something i had never done before. I was excited and scared at the same time. My day began like every other day, i jumped out of bed 5 minutes after the alarm, and dragged myself to the sitting room for morning devotion. Once again, order than mumbling a few unintelligible words, i had no active participation in the prayers. My mind was solely focused on getting to school. As soon as the prayer ended, i greeted every one, and headed straight for the kitchen to do my chores. I finished up quite early, the zeal and speed with which i finished my chores surprised my mum, i was fond of lingering on chores. I bathed swiftly, and got set for school. My white shirt and blue skirt were properly ironed. There was not a single stain on my stockings. I looked as neat and tidy as possible, everything was in order. I came out of the house, and sat inside my mum's car waiting for her to take me to school. She took me to and from school every single day of my 6 years in secondary school. As i sat there, my mind began to wander. I was about to do something strange and unfamiliar. How ll this day turn out? Where exactly is Ehis going to take me? I was unsure of myself, but i just couldn't wait to find out. My mum joined me in the car few minutes later, it was already 7:45am. She started the engine and we zoomed off. My day was just about to start. To be continued.
29 Oct 2014 | 03:08
Continues Episode 14 The usual traffic in Benin city ensured that i was almost late for school. My mum Droped me off exactly 2 minutes before 8 0'clock. She handed me a hundred naira note for lunch, and zoomed off. As i walked through the gate, i took time to examine the entire school compound. And kept wondering how i would be able to make it out without being noticed. The entire compound was tightly secured. The perimeter fence was high, and lined with barbed wire. It was impossible to jump over. The school had 2 entrances, and 2 security posts. One in front and one behind. Each had stern looking men manning the gates, with strict warning not to allow students out of the compound till the school closes. The security arrangement in the school, coupled with the hostile nature of the gatemen made the school look more like a federal prison than a learning center. I walked straight to the assembly hall with my bag firmly hung on my shoulders, as i was already late. The morning assembly was like every other one. We sang some hymns, recited the national anthem and performed other daily routine. The principal made an announcement, reminding all SS3 students of the commencement of waec and JAMB registration, we were to part with the sum of 25thousand naira in all. The annoucement was greeted with some happiness, it meant we would soon be out of secondary school. I can't wait to be in the university, it would mean one thing.....Freedom! We marched to our various classes, singing along. As soon as we sat in class, i moved to Ruth's seat. I couldn't contain my excitement. I wanted all the details of the escape plan. How exactly I'm i going to leave this school compound?. Ruth and Hannah looked at me with surprise and laughed hysterically. My naivity must have amused them. I looked like a curious lamb perhaps. " Did you bring extra clothes?" Ruth asked "why? What for?" I asked, genuinely surprised. "Haba you can't be walking outside with your school uniform na, you want to tell the entire Benin that you escaped from school?" Hannah replied, a little irritated. "i didn't know i had to, so what do we do now?" I asked, with a worried look "Ruth will give you her own" "will you?" Ruth obliged, she always comes in handy for evil deeds. She was like the devil's assistant to me. I was about to ask other questions, when the class suddenly became quiet. Our class teacher had just walked in. I turned around and headed for my seat. "last period before break" Ruth wispered to me. As I approached my seat. The morning lessons went by slowly. I barely understood anything that was said in class, thanks to the fear and excitement building up inside me. The bell rang, to signify the end of the third lesson of the day, and the beginning of the last lesson before break. The subject was geography, which i don't offer. I got up and hurried left the class before the teacher arrives. Ruth and Hannah were right behind me. They were both holding their school bags, mine was still on my seat. They led me towards the security post behind the school. I kept wondering how we were going to walk past the gateman. To be continued.
29 Oct 2014 | 03:13
Continues Episode 15 As soon as the gateman saw us, he beckoned on us to hurry up. We quickened our pace, and entered the gate house. I saw too other girls inside the house, i couldn't tell which class they were, because they were no longer on their uniforms. One was putting on blue denim jean trousers, with a white t-shirt, with very low neck line that revealed some cleavage. She was busy applying make up, she hardly noticed our presence. Her companion seemed a little more decent, she was uneasy and shy just like me. They finished their make up, and handed 1000 naira note to the gate man. He stepped outside, opened the gate and looked around for a while. When he was sure no one was in sight, he beckoned on them to proceed. They both walked briskly across the gate and out of sight. It would be really difficult for anyone to spot them, because the rear gate was quite far from the main school compound, and it was shielded by trees and tall grasses. It is rare for anyone to use the rear gate. It is mainly used during the morning hours, to ease traffic. As i stood and watched, i began to understand how the whole process works. The gate man was merely making money off the girls. He collects, a fee of 500 naira from each girl, and allows them escape unnoticed. The gate house was their changing room. The gateman even keeps their uniform safe when they are gone. It all seemed like a safe plan, at least for now. "here, put this on" Ruth ordered, as she handed me a pair of leggings and a pink top. I struggled into the trousers. It felt really wierd, i had never worn trousers before, my mum doesn't like it on me, even if she wears. Hannah opened her school bag, and brought out a box containing make up accessories, and handed them over to me. I held on to them, not knowing what exactly to do with them. I have never used make up before. This was a whole new experience for me. Ruth noticed my dilemma, and came to my rescue. She applied the make up on my face, layer after layer. I felt like a different person already. I grabbed a mirror from the box, and looked at my face. I couldn't believe how pretty i was. The red lipstick matched my earrings, the handbag went with the shoes. Everything looked perfect. I wished i could look like this every day. Ruth brought out her phone, and dialed a number. I guess she called Ehis. Few minutes later, we heard the sound of a car horn just outside the gate. The gate man came out, looked around around as usual, to make sure no one sees us. He signaled us to go. Hannah handed over a thousand naira note to him, as we made our way outside. Ruth waved me farewell with a smile on her face, urging me to have fun. She did not go with us, because i had Borrowed her cloths. A car was packed just outside the fence. I recognized it, it was the same car from Sunday. The door opened, and i sat in front. Hannah took the back seat. There was someone else at the back, a boy. I haven't seen him before. But judging by his appearance, he was in his late twenties. I turned towards Ehis at the drivers seat. He smiled as my eyes met his. "you look beautiful honey" "thank you" I replied, almost blushing. He introduced me to the boy at the back, his name was Odion, he was a cousin of Ehis, who just returned from his NYSC. I turned around and greeted him in English. He extended a hand, and i gave him mine. He drew my hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of my palm. "You are such a pretty lady" he said, starring down my cleavage. I was a little embarrassed "thank you sir" i replied, trying to turn around quickly before he tears of my bra with his eyes. Ehis started the ignition, and drove straight ahead. I had no idea where we were going, or what we were going to do. Ehis simply said we would hang out. I raised my head and looked at the rear view mirror, i could see Hannah and Odion. They were kissing lustfully. He had one hand underneath her skirt manipulating her,while the other caressed her bosom. My heart began to beat faster. I felt the tension building up in my head. Only then i realised what was going to happen that day. I was deeply terrified, I didn't think i wanted to do this anymore. But it was already too late, as Ehis pulled over and stoped the car. To be continued.
29 Oct 2014 | 03:14
Oh what a wonderful story keep updating weldone
29 Oct 2014 | 06:49
nice story guy pls keep updating
29 Oct 2014 | 08:49
Continues Episode 16 As we all alighted, i kept turning from side to side, i could not risk being seen by someone who knows me or my parents. One would have to look closely to recognise me though, because the make up and trousers made me look different. This part of the city was unfamiliar, i have never been here before. It was somewhere around sapele road. I turned around and saw a big sign board it read "kada plaza". The building was large, and booming with activties. It is one of the numerous places to have fun in Benin. A really magnificent building, containing a cinema hall, hallmark supermarket, a gaming center, and different fast food joints. I was quite excited to be here, i knew i would have fun without doubt, but what would happen afterwards, i wasn't sure. We made our way into a section of the plaza, it was a fast food segment. We occupied a table for four. Ehis and i sat side by side, facing Hannah and Odion. A waiter came around, and we made our orders. I waited patiently for everyone to make their orders first, i wanted to be last because i had no idea what to order. i was quite lost. I have not eaten at a fast food before. The orders came eventually, i had a plate of fried rice and chicken with five alive. Hannah ordered the same, but with a bottle of smirnoff ice. The guys opted for local dishes. Odion requested for a bottle of alomo bitters, while Ehis took a can of lacasera. As we ate, we discussed various topics. I was starting to feel a little more comfortable. Odion dominated the conversation, he spoke quite fondly of his university and NYSC days. He was a graduate of Ambrose Alli University. He wasn't shy about admitting that he was a "rugged" man In school. I became a little scared of him. For once i noticed his "rugged" appearance. His red eyes and dark lips gave me the impression that he is a smoker. I stole a quick glance at Ruth, she had been actively involved in the conversation, asking questions and laughing when there's nothing funny. She didn't seem scared of Odion as i was. But i could tell from the conversation that both of them had only met today! Occasionally, Odion would run his hands through Hannah's lap. She would simply look at him and give a smile of approval. I was irritated every time i saw this, they were in public for crying out loud. It made Hannah look like a prostitute. But she didn't mind. My displeasure was written all over my face. Odion must have noticed this as he turned attention to me. "So Ella, how old are you?" " I'm 16," "ah! you are a big girl na, just relax and enjoy yourselve ok? There's money to be spent. You ll go home loaded" As soon as he mentioned money, Hannah gave him a peck. I started wondering, is it all about the money? If she will let him do those nasty things because of money, does that not make her a prostitute? And what about me? I turned my attention to Ehis, he seemed quite indifferent. He took my hand and told me to relax. We finished our meal, and Odion took care of the bills and we headed out of the restaurant. We took the stairs upwards, and entered hallmark. The entire complex fascinated me. The store offered all kinds of consumer items, there was a lot to desire. I stood for a while, looking round and round. Not knowing exactly what i was suppose to do. Odion and Hannah walked towards a different direction, out of sight. Ehis put his hands around my waist, and pulled me forward as we continued walking. I felt special, but i was still a little shy. I wasn't used to such public display of affection. "so what will you like to buy?" Ehis asked, pulling me closer to himself. I wasn't sure what i wanted, i have not been out shopping before. My mum buys everything i need. " thanks, but i don't think i want anything, I'm ok" i replied politely "oh come on, i have to buy something for you today, something to prove how much i love and adore you" Seeing he wasn't going to give up, I looked around the section we were standing in, trying to pickout anything that may interest me. "there," I said, pointing towards a glass shelf containing wrist watches. We both walked towards the shelve. There were different brands of wrist watches carefully arranged, with price tags on them. I examined each price tag carefully, the cheapest was #4500. I looked up at Ehis, and shook my head, indicating that i didn't want the wrist watch anymore. I thought they were too expensive to buy. "what?" Ehis asked with a puzzling look on his face "They are too expensive" i replied "oh, don't worry about the price baby, i can do anything for you, even if it means paying with my life" I blushed a little and thanked him, his words made me fall in love with him more. I pointed at the cheapest wrist watch, he open the shelve and brought it out. To be continued.
29 Oct 2014 | 18:41
Continues Episode 17 It was a beautiful gold watch, worth all the money spent on it. The most expensive watch i have ever owned cost 600 naira, it was a birthday gift from my brother Ighalo. "Where is your phone? Let's snap some pictures" Ehis said, stretching his hands towards me, hoping to collect it. " i don't have a phone" i replied, feeling very much embarrassed. I was practically the only one in my class who did not have a phone. I had requested for one, but my parents insisted i must leave secondary school before owning one. "for real? Why? Ehis persisted further "my parents didn't buy for me" i stammered, " which phone will you like to buy?" Ehis asked pointing towards the opposite section where they sell phones. "anyone will do" " I know what to get you darling" He led me to the mobile phone section. Lots of phones were on open display, it would be really cool to own one of these i told myself. I was busy admiring one phone after another, i hardly listened to the conversation between Ehis and the attendant. He packaged one of the mobile phones, and handed it over to Ehis. We walked up to a female cashier, showed her the watch and the mobile phone, after which she wrote a receipt and tore it out. Ehis brought out him wallet and gave the cashier his atm card. She took it from him, swiped it across a machine and handed it back to him. We walked back to the car. Hannah and Odion had not arrived yet, so we waited patiently for them in the car. Ehis took my hand, and fastened the wrist watch to it. I looked at my hand, and smiled sheepishly. "its beautiful" i said in between a gentle smile. "just like you Ella, I love you" Those words had a way of making me feel weak and vulnerable, i began to feel like a princess. Everything seemed genuine to me. "i love you too", was my reply, as i turned to avoid his gaze. I have not said those words to anyone before. Ehis gently lifted my chin, and looked straight into my eyes. I knew that look, i knew what it meant. I had that feeling in my stomach again. He drew my face closed to himself, and leaned towards me. I shut my eyes in anticipation. A feeling of ecstasy enveloped me as i felt his soft lips on mine. He started to kiss me in his usual soft and passionate manner. He parted my lips with his tongue, and inserted it in my mouth. I sucked on it, without a care. I felt his hands moving underneath my shirt, towards my bosom. I was too ecstatic and lost to object. I just wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying every minute our encounter. His hands grabbed my bosom through my bra, as i let out an audible moan. I could feel some wetness between my legs. This wasn't me, i felt like a different person. But the more guilt i felt, the more Hot' i became. The wetness between my legs increased. The sound of Ehis's ring tone interrupted our activity. He broke the kiss, and let go of me. I sat back on my chair, still wishing we would continue. Ehis brought out his phone, and answered his call. "bros, we still dey wait o" "ok na, quick drop am for school o" Ehis put his phone back in his pocket and turned towards me again. "that was Odion, he and your friend are staying a little longer inside, they won't be coming with us" "how will she get back to school?" I asked, feeling a little worried. "he will bring her when they are through" There was a little silence, i faced the opposite direction looking outside the window. "so, what about us? We still have 30minutes, I'd love to show you were i stay, can I take you there please" Ehis turned my head around gently. I wanted to refuse, i knew i have had enough for one day. But i was too weak to say No....i simply nodded my head in agreement. He started the engines and drove off. A lot of thoughts rushed through my head, as we journeyed to his house. I couldn't believe this was me. I am taking a very bold step, i do not know how it will turn out. With this my state of ecstasy, it would take divine intervention to hold myself together. I do not want to lose my virginity just yet, my mother may inspect again. I resolved in my heart to refuse sex, but will Ehis let me off after spending so much? I wondered quietly. What happened that day revealed something else about Ehis. ***To be continued***
29 Oct 2014 | 18:43
Continues Episode 18 We drove for about 5minutes, and Ehis pulled over in front of a fenced compound, we both alighted. "this is my hostel" he announced proudly. It was a decent environment, with two story buildings facing each other. There must be about 25 rooms in all The compound was well adorned with flowers, the floor had interlocking tiles. It had the look and feel of a really expensive accomodation. Ehis motioned me foward, and we took a flight of stairs up to his room. It was the fourth room upstairs. The room was quite as impressive as the surrounding. It was tastefully furnished and nicely decorated. The wall curtains and bed sheets were a match, with different colours of paints on the wall. A plastic reading table and chair laid in a corner of the room, with books arranged around it. He had some really expensive electronic gadgets too. A 32 inches plasma screen television hung on the wall, with a portable LG home theater system. A fridge and some other electronic appliances i haven't seen before. Overall, the setting of the room provided more than comfort, it was pure luxury. Just how much does his parents give him? I wondered silently. "Here, have your sit" he said, pointing towards the bed. I sat down, feeling a little uneasy. I wasn't sure what i was supose to do or say exactly. A fish out of water is how i would describe myself. "your room is lovely" i managed to say. "oh thanks, I'm glad you like it". He grabbed his remote control and turned on his home theater. The music came on, it was a westlife album. I nodded slowly to the beats. Ehis pulled up close to me on the bed, and placed a palm on my cheek. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me too?" He asked in a rather innocent tone. There was a look of humility and sincerity on his face, he was like a little child pleading for ice cream. "yes" was all i could say. "then prove it to me Ella" "How?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. While i was still anticipating a response, he pulled me closed to himself and moved in for a kiss. It was a continuation from were we left off in the car. The whole sequence was repeating itself. It became a little different when he pushed me back gently to the bed, and climbed over me. I tried to resist, but a certain weakness enveloped me. I just gave in and fell back. I could feel his hands all over my body, touching everything that made a woman. There was that wetness again, i started moaning lightly. I loved the feel of his hands all over me He my pulled my shirt up, and i raised my hands, allowing him to take it off completely. He unhooked my bra too, and took it off, as he started to suck like a hungry child. I just laid back moaning. A feeling of guilt lingered around my head, I knew i shouldn't be here, but the pleasure of the moment blocked my common sense. I felt uneasy, as he unbuttoned my trousers, and slid his hand in. I just couldn't take it anymore. I held his hand mid-way. "No please don't " i pleaded. "Ella, i thought you said you love me?" "I do, but i can't do this, I'm scared" "Are you a virgin?" He asked, looking surprised "yes, and my mum inspects me regularly, she did the last time the catechist caught us in church" i replied, trying to avoid his gaze. "what do you mean by inspect? You mean she checks you down there?" He asked, pointing towards 'it'. "yes" He got up from above me with a resigned look on his face. He probably knew if i was disvirgined, my parents will take it out on him. I drew his sheet, and covered my Unclad body with it. For the first time i realised i was Unclad, and felt really shy. "you know we can still have fun, and you will still be a virgin" he said with some anticipation. "how?" "Just trust me" he replied, as he climbed over me again and took off the sheets. This time, he pulled my trousers down, without any resistance. I was completely Unclad. He did everything unimaginable with his fingers. I was powerless to refuse. Partly because i enjoyed it, and partly because i wanted to prove i loved him. It was around 10minutes before the end of our break, it was time to go. I dresses up hurriedly, arranged myself in front of the mirror and we headed out. "did you have fun?" Ehis asked as he started the engines. "yes" i replied shyly We drove off and headed back to my school. Ehis did not pressure me to have sex with him. Unknown to him, it has increased my love for him. But on the other hand, he has introduced me to a habit that would complicate my life. A life style that has led me to my current state. **TBC**
29 Oct 2014 | 18:49
She is so gullible
30 Oct 2014 | 09:28
She is so gullible and naive.
30 Oct 2014 | 09:29
Continues Episode 19 We arrived at my school not quite long after. I was silent for most part of the journey, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind. I would steal occasional glances at Ehis, to see the expression on his face. He oftened looked indifferent The school was very much rowdy, as students were still outside playing. It was five minutes before the end of the break. I came out of the car, and walked cautiously to the gate, looking around to see if anyone had eyes on me. I knocked lightly on the gate, and the harsh voice of the gate man answered me. "who is it?" "sir It's me I'm back" He stared through the peep hole, and identified me, as he unlocked the gates and let me in. As soon as i entered, i spotted Ruth walking down from the other side of the school. She looked very much excited to see me. I hurried into the gate house, and began to change into my school uniform. I was excited to be back, I hate stories of my own to share with Ruth. Ruth rushed into the gate house, and hugged me tightly. " at last you ve become a big girl, its about time you grew up" Ruth said, giving me a familiar look. It was a look of scrutiny. "abi?" I replied, twirling around and flaunting my curves. "so what did he give you? I know Ehis is loaded" Ruth queried, sounding very serious "tada!" Waving my hands for her to see the wristwatch. "just that?" She asked, a little disappointed. I put my hand in the polythene bag i brought with me, and brought out the mobile phone. Ruth grabbed it from me excitedly, and did the usual "girl shout". The phone was a techno M9. I was so proud of myself, this was almost an achievment for me. But i was sure my parents would never let me keep the phone. So i had a plan. "so did you follow him home?" Ruth asked, anticipating a quick reply. "i did" "and?" "Nothing" i replied, not knowing exactly what she wanted to hear. " so you mean you didn't get down with him?" She said, pointing towards my v. "not really,i was scared, you know I'm a virgin" i replied, in a low tone. "so you want to carry your virginity to the grave? If a guy gives you this much, the only you can repay him is by opening up for him. Stop being selfish, else you ll lose a guy that loves you so much" Ruth's words affected me far more than she realised. Ehis has shown me so much love, he has spent a lot. I should have given him something in return, i wondered silently to my self. The thought of losing Ehis was unbearable. He was the only one who had shown me so much love. He gives my life a meaning, more so he provided an escape from my parents. He deserved something, I concluded. "when next we go out, i ll just do it with him" i said rather boldly "thats much better, its not a big deal, we all do it. Just grow up Ella. I nodded in agreement sheepishly, and started arranging my person stuff. The break was already over, and the school compound was getting quieter as students made their way into their classrooms. A thought suddenly hit me, as Ruth asked "were is Hannah"? "she went with Ehis's cousin, she will soon be back I'm sure" Deep within me, i was really scared. Odion did not look or sound like a decent person. He looked more like a thug. I also knew Hannah would follow him home, to sleep with him. But shouldnt she have come already? We have waited for more than 20 minutes after the break. And our worry had become pronounce. I kept pacing up and down the gate house, worried that something might have happened to Hannah. Her number wasn't connecting either. Even the gate man joined my panic. After 20 more minutes of waiting. We heard a weak knock on the gate. I prayed silently for it to be Hannah. I couldn't bear the panic any longer. The gate man opened up quickly. The sight before us heightened our anxiety and panic. Hannah was seated on the ground, looking weak and spent. Her face looked nothing like the person who left the school with me today. Her make up was ruined, something must have dried up on her face. Her cloths were wet and dirty. She wore the look of someone who had been through a lot. We rushed foward to help her up to her feet, and carried her into the gate house. "What happened to you?" Ruth asked with a shaky voice. I was too dumbfounded to speak. Hannah began her story from were we got seperated at the plaza ***Tbc***
30 Oct 2014 | 13:08
Continues Episode 20 Hannah and Odion took a stroll to the boutique upstairs, she bought quite a lot of cloths which Odion paid for. Odion requested that Hannah accompanied him home, which she obliged. Hannah knew she was going to sleep with Odion, and she was prepared, it was something she had done often. They both left while Ehis and i were shopping. Odion called a friend of his to pick them up from kada plaza. Hannah had no idea were Odion stays. Odion' friend took them to a residential building not quite far from the plaza. It was a four bedroom flat, with a largely unkept surrounding. The grasses were tall, almost growing into the house itself. It looked quite abandoned, except for the footwears that lined the entrance to the house, coupled with the strong smell of Indian hemp that dominated the the atmosphere. There were other boys in the well furnished, but untidy sitting room. They were smoking , and drinking alomo bitters when Hannah and Odion walked in. After a slight exchange of 'boyish' greetings and handshakes, Odion introduced Hannah as his "little girl" and escorted her into a room in the house. The room was untidy and stuffy, probably hasn't been swept for over a week. The sheets smelled of sweat, with different colours of stains spattered around it. Odion pushed Hannah to the bed lightly, and began to kiss and UnCloth her. He met absolutely no resistance, not that it would have mattered as he was slightly drunk, and Hannah knew she was there for that purpose. They were both already Unclad when Hannah remembered that Odion wasn't wearing a condom. She asked Odion to bring out a condom, which he declined. He claimed not to enjoy sex with a condom. Hannah insisted, and an arguement ensued. She threatened to leave if Odion would not provide a condom. Her threat obviously infuriated Odion, as he slapped her across her face. She tried to get up, but Odion held her down on the bed, covered her mouth with his palm and forced his way. He molested her for more than 20minutes, before letting go of her. Hannah stood up and reigned insults on him. Odion walked out of the room, and Hannah began to dress herself up. The door to the room flew open, and the 5 boys from the sitting room strolled in, with a wicked smile registered on their faces. She was still partially Unclad, she knew what she was in for and there was so little she could do. The five of them took turns on her. Odion was no where in sight. She got nothing from the whole day's show, as the money they gave her was barely enough for her transportation. Cold shivers ran down my spine as i imagined the scenario. Thank God Ehis wasn't like his cousin, I thought to myself. Hannah changed into her school uniform, we packaged our cloths inside her bag, and walked towards our classroom. She was still very uncomfortable walking, so we had to help her. At this time, we had completely missed the first lesson after break. The subject was physics. It was unusual for me to miss classes. I kept looking around suspiciously, my heartbeat increased as we approached the classroom. "what are you doing outside"? A voice shouted from behind us. We turned around, it was our physics teacher Mr Osajie, adjusting his trousers. He must have come this way to ease himself. "I just finished with your class, the 3 of you were absent. Were are you coming from?" He said, walking towards us. "Our friend is sick, we took her to the hospital" Ruth replied pointing towards Hannah. I nodded in agreement, as Hannah actually looked sick. But i could tell from his expression that he did not buy the story. "so when a student is sick, you take her to the hospital without a gate pass? And how come she is back to school with you?" "What is she carrying inside that bag" he asked, grabbing the bag from me and searching through its content. Bursted! I said within myself. This wasn't going to end well. I started to fidget, hoping Ruth will come up with a more believable lie. "we have gate pass sir" Ruth replied unconvincingly. " shut up there! Whose bag is this" he asked directing a firm gaze at me. "its mine" Ruth cut in before i could speak. "Everything inside is mine" "come to my office and explain what you are doing with a bag full of cloths and a new mobile phone before the end of today, or else i will personally send messages to your parents and you will be expelled" **Tbc**
30 Oct 2014 | 13:13
Continues Episode 21 Mr Osajie walked away briskly, taking Ruth's bag along with him. We walked silently into our classroom. Thankfully, there was no teacher in the class. I sat on my seat, with my head on the desk. I was in a panic mode. My father would kill me if he had any idea of what had transpired today. Ruth and Hannah were deeply involved in a discussion at the other end of the classroom. Ruth walked up to my seat, and touched me lightly, interrupting my thoughts. "you look so tensed Ella" "Shouldn't i be? My dad will kill me if Mr Osajie reports. I'm finished" I said, almost sobbing. "i ll handle Mr Osajie, he won't report. I'm going to see him right now, i ll take care of everything" Ruth was one handy friend. I was quite reassured by her words, as she left the classroom. I knew what she was capable off. The next lesson proceeded as usual. Except for an interruption from the principal, reminding us that we would begin extra lessons the following week. As soon as the teacher left, Ruth entered with Hannah's bag firmly rested on her back. She dropped it on Hannah's desk, and walked up to me. I was quite surprised she got the bag. "so what happened?" I asked rather excitedly. "Forget about it, that man is a dog, i simply gave him what he wanted" Ruth's response shocked the day light out of me. My mouth opened in surprise. Perhaps i had misinterpreted her response, so i asked again plainly. " you mean you did it with him inside his office just now?" "what is your own?" Ruth fired, sounding a little angry "Or i should have allowed him to tell your parents? I bleeped.him because of you , so get over it." I was perplexed. I wasn't sure which was more surprising, Ruth's affair with Mr Osajie, or the complete indifference she showed. I kept staring at her with my eyes and mouth wide open. My gaze must have embarassed her a little, as she waved her palm across my face. "do you think I'm the only one he has slept with"? Ruth asked defensively, leading my gaze towards our class captain. I shook my head, everyone knew Mr Osajie to be a serial womaniser. Rumour had it that he almost Molested our class captain in his office, when she went to submit assignments. She came back with splashes of sperm on her skirt, making the story a little more confusing. Seeing that Ruth was slightly upset, i thanked her for coming to my rescue, and tactfully changed the subject. "Principal said we would begin extra lectures next week" "really? Ruth said excitedly. "hope your mother will not be coming to pick you after the lesson?" Ruth asked, eagerly anticipating a response "probably not" I replied "Good, because we are so grooving it. There's this place I ll like Ehis to take us to....." The closing bell interrupted her mid way, and we both got up. I transferred all items belonging to me from Hannah's bag into mine and headed for the car pack to meet my mum. I looked around, and spotted her red Audi 80. In her usual spot. She was often the first parent to arrive for school run, hence her spot was always free. I greeted her as i took my seat beside her. She responded, fixing her gaze on my wrist. "that's an expensive wrist watch, whose own is it?" She asked, focusing all attention on me. "it belongs to Ruth , i forgot to give it back to her" I lied "okay, better return it now before you spoil it" I stepped out of the car, and carried my school bag along. I walked all the way back to my classroom, in search of Ruth. She and Hannah were walking towards the gate house when i sighted them. I caught up with them, and handed my wrist watch and phone over to her. "my mum is asking questions " i said hurriedly. Ruth accepted the items, keeping them safely in her bag. "don't for get them at home, see you tomorrow" I hurried quickly towards the car pack to meet my mum. The rest of the week was uneventful. We were eagerly anticipating the commencement of our lessons the following week. It would turn out to be the week when the "good girl" died. ***tbc***
30 Oct 2014 | 13:14
Hmmmm na wa o weldone keep updating am enjoying it
31 Oct 2014 | 10:22
Continues Episode 22 Monday morning came with it's usual excitement and rush, but this one held something different for me. Extra lectures will begin today, ss3 students will stay in school till 5:30pm. It was supose to help us prepare for waec and UTME examinations. It would afford us time to cover our syllabus in all subjects. But my friends and i had different plans. It was going to be fun all the way. Over the past week, we have been busy perfecting our plan. Fifteen subjects were taught in ss3, but every student had the liberty of picking only nine. Whenever it was time for a lecture we do not offer, we are allowed to leave the class. The timetable for the extra lesson was arranged in such a way that we would receive three lectures between 2:30pm and 5:30pm. But here is the catch, since we don't offer all the subjects, there were free periods in between. Sometimes we even have one or two lectures only, leaving us a few free hours before 5:30. My parents won't be expecting me home till 6pm, so i could be anywhere i wanted to be. The six o'clock alarm brought me back to reality. I have been awake, but a little lost in fantasy. I looked at my door handle, to make sure it was properly locked. As i reached under my pillow for my phone. I had been in possession of it for a few days now, and devised a means of hiding it from everyone in the house. It was always on silent mode, i do not make or receive calls around the house. The people who mattered were on bbm and whatsapp. I simply locked myself indoors, and chat away. Whenever anyone knocked, I tucked it back under my pillow before opening the door. I rarely made calls, but when i had to, i move out of sight, a little far away from the house. Recharge cards weren't a problem, i had Ruth and Ehis. All i had to do was ask. No one knew i had a phone in the house. I grabbed my phone and looked through my whatsapp and bbm application, there were loads of messages. I scrolled to the one from Ehis, and read it in a hurry "looking foward to tomorrow, hope we would have fun, don't forget your you" I smiled to myself after reading it, it was sent the previous night. I must have fallen asleep while chatting. "Love you too" i replied, and tucked the phone back under my bed and joined my family for morning devotion. Again, i was only present in body. My mind and heart were far removed from the prayers. I had plans today. At the sound of the final Amen, i headed straight for the kitchen to do my chores. The excitement i felt was familiar, it reminded me of the previous Monday. Much like it, i was going to take another big step. I had promised Ehis i would have sex with him. Although i was still a little scared inside, i wanted know what it felt like. Ruth had infused a lot of confidence into me. I took my bath quickly, and got dressed for school. I looked through my wardrobe, and picked my favourite blue gown, folded it carefully and tucked it inside my bag along with my phone. I was good to go. My mum was already seated in the car waiting for me. I took my seat next to her, and we headed for my school. ***Tbc***
31 Oct 2014 | 13:55
Continues Episode 23 The trip to school was quiet as usual, me and my parents rarely talked. But i had to break this news to my mother this minute "mummy, we are starting extra lectures today" " and It's only now you are telling me?" She replied, a little offended . "well i forgot earlier" "so when will you close?" "5:30" "I can't pick you up at that time, you will have to come home yourself" That was the exact response i had envisaged and prayed for. "oh that's not a problem, i can find my way home" i replied excitedly My mum must have caught the excitement in my voice, as she warned sternly " come straight home after lectures, you should be home by 6 at most." Those words went in through one ear and out the other. I still wish i had listened. **** The morning assembly started with the usual hyms and national anthem, before we marched to our classes. Unlike every other day, today will be long and unpredictable. I didn't quite know how it will turn out for me. I strolled to the principal's office to check out the timetable for the day. It was perfect for my plans, i had only one subject, which means i could leave the school by 3:30. That would mean 2 hours with Ehis. As i walked back to the class, i pinged Ehis, to inform him of the time table. He agreed to pick me up by 3:30. Everything was set. The day went by very fast, i could hardly focus in class. All i had on my mind was meeting Ehis later. I planned something special for him today. At the end of lectures that day, we stayed behind as other students made their way home. The school was rowdy as usual, hundreds of students made their way towards the gate. The car pack was fully occupied by different brands of cars, with parents waiting eagerly for their wards. It was a little strange for me. I wasn't hurrying to get my stuff together, I wasn't rushing out to the car park to meet my mum. I just sat there in class, looking out the window and enjoying. the freedom i had. I could do anything i wanted, and walk back home without feeling any remorse. This is the time in my life when my parents control began to wane. There was little that could be done to salvage me, my heart has chosen a poor course. As time progressed, the compound began to empty slowly. Most of the students had gone, the car park became empty. Only my classmates were left in the school. Those who brought lunch had started eating, others went out to buy snacks. I had neither. The money my mum gave me was barely enough for my transport. I didn't think i would need lunch, Ehis would take care of that. All i took was extra clothes. That was all i needed. I was becoming an expert at absconding from school. I spent the lecture break chatting with Ehis, giving him minute by minute update on events around the school. At 2:30 the bell rang, signifying the commencement of the first lesson. The subject was English. All through the lesson, i sat there fantasising about what my afternoon will look like. The viberation from my phone jolted me back to reality. I rested my head on the table, with my phone beneath the desk to check out who it was. " baby, I'm around......waiting for you" The message was from Ehis, he was waiting already. I glanced at my watch, it was just five minutes before the lecture ends....i couldn't wait. ***Tbc***
31 Oct 2014 | 13:57
yee oriya iyami o
1 Nov 2014 | 08:05
Continues Episode 24 The lecture couldn't have ended any quicker. As soon as the teacher left the class, i hurriedly gathered my books, tucked them in my bag and headed straight for the gate house. Ruth and Hannah where right behind me. They too had plans. It was time to execute. As early as we were, we weren't the first to arrive at the gate house. We met 3 other girls there. I recognized them, they had left the class a while ago during the English lecture. They weren't wearing their uniforms anymore, the make up on their faces had completely transformed them. One of the girls handed 1500 naira to the gate man, and he opened the gate for them. There was a yellow range rover sport packed just outside the gate. It had a passenger at the back seat. He was a well dressed middle aged man, probably in his 50s. Two of the girls hopped into the back seat, while the third occupied the front seat. Just before the door closed, i could see one of the girls kissing the middle aged man shamelessly, as he ran his hands over her body. She looked so much like a prostitute. But who I'm i to judge? Aren't we very much the same? I thought to myself as i slowly took off my uniform. I put on my gown hurriedly, and sat quietly waiting for Ruth to make me up. I still didn't know how to apply make up. Every time i tried was a disaster. Ruth got dressed on time. She looked so pretty in her make up. She was naturally endowed just like me. The tight fitting short gown she wore made a fine print of her shape. I sat motionless as she applied make up on my face, she was quite meticulous. She seemed so keen on making me look beautiful today After a while, I looked at myself in the mirror. My own beauty made me proud. I turned from side to side, trying out various poses. Everything seemed perfect. Even the gate man couldn't help himself, i caught him staring. I took my school bag, and we headed out of the school compound. Just outside, Ehis car was packed in front of another camry. I didn't bother to look at the occupants of the car behind, i simply took a seat beside Ehis, while Ruth and Hannah entered the car packed behind. "you look stunning baby" Ehis said, moving in for a kiss. His lips met mine without resistance, the shyness i use to feel was gone. I felt bolder and more confident in the presence of Ehis. ***Tbc***
1 Nov 2014 | 08:17
Continues Episode 25 The car previously packed behind us overtook, and sped off. Ruth and Hannah waved me from the back seat as they drove out of site. Where they were headed, i had no idea. I didn't know were i was going either, but i was so convinced i would have fun. The engines started and we drove off. "You must be starved, should we get something to eat?" Ehis asked, as he slowed down to take a left turn into a street leading to sizzlers. I nodded in agreement. We drove a little further, and Ehis pulled up in front of sizzlers. "wait here let me get us something to eat." He alighted and walked towards sizzlers. I slumped into the seat, and started playing with my phone. I pinged Ruth and Hannah to find out were there where headed. The replies came in fast. Just like me, both of them had no idea were they were going. They just wanted to have fun, that is what everything was about. I easily excused myself, thinking that i was somehow different from them. I was here because i 'loved' Ehis. Well at least i felt strongly for him and wanted to make him happy. I spotted him coming out of the restaurant with with two white customized paper bags in his hands. He was walking as fast as his legs could carry. "G2g, later" i hurriedly texted Hannah. "kk, make sure you use protection o, i no wan hear story later." She replied almost immediately I smiled to myself an tucked away the phone, as Ehis joined me in the car. He started the engine, and our journey continued. We entered a surrounding that seemed familiar to me, then i realised we were heading to his hostel. I was neither scared nor worried. I thought I was ready for anything that could happen. We arrived at his hostel, the compound was just the way it was when i last visited, only a lot noisier It seems many of the students were back from school. Music from loud speakers played at ridiculously high volume made it impossible for me to hear my own thoughts. Some of the occupants sat outdoors gisting and playing board games. The stares and gazes i was getting as Ehis and i walked to his room made me really uncomfortable. Some of his friends would call his name out loud and make annoying comments. I just kept a straight face and ignored. I couldn't wait to get out of sight. We climbed up the stairs into his room. It wasn't much different from how i last saw it, though it was a little untidy. I sat down on the side of the bed, anticipating what will happen next. Ehis handed me one of the customized paper bags. It contained a plate of rice and ice cream in a can. This was exactly what i needed, i was famished already. Ehis headed for the door. " I'm coming, i have to buy something from the chemist down the road" Ehis said, making his way out of the room. " ok, but don't leave me alone here for long" I replied, wondering what he had to buy at this time. ***Tbc***
1 Nov 2014 | 08:21
Why the numerous repeatition of same episode this is not done. Try to correct it... Weldone
1 Nov 2014 | 08:49
Hmmm m enj0yin it if nt 4 my st0ry i w0uld 4llw dis str0y
1 Nov 2014 | 09:49
Continues Episode 26 I finished my meal hurriedly, Ehis still wasnt back from the chemist. I laid back on the bed, and started typing on my phone again. I pinged Hannah and Ruth again, to find out where they were. This time, it took a while to get any response. I guess they were really busy. A reply came in after five minutes. It was from Ruth "we are at meridian hotel" I have heard a lot about that hotel, it was one of the busiest and most expensive in the city. It had everything, from royal suites to jacuzzis. It was like a reclining house for the creme de lacreme of the society. If Ruth and Hannah were there, then a 'big fish' must be involved. "Who are you with"? I inquired "One senator like that" ....from Ruth It was at this point in my life i realised the sort of people Ruth and Hannah were. My friends were cheap hoes, they sell their body for money. I detested their kind of life, but i have covertly become like them. I tried to convince myself that i wasn't like them, after all i wasn't selling my body for money, i was in love. The sound of the door handle turning interrupted my thoughts. Ehis had returned from the chemist, he carried a weird smile on his face. He locked the door, and sat right next to me on the bed. We began a conversation about our childhood and parents. I told him how my parents had prevented me from having any kind of fun. He seemed very understanding, and as usual was full of encouraging words. Ehis turned towards me, and began his usual charade of words with his soft appealing baritone voice. "Ella, you know how much i love and cherish you. I'm willing to do anything for you. I ll show you more love than your parents ever will". His words had the usual effect on me. I could feel that flutter in my tommy again. I made no attempt to resist as his lips touched mine. I sucked on his lips innocently, i felt a tension growing within me, as he began to ran his hands through my body. All the muscles in my body relaxed under his touch, i felt so weak and vulnerable. I could feel the wetness again. I knew what was about to happen as he began to UnCloth me. I had neither the strength nor the will to refuse, i was Unclad before i realised. He lowered himself between my tights. One thrust from him, and i let out a stiffled scream. I could feel a lot of pain, it was as if some flesh was being ripped out of me. But somewhere between the pain, i felt something i hadn't felt before. I can't tell how long it lasted, but i was glad it was over. The pain was rather excruciating. I sat up on the bed, and looked in between my thights. I noticed trickles of blood flowing. It was then it dawned on me, i had lost my virginity. A new feeling if sadness and regret overwhelmed me. I suddenly wished i hadn't, I had lossed something forever. I looked towards Ehis with, he was busy putting his clothes back on looking rather indifferent. His eyes caught my gaze, he must have noticed the apprehension on my face, as he moved closer and hugged my Unclad flesh. ***Tbc***
2 Nov 2014 | 03:39
Continues Episode 27 I didn't feel anything anymore, all that remained was slight regret. The whole episode did not seem right to me. His hug barely made any difference. Slowly i dressed myself up, and attempted to stand up. It was time to go home. As I stood u, i felt a Sharp pain down below, it made my walking steps awkward. I just prayed it stops before i get home. Managed to walk up to the door, which he held open for me. As we walked towards the car, i tried to walk as normally as possible despite the pain. I did not want to give the silly boys any impression. It obviously didn't work though, as their jeering and senseless talk continued. As we drove away, i kept silent. A lot of thoughts filtered through my mind. What would change after today? Will my mum ever find out? Have i made a mistake? Only time will tell. The silence from Ehis was equally deafening. He seemed indifferent about my feelings. Few blocks away from my house, i told him to pull over. I did not want any one around my neighbourhood to seem me inside the car with a boy. "is anything the matter"? Ehis asked in a calm voice. "i just don't want to be seen coming out of your car" I answered. "no not that, you seem tensed" " I'm scared, i feel a little different. What if some one finds out", i said almost shedding tears. He grabbed hold of my hands and pulled me closer to himself. "Ella, i mean every word i said to you. I ll always love you" His words infused me with some courage. I felt much relieve. Perhaps they were the words i needed to hear. "learn to stand up to your parents, you are not a kid anymore" he said in a cold voice, lettin go of me. I reached out and kissed his lips, before stepping out of the car, to make my way home. The walk home was very uncomfortable, i felt a lot of pain in between my tights. My whole body ached, but i had to put on a bold face. My heart pounded as i approached the gate to my house. ** The angry figure on my mum greeted my as soon as I opened the gate. She stood there as if she had been waiting for me. " were are you coming from young lady?" She asked, sounding really angry "from lectures" "shut up, your lectures ended since 3:30" she cut in Those words sent shivers down my spine. I have been caught, and its only the first day. But how on earth did my mum find out that i closed earlier? I wondered with my mouth wide open "Go to your room and wait for me" she ordered As i walked into the house, my mum took a thorough objective look at me, frisking me with her eyes. She must have noticed that i wasn't walking properly. I got to my room, took off my uniform, and emptied my school bag. I needed to take a bath. My room door flew open suddenly. There was my mum again, with a pair of sterile gloves in her hand. ***Tbc***
2 Nov 2014 | 03:41
hahahahag ella ua in trouble ... .
2 Nov 2014 | 04:02
Oh what a stuborn gurl you are
2 Nov 2014 | 13:11
Continues Episode 28 The sight of my mum standing there with the gloves in her hands terrified me. Cold shivers down my spine. This scenario was familiar, i knew what she was up to, she had done it before. But this time, her result will be different, i had lost my virginity a few hours ago. I could not imagine what will happen to me if she discovered the truth. "lie down" she ordered in a stern voice "mummy please don't do this, i beg you" i pleaded, kneeling down and sobbing uncontrollably. "shut up, since you cannot explain why you came home late, i ll find out for myself" she said, moving towards me. "mummy i didn't do anything, please don't do this to me again" "I forgot to give you money for feeding along with transport, so i felt you would use your transport money for food. i stoped by at your school to give you some money on my way back from work. I was told that you and your friends left after the English lesson. Where did you go?" The entire story shocked me very much. My mum knows definitely that i was not in school. I couldnt tell her where i went either, that would spell the end of lectures for me. I had to say something, anything to get out of this mess. It was moments like this i wished i had Ruth here. " i went home with Ruth", i blotted out, without thinking it through. "havent i warned you never to go close to that prostitute?" "she is the only friend i have" i said, increasing my tears and hoping it would soften my mum's heart. But that was not to be" "friend indeed, how am I sure you haven't been sleeping with men just like her"? "mummy i swear i haven't" "in that case lie down let's see", as she tried to pull me up from my knees unto the bed. My excuses and lies were futile, my mum was bent on doing her inspection. I knew exactly how bad this could get, the embarrassment would be colossal. I was determined not to allow it happen. I made up my mind to stand up to my mother just like Ehis had adviced. I broke away from her grip, and moved away from the bedside towards my wall mirror. "My friend lie down on that bed before i lose my temper", she yelled angrily. " I'm not lying down, leave me alone" i yelled at her with the same ferocity. The expression on her face changed, the anger was replaced with surprise and disbelief. This was the first time i had yelled at her. "so Ella, it has come to this?" She asked, walking slowly towards me I began to retreat, as she approached, I knew this was not going to end well for a certainty, but knowing about the state of my virginity would hold far more dire consequences. I had my back to the wall already, there was no further room to retreat. My mum closed in on me and aimed a slap directly at my face. I caught her hand mid way in the air, and held on to it. "so you want to beat me too?" She asked, and began to scream. "Ella must beat me today" She broke free from my grip, and held on to my tightly to my shirt, ripping it apart with all her energy. She gripped my singlet as well, and began to tear at it. I did not have a bra on, if i allowed her to tear my singlet, i ll be Unclad. I grabbed her hand firmly, preventing her from tearing my singlet. We began to struggle, as we pulled in opposite directions. She freed one of her hands, and grabbed my skirt. It wasn't firmly on my hips, neither was the material of good quality. The slightest pull would rip it apart. I wasn't putting on any panties either, and i thought there would still be stains of dried blood on my tights. I just couldn't let her strip me Unclad. I leaned foward a little, resting my whole weight and pushed her slightly. My mum went to the ground as if she had been knocked down by a bulldozer. She began to scream on top of her voice, "Ella is fighting me o, My own daughter is beating me" Her screams must have alerted everyone in the house, as i heard doors flying open inside the house. The first to arrive at my door was Ighalo. He banged on the door, trying to inquire about what was happening. I ran to the door, and unfastened the hook. Ighalo ran straight at my mum on the floor, and tried to pull her up. She resisted every attempt to get her on her feet. "mummy i told you not to fight her when she returns, just look at what is happening" Ighalo said, picking up my torn shirt and throwing it at me to cover myself. My dad entered the room in a hurry, and yelled "what is happening here?" " Ella is fighting me o, Ella is fighting me. Your daughter is now sleeping with men, i wanted to check if she was still intact, and she started fighting me" Those words cut deep into my heart, i felt a mixture of anger and remorse. I did not know how to show those feeling. My heart began to pound, and my knees knocked each other. I was deeply terrified. "so it has gotten to this?" My dad asked in anger, walking towards me and pulling out his belt. ***Tbc***
2 Nov 2014 | 16:55
Continues Episode 29 I began to take steps backwards towards the mirror again. "daddy please I did not......" I had barely finished the statement when the first swipe of the leather belt landed on scalp. I burried my head in my arms, to protect my face from my father's battering. Swipe after swipe landed on my body, it stung more than a bee. One swipe hit the wall mirror, and it came crashing down in pieces. Ighalo rushed foward to my rescue, seizing my dad's arm in the air, giving me a little breathing space. I fell to the floor and began to weep. Flashes of heat, coupled with tears and hot sweat ran across my body. "Hold her, check if she is still intact." Dad commanded, as he struggled to free himself from Ighalo's grip. My mum was already on her feet, she turned towards Osas who had just joined us in the room. " hold her for me." As Osas began to walk towards me. i started to imagine what would happen. Osas would hold me down, while my mum parted my legs in the full view of three adult males. It would be a terrible embarrassment when they all discover that my hymen was broken. I couldn't take it anymore. All the remorse i felt disappeared. A new feeling of anger and bitterness swelled inside me, i felt like exploding. I grabbed a piece of the broken mirror on the floor, and made it visible to everyone. "Osas, don't come close to me" I yelled at the top of my voice, pointing the Sharp object at him. The anger and ferocity in my voice, coupled with the violent wave of tremor surging through my body shocked everyone. They stood in amazement, with eyes wide open. The sight of me with the fragment of broken mirror must have terrorized everyone. Osas equally stoped in his strides and withdrew. An uncomfortable silence followed. I looked around the room, and had a clear site of the door. I dashed straight for my bed, raised my pillow grabbed my phone and headed for the door. Everyone gave way and allowed me through. I ran towards the sitting room, hoping the main door was not locked. Ighalo ran after me, calling out to me, as if he knew what i was thinking. "Ella wait, please don't go, wait Ella, Ella." His pleas fell on deaf ears. I opened the main door and ran out, into the open. It was around 7pm, and a little dark already. I could barely see were i was going. I unlocked the main gate, and headed out into the streets, running straight ahead. Where i wanted to go, i had no idea. But i resolved not to return to that house that night. I was ready to stake it out alone in the open. I was out on the streets on a cold night, i had run away from home. I put on my phone, and began to make calls, trying to find a place to lay my head for the night. ***Tbc***
2 Nov 2014 | 16:56
gbengben.....*this is superstory*
3 Nov 2014 | 01:45
This is very ridiculous... Hmmmm keep updating weldone
3 Nov 2014 | 04:25
Continues Episode 30 I scrolled hurriedly through my contacts, searching for someone to call. I dialed Ruth's number first. She answered at the once. I carefully explained the situation to her. She was as empathetic as i expected, but she couldn't let me stay at her house. Her parents wouldn't allow it. I called Hannah next. We could barely hear each other. The sound if loud music in the background was enough evidence that she was no where close to her house. I walked about aimlessly for a while, feeling bitter and sad. I couldn't just lie down anywere, i was scared. I sat at the foot of a mango tree, watching passers by, and thinking about my predicament. Everyone seemed so happy in my family, everyone but me. My parents had no love for me, they put me in a prison all my life, and now they want to humiliate me. I hated my parents, I thought they were the worst ever. I had run away from home, but I have no where to run to. The sky began to change, small flashes of lightening began to appear in the sky. It was going to rain, and i was outside on the streets. It was then the foolishness of running away hit me. I had no where else to go, i had to conceal myself from the rain. So I decided to go home. I got up, and slowly walked back towards my house. The battering may continue, but i couldn't stay outdoors at night. On my way back, my phone rang. The ring tone was special. I need not look at the screen to know it was Ehis. His call turned out to b the only silver lining in my dark cloud of misery. I touched the answer button, and answered with the meekest voice possible. "were are you? Ruth just told me what happened" he asked, almost sounding worried. I explained everything i could, as well as my decision to go back to the house. "No don't go, I'm coming to pick you" he replied, and ended the call giving me no room to refuse. I walked back, and sat on the tree, anticipating his arrival. It took quite a while, but he arrived finally. As soon as he parked, he hurried out of the car, and ran towards me. He pulled me up to my feet, and hugged me so tight. I was weak and exhausted, hungry and tired. But Ehis's hug brought light back into my world. He lead my slowly to the car, opened the door and let me in. I felt a measure of peace and comfort once again, as he zoomed of into the dark cold night. My parents constantly warned me to stay away from boys. They ll go to any length to monitor and control me. If only they knew that their action had led me into the hands on another boy, on a cold dark night. ***tbc***
3 Nov 2014 | 12:14
Continues Episode 31 As we drove towards his hostel, my mind began to wander. I took a careful look at the surrounding. It was the first time i ll be outdoors at night. The city was still full if life, people moved about freely as if they ll never sleep. I thought about my own condition too. What will my parents be thinking right now? Will they be looking for me? . Were will i tell them i slept? These thoughts ran through my mind, till the gentle breeze of nature blowing in through the window nutured me to sleep. A slight tap on my shoulder woke me up. I might have been sleeping for a while. The car was no longer moving, we had reached our destination. I did not know where we were exactly, but the loud music and busy compound gave me an idea. We were in his hostel. Ehis came out of the car, passed round to the other side to open the door for me. I came out, feeling sleepy and weak. I was hungry too. It was very cold, all i had on me was my singlet, and a loosed skirt i usually don't wear outdoors. Ehis lifted me up and carried me in his arms, as we headed for his room, the same room were i lost my virginity a few hours ago. As we approached the room, i looked around once again. The compound was still busy at night. Loud music rented the air, just like the day time. When we passed by people's windows, i could see silhouettes of people ontop of each other. It was like a mini sodom. Ehis droped me at his door side, and fumbled with his keys before getting the door opened. He lifted me once more, and droped me gently on his bed. I culled up immediately, to gather up some heat. "have you eaten"? He asked, in the most innocent tone possible. "no, i haven't had my bathe either" i replied. Ehis searched through his wardrobe and brought out a shirt, and handed it over to me. The size was pretty big for me, but i didn't mind. At least it ll keep me warm. He poured water out of a flask, to make hot tea for me. I sat up as he handed over the cup. The taste of hot tea brought me a little warmth. I felt more relaxed and comfortable. I brought out my phone again, and pinged Ruth, thanking her for coming to the rescue. "make sure your night is worthwhile" she replied. I knew exactly what she meant, but i couldn't decide if i wanted to or not. Even if i didn't, i do not have much of a choice. I was going to sleep in his house. Besides, i had lost my virginity hence there was nothing left to protect. I was still busy with the chat when Ehis called out to me to join him in the bathroom. ***Tbc***
3 Nov 2014 | 12:20
Continues Episode 32 I was quite shy, it felt really awkward. But i felt i owed him some gratitude for taking me in. So i gently took my clothes of, and joined him in the bathroom. The bathroom was small, hardly adequate for more than one person. The scent of soap greeted my nostrils. Ehis was right before me, equally Unclad. I couldn't bare to look at him. I couldn't even tell if i was shy or scared. He must have noticed my countenance, as he drew me closer to himself, and hugged me. The feel of his wet Unclad flesh sent pheromones to my system. I didn't want to let go. The shyness disappeared when he turned on the shower. The water was just the right temperature, sending waves of passion through my body. He started his usuall kissing and touching, and another round of sex ensued in the bathroom. I made no effort to resist. Even if i wasn't sure i wanted it, i was quite sure i enjoyed it, and looked foward to doing it again. We came out of the bathroom, feeling fresh and new. I put on his cloths again, and sat up on the bed, chatting on my phone, while Ehis entered the kitchen to prepare super. "where will you tell your parents you spent the night?" A message came from Ruth. I had no idea what to say, but i knew i had to come up with a very convincing lie, or else Ehis would be in serious trouble. "I have no idea" I replied. "i ll figure out something, just keep your phone on" Ruth texted again. I knew i could always count on Ruth to cover my mess, she was like a genie to me. I owed her a lot of gratitude. I was still in between thoughts when Ehis shoved a tray of food in front of me. I put my phone away to receive the tray, thanking him and feeling very special. Ehis did know how to make me feel special, I always felt like a princess around him. I loved him with all my heart. The meal was simple. Fried eggs and bread was my favourite. I ate slowly, savouring the taste of each bite. Ehis was a really good cook i thought to myself. His phone rang, and he answered in my presence. I paid no attention to his conversation, i just focused on enjoying my meal. "that was Ruth, she wants me to take you to Hannah's house before daybreak." Ehis said "Why?" I queried Ehis had no idea either, so i reached for my phone and pinged Ruth again. She explained everything clearly to me, and i understood the plan. Ruth had planned a lie all the way to the end. She was an evil genius indeed! ***Tbc***
3 Nov 2014 | 12:22
hmmmm speechless
4 Nov 2014 | 06:30
Evil genious indeed so also you make her your angel
4 Nov 2014 | 12:00
=Continues= Episode 33 I tucked my phone under the pillow, as i would have done in my own room. Ehis joined me on the bed, putting on a pair of shorts. He laid beside me, and i rested my head on his bare chest, as we both slept off. I had no idea how long i had slept, but tiny kisses on my face and a hand moving through my body beneath my cloths woke me up. Ehis was up, and his actions showed exactly what he wanted. I willfully obliged. I had no idea how long it lasted, but few minutes after he was through, a thought hit me. He was not using a condom! For the remaining part of the night, while Ehis fell asleep, i remained awake. My mind hovered around a lot of things. Did anyone miss me at home? How ll i be received when i get back? Were ll I tell them i passed the night? I knew for certain i couldn't tell anyone i had slept with Ehis, the thought of me sleeping in a boy's house would make my parents freak out. Even Ehis will not be free from the imbroglio that will surely follow.Silently, i prayed that Ruth's plan works out. My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. I picked it up, it was Hannah. I looked at the wall clock to ascertain the time before answering. "Better start coming now" she said, in a hush tone. "its still dark, its just 4 a.m" i protested, stealing another glance at the wall clock. "better come now that everyone is asleep" she replied and ended the call. I never fully understood what the plan was, but from Hannah's voice, i knew i had to hurry. I tapped Ehis, lightly to wake him up. "Hannah said we should start coming" i whispered to him. "This early?" He replied, trying to reach for the light switch. We got up slowly and prepared to leave. I took off the cloths Ehis had given, and wore the cloths i left home with. Ehis grabbed his keys and we made our way outside towards the car. The compound was much quieter now, everyone was asleep. Most of the lights were switched off, making the entire compound dark. I sort of prefared it this way. We entered the car and Ehis drove of, towards Hannah's house. Much like the hostel, the city was very quiet and devoid of human activities too, but the street lights kept the roads and surroundings bright. A few meters away, we could see a group of people, clothed in black carrying touchlights. It was a police check point. As soon as the officers caught sight of the car, they planted themselves in the middle of the road and ordered Ehis to pull over. He parked conviniently at the side of the road, awaiting the policemen. The sight of the policemen brought some chills. I became scared as i recognized one of the men approaching. A rather short, funny looking man, He was a friend of my father. I slumped on the seat instantly, staring down with my chin almost touching my chest. "were are you coming from and were are you going to at this time of the night" one of the officers barked. I paid no attention to their conversation, i was busy trying to hide my face from one of the officers. As they ended their conversation, one of the officers pointed his touch at my face. I faced the opposite direction, and put my hands across my face to protect my eyes from the blinding rays of the light. "hey let me see your face" the officer ordered. I turned around slowly, without removing my hand from my face. I put the other hand across my chest, to protect my bosoms. I was putting on a loose singlet, and my Tips pointed outwards. I was slightly embarrassed, and feared being recognized at the same time. "so na ashawo u carry" the officer commented, before ordering us to proceed. "why was that man looking at you"? Ehis asked. That very question sent cold shivers down my spine. I could only hope he did not recognise me. Few minutes later, we arrived at Hannah's house. The compound was quite, and well lighted, and surrounded by a low fence that made it visible. I called Hannah to let her know that we were outside. Ehis and i sat patiently inside the car, just in front of the gate, anticipating her arrival. ***Tbc***
4 Nov 2014 | 16:19
=Continues= Episode 34 About three minutes later, Hannah emerged from the side of the building, and hurried straight to the car. She opened the door to my seat, pulling me slightly out of the car. "Ehis bye bye," she said, waving hurriedly at Ehis. He started the engines and drove away. I took a careful look at Hannah. She did not look like had slept at all. She was putting on a pair of trousers and a t-shirt, with a small bag tied around her hips. The perfume from her cloths and the make up on her face clearly painted the picture of someone who had been outdoors, probably partying. "lets go, be quiet" she said, as we tiptoed towards the side of the fence. She stood on her toes and stretched across to observe the compound. "follow me" she ordered, as she climbed over the fence into the compound. I followed her lead, and we were both inside the compound. The house was fairly big, probably a four bedroom flat. It had the design of a church, with several doors at the side. We tiptoed to a door at the side of the house. Hannah searched through her bag and brought out a key to open the door. As soon as we were in, she closed the door gently, and put the key back into her bag. She flicked a switch, and a light bulb came on. We tip toed into a bedroom close to the entrance and made our way in. Hannah collapsed on the bed instantly. She must have been exhausted. It was almost 5 a.m. I crawled up beside her on the bed and laid still. There was no way i could sleep, i had no idea what i was doing here. The six o'clock alarm buzzed, and Hannah sprang up from her bed. She tapped me lightly probably to wake me up. "If anybody asks, we both slept in this room" she said, pulling her ear with her hands. I nodded sheepishly, like the naive little girl i was. The plan had gradually began to make sense to me. "wait I'm coming", she said as she walked gently out of her room. I laid back on the bed, just staring at the ceiling. It would be much easier for my parents to swallow if i told them i slept in Hannah's house. It made more sense to me. Elsewhere, i could hear slight arguement between two people. One voice was Hannah's, i couldn't quite figure out whose voice the other was. I sat up to and tried to listen to their conversation, but i got nothing. Moments later the door to the room flew open. Hannah entered, followed closely by her elder sister. "good morning ma" i stood up immediately to greet. "morning, hope you slept well" she responded I simply nodded my head in answer. "Sorry for what happened, its not easy to have such parents, i hope you can talk things over with them if they let you in" she said in a friendly tone, parting my back slightly. I had no idea what Hannah had told her, but what ever it was glad she bought it. Hannah motioned me to the bathroom, i took a shower hurriedly and dressed up. I put on Hannah's cloths. I couldn't walk in day light with the cloths i came with. She offered me some money, and saw me off to the gate. I waited patiently for about fifteen minutes, before flagging down a taxi heading towards my house. I could almost hear my heart beat ad we approached my house. I kept wondering what the reception will be like. I had no idea what had happened the previous night after my "prison break". ***Tbc***
4 Nov 2014 | 16:23
shaxee...wtsup na?
5 Nov 2014 | 07:34
Oh am just hmmmm na wa o this gurls are desperate o
5 Nov 2014 | 08:39
Props am cool and you?
5 Nov 2014 | 09:52
shaxee we dey gbadun you o
5 Nov 2014 | 11:57
Thanks bro #ezoms
5 Nov 2014 | 17:28
=Continues= Episode 35 As the taxi approached my gate, my phone rang. It was Ruth. I answered as quickly as my fingers could move. "have you gotten home?" She asked, without a good morning wish. She sounded a little anxious and worried. "just getting to my gate" i replied. "be strong o, nor fear, they searched for you throughout the night, " she said reassuringly Surprisingly though, i really felt no fear. My heart was stone cold, i felt i could face anything my parents threw at me. The taxi finally parked in front of my house. My mum was standing right outside the gate, looking anxiously at the taxi and probably wishing i was the one coming. As soon as i alighted, she rushed towards me, while i was handing the cab driver his money. "Ella, where did you go? Where did you sleep, we searched for you throughout the night. " my mum queried as she grabbed hold of my hand, trying to pull me close to herself. I felt a little embarrassed, the taxi man seemed more interested in our family affairs than his money. Why this sudden show of affection? Were they not the ones that chased me out yesterday?, I thought to myself. I kept my face as bold and expressionless as possible, despite my mum's public display of affection. My mum lead me inside the compound, and walked me into the sitting room. As i entered, Ighalo rushed foward to embrace me. "Jesus thank you" he whispered into my ear. "where did you go? We couldn't sleep " he continued, with an expression of relief on his face. I had not replied anyone, i kept my calm, knowing that the real question and answer session would soon commence. My mum sat down, repeatedly doing the sign of the cross, and mumbling some unintelligible words. She picked up her phone, and called my dad. "she has come o" she said, and Droped the call. I headed straight to my room, and fell on my bed. I brought out my phone again and pinged Ruth and Hannah to inform them that i was home. Ruth replied, telling me to stick to the story, and never admit i did anything wrong the previous. That was already what i planned to do anyway. We continued with our chat, they were both eager to hear the events of the previous night. I shared my ordeal, or should i say excapades with them. They seemed much fascinated by the "fun" i had. I mentioned to Hannah that Ehis and i had unprotected sex. "are you crazy? How could you do that, do you want to get pregnant?" She asked, with an angry smiley in front of the texts "i didn't even know, it just happened" i replied. The very thought of getting pregnant fell on me like a cold shower in winter. I couldn't imagine what my parents would do to me. "remind me to give you something later g2g" she replied. I had no idea what it was, but i knew Hannah was an expert in these issues. She could sneak in and out of her house to attend night parties without being caught. My door flew open, to my greatest surprise. Ighalo entered, while i was still typing with my phone. I thought i locked the door when i came in. He had seen my phone already, there was no use hiding it. "Where did you sleep last night"? He asked, sitting on my bed. "Hannah's house" i replied. ***Tbc***
6 Nov 2014 | 01:18
=Continues= Episode 36 hmmm you know, dad and mum searched the entire city for you, we even went to see your friend Ruth. This morning dad had gone to the police station to make a report, fearing that something bad might have happened to you" I fought of the laughter that threatened to spoil my straight face. The knowledge that my parents were really worried gave me some joy. "so whose phone is that?" Ighalo asked, pointing at the phone in my hand. " its not your business" i replied. Ighalo got up and gave me a long suspicious stare before walking out of the room. I couldn't look straight up at him, he already knew i was lying. Infact i had become an expert at lying, almost competing with Ruth. As Ighalo left, my mum entered, still doing the sign of the cross. This time i had tucked my phone under my pillow. "where did you go?" She asked, without a worried expression I repeated the same set of lies i have been telling. "those bad friends you are keeping eh, hope they did not bring a boy to the house?" "mum please!, don't insult the people that took me in when you drove me away" i shouted, feigning anger. "i wanna have my bath" I said, springing up from my bed and walking towards the bathroom. Mum my sat there, i could see the look of surprise and fear in her eyes. This was clearly beyond my fleeing from the house last night. She was clearly afraid of the person i was becoming. The boldness, or perhaps rudeness with which i spoke surprised me too. It just didn't sound like me anymore. I had changed, and i knew it. I entered the bathroom, and shut the door behind me, listening to hear when my mum will leave. As soon as i heard her footsteps walking out, i came out of the bathroom to prepare for school. I was already going to be late. I dressed up rather slowly, looking at myself at the mirror to notice any changes. Perhaps i looked a bit bigger. Elsewhere in the sitting room, i could hear my dad's voice, he had returned from the police station. He sounded rather angry. My mum was trying to pacify his anger. Suddenly, he stormed into my room, demanding to know where i slept. I stood aloof, staring blankly ahead. I had no intention of replying him. He motioned towards me, and lifted his hands to slap me. I made no effort to dodge or resist the sting of the slap. Luckily, mum held his hands in the air. "Leave her, she slept in Hannah's house" my mum said, attempting to defend me. "is that what she told you? This little liar. that my police friend i went to see at the station this morning told me that he saw Ella with a boy, driving around town at 4 a.m this morning. I'm very sure she slept with that boy." My heart skipped a beat, that police officer definitely saw me. He was speaking the truth. "Ella is that true?" My mum asked with a resigned tone. She was almost close to tears. "it's a lie, i slept in Hannah's house" i replied defensively. "come and take us to Hannah's house, I ll confront her mum personally" my mum said, dragging my hands towards the door. As we walked towards the door, i remembered that Hannah's mum wasn't in the house when i slept. I just hoped the entire plan played out. ***Tbc***
6 Nov 2014 | 01:20
@VIKING.....please continue your story nah.....THE LIFE I WISH I NEVER LIVED. The story turns me on,plz continue it
6 Nov 2014 | 03:08
This liars na wa o at thier tender age
6 Nov 2014 | 05:18
omo..shaxee thumbs up meehn
6 Nov 2014 | 07:52
Thanks man @Propz
6 Nov 2014 | 10:30
Man continue o
7 Nov 2014 | 07:16
Nice one boss
7 Nov 2014 | 07:49
=Continues= Episode 37 My parents and i got into my dad's car and started our journey towards Hannah's house. I was already set for school, so I'd head straight to school from there. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was very tense. My heart pounded, i knew Hannah's mum did not see me all through the morning. My dad on the other hand was having a bit of a road rage, he was getting repeated insults from other drivers. He was obviously upset, either by my disappearance last night, or by the fact that i slept with a boy. My mum was completely different, the expression on her face was that of fear rather than anger. She was clutching on to a rosary in her hand, and doing the sign of the cross repeatedly. I sat quietly, feeling a little anxious and worried as we approached Hannah's house. My dad pulled over right outside Hannah's compound, i stretched out to observe the compound carefully. I noticed a car parked inside, it wasn't there when i first came. I guessed Hannah's mum was back. My parents got out of the car, and we all walked into the compound, straight towards the front door. Just as my dad was about to knock, the door swung open. It was Hannah, all dressed for school. Her mum was right behind her. "Good morning ma, morning sir" she greeted, as soon as recognized my parents. "morning" my mum replied rather coldly. My dad did not respond, his expression held a lot of bitterness. He shot a cold disgusting gaze at Hannah. Hannah's eyes met mine, she had a blank expression on her face. She was neither terrified by my father's cold gaze nor my mothers emotionless response. Her mother stood aloof, appearing quite surprised and a little uncomfortable with the expression on my dad's face. "Mr and Mrs Imasuen, I'm sensing all is not well" Hannah's mum said, alternating her gaze between my dad and her daughter. "did my daughter pass the night here?" My dad questioned, in a rather harsh and authoritative tone, almost shouting. "Mr Imaseun, please calm down, I was away on night duty I didn't sleep here. My daughters were alone." She replied, trying to pacify my dad. "hannah, did Ella sleep here?" My mum cut in, trying to prevent my dad from speaking any further on the issue. "Yes she did" Hannah replied, looking away from everyone with a little smile hanging at the edge of her lips. The expression on my dad's face clearly showed that he did not believe Hannah. Her mum could see that expression too. She called out to Hannah's elder sister, who ran out to meet us immediately. "did this girl sleep here?" She asked, pointing at me. Hannah's sister nodded in affirmation. My mum heaved a sigh of relief, so did i. Hannah's sister's response only seemed to infuriate my dad more. "How could you allow another person's child to sleep in your house, how irresponsible are you?" My dad shouted angrily, loud enough to cause discomfort. Hannah's mother grew angry too and replied in similar fashion. "I just said i wasn't at home, I'm just coming in, and how dare you call me irresponsible? You couldn't keep your daughter in your house, and you want to blame me for your failure as a father?. There was a lot of venom in her voice. "So you have the right to question my parenting skills? When your daughter is a prostitute?" My dad vented, pointing at Hannah. "At least my daughter slept in my house while you were wondering where yours was" Hannah's mother replied. At this point, there was palpable tension in the air, i felt really embarrassed. Somehow i blamed myself for everything. My dad turned towards me "You see the insult you have brought to me you fool"? He raised his hand to strike me as usuall. I docked, hoping to escape his slap. Luckily, my mum caught his hand in the air. "papa Osas, please we have embarrassed ourselves enough, please let us go" she said as she dragged my dad's hand. "Your daughter is a bad influence" my dad continued. "once again you are blaming someone else for your parental failure" Hannah's mother replied. My mum dragged him away before he could spit more venom. I tagged along with my parents. They drove me off to school. My dad kept insulting me all the way, while my mum tried to calm him down. Her sudden change of attitude surprised me. She wasn't attacking me, she still seemed very scared. But i couldn't ascertain the reason for her fear. They Droped me off at school and drove away. *** As soon as the morning assembly ended Ruth, Hannah , and I had a rendevous. We discussed everything that happened in the last twelve hours or so. I described my entire escapade with Ehis, and they all sounded really impressed. We shouted and threw high fives in the air. At that point, i remembered Hannah had promised to give me something today. "so Hannah, you said you ll give me something today." I said expectantly. She reached into her pocket, and handed me something i never thought i would need. ***Tbc***
7 Nov 2014 | 09:52
Thanks @shaxee,abegg continue
7 Nov 2014 | 13:24
Woooooh I feel cold blooded nd motionless readin ths story to ths point, wonderin wot will com out of it in the just joinin the story today....@freelizzy, u did inform me!....shaxee pls continue(u hv my support)
8 Nov 2014 | 05:24
You no won continue again pls o start now o
8 Nov 2014 | 07:31
Pls continue
8 Nov 2014 | 07:47
Sorry guys! I was busy throughout today! I'll post immediately
8 Nov 2014 | 15:49
=Continues= Episode 38 Hannah handed me a piece of paper, it had something wrapped inside it. I unwrapped it slowly, wondering what it was. I poured its content into my palm, and looked at Hannah in amazement. "What is this?" I asked, facing Hannah with a surprise look on my face "Its a tablet, you should know it, your mum is a nurse" Hannah replied "So why do I need the tablet?" "it will prevent you from getting pregnant " As i turned away from Hannah, the enormity of what i had done began to sink in. I could get pregnant from all the activities of the previous night. In fact my whole life could change. I threw the tablets down my throat and swallowed It. I prayed silently that It worked. We walked slowly into the classroom, to continue the day's learning. I had started finding school very boring. I spent most of my time in the classroom secretly chatting with Ehis. It seemed As though he had completely taken over my life. All that I could look forward to was sneaking out to meet him. I wondered if i was still normal. The bell signaling the beginning of the last lecture before break rang. it was time to abscond from school again, Hannah and Ruth clutched to their school bags and headed out of the classroom. I had made up my mind not to follow them. First, i had no idea where they were going, and I already had plans with Ehis later in the day. I felt I should let them do their own business. Few seconds after leaving The classroom, Hannah returned and beckoned on me. I got up, and followed them to The rendezvous point, The gatehouse. I stood aloof as Hannah and Ruth changed clothes. "ain't you going with us? " Ruth asked, "no, i have plans with Ehis later" i replied "who is talking about Ehis ? Some of my friends just returned from Malaysia, they are taking us out. we ll just keep them company thats all. " Hannah cut in , obviously trying to persuade me I thought about it for a while, it didn't sound like a bad offer, but i wasn't very comfortable with it. After the events of the other day, i had decided to be more discrete. I had a really bad feeling about the whole trip, but i had to give in to Hannah 's persuation. She really wanted me to go, and i couldn't lets her down, not after all She had done for me. I dashed to the classroom to get my bag, my getaway clothes were in there. I returned almost immediately, holding on to my school bag. Hannah and Ruth were already fully dressed. I quickly changed into my new attire, it was a pink top with a tight fitting skirt that barely covered my knees. I sat down to allow ruth make me up, while Hannah went outside to recieve a call. "they are waiting outside please hurry " hannah announced, as she rushed inside to pick up her purse. Ruth applied the make up hurriedly, without paying attention to details as she would usually do. We grabbed our hand bags, handed the gate man his usual fees and walked out of the school. Just outside the school fence, a car parked beside the road. It had no plate number, it was obviously new. I had never see that brand of car before. Who ever owned this must be very rich i said to myself. Hannah led us towards the parked car. The rear door opened as we approached. A lavishly dressed young man, probably in his mid twenties alighted and held the door open for us. Hannah galloped towards him and threw herself at him in a hug. He held her closely to himself and kissed her lips. Ruth greeted him, and extended a hand to him. He took ruth's hand in his and kissed the back of her palm. I was a little disgusted by the entire public display, i merely greeted him without going close. I opened the front door and took my seat beside the driver. Ruth and Hannah sat at the back. There were three boys seated inside the car, the driver beside me and two others behind. They all looked over dressed and irresponsibe, while trying to speak in a foreign accent. Hannah introduced the three boys. There was mesode the driver, Aj the guy Hannah hugged and the rather quiet looking Ramsey seated along side Aj at the back. As we embarked on our journey i would steal occasional glances at the rear view mirror, to observe what was hapenin behind. Hannah and Aj were kissing lustfully, while ruth was struggling to get Ramsey to keep his hands off her. It seemed she too was uncomfortable with the boys. Mesode tried to engage me in small talk as he drove along. My short and pointed responses killed almost all his attempts. He would turn side ways from time to time to steal a glance at me, and lick his lips afterwards. I almost felt like a LovePeddler. The LovePeddler scenario did not feel right. My phone beeped, it was a message from Ehis. "baby, can i pick you up during break? Want us to hang out with some friends" I felt a little regret as i read the message over and over again. If i hadn't listened to Hannah , i would have had alot of time to spend with the man i love, i thought to myself. ***Tbc***
8 Nov 2014 | 15:52
=Continues= Episode 39 I explained to Ehis that i was very busy in school, and could not leave. I assured him i ll meet him later that day. Mesode pulled over in front of a hotel. We all alighted. At this point, my discomfort became obvious. I had no idea why we stopped in a hotel, but i knew it was no place for a decent girl. I kept looking around, hoping that no one recognises me. Mesode grabbed hold of my hand, and led me into the hotel. As we walked, i took time to look closely At him. He looked really familiar, but i couldn't quite place the face. He had a striking resemblance with someone i had met before. But the image was blur and elusive. Aj and Hannah approached a receptionist, while the read of us sat on a couch in the waiting room. Few seconds later, He beckoned on us to follow him. We took a flight of stirs, then we emerged in a hallway. It had several room on the sides. Aj opened the door to one of the rooms , and motioned us in. It was a fairly large room, adequately furnished and tastefully decorated. A large bed occupied the middle of the room, surrounded by couches of different sizes. I stood for a while, looking around the room. Ruth and Hannah had already taken their seats on the couch, while Aj, Mesode and ramsey went outside to discuss. As i noticed their absence, i moved closer to hannah, and whispered to her in a harsh time. "what is all this? What are we doing in a hotel room?" "my friend stop acting like a small girl, you don't know why we are here? " Hannah shot back At me with the same tone. " you know Ella is not into this kind of runs, you shouldn't have brought her along. If i knew you were coming here , i wouldn't have followed you" Ruth cut in, standing up and facing Hannah. Just as Hannah was about to reply, the door flew open. And the three boys walked in. Aj beckoned on Hannah, and she got up to meet him. He placed his hand around her waist and led her outside the room. On her way out, see turned round and blew a kiss at us. Ruth drew closer and whispered into my ear. She simply told me to relax, before walking out of the room with ramsey. I was suddenly alone with mesode. Cold shiver ran down my spine, i looked around, probably to find an escape route. The door wasnt locked, so i thought of dashing outside. Mesode must have noticed my apprehension, he sat next to me on the couch, and began his smooth talking. He told me stories about his life in Malaysia, and how he and his friends had made millions. He kept emphasising that he was in Nigeria to spend money. He sounded as if the money talk was crafted to turn me on. All the while, i kept my eyes fixed firmly on the door, hoping to dash out at the slightest opportunity. Mesode gave me no such space. He began to run his hands slowly around my exposed tights and kissing me softly around my neck. I was nervous and uncomfortable, my heart pounded. I felt dirty and cheap. All i wanted was to get out of the room. But my body was sending a completely different message. I could feel the wetness again. I was already moaning slightly, and responding to his touch. His lips met mine, i wanted to resist, but my body seemed to be functioning independently. He slid His tongue into my mouth, and i obliged. I felt his hands moving around my back underneath my clothes. It felt so wrong, but my body simply responded. He unstrapped my bra, and it came off. He attempted to take off my clothes, when a knock on the door interrupted him. He got off me and walked towards the bed, trying to fetch something. The knock on the door worried me, i remembered what happened to Hannah, if there was going to be someone else in this room, i can't tell what could happen. I looked around, this felt like the perfect moment to escape. I snatched my bra from the floor and ran towards the door, hoping to push whoever was behind it away and run to safety. The plan was very much simple to me, until i got to the door. I turned the handle round repeatedly, but the door wouldn't open. The person on the other side must have noticed the struggle. He turned the handle with enough force to send the door flying. I stepped back a little to avoid being hit by the swinging door. As the door opened completely, the giant frame of a man stood at the entrance. In my state of panic and confusion, it seemed as if the person in front of me covered the entire door. I never bordered to look up at him. I kept my face to the ground and ran towards him, hoping to push him out of the way as i had planned. He caught me by the hand, and called out my name. The sound of the voice shocked me, it was familiar. In fact i could tell who it was, with out looking up. ***Tbc***
8 Nov 2014 | 15:55
Uhmmmmm see suspense oooo... I hope its nt Ehis sha
8 Nov 2014 | 16:56
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Nawaoooo another toory....omo eh no be small tin(who might dat be?)Let me guse"is her father mayb he put a trace on her,without her knowin....
8 Nov 2014 | 18:30
Episode: 40 I lifted my head up slowly, to confirm the figure standing in front of me. My heart melted away when i saw the shock and disbelief on Ehis's face. He gave me a cold hard stare, sending shock waves all over my body. I tried to speak, but words didn't come out. There was no plausible excuse for my presence here. Ehis pinned his gaze at the bra in my hand, it was very obvious to him that i had engaged in some sexual activities. He let go of me and walked towards Mesode. I turned around and looked at mesode, it was at that moment i recognised the face. He had a striking resemblance with , infact they must be related. I stood by the door in a state of confusion, i had no idea wh Odion at to do or say. Streams of tears began to roll down my cheek. I knew i was in big trouble. Ehis simply walked up to mesode and handed him something from his pocket. Probably an atm card. My attempt to abscond coupled with the unusual chemistry between me and Ehis must have surprised mesode. "whats going on here? Do you know her? " he asked, alternating his gaze between me and Ehis. Ehis looked at me with disgust written all over his face. " yes, she was my girlfriend" he replied as he turned his eyes away from me and walked towards the door.
9 Nov 2014 | 19:12
Episode: 41 The sound of those words fell on me like a bomb. My heart became heavy, my limbs grew weak, i felt like dying. I ran up to Ehis and knelt down beside him, crying and pleading. I kept trying to explain that things were not exactly the way they seemed, i was here by accident and i wanted to escape before he came in. I swore on my life that i had nothing to do with mesode. But the bra in my hand, and my rough appearance made everything i said seem like a lie. Mesode simply stood and watched, without corroborating my story. Ehis tore my hands away from himself and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I remained on the ground feeling lost and disconcerted, i was like a woman in the early stage of madness. I sprawled on the floor weeping. I was yet to count my loss. Mesode was busy sipping wine from a glass cup, and paid very little attention to my sobs. "so shall we continue from where we stopped.? " he asked, trying to hold me up from the floor. " leave me alone, get out" i screamed, and pushed him away from me. I got up without his help and reached for my bag. I folded my bra in two and squeezed it into my bag and headed for the door. "come back here my friend, where do you think you are going? we are not through" mesode ordered. "i'm through with you, you just ruined my life" i replied, as i continued towards the door. "look here, you can settle you issues with my cousin later, that's non of my business, just let me enjoy the worth of my money, don't you know how much your friend charged me? I stopped in my tracks and turned around, i needed to understand his last sentence, i hoped it was not was i was thinking. "what do you mean? " i asked with an air of seriousness. " don't ask me dirty questions, i paid your friend thirty thousand naira for this runs, so let me enjoy myself" At that point, reality set in. Hannah had sold me to a man like a cheap prostitute_. And i instantly began to feel like one. Regret joined my broken heart, i was deeply grieved.
9 Nov 2014 | 19:14
Episode 43 I lifted my head up slowly, to confirm the figure standing in front of me. My heart melted away when i saw the shock and disbelief on Ehis's face. He gave me a cold hard stare, sending shock waves all over my body. I tried to speak, but words didn't come out. There was no plausible excuse for my presence here. Ehis pinned his gaze at the bra in my hand, it was very obvious to him that i had engaged in some sexual activities. He let go of me and walked towards Mesode. I turned around and looked at mesode, it was at that moment i recognised the face. He had a striking resemblance with , infact they must be related. I stood by the door in a state of confusion, i had no idea wh Odion at to do or say. Streams of tears began to roll down my cheek. I knew i was in big trouble. Ehis simply walked up to mesode and handed him something from his pocket. Probably an atm card. My attempt to abscond coupled with the unusual chemistry between me and Ehis must have surprised mesode. "whats going on here? Do you know her? " he asked, alternating his gaze between me and Ehis. Ehis looked at me with disgust written all over his face. " yes, she was my girlfriend" he replied as he turned his eyes away from me and walked towards the door. The sound of those words fell on me like a bomb. My heart became heavy, my limbs grew weak, i felt like dying. I ran up to Ehis and knelt down beside him, crying and pleading. I kept trying to explain that things were not exactly the way they seemed, i was here by accident and i wanted to escape before he came in. I swore on my life that i had nothing to do with mesode. But the bra in my hand, and my rough appearance made everything i said seem like a lie. Mesode simply stood and watched, without corroborating my story. Ehis tore my hands away from himself and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I remained on the ground feeling lost and disconcerted, i was like a woman in the early stage of madness. I sprawled on the floor weeping. I was yet to count my loss. Mesode was busy sipping wine from a glass cup, and paid very little attention to my sobs. "so shall we continue from where we stopped.? " he asked, trying to hold me up from the floor. " leave me alone, get out" i screamed, and pushed him away from me. I got up without his help and reached for my bag. I folded my bra in two and squeezed it into my bag and headed for the door. "come back here my friend, where do you think you are going? we are not through" mesode ordered. "i'm through with you, you just ruined my life" i replied, as i continued towards the door. "look here, you can settle you issues with my cousin later, that's non of my business, just let me enjoy the worth of my money, don't you know how much your friend charged me? I stopped in my tracks and turned around, i needed to understand his last sentence, i hoped it was not was i was thinking. "what do you mean? " i asked with an air of seriousness. " don't ask me dirty questions, i paid your friend thirty thousand naira for this runs, so let me enjoy myself" At that point, reality set in. Hannah had sold me to a man like a cheap prostitute_. And i instantly began to feel like one. Regret joined my broken heart, i was deeply grieved. I spoke calmly to mesode, and tried to explain to him that i was not a party to the entire arrangement, in fact i was not into that kind or 'runs'. My pleading and explanation fell on dead ears. As i approached the door, he ran towards me, grabbed me and threw me towards the bed. I knew what was going to happen next, i wasn't ready to allow it happen to me. My frustration turned into rage. I swore to protect myself with any means possible. I grabbed the bottle of wine he left on the stool, emptied its content on the floor and smashed it. "if you come close to me i will kill you" i said with a stern voice. Pointing the broken piece of the bottle towards him. He could sense the anger in my voice, he knew i was serious. I would have stabbed him to death if he came close. He reached for his phone in his pocket and dialled a number. "come to my room now, i don't understand what is happening" he barked at the person at the other end of the call. Few minutes later, the door opened, Hannah walked into the room, with only a piece of clothe tied round her chest. She was taken aback when she saw me holding the piece of broken bottle. "Ella what are you doing?" she asked, with shock on her face. I made no attempt to answer her question, the door was open, mesode was standing away from it. I put the fragment down and walked out of the room in a hurry. Hannah ran after me, and held my bag in an attempt to stop me. "Ella wait, why are still acting like a small girl? Just allow him do his thing, i will settle you well. It's me, you owe me this " Hannah pleaded. " so because you housed me for one night, you feel you can sell me off like a prostitute? Well i don't live an immoral life like you. " i shouted angrily. Hannah 's countenance changed immediately. " hey, holy girl. You were sleeping with a man through out the night yesterday, and today you have the guts to call me immoral? What is the difference between me and you? Abi your virginity don grow back? Holy ashawo " She had barely finished when my hand landed on her cheeks. She reciprocated the gesture without prior hesitation. My anger overwhelmed me, and a fist fight ensued. I tore the wrapper off her body, leaving her Unclad and exposed. She fought on like a shameless prostitute, not minding the small crowd that had began to gather. Someone pulled us apart, i couldn't recognise who it was. Hannah was busy covering her body, while i culled up on the floor crying. A feeling of regret surged through me.
9 Nov 2014 | 19:15
Episode 44 I had lost the man i love, i've been tricked by my friend, i didnt even know who i was anymore. It all seemed my whole life was falling apart before my very eyes. Other than the fact that we made a lot of noise, no one really cared about us I picked my self up from the floor and walked away slowly. As i stepped outside, i felt a peppery sensation around my face, so i looked at my face in a mirror. Tiny fingernail marks spattered all over. It was obvious i had been in a fight. I boarded a taxi and headed to Ehis's hostel. I told myself that if i explained the situation to him and pleaded profusely, he would forgive me. My heart throbbed as i alighted the taxi. I took several wobbly steps towards Ehis's room. I was thirsty and tired. The hostel was in its usual state, loud music and jobless boys strolling in their singlets and boxers. This time i paid no attention to their whistling and cat calls. I walked straight up the stairs towards Ehis's room. I stood right outside his door, drew in a lot of air and knocked on his door repeatedly, there was no response. I could here some movements within the house, i knew he was in there. I called out his name, and the movement in the room came to a halt. Few seconds later, Ehis opened the door. He wasnt wearing any shirt, his boxers hung freely from his hips. He was sweating profusely. He planted himself at the doorway to prevent my entering. I looked down at the floor, and discovered a female footwear. I looked up at Ehis in disappointment. The look of indifference in his eyes tore my spirit. He was definitely with another girl. "Ehis why? " i asked coldly, with tears running down my cheek. " why? Ok lets see. I wanted to take you out this morning, but you said you were busy with school. Only for me to find out you were doing my cousin" he replied mockingly. "its not like that, you are the only guy i have ever been with please believe me" i fell on my knees and intensified my tears, hoping to soften his heart. "really? If i didnt catch you today i would have believed you. You are a cheap prostitute, go and continue your runs, i'm through with you. I have replaced you" Ehis slammed the door close, leaving me helpless on the floor. I remained stationary for about five minutes, before i could get up and walk. I struggled to my feet and made my way out of the compound. I had to go back to school. The ride back to school was exhausting, it felt like the longest ride i had ever been on. My whole appearance was a mess. I was dirty and sweating, with finger marks on my face. But i could care less. Different thoughts surged through my mind, i kept wondering what would change after today, as one fact had become obvious. I wasn't the girl i used to be. I arrived in school at the nick of time, the bell signalling the end of the break had just sounded. I rushed into the gatehouse to change quickly into my uniform. The gateman kept staring at me with a surprise look on his face. I dragged myself all the way to my classroom. Hannah was already seated, but Ruth was no were around. She looked at me with contempt and hissed. I couldn't care less. I rested my head on the desk and slept off. My whole body ached. I had no idea how long i had slept, but a stray thought woke me up. I hadn't seen Ruth. I pinged her repeatedly, but the messages were not read. I called her phone repeatedly, without response. At this point, i grew slightly worried. But my sadness and aches prevented me from seeking further measures. Hours past, and the closing bell rang. Ruth still wasn't back. Anxiety overwhelmed me, i feared something bad might have happened to Ruth. I was convinced she had no prior knowledge of Hannah 's plot. Could she have met a more bitter consequence than me? I wondered within me.
9 Nov 2014 | 19:17
f*** fake frnds
10 Nov 2014 | 11:49
Like i knew it was gonna be ehis.....
10 Nov 2014 | 13:26
Wooooooh I feel so sad...I just pity Ella
10 Nov 2014 | 18:39
Pls shaxee update I cnt wait to see the next episode...
10 Nov 2014 | 18:47
Episode 45 Gradually, the anxiety i felt began to increase. Ruth's absence greatly disturbed me. All through out the period of fighting in the hotel, she never came out neither did Ramsey. Negative thoughts began to sip through my mind. I feared something bad might have happened to Ruth. There was only one person who should know where she is. Even if we had just fought, i had no choice but to talk to Hannah. I looked around and spotted Hannah, she too had a worried look on her face. She had her phone to her ear for a while, obviously trying to call someone. The frustration and resignation after each attempt showed that she wasn't getting any success. I marched towards her with obvious annoyance. "where is Ruth.? " i demanded, Hannah noticed the fury in my voice, she too was scared. I expected her to reply harshly, but i guess she too saw the enormity of the situation, and her undeniable involvement. " i don't know where she went, i left her in the hotel" she replied, with a shaky voice. She was almost crying. Her sudden change of emotion made no difference to me. As far i was concerned, she was as guilty as hell. "why on earth did you leave her there? " i inquired further, spitting out more anger. " i didn't see them any more when i wanted to go, she wasn't answering her phone either." At the point, Hannah began to sob. Something told me she knew more than she was letting out. She wasn't just panicking, there was more to it. What ever it was, we had to find Ruth.
11 Nov 2014 | 13:00
Episode 45 "get up, lets go and look for her" i ordered "were would we start from " Hannah asked, " the hotel of course" "they are not there, Ramsey and Mesode took her away, i don't know where they went. Non of them is answering their phones" Fear gripped me when i heard those words, i knew there was something wrong with those boys. Something must have happened to Ruth. I walked back to my seat with resignation, my heart pounded. I kept dialling Ruth's number over and over again. It rang repeatedly but there was no response. I placed my head on my desk again, hoping to catch some sleep before the extra lessons began. I was almost dosing off when my phone rang. I picked it up in a hurry, i knew it had to be Ruth. "hello? Were are you" i asked in a hurry The voice at the other end of the phone wasn't Ruth's. It was a lady who identified herself as a staff of the hotel we just visited. She called to find out who owned the phone. Apparently, she found Ruth's phone in the room while she was cleaning up. It became obvious to me that my friend Ruth was missing. I turned towards Hannah, she was still on her seat. This time, she was shedding tears. She definitely knows what was happening. I sprang up from my seat and ran to her, gripped her shirt by the neck line and demanded to know where Ruth was. The Hannah i know would have fought back, but she looked up at me quietly with guilt written all over her face.
11 Nov 2014 | 13:01
Odikwa very risky....if anytin happens to her both two ar in trouble...@Shaxee pls next Episode..
12 Nov 2014 | 04:34
see gobe
12 Nov 2014 | 05:04
Episode 46 "Something happened to ruth " Hannah confessed My heart almost gave out. Goose bumps appeared on my skin, i have never been this scared of anything before. " what happened " i asked nervously " while i was in the room with Aj, he got a call from Ramsey. He said they took Ruth to the hospital, he didn't tell me why. When i insisted on knowing, Aj excused himself and walked out of the room. He didn't return until i decided to leave." "which hospital?" I enquired "i don't know" "and you left her? " Hannah looked at me without saying a word, tears flowed freely from her eyes. The hatred i felt for her increased. I felt like choking her to death. But then we had to find Ruth. I dragged her up and ordered her to follow me. " were are we going"? "to find Ruth of course " She kept quiet and followed me sheepishly. It was almost time for extra lessons to begin, but i didn't care about that. I just had to fund Ruth. We changed our clothes at the gate house, and boarded a taxi heading towards the hotel. I hoped anyone there would have a clue to where Ruth was taken. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to her, she did not look seek when we left school together this morning. She was quite active and full of life. I have never known her to have any health challenges either. I stared out of the taxi window, playing up a lot of scenarios in my mind. I was convinced that those boys had a hand in whatever happened to Ruth. The taxi pulled up in front of the hotel, we handed the driver his money and went in. I recognised one of the receptionist, she was there when we came earlier.. I walked up to her, and asked if she knew about a girl that was rushed to a hospital from the hotel earlier. Unfortunately, she had no idea. She only gave us a list of hospitals around the hotel, they were five in number including a psychiatric hospital. We hurried out of the hotel into the street, hoping to move from hospital to hospital in search of my friend Ruth. I prayed silently that nothing bad happens to her.
12 Nov 2014 | 05:52
Cool...continue sha
12 Nov 2014 | 06:36
Chai! Diz Hannah suppos collect seriouz beating... Why she dey bear my name sef? I wonder what has happened 2 Ruth nw
12 Nov 2014 | 13:05
Nawaooo I thought as much...they are realy in a big mess....but I only pity Ella...chai!! Sorryeee
12 Nov 2014 | 17:18
Episode 47 The first hospital was just a few meters away from the hotel. Hannah and i strolled along. She walked rather sluggishly behind me, almost as if she was scared of finding Ruth. No doubt, she already knew how much i hated her at this point. As we walked by, a lot of thoughts gathered in my head. I was preoccupied with the thought of what could have happened to Ruth, but on the other hand i couldn't keep my mind off my broken relationship with Ehis. I wondered if he would ever forgive me. The identity of the girl in the room also troubled me. For someone who claimed to love me, Ehis moved on really fast. Images from the past few hours continuously flooded my mind. I wondered if Ehis actually knew i was in that hotel, at the same time i cursed myself for not leaving sooner, and not seeing the similarity between Mesode and odion. I would have saved myself a lot of heartache. At that point, i realised that i knew very little about those boys at the hotel. I slowed down a little, to allow Hannah catch up with me. I wanted to satisfy my curiosity. "did you know that Mesode was Ehis's cousin? " i asked, facing Hannah. " no" she replied, shrugging her shoulder unconvincingly. she was obviously lying i could tell. But i did no border to press further, because it would make no difference at this point. "how did you know Aj?, and what arrangements did you have with him? "i queried further. " we were friends before he travelled to Malaysia. This morning, he called to inform me that he was around. He wanted some girls to spend time with him and his friends. So i collected fifty thousand naira from him to 'arrange' two girls. I didn't know it would be like this i swear" I looked at her with disgust written all-over my face. She faced down, probably embarrassed over her actions. I turned away and headed into the hospital complex. We walked straight to the reception, to meet an angry looking girl in her early twenties. "good afternoon" we greeted simultaneously. "how may i help you? " she asked, without replying our greeting 'we are looking for a patient who might have been brought here today, her name is Ruth Nosakare" She made several clicks on her mouse before informing us that they had no patient with that name. I felt a little more disappointed and worried. We left for the next hospital, which was just a few minutes away. We searched helplessly for Ruth, until there was just one hospital left. I took out the list of hospitals the hotel receptionist gave us, and glanced through it's content. Cold shivers ran down my spine when i realised that the last hospital is a psychiatric hospital. Could Ruth have gone mad? I wondered. I turned toward Hannah and announced to her that we would be checking a psychiatric hospital next. To be continued
13 Nov 2014 | 01:36
I jst hope dey've nt used ha 4 money ritual o........ Pls am hungry 4 d next episode ooooooo.
13 Nov 2014 | 06:01
Expectn the next episode
13 Nov 2014 | 07:40
If Ruth Is Not in Dis Psych Hospital de want to check now, I hav A feelin she will Bε̲̣̣̣̥ in Ella's mother hospital den.. Less keep our fingers cross.. I just hope she Is fine
13 Nov 2014 | 11:12
Krystal bring that your AK-47 rifle and rocket launcher,it seems Val dey take us play
13 Nov 2014 | 14:25
Ha? So na comment full page 16 nd 17? Na wa oooo dis one no good o.. Post am na
13 Nov 2014 | 14:43
Episode 48 The sullen look on her face presented a kind of guilt i couldn't understand. She avoided eye contact with me. I was very sure she knew something that she wasn't telling me. My heart raced as we entered the federal psychiatric hospital. The sheer magnificence of the building wowed me a little. But it still did not shore my anxiety. I know that mad people were usually admitted here, hence i did not know if i should pray to find Ruth here or not. As we walked in, Hannah began to drag behind. Her unwillingness to enter the building gave her away. I looked suspiciously at her and left her behind. Unlike the previous hospitals, this one had no reception. I looked around for a while, hoping to find someone to talk to. I ran towards a nurse who seemed to be hurrying out of sight. "excuse me ma, please help me I'm looking for someone " She neither lessened her pace nor stop to look at me. She was focused on the file she was carrying. She walked and spoke at the same time. "who exactly?" she asked, flipping through her file and walking briskly. "it's my friend, her name is Ruth, i don't know if........ " She stopped abruptly and shot a horrible look at me immediately i mentioned Ruth's name. I stole a glance at the file she was holding, it had" Ruth Nosakare" written on it, with a tag next to it stating clearly "emergency" " are you the Hannah? " she asked, grabbing hold of my hand. " no ma, Hannah is just outside, I'm Ella" i replied, trying to wriggle free from her grip. "take me to her" she ordered, as she pulled me towards the door. My anxiety increased, at this point i was certain that Hannah had a lot to do with what was happening. "do you know your friends Parents or anybody we can contact ?" she stopped and asked. I thought about it for a while, if Ruth wanted them to contact her family, she would have volunteered those information. I decided to withhold answers myself. "no ma i don't know anyone " " what about your school? " " school has closed" i replied. She resigned from her questioning and continued towards the door, till we were out in the open. "that's Hannah " i said, pointing towards her. The sight of the nurse holding my hand firmly, and pointing at her frightened Hannah. She began to retreat towards the gate as we approached her. " my friend stop there! "the nurse ordered. Hannah froze, with a frightened look on her face. The nurse approached her and grabbed her by the hand. " come with me, you have some explaining to do" she said, as she led us all the way up to her office. Hannah was shedding tears already.
13 Nov 2014 | 15:47
I haven't commented for smtime,was jst checking out all d suspense,intrigues,n immense life of a confused teenager who believe life is a bed of rose outside her family. Frnds watever we do,let's always remeber our families as our own treasure. Still #swinkling# @ Tenniebenson
13 Nov 2014 | 16:44
@zikfico,I can see yor crush is Tenniebenson,but mine is the 'most' beautiful Kristal.....lemme keep my cOmments,buh I tinK HannaH and heR colleague have coNNived to use RuTh for ritual......Ella was so stupid and naive to give herself so cheaply to that goat called Elis,Elis is a whore and have been flirting,she just used Ella's mistake as a cover-up,thats a shame
13 Nov 2014 | 17:25
Wait oo,Kristal,are you a guy...lmao.....chei,let them not accuse of being a homo,sowi o,ion know
14 Nov 2014 | 02:48
Episode 49 story by famous pen We passed through an open ward to her office. The sight of mentally challenged people gave me the creeps. Some looked calm and well behaved, you ll rarely notice their madness. Others where obviously unruly and disorderly. Some showed waxy flexibility. I wondered why Ruth was in a psychiatric hospital. Has she suddenly become mad? I wondered. I began to recollect stories of young girls who have been used for money rituals by boys of this kind. My own thoughts sent cold shivers down my spine. But i knew my curiosity would soon be satisfied, as we entered into a small office with three chairs and a table. She pointed at seats for Hannah and i, while she sat across the table facing us. I looked around the office uncomfortably, wondering what was about to happen. Hannah on the other hand was sobbing. Her face was soaked with tears. For what reason, i had no idea. The nurse placed her file on the table, and flipped through several pages, clearly searching for something. She looked up, staring into our eyes, alternating between me and Hannah. "lets hear your own side of the story" she said, pointing at Hannah. Hannah shrugged, and turned away from the nurse. She directed her gaze to the floor, sobbing profusely. I was getting more agitated and worried, i desperately needed to hear what happened. "i didn't know it was going to be like that, i thought she would agree " Hannah said in between sobs. "but why did you not offer yourself instead, or at least return their money?" the nurse replied, in a stern voice. She was getting impatient and angry too. "Aj wanted me to himself, i have spent part of the money. Ruth was the only option left" Hannah continued. "so you sold your friend? For how much? " She shouted, springing up from her seat and banging her fist on the table. Hannah's head dropped to the table, her sobbing had become weeping. I turned my head from side to side, trying to decipher the situation. I just couldn't gather the story in my head. To be continued
14 Nov 2014 | 03:13
Jezz! U̶̲̥̅̊ Really Need 2 Go On Man.. The Suspence Is Killin Me
14 Nov 2014 | 04:43
" pray nothing happens to your friend, you prostitute. " " and you" focusing on me "how did you become friends with this girl?" I looked sullenly at her, if only she knew how much i regret knowing Hannah. "what happened ma? " i asked almost inaudibly " your friend here was paid fifty thousand to arrange three prostitutes for a boy and his friends. She brought you and Ruth to them. Obviously you were not open to the arrangement, i guess. I heard you threatened one of them with a sharp object" "yes ma, " i replied " when you left, he demanded for his money or another girl. But i guess your friend here has spent all the money. So they settled for Ruth instead, without her knowledge. Apparently ruth refused to 'accommodate' two boys at the same time, so they resorted to coercion. They forced a substance into her mouth and nose. I'm not sure what it was, but from the description, it might be cocaine and Rohypnol. Anyway Ruth passed out, she had no idea what happened. When she woke up, she was bleeding via her womanliness and acting abnormally. So they brought her here and disappeared. Well, your friend suffered from the effect of cocaine and the trauma she also passed through. She had a miscarriage too" Her last sentence shocked me, i almost jumped out of my seat. "how is that possible?" i asked, with tears falling freely from my eyes. "well she told us she was six weeks pregnant, and Hannah here has been giving her pills to terminate it. I guess she has succeeded now" I stood up from my seat with uncontrollable anger, and grabbed Hannah by her collar. I wanted to choke her badly. "what have you done, you devil. If anything happens to Ruth i will kill you myself " i screamed at the top of my voice. Hannah sat helplessly, making no effort to defend herself. The gravity of her actions must have sank deep into her head. The nurse ran across to us, and freed Hannah from my grip. " calm down, Ruth is stable now, the worst has past" she said as she pulled me away from Hannah. "can i see her? "i asked calmly. " follow me" she ordered. The three of us walked out of the office, as she lead us towards another room. She stood by the entrance, and directed us to go in and be brief. I opened the door and walked in, while Hannah held back. She was reluctant to see Ruth. Off course she had to be, it was difficult to predict what Ruth's reaction will be. I got closer to the bed and called out to Ruth gently. She turned her head towards me slowly. Her pillow was soaked with tears, her eyes were pale and swollen. She looked nothing like the girl that left school with me this morning. She was still sobbing quietly when she signaled me to come closer. I walked up to her and bent down to listen. "tell Hannah that i ll kill her and myself when i leave this hospital " she whispered into my ears in between sobs. I could feel the pain and anger in her voice, she never deserved this. I'd kill Hannah too if i had the courage. " pls don't bring my parents into this" she continued, as she burst in another round of tears. I held her hand, and we cried together for a while. I couldn't take it anymore, i had leave the room. Hannah and the nurse were still standing outside. I looked at her coldly, with hatred and anger clearly visible. I felt the urge to choke her again. The nurse placed her hand on my shoulder, and spoke in a gentle voice. "you have to help Ruth, we need to contact her family, this is a psychiatric hospital. We have done our part, we need to refer her to the teaching hospital, she needs an ultrasound which we can't do here. So if you know any way of contacting her parents, please tell me" I thought about it for a while, if Ruth's parents entered the fray, it will only be a matter of time before my parents would know too. All our dirty secretes will be exposed. I'd probably get the beating of my life. But all that didn't matter, i had to do the right thing, even if it would be a disaster for me. Ruth needed help. "i know her house" i blotted out. "fine, i will get my keys" she replied, and headed for her office "what are you doing? you are going to expose all of us" Hannah whispered . I had no idea how to reply her, i simply swung my hand around and struck her face. The slap startled her, but she made no attempt to retaliate. She simply held her cheek. My reply was clearly delivered i suppose. I knew our little hide and seek had come to an end, but what i was left to anticipate was my parent's reaction when they find who i had become.
14 Nov 2014 | 08:55
14 Nov 2014 | 09:31
Lol.. Funny guyz... @Zikfico i see u double times jae.... Mac nd Kristal... Ur matter dey make me laugh... Abeg use style continue d story.. Na beg i dey beg o
14 Nov 2014 | 12:46
Dis is a very well educating story for our teenagers dat feel dey ve grow up over 9t, and also to or parents dat is caging deir children in d name of discipline cos not is like being free wit ur children to really knw dem all. I also learnt 4rm it and @Shaxee ur stories is always great. Keep it up
14 Nov 2014 | 15:17
hmmm! dats lyf 4 u ella
14 Nov 2014 | 15:21
@Pamelacham,hope u re takin note coz u re not a grown up already,I knw u may disagree with me,but thats true. I want their secrets to come open,I just despise this fool called Ella. She fell cheaply to that he-goat called Ehis. Look at her levity,Ehis kissed me,i couldn't tell him to stop,i wish he continues,he fondled me,i love the feeling,he was fucking me,i was emjoying it,i couldn't control myself,i dnt know how long it lasted. Fool......I wish you are pregnant
14 Nov 2014 | 17:40
wow!!!!.i must confess i started to read diz story 2dy and am able to catch up....wat a nice and educating story.....ella was stupid bt tho all wasnt her fault,her parent should have gave her some freedom all from d begining
14 Nov 2014 | 18:27
This ain't just one wrong turn, it's MANY WRONG TURNS. Some parents contribute 2 this anyway.
14 Nov 2014 | 18:33
@Macdonald, yea I agreeed wit u but u don't need to blame her much but rather her parent who fail to educate her on relationship and sex
15 Nov 2014 | 03:07
Ella ella ellllllllllllllla yr parent do tell u dat Ruth & Hanna are nt gud 4 u bt u chose then instead nw u must dance to the Papa nd Mama ella u do it wrng there is dffrnt way of training boi to girl u dnt use d same measure on them
15 Nov 2014 | 03:31
I don show aqain.. No update yet.... Uhmmm.. @Macdonald u don vex? Lol... I blame ella's parent tho... Dey were jez too over protective nd irrational... Nd ella too... She jez wana learn too fast... Nd she learned in a wrng way.. Dere is nothing like freedom 4rm parents...coupled with advice... Mehn! I so fucking love my parents!!!!
15 Nov 2014 | 04:48
Vhat'z duh truth tho @tenniebenson | fenk GOD for mine also evn tho mah p-man |z late buh hez st!ll duh best av eva had......
15 Nov 2014 | 14:31
I don over show today ooo... Nd i never see update ooo #crying# please na
15 Nov 2014 | 15:56
Tenniebenson....chai u dey cry? Val causam
16 Nov 2014 | 03:05
No update on sundays
16 Nov 2014 | 13:49
Urrrrrgggggghhhhhhh wtf! No updates ke??? #screaming#
16 Nov 2014 | 16:26
i don over click tire.........
17 Nov 2014 | 03:26
Pls post the remaining episode, u are keeping us in suspense.
17 Nov 2014 | 07:43
Ah don tire oo,Val do nah!
17 Nov 2014 | 13:19
Eleyi ogidigan oooo... @Kristal i'm very surprised o.. How did u get 2 knw my nick? Hehe i don dey fear u oooo
17 Nov 2014 | 15:48
Sincerely am tired of all ds half bake stories here.i dnt knw what to even write sef am out
18 Nov 2014 | 03:15
Final Episode I was still deep in thoughts when the nurse returned, with a bunch of keys. She signaled me to follow her. Hannah simply refused to follow us. We climbed down a flight of stairs leading to the exit. Her car was packed in front. "were are we going?"she asked, as we both took our sits in the car. "new Benin" i replied. She started the engine and our journey started. As it progressed, i placed my head on the dash board, thinking and sobbing. A lot of thoughts flashed through my head. Ruth was pregnant, she was sold by our friend, drugged and Molested. I imagined the horror she went through, and her eventual hospitalisation. I wasn't left out of the suffering either. I had lost my virginity to a boy who had moved on very quickly. I was caught in a hotel room with a boy, like a common prostitute. I also wondered what would have happened to me if i didn't have the courage to escape from the hotel. In all, my life had taken a negative turn, i hated who i had become. Is there any way back for me.? I wondered, as tears fell freely from my eyes. I felt the car slowing down and pulling over. I knew we hadn't gotten to new Benin yet. I lifted my head from the dash board to see what was happening. It all seemed clear in front of me, there was no reason for us to stop. I turned towards her with my tear filled face, wondering why she stopped. Her attention was solely focused on me. She had a look of sadness and pity registered on her face. Her gaze provoked more tears, as i started sobbing loudly. "here, stop crying " she said, handing over a white handkerchief. " i can tell that you are different from your friends "she continued. " how did you get involved with them? " she asked " i don't know, i thought we were friends "i replied in between sobs. I couldn't control my tears anymore, i was already crying bitterly. The reasons for my tears were many, sadness and sorrow overwhelmed me. I just felt like dying. I opened the door quickly and ran out of the car, i had no idea where i was or what i was doing. I came to a stop a short distance away from the car and fell on the shrubs. I felt i was going mad. The nurse walked up to me, and held me up. She hugged me, holding my head tightly to her shoulder. "it's ok, i know this must be difficult for you, just know I'm here for you." she said, in the kindest voice i have ever heard. I laid helplessly on her shoulder, crying profusely. My tears soaked her white uniform. We were beginning to get attention from passers-by. She held me by my waist and lead me back to the car, and held the door open for me to sit. "Ella, talk to me, what have you girls been up to"? She asked again. I felt a little bit more comfortable, there was nothing else to hide, the truth will soon be out and everyone will know. I revealed all the events of the past few weeks, including all the minor details. I told her about our regular escape from school, and how we usually pay the gate man. She did not seem shocked to hear any of it, not even the escapades with Ehis. She listened patiently and quietly to my story. "but why Ella? Why did you choose to follow this path, why ignore your parents discipline? " she asked, looking straight at my eyes. " i just wanted to be loved, i wanted someone to understand me. He was just there for me, he....... " i stopped to wipe the tear from my eyes and control my weeping. She held my head up, and turned it towards her. "I'm sure your parents love you, just give them a chance, you can be a better person" "they don't, no one has ever spoken to me like this. " i replied coldly. She let go of me and turned towards the windscreen. "no one is a perfect parent, my daughter was about your age when she gave birth. " she said, as a feeling of sadness overwhelmed her. I wiped my tears when i heard those words. I simply decided not to cry anymore, knowing that it could have been worse. She looked at me again and said" you can be a better person, don't give up on yourself " She started the engines, and our journey continued. Few minutes later, we were at Ruth's house. It wasn't exactly a mansion, it was the habitat of people who earned decent wages. Ruth's mother's car was parked outside. The nurse pulled over at the side of the road, and we walked a short distance yo Ruth's house. The front door opened before we got to it. Ruth's mother came out of the house, well- dressed with a bible under her armpit. She looked set for evening service. We hurried quickly to catch up with her, while she was struggling to lock the door. "Excuse me ma" the nurse called out, to Ruth's mum, as she hurried towards her. I stayed back at the gate, fearing the reaction from Ruth's mum when she hears about her daughter. I was too far out to hear the conversation that ensued between them, but Ruth's mother's countenance changed, she looked worried and began to panic. She got into her car in a hurry and drove off. While the nurse and i got into hers, and headed towards my house. I still managed to get home a little early. My mum had returned from work, she was watching a movie in the sitting room. I greeted her and walked towards my room quickly to avoid being noticed. My eyes were swollen, and my face was a mess. I threw my school bag on the floor, took off my uniform and tied a towel. I wanted to wash off the day's events from my body and mind. I needed to rest badly. As i headed for the bathroom, my room door opened. My mum walked in. I tried to hurry into the bathroom to avoid any confrontation with her, i did not want another fight. "Ella wait " she called out, halting me in my stride. I stopped, without turning around to look at her. I anticipated a question and answer section. " what is wrong my daughter, you don't look happy"she said in a rather nice tone . I was quite shocked, my mother doesn't usually speak to me in such manner. I turned around to make sure it wasn't someone else. My eyes met my mum's. She noticed my swollen eyes and battered face. "have you been crying? " she asked, moving closer to me. I paused for a moment, it was quite obvious. There was no use denying. " Ruth is in the hospital " i muttered " oh what happened to her? " " she fainted" i replied, convinced within myself that i haven't told a lie. My mum tried comfort me. Her attempts were lame but duly appreciated. I went into the bathroom, as she left for the sitting room. I bathed slowly, wondering what would transpire between Ruth and her mum. I stepped out of the bathroom after fifteen minutes. I wore my night cloths, and retired for the day, hoping to fall asleep as quickly as possible. However, sleep eluded me. My eyes remained wide open. I continuously replayed the day's events in my head, wondering how it would all end. The sound of my door handle turning interrupted my thoughts. My mum walked in again, with her placed on her ear. She spoke for a while with the person at the other end before turning her attention to me. "that was Ruth's mother " she said, giving me a suspicious look. I sat up on the bed, knowing fully well that the game was up. " she gold me a lot of things i don't understand. Ella, what happened? Who did you go to see in a hotel? Is what I'm hearing true? " I looked at my mum's face, i could feel her disappointment and frustration . I bowed my head slowly and began to shed tears again. I knew i had let everyone down, i was a bad person. " so it's true? This is what you have become? "she said, with a shaky voice. She too was close to tears. She sat on my bed and buried her head in her palm. She seemed greatly pained, and i knew it was all my fault. I knelt down beside her and began apologise profusely. I tried go explain the day's event to her as accurately as i could remember, while tactfully leaving out anything that had to do with Ehis. "you see why i told you not to associate with those girls? Imagine yourself in Ruth's situation" my mum said after listening to my story. "promise me you won't tell daddy" i pleaded. My mum obliged, as she left me to continue in my thoughts. I heaved a sigh of relief as she left, believing that it was all over. I made a resolution within myself never to return to this way of life. I wanted to be a better person. ***************** ********************* Ruth resumed school after about one month of absence. She was looking quite different. She was much more withdrawn and anti-social than she used to be. The news of her miscarriage and apparent molest had been on everyone's lips. Though there were different versions of the story, they all seemed to have emerged from one source, Hannah. She had made new friends, and never seemed to care about what happened to Ruth. I was the only person Ruth had. She never failed to express how much regret, pain and embarrassment she had caused herself and her family. I could feel her pain, i was just thankful it wasn't me. We watched with keen interest as Hannah and her new found friends continuously absconded from school and returned unsuspectingly. It surprised me how easily she could influence people. Each time i saw her friends, it was like seeing myself all over again. Two weeks passed, as we neared the end of the term. It was a typical monday morning. The last lecture before break had just began, Hannah and her friends left the classroom with their bags hanging from their shoulders, heading towards the gate house. Ruth and i went straight to the principal's office, to alert him. The principal was a stout old man, known for his extreme punishments. He was angered by our news. He walked hurriedly towards the gatehouse at the back of the school, hoping to catch Hannah and her colleagues. Ruth and i walked briskly behind him, struggling to keep up with his pace. Halfway through the journey, i felt thirsty and exhausted. I was panting heavily. It had been going on for quite a while now, i waved it off as stress. As i struggled to keep pace, my vision became blurred, eventually turned dark, i felt weightless and powerless. I tried to call out to Ruth, but my vocal cord produced no sound. From that moment, i had no idea where i was, or what was happening. .********** I opened my eyes slowly, trying to figure out where i was. I knew i had passed out, a while ago, but i couldn't guess how long. I turned my head sideways to look properly at the figure sitting in front of me. My vision was inaccurate and blurry at first. As it began to brighten, i could see my mother sitting close, with tears flowing from my eyes. I looked around the room carefully, it was obvious i was in a hospital. Fear gripped me as i saw the sadness on my mum's face. I was scared that something bad may have happened. "what happened? "i asked, trying to prop myself up on the bed. My mum handed me a piece of paper. I snatched it from her, and perused it's content. It made no sense to me, it was mainly medical jargons. " i don't understand, what does it say? " i asked as i handed the paper back to her. " you are pregnant "she said, in between sobs. My heart skipped a beat, my head felt lighter. If i were standing, I'd have fainted again. I broke down in tears, thinking it was not possible. I remember i swallowed the pills Hannah gave me. " no no it has to be a mistake "i screamed. " blood and urine tests have confirmed it" my mum replied I held my head in my palm, utterly confused and dejected. I had no idea what to do or say. I felt like dying. I could feel my energy draining away. I wanted to cry, but It seemed my tear glands had dried up, or my pain was more than tears. My father burst into the room, and screamed at the top of his voice. "so you have disgraced me finally, you have brought shame to me" He tried to hit me, but my mum held him back. "she is pregnant, don't hit her please". I just laid motionless on the bed, at this point i couldn't care less if i was dead. My life was empty and meaningless. "who is responsible for this "my father shouted " Ehis" i blotted out without hesitation. "Ehiagwina's son?' 'yes' "get up, we are going to his father's house". My dad dragged me roughly from the bed, he led me out of the door, not minding my current state of health. My mum tagged along, as we headed for Mr Ehiagwina's house. ***** The atmosphere was tense, the reception was hostile. Mr Ehiagwina had labelled my dad a failure for not being able control the "small prostitute" he had in his house. He was convinced that his son wasn't responsible for my pregnancy, even before hearing his side of the story . He ordered us out of his house, but my dad insisted on hearing from Ehis first. Mr Ehiagwina called him over the phone, and ordered him to come home immediately. We sat and waited quietly for about 30 minutes. I stood behind my mum who was weeping profusely. My face was devoid of emotions, i had cried myself to the limit. Although i was falling apart inside, my countenance didn't reveal much. Ehis arrived no sooner than expected, he entered the living room unannounced, perhaps expecting to find his father alone. The faces before him threw him back. He paused for a while and examined our faces closely. No doubt, he must have deduced the situation appropriately. He reorganised himself and greeted everyone. His father pointed a finger at me. "do you know her?"he asked "we attend the same church" he replied calmly. "she said she is pregnant for you" "Jesus! "Ehis exclaimed, putting his hands on his head. " daddy, i don't know what she is talking about" Ehis denied "shut up, the catechist caught both of you in church the other time" my father cut in "that was then, she was my girlfriend, but we broke up when i caught her in a hotel with a man" Ehis continued. " i told you she is a prostitute " Mr Ehiagwina contributed. " she has been sleeping with odion's brother, what ever she is carrying there must belong to him," pointing at my abdomen. " did i not catch you with him in a hotel? " Ehis asked The entire scene was inhuman and embarrassing for me and my family. Being called a prostitute with circumstantial evidence made me want to die. Who would have believed that Ehis would ever treat me like this? Few weeks ago, he took my virginity, he was my knight in shining armour. Today he is the one labelling me a LovePeddler. I bent my head in shame, as everyone turned towards me, waiting for a response . Any reply i give would make no difference, I'd be damned anyway. "Odion's brother has returned to Malaysia, you can take your prostitute daughter and bastard grand child to him there, but for now get out of my house" Mr Ehiagwina barked. My dad jumped to his feet and hurried out of sight. My mum and i walked slowly towards the door. I walked closer to Ehis and whispered to him. "you ll come looking for your child someday " He totally avoided eye contact with me, he knew deep within himself that he was the father. My dad's car was not parked outside anymore, he had left us in anger. My mum and i took a cab home. We cried all the way home, other passengers looked at us in amusement, wondering what was wrong. We got home, me and my mum went in separate direction. I went to my room and continued my tears. Ighalo joined me in my room, and cried along. About 10pm, a sharp knock on the gate awakened everyone. Ighalo went outside to open. My father staggered into the compound, towards the house. I came to the seating room to have a good view of him. The stench of alcohol and vomit escorted him as he staggered along. He began to utter several senseless words "you disgrace me you disgrace yourself. I'm a failure, but your education is over, you and your bastard. " I knew he was referring to me, i was grieved. I had never seen my father drunk before. As i watched my father throwing up, and my mother weeping, i felt terrible. I knew i had brought shame and disgrace to my household, and myself. I had made mistakes that would change my life forever. All it really took was one wrong turn. @@@@@@@@@@@@@THE END@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ written by Famous pen
18 Nov 2014 | 06:32
Pls pls n pls all of u blaming Ella shd freez der, its nt her fault her parents caused it.. but den a portion of blame shd b accorded her dou.. nyc 1
18 Nov 2014 | 08:14
hmmm....wel such is lyf ni,,omo val wtsup naa?
18 Nov 2014 | 08:31
Wow..!!! wat a sad ending.. All it took was one wrong turn indeed.. Lessons to b learnt abound.. Nyc 1..
18 Nov 2014 | 08:37
Wow, dear Ella I really felt for u and almost shed tears but all I knw its nt d end of d world for u cos u can still be great after putting to birth
18 Nov 2014 | 09:01
Hope you guys enjoyed the story! Thanks to val helping me updating the remaining episode school've really tied me down!! Watch out for other stories! Thanks for reading!
18 Nov 2014 | 10:38
After Readin Dis story I felt so cold and Gloomy dat I had to short down and take A nap 2stop me from crying 4 Real
18 Nov 2014 | 11:06
Lols!! Parents should be careful about the way they take action on their children!!
18 Nov 2014 | 12:17
Oh my my..... What later happened 2 dat devil's incanate called hannah? I really wish Ehis suffered.... So sad #sobing#
18 Nov 2014 | 14:45
Wow!!! What a tragic end... Thanks.... You are simply the best...
18 Nov 2014 | 16:16
(Ife baraba abago)@phyno.....I feel cold....I hv notin to say,bt I only pity Ella.I know she hv learn frm her past experance nd wll turn a new live,as for Ehis I pray he come bck to his senses to tak up his resposiblity over his on born baby....(Ella.i Wnt u to know dat some dayz ar like dat,sometimes we hv to do some certain tinz we dt normally do maybe just to please others but at the End we will find out dat we ar displeasin ourselves)++++NeVer GiVE UP NoMatter WoT!!! Oga shaxee am Loyal Bro...
19 Nov 2014 | 03:51
This story must cmtinue pl
19 Nov 2014 | 04:51
Good work ehis must suffer too o
20 Nov 2014 | 11:38
waoooo so nice
21 Nov 2014 | 01:00
Mind blowing,,lots of tnx 2 u
5 Dec 2014 | 12:53
Nawo oo, nice one but everything dat has happen was both the parents and ella fault cox as an adolesent gal she need all the love and care a parents shuld give to her daughter
16 Mar 2015 | 10:39
Nice story though touching
12 Apr 2015 | 11:19
wow very interesting hmmmmn nawa oooo some friends ehhh xo xo fake oh gosh!! Ive learnt alot from this story,,show me your friend and i will tell you who you are,,,Eyaa pretty Ella z now mummy bomboi or mummy bomgirl...Too many fake friends..thumps up famous pen
28 Apr 2015 | 13:45
thnx pen 4 dz nyc writeup, dz ka story z ful of lesons 2 learn!
17 Jul 2018 | 15:31
Free her jor
20 May 2019 | 07:53
Her parents cause it but she , over trust her friend s too .
11 Oct 2019 | 20:24
kai. So touching and interesting.
20 Nov 2019 | 11:34
Kudos bro
20 Nov 2019 | 11:35
Nyc write up mre grease 2 ur elbow
3 Jan 2020 | 08:26
Hmmm... this is damn serious.
30 Jan 2021 | 20:53
i'm just beginning the story and it is getting interesting after every paragraph!!...since i'm still a new member let me just shut my mouth and continue reading!!!....i'll comment later!
2 Feb 2021 | 16:21
Now tell that stupid "cateschite" or whatever his name id( i dont even know what that word means) A FALSE WITNESS SHALL NEVER GO UNPUNISHED!!
2 Feb 2021 | 16:37
Now tell that stupid "cateschite" or whatever his name is( i dont even know what that word means) A FALSE WITNESS SHALL NEVER GO UNPUNISHED!!
2 Feb 2021 | 16:37
i wonder what kind of parents are these?.?
3 Feb 2021 | 15:52
there is no different between your parents and the devil himself!!
3 Feb 2021 | 16:09
one wrong turn indeed
5 Feb 2021 | 08:19


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