1.- if u didn't kill earthworm with salt.
2.- if u didn't play rubber band.
3.- if u neva bath in the d rain.
4.- if nobody told u about india vs nigeria 99-1
5.- if u did not sleep on the couch and woke up on the bed.
6.- if u didn't throw ur milk teeth on the roof for lizards to take it and give you new ones.
7.- if u didn't just wash your legs n hands instead of bathing before going to school.
8.- if u didn't act film inside uncompleted buildings or under d bed with friends.
9.- if u have never flew a kite.
10.- if u didn't use your two legs to build houses with sands.
11.- if u never wrote your name on a paper and insert it into your pen so that no one will steal it.
12.- if didn't close the fridge door really slowly and see when the light went off.
13.- if u neva waved at white birds expecting your nails to be whiter.
14.- if u didn't hear of ghost that stays under mango trees at night.
15.- if u never drove a single car tyre with stick