

By Igwe in 16 Sep 2017 | 04:32
Igwe Igwe

Igwe Igwe

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Posts: 719
Member since: 10 Sep 2015
Written by Igwe chukwujekwu (Hugeman).
All right reserved®
Episode 1
I had always wondered what love was.
In the dictionary, it’s described as a tender, passionate affection for someone. Were you the tender passionate one I cared for so much? Were you the rain that put out the massive fire that would burn this pathetic life away? Were you the flashlight that came in hand, during those darkened times? Everything that happened to me so far, made me fear this word, love.
How could just one word mean so much, this very word that can alter the way people act around others.
This word ‘love’ filled my life with sorrow, not happiness. It filled my life with betrayal, not trust; and now, who am I?
I ran my fingers on the mark that made me remember, who I was and that time will always come running back to me. No matter now many times I run away from it. It came back. Always…
The smell of ‘Head and Shoulders’ filled up my nostrils, leaving a sharp pain of embarrassment that emerged a new memory that I didn’t want.
Jake gave a slight groan and began laughing in his deep voice. He told me to get off. He began shoving me onto the prickly grass he laid on; the smell made me pinch my nose.
I peaked over my shoulder to see the old rusty bench that I had been laying on; it was thinner than I thought it was. Knowing that, I shouldn’t have shifted over. It was night time now, I guess I have been sleeping too long.
I scanned around me; the park was even more quiet than the this morning where little children were frolicking around. As opposed to now where were just shadows. The night sky had plenty of shining stars accompanied by the crescent moon which beamed its soft radiance onto Jake. He was fixing his disarranged brown hair, pieces of grass began trickling down his head as he shook. Once the pieces of grass landed onto his baggy dark purple shirt, he immediately perked up and smiled at me.
As always, I got lost into his amber coloured eyes that stood out in moonlight. I was once again stunned at his usual charming face. I began to lean in close enough, that our noses touched. I could sense that my heart beat was getting faster and faster.
Moments; they are things that you would want to keep in your mind, and some that you wish that never happened. This was a one of those moments. My cellphone began to vibrate on the side of my jeans, what a great way to ruin A ‘moment’ . The familiar ring tone began sprewing those words I loved:
Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you, take only the good memories
I can bear it in some way
I can stand in some way
You should be happy if you are like this
I become dull day by day -eh eh eh-
Oh girl I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye…
“Hello?” I answered. Jake gave me a curious look. My ring tone must have confused him.
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU KIM! Its ten- forty five PM! A fifteen year old girl shouldn’t be out this late!” It was my mom screaming on the other line. I heard Jake chuckle behind me.
“Yes, mom I’m with Jake, we’re walking home right now,” I lied and hung up the phone before she could protest what I was doing with Jake. That will cost me at least a week of grounding.
“I-I should be going now,” I began to stutter, ” it’s getting late.”
“Why? Are you frightened of the dark or your mom?” he teased.
“No! Its my mom I’m worried about,” I barked. “Besides, with those eyes, I can already see the whole park without a flashlight.”
“Ouch, cold much,” he growled giving a cute pout. I looked away. Let the awkwardness begin.
“Bye, I guess…” I began to get up, but I felt a slight tug on my sleeve.
“Wait! Are you going to be alright walking alone?” he asked with a worried look.
“Of course!” I lied, remembering the time I got lost in the forest with Jake and he found me snuggling against a rock.
“Yeah, right.”
I tried to make him loosen his grip on my sleeve. Once I was free, I took a few steps before stumbling to the ground.
Damn my stupid uncoordinated legs.
I heard Jake laughing in the background and boasted, “Maybe you DO need me to accompany you back home, Kim.”
I blushed in embarrassment as he began helping me up.
I tried to imagine how would my mom react if she saw me with a boy passed my curfew. Even though she knew Jake and I were friends, parents tend not to trust what you are doing late at night. Then I imagined what would happen to Jake. His house is the complete opposite from where I live; I felt guilty for making him walk the extra mil-
“Don’t worry about me Kim, I’ll take a cab home. Besides, my parents are out for a meeting and won’t be back until tomorrow night.” He always had a habit of knowing what I was thinking. I was just too damn predictable.
“Aside from that, with your clumsy self -” I gave him a sharp look, “- and your charming looks you might get into trouble.”
“Thanks.” I smiled weakly at his insult blended with a compliment. He paused and faced me.
“Kim, I’ll protect you no matter what and I will never leave your side.” He gave a serious, sharp look which sent shivers down my spine.
I’ve never seen Jake so serious before. Could this be Jake’s caring side? I took a step forward, hoping that I could at least plant a memory before I head home. I leaned in closer, so close that I smelled his fresh pine cologne; it reminded me of the forest we were in. Where he had saved my life. His arms wrapped me around my waist and he pulled me in closer, his warm lips touching mine.
Suddenly, a car screeched and stopped right in front of us. Everything happened so suddenly.
A minute ago I was kissing Jake. Now I was being dragged towards a white van. My head bounced on the floor of the van as I was shoved in; everything was blurry now. I heard Jake calling my name, trying to save me. Suddenly, a black hair boy jumped out of the van and was restraining Jake. I saw Jake getting kneed in the stomach over and over by the boy and he was still struggling to get to me.
Once I got my focus I saw a blond haired boy trying to tie me up. I gave him a uppercut punch which made him stumble backwards and hit the side of the van.
I reached my hand out to Jake, who was struggling from the black haired boy who was holding him down. Jake too reached out his hand, our hands nearly touched, until the boy punched Jake down into the ground and shoved me into the van once again.
The black haired boy shouted to the driver to step on it. The van door began to close; I screamed for Jake who was on the ground groaning. I heard him yell my name. A sharp pain hit my head, and instantly, everything was unclear. The boys voices softened and the van began to move.
“Idiot! You didn’t have to be so rough, Nathan!” a voice called out.
“Well, I didn’t have to if you didn’t get beat up by a girl,” Nathan chuckled
“Shut up! Lets just get her to Father,” the boy replied. I soon fell into a deep trance.
In my trance, I was in the forest, the place where my life turned into complete misery. In front of me was my ex-boyfriend Blair. He spoke out the words that haunted me.
“Well Kim? Do you trust me?” he said. I gave him a slight nod, in my mind I was unsure. Blair suddenly pulled me close to him, he smelled like alcohol and he kissed me forcefully. I pushed back shouting to him ‘no’. The trance soon turned into my nightmare: Blair took his hands and started to choke me. I was gasping for air, and looked behind Blair. Behind him was Jake. He had a worried look on his face; it struck right through me.
Soon the trance altered into the sentence that meant so much what happened that day. And the mark that reflected that very painful day.
“Kim, how could you?” Jake whispered.
“Jake, I-” I reached out my hand to touch his face, but the trance started to fade away.
“Jake!” I screamed.
“No, I’m not Jake and I would like it if your filthy hands would let go of my hand,” a voice said. It was a deep husky voice, a bit more deeper than Jake. I opened my eyes.
The first thing I saw were a pair of jade green eyes. I blinked a few times to clear my vision. Sitting beside me was a black haired boy. He had a straight nose and a strong jaw line but had a wonderful face. He looked like a model and about sixteen. I looked around to find myself in a room and on a bed. I double checked myself to see if my clothes are still on, thank god they were.
The room was small and damp, there were no windows and only one door that doesn’t open on the inside. I looked at the black hair boy who I was still holding hands with, on my wrist was a handcuff, the hand cuff restraining to the wall. Then a sudden flash of my memory came back, I was kidnapped.
“Who are you, bitch! Where am I?! Where’s JAKE!” I yelled. I clenched my other hand into a fist and aim right at his face. Immediately he blocked it and grabbed my other hand so I wouldn’t try to hit him again.
“Calm down, Princess. Jake is fine; he’s probably calling the police. Now settle down like the good girl you are and rest because heading back to the base will take long while.” He released my hands, which was a reckless move for him.
I used my legs to bounce up to knee him in the stomach. He stumbled onto the ground and gave a slight groan of surprise and I dashed for the door. I felt a huge pull on my wrist from the handcuffs. I sturggled to get it off the wall until it came loose and broke off. I’m guessing they didn’t put it on right.
The door suddenly knocked and a voice shouted on the other side. I dashed to the black haired boy and strained him down while covering his mouth.
“Nathan?” the voice asked. So that’s what this boys name was. “Are you alright? I heard noise,” continued the voice outside the door.
“Yeah,” I said faking Nathan’s voice. I saw Nathan rolling his eyes at me. I’m guessing he doesn’t sound like that. “Come in,” I continued deepening my voice. Nathan started muffling under my hand but the door began to open. Immediately, I dashed out and punched the guy who came in the room then I kneed him out of the way and ran out.
I noticed they took away my cell and my shoes apparently. The floor was concrete and cold, but it didn’t matter to me; I had to get out. Nathan and the other boy was running behind me and catching up. Suddenly, I heard something frightening that sent a shiver down my spine, a huge bang that had grazed my cheek. A gunshot…
“Dumb ass, don’t kill her Nathan!” the other boy said
“Shut up Cole; that’s what she gets for her false impression of me and for you to actually fall for it!” shouted Nathan. I felt loved. Another gunshot was fired this time it missed. I ran a bit faster, then a hope of light pulsed throughout my body. A door was up ahead. The door started to open. What perfect timing.
A brown haired boy entered the hall and his cheek was grazed by another fired gunshot.
I clenched my hands into a fist and was ready to punch the guy out. Instead, as I aimed for his gut, to my surprise he took his palm of his hand and dodged my punch. I took a step and swung my foot for a kick. Unfortunately, he was ready and flipped me onto the ground.
I gave a slight groan and a sharp pain suddenly hit my leg: it felt like a needle and a fluid was going into me. I grabbed my leg and realized it was a dart. Everything was getting blurry and I staggered onto the ground.
My whole body felt weak and heavy. I wanted to escape; I wanted Jake to come and save me. You promised you would stay by my side. Where are you? I looked to the side where Nathan and Cole finally caught up. My eyelids became heavier.
“Alright, now who let her escape?” said the brown haired boy while wiping the grazed gunshot wound. His voice was soft and stern.
“It wasn’t my fault!” shouted Cole, who grabbed the gun from Nathan.
“Oh, and I’m guessing she just walked out by herself?” the brown haired boy spoke looking at Nathan, who was holding his stomach.
“Shut up, Daniel. Besides, it was Cole who put the handcuffs wrong on her,” Nathan growled.
“Well, I didn’t want it too tight on her!” Cole barked.
“Shut up, jackass,” Nathan hissed and gave a small glare at Daniel.
Daniel walked up to Nathan and punched Nathan on the face, causing him to stumble to the ground. Yes! Punch that jerk! Sadly, everything went black before I could see what happened next. Dammit .
16 Sep 2017 | 04:32
Lemme seat down at da front seat first cause am eager to know how ur kidnapped became sweet, who knows? We might all end up looking for our own personal kidnapper too. @victoriouschild please come here, new story is here. Do the roll call plz. @frankkay @Denciebabe
16 Sep 2017 | 04:40
seated along side with Musty holding two bottles of beer glancing on the story waiting patiently to see how the kidnapper will turn to be your sweet....
16 Sep 2017 | 04:55
well seated ride on
16 Sep 2017 | 04:56
16 Sep 2017 | 05:25
16 Sep 2017 | 05:29
ride on
16 Sep 2017 | 05:50
Right here
16 Sep 2017 | 05:51
Right here on time
16 Sep 2017 | 06:26
@geegee @gwendolen @jerrie @fridex @itzprince @denciebabe @harkeem @qeenvick @belove etc
16 Sep 2017 | 06:28
thanks for d invitation @freshgirl
16 Sep 2017 | 06:38
Pheeeew. Landed. @john451 @frankkay @willingyung Hugeman has brought another blockbuster.
16 Sep 2017 | 06:52
@onahsunday631 @captainspoonz @froshberry-2 don't miss out.
16 Sep 2017 | 06:54
16 Sep 2017 | 07:05
16 Sep 2017 | 07:14
am well seated along side with @jummy @musty @victoriouschild. with Akara and biscuits. bring it on, maybe someone would have to kidnap me too so as to experience the sweetness
16 Sep 2017 | 08:14
ride on
16 Sep 2017 | 08:15
pls proceed
16 Sep 2017 | 09:55
excuse me bro!...hey sorry for stepping on u sis.:......hey bro, dats my seat there, in dah front , plss shift for me...yea...finally am at my usual place, waiting for d next episode of d story..
16 Sep 2017 | 12:08
Nice one continue
16 Sep 2017 | 12:33
Thanks 4 the invitation babe @freshgirl
16 Sep 2017 | 12:35
Oya ko ma roll
16 Sep 2017 | 13:36
Nice stat up, pls continue b4 karma...
16 Sep 2017 | 15:33
dont tell me this is the end of the story.
16 Sep 2017 | 15:42
Right Here
16 Sep 2017 | 16:03
Right here.... Ride on
16 Sep 2017 | 16:26
Pls notify me when next episode show
16 Sep 2017 | 17:59
Still not sure of what to make of this story
16 Sep 2017 | 18:09
16 Sep 2017 | 19:48
17 Sep 2017 | 07:31
episode 2 The sound of chirping birds woke me up from a strained state. My body still felt heavy and I was too drowsy to move. I groaned in pain and touched my face. There was something rough on my cheek, and as I ran my fingers over my face, I realized it was a band aid. At that time, I remembered I was grazed from that fired gunshot. I got up and scanned the room. It was elegant and carpeted. The wallpaper was dark red with golden engravings while the window had draped scarlet curtains. I immediately ran to the window for an escape, but it was with bars. There goes my escape plan. I walked around; the bed I was lying on was a queen-sized bed. It had an elegant bed sheet and beside the bed was a mirror wardrobe, with a small alarm clock that flashed nine fifty AM. On the opposite side was a bathroom. I went in, and to my surprise, it was clean. The bath tub shined white, with barely any marks. There was a mirror that had washed out marks, it was recently cleaned. I walked out, in the middle of the room was a small coffee table with a vase of roses. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and I got into a fighting stance; it was either that jerk Nathan, or Daniel who flipped me to my doom, apparently. The door opened all the way and I headed for a kick for the head. “GAH!” shouted the boy and ducked down with a tray of food. A cup of chocolate milk spilled onto his green collar shirt. His blond hair was a give away: it was Cole. “H-H-Hold it!” he stuttered, but I still stayed in fighting mode. “I’m just here to give you some food! I won’t hurt you like what Nathan and Daniel did. Hah, I’m the nice one,” he bragged. Judging from his appearance, he looked like he couldn’t do much. He handed me a the tray he was holding. It had a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. My favourite. “T-Thanks,” I said, at least he made me something to eat even after I kneed him in the stomach. “No problem.” He smiled. “I thought you might be hungry, but sorry about the chocolate milk. If I had known that you attack when people come in through the door, I would have put it in a water bottle.” He looked at his now, new stained shirt and started to head for the door. “Wait!” I grabbed his hand. Great, welcome back to awkwardness. “Um… I’m sorry for hitting you earlier,” I said. He turned and faced me and flicked my forehead. “Idiot,” he said, “Its not your fault, you are kidnapped after all. I think any ordinary girl would try to escape.” He was smiling after admitting he just kidnapped me. “Why don’t you go take a shower? There are some clothes that might fit you in that closet over there.” He pointed. It felt like I was in a hotel more than a jail cell. I looked back at him and he was clenching his nose, was I that smelly? “How many days have I been sleeping?” I asked. “About two days. I was surprised; usually the sleeping dart lasts for 5 hours. You must have been a heavy sleeper,” he laughed. Did I really sleep for that long? “Alright.” I put the tray down and headed for the bathroom. Behind me, I heard someone else enter the room. I locked the bathroom door and pressed my ear against it. Eavesdropping, of course. “Shes not an ordinary girl, Cole,” a familiar voice called out. “Now, now Nathan, that’s not nice,” Cole said in a stuffy voice. “Whatever, Cole. She should be treated like a hostage, not a guest. By now she should be chained to the wall arms and legs,” Nathan snarled. “Well, if we do that, she would break them off and make more of a mess than we already have.” Cole laughed. Was that a joke or an insult? I couldn’t just stand there while Nathan was trying to make me be chained up again. I unlocked the door and barged out. Both Cole and Nathan glanced at me like I was a stupid idiot. I felt like Donald Duck who tried spending three hours, barging out a door only to find it that he had to just unlock it. “Nathan, I’m sorry for kicking you,” I apologized immediately. He gave a glare and turned his back. Cole chuckled in the background. Great they knew I was eavesdropping. “I could care less,” he said in his cold voice and left the room. It became silent now. “W-Was he always this cold and heartless?” I randomly asked to break the silence. Cole laughed. “Nah, back then he was never like this, but after that happened-“ I heard Nathan snarl in the hallway, I’m guessing I’m not going to hear the story. “Ah.. but its sorta personal,” Cole chuckled. I nodded and headed to go take a shower. After a few hours I was in practically in prison the only thing that was different was that the cell was a bedroom, and it was more elegant and meant for a person to live in, not for someone who should be held hostage. I wanted answers, and I wanted them now. Why was I here? What did they want from me? How was Jake doing? What about my parents? What did they mean when Cole said Father? The more I asked myself these questions, tears started rolling down my face. I quickly wiped them away. I had to stay strong. I went to the closet to retrieve a tank top, even if this house was huge, they didn’t bother to turn on the A.C. I began taking of my shirt. Without warning, there was another knock on the door, it was hard but with a gentle touch. The door quietly opened and before I could slip on the top it was Daniel, who had walked in when I was changing. Ding Dong embarrassment has arrived. “…Uh…” Daniel began, “Sorry!” he shouted and zoomed out the door and shut it. It took me a while to progress what just happened. “It’s time to tell you what your doing here,” Daniel spoke on the other side of the door. I slid on the top and sat on the bed. “‘Kay is it safe now?” he chuckled. “Yeah,” I answered back, still feeling embarrassed. Daniel walked into the room, now looking at him without getting attacked. He had brown silky hair and hazel eyes, that shined beautifully in the light. He looked to be eighteen. He wore a long jeans and was shirtless, and to my surprise he had at least a 6 pack. He had a sweat towel hanging around his neck, judging from his appearance he had been exercising or been flipping more girls to their doom. I chuckled at that theory. Behind him was a man, he looked around his early 40’s, he had black hair with a few white strands. He had a straight nose but had a more mature resemblance of Nathan and Cole combined. “Hello, I’m Robert,” the man replied, noticing how long I had been observing him to figure out who he was. Some way to ruin the fun. He held out his hand, I shook it pleasantly but I had the sense to punch him but thinking what Daniel might do to me again, I restrained myself. “I’m sure you have some concerns as to why you were forced here… and possibly injured from that. I accept all the responsibility. You see, your father – as charming as he may be – had blackmailed my company.” Liar, was the first thing that came to my mind. My father was never that low to blackmail and he is a perfect role model to me; that was something I wanted to say out loud. However, my father was never around when I needed him. He was always away that I had no clue what he was doing right now. I only saw him once a month… I clenched my fist when I visualized the memories that past by, in my train of thought. In the corner of my eye, Daniel flinched and was ready to pounce at me if I planned to attack and shut the old man up. “Now, fighting fire with fire, I have planned to blackmail him back with all the money he stole from me in trade with your life.” That sentence sent shivers down my spine. “There are some good news and bad news to this however.” He smiled. “Good news is, that we will treat you with the utmost care, bad news it that if you try to attempt escape or tell anyone about this then, I can’t guarantee your life will be safe. I already sent the threat to your father so if he doesn’t reply in five more days, then it’s good bye for you.” “That’s great.” Daniel flinched, surprised by my reaction. “Father!” a voice shouted in the background. I leaned over to see who it was. “It seems that Aunt Marie and her annoying brats are coming over tonight.” Nathan walked in the room with his stylish squared glasses that caused his jade eyes to glisten, and just like Daniel, he too was shirtless… Guess I wasn’t the only one who was boiling hot in this place. He looked up and our eyes met. I immediately looked down at my feet. His face was memorizing and hypnotizing. He just had the cute face that any girl would fall for. If it wasn’t for his cold attitude, I would have gone out with him. Then it struck me. What will happen if his family see me? “Alright, son,” said Robert, slapping Nathan on the back making him stumble a bit. He growled and Robert began to laugh. “Well, dinner will be prepared soon, so I suggest you all wear your best,” Robert said, glaring at everyone, including myself. Was he planning to invite me, too? He walked out of the room. Daniel followed along, leaving me alone with Nathan. “Um, what am I going to do if your family asked who I am?” I asked Nathan. He glared at me, and knowing him, he, too, had no idea. “You’re a human, use your brain,” he scoffed, and left the room. Another conceited comment. I felt like I just wanted to punch him right there. I went through my closet to see if there was anything to wear that is elegant enough to eat for dinner. Everything in the closet was a little plain, I found a decent white shirt I could wear and a mini black sweater that I could tie in the front. I found a long velvet skirt that reached my ankles. Usually I wouldn’t be seen wearing this, but I had a few tricks up my sleeve. I ripped up the skirt gently to make it more, wearable it was about thigh length. I found some black shoes to go along with my outfit. I had trouble with my long black hair, since it parted to the side every time I tied it up. I swiped my hair back to the side making my hair drop over my shoulders. That looked elegant and nice, right? I looked around the wardrobe mirror but there was no bobby pin to clip my bangs. I walked out my room with a hair tie and a clip hoping maybe I could explore the mansion and possibly find a bobby pin and hairstyle magazines. The smell of fresh Vanilla hit me once I walked out. It filled the hallway; it was a pleasant smell. Both ways was a long hallway, it was hard to figure out which way was the stairs. The floor was carpeted purple with gold engraving designs on the side, every door had a small night stand with a vase of roses, on either side, it was symmetrical. The light was beautifully sorted in a way that shined elegantly. Outside waiting at my door was Cole, he was wearing a green dress shirt with a white tie and baggy jeans. He leaned on the side of the wall with his hands in his pockets, a modelled pose. Cole eyes widened when I walked out of the room, was something wrong with my outfit? “You look… amazing.” I began to blush. “Thanks, you too. Do you love the colour green?” “Yeah, do I look weird in it?” he laughed. “No, to me, it looks like your trying to be environmentally friendly,” I paused, waiting for his reaction.”By dressing up like a tree,” I joked. He double checked what he was wearing, I laughed. “J-O-K-I-N-G.” I slowed my speech making him worried that he dresses up like a tree. I gave him an innocent smile. He took another glance at me and my outfit. He walked up closer to me.”Ha ha. However, there is something wrong right here.” He gently placed his hands on my hair and tied it up with the hair tie I had in my hands. He then placed the clip and made my hair drop down under the clip like a waterfall. He stepped back and smiled. “T-Thanks,” I said, feeling like an idiot for some reason. I was never use to my hair clipped back. “You look cute with your hair up.” “Really?” I asked, blushing, “Of course,” he smiled, as he walked closer to me. “Ahem,” a familiar voice said walking down the long hallway. Cole stayed where he was. I looked to the side, it was a brown haired boy with bright hazel eyes that shined in the lighting of the hallway. Daniel. He wore an orange dress shirt with a white tie. He rolled up his sleeves to show his muscles. Show off. “Well, how do I look?” I asked to Daniel as I twirled around to show my outfit. Daniel stood beside Cole and did a thinker pose. What’s with these people and their poses? They looked cute every second with or without a pose. “You look- “ “Ugly,” a cold voice interuppted. His voice echoed in the hallway, not other than jerk himself, Nathan. He walked down the long hallway and his hair was all smooth and silky that shined in the hallway lights. He wore a velvet silk dress shirt with the same white tie as Daniel and Cole and baggy jeans. He walked down the hall with his hands in his pocket, like a model walking down the runway where photographers who would take pictures for every step he takes. He looked dashing; it was hard to take my eyes off him. He stopped right in front of me. “You better not mess up,” he warned giving me sharp cold look that sent shivers down my spine. I gave him a slight nod and he walked away. “You both know that you two match?” Daniel spoke, stopping Nathan. The latter began to growl in the background. “Huh?!” I said surprisingly, I looked at me and then at my outfit. Great, I’m matching with a cold heartless jerk. I heard Cole chuckle while Daniel followed Nathan downstairs. “Don’t worry, you look fine,” Cole said with a smile and went downstairs. A few moments later the doorbell rang. I stood by the railing so they wouldn’t see me. At the door was a woman, around her early 30s. She wore a flowery loose black blouse that matched her black skirt that flowed in a formal way and her hair was tied up in a bun. Behind her was a boy, like a few years older than me, another model looking boy . He looked about Daniel’s age, eighteen. He looked like he had a laid back attitude, that was very dreamy for girls. His black hair shined in the background, it looked like he had some red tinges in it. His hair dazzled his grey eyes. It was mysterious and meek. He wore a white dress shirt with a black tie with designer pants. This boy cares about his fashion. Beside him was a timid boy; I’m guessing it was his brother. He looked his brother’s age: eighteen. His sparkling dark brown eyes matched his disarranged brown hair, surprisingly. He was listening to his iPod and wore a stripped sweater with baggy jeans. He looked like he was a regular boy in clothes but taking another glance, he stood wonderfully out of the group. All of them were carrying a large suitcase. Were they moving here? The black haired boy looked in my direction. I immediately hid behind the wall. “I can see you,” he said, his voice was soft and dreamy. “Oh…” I said feeling disappointed and embarrassed. I walked from behind the wall, the sun shining into my eyes. At the bottom, the browned hair boy stared at me vividly and so did the black haired boy. The only thing that bothered me was the woman. She stared at me with sharp eyes. It felt like she was going to pounce and kill. I walked down the stairs and near the door was Daniel and Nathan. The woman walked up to me and held out her hand. “I’m Marie, Nathan, Daniel and Cole’s aunt. That boy over there,” she pointed at the black haired boy, “is Peter, and beside him is Dylan.” She flinched. “And you are?” she said trying to give a fake smile. I can see right through her. ” I-I’m…” I began to stutter, practically feeling Nathan pressuring me as he waited for my response as well. “I’m Nathan’s girlfriend, Kim!” I blurted. I felt embarrassed. I meant to say I was a friend. I suddenly felt Nathan’s sharp look. Daniel put his hand over his mouth, trying to hold his laughter, his cough fake. The woman turned her head to face Nathan. The latter’s smile was fake, as well as mine. “Well, that’s… interesting,” she replied, “Why don’t we all go to the dinning room and eat now?” Could Nathan already have a girlfriend? Marie, Peter and Dylan walked over to the dinning table in the next room; Dylan was still looking at me, shocked. Once they went to the next room, Nathan walked up to me in a furious mood. “Girlfriend?!” he whispered. I’m guessing he wanted to say more but couldn’t think of the right words. “I just used my brain, like you told me to,” I smiled. He growled. “Now, now, Nathan, you don’t have to be so angry. I mean, she’s actually pretty smart to do that. If she said she was a friend, Aunt Marie wouldn’t believe it since you two don’t seem the best of friends. Who knows if she bought it?” Cole smiled as he walked into the dining room. He heard all of that? “Shut up, Cole,” he mumbled. I heard Cole chuckle in the other room; he knew he was right. He walked into the room. Daniel came up to me. ” Ha-ha, nice job!” He flicked my forehead. What’s with these people and flicking my forehead? “You’re lucky. You did that when he was in his happy mood. Better try acting like he’s your next hubby just to fool Aunt Marie,” he said and walked away. Hehas a happy mood? I sighed and walked into the dinner room. The dinner table was enormous, and on my right side was a huge window view, and the sun shined graceful through the windows. It hit the diamond chandelier hanging over the polished red wood dining table. Long white curtains draped over the window and hooked onto the side with a few golden designs, that glistered onto the curtain,they were handmade. Everyone was sitting and waiting for me to sit. Each of them had at least three white plates, with silver forks and knives. I scanned for an open seat, sadly the only open seat was beside Nathan. Nathan glared at the seat and then at me. He sighed. “Come on here, Kimmy-cub. Sit beside me.” He fake smiled as he patted the seat. Daniel chuckled and Cole held his laughter in by covering his mouth. I felt a little speechless and just smiled back and walked beside Nathan as he put his arm around me. I could feel the tension that he was trying to keep in. Everyone was staring at us, like it was some dream. I wish it was, so I can wake up from this nightmare. The dinner wasn’t as pleasant as it seemed. During the appetizers, Aunt Marie started questioning me and Nathan on how we met. Nathan, as being his annoying self, bragged how I fell for his charming self. Yeah, right. Then during the main course, Dylan couldn’t get his eyes off me. It felt uneasy, about me and Nathan. However, the food was amazing. There was steak, and mixed vegetables fried to perfection. Forgetting my manners, I pigged out. I mean, I haven’t eaten for days, besides that peanut butter sandwich. At dessert, they served Marble cake. I devoured mine and I still felt hungry. I felt embarrassed. “Here,” Nathan said, giving his plate of cake. “Pig,” he mumbled under his breath, so only I could hear. “Thanks,” I smiled gladly taking the cake. “Jerk,” I grumbled. He glared at me and faced the other direction. “So, how long are you staying here, Marie?” Robert asked, eating the last piece of his cake. “Well, you see, my poor house was infested with cockroaches, and we called the exterminator but they wont be coming until September, since its August 1st, you wouldn’t mind us staying here for a month?” she smiled. August 1st, rung a bell in my head, but I couldn’t remember what was so important about it. “A month?!” Robert said, surprised. “Aw, come on, Robby, it could be a small family reunion. It looks like we have a new comer here.” She gave a small pout and immediately glared at me with her sharp eyes. I fake smiled back; I hated her already. Nathan sighed. After the hectic dinner, Nathan, Cole and I were left in the dining room to clean. That is the time where I can shout at Nathan all I wanted. “Kimmy-cub?!” I complained, and Cole chuckled remembering the moment. “Don’t think I enjoyed it either. This was your problem in the first place,” Nathan barked. “I wouldn’t be even seen dating a pig like you.” “Shut up,” I shouted, aiming for a slap on his face. He blocked my hand and I swung my other hand for the other cheek. He blocked it with his other hand. “You really think that you can beat me?” he scoffed. “No,” I smiled, as I kneed him in the place it hurts the most. He stumbled down releasing my hands. Cole laughed in the background. “Something I was taught when dealing with jerks like you,” I said as I walked over him and out of the room. To be continue
17 Sep 2017 | 08:37
ride on
17 Sep 2017 | 14:22
patiently waiting for the next episode
17 Sep 2017 | 18:08
Nice episode. I can see that Kim is already less worried about her present state.
18 Sep 2017 | 03:27
this story makes so much sense
18 Sep 2017 | 13:58
18 Sep 2017 | 14:43
18 Sep 2017 | 15:18
Nxt pls
18 Sep 2017 | 16:53
Nice one, am sitted already waiting for the next episode, let's go there!!!
18 Sep 2017 | 16:53
following jejely
18 Sep 2017 | 17:59
Wow diz swt
18 Sep 2017 | 18:05
18 Sep 2017 | 19:15
Ride on
18 Sep 2017 | 19:57
O M G I am loving this
19 Sep 2017 | 03:07
All the guys are just so funny.
19 Sep 2017 | 03:26
19 Sep 2017 | 03:46
Episode 3 My vision went blank when I laid on my bed. A few moments later, I opened my eyes, I was in a forest again, I clenched my teeth, I didn’t like where this was going. The wind started to blow rigidly, making me fall off balance. I stumbled onto the long soft grass that was about knee size high. I heard a familiar laugh in the background. ” Clumsy as always, I see Kim,” a shadowy figure walked closer to me, it was Jake. He lifted his hand out to me, and I took it by pulling him down to the ground too. I laughed and he growled at me. I gave him an innocent smile, this felt like the old times when I was here. I sighed and looked up at the sky, it was clear and blue. ” Listen, Kim, I wanted to tell you something, but-” Jake began, Suddenly a hand covered my eyes. ” guess who?” the familiar voice asked. ” A guy who owes me ten bucks for last night dinner?” I answered, ” Haha, you said it was your treat,” the voice laughed, he uncovered my eyes and turned me around. ” Blair!” I shouted happily and gave him a big hug, and a kiss, he was so warm , but he smelt weird. ” Yo! Jake long time no see,” he smiled. Jake gave a slight nod, then turned his face away. I could tell he was grinning. He told me once that Blair was bad news but I never believed him ” We’ll talk later, Kim.” Jake said and got up from the grass. ” Bye Blair,” he gave a fake smile and left. ” Was I interrupting something?” Blair asked in guilt. ” Of course not!” I smiled, ” How did you find us out here?” I asked. ” Don’t you remember who I am, I’m your boyfriend, remember that,” he nuzzled and picked me up. He swung my around making me dizzy. ” Ahh Blair stop!” I screamed. He put me down. He looked at me with a confused look. For some reason I felt uneasy. I looked on the side where Jake had left. Had I’ve been missing Jake? ” Kim,” he asked, ” do you trust me?” pulling me closer. ” Of course,” I lied. I looked at Blair closely, the smell, his rigid brown eyes, and his beaming face, did he drink? ” Blair, have you been drinking?” I asked. ” Only a few bottles not much,” he smiled. That gave me a caution alarm. ” Blair I think you should go home. Now , before you knockout,” I warned, pushing him back. ” Now come on Kimmy, Ill be fine. You do trust me don’t you?” He smirked. Pulling me closer and forcefully kissing me. The smell went up my nose, it was awful. ” No!” I yelled. Pushing him back making him stumble. ” Come on! Why don’t you be a good little bitch!” He laughed grabbing my leg and making me fall down face flat. ” No! Stop it Blair! I mean it!” I yelled, kicking him away and crawled farther. My heart was pumping fast, I had to get out of here. He suddenly held me down and got on top of me, making me impossible to move, I kicked and squirmed, he began kissing me forcefully then ripped my shirt off, I screamed and bit his tongue. He yelled in pain and I kicked him off. I tried to get up, I felt a sharp pain on my throat, Blair held me on my neck. ” Blair… Stop…” I said gasping for breath. Tears rolled down my face making me unable to open my eyes. Unexpectedly, the force from Blair’s hand weakened and soon let go, I fell onto the soft grass and opened my eyes. There was Jake who looked furious than ever. ” Jake!” I screamed, he looked over at me and gave a slight smile. It hit right through me. Through his eyes, he was telling me to stay there. I felt this guilt that made me feel uneasy. Jake soon was stumbled onto the ground by Blair. He was being hit by Blair’s never ending punches, and so was Blair. I heard Jake groan in pain and suffering, more tears rolled down on the cheeks and I couldn’t do anything, at that instant Blair had pulled something out of his pocket. The sun ray suddenly was covered by the knife that glistering painfully in front of my eyes, Jake stumbled onto the ground. Blair gave a smirk and threw his arm up. ” No!” I cried. The next moment was a flash, I saw blood, that splattered onto me. The pain that afflicted onto me, grew into fire. I screamed. ” Kim, how could you?” Jake whispered in shock. The fire grew bigger and the pain worsened. I screamed but no noise came out. I cried, as the fire went over me, until I burned. ” SHIT!” I yelled springing up from my bed. I looked around, I was back in my hostage room, tears rolled down my cheek. It was just a dream. I went over to the mirror and pulled down my shirt, I stared at the mark that haunted me for a word I never trusted, Love. It laid on my left shoulder and dropped down to the middle of my chest, I ran my fingers over it. Remembering that moment, tears flew down. I looked at the clock, great it was 6:30 AM. A gentle knock came at my door. ” Kim? Its me, Cole. Are you alright I heard you screaming,” Cole asked through the door. ” Yeah” I whimpered unable to clear my teary voice. ” I’m coming in,” he answered. Cole came in and ran towards me once he saw my tears. ” Are you okay?” he asked. ” O- O – of course,” I lied, and more tears ran down. Cole pulled me closer, it comforted me, it seemed the awkwardness came and passed by, if he didn’t mind, neither did I. “Don’t cry over someone who won’t cry over you,” He whispered. ” T-Thanks,” I blushed wiping my tears. ” Better?” he smiled, I nodded. He glanced at the clock and his eyes widened. ” Follow me” grabbing my hand and dragged me out of my room. ” Whaa-” I complained. He stayed silent and we ran to the end of the right hallway. He squeezed behind a pillar and behind it was a brown door. My eyes widened. A secret passage? He started rushing up the stairs. ” Hurry!” he yelled already on the second flight of stairs. I rushed along, I hit the third flight of stairs and a ray of light hit my eyes, It made me flinch. I walked into a bright round room. Inside, the walls were bright red, with a design of scattered, carefully painted leaves. There were random marks of white that represented birds in my opinion . The leaves scattered inward and faded into complete white on the opposite side of the bright red wall. At the white side it had a door. Draping down was a bold colour of red. Cole stood by the door and opened it. A bright ray of the sun hit me. ” Close your eyes,” he said. I did what he told me to do, inside I felt warm, the ray colours swirled under my eyelid, it was soothing. ” I usually come up here whenever I’m feeling down,” ” I’m not feeling down,” I argued, ” Right,” he answered ” Sometimes when I look at the sunrise, it feels warm and soothing, in my opinion it felt like it was burning all my problems away,” Cole chuckled. He was right, it felt like all my troubles were burning away. The colours swirled under my eyelids as a i faced the sun, the face of Blair, soon came under the colours, I flinched. Jake soon appeared defeating the image of Blair right out of my mind. The clock ticked on and my hopes of seeing Jake died with the rising sun. I felt like I was home, going back to that place, would only send back my memories. I sighed. It felt like I didn’t have a choice on going back home, no matter what, I’ll he heading back to that place. ” Do you like to play sports, Kim?” Cole asked randomly, interrupting my thoughts. ” Of course,” I smiled, opening my eyes, Cole stood in front of me. ” Good, then after breakfast follow me, ‘Kay?” He smiled and flicked my head. I was use to it now. He went down the stairs and I followed. For breakfast, we had bacon and eggs, hand-cooked by Daniel. I was surprised someone like him can cook. After chugging down the milk I followed Cole to a room. The room was bright beige, and it stretched far. Like the dinning room, the whole left side was a glass window. The room was filled with gym equipment and sport essentials. Cole stood in the middle of the room with a soccer ball. My favourite sport, soccer. He kicked the ball towards me and ran right after it, I stopped the ball and ran around so he wouldn’t steal it from me. During the whole time, we just tried to steal the ball from each other, as boring as it sounded, it was a whole lot of fun. We laughed and complained every time we stole the ball from each other. I ran the ball around and crisscrossed like a professional, except I wasn’t one, and tripped over the ball, making me stumble onto Cole. He caught onto me but his legs were not stable and we both tumbled onto the floor. I laid on top of his chest where I could hear his heartbeat, it was quiet but subtle. I looked up and so did he, our eyes met. This was the first time I got to see his eyes up close. They were ocean blue, it made me think I was at the ocean with him. It was soothing. We stayed like this for a while, it was quiet, but I felt relieved, comforted by someone like him. Suddenly the door opened, it was Aunt Marie. She walked in with a track suit, she stared at the room for a quick moment. Then glared at us, where we were on top of each other. This was awkward. ” Ah! Cole! Thank you for catching me once I TRIPPED,” I suddenly blurted out, emphasizing the trip. ” Glad I could HELP,” he smiled. Aunt Marie gave a slight grin and left the room. We imminently got up. ” You think she bought it?” He asked. ” Hell no,” I confirmed, he looked at my face and we cracked out laughing. Even though I was kidnapped I felt like I was at home. After playing soccer with Cole, he showed the Garden, It was filled with fresh roses and other types of flowers. It had a fountain in the middle, it sprung up in a formal way. Later he showed me, the art room. Not only were the paintings beautiful, Cole painted them himself. There was something that was admiring about him. Cole was an artist. He showed me a painting of the roses that were in the garden, it was just one rose but it flowed beautifully in the panting. He was a great artist. He handed me a paper and pencil for something for me to do when I’m held prisoner in my room again. It turns out Cole, and Nathan take shifts on watching me, unlike Cole, Nathan just leaves me in my room. As we got out of the art room, I looked out the window their was a separate small building beside the house. ” Whats in that house?” I asked, pointing at the small building outside. ” Oh, that? We usually get extensions every year, that’s Daniel’s area, he usually hangs around there,” Cole replied. Extensions every year? Rich much. Soon Cole escorted me to my room. I heard a melody play in the background, it was soothing but gentle. Cole gave a slight glare at me. ” Where’s that coming from?” I asked. ” What?” He gave a confused look, he was totally ignoring the melody that echoed in the hallway. ” Never mind,” I said, imminently closing my door, and listened for Cole’s footsteps that echoed faintly. Once I heard no footsteps, I placed my pillow under my blankets, a cheap trick to do but it works with my family. Then I headed out for the door. The melody was faint but it was coming from the left side of the hallway, somewhere I never been before. I traced the melody, to the end of the left hallway, a dead end. It was beautiful and I heard it clearly but, I couldn’t find who was playing it. At that point, I remembered the secret entrance Cole had shown me on the other side of the hall, there must be another one, Right? I skimmed around the walls, like I was some demented person who wants to walk through walls. However there was no pillar, And no door. Could it be downstairs? ” You have to pull the candlestick over there,” A familiar voice whispered in my ear. I jumped and stumbled backwards onto the ground. I looked up. It was Daniel, he chuckled and held his hand. I took it and pulled him down and jumped of and stuck my tongue at him. ” Hah, that was for flipping me back then!” I whispered happily. ” Well, I guess I deserve that, I never really got to say sorry about it, so Sorry,” He gave me a pout look. ” Your forgiven,” I said holding at my hand. Once he got up, he flicked my forehead, and I flicked him back, he was surprised. I gave him a innocent smile. ” So what about this candlestick thing?” I said walking to the nearest candlestick. This reminded me of a haunted house, and if you pull something there, you will fall into a pit of snakes or spikes. Joy. I reached out my hand to the left candlestick, Daniel gave a fake cough and told me it was the wrong one. I reached for the middle, how typical, the secret door is always found when pulling something in middle. I looked back at Daniel, he smiled and turned his back. ” Thanks,” I whispered. Suddenly, a random moment passed through my mind, right after Daniel flipped me, he punched Nathan for no reason, but why? Daniel started to walk away. ” Wait!” I yelled but in a quiet voice. The melody still continued to play. ” What?” He said giving a confused look. ” Well… um… remember how you flipped me at that place,” I flinched remembering the pain. ” and you punched Nathan for no reason, Why?” I asked. ” Oh, don’t worry about it. Its something you shouldn’t get tangled into,” he paused, thinking the right words. ” Me and Nathan, we don’t commute together like how me and Cole does,” Daniel smiled and walked away. Whats that suppose to mean? I turned back to the candlestick and pulled, a secret entrance was pulled in the corner, it was small but it look like I could crawl in. The melody echoed within the small space, I was right on track. The melody became stronger the more I crawled in, It was a violin. Soon I was in a tower space, like the other entrance. Stairs. I climbed up. The door was cracked open a bit and I peaked in. My eyes widened. The sun shined elegantly through the window onto the a black haired boy, his jade green eyes were beautiful with his model faced. His body swayed as he played the violin, it was beautiful. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine. It felt like I was in a field with a clear sky. The sun shined into my eyes in that field, it felt like the music replaced all my bad thoughts and I felt happy. I opened my eyes, he was still playing, when I looked at him he didn’t look like he was a jerk at all. I felt like I knew him for years. The melody started to softened and soon stopped and he smiled, his smile brightened the day. Why is it that I must climb 100 moutains to figure him out while all he has to do is smile to get to me? I sighed silently and stepped back and headed back to my room before I get caught. I doodled on the paper Cole gave me as I was stayed in quarantine in my room, I drew eyes that made me remember of Nathans,his mysterious jade green eyes,then the figure of playing a violin. I soon got back to a dose of reality and crumpled the paper and stuffed it in my pocket. I looked at the time, it was 9:45 pm, it was too early to sleep. I heard a small knock on my door. ” Come in,” I shouted. Aunt Marie stepped in. Crap . ” Hi Kim,” she said in a medium tone. ” Hi Aunt Marie,” I smiled, ” you need something?” ” As a matter of fact, yes.” She paused sitting down beside me. Get off my bed. “You see, Nathan, as charming as he may be, I treat him like a son, since he has no mother,” she began, Nathan has no mother? Well I kinda figured she was on vacation or something, is what I wanted to say out loud but I kept it inside. ” And well, he only had one girlfriend before and that was Lucy, but she didn’t turn out very well as he thought, he was heartbroken.” I took a sudden interest what she was saying ” Thing is, I know girls like you,” She glared at me. ” You know girls like me? What does that mean?” I asked, sounding kinda pissed. ” Don’t take this a personal way hon, but you slutty whores are all the same. Just remember I am keeping my eyes on you.” she repeated. My mouth just opened wide. That bitch. She didn’t even get the side of my story what happened in the sport room. ” Excuse me?” I asked, thinking I didn’t hear it right. ” I said, If you dare try to hurt Nathan just watch whats coming at you slut,” She repeated, she was pissed. She took one glare at me and left my room. I clenched my fist. ” Bitch” I mumbled under my breath as she left my room. Hoping she heard me. Before the door closed, Nathan walked passed by, giving me a suspicious look. I smiled and nodded good night. After Aunt Marie’s life threat, it was impossible for me to sleep I stared at the wall for hours and I would end up look at the clock. I turned my head slightly, it was ten twenty-eight PM. I sighed and got up to go to the washroom, inside my bathroom was out of toilet paper, I looked around the cupboards, no toilet paper. I went out my room and searched for a washroom with toilet paper. I walked down the long hallway, it was scary at night since it was so dark, all I saw was still shadows. I wasn’t a great fan of the dark. I found a working washroom after three doors. After I did my business, I walked out and saw a shadowy figure stagger down the hallway. A spine chilling feeling went all over my body. A Ghost?! ” Kimm~” the shadowy figure spoke in a slur speech. My heart was pumping fast, in my mind I imagined what the figure could turn out to be; maybe a headless person or a ghost with one eye or a skull, I shook away the thoughts. Ghost aren’t real, is what I wanted to say, but it was hard to shadow figure got closer and closer, I smelled something awful and disturbing, it made me clench my nose. My eyes widened when the figure came closer. ” You’re-” I stuttered. Tbc
19 Sep 2017 | 04:59
19 Sep 2017 | 08:21
Who was that
19 Sep 2017 | 19:30
20 Sep 2017 | 12:45
Who could that be?
20 Sep 2017 | 13:12
Who could that be
20 Sep 2017 | 13:31
Hmmmm suspend
20 Sep 2017 | 14:03
Who is that
20 Sep 2017 | 14:35
20 Sep 2017 | 17:00
20 Sep 2017 | 20:01
21 Sep 2017 | 03:48
Episode 4. The dark figure staggered towards me in the hallway. My heart grew louder and louder, I was scared. The smell grew stronger, it was disturbing and foul. ” You’re..” I stuttered, ” not real.” I shut my eyes and opened them, the figure still walked towards me. I stepped back a bit. ” Wait~” the figure called. It made me freeze,It was a voice I never heard before, it was soft but it slurred. ” Kim~ its me, Dylan” Dylan replied. He walked closer up to me, I saw his dark brown eyes and his disarranged hair. ” Oh hey Dylan,” I smiled in relief. What was Dylan doing up so late? He smelled funny but I tried to ignore it. ” Wow, you look amazing,” he said, staring at me vulgarly, I only wore a tank top and shorts, that was amazing? I stepped back and hit my back against the wall. ” Thanks, Well… Goodnight Dylan,” I replied try to walk back to my. Dylan place his hand in my path. ” um… I would like to get to my room please,” I said, I didn’t like how this was going. ” Mhmm,” He said in his slurred voice, his breath smelt like alcohol, he’s been drinking. ” Its, so unfair how Nathan gets the pretty girls,” he began, he place his hand on my breast, I slapped it away and slapped his face. And started to run ” Ouch, why can’t you be a good slut, its only a few minutes,” he complained and suddenly I felt a slight tug on my hair that made he fall down. I kneed him in the stomach before he got any plans, but it didn’t hurt him. He suddenly went on top of me. De Ja Vu. ” Get of me you Bitc-” I yelled but then he kissed me roughly making me unable to talk. I tried to push him away but he wouldn’t budge. ” Someone hel-” I tried screaming but he covered my mouth. He then pulled my top off, I screamed. I struggled but I was unable to move, my heart pondered harder than before, I looked at his face, it then merged a haunting memory at the past. Tears rolled down my face. He smirked. Kissing me more and placing his hands on my breast. I wanted to get out. I couldn’t do anything. In that instant, the pressure of Dylan was released. I looked up, their stood Nathan who kicked Dylan to the other side of the wall. ” Nathan!” I screamed in joy, surprisingly. ” You know, I was just reading my book quietly and then I heard a noise calling about ‘ Get off me Bitch’, I went outside to check it out, then I heard a scream of help, I was just a little curious, of what was going on,” He said in a furious tone. He glared at me and then at Dylan, he clenched his fist and started kick and punching Dylan. Dylan was grunting so loud that soon after a few beatings, Cole and Daniel arrived and pulled Nathan off Dylan who was all bloody. I wonder why he was that angry? He sure acted like a protected boyfriend. ” Whats going on here?!” a voice shouted at the end of the hallway. It was Robert. He marched up closer, and his eyes widened. Aunt Marie and Peter soon came rushing towards Dylan. Nathan was furious still and was still wanting to punch Dylan out. ” Cole, Daniel, Kim and Nathan into my office now!” Robert shouted, he was pissed. I gave a slight nod and turned my head towards Dylan, he was bloody, it sent shivers down my spine. Nathan finally cooled down and walked towards me. He was wearing black shorts and a green shirt. He bent down and took off his shirt and handed it to me. I was surprised. ” Thanks,” He stared at me for a second and turned his head while I put on the shirt. Cole ran towards me and asked me twenty questions if I was alright. He helped me up and we all went to Roberts office. In Robert’s office it was brown, on the side it had a long bookshelf that took the whole wall, in the shelves it was Bibles. The floor was carpeted, with gold designs that scattered everywhere. At the front was a window that had blinds covered. Robert stood in front of the polished red birch desk, the desk was filled with papers and books. He had a stern look on his face and it was hard to look at him straight in the face. My body felt heavy, it was a little weak from all that shock. I was still progressing what just happened. Robert glared at me, ” Explain,” he repeated with glaring eyes. ” Well…” I stuttered, “Dylan was drunk and came on to me and tried to rape me, and then Nathan came and practically save my life,” I said in a quiet voice, small tears ran down my face, I tried to hold it in. Nathan glanced at my face, and gave a worried look. I gave him a small smile to make it look like I was fine, but judging from his face, it didn’t look like it worked. Robert came up to me and sincerely apologized to me about this incident and then told me that it will not happen again. I flinched when he said that. Soon after, Cole accompanied me back to my room. He smiled and gave me a comforting hug, he was really worried about me, it was written all over his face. ” I’ll be fine Cole,” I lied, inside i was freaking out. ” Alright if you need me, just call my name,” He smiled. He can hear me from that far? The door closed and I laid on my bed. I stared at the clock it was 11:24 Pm. I tried closing my eyes but Dylan’s haunting face feared me under my eyelids, I kept opening my eyes. I will never get any sleep. I took my pillow and walked out my room. I looked around to see if anyone was out. I tip-toed in front of a door. I knocked onto the door. The door opened and Nathan appeared. ” What?” he whispered quietly ” Umm.. I just wanted to say Thank you,” I answered, looking at my feet. ” Yeah, sure whatever,” He said and started to close his door. ” Wait!” I quietly yelled. He stopped and looked at me, he looked like I was the reason people don’t sleep much. ” Is… It okay if I…” I began, trying to find the right words, ” Sleep with you tonight, I’m kinda scared,” I admitted. Nathan glared at me and opened the door inviting me in. ” Thanks,” I smiled and looked inside. To my surprise it was clean. He had a queen sized bed, his bed sheets were white and his blanket was grey. On the top of the bed was a shelf that hanged trophies, I browsed around, it was music trophies. He can play? On the left was a slide in closet and a flat screen TV. On the right side was a door, the bathroom I guessed. It looked like an average boys bedroom, however Nathan wasn’t average, he was a kidnapper. I jumped onto his bed, it was soft and bouncy, and laid my head on the pillow, I felt embarrassed just jumping into bed with Nathan… He gave a slight sigh and jumped into bed too, I felt his body heat next to mine. He didn’t ask any questions, nor did he give any conceited comments he just laid in bed. My heart was pumping faster and faster it was disturbing. I tried closing my eyes, but my heart stayed awake and pumped louder. To me, I understood what my mother meant, that when I can close my eyes to the things I didn’t want to see, but I cannot close my heart to the things I don’t wanna feel. Did I like Nathan? Or was just curiosity because he saved my life? I began blushing. I closed my eyes shut again, only the image of Dylan appeared, shivers went down my spine and I clenched. In that instant I felt a warm hand that pulled me closer. I opened my eyes, it was Nathan. I was facing his chest and I look up at his face, he was looking away like this is nothing to him. I smiled and snuggled up closer to him, he was warm and his heart beat was gentle. At the moment, I thought he was a cold jerk but now he was sweetest boy I ever met. Was there a reason why he was cold? That Lucy girl, Aunt Marie was talking about has to do with something, and I’m going to find out. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat, I felt like I was no longer kidnapped but part of their family. Why? Tbc
21 Sep 2017 | 07:17
21 Sep 2017 | 11:34
Awww! I am enjoying this story. Keep it up.
21 Sep 2017 | 11:41
I am loving this
21 Sep 2017 | 14:38
Just arriving now and am loving it
21 Sep 2017 | 15:50
i love this story gan
21 Sep 2017 | 16:04
Enjoying this.. Following
21 Sep 2017 | 16:23
Ride On... Loving This
21 Sep 2017 | 16:30
gosh .. am loving every bit
21 Sep 2017 | 17:36
am extremely enjoying this story
21 Sep 2017 | 17:46
21 Sep 2017 | 18:51
Because of love
21 Sep 2017 | 19:00
21 Sep 2017 | 19:23
Enjoying it
21 Sep 2017 | 20:48
I can c love brewing bw u two.
22 Sep 2017 | 03:07
This is interesting
22 Sep 2017 | 06:33
I enjoy this story
22 Sep 2017 | 07:16
ok continue
22 Sep 2017 | 07:18
Episode 5. A bright glare hit my eyes that made me startle and fall off the bed. ” Ouch,” I grumbled rubbing my head. I opened my eyes widely, this wasn’t my room. I looked around, trying to remember what happened last night. ” Yo,” a soft but cold voice talked below me. I looked down, I was on top of… Nathan?! ” Could you get off of me please?” He chuckled “Ah…” I began, looking at my clothes, I was wearing a green shirt with some short shorts. I suddenly remembered, I was nearly raped, and Nathan let me sleep with him because I was scared… why did I go to Nathan? I examined Nathan who I was lying on. ” Did you, sleep on the floor?” I asked randomly. ” Well…” he began trying to find the right words, ” You sorta move a lot when you sleep,” he chuckled. I felt embarrassed. A sudden knock came at the door, and the door opened before I could jump off. ” Good Morni- What the?!” a familiar blond model looking boy walked in the room; Cole. He stammered and immediately closed the door. I looked at the door and I looked back at me and Nathan, and the position we were in. If there was an embarrassment award I think I would be getting it. Nathan suddenly coughed. ” Sorry!” I blurted and jumped off beside him. ” Its alright, lets just go before more ruckus starts,” he said in a whisper tone. I gave him a slight nod, and he opened the door widely, Cole stumbled face flat onto the ground. ” Yo~” Cole smiled. He was eavesdropping. ” What do you want Cole,” Nathan sighed. It looks like he wasn’t even going to bother explaining what I was doing in his room. ” Well, breakfast is ready and sorry for interrupting something ,” He chuckled. ” Wait, its not what you think,” I began to stammer random words trying to explain what happened and my hands swayed everywhere, but Cole just laughed and walked out of the room. Cole took a small glance at me and gave a worried look. It felt confused. ” Well I highly doubt you will get raped first thing in the morning so if you don’t mind I would like it if you leave my room now,” he began looking the other direction and headed for the washroom door. ” yeah…” I said silently for some reason I felt depressed. If Nathan didn’t want me to be in his room then why did he let me come in last night? I walked out of the room and Aunt Marie passed by and gave me a confuse look. Great the wicked witch of the west had returned, someone get me a house. ” Slut,” she grumbled under her breath, ” Bitch,” I whispered back, she pursed her lips, I’m guessing she heard it. I walked through the halls trying to find my own room, it was difficult because all the doors looked the same. It has been three days since I was kidnapped and I felt like I was more in a home than being kidnapped. Why didn’t my father reply back the threat? Half of me wanted to go home and get back to my usual life with Jake. The other half wanted to stay, but I didn’t understand why. Without caution, in the corner of my eye I saw a shadow figure, which triggered a new reflex that made me swing a kick. It was directly blocked. ” Wow, cautious one you are, don’t worry I’m not like my idiotic brother,” The shadow figure said and walked into the light. It was Peter. His black hair glistered in the lighting it was roughly combed and he wore baggy jeans with a stripped top. ” Oh , hey Peter,” I smiled putting my leg down. He was staring at me for a while then turned his head away. I gave him a confuse look. ” I think,” he began silently, ” that you should stay away from Nathan,” he turned and gave me a sharp look. His eyes were serious and mysterious, it was hard not to look away from them. ” If you know whats good for you,” he smiled and walked down the stairs What is with this family and their life threatening threats? I sighed. What can Peter do? I searched my room and got changed. The day was at its usual, besides the threat I got from Peter, I usually stayed in my room or played sports with Cole in the Sport room. Then whenever I pass by Aunt Marie we had our little showdown as we passed by. Whenever Cole had left for me to stay in my room I would sneak out and hear Nathan play his violin then sneak back before anyone could notice. I closed the secret small entrance walked down the darkened hallway, I never got tired of the fresh Vanilla scent that filled my senses. It was around 9:40 now. I looked outside the window, the sun was setting beautifully. I looked onto the side, there was the house Cole had told me before, it was Daniels place. It couldn’t hurt to check it out right?I’m lucky I might be able to find a computer to email for my kidnapping. I slid down the railing quietly trying to not catch any attention. I passed the dining room, I could hear Robert laughing with Aunt Marie, they sounded like they were having fun. I went through the back, to the garden, It looked beautiful at night, the sound of the fountain was soothing and the scent of flowers flowed the entire place. Colourfully infusion popped right at your eyes once you enter the garden. I travelled around to find the entrance to the house, there was a small gate I had to climb to get there. I pounced at the gate and fell down, shock wave hit my ankles a bit, but ignored it. By the time I got closer one of the windows had a light turned on. Great someone was there. I felt like Indiana Jones who had no choice but to move forward only I had the choice to turn back. I looked behind me, I came all the way here to just turn back, I’d rather see whats in the house before I go. I crept up the window glass to see who was in here. Inside it looked like a Japanese Karate Dojo. There was tiled wood on the ground, and small hangers with swords and daggers. At the front showed a picture of a Japanese man that hanged on the wall, below it was another sword. There were two other rooms but instead of a door it had a curtain. In the middle of the room was Daniel, He wore a white baggy karate pants and he was shirtless, he looked a little sweaty. He held a wooden bamboo sword and was swinging it up and down practising. His stance and his figure was amazing I couldn’t take my eyes off him until he looked straight at the window. I ducked. ” I can see you,” he chuckled. Damn they got good eyes sight. ” Darn,” I mumbled and got up, and walked to the door, he was already waiting at the front. I had a feeling I will be getting another flip to my doom. I chuckled at that thought. ” So what are you doing here?” I asked, already knowing the answer. ” Practising,” He said, wiping his forehead from sweat, from up close he looked like a model that juts got dunked of water in slow motion. ” By just swinging the sword up and down?” I asked, it didn’t look like much of practising. ” Its harder than you think,” he chuckled ” You have to get the cut straight and smooth,” he explained. He took a glance at me. ” Would you like to try?” He asked. My eyes widened, it looked pretty fun but I had a sense I will have to duel him in swords soon after. ” You won’t flip me if I do it wrong right?” I asked cautiously, he laughed. ” Of course not,” he smiled and invited me in. Inside it was brighter than I thought it was when I was spying in. The smell of fresh pine and sweat his me fast, it took me a while to get use to it. Daniel threw me a bamboo sword and I stumbled to catch it. He laughed and then showed me how to hold the sword. I lifted my arms and took a big swing downward. It was a crocked cut. It was harder than I thought. I attempted a few times but they were all crocked. I suddenly felt a warm body heat wrap around me, It was Daniel. His hands soon wrapped around me to my hands where I was holding the sword. I clenched thinking I might get flipped again. ” Relax,” He whispered behind me, ” the cut must be smooth and quiet but fast and swift,” he repeated. I took in a deep breath and both of our hands lifted up together and swung down fast. It banged onto the ground but it was straight. ” Well, at least you got the smooth and fast part,” he smiled, still warped around me. He didn’t bother to let go. ” T-Thanks,” I began to stutter, we were so close. ” You can let go now,” I chuckled. Daniel soon let go and grabbed his sword that was lying against the wall. Soon after he taught me how to block, I mirrored his movements and it took me about five minutes to memorize his footwork. ” ‘Kay, Ready?” he asked. ” Wait, ready for what?” I instantly replied but he came charging at me with his sword. He took a straight swing, and I blocked, It was intense. We both moved around in the room hitting and blocking each others swings. It was quite fun, the vibrations from the swords clashing made a rush through my head. He smiled and I smiled back. After a few minutes of clashing swords my legs soon went off balance and I stumbled onto the ground, ” Looks like I win,” Daniel said, pointing the sword at my face. I chuckled, the sword was awfully close. I shifted back a bit and got up, I felt a slight pain on my left ankle. I felt a little unbalanced. ” Well that was fun,” I smiled. He looked at me weirdly. ” Something wrong with your leg?” He asked, I gave him a confused look and looked at my leg, my whole left ankle was swollen, it had a purple bruise on it. No wonder I felt off balance. ” Oh, I must have gotten that when I climbed over the fence…” I began and then noticing what I was saying. ” You climbed over the fence?!” He asked warningly making it sound extreme. ” I was curious, this is nothing really!” I said stepping back but a sharp pain hit my left ankle making me trip backwards. I closed my eyes and got ready for impact. I felt a small grip hold onto my arm, and soon I was pulled back up, to Daniels chest. His heartbeat was soft. ” Don’t do anything so reckless,” He sighed. ” S-sorry,” I whispered. He was so close. I never seen Daniel being the comfort type. After a few moments he let go and swung me around and picked me up in a piggy back stance. ” Gah! What are you doing?!” I yelled, holding tightly around Daniels neck. ” Well I doubt you can walk all the way back to your room with that leg,” he chuckled, ” you might fall face flat,”. I sighed, he was right, with this leg I might not even make up two steps without falling down. Its like walking home with your shoelaces tied together. It took us at least five minutes from his to carry me to the entrance, he was fast. We took the back door and lead to the kitchen, there stood Peter who was drinking a glass of milk. Daniel put me down on the chair and Peter ran towards us. ” Are you okay?!” he asked. ” Yeah I’m-” I began, and then I looked up, Peter was talking to Daniel not me. Peter had his hand on Daniels cheek and they were very close. Daniel gave a small smile. ” Yeah of course,” Daniel smiled not even noticing how close Peter was to him. I was speechless. Could Daniel and Peter be…? Suddenly the light turned on. ” Yo,” a soft sleepy voice had echoed and woken me up from my train of thought, I looked up it was Nathan who was wearing red boxers and a black shirt, his hair was all messy, did we wake up him? ” Whats everyone doing up so early,” Nathan yawned, he looked cute when he did that. He took a small glance at Daniel and Peter, a weird vibe was sent around this room, then turned to me. His eyes widened and he rushed to me. ” You okay Kim?” He gave me a worried look, was he acting because Peter was there or was he really caring? I blinked at him for a while trying to read his face. It was hard to tell. ” Yeah, Its just a sprain or it could be a bruise, from jumping over the fence,” I smiled. His eyes widened more. ” I was just curious! This is nothing!” I blurted out. Nathan sighed. Peter was now leaning on the counter while Daniel was taking a big chug of water down his throat. Peter was staring at Nathan very oddly, which made me feel uncomfortable. I could tell Nathan didn’t like it either. ” Whatever,” He looked away, ” Lets get you to your room,” Nathan said as he picked me up bridal style. Whats up with these guys and picking me up? I could totally go for a help around the shoulder thing so I can still walk, not with my two feet off the ground when being picked up. As we walked up stairs it was mostly silent, and I never got a chance to ask Nathan about Lucy. Nathan threw me onto his bed. ” Um, this isn’t my room,” I said, looking around, It was cleaner now. ” I know, but because of last night and your little counteract between Aunt Marie this morning and how she saw you leaving my room, she thought she would get to sleep in your room tonight instead of sleeping on the couch, leaving us sleeping together,” He sighed. ” Oh…” I whispered. Why can’t the old hag sleep on the couch. There was silence now. ” Hey Nathan,” I began, he looked up but not fully looking at my eyes, ” Who’s Lucy?” I asked. At that instant Nathan flinched when I said her name. I’m guessing this wasn’t a pleasant story, remembering the time Aunt Marie threatened me telling me how Nathan was heartbroken in his last relationship. He sighed. ” Where did you hear that? ” He whispered, trying to keep his temper. ” Aunt Marie,” I answer quietly. ” Oh… well its none of your business,” Nathan said turning his face away. He was grinning. ” Please? For me?” I asked, I gave him a pout look. ” You can cut the girlfriend boyfriend act, your still a hostage to me,” He said, coldly. My head flowed in disappointment. He looked at me in the corner of his eye. ” Tomorrow, Its getting late to tell a story,” He said, trying to refocus what he was saying. My face brightened. He sighed. I laid on the corner side of the bed to give him space but I felt a slight tug that pulled me closer. I smiled and dozed off to sleep. Tbc
22 Sep 2017 | 08:39
following like a loyal disciple
22 Sep 2017 | 11:11
why is she been threatened? are Daniel and peter lovers? Is peter in love with Nathan? did Lucy really break Nathan's heart or was she being threatened that she had to leave? following next
22 Sep 2017 | 13:13
OKAY ride on
22 Sep 2017 | 13:24
NXT pls
22 Sep 2017 | 13:50
Now following
22 Sep 2017 | 14:00
22 Sep 2017 | 15:28
I love every epi of dx story
22 Sep 2017 | 15:37
Following.. Next
22 Sep 2017 | 15:41
What are you hiding Nathan
22 Sep 2017 | 15:45
Loving This... Ride On
22 Sep 2017 | 16:11
22 Sep 2017 | 16:52
Hmmmm take it eazy o
22 Sep 2017 | 16:59
Enjoying this... Ride on
22 Sep 2017 | 17:20
22 Sep 2017 | 18:00
I think Nathan likes Kim
23 Sep 2017 | 01:22
carry on
23 Sep 2017 | 05:15
Episode 6. At lunch I was called to Roberts office, I walked to his office slowly, I was scared. It’s been four days already, and I haven’t heard any call or email for my dad. Even though I was here and treated like family I was still a hostage and if my dad pays the money i will soon have to leave here. I knocked on the office door. A stern serious voice told me to come in. It was dark when I entered the only light came from the window blinds that blocked most of the light, I saw Robert sit at his table reading a book. Why was he reading a book in the dark? I had a chill down my spine that I might get killed, I was shaking. ” What is it?” I asked quietly. ” Your father hasn’t replied my threat yet,” He whispered trying to keep his anger in. I gulped, and looked around the room, was I going to get killed here? Will Nathan or Cole or even Daniel come behind me and slit my throat? I shook away the thought. ” oh..” I finally said. ” Since you had told Aunt Marie and her kids that you are Nathans girlfriend, and if they find you missing or well dead the police will come to Nathan as a prime suspect so,” he paused ” I will give you another 5 days and send another threat to your father,”. I felt relieved and also a little paranoid. Why didn’t my father agree? Does he want me dead? I clenched my fist thinking of those memories. ” Alright,” I sighed and walked out of the room, a tear rolled down my cheek. I immediately wiped it away. It was almost time for Nathan to play his Violin. I looked around the empty hall and headed to the left of the hallway. I looked around, at the usual all the doors were the same and there was a small night table with roses, Something had caught my eye. On the side of the wall there were picture frames, I took a closer look, in the picture was a two small blond boys, one had blue eyes; Cole probably, and one with green eyes. I widened my eyes, was that Nathan? But Nathans hair was black not blond. I took a closer look, the small boy had a resemblance of Nathan. Could it be that Nathan dyed his hair? Beside that picture was a brown haired kid who arm was wrapped around Cole, they were both smiling like they were the best of friends. Behind them was a beautiful woman with golden hair, that swayed down in a elegant way in the picture. She wore a summer dress and a white hat. It looked like they were at the beach. Nathan was in the back ground with a grin on his face. ” Things were a lot different back then,” A voice whispered behind me, startling me. I turned around and their stood Nathan in his baggy jeans in a half zipped sweater. He held a violin case behind him and gave me a curious look. ” You play the violin?” I asked, already knowing the answer. ” I think you know the answer to that,” He sighed, I blinked at him a few times, could he have…? ” You knew I was spying on you?!” I blurted. ” No duh, your not the quiet type when trying to sneak back into your room, why do you think i leave the door open just a bit for you” He gave me a innocent smile, It made me turn my face away. He looked cute. ” You, play good, that’s why,” I said playing with my fingers, I felt more nervous than I did when I told Jake how great he looks. He chuckled. ” I know,” he smirked, arrogant much? He looked at me shortly and motioned me to come with him up to the secret place. I stood there giving him a small confused look. ” You coming or not?” He asked. I blinked a bit, why was Nathan being so nice? My heart beat was pounding and I rushed behind him. After climbing the steps he opened the door fully, inside it looked like the same room that Cole had shown me, only it was purple not red. There were some books that laid in a small space near the small couch in the room, I sat down there and Nathan took out his Violin. I closed my eyes and he played. He played a different tune then he would usually do. It sounded soothing, Nathan continued to play more swaying his body, it was magnificent. I soon dozed off the couch with only the music echoing in my thoughts. I had a dream where I was at the beach. The sound of waves crashing smoothly against the rocks, and the sunset that showed more colourful colours. Beside me was Nathan, in his innocent self, he laid on the ground with his eyes closed. I couldn’t help but stare, he was cute. Nathan wasn’t much of a jerk after all. Nathan opened his eyes and smiled at me, he said something but I couldn’t hear it right. He came up closer to me placed his hands around my head and he leaned in closer, I didn’t hesitate , I closed my eyes, I felt a slight warmth on my lips. I suddenly opened my eyes waking up from the dream, I was on the bed and Nathan was going closer to me. ” Gah, what’s going on?!” I jumped making Nathan stumble backwards a bit. Did I just have a dream of Nathan kissing me? ” You fell asleep in the room so I carried you,” He said fixing his hair. ” Its not what you think, I just was going to get my glasses on the shelf behind you,” He said pointing at the shelf, I looked behind me. His stylish glasses laid beside the violin case. ” Oh,” I said feeling embarrassed. I felt a little depressed, I sorta wished that my dream would come true. Then I instantly remembered, Nathan said he would tell me about Lucy. ” Nathan,” I began, Nathan gave me a sharp look, he knew what I was going to ask. ” You should go to sleep now Kim, Its already midnight,” he sighed. He played the violin for that long, even when I was sleeping through it? I felt like arguing but he looked tired and so was I. ” Alright,” I said immediately dropping myself onto the bed. Nathan snuggled beside me. For some reason I felt more comfortable beside him. Was this wrong? The next morning, I woke up hoping to finally get story about Lucy and possibly more other questions I wanted him to answer. I looked around the room, where was Nathan? Was he hiding? Soon the Washroom door opened and Nathan appeared with a towel wrapped around him and nothing else, I stared for a quick second and turned my head. ” Oh, I thought you would be still sleeping,” He said in a calm voice. How can he be calm when he is practically half naked in front of me. I began to blush. I could hear Nathan struggling to keep his towel on while putting on his pants. A sudden knock came at the door. ” Nathan? Is Kim still in there? I need to speak with you alone,” It was Cole on the other side of the door. ” No,” Nathan lied, I glared at him, he motioned me to come. He pulled me into his closet, and I gave him a confused look. He told me to be quiet and closed the closet door. ” Come in,” He said, I listened quietly. The door opened and closed and I heard someone sit on the bed. ” Look man, I need some help,” Cole began, ” I think I’m falling in love with Kim,” his voice was quiet, I widened my eyes, Cole is falling in love with me? I shook my head, I couldn’t think of anything to say. Nathan was quiet. ” I know we aren’t suppose to be connecting with the hostage but I can’t help it! There is something about her,” Cole continued, he was frustrated. I heard some silence, were they whispering? I heard someone get off the bed and walk near the closet, I gulped silently, if Cole opened the door then he would know what I just heard. I closed my eyes, and the door opened. ” Its safe now.” Nathan whispered towards me. Cole already left? I walked out of the closet door, stretching my muscles for being in that small closet. I stared at Nathan. ” I wasn’t suppose to hear that you know,” I whispered to Nathan, who was looking the other way. ” How am I suppose to know he was going to shout out a confession?” He smiled. ” Well, you could have told him to talk to you later?” I implied. He sighed. ” Its too early in the morning,” he complained changing the subject. I sighed and went up to him. ” Remember you have to tell me the story,” I smiled, he growled hoping that I will forget. At breakfast we had pancakes that Cole had cooked, they were delicious, it was difficult for me to talk to Cole, knowing he has a crush on me. Stupid Nathan, why did he let Cole blurt out the confession! Cole looked at me confusedly for being in doze off mode. ” Are the pancakes not good?” Cole asked giving a pout look ” No! They are delicious!” I smiled gulping them down and I accidently bit my tongue, ” Its just so early in the morning,” I repeated, ” Its 10:30 am” Daniel spoke walking in and grabbed a bottle of water on the counter. I heard a car door slam and the door opening. I felt a shiver down my spine, Dylan had came back from the hospital, I felt uneasy and started to shake. I felt a warm hand place onto mine, it was Nathan, he gave me a slight nod and I felt a little better. Everyone walked out of the kitchen to see if Dylan was better. Me and Nathan stay where we are. I didn’t want to see that creep, and neither did Nathan. ” Why don’t we go somewhere else,” Nathan whispered beside me. He took his plate of pancakes and stole some more off of Cole’s plate, and he ran out to the garden door, I rushed behind him laughing. Outside, he sat on the fountain side devouring his pancakes and Cole’s, he had a small piece of crumbs on the side of his mouth, he looked cute. I laughed at him and scooped up the crumb and ate it. He looked at me confusedly. I gave him a innocent smile. I sat beside him waiting for him to finish his breakfast. ” Now will you tell me?” I asked giving him a sharp look. He won’t escape this time. Nathan sighed and washed down the pancakes with a cup of milk. He then stood up and picked up two daisy flowers from the side, and handed them to me. I gave him a confuse look. ” If you can guard these flowers for the fifteen minutes without me stealing them, I will tell you,” he smiled at me. Was this some child game? I held the flowers tightly and a fresh breeze had hit me, during that breeze Nathan charged at me and tried grabbing the flowers. I dodged and ran around the fountain. He chased right behind me, there were many times where he would hold onto me and try grabbing the flower in the other hand but I manage to get out. For fourteen minutes we have been dodging and catching, only one more minute left and it will be story time. Suddenly a strong breeze had blown making me let go of the flowers, the flowers swayed up in the air and I jumped for them, so did Nathan. The very next thing felt like it was in slow motion. As for Nathan instead of garbing the flowers, by accident he grabbed my wrist which made me stumble towards him, making us crash into each other. I instantly felt a warmth on my lips. I blinked a few times, my lips were touching his lips, we accidentally… kissed?! Tbc
23 Sep 2017 | 08:14
A dream come true
23 Sep 2017 | 12:54
i am enjoying this story. cole is inlove with kim but kim is loving Nathan.
23 Sep 2017 | 13:19
Sweet kiss abi
23 Sep 2017 | 13:53
0 Likes sure Nathan is also crushing on you
23 Sep 2017 | 14:07
23 Sep 2017 | 14:13
Kim did u want to date all of them?
23 Sep 2017 | 14:44
Following next plz
23 Sep 2017 | 15:53
Dream come true.. Hahahahaha, bring more
23 Sep 2017 | 15:55
23 Sep 2017 | 16:17
23 Sep 2017 | 16:34
Wow..... I can feel it
23 Sep 2017 | 17:04
Wow finally you guys kissed
23 Sep 2017 | 18:07
Hmm. After. Hw many days
23 Sep 2017 | 20:32
24 Sep 2017 | 04:23
next please
24 Sep 2017 | 07:19
Next plssssss
25 Sep 2017 | 23:58
Episode 7. Nathans warm lips pressed onto mine. I instantly pushed him back, and the breeze had ended, the flowers fell down onto my hand. I couldn’t help but blush. ” Um.” I began to stutter not looking straight at his eyes. I looked down at my feet and started playing with my fingers. It was awkward now. I couldn’t think right. I couldn’t think of the right words to put what just happened, all in my mind was that me and Nathan kissed… ” Looks like you win, I’ll tell you a story,” He said trying to change the subject of what just happened. ” Ye-Yeah” I said. He sat down on the side of the fountain, he had a compassionate look on his face. I sat beside him only a few inches away. I looked at Nathan at the corner of my eye. He was trying to figure out how to put it in words. ” Me and Daniel, are not really brothers, Daniel was adopted,” he began, ” At first,when Cole and I were kids and were happy to have a new brother to the family, we treated him like he was part of the family. The only thing was that Daniel was,” He paused, thinking of the right words, ” dangerous. When Cole played with him, Cole was changing slowly, and soon it was just the two of them. I noticed in middle school when girls would fall head over heels for Cole, Daniel would stop them.” I blinked at him, what did he mean by stop? He gave me a small glare and continued. ” In other words, Daniel wanted Cole all by himself, Cole as stupid as he is, didn’t even notice how people drifted away from him slowly.”. ” Did he do the same to you?” I asked. He looked at me straight in the eyes. ” Yes,” he whispered and clenched his fist. Did that mean Daniel do something to Lucy? But Aunt Marie said that Lucy made Nathan heartbroken, not Daniel. My opinion on Daniel began to change, I thought Daniel as the mysterious crazy hot athletic type, but now it was hard to find the right words to describe him. ” Then what about Lucy?” I asked. ” None of your business,” He chuckled. My eyes widened. ” But you said-” I complained. ” I said I would tell you A story , you really think I was going to tell you about Lucy? Shes none of your concern,” he smiled, I flinched, even though I was a little curious about what Daniel said to me back then about him and Nathan don’t commute, I was more curious about Lucy. I glared at Nathan who was giving a small smirk, I sighed, I wasn’t going to get the real story out of him. My body felt more disappointed than before. It was quiet now. ” Sorry,” He whispered. I looked up at his face, his face was depressed, what did Lucy exactly do? I turned away. Without warning a large bang startled me. I looked above me, the clouds were dark, and a raindrop soon hit my eye. I closed my eyes, I loved the rain ever since I was a little child. Jake had told me that when your in the rain it can wash all your miseries away, that is why he loved the rain so much too.. But I had a different theory. I loved the rain because no one can see me crying. ” We should get going, now” Nathan sighed and got up. I followed along. I felt something brush onto my legs and skimmed into a rose bush, it startled me and made me scream, unknowingly I jumped into Nathans arms. ” Whats wrong?” Nathan said panicky from my reaction, the rain started to drizzle down more making our hair wet, it was cold but gentle. ” I-I felt something brush against my legs and it jumped into the bush,” I said still holding onto Nathan. The bush began to rustle, I clenched onto Nathan harder. ” Look again,” He sighed. I turned at the bush, and a cute black cat had popped out of the bush, it had small yellow eyes and a red collar with a small bell tied to its neck. It was drenched in water. ” A black cat? ” I blinked, and I looked back at Nathan who was looking away from me. ” Could you let go now, its hard to breathe,” he said coldly, I immediately let go. ” S-Sorry,” I began to blush, more embarrassment coming my way again. The black cat walked up closer to me and nuzzled onto my leg. It was cute. ” Aww,” I cooed and bent down to pet it, ignoring that it was now pouring outside. Nathan scoffed, hes not much of a cat person is he? ” There you are, Poe!” a voice had shouted in the background. A shadow figure rushed towards us. It was Cole, he wore a soaked green sweater with baggy jeans and his hair was drenched from the rain. His blue eyes glistered against the rainfall. He scooped up the black cat; apparently named Poe, he gave a slight smile at me. He totally ignored Nathan, did they fight? I remembered that they whispered something back in Nathans room during the confession, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. ” You have a pet cat, Cole?” I asked, ignoring the weird vibe that is being sent by him and Nathan. I am going to interrogate Nathan on whats going on between him and Cole. ” Well, sorta, I found him this morning, he strayed near my window and I couldn’t help it but keep him, hes so cute” He smiled holding up Poe in a gentle manner. I giggled, and turned around, Nathan had left. I looked around, how could he leave so swiftly? Cole gave me a small grin. ” Do you want to go back to Nathan now?” He whispered in a small tone. ” Eh? No that isn’t it,” I smiled. ” Oh!” His face brightened, “Then, come with me, I wanna show you something,”. I gave him a confuse look and we ran inside before we got more soaked. Poe jumped off Cole’s arm and wandered around the kitchen. He meowed and purred at the fridge, Cole and I looked at each other and laughed. I still felt awkward around Cole, after hearing that he is falling for me, should I just stay away from him? I shook away that thought, Cole was great friend, even if he was a kidnapper he was comforting it was hard to let go of a friend like him. ” Something wrong?” Cole asked giving me a worried look. ” No,” I gave a small smile. Cole looked at me curiously, then smiled. ” Follow me,” he whispered and took my hand. We tiptoed upstairs while our clothes dripped onto the carpet leaving puddle marks on the ground. We walked in a unfamiliar hallway. We stop in front of a strange door, it was different than the others in the hallway, for once. It shone dark scarlet red and the handle knob was golden. A music note was engraved on the corner, a music room perhaps? Cole opened the door and inside was a small room it was scarlet red. On the sides of the room were small book shelves with picture frames and piano sheets. In the middle of the room was large grand piano. It was clean and smooth, it had no finger prints what so ever. ” My mom, use to play on this piano when we were little,” He began, ” Whenever we were all fighting, mother would bring us to this room where she would play a gentle soothing melody, and suddenly we stopped fighting and listened to the melody, ” He chuckled remembering a moment. She sounded like a wonderful mother. Cole opened the piano and sat down. He then played a melody that was amazing, I closed my eyes. I imagined myself in a dark room, there was a dim light showing at the top. A boy stepped out onto the light, he wore a black tuxedo and a red tie. I couldn’t see his face, but my face brightened when I saw him. I wore a long velvet dress that went up to my knees and my hair was tied up and hanged down onto the side. He held out his hand and I placed mine on top of his, he pulled me in closer and we swayed around slow dancing. ” Well?” Cole answered, he stopped playing. ” It was amazing!Your so talented! ” I exclaimed coming back from imagination world. I smiled. ” Thanks,” He said blushing. ” You and Nathan should make a duet together! It would sound awesome!” I shouted, then realized what I had just said. Cole’s eyes went into disappointment. I forgot they were in a fight. But what was the fight about? It was a little awkward, for some reason I wanted to go, like I was missing someone. I stepped back a bit. Cole looked at me with straight eyes, was he going to confess? Then he turned away. I had to set him straight that I think of him as a friend. But did I have the guts to do it? ” Where did you get that scar?” he whispered, changing the subject. Not a great subject to talk about though. ” What?” I asked confusedly, when did he ever see my scar? I looked onto my shoulder, I forgotten that I was wearing a one sleeve top, I covered the top with a laced poncho. I didn’t think people could see the scar through it. ” Oh…” I said in a worried tone, I felt tears forming in my eyes, I tried to suck them back in. Cole walked closer towards me. ” I’d rather not talk about it,” I said stepping back, Cole’s face was straight it was haunting to me. I wanted to get out of here. ” Tell me,” He whispered in a stern voice. Why was he like this? I looked away touching the doorknob, Cole walked in closer. ” Please?,” He gave me a worried look, then he placed his hand behind my head and pulled me closer almost making our lips touched. A sudden flash of all my memories in the forest came, I flinched. ” Sorry! I don’t think of you like that! I’d like it if we stayed friend, ” I shouted and pushed him back and ran out the door, I could feel some guilt follow behind my footsteps. What has gotten into Cole? I turned and immediately walked into the first door I saw. I closed the door quietly, and swiped away the tears, panicking. I looked around the room, the room was carpeted red and elegantly as usual. It was dark the only light came from the lit fireplace at the front and on the sides of the room were tall book shelves. A record player was on the side playing a tune. In the middle was a long couch which laid a figure. I walked up closer. Someone laid there sleeping with a book over his head. I stepped back and headed for the door. ” He’s still looking for you out there,” a voice said. I flinched and turned around, judging from the voice I knew instantly it was Nathan. My face brightened when I saw his face. His hair was messy and he wore a black sweater with a red t-shirt underneath with his usual baggy jeans. He looked at me curiously, he gave a compassionate face and I ran towards him. Tears flowed down my cheeks. He simply put his arms around me and hugged me. I felt relieved and safe. The record music soon skidded to a stop and Nathan let go of me and went towards the record, It was a old fashioned record, he lifted the needle and changed the record. He looked at me with weird eyes. I gave him a confused look. He held out his hand. ” Do you know how to dance?” He smiled. I nodded in and unsure way. ” Well, then I’ll teach you,” He said, pulling me towards him. ” Ah, but I’m really bad,” I complained. ” And stubborn too,” Nathan added. I sighed. He put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck, I looked down at my feet. However it was hard to keep track at what I was doing. ” Its better to look up,” Nathan chuckled. I looked up and I saw his cute charming face. His jade green eyes shined mysteriously towards me, it was hard for me to turn away. I began to blush and look the other way. ” Ow,” He squinted, I stepped on his foot. ” Sorry!” I blurted stepping back, sadly Nathan was still holding onto me, making me trip backwards dragging him along down to the floor. A felt a small sting at the back of my head, I flinched and opened my eyes, Nathan had his hands beside me, he was in the plank exercise position except his face so close to my face and I was under him. ” Your still clumsy as always,” He smiled, I began to blush and I turned me head to the side. ” Are you and Cole in a fight,” I asked, ignoring the awkwardness. Nathan sighed, and he rolled over beside me, and sat up. I sat beside him. From afar it would like two random kids sitting on the floor next to each other. ” I’m guessing that is a yes,” I sighed, ” will you tell me what you were fighting about?”. I felt like some therapist trying to solve some sibling problem. It was silent then he gave me a small glare and faced me. ” You,” he whispered, my eyes widened. ” Me…?” I asked shocked. They were fighting over me? ” After he confessed about loving you, I told him well he is going to have competition because I -” Nathan stopped, noticing what he was saying, which made me curious. ” You what?” I asked. He looked at me straight in the eyes. ” I love you,” He confessed. Tbc
26 Sep 2017 | 05:44
I like this story, well-done
26 Sep 2017 | 07:08
26 Sep 2017 | 07:28
From hostage to love
26 Sep 2017 | 12:44
Love in the air. Cole should leave the gurl for em brother ni.
26 Sep 2017 | 12:48
love in captivity
26 Sep 2017 | 13:31
Nawao u guys r rili swt kidnappers
26 Sep 2017 | 14:58
Love with ur kidnappers abi, this is funny
26 Sep 2017 | 14:59
I know it!!
26 Sep 2017 | 15:43
Ehn. Mouth agape
26 Sep 2017 | 16:58
I knew it wow
26 Sep 2017 | 17:02
hmm @fridex hope u are reading this?
26 Sep 2017 | 17:29
26 Sep 2017 | 19:32
Thanks baby @qeenvick I'm in
26 Sep 2017 | 19:42
Kidnappers LOVE... He he he.. Nxt
26 Sep 2017 | 20:17
Gangan, everybody just de fall for you Kim, but I like Nathan sha...he is the sweetest kidnapper
27 Sep 2017 | 08:58
love in the air
27 Sep 2017 | 10:42
Igwe next pls
27 Sep 2017 | 15:40
Is d next chapter nt yet ready???
29 Sep 2017 | 11:01
pls pick nathan
3 Oct 2017 | 03:16
Episode 8. The words, I love you; repeated through my mind over and over. Then it was replaced with Nathans face as he said it. I began to blush, Nathan stood there waiting for my response. It was silent and to be honest this was the longest response I had ever done. I couldn’t find the right words to describe this feeling. ” Do you love me back?” Nathan finally asked to end the silence. I twitched at his question. Love was such a strong meaningful word. I couldn’t understand what I was feeling. The word, Love was hard for me to comprehend. In my imagination I could feel the scar on my chest burning over this word; Love. My heart was pumping fast, Nathan was waiting for my answer. Half of me was unsure and the other half was telling me yes, and a bit of me was telling me no don’t trust him. I bit my lip, what will happen if my dad agreed to the deal? Or worse, if he didn’t I would be disposed of, would Nathan really try to disobey his father for me? ” I… I… Don’t know…” I paused. Looking at Nathans reaction, he was calm; surprisingly. ” Then, I will wait for you, until you find your answer,” He smiled, getting up and kissed me on the forehead. I blushed, as he brushed passed me and exited out of the room. I blinked at what just happened. Remembering the time, when I was dating Blair, he would ask a Yes or No answer, when he would ask that question. As for Nathan he said he would wait… What do I do now? I stayed in the room for a fifteen minutes trying to think and clear my head. I opened the door and waiting on the side was Cole, he leaned on the side of the wall with his arms crossed, and closed eyes. How long has he been waiting? I closed the door shut making a loud creak. Cole jumped up, his face brightened when he looked at me then it turned into a worried face. I felt a small guilt, I shouldn’t have left him like that. ” Cole…” I began. ” I’m Sorry,” We both shouted at the same time. I blinked at him, and he blinked at me in a curious face. ” Wait,why are you sorry?” Cole asked, ” I felt guilty for leaving you like that,” I began, ” That’s why, I’m sorry,”. I looked at him, he had a disappointment look on his face. ” I’m sorry, for coming onto you like that,” Cole said in a quiet tone. He had a compassionate feeling in his eyes, the guilt was eating him alive. I walked up to him, and flicked his forehead. ” Idiot,” I said, he gave me a confused look, ” Lets just stay friends, ‘Kay?” I smiled, Cole gave a slight nod. ” Just so we are clear,” He gave a serious look, ” I like you, but if you wanna be friends that’s fine with me, just remember I am here for you if anything goes wrong,”. I blinked a few times, Cole looked at really serious. ” Thanks,” I said, that was the only word that can come out. I looked at Cole, it looked like that sentence took a lot out of him. I walked into my room to check if the old hag Aunt Marie, had moved out of my room. Luckily, she did, I felt like I should give Nathan the space in his room… Or was it that I was scared what will happen if I sleep with Nathan? I sighed and laid on my bed, then dozed off to sleep. A knock came at my door the next morning. I stretched over to look at the time, it was 11:30 am. I blinked, I must have overslept. I staggered to the doorway, trying to get my vision back to normal. Guessing, it was probably Cole as always. I opened the door. ” Yo~” a soft voice walked in, It was Daniel. I blinked, for some reason I felt awkward because of the different opinion I got on him from Nathan. He wore a regular suit top with baggy jeans, and his hair was all messed up. ” Daniel…?” I blinked still half awake, “Usually it was Cole who would greet me in the morning”. ” Well,” He began to run his head thinking of the right words, ” they kinda went on a camping trip for a few days, and since I’m not a forest environmental friendly person, I was asked to stay here and watch over you,” He sighed. “So what do want to do today?”. ” I… Don’t know…” I yawned, Daniel looked at me curiously. ” ‘Kay, whatever, I’m going to go get some groceries so stay here, I put traps at the entrances and windows if you attempt escape,” he sighed and closed my door, I completely forgot I was still a hostage, it was hard for me to think of escaping now. I felt in a depressed mood today, Was I missing Nathan? Or what Cole said bugged me? Or was it because everyone left and I was stuck with Daniel for a few days? I stared at the ceiling for a while. Maybe I could get some answers on Lucy by myself, if I searched Nathans room. I walked out of my room, and searched if Daniel put any traps in front of my door, luckily he didn’t, at least he had the common curtsey to let me roam free around the house. I turned in front of Nathans room and turned the knob, locked. I sighed, looks like I’m not going to get any answers. I was dead bored now, my stomach growled of hunger. I slid down the railing and entered the kitchen, the kitchen was cleaner than usual. I opened the fridge and it was full of ingredients you can use to cook, except I didn’t know how to. I took out a loaf of bread, and searched for the toaster around the room, did they take the toaster with them? How would you use a toaster in the middle of a forest. I chuckled, hoping maybe they found out that there was no outlet there. I ate the toast raw and headed out the door when suddenly, a huge boom struck my senses. I immediately jumped to the side of the wall and glanced at the entrance, there was a figure at the door, but it didn’t look like Daniel, who knows how far this house is to town, he couldn’t be back so soon. Was it an intruder? I flinched, usually when an intruder comes to your house they have a horny desire, I got into my fighting stance. The door unlocked and I charged heading for a kick, In that instant it was blocked. ” What? Are you trying to kill me?” A cold familiar voice barked. I lowed my foot, it was Nathan. ” Nathan? What are you doing back here?” I scanned behind him, there were arrows stabbed onto the ground and some shattered ones beside them. Did Daniel had to go that far just to make sure I don’t escape? ” I’m wasn’t in the mood to go camping,” He sighed, ” more like, I never wanted to,”. Judging from his mood he was forced too. He smiled at me, ” Also, I wanted to be with you,” he chuckled. ” Then how did you get back here?” I asked, changing the subject. ” Easy, as soon as I got out the car, I stole the motorcycle and drove back here. My eyes widened, he actually ran away. He walked in and headed upstairs. ” Think you can make me some lunch, I’m starving,” He ordered, not turning back. What am I a servant? Last time I checked I was a hostage. I sighed and went back in the kitchen, cooking can’t be that hard… can it? I scanned the cupboards, I found a bag of rice and some ground beef. I remembered watching my cousin Tori cook rice before, it was easy all you need was water and the rice cooker does all the work. I scanned the room for a rice cooker they had this fancy technology one. I opened it up, there was a tin can that I can used and I dumped at least half of the bag of rice into it, filling it up to the top. Then I poured water into it filling it up, some of the rice fell onto the ground, making small tapping noises. I struggled to place the heavy tin of rice into the machine, and closed it. I blinked all the settings were weird and difficult to understand, I started to press random buttons and after five or six buttons it said cooking rice. I smiled, that wasn’t too difficult. I pulled out a pan and placed some oil onto it, and turned the oven at High, the oil sizzled and splashed everywhere, I’m guessing that means its ready for the meat? I threw the meat in and more oil splashed stinging my arm, I took a large cover and covered it to let is sizzle on its own. I washed my hands and Nathan came downstairs with a basket of clothes. ” Yo, think you can wash these for me, these are the only clothes left around the house,” He ordered. I flinched, besides for me who can’t cook, I didn’t know how to do the laundry either. I looked at Nathan, he had his arrogant look on his face. ” Sure,” I sighed. I was getting to nice to Nathan. ” Thanks,” He smiled, and looked at the oven, ” The meat is burning,”. I rushed over, and opened the cover a gigantic pile of smoke popped out from the pan, and a foul smell of burnt meat filled the room, I coughed and opened the window. Nathan chuckled and left the room. He could at least help. I turned off the oven and pulled the meat to the side, it wasn’t so bad, it was just completely… charred. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t cook for now, or ever. I picked up the basket of Nathans clothes that were lying near the entrance of the kitchen and I searched for the laundry room. It took me fifteen minutes to find it, the only thing that pissed me off was that I searched the entire household only to find it right next to the kitchen. I separated the dark colours and whites and I dropped the dark colours into the washer first, I dumped in a whole bottle of bleach, softener and detergent . Bubbles foamed up, that was a good thing right? The water still ran, I put it for sixty minutes and headed upstairs, to my room. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Nathan lying on my bed, napping. I shut the door hard making him jump off the bed and he tumbled onto the ground. He gave me a curious look, like I shouldn’t be in my room . ” What are you doing in MY room,” I emphasized. ” Our room,” he corrected, I blinked at him. ” I’m sure you already know that my room is lock,” he chuckled, ” and I left the key in my suitcase, which is with everyone at the camping site,”.I paused i already knew where this was going. ” I’m not sleeping with you,” I began, ” I know,” He smiled, ” So, I’ll sleep on the bed and you sleep in the bathtub,”. I flinched, there’s no way hes going to get what he wants. ” Nope, YOU bathtub, ME bed ,” I spoke slowly he can understand. He growled. I looked at the time it was about 2:56 pm, the rice should be done by now, right? I looked at Nathan. ” You hungry?” I asked, ” rice is ready, I think,”. ” Finally,” he growled still angry about where he was sleeping tonight, I chuckled and headed out the door. At the stairs I took a few steps and suddenly slipped, Nathan caught me on time and I hanged over the side, I looked on the steps, there was water everywhere, flowing like a new lake inside the house. My eyes widened and I looked at Nathan. ” What the Fuck,” He gave a curious look. There was suddenly a beep, and a loud boom. This doesn’t sound good. We rushed to the kitchen, well more like skidded with the water on the ground, the rice cooked opened and we say a canon sized rice ball fly out of the cooker and landed onto the ground making a huge thunk. ” Shit, its loaded,” Nathan swore as he backed up, grabbing my arm along. The rice cooker was shooting rice everywhere. And the water wasn’t stopping. ” WE gotta get out of here!” I said, ” Yeah, I think I noticed,” He said dragging me to the nearest exit, the back. ” Wait! There’s a trap!” I said, but it was too late and a trap had sprung. In a flash Nathan dragged me out of the way but, this time it wasn’t arrows, I looked around, where was the trap? There was a small closing sound and soon I felt a small metal clamp onto my wrist, I looked; Handcuffs?! I pulled try to get out of them, then I observed to see I was linked on to Nathan, this wasn’t my day, judging from Nathans expression he didn’t like it either. We ran to the front, I was dragged from behind trying to keep my balance. Nathan struggled with the handcuffs, he wanted them off. At the front, was a red motorcycle. ” I’m, not going on that death trap,” I immediately said. ” Would you rather stay in there and drown? Or get knocked out by those canon ball rice?” He asked, making it sound like it was all my fault… even though it was. He tossed me a helmet making me stumble to catch it, it was difficult to work with one hand while the other was chained to someone else. He got on and I sat behind him. ” Do I have to hold onto you,” I asked. ” No duh,” he smiled, ” Unless you rather get dragged by these idiotic cuffs,” he scoffed. I twitched. I gently held onto Nathan on the side. He turned on the engine, making him grab onto him harder. He chuckled, and drove out. ” Where exactly are we going,” I screamed over the engine, the rush from the wind was exciting but terrifying. ” Well we can’t go back to the mansion, so lets just go out to eat, then try to find a way to get these handcuffs off us,” he said, the words Go and Out ringed in my head, was this a date? I looked over the side, there was a forest that covered the mansion, and it zoomed by pretty fast, I closed my eyes trying to stay calm of the rush. ” Could you loosen up a bit,” He coughed, ” Unless you want both of us to crash,” he chuckled. ” Don’t joke around like that!” I screamed, he just laughed at my reaction. I felt a small guilt, for causing all this mess. ” I’m Sorr-” I began, but was interrupted by Nathans driving, he sped up the motorcycle faster to make me stop talking. I held on tighter. ” Don’t worry about it,” He said, I looked up, was he happy? I leaned my head onto his back and closed my eyes and felt the wind pass by my whole body, it felt like I was flying. ” We’re here,” Nathan replied, I let go of his chest. I yawned loudly, I must have fallen asleep during the ride, I looked around. It was a market place. As people walked by me and Nathan they stared for a while looking at us oddly. I gave a curious look, and Nathan randomly grabbed my hand and linked our fingers together. I gave him a questioning look. ” Its so that they don’t think we are idiots who got stuck in handcuffs,” He blushed, but wouldn’t this make it looked like two idiots who handcuffed themselves too each other so they can never be apart? I sighed. We walked down the street, it was crowded. It smelled like garbage but the perfume store we passed by cleared that, down the corner was a restaurant called Eden Paradise. It had playful colours of yellow, orange and red on the sides, the chairs and tables were decorative and sorted out evenly so the waiters can walk in and out, it looked like a five star restaurant that will cost a lot of money, sadly I don’t have that kind of money to spend. ” Lets go inside,” Nathan smiled, I looked at him curiously, doesn’t he know how much this meal will cost? He tried tugged us both in. ” This kind of place is expensive,” I complained. ” I know, but a pretty girl like you should be eating somewhere elegant, no?” He smiled, I blushed, why was he being so nice for? We took our seats. The waiter came to our table looking at us oddly, stupid handcuffs. He then turned to me and stared at me oddly, it made me feel uncomfortable. ” Yeah I would like a Coke and some steak with cake on the side” Nathan looked up, the waiter was still looking at me. ” What would you like ma’am” the waiter smiled ignoring Nathan. Nathan growled. ” Whatever my boyfriend is having,” I glared at the waiter making him smirk and walk off. ” Boyfriend?” Nathan asked with a brightened face, ” No, that was just so,” I said, thinking of an excuse, ” the waiter can stop staring at me oddly,”. I felt a little embarrassed and my heart was pumping fast, calling Nathan my boyfriend was to much for me. He chuckled, he saw right through the excuse, I sighed and turned my head so he doesn’t see my eyes. Nathan linked my handcuffed hand to his, I turned and gave him a confused look. ” Do you want to go shopping and try to find a shop to get rid of these handcuffs?” he smiled changing the subject. I nodded. A waitress came with our food and then it hit me, how are we going to eat steak with just one hand? Nathan picked him a fork and struggled, he sighed, it looks like he just figured that out too. He stabbed the fork into the stake and I took out my knife with my free hand and tried cutting his stake. He gave me a confused look but then smiled, we actually managed to cut the stake. We laughed and he picked up the stake with the fork. ” Open wide,” He smiled, I blinked at him curiously. I opened and he put the stake in my mouth, a burst of flavours went into my mouth, it was amazing. He smiled, I felt happy and relieved just seeing Nathan smile. I fed him and he fed me, I felt people in the other tables staring at us, we looked like a couple. The only question was, do I love Nathan? After that fantastic lunch, Nathan managed to pay the meal and we walked towards the bank to get more money. Then we would head to the grocery store hopefully to find something that can break handcuffs. We held hands and people gave a small glance and a curious look why we were handcuffed, I kept my head down. We wandered around and waited at the line up for the ATM machine, then a familiar voice appeared behind us. ” Kim?!” a surprised but soft voice appeared behind me, I turned around and my eyes widened. ” Daniel?!” I yelled, people in the other lane probably heard, Nathan turned his head and he pursed his lips. Daniel scanned at me then at Nathan then at the handcuffs, he couldn’t help but laugh. ” Shut up,” Nathan whispered, ” this wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t have to put such dangerous traps outside,” ” Well I didn’t want you to escape, wait why did you guys get out of the house anyways,” Daniel spoke curiously. ” Eh…” I began, Nathan sighed. ” Long story short, don’t leave Kim alone in the kitchen,” Nathan sighed. ” Did she burn the house down?!” Daniel’s eyes widened. ” More like drowned,” Nathan chuckled. I felt like a huge rock of embarrassment was on my head and bringing me down to the ground. Daniel sighed, thinking what he should do now. At that instant a loud scream had echoed through the entire bacnk along with large gunshot, and more people started to scream, a chill went down my spine, another gunshot was fired. ” EVERYBODY GET DOWN NOW!” a cold voice yelled across the store entrance. I looked around Nathan and Daniel had a furious look on them, what was going on? Nathan pulled me in closer and held me tight, I looked at Daniel who was rolling up his sleeves. Is this a bank robbery?! Tbc
3 Oct 2017 | 10:34
It is a bank robbery Miss coolval 2017 check it out
3 Oct 2017 | 11:44
Hope it won't be a serious fight
3 Oct 2017 | 13:01
You guys make sure u don't get killed
3 Oct 2017 | 13:05
Yes!!, it is...
3 Oct 2017 | 13:45
Pls noting should happen 2 Kim and Nathan
3 Oct 2017 | 16:34
3 Oct 2017 | 17:34
Ride on..
4 Oct 2017 | 02:50
4 Oct 2017 | 03:03
U guys should better watch out
4 Oct 2017 | 10:15
More Complicated
4 Oct 2017 | 16:35
4 Oct 2017 | 20:07
Episode 8. The words, I love you; repeated through my mind over and over. Then it was replaced with Nathans face as he said it. I began to blush, Nathan stood there waiting for my response. It was silent and to be honest this was the longest response I had ever done. I couldn’t find the right words to describe this feeling. ” Do you love me back?” Nathan finally asked to end the silence. I twitched at his question. Love was such a strong meaningful word. I couldn’t understand what I was feeling. The word, Love was hard for me to comprehend. In my imagination I could feel the scar on my chest burning over this word; Love. My heart was pumping fast, Nathan was waiting for my answer. Half of me was unsure and the other half was telling me yes, and a bit of me was telling me no don’t trust him. I bit my lip, what will happen if my dad agreed to the deal? Or worse, if he didn’t I would be disposed of, would Nathan really try to disobey his father for me? ” I… I… Don’t know…” I paused. Looking at Nathans reaction, he was calm; surprisingly. ” Then, I will wait for you, until you find your answer,” He smiled, getting up and kissed me on the forehead. I blushed, as he brushed passed me and exited out of the room. I blinked at what just happened. Remembering the time, when I was dating Blair, he would ask a Yes or No answer, when he would ask that question. As for Nathan he said he would wait… What do I do now? I stayed in the room for a fifteen minutes trying to think and clear my head. I opened the door and waiting on the side was Cole, he leaned on the side of the wall with his arms crossed, and closed eyes. How long has he been waiting? I closed the door shut making a loud creak. Cole jumped up, his face brightened when he looked at me then it turned into a worried face. I felt a small guilt, I shouldn’t have left him like that. ” Cole…” I began. ” I’m Sorry,” We both shouted at the same time. I blinked at him, and he blinked at me in a curious face. ” Wait,why are you sorry?” Cole asked, ” I felt guilty for leaving you like that,” I began, ” That’s why, I’m sorry,”. I looked at him, he had a disappointment look on his face. ” I’m sorry, for coming onto you like that,” Cole said in a quiet tone. He had a compassionate feeling in his eyes, the guilt was eating him alive. I walked up to him, and flicked his forehead. ” Idiot,” I said, he gave me a confused look, ” Lets just stay friends, ‘Kay?” I smiled, Cole gave a slight nod. ” Just so we are clear,” He gave a serious look, ” I like you, but if you wanna be friends that’s fine with me, just remember I am here for you if anything goes wrong,”. I blinked a few times, Cole looked at really serious. ” Thanks,” I said, that was the only word that can come out. I looked at Cole, it looked like that sentence took a lot out of him. I walked into my room to check if the old hag Aunt Marie, had moved out of my room. Luckily, she did, I felt like I should give Nathan the space in his room… Or was it that I was scared what will happen if I sleep with Nathan? I sighed and laid on my bed, then dozed off to sleep. A knock came at my door the next morning. I stretched over to look at the time, it was 11:30 am. I blinked, I must have overslept. I staggered to the doorway, trying to get my vision back to normal. Guessing, it was probably Cole as always. I opened the door. ” Yo~” a soft voice walked in, It was Daniel. I blinked, for some reason I felt awkward because of the different opinion I got on him from Nathan. He wore a regular suit top with baggy jeans, and his hair was all messed up. ” Daniel…?” I blinked still half awake, “Usually it was Cole who would greet me in the morning”. ” Well,” He began to run his head thinking of the right words, ” they kinda went on a camping trip for a few days, and since I’m not a forest environmental friendly person, I was asked to stay here and watch over you,” He sighed. “So what do want to do today?”. ” I… Don’t know…” I yawned, Daniel looked at me curiously. ” ‘Kay, whatever, I’m going to go get some groceries so stay here, I put traps at the entrances and windows if you attempt escape,” he sighed and closed my door, I completely forgot I was still a hostage, it was hard for me to think of escaping now. I felt in a depressed mood today, Was I missing Nathan? Or what Cole said bugged me? Or was it because everyone left and I was stuck with Daniel for a few days? I stared at the ceiling for a while. Maybe I could get some answers on Lucy by myself, if I searched Nathans room. I walked out of my room, and searched if Daniel put any traps in front of my door, luckily he didn’t, at least he had the common curtsey to let me roam free around the house. I turned in front of Nathans room and turned the knob, locked. I sighed, looks like I’m not going to get any answers. I was dead bored now, my stomach growled of hunger. I slid down the railing and entered the kitchen, the kitchen was cleaner than usual. I opened the fridge and it was full of ingredients you can use to cook, except I didn’t know how to. I took out a loaf of bread, and searched for the toaster around the room, did they take the toaster with them? How would you use a toaster in the middle of a forest. I chuckled, hoping maybe they found out that there was no outlet there. I ate the toast raw and headed out the door when suddenly, a huge boom struck my senses. I immediately jumped to the side of the wall and glanced at the entrance, there was a figure at the door, but it didn’t look like Daniel, who knows how far this house is to town, he couldn’t be back so soon. Was it an intruder? I flinched, usually when an intruder comes to your house they have a horny desire, I got into my fighting stance. The door unlocked and I charged heading for a kick, In that instant it was blocked. ” What? Are you trying to kill me?” A cold familiar voice barked. I lowed my foot, it was Nathan. ” Nathan? What are you doing back here?” I scanned behind him, there were arrows stabbed onto the ground and some shattered ones beside them. Did Daniel had to go that far just to make sure I don’t escape? ” I’m wasn’t in the mood to go camping,” He sighed, ” more like, I never wanted to,”. Judging from his mood he was forced too. He smiled at me, ” Also, I wanted to be with you,” he chuckled. ” Then how did you get back here?” I asked, changing the subject. ” Easy, as soon as I got out the car, I stole the motorcycle and drove back here. My eyes widened, he actually ran away. He walked in and headed upstairs. ” Think you can make me some lunch, I’m starving,” He ordered, not turning back. What am I a servant? Last time I checked I was a hostage. I sighed and went back in the kitchen, cooking can’t be that hard… can it? I scanned the cupboards, I found a bag of rice and some ground beef. I remembered watching my cousin Tori cook rice before, it was easy all you need was water and the rice cooker does all the work. I scanned the room for a rice cooker they had this fancy technology one. I opened it up, there was a tin can that I can used and I dumped at least half of the bag of rice into it, filling it up to the top. Then I poured water into it filling it up, some of the rice fell onto the ground, making small tapping noises. I struggled to place the heavy tin of rice into the machine, and closed it. I blinked all the settings were weird and difficult to understand, I started to press random buttons and after five or six buttons it said cooking rice. I smiled, that wasn’t too difficult. I pulled out a pan and placed some oil onto it, and turned the oven at High, the oil sizzled and splashed everywhere, I’m guessing that means its ready for the meat? I threw the meat in and more oil splashed stinging my arm, I took a large cover and covered it to let is sizzle on its own. I washed my hands and Nathan came downstairs with a basket of clothes. ” Yo, think you can wash these for me, these are the only clothes left around the house,” He ordered. I flinched, besides for me who can’t cook, I didn’t know how to do the laundry either. I looked at Nathan, he had his arrogant look on his face. ” Sure,” I sighed. I was getting to nice to Nathan. ” Thanks,” He smiled, and looked at the oven, ” The meat is burning,”. I rushed over, and opened the cover a gigantic pile of smoke popped out from the pan, and a foul smell of burnt meat filled the room, I coughed and opened the window. Nathan chuckled and left the room. He could at least help. I turned off the oven and pulled the meat to the side, it wasn’t so bad, it was just completely… charred. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn’t cook for now, or ever. I picked up the basket of Nathans clothes that were lying near the entrance of the kitchen and I searched for the laundry room. It took me fifteen minutes to find it, the only thing that pissed me off was that I searched the entire household only to find it right next to the kitchen. I separated the dark colours and whites and I dropped the dark colours into the washer first, I dumped in a whole bottle of bleach, softener and detergent . Bubbles foamed up, that was a good thing right? The water still ran, I put it for sixty minutes and headed upstairs, to my room. I opened the door and the first thing I saw was Nathan lying on my bed, napping. I shut the door hard making him jump off the bed and he tumbled onto the ground. He gave me a curious look, like I shouldn’t be in my room . ” What are you doing in MY room,” I emphasized. ” Our room,” he corrected, I blinked at him. ” I’m sure you already know that my room is lock,” he chuckled, ” and I left the key in my suitcase, which is with everyone at the camping site,”.I paused i already knew where this was going. ” I’m not sleeping with you,” I began, ” I know,” He smiled, ” So, I’ll sleep on the bed and you sleep in the bathtub,”. I flinched, there’s no way hes going to get what he wants. ” Nope, YOU bathtub, ME bed ,” I spoke slowly he can understand. He growled. I looked at the time it was about 2:56 pm, the rice should be done by now, right? I looked at Nathan. ” You hungry?” I asked, ” rice is ready, I think,”. ” Finally,” he growled still angry about where he was sleeping tonight, I chuckled and headed out the door. At the stairs I took a few steps and suddenly slipped, Nathan caught me on time and I hanged over the side, I looked on the steps, there was water everywhere, flowing like a new lake inside the house. My eyes widened and I looked at Nathan. ” What the Fuck,” He gave a curious look. There was suddenly a beep, and a loud boom. This doesn’t sound good. We rushed to the kitchen, well more like skidded with the water on the ground, the rice cooked opened and we say a canon sized rice ball fly out of the cooker and landed onto the ground making a huge thunk. ” Shit, its loaded,” Nathan swore as he backed up, grabbing my arm along. The rice cooker was shooting rice everywhere. And the water wasn’t stopping. ” WE gotta get out of here!” I said, ” Yeah, I think I noticed,” He said dragging me to the nearest exit, the back. ” Wait! There’s a trap!” I said, but it was too late and a trap had sprung. In a flash Nathan dragged me out of the way but, this time it wasn’t arrows, I looked around, where was the trap? There was a small closing sound and soon I felt a small metal clamp onto my wrist, I looked; Handcuffs?! I pulled try to get out of them, then I observed to see I was linked on to Nathan, this wasn’t my day, judging from Nathans expression he didn’t like it either. We ran to the front, I was dragged from behind trying to keep my balance. Nathan struggled with the handcuffs, he wanted them off. At the front, was a red motorcycle. ” I’m, not going on that death trap,” I immediately said. ” Would you rather stay in there and drown? Or get knocked out by those canon ball rice?” He asked, making it sound like it was all my fault… even though it was. He tossed me a helmet making me stumble to catch it, it was difficult to work with one hand while the other was chained to someone else. He got on and I sat behind him. ” Do I have to hold onto you,” I asked. ” No duh,” he smiled, ” Unless you rather get dragged by these idiotic cuffs,” he scoffed. I twitched. I gently held onto Nathan on the side. He turned on the engine, making him grab onto him harder. He chuckled, and drove out. ” Where exactly are we going,” I screamed over the engine, the rush from the wind was exciting but terrifying. ” Well we can’t go back to the mansion, so lets just go out to eat, then try to find a way to get these handcuffs off us,” he said, the words Go and Out ringed in my head, was this a date? I looked over the side, there was a forest that covered the mansion, and it zoomed by pretty fast, I closed my eyes trying to stay calm of the rush. ” Could you loosen up a bit,” He coughed, ” Unless you want both of us to crash,” he chuckled. ” Don’t joke around like that!” I screamed, he just laughed at my reaction. I felt a small guilt, for causing all this mess. ” I’m Sorr-” I began, but was interrupted by Nathans driving, he sped up the motorcycle faster to make me stop talking. I held on tighter. ” Don’t worry about it,” He said, I looked up, was he happy? I leaned my head onto his back and closed my eyes and felt the wind pass by my whole body, it felt like I was flying. ” We’re here,” Nathan replied, I let go of his chest. I yawned loudly, I must have fallen asleep during the ride, I looked around. It was a market place. As people walked by me and Nathan they stared for a while looking at us oddly. I gave a curious look, and Nathan randomly grabbed my hand and linked our fingers together. I gave him a questioning look. ” Its so that they don’t think we are idiots who got stuck in handcuffs,” He blushed, but wouldn’t this make it looked like two idiots who handcuffed themselves too each other so they can never be apart? I sighed. We walked down the street, it was crowded. It smelled like garbage but the perfume store we passed by cleared that, down the corner was a restaurant called Eden Paradise. It had playful colours of yellow, orange and red on the sides, the chairs and tables were decorative and sorted out evenly so the waiters can walk in and out, it looked like a five star restaurant that will cost a lot of money, sadly I don’t have that kind of money to spend. ” Lets go inside,” Nathan smiled, I looked at him curiously, doesn’t he know how much this meal will cost? He tried tugged us both in. ” This kind of place is expensive,” I complained. ” I know, but a pretty girl like you should be eating somewhere elegant, no?” He smiled, I blushed, why was he being so nice for? We took our seats. The waiter came to our table looking at us oddly, stupid handcuffs. He then turned to me and stared at me oddly, it made me feel uncomfortable. ” Yeah I would like a Coke and some steak with cake on the side” Nathan looked up, the waiter was still looking at me. ” What would you like ma’am” the waiter smiled ignoring Nathan. Nathan growled. ” Whatever my boyfriend is having,” I glared at the waiter making him smirk and walk off. ” Boyfriend?” Nathan asked with a brightened face, ” No, that was just so,” I said, thinking of an excuse, ” the waiter can stop staring at me oddly,”. I felt a little embarrassed and my heart was pumping fast, calling Nathan my boyfriend was to much for me. He chuckled, he saw right through the excuse, I sighed and turned my head so he doesn’t see my eyes. Nathan linked my handcuffed hand to his, I turned and gave him a confused look. ” Do you want to go shopping and try to find a shop to get rid of these handcuffs?” he smiled changing the subject. I nodded. A waitress came with our food and then it hit me, how are we going to eat steak with just one hand? Nathan picked him a fork and struggled, he sighed, it looks like he just figured that out too. He stabbed the fork into the stake and I took out my knife with my free hand and tried cutting his stake. He gave me a confused look but then smiled, we actually managed to cut the stake. We laughed and he picked up the stake with the fork. ” Open wide,” He smiled, I blinked at him curiously. I opened and he put the stake in my mouth, a burst of flavours went into my mouth, it was amazing. He smiled, I felt happy and relieved just seeing Nathan smile. I fed him and he fed me, I felt people in the other tables staring at us, we looked like a couple. The only question was, do I love Nathan? After that fantastic lunch, Nathan managed to pay the meal and we walked towards the bank to get more money. Then we would head to the grocery store hopefully to find something that can break handcuffs. We held hands and people gave a small glance and a curious look why we were handcuffed, I kept my head down. We wandered around and waited at the line up for the ATM machine, then a familiar voice appeared behind us. ” Kim?!” a surprised but soft voice appeared behind me, I turned around and my eyes widened. ” Daniel?!” I yelled, people in the other lane probably heard, Nathan turned his head and he pursed his lips. Daniel scanned at me then at Nathan then at the handcuffs, he couldn’t help but laugh. ” Shut up,” Nathan whispered, ” this wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t have to put such dangerous traps outside,” ” Well I didn’t want you to escape, wait why did you guys get out of the house anyways,” Daniel spoke curiously. ” Eh…” I began, Nathan sighed. ” Long story short, don’t leave Kim alone in the kitchen,” Nathan sighed. ” Did she burn the house down?!” Daniel’s eyes widened. ” More like drowned,” Nathan chuckled. I felt like a huge rock of embarrassment was on my head and bringing me down to the ground. Daniel sighed, thinking what he should do now. At that instant a loud scream had echoed through the entire bacnk along with large gunshot, and more people started to scream, a chill went down my spine, another gunshot was fired. ” EVERYBODY GET DOWN NOW!” a cold voice yelled across the store entrance. I looked around Nathan and Daniel had a furious look on them, what was going on? Nathan pulled me in closer and held me tight, I looked at Daniel who was rolling up his sleeves. Is this a bank robbery?! Tbc
5 Oct 2017 | 11:26
Same episode
5 Oct 2017 | 13:07
this the same episode na
5 Oct 2017 | 13:14
Same episode.
5 Oct 2017 | 13:41
why na sane epi
5 Oct 2017 | 13:51
5 Oct 2017 | 13:52
same episode
5 Oct 2017 | 15:12
5 Oct 2017 | 15:36
Hmmmm TSE
5 Oct 2017 | 15:37
5 Oct 2017 | 16:08
Same episode
5 Oct 2017 | 18:04
posted b4
5 Oct 2017 | 18:31
Episode Repeated
6 Oct 2017 | 05:06
Episode 9. A sudden rush came through my spine, I felt like I was going to die. I’ve seen enough bank robberies and most people don’t come out alive. I started to shake and Nathan held me tighter. ” Whats going on?” I whispered. Nathan and Daniel ignored me, they were whispering to each other, Daniel soon gave something to Nathan. I looked around aimlessly what was going on. People in the next lane were frightened. I couldn’t see what was going on, Nathan covered me trying to hide me away. I attempted peaking out of Nathans shoulder, there was a man in black with rigid black hair. Soon the pressure on my wrist loosened, What just happened ? Why is Nathan and Daniel so quiet? Is there someone that the man wants? ” Go,” Daniel whispered to Nathan, Nathan nodded. He jumped in front of the man in black and gave a kick for the head. That’s when I found out that I was not cuffed to Nathan anymore. I heard a gunshot, which sent shivers down my spine, my heart was beating fast, my mind was filled with Nathan, then Nathans body on the floor. I shook the thoughts away. I leaned over to take a glance but Daniel restrained me. ” Let go,” I whispered to Daniel, he ignored me. Another gunshot was fired , this time I felt my body in mid-air. I took another blink, we had moved swiftly, from the position we were standing there was a bullet mark on the ground, I flinched, was this man aiming at us? I still felt my body in mid air, Daniel was carrying me. I tried to look around where was Nathan? Fear ran over me, could he have been killed? ” Don’t worry about Nathan,” Daniel whispered, ” Knowing him he will probably running back to his lover,” He chuckled. I blushed, Lover? I manage to finally touch the ground, we were out of the bank and Daniel grabbed my hand and turned me around so he can carry me in a piggy back way. ” I can run on my own you know,” I said. ” Hah, knowing you and your clumsy self, I rather carry you,” Daniel chuckled. I scoffed at him knowing he was right. We heard gunshots in the background, which made me clench onto Daniel harder. He sped up to the parking lot. There was Nathan bleeding leaning on side of his motorcycle, he held his left arm, that was dripping out blood. ” Nathan!” I screamed jumping off a Daniel and started rushing towards him,he flinched when I touched his arm. ” Its nothing,” He smiled. Daniel scoffed. ” Yea right! We have to take you to a doctor!” I exclaimed. ” Did you dispose of the guy?” Daniel spoke in a cold voice, ignoring Nathans injury. ” No, he fleeted and took a shot before he ran,” Nathan growled. Daniel pursed his teeth. ” Lets get Kim back to safety before anymore trouble starts.” Daniel spoke looking for something. He clicked something in his pocket. A beeping noise rung and we walked towards it, in front of me was a Navy Porsche, my eyes widened. Daniel opened the door. ” Get in,” Daniel motioned with his head, he seemed serious. I looked back at Nathan, I wanted to ride with him. ” Your Prince Charming is wounded, if you ride with him both of you might end up in the hospital,” Daniel glared. I nodded and gave a small glare at Nathan, he gave me a ‘its going to be alright’ look. I sat in the front seat waiting for Daniel, I felt relieved that Nathan can still move around, but I was more depressed because our date ended so fast and I end up driving with Daniel. I sighed. Daniel got in the car and looked at me curiously. ” Seat belt,” He reminded, I blinked, I barely put on my seat belt, talk about safety much. I looked from behind and my face brightened, Nathan was on his red motorcycle he gave a small wave. Daniel put the car on drive and we started to drive off back to the mansion. Then it struck me… it was still flooding in there. I gave a small smirk and tried to imagine how Daniel would react. I would probably be flipped to my doom again. I stared aimlessly at the sky, watch the trees go by, then glanced from behind. Nathan was still behind us, I smiled. Then he suddenly turned to the next street, I gave a curious look. ” That idiot,” Daniel chuckled. I looked at him curiously, was I missing something? ” Nathan says to leave the washroom door open,” Daniel chuckled, as he pulled out an ear piece, had they been talking this entire time? I leaned onto the side and Daniel hummed onto a peaceful tune and I dozed off. ” Yo, Kim, wake up,” I felt a small tug on my hand, I opened my eyes. Daniel, stood on the side of the car, I looked at the sky, it was night time now. I yawned and walked out of the car, it was freezing. ” Here,” Daniel spoke as he took off his sweater and handed it to me. I smiled. ” Thanks,” I said putting it on. Daniel began opening the door and I stood a few feet back, he gave me a curious look. The door unlocked and Daniel opened the door, I closed my eyes, I didn’t here anything coming from Daniel, was he that shocked of the damage he couldn’t think of the right words to explain anything. ” You coming in?” Daniel said, I opened my eyes and peaked in… the place was clean. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, when Nathan and I left the whole place was flooded with water and rice. Where was it now? I looked around and stepped in. I tried pinching myself also, Daniel gave me a confused look. ” Its clean…” I said, in surprising tone. Daniel chuckled, was he hiding something? I sighed and went back upstairs. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling, my mind was filled with only Nathan, his words he had told me and how he will wait for me and how he protected me. Do I love him back? I closed my eyes and imagined Nathans charming face. Nathan… The sun beamed into my eyes making me wake up. I got up to the side and then I noticed something at the end of the bed. I crawled near the it. There was a lump under the blankets. I blinked and lifted the covers. Underneath was Cole?! He slept cutely in a baby position, and had practically an angel face as he slept. His hair was scattered around in a model way, he was shirtless with only boxers. He looked cute. Then it hit me, had he been sleeping on my bed the entire time?!, Cole couldn’t have! Did he?! I started freaking out. I gave a huge scream Cole suddenly woke up and he shifted over and fell onto the ground making a big crash. Soon their was a sudden thunk coming from my bathroom along with a groan. Cole looked up at me curiously. ” Yo~” Cole yawned. I blinked at him and then stared at the bed. ” I didn’t do anything to you,” Cole chuckled, ” my room was locked so I had to find somewhere to sleep,” He smiled. If I wasn’t a heavy sleeper I would have kicked him off. The bathroom door suddenly opened. I turned my head, it was Nathan. There was a small faucet imprint on his forehead, did he sleep on it? Or did he hit it with is head? He gave me a curious look. My heart was racing when I saw him, his usual jade green eyes were mysterious and he was shirtless, he wore black boxers that matched his disarranged hair that swayed in all directions. I couldn’t help but laugh about his forehead. ” Well, I wouldn’t have gotten this if I had to sleep in the bathroom,” Nathan complained. He looked cute. I smiled. Cole got up and Nathan gave a sharp look at him. ” Its not what you think,” I immediately said to Nathan, his face brightened a bit. I sighed, did Nathan get jealous because Cole slept with me last night? Cole yawned and started walking towards the door. He passed Nathan and it looked like they whispered something. Cole gave a slight nod. I gave a weird look at Nathan. He smiled at me. Whats going on? ” How is your arm Nathan?” I asked, he walked up closer. ” Its fine,” he chuckled, ” Since when did you care about my body, last time you tried to kill me by punching me in the gut,”. Making me remember when I kicked him in the gut. Back then he was such a jerk but now it is like he is a whole different person. ” Because,” I said trying to think of an excuse, sadly nothing was coming up, it was too early in the morning, ” I love you, and I don’t want you to be hurt” I finally said. Nathan chuckled. ” I love you too,” He leaned in closer and gave a small peck on my lip. I blinked a few times, did Nathan just kiss me? A sudden knock came to my door. Nathan immediately jumped back. ” Good morning Kim,” a deep voice said, I turned, it was Robert. ” You too Robert,” I smiled. Robert had a stern look on his face, it made me feel tense. Am I going to die? My heart was rushing in fear, I remember now, I am still a hostage here even if I do love Nathan. ” Your father, has replied to my threat, you will be going home on Sunday,” Robert repeated. I felt relieved but more depressed, I am going to be departing from Nathan, I didn’t want to go. I liked my life here, I gotten use to it. I glanced in the corner of my eye, Nathan was clenching his fist. Was he angry? I looked back at Robert, who was staring directly at me. ” Kim, why don’t you go downstairs and eat, I need to talk to Nathan alone,” He glared, in a serious tone. I gulped and looked at Nathan, he gave a worried look. I closed the door behind me, and leaned against the wall, trying to eavesdrop on what they were saying. ” What do you think you are doing Nathan?” Robert voice was stern and strict. ” Forget it Father, how about explaining those men that were after Kim yesterday?” Nathan snarled, ” Now now Son, those weren’t my assassins, they were his ,” Robert replied. Nathan pursed his lips. ” You really think that he would go that far in killing his own daughter just to end the deal,” Nathan growled trying to keep his cool. My eyes widened, could they be talking about what happened yesterday? That robber at the bank was an assassin trying to kill one of us? Daughter of his… they couldn’t be talking about my dad could they? Was my dad trying to kill me to just end the deal? Tears started forming, my own father trying to kill me? No, I couldn’t believe it, maybe Robert was just making up lies, but then… that would me he would be scamming my father and getting the money then killing me off… I couldn’t see Robert like that. I didn’t know who to trust, was he lying or was he telling the truth. I started sat down on the ground and trying to hold my tears, what will I do? ” Kim?” a voice called out, it startled me and I wiped away my tears. I looked to the side, Dylan was walking down the hall towards me. I immediately stood up, he was not the right person who I should be with. I started to walk away. ” Wait,” he called, ” I’m not going to do anything,”. I stopped and looked back, he didn’t look drunk but it was hard to trust him after what he had done. He walked up closer to me, and I took a few steps back, it felt like awkward. ” I came to apologize,” He said, stopping a few feet away from me, ” I’m sorry about the incident,” He whispered, he had a few bandages left on his face, and he wore a dark red shirt with baggy jeans, his hair was messy as usual and his eyes shined mysteriously. ” Its fine,” I said, unsure if I should really forgive him. ” No, I really mean it, I am sorry, I know how much Nathan means to you,” he replied looking straight at me in the eyes. How would he know? ” I don’t know why your crying but, here,” He said, he walked up closer pulling something out, it was a piece of paper. I flipped it over, it was a photo, of me and Nathan kissing… in the garden. ” How did you get this?” I said pointing at the picture. ” On that day, when I came back, Aunt Marie asked me to take a photo of the garden for her, I was about to when I saw you two running around in the garden, I got distracted and took a picture of you two instead,” he chuckled feeling a little guilt. I blinked, and shoved the picture in my pocket. ” So, are you exciting to see your cousins?” he said changing the subject. “Huh?” I said curiously, ” Your cousins in Chicago, Uncle Robert said that you are going away to Chicago to see your cousins this Sunday,” he said confused. So that’s the lie Robert made up. ” Oh yeah, I’m really excited,” I lied. He gave a depressed look. ” Alright,” He smiled changing his mood, ” Well see you at the party,”. ” Party?” I immediately said. He gave me a confused look. ” Yeah, didn’t Nathan tell you? Aunt Marie planned a going away party for you, its tomorrow though,” he said, my eyes widened. A going away party? I felt nervous, I would be in a room with a bunch of strangers; even worse, people that are friends with that bitch Aunt Marie. ” Oh right the party!” I lied, ” Its just to early in the morning, I guess,” I smiled. Dylan smiled back and went back downstairs. I sighed, ” Is there thing else I should know about?” I mumbled. ” Yeah, don’t go near the kitchen, ever” a voice called behind me. I turned around, it was Daniel. He wore a stripped t-shirt with baggy jeans. His hair was the usual mode look and he had a piece of toast in his mouth. ” Nathan, told you?” I asked, ” Yeah, wow who knew you can be so dull,” Daniel laughed. My bedroom door opened, Nathan came out with a cold worried look written all over his face, behind him was Robert, in his usual stern way. I immediately turned my head, I could feel the tears forming again. Robert gave a slight nod to Daniel and he nodded back. I gave a curious look. I felt something hit my stomach hard. I flinched. Nathan looked at my direction. ” Kim, whats wrong?” Nathan said, his expression changed. ” I’m fine,” I lied, the pain worsened. Why is this happening now? Could it be…that? ” Give me a second,” I blushed and dashed to the washroom and shut the door tight. ” Hey Kim? You alright,” Nathan called on the other side of the door. ” Mhm” I lied, I pulled down my pants and I found a red stain on the corner, great out of all the times it had to come now? I searched the cupboards to search for any pads. None what so ever. I began to flinch… I doubt Aunt Marie would give me one, besides it was hard to tell if she was really a female. I chuckled, I guess I should go ask her. I opened the door and put on a fake smile, inside my room stood Nathan and Daniel directly at the door with worried looks. ” You alright?” Nathan asked curiously. I gave an unsure nod. ” Is Aunt Marie around” I asked, Nathan gave me a curious look. ” Uh, no, she went out back to her house to pick up a few more things, she wont be back till tomorrow for the party,” Daniel shook his head. Great, what am I suppose to do now? There was silence soon afterwards. Nathan had a worried look on his face, was he that concerned for me? ” Well, I’m going to the grocery store, to get supplies for the party,” Daniel said, breaking the silence. ” Wait!” I said, grabbing his arm, Nathan looked at me oddly. ” C-Could you,” I stuttered, ” buymesomepads” I spoke fast hoping he understood it. He looked at me like I was some idiot. Nathan chuckled. ” What?” Daniel asked still confused. ” Could you buy me some pads,” I whispered slowly, feeling embarassed. ” What are those? What are they used for?” Daniel asked in a lost tone, was he that clueless? ” Um,” I said, trying to find the right words. If felt awkward to ask Daniel to buy me some pads, but it felt more awkward to explain what pads are used for, to a clueless guy. Nathan had a smile on his face, he tried to hold in his laughter, how generous. He nudged Daniel over and whispered in his ear. Daniels confused face grew to a smirk. I beamed red and looked away. ” Oh okay,” he chuckled. I waited till Daniel exited the room. Nathan soon burst ed out laughing. I gave him a sharp look. ” Its not funny!” I snarled, still feeling embarrassed. ” I know but its hard to restrain myself,” Nathan chuckled, I began to blush. ” You don’t have to answer, but how is it,” his tone was quiet, he was embarrassed to ask. ” I-Its fine for now,” I chuckled it felt awkward. ” Can I show you something?” Nathan asked. I nodded curiously. He smiled in delight, he looked like an angel. He motioned me to follow him and he peeked out the door, checking if there was anyone around. He then dashed left, and I rushed behind him, we were running around the house, I didn’t have time to see where I was also it was difficult to see where I was going, I only followed Nathan. My heart was pounding hard, was he going to kiss me again? Or was he going to kill me? Tears formed in the corner of my eye, thinking what will happen if Nathan tried to kill me right here. I shook away the thought, Nathan wouldn’t try to kill me right? I wanted to agree with myself but I had a cold sharp feeling that he would. Trust was a hard word to encounter with people sometimes, could I really trust Nathan? We travelled down a couple of stairs and it gotten colder, he made a sharp turn to the right making me stumble. We finally stopped in front of a wooden door. It was dusty and it looked like it hasn’t been used in for a while ” Your the first girl, I ever brought here,” He whispered in a soft voice, he had a compassionate look on his face hidden with disappointment. My heart flew up in excitement, forgetting everything about him being a kidnapper and possibly a murderer. He nudged the door in an awkward way and then it suddenly opened, it was pitch black, and Nathan walked in. Normally, people don’t walk in a dark room with a guy unless you trust them, should I trust Nathan? ” you coming?” Nathan called inside the room it was difficult to see where he was. ” Y-yeah” I stuttered. I tried to shake away the dark frightening thoughts that ran through my mind, like Nathan waiting on the side with a base ball bat waiting to end my misery, or possibly a knife or a gun. I took in a deep breath and stepped in. A sharp pain hit my eyes immediately as I stepped in. ” Sorry,” To be continue! please forgive me by repeating the same episode... Happy new week!!
9 Oct 2017 | 03:23
Itz ok, you are a human u do make mistake sometimes so we just have to accept them
9 Oct 2017 | 13:41
Apology accepted... Let Ride On
9 Oct 2017 | 13:54
your dad plotting to kill you? that's hard to believe
9 Oct 2017 | 14:34
9 Oct 2017 | 16:33
Apology accepted
9 Oct 2017 | 16:58
Waitin 4 u
9 Oct 2017 | 19:07
Episode 10. ” Sorry” Nathan whispered in my ear. I instantly ducked down for cover, hoping I would be able to dodge a fired bullet. I awaited the pain that Nathan was going to spring at me. Inside of me, I wanted all this drama to end. The kidnapping, the blackmail, my father that trying to kill me, and even Nathan; whom I love. The other me didn’t want to get killed. A bashful of colours swayed under my eyelids – something you would usually get when light shines near your eyes. Was I already in heaven ? I opened my eyes, Nathans face appeared in front of me. I stumbled backwards. Nathan looked shocked. I examined him and what he was holding. What I had expected was either a gun or a knife or some sort of murder weapon. Instead, in his hands was a bouquet of red roses. I scanned what room I was in this time. The room was rounded like the other secret rooms I had been in. However, this was more larger. The ceiling was a blocked glass roof, with little light showing. The light shined in the middle; where Nathan was standing. He looked like an angel. Surrounding him was a garden. He gave me a concerned look. ” Kim? Whats wrong? You look pale,” his voice began to softened. His face dropped into depression. Knowing why I had ducked. ” You heard about the unpleasant news, this morning, didn’t you?” ” About the party? Of course I did! However I don’t find parties unpleasant,” I lied, giving a fake laugh. His face turned serious. ” Stop lying!” He yelled. ” I know that your hurting inside, Kim! As a bastard my father may be, he won’t send me to kill you!” He turned his face to the side. “Kim, you and I both know that your father is trying to kill you ” his voice softened. ” You should stay here.” I clenched my fist as my uncontrolled emotions took over.” Stop acting like you know everything! You jerk! You don’t understand how I feel!” I screamed. I started bursting into tears. I raised my hand at the jerk who I loved, but he already grabbed my hands before I could swing. The roses he held scattered around the floor. I struggled to break free. But my body felt weak. Tears kept forming and trickled down my face. I looked at the ground. Nathan pulled me in closer to his chest and hugged me tightly. The tears that I created were dropping onto his shirt. I couldn’t believe that I am crying in front of Nathan. It felt awkward but why is he doing this? What does he know about my father? I wrapped my arms around him, and more tears freely scattered out of my eyes. ” It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispered, his voice was soft. But in an bothered way. Was he thinking of something unpleasant? ” I’ll always protect you Kim,” He whispered as he tightened his grip. ” Don’t ever think that I will try and kill you.”… Should I really believe him? I looked at the ground where the roses where scattered. The petals were all scattered. There laid a small pink card on the ground. My eyes widened, as I tried focusing on the card. Nathan looked at my direction and let go of me. He bent down and tried picking up the remaining roses. Along with the card. At that moment he walked towards me, smiling in his usual cute way. He attempted to bunch up the roses in a formal way. I giggled as he struggled. He gave me a funny pout look. He handed me 12 roses. I touched the one that stood out the most – it was a fake rose. The card was stuffed at the top as it read: Happy Belated Birthday Kim I will always love you until the last rose dies. Nathan. My eyes widened, as I reread the card over and over. I looked at Nathan, he stood there nervous waiting for my reply. ” Nathan… this is.” Tears of happiness began forming around my eyes. ” The most sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” Nathan smiled and placed his hand on my face, wiping the small tears that ran off my face. He leaned in closer and I felt his warm lips touching mine. We stood there for a few minutes and soon he stepped back. ” Kim, I know we have been faking as girlfriend and boyfriend.” He began. “But, I don’t want to fake it anymore, I love you to much Kim. If all this nonsense ends.” He paused, trying to find the right words. ” Would you be my girlfriend?” Nathan stood still waiting for my answer. All these emotions were mixing in my mind, the only word that popped in my mind was… ” Yes,” I smiled. His face brightened and hugged me. With his usual warmth he clamed me down. A sudden knock on the door startled me. I turned and there stood Daniel, who was leaning on the side of the door another model pose. ” Yo, just came to drop this off,” Daniel chuckled as he slid a box towards us. I scanned the box, it was a box of tampons. My eyes widened. ” Tampons…” I whispered. Nathan chuckled. ” No good? ” Daniel said curiously ” No no they are fine,” I lied, I never used those in my life. ” Then here,” Daniel sighed already knowing I was lying. He pulled something out of his pocket “Aunt Marie gave me this when I came home with that box,”. He thew a small packet at me. Aunt marie my hero, who I never thought could be so generous, to give me a pad. “Thanks.” I whispered as I shoved the pad in my pocket. Daniel chuckled and left the room, leaving me and Nathan alone again. I looked at his face, he was trying to hold in his laughter. I aimed to flick his forehead. Instead he had caught my arm and pulled me closer, making our lips touch. I noticed Nathan flinched – like he had remembered unpleasant again. He immediately pulled back. ” Whats wrong?” I whispered. Touching his hand, he was trembling. ” Nathan?” I grabbed onto his hand trying to ease the trembling, but it had gotten worse. ” I-I’m fine,” He whispered as he pulled his hands away. ” I just had a small unpleasant flashback that I shouldn’t have seen,” his voice lowered. ” Do you want to talk about it?” I asked quietly. ” No,” he turned his back towards me. The way he acted reminded of myself when I was depressed. I had a small feeling that he was thinking about someone who he had lost. I wanted to relate to him. ” My grandma died on my eighth birthday,” I randomly began. He turned with a curious look. ” I still remember it now. When I was about to blow the candles on my birthday cake. A phone call rang, it said that my grandmother – who was heading to my birthday party – had died in a car accident on her way over. It was a drunken driver who was knocked unconscious and she just happened to be there at the wrong time as the car flipped. She died instantly,” my voice softened as I said those last three words. I held in the tears that were forming. He turned around. Nathans face was shocked but depressing. He sat down on the grass cross legged. I sat beside him. ” Why must you be so persistent and caring at the same time,” he sighed. I smiled. Was he finally opening up to me? ” Well what happened? Did you kill someone?” I joked, but Nathan stood silent. It was quiet. ” Nathan, did you kill someone?” I asked now anxious, hoping the answer was no. ” I don’t know how to answer that,” He replied quietly. My eyes widened. ” Do, you want to explain?” I persisted. He clenched his fist. ” No because your opinion will change on me. You will think of me as a murderer and not the Nathan you love,” His voice was saddened. He flinched as if he thought of my responses already. ” Nathan, if you had this secret hidden already and you lived through that,” I paused trying to think of the words. ” Regret. I will still love you, my opinion will never change no matter what,” I said softly. I replayed the words in my mind again, it sounded corny. Nathan looked straight at my eyes. His green jaded eyes were empty and sad, than before where it shone beautifully. His face was still unsure. ” Please Nathan. And this time tell me the actually story,” I begged, remembering the garden moment. He sighed. I finally broke him down. I sat still waiting for the story. Deep down I was scared. In my mind I questioned myself. ” He is about to tell me that he had killed someone and I was just going to sit back and listen? Yeah that was about it.” I felt like an idiot. ” I was about ten. That time my mom was still alive and that demon didn’t come to our lives.” He paused hoping to know what he meant by demon. I nodded, already aware he was referring to Daniel. ” My parents fought daily. During those times Cole and I would hide in this room, it was the only place where their voices wouldn’t reach. This was our secret place.” He stopped awaiting my question. ” What were your parents fighting about,” I asked. I am too predictable. “My father was a pimp practically. My mom always knew from the start when he come home late smelling like alcohol everyday. She always questioned herself if she married the same old person from the start. She would keep it bottled up, this regret.” He paused. “One day he came home late with the police. Apparently he was so drunk that he tried raping two high school girls. My mom was furious, that night she was screaming and crying for hours. Cole didn’t want to hear it anymore so I took him to the secret room. I left him there alone as I went to go and check out on what was going on.” He flinched. The unpleasant part was next. ” My mom had kept it a secret for many years about my father being in the drug dealing business. In that fight, she warned my father that she would tell the police. That made my father feel threatened. At that moment my dad took out a gun and pointed it at my mom. He threatened her that he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her if she told. My mom stayed silent after that,” he stopped. “How does this relate to you?” I whispered, still anxious to know what happened next. ” My father sent people to watch her movements twenty-four seven. She was like a manikin and he was controlling the strings. She kept this all a secret and so did I. If I had made a move then I would be not only putting myself but Cole in danger. Then one day, my father called me into his office and handed me a gun. He wanted me to do the dirty work without getting his hand dirty,” He flinched. My eyes widened. My body felt tense, if he followed the order to kill his own mother than he would be able to follow the order to kill me. ” So you just did what he asked you to?!” I said shocked. ” No,” He whispered. I felt relieved.” That very night I called my mom to this room, the guards didn’t follow because they thought I was going to kill her. At that moment was my chance. I confessed that I knew everything, and that I was ordered to kill her, I showed her the gun to prove it. The first thing that my mom did, was walk up to me and held my hands to stop me from trembling.” My eyes widened. I had repeated the same action as his mother, instead of making him feel better I had made it worse. ” She formed my hands around the gun and knelt down to my height with the gun – that was pointing at her chest.” His voice croaked. He began again while resisting the tears that formed around his eyes. “She told me not to carry a regret, and that she is sorry for everything that has happened. However, sorry didn’t mean anything in that case. She pulled the trigger with my own little hands and immediately she was on the ground. Her blood was everywhere…she was…” He stopped, his voice trembled. I hugged him tightly. ” Nathan.” I whispered. At the moment I started to cry. He embraced me tightly as if we were sharing the same pain. ” It wasn’t your fault,” I cried. ” Yes it was! If I hadn’t confessed. If I hadn’t taken the gun from my father. If I hadn’t shown her the gun, none of that.. none of that would have happened,” He whispered, his voice was in pain. ” Nathan, your mother’s dying wish was for you not to regret that incident. You had carried this regret like your mother. Who carried the regret about your father. Nathan if your going to carry this regret for your whole life, please share it with me. I can’t forgive myself if your in pain and I can’t do anything to help,” I whispered. He tightened his grip. ” I want to be with you Nathan, I love you no matter what.” Nathan pulled me in closer giving me a kiss on the forehead. He gently pulled me back where I saw his jade green eyes again, they were empty with sadness but this time with a little hope. He pulled me in closer and our warm lips touched once again. The next morning I woke up to Nathans usual angel face smile. Waking up to Nathans smile had never been so great. He looked like he recovered from what happened last night. I was happy to see that Nathan was slowly opening up to me. He gentle touched my face and gave me a small peck on my forehead. I blushed. As always a knock came at the door interrupting the moment. ” Hey Nathan. We have to prepare for the party, so get your lazy ass off the bed and come and help. Oh, and hi Kim.” A usual voice echoed on the other side of the door – it was Cole. Nathan chuckled. He threw the blanket towards me as he got off the bed. I laughed as I threw a pillow at him. It was a direct hit, at his angel like face, I couldn’t help but laugh. Nathan sighed. “This is going to take me a while before I could get this mess.” He complained. As he pointed at the disarranged mess on his head. He began shuffling through his closet and only found a navy blue shirt to cover his shirtless self. I walked out the door, and as usual Cole laid on the side of the wall waiting for us. He smiled as he saw my face. Then he started laughing at my hair – that happened to be sticking out in different directions. ” Hope you can untangle those before the party. Otherwise you will be the ‘eye popping’ person in the whole room,” He chuckled making a face like someone had just poked him in the eye. ” Ha – ha.” I said unamused. ” At least its better than Nathans.” I mumbled. As I tried untangling my hair with my fingers. ” Yeah right,” a voice cuddled behind me – Nathan. ” With your hair still chaotic, you still look beautiful to me.” He whispered in alluring tone behind me ear. He turned my head so he could give me a kiss on the lips. In the corner of my eye, I saw Cole look the other direction. Was he still angry? ” Save it for the party you love-birds.” Daniels voice echoed down the hall. Nathan and I immediately broke away. I tried ignoring the jealous vibe that was coming from Cole. Daniel reached up to us and laughed. ” Better get ready before Aunt Marie screams at you and your monstrous hairdo’s” Daniel chuckled. He took a small glance at me. ” Oh yeah Kim. You, me and Auntie Marie are going to go shopping for your dress and crap,” He smiled. Great I’m going shopping with the wicked witch of the west and her little sidekick – Boy who flips girls to their doom. Cole and Nathan chuckled as if they knew what I was thinking. I held my laughter in, only leaving a huge smile on my face. Daniel looked unamused. ” You need protection Kim. Don’t you remember what happened at the bank?” Daniels voice was serious. Nathan flinched. ” That was one time!” I complained. ” And it could have been your last time if you hadn’t gone out on your little date,” He glared at Nathan. Nathan growled. ” If you hadn’t put those traps up then we would have not gotten in so much trouble,” I defended. ” You mean, If you had of taken cooking lessons from your mom like any regular girl. You wouldn’t have made such a mess in the house.” Daniel corrected. I growled. ” Wait.” Cole eyes widened. ” That monstrosity mess I had to clean, was YOUR FAULT ?!” Cole complained. I gave him a weird look. ” Nathan told me Poe did it!” Cole barked. He immediately turned at Nathan – who was laughing like a mad man. ” You actually believe that a cat – a creature without thumbs or fingers for the matter – could put rice into a machine and turn the machine on, by pressing random buttons?” Nathan laughed. I laughed along. That is exactly what I had done. ” Why can’t Nathan come then?” I said changing back to the argument. ” Because, knowing him he would sacrifice his life just to save you.” Daniel glared, ” You need protection, not a sacrifice. End of story, so get ready princess.” Daniel pulled me towards my old room, he gave Nathan a sharp look and nodded. Nathans face turned angry. Was there more to this story than what Daniel had told me? -[ At the mall with the wicked witch Aunt Marie] The few things I didn’t expect was that Aunt Marie didn’t have any fashion sense. Also I didn’t think she knew how to shop. Apparently I was wrong. We stopped at a small boutique that sold formal dresses. For a few hours I have been zooming in and out trying on dresses. For once I was actually bonding with Aunt Marie. As for Daniel he got tried of watching me zoom in and out of the change room and soon dozed off on the side bench. After some time, I picked out this strapless length purple dress. It was layered in different shades. Flowers were at the top of the dress that bunched up in a cute but formal way. It was about knee length with some satin fabric. After we had bought a strapped pair of black high heels that were very uncomfortable. I struggled to keep my balanced. Aunt Marie laughed at my pain, so much for bonding. I ditched Aunt Marie a few minutes later after I had bought all my stuff. I found Daniel sleeping on the bench like it was his bed. What had caught my attention was that there was a drawn moustache on his face. I laughed. Daniel immediately woke up as I walked closer to him. ” Yo,” he yawned. ” Are you guys done?” I shook my head, I couldn’t say anything, my eyes were locked on the moustache. ” What?” He questioned. I started laughing. ” Is there something on my face?” He asked, placing his hands on his face trying to find it. It made me laugh more. ” N-n-n- o” I stuttered, trying to hold in the laughter. Behind me Aunt Marie came back. ” Daniel! Why the hell do you have a moustache on your face!” Aunt Marie shouted. In the corner of my eye I saw a few people at the area turned there faces then turn back laughing. ” What?!” he exclaimed. He covered his mouth with his hand and immediately glared at me. I chuckled. ” Why don’t you two find a washroom or fountain where you can wash that nonsense off while I go into that little shop over there,” Aunt Marie suggested and already escaped to the shop before we could say anything. Daniel grabbed my hand and was already dragging me to the nearest fountain. He still had his hand covering his mouth, the people we passed stared curiously. I looked down embarrassed. ” Why are you so embarrassed about, your not the one with the playful french moustache,” Daniel complained already observing my action. ” You make it sound like I did it,” I argued. ” Well did you?!” Daniels voice got a little louder, he was pissed. ” No! When I found you sleeping you had that one your face! I swear!” I shouted back. ” Sure,” he said sarcastically. He didn’t believe me. He turned on the fountain and aimlessly tried wiping away the moustache. I stood back observing him fail. ” Is it gone?” He asked showing me his face up close. The black outline was gone but his whole face was red. I laughed. He sighed. ” Yup its gone,” I smiled. “So, you excited that your going back home?” He asked ignoring my laughter and washed his face again. “I guess,” I said in a disappointed way. I felt betrayed in my family. I didn’t fully believe my father was coming to save me. All this pressure started coming to my head. How was I going to live my life after this experience? How can I just leave Nathan? Will I ever see them again? My face dropped into depression. ” Hey don’t get all upset around me! Sob around your lover,” He chuckled but acted sincere. I pouted. ” I’m hungry can we get something to eat?” I exclaimed changing the subject. Daniel blinked and sighed. ” You make it sound like we are on a date,” He sighed. ” Well it’s your fault for dragging me to this place, I didn’t even want to dress up to a party with a bunch of strangers! I’d rather hide in my room till this is over,” I complained. Daniel laughed. ” Whats so funny?” I said curiously. ” Nothing, I just remembered the guest list in the party,” He chuckled. I felt confused. ” This makes it funny because..?” I trailed off. ” Because Lucy is coming to the party. If you hid in your room, she would have her little filthy hands on Nathan,” He laughed. I felt jealousy run up my veins. Daniel was teasing me on something that I didn’t know but something that had Nathan feel so closed. I acted like I didn’t know what he was talking about. ” Whose Lucy exactly?” I asked curiously acting like an idiot. Daniels face went awkward. ” Don’t try to squeeze your way in the story, Nathan will tell you when he’s ready,” Daniel chuckled. I sighed. So much for trying to hear Nathans life story again. – [ Back at home … and the party] I slipped on the high heels Aunt Marie had bought for me, I stumbled backwards. My hair swayed downward as someone caught me from behind.”Are you going to be okay in those?” Nathan whispered behind me. I nodded but I was unsure. I heard the doorbell ring and by that second I heard screaming and greetings. I felt nervous going down there. ” Can’t we just just stay up here,” I complained as I tried nosing my way out of this situation. Nathan chuckled. ” Sadly we can’t, if we try to escape Aunt Marie will hunt us down,” Nathan chuckled. ” Like that old hag can find us!” I lowered my voice. Footsteps were echoing outside the door. ” Nope but Daniel can,” Nathan sighed. Damm when I thought I could escape from this problem.I took a few steps attempting to keep my balance. I turned slowly at Nathans face. He chuckled. ” And what if I fall? I can’t even walk in these shoes!” I persisted giving the idea that we should still hide up here. ” Kim, you will be fine, I’ll hold onto you every step of the way,” He smiled. He walked closer and wrapped his hand around my head pulling me in to give a gentle kiss. He pulled me gently away and opened the door in a gentlemen like way. I blushed. We walked outside by the time I got to the stairs Nathan held me tighter. My stomach turned, I was dead nervous. What made it worse was that when I took my first step on the staircase Daniel had made a random comment. ” Ah! Its about time the beautiful lady got here. I can finally see you more clearly now that Nathan got his hands off you,” Daniel shouted at the bottom of the staircase. Nathan gave a cold look to Daniel. All eyes turned onto us. I closed my eyes hoping that didn’t just happen. Dammit Daniel why did you have to do that! As we walked down the stairs I heard mumbles and whispers pass by me. I felt like I was going to barf. ” Kim calm down, I’m right here,” Nathan whispered slowly. I nodded. I felt like I was on a slow motion cat walk, where everything was going too slow you get uncomfortable from everyone eyes. When we reached to the bottom of the staircase, Daniel and Cole were anxiously waiting for us on the side. I tried ignoring the staring coming from the other guest. ” Couldn’t keep my hands off her you say?” Nathan whispered to Daniel in a cold voice. Daniel gave a light chukle. “Just trying to help you get noticed in the party,” He smiled innocently. I mumbled under my voice calling him an ass. Cole chuckled and came up to me. ” Don’t mind him Kim, you won’t be seeing him much through the party.” Cole smiled. What was that suppose to mean? Soon a voice called towards us. I turned it was Peter he was in a dress shirt with a black tie with faded black jeans. He waved towards us – well towards Daniel. I smiled and waved back. Peter reached up to us and I saw his hair was all combed and perfect with his mysterious grey eyes popping from his face. He looked gorgeous. He gave a faint smile towards me and went closer to Daniel and whispered to him quietly. Daniel nodded and smiled. Peter’s face brightened up and gave a small peck on Daniels lips. I stood there clueless as my brain attempted to process what had just happened. “Don’t tell me that Daniel and Peter are together. Weren’t they cousins?” I thought to myself awkwardly. I turned to Nathan giving him a sharp look. He already knew what I was thinking. He ignored my stare and wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me closer to his chest. I felt sudden sharp glares staring at me. I pushed back from Nathan. ” Uh.. I’m hungry lets go eat already,” I whispered hoping to get out of the hallway full of glaring strangers. Nathan chuckled and we started walking. For every few steps random people had come up to Nathan and greet him. He looked like a celebrity and I was just his pet who strolled behind. Some were pretty rude and gave me dirty looks. The others would introduce themselves as I was part of the family. I liked them more. Nathan took me downstairs to a large spacious room. It reminded me of the gym I was in with Cole, except five times larger. Inside the room had long tables on the side, with food – Junk food. Around the other walls was Games that you can find in an movie arcade – such as DDR and Guitar hero and air hockey. I dash immediately to the DDR machine. I love DDR! ” Lets play!” I said excitedly. ” Alright, but I’m pro at this,” Nathan smirked. ” Just because your my girlfriend, doesn’t mean I will go easy on you,” ” Who said I needed the handicap,” I smiled. I threw off the torture high heels. I sighed in relief. After a few minutes and endless stomping. I had won ten rounds out of fifty. Nathan smirked at his winning victory. ” Well I guess if you look like a loser, you are one,” a random voice called in the background ” Shut up Nathan. Be nice to your girl,” I joked but then I noticed it wasn’t Nathan who hadn’t made that insult. I looked at Nathan, he was dead frozen in shock. Only one word came out of his mouth. ” Lucy,” He whispered. I instantly tuned to the direction he was facing. At the door was a human faced barbie. She had long dirty blonde hair and was practically beautiful in every way. She wore a pink tube dress that thigh length. Her eyes were misty green and stood out the most. Her beauty made me a bit jealous. She walked closer up to us. She walked a to close to Nathan, ignoring my existence. ” Nathan its been a while!” She smiled wrapping her arms around Nathans neck and placing her entire body onto Nathans chest. Nathan face dropped down. I can see Nathan trying to push her away but she was a little to clingy. I stood in the background looking helplessly. Lucy was seducing Nathan while I was in the background doing nothing… ” Yeah,” Nathans voice was shaking. He pushed Lucy away and walked behind me. Yes you finally got Medusa out of your hands. Nathans hands wrapped around my waist tugging me to his side. Lucy’s eyes was filled with jealousy. ” Lucy, meet Kim. My girlfriend,” Nathan glared recovering from the attack that Lucy gave him. She instantly gave dirty painful looks at me. I gave a slight smile. ” I see,” She walked up closer to me. I walked towards her also. It was like a western showdown. I could hear the music playing now. ” Well listen here you little prick, you should start ditching Nathan before it gets to deep,” Lucy smirked. ” You don’t want to see my ugly side,” she snarled. ” Really? Could have fooled me. Looks like you beat me to it,” I smiled. Around me I heard a crowd of people laugh as they listened to our conversation. Even Nathan was laughing. Lucy was pissed. Was that my doing? Good cause she deserved it. ” Just know what your doing,” Lucy smirked. ” There are somethings that you don’t know about Nathan but I do,” She smiled and walked off. Bitch. What did she mean by that? I turned towards Nathan who was shocked with my comfrontion with Lucy. I ignored what Lucy had said and smiled. ” Why don’t we just forget what had happened and lets go outside to the dance party?” I smiled. His face brightened and nodded. My heart was still pumping in panic still trying to process the fact that I stood up to Lucy. Outside in the garden was where the dance party was held. It had small lanterns hanging on the side and lots of people were scattered around the entire garden. How many people does Aunt Marie know? ” Wow,” I said, it was the only word that came out of my mouth. The place was beautiful. ” Yeah, it took me forever to do all this,” Nathan sighed. ” You mean, It took Cole forever to do this while ‘I’ was sitting on the side sleeping,” A voice mimicked from behind – Cole. Nathan growled. “So much for taking all the credit.” ” Cole!” I shouted giving him a hug, he blushed. ” Yeah… ” Cole trailed off turning his face to the side. Awkwardness. I let go and smiled. ” Yo Kim~” A voice shouted on my left side. I turned to the side and it was Dylan. He wore a black dress shirt with a loose tie hanging with faded baggy jeans. He rushed towards us and his face was pinkish. ” Oohh yeah Kimm~” his face was slurred. ” Could you fetch my coat in the coat room? Its going to get chilly later,” He smiled. ” She isn’t your maid Dylan,” Cole growled and Nathan agreed along with Cole. ” I know but I’m drunk right now,” Dylan complained. ” Besides don’t you need to give ‘that’ to Nathan?” Dylan hinted me about the picture he took. My eyes widened, I completely forgot about the picture. I wanted to show Nathan it. ” Oh right! One coat coming up,” I smiled. Nathan gave me a curious look. ” Don’t worry I won’t be long,” I smiled. I started speed walking towards the door, Lucy brushed right past me and gave me a small smirk. She started walking towards Nathan. I wanted to bitch slap her and warn her to stay away from him. But Nathan can take care of himself.. right? I walked towards the coat closet. I heard some muffling and shuffling on the other side. Maybe a couple? I random knocked. ” Sorry I just have to fetch a coat,” I said. I felt like an idiot. What if there wasn’t anyone in there? I would be talking to myself. I barged in and my eyes burned instantly. ” Uh… Hey Kim…” Daniel began. I blinked a few times trying to process what I had seen. In front of me was Daniel with an unbuttoned dress shirt – but still with pants, thank god – was on top of Peter who was too shirtless. Peter looked at me and looked at the other way embarrassed. ” Sorry if I bothered you.. two,” I stuttered and tried finding Dylan coat as quick as I can. I instantly grabbed the one Dylan would wear and ran out the door. I opened it again and they were still in the same position. ” You guys should find a more private room…” I chuckled and closed the door. The coat I held was Dylans – Thank god I didn’t have to go back in there. In the inside pocket was the same picture Dylan had given me. Did he go through my stuff just to find it… I shook away the thoughts of what he was doing with my clothes. I opened the folded picture and I smiled happily of the scene where me and Nathan first kissed. I held the picture to my heart. I felt uneasy, I thought of the words you told me when we were in that room. All of this nonsense ending… I hope that all this nonsense ends so we can be together. I walked back to the garden. The place was twice as crowded as it was before. I tried looking for Nathan but he was no where in sight. Cole was in the corner with three girls flirting around him, his face brightened as he saw me. He ran towards me ditching the three girls. They gave dirty looks at me. ” Hey Kim,” Cole smiled. ” Hey…” I said still looking at the girls. Cole turned to my angle and winked at the girls, they smiled and walked off. I sighed. ” Have you seen Nathan?” I asked curiously. Coles face turned depressed. ” Last time I saw him was near the fountain with Lucy,” Cole face turned to the side. My heart sank down a bit. ” Oh okay,” I smiled hiding my depression. I ran towards the garden and I saw Nathan and Lucy talking, Nathans face was frozen. I called him out and Lucy smirked. Lucy brushed beside me and walked away. I noticed her mumble something to Nathan, ” Do it.” I looked at Nathan his face was in depression and pissed. ” What was that all about?” I questioned ignoring the awkward vibe. ” Oh yeah Nathan look!” I showed him the picture Dylan had taken and smiled. His eyes widened then went into disappointment. ” Kim,” Nathan looked the other way, he clenched his fist. My heart was starting to shake unevenly. ” What is it Nathan?” I touched his hand but he slapped it away. My eyes widened I didn’t like where this was going. People started staring. ” Sorry,” Nathans voice was low. He took the picture out of my hands and held it in front of me. ” About what? Whats going on Nathan?” I whispered. ” SHUT UP! Kim, Its over,” Nathan shouted making everyone look. I saw his eyes that were forming tears. He ripped the picture in half. My heart felt like that piece of paper that was ripped into two. Tears started forming down my eyes as I watched the picture fall into the ground. I looked back at Nathan his eyes were in pain. He turned his back and ran away. I heard mumbles and whispers from behind, everyone was watching. I couldn’t believe my ears. I closed my eyes letting all the tears fall down. I felt a small tap going on to my head and a few more – Rain. I use to love the rain back then, so then people wouldn’t know I was crying. But in this situation everyone knew I was crying, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I wish this could all end, I’d rather be dead… To be continue!
10 Oct 2017 | 13:14
Hhmm what next
11 Oct 2017 | 04:17
Ok oh, we are waiting
11 Oct 2017 | 10:01
Oh my
11 Oct 2017 | 13:06
Hmm... Oh
11 Oct 2017 | 15:27
What happened ....why the break up
11 Oct 2017 | 16:03
Do you know the things you may achieve if you continue living?? So don't wish yourself death, dear Kim
11 Oct 2017 | 16:55
11 Oct 2017 | 17:42
11 Oct 2017 | 18:42
Oh no
12 Oct 2017 | 08:13
Episode 11. I stared at the ripped up picture that was getting wet by the rain. My body felt heavy, cold and empty. Little by little, people started rushing inside and I was left alone. I crouched down onto the side of the fountain and sobbed. ” What did I tell you about crying over someone who won’t cry over you,” A soft voice appeared in front of me. I looked up. It was Cole. ” I heard what happened,” He whispered. He held an umbrella over me. What stood out the most from his angel face self was that he had a small bruise on his left cheek. ” W-what happened?!” I exclaimed. His face turned down. ” Nathan past by me and my fist acted by itself,” he chuckled. I thought to myself of a translation to that sentence, “I beat up Nathan for you.” My eyes widened. I attempted wiping the tears away to give a smile, but more came instead. Coles face became passionate and he held out his arms for me to jump in. I took it. The warmth of Coles hands filled my emptiness. The flashing memory of when he made that promise came into my mind. How he promised he will always be there for me. I had thought that was a stupid pick up line that guys use but when I looked into Coles eyes now. He wasn’t joking. I leaned in closer to Cole and gave him a small peck on the lips. I wanted to show him at least a small gratitude. He blushed and let go. “L-Lets go inside now,” he stuttered helplessly. I nodded. My throat was dry from all the crying. I turned back and look at the picture, I felt the need to pick it up before it got ruined. However what was the point of keeping a broken memory now… I changed into some more dryer clothes and went into my room. I didn’t want to see Nathan or talk to him nor be in the same room as him. I threw Aunts Marie’s things out the door and laid in bed. Peoples voices still echoed downstairs. I put a pillow against my head trying to block out all sound. Tears still rolled down my face. The small flashing memories kept zooming into my head of all the times I spent with Nathan. I wished for these painful memories to fade. More tears swept across my face creating a small damp spot on the pillow I laid on. I just wanted to go home, to see my friends and family. I tried thinking of Jake whom I had feared to think of. My heart soon sank down more as I thought of questions that I would never have thought of: Does he still care about me? Did he ever think of searching me when I was kidnapped? Has he already moved on? – ( The exchanged day ) – ” Alright Cole and I will be in that car and you and Nathan will drive in that car,” Daniel pointed at the 2 black vans standing in front of me. I replayed what Daniel had said and recalled Nathan and I being in the same car. What an awkward trip this will be. Nathan gave a small growl and walked towards the drivers seat. “Get in,” Nathan hissed. He was his closed cold selfish jerk again. I glanced at Cole at the corner of my eye. He looked pissed and worried. I gave him a small smile and went in the car. I tried to make less eye contact on Nathan and stared outside the window at the empty blue sky. Today is the day everything can get back to normal. I could forget all about the kidnapping, the blackmail and Nathan. Finally I could return back to my regular self with Jake. Nathan jabbed the keys into the engine like a madman. Some way to treat a car. ” Seat belt,” He whispered. I ignored him. Since when does he care? He didn’t repeat himself and started following the car Daniel and Cole were in. It felt like hours of silence but it was only five minutes. We drove into a forest pathway. ” Kim,” Nathan whispered quietly. My body felt tense and heavy, I didn’t want to talk to him. ” Listen I’m sorry, about last night. I still love you” Nathan said still looking at the roads. “What does that even matter, it wasn’t like it was going to work out or anything.” I rolled my eyes. The words were chocking in my mouth. “Kim, I didn’t break up with you because I saw Lucy. Its what Lucy had said,” Nathan clenched. “Lucy had said?” I said now curious. My heart had lifted a bit. My guess is that Nathan didn’t break up with me because of Lucy but she had blackmailed him. What was so important that he would give up love for it? Did he even really love me in the first place? Nathan stayed silent. ” What was so important that you would give up me for it?” I finally asked. Nathan stayed quiet still. I sighed and looked onto the side of the road. ” Deer,” I said looking at the deer that was attempting to cross the road. Nathan was looking at me in a confused face. ” Kim, we are not a couple you don’t have permission to-” ” NO! I MEAN DEER! LOOK OUT!” I interrupted pointing at the road. Nathan looked at the road and turned the steering wheel. The car swayed and my body slammed onto the side of the door. Everything started going into a blur. I felt the car going in mid air and swayed upside down. A sharp pain hit my head that had smashed into the car window and I felt blood run down my face. The faint sound of Nathans voice echoed through as my eyes got heavier and heavier until it was pitch black. ~Nathans Point Of view~ ” Kim! Kim! I shouted. I ignored the throbbing pain that was hitting everywhere in my body. The smell of smoke filled inside of me making me impossible to breath. The only thought that ran through my mind was the well being of Kim. Was she alright? Is she dead? I scanned my eyes to find Kim unconscious beside me. She had a slow steady breathing pace with several cuts on her face but none lethal. Blood was dripping on the side of my head but nonetheless alive. ” I have to get her out”I thought to myself. I tried moving but suddenly a pain shot through my ribs. I screamed in pain. ” I have to save her!” I thought again. I took a deep breath and used all my strength and tries to lift Kim, bridal style. The cars suddenly tips over from the movement. I immediately protect Kim from the fall. The broken glass instantly stab on my back. I winched in pain. I glanced on the side, there was now an opening on the passenger seat – an exit to get out. I started dragging Kim out of the car. The smell of gasoline ran through and without a second to spare I ran with Kim in my arms and the car exploded. I took a small glance back. ” To think I was just in there.” I chuckled. My body became weak and I tumbled on the ground the smoke still covered my throat. I tried coughing it out. Car lights flashed into my eyes. I squinted and saw three shadow figures coming towards us. ” Nathan what happened?!” said Robert shocked as he saw Kim unconscious. ” Car accident. A… deer came out of nowhere… I-I was not looking,” I struggled to say. Robert picked up Kim gently as I was explaining. ” Is she going to be alright?!” Daniel asked concerned. Cole stood in the back with is eyes full of worry for Kim. ” She needs to go to a hospital. The back of her head is bleeding. Daniel, help Nathan into your car. Kim rides with me and Cole,” Robert replied. Daniel nodded and threw my right arm over his shoulder and already helping me into the car. I looked helplessly at Kim who was dying because of me. There wasn’t much action in the emergency room. I heard Robert talking to the nurses and Cole tried fixing my wounds himself. ” Please shes was in a car accident!” shouted Robert. Nurses beginning turning there faces towards us and there eyes widened seeing Kim unconscious in dads arms. She most certainly looked like she was in a car accident. ” We need a bed!” yelled one of the nurses immediately. Soon the bed arrived. ” Place her there carefully.” She ordered to Robert. ” What kind of car accident?” she idiotically act. Can’t she tell? ” A bad one. Will she be alright?” Daniel interrupted. The nurse looks at Daniel. ” I can’t say for sure but the from this appearance she might have brain damage.” The nurse replied and soon left. ” Farewell Kim.” Robert said and walked out. I grabbed his arm. ” We can’t just leave her here like this!” I demanded. ” Did you forget what kind of position we are in Boy? They’ll start questioning. We have to leave.” Robert said in a stern voice. “But-” ” Nathan. That’s an order. We’re leaving.” Robert hissed and grabbed me by the arm. I struggled but my wounds began to open again. I winched. ” Where to dad,” Cole whispered. It seems like he didn’t want to leave too. ” To another hospital. Nathan needs to be checked also.” Daniel whispered. My body felt full of regret, I didn’t care about how my body was but for Kim. Is she going to be alright? ~ Kim’s point of view ~ The sound of a monitor beeping woke me up. The ceiling lights blinded me. I felt myself on a bed. I heard someone calling my name. I turned my head slightly. A sudden pain winched. ” Kim?!” said a boy with amber coloured eyes and disarranged brown hair. His face looked worried I looked at him confusedly. ” Whose Kim? ” I asked. Panic started rising inside of me like wild fire.” Wait? Who am I? Whats going on? Why am I in a hospital?” My mind cringed of the random thoughts that appeared in my mind. “Where am I?” I demanded to the boy. The boy gave a relieved smile. ” Stop smiling! Whats going on!” ” Oh Kim I’m so glad your alright! I’m sorry its all my fault!” His face brightened and gave me a gentle hug. ” What are you doing? Who are you!” I screamed pushing him away. His face looked hurt. A man in a white coat enters the room and smiles. ” What happened to me? Who am I?” I started demanding at the man. I started feeling hopeless. ” Calm down Kim. You were in a car accident that made you lose your memory. This may only be temporary though,” The man stated. My eyes widened in shock. ” I will go fetch your family.” the man nodded and left. I looked back at the boy. “Kim do you remember who I am?” The boy asked giving a worried look. I stared at him for a long while. A blurry imaged appeared in my mind. I remembered tripping on the way home from the park with the boy that stood in front of me. Then he had promised me something. “Kim, I’ll protect you no matter what and I will never leave your side.” The words echoed in my mind. I remembered leaning in forward and kissing him softly. Who was he? The name escaped my mind. “I remember… its mostly blurry but I remember being with you, but… I don’t remember your name. Sorry.” I whispered. I felt guilty. I couldn’t even remember someone who I was kissing. ” Its Jake.” he chuckled hiding his disappointment. He smiled and kissed me softly on the cheek. ” Your very close friend” He winked. I blushed. The door opened and Jake immediately jumped back to his chair. A woman in her early thirty’s walked in the room followed along with a man behind the woman was a small boy clinging onto the side of her arm. The woman looked straight at me and tears flew down her cheeks. She rushed towards us. ” Kim! My sweetheart! Are you alright!” She screamed hugging me tightly. ” No, not until you let me go.. er..” I struggled. I tried to remember this woman’s name. ” Don’t force yourself honey. I will come back on its own ” She whispered letting go of me. ” I’m your mom.” She gave a small smile. ” Hi, mom” I smiled. It felt awkward not even remembering my own mom. ” Kim do you remember anything else?” The man behind my mom. He was holding my mom hand. Was he my dad? ” No sorry.” I whispered. He looked pissed. ” Cool down Joseph,” Jake placed his hand on my dads shoulder. ” She must be exhausted after being kidnapped for like two we-” ” Jake!” yelled my mom. Her eyes were filled with anger. But what caught my attention was what he said. Kidnapping? ” What?” I said looking at my mom. ” We were planning on telling you later. But since Jake brought it up,” My mother said glaring at Jake. ” About a month ago, when you and Jake were walking home… some men kidnapped you. Four days ago we found you in the hospital.” The dad continued interrupting my mom. Jake glared at him weirdly. A sudden rush of a painful memory cringed my head. I saw a boy kicking Jake, his face was blurry all I saw was Jake getting beat onto the ground. I remember a boy trying to restrain me. I called Jake’s name out but before I could reach him I was pushed into the van. I turned my head to the side, In pain. My head felt like it was about to explode. Tears rolled down from the pain. I let out a whimper. ” Kim! You okay?” Jake asked concerned. Grabbing my hand to stop the trembling. ” Yeah I’m fine” I replied and gave a small smile. ” I’m just tired that’s all, when can I go back home?” changing the subject. ” Soon we would have to run a few test to check if there is any brain damage,” The doctor interrupted. I gave an unconcerned nod. Jake smiled and patted me on the head. ” You’ll be fine Kim.” Jake smiled pulling me head closer and kissing me on the forehead. I felt comforted but in an awkward way. As if there was something big I was missing in my life. – Two days Later – My name is Kim. Apparently, I have a little brother named Simon. Along with a mom and a dad. According to what my parents informed me I am a average daughter. Average grades, gets along with most of my class. Plays piano and likes to draw. Some memories flashed back when they would to talk to me about my past. Very slowly I was recovering my memory but I felt like I was missing a huge fragment of my memory that I needed to know. ” You ready for school Kim?” Jake chuckled as he leaned on the side of my door waiting for me to get ready. ” Maybe, I’m a little nervous. I feel like a kid that just got out of home school,” I said as I slipped on my shoes. ” Sure, that’s one way to think of it,” Jake chuckled. ” By the time you get there you will probably regain your memory. I’m sure of it” ” Lets hope so,” I said as I locked the door. I gave a big yawn as we stared walking a few steps away from my house. ” Tired much?” Jake chuckled. ” Just a little, I didn’t get much sleep lately. Weird dreams keeping me up.” I sighed. I tried visualizing the dream again. I was in a dark circular room, and a boy was standing in front of me. His face was blurry though no matter how hard I tried focusing. I remember hearing violin music that was soothing but it felt lonely and scared. The boy would come up to me and whisper something but no words came out. Then as I would touch him I am flashed into a garden. It was cold and wet. I felt the need to look for something or someone. But what? ” Oh dreaming about me perhaps?” Jake teased interrupting my thoughts. ” You wish.” I smiled and flicked him on the forehead and dashed forward. At school my father had told the principal of my two week absence and the situation and they understood. My memories came back more and more. There was only one thing that bugged me. I felt like I was missing something in my life… something in heart was made me fidget as I tried to remember it. I replayed the words my mom had said to me. How I will remember everything in time. I wanted this memory to come more faster but the other me didn’t. I stood in front of the doorway of my first class. Math. The teacher inside the room called my name and I entered the classroom. My stomach rolled with all the eyes that were staring at me. I introduced myself and tried finding an open seat. There was one next to a window. A black haired boy sat next to it and seemed to be daydreaming. “Hi, I’m Kim” I said anxiously as I sat right beside him. He turned his head towards me and his face was pale. ” Um. You okay?” I asked waving my hand over his face. He gulped and nodded his head. ” Are you sure? You seem a bit… terrified or something.” ” I—I’m Fine.” he said recovering from his freaky trance. ” Nice to meet you,” He smiled and turned his head to the window without introducing himself. I managed to look at glance at his face. It was absolutely adorable. He looked like a cute model that came out of a fashion magazine. The thing that stood out the most to me was his jade green eyes… To be continue. You guys comments are not encouraging at all... Is like I'll stop this story here, if you're the fan of this story, kindly enroll to to continue reading. Thanks!
13 Oct 2017 | 03:13
I donno even knw what to say but i think she will soon regain her memory.
13 Oct 2017 | 12:44
continue bro ...I dey behind yo
13 Oct 2017 | 15:30
we are commenting oo....nice atory
13 Oct 2017 | 15:49
pls continue posting the story am really enjoying the story it's a nice write up ok more grease to ur elbow ok I beg of u pls
13 Oct 2017 | 16:06
I pray she recovers her memory fast
13 Oct 2017 | 16:13
@igwe just dont stop d story
13 Oct 2017 | 17:32
Lyk seriously?
13 Oct 2017 | 18:43
She I'll soon regain her memory
14 Oct 2017 | 09:46
Opps hopes she regains her memory
14 Oct 2017 | 15:35
14 Oct 2017 | 19:02
Ewooh, don't worry you will regain your memory & I guess the guy is pls
15 Oct 2017 | 19:39
Hope u gain ur memory back on time
18 Oct 2017 | 03:54
please don't stop this story its interesting :b
20 Oct 2017 | 18:34
gels. so u are forgeting ur boo at home
23 Oct 2017 | 08:58
loving dis story
23 Oct 2017 | 09:40
dis rily nice
23 Oct 2017 | 10:02
dis kidnapers nawa for una ooo
23 Oct 2017 | 11:13
Episode 12. ~Nathans Point of View ~ Ever since the accident, my mind was filled with thoughts of Kim. She would be in my mind 24/7. In my dreams I would see her cute smiling face and then her sad broken face. Father managed to find out some news about Kim. From what I was told she had lost her memory. I felt guilty. Not only had i broke her heart but also her mind as well. She had lost her memory because of me. Not only that, but she won’t even remember me. She won’t remember the kisses, the confessions, the feelings we had for each other. Most importantly, I’m also glad she doesn’t remember, how I broke her heart. For the next few months my brothers and my father had to move in with Aunt Marie. Due to the accident, the police have gotten suspicious of our sudden disappearance at the hospital when we delivered Kim. So we had to go away until the investigation would cool down. Our excuse to leaving our huge mansion and living with the brats, bug infestation. Cole didn’t seem to want to leave the big luxury house. However me and Daniel overruled him. Daniel wanted to be with his lover and I wanted to get away from the household of broken memories. Which reason was more stupid? Now that I had transferred schools. Maybe Kim would be out of my mind. Though I doubt it. Kim was able to connect with me. She was able to break the cold heart of mine to make it warm, even though it was a short while. All because of this stupid secret I had. Its all Lucy’s fault. I hate her even more than ever. If she hadn’t threatened to tell then Kim wouldn’t have lost her memory and even though she doesn’t remember, she wouldn’t have gotten heart broken by me. Life was getting more boring as usual. I would lazily stare out at the window in Math class. I knew most of the formulas and operations so I didn’t need to pay attention. I heard the class door open. ” Ah! Welcome to our class Ms. Song” the teacher yelled. My body froze instantly when I heard the last name. My heart felt like it was beating a thousand times a minute. ” Hi, I’m Kim.” She smiled at me as she pulled a chair beside me. She had long black hair and chocolate brown eyes and a kind face… Kim. I nodded my head as if I was imagining her next to me. But there she was… beside me. ” Um. You Okay?” She asked waving her hand in front of my face. I felt the erge to just embrace her and kiss her. I gulped and nodded. ” Are you sure? You seem a bit.. terrified or something. ” I’m Fine.” I said and recovered myself. She gave a small smile that made me melt inside. I turned my head to avoid her noticing my reactions. ” Nice to meet you.” I whispered. Hoping that would end the conversation and move onto Math. Sadly it didn’t. ” And you are?” She waited. ” Its Nathan,” I said still looking at the window. During the whole class, Kim would constantly stare at me. when I thought she had stopped I would turn my head and our eyes would meet. I would instantly turn away and look at the window. She would giggle every time. ~ Kim”s point of view~ After class. Nathan walked me to class. Apparently he has the same classes as me except last class where I had Gym and he had Science. I hadn’t been able to see Jake the entire day. I made me worry but at the same time I was happy to be with Nathan. ” So tell me about yourself,” I said biting into my chicken wrap. I shifted myself to get more balance on the ledge. We on the side of the school under a planted tree. ” There’s not much to say. I moved in with my aunts and its boring life as usual,” Nathan said as he shrugged his shoulders. As he explained I noticed his beautiful facial features and stared. His voice felt soothing. There was something about him… I felt like I already knew him. I shook away the feeling and bit into my chicken wrap again. ” So what about you?” Nathan asked noticing I was staring at him. I blushed and looked at my chicken wrap. He smirked. ” There’s not much to say also. About two weeks ago I got into a car accident and I had lost my memory. But now I’m starting to recover them,” I smiled. A hint of fear flashed through Nathans eyes as I looked at them. ” But only memories of my family… So how was your day?” I said changing the subject. ” Boring. In Science my partner is an idiot. We were using microscopes and he thought that the Ocular lens were actually called the Shiny lens thingy,” He smirked. ” So what do you remember in the accident?” He said going back to the awkward subject. ” Uh. I remember getting my head smashed on the window, I guess I wasn’t wearing a seat belt…” I stopped because of a memory flashed in my head. It was quick but it heard someone calling my name. I shook my head. ” Whats wrong?” Nathan asked putting his hand on top of mine. I nodded. ” Yeah this usually happens a lot when I get a memory back,” I smiled. ” What did you see?” He asked concerned. ” I heard someone calling my name, everything else was kinda blurry.” I sighed. Nathan shifted to the side. It felt awkward. I heard Nathans phone vibrate. He picked it up. ” Hello?” Nathan sighed. I heard someone yelling on the other side of the phone. ” Nathan you jackass! Where the fuck are you! We were suppose to meet once school finished. Its already thirty minutes past that. Cole is in a bit of trouble so get over here you -” Nathan hung up before he could hear the rest. My eyes widened ” Well I gotta go,” Nathan growled. I smiled hiding the disappointment. ” Okay. Well nice talking to you.” I said waving my hands. He gave a small nod and started running away. I sighed. First day of school and I meet this extremely hot guy. I doubt he is still single. ~Nathan Point of View~ My heart was racing when she had gotten a memory flash. I felt guilty leaving Kim alone like that. Stupid Daniel and his stupid phone call. But I guess it was good timing. If Kim remembered the entire scene then I had no idea what I could do. I should think of this as a second chance right? Just simply lying to her. Not tell her that I kidnapped her, loved her, broke her heart, made her loose her memory and live happily ever after with her in this one big lie? Wish is was that easy.. I caught up to Daniel who was leaning on the side of a pole. He glared at me when I got to him. ” And where were you?” Daniel smirked acting like my mom. ” Stuff.” I growled. ” Sure. Spill it.” Daniel nodded. ” Is Cole around?” I asked looking around. ” Hes trying to get the cat out of his locker,” He chuckled. My eyes widened. Cat out of his Locker? ” Don’t ask.” He sighed. Did Cole actually bring a cat to school? Daniel pulled a small container out of his pocket. His lunch. He struggled to open it. ” Dammit.” He cursed. ” Nathan help?” He asked helplessly handing me the container. I easily flipped it open. ” How did you do that!” ” Kim is here.” I said. ” Damn all you had to do is fli—Wait WHAT?!” exclaimed Daniel. ” Shh,” I hissed. Ignoring the random people staring. ” She came in the middle of Math class.” ” Did she recognize you?” he said alarmed. ” No, she lost her memory idiot.” I whispered. ” So she doesn’t remember the kidnapping or how you ripped her heart in half?” He chuckled. I glared at the last comment. ” Yeah,” I said. ” What are you going to do?” Daniel asked already reading my thoughts. ” Well first, you can’t tell Cole about this nor dad. Nor can you mention our full names.” I said. ” Nathan you better not go fool around with her. You will risk our chances in getting caught if you do I’ll-” ” OH please Daniel. This is my second chance with Kim this is all.” I hissed. ” And what will you do if she remembers?” Daniel smirked. ” I will think of something,” I growled. ” What kidnap her? And run off to France?” Daniel joked. That wasn’t such a bad idea. I tried imagining a life with Kim and I living together. Daniel sighed. ” I won’t tell don’t worry.” ” Tell what?” a voice said behind me. I turned around. Cole stood behind me with a cat in his arms. ” Yo” He smiled. “I see you brought that to school…” I said. The cat began to hiss at me. ” His name is Poe! I brought him for good luck!” Cole complained. ” Also Poe kinda destroyed Aunt Marie’s curtains so I had to hide him somewhere!” ” Poe. Toe. Hoe. Whatever,”I grumbled. Daniel chuckled at the last comment. ” Just keep that creature away from me. I don’t see how it can give you luck.” “Anyways lets get going.” I said trying to avoid the secret. Cole gave me a suspicious look and immediately changed into a smile. “‘Kay” He said. We walked a few steps and then Daniel randomly stopped midway. ” Oh Fuck,” Daniel cursed. I looked back. ” What?” I chuckled. ” I am suppose to be teaching the Karate club at your school… I was suppose to be there thirty minutes ago.” Daniel said as he was rushing towards my school. He was lucky that our schools are only a few blocks away from each other. ” Well Bye Daniel! I’ll be sure to tell Peter to pick you up!” Cole shouted waving his hand out. The cat began to purr in Cole arms. ~ Kim’s point of View ~ I watched Nathan dash off. I packed my stuff. Immediately Jake came outside the door. ” Hey Kim!” He shouted waving his arms. I waved back smiling. ” He looked behind me where he saw two drinks on the side. Then looked up ahead seeing Nathan running off. ” Who was that guy who was eating with you.” He asked already assuming I was eating with him. Even though he was correct. ” My lover. We were talking about meeting somewhere and have sex,” I said sarcastically. Jake growled. I loved it when he was jealous. ” You know I’m joking,” I smiled giving him a gentle kiss on the lips. ” So lets go in now?” Jake blushed. ” But wasn’t the Karate club cancelled because the teacher didn’t show up?” I asked. ” Yeah. It turns out the teacher is a college student so he has an excuse to be late. He just arrived like five minutes ago. I think we can still go to it.” Jake chuckled. He already grabbed my arm and dragged me inside. We entered the gym and the first thing I see is a hot sweaty shirtless guy. He had silky brown hair and dazzling hazel eyes. He looked like one of those dreamboats you would see in a girls fantasies. In this fantasy you would see a guy like him walk out of a waterfall and embrace you tightly and then you would live happily ever after. Is there even such a thing? At first I had thought he was one of the students in the school but then taking a closer look he was more older around 19 years old. He was the teacher. He shooed off the student he was facing. He suddenly turned to our direction and like Nathan, his eyes had a flash of fear. Was there something wrong with me? “You’re late.” He smiled. Wasn’t he the one who was late? “Sorry, Sensei. We thought this club was cancelled for today,” Jake bowed and I did the same thing. The teacher expression changed into a smile. ” You can call me Daniel.” He said and pointed to the change rooms. ” You guys hurry up and get changed. Your going to learn how to use a sword today. ” I slipped out of my uniform and into the karate one, I never really knew what it was called. For some reason I felt like I knew Daniel, the way he looked at Jake and I was awkward. I tied my hair and went outside. All eyes were staring at me, waiting for me to sit down. I scanned around for Jake. He shifted over for me to notice where he was. I smiled and sat beside him. For a few minutes Daniel showed us how to preform a cut and a block and then sent us to practise. I felt as if I already learned this and as I did my first cut it was straight. In the corner of my eye Daniel was looking at me and smiling. Was he checking me out? Already noticing, Jake shifted in front of me blocking the view of Daniel. ” You wanna practise?” Jake asked looking pissed. He looked cute. ” Sure” I smiled. ” But I won’t go easy.” I smirked. ” I don’t need the handicap,” Jake bragged. In about five minutes Jake stumbled onto the ground and it was an ultimate victory for me. ” Apparently you do need it,” I smiled. ” Since when do you know how to use a sword?” Jake asked shocked. ” I… don’t know.” I blinked trying to remember the last time I ever held a sword. Daniel walked towards us. ” Mind if I cut in?” He smiled. He was looking towards me. Could he be hitting on me? ” Um sure?” I said. Jake grumbled something under his breath to Daniel and then took his sword and leaned against the wall. I got into a stance position and we began. I was being hit with countless cuts. However for a awkward reason I already knew what Daniel was about to do next. I would twirl and spin around every time he would miss me then swing back. Even if he was a teacher it seemed he already knew my moves as well as me knowing his moves. I felt as if I already fought Daniel before. He still smiled. It made me feel pissed. What was he smiling about? Everyone who was practising stopped and concentrated on our fight. It felt uncomfortable. I took a reckless swing and our two swords clashed and flung out of hands. It was a draw. The match lasted for fifteen minutes. Everyone was staring. ” Good duel,” Daniel smiled wiping the small sweat droplets off his face. ” Yeah,” I panted. It seemed the match tired me out. I went to go pick up my sword that flew a few feet away from me. Daniel as well. He reached out for my sword and our hands suddenly touched. I swiped my away. Daniel still picked up the sword ignoring my rejection. A memory flashed. It showed me holding the handle of a sword and hands on top of mine. I remember feeling someone hugging me from behind as showing me how to do a cut. I tried focusing on who was showing me. It was still blurry. The memory continued of me pacing around a room and someone who was giving me countless cuts. The movements were just like Daniels. I tried focusing on the figure. My head started to cringe and the memory started to fade. I winced in pain. ” You alright?” Daniel suddenly asked from my reaction. He placed his hand on top of my head feeling my temperature. ” Yeah.” I smiled. My head still cringing in pain. Jake rushed towards us. ” Kim?” Jake asked. I could tell he was hiding his jealousy of Daniel, who was really close to me. ” Yeah I’m fine,” I said immediately standing up. ” It was just a small memory flash. I was focusing on it to much that’s all.” I smiled. ” Oh?” Daniel said in a concerned voice. ” What did you see? ” ” Um… I saw someone teaching me how to use a sword and we were battling in a room.” I said. It felt weird to tell Daniel whom I just met my memory. Jake noticed the awkwardness. ” Yo Daniel, I think that group over there is calling for you,” Jake lied and pointed to the group that was arguing. Daniel took a small glance at me then left. ” Well that was weird.” I sighed. ” No kidding! Did you see how close he was to you!” Jake growled. ” I wasn’t talk about that. I meant the memory I had.” I giggled at Jake’s response. “The movement of the person I was fighting with was like Daniels.” ” Hmm?” Jake looked concerned. He look at Daniel. “Now that I think about it. I don’t remember you taking sword classes. Unless…” Jake tensed up a bit. What was he implying? He shook his head and smiled. I gave him a curious look. ” Man you stink.” He chuckled covering his nose. ” Is it my fault I was fighting for fifteen straight minutes!” I complained. “Yeah yeah,” Jake smiled. ” How about we go change and grab something to eat. You must be exhausted from that duel.” I nodded and headed for the change room. I caught Daniel glaring at me again. I turned to his direction and instead of a common reaction of someone turning there head away, he smiled and winked he then started walking towards me. I blushed and barged into the girls change room. What was that all about? I peaked out from the curtain and Daniel was talking to Jake. Jake seemed to be in a pissed mood. What were they talking about? Jake caught me spying and I jumped back. I waited for a few minutes then peaked out again. Jake was leaning on the wall beside the door. ” You done yet,” Jake chuckled. His voice startled me. ” Um.. Almost.” I smiled and immediately got changed. I walked outside and Jake still leaned on the side wall. He wore a baggy white shirt with ripped up jeans. His hair as usual was messy and his eyes dazzling as they ever were. His face brightened when I came out. I looked around to see if Daniel was anywhere. He was gone. Where did he go? Did I take that long to get changed? ” You ready?” He smiled. I nodded. He gave a small peck to me on the cheek and we held hands. As soon as we walked outside the door. It was raining and windy outside. I held out my hair to the side so it wouldn’t blow around in front of my face. I pulled out my umbrella and opened it. I looked up to see Daniel leaning on the side of pole – getting wet by the rain. His white shirt was soaking wet and his hair was dripping down. He seemed to be in a trance and didn’t care that his entire body was getting wet. He turned his head to our direction as I walked out the door. He smiled. I gave a small wave. Jake tenses his grip from my hand then he suddenly cooled down. I turned to look at Jake. He was looking straight at Daniel. A black Porsche suddenly pulled up in front of us. Jake suddenly pushed me behind him. The car door opened and a black haired boy with grey mysterious eyes appeared. His eyes widened when he saw me. Daniel suddenly clenched his teeth. ” Whats…Kim doing here?” The boy said. How did he know my name? ” Who… Are you?” I said shocked. Jake had the same reaction. “Kim its me Peter. Remember?” He looked at Jake then at me then at our linked hands. ” Wow. You sure move fast. I thought you would be sulking like Nath-” Daniel swooped in and kiss Peter on the lips before he could finish his sentence. I blinked shocked at what was happening in front of me. Jake grew into a chuckle as if he already knew something. Instead of Peter pushing Daniel away they were making out right in front of us. Something else felt weird though. I replayed what Peter had said. Was he about to say Nathans name? What did he mean by moving fast? Who was this Peter guy? There are something secrets hiding about Nathan that I don’t know about and I’ll will be the one to find out. To be continue.
9 Nov 2017 | 11:49
Hmmmm diz stori is bck again
10 Nov 2017 | 02:25
Welcome back story
10 Nov 2017 | 03:07
Oh thank God this story is back
10 Nov 2017 | 03:56
10 Nov 2017 | 07:15
Woah this story is back
10 Nov 2017 | 09:09
Welcome back
10 Nov 2017 | 09:10
U will be remembering everything in a short while with all this people around
10 Nov 2017 | 09:12
welcome back Bro. Ride on
10 Nov 2017 | 11:17
Welcome back
10 Nov 2017 | 12:27
I thought d writer said he won't post again
10 Nov 2017 | 12:51
welcome back mr Igwe can't wait for more episode
10 Nov 2017 | 16:51
Mehn i cnt wait 2 read d end of dis story
11 Nov 2017 | 02:20
11 Nov 2017 | 04:24
Wat Hapin Sinz @igwe And I Hope U Re Bak 4 Real
11 Nov 2017 | 07:54
Wow. That was nice Kim. I never thought this story will be back here again. Oga writer.... continue please.
12 Nov 2017 | 00:14
EPISODE 13. Jake covered my eyes. It made me feel like a little kid again of how kids aren’t suppose to see two people make out. In our case two guys making out. “Well we will leave you two alone now,” Jake joked and grabbed my hand. He was hiding something. Jake stayed silent most of the way back home. He didn’t bother to look back. I could feel his hand squeezing mine. It tensed more. ” Ow Jake!” I said swiping my hand away from his. It was red. Jake’s tensed face turned into a guilty one. ” Sorry.” he apologized. His face looked hurt and depressed. We were a few blocks away from my house. Jake sent some awkward vibes towards me. ” I think I want to be alone for a while.” I said. I took a few steps forward then Jake grabbed my arm and placed something in my hand. ” Here,” He said. He smiled holding his sadness. I held what he placed onto my hand – a cellphone. ” The reason why you didn’t see me at school was because I went to go buy you a new a cellphone. Your mom assumed your cellphone was destroyed so she sent me to go buy a new one. And you cellphone number is the same.” ” Oh wow thanks,” I smiled. The phone was purple my favourite colour and had a small hello kitty key chain hanging on the side. His face brightened at my reaction. I scanned through my caller list. ” I see you put yourself on my speed dial,” I chuckled. ” Yup. Number one, because well I’m number one.” He bragged. I smiled. ” Well bye!” I said. He grabbed my arm again and pulled me in closer giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. I blushed. I felt uneasy for some reason as if… Jake wasn’t the right person I should be with. ” Bye,” He smirked. ~ Nathan Point of view ~ I laid on my bed playing with Kim’s phone I confiscated during the kidnapping. Thanks to this phone I was able to figure out her birthday. It even had small pictures of her I would constantly stare at times. This made it harder for me to forget about her. It flashed through my mind that it was possible that I could be able call her still. I mean she might have gotten a new cell? Hopefully the same number. I took out my cell phone and dialled her cell number. A familiar voice picked up. ” Hello?” Kim answered. My heart raced when she answered. My body stood frozen I couldn’t get any words out of my mouth. ” Hello?” She asked again. I gulped. ” Kim?” I spoke finally. “Jake?” her voice brightened. The way she called his name made me hurt inside. “No its Nathan,” I chuckled. ” Oh hey Nathan!” she laughed then it went down. ” Wait. How did you get my number?” ” Uh.. I have my ways,” I laughed. ” Are you stalking me?” she said sarcastically. ” No, I’m not like that. But who wouldn’t stalk someone as beautiful as you?” I felt like my normal self around her again. ” Wow, corny lines. Do they always work?” She asked. ” Not always, Apparently.” I chuckled. I could hear her laughing on the other line. ” Do you wanna do something after school?” She randomly asked. ” Um sure!” I said back. My heart was racing. ” See ya tomorrow,” I said. ” Bye Nathan,” she hung up. A sudden knock came at my door. ” Go away,” I growled. ” Its me, I need to ask you something,” Daniel spoke on the other side of the door.. ” What? Can’t you wait later?” I yawned. Daniel opened my door. ” Guess not,” I sighed. ” During the kidnapping, you were beating up a guy. Did his name happen to be Jake?” He glared. ” How am I suppose to know?” I scoffed trying to remember the guy I beat up. It was foggy but I remember his eyes being amber. ” I saw Kim at karate class with a guy with amber coloured eyes. Watch out for him, he might expose us,” Daniel spoke in a serious tone. “Should have known Kim would go to the Karate club,” I thought to myself remembering the time we met. ” Yeah sure whatever,” I growled throwing the nearest object at Daniel so he could get out of my room. Sadly he caught it. ~Kim’s point of view~ Nathans phone call came really random last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. In my dreams I remember seeing such memorizing green eyes almost like Nathans. Except they were full of fear and loneliness. Then I would be transferred into a dark room again. This time I felt someone warm body against mine – a hug. I would pull back to look at the persons face but it would turn out blurry. He said something again but it was muted. I tried to mouth the words he was saying. Only one word came out clearly. Roses. ” Kim Wake up! Someone sent you roses!” A familiar voice was echoing in my mind. I felt a small poke on my arm following an jab on the stomach waking me from my dreams. ” Ugh! Simon you little twit!” I yelled clenching onto my stomach. He gave a big smile on his face. ” Kim look! Someone sent your roses!” He yelled. I focused on what Simon was holding. In his hands was a bouquet of roses along with a fake on that stood out in the middle. At the side was a small white card. For some reason the image looked familiar. I tried remembering but no memories came. I got out of bed and snatched the bouquet of roses from Simon. I scanned the entire rose bouquet. It made me wonder why there was a fake rose out of all of them. I read the card. It said: Even after all that has happened My Love still continues to grow like these roses. And still will continue to I love you until the last rose dies. My eyes widened and I couldn’t help but blush. I looked around for a name. There wasn’t any. I tried reviewing my options. I looked at Simon he had a big smile on his face. “I think its from Jake!” He laughed. For a dumb brother he might be right. Who other guy would send me flowers? ‘All that has happened’ could he possibly mean the kidnapping and whoever that Peter guy was and what he said. “Kim and Jake sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G~” Simon started singing. ” Shut up you little twit!” I growled and he started running out of my room and singing. I blushed. Jake really is the romantic type after all. My heart went up high and sweet. My mind could only think about Jake. What he had done was so sweet. I got changed and walked outside. Jake was already waiting outside of my door. I smiled and gave him a long soft kiss on the lips. ” What was that for?” He chuckled. ” For the most sweetest gift you ever did for me. I never thought you were the romantic type to send roses.” I smiled. Holding the card from bouquet of roses. He gave a confused look then smiled. As if he was hiding something. ” Oh yeah. Glad you liked them,” He smiled. ” Oh yeah, today I can’t pick you up. Is it alright if you can walk home alone tonight?” ” Of course,” I smiled. ~ Nathans point of View ~ I sat in Math class five minutes before class had started. I wanted to know Kim’s reaction to the roses I had sent her. Did it make her happy? I tried imaging possible ways that Kim’s reaction could be. The image in my mind was Kim’s smile in her beautiful face. For once I couldn’t wait till Math class had started. Kim entered the room with a huge smile on her face. My heart began to melt inside and I felt like a eight year old who just confessed to a girl for the first time. She sat down beside me and was humming. ” Wow you seem to be in a happy mood,” I smiled. ” Well..” She smirked. ” Jake did the most sweetest thing! He sent me such beautiful roses along with the most sweetest card,” She let out a small squeal. My heart suddenly sank. She thought it was Jake. Who is Jake to her? She handed me the card as expected there was no name on the card. It made me feel more depressed now that she was thinking Jake sent it. ” There’s no name on the card though, how did you think it was Jake?” I said trying to hide my depression. ” Well,” She paused. ” I had been guessing it was because he was all tense yesterday because of Daniel. And then this morning he told me he sent them.” My body froze. One was because she met Daniel. Two was because who ever Jake – that bastard – was, took the credit for what I had done for Kim. I felt like shouting at Kim that I did it. However, knowing her she would ask why and possible gain her memory about us. I kept it in. I felt like I was hurting inside. ” Nathan?” Kim said concerned. ” Whats wrong you look weird…” She said. I nodded and smiled. ” I’m fine.” I lied. A few minutes later Kim nudged me. ” Whens your birthday?” She randomly said. Man was she random. ” August 14th Why?” I gave her a confused look. ” Aw mine is August 25th. Your older than me!” She complained. I chuckled. I already knew when her birthday was. After class we started walking to our lockers. Hers was three lockers down from me. I wonder if Kim forgot that we were going to do something together. I reached for my books for next class. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned, Kim was wearing a purple jacket and her school bag already packed. ” What are you doing? We have another class..” I said trailing off. ” I know,” She smiled. “We’re skipping so we can do that thing.” She smirked. My eyes widened. What was Kim planning? ” Alright,” I sighed. I shoved my books in my locker and grabbed my sweater. ” So where we heading?” I asked as she was holding onto my arm. It felt like we were on a date. Something about the way Kim was acting made me feel uneasy. It felt as if she was covering something up. ” Movies.” She whispered. ~ Kim’s point of view ~ Nathan looked uneasy when I told him about the roses Jake had sent me. Then his expression changed like he went to hiding something. When I stared at his green eyes waiting for his answer. A memory flashed by from my dreams. The dream I had finally became clear. In front of me was Nathan holding a bouquet of roses like the one sent today. We were in a rounded room and a garden surrounded us. Could the roses possibly be from Nathan? Who was Nathan to me? Where was I at that time? This worried feeling in my heart swayed unevenly. I wanted to get my answers now. I needed to get the answers away from Jake. Skipping class to go to the movies was the only and private way. After buying our tickets and turning up an hour early before the movie started. We spent some time at the movie arcade. ” Wow you suck at this,” he smirked as he watched me trying to win a teddy bear. ” Your suppose to do it like this,” He whispered. Wrapping his arms around me and placing his hands on top of mine. He gently move the claw and pressed the button and the claw snatched up two cute teddy bears. “Whoa! You got two!” I said shocked. He bent down and gave me one. ” Here,” He smiled. I blushed. He made it look like it was a date. I nodded and got back on track. I’m suppose to be finding answers not be on a silly date. “Thanks,” I smiled back. Nathan seemed to look to the side as if something was bugging him. It made me fidget. Should I really find out what that memory about? “Whats wrong?” He suddenly said. My eyes widened. “…Its nothing.” I lied. Nathan suddenly put his hand to the side of the wall closing me in. He then leaned in closer and kissed me on the lips. It felt warm. All my worries suddenly melted away from me. I didn’t move or flinch nor did I feel wrong to be kissing Nathan while dating Jake. ” Nathan?!” A voice suddenly shouted. That made Nathan jump back. On the side was a dirty blond boy. He wore a green shirt with baggy pants. His ocean blue eyes stood out the most. However his eyes were shocked with fear. He looked at me. ” Kim…” the boy said. Who is he? Nathan sighed and pushed the boy into a corner leaving me behind. A guy bonding moment perhaps? I chuckled. ~ Nathans point of view~ Cole’s voice startled me and I instantly jumped back. Instantly looking at Cole’s eyes. He was pissed. I motioned Kim to wait for me as I shoved Cole to the other corner. I waited for his question. “How could you!” He whispered. I could tell how much rage he was keeping in. He loved her too. “Sorry, but I love her,” I answered back. Cole clenched his fist. ” You know how much risk this is causing us!” He growled. ” Cole I know what your thinking, Its stupid but. When I’m with her I feel at ease and clean again,” I looked straight at him in the eyes. ” I told you didn’t I? That if you want Kim, your going to have competition. I won’t give her up that easy,” I smirked. Cole had a dirty look in his eyes. One that I never seen since back then. When that had happened. “Well then let the games begin,” He smiled. “Oh?” I smiled. Was he actually challenging me? I took a few steps forward to head back to Kim. Cole suddenly grabbed my arm motioning me to wait. ” Don’t forget Nathan. The ” Sharon and Lucy” reason prevented you from going on, and it still can,” Cole smirked. I clenched my teeth. “Shut up,” I growled whipping his hand away. I walked towards Kim who was of course trying to observe Cole like some detective. Man was she observant. I awaited her question. ” Whose that?” She asked still staring at Cole. I turned back he was smiling and waving to Kim. Kim waved back. ” Hes a friend of mine,” I smiled. ” Lets go to the movie now,” I said wrapping my arm around her and bringing her closer to my chest. She blushed. We walked in room six. As we sat down Kim’s phone vibrated. A text message. I leaned over to see who its from. Jake of course. The text message read: Sorry for not able to walk you home today. I’ll make it up to you later 3 Jake I scoffed at his message. Kim looked at me weirdly. She slid her phone in her jacket and got off the seat. ” Be right back bathroom,” she smiled. I nodded and watched her walk away. My eyes were staring at her jacket. “It wouldn’t hurt to input my number on speed dial,” I thought to myself. I slid my hand in her jacket and got out the phone. I scanned through her speed dial list. Her first speed dial was Jake. Well good bye Jake. I smiled and moved Jake’s name to speed dial number two and put mine on number one. I chuckled to myself of how childish I was being. I slid Kim’s phone back juts in time before she came back in. She had a small pack of Twizzlers in her hands. Ugh does she really like those? She smiled and offered me one. I turned them away. I hate the taste of those things. The movie began and it turned out to be a horror film. Something that Kim loved. Yet at the same time she was clinging onto my arm scared half to death. I chuckled and kissed her on the forehead as if we were a couple. She was too busy paying attention to the movie. The weird feeling I had gotten from Kim began to fade and I felt as if she was her usual self again. The person who makes me feel clean and at ease. After the movies we got up from our seats. Instantly my eyes were locked onto something two rows down from us. I froze at my spot looking directly straight. Kim froze too. ” Jake…” Kim whispered. Her body was trembling. However I wasn’t look at Jake. I was looking at the girl Jake was holding. Lucy. ahh JAke is such a two timer! Reviews please To be continue.
12 Nov 2017 | 15:33
wow this is becoming more interesting can't wait for the next episode thumbs up to you mr Igwe
13 Nov 2017 | 03:33
getting more interesting
13 Nov 2017 | 13:45
Still following
13 Nov 2017 | 14:17
Update regularly pls. Next
13 Nov 2017 | 14:19
Getting interesting
13 Nov 2017 | 16:33
Hmm..getting more interesting nd more fun
13 Nov 2017 | 17:24
This is become more and more interesting
13 Nov 2017 | 18:58
Mehn dis story is rili gettin interestin
14 Nov 2017 | 03:09
Next please...
14 Nov 2017 | 04:34
Next pls.....
14 Nov 2017 | 18:34
This is getting more interesting
20 Nov 2017 | 13:56
Please try to update regularly
20 Nov 2017 | 14:01
[i]next plz oo[/i]
21 Nov 2017 | 12:07
wow dis is fun but y d delay pls baby upload nah......
24 Nov 2017 | 03:06
Abeg i don wait tire o
1 Dec 2017 | 13:51
Nice one brov...... Continue
2 Dec 2017 | 06:59
pls continue
2 Dec 2017 | 16:48
3 Dec 2017 | 01:39
Where you at @Igwe{huge man}
20 Dec 2017 | 03:46
when next
24 Dec 2017 | 01:46
Plz wen is d nxt epi cos dis is getting hot
29 Dec 2017 | 02:06
wow nawa o
4 Jan 2018 | 12:11
4 Jan 2018 | 13:11
15 Jan 2018 | 09:22
where z episode 14
23 Jan 2018 | 00:38
Episode 14. ~ Kim’s point of View ~ My body stood frozen at the view that was in front of me. Tears kept forming as I tried focusing on the image. The more I looked the more I believed that it was Jake. I tried brushing the tears away instead more came. The blond girl looked at my direction and her eyes widened. My legs moved instantly out the door. Nathan staggered behind me. I ran all the way to the parking lot where Nathan had parked his car. The drizzling rain seemed to get heavier. My body felt heavy as if every memory I had with Jake was all a lie. I couldn’t trust anyone anymore, not even Nathan. Nathan grabbed me on the arm and I swiped it away but he swung me around and gave me a gentle hug. “It’s Okay, I’m Here,” He said in a soft voice. His body heat was warm and soothing to me. I tried to speak but no words came out. I didn’t know what to do. I don’t know anything about Nathan yet I feel like he has been comforting me for a while. We stood this for several minutes not even saying a word. The rain that dripped onto me remained of every single memory of Jake and I together. Soon it all slowly started swarming away. It felt as if Nathans warmth and comfort had touched my wounds and healed them. Its been at least four weeks since that incident. I had been avoiding Jake for that long. I felt a small guilt from doing this but every time it would be replaced by the image of him kissing another girl. Nathan was there every step of the way with me, we would stand in front of my door and walk me to my classes. Even though I still don’t know much of Nathan or about the questionable memory I had, I felt comfortable being with him. Half of myself wanted to know who he was, the other one didn’t want to. As if, it was a terrible secret that had happened. For the first week Jake would call me or text message me telling me he wouldn’t be able to walk me home. Every single text message I had received only one word had repeated through my mind, Lies. The second week he knew I was avoiding him and would constantly call me and text me through class asking me what is wrong. I ignored him. Nathan stayed by my side every time. I laid on my bed looking at teddy bear Nathan had won for me. I would constantly cuddle with it when I’m in the my room. It didn’t seem wrong to be crushing on Nathan now that Jake was cheating on me with a blonde. I felt over ruled by her. I managed to get a glimpse of her face, she was beautiful and had an hourglass figure. However I was happy being with Nathan. It already seemed like Nathan and I were going out, and that I was his girlfriend. The ring tone from my cellphone had startled me. I mouth the words of the song that would play whenever Nathan would text message me. I flipped it open and read the message it said: Hey, You wanna meet at Scarlet Park around eight? Nathan. I smiled. What was he planning? Small cute scenes played into my mind making me giggle in a girly way. I rushed into my closet scavenging for a decent outfit. ~ Nathans Point of View ~ After that incident I had been spending more time with Kim, which made me happy. Cole who has changed to his ‘other self’ would give a small glare to me whenever I would leave the house to meet Kim. He was jealous but I know he wouldn’t tell father. It almost made me wonder what exactly was he planning. I wouldn’t lose to him no matter how much he wanted Kim. Kim, the girl who reminded him of Sharon, the girl he could have treasured the most. I looked around my room throwing every single thing onto the ground, looking for my cellphone. I tossed the blankets and and shelves. Where the hell did I put it? I gave a small sigh. “Father will kill me if I lose that cell again,” I thought to myself remembering how I accidentally put my cellphone in the dryer… that didn’t go so well. I went outside my room hoping it might be somewhere downstairs. Daniel brushed past me and into my room – well our shared room. As he went in, I heard him yell. “WHAT THE HELL!” Daniel shouted inside the room, his voice echoed down the small hallway. I laughed and started rushing downstairs before he would drag me into the room and clean up the mess I made. I saw Cole downstairs near the kitchen he was texting to someone… with my phone in his hands. A small curiosity arose as I marched towards Cole. He pressed the send button before I could see who he was texting to. My guess was Kim. “Yo,” Cole gave a fake innocent smile. “Hey,” I nodded ignoring the fact he was using my phone. He placed the phone on the counter without saying a word about the text. Cole brushed my shoulder and walked out of the room. What was he planning? I went to my Outbox list to see who he texted to. It was Kim. There was a saved draft of what he texted. It read: Hey, You wanna meet at Scarlet Park around eight? Nathan. I scoffed. What does Cole trying to do? Trying to set Kim up there alone and he happened to be there when I didn’t show up? Was that his challenge? I’ll get to the park before he does. Problem solved. I looked at the time, it was seven thirty. I rushed to get my coat and walked to the park. A small tensed question popped into my mind. How could Cole be so careless to leave a saved draft? Did he intentionally do it? ~ Kim Point of View ~ I am starting to hate being a girl now. I looked in front of the mirror trying to think of a hairstyle I should do. I spun the hair tie around my finger thinking. It must be easy for a guy, just comb or gel your hair and your done. I sighed and looked at the time and it was seven forty five. My eyes widened. “CRAP!” I shouted. I rushed into my room ignoring my long black hair swaying everywhere around my face. I grabbed my black sweater and rushed outside. The sun was setting but it was still bright outside. I started running to the park that was about a twenty minute walk. The park appeared empty. There were a few kids running around but nonetheless empty. I looked around. There was no sign of Nathan. I felt something hit the back of my head. A soccer ball bounced to the side of me. ” Sorry about that!” A voice shouted. It sounded familiar. I turned around it was a familiar face. I scanned through my memories trying to remember. “Oh! Your Cole! Nathans friend,” I smiled ignoring the throbbing pain on the back of my head. “Yeah.. friend,” Cole rolled his eyes. “And your… Lucy Nathans girlfriend right?” Cole guessed. I gave a confused look. Lucy? “No.. I’m Kim,” I blinked. “Oh! Your Nathans other girlfriend… er I mean new girlfriend,” He smiled as if he just told me Nathan had another girlfriend. “Other… girlfriend?” I said confused. My heart was pounding rapidly. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Cole said. “Nathan is a two timer. He is lying to you, you know,” He said looking the other way. It was kinda hard to believe this, it felt as a lie. “Yeah right,” I smirked. ” Nathan wouldn’t do something like that. What kind of friend are you saying stupid things like that?” I growled. Cole’s eyes got sharp. “Are you so sure about that? Do you really think you know everything Nathan?” Coles voice sounded angry. It made me feel tense. He was right, I barely knew much about Nathans life. “Prove it. That Nathan my lover, is a liar, and a cheater,” I growled, hoping he was wrong. “Fine,” He smirked grabbing my arm pulling me towards the forest near by the park. “Your not planning to do something nasty are you,” I said swiping my hand away. I didn’t trust him. “Of course not, I’m just here to show you the truth or your so called lover,” He said in a stern voice. I still didn’t trust him. After a few minutes in the forest he suddenly stopped making me stumble forward. He caught me. “Your so clumsy,” He laughed. I just stumbled how does he know I’m that clumsy? His attitude pissed me off. ” Look,” He pointed. I looked at the direction he was pointing to. My heart instantly sank down. I saw Nathans from behind, in front of him was that same blond girl that was kissing Jake. What is with this girl who is kissing every single guy I know? They seemed to be talking, I couldn’t fully hear what they were saying. The blond girl looked at my direction and smirked. She seemed to know Cole. From the corner of my eye I faintly saw Cole smile and nod back. The girl brought pulled Nathan closer and kissed him onto the lips. Her arms wrapped around his waist and Nathan stayed there still kissing her. They were basically making out. Tears started forming around my eyes. ” How… How long.. have they-” I struggled to say. ” For a while maybe a week ago,” Coles voice was soft. ” I’m sorry, sometimes the truth hurts Kim.” His words made me feel more depressed. Nathan, was cheating on me. I couldn’t believe it. My legs felt weak, I turned away. ” Jerk!” I yelled and started to run away. Tears still ran all over my eyes. Everything, everything was a lie to me. Every sentence, every word, every moment I had stayed with Nathan felt like a lie to me. My heart felt smashed into a thousand pieces again. It felt as if they will never come back together again. I sped my pace and got to the street a few blocks away from my house. I could hear some footsteps following. I didn’t look back. I took a sharp turn to the corner but immediately fell downward landing on my ass. ” Kim! There you are!” A familiar voice had said. It was Jake. I looked onto the side, Nathan was following behind me. Jake’s eyes widened as they laid eyes on each other. ~ Nathan Point of View ~ I took a small short cut through the Scarlet Forest. It was nearby the park and a lot faster than taking the street with crossing guards for little children. I hate it when they start yelling at you for jay walking. I suddenly hear a scream in the forest and dashed towards the scream. I’m sure it was nothing but it wouldn’t be much of a pain to check. I ran through some tree and entered a small layout. Trees surrounded this circular layout and in the middle stood the evilest person I knew, Lucy. She gave a small smirk and ran towards me. As usual she cringed onto me tightly making it hard to breathe. “Nathan!” She squealed. I started to realize that the scream was from her. I didn’t like how this was set up. The saved text message and Lucy who lured me to her. What exactly is going on. “Well, I’m going now,” I said trying to push her away. She tightened her grip. She gave a small smirk. “I don’t think you should be leaving just yet,” She smiled as she let go and took a few steps back. She threw a familiar brown sealed bag towards me. The unpleasant memories appeared in my mind almost making me barf. I covered my mouth preventing it to spill. I stared at the bag already knowing what the contents in the bag were. “Who knows what will happen,” She smirked. ” If that secret happen to get loose to your little lover,” “How did you-” I paused. “Cole told you I was back with her didn’t he?” I growled regaining my conscious self. She smirked. I got it right. ” What do you want from me Lucy,” I growled. ” If I recall I saw you a few weeks ago kissing up Kim’s boyfriend.” ” Oh? That douche was little Kimmy’s boyfriend? So that’s who he was trying to talk to for the past few weeks,” She smiled. I scoffed. ” Whatever, I dumped him anyways he was too, nice for my needs,” She scoffed. “Anyways-” She paused as if something distracted her. Before I could look at who Lucy was staring she instantly grabbed the collar of my shirt and forcefully kiss my lips. She linked her snake like arms around me making it impossible to escape. “Jerk!” a familiar voice had shouted through the entire forest. I pushed Lucy away making her stumble and turned. I saw Kim running away and Cole leaning on the tree smirking. I read his face. He acted like he had won the challenge. I chased after Kim ignoring the comment Cole had whispered to me when I passed him. I kept chasing her until the end, I could tell she was crying, constantly she would rub her arms against her eyes. I have to catch up to her and explain. I don’t want to lose her again She took a sharp turn around the corner and then I saw her tumble backwards immediately. A familiar amber colored eye boy had stepped in front of her. He held out his hand and pulled Kim up. He looked at my direction and his eyes were full of fury. ” Your-” Jake began. “Nathan…” Kim interrupted. Her eyes were red from crying. I could understand how she would feel right now. She can’t trust anyone right in this scene. Me, who had lied to her about everything in the past and Jake, the douche who cheated on her over my ex girlfriend Lucy. I clenched my teeth. This was getting complicated. Jake clenched his fist and unexpectedly punched my face. I stumbled onto the ground. “Your the reason all this started! You fucking low life! If you haven’t kidnapped Kim then she would have a normal life right now!” Jake shouted. Kim gasped and looked at me. “What…Nathan… was my kid -” She suddenly paused and yelped in pain from her head. She was getting her memories back. I didn’t like how this was ending. A few seconds later she looked up with empty eyes. Several tears were running down her face. “Nathan…” She couldn’t find the right words to describe anything. She covered her face. “How can I be such an idiot. For me to actually be happy, and then finding out it was just all one lie. I don’t know who to believe any more. ” She whispered. “Kim, Its-” Jake started to say. “Shut up, I… I don’t want to see any of you! I hate you both!” She screamed. She pushed Jake away and ran towards her house without looking back. I got up in attempt to chase after her. Jake turned towards me blocking the way. “Don’t think I’ll let you go that easy,” Jake growled. “Oh? Don’t fell so lucky that you manage to get a punch from me. You won’t be able to get another one,” I smirked. Jake raised his eyebrow. “Just, who are you to her,” He whispered. I sort of felt sorry for him. I forcefully stole Kim away from him then made her fall in love with me, and then almost kill her. Jake rolled up his sleeves. It felt like a match, a fight for the girl. Classic. Before we were about to charge. I heard a car screech. A familiar Navy Porsche had cut between the gap of Jake and I. Jake eyes looked shocked. The tinted windows rolled down. “Get in, smart ass,” said an annoying voice. I clenched my teeth thinking maybe I should just jump over the car and punch Jake before I leave. “Now,” The voice got stern and strong. I growled and hopped in. The car zoomed away. I looked out the window. I could see Jake running after us. His figure seemed to disappear after a few blocks. “You really think I wasn’t going to catch on about you and Cole,” Daniel sighed as he began driving. I rolled my eyes. “How much does she know?” He asked. “Everything,” I said clenching my fist. All the great memories we had along with the unpleasant ones I had created. “and Sharon?” He asked. My eyes went sharp. “What do you mean?” I ask confusedly. “You didn’t know? Cole didn’t only ask Lucy to help but he summoned Sharon as well,” His voice went silent. How could Cole go so far for Kim? “So you mean-” My body went tense. “Sharon might do something awful to Kim.” yeah i know there is this random Sharon in this~~ next chapter you will find out who she is and all that so to be continued
13 Feb 2018 | 04:36
Haha where have you been to Mr Igwe?
15 Feb 2018 | 15:20
This story is still ongoing?
16 Feb 2018 | 07:45
Welcome back, next
17 Feb 2018 | 11:06
well handz cross still waiting
19 Feb 2018 | 16:54
Episode 15. ~ Kim’s Point of View ~ I saw Nathan get flung onto the ground. A sudden pain had stung once Jake had said those words. It echoed through my head over and over Nathan was my kidnapper. The memories started flowing through me like a movie, it was painful that I dropped onto the ground. Everything was a lie… “Nathan…” I began but I couldn’t look at him, I covered my face in disgust for falling for such a fantasy. “How can I be such an idiot. For me to actually be happy, and then finding out it was just all one lie. I don’t know who to believe any more,” I whispered. “Kim, Its-” Jake started to say. “Shut up, I… I don’t want to see any of you! I hate you both!” I screamed as I got up and pushed Jake to the ground heading further away from them. I paced my legs not even looking back. I don’t ever wanna see those liars again. Tears kept flowing down making it impossible for me to see. After a few blocks of running and the next stop was a dead end,I turned to a corner. A sharp pain hit a moment later as if I ran into someone and I hit the ground.. “S-Sorry,” I stumbled to say. I wiped my eyes and looked up to see a beautiful girl with long light brown hair with a even pale complexion holding her hand out to me. She smiled. ” Its alright, its hard to run and cry at the same time. You are bound to run into something or someone, ” She laughed. I grabbed her hand as she began to pull me up. Feeling embarrassed I tried to wipe the tears but they kept falling down. “You know, I have the best medicine for tears, why don’t we come to my house?” She asked. I stared at her, I had jut met her and she is inviting me to her house? It couldn’t help to feel a bit suspicious. “I know it seems suspicious inviting you to my house but aren’t you avoiding a few people right now?” Boy can she read minds. She pointed out at a dark figure heading towards us. “Alright,” I look backed to see Jake running towards us just a few blocks down. Behind him was a Navy Porsche – possibly Nathan. I nodded. She smiled, “My name is Sharon by the way, whats yours?” “Kim,” I said as she took my hand and led me to her house. Sharon’s house was a normal detached house that you find in movies when you see from afar. However the moment you get inside past the tall gateway you will feel like in one of those haunted house moments. The house itself was quiet and barren with a strong smell of paint surrounding the household. There were small traces of scratch marks around the walls making me send chills down my spine. Along the railing, the white paint was already peeling off also with the doorway screen. The garden was all dirt as if someone had dug it in with a shovel and thrown it around the ground randomly. Throughout the pathway you would find shards and bits of pieces of garden pots. I tried to avoid stepping on them. How could someone so beautiful live in a house that was broken up and torn? Sharon then closed the tall rusty gateway and locked it. I looked up at her. “It’s so the people chasing you won’t come in,” she smiled as if what she did wasn’t suspicious. “Alright.. Do you really live here?” I asked looking around for at least something appealing to compliment on. Sadly, there was nothing. “Yeah, I know it looks quite broken up at the moment, I had a party a while ago and.. I got lazy to clean things up,” She gave a small smile to hide the truth. I raised my eyebrow in curiosity. She didn’t look like the partying type. “Lets go inside,” she said as she started tugging me into the house. Her grip was strong like she didn’t want me to change my mind and leave. The moment I walked inside the smell of burnt paint filled my nostrils. My brain started to spin around, I held the wall for support, inside my head I heard Nathan calling my name, telling me to get out, to run. I shook my head which worsened the dizziness. Sharon kept walking in as if she was use to the smell. She turned back and her expression changed into a smirk. “You going to be okay?” “Y-yeah… does your house always have this strong smell?” I coughed as some of it went into my mouth. “Most of time, its because of the party. You’ll get use to it soon enough. Just like Nathan,” She giggled. “Wha-” I began but a sharp pain suddenly hit me at the back of my head. I stumbled onto the ground. Everything was getting blurry along with my hearing. What did she mean ‘just like Nathan?’ Everything went black. ~ Nathans Point of View ~ I started looking on each side for Kim, she may be a fast runner but she couldn’t have gotten far.. unless.. she ran into Sharon. I cringed at the thought of it being to late. Lucy may be enough to handle but Sharon? Things are going to get a lot of tougher once Kim meets her. I covered my mouth holding in the barf as I started recalling all the memories of what happened in that year. “Nathan,” Daniel called out bringing me back to reality. “Yeah?” I said look away. “I can already guess what is going on between you and Cole. However, right now we have to assume Sharon has her. I need you to tell me exactly what happened that year so I can pinpoint where she is hiding her before she inhales the same stuff you did back then,” ” You say it so easily,” I sighed. “After the murder of my mom, I was sent to live around here with Lucy. Sharon, Lucy’s friend had many abandoned houses where she would have a party. She invited us to go to one without knowing the stuff that happens in there. Inside her room, there were many people, on the ground, that were high, either fucking or inhaling more of that stuff.” I began. “What stuff?” “They burned paint inside a brown bag and inhale the stuff that come out of it, that was the routine. Many would knock out from one sniff, however those from the party were experts. One of the experts was Sharon.” I stopped. The next part was the worst I had ever done. I cringed when I remembered bits of that night, Lucy calling my name for help. The other experts trying to rape her and successfully done it because I did nothing at all but getting into the routine Sharon had. I can’t give back to what Lucy had lost nor can I get back the Lucy I had known after that. What has been done has changed her entirely all because of me. However, I wasn’t planning on saying anything else to Daniel about it. “Then the closest abandoned house would be Scarlet Tree Avenue,thing is that place is private area along with tall gates. If any neighbors see us climbing the gate they will think we are trespassing. The police is what we need to avoid right now.” Daniel sighed.”Nathan.” “What?” “When we get there, I want you to wait in the car. I can’t risk putting you in there if you might end up the same way as -” “Shut up, I can handle myself,” I barked back. I hated when Daniel was sincere, it was hard to tell if he was showing compassion to a step brother or loving me in a way he does with Peter. Either way, I rather liked it if he was the ‘demon’. However one part of me wasn’t too sure if I can handle being in there. Another part of me wants to save Kim no matter what happens. I’m planning to listen to the second part. ~Kim’s Point of View~ The sound of moaning and cheers started to wake me up. It was impossible to move, not just because I could feel my hands tied to my back but along with the smell making my brain move a three sixty degree angle. Every movement I made , made my head hurt. I began opening my eyes and trying to focus what I was seeing. The first thing I saw was a mirror, that had one huge crack in it like a large stone had hit it. But the reflection enough was self-explanatory in what was happening to me. Being tied up with only a bra and panties left. In the mirror I also saw the very person who had brought me to this place, Sharon. She had a huge smirk on her face as if the beautiful nice person I had seen was a nothing but a myth. “Goodbye Kimmy-cubs,” She smiled. A group of men from behind her started coming towards me. “No… Noo … STAY AWAY FROM ME” I screamed. To be continue!
21 Feb 2018 | 03:56
I have really missed this story. I hope you are back for real?
21 Feb 2018 | 11:37
so sad, hope Nathan and Daniel will figure out something before it's too late
21 Feb 2018 | 11:45
Am back for real,,,, you people didn't try at all, nobody ask of me @wyse-one
21 Feb 2018 | 12:11
Fucking A ...this story is back
21 Feb 2018 | 15:17
Its alright
22 Feb 2018 | 01:42
22 Feb 2018 | 07:23
next pls
2 Mar 2018 | 10:07
Thumbs up. Such a nice story
8 Mar 2018 | 22:08


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