My Name Is Miracle season 1 (+18)

My Name Is Miracle season 1 (+18)

By celestine1 in 13 Sep 2021 | 12:49
celestine1 celestine1

celestine1 celestine1

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[b]episode 1

Mr Man wake up!!!, That was all it took for me to disengage myself from the most lovely dream i ever had. I opened my eyes to see my Mother with all frowns gazing at me.

Me: Mama Gudmorning (the mama is to cool the nerves)
so thats how u sleep in school she replied.

Me: no na, u knw after reading hard for that monsterous exams your boy gats to regain some strength.

strengths ko? Muscles ni?, i just hope you havent wasted your Six years at that school she was almost shouting.
No o i replied

My Mama: torh ur WAEC results will tell, i am going out,your food is in the kitchen.

With that she steps out heading for work. My Mum is such a disciplinarian a no nonsense ibo woman,the fact that i just ended my secondary school life just some hours ago meant little or nothing to her or so i thought.

Finally am through with all activities related to secondary school life such as Assemblies, devotions, bounds breaking and a whole lot of others. I certainly gonna miss some activities like bullying, bounds breaking, and funds with my friends. With these memories running in my hearts i realized i wasn’t prepared for the life after secondary school.

I quickly rolled down from my bed and say a minute prayer,missing the family devotion was a part and parcel of me from time immemorial.

10 minutes later i was already dress in my pencil jean and my almighty slim fitted plain shirt heading to see my dad who owns a private school at the outskirts of Kubwa,Abuja.

Oh that is were i live.

I boarded a cab heading to the location, memories of My past life (graduating from a Federal School in Minna is nw a thing of the past.)
flooded my mind i found myself sad and happy at the same time.
Oh my sweet Angela, i realised am gonna miss my official girlfriend and it seems my dreams don’t wanna believe she is now safe from my high S#xual activities.

I wasn’t a novice when it comes to s*x cos as far as i can remember i had my first Bleep before i was 10. I remember it was at a church night vigil days to my resumption as a Secondary school student. I and my childhood crush kept discussing were we sat with my impending journey as the sole topic. Jane later told me to escort her buy chewing gum from a northerner’s kiosk at the next street. Time check some minutes past10: pm.
Minutes later we were seated at the back of the church car park exchanging Saliva though i was a novice i can swear she wasn’t.

There was nothing to press at the upper section of her body so my hand stayed put on her shoulders. My short went down while her skirt went up, she directed my pencil into d sharpener, I can’t describe the feeling i had but i knew i just had s*x.

I alighted from the the cab,paid and boarded a bike to my dad’s school which i arrived in 2 minutes time.

Security man: Small oga (i am my handsome father carbon copy) u don come back?
I paid the bike and answered him in positive.

Getting past the gate i observed that the students were gathered in groups rehearsing for the end of year party.

I walked past them with my face as stoned as a stone and headed to my dad’s office. Schooling away from home made me not familiar with the endowment of Ladies in this part of the world. I was soon aware of stares and giggles from some matured human beings seated at the upstairs of the Senior secondary school section i stole a glance and realised my father has been collecting Money as School fees from the parents of such beautiful creatures. I swear i will give all beautiful girls free education if i gat an opportunity to run this school.

I was deep in such thoughts when i heard my name i turned around receiving a hug from……., Guess who?[/b]
13 Sep 2021 | 12:49
[b]episode 2 Yup, you really don’t need to guess hard… As i turned back i was enveloped by a hug as massive as that of a bear.i had no choice than to lift my now stiff hands and place on the waist of my Angelic Jane(only her will be so bold to hug me in such a place) . Jane: wattsup Mimi(i always thank my parents for giving me such a nice name) ” i am good long time”, i replied as we both headed to the admin office,i went in to see my dad,collected my weekly allowance hastily ( not before recieving words of counselling) and returned to chatting wit Jane.( who was fortunately the female social prefect). I told her how i missed her cos we last saw 2 months ago and finally collected her contacts. Funny enough i had no opportunity to touch Jane since our last sexcapade nearly a decade ago. I guess it was the vice principal that called on her as we immediately disengaged while i hurried home to eat my breakfast, smilling as i added her up on my 2go contact list. I logged my dear 2go(o hw i miss my 2go) and start chatting with my ex class mates. I got a message from Ifeanyi my partner in crime,we chatted a bit and shared some old memories,he then invited me to Kontogora(Niger state) for his parent’s marriage blessing which i hurriedly obliged to. Three days later and i was almost killed by boredom i went to chill at the balcony of our One storey building apartment. Moments later i saw a young fulani girl hawking *Fura da Nunu*. Her God given Nunu company was almost bigger than the calabash she held on her hand (i am a b0s0m guy) immediately i grew too thirsty. I immediately called her with my *americanized* hausa language. “zo, inan so sia nunu”( come, i wanna purchase nunu) i shouted as i directed her to push the gate and come in. I hurriedly ran down to meet her. Standing infront of me was a slim lady, tall with rounded b0s0m. Her fair skin was covered with their local tattoo. I stood mouth opened till she talked me out of my day dream.( i was already pointing my Dilk into her pothole with clothes down). nunu nawa Kei na so(how much nunu do i want to buy) she asked. I told her while i handed my plate to her. I asked her for the names which she told me. 5 minutes later she was through and time for payment i asked her to follow me inside to receive her pay (oh her pay)! I barely steped my foot inside the house when i recieved a call from my Mum asking me to bring her car to her Spa that she wanted going to Garki with it. Mixed feelins occupied my heart, tho i always feel proud when riding my Mum’s baby jeep, the thoughts of me not having dis fulani girl made me felt bad. I paid her and asked her to come back the next day, i watched her reluctantly closed the door behind me. “An opportunity” lost i said aloud as i drove out the gate. I made sure i wind down the side glass so as to show all these pompous boys for the estate that am also capable of James Bonding. “Miracle”!!!, i heard a feminine voice call out. Aishat told me she was heading to the bus stop, i wasnt sure if my ears caught what she was saying because i couldn’t fail to recognize how this 15 year old girl now looks lyk someone in her early 20’s. Oh you want to pass my juntion”? She said, “or will you drive me to Suleja?” she immediately added. “i wish i could” i replied smiling as i stopped the car for her to come down. “you know i will love to be yur personal driver”, i said giving her my Paul Walker(RIP) smile. “the honour is mine”, she said as she collected my Nokia X2 from my outstretched hands inputting her digit. I couldnt stop watching in amazement as her backside rolled like a roller coaster as she marched proudly to the bus stop not knowing the effect she is having on my Junior and the conseequences that she will pay was so soon. Twenty Minutes later i parked in front of the beauty spa. My mum later came, settle me and drove off. I must be given a massage, i thought as i bounced into the spa. I exchanged greetings with the secretary a middle aged lady. “i need a beautiful young girl for the massage” i told her i observed she was sort of surprise cos i don’t partake in such conversation with any of my Mum’s workers. I smiled as i realized the suprise on her face. My joy knew no bounds so i added “a lady as beautiful as you will do the magic to my stiff bones” she blushed, and asked me to go into room 7 and await my massage. I immediately stripped to my briefs minutes into the kill zone awaiting my massager. I smiled to my self as i heard the day opened and closed behind me( i was already laying flat) The s£nsat!on i felt made me sighed with pleasure. The softness of those hands slowly cementing my back made me m0an in satisfaction, no one needed to tell me i was being handled by a professional. Turning around to see who was doing such wonderful works on my body came to my mind but as a professional in the act of massaging i know it isn’t allowed. I wanted trying my luck anyway. “you know it isn’t allowed”, i heard my tormentor said. My head swelled when i heard the voice, oh i know that voice from somewhere. My heart skipped two seconds as i tried decoding who my tormentor was. OMG!! I screamed with surprise in my mind. Now i recognized the person making me feel like am in heaven. I wanted spilling it out, as if she already knows what was in my mind she inserted a finger in my butt hole. Tho my briefs was on i felt so good that i could not say a word, She immediately drag my briefs down exposing my bare butt to her face. Soon it seems my butts was been devoured as she used her teeth and tongues as the tool of massage. My dilk now fully erect cried in pain due to the contact it was having with the mat. “What d hell are u doing”?, I said to her holding her hands.[/b]
14 Sep 2021 | 03:37
[b]episode 3 Silence engulfed the “kill room”. I felt foolish for expecting an answer, for God’s sake y d hell do i tend to spoil Moments of pleasure with my arrogant mouth. I gat to do something to make up for fouling the mood. “you can continue”, i said as i rolled upward staring at the semi- unclad body of the secretary who has been my *Konjitor* all this while. Her gown perfectly fit her slim yellowish body. She looked more beautiful than ever. Her hair was ponytailed. I could have sworn she was a teenager not the 23 year old lady she was. She looked so perfect. At age 16, i wouldn’t have imagined myself getting such pleasure from a lady older than my elder sister. I saw a glimpse of lust in her eyes and took control of the moment by placing a professional kiss on her lips. I withdrew to checkout her reaction but easily noticed she must be enjoying this due to he fact she had her eyes closed nd was unconsciously/ consciously licking her lips. “Time to return the pleasure” , i whispered to her, as i drew her face to mine, we were both in a kneeling position though i was a bit taller, i could easily place my lips on her neck nape. m0ans after m0ans erupted from her which made my *animality* increased. I gave her neck nape gentle bites as my hand found my way into her mini gown nd hard pressed her b0s0m. “Who doesn’t wear a bra for such a job”?, i whispered to her “Someone who admires her customer” she replied as she used her hands to handle my now erect J0yst!ck. “You know i love your boldness and manliness, that is why i choosed to handle you personally not sending in casual handlers” Madam secretary was now pulling my J0yst!ck up and down like she wants to start a generator. She really started a s£nsat!on in me which was so real and lovely, she pushed me to the floor and enveloped my J0yst!ck with her soft mouth. I unconsciously m0aned so loud as she sU-Cked my J0yst!ck like her life depended on it. She will give the tips a gentle bite and take it all in. I could feel my J0yst!ck touching her voice gland. Her hands were massaging my balls as i involuntarily bleeped her mouth. My mighty man was now fully at attention. “this doesn’t look like a J0yst!ck of a teenager” , i heard her screamed to her self. As she withdrew her mouth and licked my tips. I laughed it off and started pinching her Tips, she reciprocate the favour and pinched. That did the magic as i knew i was about to reward her efforts with my showers of blessing. I quickly withdraw my J0yst!ck from her mouth and applied my expulsion dismissal techniques. Realizing the amount of time spent, she stood up heading to the door. “Oh i must bleep that K!ttyC@t even if i don’t taste it” i said in my mind. Her hand was know on the door knob leading to the changing room, I raced towards her,lifted her gown up, lifted her legs up and inserted two fingers in her pucci hole. She was backing me and using the door and knob as her support. I finger bleeped her roughly as i felt her juice all over my fingers. I now directed my rod into her pothole from the back. Tho i was a slim guy with a J0yst!ck of maybe 7″, i could swear she was a slim girl with a pucci as deep as 10″. She gasped as i shoved my J0yst!ck as fast as i could in a digging movement. “Oh bleep me, yes baby do it faster. “My baby boy u r killing me o, kill me please” she was screaming. The next 10 minutes met me still ramming her from behind and the secretary having numerous orgasm. “i will release” i stammered as i grab her hair. With that she swerved her butt0ckz backwards as she said “am safe”. My balls ached and i jetted my seed, i could feel her pucci tightened on my J0yst!ck and a shout of victory at last from both our mouths. I drained all my liquid inside her as i fell flat nd rolled unto d mat. Madam secretary knelt down out of exhaustion. “where did u learnt that”? She asked as she opened the door and steped into the changing room knowing she just asked a rhetorical question. *i really need to know am doing something* one or two word will do.. 3 days after i went intimate with madam secretary i remained on my sick bed. I felt feverish, headache, body pain and nausea. I was scared cos i Googled out the symptoms of HIV and saw all the symptoms i had were included in what i saw online. My Dad called the family doctor that friday morning to come and check me out. I prayed to God to give me one more chance, i even promised not to have s*x until marriage. Was it that madam secretary have given me HIV under 3 days or what?. Some Memories came into my mind. #FLASHBACK “Godsmiracle, what was i saying”, our SS2 G&C Master barked at me. I have been engaged in a discussion with Rita the assistant class rep at the extreme end of the class. I stood up smiling because i know i will surely disappoint this old man who loves to embarrass me. “come and knell down here,if you don’t know what i have been hammering on 30 minutes ago”, he quickly added with a devilish smile on his face. I laughed inwardly, i wish this man knew his topic was what motivated the discussion between me and Rita. “sir, Prevention of STD’s and birth control is what we are discussing with birth control as the sub topic”. “in our last class you told us to make sure we protect our selves from STD’s by abstainance or the use of condom”. ” I prefer the use of condom especially rough rider if i am to engage in extra Marital s*x. ” i said with all seriousness . I was cut short by the laughter of my 52 class mates that almost shook the whole school. I begged them to stop laughing and continued.” today, sir u talked about birth control. Birth control is required when the couples are not ready for child bearing.” i said smilling now turning to Rita. “we have different ways of controlling birth which includes: using of contraceptives, usage of pills and withdrawal method(i said smiling at Rita)”. Knowing he was defeated, the teacher asked me to sit down amidst applaudes from my classmates and whistles from my Best friends(who understood what i just achieved with that speech). Rita and I have been crushing on each other for a while. Though i managed to kiss her once she always seems scared to go further, i knew she was afraid of being pregnant because i cleared her doubts on HIV after we were forced to a free test by our Principal. And that day i used the opportunity given by my teacher to tell her there won’t be any problem if we go further. That night i was opportuned to touch her b0s0m when we were romancing. We both sneaked out to our usual spot inside an uncompleted PTdF building. We kissed like never before. All this while we do sneak in there we mostly engaged in conversation that doesnt help my J0yst!ck in any way. Imagine after sneaking into a building, a girl start asking you to mention the differences between acid and base. I used my hand to unbutton her green check as my right hand found it way into her not to big b0s0m.i pinched her Tip as i shifted the bra upward.[/b]
15 Sep 2021 | 15:24
sharp shooter , next please
15 Sep 2021 | 19:10
[b]episode 4 I soon found my mouth on her Tips, my tongue tasting and flipping it with all zealousness as i exchange the job between the two not wanting to cheat one for the other. She screamed as i gave both Tips gentle but strong bites. I immediately disengaged from my duty so as to check out for anyone coming. Luckily, there wasnt any movement, as the night was silent. “you can sabi scream o” i teased after making sure we were safe from expulsion. “Na you cause am na” she replied. I covered her lips with my mouth as i unbuttoned her skirt. My hand (my dear left hand) located her p@anties then She put up a resistance. “baby you gat to trust me, i mean no harm”, i assured her as i gave her neck a gentle bite. My left hand was found its way to her hair smooching it with all care, and into her mouth as she sU-Cked my slim lady-like finger.( i always receive admiration from both s*x for my beautiful finger nails). The school bell rang for close of prep, i had to do something. I wasn’t with any condom so i had to fvkk that nice looking pushi raw. I inserted my finger into her tight pucci hole, she sighed when my second finger struggled it way in. I could feel her fluids all over my Hands as i used it to lubricate my dilk. Ooossh!!! Gently please!!. She was saying as my 7″ tried finding a route in her very tight pushi. I instantly knew she wasn’t a virgin but must have stayed years without s*x. Leave Mater for Mathias joor. My waist whined in harmony with the makossa beat playing in my head. Using the wall as a table, i lifted her legs up and thrusted deeper as her pushi walls now adjusted to my J0yst!ck size. She was a lousy fvkka so i used my mouth to cover hers. I kept on ramming in tune with the second bell signaling end of prep. “my husband”, “my heart beat fvvck me till i die” “yes,no” “ah heeeh” she kept muttering as my pace went fast and steady. Minutes later it was time to reap the fruit of my labour(arranging and fvkking that pushi was like hard labour), she started trembling and rained my J0yst!ck with her Pour,I felt my inner pipe trying to accommodate my Pour. I quickly withdrew and spilled my seed on the wall. Mission accomplished, though it was dark i could see her vibrating in ecstasy. We later sneaked into our hostels. #end of flashback. That was the last time i had unprotected s*x excluding my rumble with madam secretary 3 days ago. “hello, Miracle”. I heard the doctor said as he barged in to my room alongside my parents. “I am good” , i replied as i struggled to sit on my bed. He brought out a Stethoscope placing it on my bare chest. He opened my eyes and used the ophthalmoscope to check my eyes. I also opened my mouth as he finalized his examination. He started writing some indecryptable words. “you will be alright”, he said turning to me. I felt a bit relieved when he told my parents it was just typhoid. My daddy suggested it was my stay in school that must be responsible. My medications were handed to my mum. The next days were unevenful. My two kid brothers choosed to use my predicament as a tool to disengage from the end of year activities. Ayo and Emma(my twin kid bros) usually do the laundry for me during this period. Ayo: Big bro, are u the one that fulani girl came looking me “she even gave me this to give u as i told her u wia sick” i was soon gulping the bowl of nunu into my system. This sickness have made me lost the opportunity to juice out this fulani girl. I made up my mind to recover quickly and started from where i stopped. Later in the night i logged into my 2go as i chatted up with my friends updating them on my health status. I received a message from Jane, telling me my kid bro(mr amibo ) told her i was indisposed. We chatted as she told me the graduation party was the following Wednesday and her class arranged for a get together party at Metro Hotel Kubwa on Wednesday night. I told her i missed her as she promised to visit me on Monday. On Monday i chased my kid brothers to school threatening to report them to their v.p. Time check 10 am. I received a call from Jane telling me she was on her way. I took my bath and made some necessary arrangements to the mess my kid brothers engineered. I soon heard a knock on the gate, i hastily did 30 press ups so as to look fit. I made sure i heard another knock before i cat walked to the gate. I received an intimate hug from Jane as i opened the gate. She was wearing a skimpy gown. My face frowned a little when i saw another girl coming inside she was putting on a jean with a very big shirt. “mimi; this is my friend Omotayo”, she smiled as she introduced i outstretched my hand with a slight frown on my face. “welcome Omotayo” i said as i felt her soft hands. She smiled and said thank you. We disengaged and marched towards the house. Me: what will i offer you girls? Jane: mimi don’t stress urself for me o. I ignored her and went to the fridge bringing out a bottle of red wine. We drank as the girls concentrated on the movie playing on the plasma hung on the wall. I tried accessing the ladies from where i sat opposite them. All i could decipher was unlike the fair skin and height they both had, their b0s0m and hips varied in size. Though they were both beautiful i will pick Jane anytime, anywhere. I went over to where Jane was seated and gave her a surprising kiss on the lips as i dragged her back to my seat to sit on my laps. “hmmm, shey u said u wia sick”, she asked. “i was but i feel ok seeing u here” “you must be d best medication for me”. She smiled and faced me as i planted a kiss on her lips. We were soon kissing passionately as she wrapped her hands over my neck. My tongue found it way out of her mouth to her neck. I licked and kissed as she m0aned gently. I could feel my junior nodding in agreement and encouraging me to go further. “Hum hum”, omotayo coughed. As we quickly disengaged.[/b]
16 Sep 2021 | 11:28
I can't find you episodes link
23 Sep 2021 | 09:42
#waiting for more episodes
1 Oct 2021 | 03:59
[b]episode 4 “why did you bring this human being to my house”, i whispered licking her ear lobes. She sighed a little and used her hands to touch my Mountainous J0yst!ck enclosed by my tight jean. I took that as a signal to ignore The intruder and continued with the licks on her ear and neck. I stole a glance at Omotayo and saw her pretending to be engrossed in the movie,Na Konji go kill you i said in my mind. I decided to give her a public show as i told Jane to stand up. While still sitting down i turned her to face me as she Straddled my laps her eyes closed all this eyes. Our position was now a face me i face u position. She started smoothing my low cut hair, as she tried pulling off my shirt i assisted by raising my hands in an *i surrender* way. Her lips left my mouth and down to my Tip. She sU-Cked me there for a while before whispering “a nice Body u have”. ( i have a God given 8 pecs or 8 lines as my friends call it). I was shocked when she found her hand into into my unzipped jean. She was now on her knees as she enveloped my J0yst!ck with her mouth. I felt the urge to Pour due to the accumulated pleasure to Pour. Sensing what was about to come she increased the pace of pumping. Then she pressed my testicles slightly. My eyes went wide as i felt my Pour running all the way from my balls. I stole a glance at Omotayo and saw her still pretending to be watching the movie.(or is she a l£sb!an or what). Moments later my seeds flew in large quantity into the waiting mouth of Jane as she sU-Cked me dry. I was surprised when she swallowed it. The idea of having s*x while been watched crept into my mind. “let us give ur friend a show”, i told her as she straddled me in a cowgirl position. “she doesn’t do J0yst!ck” she replied confirming my earlier presumption. I looked towards were she was sitting and saw her smiling looking us. She must have heard our conversation. *Me self no care*, i lifted my cowgirl’s gown using it to cover her face. Her bare b0s0m greeted my face(she wasn’t putting on a bra), while a thonged kitty greeted my J0yst!ck. I sU-Cked her now firm and pointed nips as she encouraged me with her m0ans. I could feel her liquids dripping on my trousers. My finger found it way to the cl!t as i massaged it gently, later the finger went in as i scratched her inner flesh, i added another finger and she started moving her waist forward matching my thrust. Bearing it no more she held my J0yst!ck and adjusted it into her pothole… We both shivered as her pushi walls kept adjusting to my size. With her hands wrapped over my neck and my hands on her waist she started riding me. She rose up and down while i met her rhythm with upwards thrust. I was in heaven at last. We fvucd for over 10 minutes in this position as the sound of our s*x organs and gentle m0ans rented the parlor. I stole a glance at omotayo and saw her urging me on with her thumbs up. What a mad girl i thought. Jane wasnt a lousy bleeper so i was scared when she screamed so loud. I looked down and saw whitish substances coming out from her pushi. That was all it took as i emptied all i got into her as we hugged tightly. That was the best s*x i have ever had ” she said after we finished cleaning up. She later left with her friend not before promising her of my presence in the upcoming party. The next day went unevenful cos of the rain that blasted those kubwa witches all day. My mum came back late in the night when i was sleeping, she woke me up and asked about my health, she later brought the remaining medicine and forced me to complete the dose .(i hate medicine). Wednesday came, the school graduation ceremony was slated for 12 noon. So i took my kid brothers as early as 8am to the barbing saloon. Twas a unisex saloon though, i did my best to avoid any conversation with the girls i met there. 11:30 am and i was cruising my dad’s Camry alongside my brothers heading to the school. I made sure i always check out my face using the side mirrors at intervals. We arrived and i located a last angle to put my butt0ckz in the large hall. Soon the program commenced. My highlight of the day was when a group of girls led by Omotayo performed a dance to the song Oliver twist by Dbanj. There was a time Dbanj said, “you must move bumbum, shaki bum bum”. The velocity this girls used to whine their butt0ckz was so rapid. Cheers rented the hall. After the awards, i went out to chill in the car. I saw Jane and hailed her to come over. She came together with her partner Omotayo. I began suspecting Jane to be a l£sb!an. We talked, even Omotayo showed all interest. They later left after reminding Me of the party. By 6pm i told my mum am out to chill with some friends, i promised her to work in the spa free for a whole week if she allows me use her car. After much sweet mounting, she obliged. 30 minutes later i was parking like a king at the Vip park section of the hotel. I love parties but dot know how to dance so i remained seated at a secluded section of the party room(it was inside an executive suit, trust this abj kids can afford twice of that).[/b]
6 Oct 2021 | 11:03
[b]Days passed after the rumbling with Omotayo at the party. It soon turn to be a few weeks and there wasn’t any major events. I spent more time with my dad at home and visited my Mum in her shop as i waited for the release of the WAEC result. My Jamb score was 226, a nice score for computer engineering. I applied for FUT MINNA so i had to travel in a week time for the Post Utme. My dad insisted to accompany me to the exams though i protested,”who told you, you can Win an argument with a yoruba man? The exams were successful as i scored 68%. I made sure to sound my trumpet to all and sundry that cared to hear. I wasn’t involved in S#xual activities during this period but i was opportuned to feel some feminine bare back during my massaging section with female customers. #FLASH BACK After my sexcapade with Rita(1st term, SSS2), i couldn’t find an opportunity to put my 7″ in any kitty, though i used my fingers when ever i faced Rita. My friends Ifeanyi and Deji, were regular straffers. I can remember looking out for them both as the Straffed a female class mate on the eve of leaving school after the Junior WAEC in our vacated JSS3 class during th evening dining period. The girl in picture, Bola was busy sU-Cking on ifeanyi’s dilk while Deji’s fat 8″( that guy has the biggest dilk i have ever seen) was going in and out of her kitty through the back. I refused to partake due to the fear of being caught. My Friends always took me for a s*x weakling until i told them to look out while i bleeped a JSS3 student in the second term of SS1. Now back in focus,my school life took a very good turn when the headgirl told me of her intentions to be my school mother, that was in the beginning of the second term. I shook my head in agreement as i was so shock to answer with my mouth. She kept to her role as a mother by providing me with excess food and protection. There was this day i broke bounds to play play station 2 and was caught by some prefects. Luckily, i wasn’t punished when i told them my name. I knew the head girl must have had a hand in that. She introduced me to her younger sister who turned out to be Angela, the girl that later became a bad omen to me. End of Flash Back. I was woken up by a call one morning from Ifeanyi telling me the Waec result was out and also reminding me of his family’s thanksgiving coming up in 2 weeks time. “i don hear u”, i said weakly as my heart beat increased its beating pace. I knew i wrote the exams well combined with the *bullets* dem boys downloaded from the internet.( chai, expo dey hot den). I prayed for 30 minutes before i stepped out of my room and headed to the parlor. “Daddy, Good morning”, i greeted my father with all calmness as i sighted him watching the news. I was scared to tell him about the release of the result, not yet at least until i checked it. “i received a text that WAEC has released its result”,he said. “I haven’t heard about that, sir” “ok, now u have heard, can u go and write down your examination details, so i can check yours when i go to the office” my mouth went sour and my legs weak as i struggled my way to do as he said. He soon left with his power bike to the office not after asking me to wash the four cars crystal clean before he comes back. My dad can be one kind of a man, he could smile with you by 4pm and flogged you by 4:03pm. Though he last flogged me during the holidays after junior WAEC. I was praying i shouldnt fail cos wat happened 3 years back could happen again. I fasted to the amazement of my brothers, how i wish they knew how pressurized i was. Time check,some minutes past 8pm and i could hear the sound of the power bike rode by the power man. My brothers went to the gate as i went into my room covering a blanket over me. “Miracle!!!”, i heard my dad calling me in an angry tone. I muttered as i ran down to the parlor to face my fate. I saw my mum staring at my dad with a certain look i couldn’t decipher,she must have come back with my dad. I tried reading her but i couldn’t. There was a minute silent maybe because i failed before my dad broke the graveyard like silence.[/b]
7 Oct 2021 | 01:07
[b]“why did you opt for ibo language instead of further mathematics i instructed you to register” i was speechless and don’t know what to think. Lots of thought encroach my mind. I vividly remembered the day the senior boarding house master sent for me, i had a call from my dad, as a science student he gave me the subjects to register, Further Mathematics included. I wasn’t a real genius in Mathematics and i had fears. So i choosed to replace F.M with ibo language.( i am good in the theoretical aspect of ibo language though i can’t speak fluently). “daddy, i forgot to tell u i made a mistake when registering,it was already late when i found out” i lied,trying to save myself. He scolded me and was telling my mum how she trained a son that can’t obey his father’s wise counsel. My mum did her best to calm him down. “you have a good result”, he finally said as he handed an envelope to my mum. With joy i ran to and fro the parlor exhibiting my gymnastics skills not even bothering to check out my grades. My mum read out the grade, i had 4 distinctions in Mathematics, physics, geography,and Economics. While the remaining 5 subjects were credit. She danced as she praised me, “follow the ways of your seniors”, she said with a stern face advising my kid brothers. “wait for my own result”, Ayo said as he followed my dad upstairs. I later called some of my pals to share the good tidings. Ifeanyi and Deji both had D7 in mathematics and English respectively. Rita made her papers, while Angela had an outstanding in Mathematics. The corresponding days went smoothly as i was in a joyful mood. I greeted anyone i see even if am way older than he/she.[/b]
7 Oct 2021 | 01:28
[b]My new attitude surprised the neighbours and my peers within the estate, i woke up early as i prepared to church on the day of our worship (i go to an unorthodox church, but not Pentecostal. If i type the name here i guess a lot of people will unravel my real identity). The service was boring as usual but i felt a closeness with God during the service. I told all who cared to here the outcome of my exams. ***Fast forward** Two days to the thanksgiving of my friend’s family,i left via a bus not before receiving warnings and advice from my parents. I was seated at the back of the 18 seater bus heading to suleja. A journey of 45 minutes took an hour due to the hold up at Madalla( Thursday’s is a major market day). I boarded a sienna heading to minna, with my black glasses i frowned through out the journey to minna via the very bad road and pretended not to notice the very beautiful girl sitted next to me. The only attributes i observed was that she was tall,slim with fair skin. She was my type of girl. I succeeded in ignoring her completely. We soon arrived MX(minna), “bida!!, lapai!!!, kontogora!!!” rented the air as i located a small Toyota car with “KONTOGORA” placard on top of the roof. Locating my arse towards the last corner of the backseat i placed my cloth-filled student bag on my laps. I wore my Bluetooth headset as i listened to my most loved Wizkid collection. I was shaken my head to the song “pakuromo” when i felt a slight tap on my arm. I turned and found myself staring. i found my self staring at a very beautiful face, she wasn’t putting on any make up but she still looked very beautiful in all glory. “please can u dress a bit”,she requested with a smile revealing twin dimples. I quickly adjusted trying to hide the fact that i was staring immensely at the same lady i totally ignored during the trip to Minna. “Hi”, i managed to say at last. “Hi”, she replied bluntly as she plugged in an earphone. Soon the journey started as we all paid , i was busy accessing the angel sitting beside me, her hair was dressed into a ponytail, the lips alone was something to write home about cos i know i will boast to my friends if i have an opportunity to kiss such lips. I wanted striking a conversation after realizing wat i rejected earlier on. I could swear she was feigning this rude attitude or wasn’t this the same lady who tried engaging me in a conversion on our way to minna from Suleja. My body weakened when i realized am just wasting my time. I wore my headphone and started singing along to Wizkid’s “Love my baby”. My voice wasn’t all that bad and i knew so i increased the volume of my voice as i focused outside the window observing the fast movement of trees. Minutes later i felt a tap on my shoulders from the angel beside me, i thought she must have gotten enticed by my stylish singing but i was wrong when she pointed towards the man sitting behind her. “o foi, why am i disturfing our feace”, the fat Northerner said with contempt in his eyes. “or i think na only me be fassenger” i felt embarrassed and annoyed but i knew replying that Mallam will only lead to more problems. I just smiled to the amusement of everyone. “driver i wann piss” i shouted. The driver found a spot and parked his car. I came down and headed to the front with my bag in my hand. The car is a sienna car, 2 passengers at the front; 4 in the middle; and 3 at the back. “my guy go sit down for back”, i offered to a guy who was sitting uncomfortably in the front seat. He thanked me as we soon exchanged seat to the amazement of every one. The remaining part of the journey was uneventful. Minutes later the driver drove into the park at kontogora, i alighted as i tried calling Ifeanyi for diretions to his house. His number wasnt going through. I remembered writing it down in a paper i safely tucked into my wallet. I touched my pockets but couldn’t find my wallet. My eyes went misty as i tried figuring out where i dropped my wallet containing 5 thousand bucks. “Ah, i don die today o, where will i head to”, i thought aloud. I could still hear my father’s voice in my head despite the noise in the park. “be careful with your wallet o”. He was drawing his ear in the yoruba way. “looking for this?”, i heard a female voice asked as i turned around and saw Anita( as she later told me her name was) with a frowned face, in her hand was my black wallet.[/b]
8 Oct 2021 | 01:30
[b]i collected my wallet from her and thanked her. I offered to buy lunch for her, though she put up a little resistance,she succumbed when i threatened to lie down flat on the ground if she keeps turning down my request. We headed to the eatery and settled down to a meal of rice and coke.i kept making her laugh while she tried her best not to digest wrongly. “you know Nigeria will be better if Goodluck steps down for you” she smiled and soon our discussion went intimate. Anita told me she schools at the College of Education located there and went home to suleja to see her parents. I told her i was a FuT minna hopeful. “borrow me your number, i misplaced mine”, i said handing her my phone. I promised to call her and visit her before i leave for Abuja. I arrived the resident of my friend after sunset. I wasnt surprised by the huge standing building cos i knew his parents were wealthy. (his provisions and Swags in Secondary school says it all). Ifeanyi wasnt in, i met his twin sister (he opened the gate), i was warmly received by his mother alongside his elder sister,and younger brother. I settled in his room and dozed off. I was later woken up by him as we both went to the dining table for Dinner. His dad welcomed me and told me to feel at home while his mom told Chinaza his twin sister to make sure i felt comfortable. The next morning being a Friday morning, we both started the day with a game of Pes2 as i flogged him mercilessly even while using NigerIa. Breakfast was served in his room by his twin. “good morning”,she greeted with a smile. “morning” , we both replied. “i was greeting only Miracle”, she said as she switched off the television and asked me to start eating. I had to hold ifeanyi from chasing after her as she stormed out the room calling him a lazy boy. We both ate, bath and headed out in his Rubber-Rubber machine.i told him about Anita and he told me we are gonna storm that school on Sunday. That evenining the house was filled to the brim, ifeanyi called his girl friend (Faith) to come over she came with a friend of hers(Joy).[/b]
9 Oct 2021 | 03:35
[b]Ifeanyi and I sitted at a secluded section of the compound, little bit distanced from the noise generated by people who came to drink and merry even before the main occasion.we were soon join by Faith and Joy both beautiful in there own ways. “Ifeanyi, na this lovely creature u dey handle”, i asked boldly after he finished hugging a girl nearly twice his size. We all laughed while introductions were made. The music blaring from the main compound could be heard from where we were. Ifeanyi excused himself into the house and came back some seconds later with a big bottle of Mac Dowells, a bowl filled with meat and Four disposable cups. We were soon laughing (effect of alcohol) hysterically as we eat and drank. “that is forbidden in public”, i shouted seeing Ifeanyi and Faith sharing a kiss. I was told to mind my business by Ifeanyi as he winked secretly nodding towards the direction of Joy who couldn’t stop looking at me since they arrived. I knew i didn’t fancy her though she was a beautiful in a term *black beauty*. I Manned up and started engaging her in a deep conversation. We discussed about personal issues including our date of birth(i lied for sure), i discovered the girls where older than us by a year(if na their true age they talk o). Ifeanyi suggested we head to his room and we did using the back door to avoid stories that touches. I could see Ifeanyi and Faith all loved up, kissing and cudling on the bed while me and Joy kept discussing. “guy, u just dey speak English o for dat girl”, Ifeanyi annoyingly said. I laughed and hushed him off telling him to mind his business. I appealed to Faith to keep him quiet.She laughed and promised to do her best. Time check 7:30pm and the ladies weren’t saying anything about living. “do you have a girlfriend”, Joy surprisingly asked me. “yes o, he even bleeped her elder sister, na bad boy u dey see o”, Ifeanyi answered almost immediately like the question was directed to him. “who ask u”, Faith asked him. I bowed my head in embarrassment speechless. “is it true”, Joy asked with a widened eye. I could see Faith with the corner of my eye sitting up to hear my reply. #FLAShBACK[/b]
9 Oct 2021 | 03:37


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