Your Mother means a lot to you, always celebrate your mom. She carried you in her belly for 9 months, so that you can manifest on earth through GOD GRACE. If your mom doesn't understand you or offended you, don't take it to heart and forgive her. Children were told to obey and honour their parents in the Lord and parents were also told not to provoke or offend their children, it's all about understanding things positively. Mothers are always special. Mothers love are always special from breastfeeding...........................,..,.................................................... NOW LETS GO TO THE JOKE.......A mother came into her super market and saw her daughter arguing with a customer who just left. She said to her daughter "don't you know that customers are always right" and the daughter replied, "mom, she said that you are a mad woman because i told him the price". And the mom got angry and said, "No, this customer was wrong"..........Lol.