[b]I long for that day,when he will be here with me..
I long for that day,when I will crave for the chilling weather..
I long for that day,when his broad chest will be my perfect headrest..
I long for that day,when his smiles will be more than enough..
I so much long for that moment,when his presence will be all I need..
Traveling to the disney land is not a crime,
Not a crime when I am bound to smile.
I can see his perfect face,radiating in all forms,
I can feel his awesome touch,going through my marrows.
I quiver at the sound of his voice,
So soothing to my inner being.
His warmth is worth more than rubies,
Giving my all to him is my desire.
To hear him laugh and cry with me..
To see him stare at me with love and affection..
Oh! How beautiful will it be? To have him all to myself?
I can't share him..because I am bound to love him..and him alone..
I will give all I have to make him love me more..
How I long for that perfect midnight...when his cuddle will keep me warm...
Wrote this just now..composing as I was typing... I don't even have it in my poem book yet...
I am dedicating this to... Oh! Scroll down for the name jur
Chai! Amebos...
I dedicate it to that dude I secretly admire... Smiles.. I will keep the name jae...[/b]