Episode 4
> i watch as he gently brought out a gun from pocket and point to the girl, i prayed bitterly, i wish i was with my arrow, suddenly my mom's wish ran into my mine, i see no reason not to start fulfilling it now before i knew it, i saw myself fill with fire, oh mahn i was a firebox, i extend towards them and advance for fight, the fire their guns on me but their bullet melt away, zoom zoom zoom i sent fire to them, unluckyly one die two escape, immediately i return back to my normal self, i was like what is happening to me? How did it happen? I quickly went back home forgetting about the girl>
> 3 weeks pass>
>pinpon pinpon, i walk straight to the door>
mel: hey mahn were have you been
pia: guy i went out of town
mel: there is .... Mahn i wanna go hunting
pia: there is what?
>i kept quiet>
pia: mahn talk to me am your friend what is it
mel: there is new club down the town, hmmm sammy's club
pia: mahn me and you know that sammy's club is not new what is it?