

By jummybabe in 15 Aug 2017 | 07:34
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jummybabe jummybabe

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“This gown is perfect!” Sonia exclaimed in delight as she hurriedly held out the wedding gown that caught her fancy in the extremely large room filled with gowns. Jessica sighed exhaustedly. “You can’t obviously expect me to wear that?”
“And what is wrong with this one again?” Paulina asked frowning, equally exhausted.
“Yes, tell us what is wrong with it. Even though I don’t like the design at t he back, I can’t wait for you to make your choice. We have been in this dress shop for hours” Lizzy scolded.
“And every cloth you guys have been pointing out is either too showy or too expensive” Jessica pointed out.
Lizzy stood in front of Jessica, arms akimbo. “You are dulling my spirit honey. You are getting married to one of the richest and most famous guys in this blessed country of ours and you are lamenting money? He gave you his MasterCard for crying out loud” she exclaimed.
“So? Am I supposed to drain the account all in the name of a wedding dress?”
Sonia stepped in. “I agree with Jessica” Jessie smiled. “We can’t overspend just because the guy is rich”. Lizzy hissed.
“All the same, no gown here is expensive enough to catch his notice. I mean, come on, this gown is not even up to 150, 000 Naira” Paulina said in one breath.
“I agree with Paulina” Sonia said.
Jessica shook her head. Of all her friends, Sonia was closest to her. Jessica believed that no matter how many friends you have, you would always have a best friend, or at least someone who was closer to you than the others. Sonia always played it safe. She is not the arguing type but when it came to advice or a good listener, Sonia was impeccable. She would reason with you and carefully try to make her point without an argument. Lizzy was the fashion freak that could use her last penny to buy what was in vogue, as long as it fits her perfectly. Paulina was the one with the attributes of a mother. She babied and bullied everyone into doing her will but she could never really exert her controlling power on them; especially not on Jessica.
Jessica was the most stubborn. Once she made up her mind, it .takes only God and divine intervention to change it. The only way her three close friends ever succeeded in manipulating her is if they joined forces. Her stubborn nature was the reason why they still have not picked a wedding dress for the wedding that would hold in two weeks’ time. But c’mon, how could she put on a cloth worth 150,000 Naira? She sighed. Lizzy was busy sampling other dresses while the others continued to argue.
“What is wrong with the ones I selected?” Jessica asked.
“No… I surely would not best you if you wear any of those” Sonia said with her eyes wide.
“Oh no! Your fashion sense is total ly out of league. I am sure no one would have agreed to wear those ridiculous dresses in the year 1789! Do you know the dignitaries that would be present at the wedding? I would definitely not miss handshakes and photographs with governors. My Twitter handle would be buzzing with new followers” she squealed.
“You need to look presentable enough my dear, if you are going to be marrying Andy Williams. He is every woman’s dream”. Paulina’s eyes turned dreamy.
“Why don’t you marry him instead? I am so tired of this” Jessica complained wearily.
“Oh really? I am so grateful honey” Paulina squealed happily.
“I always knew you liked her more than me. Why did you not give him to me?” Sonia asked with sad, accusing eyes.
Jessica hissed. “See the people I call my friends” she shook her
“Hey lazy bones” Lizzy called, out of sight. “Get your butts down head here. I got the hottest gown here and I am not taking ‘no’ for an answer”
The girls walked there even though Jessica was reluctant, knowing that whatever caught Lizzy’s fancy would not please her.
Paulina and Sonia gasped when they saw the gown. “Yeah, I know”
Lizzy said, staring at the gown in complete awe. “I couldn’t believe it myself”
Jessica’s breath was blown away as she stared at the gown. It was the most beautiful gown she had ever set her eyes on. She hid her interest in it and noticed what she had suspected. The gown needed no jacket, unlike most of the tubes she had seen. It was a tube with a .transparent net finishing which gave it small hands, although .sleeveless. The design of the gown from the net beginning to the stylish finishing was so breathtaking but the gown was too exposing to Jessica.
“I can’t” she finally said and they all turned stunned eyes at her.
“OK, listen bride, you are going to wear this gown whether you like it or not. What is wrong with it?” Lizzy was clearly angry now.
“The net” Jessica said flatly.
“What?” Sonia exclaimed.
“You can’t be serious” Paulina said.
Jessica caught sight of the price tag and her eyes widened. “I t is also too damn expensive”.
The three friends turned glaring eyes at her, folding their slim arms across their chests and from the looks on their faces; Jessica Adams knew that she had been boxed into a corner.
Jessica Adams stood at the entrance of the overcrowded hall, .feeling like an exposed rabbit. Her uncle had her hand tucked in his elbow and the music was being sung softly but Jessica heard nothing.
She felt a chilling fear in her spine that something would go wrong. As her eyes took in dignitaries as they stared at her, she felt incredibly small. The gown which she had been forced to buy by her friends now seemed like a big consolation and life-saver because it made her look important and rich.
Rich? She swallowed. How could she be marrying Andy Williams? He was not just rich, he was exceedingly rich. Apart from the wealth of his father, Andy was the owner of Max Petroleum which had uncountable branches all over the country. It was not surprising that he was that established at 35; he was born into a wealthy family and once there is money, anything is possible.
Jessica stared straight at the altar and saw Andy with his back to her. Slowly, as if noticing everyone’s diverted attention, he turned .around. Jessica who had been standing rooted to the ground seemed to .freeze the more. If there was one man who had the most compelling and breath-taking physical appearance, it was Andy Williams. He was exceedingly handsome with an arrogant air, making him look exceedingly powerful. He always stood with so much confidence that Jessica wondered if anything could shake him. The black suit he wore did nothing to hide his muscular body; instead, the suit emphasized his financial status. How could she be marrying him? They were totally worlds apart; surely everyone looking at her could vividly see the difference. When Jessica’s uncle tugged at her hand, she instantly snapped out of her thoughts. He smiled at her and they started moving towards the altar while various photographers snapped away. Looking at Andy at the altar should make her want to run to him, but instead, she wanted to run away; far away. Jessie, what is wrong with you? She asked herself. Her uncle tightened his grip on her hand, noticing her nervous state; he smiled at her. Jessica had lost her family – father, mother and brother – in a car accident when she was eleven.
Life had not been the same since then for her. Her father’s brother and his wife had been the ones to take her in when every other person in the family deserted her. Even though they always struggled to eat on a daily basis, they ensured that they took care of her. Jessica’s joy had known no bounds when God answered the couple’s prayers with a baby boy. And now, her uncle was walking her down the aisle! She wished she could walk with both her uncle and his wife. She suddenly found herself standing opposite Andy who seemed not to be able to take in what he was seeing.
“It’s the gown right?” she asked nervously.
“Uhn?” he instantly snapped out of his thoughts. “You look erm… very ravishing” he said. Jessica blushed instantly. “You are nervous?” he seemed surprised
“Shouldn’t I? Everyone has their eyes fixed on me and I feel like a dripping cat” Andy laughed and looked like he was about to say something but he swallowed his words. He took her hand and they faced the church.
“Andy Williams, do you take Jessica Adams to be your wife? To love and to cherish her, till death do you part?” The pastor asked.
“Yes, I do” Andy replied without hesitation and the chee rs in the church was deafening.
“Jessica Adams, do you take Andy Williams to be your husband? To love and to respect him, till death do you part?”
Everyone seemed to hold their breath, or was Jessica just imagining it? Silence reigned as everyone waited for her reply. She swallowed. Only one thought came to her mind and her answer was decided. “Yes, I do”
The applause went out.
“Do we have anyone who has any reason why these two should not be married? If so, speak now or forever hold your peace” The pastor said and everyone started turning heads. The question was repeated again but no one signified. The wedding rings were brought forward.
The pastor faced Andy, giving him a ri ng. “Now, repeat after me:
The vows were exchanged between them and the rings were slipped into their fingers. With deafening applause, they were pronounced husband and wife.
Contrary to the thoughts of Jessica’s friends that Jessica would be spending her honeymoon in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, Jessica ended up spending it in Nigeria. As the driver drove Jessica and Andy to a beach house, the silence in the car was so uncomfortable. Jessica later dozed off, giving in to sleep after a very stressful wedding. Andy woke her up when they got to the beach house and the first sight she saw was both heavenly and frightening. She had heard of the beach and had also seen it on the TV but she had never been to one. Looking at it now, she was scared that the water would carry her away if she as much as moved an inch closer to it but she surely wanted to play inside it. She had always loved water and seeing the beach was like an irresistible invitation.
“You like the beach” Andy said, knowingly.
“I love it” she breathed.
They walked to the beach house and as they went, it became increasingly difficult for Jessica to walk on the sand with her high shoes, so she took them off, feeling the cool sand with her bare feet. She admitted her exhaustion when she entered the house and although the only thought in her mind was a warm bath and a cool mattress, she still appreciated the luxurious house. It was so beautiful and everything in the house spoke of Andy’s financial status.
“This place is so beautiful” she breathed in awe, looking around
with wide eyes. Despite her tiredness, she was incredibly aware of Andy. He had removed his suit jacket and his shirt hugged his muscular body so firmly that she itched to touch him. Something that she definitely shouldn’t and wouldn’t do! She had always thought that rich men should be fat, due to the loads of garbage they eat on a daily basis but Andy was very hefty. He looked like a model that spent most of his time in the gym, gathering muscles. He was not a talkative but she noticed that he had been incredibly quiet. Perhaps that comes with being married because she was also quiet. Especially considering the kind of wedding they had and the kind of marriage they had entered into, there was every reason to be quiet!
Andy showed her the bedroom and she walked in, only to find that he was not following. She was happy because she needed some privacy in order to shower and change her clothes. All the things she might need were in the room already, including her boxes of clothes. As she showered, she scrubbed her body, hoping to erase the thoughts that were flooding her head. Back in the room, she mopped her body dry and wore a long oversized gown. She sighed. Now, I am back in my element! The gown carefully disguised her endowed body but still gave a hint of what to expect underneath. Her wedding gown left her feeling exposed so she intentionally chose this gown in order to get her bearing back.
She lay on the bed and started wondering where Andy must have gone to on their wedding night. Just as she was about to doze off, he entered with a laptop in his hands. An alarm went off in her head.
“You should be tired after the wedding. Won’t you come to bed?” she asked, sitting up.
“Come to bed? You can go to sleep; or have you forgotten that we have a signed contract?” Andy replied with his eyes fixed on the laptop.
Jessica blanched. For a moment, she had forgotten about everything, about the contract agreement she had with Andy Williams. For once, she had thought that this façade was real. She might be Jessica Williams now but it would only last for a year. In the next one year, she would be back to being single, or rather, divorced. She swallowed.
“How can I forget?” she said forcefully.
“Thank God” he murmured.
Jessica breathed and stood. “Well, since you obviously don’t need my help here, why don’t I just have a room to myself? This building should have more than one room” she was already taking out her bags from the wardrobe.
“Some cleaners and helps may notice that we do not share a room and spread rumours” Andy replied, raising his eyes from the laptop.
“Then don’t employ their services; I can help myself here. I have been doing so since I was born without any difficulty”
“And what if I can’t do without the maids?” Andy asked as Jessica started dragging the boxes out, not willing to see reason.
“That is for you to worry about. Not all is well with rich people, is it?” she rolled her eyes, then reluctantly added. “I am around in case you need my help” Dragging her bags along, Jessica closed the door firmly.
Andy stared at the closed door in anger. “Damned woman”

To be continued...[/b]
15 Aug 2017 | 07:34
15 Aug 2017 | 08:07
What at all is in wedding gowns that seem to get the attention of almost every lady? All the same, that is a good start and you definitely have my attention. I home this marriage does not take the form of what I saw in Full House. Oya..... carry on.
15 Aug 2017 | 10:12
15 Aug 2017 | 14:20
This gonna be interesting...
15 Aug 2017 | 14:52
OK contract marriage , am following
15 Aug 2017 | 15:15
Am loving dis already
15 Aug 2017 | 15:28
@jerrie i dey see u ohhhh hmmmm i love mature stories like this.. Hmmmm a contract wedding??? What led to it?
15 Aug 2017 | 15:46
woah following this story to the last end
15 Aug 2017 | 17:27
@freshgirl *covers face* i thought i called you wait is like it was yesterday....buh u were nt around(online)
15 Aug 2017 | 17:30
hmmmm let me take a good sit..contract wedding
15 Aug 2017 | 21:06
Wow contract wedding, next!
16 Aug 2017 | 01:37
[b]EPISODE 2A Jessica packed her hair up the way she always did as she stood facing the full-length mirror. The length of her hair always made people envy her even when the only thing she wanted was to cut the hair off. Combing it was always a burden for her and she had resorted to packing it. She rarely plaited her hair due to the long waits she was always subjected to, so she had stuck with retouching and setting which was less expensive and also time saving. It has been two days after the exhausting bogus wedding and she hadn’t really left the beach house. Andy had practically restricted her to the building, saying that it would be awkward for the bride to be seen outside alone without her husband, immediately after the wedding. Jessica had asked him to go out with her then but her contract husband obviously had so many things to sort out on net and did not have the time to camouflage with her. Who wants to burdened with his boring presence anyways? Jessica snorted. If a prophet had prophesied that Jessica would be married to a jerk like Andy, she would have called him a joker but now that she faced the reality, she really could not believe that she had agreed to this marriage. But she had, rather stupidly. But even if she could turn back the hands of time, would her decision be different? Sighing, after putting on a long blue skirt and a white top, she lay on the bed, feeling the pieces of her shattered world expand all the more. Jessica was someone who loved and loved deeply but that has proved to be a very bad thing for her. She had been jilted by three different guys who were practically sex addicts. Her mother always told her before that abominable day that she should hold on till she was married before opening her legs for any guy. Before the death of her entire family, she did not really give the advice much thought but when her family died, vanishing all of a sudden, all she wanted to do was to obey everything that her parents ever told her. The first man she had fallen in love with several years’ back, who was her first love had shattered her world by sleeping with her best friend. When she caught them in the act she almost ran mad. Trusting another guy again had been almost impossible but due to her nature, she moved on and fell for another guy. He had however been descent enough to call it quit with the excuse that he could not do without sex until marriage. The third guy had been the one that really hurt her. It had taken a long time for her to get over the trauma and even now, the remembrance almost moved her to tears, filling her with a certain level of anger. A knock interrupted her thoughts and she stood up from the bed. She opened the door and stared at Andy. He was in a grey suit. “Good morning sir” Andy muttered under his breath. “Would I have to spend a lifetime explaining why I hate this ‘sir’ you use for me? It makes me feel old” She stared at him for some seconds then swallowed. “Andrew, Andy, Drew; choose one” she responded with an official, indifferent look on her face; not smiling and not frowning. He looked on the verge of laughter, then raised his brow. “Drew. It sounds good” He looked almost surprised. “Good morning Drew” she responded straight-faced. He looked at her with a frown on his face. “Do you ever smile?” “Do you respond to greetings?” she returned.He shook his head slowly. “Then I guess I should not bother greeting again then” Andy realized that she took the shake of his head as the answer to the question she asked. The woman was just a pain in the neck! He thought of explaining but realized that he had wasted a lot of time already. “I am off to the office” he said. She blanched. “This is supposed to be our honeymoon, however fake it might be.” she murmured the latter under her breath then glared at him. “What would people think when you return to work just two days after the wedding? It is not like you would be sacked if you don’t appear in a year.” It was after Jessica heard the echo of her voice that she realized that she was shouting. “Everyone can think whatever they want to think, I am tired of sitting idle in this little cage” he declared. “At least, you did not mind what the maids would think about our sleeping arrangement, why should I mind what my employees would think?” he challenged. “They would think that I don’t have the womanly or feminine erm… expertise to keep you for at least a week on our honeymoon. I never asked you to get maids, in fact, I advised against it. It is not my fault that you are so terribly lazy” Andy gritted his teeth as she ranted. “You can’t go to work! How would people look at me?” “I guess that is for you to worry about” Jessica noticed that he was throwing her words back at her and it made her even angrier. She shook her head in dismay. “This is the worst marriage ever. No wonder you had me sign a contract to marry you, no woman in her right senses would marry such a self-centered man” Andy’s face transformed before her eyes and she wanted to run but her stubborn nature made her stand where she was, returning his glare with equal measure. He grabbed her hand fiercely, pulling her closer as he glared straight at her. All her courage seeped out of her, leaving her with dread. “I guess that makes us birds of a feather, right? You also accepted this contract because of personal gain so think twice about crying wolf” He dripped her arm instantly and she staggered slightly, then, he was gone before she could even blink. She leaned against the door for support, willing her racing heart to normalize. To be continued[/b] Episode 2b coming up tomorrow Have a nice day
16 Aug 2017 | 08:14
what's the cause of this contract self
16 Aug 2017 | 11:32
I guess its bcus of money issues dat made her marry that jerk of a guy
16 Aug 2017 | 11:57
Loving dis jejely
16 Aug 2017 | 12:15
Why do I have the feeling that they are going to fall in love with each other
16 Aug 2017 | 13:40
next o contract marriage
16 Aug 2017 | 15:04
Wow...let's see wahz gonna end dis
16 Aug 2017 | 15:40
y the contract nah
16 Aug 2017 | 17:06
Hmmm... All will be well Jessica
16 Aug 2017 | 18:06
hmmmm...y did she want him to stay when dey hv a marriage contract uphold?
16 Aug 2017 | 19:12
am back at d right time
16 Aug 2017 | 19:16
She is in for a long thing.
16 Aug 2017 | 20:12
16 Aug 2017 | 23:31
17 Aug 2017 | 06:06
[b]Episode 2b Even as Andy alighted from the car about an hour later, he was still boiling with anger. Jessica had guts, he could give her that. No woman had ever confronted him hands down the way Jessica constantly did. She had the talent of getting him angry whenever she felt like. The frustrating thing was that he somehow felt that she was right. Self-centered, he muttered to himself with a grim face, his mouth tightening angrily. As he matched into the massive building, he did not notice the intense surprise on the faces of the security men; neither did he hear their greetings. He entered the office like a soldier instead of the calmly measured steps he was used to. The surprised looks he got from his employees made him aware of his environment. He returned their gaze with a stern glare and they all started pouring greetings and congratulations on his just concluded wedding at his departing back, before returning to their duties. Andy felt the eyes of his staff on him as he entered his office. Again, Jessica had been right; coming to work was a stupid thing to do. However right she was, he told himself that he ought to be at work, if not, his workers would run the company to the edge of bankruptcy. He hadn’t even sat down when the door opened. He was not surprised when he saw Tunji, his wedding best man, his assistant, as well as his best friend; standing at the entrance with a bewildered look. “Hey man” Andy called. “What is the meaning of this Andy?” Tunji asked, closing the door. “The meaning of what?” Andy sat down, feigning ignorance. “What are you doing here? You ought to be with your wife, this is your honeymoon man, the company is not running anywhere” “My wife and I decided to use this time wisely instead of wasting it on a leisure beach.” “Exactly! And that is why you came in glaring like an angry lion?” Andy ignored that, since he could not come up with anything good enough to cover up his mood. “You know the challenges we have been confronted with by our competitors, staying back would just be useless” Tunji was glaring at him. “So you could not trust me enough to know that I would handle the company properly till you are back?” “Come off it man, I trust you; still it is scientifically proven that two heads are better than one. My being here gives us more chances. I don’t want to have another lengthy meeting with displeased shareholders” he powered his desktop and centered his attention on it. Tunji shook his head. “If I were a woman, I surely would not envy Jessica.” With that, Tunji left, leaving Andy with another measured level of anger. Once again, he had to admit that his coming to the company was pointless. ***** Jessica walked barefooted on the soothing beach sand that same evening as the breeze blew at her packed hair. She wanted to remove the bond and have the breeze blow her hair into wild disarray but she quenched the feeling. She had long ago stopped leaving her hair; even when she retouched and set her hair, she always combed out the curls and secured the hair with a firm bond. She had stopped everything that could make her look attractive long time ago. She wore oversized clothes, packed her head tightly upwards and used almost no jewelry at all except the occasional stud she had resorted to. Men had made her life a living hell and she had resorted to living her life alone until Andy asked her for a contract wedding. Why Andy had decided to pick her, of all the women, in the world still remained a mystery. Even at that, the thought that she could be bought with money, no matter the amount would have made her laugh but here she was, in an agreement to stick with a rich handsome workaholic for the sum of 20 million naira. Tears stung her eyes but she blinked them away. She had stopped crying a long time ago, she wasn ’t about to start now. “Hey lady” she heard a guy call and she turned. He walked up to her. “I am not lying when I say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever set my eyes on”. Jessica very nearly rolled her eyes. From the physical outlook of the guy, he looked like someone within her age bracket. He looked very slim but handsome, nonetheless. “Should I say thank you?” she asked. He smiled. “I am Jack. You look vaguely familiar”She took his hand. “Jessica” “Cool. J.J; Jessica and Jack. We are a perfect match” he murmured grinning. “You dream a lot” She responded. “Every reality started with a dream in mind” “Not every dream sees the limelight” She returned. He sighed. “One cannot win with you right? What are you doing dressed like this on the beach? You should be in shorts” he commented, changing the subject. “What are you doing talking to me then? There are lots of women in shorts here” “Well, it is very easy to notice an outstanding woman” “Why don’t I believe you?” “Do you ever smile?” Jessica noted rather sadly that she had heard that question twice in one day. Andy had asked her that same question but she hadn’t given him an answer. She was about to give an answer when she heard a voice behind her. “Hey sweetheart”. Jessica blanched. She did not have to turn to know that the voice definitely belonged to Andy. His voice was far different from every other guy’s. She swallowed and turned. He had a smile on his face but she sensed the anger beneath. “I have been looking for you” he said to her but his gaze was fixed on Jack, who, for some weird reasons, had become rigid upon seeing Andy. “I came for a walk on the beach” Jessica responded sweetly as he stunningly placed his arm around her waist. The strength of his arm at her slim waist made her freeze in time as scorching heat seeped from his palm into her body. It took all of her resolve not to jump out of his hold. “I knew I had seen you before!” Jack suddenly declared, breaking into her thoughts. “Your wedding was aired by almost all the TV stations” Jack’s eyes were on arm Andy put around Jessica’s waist until he forced them upwards with a frozen smile. “Congrats” he murmured. “Thanks” Andy said stiffly. If eyes could kill, Jack would be dead and buried. This struck Jessica as awkward as she swallowed the bile that formed in her throat. The silence that followed was so uncomfortable and Jessica decided to put an end to the awkwardness. “Drew” she called, turning to him and placing her slender palm on his chest the way only a woman could. “It is good you came. Why don’t you walk with me?” Andrew felt the slim softness which she placed against his chest and his blood hummed in his veins. He didn’t know why seeing Jessica standing with ‘whatever his name was’ got him furious. Surely he was just getting used to the farce marriage act! However, when Jessica declared him the winner of the invisible war, Andy felt a great sense of victory that stunned him. He looked into her eyes and couldn’t look away. She was dressed in an unappealing way but the shabby dress looked to him like a challenge. It made him want to see what she was hiding underneath; besides, he had had much more than a glimpse on their wedding day. But the idea vanished immediately it came and he mentally made a strict note of never allowing his mind to go astray. He kissed her forehead, shocking her the more. He could practically feel it in the stiff way she held herself. “As your ladyship pleases” he gave a slight bow which had her grinning stiffly. The reason why he smiled back like a fool was definitely just to spite the guy who was still looking at them, invading their privacy. “It was nice meeting you” she murmured to Jack. She would have mentioned his name but she decided against it. Andy’s arm around her waist was disturbing. Both of them walked for a long time without speaking. The place Andy had kissed her on her forehead, still throbbed, making her think about things that she definitely shouldn’t be thinking. “That was an excellent drama you displayed back there. You could make it in the movie industry” Jessica said, quenching the unnerving silence. “Uhn?” Andy could not understand what she was saying . Maybe because he was too busy thinking about the soft flesh beneath his hand. He never knew she had such a small waist! “I don’t suppose you were genuinely jealous, or were you?” her tone held a slight tinge of laughter. “Who is that guy?” “You met him too, right? You know him just as much as I do” she said with faint amusement. “We are far from prying eyes so you can remove your hand from my waist now” Andy extracted his hand instantly, like her body suddenly caught fire. He had forgotten his hand around her. It had felt too damn right to have his arm around her waist. What on earth was wrong with him? When last had it been since he had a woman? That was definitely the problem! He swallowed hard as he stared at the beach, wanting to dive inside for a swim. He ran his hand through the tiny waves of his hair in frustration and they walked together in strained silence until they got back to the beach house. Keeping his gaze properly schooled to cool indifference, he marched into his room without looking back. To be continued...[/b] Next episode on Saturday
17 Aug 2017 | 07:38
Andy u will soon fall 4 her
17 Aug 2017 | 14:30
Falling things. Love is falling on andy
17 Aug 2017 | 14:46
He as already
17 Aug 2017 | 14:47
More interesting..
17 Aug 2017 | 15:12
Lesson for all coolvalers lady say no to contract marriage
17 Aug 2017 | 15:27
that's how it normally start
17 Aug 2017 | 16:21
Andy is falling...
17 Aug 2017 | 16:24
Love on the way.
17 Aug 2017 | 16:38
17 Aug 2017 | 17:39
let see what will happen next
17 Aug 2017 | 19:59
lol Next o
17 Aug 2017 | 20:09
Why Saturday
18 Aug 2017 | 01:00
You can run your feelings but you can't hid your feelings towards her
18 Aug 2017 | 05:00
Let see how it goes! Next!
18 Aug 2017 | 16:27
[b]EPISODE 3 After two days and Andy continued to go to work, Jessica became fed up with the pretense. She felt bored and useless in the beach house so she decided to go and see her friends. If Andy wanted to be unreasonable, she would show him that two can play his game. She sat at the owner’s corner at the back while the driver assigned to her by Andy, drove the car. She had argued that she needed no driver but he won when he found out that she hadn’t perfected her driving skills. After their little drama at the beach, she and Andy had barely talked. The house had almost been as silent as a grave yard and for the umpteenth time, she regretted the decision to marry him. The maids who came over once in a while to keep the beach house clean became the only human beings with which she could hold a decent conversation with. After about two hours’ drive, she sighted the small shop a few feet away and smiled. Lizzy was a fashion designer who had rented the shop in front of her equally rented apartment for her enterprise. She was a graduate who had no interest in working for anyone. Jessica always envied her independent lifestyle. She had wanted to visit Sonia but she knew that she would be at work. Sonia worked in a bank and was almost always unavailable. Paulina, just like her motherly nature, teaches in a big primary school and she seems to find fulfillment in the work. Only Jessica seemed to be lost in this equation. She had jumped from one employment to the other, until finally, she ended up selling herself for 20 million Naira; who was she to complain about Andy’s behaviour? After her entire family perished in one day, leaving her all alone in a crazy and meaningless world, she had changed her mind from being a lawyer to being a doctor. She studied medicine in the university, thanks to her uncle and his supportive wife but after working for five years in an hospital, she finally decided that she hated the job. Initially, she felt that if she could be a doctor, she could save a family from dying the same way her family had, but later she discovered that hospitals reminded her of what she had lost. Since then, jumping from one company to the other had been the order of the day for her. 18 YEARS BACK… Jessica bounced up and down the sitting room, expecting her family to return. It was the beginning of a long vacation and her parents had gone to pick up her brother from the boarding school which he attended. She had missed her brother immensely and she longed to play the computer games with him again so she could show him how much she had improved. She smiled at the thought of beating him at the games. Even though she knew the sound of her dad’s car horn, she checked the gate every time she heard the horn of a car. “Settle down Jessie, when they come, you would see them” Miss Boluke said. Miss Boluke was their house help. She was more or less like a family and like a big sister. She turned and frowned at her. “I have no home work since I am on holiday and the TV is so boring. I have nothing to lose by checking the gate a mil lion times”. At 11, Jessica was a very bright and sharp kid. She was so mature. “Yes you do. You are too small to develop high blood pressure. Come and help me in the kitchen”. Jessie groaned and Miss Bolu raised her eye brows. “I am baking some snacks; you know how much your brother loves them…” Miss Bolu did not need any other words; Jessie bounced into the kitchen. The both of them talked and laughed together like two adults and Miss Bolu marveled at the questions the small girl asked. She had successfully diverted Jessie’s mind from the tense state it was in but when silence reigned some minutes later, Jessica asked. “They would be here soon right? They are taking too long” Jessica looked worried. Miss Bolu was also slightly worried but she hid it well. Mr. and Mrs. Adams never stayed so long whenever they went to pick up Mark. She assumed that they got stuck in traffic and told Jessica the same thing. Lagos’ traffic was always unpredictable. They removed the brown snacks from the oven and Jessica stared longingly at it. Miss Bolu took one look at her face and laughed, extracted one, placed it in a plate and gave it to her. Just as she was savoring the taste, the residential intercom rang and she flew there. “Don’t touch that phone Jessica Adams” Miss Bolu roared. To be continued.....[/b]
19 Aug 2017 | 10:17
wow next
19 Aug 2017 | 13:02
Ride on
19 Aug 2017 | 14:33
19 Aug 2017 | 14:57
19 Aug 2017 | 15:03
next ep pls....
19 Aug 2017 | 15:47
Ride on
19 Aug 2017 | 21:18
sorry for ur loss
20 Aug 2017 | 01:29
Jessica all will be well, sorry for ur loss
20 Aug 2017 | 01:57
[b]Episode 3b Jessica had her mind set to disobey that order and her hand stayed poised in the air but Miss Bolu smacked her hand which was already on the phone “Hello” Miss Bolu said, knowing that the person speaking was at the gate. “Yes, this is the Adams’ residence… ok” she dropped the intercom and turned glaring eyes at Jessica. “I don’t want to see you outside, do you hear me?” “But why?” Jessica pouted with puppy eyes. “Just do what you are asked to do young lady” Jessica nodded with a meek smile, only she should have remembered that the ever stubborn Jessica doesn’t listen to anyone.Miss Bolu stepped out and opened the main gate. “Good afternoon” she greeted the man in front of her, who was looking like someone who just left the battle front. “Please, how may I help you?” “My name is Tony; I came to deliver information.” He became silent. Miss Bolu urged him on, feeling dread creep into her system. “Actually, there was an accident along the express and after checking the valuables found on the victims, we noticed that they are the Adams Family” Miss Bolu had frozen as her pale face stared at the equally pale face of the reporter. She did not hear the gasp behind her as she grabbed the pedestrian gate for support before she fell from the blow. An image caught her eye and she spun with alarm as she stared at Jessica who stood rooted to the ground. “Jessica…” she gasped. The words Jessica had heard continued to echo as she stared ahead, seeing nothing. It was until tears had slipped out of her eyes that she again saw the bad news bringer and Miss Bolu. She wiped the tears instantly and marched forward, standing in front of the man before Miss Bolu could even think of what to do or say. “Where is my Mummy?” she demanded. The man looked totally at a loss. “Where is my daddy and my brother? Their snacks are inside. Where are they?” she yelled. The man bent down to her level, the way her dad usually did, holding her hands. As Miss Bolu placed her hand on her shoulder, she lost it. She snatched her hands from the man and grabbed his shirt with her small fists. She was shivering. “Where is my mummy?” she yelled, shaking the man with all her strength. “I want to see her. I want to see my daddy.” She gasped. “Where is Mark? Where is my brother? I still have not beaten him at the computer game yet, where is he.” She wiped her tears furiously because it was hindering her from seeing the man clearly. Miss Bolu tried all she could to detach her from the man who just stayed with sorrow written all over him, without touching the child but she did not succeed. When Jessica discovered that shaking the man was not working, she started pounding her tiny fists on his chest the way she had seen in all those movies she watched with her parents. She had noted that it always produced results. Finally, the man held her firmly with his strong hands. “Ok, let me take you to them.” He said, smiling faintly but tightly. “Go and put on your shoes.” He said gently. You see? She knew it always produced results. “No. I can go like this. Let’s go” she wiped her eyes again. Miss Bolu could not even get a grip on herself, not to mention, console the child. Mr. and Mrs. Adams had been like parents to her. The man insisted until Miss Bolu went in to get Jessica’s shoes, and locked the door. When they got to the car that the man brought, Jessica’s hand was shivering so terribly that she could not hold the handle of the car. The man opened the door for the ladies and went being the wheel. He could not even think of any word of consolation to use. He hadn’t exactly told them the worst part of the news but he knew that they had already drawn up their own conclusions. He would have been able to handle it if the little girl hadn’t been involved but seeing the girl tearing apart had almost driven him crazy. For the hundredth time, he thought of quitting his job. He sorely hated being the bearer of bad news When they got to the hospital, he hesitated but Jessica pushed through the door, he hurriedly went on. Before he left the hospital minutes ago, the little boy had been alive, though in grave danger. He hoped and prayed that the boy was still alive but immediately they got into the hospital he knew that the prayer hadn’t been answered. There, Jessica’s life became altered. Without being told anything by anyone, due to her age, she was still able to fathom what the news was. A trailer had collided with the car; she heard someone say. Suddenly, the smell of blood and drugs hit her like a slap. She imagined that the blood of her parents and her brother was what she perceived. She grabbed her expanding head and screamed….. PRESENT… She clutched her purse tight as the scene of over 18 years replayed over and over again. She had cried and cried secretly but never in the presence of others. She quickly wiped her brimming eyes and blinked. The driver was watching her now and she realized that they had stopped moving. “Are you alright ma’am?” he asked softly with worry. She smiled. “I am fine. Thanks.” She stepped out of the car and walked towards the shop, hoping that her friend would be able to lift her spirit. It was like life always threw her battles. “Who am I seeing?” Lizzy yelled immediately she saw Jessie. “Jessie baby” she hailed. “The sexiest S.U bride in town. My sweet peperenpe” Jessica frowned at the endearment but internally, she was glad. If there was someone who could make her feel extremely happy with words, it was Lizzy. “Na who be S.U?” “Who else my dear?” Lizzy hugged her fiercely then suddenly pulled back. “Hold it. What are you doing here? You shoul d be on your smoking hot honeymoon, lying on your back while Mr. Handsome spoils you senseless. Don’t tell me you guys got fed up of each other’s company this fast. You both seemed so much in love that you got married barely two months after meeting.” They sat down on the chair. No one was in the shop except clothes. “He had to quickly fix some things at the office so I decided to visit you” “Wait” Lizzy raised her hand in surprise. “You are trying to say that your honeymoon was put on halt because of work? That Andy is really something; I knew he is a workaholic but didn’t think he would go this far.” “No, he had something very important to sort out at work today and I advised him to go. Besides, we still have the rest of our lives together, right?” she lied. Lizzy tried to think about it then shrugged it off, as her face brought on a ladylike smile. “Forget that! Tell me babe, give me the gist. How is your honeymoon going, most importantly… how was the wedding night?” she winked at Jessica. “Give me the smoking hot details” Jessica doubled up and almost threw up at the question. She looked pale. Jessica realized that it had been a very terrible idea to come to Lizzy. Lizzy was always direct and it was increasingly difficult to lie to her. “OH… I had forgotten that my SU friend can’t divulge that information. In fact, pardon me, it was inappropriate. It was not like I actually wanted you to tell me, precisely, just wanted to see your reaction, and I got it” Lizzy said, misinterpreting Jessica’s reactions. That was the lifesaver that Jessica needed. “I won’t tell you. See you, it is a secret between married folks” she grinned too -brightly. “But you can follow me to the beach. I guess Andy won’t be back until it is almost dark. You have been to the beach, you can teach me how to play in it and possibly swim” Lizzy’s eyes widened and she stood up instantly. “You don’t have to ask me twice” “What about the shop?” Jessica asked, laughing. “You are forgetting one thing sweetheart, I own the shop. It can do without me today” she closed the shop and they both went into her apartment where she fished out some beach-fitting smug clothes. To be continued...[/b]
20 Aug 2017 | 06:48
Eeeya,, feeling sorry for Jessica. It's sooo painful
20 Aug 2017 | 13:11
Jessica u shouldn't have agreed on that type of marriage, anyway let's see how it goes
20 Aug 2017 | 16:04
20 Aug 2017 | 17:05
hmmmmm ....bad remembrance for Jessica
20 Aug 2017 | 20:40
ride on
20 Aug 2017 | 20:41
21 Aug 2017 | 05:41
[b]EPISODE 4 Jessica and Lizzy arrived Eko Tourist Resort and for the first time, Jessica knew that she would be having a lot of fun. They had both talked endlessly on their way there, even though almost all the references Lizzy was making were of the gossips she had heard ever since Jessica got married. She talked about her own sudden popularity as the friend of Andy Williams’ wife and how trul y, her Twitter handle had skyrocketed with amazingly new followers. When they got to the beach, Lizzy looked longingly at the wide expanse of water. She wore small shorts with a tank top with a dark sunshade, looking like a real beach babe. Surely the beac h hasn’t been graced with anyone prettier! She wanted to play in the water but one glance at Jessica had her frowning. “You are not entering that water in this flowing gown, are you?” she said, giving Jessica a thorough scrutiny. “What is wrong with this dress? I just knew you would begin another lecture here again” Jessica sighed. Lizzy was obviously the wrong choice today. Lizzy smiled. “No honey, I am not giving you a lecture here, I am giving you a dress-up. You are the most beautiful SU I have ever seen, once I am done, you would be as good as new” Lizzy grinned. “You would be the queen of this beach” she declared, spreading her arms wide as she looked around the beautiful scenery again. “Did you bring a full wardrobe with you?” “I am sure I could use scissors and blade to bring out a new design from your clothes. Let’s go” They entered the beach house and Lizzy opened her mouth in astonishment. “This place is heavenly Jessie” she gasped with wide eyes. All the while, Jessica had been thinking of how to stop Lizzy from entering her room. She knew that with one glance, Lizzy would know that Andy never slept in that room. “Why don’t you wait here Lizzy, while I go in and change?” “And have you change into another mother in Israel gown? No honey, let’s go” “Lizzy, the room is meant for Andy and I only, stay here, I promise to put on something you would like” s he flashed her teeth in a grin. Lizzy snorted. “I doubt that very much but what can I do, right? Even if you have to change fifty times, you would wear what I approve today. Now, go on” she ordered, giving Jessica’s buttocks a playful swat. “Ouch” Jessica moaned, the finally moved towards her room. “Yes, your majesty” Jessica was gone for some minutes while Lizzy took in the beautiful sights before her. She brought out her digital camera and started snapping pictures. Inside the room, Jessica stared at a large number of clothes, most of which she hadn’t worn in a very long time. she knew Lizzy enough to know that she would not rest until she had her way. What harm can come of it anyways, she wondered. It would just be for a few hours! Lizzy was busy snapping the beautiful parrot she sighted at the balcony when the door opened. She turned with the mind of condemning whatever Jessica was putting on but her mouth dropped open when she stared at the figure in front of her. She walked towards Jessica slowly and Jessica had a knowing smile on her face. “Snap out of it woman, it is a crime for a woman to be looking at another woman like that” Jessica dropped with a grin. “Holy mother of Jesus” Lizzy exclaimed. “Look at our SU… babe, turn around, let me see you” “C’mon stop that and let us go” as she made to go, Lizzy pulled her back. “Stand here, let me give you some shots; I must show the girls. They surely would never believe this!” Jessica had no choice but to stand like a statue while Lizzy snapped away. Jessica was putting on a three-quarter army green trouser which clung to her legs like a second skin and a butter coloured sleeveless top. Lizzy had always known that her friend was gifted with a perfect body that any woman would kill for. She almost found herself being jealous of her friend’s curves and narrow waist – and the narrow waist was really narrow. Even the wedding gown hadn’t brought on this effect. “I think my next line of action would be to burn up all those 1975 clothes you have in your wardrobe” “In your dreams. Now, let’s go before I change my mind” Jessica was already feeling creepy. “Of course honey, we can’t waste this cloth… I just wish Andy were here. Anyways, he has seen something more glorious that this, if you know what I mean” she winked suggestively. Jessica snorted, shaking her head as she walked out. ***** Jessica had a very nice time playing in the beach but men were constantly disturbing her. Her irritation towards men increased when she realized that their only appeal towards her was her body. They could almost strip her naked with their eyes. Even though Lizzy was receiving her own fair share of admirers, she had come to Jessica’s rescue by warding off the advances of men, telling them that she was married. “Men are so stupid, the only thing they are after is sex” Jessica murmured with anger. Lizzy smiled and bent to pick up a shell. “Then I guess you are lucky to be married to someone who does not have sex as his priority” “Sex is not even on the list” Jessica said without thinking and almost bit off her tongue. Lizzy laughed slightly, turning towards Jessica. “You must be kidding; every man wants sex, unless he is impotent” Jessica swallowed. “Yeah, of course. I was just saying that sex is not Andy’s priority" Love comes first. To be continued[/b]
21 Aug 2017 | 07:28
I wish Andy was der when u r having ur fun with lizzy
21 Aug 2017 | 12:24
li just pray drew should catch u in that beach
21 Aug 2017 | 12:45
li just pray drew should catch u in that beach for him so see how gifted you are
21 Aug 2017 | 12:46
Andy should better come and see his wife
21 Aug 2017 | 13:50
Jessica will mistakingly have that clothe on when Andy comes back!... And he will be like....
21 Aug 2017 | 14:03
Andy will see her
21 Aug 2017 | 14:45
Andy come and see ur wifey
21 Aug 2017 | 15:12
Hmmm.. Waiting for next episode
21 Aug 2017 | 15:15
they just de fool der sef
21 Aug 2017 | 16:01
next biko
21 Aug 2017 | 16:55
Andy will change his mind someday
21 Aug 2017 | 17:39
Andy you better come on time...
21 Aug 2017 | 20:09
I wish Andy will come back
22 Aug 2017 | 01:46
nice story
22 Aug 2017 | 01:57
Hmm...ride on
22 Aug 2017 | 03:39
Interesting, nice story
22 Aug 2017 | 06:24
Sex shouldn't be a priority
22 Aug 2017 | 06:32
[b]Episode 4b “I am of the opinion that love comes along with attraction; and I mean physical attraction” “Of course” Lizzy looked at her directly and Jessie felt uncomfortable. “Are you hiding something from me?” Jessica thought of a safe landing. “We all have got things to hide Elizabeth” “True, but is there something you feel I should know?” Lizzy pried further. “Like what?” “I don’t know… Maybe like ‘why you don’t look like a newlywed’” Jessica paled slightly. “What? I was married four days ago, besides, how am I supposed to look?” Lizzy was about to say something, then she shrugged it off. “I was pulling your legs girl.” She looked up and suddenly grabbed Jessie’s hand. “See that wave? I won’t miss it” The tension oozed out of Jessica as she raced with Lizzy towards the water, even though she knew that Lizzy was not merely pulling her legs. ***** “How could you do a thing like that son?” Mr. Williams was yelling on the phone. Andy had been postponing this call but now, he didn’t have to. He had done the wedding without his father’s consent. His father had been in Germany on an important business trip when he got married. He had intentionally fixed the wedding for that time. Mr. Williams had been preaching marriage to Andy, ever since he became thirty because he said it was good to ‘make hay while the sun is still shinning’ but Andy was not ready for any commitment. Everything had become complicated when his father introduced him to a girl on his thirty-fourth birthday. The girl was the spoilt daughter of one of his rich friends and they were already talking marriage. When they would not yield to Andy’s refusal, he decided to take a step. Hiring a bride had been the best solution to his dilemma and he had been so happy when he found someone who was also opposed to marriage. He knew that if his dad were present, he would know that the marriage was a farce. “I did what you have been asking me to do dad” “You got married behind my back? Do you know how happy a man is when he sees his son getting married?” “I am sorry dad but I had to do it. I felt that if I told you, you would object to the wedding. I can’t get married to Sylvia dad” The very idea horrified him. “Still you sho uld have told me, I am your father, I had to watch my own son get married on the television, like everyone, since you couldn’t tell me until the last minute. I had to cover -up every time my friends asked me why I couldn’t attend. If your mother were alive, she-” “Please don’t go there again dad” Andy sighed. They had been arguing this issue for almost an hour. Andy’s mum had died while giving birth to Andy. Andy was the second child and the only son of his parents. His sister was married to a Ghanaian guy and they had two strikingly beautiful girls to show for it. “All the same son, I am so happy for you. I would be in Nigeria soon so you’d better be prepared to face me. ” Andy smiled. His father could never stay angry with him for long. Andy was exactly like his father; they were both stubborn and always had a way of having what they wanted, no matter the cost. Andy knew that he needed to get a very convincing story for his father, if not; the elderly man would see his ploy instantly. ***** Jessica had sent the cook back to her house in order to see to the cooking herself. She had changed back to a long skirt and a small top after Lizzy left and she really wanted to do the cooking herself. She knew that if she had spent those hours in Sonia’s company, she would have not been this happy. Lizzy was so perfect when you need a good time. She looked at the ingredients in the small shelf and decided to cook jollof rice. She fried the chicken first, enjoying the delicious aroma that filled the kitchen. She rinsed some fresh tomatoes, onions, green beans and carrot in order to add colour to the food. Melodious tunes escaped her lips as she sliced the tomatoes and the other condiments into bits. Andy cleared his throat and Jessica shrieked, almost hitting her finger with the knife. He tried unsuccessfully to hide his grin as Jessie put her slender hand against her heart. “Did you have to startle me?” “I never knew you could be frightened by anything” he walked towards her. He had been standing at the entrance for some seconds, watching and listening to Jessica as she worked and sang. He never knew she could sing or that she had a lovely voice. Jessica turned back to her work, taking out the brown chicken from the pan and replacing them with fresh ones. She did not like having people sneak up on her; it was always so frightening and unnerving. “How was your day?” Andy asked her even though he was staring hungrily at the chicken in the perforated bowl. “It was fun”. She saw his hand go out slowly to touch the inviting chicken and she smacked it, raising her finger in warning. When he tried to take it again, she blocked it with her body and faced him, but she instantly knew that she had made a horrible mistake. She had to bend her head backwards in order to look at Andy. He was standing devastatingly close and he put his hands on the cabinet on either sides of her, successfully trapping her. “What are you doing?” His eyes held a level of laughter and amusement. “You are the one who put yourself at my front” “Let me go” “Are you frightened” He moved closer, making it very difficult for her to breath. Jessica shook her head. “Of course not, You would not do anything improper, so I am safe with you” “Nothing I do with my wife would be improper Jess” he took his hands off the cabinet and they dropped to her waist, giving her a measured level of panic. “Drew” she gasped and he lowered his head instantly. His lips were just a breath away from hers and Jessica’s eyes dropped shut. Their breath mingled and Jessie’s heartbeat quickened then Andy dropped a kiss on her cheeks and stepped back. Jessica’s eyes flew open and it settled on Andy. He held out a fried chicken and put it in his mouth for a bite. “Hmmm… Delicious” he murmured and walked slowly out of the kitchen. Jessica stood, shaken and stunned by what just happened as she tried to regulate her racing heart. To be continued...[/b]
22 Aug 2017 | 06:56
next pls
22 Aug 2017 | 09:18
0 Likes z knocking on u guys door
22 Aug 2017 | 12:23
This story is darn interesting. I think u shuld try and b posting two epi a day or twice a day. I seem not to get enough of the story dont mind me jor. I love such stories......
22 Aug 2017 | 12:32
He will soon do normal
22 Aug 2017 | 12:53
wow i see love in the air
22 Aug 2017 | 13:03
wow love in the air
22 Aug 2017 | 21:11
I smell love
22 Aug 2017 | 21:23
love is knocking on ur door
22 Aug 2017 | 21:44
You guys married because you oppose marriage but i assure you that with time you'll love each other genuinely
22 Aug 2017 | 22:06
i can smell love
22 Aug 2017 | 22:08
I feel love in the air
22 Aug 2017 | 22:12
chai Mr poster pls be posting regularly ND I don't want this story to ever finish
22 Aug 2017 | 23:43
22 Aug 2017 | 23:50
woow!!!! what a surprise motive from drez.....
23 Aug 2017 | 01:31
normalcy settling in gradually
23 Aug 2017 | 01:55
hmmm OK
23 Aug 2017 | 06:47
[b]EPISODE 5 Two months into the wedding and Jessica was already feeling extremely frustrated. Ever since they left the beach after the pathetic honeymoon, Andy had gone from bad to worse, leaving the house at seven and arriving a little before midnight when she would have been fast asleep. At first, it did not bother her because she was overtaken by the massive and tastefully furnished house, but after spending a week in the house and was already used to its beauty, the house bored her. The maid and the gateman in the house were the only people she talked with; asides that, she talked with herself alone. When she had said ‘Yes’ to Andy, she never imagined it would be this bad. Bad? The word didn’t even do her situation justice. The way Andy had been behaving, it was like he could not even stand one second of being in her company; he even always looked for one reason or the other to go out on Sundays. Somehow, she wondered if her stay would have been worse than it already was if Andy had stayed at home more. It was a Saturday and Andy was obviously at work so Jessica decided to spend the time with her friends. The three women decided they would all come over to Jessica’s house since they hadn’t visited her since she got married. Jessica was happy about a little fun even if it would last for just a few hours. She entered the kitchen feeling some level of excitement. “Well done Ada” she greeted the maid. “Thanks ma” the young girl responded, smiling. “Uhmmmmnn… I love this aroma” The girl grinned. “It must be the chicken” she said. “I think it is the combination of rice and chicken. What is yet to be done?” Jessica asked, needing something to busy herself with. Ada looked critically at everything. “I think the only thing left undone is your appearance ma” she smiled. She had become friends with Jessica and now she felt comfortable chatting with her madam the way she would normally chat with her friend. Jessica frowned. “What is wrong with my appearance?” “You need to look like the hostess ma. You are not dressed yet” Jessica put her hands on her hips. “Now you sound like Lizzy. What is wrong with what I am putting on? I am not going anywhere” Ada let her eyes roam over the body of her boss and tried hard not to grimace. The gown Jessica was putting on was specifically for someone who was twice her size and Ada wondered why Jessica was always trying hard to look unattractive when it was not even working. Despite the shabby dresses Jessica wore, she still looked exceptionally outstanding with her spotless round face and a lengthy hair to die for. “Anything would look good on you ma’am” Ada said. “Hmmm, why the change of tone now? Don’t worry, I would change the clothes” Two hours later, Jessica was waltzing down the staircase in a beautiful but similarly big gown. Ada saw her and shook her head. She sat in the sitting room and put on the TV, relaxing her back as she waited for her friends. She was hungry but she wanted to eat with her friends, so that they won’t be eating and she would be looking due to an already filled stomach. She heard the doorbell and went there happily before Ada could even think of leaving the kitchen. “Open this heavenly door Jessie” she heard Lizzy say and she smiled. Paulina’s ‘Comport yourself’ was not lost on her too as she opened the door with a big smile on her face. The ladies screamed and cooed in delight as they fussed over Jessie. “See this small babe of yesterday ooo, your face is so fresh and your cheeks are fuller” Lizzy said with delight. “Oh please” Jessica giggled. Sonia kissed Jessica’s cheek. “I have missed you honey” To be continued[/b]
23 Aug 2017 | 14:36
[b]Episode 5b “Me too dear” Jessica said truthfully and stared at Paulina. “It is only proper that I greet the mummy of the house last right? I have her to thank for making the rest of you look so dashing” They laughed. “If I don’t take care of them, who will?” Paulina asked dramatically. “We are old enough to take care of ourselves mummy” Lizzy and Sonia chorused and they all laughed. “Well, get your little butts inside before you drill holes into the entrance” Jessica said and they all left the entrance. “Oh my God, this house is dynamite” Paulina exclaimed as they all murmured one thing or the other about the house. “Comport Yourself” Lizzy said to her and Sonia laughed at them. “Babe, you are enjoying ooo, this house is amazing. You are the luckiest babe on earth” Sonia said. “Lucky” Jessica muttered silently under her breath as they all sat down. Ada came to the sitting room and greeted everyone before whispering something into her boss’ ear. Jessica nodded and Ada left. “Well ladies, let’s eat first before we have a nice chat or we do both at the same time” “Neglecting your table manners?” Paulina asked with a raised eyebrow. Sonia and Lizzy rolled their eyes and Jessica almost did the same. “Maybe. How does fried rice, salad and fried chicken sound to you guys?” Everyone jumped out of their seats and headed for the dinning. “I think we can forfeit the table manners for today” Paulina said. ***** They had all eaten and were busy sipping drinks. The food had been so delicious that they all ate their fill and even more. It was even more delicious, filled with their happy chatters. Jessica had missed this. As they sat in the sitting room, they talked about everything that came to their minds. “How is life as a married woman” Paulina asked after some time. Jessica swallowed slightly. “Life is beautiful. You should all get married” “Yeah, we are working on it” Sonia said, focusing her eyes on the decorations on the wall. Lizzy was in thought and Jessica was curious as to what she would say. Lizzy was the one who always saw deep into things and people; that was one of the reasons why Jessica always tried not to spend so much time with her alone, especially when she had something to hide. “How are you coping with Andy’s work schedule?” Lizzy asked pointedly. Jessica swallowed, thought of lying then decided that it may not be a good idea. “It is my cross but I am coping. It can be hard not to have him around most of the time but it is fine, we understand each other” Jessica said with a smile. “I only wonder why he has to go to work every time. I mean, he is the owner of that money-making company which already has its wings spread across the country, why should he work himself half to death when he has more than enough employees?” Lizzy continued.Like I have not asked myself the same question, Jessica thought. “He has shareholders to answer to and he is already used to the office, you can’t blame him” “Well, to me, if his going to the office is what brought about this beautiful house, he should continue his workaholic routine” Sonia said. “Sonia” Paulina called. “Money would not kill you. Banker” “Is it easy?” she retorted. “Jessie, are we expecting Andy junior?” Jessica choked on her drink at Paulina’s question. She coughed as the drink clung to her throat and made it impossible to talk. The ladies muttered apologies until she became calm but she caught Lizzy’s curious look. “Most times I forget the type of friends I have” thinking of a way of escape, she faced Lizzy. “Liz, have you settled your dispute with Alex?” It worked because everyone started talking at once. “Don’t mind this stubborn girl, she refused to apologize to him o” Paulina said. “Why should I apologize when he is clearly at fault? He did not remember my birthday and he wants me to just forgive him when he has not begged properly? Abeg free me jare” Lizzy said and hissed. “I agree with her, the guy should take off his pride and apologize” Sonia said. “I think Sonia should apologize nonetheless, I mean, men are scarce these days, we should hold on to ours firmly” Paulina pointed out. “She is right” Sonia said again. Jessica heaved a sigh, happy that she was not the subject matter again. To be continued...[/b] I posted 2 episode today cos of this two people @oly0511 and the other person who didn't log in Next episode coming tomorrow
23 Aug 2017 | 14:43
they might still know about your fake marriage
23 Aug 2017 | 16:43
thanks dear u really try plus a nice update
23 Aug 2017 | 17:08
dis Andy of a guy sef
23 Aug 2017 | 18:53
happy kee they will soon divert to u
23 Aug 2017 | 19:17
You can't hide your fake marriage forever
23 Aug 2017 | 19:31
Its only a matter of time before Lizzy figure things out.
24 Aug 2017 | 02:47
Your friends we know for sure
24 Aug 2017 | 05:04
Hmmm...still reserving my comments..ride on
24 Aug 2017 | 05:06
How long will you continue to hide the truth from your friends! Next please!
24 Aug 2017 | 06:08
[b]EPISODE 6 Andy sat on the chair in his office the next day doing absolutely nothing. He should have gone home hours back when there was almost nothing for him to do but he could not imagine going home. Although Jessica always dressed like a saint who was still living in the era of his forefathers, he felt drawn towards her. That day in the kitchen during their honeymoon was a day he had desperately tried to get out of his mind. Standing so close to her that day had made him aware of her perfume which was totally feminine. He had always known that she was beautiful because he would never have picked someone less beautiful to be his wife for a day, not to mention a year, but that day, he had come to the full realization of her exquisite beauty. He had noticed that she did not have black pupils but instead had dark grey. The realization had stunned him. But most of all, he had been thrown off balance by just how slim her waist was. He could not remember how his hands had managed to get to her waist but he couldn’t have been more surprised when he noticed the slim waist she had. He hadn’t really paid attention to it when he had held her close on the beach, his anger hadn’t allowed him that much. The dresses she always wore were big enough to hide her waist and hips but ever since that day, he kept on imagining what was beneath every beige cloth she wore. His eyes had never even seen her legs before. He had decided to use work as a good distraction and it worked to a certain extent. His phone rang and he frowned when he saw the caller. Dad? The number proved that he was already in Nigeria. “Dad?” he said immediately he picked up. “Yes son, how are you doing?” “Are you in Nigeria?” Andy stood up from his chair. “Yes I am. Get ready to receive me in your house tonight because I would be having dinner with you today” The alarm sounded in Andy’s head. Trust his father to always put them on the spot. “What? I mean… why didn’t you tell me you have arrived Nigeria? When did you arrive?” Andy was pacing. “This afternoon. I would be at your house in three hours’ time. I need to see my daughter in law face to face and not some unclear picture, although she looked stunning in those wedding pictures and tapes.”His dad ended the call and Andy stared at the phone in agitation. Three hours! The words echoed in his head. How was he going to convince his ever suspicious father that he and Jessica were in love? Jessica was a strong headed girl, how was he going to convince her to act like a loving wife, perfectly enough to convince his father? Does she even know how loving wives behave? He wondered. He took his car keys and his suit jacket and left the office instantly. He dialed his best friend and assistant to tell him that the office was in his care. He had a feeling that he was in for a long night. ***** Jessica lay on the chair, reading a novel. One thing she loves about the house was the study which was filled with all kinds of books. She had found a novel which looked interesting and was occupying herself with it. She was surprised when she heard Andy’s car horn. He never arrived around six and she knew that something was out of place. She stayed where she was, even though she was curious. Andy entered and she lifted her head with a nonchalant look on her eyes but the look faded when she saw him. His suit jacket was in his hand along with a nylon and his car keys were on the other hand. His shirt which her eyes focused on was buttoned halfway down, leaving his muscled chest partly visible. She swallowed and looked at his face.[/b] To be continued
24 Aug 2017 | 07:24
I reserve my comment
24 Aug 2017 | 12:15
Hahaha Andy and Jessie una never start to dey act ooo jst wait until d father of d house arrives ooo.thank dear nice story u got here @jummybabe
24 Aug 2017 | 14:26
when will these two knw there are in love
24 Aug 2017 | 14:48
I just de sit down de watch
24 Aug 2017 | 15:18
Hahahahaha don't panic yet, your Dad will soon find out
24 Aug 2017 | 15:28
dad will find u
24 Aug 2017 | 15:36
lol next ooo
24 Aug 2017 | 16:06
Just observing
24 Aug 2017 | 17:28
24 Aug 2017 | 17:49
let see how it goes when ur dad come
24 Aug 2017 | 19:36
Fire on the montain...
25 Aug 2017 | 04:04
am sure they wud convince his fada
25 Aug 2017 | 06:29
Jummy babe hope all is well with you because is unlike you not to have giving us an update by now
25 Aug 2017 | 08:58
[b]Episode 6b “Good evening Drew. You are early” “It is necessary. My dad would be here soon” “Your dad” she muttered as the realization slowly dawned on her. Her eyes slowly widened and Andy fought back an amused smile. “He is coming here?” He nodded with a faint smile and Jessica jumped to her feet at once. “My dad is one man who can’t be fooled easily. I don’t know if you can act like a love-struck woman.” Jessica frowned. “I believe I can be or do anything if I decide to. The question is, ‘can you act a love-struck man’?” she smiled slightly. “We don’t have enough time to act a proper rehearsal so I guess we would both find out the hard way. It is either we both are poor actors or we are both meant to be in the movie industry”. He smiled and remembered what he was holding. “I got you a befitting gown” he said and stretched the nylon to her. “Befitting” she muttered, hating the word. “Well, you refused to go shopping every time I mentioned it and I can’t have you meet my father in one of those gowns you always put on.” Why was she making this harder than it should be? She collected the nylon and removed the cloth inside. It was a multicolored gown which had ‘expensive’ written all over it. She removed the nylon that was used to cover the gown and let it fall to the ground. “I noticed that you love clothes that goes all the way down to your feet so I got this which has a long hand to go with it, but it is still elegant and speaks of class” he explained nervously as she quietly scrutinized the cloth. The cloth was beautiful, very beautiful, she admitted to herself. “It is beautiful, but I can’t put it on” “What? We are not going to argue about this again!” His frustration was obvious now. “I don’t mean to be rude but your dad is going to know that something is fishing if I put this on. This cloth is meant for an important event and not just an indoor dinner. What I need to put on is something simple but also classy.” “Well, we don’t have time, let’s go for it. My dad would be here any minute” “I have what I need.” She said. Andy’s eyes turned round. “You do?” Jessica refused to let his infuriating gaze annoy her. “Yes. I would go and freshen up, tell Ada to make the food ready for three” she turned and left Andy standing there. Andy grimaced at the thought of what Jessica would put on. And who was she to give him orders? He should be the one dishing out the orders. Fuming, he went to tell Ada what to do. After an hour, Andy still did not see Jessica. He wanted to inspect the cloth she would put on to see if it was fit. Even though he did not really think much of classy dressing and the likes, he knew that his father would expect his daughter-in-law to dress like a ‘William’. He wondered which oversized dress Jessica would choose to put on; he already had a number of them imprinted in his medulla. The car horn he heard almost made him jump. He called Jessica’s name but heard no response. Knowing that he was doomed, he went to the door and opened it. Seeing his father after more than five months shouldn’t make him nervous but he was not sure how the evening would turn out. He saw his father step out of the car and he walked up to the elderly man with a cool smile. “Dad” he called. Mr. Williams turned with smiles. “Son.” He hugged Andy, patting his back. “I have missed you. How is Nigeria?” “Nigeria is still the same old busy place. Why didn’t you inform me of your arrival? I could have picked you up” “That is why I have a driver. Where is my daughter-in-law?” “She-” The door opened and he turned. When he saw the person at the doorway, he blinked and froze altogether. To be continued...[/b]
25 Aug 2017 | 14:32
@oly0511 and others sorry the update came late been busy since morning Weekend palava
25 Aug 2017 | 14:34
@sarrygeez @freshgirl @delexzy01 @lonewolf @frankkay And others new episode is here
25 Aug 2017 | 14:38
Oh mia oh mia hmmmm
25 Aug 2017 | 15:02
Wow i guess she is stunning. Cant wait for d next epi.... Pls @jummybabe just wish u can update two episodes a day
25 Aug 2017 | 16:56
interesting next
25 Aug 2017 | 16:59
jummy babe today is Saturday so pls give us at least 3 long updates or else..............
26 Aug 2017 | 04:00
[b]EPISODE 7 Even if the heavenly trumpet sounded three times in a row, Jessica was certain that Andy would not have heard anything. He seemed to be glued to the place he was standing beside his father, as he gazed with disbelief in his eyes. Her normally bold personality instantly became self-conscious as she fidgeted beneath his gaze, which was penetrating, despite the distance. The dress she had on was totally modest and good for the occasion which was nothing spectacular other than meet her father-in-law whom she should have met a long time ago. That fact alone made the occasion more spectacular to her in an odd kind of way. She was putting on a short gown for the first time in a very long time. The short gown was slightly above her knees, though it was not the clinging type; it was sleeveless which left her shoulders and hands bare. She suddenly felt exposed as Andy’s eyes bore into her. Noticing that they had been staring at each other for some time, she quickly moved forward, and notice d the elderly man which was clearly Andy’s father, was looking at them with amused curiosity. Great! And the evening is yet to begin! That Andy got his height and good looks from his father was not to be denied. The man was still very attractive at his age. Andy looked a bit different from him facially and Andy wondered what his mum looked like. “Sir”, she moved forward quickly, not knowing the proper way of greeting one’s father-in-law. “Good evening dad” she bent to kneel down but the man held her back. “C’mon, give your father-in-law a hug” he pulled her into his arms, enveloping her in a bear-like hug and Jessica remembered her father. “I am so sorry sir” she said as she pulled away. “I feel like I have done something terribly wrong. We never should have gotten married without your esteemed presence” she hurriedly said. “I told Andy severally that we should wait for some time until you are back from your trip before we get married but he refused” Andy was still lost in trance and it bothered Jessica as she was trying her best to cover up. “Do I blame him? He is a William; we grab opportunities when we see them. Frankly, if I were in his shoes, I would want to take you off the market as soon as possible because you are a rare commodity” Mr. William was making her look like a product which was for sale but the funny thing is that she did not feel insulted, in fact, she felt flattered. “I always wondered where Andy got his good look s from, now I know” she smiled. The man adjusted slightly, seeming pleased with the compliment. “Well, he is a combination of his mum and I, he is one selfish boy, right?” Referring to Andy as a boy was strange to Jessica’s ears. Andy was not doing anything to help her and she didn’t know if they would be able pull this farce through if he continued to gap at her like a deaf mute. “Yes sir, he can be so selfish” she nudged Andy with her leg. “Yes, tap him, he seems to be lost in cloud nine” His father said. Jessica hadn’t thought that her father-in-law saw her. The man’s eyes seemed very alert and that alone unnerved her. She smiled nervously. “He is always like this when I put on this gown, I don’t know why” she shrugged with a strained smile. The man laughed. “Then make sure you put it on when there is a quarrel, it might save you the stress of apologizing.” Jessica laughed and was relieved when Andy seemed to be back in their midst. “Come daughter” Andy’s dad put his hand around Jessica’s shoulders as he walked inside, leaving Andy to tag along. “Tell me about yourself”. Jessica noted with alarming clarity that she would be dealing with her temporary father-in-law by herself. ***** Andy had never been so shocked in his entire life. Jessica had landed him a heavy blow which knocked away his senses. When the door had opened, he had had a mental picture of what he was expecting. He had expected a lady in a long oversized gown with long hands; never in his wildest imagination did he think that she would appear the way she did. It had taken a few seconds to fully accept the fact that he was staring at Jessica. Her skin glowed under the evening light, everything about her was different. Her hair was not packed the way she used to; she packed half of the hair at the front, leaving the ones at the back to fall of their own accord. The length of the hair was more pronounced and the rich black colour called him to have a touch. Her shoulders and hands were bare before his prying eyes and it glowed like she had just moisturized them. The smoothness was so obvious and it took so much effort to take his eyes off them. He shuddered when he stared at her body. He wondered how she could effectively hide all she had beneath those God-forsaken clothes. Her waist was even slimmer than he had been imagining for weeks, he was sure that his two big hands would circle her waist perfectly. He swallowed hard, blocking his mind to the battle that was going on in him. His eyes skimmed her slim long legs till he got to her feet and almost groaned. It was too much to take in. He always knew she had a very beautiful face but now, it was striking even though she had no makeup or jewelry on. As she talked with his father, he heard nothing as he gazed at her with amazement. She was smiling widely. He couldn’t pinpoint when she ever smiled, apart from the time he had seen her at the beach with that slim guy. He was angry that she was not smiling at him, and that he was not the cause of her laughter. To be continued[/b]
26 Aug 2017 | 05:50
Chillax guys promise to post another episode tonight or early tomorrow morning Till then have a nice weekend
26 Aug 2017 | 05:56
I knw Andy go fall 4 her, see me ooooo
26 Aug 2017 | 06:33
Andy is falling jess already
26 Aug 2017 | 15:17
both of them go fall for each other
26 Aug 2017 | 16:56
na so the thing dey start
26 Aug 2017 | 18:34
@Jummybabe we av bn waiting joor
26 Aug 2017 | 18:42
Thanks for ur effort @jummybabe. I will be loving the new development or shuld i say movie that both andy and jessy will be acting
26 Aug 2017 | 18:43
Andy is going to fall his hands. and please @jumybabe tomorrow is too far make it dis nyt biko
26 Aug 2017 | 18:45
Andy is going to fall his hands. and please @jummybabe tomorrow is too far make it dis nyt biko
26 Aug 2017 | 18:46
Andy don't let her go oo
26 Aug 2017 | 18:47
Oh my dear wen is d nxt epsd pleeeease
26 Aug 2017 | 19:27
Let See How It Going To Be Unfold.
26 Aug 2017 | 19:39
next o
26 Aug 2017 | 19:46
You guys will have no other option than to fall for each other
26 Aug 2017 | 21:40
[b]Episode 7b He struggled to hear what they were saying and could not hear anything because his mind was so preoccupied with her body to even entertain other thoughts. He started hearing what was being said towards the end and he received another round of torture as he walked behind them into the house. He had to endure her perfect back view without groaning. ***** Jessica was surprised that she had enjoyed the evening. Andy almost could not take his eyes off her, making it difficult to concentrate on keeping up with the charade but Mr. Williams was a very down-to-earth man, and she found herself relaxing, forgetting the pretense. When they finished eating, they went to the sitting room to relax. She was about going to sit on the single-seater when Andy pulled her to sit with him on the long couch. At first his touch shocked her, then, remembering that they were not alone, she relaxed. Andy could not keep his hands to himself, and he was becoming jealous of his father, who seemed to have the ability to make Jessica laugh. The small curved couch was small and when they sat down, they were so close to each other in a disturbing way. Their bodies practically pressed together and Alex wished he could be left alone with his wife. “You two seem like you just met yesterday. I am almost invisible” Andy’s dad murmured. “It certainly feels like yesterday” Andy said looking at Jessie who did not look at him. The idea of his dad becoming invisible was becoming more appealing by the second. Mr. Williams looked at them curiously. “Tell me how you two met” Jessica stopped short. “Why don’t you tell dad the story Drew?” she gave Andy a dazzling smile that turned his heart. “No, you tell him honey” he said, too distracted to think about a convincing story. She placed her palm tenderly on his chest and his heart raced. "Oh, c'mon now, you are a better story teller". That moment, Andy knew that whatever she wanted she would get. He couldn’t stomach denying her anything at that moment. His dad was looking at them with curiosity. "I was sitting with Jeremy at the balcony of his house when I saw her taking a stroll. She was dressed in this disgustingly big dress that was big enough to fit into an elephant" he grinned. Jessica frowned and moved, leaving Andy's arms. "That is the sexiest thing you ever said to me" she looked hurt. He tried to pull her back into his arms but she did not allow him. "You never told me you hated my cloth. I am flattered". "C'mon baby, those clothes do nothing to attract the opposite sex" "So what attracted you then?" It was Andy's father that spoke. Jessica raised her eyebrow, expecting an answer. Andy swallowed and almost said 'desire to be free from a planned marriage' but caught himself in time. "I can't pinpoint what it was. Maybe it is her striking face" he looked into her striking eyeballs. He swallowed heavily. "Or her long black midnight hair which makes my fingers itch with desire at the sight". Andy was gazing so intently into Jessica's eyes until she was almost fidgeting. He raised his hand as if he couldn’t quite stop himself and touched the hair at her nape. The room suddenly seemed too suffocating as heat washed over Jessica. Andy really was an outstanding actor, Jessica thought, finding it hard to look away from Andy’s capturing gaze. Andy's dad coughed loudly and they both jerked. "My son is in love; that is a miracle. I guess I have you to thank Jessica" Jessica almost laughed at the statement. Andy, in love with her -Jessica - it was so hilarious. Andy's father looked at his wrist watch and stood up. “Wow, it is so late. I should go home”. Jessica felt the daughter-in-law instinct grabbing her. “Why don’t you spend the night dad, you had a long journey and must be tired.” “You are right. I am fagged out” “Let me get the room ready sir” she said and turned. It was as she arranged the bed that the implication of what she had just done dawned on her. The room she usually slept was just few steps from the guests’ room. Her father-in-law would definitely get suspicious if she was sleeping in any room apart from the masters’ bedroom with Andy. She regretted her suggestion now and tried to look for a way out. She could sneak into her room very late and wake up very early, before anyone. She groaned. After ensuring that her father-in-law was fully settled in the room, she walked into the sitting room, where Andy was. "You do know the implication of what you just did right?" Andy asked instantly. She exhaled. "It was out of my mouth before I could think but it does not change anything. I would still sleep in my room and wake up very early". Andy shook his head. "It won't do. If I still know my dad well, he accepted staying over so easily, meaning, he might still have doubts. He is cunning when he feels suspicious. He knows I have given up on love and won't easily take the fact that I am in love" Andy was sure of it. Jessica thought she and Andy had a thing in common at last; they had both given up on love. "So what do you suggest?" He swallowed. "You would have to sleep with me in the masters' bedroom" he dropped. Her eyes widened. She had been terribly aware of Andy for hours, the last thing she needed was to stay locked up in a room with him. "You can't be serious. We could work out a story if he discovers that we are not together. We could say that I am indisposed and needed to be alone. Something". She searched her brain for what that 'something' could be. "Anything". She said again. "It won't work. He would know that something is fishy. We have come this far, we can’t spoil it all now. I promise to be a perfect gentleman. You can take the bed while I take the floor. That is the only reasonable solution." She looked at Andy like he was a three headed monster. "You've got to be kidding me!" To be continued....[/b]
27 Aug 2017 | 03:05
0 Likes it know Andy knew her babe was beautiful...i don't blame him when Jessica too don't dress smart
27 Aug 2017 | 08:18
time will tell if der will be changes btw dem
27 Aug 2017 | 08:21
Hmmmmmm Jessica nd Andy same Room
27 Aug 2017 | 10:23
Dont tell me andy is jealousy o?!... Its a good thing Jessica is covering for him even though he is cruel!
27 Aug 2017 | 10:54
27 Aug 2017 | 13:02
mmmmm. it will be a long night
27 Aug 2017 | 13:17
Is 2 short na
27 Aug 2017 | 13:39
27 Aug 2017 | 14:37
hmmm next
27 Aug 2017 | 14:42
Both jessie and andy ave one thing in common. They both have given up on love..... I think hearing eachother story will rise their hope on love again
27 Aug 2017 | 14:45
You think you can deceive your dad easily
27 Aug 2017 | 15:16
0 Likes is knocking on ur door
27 Aug 2017 | 15:24
Hahaha!, cant stop laughing... So Andy thinks he can truly be a perfect gentle man when an angel like Jessica is right next to him?!, so hilarious!
27 Aug 2017 | 15:38
it will be a grt nyt fa!
27 Aug 2017 | 15:42
Jummybabe, u promised to drop another episode ystday but u didnt, @least u sud av dropped 2 2day for compensation na
27 Aug 2017 | 15:44
27 Aug 2017 | 16:12
this will be a long nit
27 Aug 2017 | 16:40
hmmm next oo
27 Aug 2017 | 18:52
[b]EPISODE 9 Andy finally stood up from the floor around past five. He hadn't been able to get any sleep throughout the night. He had turned countless number of times on the floor, unable to sleep at all. The floor had been a bit comfortable so his discomfort was not because of his position but because of his constantly straying thoughts. Staying in the same room with Jessica was more torture than he had thought. He walked over to her and saw her sleeping soundly. Her hair was still loose the way he liked it. It spread on the pillow carelessly and Andy swallowed hard, remembering the silky feeling of it beneath his fingers. Even though her cloth was not what he was hoping for, she looked like a queen diva. He brushed away the strands of hair in her face and her striking face hit him and made him speechless. What is happening to me? He wondered and walked out of the room instantly. ***** Jessica roused from her sleep with a lazy stretch. It took her some seconds to remember that she was in Andy’s room, and with the realization, she jumped out of bed. One quick glance told her that Andy was not in the room. She wondered if he had gone to work like he always did but hoped not because it would mean that she would have to do all the dramatic scenes alone with Andy’s father if he doesn’t leave early. Last night flashed through her mind like the strike of lightning and she was struck motionless. She sat down slowly on the bed, remembering every single detail. She had flirted with him, wanting him to kiss her but not being bold enough to say it. She could still feel his lips on hers, demanding in a way she had never experienced. She had always known that Andy was a lady’s man, the kind that all ladies would like to have for themselves and the type of man that is not easily forgotten. In fact, she doubted that any woman would be able to forget Andy. Jessica’s scattered hair reminded her of how Andy had buried his fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp. She shivered. ‘This is a wrong move’ she thought, I need to get back on track. Jessica entered the bathroom and saw new set of toiletries. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Repacking her hair, she walked out of the room still in her oversized nightie. Andy was nowhere in sight but looking outside, she saw his car and sighed in relief. She told herself sternly that her relief had nothing to do with the desire to see him. She just didn’t want to face her father-in-law alone! “Good morning ma’am” Ada greeted as Jessica entered the kitchen. “Morning Ada, did you sleep well?” She responded. Her mouth felt so dry and she needed water. “Yes ma’am” Jessica filled a glass cup with water from the dispenser and satisfied her thirst. She loved being in the kitchen and having a maid was foreign to her. As a child, even though they had a help, she still did so many things in the house, especially in the kitchen. Since she lost her family, she hadn’t lived in a house with a maid in it until now. Jessica felt the urge to do the cooking herself. She quenched the thought that said that Andy was part of her reasons for this sudden desire. “Ada, have you seen Andy?” “No ma’am but his car is outside.” Jessica nodded. “He might be with his dad. I am starved. Please slice some tomatoes and onions for eggs, I would be back. Please don’t fry it till I get back” Jessica left the kitchen and went straight to the guests’ room. She did not know if she ought to disturb her father-in-law. The sound of Andy’s voice in the room made her heartbeat quicken and she had to pause for some seconds to compose herself before knocking. She heard the men’s laughter and almost smiled. She heard the muffled, ‘come in’ in between their laughter and she opened the door slowly, entering with a wide smile. Her eyes instantly collided with Andy’s and his laughter died down as he stared at her. The big gown Jessie was putting on was no longer unappealing; in fact, it gave him another kind of unfamiliar hunger and desire. The past night flashed through them and for a moment, the elderly man was forgotten. Jessica felt an instant surge of heat wash over her as she tried hard to break the eye contact. She swallowed and turned to her father-in-law with a tense smile. “Good morning sir” she greeted, going on her knees again. “It is nice finally being noticed” he had a mischievous grin on his face. “What are you doing? Come and give me a peck” he invited. “I have spent so much time abroad and actually fancy their way of showing affection”. Jessica smiled widely and went to kiss her father-in-law on the cheek. She instantly remembered her dad whom she always kissed when he was either going out or coming in. She had to force away that memory. Episode 9b Did you sleep well sweetheart?.The elderly man behaved more like her dad by the minute and she became upset that she was lying to such a man. She had never been one to love lies, she always avoided it but now, she had become a potential liar. Jessica resisted the urge to glance at Andy. “I slept well dad, hope this room was comfortable enough sir?” “Yes dear” They are doing it again, Andy thought. ‘They have forgotten about me’. Anyone would think that Jessica was his father’s wife or daughter with the way they seemed to get along so well. Jessica hadn’t even said a simple ‘hi’ to him – her husband. He heard her ask his dad if he would love bread and eggs for breakfast and heard him talk of how hungry he was and how he could not wait to taste the inviting meal. He even called her ‘sweetheart’! Why should he? “Don’t tell me you are jealous” Andy suddenly noticed the two pairs of eyes staring at him. His palms had balled into fists and he did not know that he was actually glaring. “Why are you both staring at me like that?” Mr. Williams looked at Andy and laughed. “Come on son, you don’t honestly think that this old man would steal your wife, do you?” Jessica whitened and stood up. “Of course not” she murmured for Andy. Andy was just staring angrily at both of them, not knowing why he was angry. Jessica managed a weak smile, wanting to vanish. “I would see to the food” she was out of the room before anyone could say Jack. Andy’s father looked at Andy. “Did you two have a fight? You both seem to be on the edge with each other, or is it another form of emotion I am sensing?” Mr. Williams hid a knowing smile. “Don’t be ridiculous dad. It would help if you two stopped making me look like a boring furniture while you talk like soul mates” His dad laughed. “It might help if you stop being utterly speechless whenever she walks in” Andy shook his head, swallowed and s tood up. “I would be back dad” he murmured, heading towards the door. “No sex in the kitchen Andrew” “Dad” Andy warned. “At least wait till I am gone, I need bacteria free food. I would be gone soon, by then, you would have the house all to yourselves” Andy marched out and slammed the door, shutting out his dad’s echoing laughter. As Andy walked, he told himself that he needed the TV to reposition his mind and make him stop thinking about Jessica, but even as he walked, he found out that his legs were not moving in the direction of the sitting room. ***** Jessica wheezed the eggs she had broken into a bowl. She had sent Ada to get sliced bread because the one in the fridge would not be enough to feed the available hungry mouths. She was trying hard to concentrate on the food she was preparing, instead of on Andy. Instantly, she became aware of the slow strides that were drawing closer. She needed no one to tell her that it was Andy because she had become accustomed to his semi-slow and confidently calculated steps. Immediately he entered the kitchen, she became aware of his presence in a terrifying way. She knew that he must be standing at the door because she could not hear his steps anymore. She swallowed and continued her task, not touching the salt yet for fear of putting more than expected in the eggs. “Your hair looks more irresistible when it is without a band” Jessica heard Andy’s words and tensed. Andy knew that she was aware of his presence and smiled at her rigid back. “Maybe I don’t want it to be irresistible” she gasped out. Is that my voice? She wondered. The pounding of her heart became louder than any other sound in her own ears. She did not know that Andy was just behind her until he spoke into her ears. “It is still irresistible this way” she jumped, almost toppling the egg in the process. He laughed heartily, making her angrier. “What the hell is wrong with you?” “I don’t know, maybe you can tell me. You are the one who studied medicine, test me and diagnose my ailment” he had successfully pulled her into the circle of his arms. She squirmed and shook furiously in his arms, brushing her body against his, unknowingly tormenting him the more. “Let me go Drew” she was shaking, trying to break out of his hold. Her leg brushed against the evidence of his desire and she froze, standing dead still. Andy bit back a groan as he stood with a strained lazy grin on his face. “It is not a good idea to squirm like that in a man’s arms Jess, his body might get a wrong message” He released her and she instantly jumped out of his arms. He laughed and strolled out of the kitchen. Jessica felt shaky and alarmed. Andy affected her senses in a very strange way and it frightened the living day light out of her. To be continued....[/b] @foly4 I couldn't but I posted a longer one today to cover it up
27 Aug 2017 | 21:31
Well, i no talk ooo
28 Aug 2017 | 09:51
next pls
28 Aug 2017 | 11:11
Wow i love the way its going...
28 Aug 2017 | 13:44
mmmm. continue pls
28 Aug 2017 | 14:11
jummy pls can u try n be making it two updates a day n thanks for the wonderful update
28 Aug 2017 | 15:18
Contract marriage
28 Aug 2017 | 16:04
enjoyin every bit of dis story
28 Aug 2017 | 17:27
Getting more intresting.
28 Aug 2017 | 17:50
hmmmm... through his father everytin will work well btw dem
28 Aug 2017 | 18:17
28 Aug 2017 | 18:19
Loving it
28 Aug 2017 | 21:42
No need to be afraid my dear, he won't bite
28 Aug 2017 | 23:53
Am smelling love
29 Aug 2017 | 04:02
Ride on
29 Aug 2017 | 07:20
[b]EPISODE 10 Sitting at the dinning was not easy at all for Jessica but she did it successfully, by never meeting Andy’s eyes. She felt his eyes on her constantly but never gave in to the temptation of looking at him back. He asked her pointed questions but she never for once looked at him while answering those questions. After eating, Andy’s dad got ready to leave. “Oh, I did not tell you both. I have org anized a party for both of you” “A what?” Andy asked. “A celebration party. Since I missed your wedding, I want to have another celebration. It is coming up in three days’ time; all you need to do is dress up and come. The invitation would be sent to everyone, you don’t need to worry” What the hell? Jessica almost said. “Sir, I don’t think it is necessary. You would spend a lot of money, why bother when the wedding was just two months ago?” Mr. Williams smiled. “OH son, you married a virtuous woman. Even knowing that she sleeps and wakes in money, she is still thinking of spending wisely” “Am I not lucky?” Andy murmured, unconsciously linking his fingers with Jessica’s and brushing his thumb against her knuckles, making Jessie’s pulse race. “Yeah son. But I insist on hosting the party” Jessica almost groaned. “I need to run now, see you two later” They bid him farewell and walked back inside as he drove out. “What are we going to do?” Jessica said as she paced. “About what?” Andy relaxed fully as he sat on the chair. “What do you mean by ‘about what’? About the party of course. Pretending to your dad was one thing, doing the same with a large number of people is a totally different thing and I am sure I am not that good as an actress.” “Why are you worrying yourself about that now? It is still three days away.” He paused. “There are better things to do now” “Oh? And what is that?” If Jessica hadn’t been so agitated, she would have seen the gleam in his eyes. Before she could think, he jerked her until she fell, sitting awkwardly on his laps. “What are you doing Drew?” she asked breathlessly “Would you like me to show you or tell you” his voice was husky with desire. Jessica could not even think of a reply as Andy’s hand moved to loosen her hair. “Your hair is so beautiful” he whispered huskily as he kissed her earlobes. She gasped. He kissed her neck and she whispered his name, not knowing if she wanted him to stop or continue. He raised his eyes which were dark with desire to hers. He could see the desire also in her eyes in her quickened breathing. He swore and crushed her mouth with his. Jessica responded with equal hunger, not even pretending to be impassive. Her slim hand went to his neck and held him close. Andy’s hands were everywhere at once and she became lost. Something flashed through Jessica’s mind and she tried to slow Andy down. “Bose” she gasped. “Don’t… Don’t worry… I gave her the day off” before the information even registered in her mind, he was kissing her again. He stood up instantly, carrying her in his arms and marching towards the masters’ bedroom, kissing her as he went. When he got there, he set her on her feet. “Today, I would see what my wife hides beneath this cloth” ***** Andy changed his position on the bed as he came awake. His eyes landed on the angelic form sleeping on the bed and his drowsiness vanished. Jessica had never looked more beautiful. She was more than he ever imagined, much more than any man would imagine. She had no clothes on and her only covering was the blanket that he had used to cover her from the night’s chill. Ever since his father had left, he and Jessica had barely left the room. They had been too preoccupied with themselves to even notice time. Andy never even thought of work for a second. They were like a newly wedded couple on their honeymoon. They had laughed and laughed about the present, never for once mentioning the past or the future. Jessica was always beautiful but watching her laugh made her look downright stunning and breathtaking. He wanted to make that happiness resident in her. Of everything that happened, Andy had been thrown speechless when he discovered that he was her first. To imagine that Jessica would give him such a priceless gift has moved him beyond reason. The realization had shaken him to his very root and he made sure that that moment was special for Jessica too. As he watched her sleep, he felt the intense desire to protect her from harm. He knew almost nothing about the woman he married. He had felt that it was ok to know very little about her. ‘The less you know about a woman, the easier it makes it for you to forget her’ he had told himself. But he wanted to know Jessica. He wanted to know every single detail about her. The only thing she had told him about herself during this period of intimacy was the mishap that happened to her family. He had watched with horror as tears slipped down her eyes as she told him the story. It was devastating that she had to pass through so much pain at a tender age. Andy watched Jessie pull up her knees like she was trying to shield herself and felt the deep urge to pull her into his arms, make her feel safe. This time, he did not resist the urge; he pulled her into his arms and was alarmed by the great delight he felt when she smuggled closer, burying her head in the fold of his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and brushed away the hair playing at her face. He had never felt more content in his life. Jessie felt so perfect in his arms, like that was where she was meant to be. Andy yawned and finally went back to sleep. ***** Jessica had Andy’s hands around her when she woke up. She adjusted a bit and looked at Andy but he was still very much asleep. She smiled and touched his bare chest with her fingertips. The past day was the best day of her life. Andy had made her feel like a princess; like she was the best thing that could ever happen to any man. But….. To be continued....[/b]
29 Aug 2017 | 08:55
hmmm I can't get enough of dis story. ride on
29 Aug 2017 | 12:09
I told you that you guys are just joking about what you feel for each other... All thanks to Andy's dad for awakening the burning desire and love
29 Aug 2017 | 12:30
but what Jessie
29 Aug 2017 | 12:54
29 Aug 2017 | 13:18
abi you guys don chop una saff finish
29 Aug 2017 | 13:19
But wot?
29 Aug 2017 | 14:33
hmmmm continue but I didn't expect it to be so fast
29 Aug 2017 | 14:58
hmm......nxt pls
29 Aug 2017 | 15:19
Plsss ride on like that oo...dnt put any BUT
29 Aug 2017 | 16:52
andy father make things change for him
29 Aug 2017 | 22:56
29 Aug 2017 | 22:57
[b]Episode 10b No… I would not think about it’ she thought. She refused to think about the fact that she had slept with her fussed husband; her contract. Refused to think about the fact that she had surrendered the most precious gift she had to him also; but of all the men that Jessica had come across, none of them deserved it more than Andy, and maybe no one would ever deserve it more. But why did she do it? Why did she surrender her virginity to someone who would become her ex–husband in less than a year? She sighed. Somewhere deep down, she had an answer for that question; somewhere in the innermost part of her being she knew that she would never have gotten in the family way with Andy if she did not have some feelings for him. Andy cleared his throat slightly and Jessie jerked and looked at Andy who was now wide awake, staring at her. She smiled shyly. “Good morning Drew” He was watching her now, making her nervous. “Good morning sweetheart” he pushed his fingers through her hair and smiled. He knew that she had been thinking but did not want to mention it. He did not want the talk of the contract to spoil the day. “Your skin is so beautiful” he murmured and Jessie blushed. “How was your night?”She smiled. “I was able to sleep at the latter part of the night, thank you”. Andy chuckled. “Oh… what were you doing?” He raised his brow. Jessie’s face reddened. “Should be ‘what were ‘we’ doing’” Andy laughed slightly, bent and kissed her. “Should I show you or tell you what we were doing?” Jessica frowned jokingly. “I think I know what we were doing so none”. They laughed and he kissed her again, lingering this time to enjoy her sweet honeyed mouth. “I am so hungry now” he remembered that they did not eat dinner. “It is like I have not eaten for the past five decades” Jessica murmured and Andy laughed. “You are yet to see three decades” “Yeah but I surely feel hungrier than that” He smiled. “Let me fix us something, just relax here” “Are you not going to work today” she half smiled. He sat up. “Certain benefits come with owning your own company” he was gloriously naked when he stood up and Jessie’s mouth went dry as she stared at him. Andy noticed her eyes on him immediately he stood up and smiled as he pulled on a trouser. He turned and she instantly averted her gaze. “You can stare at me honey” he grinned but it did not last long. “I certainly am enjoying the view. Jessica saw the hunger in his eyes and was alarmed when she looked at herself and saw that the blanket had slipped to her waist. She pulled it up instantly and could not meet his eyes. He laughed. “Don’t be shy with me honey; your body can drive a man crazy” “I wouldn’t want you to go crazy now, would I?” he laughed and left. Jessica instantly picked up her camisole and wore it. Andy had seen her entirely naked but that did not stop her from being self-conscious. She had always been conscious of exposing herself when someone was watching even if it was a woman. Her friends had helped her get over the feminine part because more often than not, they had to dress up together for an occasion. Getting naked or half naked in front of a guy was totally alien though. Even going half naked in front of a prying male doctor for scan had driven her crazy to the extent that she decided to change her doctor to a female doctor. Now that Andy had seen her nakedness, she was almost sure that he was the only man that she would give that privilege to. The surprising part was that she had actually wanted him to see her naked. Putting on a flimsy short she didn’t remember owning, she started folding the clothes that were littering the floor and straightening the bedspread. Andy entered with a wide tray filled with food. “Woow” Andy murmured as he took in Jessica’s appearance. “You look divine. What the hell entered you to make you dress the way you used to?” She smiled faintly. “You have no ide a. Bread and eggs, I can eat this everyday” she changed the topic with a smile. He placed the tray on the bed and they both sat. They blessed the food and Jessica was about to dig in when she paused. “I did not even ask if you were good at this; cooking” “Are you scared?” he grinned. He scooped up a sizeable amount of egg. “Find out yourself. Now, open your mouth” “What? No, I...” Andy pushed the food into her mouth as she spoke and her rebuke vanished as the egg tantalized her taste buds. “Wow” “Yeah. There was a time when I wanted to be a chef” She smiled as she started eating. “Well, you are good. Ralph was the only guy I know that cooks”. Immediately she said it, she knew it was a mistake. It was Andy’s turn to pause. “Who is Ralph?” She cleared her throat. “My ex” “Oh…” the food did not taste so interesting to him again. Could that be jealousy? “He left me at the altar” Andy froze. “I didn’t get you.” She was silent. “You obviously did not mean what you just said” “He was the reason I never wanted to get married again, the reason why I never wanted to catch any man’s fancy. He left me feeling stupid and disgraced at the altar on our wedding day” “Oh my God” he held Jessie as she fought the tears that sprang up. “It is OK honey.” ***** “Oh, you are coming over... wonderful… I am expecting you” she said into her phone and hung up. It was the evening already and everything had been magical. She got to the sitting room and sat beside Andy who was listening to the news. He pulled her against his warm body. “Where are you off to?” he asked. “I need to make my hair at the saloon. Sonia is coming over. She should be here in about two hours” “Hope you won’t be staying long” “No, just want to set my hair.” She stood up. He took out his wallet to take out some money but she stopped him. “I can manage Drew” “Well, I don’t want you to manage” he gave her some money, much more than she would ever dream of using for her hair. She reluctantly took it, kissed him and left. To be continued...[/b]
30 Aug 2017 | 06:18
but wat
30 Aug 2017 | 08:01
jummy there is God oooop
30 Aug 2017 | 08:23
Hahahahaha @jummybabe u almost gave me high BP with dis ur but ooo.anyway thanks 4 d update.
30 Aug 2017 | 09:30
Am in love with dis story
30 Aug 2017 | 11:52
I knew this will happen one day
30 Aug 2017 | 13:20
am loving this and I don't want this part to finish
30 Aug 2017 | 13:35
Finally love is looming
30 Aug 2017 | 13:54
pls y can't I HV access to the previous episodes
30 Aug 2017 | 14:03
Hmmm the love is growing... I ve never seen married couple who married out of love, living together and not fall in love wth eachoda.... Except the lady or the guy is bad.. Jessie keep the love flowing
30 Aug 2017 | 14:08
30 Aug 2017 | 15:37
love in the air
30 Aug 2017 | 15:46
i said it there is love in the air
30 Aug 2017 | 16:33
Yeaaaaaaa..... Love is in the air
30 Aug 2017 | 17:11
Really enjoying this story
30 Aug 2017 | 17:48
hmmm... finally...
30 Aug 2017 | 17:50
MARRIED EPISODE 11 One hour later, Andy was still in the sitting room. He had asked Ada to go for the day; he wanted to prepare dinner with his wife. He pulled off his top and put it on the chair. He heard the doorbell and went there, expecting to see Jess but when he opened the door, he saw someone else. “Sonia”, he exclaimed. “It is good to see you. Come in” he murmured. She was earlier than Jessie had said she would be. “Hello Andy” she cooed. “It is really good to see you”. She eyed Andy stylishly as he closed the door. “Where is my friend?” “She is at the saloon. She should be here in a few minutes.” He picked up his shirt. “Please have your seat” “Why don’t you leave it?” she asked. “Leave what?” “The shirt” she held the shirt in his hand. “You look so sexy. I wonder what you saw in my S.U friend” “Excuse me?” Andy was sure he was not hearing properly. She snatched the top in his hand and threw it. “I think you should leave” he murmured as she advanced towards him. She adjusted her top until the larger part of her chest was left open. “I can give you what my friend can’t give” “Well, I don’t want it. Please leave before I harass you.” Immediately he said this, she leapt on him, throwing him off balance. He fell on the chair with her on top of him. “Bloody hell” he gasped out. “Get off me” he roared but she would not bulge. He struggled and rose and turned until he was off the chair and she was sitting. She had her fingers locked around his belt buckle and as he tried to remove her hands, the door opened. Jessica entered and gasped. ***** Andy jerked Sonia’s hands away with so much force that her hands hurt. He stood up looking totally confused and alarmed. “Jess, it is not what you think” he managed to put the words together though he was totally devastated and confused. Jessica was not sure she could hear anything that was being said. The scene before her was so frightening and she was hearing loud screaming in her head. She was not sure what was going on. Sonia adjusted her cloth and jumped up. “Yes, it is what you think Jessica. Your womanizing husband here was trying to rape me” “What?” Andy’s head rotated. Jess was just frozen to the spot. “I came in looking for you and all of a sudden he grabbed me” she made a teary face. “You are insane woman; what the hell is your game here?” Andy was roaring and he wished he could beat the living daylight out of the woman. He faced Jessica. “Jess, you have to trust me. I can never do this to you; never” “Oh yeah? Then tell me, why did he contract you for a one year marriage then?” Jess gasped, now listening attentively. How did Sonia know? Andy was bewildered. “You did not want to marry the woman brought by your father because you can’t bear being tied to a woman. You like the idea of sampling every skirt that comes your way and that is why you chose gentle and unappealing Jessica, while you go on with your escapades with other girls” “If you don’t cut this bull shit, I surely would lay my hands on you” “Oh, just like you were about doing before Jessica entered?” Jessica felt this cold chill that would not go away. Her blood seemed to freeze. “Tell me, is that not the reason why you don’t stay in the house? You go out very early and come back very late using work as a pretense, is that not because you have concubines all over the country? You were with a woman at Convy Hotel some days back, what were you both doing? It must be the wild thing right?” “What is all these? She is one of our major contractors” Andy saw red at the infidelity accusation. “Oh, really? I came majorly to talk with Jessica about this but it is no longer necessary. Now I see that Jessica has her eyes open and tries to dress appealingly so I would not be surprised if you have gotten into her pants already”. Andy did what he had never done before; he swung his hand and slapped Sonia’s face so hard. Jessica could take no more; she turned and fled the house. “Jess… Jessica” Andy ran after her with his heart racing with dread. He caught up with her and held her hand. “Leave my hand” she yelled, snatching her hand forcefully. He held her shoulders, forcing her to listen to him. “Believe me Jess; I don’t know what is going on here. Sonia came and-” “And what? Jumped on you?” she laughed sarcastically. “You know what Andy, I am done” the tears that she had been guarding against started coming and she started rubbing t hem away furiously. “I knew from the start that this was a huge mistake. Yesterday, last night, this morning; everything was a huge mistake. A stupid, irredeemable mistake, but it is fine.” “Jess please, don’t say that. Don’t do this” Andy pleaded and his heart bled when he saw her furiously wipe away her tears again. “Don’t worry, I would not do anything or take anything. The 20 million; I don’t need it” “Jess…” Jessica started walking away, and then started running. The waves of the hair she had just curled bounced after her. Andy was about to run after her when he remembered that Sonia was still in the house. The anger that bubbled in him was so intense that he charged into the house smashing the flower vase that stood in his way. He searched the entire house but did not see Sonia. She must have sneaked out while they were arguing. He swallowed hard, still trying to come to terms with what had just occurred. For the first time in years, something new occurred in his life that brought joy to his heart and now, it was shattered before it even begun. He grabbed his car keys and his shirt and left in search of Jessica. To be continued... Will he find her? How will Drew convince Jess that he wasn't at fault? Is this the end of the contract marriage? Episode 12 loading...
30 Aug 2017 | 18:41
Hmmm, sometimes it's just good to keep ur friends away from ur home to avoid unnecessary heartbreaks
30 Aug 2017 | 19:42
Finally living like a couple, so sweet!
30 Aug 2017 | 22:57
I think it jst a text for Drew,and I kw vry well dat sonia is nt working alone on dis bcause I wouldn't b surpries if Drew's dad has a hand in these bt I kw it will take some time for d two to work things out.Let d search for trust,understanding begin.tanx dear @jummy for d update and more Ink to ur pen
31 Aug 2017 | 00:08
i feel so sad for Drew oh my God some girls can be a bitch
31 Aug 2017 | 04:31
pls jummy update on time plssssssss am already crying for Drew n his wife
31 Aug 2017 | 04:36
Sonia d devil
31 Aug 2017 | 05:42
I pray Andy saw her on time
31 Aug 2017 | 05:43
Love in the air!
31 Aug 2017 | 12:47
[b]EPISODE 12 Jessica walked by the side of the road as rain poured down. She was moving like a robot. She was not even sure if her brain was working at all anymore. Events of the past just replayed in her head like the clips of a movie’s advert. This was not the first time that she would find her man with her best friend. The first man she ever dated cheated on her with her best friend. The horrifying scene of catching them in the act flashed through her mind as she walked, oblivious to the rain that had glued her cloth to her skin. Being left at the altar and the death of her entire family still remained the most horrifying of her entire life until this evening but as she walked the sad road, she could not remember ever feeling this broken in her entire life. Sonia’s words kept coming and coming until she felt she was going to go crazy but she just kept on walking. No part of her body felt alive as she walked on the darkened and wet road; not even the legs that carried her. She did not know if she should put the blame on Sonia. She had come visiting and almost got raped in the process. Tears rolled down her cheeks ceaselessly but no one would have noticed since the salty rain water was all over her face. Her purse which she took to the saloon was clutched in her hand as she held it like a weapon at her side. She had no idea where she was going but she just went wherever her feet led her, she was content knowing that it was far away from Andy. “Jessica” Jessica heard her name being called and tensed but she did not even think of answering. She just went her way. Andy came out of the car, leaving it at the middle of the road. He had been searching for some time, moving the car slowly in order not to miss her and had become apprehensive and terribly worried when the rain had started. “Jessica, Oh my God” he murmured as he ran after her in the rain. Within seconds, he was also wet due to the velocity of the heavy rain. He got to her in no time but she would not stop walking. It was as if she could neither see nor hear him. “Jessica please, for the Love of God, stop this. Don’t hurt yourself like this” Jessica was shivering as she walked but she did not even seem to notice that she was shivering. “I am so sorry Jess but please, let me take you home” he held her hand. “Please” She turned her head sharply as his hand touched hers. “Get your filthy hands off me this minute” Andy did not let her go. “Home?” she asked. “Which home? I have no home” she shivered. “Especially not in your house”. “Please Jess, even if you are going to hate me, I would not leave you out here like this.” “Well, it is not in your place to make decisions for me, you don’t have the right and you never will” she fought to keep her clattering teeth in place. “Why can’t you leave me alone? What did I ever do to offend the world” she cried furiously. The cars were busy blasting horns and raining curses as they bypassed Andy’s car but Andy did not hear any of it. “Sweetheart I…” he paused. “Jess, please, I know it is hard for you to trust me now but please let me get you out of this rain, please…” “No… I said no” Andy breathed deep and scooped her into his arms. She started fussing and yelling and the passing cars started looking suspiciously at them. He took her straight to the car, holding her effortlessly but firmly through her struggles. When they got to the car, he put her down and stared straight at her. “I would take you anywhere you want to go Jess but I can’t leave you here. It is either you go with me or we both stay here in the rain. Please” Jessica contemplated the situation, staring impassively at him. The chill was getting to her bones and she was not sure she could stand for more than a few seconds. She had expended all her energy. Swallowing hard and tamping down the feeling of defeat, she opened the door and entered. Andy held out the door for her and closed it immediately she got in. When Andy got behind the wheels, she looked outside her window, moving as far away from him as possible. “Take me to Lizzy’s place.” Andy breathed deeply and started the engine. His heart ached terribly as he saw her shivering uncontrollably. There was no cloth at all in the car that he could use to cover her. He was cold too but he knew that he could handle himself. He turned up the heater to the highest and turned the fans in Jess’ direction. He quenched every desire to talk and explain things. He did not want to upset her more. He was greatly relieved when her shivering reduced a bit. Silence reigned in the car as Andy drove to Lizzy’s house. He kept on glancing at her all the way but Jessica’s eyes were glued to a distance beyond the window. On getting there, Jessica did not even give room for any discussion. She said ‘thanks’, alighted and hurried into the house in the rain which was no longer as heavy as it was before. She pounded Lizzy’s door, waiting for the door to open. She heard Lizzy murmuring something inside and her anger grew. The door opened and Lizzy’s expression changed to extreme surprise. “What? Jessie, what are you-” Lizzy squealed in surprise. Jessica’s fist swung and connected with Lizzy’s face. “Ouch!” Lizzy moaned. “How could you?” Jessica barked. “I trusted in you because you were smart enough to detect that something was not right between Andy and I. I opened up and told you everything, how could you then tell Sonia about this? I thought you promised never to tell anyone.” Jessie’s eyes shot fire. “Whoa Jessie” the slap still stunned her but she pulled Jessica inside and slammed the door. “You are speaking Chinese. I did not tell anyone anything” “Oh great. Now the world is full of liars” “Now Jessie, I am serious. I cross my heart. If I weren’t a good Christian, I would have sworn. I did not tell anyone anything” “But Sonia knows” Jessica knew Lizzy was not lying but she had no idea how else Sonia would have known about the contract. Lizzy was someone who was very transparent and anyone would see through her if she was lying. “She must have found out somehow or from someone but definitely not from me” Lizzy was alarmed. “What is going on Jessie? You are really scaring me. You look like a terrified dripping cat” To be continued....[/b]
31 Aug 2017 | 17:26
What the hec.k did Sonia came to do? Now she has ruined the perfect love going on
31 Aug 2017 | 19:20
Hmmm sonia is a bitch
1 Sep 2017 | 03:18
sonia no try o. i know she is doing all dis because Jennifer married a rich man
1 Sep 2017 | 03:42
sonia no try o. i know she is jealous because Jennifer married a rich man
1 Sep 2017 | 03:43
Hmm...enemy-friend...the thunder that will strike Sonia z still preparing its self in heaven
1 Sep 2017 | 04:37
You are getting us confused.
1 Sep 2017 | 04:38
that Sonia is just a devil .. she's so jealous
1 Sep 2017 | 04:56
That's very bad
1 Sep 2017 | 06:10
Sonia, ur down fall is near
1 Sep 2017 | 07:10
I hope Andrew will convince Jess
1 Sep 2017 | 10:19
nice update more pls
1 Sep 2017 | 10:24
I don't seem to understand dis story, wot did sonia do
1 Sep 2017 | 11:58
Next please
1 Sep 2017 | 12:33
what did Sonia do
1 Sep 2017 | 16:28
I hate this sonia
1 Sep 2017 | 16:47
[b]Episode 12b Just want to sleep Lizzy. I want to sleep so that my head can stop spinning” Jessica swallowed, not willing to cry. Lizzy looked at her critically and decided to wait till the next day before she found out what really happened. “OK. Come and get rid of this cloth. Did I mention that you are looking very sexy in this dress?” Lizzy said, trying to make Jessica smile a bit but when Jessica fought back tears instead of smiling, she knew that something was terribly wrong with her and all her instincts pointed at Andy. ***** Jessica lay on Lizzy’s bed feeling shattered. Her life just seemed to go from one point of disaster to the other. She wondered why this occurrence seemed to be more painful, compared to the other problems that she had had to face in her life. Her head ached terrifyingly and she groaned. Tears kept coming and coming. She had been able to maintain a ‘no crying’ stance for a long time but in just one night, she had cried immensely. The tears came but she had no strength to wipe it off. She had surrendered her most precious gift to Andy, something that she had treasured, something that she had refused to give her past lovers. Thinking of how everything had shattered was so alarming. Everything had been a charade. Just a surface charade to get past her pants. But even though Jessica wanted to make herself believe that it had also been a charade for her and that she did not have feelings for Andy, she knew that it was a lie. Andy had been part of her every thought ever since she met him, which was one of the reasons why she detested him. She had detested him for the mere fact that he was a man and had used her hate or dislike to her advantage but his late nights always got to her, terribly. She always found herself wondering what he was doing and with whom. He almost did not notice her and it hurt her feminine ego. Dressing differently yesterday had almost nothing to do with Andy’s father, but had everything to do with Andy; she had only used her father-in-law as an excuse. When she had gone to bed with him, it hadn’t been because she was married to him, it was because she really wanted to give him that gift. She had wanted him to have it, but now, it turned out to be the worst mistake she ever made. Why did she always have to develop feelings for the wrong people? Why was life so unfair? Why did she have to cry over and over again? Lizzy entered with a plate of hot rice and stew and Jessica quickly wiped her face but Lizzy did not miss it. Lizzy was now terribly worried. She could not pinpoint ever seeing Jessica cry. She noticed that the hot tea she had given to Jessica earlier was barely touched. “Jessie, please tell me what is wrong? You are scaring me o” Lizzy said as she sat on the bed. Jessie smiled faintly and intentionally digressed. “Are you not sleeping yet?” “You look famished so I decided to fix you something. Come on, get up” Jessie shook her head slowly. “I am not sure I can take anything” “You don’t have to be sure; just try. You would feel better after eating” “I am not sure if I would be better Liz” Jessie blinked severally. Lizzy was touched deeply, seeing Jessie struggle with threatening tears. She dropped the food. “You can cry Jessie, it eases the pain. Come here” she pulled Jessie into her arms and Jessica could not hold back her tears any longer. She cried her heart out. “I just want to die Lizzy…” she cried. “I want to die… Life is worthless” “Oh sweetie” Lizzy breathed almost moved to tears by Jessica’s pain. It was now that Lizzy wished that Paulina was there. Paulina would have used her motherly attitude to handle this situation. It was obvious to Lizzy that Andy and Sonia were involved in whatever was wrong but she also had a feeling that Jessica had developed feelings for Andy. She knew a woman in love when she saw one. ***** Andy felt like he was going crazy. He stood up from the bed and sat on the small chair in the room. This was the third time he was standing up from the bed after fruitlessly trying to sleep. He had been terribly devastated ever since he dropped off Jessica. He still could not believe that it had all happened so fast. Despite being hungry, he had lost his appetite but his thought that his anger would go down as time went by was totally wrong because, with each passing minute, his frustration increased a notch. Sleeping on the bed was the worst part of it all. He kept remembering all that he and Jessie had done and shared on the bed; their intimacy, laughter, jokes, emotional tears and even their breakfast. The masters’ bedroom held far too many memories, all derived from one day, but the joy and fulfillment he felt within twenty four hours had evaporated just like that. He could not bear to think of the look of betrayal and hurt he saw in her eyes. He sighed and stood up. If he had been told years back that one day, he would care about the feelings of a woman; he would have laughed the person to scorn. But here he was, unable to sleep because of a woman. He had only been in love once in his life but the experience was too traumatic. He checked the time on the wall clock as he entered the sitting room and noticed it was some minutes to three. He had expected that it would be around five or something like that. He sighed and switched on the TV, collapsing on the chair, hoping beyond hope that he would be able to focus on the TV. To be continued...[/b]
1 Sep 2017 | 18:31
Please Jessie you have to forgive Andy... I wonder what happened between him and Sonia. But you have to let go, pls
1 Sep 2017 | 19:07
Trust is the key oo
1 Sep 2017 | 19:50
I felt pity for u Jessie
2 Sep 2017 | 06:31
Am kinda confuse... Sonia is jessie's frnd, then how did sonia knw abt the contract marriage, hmmm i knew ryt from the wedding shopping that sonia is jealous of jessie
2 Sep 2017 | 07:57
next oo
2 Sep 2017 | 08:42
2 Sep 2017 | 09:13
i wish Jessie can put her mind together nd listen to Andy....
2 Sep 2017 | 10:16
dis is really Jessica fault bcos Andy as warned her abt Sonia which she don't take note of it and now she sees Andy as a betrayal
2 Sep 2017 | 10:18
i Know Andy will still try to put things together wit d help of Lizzy.... Jessica must hv learnt her lesson now...
2 Sep 2017 | 10:20
0 Likes enjoying it
2 Sep 2017 | 10:22
nxt pls...... I pray they gt bk 2geda
2 Sep 2017 | 10:32
Pray dey gt 2geda on time
2 Sep 2017 | 13:56
wat if Sonia lied too u wat if wat de had was in d past before e met u Jessie just listen too Andy
2 Sep 2017 | 15:47
[b]EPISODE 13 Lizzy woke around past six as she was used to and sighed happily when she noticed that Jessica was still asleep. She had given Jessie some drugs which she usually used after a really stressful day and seeing Jessie sleep peacefully told her that the drugs were effective. She was not used to bathing so early, so she just washed her face and brushed her teeth. Moving about quietly in order not to rouse the sleeping Jessie, she went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She checked the rice she had cooked the previous night and was happy that it was enough for two; the stress of cooking another food was out. She heated up the rice and stew but also boiled water to use for tea. The weather was very cold, considering the heavy rain that fell throughout the night. While she waited for the food to steam up, she went to the sink and started washing the plates from the previous night. She was happy that she was on her own and not with her parents, if not, they would be ranting about sweeping the entire house, and she would not be able to ask for food until she had worked her bones sore. Some liberties come with living alone! ***** “Tunji, I believe you should be able to handle the office without my assistance” Andy said as he conversed rather reluctantly with Tunji, his best friend, over the phone, driving at the same time. “Well, thank God you finally noticed that. Hope there is no problem? I mean you never miss a day at the office but today would make it three days” “Well, that is the difference between a married man and a single man” “Don’t tell me that. Did you just get married? You even came running to the office during your honeymoon so cut it out. Andy, are you on the road?” “I have not got time for this now Tunji, got to go” Before Tunji could respond to what he said, Andy hung up. He dropped the phone and swallowed. He knew it was too early but he could not stay in the house for another minute. The thought of Jessica was almost driving him mad and he needed to make her believe him. He just could not sit back and do nothing. He encountered a little traffic and was instantly angry that he lived in Lagos. Lagos was a state that he had always known for its overcrowded nature. Though Lagos was a beautiful place, he was not happy that today of all days he was being delayed by traffic, so early in the morning. ***** “You should have woken me up Lizzy, I am not a baby” Jessica said. Even though her head was still pounding, she did not like being the last person to wake up, only to find all the work already done. Lizzy smiled. “You are my baby for today sweetheart. Just wait, Paulina would be here soon” “Oh no”, Jessica groaned. “I don’t need a motherly intervention right now”. Jessica stared at the food in front of her, she had no appetite whatsoever and her head ached terribly. She drank the tea slowly. “I am all ears Jessica” Jessica did not need a long speech to know what Lizzy was referring to. Jessie sighed and decided it best to talk about it. “Andy is a womanizing cheat” “Wow Jessie, that is a really strong statement. I assumed that Andy was the subject matter but needed confirmation. Andy does not strike me as a womanizer, though I can’t dispute that he looks seriously like a ladies’ man. Women would always be attracted to him, there is no stopping it but I don’t think Andy is someone who jumps from skirt to skirt” It hurt Jessica that Lizzy was defending Andy. “Well, he turned out to be a womanizer” “I don’t like people feeding you with lies. You are married to one of the most famous men in this country; people want to take your place. Come to think of it, even if this were true, should it bother you? I mean, you don’t have feelings for him, do you?” Lizzy knew that she was intentionally goading her friend. Jessie swallowed and glared at Lizzy for some seconds. Would she even let her land? “Of course I don’t, and it does not bother me” Lizzy’s knowing smile annoyed Jessica. “I am serious Liz, the only thing that bothers me is what happened” she paused. Talking about it seemed much worse. Now that she thought of it, she could not imagine Andy raping anyone but common sense never makes sense to people when faced with a situation like this, does it? “He almost raped Sonia” Lizzy choked on the tea she was drinking and started coughing. She coughed and coughed for some time and breathed in deeply. “Ok Jessie” she coughed. “I think you are imagining things. Are you sure you don’t feel dizzy? The drugs I gave you last night are strong and you should still be asleep by now.” “Cut it out Liz, I am not crazy. I got a call from Sonia yesterday evening and she asked of what I was doing. I told her that I was home with Andy and was going to make my hair. She then told me that she was coming over and should get to the house in about two hours. I decided to go over to the saloon, leaving Andy at home, since everything I needed to do there would just take about an hour. On getting home, I saw Andy with Sonia, struggling with each other on the chair. The sight was…” she trailed off. Lizzy was looking with wide eyes and open mouth and for almost a minute, nobody talked. Lizzy stood up and paced thoughtfully. “Jesus, I can’t believe this! Andy?” The full memory of the past evening returned with full force, clouding Jessica’s senses and she swallowed as pain overshadowed her. “What did they both say?” “What else would Andy say? He said it is not what I think” she laughed slightly. “Sonia said he was trying to rape her. It is so disheartening Liz, my friend almost got raped because she visited me” she remembered something. “That was when Sonia surprised me by mentioning the one year contract between Andy and I”Sonia paused. “Yes. I was terribly shocked. She said a whole load of crap” Jessica went ahead to narrate everything that was said the previous night, even including Andy’s bewildered responses. Lizzy sat down and looked thoughtful. “Something is fishing. I am not sure I trust Sonia” “Lizzy! How can you say that? She is our friend for heaven’s sake” Not to mention my best friend! “It is true Jessie, I don’t trust quiet people too much. Come to think of it, she said she would be in your house in two hours’ time and you got back after one hour only to meet her there” “It happens all the time Lizzy. She might have anticipated traffic when she said that but met with a clear road” Jessica defended. “But she knew you were at the saloon and could have gone earlier to meet Andy” Lizzy looked thoughtful. “Why would she want to do that?” “Everyone loves a rich man” “Stop it Lizzy, I can’t believe you doubt your own friend.” Jessica was surprised. “I am just trying to be the reasonable person here; I mean; if you can doubt your husband, I see no reason why a friend cannot be doubted. Besides, I repeat: I cannot fully trust someone who is too quiet, just like Sonia. I can still remember how much she lamented on the beauty of your house and how much you must be enjoying”... To be continued....[/b]
2 Sep 2017 | 15:51
Wow... I really like this Lizzy
2 Sep 2017 | 16:19
Wow loving this
2 Sep 2017 | 17:11
Lizzy d smart Lady
2 Sep 2017 | 18:12
Lizzy is so smart.....I love her
2 Sep 2017 | 18:15
I love the way Lizzy is reasoning... Jessica should see things from her own point of view
3 Sep 2017 | 03:11
Liz is reasoning like a better person. Look @ the way she is splitting everything to make jessie understand
3 Sep 2017 | 05:05
nice one lizzy
3 Sep 2017 | 05:15
3 Sep 2017 | 06:38
Lizzy abeg tell am o
3 Sep 2017 | 07:18
ose jawe Lizzy tell Jessie
3 Sep 2017 | 09:46
i see no reason y Jessie won't agree to Lizzy thought
3 Sep 2017 | 12:48
Nice thinking Liz.
3 Sep 2017 | 14:50
Lizzy plz talk some sense into her
3 Sep 2017 | 14:52
[b]Episode 13b Everyone did that, even you. I can surely doubt my husband, or contract husband but I have known you girls for a long time now, I trust you” “The same way you trusted that best friend of yours and she stole your first man? Let’s face the facts honey, not all friends can be trusted. You can deny it but deep down, you know that what is between you and Andy is beyond just a mere contract” Lizzy countered. Jessica did not have time to answer when they heard a knock. Jessica was still processing everything when all of a sudden Andy was standing before her. She did not know when Lizzy opened the door, all she saw was Andy, standing at the entrance, looking directly at her. As usual, his presence was so powerful, she could almost touch it, but she still noticed his anxiety. “I would leave you two alone” Lizzy said. “No Lizzy, don’t you dare” Jessica yelled. Lizzy had never been accused of being an obedient child; she went outside and closed the door. Jessica breathed deeply. “What do you want?” She folded her arms across her chest. “I just want you to hear me out Jess. Don’t sentence me without giving me a fair hearing” Andy said. “What do you have to say? More lies?” “The truth. Jess, Sonia was forcing herself on me” Jessica laughed. “I was sitting shirtless in the sitting room when I heard a knock. I felt it was you so I did not bother putting on the shirt. Sonia came in when I opened the door so I went for my shirt but she flung it. She came up with a story that she does not know what I saw in her S.U. friend and that I should have come for someone like her. She jumped on me before I could even think and we both fell on the chair. It was while I was trying to detach myself from her that you entered” Andy landed. Jessica smiled and laughed. She clapped her hands slowly. “Bravo. Did you spend the entire night coming up with that story?” Andy groaned. “Come on Jessica, I know we just became intimate and that it must be hard for you to believe me, but trust me Jess, I can’t hurt you” he paused. “I love you” Jessica swallowed. “Wow…” she breathed barely audibly. “The three magic words! Is that what you tell every woman you sleep with?” Andy swallowed. It had taken being in that traffic to finally admit that he was madly in love with Jessica. It was something he had known for some time but never admitted to himself, much less someone else. “I have only told Wendy that” “Oh, the woman at Convy Hotel?” Andy hated the way Jessica goaded him. “No, my ex.” He paused. “She was my fiancée” she swallowed. He sat on the chair at the dinning for some minutes without talking. Jessica was done goading. She saw the pain that raked through him and was deeply touched. “She is the reason why I could not love any other woman. She was my first love” “What did she do?” Jessica’s voice softened. “She died” Jessica gasped. “A day before our wedding” Andy swallowed. “She was asthmatic, I knew that and made sure I always got her inhaler. I was not rich then and getting the pump at times was difficult. She was caring and understanding. When her pump finished she did not tell me; heck, she should have. She was so damn stubborn, wanting to buy things by herself.” He inhaled. “She got an asthma attack and the people in the house found an empty pump. They rushed her to the hospital but before they got there, she was already… already dead” Jessica swallowed hard and breathed deeply. Jessica could not move a muscle; could not begin to imagine his pain. “I was busy expecting the next day so that I can be joined with my wife. I was at the bachelors’ night that was organized by my friends when some of my friends called me. They were told to tactically deliver the news to me. How tactically can they deliver that? Tell me” Jessica went and hugged him tightly, her eyes going moist. “It is OK Drew” she wanted to take away the pain she saw in his eyes. Andy was not the extremely emotional type but he needed that hug. “That was why I dived into work. It paid off because I am successful today but I didn’t have time for women. I had some women after that but it was not anything serious.” The feel of Jessica drove his pain away. He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “I would never hurt you Jessie. You were the reason why I became obsessed with work. I thought about you every time and I was using work to substitute you in my mind. It didn’t work. What happened between us is practically the best thing that has happened to me. I never meant to hurt you Jess.” he kissed her head. “Do you have feelings for me Jess?” Silence reigned in the room. “Andy, I…” “Please, don’t say no. I might just go crazy” he paused. “You know what? I would be back. Please think about it” He kissed her cheek gently and lingeringly, stood up and after one final glance, walked out slowly. To be continued...[/b]
3 Sep 2017 | 18:34
Wooow finally getting there
3 Sep 2017 | 18:56
Awwwww, she loves you too Drew. I'm loving this story, just wish I can read one more episode tonight.
3 Sep 2017 | 19:18
what a friend
4 Sep 2017 | 02:19
Lizzy tell her, please! A womanizer left you during honeymoon to resume work without even touching you! Can you be reasonable for once!
4 Sep 2017 | 02:23
Awnnn...Jessica pls just tell him u love him also
4 Sep 2017 | 03:40
Thank God she come back to her sense
4 Sep 2017 | 03:43
Nice play Andy.
4 Sep 2017 | 04:00
nice one
4 Sep 2017 | 05:52
Jessica you have to admit that you love him too
4 Sep 2017 | 05:58
pls one more episode
4 Sep 2017 | 06:16
touching part sorry abt ur lost Andy
4 Sep 2017 | 06:23
4 Sep 2017 | 07:11
nice pls. Jess just tell him u also love him
4 Sep 2017 | 08:09
[b]EPISODE 14 Jessica took in a deep breath, feeling like confusion was her middle name. It had been hours since Andy left and she still could not put the pieces together. Now that she was actually thinking, she could not imagine Andy raping anyone. She had spent a night with Andy in the same room and he had kept his promise by not touching her. Due to her experience with men and how much she had been pressurized by them to grace their beds, she knew that men were always very sexually provoked. But Andy? Andy had kept his word that night even though it meant inconveniencing himself by sleeping on the floor. Sonia! Jessica exhaled. Sonia had been just like a sister to her, the same way the other two were to her but Sonia was the closest. Her easy going nature made it very easy to talk to her without expecting an argument to come up. She was friends with everyone because of her quiet nature. The Sonia she knew would avoid trouble like a plague but now, Jessica was not sure she knew Sonia. But why shouldn’t she? Why should she doubt Sonia? She had known Sonia for more than three years and now she wanted to believe Andy who was more or less a stranger to her. She hasn’t even known him for five months! Jessica swallowed. One thing still seemed off point though. Sonia hadn’t called her ever since the incident happened. That was very strange. The Sonia she knew would want to explain everything all over again and make sure no one was holding a grudge against her. That Sonia would want to know if she was OK. That Sonia would want to explain to her how she found out about the secret she was hiding and also find out why Jessica hadn’t confided in her. Was Lizzy right? Could Sonia be jealous of her? Lizzy was right to say that Jessica was too trusting. One would expect that after the experience Jessie had with her former best friend, that Jessica would be wary of friends, but no. Jessica still defends her friends. Still saw the good in everyone. The only set of people she managed to be wary of were men, but even at that, it had not taken much to get her to fall for Andy, and ultimately fall into his bed. Bed? Yes, that was another thing. She had given Andy her treasure and the annoying thing was that she held no regrets whatsoever. Even when she had told Andy that their love-making and all that accompanied it was a mistake, she had only said it on the surface, she hadn’t meant it. Those few hours she spent with Andy, having him treat her like a golden treasure, was the best experience of her life. She could not recall any other thing being more wonderful. But that was a problem. Jessica sighed. If she had to leave Andy, it would be more painful than all the other break-ups she has had put together. But this time, it won’t be a break-up, it would be a divorce. Jessica started pacing the room. Her life was in shambles. A contract marriage is definitely the worst thing you can ever consider in life. She knew she had feelings for Andy but she didn’t think she should call it love yet. It was a different kind of feeling. A feeling she had never experienced with anyone. Seeing him in pains earlier had affected her in a very strange way. She had felt his pain like it was hers. “OK, where is she?” Paulina’s voice brought her back to her surroundings. To be continued...[/b]
4 Sep 2017 | 12:01
Am in love wit dis story
4 Sep 2017 | 12:43
finally, love is reigning ooo
4 Sep 2017 | 13:03
I'm glad Jessie was reasonable enough 2 hear u out.
4 Sep 2017 | 14:01
Now back to sonia issue
4 Sep 2017 | 14:08
Loving this
4 Sep 2017 | 15:29
next pls
4 Sep 2017 | 15:38
Lizzy is a friend indeed
4 Sep 2017 | 17:14
4 Sep 2017 | 17:57
wow.. cool
4 Sep 2017 | 18:33
pls notify me wen another episode is being updated..... can't wait
5 Sep 2017 | 08:21
Next please!
5 Sep 2017 | 15:49
[b]Episode14b What is she doing here? Jessica wondered. As Paulina’s footsteps drew closer to the room, Jessica groaned. She knew she was in for it. The door opened as she sat on the bed. “Jessica” Paulina breathed and hugged Jessica until Jessica thought her bones would break. “Sweetheart, why didn’t you call me uhn?” Paulina sat beside Jessie. “Thought you would be busy in school, teaching your children” Jessie answered, although the main reason was because she did not want anyone to fuss over her. “That is silly of you. You and the others are my priority, you should know that. I could have taken a sick leave or something. How are you baby?” “I am fine mummy” “Don’t call me that. And don’t you tell me that you are fine because you are not, Lizzy told me everything” “Then why did you ask?” “Wanted to hear it from your mouth” Paulina replied. Jessica raised her brow casually in response. “So, what are you going to do?”Jessica let out a breath. “I don’t know” “I don’t know what got into that girl. She must be so selfish”Jessica looked at Paulina critically. “You think she is the one at fault?” “You think your husband is at fault?” Paulina countered. “You don’t trust Sonia?” “You don’t trust your husband?” Paulina countered again. Jessica pushed her hands through her hair and stood up. “I don’t know what I think Pauline. I don’t know what to make of what I saw” . Jessica was more frustrated. Paulina knew nothing about the contract and obviously expected Jessie to trust her husband more than she was doing, that much was clear to Jessica. It wasn’t fair that Paulina was the only one in the dark here but Jessie reckoned that telling another person about the contract wasn’t a good idea at all. As it is, too many people were already in the know! Paulina stood and went to stand beside Jessica. She turned Jessie until she was facing her. “Sweetheart, let me give you the lesson I had to learn the hard way: never let a friend come between you and your man;not me, not Lizzy, not Sonia, or anyone else. Unless you have very tangible and undeniable evidence that proves him guilty, trust your husband always” ***** The following day, Andy was feeling too nervous. He hadn’t heard anything from Jessica ever since he left Lizzy’s house the previous day. In a few hours, it would be time for the party his father had organized and he still did not know if he would be attending because there was no way he would attend without his own wife. He heard a knock on his bedroom door. “What is it Ada?” he called out without checking who it was. “Someone is here to see you sir” he heard Ada respond. “Who is it?” he yelled out of anger but heard no response. He stood up reluctantly and moved to the sitting room but his anger dissolved when he saw the person standing there. “Jess” he breathed. Jessica felt shaky as Andy’s gaze drove into her. Suddenly, meeting his eyes was not so possible. Andy did not leave where he was standing, at the far end of the sitting room, so she was forced to go and meet him. Standing directly in front of him, she looked at the floor, then his white short sleeved shirt. “The party is today” she said at a loss for words. “Yes” Andy’s heart was pounding but he looked as calm as the open sea. “Is that why you came” “No” she turned away from his overbearing presence and walked slightly away. “But I don’t know if I can state why I came. I don’t know if I should put my trust in you.” Andy placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her. “I know you have gone through a lot Jess, all I want is a chance to make you happy. Please Jess” “I am scared Andy. I am scared that you would crush my heart like so many people have and I don’t think I can-” Andy kissed her deeply, stopping her words. She returned his kiss, as the memories of the past few days flashed through her head. The kiss was meant to only alter her words but as their lips clung together, fire sparked between them, clearing whatever doubts Jessica had. All her doubts vanished. Andy’s hands shook slightly as he held her to his body, with his heart racing against his chest. Ending the kiss gently, Andy raised her eyes to his. “I would not make you cry again Jessica, I promise” Andy said breathlessly. “I love you Andrew” Andy smiled from the bottom of his heart for the first time in years. “I love you Jessica” he brought his lips back to hers, sealing their love declarations. To be continued...[/b] Check page 36 for episode 14a Sorry it wasn't among the story updated today though I posted it yesterday So not happy
5 Sep 2017 | 16:01
@frankkay @ladyG @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x Please help me call others cos I don't have the register with me and I don't remember most of the names offhand
5 Sep 2017 | 16:04
Jess its gud u trust ur husband
5 Sep 2017 | 16:52
issue solved....shame on sonia
5 Sep 2017 | 16:58
let d party begin.......
5 Sep 2017 | 16:58
Wow! Wow! Wow! Finally, you guys have declared you love... Goodlick guys
5 Sep 2017 | 17:58
@oreoluwa good observation, aunty jummy pls amend that part. following sha
5 Sep 2017 | 19:06
really enjoying dis
6 Sep 2017 | 04:21
Nyc one
6 Sep 2017 | 04:53
Wow..Jessie dear u did d right thing by going back to ur husand.more ink to ur pen @jummy
6 Sep 2017 | 05:06
woooooow am so happy
6 Sep 2017 | 06:48
My gussh, wo @Jummybabe u ar a heartless being my woman, so u hv a story as sweet as honey nd u kept it 4 u nd ursef haba my woman u kn try naa, check am make u balance am kwa, Chai my woman more Grace oh.
6 Sep 2017 | 07:19
It is written, wat God has joined together let no man/woman or contract put asunder, dat's wz d mistake dey made by God's servant joing dem. I kn 4rm d onset dat dey ar made 4 each other, thank God 4 dem, ride on babe.
6 Sep 2017 | 07:37
Thank God u too are back together
6 Sep 2017 | 08:09
Wow... Finally
6 Sep 2017 | 08:43
at last
6 Sep 2017 | 09:14
Can't wait for d next epi
6 Sep 2017 | 10:08
wow. dis is what i have been waiting for
6 Sep 2017 | 11:41
gud.. u ve got to trust ur hubby jess
6 Sep 2017 | 19:27
[b]EPISODE 15 The exquisite hall was filled to the brim with people. Andy and Jessica had arrived late because they have been so preoccupied with their newly found love. Their father had sent a driver to pick them up. They both stared at the building with anticipation. They had both decided that the party was very perfect because it would be a means of starting all over again. Andy smiled at Jessica. “Jess, you look absolutely stunning sweetheart” Jessica looked at her fingers feeling shy and nervous. She was putting on a short black gown which clung to her skin. It contrasted with her skin perfectly, making her eyes twinkle. “I got you something” he pulled out a box and opened it. Jessica gasped as she saw the sparkling jewelry in the box. “Andy” she gasped. She hadn’t worn jewelry for a very long time. “I saw this when I was returning from Lizzy’s place and I could only imagine you wearing it.” He ran his fingers on it. “May I?” She nodded, not trusting her voice, and turned. Andy raised the necklace and put it carefully around her neck, moving her hair in order to secure the hook. He put the bracelet around her wrist and put the ear-rings in her ear. She looked breathtaking. “Thank you” she murmured. That he had actually bought it with her in mind almost made her weep. Who doesn’t love a romantic man? She sighed as happiness filled her heart. He opened the door and stepped out. He stretched his hand to her and she put her hand in his. “I hope you enjoy your evening my lady” he leaned down and kissed her. ***** The party was going on smoothly. The crowd was as full as the one they had on their wedding day, with numerous family members and friends. There was actually no one that Jessica knew that was not there, including her uncle and his family; her friends and others. Andy and Jessica had met about half of the invited guests and were busy chatting with some friends when their attention was drawn to the podium. Andy’s father stood there with the microphone in his hand. “Hello everyone, I am so happy that you were able to make ittoday. I was not around for my own son’s wedding but now, I do not feel so bad. I have a surprise for you” everyone applauded him but the smile on Jessica and Andy’s faces vanished when Sonia surfaced. “Come up here my dear” “Oh my God” Lizzy gasped as she stared at Sonia. “This girl here has something to tell everyone about the couple” Mr. Williams announced. He handed over the microphone to Sonia, who took it with a smile. Jessica felt like she could not breathe. The air seemed to have oozed out of the hall, leaving her feeling faint and breathless. Andy was just glued to the ground, staring with horror. “Hello everyone” “What are you doing Sonia?” Lizzy yelled. Sonia ignored. “Hello everyone, I am sorry to inform you that Jessica is a fraud” gasps of surprise followed the announcement. “She pressured Andy into marrying her so that she can make away with most of his money. She planned to penetrate the company in order to escape with 20 million naira.” Everyone had horrified looks on their faces as they turned to stare at Jessica. “I heard Jessica telling Lizzy this. She planned to divorce Andy once she gets the money.” Her eyes searched out Jessie’s in the crowd until she found her. She looked straight at Jessica. “Am I lying Jessie?” ***** Jessica concentrated on taking in air and releasing it but even at that, her breathing was terribly fast and her chest was heaving. No! This is not happening! She tried to shake herself to see if she would awaken from this horrible nightmare but she could not even muster enough energy to move a muscle. Her horrible life of constant nightmares and disasters seem to be adding another event to the pent-up list. “Answer me Jessica, is this information false?” Sonia screamed. Andy, who had been glued to the spot, too stupefied to do anything suddenly charged to the front, marching to the podium. All he could see was Sonia and he would not stop till he got to her. A viselike grip dragged him back and he struggled, succeeding, due to his great strength. He did not even have the time to check the face of the person that stopped him as he charged forward. His dad blocked his way and Andy almost collided with him. The place was like a backstage entrance to the podium so people could not really see them. “Dad, please leave the way” He growled. “What do you want to do?” “What sort of rubbish is this dad? What kind of stunt is this? Why are you doing this?” Andy’s hands were fisted and ready to charge. The only problem is that he could not punch his own father. “I am saving your sorry ass. Don’t think I don’t know wha t really went on but I am obliged to think that this Jessica of a girl bewitched you. I would not let the name of this family fall into the stinking mud because of your senselessness” Mr. Williams said too calmly. “How did you even find out? I bet that stinking thing out there spilled everything” Andy wished he could be left alone with Sonia so he could teach her a lesson she would live to remember. His dad smiled. “I knew something was fishing when I heard you got married. When I got to your house, I planted a camera in the sitting room when everyone was asleep. I did not expect to find anything suspicious though because you and your so-called wife seemed so intimate.” Andy stared, not believing his own ears. His father had invaded his own privacy. What on earth had given him the right? “I felt guilty about the camera and went back to the house to get the camera. I played what I saw on it just in case and saw some love scenes, just as I was about to stop it, I stumbled on the very interesting scene where Sonia came to your house. I heard all the drama that ensued and went looking for Sonia” “Who gave you the right dad? What makes you think you can meddle with my life? I am a grown man dad, perfectly capable of making my own decisions and choices” Andy yelled. “Even stupid decisions like a contract wedding? What happened to a normal wedding?” To be continued.....[/b]
7 Sep 2017 | 04:14
@frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x Please help me call others cos I don’t have the register with me and I don’t remember most of the names
7 Sep 2017 | 04:17
even when things seems to be going all right .. why is this Sonia high ranked devil
7 Sep 2017 | 04:20
oh no....Sonia again
7 Sep 2017 | 05:49
from one problem to the other
7 Sep 2017 | 11:30
U see dat witch of a gal called Sonnia, d devil will nt leave 2 punished her for dolng dat nonsense, i bet her 2 left legs 4 this. Idiot.
7 Sep 2017 | 12:45
dis Sonia hit dem hard oooo
7 Sep 2017 | 13:58
This is another saga may help you guys
7 Sep 2017 | 14:11
Hmmm, this Sonia girl is the true definition of a witch. She shouldn't expect to be happy in life after all these evil plots of hers against her own friend.
7 Sep 2017 | 14:46
7 Sep 2017 | 16:32
Sonia u a devil and Andy dad let me save my word
7 Sep 2017 | 17:28
Rubbish.... Williams you're very stupid to have done this... Sonia is the bad egg here
7 Sep 2017 | 17:48
[b]Episode 15b You are pushing it dad. It is my life. How dare you do this to her? You may want to destroy someone’s life but the person involved here is the woman I love; my wife” Andy emphasized. “Contract wife you mean. Son, that girl is only after the money, she has no dignity and don’t even think of loving her.” Andy gritted his teeth painfully. “It is a bit late for that. How could you do this? I have great respect for you but what did you do? You violated my privacy and now, you are bringing down the reputation of a poor innocent girl just to save my name. How could you?” his face was as hard as granite. “Dad, tell that demented thing to get off the stage, or so help me God, I would cause a scene that even your almighty self would not be able to control.” Jessica, who was still standing where Andy left her could not respond to the challenge that was being tossed her way by the very person she called her best friend. Lizzy and Paulina went to stand with Jessie but she almost could not notice them, the only thing that clouded her senses were the murmurings she heard and the loud accusations. “Let’s get out of here Jessie” Lizzy and Paulina tried to dragged her away but her feet were glued to the ground. Her uncle suddenly appeared in front of her, his face as hard as rock. He seized her hand roughly and started pulling her out of the hall. She staggered behind him but he did not slow. When they got outside, her hand came free but pain shot through her like lightening as her uncle’s hand connected with her cheek. She winced and moaned in pain as tears that had been held in her eye socket rushed out. “How dare you Jessica” he roared. “How dare you shame our family like this? How can you stoop so low? Tell me” he growled. “No…” Jessica sobbed. “Dad, I…” “Don’t call me dad; don’t you dare. We are not rich but then, we are not hungry. Were you so discontented?” Her uncle’s wife pushed through the crowd that Jessica was just noticing. “Funsho! Stop this” she tried to calm him down. “We have not heard her side of the story. How can you be quick to believe another person’s word over her own?” she chastised her husband. “What does she have to say? She does not look ready to protest”What could Jessica say? That she had actually married Andy for 20 million Naira but not the way Sonia had put it? That she had decided to forfeit the money? That all their declarations of love during the wedding had been a perfectly rehearsed drama? No! She could not say anything. In fact, it might just make things worse. She looked at the faces of people who had gathered, seeing so many friends of hers, seeing so many people who had attended their wedding, seeing their best man who was Andy’s best friend and some of Andy’s friends and family members. They all had the look of hatred and disgust on their faces. Some were stunned and many murmured continuously. She took to her heels and started running as fast as her legs could carry her, even though she wore high heeled shoes. Andy charged through the door. “Where is Jessica?” he yelled. No one was ready to give a reply but as he saw a familiar figure running ceaselessly, he ran after her. As he ran, he yelled her name but she did not slow down. Andy did not know if he was feeling rage, worry or confusion, all he knew was that he wanted Jessica to be alright. The heels were really affecting Jessica but she continued running. She just wanted to run. She could still hear all the voices in her head as she cried. She stopped abruptly and started tugging off her shoes. She did not care if her bare feet got severe injuries by running without her shoes. She felt she would be glad if a physical pain could take her mind off the incident that just occurred. She continued to sob furiously as she gathered the shoes in her hands and started running again. Andy’s arms closed around Jessica immediately, dragging her against him forcefully. She did not know that she was being followed but even as the familiar hands wrapped around her, she started struggling. “Please Jessica, sweetheart, please calm down” Jessica struggled and shook in his arms. “Leave me…” she cried. “Let me go Drew” “No... No love. Let me hold you” Jessica had no more struggles. She buried her head against his chest and cried. Andy’s heart was shattered into pieces. It took all his willpower to stop him from crying. Seeing Jessica so heartbroken and shattered because of him was more than he could handle. It filled him with raw undiluted rage. “I am ruined Andy.” Jessica wailed. “Why can’t I just die? Tell me Drew. Why does God hate me so much” she cried. Andy was not sure he had answers to any of the questions she asked. He hugged her tightly. “It is going to be alright Jess. I love you, nothing can change that. We would get through this” he kissed her head and held her close. He called the driver that brought them to the party and within minutes, the driver arrived. Andy was happy that the driver had not witnessed all that took place because the driver looked shocked when he saw Jessica crying. “Is everything OK ma’am?” he asked with concern. Jessica could not answer. “She would be fine” Andy replied and took Jessica to the backseat, sitting beside her also. The driver picked up Jessica’s shoes and purse which was scattered on the road and put them in the car as he got behind the wheels. Andy pulled Jessica back into his arms and she rested her head on his chest. Jessica sniffed and swallowed as her tears stopped. Andy stroked her head slowly and kissed the top of her head. He felt responsible for this occurrence. He never should have accepted the idea of a party, especially one which was being organized by his own father. His father had always been mischievous and spontaneous when it comes to the family name. To his father, nothing was more important and anything should be done when something untoward surfaces, even if it meant having a sacrificial lamb. Jessica was already asleep when they arrived home and he was greatly relieved. He carried her inside the house and straight to the bed. When he placed her on the bed, she sniffed like a baby that just finished crying and folded her knees, towards her chest. Andy swallowed and kissed her cheek as he ran his fingers through her hair. His temples throbbed. He had promised to protect her and make her happy but no, all he had been able to give her was more and more pain. He felt terribly devastated. He wanted to remove Jessica’s clothes and jewelries so that she would sleep more comfortably but he remembered that she did not get anything to eat at the party before it crumbled. He covered Jessica with a blanket and put on the air conditioner. He went to the kitchen but did not see any food there. Cooking seemed to be out of it because he did not feel up to it so he picked up the car keys and wallet and left the house to get food at a nearby eatery. He wished he had not relieved the driver, he would have sent him to get the food while he held Jessica as she slept. He thought of how small she looked as she slept; she looked like a little girl who was afraid of a stormy night. After he got the food, he got back into the car and drove home. He locked up the doors and went inside the room but received a very big shock when he found the bed empty. To be continued....[/b]
7 Sep 2017 | 18:11
it's getting interesting nd complicated
7 Sep 2017 | 18:26
this is getting out if hand
7 Sep 2017 | 18:59
Another problem..
7 Sep 2017 | 19:29
why would d father now scatter everything??
7 Sep 2017 | 20:00
Hmm I hope she didn't do anything stupid
7 Sep 2017 | 21:16
Dis is serious
7 Sep 2017 | 22:16
This sonia is a she devil
8 Sep 2017 | 02:20
8 Sep 2017 | 04:02
im beginning 2 dislike Andy's Dad
8 Sep 2017 | 04:02
Noooooo! Jess, you and Andy is in this together, you don't have to run away from him....
8 Sep 2017 | 04:15
best thrilling story of the moment @jummybabe thumb up
8 Sep 2017 | 04:48
I wonder what Sonia stands to gain in all these
8 Sep 2017 | 05:17
Oh my goodness, Jessy why runing away naa or did anytin bad happened? Oh Lord help dis couple, amend their broken hearts no matter their mistakes nd grant dem victory at last oh Lord.
8 Sep 2017 | 05:44
Where did she run to again
8 Sep 2017 | 05:45
Sonia is a big witch
8 Sep 2017 | 05:56
hope she as not left d hus
8 Sep 2017 | 08:08
Jess pls don't leave d house, everything is going to be alright
8 Sep 2017 | 10:23
eeyah what a pity
8 Sep 2017 | 10:52
where thy is love thy is hope, Jesse why did u go to? Sonia u I'll pay for this
8 Sep 2017 | 11:00
cant get enough of this story.. Jess dear is alright, Andy really loves you.. it's gonno be okay.. Sonia remember karma issa bitch!!
8 Sep 2017 | 12:49
[b]EPISODE 16 Sonia left the podium, feeling very low. She had just acted a script for personal benefit at the expense of her friend’s happiness. Sonia had always been jealous of Jessica’s pronounced beauty even though the person in question seemed not to notice it but instead, tried in vain to look unattractive. She started wearing various flashy clothes just to feel more beautiful whenever Jessica was around and her job at the bank enhanced it but Jessica never even noticed this act, no one did because Sonia was very discrete. Her jealousy had turned to envy when Jessica announced that she would be getting married to the richest bachelor in the country. Why couldn’t it be her? Why was it always Jessica? All these questions had clung to her subconscious. Jessica noticed that Lizzy was becoming closer to Jessie than she was and she became suspicious, then one day, she got the golden ticket when she eavesdropped on their conversation and heard them talking about a contract. All that came to Sonia’s mind then had been to snatch Andy by seducing him but when she found out that he was loyal to Jessica and even seemed to have feelings for her, she became confused but the answer came looking for her. “Sir” she called when she sighted Mr. Williams. “My job is done and your son is not involved, he appeared to be the victim of the whole scheme” “Yes, good job” Mr. Williams said dryly. Sonia canceled the irritation she felt at the nonchalant dismissal. “Sir, if you would give me my due, I would be on my way” The elderly man faced her slowly. “You said that lady is your friend. Don’t you feel guilty for what you did to her?” Sonia was thrown off balance by the question but after thinking about it she decided. “No. I am doing the right thing. What they both did is wrong. No one should get married for money. She got what she called for” Sonia remembered how stunning and sophisticated Jessica had looked when she arrived at the party. She looked perfect and everyone’s eyes, especially the men had followed her around. She could almost feel the jealousy in their eyes as well as the desire to be in Andy’s position. The ladies had also admired her beauty and coveted it. Sonia remembered the golden costume jewelries that Jessica wore and anger clouded her senses. She had no doubt that the jewelries would cost a fortune. Mr. Williams looked at the woman in front of him and shook his head in disgust. “You are the worst friend a human being can have, it would be better to be friends with the devil himself.” The words stung Sonia painfully. He withdrew a check of 10 million Naira and gave her. “I don’t want to set my eyes on you again”. He turned and walked away. ***** “Jessica” Andy called out with his heart pounding but did not hear any response. Alarm bells rang in his head and he flung the package he was holding, not caring where it landed. “Jess” he called louder. He checked the toilet and every corner of the room but did not find her. He started searching everywhere in the house, yelling ‘Jessica’ but he got no response. He hurriedly unlocked the door and went to his gateman. “Did Jessica leave the house?” “Yes, oga. She just commot, she no tell me anything” “Oh my God” He groaned. “Why did you not stop her? What is happening for Christ’s sake?” “Oga, abeg no vex” “Shut up and open the bloody gate.” Andy yelled. The young man spun into action. Andy jumped into his car and drove out with his blood boiling. He started driving and searching for Jessica. He crosschecked everyone twice even though he knew he would identify Jessie immediately he sighted her. After more than thirty minutes of fruitless search, Andy had to confront the fact that Jessica was nowhere to be found. ***** Mr. Williams paced his sitting room slowly with a wine glass in his hands. His thoughts were in disarray. Thinking back, he was not happy with what he did. When h e had planted that camera, he hadn’t expected to find something so pathetic. The couple had portrayed the act of close intimacy when he saw them. The look in his son’s eyes when he stared at his wife was one of longing and desire. It had been so perfect. Little did he know then that it was all a script. That his son could act so perfectly was so unbelievable. Love. He remembered that Andy had mentioned something about being in love with Jessica. ‘He’d better not’ he thought firmly. He knew that that woman was so stunning and that any man would fall senselessly for her. Even he himself was floored when he saw his daughter-in-law, but he later realized that the little wench was using her exquisite beauty for other means. How perfect it is to make Andy fall for her; it would be easier for her to extort money from him. 20 million was nothing but he could not allow a woman to toy with his son’s heart. The poor boy hadn’t been able to get over the death of his love; it would be terrible if he falls in love with the wrong person this time. Mr. Williams drank from his cup slowly. He felt a little guilty for turning the tables, making the girl to bear all the consequences by publicly disgracing her but he had no other option. He didn’t want his family name to get soiled, so he decided to coin a believable lie out of the truth. The mere fact that the contract was already known by an outsider like Sonia, made Mr. Williams know that it was only a matter of time before everyone found out. He had to quickly find a solution and… The door burst open, making Mr. Williams turn instantly. “Where is she?” Andy growled as he stormed the massive sitting room, moving to his father and covering the space with charged long strides. “Where is who?” “Don’t play coy with me dad, I am warning you. Where is Jessica?” Andy barked. “She is your contract wife, shouldn’t you know her whereabouts?” Andy’s dad threw back. Andy fisted his hands and gritted his teeth. “Damn it dad” he hit his fist furiously on the bar stand. “If you have done anythin g to Jessica, I promise not to spare you. What did she do to you to deserve this? I proposed this contract, not her; why can’t you carry out your frustration on me?” He yelled. “Tell me dad” Andy faced the exit and walked towards it. He paused and turned. “If anything happens to Jessica” he breathed and pointed at his dad. “If ‘anything’ should happen to ‘my’ Jessica” he looked like he wanted to say more but just stood, fuming and pointing at his father. He dropped his hand and stormed out. ***** Lizzy marched into the small building with anger roaring inside her. She couldn’t recall ever being this angry in her life. Sonia had betrayed their friendship in a very disheartening manner. They had all been so close, almost like sisters. But Sonia had destroyed it all! Watered down their friendship in the presence of innumerable guests. She had suspected Sonia’s jealousy when she would not stop ranting about how rich Jessica had become but Lizzy had shrugged it off. If she had been told to guess what the quiet Sonia was capable of, not in a thousand years would she assume that Sonia would do something as grievous as this. Lizzy had taken Jessica and the other girls like sisters but she saw Jessica as more of a sister to her even though Jessica seemed to like quiet Sonia more than everyone else. To be continued....[/b]
8 Sep 2017 | 16:38
0 Likes pls Sonia remember u ar going 2 pay 4 wot u did
8 Sep 2017 | 16:50
@frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x Please help me call others cos I don’t have the register and I don’t remember most of the names offhand
8 Sep 2017 | 16:52
daris pretty 2 much 4 d poor girl na, haba!!!
8 Sep 2017 | 16:58
Dat sonia is nothing but a frustrated bitch...karma is awaiting her...more grease to ur elbows @jummybabe
8 Sep 2017 | 18:17
Am already fuming here. I just wish i can lay my hand those stupid entities, Sonia and Williams
8 Sep 2017 | 18:46
Sonnia nd Willams, d she nd he devil u pple must surelly pay . Sha Sonnia na 10million b ur pblem, girl u neva see sumtin, U pple better pray dat nting happens 2 Jess if nt, na sorry go b una name.
8 Sep 2017 | 19:51
ignorant of Jessie leads her to dis bcos Andy as warned her against Sonia.....
8 Sep 2017 | 20:33
well Sonia as gained by dissolving der perfect luv nd Andy's father will regret ever making his son sad....
8 Sep 2017 | 20:36
Jessie is childish for leaving d house bcos dis is when she suppose to put her father-in-law & her friend to shame dat dey can't dissolve dem....
8 Sep 2017 | 20:40
bcos of jealous Sonia betrayed her friend real hard so jessie ex man dat Sonia scattered dem wasn't satisfy so it was dis one she was happy it...let see how u will end up well...
8 Sep 2017 | 20:49
9 Sep 2017 | 02:04
I wish i can kill dat sonia right nw...
9 Sep 2017 | 02:08
9 Sep 2017 | 04:36
that Sonia of a girl needed a very big lesson to be thought
9 Sep 2017 | 04:38
Sonia don't forget what goes around usually comes around
9 Sep 2017 | 05:23
Sonia as forgotten karma is real ..
9 Sep 2017 | 06:38
hmmm following
9 Sep 2017 | 06:48
Jesse Andy love u no matter what ,so just clam down
9 Sep 2017 | 07:27
[b]Episode 16b But even at that, Lizzy had always wanted the best for Jessica and the other girls. When Lizzy got to the door, she paused for some seconds and took three deep calming breaths before raising her hand to knock the door. The knock was still harder than she had wanted. She swallowed and waited, hearing nothing. She raised her hand again and pounded the door harder because the lights made her know that the house was not empty. She tapped her right foot restlessly as she waited. “Who is it?” Lizzy heard Sonia’s voice loud and clear, just behind the door and decided to keep quiet. The door opened slightly and Lizzy pushed the door forcefully and it went ajar, making Sonia to stagger backwards. “Lizzy” Sonia gasped, frightened. Lizzy rewarded Sonia with two resounding slaps on each cheek and the sound echoed round the room. A startled cry escaped Sonia’s lips and she forcefully shut her mouth. “You” Lizzy grounded. “How dare you” she said through clenched teeth. Lizzy grabbed Sonia by the neckline of her dress, shaking her like a ragged doll. “Let go” Sonia gasped out. Lizzy laughed and held Sonia’s cloth more firmly in her arms, making Sonia struggle. “And if I don’t, are you going to beat me?” Lizzy laughed the more. “You see bitch, unlike you, I cherish the people I call my friends and I don’t stab them in the back, but when they betray me, like you just did to Jessica, I bounce back. I can squeeze the living daylight out of you if I want to” Lizzy shook her head in disgust and pushed Sonia away, leaving her cloth. Sonia tried to regulate her breathing and Lizzy look around her for the first time. She saw travelling bags and packed things. She smiled tightly and glared at Sonia. “There is no peace for the wicked, is there? How perfect of you to destroy someone’s life and run away. Tell me, how much were you paid? Say it Sonia; how much are you worth?” “None of your business. At least we know that Jessica is worth 20 million Naira” Sonia croaked out. “I am very sure you are worth less than that” Lizzy returned, astounded that the filthy girl could still open her mouth. Lizzy’s phone rang, shattering the exchange of glares. She fished out the phone and her anger instantly turned to surprise and anxiety. “Hello Andy” she breathed. “What do you mean?” Lizzy’s frown deepened and Sonia became agitated. “Well, of course she is not with me. I thought you went after her” Lizzy’s voice was high now, with confusion. “Oh my God” she breathed. “Oh my God” Lizzy’s hand dropped and she became blank and pale. Lizzy looked lost for some seconds as she stared at the ground, trying to process what she had just heard. She raised weary eyes and bubbled with anger when she saw what looked like worry on Sonia’s face. What a bitch! “You better pray… You better pray that nothing happens to Jessica. Pray that nothing happens to my friend because if not…” Lizzy advanced towards Sonia, glaring at her until they were just a breath apart. “I will find you. Even if I have to comb the entire planet, I would get you, and then, you would wish that you never knew Lizzy. You would seek death and you won’t find until you wish you had never been born. Mark my words” Lizzy glared dangerously at Sonia, allowing the message to sink in before marching out of the room. ***** “Funsho” Mrs. Adams said as she climbed out of the car. “Just accept that you made a mistake, that is all” “Well, I have not done anything wrong. For God’s sake woman, are you blind? Can’t you see what Jessica has put herself into? Not to mention what she has put this family into” Florence shook her head. “I am not saying that she did the right thing, all I am saying is that you should have at least given her the opportunity of defending herself. She is our family and we should believe her above every other person.” “Come on, didn’t you see her eyes? It was obvious that it was the truth.” “But even at that, I won’t blame her terribly. She has suffered a lot in life, I can only imagine her reluctance about giving her heart out again when men had made her life a living nightmare, especially that fool that left her at the altar. She is going through a lot” Funsho sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair. His wife had a point; maybe he had been too hard on Jessica. He could have sought answers in a more private environment. Thrashing her in the public might have been extreme. Frustration curled in his loins causing him to sigh again. His phone rang and he frowned when he saw the name. ‘Son-in-law’. His wife became anxious when she saw the caller and she pressed the answer button, also putting the phone on speaker. “Hello sir” they heard Andy say and also heard the restlessness in his voice. “Hello Andy, is everything alright?” the question seemed odd since everything was already in disarray. “Not really sir, I just wanted to know if Jessica is with you” The alarm sounded in Funsho’s head. “She is not here” he breathed out. “Where is Jessica?” Florence asked, feeling a cold chill sweep over her. Andy seemed to swallow. “I don’t know ma’am, I have been looking for her but I can’t find her. She seemed to have just vanished” “Oh my God!” Florence squealed. The call ended instantly and Funsho started blaming himself, internally. His wife was right. He had been too tough on Jessica and now, she has gone missing. ***** Andy was frustrated as he drove furiously. It was now very dark and he could hardly see anyone on the street but he could not imagine himself going to sleep when his wife was obviously missing. To crown up his worry, Jessica’s phone was with him. He had seen it on the bed after he had called several times. He could have had the phone tracked down if the phone had been with Jessica. He could not tell if Jessica ran away or if she was abducted. The latter seemed impossible though, as he thought of it. Everything that had happened still seemed like a dream; a really bad nightmare and Andy was having a hard time believing that it was reality but someone would pay. Someone had to pay for all these. And who else would pay except the very person that started this commotion. He parked outside the building. He had only been there once before the wedding but now, as he marched towards the door ahead, he formed his palms into fists, trying to control himself. When he got to the door, he pounded loudly. When he got no response, he pounded again and the door shook but still he got no response. “Open this damned door Sonia” He roared but still got no response. Andy moved back and with enough strength, kicked the door. The door seemed to be more cooperative as it flung open instantly. He looked around in horror but could not find Sonia. He noticed that the house was in disarray and most of the luggage was not there. There and then, he realized that he had come too late. “Damn it!” he swore loudly. Sonia had saved herself by running away. He groaned and turned round. He saw two to three people who had come out of their own apartments to confront him. Immediately they saw him, they all seemed to register who he was and they all held their tongues. He swallowed and marched out of the house, entering his car in anger and zooming off. To be continued....[/b]
9 Sep 2017 | 10:57
getting more complicated
9 Sep 2017 | 11:15
oh dear Jessica don't do this to Andy. as you are taking this confusing step remember someone is out there worrying about you
9 Sep 2017 | 11:48
Hmm Sonia
9 Sep 2017 | 12:03
Hope Jessica is safe
9 Sep 2017 | 12:04
Nothing bad should happen 2 Jessie o
9 Sep 2017 | 12:12
Oh Jessica, where did u run to?
9 Sep 2017 | 12:59
Jess pls come out from where u hide o u ar giving Andy a though time
9 Sep 2017 | 15:54
let nothing happen to Jessica o
9 Sep 2017 | 16:17
Hope nothing happens to jessica
9 Sep 2017 | 16:56
OMG.. Where is jessica
9 Sep 2017 | 17:02
where could Jessie br for God sake
9 Sep 2017 | 17:23
c wat jealously as caused
9 Sep 2017 | 17:27
Hmmm, things are getting more complicated
9 Sep 2017 | 18:08
Sonia will regret her decision
9 Sep 2017 | 18:29
where could Jessie be now since she was not wit Lizzy place nd her family place
9 Sep 2017 | 19:02
so Sonia as ran away after she as completed her mission
9 Sep 2017 | 19:03
Such is life, just when u think u know someone , u dont
10 Sep 2017 | 02:58
in psquare voice 'see danger wahala dey' oh jessy wherever you are...
10 Sep 2017 | 07:51
[b]EPISODE 17 It was already one week and no one had caught sight of Jessica or heard from her. The tension was so thick, could almost be touched. No one knew what to do anymore. Andy had pulled all the stunts hecould with his endless streams of connections, the police were all out, searching for Jessica with pictures of her all over, with a huge amount of money for whoever provides a lead. So many people had called, giving them false leads just for the ransom, and even though Andy always paid the people handsomely, the leads were fruitless. Andy was not worried about the money, not even a bit. He already had more than enough money to last a lifetime and money still came in every minute. Everything would be in vain to him if Jessica wasn’t found because he couldn’t think of the benefit of having too much money if Jessica wasn’t there to spend it with him. Andy had dark circle bags under his eyes, due to lack of sleep as he moved himself to the office. He was almost going crazy because as he drove, he continuously scanned faces of the people who walked by. He hadn’t gone to the office ever since Jessica vanished and it took the constant persistence of his best friend to make him decide to go to the office. “Good Morning sir” a staff member greeted shyly as she batted her eyes. Andy murmured a response, without looking at her and marched into the building, leaving the girl feeling neglected. For the very first time, Andy did not feel like being in his own company, he was just too worried. The strong aching in his heart was so intense and he did not think work could take his mind off the pain. As he sat behind the table in his extra-wide office, the door to his office opened and Tunji entered. Andy was not sure if seeing his best friend was a welcome development but he just sat there without uttering a word. “Hey man, what is going on?” Tunji said as a way of greeting. Andy breathed. “Is it not obvious?” “Frankly? No! I don’t know why you should bother yourself over that gold-digger.” Andy’s eyebrow shot up in warning. Tunji sighed. “Look man, I was at the party for God’s sake, I heard everything, and I just don’t know why you are so obsessed with finding her after all you heard. I know it must be hard, she is a very stunning woman with an exquisite beauty that can’t be rivaled. She has a temptingly sexy body…” Andy’s eyes narrowed dangerously and Tunji had to halt his analysis. “I can see you have a clear picture in your head Tunji” Andy dropped sourly. Tunji blinked and stared at Andy. “Wait a minute; don’t get all jealous, I am just stating the facts. You have to get her off your mind. She does not deserve you” “Stop this nonsense Tunji; I am the one who does not deserve her. She is hurt and missing and it is my entire fault.”Tunji looked puzzled. “Everything that was done and said in the party is a frame up Tunji” “What does that mean?” Andy swallowed. “Before I got married to Jessica, we signed a legal agreement to dissolve the wedding after a year, after which I would give her twenty million Naira.”Tunji whitened. “You are kidding” “Dad found out and destroyed everything by making Jessie look like the villain. He is obsessed about protecting the family name; couldn’t he think of how Jessica would feel? How disgraceful and humiliating this would be for her? I am at fault; she did not want to agree to this ridiculous plan at first. Christ, I am so screwed up” Andy stood up and started pacing. Tunji was still taking time to process the information he had just heard. Somehow, everything started making sense. Andy’s sudden wedding which sprang up out of nowhere, working during his honeymoon and a host of others. “I can tell that something must have changed between you two”, he murmured but Andy was silent. “You have developed feelings for her Andy” he stated matter-of factly. Andy ran his fingers through his hair. He exhaled heavily. “Why did dad have to interfere in this? For the first time in years, I find myself going crazy over a woman but before I can even relax enough to enjoy the blissful sensation, it is ruined.” Andy swallowed. “And now, I don’t even know where she is. What if something has happened to her? What if she did not run away like everyone is making me believe? What if she is ill or worse…” he could not finish that statement. The thought alone was frightening. He clenched his jaw. “I would find her; if it is the last thing I do, I will” Tunji just stared at Andy. He had never seen Andy so agitated and restless. Andy always posed an indifferent front, no matter the situation but it seems that Jessica had really gotten under his skin. He had found it hard to believe that Jessica was capable of doing what she was accused of at first but later, he had had to accept it, judging by Jessica’s facial expression then. Tunji walked to Andy and patted him on the shoulder. “Does she feel the same way you do?” he asked. Before Andy could answer, his phone rang and Andy jumped at it. “Andy Williams” he said immediately he picked up. “What…” he rapped at the phone. “Are you sure ma’am…? You are sure you are not making a mistake. To be continued.....[/b]
10 Sep 2017 | 13:28
[b]Episode 17b Tunji looked anxiously at Andy, wondering what all the fuss was about. Andy was looking stupefied. “Where exactly ma’am” Andy asked, frowned and then nodded distractedly. “I would be there as fast as I can” “What was that about?” Tunji asked as Andy hung up. “The caller said she just saw Jessica. The place seems odd though” “Where” “A cemetery” “What?” Tunji exclaimed. “I am sure it is false. How many false leads have you gotten thus far?” “What if it is correct? I am not taking the chance.” Andy picked up his car keys and started marching out. “Well, wait for me man” ***** Jessica sat by the graveyard of her parents. It had been a really terrifying week for her and all she had been able to do was cry. Everywhere she went, she was conscious of people staring at her. Even when they were not really staring at her or when it was obvious that their stare was a result of her beauty, she still did not accept it. Her reputation had been destroyed, her life had just been ruined and it was all her fault. She never should have gotten married for money. It was the most stupid mistake she ever made in her entire life. She had wanted to talk about the contract with Andy but she hadn’t wanted to shatter what they had just started experiencing. Missing Andy was much more painful than she thought, she had lost her appetite completely and she needed no one to tell her that she had lost weight. She felt lighter and the breeze seemed stronger than usual. It was as though it would sweep her off her feet. As she sat at the tomb at the cemetery, she shivered as she tried to hold back her tears. She had always hated burial grounds and being there, where several tombs lay, she was terrified but she could not leave. Ever since her parents had been buried, she hadn’t had the courage to visit their tomb, not to mention her brother’s tomb. She did not think she would be able to visit her brother’s tomb, it was just too depressing. She dropped one bouquet of flower on her dad’s tomb and dropped the other on her mum’s tomb. The tears that she held at bay suddenly started rolling down her cheeks. She had cried and cried all week and now, she was surprised that she still had water left in her eyes. “Oh mum, why did you leave me so soon? Uhn?” she sat at the foot of her mum’s tomb and cried. “Why did you leave your Jessie? I need you so much mum” her hands shook as she held her hand to her mouth slightly, trying to stifle her sob but it was not working. “I am all alone mum. You all betrayed me. You and dad and brother left me all by myself; why did you not take me with you? Why?” She cried and could not control her tears anymore. She cried and cried until she had no strength left in her anymore. All her strength had vanished, coupled with the fact that she hadn’t been eating. Jessica sagged against the tomb and gasped when she heard her name. She stared at the tomb. “I am hallucinating mum, I am beginning to hear voices. Am I running mad?” “Of course not” Her head turned instantly and almost fainted when she saw Andy. Her eyes rotated and she could not even place where Andy was standing. She bolted up but her legs could not carry her. She swayed and vaguely felt Andy’s arms catching her. “Drew”, she breathed inaudibly and passed out. A splitting headache woke Jessica up and she winced. She felt heavy and boneless. Andy was beside her and she realized that she hadn’t been dreaming. He looked worn-out and lean. Guilt overtook her instantly because she knew that her departure would have affected Andy but she couldn’t even think about it that time. She stil l would not think about it now. “Oh Jess” Andy breathed and then it all came rushing back like a tidal wave, hitting Jessica and making her shiver. She suddenly wanted to cry. It seemed like an eternity had passed and having to hear Andy’svoice again was so unbearable. “Drew” she whispered. Andy kissed her eyes, kissing away her tears and running kisses all over her face before kissing her mouth, long and deep. He had watched her sleep; scanning every inch of her body to be sure she was OK. “Oh my God Jess, I have almost gone crazy. Why did you do this to me honey” he kissed her. “Come on, you must eat something, you look so thin” Andy was searching for what to say. “I have to go Andy” Jessica said immediately and jumped up instantly even though her body was a bit heavy. Andy frowned deeply. “What does that mean?” He grabbed Jessica’s hand as she made for the door. “I would not let you leave Jess” Jessica closed her eyes briefly and swallowed. “You have to Andy” she murmured stubbornly. “I want a divorce, Andy”. To be continued...[/b]
10 Sep 2017 | 13:41
Chai! this jessica eh
10 Sep 2017 | 15:21
oh God this Lady is just so stubborn
10 Sep 2017 | 16:43
chai...jessie take it easy biko
10 Sep 2017 | 20:19
Chisooo Jessie, thank goodness u ar alive nd ur Drew is there 4 u, divo.... wat? Biko dnt jst go there ok, as 4 dat evil betrayal of a gal, she must pay 4 her actions.
10 Sep 2017 | 21:25
Babe fire on abeg.
10 Sep 2017 | 21:27
11 Sep 2017 | 02:31
Jessica should calm down abeg
11 Sep 2017 | 03:47
From day one, i knew these two will surely become one
11 Sep 2017 | 03:47
So touching
11 Sep 2017 | 04:49
Is dis girl okay?..divorce ko divorce nii
11 Sep 2017 | 05:09
abeg jess no leave drew,sonia abeg d thunder wey go strike u don dea do press up
11 Sep 2017 | 05:33
Jessie is acting stubborn
11 Sep 2017 | 06:39
Yeah divorce is the best solution now just to dessolve the contract then remarry her as a real wife not a contract wifey.
11 Sep 2017 | 08:35
Oh this is not good
11 Sep 2017 | 09:19
[b]EPISODE 18 Mr. Williams stood by the massive window of his extra-large house. Guards stood motionless in strategic positions but all their faces were stony. Andy’s dad now fe lt a measured level of regret for what he did to Jessica. The poor girl did not deserve the kind of treatment he had given her. Andy’s confession of love, coupled with Jessica’s disappearance made him know that what he had seen when he visited them was not a drama. If what he had glimpsed that night hadn’t been a drama, which he doubted now, then, he was sure that Jessica must have feelings for Andy also. Frankly, he had never seen Andy as devastated as he had been for the past week; it was like replaying the tapes of Andy’s reactions when he found out that his wife-to-be was dead. He wanted his son to be happy – that was what he promised his deceased wife – but all he had succeeded in doing was to add to his sorrow. Mr. Williams drank from his cup slowly. He should make things right immediately they find Jessica. He prayed in his heart that she was safe and not in harm’s way, if not, he won’t be able to forgive himself. Andy would surely never forgive him if anything happened to Jessica. Even if he found Jessica, how would he make things right with her? ***** Andy’s hold on Jessica’s arm slackened as he stared at her, horrified. He just could not believe she had just mentioned the seven lettered word like it was nothing. Like there was truly nothing between them except a flimsy contract. ‘What is going on here?’ he mused. Several emotions crossed his face; bewilderment, confusion, hurt, anger. Jessica saw these expressions and she felt her heart sinking. She never wanted to cause Andy any pain, but right now, she was not even sure if Andy had feelings for her. Why should he? She is after all nothing but a nobody who agreed to marry him for 20 million Naira, while he is the most eligible man that ever walked the surface of the earth. Every woman had their eyes fixed on him, wanting him, no matter the cost. Apart from being so distractingly attractive, he is also terrifyingly wealthy with a capital ‘W’. How would she be able to keep up with him? Would she ever be enough for him? It is obvious that she and Andy are both from two totally different classes, and even though she had had a taste of what it would feel like being rich when she was small, that does not seem to apply to this situation because, compared to Andy’s wealth, that still passes for being poor. “Sit” Andy said instantly, snapping her out of her thoughts. She turned puzzled eyes to him. “What? I am not-” Jessica murmured. “Sit down Jessica, now” He cut in now, showing nearly no emotion. Andy rarely showed his controlling side but when he does, it can be a little scary. Jessica felt like a five year old when she finally sank her butt on the bed, gazing a bit angrily at Andy for making her feel so little. Andy grabbed the tray filled with food and put it in front of Jessica, carefully keeping his face blank. “Eat up” he murmured, staring straight into her eyes. “All of it. We would have this discussion when you are through” Andy marched out of the room without looking back. Jessica stared at the food in total confusion. Just seeing Andy had brought back part of her appetite but she doubted she would be able to finish half of the food set before her. Swallowing gently, she picked up the extremely big chicken and took a bite. It tasted so good and her stomach growled in response. She picked up her fork eagerly and scooped the fascinating fried rice into her mouth. A moan of delight escaped her lips as she became instantly aware of her empty stomach, attacking the food with fervor. The fried rice had so many ingredients and colours, exactly what she needed after a hunger strike. She smiled dryly but the pain she felt overshadowed her, almost making her lose her appetite. Knowing that Andy would not be pleased, she struggled to eat as much as she could manage. Strangely, she wanted to please him. She wanted him to be proud of her. She ate more and more. When Jessica could not take more, she was surprised that she had eaten a bit above half of the food. She picked up the chicken and peeled off the meat from the bone. Jessica wondered why the food tasted incredibly sweet. She assumed that it was because she had been starving herself for a few days. The door opened and Andy entered. His presence almost choked her and she focused on taking in a deep breath. Her throat suddenly felt dry and she picked up her glass of orange juice, draining it at once. “Thanks” she murmured. “You did not finish it” he said, gazing at Jessica without revealing anything. He looked strained and agitated but his stance was firm and strong. Jessica felt that he was revealing his business-like stance, using it to cover the awkwardness. She swallowed. “I have had my fill”. She stated. Andy looked like he also needed the same treat but she was not sure if she should say it. “It is ok wife” Andy said, stressing the word ‘wife’. Jessica shifted uncomfortably, looking at the walls instead of matching Andy’s intense gaze. “Drew, I-” “Why are you doing this?” what she saw when he stared at her scared her. The pain she saw in his eyes was so unbearable; it cut through her like a knife. She averted her gaze, suddenly wanting to cry. “You are killing me, do you know that?” Jessica took a deep breath. “I don’t want to hurt you Andy, I really don’t” “But that is what you are doing Jess. Do you know how it has been with me ever since you disappeared? Did you take me into consideration before deciding to vanish like that? I have almost driven myself crazy in my search for you honey, and now that I have found you, you want to leave me indefinitely? And you say you don’t want to hurt me?” Andy looked bewildered and shocked. “I don’t Drew, I just-” she stood up and faced Andy as a cold shiver went down her spine. “Look at me Andy; I have been disgraced in the public. I have been humiliated beyond redemption. I feel people whispering behind my back everywhere I go” the tears Jessica tried to hold back came cruising down her cheeks. “I can’t bear it Andy, I just can’t. If I continue with you, the gossips would continue and I can’t put you through that Drew, you deserve something far better than a wife who would bring you nothing but disgrace” To be continued[/b]
11 Sep 2017 | 14:04
@frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x @olufavour Please help me call others cos I don’t have the register with me and I don’t remember most of the names
11 Sep 2017 | 14:20
Jessy, stay and fight for your love
11 Sep 2017 | 15:22
Jesse u need Andy divorce is not d solution here
11 Sep 2017 | 15:44
Jess calm down pls, ur actions ar really hurting Drew. Jess all those back yard talk, jst give dem 1mnth nd it will jst die natural death, na LadyG dey tell u. Wo one more tin, if u want 2 b great/ move ahead in life, neva u listen 2 back yard talks.
11 Sep 2017 | 16:17
Divorce kè
11 Sep 2017 | 16:49
Jess u ave to fight for ur happiness, divorce is not the solution here and don't listen to gossips
11 Sep 2017 | 17:07
No Jess, no divorce
11 Sep 2017 | 18:29
Jesse be patience u I'll over come this soon
11 Sep 2017 | 20:27
Hmm it really hard but but u have to take it step by step
11 Sep 2017 | 20:43
Jessica, stop all this stuborness!
12 Sep 2017 | 02:27
Am enjoying this story eeh
12 Sep 2017 | 03:58
dis stori dey sweet my belle lik madt
12 Sep 2017 | 08:59
[b]Episode18b The tears on Jessica’s face seemed to hurt Andy more than anything. He closed the distance between them and held her face in his arms, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. The contact made Jessica shiver slightly. “Look at me” Andy whispered and Jessica hesitantly raised her eyes to meet his. “You don’t think I deserve you? You don’t think I deserve love?” “What are you saying? Of course, you deserve all the love you can get Drew” “Even if I have to get it from someone else? Is that what you want – for me to be with someone else?” Andy asked, with his eyes blazing. Jessica felt all her blood drain out of her. “If… If it makes you happy” she breathed quietly, lowering her eyes, Andy had to strain to pick her words. “You would be able to handle it?” Andy emphasized quietly. The thought of Andy with another woman was like a sticky bitter bile in her mouth and she had the urge to throw up just by thinking about it. She could not open her mouth, so she nodded softly. Silence stretched uncomfortably between then. “Fine” Andy said and left Jessica. Her head jerked up; alarmed by what she had just heard but Andy had his back to her as he went to stand by the wall. Finally, he faced her and leaned against the wall. Jessica could not tell what he was thinking about because his face was carefully blank. “What?” she gasped out. “You want out and I am consenting to it. Is that not what you want?” Jessica stared at Andy like he had just lost his mind. She had expected him to beg and try to convince her but not agree. Obviously not to agree so easily! Does it mean he never truly loved her? She felt hurt and angry as she continuously stared at Andy. She choked and took her eyes away from his, trying desperately not to cry. She snatched her sandals from the floor and sat on the bed to put them on but her fingers were shaking so awkwardly that she just couldn’t. “Let me do it” She did not know when Andy reached her side and her anger increased. “No” she said too loudly. “I can help myself” “C’mon, don’t be a baby” Andy’s voice held vague amusement and when Jessica looked, he was trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile. “What is so funny?” she snapped as her anger doubled. She would not tolerate being made a fool of. The tears she had been preventing dropped suddenly and Andy’s face clouded confusingly. “Don’t cry, damn it” Andy said, alarmed and raised his hand to wipe off her tears. Jessica wiped her face furiously with the back of her hand, pushing Andy’s hand away. “I am not crying, damn you. I just want to get-” Andy silenced her with a firm kiss, stunning her. Once he had his lips on hers, he could not stop again; he devoured her mouth completely, using the kiss to reassure himself of Jessica’s presence. That she was truly here with him. Jessica held on to him, unable to let go. “Can’t you see… that you drive… me crazy?” Andy murmured between kisses. Jessica put her hand in his hair, holding him close and allowing his words to sink into her. When they came up for air, they were both breathing heavily. “I can never let you go Jess, no matter how hard you persuade me. I love you, don’t you get it? I love you so much” Jessica swallowed. “I love you too Drew” she was silent for some seconds, happy that the past few minutes had been a terrible joke. “But-” “Shhhh… We would figure it out baby, OK?” Jessica wanted to protest but nodded. Andy sat on the bed and pulled her onto his laps. She placed her head on Andy’s chest, feeling safe with his strong arms around her. ***** Jessica still could not believe that she was staying with Andy. The whole world had already tagged her as a gold-digger, but she still could not leave the man she loved so dearly. Running away had given her a taste of what it would be like to leave Andy and she was not sure she wanted to relive that moment of pain. She had been a bit happy when her uncle and his wife, whom she now saw as her parents, had come, looking very relieved and worried. Florence had cried with relief and she could see that her uncle, ‘Funsho’, who had been very furious with her at the party, was also deeply worried. He apologized for his irrational behavior but also scolded her for running away without thinking about how worried they would be. She had been so happy, even though she was being scolded. They wouldn’t scold her if they didn’t love her. She missed the little children: the stubborn Jake and the sweet and lovely Theresa. The two children of her uncle were at school and Jessica thought of bringing them over for their long vacation holiday; if Andy agreed of course. Jessica still could not bear to think of Andy’s dad and Sonia. She had nothing but hatred for Sonia now but her father-in-law? Could she blame him? He was thinking of his own son’s well-being but she still could not get rid of the hurt she felt. Since she had arrived back in the house about three days ago, Andy had made her feel like a queen. The fun she had with Andy, both indoors and out was mind-blowing. She remembered some of the nasty things she did with her husband and her cheeks flushed at the remembrance. “You are not going down memory lane, are you?” Andy winked at her and her blush deepened. How can Andy know what she was thinking just by looking at her? She wondered. Of course, he is the master of his game. “Do you want us to talk about your thoughts or act it out” Andy asked grinning widely. Jessica lowered her eyes and swallowed. “Oh” he breathed. “My shy wife. Don’t worry; we can go over your thoughts later. Eat your food, we are going out. I need to show you something” he kissed her cheeks. “What is it?” Does my voice sound croaky? Jessica wondered. Andy smiled, melting her heart, obviously hearing the edge in her voice. “It is a surprise baby”. He sauntered off, towards the study and Jessica followed him with her eyes. He turned his head and met her eyes. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment but she covered it by sticking a tongue out to him. He grinned and blew her a kiss. To be continued...[/b] Love they say it a beautiful thing I can't get enough of this story @olufavour @frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x Please help me call others cos I don’t have the register with me and I don’t remember most of the names
12 Sep 2017 | 12:13
My darling, Koko master D'banj himsef said it o. Omo u don make me fall in love. Jess nd Andy carry go, noting does una.
12 Sep 2017 | 13:22
thank God
12 Sep 2017 | 14:11
Oh my gaawwdd This story is so romantic
12 Sep 2017 | 14:13
This story is really interesting and it seems am not getting enough of it
12 Sep 2017 | 16:03
Continue abeg
12 Sep 2017 | 18:15
omg. atlast
12 Sep 2017 | 18:29
Yippee that's the spirit, more of this please
12 Sep 2017 | 18:57
Loving this...
12 Sep 2017 | 19:15
Am really loving this
13 Sep 2017 | 01:41
pls I'm looking for my own Andy
13 Sep 2017 | 04:53
u posted dis same episode yesterday evening na y posting it again?
13 Sep 2017 | 04:55
I love this part
13 Sep 2017 | 06:52
Thank God the storm has passed, you two should enjoy yourselves.
13 Sep 2017 | 11:14
[b]EPISODE 19 Sonia walked around the tastefully furnished apartment she had just acquired. It had everything she ever dreamt of. The house was up to her taste, with all that she could imagine. The kitchen had all the accessories she needed with a microwave and a freezer, which she purchased at a second hand market to reduce the cost, although they both looked new. The kitchen was filled with food stuffs and fruits; she took out an apple from the fridge and chewed as she surveyed the house again. It had taken a few days to make the apartment look like this but even at that, she never got tired of looking at what she owned. The bedroom was looking ravishing and welcoming, with purple and pink colours scattered at strategic places. Her wardrobe was still filled with her former clothes and she told herself that she needed to go for shopping. There were thousands of clothes, shoes, bags, jewelries and so on that she had been dreaming of buying; now, she had been tossed the chance to explore for as long as she could. She had spent roughly three million naira out of the ten million naira she was given by Andy’s father. Since she still had about seven million naira left, she decided that she would set up a business with four million naira. Thinking, she decided that a jewelry store would be perfect. She loved jewelries and anything that had to do with it. She wasn’t about to spend the entire money until it vanishes, she told herself. The remaining three million would be used for miscellaneous. She needed a car, to match the class she was trying to build for herself. She smiled at the thought. She also needed better phones; maybe an apple and a tab, she mused. Proper and classy clothes. She gave a delighted squeal but there was no one there to pounce on her and share her joy. She swallowed as she thought of her friends. How lovely would it be to have her friends with her, celebrating her success? How great would it be if she had gotten this money from the right source? Her friends had been with her through it all, through her challenging times but now, now that she had something tangible, she had no one to share her joy with. Joy? Could she describe this feeling as joy? As happy as she was that she finally had real cash in her hands, she could not quench the shaky feeling that this money would vanish as quickly as it had appeared. She hadn’t worked for the money; she had sabotaged her best friend in order to get it. She shivered. Maybe, if she had asked Andy for a loan of the same ten million naira, he would have given her. He might have even dashed her something more than that because frankly, the guy is worth billions. But no, instead, she had shattered her own friend’s happiness.She regretted her decision but there is no going back now. She had to live with the current reality. She swallowed and the thought of making new friends came pleasantly to her mind. She grabbed her credit card and thought of how perfect it would be to have a car. She already knew how to drive. Well, her carless state would change now, she thought. ‘Let’s go and spend some cash’ ***** “You don’t want to go back to being a doctor?” Andy asked as he drove. Jessica still did not know where they were headed. Jessica shook. “No. It is frightening. After spending months attending to patients, trying to cope with the situation, I have realized that I hate hospitals. I hate them and the memories they invoke. It was because of what happened to my family that I decided to study medicine. I wanted to prevent people from dying and prevent people from experiencing what I experienced but after I got what I felt I wanted, I could not do it. The heady smell was maddening and I could not keep up because I kept remembering all the bad things that happened years back: the smell of drugs; the nauseating smell of blood that I thought was my parents and brother’s; the wheels of sick people being pushed; the unnerving and scary rush of nurses” Jessica shivered and Andy placed his palm on her lap, squeezing in a comforting manner. To be continued....[/b]
13 Sep 2017 | 13:53
@frankkay @ladyg @itzprince @denciebabe @pamelachy @paddy2x @olufavour Please help me call others cos I don’t have the register and I don’t remember most of the name
13 Sep 2017 | 13:54
Short oo Wish ah could read everything at once
13 Sep 2017 | 14:51
I just can't get enough of this story
13 Sep 2017 | 15:33
give us more
13 Sep 2017 | 16:57
next plssss
13 Sep 2017 | 18:20
Hmmm Sonia dnt worry very soon u will kn wat u v done to ursef, Ewu Zaira.
13 Sep 2017 | 18:22
Sonia baby, enjoy your new found wealth while it lasts and jejely wait for karma cos it will surely pay you a visit.
13 Sep 2017 | 19:06
13 Sep 2017 | 19:09
It will finish the same way it came about
13 Sep 2017 | 19:42
it really a re-unite decision for d couple...Jessie as swallow her pride now nd be wit her heart
14 Sep 2017 | 00:10
too bad for Sonia for betraying her friend...let see how ur story will end
14 Sep 2017 | 00:11
[b]Episode19b I could not take it. Whenever we experienced a casualty in the hospital, the tears of people nearly drove me mad. Their wailing” she breathed. “It got stuck in my head and I just could not do it anymore. I left as fast as I could” Andy moved his hand from her lap to her hair, controlling the steering with his other hand. “I am glad you did” he murmured. She smiled. “I should have gone for law” Andy raised his brow and laughed. “Right. Being a barrister would suit you; it is in your blood” Jessica frowned. “A subtle way of saying that I am stubborn right” Andy grinned. “I married a stubborn woman. I would never win an argument with you if you went for law. Do you still want to pursue it?” “No, that dream is gone. I like independence so I would like to be on my own without having a boss to scream all the way down his throat at me, just like Lizzy. It is really cute and womanly” Andy nodded with appreciation. “Yes. Owning a boutique would be perfect for you. Your dress sense is impeccable; it is a wonder you were able to hide it for a while. Anything you do would suit you perfectly. Frankly, I was worried that you would want to work for someone; I can’t imagine another man screaming orders at my wife.” He frowned at the thought. “Selfish, aren’t you?” Andy grinned, “I won’t share you with anyone honey, you are mine” She blushed. “Where are we going Drew?” she hated suspense. “Be patient Jess” he grinned. ***** “Andy, this is a seaport. What are we doing here?” Andy held onto Jessica’s hand as they moved along the port environment. Jessica’s curiosity had increased ever since they had arrived at the port. “Patience, honey, patience” The Sea was now clearly in view and Jessica could not hide her curiosity anymore. She glanced at Andy, who smiled down at her. She was busy admiring his facial structure when Andy came to a halt, stopping her as well. “We are here”. He murmured and she turned. She had been seeing several passenger ships but here, she was faced with a strikingly beautiful ship which was very small like… she turned a stunned face at Andy. “Is that a… a…” “Yacht” Andy offered. “It is so beautiful. It looks new too. I have never been on water” she said with longing, staring at the beauty before her. “I noticed and decided to change that.” Jessica turned to him suddenly. “Hello Mr. Williams” someone greeted and they turned. “Oh, Paul. Afternoon. How is she doing today?” Andy responded. Who? Jessica wondered. “She is good to go sir” Another man appeared onboard and greeted in the same manner. Jessica turned to Andy. “Why do they seem to know you so well?” she asked and when he smiled softly, realization slowly dawned. She gasped and looked from his face to the water craft. “It is not yours, is it?” His smile widened and her eyes widened. He placed his arm around her waist and drew her close, though she was still frozen. “This is my wife, Jessica” he said loudly to the men.Their eyes widened and they greeted shyly. Jessica wondered why they seemed to know her. Is it because she is married to a very famous man or is it that Andy had told them a lot about her? Her eyes inspected the Yacht, appreciating the structure then she saw the scribbled name. She gasped again and turned to Andy. He grinned. “Lady Jess” he murmured. “You… you named it after… after me?” tears streamed down her eyes. “Who else would I name it after, if not the woman I love?” “Oh Drew” she hugged him tightly as tears coerced down her cheeks. He pulled her slightly away and mopped off her tears. He kissed her forehead and smiled. “How would you like a cruise?” She jumped up and down like a two year old at the mention of ice-cream. Andy grinned, feeling happiness oozing out of his pores as he walked with Jessica onboard ‘Lady Jess’. To be continued...[/b]
14 Sep 2017 | 02:28
New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 et others
14 Sep 2017 | 02:29
Wow. Love in the air
14 Sep 2017 | 03:06
wow ..
14 Sep 2017 | 03:55
Gwd!..I love dis story
14 Sep 2017 | 04:06
Am so happy for both of you
14 Sep 2017 | 04:18
Am happy for the two of you
14 Sep 2017 | 04:34
14 Sep 2017 | 04:55
so loving dis mehn
14 Sep 2017 | 05:05
Aww I love this story, I can't get enough of it
14 Sep 2017 | 05:52
Oh mine!!!
14 Sep 2017 | 06:15
Wow! That's true love
14 Sep 2017 | 09:04
loving this
14 Sep 2017 | 09:12
Sonia baby upon all the money you acquire is second hand property you bought.
14 Sep 2017 | 10:03
This is getting serious
14 Sep 2017 | 10:05
Love is taking , I like that
14 Sep 2017 | 10:23
Wow, so lovely
14 Sep 2017 | 10:32
Awwwww, I'm loving this
14 Sep 2017 | 11:02
Wonderful, that's lovely.
14 Sep 2017 | 11:08
just 2 lovely
14 Sep 2017 | 12:20
J.Baby, thanks for the IV @jummybabe
14 Sep 2017 | 16:01
wooow.!!!!!! dat's lovely,Andy as rock it down
14 Sep 2017 | 16:54
wow love this
14 Sep 2017 | 16:59
so beautiful
14 Sep 2017 | 19:07
14 Sep 2017 | 19:39
next ooo, abi you wan give person heartache?
15 Sep 2017 | 04:19
[b]EPISODE 20 Jessica cleared the plates from the dinning, happy that she had been able to prepare the breakfast. She had asked Ada to stay off for the rest of the day because she wanted to treat her husband the way any wife would. She cleaned up the plates and walked to the room, still in her night gown. She met Andy dressing up, preparing for work and she knew that she would miss him terribly. She put her hand softly on his arm as he buttoned up his blue shirt. He smiled at her. “I would miss you today Mr. Andy Williams. Can’t I persuade you to stay?” she stood up on tip-toes and kissed him. Andy’s brow shot up and his smile widened. “If you keep doing that, you just might”. He pulled her against him until she was standing glued to his front. “Then maybe I should continue” she whispered in his ear and he laughed. She sighed, frowning. “You really have to go, right?” Andy brushed away the hair playing at her face and kissed her nose. “Hmm. I really do” he murmured with an apologetic smile. “I have not been in the office for a while but I must be there today.” Jessica sighed and picked up Andy’s tie, placed it around his neck and started knotting it. “I think I need a job now. Staying at home would be just so pathetic” Andy frowned. “I don’t want you working for someone” “But-” “No ‘buts’ honey” he breathed. Jessica was about to argue but then decided against it. Sending out her resume might actually be a bad idea since her reputation had been effectively shattered. She discarded the terrible thought and focused on what she was doing. She adjusted the tie and relaxed the collar. She picked up his ash colored suit jacket and held it out for him. Andy smiled and put his arms in. “You pamper me. What would I do without you?” “Everything” He frowned. “Nothing” Jessica smiled shyly. They walked to the car together, Jessica tucked under Andy’s arm. “Enjoy your day OK?” Jessica nodded. Andy bent and kissed her. “I love you” “I love you too Drew. Do not stress yourself today at the office, ok honey?” He grunted and was gone. ***** Jessica danced around the apartment to the sound of the music coming from the sound system. She was feeling very happy. She refused to think about her father-in-law, refused to think about the situation at hand but focused on thinking about this happiness. This happiness that was bubbling inside her, all thanks to Andy. Being on-board ‘Lady Jess’, sailing on the sea in the arms of her love, visiting museums and tourist centers; all these things had made her extremely happy, but all those things had been perfect because she had been with Andy – the love of her life. She wanted to scream, dance and cry tears of joy. What had she done to deserve a man as loving as Andy? She had loved people but never had she loved someone as deeply as she loved Andy. She heard the ring tone of her phone and jumped to it. She checked it and saw that Lizzy was on the phone. When Sonia betrayed her, she had decided to put an end to all form of friendship but could she do that? Yes, she has had two to three betrayals from friends but could she cut out all her friends because of the bad ones she had had? Lizzy and Paulina had been the ones who stuck up with her and ensured that she went back to Andy when they had the initial fight; Lizzy had kept her secret, the one that Sonia leaked immediately after overhearing their conversation. Jessica knew without a doubt that she could trust Lizzy, and that Lizzy meant all the best for her. The fact that she had encountered bad friends does not mean that she couldn’t also find good ones like Lizzy and Paulina. She picked up. “Hey girlfriend” she said loudly, her happiness ringing out in her voice. “Hmm, someone is really happy today. How are you babes?” “I am better than fine Liz, although a little bit lonely here. Andy is at work” “Well, come over, let us have a splendid ladies’ time” Lizzy rang out. Jessica smiled. “I would do just that. I would like a really delicious meal when I get there” “You are the chef baby, I am a fashion designer” “Can you imagine this girl? You don’t have respect again o. I think I would bring a cane along” she said, frowning playfully at the phone. Lizzy hissed loudly at the other end. “Respect my foot! My friend bring your lazy behind down here, if we get hungry, we can always skip cooking and soak a really satisfying garri. Jessie laughed. “Lazy girl! Oh, that reminds me; I am bringing a material along. I need to sew something really nice and… sexy” Jessica grinned at the thought. She had a really nice style in mind, but then, Lizzy would probably out rule it. To be continued....[/b]
15 Sep 2017 | 05:13
New episode don land @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 et others
15 Sep 2017 | 05:15
don't think about Sonia and your family- in-law you will regain your personality
15 Sep 2017 | 05:30
bad friends and bad memories can pass away but your love for Andrew will keep on waxing. father inlaw is regretting his actions though
15 Sep 2017 | 05:40
Happiness at long last
15 Sep 2017 | 06:09
this is a welcomed development
15 Sep 2017 | 06:20
so happy for you guys
15 Sep 2017 | 06:39
Am loving. every bit of dis story next pls
15 Sep 2017 | 06:43
Sonia your days of wealth and enjoyment is numbered...enjoy while it last
15 Sep 2017 | 10:00
was here
15 Sep 2017 | 11:48
really hope no one will spoil dis happiness again
15 Sep 2017 | 13:44
Its good to be happy again... Put Sonia and everything that concerns her in the past
15 Sep 2017 | 15:28
Love sweet o!
15 Sep 2017 | 15:30
Am happy for you guys
15 Sep 2017 | 16:42
loving this
15 Sep 2017 | 16:57
Hmmmmm love nwantinti, so hapi 4 u pple.
15 Sep 2017 | 17:11
Am so happy for u guys and one thing I knw for sure is dat Sonia will surely pay for what she did
15 Sep 2017 | 18:08
Happiness all the way, am really happy for u
15 Sep 2017 | 18:35
I wish its last o
15 Sep 2017 | 18:56
15 Sep 2017 | 19:29
I'm glad u both settled ur differences. hope there won't b anymore hitches?
15 Sep 2017 | 22:05
[b]Episode 20b Sexy! Coming from an SU like you? I think you need deliverance” she squealed into the phone and Jessica laughed. “Well anyways, it would be my pleasure sweetheart; you know I am the best you can find” pride oozed out of Lizzy’s voice. Flatter yourself, Jessica said still laughing Lizzy chuckled. “Later babes” Jessica hung up and ran off to dress up. It is refreshing to leave the house because being home alone can be depressing. She picked up her blackberry and typed a message to Andy via BBM. ‘The house is looking really empty with out you in it Drew, I miss you” She dropped the phone on the bed and went to the wardrobe to pull out black jeans trousers and a multicolored top. She heard the sound of her phone and she jumped at it. ‘Oh baby, I have barely spent an hour in this office and I am here wishing I had accepted your offer. We could have been busy doing some naughty things right now’Jessica grinned foolishly as she read Andy’s reply. ‘Well, you did not accept my offer so I guess those ‘naughty things’ would have to wait till you get back’. She pressed send and watched it change from the ‘D’ sign to the ‘R’ sign. She saw that Andy was busy writing a message and she lay on the bed, waiting for his reply, her phone poised in her arms with a stupid grin on her face. ‘You could come over to my office honey, that way, we won’t have to wait. I have a really large table, you know?’ Jessica’s eyes popped open and her cheeks reddened. ‘Jeeez… No dirty business in your office, husband. What would your staff think?’ ‘They would think we love each other so much, we can’t do without each other for an hour’ Jessica laughed. ‘Well, control your dirty thoughts husband, I already told Lizzy that I am coming over to her place’ ‘Hmm, you are going to make me jealous of your friend right?’Jessica read the message and laughed. ‘Sorry papa.’ she pressed send and picked up her clothes. After putting on the clothes, she picked up the phone and opened Andy’s message. ‘Alright baby, have fun. Be careful and wave your left fingers at any man who smiles at you’ Jessica snorted. “My darling possessive husband! Why do you think any man that smiles at me wants something out of the ordinary? It is obvious that ladies trip over you. I try not to be jealous’. Jessica frowned. She hated it when women had their eyes all over her husband. It was becoming the order of the day now. Andy is just too good looking for his own good. ‘Oh Jess, you don’t understand the effect you have on men. They look at you like you are the route to heaven. Believe me, you are. As for the women, they are way beneath you.’ Jessica laughed. Andy and his flattery! ‘Go back to work husband, leave your wife alone’ ‘I would never leave you sweetheart. You are MINE’ ‘Ask Mike to drive you to Lizzy’s place’ Jessica frowned. ‘No Drew, I would take a bus, I hate being chauffeured.’ ‘NO. My wife would not be jumping from one public bus to another. I forbid it!’ Jessica sighed. ‘Then I would drive myself’ ‘Are you sure??? You would be careful, won’t you?’ Jessica sighed. ‘I can drive well Andy, I would be fine. Take care. I love you’ ‘Sighs… I love you too baby, be careful. Call me when you get there’ ‘I will. Kisses’ Jessica smiled and dropped her phone inside her bag. She brushed her hair and decided that she would love a braid. She picked a car key and headed out. ***** Andy had waited one hour and still have not got a call from Jessica. He was becoming worried. Lizzy’s house wasn’t that far, but he knew Lagos could be unpredictable and Jessie might be stuck in traffic. He was worried that if he called her, she might be distracted, and that is not good, especially if she was still on motion. But after waiting for some more time, his anxiety got the better part of him and he called but the phone rang and rang without any response. ‘She might still be driving’ a voice said in his head but he shook it off and dialed again but she did not pick. He called Lizzy and after the first two rings, Lizzy picked up. “Hey Mr. Williams” she said. “Hello Lizzy, how are you doing?” H e wanted to skip the niceties but he did not want to appear too anxious. “Well, I am great” “Erm, Jessica said she was coming to your place, is she there yet?” “Nope, she is not here. Maybe she is on the way” “She left about an hour ago, I have called but she is not picking up.” His concern showed in his voice. “Oh?” Lizzy sounded surprised. “Probably, she is being held up by traffic Andy, she should-” Andy heard the beep sound of his phone and checked his phone. He instantly sighed, greatly relieved. “Lizzy, don’t worry. She is on the line now, got to go. Thanks.” He hung up and quickly picked Jessica’s incoming call. “Oh Jess, thank God-” “Hello sir” Andy frowned and checked the caller’s name again. What is a man doing with my wife’s phone? “Yes, who are you? And what are you doing with my wife’s phone?” “I am sorry sir, this is Inspector Majid. Your wife was involved in an accident. She has been rushed to Jackins hospital in an ambulance. I saw her phone and… The phone slipped from Andy’s hand and crashed against the tiled floor. He stared ahead, shocked beyond words, with the words of the Inspector re-echoing in his head. ‘No…’ He gasped out. To be continued...[/b] New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
16 Sep 2017 | 04:57
hmmnn ..... Nothing should happen to jess ooo abeg
16 Sep 2017 | 05:43
Hmmmm andy's love will revive her
16 Sep 2017 | 06:13
Thank God you are back on track
16 Sep 2017 | 06:47
at first my head was swollen for thier love play but this accident again why now...
16 Sep 2017 | 08:06
that is onething wives should be submissive to their husbands. if only she listen to her husband this accident wouldn't have happened. I pray nothing happen to you
16 Sep 2017 | 08:08
oh no. not good at all
16 Sep 2017 | 08:24
😢😢 why nau. I pray nothing happens to Jess
16 Sep 2017 | 09:04
I pray nothin happen to jess
16 Sep 2017 | 12:14
anoda kasala
16 Sep 2017 | 12:40
I pray nothing happen to Jess
16 Sep 2017 | 13:10
i pray nothing happen to her
16 Sep 2017 | 13:58
Accident ...Jess would be fine by God's grace
16 Sep 2017 | 14:19
Nothing should happen to my lady, hope is not Sofia at work
16 Sep 2017 | 14:20
pls nothing shud happen to jess feeling worried already,oopss hate sad story
16 Sep 2017 | 14:31
I can't get enough of this story
16 Sep 2017 | 14:53
I suspected this
16 Sep 2017 | 14:55
I hope nothing happen to her
16 Sep 2017 | 15:28
Jessica should try to obey Andy for her sake now,obedience is better than sacrifice, but mummy jummy Jess must not die ooo
16 Sep 2017 | 15:43
God!! What Type Of Casala B Dis Now...Notin Shuld Hapin 2 My Jess Oh..Thanks More Grees To Ur Elbow
16 Sep 2017 | 16:01
notin shuld hapin 2 my jess oh..thanks 4 d update am relli lovin dis story lyk...
16 Sep 2017 | 16:07
hmmn. I hope she make it
16 Sep 2017 | 16:19
why accident now!!!!!!!!!!! I hope nothing happens to my Jess
16 Sep 2017 | 16:28
accident hope Jess would b fine
16 Sep 2017 | 17:13
Why is Jessy all about one misfortune or the other sef
16 Sep 2017 | 17:39
Hmmmm wetin sef? From one pblem 2 d other. Hmmm make God save u o.
16 Sep 2017 | 18:06
not dis tym na
16 Sep 2017 | 19:02
which can wahala be dis after being happy for sometimes
16 Sep 2017 | 20:59
I op she survive it ...or is somebody tailing her
16 Sep 2017 | 21:00
wh didnt she just let mike drive? eeeh
16 Sep 2017 | 21:18
me i dont like the way she is making andy worry oooo
16 Sep 2017 | 21:18
its a very nice story though, nest episode please...
16 Sep 2017 | 21:19
W H A T!!!
17 Sep 2017 | 08:40
nothing will happen to her
17 Sep 2017 | 09:40
Oh my gosh! Jesse I pray nothing should happen to u
17 Sep 2017 | 10:40
she's some how stubborn
17 Sep 2017 | 12:32
jessica is just too stuborn for my liking...pray notin happen to her
17 Sep 2017 | 16:30
[b]EPISODE 21 Andy had never been more grateful to God that he had listened to his father and hired some bodyguards. He only used them at work because having bodyguards seemed more of a burden to him and made him look older than he actually was, but as he stormed the hospital, he was so grateful for their help. Journalists were all over the hospital, trying to get what was going on. The three bodyguards warded them off, allowing him to have easy passage into the hospital. It was during times like these that he wished that he wasn’t as famous as he was; the fame always drew unnecessary attention. Andy only dwelt on this for what seemed like a second and then his thoughts were switched back to Jessica, making him quicken his steps. He was inside the hospital after what seemed like an eternity to him, whereas, it was only seconds and immediately he entered the hospital, the nurses seemed to stand at attention. They looked uncomfortable and shy as they took in his imposing and exceptionally intriguing body but Andy did not even notice. He towered over them, his eyes penetrating their senses. “Where is my wife?” He growled; his intense fear showing vividly, despite his attempt to cover it and be brave. “Calm down Andy” Tunji admonished, placing a hand on Andy’s shoulder but Andy was not ready to be in a calm mood, Tunji did not expect Andy to be either, knowing that Andy would not rest until Jessica was certified hale and hearty. The nurses did not need to ask who his wife was; they had identified him immediately he entered. “She is in the ‘A & E’department sir, some doctors are attending to her” One of the nurses replied shakily. “I want to see her now” Andy was glaring now, looking like he would not mind tearing the nurse apart if she denied him. The nurse squirmed. A much older nurse, seeing what was going on quickly went to salvage the situation. “I am sorry sir, you can’t see her now. Her condition is critical and she is being attended to by our best specialists. Interfering and disturbing the doctors can put your wife at more risk. Please, I advise you to be calm sir, if you could wait in the waiting room over there” she pointed in a direction, “The doctor would see you immediately he gets out.” Andy clenched his jaw painfully and folded his palms into fists until his knuckles were as white as his spotless teeth. The thought of putting Jessica in danger by his actions was more than enough to make him back down. His arrogance oozed off a bit, making his fear more evident. He marched to the waiting room and Tunji followed closely behind murmuring something that Andy could not hear. His mind was far away. His mind was in the emergency room with Jessica. Andy roamed the waiting room aimlessly, unable to settle down. Tunji’s desperate attempts to make him calm down became futile and Tunji also became almost as agitated as Andy. Back at the hospital’s reception, one nurse that joined at the middle of the scene stared at the closed door of the waiting room and fanned herself with her fingers. “Jeez, that guy is smoking hot. Who is he?” The other nurses stared at her like she was an alien from another planet. “You don’t know Andy Williams?” Her eyes widened. “That is the Andy? The owner of… Oh My God! He is as hot as they say he is, with a good looking bank account too, I bet; in fact, an overflowing account to be precise” The older nurse turned irritated eyes at the lady. “I bet you also heard that he is married” she hissed. “Put your cards together and stop eyeing another woman’s husband” The younger nurse frowned and turned away, chastised. The door of the waiting room burst open and Lizzy and Paulina bounced in with teary faces. “Where is Jessie? Oh my God!” Paulina gasped out and, seeing Andy looking like a shadow of himself made her know that the accident was real. Lizzy was just standing motionless at the entrance of the waiting room, staring into space as tears fell freely. Seeing the women in tears made Andy much more frightened. It was like Jessica was already… already… ‘NO’. He refused to think about it. ‘My Jessica would not leave me’ he told himself repeatedly. He ran hi s hands through his hair and decided it best to comfort the women; that would at least get his mind off this waiting. Tunji moved forward and held Paulina in his arms and she cried the more. Andy saw Lizzy standing stupefied at the entrance and instantly knew what she was thinking about. He hurriedly went to her. He touched her hand and she seemed to suddenly realize where she was. She raised teary eyes to Andy and Andy felt like his world had shattered. There was something about women’s tears which always seemed to make situations much worse. Seeing the very strong Lizzy crying scared him more than anything. Seeing Jessica cry during the disastrous party that led to her disappearance had been more than he could bear. He had felt stabbed, devastated and shaken but seeing Lizzy’s tears felt totally different. In that instant, he was transported back in time to the time he lost his fiancée. Lizzy’s face reminded him of the faces of the people he saw, crying after his fiancée died. Cold dread seeped up Andy’s spine and he wanted to flee the waiting room. Everything around him was pointing at a frightening end and he could not bear it. At the same time, he could not leave; not without knowing if his Jessica was alright. “I called her Andy” Lizzy gasped. “She could have stayed at home” “No Lizzy, don’t talk like that. This is not your fault. She would be fine. She has to be” He said sharply, both to himself and to Lizzy. She nodded, trying to accept what Andy said. She leaned against him and he held her but he was detached from his environment. ‘I should have insisted that she use the driver’ he told himself for the umpteenth time. ‘I should have’. He gritted his teeth as tears threatened strongly and he forced them back forcefully. He has to be strong. Be strong for Jessica. The waiting room door opened and Andy turned, releasing Lizzy but his eyes collided with the dark intense gaze of his father. ***** To be continued...[/b]
17 Sep 2017 | 18:08
New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
17 Sep 2017 | 18:10
I pray jess survive o
17 Sep 2017 | 18:23
see Jummy don't let our own very Jessy die or else Andy will love again talk more of getting married
17 Sep 2017 | 19:08
17 Sep 2017 | 19:18
Shit, accident!
18 Sep 2017 | 03:21
Jessica should better survive o
18 Sep 2017 | 03:47
Jessie will b fyne
18 Sep 2017 | 05:24
Jessica must not die o
18 Sep 2017 | 06:21
Jess please wake up for me
18 Sep 2017 | 07:23
operation save Jessica
18 Sep 2017 | 07:29
Hmmm...Jessica must be okay oo
18 Sep 2017 | 08:23
am sure she will make it
18 Sep 2017 | 08:52
I pray nothing bad should happened to Jessie o.
18 Sep 2017 | 12:02
[b]Episode 21b Sonia sat in the bus, feeling all sorts of emotions: self-loath, anger, agitation but fear was the most evident of all. She could not believe that her life had turned into a nightmare within the space of three weeks. She sat in the bus with dark specks covering her eyes. She mopped tears as they seeped out from under the glasses. Listening to her mother had become the worst thing she had ever done. Ever since Jessica had gotten married to Andy, her mother hadn’t stopped poisoning her mind. Her mother had complained endlessly on why Sonia had been contented with being the bride’s maid of honour instead of being the bride. “You sat down behind your friend, fanning her and mopping her face; why were you not the bride? As far as I am concerned, you are much more good-looking. You are just too dull. If you had been smarter, you would be married to that money-bag and we would be swimming in money by now” Sonia’s mother had said. Sonia shook her head. She should not have listened to her mother’s continuous talks. She hadn’t at first but then, her mother never stopped. She continuously poisoned her mind until she found herself becoming jealous of Jessica. They say blood is thicker than water but now, she preferred water to blood. Hearing that Jessica had been involved in an accident was more shattering than anything she had experienced. It had taken just the news alone to bring her to her senses. She could not bear to think that Jessica might die; if that happened, she would probably die of guilt and bitterness. She wanted forgiveness but she did not know if what she had done could be forgiven. She knew she would not forgive if she were in Jessica’s shoes but she still had to try. But what if… ‘No’ she said internally as more tears trickled down her face. ‘She must not die… Please God… If you never hear me, please hear me today… Jessica can’t die’ ***** Andy’s dad had done all he could to see Andy and seek his forgiveness but all his attempts had been truncated by Andy, one way or the other. Even going to Andy’s office and threatening his staff hadn’t worked because Andy had left strict instructions with his staff to never allow his father into his office. Mr. Williams had sent messages but Andy had replied none. “What do you want dad? Have you not done enough havoc?” Andy said quietly, too quietly. “I am sorry Andy. I have been saying this for the past two weeks. I made a silly mistake but I was only thinking of your welfare” “My welfare” Andy repeated. The fact that his dad had done what he did because of him did not make Andy happy at all. “My welfare? At what expense? You almost ruined Jessica’s life dad. You almost ruined my life. Jessica is my life, my everything; and you deliberately hurt her like that?” Andy shook his head. He was not ready for this conversation now; he had more than enough on his plate already. “I never knew Andy. How would I have known? I only know wha t I heard on the…” he looked round the waiting room and saw that some strangers were looking at them. He moved closer to Andy, talking for his ears alone. “On the tape” he continued. “I never knew that you both had developed feelings for each other, if I had, I would never have done what I did. I know my move to put it all on her was very wrong and I regret it but I only thought of it at that time in order to protect you” Mr. Williams murmured quietly, his eyes showing signs of remorse. “Why did you make it your business dad? You could have confronted us or better still, stayed out of it” He w as not as aggressive as before. “You are my business Andy. You became my business immediately you were born; your mum would not have it any other way”. Andy exhaled deeply. He loved his father so much. His father had taken the responsibility of a father and a mother, ensuring that he had all the love and affection he needed. How could he not forgive his dad anything? Mr. Williams touched Andy’s shoulder in a manly manner. “I know how much you love her” he whispered. “I saw how depressed and devastated you were when Jessica went missing and I almost died of guilt. I am sorry son” Andy looked at his father, and his arrogance disappeared, leaving the fear very visible. Mr. Williams was taken aback. He had never seen Andy look so vulnerable and scared, not even when his fiancée had died. “She would be OK right? Dad, I don’t know what I would do if she… if she…” Andy looked twenty again as tears brimmed in his eyes but his stubbornness would not allow them fall. “I can’t do without her dad” Andy’s dad drew him into his arms for an awkward father to son hug. “We have to keep our faith up Andy. All would be well” ***** Doctor Bright worked endlessly with two other doctors and two nurses. Immediately he saw the patient, he identified her instantly. Who would not know the outstandingly beautiful wife of the richest bachelor in Nigeria? Immediately he saw her, he had known two things: that she had lost so much blood and that she was his ticket to stardom. There had been some problems with regards to the patient’s marriage but it was also obvious that her husband was not ready to leave her alone. After the scandal about the patient’s intentions for marrying the famous Andy Williams and her disappearance, he had seen pictures of the couple, having good times at various places and he could tell that the couple was very much in love. It would be disastrous if he could not salvage this situation, similarly, it would be a dream come true if he did. As he worked with the other doctors with his entire body covered, he soon forgot about gains or losses, all he could think of was saving her life. It was a good thing that the car had an airbag which must have obviously prevented the patient from bumping her head. With what he saw, the car must have been hit pretty hard. Some of the broken glasses, perhaps from the windscreen had pierced her body, making her lose a lot of blood. They had seen to the wounds after removing the glasses from her skin but the problem was that the patient was not holding on. She had lost so much blood and they were currently transfusing some blood into her but the patient was not holding on to life and that was dangerous. He had seen this happen so many times. When a patient was not willing to live, there is a limit to what a doctor can do. “Her heart is failing doctor” one of the other doctors declared in alarm and Doctor Bright checked the monitor, confirming his fears. ***** It was like Andy was in for so many unpleasant surprises. Everyone stared in one direction, gazing at the newest addition to the people in the waiting room. Sonia stood there in tears as a thousand eyes bore into her but Andy’s was what frightened her the most. His gaze shot fire and she wanted to flee but her legs would not agree. She had come here to do something and she intended on pulling it through. “Get out of here” Andy’s voice was like the sharp edge of a sword and it frightened her so much, especially since it was spoken too softly; she wished he had shouted instead. She went on her kneels instantly. “Pleas e Andy, forgive me. I am sorry” Andy was quiet, looking at her without betraying any form of emotion. Paulina turned smoking eyes at Sonia. “You better listen to him o, because if I pounce on you… ehn… if I pounce on you, I would beat you black and blue. You know I have not attacked you, if I do, you would have marks that would keep you in the hospital bed for months.” Paulina was vibrating and Tunji held her to prevent her from doing something stupid. Lizzy did not even have the time to confront Sonia, she was busy praying for her friend. Andy stared at Sonia but he did not have the strength to deal with her. “I am sorry. I was misled. I… I am just so sorry” Sonia wept. Andy’s father had gone out earlier to make some calls. Andy took out his phone and punched a number. Within seconds, two hefty men arrived. “Take her out of here” he murmured and the men turned to face Sonia instantly. “No, please Andy. I am sorry. Please forgive me” “Please move ma’am” A door opened and automatically, everyone jerked in that direction. Andy saw the doctor and his blood froze as he marched like someone going to war, followed closely by everyone concerned. Doctor Bright stared at Andy and swallowed hard. He was seeing him live for the first time, in an unpalatable situation at that! “How is my wife doctor?” To be continued...[/b]
18 Sep 2017 | 12:17
New episode is right here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
18 Sep 2017 | 12:21
hmm, it's remaining her uncle and his family members to make the hospital a place for reunion. I pray nothing happens to her Sha... nest please
18 Sep 2017 | 12:48
Watin com happen next
18 Sep 2017 | 13:00
18 Sep 2017 | 14:51
I pray she survive this...
18 Sep 2017 | 15:08
nothing is gonna happen to jess ...... Am very sure of that
18 Sep 2017 | 16:47
jess u must survive o
18 Sep 2017 | 16:50
Jessie should live for Andy o
18 Sep 2017 | 17:09
Hopefully she will survive
18 Sep 2017 | 17:27
jummy are you the one posting ur story at Nairaland by the name(kadkedjkj)
18 Sep 2017 | 22:11
I prayed she made it out alive
18 Sep 2017 | 23:21
get well soon jessy
19 Sep 2017 | 05:12
Jessy why are u giving up on life when Andy is there for u, abeg come back to life o
19 Sep 2017 | 06:11
Oh God!.... Please let it be good news.
19 Sep 2017 | 06:35
19 Sep 2017 | 07:05
I hope jess make it
19 Sep 2017 | 08:22
I pray nothing should happen to u Jesse
19 Sep 2017 | 08:24
I believe Jessica will pull 2ru
19 Sep 2017 | 09:08
your are so good, your story is just like wattpad stories keep it up
19 Sep 2017 | 09:30
jess must make it out of dat hospital alive ooo,or else.....make i no talk wetin i go do
19 Sep 2017 | 10:32
'I'm sorry Mr Andy, we tried all we cld...'
19 Sep 2017 | 10:53
oya pray for Jessica
19 Sep 2017 | 11:55
[b]EPISODE 22 Silence stretched out and tension was at its peak as everyone held their breaths waiting for the doctor’s response. The doctor seemed to have frozen on the spot he was standing and for one second, he seemed like a frozen mummy statue. “Well, doctor?” Lizzy yelled impatiently. Andy’s face had already drained, leaving him white as he expected a response from the doctor but got none. It could only mean one thing. Doctor Bright shook himself, the shock of seeing Andy and his father all at once had rendered him speechless. He cleared his throat. “She is still alive but very critical.” He swallowed. “Very critical” He repeated. “She is in a coma now and we have done all we can do for her now. All she needs now is prayers. We expect a reaction soon. I don’t mean to scare you but she is not fighting hard enough, or so it seems. I-” “I want to see her” Andy interrupted, not wanting to hear more. He felt like he had died a million times and gone to hell. “She needs-” “I need to see her now” Andy commanded, stressing the ‘need’ because he felt that if he did not see her instantly, he would literally die. Doctor Bright swallowed and nodded. “Come with me sir” Andy hated the ‘sir’ that was accorded to him but he did not have the time to dwell on it or even to tell the doctor to call him by name. It was very evident that the doctor was older than Andy but Andy was ready to answer anything as long as it took him to Jessica. The doctor opened the door and entered with Andy closely behind. Immediately he was in the same room with Jessica, all his bravery was gone and tears brimmed his eyes. He moved like a robot towards the bed, feeling all his strength drain away. Seeing Jessica attached to so many machines shook him much more than anything. She looked terribly pale and astoundingly vacant. “I would leave you alone with her. Please try not to disturb her in any way. There is a button by her bed over there, press it if there is any reaction” Andy barely heard the doctor as he spoke and vaguely noticed him as he left. He lowered himself onto the chair beside the bed because he could barely stand on his feet. He raised his left hand shakily and brushed Jessica’s hair gently, careful not to move her in anyway. The texture of the hair was as he remembered. He remembered burying is hands and nose in the rich mass of hair just this morning. How things change within the space of a heartbeat, he mused. He picked up her hand with his right hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles shakily. Her hand was warm and very pale. He bent his head and kissed her knuckles. “My love” he breathed and almost choked as tears threatened to gush out. He inhaled and swallowed. “My heart, it is me; Drew” he continued. “Do you remember that day during our honeymoon that you decided to prepare the dinner? I had come back from work feeling hungry and the aroma of fried chicken had greeted me at the entrance. That day, you had entered my senses and refused to come out.” He sniffed and smiled slightly. “You had been standing in the kitchen with your back to me, seeing to the meal, not noticing my presence. You wore one of those terrible oversized gowns I hate so much, in your quest to look ugly. When you finally saw me and I asked for chicken, you had smacked my hand playfully. Do you remember that?”Andy stared at Jessica’s face but her face was still blank. He smiled shakily. “Then I had stood in front of you. Really really close. I wanted to take the chicken but then you gazed at me and I was lost. Your eyes drank me in and it was like you had captured me and wrapped me around your little finger. I had placed my hand on your waist and had been thrown completely off balance by how slim your waist was. I could almost wrap my hands around it. And then your mouth, Oh my God! Jeez, I had wanted to kiss you so much that day that my brain went totally blank just looking at your lips. I don’t know where I got the ability to resist kissing you that day but immediately I left that kitchen, I knew I couldn’t be around you if I wanted to keep my sanity. I had ensured that I left for work early and arrived very late so that I won’t be tempted to do anything stupid. Jeez, even though you were putting on clothes big enough for three of you put together, you had me under your spell, not to mention now” he swallowed. “You can’t leave me Jess. You just can’t. After so many years, I have finally opened up my heart to love again and this time, I did not leave anything behind. I have not loved anyone, anyone, the way I love you. Seeing you like this is like a horrible nightmare; I just want to wake up.” He sniffed. “You just have to wake up baby, for me; for us. I promised you a real honeymoon; I still need to make that a reality. Can you hear me Jess? You CANNOT leave me” To be continued....[/b]
19 Sep 2017 | 12:29
New episode @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
19 Sep 2017 | 12:35
Oh...Jess why don't u wanna live
19 Sep 2017 | 13:25
Jess pls wake up
19 Sep 2017 | 14:11
Jessie pls fight for ur life
19 Sep 2017 | 14:16
Please Doc, don't even try to say it.... She can't die
19 Sep 2017 | 15:03
pls fight for ur lyf ur love is waiting
19 Sep 2017 | 15:03
jummy it seems like u r the one posting ur story at nairaland this one u r not saying anything about it
19 Sep 2017 | 15:25
Jesssica must survive!
19 Sep 2017 | 16:13
Jessie pls dont give up o
19 Sep 2017 | 19:00
Jesse u av too fight too stay alive.
20 Sep 2017 | 00:20
Jess should please wake up
20 Sep 2017 | 02:17
love is sweet
20 Sep 2017 | 02:45
God please bring her back
20 Sep 2017 | 02:58
Sorrowful...Andy should be calm everything will be okay
20 Sep 2017 | 03:26
if anything happens to Jessica .....I will report this website to EFCC
20 Sep 2017 | 03:34
Andy, Jess will not leave you
20 Sep 2017 | 03:46
confession of Drew
20 Sep 2017 | 04:20
Jessybabe get well soon
20 Sep 2017 | 04:23
Jess is not leaving you Drew .....
20 Sep 2017 | 04:37
Jess please answer your love's call.
20 Sep 2017 | 05:18
Thank God she is in coma and not full stop. He life continues I guess
20 Sep 2017 | 05:44
jess please wake up
20 Sep 2017 | 06:02
Jessie pls dont leave andy alone
20 Sep 2017 | 07:01
she won't leave u
20 Sep 2017 | 08:34
@oly0511 I am sorry I couldn't reply I didn't check the reviews for along time now cos am busy I just saw your comment now I am not the writer of his story but I got permission b4 posting
20 Sep 2017 | 08:49
Jess must surely wake up
20 Sep 2017 | 11:26
Jessie plz wakeup o
20 Sep 2017 | 11:37
[b]Episode 22b Andy stroked Jessica’s hair and gazed at her beautiful face. No! She can’t leave him now. He did not know how long he spent in the room, just looking at her but he knew that no one would be able to take him away from her. A nurse entered the room after some time and asked him to leave but he refused completely and when she insisted, he glared at her sternly until she recoiled and left. Lizzy, Paulina, Tunji, his father and some other well-wishers came into the room one after the other but Andy did not leave the room. It was already running to the middle of the night. Another nurse came in again and asked him to leave but he refused, promising not to disturb Jessica at all. Andy stood and kissed Jessica’s fore head without disturbing the oxygen attached to her nose. He sat down and started talking again, softly and soothingly, telling her about his childhood. He told her of the ambition he had as a kid to become a footballer. He had watched every time Kanu played and scored goals and had picked him as his role model. He played for his school and was chosen to be one of the defenders but he did not like it. Because of his quest to score goals like Kanu, he always left his place and went to the opponents’ side in order to score goals but most times, they always ended up conceding goals because of his absence at his position. The day he had scored a goal, he had rejoiced so much that he had gone to bed without food because of how happy he was. He told Jessica of the picture of Kanu that he had pasted on the headboard of his bed so that he could look at it every morning and tell himself that he would one day be like Kanu. He laughed at the memory and almost fainted when he stared at Jessica’s face and saw a smile playing on her lips. He blinked several times. Was he sleeping or hallucinating? He blinked again but it did not wipe off the smile on Jessica’s face. She hadn’t been smiling when he came in minutes ago; or was it hours? “Jess… Jessica” He called frantically but got no response. Her hand which was still in his, was still warm. Nothing had changed except the facial expression on her face. He pressed the button by the bed hurriedly and waited impatiently for the doctor. ***** Jessica stood looking in all directions. She saw no houses or things, she was the only visible thing and she stood on a ground that looked like glass. The place was too bright for her eyes and she had to use her hand to shield her eyes from the blinding light. “Sweetheart” she heard and turned around sharply. She would know that voice anywhere even though she hadn’t heard it in a very long time. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at her mother, looking exactly the way she remembered her. “Mum” she gasped and her mother smiled. “Come Jessie”. Jessica loved the sound of her mother’s voice. She had wanted to hear that voice for a long time. “Jessica” Her head turned and she saw her dad standing not so far away from her mother. She gasped again and felt the incredible urge to run to him and hug him. Her dad had always been very proper and formal. He was the only one that called her name in full. Suddenly her mum and dad and her brother were standing together and beckoning. She smiled. Her complete family. “Jessica baby, come to daddy” Her dad said. This is what she wanted, right? Her family! She smiled and started walking towards them. They smiled back and she walked faster but the faster she walked, the farther they became. She hastened her steps then stopped abruptly. She could hear him, the voice was echoing in her soul. She could hear the pain. The pain was so evident in his voice and terrifying that her heart bled with compassion. She could not move forward anymore, not even if her life depended on it. Her family stood and watched her. Waiting? She could not tell. But that voice… she could not ignore that voice. How could she ignore the voice of the one that owned her heart? He was talking but she could not decipher what he was talking about. She could not make out the words. She walked backwards, wanting to hear him. The voice was becoming a bit clearer and she knew if she could move backwards the more, she would be able to make out the words. She turned fully and walked faster. What he was talking about sounded very interesting and she wanted to hear it. She could make out the words now… He was talking about football. He wanted to be a player? He never told her that! How come Kanu had been his idol? She mused. Of all the players, Kanu? He laughed and she smiled, loving the sound of his laughter even though he sounded pained. She needed to ask him why he was in so much pain. What had happened? Was his business at stake? Why was he not a footballer? He did not seem like someone to pursue a football round the field but she still wanted to know. She turned back and stared at her family but they were so tiny afar off. They looked like ants. One after the other, they vanished and she swallowed. She had learnt to live without her family but she still could not think of life without Andy. She turned. Andy was calling her. She could distinctively hear him call her name now. “Jess… Jessica”. She wanted to answer but could not. He sounded desperate. She needed to go to him. But where is he? ***** Mr. Williams paced the hospital reception as he called Sonia. “What is the meaning of this?” He said immediately she picked. “I just got an alert of seven million naira and when I confirmed it, I was told that you had deposited it. What game are you playing?” “I am not playing any game sir. I regret what I did sir, I am sorry” her voice made it obvious that she had been crying. “I can’t accept the money anymore. It is wrong. I promise to get the remaining three million and pay you back. Please forgive me sir” She hung up and Mr. Williams just stared at his phone in bewilderment. ***** “She smiled” Andy murmured immediately the door opened and Doctor Bright entered. He removed his stethoscope and checked her heartbeat, noticing that it was already steady. He did some other doctorate rituals and smiled with vague surprise. “Wooow. I did not expect this level of improvement so soon. She is stable now and if all goes well, I think she would be alright.” Andy had never been more relieved in his life. A great amount of tension lifted from his shoulders and he felt a bit alive again. After some minutes, the doctor turned to leave and Andy turned to look at Jessica and froze when her hands moved. His breath seemed to be suspended when all of a sudden, her head moved and her eyes opened slowly. To be continued...[/b] New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
20 Sep 2017 | 13:37
Wow that's what I call power of love...welcome back jessi
20 Sep 2017 | 14:02
Wow getting more interesting as it rolls on
20 Sep 2017 | 14:05
She will not leave u, Jessie fight
20 Sep 2017 | 14:17
wow.......its gud u wake up
20 Sep 2017 | 14:48
20 Sep 2017 | 15:26
All thanks to Andy .. if not for him Jessy won't have fought for her life
20 Sep 2017 | 15:30
so so hppy she came back(tears of joy) welcm back jess
20 Sep 2017 | 15:47
so hppy dhe came back(tears of joy)wlcm back jess
20 Sep 2017 | 15:49
Jess pls come back 2 life
20 Sep 2017 | 15:51
Welcome back jessi
20 Sep 2017 | 16:49
plz Jess... wake up Drew is here for u
20 Sep 2017 | 17:23
wow! wow!! wow!!! welcome back Jess dear
20 Sep 2017 | 17:33
Wow... At last
20 Sep 2017 | 17:36
wow! Am happy that at last my Jess is back... welcome back Jessie
20 Sep 2017 | 17:50
thank God she's awake
20 Sep 2017 | 18:33
wow. so happy that she made it
21 Sep 2017 | 03:43
Wow....Am Jumpin Up.Tnk God Jess Is Back
21 Sep 2017 | 04:02
tooo short
21 Sep 2017 | 04:05
Finally she is back
21 Sep 2017 | 04:18
thank God she came back, ayyam happy for you Andy. Jeez welcome back
21 Sep 2017 | 06:05
Thank God Jess is back to live
21 Sep 2017 | 06:14
Waow, what a miracle
21 Sep 2017 | 06:38
21 Sep 2017 | 07:01
Welcome back to earth Jess... congrat
21 Sep 2017 | 08:47
Praise God!!
21 Sep 2017 | 10:04
Waoh dats a miracle
21 Sep 2017 | 11:04
xnk God Jessie is bck
21 Sep 2017 | 14:22
let the party Begin our dear Jessica is back to life
21 Sep 2017 | 15:41
[b]EPISODE 23 “Jessica…”Andy breathed shakily as he moved to Jessica more closely. “Jess, sweetheart, Oh my God” He chokes on his words as he traces Jessica’s face shakily. “Doctor” He called sharply but the doctor was already at the bed, removing the oxygen from Jessica’s nose. Jessica’s face registered her confusion as she stared at the sparkling white surroundings she was in. Her focus wavered continuously until it became fixed on Andy. She had never seen him look so terrified and worried; she had also glimpsed tears in his eyes. What was the matter? And why was she feeling pains all over her body? She could not move anything, in fact, she felt glued to the bed. How long had she been there? One look at the man that loomed over her next told her that she was in a hospital; she tried to turn her head but the pain was so excruciating. “Be calm Mrs. Williams. My name is Doctor Bright. Can you hear me?” Jessica swallowed, feeling thirsty because her throat was incredibly dry and bitter. She nodded slightly, despite the pain in her neck. “How are you feeling?” The doctor asked as he checked herpulse and looked at his watch. She tried to open her mouth and was happy that it responded. “Tired” she croaked. “Weak” she corrected. “I can’t move my arms; they are heavy and feel like they are tied down” The doctor nodded and smiled gently. “That is to be expected. You need to rest now so that you can get your strength back” She did not like the sound that. She had sedated a lot of people while she was still working as a doctor but she had never been sedated and the thought of sleeping unnaturally did not sound appealing to her in the least. She just wanted to talk with Andy. Andy came to her immediately the doctor finished asking questions. He looked very tired. Taking a proper look at him, Jessica swallowed. His shirt was slightly open at the neckline. His tie was hanging loosely and awkwardly at an equally awkward angle. Andy’s worry was so evident on his face, couples with a measured level of relief. Andy brushed strands of hair out of Jessica’s face and gazed straight into her eyes. “You sleep now, Ok” It was both a request and a command but Andy’s eyes were tender. The accident came slowly to her mind and she recalled how that car had appeared out of nowhere and collided forcefully with her. She grimaced, thinking of how worried Andy must have been. “How long have I been on this bed?” she asked, already feeling drowsy. “A couple of hours” Andy said quietly, happy to answer all her questions. He was not about to admit that she had spent so many hours on the bed that he had been afraid that she might not wake up. Jessica swallowed. “I feel like I have been on this bed for more than a year”, Jessica breathed almost inaudibly as she gave in to the drugs. “Do I have to sleep again?” Andy smiled. “I don’t think you have a choice honey” Jessica’s eyes were already shot. He bent his head and kissed her forehead. “Sleep, my love” he breathed. “Sleep” and she did. To be continued....[/b]
21 Sep 2017 | 17:17
[b]Episode 23b Andy stared at Jessica minutes after she slept, stroking her hair. He looked at the doctor who was just finishing what he had been doing. “How is my wife doctor? Is she completely out of danger?” Doctor Bright smiled. “I believe so sir, with enough rest, she would be fine. She still has to stay here for a few days so that we can monitor her wounds and ensure that the wounds heal properly.” Andy sighed, greatly relieved, and then frowned. “She complained of her inability to move, I hope…” “There is no problem sir; all her organs are functioning properly. With enough rest, she would be fine. You have nothing to worry about”Andy sighed. His relief was immeasurable. “Why don’t you take some rest sir, it is almost daybreak and you have not slept at all” Doctor Bright said with concern. Andy was stunned and looked at his wristwatch. It was some minutes past five! He never knew! Sleep hadn’t occurred to him once, all he knew was that he had to watch Jessica so that nothing would go unnoticed. “I am fine doctor, and please, call me Andy or Williams” Doctor Bright smiled, not sure if he would be able to comply with the request even though he was clearly older than Andy. “If you don’t want to sleep, why don’t you just take a walk? I am sure your family wants to know what is happening” Andy had to admit that the doctor had a point. He looked at Jessica who was sleeping soundly. He squeezed her hand and slowly walked out with the doctor following closely behind. ***** Andy returned to Jessica’s room feeling happy. The joy of everyone had been so palpable and it had rubbed off on him, taking away the remnants of fear left in him. On entering the room, he noticed that Jessica was not there. He had instant headache as he looked round the room. He rushed out of the room and looked at the door to be sure he had entered the right room but it was the correct one. He entered again but did not see Jessica. “Doctor” He roared and some nurses who were obviously attending to patients came out of some rooms and stared at him in confusion. “Sir, please, some patients are-” “Where is my wife” He roared. “I left my wife here some minutes ago and now, she is not there”. Andy felt shaken to the roots. “Mr. Williams” Andy turned when he heard the doctor’s voice. “What have you done to my wife? You asked me to go for a walk. I did not want to leave her for a second but now that I have… if anything happens to Jessica” “Calm down sir, your wife is fine. We only moved her to another room where she can be more comfortable. I went to the waiting room to inform you but you had already left for this place. I am sorry if we scared you in any way” Andy swallowed, trying to control his skipping heart . “I need to see her right now” Doctor Bright nodded. “Please, come with me sir” Andy heaved a huge sigh of relief as he entered the room and saw Jessica. He quickly went to the bedside and checked her breathing. He sighed again and sat down, noticing that the room was definitely cozier that the former, with less machines hanging around. “I am sorry for the inconvenience sir” Doctor Bright said. Andy looked up. “I am sorry I shouted doctor, this room is definitely much better” The doctor smiled and left. Andy could not sleep again even though he had been drowsy. He opened his eyes and watched Jessica, not wanting her to vanish but after some time, the fatigue and tension he had been through set in and he felt bone tired. He could not keep his eyes open any longer, so he put his head on the bed beside Jessica and dozed off. To be continued....[/b]
21 Sep 2017 | 17:19
New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @Patrick @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
21 Sep 2017 | 17:22
love is sweet ooooo
21 Sep 2017 | 17:25
what a miracle
21 Sep 2017 | 17:34
yea its a miracle indeed @faith
21 Sep 2017 | 17:48
Awwwww, this love is true. I know you can't leave him heartbroken like that.
21 Sep 2017 | 18:20
It's well
21 Sep 2017 | 18:55
she made it
22 Sep 2017 | 00:03
so happy that she is alive
22 Sep 2017 | 01:57
Wow!... So nice!
22 Sep 2017 | 02:41
Hmmmmm i am greatly relieved now
22 Sep 2017 | 03:18
wow,im glad Jessy is ok
22 Sep 2017 | 03:31
Love oo
22 Sep 2017 | 03:33
Happy she is alive ooo
22 Sep 2017 | 03:43
rest well bro
22 Sep 2017 | 04:15
Thank God she made it
22 Sep 2017 | 05:04
welcome back jessy
22 Sep 2017 | 05:05
this is getting more serious
22 Sep 2017 | 05:07
thank God
22 Sep 2017 | 05:07
I can see sonia forming good girl, kolewerk
22 Sep 2017 | 05:08
22 Sep 2017 | 06:24
Next pls
22 Sep 2017 | 08:55
Thank God for everytin.
22 Sep 2017 | 09:09
Its so nice to have you back jess.
22 Sep 2017 | 09:21
That God everything is okay now
22 Sep 2017 | 09:26
things are definately getting better
22 Sep 2017 | 11:52
Thank God she's alive
22 Sep 2017 | 12:02
she is gona be alit
22 Sep 2017 | 12:47
wow am loving dis more ink to ur pen
22 Sep 2017 | 16:59
jummy this is unlike you hope all is well with you
22 Sep 2017 | 19:12
call of nature
22 Sep 2017 | 19:12
thank God Its so nice to have you back jess.
23 Sep 2017 | 04:42
@jummybabe you have missed call here
23 Sep 2017 | 06:33
Jess pls wake up
23 Sep 2017 | 08:36
[b]EPISODE 24 (FINAL EPISODE) Jessica woke up almost an hour later, feeling better than she had felt the other time she opened her eyes. The room looked different and smelt better than the one she remembered; also looked bigger. Or was her calculation correct the previous time? The room still smelt like hospital though. She turned her head and saw Andy sleeping with his head beside her. He looked so handsome but on his forehead, she could see some worry lines. She wanted him to sleep because she had a feeling that he really needed it. She raised her hand, happy that it was responding now, even though it hurt slightly. She placed her palm slightly on Andy’s head gently, not wanting to wake him. She played with his hair, stroking him slightly. Andy sighed sleepily and his shoulders seemed to relax. Jessica smiled and stroked his hair, loving the feel of the tiny strands. Andy’s eyes opened gently and Jessica wished she hadn’t touched him. He smiled la zily, drawing a smile from her. “Hey beautiful” He murmured, capturing her hand and kissing her knuckles. He raised his head to look at her. “How are you feeling?” She tried to speak a nd could not until she cleared her throat. “I am better” she reassured him, smiling, then frowned. “But I need to sit down” He frowned. “Don’t move” he warned and pressed the button beside the bed. “I need to be sure that it is Ok for you to do so. Wait for the doctor” Her frown deepened. “It is not as worse as that Andy, I am fine” “I am not taking any chances Jess, don’t move” he commanded . Jessica did not want to give Andy anything to worry about so she stayed where she was. Andy relaxed and kissed her cheek. “Oh Jess, you don’t know just how worried I have been.” Jessica put her hand against his cheek. “I can’t leave you husband, can’t give the other women the chance they have beenpraying for, to take you away” Andy grinned. “Oh, no one is taking me fro m you wifey, if she is not Jessica, she cannot be like Jessica” Jessica chuckled then remembered something. “How come Kanu was your idol?” Andy’s eyes widened as he stared at her, com pletely awestruck. “You heard?” Before she could respond, the door opened and Doctor Bright entered. He smiled brightly at Jessica and she smiled back. “Mrs. Williams” he greeted. “How are you feeling now?” “Better. Thank you doctor… I would like to sit down but my overcautious husband would not let me. I am sure he was overreacting. I am a doctor and should know if I can or cannot sit down” she frowned at Andy, who raised an eyebrow at her. “He was right to be cautious ma’am, he has been extremely worried about you” the doctor responded. He took out his torch and checked her eyes. “Where are you hurting?” Jessica pointed out some places and he nodded. “With time, you would be fine” He and Andy assisted her up even though she talked endlessly about not needing assistance. She smiled her appreciation and winced slightly as a sharp pain took hold and vanished. “Are you Ok? You sure you should be sitting?” Andy asked worried. “I am fine” she reassured him with a smile. “I need some water” ***** Everyone trouped into Jessica’s room to greet her, everyone carrying either provisions or flowers. “Oh Jessica” her uncle’s wife called immediately she entered. “You had us all worried. How are you?” Jessica had barely answered when questions started pouring in from all angles, with everyone asking about her health and so on. She felt so special and loved. She tried to answer everyone as much as possible. Andy had stepped aside for everyone but as they fussed over her, he had the urge to tell them to be careful but kept quiet. Jessica saw her father-in-law standing some steps away and smiled softly at him. He walked towards her. “Daughter, it is so good to see you. Can you forgive me? I have really offended you” Jessica smiled. “It is I who have offended you sir, I should not have done what I did with Andy and should not have deceived you too. I understand what you did sir, you are a father, and God knows that you have carried quite a responsibility on your own for a long time. It is natural that you would protect your son” “Even at that, I should not have done what I did, I am sorry dear” Jessica smiled, nodded and hugged her father-in-law. “Yes Jessica, your father-in-law did nothing wrong. The bitch is that Sonia of a girl, I can’t believe she had the audacity to come here for forgiveness” Lizzy said and Paulina shot her a warning glance. Jessica gasped. Sonia was here? What did she want? Jessica was not ready to dwell on Sonia. Instead, she looked around, seeing different colours of flowers. “Oh My God! This place looks so beautiful, if you keep beautifying this place, I won’t want to leave”. Everyone laughed. Andy went and sat beside her on the bed and she leaned her head against his broad chest. The feeling of happiness filled his heart. To be continued...[/b]
23 Sep 2017 | 10:08
Grand finale coming tomorrow New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @Patrick @vincentjackson174 And others
23 Sep 2017 | 10:09
23 Sep 2017 | 11:38
Wow,, so lovely
23 Sep 2017 | 12:00
i love dis stori die
23 Sep 2017 | 12:14
Dats lovely
23 Sep 2017 | 12:20
True love
23 Sep 2017 | 13:59
thank God u are OK now.
23 Sep 2017 | 14:36
Wow! so happy for you jessi
23 Sep 2017 | 14:53
Woow can't wait
23 Sep 2017 | 15:06
nice one next pls
23 Sep 2017 | 15:11
True love..... Its good to have your family members around you
23 Sep 2017 | 15:24
so very nice
23 Sep 2017 | 15:33
Tru love
23 Sep 2017 | 15:51
this story sweet oo
23 Sep 2017 | 15:55
Wow... So lovely
23 Sep 2017 | 16:17
Their love is made in heaven abeg, nice one.
23 Sep 2017 | 20:22
Loving the story like kilode waiting 4 d grand finale
24 Sep 2017 | 03:26
24 Sep 2017 | 03:44
grand final kee
24 Sep 2017 | 06:48
I don't want the story end now ooo
24 Sep 2017 | 06:49
that kinda love ennh
24 Sep 2017 | 08:52
I pray for such love
24 Sep 2017 | 11:28
24 Sep 2017 | 15:12
24 Sep 2017 | 15:12
[b]last part & the Epilogue He knew that for this woman, he would do anything. He turned to smile at her and met her staring at him. They were in a world of their own as they stared at each other. The people in the room were forgotten as Andy leaned towards Jessica and kissed her with all the love in his heart. Vaguely, Jessica heard the squeals of people but she shut them out as she held on to her heart – Andrew Williams EPILOGUE Jessica turned and stretched her hand but found the bed empty. She opened her eyes but did not see Andy. Turning and sitting up, she saw Andy dressing up. He turned and smiled at her. “Hey beautiful” Jessica doubted that she looked beautiful because her hair was in total disarray, both from sleep and from all the events of the past night. She frowned. “Good morning husband, off to work so early?” “Yes, got an emergency meeting” “But today-” “I know sweetie, today is Friday, I just remembered that I had fixed today for the meeting. I have to rush off” he pushed his hands into his suit jacket hastily. “But don’t you remember that-” “Yes honey, I just remembered the meeting. Take care of yourself honey and remember, if you have to go out, please take the driver. Take the driver” he repeated, kissed her and rushed out. Jessica glared at the closed door in annoyance. How could he forget that today was her birthday? Please take the driver… why can’t he understand that the accident that happened about three months ago could have also happened if the driver had driven the car? She did not like sitting at the back but at times, she had to admit that she actually enjoyed it. She sighed, getting out of bed. She checked the time and saw that it was almost eight. Her eyes widened. No wonder Andy had been rushing, he had obviously woken up late too. But why could he not wish her a happy birthday. She entered the bathroom, brushed and showered. Just as she was coming out, her phone rang and she picked it up. “Lizzy” she called, smiling. Obviously, her friend had remembered her birthday. “Oh Jessica, thank God I got you” Jessica frowned. “Is everything ok?” “Oh Lizzy, I am stranded here. I have some things with me and I need to take them home but I can’t find my purse again. I am somewhere around Mackey Close, not so far from your place. Can you come and pick me?” Jessica wanted to ask what she was doing outside so early in the morning but shrugged it off. Not everyone cuddled up against their husbands till this time. “I don’t know any Mackey close, where is that?” “Oh, Jessica, ask your driver, he should know the place. Please babes, ok? I am waiting” Lizzy hung up. Jessica frowned and started dressing up. Minutes later she was sitting at the back seat of the car, as the driver drove. He surely knew where he was going and she looked around, looking out for Lizzy. What greeted her eyes when the driver came to a stop was a massive building that looked relatively new. The beauty of the building was so dumbfounding and she found herself gazing at it, marveling at the mastery behind it. It was long and tall, looking perfect for a shopping complex. She thought of so many things, just by staring at it but she had to forcefully take her eyes from the building to look for Lizzy. She turned to open the door but it was opened before she could. She looked out and saw Andy holding out his hand. “Happy birthday wife” he called with a bright smile on his face. Jessica was floored. There was obviously no meeting anywhere. She took his hand and stepped out of the car. “You are mischievous” she said grinning. Andy smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Jessica looked around. “Where are we? This place is not far from home but still, I have never been here” he smiled. “I know” and for some seconds he looked uncertain. Jessica looked at the massive building before her, loving it the more. “Oh my” she said breathlessly. “This building is divine… breathtaking” she said, gazing up at it but Andy did not respond. She turned to look at him and he was watching her. He went to stand at her front. “Sweetheart, you told me some months back that you would love to own your own business. It was then I thought of it. You are my heart desire, sweetheart, and I wanted to give you something that would make you very happy. I got this project started a week after you told me about it. You said you would love something small but I thought of this – a shopping mall. I know you love supermarkets and boutiques, so I felt it would be nice if we merged it. This building has three floors. We would fill them with whatever you want.” Andy breathed, not sure of what Jessica would say, she had been staring like a frozen goddess. “Happy birthday sweetheart” He stretched out a scissors which had a ribbon on it and put it in Jessica’s hand. Jessica had been looking at Andy as his mouth moved and words tumbled out. She was not sure if she was sleeping or dreaming or in a trance or something. She was definitely hearing wrong things. When Andy landed and gave her the scissors, she finally found the ability to move a muscle. She stared at the scissors like she did not know what it was used for. She looked back at Andy and stared at the massive structure that towered over her. For the first time, she noticed at ribbon around the house. The full effect of what Andy had been saying slammed into her like a tidal wave and she turned sharply to face Andy. “You can’t be serious… You are joking right?” Her eyes were larger than doughnuts. He smiled softly. “Do you like it?” Andy had hopeful eyes. Jessica felt like her head would explode. “Of course I like it, but it is not mine, is it? It can’t be mine, can it?” she turned to stare at the building. “Oh God! Andy, this is too much! My God! It is too big for me! It would have cost a fortune.” she frowned. “What am I saying? It would have cost a million fortunes” she turned back to Andy. “Where did you get the money to build this?” Andy almost laughed. “Jess, do you know who you married? I have money enough to feed a nation. “Please tell me you like it” Jessica squealed. “Oh God! I love it” she jumped on Andy and he caught her, visibly relaxing. “But you know you did not have to do it right? It is too much, how would I manage something this big?” He looked into her eyes. “Yes, I had to. I would do anything to make you very happy my love” “You are my happiness Andy Williams” He kissed her and stepped back, holding her hand. She turned back to face the building and gasped when she saw so many people. “Happy Birthday” they all screamed. Jessica grinned and squealed like a little child. She became calm when someone walked up to her. Jessica looked at Sonia. Sonia had done all she could to get her forgiveness but Jessica had refused to. Staring at Sonia now, it was impossible not to forgive her. Not with the happiness inside her. She looked at Andy who gave an encouraging nod. Moving forward, she opened her hands and Sonia ran into it. Jessica felt her happiness increase. Everyone made mistakes and they deserved forgiveness when they finally realize their mistakes. Cheers went out and suddenly, Jessica was being hugged and pecked by all and sundry. They all went to the ribbon and their pastor who was also there, prayed. “We open this building in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Everyone shouted ‘amen’ and Jessica and Andy cut the ribbon. She felt the instant urge to cry and before she knew it, she had tears rolling down her cheeks. She jumped on Andy. “ Thank you Andy! I have never been this happy Andy… I love you.” She pulled back with love shinning in her eyes, then; she hugged him back and whispered in his ears. “I am sure our baby would love you very very much too” Andy froze and pulled her back enough to stare into her eyes. She answered his question with a smile. “You are going to be a father” she whispered and Andy gasped. Could his life become more blessed? He had just received the best news in the world. Before Jessica knew what was happening, Andy was swinging her in the air. She giggled and people looked at them, puzzled and amused, wishing to find a love like theirs. Jessica’s feet hadn’t touched the ground when Andy pulled her against him for a deep breathtaking kiss. When they broke off, they were breathless. Andy put his head against Jessica’s and gazed into her beautiful eyes. “I am the luckiest man on earth” “That makes two of us because I was thinking I am the l uckiest woman in the universe.” “We are going to be one extremely happy family” Andy said, wanting to scream on top of his lungs. They both turned to the crowd of people who were looking at them with curiosity but they were not going to tell them. This was their news, their joy and they did not want to publicize it. It was too good to share. Without the encumbrances of the contract, they now had the rest of their lives to live together, in love and extreme happiness. They grinned and got the celebration started, both thanking God in their hearts for that fateful day when they got married! THE END[/b] Story by MARY
24 Sep 2017 | 18:58
really wow. what a beautiful, lovely story
25 Sep 2017 | 02:44
wow wow!!! a lovely story
25 Sep 2017 | 03:47
I so loved dis Nice one dear!!
25 Sep 2017 | 03:50
Imagining its happening to me ryt now
25 Sep 2017 | 03:50
Wow! What i happy ending... I wish you can elongate the story more
25 Sep 2017 | 03:55
this story is wowly wow
25 Sep 2017 | 04:03
@jummybabe don't tell me you are not the author
25 Sep 2017 | 04:04
Great story,I Love it and I learnt a lot
25 Sep 2017 | 04:05
@jummybabe don't tell me you are not the Author...
25 Sep 2017 | 04:06
thanks love it
25 Sep 2017 | 05:06
Wow! this is wow! unending love thanks to you jummy
25 Sep 2017 | 05:16
Oh @sister Mary God bless u fordis wonderful pice, more grace nd @Jummybabe thanks 4 passing it to us, nd God bless u. Nice endind.
25 Sep 2017 | 05:21
Wow.. I love happy ending
25 Sep 2017 | 05:24
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!. This story is awesome, Thanks @jummybabe for sharing this
25 Sep 2017 | 05:27
Wow!, so touching, great work @Jummybabe.
25 Sep 2017 | 05:30
Wao, such a happy ending. I love this story, weldone Jummy
25 Sep 2017 | 06:21
So nice...good ending
25 Sep 2017 | 06:46
25 Sep 2017 | 07:52
what a wonderful story of love!!!
25 Sep 2017 | 09:58
0 Likes of d best story do far
25 Sep 2017 | 09:59
Nyc stroy with a beautiful ending
25 Sep 2017 | 10:03
Lovely story... Thumbs up
25 Sep 2017 | 10:47
wow, love dis!
25 Sep 2017 | 12:06
Wao nice story so far so good
25 Sep 2017 | 13:04
I Love this story,nice ending
25 Sep 2017 | 14:22
25 Sep 2017 | 19:34
wow nice one
26 Sep 2017 | 05:55
nice ending
26 Sep 2017 | 10:27
in d darkness,a light showned from somewhere,,dat's was Jessica to andy...dey really workout d love well
27 Sep 2017 | 12:16
Everyone made mistakes and they deserved forgiveness when they finally realize their mistakes.....dat really a nice quotes....gud dat Sonia nd Andy's father knew der mistakes on time
27 Sep 2017 | 12:18
it's really a super ending story....kudos to u @jummybabe for posting it to us
27 Sep 2017 | 12:19
nice ending
7 Oct 2017 | 05:34
wow I love dis story
20 Oct 2017 | 06:09
happy ending keep up
1 Dec 2017 | 18:17
wonderful storyline
2 Dec 2017 | 05:30
Thanks for bringing this back again,nice to read
2 Dec 2017 | 16:19
This story too make sense
12 Dec 2020 | 02:08


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