Loving Pezo

Loving Pezo

By chimmy in 12 Jul 2019 | 04:35
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Loving Pezo _Episode 1_

It was a very cold morning and the more Pezo tried to convince herself she still had more time
before she could get out of bed, the faster the hands of time seemed to be moving. She turned
once, twice and once she was convinced that she at least had a few more minutes before she
could finally get out of her warm duvet, her phone alarm buzzed
Pezo: [speaking loudly to herself as she pulled her duvet over her head] oh no!! … Not just yet!!
As the irritating alarm continued, she quickly reached out for it and cancelled it as she slowly got
out of her comfortable bed. She looked once at her wall clock and realised just how much time she
had wasted in postponing her wakeup alarm. She didn’t have much to prepare herself for work.
She took a quick shower, never bothered about wearing so much makeup and in no time was
rushing out of the house. She was almost leaving when she realised she needed to at least say
bye to her mother and perhaps her young brother too - if awake.
By the time she was getting to the bedroom on the other end of the house, her mother was not
there and right away, Pezo guessed she could be in the kitchen preparing breakfast already… and
so was the case. She was almost breathless by the time she was getting there
Mrs Chinyama: Really Pezo?
Pezo: Am sorry Mummy…it was inevitable that I run… am late but I couldn’t leave without your
blessings of the day.
She quickly rushed to her mother and gave her a kiss on her left cheek
Pezo: I have to leave. Am really running late mum
Mrs Chinyama: and why this early today?
Pezo: Uh sorry I forgot to mention but my boss requested that I accompany him for a very
important breakfast meeting with partners. I really have to rush mummy
Mrs. Chinyama : and your lunchbox- I was just starting with
12 Jul 2019 | 04:35
Pezo: its okay mummy. I will manage a snack for today Mrs. Chinyama : but And she was gone. She had not even left the yard of her home and her phone rung. She didn’t have to look at it and she knew it must have been him. Mr. Joe Mitti was always particular about time and when it came to business, he never allowed for any excuses from anyone for being late by even a few minutes. She was already panicking and didn’t know what to say- the call was almost cutting and she picked it, before Pezo said anything, he already took up the conversation Joe: Its 10 minutes past seven o’clock. It was not easy for Pezo to find her voice. She never understood why he did this to her and all at their workplace Pezo: uhmm- Am- actually on my way sir. Am sorry for the delay
12 Jul 2019 | 04:44
Joe: we cannot afford to miss this appointment because of your unethical manner young lady. Get here in five minutes!! She was almost responding when he cut the line. The panic within Pezo increased as it was just a great impossibility to get to the office with 5 minutes. Traffic had already mounted across the town roads and there was no way she was going to create a miracle of finding herself at the office within the given minutes when she already planned for 15minutes at an ambitious level of estimation. These were times she would always be ready to just quit on her job knowing so well what kind of a boss she had. Coming from a family of two with a rather stable background , good education and with all that she required as her essential needs, Pezo has only had to work because she is one kind who belives in earning for her needs as opposed to being totally dependant on her parents. Both her parents had made it clear she didn’t have to suffer the pains of a rude boss just to earn some work experience or make a good resume but Pezo had a different view altogether and remained adamant about their views. With only a good academic qualification, Pezo had never earned any work experience even after completing her masters degree from the UK. Because of that, she, for a year and months struggled to get a job even with all the connections her parents had in the business circles. It was only after she applied as a volunteer intern – communications - at a named company that she was happily engaged for a short term period taking into consideration the labour laws on casual workers in Zambia. Of course, none of her family members were of the view that she should take it up but Pezo knew what she was looking for and she managed to convince her parents to start. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& True to her estimation, Pezo only arrived at the office slightly after 15 minutes from the time she spoke with Mr. Mitti. At least she still had a little energy to say a little prayer before she could come out of the car. Just one look at Mr. Mitti who was busy pacing around the front door veranda in panic while waiting for her made Pezo hesitate even further to get out of the car. She couldn’t feel her legs anymore. Eventually, she gathered herself up, got her handbag and laptop bag and walked out of her small vehicle towards the foyer. He had not seen her yet and with a little distance between them, she calmly greeted him Pezo: Good Morning sir Pezo could feel her own voice shaking even as she did so. Not that she had control over that anyway. Mr. Mitti quickly turned towards her upon hearing her voice, really looking exasperated Pezo: [Faced down] am sorry I have delayed the journey. Please accept my apologies He never said a word but just looked at her for a while and walked towards the company vehicle. Pezo quickly followed behind and sat right next to him in the front seat seeing it was just the two of them going. With 30minutes ahead of them before they could arrive at their place of the meeting, Pezo wondered how she was going to survive it with the tension that was so loud between them. Luckily, Mr. Mitti turned on the radio after moving for a few kilometers and it felt a little better to have some sound beside the loud silence that dwelt on them. Pezo could actually feel the anger that was on her boss even without looking at him. she really wished he had said something… anything to remove the much tension that was surrounding them. She noticed he was driving a little too fast too but could not even say anything. She disliked his attitude. By the time they arrived at the meeting and all the talking began, Pezo was so shocked to see how different of a person Mr. Mitti was. Not only did he bring out the best of his ability in communicating his ideas behind their proposal but was also able to get the needed attention required of the potential cooperating partner on their project ideas. His anger disappeared and he presented his paper with a charming smile through it all. This motivated Pezo to even wrap up the meeting on the final presentation she made on their communications strategy and how its applied in their day to day work so well. Mr. Mitti couldn’t help being so proud of her- he expected anything from her being an intern but nothing close to the manner in which she did it. For a person who had only been with the company for two months, he expected a good but not excellent job from Pezo- she really demonstrated their work so well. It was a day that ended on a rather good note for Pezo as she never expected any kind words from her boss for the entirety of that day. Immediately they got back in the car as they were about to leave, Mr. Mitti could not hide the joy within his heart knowing so well they had hit the jackpot Joe: [lightly smilling] you made me proud back in there today. Well done. Pezo: I thank you sir. Joe: well I really mean it. keep it up. Silence Joe: Tell you what, instead of the office, you and I will have an early lunch. I know of one place along the way that has nice food. It’s actually owned by a friend. With that meeting, am so hopeful of very positive feedback and that all deserves a treat. Pezo; you really don’t have to sir. You have a scheduled meeting with the technical committee on the new policy framework for our
12 Jul 2019 | 04:47
Joe: [cutting in] Chanda will have to reschedule Pezo couldn’t argue further. Mr. Mitti immediately started the engine and in no time, they were at a named restaurant. Just at their appearance, Pezo had a strange feeling that it all seemed like a preplanned thing. The waiters all seemed to know Mr. Mitti by name and were so welcoming. Besides them were two of his colleagues who seemed to be waiting for him. They never seemed to have any dull moment together. Although Mr. Mitti tried his level best to drag her in the conversation at every point of their discussion, Pezo could not wait to leave. At the end of the day, Mr. Mitti who really seemed to be at ease was still her boss and she couldn’t contribute as much except from her smile that would signify her being with them in whatever topic of discussion they had at any particular point. Just when she thought they were close to leaving… after their meal… a few other collogues joined in and it took another 3 to 4 hours till they could leave. The office was already empty except for security guards when they arrived. Being a Friday, everyone had obviously left by 14hrs. They separated with simple and formal goodbyes and unknown to her, Pezo left behind her scarf. As she was getting inside her car, she wished she could have someone drive her all the way home. She felt so tired as she slept very late the previous evening working on her presentation. She could only thank God that the next day was a weekend and she had off day on Monday. She had not even reached half way and she received a text from Mr. Mitti. She wondered what it was all about but chose to read it once she was home. Nobody was home except for the house helpers. She never bothered to ask were her family had headed to but decided to go straight in her room for a nap. She remembered her text and quickly opened her phone and it was just a text informing her she forgot a scarf and he had left it on her desk. She quickly responded with a blank "Sorry" and "Thank you". She took a quick shower and took a nap. It was only after 18.30hrs that she woke and she was almost heading out of the room to look for her mother when one of their helpers entered the room with a tray of hot tea Lillian: Madam Pezo- Your Ginseng tea. Maam suggested it to help with your stress Pezo: Thank you Aunt Lillian- I actually needed it [short silence] - is she back? [Smiles] mummy I mean Lillian: Not yet – but she called to say they proceeded to the Chomba residence and may take a little longer and that you shouldn’t bother waiting up for them. Pezo: and Chiwande? Lillian: they are with him. [Short silence as she poured her tea] what would you like to eat for dinner? Pezo: don’t bother. I will see what leftovers I can get from the fridge. Lillian: Okay my dear. Do let me know if you will require anything else. I will be at the cottage. Pezo: Sure. Take care. As she had slept a lot earlier, Pezo could not sleep and both her parents found her very awake even as they were retuning slightly past midnight. Pezo: [rising to her feet to receive them] Mummy- dad- you are welcome. I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Mrs. Chinyama: as always- we did dear. Mr. Chinyama : and of course, the girls missed you and so did everyone. Mrs. Chinyama : [handing her over a lunchbox] here- we had your favorite for dessert and Chisala thought of packing some for you. Pezo: Oh so thoughtful of her. I will give her a call to thank her. [Looking around] – And Chiwande? Mr. Chinyama: as always- he slept off. Mukuka said she is scheduled to come through tomorrow and she will be happy to come along with him. Pezo: Uh Okay. Mr. Chinyama: and you? Shouldn’t you be asleep by now? Pezo: I couldn’t dad. At least I had to see you both before I could. I haven’t spent much time with you waiting up was the least I could do Mrs. Chinyama: You did well. I hope you still remember that Kalima will be flying in on Monday and the Chombas would really like you to be around to welcome him. They would like us to have lunch together afterwards Pezo: [seeming not so interested] yes mummy. I do. [Rising to her feet] I need to retire to bed now [smiles] am happy you had a good time. She gave her mother a kiss and said goodnight to her father. As she changed in her little lace nightie and slid her body into the warm duvets, she couldn’t stop wondering why it was so much of a big deal for her to be part of the family members that would have to welcome the famous son to the Chombas. He was very well pronounced by both his sisters, Chisala and Mukuka as well his parents whenever they were together. He had been out of the country for close to ten years and finally he was coming back home for good. The entire Chomba family were so excited about this and started the preparations for his coming three months before now. Pezo never saw any importance she would bring by being present but she had to do it for her friend Mukuka too other than her parents. She had never met Kalima but had only seen his photos. Once in a while, whenever he would call and she is with Mukuka, he always said hello to her too and it never went further than that. It had not been easy to get a day off being a Monday that all this would have to happen but eventually, she had her request for a day off approved by her immediate supervisor at the very last minute that Friday via email. For her parents, the excuse of being at work was never justification enough not to accompany the rest to the airport seeing that it was more or less a voluntary service that she was offering and didn’t even require to go through all the complicated processes of getting one day off work. The Chinyamas and Chombas came a long way and for most of family functions, they each supported each other with a lot of business partnerships that even made their families bond the more. Their children lived like siblings and whenever they could, would always attend the same schools and attend same church in the Catholic. For Pezo, she always thought this relationship was tied by blood and she was only shocked after some time that their parents were only friends. But whenever Mukuka and she grabbed a chance to introduce themselves to any person, they were quick to state their relation as cousins and that way, they always justified their closeness to each other. Even though Mukuka was two years older than Pezo, their parents tried their best to send them to same schools, universities and colleges. Aged 24 and 26 respectively, they were both well cultured, intelligent, smart, good hearted, beautiful, humble and no so much into worldly things but rather, so supportive of their family businesses and so much dedicated to their career building. With Mukuka good at her numbers and the like as a banker and Pezo more into Information Technology and the like, they simply made good friends who always viewed issues differently but put together gave the best of life options. As daughters of prominent business tycoons of the town and mostly with their parents whenever they were attending events/parties, not many suitors easily approached them and even when they did, the two had set their standards so high they easily turned down proposals. But even with that, Pezo and Mukuka were always the beauty icons of the town.
12 Jul 2019 | 04:52
12 Jul 2019 | 04:53
Seated ride on
12 Jul 2019 | 09:31
@oneal32 @jummybabe @senatordaniel @tolani @rhoda @maths @sheegokeys @nontexdick @Ireoluwaemmauel @frankkay @hormotiyor @nazeal
12 Jul 2019 | 09:36
I don land make it come.
12 Jul 2019 | 13:21
thanks joshua john for the invite...
12 Jul 2019 | 14:53
Fire on
12 Jul 2019 | 16:20
Loving Pezo _Episode 2 That weekend passed so quickly. With a number of lined up events that Mukuka and Pezo had to attend to, none of them saw it disappear. From mass on that Sunday, they went to the Chombas to arrange for a few things that was required for Kalima’s welcome party. For besides the usual meal at lunch, they had planned for this to celebrate their son’s return. The two ladies took it upon themselves to organize for the whole event. From the deco, the invitation list, the menu and who to engage to do all these things. For the gift, Pezo took a back stage as she really never knew Kalima at a personal level but ofcourse, everyone seemed to still ask for her opinion on whatever they selected. And yes- all that was gotten was Pezo’s very own selection. That Monday morning, Pezo as always delayed in waking up. She was always bad at that anyway. Her number one weakness. It was past eight o’clock in the morning and she didn’t seem close to waking up. As her mother entered her bedroom and opened the curtains and consequently the windows, she turned and slowly opened her eyes. Pezo: [yawning] oh is it morning already? I was just beginning to enjoy my sleep mummy. Mrs. Chinyama: Oh no child- you really have to get out of that bed. You only have an hour to prepare yourself- besides, I really need you to look good my child. Come on- I will help you select something to wear. Pezo: mummy please- it’s just the airport. [Getting out of her sheets] besides – Kalima doesn’t even know me, so what would be the big deal in dressing up? Mrs. Chinyama: [abruptly holding her by the hand] he may not know you but remember it’s a family trend that we keep up appearances whenever we are in public Pezo: I know mum but
13 Jul 2019 | 17:51
Mrs. Chinyama: No buts Pezo, why don’t you go on and take a shower, I will help you select two outfits that you may use – She just left and went to take her shower not liking her mother’s control.she always felt like a little girl whenever her mother did that. Besides It had just been something that she noticed in the recent past that whenever the Chombas were around their house, her mother expected so much from her. She would always want her to be the one to welcome them, to serve them any beverages they would want to have to always be the one to sit next to them. On the other hand, the Chombas seemed to have been loving her more of late too. More than any time, Mrs. Chomba would always call her just to say hello and emphasize on her taking good care of herself. Such conversations would historically be between parents and it would end at that. The more she would think about all this the more it was difficult to come up with the solutions because throughout her life, both her family and the Chombas had given nothing but great love to her as it’s that same love that made her not to question their actions. When she came out of the shower, her mother had left and laid on her bed clothes which seemed so new to her. Two elegant dresses, one red and the other black both sleeveless though the latter seemed more of an evening wear and both still in their laundry bags were well placed and besides them a small bag of Clinique cosmetics; all that a lady would require for her makeover. Pezo: [smiling to herself as she gets hold of the makeup kit] oh wow mummy – seems you really do want me to stand out today [checking on the dress] but wait- these really look formal. Why would I want to look this Mrs. Chinyama: [returning inside her room] I hope you like them child- your father and I got you these specifically for this day Pezo: [making an immediate 90 degrees turn] oh mummy. You are simply the best. [with her sweet smile] I love them all Mrs. Chinyama: am glad. Pezo: the dresses are so beautiful and ofcourse my taste. But Mrs. Chinyama: un huh? Pezo: don’t you think they are a little too formal for the occasion. Mukuka and I were thinking of just jeans and Mrs. Chinyama: honey- your daddy and I bought this with so much love- you ain't doing this to us Pezo: Mum Mrs. Chinyama: please- it’s not always that we ask you to do this- your father will really appreciate it. She couldn’t say more. Her mother left and immediately she was about to get started, her phone rang. It was the office line. She looked at the watch and saw it was almost nine O’clock and she wondered what it was that was needed from her. she quickly answered it and she was shocked to get Mr. Mitti on the other end Pezo: Good morning sir. Joe: Shouldn’t you be on your desk- drafting a report and already compiling followup documents for the partners. Pezo: Sir- I – am not in office today. I was granted a day off and I really though this was duly communicated with your office Joe: and what is that supposed to mean? A day off- when you know so well how important it is for us to quickly wrap up on the proposal His voice was already rising by each word and she didn’t like it one bit. It was really difficult to justify this when Mr. Mitti was indeed very correct when it was stated that the feedback to their Friday meeting was of key priority. But with so much that was happening in preparation for Kalima’s return, it really didn’t occur to Pezo that she could have actually done this even over the weekend and emailed for Mr. Mitti s approval. She couldn’t avoid being shakened as she spoke up Pezo: Am sorry sir- Mr. Nkhoma approved my request and – Joe: and what damn it!!- shouldn’t you have thought of your pending work first?? Pezo just felt like pouring out. All her life, she had never been labeled a failure but today she just felt like one in a thousand ways. Joe: Now listen young lady- I need you here in 10 minutes- No excuse He cut the line Pezo became so weak. She didn’t know what to do any more. Her parents were eagerly waiting for her and there was no way she could leave for office work that they didn’t consider of great importance. To her, the success of the proposal was going to be one key output that she would prove her ability to work for the company and that’s what she has been looking forward to since the day she was engaged. As she sat on the bed for a while, she couldn’t thing straight and time was really moving so quickly. with the surrounding circumstances, there was no way she could leave without anyone noticing, she decided to just delay her getting to the office in time and hoped that her plan would work. As she stepped foot in the breakfast lounge were her parents and young brother were seated, everyone could not believe their eyes. With her tall, slender but well curved body, the dress fitted her so well as though it was specifically tailored for her body. The not so high heels enhanced her pose and gave her a description a Chinyama daughter. With her long hair well tied and the makeup on point; no so loud or so blank, Pezo indeed looked so beautiful and priceless. Chiwande: oh wow- my sister really looks stunning doesn’t she? Mrs. Chinyama: oh yes she does my boy- just like a daughter of this house should at all time. Her father just widely smiled Pezo: Morning dad [placing a playing hand on his head as she proceeded to sit the other end next to her brother and dad] hey young man Mr. Chinyama: [seeming so proud of his daughter] A very good morning to you too my lady. If I may- do allow me to pass my compliments do- you do look good this morning. Pezo: Thank you dad. It’s all thanks to you and mum for the great choice of your selection. It’s indeed a perfect fit. They never took long to take off for the airport. The plane was scheduled to touch the grounds of Kenneth Kaunda International airport at exactly 10.20hrs aboard Emirates. When the Chinyamas arrived at the airport, the Chombas with their children were already by the international arrivals lobby. At first sight, Mukuka felt her friend was a little dressed up but she couldn’t mention it there and then until they grabbed a chance alone. Mukuka: May I ask whats with the good looking girl- we never planned for Pezo: I Know Mukuka- and sorry, mum selected this for me and I couldn’t turn her option down She was thinking of ways to which she could leave already. The plane had delayed slightly and it was only upon arrival of Kalima that she thought what she would do so perfectly. As she kept thinking, she began to panic. It had been an hour and half since Mr. Mitti called and she knew he must have been boiling hot with his temper by now. She almost shared the ordeal with Mukuka but decided to keep it to herself Mukuka: Oh really. Aunt really has good sense of fashion. You do look good honey Pezo: Thanks best friend [not really meaning it] – and so do you- everyone sure looks good today. Your brother will sure be happy to see you all Mukuka: point of correction- “Our Brother” – and of course, he will be happy to see us all- we always mentioned you in our conversations remember? Pezo just smiled not minding so much about what she was saying. She took out her phone from the bag and anxiously checked it- she sighed when she never saw any call from the office till that point Mukuka: Hey- are you okay? Pezo: what?? Mukuka: what is it best friend? Pezo was almost struggling to get answers when Chishimba called after them Chishimba: it’s here. Come on ladies- let’s get closer- am sure he won’t take long coming out now since dad has gone in for him. They all smiled. Pezo was almost moving ahead when Mukuka once more pulled her back Mukuka: well? Pezo: am okay dear. Just feeling a little strange in my stomach. Excuse me, I will go to the bathroom Mukuka: I will come with you. Pezo: oh no its fine best friend – I will manage it- you wouldn’t want to miss Kalima as he walks out of that door She just smiled and remained. Before she proceeded Pezo walked towards her mother and whispered to her that she was going to be in the same vehicle as Mukuka and that they should not bother waiting up for her as they head to the Chomba residence. Her mother Okays it and before she leaves, Mrs. Chomba resounding everyone else, also passed her compliments of how Pezo looked and she quietly thanked her. She quickly walked away but not to the bathroom but rather to talk to the cab drivers. When she returned, she joined Mukuka once more who was now standing beside her sister and Chiwande. Pezo: Hey Mukuka: hey. Feeling better Pezo: Yes. Thanks. – Listen, I know we planned to move back home in one vehicle but, I forgot mum needs me to accompany her somewhere for a little while before we may finally come- so I will be with her. Mukuka: not a problem luv. Just don’t take long. Pezo: Sure In no time, Kalima, his father and Mr. Chinyama walked out and everyone was so happy to see him. He was excited to see his entire family too; inclusive of the Chinyamas but of course, he was not so sure of their children. Although he could not miss Pezo’s beautiful smile even in the middle of all the excitement once he spotted her. It madly caught his attention and unfortunately it was the last he saw of it at that point. Pezo saw a great opportunity as everyone was heading to the vehicles to equally jump on a cab and head to the office.Nobody noticed her leaving. Kalima however kept on searching for her and even if he never saw her again and could not ask anyone, he only hoped that she was among the entourage that would finally be with his family back home. Both vehicles left and none still noticed Pezo missing It took her 20 to 30 minutes minutes to get to get to the office and she was really hoping that she could manage with whatever was there to do so that she could leave in time for lunch. To make her plan a success, she quickly called Lillian back home to tell her mother incase of any call that she was there but incase someone was sent to pick her, they should similarly say she had left. With that, she felt a little at ease. She walked straight on her desk after greeting the officers around and began on her tasks and when an hour passed, she knew she would begin to receive calls soon from everyone and indeed that was the case but for the first few minutes, she ignored them and eventually picked the fifth call from her mother Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- dear- were are you? Everyone is worried with your disappearance here. Pezo: Am Okay mummy. Just give me an hour and I should be with you. Mrs. Chinyama: shouldn’t you be telling me were you are and what happened. Please do not embarrass us child Pezo: am sorry Mummy- actually, I had rushed to the bathroom and found you had all left. Mrs. Chinyama: what? Where are you now? I mean, someone can pick you. Pezo: it’s okay mother. I will find my way. – And – my battery is low so you may not get through to me after a little while. Mrs. Chinyama was almost saying something but Pezo cut the line and switched off the phone. She quickly got back to her work and in no time she was knocking on Mr. Mitti’ s office door for submission of her reports and documentation requested. She knocked twice without hearing him shout out for her to get in and he screamed as usual. Pezo slowly opened the door and entered. He was about to say more at the appearance of whoever was knocking but just one look at Pezo and he couldn’t say a word but looked at her not believing what he was seeing. He admired her with all his being as he looked at her from top to head with no shame at all.
13 Jul 2019 | 17:57
Ride on
13 Jul 2019 | 18:44
I need comments in this story oo
16 Jul 2019 | 04:04
and coolval try to always notify them
16 Jul 2019 | 04:04
Loving Pezo_ Episode 3 Pezo never really saw him stare at her as she couldn’t directly look at him in expectance of the worst following her late reporting. But as she didn’t hear him say anything, she slowly lifted her face and immediately their eyes met, it was Mr. Mitti who now turned away, a little ashamed that he had exposed his weakness in front of his employee Pezo: - this is the report and its attachments sir. I have also shared the same via email in case you may need a soft copy as you review. Joe: [clearing his throat] – thanks. Place it over there. I shall have a look and revert Pezo: Sure. –I will take leave. Joe: yeah. He was speechless. He couldn’t believe he just got taken away by a beauty figure. He cursed as he recalled how he was lost in love with Pezo as she stood before him. She looked so elegant and mature in her black well fitted dress. As she left the office premises, he watched her majestic walk as he admired her the more. He had never seen her this dressed up and he wondered what special occasion she was headed to. He had been thinking about her since they separated on Friday and by then, he loved her just as simple as she seemed. More than anything, he had fallen in love with her intellectual intelligence that he noticed as she professionally presented her paper that day. And today, he could not just believe it that she had this combined quality of a lady that any man would tirelessly pray for to hold and have with them for their lifespan in a woman. He felt bad that in an effort to see her that morning, he went out of his way in demanding for her to immediately come through- all in an effort to satisfy his own desires. As Mr. Mitti went deeper in his thoughts, a certain sharp pain suddenly hit his chest as his thoughts suddenly reminded him that he was supposed to get married in two months’ time. Matimba, his long lasting love didn’t deserve this- not at least from him that she trusted so much with his life. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Pezo only arrived a few minutes before they could all move to the dining room for their lunch. She gave thanks to God when upon entering the house, she could hear laughter of both families from the main living room. She went in through the kitchen door and poured a glass of water before she could finally join the rest. It was Mrs. Chomba who spotted her first as she entered the room Mrs. Chomba: Oh and there you are child. Come and join us- we were just waiting for you to join us before we could proceed to have lunch Pezo slowly walked past them and sat comfortably next to her friend, Mukuka. Kalima’s heart started to beat fast. He couldn’t believe that the lady he longed to see was right there in their house and seated just a few inches away from him. Pezo: Good afternoon all. My apologies if I delayed the meal. Mrs. Chomba: By no means did you child. I hope you feel better now Pezo: I got some painkiller and am perfectly fine- thank you. Mr. Chinyama: Well I bet you didn’t even get a chance to properly meet with the main man after all that mix up. [Facing Kalima] – That’s Kalima child Pezo innocently smiled widely and stood to give him a handshake as a way of welcoming him. Pezo: Welcome back home- we hope you will never find any reason to think of going back because am sure you can see that all good things are actually back here bro. They all laughed as they agreed with her. Kalima felt his blood race throughout his veins. He didn’t understand how this humble lady could easily move him so strongly. He wished he could say something in response to her statement but his voice was gone. He had always thought there was nothing good to return for back home and the only reason he returned was to convince his parents on a face to face conversation that his destiny was never in Africa and much so Zambia. But with what he was looking at during that particular moment- he would swear to have a courier company ship all his movable goods to Lusaka. He smiled back as he watched back at his parents who seemed so happy. Then it dawned on him......did she just call him Bro? He definitely wasn’t ready to tolerate that kind of language when he already defined what hear relation with her would be Mrs. Chomba: Well- everyone, please- shall we before the food gets cold. As they were pulling chairs for their seats on the table, Kalima ensured to strategically sit on the opposite side of Pezo. Of course his sisters were ever sandwiching him whenever they could at any particular point. But even with that, he still managed to steal glances of Pezo whenever he could and one thing he noticed was that she was so humble and quite different for an average rich kid. She was so soft spoken and rarely did so unless it was so necessary. And because of that, whenever she would speak up, Kalima noted that all would be attentive to hear her out. She indeed created a great basis to which she could draw people’s attention and he would confess before anyone that was already in the trap. She really seemed to be so loved and cherished by both his and her own family but one could clearly see that she never took advantage of that less acknowledging this fact. He also noticed that other than others, she really picked on her food and it explained his slimness- which he never really had issues with but felt would look a little much much better with a little flesh. His thoughts were destructed as Chisala spoke up Chisala: Well am only disappointed with one thing here- I was so hopeful that big bro would come with an English girlfriend- wasn’t it just the perfect time for you to bring along Carolyn? Kalima almost chocked with his food as he coughed out uncontrollably. Mr and Mrs. Chomba dropped their faces as they both moved about their seats unnecessarily. Mrs. Chinyama seemed disappointed and just looked at Kalima in anticipation of his answer. Mukuka: Chichi? Pezo stood up and quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to Kalima. Her father and both Mr. and Mrs. Chomba lightly smiled at the sight of it. Pezo: Here- This will help Kalima: Thanks. Mrs. Chomba: Chisala- please allow your brother to eat his meal- am sure you have the rest of the days to ask all your questions yeah? Kalima: it’s okay Mum. And for some time- there was silence around the table. It really felt awkward. Pezo never saw anything wrong in the young girl’s question and her big guess was this must have been some lady he had been talking about to his family and perhaps shared her photos but not really loved by his parents. In one of their conversations, Mukuka once mentioned to Pezo about her too but from the look of things- it was clear that his parents never approved of their being together or something in those lines. She looked at him once and she [Pezo] really thought he was handsome and would without any difficulties get any woman he would crave for in the city. With his looks, good accent and having been abroad for such a long time, he would have to be strong enough to survive the attention he was yet to get from ladies. Kalima eventually brock the ice as he began to appreciate the good weather and how he liked it already. Mrs. Chinyama: it’s the best weather you can actually get throughout the year. Kalima: I can’t wait to go out and get the real feel of it. [Directly looking at Pezo] I hope I will have company for avoidance of losing my way back Chisala: am in. am gonna go with you – just tell me where you would like to go and – Mrs. Chomba: [cutting in] Chisala – do you ever stop talking? Your brother won’t obviously get someone who is equally as blank about this area for a stroll? Everyone just laughed. Mukuka: Really Kalima? I thought you would want to rest after the long flight Kalima: well believe me I would really love to but its rather so tempting to get out even for a while. Mr. Chomba: Am sure the ladies wouldn’t mind to be with you just don’t go far because you need all the rest you can get son Mrs. Chinyama: Oh yes. Am sure even if Mukuka can’t, Pezo shouldn’t mind. –Right Dear? It came unexpectedly for Pezo but how was she supposed to refuse when it came from her mother. She just put up a smile to avoid revealing her disappointment. Pezo: Of course. [Facing Kalima] just let me know when you would like us to leave. Mukuka: Am definitely not staying back Mrs. Chomba: You and I still have a number of things to take care of dear. Let Pezo accompany him Mukuka: [a little shocked] but Mummy- the two of them barely know each other, how do you supposed they will Mrs. Chomba: honey- this isn’t up for discussion Pezo: [facing mrs. Chomba] I can still be here to help you out while Mukuka goes mum. I actually don’t mind. Mr. Chomba: there is no need to do this child- Mukuka will stay back while you two will proceed. That way- Kalima may also get to know a little bit about Pezo too right? Mukuka; [not happy] Yeah. Sure. Kalima felt good and he couldn’t hide it. Finally, he was going to grab a chance alone with Pezo. He didn’t believe that it was happening so soon. Mukuka however got a sense that something fishy was going on. From the great looks of her friend to the manner in which both her parents really insisted on her brother and friend spending time alone, she concluded they might have been planning for a match between Kalima and Pezo and she didn’t see that as a great idea and she inwardly swore that once proven, she would do anything in her power to not see it come to pass. Not after the struggle to find men of their dreams has been both theirs then Pezo should just have it the easy way. She looked at everyone around the table and she could read her threats all over their faces except on Pezo’s. As always, it was always difficult to read her mind as her actions were never determined by the surrounding circumstances. She looked as innocent as a small kid with no clue of what was happening at all.
16 Jul 2019 | 04:09
set up
16 Jul 2019 | 10:01
Loving Pezo_ Episode 4 As Pezo was leading Kalima the way out of the house, she kept wondering where she would have to start from. She was equally as blank as the person who seemed to be dependent on her on the whereabouts of that area. At their appearance, the gateman quickly stood before them as he conversed in Bemba [one of the popular tribes of the land] Gateman: Good day madam- should I call one of the chauffeurs for you- they are all having lunch at the quarters Kalima: it’s not necessary thanks. We don’t need one. He quickly turned and opened the small gate for them to come out. For a while, Kalima continued walking while Pezo, seeming so thoughtful stood as she looked at the three tared roads that led to different directions. Kalima only discovered she wasn’t walking besides her as he tried to say something to her Kalima: Any problem? Why did you stop? Pezo: Eish… am sorry Kalima. I couldn’t just say it back there but- am equally as blank about this area Kalima: [smiling widely] well even better right? It will be more fan to just take whichever root and am sure we can always find our way back. Come on. She was a little hesitant but he got her by the hand to begin their stroll. They had not reached far and Pezo again stopped him Pezo: are you sure of this. I mean, we are making so many turns and am afraid we may indeed loss our way back. Kalima: don’t you worry Pezo. If that happens, am sure we can always call home right Pezo: [hesitantly] okay They proceeded. Kalima: so tell me- about yourself- what do you do- what do you like to do most Pezo: other than what you may have already heard- I doubt there is much I would have to say to you about myself Kalima: and if I say I have never heard of anything about you apart from the fact that you are the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chinyama, very good friends to my parents and that you do nothing without my young sister, Mukuka who is your bestie as she would call you? Pezo: and that should be it really [she smiles] once you mention my parents and yours and Mukuka in particular around my life… then you are done. My life only revolves around these people really. Kalima: I see. It must really be a boring life then? Well knowing my parents and yours coupled with my sister, I bet you don’t have much of your social aspect of your life. Pezo: not necessarily. Mukuka and I do so much other things away from our families. Kalima: and on your own? Isn’t there anything you do without our families and Bestie? Pezo: I don’t quite understand you? What do you mean on my own? Kalima: Forget it. Perhaps all I wanted to ask was if- well- if you have any other close friends other than Mukuka- but of course, you really don’t have to answer if you would be uncomfortable Pezo: [smiling] why should it? I mean- it hasn’t been long since I equally got back home after completing my masters with Sheffield University- and so to answer your question- it would be a no- and I like it that way… I don’t see myself dating anytime soon because I would already have if I so wanted Kalima’s heart leaped with joy. He couldn’t believe no guy in the city was currently dating this so beautiful lady. But because she seemed so negative about getting in a relationship, he needed to take it easy with her. He had to win her heart. Pezo: and you? What kept you away from home for so long? Didn’t you miss your family- or being here? Kalima: well I guess it was more to do with my upbringing you see- I did what you would refer to back here as upper secondary and first degree education from Europe up until I graduated for my PHD. And so by the time I was finishing with school, I couldn’t even think or see myself managing life here. I got a job and settled down and yeah [he ended with a smile] Pezo: and you managed to stay alone all these years- [signs] wow!! Kalima: initially, I was with my uncle and his wife- dad’s elder brother who was really good to me and treated me as though I were born of them. My parents would always visit me every now and because of that I never saw much reason of coming back home. It felt like my life was so complete Pezo Pezo: Yeah… I now understand why. Who wouldn’t? Kalima: but unfortunately, both my aunt and uncle died in a terrible car accident a year ago and life just never made sense anymore. That’s when mum and dad began the discussions around me coming back home. Pezo: oh Kalima- really I am sorry about that. I hope you have now managing well with the loss. Kalima: it’s not easy but- I mean- being back home and with my beloved ones, am sure it will help a great deal Pezo: you made a great decision. – And your cousins, who are they with now? Kalima: My uncle never had any child- it’s just as well that as my dad’s brother, they both conceded the same surname and I didn’t have to change- otherwise, my parents were so good enough to give up their only son just to make a barren couple happy. I always respected them for that. Pezo: Oh yeah- I mean- that was such a huge sacrifice Kalima: I know. Short silence Pezo: at least I can promise you one thing that- you will not have any dull moments here Kal- back here, we live as a family full of love- and as your sisters, Mukuka and I will do anything within our means to make you feel at home and help you love this place which is meant to be your true home. You just have to tell- what name was that again? Oh yeah Carolyn- to relocate if she loves you enough Kalima: [smiling broadly] come on- you aint gonna take what the young lady was saying seriously? [Trying to change the topic] but tell me- how did you guess that am actually called by that name; I mean- everybody back in the UK called me that- Kal and would go all the way to spell it as such [karl] Pezo: well-it just popped out. But I like the full local name better Kalima felt she was so smart. He really loved her the more. It was as though he was talking to a person he had known for a long time. He actually said more than he should for a conversation with a stranger. Pezo: Oh my God Kalima- I think we have really moved too far- we should be getting back now. Kalima: I agree. They turned to go back and by now, they decided to talk less as it would help them get back in time. They were so swamped in their chat initially that they could not even recall were they came from when they came through to a road that gave two different directions. They both looked at each other and for a while none could suggest which way they should take. Pezo; I think we came that way Kalima: really? I was thinking this other one Pezo: well they really look the same- what are we gonna do now. Kalima: there should be some signage that can assist us with- only with you may look again Pezo: Truth is we don’t normally use the back root when visiting. Everyone suggested for us to take this way because it’s normally less congested with Vehicles. Your parents said they use it a lot for their occasional road runs Kalima: okay; lets then take the one you suggested-am sure it may lead us somewhere Pezo: Oh no Karl. I think let’s just take your route- am normally bad with directions and I wouldn’t want us to waste time incase it’s not the right one. Meanwhile I can try to call home. Kalima: not just yet dear. And calm down please. We shall manage this. They increased their speed as they headed down the road and immediately they reached a dead end, it was so clear that they were in the wrong road. They began going back but by the time they got back to the place they started from, over 50 minutes of their time had been lost. Without telling Kalima, she decided to get her phone so she could call someone for directions using the name of a drilling company they were close to Pezo: oh no – this isn’t happening Kalima: [getting worried] what? Are you okay- what happened? Pezo: My phone batter just died Kalima. What are we gonna do if we don’t find the place. It will soon get dark - Kalima saw that she was really panicking. Tired too. He felt a little helpless considering he had no clue about the place… of course it could never be easy for anyone to locate the route after taking a stroll for over two hours. He didn’t blame her too because the poor lady was just dragged into this partly because of his own selfish desires of wanting so much to spend time with her. But away from what he felt for her, he slowly moved towards her and embraced her so tightly Kalima: Listen- I need you to be strong for me. We shall find our way back. All we need to do is take this other alternative route and perhaps find a phone booth for us to call if it gets to the worst Pezo; am just worried that people at home will begin to panic soon Kalima: Please don’t. They should know we are not little kids that we should completely loss our way or get in any kind of trouble. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& And indeed back at the Chomba residence, everyone were beginning to get a little worried when Kalima and Pezo never seemed to have been returning on time. According to the discussions they had during lunch, it seemed like it was only going to be a 30min to 1 hour but it was now almost 4 hours since they had left. They all began to try Pezo’s number but it wasn’t going through. Everyone worried but not as much as Mukuka did. Her heart was burning with weird thoughts over her friend and brother. She even concluded that perhaps her friend knew about this match plan but chose to hide from her. A few minutes later, invited guests for the welcome party began to fill the yards of the Chomba residence and it was so worrying that even then, the main man was nowhere to be seen. Mr. Chomba decided to send out three vehicles in different directions to follow them up but to no avail. 30 minutes passed and through her bedroom window, Chisala was able to spot them and called after her sister who rushed to see. Kalima was holding Pezo by her left hand and sure seemed to be pretending to be all tired. She cursed when she saw them in that way and only left the room to alert the rest downstairs. Mukuka: Mum, Dad- they are here. We saw them from Chisala’s room Mrs. Chinyama: oh thank God. Finally Mrs. Chomba: Come on child- go after them and ensure Kalima is not seen by anyone. He will have to freshen up first Mukuka: but they are coming through the back entrance- obviously no one will see him. Besides Pezo knows about the party and
17 Jul 2019 | 04:14
Mr. Chomba: Young lady- do as your mother says before it’s too late. You wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise She just proceeded to receive them and as she was approaching them, she was again hurt by the simple closeness between the two that she witnessed as they spoke Kalima: here we are Pezo: yeah- we made it [she smiled in the middle of her fears] Kalima: Remember, no telling that we got lost- in case you run out of ideas on what to tell them tell them it’s me who delayed our coming back Pezo just smiled. Kalima: and thank you so much. You were a great company. I enjoyed myself despite all that happened. Pezo just continued smiling. This time avoiding his eyes. They were distracted by the appearance of Mukuka who couldn’t hide her pains of seeing the two happy
17 Jul 2019 | 04:21
You should be happy for your friend nah
17 Jul 2019 | 17:00
Loving Pezo_ Episode 5 Pezo just continued smiling. This time avoiding his eyes. Kalima was about to say something when Mukuka appeared and distracted them. Just at the sight of seeing them together, so relaxed and rather closer than she would expect, she could not hide her pains Mukuka: come on you two, you aint gonna stay there and keep talking when you kept everyone worried here. What happened? Pezo: [Walking up to her] hey hai. Sorry my phone battery died and we couldn’t call to say we would delay Mukuka: I see. Kalima: what- You don’t mean to say you missed us already? Mukuka: [ignoring her statement] – come with me please. Mum would like to see you They all quietly proceeded through the back door and at least no one was able to see him at that point. His father explained to him that he was expected to quickly freshen up as he had invited a few friends and business partners to help the family welcome him. He was a bit hesitant about it all but on second thoughts, he saw it as a great opportunity to further spend some more time with Pezo and gladly accepted But on the other side, the moment Pezo reached Mukuka’s room, she never even dared to rest for a while but went straight to remove her clothes to get into the shower. Mukuka: whats with the rush, wont you even rest for a while before you can start preparing for the party Pezo: believe me its not even about that, I just want to do this before I can sit down- had a hectic day and I feel so tired Mukuka: Oh really? And what could have possibly made you so tired? Pezo: [Pulling a towel over herself] never mind dear- you wouldn’t want to hear my story Mukuka was left with so many questions as Pezo went into the shower. She felt like following her right inside to interrogate her the more but her intuition questioned her and she decided to let it be. Pezo never took long to come out of the shower and for Mukuka, it shocked her even more to realise that her friend was so desperate to meet with her brother even the more. She watched her apply the lotion but as the thoughts kept boiling within her, she eventually spoke up Mukuka: so- how did it go? I mean- did you enjoy your stroll-? Bet you guys got to know each other already right? Pezo; it was good. [Changing topic] listen, I need to take a nap, I won’t manage the night without one Mukuka: [a little shocked] a nap? At this time of the night? Pezo: [getting in the sheets] we still have a long night ahead of us darling- please allow me. And she was in no time sleeping so peacefully. Before long, Mrs. Chomba knocked once and opened the door and was similarly shocked to see Pezo asleep Mrs. Chomba: her too? Mukuka: what do you mean Mum? Mrs. Chomba: your dad was just telling me Kalima is fast asleep. He couldn’t even take a shower perhaps it was just a wrong idea to have them go away. After such a long flight, he shouldn’t have. Mukuka didn’t say anything but watched her friend as she couldn’t find answers. Her mother asked a question and she couldn’t even respond as her thoughts went so far away in searching for answers Mrs. Chomba: Mukuka!! Mukuka: y- yes mum- did you say something? Mrs. Chomba: Where is your mind? [Handing her a jewelry box] here, please give this to Pezo when she wakes up. She has to wear it as she gets downstairs. I had kept this for her from the ones I got for us last week. Mukuka: sure. As her mother was leaving, she quickly opened the set of neckpiece and she could swear it was nothing compared to what was bought the day they went shopping. She couldn’t help feel a little more jealous for her friend. Other than the good man she would have in her brother, she could not help but detaste the fact that even the in laws would be what any girl in this world would ever want to have. It now all made sense why her mother and father had always cared for Pezo- always after her safety whenever they were going out, asking if any man was dating or following her and so much more about her likes and dislikes. Mukuka became even more hurt when she thought all this was known to her friend but kept as a secret. And she felt that even, this was more visible when she just decided to sleep without sharing anything about how it went with her brother. By the time it was getting dark, the grounds of the Chomba residence were slowly getting filled up with invited guests, all with different kinds of refreshments in their hands while soft music played on in the background. Kalima had joined in a few minutes ago and his father was proudly taking him round his invited guests for introductions were he could. And kalima was already able to converse with a few on selected topical issues but even as he did this, he kept on looking out for Pezo whom he couldn’t spot anywhere. In passing, his mother had mentioned she had taken a nap but he kept wondering if even after three hours, she could still be asleep. He quickly spotted his sister and excused himself from the people he was with Kalima: Hey Mukuka: Hey bro. need something? Kalima: Oh no. am cool Mukuka: okay great, I will be the other side with a few friends Kalima: - is- Pezo there too? Mukuka just looked at him for a while before she could say something Kalima; - sis? Mukuka: [blatantly] No- she isn’t- excuse me. And she left. Kalima didn’t understand his sister for a while but his thoughts were cut short as he saw Pezo walk down to where everyone was and while picking a glass of red wine from one of the waiters going round with drinks, he went ahead to receive her. In her usual polite ways, Pezo smiled as he received it Kalima: Hope you don’t mind me saying this but, You look incredibly beautiful tonight Pezo: Thank you Karl. Kalima: I got a little worried when I never saw you get downstairs. It’s only now that am realizing that walking is not so much a part of your everyday lives here. Pezo: Oh no. well you could say that- cause indeed that stroll got me tired They both laughed and Mukuka couldn’t help watching. Pezo: Please, excuse me- I will be with Mukuka and the rest As she turned to leave, Kalima never stopped staring at her and even throughout the night he always found reasons to at least be around the ladies. The party finished so late and it was only good that the next day was a public holiday and everyone would get enough rest for the day. For Mr. Mitti, he had the worst day after Pezo Left, he couldn’t understand why he was thinking so much about her and it got bad when her name kept popping up by mistake in his conversations with other people. It worried him the more when even after meeting with his fiancé later that day, he couldn’t concentrate much on her. Matimba was able to pick it and they ended up separating on a very bad note when she tried to question his behavior. For that evening, he never even bothered to talk to her or make amends to what happened as he felt he needed to rediscover himself. But even with that, his heart was never at peace, it was a mixed feeling of beautiful thoughts of Pezo on the one hand and the guiltiness of hurting the supposed love of his life, Matimba. Mr. Mitti and Matimba had been dating for over 4years. Their relationship started on a very strong friendship basis to which Mr. Mitti never saw Matimba and him being more than friends at any point in life. But having separated for over a year at some point, their reunion demanded for them spending more time which made Matimba confess her feelings to Mr. Mitti. It was not a mutual feeling on Mr. Mitti’s part but not wanting to hurt the lady, he decided to learn to love her and it was never an easy phase in his life. He loved Matimba as a friend but not as his lover. He came from a family that was firm on tradition and for the kind of a woman that Matimba was, he was always skeptical about announcing to his family that they were dating and so in the hope that she would change a bit, he kept on buying time and that’s how the many years passed before they could take their relationship to another level. Matimba was beautiful, educated and very fun to be around but she unfortunately never had respect for people and was too emotional and that’s one area Mr. Mitti had failed to correct. On several occasions, their relationship had ended but always reconciled because of the child they had in their third year of dating. It was for the sake of this child, Yamiko, the pride of his heart that Mr. Mitti always thought twice about leaving Matimba. Their wedding arrangements had really reached an advanced stage with both families really kept busy on all sorts of preparations before their wedding day. In a week’s time, Mr. Mitti and his family were expected to receive Chilanga Mulilo from Matimba’s family and with everyone so excited with all these things and more, Mr. Mitti never saw himself messing up but in as much as it hurt him so to love someone not for his own sake but for that of his son and to make others happy. The next day, the first call he made was to his fiancé but she never picked. Once twice and a lot more. He text and she never answered and that’s how he decided to drive to her place only to be greeted with a note specifically for him and her phone beside it. Mr. Mitti’s heart suddenly began to race as his thoughts took him to Yamiko and were her mother could have taken him. Immediately his thoughts took him to her grandmother’s place and he straight away drove to Matero to check on her. True to his guess, Matimba and Yamiko were there and they seemed to have only arrived. Immediately he got in, her grandmother, who seemed to have been keenly listening to her complaint stood, greeted him and walked away. Mutinta, her maid, got Yamiko from the mother’s hands and was almost walking away with him when Mr. Mitti stopped her Joe: [Taking his son away from her] I will take him- please excuse us. Mutinta left and closed the door behind her Joe: [carefully holding his son as he sat next to Matimba] did you really have to do this? She never answered. Joe: don’t you think you went a little too far? It was just a small argument honey. Matimba: Please- I don’t want to discuss this- just leave Joe Joe: am sorry okay. I m sorry that I may have come out a little too strong but I need you to know that am going through so much at the office and it hasn’t been easy Matimba: I need some time alone Joe. Give me some space please Joe: well you know how much of an impossibility that is to me Timba- I need my son nearby Matimba: -its always about your son right? What about me Joe- am I not supposed to mean something to you? To us? Am supposed to be your wife Joe!! Mr. Mitti just carefully placed Yamiko on his carrier and held both her hands as she turned her face away from him Joe: am – am not letting you go honey. You are mine and I need you and my son to get back to your rightful place. A sudden grin appeared on Matimba’s face and Mr. Mitti knew it was a done deal.
18 Jul 2019 | 04:13
Following keenly
18 Jul 2019 | 08:50
De Chombas and De Chinyamas has come a long way with happiness and fun filled moments. It obvious that the dreams of these parents are coming to pass with the closeness of Pezo and Kalima. Mukuka with a jealous troubling heart for her friend is a surprise.
19 Jul 2019 | 16:04
Chisala never stops speaking her mind which has been part of the fun. Mr Mitti and Matimba could have felt a loving attitude for the sake of Yamiko but to truly be in love as in real love relationship is what Mr Mitti disagreed with. Pezo and Kalima can begin from somewhere and may involve dating each other sooner or later.
19 Jul 2019 | 16:19
Loving Pezo_Episode 6 Mr. Mitti just carefully placed Yamiko on his carrier and held both Matimba’s hands as she turned her face away from his Joe: am – am not letting you go honey. You are mine and I need you and my son to get back to your rightful place. A sudden grin appeared on Matimba’s face and Mr. Mitti knew it was a done deal. Joe: You are no longer this little girl that you should always run to Ambuya for every small argument we have- shouldn’t we instead try to show her that we are mature enough to now handle our own differences? Matimba: am sorry. It’s just that I get worried sometimes. Signs are so strong that you are still with me only because of our son- Yamiko. Joe: [squeezing her hands the more] - Am sorry if that’s the picture you get. I love you Timba. Yamiko too. That’s why I had to follow you even after you made it so clear in your note that you want nothing to do with me Matimba just smiled in the midst of her tears as though to confirm that it was a silly decision. Joe: [still on his knees and now toying with her fingers] Now- Mrs. Mitti to be- I need you to go back to Ambuya and tell her your visiting time is up- am taking you and our darling son for a long drive and to a place you won’t have to think twice about the love I have for you. Matimba: I love you Joe- always remember that. Mr. Mitti just gave her a kiss on the lips as she stood to call her grandmother. In no time, they were leaving the premises and Matimba and her grandmother were the happiest. Having lost her mother during child birth of herself, Matimba was raised by her grandmother with so much love and care. With a little support from her Aunties and uncles, she was able to go to good enough schools and got a government scholarship to study in Russia after doing so well during her grade twelve final examinations. Her father abandoned her immediately after the burial of her mother and it was only through the grapevine that the family heard he remarried after 4 months of losing Matimba’s mother. He had never seen his daughter until the day she was leaving the country for her 1st degree in medicine. Even with his appearance and demand for his daughter, no family member told Matimba anything believing it would only disturb her. All her life, Matimba was told her father died while she was a child and she has always known herself to be an orphan. Today, she was a medical doctor under the university teaching hospital full of great passion for her work. With her wedding on the way, her uncles, aunties and cousins were really supportive of her union with Mr. Mitti and with their child. But even with that, Matimba always ran back to her grandmother and nobody else for anything that she would need. Even with all the little problems that she would face with her lover, Ambuya would always be there for her. To comfort, strengthen and give her more hope for her love with Mr. Mitti. For she knew to a larger extent that she contributed a lot to all the weaknesses that Matimba possessed. The disrespect, the rudeness exetera -All in the name of love for the girl. By the time her aunties and uncles were joining forces to help their mother discipline the girl, it was too late. And so with the many down moments she would have with Mr. Mitti, Ambuya always interrogated her granddaughter first before trying to resolve the issue with Mr. Mitti who she equally loved as much her Matimba. As for Mr. Mitti, it was a different story all together. His family never saw any need of him proceeding to get married to a lady whom he never whole heartedly loved. And even with the hope that he would eventually do because of their son- one issue that the entire Mitti clan never appreciated was how Matimba always chose to set aside all her traditional values in the name of the five years that she stayed in Russia for her school and a few other years spent away from the country for her advanced studies for specific specialties in her field of work. With two younger brothers and an elder sister plus her husband who raised Mr. Mitti and his other two brothers after the death of their parents and considered as their parents, Matimba had no good relationship with any of them. However, the Mitti clan loved Yamiko just as much as they did one another. Although everything was so visible to his entire family, Mr. Mitti only confided in one of his brother, Austen the challenges he had with Matimba and after being advised to let go of her before it would worsen, Matimba announced her pregnancy to Mr. Mitti and it was the greatest news he had ever received for the whole of that period. With that, he managed to convince his sister to proceed with the dowry payments and all the wedding preparations had commenced until it was proved impossible to proceed due to her consistent pregnancy illnesses. All the dowry was paid pending the wedding ceremony that would demand so much time and energy of the bride. Mr. Mitti could however not allow for Matimba to continue leaving in the doctor’s quarters and he arranged for a beautiful apartment in woodlands for Matimba and her unborn child and hired servants for her. But even with that, Ambuya was most preferable to take care of her but she [Ambuya] always had her own challenges in adapting to a lifestyle were she was to spent all her day indoors without having to see any neighbors or live as communities do. And so, she would only visit very often but not always staying for so long. As they drove out of Matero, Matimba was so anxious to know what plans her lover had in store for them for that day but she never wanted to spoil the surprise and so she chose to wait and see. They didn’t talk much during their travel- only a few questions here and there to hear if they were okay or if they needed something. And there was silence again. He decided to switch on the radio. Immediately Matimba noticed the vehicle turning into Makeni road, her heart slightly missed its beat and she quickly interrupted Matimba: Honey Joe: Yes? Matimba: May I ask where we are headed for. I don’t know, for some unknown reason, it really feels like we are going to the Samboko farm? Joe: [carefree] actually yes. Sis Jane and brother in law have been talking about seeing Yamiko a lot- I just thought this would be a great opportunity to give them a surprise visit Matimba felt like busting. The Sambokos were the last bunch of people she hoped to see at any point of her life. Atleast what she needed was a great time spent with her fiancé after having sleepless night in thinking that she had lost him Matimba: My luv- don’t you think that we should have discussed this first- I mean, I should have worn something descent right? Joe: hey- don’t mind- everyone will know we never planned for this and that should take care of all your worries right Matimba: Joe please. We can always plan for this properly- why don’t you turn the car and go back. He just continued driving without saying anything. Matimba could not help but get upset with him Matimba: You said you had planned for time out for the three of us hun- why the change of mind? Joe: its not necessary for you to raise your voice Timba. All I asked was for my family to just have a glimpse of our son whom you really haven’t had time to take to them- is that too much to ask? Matimba: why now- when we seem to be doing so well. You of all people should know that there is no time I have met with your sister without my day getting all messed up Joe: our sister Honey- you know in no less than a month we should be getting married but traditionally we already are as good as husband and wife- You are a part of me and the rest of my family And that’s how she kept quiet. It always pained Mr. Mitti whenever she showed it so clearly that she never liked his family but only him. When they arrived at the Farm, everyone was so happy to see them but more especially baby Yamiko. + Though an elder sister, Jane and her husband were an elderly couple who even had three of their own children with the first already in university. Having been raised and educated by them, Mr. Mitti always respected and adored them like he would his own parents. With these two, he never lacked anything and he owed his life to them. Immediately jane saw them- she sent for a chitenge and handed it over to Matimba before she could happily receive them both in Jane: this is such beautiful surprise Joe- oh I feel so blessed to have Yamiko here and in my arms Look at him- so cute- just like his father Mr. Mitti smiled so widely. It was always nice to be at the farm. The place always reminded him of the good olden days and he felt complete with all the happiness that surrounded the atmosphere. Joe: [looking at Matimba] we thought we would make your day by surprising you with your nephew Jane: And you of course. This was indeed a wonderful surprise Matimba just looked down. She never even bothered to leave the place as she would always. She took her fiancé word for it when she was told they would not stay long and so she couldn’t even wait to leave Mr. Samboko: Joe- Matimba- you are welcome- it’s so good to have you around [Echoing each other] Thank you papa. They always called him that as a way of respecting him Mr. Samboko: I sure hope you are staying with us for the whole day. Am sure the girls would like to spend some more time with Yamiko Joe: well am sure Matimba wouldn’t mind- [facing her] right hun? Matimba: [forcing a smile] sure. And all that followed was laughter. Before she could realise it, Austen and Chimwemwe had also driven in and it was more like a family reunion that was all planned for. Matimba swore to never forgive Mr. Mitti for this. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& By 10hrs the next morning, Pezo had not yet woken up. Of course it was understood having arrived back home only past midnight at 02.40 in the morning. Even after their return, she was only able to sleep around 04hrs after chatting with her mother who was eager to hear how she enjoyed the day at the Chombas that day/night. Obviously, it was one way of getting an update on how she was already relating with Kalima but never wanted to ask the question directly. But from their conversation, Pezo’s mum noted that it would not actually be so tuff to have the two get together and she was a happy person even as she went to bed. As Lillian entered the room to air the room, Pezo never even seemed to be any close to waking up. Another hour passed and this time it was her phone that woke her up… she tried ignoring it until she couldn’t bear with it any more. When she saw that it was Mukuka’s number, she ignored it and put on silence as she went back to sleep. A little later, it was now her room extension line that began to ring and it was so loud she couldn’t stand it. She dragged herself out of the bed as she sat down on her little carpet as she answered it Pezo: hello Lillian: Madam- am sorry but you have a call from the Chomba residence. The caller insisted on talking to you. Pezo: aunt Lillian- please tell Mukuka – And the call was already switching to the caller. Kalima: - don’t tell me you are still in bed Pezo: sorry but who am I talking to? Kalima: why don’t you guess? I would be the happiest if you would guess right Pezo just smiled. She had spent so much time with him the previous day to miss his voice. Pezo: listen- am so sorry Kalima: come on- its 15 minutes past 11 O’clock in the morning. You have less than 20minutes to prepare yourself. Your bestie and I are already on our way to you house. Pezo: [a little confused] what- Karl No Kalima: Am not buying any excuses from you after you promised to take me around the city. Pezo: Listen- I can’t - And the line got cut. Pezo felt so disturbed and she had a terrible headache because of the manner in which she woke up. Not caring, she went back to bed and in a few minutes she was sleeping again. In approximately about 30 minutes, it was Mrs. Chinyama who now entered the room and began to wake up Pezo: Mummy please- cant I for once get my rest? Mrs. Chinyama: well you don’t have to blame me- Kalima is downstairs- he said he just spoke to you before coming here. Pezo: Please tell him I can’t accompany him mum- I still need my rest [she turned the other side] Mrs. Chinyama: Oh no child- you are getting out of this bed right this minute. You have a guest and you won’t embarrass us by doing this. Pezo: I owe him nothing mummy. He just called as he was already on his way. Am sorry but am not seeing him Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo!! Grow up and stop behaving like a little girl. Am getting out of this room. Remember that you have a guest waiting for you downstairs… do not embarrass us. She had never disobeyed her parents. She actually wasn’t left with any option but to get out of bed and get downstairs. She remembered Kalima mentioning that he was with Mukuka and she was surprised that neither her mother mentioned her being with the brother nor did she come up as she always would. Pezo was only getting downstairs after 30minutes- still looking a little stressed and dressed in simple jeans and a denim top over a white body top. But she still looked good nevertheless. Kalima was seated with Mr. Chinyama but at her appearance, he immediately stood up to receive her. Pezo immediately wondered why all of the sudden he was behaving as though they were dating but immediately brushed the thought away knowing so well how the two families were close enough to even dare do that. But at that moment, she hated Kalima so much for disturbing her sleep. At least somebody must have told him that sleeping was one of her major weakness and with a holiday- she would easily spend the entire morning in her bedroom unless she had a commitment to attend to Kalima: [extending his hand towards her] am so sorry I had to wake you up. I hope you are not upset Pezo: [keeping up appearance for her dad’s sake] – oh no… it’s fine really. My apologies if I kept you waiting for long. Kalima: Father kept me company. Its fine really Pezo: [turning to him with a smile] good morning daddy Mr. Chinyama: it’s actually afternoon child They all laughed and in no time- Kalima and Pezo were on their way out. They were not even in the car lot and Pezo was already wondering why the car had to park so far away when they were already going out Pezo: I thought you said you were coming here with Mukuka? Kalima: I was – but she had to go back and only dropped me here Pezo: [a little shocked] what?? Kalima: why do you seem surprised. That should be topical of my sister right? Pezo: Not really. I bet there must be something so urgent she needed to attend to? Kalima: Perhaps. But guess what? Pezo: what? Kalima: since it’s just you and me- you have no option but to give me a ride [he smiles] Pezo for a while never said anything. She couldn’t think straight but just looked at him to try and understand what exactly he wanted from her. She hated him the more and could not wait to separate with him. Pezo: then I will have to get us a chauffeur. I really don’t think I can manage to drive Karl. Kalima: I don’t think that would be necessary. I understand you should be tired and we shouldn’t take long Pezo: [getting irritated] I see. May I ask where we are supposed to be heading to? Kalima: [clearing his throat] actually- this might even sound crazy but I do not know- although one thing I know is that I need to have an early lunch with you before you may assist me to get a sim card. I think am already missing out on a lot of things without one already Pezo felt weak all over her body. She could not believe that she was dragged out of bed so she could be forced to have lunch that she never felt like eating and to get a sim which could have easily been obtained by any other person or with the accompaniment of even Chishimba. she really disliked his attitude and regretted ever offering to help with anything concerning him.
20 Jul 2019 | 02:13
20 Jul 2019 | 08:08
LOVING PEZO 7 Pezo: Excuse me... I will just go back to collect the car keys Kalima: sure. Pezo was almost getting back into the house when she met her mother by the door Mrs. Chinyama: and now? Pezo: I - I need to get my car keys mummy. Kalima didn't come with a car. Mrs. Chinyama: (smiling widely) but ofcourse he wouldn't darling. He only got back in the country remember? Pezo just smiled once more not understanding her mother Mrs. Chinyama: that's why I was running after you- (handing her over the key)- here, you can use my car Pezo: oh no mummy- I really don't want to stress with this big car, the IST will do. Mrs. Chinyama: are you going to be stubborn about this too? Pezo just stepped forward and collected the keys from her mother. Mrs. Chinyama: Take care child. Pezo took her time as she drove the streets of new kasama into the woodlands and eventually into Rhodes Park at a restaurant well known for traditional foods and popularly known as matebeto restaurant. Its only after she arrived at the place and was packing the car that she realised they hadn't been conversing much and she had not even asked him what he would want for his lunch before chosing a restaurant on his behalf. Pezo: (in her soft spoken voice) I hope you will like the food here. I thought it would be more strategic in terms of location if we need to get to the mall afterwards for your sim card. Kalima: Any place of your choice would be good for me. She never said anything but just switched of the car engene as she opened the car door to leave. She led Kalima to both the zambian traditional/local food bay, the western foods as well as a section were Italian dishes were available upon request. Kalima: what do you think... I will obviously need a bit of everything on this local food. Looks good. What are you gonna eat? Pezo was caught unaware. With the way her day had been spoilt.. food was the last thing on her mind Kalima: hey... you ain't gonna watch me eat while you Pezo: oh no. Not at all. I will definately grab something. Except I wouldn't need so much. Kalima went on to excitedly select his options from the many dishes. By the time his meal was being delivered were they were seated... he couldn't believe how much he was craving to have a taste of each meal. When Pezo saw the eagerness, she couldn't help but smile. Kalima: it's so good to see you smile. I guess I can stop feeling all guilty for spoiling your morning now Pezo: What? What do you mean-? Kalima: Really Pezo. Am sorry. I ask for your forgiveness. Pezo: you sure don't have to dear. Please enjoy your meal. Kalima: cheers Pezo: I actually should be the one to apologise. I mean, if it was so visible to you that I never wanted to come along, then it must have been so bad right Kalima: well what matters is I never minded much. They spoke about alot more other things and by the time Pezo was dropping him at home, they didn't even immediately separate as they had so much to talk about. Before leaving, Pezo decided to say hello to whoever was inside the house. Mrs. Chomba was so happy to see her as always. Mrs. Chomba: how is everyone back home? Pezo: They are all well thank you. Mrs. Chomba: why don't you come through, I will ask the helpers to serve us some tea Pezo: Thank you mah... but I really have to get home. I just came to drop Kalima off Mrs. Chomba: I hope you two had a great time Kalima: Pezo was a great company mum. You guessed well when you proposed her accompanying me Mrs. Chomba: Am glad son. Short silence Pezo: mah- is Mukuka back. Mrs. Chomba: You friend never went anywhere child. She should be in her room. Pezo: I will quickly check on her before I take leave Mrs. Chomba: Sure. As she was going upstairs, Kalima could not help but watch her all the way without shame that his mother was looking. Mrs. Chomba: I see you can't stop admiring her son. Kalima: (moving to sit on thee nearest couch) oh no mum... I was actually- just looking... not that it meant anything. Mrs. Chomba: (joining him) Am your mother you know. And I can never miss the fact that my son is already in Love. Kalima: mum- what are you saying. She and I only just met Mrs. Chomba: so what son? Shouldn't what matter the most be that you love and adore her. I mean- who would even blame you- she is beautiful, intelligent and comes from a very well respected family. Kalima just smiled. He didn't expect this kind of support from his mother or any of her family member. For he was almost beginning to think that before Pezo would get even more irritated with him, he gives her space. But it was really so tempting that he was now getting this kind of support from his own mother Kalima: You are right but- Pezo really seems special and I wouldn't want to mess it up for anything. Mrs. Chomba: Exactly my point son. Why don't you Leave it to me for now. Short silence Mrs. Chomba: My only fear would be if you and that uncultured woman you introduced us are still as - Kalima: mother please. You son is now back home. Why don't we then start everything on a clean page. I seriously am in deep love with this girl it scares me. It was Mrs. Chomba who now smiled liking all that she was hearing. She inwardly prayed that it may be this easy to have Pezo equally fall in love with him so soon. Meanwhile as Pezo entered Mukuka’s room hoping she would surprise her, she was a little surprised that her bestie was not able to welcome her as usually. She just said a simple hello and continued to read her novel. Pezo: what book are you reading? Mukuka: (carefree) Hollywood wives. Pezo: okay.. (silence) I missed your company today. Why dint you come along? Mukuka’s didnt answer. Her heart began to burn. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Really after denying her of her own brother's company Pezo was nt supposed to expect an answer to such kind of a question. In Mukuka’s opinion, Pezo was being silly by actually thinking that she could go on to talk to her concerning their friendship which had been traded already. Pezo: kuka? Mukuka: (moving from the bed) well what do you think Pezo. Is it my fault that the person am supposed to call a friend has decided to live a very secretive life by not telling me what's going on in her life? Pezo: what- what do you mean best friend; you know I can never do that to you. Besides, what's there to keep from you, am still the same person with nothing but love for only my friend and family. Mukuka: I doubt so Pezo. Not when it's so clear that you and my brother could be dating yet you chose to keep this from me. Do you have any idea what that is doing to me? Pezo was so confused. Pezo: Me? With your brother? Mukuka: Oh please Pezo... quit the pretence okay. Everyone can clearly see that there is something between you two. You two couldn't afford to even hide it during the party last night could you? And the stroll- did you really have to pretend that that's all that it was? Pezo: what are you saying girlfriend- you are getting it all wrong. You brother and I only met yesterday; how possible could it even be that we could be dating? Mukuka:(cutting in) liar!!! You are lying Pezo- I have been watching you too damn it. You think am stupid? Pezo: calm down please. You really don't have to be so loud- we can talk about this- but really Kuka - I need you to believe me when I say I have no slight idea of what you are talking about Mukuka: I rather need you to leave Pezo. I don't think I I can I I kind kind of betrayal anymore Pezo: kuka? Mukuka: (raising her voice) now!!! It was so clear with everyone that the two were perhaps fighting. For a while... Mrs Chomba couldn't believe her ears as she had never heard the two quarrel so seriously as it sounded. It was only after Chisala came quickly to confirm that fact. Mrs. Chomba quickly went upstairs. She was almost opening the door to her daughter's room when Pezo did as she quickly excused herself and left. Kalima was waitin for feedback when he saw Pezo walk downstairs while wiping a tear from her eye. Kalima: Hey what's going on? Are you okay? Pezo: (avoiding his eye contact) am okay thanks. I will leave. Please do tell Mah for me. He was helpless. He could clearly see that something was wrong and Pezo seemed broken. He wondered what could have happened or what might have Caused them to hurt each other to that extent. He quickly went upstairs to check on his sister and luckily the door was open and he just went in at a point that their mother was just questioning Mukuka over what happened Mukuka: it's nothing mum. She and I just argued and it's normal for friends to do so right Mrs. Chomba: You two have never fought like that darling- what caused you to hurt each other's feelings Kalima: Pezo really seemed hurt sis. What did you say to her Mukuka: Please stay out of this Kalima. You wouldn't understand. This is between the two of us Mrs. Chomba: mind how you talk to you elder brother young lady... you won't help the situation by doing that. Can't you see that we are just concerned about you? Pezo and you share a strong friendship bond and Mukuka: raising her voice again) well not any more mum. For your own information- Pezo and I ceased being friends the moment your precious son set foot in this house. Mrs. Chomba: Mukuka!! She left the room and went to in her young sister's room and sat on the bed without saying a word to the helper who was busy folding and the clean linen. Kalima was left speechless. Its like he never knew his own sister at all. Since the party, she was really acting strange and he never understood or stand her for long. She was so different from her friend Pezo and he wondered how they were able to call themselves besties with such huge difference in character and behaviour. He Decided to check on Pezo while Mrs. Chomba decided to follow her in Chisala’s 's bedroom Mrs. Chomba: (facing the helper) excuse us please. The helper had not even completely disappeared and Mrs. Chomba was already expressing her disappointment on her daughter Mrs. Chomba: since when did you decide to talk to me or you elder brother in such a manner? Mukuka: sorry mother - (trying to leave) excuse me Mrs. Chomba: (holding her by the hand) am still talking to you Mukuka. Have you any idea what you just did. Mukuka: mother please I don't want to talk about it. I said am sorry- am sorry I hurt your son- oh is it your supposed daughter in law Pezo? Mrs. Chomba didn't see her self slapping her. It was with the pain that came with the slap on her hand that made her realise just how unbearable her daughter's behaviour was becoming. On the other hand, it's like Mukuka never ever shed a tear or anything to show the slap for. Mukuka: Why not go ahead and slap me for all you can mum... all in the name of Pezo right. Do I not have a right to speak my mind as your daughter? Didn't I have the right to know that you have been planning for a union between my friend and brother? Mrs. Chomba: shut up! I think you have said enough and you should be ashamed of yourself. You of all people Should be happy for your friend instead instead of behaving in this manner Mukuka: not when it costs my friendship with her mum. Why? (She suddenly drops a tear) Did you really have to do this without asking me? It was only then that Mrs. Chomba understood everything. Her daughter was jealous of her friend. She cursed when she remembered her daughter's character. Always wanting the best of life's things to be only for her. It pained Mrs. Chomba to realise that even after thinking that her daughter had grown into a more mature and independent lady, she was still as greedy without realising she was doing the wrong thing. Mrs. Chomba: Pezo is your friend Mukuka. ... do you think she would react this way if she were in you place? Mukuka never responded in any way Mrs. Chomba: All we want is for us to get the best wife for your brother sweetheart. A well cultured girl who is of our social class and able to understand Kalima and his family. One who is not only beautiful from the outside but Mukuka: enough mother. You really don't have to go on and on to prove just that point. Excuse me She left leaving her mother all weak &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Before Pezo arrived home, her mother received several calls from Mrs. Chomba trying to check if she had arrived home safely but it also worried Pezo’s parents when Kalima called a few minutes later to find out if Pezo was home Mrs. Chinyama: (skipping the question) this is the fifth call am getting from you house on Pezo son. (Sounding worried) Is my daughter okay? Kalima: I- was - just checking. I mean- it was already a little late when she dropped me off and she mentioned she doesn't drive when it's dark and I - Mrs. Chinyama: and you still left her to do so? Kalima had not responded and Pezo appeared looking really on the low side. Without cutting the line, Mrs Chinyama stopped talking to Kalima and immediately began to interrogate her daughter... Happy and relieved to see her safe Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- dear- you are here. Upon hearing that, Kalima gave it a deep breath as he cut the line. Mrs. Chinyama: What happened ? Why did you take so long to get home? Everyone was worried child. Pezo: am fine mummy. Kalima needed me to take him to several other places and
21 Jul 2019 | 01:53
Mrs. Chinyama: Kalima is just from phoning me honey- he was equally worried. You dropped him off hours ago. Pezo: I met some friends mum. Sorry I should have called (she was so quick to answer) Mrs. Chinyama: (taking a closer look at her) - are you okay child- did something happen. Pezo: am okay mummy (avoiding her eyes) I will go to bed- its been a long day She watched her daughter leave as she got a little worried. Just that morning as pezo and kalima were leaving the house, she had a little discussion with her husband. While still loving him for their daughter, they both felt Kalima was coming on so strong on Pezo and it wouldn't help the process if he were to continue that way. All they planned as parents of both was to have them close so they could gradually fall in love with each other. But before any of them could do enough of that, it's like Kalima fell in love at first sight which would easily be perceived as infatuation if not just to use their daughter. It worried them to some extent when Chisala mentioned the other woman he was dating back in the UK. Automatically, a man who takes a step further in introducing the lady he is dating means he is serious with her. But overall, they agreed they would observe him and his intentions before they may judge him wrongly. Mrs. Chinyama quickly rubbed off her thoughts when she thought of the worst. Her husband joined her and noticed her face expression. Mr. Chinyama: why do you seem so worried. Did something happen? Mrs. Chinyama: No. Its nothing darling. Some coffee? Mr. Chinyama: would love that thanks. Make it a little more stronger Mrs. Chinyama; at this hour? Mr. Chinyama: I need to stay up a little late tonight- I m wrapping up on a business proposal for our new partners Mrs. Chinyama just smiled before she could leave. Within a few minutes, she was back and as she sat close to her husband who immediately crossed his right hand across her shoulder as those to move her even more closer, they both began to listen to the local main news on TV. They sat in silence for a while before Mr. Chinyama spoked up. Mr. Chinyama: (checking his wrist watch) don't you think it's a little to late for Pezo to still be out? She never drives in the night right? Mrs. Chinyama: she is actually back. She had to go to bed as she has an early day tommorrow. Mr. Chinyama: well even with that, she has to spend time with her family right- even if it's for a few minutes. She hasn't been doing much of that lately. I need you to talk to her or else she quits this fake job Mr. Chinyama: please- just give her enough chance to adjust. I will definately talk to her There was silence as Mrs. Chinyama began to struggle withing herself Mrs. Chinyama: am just a little worried for our daughter. She dint seem fine when she walked in a few minutes ago. But she brushed my question off when I asked (she moved a little as she directly faced her husband in the eyes) - Darling- am scared. I hope this boy didn't have to take advantage of our innocent child Mr. Chinyama: hey- do you have to go to such extremes in your thoughts. You know he can never do that? Mrs. Chinyama: we both do not know him my husband-So what can make you so certain that he wouldn't. They both remained quiet as Mr. Chinyama instructed his wife to interrogate Pezo. &&&&&&&&&&&&& As pezo opened the door to her room that evening. She felt so weak and only had to throw herself on the bed without taking her usual shower first. So many thoughts were running through her mind. After leaving the Chomba residence, she had not driven so far away from there and she just broke down as she remembered her friends words. She couldnt believe that Mukuka could treat her that way at any point in life. Even at this point that her allegations werent true and held no water at all, its the manner in which she raised the accusations that hurt Pezo the most. Ever since they knew each other and decided to be best of friends- they swore never to keep secrets from each other and to always discuss their love affairs with whoever they wished to date at any particular point. Their one main challenge was finding a life partner that would not only love them for who they were but also fit into their lifestyle. It was not so much of an issue for Pezo and many times... Mukuka is the one who found herself in a desperate kind of arrangement to get herself a lover. It was because of that she would either find herself with a man already so seriously engaged with another woman and only wanting to have a great time with her or to a married man whom she would later on get calls from the wife. Mukuka would always run back in her friend's arms who would always encourage her to take her time to find love but she would never take heed to her friend's advice. According to Mukuka, she always found it strange that wherever they would go- all the proper bachelors would fall for the quite and humble Pezo even when she would have done all the talking and everything in her power to win them. It always pained Mukuka the more that men would even want to communicate through her to win Pezo's heart as she would always give her card to people with her contact details. Because of her jealousy, which Pezo never seemed to be aware of, Mukuka would not even tell her friend about these potential dates and on a few that she would, Pezo always turned down the offer even before it would reach far in communication. And that is why with the coming of Kalima and the manner in which she related to him, Mukuka was so sure Pezo knew about him and was keeping herself for him alone without sharing this aspect of her life with her friend. She was still in deep thoughts when her phone rang. Though not yet saved in her phone, She immediately recognised the line as she is the one who even picked it for Kalima when they went into the mobile network provider's customer service centre. She decided not to pick it and it's at that point that her mother knocked once and entered the room. She watched her daughter for a while before saying anything Pezo: do you need something mummy Mrs. Chinyama: won't you pick up your call Pezo: I can always call back. I would rather talk to you ( she forced a smile) Mrs. Chinyama walked up to her and still looking her in the eyes and so closely, she held her by the hand Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- honey- you don't have to hide your pain from your mother by using that grin. You know I gave birth to you. Pezo: mummy Mrs. Chinyama: You can talk to me child. There was silence as pezo struggled to find words Pezo: Mukuka and I argued mummy. It shocked Mrs. Chinyama. Pezo: but it's nothing to worry you or for you to get involved in Mrs. Chinyama: you and Mukuka? ararguing ? Since when? Pezo had no answers. How in God's name was she supposed to tell her all that her friend accused her of. &&&&&&&&&&&& It was the worst day for Matimba. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves as they turned the gathering into a family party but she regretted ever trusting her fiancé when he said it would be a really short visit. She decided to close herself in the girls room as she took a nap with baby Yamiko. By the time she woke up, it was already evening and she was glad they would finally leave. She washed her face and quickly went out of the room and couldn't believe her eyes. It really seemd like mr. Mitti was really drunk and in no state to be spoken to. Immediately Jane saw Matimba, she walked up to her as she left the rest by the brain stand Jane: evening mulamu. Why don't you join us.. we haven't sat to talk about anything since you came Matimba: actually I was thinking of leaving now. I never carried extra napkins or diapers for Yamiko and it's really getting dark for us. Jane: well actually, Mr. Samboko was just wispering to me- I doubt Joe can manage to drive back home. He really seems high on alcohol. Matimba: what? Jane: (holding her by the shoulder) hey you don't really have to worry much. You know this is as good as home to both of you. I have already asked the helpers to prepare the guest room for you Matimba: well it's just that Jane: and the diapers will be provided for in your room. So just relax- and if you may- join us will you? Before she could answer, Jane was called by her husband and immediately left. Matimba felt like killing. How was she supposed to stay another entire night at a place she was never free with.
21 Jul 2019 | 02:00
what kind of friend is still kuka? u are desperate to marry but want ur friend to be single for life
22 Jul 2019 | 12:00
Loving Pezo _ Episode 8 Three weeks past. Even after with so much happening in preparation of their wedding day, Mr. Mitti and Matimba's relationship was ever getting sour by the day. Two weeks later from the night they spent at the Samboko farm, the Chilanga Mulilo was taken to Mr. Mitti’s family and it was only a week to go before they could have their kitchen party. Even with all these things happening, Mr Mitti never really felt so eager to have the mother of his son with him in his home. Matimba always found faults in blaming him for one thing or the other. Its either she felt he was loving his family more than her, or he was spending too much time with his friends or at work or that he was not so concerned about their wedding preparations. As a person who was not so sure if he made the right decision in deciding to take their relationship to another level, it always pained his sister and brother's that he had to continue with this even in the midst of all the confusion. For Jane his sister, she only did all she could for the sake of her brother and not that anything good would come out of their relationship. She had tried to bring Matimba as close to the family but it was all in vein. As for his feelings for Pezo, it was even getting more worse by each day that Mr. Mitti had to be with her to finalise the proposal document design and strategies. The process demanded so much more time of most members of staff and Pezo was no exception due to the initial involvement she had with the project. At most, it required just him and Pezo to put the document together after most of the brainstorming sessions they would have. It was not easy for Mr. Mitti to always hide the now strong feelings he had for Pezo but atleast, the manner in which Pezo related with him is what helped him a lot. She was ever professional, focused, dedicated and very innovative towards her work . Above all, she had both inner respect and for others too that always made anyone have limits on how they could relate with her. With time, Mr. Mitti discovered she came from a rich family and was shoked to know this aspect knowing so well how wealthy people raised their children. As for Kalima, he had become so busy with work having been placed as a CEO of the family company by both the Chomba and chinyama families. The company dealt with so much and ofcourse with the many branches across the country that demanded for his close supervision or attention at most, he was ever in and out of town. But even with that, his thoughts were ever with Pezo whom even with the many days that passed by without seeing, he loved her so much with all his being. Every now and then, or whenever he would try to ask for a date out or for them to watch a movie together but she always had excuses. Kalima knew it was all in an effort to avoid being with him knowing so well what happened the night she differed with his sister Mukuka. There was nothing much he could do knowing what kind of a sister he had. Rather, for a few days that followed, he just decided to avoid meeting with Pezo so openly and it's just as well Pezo wasnt forthcoming to any proposed date. For the beautiful but so frustrated lady, Mukuka, it was not easy for her to live the next days of her life with the manner in which she performed the other evening. Pezo’s words to her were so few from the incident. Just a text apologising if she wronged her through any means (words or actions) and asked her to be at peace. For Mukuka, she felt good that her friend bowed down to her accusations but it hit her hard when she saw that Pezo no longer had any interest in spending time with her or her brother Kalima. Not that she didn't want to be friends with her anymore but just to allow her friend adjust to all that was happening. Inwardly, Mukuka missed Pezo alot but she noted that more than ever, Pezo seemed so busy even to see her from the office or her home. With time, she realised she was so wrong about all the allegations raised against her friend and was so desperate to apologise for all that. With time, Kalima managed to sit her down and explained that his relationship with Pezo was purely just that and no strings were attached. He however made it very clear that although he loved Pezo with all his heart, he had never met or spoken to her before the day of his arrival in Zambia. He mentioned that the two days he spent time with Pezo was all in an attempt to win her heart but for something that Mukuka undoubtedly confirmed, Kalima mentioned It was not easy. With this, Mukuka remained haunted with her own guilty of having treated her friend so badly. For Mr. and Mrs. Chinyama, they were of a resolve that their daughter never deserved to go through what happened with Mukuka and it was only fair that even they had to stop pushing the agenda of having Pezo and Kalima date for a possible union as husband and wife-to-be. This was discussed with Mr. and Mrs. Chomba and it was agreed as such. However, one could see that between the two families, there was a bit of tention as they never did much of the things together as usually. The only places they met were through joint company meetings and perhaps at church whenever they would bump into each other. Its not that both families wanted or liked it that way but it was just inevitable that things had to be this way because of past unavoidable occurrences. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The day that the contract was finally signed for the project was the happiest for Pezo. She did it and those were the exact words that everyone echoed throughout the launch. Atleast, this somewhat marked the end of the sleepless nights she had for the past three weeks of her internship with the organisation. Mr. Mitti couldn't be any proud of her at any point and with the close working relationship, it didn’t help him much to forget or get over the much attractions he felt towards Pezo. But always, it gave him a heartache to think of the soon approaching kitchen Party and Wedding ceremonies with the mother of his son Yamiko. Once in a rare while, he would get out of his ways in such moments by going out of his way of having such a lady in his bed and soon end the whole thing. But for Pezo, she looked too innocent and special to be treated like that. With her beautiful ways, he would only wish her well in life even if not with himself but with another man. He was just thinking about her when she appeared before him as the door was wide open Pezo: knock knock - May I come in sir Joe: Sure - and do make yourself comfortable. Pezo: Thank you. As pezo was making herself comfortable, Mr. Mitti poured a glass of water for himself Joe: So- how may I help you this afternoon? Pezo: well sir. I just came through to say my last goodbye. My task here is done and am so happy all ended well even with the launch. Mr. Mitti could not hide his shock. Joe: wait- what do you mean- your task? Last goodbye? Pezo: ( with a simple smile) Today marks exactly 6 months since I joined the organisation with a specific task to develop a communications strategy for the newly launched project. Joe: really? Pezo: yes really. Silence as Mr. Mitti became thoughtful. Pezo: (cutting his thoughts) I just thought I should specifically thank you for the great skill you imparted in me through the process. I learnt a lot and I will never forget this place and everyone else. Mr. Mitti never answered. He looked at her and just thought of how unready he was to let her go. For if he couldn't have her as his woman, atleast, he enjoyed just seeing her and her wonderful smile. Pezo: (rising to her feet) I will now leave sir Joe: Yeah sure. - but I see your car is not back from the garage... mind if I dropped you. Pezo: Many thanks for the offer but I dialled for a cab and it should be in any minute. Joe: well I insist. Its a Friday and for the work done- I wouldn't want to still sit here to work. Pezo: Thank you. They slowly left the office as they walked together into the parking lot. Even as they did so, Pezo could not believe the level of bitterness for the man. With all the hard work, atleast he could have even wished her well and confirmed the hardwork she exhibited throughout her engagement period with the organisation. Her thoughts were disturbed by his questions Joe: So is it south north or east direction? Pezo: we can use great east road and turn from Avondale Joe: uh okay. I hope you don't mind us having a drink together before I can drop you off? Pezo: (hesitantly) well it's just that I promised mum Joe: I see am dealing with mummy's girl Pezo: oh no. But ofcourse we may. I will only have to be home no later than 6pm They drove for quite some distance on the other part of the city till they reached the Garden City Mall. She didnt feel so comfortable being just the two of them and looked like they were on a date. But because Mr. Mitti seemed so at ease with her, she decided to do this for his sake. Afterall he was just trying to be thankful for all the successful contributions she made to the organisation. They had not even stayed longer there and just ordered some drinks when a team of quite some executive men walked in and sat right next to them on a table that seemed to have been reserved for a corperate meeting of some sort. Mr. Mitti immediately felt they were too close and wouldn't want to listen in to their discussions and so he suggested they move to another table which was directly adjacent to the group. As they stood, Pezo carried her glass of juice when and as she was trying to pick her handbag Mr. Mitti quickly reached out for it Mr. Mitti: Please allow me. Pezo: (hesitantly) sure. It was with the act that Kalima, who was one of the team of people looked and could not miss Pezo's beauty as she walked alongside the man she was with to the table directly opposite to theirs. Even if it's Mr. Mitti who sat direct to him and Pezo had her back on him, he could not help but feel a little jealous as he could clearly see her smile on whatever it was the two were talking about. He almost lost his concentration and grip on what he was talking about but immediately realised he needed to be professional. Pezo never saw or realised that there could be a familiar face behind them. And because Mr. Mitti was ever saying jokes in trying to make her as comfortable with him, Kalima could not miss her familiar laughter and joy that surrounded them both. It was breaking him to see her there seeming like she was having a great time with another man and he decided to cut the meeting short. Pezo never even realised how quick time was moving and as she was suggesting to leave, the lights of the restaurant went out and there was a great shout of surprise as the Lightng was restored with all the other company members of staff stood w with smiles towards Pezo . She was so short of words as she looked at each one of them with such happiness. She turned to Mr. Mitti with her beautiful smile Pezo: Sir you really didn’t have to Joe: everyone will miss you Pezo. You were such a great support to our work. We wish you all the best life can offer. Pezo: Thank you. Thank you sir (getting louder) and all of you. I never expected this and am so humbled. It was a beautiful night for Pezo she almost forgot calling home but managed to inform her mother of what was happening and asked for a driver to be sent for her. All the beautiful words in appreciation of what she had done for the company were said during this gathering. She could not be any thankful for the entire team for this. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Pezo had not even arrived home and she received a call from Kalima. She looked at the call for a while. It had been long since he called and worse still at that hour. She could only think of the worst happening as she quickly answered the call Pezo: Karl Kalima: Hey- hope am not disturbing you? Your sleep? Pezo: (with a soft laugh) oh not at all karl- actually - am not even home yet- had a little gathering with a few friends- former workmates rather There was silence on the other end. Kalima thought she really sounded so happy. He felt so weak and suddenly had no words to tell her. What sense did it make anyway. Pezo: Karl? Is anything the matter? Why did you call? Kalima: well I just thought of saying hai. Its been long and -I - you crossed my mind Pezo: oh thank you. I hope you are okay? - and everyone at home? Kalima: (ignoring his questions/statement) I need to see you Pezo- please don't turn my request down again Pezo: (getting worried) - hey are you okay? Is all well with everyone home. Kalima: (realising what he just did) yes- yes. Everyone is okay. A very short silence Kalima: I guess it's I who could not be well because Pezo: whats wrong with you Karl? There was another silence Kalima: I know this may sound crazy but- I - I miss you Pezo. I miss the great moments I shared with you the first few days I came in. Pezo: Karl Kalima: Please listen to me... I know you-and whatever happened with my sister and the tension between our parents is too much but Pezo- are you gonna punish a friend for that? Pezo: Karl please- lets not make this any difficult- give it some time. Our families will still come around some day and all this will soon be over Kalima: really? Pezo: I need to go Karl. Kalima: Do I see you tommorrow? Pezo: I will see. She cut the line. And she felt so bad even as she was doing so. with time...and more so after their time spent together at the restaurant, she got to learn that Kalima wasnt really a bad person except she could see it that he really liked her more than a brother would his own sister. That was were her problem lied. She saw him as a brother and didnt want an even bigger argument between their two families arising out of her name. On the other hand, Pezo was so sure that Kalima was seriously in a relationship that his sisters had always talked about. She didnt want to fall victim of a lady who would fall so deed in love with someone whose heart already belonged to someone else. When she arrived home, her mother was waiting up for her as always. Pezo just gave her a kiss and was proceeding upstairs when her mother stopped her Pezo: mummy sorry I really need to rest. Can we talk tommorrow Mrs Chinyama: Kalima was here child. Pezo: what? Mrs. Chinyama: Why don't you atleast talk to him tommorrow. Make him understand that you hold no grudge against him. Help him be at peace. Pezo: Sure mum. Will do. Is that all? Mrs. Chinyama: yes. That was all Pezo' Phone rang and without realising it, she widely smile as she picked it and left without saying a word to her mother. Joe: I trust you are safely home? Pezo: Yes. Thank you for everything once more. I really had a great time. It was great to know you all. Joe: Pleasure is all mine. And I hope we can still be seeing you once in a while? Pezo: Yes. Ofcourse sir Joe: call me Joe, please. Everyone does. Pezo never commented on that. And soon they said their goodbyes It wasnt easy for Kalima even as Pezo cut the line. He was left in distress. He just didnt seem to wipe away what he witnessed that late afternoon from the restaurant. Seeing Pezo having what seemed like such a great time with another man was never a good sight for him . He feared for the unknown when his thoughts seemed to have pushed him towards a conclusion that they were actually dating. He found it so difficult to find sleep that evening. All he could think of entire night was Pezo and how he could win her over. There wasn't much that could at that time but he vowed never to give up. Loving Pezo was all he needed to do for his rest of life. The next morning, Mr. Mitti's text woke her up. Not even a great in but once more to notify her that she had forgotten her scarf in his vehicle once more. She responded with a simple "am sorry - I will sure collect it from the office". He immediately replied with another short text "may I call?". Hesitantly, she replied with a "yes" The call immediately rang but it did so for a while before Pezo answer. Pezo: Good morning sir. Joe: I thought we agreed on this miss Chinyama. Really- its only 07am on a saturday morning, you don't expect us to be this formal - do you. Pezo just gave it a soft laugh. He loved it. Joe: So I will pretend I never heard that and will forgive you. Presuming it won't happen again Pezo: I will try my best sir- I mean - Joe: come on. Pezo: it really won't be easy but I promise- this will get better Joe: great. Now listen- I called to actually inform you that I don't mind linking up with you to collect your scarf Pezo: You really don't have to. I mean, it's only a scarf right Joe:I don't mind. I have the whole day to do this. - just let me know where I can meet you. Pezo: I will let you know. Joe: I will wait for your call Pezo: sure. Pezo cut the line and was only turning to go back to her sleep when she saw her friend Mukuka standing before her Mukuka: going on a date. Pezo: not really Kuka. Just meeting a friend some were for a short while. Mukuka: I miss you Pezo. I miss us. Pezo: and I hold nothing against you sis. I have only been tied up lately. Mukuka: too tied up to even return my many missed calls or texts. Pezo remained silent Mukuka: you have punished me enough Pezo. Its not easy being without you. I was wrong. I am sorry- but can't you see what this is causing to our families? Pezo wasnt responding much to her questions. And in anger Mukuka left the room and drove off. It was so clear their friendship would no longer be the same. Later that day- she met with Mr. Mitti at one of the restaurants at acacia park but they didn't stay long. It wasn't safe for Mr. Mitti to do this anyway as he wouldn't want to create problems with his fiancé. It was at a point of leaving the restaurant that Kalima spotted Pezo and followed her immediately she separated with Mr. Mitti Kalima: (catching her unaware as she stood by the taxi rank for a cab) i see you dont have your car, mind if I gave you a lift home? Pezo: Hey. You are here? Kalima: I was just here to meet the bank manager and spotted you. Pezo: uh okay. I really wouldn't want to disturb your day- I can get on a cab Kalima: and if I insist? Pezo had no excuse anymore but to just give in. Together they walked to the car together and as Pezo was about to open the door, Kalima quickly got hold of it and opened the door for her. Once they were both seated- Kalima just sat still with his gaze on her. Pezo: (with a simple smile) and now? Kalima: Thanks Pezo: (a little confused) Karl comeon- incase you have forgotten- am the one to say that- though only not yet. He just widely smiled as he started the engine. Kalima: so, where to maam? Pezo: home please (she said teasingly) They both laughed as they began their ride. Immediately they arrived at the chinyama residence Kalima decided to park the car outside the gate instead of getting in. As it was a lift, Pezo understood him to be dropping her off from there and she was almost ready to get out Pezo : Thank you. I really appreciate your kindness. Kalima: well I was thinking we could talk Pezo.. That's why I decided to park out here Pezo: talk?? About what? Kalima: atleast you will not seem to forget that I have been itching to see you the past few weeks Pezo: I know Karl but I thought we both understood what's been happening. I would really appreciate if we actually left it that way. Karl: Pezo please- don't do this to me. Not again- please. Pezo: Why. Why do you have to make this such a big deal Karl. The calls- the texts- really? Kalima just held his head with both his hands as he covered his face in short of responses to give. Pezo: Please- understand that Mukuka and I come a long way. And so Karl, if my being any close to you affect her so badly- then please help a sister save her friendship. Kalima: am not gonna do that Pezo (more of a wisper) am sorry Pezo: I will leave- thanks for the lift. I really appreciate it. Kalima : (speaking up before she could even open the car) -I love You Pezo. Am sorry I can't hold this anymore. I can't okay. She never expected it that way. Not as strong as it came out. She was at loss with words. It was as though someone just poured ice cold water on her and froze her entire being. She was in denial that she heard it right All she waited for was for him to say he was joking- flirting or something like that Kalima: I swear I have tried to convince myself that I can move on without you or your love but Pezo- loving you is all I think and dream PEzo: no Karl. Please. You don't have to get to such extremes. Its not gonna work. Not after knowing I for less than a month? Kalima: (reaching out for her hand) please you need to believe me.. Pezo: no Karl. Am sorry but- am not this kind of a girl you think I am. I respect you and so is the case of your entire family. I beg for you to leave me alone. There are so many girls out there who can gladly accept this but Kalima: but they are not you Pezo.. none of them possess what I see in you. Give me a chance and I will love you like no other man can She was getting saphocated with all this. Pezo: am sorry Karl. I m just the wrong person for you. Please let's not do this to each other. Kalima: what She quickly left and disappeared. Kalima felt so drained.
22 Jul 2019 | 21:18
Loving Pezo wasn't bad at all, she's a girl that has the quality of being loved by many because of all her pleasant attitudes. Her humility is another one to mention, if Loving Pezo is what it takes to be in Love, then she's worth it.
24 Jul 2019 | 16:15
The jealousy of Mukuka wasn't hidden, yet Kalima kept on Loving Pezo. Even when Mukuka was trying to change out of jealousy, Kalima kept on Loving Pezo. Even when Mr Joe will be getting married to angry Matimba very soon, Mr Joe kept on Loving Pezo. Even when the Chombas and the Chinyamas felt Mukuka's wrong attitudes, that was when Kalima declared his Love for Pezo.
24 Jul 2019 | 16:29
Loving Pezo_Episode 9_ For a while, Kalima couldn't move. He watched Pezo till she disappeared into the house. With what he did... it should have relieved him. But no- he felt so bad. Its like all along he felt so heavy in his chest because of the much issues he had and he was so hopeful that once he ofloads it to Pezo... he would feel lighter. He felt even more heavier. He hadn't cried in a very long time. Not even when both his aunt and uncle died from the car accident as it only shoked him alot. But as he sat still in his Fortuner, he couldn't even feel the tears drop off his eyes. He couldn't understand why he loved Pezo so much. He doubted so much this could be what everyone would refer to as infatuation because it felt so real and so good to experience. Kalima had never wanted a woman this badly in his entire life. Women were not so much of an issue to him. In fact, it's one area of his life that worried his late adoptive parents. Even with a few ladies he dated.. it was more of them throwing themselves on him and not the other way round. He never took long to separate with them because somehow, he would always find himself justifying one he couldn't continue with them. On the other hand, because of how he related with them. He was always caring and loving and girls would miss understand that being just a gesture from a man. That is why with Pezo, he was so convinced that his heart wouldn't cheat him. It was only sad that even after thinking that all would end well after his mother offered to support, but it was so sad that all hope had to be lost after Mukuka messed up and the follow up meeting with the Chinyamas who seemed so protective of their daughter. But even with all that, he still had hope and that is why he gave it a try that morning. He had ensured to secretly follow Pezo that morning and when he manabed to convince her that they only bumped into each other, he was the happiest. For the rest of that day, Kalima stayed at home and in his room and never stayed much around his family. He just wanted to deal with what was happening in his life. The next morning being a Sunday, the two families met at mass and for Kalima, the first thing he noticed was the absence of Pezo amongst her family members but he pretended not to. However, Mukuka was quick to ask with so much concern shown Mrs. Chinyama: she wasn't feeling so well. Seems like she is come down with a bad flu Kalima suddenly paid attention and got concerned Mrs. Chomba: oh that's sad. Hope she gets better soon. I will give her a call Mukuka: mum... I will right away go with aunt so I can see her. I Meant to do that anyway Mrs. Chinyama: (not so sure of her statement) am sure she will be happy to see you Kalima keenly listened in but never commented. He somewhat worried and was tempted to call or text her but he had no idea whatsoever how she would take it after the last encounter she had with him. And so he allowed for that time to pass and for as long as he got a bit of updates from his mother on how Pezo was doing, he felt a little better. Once in a while, he would text knowing she wouldn't pick his call and her feedback/replies were normally so plain that he would really regret it at the end. It depressed him a little in his opinion but so much in his mother's opinion. For a mother that saw the pain her son was going through, she decided to talk to Pezo but she knew she needed to do this secretly- without anyone knowing. That evening she have her a call hoping that her plan would work out Pezo: Aunt good morning- so good to hear from you Mrs. Chomba: It's been long child. I was wondering if you could come through this afternoon. I need to discuss with you a few things Pezo: Of course aunt. I will be there. Pezo knew right away what it was all about but she doubted her mind would be changed. When she arrived at the Chomba residence, there seemed to be no one else home except for Mrs Chomba. She never wasted any time after receiving Pezo. Mrs Chomba: You look beautiful as always child. How is everyone back home Pezo: Thank you Aunt. Everyone is okay. I hope the same of here Mrs Chomba: God has been great. Short silence. Mrs. Chomba: well I called you because of what happened between you and your friend Mukuka. I don't want to get to details but child- I worry because your differences seem to be affecting the entire family. I worry because- you two were like sisters- so why do you want this tension to erode all the love you ve had for each other Pezo: kuka and I have actually spoken about this aunt. We are okay. Mrs. Chomba : You don't have to lie child. I know all that has been going on. I see everything. You and Kalima too. Child- you know he just came in and if he felt yiu make good company- why not spend time with him. Pezo: (feeling a little uncomfortable) I - I understand aunt- I will definately see what I can do about it Mrs. Chomba: I would be the happiest. But instead, it all made Pezo be even more distant to Kalima. Instead her love was drawn to Mr. Mitti who had been so kind enough to check on her on countless times in a day and always found time to make her feel so beautiful and priceless. None of them had confessed the love the felt for each other but it was so clear that something magical was happening between them On a Tuesday that followed, it so happened that Kalima needed a signature for Mr. Chinyama and his dad on one of the documents to have a consignment that just came in be cleared, but required a bit more of information to be shared before then. As such, it required him to go to the chinyama residence after seeing his father. As he was expected, he was taken straight to the home office were Mr. Chinyama spent most of his time whenever he was working from home. Kalima never took much time with him and as he was leaving the house, he bumped into Pezo. Kalima: hey hai Pezo: hey. How are you. Kalima: Am holding up well. How are you feeling now? Pezo: Hm okay thanks. Thanks for asking Kalima: am glad. He was about to leave when Pezo stopped him. Pezo: about the other day- I know I was a bit rude but I hope you understand why I had to react that way Kalima: stop this. What you need to do now is concentrate on getting better. Let it be He turned and left. Pezo didn't know what to make out of it but she really felt better after apologising. After the converdation she had with his mother, all she wanted to do was clear the air out. She held no grudge against any of the chombas except, she was so swamped in love with Mr. Mitti and Nothing else mattered at that point. She had never felt this way about any man in her entire life. With Mr. Mitti, it was more about his maturity, his sense of humour and just everything about him that attracted her the more to him. Just thinking about him made her grow goose pimples at times. As she was still thinking about him and unusual smile covered her pretty face, her phone rang. It was Mr. Mitti. she felt good receiving his call. They had been chatting alot lately and overtime... she got so used to doing so and would swear she loved him at that point. Before she could answer, she quickly went in her room and closed herself up Joe: Morning- how is my lady doing today Pezo: Am okay Joe. Joe: You sure? Pezo: one hundred percent so sir. Joe: Then am the happiest. Short silence. Joe: so- did you think of what we discussed yesterday? Pezo: well to be honest with you, I doubt it would be acceptable by my parents. That's why I want to try out a few other places before I may finally give my final say on that. Joe: sure. Anytime. Pezo: I appreciate your efforts and like I said... I owe you one Joe: well my greatest fear is to have you sit on such great potentials you have. I must re-echo my statement that you are amazingly brilliant and family restrictions shouldn't be a barrier to have you succeed in anything in life. I know you are mama's girl but Pezo: oh come on Joe- we are not getting to that-( she ended with a quick laugh) Joe: yeah sure. But tell you what- am so glad you are back on your feet and well- how about we link up some time this afternoon- there is a nice movie showing and - Pezo: Am sorry but I can't. We have some guest coming over for dinner tonight and it's tradition for us that children sit in Joe: uh I see. Understood. Tommorrow perhaps Pezo: Peharps. Joe: You take care then. I will wait for that call. Pezo: Sure. As he cut the line... an unusual smile remained in his handsome face. Damn he loved this girl. It scared him because even with the wedding date soon approaching, he no longer had any space left to love Matimba. It was an evil thing to tolerate but equally a necessary evil- he thought to himself. To date, Pezo never knew anything about Mr. Mitti other than the fact that he came from the family of 3 and he was the 2nd born child of the late Mittis. It was so bad already that he was expected to be married to another woman yet Pezo was equally and slowly falling in love with him and he could clearly see it. Its not that he never wanted her to know anything but he just realised that within a short period of time, so much had happened which never gave him a chance to talk about himself. The moments spent with Pezo were so beautiful to be ruined by any news that would shock her. But he planned to tell his story to her evrn before she could get any information about him from elsewhere and so he was so determined to meet with her. &&&&&&&&&&&& The next evening, Pezo made it a point to meet with Mr. Mitti despite difficulties in telling her mother who she was meeting with that evening. She had to lie it was a few of her former workmates. Its not that her mother was strict on her but she knew too well that her mother would emphasise on her knowing the person well before she could have late dates with them. She was picked right outside the gates and right away, Mr. Mitti complimented her looks and she felt more beautiful. They had dinner together before they proceeded to go for a movie. Both of their choice. As the movie began, Mr. Mitti placed his hand on Pezo’s and she never hesitated. With time... he kept on getting more and more closer to her massaging her hand whenever he could. He was so good at it and Pezo felt so good. Special too. When the movie ended, they walked in silence out if the cinema. Each in their own thoughts. Unexpectedly, Pezo just felt Mr. Mitti's hand on hers Joe: (smiling at her) - sorry- I guess you are so tempting to hold and walk so close to Pezo just smiled as she held him even tight. They walked slowly to the car pack and when there... Mr. Mitti pressed the open button on his keys a walked all the way with her to open her door. But before then, he stood so close to her making her face him direct in his eyes. She liked his cologne and whatever was happening between then- Pezo was almost losing it when he spoke up Joe: Thanks... I really had a great time - with you Pezo: you were equally good company. Thanks too. Mr. Mitti couldn't hold it anymore- she didnt have to speak too. Just her voice was one key weakness to him. His lips were on hers... all trembling at first. The attraction was too much. There was no reaction whatsoever from Pezo and he Pulled back. Joe: Am sorry. I- shouldn't have done that. Pezo without saying any word just pulled him back on her lips and kissed him. It all started on a slow pace then more urging by the minute till they both had to let go. None said anything but just smiled as though loving what just happened to them. Joe: where have you been all my life- I swear you are all that's been missing in my world Pezo couldnt face him direct.. she was too shy to do that just yet. Mr. Mitti gave her one last long kiss and opened the car door as he had her in. Immediately he entered the car- he couldn't resist getting back at her as he slip her seat at a click of a button. This time holding her full body in his hands while he enjoyed her warm kisses. She was good at it- he swore he would never let go if he had a choice. Joe: You- are- so- Sweet. I love you Pezo They were disturbed by a call that came on Mr. Mitti’s phone. He was almost ignoring it when Pezo pulled out Pezo: it could be an important call Joe Mr. Mitti cursed as he picked the phone. He saw it was Matimba and he quickly cut the call. He was trying to get back on her when she pulled her chair back in position. Pezo: Its really getting late. I think we must get going. Joe: when do I see you again. I need you close to me more than ever my love. Pezo: am always here Joe. But we really have to take it easy. You and I don't really know much about each other and I would want us to start from there Joe: ( kissing her hand) I know my love. Anything for you And his phone rang again. This time he couldn't even cut it straigh. Luckily Pezo wasnt concentrating and he pretended to have answered when he once more cut it. Joe: net work issues I guess. He switched off the phone and started the engine and drove all the way to Pezo's residence while holding her hand. And speaking to each other intermittently. As it was late... Mr. Mitti had to enter the gates to drop Pezo and her mother could not help but peep as they kissed goodnight to each other. It worried her because her daughter had never kept secrets from her yet she had never said anything about the man who just dropped her. It was already too late to begin to question her and so... Mrs. Chinyama just welcomed her for that evening Pezo: ( a little shocked that her mother was still awake) mummy? Mrs Chinyama: welcome back child. Did you enjoy yourself. Pezo: yes. I did thanks. Sorry I kept you awake till now. Never realised what time it was Mrs Chinyama: (rising to her feet as she gave her a goodnight kiss on her forehead) it's okay. What matters is that you are safely home Pezo just smiled. Her mother could not miss it... her daughter was seriously dating someone. The man's cologne was all over her and she worried as she wondered what kind of a man he could be. She had always wanted nothing but the best for her daughter. It was one critical area of her life that she always wanted to have a say on provided Pezo would be transparent enough to share her relations on potential dates. But at the end of the day- she was always this mature girl who had grown into a much more responsible lady and she worried less. Pezo had not even gotten into bed and she received a text from Mr. Mitti informing her he was safely home and reminding her of how crazy in love he was with her. She was the happiest. &&&&&&&&&&&&& Meanwhile at his apartment, Mr. Mitti had completely forgotten that Matimba was to come over for their last minute decision making concerning their fast approaching wedding day. They had planned to meet the chef for the menu and Peharps conclude on their guest list for both the church and the reception. There was so much that demanded for both their time and decisions lately. Late as it was, Mr. Mitti found Matimba waiting for him. Quite furious too. After such a great moment with Pezo... this was the last thing he needed but there was nothing he could do other than face it. Matimba: Its quarter to midnight Joe- and I have been here since 7pm- mind explaining were you've been? That's one thing he disliked about her. She never approached any issue with the required respect. Joe: won't I atleast get your greetings first? Matimba: not when you chose to treat me this way again Joe. Its getting out of hand- or are you going to tell me you were working late? Joe: sorry. I forgot we were supposed to link up. I really wished you had reminded me. I met a few friends and got a little held up Matimba : was that why you had to cut my calls? Because you were with friends? Joe: Timba- I said am sorry okay. I will mend this, promise!! He was almost leaving to go to the bedroom when she grabbed him by the shirt Matimba: don't you dare walk out on me Joe. I wait here for over four hours to see you and all you can say is you were held up with friends and forgot about me? He never did anything to her other than losing her grip from her. She was always so daring and he never liked it one bit Matimba: who is she Joe. Who is the woman you were with? Joe: what are you talking about- I mean- what's going on? Didn't I just tell you I was with some collegues ? Matimba: am not stupid Joe. I have been observing you and let me just warn you that I won't accept any last minute dissapointment from you. Because you are stuck me and your son. He just walked away from her without saying a word once more but she followed him in his bedroom. She was about to say something when he made a quick you turn. Joe: for heavens sake Timba- when are you going to ever grow up. Is this the manner in which you want us to resolve things. Through such kind of dialogue Matimba: (raising her voice even higher) and you think I want this? Ofcourse only a stupid woman would Joe. I have done nothing but love you all my life. My world only revolves around you and your son. But what do I get in return- rejection if not a little attention you would give (lowering her voice) am tired of this Joe. All I ask is that you give me back some love- show some interest in what I do not only were it concerns Yamiko.(Short silence) When last did you make love to me, or touch me like a man should his women Joe: Timba please- you are misjudging this whole thing Matimba:-(cutting in as she moved closer to him) - I can't loss you- I would die if that happens And ofcourse they ended with some sweet love making. Sweet because all that Mr. Mitti thought of and imagined was Pezo as they did so. It made him all guilty at the end while Matimba felt so special. The next morning- he never had to go to the office for the rest of that morning. They managed to meet most of the people they had to for their wedding. They ended with some lunch prepared by Ambuya who had remained with Yamiko alongside the baby caretaker for that evening. But through it all, Mr. Mitti's thoughts were always with Pezo and once in a while when Matimba wasn't paying attention, he was able to chat with her via text or whatsapp. Ofcourse he hated the fact that it was so clear that he was dating two ladies at a time and he hoped Pezo would not hear this from elsewhere till he would get an opportunity . And the moment he got a chance, he called Pezo and it was as though she was just waiting for that call- she never took a second to answer Joe: I miss you. Tell me am seeing you tonight. Pezo: am glad you called. Because I was dying to hear from you. And ofcourse- I can't wait to see you too. Joe: lovely. (Clears his throat) I will be by your main gates at 7pm Pezo: oh no my love. Just tell me were I can meet you and I will be there. I really don't want to raise any eyebrows at home yet. I hope you understand. Joe: sure love. As long as I see you. Am all good A knock was heard on the door Pezo: I have to go. Take care. I love you. Joe: I love you more. And our love is forever. She cut as she remained smilling and her mother couldn't miss the glow on her daughter's face. Mrs. Chinyama: and what making my daughter glow like a princess this afternoon Pezo: ( feeling shy) Hello Mummy Mrs. Chinyama: I have not seen my daughter glow this much in a long while. What is making her happy. Pezo: come on mummy. Its nothing. I- I have nothing to worry about Mrs. Chinyama: and the man who dropped you last night? You have never told me you are dating someone. Pezo: (feeling uncomfortable as she moved from one point to the other) He- he is just a friend mum. Nothing serious. Mrs. Chinyama : (a little shocked) - and since when did you start kissing friends the way you Pezo: Mummy please I think I can't discuss this with you. Mrs. Chinyama: who is he child. And when did this all start? Pezo: am not a teenager anymore mummy. Can't I be trusted to make my decisions for once. Mrs. Chinyama: how sure are you that he is the right person dear. Do you know anything about his family, his wereabouts- what if he is married? Pezo: (getting upset) mum!! I think you have said enough. Joe can never do that to me. We love each other mummy. He is the best thing that has happened to me. Mrs. Chinyama: Joe? Pezo: (somewhat cooling down) Yes mother. Its-(hesitant) it's actually mr. Mitti. Mrs. Chinyama: what? Pezo? Pezo: he is not as mean mummy. We love each other Mrs. Chinyama: shut up!! How could you? And Pezo knew trouble had befallen her.
25 Jul 2019 | 02:44
Loving Pezo_ Episode 10_ Mrs. Chinyama: shut up!! How could you? And from that reaction, Pezo knew trouble had befallen her. Mrs. Chinyama: Child- this is the same man you always complained about- everything about him was so inhuman: what makes you think he can suddenly fall in love with you for nothing? Pezo never answered but remained silent chosing not to make sense out of what her mother was saying Mrs. Chinyama: listen, am your mother. I wouldn’t get in your way if this was okay. Darling you just told me you are in love- don't you think I should be the happiest- or that it should make me proud that my little girl is Pezo: mummy I know there is so much I said against Joe but he is my everything and I don't want to be unhappy again Mrs. Chinyama: unhappy? Is that what you have been thinking of yourself? Pezo: you are misunderstanding my point mum Mrs. Chinyama: well am sorry- but I will not accept this relationship darling. You deserve much more than a man who may even be cheating on you as we speak Before Pezo answered anything, her mother left. Quite furious. Not that she never wanted her daughter dating anyone she never knew but perhaps because it just didnt feel right that a man of Mr. Mitti’s calibre would still be very single to pick on her innocent daughter. She was almost breathless when she got in the other room after leaving Pezo's. Her blood pressure seemed to be going up already. She couldn't understand her daughter at all. She quickly moved to the dining and poured herself a glass of water and took some tablets before she could relax to cool down. An hour did not pass and Pezo was seen coming downstairs- all dressed up. Mrs Chinyama didn't have to ask her any question. It just bothered her that her own sweet daughter chose to hurt her this much even after trying to convince her she was doing the wrong things. Pezo: I am going out for a while. I shouldn't be long before I get back. Mrs. Chinyama: is it him you are meeting? She was silent Mrs. Chinyama: I hope you know what you are doing. I think I said enough earlier For the first time in a long while- Her daughter just turned without a smile or a simple goodbye kiss and walked out of the main entrance and eventually the gates and as Mrs. Chinyama watched... her tear just dropped. She never saw her own daughter slither through her hands so soon. She suddenly had a headache and her night never ended well. In the hope that this would soon change, she never shared this with her husband. Some 30minutes later, the Chombas came through for a surprise visit and though Mrs. Chinyama wasn't in any mood or state to receive guests that evening, she had to manage the situation in any case hoping they would leave early. Mrs. Chomba: we were on our way home and we couldnt just bypass you without saying hellow. Mrs. Chinyama: you did very well Mr. Chinyama: why don't you stay over for dinner? Then we would catch up well on so many things- I know I haven’t been hands on concerning the company dealings lately- I hope Kalima is doing well. Mr. Chomba: ofcourse he us. The team gives him great support. Mr. Chinyama:That's great to know. Mrs. Chinyama: Excuse me. I will check on what we can have for dinner. Mrs. Chomba: I will be with you. And when they were in the kitchen, Mrs. Chinyama never seemed as active and Mrs Chomba never missed that aspect Mrs. Chomba: are you okay? You really don't seem to - Mrs. Chinyama: am okay Stella. I just had a long day. You know how it's like when we go to the farms- its ever hectic Mrs. Chomba: then why don't you sit and allow me to do the meal? I don't mind as you know that I spend my days just seating nowadays. Mrs. Chinyama: that's okay. We can do this together. Only you get to do much I guess. They both laughed out after joke. Mrs. Chinyama: How are the children? I see you moved with none of them tonight. Mrs Chomba: yes. They are fine. Except (struggling withing hersel) though Mrs. Chinyama: Though what dear Mrs. Chomba: I can't help but worry for Kalima bana Pezo. Its actually so clear that without Pezo, nothing much makes sense for him. Its just as well he has to be in a busy place everytime and so life goes on nevertheless. Mrs. Chinyama knew were the story was headed to and she tried not to make it such an issue as she brushed it off. Mrs. Chinyama: give it time Stella. He just got back in the country after so many years. Obviously you won't expect him to already fit in so easily Mrs. Chomba: have you forgotten so easily how he almost did with Pezo by his side? I just hope you have not forgotten our agreement Womba. I hope you are keeping my daughter in law well for her to remain as beautiful and innocent. Mrs. Chinyama: well need I remind you that we are dealing with two adults whom we can not manage to control their life's at the end of it all? Mrs. Chomba: I know and understand you clearly my dear. But we are similarly dealing with our children. I don't have a problem because Kalima is already in love with our daughter and the burden is on you to convince Pezo that Kalima is the best man for her. Can't you see Womba- that is the only way we can keep wealth within ourselves. Mrs. Chinyama: (holding her head as though failing to contain it all) I don't know Stella. Its unfortunate that Kalima went ahead of our plan and ruined it. And the confusion with Mukuka? Mrs. Chomba: We already discussed this Womba. Its okay for them fight but remember it was agreed we just give them. Unexpect results and problems are part of life. Let's have hope. Mrs. Chinyama: alright. But am not promising anything. Mrs. Chomba: why don't you send Pezo over... we can actually go with her tonight if you don't mind. I am sure we can achieve so much if the two are close by Mrs. Chinyama; No Stella. With what transpired, I doubt Pezo would be comfortable staying at your house... even if it's meant for anything else Mrs. Chomba: speaking of which... I haven't seen her. She around? Mrs. Chinyama: she - went out with some friends. One of them is celebrating their birthday. Mrs. Chomba: (not liking it) I see. - who did she go with. Mrs. Chinyama: Alone. She went alone Stella. (Brushing off the subject) Please pass me the tumeric will you? Mrs. Chomba: it's strange. I have never known her for going out partying without any one of us Mrs Chinyama ignored her as she just recalled how her own daughter disrespected her that evening. She only prayed Pezo would not do the worst by appearing so late that evening. It was a long dinner. All Mrs. Chinyama needed was for the chombas to leave. But they never seemed any close to that. It was almost midnight and none seemed to be talking about leaving. But above all, what worried about Pezo. She had tried several attempts calling her but she never picked. After the chombas left, Mrs Chinyama text Pezo and she only sent a reply with very few words. "Am okay- Please don't worry" It only worried her more. She couldn't understand what that Mr. Mitti did to her innocent daughter to change her heart so suddenly. She couldn't sleep and as the hours passed by- she couldn't help think of her daughter doing the worst. For what could honestly keep her out in the night for that long if not the wrong things. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& As Pezo was moving out of the messed up white sheets of the hotel bed- she had never felt any dirty in her life. She always dreamt about her first sexual intercourse to be so heavenly but what she felt at that moment was so much guilt and nothing of what she felt when they both decided to get to the hotel. Pezo could not even understand how her feelings could make her decide in the manner she did after all that her mother advised her. She regretted it all and had no clue if how she was to face her mother after this. Mr. Mitti was still fast asleep so looking like a satisfied man. She loved the way he seemed to have enjoyed being with her. The manner in which he urged and begged her to stay just like that with him . How he held on so tight to her and just wanting so much more of her. At that moment, she felt good, it was wonderful being so intimate with Mr. Mitti. She felt so loved and like a woman. But now- now she was so confused. It was a feeling she could not explain to anyone. She quickly took a quick shower and was already planning to leave when she saw it was 2 hours past midnight. She didnt think staying away from home was the best she could do- she didnt want to risk it that way. Not after all that her parents had done to ensure she was raised in a proper and acceptable way culturally. Pezo just carried her small bag and keys and though a little scared, she drove out of the named five star hotel into the quite roads of ibex hill into new Kasama to her home. It wasn't easy. She had to really gather herself up and. She prayed all the way. For her safety and for God's forgiveness of what she did. In the same vein, Mrs. Chinyama never slept nor stopped praying. For her daughter's protection wherever she might have been. She prayed like she had never before. She couldn't even find sleep and as she heard the gate to their mansion open, and she immediately began to praise and thank God for the safety of her child. As she wrapped up in prayer she quickly went downstairs to receive her. Not that she wasn't upset with her. As Pezo entered the house and was about to rush upstairs, her mother appeared and Pezo could not miss the stress she saw on her mother's face Pezo: Mum - Mrs. Chinyama just walked up to her and gave her one good slap. Mrs. Chinyama: What have you done Pezo!!! How could you bring such shame to us after all that we have done to have your self respect Pezo: (tearing while holding her cheek) am sorry Mummy. Please forgive me. Mrs. Chinyama: how could you? Did you have to do this to prove your point? Pezo never said anything but kept crying. She couldn't face her mother in the eye yet her guiltiness was so visible. Mrs. Chinyama: Tell me you never did what I am thinking child ... tell me you never slept with that man already Pezo just cried the more. That was answer enough for her mother. She was her daughter afterall. Born and raised of herself. Mrs. Chinyama: Why Pezo? You have killed me. What am I supposed to tell your father? Just then, Mr. Chinyama appeared. Mr. Chinyama: whats going on here. What are you two still doing awake at this hour. Pezo was almost turning around to avoid her father notice her tears while she hid her bag. Mrs. Chinyama: (following her husband before he could notice anything) honey- its nothing. Please just go back to bed. Your daughter and I were just talking about things that should not really concern you Mr. Chinyama: (getting a closer look at Pezo) is this when she just got home? Mrs. Chinyama: darling - get back to bed and I will be with you shortly. Pezo came some time back and as you can see she is perfectly fine Mr. Chinyama: she better be woman. And he left. Pezo was still avoiding her mother’s face when she turned to look at her already Mrs. Chinyama: go on and hide your shame if you can. You have just lost the trust I had in you Pezo. Since you are now a woman because of what you just did, don't expect any word of advise from me Pezo. I wont lie to you but I had so many great expectations from you my child- but-but Pezo: (kneeling before her) mummy please am sorry- am sorry mum- I swear I never meant to hurt you. Mrs. Chinyama just removed her legs from her hands and walked away into her matrimonial room. Obviously so heart broken. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& For the rest of that evening, Pezo never at any point found sleep. She was so hurt with all that happened. Yes she loved her joe- her first love as she would always refer to him. He was her everything but if loving him could hurt this much- she doubted it was worth taking up. She struggled to find sleep all the way and whenever she remembered her mother's last words- the pain kept doubling. It was only around 05hrs in the morning when she managed to find sleep An hour later, her phone rang and as she woke up- she was so sure it was Mr. Mitti wondering were she could be. She never hesitated to pick it up. Joe: Babe, don't tell me you abondoned me after making me go crazy with your sweetness Pezo: Joe- am sorry - I had to- you know I couldn't spent an entire night away from home. Joe: I know but still- I won't buy that. You risked driving back home by yourself at that hour my love. Pezo: I know. Am sorry. Joe: You really don't sound okay. Is all well with you? Pezo: Am okay Joe. Just a little tired. Joe: You were awesomely wonderful last night. And loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me Pezo could feel the smile and happiness that enveloped Mr. Mitti even as she cut the line and returned to sleep. She had to be strong and not make it so obvious that things were really bad for her. For whatever happened did so on mutual agreement. They were both dying for each other at the time they decided to book into a hotel room. and all that was happening felt so right at that point. Mr. Mitti was good at all he did. Seemed experienced too. Pezo's dream had always been to deflower herself on her wedding night with the man of her dreams whom she would be under his hands forever- yes Mr. Mitti wasn't but she believed in the love they had and was hopeful it would not end their. She comforted herself that way. Throughout the day, Pezo’s mother never seemed to pay much attention to her even when she seemed not to be well. Pezo never liked the tension between them as this was a unique experience she had to encounter with her mother. Mrs. Chinyama could not hide how painful her decisions made her. It was only after Mukuka came through that Pezo was spoken to though it was clear that it was done in an effort that Mukuka does not notice the tension between them Pezo: how have you been? Thought you would be at work by now? Mukuka: I got a day off. I needed to do a few errands of which one of them has been to see you. Pezo: lucky me. Thanks. You actually did well. Its really not easy staying home the whole day all by myself. Mukuka: well why not come with me then- mum asked me to get her a few things from the stores but other than that- am meeting an old friend for lunch then the tailors Pezo: I would really love to Kuka but that should be a special date with your friend, let me not come in between. Mukuka: Oh come on Pezo. Really he won't mind. He is just a friend and am sure he would be happy to meet you. Pezo: (a little thoughtful) alright. If you insist. I will just get my purse. Mukuka: great. Thanks bestie. And yeah- I almost forgot- (serving through her bag) listen, I have a kitchen party invitation for this saturday- I hope you gonna come with me coz am not accepting a no from you. Pezo: a kitchen party? Kuka you know I don't normally like to attend these Mukuka: this seems like a different one dear. Besides I had to convene my boss to give me one so I could attend with you. Its her doctor, niece getting married and I hear it's really going to be nice. Just take a look at the card- then you will know am not exaggerating. Pezo: Its fine. I trust you. Mukuka: thanks darling. Now come on... do hurry I will already tell mum we are not having lunch here. Mrs. Chinyama: (appearing on them) it's okay child. You don't need to. Enjoy yourselves. Mukuka: Thanks mum. I may bring her back a little late. Mum asked that we have dinner at home. I hope you don't mind. Mrs. Chinyama: not at all dear. Anything will be okay. As Pezo and Mukuka were driving out of the mansion, Pezo was shocked to notice mr. Mitti’s car packed outside the gates while he stood out side the car. Pezo had received his call while with Mukuka earlier in the house and she ignored it seeing her mother around but she had no idea he was outside. Mukuka saw that he was immediately walking towards the car and immediately stopped Pezo: Joe?? What is he doing here? Mukuka: you know him? Pezo: Yes kuka. He is a friend. (Getting out of the car) excuse me. With the needed interest Mukuka watched her friend and the man hug each other followed by a hot kiss she couldn't miss and then hand in hand, they walked back to his car and for a while they conversed while Mukuka kept waiting. Though at first, Mukuka thought she had seen him somewhere but quickly brushed it off. Joe: Am sorry but I couldn't see myself staying away for the whole day without seeing you . Pezo: my love I thought I mentioned it's no longer safe for you to come here. I really don't want you getting into trouble with my family. Its good I'm the one who found you- but I need you to leave. Joe: not so quick darling. I don't know what you are upto with your friend but- I need you to tell her am here for you- you and I are going out for an early lunch Pezo: no Joe. I can't. Let's do that next time. I just can't abandone her just like that. Please Joe: (pulling her to himself) then don't abandone me either sweetness. When I call- do me a favour and pick my calls will you? Pezo: (smiling) sure. Sorry. Joe: I love you so much. Never forget that. Pezo just smiled back after a quick kiss and pulled him by the hand. Pezo: come- I want you to meet a very good friend of mine. Immediately mukuka saw them coming towards her, she quickly came out of the car ready to meet this guy who seemed so deep in love with her bestie Pezo: my love- meet Mukuka my best friend and sister. Muka- meet the love of my life, Joe Mukuka: am so pleased to meet you. Joe: (without letting go of Pezo's hand as he stretched out his other towards her) Pleasure is all mine Mukuka. He never took long to turn to his Pezo again seeming not to have any interest with mukuka who was left all helpless as she returned inside the car. In no time... Pezo was back in the car and seeming all happy in love. She couldn't take her eyes off him till he was out of site. Mukuka: (holding her hand) you really don't have to tell me anything. Everything is written all over your face darling. Am so happy for you. Pezo: I love this man kuka. I love him so much. Mukuka: yeah. I can see it. But tell me- were did you meet him and when did it all start... do I have to know about him only now- you are so silly. Pezo: am sorry bestie. I should have mentioned him to you once but you know so much has happened the past weeks Mukuka: I know but still Pezo. Am so shocked that you can actually fall this deep in love. And am sorry- am sure the time I was accusing you- this man must have been already all over you and I can understand how you felt Pezo: hey let's not bring in the past. Its all over now and all we need now is to concentrate on the present. Mukuka: (starting the car engine) Sure. You are so right. ( silence) I dont know why but I feel I have seen him somewhere. Pezo: well it's possible. Cause he is the same man I would complain against. My boss at the Mukuka: (suprised) you don't say!! Pezo: I know it's crazy but that's the man dear. Its like am dreaming. Mukuka: I know right. But don't worry- love comes in so many different ways. Pezo suddenly kept quiet and became somewhat sad. Mukuka noticed it. Mukuka: hey comeon. Don't tell me you are missing him already? Pezo: Oh no- its just that- mum has not approved of me being with him Kuka and I feel so bad. Joe doesn't even know what am going through. Mukuka: but why. I thought she should be the happiest. Darling it's like a miracle seeing you in love. Pezo: Peharps I lost it and hurt her so badly. I never told her about him Kuka. .. and any mother would be so upset. Mukuka: I doubt so dear. Well she could be right but darling- you are all grown up now and I think you are able to make your own decisions right Pezo: you and I can think so kuka. Not our parents. Mukuka: well it's so unfortunate: but if you want my advice- I will only tell you to follow your heart They did all their planned worked for the day and through it all, Mr. Mitti never stopped checking on Pezo and reminding her that she was always in his thoughts. Even as she was at the Chomba residence, Kalima never missed the fact that she was chatting with her lover when he bumped into her in the hallway as she was trying to get out of the house. She had not noticed him at first but immediately she did... she decided to talk to him first while holding on to the phone Pezo: Hey- sorry I never saw you coming Kalima: it's okay. Good to see you here. Its been a while. Pezo: yes. Hope you are good. I equally haven't seen you in a long while. Kalima: am okay. Trying to be better. Pezo: don't tell me you are still struggling to fit in to our lives here. Kalima: I wish it was that easy Pezo. Even with your loud silence. Pezo realised she had not cut the line and Joe could be listening in Pezo: (ignoring his statement) listen, I will just finish my conversation. Kalima: sure. Pezo: (walking away as she continued chatting) apologies, I just bumped into someone I couldn't just leave without saying hello. Joe: I see. And that could be? Pezo: Mukuka’s brother darling. Joe: he sounded so romantic for a guy talking to a sister. Joe: hey comeon. We are not getting to that conversation. He isn't anyone you should be worried about. I told you am at their residence and anyone can bump and converse with me. Joe: if you say so. I just want to make it clear that you are mine and mine alone Pezo. I love you too much to share you with any other person. Pezo:(remembering her mother’s word) actually my love. I need to discuss something with you. But not over the phone. Perhaps tommorrow Joe: (getting worried) what is it darling. You are scaring me Pezo: oh no you don't have to. You and I are still knowing each other and I guess there has to be alot of these conversations which require us to know a little bit more about each other Joe: I know. That actually makes the two of us my love. Though what I want to share could even be more urgent and if you may allow me... I would even beg to see you tonight Pezo: Joe Joe: but I need you to promise me that you would never judge my actions because what we have is real love darling Pezo: what are you saying Joe. And the call got cut. Pezo somewhat remained scared for what he might have wanted to share. She recalled her mother’s words plus the fact that she knew nothing about his family but quickly brushed it off. That was the last of Mr. Mitti’s call she got for that evening. She had dinner with the Chombas and felt a little bit at peace when she was able to converse further with Kalima away from what he felt for her. Mrs. Chomba was the happiest not really knowing what was going on in Pezo's life with Mr. Mitti. By the time it was time to leave, Mrs. Chomba suggested that it was too late for ladies to drive themselves in the night and she suggested for her to either sleep over or allow for Kalima to drive her back. Pezo decided to go ahead with Kalima and with the family blessings, they left. Throughout their drive to the Chinyama residence, the two never seemed to run out of something to talk about. They seemed to have come to terms that the tension between them wasn't doing them any good and so they both had to agree to move on with their lives. Kalima always enjoyed Pezo’s company and even as he took his time to drive so he could enjoy the ride while it lasted. Pezo: how is it going with the company work, getting used? Kalima: it's too much work but I guess that's all I need for now. Something that can keep my mind running at all times. And you- how is the job search? Pezo: am almost giving up. Its not easy getting a job in Zambia nowadays. Kalima: why don't you join us. I mean, the family can do so much with your skill while you wait to be called at any of your choice of companies Pezo: I was already offered a position there but- I never wanted to get it. Karl I believe in growing in whatever I do- this is a family business, while I need to be mentored while there all that I will get is respect and non criticism because of the status I would go their with. I want to be challenged and be treated like any other person in a workplace. But ofcourse, this this is not to say you are in a wrong place. You have this whole work experience and I guess you are just in the right place and position Karl just smiled and never said anything. Because he was concentrating on his driving, he just reached out for her hand and squeezed it. Kalima: I like your thinking line. You must be wise to make such an analysis of your own career. I guess that's why I easily fell in love with you. Pezo: Karl Kalima: am sorry- I just had to say that. And please just because we have agreed to accept that we can never be any close. You should know that we can never avoid telling each other certain things . Pezo: (smilling) You are right. Thank you. For understanding me Karl. I really appreciate it. Kalima: anytime. I just want you to know that I shall always be here for you. Just see me as that friend you can rely on regardless of our family ties. Pezo: Thanks Karl. Am grateful. As they packed for Pezo to leave. Kalima quickly came out to open her door and with a friendly hug, they parted. As usual... Mrs. Chinyama watched them by the window and didnt know what to make of her daughter whom despite the pain she caused her, still loved, adored and cherished with all her heart. &&&&&&&&&&&& A week passed and by each day that passed... the love between Pezo and Mr. Mitti grew even bigger. None of them ever found time to actually talk about whatever they wanted to share with the other. Mr. Mitti while getting busy because of his upcoming events with Matimba told Pezo he was working from out of town while he was only getting too committed to justify not having time to meet her but just calling and skyline with her. On the other hand, Matimba loved the commitment shown by her fiancé towards their wedding and kitchen party. It was so good to be with him at all times and in any circumstance having gotten leave from the office. As for Mrs. Chinyama, she couldn't hold on to the pain she had against her daughter- she was all she had for a friend after all. In no time, because of what she saw with her and kalima and saw nothing of Mr. Mitti for close to two weeks, she presumed her daughter was beginning to make sense. Although every now and then she would find her talking on the phone to him, she never made a big deal out of it but just gave her daughter time and kept on praying for the best of her in all she did. The Friday before the kitchen party, Pezo just received a suprise call from Mr. Mitti and she was the happiest. She couldn't wait to see him as she quickly drove to his apartment were he had now given directions to knowing that Matimba was to be kept in doors till the time of her kitchen party the next day. Immediately they met, they couldn't leave each other's skin till they satisfied each other intimately. This time around, Not so much with regrets on the part of Pezo. That Friday evening- she spent the night at the Chombas in readiness for the kitchen party which Mukuka never really stopped talking about. They had gone to the best tailors for their outfits and indeed- even as they stepped foot at the events ground, they really stood out. It was a very unique kitchen party- the bride had a very beautiful screenshot of herself and her little baby to welcome everyone just by the entrance. Even as she she was brought out to be seated at her rightful place the boy was with her all dressed for the occassion. The bride never had a chitenge covered on her but just a beautiful lace oganza that still allowed for some fresh air to go in. It was so awesomely unique and Pezo in particular loved it she couldn't help even get a few photos with them. When it was time for the groom to be to come in, everyone's attention as usually went to the entrance except for Pezo and Mukuka who were busy talking about Mr. Mitti and how their catch up meeting was greatly so romantic. As the lullabies were getting so louder by the minute, Mukuka got a bit of interest and decided to peep for a while. Mr. Mitti was the first person her eye caught attention of. She at first felt confused. It was as though she was dreaming and she convinced herself that he could just be one of the escorts for the groom. She checked once more and saw that it could never be as he knelt down to place money before the traditional tray placed for him before he could proceed to unveil the bride. Mukuka was almost fainting. She didnt think of anything else but to quickly remove Pezo from that place or anything that could just delay her knowing all this. She rushed towards her seat and quickly grabbed her by the hand Mukuka: darling I think we should leave... Pezo: hey but why the sudden change of mind- we are just beginning to enjoy our selves Mukuka: I really feel bad- I mean I have diarrhea I doubt I can make it here Pezo Pezo was almost getting on her feet when the matron caught her attention at the mention of Mr. Mitti’s full names as he was being taken on a special seat with Yamiko placed on his laps and Matimba seated next to him on a mat. It was an ideal happy family. Pezo first lost her breath as she took a closer look. She slowly walked up just so she could be so sure it was the same Joe Mitti- the love of her life. The same Joe Mitti that she could not see herself live life without. The same Joe Mitti that she so defended so much and almost lost the love and trust of a mother. She just smiled the moment Mr. Mitti unknowingly looked up and their eyes met. At that point- Mukuka knew there was nothing she could do. But she only thanked God for the dignity and wisdom that her friend had... none noticed what was happening.. Pezo never caused any drama but just turned and left the place. Not so quickly not so slowly but with the needed strength so she would catch any attention. Mukuka slowly followed her to the car and immediately they got in... Mukuka just hugged her and Pezo Cried like none could explain
26 Jul 2019 | 02:46
foolish girl, u gave ur precious gift to a married man. I hope u are also pregnant for him.j just stay away from Kal cos he doesn't deserve a wh--e like u
26 Jul 2019 | 13:49
Loving Pezo_ Episode 11 Pezo never caused any drama but just turned and left the place. Not so quickly not so slowly but with the needed strength so she would not catch any attention. Mukuka slowly followed her to the car and immediately they got in... Mukuka just hugged her and Pezo Cried like none could explain. It was a sad moment for both of them. Mukuka never knew what to do or how to comfort her bestie and only ended up crying as well. No matter how much she would try to avoid feeling bad- what her friend just went through was to swallow such a bitter pill. Lucky enough...the car windows were tinted and none from outside could notice what was happening. No word was comforting enough for Pezo- her tears never stopped dropping down her eyes. It hurt the more that even with all this, it so seemed all went well as planned for Mr. Mitti even knowing so well that Pezo was now aware of everything. As he walked out majestically from the events yard with his friends escorts- Pezo was almost going after him when Mukuka stopped her Mukuka: Darling please... you can't afford to create a scandal here. You have handled this mess well so far. Pezo: I just want him to look in my eyes and tell me this is really happening Kuka- please let me Mukuka: I will not allow you to subject yourself to such lowlessness Pezo. Just look at him- this man does not deserve you, your love or those precious tears you are shedding right now She broke down in tears once more until she couldn't handle herself. Mukuka thought to call one of the chauffeurs to come through but none were available and she thought of Kalima and without knowing Pezo just saw him appear. Kalima: (shocked to see the state in which Pezo was) what happened Mukuka, Pezo? Mukuka: Pezo isn't well bro. Please I need you to drive us home as I need to sit with her here. Kalima: Sure!! not a problem- (panicking) but what happened- why is she in this state? Mukuka: it's just a terrible stomach upset- it happens to her at times- she should be fine- I think she just needs to lay down for a while. Kalima: well then we need to rush her to a hospital right? Mukuka: not- really- we do have it under control thanks. Please shall we? Though not convinced or comfortable, Kalima got in the car and headed home. Luckily, Mrs. Chomba wasn't around during the time of their arrival and didnt know what was happening even after her return home. She was only shocked that Mukuka was back home early but even before she got her answer... she quickly jumped onto another topic at the appearance of Chisela in the room. Mrs. Chomba only realised that Pezo was around when she decided to pick a plate and mentioned she would eat from her room Mrs. Chomba: since when did you decide to be eating from your room Mukuka: I Kalima: am sure it's for Pezo right? Mrs. Chomba: P- Pezo is around? Mukuka: No- I mean well- yes Just with that, Kalima knew something was wrong with Pezo. He got a little concerned and decided to voice out his concern Kalima: How- is she feeling now. Mukuka: feeling? Oh yeah- feeling (she smiles) -she is better. I mean she is fine- excuse me And everyone was left with questions on how Mukuka was behaving. She even forget to carry a plate of food she was there to get Mrs. Chomba : Son? Mind telling me what that was all about- what is wrong with Pezo? Kalima: (realising there could be more to his sister's behaviour) it's nothing to worry about mum. Pezo had a slight stomach upset earlier (rising to his feet) I will take her a share of her meal if you don't mind Mrs. Chomba: not at all son. Am sure she would really appreciate. I will come up to check on her a little later. Kalima only knocked once and Mukuka had opened the door already. Instead of letting him in, she decided to get out of the room ensuring that the door was well closed Mukuka: (smiling) hey. (Trying to receive the plate of meal) is that meant for Pezo? Kalima: Yeah... but may I Mukuka: actually you can't bro- she just slept and I wouldn't want anyone to disturb her after she kind of struggled to do so Kalima: what is really going on here Mukuka: (trying to keep up appearances with a smile) what do you mean? Kalima: I know that something is wrong with Pezo sis. You cannot keep this to yourself or do you plan to? Mukuka: she is okay Bro. Thanks for the food. She turned and left for her room. Well Kalima was trying to think through what just happened, Chisala appeared. Kalima: hey little one. Were are you heading to. Chisala: mum asked me to bring this bottle of water to aunt Pezo- she doubted you remembered to carry one. Kalima: not at all. Chisala: but perhaps you may do it for me. Mukuka warned me not to go to her room today. I don't want her screening at me again Kalima: what do you mean again? Did something happen earlier. Chisala: well I didn't know she was with aunt Pezo and that they wanted some privacy. Truth is aunt Pezo really seemed hurt and she kept on crying over something I couldn't quite understand Kalima: well it's because she wasn't feeling well right... Mukuka said she had a stomach upset Chisala: not that- she kept on saying that Joe had hurt her and that he was an evil man. Whatever that meant. Right from those words, Kalima knew this had something to do with the man he had seen Pezo with. He wondered what might have happened to her to seem so heart broken. From the rear mirror as they were coming home that afternoon, he was so sure it didnt seem like a stomach upset but more of an emotional issue. He didn't know how he was to do this but he vowed to get to the bottom of the issue. He loved Pezo and it really didn't mean that just because he would be with her, any man could toy with. Kalima: (bending down towards her as he got the bottle of water) alright sweetheart. Why not give me the bottle. I really don't mind sending it on your behalf. Chisala: Oh thank you. He quickly turned and just knocked once onto the door and as Mukuka opened it, he already put his hand on it as he spoke to her Kalima: I need to see Pezo. Atleast allow me to make her realise that just because one man has hurt her, it's not the end of the world. Mukuka was confused. She had no idea how Kalima got to know of what happened. Kalima: Chisala overheard your conversation and got concerned. Mukuka: that silly girl!! Will she ever stop meddling in affairs that don't concern her? Kalima: may I? Mukuka: Chichi just exegerated it all bro- Pezo is okay and resting Just then Pezo spoke up asking Mukuka to allow him in. Kalima could not believe what he was seeing. He could never imagine seeing her in that state at any given point. Its as though she had never stopped crying since she got in that room. The fact that she had slept for a while made her eyes swell a little. Kalima just walked straight to her and sat besides her. He was somewhat at loss with what to tell her. But as he held her hand, Pezo’s tears just dropped uncontrollably. Not that she wanted to be comforted but it just happened. Mukuka just rushed to her and hugged her tightly. Mukuka: honey I thought we agreed you won't do this to yourself again Kalima: look - I do not have any idea of what's causing you to do this to yourself but Pezo. .. think of us and how much more pain you are inflicting on us just seeing you in this state. Mukuka: He is right Pezo. Please think of your health too. You have been like this since I don't know for how long. Pezo didnt say or act in any way but tears kept pouring out of her eyes. It worried them both. Kalima just pulled his sister aside and could not hide the panic in his eyes Kalima: what is really going on Sis. Do you have any idea what problems this can bring if you continue hiding her condition from everyone? Mukuka never said anything but just began to chew her finger nails. One after another as though it's a little girl not so sure of whether she could trust the man before her. Kalima just moved closer to her and held her by the shoulder. Kalima: You can trust me sis. Just allow me to assist in whichever way I can Mukuka: (covering her face with both her hands) God!!! This isn't so easy for me Kalima. Please its not necessary. Kalima: (facing her directly in the eyes) Please? Mukuka just faced away as she spilled the beans Pezo just discovered that her lover is getting married to another woman bro. Kalima: ( in total disbelief) what?? You mean Mukuka: yes bro. The very guy she has been with everytime and talking to on the phone. Apparently, the kitchen Party we were in attendance was for his other woman and it's when he came to unveil the bride that Pezo had to stand face to face with him. Its horrible bro. It really is. She was crying too. Kalima couldn't contain what he just heard. His voice was totally gone for any comment to be made. He just turned and went back in Mukuka’s room. He looked at Pezo and could not even imagine the pain she was going through at that point. He just walked up to her and gave her a firm hug.... hoping that it would send words comforting enough for someone going through what she was. Once more, Pezo never reacted in anyway but just looked at her friend who had just entered the room. Mukuka: ( wiping her tears) am sorry darling. I had to tell him. Am so sorry. Kalima: Your pain is safe with me dear- you are gonna be fine- just wait and see. Pezo suddenly smiled as she looked at Kalima Pezo: well I guess you must be the happiest that this happened to me right? That I had to go through this after rejecting you for him Kalima: (holding both her hands as he carressed them as though to ease her up) what are you saying. Obviously no one would ever find pleasure in the pain you are going through. Am really disturbed that you had to go through this. Really I am. Pezo: (moving away from him) well I don't need your sympathy Karl. Really I don't. (Crying once more) don't try cheating that you understand what is happening here. No one - not even you could be any close to understanding what am going through right now Mukuka: sweetheart please- you need to calm down. You are not helping yourself Kalima: I really never meant to worsen the situation Pezo: just leave me alone please. I need to be damn alone!! Mukuka went to console her as kalima left the room. He felt bad and had no idea how deep rooted the pain was or how he could help. He prayed he would never have to meet the guy who did this to her anytime soon as he would kill. He only prayed his mother would not have to see her in that state and to ensure that, he went to sit with her till it was late enough for both Mukuka and Pezo to be asleep. &&&&&&&&&&&& For the rest of that evening, Pezo could not sleep. The pain was too much for her to find peaceful sleep. By three in the morning, she was already out of bed and an hour later, she took a shower and seaching in Mukuka's wardrobe, she got a jumper suit and was already heading out with her friend's car keys. Lukily, she knew almost everything about the house and so making sure that she doesn't wake up anyone, she quietly opened the doors one after the other and in no time, she was using the back gate to get out. Kalima was able to hear the car engine and quickly woke up but it was only at a point that he saw the car getting out of the yard with the gate man closing it. He quickly went to check on Pezo and to his fears, Pezo had indeed left. It was too early in the morning and he wondered were she might have been heading to. First thing that came to his mind was that she was going to do something crazy and so he decided to quietly follow her but by the time he was getting out of the yard. She was already gone and he could not even trace her On the other side, even as Pezo was arriving at Mr. Mitti’s place, she had to break down for a while. She knew she wasn't being strong but if it was somewhat helping to relieve the pain whenever she did so... she just had to cry. When she was gathering herself... it was almost 5am and she reached out for her purse and got the extra key that Mr. Mitti had forgotten to collect from her after their last intimate encounter. She tried opening the door but to her an use mentioned, it was already open and she just opened the door and not so shocked- Mr. Mitti was laying asleep on the couch with a remote in his hands while the TV remained switched on- on some sports channel. For a while Pezo just stood there looking at him as she tried to match his character to the man that she thought would be her better half for all his life. As she was struggling with that, Mr. Mitti suddenly woke up- at first scared and was almost running for his life them a little calm when he noticed the easiness in Pezo Joe: Pezo- how did you get in here- and what are you doing here at this hour? Pezo: does it bother you that am here now- MR. MITTI? Joe: well not at all but you see I really wished that we could talk about all that happened - Pezo: when? When did you think you were gonna tell me Joe- after tearing me apart like this- after messing up with me like this- or did you have to wait for me to hear about it from some were else? She was saying everything so calmly. It shocked Mr. Mitti somehow- but he could still feel and see that she wasn't herself even as she appeared to contain herself Joe: Pezo- babe- I swear I was going to tell you this- time just could allow me Pezo suddenly gave him one hard slap on his cheek and held him by the shirt Pezo: What did you think Joe- that I was some cheap whore whom you could just satisfy yourself with and just throw away as you wished? No- Joe- Am different-am strong!!! No matter how much you intended to destroy this lady's life- : it ain't gonna happen. Mr. Mitti was speechless and as he tried to speak, Pezo just pushed him as she was letting go of his shirt and he helplessly fell on the couch. Pezo: You might have gotten what you wanted from me Joe- taking advantage of the much genuine love and care I had for you. But I swear, you shall never see peace or love in your relationships Joe. Because you had me disrespect my parents and made me believe our love was mutual- you shall never be respected in any society you live. Joe: Pezo Pezo: Do- not touch me Joe- and don't think there are any words you can say to convince me that your actions were justified. ( raising her voice) you had no right whatsoever to hurt me Joe Just at that moment- his young brother and two other women appeared from the bedroom all seeming somewhat shocked that there was someone else in the house at that hour of the morning. Woman 1: (conversing in bemba) what is going on here. Lady- who are you? Austen: bro what is going on here? Who is she? Joe: (trying to act all innocent) Pezo here had an urgent issue she wanted me to attend to but she was about to leave Once more...and this time not realising she did it- she slapped him on the same side of his cheek she had it on and immediately both women went after Pezo to stop her while Austen quickly went to hold his brother. Woman: (still conversing in bemba) my child, mind what you are doing... this is someone's husband and you ought to respect him Pezo: (English) I do not care Amai- no person would respect a man who chose to be with another woman on his supposed matrimonial bed the night before his ceremony. All became shocked with both women covering their mouths. Pezo: (facing both women) am so sorry elders I had to react this way. But for a man who does not want to recognise his wrong and still want to pretend he is pure- it should not be tolerated. I really pity woman who by nw should proudly be calling herself your wife. Because to be honest... no woman deserves a man as evil as him (she ended with an accusing finger at him) With those words, she left. Mr. Mitti could not contain the embarrassment that enveloped him. The worst part was that the two women were from Matimba’s side and they only slept over because he felt taking them to Matero after everything was late and so they were supposed to be dropped that women. The two women never even hid their dissapointment and in his presence they already sympathised with Pezo but more than than- confirmed that she wasn't a prostitute but a well cultured child seeming to be coming from well to do family. It was very clear that- Mr. Mitti just took advantage of the innocent young lady. The women dita step the whole incident to a level that they both opted to leave his place without a meal or anything from him. Mr. Mitti feared for what would happen next. These were Matimba’s extended family and he prayed he would not end up losing Matimba too. As for Austen, he very well knew that his brother never loved Matimba but never expected this kind of behaviour from him. He was equally at loss with words &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Pezo felt a little releaved after what she just did. She somehow convinced herself that Mr. Mitti never deserved her tears afterall. It was only bad that through this one mistake, she lost so much that she could never replace in her womanhood. Mr. Mitti had robbed her of her most precious thing she so cherished and that was the one thing that hurt her the most. She didnt know how she was going to approach life anymore. She felt so agly within herself and dirty too. All her life.. she had learnt how to keep herself pure from the sin of sex before marriage. Its in their culture that every girl who comes of age is given women (if not grandparents) to be spoken to in terms of how they need to value themselves. How so many temptations will come their way yet they need to be patient. This process was not ignored on the part of Pezo and even after her parents made sure this was done- her mother was always free to talk to her child about all these things. She had grown up to be such a pure and respected girl up until the appearance of Mr. Mitti who was like an enemy who just came to kill and destroy what she treasured most. That is why it hurt her the most. That is why she always cried whenever she remembered all that. There was no way of fixing it and she just had to deal with the pain for now Pezo would swear she was dreaming if asked how Mr. Mitti’s love seemed so magical just the same way she couldn't understand how deep the love she felt for him was. As she sat in her car helpless in all her being- she didnt think of any next steps but only to be before the presence of God in his temple. She was the fist to enter the church even as it was being opened. Believing in His device mercy and presence as she knelt before God's alter- she poured out to Him. Asking for His mercy, His forgiveness and His anointing upon her. By the time people were entering the church for the early morning mass she felt much lighter and was able to participate in the holy celebration of mass. Kalima had not slept from the time he woke up and all the while, he kept on looking out for her return. When Mukuka woke up, she equally became worried. She was almost calling Mrs. Chinyama when Kalima quickly stopped her Kalima: it's most likely that she isn't there and you may alarm the situation Mukuka: I think we need to tell mum then- am really worried bro. Pezo wasnt herself last night Kalima: no kuka. Let's just wait a little while. Am sure she will appear. Are you sure you have no idea whatsoever were she could be? Mukuka: Pezo has always been an easy and happy person bro... this is the first of this kind of situation she has been in. (A little thoughtful) but wait- she could be at church- I remember her doing that one time Kalima: then what are we waitin for... let's quickly check on her Before they could get out of the house- their mother met them Mrs. Chomba: and where are you headed to at this hour of the morning Mukuka: Morning mum Kalima: good morning mother. Kuka and I just thought of sitting by the gardens Mrs. Chomba: and Pezo? Is she still asleep? Both were speechless. And the moment Kalima was about to say something. Pezo entered through the main door. Still not looking so well but better that the previous evening. Mrs. Chomba: Pezo? Were are you coming from at this hour of the morning Mukuka and kalima never knew the answer she would give and for a while they feared for the worst to happen. But on a different note... Pezo managed a smile as she answered Pezo: Morning Mah- sorry I couldn't mention this before leaving. I went for the early morning mass. Mrs. Chomba : I see. And you couldn't wait for the usual mass both families attend Mukuka: Pezo has other things to do at that time mum... Actually I will stay with her here- so I won't join you for mass today Mrs. Chomba: That's okay girls. Whatever suits you. Mrs Chomba kept her gaze on Pezo even as she was saying so. Something seemed wrong with her and she couldn't miss it for anything. Kalima noticed her suspicions and he quickly interrupted. Kalima: Mother may I please have a word with you- this way if you don't mind Mother: sure son- but only after a few moments. I would like to talk to Pezo first. If you could both excuse us Kalima: well mom it's kind of urgent. Mother: am sure it can wait right? Pezo: it's okay mah. Please attend to him. I will be right here... waiting for you. She left physically but it's like her worrying heart remained right were Pezo was left. As she went to hear her son out... Mukuka immediately engaged her Mukuka: dear- you really made us worried. Where have you been? Pezo: (pouring a glass of fresh water for herself) I had to approach him Kuka. Joe I mean. I hope God will help me forgive him really Mukuka: Hey - are you okay- I mean- I hope he didn't further hurt you in anyway Pezo: No Kuka. Because no other act of him could be as painful as what he did to me yesterday. But tell you what? Mukuka: what? Pezo: I really feel lighter. I wont lie to you that I can easily get rid of all the pain I feel right now but after taking a look at the real Joe as I faced him this morning, I just realised that he never even deserved my attention at all- infact- no man will ever deserve it Kuka. Mukuka: am glad you are thinking positively darling- but Pezo, not all men are the same: am Sure God will provide you with that one man who will love and adore you will all his heart. Pezo just shook her head and Mrs. Chomba reappeared. Mrs. Chomba: dear why don't you excuse us. I would like to talk to your friend. Alone. Mukuka: sure. Mrs. Chomba immediately held her by the hand and led her in the next room were breakfast was readily available for everyone. Mrs. Chomba: care for some breakfast? Pezo: am not so hungry mah. I will just pour some plain coffee perhaps Mrs. Chomba: Sure. I will do so as I get mine. Why don't you sit and I will be with you soon Pezo was so sure she already knew everything. She felt bad knowing very well how Mrs Chomba had always praised her all her life for her lifestyle and all that she did concerning herself. She was the first women besides her own mother who made her realise how much value she possessed as a woman who had kept herself so pure even after going through her university and all. Something that modern young ladies always failed to cope with. Mrs. Chomba did not only love her for that but she always respected her more than she did her own daughter and she had never hidden that fact. But today- she was facing her as a different person. One who did not only degrade herself but did so at the expense of her own mother’s love and respect and she really felt tone apart. Her thoughts were cut as Mrs. Chomba sat next to her. Mrs. Chomba: You mother called last night and this morning. She said she hadn't heard from you since you left on on friday. She sounded worried. Pezo: oh Mrs. Chomba; but ofcourse I informed her you were here and safe. I just need you to immediately call her so she may stop worrying. Pezo: Sure mah. I will definately do that Mrs. Chomba: but that is unlike you Child. Is there anything that's bothering you- something that you would perhaps want us to discuss Pezo just looked at her and was almost confessing her wrongs when Mrs Chomba spoke up again Is it my son? Well I bet you now know that when a man loves a woman too much- its bound to happen that Pezo: no mah. Not at all. Karl has nothing to do with this. I just have a terrible headache that's been bothering me since last night. but really feel better now. Mrs. Chomba: You sure child? Pezo: Yes mum. I thank you for your concern. (Short pause) I think you won't find me here as you return from church. I have to get back home. Mrs. Chomba : alright dear. Just remember that this is your home and anytime you feel like it... do come and stay for as long as you want. Pezo: Thank you. It was not easy for Pezo to face her parents that afternoon even as they returned from church. Mukuka had dropped her off home but she later on left before everyone got back from church. She stayed in her room for the rest of that morning and even after thinking she would be strong enough to face her mother... all her pain came back just at the sound of her voice. She came down to receive them all and luckily her father just greeted her as she was receiving his Sunday missal and bible from him and left for the study to check on his urgent mails as usual. Chiwande hurriedly gave her an unexpected hug and before she realised it... Pezo was smilling and fondling him. They were just the two of them for a family and the love bond that they shared was so amazing it amused their mother. Pezo quickly put the books and went to embrace her mother. Mrs. Chinyama: (while in the embrance of each other) welcome back home my child. Its always nice to have you around. This place is never the same without you Pezo: I missed you too mummy. Am so sorry for the bad communication. Mrs. Chinyama: (releasing her) speaking of which. What happened to your - She paused just at that. Mrs. Chinyama could never miss a wrong on her daughter's beautiful face for anything. Honey- wh- what happened to you. You really look all puffed up- are you sure you are okay? Pezo: am okay mummy. I just haven't been well the past days. Mrs. Chinyama: what happened. Why didn't anyone bother to inform me my daughter wasn't well. Why huh Pezo: it wasn't necessary mummy. I didn't want to bother you or dad about this. Mrs. Chinyama : what do you mean it wasn't necessary. Just look at you Pezo Pezo just went down on her knees as she held on to her mother’s dress. Forgive me mummy. Had I listened to you earlier- non of this would have happened to me. Now am not even worthy to be here before you because of how I chose to dire spect you in the name of love Mrs. Chinyama was a little confused. Just with those few words. Her feet was wet of a few tears that dropped from Pezo’s eyes. She realised the issue could be even more serious than the eye could tell. She quickly lifted her daughter up with both hands and took her to the nearest room were they closed themselves up. Mrs. Chinyama: darling- child- what is happening to you. Please tell me it's not that man who hurt you already. Pezo: am so sorry Mummy. You were right about Joe. All you said about him was true. Am sorry please forgive me. Mrs. Chinyama: (getting more worried) what did he do to you Pezo- you don't have to hide anything from me Pezo couldnt talk anymore. It was not easy just to explain the painful experience to her mother. But there was nothing to hide at this point. Its only her mother who could help her heal afterall. She just didnt know how her mother was to take it all. Mrs. Chinyama : Pezo? Pezo: Joe is apparently engaged to marry someone soon. ( with so much heaviness in her heart)- the kitchen party Kuka and I attended yesterday was for his wife to be. It was as though someone had stabbed Mrs Chinyama with a knife in her heart. Each word that followed was so much of a bitter pill even as Pezo said them all.
26 Jul 2019 | 21:53
Loving Pezo_ Episode 12_ Pezo: Joe is apparently engaged to marry someone soon. ( with so much heaviness in her heart)- the kitchen party Kuka and I attended yesterday was for his wife to be. It was as though someone had stabbed Mrs Chinyama with a knife in her heart. Each word that followed was so much of a bitter pill even as Pezo said them all. Pezo never stopped crying. Pezo: am so sorry Mummy. I will accept any punishment you will decide to give me. I hurt you and I do not deserve anything good from you. Mrs. Chinyama still never said anything but just gave her daughter a hug as she equally she'd a tear. How can this life be so cruel to a child like you. You have never hurt even an ant in your entire life to deserve this Pezo. What more punishment do you expect from me when you are already this hurt. Pezo: (wispering) am sorry Mummy. Sorry. Mrs. Chinyama: (now facing her directly) I will not lie to you that what happened won't affect me or the way I relate with you in any manner child. Am hurt because even after seeing this so clearly you chose to act against your own loving mother’s advise and went ahead to misbehave with this stranger. What do you expect me to do now Pezo. They both remained silent in their tears for a while. Suddenly, Mrs. Chinyama stood up and was about to leave when she stopped I need you to be strong for now. See how you can live with what just happened. You and I will have to go to the hospital for some tests. And she left. Somewhat disappointed. Although Mrs Chinyama expected this from her daughter's relationship... she never thought it would be so deep. As she continued to think about all that she just heard, she couldn't even imagine what kind of embarrassment this would be to the family. Worse off if her husband would hear about it. Pezo had always been the pride of their home. Their sunshine. Only songs of praise were ever sung about her. She only prayed that her friend Stella had not heard about what happened knowing so well that her daughter might have already narrated it all. She suddenly got a headache and could not contain it till she had to share the ordeal with her husband- Mr. Chinyama who never took the news so lightly. He was a most dragging his daughter to Mr. Mitti’s apartment but his wife managed to convince him it would only bring more shame to the family. Besides, just because of their daughter's errors, they had no right to destroy the other woman's marital life. Mr. Chinyama was so hurt he ended up giving his daughter a good slap that left her on the floor. Luckily- her mother was able to once more come through for her. He had never laid his hand on his daughter before and after doing it he felt so bad but he had to maintain his stance and not allow for his weakness to be revealed in front of his daughter. It was a little tensed up by the Chinyamas that evening and nothing seemed to be making sense for everyone. What made him so upset was the fact that she trusted to be under other people's care when it happened instead of trusting her own family for such times. By the time it was morning, both Pezo's parents seemd to have cooled down a little. They both decided not to use the family doctor whom the chombas equally used incase of any worst results of whatever tests they would get. Mr. Chinyama decided to cancel any appointment he had for that day and drove his wife and daughter as they went to see an independent doctor for Pezo’s thorough medical checkup. They didn't take long to leave the private named hospital were they had gone and luckily, all results came out as non reactive (pregnancy, HIV and STI). As it happened so recently, they were advised to see the doctor after three months for the other two tests except for pregnancy one. Atleast it was a relief for that moment and Pezo could only thank God for the outcome. She could clearly see that in her father too though not expressly stated. But overall, a but of joy seemed to have returned to their residence though not on the part of Pezo. It was not easy for her to just continue with life as though nothing major Had ever happened. A week later, she heard through the grapevine that Mr. Mitti and Matimba had a grand wedding and it was currently the talk of the town. She never seemd to be bothered with that but she could not pretty much control what her mind would have her think about. Mukuka really tried to spend most of her time of her and for the week that followed- she got leave just so she can be with her friend but even with that- it didnt help much. As for Kalima, much ad he wanted to help in the process, It's like Pezo just couldn't understand that his sympathy/comfort was genuine and she never wanted him any were near. This made Mukuka so happy as she still never wanted Pezo for her brother for some unknown reason. With time, Pezo's appetite went down and she could no longer relate with everyone as usually. Most times were moments spent in the company of herself. It began to worry her mother and father more specially when they noticed she hasn't been touching most of her food. A month later Pezo requested from her parents that she visits her grandmother being her mother's mum in Zambezi area of the North Western part of Zambia. Initially they were hesitant but after discussing between the two of them, they realised that if they were to be open with her grandmother on what happened, she could assist alot in having Pezo recover from her ordeal considering how close their daughter had always been with her grandmother and aunt who loved with her back in Zambezi. And so two weeks later Pezo embarked on a longest journey of her entire life using road transportation. Her mother had decided to travel with her just to ensure her safety although she would have to return earlier. Since time immemorial, It was mostly her grandma who always had to travel to Lusaka to see them if not for medical attention and if the other way round- it was mostly Mr. And Mrs. Chinyama to travel without the children. Pezo had never understood why and she decided to leave those questions unanswered. When they arrived at the village- there was amazing jubilation. Grandma and Aunt Ruth (being her mother's elder sister) had done so much to prepare for their arrival. After a long while, Mrs. Chinyama was able to witness her daughter smile from deep down her heart at the sight of her grandma and she could not wait to share the great development with her husband. For the first few days of their stay, Pezo could never leave her grandma's side and it was quite challenging for her mother to explain why they had come to visit for she felt it best to do so in the absence of Pezo. But in the process of trying to do so- Pezo approached her mother actually begged for to leave it upto her to tell her story to her grandmother. And as soon as she saw her daughter had settled in well, mrs chinyama left after a week or so- Mrs. Chinyama had to leave. Pezo never understood this but she was always free to talk to her grandma and even exposed all that hurt her the most as she submitted to Mr. Mitti the times they would need together. She felt lighter after the discussion and solutions of how she would help herself during this rediscovering of one self was also discussed. &&&&&&&&&&&&& Meanwhile for the newly weds, even though the scandal that happened never seemed to have reached Matimba, it remained haunting Mr. Mitti for the rest of his remaining days on planet earth. Just two days before their wedding day, Matimba’s grandma approached Mr. Mitti’s sister to complained on the scandal the women reported to her but she never really persued it knowing it would only complicate things. But even during the wedding night, rumours were heard of how Mr. Mitti was dating another woman until the day of the kitchen party but nothing much of who the lady was - was known to anyone. Mr. and Mrs. Mitti's life together only seemed better for them for the first one week that they wedded and flew to Cape Town for their honeymoon. All seemed and felt so good while there. After that- nothing seemed to be making sense to either of them. It was like each wanted their own space and where really concentrating much on their work issues that the otherAll of the sudden, Mr. Mitti could not enjoy the company of his wife anymore and all he thought of was Pezo and how he could get to talk to her to apologise for what he did to her. He got to realise that she never deserved all he did to her but her number was not reachable nor could he go to the chinyama residence knowing so well that everyone must have been aware of what had happened between them. In his frustration, he spent most of his time either Working late or at the pub with friends. Matimba could not quite understand what was going on with her husband. As she was not so close with his family, she never had anyone to complain to apart from her grandmother who couldn't do much about the situation remembering what the two women advised her before the wedding. The two never spent time together and if they did- it was quarrel after quarrel. In the two weeks that they had been married Matimba had packed twice to go back to her grandmother but she always took her back to her husbands home You are no longer our daughter Matimba. Much as I love you- you need to recognise the proper way of doing these things by recognising your husband's family whenever you have issues with atate Yamiko. Matimba would always have no choice but to return to a home that never had peace. To a house which her husband chose to sleep in a separate room and when ever she prepared food, he never touched. It was as though she was dreaming her own life and all this left her depressed. As though that wasnt enough, all of the sudden- the company began to make huge loses and slowly, people began to notice it. A month later, Matimba managed to go to the Samboko farms to formally complain about her husband and managed to spend a night there with Yamiko but even with his sister whom he respected so much, Mr. Mitti could not appear for them to discuss the concerns raised. It worried the entire family when the matter was getting out of hand and he began to get physical on Matimba. She was left with no choice but to file in for a divorce the night he was arrested for gender based violence after hitting his wife evening. Matimba stayed at the farms for the week that they had to go to court for their divorce matter while she had dropped all other charges laid against him on GBV. But two weeks later, she had to go back to her relatives after a separation was granted for 6 months pending final verdict . &&&&&&&&&&&& Pezo was slowly recovering from what she went through and she found much joy living with the people in her village through a local NGO that worked with the people their in a number of projects, Pezo was able to volunteer her services in community awareness raising programs while for the local school that was under staffed on human resource, she was able to teach children on simple subjects such as handwritting, reading and writing and arithmetical subjects whenever she could be allowed by the headteacher. For the church, she took up the children's section in teaching them bible stories and a other catechism issues that was required before they could be baptised. Everyone in the village embraced and loved her for she never differenciated her status with any of the people in the community. With time, she assisted alot of women in simple reading and writing just to empower them with a skill through a newly established afternoon class that began every day at 15hrs to 17hrs with strict instruction that it would not disturb the women daily chores back in their homes. In no time.. the women in that village were able to form clubs were funds were raised to do various farming projects using bank accounts to save money for their children's school and health care fees whenever required. Her grandma couldn't help being proud of her. It was so amazing how she adapted to the community life and how she so seemed to be worried. While her parents were ever worried and always calling to check on her, Pezo was never close to wishing that she could go back home. The three months that passed were just like 3 days to her. Pezo never hid anything from her grandma after her mother left for Lusaka. As she was always open with her- Pezo was able to cry out to her grandma until she let it all out. Her grandma took her like a little girl in comforting her and she was able to help her heal in the manner that by the time she was - not even herself could notice it. She knew that what her granddaughter needed were people and not to be kept in a mansion locked up by herself all day long. As for the part of Kalima’s story and how she rejected his love and eventually accused him of celebrating her pain, grandma advised her no person who genuinely loved a woman would do that unless the confessed love was not true to start with. With the many calls that always came through to check on her and Pezo always ignored, she was advised to let go of her past and learn to love. That was the only way she would heal. It was not easy but slowly- she began to converse with Kalima and a few other friends who would call. But overall... their conversations were plain and very limiting. As for Mrs. Chomba- it took time for her to learn of what happened to Pezo and with no doubt they seriously differed most especially after realising it was the reason that Pezo had to go to the village to heal when in her opinion- she still could have obtained adequate help from within or herself. But with time they reconciled and where able to discuss all that happened. Regardless, Mr. and Mrs. Chomba felt they still didn't mind Pezo for their daughter in law but they emphasised they were not going to allow for her to be turned into a villager regardless of it being a modern village which had water and solar power. Mrs Chomba was even more worried that for the four months she was there- it would even be easy for men to start eying her and see her as their own. But the statement ended as a good joke. It was agreed that Mrs. Chomba had to go back to zambezi and bring back their daughter in law and have her work withing one of their companies. The arrival of her mother was indeed a surprise to everyone. For she did not mention she was going there anytime soon. For that particular day, Pezo was having a late class with the women and a few men who now joined in and had her phone off till late that evening. And she was welcomed back home by her mother for that evening. She was so filled with joy for that evening. Am so happy to see you mummy. Why didn't you mention you were coming- I swear I would never have left home today but prepare all you favourite meals Mrs. Chinyama: well I wanted it to be a special surprise. I hope it worked. Pezo: most definately. How is home? Chiwande? Dad? Mrs. Chinyama: they are both fine. They both miss you alot. And they can't wait to see you back home. Pezo: I will definately see them soon. I really miss you all but- its really nice here mummy- the people of this village are truly good. Mrs. Chinyama: I know darling- but am afraid you have to come back home now. You came here only for grandma's advise and comfort remember? Pezo: yes but Mrs. Chinyama: am afraid this conversation is not open for discussion darling. Am sure you don't want to see your father coming all the way just to tell you Pezo would really have argued it out if she had her a own way but learning from the past' she just had to obey. Okay mummy. But please allow me to wrap up on my programs before I can leave... I guess you understand that I can not just abandone people I have be working with here. I beg you to allow for another week before we could leave Mrs. Chinyama: my dear am afraid that's not feasible - if it were up to me perhaps but am afraid we have to leave tommorrow morning. We shall spend the night in solwezi and proceed for Lusaka via proflight the next morning. The tckets were already booked and so is our accommodation at the mine hotel in Solwezi Pezo never said anything. She knew bettrr than to argue with her mother. Her grandma did not like the development but it pretty much did not make sense however way she would have tried. By the next morning, word had gone round that Pezo was leaving and everyone gathered to say their goodbyes and wish her well though on a sad note. Her mother was so amused at how much people of the village loved her and the children suspended their classes for that morning just to see off their modern teacher and friend. It was a sad moment as they left and Mrs. Chinyama really wished she could change her mind but not with the many calls from her husband that kept on checking on how far They had reached whenever network was available. Mrs Chomba too. Pezo deliberately switched off her phone and none could reach her for that day. They arrived a little late due to a delayed flight but everyone were waiting for the tirelessly by the airport. Mukuka: hey- Welcome back. I missed you so much. Pezo just smiled and gave her a tight hug without saying any word. Mrs. Chomba: welcome back home child Pezo: Thank you mah- it does feel great to be home Chiwande and Chisala just hugged her at once and she reciprocated with a kiss to both. Strange enough.. she noticed the men were not around and she thanked God. For she was not eager to meet her father and kalima for various reasons known to herself. When they got home- Pezo was allowed to freshen up quickly and joined the rest on the dinner table meant to welcome her. Kalima kept on stealing glances of her and more than ever, Pezo felt so uncomfortable. Love was the last thing on her mind and she really hoped he could see that through her actions. Pezo also noticed that Mrs. Chomba was being extra nice to her and even as her mother and her pulled her upstairs into her room- she never got so shocked with what she was told.
29 Jul 2019 | 04:37
Ride on
29 Jul 2019 | 23:28
hope things work out btw u and kal
30 Jul 2019 | 11:48
If it wasn't for Love, then it must be for lust. It seems as if it wasn't intentional for Joe to disrespect the POWER of LOVE, the PURITY of VIRGINITY and the STRENGTH of WOMANHOOD. The truth is that Joe was LOVING PEZO but he was so foolish and childish for him to continue with what wasn't Love with Matimba and his being carried away in stupidity and couldn't reveal the truth to Pezo.
30 Jul 2019 | 18:04
Kalima kept on LOVING PEZO, especting an opportunity for Pezo's heartbeat of Love. Mukuka never stops showing how much she cares if not for her inner heart deceit on the closeness of his brother and Pezo. The Chombas and Chinyamas have to move on while Chisala and Chiwande was never left out.
30 Jul 2019 | 18:26
Loving Pezo _Episode 13 When they got home- Pezo was allowed to freshen up quickly and joined the rest on the dinner table after a while; meant to welcome her. Throughout the meal, pezo could not avoid noticing that Kalima kept on stealing glances of her and more than ever, she felt so uncomfortable sitting opposite him and she so wished that they could get it all done with already. She detasted some of these traditions that made it so obvious that everyone who left home even for a short while had to be welcomed with a joint formal dinner that brought the two families together. With her marvelous community experience back at the village- most of the conversations were a little boring for her. Her mind kept on taking her back to the village and what she would have been doing at that point. It was such a great and simple life that was full of gunuine love for one another. She already missed how she would always wrap up her day with her grandmother who always had to massage her head nerves to relax her after the long day's volutary works. There was no other place that would have healed her the way it did in Zambezi area. By the time she was coming back to reality, everyone's eyes were fixed on her and she was so clueless as to what was happening. Apparently, Mrs. Chomba had posed a question to her which she could not even remember at all. Am sorry- my thoughts must have been else were Mrs. Chomba: I actually figured so. Don't tell me you are already missing your grandma. Or is it that we are missing out on something? Her words were vague she couldn't quite understand her. But she just acted brave and just smiled as she was answering back. Pezo: actually no mah- am sorry for that. And that look again from Kalima. Pezo had no idea of what was happening but she prayed she would not have to go back to the same issues she did with Kalima. Having anyone take advantage of her situation or use it for falling in Love again was the last thing on her mind and she really hoped he could see that through her actions. Pezo also noticed that Mrs. Chomba was being extra nice to her. This was not what she expected of her after messing it big time with Mr. Mitti. Usually- Mrs chomba would never tolerate such behaviours. Her mother told her they couldn't hide anything from the chombas because either way, their children were going to tell them soon or later. Pezo was told Mrs. Chomba could not hide her disappointment when told about what happened but seemed to have come to terms with what happened over time. But even as her mother and Mrs. Chomba pulled her upstairs into her room- she never got so shocked with what she was told. Mukuka had just left to attend to her other personal issues and as the men got into their soccer discussions- both Mrs Chinyama and Chomba felt it was the best time to communicate their decision to Pezo both hoping that she would see the sense in it. Mrs. Chomba : (holding her by the hand as she massaged it) Your mother told me all that happened to you - how are you feeling? Pezo was a little hesitant in answering. Maybe a little confused too because she never knew what shape the conversation was yet to take. Mrs. Chinyama: am sure, you now understand that the chombas are as good as being a part of this family- I - Pezo: it's fine mummy. (Facing mrs chomba) - am okay. God was with me Her mother smiled while Mrs Chomba couldn't help but be proud of the answer given Mrs. Chomba: we are happy then. Dear- I need you to know that despite what happened- we still love you and still believe that the best is yet to come your way Mrs. Chinyama: your grandma told us how you were able to conquer your pains through the great engagements you had with people. That was the best way to do it darling. And your father and I are so proud of you because of the legacy you left back at the village Mrs. Chomba : We had a chance to think through how we could sustain your healing even after returning home were you spend most of your time alone. We know that this is something we had proposed some months ago and your reasoning was clear but- but we really need you to know that we are doing this for your own safety, happiness and goodwill. Pezo: I - I dont get you mah. Mrs. Chinyama: what we are trying to say is, we have decided to create a position for you at our company. You understand that whatever we do is for you our children and it is now that you need to begin to familiarise yourselves with all the company dealings. Ofcourse we understand you just came nack and so you really dont have to start immediately but may report for work as soon as you are good to do so Pezo: but mummy- You really didn't have to - really am okay waiting for whenever I would get myself a job. Besides, Karl is already on it right? Mrs. Chomba : child- Pezo - do you really have to argue about this? All we are saying is that it is now time for you to take your position in that company- am sorry darling but- we are not asking you to do this but simply reminding you of your duties as a daughter of this house She was so strong on her. Pezo didn't like it. She didnt like Mrs. Chomba and her motives at that point. She was so dissapointed with her mother for not being confident enough to talk to her daughter alone. She was almost losing it and standing up against her decision when she realised it was too soon to go against her own family's decisions once more. Pezo: (forcing a smile) - its okay. I will take it up. Thanks. Mrs. Chomba: You don't have to thank us darling. We are simply asking you to possess what is your rightful possession. Pezo just smiled. And before she realised it, the men joined in with Mrs. Chomba proudly announcing the new development. Everyone was happy and assured her it was the best decision made. Ofcourse- Kalima was the happiest. There could be no better way of having this lady he adored so much near her than this way. Pezo wished she could speak out and mention it wasn't her decision but that she was forces to accept. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& There wasn't much of a change even after Mr. Mitti was sternly warned by the police on the brutality inflicted on his wife Matimba. After being arrested that period- the two families quickly convened and convinced Matimba to withdraw the charges laid against her husband and she was obidient enough to listen although she decided to continue with her divorce case. There relationship continued being tensed up and with time- Matimba decided to move out if town and began working from kitwe. It was not easy for Mr. Mitti and he also decided to sue for custody. The matter never took long but Matimba won the case with Mr. Mitti given the right to see Yamiko whenever he could. It was not easy for Mr. Mitti. It was as though the whole world turned against him and he had no one to turn to. His thoughts never stopped reminding him at any one particular moment that he was once so happy with Matimba and because he chose to take advantage of her kind nature, he was now paying for his sins. He knew that all that was required at that point was ask for forgiveness from Pezo and God to find his peace. But even with the many attempts he made in calling her.. it was not worthwhile. Mr. Mitti suddenly remembered that Pezo had once used her friend's line to communicate with him one time and he attempted calling it and the lady never took long to answer. Am sorry but may I know who this is? Joe: it's Pezo's friend... I believe she once used your line to contact me at one point Mukuka: Pezo's friend? From were? And why are you calling me? Mr. Mitti knew at that point that this may not work but he still decided to try his luck Well her line hasn't been going through and I though you could assist with the line I could catch her on Mukuka: well am sorry I just can't. I don't know you and She paused for a while and with a change in her tone of voice Joe? Joe: ( Hesitantly)- Yes. Look please don't Mukuka :dare you even call after what you did to my sister Joe: I never meant to hurt her please - help me to talk to her Mukuka: you should be so ashamed of yourself. After what you did you even have the guts to call? Joe: please Mukuka: don't you ever call this line ever again And she cut the line. Mr. Mitti kept calling for the day until she just blocked him. Two weeks passed and till now- Pezo had not reported for work. She wanted to be so sure before doing this by just contacting a few institutions and companies on the status of the applications she submitted. She had gotten a job in Solwezi but none of the family members could accept it. Her parents felt she was not yet at a level of staying on her own or away from the family and so it would not just work out. Even as Pezo was turning down the offer down- she really felt bad. This wasn't all- because of the great voluntary works she did while in Zambezi area, a local NGO wanted her to manage the provincial works but yet again- with Mrs. Chomba being the most vocal denied Pezo saying she will only end up being a villager and eventually a housewife like any other woman. Pezo really felt she was being controlled and never liked the level of involvement of Mrs Chomba in all matters that concerned her. It was as though she was no longer her mother's child but that of the chombas. Pezo got to hear about what happened to Mr. Mitti and all his attempts to find and talk to her. She really wished she could find it in her heart to forgive him but with all that was happening in her life, she really felt he was largely to blame. She warned Mukuka on ever picking his calls advised her to do whatever she could to have his calls not to get to her. As Mukuka spent the night over that weekend of the 2nd week that passed- Pezo could not help but pour out to her friend But hey- why do you want to allow everyone to control your life as though you were a little girl Pezo: am so tired of my own life Kuka. Am so frustrated and if I had a choice- I wish I could just go away to a place were I could start my life on a new page Mukuka: I know - but darling- you do realise that you are all your parents have right. And that we equally need you here. Pezo never said anything. Mukuka: Why don't you and I go out tonight- its been a while Pezo: I cant- mum has really been on me lately and she wants me to report for work tommorrow. They feel I have given enough excuses. Mukuka: I see. And which branch will you be operating from? Pezo: am not so sure (innocently) but I got a sense it's headquarters. Mukuka: (almost choking her self) what? You mean you and Kalima will be in the same Pezo; well I doubt so. I bet they placed me under marketing. Its a whole complete different section if you ask me. Pezo noticed her friend would never change over her fears of Kalima and her being close. Her change of mood could not be hidden and Pezo really wished she could do something about that but it was all impossible at that point The next morning, Mrs Chinyama was on Pezo just to ensure that she was up on time in readiness for the office. She however noticed her daughter wasn't happy and it was difficult for her to justify their actions on her. The two families sat and decided this way- her hands were really tied. Her relationship with her daughter was really drowning and each day that passed- Pezo seemed distant to her. Mrs. Chinyama: look I really wished I could change things but- this is you Pezo. Belonging to this family and doing this for us is expected of you. Pezo: I just wished we could talk about this mummy. You and I like we have always done on any other issues. Much as she knew she wasn't fair on her daughter, she just handed her over some packed food and gave her a kiss on the fore head. Mrs. Chinyama: you don't want to catch up with traffic dear. You need to start off. Pezo just left with no further comments. She arrived 15 minutes past 08 o'clock and she noticed everyone was seated in the biggest boardroom awaiting for a meeting to be chaired by the CEO Mr. Kalima Chomba. As she looked on, one of them approached her with a warm welcome and led her to Kalima’s office. He immediately stood up at her appearance, a little formal on her but excited Kalima: (giving her a handshake) miss Chinyama - its great to finally have you on board. Please sit. Pezo: (trying to be all polite) thank you. Its great to be here Kalima: well allow me to lead the way to the boardroom. Everyone must be waiting for us. We have a meeting in honor of you and it would only be in order that I officially welcome you from there. Pezo: Sure. As they entered the boardroom, everyone stood up and only sat after Kalima did. Pezo was equally given a seat a sat comfortably directly opposite to Kalima. She never realise how big the human resource was till now. It was a really big group and she immediately looked forward to interacting with each one of them. Kalima never never hesitated in his welcoming remarks and allowed for everyone to introduce themselves. Immediately they were done- Pezo was shocked to hear him announce that she would be working very closely with him as his deputy ànd that he expected everyone to give her the deserved respect. Much as pezo appreciated all this, she felt it was not necessary for Kalima to emphasise on issues of protocol as what mattered was the working relationships that would help to determine their output levels. For that day and the rest of the week, Pezo was expected to undergo an extensive orientation of the company operations and staff roles and duties. It was quite stressful but better than staying at home. Kalima always took keen interest in how all these were happening and Pezo was only happy that he was able to separate their social relations with work. On the friday of that same week, she was expected to meet with Kalima for their pre board meeting discussions and she had not even settled down after her arrival and he was already in her office for the meeting Pezo: Morning - am sorry but I thought I would be the one to come through to your office Kalima: not a problem miss. What matters is that we hold the meeting right Pezo: Yes. Sure. (Pressing on a dial button) I will ask the kitchen to assist us with some tea and coffee Kalima: don't worry, that is already figured out Pezo: uh great. Kalima: I hope you are settling in well and that everyone is treating you okay Pezo: yes... ofcourse. Thanks. Although I really didn't need such a big position to start with. Alot is expected of me yet I have no work experience in this field of work Kalima: why don't you Leave that to me madam... am sure together working as a team we can always manage right? Pezo: sure. A month passed and All seemed to have been well. It was so far so good for Pezo and she had to confess this to her mum and dad. They were happy to see their daughter getting interested in her own company and contributing effe tively towards its sucess. Through Kalima, the Chombas really seemed thrilled that their plan was taking shape to have Kalima and Pezo get closer- for now even if they were not in love. For it was through this friendship that the good would be born. As for the employees, they all as usual loved Pezo and how she easily related with Kalima and everyone . It made the atmosphere much more friendly and much easy to operate within. Till now, Kalima seemed to be within his limits but it was so visible at times that the much interest in Pezo was still burning within him. It was so strong that he could not help himself hide it. The fact that he had to work with her everyday was so tempting to even pretend that he never loved her anymore. He began to regreat having her so close and directly linking her work to his. Pezo on the other hand always tried to keep her distance and keep all her dealings formal but Kalima would at times disregard all this and go out of his ways in his conversations with her. She was always professional enough to drag the conversations back on track for she never had feelings for him or any other man at the moment. The week that followed, kalima and Pezo were espected to host a corperate dinner with some international partners in which they were to seal a big deal with them. A table was reserved at Radison Blu Hotel as the guests were already accommodated there. Kalima had to pick Pezo first before heading to The hotel Kalima: You look beautiful Pezo: Thank you. Shall we? Kalima: ofcourse They didn't speak much on the way except to discuss and emphasise on a few discussing points that would inform their decisions that night. They only sat down on the table and the partners arrived as well. They started with dinner as they were getting a few updates on the company operations and structures. They were so impressed with the overwhelming works being done and it was not easy for them to rapidly wrap up on the deal. Once more- they both had some good news to go back with home. Kalima was the happiest and even as they were leaving the hotel into the car, Kalima stopped her as he held her hand with a soft massage You were awesomely a great partner. Thanks Pezo: we did this together sir. Always remember that you equally deserve that piece of thanks He widely smiled as he pulled her to continue moving towards the car. As she was almost opening her door, he quickly appeared and stopped her If only for tonight- please allow me? Pezo just smiled as she moved out and had Kalima open and close the door for her. He drove not so far away from the hotel and he Pulled over and stopped the car. Why- why did you stop. Did you forget something? Kalima just seemed restless. He couldn't say anything for a while and Pezo got a little worried. Are you okay Karl. Please talk to me. He never said anything but just got hold of her hand and tightly held it. Am sorry but I can't keep this to myself anymore Pezo. He looked her straight in her eyes and for a while, Pezo never knew what to make of it till he spoke up I know you have always made your position clear on this Pezo- you have been hurt and it's understood that you may not want to love again but Pezo: Karl please Kalima: I love you Pezo. Truly I do. Pezo: (getting upset) what is this. Are we gonna keep on moving in this circle like this? Kalima: am sorry. Am sorry if you feel hurt , irritated or frustrated but can't you see how much I love you? Pezo: well I don't care you hear. I have always made this clear and you can't force me to just fall in love with you Karl. He slowly moved back and sat back on his chair with his eyes closed. Pezo: (calming down a little) look- i knew working with you this close was a wrong idea but its like you allowed for it to happened. This isnt good Karl. Not for either of us because we are not helping ourselves knowing so well how we feel about each other. Kalima: darling- Pezo- you can still learn to love me too if you could just give me a chance. We can be the best couple if you could allow us to give it a try Pezo: please- you don't have to call me that Karl. I would rather we keep our distance and respect for each other and not ruine what we have right now. Especially if you and I are to work together Kalima: Am sorry Pezo- but I think i have pretended for long and keeping this to myself isnt helping. Pezo: Then help me out of the company Karl- help me get out of this town and disappear from your life for good. I know you can do it if you talk to my parents. All you have to do is complain that I don't add any value to the company You know I can't do that Pezo. He suddenly and unexpectedly grabbed Pezo by the back neck and kissed her on the lips. Pezo struggled and pulled out of his hands. Without saying a word- she slapped him on his face and opened the door as she left. Kalima quickly followed her as he held her by the hands. You let go of my hand- how dare you- you think you can do as you please just because I have tolerated you this much Kalima: am sorry Pezo: for how long huh- for how long are you gonna use that word just to calm me down. Kalima: atleast you can get back to the car- its rather late for you to walk by the street all by yourself Pezo just turned and continued to walk. Kalima was left helpless by the road. When she arrived home with a cab, her mother was worried Why did you have to be dropped with the cab- wasn't Kalima supposed to - Pezo: he had to stay back while I needed to rest mummy. Its fine. Mrs. Chinyama: how dare he puts you in a stranger's car while he knew it was his duty to bring you back home Pezo: mummy please don't worry- am the one who decided to come early- you really don't have to blame him. Just then- Kalima’s car drove in and Pezo more than ever felt so irritated and she just threw her small bag on the couch and followed him outside not minding what his mother was going to make out of it. Pezo: just what do you think you are doing here? Kalima: I needed to make sure that you were safely home Pezo. Please you don't have to alarm the situation here. You mother is actually just behind you Pezo: and you think I care? Well perhaps it's high time everyone knows why I have been so hesitant in getting any close with you Kalima: we can talk about this like adults Pezo. Pezo: no Karl. You and I have nothing to talk about and you really don't have to pretend that you are all innocent here. Please leave!! Mrs. Chinyama : Pezo- what is going on here. Why are you two talking from out here- kalima- son please do come in Pezo: Kalima was just leaving mummy. Kalima: Thanks mum- I would really love to actually. Pezo: (Holding him by the hand) this isn't funny Karl. I swear you won't like my actions after this. He ignored her and proceeded to follow Mrs. Chinyama as she led the way. Immediately Pezo went in, she just picked her bag and went upstairs. Mrs. Chinyama: (facing Kalima ) will you tell me what is going on here? Kalima: am sorry mum - we somewhat differed and she decided to get on a cab- I would never risk leaving a lady getting home by herself at this hour. That is why I needed to come through and check if she was safely home Mrs. Chinyama: that was wise of you. (Short silence) listen- I know you may not be comfortable with me discussing this with you but- I know your intentions over my daughter. If it were up to me you would be with her right at this minute but- son- what Pezo went through was not an easy thing to overcome and I really need you to be patient with her. You really have to win her heart slowly till she will be the one to beg for your love eventually Kalima: I know. Thank you. I really appreciate your guidance. I just hope she will be able to forgive me - I know I may have messes it all up Mrs. Chinyama: it's okay son. Not all women's hearts are easily won you know. I know one day Pezo will come around as she realise just how perfect you can be for each other. What matters is you have both families' blessings and you shall not fight a losing battle. She is yours Kalima : (smiling) thank you mum. You don't know what those words mean to me. (Rising to her feet) I shall take my leave now. Mrs. Chinyama: sure! Do send our regards home He left and immediately Mrs. Chinyama had to pump some sense into her daughter's head. Pezo had just gotten out of the shower when her mother got in her room Mrs. Chinyama: thought you would be asleep by now Pezo: No mummy. I couldn't find sleep so I decided to take a shower Mrs. Chinyama : why- is something bothering your mind? Pezo: ( hesitantly ) actually yes mummy but- I can handle it Mrs. Chinyama: is it Kalima? Pezo was silent once more. Not so sure if her mother would understand her after seeming so much on the side of the chombas lately. Mrs. Chinyama: well? Pezo: I cant work with him anymore mummy. Am sorry. Mrs. Chinyama: Why? Just because he was being honest with you? Is it wring for a single and handsome man like him to fall in love with a lady like you? Pezo: mummy Mrs. Chinyama: there is nothing wrong with what Kalima did. If anything- you should be the one apologising for how you behaved here just a while ago Pezo: mummy please- I dont love him- please don't make me make do this. Mrs. Chinyama: I won't allow you make yet another wrong decision Pezo. Am sure you haven't forgotten the mess you just survived from not so long ago Pezo: this is different mummy. I understand I was wrong on Joe but will I be treated like a little girl not capable of adding a voice to decisions made over her life Mrs. Chinyama: if that would save you then yes. Kalima is a well respected man and any woman would do anything to have him in their arms. You have no choice but to learn to love him. But more than that, you will need to learn to respect him. Pezo: what? Mummy- what are you talking about? Mrs. Chinyama: it's unfortunate that this is how you want things to be done for you to realise what's best for you. Unfortunately- both families have agreed to have you and Kalima marry so soon. Am afraid there is nothing much you and I can do about that. So I beg you not to embarrass me or this family again Pezo. She was left shocked as her mother left the room. She never expected such a turn of events from her family- worse so from Kalima whom she felt was so civilised
31 Jul 2019 | 03:10
Kalima kept on LOVING PEZO even when Pezo never accepted. This kinda family Love is not far from the truth. It will even be much better if Pezo will learn how to reciprocate Kalima's Love. She had Loved the wrong person that treated her like nothing and that is making the wrong choice which gave the Chombas and Chinyamas a huge point over hers. Pezo still need a little more time as her mummy said but she has a right to make a choice. Right now, choosing and LOVING KALIMA BY PEZO wouldn't be a bad idea.
31 Jul 2019 | 16:39
Loving Pezo_ Episode 14 Pezo was left shocked as her mother left the room. She never expected such a turn of events from her family- worse so from Kalima whom she had always trusted was so civilised and should have been able to avoid this. Pezo had difficulties sleeping that evening. She was literally being forced into a marriage she never consented to. She hated both her parents, the Chombas and most of all Kalima for allowing this to happen when he very much knew what her position was even before the Joe incidence. Pezo understood that her mistake with Joe costed her alot but she never knew it would get to extremes which would deny her the right to make her own decisions. She felt so drained and she had no one to talk to at that point. As Pezo woke up the next morning, she had no idea how she ended up sleeping that evening. It was already past 09.30hrs and she found a number of missed calls on her phone and one message from Kalima. Just greeting her and once more asking if she could find it within her heart to forgive him. Pezo just ignored the text and went ahead to get a shower. She had a scheduled meeting with a department who worked on Saturdays as a way of fast tracking her orientation processes. Overall, she so hoped being away from home was also going to help her forget about the agony she had to go through last night. When she arrived at the office, she was a little late and everyone was seated in the boardroom waiting for her. She quickly got on her seat as she apologised for being late. She was almost pouring her coffee when Kalima appeared and got hold of the coffee mug. Kalima: May I? Pezo was a little shocked that he was there. The meeting had nothing to do with him and she didn't remember telling him about it. She decided to be professional and just smiled as she gave him a go ahead. Pezo: By all means Sir. Please go ahead- sorry I never noticed you were around. Kalima: it's okay - Pezo. I just noticed this gathering and decided to say hello to everyone Pezo: so thoughtful of you. Thank you. Kalima : anytime. Well- I will leave you to your meeting- please excuse me. The meeting took longer than Pezo expected- its like there was so much to talk about and verify in the documents before they could wrap up. As she had targeted to call this a done deal just on that day- she decided to order some hungry lion packs and beverages for everyone and asked for the meeting to be resumed after 02.30hrs in the afternoon. As she sat in the office catching up on her emails as the team were having lunch. And again- Kalima appeared... this time with a pack of Wimpy pack of wrap. Inwardly- she wished she could just disappear and tell herself it was a dream. He was the last person she really would have loved to see much less talk to that day. But because she now knew what her negative actions would do to her family, she had to pretend to be happy around him Knock knock Pezo: Hey come in. Kalima: mind some lunch? Noticed you bought for everyone yet you ain't having anything Pezo: Thank you. But am okay. Kalima: well am still going to leave this with you. hoping that you will still need to eat something soon. She was already off cast even as he was saying his last words. She seemed so glued to her computer and he just left. Pezo only noticed his absence after she stopped removed her eyes from the computer screen. She couldn't help smile and felt like screaming on top of her voice with excitement. She had just received a letter of appointment for a job offer from one of the UN agencies. This was one of the dreams her parents had equally supported her to get and she kept her fingers crossed in getting the family buy in to her accepting the offer. Atleast it was a Lusaka. But for now she kept it as a secret until she would get it all right. Atleast she had a week till which she was expected to accept the job offer. She was only leaving the offices late in the evening and as she was going to the car lot- Kalima also appeared and heading to his car. As he turned around after placing his laptop bag in the car- -he noticed Pezo watching him and he walked up to her Kalima: Still here. Pezo: Yes. I thought of completing one more task before I could leave. After all, there is nothing to rush for back home Kalima: I see. That makes the two of us then. But it's still important for you to get enough rest- our week hasn't been that easy. Pezo: I know- but I guess am left with no choice but leave home when all I get from my own mother is how I need to respect and love you even if it's against my wish. Kalima: What- what do you mean Pezo: you really don't have to pretend you know nothing about it Karl. Atleast you should have told me you had it all planned and carried the entire family support as you were confessing all those things to me Kalima: I don't understand you Pezo. I had never told anyone about my feelings towards you till last evening when mom insisted on why you were all upset Pezo: well it doesn't matter any more Karl. I guess you won this time. Because you left me with no choice thanks to your smartness. She magestically walked up to him, directly facing him; smiled and slowly gave him a kiss on his lips. Goodnight. She turned and left for her car leaving Kalima all shocked and speechless. He didn't understand her already for her easiness that day and now coupled with this? He would swear she wasn't in her right state of mind if he had not spent the day with her that morning and afternoon. For the first time since he met her, he never knew what to make out of her behaviour. It was a wonderful surprise. But a dangerous one too. Knowing so well that she never loved him and nor was she ready to get into another serious relationship soon. He had not even arrived home and he got a text not only informing him that she was safely home but also that he should take care of himself for her. It made Kalima worried he could not even continue driving but just pulled over and stopped for a while. He had nobody to share the ordeal with and for the only one that knew what transpired last evening; it might not have been in order for him to share such a development with. Mrs. Chinyama was a parent and he would not converse with her on such. The next morning... he again received a text from Pezo greeting him and informing him that she couldn't wait to see him later on at church him. Kalima just responded with a simple good morning message. During the mass later that day- her mother was shocked to notice Pezo look out for Kalima and ensure she sat next to him and held him by his hanpd for a while until the service began. Not only her noticed but Mukuka too. When they came out of mass, Pezo still seemed to only be next to Kalima so much that Mukuka never even got a chance to ask what was going on. Kalima who always seemed to be crying for her love also seemed so helpless in all that was happening. As usually, whenever planned, they all headed to the Chomba residence for lunch. It was a few minutes after everyone had relaxed in the main living room awaiting lunch when Pezo asked for everyone's attention in the most calm way she could. Kalima wondered what it was all about but it was too late too late to even interrogate her Pezo moving close to Kalima and lovingly held him by his hand... as she lightly smiled at him first them to the rest. Pezo: Well we thought there could be no better time we could share this great news with all of you ( she paused as she looked at Kalima who by now was panicking)- Kalima and I managed to seal one of the biggest deals for the company last friday and this is a five years small scale agricultural project that will be implemented across the country with an attraction of over five thousand job opportunities to be created. It will be a value addition project and we are yet to engage government on how best it can be rolled out across the country. We were one of the few countries that applied for this contract meant to partner with an international private investor company that will help bring development to our country Everyone was so amused at what she said at that moment. Kalima didn't have to say anything with the manner in which Pezo had already said it. Her father could not hold his joy but just stood up and gave his daughter a huge hug. The rest followed suit and congratulated them both. Just when everyone thought it was over Pezo spoke up again while everyone's hearts were filled with so much joy Kalima and I would also like to take this opportunity to let you know that much as it may not be a surprise to you- we are dating and currently in a relationship and with your blessings- we hope the best will come out of this. It was the women who couldn't now hold their joy as they further congratulated them with more blessings as a couple. Kalima didn't know what plans Pezo had and he feared for himself what would come out of all these announcements. For that period, he held on to his smile but could not wait to find time alone to speak to Pezo. He needed to urgently control her before she would get out of line. As they gathered on the table- the last announcement seemed more prominent and the women were already discussing the traditional ceremonies leading to the wedding of their children already. Mukuka on the other hand never contributed to any of the discussions around the table. She once thought Pezo was still her best friend and would share all such news with her first before doing so with the rest of the team but it seemed that wasnt the case. She remained bitter and even as she left the table that afternoon. All she thought of was how she wasn't going to allow for Kalima and Pezo's relation not to work by any chance. She quickly remembered the call she received from Mr. Mitti and quickly decided to call it. Mr. Mitti didn't take long to answer Hello- good afternoon Mukuka: Joe- I hope you are able to remember whom you are talking to Joe; ofcourse I wouldn't miss this one my lady- you know how desperate I was in getting your help. I really appreciate your call. Mukuka: well not a problem. Bit tell me- are you still interested in me linking you up with Pezo? Joe: (excited) ofcourse I am my dear. I mean you really don't even have to ask me that. Mukuka: then let me know when I can meet you. I think I can help provided you help me sort out my own mess too. Joe: not a problem. Well am ready when you are. I can follow you at any place of your choice. Mukuka : great. I bet it will be wonderful doing business with you. How is Ananda's Pub and Grill at 7pm this evening. Thing is I really don't want anyone noticing us together if you understand me Joe: that's perfect with me. Don't worry- I totally understand you. Mukuka cut the line with a great smile on her face. She never thought it would be this easy to convince the guy to meet up with her. She only prayed it would be equally easy to convince him that it was worth destroying this relationship for Pezo even if he was married for the love he had for her. On the other hand- Kalima managed to get Pezo aside in a really secluded place just to talk to her in private. Kalima: hey- what did you just do back there. Don't you think we should have discussed this first Pezo: am sorry but this whole thing just excited me Karl. More so that this is the biggest contract achieved in the last 15 years. Kalima: not that Pezo- rather your announcement about us. I had the right to know you were planning to do this Pezo: oh that. Kalima: yes that Pezo. Why are you doing this? What are you trying to prove. Pezo: Prove? Did you just say Prove. Well I doubt am doing any of that darling. All am doing is to fulfil all your hearts desires. While I was so in the dark and going through so much heartache... you all sat and decided that you Karl would be the best man for me whether I liked it or not right so why make a fuss out of it when things are all seeming to work out for you? Kalima: Pezo please. Believe me when I say am innocent of all these allegations you are raising. I have always loved you yes - I crave to be with you and you are all I think about - but ofcourse not in this way. You know I can never force you to be in love with me unless you willingly do so Pezo: like I mentioned Karl- I doubt there is a way of turning back on this. Too bad if you nolonger love me but- you and I are stuck with each other She stopped talking and moved closer to him , gave him a hug and whispered in his left ear " just be warned that when I love- I do so to the fullest of my capability- I hope you will be able to bear with me" She once more kissed him and left to find her friend mukuka. As she opened the door- Mukuka was busy selecting an outfit that evening Pezo: hey- going out Mukuka: was thinking of hinging out with some friends. Its been a while. I guess I don't even have to ask you anymore seeing you are so busy in love with my brother Pezo: well I doubt that will have any effect on our friendship Kuka. Of all people Karl should know that you and I are - Mukuka: well does it matter really? Pezo: of course it does girlfriend. Cause you will always be my best friend and I doubt I can live without you. Mukuka just left for the bathroom without saying anything. Almost immediately, Chiwande knocked once and entered Mum asked that I call you. We need to leave. Pezo: please tell her your uncle Karl will drop me off. But I will be downstairs soon to see you off Chiwande: okay. Kalima had no choice but to take her home that afternoon. And as they drove- Pezo seemed to have contained herself and never discussed anything about the two of them but only work related issues. Kalima then realised that it could be a game she was playing just to get back at him and her mother or prove to him that the two of them could never be. Kalima:(cutting into her work conversation) is that why you needed me to drop you off. So you could discuss work with me on a Sunday? Pezo was blank. She never saw this coming . Why would I do that. I just thought that if we are to be together, we need to spend more time together- you know - get to know each other better Kalima: Then I will beg you to limit this conversation to us yeah Pezo: (smiling) ofcourse. But they ended up being quite all the way. Till he was dropping her Pezo: won't you come in even for a while. Kalima : am sorry but I have things to attend to at home Pezo: more important than being with the love of your life? Kalima was quite. He looked at her for a long time as she gazed back none dropping their stare from the other's. Kalima: am really sorry if I did you any wrong Pezo. Please you don't have to do this. Pezo: hey comeon- we don't have to get to this conversation my love. I have decided to do this and I m eager to get all that love you have been storing for me. Kalima unexpectedly smiled. He held her but the hand and began to toy with each one of them as he spoke to her. Kalima: am the happiest if this is genuine Pezo: As I m left with no choice. It just has to be Karl. Am not planning on dissapointing my family ever again. We just have to make this work. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& When Mukuka arrived at the pub- it was really packed inside and she couldn’t spot Joe more especially that the place was a bit dark. She had only seen him once and really hoped she could recognise him once spotted. They had exchanged notes on were she shall find him and what clothes he was wearing but even with that- the place was too full to follow the instructions. She was almost giving up when she felt a man's hand on her shoulder Mukuka? Mukuka: hey- I almost gave up looking for you Joe: good I caught you then - come. Its a little noisy in here. I guess we can find some were to talk. Mukuka held on to his hand as he led her outside. Once settled, he called one of the waitresses looming outside and ordered for some drinks before they could talk. Joe: I was really humbled to receive your call. You don't know what this means to me Mukuka Mukuka: you don't have to thank me Joe. Let's just say- I believe I the love I witnessed between you and My friend Pezo and all I want is to help a friend realise what's best for her even if she is not able to right now Joe: am glad Mukuka: look- I know about all that happened to you and you wife. I guess with the media coverage on your GVB case... the entire world knows about it- and all about your divorce case. so I just thought I could assist a friend who thinks she was betrayed and you who thinks the world has turned against you. Only if the both of you could realise that you need each other- you may both stop living this misery Joe: so how do you hope to assist me. I have been trying to get hold of her all this while but it's been so difficult. Mukuka: I know but- Pezo is my friend - just tell me what you want from her and I will be more than willing to assist you Joe: sorry but may I know why there is this sudden change- you were not so polite last we conversed. You don't need the reason Joe. Deal or no Deal Joe: deal And they both smiled before finalising on their deal.
1 Aug 2019 | 05:32
Ride on
2 Aug 2019 | 01:47
If this is how the Love between Pezo and Kalima will begin, being reciprocated. Then, it's a good one for PEZO LOVING KALIMA and KALIMA LOVING PEZO. Pezo is gorgeous good girl, a very special friend and cousin of mine, we do chat face to face and online. I wouldn't want her to make such mistake again with a foolish and selfish Lover like Joe who is trying to make amend. That's the reason while i told her that i preferred her Loving Kalima and she did, she likes good advice too. Making it a genuine Love to the fullest as she agreed will be of greater joy than the recent joy. And Mukuka with Joe will just waste their time for tying to stop GENUINE LOVE.
2 Aug 2019 | 10:40
Loving Pezo _ Episode 15_ Joe: so how do you hope to assist me. I have been trying to get hold of her all this while but it's been so difficult. Mukuka: I know but- Pezo is my friend - just tell me what you want from her and I will be more than willing to assist you Joe: Sorry but may I know why there is this sudden change- you were not so polite last we conversed. Mukuka: You don't need the reason Joe. Deal or no Deal? Joe: (loving the flow of their conversation) deal And they both smiled before finalising on their deal. Mukuka agreed to be giving Joe information relating to all Pezo's moves. But more than that- it was all in an effort to make Kalima think that Pezo was still in contact with her ex and have him realise she was not worth his love. And so to begin all this- the first thing Pezo saw as she entered her office that morning was a banquet of flowers on her table with the card. She never bothered much thinking it was from Kalima who might have already had his hopes raised on her and so she never even opened the card but put everything aside... when Kalima entered her office that Monday morning- the bunch of flowers is what caught his attention first. And without shame- he went on to interrogate her Kalima: am I missing out on something? Pezo: Pardon me? Kalima just pointed at the roses and Pezo could not hide the shock on her face. She was 100% certain they came from him. With that question from Kalima, she definately couldn't mention the fact that she thought the banquet was from him Pezo: well- never mind. Its just a bunch of flowers right? (Trying to change the subject) so- you are here for? Kalima: well I should definately worry when my lady is receiving gifts which sends out a clear message to everyone Pezo was a little shocked. Whether this came from him or not- she felt the questioning was not in order at that point atleast. Pezo: (clearing her throat) excuse me but- I really don't think it should bother you much right? It could be my birthday for all you know and anyone can wish me well on this special day Kalima: I see. Sorry I meddled. (Short awkward silence) I actually just came through to say goodmorning. Pezo: Thanks Karl. I really appreciate it. Immediately he left, Pezo could not wait to open the card and seeing Joe's name clearly spelt out I. Black and white... she could feel her legs getting cold. Its like all the past pains came back and she was not as strong as she always thought she was. It was morning but she could clearly feel sweat running down all parts of her body. She wondered how he found her and what his plans were. Immediately, Pezo called the Front Desk Officer to ask who brought the flowers but she equally had no idea. She checked with security and it was discovered that the the visitor's book did not indicate any guests before 08.00hrs in the morning. Pezo got a little confused and didnt know what to do next. She had no one to talk to except for Mukuka whom she could think of. She tried dialing her number and it wasn't been picked. She tried to ignore it for that moment. Later on that day- as they were convening for a meeting with external partners, Kalima couldn't miss the fact that Pezo didn't look well compared to the morning he conversed with her and soonest the meeting was done- he opted to engage her as they remained the two of them in the board room Kalima: You okay? Pezo: ofcourse. Why do you ask? Kalima: I just felt you didn't seem well and your participation levels in the meeting was really low. That's unlike you. Pezo just smiled before she could say anything. Am really fine. Maybe I just have to apologise to you for this morning. I realised I was a little rude and you didn't deserve Kalima: it's okay really. (Looking at his watch) it's almost lunch. Mind joining me? Pezo: mum packed something for me but beside that- am not so hungry Karl Kalima: hey comeon. Just then, a knock was heard once and the door opened. One of the officers entered with some kaki paper bag of a named restaurant that Pezo loved to dine from Officer: Excuse me Madam - someone dropped this for you Just by seeing the paper bag- Pezo knew it must have been Joe again. She knew better than to overreact in front of Kalima. Pezo: Thanks. Please leave it on my table. My office should be open. Officer: okay madam Kalima: well I guess it's's even clear now that you have more to grab on for lunch Pezo: actually on second thoughts- I will come with you. Were are we eating from? Kalima: and your food? Pezo: I think it's much important that I spend this time with my man- don't you think? Kalima: ( with a sweet smile) and who would resist such an offer. I will grab my keys. Pezo wished she could control the pain she was feeling. It was like a dream that Joe was really to act all apologetic and sorry for his actions. She was really not ready for this and she wanted nothing to do with him. Pezo also prayed that Joe's actions would not spoil her plans with Kalima and the level at which things were moving was so quick for her liking. She noticed that with the lunch pack, Kalima still didn't like it but he chose to give Pezo space- a thing that Pezo clearly observed and didnt feel comfortable with. For their lunch, Pezo once more tried to act as loving as she could. Much as she was disturbed with all that Joe was doing- she had to ensure that her plan was well executed. Kalima: Thanks for coming along with me. To be honest- I really value times spent with you Pezo: Any time Kalima: I was just wondering how we need to address or rather relate with each other following the announcement you made to the family. - I know I have always been crying out for your love but now that you are offering yourself to be mine - I dont know- is this for real? Pezo: well- I guess everyone seems to think and suggest that it's something that can eventually workout- so yeah Kalima: (reaching out for her hand across the table) I know you have told me this before but- what about you- what is your heart telling you Pezo- are you going to do this to only appease our parents? Pezo: (releasing her hand from his) please- Karl- I really don't think this is the right time nor place to discuss this Kalima: but am sure you know how important this is for me right. Its really not helping me to think that you don't love me like I do you yet you appear to be so in love before our families Pezo: I know- and am sorry- really Kalima: and so
3 Aug 2019 | 17:38
Pezo: and so I need you to bear with me Karl. To understand me and the fact that I can't hurt my family and disappoint them again. Kalima: and if am not agreeable to it? Pezo just looked at him as though disappointed Kalima: because I don't think this will really work Pezo. While you want to take it that way- its real feelings that I have for you and you can imagine how great it feels everytime you appear so romantic on me. Pezo: what are you telling me? That you can't - Kalima: what am trying to say is we can still do this genuinely Pezo. We can give it a try and if it fails we call it quit Pezo just looked the other side as though not to allow him see her face and how difficult it was for her to decide on this. Kalima: am not gonna force you into this. But I would not help you if I would allow you to live a lie dear. Pezo: I know. But this isn't easy for me Karl. More especially that i cant even understand why you are adamant on loving a lady like me. You deserve better Karl Kalima: (holding her hand again this time with both his) You are the best I have seen Pezo. Please don't just send me away or ever think of your self in that way. There was silence from her and Kalima really couldn't avoid the fear within himself. For he never thought of any other way he could do this with Pezo if not successful once more. As he continued looking at her during his wait- his heart was suddenly filled with so much joy as she exchanged his grip with hers and gently squeezed his hands with a little unusual massage. Pezo: (lightly smilling) it's okay Karl. We gonna give this a try. Kalima just moved from his seat and went to give her a warm embrance that left a Few staring in admiration. They actually made a great couple from what could be seen from the onlookers. As Pezo opened her office door upon her return from lunch- it was as though she came back to her problems with Joe. She knew she had to take care of the mess sooner than she would want to. She quickly dialed Mukuka’s number and lukily this time around, the call was picked Mukuka: hey Pezo: (Sounding so desperate) I need to see you Kuka- please tell me you have time for me Mukuka: Hey calm down. You know I can always create some for a friend like you. What's wrong? Why do you sound so panicking Pezo: it's Joe. I think he is back and trying to haunt me kuka. Mukuka: what!! How dare he? She was really good at her pretence and Pezo could not even guess that she was the mastermind of all this. Pezo: I don't know what to do Kuka. I don't even have any idea of how he found out that I was at this company. Mukuka: listen darling- I need you to relax and take a deep breath. What is it that he is doing. I mean- what does he want from you when he got what he wanted already Pezo explained all that happened for that day and how he was able to do this without passing through security Pezo: I don't think his intentions are genuine dear. Yes - he wants me to forgive him but Kuka how am I even supposed to do that after all he did to me Mukuka: listen- Please, don't worry so much okay. Why don't you and I meet later this evening then you can tell me more about it then together we can deal with the situation- huh? Pezo: I don't know Kuka, thing is Karl is beginning to get suspicious already and I don't want this to already complicate things between me and him Just at the mention of that- Mukuka leaped for joy inwardly. She could not believe it that her plans were already manifesting over Pezo. Mukuka: I know dear. So we meet. Pezo: Sure. And thanks alot. Mukuka: any time love. And even as she was cutting her line, Mukuka could not wait to update Joe on this. However, she noticed that alot still had to be done considering that Pezo’s heart was so far from reconciling with Joe. The idea was to make her leave kalima and whether she ended up with joe again or with none of the two was none of her business. Afterall, they still needed each other considering she was also a single person with no one to truly love her in her life. When they met later that evening, it was as though Mukuka was just getting an update on how her plan was working. Pezo had no idea of her friend's bad side and worse off, she even went out of her way in talking about her relationship with Kalima and how it didnt have so much of a strong basis. It was only then that Pezo suspected that her friend didn't seem to have an issue with that and also the fact that Mukuka seemed to be pushing her towards giving Mr. Mitti an audience for his mistakes. Instead of helping with the situation, it only drained Pezo the more as she was left more confused. When she got home later that evening, all she wanted was to take a good rest and she was only greeted with another banquet of flowers in her room. Luckily, her mother did not bother to ask whom it was from as she presumed it was from Kalima. It was only when she noticed her daughter's reaction to the gift that she wondered why it could worry her. But for that evening, she allowed it to pass. &&&&&&&&&&&&& Two weeks passed and Mr. Mitti never stopped at anything in trying to get Pezo back in his life. It even got worse and a little confusing for Pezo when he could just appear in any place she was at and perhaps just sit opposite her during most of her dates with Kalima. Mukuka was really doing a great job in updating him on Pezo’s wereabouts and how he could always frustrate her efforts of completing getting rid of him. The gifts continued and Kalima could only tolerate so much as he decided to start questioning Pezo who at that point didn't have any answers to what was going on in her life. It was trying to fit into Kalima’s demanding love life on one hand and trying to get rid of much love that she had for Joe in the name of how he hurt her so badly. Because of all these things that were happening in her life, Pezo did not even find proper time to talk to her family or Karl about her newly found job at one of the UN agencies. However, knowing how this had always been her dream job, she went ahead to confirm her availability but only negotiated an additional 2 weeks before she could report for work to cater for her handovers with the company she was currently engaged with. This was agreed and it meant that she had three weeks within which she needed to inform the rest. On the other hand, Pezo felt Kalima was a really good person after all except that she needed to deal with her comparisons which she couldnt always avoid between him and Mr. Mitti. Being the first love of her life who made her almost go crazy in love with her, she could never forget the little things he would always do for her in the name of love. That aspect was somewhat missing in Kalima but realising that hr had his limits in his love for her, she got understand him at that level. The two spent most of their time together ofcourse at the request of Kalima and so far- even if Pezo had not yet leant to love him back- they made the entire family so happy seeing them together. Except for Mukuka. Pezo knew it would even shock everyone if they were to be told Kalima and her had never even had one intimate kiss. At some point- Mukuka always felt Pezo wasnt honest with her when she said Kalima and her were not mutually in love as they always seemed to be so close and good together. Kalima had vowed not to force Pezo in loving him back so hastly but it was never easy for him to always remain silent on certain things such as the gifts she always received from Mr. Mitti. Pezo has had to be smart in convincing him that he didn't have to worry and with time... she asked the front office to always get rid of whatever would come in her name to deal with the problem. That somewhat helped but because she shared this part of her solution with her well trusted friend Mukuka- they decided to change their strategies and decided to frustrate Kalima through anonymous texts threatening to have him leave Pezo alone. It was only at this point when Pezo decided to overcome her fears and had to face him. Pezo had decided to drive to his apartment knowing so well he was on seperation with his wife and the moment he drove in- she also came out of her car Joe: Pezo- its so nice to see you here Pezo: what do you want from me Joe? Isn't it enough that you almost ruined my life? Joe: may we atleast go in and talk about this babe Pezo: am warning you to stay out of my life and that of Kalima. Stay- away- Joe Joe: am sorry but what are you talking about? She was almost leaving when he grabbed her by the hand and made her attentive Joe: am sorry but- I shall not leave you to you find it in your heart to forgive me. Do you have any idea of how much I have had to go through because of you? Pezo: well that's not my problem you hear. You dag your own pit and am glad you had to be in it. Joe: please- can we just go in and talk Pezo: what were you thinking? That you could frustrate me with all the gifts and filthy loving notes... am past that Joe Joe: but I can't get over you Pezo. My life hasn't been the same without you She just slapped him Pezo: just stay away from my life Joe. Otherwise, You are not going to manage the consequences. She drove away as he remained thinking of what happened. From the kitchen party incident, this was the first time Joe was facing Pezo and he had never imagined the frustration that he made the lady go through. For a while, he wished he hadn't been involved in the mess that Mukuka forced her into but rather concentrate on how he could get back with his wife while trying to prove that he was a changed man. He immediately called Mukuka and she was so quick to answer her call Mukuka: hello Joe- I hope you have good news for me Joe: am afraid not. Mukuka: what happened? Joe: am letting go of Pezo- she doesn't deserve to be treated like this when I was the one who hurt her in the first place Mukuka: b- but how? We were so close to having her fall back in your hands Joe. You cannot just give up. Joe: look- I dont know why you are doing this to a person you call a friend but- I think I can always win her back in better ways At that- Mukuka just cut the line and immediately called Pezo hoping to get more information on what transpired. Pezo: I had to see face him Kuka- it was really getting out of hand. Mukuka; Pezo- darling, I thought we discussed this that all you had to do was ignore the guy Pezo: I couldn't tolerate him anymore Mukuka- am sorry but I don't even understand why you would want to defend his actions after all he did to me. Mukuka: and Kalima- have you told him about this? I mean- if you are sure that its Joe who has been sending him all the threats then - he definately has to know right Pezo: No Kuka. I don't want to involve Karl in this mess. Atleast I managed to control it for now. And so for the next one week, it seemed to be all quite and Pezo could only thank God for that. She tried very hard not only in being a good daughter to her mother but also in also to Karl a good friend knowing so well that she had to win their hearts if she would be allowed to leave the family company for the newly found job. As they were returning from their usual friday dinner dates, Pezo decided she needed to start getting her way on that conversation but the night ended on a different note than she ever imagined it could as they sat in the car before dropping her off. Kalima: As usual- you were a great company- I guess I can tell you this a thousand times if given a chance he got her right hand and kissed it. Pezo just smiled and similarly got his hands and started to toy with his fingers. Pezo: I wouldn't say less of you Karl. You are such a wonderful person and really- (faces down) I apologise for all the times I treated you badly. Kalima: (lifting her face up to face him) am with a wonderful person to start with. Loving you is the best thing I have ever done in my life. They were facing each other and Pezo could not help the urge to just hug him at that point. She knew she was not being fair in not giving this man back the much love and care she was always getting. Even with her position, Karl had never done anything without involving or consulting Pezo. Whatever he wore, ate and did- Pezo had to have something to say about it. All he did revolved around her and it was so evident that the love Kalima had for Pezo was nothing someone would call pretence or to please their families. Her embrace said so much more even as she remained glued to him. Kalima: and this? Pezo: Thank you Karl. Thank you. You have been so so wonderful yet I keep on denying you the joy of your heart Kalima: am not complaining am I. I will wait Pezo. Being with you just like this really means a lot to me. He wiped the tear that dropped from her eye but as though with magnetic forces- they found themselves kissing each other- so slowly in the beginning as though they both weren't so sure of what they were doing and more urgently by the minute. Kalima: I love you Pezo. I love you so much. Pezo just pulled away as she regretted her actions Pezo: am sorry- I shouldn't have Kalima: (with a wide smile) why are you apologising- you were wonderful (getting close to her again as he held her by the face) amazing and sweet He got back on her and taking control of it all, he kissed her gently while touching her in the right places. He was happy when she seemed not to resist but responded positively by holding him back. It was getting deeper by the minute Pezo's breathing became heavier and when Kalima noticed this, he shifted to her neck then ear. Pezo thought he was really goid at it and by the time they stopped- she was too shy to face Kalima directly in his eyes but was busy placing her shirt back in position Kalima: I need you to be mine sweetheart- i need you more urgently than ever.
3 Aug 2019 | 17:43
Now that the Love between Pezo and Kalima is growing, many hope is that it will grow into maturity. What a mess that they were trying in pretense in a moment when Love was growing, Mukuka and Joe are guilty of that hateful pretense until Joe began to think otherwise. Love takes the lead because lead can never take the Real Love.
4 Aug 2019 | 12:30
Loving Pezo Episode 16 And for the rest of that night- Pezo, the love of his life- was all Kalima could dream and think of. She was so sweet and innocent- he kept thinking. He would die if he was to loose her at any point in his life from this point on. He could not forget Pezo's grip on his shirt and how her soft lips got him all lost in her love. He tried sleeping but just found himself smiling. He could not believe that finally, Pezo, the jewel of the chinyama family was finally his and for him to hold and keep for the reat of his life. He looked at the wall clock and it was a few minutes past midnight- he was tempted to dial her line for the fourth time in the one hour he dropped her. Even with the many times he did so to inform her he was home safely and just to say goodnight for the second call didn't seem enough to him to allow Pezo to sleep. He just shut his eyes so tight as he pressed the call button. The phone kept ringing and it was almost cutting when her usual soft spoken voice was heard on the other end Pezo: please tell me am just dreaming and you ain't still awake? Kalima: am sorry my love- I dont seem to find sleep- you keep on crossing my mind Pezo: Karl Kalima: Damn I can't believe a simple kiss from you would actually drive me this crazy Pezo never said anything but just smiled. She equally thought he was amazing- the kiss from him earlier that evening just gave her a whole different perspective of who Kalima Chomba was and she feared for the love she felt for him at that point. Kalima: I can't wait to see you tommorrow. To get some more of that too. Pezo: I cant wait to see you too Karl. By the way- I need to talk to you about something. Its kind of urgent so I really have to do it 1st thing in the morning. Kalima: what is it sweetheart- is it something I should worry about? Pezo: No- no okay- absolutely not. Except it could not be something that would make you happy either. Kalima: well that's not good enough then? Pezo: I know. But please- go to sleep. We can always talk about this tommorrow morning yeah? Kalima: I love you Pezo. Always remember that. Pezo: Always take care of yourself Karl. For me and us.. The next morning- Mrs. Chinyama thought she was just imagining when she saw Kalima’s car parked outside in the morning. She had just woken up to prepare and pack food for her children Pezo and Chiwande only to see Kalima getting out of the car. She decided to meet him by the main entrance to which the servants only opened for him Mrs. Chinyama: Son? Kalima- goodmorning. You are here so early- I hope there is no problem. Kalima: (with a polite smile) Not at all mum- am only here to pick Pezo. I thought we could be early so we don't catch up with traffic Mrs. Chinyama: uh I see. You are welcome. Kalima: Thank you. Mrs. Chinyama: if you could excuse me- I will just check on her. Am sure you should know by now that sleep is Pezo's biggest weakness They both just laughed as Mrs Chinyama left for upstairs. Kalima wished he could be the one to wake her up and he could not wait to be doing this. He went ahead to the Chinyama Gallery Corner and could not miss Pezo's photos of when she was younger. She had always been a pretty face and has till now maintained that young and innocent look of her. He also noticed that between her and Chiwande- there was a really huge gap and he wondered what might have happened to the couple to have waited for this long. Mr. and Mrs Chinyama also seemed to be a very loving couple too. Kalima could clearly see Pezo's beauty in both her parents and he only ended up smilling at that thought. He did not hear Mrs. Chinyama come down but only noticed her presence as she stood behind him Mrs Chinyama: those are some of the best of family times. Pezo has always felt it best that we don't change these till she can identify other special moments to replace these Kalima: uh I see. They are beautiful Mrs. Chinyama: I hope they can soon be replaced with your union with Pezo son. The two of you have really made us proud by all means and we can not wait to see you take your relationship to another level. Kalima: Pezo is the best think that's ever happened to me mum. I will do my level best to see that we grow this relationship in the most positive way. Mrs. Chinyama: am glad you are already thinking positively son. Come... I ordered for some coffee to be served for you. Pezo should be downstairs any moment from now. As usual- when Mrs. Chinyama went back upstairs, Pezo was still struggling with her sleep and had not done anything Mrs. Chinyama: Goodness!! Pezo. She suddenly got up. Shocked that she had slept again Pezo: oh my Mrs. Chinyama: how could you- I just told you Kalima was down stairs waiting for you Pezo: Karl? Here? What time is it mummy- really I thought you meant kuka Mrs. Chinyama: well you better hurry and get ready. You really don't want him waiting up for you for so long She was rather still struggling even at the time she was getting in the shower. Mornings have never been the best part of Pezo’s days. Mrs. Chinyama ensured to stay up until she saw her out of the shower and dressing up before she could now go and check on Chiwande who was not so much of a problem. She always worried for Pezo whenever she thought of this part of her life. She always prayed her daughter would find a man who could understand her as she would be endeavouring to change. And as she thought of the love that she had been witnessing on her and Kalima- she prayed it would grow stronger by the day so that it may be able to conquer all their downsides of their lifes. Pezo was only coming downstairs after an hour and she knew it was so embarrassing that she had to make Kalima wait all the while. Not knowing that her mother was directly adjacent to the couch on which Kalima was seated- Pezo in her usual sweet smile warmly welcomed her lover with an embrace and gave him a kiss on his lips and slowly wipe the not so much lipstick that remained on his lips Pezo: This is a lovely surprise. Am so sorry I had to make you wait for so long Kalima: don't worry- it was worth the wait (he smiled as he reciprocated her smile and joyous greeting) Just at that, Mrs Chinyama cleared her throat and both departed from the other's body having stood so close initially. Kalima couldn't face her immediately as he was a little shy Pezo: mummy- sorry didn't see you standing there. Mrs. Chinyama: never mind child- (handing over the packed food) here... I have packed enough for both of you Kalima: Thank you mum Hand in hand- they left. And Mrs Chinyama could not help but watch them leave all the way. Immediately they disappeared, she called Mrs chomba just to update her on all that she witnessed. Mrs Chomba had not been aware that the two had advanced so much in their love. She was the happiest and could not wait to talk to her son who had been so rare within the mansion the past days. They cheered themselves for the efforts made in bringing the children together and finally succeeded. &&&&&&&&&&&&& Kalima drove the car with his other hand on Pezo's and all the way into town and down the industrial area, they never ran out if things to talk about. Pezo was perplexed at how happy Kalima seemed. She couldn't believe it one bit that it's out of what happened the other night that made him that happy. She prayed inwardly that he would remain this happy all his life and that even with the news she had for him, he would find it within himself to understand that it's the best decision she ever made. When they arrived at the office, they went straight into Kalima 's office and over coffee/ tea, Kalima emphasised that she tells him what she had to say Pezo: I don't think it's so important my love- we can discuss it after working hours. Mwiinga- was just saying you have a scheduled meeting in 40min time and I would suggest you have enough time preparing for that Kalima: are you certain Pezo: 100% so. It was a long day for Pezo and Kalima- it was one meeting after the other and lukily- they both were able to seperate work from their private lives which was the most amazing thing. But even with that- their love was Just too strong to be hidden. A few could tell that the two were dating and that they were so in love with each other. Mukuka as usual was not so happy with the much progress that she would get updates on through her friend Pezo. It was not easy for her to keep on pretending that it was okay for her friend and brother to be that much in love with each other while she was ever struggling even to get a simple date on a Friday night. She was so disappointed with Joe whom with time had stopped even to pick her calls. On the other hand, Joe was ever trying to get hold of Pezo not only to clear his way with her but also alert her on her friendship with Mukuka but she was never picking his calls. With time, she blocked his number from reaching her by any means (text, whatsapp or voice calls etc) . It was that unfortunate but Joe had the much hope that one day he would meet with her. While all this was happening, Mukuka planned on another move to destroy her friend and brother's relationship. She decided to get onto her contacts just to find Carolyn's number whom she was so sure wouldn't want to lose her man just like that. For the time that her brother had not been home, she decided to get into his room and really searched for the contact number till she got it from one of his contact diaries. For the rest of that day-she really aimed at talking to her until she manged to get to her on Skype. Carolyn was so happy to hear from Mukuka and she thought it a wonderful surprise. Mukuka: well I just thought it has been a while since we spoke. Besides- now that Karl is nolonger that side does not necessarily mean we can't check on you Carolyn: wow amazing- really am so grateful. How are you, Chichi, mum and dad? Mukuka: we are good my dear. Yourself? Carolyn: am good thanks. Mukuka: listen I just called to say hello. I hope we can be in touch more often now? Carolyn: I really appreciate thanks Mukuka: you do have to know that we love you and cannot wait to see you and Karl together soon Carolyn seemed low at the mention of that Mukuka: why? Did I say anything wrong? Carolyn: no sweetheart- its just that your bro and I haven't been really close the past days. He seems to be to busy for us- and well- I just don't know what's in it for us Mukuka; are you sure of what you are saying Carolyn: well I don't wanna seem like am telling on him or anything but- its just that I miss him alot you see. The least he could do if not here with me was to be in touch at least Mukuka: listen Caro- am sure, Karl isn't doing this intentionally. It could be work issues- oh perhaps because he is still trying to settle in dear Carolyn: well I only worry because he has never acted this way towards me before. Karl and I have this love that's ever burning and never gets down. He has never stayed away from me for even a week without - Mukuka: - I know dear- you really don't have to explain it all to me. I know my brother loves you alot and I hope you ain't thinking of giving up on your love Caro. Carolyn: but- what can I do Mukuka- he is there am here- were the he'll can I even start from to get to Zambia? Mukuka: Oh Caro- I really feel bad- believe me... I wish there was something I could do to help Carolyn: it's okay dear. I know one day he is gonna come around. Mukuka: wait a minute, I think I already have a great plan. Carolyn: what? Mukuka: How about I arrange for you to come over- am sure it would be a wonderful surprise for Karl too. Carolyn: oh really? Mukuka: yes really Caro. Just let me know if you are game and I can already begin all arrangements for you visa applications and any other arrangements that will be required. Carolyn: really you don't know what this means to me. Please let's immediately begin this. Mukuka was the happiest even as she was disconnecting the Skype call. She had a smile on her face that made her even foresee how her darling friend was yet to cry over yet another man who would have to damp her for another woman. &&&&&&&&&&&& It was only after 19hrs when Pezo was wrapping up on her work. Kalima never stopped checking on her as he could not wait to spend some quality time with her away from the office and from all the stressful work (peeping through the open door) may I? Pezo just smiled as she looked at him and thinking of how much he had been much of a disturbance to her work. She had planned to Finish with her handover notes and many other pending work by that evening but it really seemed like it was an impossibility to just have all that done with him around. Kalima just saw the expression on her face and he knew that he was in for it and so he rushed into defending his actions Kalima: (jokingly) well as your direct supervisor- I dont get what it is that could make you stay so late in the office and I hereby demand that you leave here immediately Pezo just walked up to him in her usual smile- stood so close to him as she held him by the tie Pezo: (loosening his tie a little and unbottoning the topmost two as she spoke to him just so to relax him a little) well- I see I have a very Kalima: (Cutting in with a kiss on her lips) Caring you mean? Pezo quickly herself away from his hold as she went back behind her desk. Kalima followed her and held her by her waist as he gave her more kisses on her neck Pezo: my love- you need to stop this, you know anyone of the night shift workers may come it Kalima: (turning her around to face him) and you think I care about that- babe all I need right now is for the entire world to know you are mine. He urgently got back on her lips before he could let go to allow her pack up her things for them to leave Pezo: I really had to finish off some work but I guess I won't afford to keep you here anymore... I can always finish this at home once you drop me off. Kalima: well hard luck... because I doubt am letting you leave me any time soon Pezo: oh really? Kalima: uh huh... and so you may be reminded- you and I have to talk Pezo: I know Karl but we can do that as you drop me off home Kalima: not if I have control over that. I have already booked for a table at Meraki for our dinner and you ain't abandoning me in the name of work. Pezo knew better than to argue with him. They had their dinner and relaxing after their meal- Pezo thought it the best time to share her secret with Kalima. Pezo: it's not easy for me to say this but I need you to know that am doing this for our best interest Kalima: honey Pezo: no no no- I need you to relax Kalima: what is it babe. I really don't like the tone in your voice. Pezo just held both his hands as thought o calm him down even as she began to talk Pezo: I was offered a job at one of the UN agencies. Kalima just looked at her and never said a word at that point. Pezo: my love this is one place i have always wanted to offer my services at. The project will expose me to a lot more other opportunities that will help build my career and since it has a direct link of people engagement I will also get a chance to Kalima: I hope you have not yet accepted the offer sweetheart Pezo: Karl? Kalima: tell me you haven't darling Pezo just looked down. Kalima: did you? Pezo: it was a great opportunity Karl. Kalima: when did you get the appointment letter? Pezo: 4 weeks ago. Kalima: a month ago? And you couldn't share this news with me? Couldn't you atleast think of the gap you would leave at the company- and us? Pezo: Karl- my love- please I need you to understand- This has been my dream job and getting it was just by God's grace. Kalima: still Pezo, I still think you could have engaged me on this before going ahead with the confirmation. Oh what? Am I just like any other person you planned on telling this at a point that everything has been done Pezo: am sorry but please don't take it that way- I just thought Kalima: thought what? That I would be so happy that you had to make such a huge decision without prior discussions on it Pezo never expected this from him and it was so difficult for her to defend her actions any more. She had never seen or imagined Kalima this disappointed and she didn't know what to make out of it. Whether it was an issue on his part because their family company would indeed suffer or because he needed her close by at all times like it had been the past weeks since she joined him. Before she could realise it- he had risen to his feet and left for the car. Pezo had no option but to follow him and immediately she entered the car. He started the engene. All the way home, Kalima never said anything to Pezo and she thought it best to let it be. As he packed- Pezo really hoped he could say something maybe guide on how he thought this should have been handled or anything in those lines but he just got his phone and began to check on his updates and emails. Pezo:( struggling in her words) Am really sorry I hurt you. I honestly never meant to do this to you - or us. Am sorry She reached out for him and gave him a kiss on his left cheek before she left. As she was enter ing the house, she felt a certain weakness withing herself. She never imagined herself feeling so bad over something she would do to Kalima at any point. It was as though the pain inflicted on her took away a certain part of her that she certainly couldn't leave without. The moment her mother saw her- she came all smiling expecting to see kalima bring her back in the manner he picked her that morning Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- Welcome back child- were is Kalima Pezo: Good evening mummy Mrs. Chinyama: and Kalima- isn't he the one who just dropped you off. Why didn't you allow him to come in before he could proceed Pezo: (leaving for upstairs) He is already gone mummy. I will go to bed- am tired. Mrs. Chinyama: sure child. She could never miss her daughters down moment for anything. Pezo had not been plain in all her conversations concerning Kalima the past few days. She always enjoyed to talk about how nice he was to her and how she regretted all those times she rejected his love. She never thanked her mother enough for thinking of pairing them and would always end up laughing about faking her first love encounter with him. It was her mother that after seeming so happy that morning- she could not even figure out what could have gone wrong with the love birds as just a while ago. Pezo sounded as blissful when she called she was having dinner away from home . As Pezo got out of the shower- the first thing she had to check was her phone. She really hoped that She would find even a missed call if not a text just assuring her all was well with them. She couldn't help a tear drop from her eye as she still realised there was nothing till then. She had learnt to so dangerously love Kalima over time and it just hurt her alot to know that because of her actions- things seemed so tense between them. There was a know just once on the door and it opened. She quickly wiped her tears and went to the walk in cabinets so she could gather herself. But even with that- her mother could still pick it that her daughter had something going wrong. Mrs. Chinyama : going to be disturbed already. Pezo: Yes mummy. I really had a busy day and will need all the rest I can get Mrs. Chinyama : (after a short silence) How was dinner- I hope their food was as tasty- am sorry to tell on him but Kalima actually called to ask were you like to dine and what was favourite food would be. I recommended it remembering how much you couldn't stop at tasting all their food. She ended her words with a soft laugh but Pezo was as blank on her face. Pezo: Dinner was good mum. It was the best selection thanks. Her phone rang and all of the sudden, she appeared so active in trying to find it before the call could cut but it was as though the caller identity disappointed her and she left it ringing without answering Mrs. Chinyama: won't you pick that Pezo: I can always call her back mummy. Its Mukuka Mrs. Chinyama: are you okay? You really look a little stressed. Pezo never answered. For she knew for her mum to ask.. it must be so clear that her worries are so visible Mrs. Chinyama: is it Kalima. Did you two differ on something? Pezo just nodded her head. Once more, tears just ran down her. The more she wiped the more came out. Her mother just moved closer and hugged her. Mrs. Chinyama: look- you don't have to tell me why you fought but - my child- you should know by now that it's okay for people in a courtship to fight. Its very normal especially for the two of you because you are just learning about how you each are. Pezo: I don't think he will be able to forgive me mother- I think I hurt him alot. I hurt his feelings mummy. Mrs. Chinyama: hey- Pezo- you need to get a grip of yourself. Its gonna be okay. Kalima will come back to you before you even realise it They had a quiet moment for a while. As always and throughout her upbringing; Mrs chinyama lay Pezo's head on her laps and soothed her till she calmed down. Her mother thought she had slept when she suddenly raised her head and sat up. Pezo: I got a Job with the UN mummy. Mrs. Chinyama: wi- with the UN. Pezo- its always been your dream organisation to work for. I hope you accepted? Pezo: I did. Mrs. Chinyama: so? Why do you look sad- we need to celebrate this Pezo - why haven't you mentioned this to us all this while Pezo: I never knew what to make of it mum. You wanted me to work for the family and it really sounded do mandatory that I do so. The letter of appointment came at a point that there was so much tension and honestly I just didn't want to bring up this issue that was likely going to upset everyone. So I decided to think about it Her mother listened on. Till now- she couldn't see were her daughter had to differ with Kalima. Pezo: I couldn't see any better chance to share this because at the same time- there was so much happening with the company and Karl seemed so reliant on my input. So I had to wait till all that passed and - She couldn't be any strong. He mother held her tightly Pezo: I confirmed with the agency only last week mummy. And am expected to report for work this coming Monday. So I decided to tell this to Karl this evening and he couldn't understand me mummy. - he just couldn't understand that this is what I always wanted all my life and - Mrs. Chinyama: (cutting in)- and that you deserve to have it my child. Listen- why don't you Leave it up to me. Because What Kalima needs to understand other than being so judgmental is what kind of a person you are and what would strengthen your relationship. Pezo: he doesn't want to talk to me- he isn't picking my calls and I really feel bad Mrs. Chinyama : I know. I know it hurts when the one you love doesn't seem to understand you. But deep down her heart, mrs chinyama knew that what kalima had was the fear of losing Pezo easily once she goes somewere else. Much as pezo eas crying over him, he was hurting because of the much love he had for her. Mrs Chinyama could only thsnk God for that. The next morning, Pezo arrived at the office slightly after 08hrs and first place she touched was Kalima’s office. He was not there. Her feet went numb. Kalima was really doing very well in trying to avoid her. His lines were also off and Pezo wished she had not loved him enough to reach this extent of running after him for the sake of the much love she had for him.
5 Aug 2019 | 04:02
The growing Love couldn't have grown better without misunderstandings that can be handled by both Lovers if they thought about it. Kalima had this hard moments just to get a reciprocated Love from Pezo, that means many things, especially to understand his Lover the more for the sake of Love. It's tough decision without him but he really need to understand better.
6 Aug 2019 | 17:34
The growing Love couldn’t have grown better without misunderstandings that can be handled by both Lovers if they thought about it. Kalima had this hard moments just to get a reciprocated Love from Pezo, that means many things, especially to understand his Lover the more for the sake of Love. It’s tough decision without him but he really need to understand better.
You are so on point bro
6 Aug 2019 | 18:28
Loving Pezo_Episode 17 The next morning, Pezo arrived at the office slightly after 08hrs and first place she touched was Kalima’s office.. Her feet suddenly went numb. He was not in office. Kalima was really doing very well in trying to avoid her. Its like he knew just how to get back at her for what he alleged as wrong decision she made. His lines were also off and Pezo wished she had not loved him enough to reach this extent of running after him for the sake of the much love she had for him? An hour passed and another; yet there was no sign of Kalima appearing at the office. It was only a little later after lunch that he appeared and even then, he really seemed to be in a relaxed mood. Dressed only in denim, it was clear that he wasn't there to stay. Pezo saw him from the long office window as he drove in and came out of the car. She was at peace when she saw him well and okay - only that she was nolonger as eager to see or talk to him. She hurt him yes- she could have handled her decision making process better yes but it just dawned on her that he had no right to treat her the way he did over one mistake. Pezo could only thank God for the call she received from her mother that made her realise that all that wasn't worth crying for if it had to take her mother convincing him that she did well to accept the UN Job offer. Kalima walked straight into her office and placed the packed lunch by her desk. Kalima: Hey Pezo: hey Kalima: mum packed some lunch for you...I hope its not too late for you to still eat something Pezo: (without looking at him) Thank you. She carried on with her work as though it was just any other person standing before her Kalima: I guess this wasn't handled in the best possible way. Am Sorry. Pezo: It's okay Karl. You really don't have to apologise. If you may, excuse me- I really have to get on my work owing to the limited time I have. Kalima: it's just that I have gotten too used to being with you- being with you this close at any time and always. But now this- what did you expect from me? Pezo never answered and the next thing she saw was Kalima moving towards her and pulling the laptop away from her as she was busy typing something. Kalima : for goodness sake Pezo- are you gonna choose to ignore me like this Pezo: (rising to her feet) please- just give it back Karl. Kalima: am sorry okay Pezo: and I said it's okay She gets out of her chair and follows him. Please Karl. May I have my laptop. I really need to get back to my work. Kalima was about to say something when his father, Mr. Chomba knocked only once on the door and entered. They both gave each other a little space Pezo: Good morning uncle. You are welcome. Mr. Chomba: Morning child. Kalima: Dad- (clears his throat) I never expected you here today? Mr. Chomba: well let's just say I was compelled to when you decided not to pick your calls son. What happened- why are you dressed like that- ain't you supposed to be working today - and perhaps be receiving the delegation of consultants here for the company assessments following their decision to partner with us Kalima just held his head with both his hands . He couldn't believe he had forgotten about such an important appointment in the name of his love for Pezo. Oh my God Dad- am so sorry. Something came up and I had to stay out of office for the entire morning Pezo just looked at him as though to affirm Mr. Chomba's setiments. Kalima couldn't maintain his glance on her for even 30 seconds for he was ashamed. Well be sure to manage your calender next time. We can only thank God that I was able to cover up this time but listen- These are important guests and we can't afford to loss this partnership. You know we cant. Kalima: sure. Understood dad. Be assured it won't happen again. He turned and left. Kalima followed behind to see him out. Later that very day, Pezo submitted her hand over notes to Kalima notifying him of the following day being her last at the company. It still continued to be a little tensed up for Pezo and Kalima for the day that followed and throughout the weekend but because of the love they had for each other- they were able to still talk via text though their conversations were so blank. Mukuka loved this transition and she inwardly celebrated every moment of her friend complaining about what was happening to her and Karl. In an effort to ensure that she remain updated- she was so consistent in calling her for updates on how things were okay between her. Unknowingly- Pezo would always pour out to her friend. But it was a different story on the Sunday that they met from church. Much as kalima and Pezo opted to avoid each other; the much love they had for each other couldn't allow them to continue that way. When mass ended... they both found time to talk to each other. But Mukuka was so attentive trying to get all the detail of what they were talking about Kalima: sis- may I please steal her time from you for a while Mukuka: ofcourse. Sure please go ahead. Immediately mukuka left they equally moved away from the people Kalima: how have you been? Pezo: am - am fine Karl. You? He didn't say anything but his eyes remained glued on hers Kalima: Amazing. Am not well Pezo. Because I can't stand this tension between the two of us. Are we gonna continue like this? Pezo: I know. Its neither easy for me Karl. But you left me with no choice. Kalima:(getting hold of her hand) I miss you Pezo. I miss us. I admit I overreacted over your career advancement but - please come back to me. They were disturbed by Mrs. Chinyama who called after Pezo for them to leave. But instead, Pezo sought for permission to stay behind with Kalima and that she would only get home later. The two of them decided to go to a near by park and they were able to talk about so much that really helped them discover each other and reconcile. In each other's arms, Pezo was able to justify to Kalima why she needed that Job and it was only fair that he had to be happy for her. Kalima: am the happiest person today. Because I have the love of my life back. I wish we could like this forever Pezo... in each other's embrace- cause loving you is all that matters to me sweetness. Pezo: (getting hold of his hand as she kissed it) I love you Karl. I mean- you should have seen I lost I seemed without you the past days Kalima: I know my love. (Thoughtful) but listen, I was thinking about you and how you relate with my sister Mukuka... don't you think it would really help us if you were to distant yourself from her a little Pezo: Karl- my love- how would I even attempt doing that. Kuka and I have been best of friends since junior high. Kalima: I know dear- but you are with me now. Her brother- am never comfortable when you talk about our challenges with her as opposed to me. Or whenever she is so well informed about you- I dont know if you get what I mean but I really feel as though am in a competition with my own sister over you darling. Pezo: I understand. Only that it won't be easy for me. She is the only friend I have ever had and doing this won't be easy to be honest Kalima: please do it for me darling- for us too. Pezo just nodded her head and they both laughed out loudly as Karl threw a joke. ***************** A month passed and by each day that passed, the love between Love and Karl grew even bigger. Three weeks after their reconciled love, Karl proposed marriage to Pezo and she was only too happy to accept. All lobola payments were discussed and Karl made it a point to pay it all immediately as he wanted his Pezo sooner than anyone would imagin. An engagement party was arranged for the following week and all were so happy for the young couple and blessed them with all the good things in life. Pezo and Kalima never wanted anything big for their wedding but seeing that it excited both families being the first for each of them, they couldn't avoid a bigger event. Of all people- in all that was being organised, Mukuka was always seeing an opportunity to which she could have Carolyn come through. And so her flight was scheduled for the day Pezo’s kitchen Party to arrive in Zambia the following day. As per zambian tradition, Pezo was confined to be with some women who had to counsel her on how she would keep her home with her soon to be husband Mr. Kalima Chomba and how she now needed to relate with each of the family members. Despite all that- there was always an emphasis from Mrs. Chomba to have Pezo regard her as her own mother as nothing much would change other than the fact that she would now be her daughter in law. During this period, Kalima didn't like this phase of their relationship...he missed Pezo so much yet she was not allowed to be him for two continous weeks till the date of the kitchen party and wedding had neared. They had very little time to put everything together for their events but their families really had things in place expecially their mothers. The kitchen party was not done in the traditional way of having things displayed in front and people bringing more gifts. She was going to be with the Chombas Residence anyway- a home which already had an established kitchen. Rather- it was a ceremony that was meant to have people meet the bride and in addition to whatever she had been taught by the counsellors and her grandma who was present during this process- people also gave her more tips of what was espected of her as a wife from that day henceforth. Before everything began for this ceremony, Kalima was still invited to not only unveil his fiancee but also sit in with her for their blessings as a couple and after a short while, he was escorted out. Kalima was so excited about the whole event and could not wait to be with Pezo to discuss some of the processes he was so eager to learn about. They had a week before their wedding but this made the whole period seem shortened. And indeed , after everything, the two families as usually gathered at the chombas to have dinner together but this time around- it was a larger crowd of even other relatives who had traveled far from Mansa and Zambezi to witness the whole process of Kalima and Pezo's union. The discussions around the table was all about the kitchen party and how well everything went. It was a happy moment for the entire family and even after dinner- people did not immediately leave the room but discussions went on till it was really late in the night. It was only then that a door bell was heard and everyone wondered whom it could have been at that hour of the night. One of the servants quickly rushed to open the door and all stood perplexed wondering that the guest might be lost lost or something.. Carolyn: (all excited)- hello... am Carolyn The servant couldn't say anything but because of Carolyn' s loud voice... she cough the attention of everyone. Kalima couldn't miss her voice for anything. His legs went cold as he stood looking at her without any word or action at that moment Carolyn: (leaving her luggage as she ran after him) oh there you are my honey p.... just look at you Karl She lovingly embraced him and gave him countless kisses on the lips. Well telling him all sorts of nice things. How she missed him- how she longed to be with him- how she couldnt wait to see him again and hold him just like she was. Kalima stood like a doll- still not saying anything to defend or control what was happening at that point in time. But his grip remained firm on Pezo who just looked on rather shocked with it all. As the elders of both families looked on, it was such a great abomination to witness the intimate aspect of the moment. Generally, everyone could not believe what they were seeing. It was so obvious that the english young lady who just arrived must have been Kalima’s lover from the UK. Mrs and Mr. Chomba were too ashamed to act in any way. Mrs. Chinyama was too hurt to utter a word- her heart just poured out to her daughter Pezo- not again Lord- she prayed inwardly. Oh somebody should however atleast have seen just how Mukuka’s heart was leaping with so much joy at all that was happening. She stood at a distance knowing that if Carolyn would spot her at that point she would unknown She quickly wiped a tear that fell down her face and went to Pezo, got her by the hand and pulled her to leave as her husband and Chimwemwe followed behind. Mrs. Chomba held her by the shoulder as they were about to leave the main entrance Mrs. Chomba: Womba please. We can discuss this. You don't have to leave- please Mr. Chinyama: I think it's best we do Mrs. Chomba- you don't want this to get any complicated than it is already Kalima immediately left Carolyn and rushed towards the Chinyamas Kalima: uncle please- this isn't what it seems to be- I swear I never expected her Just at that moment- Mrs. Chinyama while holding on to her daughter could not control her tears. Pezo never even looked back at Kalima- her eyes were just fixed towards the direction they were headed to. Mr. Chinyama: You had no right whatsoever to do this to our daughter Kalima- not at any cost He said all his words with so much rage. Carolyn was a little confused. She followed Kalima but as she was about to talk to him... Kalima ran to Pezo and under her feet he begged and cried for her not to misinterpret what just occurred. Just as that was happening and as Carolyn once more moved towards Kalima- Mukuka quickly moved towards her and held her tightly in her arms Mukuka: it's okay my dear- Just give Karl a chance... he will definately come back to you Pezo suddenly turned to just be sure that those words were coming from her bestie. She couldn't contain the pain that came with that action and she just left. The rest of her family followed behind and in no time they were out of sight Carolyn: can somebody please tell me what's going on here? Kalima just stood up and in anger- he just hit one of the closest stools around and left the room. His mother followed him as Mukuka took Carolyn to the other room Mr. Chomba: (conversing in bemba; a local tribe in zambia)- apologies everyone. This shouldn't have happened- especially in the midst of so much happiness. Really I m sorry- if you may all excuse me. He shamefully walked away. ***************** Mukuka had gone ahead and made Carolyn comfortable in one of the guest rooms Mukuka: hey listen- I think I will allow you to rest for a while after a long flight Carolyn: look am just a little confused right now and I don't know if u can really relax well. Why was Karl reacting in that way- who is that lady he was begging after- Mukuka please I need to know all this Mukuka: Caro am sorry but all I can tell you is not to worry. You just came in when so much was happening and I will only beg you not to involve yourself right now yeah Carolyn: but- really do you expect me to just stay here when the man who has brought me all this way does not even what to face me in the eye and worst still talk to me Mukuka. Mukuka: am sorry but I can't say much right now. The bathroom is that way and I guess whatever you may need should be here too. I will come and check on you soon. She was about to say something but Mukuka was in a hurry to leave. As she closed the door behind her and getting her relief- Mrs. Chomba also appeared and knowing her daughter so well she gave her a suspicious look Mukuka; mum- but why- why are you looking at me in that way Mrs. Chomba: why? Why do you seem so nice to her when everyone is so embarrassed with what happened. Mukuka: what am I supposed to do mum? Carolyn is here and somebody still had to give her some good hospitality right? Mrs. Chomba: (getting upset) Pezo is your friend damn it- shouldn't you have been more close with her instead. (Short pause) Pezo never deserved this. No matter how much respect you have for this good for nothing English woman- you should rather be with your friend right now. Helping your brother mend what just got broken. Mukuka: am sorry mum... but I don't see how this whole thing is falling on me now... Karl should have really known better than to engage one pretty face before taking care of what he left behind Mrs. Chomba: mind your language young lady- this isn't time to blame anyone over what happened. Its so bad as it is. Mukuka was about to leave when her mother spoke up Mrs. Chomba: I know it's late but- I m calling one of the chauffeurs to drop you off at the Chinyamas. - I need you to be by Pezo's side right now - just like a good friend should. Mukuka: mum right now? Mrs. Chomba:(ignoring her question) but more than that- I need you to convince Pezo that Kalima and Carolyn are nolonger together and she is his past. That he had no idea of her trip and that all that happened here was a misunderstanding Mukuka: mum are you listening to yourself? Really am sorry but I can't Mrs. Chomba: what do you mean you can't? Kalima is your brother and the least you can do to help him have Pezo back is Mukuka: No mum- no!! Am not doing that. And please spare me. Couldn't you see how everything happened? How obvious it was that your son has been dating two women at a time Just then Mr. Chomba equally appeared and overhead the conversation Mr. Chomba: be careful how you talk about your elder brother Mukuka. This is not time for naming and shaming but to see how we would have to preserve the respect of this family no matter what Mukuka: am sorry Dad- please excuse me- I will be in my room Mrs. Chomba just looked at her and had no further words for her child. She was always a dissapointment and she only prayed that God could give her a change of heart one day. Mr. Chomba equally looked worried and with ought saying a word he held his wife by the hand and in their silence... they went into their matrimonial bedroom. It was only after they both couldn't find sleep that they were able to pour out what was painfully siting in their troubled hearts Mrs Chomba : am really worried about what happened here tonight. What if Womba decides not to hear us out on this issue Raymond- what if they won't believe the fact that Kalima had nothing to do with this white girl's coming or that he has nothing to do with her anymore. Mr. Chomba: I know Stella. (Silence) Kalima wasn't saying anything when I went in his room. All he could say was he didn't want to see the lady in this house. Mrs. Chomba: but how do we even begin to chase her away just like that- she is in a foreign country and were will she go honey Mr. Chomba: what is confusing right now is that if Kalima isn't in touch with her anymore- how did she even get here? Who instructed the chauffeur who brought her back in to pick her from the airport? That got them both thinking and all they needed were answers even before they could go to the chinyama residence tommorrow first thing. Meanwhile, Back at the Chinyama residence. Not all was well. After praising Kalima so much and how he adored Pezo- how were they supposed to defend what just occurred that evening. Mrs chinyama noticed that from the moment the white lady appeared- Pezo had not said a word or drop a tear. Even as the vehicle was heading back home... her mother cried the more and showed all the emotions she should have having fallen so deep in love with Kalima and happy to be soon his wife. This worried her mother more especially that she didn't know what was in her daughter's heart. It worried her the more when Pezo never seemed to find sleep that night but kept staring in one place without really cause to do so.
7 Aug 2019 | 17:47
8 Aug 2019 | 10:26
Loving Pezo_Episode 18_ Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- Child- I need you to let it out. Atleast say something. If not for goodness sake atleast for your own Pezo still wasn't reacting in any way. It was almost 2hrs past midnight yet she wasn't any close to finding her sleep. Her mother worried alot. A little later, her grandmother also came in and sat beside Pezo but not even her helped the situation. When morning came, she seemed to have fallen asleep and so everyone gave her space hoping that when she woke up- she would wake up to all that happened. However, it was only 06hrs in the morning and the Chomba residence vehicle came through the main entrance. In no time, Mr. and Mrs. Chomba and Kalima came out of the vehicle. Non of them seemed well. They were welcomed by the house help and remained in the guest room for a while before Mr and Mrs. Chinyama came down with grandma. Their greetings were so cold- well it's like none knew how to approach the whole thing and it was too heavy for every person present at that moment but more so on the Chombas. Kalima had his head faced down all the while and it's like he was given strict instructions only to present himself as such and not to say anything no matter the case unless expressly asked to do so. Mr. Chomba: well it's really with a heavy heart that we come to you this morning. We know too well that it's too early but for a tragedy that couldn't allow any of us to sleep even for a while for an entire night- we thought we didn't have to delay this kind of gathering any further Mrs Chomba: am sure we do not have to state the reason why we are here - Kalima here will speak for himself. Mr. Chinyama : you are welcome. There was a short silence as Mrs. Chomba whispered something in her husband's ear and he quickly noded in agreement to whatever it is she proposed Mrs. Chomba: (turning to face the Chinyamas) well we were just wondering if it's possible to have the presence of our daughter Pezo- before we can begin the discussions. Mrs. Chinyama: (rather stern) I think what we should rather be talking about now is the gist of your visit Stella. After all that happened you obviously don't expect Mr. Chinyama quickly held his wife by the hand as though to indicate that wasn't the best way to go about it Mr. Chinyama: unfortunately- it won't be possible for Pezo to join us here. But more than that- we are sorry to inform you that we cannot sit to discuss this issue today. You will have to give us space. At the same time- Kalima and his mother dropped on their knees to beg Mr. Chinyama who was so ready to rise to his feet and leave. Mrs. Chomba: Please I beg you in the name of God bashi Pezo - all we ask is a few minutes of your time. We understand we are not worthy to even be here before you like this. Mr. Chomba: Raymond- we can chose to handle this in a better manner. Are we going to allow this to seperate us and our children just like that. You know Kalima was always loyal to our daughter. He like any other person would do never expected that this would happen after leaving that country for over five months now. Mr. Chinyama just gave a sign for both Kalima and his mother to take their seats but even with that... Kalima’s heart kept racing with the atmosphere that surrounded them. He wasn't going to bear this anymore or any negative outcome of that meeting. He needed Pezo in that meeting- or atleast to see her- to look in her eyes and swear to her that Carolyn was his past and only there was were she belonged regarding him. He needed to be sure that his lover and wife to be Pezo was okay and just to be assured that she understood that this was just a test for their love and she didn't have to reject him on that basis. He eagerly waited for the discussions to see what fold it would take shape. Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo is not in a position to talk right now. She never slept the entire night and now that she found an opportunity to do so- I would be very hesitant to disturb her Mr. Chinyama: it is very obvious that with that position- we can not discuss anything as all this is now dependant on her. Mrs. Chomba: May I atleast talk to her please. Atleast my heart will be at peace Mrs. Chinyama: am afraid you can't Stella. I thought we just mentioned that Pezo is not in a position to Mrs. Chomba: I know and I understand you Womba. Really- but do you really have to make this more difficult for us than it is Mrs. Chinyama: I doubt I can be the one doing that when it's so clear that it's you son who decided to cheat on our daughter Mrs. Chomba: Kalima never did this intentionally nor did he foresee this Mrs. Chinyama: great- just - great!! Mr Chinyama: both of you- please you need to stop this Mrs. Chomba: am so sorry we seem not to be cording ting but Mrs. Chinyama: - I think you really have to leave now. If you can't admit your son's wrong- then we have nothing to discuss. Mr. Chomba: Stella? Kalima: mother please- I beg you in the name of God- I can't leave here before I can atleast know how Pezo is doing- I - I Mrs. Chinyama just dropped a tear and instead of having the Chombas leave- she left the room even before Kalima could finish his sentence. Grandma saw how helpless the gentleman was and decided the least she could do was just to give him a soothing hug as she pulled him into another room were they could talk and discuss the whole thing. Like Pezo, Kalima had gotten so close to grandma since she came in and grandma had equally learnt to love the couple so much. On a daily basis... Kalima and Pezo never missed an opportunity to keep grandma company so as not to make her miss the village life. For a while they both sat in silence till Kalima spoke up; Kalima: I would never do anything to hurt Pezo grandma Grandma: I know my child- you don't have to say it for me to confirm that fact Kalima: I need to see her. I need to see Pezo - atleast just to assure her that - Grandma: - Pezo isn't really well. She hasn't said a word since last night and it's really worrying to all of us. We are only praying that she may be better when she wakes up. Kalima got more worried with that update. It was also so visible to grandma on what his face showed and she just squeezed his hand into hers. As they were still in that position, Mr. Chomba came through and called after Kalima for them to leave. Kalima seemed hesitant but grandma gave him an assurance Grandma: why don't you go ahead. Its best that you give Pezo some space for now but I will surely talk to her. Kalima: with a very weak smile) I will really appreciate it grandma. Really. He kissed her palm as he was letting go of her hand. In no time, they were leaving the yards of the chinyama residence and Mrs. Chinyama dropped another tear as she watched them do so from their bedroom window. It was not easy to deal with such a situation with the people whom they have always been so close with. Mr. Chinyama could notice how vulnerable his wife seemed as he entered the room and he just went straight to her and held her close in his arms Mrs. Chinyama: (still crying) am sorry Raymond. After what he did to our daughter- I couldn't pretend being in their presence anymore Mr. Chinyama: it's okay darling. Am rather worried about you now- you have not stopped crying since last night- why don't you relax and try being strong for Pezo. Mrs. Chinyama: I wish I could. I feel so bad that we never foresee this my husband. Kalima had been away for so many years- we should have thought better than to have imposed our daughter on him. Mr. Chinyama: (releasing her) well I doubt he would find any pleasure in taking advantage of Pezo darling. Something just doest seem right in all this Mrs. Chinyama: Please don't tell me they managed to convince you otherwise just within the few minutes I left? Mr. Chinyama: nothing like that happened Stella. But you should know better that regardless of what just happened- we can not just judge Kalima without giving him a chance to explain himself Mrs. Chinyama: I think what we witnessed was evidence enough my husband- what more do you expect to realise that he was cheating on our daughter- even after advancing so much in their wedding preparations. Mr. Chinyama:You know so well that our ties with that family runs even deeper than Kalima and Pezo being together. We can not afford to complicate what we have now. Mrs. Chinyama: and so what? Are you gonna force your daughter into a marriage that's clearly going to give her nothing but a heartache? Raymond- please - you are not going to do that Mr. Chinyama: am afraid we have no option if it would save us the shame and loss we would incur if things don't go as planned. Mrs. Chinyama: and Pezo? Mr. Chinyama: am afraid there is nothing much we can do about this Stella- except from praying that things can be resolved between her and Kalima. The Chombas are our only hope for our empire to remain in shape now. Pezo was just by the door and overhead most of the conversation between her mother and father. Not that she wanted to. She was compelled to do so by the topic of discussion. She quickly went back to her room and for the first time- she wept. She had no idea whatsoever that their company shares were slowly getting liquidated and her entire family was so dependant on the Chombas. It was only bad that the hope to have her family fortune back on track lied on her shoulders. **************** When Kalima and his parents arrived back home- most of their guests were still asleep including Mukuka. While his parents went straight to the living room, Kalima proceeded to go straight to his room Mrs. Chomba: won't you atleast have something to eat or drink Kalima: am okay mum. Thanks. I think I will need some time alone. Mr. Chomba: and your foreign friend? Don't you think it's best to resolve this thing now and not avoid the fact that she is here and for you? Kalima: am sorry father- I dont think I have the strength to deal with her right now He turned and he was about to proceed upstairs- there appeared Carolyn happy to see him. She hurried to give him a hug and as she was about to kiss him- Kalima moved away Carolyn: hey what's with you? Don't you think you have avoided me enough? Kalima looked once at his parents and got Carolyn by her hand and led her to the next room. Kalima: (roughly letting go of her) what brought you here Carolyn? Why didn't you inform me about this even before booking your flight? Carolyn: (getting close to him again) sweetheart? What's all this. Ofcourse i wanted this to be a surprise. I thought you would be the happiest to see me after such a long time- besides you haven't really been so good with you phones lately so I thought this was the best way for us to rekindle our feelings for each other Kalima: but most certainly not this way Caro. Not after we have not spoken for over two months now. Carolyn: I don't understand you Karl. Do you mean to say I was wrong to come here for you? Kalima: so much has happened since I left London Carolyn. Am afraid you won't like what am about to say. Carolyn became a little worried. She lost her strength as she dropped Kalima’s hand off hers Kalima: look Carolyn: I know you Karl... you have never been this cold towards me- please tell me it's not what am thinking. It was nolonger easy for Kalima to do this. Deep down his heart, he knew he wasn't doing anything wrong by telling Carolyn the truth. She was the one who rejected him first when he needed her to come along with him the time he decided to come back to Zambia. It was her who never saw any future between the two of them and decided not to accept his marriage proposal on two occasions back in the UK. As kalima thought through all this- he never even decided to hesitate further in telling Carolyn about his present life. Kalima: am engaged to marry someone else. The wedding is only set for next Saturday Carolyn was shocked for a while. She never knew how to react but just found her self seated on the nearest chair she could get hold of. Kalima: am really sorry things have to turn out this way but- if you remember very well- we may still have been in good talking terms but we were nolonger intimate or as close Caro. She never said anything Kalima: I decided to move on based on the decision you made on us months ago. I loved you yes and it hurt me badly when on two occasions you couldn't accept me as your future husband- as an African man of my age- I could not be home and expected to continue living as a single man for the rest of my life Carolyn stood and slowly moves to the other end of the room. Though she didnt seem to be listening to whatever Kalima was saying anymore. Kalima: Pezo is very special to me Caro. Am sorry but I won't allow your presence to destroy what I have or what has already been planned for us Carolyn: (sudden turn to face Kalima as she cut in) but then Mukuka should have been honest with me even as she proposed that I should come for you Karl. Your sister never mentioned anything about you getting married or being engaged to someone else... Kalima: what did you just say? My sister is the one who arranged for you to come here Carolyn: but ofcourse Karl. How was I supposed to get here without anyone guiding me. She is the one who even suggested my travel dates Kalima did not give it another minute to find his sister- as he bypassed his parents to go upstairs... his mother sensed something wrong and Indeed the next they heard were screams of Kalima demanding that Mukuka opens her door. She hurriedly followed behind Mrs. Chomba: son- Kalima: why are you screaming like that- you know we have guests and you don't want to disturb anyone. At that point- Mukuka opened the door and Kalima immediately pulled her back inside as he began to question her intentions Kalima: why did you do this Mukuka- why did you have to bring Caro over knowing so well what was happening back here- and to think that Pezo is your best friend? Mukuka: kalima- please- I dont get what you mean- I mean- you are asking too many questions at a goal Kalima: you know what I damn mean Kuka- you better speak up or you won't like my next action Mrs. Chomba: Karl- Kuka- can somebody please tell me what is going on here. Kalima: why not ask your daughter mum- I can't believe you could be this mean to your own best friend Mukuka- I think you went too far this time Mukuka: I never Kalima: just shut up!!You should be so ashamed of yourself for wanting to defend this act when the evidence is all pointing at you Mukuka. Caro is my friend for heavens sake... did you think this wasn't going to be revealed... are you that dull? Mrs. Chomba: mind how you talk to your sister kalima Kalima: not when she can do this to me mum. Can you believe it that she is the one who has been talking to Caro all this while and arranged for her travel on the exact date that I would be with Pezo for her kitchen party aftermath? Mrs. Chomba: what??? Mukuka: well all I wanted was to help her Mrs. Chomba: just shut up silly! How could you? Why did you have to do this to your own brother and your friend? Couldn't you think of what shame this would bring to this family? Kalima suddenly moved to hit her but her mother was quick to defend her Mrs. Chomba: You can't raise your hand on a woman Kalima... not especially your sister. Kalima: Pray that this doesnt affect my relationship with Pezo Kuka- otherwise I will never forgive you Kalima left. Mrs. Chomba was the most dissapointed. Even after knowing so well what her daughter was capable of. She never expected her to go to such extremes. Mrs. Chomba: did you really have to go that far. What did Pezo ever do to you other than love you wholeheartedly? How am I supposed to say all this to your father? That our own daughter does not approve of her own brother and best friend being together and so she planned for all this to happen? She couldn't handle the pressure and pain that came with all this. Mukuka on the other hand didn't say anything. She was so frozen cold as she sat still by her bed. She knew it was the end of her. It only occurred to her that she never knew much about how Kalima and Carolyn related and that this information could easily be released.
9 Aug 2019 | 04:42
Loving Pezo_Episode 19_ Mrs. Chinyama could clearly feel her blood pressure rise even as her husband resounded his position on the matter. She had never felt this drained all her life and it almost made her run mad. She left their room and went straight into Pezo's room not knowing that her daughter was awake she found her self on the ground just under the door she close as she cried on inwardly. Upon seeing her- Pezo could not equally keep her tears and pains, knowing so well that the whole mess affected her mother the most. She slowly came off her bed and sat by her mother's side right there on the ground. Mrs. Chinyama: (wiping her tears) Pezo- child- I never knew you were awake- am sorry I just badged into your room withou Pezo: It's okay mummy. (Forcing a smile in between her tears) I understand you totally. Mrs. Chinyama: I will prepare you something to eat- perhaps a hot drink to start with. why don't you take your shower then we can hat over breakfast. Pezo: No no mummy. Am okay for now. Please. I need to talk to you first. Its important I do this Mrs. Chinyama just smiled as she held her daughter's hand tightly. She knew the worst news was coming and even as she was smilling- she had no idea of whether her heart to contain any bad news anymore. Mrs. Chinyama: you don't have to say it Child. If you do not want to go ahead and marry Kalima its understood. Which person would anyway. Pezo: no mummy- its not even that- please- stop preempting my words and listen to me. (Short silence ) am not leaving Kalima mummy. Him and I will still get married as planned. Mrs. Chinyama never knew whether to be happy or question her daughter further. She couldn't understand her. Pezo: Kalima and I share a great bond of love. I doubt anything can break that mummy. I love him and I will still get married to him. Mrs. Chinyama: what are you saying Pezo. What about his other woman Pezo: atleast we know he chose me mummy. That's all that matters right. (Short silence) I will allow him to correct the situation with the other woman but am not allowing him to leave me after coming this far with him. Mrs. Chinyama could not utter any word. She just embraced her and cried some more. Pezo on the other hand could not blieve it that she was doing this for the sake of her family. She cried for more courage and grace even as she decided in that way. She chose to bare all the pain for her family... if doing this was going to return her family honor and joy- she had no choice. Her parents gave her all she needed in life and she had never known pain or suffering because of them. It was now her turn. Mrs. Chinyama: listen- I dont know why you have decided like this but I want you to know that anything you decide- you have our support Pezo: Thank you mummy Mrs. Chinyama: and it's so good to see you smilling again- we were all worried about you. When grandma entered the room- she first of all got worried when she saw mother and daughter both in tears seated on the ground. Its only when they both smiled at her as they stood up that she realised all was well. Oh am the happiest when I see my girls this happy. Mind sharing the joy Mrs. Chinyama: mother Pezo: Morning grandma Grandma: and am just the happiest to see you back to yourself my grandchild. May you be happy forever. Pezo and her mother echoed an Amen together. Grandma: now- will one of you tell me what made you both so happy? Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo here was just telling me about her decision to still go ahead with the wedding. I never expected this mah Grandma: Really Pezo? And you are sure nobody forced you to think otherwise Mrs. Chinyama: mah? Pezo: actually I made this decision myself. Grandma: and your husband? Have you already told him about this? Pezo was silent. She just remembered that she was only doing this for her family and that she really didn't think of how she would still have to face Kalima knowing so well that he was actually living in the same house with his other woman. Pezo: I have not yet spoken to him grandma. But I will when the time is right Grandma: well I still suggest that no matter what your heart has decided- do allow for due deligence be done on the issue. Mrs. Chinyama never thought of it that way but saw a lot of sense in all that grandma was saying and she nodded in aggrement to all she said. Grandma: much as you may not realise this- what happened between you two last night was a great taboo and we need to correct it immediately. It happened because one of you took advantage of the other and never saw the seriousness of what you were getting into. It is based on that fact that we need to clear this now. Mrs. Chinyama: I totally agree with you mother. I will immediately inform her father about this and we can arrange for another meeting with the chombas Pezo: what do you mean another meeting mummy? Was there one already? Grandma: your husband and in laws were here very early this morning. But as you were in a position to be part of the meeting, we could not proceed. Pezo: I see. Grandma: the wedding is set for this saturday- this means we need to call those people sooner incase of any outstanding issues to be done before then. Mrs. Chinyama: Yes Mah. Am glad you are here while all this is happening. What would I have done without you around. ** ************ Kalima was about to leave when he heard Carolyn call after him. He was to upset to stop and listen to whatever she was about to say. He tried ignoring her but she was so persistent. What is it Caro. What do you want from me now Carolyn: am sorry but - I really need to talk to you Kalima: not now - am sorry but I will have to talk to you when I return He turned and we about to leave when she loudly spoke up Carolyn: it's her you are running after isn't it- I bet she isn't happy that am here right? Kalima never hesitated but quickly went back to her- grabbed her by the hand and dragged her on the side Kalima: you have no right whatsoever to speak ill of Pezo okay. And so what if I am rushing after her? Do you have a problem with that Carolyn: I never meant it that way Karl. Regardless of all this- I do deserve even a bit of your time, don't you think? Kalima: well I doubt so. Not when you had all the time to prepare for your visit with someone else. Carolyn: (trying to get close to him again) honey please- all I need is a few minutes of your time to prove to you that we can still work out something Kalima: no Carolyn. Please let go. I don't know how I can make you understand this but We-Are Done-Caro. Kindly get that right in your mind. Carolyn: (getting all courageous) you can't do that to me my darling. Not when you know very well that I can't do without you in my life. Kalima: then I suggest you deal with it without involving me. And just so you know- you are not welcome in this place- let me not find you here when I get back He turned and left. Carolyn was left helpless and a little ashamed that someone might have overhead Kalima’s last remark. Having been with him for over two years, she could tell that Kalima was so upset and it really wasn't a good idea to talk to him at that point. She knew that he nolonger had a part her within him and had completely erased her from his world. Carolyn had always thought that without Kalima, she would still be happy and manage well with her life. They had always been grwat and happy together but much as Kalima seemed to love her alot, she never valued what they had a lot. Perhaps because her family never accepted Kalima that much and had always had issues with her being with him. But as months went by after his departure from the UK.. she developed a strong urge to see and be with him. Bit because they never seperated well, she always got a sense that he was upset with her bit would still go for her. She only began to worry when this never happened. Mukuka’s call and ideas just came as a bonus to her grief and she never thought through it all along. It was only now that she was beginning to realise that there could be something fishy going on. As she turned to leave the room, her eyes met with Mukuka’s Carolyn: and there you are. Glad you finally showed up after damping me in that room - may we please talk- I think you and I need to discuss a number of things. Mukuka never answered her but just proceeded to the breakfast lounge for a cup of coffee. Carolyn followed her and standing so close to her Why did you have to do that to me- what game are you playing here. And why did you have to involve me in all this Mukuka: Carolyn please. I think I need my space Carolyn: I asked you a question Mukuka and demand for answers. Mukuka: and if I chose not to say anything Carolyn: well I doubt you would dare do that. Or else what do you take me for? Mukuka: look- all I was trying to do was help you keep your man- if you can't do that anymore; then am sorry because I can't help you any more. Carolyn: you knew so well that Karl was getting married- why didn't you mention that to me - you know that even if am here... Karl already has his heart kept for someone else. Mukuka; like I already said... am so sorry- let me know what I can do to help you fly back home Carolyn could not contain her words anymore and she found her self giving her one good slap that made her not to think straight for a while. By the the time she was regaining consciousness and hoping to revert the slap- her mother appeared and stopped her immediately. Mrs. Chomba: Mukuka!! Mukuka just halted her action. Mrs. Chomba: (conversing in bemba) how many more people do you hope to hurt? Should nt you be ashamed of yourself? Mukuka: she started this mum Mrs. Chomba: Just shut up!! (Reverting to bemba) Atleast you know who brought this person here. Had you even a little love for your brother and friend- all this wouldn't be happening now. Mukuka: Fine- I know I was wrong- but I really need her out of here mum- Carolyn has to leave this place because I can't stand her. Appearing Mr. Chomba: she is not going anywhere. You made her come and you have to keep her here as your guest for as long as she wants to Mukuka: well then I will pay for her accommodation at the hotel dad. Or were ever it is she would want to go. I just can't stand her Mr. Chomba: do go ahead if you have any means- as we speak- I have already instructed the bank manager to freeze you access to any of your savings. After all that you did, you don't deserve anything good from us or anyone!! Mukuka: Dad? ? Carolyn: uncle please- I really never meant to worsen things for her- please you don't have to do this Mr. Chomba: young lady I will ask you to stay out if this- if you may excuse us- my family and I would like to discuss this privately. Mrs. Chomba quickly sent her out as she shut the door behind her upon rereturning. Mr. Chomba: Your mother told me all the shameful things you did. Am so ashamed of you Mukuka just went down on her knees and begged for her father's fogiveness Mr. Chomba: I didn't expect this from you Mukuka. Not especially were it concerns your blood brother. You went to extremes this time and I m so ashamed to call you my daughter Mukuka: daddy please am sorry. Mrs. Chomba: My husband- please- you can't use such words on her- ofcourse she remains our daughter regardless her ill intentions. Mr. Chomba: You are not helping her Stella. Can't you see. This girl has done nothing but to do bad things against her friend Pezo and all you have done is defend her. Enough!! Mukuka: Dad please this won't happen again- I swear I regret all that I did and am ready to take all the punishment you would want me to get Silence Mrs. Chomba: My husband- please Mr. Chomba: You and I will have to go to the Chinyamas right now. You will confess all that you did right in front of Pezo and her family. You need to confess that you had all this planned and why you did it it's up to you to phrase it however way you will. Mukuka became powerless Mrs. Chomba: what? You won't do that to our daughter darling. Ofcourse she was wrong- but do you really want to embarrass her like that? Tell me- What will the that do her- and us. Mr. Chomba: we can not afford to break the wonderful union thats between kalima and Pezo when their wedding is only 5 days away. (Short silence) My mind is made up- its either she does that or cease being my daughter. Mrs. Chomba: Charles? After all : Dad? Mum please talk to him And Mr. Chomba slowly walked away. Mukuka: I can't confess this to Pezo Mum... you know I can't. Mrs. Chomba : we seem not to be left with any other choice here. Bur ofcourse- you can't do that. You and I will need to be brave and convince your dad we do this without him. Am not in support of what you did but Doing this is definately out of the line. I will not allow Womba and her family be more proud of themselves. Mukuka never expected such sudden support from her mother. Atleast not at that point. She felt good somewhat. ************** Two days passed. Although Pezo seemed to have appeared to be okay- deep down her heart she was hurting. And as she thought of what happened everytime and how her actions would affect her family, she helplessly always poured out to God for His strength and Grace to be upon her. Having decided she still wanted to go ahead with the wedding- both families had agreed to sit and discuss whatever had happened on a Wednesday being the following day. Pezo was not even looking forward to the day for even if she had made up her mind- the love she had for Kalima was slowly fading away. Although she to some extend understood that he was innocent of Carolyn's appearance on that evening; she also didn't like the fact that he decided to make her fall so deep in love with her when he had unresolved/ unfinished business with Carolyn. For the days that followed after that Saturday, Pezo had never spoken to Kalima except perhaps respond to a few of his numerous texts he would send to her. Her grandmother was so helpful in this process with all her traditions. For she felt the two could not meet or talk until the elders would discuss their matter. It gave Pezo a bit of space to think through all that was happening to her, reflect and ask God to speak to her situation. From the night of her kitchen Party, Pezo had been receiving text from Mr. Mitti- begging to meet with her but she had been ignoring and turning down most of his requests. Ofcourse she was always of the view that since there were alot if people at the Chomba residence during her kitchen party aftermath, it could be that Mr. Mitti heard of what happened and wanted to use that to win her back but when she saw that he had persisted and threatened to see her from her home- she wanted to avoid any complications from her family and resolved to meet with him. When her mother saw her all dressed up for that evening, she got concerned and had to interrogate her Mrs. Chinyama: going out? Pezo: Yes. Meeting a friend. I shouldnt take long Mrs. Chinyama: why didn't you mention this earlier dear. Your grandma won't like this... remember it's a custom that a bride never leaves home along unless in the company of others till you are married off Pezo: I know mummy. But like I said- I really won't take long. Please. You just don't need to this to both dad and grandma and we should be safe. Mrs. Chinyama: don't just disappoint me child. Still not okay with it, she allowed her to leave. Pezo had not even sat for three minutes and Mr. Mitti appeared. He never changed much even after all the months that had gone by. Though he had lost a bit of weight, his handsome smile and gestures were as intact as his romantic ways whenever he was with her. At first glance- he wanted to embrance her but Pezo was quick to stretch out her hand Joe: Thank you so much for coming. - its- really great to see you. Pezo: same here. Joe: You look beautiful- as- always. Pezo: (getting incomfortable) thanks. (Looking at her wrist Watch) I really don't have much time on me Mr. Mitti. I would really appreciate it if you would get straight to the gist of our meeting here. Joe: Mr. Mitti? Since when did you get so formal with me? Pezo: we are not getting to that please. May we get to the point already Joe saw that she maintained her serious face and there never seemed to be any way of breaking it all. Joe: would you atleast have something to drink? Pezo: my coffee should be on its way. You may go ahead and order something. I really don't mind He quickly ordered a soda and was looking at her for a while without saying anything for a good number of seconds. Pezo never realised it till she was able to lift her face again Joe: I know I hurt you so much and you never deserved what I took you through but- am really sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me Pezo: it's okay. That is really my past and I really need you to be at peace. Joe could not believe how easily she said it all. My life hasn't been the same since I left you Pezo. I know the decision I made played a bigger role in contributing to that and I m really great full if you re able to forgive me. Pezo just looked at him and as she sipped through the hot coffee just served to her, she could not wait to hear why he so much wanted to talk to her. Joe: I just heard that you are getting married and honestly speaking - I didn't know weather to be happy for you or not. You were the best thing that ever happened to me and Pezo: Please- we are not here to discuss what's in the past- or are we? Joe: Pardon me. Its just that I never had a chance to tell you all this and I was thinking this could be a great opportunity. Pezo: not when I have very limited time with you Mr. Mitti. I really wish I could have all the time in the world but you of all people know what it means when I m a bride to be. I really have so much I need to attend to. Besides... this place is so crowded- I wouldn't want anyone mistaking our meeting for anything Joe;: I totally understand you (sipping through his drink). My calling you was just to alert you Pezo because you don't deserve what your so called friend is doing to you Pezo: alert me? On my friend? Joe: well it's all because I believe you don't deserve going through any more pain- and Pezo was so sure this was about Kalima and his white girlfriend. She suddenly got all weak. She wasn't ready to be told that all that she saw was actually true and that Kalima was really still with Caro Joe: it's about your so called bestie- Mukuka. Pezo was shocked for a while. She skipped a heart beat Joe: Mukuka is not what she seems and I just wanted to alert you that you need to be very careful with her. If there is a way you may avoid her- please do. Pezo: what has Kuka done. What do you have against her that you have the guts to accuse her of being evil. Joe: You friend is jelous of you being with her brother Pezo. She would actually do and pay anything just to have you not get married to her brother Pezo: (almost choking herself) you are lying. Kuka could never do anything to hurt me. I mean she is more like a sister to me and all she has wanted is what's best for me. Joe: You are wrong dear. Mukuka has been contacting me to assist her with destroying your relationship with her brother. That is why I had to bother you not so long ago Pezo: (rising on her feet) I can't listen to this! ! Joe quickly stood and held her by the hand. How else was I supposed to know so much about you? The flowers and the unexplained ways of deliveries at your , how I knew your day to day routine? Pezo: no. Please stop. Kuka can never do that to me? She was in denial and just couldn't link all that was happening to her best friend being an accomplice. Joe: I haven't had a piece of mind even after I realised she was only using me to get back at you. Initially, I had my own interests and I won't lie but Pezo: Stop. Please. I don't want to hear any more. (Getting on her feet) Why- why have you been so desperate to destroy me Joe. Was loving you such a big sin that I get such a punishment from you. Joe: please calm down- you know I never had any bad intension and immediately I realised what your friend was upto- I had to pull out Pezo: lier. Joe held her hand but she was quick to reject his grip and she quickly got her bag to leave. She was almost leaving when Joe once more held her with a tight grip Joe: I really meant it when I said am sorry. Pezo: just let go Joe. I should be the one who should be sorry for allowing you to get a share of my genuine love which you couldn't cherish even once. Joe: please Pezo: am so dissapointed with you- I dont want you any were near my life. I need you to leave me alone Joe. Only God can forgive you for all your evil deeds... never ever call my number again She left and he was left a little more guilty but somewhat relieved having atleast alerted Pezo on her friend's evil intentions. By the time Pezo got back in the car, her entire body was shivering. She didnt know how or what to think about. All that Joe had told him was too much to swallow within the shortest period in which such information was released. She recalled how Kalima had begged her to stay away from his sister and how she defended him so such. She also recalled once her mother telling her not to trust her friend so much but treat her like a friend she was and she equally justified Mukuka being as good as a sister and denied all the advise that was coming through. Her grandma also just a few days ago advised her to no longer be so close or tell Mukuka whatever was happening between her and Kalima considering he was the brother and all that- she thought people were just talking. It was only now that all that people were saying began to make a whole lot sense but too scary for her to swallow it all. By the time she got home- her mom noticed something seeming wrong on her but as usual she never wanted to interrogate her just yet. But before she could do that- Pezo was able to open up as they were preparing for dinner that evening Mrs. Chinyama: you really managed to come back early this afternoon. I hope you managed to link up with your friend? Pezo: I did.l There was silence. Mrs. Chinyama: everything okay? Pezo was silence. Her mother stopped what she was doing and went close to her as she asked the cook to excuse them for a while Pezo: I don't know mummy. I don't know wetter am okay or not- my life is just so complicated I don't even know what I should ask from God. Mrs. Chinyama: why don't you talk to your mummy- if it's so sensitive- grandma is here yeah Pezo: I know but
10 Aug 2019 | 04:01
There's a reason why things are so complicated in these moments of reciprocated Love and the bond between the two Lovers were growing. Mukuka has been the enemy of Love in disguise, she has been the reason for all the latest negativity and sadness. Carolyn is not a desperate girl, she couldn't have come but was decieved in the pretense of Mukuka the Love opponent that's loosing right now.
11 Aug 2019 | 15:21
The Love with bond is happening already between Pezo and Kalima, their Love opponent is loosing right now after the reunion of Karl's mistake which led to more greater bond of very soon marriage. The Chombas and Chinyamas would want the family bond to continue in business and otherwise but the bond between Pezo and Kalima must be stronger with a little more time. Joe's confession about that Love opponent is a good one and his asking for forgiveness is also a good one.
11 Aug 2019 | 15:43
Loving Pezo_Episode 20 Though a little complicated at some point... the meeting ended with so much joy with a few drinks going round the trays and there was nothing but good talk around the room. Kalima never left Pezo’side at any point and with the great development, he really was in the best of his moods. Pezo on the other hand could not even tell what was wrong with her. Coupled with a little headache, she really wasn't feeling strong enough to ride along with the excitement in the house Pezo: Excuse me. I will be upstairs for a while Kalima: why- are you okay? Pezo: Yes. Well just feeling a little dizzy. But nothing you should worry about. Kalima: and you think keeping alone will help you get better? Pezo: please excuse me. Kalima: (stopping her) I was really hoping we could spend some time together- darling. I missed you my love. Alot. As they were talking... Mrs. Chomba kept staring and hoped to listen in to their conversation. Having known for some time now... she could tell that Pezo didn't seem like herself. Kalima equally looked worried and she didn't like this fact that this was happening to her son Mrs. Chomba: Hey you two- why are your hands empty. Ain't you taking any drinks? Kalima: Mum. We are okay thanks. Pezo: I was just asking to be excused for a while mom. That's if you don't mind? Mrs. Chomba: oh? But shouldn't you be keeping your husband company dear? Atleast you may leave when we are out of here right? Kalima: mum- its fine. (Looking pezo directly in her eyes as he spoke) Its important that she does so for now. I can join dad and the rest in the meantime Mrs. Chomba: (making her face) Sure son. Pezo couldnt believe how unbecoming Mrs Chomba was slowly turning out to be. It was only sad that she would have to deal with her on a daily basis so soon. As she was heading upstairs- she turned to look at Kalima and his mother and she got a sense that Mrs Chomba was up to no good. Seeming so happy, she held her son so close to him as they went ahead to join the others. She seemed like she had just won a jackpot all the way that evening as she went about cracking jokes and unnecesarily laughing out so loud at every opportunity she got. It was unfortunate that at that point- there was nothing she could do. Grandma saw all that was happening and she seemed hopeless. She could clearly see that something was so wrong with Pezo. As she watched her leave the room for upstairs and following her, she saw her daughter Womba walking out of the room for the kitchen and thinking that she went to pick some, grandma noticed she took longer than was necessary and slowly followed her. Mrs. Chinyama was just standing by the kitchen table and looking just in one place without doing any particular thing. She only moved when her mother spoke up Grandma: Womba? Why? Mrs. Chinyama: (quickly covering a tear that fell off her eye) oh mother. There was a short silence as she gathered her words together Nothing seems right any more mah. I feel like am trading my own child. My baby girl -Pezo. I really regret doing all this to her mah. Its all my fault that all this is now happening. Grandma:(getting a little confused) what are you saying Womba. Do you want to take the blame for this too. Pezo is nolonger a little girl and you should understand that she is old enough to make her own decisions Mrs. Chinyama wished it could be the case. She couldn't see herself telling her mother just how everything started; How her daughter never liked Kalima but they used their authority to impose him on her; how even if she was so sorry with the mistake she made with Joe, they espected her to be so obidient by accepting their suggestion to rectify her mistakes. Even at a point they never saw their plan working, they ensured to do so by forcing Pezo to spend all her days very close to Kalima at the office till they were satisfied to see them together. Mrs. Chinyama felt her heart squeezed and was close to being saphocated when she recalled how so unfair she had been to her own daughter. How she was so stupid to think Mrs chomba was a reliable Person and would wish well of her daughter as much as she would. Grandma: well? Mrs. Chinyama: it's nothing mah. I guess am just worried for nothing right? Every mother does. Grandma: just not in the manner you have been doing it Womba. This bitterness that you and Stella keep on building between your selves will not help both your children build their home darling. You are not either helping your daughter Pezo realize that this indifference is over unless you stop this. Mrs. Chinyama : Pezo doesn't deserve this mah- all her life; she has done nothing but strive to do her best in being an obedient child- just tell me how that she make a mother feel after all that happened. Grandma: and you think being in this state is what will help the situation? What is this? You have received guests and all your daughter and you can do is to abandone your guests in the name of the resentment you so much carry in your heart? Mrs. Chinyama: oh yeah- mah- were is Pezo- I actually came here to check on her Grandma: why don't you rather go back to your guests and take care of them... I will bring Pezo back as well. And indeed, grandma managed to convince Pezo to get back to the guests and in no time- all were about to leave and as they were seeing the out, Kalima pulled Pezo aside as others left Kalima : You have made me the happiest babe. Thanks for giving me another chance Pezo never said anything but just forced a smile. Kalima:(holding her by both her upper hand) I need to see you again tonight - you and I have so much to catch up on. As he was saying this, he had this undying grin on his face that just said so much more than words could express. It was without any doubt that Kalima genuinely loved her and she needn't doubt that at all. Pezo: ofcourse. That shouldn't be a problem, but let me confirm that with you. There is so much to prepare for and I really wouldn't want to Kalima: - this isn't a request darling. Am simply placing a demand to have you dine with me tonight. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and before he could release her, he was called to get to the car for their departure. Kalima: (sqeezing her hands in his) I have to go. Please keep your mobile phone close Pezo just nodded her head and walking close beside him she bid her in-laws with the deserved respectable goodbye as they drove off the main gates of the Chinyamas. Hand in hand as always, Mr. and Mrs Chinyama walked back in the house while Pezo and grandma remained by the garden chairs for a while. Grandma saw it as an opportunity to search her grandchild's mind on what just happened. She could outrightly see that she was so drained and if left to contain and deal with the situation on her own, it would not be good for her Grandma: you have two days before you can finally be Mrs. Chomba jnr. I hope you are as happy as I am Pezo just barely smiled. Grandma: you made me proud when you stood up for what your heart told you Pezo. That is what any mature woman should do... I know you saw sense in your mum's points but you still went ahead to seem to be on your in law s side for the sake of peace. Your husband must be so proud of you Pezo: Growing up comes with so much more complications grandma- I really wish I could understand what is happening to me Grandma: I know it must be so saphocating to experience all this child but- I need you to know that God always allows us to go through certain things in life in order that He can prepare us for a better position in life. What you have with Kalima is so beautiful- definately you wouldn't think for once that the devil may pass by it without doing something to destroy it. Pezo : I don't understand you grandma- what are you saying? Hasn't what mum and dad have been such a beautiful relationship- yet I have never witnessed any complication on them Grandma: ofcourse- mum and dad will never tell a daughter what marital issues they have- unless it's in its extremes. What am I saying here? What you are going through is not ordinary darling. I have always taught you how to talk to God whenever you seem low and not in a position to think clearly. Talk to God and pray for you and your husband child. You don't have to carry any bitterness or unforgiveness within you as you do this. Just believe God for everything and it shall be well. Pezo recalled how she witnessed her parents arguing over her need to get married to Kalima because of their financial situation and she could only agree to what her grandma was saying. Pezo: I will honestly tell you that this isn't easy for me grandma- but I love the faith you have in God. It is only that which will help me. Grandma just squeezed her hand as though to assure her it's the best she could ever do. Pezo: Kalima wants us to have dinner out- I dont think am in a mood for it yet I don't want to hurt him. My spirit is so low right now and he would straight out know something is wrong the moment I dare sit even for 5 straight minutes with him. Grandma: then why not tell him you can't make it. Like I mentioned- dear with your inner part first. Talk to God and ask him to help you in what you are going through; to help you know and understand this man He has given you and most importantly, to love him love and respect him like any woman should. You cannot afford to go into marriage without dealing with that foundation Pezo. You should know that you can't. Pezo: I know grandma. I know. Thank you so much. Grandma: and even as you are doing this; I need you to harden not your heart- be happy my girl eat - and love-. Its only then that God will help you. I wasn't going to allow you to go ahead with this if where you are heading to was not an equally better place. Kalima loves you Pezo. Learn to see that love and in thanking God for him- love him back and make him see that too. Be as humble as we have taught you to be and in everything- never have the last word on your relationship- let God have the final say Pezo: (hugging her) Thank you grandma. I love you so much. And I will miss you alot- I know I can nolonger come through to my village for the long visits anymore- but I hope you will be the one to do so henceforth? Grandma: certainly so child. They were served with some snacks and in talking about alot more other things, Pezo realised that her heart was nolonger as heavy. In the one hour that she sat with grandma by the flower gardens, Kalima text her twice to inform her they were safely home and also just to assure her that he loved her and could not wait to forever have her by his side. For the issue of dinner, grandma took it upon herself to inform Kalima they couldn't go out that night and that he just had to be patient as he would soon have all the evening to have and hold her to himself. Pezo was a little shocked that it actually seemed so easy for grandma to do it. Kalima had never accepted a no for an answer but because of the manner in which grandma crafted her words- he found himself agreeing to all she said without realising it. *************** The next day was a Thursday and having agreed to proceed with the wedding that saturday- it just meant that there was so much that had to be done in the two days they had. Pezo and her mother planned to check with the dresses for her last fitting, the cake and the chef. The person doing decor both at church and venue had not been met to finally view a sample decor too and just at the mention of that- Pezo could not contain the anticipated stress on this. For the first time ever, Pezo was out of bed without being woken up by someone and by 09hrs CAT , they were ready to leave and Kalima called. And immediately Pezo mentioned they were on their way to the wedding planners, he suggested they wait for him other than using the driver as he was on the way to check on a few things relating to the same. Mrs. Chinyama almost remained behind at the thought that Mrs. Chomba would come along but Pezo managed to convince her she would not make proper decisions without her. Besides, Mukuka whom she so much relied on as a best friend had not really been there for her. With what she heard from Joe-Mukuka's actions were slowly proving his points and as advised by her grandma, she only asked God to actually expose all her evil plans if any. As they planned to only have a small wedding all along, Kalima and Pezo decided to only have Mukuka and Kalima’s friend from UK on their best man/woman while for the mini bride and groom, Chiwande and Chisala were included. It was out of this that she really expected her friend to be helpful but alas it was so opposite. As her mother advised, Pezo really managed the situation well. She never confronted Mukuka on what she did and only became more careful with how she related with her. She never even shared this with Kalima for now although he could sense the tension. For the rest of all that was left to be done, Kalima was really by Pezo's side and it was so amazing how he never gave up no matter what she was doing-from checking with her tailors ; the wedding planner to the salon were she had to do her hair a day before. The wedding was so smooth and none could imagine the much confusion that happened prior to it. Even with this going on- Carolyn still decided to stay on a mutual agreement with Mukuka that she still had a chance to win over her man. Though not exposed yet- Mukuka somewhat figured Pezo knew something as she was so distant with her and preferred being with her other friends that Mukuka. Kalima’s friend from the UK was really good with all the last minute issues that required help with. At first glance, he was somewhat in love with mukuka but did not take long to realise she wasn't his kind of a woman and had to give her distance. ****************** As everyone dispersed... it was just the newly weds with a few people clearing up the place. Pezo was relieved that it was finally over and she could not wait to lay her head to rest. It was as though everyone was so happy except her. Kalima seemed to be the happiest and it was so bad enough that she was no were close to have any desire whatsoever to be with him that night. With all that had been revealed- all she needed was her space. Kalima: finally- I have you to myself. It really felt like forever. Pezo: Please- I need to rest. Shall we? Kalima: (holding her waist from the back as he whispered in her ear) - our night hasn't even started Mrs Chomba jnr... and you are telling me you need to rest? Pezo: - well I mean- its been quite a hectic day for lack of a better term- it would be nice to get to a much more cosy and quite place Kalima: exactly my thoughts. I can't believe that you are finally mine tonight (he moves right in front of her and so close she could not breath any other air but his) - I can't wait to feel you my Pezo. It s been a long wait- and now that we have each other, I promise never to make you regret your decision Pezo: darling- people are watching us- please- we have the whole of our lives to Kalima: - and you think I care? You are mine now darling- mine alone and I do not care who else is looking when I want to feel you like this He held her by the face and kissed her so deeply. Pezo could feel his desperation in having her that night and she only inwardly prayed for grace. She was not ready to break his heart yet she just couldn't see herself equating to his burning desire for her. Pezo: hun- I think we have to go- the chauffeur must be here. They left with a few other people still around the venue wishing them well in life. As Pezo and Kalima were about to enter the limousine... Someone called Pezo by name and she held back. It was Mr. Mitti. Kalima: you? Joe: Am so sorry- I know am the last person you both would wish to talk to; but please if you could allow me- I only have a few words Kalima: How dare you think you could just come here and think you could Pezo: (holding him by the hand to calm him down) hun please- lets just hear him out? Shall we? Kalima: you only have a minute. My wife and I are already running out of time Joe: Thanks. I really appreciate it Kalima: (a little stern on him) well? Won't you speak already? Joe: I just wanted to ask that you take care of this lady, she is really one special kind and Kalima unexpectedly held him by the shirt as he really got upset Kalima: and what- you idiot!!! You think I don't know that? You think you can just come here to tell me how good my wife is? Pezo: (panicking) Karl - darling please- you don't need to do this. Kalima: just stay out of this Pezo!! He pulled Pezo aside and gave Joe one good blow that had a number of people around look at them. As Joe was trying to get up, Kalima held him up and hit him again and again while Pezo kept pleading with her husband to no luck. Its only when a few men removed Joe from him. Pezo was so helpless. By the time people pulled Joe out, he pulled his wife back in the car and only asked the chauffeur to drive out. Pezo: and now? what was that for-? Kalima: and what do you care damn it? What right did he have to come here and tell me about you and how good you are- just who did he think he is? Pezo: you should have atleast allowed him to finish his sentence- don't you think? Kalima: (clapping his hands) well amazing. Will you take his side. I bet you really miss his praises of you and sure found pleasure in all this yeah? Pezo: You know I never meant it that way darling- (lowering her voice) please you can't afford this kind of hatred towards him Karl. He is Kalima; (cutting in) enough Pezo!! (Facing the chauffeur) shall we go please!! And Pezo just kept silent as she sat back. It was quiet all the way as they headed to a hotel were they were to spend the first night together before they could fly to SA for their honeymoon the next evening. Pezo was heart broken, she knew Joe had something important to say for him to appear like that but only that he never started his sentence well. It was such a horrible start for both of them as a couple. It was just fortunate that the chauffeur never witnessed it all due to the distance between them and him and the ability of the car to seal and seperate with the person driving. Pezo had however never seen Kalima that upset and she really couldn't understand him at all. His mood suddenly changed even before Joe spoke and she hoped there was nothing he must have misunderstood When they arrived at the hotel, they had hotel attendants waiting for them as expected special guests. With warm smiles, the team of guys carried whatever lagguage they had and led them to their suite. Even in his anger, Kalima held his wife so close to him none would guess the tension that was between them. Pezo never resisted until the helpers left them to themselves. At first glance, Pezo thought the suite was really beautiful- it was simply decorated to suit their test with candles lit all over to set the tone for a wonderful night ahead of them. While Kalima gave it a grin. Pezo went straight to her honeymoon pack and got some essentials for her shower and as she was about to leave, Karl lovingly grabbed her by the waist and got her back. Kalima; Just were do you think you are heading to my lady- won't you comment on the place, atleast you can say something Pezo: ( avoiding his eye contact) it's beautiful- Karl. Excuse me- I will take a quick shower. Kalima just pulled her back as she was about to walk away. He slowly lifted her face and carefully held her to directly face her as he spoke. . Kalima: just that? Beautiful? Pezo: It's really nice Karl- thanks. Kalima immediately noticed his wife was not herself. Am so sorry if I hurt you. I never meant for it to end that way. Not especially tonight. That man had no right to just Pezo: ( trying to avoid the topic) it's okay Karl. I understand. Kalima: oh really. With that kind of an attitude? Pezo: am just tired. Really. Before he could respond, She left and quickly headed towards the shower. She struggled a bit to unzip her wedding dress before she could finally manage it and in no time, she was was standing in the middle of the warm shower were she gave herself a chance to just pour out as she regretted half the decisions she has had to make in the past months. It was a moment filled with what she would describe as a sorrowful world of her own for a while. She was deep in her own thoughts that she couldn't even hear Kalima join her as she just felt his body against hers. While her mind was almost rejecting him... Pezo's heart felt so good. His embrace came at a time Pezo felt like she was a little girl who was so blank of her next step and just in need of that comforting hug. His touch felt so magical. Good and warmer too. she couldn't resist it for anything. By the time he held her entire nudity against his own... she only found herself closing her eyes to allow for the now sweet moment to possession her entire being. She loved every move Kalima was making on her and with every action; none said anything. Kalima was trembling with every move he made on her. He never imagined her this beautiful at any moment of his dreams on her. The flawlessness of her skin, the curves and her beauty just drove him a little crazy. He could not compare her with any other woman he had been with. Her pointed breasts were so inviting like those of a young African Virgin bride just given away to her groom. He slowly reached out for one - and then the other as he pulled her against the walls of the shower for a desperate kiss on her lips. You are beautiful my love- darling - Pezo. Before he could say more, Pezo shut him up with her right finger and kissed him back- very slowly in the beginning- making sure she was doing the right thing and touching him in the right places until it became more urging with time. Kalima took over eventually and Pezo was so amazed with how he was able to take her on. Its like all the pain was suddenly erased from her mind and with his touch, she found herself urging and demanding for more of him... Kalima loved every bit of the moment- her screaming and mourning in an ecstasy manner. Kalima almost lost it in the romance. By the time Kalima was carrying her to the bed, Pezo suddenly took over and the two could not just let go of each other's skin for that evening. It was a night both never imagined for anything. Never ever leave me My Pezo- I love you.. I love you.. I love you... It was magical. A clear thing that their first sexual encounter cemented their love and for the next days that passed Pezo and Kalima grew to love each other even more. Their stay in SA was equally amazing and with their romance that just started from the shower in a local hotel were Pezo in particular least expected it- their love remained burning for the next one week they spent together for their honeymoon. The couple had forgotten about the reality that lay ahead of them at their return from their honeymoon. Carolyn was the first to welcome Kalima with what she would term as a friendly kiss to kalima upon their return at the airport. It was so unfortunate that it was just Mukuka and Carolyn to receive them and for a while- Pezo wished her home would be a different place than the Chomba mansion. Mukuka: hello love birds. Welcome back She went ahead to embrace each as they helped with their hand lagguage. Carolyn never even bothered to greet Pezo in the fist place. It was only great that Kalima really paid less attention to her and gave more to Pezo. Mukuka noticed this and she was somewhat irritated by this fact. She could clearly see that the two were nolonger as they went. They seemed much more close. More romantic, more closer and more brighter. It hurt Mukuka that Pezo really didn't seem as close to her. Mukuka: I hope you two enjoyed your honeymoon. Its really great to have you back. Ofcourse- this place is never the same without you Kalima: it's actually great to be back home... right hun? Pezo just smiled. This time it's Carolyn who really didn't like that gesture. They walked to the car and as kalima and Pezo were about to take their back seats- Mukuka quickly went ahead of them and blocked Kalima’s way Mukuka: ah ah- I guess it's now gonna be my time to catch up with my friend. Why don't you take the front seat with Caro while I get this. I really miss my friend. Kalima: (holding on to his wife's hand) - but you only like 20 minutes till you can still talk at home right? Mukuka: Karl? Kalima: am sorry- but (looking Pezo in the eyes with his sweet smile) right now- all I want is to be as close as I can possibly be with my wife He kissed her as he was about to proceed with taking his seat. But Pezo, upon realising how the two looked at each other with signs of being irritated quickly stopped him Pezo: my love- its okay- why don't you go ahead and take the other seat while I chat with Kuka Kalima: you sure you are good with it? Pezo: (almost whispering) ofcourse He kissed her and proceeded to sit in front- but not were Carolyn or Mukuka expected him to sit but right next to the chauffeur- practice that has been perceived as a great taboo among the chombas atleast in the last 20+ years. Carolyn ended up looking so stupid sitting all alone in the middle.
14 Aug 2019 | 03:43
Loving Pezo Episode 21 Kalima kissed her and proceeded to sit in front- but not were Carolyn or Mukuka expected him to sit but rather right next to the chauffeur- practice that has been perceived as a great taboo among the chombas atleast in the last 20+ years. Carolyn ended up looking so stupid sitting all alone in the middle. Upon their arrival at the Chomba Mansion, everyone were happy to see them. Pezo was however a little dissapointed to notice that her family were not around to do so. It was unlike their usual practice. Her heart missed a bit as she realised this. She inwardly prayed that nothing bad happened in her absence with a view of what she overheard her parents discuss a few days before her marriage. For a while and for the first time, she really never felt at home even as they all gathered for a meal. Mrs. Chomba was nolonger that sweet aunt that was ever close to her and Mukuka really seemed so close to carolyn. All discussions were really centred on issues she could barely contribute to and it was just so heartaching when she somewhat realises this might be a deliberate move. Kalima was ever sweet and even when he figured she seemed a little out of place, did his best to engage her in the conversation but it was still not easy for Pezo. The place she always called her own suddenly felt so cold and unwelcoming. None except her husband paid much attention to her. But she kept her cool and never showed any emotion. Pretty much of her plate was consumed but in silence unless Kalima paused a question. When done... she never left the table till her husband finished. Kalima stood and she followed suit Pezo: ( humbly facing her mother in law) excuse me- I will be upstairs as well Mukuka: oh really Pezo? So now you can't be without your husband I see? Pezo really wished she could answer her back but obviously not in the presence of her parents in law. It was good enough that Kalima saw his sister's intentions and quickly responded in a very smart way Kalima: well I would pretty much appreciate it if you would address her differently sis. This lady you see is nolonger just anyone but more of your sister in law and brother's wife than a friend Mukuka: well chill... Obviously I never meant to belittle her status by any means? I just thought it would be great to just be with her for a little while. Kalima: (directly looking at Carolyn) obviously not for now. But yeah... thanks for that consideration.. I just needed to set the record straight here Mrs. Chomba: Kalima- please mind the way you talk. Just because you are done does not mean the same for everyone on the table. Kalima just turned- held Pezo by the hand and left. Non liked this except for Mr. Chomba who similarly didn't like the fact that Carolyn was with them in that house. Pezo never liked how this turned out knowing so well that it would all fall on her somewhat. The staying of carolyn had been a long debate that had provoked alot of arguments between Mr. and Mrs. Chomba. There was nothing that could justify the long stay of the lady more especially that things were nolonger the same between her and Kalima. Mr. Chomba had just reached a dead end to speaking his mind on the issue and for the sake of peace, he chose to be silent for the moment. However, he was so glad that his son never tolerated the idea and was so categorical about it first when they had gotten back at the house. He recalled how he had questioned both his parents even before he could settle from his trip and Mrs. Chomba only mentioned that she had a pre planned flight which wasn't flexible enough to be changed. The conversation only ended at Kalima stating that he would take it up just to ensure that she returned to her country that very week. On the next day being a Sunday, Pezo was eager to go to church knowing so well that she would atleast see her family. She woke up early just to ensure that she would prepare her husband and everyone else's breakfast before she would go ahead to prepare herself. She was only shocked to see Carolyn getting out of a room that was so directly to their matrimonial bedroom in a nightie that was really revealing. She just looked at Pezo once and with a quick hello walked on to Mukuka’s room. As she was just thinking through that- she heard laughter follow and it was quite noisy for a while. Pezo ignored it all notwithstanding that Kalima wouldn't like it but as she was about to get downstairs, she heard the door open and he went straight to his sister's room. As he knocked once, Pezo tried to stop him but Carolyn opened the door. Liking what she was seeing, she raised her chest and pulled her light gown to reveal more of what she had. None could miss the fact that she was trying to seduce Kalima at that point and when she saw that Pezo was looking she got wild with her moves. Kalima: (ignoring her moves and maintaining his ego) may I please talk to my sister Carolyn: well atleast you can start with a proper goodmorning sweetheart. Or What? Isn't your darling wife taking proper care of you to wake up on such a bad side? Kalima saw no need to answer her but just widely open the door door to address Mukuka. Immediately Pezo proceeded to the kitchen. Kalima: I really need you both to behalf like ladies that you should be. Can't I rest because of you Mukuka was about to answer when she was a little shocked at a move that Carolyn made. She had removed her her little gown, threw it aside and stood so close to Kalima as she spoke Carolyn: We are sorry my love. Really. If you don't mind- I could walk you down back to your room and leave Mukuka just so you are sure that we are not doing this again Kalima just turned and when he saw her and what she was upto- he just quickly looked away, got her gown and threw it in her face I do not need your help to get what i deserve in my own house. Quit being shameless for heavens sake. Get hold of yourself and start behaving like a guest that you are. He turned and left all upset. Mukuka couldn't say anything. Only that it was truly confirmed that the love he had for Pezo could not be broken so easily. She cursed the day they both set eyes on each other and more so that when they had to consecrate their marriage. A little embarrassed that someone had to witness all that, Carolyn left the room in fury Pezo and Kalima got to church a little late. And even as they settled down, Pezo could not really just concentrate on proceedings of the mass. Kalima noticed this as a glory hymn was sung, he got a chance to whisper to her Kalima: something bothering you my love? She never said anything but just smiled as she pretended to be concentrating for a while. As they were done; Pezo pulled her husband aside knowing so well he would have to drop everyone back home having used one vehicle as usually Pezo: listen- I was hoping to see mom or anyone from home during this mass service and it seems none managed to come through. Am really worried that I haven't seen or spoken to anyone since we got back. If you could allow me- I would really like to visit and see how everyone is doing. Kalima: well ofcourse- but you know I wouldn't allow you to go by yourself- much less by public transport- so why don't you allow us to get home and then I can visit with you later in the afternoon. Pezo: well it's just that Kalima: Please- its the 1st time you are visiting your home after we got married. Allow me to be with you -(Jokingly) Atleast I will be certain you won't gossip about me on anything In no time- Chisala ran after them and they were on their way back home. But most of the times, Pezo was more quite and more of a daughter in law of the house. At most, she found herself helping in the kithen if not with the general housekeeping seeing it was a Sunday and most of the helpers were off work. As though her mother in law knew about her request from her husband she requested for so much more from Pezo for that day she could not see herself finishing anytime soon. The chombas were hosting a small Christian Community meeting and as such- she needed her to help with the snacks and managing of all the people who would come. Even though everything was done in good time, the section members only started arriving after 30minutes or so. The meeting started an hour late and that automatically added time to the end time of the meeting. And even with that- people did not immediately leave after that. Pezo thought she would sneak out for a while having agreed with Kalima to leave in a few minutes and Mrs. Chomba asked her to join them in the kitchen for dinner preparations Kalima: sorry mum but my wife and I were about to leave right now Mrs. Chomba: and who do you suppose will help with all that's required to be done here son? Kalima: Mukuka just sits around mum... don't you think it would be the best time she would help around here Pezo: hun- its okay. I can always see my family any other time. Mrs. Chomba: oh so this is what it's all about right. Visiting your parents already? Kalima: there is absolutely nothing wrong with that mum. That is her family and she has a right to see them whenever she wishes to Mr. Chomba: Kalima is right Stella. If Pezo wishes to check on her family- let them go. Besides she has been so helpful the entire day. Pezo: father- it's really fine by be. I think mum would really need my help. And that's how she stayed back. Once more just to keep her peace in the house. It was really the most difficult time of her life. Pezo could not even call her parents because she had forgotten her phone with her mother on the day of their wedding. All the time they were out... she could only rely on Kalima for calls and with all that she tried were picked. From last night... she had been trying her home landline but to no luck. she was almost tempted to ask her mother in law about her family but it was so clear that she never wanted to hear her mention anything to do with her family. For the rest of that evening, although Pezo pretended to be okay, Kalima could tell that she was worried and the 1st place he had to drop her at the next day was her place. It was only fortunate enough that while her husband had to report back for work that monday- she still had the whole week till she could report back. As they approached the chinyama mansion- a certain fear cript through Pezo's heart. She couldn't quite put what she felt into words but it was not a comfortable feeling. Pezo: hun- I guess you really don't have to get in . It could be too early for mum and dad to be out of bed at this hour. Kalima: but atleast you could allow me to leave you inside the yard right Pezo: (giving it a soft laugh) what difference does it make darling. Am here and that's all that matters. (Holds his hand gently)... have a nice day and don't be too busy to think of me Without saying anything... he just grabbed her by the back neck as though it were the first he was doing so. Pezo: you need to go.. you really don't want to be stuck in traffic Kalima: take care and keep your phone close. I will miss you Pezo: I will miss you too. (Smiles) but hey- you really need to get going. Will check on you soon She opens the door and Kalima pulls her back for one more but rather quick though still sweet kiss. As she gets out of the car, she waits for him till he turns and leaves. In her own thoughts and not really minding about the two corps standing by their residence, she innocently goes to the small gate to enter and she is harshly approached Corp. 1: hey- Were do you thing you are going? Pezo: (a little shocked) Excuse me? Corp 2: and what part of his sentence is so complicated for you to understand? You can- not- go in there!! Corp 1: you are actually on prohibited grounds right now and you have 5 seconds to leave or else... any other thing you say after that shall be held against you in the courts of law Pezo: please wait- I really don't understand this. This is my parents home. The Chinyamas. I was born and bred in this very Corp 2: well not any more young lady- this how now is in the hands of the state pending a court hearing. Pezo: court hearing? Officer please- I dont get this Corp 2: well I guess you have said more than you should- leave Pezo: please- atleast you may tell me were they are? They chased her and she never got any information. Pezo was helpless. She couldn't control herself as she wept for the unknown. She so many questions running through her mind- like what could have happened to her parents, we're they still alive, why didn't her in laws or even Mukuka mention anything about this. She had only been out for 10 days and so much seemed to have happened. Pezo could not think of the next thing to do. She looked back into the road and noticed Kalima had really driven off and there was no way of calling him to turn back. She began to walk down the street and she had no idea were this was to lead her to... atleast she could catch a cab but there never seemed to be any nearby. All of the sudden, a vehicle stopped by but she continued walking as she tried as much as possible to avoid the person calling out. She later heard the car door open and followed (Calling after her) excuse me... Pezo instead increased her speed. She was somewhat in a mess and she couldn't talk in that state. But the stranger got hold of her and she had no choice but to talk to her Hai- sorry I I seem to be bothering- you must be Pezo, the daughter to the Chinyamas Pezo: how do you know my name... I don't remember meeting you - Am Sibeso. A lawyer that has been assigned to work on your family matter. Pezo had so many questions she couldn't even chose which to start with. Sibeso: (stretching his hand) it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I was about to visit your in laws today- regarding your return date Pezo: what's going on Sir? Were is my family? Why can't I be allowed to enter my father's house? Sibeso:May we atleast get in the car- then I can explain what I can to you. She looked at him for a while without any action. From his facial expression- Pezo knew there was nothing good about what he was about to say. His voice tone had more of sympathy than just bad news Pezo: I just need to know where my family is Mr.. si... Sibeso: Sibeso please. Pezo: am sorry Sibeso: shall we? Pezo just followed him and for a while, he left her in the car while he went to talk to the corps. When he returned... he never said anything but just started the engine and began to drive... Pezo: sorry but I thought we needed to talk first... were are you taking me Sibeso: look- all I can say is that your family is okay and am taking you to were they are now. Pezo felt releaved and at ease for a while... but it's like they kept on moving and she was almost losing patience... they drove past woodlands area into chilenge and for a while... she couldn't figure were they were till she saw the high rise courts of what she clearly convinced herself it was kabwata. They turned to one house which though small, looked smart. He hooted once and Mrs Chinyama came through to open. Just at her sight of her mother opening the door shocked Pezo the more. She was almost opening the door to get out and offer to do it herself but her entire body felt so weak she couldn't even move an inch Mrs. Chinyama was so excited to see her daughter... ofcourse it was a great and wonderful surprise but for Pezo it had more to do with what she was seeing. Her mother looked so pale and stressed but she was still able to just give her that wide and motherly smile that surpassed all their problems. Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo- child... Oh what joy I feel just to see you. I missed you so much Pezo: mummy She couldn't say any other word other than that. Sibeso saw it was rather an emotional moment they both had and he just excused himself as he drove out with a promise Pezo never even waited for them to get in the house- immediately her mum closed the gate, she put her to task Pezo: what are you doing here mummy- why are all those state corps guarding our house? And since when did this happen? Mrs. Chinyama: dear- my child, It's a bit more complicated than I can tell you Pezo: No mummy!! Please you can't keep hiding this from me. Atleast I know you and daddy were going through financial distress... is it what's gotten us here Mrs. Chinyama: how Pezo: well it doesn't matter mummy- were is dad? Would you rather I talk to him? Mrs. Chinyama: look, I need you to calm down- I can tell you everything but I need you to do one thing for me Pezo looked on Mrs. Chinyama: your father hasn't been well. I will really beg you not to show any emotion as you see him. Things are bad as they are and I wouldn't really want him to think too much or that we are so worried Pezo: whats wrong with daddy- were is he? Mrs. Chinyama: he had partial stroke when the court bailiffs ceased all our possessions because of the money we owe the Pezo: what do you mean mummy- is it that bad we had to loose all we had. Mrs. Chinyama: am afraid so child. But like I mentioned- its a little complicated and you wouldn't understand. Besides- you now belong to the chombas and Pezo: and am still your child and deserved to know about all this mummy (Seeming a little confused) - I want to see daddy. Please take me were he is. Mrs. Chinyama slowly led the way and even before she could reach were her father was, she was almost having high blood pressure when she was greeted to an empty room with only a bench and a few plates seen through the next room that seemed like a kitchen. Couldn't they atleast allow you to get even a set of sofas- or television? Mrs . chinyama: (ignoring her question) your father is this way. She followed and just as she saw her father lying on a matress placed on the floor. She could clearly see that her father was not well and it was indeed a bad stock he had. She could tell that even as his father seemed to be struggling in uttering just one word- he was really not able to. She was almost crying when she remembered her mother’s words Pezo: Daddy- (she held his hand and soothed it as she smiled widely) am so happy to see you. Please I really need you to get better Mr. Chinyama just squeezed her hand back. Pezo smiled back but it was nolonger easy for her to be any strong. She stood and went to the other room and as she sat down she poured out silently. She could not contain the way her father was suffering. Her mother followed her and moved her outside. Pezo: am sorry but I just couldn't bear seeing him like that- he is in such pain mummy Mrs. Chinyama : I know Pezo: when did this happen? Why isn't he I hospital? Is it about the money too Mrs. Chinyama: this happened the very day the court order was presented to us two days after your wedding. We stayed in hospital for a week and a day but as you know... healing of such illnesses is normally within. We were discharged just yesterday but have to keep going for physiotherapy After a short silence. Pezo: and this house? Is it rented? Mrs. Chinyama: you won't believe this but- Mr. Mitti has been very helpful. He was the only one who came through to our situation and only God can reward him enough Pezo: Joe? Mrs. Chinyama: Yes dear... the very man we despised so much and could not come to terms to forgive him Pezo: please don't tell me am staying with our worst energy mother- I have been bad for 3 days now and not even mom mentioned this. Are we still okay with the chombas mummy. Mrs. Chinyama just dropped her face and wiped a tear. Pezo: mummy? Mrs. Chinyama: look... you are now part of that family my child- what you should really be worried about is if your husband is not loving you as he should. It if he is... please be happy. This is a battle for us and none of you children ought to get involved. Pezo: no mummy. You know this isn't right. I can't always be left in the dark when all this has a direct effect on me? Karl's mother nolonger relates to me in the usual kind way and all this is hasnt been making much sense to me mummy. Why is it that they can't stand by your side at a time like this? Mrs. Chinyama: the chombas are really not bothered about what is happening to us right now child. To them... your father deserves all that he is going through because even part of the company asserts were affected in this . Pezo: so what mum. That's just material right... can they restore my father's health once all this is resolved. Mrs. Chinyama just remained silent for a while but Pezo could see that the pain was deep rooted. As a tear fell off her eyes and another, Pezo could never express her pain in any other way than just to embrace her. After a while... Mrs. Chinyama was able to narrate how everything happened. How her father was convinced by Mr. Chomba to get into a new business deal of oil with some Arabic company using a bank loan which only him could get and not the chombas as they were already serving another long term loan. Upon his recommendation, the bank granted him a huge sum in billions to which he invested it all in the mentioned business. But things began to get sour when the deliverables began to delay and not met as expected. A year later, the agency to the whole deal stopped communicating and eventually disappeared. As much of what they had was invested in the business, the Chombas could not think of any alternative to find money to service the loan. With time, the bank began to follow them up and it got worse by each day they threatened to recover borrowed funds through all properties they possessed. Initially, the Chombas seemed like a great help but just when they were to help, they gave an excuse and mentioned they could not manage to assist. The Chombas got and sold all they could to repay the loan but it was not easy to reach even 20% of the repayment. The bank eventually got the court bailiffs to be involved and that's how they all temporarily lost all their possessions and all shares of the company jointly owned with the Chinyamas. She further narrated that what hurt the Chinyamas the most was that this whole incident turnished the reputation of the company and their business would nolonger be the same. The bailiffs also ceased certain company accounts that had a negative effect on the operations of the company . It ended up being that they had to offset alot of workers yet these couldn't be paid due to the losses incurred during the same time. The chombas had no regreat for placing all the blame on Mr. Chinyama who could not contain it all. His BP just rose beyond control and caused a bad stroke. He had never spoken a word till now. Pezo: and Chiwande? Mrs. Chinyama: Mr. Mitti had to get him. My poor child had no were to go as I was in hospital. Pezo: well then I have to get him right away mummy. We can't afford to allow him step into our private - Mrs. Chinyama: no child. I think Mr. Mitti has been so kind to us and we really need to be careful how we handle this. Your in- laws couldn't take Chiwande the night he was left out in the cold while I rushed your father to the hospital. What can make them accept him now. Pezo: well I don't know how am expected to live with such people mum. Its not like you saw this coming for heavens sake. If anything.. they should have been the ones to take you in and offered shelter Mrs. Chinyama: we all think and see things differently. (Holding her hand) I still need you to be strong my girl- that is your home now and you are bound by them through the sacred ties you have with my son in law Pezo: how mother- tell me how am supposed to just ignore all this while you are suffering. How can I even enjoy the comfort of the bed or food when you have nothing here Mrs. Chinyama: am really not bothered about that darling. All I need is for your father to get better and for you and Chiwande to be in safe places. Pezo: I don't think am safe mummy. Not with what am hearing from you. And who knows why Joe is also being so nice to you all of the sudden? Mrs. Chinyama: you are thinking too much Pezo. Any person who witnesses what we went through would have done the same. Pezo: well not anymore. I have a bit of savings on my account. We can get a few things you need but for now... we need to urgently get daddy back to the hospital Mrs. Chinyama: we were only discharged yesterday. I doubt they would take us in so soon. Pezo: Then atleast allow me to talk to the doctor who discharged you so I can get his honest opinion. Daddy isn't looking well mummy. I can also see if my medical insurance can cover him too Mrs. Chinyama: I know. But like I mentioned. .. your in laws and perhaps husband too will not like you helping us. Pezo: am not leaving you to stay in this state mummy. I would rather I spend all I have to atleast have you essential needs for now. In due time... Pezo was about to leave she met Mr. Mitti just about to open the gate. Joe: hey. Pezo: hai Joe: good to see you. She was silent for a while before she spoke up Pezo: mum has told me all you did. Thanks alot. Joe: anything to help a friend Pezo: just let me know how much I need to repay. Joe: oh c'on Pezo... for how long are gonna stay with this ego Pezo: Excuse me? Joe: this isn't a kind of problem you would think of behaving in this way "Mrs Chomba" Pezo: and you think it's easy for me to watch you do all this while I have no idea what motive you have Joe: (getting upset) it was inevitable that I helped Pezo- did you expect me to just watch the family of the woman I once loved suffer just because you would not accept my help? Pezo: (equally raising her voice) well then it ends here Joe. Like I said already - thank you Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo!!! She just looked at her mother once and turned as she left. Mrs. Chinyama quickly turned to Mr. Mitti Mrs. Chinyama: am sorry son... please understand that this isn't easy for her Joe: it's okay mother. Believe me, I totally understand her Mrs. Chinyama: Please - do come in. ************* Although her consultation with the hospital was not exhausted, she atleast managed to get basic needs for them and delivered them before she could leave for her marital home. Her mother atleast got a chance to correct her in thee manner she spoke to Mr. Mitti and through a phone call, she was able to apologise and sought for forgiveness. Mr. Mitti was only happy to assure her that she was forgiven. Using a cab, she got home a little earlier than was expected and she was a little shocked to find Kalima already there. He was seated with both her parents in law and seemed to be in a deep conversation and only stopped when she entered. Like a well taught wife- she slowly knelt before them at a distance before she could great them Pezo: Good afternoon mother: good afternoon father (facing kalima) good afternoon. Both her parents responded in unison but Kalima kept quite and just looked at her. Pezo: Excuse me. I will be upstairs for a while. Kalima: Were have you been? Pezo just looked back at him as she wondered why he was using such a tone to talk to her in front of his parents. Pezo:(clearing her throat) may we talk from Kalima: whats so difficult about the question I asked that you cannot respond here and now Pezo has never felt so humiliated. She just dropped her face as she responded. Pezo: Father isn't well. I had to see him. It took me a while as I had to assist with a few things before I could leave Kalima: (getting really upset) and you couldn't think of calling? Or was I supposed to guess that you would be all over town to serve your parents who are nolonger supposed to be claiming such much time from you? Pezo couldnt understand anything that was happening. It was even worse to see his parents watch him behalf that way. She just stood and silently excused herself to leave but just as she walked half way- Kalima followed her and held her by the hand Kalima: How dare you walk out on me in front of my parents when am still talking to you. Pezo: (lowering her voice) you are hurting me Karl Mr. Chomba as usual came to her aid and asked Kalima to let go. Pezo quickly went upstairs past Mukuka and Carolyn who were full of their giggles at that point. Seeming so pleased that things never seemd to be still smooth between the ever happy couple. The moment she got in their matrimonial bedroom - Pezo just went straight into the shower and as water poured on her naked body, she cried out to God. She was so disturbed with all that was happening in her life. She cried for God to give her the needed wisdom even as she was going through this. It was not an easy phase if her life more especially that even her husband seemed to be on the side of his family now. When she got out of the shower, she thought of getting a short nap before she could join the cook in preparation for supper. Her body felt so weak and she had this headache that she quite couldn't stop even with the painkillers she took. As it was still past 16hrs... she thought a good rest of an hour or two would help her get well rested. But the next she turned- it was so dark and it seemed everyone had even gone to sleep except for her husband who was busy working on his laptop on his working desk. Pezo: oh my- is it night already? Kalima never said anything but just looked at her once and continued with his work. She got her handbag and searched for her small phone which she got for herself and a similar one for her mother and quickly dialled her mum' s new number. It didnt ring much and Mrs. Chinyama answered the call. They conversed for a while as pezo asked a few question of how her father was doing. By then Kalima had even stopped working but stared at her and immediately she cut the line... he began to clap while walking tawards her Kalima: Amazing. .. really amazing!! Pezo didn't know what to make of it. She just look at him as she placed her handset down to wait for the unknown Kalima: I can see that your parents have become so much more important that not even I matter to you. Ofcourse... you have to great your parents first and ask if they have had their meals before you could care to do that for your husband who is right next to you. Pezo: Daddy isn't well Karl. I was simply checking on him and that was it Kalima: you will not continue to behalf like this in front of my parents Pezo. You dared to come up here and slept we and night and first you open your eyes it's your father you think of? Pezo: am sorry my love. I really wish someone could wake me up... I was just a little tire and Kalima: and you really don't have to make me really my decision to marry you this soon. Pezo: what are you trying to say Karl? Why are you suddenly behaving this way towards me. Kalima: then I guess you expect èeeee to take pleasure in your ex forming an alliance against my family? What do you and your damn parents take me for? What do you take me for huh Pezo: it's nothing of that sort hun- Joe was just Kalima: just shut up! (Pointing an accusing finger at her) you won't expect me to tolerate this Pezo- not while I can atleast still call you my wife. Pezo became all weak. She had no idea what version of the story he got from his parents but from his reaction- she could clearly see that there was an understanding somewhere. It was only too bad that she now had no one.
15 Aug 2019 | 21:38
These disgusting criminals thought that they can come and deceive us in the name love. They are damn fu<king losers, they are gonna pay for this....the Chombas must pay for their wickedness against the Chinyamas, even if they are not among those that stole the billions, they Chombas are guilty for the sickness of Mr Chinyama after all the beautiful moments they shared together and they were this heartless and inhuman. The Chombas guilty are guilty for many things.
16 Aug 2019 | 14:58
Loving Pezo is still going on and one of the Lovers that was among those that continued Loving Pezo wasn't expected by many. Kalima is looking like a foolish Lover right now while Joe is really back like the REAL LOVE. Pezo can overcome any circumstances that comes her way. MORE STRENGTH TO MY LOVELY FRIEND PEZO.
16 Aug 2019 | 15:16
Why is Kalima behaving childish. Always believing wat his parent tell him. Even his sister isn’t helping issues. Pezo God is with you
16 Aug 2019 | 18:42
Loving Pezo Part 22 For the days that followed... the tension continued in the Chomba residence. With time, it's like everyone was aimed at waging war against Pezo for sins she never committed. And this, was the worst torture than if she was just told outwardly that she was nolonger needed in that home, marriage and within the Chomba space. Of all the people that ill treated her, Pezo was most hurt by Kalima’s attitude and behaviour. Its like he just switched off his feelings towards Pezo and decided to move on as though he never had this one person he always swore he would never live without. Till now... she never knew what side of the story made him detaste her and her entire family so much. She would always be with her mother in law in the kitchen and whenever she needed her to do some house chores but never did Mrs. Chomba make mention of what occurred between the two families. At times... Pezo would want to think her mother was hiding something from her but she always convinced herself her mother would never do that to her. She actually got to understand that this had more to do with the loses incurred by the company and that because of the love they had for money and for fear of being mixed up in the whole fracas of the chinyamas they chose to distant themselves and remain so mute about the whole this. This they said were some of the business etiquette that would prevent them from missing out on great business opportunities. They were so convinced that with what transpired with the Chinyamas that would be their downfall unless if they would perhaps relocate It was not easy for Pezo to balance her time of being a working wife, taking care of her parents and young brother as well as her usual daughter in law duties. As nobody seemed to care how she lived her life, she would commute on public transport to move from one place to another and stress just became a part of her. It was just as well Mr. Mitti was always available to help with Chiwande and in due course, she got to understand and appreciate that his help had no strings attached. She was humbled when she also leant that Sibeso the lawyer was his friend whom he had offered to help with their case. She could not thank him enough but ofcourse, she really had to keep her distance knowing so well that it's the 1st reason her husband gave her for his weird behaviour. It only began to get a little rough when she began to get low on her finances considering how much she had to put in for her father's medicals. Pezo went out of her way in ensuring that atleast Mr. Chinyama gets the best of what she could afford for the medical checkups. Instead of getting him to the hospital all the time... she strike a deal with the doctor to pass through their new home for daily checkups. Mr. Mitti was really moved with that and it was clear enough that what made her father improve even a little bit was because of the love that came with all the care Pezo offered. With time, Pezo learnt to relate with Mr. Mitti as a friend and just to forego what occurred between them. Amazingly, they were able to share with each other their downsides of life and even as Mr. Mitti’s divorce case came up for hearing within that month, Pezo was able to strengthen him on the unfortunate divorce granted plus denial of custody for Yamiko. On the other hand... Kalima suddenly seemed not to have any issues with Carolyn staying back despite her missed priorities concerning him. It was more of the social outings and orienting her through to the hot pubs/places of Lusaka city and enjoying life to the fullest with her. Even though most of the times Pezo would only have to prepare his favourite meals for his sake after her stressful days- these were at most never consumed. It hurt her much but she never allowed for that to deepen their current state of relationship for now. Her parents in law could clearly see this but they never seemed to be bothered that their son's marriage was nolonger a happy one. Instead- they would appreciate Kalima taking time to ensure that Carolyn enjoys her stay while in the country. And well- with men being men- Kalima once in a while fell into the traps of carolyn and Pezo witnessed them kissing deeply after their nights out on two occasions. It always hurt her alot but more than that, Pezo knew better were to place her worries- Kalima was just a drop of her major problems that she was currently facing with her parents and she chose to concentrate more on having that resolved and her father getting better. With time, Sibeso seemed positive on their case and it really seemed like they would make it in time to have their assets reinstated. A month passed since all the drama began. Nothing much changed in terms of how Kalima and Pezo related with each other. All that was left between the two was the room they sharef and nothing more. Mrs. Chomba continued to treat pezo more like one of the house help than the daughter in law while Kalima also continued to pretend he was seeing this. Not so sure about this aspect,Pezo so much felt they decided to channel all their attention to carolyn on the basis that Kalima would get back with him. And so, Pezo learnt to live with this pain and appearing strong although her mother would always suspect something was wrong with her. She understood that Kalima might have been upset with all that occurred having only gotten his parents side of view but even then, it was clear that he cared less for Pezo. When her mother asked Pezo ... she really saw no point of pretending any more and she had to explain all that was happening at the chombas. Mrs. Chinyama had no words to comfort her daughter with. She wept. After a while. Mrs. Chinyama: look- Pezo my darling.. I know you want to appear strong and that this is all okay for you but- You really don't have to stay if what you have passed through is the case Pezo: I know mummy- but I think what we have to concentrate on right now is dad. Let him get better then we can discuss. I can manage my husband and in laws for now. Mrs. Chinyama: but this isn't good for you dear. Its draining you and am afraid this may get worse by the day. Pezo: it's only sad that Karl had to be this way to me after really begging me to be his wife. Mrs. Chinyama: am so sorry. I know I played a bigger role in pushing you to accept Kalima into your life. Pezo: mummy please. You really have to stop this. Dad needs us more now. I can mange with what's happening to me. Really. But even as she was saying all this, she couldn't resist her tears. Thinking that Mr. Chinyama was sleeping, they spoke about many other things and it was as though Mr. Chinyama got a better understanding of what was happening to his family- ever since the attack of his stroke he had only been in bed and was not really privy to what was really happening. As they were still talking they noticed his breathing had really changed. He was literally struggling to take in and breath out any air. Pezo quickly rushed to call a cub but just before she could even find one- Mr. Mitti and Chiwande appeared as he was dropping the boy for his usual visits. Mr. Mitti didn't have to ask Pezo but knew it had something to do with the father. He rushed inside and seeing the condition Mr. Chinyama was in, he couldn't delay helping Mrs Chinyama lift him to the car. As they were rushing him to the hospital- Pezo tried calling the doctor but it never went through. At the point of arriving on there... he was so critical and was after a few hours declared dead having undergone a cardiac arrest. Pezo felt a little confused even after being told of this painful news. Despite the condition of her father, she was so hopeful that he would overcome the sickness and rise to his abilities again. She never at any point lost her faith in God. It was so hard for her to believe this just happened as she held her mother in her arms who couldn't control herself. Pezo could not even quite recall how they even went back home. But one thing she knew was that there was a true God given friend in Mr. Mitti. He had everything under control and Pezo could never imagine what would have happened without him by their side. Jane too (Joe's sister), was very supportive during this time. Having known all that was happening and being the one who permitted Mr. Mitti to offer them to stay in their family house temporarily, she was by Mrs. Chinyama's side the moment she heard of the sad news. Together with his brothers and the husband to Jane- Mr. Mitti had all prepared for the funeral and all Pezo could do was assist and approve in what they would decide. Pezo had no option but to be strong during that time seeing she was the only one to stand in for the family. Throughout the two months her father had been ill, non of his relatives were any were near them. Non of his cousins whom he had loved and supported them in their education was any were near. Only a few of her mother’s relatives were seen once in a while but even then, it seemed more of an ideal scenario were they might have heard of what happened and once proven through the visits, they all ended at just that. &&&&&&&&&&&&& By evening of the same day of his demise- The late Mr. Chinyama's death was all over social media and appeared on selected local television stations. He was one of the prominent business icons of Lusaka city and with the way his ending turned out to be- journalists were only too happy to cover the story in all sorts of angles. It was only later in the evening that Pezo realised she had not informed her in-laws about it that she began to look for her phone. Strange enough, She found a lot of calls from almost everyone at home. she could not even think of who to call back. It felt so wired that all of the sudden everyone wanted to talk to her when she always craved for these calls in the past days. As she was still staring at it, it rang again and Mr. Mitti noticed this. Joe: won't you pick that? Pezo: I- I dont know Joe. (Struggling to utter the words) - he never cared to find out how my father was doing whilst he was alive Joe- why should he show concern now? Joe: who- what are you saying? Pezo: am sorry- I shouldn't have complained to you. Shall we? Joe: (holding her by the hand as he stopped her) you know you can talk to me? Pezo: You have done enough as it is Joe. Please, I don't need to take advantage of your Joe: I haven't complained- or have I? There was silence as Pezo tried to find the right words. Although she had never shared this aspect of her relationship with him- it was so clear to Mr. Mitti that things between her and Kalima were not well. With all that has been happening with her family... No husband would foresake a wife like that. Additionally, It was an open secret that the two families were not in good terms after the whole court incidence and that it would easily affect Pezo’s marriage. Pezo: it's Karl. Am sure he was calling concerning dad's demise Joe: and? Won't you talk to him. Look am sure it's hard to be the one to relay such news to people but Pezo: I wish it was just that Joe. Unfortunately... my issues with karl and his entire family are much deeper than you would ever imagin Joe: and you think I haven't figured that out? Pezo did all she could to keep her composure, trying not to cry even with the pain that came with the confirmation that indeed her family and marital problems were so visible to the outside world. Joe: it's okay Pezo. Even if your in-laws can't see it- You are still the best daughter your parents would ever have. And even if your husband can't see this yet- you are the best woman any man would dream to have for a wife Pezo: please stop Joe. We need to go Joe: just know that here for you. Anything you need.... even a shoulder to cry on... am here. They both left the car to collect their orders and in no time... they were already heading back to the funeral house. Upon entering the small yard.. Pezo could not miss her husband and the father in law seated right in front of the entrance to the house on hired garden chairs. Instead of comforting his wife first; his gaze went straight to Mr. Mitti whom he despised alot. Mr. Mitti noticed this and he quickly Picked the items they came with and took them at the back door as his brothers assisted him. Kalima stood, walked towards his wife and giving her a kiss, hugged her tightly. Pezo never knew what to make of it. He did it with so much affection but as to whether he meant it was all left up to him. He slowly pulled her outside and made her stand besides the his X5 vehicle Kalima: am so sorry about this. We all had to rush here immediately we heard (squeezing her hand) my condolences Pezo: Thanks. I really appreciate that you could find time. Kalima: hey- why? Do you really have to be that appreciative? This is my father in law that has just left us right- you are my wife and perhaps I need to remind you that now that am here... I will be available to take you were ever you need to go. I have also instructed two chauffeurs to be on standby for anything you will need for the food you need. Pezo: Thanks. Excuse me. I will just check on mum. Kalima: I thought we could talk. I mean... don't you think I need to know what happened. As its my loving wife's father who has just passed on... people will definately want to hear how this happened from me as I sit in that funeral tent right? Pezo: am sorry but I really have to urgently attend to something. Let's talk later yeah? She left before he could respond and it was so clear she only did that to avoid talking to him. For someone who never bothered to care when she most needed him. Just when she thought she had escaped from him... she was received with a rather irritating mourning of her mother in law and Mukuka when she entered the house. Pezo just sat their and allowed them to pretend the more with their crying till they couldn't do it any more. Not that she intentionally did that but with time and the way they have been treating her- it was not easy to believe or accept that their grieving was from deep their hearts. For Mr. Chomba- the death of his once upon a time very close friend indeed affected him. Its like he never at all knew the gravity of the illness he heard of and was hoping he make it at any time to see his friend and reconcile when he would deem it fit. It was an embarrassing thing to all who knew that he could not take in his friend at his peak point of need. Throughout the funeral till the day of burial.. Pezo never gave Kalima any chance to be with her. Well atleast not completely but they never had any special moment spent like a couple would during such moments. In fact. .. non of the chombas had that opportunity with her. Mrs. Chinyama was ever with Jane and other friends who were alternating whenever one was not around while Pezo had her own ways of staying out of their sight whenever they were around. To avoid any eyebrows raised- she was with not with Mr. Mitti but his young brother, a friend from work and Chiwande when they were proceeding to church and at Memorial Park burial site. It was never an easy moment for Pezo and her family to go through this at this unforeseen moment. Mr. Chinyama was indeed ill but none of them thought of it getting to this. Throughout the procession, Pezo and Chiwande were by their mother’s side. The tribute was ofcourse read by Jane and not Mrs. Chomba while the laying of the wreaths were done as a family and no special call was made for the Chombas to do or say anything. Pezo however quickly noticed this and asked Mr. Mitti to call upon mr. Chomba to say something in his capacity as company partners though they were nolonger. One could tell that during his speech that guilt is all that filled his entire being. &&&&&&&&&&&&& Two months passed. It still felt like just yesterday since the death of Mr. Chinyama. It was a little difficult for for his widow- mrs. Chinyama to avoid getting bitter, angry and at times blaming God for what befell her family. But thank God- the church was indeed by her side. It was able to help her let go of her hurt. To make her know that much as she would not understand what was happening- it was important to trust God and move on in her life. Not that it would be an easy thing to do. Till now, Pezo had not returned back to the Chombas with a justification that her mother needed her with her for this time. She however never had it easy with Kalima who was ever checking on her and giving her unexpected visits at whatever time he wished. All in the fear of loosing his wife to Mr. Mitti who seemed more respected for the great deeds he did to the family. His entire family were also trying so hard to earn back their love and every now and then- they visited and sent through a number of home essentials that could not be rejected at most. What burdened them most was the fact that non of the chinyamas mentioned to them their past actions towards their late father and husband yet when they came... they were always welcomed but ofcourse with a different hospitality. They were indeed placed at a position they best deserved - that Judas the betrayer. through the grapevine- pezo heard of how carolyn decided to leave after hearing of what happened between the two families and the ill treatment the chinyamas were given, She just couldnt believe that greedness would make people behave in that manner. The chombas tried to convince Mrs. Chinyama to have Chiwande stay with them instead of Mr. Mitti whom they termed as a stranger but even before they could persue that idea any further Chiwande proved to be very happy with Mr. Mitti. It was clear enough that the chombas could never ever get back their place in any of the hearts of the chombas. Thats one aspect Kalima never wanted to accept and he was very clear about that wheneve he would meet with Pezo. The weekend that followed, Mr. Mitti was to pick Pezo and her mother for a special lunch at the farm. It was the first time that Mrs. Chinyama was going out since the death of her husband and Jane wanted to make it a little special. The two had grown to love and chesrish their friendship and Jane would do anything just to see Mrs. Chinyama happy. For that period, she even took in chiwande to help the boy recover well and away from a home were he would straight away realise the gap of their father. As they were leaving the house full of laughter- Kalima also appeared. Not removing his eyes away from Mr. Mitti and his Pezo- he stopped the car and quickly came out. He went straight to Pezo and without bothering to great the others.. just pulled her to his car Pezo: Please- you are hurting me. What is this? Kalima: oh yeah? Is that all you can ask me? Really? You choose to betray your husband with that good for nothing divorcee and all you can do is ask why am doing this? Pezo: Karl please- i honestly dont have time to discuss this. As you saw... we were heading somewhere and Kalima: -and i can damn chose to stop you from proceeding with him if i so wish. You are my damn wife for heavens sake. What are you trying to prove to the entire world? That you could easily strip this low by cheating in broad daylight. Pezo: (avoiding him as she tried to walk away) as i said... we really need to leave for an important appointment. Kalima just twisted her arm as he tried to get her back to him. It was so abrupt and painful that she could not hear hearself scream so loudly. Mr. Mitti quickly ran over and pulled Kalima aside as he tried to release her from his grip Kalima: (sternly pointing at Mr. Mitti) This is between my wife and I damn it. You- stay- out- of this!! Joe: not when you are hurting her this way man. Cant you see how much in pain she seem to be Mrs. Chinyama: son please. You aint resolving anything by being this Kalima: i will ask both of you to please leave me alone with my wife. Pezo is not staying but will right away leave for her rightful place. Am taking her to her husband's place. Pezo: Am not going anywhere with you Karl!! Please let go. Mrs Chinyama: Son please. May we atleast go inside the house? This is no way of handling such issues. But all fell on deaf ears. Kalima seemed so adamant about getting his wife and seeing that he was really hurting her.. Mr. Mitti decided to intervene . It's at that point that Pezo got a chance to escape back in the house to avoid attracting other onlookers. Mrs Chinyama followed her daughter inside Kalima and mr. Mitti exchanged a few words but ofcourse not for long as he too felt he could stand the embarrassment they would get. He also knew better than to exchange any more words with him considering that Pezo was his wife and he would do whatever he wished. Kalima only seemed to have been going to his extremes in how he was handling her that's why he intervened. It took time for Kalima to leave even after everyone had gone in. Pezo felt so devastated. She couldn't say anything but cry for a while. Mr. Mitti got Chiwande and left mother and child to talk for a while. Pezo: Karl had no right to do that mummy. Am so sorry. You don't deserve such heartache after finally agreeing to get out of this house only now Mrs. Chinyama: it's okay sweetheart. Nome of what happened is your fault. Pezo: why does he feel he needs me now mummy? All that time I needed him- when I had no one to tell me all that was happening to us would finally be okay. When I needed him to stand by me all this while his family treated me like a maid.. She cried uncontrollably. Mrs. Chinyama could tell how deep routed her pains towards the chombas was. It was unfortunate there was nothing much she could do to help with her situation. Marriage was complicated institute that she could not just tell her daughter to walk out of no matter how visible all her marital problems were. Mrs. Chinyama: Pezo please- I need you to take it easy child. At the end of the day- Kalima is your lawful husband and both of you need to realise that it's high time you resolved your differences and move on Pezo: please don't send me away mummy. I can't go back to that house. You of all people should understand what I have had to go through under him Mrs. Chinyama: I know but Pezo: am not going back to that house mummy. Am not going back to Karl. In fact i need a divorce. Mrs. Chinyama: d-d- divorce. Pezo, do you realise what you just said? Pezo: Karl doesn't love me mum. Am sorry but- I just can't stay with a man whose love is conditional and so dependant on outside factors. Mrs. Chinyama: atleast think about this before you make your final decision. Surely he realises he was wrong. Pezo: I cant believe am hearing this from you mummy. Why? Why do you want me to suffer more in the hands of those people. Why do you want to throw me back to them? Mrs. Chinyama: it's not like that Pezo. You know I can never Pezo: it's okay mummy. If that is what you want me to do... Then I will leave this place.. I will go back to my in-laws house. That's what you want of me right- to be obidient Mrs. Chinyama: oh shut up Pezo. What? You think I can't just chose to have you suffer if I had a choice? Pezo just stood there and never said a thing. She felt so confused and weak. This whole thing was a little to much for her to handle. Mrs. Chinyama: am sorry. I never meant to hurt the more. If anything... I understand you more than anyone else. But we still need to be very careful on how we handle this. You can choose to worsen your case by seeing your husband as your worst enemy or- talk over this like adults you are. It was as though she was talking to herself. But as Mr. Mitti had just appeared and overheard their conversation he added his voice as well. Joe: mum is right Pezo. Having gone through a divorce recently, I would not advise you to take that route. Please try to resolve your differences and unless all fails... Then contemplate doing that- divorce is never a good thing Pezo: not you too Joe. I mean- you all know that nothing between me and Joe is okay. Do i have to say that so loudly when you have already seen it? Joe: your husband realises what he did was wrong Pezo. He is willing to change for your sake. Do you think he loved putting up all that drama in front of the whole world? Obviously you know that's not his nature. Even as Mr. Mitti did all this- deep down his heart... he knew he never stopped loving Pezo And much as he was convincing her to do things the right way, his prayer was for God to throw her right back in his hands if he willed. He just never wanted to seem like he was celebrating her sufferings for his own selfish gains. The fact that their marital problems seemed to be getting worse because her husband wrongly suspected him dating his wife again didn't seem a better way of ending things too. If Pezo's destiny lied in his life, Mr. Mitti wanted things to naturally fall in place without anyone having to blame him for standing in their marriage. For all he had done to Pezo's family was done out of good malice and because it's what Jesus would have wanted for anyone to do. They never managed to go to the farms. When Mr. Mitti explained what had happened to his sister- she decided to come through and they instead had a meal together at the chinyamas. Throughout this time... Pezo really seemed low and not so much of herself. Having been a little close to her lately, Jane had a chat with her and her advise wasn't so much differnt from what her mum and mr. Mitti said. What strike her from her words was the power that lied in the chombas and their ability to destroy her if she chose to see them as her enemies. Jane: Its just as well that you never ill treated them during the funeral even after knowing so well they contributed alot to your father's death... you can chose to treat them that way even now darling. Believe me... you gain nothing by returning their bad ways and having this much bitterness in your heart. Pezo: i just wished it was that easy aunt Jane. I loved my husband with all my heart. My whole world revolved around him. I trusted in the love we shared and this I extended to his family after after knowing so well they never receprocated this to me. For me to turn my back on him can only mean that he pushed me to that. Jane: I understand you totally dear. And I want you to know that marriage is not all rosy. These and many other challenges you shall face and with time... you will realise it's out of these your love will be strengthened. It will be only okay to still reject your husband if things won't work out but you cannot just afford not giving him another chance. It finally made sense to Pezo. She also had a long telephone conversation with her grandma and the advise was the same. She got to learn about the power of a marriage certificate and that no matter what... No one human being just words to seperate a sacrament of marriage unless through the courts. The next day- the Chombas unespectedly appeared in the morning and just seeing them... Mrs Chinyama knew what their visit was all about. It was just as well that Pezo had been prepared for this. Mrs. Chinyama welcomed them in the usual humble way and even as they settled down, they never wasted any time to mention the gist of their visit Mr. Chinyama: it's good to see you brighter and stronger. Considering that it's for this reason that our daughter stayed back- we came through to see if we could have her back in her rightful place. Her husband's home. Mrs. Chomba: well I can only thank you for allowing her to stay back all this time. It wasn't going to be easy for me to be all by myself. Am actually set to travel to Zambezi tommorrow and you have just come at the right time. Mrs. Chomba: well that's great. But I sure hope you are not staying long that side. Mrs. Chinyama: mother has been insisting that I stay with her for this period. Besides... with all that has been happening in the past months, I really don't have anything to stay back for Mrs. Chomba: well like we mentioned... you know our home is open to accommodate both you and Chiwande. Right honey. Mr. Chomba: but ofcourse. Its the least we can do to help with your present situation. Am so hopeful that the case will not end badly, so please... consider Coming back soon. They never stayed for too long. Kalima was only too happy to receive his wife back home. On the contrary, he really seemed so calm and extra loving to her. It was though he was worshiping a god or some High authority that he needed to humble himself before. His entire family was not any different to that fact. All of the sudden, Pezo was being treated like a jewel among the chombas. Not trusting them anymore, she decided to keep her calm and not be so excited by their act. Kalima never seemed to be giving her any chance of herself and it was like he kept watching every single move of hers with intermittent questions of weather she was okay or if she needed a drink or if she was hungry. It was a little irritating for Pezo considering that the much love she had for him was really all erased. Inwardly... she prayed for God's mercy- also, for God to speak to her inner spirit and to just help her find some space within her to forget her husband and his family. As they were just done with dinner that evening, they all sat around the main living room when Pezo's phone rang. Thinking that it could be her mother checking on her, she just picked it. When she realised it was Mr. Mitti's voice on the other end... she pretended it was bad network and she cut the call after several hellos that she quite loudly answered back. She knew conversing with him at that point would only bring confusion. Atleast for now... all she needed was her peace. Kalima: bad network Pezo: (blankly smiling) I guess so. After a few minutes... Pezo excused herself sleep to bed..she took a quick shower and just got into bed when Kalima silently entered the room. She was so sure he never wanted to wake her up if at all she was already asleep and Pezo pretended to be as such. He got his clothes off and only remaining in his boxers... he slip into the white sheets moving himself so close to Pezo as he enveloped her entire body in his. Pezo inwardly prayed it would end at that but as she felt the first and second and more of his kisses on her left back shoulder and neck, she just shut her eyes so tightly to avoid her tears running out. This was the last thing she needed from this man she unfortunately called her husband. Kalima: I am so happy to have you back babe. You can never imagine the cold and unbearable nights I had all this time you were away. It was like he was just stabbing her again and again. He was so close she couldn't avoid smelling his sweet sweat and feeling his warm breath on her skin. Kalima: (holding her even tighter) mmmh... never ever abandone me again. I have so many regrets regarding you and our love but I know you are not going to allow our past to destroy this beautiful bond of love we share. He didn't have to wait for her to respond. He began to kiss her. Normally... she would enjoy such kisses from him but instead, each kiss felt like a sharp pain within her heart. She couldn't understand how so much hatred can be mixed with romance. As Kalima was getting deeper with his kisses and touching her in all her most sensitive parts of her body... it suddenly became so unbearable for her. She knew it was a wrong move but she just found herself moving away from him Pezo: am sorry but I really need to go to the bathroom. Cursing- Kalima let her go. Pezo quickly rushed to the bathroom and closing the door behind her she just leaned against it and inwardly cried. (Speaking to her self while weeping) ... Am sorry Mummy. .. Iam so sorry but I just can't seem to erase this great pain within me. I just can't get rid of it... am so sorry... After a while... Kalima Got a little worried and called after her. She quickly wiped her face and came out Kalima: you okay? Pezo: yes yes... just some stomach pains Kalima: (getting closer to her as he followed her to the dressing mirror were she stood as he turned her to face him) then why don't you allow me to massage it a little. I know so well what can relieve you from that pain. Pulling her closer to himself, he led her back in bed as he kissed her on her lips. Pezo couldnt reject him this time. Much as she didn't desire him... she had to fulfil her wifely duties. As he laid her on the bed- and never breaking his kiss with her, Pezo once more just shut her eyes. He slowly slid through his hand to go underneath her nightie and slowly stroked her soft skin. Though not looking him directly in his eyes... Pezo could sensé how so hungry he was for her. He began to remove her nightie shoulder by shoulder and revealed her entire nudity. She had no choice but to reciprocate his actions. And As Kalima pulled off with a sigh of satisfaction, Pezo once more wept and she could not even remember how she fell asleep that night. Kalima was still fast asleep when she woke up. She prepared herself and still so early.. she wrote a note and was almost leaving as he opened his eyes. Kalima: hey- don't tell me I overslept. What time is it? Couldn't you woke me up? Pezo: You really seemed to be so peacefully enjoying your sleep. I just thought it bad to disturb you. Kalima: (moving out of bed) it's all thanks to you darling. I must confess I had a really sweet sleep last night He gave her a kiss and Pezo just forced a smile. Kalima: I hope you ain't thinking of leaving just yet? Pezo: actually I need to. Have a breakfast meeting with some partners from Lebanon... can't afford to be late. Kalima: I can quickly take a shower and drop you off? Pezo: hey I will be okay. Don't worry. She never gave him space to negotiate further. It was only enough that she had to spend an intimate night with him even when it never pleased her. As she walked out of the house... she felt so heavy in her heart. She felt like the world was so against her and there was nothing in it for her. Her mind and heart really convinced her she could nolonger be with Kalima but with the way everyone seemed to be against her opinion, she had no option but to go back to her husband. When she arrived at the office, she looked so pale and weak. A few noticed but when asked, all she said was that she was still a little stressed from all that's been happening in her family. Her immediate supervisor suggested she takes the day off but she insisted she would manage. Her phone kept beeping with sweet messages from Kalima.reminding her of her beauty- reminding her of their love and how happy he was to be her husband and also just reminding her that he was ever thinking of her. She never responded much to them but he never gave up. Immediately it was 13hrs on the dot... she received a voice call from him and at first she ignored it only until it started attracting the attention of others did she pick the call Kalima: this is the 6th time I have called- what's going on babe? Pezo: needed something? Kalima: I just missed my wife. And I must say it's quite painful that I all I get is a sorry? Pezo: actually... I was in a meeting honey. Really I apologise for the missed calls Kalima: I see. Noted. There was a short silence as Pezo waited for him to state his gist of the call Kalima: am outside your offices. Thought we could do with a quick lunch together. Mind coming out? She proceeded to see him. And so was it on a daily basis. But it was not easy for Pezo to accept that a Kalima would love her again. That his family would change and love her again. So she only lived because she had to and not that she wanted to. Throughout this phase, Pezo never gave up on fighting for what was lost for her family. Intermittently, she would communicate with Mr. Mitti and Sibeso just to get updates of were the matter was at. It was not easy to do this considering Kalima was ever tracking her movements. At most they would differ but even that never had Pezo give up to fight for what rightfully belonged to her. With time... they was positive response to have the the Pezo tracked and security firm was hired to have him surrendered to police right their in Europe were he had eloped to. On a sad note, Matimba and her grandmother were involved in a terrible traffic accident and only Yamiko and his nanny who were seated on the back seat survived it. Mr. Mitti was the first to be informed about this and it was a horrible sight as he identified the two bodies. Pezo and her mother who had since returned from Zambezi were equally Supportive of this process to Kalima. Jane immediately took in the nanny and Yamiko and together with Mrs. Chinyama, they pledged to assist Kalima raise the child. It was around this same period that Pezo discovered she was pregnant after strange experiences in her health. Her mother was so sure that it must have been the work stress when she saw how pale she seemed but all made sense after the doctor announced the news. They had just returned from the burial site of Matimba and her grandma's funeral that she suddenly felt dizzy. She tried to avoid it and prêtend as though all was well but it was getting worse by the minute. Everyone was having lunch when she excused herself and it was at that point that she collapsed. Mr. Mitti and her mother rushed her to the nearest hospital and it was not long before the doctor called them both in and thinking that Mr. Mitti was the husband, happily informed them Pezo was pregnant. Upon return to the ward she was confined in, Pezo had just woken up and was a little confused Pezo: joe- mummy? What are we doing here. Her mother just smiled as she held her by the hand- squeezing it tight Mr. Mitti: congratulations- Mrs. Chomba Joe: wha- what do you mean- can someone please tell me what's going on here... Mrs. Chinyama: you are expecting a baby sweetheart- you are going to be blessed with a child. Joe: i think you need to inform your husband immediately Pezo: (abruptly) no!! I mean- not just yet - I will tell him later. But please- I really need to get out of here Both Mrs. Chinyama and Mr. Mitti were a little shocked. Pezo never seemed to be happy with the news at all. Rather, she seemed so disappointed and avoided further discussions around the issue. Mr. Mitti's heart uncontrollably leaped with joy.
17 Aug 2019 | 04:50
Loving Pezo_The FINALE Part Joe: congratulations- Mrs. Chomba Pezo: wha- what do you mean- can someone please tell me what's going on here... Mrs. Chinyama: you are expecting a baby sweetheart- you are going to be blessed with a child. Joe: i think you need to inform your husband immediately Pezo: (abruptly) no!! I mean- not just yet - I will tell him later. But please- I really need to get out of here Both Ms. Chinyama and Mr. Mitti were a little shocked at how much she never wanted her husband to know about this. Pezo never seemed to be happy with the news at all. Rather, she looked so disappointed and avoided further discussions around the issue. Mr. Mitti's heart uncontrollably leaped with joy. for he knew his hope on Pezo was not to be lost just yet. Ms. Chinyama: unfortunately- you cannot leave just yet darling. Joe: your blood pressure was so low. He suggests you stay for the day so they may observe you before they can advise on way forward Pezo: what? But I feel just fine - how can I stay here the whole day- mom.. you need to talk to the doctor please- I will be perfectly fine I promise Mrs. Chinyama: I think it's best we follow the doctors instructions for now sweetheart. You really didn't look well when we brought you here Joe: mom is right Pezo. I know this isn't a pleasant place to be but- for our sake- yours and that of your unborn child; please stay. As usual, it was a situation none of both could understand in terms of what was happening to her. For that moment- she remained composed and made it seem like all was well. After an hour or so... Ms. Chinyama decided to call Mrs. Chomba and informed her of what happened. Mr. Mitti at that point decided to already leave to avoid any misunderstanding. Ofcourse it was an issue with Kalima when he discovered the hospital his wife was at for he outwardly knew without asking that his wife was at the Mitti farms. He was so upset with Pezo and swore to give her a piece of her mind when he saw her. But the moment he arrived and the doctor told him and the rest of his family why she was admitted... its more joy that filled both his mind and heart. Mr. and Mrs. Chomba were ofcourse overwhelmed too. It was so so long since they had a baby in the family but it was more joyous because this one was to come as a grandchild. A special addition to the clan that they could not resist thank God for. Just by looking at how joyful everyone was- she could not help but just feel their joy as well. After a while, everyone left and kalima and Pezo remained alone. As he sat beside her on the side chair... he held both her hands in his as he kissed them each at the time Kalima: am the happiest today honey. You have no idea what this gift means to me. I promise to make you happy always and to be the best daddy to our children Pezo: Am glad you are happy. To be honest... I never thought this family could have anything to celebrate for under my name. Am so happy to see mum and dad so happy with this. Kalima: you have everything that can give us reason to celebrate you sweetheart. Like I said earlier- all I need for you is to be happy and not to think too much. The doctor mentioned something to do with your blood pressure.. if this has anything to do with you thinking too much- I need you to stop it already Pezo giving him a light grin tried to get up but could not as she still had a headache Kalima: it's okay. You really need to relax honey. The doctor advised you do so. The next morning, Pezo stabilised and she was discharged from the hospital. Although he never mentioned about his worries of her being in touch with Mr. Mitti, Kalima remained quite about it for the sake of peace in their marriage. For the days that followed, Pezo was treated like a princess amongst the Chomba family. She was nolonger allowed to do any house chores and to that effect... its like she was ever being watched to ensure she never did. Kalima also tried very hard to have her stop work but she was clever enough to justify that she still needed to be doing something atleast. Their love was sort of reshaping and slowly... its like Pezo began to regain the lost trust and love in her husband and in-laws. As Kalima got to somewhat realise that it could never be a good idea to have Pezo always under her in-laws roof- they developed a habit of spending weekends and eating out whenever they could. However, Kalima really seemed to be tone apart between impressing his family and wife at the same time. Pezo noticed this and she chose to sacrifice her happiness for her in-laws. It was always lovely to be just the two of them whenever they could... to wake up at whatever time they decided to without anyone disturbing them... to walk around the house half naked whenever she pleased and just to live life without thinking of who will watch how you are behaving- eating- dressed or just getting a little romantic with her husband whenever;whatever and whereever she pleased. Their problems mashroomed again three months later when Sibeso, the lawyer announced the great news. The guy who was caught with Mr. Chinyama's money managed to pay back 75% of the funds and this was a direct refund to the bank. As the house and everything else that was ceased through the court bailiffs was being handed back to ms. Chinyama and her family- they equally felt it was something worth celebrating. But because... Mr. Mitti was so heavily involved in the process of having the chinyama assets recovered, the Chombas never really took part in the celebrations. It was rather more of the mitti brothers, Sibeso and his partners at his lawfirm and the Chinyamas. With the manner in which Pezo and Kalima had really gotten over things and rekindled their love... she was one hundred percent sure her husband would forego his differences with Mr. Mitti and join in the joy. But it was a different outcome all together. Well atleast the entire Chomba family was around during the handing over of the mansion and ceased documentation but all decided to leave at the same time as the court officials. Mrs Chomba convinced her husnand to leave for obvious reasons that she never liked seeing Mrs. Chinyama and Jane together and happy. It was bad enough that Kalima wanted his wife to leave with them with an excuse that none of what was in that mansion ever belonged to her but only to her young brother and mother. When she refused by demanding that she stays on a little more- he never said anything but just left. Pezo was a little worried initially but with the joy that enveloped around the house... she forgot about all that and chose to live for that moment. Atleast she spoke to Jane about what happened and not liking what she was hearing... she only encouraged Pezo to remain vigilant and strong through her marital challenges. She also emphasised that despite all that happened... she could still remain apologetic despite knowing the reason why he decided to leave. Over the months, Pezo and Jane had grown to be close in the past months as she considered her like an aunt. Pezo was loved naturally by Jane and as she would at times compare her personality with thst of the late Matimba, she always found herself praying for her young brother Joe to meet someone who woyld be as close to what Pezo was. Ofcourse this was before she knew that Pezo and Joe already had a history together. When Mrs. Chinyamba told her the story and how Joe used their situation to grab a chance of being forgiven, she was so humbled that Pezo and her mother never lived in the past of what happened in their new relationship with her young brother. By the time she was talking to Pezo about it, she got to learn so much more about her and her current life with Kalima. And so, even at the peak point of her challenging moments- especially with all that she went through with her family and how her husband's family never supported her much, it was only Jane who knew much with what she was really going through. It was also Jane who helped her learn to love her husband again in the midst of this unforeseen pregnancy she had.She had really been a good person to her entire family and Pezo could never be any thankful. Much as pezo was ever opening up to her with her problems... it always drew Jane to her worry for one other person- Joe her young brother and she always regretted the fact that she only knew about Pezo when it was too late. When her young brother had already messed her up. ******************** When Pezo returned home... it was a little late in the night and everyone seemed to have an attitude towards her. After greeting them all, she just decided to leave for upstairs to rest. It was obvious to her that none liked what was reported on concerning their most celebrated recovery of assets. On most cover photos for the feature story... it was mainly Mr. Mitti who got the credits for assisting the Chinyamas. Pezo stood next to him in most cases and they all seemed so happy. But as Pezo had no control over what the media would report on and who would be covered and so like Jane advised her, she decided to give him space till he would feel like talking to her again. After just a few moments, Kalima entered the room and still looking upset, he went to sit on the bed as he was trying to remove his shoes in preparation for bed. Pezo just went and knelt down ready to assist Pezo: May I? Kalima: it's fine. I will manage this. Pezo: still upset with me? Kalima never answered but just continued to untie his shoelaces. Pezo: Am sorry. Am sorry if I hurt you or mum but this was important for me honey. Kalima: só important that you had to misbehave with your lover in front of the whole world? Pezo: lover? Karl? Kalima: (rising to his feet with so much anger) oh just shut up for heaven's sake... what is it that was hidden for anyone to read in between the lines Pezo? Is it so much for me to ask that you remain a loyal wife Pezo: you know there is nothing between me and Joe Karl- all he did was help with the situation Kalima: shut up!! It's here not necessary that you mention that name in my house Pezo saw that there conversation was nt leading to any good and she decided to head into the bathroom before she could finally retire to bed. But kalima not so satisfied with how it all ended, followed her there and held her by her upper right arm Kalima: I shall not tolerate a repeatation of what happened today. And just so you know- I do not like the fact that your mother is in full support of your relationship with that good for nothing man even in your state Pezo: do not involve Mum in this karl. Please- let go of my hand- you are really hurting Kalima: oh so it hurts does it? Can this be compared to what kind of hurt you have inflicted upon me? And my family? Pezo: please Kalima: unfortunately you have to live with the fact that am the only man you can be with. And ofcourse- that you can not be with any other He falsely pushed her away as he let go and left while Pezo accidentally fell right on the bathtub edge hitting her tummy on it. With the pain being too much- Pezo could not even cry out or move for a while. She never knew what was happening to her or what she needed to do. Her tears just kept pouring out of her eyes as she tried to move up. She stayed in the same position for a while and by the time she managed to drag herself from one point to the other.. she noticed there was so much blood on the floor and just at the sight of it... she collapsed. Pezo stayed in that state for over 15minutes till Chisala who brought Kalima’s files left downstairs noticed Pezo on the floor laying helplessly and Kalima already in bed It shocked Kalima that he actually hurt her. They quickly called their mother and in no time, they were at the hospital. As the condition seemed serious... Pezo was rushed to the emergency room and it took more than an hour before the doctor on duty could come out to give any feedback. Till then, her mother was not even informed of what was happening. Kalima became so helpless as he could not control his tears with no hope of any good news coming forth. When the doctors finally walked out- Kalima was the first to follow him to demand for an update but it was nothing so pleasant; Pezo had lost the pregnancy, she had lost alot of blood which contributed to her delay in regaining conscious but more than that, they immediately needed to have her cleaned and assess weather there was any damage that had been caused to the womb and at that point- they were still looking into that and would only update everyone in the morning. Mrs. Chomba : well can we atleast see her Doctor: unfortunately- she is in no state to see anyone ma'am. Kalima: am her husband doc.... atleast just let me Doctor: please come back tommorrow- your wife will be given the best care in the special unit. excuse me
19 Aug 2019 | 02:58
Okay.... After Pezo's recovering from the hospital, she needed a divorce and Mrs Chinyama couldn't say no this time after all the circumstances surrounding their marriage. The divorce was granted by the Judge, few months later Joe got back with Pezo. The Love between Pezo and Joe got stronger, right now they are married with three kids, two girls and one boy plus the first son, making it four children. The Chombas became poor because Mukuka forged all the documents to their wealth and ran away. The Chinyamas got richer and richer while Pezo and Joe with the kids became the richest in the country and their Love was a very SUPER LOVE.
19 Aug 2019 | 14:55
I'm so happy for my friend Pezo, we have been doing some business together and having fun with her family recently.......THE END.
19 Aug 2019 | 15:07
Next please
24 Aug 2019 | 11:46


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