Love From Vict-Vames To Tennie

Love From Vict-Vames To Tennie

By Vict-Vames in 14 Jul 2015 | 18:00
Vict-Vames In-law}

Vict-Vames In-law}

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Member since: 10 Jul 2015
Chapter One:

The phone rang and Tennie answered
the phone. She talked over the line for
a few minutes and right after it
"Waaaahh!" shouted the excited her
while running at the corridor. She
went to the lounge area, where
everyone is busy with their own stuff,
and announced the big news. "I got
accepted! I got... I mean.. I didn't
expect it but.. Gosh I am so happy! I
can now study in America daddy!"
Everybody seemed very happy aside
from me. In fact, ever since that
announcement, I became distant to
the family, especially to Tennie.
At the Gym, I was doing my
everyday workout. Every punches i
throw, my mind shouts 'Stupid',
'Macho chick', 'clueless tomboy' . It
echoes in my mind until i was
interrupted by Tennie
"Vict-Vames, are you okay? You're not
being yourself these past few days.."
" The hell? Now you have the guts to
ask.. You really are a one clueless
dumb" , I thought to myself.
"You came here to ask me that? Tennie, don't
you have anything else to do? You
should prepare yourself for America
you know. You are THAT excited
aren't you?" I said sarcastically
"Well.. Yeah.. But"
"If there is nothing else, you can go
now. Your disturbing me ok? Tsk.
Why should a stupid tomboy have to
come here anyways?"
"Fine! Why should
someone watch a pervert jerk like you
anyways?" Tennie yelled leaving, shutting the
door close.
Days passed and I acts
differently still. I talk less, eat
less.. It is just so not me. Ever since
that gym incident, Me and Tennie
had not had a chance to talk (or
maybe I dont really want to)
. And so Tennie tried different ways to
reach me.
The two of us were alone at the house and
I was sitting on the couch
enjoying the silence of the day. "So
Vict-Vames, how 'bout if we practice
today? I wouldn't be able to do this
kind of stuffs in America you know?
So what you think?" Asked Tennie
"Nah.. Id probably sleep, go ask
Khola if you want..".
That was the first time I ever
rejected to do work out with Tennie…
"Ok.. ahm.. I'll just go outside okay?",
I didn't reply.
Tennie was walking at the park when
she saw me resting on a large
branch of a tree. "Hey Vict-Vames! I got
savings from my allowance so.. how
about a sweet sundae? My treat!
What ever you want. So.. let's go?" Tennie offered
"Tennie.. I'm.. I'm a bit tired okay? I
fought khola and James today.. I
just wanna sleep". I returned to
my resting position.
"But Vict… FINE!". Tennie walked
away sadly...
This would be the last. Tennie told
herself. I was at the gym doing
some punches. I was thinking about
Tennie so much that I had not
noticed her presence. Tennie threw a
punch to me. Her face came so
sudden that i was not able to dodge
"haha! I thought your practicing
everyday? I dont remember you
missing that simple attack before…".
I was still not my self. I
was sitting on the floor due to the
punch i got. I got up and prepare
to leave.
"Shut up…. I'm done anyways so…"
I was on my way out.
"OKAY! That's it! What's your
problem Vict-Vames? You gone out
insane? You are not even talking to
me, or to anybody else! I am reaching
you out and all you just do is ignore
me and leave me behind! I tried
everything to wo…". I stopped
her, I am so done. I got enough of
"ME? Always leaving you behind? So
it's me now? How about America
Tennie huh? How about that? To hell
with that stupid two years! " Tennie
was left blankly. "What the hell am I
gonna do? Jump out happily seeing
the woman I love throws at me
Tennie was surprised. "did he just say
the woman he love?" , she thought.
I then pull Tennie's hand. I
pushed her against the wall and
cornered her with my own body. My
two hands were also touching the
wall, head of tennie was between my
two arms. I was angry. My face
was so close to her. An inch or two
and i could already kiss her.
"you are selfish Tennie! You aren't
even thinking about me! What am I
supposed to do without you?" Tennie
was blushing and surprised. She can
feel my breath on her lips.
"you stupid tomboy! I love you! You are supposed to be with
me! … don't you want me around? I
love being with you….. for all you
know…". I calmed. "I love
seeing you smile, I love practicing
with you, I even love your cooking
even though it kills me.. I love.. I just
love… I just love you okay? You
stupid! I need you… don't go...
please... ". I close my eyes as
I plead.
Tennie was happy, in fact never been
happier. She have wanted to hear
those words. I was so
romantic, not in my self still but she
loved it. Her face was red as a tomato
and she didn't know what to say to
me, or even know what to do.
She lifted both her arms to touch
my face. She closed her eyes
and that moment she kissed my lips. My eyes got wide open. Her
arms fell on my sides. I felt weak.
Tennie's lips touching mine… it was
soft, warm, sweet, the best i ever
tasted. It lasted for about five
seconds. Tennie broke the kiss, her
hands still on my face.
"I love you too dummy..". Tennie
smiled at me. Then she embraced
Me. One arm around my neck,
and the other around the side of my
I got back to my senses. I
loved this, I have waited for
this. Tennie's body was touching mine.
From knees to front of our hips.. her
breast brushing my chest, her heads
leaning on my shoulder.
I embraced her back, my one
arm went from her left waist to her
right shoulder, and the other one
enveloped her entire waist. I was
owning her. I embraced her
passionately, I hold her
"I'm sorry Vict.. but you know I
need this right? I want to be with you
too but please understand". Tennie
said while still embracing me.
After hearing those words of hers, i held
her more tightly. So tight that tennie could
hardly breathe.
"Tennie please…"
"what if.. what if other guys go to
you? Huh? You're too sexy who
knows what they plan to do with
you?" Tennie was more in awe,
I became so different. I have
been calling her macho chick and
now I told her she's sexy.
"Viiict..?", akane blushed
"what? I'm serious! Who's there to
protect you? Clumsy.. if any guy
touches you.. I swear id kill him
twice! You're mine right? I m the only
one to touch you…". I said,
Tennie is flushing so red. Gosh she
never thought i could be this
romantic. My tight embrace, my
words, her happiness is over flowing.
"Vict, You're really are a pervert you
know that?" Tennie smiled. "okay.. I
promise not to entertain any guys…
and I promise.. its only you who can
touch me.. okay? Happy now?"
Tennie asked smiling. "now, are you
okay with the idea that I am
I was still sad but was
assured. Still embracing, i started
caressing tennie's back and planted a
small kiss on her neck. Tennie loved
that. It gave her shiver.
I faced tennie, both my arms now
on her waist. "Fine. But remember
your promise okay? And call me!
Write me letters! Send me pictures
and send m.." I was
interrupted as tennie planted a kiss
on my lips! It was a smack but
I was so happy, tennie kissed
me twice now. It's addicting..
"I know.. I will.. okay? Don't worry.."
Tennie reassured me with a smile
"But I still think your selfish.." I
said. Tennie gave me a confusing
"I mean, you kissed me twice now but
you never let me kiss you even once,
that selfish you know?"
"haha. How bout if I give you the
permission to do it wherever you
want and whenever you wa.," I
didn't have to let her finish. I
quickly kissed her. But that time, it
wasnt a smack anymore. I was
kissing her the French way. It was
gentle and passionate. Tennie's
widely opened eyes were closing as
she enjoyed it.
I kissed her as though I am a
starving man that have not being able
to eat for a year, i found my way to
her lips as my food. It's dominating
yet it's gentle. She moaned. She
couldnt help it. Every time i
open my mouth and devour her lips,
she get insane, the sound of our lips
as we kiss just added to the
I moved slightly my lips away
from her to whisper..
"I love you baby.." I kissed her once
again and whisper again. "I love
you..". then i continued my kiss. My
mouth opening and closing, savoring
Tennie's lips on every bit.
I caressed her back far more
passionately than how i had done it
a moment ago. She's weak. She
didn't know she could be this weak.
She cannot do anything. She just left
herself be taken by me. She was
enjoying the moment until her
attention was taken a back from
something. She was feeling
something hard. Right down to her
soft spot.. she blushed.
"Vict… ahmm.." she break the kiss
and looked down to where she felt it.
I was embarrassed. I'm hard,
so hard. And that tight embrace i
was doing with tennie just makes her
notice it more. With how things went,
I just couldnt help my manhood to
erect like that.
"Tennie.. I'm.. it's just that..". Tennie
smiled when she saw how i became
"Pervert… its okay you dummy..". that
calmed me. I smiled. I then
continue kissing tennie. This time
slightly losing the gentleness. I
cannot control myself anymore. I
kissed her faster. Her lips were so wet
because of my saliva. But she loved
it. Its getting more and more wet..
more and more intense.. I opened
her mouth wider.. I changed my
kissing angle so frequently.. the
starving me, seemed to be hungry
now for five years i wass eating her
lips as though it was my only way to
Tennie now on her senses kissed me
back, she opened her mouth as i
did, and closed it as i did. She
savored the moment as she also
enjoyed the feeling of my hard
manhood right on her soft spot.

You're All Invited
Please someone should help me do the invitations as I only know few people here.
14 Jul 2015 | 18:00
@Tenniebenson @khola46 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @pizzaro @doozie @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @calisto @hbk @frank @davick @whistler @sirp081 @kristen @liciacutes @whistler @murshan @wind @mojhisolar @charlywizzy @scholes junior @seyifunmi @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @besty @shaxee @kemkit @jenny @leo @john @williams @softtouch @hoelhay @christopher @opeyemii @oluchi @maurice @abdulseries @olamy4fun @hameyeenat @stanny39 @harnuholuwa @jhorlade @somkhid @ruth @flames @loveth @peace @chinanza @ty @mrsolace @kingsbest @ib_dreams @frankkie @crusher @wind @maxblaze @jclash @pholaryemmie @dozzle @donvalley @donpaschalo @joseph @fridex @davin @nash @kuks @ewomazeal @nizzy @ebube @okklad @justify @funmilayo1 @loveth @donb @iksqueency @smilie @borwerleh @hollar @kolababs @ogbara @franklin @vasty @walexidey @damzitayo @chikere @anita @iamchris @wisdom @thankmic @christopher @jummy @maurice @herbyhorlarh @magdalene @esejerro @roes @pearl @chernor @priceocity @mature @swissy @omodunbi @sam @ibrams @dhemilade1 @oyindamola1 @samdee @lawman @others u are invited
14 Jul 2015 | 18:07
Oya ohh vict- vames don land ohh @t-dak Ah dn help u small Call d rest..biko
14 Jul 2015 | 18:09
14 Jul 2015 | 18:20
@phinebraim thankz alot
14 Jul 2015 | 18:21
wow thanks sis.
14 Jul 2015 | 18:32
@kedike @precy @dabcy @Japhola, @Olesev @somkhid @Anitcham @kemkit @Besty @Daintyshewa @komh @Babi @victoriouschild @lawman @charlywizzy @SeniorG @Borwerleh @Mr Fabulous @Blesinlayla @barmedhele @D00zie @Mosesmichael @Felzy @Emmazzy @Simzy @kholade @petraify @Valentine @mike carter @Blessed @GeeAdore @Allan jr @Zainet @IAmDrake @Oyefestus @John walter @shola aba @Benedict @Romanus. @Starlet @Oladoja Muhammed @Fabzgrace @Blackstud @bsam @shugarlips @murshan @olaswag3 @otumala Israel @taiwo @jummybabe @nizzy @lawman @davick @davin @emmabrous @chiwendu @ebube @kemkit @victotiouschild @richiebill @treasure @soniamimi @mosesmicheal @japhola @ibrams @holaryinkhar @itzpweety ify @swissbliss @ayomi @mae-d @ivie @fherahoney @emmazzy @iog_tosinlee @kelvinmag @ibn bashir @donpaschalo @joseph @dexterity @hilary @oludear @Japhola, @Daintyshewa @komh @Babi @victoriouschild @lawman @pizzaro @charliebryn @charliewizzy @SeniorG @Borwerleh @Mr Fabulous @Blesinlayla @barmedhele @D00zie @Mosesmichael @Felzy @Emmazzy @Simzy @kholade @petraify @Valentine @mike carter @Blessed @GeeAdore @Allan jr @Zainet @IAmDrake @Oyefestus @John walter @shola aba @Benedict @Romanus @Oladoja @Tenniebenson @khola46 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Tenniebenson @Anitcham @Stephanie @Mray @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Delight @Rhennyjay @GeeAdore @Tonia @Hameyeenat @InemLove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Charliebryn @Charlywizzy @Japhola @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @VibratingWind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Gracy @Olami @Promise @Sylvia @Besty @Bsam @Youngestprince @Simzy @DonMikie @Portable @Olaking3 @Harddy @Henry @Hardeywummy2 @Blakstudd @Prince @Kingsbest @Flames @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Escysegzy @Olusegun @Sandy @Adewunmi @Adesewa200 @Adesewa @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @SexyNikky1994 @calisto @hbk @frank @davick @whistler @sirp081 @kristen @liciacutes @whistler @murshan @wind @mojhisolar @charlywizzy @scholes junior @seyifunmi @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @besty @shaxee @kemkit @jenny @leo @john @williams @softtouch @hoelhay @christopher @opeyemii @oluchi @maurice @abdulseries @olamy4fun @hameyeenat @stanny39 @harnuholuwa @jhorlade @somkhid @ruth @flames @loveth @peace @chinanza @ty @mrsolace @kingsbest @ib_dreams @frankkie @crusher @wind @maxblaze @jclash @pholaryemmie @dozzle @donvalley @donpaschalo @joseph @fridex @davin @nash @kuks @ewomazeal @nizzy @ebube @okklad @justify @funmilayo1 @loveth @donb @iksqueency @smilie @borwerleh @hollar @kolababs @ogbara @franklin @vasty @walexidey @damzitayo @chikere @anita @iamchris @wisdom @thankmic @christopher @jummy @maurice @herbyhorlarh @magdalene @esejerro @roes @pearl @chernor @priceocity @mature @swissy @omodunbi @sam @ibrams @dhemilade1 @oyindamola1 @samdee @others u are invited
14 Jul 2015 | 18:33
@Abdulrasaq Adetunji @Purity @DaintyShewa @PhineBraim @Seadurf @Konphido @blixin @wise one @dabcy @kedike @mimi @addieola @stephanineella @alexandrawuraola
14 Jul 2015 | 18:49
@T-DAK tnkz hommy
14 Jul 2015 | 18:49
Chapter Two: "Tennie..make sure you bring me something to sell o.", said hilary; tennie's sister "oh my.. tennie should focus more on her study..", Mrs Benson replied "Its okay guys, I'll do fine there. I still have some of my clothes to pack so I leave you guys now okay? I'll just fixed my things.." Tennie walk into her room. She stared on every wall of her room knowing she would not be able to see it for 2 years. She let out a sigh and prepared to fix her things. I suddenly opened her door. "Hey so what's up". I greeted her awkwardly, hiding the sadness in my words. I walked towards her and gave her a small kiss on her lips. "I'm packing these left clothes Vict..." "oh..". I sat on her bed and watched her pack her things. I'm surely gonna miss her.. "I wanna kiss you more. Would you be mad if I throw you to this bed and position myself on top of you and kiss you?", the depressed thought inside me. "Tennie… ' i was now serious. I was whispering but still letting her hear what i had to say. "I.. I wanna fuck you.. so bad.. let's.. let's have sex…" I asked her blushingly. Tennie's heart was beating so fast. It was just so sudden. It's only yesterday that we revealed our feelings and now i wanted to have sex. I was looking down on the floor. I knew what i said. I really wanted to fuck her. I wanted to own her. I wanted to kiss her lips, her neck, her breast. I wanted to know how her nipple tastes like. I wanted to kiss her belly, her soft spot. Yes, even her soft spot, i wanted to see it, smell it, taste it. I wanted to thrust my big manhood inside her. I wanted to know what it feels like when i rub my cock on her pussy. I wanted to rock inside her. I wanted to hear her moan… to ask me to go faster.. to hear her shout my name when she orgasm. I wanted her everything. After all she'll be gone for two years. But tennie was way too silent. Maybe she wasn't ready. So i changed the mood. "haha! Caught you!", I shouted, laughing. She was shocked. You don't have to joke around serious things like that. Tennie in dismay threw one of her shirts to me. But I, ever being the martial artist and a black belt holder just caught it. Then i smelled the shirt "you know tennie.. I really love how you smell". She blushed. I decided to help her after that. "so what else to pack?" "everything in that cabinet", she smiled. I saw her sexy underwear. I got one of her panties, hold it upright to have a clear view of it. "Tennie, don't you think this sexy panty doesn't suit a tomboy like you?" I teased as i examined her panty. I've never touched her panty before. And that moment i was, and there she was, no punches thrown. Instead she just grabbed it away from my grip. "pervert!" She then put the panty on her bag. I smiled. Tennie was so cute when she blush. "I love you.. ". I smiled. "yah.. I know.. I love you too..". she had the I-don't-really-care tone on her voice but i could tell she mean it. "you do?" I teasingly asked. "Viiict?" "then kiss me. Prove it." I smiled. "nah.. id rather not. I don't love kissing jerk like you anyways.." She joked "really? Weird huh? Coz I remember you yesterday kissing me twice and even responding to my French kiss..". "well.. I just don't wanna upset you.. that's it and.." "kiss me..". I had his serious face. She then decided not to mock me anymore. So she moved from her position and sat at the back of me. Then, she embraced me from behind. Then she slightly tilted my head to face her and then she kissed me. It was just a short kiss but i was still satisfied. "as much as I wanted to kiss you longer, you know I still have to fix my things right?". She then went back to packing her things. "I love you tennie..." I told her looking at her eyes. "I love you too Vict". She smiled. And we returned to packing. "we are done! Whoa! Now.. I just have to take a shower.." Tennie said "ooohh.. you want me to join you? I'd love to wash your body you know?" I daringly asked. I seem to be joking, but i really did mean it. "you wish vict…". She said still smiling "hmm.. you don't want? How bout if you wash me instead? I'd love it if you touch me down there…" i looked down on my manhood. She quickly got the idea. She then blushed. My words were becoming sensual but she loved it. She just 'hmp' me while she went out of the room with her towel. I just smiled..
14 Jul 2015 | 18:52
Welcome bro. We set your back. We are here others are coming. Just continue this thing oh if u no want make we fight in ..........Mortal Kombat. just joking.
14 Jul 2015 | 18:55
Wow......Vhiz would be excitinq....Next please... @T-Dak thankz for the invite....u're kul..
14 Jul 2015 | 18:59
Oya na... buh dat go be 2moa oo wen dem show
14 Jul 2015 | 19:00
nyc one @vict-vames
14 Jul 2015 | 19:09
@Phinebraim Thankz too for the invite....
14 Jul 2015 | 19:12
@B'SAM thankz bro
14 Jul 2015 | 19:23
Wow! Cnt stop smilling.... Where is my pal? @Babe4biola nd my sis @Hilary come hia guyz.... I'm sitted already...let d story continue....
14 Jul 2015 | 19:41
Hmmmmmmmmm nyc one@vict
14 Jul 2015 | 22:10
9ice 1 nd tankx @ t dak
15 Jul 2015 | 02:19
Thanks for the invite @T-DAK. Can I have my seat?
15 Jul 2015 | 04:24
nawa oh
15 Jul 2015 | 04:27
i luv diz...@vame u ar good
15 Jul 2015 | 04:37
10x dearie @T-Dak...... 9ic story @vict-vames..... M nt late, m I.....?
15 Jul 2015 | 04:46
oya vict-vames don serious,..... u even did this story for......tennie omo....make i try do my own....abt her she she......nah nice one kip it up....
15 Jul 2015 | 05:50
@kohm thankz @hilary thanks o... I won win ur sis heart @Precy U re not late... @ibrams no be smal tin o I dy kraze 4 hr eh...
15 Jul 2015 | 06:04
Wow nice one thanks to the lovely person that invited me
15 Jul 2015 | 06:05
Chapter Three: at the airport "Tennie, could you not say goodbye now?" I asked. "what? I.. I thought you wanted me to stay longer? Well.. FINE!". She turned her back on me and was preparing to say goodbye to the family. But i stopped her quickly by holding her hand. "Idiot.. what I mean is, say your goodbye to them already coz I'm gonna take the rest of your time hugging and kissing you.. you tomboy." She blushed with what I just told her. She smiled and followed what i had told her. "oh my.. isn't it too early tennie? Please stay longer" says Mrs Benson (Her mother) Everybody nodded and to convince her to say "But i told them we are gonna do.. you know.. something.." she blushed. They were shocked. Hilary was planning on teasing her sister but Mrs Benson silenced her. "okay then, we'll miss you.. take care of yourself sister.." Hilary said. Everybody gave tennie their goodbyes. After that she then came to me who was standing beside a post. "so.. what now?" she shyly asked. I then hugged her. Its always tight she couldn't breathe. But she loved it. She hugged me back, though not as tight as mine. My face was on her shoulder. She could feel how sad i was. Everybody could see us, both our fathers were crying in happiness. We had been hugging like that for fifteen minutes. "I'll punish you for leaving me.. just wait till you come back" I forcedly smile. "haha. Now I'm thinking if I should go back". "nah. I'll punish you that's for sure. But I tell you, you are not gonna suffer." I kissed her neck and smiled. She blushed. "Vict, i'll miss you.. so much" she tightened her hug. Ten minutes more before the plane leave. We heard the announcement. "Tennie, can I kiss you until you have to leave?" which means we'll kiss for ten minutes. "ohh vict" was all she could reply. I started kissing her. Gentle as i started but as time passed by i lost the calmness again. The way i kissed her, its quite embarrassing for her 'coz it is so intimate she knew we shouldn't be doing it on a public place like that. But i was so dominating, my every kiss seems to tell how i'll miss her, 'coz i love her. She started kissing me back, the kiss was getting more and more passionate. Our moans were getting louder than it should. "Vict…. aaahh…" , i bite her lips softly "mmmmmm… tsup..… tsup….. I love you… tsup… I love you baby.. tsup " I whispered to her as i kissed her passionately. The family could hear the sound of our kisses as well as our moans. "Vict… mmmm… tsup… I'll miss you.." Tennie whispered back as I continue to bite and kiss her lips. We continued to be like that. It was so hot and passionate that if only we were not in the airport, all we just have to do is strip and start bleeping. Time has come. She has to leave. She reluctantly broke the kiss and told me she had to go. She finally said her final goodbye. My heart was breaking seeing her walk away. "I didn't know you two are already doing that" hilary asked "you have no idea…" i replied and we all went back home.
15 Jul 2015 | 06:11
kai! I no go miss this
15 Jul 2015 | 06:30
wow...diz guy is madly inlove with my sister ni
15 Jul 2015 | 06:36
Uhmmmm yeah ryt... My sis had no idea.... Ryt? @Hilary
15 Jul 2015 | 06:37
Lolz, @hilary no mind im jawe he wnt 2 disflower ur sis ni. @vict-vames nah my broda go marry her in america. @tenniebenson am here jawe
15 Jul 2015 | 07:58
@ Herbyhorlarh which broda? I go kill am
15 Jul 2015 | 08:03
Chapter Four: Its been 1 year and 8 months. I always busied myself working out. What else can do? I miss tennie so much, the only thing for me to do in order to forget her for even a second is by doing things. Tennie failed to call me frequently. And i don't have enough money to call her, so, all I could do is to wait for her call. It upsets me. "did she find someone else". Damn that tennie, I'll make sure i punish her when she comes back.." The thought of our last days when she was still in Tokyo came to my head. Our passionate kisses… that made me smile. It also gave me hope to wait for her. After all, two months remaining and she'll be with me again. It's Sunday!! Rrrinngggg… Rrrriiingggg… I was left alone in the house. I quickly answered the phone excitedly. "Hello! Tennie is that you?", I excitedy ask.. "haha. Vict, you miss me that much?" "what the hell.. you stupid tomboy! Why aren't you calling me that often? Do you have any idea on how much I miss you so badly? I am so worried you'd find another guy there. YOU… anyways…. How are you? Are you doing fine? Baby I love you.. I miss you so much…". "dummy.. why are you shouting at me huh? You want me to dump you?". I was silent. "I miss you too Vict.. I love you.. I love you so much… I cant wait to go back there soon. So how is my are you?" "They have gone for their own businesses.. me.. always working out.. busying myself to forget someone who I miss so much.. tsk". That made her smile. "haha. That is so sweet Vict.. since when did you become that sweet huh? So anyways.. working out is an obvious thing, other things you do lately?". I smiled at the question. Its payback time. I'm gonna tease her. "MASTURBATING! I do it very often!". Tennie was shocked.. "YOU PERVERT! You don't have to say things like that! You idiot!" "hahaha. what? It's true na, every time I think of when we share our intimate kiss.. I cant help but be that excited. My cock just stands up and what am I supposed to do?", I knew she isnt used to those kind of words, so i teased her. "Vict! I don't wanna hear those things! You.. jerk, those things aren't supposed to be shared! You idiot!". Tennie was blushing. "I told you its true! haha. And when I do it, I think about you.. You know.. us, fucking each other.. I've been imagining myself doing it with you ever since you get to be my girl. I know it sound perverted but ..." She is nervous. She didn't hate it though, but she wasn't used to this kind of conversation. "Vict….!!" Tennie was getting nervous, she decided to 'sound' serious. "sorry baby.. i am just teasing you...i just.. i just miss you that's all. Tennie, I miss you so much.., i cant wait for you to come back here. You know it feels like hell being able to talk to you but not being able to kiss you or hug you.." "Vict..." Tennie…. Lasagna is done! Come here at my room!" Said a background guy's  voice. Hearing a guy's voice and inviting Tennie to come to his room freaked me out.
15 Jul 2015 | 08:46
Lolz jealousy @vict..tnx for the invite jare
15 Jul 2015 | 09:37
Still following...... Carry on jare
15 Jul 2015 | 11:07
Chapter Five: "Vict.. I thought I told you I love you? You dummy.. he's just my friend, his name his John. You are so cute when you're jealous you know that?" "Whatever! But don't go his room! If he want to share his food, tell him to just get you some! Guess you're hungry this moment so just call me again ok? Enjoy your food." "You're still angry aren't you? Haha. I love you baby.. I love you. I love you.. I love you! mwah. Mwah. How's that? Feeling better? ". I smiled with what he heard. "Whatever. Take care of yourself okay? I love you.. I cant wait to see you baby.." "Me too Vict.. love you too.. bye.." "bye..".    *BLACKOUT* It was 5pm in Tokyo and I was still busying myself with my workout. Though this time, it was not because i wanted to forget about Tennnie, it was about wanting to look good when she comes back. It'll be a week from today and finally, we'll be together. I overworked a bit, i felt so tired and decided to take my bath. While in showers, i thought of tennie's lips, her body, her chest, the way they kiss, the way she held my chest, the way i held her waist.. the way we exchanges I love you at anytime of day, i reminisced the time when she's still with me, and one week from now, we will be together again. Suddenly, my cock got all excited. I am a man after all and decided to do it. I held my manhood tight enough and began rubbing it. I cannot contain the pleasure it gave me. I rubbed it faster, with tennie in my thought, Seeing her, spreading her legs welcoming my cock in and out of her soft pussy. I cannot help but moan.. "Tennie…. Ahh…. Yeeess… aaah… I love youu 'ennie.. ah..". I was rubbing it even faster. Tennie was moving her waist as she enjoyed my cock go in and out of her pussy. she was moaning.. "Vict… aaaahhhhh… aaahhhh.. faaasteer…. Aaahh.. faster… 't-vames.. yess… it's good… yess.. ahhhh….". her moan added up to my confidence. I was giving tennie pleasure. I thrust my cock inside her faster. Rocking inside her was so addicting, it gave me pleasure when my cock touched the tight wall of her soft spot. I did it faster and faster until we reach climax.."viiict... aaaaaaahh…. I'm gonna cum…. vict.. don't stop… don't stop…" "I'm gonna cum too 'tennie... aahh...". She arched her back and moved her waist circular and faster. I was now at a full speed.. "aah… aahh..!" yeeess.. 'kaa.. Tennieeee!" We both shouted our names as we reached orgasm. I finished my masturbation and thoughts as well. I went to my room to change. I was planning to stay there until dinner but the lounge area seemed to be noisier than usual. I went there to check things out. To my surprise tennie was already home. "Oh my.. Tennie, I thought you'll be here after a week. "haha.. I really planned on surprising you guys…", she said. I was just standing there, not believing what i was seeing. Tennie has changed a lot. She'd become cuter, prettier, sexier. She finally saw me. "Come here dummy.. I thought you told me you miss me?". I came back to my senses. I ran to her and gave her a big tight hug. "I miss you….. I miss you…. 'tennie I am so glad.. I love you ". I was very happy to be able to hug tennie again. I then faced her and planned to give her a passionate kiss. But..... "Good evening Bensons, I'm John, tennie's friend". "ah, yes! Family, this is John. He's a good friend. He said he wanted to meet you guys.. so here. He was the one who actually help me with my bags". The family welcome John. I was very irritated. " So this is the lasagna baking guy who I heard over the phone before. The guy whom I planned on killing twice. First he ruined our conversation on phone, second replaced me on bringing tennie home and now he interrupted our kiss". I thought. Tennie saw my expression and became worried. "Vict.. are you okay? Is it not okay that he is here?"
15 Jul 2015 | 11:26
Uh uh..... Dnt worry dat was jez a neighbour.... *winks*
15 Jul 2015 | 11:31
Lol.... Nd i already called him a neighbour o...well..... Its surprise tinz i guess.... Where is my son? @wiseman ?
15 Jul 2015 | 11:41
@Tenniebenson I hope dat son of yours is from another womb??
15 Jul 2015 | 12:08
Hahahahaha yeah he is 4rm anoda womb..... Cos i'm still intact
15 Jul 2015 | 12:43
Ohhhh, *smiling & licking my lips* . . Wow, I dor show for here like JAMES BOND oo . . I can't believe that something is happening here no body wanna invite me !! . . Mummy @tenniebenson, thanks for the invite, hope you bought something for me especially my Favourite @cream crackers biscuits !!! . . @pizzaro @promzy @T-DAK, aunty @hilary, una no invite me o, well my mummy @tenniebenson is still the best *kisses* . . Weldone guy, the story is wowing, someone is loving my sweet mum *happy* . . @mray @japhola @somkhid @hameyeenat @tofag, @simzy make Una show o . . I still remain your boy . . JESUSBOY JNR . . DE . . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!!
15 Jul 2015 | 13:53
oya shikini bobo na so i take bobo from yeman com 9ja so @tenniebenson hw about my room(no.1) hope no body don enter or u don start from(no.100) dey opperate come down missing u like seriously hope to see u any moment from now . . . . . . yours lovely oisking dgreat(@valking1) please don't u be late no delay
15 Jul 2015 | 15:14
@tenniebenson dats gud. And I hope khola did not spoil d alignment?? *Winkz*
15 Jul 2015 | 16:08
@JESUS-BOY JNR. U claim to be my wife's son I no go talk.. Buh wen problem go dey na wen u go use ur perverted mouth wan suck breast... If u touch 'am no hospital go admit u. U hear??
15 Jul 2015 | 16:15
@Vict-Vames, leave @nice alone, he has sucked it already, buh she adopted him then...*long story* Nice story bro.....carry on
15 Jul 2015 | 16:27
Chapter Six: "No.. baby.. it's fine.. " i smiled. The family was celebrating tennie comeback. They were partying all night. Meanwhile, i was observing John's action towards tennie, and as a guy, i knew what this guy feels about her. But i didn't want to ruin tennie's party. I silenced himself. " c'mon, tennie is all here and all I ever gave her was a hug? How can we two be alone if we are like this.. argh.. ". I say to myself. I knew this day i wouldn't be able to do the things i wanted with tennie. Tennie on the other hand was enjoying herself, she talked to her family to hear some exciting things she missed, and occasionally she just looked at me and smile, touch my hand and whisper to me 'I love you..'. I just replied 'I love you too ' back to her. The party just ended and we were all tired. I still wanted to talk to her. But I know she's tired. She should rest". I thought. I then went towards tennie and hugged her. "'Tennie we'll talk tomorrow okay? I love you.. I'm glad you're here already… I know you're tired. So go to your room and sleep…. And dream about me! " i said, smiling. "I love you too vict, glad to see you again.". she planted a small kiss on my lips and finally went to her room. It's already morning and the family woke up late. It was already time for lunch when the family got up and left their beds. I was already at the lounge area. As much as i wanted to go to tennie's room, i don't want to interrupt her rest, so i was just there waiting for her. "Good morning boyfriend!", Tennie greeted me with a smile. "Sleepyhead... I've been waiting for you, you know?" I kissed her on her forehead then on her lips. "Hey, you know if you have already recovered your strength, would you like to go on a date with me today?". I asked her. I really wanted to go on a date her. Since she came back, all we have ever done was to exchange quick kisses. I wanted to be alone with her; i wanted to kiss her passionately to make up for the time lost. We were on our way to kiss each other passionately when again.. "Guys! I heard you're going out? I really want to join you! I want to see the dishes here in Tokyo!" John is always interrupting us. "Fuck it" i whispered to myself. "If you really want to, why don't you go check it out yourse.." "Vict…? It's okay John. You can join us. Right baby? Right?" "Whatever. " i was pissed as ever. I wanted to punch that guy who had interrupted our supposedly intimate moment twice now. And not to mention ruining our first date. I know John want a competition. But he wouldn't bite that. After all, i don't find tennie as a prize. John knew about tennie's love of kiddie rides. You know, the one in the amusement park. So he requested we should go there. "You remember? That's so nice of you John.", tennie smiled, happy by the fact that her friend remembered even those little things about her. "Nice of him? I think it would be nicer if I punch him out of Tokyo." I yelled. The situation was getting on my nerves. On our way to the park, instead of tennie to talk to me, she talked to John instead. She told John all about the things we ran into. "And since when she become a tour guide huh? ", I thought to myself. And now that we are in the park, I was expecting her to cling into me because I am her boyfriend. But no, instead tennie walked with John and carried that big smile on her face. And what was worst? I was just behind them. I was sure that everyone in the park would think John is tennie's boyfriend instead of me. I wanted to go after her, grab her hands and take her away from John, but i know i would not be able to control my anger. If i go there, I wouldn't be able to help myself in killing that John. "Damn that tomboy, I know she's enjoying the ride, but c'mon at least she should have looked at me right? John on the other hand, kept looking at me. I think he wants to see how i will react when i see my girl with him. He wanted to prove how easily he can snatch tennie from me. The three of us rode the roller coaster. Tennie was a little bit dizzy after the ride. "I'm dizzy…" she said, "haha. I told you not to try that one..",John replied, smiling to her, caressing her head. Tennie just smiled back. "What if I kick your stupid face? That would surely be dizzy", i told John. John was preparing to fight me before tennie butt in. "haha. John… ahmm.. really.. Vict's  just joking.. he really isn't like that.. he's a jerk alright? So.. c'mon..". Tennie then headed to another ride. John smiled sarcastically to me. I was really pissed. Now, i'm angry more at tennie.. " That stupid tomboy. Who the hell does she think I am? I am her boyfriend damn it!", i thought. "You guys hungry? There's an open place there. It'll be fun, we can still see the park after we eat.. so?" John asks. "yah! It's the famous dining place here in the park if you don't know. C'mon lets eat!". Tennie replied, I just followed them. "hmm.. what's up for drink?", tennie asked. "How bout orange juice baby?" "how bout iced tea tennie?", John and i suggested at the same time. "I think iced tea would be great!", she smiled, avoiding to look at Me. This pissed me even more. We all had our orders. "here is your order ma'am sir", the waiter presented our orders. Tennie was beside me, and opposite the table was where John sits. John and Tennie were having fun talks. Tennie would ask me about my opinion on their talks, i'd just say.. "yah.. ", "right..". and continue to eat again. John loved it. Thinking tennie is now his. After all, tennie acted all day as if I don't even exist. It is always john that she talked to. The challenged had not even started and John thought he already won. "I'm done!", Tennie gladly announced. "but.. I still want some ice cream. A very sweet ice cream!", Tennie smiled at both of us. "Ok then, let me order for you some chocolate ice cream..", John replied. "Oh! No thanks John.. I want something else.. ", Tennie smiled and turn to me... "Vict…. Can I have that?" "Huh? Have what?" I asked her angrily. "Your lips as my ice cream.. Can I have a bite of those..?" Tennie blushingly asked. I was surprised.
15 Jul 2015 | 18:23
Tnkzz @Phinebraim
15 Jul 2015 | 18:55
hey hey hey hey hey which of the tennie u mean incase u dont know @valking1 is back
15 Jul 2015 | 19:12
@Valking last time I checked, we only have one Tennie.
15 Jul 2015 | 19:19
@vict-vames, who told you that I haven't suck my mummy @tenniebenson breast ?..... Stay there and be hoping I haven't. If you want to know more, ask my bro / my oga @tofag, he will yarn you though it's a longing story!! . . . You are just a jealous guy, how im I sure that you even love her cus if you do you must trust her and if you trust her, you wont be jealous when she's with another guy. That's my opinion..... NICE STORY!! . I STILL REMAIN YOUR BOY . . JESUSBOY JNR . . DE . . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!!
15 Jul 2015 | 19:30
Am not ready t comment
15 Jul 2015 | 19:50
@Tofag chai! Na u go sabi d history... @Wiseman shey u wan come dey analyse hw i take breast feed u ni? @Oisking u see urself nw? When u travelled 4 several years.... But ermmmmmm u knw na... See me in my chambers *winks* @Vict-Vames Sweetie ....calme down... John is jez a joker... U can deposit a punch on his face...he needs it.. *smiles* @Mray better drop ur comment nw b4 i enter ur nose
15 Jul 2015 | 20:11
hmmm' following closely really loving this....
15 Jul 2015 | 21:06
Abeg no let laugh kill me here ooo..... Haha....... If laughing was to be a competition, I would have won many medals by now just for reading this stories.... . . . @Valking1 No fight the guy no see say nah dream he deh dream...he fit dream fa...As we have Jesus-Boy-Jnr(weh deh drink cowbell con call ahm breast-milk) here,we still have Joseph-Jnr here.....
16 Jul 2015 | 04:37
Hahahahahahaha omg! Laff wan kill me 4 hia oooo.. @Khola46 u no seriouz kan kan
16 Jul 2015 | 04:42
@khola46 wah do yhu mean? I hve written documents proving oda wise, the documents shows @wiseman sucking her breast, xo its not a dream. Bible said *my intepretation*....'investigate all things and hold on to the truth in it' shuuuuu...nah bible tlk am
16 Jul 2015 | 05:03
@khola46, what do you mean by cowbell Milk, dont tell me that, it was cowbell Milk that you and my mummy @tenniebenson were giving me when I was small ?? . . Even though, cowbell Milk nah from breast they extract am..... It is either from cow, goat, dog, pig, elephant, lion, HUMAN BEING or even chicken !! LOL !! . . . IM STILL YOUR BOY . . JESUSBOY JNR . . DE . . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!!
16 Jul 2015 | 05:09
@ JESUS-BOY JNR. U stil dy ask weda na cowbell dem feed u instead of breast milk?? U no even bother to ask seriously if na true... 'COZ BASE ON MY RESEARCH, Cow milk dy scarce wen dem Born u... cow no dy produce 'coz of one cow sickness called... "Cowmenoposism" During dat era, I hear say CAMEL come popular well well.
16 Jul 2015 | 06:38
Cnt jst stop laughing d comments here r jst.............. @vict-vames kill wu nah only john dey tease her u don dey cry, my broda don land nw @khola46 he get mouth die even if u c im gan u go run cuz na @tofag go arrange strong guyz 4 us, so make u park 4 wan corner
16 Jul 2015 | 08:06
16 Jul 2015 | 08:14
I beg I dey enjoy dis tori wella + all d characters in dere... And even all of una comment na another tori on its own.can't have enough of it. Kudos guys!
16 Jul 2015 | 09:08
Chapter Seven: Actually i was blushing. All my anger melt away as tennie indirectly asked me if she could kiss me. And not to mention in front of the guy i hate, the place was open that every one in the park could see us too. Still i decided to sound as if i was angry, and didn't care. "No!. if you want lips for ice cream, why don't you bite yours instead?", I then look away to hide my smiles and my face from blushing. "reaaaally? If you don't want.. then please forgive me on this one.". Tennie then moved away from her sit. Then, she positioned herself on my lap. Her breast touching my chest, her arms already on my face. I was shocked. Tennie was sitting on my lap, Her body touching mine. And because i sat with legs opened, tennie soft spot was touching my manhood. I was pleasured. I cannot help but be excited. And what i felt manifested on the now-hard cock i had down there. She was aware of her pussy touching mine and of course she felt my erection. "baby.. I felt that… ", she gave me a flirting smile and looked down to my cock. I got her message and was blushing. "Hey.. I told you I don't want to". I said. "I don't care. Now if you please, put these (grabbing both of my arms) on my waist. " my arms were on tennie's waist, i can feel the curve of it. "you're hungry I know, but what is this for?". I asked her. "hmmm.. well, your touch excites me…", tennie has this sexy look towards me, and a sexy tone in her voice, almost comparable to seduction. "Ok but for 1 minute..", i said. "what? Vict you…. You are unbelievable! That is.. too fast! 5 minutes plz.", "3 minutes.." "5!" "You tomboy.. fine.", i agreed, still hiding how happy I am. "So if there's nothing else.. let me just enjoy these bites….", she said as she closed the distance of her lips to mine. She kissed me, bite my lower lips, my upper lips.. "tsup… ", she bite my lower lips. She distanced her face a little away from me enough to see my red lips. "its so sweet.. tsup.. tsup…". Tennie continued to savour my lips.. I was left blankly. I enjoyed how she was kissing me that moment. She has never kissed me this way before. She did but, i always started it, but this time tennie initiated the kissing. Her kiss was slow, almost like she really did savor every flavor she tastes on my lips. She continued kissing me for five minutes. "mmm…tsup..", tennie had her final bite. "I didn't know your lips are thaaat good… the best I ever tasted", She looked at me while licking her lower lips. "Well, don't expect it to be free.. I'll make you pay tomorrow." I told her. Tennie smiled, and return to her original position. She forgot that John is in front of us… "oh! John! I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to…. I forgot you're here.. sorry.. I should have done it in private..". John is so sad, but pretended not to care. "Tennie, people in America are so used to that." He forcedly smile. From that moment, seeing tennie behave like that (being flirt), which he never saw before, made him accepted his defeat. The day ended and we went back to the Benson's house. John said his goodbyes. He can no longer bear the sight of tennie and i. I can tell it pained him. The family say their goodbyes too. John is on his way out when i talked to him. "Hey! I know how you feel bout my girlfriend. You have no idea how I wanted to kill you, you know that? She's kind to you only 'coz she sees you as her friend, and don't you ever take advantage of that anymore." As much as i wanted to kill this guy, and say harsh things to him, i couldn't. 'Coz he know that would make tennie sad. "Sorry dude. I know what you mean. Just.. just take care of her alright? You are so lucky to have her." "I know. Nobody have to tell me that." I then turn my back to go back to the house. I paused and whispered "although, thank you for taking care of her. Have a safe trip". It's already late, about 11:30 pm, and we were to have our sleeps. I accompanied tennie to her room. I checked if everything was fine. When I was done checking, i prepared to leave the room. I held the door knob and opened the door. I was on my way out when tennie interrupted me. "I'm sorry!", Tennie shouted. "For what?" I turned back to face her. "Well… you know what I mean.. this whole date.. i.. i.. I treated you like you were not even existing… sorry." "What? So you did that on purpose?" "Well.. yah… I don't think I could control myself back then.". "I really wanted to hold your hand the entire time.. I wanted to go to u and hug you.. but then.. I miss you so much I know that if I do so, I wouldn't be able to remove myself from you.. how bout John? He needed a company right? So I avoided you as much as I can.. but in the restaurant where we ate, you are so close to me I couldn't help myself go clinging unto you… I want you so much that I started kissing you….. im sorry…." "You idiot. You have no idea how badly I wanted to punch that guy. I really thought he makes you forget me…" "Impossible.. as much as you're around, my attention always goes to you.. I didn't intend to do so, it just happens…. And sorry too.. if I hadn't kept my promise…" "as much as I wanted to call you, send you letters.. I avoided doing so… whenever I hear your voice, it pains me. I couldn't bear the pain of not having you around me. Whenever I try to write you letters, I think about you, our happy memories and I ended up wanting to go back here. Funny one day in America I was really ready to leave because I miss you so bad, good thing John stopped me. That day I decided not to contact you as much as possible.. I know it's selfish but i.." I quickly shut the door close, locked it and ran towards tennie. When i was already near her, i quickly grabbed her face and brought it closer to mine. Then i kissed her. I couldn't control myself anymore. I had been stopping myself from kissing tennie, and that moment was the chance to let go of that hard feeling. Tennie's eyes widened. She can feel a slight pressure in my kissing. My both hands were on each side of her face and i brought her face close to my too much. She could feel how much i have missed her. It hurts a little, but the pleasure of it made her ignore it. Tennie's lips were now wet, in wet.. My kiss was so dominating.. She cannot speak anymore, unlike before that we were whispering into each other while kissing. A moment or so, i began to whisper while i kiss her. "Idiot.. tsup.. tsup.. I was controlling myself not to kiss you because the time is late.. tsup". It took one minute more of kissing before i could continue.. "But telling me all those words… tsup… I lost my self-control.. tsup..". "i.. I want to kiss you more.. will you allow me? But I tell you it would take long…" "it's fine". Tennie smiled. But the thing i did next shocked her. I took off my clothes, and my pants. Now, leaving my short green boxers. "Vict… vict, i.. I am not ready for this.. ahm..", tennie nervously said.
16 Jul 2015 | 09:14
Hv arrived..thks bro @T-DAK
16 Jul 2015 | 09:25
baba omakun say vict as u go in u will never go out u shall be inside crying 4 help the only cure is by pouring 100%c / boiling water on your rod/fine boy
16 Jul 2015 | 11:00
Lolz....... Vict nd tennie, u guyz re 4ni....... U neva ready........? Owk na......
16 Jul 2015 | 14:49
OMG!!! . . @vict-vames, leave my mummy @tenniebenson alone she's not ready yet !!! . . Loving me, loving you!!! . . I still remain your boy . . JESUSBOY JNR . . DE . . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!!
16 Jul 2015 | 17:38
wow! dis is nice tanx@t-dak 4 ur invitation am enjoyin it
16 Jul 2015 | 18:16
Hahahahahaha fear catch me sef... Hope our lips ren't swollen yet... Cos dis kisses no be hia ooo.... @Wiseman lol... Close ur eyes son... We dnt knw what could happen next o
16 Jul 2015 | 18:24
@JESUS-BOYJNR. Quiet lil boy wat do know? my friend run to ur room.... silly boy! Alwaz interrupting the moment. Wait,,, Come here! take her one breast, suck and stop crying, while I manage d other one. Hold It Well o... And Don't Sleep On It o. Hehehe...
16 Jul 2015 | 19:48
@vict-vames, yhu rode yhur luck well by succeding in sending John away, @buh yhur luck can't change the past, @wiseman is the son of @Tenniebenson, he had had access to things yhu hvent touched yet.... #YOLO face#
16 Jul 2015 | 19:56
@wiseman no gree ur moma cos u need aburo
17 Jul 2015 | 03:10
0 Likes Can someone get the microphone Its good to imagine ooooo But u dey imagine about person wife, u remove Her hair, turn her to Tom boy,u took her from Nigeria to Tokyo,(u think khola can't see you guys) You con get mind dey kiss her even up to sex Me and God dey video you with nokia torch light Khola(devil) is preparing your judgment
17 Jul 2015 | 05:24
Chapter Eight: "I know.. just trust me okay? I wont do anything against your will.. I promise..". I kissed her. My hands on her face, then down to her shoulders, then down on her blouse. I was unbuttoning her blouse. "Vict.. mmm", my kiss interrupted her speech. She know that i will not let her talk, she then held both my hand to signal me her contest. But i didn't stop. Instead, i placed tennie's hand around my neck and continue the unbuttoning. I was done with the buttons and completely took it off. She was wearing only bra now. She is quite nervous because she wore a sexy bra, slight movement will reveal her pink nipples, which excites me more. She wanted to stop me, but for some reason she cannot move. Is it because of my unusual act? or because unknowingly she did wanted to have sex with me afterall? I questioned myself. I worked next on her skirt. I unbuttoned the only button of the skirt, and unzipped it. After it was done, Her skirt fell on its own. Now, tennie is only wearing underwear, not to mention, these are sexy underwear. I stared at her body. She is definitely flawless, her curves are all perfert. "I noticed it gotten bigger huh..", I, with a serious face, was staring at her breast. Tennie then cover her chest with her arms and looked down embarrassed.. I then caressed her waist, i could feel it's perfect curves. Then i kissed her on her lips twice, then on her neck. After that i carried her like a princess, and put her on bed. I could feel how nervous she is 'coz unlike the usual me, who is always smiling when we become intimate, this time my face was all serious. After i laid her on the bed, i positioned Myself on top of her. Her big chest touched mine, her stomach on mine, her soft spot right under my manhood. Which at the moment, she really felt so hard and bulky. "Vict don't.. please", she beg. I just smiled still wearing that serious face and started kissing her. Tennie was nervous on what i was planning to do, she didn't respond to my kiss. A minute or two, After realizing her unresponsiveness, stopped. "what's the problem?" I asked " you pervert! you know why! Are you trying to rape me huh? Why did you took off our clothes! And.. and now.. our position.. its like.. its like were having.. having.. " "Sex?", i teased. "Yah! Sex! So! What's this all about!", she yelled. I only smiled and continue my kissing. Tennie pushed my face away and yelled. "damn it vict, stop with the smiling! Answer me, I am damn nervous now ok?". I smiled again and gave her a quick kiss. "tsup. Idiot. I thought I told you to trust me? Tsup… tsup.. Well yah. As much as I want to bang you now, I will not. Tsup… As much as I want to take off this boxers and that panty so I can insert my dick in you, I will not. Tsup.. tsup.. As much as I want to suck those nipples of yours I will not. Tsup.. As much as I want to do many things to you, I will not. Ok? I know you are not ready. So all that I am gonna do to you right now is kiss you… well, sorry if this position makes you uncomfortable, but please don't make me move.. I want to feel your body, you know with fewer clothes and more flesh, touching mine…" Thid relieved her. I really wouldn't do anything against her will. She apologised for doubting me. "well.. what are you waiting for you dummy.. kiss me now..". Tennie yelled. And we started kissing. The kiss went too long.. took us an hour or two. As we got more and more intimate, we rolled over the bed, and switch position. Sometimes, I was on top, other times tennie. When i am not on top, and i wanted to be, i'd lift my body to sit (that makes tennie sit too, her legs now around my waist) then pushed her again on the bed (now i'm on top, our feets now facing the headboard :P) , sometimes, tennie did that too. Its 1:30 am, and both of us were already tired. I was facing the ceiling, and tennie was on my side hugging me, her arms on my chest while my hand was on tennie's back. "whoah.. that made it up…", I smiled. "yup, i'm so tired vict.. haha.. I didn't know I could be that aggressive.. ", she sighed and laughed a little. "what can you expect from tomboy like you? Haha.. we are like catching our breath the whole time.. well.. am… did you like it? You know.. are you satisfied?" "tomboy? Well yah, what can you expect too with a pervert jerk like you? ", she was annoyed. "'Tennie.. you know I'm just joking, so what.. Were you satisfied? " "do I have to answer that?", she smiled then tightened her hug with on me.. "Goodnight baby.. I love you.." Tennie said with her eyes closed. "hei.. you haven't told me yet…" she yelled at me. Dummy.. I love you too.. sweet dreams.. ", and kissed her on the forehead. Her eyes were still closed, "I hate it when you kiss me…", she told me. I became quite nervous with what he heard. I was like, wah??? "I hate it 'coz it makes me weak…I hate it that I love it so much I couldn't stand a day without you kissing me, or me kissing you.. " she kissed  my chest and told me "I love you…", and tightened her hug on me. I was happy and satisfied with what i just heard. "so its not only me who feels weak… tennie your lips have been like a drug to me.. one or two a day wouldn't be enough. I hate it also how my body feels drained, and only your lips or your hug or even your presence can cure me. I really hate it when you kiss me back, although I can manage to hide it, because I really feel so weak. Me? Feel weak?. You.. you stupid tomboy.. I love you.. I love you more than anyone else.." I thought, before I crashed.
18 Jul 2015 | 08:48
Carry on..... 9ic 1
18 Jul 2015 | 09:11
Lolzzzz intresting..... Nice one @Vict-Vames ..... I jez dey pity our lips o..... Hehe kissing for hours? Can u really control urself like dat? I mean half unclad with a lady u wana have sometin intimate with...nd in dat dangerous position nd hour? For several hours? Can u really do dat? @Vict-Vames
18 Jul 2015 | 12:20
@tenniebenson lips? dats y my lips pink well... talking abt cntrlin mysef, ofcof i can. 'coz shez nt jst a lady, but d one i love. And i am a complete gentle man dat wont go against d will of an innocent gal(V). And uh.. 2moa is anoda day.
18 Jul 2015 | 13:05
18 Jul 2015 | 18:41
who is Vict-Vames to the Benson's that makes him to have A room in their Tennie's house- Benson's
19 Jul 2015 | 00:29
19 Jul 2015 | 05:36
@Gambola both families are good friends and close neighbors, very close. They're like extended family.
19 Jul 2015 | 09:33
I dey envy ur love o @tenniebenson n @Vict-Vames.but very soon tennie ur guy go pass his boundary oo .*Yolo face#
19 Jul 2015 | 13:44
Hmmnn,,,,,,,,,, tenx for †ђε̲̣̣̣̥ IV's guys @vict-vames ℓ̊ jux d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ pity U̶̲̥̅̊ right иσω cos †ђε̲̣̣̣̥ devil beside U̶̲̅я tennie is иσω around ,,,,,,,,,,,, ♍ά̲̣̣kε̲̣̣ ℓ̊ see Ђŏw U̶̲̥̅̊ go survive dis иσω
19 Jul 2015 | 15:48
Lolzzz... Funny peepz
20 Jul 2015 | 02:20
@ Swtharyomi Nrml na lol @kemkit lolx mak we see o
20 Jul 2015 | 05:01
vict get up n go to ur rum be4 something happen for nite @tenniebenson is that what happen at my back when u told me that ur choir master will be spending the nite in ur house @khola46 u were suppose to have given him the letter since na today is the last day cus 2moro him go day for bar
20 Jul 2015 | 06:54
21 Jul 2015 | 02:11
Hmmmm !! . . I dor show for here again like James bond !!! . . @geeadore, help me tell them oo, cus I am entitled to my mummy's @tenniebenson body oo . . @tofag, thanks bro for supporting me oo cus @vict-vames wanna over throw me oo . . Mummy @tenniebenson, I'm happy that he didn't touch you cus I am still doubting him ... . . Im Still your boy . . JESUSBOY JNR . . DE . . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!
21 Jul 2015 | 02:34
@Wiseman everytym u dey show lyk James Bond, wen u go land lyk agama lizard?? Lolx.
21 Jul 2015 | 03:40
@vict-vames, because say I dey behave like James bond Master !!!, so no behave any how o!! . . JESUSBOY JNR. . DE . COOLVAL YOUNGEST!!!
21 Jul 2015 | 04:29
na wa o...Am sure Tennie's lips go don swell wella @vict-vames well done o
21 Jul 2015 | 06:22
Still following
21 Jul 2015 | 09:44
@geeadore ehen thnk u
22 Jul 2015 | 20:41
Chapter Nine: It's late in the morning and Tennie is still asleep. She was very tired last night for all we know. Mean while, I was already awake and was staring at my beautiful girlfriend. I was still hugging tennie, and i kept on slightly brushing tennie's face with my finger while whispering to her 'I love you Tennie'. Tennie finally woke up. "Vict!..", she was shocked on why I was there. "sleepy head.. ". I smiled. I guess tennie remembered what happened when smiled at me. "Tennie.. your… ahmm..", I  pouted my lips pointing at her breast. Tennie then looked at her breast and to her surprised, her bra wasn't place correctly and that made her nipple on her right breast be exposed. She blushed and quickly arranged her bra. Then, there was that awkward moment. Me, again, decided to start the conversation. "you don't have to be embarrassed ok.. well.. I think it's perfect..", i looked away from tennie hiding my blush. "well.. yeah.. I guess there's nothing to be embarrassed about.. ahm.. Vict.. don't you think its time to get up.? Let's go..". I nodded and we began to wear our clothes. I even helped tennie on her blouse. "where is everybody?" Tennie asked. "I dunno, they did not say something, well except for our fathers..They left one note" "so what does it says?" "you know….. it says, while we're not here, you can do anything you want. You two can make love now. Really…? those two know what I wanted to do with you..?? Tennie was speechless to what she have heard. I was really being vocal about her being my sexual desires. "I promise I wont force you to have sex with me. After all, I want our first time to be special. I want you to be pleased when we do it." Tennie's heart is beating faster. She's been silent too much she have to say something. "Thank you Vict… " "OK. Since we are alone now…" "Vict? You just said.." "Dummy.. I am not thinking about sex. " "oh. Sorry.. so what are you planning to do." "well.. I'll just give you your first punishment.. " i was smiling. "you have punished me so much for leaving me here, and it's my payback time." "so you were serious bout that? Haha. fine.. So what is it that you want me to do.." "Promise me first you'll do it.." "Okay, I promise.." I went close to her, put my arms around her waist and whispered to her ear. "I feel so hot.. I wanna take a bath.. and I want you to wash me…". Tennie was frozen with what she heard. She blushes. I then grabbed her hands and let her follow me to the bathroom. "let's go baby…" i smiled. I was standing waiting for Tennie to take off my clothes. "Viiict…..", tennie have that cry- baby tone. "You promised…". It's wasn't that Tennie didn't want that. It was just, it was so intimate.. Her heart was beating incredibly fast. She knew she cannot run away from this and so she started taking my clothes off. She started with his red polo shirt. She took it off. My body is so buff. My chest.. it's too perfect no wonder when we hug and her head is leaning on my chest, she feels so good. And my abs.. its too sexy she wanted to touch it. But she managed to control herself. Now that she's done with the shirt, next is my pajama. She's now frozen in nervous.. "Viiiiiict..?" Tennie was like asking me if she really have to do it. I just gave her a nod. I was enjoying the fact that tennie is stripping me off. Tennie can't do anything but follow me. Kneeling, she then untangled the tie of my pajama. It loosened and fell off, and that made her have a clear look on my boxer. Tennie could now see my boxer in front of her.. and the bulk of it made her imagine the size of what it covers: my vame. Tennie was blushing more than ever. She looked down the floor and continued to take off completely my pajama. "Vict.. you know, I can wash you with that boxer on".. Tennie nervously asked "I don't bathe that way.. " I teased. T.B.C ********************************* MAKE UNA COMMENT OOO GHOST MODE PEEPS...
22 Jul 2015 | 20:46
Owk na...... Waka dy go @vict
22 Jul 2015 | 20:57
lol Tennie is shying away from her responsibility... i don't just know the both parents are somehow (don't know what adjective to use) @Vict-vames carry go
23 Jul 2015 | 02:59
Mehn! Dis is craaaaaaayyyyyy infact i'm already blushing here nd i need 2 cover my eyes.....though i wont mind peeping 2 knw whatz behind d boxers..... Uhmmmmm
23 Jul 2015 | 04:07
Vhiz is hmmmmmm.....
23 Jul 2015 | 07:48
cari go na we dey here@vict
23 Jul 2015 | 08:10
@tenniebenson no go peep too much ooo .. @vict carry go jawe
23 Jul 2015 | 08:14
ghostmode lol i' m under aged so i wnt look
23 Jul 2015 | 08:49
wow! tennie u should prepare urself u dnt no wat u a goin to see in der @vict pls carry on am waitin am in haste to see wat is goin to happen nxt
23 Jul 2015 | 09:01
Chapter Ten: Tennie closed her eyes and started to take off my boxer. Well, she had felt it on her pussy many times before, and she may have a slight idea of how big it is, i thought. After sliding it out off my legs she threw my boxer to the basket. She was done stripping me but she didn't have the courage yet to look at my naked body. She stood up. "Dummy.. open your eyes.. I promise not to disappoint you.." I teased. Tennie's face is red i really find it cute. "idiot! I don't want to!" "open it tennie… ", i was smiling. My words were so sincere, tennie opened her eyes unknowingly. She didn't look down there still though, but at the corner of her eyes she can see somehow my vame. I hugged her to calm her. Tennie could now feel my bare vame.. when i stopped hugging her, I then started to unbutton her blouse. "Vict.. I am not bathing with you! I'll just wash you!" "Idiot, so you'll wash me, right? And I'm pretty sure we both know you'll get soaked too. So, you wanna wash me with soaking clothes?". She was not used to me stripping her clothes off, but she couldn't stop me. After her blouse, i worked on her pajama. I kneeled in front of her, my face was so close to her soft spot. When I slid off her pajama, tennie's panty was now in front of me, i moved my face closer, but still keeping a distance, and took a smell of it. Tennie didn't noticed it though. I so loved her scent. I was done now with her stripping, i could see again tennie wearing only that sexy bra and panty. I stood up. "Tennie you dummy.. there is nothing to worry about.. don't be embarrassed okay? After all, I really love it if you touch me… please.. ". I then turned around to open the shower. Tennis could see my butt clearly and i knew she found it so sexy. My body is too perfect. Both of us are now soaking wet. "Tennie I am a man I know, but I promise to control myself from doing anything to you." Tennie, with my words, felt assured. I've never failed to be a gentleman. I'm a pervert, yes. But in a romantic way. After shampooing my hair, she turned off the shower to soap me better. She started on my head, to my neck.. She soap me with a passionate touch. She is now on my chest and abdomen. She was too pleased touching my body she didn't realize how long she had been doing it. I smiled as i saw her find pleasure on my body. "Enjoying my body eh?" I teased. She came back to her senses. "Oh.. sorry..." she said, blushing. She then started to soap both of my arms. As much as possible, she isn't looking still at my manhood. Now that she is finish with my upper part, next is myclower part. And if that's the case, the first thing that she will touch is my vame. She then went to my back to avoid it. She soaped from my back to the face of my butt. Weird but she was enjoying it. After that, she then continued soaping my entire legs both the back and the front part. She was still careful not to touch my vame. My body was all soaped except for vame. "Saving the best for last huh?" I teased her. Tennie was done. Now, she had to face my vame. She was frozen and.. "Viiict… you jerk… I'm nervous….", She had this crying baby tone. "Tomboy. I told you, I wont disappoint you. With how big my vame is, I promise to satisfy you", i teased. "Pervert I wasn't talking about that!" Tennie, still wanting to keep her promise, stood in front of me. She again close her eyes as she kneeled. Kneeling would make her soap vame better. She slowly opened her eyes and had a clear view of what she has been avoiding to see the entire time. I was right.. it was so fact, it exceeded her expectations.. " would it hurt if it enters me?", tennie thought to herself. She was stunned with what she was seeing. She stared at vame for about 30 sec and… She was surprised when it moved. Vame is now erect. Not to mention its head is pointing at her face. Tennie fell off her feet and shouted at me. "You idiot! You scared me! What are you thinking you pervert. Why is it now erect?" "dummy, what should I feel? You've been staring at my dick for almost 30 seconds, I don't know what you're thinking! Your eyes tell me you're pleasured and it got me all excited! And, what are you expecting? I am naked with the woman I love in front of my dick, and a minute or two she'll be caressing it, what am I supposed to feel? " "Whatever Vict.. you're still a pervert. Anyways, I'll wash it now okay? Let's finish this." "oh by the way tennie.." "what?" "I wash my dick for five minutes you know. It means you have to soap it too for five minutes." I was lying na, wash vame for five minutes ke. I just wanted her to touch it longer. To Be Continued... ********************************* Let The Comments Flow...
23 Jul 2015 | 09:37
bad boy....just go slow @vict-vames
23 Jul 2015 | 10:23
The commentz are flowinq ooo.... So jex ride on cos vhiz is Fascinatinq...
23 Jul 2015 | 10:23
Lolzzzzzzzzzzzz next
23 Jul 2015 | 11:01
Huhmmm.. I laff in tokyo.. Lolss
23 Jul 2015 | 11:14
sexy huh
23 Jul 2015 | 11:37
23 Jul 2015 | 12:02
Eyes closed
23 Jul 2015 | 13:37
ohh y a u treatin tennie lyk dis na is not fear o@vict pls continue
23 Jul 2015 | 14:40
following... next plz
23 Jul 2015 | 17:29
hmmm....small small o
24 Jul 2015 | 04:12
Pls nexttttttttttttt
24 Jul 2015 | 07:11
ghost mode silently wispering hmmmmmmm
24 Jul 2015 | 08:38
24 Jul 2015 | 13:08
Lol @Vict-Vames datz very very risky o.... Infact fear dey catch me.... Drop d next dear
24 Jul 2015 | 20:42
Mo ti Di oju mi... i see nothing. nxt pls
25 Jul 2015 | 08:14
Next plz
25 Jul 2015 | 09:21
Chapter Eleven: "Yup. Five minutes." She has nothing to do but agree. She rolled the soap over her hand enough until she had enough bubbles on her hand to soap my manhood. She got enough of what she wanted and returned the soap to its container. She swallowed hard and finally touched hard and erected vame. She soaped vame as if caressing it, palm of her one hand held the back side of vame, the other hand on the front, soaping it from its head up to its entire length, back to its head again and again. When she's done on the front part vame, she froze her hand on the front part, and work on soaping at the back part. " Vict… it's so..hard.. and.. it's so big… " , she said. I, on the other hand is so pleasured. Tennie seemed to be rubbing vame, meaning, she seemed to masturbate me. I cannot help myelf moan. It's been a minute since tennnie started touching it. "aaahh.. tennie.. yess.. rub it like that.. ah.". Tennie was shocked. " did he just moaned?", she whispered to herself, but i was able to hear it. "Vict! Stop that! You pervert! ", she was blushing, she needed to stop me 'coz right that moment, she could already feel fluid flowing out of her pussy. Meaning, she was getting wet. "Tennie… .. I couldn't help it… ". Tennie didn't really know exactly what to say. "if.. if you cant help it.. then.. at least.. at least minimize your moan…". she said . "Damn it, I should have not said that! Now I'm getting all wet too.. well.. I guess It is still okay since my clothes were already wet, I hope he wont notice it." Tennie just kept on washing vame. During it, she could hear my moan.. "aaahhh….." "T.. en nie…", i as much as possible minimized my moan. "yess.. aah.. ahhh..", i moan facing the ceiling, eyes closed and moan 'coz of so much pleasure. Tennie's touch was gentle, yet enough to give me pleasure. It was so good. Only 30 seconds left. Tennie used her thumb to clean the tip of the head of vame. She washed it with slight pressure. She planned on doing that until the time runs out. That gave me so much pleasure. I felt like wow… "Aaaahhhhh... y-yes.. ", i started to pant. and the next thing i knew, i felt i was gonna cum. "Aaahh.. tennie.. stop.. stop.. aahh..", Tennie thinking it was only one of my moan didn't stop. Instead she added pressure on her hands on washing vame, after all, it is just a few seconds. I was intensely pleasured. I cannot control it anymore.. I was at my climax, 3, 2, 1 and boom, fluid went out of vame. Those white fluid splashed right in front of tennie's chest. Tennie was shocked with what she just saw. I kneeled also to level tennie's position who was at that time also kneeling. " I'm sorry.. I.. I told you to stop but.. I'm.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry…", i was looking down on my embarrassment. She knew i didn't really mean it. "it's okay baby.. I'll just clean it up afterwards..", She smiled. She didn't want me to feel guilty about what happened. "So.. c'mon.. let me wash you now.. let's finish this.. so I can take a bathe too." We both stood up, tennie opened the shower and wash my body. When she's done bathing me, I gave her a kiss. "tsup.. thank you tennie.. and.. sorry too.. I really didn't mean that.." "it's okay vict…. I'll just wash it.. the towel is there. So yeah… you can go now if you want.." "yah.. I guess I should go now.. thank you for bathing me.. I love you." "I love you too. ". Then i left her in the bathroom and proceeded to my room to wear clothes. Tennie was curious with the fluid that was on her chest.. She touched it and it felt so sticky. She blushed as she remembered it came from me. She then removed her bra, and her panty. Her panty had fluids too. I made her wet.. she's never that wet. She then washed her body, and went to her room to change. T.B.C
26 Jul 2015 | 15:34
Chapter Twelve: It's been four days since the bathroom incident. And since that time, Tennie had changed a lot. For some reason, when I kiss her and I went on getting more intimate with it she'll break the kiss. When i hug her from behind and start on kissing her neck, she moves away and tell me she has something else to do. Every time i touched her and planned on getting intimate with her, she goes away and tell me she has something else to do. It has always been like that.. ever since that incident. I didn't put a big deal on it at first, but as day passes on, i couldn't help but be worried. Have i done something wrong? Was it about that stupid fluid i splashed onto her chest? But she assured me it was okay. I got enough of my questions and finally decided on confronting her. Tennie was at the gym. She had not done hard core work out, she planned on making it up, starting that day. I then enter the gym.. "Hey.. you wanna practice with me?" "you wouldn't hit me after all.." "of course I would not, why would I hurt you" "so why practice?" "fine. I'll throw punches okay.. but I still wouldn't hurt you as much as possible." That satisfied Tennie. "Okay.. let's do this.." I then took off my clothes, it was hot that day, and i couldn't stand the weather. Tennie blushed seeing me half naked with my six packs. We exchanged punches and kicks. When she tried to kick me in front, i catched her, hug her and kiss her. "tsup.. lets stop for a while.. tsup..". Tennie blushed. I, noticing she didn't contest at all, i continued kissing her. Our lips were getting wet because of each other's saliva.. feeling the need to breathe, i then went to kiss her neck. I never fail to tickle her when doing that. I thought every thing is fine until.. "Baby.. mmm.. baby I'm sorry I remember I still have something to do.. ", she pushed me away and prepared to leave. "Tennie! What's the problem? Why have you been avoiding me? have I done something wrong? was it about bathing me? Please tell me.. Tennie I'm worried. Don't do this to me.." Tennie have been hiding her feelings for four days now, and me asking her sincerely, she couldn't help but be honest to me. And thinking what she is feeling at the moment, she couldn't help but be 'slight' angry. "yah! Stupid! It is all about that stupid bathroom incident!" I felt weak. Yes, i had done something wrong and i wasn't sure if i could do anything to make it up to her. I hurt her that is for sure. Maybe it wasn't right to force her to make her do those things. "ever since that bathroom incident.. ever since that.. i.. I couldn't help but feel this.. " " feel what? Feel angry? ", I thought. "Tennie.. please tell me everything… " "Well.. since then, every time you kiss me, or hug me.. or do anything to me and get on being intimate with me, I.. I couldn't help but think of it!" "what is it Tennie? Damn it tell me, don't get me all lost with those words!" "Stupid! I couldn't help thinking about your dick! ever since I got to touch it that day, I couldn't help but remember it every time you go near me! And fuck it Vict, since then I have wanted to touch it again and again! you happy now? " I was shocked hearing those words. She wanted to touch vame? I could feel how happy vame was. Tennie's words couldn't help me but laugh a little. "haha.. Tennie you tomboy.. haha.. I didn't know you.. hahahahaha", I couldn't help laughing. " that stupid Vict, here I am, feeling very uneasy confessing about how I really feel and there he is laughing about it? He's impossible!" , she thought. "Well.. yah.. just as I thought.." she said very annoyed, she turned around and decided to leave. But i stopped her. I grabbed her hand and quickly placed it on vame. Yup, under my pants, and under my boxer. I placed her hand directly on vame. Tennie, a bit surprised and happy, after all, she had been wanting to touch it for four days now. "There, you happy now?", i asked, smiling. She was a bit embarrassed and was blushing. She was like a little child crying for lollipop and finally got satisfied getting what she had wanted. She was so cute that moment. "you.. I was just laughing 'coz I thought you were unpleased with what I forced you to do. But knowing you were not. I was just happy okay?", Tennie is still silent, blushing. "I thought I told you I'd love it if you touch me down there. You idiot, if you felt like touching it, then touch it! Grab it! Haha! You dummy.. I am giving you now the permission to touch it whenever you want and wherever you want. Whether I am working out, or eating dinner or lunch, if you wanna caress it then do so!" Vame and I were very happy. Tennie is still silent, still in awe that i had pulled her hand to my dick. Her hand was still not caressing vame from the embarrassment. Well, she shouldn't stay her hands got frozen on vame, she should have at least caress it. I then touch the arm of the hand touching vame and moved it upwards and downwards. T.B.C
26 Jul 2015 | 15:50
26 Jul 2015 | 17:35
Choi!! Badt boy vict,badt girl Tennie.. Following sha
27 Jul 2015 | 08:42
Dis luv kips Blossoming lyk d morning rose
27 Jul 2015 | 10:02
hmmmm really tennie nd vict love in d air
27 Jul 2015 | 15:06
Hmmmmmm........ Bad bad tnz na em una dy teach us hea
28 Jul 2015 | 04:06
Tnk god i don't read d part wia u hold tennie's hand nd muv it up n down caressing vame
28 Jul 2015 | 10:04
@Mray if u did'nt read that part how come u knew what happened there?
28 Jul 2015 | 10:48
Am really enjoying plz
28 Jul 2015 | 12:33
Ermmmm frm imagination nd experience @nizzy iyro
28 Jul 2015 | 15:26
No spoil me
28 Jul 2015 | 17:03
Choi! Vict iyaf spoil me finish oooooo
28 Jul 2015 | 19:02
So funny
29 Jul 2015 | 08:56
nxt pls
29 Jul 2015 | 15:08
who is this vame self and wat is he doing insde ur boxer....i just dey pass cha mummy send me massage
30 Jul 2015 | 03:00
vame na name of machine gun? @tenniebenson bcos i c say u like am
30 Jul 2015 | 07:01
guy dis Ur story self.......
2 Aug 2015 | 06:20
Chapter Thirteen: I was forcing her hands to move and caress vame. "well, you should caress it now like that tennie. You don't plan on just putting it there don't you?" I teased. She finally talk. "yea okay! Stop moving my arm, I'll caress your cock myself okay?", I laughed at what she just said. "Haha. You dummy.." Tennie, as she said, really caressed vame. After caressing it for a minute or two, she then removed her hand out of it. "i.. am.. I'm done..", she blushed. "you're done?" "yea….", she replied looking down. "Maybe you're not.. lets have a round two", i grabbed again tennie's hand and planned on putting it again on vame. But she, getting too much embarrassed already contested. "Idiot! I'm done…" "haha.. you're too cute tennie.. ", i then placed my hands on her face, and bring it towards it. Then we kissed. ********************************* I was told to help Mrs Benson in the kitchen to cut for her vegetables. Mrs Benson left me for a while she forgot something and ask hilary to go buy something in the market. Meanwhile, tennie was walking down the stairs when she saw me alone in the kitchen. She walked towards Me and hugged me from behind.. "Vict….. I love you.." "wow.. I've been waiting all this morning to hear that you know..", We both smiled. "Just keep on hugging me alright? I am just gonna finish cutting this one and I'm gonna hug you back okay?." Akane smiled and suddenly felt the need to do it. She moved one of her hands from my waist to vame. I was surprised but also excited and happy at the same time. Tennie wanted to touch vame, and now she really is. Vame erected and that made her wet down there. She was always amazed every time she felt vame, from being soft and getting so hard every time she hold it. It just means that I gets excited by her touch. She caressed it so gentle. While caressing vame, she said to me. "Vict… am I being unfair to you? You know.. I got to touch you.. but you.. you still can't touch me.. tell me Vict.. do you feel it's unfair?" "Tennie? You stupid you know that? Why would it be unfair? It is unfair if it's only you who get pleasured by it. But of what is happening, I am enjoying it too. So.. it's just fair okay? I'm fine by it.. but of course it would really be better if I can pinch and suck your boobs too." I laughed. She was first annoyed by My teasing but eventually got happy with what she heard. She then placed her another hand to vame. Tennie, at that moment was using her both hands to caress vame. "don't stop baby..", i told her and we both smiled at the idea. "Vict… Tenniee..", Mrs Benson called us. , since it was so sudden,we faced towards her, who was at that time beside the door. And She was shocked with what she saw.. "Oh my!", she saw tennie's hands inserted on my pants, and not to mention, it is on vame.. On realizing our situation,we got back on Our senses. Tennie quickly removed her hands out of my pants.. "Ma,, it's just that.. It was kind of itchy there, I told tennie to scratch it for me.. ", i said. And what a lame excuse i got. I'm just too slow in thinking, but fast in action.
2 Aug 2015 | 15:55
2 Aug 2015 | 16:14
hummmm let see d nxt action
3 Aug 2015 | 03:50
WOW!vict nd tennie urs is too much ah in d kitchen o i need to see d next action hmmmmm
3 Aug 2015 | 06:49
Chaii see dem..lovers indeed
3 Aug 2015 | 08:48
Lolz...... Itz itchy.....? Ua 4ni vict
3 Aug 2015 | 09:20
Chapter Fourteen: I realized too, the weakness of my statement and tennie and i agreed to confess.. "alright, you caught us ma.. please don't tell our fathers." I begged. She just smiled and told us.. "I am happy for you two. Don't worry, your secret is safe. And please, do it on a private place next time..", she laughed a little and left. ********************************* It has been months, and it is already snowing in Tokyo. Both family arranged a week-long vacation at a not so expensive but good hotel. It will be two days from now. At the kitchen, i was teaching Tennie how to cut vegetables. I was behind her, my chest touching her back, and i was holding both her hands to guide her the proper way of slicing foods. "ok.. there.. when you slice, control your emotions.. its not like you are battling with the veggies ok?", i whispered to her while guiding her how to slice. She was kind of nervous as well as blushing. It was the first time i was teaching her this kind of thing. And not to mention she could feel my body on her entire back. Well, it is not like it is her first time to be that close to me, but.. she couldn't help it. Every time we are like that, she could not help but be quite nervous, the effect of our intimacy… it is as if, its always our first time (love eh). "like this?", Akane asked embarrassed. She was starting to get it the proper way. "yup! Just continue..", i then removed my hands from hers and placed it around her waist. I was then hugging her from behind. Then, i rest my head on her shoulder. Tennie continued to slice, and i was just there hugging her, checking if she was doing it the proper way. I got bored all of a sudden and started to kiss her neck.. "tsup….", i placed a gentle kiss on her then smelled her on her neck. "mmm.. I love you tennie.. tsup..", i continued the kissing.. "Vict…. Jerk.. Stop it. It tickles.." "haha. Ok I'll stop...", i stopped but worked on her lips. I'm now kissing her from behind. Our position seemed to be a little uncomfortable that tennie let go of the knife and faced me. She placed her arms around my neck and we continued kissing passionately. Then…. "Hey! Where is my handsome?" We stopped kissing. "She's back?" We both asked at the same time. All those times we were making up, mray was on her training in China. As much as Mray doesn't want to leave Me, the training was part of her being an Amazon. She had no choice. But then.. now.. she came back. (Mray was my first girlfriend before tennie. We didn't break up officially, she left for China for training, to be a female warrior. I forgot about her when i fell in love with tennie. Now, she's back what do i do??) "well.. it's okay. At least I can now stop her from clinging unto me.", "Vict… I.. I don't think it's a good idea.. " "what?" "well.. you think Mray will give you up thinking that we are only couples? It's still the same Vict. We are just dating. That wouldn't stop her. Maybe. Maybe we should tell her once we plan on getting married." "what the'f.. fine! Let's get married!" (I aint a kid o... Incase. Lol) "Vict? You know it isn't time yet..". We both sensed mray coming and Tennie pushed me away from her. "Hey! I missed Mray, yes?", Mray quickly put her arms around me.. "well.. not really.. ", i was so annoyed that i had to deal with Mray. Tennie on the other hand was annoyed with what she was seeing. But she wouldn't do something. After all, it was her idea not tell Mray the truth yet. "well.. if you don't mind.. could you just leave me now.. I'm practicing my cooking." Tennie said. "Tennie no matter how you practice, still you not good in cooking. Tennie just wasting her time.. yes Vict?", Mray told Tennie. I was still annoyed with the situation, i did not respond to Mray. Mray stayed beside me until dinner, and there she had known about the vacation. And of course, she joined herself in. Mray was out of the house and it was time for the family to sleep. I, as usual accompanied Tennie to her room. "you still think it was a good idea?" "well…", Tennie couldn't answer. How could she, when her own plan just made her angry and jealous the entire night? "haha.. you were jealous right?", I teased "wha..? i.. i.. am not jealous! Wh- why would I be jealous! So what, if the entire time she was beside you? Huh? So.. so what, if instead of me.. it was her who was serving your food? SO.. so what? Its not like I wanna punch her the entire time ok? ". I was happy with her reaction.. oh yes.. she was jealous. She was not good at hiding it. I stared at her and smiled. "oh yeah.. you're jealous..", she was about to disagree, but i didn't let her talk anymore. I leaned and started to kiss her. While kissing, I opened the door and went inside the room. Once inside the room, i put tennie to bed and laid on top of her. "tsup.. are you still jealous?..tsup..", I smiled and asked her, teasing her a little. She only respond with a smile and we kissed until both of Us were tired. T.B.C ********************************* I was not really planning on including Mray here… but you know, I already have the plot of the finale in mind and to get to that, I will be needing her *winkz*… so there..Keep on reading!
3 Aug 2015 | 10:13
3 Aug 2015 | 10:17
D choice is urs @ vict-vames
3 Aug 2015 | 11:23
give up on her
3 Aug 2015 | 11:25
many things 2 do wit her(winks)
3 Aug 2015 | 12:42
things tennie dnt allow u 2 do wit her
3 Aug 2015 | 12:44
just break up wit her, nd continue wit u luv
3 Aug 2015 | 13:19
Uhmmmm d fact here is dat.... (Jokes apart) Mray has alwyz been my rival since we met on coolval.... Lol I no knw wetin I buy ontop Mray tray o... She wan dey follow me share hubby aqain nw.... Choi!!!! Fingers crossed nd legs crossed
3 Aug 2015 | 15:36
Oh My!!!!!!!!
3 Aug 2015 | 16:56
Jealous indeed
3 Aug 2015 | 16:56
Well I will advise u follow ur heart
3 Aug 2015 | 19:02
Mray's a evil nightmare...even to me.... My advice be say, mke yhu chase am comot, Tennie good small, yhu fit marry her.......but dnt let her continue demeaning junior vict vames..its unfair.
3 Aug 2015 | 19:16
@vict abeg wetin concern me sebi u be d mr player so plan on what to do o I just dey here dey jeje look wetin u go do
4 Aug 2015 | 12:52
Comman post dis tin jur..... @jummybabe lol... Na una be spectator
4 Aug 2015 | 12:59
@jummybabe abi??
4 Aug 2015 | 16:14
Chapter Fifteen: It was morning and was still snowing when our families went to the hotel. The hotel services were pretty good; they have a Jacuzzi there, where the water is hot enough to warm anyone's body due to the snow outside. They have lots of swimming pools. The activity area is full too. Since of the not so good weather, the management of the hotel decided to lower their charges on all services. That made us rent a big room. The room was complete, it has a big lounge area, dining area, and five bedrooms where each has own bathroom installed. We decided to divide ourselves to the five room. One room will be shared by Mr/Mrs Benson, one room by my dad and mum, and remaining three were for Mray/Hilary, Tennie, and I respectively. Finished unpacking, we all gathered at the dining area. We were in circles and as usual, Mrat had her arms around me… "oh no… I am so so dead", i thought to meself, sweating, while staring at Tennie. Normally, anyone would think she is okay, but i knew better. I could feel a red aura surrounding Tennie, and i knew that that moment, she had wanted to kill the both of us. It's lunch time and everyone was waiting for Mrs Benson and my mum's cooking (yea, we got a kitchen there). Tennie was contemplating on the terrace, staring at the snowflakes falling everywhere. I followed her and stood just a few distance away from her. I wanted to hug her… to kiss her… to tell her i love her… but Mray was there… one wrong move and we're busted. "are you okay….?" I asked her. But instead of facing her, i faced toward the view in front of me. I did that to not attract any attention from Mray. With that, Mray would think that we are just standing near each other and not talking at all. Tennie understood the situation and replied to me, facing the view in front of her too. "Hmm.. I guess I am.." "Really?", i sarcastically smiled. "dummy... you have no idea how hard I wanna punch her for being so touchy to you". that made me smile. "haha. Whose idea was it anyways? *sigh* This is harder…." "well. Still not harder that I thought.." "stupid.. Controlling myself not to do anything to you that you're not yet ready of doing of, has been very difficult to me and now? c'mon! Kissing you is the only thing I could do but now.. argh." "pervert." She smiled. "tsk. I wanna kiss you tennie. I wanna hug you… " "me too.. but.. but let us just deal with the situation okay?" "I don't know.. I don't know If I could control myself anymore." "dummy…" " *sigh* I love you….", i faced her and smiled. "I love you too.." Mray saw us smiling and interrupted us. "Mray what are you doing here?",        i asked still pissed about her. "Vict why you smiling with her? "Whatever.. I think the food is done.. let us just eat okay?". Mray nodded. We head towards the dining area Mray embracing My arms. ********************************* Four days passed and i wasn't able to control myself from kissing Tennie. At day, when no one is around, or when i thought that Mray would not look towards us, i would constantly call tennie by her name. And when she faces Me, i'd plant a quick kiss on her lips and then acted as if nothing had happened. Tennie found it very sweet of me, stealing kisses from her. "'Tennie!", i sounded as if i had something important to say. She faced me and in a speed just like lightning.. "tsup!", i quickly kissed her, then acted as if nothing happened. "Vict… that's the 9th kissed you've stolen from me now…". I looked at the place and checked again if Mray was around. When i realize that we are safe.. "tsup! now that's the tenth!", i teased. She hit me on my shoulder. "You pervert, what if Mray sees u-" "tsup! eleventh! haha", i laughed. Even though it's dangerous, tennie just trusts me, stealing kisses from her.. after all, she liked it. ********************************* It was the fifth day of our stay at the hotel and we're making the most out of it. Mray, Mrs Benson and my mum was on a Jacuzzi, our fathers were roaming around the hotel checking for freebies usually being given away, tennie was just fixing her messed up things and was on her way to join her mum, while i was still in my room. Hilary on the other hand has some business to attend to that is why she had to leave the hotel for a while. "I'm done!", Tennie said excitedly as she finished fixing her things as she was about to go out. She quickly left the room, and ran as quickly as she can. Unknown to her, i was just in my own room lying on my bed. And I, ever the martial artist and black belt holder heard her footsteps. "was that tennie?", i checked for meself as i quickly ran towards where i was hearing the foot steps. Fortunately i was able to catch up with her. "Tennie!" "Vict! Your father and my das are just walking around the hotel, ahm.. so.. I'll just go join our muns and Mray in the Jacuzzi okay?",, She quickly turned around and about to run again. "Mray's with my mum?", i thought. Tennie wait! Ahm.. lets go somewhere else…". "huh? Where? Did you find some new cool places here?" "ahm.. well.. yah! Sure! Let's go!". T.B.C.
4 Aug 2015 | 16:17
*clears throat* abeg I fear acid o... If mray sees anything.... Uhmmmm
4 Aug 2015 | 19:08
hide and seek lol
4 Aug 2015 | 19:12
Hmmmm u guys re jst playin a hide nd seek game Next pls
4 Aug 2015 | 19:24
lips sealed for now
4 Aug 2015 | 20:51
5 Aug 2015 | 03:17
tennie ur rivary don cum nw nd dnt leave wat belongs to u out of pity 4 mray
5 Aug 2015 | 04:00
5 Aug 2015 | 07:38
Hmmmmm......still observing
5 Aug 2015 | 07:38
Chapter Sixteen: Tennie and I were in front of a large door. "Vict… you told me it's new.. it's just the swimming pool! We've been here remember? And not to mention this place is so ordinary that rarely people would go here. " "that's why its cool….". I glanced at her and quickly grabbed her hands, forcing her to go with me inside. Once there, i stopped in front of her. Looking straight at her eyes... "Tennie, let's kiss.." She blushed with what i asked. "Vict.. you know we cant! if someone sees us.. and besides, you've been stealing kisses from me!" "that wasn't kisses! Those were..those were. you know.. just touching of lips.. but those ain't kisses! And you just told me it's rare to have people here!" "Yea, but think of the smallest possibility Vict!" "Tennie! I've been controlling myself for days now! This feeling... this desire to touch you… the temptation just kept getting stronger and stronger and I tell you if you wont let me kiss you now, I am going to sneak up to your room tonight and I swear I am gonna fuck you! Whether you like it! or not… tennie…. I know you don't want that… I am reaching my limit okay? I am a man too... and you happened to be the woman I love. please… just let me kiss you.." She couldn't oppose anymore. Yea, i never fail to amaze her, to shock her… like how can i be a pervert but a gentleman at the same time. For some reason, i could have just kissed her that very moment but i chose to ask permission first. "You… tsk.. that eyes… how can I just say no?". I quickly changed mood and smiled with her answer. She was expecting me to kiss her already but to her shocked i pushed her to the pool. *Splash* "Vict! What was that for?". Good thing the water isn't too deep that she managed to stay. In a second, I jumped in to join her. We were both in the water when i slowly move near her, and put my arms around her waist "I love you…", it was my last words until i leaned and kissed her. "Tsup… aah.. mmm.. I miss this.. tsup.. Victt..", she couldn"t contain the pleasure anymore. She started caressing my body. Her hands were all over my chest, my abs, my back. Then after a minute or so, her one hand found its way to My nipple. For some reason, she just wanted to play with it. Not holding back anymore, she put her one arm around my neck to pull my head more closer to hers and to put more pressure with the kissing, and the other hand on my nipples. Her forefinger was touching my nipples, and she's playing with it by moving her finger in circles. I was enjoying what she was doing to me. "Hey.. tsup.. you want me to play with your nipples too? Tsup..", i teased. "You ahh. Tsup.. you wish..", she smiled. Both of us could not stop smiling while kissing. My hand moved from her waist, to her tummy, to her arms, to side of her legs.. My hands were touching everything of her except from what tennie had not permitted me to touch yet. But i wanted to touch more.. "Tennie..  can I touch this?", i moved my hand and touch her butt. I was teasing her.. you know.. asking for permission to touch something i was already touching. He cannot help but smile.. She smiled at the idea too. It is too cute when we were intimately kissing and in between those kisses, we smile. "Dummy.. its fine..  but only that..", she smiled. We continued to kiss each other. When running out of air i just stop, remove my lips only an inch away from hers (my forehead touching her forehead) and starts breathing for air. She could feel my breath on her lips when i pants. *pant pant pant*, when i got enough of air, i resume kissing her. "Vict.. … stop…", she was pushing me away . we really should stop because it would be dangerous if someone would see Us. after all, we've been like kissing for hours. But i insisted and ignored her.. "Tsup.. I don't want to.. tsup…I love you.. ", i kissed her faster and harder so she couldn't whisper anymore. Since she couldn't speak anymore to stop me, she just tilted her head, away from me, left and right to avoid my kisses. During the short seconds she was able to remove her lips from me she'd tell me.. "Vict stop…mmm" But then i'd just adjust my head to where she's facing, to resume my kissing. If anyone would see us that moment, he/she would think i was harassing Tennie because of Her constant avoidance of my  kisses. But its not like she didn't want it. It's just that, she thought it was already time to stop because someone might go inside the room already. "Vict….. mmm. Stop.. please.. ", She was serious and that enough made me stop. "Fine.. okay.. i'm sorry.. hmm.. last three…?", i teased. She then closed her eyes and pouted her lips to signal approval. I smiled. "Tsup.. tsup.. tssuup! I love you…", I smiled as i had my three kisses. "I love you too.. so shall we go now?" "sure!.. see? Everything is still fine" Going back to our room, the first person we ran into was Mray. Shit!! T.B.C.
5 Aug 2015 | 08:15
5 Aug 2015 | 08:29
@M-ray why can't u leave dis two lover birds alone n go find ur own love??? @tenniebenson I beg my sis con see 4 house by 2pm today I go give u sometin whey u use send mray go sambisa forest go do training.. B4 she go come back u n @Vict-Vames go don marry zinpu!!! I gat ur bck gurl.
5 Aug 2015 | 09:36
shey u no go include my name ni @vict-vames i go vex o
5 Aug 2015 | 10:48
Lolllzzzzzz @tenniebenson. I sees everytin
5 Aug 2015 | 12:00
Hmmm, following with interest..
5 Aug 2015 | 12:33
Shooo, Sambisa forest ke, hmm, I dey look
5 Aug 2015 | 12:38
Lollsss @swtharyomi
5 Aug 2015 | 13:43
I knw wat i ll do abt ur issue @besty
5 Aug 2015 | 13:51
watch ur steps o @vict
5 Aug 2015 | 13:56
next pls
5 Aug 2015 | 13:57
Oga ooo osu mi o... Wetin I wan do ontop dis mray issue sef??? Her matter taya me o
5 Aug 2015 | 15:25
@swtharyomi plz give me d one dat will keep her away 4reva
5 Aug 2015 | 15:26
@Besty e be like sey na juju go work ontop mray issue
5 Aug 2015 | 15:28
@Pheyisexy lol... U too wan join? I hope sey no be my rival u wan be sha?
5 Aug 2015 | 15:30
5 Aug 2015 | 18:45
b4 nko? Wat do u xpect? I wan be ur rival noni @tenniebenson
5 Aug 2015 | 19:37
No wahala @Pheyisexy u can be number 2 rival... But u guyz shld av it in mind dat na dat level u go dey... I no dey jonze 4 anytn... I ready 4 anybdy wey carry nose come
5 Aug 2015 | 20:19
@tenniebenson u have no prob... I go give u d 1 wey go send all of una rivals away even if dem reach 20,000, *sambisa tinz 4 dem*
6 Aug 2015 | 08:38
ok nw we shall see, emi ati e ni @tenniebenson
6 Aug 2015 | 08:46
Tnx dearest @Swtharyomi datz why I love u jae . . . . . @Pheyisexy u go first face mray b4 u reach my side na.. By d tym both of una fight finish 4 no1 rival I go don go far far
6 Aug 2015 | 09:47
6 Aug 2015 | 09:51
says who? I dnt nid 2 fyt mray coz no b onli me waka cum na u wey dey claim 1st wife i wan treat ur fuckup by d tym i finish wit u na u go warn mray make she park her bently go brt lane
6 Aug 2015 | 13:16
says who? I dnt nid 2 fyt mray coz no b onli me waka cum na u wey dey claim 1st wife i wan treat ur fuckup by d tym i finish wit u na u go warn mray make she park her bently go brt lane @tenniebenson
6 Aug 2015 | 13:17
Sumtin is still mystery in this story. @vick_james is ur father nd tennie are frnds nd are u pple living in the same house.
6 Aug 2015 | 15:31
@Tenniebenson, dnt wori i dey here wt AK47 4 anybody dat cross ur path(lolssss
6 Aug 2015 | 15:33
@Mray,jst leave them to enjoy their lives
6 Aug 2015 | 15:34
@pheyisexy u no tell me sey u don dey eye my position tey tey... I laff... Na eye u go dey use see am o... Cos laye o laye mi ko jo... Even Mray never reach am since...u wan dey form muscle nw nw... I jez dey look u dey smile..
6 Aug 2015 | 16:37
@pheyisexy no vex o... buh, mayb on my next story. @temmyjoy we share d same building but different apartment. My father and her father are like brothers, we're dat close. @swtharyomi sambisa ke... leave dem let dem cum 2 daddy Lolx.
6 Aug 2015 | 16:37
@Temmyjoy tnx dearie... Glad 2 av u guyz by my side... Anybdy wey do anyaw go see anyaw
6 Aug 2015 | 16:39
@Vict-Vames woh if u do anyaw I will enter ur nose ni
6 Aug 2015 | 16:40
@tennibenson u knw nau, d perfect gentleman... Nice dp by d way.
6 Aug 2015 | 16:46
Chapter Seventeen: "Hey! Why is my Handsome with Tennie?" Mray shouted "No Mray.. we just happened to return here at the same time okay? So stop shouting.. your handsome is still safe..", Tennie answered pissed. "good. I hate seeing him together with you". Then she calmed and go back to watching TV. I just smiled at Tennie. "I love you!", i only mouthed to tennie so Mray wouldn't hear. She read my lips and mouthed 'I love you too'. Then we both two smiled. ********************************* Dinner was done and as much as the families wanted to go outside to do fun activities, they couldn't. It has been snowing hard and that left them just roam around the hotel. But as usual, I didn't join them, i just stayed in my room. "*sigh* I've been tired." I was so sleepy and was about to close my eyes when.. *knock knock* "Vict are you there?" "Tennie? come here baby". "wow. What a good way to end the day" I thought. I sat on my bed as i waited for tennie to come in. Once she got in, she sat on the bed beside me. "Vict? Can I stay here?" "Yes, ofcoz! How.. how about Mray?" "It's okay... they are still not here. I think we still got hours." "you sure?" "yea." She then closed her distance to me, she leaned and was about to kiss me. But because she was so excited to kiss me, she accidentally kicked the cabinet beside my bed. The vase on it fell off and that failed her to kiss me. "Don't worry tennie, I got it." I got out of bed to fix the broken vase. Meanwhile she was still on the bed and staring at me… she had this unusual look to me. "Victt…. Fuck me.. fuck me so hard..", she told me straight in the eyes. I was still shocked with what i heard. I didn't know Tennie could ask me that, especially with what happened just early that morning when she stopped me from kissing her. I was still frozen and confused to what i'd do. Tennie being impatient started to remove her shirt. "Ten-nie..", her aggressiveness made me nervous. I was still not moving that she decided to take off her bra… she unhooked her bra so easily and a second after it fell off. I was staring at her breast. I had touched it once before by accident and that got me just a little excited. But now… even though i wasn't touching it, just staring at it without any clothes on made myvbody go wild. "you want to have sex with me right? Let's do it now… what happened this morning just made me long for you… Vict.." I got back to my senses. I removed my shirt sharperly and jumped to bed to join her. I was about to pin her down to bed and lay on top of her but she was so aggressive. Instead it was her who pinned me down to bed. I was lying, when she sat on vame. "Wow Vict.. you are so hard.. I can feel it on my pussy." "dummy.. I still have my pants and you still have your skirts.." "we'll do it slowly…" she laughed a little. Not being able to control myself anymore.. I grabbed her right and left breast and started caressing it "aaahh.. Victtt..", she faced towards the ceiling, my gentle touch on her breast was so pleasurable.. I was about to pull her to me to kiss her when somebody opened the door.
6 Aug 2015 | 16:47
Naso o@tenniebenson
6 Aug 2015 | 17:45
What a pity that sumbdy interrupted u when u re about to hv taste of wat u hv been longing 4 since@vict_james @tenniebenson.i wonder y this mray usually disturb u.and u about to hmmm........
6 Aug 2015 | 17:59
6 Aug 2015 | 18:20
Uh uh... Why we no lock door sef??? Lol @temmyjoy abi o... Choi! Show don spoil fah
6 Aug 2015 | 18:28
U had better remain d gentle guy I knw o @vict-vames cos I dnt share o... I dnt knw aw 2 Tnx 4 d comment
6 Aug 2015 | 18:31
Abegi who be dat disturbobaric killjoyology fellow,I beg milady @tenniebenson why u never con collect dat tin wey I promise u.. and u know say na only 2 of us our moma get.maybe Ill bring it 4 u myself...if na mray I must bundle ham go kaduna
6 Aug 2015 | 23:56
Leave who 4 who, to enjoy wat? don't talk t me abt it coz he's .........mine! @Temmyjoy
7 Aug 2015 | 00:43
Hehehehehehehe! Na me open d door oooooooo!! I don catch una..... . . . . . . . . . @swtharyomi hmmmmmmm..........u beta kip dat tin 4 ur sef, u might nid it later coz if tennie finally succeeded in snatching vict frm me, den ur guy no save oooooooooooooooooo.....................
7 Aug 2015 | 00:47
no qualms nw, shebi u dey form james bond abi i no go even argue wit u we go c who go wear d crown @tenniebenson
7 Aug 2015 | 03:44
u had beta warn ur sister coz by d time m tru wit her eh u too wil gve me kudos @swtharyomi. No problem jare i no dey vex @vict-vames
7 Aug 2015 | 03:50
See me see trouble.... @mray nd @pheyisexy u go knw sey khaki no be leather... Nd I go tell u sey race wey person dey use 1000 years run...u no fit use 1 day run am... U better carry cold water drink cos I still dey ontop wether u like it or yes... Nd if u no knw... I no dey retire
7 Aug 2015 | 06:08
@swtharyomi u knw sey I gentle... Na why I dey pity dem o... But with d way tinz re going... Dey too stubborn na ontop dem I go show d meaning of killah...
7 Aug 2015 | 06:10
@Mray Since when did u become husband Buh 2 b honset @mray izn't d one 2 b blame Coz i think tennie iz d 1 dah wanna snatch vic 4rm her(mray) According 2 d story mray az been dating vic b4 her (tennie) ad they didn't break up, only that she travled ad b4 she comes bak tennie az already took her i think mray iz not d enemy here @vic-vames Nice 1 jawe Buh where iz Khola self ad who iz he 2 d family coz u only mentioned him once in epi 1 or 2 can't rmmber precisely ...stil confused on that
7 Aug 2015 | 06:40
U knw nah @mray
7 Aug 2015 | 07:25
Abi o@tenniebenson
7 Aug 2015 | 07:32
u go c if i no go fit run d race for 1dy nw, na me n u. Jst dnt worry @tenniebenson
7 Aug 2015 | 07:36
Lollzzz.........@Emmy Tnkz jhawee..... Now sum1 is on my side. *tongue out* @Tenniebenson . . I dnt knw oooo @temmyjoy
7 Aug 2015 | 07:37
Chapter Eighteen: I was froze to death, afraid that it would be Mray. The door opened but still to my shock, the one who opened it wasn't Mray.. and what made me scared more was.. it was Tennie! Tennie is the one that opened the door. My heart was beating so fast. Who is the girl on top of me? I looked to the girl who was sitting on vame and to my greatest dismay, it was Mray. I looked back to Tennie who at the moment looked so shocked, tears over flowing her eyes.. She was so hurt, she started running down away from my room. She had to get out of me. "Tennie! it's not what it looks like!" I threw Mray away from me, and was about to follow her. But Mray tried to stop me. "Hey, don't follow her! I so much love u.. Please don't leave me!", she cried. "Damn you Mray! What did you do?", i was so angry i knew anytime then, i could kill her. I saw you and tennie kissing at the pool this morning. It hurts me. You and Tennie lied to me. That's why I used a potion that would make you see , smell, and hear me as though I am really Tennie. I did that because i love u Vict!" "you fool! I swear, if something happens to Tennie and to our relationship.. you better go back to China with your stupid amazon tribe because if not I will kill you." I quickly wore my shirt, and ran to follow Tennie. "Tennie its not what it looks like! Nothing happened between us!" I was chasing tennie on the stairs of the hotel, i was shouting to explain every thing to her. I didn't care anymore if everyone could see us or hear us. As long as i get to explain to tennie, it will be good. "Tennie listen to me!" She halt. I thought she'd  listen to me but instead she just slapped me hard on my face. "we're done. I- I don't want to see you anymore.. ", she was madly in tears. "Tennie...It just happened because I thought Mray was you.. Mray did-" "that's bullshit Vict! What? You got blinded by her body huh? You want to have sex that bad? Vict you're disgusting!" That hurts me. "Hey! I wanna have sex with you not because its 'sex' and Its pleasurable! For your information, I wanna do it with you so bad cause I love you that much that those stupid kisses and hugs that I give you isn't enough for me to express this feeling that I have for you! Tennie I love you so mu-" *slap* parr! On my face, again. "enough of the lies Vict! we're done!" She turned her back. "Tennie please! I'll do anything! Please! What do you want me to do huh? what? I'll do anything for you!" She thought of something, she was so angry she wanted to make me suffer so bad. "then go outside and freeze to death!", she cried, turned around and ran away. (What!!) Well, Just as what i promised, i followed what she told me to do. Even though it was snowing hard that time, i went outside and stayed there freezing (how i wish say i grow up in naija, dis for no happen nau. I get oyinbo brain, shit!). Tennie returned back to her room crying, our family couldn't do anything (chai! Oyinbo brain sucks). They were trying to cheer Tennie up but the stubborn girl just want them out of her room. She locked her room and was left alone there. She finally stood up to her bed, and look outside from the window. There she saw me, standing, shivering in cold. She hates it that seeing me suffer like that still pains her. she wanted to go outside and make me return inside the hotel, but every time she remembers what she saw between Mray and I (Mray sitting on top of me, with my arms on her breast.) she couldn't help but be angry, be in pain. She cared not. She swallowed all the concerns she felt for me and continued to cry…
7 Aug 2015 | 07:37
and u foolishly froze to death
7 Aug 2015 | 07:51
@Mray mray mray Y did u do that to tennie my frnd @tenniebenson pls 4give vict_james
7 Aug 2015 | 08:05
Am doing all diz bcoz I luv u! Can't u see? Diz vict brain sef.......
7 Aug 2015 | 08:09
@Vict_james,hv asked tenniebenson 4 forgiveness on ur behalf.
7 Aug 2015 | 08:09
I nid t act fast b4 she finally finally snatch him frm me @temmyjoy
7 Aug 2015 | 08:11
@Mray ur plan hv failed
7 Aug 2015 | 08:25
Watch out!!! I av plan B @temmyjoy
7 Aug 2015 | 08:28
@Mray nt only plan B U also hv plan F9.
7 Aug 2015 | 09:42
Lollzz @temmyjoy. Just wait n see
7 Aug 2015 | 10:25
lolz....@mray, abeg leave vict alone nw...Na by force
7 Aug 2015 | 11:51
Na tennie u suppose tell dat na @abradek
7 Aug 2015 | 11:54
I no fear o@mray
7 Aug 2015 | 11:56
Oya nw@mray
7 Aug 2015 | 12:03
So oyinbo sef dey do juju??? Oga gan o @Mray no matter aw u try... U don fail.. Ur tym don expire as u don go wherever u go... I knw sey na emmy go support u b4... Both of us no dey gree tey tey
7 Aug 2015 | 12:51
Woh @pheyisexy go nd sit down jae... I never get ur tym I am still crying.. Shey u no see sey tennie dey cry inside her room? Infact I cannot av ur tym.... Jez siddown where u dey @Vict-Vames uhmmmm
7 Aug 2015 | 12:54
U ll soon fear @temmyjoy
7 Aug 2015 | 13:47
*lips sealed* *lips opened* @vict-vames u can freeze 2 death nd SHE [BOTH] wil bringsum1 2 da FUNERAL.
7 Aug 2015 | 14:34
7 Aug 2015 | 14:47
Hey! Hey! Hey guyz enof of dis pls.... @emmy @Mray... Mray may be @Vict-Vame 1st love,but now d love is no more dere...can't u see 4 urself??? So using juju to have him makes u bla bla my friend go find ur own man elsewhere vict can't marry u. only @tenniebenson owns his love ooo...u don hear me so,but if u no wan agree go hug transformer zinpu. And mind u, @pheyisexy d tin wey never bellefull 2 ppl na hin u dey fight untop,milady go marry @pizzaro understood?? cos I love u I dey tell u oo. @tenniebenson abeg mi sister go call ur guy kulikuli now,before I decend mi anger on u,abi u wan kill ham ni???
7 Aug 2015 | 15:45
Lolzz wetin do u @konphido ? Why u dey open nd close mouth?
7 Aug 2015 | 16:34
Lol sister @swtharyomi abeg no vex... Dat tin fit pain nw... I've 4gvn my sweetheart o @vict-vames I cnt be angry with him 4reva... I love him pass dat level
7 Aug 2015 | 16:36
I dnt even knw where my oda sisters re... I never see my paddy too @babe4biola make she come join hand clear dis ppl 4 me @hilary were re u o
7 Aug 2015 | 16:39
e be lyk say u wnt make i add u 2 d list of pple wey i wan treat their fuckup abi? If nt u wont b asking me 2 go n marry @pizzaro u beta park well b4 u av urself 2 blame @swtharyomi n as 4 u @tenniebenson dts jst d begginning lolz
7 Aug 2015 | 17:07
Love portion eeeeeeh
7 Aug 2015 | 17:53
Ehn!!! Tufiakwa sister @swtharyomi I no even see d name wey u mention... Dnt even think of giving anyone pizzaro o... Cos he belongs 2 my paddy @babe4biola nd I no dey use anything wey concern my goons play
7 Aug 2015 | 18:01
@pheyisexy jez go nd sit down.. Won ma pe e ko ti kan e... Dnt force it... U cnt beat it... I av tinz 2 sought out..maybe I'll av ur tym when apple starts growing on mango tree
7 Aug 2015 | 18:03
Hmmmnm I can see d talks for the future ere ooo hmmmnm dat awkward moment wen u mistake Mray for Tennie nd she enters to tell u to freeze to death nd u be like I would do anything for love nd I wld let u knw dat it wld tear ur mouth
7 Aug 2015 | 20:37
Lol....yhur comments gan self kill the story.... @Tenniebenson, nah yhur missed call on Elvis wake me yesternite, thanks o..... @Mray, yhur evil wrks reach hre?, my dreams wey yhu dey disturb nvr reach?....I go gather go mountain with myself and me for 30 days pwayer over yhu....and yhur juju. @Tenniebenson, I dey yhur back like skul bag....dey go no fear....buh call tht mumu oyinbo guy enter frm the rain..#he too dense self#....... And help me greet all those wey dey add salt and jara put tooo
7 Aug 2015 | 21:12
7 Aug 2015 | 21:27
Shez still goin 2 cum out joor....... Nxt
8 Aug 2015 | 01:14
Lolzz tnx @Tofag I don dey get many supporter fah... Sweet@ abeg no freeze 2 death o.... I still need u
8 Aug 2015 | 02:20
i dnt av time 4 u too jae, jst trying 2 create time ni abeg make i drive my ferrari go brt lane @tenniebenson see ya later dear #winks#
8 Aug 2015 | 04:08
Hmmm oga o @swtharyomi Put urself in mray shows...can u jux let go of d man u claim u love lik that? @mray Uself ur own don da 2 much Nw dat u ar applying juju Wel can't blame u though Things we do 4 LOVE @tenniebenson Nt that am supporting mray o...wel may b jux a little. Buh am jux pointing out d obvious dah evry 1 refused 2 see @Vic-vames U knw u ar nt a victim 2 Coz u ar d real mastermind of diz issue Even if she(Tennie) ask u 2 go ad stay in front of trailer Ha no petty u atall... Continue bro
8 Aug 2015 | 04:16
oh,mray y u like to dey hurt tennie,tennie abeg 4gv vict vame he luvs u
8 Aug 2015 | 05:21
@olesev y u wan finish mray lky dat,i don laugh tire here
8 Aug 2015 | 05:25
@mray she av alrdy snatch him frm u,vict is 4 tennie nd tennie only
8 Aug 2015 | 05:37
Hahahaha abeg help me tell her oooo @Ikeholuwa1
8 Aug 2015 | 06:18
So na u dey see d unsee-able @emmy .. Ok vict sey he no do aqain... Na juju mray carry come
8 Aug 2015 | 06:19
@Pheyisexy good gal.. Oya chop knuckle... But I will prefer u park ur car on d railway o
8 Aug 2015 | 06:20
@swtharyomi, Tnkzzz madam adviser, buh mind u if vict is not mine den am cuming 4 ur guy. Simple . . . @tofag, U mean d evil work wey i inherit frm u? Wu dey disturb u 4 slip? I knw u ar saying all diz coz I choose vict ova yu. If u lik dey her side lik hand bag. U all sud just watch out!!!!!!!!!! It ll b like d return of jenifa
8 Aug 2015 | 06:54
@emmy, just as u said, tinz we do 4 luv! No1 can imagine it. Itz coz of d luv I av 4 him nd I don't want t loose him to @tenniebenson. It hurts *sobbing* . . . .@ikeholuwa1, madam announcer! So, diz aw u plan t get back at me ehn? Tot we r fwend ni or is it bcox he choose me ova u. . . . @tenniebenson, buh don't expect me t accept defeat easily oooooo, I still got planB
8 Aug 2015 | 07:04
Make una leave tennie na @mray.. Awon abeleja yan. Free dat babe abeg, Vict James wed Tennie Benson. Wat a beautiful combination!
8 Aug 2015 | 07:28
Hahahahhaha mehn!!! I gat many supporters tnx dear @sofia
8 Aug 2015 | 07:37
@mray if u av plan B.... I av solution C to Z
8 Aug 2015 | 07:38
U 2? @sofia hmmmmm.... Am indeed in d middle of enemieses. . Lollzz @tenniebenson
8 Aug 2015 | 07:44
@swtharyomi nah wu told u say pizzaro need g.f beta find sme1 else cuz i wnt allow anybdy 2 take im FYI. @tenniebenson dear am here jst relax bt u no say i no support dat ur luv wt vict vames na only @khola46 i go fight 4, bdw y is it dat @mray is always ur rival both of u ehn cme nd meet me in my chamber 2 settle it.
8 Aug 2015 | 08:58
i neva knew u luv me diz mch bt plz i prefer d brt lane waiting 4 our husby u hear? @tenniebenson
8 Aug 2015 | 10:26
@Mray ehya sori water don dey drop 4rm ur eyes@tenniebenson as u don win nw na Godwin o
8 Aug 2015 | 12:01
Lol.... @babe4biola no vex paddy mi... But u sef kmw sey khola no dey carry eyes put 4 one place na...nd u can also remember dat na mray wan dey fight me on top my possession...tnk God sey khola no fall...dat mray matter iyaf taya me o
8 Aug 2015 | 13:02
@pheyisexy of cos i too like u....but na dat ur last paragraph go make me put pepper 4 ur eyes.... By d tym me nd my hubby dey pass...u no go see @temmyjoy yes oooo na Godwin oooooo
8 Aug 2015 | 13:04
Ok ma @babe4biola . . . U ar hapy nao dat u v seen my eyes water abi? @temmyjoy
8 Aug 2015 | 14:02
8 Aug 2015 | 14:40
Choiii @Mray so u finally succeed..lollz
8 Aug 2015 | 15:00
@tenniebenson u c na trade by barter we do, @mray will av khola while u av vict vames shikena i knw want fight again
8 Aug 2015 | 18:34
Nice Judgment @babe4biola. As ur lordship pleases
8 Aug 2015 | 18:37
eyah mray no cry again,vict don leave u teytey no use all dose fake juju wey u carry cum frm china harm two lovers dat god has alrdy bless bcos if u do so,1 u knw go see vict marry,2 u knw go see husby wey go marry u again bcos dey go don knw say u be ogbaje spirit
8 Aug 2015 | 18:50
@Babe4biola no let me look ur face o ehn ehn... Even Khola knws i'm d first wife...nd d law between us is dat dere is love in sharing... Nd dat is why i allowed him 2 av oda wives... Nd he allowed me too... So dat ur law cannot wrk... No let mray tummy dey dance o... Cos her number still far 4 khola list... Anitcham na wife number 2.. Original ann na number 3... I think mray is number 10 sha... So carry dat ur law commot
8 Aug 2015 | 18:52
Lolzzzz @Ikeholuwa1 i too gbadun u jae... Abeg let her hear
8 Aug 2015 | 18:53
Hehehe... If @vict-vames own mata nr pure @mray u get back up??
8 Aug 2015 | 18:57
@tenniebenson u r fightin a LOST BA2
8 Aug 2015 | 18:58
Which of d battles? Cos i can only see myself winning on all sides..... Eni to ba shey yamayama rederede.... Eyin boyz! E gba oju é.... @konphido better join d winning team b4 i casterate u o
8 Aug 2015 | 19:15
Gud of u @mray, @tenniebenson no vex na ore mi i expct u 2 understnd wella no let me talk am 4 here
9 Aug 2015 | 15:19
@Babe4biola uhmmm I dey use one eye look u o... @Vict-Vames oya comman drop d next one na... U want 2 freeze ni?
9 Aug 2015 | 16:43
I no get oooo,, u get 1 4 me? @konphido
9 Aug 2015 | 18:13
Eyi ta ba wi fùn ogbon,oun ni ogbon ngbo,eyi ta ba wi fun ogba,oun ni ogba n gba......eyi ti emi hartuny bawi fun iwo mray ati tenniebenson ni ki aro ko romo[ase],@mray go back ome,pack ur load nd go to china,@tenniebenson leave vict 4 me alone
10 Aug 2015 | 07:29
lol,@ tennie u don get anoda rival ooo dis one na big ogbaje she bring witch cum frm dere village
10 Aug 2015 | 07:49
Lolzzzz....go n cum back, d leave wey dem use do d juju remain 1 @hartuny
10 Aug 2015 | 08:42
Hahahaha @mray u no see drama? Na true u talk.. D leaf never complete... @Hartuny ur incantations sef never complete remain small... @Ikeholuwa1 osu mi oooo.... Dis ppl get ojukokoro dem no go leave my boo 4 me
10 Aug 2015 | 09:41
Am seeing wat u ar sawing ooooo @tenniebenson Sum ppl insect's eye is higher dan mount kilimonjaro
10 Aug 2015 | 11:55
I beg no use 1 eye o dis @hartuny own is gaa gan ni
10 Aug 2015 | 13:49
Hmmm C greediness. Love in sharing indeed. Task,task,task...(SMH). @Hartuny Na wa o E be like say u really mean am o Buh d problem b say D duo way u wan use juju on, dem b juju demself So juju can't wrk on juju...try sometin else biko @Tenniebenson See what u use da ur spell dah u called love do vic-vames nw. D guy don freeze...he no even fit post d nx Epi again @Mray Ad u ar jux luking at Tennie suffering d love of urlif lik diz? Ele yi su mi o (hayam tire of diz one o).
10 Aug 2015 | 15:24
Dis @Emmy no go put hand 4 where him hand dey... No put hand 4 my matter aqain if u no wan make hartuny help me faya u o... Sometin wey never reach me na hin dis one wan dey use juju ontop... Kojo rara
10 Aug 2015 | 15:28
abeg vict cum upload nw,abi u don freeze die,@tennie abeg 4gv vict make him cum continue d story nw
10 Aug 2015 | 18:12
@tennie h knw see were him name start frm enemie of progress he no get better wife,na jealousy go kill him
10 Aug 2015 | 18:16
Na small small i go dey use am.......just start packing ur loads@tenniebenson nd@mray
10 Aug 2015 | 18:25
ogbaje don cum oooo
10 Aug 2015 | 18:29
@Hartuny u go meet me 4 house (wa ba mi nile) by d tym ayam tru with all of u abelejayans u go run no be small... Abi ooo @Ikeholuwa1 Vict no wan ansr me o..nd I already told him 2 come inside o
10 Aug 2015 | 20:12
Erm erm,lets negotiate,wat shud i gv u in return,just 4u 2 leave vict 4me,na beg i dey beg u@tenniebenson
11 Aug 2015 | 06:01
My darling,my honey,my sweetie,my sugar 1 in all@vict,post d next episode pls
11 Aug 2015 | 06:16
E be like sey u no knw as e dey do u @Hartuny when apple starts growing on mango tree I will leave him 4 u
11 Aug 2015 | 07:32
Haha,wetin gan@tenniebenson,y ur own cum plenty lyk u alone wan enjoy vict ni.....NO LEMME CHANGE AM 4 U O
11 Aug 2015 | 08:23
Una funny eh...
11 Aug 2015 | 10:17
Chapter Nineteen: Mray was never scared of me… until that day. my eyes were very angry… terrifying she knew what i told her was true. I really love Tennie. She fixed herself after minutes of crying. She packed her things and about to leave the hotel. She got out of her room as if nothing had happened, smile on her face, pride on her stunt and stopped in front of Tennie's room. she knocked. "Tennie…" Akane who was still crying in pain, shouted in anger, "Get out you slut! *sniff* Leave!". Mray was frozen outside Tennie's room, deep in her thoughts. "Sorry Tennie…I didn't mean to hurt u.. Tennie, deep in her heart was waiting for Mray to tell her that everything was just a lie, that she just set me up , that nothing happened between us. After all, she had been wanting to run toward Me, hug me, kiss me, and tell me that everything is now fine. But.. "sorry Tennie.. Vict was too aggressive.. I could not control him.. I had no idea that there is something between you two. If i had known, I would not let him make love to me..". she lied. That hurt Tennie. it was too painful to handle, she could hardly breathe. Tears came down her eyes drastically. It is as if give her two more minutes and no tears will come out anymore. She couldn't speak. The pain is too overwhelming.. "Le- *sniff* leaaave…" was only Tennie could say. Mray left. How she managed to get out despite the storm, only she would know. ***** I was freezing to death. I could barely stand, i could barely move. I could not even speak it is as if the cold had locked my jaw. I had been staying there for hours and i was starting to feel numb. I was starting to feel nothing. Was i going to die? I couldn't care more. Stupid me for staying outside knowing the snow could kill me, but who could i blame. Stupid for loving Tennie so much. If my suffering would ease Tennie's pain, i'd endure anything. ****** It was already 6 am, our 6th day in the hotel. The snow storm had calmed for who knows when. I was still outside, both my knees were on the ground supporting my weak body. I wasn't able to manage to stand the entire time after all. I was so pale, my lips were violet, my eyes, half closed, seemed not to see anything, my face had no emotions. Its seemed nothing was inside me. nothing at all. Hilary who had left yesterday was done with her business and was coming back to the hotel. While walking towards the hotel's main entrance, there she saw me seemed almost lifeless to her, kneeling in front to where Tennie's window on the third floor was facing. "Hey.. something is not right.", she ignored me for awhile and quickly ran to their room. She opened their room and there she saw everyone on the lounge area with that sad looks on their faces. "Guys.. c'mon what happened? Why is Vict outside? Where is Tennie?" Everyone just looked at her, they seemed not to find words to explained what happened. Good thing Mrs Benson was there. She told Hilary everything that had happened. "So where is Mray?", Hilary asked "we don't know, her things aren't in herroom". "ok. Let me handle this." Mrs Benson was left confused. How on earth could Hilary fixed this horrible situation. *knock knock* "Tennie? it's Hilary.." "Leave me alone…" "hey, just let me talk to you.." "I said leave me alone." "C'mon stupid, I think I could fix this thing..", well.. that caught Tennie's attention. ".ho- how? *sniff*". (My mom called Dr. Ibams. She knew they would be needing him. although they still don't plan on putting me inside, after all, they knew both Tennie and I are stubborn as hell that we'd not let anyone butt in). "Dr. Ibrams.. it's me Mrs Vames.. Can you visit us here? We badly need your help" "Ah—sure Mrs Vames.. I'll just fix my- my things." "thank you so much Dr. Ibrams." ***************************** "here. I still don't guarantee fixing your relationship okay.. but..but I think this will do.." Hilary said giving Tennie something. "what's this?", Tennie holding two video cams Hilary gave her. "well.. you know.. I set up video cams on both of your room.. cause I'm not sure which room would you too do *things*.. so. Yeah.. that one on your right, records everything that happened in your room, the other on Vict.. guess, that would clear what really happened last night." T.B.C.
11 Aug 2015 | 10:23
@hartuny Since When?? *shocked*
11 Aug 2015 | 10:28
Am nt putting any hand or mouth in ur matter o Am jux sayin wah i saw @Ikeholuwa I wonder wah she bribe u with dah makes u wanna die ontop her matter lik diz Finely he yaff come...kon2nun.
11 Aug 2015 | 11:10
Wen i started reading ur story@vict-vames
11 Aug 2015 | 11:44
Tnk God u re bck
11 Aug 2015 | 11:45
Tomorrow 12th Aug I'd Be +1. So I'd Expecting,,,,, Well Wishes,,, Gifts *winkz* From Y'all.
11 Aug 2015 | 12:03
Thanks @hartuny
11 Aug 2015 | 12:05
@mray leave,oh my tennie vict will b urs nd urs only nw nd 4eva,@Emmy d enemie start to dey watch
11 Aug 2015 | 12:23
@vict happi b'day in advance
11 Aug 2015 | 12:25
@ikeholuwa tnkz dear
11 Aug 2015 | 13:33
U really do gud @Hillary
11 Aug 2015 | 14:11
Apy buyday in advance@vict-vames
11 Aug 2015 | 14:38
Tnx Dear @hartuny
11 Aug 2015 | 15:37
happy birthday in advance@vict, ah tennie y now pls go to vict now he is outside freezen to death hmmmmm @hillary has done a great work by makin a video wow!
11 Aug 2015 | 16:50
@ikeholuwa1 I no sey 1 day wetin tennie use bribe u go finish.....
11 Aug 2015 | 18:02
Chaiiii! Diz hillary ehn, wu ask sey make she interfere? Kill plan!!!!
11 Aug 2015 | 18:04
HBD to US @vict-vames. Wishing US LLNP
11 Aug 2015 | 18:11
U guys should stop commenting,so that we can get the next episode.HBDay to u wishing u LLnP
11 Aug 2015 | 18:30
Lolzzz see winchi winchi.... Enemies of progress. Pheyisexy don relax u wan show face.. I will show u pepper @hartuny u had better look else where cos dere is no way here... Wait why is it dat u gals love eyeing watz mine? Look 4 ur own na abi which kind ojukokoro be dis? @Mray wetin u talk? Which us? Better rewind am b4 I look ur face @emmy I hear u enemy of progress @Ikeholuwa1 I too like u jae... Tnx 4 been dere 4 me
11 Aug 2015 | 20:47
@Vict-Vames happy beautiful birthday to u.... May u witness many more years in good health nd abundance... Nd may all ur heart desires come 2 pass... I hope I'm d first 2 wish u well ryt here.... Dnt let all dis tooth pick leg gals come btw us o... Dey will nt face dia front... Na wa... I no knw maybe na me talk sey make dia boo no fine... Dey don see handsome bobo nw dey wana snatch him....kojo rara... U cannot see
11 Aug 2015 | 20:50
I nd vict na, today is our bornday @tenniebenson
11 Aug 2015 | 23:33
12 Aug 2015 | 02:35
@mray abowaba loro tie
12 Aug 2015 | 03:03
@blixin thanks alot @nizzy iyro thank u @mray yea, happy birthday 2 us cheers! @tenniebenson thanks wifey. Nobody go fit cum bw us na
12 Aug 2015 | 03:40
@Vict-vames I dey suspect u o... Uhmmm why u go dey add mray join us? Seems u want me 2 dismantle her face nw nw..I'm a red belt holder o
12 Aug 2015 | 03:57
@tenniebenson just trust me. U hold Red Belt, I hold Black Belt dats y we're untouchable.
12 Aug 2015 | 04:03
U'r highly welcome, @vict vames.just give us ur birth(born)day gift by posting another episode today.
12 Aug 2015 | 04:14
Happy birthday to you @vict-vames ..wishing you long life in good health and happiness... Many more years to you..
12 Aug 2015 | 06:30
@Vic-vames HBD...lng live u with wealth peace ad enjoy Enjoy ur day man @Mray Thiz iz d day d Lord az made 4 u, rejoice ad b glad in it. HaPpY birthday dear
12 Aug 2015 | 07:02
U shall b blessed nd nt stressed,b celebrated nd nt relegated,b favoured nd nt laboured.....cos u re specially made by [email protected] born day,bigga u i pray
12 Aug 2015 | 09:14
[email protected] u lyk it or nt.......vict-vames is 4 ME,I,ND MYSELF ALONE.....JUST PACK WELL
12 Aug 2015 | 09:19
@phinebraim thanks alot @emmy thanks bro @hartuny Amen! Thanks alot dear.
12 Aug 2015 | 11:30
oga ooo na me dis little ogbanje dey follow talk @mray if i sama ur face u go dey see double nd u @emmy u beta tell mray say u luv am instand of pretendin u're supportin her y u're jst lukin 4 a way to own her bcos u knw mray is fighting a loss battle wit tennie
12 Aug 2015 | 11:37
Nawa here don turn to battle ground oh.u girls should take am easy oh.cos whr 2 elephant dey fight na we the ground dey suffer am
12 Aug 2015 | 11:40
This Chapter Is Dedicated To Mray And I, As Today Is Our Birthday. Chapter Twenty: Tennie still don't know if she should accept it. What if Mray was telling the truth. "Tennie.. if you really love him, you would take the risk. Accept it already okay? So.. well.. i.. I'll leave you now". Hilary left her. Tennie decided to watch the one that was set up on my room. She was playing the video in 4x mode (faster). Day 2: 9 pm, nobody is in my room. 10 pm, i went in and sleep 2 am, i went outside 3 am, i came back in Day 3, Day 4 9 pm, i was already in my room 1:30 i went outside 2:30 i came back in "where was he going that late at night? Was he with Mray? " She cried out a little. She decided to stop the video on the 5th day ( the day the incident happened) and check on the other video cam. Day 2 9: 30 she was already fixing herself and about to sleep, tennie turned off the light, but switched on the little lamp beside her bed. She fast forward the video until 2 am, the time i got up from my bed. To her surprise, i popped into her room. "why is he sneaking into my room? I didn't know he did that" she asked herself. 2 am: i entered her room and sat on a chair beside her bed. I was doing nothing. I just sat there staring at her. 2: 15 am: I moved and played with her hair. I did it so gently that she didn't felt my presence and my touch. Then i whispered. " I love you…I miss you baby…". 2: 50 am I was 'still' staring at her. Then I fixed her blanket and gave her a kiss on her forehead. " I love you." Then she checked day 3 to 4, fast forwarded the tape the same time i got out of my room. Same as day 2, i sneaked into her room, sat still beside her staring at her doing nothing, except when i'd play lightly with her hair. Then i'd whisper to her, i loves her, and he misses her. Then finally i'd give her a kiss on her forehead before i leave. She cried. She was touched by My actions. She didn't know I would always come to her room at night when everybody is already sleeping. I wasn't even waking her up to do something with her.. I was just there enjoying looking at her, sleeping. "*sniff* then why Vict? What happened with Mray? *sniff*" Then she got the other video cam again and continued with day 5. Her heart was beating so fast, she wasn't sure what she was going to see. Seeing me with Mray again in that situation would be so painful, but she had to take the risk. Day 5: 10 pm: I was on on my bed. Somebody knocked. 'Vict are you there?' 'it's Mray…', Tennie cried. " Tennie? come here baby", i replied. She continued to watch the video and there she realized. "what the hell? Why is he calling Mray Tennie? why?". The video played when Tennie opened and saw Mray and i on the bed. Then she waited for the next thing that happened. And what she saw broke her heart.. "M—Mray tricked him? *sniff* he thought I was Mray…", she cried. Then she remembered what I had been trying to explain to her "because I thought Mray was you..  Mray was you.. was you.." it echoed on her mind. "he was telling the truth… and I.. I didn't even gave him a chance to explain.", Tennie felt so guilty. She was crying in pain, but this time, pain for not trusting me the way she should've. She removed the video cam in her hand and ran as fast as she could towards me. ***** She was already outside the hotel when she saw me. I was unable to get hold of myself that night that Tennie saw me laying on the ground, unconscious. T.B.C.
12 Aug 2015 | 12:16
Hmmm Can't believe oyinbo (white people) can even act so foolishly lik this diz dayz gon self Coz 4 him 2 mumulishy (what? u tink say dah my english no correct..check ur dictionary latest edition u wil find it there) as i waz sayin o jare...mumulishly stay outside suffering himself ad d parent sat inside watching their son az he waz gradually freezing, dying of cold outside all because of love ad did noting about it. Well things we do 4 love sha. Hmmm se urself... nw u've sent him unconscious with ur arrogantcy...inpatientness (dictionary lastest edition don't 4get). *Fold hand* watching what ur nx move iz gonna b. @Ikeholuwa Since when did u becom arinu ro de olumoron nkon (mind reader) 2 make u think dat daz wat i want? That means say u self nah confirm ogbanje.
12 Aug 2015 | 13:30
@emmy dis ur english gidi gan oo
12 Aug 2015 | 13:50
HBD Vict n more years to come
12 Aug 2015 | 14:25
Thanks @Annie2
12 Aug 2015 | 14:31
Lollzzz....tot itwz *alowaba* @tenniebenson
12 Aug 2015 | 15:38
Oyinbo gan self so u will ave stay in d snow nd die dere over love matter so ridiculous
12 Aug 2015 | 17:05
Chai!!! @mray so sorry... Seriouzly speaking I didn't knw 2day was ur birthday o... But why didn't u guyz let coolval display ur pics 4 birthday wishes? @Mray nd @Vict-vames ? Wait wetin be dis @emmy own nah? U no go face ur front? If u like mray I can help u announce it o... Abi which kind wahala be dis? @hartuny I no get ur tym... U go soon knw reason why I be Benson
12 Aug 2015 | 18:05
Awwww tinz we do 4 love... My husband is freezing nd mray caused it oo #sobs#
12 Aug 2015 | 18:06
hapi bornday 2 mray and victvames...@tenniebenson can u c wat u cause nw...4 u nt 2 gif d chance 2 explain imself
12 Aug 2015 | 21:45
chai!!! wat a long journey..... hmmmm where do i start ?.okay....@mray access!! u b badoo ooo...nd my advise is leave d two love birds alone.... he first loved u yes...but now? its no longer u [email protected] he loved u so much@mray no matter wat he won't go for tenniebenson..... ..@tenniebenson be strong!! we re here for u.*smiles * @vict-vames u never loved @ mray I lie?just make things right... @hartuny u missed ur way!!! @vict-Vames happi belated birthday...... u re blessed.. @mray happi birthday In arrears.... wullnp...better day ahead...... to all d readers PEACE!!
13 Aug 2015 | 04:30
love from promzy *winks*
13 Aug 2015 | 04:32
Tnkkzzzz @Emmy. . . Ole lomo ese ole to lori apata...4 u t knw dat am ogbanje den it means u ar a confirm ogbanjes.......queen I greet oooooo @ikeholuwa1 . . . Dat ur starting point no work oooo.....Restart @promzy
13 Aug 2015 | 05:00
HBD to u ore mi to sure.long lyf nd prosperity@mray Hbd to u@vict-vames
13 Aug 2015 | 07:20
0 Likes lemme fight u
13 Aug 2015 | 07:33
Omg......vict-vames is unconsious nw@tenniebenson is ur fault ooh,u want 2 kill our husband abi
13 Aug 2015 | 07:37
@mray hbd,biga u i pray
13 Aug 2015 | 07:38
restart ke?@mray u no serious ni.... wake up n wise up...
13 Aug 2015 | 07:40
@hartuny.... no be only fight... lol....
13 Aug 2015 | 07:41
@Promzy Thank u. @temmyjoy Thanks. @jholardeh Thanks. Thank Y'all.
13 Aug 2015 | 10:42
Chapter Twenty-One: (Remember this is a fictional story, in case you are wondering how i got to know what happened in my absence/unconscious in some scenes). As much as she wanted to carry me inside, she couldn't. she was too weak.. physically, emotionally.. all she could do was hug me and kiss me and tell me she's sorry. Good thing Dr. Ibrams arrived. Dr. Ibrams carried me to my room and gave me all the medicine i would need. He had his way to make his 'even asleep' patients to swallow his medicine. "so how he Doc?", the crying Tennie asked "well.. I'll tell you the truth, he isn't in a safe condition. He's been outside for hours, some of his muscles collapsed. His condition is worst. We'll just hope that this strong guy would make it. He's body isn't responding well with the medicine, I'll research more on his situation and probably later, I'll go check him out again." "Doc.. please.. do everything you can.. please.. I cant lose him.. *sniff*" "Don't cry Tennie.. he will be fine.. " Everybody left the room for Tennie and i to be alone. I was on my bed, lying still unconscious. Tennie sitting beside me, holding my hand. "Vict.. stay with me okay? You wont leave me right? I love you.. please.. stay with me.." She cried on my side until she fell asleep. Its 3pm, But Tennie still couldn't leave My side to have lunch. I still wasn't awake, i didn't even move. Her parents already asked and begged her to just leave me for awhile to eat but she was Stubborn. She wanted to be the first one i'd see when i wake up. Dr. Ibrams researched about my condition and was able to apply the appropriate medication a few hours ago already. He decided to check My reaction to the medicine. *knock knock*. Dr. Ibrams opened the door wearing that smile on his face. "Hi Tennie! Is he awake already?". The sad and hopeless Tennie turned around at Dr. Ibrams and her face do the talking. "oh.. Sorry, his not awake yet huh? that's unusual. I- I am sure he should be awake now." He checked on my heartbeat. "Doctor? Please tell me he'd be okay.." "his heartbeat is still slower than normal.. I don't know. He really should be fine now. i.. let us just wait Tennie. He's strong. He'll make it. Don't worry." "Doctor… *sniff*", Tennie couldn't contain her worries. "Tennie, don't cry. He'll be okay. I promise." The doctor left Tennie. He pretended that everything was fine, but he himself was really worried too. I should have awoken at 2pm already. He didn't know what to do anymore. "Tennie.. you haven't eaten anything this day. Please.. eat.", Mrs Benson begged her. It was already 7 pm. Tennie was getting so hopeless. Time seems to run so slow. Every tick of the clock, she was waiting for me to wake up. "no. I wont leave him. I'll stay" "Tennie? c'mon! do you want Vict to see you look that way? You looked so depressed! C'mon! fix yourself already so that when he gets up, he'll be pleased to see you.", Hilary replied "yes Tennie. Vict would be mad to know you haven't taken care of yourself. Do you want that?", My Dad added. "well.. you're right. He'll be mad. Okay then, I'll be fast! Vict wait for me okay?", she planted a quick kiss on my fore head and then ran outside to eat. 5 minutes after Tennie left, I woke up. I had recovered my strength.
13 Aug 2015 | 10:43
Chai! Luv iz weekend o He stood out side suffering cold til he collapse coz he knew he az wrong her even tho its nt entirely iz fault ...nw she az d nerve to eat... cant even did desame by starving herself til he wakes up...well nw that he as woke up i hope iz gonna realize the one that can go anylength,do anytin jux 2 b with him. @Holaryinkhar Hen hen hen In fact WOLE SOYINKA az told me am gonna follow him to 2 d high table in Chinese to create,forge,compose(watever word da use 4 it sha) the new edition of dictionary with hiz ko. @jholardeh Don't mind her o jire If we talk nw, she no go let us c mouth talk. @Mray Let them say wah they like Buh don't worry i da ur back lik skul bag
13 Aug 2015 | 11:52
y u knw go dey her bck enemie of progress@emmy,oh my tennie u've won u're d choosing 1 so carry on
13 Aug 2015 | 13:45
All dis commotion wey dey happen 4 here tire me ooo... *sighed* @tenniebenson just relax eat n be fine 4 ya hubby @Vict ok @Mray n @Vict happybuffday to u guyz llnp..So sorry its coming late.
13 Aug 2015 | 14:26
Though i didnt start dis story wt u guyz,but frm wat i'h read so far,i must confess u guyz r so so so hilarious!!!.... I don laff sotey i use my boxers do singlet,lolz,una no go kill person oo chai!!!,hahahahahahahaha.....
13 Aug 2015 | 14:56
Hahahahah @charlywizzy abeg oooo... Tnx gals u guyz re WOW!!!! @Promzy @Ikeholuwa1 @Swtharyomi ... Not like some self born enemies wey I no even see ( emi ori awon ota mi o... Ore mi ni mo ri)... Why do dey av 2 make me leave na? What kinda timing is dis? U shld av woken up 5 minutes earlier... Ohhhhhhh
13 Aug 2015 | 17:32
I surrender o,cos vict-vames no luk my side at all
13 Aug 2015 | 18:33
Who shud i support o@mray or tenniebenson?
13 Aug 2015 | 18:35
no offence then @emmy
13 Aug 2015 | 18:38
Mehn........ Dis luv wicked die........ Nxt
14 Aug 2015 | 04:00
Dis luv bad gan oo,i dnt think anybdy luv u lyk dis again @Tennie
14 Aug 2015 | 04:51
Hehehe @Tenniebenson so its bcoz of You dat Vict refused waking up abi..Gosh @Mray you re wetin u cause..lolz next plzzz
14 Aug 2015 | 06:40
@hartuny good girl.... Better support d wining team... Support me o.. Cos na me get Vict... Mray na abelejayan @besty na so we see am oooo
14 Aug 2015 | 07:13
So u can do dis afta u ve abandon him in d snow Mtcheew
14 Aug 2015 | 07:37
Hmmmm nawa o, bad belle ple, so una want tennie die of hunger b4 vict wake up. No mind dm o @tenniebenson
14 Aug 2015 | 10:23
I knw wat 2 do,oruko ti mo ma so omo mi,inu mi lowa
14 Aug 2015 | 11:03
@vict-vames so una dey wait till tennie leave b4 u wake up bah...
14 Aug 2015 | 11:07
@sofia I taya oo... Wicked ppl... Na doz gals wey wan make vict look dia side go talk sey I do bad... Why vict sef no wake up 5 minutes earlier? Why later? See dis @jummybabe so u no go freshen up if na u? Liar liar... No matter wetin una join mouth talk... Ur winchi winchi no go work o
14 Aug 2015 | 16:18
I luk, I luk, nd luk!!! I no c wetin i cause @besty . . Tnkzz @swtharyomi . . . Tnkzzzz!! I trust yu @emmy
14 Aug 2015 | 19:23
Tnkzzz @jholardeh @hartuny @temmyjoy
14 Aug 2015 | 19:30
trust and love most important factor in retationship the love will be stronger
15 Aug 2015 | 03:53
Hmmn Kontinu luking,luk wella wear glasses luk den u will see wetin u cause @Mray,U will never stop @Tenniebenson go hear am for ur hand coz of Vict.
15 Aug 2015 | 04:10
u let him suffer for what not his fault that why he didn't woke up earlier @tenniebenson Dat juju wae u con use to destroy my bestfriends relationship will not work @mray beware @mray don't joke with my bestfriends relationship am praying for her oooo...............lolzzzzzzz
15 Aug 2015 | 12:13
next pls
15 Aug 2015 | 14:08
@bahsada abi oooo warn her 4 me oooo
15 Aug 2015 | 15:50
Choi I no know say ppl loff my sister @tenniebenson like dis oo... God thank u oo I go buy lollipop 4 all of una n pako biscuit...I swear. (*touches tougue with hand n raising it to d sky**)
15 Aug 2015 | 17:03
Lol @swtharyomi na God ooooo remember 2 buy bobo too
15 Aug 2015 | 17:29
Haha I never want anything bad happen to him nao but wetin u do is very bad o u want him die inside d snow abi if he die how he go take complete d story @tenniebenson
15 Aug 2015 | 18:55
Uhmmm na so u go talk @jummybabe I sha dey use one eye look u
15 Aug 2015 | 19:14
At least u dey use one eye dey look me shey bi u no cover d two no problem iyen na wa okay @tenniebenson
15 Aug 2015 | 19:36
No prob milady @tenniebenson
16 Aug 2015 | 06:20
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Son! Your awake!" My dad shouted! " Now I know! The person will only wake up if he gained back his 100% strength. And so since Vict has a lot of strength in his body, it took him time to regain all that. That is why he woke up just now" Dr. Ibrams realized. Everybody got so excited! "well.. ahmm.. when did I get here?", I asked "since this morning. Dr. Ibrams helped you out.", My mom replied. I checked everybody in the room but still, Tennie isn't there. "she still isn't here. She still mad at me" , I thought "Are you alright Son?" "well. Yea, you want to fight with me now?" I joked. "so.. ahm.. whe- where's Tennie" "Tebnie is-", Hilary cut My Mom. "Tennie is.. you know.. she's outside." Hilary told me. She knew i was still thinking that Tennie is mad at me, and for some reason she didn't tell me that Tennie already know the truth and was just out for dinner. "oh… okay." Was all icould answer. "Anyway! Have you gone out crazy! Haha. You should have at least brought blanket with you when you decided on sleeping outside!", Hilary teased. Everybody just laughed. Tennie just finished her dinner. She went straight to the nearest bathroom to fix herself. She did a mouthwash, combed her hair, and even applied powder on her face. After the fixing, she ran fast to their room. She saw nobody on the living room. She knew something went on. She ran as fast as she could to my room, opened the door quickly and there she saw me awake on the bed, my back leaning on the headboard, laughing and talking with everybody. Tennie suddenl caught everybody's attention. We stopped our conversation and turned around to look Tennie. She was shocked, happy, and relieved at the same time. She couldn't help herself burst into tears. At last i was safe. Without any hesitations, she ran towards me, She jumped on the bed, sat on my lap, and embraced me. "Vict… *sniff* I love you.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. mmm.. ". She kissed Ranma, ignoring all the people who was that time beside them. "tsup.. mmm… I love you.. mm.. tsup..", Shee kept on kissing me. She wanted to make it all up. "I guess it's time for us to leave", My mom told everyone. So they left the two of us alone. "Victt.. I'm sorry.. sorry.. tsup.. aah—I love you.. tsup", she kept on kissing me, tears still falling out her eyes. But for some reason.. I wasn't kissing her back. I was just letting her kiss me. She later realized this. "Vict? What's the problem?" I didn't respond, instead i just looked down. Her tears just kept on falling. I was mad at her for not even listening to my explanations. "I.. I am so.. *sniff* I am so sorry.. I'm sorry.. i. I should have listen to you.. *sniff* sorry..", still i didn't respond. She hold my face and forced me to face her. "tssup. I love you.. please.. mmm.. talk to me.. please.." I was still silent. "Vict.. I .. I know I did something wrong. I.. I couldn't blame you if you get angry with me.. it's – its okay if you wont respond to my kisses, or you wont hug me, or even talk to me but please.. tell me you still love me. Tell me.. just now.. just *sniff* just now….". I touched her hand and removed it away from my face. I looked to her straight in the face. "Tennie.. I'm sorry.. after, well after all that's happen.. I just realized that you know.. we are still young. We might not know where we are putting ourselves into.. you know. This whole mess, I.. from the beginning.. it's all a mistake.. I mean.. ahm. Well. What I am just trying to say is.. I'm sorry Tennie.. but I think I don't love you anymore.. I'm sorry.. please do understand..." Everything seemed to fall apart for Tennie, hearing me say those words. She didn't know what to do anymore. She felt lifeless that moment. I was everything to her, without me, she doesn't even know what to do. I wasn't hers anymore. It pained her… so much. She couldn't speak.. all she could do was cry so hard in front of me, sobbing. ***** "whoah! At last! They are okay. Let's arrange the marriage right away!" Mom shouted. "yes! Let's prepare. We'll get them married tonight!", Mrs. Benson shouted. "Calm down mom! The two just made up today! Let us just prepare the two a special dinner. What you think?", Hilary suggested. "That's right Hilary. Let set this up!". Everyone agreed. "How about you Dr. Ibrams, do you want to help us out?" "Well yea!" *boom* Dr. Ibrams just hit his head on the cabinet. "haha. Dr. Ibrams.. please be careful" "ye- yess Mrs Vames." *boom* he hit his head again. "Dr. Ibrams? haha" "well I think we should just let Dr. Ibrams rest. He researched and worked on Vict's case the entire day. So just let him rest." Hilary excused. "hmm. I think your right" ****** Tears were overflowing. She couldn't understand the pain. It is so excruciating, she could hardly breathe. Suddenly she felt so weak, she know she will pass out. She was ready.. anytime now. She'll be unconscious until… T.B.C.
16 Aug 2015 | 07:16
Until??? Vict..why nah?? Pple make mistakes..forgive Tennie,mbok!!
16 Aug 2015 | 11:16
16 Aug 2015 | 13:16
Wa victs u no try for the girl atall oooo even if she no hear u out that time she sha don beg u u dnt knw hw she knew d truth nah nd she is begging u nd u fall her hand sha
16 Aug 2015 | 13:19
Tennie faint nd tell him dat God pass him jawe
16 Aug 2015 | 13:20
Hmmmn @Mray's love potion is @work.
16 Aug 2015 | 13:41
hope u r joking victs
16 Aug 2015 | 13:44
WTF....... Wch1 b say u no luv am....... Na craze dy worry u ni.......? Nxt abeg
16 Aug 2015 | 14:01
*sobs* see wat dis winchi winchi caused......
16 Aug 2015 | 16:39
[B]Chapter Twenty-Three: "Tsup! haha. Stupid.", i just planted a quick kiss on her lips, and then laughed all of a sudden. Tennie was left frozen. She was unaware that she just stopped on crying. Now she's confused. I just kissed her, after telling her that i don't love her anymore. Her eyes were opened wide due to confusion and shocked. She looked at me straight, and her face tells me to explain. "Dummy. Of course I love you! Haha. I love you more than anyone else stupid. Hahaha. Do you really think sending me outside the snow would make me hate you? hahaha", i teased as i laughed. "Vict?",  She asked still confused. "that's what you get from not trusting me! What you think? Haha. Tsup. I love you. ", i reassured her with a quick kiss and a smile. Tennie got back to her senses. I tricked her. That stupid Vict just tricked her and she couldn't believe she fell for it. "Vict you stupid!", she then threw punches at me, all landed either on my shoulder or my chest. "Hey, ouch! Tomboy that hurts!. Haha. Ouch. Het stop! Hahaha." "stupid stupid!", she kept throwing all the punches. Yah, it did hurt a little for me but icould take it. I was laughing, i didn't know she'd react that way when i joked that i didn't love her anymore. With Tennie, still punching, i rested my head on the pillow. I was lying on the bed, with Her sitting on my lap hitting me constantly. And then she stopped. Still sitting on my lap, she placed both her hand on my chest. And then she cried. "Tennie?" "*sob* don't do that again." "*sigh* I'm sorry. I wont trick you again." "noo.. not that.. *sniff*" "what?" "don't- don't tell me you don't love me anymore again… *sob* you are so mean, you know that? I thought I'm gonna die that moment. You pervert jerk. Do not that again.. *sob*". "hey, just who was it who told me our relationship is done anyways. Haha. You broke up with me first!", She was getting serious that i decided to just tease her to change the mood. But, well.. Tennie is still serious after that. "but I didn't tell you I don't love you.", she seriously answered. I decided to get serious too. "I'm sorry.. I wont do it again." "now tell me.." "hmm?" "tell me you love me..". I smiled on what she asked. "dummy. I love you. I love you.", i grabbed her by holding her face on both sides and pulling it towards my face. "I love you… tsup. I love you.. tsup. tsup. I love you.. I love you so much. " that made her smile. "I love you too Vict". And then we kissed passionately. " nothing beats Tennie's warmth." , I thought while i constantly open and close my mouth to taste and kiss her lips. While kissing, her hands were touching both sides of my face because she wanted to kiss me so hard. She put so much pressure on our kissing. It was the first time Tennie kissed me that hard. It's so hard but it didn't hurt. It amazed me how she could do that. And not only that. "Victt… mmmmmmm. Ah.. tsup. I lo- mm. tsup. I love you.. ", She almost moan in between our kisses. Her 'aah..' just drove me crazy. I know she really misses him. She was very passionate on kissing me. On the other hand, my hand was around her waist. I was caressing her back, i caressed it from her shoulders down her waist, her sides (which tickles her a bit), even her buttocks. I caressed her entire upper body. We were catching our breath, but none of us dare to break the kiss. We continued and continued. But She couldn't take it any longer, she had to break it. We were both panting. "I'm sorry Vict. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.", "Hey, I had enough of that. It's okay. It's nobody's fault okay? I love you baby its okay." "but.. I should have let you explain in the first place right? I'm sorry.." "Tennie, one more "i'm sorry" and I tell u I'm really gonna rape you. Right here and right now. Haha. You don't want that right? So stop. You shouldn't be sorry at all. Okay?" Hearing that, her face became serious.' "you're gonna rape me? Pervert... you shouldn't tell me that kind of words." She whispered, still serious. "Are you scared? Haha". She then put her face beside mine. She placed her lips near to my ears and then she whispered. "no… I'm not.. cause if that's the case then let me tell you this.." the room became silent and I waited for Her to continue.[B/] [B]"i'm sorry Vict…..". My eyes widened...[B/] T.B.C. ************* [B]Share Your Thoughts Readers.[B/]
16 Aug 2015 | 17:15
Gosh!!! Dis dude almost broke my heart.... U wana kill person hia ni? Enemies é koshi!!! My Vict is back... Nw let me breath in...nd out... Wheew!
16 Aug 2015 | 17:33
Lmao!! For @vict-vames and his fantasies...
16 Aug 2015 | 17:54
Lmao!! For @vict-vames and his fantasies...keep it rollin,i dey feel u,lolz
16 Aug 2015 | 17:56
oh,happi moment 4 vict nd tennie
16 Aug 2015 | 18:22
Am hapi 4 u dearie@tenniebenson
16 Aug 2015 | 18:38
Am happy 4 u mai sis jo
16 Aug 2015 | 18:43
wow interesting story tennie u cn do hw u lik becos u av defeat all ur enemy nd also u av ur vict by ur side is back wit more love just stay cool@ happy dat av cover all d episode,@phain braim,@nice nd @T.dak tnk for ur notification i c dem all bt it becos am busy dat y i dnt cum to join d story on tyme,nice 1@vict vames
16 Aug 2015 | 18:50
nxt plz@Vict Vames
16 Aug 2015 | 18:53
Am following o... Dis kind love i neva see o
16 Aug 2015 | 19:23
Oh oh @last tennie gonna give it out u know what am talking about right? Yes d one down down
16 Aug 2015 | 19:51
Lol.... Una dey make me feel like sey I win lottery... U guyz re sometin else... @jummybabe uhmmm na u go knw wetin dey underground
16 Aug 2015 | 20:46
@Vict she is sorry she can do it
17 Aug 2015 | 03:19
y na @vict-vames.................. ........................... ...................... u just break my best friend heart ....................... take heart dear @tenniebenson
17 Aug 2015 | 18:21
Hahaha... @vict-vames break her heart 4 me jor.. @tenniebenson sori o.. My sister @mray dat baba do wel o. Nd now, d COAST is CLEAR
17 Aug 2015 | 18:22
@Bahsada seems u avn't read d latest post.... Dat one is gone na... Tnx 4 caring jae... U re mouthed... @Konphido *middle finger 4 u* i knw sey u hate me b4... Nd 4rm nw me sef don double hate u... No talk to me aqain o if u no want make i use acid bath u... Nd 4 ur info ur wish no come 2 pass... If u never read d last post.. Go bk nd read it very well
17 Aug 2015 | 18:28
@tenniebenson na dream vict dae wen e write d last epic o.. Wen e wake up 4 mray laps im go post a dif story line
17 Aug 2015 | 18:33
@konphido oya chop K
17 Aug 2015 | 19:30
@tenniebenson if d "K" Wen me know na im u dae refer to' den m more dan willing
18 Aug 2015 | 04:24
There is no way he will stop loving least he nearly kil himself out seriously she just dare you....wil u take it or not
18 Aug 2015 | 10:38
Lolzzzzz,,,,,,,,,chaii I don laff tired All d way frm page 11 I don miss sha @tenniebenson u never knw?? My sis inlaw @besty u knw see all dis suprises??? Our ACCESS@mray don dey snatch for coolval too
18 Aug 2015 | 12:04
Wow! My boy is a year plus HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear @vict-vames wish u wat u wish yahsef,,,,,,,,,am sincerely sowie for d late wishes av been busy dis days jux coming around nw ......hope u'v accept my apology*winks* My wonderful wife @mray ,,,,,,,,,,won't wish u hbd cos u dnt tell me as ur sis inlaw
18 Aug 2015 | 12:12
Chaiii,,,,,,,,like cwiously am really seein tins here @tenniebenson did u remember dah @mray is ur son's wify..............both of u *mouth sealed*
18 Aug 2015 | 12:16
@kemkit thanks dear. Its OK.
18 Aug 2015 | 12:52
next o vict o am waitin o
18 Aug 2015 | 13:14
hmmm,enemie at wrk @tennie no mind dem dey b enemie of progress,u don win alrdy so dere's ntin dey can do
18 Aug 2015 | 19:14
Tnx sweetie @Ikeholuwa1 @kemkit can u imagine? My son's wife wana compete with me? Disrespect of d highest order
19 Aug 2015 | 01:37
@tenniebenson Lolzzzz,,,,,,,,,,see iya oko bournvita*see knw geh shame
19 Aug 2015 | 04:21
U wcm @vict-vames
19 Aug 2015 | 04:21
Shey na me be iya oko bournvita? @kemkit .... Mray is not performing her duty @ all... Aw can she be married 2 my son nd still be eyeing my hubby? Haha arinfin ile igbe.. I will send her out of my son's house nw
19 Aug 2015 | 06:35
Chapter Twenty-Four: Did Tennie just-. I didn't know what to do. She then faced me, looked at me straight in the face. "let's do it. I- I wanna make love to you. right now. Not because it's sex and its pleasurable, but because I love you so much, that expressing it by kissing you and hugging you all day wouldn't be enough. I'm ready. Take me Vict. I'm all yours. " I took a deep breath to digest everything that i was hearing from her. Tennie was serious. I was happy. Never been happier. Tennie will all be mine.. in every sense. "Finally…" -------- Tennie still lying on top of me, continued to kiss me. "Vict.." "hmm?" "can.. can I turn off the light?", she asked blushingly "huh? a- but I want to see you Tennie" "Victt please.. mmm. tsup.. plea mmm..", she used her kisses to convince me"please baby?", she smiled. "I hate it when you do that" i pouted. I couldn't deny that Tennie is my weakness. "haha. I love you.. tsup. can I turn it off now?" "yah yah.. whatever. Hmp." "Haha. You're cute Vict", she smiled. She removed herself on my top and got out of bed. She walked towards the switch and turned it off. It's dark but the full moon outside and the huge window on my room gave the room enough light for us to still see each other somehow. She turned around and there she saw me sitting on the bed waiting for her. "hurry up", i smiled. We passionately kissed. Slowly, while kissing, my hand  were on her shirt. She stiffened. She knew i'd take it off that moment. Well, it wasn't the first time i took off her clothes (the first time, I left her with her bra and panty on though), but she knew we are gonna have sex, and for sure after the shirt, i would unhook her bra.. and then what's next? She nervously thought. I slowly took off her shirt and tossed it on the ground. I moved my lips from hers to her neck. Tennie, enjoying the sensation, adjusted herself by looking at the ceiling for me to kiss her neck with ease. I then unhooked her bra, the bra fell off and i couldn't resist to stare. I looked at her big rounded breast and her pink nipples.. "they're perfect… you're perfect". She blushed. "Vict.. ahm.. do you- ahm. I- I want to take off you clothes too..". She looked down and was so nervous. She asked for it but then, it's our first time, being nervous is a normal thing. Her shyness made me more excited. Tennie was so cute, i thought. I smiled and whispered to her. "do whatever you want with me… Tennie I'm all yours.." With my permission, she started unbuttoning My shirt. I on the other hand was just enjoying looking at blushing Tennie while stripping him. Done, she tossed my shirt on the floor too. "ahm- ", she looked on my pants. "you want to take it off already?", i smiled. She just nodded. I then kneeled in front of her for her to be able to removed my remaining clothes. She took off my pants and boxers at the same time. Vame bounced in the air as she slid my boxer down enough. The second time she saw 'Vame' up close. "it's so long.. its- its big.. how is he going to insert that in me?" she swallowed hard as she thought. "a- are you okay? Ahm- are you not happy with 'my' size?", i blushed. "of course not! I- I am just- its so big Vict… It'd surely hurt. Right?". That made me smile. "dummy. Hurting you would be the last thing I'd do. I'll be gentle…. I promise.."  I assured her. I then lay her down on the bed. I gave her a reassuring kiss before i removed the remaining clothes of her. Finally we are both unclad. I laid on top of her. "Vict, aaaahh.", the sensation is new. I was kissing her neck and her shoulder. For me, Tennie tasted so good. I wanted her everything. I stopped for a second and later kissed her left breast. It was soft, it tasted good. I licked it, sucked it, then licked it again. It was a weird feeling. I was so stuffed this evening so how come i would feel this hungry for her. Tennie was now all me. I sucked her nipples almost exactly the way i kisses her lips. I put my hand on her right
19 Aug 2015 | 07:22
Hmmmm,just passing by. Tennie finally gave herself to you.
19 Aug 2015 | 08:27
19 Aug 2015 | 09:03
Tennibenson u won't say ntin in dis episode shea?
19 Aug 2015 | 09:16
At last d thing down down is at work he he I don't say anything o @tenniebenson
19 Aug 2015 | 09:26
Choi tennie tennie I know see u both ooo...*eyes closed* Ibeg oga @Vict-vames na wedding tins now ooo. My 1 n only sista where u dey now @tenniebenson *wink*
19 Aug 2015 | 09:55
xo tennie u wont talk in dis episode abi...just passing o
19 Aug 2015 | 10:13
Hmmmmn finally.
19 Aug 2015 | 10:42
hmmmmmmm.... Continue o
19 Aug 2015 | 11:44
Lemme continue the story . . . He put hiz right hand on her right b###m caressing it gently and waz s#####g the left b###m hungrily like a 6 month old baby that aszn't s##k her mothers b####t for 6 days. He had this thought to check hiz lovely girl face as he waz working on her to see the expression on her face to know if she was enjoying it but he was so engross with the pleasure he was having couple with the urge he waz having at that moment cos that will be hiz first sex in a long time since the day he as express his feelings for her beside he will need to switch on the light which may make her feel shy and change her mind so he decided to subdue the thought. Few minute later behold the door was opend and she works in az the door waz left unlock. Guess who? (Yes correct answer u got it right Tennie) She waz so shocked, surprise she shouted their names. Vict on d other hand waz shocked at the same time confused seeing tennie standing by the door immediately he looked at the girl ontop of him as the light was now switched on by Tennie. alas! It waz Mray he as been ministering to. The only word he waz able to say waz "only crap not again damn!" He jumbed up immediately to explain to nw crying Tennie standing by the door but before he could utter one single word Tennie rushed out of the room and...and... erm...erm Sorry don't knw wat to type again. Abeg @vict-vames come continue joor.
19 Aug 2015 | 12:39
Is diz enjoyment or wat?
19 Aug 2015 | 14:43
oloruka ti gboruka @tennie all d way
19 Aug 2015 | 16:13
*Covering my face* choi! See as vict finish me sha... @Emmy jez shut up! Shey i no tell u say make u no dey put hand nd mouth 4 my matter? Which means dnt mention my name..
19 Aug 2015 | 16:28
Wait o... I don jump... Shey @Emmyrex is diffrnt 4rm @emmy ? Oh... Emmyrex no vex o... Na emmy i think sey dey talk
19 Aug 2015 | 16:30
Continued... I put my hand on her right breast and started caressing it almost like a clay i wanted to mold to who know what shape. "Vict.. it felt good.. ahh..", she arched her back. I then kissed her other breast. Now it's both wet. "yess.. ah.. thank you.. Vi-ctttt…". She felt so much loved. I was very gentle with her. I stopped kissing her breast, planted a small quick kiss on her tummy and then go back to Her lips. "tsup.. are you ready?" T.B.C.
19 Aug 2015 | 18:13
Hehehe. @tenniebenson are u ready?? @khola46 come fast o.. Sumtin is bout to go down!!
19 Aug 2015 | 18:38
@Tenniebenson Appology accepted Buh jux curios...watin Emmy do uself?
19 Aug 2015 | 19:01
It's about to go down (borrowing words 4rm D'banj)
19 Aug 2015 | 19:04
@emmyrex I dnt even knw if u re d same person.. But if u want 2 knw.. Emmy nd konphido re my self born enemies! @konphido until I dismantle ur head b4 u stop calln my name Clears throat?? Am I ready?? Hahaha make I hear sey I never ready.. With aw far we don go? Np "Tesojue" by reminisce... Hehehhehe wafe ku laleyi
19 Aug 2015 | 19:16
hmmmmm coment reserve 4 d nxt episode nd i tink she is ready cos she is enjoyin every bit of it ooh
20 Aug 2015 | 03:13
Hmmmmmmm Eyes ......
20 Aug 2015 | 03:33
Close ur eyes ooo.. Cos me sef dey close my eyes
20 Aug 2015 | 06:17
Tennie!!! Are you ready for d KOKO??? Vict!!! Bring it on..
20 Aug 2015 | 06:23
Lolzzzz,,,,,,,,@tenniebenson our mray is ACESS *jex like acess bank* nah any available man she dey claim Hmmnn........hope u ready sha??
20 Aug 2015 | 10:02
Hmmmm my eyes re closed @tenniebenson re u ready
20 Aug 2015 | 18:56
lolzzz,ready 4 match
20 Aug 2015 | 19:12
Make una no ask me aqain o.. Mabimi ni jamb kweshun.. I no be dundi I no be fool...
20 Aug 2015 | 19:38
Hahahahahahahahah Oh My God... Haba... @Tenniebenson Lol, if you even had a dream about someone writting something like Emm--- you won't let that person finished before throwing that person a great-memory formatting slap... Nah so Emmy sin reach weh him no need to repent talkless of beeing forgiven by you??.. As I deh look fit fight Emmy if you see him please...forgive that mah guy oo...him nah gentle like river water... You almost make my brother @Emmyrex visit confusion state in zombie nation found in depress planet...
21 Aug 2015 | 08:54
Lol... @Khola46 dat emmy guy no like me..nd me too i no like am.. 4/2... But me sef gentle o..
21 Aug 2015 | 09:46
@emmy na enemie of progress
21 Aug 2015 | 18:02
Hmm hmm (coughed) @Khola46 D thing surprice me o @Tenniebenson Hpe u no say atimes worst Enemy becoms best friends sha @Ikeholuwa1 I don beging they suspect u self Coz i da wonder watin Emmy do u wa make u da call am enemy of progress up ad down O de so gba ti e ki a te gun to gbelo bikonu.
21 Aug 2015 | 18:57
Chizzzooz!!! see as @Vict-vames spoil my sis @tenniebenson reach...anyway no prob na love sha. . . I bind all my sis enemies of progress with d blood of JESUS...@tenniebenson all d power of emmy or emmyrex n all dem supporters r ruined by d holy ghost fire!!!! . No worry my sis u don konka all of dem... I gat ur bck milady . Where dis @Vict-vames? Oya quick quick enter ur car(tennie) n drive her to missisipi!!! Hurray! *eyes closed*
21 Aug 2015 | 19:20
21 Aug 2015 | 23:31
Lol... Sister u sef don spoil join oooo shey na me be car? @swtharyomi @emmyrex I hear u
22 Aug 2015 | 12:35
Sorry mi sister...but u sef dey enjoy ham now...*chuckles* *Winks*
22 Aug 2015 | 13:32
I know say khola go dey peep tennie nd vict for window
22 Aug 2015 | 20:08
Chapter Twenty-Five: "y- yes..". I smiled and continued to kiss her. But then after a minute or so, i stopped. I looked at Tennie whose both eyes were close. "Ahm.. Tennie?" She opened her eyes. "Yes baby?" "well.. you know.. ahm. Aren't you supposed to spread your legs now.. so you know.. I can.. well.. insert.." She blushed. "Oh! yeah.. I forgot.. ". She then opened her legs. I looked down to check her legs and what i saw made me smile. She did opened her legs but it was like an inverted-letter-V position. Not only that, her legs weren't relaxed too. She stiffened her legs so that she could retain that 'V' position of her legs. I knew she was nervous. She was cute. I wanted to laugh a little but that might anger her, so i just smiled. "tsup.. I love you Tennie.. ahm- well.. do you want me to spread your legs instead? So you know.. you'd feel better?" Tennie knew better. She knew what she did with her legs was wrong. She was embarrassed but still My words never made her felt uncomfortable. "okay.." She felt the air touched the lips of her pussy. It's cold but at the same time it's wet. She's never been that wet. I had spread her legs too much, she thought. When she checked how i adjusted her legs, she quickly put her hands on her face to hide her embarrassment. Seeing how wet her pussy was, got me all excited. I touched it, from the clitoris down to the hole where vame would enter later. "Wow... she's so wet. I've only imagine this before but now.. I can really touch her…". i thought. "Vict...", she called me with a complaint tone in her voice. "w- why? Don't you want me touching your vagina?", i nervously asked "no, its not that. it's embarrassing.. the way you position my legs… ", i was relieved. "haha. Why?" "Vict, it's like that of a frog! It's embarrassing". Tennie was really cute, her innocence on sex fascinates me. "hahaha.. tsup. tsup. Baby that's fine… your sexy.. I like seeing you like that." "But Vi-.." "tsup. I love you. you're ruining the mood don't you know that? Haha. you look fine Tennie.. trust me. You're.. you're sexy. Your beautiful.." "I do?" "yes.. baby.. so Iet's-" "tsup. I love you" she kissed me and nodded. She felt the tip of vame touched the walls of her vagina, preparing to enter her. Her heart beat louder than ever. "I'm going in…" Her walls were tight, i had a not-so-easy time inserting vame carefully inside her. But i did it. It felt good. I could feel Tennie's inside on my entire length and its driving me crazy. All those time i was just masturbating imagining doing it with her, thinking that my hand was the wall of her vagina, but now.. it's real. The feeling was far better, in fact, incomparable. I wanted to thrust it in and out of her right away, but i knew better. In a matter of seconds, she felt the entire vame come inside her vagina. The feeling is odd, pleasurable and intensifying for Tennie. So that's how it feels when something is inside her, not to mention that that 'something' is long, huge, and is a property of the man she loves. But it also hurts. "Vict-". I knew what that means. I decided not move until she said so. "tsup.. I love you.. i- I wont move for now.. okay.. tell me when your ready" "o- oka-y… I love you too" After few minutes of waiting. "Vict… baby.. you can move now." "tsup. I love you. are you sure?" "I love you too.. yes.. please.. take me." I then started brushing vame to her vagina. Vame slid up and down her so-wet vagina. "Vict.. . Tsup. aaaAAhH. AAAAHHHHH." Her moan was getting louder. She never knew that sex would be this good. She couldn't explain the feeling, it tickles inside but in a more intensifying way. It's not the usual tickles where you stopped the one that tickles you cause you cannot stand it anymore, this case, she didn't want me to stop, she wanted more.. more.. She knew i was still careful about her being hurt. I thrust vame inside her fast. well...for normal people. But for a martial artist, she knew I intentionally slowed down. "Vict.. I love you.. aaaaaahh. Faaaster.. please.. yees.. faaaah- faster…." I smiled. Now i didn't have to slow down, She gave me the signal already. So with her permission, i started to move my waist faster. If normal people would see us that moment, they'd think we are already on climax because of our speed. It seemed like Tennie's body was moving on its own. Without thinking, she moved her waist circular. And to her surprised, it gave us more pleasure. "Aah.. Tennie you're so ta- aahh.. tight.. you're driving me crazy.. aaaaah", i looked upward, closing my eyes in pleasure. "tsup. I love you… mmm..", i continued to rock against her. Tennie was caressing my back, and because of the intense pleasure i was giving her, she couldn't help but dig her fingers on my back. Red marks on my back appeared. But i almost couldn't feel the scratches. All i was thinking was making her feel so good. I inserted entire vame inside her vagina, removed half of it, then insert it again. I did it continuously without a break, each thrust becoming deeper, and harder. I never thought it would be so good, far better than masturbation. Every time i push vame inside her, her breast would bounce back and fourth. Her vagina was so wet and warm, especially on the inside, and not to mention so tight. Tennie continue moving her waist circular was so sexy too. "Vict.. your awesome.. aaaah" " too.. " ******** "Okay! We're done! Let's get the party started! So Guys why don't we check the couple's up!" Hilary announced. Our families excitedly went to my room. When Hilary was about to knock, she heard something. "what was that?" Hilary asked. T.B.C.
23 Aug 2015 | 12:51
Hmmmm can't believe dis infact my eyes re already closed Nexttttt
23 Aug 2015 | 13:10
hmm no go distrup dem oo @hilary
23 Aug 2015 | 15:25
Chapter Twenty-Six: "what is it?" "don't you hear it?" "Let's just check them out". My mom said. Hilary slightly opened the door, our entire family placed their heads on the door to be able to see what was going on. Thanks to the moonlight they saw the us (but only our legs). As how our legs where positioned they could tell that i, naked, was lying on top of Tennie, and was moving up and down on her body. Then they heard us moan "aah" and calling each other names passionately. Our entire family was shocked with what they saw. "Oopss" Hilary whispered. Mr. Benson then closed the door. "well, i guess those two don't need any special dinner at all. They are stuffed eating each other's up.", Hilary teased. Mrs Benson and my mom cried in happiness. "At last!" ****** (Tennie didn't notice them) I continued to move, this time faster, and faster.. "ah ah aaah.. Viiiccttt.. mmmm… harder.. harder.." It was so pleasurable for her, she didn't know she would beg me to go faster and harder on her. And as she plead, i put more pressure on every thrust i made. "T- tennie.. aah.. I'm gonna cum..", i couldn't take it anymore, the pleasure was so overwhelming. "Vict. Aah.. not yet.. please.. aah.. more.. please mooooorre…." I managed to hold it in. But every move i did to insert vame into her vagina more and more, the harder for me not to hold myself from cumming.. "Tennie your driving me crazy.. aaaaahh.. I cant- anymore.." "Victt.. yess. I'm cumming too.. you can cum now—aaaah.." I, already losing my control because of pleasure managed to continue to insert vame inside and out of her vagina. After a few seconds, I felt her walls tightened so much. The inside of her vagina was twitching, and it drove me crazy. We are on our climax. "Viicccttt" "Tenniiee" Finally, liquids burst out. I pulled vame out of her vagina and lie down next to her. Both of us were panting. "*pant* baby, come over here..", i pulled her close to me, and embraced her as much as i could. Tennie could feel in her cheeks how fast My heart was beating. It beats parallel to hers. She didn't know having sex would be so tiring. "I love you.." "I love you too Vict." "Tennie.. give me just 10 minutes to recover my strength and we'll do it again okay?" She blushed. We were both tired, but who cares. We both want to do it again. ****** After 10 minutes. "Tennie.. so. You know. Shall we con-" "Vict.. i- I want to be on top this time." I swallowed hard with what i heard. "you wa- want to be-" "yes. But guide me okay. I still don't know how to do it.. so.. are you okay with it?" "o-of course." My heart was beating so fast. I laid still on the bed. "hmm. This position is easy okay? Ahm. so you'll sit on my lap… well. On my cock. "Okay..", she then followed my instruction. She was now sitting on my so-hard-vame. "then insert my cock in your vagina" "oh- okay.." She then held vame, lifted her waist up, and was finding the right place where she should insert. I guided her by holding vame (too) to place on the right spot. "There.. now sit on it." She then slowly sat on me, allowing vame to insert in her vagina. The entire vame was now inside her vagina. "that's it baby, now you can move." She started to move, but she was way too conscious about it. Her movements was so restrained, and take note she wasn't even looking at me while rocking. She was looking on our sexes to check if she's doing it the right way. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Tennie heard it, and she got angry already. "Fine. I know I'm not good at it", she pulled out (almost). Only the tip of vame was inside her Vagina. But before she could pull out entirely, I quickly grabbed both her arms and pulled her back towards me to continue. That made the entire vame insert quickly, and hardly inside her vagina. "Ouch!", She yelled. Feeling vame go inside her quickly, hardly, and unexpectedly. T.B.C.
24 Aug 2015 | 03:39
Heyyy dey don dey spoil me ooo but I still want more Moreeeeeee
24 Aug 2015 | 06:46
Eeeeh eeeeh.........dnt corrupt me o
24 Aug 2015 | 07:53
OhhhhhhMyyyyGggg!!! Next!!!!!
24 Aug 2015 | 08:59
i close my eyes o
24 Aug 2015 | 09:09
ah no see anything oo... CLOSING MA EYES
24 Aug 2015 | 11:17
Infact, just passing oh, well done Tennie
24 Aug 2015 | 11:35
Yeah mo hbe won ba mi je tan una finally succeed to spoil me finish ahbi nt God pass una two
24 Aug 2015 | 11:51
I neva see anything o @tenniebenson
24 Aug 2015 | 12:19
Chisooossss even me sef dey cover my eyes... Lol... Did u guyz see anytn??? Stop peeping on us o.. Cos we re still going on anoda round.... *eyes closed*
24 Aug 2015 | 12:42
*eyes closed* *hear blocked* Pls don't corrupt me Stil a vilgin @Tennie Ngbo...them say he day pain person 4 first time Sha na true??? @Jenifa (Laughing sarcastically) Thiz one that u ar asking 4 moreee....hmmm...make ha no talk sha. @Monadisu Jux passing by sir Ad u read 4rm chapter1 to chapter 26 Still passing by Com stil da give Tennie kudos Okay o...ha no go talk.
24 Aug 2015 | 13:41
I no see anything o Cn sum1 tell me wat happen
24 Aug 2015 | 15:28
I no see anything o Cn sum1 tell me wat happen. Abeg vict continue make una go 10 rounds
24 Aug 2015 | 15:33
Lolz @emmyrexx, I dey pass jeje 4 now cus I no wan talk yet wetin I dey imagine 4 Tennie ni, infact I wan see her comment bf talkn..
24 Aug 2015 | 16:14
Hmmm, I dun close my eyes oh @tennie, cus I no wan see...u even talk say na round 10 Una wan go, abeg no corruption me jare...
24 Aug 2015 | 16:21
24 Aug 2015 | 16:43
I no hear anytin oo... but oliver twist nd more
24 Aug 2015 | 17:58
Lol @emmyrexx I still close my eyes but I still dey eager 2 read more*winks*
24 Aug 2015 | 18:10
tennie you and ur bae wan spoil me here ooo
25 Aug 2015 | 03:39
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Sorry baby, but why are you pulling out? You're laughing at me right?" "dummy.. you're ruining the mood again. haha" "see? You re laughing!" "yah. Coz I find you so cute. You're cute… c'mon.. kiss me." "why would i?" "haha. I love you, c'mon kiss me". Well, i am her weakness too. "tsup! happy now?" "I love you", i smiled "yah. I love you too! Hmp." She pouted. "okay. Listen to me.. 'Tennie? Listen.. when we kiss, do you think about the right angle, the right speed.. you know.. something like that?" "Vict? Of course not! I just love you that my body adjusts itself naturally." And the moment she said that, she realized. "Oh-" "See? We are having sex coz we love each other right? Just be natural. In whatever ways you do it, I'm sure I would feel good. You're worrying about that right? I love you. it'll be okay." That took all her worries away. She started to move again this time looking at me, enjoying the moment too, and not concerning anything but the man she loves. Her breasts were bouncing as she moves. "Viccttt". I then tried to move my waist, pushing vame inside her deeper, patterning the move of Tennie. "aaahh!" "Sorry Tennie, did it hurt when I do that?" "no.. it's just that.. it gives me shivers inside. It.. it tickles more." "hmm.. do you like it?" "yes.. aah!" I did it again. Both of us are now moving our hips. "Aaah.. Tennie you're great.. aaaaah". I then played with her breast, which were then bouncing up and down in the air. "Victt…. Yeeess.. aaaahh I love you VicccTTTT! I love you…" I finally put my hands on her waist to assist her with the thrusting. I didn't want Tennie to be fully tired afterall. Our body were moving erratically. Tennie was sweating, and so was i. Both our faces were flushed. "Victt I'm cumming.. aah" "yess. Baby.. I'm cumming to.." We were on our maximum speed. We couldn't help but moan louder as we reach our climax. "Vict!" "Tennie - baby… !" Tennie pulled out and rested on top of me, panting. "*pant* Vict, I love you." "I love you too. *pant*" "did it felt good? *pant*" "dummy, of course. Haha. *pant* how about a last round? *pant*" "haha. Yes. Tsup. I think I still have strength to do it." "I'll be on top Tennie. I started it that way, we'll end that way. haha" "haha. Okay baby.. tsup. I love you.." "tsup. I love you too." And again for the third time, we had another hot sex. "*pant* Vict I'm so tired. *pant*" "haha. Yah me too *pant* I love you." "I love you too. Should we sleep now?" "I guess so", i smiled. Tennie was hugging Me, her head on my chest. I was hugging her too, my hands around her waist. "Vict?" I opened my eyes to see what Her concern was. "hmm?" "tighten your hug." She blushingly asked. "tsup.. Aiit.. ", i blushed, smiled, then did what she asked. "good night Tennie, I love you" "nyt. Love you too." We shared the 'first' best night of Our lives. ****** It was 11 am, when we both woke up late, probably because of the tiredness of having sex 3times in a row. We were hugging each other, our bodies were covered by a blanket. "Good morning Tennie" "*yawn* good morning Love…", she removed herself from hugging me to check the view from the window. "wow, Vict look it's a nice view, don't you think?" I then removed the blanket covering our bodies, pulled her and forced her to lie on the bed, and stare at her sexy body. "yeah. It really is a nice view" Tennie whom almost forgot that we are naked was embarrassed. She quickly grabbed the blanket and covered her body. "Pervert!" "huh? WTF- Tennie we just had sex 3times last night. I've been kissing your body then, and now you call me pervert when all I just did was stare?" (Tennie didn't mean to call me that. It's just that, last night the room was a bit dark so it's okay, but now… i could see her body so clearly. Well, she didn't know if i would still see her as sexy or what). "well- yea. So just don't look okay?", she faced on her side(eyeing the wall), trying to hide her face and body from me. But i was ever persistent. "Hey what's the matter?" I hugged her from behind. "nothing!" "nothing?" "it's just- you're making me uncomfortable okay?" (If a normal guy would hear that, he would probably be making his way out of the room in disappointment, but i knew Tennie so much. The truth is, i knew already why she is acting that way). "making you uncomfortable?", i asked. "yah." "I don't think so.. cause you know.. I remember last night you were telling me – ' Vict I love you.. aahh. Faster.. yess faaster ' and what else.. hmmm. I know! 'aahh. Vict harder.. haaaarder.. ' and also 'aahh.. not yet.. more.. ahh.. more..' ". I whispered to her as i mimicked her moans as well the way she delivered it last night. Tennie hearing that, blushed and felt embarrassed. Yea, she really remembered herself moaning that way last night. "Pervert! You don't have to mimic whatever I moaned last night!", she gave me a slight punch. "haha. What? You don't want me to do this?" I then lay on the bed, my head facing slightly upward, eyes closed. "Vict.. yeess. Faster.. aah.. Victt.." I spread my legs like that of a frog (the same way i spread Tennie's), and then I moved my waist circular. That time, i wasn't only mimicking her moans, but i was also mimicking her actions when we were banging last night. Tennie seeing me mimic what i did last night was very very embarrassed. She threw a pillow to me, a prepared to leave me. "Hey!", i quickly grabbed her arms and stopped her from going away. She turned and throw quick punches at me. "idiot! What you heard me moaning, and see me doing, just keep it to yourself okay? Pervert. Don't mimic everything I did when we bang." Okay, I'm sorry. So tell me what's your problem" "no way" "Tennie how many times do I have to tell you you're perfect? I've seen you enough last night. You're sexy okay? What I think about you wont change even when I see your body clearly on light. And yea, even when you get fat, or ugly, you'd always be sexiest, the prettiest, and the perfect woman on earth for me". Tennie's face flushed. "Liar" "tsup. you know I'm not. So.. there.. we do not need this one anymore". I removed the blanket from her and threw it on the floor. "see? Your perfect." "thank you. i- I love you." "what?", i teased. "I said I love you" "again? I can't hear you." she knew i was teasing her. so she just threw herself to me, put her arms around my neck and started kissing him. "hmm.. tsup.. now I hear you.. tsup..". We continue to kiss but i broke it. "Hey, in between there, are you feeling okay? You know.. no weird feelings or so?" "well, my-  *looked at her pussy* it hurts a little.. but, I can take it." "It did?" "a little". I then forced her to lay down on the bed. "Vict what are you doing?" "spread your legs." "what? No.. it's embarrassing. The light-" "spread your legs. Let me just see it okay? I'll just take a look" "no its embarra-" "spread it." "fine. Just 10 seconds okay?", Tennie then spread her legs, the same way i spread it last night. At last, i had a clear view of it. The pearl of her womanhood, i was so fascinated by it, i stared at it the entire seconds. "okay! It's 10 seconds! Stop staring! It's embarrassing.", she was about to close her legs when i put my face right straight to her pussy. "Vict! What are you doi- aaahh". I started to lick her vagina. "mmmm.. tastes good 'Tennie" "Vict… don't.. aaahmm.. aaah". I started sucking her clitoris. I was like a baby being breastfed – only that, i was sucking on her clit. "don —aah. Don't stop.. yeeass.." *********** It was already late in the morning, Hilary bet Tennie and I was already dressed up. So she went to My room to check on us. She slightly opened the door again. That time what she saw was me, still naked, licking and eating Tennie's vagina. She opened it more to check if Tennie was really awake and i wasn't taking advantage of her sister. And there, she saw Tennie moaning and enjoying my every bite of her Vagina. Satisfied, she closed the door. "Wow. Those two aren't done eating each other's up?" ********* I started licking it. I played my tongue on her clit, slid it down to the hole that i just penetrated last night, and licked it too. I played with it until I decided to put my tongue inside that hole. "aaah!" "does it hurt?" "no.. please continue.. please..", she didn't have to beg for more, i quickly resume my licking. I ran my tongue all over her vagina. I did it again and again until she asked me to stop. "Vict stop..I'm cumming.. aaaah..", But i didn't stop. I wanted her to climax so i continued to lick her clitoris, the most sensitive outer part of her vagina. Vicctttt.. aaaahh.. ViccCCTTTT!", she couldn't hold it in. Liquid flowed over her sex, a part of it I was able to taste. "*pant* Thank you Vict.. *pant* I love you.." "love you too. Tsup. does it still hurt?", i smiled. "well.. ahh no.. it doesn't anymore.. ", she blushed. "I'm glad. So. Let's move. It's pretty late. Guess you're hungry." "well. Yea.. but.. I saw one food here." "really? Where?" "hmm…", Tennie seemed to search for it. "here! See? Perfect for me…", she blushed as she announced. She was then holding now- so-hard-vame. I got what she was thinking. "you – you sure?" "yup.. I want you too." "well.. then.. eat well", i blushed. Tennie then devours vame entire length. For me, it's warm, its wet, it felt good. She sucked vame almost like an expert. She seemed to know the right speed, the right angle, the right amount. "Tennie, wow.. it feels good.. ", the entire time My head was facing the ceiling, my eyes were closed. I was so pleasured. Its not like how i imagined Tennie would do it, but the feeling was so good. She was so gently, almost graceful sucking, and eating vame. "aaaah." She started to suck faster, and faster. "Tennie I'm cumming..", like me, that didn't stop her from sucking. She sucked vame, until i reached climax. "Tennieeee!", fluid were all over her mouth. "are you okay?" "of course, did you like it?" "of course.. tsup.. I love you.." "well, now I think we should really be going. Our parents, or even my sister might come here anytime now." "haha. Yeah, I guess so." When we stepped out of the room. "Boom!", little confetti were thrown out the air. "guys, what happened?", Tennie asked. "you two, we know what happened last night.. and I know what happened this morning", Hilary replied. We just blushed. "you two are getting married now!", both our fathers excitedly announced. "No!", Tennie protested. I was shocked, well more like disappointed. After all i have been wanting to marry her, and i thought what happened between us would make us legally together. I've never been this sad. Everyone was silent, stopped, confused as to how they would react with Tennie. "I want to marry him in the church", she smiled. Hearing that, everybody continued to party. I quickly embraced my soon-to-be wife. "I love you my soon-to-be Mrs. Vames. Tsup." "I love you too my soon-to-be husband." We continued to kiss passionately and just ignored everyone around us, especially hilary who's recording our kissing. ********** We got married 2 weeks later, and lived happy ever after. List of those that honoured our invitation. @Hilary@ibrams@promzy@hartuny@emmyrexx@jummybabe@temmy joy@monadisu@marynico1@[email protected]_horluwataofeek@Abradek@dinodipxy@jenifa@phinebraim@konphido@besty@holaryhinka@ikeholuwa1@blixin@kemkit@abvirginboi@carter@luckystar@crowniey@chomyline@hameyeenat@ritagold And others i didn't remember, some we invited but didn't come e.g @khola46 @Mray also managed to come and wished us well. NOW, GIVE US OUR WEDDING GIFTS Y'ALL. *********** THE END.
25 Aug 2015 | 05:32
Just passing by
25 Aug 2015 | 08:58
Wow!!!!! what a nice story I was not invited to the wedding *sad*
25 Aug 2015 | 12:07
Hahahahahahahahah. Lmao..... @Vict-Vames Why I no go come???.. maybe you no see come oo since it isn't @Tenniebenson you deh talk, cause nah me and her came together that day..... . . . Wonderful story Bro... Bravo.....
25 Aug 2015 | 12:28
Hooo my God!!! I still remember vividly dat day now...rice n beans was so was a day of joy seeing my only sister @tenniebenson getting married oluwa ose oo. @khola46 can't come u know him don dey eye tennie @Vict-vames don't be bothered about dat. But @ least I still appreciate @Mray 4 coming...ur own mr right is on d way jae. @ everybody dat came ese oo adupe oo,ohun rere bayi konitan ninu ile gbogbo wa oo. ...And dey live happily ever after
25 Aug 2015 | 12:31
@khola46 thanks bwo. Buh Tennie no be two na.
25 Aug 2015 | 12:44
Wow!!! I'm blushing..... Uhmm finally... All d abelejayans have relaxed nw... What God has joined together... Let no gbeborun man come put asunder o. @Swtharyomi tnx dearest sis.... Na u sure pass... Where is dis my sister? @Hilary .. Well she's been busy with schl... Tnx 2 all doz who attended our weddn o... @Pheyisexy i did nt see u o... @Khola46 lol... U re mouthed... Na both of us go d weddn 2geda na.. Lol.. I be twins
25 Aug 2015 | 13:47
Kisses 2 u @Vict-Vames ..... Tnx 4 using my name... Its an honour... More stories 4rm ur stable....
25 Aug 2015 | 13:49
Thanks Wifey @tenniebenson and u're wlcm.
25 Aug 2015 | 14:29
Hmmm speechless
25 Aug 2015 | 14:51
Wonderful story.
25 Aug 2015 | 15:07
@luckystar srory don finish u stil dy speechless, wen u go talk?? @besty thanks
25 Aug 2015 | 15:16
Ur head dey dere jawe @khola46 e really made a mistake
25 Aug 2015 | 15:32
wow!! Nice story @vict-vames wen be ur wedding o??...
25 Aug 2015 | 15:41
@babe4biola Chai! u dey beef me?? @Abradek thanks bro. We don wed na.... Na Bahamas Tinz O...
25 Aug 2015 | 16:09
Didn't u see me that day.... I was there life... Nice story bro
25 Aug 2015 | 17:47
wow congrat @tennie....... I,m so happy for you......... 'you are now married 'so please biko abeg leave @khola46 alone for me oooo hope you saw the wedding gift i bought for you. Una wan blind me with una love niiii lol @vit-vames please hold your wify well ooo i seriously need to chain @khola46 now that tennie is happy married hehehehehe Nice one man @vit-vames there was no dull moment....
25 Aug 2015 | 18:00
Wao oooooo Dis grt u ar a 1daful writer weldone Kudos nd more greese 2 ur elbow
25 Aug 2015 | 18:03
Lukin 4ward 4 more story 4rm u U ar grt oooo
25 Aug 2015 | 18:05
i dey dubai dt tym i go do shopping me self wan do marriage nxt mnt @tenniebenson
25 Aug 2015 | 18:07
Lollz...... A rilli nice piece u've got hea....... I wasn't invited bt I enjoyed ua wedding
25 Aug 2015 | 18:23
Hapi married life@tenniebenson nd vict-vames Am hapi 4 u my namesake@tennie Nice story
25 Aug 2015 | 18:37
@Vict-Vames Nice one bro kudos to u
25 Aug 2015 | 18:40
@Abvirginboi thanks bro @ritagold thanks. Khola is all urz. @peterox thanks a lot. @precy u were invited my me personally, u 4get ni @temmy joy thanks a bunch. @Emmyrexx thanks bro
25 Aug 2015 | 18:52
Lol no forget 2 invite me o @pheyisexy @ritagold wetin u talk? Ur ibrams never do u abi? Incase u've forgotten I still manufacture acid o.. Concentrated one sef
25 Aug 2015 | 18:53
Oyah I give u 100% bro nice writeup brother loved every bit of the story
25 Aug 2015 | 19:08
o gan ooo @tennie i was just joking.... Ah acid mogbe!! I face front iooo
25 Aug 2015 | 19:14
@vict-vames don't thank me yet oo this one pass super story oo i really enjoyed reading but the problem is i think @tennie wants to start the season two which will be tilted love from @tennie to @khola46.....lips sealed ooo i face front
25 Aug 2015 | 19:20
Haha so funny I came to d wedding it was so wonderful how was ur honeymoon @vict-vames and @tenniebenson I hope u guys enjoy urself
25 Aug 2015 | 19:23
@ritagold Chai! u bake beta cake finish come pour sand inside.... Y na? @St. Adonis_horluwataofeek thanks alot bro. @jummybabe we are stil enjoying d honeymoon, and its 4 Two Years In Bahamas.
25 Aug 2015 | 19:27
@jummybabe are you are L.... With all those pratice befor the wedding for sure na they wont enjoy it cause @tennie was six month preg befor the wedding hehehe i'm sure @tennie ll pour me acid this tym lolzzzz @vict-vames you are the boss (**winks**)lol
25 Aug 2015 | 19:49
just passing....
26 Aug 2015 | 05:36
wonderful story
26 Aug 2015 | 08:48
Nyc story@vict vame,happy ending
26 Aug 2015 | 11:13
waoh so so wonderful,am happy 4 u guys,wish u happy married life wit a blessed children @mray god go gv u ur own husby too,no sad k
26 Aug 2015 | 19:19
atlast tennie conqur her enemie,eje re o na juju,na juju o eje re @mray nd @emmy ur plan no wrk
26 Aug 2015 | 19:23
y wont i? Infact m gona make u my flower gal @tenniebenson
26 Aug 2015 | 19:41
@vict-vames i can see dat u av bin fantasizing abt tennie a lot dat why u decided 2 put it in story, well done..... @tenniebenson watch you back cuz vict can decide 2 make it reality....JUST SAYING!!!...
26 Aug 2015 | 20:37
Lol @Ikeholuwa1 yes ooo tongue out 2 @Mray nd @Emmy ...dia juju no wrk @ritagold lol so u dey fear like dis? Infact na nw I go come pour d tin.. Aw u take knw sey I ge 6 months belle? U wan make Vict pursue me? Where will I say I got d pregnancy from? D tin wey we do never reach dat month o.. Ur plan no go wrk.. @Pheyisexy me flower girl? Ko jo rara.. Aw person wey don marry go become flower girl aqain? Na ore iyawo I go do
27 Aug 2015 | 00:28
@Pattie which tym u turn prophet??? Well... Its a good tin na. Abi na bad tin?
27 Aug 2015 | 00:31
dem no go knw say u don marry nah bt if na ore iyawo u wan do no qualms @tenniebenson u don hear my bestie
27 Aug 2015 | 12:26
wonderful story ,thumb up bravo@vict-vames
29 Aug 2015 | 05:15
so na u dey post dis stori for here, wey av read dis story sha, at the end tennie meet anoda guy named awesome and their love was said to b an extra natural love....... the end
6 Sep 2015 | 10:49
@awsome if i catch u eh....u get mind o
7 Sep 2015 | 16:39
@awesome if i catch u eh...
7 Sep 2015 | 16:41
wow u guys are wonderful, what a great family. @vict-vames such a great piece of artistry, being able to spot trends n write a befitting story needs to be applauded, kudos @tennybenson @mray @khola etc everyone out here. the story without ur comments will ve been nothing. u guys do not disappoint kudos to u all
10 Sep 2015 | 13:07
Nyc story.. next pls
17 Sep 2015 | 03:31
Nice one bro@vict... Jealous mood oooo
16 Oct 2015 | 22:23
Me i dont no say dis tory still de exist
6 Nov 2015 | 18:40
@awesome make khola catch u @tennie u need to fast nd pray make all dis dreamers wey full here no put asunder for ur marriage o @vick-vames weldon and more MB to ur phone
10 Nov 2015 | 21:41
wow! @vict-vames i was thinking 'The president daughter' is ya first story, just bumped into this;lemme quickly read up :)
17 Nov 2015 | 09:38
[b]@Invincible Aiit bro[/b]
17 Nov 2015 | 12:47
@vict vames..hw ar u doing?longest tym
4 Feb 2016 | 03:56
Side2side ure invited na VVIP I be for front Sit
7 Apr 2016 | 01:12
21 Apr 2016 | 09:30
23 Apr 2016 | 11:57
23 Apr 2016 | 12:00
O boy see tori
18 May 2016 | 09:26
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 17:59
19 Jul 2016 | 13:22
@vict-vames, I really don't know where to start but I will start somewhere Sha. Hmmmmmmm even though you disvirgin me with this story but this story was so romantic and am very sure that @tenniebenson sweety like it so much am really happy for the both of you.. @mray should be thanking God that am not here on time if not.. Lemme keep the rest for some other time.... One love.
20 Jul 2016 | 10:16
Lol @tomilayoadebukola u for pour @mray acid?
20 Jul 2016 | 11:46
@tenniebenson, trust me you know i can do anything just for you...
20 Jul 2016 | 12:04
[b] @tomilayoadebukola tnks buh... how i take disvirgin na[/b]
20 Jul 2016 | 12:22
Nice story
20 Jul 2016 | 12:27
@Vict-Vames, me i won't answer that question fa buh just make sure you're taking care of her for me very well..
20 Jul 2016 | 14:41
Wow U Gat A Nice Story Hear @vict-vames...More Fibre To Ur Muscle
28 Feb 2017 | 10:47
Hmmm dope
8 Nov 2017 | 09:46


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